2012 - Electrica Distribuție Transilvania Sud” S.A.
2012 - Electrica Distribuție Transilvania Sud” S.A.
1 Piata Consiliului Europei Street, 510096, Alba Iulia, Alba County, Phone: 0258 805 999, Fax: 0258 812 410 e-mail: sdee_ab@electricats.ro SDEE MUREȘ 25 Pictor Luchian Street, cod 500193, Brasov, Brasov County, Phone: 0268 305 999, Fax: 0268 475 541 e-mail: sdee_bv@electricats.ro SDEE HARGHITA 1 Kossuth Lajos Street, 530220, Miercurea Ciuc, Harghita County, Phone: 0266 205 999, Fax: 0266 371 975 e-mail: sdee_hr@electricats.ro SDEE ALBA SDEE SIBIU SDEE BRAȘOV SDEE COVASNA 9A Lunca Oltului Street, 520036, Sfantu Gheorghe, Covasna County, Phone: 0267 305 999, Fax: 0267 305 704 e-mail: sdee_cv@electricats.ro 17 Uzinei Street, 550253, Sibiu, Sibiu County, Phone: 0269 205 999, Fax: 0269 205 704 e-mail: sdee_sb@electricats.ro 103 Calarasilor Street, 540320, Targu Mures, Mures County, Tel: 0265 205 999, Fax: 0265 205 704 e-mail: sdee_ms@electricats.ro General information 2012 Service area: 34.100 km Total length of the network: 53.527 km Distributed energy: 5.343 GWh Number of consumption places: 1,087 milioane Number of employees: 1860 Share capital: 423.967.400 lei Turnover: 632.835.702 lei Investments: 148.591 thousand lei 2 Identification data S.C. F.D.E.E. “Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud” - S.A. 25 Pictor Luchian Street, 500193 - Brasov Trade Register number : J08/238/05/03/2002 Tax registration number : RO 14493260 Phone: 0268-30 5999 Fax: 0268-30 5004 e-mail: fdee@electricats.ro website: www.electricats.ro Summary 4 Message from general director 5 General informations 7 Calendar of events Organizational background 8 9 Power distribution activity 16 Investments 19 Integrated management system Financial statements 20 MESSAGE FROM GENERAL DIRECTOR In 2012, the area served by SC FDEE Electrica Distributie Transilvania Sud SA stood for a revival of the economy, so that the amount of electricity distributed increased by over 4.5%, while the energy falling under the licensed area was lower in 2012, 0,35% as to 2011. The upward trend of consumption was due to the increase of energy distributed to eligible industrial users, which provides a positive perspective on the development of the Region 7 Centre. In this year are also applied restrictive measures in using the existing resources and potential, but also to minimize the insignificant costs, all of these being required to achieve very ambitious goals in terms of crisis, by a better management of operational activities; to achieve the objectives of quality of our distribution service and to ensure continuity of electricity supply and to achieve the maintenance plan for strictly necessary works. In terms of investments, achievements (excluding connection fee) the investments were over 148 million lei, of which approx. 39 mil. lei were made from own sources (funds). The biggest achievement for investments without works, considering the connection tariff as source were recorded in the amount of 56,545 thousand lei in Brasov, followed by Alba Branch with 22,598 thousand lei and Mures Branch with investments amounting to 21,523 thousand lei. The investments made in the connection tariff stood at over 57 million lei, compared with 2011 registering an increase of 12.95%. Among the works completed and in commissioned in 2012, stand out the following investments: 1. Station 110/20 kV and the transition to 20 kV area Poiana Braşov- 19,705.70 thousands lei 2 . Extension of the station of 110 kV Cristian- 9,4124.11 thousands lei 3. SAD LEA- MT stage 2010-2012- 16,008.79 thousands lei 4. Modernization of electricity metering in residential buildings in the counties: Braşov, Covasna and Harghita- 8,376.4 thousands lei 5. Modernization LEA 0.4 kV in the counties: Braşov, Sibiu, Mureş, Alba- 20,182.52 thousands lei 6. Modernization of internal services supply system DC in substations of FDEE- CEM 110 kV Alba326.41 thousands lei 7. Modernization PA-PT in the counties Braşov and Mureş- 2,310.74 thousands lei pag. 4 - Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 This report is intended to provide details of the company business in 2012, and of the issues that negatively influenced its business during the said period, as well. Year 2012 ended a second regulatory period from 2008 to 2012 and was under the influence of the same prudent attitude since 2009, with the financial and economic crisis. For 2012, the work done by the company, as distribution operator concessionaire of the public service aimed mainly to ensure quality and continuity of power supply to the standard parameters of performance of over 1.08 million consumers operating in the area and improve the collaboration relationship with over 45 suppliers of electricity, operating this year in the area of distribution Transilvania Sud. In conclusion, in 2012 we achieved the proposed objectives, the financial performance have been positive, turnover increased by 5.8% compared to last year, i.e. 632.8 million lei (143 mil. €). The gross profit recorded for the year 2012 is 57.8 mil. lei (13 mil. €), increasing by over 133% compared to 2011. Regional and national recognition of the company work and of the results was done by rewarding SC FDEE Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud SA by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Brasov with the following qualifications: - First place in the ‘County Top Companies’ at the category “Production, transport and distribution of electric and heat power, natural gas and water”. - Diploma of Excellence for ranking for eight years in the Top Companies - Gold membership degree, for partnering with the Chamber of Commerce Achievements in 2012 of FDEE Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud are the result of the concerted actions of the subsidiary company’s employees and of six branches of Electricity Distribution operating in counties: Alba, Braşov, Covasna, Harghita, Mureş and Sibiu, on an operating area of 34,100 km2. This report describes the subsidiary’s activity during 2012. The data included in the report were collected, collated and processed according to ANRE Order 51/16.12.2005 on the procedure for preparing the Annual Activity Report by the license holders. Eng. Ion DOBRE General Manager GENERAL INFORMATIONS General considerations T Subsidiary Directors his report is intended to introduce the results of the activity of SC FDEE Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud SA in 2012, and of the issues that negatively influenced its business during the said period. To note that, in terms of the regulatory framework, 2012 ends the second regulatory period covering the years 2008-2012. The activity report discloses data concerning how general goals were achieved, as well as the performance indicators of the mandate agreement. It also presents the organizational frame in which the subsidiary runs its activity and the analysis of activities related to power distribution for which the company is licensed. The company works in the present structure since 01.08.2007 due to the separation of distribution and supply activities for compliance with the provisions of the Directive 2003/54/EC regarding the separation were taken over in the national legislation, respectively in the Law of Electric Power no. 13/2007 art. 45 and detailed as a definite modality of achievement corresponding to the separation of the branches SC Electrica SA, in the Government’s Decision no. 675/09.07.2007. By the emergence in 2012 of the new Electricity Act no. 123, that took over the requirements of Directive 2009/72/EC, to meet the legal requirements for the independence of the distribution system operator and to exclude discriminatory behavior, FDEE Electrica Transilvania Distributie Sud prepared a compliance program. The purpose of the compliance program is to establish measures to exclude discriminatory behavior of the distribution system operator in relation to the other participants in the electricity market and the rules for access to information in order to ensure transparency and non-discrimination for all participants in the electricity market, while improving the performance in providing electricity distribution. SC FDEE ”Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud” SA has got the main goal to provide public distribution services by performing trade activities corresponding to the company’s business, in compliance with the license ANRE no. 465/2002. SC FDEE Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud SA consists of 6 subunits referred to as power distribution branches - SDEE, the activity being carried out in the counties: Alba, Braşov, Covasna, Harghita, Mureş and Sibiu, on an operating area of 34 100 km2. The distribution network exceeds 53 000 km, the branch is providing electricity for approx. 1,087 million users connected to the electricity distribution network held as property and providing the distribution service. Radu HOLOM Distribution Director Eugenia MARA Economic Director Ion DOBRE General Director Nicu CONSTANDACHE 110 kV Technical Director Cătălin GRAMA Development Director Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 - pag. 5 GENERAL INFORMATIONS SC ELECTRICA SA 78% 22% M of sainten PR eco anc A equ M-11 ndary e MV ipm 0 kV equ and ent, ipm LV ent ion rat kV e Op 110 ions of allat t ins FONDUL PROPRIETATEA Structure of shareholding SC Electrica SA with head offices in Bucharest, 9 Grigore Alexandrescu street holds 78 % of shares.The remaining 22% are under the control of the SC Fondul Proprietatea SA (Property Fund) with place of business in Bucharest, 15 Calea Victoriei street. Development and modernization of power equipment General Meeting of Shareholders Eugen BRĂDEAN – representative of SC Electrica SA Oana TRUȚĂ – representative of SC Fondul Proprietatea SA Board of administrators Marian GEANTĂ Ioan ROȘCA Liviu ILAȘI Gheorghe GRUSEA Dan SOREA Claudiu COMAN Ioana TIMOFTE Branch Directors Ioan PERJU Ioan TOMA Csaba JOZSA Artur KOVACS Florin Vasile FLOREA Iacob BLAGU pag. 6 - – chairman – member – member – member (until 28.08.2012) – member (until 28.08.2012) – member – member – SDEE Alba – SDEE Brașov – SDEE Covasna – SDEE Harghita – SDEE Mureș – SDEE Sibiu Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 Main activities Man ag of s ement y info stem rma tics Coordination by dispatcher and tion nce a r Ope intena and ma dium e e g of m volta nt low ipme equ The activity B ased on the current license, the main activity of S.C. F.D.E.E. “Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud” S.A., with hreadquartes in Brasov, is providing electricity distribution services. According to the statute, the Law and Licence associated conditions, the company ensures the transit of electricity through their own network, dispatching electricity distribution through operator, connecting to RED for new customers, upgrading and retrofitting existing power plants and expansion of networks and also research activity in its field of activity. ORGANIZATION FRAMEWORK Achievement of the main technical economic indicators for the year 2012 Performance Criteria 1 Outstanding payments (in current prices) Outstanding receivables (in current prices) Gross result Productivity Total expenditure of 1,000 lei total revenues Achievement of the investment program Operating expenses ( operating expenses - depreciation, adjustments for assets depreciation and provisions) Continuity of electricity supply Own technological sliding consumption Achieved 2 thousands lei thousands lei thousands lei kme/pers thousands lei Provided in BVC 3 19.612 51.421 25.393 58 962 148.550 4 16.595 56.659 57.876 60 914 148.591 Degree of fulfillment [%] 5 118,2 90,8 227,9 103 105,2 100,0 thousands lei % % 501.807 99 11,59 473.812 99,95 12,12 105,9 101,0 95,6 U.M. CALENDAR OF EVENTS January - Expansion RED MV and LV area Bronzului Street, district Tractorul, Brașov - Improving grids safety in the village Tau- Bistra, area Luncile Prigoanei – Poarta Raiului- Alba County February - Modernization of municipal infrastructure - Schei district, Brasov municipality March - Modernization of electricity metering in residential buildings in the area of activity SDEE Covasna - Modernization of electricity metering in residential buildings in the area of activity SDEE Harghita April - SAD PA-PT, stage 2 – SDEE Sibiu - SAD PA-PT, stage 2 – SDEE Sibiu - Modernization of electricity metering in residential buildings in the area of activity SDEE Brasov - SAD LEA - MT stage 2010-2012 - Obtaining by the subsidiary, within the 7th edition of the Business Excellence Awards, of the “Diploma of Excellence” from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Brasov - “Electrician Trophy”, national stage held in Oradea - Upgrading networks 0.4kV, area PT 56 9 Mai Street, Ocnei Street, Argintarilor Street, Târgului Street, Felinarului Street, municipality Sibiu - Subsidiary award with the “Gold Membership Diploma” from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Braşov August - Improvement and upgrading the network voltage level 0.4 kV town Poiana Sibiului - Startup of station 110/20 kV and the transition to 20 kV area Poiana Brașov - Modernization of distribution 20 kV Platoul Cornești, area PTZ 56, PTZ 57, PTZ 28, PTA 473, PTZ 65+PT 224, Mureș County - Modernization of LEA LV area CE Sighișoara (Dumitreni, Tigmandru, Pipea) - SAD LEA - MV stage 2010-2012 - Switching to 20 kV, LEA 6 kV Varghis II - Modernization of RED LV Matei Basarab Street, Brașov - Extension station 110 kV Cristian (PIF partially) - Modernization of LEA 0.4 kV, Dupa Plese village, Alba County - Modernization of LEA 0.4 kV, Salciua village, Alba County - Modernization of LEA LV CE Sighișoara area (Albesti, Daneș) - Modernization of PA 1, PT 15, PT 65, 47, 52, 1, 2- Sighișoara September May - Modernization of repairs works, connections Koves Street and Patakelve Street, Siculeni, Harghita County - Improving the voltage level and modernization Merilor Street, Brașov - Supervision audit of the integrated management system quality-environment-health and occupational security of FDEE - Organizing an international conference OPTIM - Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment 2012 October June November - Electricity supply of ANL residential buildings and residential district Cristuru Secuiesc, Harghita County - “Electrician Trophy”, subsidiary phase held at SDEE Covasna July - Modification of specific tariffs electricity distribution service provided by the main distribution operators, Order ANRE 24/2012 - re-engineering PTz1 Ghimbav - SAD LEA MV stage 2 – SDEE Brasov - 1st place on “NATIONAL TOP OF COMPANIES”- county stage awarded by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Brasov, for outstanding results obtained in activity December - Modernization of internal services supply system DC in substations of FDEE- CEM 110 kV Alba Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 - pag. 7 ORGANIZATIONAL BACKGROUND I n 2012, the staff number remains below the number approved by the organization chart (1912), at the end of 2012 were employed with individual labor contract a number of 1860 persons, with 12 persons more than the year 2011. In terms of the staff education, they are classified as follows: Staff categories Higher education TESA personnel Medium education TESA personnel Foremen Workers Total As in the previous years, the staff structure maintains the trend of increasing the number of employees with higher education, still holding a majority of workers (electricians). Of the 1,860 employees at 31.12.2012, only 220 are women, 10 more than the last year, i.e. a percentage of 11.82 % of the total employees. The average age of the staff in SC FDEE Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud SA in 2012 was 44.72 years, slightly increased as to the last year. Number at 31.12.2012 578 85 66 1131 1860 Professional training T raining and professional development of employees was and continues to be priority to our organization. Unfortunately, in 2012, due to the difficult economic situation we faced, the number of employees who participated in training courses remained low, as in the previous year. In 2012, 163 employees participated in training programs, compared to 362 last year, representing pag. 8 - Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 8.96 % of the average number of employees in the year 2012. We have made efforts and have completed the master’s programs started in the previous years, in 2012 a master’s program of our staff at Transylvania University Braşov was completed. The total cost of the training activity in 2012 decreased from that of the previous year to 175,000 lei. Age group (years) 18-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 above 65 Men (no.) 40 83 175 227 324 276 261 187 67 0 Women (no.) 9 24 19 28 42 40 37 21 0 0 POWER DISTRIBUTION ACTIVITY Volume of equipment SC FDEE Electrica Distributie Transilvania Sud SA holds the distribution license no. 465/2002 updated by Decision no. 1499/14.10.2007 covering a geographical area exceeding 34,000 km2, covering six counties: Alba, Brasov, Covasna, Harghita, Mures and Sibiu. The total volume of the existent power equipment at 31/12/2012 consists in the following items: I. Electricity distribution lines: Ref. no. Operating U 1 1.1 2 3 4 5 6 6.1 7 KV 110 35 20 10 6 Other voltages LV Of which twisted Derivations LEA km route (rather than km conductor) SC 1311,318 25,700 9743,329 0,000 41,595 79,327 13047,526 4129,333 16305,163 DC 949,027 0,000 359,674 0,000 2,560 0,000 1286,41 25,900 0,000 MC 2,874 0,000 4,100 0,000 0,000 0,000 130,400 0,000 0,000 TOTAL 2263,219 25,700 10107,103 0,000 44,155 79,327 14464,336 3945,199 16305,163 TOTAL LES km route (km) 27,198 0,000 2327,039 11,100 773,236 0,000 5457,192 0,000 1642,630 (km) 2290,417 25,700 12434,142 11,100 817,391 79,327 19921,528 4218,233 17947,793 II. Electric substations and connections: Ref. no. Upper U Number Stations PCS 97 5 102 188 23 211 110 MT 1 2 TOTAL Trafo HV/MV, MV/MV (no TSI) S total MVA 3760,000 155,300 3915,300 TCN TSI PCS 0 168 168 S total MVA 0 112,807 112,807 PCS 0 71 71 S total MVA 0 56,335 56,335 III. PA+PT: Ref. no. U (kV) 1 2 3 4 TOTAL 20/0,4 10/0,4 6/0,4 Other voltages Number Trafo HV/MV, LV/LV S total PCS PA+PT MVA 8277 2202,190 7815 16,350 17 10 237,879 510 585 127 35,370 15 8350 9006 2.491,789 In 2012 the station 110/20 kV Poiana Brașov was put into operation, the number of 110 kV stations reaching 97 pieces. Station equipped with: Trafo 1 110/20 kV – 16 MVA, Trafo 2 110/20 kV – 16 MVA, TSI-CN 1 20/0,4 kV – 2500/200 kVA and TSI-CN 2 20/0,4 kV – 2500/200 kVA. Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 - pag. 9 POWER DISTRIBUTION ACTIVITY Quality and continuity in power supply In 2012, 2.150 incidents occurred, 22 incidents more than in 2011. The average duration of remedy of incidents in 2012 was 2.00 hours, and the power supply non-delivered because of incidents was 2342131 kWh. The number of incidents reported in 2012 was 47754, as to 45,121 in 2011. In 2012 we continued to carry out the following works: - the installation of reclosers and switches with extinguishing medium in sulfur hexafluoride and their control based on site study; - replacement of terminal boxes and sleeves of underground power lines with modern ones; - replacement of worn out parts of the line, starting with the electric transformer stations exits, supply points and transformer stations; - re-distribution of transformers mv/ lv from the transformation posts aimed at optimal loading; - replacement of arresters of DRVS, RVS, VA type with zinc oxide surge arresters; - replacement in power points and transformer of IO type switches with circuit breakers that do not require maintenance; - replacement (with increased conductor cross-section) of the network segments to provide performance indicators and contractual conditions, particularly outlets from transformers; - phase balancing; pag. 10 - Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 - replacement of overhead fuses and assembly of protection safety blocks; - assembly of cross-section boxes; - works for increase of conductors’ cross-section after the analysis of load measurement; - achieving of new voltage injection points to reduce the length of the low voltage network, through new output transformer or new existing posts; - replacement of defective cable portion; - securing the distribution boxes and existing niches; - replacement of classical conductor with stranded conductor, with increased cross-section; - restoring pillar connections and improvement of inadequate earthing; - restoration of protection and safety color to overhead lines; - changing overheads on the poles or buildings standers, underground low voltage lines in urban areas; - mounting blocks as suitable protective measure according to the technical connection approval; - replacing rotten wooden poles with concrete or timber poles in inaccessible areas; - replacing damaged concrete pillars; Evolution of the number of incidents in 2012, compared with 2011 2011 2012 Development STATIONS 110 kV 88 100 +13,64 LEA 110 kV 40 49 +22,50 LES 110 kV 1 0 % MV/MV STATIONS 0 0 LEA MV 983 1020 LES MV 847 839 -0,94 PA AND PT 169 142 -15,98 Incidents 2128 2150 +1,03 -0,99 Average time of 2,02 2,0 re-supply (hours) +3,76 POWER DISTRIBUTION ACTIVITY Border input power [GWh] Monitoring performance standard indicators Ref. no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Indicator Number of applications for grid connection Average time to issue the technical connection approvals (days) Number of applications for connection contracts Average time to conclude the technical connection approvals (days) Number of applications of contracts for the distribution service Average time for conclusion of distribution service contracts for consumers connected to LV Average time for conclusion of distribution service contracts for consumers connected to MV Average time for conclusion of distribution service contracts for consumers connected to HV Year 2011 46.343 11 11.689 3 1.195 15 Year 2012 45.060 11 12.790 3,68 1.302 14,55 14 14,30 13 13,20 Year 6,576 2011 2010 6,600 2009 6,499 5,955 2008 2007 6,425 2006 6,202 2005 6,293 2004 6,000 6,003 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 Management and measurement of electric power - GWh - The technological process of the subsidiary in 2012 (compared with 2011) was the following: E input Input power - power assigned to other DO Power plant consumptions Distributed Energy to captive customers FFEE eligible energy distributed Energy distributed to other eligible suppliers (GWh) CPT (%) Input power - power assigned to other DO E input Distribution outline 2011 6.600 5.987 2012 6.577 6.148 % 0,997 1,027 9 2.280 1.143 1.747 804 13,44 4 2.321 1.019 1.999 797 12,96 0,44 1,018 0,891 1,144 0.99 12,19 12,12 Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 - pag. 11 POWER DISTRIBUTION ACTIVITY SUPPLIERS 100.00% 33,80% Evolution of distributed energy In 2012 the first 16 suppliers in descending order of energies distributed to eligible customers are the following: Total eligible - 3.014.667,476 MWh] FFEE - 1.018.828,606 MWh 11,78% ALPIQ Romenergie - 355.253,314 MWh 7,81% Alpiq Romindustries - 235.377,221 MWh 6,90% Electromagnetica - 207.944,880 MWh 5,10% Energy Holding - 153.807,973 MWh 4,71% Tinmar - 141.955,563 MWh 4,08% Repower Furnizare - 123.109,790 MWh 3,83% EFT Romania - 115.450,790 MWh 3,76% E-ON - 113.223,501 MWh 3,64% ICCO Energ - 109.770,908 MWh 1,89% Renovatio - 57.120,674 MWh 1,38% Petrod - 41.685,121 MWh 1,08% Energotrans - 32.412,504 MWh 1,04% Transenergo - 31.477,128 MWh 1,04% Hidroelectrica - 31.301,778 1,02% Arelco - 30.758,073 7,14% pag. 12 - Other suppliers (<1%) - 215.189,652 Own technological consumption (CPT) is one of the important elements with appreciable contribution to the expenses approved by the Revenue and Expenditure Budget of the company and in setting the distribution tariffs. As percentage, CPT is assessed by comparing the total amount of CPT achieved to the total electricity entered in FDEE’s outline. As shown by the Technological process of FDEE Electrica Distributie Transilvania Sud for 2012, CPT has been realized 796,764 MWh, respectively 12.12%, our subsidiary exceeding the plan of 11.59 % transmitted by SC Electrica SA for this indicator. The total amount of CPT, however recorded a decrease compared to the year 2011: 796,764 MWh (12.12%) achieved in 2012 compared to 804,423 MWh (12.19%) in 2011, as a consequence of reducing the commercial component. The evolution of the energy distributed by FDEE Electrica Distribuție Transilvania Sud per voltage levels in the period 2005-2012 highlights the trend of balancing the consumption of HV and MV to LV, which attracts the increase of the CPT. Level HV MV LV Total Year 2005 18,0 40,5 41,5 100,0 Year 2006 15,6 41,7 42,7 100,0 Year 2007 13,5 42,3 44,2 100,0 Year 2008 12,9 42,0 45,1 100,0 Year 2009 11,9 39,0 49,1 100,0 Year 2010 13,5 41,0 45,5 100,0 Year 2011 13,3 41,8 44,9 100,0 Year 2012 16.6 38.7 44.7 100,0 Since the diminution of the Technological own consumption is a priority of the company’s management, FDEE Electrica Distributie Transilvania Sud has developed a ‘CPT Reduction Strategy - for the period 2013-2017’’ covering for the next five years appropriate technical and organizational measures to be taken in this regard. To achieve the strategy measures, BVC needs allocation of funds directed towards reducing CPT, especially for major and numerous LV works. Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 POWER DISTRIBUTION ACTIVITY SC FDEE Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud SA, as distribution operator serves consumers of 49 licensees, other than S.C. Electrica Furnizare S.A. SFEE Transilvania Sud Braşov, the situation at the end of 2012 being the following: Ref. no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Supplier ALPIQ ROMENERGIE SRL ALPIQ ROMINDUSTRIES SRL ARELCO DISTRIBUTIE SRL AXPO ENERGY ROMANIA SA BENY ALEX SRL BIOL ENERGY SRL CET BRASOV SA CEZ VANZARE SA CNTEE TRANSELECTRICA SA COMPLEXUL ENERGETIC CRAIOVA SA E.ON ENERGIE ROMANIA SA EFE ENERGY SRL ELECTRICA FURNIZARE SA SFEE MN PLOIESTI ELECTRICA FURNIZARE SA SFEE TN CLUJ NAPOCA ELECTRICA SA ELECTRICOM SA ELECTROCENTRALE MURES SA ELECTROMAGNETICA SA ENEL ENERGIE MUNTENIA SA ENEL ENERGIE SA ENERGOTRANS SRL ENERGY DISTRIBUTION SERVICES SRL ENERGY FINANCING TEAM ROMANIA SRL ENERGY HOLDING SRL ENEX SRL 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ENNET GRUP SRL ENOL GRUP SA EURO - PEC SA FIDELIS ENERGY SRL GDF SUEZ ENERGY ROMANIA SA GENERAL COM INVEST SRL HIDROCONSTRUCTIA SA HIDROELECTRICA SA BUCURESTI HIDROELECTRICA SA Sucursala Hidrocentrale Sebes HIDROELECTRICA SA Sucursala Hidrocentrale Sibiu ICCO ENERG SRL ICPE ELECTROCOND TECHNOLOGIES SA MAGYAR ARAMSZOLGALTATO SRL MONSSON ENERGY TRADING SRL OET - OBEDINENI ENERGIINI TARGOVTSI OOD Bulgaria Suc. Bucureşti SRL OMV PETROM SA PETPROD SRL RENOVATIO TRADING SRL REPOWER FURNIZARE ROMANIA SRL ROMENERGY INDUSTRY SRL TINMAR-IND SA TRANSENERGO COM SA TRANSFORMER ENERGY SUPPLY SRL VIROMET SA Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 - pag. 13 POWER DISTRIBUTION ACTIVITY O ne way to meet the needs and demands of external customers, whether licensees or end users, is to promptly manage any complaints or notifications received from them. Managing complaints and notifications received from external customers directly or through licensed suppliers that have signed supply contracts is performed both in the subsidiary own unit and in the six branches of the licensed area. Compared to 2011, 2012 showed an increase in the number of complaints received by SC FDEE Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud SA, that is not a reflection of a lower quality of the distribution service, but it is due to an increase in the consumer demand in the licensed area, while on the other hand it is the effect of modifying the Performance Standard for providing service, focused on the clear delimitation between the supplier’s obligations and the obligations of the distribution operator, even if the supply approved by the Supply Regulation approved by the GD 1007/2004 is developed before the achievement of separation of activities imposed and implementation of the Directive EC/54/2003. During 2012, SC FDEE Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud SA managed a number of 1150 complaints / petitions shown in the appendix below: Indicator The number of complaints received related to the voltage level Number of complaints on connection Number of complaints on other issues Total Complaints pag. 14 - Year 2011 104 Year 2012 108 14 737 24 1018 855 1150 Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 POWER DISTRIBUTION ACTIVITY Customers Portfolio On 31.12.2012 SC FDEE “Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud” SA provides power distribution service to 1,087,025 captive and eligible consumers: ● ● ● eligible consumers (0.595%) captive consumers, other than domestic (5.168%) domestic consumers (94.236%) Types of consumers at 31.12.2012 Eligible consumers Captive consumers, other than domestic Domestic consumers Total 6.472 56.181 1.024.372 1.087.025 Distribution rates The specific rates for the distribution service are regulated by ANRE for each distribution operator active in Romania. In 2012, the power distribution rates, at voltage levels for SC FDEE Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud SA have been the following: - for the period 01/01/2012 - 30/06/2012: • HV 21,00 lei/MWh • MV 38,53 lei/MWh • LV 114,77 lei/MWh - for the period 01/07/2012 - 31/12/2012: • HV 21,00 lei/MWh • MV 41,98 lei/MWh • LV 123,27 lei/MWh Invoice – payment systems In 2012, the billing and collection system of distributed energy developed as follows: ● Both for the supplier SC Electrica Furnizare SA Transilvania Sud Brasov and for other providers, the billing / collection of distribution service fee activity and the billing / collection of reactive power was performed in the distribution branch; ● Invoices issuing and following payment thereof was performed in the system SAP ERP. Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 - pag. 15 INVESTMENTS Investment program for 2012 The investment program for 2012 amounts to a total of 148, 550 thousand lei. The funding of investment works is provided by the following sources: ● SP- own sources: 39.743 thousand lei (reference values – depreciation); ● raised funds: 108,807 thousand lei (supplier credit). Structured on the two funding sources – own sources and supplier credit, the investments program for 2012 was oriented towards a few main directions such as : • Re-engineering and upgrading the lines and stations 110 kV; • Reengineering, modernization of MV and LV power equipment; • Supply of power to new consumers ( RMLV ) ; • Improvement of the distributed and supplied electricity; • CPT decrease; • MV distribution automatization; • SCADA implementation for transformer stations; • Purchase of independent machinery and equipment for labor safety. Investments achieved by the end of December 2012 On total sources: ● 206.250 mii lei (connection rate included) ● 148.591 mii lei (excluding connection fee, 100,03 % of the total investment program for 2012), of which: - achievements on Own Sources: 39,791 thousand lei (100.12 % of SP program) ; - achievements on raised funds: 108,800 thousand lei (99.99 % comparing to raised funds program); - achievements per connection fee: 57,659 thousand lei Among the major objectives financed from Own Sources we mention: - SAD LEA- MV stage 2010-2012- 15,884 thousand lei; - Modernization of electricity metering in residential buildings in the area of activity of FDEE (stage 1) – 9,233 thousand lei; - Modernization RED LV str. De Mijloc, Brașov - 523 thousands lei; - Increase the level of voltage (INT) and modernization LEA 0.4 kV PTa4 Poiana Mărului - Poiana Tudorului, Brașov County - 474 thousand lei; - Modernization PA 1, PT 15, PT 65, 47, 52, 1, 2- Sighișoara, Mures County – 424 thousand lei; - DMS-SCADA system – 4,596 thousand lei; Among the major objectives financed from raised funds we mention: - Modernization PA 90 Connections Sânpetru, Brașov – 1,324 thousand lei; - Modernization LEA LV Petriceni, Covasna County - 1,249 thousand lei; - SAD PA-PT stage 2012-2013 – 2,955 thousand lei - Modernization of connections Ciumbrud, Alba County – 1,036 thousand lei; - Modernization of municipal infrastructure in Brasov - 21,601 thousand lei; - Modernization RED LV str. Matei Basarab, Brașov – 2,521 thousand lei; - Improving grids safety in the village Tau- Bistra, area Luncile Prigoanei – Poarta Raiului, Alba County – 6,718 thousand lei; - Distribution modernization 20 kV Platoul Cornesti, area PTZ56, PTZ57, PTZ28, PTA473, PTZ65 and PT224 Mures County – 4,269 thousand lei; - Voltage increase and network modernization 0.4 kV town Poiana Sibiului, Sibiu County – 2,982 thousand lei. - Extension of station 110/20 kV Cristian – 9,309 thousand lei ; - Modernization LEA 20 kV station Bartolomeu - PT 59.80.01 Institutul Cartofului – 1,373 thousand lei - Modernization of blocks of flats metering – stage 2 – 6,363 thousand lei Evolution of major investment targets at 31 December 2012 Work title Station 110/20 kV and the transition to 20 kV area Poiana Braşov SAD LEA MV 2010-2012, subsequent 2 Modernization of meterings at residential block of flats in the area FDEE - stage 2 DMS-SCADA system pag. 16 - Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 Commencement order 12.04.2010 27.12.2011 30.08.2012 15.03.2011 Contract value (thousand lei) 27.609 16.385,36 18.920,77 13.383,40 Executed at 31 December 2012 (thousand lei) 27.978 15.884 6.368 4.596 Percentage of achievement (%) 101,34 % 96,94 % 33,66 % 34,34 % Completion time 01.08.2012 27.12.2012 30.08.2013 15.05.2013 INVESTMENTS Connection Technical Approval Grid connection contracts Putting into service 2008 Connection Technical Approval Grid connection contracts Putting into service 2009 10411 12100 Connection Technical Approval Grid connection contracts Putting into service 2010 - Modernization RED LV str. De Mijloc, Brașov - 5,639.21 thousands lei; - Expansion RED MV and LV area Street Bronzului, district Tractorul, Brașov - 2,065 thousand lei; - Improving the voltage level and modernization Merilor Street, Brașov – 2,805.83 thousand lei - Modernization of electricity metering in residential buildings in the area of activity SDEE Brasov – 3,334.24 thousand lei; - Modernization of electricity metering in residential buildings in the area of activity SDEE Covasna – 2,836.7 thousand lei; - Modernization of electricity metering in residential buildings in the area of activity SDEE Harghita – 2,205.46 thousand lei; - Modernization of municipal infrastructure in Brasov-20,002.85 thousands lei; - Improving grids safety in the village Tau- Bistra, area Luncile Prigoanei – Poarta Raiului – 5,640 thousand lei; - Improving the voltage level and network modernization 0.4 kV town Poiana Sibiului – 3,526.85 thousand lei; - Station 110/20 kV and the transition to 20 kV area Poiana Braşov- -19,705.70 thousand lei; - Distribution modernization 20 kV Platoul Cornesti, area PTZ56, PTZ57, PTZ28, PTA473, PTZ65+PT224 – 4,491.96 thousand lei; - Modernization LEA LV area CE Sighișoara (Dumitreni, Tigmandru, Pipea) – 2,855.09 thousand lei; - SAD LEA- MV stage 2010-2012- -16,008.79 thousand lei; - Switching to 20 kV, LEA 6 kV Varghis II – 953.53 thousand lei; - Modernization RED LV str. Matei Basarab, Brașov – 2,631.60 thousand lei; - Extension station 110 kV Cristian (PIF partially) – 9,4124.11 thousand lei; - Modernization LEA 0.4 kV, town Dupa Plese – 1,126.73 thousand lei; - Modernization LEA 0.4 kV, town Salciua, com. Salciua -1,128.02 thousand lei; - Modernization LEA LV area CE Sighișoara (Albesti, Danes) – 2,015.02 thousand lei; - Modernization PA 1, PT 15, PT 65, 47, 52, 1, 2- Sighișoara – 1,942.19 thousand lei; - Power supply ANL blocks of flats and residential district Cristuru Secuiesc – 588.68 thousand lei; - Upgrading networks 0.4kV, area PT 56 9 Mai Street, Ocnei Street, Argintarilor Street, Târgului Street, Felinarului Street, municipality Sibiu – 1,260 thousand lei - SAD PA-PT, stage 2 – SDEE Sibiu – 1,400.10 thousand lei - SAD PA-PT, stage 2 – SDEE Brasov – 3,654.58 thousand lei - Modernization of internal services supply system DC in substations of FDEE- CEM 110 kV Alba-326.41 thousand lei - PTz 1 Ghimbav re-engineering – 368.55 thousand lei For the licensed area of SC FDEE Electrica Distributie Transilvania Sud SA the evolution of the number of the Connection Technical Approval (CTA) issued, grid connection contracts concluded and the number of plants put into operation in 2008-2012 is presented in the chart below: 10285 9495 Connection Technical Approval Grid connection contracts Putting into service 2011 F rom the plan of commissioning for 2012, filed to ANRE, worth 149,739 thousand lei (prices 2012), commissioning worth 152,096 thousand lei and 101.57 % from the approved plan (in 2012 prices), a total of 112 investment objectives representing (in numbers) 100 % of the plan of commissioning 2012 was put into operation (partial or final) (112 investment objectives) Among the works completed and partially or totally commissioned in January - December, the following investment objectives stand out: Connection of new users to RED 12227 12856 Connection Technical Approval Grid connection contracts Putting into service 2012 Commissioning objectives from January to December 2012 12790 10970 11330 12275 24662 34352 43008 45129 45060 If for the Connection Technical Approval (ATR) there is an upward trend during the 4 years, recording in 2011 an increase of 83 % compared to 2008 for grid connection contracts, while for commissioning we note a significant decreasing trend in the first three years (2008÷2010); in 2011 and 2012 we have a significant increase in values than 2008; the decrease might be explained by the economic and financial crisis we face. Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 - pag. 17 INVESTMENTS 70000 0 39831 New plant 84788 1636 Administrative Separations changes 731 649 47 10000 2883 973 230 542 20000 Domestic Small consumers Large consumers Total 1097 506 33 10163 30000 545 40000 13631 50000 28832 60000 4086 Power increase 1427 Site management 104298 27036 1541 132875 144 80000 143 1114 70612 In 2010-2012, 132,875 Connection Technical Approval of consumers were issued, of which the highest percentage (63.81%) is held by connection approvals for administrative changes, mainly for domestic, while new installations are in percentage of 29.97%. This can be seen from the table and chart below: 1401 Reupdates Promoting the use of energy renewable sources The number of connection technical approvals (ATR) for new power plants, grid connection contracts and putting into service, recorded in 2012 for electricity producers, broken down by types of sources is shown in the following table: Type of producer ATR Wind Hydro Biomass Biogas Cogeneration Photovoltaic Total 2 33 5 4 4 114 162 Connection contracts 0 9 0 0 2 14 25 Putting into service 0 9 0 0 3 6 18 Pa [MW] 76 27,78 7,5 1,32 13,458 294,363 420,421 Grade: - Pa is the power approved in power connection notices, calculated for all the approvals in the table; - Connection contracts can be based on ATRs issued in the previous year and the commissioning can be based on connection contracts issued in the previous years. Most applications have been for sites of production for photovoltaic and hydro power type sources, with these on top and in terms of power approved for evacuation in the system. pag. 18 - Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM For 2012 the main goal set by the management of subsidiary Electrica Distributie Transilvania Sud regarding the integrated management system was the correlation of the quality-environment - occupational safety management integrated management system documentation with the control system requirements / internal set by OMPF 946/2005 as amended while preparing the surveillance audit quality-environment safety work integrated management system to maintain the certification against the standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. The update of the quality-environment - occupational safety management integrated management system, for alignment with the managerial/internal control provided by OMFP 946/2005 had constantly in view the company situation from the point of view of its position within the economic environment – that following separation its activity develops in a regulated domain only. In this context, the general goals of the company as well as the specific goals with functions and relevant levels have been necessarily oriented towards the positive solutions for the requirements related to the license for power distribution no. 465 and by the “Performance standard for the service of power distribution” approved by ANRE Order no. 28/30.08.2007. We have also initiated activities specific for external audit preparation, the most important being: setting and communicating the general goals of S.C. FDEE Electrica Distributie Transilvania Sud S.A. in the domains of quality, environment and labor safety, settlement of the specific goals of functions and relevant levels from the organizational structure, updating ROF and job descriptions with the proper specification of the responsibilities, re-evaluation and prioritization of the environment aspects, revaluation of the hazards and risks by updating risk records, internal audit of the integrated management system quality-environmentwork safety and surveys made by the management in order to evaluate the stage of implementation and settlement of the necessary correctional actions. Actions taken to prepare the recertification audit of the integrated management system have proven their effectiveness due to the occasion of audit which was conducted by the SRAC in the period 07.05-11.05.2012 when the when headquarters of FDEE and branches Braşov and Mureş were audited. In the end of this audit, SRAC auditors established the conformity of the management system implemented by FDEE Electrica Distributie Transilvania Sud with the requirements of the aforementioned standards. Conformity of the integrated management quality – environment – occupational health and security implemented by FDEE Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud with the requirements was also revealed by the audit made by the auditors Electrica Bucharest in the period 18-21.090.2012 at headquarters of FDEE and at Sibiu branch. By the end of 2012 we mainly worked for preparing SMI surveillance audit in the spring of year 2013. Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 - pag. 19 KPMG Audit SRL Victoria Business Park DN1, Şoseaua Bucuresti-Ploiesti nr. 69-71 Sector 1 P.O. Box 18-191 Bucharest 013685 Romania Phone: +40(21)201 22 22 +40 (372) 377 800 Fax: +40(21)201 22 11 +40 (372) 377 700 www.kpmg.ro Independent Auditor’s Report To the Shareholders of S.C. Filiala de Distributie a Energiei Electrice Electrica Distributie Transilvania Sud S.A. Report on Financial Statements 1. We have audited the accompanying financial statements of S.C. Filiala de Distribuţie a Energiei Electrice Electrica Distribuţie Transilvania Sud S.A. (the “Company”), which comprises the balance sheet as of 31st of December 2012, income and loss account, the statement of changes in equity and the cash flow statement for the financial year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. The financial statements refer to: 966.785.012 lei • Net assets / Total equity: 45.804.940 lei • Net result of the financial year (profit): Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements 2. Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Public Finances no. 3055/2009 as amended and the accounting policies described in the notes to the financial statements and for the internal control that the management considers necessary to enable the preparation of the financial statements that are free from any material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility 3. Our responsibility is that, based on audit performed, to express an opinion on these financial statements. We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards adopted by the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania. These standards require that we comply with ethical requirements, to plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements do not contain material misstatements. 4. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the professional auditor’s reasoning, including assessing the risks of significant misstatements in the financial statements due to fraud or error. In assessing these risks, the auditor considers the internal control relevant for the preparation and the fair presentation of financial statements of the company in order to design audit procedures relevant to the given circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control. An audit includes also evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation taken as a whole. 2013 KPMG Audit SRL, a Romanian limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG international Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. PDC no. 15633 pag. 20 - Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 Fiscal registration code: RO 12997279 Trade Registry no. J40/4439/2000 Share Capital 2,000 RON We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion 6. In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as at 31st of December 2012 as well as the results of its operations and its cash flows for the financial year then ended , in accordance with the Order of Minister of the Public Finances no. 3055/2009 as amended and the accounting policies described in the notes to the financial statements. 5. Other issues This independent auditor’s report is made solely to the Company’s shareholders. Our audit was conducted in order to report to the Company’s shareholders all the aspects that we 7. are required to report in a financial audit report and for no other purpose. To the extent permitted by the law, we do not accept nor assume responsibility other than the Company and its shareholders as a whole, for our audit, for this report or for our opinion. 8. The accompanying financial statements are not intended to present the financial position, the results of operations and a complete set of notes to the financial statements in accordance with the accounting regulations and principles accepted in countries and jurisdictions other than Romania. Therefore, the accompanying financial statements are not designed for those who are not familiar with accounting and legal regulations in Romania, including the Order of the Minister of Public Finances no. 3055/2009 as amended. Report on the Administrators’ report compliance with the financial statements According to the Order of the Minister of Public Finances no. 3055/2009 as amended, Article 318, paragraph 2 of the accounting regulations compliant with Directive IV of the EEC, we have read the accompanying administrators’ report on the financial statements. The administrators’ report is not part of the financial statements. In the administrators’ report we have not identified any financial information to be in all material respects non-compliant with the information presented in the accompanying financial statements. For and behalf of KPMG Audit SRL Refer to the original signed Romania version Razvan Mihai registered with the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania under number 2516/2008 Refer to the original signed Romania version KPMG Audit SRL registered with the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania under number 9/2001 Bucharest, 18th of April 2013 Electrica SA | Distributie Transilvania Sud | Annual Report 2012 - pag. 21