File - Citrus County, Florida


File - Citrus County, Florida
I think the Preservation Point RV park is a very good idea.
Of course there are always going to be negative people. Some people never have a
positive point to make.
I believe in this day and age any developer is made to follow strict rules not to harm the
environment. It looks like this bas met all the rules.
It seems like many of the people complaining don't really see beyond their own personal
wants and ideas. Sometimes it is better for more people than just yourself This looks like
a very nice project.
'FEB 2 4 2005
Nothing in the comprehensive Plan prohibits this park. Staff at County Planning is in
favor of this park. It looks like the developer has met or exceeded all his requirements. So
why is everyone so upset? Because as usual it is just difficult to see change come. Don't
they think things have changed because they came?
1 , ;..Jc:•Jc.._ ••,... -...... ..
For as long as I can remember Citrus County bas been a destination for the outdoor
enthusiast. It only seems that as times progress so do the forms of outdoors. I think it is a
wonderful idea that Preservation Point has selected Inverness for such a beautiful project.
I don't see a problem with bringing tourism to our area. It is far less impa~t than
permanent homes. As I have been noticing large RV's going down the highways, they do
not haul boats. They are towing cars or trucks.
County Board of County Commissioners
From:{HJ.~.v.-J ~
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Preservation Pointe RV Development
I am in support of the project due to the positive impact it will bear on Citrus County
through taxes, tourism, and job opportunities. The Developer has performed the request
made by County planners and willing to go the extra mile.
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If all anyone did was read the newspaper of course no one would want this new RV
community to come to our area. I took a look at the plans and think it is a very nice idea.
It looks like Jllal?.Y business could benefit and it would create jobs. There is nothing
wrong with brining tourist to our area. They do not usually add to crime or impact our
schools or cost us money. Quite the opposite is true.
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It is just a side benefit that the water and sewer lines will be expanded. The real benefit is
a beautiful piece of property being developed into a well planned community that brings
new people to our area to shop in our stores, eat in our restaurants and hopefully
contribute to our community.
Preservation Pointe RV Development
I am in support of the upcoming development Preservation Pointe. The negative
feedback has been from neighbors whom have no rhyme or reason for their accusations
other than personal and emotional accusations. The information they present is no factual
but merely stabs at a project they unfortunately are not educated about.
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Preservation Point seems to be an environmentally clean way to bring business to our
area. What's so bad about that? It is not against the comprehensive plan. The developer
seems to be trying very hard to meet most people's expectations. County staff has given
their seal of approval. If it was divided into homes there would be much more impact on
our lake system. If it was once again agricultural it would be even more impact on the
water system.
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Print Name
Citrus County resident
Page 1 ofl
Laurel Nelson
"Rob Tessmer, Jr" <>
Sunday, february 19, 2006 11:33 AM
Hi Laurel,
Thanks for the inquiry on my listing #6105457. There are two home sites, back to back, one fronts on,
State Road 44 (Gulf to Lake Hwy .) and the other fronts on Royal Palm Ln., a newly paved road. There
are existing homes and new construction in the area. The schools for this location are Inverness
Primary, Inverness Middle, and Citrus High Schools. These home sites are outside of the city limits of
Inverness, and as such, will need well and septic.
In the meantime, I realize that you are currently in the information gathering stage, and may not be ready
to completely "open up" about who you are, or what your needs are at this time. Be assured this is
perfectly okay, and that my staff and I will completely respect your online privacy.
Also, keep in mind that my ability to help you is dependent upon understanding your particular needs
and wants with respect to finding a property. So when you are ready to explore your real estate needs
further, I will be happy to assist you.
Have a great day, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Rob Tessmer, Jr
Coldwell Banker Investors Realty
Inverness, Florida
352-302-0469 cell
800-877-9533 toll free
352-726-9443 fax
1·-~·-··-----------·----------~··-. ·-~·-..··--·---·-·····-·"·-·-·······-··-----·-·······--·"·-··-··-·'"----·-------~------····--~----·-···--·------·---····--·--······
i. From: "Laurel Nelson" <lne/>
I To: <>
! Date: Frl, 17 Feb 200612:38:48 .0500
j Need info. on listing#61 05457 home sites giving acess from M<o road~. Could you tell me what ~chool district
1and are these lots in Inverness city limits, also is water and sewer ava1lbe for them. Please ema11 me
\ lnel~_on@@JJ]J@QgyJ.L90ffi
Thank you!
RE~l vEn
-0 6'---o
't,t 2f:M
Preservation Pointe RV Development
What a great opportunity for Citrus County! I am in support for the project due to the
positive impact it will bring on our economy. No better place than a quick shot to HWY
75 and minutes to amenities. Why would we want to put a bunch of wells & septics on
the lake instead of part time tourists? It does not make since!
If they meet the rules. If they follow the recommendations. If they are not harming the
lakes or surrounding area. What is so bad about it? I think brining tourism is a good
thing. We don't want any factory's.
Becky Worrell
John Allender
02127/2006 9:32:08 AM
Re: yes to the rv
Dear Mr. Allender:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "John Allender" <> 2/25/2006 1:21 :54 PM »>
1am writing to ask our county commissioners to each vote yes for this newly proposed RV Resort in
Inverness. It looks like a beautiful thing.
Please vote yes ..
John Allender
Amy Pace·
...... ----····-····-·-----······--
··~····---·-·· ~...
-·-·- -·-··---···· .... ····--···-·-······ .
Becky Worrell
Mary McKinley
02/27/2006 8:44:06 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe
Dear Rev. and Mrs. Alexander:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "Mary McKinley" <> 2/24/2006 2:28 PM >»
To: Board of BOCC
The members of Church Without Walls of Inverness highly support Preservation
Pointe, and it is our prayer that each of you will vote yes for this great
opportunity for growth and improvement for Citrus County.
Pastor's Douglas & Teresa Alexander Sr.
along with members of CWOW
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
02/23/2006 9:31 :51 AM
Re: rv park
Dear Mr. Banks:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> <> 2/22/2006 3:08 PM »>
i think this park will only improve our way of life here in inverness. i can only hope that this passes
concerned resident
david a. banks
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Ray Bass
02/23/2006 9:1 0:27 AM
Re: Preservation Point
Dear Mr. Bass:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>>>"Ray Bass" <> 2/21/2006 12:22 PM »>
As a registered voter in Citrus County and a Bussiness person. I don't see a problem with 499 millionaires
coming in and leaving some of it here. VOTE ""'YES"" for Preservation Pointe.
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
DSS Forward
02/23/2006 9:18:14 AM
Re: Comment in FAVOR of Preservation Pointe
Dear Mr. Beall:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "DSS Mail Forward" <> 2/22/2006 12:37 PM»>
Ms. Worrell,
Please forward to all Citrus County Commissioners. I'm unable to attend the
· meeting due to a family health issue in Northern Virginia but wanted to make
my comments available to the Commissioners.
Please do not be mislead by the people with a desire to stop growth by any
means possible.
The Preservation Pointe project is a good thing for Citrus County and a good
thing for all the citizens of Citrus County.
This is NOT a trailer park! It's an upscale community of older people with
lots of money that they will spend in Citrus County. Not only will they
spend their money but they will not ask for much in return. They don't have
children and they have their own health care plans. Their 400K$ RV's will
need accessories and work done and they will spend money at all the
restaurants and stores in Citrus County.
How do I know? I'm one of those people who just happens to already be a
Homeowner and resident of Citrus County. I have an upscale RV and have
visited some of these type parks in other parts of Florida and the US. You
can get an idea of the final result by visiting the Encore Park in Crystal
River and the new park on US19 beside the barge canal. There are examples
that are closer to the end result of the Preservation Pointe project but
they are in other parts of the country.
Denny Beall
Diamond Self Stoage
Pine Ridge, FL
Becky Worrell
02/27/2006 8:54:38 AM
Re: RV Park - upcoming vote
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Beckner:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. 1will forward
a c_opy ~f your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
wh1c~ Will be presente~ to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board w11! know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»>"Beckner" <> 2/24/2006 6:26 PM »>
This letter is in reference to the "Preservation Point" RV park that you are going to be voting on at your
upcoming meeting. We are in favor of this project. We have seen some of the things written in the
Chronicle and heard different viewpoints about this project and we want you to know that we think it is a
good idea for Citrus County. The addition of tax dollars by people that want to be here and will spend
money in our county seems like a no brainer to us. This is not a mobile home park that will diminish the
value of property around it- it doesn't seem as if it is going to be a "run-down" trailer park- something
that we seem to have far too many of in our county. Our understanding is that the people that will be
buying these sites are 55 years and older and are only allowed to spend 160 days a year in their site. The
mere fact that the developer is going to bring water and sewer lines all the way out to the site - and
upgrade our current facility seem to make this a good choice. It is also our understanding that the sewer
and water that is brought out to the site at the cost of the develpment, will be then able to be hooked up to
by others that are in the path of these new water and sewer lines. If we are wrong, please let us know.
We keep hearing that as a county, we want to be able to get property (especially around the lakes) taken
off of septic systems and put onto central sewer hook-up. This seems to be one way to do that- and not
at a significant cost to our taxpayers. Another plus, is that they won't be using our school system - but will
still pay taxes for it's use. We think it is about time to have an upscale site like this in Citrus County, and
we thought it was time to write and make sure that you.knew our viewpoint.
Thank You,
R.E. & Jennifer Beckner
7007 S. Aloysia Avenue
Floral City, FL 34436
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
02/23/2006 11:01 :06 AM
Re: Preservation point
Dear Mr. Bega:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup, .
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "JOE BEGA" <amarine1> 2/23/2006 10:00 AM »>
Preservation point is a perfect project for east Citrus County in my
opinion. We are all about recreation as long as we carefully control the
development. Preservation point is one of the most environmentally
friendly projects we have seen. Our tax base could use the money from
the developer as well as our business community.1m afraid if we don't
take this opportunity there is no telling what kind of development we
might have later.Gentelmen, please take charge and and give us low
impact growth .Approve Preservation point.
1 have been a Citrus resident and business man for 30 plus years as
well as an avid sportsman. We need to clean up our lakes remove septic
tanks let this developer pay a large portion of this for us.
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Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Joe Bega
02124/2006 9:25:23 AM
Re: Preservation Point
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bega:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»>Joe and Linda Bega <> 2/23/2006 9:25PM>»
Dear Commissioners,
Please vote yes for the Preservation Point Park. It would be so nice to
see such a well planned community built in Inverness. So many home
recently have been built to basic standards to sell quicly. We could use
an upscale area to bring new people in to Inverness.
Thank you.
Vote YES and let's see this nice project happen.
Joe and Linda Bega
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Bob Bell
0212312006 9:09:27 AM
Dear Mr. Bell:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» Bob Bell <> 2/21/2006 7:53 PM >»
<'Ill ><
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Collette Bergeson
02/27/2006 9:34:33 AM
Re: yes please
Dear Ms. Bergeson:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. 1will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value Input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»>"Collette Bergeson" <> 2/25/2006 2:31:41 PM>»
Dear Sirs,
I've been keeping up the the newspaper articles, editorials, etc in regards to the proposed rv resort on
highway 44 east in Inverness.
It was quite disappointing that the planning and zoning board already had their mind made and vote set
prior to the public meeting and vote. I would hope that our appointed, volunteer and elected officials would
have more of an open mind than that. One women on the panel even had a pre-written speach to read
with regards to turning down the proposal. Wow, if that isn't prejudice prior to hearing both sides of the
I know that you as our .commissioners take in to account the benefit of the majority and would not prepare
for a meeting as such.
Generating millions of dollars in additional revenue (tax and tourism) for the county and bringing in county
water and sewer to the lake front communities would benefit not only the people who live in that area but
all of us. Wouldn't we all come out ahead when the lakes are cleaner and the tax base is increased.
Please see it straight to VOTE YES for the RV Resort.
Thank you for listening,
Collette Bergeson
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
Skip Ill)
02/23/2006 1:42:56 PM
Dear Mr. Bone:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners oil February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "Skip Bone (Frank C. Bone Ill)" <> 2123/2006 1:32 PM >»
Dear Citrus County Board of Commisioners,
Throughout the years Citrus County has maintained a very
environmentally safe area and I approve the Application
#CPA/AA-06-07. The addition of Preservation Point will be not
only maintain a safe, clean and more effiecient environment, but
it will also be an alternate ecconomic resource for Citrus County.
This project will allow tourists to enjoy the beautiful asthetic
atmosphere that this area has to offer. I strongly support this
application and urge you to vote, "YES" to approve it.
Skip Bone (Frank C. Bone Ill)
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Chip Bone
02/23/2006 9:35:35 AM
Re: Opinion to Approve Citrus County Application# CPA/AA-06-07
Dear Mr. Bone:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "Chip Bone" <> 2/22/2006 5:37 PM »>
Dear Citrus County Board of County Commissioners,
I am writing in support of the above referenced Application #CPA/M-06-07.
I believe that Citrus County Government has done a good job of prudent
control of growth throughout the county while allowing for progress and
improved lifestyle for its citizens. The positive results are evident from
both a financial as well as an esthetic perspective. I have reviewed the
plan referenced in this application. I believe that the project it proposes
will sustain this approach that Citrus County has adopted. I strongly
support this application and urge you to vote to approve it.
Frank Bone
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
02/23/2006 9:16:45 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe
Dear Ms. Brown:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» <> 2/22/2006 11:10 AM »>
February 22, 2006
Dear Ms. Worrell,
What a wonderful opportunity for Citrus County, 'Preservation Pointe'.This
project would bring such growth to our area. Not only has the Developer
developed a luxury motor home park, but they have gone to great lengths in
preserving the environment. What a beautiful way for those to come to Florida and
enjoy our beautiful state, put money into the county and then return to their
home states.
I also think it's a great idea that the Developer will supply (at their
expense) a sewer line to the park. This could benefit many. In my opinion, the
opposition should be more worried about their own septic tanks polluting our
lakes, then worrying about visitors coming to Inverness and spending money into
the economy.
Preservation Pointe would and will be such a beneficial financial asset to
the community. I support 'Preservation Pointe'; application CPNAA-06-07. I
vote 'yes' on February 28, 2006.
Cordially Yours,
Amelia Brown
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Jeff Burke
02/24/2006 9:14:40 AM
Re: Preservation Point
Dear Mr. Burke:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>»"Jeff Burke" <> 2/23/2006 8:48 PM >»
Dear County Commissioners,
I support the project, "Preservation Point". I think it will be a positive
economic boost for Inverness and the entire county. While Crystal River and
Homosassa have been permitted to go forward with such projects, East Citrus
County should be afforded the same privilege. As a local business owner and
outdoorsman, I think it would be good for the Inverness area.
Jeff Burke, Realtor, Loan Officer
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
02/23/2006 4:36:13 PM
Dear Lynn Burkhalter:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> <> 2/23/2006 4:19PM»>
1would like to register my support for the Preservation Pointe Project. I feel it would bring much needed
revenue into the county with a low impact on our natural resources and schools.
Please register my support. .
Lynn Burkhalter
9015 E. Cashiers Court
Inverness, FL 34450
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Jean Cassese
02/24/2006 9:17:45 AM
Re: RV Park
Dear Ms. Cassese:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>>> Jean Cassese <> 2/23/2006 9:04 PM >>>
Dear County Commissioners;
Please take the time to look at this beautiful project - Preservation
Point Resort. It looks like it would be a tremendous improvement to the
east side of Inverness. I have a home on a lakef ront community in
Inverness on Lake Spivey.
1would like to see this development come to our area. It looks well
1would like to see you all vote yes to this improvement to Inverness.
Jean Cassese
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Joe Cassese
02/24/2006 9:18:40 AM
Re: New Rv Resort
Dear Mr. Cassese:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> Joe Cassese <> 2/23/2006 9:06 PM >»
Please forward this to the county commissioners and other appropriate
Dear Sirs and Madames,
I ask you to seriously consider voting in favor of the new community
corning to Inverness. It lsooks like it will be a welcome improvement to
this area. Our city and our county can only benefit from the growth of
tourist and tax dollars.
I hope you vote yes for this P~eservation Point RV Park on Tuesday.
Thank you,
Joe Cassese
Charles Dixon
Fro in:
Becky Worrell
Amy Cassidy
02/27/2006 8:59:38 AM
Re: Proposed Preservation Pt
Dear Ms. Cassidy:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The
always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "Amy Cassidy" <> 2/24/2006 7:33 PM »>
Dear Sirs,
Citrus County needs quality developments such as this. I've gone on the web site of this company and
their other projects are absolutely beautiful. I would be proud to have such a community in our area.
1 have heard other say that this developer sticks to his word and completes all that he has promised.
Please vote YES and bring Preservation Point to Citrus County.
Amy Cassidy
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
Myra Combs
0212712006 9:06:30 AM
Re: New resort
Dear Ms. Combs:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» Myra Combs <> 2/24/2006 8:45 PM >»
Dear Commissioners,
Take your time, take a good look. You will see this is really a very
nice improvement to Citrus County.
So just VOTE YES-Thank you for listening
Myra Combs
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
02/23/2006 9:19:14 AM
Dear Mr. Cyr:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»>"APOPKA MARINE PARTS" <> 2/22/2006 12:49 PM>»
Please pass this letter along to the five Board of County Commissioner.
Dear Commissioners.
1think the Preservation Point RV Park will be a nice addition to our county. It will promote tourism.
1am a life long resident of Citrus County. I believe as long as our growth has direction and is managed
that it is only for the benefit of all of us.
This improvement seems to be all of these things. Tourism is an industry we have always looked to for our
Please vote yes for the Preservation Point RV Park.
Michael Cyr
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Janet Cyr
02/27/2006 9:33:43 AM
Dear Ms. Cyr:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue Is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting.· The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»>"Janet Cyr" <> 2/25/2006 2:12:40 PM»>
Dear Commissioners,
1very much would like to see the new Preservation Point development be built. It would enhance our area
and be a fine improvement.
This Tuesday at your meetng please vote yes. Many of us would love to see this community built in Citrus
Thank you,
Janet Cyr
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
Sam Davidson
02/27/2006 9:08:19 AM
Re: Vote yes please
Dear Mr. Davidson:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»>"Sam S. Davidson" <> 2/24/2006 9:13PM>»
Dear Commssioners,
1really don't have very much to say. I would very much apareciate if
you would all vote yes for the new Preservation Rv park.
Vote yes on Tuesday 2/28 for the RV Park.
Sam Davidson
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
Ken Davis
02/27/2006 9:11 :29 AM
Re: Preservation Point
Dear Mr. Davis:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-:iudicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "Ken Davis" <> 2/25/2006 9:43AM »>
Dear Ms. Worrell,
I'm a retired Officer of Marines who has spent the last 30 plus years of
active duty traveling around our great nation from one assignment to
another. Much of that time has been spent living in and amongst the local
civilian community. I have been a leading member of several of those
communities and have participated in many social and community support
events. Here is one observation I can share with you and that is; without a
doubt, change is inevitable. With change comes growth. Communities build
and expand. A direct byproduct of that expansion and growth is increased
jobs and revenue to the area. Florida is a beautiful state. Citrus County
is rich in history and beauty as well.
Having read Citrus County Application# CPA/AA-06-07, the developer at their
expense, will build central water and sewer lines to service Preservation
Pointe and the surrounding neighborhoods. You couldn't ask for a more win
-win situation. The project will
generate millions of dollars in revenue for Citrus County businesses and
will help the lakes and environment. It doesn't get any better than that.
By providing a modem convenience to the people and actively prevent
pollution of the surrounding wetlands at the same time is a goal all
communities should shoot for. ·
I'm asking that you support Citrus County Application# CPA/AA-06-07. This
is a good sense initiative and will be good for the community.
Ken Davis
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Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
Vernon Deligio
02/27/2006 9:07:40 AM
Re: The new rv park
Dear Mr. Deligio:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. 1will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»>Vernon Deligio <> 2/24/2006 9:01 PM>»
Hello to all,
I am writing with regards to the newly proposed RV Resort in Inverness.
Please take a very close look at this. I see many benefits to our area.
People will come who will have an investment anti purchase here. They
will come into town and spend money with our store merchants. I'm sure
they will also enjoy eating in our fine restaurants. They will have
visitor come for a while and they won't have room in that fancy coach.
Their visitors will stay in our inns and motels. Does any of this sound
bad to you?
If the professionals say this does not pollute or affect our lakes, well
that's who we should listen to. We should not listen to the residents
who are just against any form of change or improvement. They always cry
the whoa is me syndrome
Central water and sewer will be in place for many other existing
residents. I have lived on the lakes in this area for many, many years.
I have terrible water. It cost me a fortune to maintain and purchase a
water conditioning system. I would very much appreciate being able to
connect to county water and sewer. I wish I was directly in the path of
those new lines to be put in.
Thank you for listening to my ramblings. I truly hope you logically
look at this and can find it justified to vote yes. That's why we voted
yes to have you sit there and speak for us. To objectively see the
benefit for the large picture and not a few old cronies and people who
have a lot of pull.
Please vote yes
Vernon Deligio
Becky Worrell
02/23/2006 9:28:22 AM
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Derewenko:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. 1 will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The.commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>>> "GDerewenko" <> 2/22/2006 1:09 PM >>>
Att: Becky Worrell,
Dear Becky,
My wife and I are retired. We have lived and worked in Citrus County for 40
years. We enjoy the outdoors, which includes camping and motorhome traveling
1 would like to promote and encourage our County Commissioners to approve
the above application for a upscale RV park. Our County needs to continue
growing so our tax base can keep up with the necessities we all need to be
comfortable. Most of our County citizens have come from outside of our area
and love Citrus County. Knowing the commissioners can manage the expected
growth that is coming I believe we can all lead better lives. Please pass
this letter on to all five Comm,issioners.
George and Carol Derewenko
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Kimberly Derewenko
02/24/2006 9:20:33 AM
Re: (no subject)
Dear Ms. Derewenko:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when It comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»>Kimberly Derewenko <> 2/23/2006 9:10PM»>
Please pass this along to the people who need to read it. The
commissioners and staff.
Dear Sirs,
I really like the looks of the RV park project. Why wouldn't we want
something so nice in our area. It will bring people to shop in our town.
they will spend money at gas stations, restaurants and stores. Sounds
good to me and I don't even own a business.
Vote yes please,
Kimberly Derewenko
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Joan Donnelly
02/24/2006 9:24:38 AM
Re: (no subject)
Dear Ms. Donnelly:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» Joan Donnelly <> 2/23/2006 9:21 PM »>
Dear Ms. Worrell,
Please give this information to our commissioners. Thank you.
Dear Commissioners,
Doesn't take a brain surgeon to see it's a nice development. I've gone
on the web site for the developer and they have built some absolutely
beautiful communities. Why would we not want one of them in our area.
Do a good thing for us and vote YES.
Thank you,
Joan Donnelly
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
02/23/2006 9:34:50 AM
Re: RVPark
Dear Doug:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "DHD" <> 2/22/2006 5:14PM»>
I think it's a great idea and would be great for the growth of Citrus County.
Thanks Doug
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Danita Eatman
02/27/2006 8:52:39 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe
Dear Rev. and Mrs. Eatman:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» Danita Eatman <> 2/24/2006 3:05 PM »>
To: Board of BOCC
We strongly support Preservation Pointe and it is our prayer that each of you will vote yes for this great
opportunity for growth and improvement for Citrus County.
Pastors Timothy and Danita Eatman
Church Without Walls
Inverness, FL
Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
Karen Edgar
02/23/2006 9:37:14 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe
Dear Ms. Edgar:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Developmen~ to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "Karen Edgar'' <> 2/22/2006 8:48 PM »>
Dear County Commissioners:
The luxury resort will bring lots of money into Citrus County. What county would say no to that! Vote YES
on February 28th.
Thank You
Karen Edgar
Why Wait? Move to Earthlink.
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Dave Edwards
02/23/2006 9:30:51 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe Motor Coach Resort
Dear Mr. Edwards:
This ~?k~o~ledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-JUdicial, the c?mmissioner~ cann?t review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. 1will forward
a c_opy ~f your email to Chuck D1xon, D1rector of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
wh1c~ Will be presente~ to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meetmg. The Board Will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "Dave Edwards" <> 2/22/2006 2:56 PM »>
Dave Edwards
11637 E. Steamboat Dr.
Floral City, FL. 34436
352-637-7171 office
RE: Preservation Pointe (Citrus County Application# CPAIAA-06-07)
To whom it may concern,
I have been a Citrus County resident since 1989 when a traffic jam was 5 cars in a line at a red
light on the 2 lane road in town. Back then no one wanted our small, quiet, nice little community to grow.
A nice thought, however progress happens whether you like it or not, as is quite visible today. The best
we can hope for is a clean industry to be the cause of that growth and it seems our county has that
opportunity now with the Preservation Pointe luxury motor coach resort.
I've researched the project and believe it will not only be a boom to local business and our entire
community economy as a whole, but will also help to clean the environment in the surrounding area.
What a great opportunity to have a seriously expensive project done for the county at no cost to the
county! I'm referring of course to the water and sewage lines which will help eliminate the pollution to the
lake and wetlands in the immediate area by replacing existing septic tanks.
I am also a business owner in Citrus County (Dream Marketing Inc) and I look forward to what this
project will mean to me for the future of my business and my family on a personal level. If you vote to
accept the project, millions of dollars will flow in Citrus County and then the people will depart, leaving us
with the proceeds and zero repercussions. What in the world could be better than that? Sounds like a
dream come true to me.
Please let common sense and the good for the community prevail over ignorance and unrealistic
arguments. Please vote "Yes" on the Preservation Pointe Resort.
Thank you,
Dave Edwards
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Howard Ellis
02/23/2006 9:13:11 AM
Re: Citrus County Application #CPNAA-06-07
Dear Mr. Ellis:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. 1will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» Howard Ellis <Hellis1> 2/21/2006 11:43 PM »>
Dear Citrus County Board of County Commissioners,
I am writing to encourage your "yes" vote to approve the Preservation Point
application (CPNAA-06-07) for a luxury motor coach resort in Citrus County.
As a landowner in the County, I am in favor of quality economic developments
such as this one. I have studied their proposal and feel confident that by
approving Preservation Poinfs application, the County will beriefit from an
increased tax base, additions to the infrastructure (central water and sewer
lines), and dollars pumped into the Citrus County economy by the resort's
obviously wealthy population of residents.
As a native Floridian I feel very protective of our natural environment.
This development will, I believe, serve to enhance that environment by
providing sewer lines in an area where septic tanks are now polluting our
lakes and wetlands. I have looked at the plans for the development aod noted
that the visual buffers of woods and wetlands which now exist on the
perimeters of the proposed site will remain undeveloped, thereby preserving
the natural appearance from outside the community.
As an investor in the county's future I am hopeful the Board will lend its
support for this application and vote '1'es0 at the hearing on February 28,
2006. Preservation Point is, I feel, a model for the type of development we
should be pursuing for Citrus County.
Thank you for your consideration, and hopefully your '1'es0 vote.
Howard W. Ellis, Jr.
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Ann Evangelista
02/24/2006 9:21:58 AM
Re: {no subject}
Dear Ms. Evangelista:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> Ann Marie Evangelista <> 2/23/2006 9:14 PM >»
To Our County Commissioners,
Please take the time to look at the Preservation Point park. From the
presentations I have attended, it will be a great community.
It seems like just what the doctor ordered for our area. I would not be
in agreement with a factory or industrial park. I think bringing people
to visit, shop and see Citrus County is a great idea.
Do us all a favor and vote yes. Then don't waste the tax money it
generates. Put it to good use and cut some wastefuly spending.
Ann Marie Evangelista
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Elizabeth Ferguson
02/23/2006 11 :08:34 AM
Re: **Preservation Pointe**
Dear Ms. Ferguson:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>»"Ferguson, Elizabeth" <> 2/23/2006 10:57 AM»>
Citrus County Board of Commissioners
Application# CPNAA-06-07
In consideration of the upcoming vote regarding the proposed
Preservation Pointe project, I would like to kindly submit my
recommendation and endorsement. As a former Florida resident - and
University of Florida graduate - I have had the opportunity over the
last 25 years to enjoy this area of Florida - Inverness, Ocala, etc.
through my relationship and longterm friendship with the Edens, a noble
Southern family, rich in tradition and keenly involved with their area
for 50+ years. I wholeheartedly support Preservation Pointe and believe
it would be a vital and wonderful addition to the area, espeeially wi~h
the Edens involvement ·
1 have a strong interest in any project that will help enhance the
future environmental preservation and believe that this project will
accomplish that.
Although my career path led me to relocate to Atlanta, I still hold dear .
this area of Florida and treasure the memories and time I have spend 1n
Citrus County. The approval of Preservation Pointe would allow me a
wonderful place to stay when I travel into your area and knowing the
commitment, care and love that the Edens have contributed to this area for 3 generations and counting - I am confident that this would be a
lovely, vital, well maintained and preserved area_. It would not fall
into the hands of strangers - developers or an entity with only a
business I commercial interest - It would be comforting knowing that the
overseers for Preservation Pointe have a lifelong and vested, genuine
interest in preserving this area for generations to come.
Although I am only one voice, one opinion, one 'vote' - I hope you will
consider my heartfelt and sincere endorsement of Preservation Pointe and
vote to approve it on Tuesday, 28FEB.
On a personal note - my family lives in the FL panhandle and with the ·
recent years of demoralizing and heartwrenching hurricane devastation, I
believe something as pristine and beautiful as Preservation Pointe will
be can only help boost morale and allow visitors from all over the
nation to vacation in Citrus County and bring vital and important
revenue to 'our' beautiful state.
If you could, please verify receipt of my endorsement to Mr. John Eden @ at your earliest convenience.
Humbly submitted A Georgia resident but Florida 'lifer'' -
Beth Ferguson
Senior Sales Assistant I Transaction Coordinator
HomeBanc Mortgage Corporation -
#14 on FORTUNE(r) Magazine's "Best Places to Work For'' list
4300 North Point Parkway, Suite 300
Alpharetta, Georgia 30022
770.888.2237 (HB 22237)
404.705.3613 fax
678.910.4289 cell
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Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Blanca Fernandez
02/23/2006 4:32:43 PM
Dear Blanca Fernandez:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>»"Blanca Fernandez" <> 2/23/2006 3:08PM»>
Dear Citrus County Board of County Commissioners,
1. Please approve Preservation Pointe (Citrus County Application#
2. This luxury motor coach resort is a vital opportunity for Citrus
County's economy.
3. The project will also help improve our environment by supplying a new
central water and sewer lines into areas where septic tanks are polluting
our lakes and wetlands.
4. Citrus County needs quality developments like Preservation Pointe.
5. What could be wrong with having 499 millionaire spending their vacations
and money in Citrus County ~nd then going home?
6. Vote "yes" for Preservatio!l Pointe at the hearing on February 28, 2006.
Thank You,
Blanca Fernandez
FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar- get it now!
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Debbie Fields
02/23/2006 4:28:15 PM
Re: Preservation Point RV Resort
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Fields:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial; the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»>"Debbie Fields" <> 2/23/2006 2:15PM»>
Darrell & Debbie Fields are definitely for the RV RESORT. We live on Big Lake Spivey and we do not see
any harm that will be placed on our lakes. We have all this beautiful waterfront to travel by boat, but we
have no gas pumps, no bait shops,etc. This county is missing a lot of revenue that could come out of the
out- of- towners that use our lakes for recreation or fishing. We believe this resort will help with bringing
more money for our county.
Darrell & Debbie Fields
REIMAX Realty One
1100 W. Main St. Inverness, FL 34450
7748 E. Breckenridge Loop
Inverness, FL 34450
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Cameron Fischer
02127/2006 10:29:27 AM
Dear Cameron Fischer:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of. County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "Cameron Fischer" <> 2125/2006 4:40:59 PM >»
1would like you to vote yes for the Preservation Park campground on highway 44 in Inverness.
Cameron Fischer
Amy Pace
·Becky Worrell
Kevin Fitzpatrick
02/23/2006 9:15:35 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe
Dear Mr. Fitzpatrick:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. 1will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The ~om missioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>»"Kevin Fitzpatrick" <> 2/22/2006 10:24 AM»>
To: Citrus County Board of County Commissioners
Re: Preservation Pointe
Please let it known that I, Kevin T. Fitzpatrick, support the above
referenced project. It is good clean development that effects the tax base
of Citrus County in an extremely positive manner, as this does, that need
all of our support. New oversized central water and sewer lines extended to
the project at the developers cost will help to clean up the enviroment, not
to mention add much need fire protection to that part our our county.
I urge you to support this project.
Kevin T. Fitzpatrick
Fitzpatrick Insurance Agency
1902 West Main Street
Inverness, Florida 34452
352-726-0700 ..
352-726-1609 fax
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Becky Worrell
Jean Campbell
02/23/2006 4:31:49 PM
Re: Supporterfor the Preservation Pointe
Dear Erta Grumman:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "Jean Campbell" <> 2/23/2006 3:02 PM »>
Dear Citrus County Board of County Commissioners:
I definitely feel this would be a very important to the growth of Citrus
County and pray that you will do the following:
Please approve Preservation Point (Citrus County Application# CPA/AA-06-07).
This luxury motor coach resort is a vital opportunity for Citrus County's
What could be wrong with having 499 millionaires spending their vacations
and money in Citrus County and then going home?
The project will also help improve our environment by supplying new central
water and sewer lines into areas where septic tanks are polluting our lakes
and wetlands.
Citrus County needs quality developments like Preservation Pointe.
Please vote "Yes" for Preservation Pointe at the hearing on Tuesday,
February 28, 2006.
A citizen of Citrus County, Florida
Erla J. Grumman
On the road to retirement? Check out MSN Life Events for advice on how to
get there! http:!/
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Cashway Supplies
02/23/2006 9:55:39 AM
Dear Mr. Helm:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "Cashway Building Supplies" <> 2/23/2006 9:49 AM >»
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Jennifer Hernandez
02/27/2006 10:28:37 AM
Dear Ms. Hernandez:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share yc>ur views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>»"Jennifer Hernandez" <> 2/25/2006 4:39:48 PM>»
Dear Ms Worrell,
Please pass this information along to the county commissioners.
1am very much in favor the the new project on highway east 44 in Inverness.
Please vote yes to pass this new rv park.
1would like to get water and sewer to my house also.
Jennifer Hernandez
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
James Holder
02/24/2006 9:27:12 AM
Re: Preservation Point
Dear Mr. Holder:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. 1will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "James Holder" <ufgator1> 2/23/2006 10:00 PM »>
My name is James Holder. My family has resided in Citrus County since the late 1800's. I think they and
the other families from the early days of this county would be proud of to see the direction our county has
grown. We are very unique in the fact that approximately 50% of our land is public and will never be
developed. With that in mind, I am supportive when a developer spends allot of time and money to
preserve our natural habitat to the best of there ability. I have seen the plans for this community and would
welcome the oppertunity to reside nearby. I have also visited other communities developed by Century
Realty Funds and feel they are good to have.
1feel the county also has a responsibility to look at the financial benefits to be gained by the development
of Preservation Point. Some of which include the increased revenue from property taxes, central water
and sewer and the additional revenue it will bring to our local business'.
With these benefits in mind, I am sure you will do what is right for our county and vote yes to application #
cpa/aa-06-07 and allow the development of Preservation Point.
James Holder
Earthlink Revolves Around You.
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Samantha Kierse
02/27/2006 9:31 :23 AM
Re: Vote yes
Dear Sam Kierse:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "Samantha Kierse" <> 2/25/2006 1:20 PM >»
1would like the county commissioners to vote yes for the new rv developments. It would enhance our area
in a positive way.
Thank you,
Sam Kierse
Amy Pace·
Becky Worrell
Alexis Kidd
02/23/2006 4:33:33 PM
Re: Preservation Pointe
Dear Ms. Kidd:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»>"Alexis Kidd" <> 2/23/2006 3:09PM>»
Hi Becky,
I am writing to express my approval for the Preservation Pointe Project.
I feel that this project would be an asset to Citrus County and our
small Inverness community for many reasons. The type of people that
this project will bring to our community will have very little impact on ·
our roadways and waterways. They will simply come to stay for some time
during the year before moving to their next destination wherever that
may be. This elite group will be here to enjoy what Citrus County has
to offer and to support local restaurants and other businesses. They
will not have children here permanently to impact our already
over-crowded schools making Preservation Pointe a better community plan
than a permanent housing subdivision which would attract families of all
In conclusion, I would like to register my approval of this project and
will see you at the meeting on February 28th. Thank you for taking the
time to read this letter.
Alexis Kidd
5512 E Mimosa Lane
Inverness, FL 34453
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
John Kuhn
02/24/2006 9:11 :36 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe Application
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> John Kuhn <> 2/23/2006 6:07 PM >»
This is to advise you that my family fully supports the Preservation
Pointe, CC Application #CPA/AA-06-07.
And we would appreciate a "yes" vote from our County Commissioners.
Anything else would be a step backwards. It is time for Citrus County to
start moving forward.
John & Mary-Louise Kuhn
Hernando, FL
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Pat Lehman
02/24/2006 9:26:12 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe
Dear Ms. Lehman:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "Pat Lehman" <> 2/23/2006 9:18 PM >»
1 am very much in favor of this wonderful project. We do need to develop more areas of interest and
promote businesses and/or tourism to our area.
Thank you Pat Lehman Broker Gold Crest Realty of Citrus County, Inc.
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
David Longman
02127/2006 8:58:18 AM
Re: RV Resort in lnvemes
Dear Mr. Long:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "David Longman" <> 2124/2006 7:28 PM »>
To Whom It May Concern,
Please use you common sence judgement Do not vote based on the emotions of others. The experts
have said this does not pollute our lakes, our air. It does not add a burden to our roads.
See it for what it is.
A beautiful improvement to our community.
I ask you to vote yes on Tuesday.
David Long
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
Emil Lupu
02/23/2006 9:42:42 AM
Re: Preservation Point
Dear Mr. Lupu:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "Emil Lupu" <> 2/23/2006 1:25 AM »>
Dear Citrus County Board of County Commissioners,
1. Please approve Preservation Point (Citrus County Application#
CPNAA-06-07) .
2. This luxury motor coach resort is a vital opportunity for Citrus County's
3. The project will also help improve our environment by supplying new
central water and sewer lines into areas where septic tanks are polluting
our lakes and wetlands.
4. Citrus County needs quality developments like Preservation Pointe.
5. What could be wrong with having 499 millionaires spending their vacations
and money in Citrus County and then going home?
6. Vote ''Yes" for Preservation Pointe at the hearing on February 28, 2006.
Send e-mails to the Citrus County BOCC, c/o Becky Worrell at: HYPERLINK
"mailto: becky. worrell@bocc. citrus. fl. us"becky. worrell@bocc. citrus. fl. us
CCBOCC mailing address: 110 N. Apopka Ave., Inverness, FL 34450
Emil Lupu
Century 21 J.W. Morton
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Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
02/24/2006 9:45:51 AM
Re: Citrus County Application# CPA/AA-06~07
Dear Mr. Matze and Ms. Plugge:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. 1will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "bogard17" <> 2/24/2006 8:53AM»>
Citrus County Board of County Commissioners
Attn mrs Becky Worell
110 North Apopka Ave
Inverness FL 34450
Dear mrs Worell,
As an owner of a waterfront property close to Spivey Lake I strongly advise the Citrus County Board of
County Commissioners to vote in favour of the Preservation Pointe Motor Coach Resort Project (Citrus
County Application # CPA/AA-06-07). For that reason I will ask you to forward this letter to each of the
board members.
For me the most important reason to ask you to vote in favour is that because of developments like these
our sewer system will be extended further along the lakes. More houses, still connected to septic tank
systems, can be connected to the sewerlines. At the end this will lead to a major improvement of the
quality of the water. A better environment suits nature favouring Citrus County.
Yours Sincerely
Tom Matze & Marja Plugge
1338 Cypress Ct
Inverness FL 34450
Email address
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Inc. Meikle's Cleaning
02/23/2006 9:08:27 AM
Re: approval
Dear Mr. Meikle:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time. to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "Meikle's Cleaning, Inc." <> 2/21/2006 3:36 PM »>
Please consider the impact on the county and especially the fact that the 300 jobs offered immediately
offers financial opportunties to any number of recipients who may not already have employment
opportunities on the western side of Citrus County. We can all benefit from this. Please consider this in the
course of the decision. I don't even own waterfront property. Thank You
Richard Meikle
Yahoo! Mail
Use Photomail to share photos without annoying attachments.
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Paige Mercer ·
02/24/2006 9:19:33 AM
Re: Preservation pointe
Dear Ms. Mercer:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or (jiscuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» Paige Mercer <> 2/23/2006 9:08 PM »>
Dear Ms. Worrell,
1support Preservation pointe and think it will be great for the people
of citrus county.
application CPA/AA-06-07
Thank You, Paige Mercer
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
02/24/2006 9:13:50 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe
Dear Mr. Messer:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "messer" <> 2/23/2006 6:40 PM >»
To the Board of County Commissioners:
1 am unable to personally attend the meeting to register my approval of the Preservation Pointe project.
Please accept this transmission as my approval and give it your consideration.
Thank you,
Ed Messer
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Becky Mitchell
0212712006 9:05:35 AM
Re: (no subject)
Dear Ms. Mitchell:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» Becky Mitchell <> 2/24/2006 8:43 PM >»
Dear Sirs,
1would like to to seriously consider and VOTE YES for Preservation Point.
· It would bring a great boost to our area and bring fine people here to
stay and visit.
Please vote yes.
Becky Mitchell
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
Christopher Moling
02/23/2006 9:29:26AM
Re: Vote ''YES" for Preservation Point (Citrus County Application# CPA/AA-Q6-07)
Dear Mr. Moiling:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. 1will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»>"Christopher Moling" <> 2/22/2006 2:44 PM»>
I have lived in Citrus County for over 30 years, graduated from Citrus High School, Own/Operate 3 small
businesses in the county, and welcome the economic opportunity for Preservation Point.
I have read the newspapers and heard the comments by those opposed to this development, but I think
there a far more people in favor of it than you think. It seems that the most motivated are those who don't
want it, while many of those who think it is a good idea, simply do not get involved. I, myself, fell into this
category until recently, when I felt that it might not actually go through.
It would be a terrible mistake to let these investors take their project to another county that recognizes the
positive impact it will have. I'm sure you are aware of the actual type of development that is planned and
not falling for the "not in my backyard" naysayers.
Please consider my request and vote YES.
Thank you,
Chris Moling
520 Hickory Rd.
Inverness, FL 34450
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
02/27/2006 9:00:57 AM
Re: vote yes
Dear Mr. Morgan:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "GENE MORGAN" <> 2/24/2006 7:37 PM »>
I don't have much to say. I like the concept of this proposal. It looks to be a fine community.
It will bring good things to our area, tax money, shoppers, water and sewer.
I would like to see you vote yes and pass this. Lefs get it built!
Gene Morgan
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
Howard Morgan
0212712006 9:00:17 AM
Re: rv resort
Dear Mr. Morgan:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Developmen~ to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»>"Howard Morgan" <> 212412006 7:35 PM »>
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
POA Black Diamond
02/27/2006 8:56:28 AM
Re: Preservation Point
Dear Mr. McDavid:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "Black Diamond, POA" <> 2/24/2006 7:23 PM >»
Dear County Commissioners,
1request that you yote yes for the Preservation Point project. I would be a great improment to the east
side of Inverness. 1for one would look forward to being able to connect to the city services (water and
sewer) when they become available.
Terry McDavid
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
Chuck Morgan
02/23/2006 9:07:03 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe
Dear Mr. Morgan:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>»"Chuck Morgan" <> 2/21/2006 1:48 PM >»
Dear Commissioners:
I've called Citrus County home since 1956. Naturally, I moved away
after high school to go to college and serve in the military. I moved
back in 1990 to help care for my grandparents and have lived here ever
since, raising my family here where I was raised.
I'm totally in favor of Preservation Point. It makes economic sense,
and compared to what the land could be used for, it makes environmental
sense. I mean no offense by asking this, but if Class A Motor coaches
typically range in price from $250,000 to over $1,000,000, would having
such a dwelling next door not raise the value of the adjacent
homeowners' property?
Having grown up in Citrus County, I've lived here longer than most who
have moved in since and want to close the .door behind them. 1. welcomed
them, and I welcome Preservation Pointe, as should they.
Chuck Morgan, CSA, MBA
Financial Planner
Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Seth Paul
02/27/2006 9:08:59 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe
Dear Mr. Paul:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»>"Seth Paul" <> 2/24/2006 10:17 PM>»
Dear Commissioners, I am writing in favor of Preservation Pointe. My main
reason is considering the potential uses of this property the development
into an upscale RV Park with new innovations is highly favorable. This
could be a showcase demonstration on how the environment and progress can
co-exist. After reading the many articles by Terry Witt in the Chronicle
this appears to be one of the more responsible potential developments in our
area. The fact that run off and sewage will not be affecting the
surrounding lakes and bringing city sewage and water to this area will help
the property values for the surrounding residents. I can see much economic
benefit to Citrus County in terms of jobs and money the visitors will spend.
Please vote yes on Tuesday to approve Preservation Pointe.
Seth T. Paul
·Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
Ricky Payne
02/24/2006 9:42:17 AM
Dear Mr. Payne:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "Ricky Payne" <> 2/24/2006 6:56 AM >»
Hi Becky,
As a Citrus County constituate, please consider my opinion in support of
the proposed Preservation Pointe RV Resort.
Ricky A. Payne, BA
Hernando, FL.
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Mandy Pitzer
02127/2006 9:04:45 AM
Dear Mandy Pitzer:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to aff of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "Mandy L. Pitzer'' <> 2124/2006 7:40 PM »>
Tuesday is your meeting for the Preservation Point development.
Have you taken a look at the wonderful communities this developer has built aff around Florida?
It would be a tremendous bonus to have such a community in our area.
Please vote yes on Tuesday at your meeting. You will then look as if you are trying to do a good thing for
our enviorment and our economy all at the same time!
Mandy L. Pitzer
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
Richard pospiech
02/23/2006 11:04:20 AM
Re: Preservation Point
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Pospiech:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>»"Richard pospiech" <> 2/23/2006 10:16 AM>»
Dear Citrus County Board of County Commissioners,
We would like to show
our support for this project, as local residents who live on the same lake
within a quarter of a mile of the project and understand the need for such
projects to help support our tax base.
Yours truly, Richard & Holly Pospiech@ 1720 S. Tranquil Ave. Inverness
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Cindy Prahl
02/23/2006 11 :07:14 AM
Re: CPA/AA-06-07. I vote 'yes' on February 28, 2006.
Dear Ms. Prahl:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>»"Cindy Prahl" <> 2/23/2006 10:36 AM>»
Dear Ms. Worrell:
1support Preservation point and vote yes to CPA/AA-06-07. I vote 'yes'
on February 28, 2006.
Cindy Prahl
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
POA Black Diamond
02/27/2006 8:57:13 AM
Re: CPNAA-06-07
Dear Ms. Pullman:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of CountY Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "Black Diamond, POA" <> 2/24/2006 7:25 PM »>
Preservation Point.
Please vote yes.
It is a vital opportunity to the economy of Citrus County.
Thank you for listening,
Becky Pullman
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
02/23/2006 9:32:51 AM
Re: Approving Preservation Point
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Remley:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "chrystell" <> 2/22/2006 4:54 PM >»
Dear Citrus County Board of County Commissioners,
We feel that this property was homesteaded by these people and should be
allowed to do this.
1. Please approve Preservation Point (Citrus County Application#
CPA/AA-06-07) .
2. This luxury motor coach resort is a vital opportunity for Citrus County's
3. The project will also help improve our environment by supplying new
central water and sewer lines into areas where septic tanks are polluting
our lakes and wetlands.
4. Citrus County needs quality developments like Preservation Pointe.
Thank you for an open ear and we look forward to the outcome.
Jim and Chrystell Remley
Inverness, Fl.
Charles Dixon
---* --
----- ·····-·-·---·· ....
Becky Worrell
wann runner
02/24/2006 11 :02:01 AM
Re: Please Support Preservation Pointe - Most Effective E-mail Deadline to County
Commissioners is T
Dear Mr. Robinson:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. 1will forward
a c.opy ~f your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
whrc~ wrll be presente~ to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meetmg. The Board wrll know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "wann robinson road runner" <> 2/24/2006 10:51 AM >>>
---- Original Message From: John H. Eden IV
To: James Holder; Kenny Williams; Wann Robinson; Jason Worley
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 6:25 PM
Subject: Please Support Preservation Pointe- Most Effective E-mail Deadline to County Commissioners
is Thursday, 2/23 5:00p.m.
Dear Family and Friends,
Tuesday, February 28, the Citrus County Board of County Commissioners will vote on our application
to develop PRESERVATION POINTE, a luxury motor coach park, on our property located off of Hwy. 44
east of Inverness.
We desperately need your support and ask that you send an e-mail to the county commissioners
letting them know that you support our project (regardless of where you live) A.S.A.P.!!! E-mails will be
most effective if sent to the County Commissioners no later than: Thursday, 2/23 5:00p.m. Please let your
friends know this deadline!!!!!
The support e-mails are very important since there are a handful of nearby retirees who oppose the
project because they do not want anymore growth in Citrus County. Their selfish arguments are
unrealistic! Our project is going to generate millions of dollars in revenue for Citrus County businesses
and will help the lakes and environment since the developer, at their expense, will build central water and
sewer lines to service Preservation Pointe and the surrounding neighborhoods. What could be wrong with
bringing 499 millionaires to Citrus County who will spend their vacations and money here and then go
home? We will all benefit from the development of PRESERVATION POINTE. !
The following is sample language that you can include in your e-mail. Cut and paste what words you
want to use in your correspondence or come up with your own thoughts.
Dear Citrus County Board of County Commissioners,
1. Please approve Preservation Point (Citrus County Application# CPAIAA-06-07) .
2. This luxury motor coach resort is a vital opportunity for Citrus County's economy.
3. The project will also help improve our environment by supplying new central water and sewer lines into
areas where septic tanks are polluting our lakes and wetlands.
4. Citrus County needs quality developments like Preservation Pointe.
5. What could be wrong with having 499 millionaires spending their vacations and money in Citrus
County and then going home?
6. Vote "Yes" for Preservation Pointe at the hearing on February 28, 2006.
Send e-mails to the Citrus County BOCC, c/o Becky Worrell at:
CCBOCC mailing address: 110 N. Apopka Ave., lnvermess, FL 34450
Please send me an e-mail back letting me know that you support our project and that you have sent an
mail or letter to the commissioners so I can add you to our guest list at Stumpknockers.
In advance, the Eden Family deeply appreciates your support!!!!!!!!
Yours truly,
John H. Eden IV
Earthlink Revolves Around You.
P .S. Please forward this e-mail to all of your friends and request them to support PRESERVATION
POINTE and ask that they send me an e-mail confirming their support and I will add their names to our
guest list as well!
Attached is a letter that I sent to all the Chamber of Commerce members which contains more
detailed info on our proposed development.
John I forwarded my full support of this project wann
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
William Ryan
02/23/2006 9:34:05 AM
Dear Mr. Ryan:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "William Ryan" <> 2/22/2006 4:59 PM >»
As an avid visitor to Citrus county, you can't help but see the
potential for growth of the county. I visit a 300 acre farm that
someone in my family owns. I love to go for the solitude, the lake, the
nature and so on. I don't believe allowing the community to grow and
let "outsiders" come and invest there money is a bad thing.
Opportunity's come and go and whether or not this project is allowed to
be built, I also believe another will come along in its place. In my
experience in the real estate market and in city development which is a
large part of my job, the opportunities rarely get better. This project
seems like a wonderful idea which is going to bring wealthy educated
Americans into the community. Vote ''Yes" for Preservation Pointe at
the hearing on February 28, 2006. What could be wrong with having 499
millionaires spending their vacations and money in Citrus County and
then going home? Please approve Preservation Point (Citrus County
Application# CPA/AA-06-07)
Thank You
William Ryan
· Page 1 ·I
Becky Worrell
Jess Shows
02/23/2006 9:12:12 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe
Dear Jess, Laura, and Gavin Shows:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "Jess & Laura Shows" <> 2/21/2006 11:31 PM»>
Dear Citrus County Board of County Commissioners,
1. Please approve Preservation Point (Citrus County Application#
CPAJAA-06-07) .
2. This luxury motor coach resort is a vital opportunity for Citrus County's
3. The project will also help improve our environment by supplying new
central water and sewer lines into areas where septic tanks are polluting
our lakes and wetlands.
4. Citrus County needs quality developments like Preservation Pointe.
5. What could be wrong with having 499 millionaires spending their vacations
and money in Citrus County and then going home?
6. Vote ''Yes" for Preservation Pointe at the hearinQ on February 28, 2006.
Jess, Laura & Gavin Shows
SEA Ventures Marine Education &
SEA Education Adventures, Inc.
PO Box 1176
Crystal River, FL 34423
800/892-2364 Fax: 352/794-0411
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Mike Simek
02/23/2006 9:14:20 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe
Dear Mr. Simek:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. 1will forward
a c_opy ~f your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
wh1c~ Will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» Mike Simek <> 2/2212006 8:53 AM >»
Dear Citrus County Board of County Commissioners,
1. Please approve Preservation Point (Citrus County Application# CPA/AA-06-07).
2. This luxury motor coach resort is a vital opportunity for Citrus County's economy.
3. The project will also help improve our environment by supplying new central water and sewer lines into
areas where septic tanks are polluting our lakes and wetlands.
4. Citrus County needs quality developments like Preservation Pointe.
5. What could be wrong with having 499 millionaires spending their vacations and money in Citrus
County and then going home?
6. Vote ''Yes" for Preservation Pointe at the hearing on February 28, 2006.
I can not believe that people are so selfish, small minded, and afraid of change that they are willing to
sacrafice the future of this community. Everything around us is changing and if we don't keep up we will
be lift with a ghost town of a community until the people who don't want the change are passed on and
then it will come about again and it will happen anyway. Farming is a good thing for our community but it
isn't going to help our children or our childrens children if we keep everything the way it is. This would be
far more effective than having another Power Plant or some more shady bars or even more people living
here who just want to hunt our wildlife, kill ciur fis~. a~d litter like they own the place because they are out
drunk everyday.
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
POA Black Diamond
02/27/2006 8:55:43 AM
Re: New proposed RV Resort-Inverness
Dear Ms. Sinclair:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»>"Black Diamond, POA" <·m> 2/24/2006 7:19PM»>
Dear Commissioners,
For many years business and county alike have encouraged and tried to bring people to our area via
tourism. We have always promoted our beautiful lakes. We now have the bike/walking trail to enjoy.
Fishing and skiing.
This newly proposed Preservation Point Resort would be an enhancement to this ideal. If in the long run it
enables all of the septics and wells to go on line to city services that is only a bonus.
I would very much like you to vote YES for this wonderful development.
Valerie Sinclair
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
June Sullivan
02/27/2006 8:58:58 AM
Re: RVPark
Dear Ms. Sullivan:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "June Sullivan" <> 2/24/2006 7:30 PM >»
This project will help improve our environment by supplying new central water and sewer lines into the
area where septic tanks pollute our lakes and wetlands.
I think this is vital to the future of the quality of our lakes.
Vote yes for Preservation Point please.
June Sullivan
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
02/27/2006 9:33:03 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe
Dear Mr. Tannery:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> "DONALD T ANNERYSR." <> 2/25/2006 1:43:21 PM »>
I am a resident of Citrus County and a camper. I have been reading about the opposition to the
referenced project and do not understand the position of those opposed. RV parks of this tYPe represent
real assets to an area. I can only believe that the opposition is from persons who have little knowledge of
the impact on a community. This park would not create any traffic problems nor impose a burden on the
surrounding area. Actually, a park of this nature would have less environmental impact than single family
homes. The campers would probably spend less than six months a year at their site and use little of the
county's resources. The park would also bring additional jobs to the area.
Donald Tannery
10385 N. Naskapi Point
Dunnellon, Florida 34434
Why Move to EarthLink.
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
Toni Thelen
02/24/2006 9:22:38 AM
Re: new park
Dear Ms. Thelen:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this .outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>»Toni Thelen <> 2/23/2006 9:17PM>»
I'd like for you to pass my information along to the County
Commissioners please.
I feel very strongly that this new park will be a good thing for our
town. It will bring water and sewer to our lake' areas. We have terrible
water quality, our wells go dry and it is very expensive to maintain and
purchase water conditioner systems. I would also like to have sewer one day.
I think having some retirees staying in the motor homes along the lake
is a fair trade to brining the improvements to our area. We would like
to the the over 55 community anyway.
So do a good thing and vote yes for this new rv park. It' ok with me.
Toni Thelen
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Julie Arnold
02/23/2006 12:37:59 PM
Re: Vote yes on Preservation Pointe
Dear Mr. Van Ness:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Comm·unity Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "Julie Arnold" <> 2/23/2006 11 :50 AM »>
Dear Citrus County Board of County Commissioners,
I strongly believe the Preservation Pointe project will benefit
Inverness and Citrus county. The money the RV's will spend in our shops
and Restaurants would boost the local economy . I do not feel the project
will increase traffic on our roads nor the lake system. The project is very
environment friendly! I only see positive in Preservation Point.
Thanks you for your time,
Matthew Van Ness
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
Charlie Wade
02/27/2006 9:10:44 AM
Re: Preservation Point
Dear Mr. Wade:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot revi.ew or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>» "Charlie Wade" <cwade001> 2/25/2006 8:29 AM »>
Hi Becky.. This letter is to inform you of my positive position on Preservation Point..lf you have questions
or thoughts please call me at 634-5610 .. Charlie Wade, 774 E. Gaines Ln, Hernando, Fl. 34442
Amy Pace
Becky Worrell
Allison Wallis
02/24/2006 9:40:37 AM
Re: preservation point
Dear Ms. Wallis:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>>>"Allison Wallis" <> 2/24/2006 12:20 AM>»
1 feel Preservation Point will be an asset to Citrus County. Please strongly consider this carefully planned
community! Sincerely,
Allison Wallis
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
paula williams
02/23/2006 9:36:25 AM
Re: approve preservation point
Dear Mr. Williams:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>»"paula williams" <> 2/22/2006 6:21 PM »>
Please approve preservation point, I would love this to help with our business, New people equal's more
business, Ken Willaims 527-2556
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
02/24/2006 9:42:07 AM
Re: Preservation Pointe
Dear Mr. Williams:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. I will forward
a copy of your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
»> ''Danette" <> 2/24/2006 6:44 AM >>>
Dear Citrus County Board of Citrus County Commissioners,
As a resident and property owner in Citrus County, I write to support the referenced project and urge you
to vote in favor of the rezoning proposal.
This is the type of low impact, high quality development that should be encouraged and facilitated.
Thank you for your consideration of this letter of support.
Gregory L. Williams
4554 Windmill Dr.
Inverness, Florida 34453
Charles Dixon
Becky Worrell
POA Black Diamond
02/23/2006 11:02:40 AM
Re: New Delux RV Park
Dear Mr. Williamson:
This acknowledges receipt of your email to all of the commissioners. Because this issue is considered
quasi-judicial, the commissioners cannot review or discuss this outside of a Board Meeting. 1will forward
a c_opy ~f your email to Chuck Dixon, Director of Community Development, to become part of the backup,
wh1ch Will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 2006 at the regular
meeting. The Board will know of your views on this project when it comes before the Board.
Thank you for taking time to write and share your views. The commissioners always value input from
Becky Worrell
Secretary to the Board
>»"Black Diamond, POA" <> 2/23/2006 10:06 AM>»
Please pass my comments along to the Board of County Commissioners.
Thank you.
Dear Commissioners,
I have been following the progress of Preservation Point in the newspaper. Not being involved at all it is
obvious there is much behind the scenes one sided participation. The papers seem to print the negative
much more readily than any positive. They like to stir the pot and get people riled. Periodically they throw
in a small positive comment in order to be able to say they are non biased.
I really don't have a strong opinion one way or the other. I am a newer resident to Citrus County, just here
a few years. I am enjoying every day of my living here and would like to see other people enjoy it also.
The RV Park does not look bad. It doesn't look environmentally hazardous. It doesn't look crime ridden or
burdensome to our area. In fact the city water and sewer plan sounds terrifit;. One of my number one
requests when looking at homes was city water and sewer, our shopping for a home was quite limited.
It usually looks as though if someone can spout environmentally issues or mismanaged growth they sound
important. But it doesn't seem that applies to this very well planned and designed development
1hope our commissioners vote yes and pass this nice improvement to Citrus County. Who wouldn't want
to encourage the development of tourism?
Sorry I won't be able to attend the meeting this next week. I'm sure you will all have your hands full.
Thank you for your time,
James Williamson
Charles Dixon