signs of progress | WSU Foundation annual report


signs of progress | WSU Foundation annual report
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Where to Find It
Signs of Progress — Introduction
Fiscal Year 2014 Timeline of Highlights
WSU Foundation Financials
Donor Bill of Rights
Who gives to the WSU Foundation
WSU Foundation total assets
WSU Foundation investments
Private support provided to the university
Overall financials
Honor Roll of Donors
WSU Foundation Board, National Advisory Council
Honor Roll of Donors/Giving Clubs
Matching gift companies
Society of 1895
Share your comments
Contact information
Mission Statement and Core Values
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Dear Shocker Supporters:
f you were associated with Wichita State University
this past fiscal year, you saw – or participated in –
an institution taking action, moving forward, making
At a time when public funding of education is
shrinking, when the economic underpinnings of our
community are static and when educating students
is more complex than ever before, Wichita State
is meeting the challenges head on. With one foot
firmly planted in a rich history of excellence and
entrepreneurship, we are taking a giant step forward
into a future that demands innovation and vision.
WSU President John Bardo’s strategic plan
for Wichita State, embodied most vividly in the
launching of the Innovation Campus, seeks to make
it an internationally recognized model for applied
learning and research. Students who choose Wichita
State will find an environment that encourages ideas,
interaction and innovation.
With the help of alumni and friends, the WSU
Foundation will support this vision to secure a future
that is dynamic and responsive to the times.
In these pages, we report on the achievements
of the past fiscal year: securing nearly $31 million in
gifts and pledges and posting a 14.5 percent return on
Among the most far-reaching gifts was one
from the estate of Erach Talaty, a WSU chemistry
professor for 44 years before his death, totaling
more than $2 million to support a scholarship,
professorship and fellowship in chemistry. Another
dedicated friend, Jack See, gave $1 million to provide
research awards for faculty and students doing
outstanding work. With a lead gift of $340,000,
Koch Industries was among more than 30 donors
who contributed $1.1 million to establish the Koch
Global Trading Center. Allegro Development provided
software valued at $2.3 million to the center.
Many others gave generously to a university
they love and believe in. We deeply appreciate your
ongoing support as we strive to give Wichita State
the resources it needs to turn promise into progress.
With Shocker pride,
Elizabeth King
President & CEO
WSU Foundation
Bill Moore
2013-14 Chair
WSU Foundation Board of Directors
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Timeline of Highlights
˜˜ Philanthropist Velma Wallace left
˜˜ Elliott School of Communication
a $6 million-estate gift to Wichita
students and faculty benefit
State University, benefitting
from the new Digital Media Lab,
engineering, music, education and
which has a flexible configuration,
athletics. She died July 8, 2012. Mrs.
electronics outlets and an
Wallace served many years on the
interactive video monitor.
WSU Foundation National Advisory
Council and created several student ˜˜ Koch Industries Inc. committed to
funds with her late husband,
a $346,000 pledge to help create
the Koch Global Trading Center
in the W. Frank Barton School of
˜˜ Anonymous Shocker alumnus
donated $250,000 to fund the
men’s basketball locker room
˜˜ Clay Blair established the Gene Zaid
Graduate Fellowship in Chemistry
with a $105,000 gift.
˜˜ Meritrust Credit Union pledged
$225,000 to support two
major series in the Center for
˜˜ Wichita State University
established the Office of Online
Learning with Mark Porcaro as
interim director.
november december
˜˜ Royce Bowden is named dean of
the Wichita State University’s
College of Engineering.
˜˜ Miró conservation fundraising
campaign declared a success with
pledges amounting to more than
$2 million to restore the iconic Miró
˜˜ Elizabeth King, WSU Foundation
president and CEO, was appointed
to the University of Kansas
Hospital Authority Board of
˜˜ James Rhatigan, WSU Foundation
consultant, was recognized with
the Distinctive Community Service
Award by the Wichita chapter of
the Association of Fundraising
˜˜ Lee R. Riley, Fairmount Society
Life Member and longtime
university supporter for more than
three decades, passed away. Mr.
Riley’s generous gifts supported
the University Libraries, geology
department, the Marcus Welcome
Center and the Advanced Education
in General Dentistry facility.
WSU President John Bardo visits
with National Advisory Council
members at their spring 2014
reception at the Ulrich Museum.
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Timeline of Highlights
february march
˜˜ Marya McCrae joined the Wichita
State University Foundation as the
new director of development for
the Fairmount College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences. In FY15, she
moved to the College of Fine Arts.
˜˜ Jack A. See donated $1 million to
establish the John A. See Research
Award, a prize for WSU faculty
and students who are conducting
outstanding research or producing
other significant work.
˜˜ Kimberly Engber is named dean of
the Honors College at Wichita State
˜˜ Entrepreneur Tom Devlin, friends
and WSU leaders celebrated the
25th anniversary of Devlin Hall.
˜˜ The Ulrich Museum of Art
at Wichita State University
celebrated its 40th anniversary
with the exhibition “Forty Years/
Forty Stories.”
˜˜ TECT Aerospace pledged $100,000
to the WSU Foundation to support
STEM-mentoring initiative in
˜˜ Wichita State signed its
first licensing agreement for
aerospace simulation technology
with Vimotech.
˜˜ The Ulrich Museum of Art at WSU
acquired 125 fine art photographs
by the internationally acclaimed
Kansas-born artist Gordon Parks.
˜˜ Robert Town’s estate gift
supported the Robert Town
Faculty of Distinction Endowed
Professorship in Organ. Town was
an associate professor of organ at
WSU, teaching from 1965-2006.
˜˜ Former U.S. Agriculture
Secretary Dan Glickman, who
also represented the 4th
Congressional District for 18 years
as a Democrat from Wichita,
donated his professional papers
to the Special Collections division
of University Libraries at Wichita
State University.
˜˜ Sandra C. Garmon Bibb is named
the new dean of the College of
Health Professions at Wichita
State University.
˜˜ Kim Bair joined the Wichita State
University Foundation as the new
director of development for the
College of Engineering.
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
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complet nter renovatio
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Donor Bill of Rights
Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of
giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy
merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective
donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are
asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:
To be informed of the organization’s mission, of the way the organization intends
to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their
intended purposes.
To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization’s governing
board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship
To have access to the organization’s most recent financial statements.
To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition.
To be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and
with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of
interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the
organization or hired solicitors.
To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an
organization may intend to share.
To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt,
truthful and forthright answers.
The text of this statement in its entirety was developed by the American Association
of Fund-Raising Counsel (AAFRC), Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP),
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and the Association of
Fundraising Professionals (AFP), and adopted in November 1993.
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Who gives to the
wsu foundation
Total Donors
university gifts
Received by Support Type
student support
faculty support
($767,000 in Planned Gifts)
program initiatives
facilities support
($1,317,000 in Planned Gifts)
$31,390,208 total
Did you know?
Wichita philanthropists Paula and Barry Downing made a
$150,000 pledge to help WSU expand its Gordon Parks archive,
creating a leading repository for the works of the Kansan artist,
filmmaker, poet and composer. | August 2013
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Total Assets
The chart below shows the WSU Foundation’s total assets, which topped $259 million in FY14. The black
bars indicate the portion of total assets that make up the Pooled Endowment Fund. The yellow bars
represent other assets, which would include the Ulrich and Anthropology museum’s collections, current
funds, real estate and receivables.
WSU Foundation Total Assets
(in millions)
• Pooled Endowment | • Other Assets
Did you know?
A $2.2 million estate gift from the late Erach Talaty was believed to be the largest ever given to the university by a
faculty or staff member, current or former. Funds will be used to establish a distinguished professorship in chemistry,
to create an endowed scholarship for undergraduate students majoring in chemistry and to enhance the Dr. Erach
Talaty Endowed Fellowship in Chemistry. | October 2013
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
a sign
of prog
The W. Fr
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will be ho
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planned f
an initiat the Innovation
ive propo
WSU Pres
sed by
ident Joh
n Bardo.
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Investment Philosophy
The Wichita State University Foundation’s
investment objective is to achieve, over the long
term, an annualized total net return that meets
or exceeds the sum of: 1) the established payout
rate to support campus and student’s needs, 2)
an administrative fee that partially funds the
Foundation’s operating expenses, and 3) the current
rate of inflation to ensure future buying power.
The WSU Foundation, through its nine-member
Investment Committee, manages for consistent
returns with a long-term view requiring careful
attention to balancing the risks and rewards
inherent in portfolio management. The portfolio is
positioned through an asset allocation, which varies
depending upon market conditions and seeks growth
while managing and diversifying risk. With the
assistance of the investment advisor and managers,
we are confident in meeting the stated long-term
Gifts of $35,000 or more are used to create an
endowment to benefit the university as designated
by the donor. A distribution of endowment funds for
fiscal year 2014 was based on 4.25 percent of a fiveyear moving average of the endowed fund’s market
values as of June 30.
Summary of Investment Performance
fiscal year ended June 30, 2014
5 year
10 year
• CPI + Spending | • WSU Performance
• Custom Benchmark
Current Weight
Asset Allocation
(as of 6-30-14)
Target Weight
• Global Equity | • Global Fixed Income | • Real Assets
• Diversifying Strategies | • Cash-Cash
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
The WSU men’s basketball team had a record of 35-1 — an exciting season!
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Support Provided to the University
Total for FY14 = $11,670,897
Faculty Support
Student Support
Program Initiatives
Facilities Support
Did you know?
WSU celebrated the 2 millionth volume acquired by University Libraries. Michael Heaston provided funding for the library to buy a
rare copy of the Wyandotte Constitution for the state of Kansas. | November 2013
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Financial Statements
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Pledges Receivable
Other Receivables
Real Estate
Equipment & Software less accumulated depreciation
Other Assets
Investments (At Market)
U.S. Government Securities
Corporate, Savings and Zero Coupon Bonds
Mortgage-backed Securities
Common and Preferred Stocks
Foreign Stocks & Bonds
Venture Capital/Private Equity
Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance
Total Revenue
University Support
Management & General
Total Expenses
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Liabilities
Due to other WSU Entities
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Net Investment Return
Change in Net Assets
Beginning Net Assets
Net Assets, end of year
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
a sign ress
of prog
ding Center
nd opening on
Sept. 19, 2014.
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
2014 Board of Directors
(standing, l-r) Ted Ayres, ex officio; Curt Gridley, Marilyn Pauly, Craig Barton, Clark Bastian, Elizabeth King, ex officio; Paul Allen, John Bardo, ex officio; Mildred
Edwards, ex officio; Kelly Callen, Tim Buckley and Dan Peare (sitting, l-r) John Morse, Dale Maltbie, Debbie Haynes, Nancy Martin, Kent Richards and Bill Moore.
(not pictured: Pamela Ammar, Steve Feilmeier, Ed Pack, Barry Schwan).
Honor Roll of Donors
Fiscal Year 2014
National Advisory Council
The National Advisory Council consists of
friends and alumni who are dedicated to
promoting the interests of Wichita State
University and the WSU Foundation, and
who encourage others to join them as
supporters of the university. The WSU
Foundation Board of Directors is vested
with full control of the assets, affairs and
business of the corporation. The chair of
the WSU Foundation Board of Directors,
who was Bill Moore during fiscal year 2014,
oversees the board of directors and the
executive committee. The chair also serves
as an ex-officio member of the board’s
seven standing committees: audit, giving,
investment, marketing/communications,
NAC nominating, operations and real
** Paul S. Allen (’70), Wichita, KS, CEO,
Allen Gibbs & Houlik LC
** M. Clark Bastian (’75), Wichita, KS,
CEO/Chairman, Fidelity Bank
** Pamela Clancy Ammar (’80), Wichita,
KS, Attorney
Shane M. Bayless (’89), Houston, TX,
Executive Vice President & CFO, Sabine Oil
and Gas LLC
Bill Ard (’64), Wichita, KS, Owner, Security
Holdings LLC
Joan S. Beren (’83), Wichita, KS,
Community Pro Bono Volunteer
** Ted D. Ayres, Wichita, KS, Vice
President & General Counsel, Wichita
Fred F. Berry, Jr., Wichita, KS, Chairman,
State University (ex officio member)
Berry Companies Inc.
Ronald L. Baldwin (’75), Leawood, KS,
Chairman, President & CEO, Crossfirst
** John W. Bardo, Wichita, KS, President,
Wichita State University (ex officio
**FY14 Board of Directors
Donald L. Barry (’88), Wichita, KS,
Gerald T. Aaron (’63), Wichita, KS, Retired, Managing Director - Investments, Wells
Fargo Advisors
Lone Star Steakhouse/Saloon Inc.
Julie-Ellen Acosta (’80, ’84), Vice
President of Phantom Works Prototyping
and Supply & Operations Chain, Boeing
Defense, Space & Security
** Craig W. Barton (’83), Wichita, KS,
Managing General Partner, Olympia
Partners LLC
Carolyn A. Black, Wichita, KS, Co-Owner,
Donlevy Lithograph Inc.
Linda L. Brantner (’74, ’90), Wichita, KS,
Retired President & CEO, Delta Dental of
Kevin G. Brown (’82), Hutchinson, KS,
President, T & E Oil Company
Quincalee Brown (’61), McLean, VA,
Retired President, QB Enterprises
** Timothy W. Buckley (’71), Austin, TX,
Retired Vice President, Polyplastics, Div.
of Buckley Ind. Inc.
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Michael C. Burrus (’77), Wichita, KS,
Executive Director, Catholic Charities
** Curtis D. Gridley (’80), Wichita, KS,
** Kelly E. Callen, Wichita, KS, Co-Owner,
Edmiston Oil Co. Inc.
Carolyn M. Harrison (’80), RN /Consultant Alan G. Lewis (’74), Tulsa, OK, Orthopedic
Surgeon, Eastern Oklahoma Orthopedic
** Deborah G. Haynes (’76), Wichita, KS,
Via Christi Clinic
Cheryl L. Lindeman (’93), Solana Beach,
Brian A. Heinrichs (’96), Wichita, KS,
Chief Financial Officer, Intrust Bank
John R. Lovitt (’68), Pleasanton, CA, CEO,
Shelli A. Herman (’88), Los Angeles,
Pattern Insight
CA, President & CEO, Shelli Herman and
Associates Inc.
Leon H. Lungwitz (’70), Wichita, KS, Coowner, The Print Source Inc.
Sandra Heysinger (’75), Houston, TX,
Retired ExxonMobil
Craig H. Macy (’91), Reno, NV, Holland and
Hart LLP
Allan K. Higdon (’61), Wichita, KS, Retired
Chairman & CEO, Sullivan Higdon & Sink
Tony Madrigal, Wichita, KS, President &
Owner, Madrigal & Associates Inc.
Stephen L. Clark (’65), Wichita, KS,
President, Clark Investment Group
William C. Cohen, Jr., Wichita, KS, CEO,
Insurance Management Assoc. Inc.
Teresa R. Craig (’75), Clearwater, FL, CEO,
Suncoast Solutions
Ruth A. David (’75), Falls Church, VA,
President & CEO, ANSER
Catherine A. DeSocio (’81), Wichita, KS,
Co-Owner, Joma Bowling Company
Thomas R. Devlin, Sr., Wichita, KS,
President & Chairman, Devlin Enterprises
(emeritus member)
** Mildred A. Edwards, (’96, ’99, ’09)
Executive Director, Kansas African
American Affairs Commission (ex officio
Jeri Hinkle, Wichita, KS, Community
Ronald W. Holt (’77), Wichita, KS, Asst.
Sedgwick County Manager, Sedgwick
County Manager’s Office
Clinton J. Everton, Scottsdale, AZ
Marilee K. Hopkins (’78), Chicago, IL, CPA,
MKH Accounting & Dispute Consulting
Brenda Farha, Wichita, KS, Community
James E. Hull (’83), Dallas, TX, Vice
President, Sales, Workplace Solutions
Gary A. Farha (’79), Potomac, MD,
President & CEO, Customer First
Michael A. James (’71), Chicago, IL, U.S.
Chairman, Bio Products Laboratories
Alan J. Fearey (’75), Wichita, KS, Internal
Medicine Physician, Via Christi Clinic
** Steve Feilmeier (’85), Wichita, KS,
Executive Vice President/CFO, KOCH
Industries Inc.
Edward L. Field (’72), Topeka, KS, CPA,
Lindburg & Vogel Chtd.
Joseph A. Johnson, Wichita, KS, Senior
Vice President & Managing Director,
Schaefer Johnson Cox Frey
J. V. Lentell, Wichita, KS, Vice Chairman,
Intrust Bank
** Dale E. Maltbie (’69, ’72), Retired
President & CEO, Professional Engineering
James Mann (’56), Steamboat Spring, CO
Ronald D. Mann (’81), Wichita, KS, Mann
Properties LLC
Howard N. Marcus, Wichita, KS,
Chairman, Marcus Food Company
** Nancy J. Martin (’69), Wichita, KS, COO,
Emergency Services PA
John G. McCune (’59), Wichita, KS, Retired
Jane C. McHugh (’80), Wichita, KS, CPA &
Partner- Retired, BKD LLP
Richard D. Kincaid (’84), Chicago, IL,
Founder, Because Foundation
W. John McGuire (’80), Washington, DC,
Partner, Bingham McCutchen
** Elizabeth H. King, Wichita, KS,
President & CEO, Wichita State University
Foundation (ex officio member)
M. D. Michaelis, Wichita, KS, Chairman of
the Board, Emprise Bank
** William B. Moore (’74), Wichita, KS,
Tom Kirk (’82), Wichita, KS, Senior VP and Retired President & CEO, Westar Energy
Family Wealth Director, Morgan Stanley
Smith Barney
** John R. Morse (’72), Sanibel, FL,
Robert A. Geist (’64), Wichita, KS, Owner True H. Knowles (’60), Dallas, TX, Investor General Counsel & Secretary, LodgeWorks
& Chairman of the Board, RAGE Inc.
(emeritus member)
Ann Konecny (’91), Kansas City, MO, CEO,
Foley Equipment Company
Eric S. Namee (’80), Wichita, KS, Tax &
Sonia R. Greteman (’82), Wichita, KS, CEO
Employee Benefits Attorney, Hinkle Law
and Creative Director, Greteman Group
Jacqueline M. Kouri, Wichita, KS,
Firm LLC
Community Volunteer
Justus H. Fugate (’60, ’62), Wichita, KS,
Chairman of the Board, Kansas Venture
Capital Inc.
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Phillip R. Neff (’64), Wichita, KS, Owner & Linwood B. Sexton (’48), Wichita, KS,
Consultant, PRN Consulting Inc.
Area Sales Manager, Hiland Dairy
Lynn Nichols, Wichita, KS, CEO, Yingling
Aviation Inc.
Christopher S. Shank (’69), Wichita, KS,
Commercial Sales Executive, Willis HRH
Margaret Opara (’92), Wichita, KS,
Vice President of Finance, Transtecs
Kenneth F. Shannon (’79), Wichita, KS,
President & CEO, Metal-Fab Inc.
Robert E. Shields (’68), Atlanta, GA,
Partner, Doffermyre, Shields, Canfield,
Knowles & Devine
J. Robert Young (’61), Glenwood Springs,
CO, Chairman of the Board & CEO, Alpine
Banks of Colorado
T. Michael Young (’67), Houston, TX,
Managing Partner, The CapStreet Group
Fairmount Society
The Fairmount Society is Wichita State
University’s most distinguished support
group. The Lifetime Achievement level
is for those whose total outright giving
Constance L. Simcox (’73, ’81), Wichita,
exceeds $1 million. The Lifetime Distinction
Pamela S. Palmer (’85), Wichita, KS,
KS, Retired
level recognizes donors giving $500,000 to
Physical Therapist, Palmer Physical
$999,999 during their lifetimes. Lifetime
JoAnn C. Skillett (’61, ’65), Bella Vista, AR, membership in the Fairmount Society is
Retired Principal/Professor
extended to those contributing $250,000
Mark V. Parkinson (’80), Washington,
to $499,999 in a lifetime. Annual members
DC, CEO/President, American Health Care Mitchell W. Slape (’89), Northville, MI,
gave a minimum of $20,000 during fiscal
Senior VP, Wal-Mart Great Lakes Division year 2014. Fairmount Society members are
included in the President’s Club. Associate
** Marilyn B. Pauly (’72), Wichita, KS,
Mark G. Torline (’79), Los Angeles, CA,
status is given to corporations, businesses
Vice Chairman, Commerce Bank
Managing Director, Macquarie Funds
and foundations.
** Dan C. Peare (’82, ’85), Wichita, KS,
Fairmount Society Lifetime Achievement
Estate Planning Attorney, Hinkle Law Firm John L. Tush (’88), Parkville, MO, CoAssociates ($1 million +)
owner, CertTech LLC
•  Allegro
** Kenton T. Richards (’86), Baldwin City, Jeffrey L. Turner (’73), Wichita,
•  AT&T
KS, Regional Director, Travelers Insurance KS, Retired President/CEO, Spirit
•  W. Frank Barton Trust
•  Sam & Rie Bloomfield Foundation
Leslie G. Rudd (’81), Oakville, CA, CEO,
•  The Boeing Company
Leslie Rudd Investment Company
Ralph F. Vautravers (’52), Wichita, KS,
•  Bombardier Learjet Inc.
(emeritus member)
Chairman, Rand Graphics Inc.
•  Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of
Charles E. Russell (’56), Wichita, KS,
Marni Vliet Stone (’70, ’77), Wichita, KS,
•  Cessna Aircraft Company
Owner, Marni Vliet Strategy
•  Cessna Foundation Inc.
•  Cisco Systems Inc.
Richard “Dick” Sampson (’73), Denver, CO, Tim J. Watt (’80), Rapid City, SD,
•  Delta Dental of Kansas
CEO, RS Core Capital LLC
Neurological Surgeon, Black Hills
•  Delta Dental of Kansas Foundation
Neurosurgery & Spine
•  William Graham Charitable Trust
Donald D. Sbarra, Wichita, KS, Chairman,
•  IBM Corporation
Sbarra Enterprises (emeritus member)
Bret Weber, Wichita, KS, Vice President
•  Intrust Bank of Wichita
and OEM Evangelist, DataDirect Networks •  Kansas Health Foundation
D. Bruce Schreck (’70), Wichita, KS,
•  John S. & James L. Knight Foundation
Managing Partner, Schreck Financial
•  Koch Industries Inc.
Group LLC
Bob M. White (’71, ’76), Scottsdale, AZ
•  Pepsi Beverages Company
•  Preferred Health Systems
** Barry L. Schwan, Wichita, KS,
Carol E. Wilson (’00), Wichita, KS
•  Spirit AeroSystems Inc.
President, House of Schwan
•  Erach R. Talaty Estate
Allen F. Wise (’64), Bethesda, MD, Retired •  Velma L. Wallace Living Trust
Rosalind Scudder (’64, ’72, ’78), Newton,
CEO/President, Coventry Health Care
•  Flossie E. West Memorial Trust
KS, Retired WSU Professor
•  Wichita Community Foundation
Sheryl L. Wohlford (’82), Wichita, KS,
•  K.T. Wiedemann Foundation Inc.
Shoko K. Sevart, Wichita, KS, Attorney
President & Co-Owner, Automation-Plus
& Partner, Sevart & Sevart - Attorneys at
** Edmund D. Pack, Jr. (’02), Wichita,
KS, Senior Project Manager, Burns &
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Fairmount Society Lifetime
Achievement Members ($1 million +)
Mildred Abercrombie
Mickey Armstrong
Patsy Barton
Joan Beren
Elgeva I. Bomhoff Estate &
H. Russell Bomhoff
Dan & Gayla Carney
Bill & Dorothy Cohen
Tom & Myra Devlin
Barry & Paula Downing
Joan Eck
Bob & Maura Geist
Charles & Liz Koch
Sam & Jacque Kouri
Howard & Rose Marcus
Charley Oswald
Lee Riley*
Jack See
Dan & Kate Taylor
Fairmount Society Life Associates
Airbus Americas
Allen Gibbs & Houlik LC
Capitol Federal Foundation
Commerce Bank
Emprise Bank
Virginia H. Farah Foundation
Frank & Betty Hedrick Foundation
Meritrust Credit Union
Murfin Inc.
Oral Health Kansas Inc.
Via Christi Health
Wesley Medical Center
Wichita Symphony Society
Fairmount Society Lifetime Distinction
Members ($500,000-$999,999)
Jerry & Jan Aaron
George & Virginia Ablah
Craig Barton
Larry Beamer & Debbie Haynes
Hap Bledsoe
Steve & Becky Clark
Jamie & Kimberly Coulter
Curtis Gridley & Tracy Hoover
Dee & Joan Hubbard
Fran & Geri Jabara
Anita Jones
Emylou Keith
William Levine & Diana Kitch
Jim & Lorraine Mann
Ron & Barbara Mann
Shannon Michaud
David & Janet Murfin
Ametek Inc.
Bank of America
Beechcraft Corporation
BG Products Inc.
Bradbury Company Inc.
Benjamin J. & Bettie M. Gibson
Breeding Trust
S.M. & L.H. Brown Charitable Trust
Buckley Industries Inc.
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation
G.P. & W. Inc. dba Center Oil Company
Mitchell & Richards CPA’s
Victor Murdock Foundation
National Plastics Color Inc.
Oatman Family Charitable Fund
Pizza Hut Inc.
Rand Graphics Inc.
Price R. & Flora A. Reid Foundation
Rusty Eck Ford Inc.
SBC Communications Inc.
Standard Beverage Corporation
Sullivan Higdon & Sink Inc.
Textron Charitable Trust
Toyota USA Foundation
Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual
Westar Energy
Wichita Area Association of Realtors
Wichita Eagle
Wichita Scottish Rite Charitable Trust
Did you know?
Fairmount Society Lifetime Distinction
Associates ($500,000-$999,999)
Les & Susie Rudd
Barry & Cindy Schwan
Ralph & Sue Vautravers
Donald Walenta
Klee & Jennifer Watchous
Philanthropist Darlene Anderson, known for her longtime
generosity and support to WSU, passed away. Through the
years, Darlene and Bob Anderson made gifts to 44 different
areas, including the funding for 20 endowed scholarships in a
variety of academic and athletic programs.
Clark Real Estate & Investment Co.
Coleman Company Inc.
Coleman Foundation Inc.
Conco Inc.
Cornejo & Sons Inc.
Cox Communications
Davis-Moore Auto Group
Electromech Technologies
Elmo Lodge of Perfection
Gordon W. Evans Charitable Trust
Fahnestock Plumbing HVAC & Electric
Fidelity Bank
Fidelity Bank Charities
Fleeson Gooing Coulson & Kitch LLC
Goebel Family - Star Lumber
Grant Thornton LLP
Dane G. Hansen Foundation
House of Schwan
Fran Jabara Family Foundation
Walter S. & Evan C. Jones Testamentary
Kansas Scottish Rite Foundation
Fred C. & Mary R. Koch Foundation
LSI Corporation
Midwest Corporate Aviation Inc.
Midwest Plastics Supply Inc.
Fairmount Society Life Members
Buck & Gladys Alley
Bob & Darlene*Anderson
Thornton Anderson
Jean Angle
Bill & Donna Ard
Patty Arst
Marvin & Barbara Autry
Bob & Sharon Bailey
Peter Bakwin
Don & Lora Barry
Mike & Mary Nell Beatty
Shirley & Don Beggs
Allen Boge
Jeanette Bolene
Max Bolene
David Bradbury
Benjamin Breeding*
Jon & Kelly Callen
Frank & Janie Carney
Zenda Carney
Georgia Chandler
Diane Cline
Eleanor Clinton
Sheldon & Kathy Coleman
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Sue Cressler
Mont & Georgia Draper
Dennis & Orpha Duell
Les & Pam Eck
Dee Anne Fahnestock
George* & Brenda Farha
Larry Fleming
Dan Foley
Justus Fugate
Larry & Dana Fugate
Thomas & Kyle Futo
Jody & Stella Galichia
Kathy Galichia
Shirley Garvey
Vee Gordon
Andy & Leah Gore
Dot Hauck
Brian & Joy Heinrichs
Sally Hershberger
Jeri Hinkle
Larree Jackman
Randy & Shirley Johnson
Ruby Kaelson-Pike
True & Elizabeth Knowles
Ronn & Linda Lytle
Jerry & Dale Marcus
Tom & Nancy Martin
John & Dana Mastio
Phil May
John & Barbara McCune
Marie Miles
David & Rynthia Mitchell
Bill & Shelly Moore
John & Kay Morse
Howard & Lana Nordyke
Bill & Mary Lynn Oliver
Barbara Osborne
John & Renee Osborne
Stev Overstreet
Gary* & Karman Parker
Ron & Jenny Paulseen
Ron Perelman
Geney Reed
Dennis & Ann Ross
Ed Sawan
Don & Susana Sbarra
Bob Schutte
Carolyn Skaer
JoAnn Skillett
Dick Smith & Sondra Langel
Grant Stannard
Nadine Stannard
Don & Lynn Stephan
Paul & Pegi Stephenson
Steven & Lisa Sutherland
Jeff & Rhonda Turner
Linda Tyler
Ken & Louise Wagnon
Bob & Patricia White
John White
Fairmount Society Annual Associates
Alefs Harley Davidson
All Angles Auto Body LLC
Allen Gibbs & Houlik LC
Phillip M. Allen RevocableTrust
Darlene R. Anderson Estate
Birds Eye Holdings LLC
Sam & Rie Bloomfield Foundation
The Boeing Company
Bradbury Company Inc.
Benjamin J. & Bettie M. Gibson
Breeding Trust
S.M. & L.H. Brown Charitable Trust
Capitol Federal Foundation
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation
Cessna Aircraft Company
Lena A.Clark Charitable Remainder
Annuity Trust
Coleman Foundation Inc.
E.L. Cord Foundation
Coventry Health Care
Cox Media
Bertha M. Crow Family Trust
Delta Dental of Kansas
The Thomas W. diZerega Agreement of
Docuplex Printing
Tom Feist Trust
John S. Fretz Family Charitable Trust
Furniture On Consignment
The Glass Foundation Inc.
Linda Sue Hamilton Estate
Dane G. Hansen Foundation
Hardy Aviation Insurance
House of Schwan
Lewis H. Humphreys Charitable Trust
Intake Studios
Intrust Bank of Wichita
Kansas Health Foundation
Kansas Scottish Rite Foundation
Koch Companies Public Sector LLC
Koch Industries Inc.
Mel Hambelton Ford Inc.
Meritrust Credit Union
Midwest Plastics Supply Inc.
Mitchell & Richards CPA’s
Mosby Lincoln Foundation
MTS Systems Corporation
Murfin Inc.
National Philanthropic Trust
National Plastics Color Inc.
The Bernard Osher Foundation
Pepsi Beverages Company
Geney Reed Living Trust
Matthew E. Robertson DMD LLC
Ronald S. Saks Charitable Foundation
Scholfield Honda
•  Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
•  Siemens Product Lifecycle
Management Software Inc.
•  Spirit AeroSystems Inc.
•  Karen K. Swarts Trust
•  Erach R. Talaty Estate
•  TB of America Inc.
•  Textron Charitable Trust
•  TGT Petroleum Corporation
•  Robert L. Town Estate
•  Via Christi Health
•  Anna Kathleen Walsh Estate
•  Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual
•  Robert R. Warrender Trust
•  Flossie E. West Memorial Trust
•  Westar Energy Foundation
•  Wichita Community Foundation
•  Wichita Musical Club
•  Helen Aletha Cronemeyer Williams
Living Trust
•  Yale University
Fairmount Society Annual Members
Jerry & Jan Aaron
Dan Alefs & Paula Feist Alefs
Phil & Linda Allen
Thornton Anderson
Bill & Donna Ard
Mildred Armstrong
Steve & Becky Austin
Randy & Cathy Barron
Don & Lora Barry
Tony & Denise Bartel
Craig Barton
Larry Beamer & Debbie Haynes
Mike & Mary Nell Beatty
Doug & Nancy Blackman
David Bradbury
Benjamin Breeding*
Britt & Lynn Brown
Tim & Gail Buckley
Jon & Kelly Callen
Gus & Mary Campuzano
John & Cindy Carnahan
Steve & Becky Clark
Mike & Virgetta Coffey
Bill & Dorothy Cohen
Jerry & Catherine Cohlmia
Jamie & Kimberly Coulter
Tom & Myra Devlin
Denis & Shirley Dieker
Richard & Kim Dinkel
Barry & Paula Downing
Timothy Downs
Jay & Kristen Ewy
Les & Pam Eck
Steve & Regine Feilmeier
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Ed & Katy Field
Richard Fink
Jack Focht & Gloria Farha Flentje
Roy & Robbie Freund
Larry & Dana Fugate
Bob & Maura Geist
Corinne Glaves
Dan & Rhoda Glickman
Curtis Gridley & Tracy Hoover
Randy Hardy & Janet Foster
Merle & Harriet Harris
Michael Heaston
Brian & Joy Heinrichs
Don* & Wanda Henkle
Larry & Treva Hickok
Mark & Patricia Johnson
Anita Jones
Dick & Christina Jordan
Don & Elizabeth King
Chase & Annie Koch
Charles & Liz Koch
Sam & Jacque Kouri
Elliot & Chonci Lekawa
Ed & Marguerite Lincoln
Robert & Margaret Litan
Leon & Karen Lungwitz
Ron & Barbara Mann
Kent Mauk
Tom & Nancy Martin
Phil May
Philip & Cassandra McKee
Brian McNeil & Teresa Fowler-McNeil
David & Rynthia Mitchell
Bill & Shelly Moore
Christopher & Aimee Moeller
David & Terri Moses
Ihssane & Michelle Mounir
David & Janet Murfin
Cheong & Yoke-Leng Ng
Bernie & Alberta Nichols
Lynn & Sherry Nichols
Robert & Ann O’Bleness
Michael & Victoria Pisciotte
Geney Reed
Kenton Richards
Lee Riley*
Scott & Carol Ritchie
Matthew Robertson
Les & Susie Rudd
Taunya Rutenbeck
Roger & Jaki Scholfield
Robert Schrader
Barry & Cindy Schwan
Bill & Jennifer Scofield
Jack See
Tony & Christine Sementelli
Leonard Shockey
Randy & Alice Simon
Darryl & Kathryn Smette
Joyce Smith
Larry & Nicki Soice
Jay & Debbie Storey
Jim & Elizabeth Summers
Steven & Lisa Sutherland
Dan & Kate Taylor
Jeff & Rhonda Turner
John & Gail Wadsworth
Klee & Jennifer Watchous
Tony & Sherl Weatherbee
Mark & Connie Wellemeyer
Dale & Alice Wiggins
Bob Young
Mike Young
Gene & Michelle Zaid
President’s Club
Lifetime membership is extended to
donors contributing $100,000 to $199,999
in a lifetime. Annual members gave
$3,500 to $19,999 during fiscal year 2014.
Associate status is given to corporations,
businesses and foundations.
President’s Club Life Associates
Advanced Orthopaedic Associates
American Honda Foundation
The Annie Foundation, Ann E. Garvey
Associated Integrated Marketing
BGM Sports Marketing LLC
Boge Iron & Metal Co. Inc.
Boyer Educational Trust
Charitable Foundation Inc.
Clear Channel Media & Entertainment
Coleman Employees Community Fund
Consolidated Investment Group
Coonrod & Associates Construction
E.L. Cord Foundation
Coulter Enterprises
Coventry Health Care
Cloud L. Cray Foundation
Delta Gamma Foundatin
Larry DeTienne Creative
The Thomas W diZeregaTrust
Docuplex Printing
Don Hattan Chevrolet
Dondlinger & Sons Construction
Doskocil Family Foundation
Martin K. Eby Construction Company
Electric Power Research Institute
Ernst & Young
Entercom Wichita (103.7)
Foulston Siefkin LLP
Fox & Hound Restaurant Group
Fugate Enterprises
Galichia Medical Group PA
Garvey Inc.
General Distributors Inc.
Arthur W. Gibson Trust
Glickman Oil Company
Gorges & Company
Haddock Computer Center
Professor Fran & Geri Jabara Fund For
Education Inc.
Bud Johnson & Associates Inc.
Kansas Association of Realtors
Kansas Cultural Trust
Kansas Surgery & Recovery Center
Kessler Foundation Inc.
KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation
Lampton Welding Supply Co. Inc.
The Lattner Family Foundation
The Law Company
Law Kingdon Inc.
Lease Finance Partners
Lubbers Chevrolet Inc.
Madrigal & Welch Insurance Company
Martin Pringle Oliver Wallace & Bauer
Media Source Inc.
Medical Society of Sedgwick County
Mel Hambelton Ford Inc.
Metal-Fab Inc.
Mid-Kansas Jewish Federation Inc.
Midwest Grain Products
Lewis & Selma Miller Trust Fund
Misco Charitable Trust
Moeller Dermatology
Morris Laing Evans Brock & Kennedy
MTS Systems Corporation
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Oneok Foundation Inc.
The Bernard Osher Foundation
Page Foundation
Pizza Hut of America Inc.
Presser Foundation
The Print Source Inc.
Printing Inc.
Range Oil Company
Ethel & Raymond Rice Foundation
Ritchie Corporation
Robl Construction Inc.
Rock Island Studios Inc.
Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities
Paul Ross Charitable Foundation
S & S Equipment Co. Inc.
SBC Foundation
Schaefer Johnson Cox Frey Architecture
Scholfield Honda
Security 1st Title
Shep Chevrolet
Sheplers Inc.
Siemens Product Lifecycle
Management Software Inc.
Slawson Companies Inc.
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Soroptimist International of Wichita
Southwest National Bank
Star Lumber & Supply Company
Stephan Advertising Agency Inc.
Steven Motor Group
Tallgrass Country Club
TGT Petroleum Corporation
Robert L. Town Estate
Transtecs Corporation
Trio Machine Inc.
UBS Financial Services Inc.
United Methodist Health Ministry Fund
Anna Kathleen Walsh Estate
Westar Energy Foundation
Wheeler Kelly & Hagny Investment Co.
Wichita Business Journal
Wichita Furniture Inc.
Williams Companies Foundation Inc.
World Trade Council of Wichita Inc.
Yingling Aircraft Inc.
Zenith Drilling Corporation
President’s Club Life Members
David Aguilera
Paul & Rachel Allen
Phil & Linda Allen
Alex Ammar & Pamela Clancy Ammar
Dave & Susie Anderson
Larry & Sally Arbuckle
Joan Armstrong
Shane & Becky Bayless
Robert & Jeannie Becker
Bill & Patty Bennett
Louise Beren
Marian Beren
Fred & Sue Berry
Hank Betzer
Michael & Linda Boyd
Bill Bradshaw
Virgil & Elaine Brady
Stan & Sue Brannan
Ken & Sherrie Brasted
Charlotte Brown
Ronald & Jerry Brown
Charles Brungardt
Janet Buckley
Tim & Gail Buckley
Bob & Martha Buford
W. H. Burch
Mike & Kathy Burrus
Martin & Jennie Bush
Wilson & Roz Cadman
Earl & Karol Callison
Gus & Mary Campuzano
Joe & Diana Carter
Beverly Cash
Bob & Pat Cather
Betty Christian
Kevin & Andrea Clark
Jerry & Catherine Cohlmia
Linda Constable
Elaine Cook
Bruce & Sarah Cooper
Josephine Cornejo
Paul & Mary Jane Curry
Dick & Mary Dameron
Bill Darling
Mike & Sammie Dart
Jack & Marilyn DeBoer
Larry & Linda DeTienne
Denis & Shirley Dieker
Thomas & Jill Docking
Larry Doskocil
Darren & Krystal Dreifort
Martin & Melodee Eby
Phillip Enegren & Linda Weir-Enegren
Did you know?
Westar Energy committed $125,000 to Wichita
State University to help the College of Engineering
expand and update its laboratory for teaching
power systems. | December 2013
Doug & Nancy Blackman
Murray & Diane Blackwelder
Clay Blair
Casey & Abbie Blake
Jerry Blue
Dick Boushka
Joan Boushka
James & Corkey Boyd
Eric Engstrom
Charles Evenson
Leilah Farha
Alan & Sharon Fearey
Steve & Regine Feilmeier
Ed & Katy Field
Richard Fink
Jack Focht & Gloria Farha Flentje
Steven & Peggy Frankamp
Joan Fromm
Larry & Jan Frutiger
Ramona Gambone
Gary Gamm
Ann Garvey
John & Jinny Garvey
Bud & Toni Gates
Aleta Gile
Marc & Sheri Gorges
Vincent & Iveagh Gott
Michael & Jacquelyn Grant
Putnam & Rhoda Haddox
Bradford Hall
Milton & Cathy Hall
Bill & Pam Hamrick
Sam & Vivian Hardage
Gary & Debbie Hardman
Connie Harmon*
Paul & Carolyn Harrison
Wink & Libba Hartman
Gary & Marilyn Hay
Michael Heaston
Don* & Wanda Henkle
Mary Herrin
Al & Judy Higdon
Wayne Hilburn
Patricia Hockett
Dick Honeyman & Bonnie
Bing Honeyman
Beverly Hoover
Charlotte Howard
Robert & Joanne Howard
Jerry Howell & Joan Loehr
Mike & Linda Howell
Orvie Howell*
Lois Hubbard
Bob & Laurie Hughey
Jay Hull
Jo Hurley
Kenneth & Michelle Hush
Barbara Huston
Richard & Sharon Iorio
Anna Belle Johnson
Bud & Pat Johnson
Dave & Billie Johnson
David & Gayle Johnson
Gary Jost & Janet Cusick Jost
Janice Kamen
Bob & Marjorie Kantor
Fritz & Phyllis Kessler
Don & Elizabeth King
Randy King
Pamela Kirtley
Delmar & Mary Klocke
Lawrence* & Linda Knebler
Herb & Kathy Krumsick
Howard & Diane Lachenmayr
Todd & Julie Lair
Marvin & Sheila Lampton
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Bob* & Carolyn Langenwalter
Elliot & Chonci Lekawa
Joe & Sharon Lin
Bob & Joan Long
John & Diane Lovitt
Roger & Irene Lowe
Bill & Debra Lucas
Nolan & Vicki Luke
Leon & Karen Lungwitz
Tony & Miriam Madrigal
Dale & Debbie Maltbie
Shirley Mason
Gerald & Karen McDougall
Jane McHugh
JoAnn McKinley
Brian McNeil & Teresa Fowler-McNeil
Elbie & Phyllis McNeil
Margaret Merrell
Gus Messinger
Mike & Dee Michaelis
Jayne Milburn
Ken & Paula Miller
Nancy Millett
Belden & Anna Mills
Christopher & Aimee Moeller
David & Terri Moses
Betty Mull
Betty Murfin
Elsie Naftzger*
Eric & Tracy Namee
Phil & Sharon Neff
Edward & Sandra Neustadter
Bernie & Alberta Nichols
Lynn & Sherry Nichols
Joe & Barbara Norton
Paul Nye
David & Laverna Nygaard
Robert & Ann O’Bleness
Godwin & Margaret Opara
Ken & Marilyn Pauly
Douglas & Diane Penner
Martin & Donna Perline
Bruce & Connie Peterman
Sherry Phillips
Anthony Pollock
Mike & Susan Pompeo
Will & Kristin Price
Shane & Kianne Prill
Sam & Lindsey Ramey
Jim & Beverly Rhatigan
Denise Richards
Kenton Richards
Barbara Ritchie*
Scott & Carol Ritchie
Diane Roberts
Jim Robinson*
Steven & Vera Robl
Hal & Mary Ross
Pat & Betty Rowley
Phillip & Aleksandra Ruffin
Marie Sampson
Sue Sandberg
Colby Sandlian
Genevieve Sandlian
Joaquin & Margaret Santos
Alvin & Rosa Lee Sarachek
Fred & Toba Schnyder
Larry & Carol Schoenfeld
Rick & Cheryl Schoepf
Roger & Jaki Scholfield
Bruce & Linda Schreck
Bill & Jennifer Scofield
Stan & Rosalind Scudder
Denny & Erlene Senseney
Chris Shank & Anna Anderson
Dottie Shannon
Kent & Marty Shawver
Jack & Pat Shelton
Bob Shields & Deborah Brian
Donald Siedhoff & Ruthanne
Les & Carolyn Sims
Vaughn & Patricia Sink
Don* & Judith Slawson
John & Kathleen Slaymaker
Darryl & Kathryn Smette
Dean & Rebecca Smith
Joyce Smith
Wendell & Jan Smith
Larry & Nicki Soice
Stephen & Ann Starch
Paul & Cynthia Stein
Mike Steven
James & Ann Stevens
Johnny & Margie Stevens
Marni Stevens
Jay & Debbie Storey
Irmgard Street
Jim & Barb Stucky
Leonard & Betty Sullivan
Ronald & Coralyn Summers
Gil Tatman
Kim Taylor
Lee Underhill
David Urie & Patricia Ames-Urie
Paula Varner
Byrne & Rebecca Vickers
Susan Vickers
Richard & Sue Volk
Rocky & Barbara Waitt
Jewell Walcher
Jake Waller
Alan & Roberta Whetzel
Chris White
Dale & Alice Wiggins
Howard Wilkins
Carol Wilson
Floyd Wilson
•  Patsy Wisdom
•  Douglas & Sheryl Wohlford
•  Larry & Kelly Womack
President’s Club Annual Associates
($3,500 - $19,999)
425 Pineda Court LLC
A M Plumbing Inc.
George J. Ablah Revocable Trust
Ad Astra Per Aspera Broadcasting Inc.
Adrian & Pankratz PA
Advanced Orthopaedic Associates
Advanced Pain Medicine Associates PA
Advanced PT LLC
Aidan Foundation of Arizona
AllMetal Recycling
Armstrong Chamberlin
John T. Arnold Associates Inc.
Aspen Traders LTD
Automation-Plus Inc.
Bank of America
BG Products Inc.
BGM Sports Marketing LLC
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Kansas
BMG of Kansas Inc.
Bombardier Learjet Inc.
Boyer Educational Trust
Brand Plumbing Inc.
Buckley Industries Inc.
Capps Manufacturing Inc.
Carnahan Group
Central Steel Inc.
Cero’s Candy Shoppe
CG Post
Charitable Foundation Inc.
Stephen L. Clark Family Partnership LP
Clear Channel Media & Entertainment
Bruce Cochener Foundation
Cocoa Dolce Artisan Chocolates
Commerce Bank
Commerce Brokerage Inc.
Compass Star Montessori LLC
Comtrsys Inc.
Connoisseur Media Wichita
Continental Title Company
Cornejo & Sons Inc.
Cox Communications
Decker Electric
Decorator & Craft Corporation
Delta Dental of Kansas Foundation
Larry DeTienne Creative
Ditch Witch of Kansas
Don Hattan Chevrolet
Dondlinger & Sons Construction
Donlevy Lithograph Inc.
The Donn Revocable Living Trust
Donovan Auto & Truck Center
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Doonan Truck & Equipment Inc.
EarCare Hearing Aid Centers
Eddy’s Toyota of Wichita Inc.
Emprise Bank
Entercom Wichita (103.7)
Envision Inc.
Equity Bank
Gordon W. Evans Charitable Trust
Exacta Aerospace Inc.
Fahnestock Plumbing HVAC & Electric
Virginia H. Farah Foundation
Brenda Farha Living Trust
Tim & Tracy Farrell Foundation
Fiat of Wichita
Fidelity Bank
Foulston Siefkin LLP
Fox & Hound Bar & Grill
Freddy’s Frozen Custard
Friends University
Galaxie Business Equipment Inc.
Gates Enterprises
Gatewood Family Foundation
Genesis Health Clubs
Arthur W. Gibson Trust
Gore Oil Company
Grant Thornton LLP
Great Plains Inspection
Great Plains Ventures Inc.
GT Midwest
The Inn At Tallgrass
Innovative Vein & Medical Spa
Jacob Liquor Exchange LLC
Jajo Inc.
Bud Johnson & Associates Inc.
K B Properties of Kansas LLC
Kansas Association of Community
Kansas Medical Center LLC
Kansas Paving
Kansas Society of CPA’s Educational
Kansas Surgery & Recovery Center
Kice Industries Inc.
Fred C. & Mary R. Koch Foundation
L & J Oil Properties Inc.
Lampton Welding Supply Co. Inc.
Lane Enterprises
Larson & Company PA
The Lattner Family Foundation
Law Kingdon Inc.
Lease Finance Partners
Lewis Street Glass Company Inc.
Lies Exploration LLC
LTC Inc.
Lubbers Chevrolet Inc.
Did you know?
Cargill Meat Solutions Corp. pledged
$120,000 to help establish the Koch Global
Trading Center. | January 2014
Gutschenritter & Johnson LLC
Hall’s Culligan Water
Halstead Bank
Hammel Scale Co. Inc.
Hamrick Investments LLC
Hanna Heating & Air Conditioning
Hawks Inter-State Pestmasters Inc.
Frank & Betty Hedrick Foundation
High Touch Inc.
Hinkle Law Firm LLC
Howard’s Optical Dispensary
Hutton Construction Company
Hyatt Regency-Wichita
IMA Financial Group Inc.
IMA Foundation
M6 Concrete Accessories
Madrigal & Welch Insurance Company
Martens Commercial Group LLC
Martin Pringle Oliver Wallace & Bauer
Maxus Properties
McClelland Sound Inc.
Media Source Inc.
Metro Xpress
Mid America News Network
Mid-States Supply of Kansas
Midwest Corporate Aviation Inc.
Midwest Hearing Aids Inc.
Miracle Signs
MKEC Engineering Consultants
Moeller Dermatology
Morris Laing Evans Brock & Kennedy
Naftzger Fund For Fine Arts
Nelson Inc.
NetApp Inc.
Newberry Family Motors
Newton Medical Center
Northrock Inc.
Original Bread Inc.
Orpheum Performing Arts Centre LTD
Overhead Door Company
Oxford Holdings
Papa John’s Pizza
Peniston Automotive
Peterson Peterson & Goss LC
Prairie Harvest LLC
Pratt Industries
Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America
S.J. Prill Financial & Investment
Planning Inc.
The Print Source Inc.
Printing Inc.
Rand Graphics Inc.
Reddi Industries Inc.
Redrock Canyon
Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.
Restaurant Management Co.
Ridge Road Bowl Inc.
Robl Construction Inc.
Rock Island Studios Inc.
Rodrock & Associates Inc.
Roofing Services Unlimited
Rose Hill Bank
Rotek Services
Rusty Eck Ford Inc.
Ronald D. Ryan Living Trust
S & S Equipment Co. Inc.
S and Y Industries
Sandlian Realty
Schaefer Johnson Cox Frey Architecture
Schammerhorn Inc.
Scholfield Auto Plaza
Scholfield Buick GMC
Scholfield Hyundai
Scholfield Supercenter West
Security 1st Title
Joe Self Chevrolet
Shep Chevrolet
Shocker Capital Investments LLC
Slape & Howard Chartered
Richard D. Smith Revocable Trust
Snodgrass Construction Co. Inc.
South Central Kansas Education Service
Southeast Family Health Care
Speece Thorson Capital Group Inc.
Squid Ink
Standard Beverage Corporation
Star Lumber & Supply Company
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
The Stiefel Theatre
Stone Masons Inc.
String Break
Subaru of Wichita
Sunflower Bank
Sunflower Travel
Taco Shops of Wichita Inc.
Tect Aerospace Inc.
TkFast Inc.
TMH Hotels Inc.
Toni D’s Inc.
Tony’s Drywall Inc.
Transitions Group
UMB Bank
Utility Contractors Inc.
Don Vaughn Inc.
Via Christi Clinic PA
Vincent Oil Corporation
Volunteer Kansas Inc.
Volvo of Wichita
Randal C. & Jeanne M. Ward Trust
Warren Theatres LLC
Waste Connections Inc. TX
Watercrest Communities
J.P. Weigand & Sons Inc.
Wichita Art Museum
Wichita Business Journal
Wichita Eagle
Wichita Furniture Inc.
Wichita Scottish Rite Charitable Trust
Wichita Symphony Society
K.T. Wiedemann Foundation Inc.
Wilco Inc.
Willowbend Golf Club
John H. & Kathy L. Wilson Revocable
I. Wayne Woolsey Revocable Trust
Yingling Aircraft Inc.
Zenith Drilling Corporation
Ziegler Electric Service Inc.
President’s Club Annual Members
($3,500 - $19,999)
George & Virginia Ablah
Carlos & Julie-Ellen Acosta
Bob & Shirley Alley
Alex Ammar & Pamela Clancy Ammar
Bob & Darlene* Anderson
Dave & Susie Anderson
Seth & Julie Anderson
Steven Anderson
Larry & Sally Arbuckle
Mark & Melodee Armfield
Marvin & Barbara Autry
Ted & Marcia Ayres
Steven Bahm & Rita Hynes-Bahm
Bob & Sharon Bailey
Elisa Balleau
John & Deborah Bardo
Clark & Sharon Bastian
Patricia Beamer
Adam & Ellen Beren
Joan Beren
Marijean Berg
Fred & Sue Berry
Daniel & Mary Blasi
Dave & Carolyn Blakemore
Daniel Blick
Allen Boge
Steve & Kris Boleski
Elgeva I. Bomhoff Estate &
H. Russell Bomhoff
Emily Bonavia
Michael & Linda Boyd
Bill Bradshaw
Virgil & Elaine Brady
John & Nancy Brammer
Douglas & Linda Brantner
Kenneth Brasted
Patricia Brasted
Leon & Sandra Breedlove
Marlin Breer & Joan Russell
Jean Brickell
Ricky & Jeanie Brotherton
Charlotte Brown
Ronald & Jerry Brown
Bob & Martha Buford
Edward & Susan Burger
Ellen Burmeister
Mike & Kathy Burrus
Dennis & Debie Bush
Wilson & Roz Cadman
Kevin & Aphrodite Campbell
Richard & Debra Campbell
Ron & Bonnie Capps
Dan & Gayla Carney
Tom Carson & Dana Buckwalter
Ed & Maria Cero
Mehdi & Linda Charmchizadeh
Paul & Sarah Cheatum
Robert & Dawn Chisholm
Charlie & Cindy Claycomb
Diane Cline
Brenton & Michelle Coffman
Steve & Missy Cohlmia
Herbert & Yvonne Coin
Bruce & Sarah Cooper
Terry & Julie Cornett
Bob Crager
Kerry & Merci Crisp
Matthew & Pam Cross
Lloyd & Della Curtis
Dick & Mary Dameron
Joy Darrah
Art Davis & Robin Van Huss
Todd & Margaret Dechant
Gary & Amy Decker
Jeff & Kelley DeGraffenreid
Victor Delano
Dharma & Deema deSilva
Larry & Linda DeTienne
Ron & Christine DeWeese
Mike & Diane Dixon
Thomas & Jill Docking
Cheng & Sabrina Donn
Tony & Cathy Durano
Larry & April Eisenhauer
Brock & Michelle Elliott
Chris & Sandra Elliott
Jean Elliott
Lee & Patti Elrick
Eric Engstrom
Mark & Deborah Eveans
Victor & Junetta Everett
AJ & Diana Farha
George* & Brenda Farha
Timothy & Tracy Farrell
Matt Flesher & Amber Norris
Alan & Sharon Fearey
Everell Francisco
Steven & Peggy Frankamp
Jill Frasco
Joan Fromm
Larry & Jan Frutiger
Justus Fugate
Stephen & Margo Funk
Thomas & Kyle Futo
John & Jinny Garvey
Shirley Garvey
Bud & Toni Gates
Donald Girrens
Bill & Kathy Glasco
Bob & Sherry Goeller
Glen & Celia Goering
Dennis & Jelene Grady
Bryan & Darcie Green
James & Carolyn Grier
Nate & Loni Griffin
Allan & Heather Grohe
Gregory & Phyllis Guinn
Daniel & Angela Gutierrez
Larry & Tina Hacker
Peter & Kimala Hagan
Cecil Hall
Bill & Pam Hamrick
Joseph & Stacy Hand
Carl & Pamala Hanna
Bryan & Cindy Hanning
Devin & Lisa Hansen
Randy Hardy & Janet Foster
James Harris & Patricia Wyatt-Harris
Kelly & Tanja Harrison
Paul & Carolyn Harrison
Dot Hauck
Stephen & Michelle Hayes
Brent Haynes
Ed & Helen Healy
Mark & Debra Heidebrecht
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Shelli Herman
Mary Herrin
Richard & Vicky Hiebsch
Dick Honeyman & Bonnie
Bing Honeyman
Marilee Hopkins
Jeremy Hubbard & Taunia Hottman
Brian Howell
Jerry Howell & Joan Loehr
Bob & Laurie Hughey
Mike & Linda Howell
Jay Hull
Gil Hurley
Jo Hurley
Kenneth & Michelle Hush
Gene & Jo Ann Hutto
Mark & Mary Hutton
Rex & Denise Irwin
Michael Isaacs & Lauri Wedel-Isaacs
Bill Jackson
James & Sue Janson
Robert Jennings
Bud & Pat Johnson
David & Gayle Johnson
Jeff & Corey Johnson
Randy & Shirley Johnson
Joshua Jones
Gary Jost & Janet Cusick Jost
Andrew & Phyllis Kasowski
Jay & Sandra Keener
Kevin & Kelly Kelly
Robert & Tamara Kenagy
Don & Traci Kennedy
Fritz & Phyllis Kessler
Thomas & Katherine Kirk
Pamela Kirtley
Delmar & Mary Klocke
True & Elizabeth Knowles
Ivan & Martha Knudsen
Sammy & Allyn Kouri
John Kready & Betty Troutman
Herb & Kathy Krumsick
Kent & Janet Kruske
Howard & Diane Lachenmayr
Nelson & Bette Ladd
Curtis Lagree
Todd & Julie Lair
Marvin & Sheila Lampton
Robert & Jennifer Lane
Clifton & Vickie Larison
Derry & Kay Larson
Elaine Lee
Lance & Della Lickteig
Michael & Lucy Lies
Edward & Kimberly Lind
David & Carole Lindblade
Jonathon & Phyllis Long
Dennis & Penny Longhofer
John & Diane Lovitt
Roger & Irene Lowe
Bill & Debra Lucas
Ed & April Lucas
Nolan & Vicki Luke
Stuart & Rita Lungwitz
Tony & Miriam Madrigal
Jim Mahoney
Dale & Debbie Maltbie
Don & Phyllis Malzahn
Jim & Lorraine Mann
Howard & Rose Marcus
Jon & Sheryl Markwell
Jerry Martin
John & Dana Mastio
Ron & Linda Matson
David & Patsy May
John McCoy & Kathy Gann-McCoy
John & Barbara McCune
Mark & Carolyn McGinn
Douglas & Elizabeth McGinness
Don & Linda McGinty
Charles & Nancy McGuire
Jane McHugh
Richard & Ashlie McKay
Verlon & Julia McKay
Michael & Stacia McKnight
Larry Meeker
Gregory & Diane Meitner
Mike & Dee Michaelis
Randall & Lynette Miller
Belden & Anna Mills
Robert & Karen Minter
Ferral Mitchell
Brandon Moore
John & Kay Morse
Jany & Yvonne Moussa
J.D. & Kathy Munley
Brenton Myers
Elsie Naftzger*
Eric & Tracy Namee
Dewey & Louise Neal
Roger & Verna Nelson
Byron Nordhus & Marilee Drouhard
David & Laverna Nygaard
Max & Debra Ogden
Bill & Mary Lynn Oliver
Nick & Susan Onofrio
Richard Overby
Stev Overstreet
Edmund & Renee Pack
Martin Park
Mark & Stacy Parkinson
Ken & Marilyn Pauly
Dan Peare
Jack & Rose Pelton
Martin & Donna Perline
Jerry & Cheryl Peterie
J.B. Peters & Deanna O’Rourke
Sherry Phillips
Andrew Pinder & Samantha Marrick
Anthony Pollock
Mike & Susan Pompeo
Kirk Postier
Pam Postier
Joe & Sue Poston
Shane & Kianne Prill
Lucynda Raben
Sid & Madeline Raile
Mark & Celia Ralston
Stuart & Barbara Ray
Suryakumar & Ann Reddy
Peter* & Rebecca Reynolds
Denise Richards
Larry & Linda Richardson
Robert & Becky Richardson
Neil & Shirley Riordan
Louis Robelli
Richard & Kelly Roberts
Steven & Vera Robl
Brian Rohloff
Randy Rosiere
Steven Rospond
Charlie & Gloria Russell
Leland Russell & Mary Liz Jameson
Ronald & Renae Ryan
David & Susan Saidian
Colby Sandlian
Joaquin & Margaret Santos
Alvin & Rosa Lee Sarachek
Reuben Saunders & Jane
Collins Saunders
Rick & Cheryl Schoepf
Bruce & Linda Schreck
Bob Schutte
Bob & Nancy Schwan
Scott & Janet Schwindaman
Steve & Karen Seiler
Joe Self
Kerry & Diane Sell
Kevin & Connie Severe
Eric & Kathy Sexton
Dan & Toni Shadid
Chris Shank & Anna Anderson
Ken & Janet Shannon
Beverly & Gerald Shea
Bob Shields & Deborah Brian
Craig & Rita Shultz
Donald Siedhoff & Ruthanne
Dolores Siggs
William & Connie Simcox
Bill & Cathy Simon
Ronald & Deborah Sinclair
Carolyn Skaer
JoAnn Skillett
John & Kathleen Slaymaker
Dean & Rebecca Smith
Dick Smith & Sondra Langel
Gary Smith
Jay & Debbie Smith
Mark & Brandi Smith
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Wendell & Jan Smith
Grant Stannard
Nadine Stannard
Stephen & Ann Starch
Darrel & Sylvia Steinshouer
Ron & Lee Starkel
Don & Lynn Stephan
Mike Steven
Rodney Steven
Johnny & Margie Stevens
Keith & Georgia Stevens
Richard & Terre Stoneburner
Jacalyn Strong
Jim & Barb Stucky
Leonard & Betty Sullivan
Richard & Nicki Swan
Charlie & Carol Talbott
Sean & Natalie Tarbell
Thompson & Juanita Tate
Arthur & Kimberly Taylor
Kim Taylor
Stephen Taylor
Bradley & Liane Tidemann
John Tush & Cindy Bernauer
Randy & Mary Underwood
Dan & Alissa Unruh
John & Kathleen Van Saun
Paula Varner
Don & Connie Vaughn
Ralph & Sue Vautravers
Marc & Deborah Vincent
Casey Voegeli
Tom & Susan Wagle
Don & Sheila Wagner
Rocky & Barbara Waitt
Randy & Jeanne Ward
Bill Warren
Linus Weimer
Bill & Marlene Wentz
Alan & Roberta Whetzel
Mark & Judy Wilkes
Dick & Carol Will
Dick Williams & Sandra Heysinger
Dudley & Mary Williams
Dick & Annie Wilson
John & Kathy Wilson
Douglas & Sheryl Wohlford
Wayne & Kay Woolsey
Doug Wright
Chuck* & Mary Wurth
Doug Wurth
Gary Young
Don & Kay Ziegler
Harvest Club
The Harvest Club comprises donors giving
$1,000 to $3,499 to the university in fiscal
year 2014. Associate status is given to
corporations, businesses and foundations.
Harvest Club Associates ($1,000 $3,499)
401 LLC
AAA Restaurant Supply
ABC Rent-To-Own
Dolores H. Abels Revocable Trust
Absolute Electric Inc.
Accent Lighting Inc.
Advanced Wound Care & Plastic
Surgery Center LLC
Advantage Communications
Advantage Home Inspections LLC
Aero Metal Forms Inc.
Aero-Mach Labs Inc.
Aesthetic Aim LLC
Air Capital Insurance LLC
Air Capitol Dial
Air Capitol Media Group LLC
Airbus North America Engineering Inc.
Benchmark Real Estate Group LLC
Black Hills Utility Holdings
Boeing Employees Good Neighbor Fund
Bonefish Grill
Builders Inc.
Building Owners and Managers
Association of Wichita Inc.
Burgess Manufacturing of Oklahoma
The Butler Group
C & S Appraisals
Carrier Weather
Central Power Systems & Services Inc.
Charity Fundraising Packages
Chautauqua Hills Festivals
Chester’s Chophouse & Wine Bar
Cholitas Mexican Restaurant Inc.
Choose Networks
Christopher Clark Photography
Clear Channel Outdoor
Clinton Enterprises LLC
Cloverdale Farms
Cochran Mortuary
Did you know?
Allegro Development, a Dallas-based enterprise that
helps companies trade and track commodities, donated a
software package valued at $2.3 million to Wichita State
University’s new Koch Global Trading Center. | April 2014
•  American Honda Motor Co. Inc.
•  American Society of HRAC EngineersWichita Chapter
•  Anderson Investment Company
•  The Annie Foundation, Ann E. Garvey
•  Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar
•  Artworks of Wichita
•  Asset Enrichment Corp.
•  Associated Imaging Services
•  Atlantic Services
•  Auto Craft Body & Paint Shop
•  B & B Lumber Company Inc.
•  Bank Of The West
•  Bank SNB
•  Barn’rds Roast Beef Restaurant
•  Bartlett Arboretum
•  Barton Solvents Inc.
•  Baxter & Associates
•  Beaver Productions
•  Beehive Salon
Mildred Jeannette Coldiron Trust
Coleman Company Inc.
College Hill United Methodist Church
Colonial Dames In Kansas
Community Bank of Wichita
Consolidated Holdings Inc.
Construction Services Bryant Inc.
Randy Cooper’s Fine Jewelry
Corporate Safety Compliance Inc.
Cotillion Ballroom
Cox Business
Cox Machine Inc.
Credit Union of America
Creek Electric
CRG Laboratories
Criser Gough & Parrish LLC
Dan’s Heating & Cooling
Darling International Inc.
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Davis-Moore Auto Group
Alan L. Degood Trust
The Derm Building LLC
Devlin Management Inc.
Devore Foundation Inc.
Digital Office Systems
Dixon Energy Inc.
Dock 410
Dondlinger Foundation Inc.
Double Tree by Hilton
C.H. Draw Co. Inc.
Driscoll/Babcock Galleries
DT’s Outlet Stores LLC
Dugan & Dugan Attorneys at Law
DUI Victim Center of Kansas Inc.
Dunning & Dunning LLC
Eidem Painting LLC
Elrick & Associates
Epic Sports
Epsilon Tau Chapter Beta Alpha Psi
Espresso To Go Go LLC
Richard & Mary Lou Etherington Family
Evergreen Group LLC
Farha HomeTrends LLC
Farm Bureau Insurance
Gary Farney & Associates
Fastest Inc.
Fidelity Bank Charities
Fleeson Gooing Coulson & Kitch LLC
Flint Hills National Golf Club
Foley Industries Inc.
Fox & Hound Restaurant Group
Friends University Garvey Institute
Friesen LLC
Fund Evaluation Group LLC
General Distributors Inc.
General Federation of Womens Clubs
of Kansas
Gentility Dentistry
Get Reel Productions
GLMV Architecture
Globe Engineering Company
Go Wichita
Golden Fields LLC
Greater Wichita Area Sports
Grene Vision Group
The Hand Center
Harlow Aerostructures LLC
Harry’s Uptown Bar & Grill
Steven A. Hatchett Trust
Heads Shoes
Health & Wellness Coalition
Heartland Auto-Chlor Systems LLC
Heartland Coin Gallery
Heartland Friends Meeting
Heartland Pathology PA
Heiland Enterprises Inc.
Earl Herren Insurance Inc.
Hesston College
Hillside Nursery
P.B. Hoidale Company
Holiday Inn Select
Holliday Enterprises Inc.
Horizon Milling LLC
Hospice Incorporated
Houck Transit Advertising
HR Development LLC dba Hog Wild Pit
Bar B-Q
Huber Inc.
Hutchinson’s Historic Fox Theatre
I-Con Solutions Inc.
Illuminating Engineering Society
Wichita Section
Image Resources Inc.
In the Bag Inc.
J.J.C.T.M. Foundation
Professor Fran & Geri Jabara Fund For
Education Inc.
Jabara’s Carpet Outlet Inc.
Jack’s Enterprises
Jay Kay Quarter Horses
JCDShocker LLC
James Jost Revocable Family Trust
Journal Broadcast Group
Kansas Academy of Science
Kansas Center for Entrepreneurship Inc.
Kansas Gas Service
Kansas Golf & Turf
Kansas Roofing & Remodeling
Kansas Society of CPA’s Wichita
King Bancshares Inc.
Kirkpatrick Sprecker & Co. LLP
Arnold E. & Arlene R. Klaassen Living
Joseph B. Klebanoff Estate
Klein Construction
L & M Pools & Spas Inc.
Lakepoint Augusta LLC
Ellen Lanyon Estate
Lario Oil & Gas Company
Larksfield Place
Alan A. Lazarus Revocable Living Trust
Leeker’s Family Foods - Park City
Leeker’s Family Foods - Valley Center
Leewood Homes Inc.
Helen Leifert Charitable & Educational
Lies Investments LP
Lincon Heights Village
Lindburg Vogel Pierce Faris Chartered
Litco Inc.
Living Sound LLC
Lusco Brick & Stone Co.
Lyttons Appliance Showroom
Mahaney Roofing Company
Mantiques Inc.
Marchello’s Restaurant
Joyce Marie Markley Living Trust
The Martens Companies
Martin Interconnect Services Inc.
Maximum Outdoor Equipment &
Service Inc.
Donald R. Mayer DDS
McCormick-Armstrong Company
McGinty Machine Co.
Midwest Single Source Inc.
Mike Seltzer Jewelry
Milestone Construction Inc.
Missouri Valley Conference
MLK Enterprises Inc.
Mobile Home Living Inc.
Mobilecomm Inc.
The Monarch
MSI Services
MV Purchasing
Bob Neace Graphic Design
Newman University - Milton Center
Newton Et Cetera Shop Inc.
Newton Fox Performing Arts Center
Nickel Sales & Marketing Inc.
Noodles & Co.
Northstar Comfort Services Inc.
O2 Corporation
O’Connor Company Inc.
O’Hara & O’Hara Law Offices
Old Chicago
Old Town Lodging LLC
Oneok Energy Marketing
Orthopedic & Sports Medicine At
Cypress LLC
Page-Out LLC
Pain Management Associates LC
Parklane Pharmacy PA
Patterson Dental Supply Co.
Patterson Legal Group
PF Changs China Bistro
Physicians & Surgeons Exchange Inc.
Piping & Equipment Co. Inc.
Pirtle Investments LLC
Pixel Time
Betty V. Poppe Estate
Porter Paints
Powers Premier Painting Inc.
PPG Industries Inc.
Prairie Pines Christmas Tree Farm
Premier Food Service Inc.
Presser Foundation
Professional Engineering Consultants
Professional Image Center
Profit Builders Inc.
Pro-Kem Supplies Inc.
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Promo Depot Inc.
Protection 1
Benjamin Quapaw Foundation
R.A. Ruud & Son Inc.
Ramrac Inc.
Razoo Foundation
RDK Machine
Regier Carr & Monroe LLP
Relph Construction
Retail Data Systems of Kansas
Retail Sports Marketing Inc.
Return To Motion Medical Inc.
Reusser & Reusser LLC
Rew Materials
Riada Trading Co. Inc.
Linda R. Richardson Trust
Larry J. Richardson Trust
Rickard Foundation Inc.
Riverside Health Foundation
Ron Baker Photography
Rose Hill General & Cosmetic Dentistry
Joseph T. Ryerson & Son Inc.
S&P Sales
Dick Sanders Insurance Agency
SBA Construction
Schmidt’s Welding Supply
Brad L. Schreck Agency
Security National REO
Steve Seiler Construction
Shamrock Lounge
Ken & Jan Shannon Family Foundation
Dwayne & Dottie Shannon Family
Shultz Law Office PA
Signs of Business Inc.
Skaer Veterinary Clinic PA
Jack Skelton & Joanne Skelton
Revocable Living Trust
Smith Orthodontics
Snow White Carpet Cleaning
Southern Kansas Telephone Co.
Southwest Paper Company
Spangenberg Phillips Tice Architecture
Speth & King
Spice Merchant
SPLURGE! Magazine
Spray Equipment & Service Center Inc.
St George Orthodox Christian Cathedral
Starkey Hearing Technologies Inc.
Steffens Development Company
Stelbar Oil Corporation
Stevens Enterprises Inc.
Stinson Leonard Street LLP
Stone Family Foundation
Stremel Real Estate
Francis L. & Gloria J. Strong Revocable
Living Trust
Syndeo Outsourcing LLC
Talonvest Capital Inc.
Terratech Energy Service LLC
Tetra Management Inc.
Theater League
Timber Creek Paper Inc.
TimesSquare Capital Management
Tomlinson Daniel LLC
Torotel Products
Total Printing Solutions Inc.
Trans Pacific Oil Corporation
Transtecs Corporation
Trees Oil Company
Trinity Sales & Rental LLC
Trio Machine Inc.
Triple B Properties LLC
Twentieth Century Club
University Congregational Church
V.J. Engineering & Technical Services
Vess Oil Corporation
Viega Plumbing & Heating Systems
Village Inn Pancake House
Volvo Construction Equipment Rents
Walker Construction
Wal-Mart Foundation
Washburn Realty LLC
Waste Connections Inc. KS
Watermark Books & Cafe
Welch’s Heating Air Conditioning &
Wells Fargo & Co
Wesley Medical Center
Westar Energy
Western Imaging
Wichita Area Association of Realtors
Wichita Brewing Company LLC
Wichita Chapter CPCU
Wichita Ear Clinic PA
Wichita Educational Foundation
Wichita Gem/Mineral Society
Wichita Grand Opera
Wichita Independent Business
Wichita Marriott Hotel
Wichita Medical Research & Education
Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce
Wichita Ob-Gyn Associates PA
Wichita Public Library
Wichita Public Library Foundation
Wichita Technical Institute
Wickham Industries
Wil-Ken Enterprises Inc.
Workforce Alliance of South Central
YPO - Kansas Chapter
Ziggy’s Pizza LLC
Harvest Club Members ($1,000 - $3,499)
Dolores Abels
Craig & Stacey Ablah
Donald & Faith Ablah
Brett Adair
Bob & Donna Adame
David Adams*
David & Mary Adams
Chris & Susan Addington
David Aguilera
Donald Albers
Ted & Jo Ann Albright
Donald & Lu Ann Allen
Paul & Rachel Allen
Steven & Anne Allen
Timothy & Cheryl Allen
Richard & Rogena Allison
Buck & Gladys Alley
Don & Delores Ambrose
Brian & Jenny Anderson
Keith Anderson
Kirk & Christy Anderson
Murray & Meredith Anderson
Seth & Julie Anderson
Spike & Kristin Anderson
Steven & Angela Ansel
David & Shelley Armagost
Randal & Elizabeth Atkeisson
Rick Atteberry
Tony & Karen Atterbury
Jason & Jennifer Ault
Gary & Shirley Austerman
Ron & Kathy Avey
Boyd & Cheryl Ayer
Brady & Kristy Ayer
Cody Ayres & Jenny Larez-Ayres
Bob & Jennifer Babst
Robert & Julie Bachman
Charles & Sue Bair
Janet Baird
Wilbur & Billie Baird
Charles Baker
John & Martha Baker
Kasey Baker
Ricky & Sarah Baker
Sheryl Baker
Ron & Cindy Baldwin
Jim Barcus
Jimmie Bardwell
John & Nancy Barton
Joe & Janis Basham
Donald & Karen Baxter
Martin & Ann Bauer
C.L. & Edna Bayes
Shane & Becky Bayless
Michael Bayouth
Kathy Beattie
William & Mary Beck
Roy & Patricia Beckemeyer
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Wayne & Jan Becker
Kevin Belknap
Casey Benjamin
Ann Bennett-Graham
Brenda Benning
Tim Benning
Stephen & Christine Benson
Louise Beren
Edward & Sherry Berger
Thomas & Mary Berry
Tom & Gaytha Berry
Norman Bessac
Bob & Hildred Beverage
Melvin & Lynne Bird
Gayle Bishop
Ron & Linda Black
Steven & Kathryn Black
Augie & Marilyn Blanchat
Bob & June Blanton
Phil & Gina Blanton
Jack & Brenda Blazer
Donald & Margaret Blecha
Tillie Hall with one of her young
students at Linwood Elementary
School, where she worked last school
year as part of WSU’s cooperative
education program.
John & Jennifer Blickenstaff
Jeff & Susan Bloomer
Alan & Kathryn Blough
Brian & Lorette Blumberg
Darron Boatright
Craig & Marilyn Boehning
Earline Bogart
Stephen Bohan
Don & Dianne Bolain
Roger & Paula Bolton
Roger & Victoria Bond
Fred Bonner
Jerre Bontrager
Jim & Sue Boots
Tom & Christine Borrego
Russell & Mary Borst
Rochelle Boster
Ken Bott
Gregory & Jill Boulanger
Guy & Beth Bower
Brenda Bowers
Greg & Kelly Boxberger
Patrick Boyarski
Mary Boyce
Jack Bradley
Ronda Brammer
Susayn Brandes
Bill & Susie Braun
Ken & Tammy Breeden
Perry & Maggie Bridges
Tom & Kathryn Bridges
Butch & Susie Bright
Deborah Brinegar
Louise Brinegar
Jeff & Marla Brockmeyer
Fredrick & Jeanne Brooks
Scott & Vicki Brooks
Phyllis Brothers
Russ & Roxie Brotsky
Douglas & Lisa Brown
John & Sue Brown
Kevin & Marina Brown
Richard Brown
Ronald & Patty Brown
Steven Brown & Mary Addis-Brown
Susan Brown
Wayne & Clarice Brown
Chris Brunner & Sonia Greteman
Preston & Amber Brunswig
David & Marty Bryan
Neill & Catherine Bryan
Bud & Regina Bryant
Stephen Bryant
Bill & Lynn Buchanan
Mert & Connie Buckley
Bruce & Meribeth Buhr
Charles & Jeanne Burdsal
Ray & Mary Burford
Dave & Lynette Burger
Bill & Phyliss Burns
Bret & Sheryl Burton
Mike Burton & Kelly Rundell
Richard & Mary Burton
Bill & Pat Butterworth
Kent Butz
Jason & Lisa Byrne
Vicki Cady
Noela Callan
Bruce & Martha Campbell
John Campbell & Betty Smith-Campbell
William & Kathy Campbell
Matthew Capria
Rigby & Mary Carey
Richard & Cynthia Carl
Frank & Janie Carney
Riley Carter
Michael Casamento
Tracy & Renee Cassil
Matthew Cecil & Jennifer Tiernan
Mark Chamberlin & Barbara
Yarnell Chamberlin
Glen & Carolyn Chambers
David Champley & Sharon Buck
Anna Chan
Kendall & Jo Chance
Charlie & Marla Chandler
Georgia Chandler
Jeff & Cyndi Chapman
Heath Chatfield
John & Deanna Chenoweth
Greg Chestnut
Katie Childs
Rick & Lindy Childs
Delwyn Chinn & Karen Lew-Chinn
Harry & Anna Christiansen
Rodney Claassen
Glenn Clark
Larry & Terri Clark
Steve & Linda Clary
Cheyla Clawson
Dean & Paula Claycamp
Cari Clayton
Brad & Karen Clothier
Marvin & Patricia Clynch
Scott & Debbie Coan
Barbara Coats
James & Beth Cocca
Michele Cocking
Peter & Bonnie Cohen
Jeannette Coldiron
Bruce & Patricia Cole
Janet Coleman
Constance Condray
Bill & Candi Congdon
Harold & Lynda Connell
Judy Conners
Gary & Nancy Conover
Matthew & Kristin Conrad
Kevin & Angelia Coombes
Janis Cooper
Joshua Cooper
Randy Cooper
Richard & Mary Cooper
Carolyn Copple
Tyler & Julie Cott
Elizabeth Cowman
Christopher Cox
David & Jill Cox
Doc Cox
Steven & Janis Cox
William Cox
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Donna Cox-Leonard
David & Angela Coyle
David & Terry Craddock
Timothy Craft
Art & Teresa Craig
George Crandall & Nancy
Moore Crandall
Chelli Cranmer
Douglas Cranmer
Sue Cressler
Donald & Angela Crigler
Dave & Suze Crockett
Daryl & Janice Crotts
Mitch & Mary Crouch
Jim Crowe
Patrick & Rosemary Crowley
Dick & Laura Cummings
Larry & Sherry Cunningham
Dave & Tonya Dahl
Stanley Dains & Ruth David
Bill Darling
David Darling
Bradley & Erin Dart
Mike & Sammie Dart
Joan Davis
Paul & Sheryl Davis
Steve Davis
Terry & Sheila Davis
Tim & Jana Davis
Todd & Tamie Davis
Tom & Kathy Davis
Doug & Sandra Day
Alan & Dianne De Good
Kenneth & Vona Dean
Harold Deets*
Jay & Susan Delling
Jed & Paula Delmore
Dennis & Denise Denning
Chris & Holly Dennis
Diane Dennis
Jim & Mary Ann Deskins
Frank & Catherine DeSocio
Bill & Alta DeVore
Brent & Cathleen Dewey
Nathaniel Diedrich
John & Sue Dieker
Scott Dimick
Kenny & Mary Dingwall
Kary & Gina Dixon
Lance & Patricia Dixon
Richard & Alice Dixon
Lyle & Barbara Dockter
Bob & Elizabeth Dole
David & Ginger Dolinar
Ryan & Joan Doll
Martin & Terri Dondlinger
Melissa Donham
Bob & Roseann Dool
Kris & Tom Dorsett
Thomas Dower
Jerry & Pat Doyle
William & Betty Drees
Kevin & Tracey Dreiling
Curtis & Joann Drevets
Ken Duarte
Darrel & Joyce Dugan
Patsy Duncan
Ralph & Chariss Duncan
Dale & Karen Dunn
Charles & Sara Dunne
Robert & Judy Dyer
James & Tracy Eberhardt
Ted & Jan Eberle
Martin & Melodee Eby
Chris & Julie Eddy
Thomas & Ginger Eddy
Reed & Brenda Edgington
Rebecca Ediger
John & Pamelia Edwards
Mildred Edwards
Charles Efflandt
Dave & Mimi Egan
Brian & Leslie Eidem
Hugh & Francie Ekengren
David & Deborah Elkouri
Randall & Margaret Ellenz
Dennis & Claudia Ellerman
Ronald Ellington
Craig & Deborah Elliott
Mark Elliott
Chris & Penny Ellis
Randolph & Cathy Ellsworth
Joel & Kelly Elsea
Melvah Emerson
Joe & Rickilene Emery
Gerald & Sharon Emrich
Becky Endicott
Mike & Mary Engelbrecht
Anthony & Janetta Engels
Steve English
Lewis Enns
Randolph & Cynthia Eno
Gregory & Dawn Epp
Fred & Debbie Erdman
Darrel & Shirley Erwin
Nathan Esau
Richard & Mary Etherington
Clint & Jessica Everton
Dee Anne Fahnestock
Dave & Jean Fahrbach
Allen Fang & Audrey Liao
Charles & Shirley Farber
Clay Farha
Gary & Susan Farha
Geremy & Kristen Farha
Norman & Caroline Farha
Assem Farhat
James & Sara Farley
Gary & Sarabeth Farney
Tim & Pamela Farnham
David Farris
Roger* & Nancy Farrow
Danielle Fells
Laura & Stephen Fent
John & Kathy Felter
JoAnne Finn
Robert & Kay Finn
Darren & Allyson Fitzsimons
Robert & Barbara Fleeman
Ruben Florez
James Flory
Steven Fogarty
Robin & Karen Foley
John & Maribel Ford
Randy & Jill Ford
Thomas & Kathleen Fornshell
Chuck Forsythe
William & Norma Foshee
John & Debi Fosse
Mary Sue Foster
Larry & Anna Fralick
David & Cindy Franson
Knute & Judy Fraser
Philip & Carolyn Frazier
Aaron & Larissa Freeman
Carl Freeman
David Freerks & Misti Gladman-Freerks
Alana Friedman
Douglas Friesen
Harry & Kathryn Frieze
Matthew & Rhonda Fullerton
Aly & Deann Gadalla
Lawrence Galvan
Gary Gamm
Bobby & Trish Gandu
Bill & Andrea Gardner
Ann Garvey
Duane Gates
Steve & Tammie Gates
Philip & Jean Gaunt
Philip & Janet Gee
Bob & Bernie Gelman
Mark & Karen Gelvin
Richard & Jane George
Marilyn Gerber
Gary & Jan Geringer
Bob & Shirley Gfeller
Aleta Gile
Dennis & Lana Gillen
James & Ruth Gillespie
Jim & Mary Gillett
Jean Girrens
Betty Gissendanner
John & Mary Gist
Don & Nancy Glenn
Guy & Carol Glidden
Dave & Terry Glover
James & Marcia Goentzel
Sam & Charlotte Goode
Ian Goodman
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Hew & Judy Goodpasture
Conrad & Janetta Graber
Dorwin & Wynona Graham
Gerald & Carol Graham
Jack & Mary Graham
Michael & Jacquelyn Grant
Richard Graves
Chad Green
Cynthia Green
Jennifer Green
Shelby & Shawna Green
Mark Greenlee
Norma Greever
James & Melissa Gregory
Alan & Penny Greiner
Walter & Linda Grether
Jeff & Mary Griffitts
Stephen & Terrie Grillot
Dawson & Patty Grimsley
Donald Guidas
Charles & Mary Ann Gunnerson
Bob & Maribeth Gutschenritter
Larry & Melia Gutzmer
Stanley & Judith Guyer
Patrick Habkirk
John & Karen Hageman
William & Judi Haggar
Douglas & Kimberly Hague
Kim & Renee Hahn
Milton & Cathy Hall
Monte & Marilyn Hall
Norman & Helen Halstead
Michael Hamel
Mike & Pam Hamilton
Robert & S. Jorene Hampel
Shane Handler
William Hanna
Judith Hansan
Brian & Louann Hansen
Floyd & Marilyn Hansen
Patrick & Malon Harbert
Gary & Debbie Hardman
Dorothy Harmon
Robert Harmon & Laura Fulton-Harmon
Michael & Paula Harms
Ron & Pam Harnden
Johnny & Marilyn Hartley
Scott & Gwen Hartley
Frederick Hartman
John* & Norma Hartman
Rick & Kimberly Hartwell
Ronald & Marnette Hatchett
Steve & Janet Hatchett
Larry & Judy Hatteberg
David & Judy Hawkins
Gary & Marilyn Hay
William & Marlene Hayes
Kenneth Hays
Christopher & Susan Hearn
Marlie & Ruth Heckart
James & Pamela Hedden
Mike & Audrey Heiland
Lou & Terry Heldman
Dee Heller
Rick & Barbara Hemphill
Mael & Elisa Hernandez
Earl & Dixie Herren
James & Shannon Herrman
Philip Hersch & Kathy Downes
Brian Hershberger
Kenneth & Carol Hertel
Jason & Lindsey Hess
Jack & Marjorie Hetherington
Jay & Phyllis Hickerson
Patricia Higbee
Al & Judy Higdon
Donald & Jan Higgins
Trish Higgins
Craig & Joan Highfill
Bob & Judy Hill
Carl & Randi Hill
Edward Hill
Gary & Victoria Hill
Jim Hill
Marian Hill
Allen & Jo Hillen
Bryan & Stephanie Hills
Robert & Rosalie Hinckley
Jeri Hinkle
Clinton & Nancy Hinman
Michael Hitz
Brian & Heather Hogan
John Hoheisel
Jerry & Linda Hohler
Jonathan Holder & Jennifer
Robert & Ruth Holliday
John Hollingsworth
Carolyn Holmes
Kenneth & Bonnie Holmes
Ron & Karen Holt
Gretchen & James Homan
Ann Homburger
Robert & Ronda Hoover
Julia Hoppes
Wesley Hostetler
Lisa Hotvedt
Steven & Susan Houlik
Daniel & Martha Housholder
Charlotte Howard
John & Keiko Howard
Douglas & Barbara Howarter
Don & Lynne Howe
Stephen & DeAun Hoy
Bradley & Karen Hubbard
Lois Hubbard
Mark & Susan Hubbard
John & Sally Hudnall
Donald & Sandra Hull
Jeffrey & Helen Hund
John & Ann Hunter
Patrick & Martha Huntoon
John & Sherilyn Hurst
Aaron & Becky Huslig
Merlin & Susan Hussey
Tom & Roz Hutchinson
Tien Huynh
Thomas & Joyce Hyde
Beth Hyder
Donald & Pat Hysko
Mark & Monica Ingalls
Fran & Geri Jabara
Bob & Pat Jackson
Bonnie Jackson
Brian & Kathy Jackson
Louis & Phyllis Jacobs
Peter & Nancy Jacobs
Steven Jacobs
Alfred James
Mike & Mary James
Richard & Rachel James
Peter Janssen
Howard Janzen
Rosalio & Karleen Jauregui
Farris & Karen Jibril
Dick & Marlys Johnson
Frank & Lorna Johnson
James & Karin Johnson
Joe Johnson
Kenneth & Sharon Johnson
Steven & Janis Johnson
Terry & Lana Johnson
Tom & Terry Johnson
Bill & Teresa Johnston
Jerome & Veronica Johnston
Garon & Ardith Jones
James Jost
Roger & Kristen Joyal
Steve & Janet Joyce
Jerry & DeDe Juhnke
Melvin & Joan Kahn
Janice Kamen
Marc & Mary Kaplan
Bill & Jennifer Kassebaum
John Keating
Bill & Deborah Keckler
Ron & Carol Keller
Robert & Cindy Kelley
Shirley Kellogg
Kevin & Kelly Kelly
Laura Kemnitz
William Kendrick
Thomas Kennalley
Craig & Kay Kennedy
Jeff Kennedy & Patricia Gorham
Mike & Debbie Kennedy
Kathleen Kennedy
Glenn Kerbs
Aslam & Rubina Khan
Duane & Adeline Kihle
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Craig Barton, third from right, with past recipients of the Clay Barton Scholarship,
a $44,000 award given to some of Kansas' brightest high school graduates.
William & Sondra Kihle
Dan & Dianne Kilby
Craig & Lori Kilian
Donald & Marilyn Killian
Trey & Cindy Kimball
Lance Kincheloe
John & Victoria Kindel
Andrew & Jillian King
Dick & Nancy King
Jeff King
Richard King
Edward & Beth Kingsley
Thomas & Katherine Kirk
Doug Kirkland
Darren & Missy Kirkpatrick
Merril & Trudy Kirkpatrick
Mae Kirner
John & Sharon Kiser
Joe Kisner & Heather Hodson-Kisner
Robert Kittle
Arnie & Arlene Klaassen
Donald Klausmeyer
Arnie Klein
Margaret Kline
Rick & Diane Klingman
Roger & Jane Klocke
Steve Kloempken
Nancy Knapp
Scott & Stephanie Knebel
Thomas & Grace Kneil
Philip & Laura Knight
Philip & Chris Knighton
Ric & Darlene Knorr
Crystal Knott
Gary & Donna Koehn
Jack & Ginger Koelling
Kendall & Nancy Koftan
Clinton & Julie Koker
Patricia Konecny
Ron & Pearl Kopita
M.L. & Christine Korphage
Brett Kreutzer & Deena
Flanigan Kreutzer
Larry & Kathy Krier
Jim Kroening
Arnie & Marilyn Kroupa
Harold & Susan Kruger
J. & Christine Kubik
Art & Alice Kuehn
Larry & Marilyn Kuhlman
Sandor Kvassay
Carlos & Laurie Labarca
Kelly Laflin & Brenda Gile-Laflin
David & Lynn Laham
Mike & Susan Lamb
Vim Lambert
Shawn & Shawna Lancelot
Bruce & Debra Lang
Verlyn & Denise Lang
Tyson & Jamie Langhofer
Jeff Langley
Gary & Julie Langton
Mike & Karen Lanning
Bob & Carolyn Lappin
Grant & Delores Larkin
Marvis Lary
Thomas & Carla Lasater
Danny & Connie Latta
Don Layton
Alan Lazarus
Dave Leach
Lawrence & Shelley Lee
John & Dorothy Leeker
Greg & Gwen Leivian
Randy & Jessica Lempke
J.V. & Karen Lentell
Thomas & Melinda Lentz
Drew & Doris Leslie
CJ & Kim Lett
Richard & Joan Leu
Richard & Cheryl Lewis
Tom & Laurie Lewis
Mary Ann Lickteig
Layne & Terrie Liebst
Michael & Lucy Lies
Curt & Cheryl Lindeman
•  Kevin Lindsey & Barbara
•  Matthew & Julia List
•  Cleo Littleton
•  Kathleen Litton
•  Bill & Sandie Livingston
•  John & Tammie Lohnes
•  Thomas & Lori Lohrenz
•  Paul & Rebecca Longsworth
•  Doug & Michelle Louis
•  Michael Louthan
•  Lora Lovelace
•  Dennis Lubbers
•  George & Eleanor Lucas
•  Geoff Luerding & Linda Bowser
•  Errol & Suzanne Luginbill
•  William & Nancy Lusk
•  Lisa Lutz
•  Dorothy Lyles
•  Gene* & Marilyn Lytle
•  Paul & Virginia Lytle
•  Barbara Maas
•  Jim Maddox
•  Jim Magner & Barbara Thompson
•  Brandon & Kathryn Mahoney
•  Bradford Majher
•  Christopher & Michelle Majors
•  Randall & Kathy Malcom
•  Doug & Gayle Malone
•  Jay & Terry Mann
•  Anita Manns
•  Dennis & Jill Manson
•  Jerry & Dale Marcus
•  Joyce Markley
•  Kent & Sara Marnane
•  Albert & Jennine Marrone
•  Gregg & Lynn Marshall
•  Michael Marstall
•  Kim & Glenda Martens
•  Gary & Diane Martin
•  Kenneth & Betty Martin
•  Debbie Martindale
•  Warren Martz & Marilyn Gray
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Bill & Judy Mason
George Mason & Meredith Thompson
Ted Mason
Noel Matkin
Del & Linda Matney
Jeffrey & Lisa May
Ron & Gaynelle Mayes
Debra McArthur
Kenneth & Parma McCaffree
Bob & Barbara McCalla
Cheryl & Robert McCart
John & Ann McCarty
Patrick & Elaine McCarty
James McClellan
Jean McClure
Mark & Karen McCorkle
Mark & Estellene McCormick
Kenneth & Sheri McCoy
Sondra McCoy
Thomas & Billie McDavitt
Jack & Ruth McDermott
David & Penny McDonald
Joe McDonald
Ronald & Sandy McDowell
Gary & Viva McGee
Rocky & Caroline McGee
Scott & Beth McGinn
Don & Linda McGinty
Bob & June McGrath
Jean McGrew
Ernee McGuire
John & Connie McGuire
Jack & Sandi McInteer
William McKay & Margaret
Larry & Jeanine McKee
Larry & Brenda McKellips
Colin McKenney
Dan & Betty McKenzie
Brad & Phyllis McKibbin
Stephen & Teanna McKinney
James & Jackie McKown
Martha McLain
Jim & Karol McLaren
Jary & Connie McLean
Joe & Jennifer McLeland
Elbie & Phyllis McNeil
Dot McNicol
Pat & Cori Meares
Louis & Mallory Medvene
Samantha Meeds
Jo Anne Megill
Alex & Annette Meitzner
Max & Cecilia Meitzner
Peter & Suzanne Meitzner
Eric & Denise Melgren
Ron & Nancy Mendell
Marlene Mendiones
Fred & Margot* Menefee
Denise Meredith
James & Beverly Mershon
Ron & Mona Meyer
Andrew & Jamie Mies
Earl & Kathleen Mies
Jayne Milburn
James & Alice Miles
Cecil & Gloria Miller
Craig & Jan Miller
Ed & Trish Miller
Gregg & Pamela Miller
James Miller
Kenneth Miller
Kent & Deborah Miller
Kirk & Teresa Miller
Mark Miller
Michael & Melanie Miller
Sean & Amy Miller
Tom Miller
Verlene Miller
Vern* & Elizabeth Miller
Joe & Jana Millikan
Bradley & Dawn Minear
Kent & Cheryl Mitchell
Steven Mitchell
Everett & Susan Moeder
Bill & Sherri Mohr
Michael & Carol Molz
Darrell & Claudia Moore
Jim Moore
Ronald & Nancy Moore
Becky Morgan
Mike Moriarty & Vicky Sue Sanders
Dudley & Teresa Morris
Richard & Donna Morrison
Jette Mortensen
Richard & Shirley Mosher
Dan Mostrom
Matthew & Kerrie Mount
Natalie Moyer
Darren & Gilda Muci
Jay & Rhita Muci
Gene & Kimberly Mudd
William & Karyn Mullally
Charles & Debbie Mullen
Richard Muma & Rick Case
Earl Mundy
Barry & Jane Murphy
Dan & Lynette Murphy
Todd & Laura Murphy
Jack & Mary Museousky
Willis & Leona Muth
Samuel & Ellan Muyskens
Ronald & Patricia Myers
Walter & Kaye Myers
Don Nance & Pennie Myers
James & Paula Nance
William & Jennifer Nath
Bob & Lois Neace
Steve & Patricia Neace
Phil & Sharon Neff
Tim & Susan Neff
Leslie Neinast
Galen & Karen Nelson
Tom & Jeanne Nester
Tina Nester
Randy & Mary Newby
Gary Nickel
Steve & Vickie Nienke
Gene & Barbara Nold
David & Jennifer Nolte
Larry & Jeannine Nordstedt
Howard & Lana Nordyke
Joe & Barbara Norton
Tim & Susan Norton
Jack Novascone
Larry & Jolene Novascone
Jolynn Oakman
David & Connie Obermueller
Bob & Joni O’Brien
Judy Ochs
Mark Oetinger
Michael Ohlsen
Jay & Heidi Ogden
Brad & Natalie Olmsted
Mike & Faye Olson
Heather O’Neill
Mike O’Neill & Sharon Chester
Godwin & Margaret Opara
Joe & Dena Orozco
Leroy & Regina Orth
Alice Osburn
John & Renee Osborne
Ronald & Carol Ott
Luther & Emily Ottaway
Sally Ottaway
Bryan Otte
Kent & Lori Owen
Gary Owens & Holly Dyer
Steve & Kim Packebush
Pam Palmer
Robert & Amy Palmer
Roger & Charlotte Panton
Ronald & Ruth Panton
Bill Parcells
Linda Parke
Jack Parker
Marlene Patrick
Donald & Stephanie Patterson
George & Marilyn Pearson
Ivan & Linda Pechanec
Dick & Carol Peel
Jon Peer
Marque Peer
Pat & Jodi Pelkowski
Adam Peltzer
Roger Pendergraft
Shawn & Lynette Penner
Melanie Perry
Michael & Kari Pennington
Bruce & Connie Peterman
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Pete & Patricia Peters
Jerry Peterson
Alan Pfeifer
Neal & Karen Pfeiffer
Dennis & Deborah Phelps
Bob & Terri Phifer
David & Sue Phillips
Randy & Alisa Phillips
Bill & Traci Pickert
Keith Pickus & Deirdre O’Farrell
James & Sarah Pirtle
Brian & Debbie Pistotnik
George Platt
Ed & Deb Plopa
Adam & Stacey Pogue
Jack & Lynn Pohlenz
Bob Pope
Thomas Porth
Gary & Jo Ann Pottorff
Richard & Genelle Powell
Don & George-Ann Pratt
Mike & Connie Preston
James & Sandra Price
Will & Kristin Price
Mary Prichard
Deann Pritchard-Gadalla
Dan & Amy Prohaska
Steven Pryor
James Puntch
Christopher & Ashley Purdum
Bill & Sharie Quattlebaum
Jim & Penny Quick
Jerald & Kelly Rains
Jim Rairdon
Alan Ramsdale
Jill & Jeff Ramsey
Roger & Terri Ramseyer
David Randall
Steven & Jan Randle
Jack & Ann Ratzlaff
R.J. & Jean Raymos
Mike Razook
Jennifer Ream
Chris & Renee Reed
Faye Reed
Gene & Chris Reed
Mahlon & Marilyn Regier
Raymond & Joan Relph
Russell & Kathy Relph
Barbara Rensner
Brian & Lori Reynolds
Fredric & Lundy Reynolds
Kelly Reynolds
Todd & Meredith Reynolds
Jim & Beverly Rhatigan
Doug & Terry Richards
Florence Richardson
William & Susanne Richardson
Larry & Marilyn Richwine
Eugene & Karyl Rickard
Marjorie Rickett
Joni & Leonard Rinehart
Brian Riordan
Bob & Prissy Rives
Dale & Cindy Roach
David & Kathleen Robertson
Phyllis Robertson
David & Jan Robinson
Jim & Jennifer Robinson
Greg Robson
Virginia Rockhill
Bud & Patti Rogers
Cheryl Rohling
Jean Roller
William Romenius
Dennis & Ann Ross
Jan Roth
Roy & Carol Rouse
Tim & Christine Royse
Basil & Deborah Rudawsky
Roy & Barbara Ruffin
Douglas Russell
Sondra Rust
Les & Courtney Ruthven
Larry Rutschman
Scott Ruud
Ronald & Renae Ryan
John & Joni Sadowske
Sue Sandberg
Richard & Treva Sanders
William Sanders
Karen Sanders-West
Norman & Faye Sauder
Mike & Denise Saville
Marion & Judith Scales
Dave & Twyla Sawdy
Roger & Patti Scales
Timothy & Kimberly Scanlan
William Schantz & Carol Bacon
Lori Schauf
Brick & Shelley Scheer
Julie Scherz
Craig & Stacy Schmidt
Robert & Mary Schmidt
Ken & Lisa Schmiedbauer
Tom & Phyllis Schneider
Randall Schrag
James & Patricia Schramm
Brad & Sandi Schreck
Brian & Donna Schreck
William & Phyllis Schreck
Catherine Schrepferman
Peter Schrepferman
Patricia Schroeder
Randall & Bonnie Schroeder
Rick Schroer
Mark Schwarm
Richard Schweninger
Bob & Patsy Scott
Josh Scott
Kenneth & Sherry Scott
Stan & Rosalind Scudder
David & Debra Seely
Greg & Janalee Seiwert
John & Patsy Selby
Eldon & Marlene Self
Denny & Erlene Senseney
Francis & Patricia Sevart
Shoko Sevart
Sam & Sheryl Seward
Linwood Sexton
Todd Shadid
Al & Donna Shank
Gavin & Ruth Shank
Dottie Shannon
David & Nickey Sharpe
John & Molly Shawver
Fran Shelly
Brad & Tracie Shelton
Jack & Pat Shelton
Gary & Rhonda Shepard
Howard & Pat Sherwood
Roger & Nancy Sherwood
Theron & Michelle Shinn
Johnnie Shoemaker
Stephen & Stormy Shogren
Jeremy & Jamee Sholtz
Mark & Barbara Shreve
Steve & Judy Shryock
Brian Silcott & Mary Yeager
Joseph Silverman
Cliff & Donna Simmons
Earl & Donna Simon
William & Catherine Simon
Barbara Simons
Jay Simsarian & Quincalee Brown
Mary Singleton
Jack & Joanne Skelton
Mitchell & Angela Slape
Richard & Deborah Slater
Judith Slawson
Allan & Susan Smeltzer
Alan & Jeanne Smith
Barbara Smith
Dana Smith
Don & Linda Smith
Philip & Juanita Smith
Rick Smith
Skip & Vicki Smith
Steve & Kathy Smith
Steven & Jan Smith
Tim & Sandy Smith
Wayne & Judy Smith
Roger & Patricia Snellen
Jim Snyder & Nancy McCarthy Snyder
Steve & Terri-Diane Snyder
David & Natalie Sollo
Richard & Janice Songer
Joe & Carrie Soto
Mark Spangler
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Ryan & Kristie Spencer
Dave & Sid Sproul
Robin & Jane Spurrier
David Stagg
Devin Stahl
Don Stahr
John & Jindatip Stalcup
Dave & Sharon Stalker
Daniel & Mary Stallbaumer
Lars & Josie Stamp
Bob & Linda Stanbrough
Paul & Cynthia Stein
Darrel & Sylvia Steinshouer
Linda Stephenson
Paul & Pegi Stephenson
Sandra Stettler
Bradley & Dianna Steven
Diane Steven
James & Ann Stevens
Fred Stevens
Collin & Erin Stieben
Roger Stiverson
David Stone & Marni Vliet Stone
Gary & Katherine Stoner
Bill & Terry Storey
Cynthia Strand-Smart
Robert & Vada Strattan
Henry & Sharon Strecker
Donald & Naomi Strong
Francis & Gloria Strong
James & Judy Stroot
Deann Sullivan
Don & Jennifer Summers
Christopher & Mary Swan
Kevin & Joanne Swayne
Scott Swindler
Trudy Swint
Robert Takacs & Anne Regier
Eric Tangeman
Gary Tanner
Anthony & Karin Taravella
Dean & Sherry Taylor
Steven & Nancy Taylor
James & Eliana Tedrow
Arthur & Ernestine Tenbrink
James Tennis
Ronald & Diana Terzian
Trish Thelen
Rod & Jennifer Thimesch
Edward & Angie Thomas
Taryn Thomas
Bill & Barbara Thompson
Dennis & Sharon Thompson
Jeanne Tiller
Don & Betty Tindall
William & Lynne Tinker
Gary & Marsha Tinterow
Mike & Diane Tolle
Jeff Topping & Margaret Hough
Mark & Lori Torline
Bob Workman, director of the Ulrich Museum of Art, shows several
photographs by Gordon Parks to Brianna Kitchings, 2013 Student Government
Association vice president, and Darren Beckham, 2013 SGA president.
Laci & Derek Totten
Ricky & Kaffy Totten
Jamil & Lesli Toubassi
William & Angela Tretbar
Michael Triplett
Michael & Barbara Turner
Kent & Donna Turpen
Daniel Umansky & Gail Burkett
LeRoy & Trish Unruh
Martin Updegraff
Gordon & Cindy Vadakin
Harriett Van Bebber
Karen Van Embden
Rodney & Paula Van Norden
Jeff & Janice Van Sickle
Joe & Becky Verbeckmoes
Donald & Nancy Vine
Bob & Carla Viola
Tony & Patty Vizzini
Charles & Janice Volk
Kari Vosburgh
Gary & Jeanette Vratil
Kent Vratil
Don & Lee Wadsworth
Ryan & Joan Wagner
Bill* & Beverly Wagonseller
Alan & Susan Walker
Damain & Jennifer Walker
Philip Walkup
Tom & Jeanne Wallace
Dan & Marilyn Waller
Gary & Tammy Walston
Damon & Kristi Ward
Steve & DeAun Warfield
Scott & Michelle Watson
Douglas Watt
Tim & Kim Watt
Ross & Becky Way
Troy Wayman
Dave & Shari Weatherson
Steven & Marla Webb
Randy Webster
John & Glenna Weir
Larry & Janet Weis
Jeffrey & Kathryn Welch
Michael & Donna Wellemeyer
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Bob Wells
Noah & Sharon Welsch
Kelly Wessel
Al & Shirley West
Mark & Karen West
Chris & Lynne Wettig
Richard & Peggy Wheeler
Bob & Patricia White
Chris White
Gregory & Patricia White
John White
Charles & Patricia Whitney
Mike & Victoria Whitworth
Ronald & Kay Lynn Wiederien
Matt Wiehe
Elroy & Loretta Wiens
Bill & Pat Wilhelm
Robert & Lynda Wilhelm
Larry & Suzie Wilkerson
Chase Willhite
Ron & Barbara Williams
Carol Wilson
Charlotte Wilson
Greg & Rose Wilson
Michael & Camilla Wilson
Richard & Patti Wilson
Stephen & Diane Wilson
Thomas Wilson & Ruth Weber
Tim & Juanita Wilson
Samuel Wine
Allen Winfrey
Gary & Sally Winfrey
Wayne Wing
Mark & Loretto Winkler
David & Vicky Winter
James & Loretta Winter
Steven Wisdom
Bill & Donna Wise
Les & Sharon Withrow
Larry & Kelly Womack
Art & Betty Wood
Ernie Wood
James & Sondra Wood
Doug Woolley
Bob & Elizabeth Workman
Kelly Wright
Robert & Barbara Wunsch
David & Lana Wyckoff
Dustin Wyer
Steven & Jacqueline Wyman
William & Judith Wynne
Stephen & Cathie Yager
Gerald & Julie Ybarra
Bill & Georgianna Young
Bob Young
Carl & Betty Young
David & Nancy Young
William & Rita Young
Virginia Youse
Weifan Yuan
Hannes Zacharias & Marcia Higginson
Lyle & Carolyn Zepick
Denise Ziegler
Steve & Carla Zielke
David & Sharon Zimmerman
Leslie & Donna Zimmerman
Roger & Mary Zwemke
Sunflower Club
The Sunflower Club comprises donors
giving $100 to $999 to the university
in fiscal year 2014. Associate status is
given to corporations, businesses and
Sunflower Club Associates ($100 – $999)
414 S Commerce LLC
A.J. Sports Grill
Tim Abbott Construction
ABC Discount Liquor
ABC Discount Wine & Spirits
Faith Ablah LLC
Donald J. Ablah Revocable Trust
Able Maintenance Inc.
Accessories Inc. of Wichita
Adams, Brown, Beran & Ball CHTD
Advantage Solutions Group LLC
AFS Intercultural Programs USA
Air Capitol Delivery & Warehouse Co.
AJ Embroidery & More LLC
The Alley
Alley Investments LLC
Alternative Gifts International
American Institute of Aeronautics &
American Society For Quality -Wichita
Ameriprise Financial
Edna Andres Trust
Angel Feet Dance Studio
Animal PlayWorks Inc.
Ann’s Fashions
Apics - Wichita Chapter
Apple Eight Hospitality Management
Arctic Group Inc.
Arst & Arst
The Arts Council
Arts On Broadway
Arts Partners Inc.
Atlas Electric LLC
Auto Dent Repair Inc.
Automotive Wholesale
Bad Bean Production
Baldwin City Chamber of Commerce
Basis Consulting Engineers LLC
Basom Family Trust
Shirley A. Baugher Revocable Trust
George K. Baum & Company
Bayliff Veterinary Services PC
Baysinger Police Supply
Bearden’s Stained Glass Corporation
Beau Monde Salon & Spa
Bed Bath & Beyond
Bennett & Schulte Oil Company
Best Western Wichita North
Beta Alpha Psi E T Chapter
Bethel College
BJ’s Restaurant & Brewery
Black & Associates Consulting LLC
Black Hills Energy
Tony Blake Design
Blend Tech
Blodgett Family Trust
Bluebird Arthouse LLC
Blythe Insurance Agency
BNSF Railway Foundation
Bohemia Healing Spa
Bottling Group LLC
Bottom Line Business & Accounting
Brady Acorns LLC
Brend’s Inc.
Brick’s/Brick’s Boardroom Inc.
Brockmeyer Inc.
Brown Chiropractic LLC
Buffalo Wild Wings
Bunyan Homes LLC
Burghart & Associates Real Estate
Busby Ford & Reimer LLC
C & C Sprinkler Systems Inc.
C E Machine Company Inc.
C.H. Robinson Worldwide
C.R. Price Inc.
Candle Club
Care To Dance Studio
Carey Thomas Hoover & Breault
Carolyn Sayre’s Fine Jewelry
Casa Martinez Restaurant
Caspar Foods Inc.
Don & Donna Caywood Trust
Central Plains Development
Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of
Cerner Corporation
Paul Chauncey Photography Inc.
Cheri’s Bakery
Child Start
Chili’s Grill & Bar
Chipotle - Wichita
Citizens Bank of Kansas NA
City View Supply Inc.
The Cleaning Authority
Club Liquor East
The College Hill Animal Hospital Inc.
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Commercial Mechanical Inc.
Community Insurance Inc.
Contemporary Communications
Robert D. Cowdery Revocable Trust
Cresthill Suites Hotel Wichita
Crotts Properties
Curves For Women
Custom Glass Designs
Cypress Anesthesia Professionals LLC
Darling Drilling Co.
David A. Lawrence Insurance Agency
Leo F. Debroeck Trust
Del’s Electronics Center Inc.
Dental Services Group (DSG)
Drywall Perfections Inc.
Dunc Electric Inc.
Dyer Constructions
Dynatek Inc.
Melodee S. Eby Revocable Trust
Electrical Contractors Inc.
Emerson Biggin’s West
Enegren Computer Service
Euro-Tech Motor Werks Inc.
Eurypterid LLC
Fairmount Library Club
Family Business Resources Inc.
Janet J. Farha Trust
Farmers Market Inc.
Ferrell Ranch
FHL Bank Topeka
Field House
Financial Advisory Service Inc.
Firefly Yoga
First Place
Martha C. Flaherty Living Trust
FMI: Forming and Machining Industries
Frankenbery & Johnson DDS PA
Franson Consulting Group
Frog Holler Paintball Field
G.L. Design Inc.
Garden Inc.
Gentry LTD
Goebel Family - Star Lumber
Golddiggers Inc. dba Planet Sub
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
Gough Financial Group Inc.
Granite City Food & Brewery - West
Granite Transformations
Great Plains Wood Carvers
Greater Wichita YMCA
Green Management LLC
Green Mill Restaurant
Mathew Greenwald & Associates Inc.
H & H Home Builders Inc.
J. Fred Hambright Inc.
Hampton Inn & Suites Wichita
Hangar One Steakhouse Wichita
Hanneman CPA PA
Vern Harding Agency Inc.
Hartman Oil Co. Inc.
Hartmans Inc.
Hay Lawn Care LLC
Health Strategies Group Inc.
Heroes Sports Bar & Grill
Hilton Garden Inn
Robert Hinckley CPA LLC
C & S Hoffmans Family Trust Survivors
Holland Siding LLC
Mike & Judy Holmes Family Trust
Frank W. Hoover Trust
Hotel At Old Town
Hotel at Waterwalk
House of Hair
Hutchinson Salt Museum
IBM Employee Services Center
IEEE-Wichita Section
The Independent School Inc.
Institute Of Industrial Engineers
Wichita Chapter
Insulating Products Inc.
Insurance Specialists Group LLC
Integrative Family Therapy Services PA
InterMountain Management LLC
Intrust Bank Arena
Isaac Financial Services
Jake’s Attic Productions
JAT Enterprises LLC dbaTad’s Locker
Jayhawk Bowling Supply
Jenkins Building Maintenance LLC
Jersey’s Grill and Bar
R.E. & J.B. Jilg Living Trust
Jimmy John’s
Jimmy John’s #1301
JK Services LLC
C.W. Johnson Electric Inc.
Johnson Gage & Inspection Inc.
JoJac’s Landscape & Mowing Inc.
Joseph, Hollander and Craft LLC
JRS Properties
Junior League of Wichita
Law Offices of Vernon D. Just
K Lane’s
Kansas African American Museum Inc.
Kansas Association of Student
Financial Aid Administrators
Kansas Candy & Tobacco Inc.
Kansas Credit Union Association
Kansas Dance Academy
Kansas Economic Association
Kansas Hospital Association
Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus
Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale Inc.
Kansas University Center on Disabilities
Karg Art Glass
Kauffman Insurance Agency Inc.
Kemnitz Sinclair Station
Rudy Sasina LLC dba Kingman
Chiropractic Center
Kirby’s Beer Store LLC
Klausmeyer Construction
Klenda Austerman LLC
Knipp’s Car Wash
Knolla’s Pizza East
Knork Flatware
Koch Siedhoff Hand & Dunn
D.K. Krone Trust
KSUN - McPherson Scottish Festival
Lake Oswego Vision Clinic
Jill Landrith School of Dance LLC
F. N. Laurent Living Trust
Law Office of Stacy Ortega
Law Office of Tamara L. Niles PA
Lawrence Photo Inc.
Lawyers Title of Topeka Inc.
LDF Food Group Inc.
The LeBlanc Living Trust
Leblanc Producrtions LTD
Lee Goodwin Lee Lewis & Dobson
Lifestyle Mobile Home Park Inc.
Al Littleton Memorial Golf Tournament
Long’s Partners LLC
Lucky’s Everyday LLC
Major League Roofing Exteriors LLC
Majors & Larson Dentistry Partnership
Margarita Specialist LLC
Marine World Inc.
Martin-Marietta Materials Inc.
McPherson Opera House
Meals On Wheels Association of
Medical Society of Sedgwick County
Medicine Lodge Indian Peace Treaty
J. J. Meilert Revocable Trust
Merry Maids Inc.
Metal Finishing Company
Metro Grill Andover
Midwest Mechanical
MidWest Sewing And Vacuum Center
Mitchell Media Services
Mojack Distributors LLC
Monart School of Art
Monica’s Bundt Cake Co.
Wichita Montessori School
Moore Washes Inc.
Mosley Street Melodrama
Mu Phi Epsilon
Multi Community Diversified Services
Myers Natural Health Care
Joseph Myers Real Estate LLC
Naymlis Entertainment
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Newton Fine Arts Association Inc.
Nordyke Real Estate
Northrock Chiropractic Clinic Inc.
Noteworthy Financial Inc.
Terry V. Nunemaker Living Trust
Oh Yeah China Bistro
Old Chicago
O’Neil Hagaman PLLC
Oral & Maxillofacial Allocations LLC
P&E Building Services LLC
Parrish Corporation
Pathway Petroleum LLC
Peace and Social Justice Center of
South Central Kansas
People Of Faith For Peace
Petroleum Inc.
Pharmacon Drug PA
Pierpoint Lawn & Landscape
Pierpoint Tree Farm
Janice C. Pippin Revocable Trust
Plaid Giraffe Inc.
Planet Hair
Platt Adams Bradley & Assoc.
Plymouth Congregational Church
Podiatry Clinic
Potucek Machine Tool Repair
Powell Jewelry
Prairie Sunset Hot Air Balloon
Premier Catering
Prodisc LLC
Professional Exterminators LLC
Pump It Up
Quality Craft
Quality Inter-Connect Systems Inc.
QuikTrip Corporation
Quincy’s Bar & Grill
Railroad Properties LLC
Howard & Carolyn Randall Revocable
Reflection Ridge Dental LLC
Resthaven Gardens of Memory Inc.
Reverie Coffee Roasters Inc.
H. Lynn & Ellen D. Richards Trust
Richmond Electric Co.
River City Properties LLC
Roberts Agency
Roberts Holdings LLC
Robyn’s Photography
Joseph L. Rochford Trust
Rock Chalk Royalties LTD
Rojo Grande Cattle Co.
Harold J. Rothwell Living Trust
Rottinghaus Company Inc.
Ryan Lawn and Tree - Wichita
Nancy S. Satzler Revocable Trust
Sayre Construction Company
Schreck Financial Group
Self’s Inc.
Severe Oil LLC
Shady Creek Sporting Clays
Shamrock Car Wash LLC
Shelden Architecture Inc.
Shelley Oil Company
Shelton Collision Repair
The Sherwin-Williams Company
The Shocker Shop
Lois M. Short Living Trust
R.W. Sibley Commodities
Siemens Energy Inc.
Sigg Motors #1 LLC
Sigma Theta Tau Epsilon Gamma
Rob, Denise, & Arri Simon Charitable
Simpson Construction Services Inc.
Sixthsenze Inc.
Skeletons Out Of The Closet LLC
Slate Creek Center Spa and Wellness
Small Cakes
SME Student Chapter No. 14
Larnard Smith Insurance
The Snyder Family Trust
Richard Lewis & Jacqueline Snyder
Living Trust
Society of Automotive Engineers Inc.
Society of Women Engineers
Southwestern Remodeling Inc.
Space Age Publishing Company
The Speech Clinic
Spektrum Muzik
Sports Time Shop - West Inc.
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Stanion Wholesale Electric Co.
Steiner Realty, LLC
Stephan Advertising Agency Inc.
Stern Advertising
Stitches & Stuff
Randy G. & Deborah L. Stockman Living
Student Ambassador Society
Sullivan Higdon & Sink Inc.
Sunflower Community Action
Sweetly Scrumptious
Symphony In The Flint Hills Inc.
Syracuse Dairy LLC
Tallgrass Film Festival
Tampa State Bank
James H. & Sandra G. Tangeman Trust
Mary Jane Teall Committee
The Technology Specialist
Ten Thousand Villages - Newton
Tendercare Lawn & Landscape Inc.
Terra Inspections Inc.
Theatre League
Thursday Afternoon Music Club
Tigard Vision Center Inc.
The Susan Todd Music Studio
Traffco LLC
Truenorth Inc.
Roger Turner Company
Two Brothers BBQ
Two Brothers BBQ
United Machine Company
University Club In Wichita
University Friends Church
Larry L. Unruh Revocable Trust
Utility Helpnet Inc.
Elna Claire Valine Living Trust
Valley Offset Printing Inc.
Vandecreek Consulting
Village Charters Inc.
Vink Family Trust
Virtue 31 LLC
Volvo Rents
Ray J. & Dolores M. Waldo Revocable
Living Trust
Walmart Neighborhood Market
WDM Architects PA
Weilert Family Trust
The Welch Companies Inc. dba Two
Chicks Designs
Welcome Home LLC
Weninger Motors
Wheat State Wine Co. LLC
Wichita Blues Society
Wichita Businesses Inc.
Wichita Center For the Arts
Wichita Chamber Chorale Inc.
Wichita Children’s Theatre
Wichita Council of Engineering
Wichita Dental Hygienists Association
Wichita Festivals Inc.
Wichita High School East
Wichita Phone Guy
Wichita Pilates Group LLC
Wichita Rowing Association
Wichita Sports Hall of Fame & Museum
Wichita Wingnuts Wingnuts
Wichita Wit & Wisdom
Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical
Museum Association
Willen Clubs LLC
William Inge Center for the Arts
Wohlf Bling Jewelry
Women’s History Month Committee
World Interactive LLC
WSU Women’s Association
The Yard
Z Insurance Group LLC
Sunflower Club Members ($100 - $999)
•  Stewart & Dina Aaby
•  Elaine Aaron
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Gregory & Cynthia Abbott
Richard & Terry Abbott
Ronald & Sherrana Abderhalden
Timothy & Jean Abeita
David & Katherine Abel
R. Christopher Abele
Lonny & Karen Achey
Ron & Brenda Achey
Norma Ackeret
Jim & Joan Ackerman
Julie-Elisa Acosta
Bob Adams
Charles & Sandra Adams
Dianne Adams
Dorothea Adams
Jody Adams
Mary Lou Adams
Megan Adams
Ronald Adams
Gilbert & Barbara Addison
Laura Addison
Stephen & Teri Adelson
Dick & Cheryl Adkisson
Richard & Cheryl Adkisson
John & Katherine Adler
Marcus & Michelle Adler
Ted Adler
Thomas & Ann Adrian
Michael & Robin Agpoon
C.W. Todd Aikins & Marlene
Denise Akers
Jeff Albers
Jeffrey & Myka Albert
Seth & Ericka Albin
Clarence & Judy Albrecht
Randy & Janise Albrecht
Jim & Velma Albright
Thomas & Lori Aldag
Jeremy Alderman
Arleigh Aldrich
Mary Aldridge
Greg & Debra Alexander
John & Tami Alexander
Kim Alexander
Tim Alexander
Tim & Lou Ann Alexander
Tom & Catherine Aley
Zainul & Farhana Ali
David & Priscilla All
Angela Allen
Bill & Mary Allen
Douglas & Michelle Allen
Jerry & Carol Allen
Kent & Kathy Allen
Marcia Allen
Mark & Christina Allen
Monty Allen
Russ & Myrna Allen
Steven & Sharon Allen
Thomas & Sally Allen
William & Sandra Allen
Sarah Allender
James & Rachel Alley
Robert & Sharon Alliband
Laton & Janet Allison
Wesley & Julie Allred
Rhonda Almond
Tyler & Leah Alpers
David & Sonja Alseike
Marcia Alterman
Mike & Heather Alumbaugh
Alex Amaro
Allen Ames
Sean Amore
Kyle Amos
Nancy Amos
Deryll Amstutz
Stan & Gretchen Andeel
Belinda Anderson
Scholarship recipient Whitney Heinen, center, with donors
Clinton and Julie Koker at the 2014 Scholarship Dinner.
Ben Anderson
Brad & Liz Anderson
Bradley Anderson
Chris Anderson
Dave Anderson & Sharon
Dick Anderson & Frances Belden
Don & Margaret Anderson
Greg & Kimberly Anderson
John & Cathy Anderson
Karen Anderson
Lance Anderson
Larry & Sue Anderson
Marc & Anita Anderson
Marc & Maria Anderson
Margaret Anderson
Marietta Anderson
Nancy Anderson
Norman & Malinda Anderson
Robert Anderson
Shena Anderson
Steve & Naomi Anderson
Ted & Tracy Anderson
Carl & Rosalind Andreas
Eldon* & Edna Andres
Mark & Monica Andres
Donnie & Barbara Andrews
Michael & Carol Angulo
Rajendran Annam
Beaty & Sherry Annis
Bruce Anspaugh
Kenneth & Barbara Anthem
Aldo & Karla Anzzolin
Charles & Joanne Applegate
Randy & Victoria Applegate
Alvin & Karen Aramburo
David Archer
Wayne & Penny Archer
Phillip & Marsha Arehart
Bob & Jean Argumedo
Sonja Armbruster
Bruce & Susan Armstrong
Randy & Sue Armstrong
Rick Armstrong
Kevin & Roxanne Arnel
Bill & Karen Arnett
Dennis & Genell Arnold
Tommy & Betty Arnold
Abigail Arthur
Harvey & Cheryl Arthur
Russell & Marilyn Ash
John & Virginia Ast
John Ast
Michael Ast
Tom Ast
Dan & Jennifer Atanassov
Chris & Pam Atchison
Mark & Emma Atherly
Mike Atkins
Bob & Kathy Atkinson
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Paul & Kim Attwater
Paul & Sally Attwater
John & Karen Augspurger
Gina Austin-Fresh
Mohammad Awad
Russell & Joleen Axtell
Abelardo & Mary Ayala
Joe & Lu Ayala
James & Micaela Ayers
Ricky Ayre & Tana Gleue-Ayre
John Ayres
Joe & Jae Baba
Kent & Kathi Babcock
Douglas Baber
Paul Babich
Robert & Jennifer Babst
Vanessa Baca
Nicholas Bach
Gary & Joyce Bachus
Amanda Backes
Cory Baer
Bill & Susan Bagnall
Janet Bahr
Dale & Pamela Bailey
David & Hetty Bailey
Edward & Susan Bailey
Janice Bailey
Lonnie & Sherrill Bailey
Todd & Daina Bailey
Gerald Bain
John Bair
Ravi & Jill Bajaj
Brandon Baker
Carney Baker
Curtis & Diane Baker
Danette Baker
Doug & Sheryl Baker
Gerald & Catherine Baker
Gwen Baker
Howard Baker & Nancy
Kassebaum Baker
Jeff & Cheryl Baker
Jerry & Beverly Baker
Larry & Heather Baker
Lee & Emily Baker
Roger Baker
Shelli Baker
Gordon & Linda Bakken
Philip Bakken
Ralph & Marty Baldassarre
Robert Baldauf
Adam Baldwin
Dennis & Elfriede Baldwin
Dwayne & Tina Baldwin
Russell Baldwin
Valerie Baldwin
Martin Balerio
Bruce Bales
Gene & Kathleen Bales
Royal & Kathleen Bales
Mike & Kelly Ball
Rex & Elizabeth Ball
Jack & Jeanette Ballard
Marvin & Wanda Ballard
Deborah Ballard-Reisch
Marcus Ballenger
Terry & Nancy Ballinger
Susan Balman
Celeste Balog
Karl & Diane Baltzell
Curtis & Sharon Banks
Wade & Blanche Banks
David & Arleen Banowetz
Alan & Amy Banta
Perry & Patricia Banwart
Kathleen Barbara
Cynthia Barber-Mundt
Loretta Barchers
Andrew & Joanne Barclay
Warren & Patricia Barkell
Edward & Donna Barker
Jim & Linda Barker
Lance & Lisa Barker
Linda Barker
Michelle Barker
Paula Barker
Andy Barnard
John & Carla Barnard
Brenda Barnes
Brian Barnes
Dave Barnett
Gina Barnett
Robert & Anastacia Barnett
Terry & Cheryl Barnett
Tim & Tamara Barney
Rebecca Barnhardt
Gary & Michelle Barnum
Ferris & Susan Barrett
Theodore & Norma Barrett
Gregory Bartel & Cathy Penner
Herb & Pat Bartel
Nathan Bartel
Al & Carol Bartelloni
Brent Bartman
Jeff & Sharon Barton
Lance Barton
Nick & Laura Barton
Roger Bartunek
Brian & Angela Bascue
Mark Basham
Randall & Rebekah Basinger
Rajeca & Rajeeva Bashyakarla
Myron & Margaret Basom
Peter & Barbara Bassi
Clay & Kate Bastian
Seth & Jennifer Bate
Shawn & Melissa Batterton
Chris & Robin Bauer
Tom & Patty Bauer
Charles & Kate Baughman
Jerry & Pamela Baumann
Daniel Baumgartner
Jeff & Martha Baxter
Floyd & Barbara Bayer
Charles & Melanie Bayles
Joseph & Patricia Bayles
Craig & Elizabeth Bayless
Scott Bays
Ashlee Baysinger
Madelynn Bazzelle
Bradley Beachy & Susan Bradley
Tyson & Tara Bean
Jerry Bearce
Dennis & Sara Bearden
Edwin & Marcia Beasley
Jim & Mary Beasley
Mac & Jan Beatson
April Beaty
Don & Linda Beauchamp
Jedd Beaudoin
Brian Bebak
Clark & Evalea Beck
James Beck
Lorrie Beck
Fred Becker
Jeffrey & Rebecca Becker
Jerry & Debbie* Becker
Robert & Donna Becker
Edwin & Karen Beckerman
James & Sally Beckett
Michael & Loretta Beckner
Kenneth & Joan Beckwith
Dale & Rebecca Beddow
James & Alice Bedinger
Glades Beede
Kyle Beeson
Leanne Beets
Richard & Corky Befort
Don & Shirley Beggs
Nicholas Begley
Terry & Mae Behrendt
Timur Bekbosunov & Delora Donovan
Debra & Brian Belden
Steven & Connie Belden
Mark & Jana Belew
Debbie Belknap
Allen & Kim Bell
Brian & Kristen Bell
Rebekah Bell
Timothy & Tally Bell
Joshua & Lezley Bellinger
John & Marlene Belt
Michel Belt
James & Marilyn Benage
Ryan & Joanna Bendell
David & Mary Bender
Jack & Donna Bender
Victor & Dorothy Bender
Thomas & Margaret Benefiel
John & Laura Benjamin
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Bill & Patty Bennett
Darwin Bennett
Larry & Lana Bennett
Brant Benninga & Jennifer
Gary Benoit
Bruce & Marilyn Benyshek
Richard & Nancy Bereman
Michael & Glenda Bergagnini
Dietrich & Nanette Bergen
Garret Bergkamp
Chris Bergquist
Cynthia Berner Harris
David & Elaine Bernstorf
Laura Bernstorf
Philip Bernstorf
John & Arleen Berry
Kevin & Kathy Berrey
Robert Berry
David & Lynn Bertuglia
Wilbur & Arlene Besore
Thomas Bette
Steven & Doris Betts
Fredrick & Michelle Betzen
John & Daphne Betzen
Larry & Linda Betzen
Bikki Bevelhymer
Jim & Rhonda Bevilacqua
Jay & Sharon Bezdek
Ben & Sheila Bhargava
Michael & Jane Bianco
Matt & Jennifer Bickhard
Bob & Margaret Biggs
Rick & Nancy Bigham
Dorothy Billings
Steven & Charlene Billings
Patricia & Larry Binder
Arthur & Helen Binford
Jean Binford
Renee Bingham
Frank & Vivian Bingman
Geron & Amy Bird
Melvin & Lynne Bird
Michael & Gwynne Birzer
Bill Bischoff & J.D. Kelly*
Amanda Bishop
Debbie Bishop
Dennis Bishop & Pamela Rishell-Bishop
Gray & Susan Bishop
Jerrod Bishop
Christine Black
Dennis Black
Gerald & Marie Black
John & Yolanda Black
Paul & Carol Black
Theron Black
Claudia Blackburn
Donald & Barbara Blackburn
Robert Blackburn
Brian & Angela Blackerby
Gerald & Lu Blackford
Larry & E.A. Blackwell
Lewis Blackwell
Barry & Janis Blades
Gerald & Mary Blain
Bailey Blair
Jennifer Blair
Thomas & Katherine Blair
Anthony & Carmen Blake
Steve & D.D. Blake
Tim Blakely
Josh Blanchard
David Blanding
Anna Blankenship
Janet & Gary Blankinship
Benjamin Blankley
Elise Blas
Don Blasi*
Eileen Blasi
Ronald & Vicki Blatnick
Geoffrey & Ronda Blatt
Rita Bleazard
Daryl & Cindy Blick
Dennis & Deborah Blick
Robert & Kay Blinn
Jack & Marjorie Blodgett
Barry & Alice Bloom
Richard Bloomer
Ted & Shelly Blosser
Michael Bloustine
Ben & Heather Bluejacket
Jeffrey & Darcy Bluma
Richard & Carol Blumenshine
Sandford & Therese Blyn
Brian & Cambria Bobo
Buford & Shirley Blythe
Patricia Bockelman
Allen Bodyk
James & Edith Boede
David & Donna Boesker
Timothy & Janeen Boettger
Bob & Sue Boewe
Jerry & Diane Bogle
Janie Bogner
Roy & Ruth Bohlken
Donna Bohn
Claire Bolen
Darin Bolen
Steve Bolen
Jeff & Kristi Boleski
Bill & Toni Bolin
Greg & Julia Bolin
Larry Boll
Mark & Elizabeth Bolt
Beverly Bolton
Larry & Marilyn Bolton
Nancy Bolz
Kevin & Susan Bomhoff
Alisha Bond
Lisa Bonds
Max & Connie Bonfy
Brian Bontrager
Sonja Bontrager
Gloria Bonwell
Rob & Laurie Boorigie
Ben & Katherine Booth
Robert & Jennifer Boreham
Bob Borlase
Brad & Diane Born
Rick & Lori Born
Bob & T. Borresen
Alan Borton
Keith & Susan Boscher
Tyler & Nicole Boss
Donald & Jillayne Bostwick
James & Vera Bothner
Rick & Karen Boswell
Joseph Botinelly
Harry Botts
Dan & Natalie Boughey
Kirk & Barbara Boulanger
Bud & Patricia Boughton
Rose Boundy
Melyn Bounous
George & Helen Bousfield
Jerry & Carol Bowen
Joan Bowen
Brent Bowers
Jean Bowin
Douglas & Linda Bowles
Jack & Sheila Bowling
Elton Bowman
Gregory & Renee Boyajian
Andrew & Emily Boyd
Mike & Kathy Boyd
Danny & Cheryl Boyes
Judith Boyle
Teresa Bradburn
Randy Bradbury
Katherine Bradfield
Ken & Rita Bradfield
Darin & Michelle Bradley
Dean Bradley
Kent & Patricia Bradley
Tami Bradley
Arden & Karen Bradshaw
Janet Bradshaw
Michael & Sandra Bradshaw
Ruth Bradshaw
William & Betty Bradshaw
Catherine Brady
Erin Brady
Stephen & Phyllis Brady
Bill & Elaine Brammer
Preston & Cathrine Brammer
Austin Brand
Rick Brandorff
Mark & Kim Brandt
Ardon & Shirley Brandyberry
Sue Brandyberry
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Jane McHugh (center) and her scholarship recipients at the 2014 Scholarship Dinner.
Paula Branizor
Michelle Brasser
Andy & Shannon Braun
Martha Braun
Fletcher & Sandra Bray
Harold & Maralee Bray
Calvin & Margaret Brazle
David Breckbill
Margot Breckbill
Billy & Mary Breckenridge
Ray & Lena Breckenridge
Rhonda Breedlove
Donald Breit
Sean & Chantelle Brennan
Doug & Marcie Brenneman
Christopher & Brenda Brenner
Steve & Loretta Brenner
Jerrad Brenzikofer
Ronald & Dorothy Bretz
Gary & Carla Brewer
Gary & Mary Brewer
James & Nancy Brewer
Jim & Susie Brewer
Kelly & Jackie Brewster
Joseph & Carmen Bribiesca
Dave & Karen Bridge
Bruce & Dixie Bridges
Stephen & Renoice Bridwell
Freda Briggs
Julie Brin
Paul Brink
E. Brinton
Rodger Brisso
Raul & Suzanne Brito
Ronald & Judith Britt
Chris & Lindsey Brittain
Derk & Dorine Brittain
Marsha Brittain
Darleen Britton
Gene Brobst
Lynn Brock
Ralph & Alta Brock
Sherry Brock
Tom & Pat Brock
Gaylord Brockway
Ken Brodbeck
Sondra Broers
Christopher & Holly Brookhouser
Bill & Lynn Brooks
Kenneth & Rachel Brooks
Tami Brooks
Edward Brotemarkle
Billy & Carole Broughton
Ronald Brower
Alan & Nancy Brown
Beth Brown
Betty Brown
Brian & Patricia Brown
Chris & Carol Brown
Gene & Marcene Brown
Jack & Dana Brown
Jack & Jill Brown
James Brown & Carolyn Ruffin Brown
Jeannine Brown
Kent & Dolores Brown
Kevin & Debra Brown
Marvin & Joanne Brown
Nickolas Brown
Pete & Gina Brown
Peter & Lynne Brown
Rob Brown
Robert & Anne Brown
Tom & Chris Brown
Zachary Brown
Susan Browne
Peggy Browning
Jeff Brownlee
Larry Brownlee & Amy McGrath
Samuel & Nancy Broyles
Michael & Sidonie Broz
Joan Brubacher
Ching Brubaker
Michael & Renee Brubaker
Charles & Kay Bruce
Denice Bruce
Eric Bruce
Eric & Misty Bruckner
Jim & Lana Bruggeman
Marjorie Brugger
Elisha Brumfield
Calvin Brummer
Greg & Donna Brummett
Linda Brummett
Scott & Donita Brummett
Kevin & Chassidy Brunton
Lawrence & Jean Bryan
Wayne Bryan
Joe Bryant
Robert Bryant
Steve & Carolyn Bryant
Steven & Krista Bryant
Paul & Diane Buatte
Robert Bubp & Krista Vollack-Bubp
Bruce Buchanan & Lynette Lacy
Robert & Roberta Buchanan
Alex Buck
Kathryn Buck
Merle & Renette Buck
Nancy Buck
Glen Buckendorf
Mat Buckingham
John Buckner
Chip & Sueanna Budde
Jack & Jaye Ann Buehler
Brad & Kim Buehler
Greg Buell & Barbara Ford-Buell
Rita Buffington
Robert & Mary Buffo
Don & Sue Buhler
AJ & Amy Buhrman
Alexander Bukhgeym
Michael Bulleigh
Doug & Angela Buller
Jim & Deborah Buller
John & Lori Kiinani Bullock
David & Pamela Bumpurs
Jennifer Bumsted
Bob & Marsha Bunting
Pat Bunton
Collyer Burbach
Elizabeth Burch
Shanda Burch
Ellen Burd
Adam Burdette
Ben Burdick
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Martin & Susan Burdick
Marty & Toby Burger
Jim & Doris Burgert
Judy Burgess
Kirk Burgess
Paul & Laura Burghart
Alan & Susan Burke
John & Shari Burke
Richard & Evelyn Burke
Zoe Burke
Keith & Julie Burkhart
William & Shirley Burkhart
John & Pamela Burkholder
Larry & Suzanne Burkholder
Lynn Burklund
Walt & Kristin Burling
Bill & Dorothy Burmeier
Marilyn Burnell
Dennis & Donna Burnett
Jim & Pat Burnett
Robert Burnham
Bruce & Connie Burns
Edward & Catherine Burns
Howard & Deloris Burns
John Burns & Cheryl Juul-Burns
Lisa Burns
Philip & Lori Burress
William Burress
Matt Burroughs & Cara
McCall Burroughs
Donald & Kerry Burrow
Joshua & Jena Burrow
Ben Burrus
Ryan & Jenny Burrus
Danny & Kira Burt
Brian & Jayme Buzard
Arthur Busch
Charles Busch
Jerry Busch
Kathryn Busch
John & Janice Buselt
Ann Bush
Dennis & Debie Bush
Frank & Jeanne Bush
Jan Bush
Kim Bush
Randy & Sandra Bush
Debbie Bushyhead
Bruce & Sherri Buss
Fred Buss
Ron & Karen Buss
Patrick Bussarr & Gail Bussart
Maria Bustamante
David Butler
Julie Butler
Kathy Butler
Ken & Diane Butler
Patrick Butler
Susan Butler
Mark Buttram
Samuel & Susan Buttram
Bryson & Susan Butts
Barney Byard
Brian & Deborah* Byers
Connie Byrne
Christine Cabell
Mitch Caddell
Charles & Nancy Cadwell
Joan Caldwell
Richard Caldwell & Susan Herber
Eric Cale & Sarah Bagby
Bill & Joean Calhoun
Christina Calhoun
Laura Calhoun
Jad Callahan
Tracy Callard
David & Gail Calvert
Robert & Carla Calvert
Jerry Calvert
Suzanne Calvert
Glenda Camacho
David Cameron & Stephanie
Leroy Cammerer
Alfred & Sara Campbell
David & Mary Campbell
Lela Campbell
Michael & Suzanne Campbell
Mickey & Pat Campbell
Steve & Lisa Campbell
Walter Campbell & Edna Sutton
William & Marsha Campbell
Jarrod & Julie Cannaby
Mike & Kim Cannady
Ed Cannon & Vickie Glancy Cannon
John Cannon
Steven & Robin Cano
Vanessa Cardenas
Steve & Leanne Caret
Kevin Carl & Judy Jaax
Jim & Barbara Carlson
Leigh Carlson Burgess
Cameron & Lana Carlson
Dennis & Katherine Carlton
Chris & Sherry Carmichael
John & Cheryl Carmichael
John & Shannan Carnes
Brandon Carney
Terry Carney
Anthony & Mary Carpenter
Bobby & Rae Carpenter
Richard & Beatrice Carr
Darryl Carrington
Noreen Carrocci
Barry Carroll
Elizabeth Carroll
Jeri Carroll
Charlie & Mary Carson
Elizabeth Carson
Mike & Barbara Carson
Bradley & Rebecca Carter
Cathryn Carter
Christopher Carter
Dianna Carter
Layne & Katy Carter
Luke & Christen Carter
Steven & Carolyn Carter
Darin & Olivia Cartwright
David & Mary Caruso
John & Sheryl Cary
Michael & Sheryl Caryl
Jill Casado
Cheryl Casamento
Kay Case
Stephen & Janet Casey
William & Barbara Casey
Wayne & Leigh Casimir
Leo & Janelle Caspar
Bob & Arlene Casper
Mark & Rosie Cassell
Jesse & Pam Castillo
Joe & Sanjuana Castor
James & Rhonda Castrisos
Susan Castro
Bob & Pat Cather
Scott & Christina Cathey
Matthew & Lisa Catlin
Carl & Diane Caton
Rosemary Cauley
Brian Cedillo
Douglas Cekal
Jerry Chadic
Nancy Chadick
Steve Chadick
Robyn Chadwick
Nicki Chaffee
John & Pamela Jean Chain
Jeremy Chalfant & Tanya Leite-Chalfant
Craig Challender
Clark & Deborah Chambers
Mark & Ryan Chambers
Wayne & Susan Chambers
Vernette Chance
Mary Chandler
Michael & Myrna Chandler
Chung & Betty Chang
Duane Channell
David Chanowski
Suzanne Chapek
Darrell & Sherry Chapman
Jeff & Cyndi Chapman
Ron & Sharon Chapman
Teddy Chapmon
Bruce & Lynne Chappell
Walter & Valentina Chappell
Tolanda Charles
Gary & Sally Charter
Steve & Anita Chartier
Stanton & Melanie Chase
Tom & Leanne Chase
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Craig & Diana Chastain
Jane Chastain
Paul & Michele Chauncey
Alicia Chavez
Chelsea Chavez
Michael Chavez
Steve & Elaine Chavez
Trinidad & Billie Chavez
Chhung-Jen Chen
Richard & Mary Beth Chenoweth
Philip & Susan Cherven
Robert & Terry Chesnut
Mike & Linda Claypool
Rob & Debra Cheshier
Chris & Monica Chessmore
James & Trudy Childers
Vicki Childers
Chris & Doneen Childress
Quentin & Tracy Childs
Steven & Teresa Childs
Jodi Chiles
Kevin Chiles
Chuck Chipman
Don & Gwenn Chism
Crystal Chitwood
Mary Chitwood
Ben Christensen
Carl & Brenda Christensen
Charles Christian
David & Ila Christian
Fred Christian
Jeffrey Christian
Joel & Susanne Christians
Tom & Michelle Christiansen
Steven & Drue Christie
Pete Christy
Chris Chronis
Jackie Church
Judy Church
Barbara Ciboski
Phil Ciholas
Patricia Ciotti
Cindy Cisneros McGilvrey
Michael Cissell
John Claassen
Kendall & Carol Claassen
Milton Claassen
Alice Clark
Barbara & Terry Clark
Bruce & Jamie Clark
Charles & Deborah Clark
David Clark
James & Mary Ann Clark
James Clark
Janice Clark
Jeffrey & Cindy Clark
Jim & Carol Clark
John Clark
Kipp & Jill Clark
Larry & Bunnie Clark
Mark & Deborah Clark
Michael Clark
Robert Clark
Rudi Clark
Rustin Clark
Steven & Renee Clark
Toni Clark
Wes & Gail Clary
Walter & Elaine Classen
Ken & Jennifer Clausing
Jeff & Karla Claycamp
Bill & Kaye Cleaver
Roger & Marcy Clegg
Denney & Robin Clements
Gaye Clements
Mark Clevenger
Dean Cleverdon & Nancy Nyberg
Brian & Addie Clifford
Michael & Lucy Clifton
Byron Cline
Scott & Jodi Cline
Stephen & Virginia Clinton
Curt & Taeko Clonts
Kyle & Jessy Clonts
Charles & Carol Close
Peter & Carol Coakley
Casey & Sylvia Coats
Alan & Holly Cobb
Bill & Sally Cobb
Frank & Jeannine Cobb
James & Janice Cochran
Patricia Cochran Rosenhagen
Mike & Paige Cocke
Jay & Dixie Jo Coffey
Karen Coffey
Ronald Cofield
Randy & Alice Cohen
Robert Cohen
Sam Cohlmia
Kelly & Debra Cohoon
Bradley & Nancy Colburn
Chris & Jennifer Colby
Samantha Colby
Richard & Brenda Coldiron
Adam Cole
Bud & Ann Cole
Joan Cole
Mary Cole
Stephen & Phyllis Cole
Jeremy Coleman
Robert & Marie Coleman
Ronald & Delonna Coleman
Gerri Colgan
Arlin & Donna Collie
Bill & Vicky Collier
Bernard Collins
Cindy Collins
Robert Collins
Robert & Jennifer Collins
Tim & Diana Collins
B.D. & Jackie Collison
Deltha Colvin
John & Denise Combs
Larilla Combs
William Comley
Craig Compagnone
Martin Compton
Rob & Erin Compton
Sherry Compton
Ted Compton
Ernest & Ardyth Condon
Bob & Lee Conger
John & Pat Conine
Richard & Susan Conklin
Michael & Jean Conkling
Mary Ellen Conlee
Carolyn Conley
June Conley
Norm Conley
Todd & Lori Connell
Michael & Louann Considine
Dorothy Converse
Howard & Susan Conyers
Donald & Marilyn Cook
Kimberlee Cook
Larry & Sheri Cook
Michael & Jennifer Cook
Betty Coon
Noah Coonce
Ronnie & Susan Coonce
Edna Cooper
Edwin & Jeanne Cooper
Gladys Cooper
Jack Cooper
Jim & Denise Cooper
Kent & Cheryl Cooper
Ww & Bonnie Cooper
James & Deann Coote
Mark & Lindy Courington
Lee & Carol Copeland
Sam & Merri Copeland
Mary Coplen
Pamela Copp
Jerry & Maxine Coppel
Andrew & Robin Corbin
Ryan & Samantha Corcoran
Michael Corder
Christopher Cordes
Pilar Cordes
Ryan Cordre
Terri Core
Steve Cormier
Paul & Sue Ann Corn
Donald Cornelius
William & Pam Cornwell
David & Julienne Corr
Darwin Corrin
Bill Cory
Kendrick & Nora Coryell
Christopher Costello
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
David & Mary Costello
Tim & Doreen Cotter
Mark & Kimberly Cotton
Charles & Joyce Couch
William & Kathy Coufal
Moe & Kathryn Cougher
Chad & Jennifer Coughlin
Don & Marina Coulter
Kip & Cathy Coulter
Lynn & Teresa Ann Coulter
Suanna Counts
Ty & Carolyn Coup
Courtney Coupland
Paul Courtney
Duane Coyle & Donna Schmidt
Anthony & Dawn Cuellar
Virginia Covert
Bob & Sue Cowdery
Brad & Tammy Cox
Joe & Rhonda Cox
Kerry & Melinda Cox
Michael & Rosemary Cox
Richard & Anna Cox
Roy & Melissa Cox
Tara Cox
David & Angela Coyle
Mark & Judith Cozine
Tommy Crabb*
Jeffrey & Sheila Crabtree
Kevin & Gina Crabtree
Debra Crager
Charles & Nancy Craig
Dakin Cramer
Jon & Maybrit Cramer
James Crandall
David & Lois Crane
Michael & Margaret Cranston
Stephen & Sharon Cranston
Bob & Flo Crawford
Charles & Mary Crawford
Craig & Rebecca Crawford
Curtis & Roberta Crawford
David & Sally Crawford
Marian Crawford
Matt & Natasha Creasman
Irvin & Kevin Creech
Jon & Kendra Cremin
Lisa Crenshaw
Bob & Ruth Cressler
Stephen & Starla Criser
Roger & Ruth Crispin
Michael Criss
Sam Criss & Marybeth Cupp-Criss
Richard & Elvira Crocker
Jean Crockett
Mike & Rachael Crosby
Arthur Cross
Gerald & Patricia Cross
Gregory & Glenda Crotchett
Robert & Beverly Crowe
Janice Crowley
Timothy Crowley
Joan Crowns
Richard & Karen Crowson
Jim & Melinda Cruce
Doris Diane Cruit
Charles & Mary Crum
Victoria Cruz
Diana Cubbage
Kathryn Culbertson
Roland & Bev Curzydlo
Garold & Dorothy Culley
Christopher Culp
Hal & Carol Cumberland
Mike & Judy Cyphers
Ralph Dagenais
William Dakan
John & Hazel Dalbom
Gerald & Rhonda Dalton
Keith & Sharri Dalton
Gary & Roberta Damm
Larry & Helen Damm
Dennis & Janis Danders
Michael & Lou Ann Dandurand
Don Daniels
Edward Daniels
James & Lois Daniels
Ted & Barbara Dankert
Tom Devlin, founder of Rent-A-Center and Flint Hills National Golf Club,
speaks at a celebration marking the 25th anniversary of the building named
for him, Devlin Hall.
Bernie & Jackie Cummins
Mary Cummings
Maurice & Melva Cummings
Robert Cummings
Alan & Beth Cunningham
Bob & Lori Cunningham
Brad Cunningham
Dave & Lorie Cunningham
Edward & Kelli Cunningham
John & Ann Cunningham
Mary & Mikel Cunningham
Randy & Carol Cunningham
Michael & Becky Curran
Christopher & Alexandra Curry
Craig & Amy Curry
Heath & Heather Curry
Tom & Marta Curry
Craig & Wendy Curtice
Michael & Leza Curtin
Mark & Trista Curzydlo
Roger & Sandra Cusack
Ronald & Carol Cushman
Jonathan & Alissa Cyphers
Terry & Marilyn Danler
Myron Dannar
Ken Dannenberg
Homer & Lisa Dansby
Michael & Mary Daratt
Cole & Krystal Dark
John & Stefanie Darlington
Jene & Leah Darmstetter
Chris & Kathy Darnell
Will & Courtney Darrah
William & Deborra Darrow
Michael & Dena Dassel
Brad & Darla Dauffenbach
Ian Davey
Colleen David
George & Claudia David
Robert & Tama Davidson
Elena Davila
Aaron & Erica Davis
Amy Davis
David Davis & Stephanie Lambert
Deb Davis
Garry & Judy Davis
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
John & Jenny Davis
Lloyd & Tamara Davis
Lori Davis
Marc & Christine Davis
Matthew Davis
Michael & Kay Davis
Nancy Davis
Richard & Janice Davis
Richard & Kay Davis
Robert & Shirley Davis
Steven & Leeanna Davis
Theodore & Consuelo Davis
Tom & Debra Davis
Linda Davisson
Margaret Dawe
John Dawes
Louis & Diana Dawkins
Chester & Karen Day
David & Sherry Day
Dean & Mary Day
Steven & Teresa Day
David Dayvault
Stephen & Janet De Thample
Mike & Janice Dealy
Gary & Terry Dean
Leon & Kathryn Deaver
Brandon & Micki Debbrecht
Charles Debbrecht
John & Catherine Debes
Leo Debroeck
John Decesaro
Lori Dechant
Steven Dechant
George & Janice Deck
David & Rebecca Deckard
Dustin Deckard
Brandon Decker
Jay & Phyllis Decker
Sheri Decker
Terence Decker
John & Carla Deckert
William & Pamla Deeds
Danny Deener
Peggy Deforest
Geoffrey Deibel
Gloria Deines
Tim Deitchler
Alan & Reitha Deiter
Amy Delamaide
Darras & Gina Delamaide
Larry & Nancy Delaney
David & Miriam Delap
Elizabeth DeLeon
Basil & Marsha Delgado
Nadine Delhotal
Thomas Delillo & Deborah Gordon
Merle & Janette Delinger
Matthew & Amy Delong
Nathaniel Delzer
Jay & Tammy Demetree
Dan & Nancee DeMott
Ken & Amy Dempsey
Curt & Kathy Demuth
David & Rita Dendurent
Tom & Kathy Denesia
Clifford & Susanna Denis
Bryan Dennett
Joshua Dennis
Bert & Linda Denny
Edward & Debbie Denton
Linda Denton
Clifford & Corinne Depew
Fred & Kathleen Deppner
Thomas & Deborah Derber
Thomas & Linda Dermyer
Bill Deroulet
Valmont & Tehseen Desa
Kyle & Stacey Deschamps
Bruce & Julie Deterding
Mark & Julie Detter
Steven & Cynthia Deutsch
Todd & Brenda Devaney
Mary Devries
Dave & Sally Dewey
Domenico Di Lollo
Sandy & Constance Di Pasquale
Lionel & Shelby Diamond
Amy Dick
Barry & Donna Dick
Bennie Dick
Daagya Dick
Darlene Dick
Nathan Dick
Sara Dick
Dan & Sharon Dickgrafe
Pat & Linda Dickman
Nathan Diehl
Dennis Diener
Frederick & Susan Dierksen
Dennis & Linnie Dietz
Phil & Connie Dietz
Kenneth & Rae Dill
Allen Dilley
Beverly Dilsaver-Millan
Chad & Brandy Diltz
Darlene Dinkel
Judith Dishinger
Christopher Dittman
Donnell Dixon
Doug & Dianne Dixon
Eric & Julie Dixon
Mike & Sharon Dixon
Stephen & Tamara Dixon
Leon & Nhung Do
Lisa Doane
Margi Dochow
Brian & Emily Docking
Richard Dodge
Donald Dodrill
Mary Dohl
Thomas & Cindy Dolan
Michael Dold
Scott Dold & Jean Younger
Brent Doll
Lance & Melissa Doll
Linda Doll
Mary Doll
Susan Domann
Alan Donahue
David Dondlinger
Paul & Kay Donham
Leonard & Helen Donley
Robert Donley
Tim & Tina Donovan
Jane Dooley
Kelly & Kim Doornbos
Curtis & Ann Dorn
Darwin & Stephanie Dorr
William & Tamara Dorsett
Ron & Carmen Dorsey
Marc Dotson
Roger & Beverly Douthett
Katrina Douthit
Sonja Dove
Michael & Jolynn Dowling
Thomas & Eleanor Downey
Dale & Cheri Downing
Marcus Dowty
Rick & Jennifer Doyon
Charles & Jeanette Drake
Daniel & Kendall Drake
Tina Drake Zimmerman
Paula Drane
Joe Drbohlav
Thomas Dreiling
Adam & Maria Dreisziger
Mary Drescher-Upton
Lawrence & Julie Drews
James & Peggy Driscoll
Robert Driskill
James Droege
Michael Dromey
Mary Druding
Gregory & Camie Drumright
Tom & Brenda Drury
John & Beverly Du Gay
Lynette Dubois
Dennis & Orpha Duell
Harding & Katherine Duerksen
Jeremy Duerksen
Clark & Susan Duffy
Richard & Cynthia Dugger
Ford & Donna Duke
David & Kelly Dumler
Andrew & Lena Duncan
Darrell & Cecilia Duncan
Scott Duncan
Tate & Shelley Duncan
Warren & Thu-Ha Duncan
Dee Dunlap
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Robyn Dunlap
Vincent & Jean Dunlap
Edward & Diane Dunn
Michael & Kathy Dunn
Anthony & Deborah Dunne
Cynthia Dunne
Stephen Dunne
James & Jill Dunning
Jim & Beverly Dunning
Larry & Elaine Dunning
Brenda Duno
David & Jennifer Dunshee
Jennifer Duong
Wes & Sherry Duperier
Ellie Duram
Phillip & Rachel Durand
Dirk & Naomi Durant
Richard Durham & Patricia
Michael & Carol Durkee
Roger & Christine Dutton
Matt & Tracie Dvorak
Ric & Bonnie Dvorak
Bob & Kim Dwerlkotte
Brian Dwyer
Michael & Rebecca Dwyer
Paulie Dye
Jodi Dyer
Jon Dyer
David Eads
Dan Eakin
Peter & Rachel Eash-Scott
Larry & Judy East
Maggie Easton
Roger & Ann Eastwood
Jennifer Eaton
Raymond Eaton
Marsha Ebaugh
Tom Ebben
Wayne Ebel
Robert Eberly
Nathan & Judy Ebersole
David Ebertz
Alan & Linda Ebright
Charles & Jean Eby
Brian & Tami Eck
Dee Eck
Marci Eck
Kathleen Eckert
Vance & Clarice Eckstrom
Martin & Sue Eddy
Elaine Edens
Wendell & Carrol Edgell
Marlene Edgington
Darel Edgmon
David & Ann Ediger
Dean & Kathryn Ediger
Jacque Ediger
Steven Ediger & Jenelle Balzer-Ediger
Christine Edmonds
Stephen & Chris Edmonds
Kevin Edmundson
Glenn & Carolyn Edwards
Jack & Sandra Edwards
Ed & Cindy Egan
Larry & Nancy Egan
Ann Egelhof
Dave & Donna Erbe
Eric & Alena Eggel
Kimberly Egholm
Edward Ehinger & Marie King
Don Ehling
Forrest & Catherine Ehmke
Michael Ehrhart
Sarah Ehrlich
David Eichhorn & Judith Gordon
Wanda Eilts
Janene Eisenhart
Holden Eisiminger
Nick Eisman
Jerry & Diane Eker
Karen Eklund
Rangasamy & Sudha Elangovan
Thomas & Patricia Elarton
Frances Elder
Frederick Elder
Lee Elder
Michael & Sherry Elder
James Elgin
Justin & Mica Elkouri
Judy Eller
John Ellert & Dorothy Crum
Dick & Dena Elliott
Horace Elliott
Janet Elliott
Kevin & Mary Elliott
Lisa Elliott
Roger & Nancy Elliott
Alan & Susan Ellis
Bruce & Ruth Ellis
Eunice Ellis
William & Amelia Ellison
Grant & Shelly Else
Timothy Elsen
Brad & Mary Emanuel
Ken & Amber Emerson
Tim & Barbara Emert
John & Terri Emmons
Danny & Shanda Enegren
Paul Enegren
Phillip Enegren & Linda Weir-Enegren
Kimberly Engber
Ellen Engel
Keith & Peggy Engel
Pat & Stacy England
Georgia Englert
Jeffrey Englert
Ken & Debby Englert
Leon Engstrand
Clark & Susan Ensz
J.B. & Luella Ensz
James & Cindy Entriken
Arlen Entz
Jeremy Entz
Sharon Entz
Jeffrey & Dixie Lee Epp
Michael & Barbara Epstein
Greg & Catherine Erbert
Kermit & Nancy Erdwien
Cynthia Ericksen
Cathy Erickson
Donald & Sandy Erickson
Kirth & Joan Erickson
Lewis & Nancy Erickson
Mark & Jennifer Erickson
Bonnie Ernst
Norman & Cleo Ernst
William & Linda Ernst
Fred & Frances Ervin
Jane Eshelman
Craig & Donna Estep
Gilbert & Carolyn Ester
Robert & Talia Estrada
Edward & Mary Lee Esty
Wesley & Angie Etheredge
Chuck & Joni Etherington
Glenn & Cheryl Etherington
Yvonne Ethington
Casey Eubank
Rosston Eubank
Bud Evans
Carol Evans
Cheryl & Tom Evans
Christina Evans
David & Charlene Evans
Dennis & Caryllou Evans
Earle & Marylee Evans
Michael & Susan Evans
Paul & Bobbie Evans
David & Karen Everhart
Mike & Pamela Everhart
Douglas & Catherine Everingham
Marjorie Everoski
Tyler & Diane Ewert
Janice Ewing
Richard & Norma Ewing
Rick Ewing
Cynthia Ewy
Lael Ewy
Judith Fabian
Sally Fahrenthold
Joseph & Martha Fair
Milton & Sharon Fairbank
Jeff & Katherine Falkner
James & Deborah Fallis
James Fallis
Richard & Janice Fanter
Scott & Kelli Farber
Aaron & Jennifer Farha
Christopher Farha
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Floyd & Janet Farha
Henry & Joyce Farha
Jim Farha
Mallory Farha
Ted & Teri Farha
Michael & Linda Farmer
Vernon & Linda Farmer
Gary & Sarabeth Farney
David Farnsworth
Sebastian & Sharon Faro
Mark & Deb Farr
Jean Farrar
Rebecca Farris
Arlen & Anne Fast
David Fast
Donald & Diane Fast
Jeffrey Faus
Mike Faust
Karla Fazio
Larry & Judith Fear
Bryan & Maureen Fearey
Don & Debra Feekes
Eric & Holly Feezor
Christopher & Amy Feimer
Ethel Felder
Tris Felix
Gary & Linda Felt
Jeremy & Amy Felts
Jonathan Fenwick
Scott Ferentz
Felix & Marilyn Fernandes
Jacob Ferrell
Pete Ferrell
Michael & Donna Ferris
Stanley & Wilma Fertig
Richard Fesler
Denise Fetrow
Michael & Ann Fetters
Gregory Feuerborn
Marc & Sandra Fey
Fredrick Fields
David & Karen Fieser
Roger & Natasha Fife
Eric & Kari Filippi
H F & Beverly Filson
Sarah Fincham
Patricia Findeiss
Kevin & Lisa Findley
Connie Finger
Ernest & Mary Fink
Timothy Finnerty
Carl Fischer
Phil & Kathi Fischer
Bruce Fiscus
Donna Fisher
Evelyn Fisher
James & Donna Fisher
Jason Fisher
Jeanne Fisher
Karla Fisher
Stephen & Tiffany Fisher
Wallace & Peggy Fisher
William & Jodi Fisher
Richard & Karen Fiske
Baldwin & Katherine Fitzgerald
Sandy & Elly Fitzig
Carol Fizer
Geraldine Flaharty
Loren Flaharty
Martha Flaherty
Harold Flaigle
Dale & Linda Flanakin
Bill & Connie Flanders
David & Monica Flask
Jim & Elizabeth Flax
Randy & Ruby Flax
James & Lisa Fleetwood
Calvin & Wilma Fleming
Greg & Connie Fleming
Larry Fleming
Edward & Marla Flentje
John & Donna Fletcher
Ronnie Floerchinger
John & Kay Flook
Michael & Jackie Flores
Mike & Gayle Florio
Evelyn Florquist
Megan Fogarty
Dan Foley
Christina Folkerts
James & Diane Fonzo
Roland & Elaine Fooshee
Richard & Earlene Foote
Marsha Forcum
John & Julia Ford
Dale & Esther Fornshell
Clif Forrest
Jason & Belinda Fortin
Suzanne Fortin
Joe & Patricia Fortmeyer
Adam Fortner
Shirley Fortner
Ronnie Fortune
Lyndal & Lynne Foss
Ben & Karen Foster
Colin Foster
Douglas Foster
Kelli Foster
Marion & Sharon Foster
Norman & Frances Foster
Robert & Jo Lynn Foster
Steven & Nola Foulston
James & Laura Fowler
Jay Fowler & Barbara Ahne-Fowler
Milt & Donna Fowler
Charles Fox
Daniel Phillips & Molly Fox
Robert & Carrol Foxall
John & Katherine Francis
Alton Franklin & Carolyn Sakowski
Dawn Frankfurt
Debra Franklin
Michael & Gloria Franklin
Troy Frantz
Lindell & Terri Franz
Raymond & Janet Franz
Timothy & Stacia Frasco
Elizabeth Frazee
Leanna Frazier
Max & Barbara Frazier
Philip Frazier
Wayne & Annette Frazier
Diana Fredelake
John & Cori Frederick
Mike & Charli Frederick
Doris Fredin
Sandy Free
Patrick & Kristin Freed
Gary & Judy Freeman
James Freeman
Terry Freeman
Wallace & Linda Freeman
Timothy & Jennifer French
Jerome & Naomi French
Jim & Lisa French
Mardella Freund
Roy & Mary Freund
Scott Frey
Brently & Sarah Frick
Phillip & Judith Frick
Troy & Amanda Frick
Samuel & Sandra Fricke
Gene & Cheryl Friedman
Larry Friend
Donna Friesen
Gregg & Joanna Friesen
David & Tracee Friess
Andy Frieze
Paul & Martha Fritts
Arnold & Carol Froese
Stephen Frost
Eric & Jena Fry
Michael & Debra Fry
William & Sandra Fry
Jonathan & Leslie Frye
Johnny & Grace Fu
George & Judy Fulghum
Joe & Jessie Fulgham
Ashlyn Fuller
James Fullerton
Michael & Lorraine Fulton
Virgil & Cheryl Fulton
Evan & Angie Funk
Paul & Beverly Funk
Sarah Funke
Jill Fuqua
Randall & Rita Fuqua
Jack & Peggy Furan
John & Carol Furrow
Deborah Fusco
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Donald Fusco
Kenneth Gabrielson
Nils & Lori Gabrielson
Andrew Gage
Kenneth Gage
Robert & Cheri Gage
James Gagne
Melissa Gaines
Lance & Lisa Galbraith
Caroline Galbreath
Bill Gale & Charissa Jarboe Gale
Cory & Kara Jo Gale
Harold Gale
Kevin & Coree Gales
Jordan Galey
Bruce Gallardo
Allen Galliart
David & Carol Galliart
Frank & Linda Galloway
Erin Gray, 2013 winner of the esteemed
Anna Elizabeth Walsh Humanities
Scholarship, majors in creative writing
at Wichita State.
Helen Galloway
Marsh & Carol Galloway
Emilse Galvan
Thomas & Rosemary Gangel
Mahesh & Medha Ganmukhi
Raymond & Diane Gans
Kimberly Garci
Carlos Garcia & Jena Jacobs-Garcia
Oscar & Kayce Garcia
Tom & Sharon Gard
Dean Garner
Jeff & Melissa Gardner
Joanne Gardner
Kenneth & Denise Gardner
Mark & Billie Gardner
Jason & Amy Garnsey
Nicholas Garrels
Thomas & Carole Garretson
Kenneth Garrett
Sharon Garrison
Dan & Rose Garrity
Timothy & Maria Garroutte
Andrew Garvey
James Garvey
Timothy & Jane Gaskell
Larry Gaston
Laverne Gates
Ryan Gates & Kathryn Van Steenhuyse
Terry Gattis
Ron Gatton
Deborah Gaul
Dominic Gauna
John & Diane Gaunt
Wanda Gavin
Curtis Gaylord & Sharon Sawatzky
Dan & Val Gean
Martin & Doris Geeding
Charles & Cynthia Geer
Claudia Geer
Gavin & Lesley Gehrt
Peter & Judy Geiger
Sally Geisert
Mark & Shawna Geist
John Gelwick
Michael & Sabrina George
Susan George
Terry & Nancy George
Waldo & Lotus Gerards
Donna Gerber
Eugene & Patricia Gerber
Lee Gerber
Terry & Mary Jane Gerber
Armin & Karen Gerhard
Scott Germann
Romaine Gerould
Mary Ann Gertsen
Loren & Louise Gerwick
Walter & Susan Getchell
Mark & Karen Geubelle
Jenny Gholson-Morris
Kenneth Gibbs & Angela Howell-Gibbs
Mark & Sonja Gibbs
Richard & Joanne Giblin
Charles & Joan Gibson
Rick & Dona Gibson
Robert Gibson
Terry & Marilyn Gideon
Stephen & Tamara Gielisch
Elaine Gifford
Chris & Laurie Giggy
Patrick Gilbert
Sarah Gilbert
Stan Gilbert
Karen Gilchrist
Greg & Glenice Gile
Ken & Toni Gile
James & Karon Giles
Clif & Patricia Gillenwater
Jim & Bettie Gillenwater
Jim & Kim Gillespie
John* & Carra Gillespie
Sharon Gillespie
Thomas & Joan Gilley
Cheryl Gilliam
Sharon Gilliam
Steven & Lynette Gilliam
Brad & Janet Gilliland
Kathy Gilstrap
Barbara Gingrich
Ian Gingrich-Gaylord
Zachary Gingrich-Gaylord
Christian & Monica Giovanniello
Patrick Gipson
Diane Gjerstad
Lee & Elizabeth Glanville
Jaren Glaser
Mark & Janet Glaser
Jack Glaves
Milton & Debbie Gleason
Linnea Glenmaye
Rogene Glenn
Theodore & Leslie Glenn
Tom Glenn & Denise Chlysta-Glenn
Gerold & Nancy Glover
Robert Glover
Thomas & Terry Glover
James & Paula Gluck
Chad Glunt
Tom & Jane Gluszek
Jeffrey & Kaisha Goebel
Matthew Goebel
Erin & Cambria Goen
Charles & Sandra Goentzel
David Goering
Don & Jean Goering
Fred Goering
Fredric & Carolyn Goering
Jim & Ruth Goering
Jonathon & Betsey Goering
Lawrence & Karen Goering
Mark & Alice Goering
Ryan & Kylie Goering
Theron Goering
Paul Goertz
Tim Goerzen
Daniel Goetz
Scott & Beth Golay
Mark & Sandra Goldman
Al & Judy Gomez
Rolando Gomez
Johnny & Emily Gonzales
David Gonzalez
Jesus & Barbara Gonzalez
Robert & Josephine Good
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Maurice & Beverly Goodrich
Thad & Cynthia Goodrich
Tom & Nancy Goodson
Alan & Mary Goodwin
David & Shawna Goodwin
Gregg Goodwin
Michael & Tracy Goodwin
Mike Goodwin
Sherry Goovin
Vikram & Aarthi Gopal
Suman & Praveena Gorantla
Jeff & Diana Gordon
Kern & Ann Gordon
Galen & Marjorie Gose
David & Krina Goss
Oscar Gossard
James Gossett
Dale Goter & Lori Linenberger
Wayne Gottstine & Tanya Tandoc
Robert Goudy
Andrew & Katie Gough
Steven & Lisa Gough
Terry & Elyse Gowin
Allen Graber & Carole Paddock-Graber
Charles Graber
Dale & Sharon Graber
Jim & Peggy Graber
Mark Graber
Ned & Catherine Graber
Kenyon Grabinski
John & Charlene Grabner
Steven & De Ann Gradert
Harry & Mary Graff
Carol Graham
Kelley Graham
Victor & Lisa Graham
Dave & Debbie Grainger
Dave Grant & Rachael Pirner
Charles Grassman
John Gratz
James & Karen Graves
Margaret Graves
Brian Gray
Cynthia Gray
Doug & Sue Gray
Margaret Ann Gray
Tracey Graziosi
Daniel & Robin Greef
Chris & Sarah Green
Gary & Denise Green
Jarrett Green
Ken Green & Holly Wathan
Rob & Melanie Green
Richard Green
Shirley Green
Robert & Karen Greenberg
Joyce Greene
Michael Greene
Susan Greene
Ben & Gwen Greenway
Laurence & Melanie Greenwood
Christina Gregory
Jack & Ruth Greider
Bart & Melissa Grelinger
Marc & Maureen Grenier
William Gress
Brad Greteman
Chuck & Susie Grier
Kent & Janis Grier
Sophia Griffey
Earl & Jane Griffith
Gary & Janet Griffith
Kara Griffith
Leslie & Barbara Griffith
Sarah Griffith
Jack & June Griggs
Jim & Mary Grill
Dennis Grilliot
Donald & Ana Grimm
David & Marilyn Grisham
Bryan & Tiffany Grizzell
Mark & Lisa Grogan
John & Michelle Groh
Delores Groom
Klay & Mika Gross
Donald & Margaret Grossardt
Michael & Vivian Grothe
Susan Grove
Jan & Anne Groves
Michele Groves
Wanda Groves
Greer & Dana Gsell
Wei Guan
Tom Guba & Caryl Chacey-Guba
Daniel Gubichuk
Linda Guebara
Robert & Susan Guenthner
Carolyn & Allen Guernsey
John & Debbie Guernsey
Robert & Joan Guerrant
Elizabeth Guhman
Chris Guhn
Bradley & Sara Guhr
Michael & Janice Guice
George & Carolyn Guinan
Bonnie Guinn
Christopher Gulick
Robert Guliford
Ernest & Lois Gullerud
Gary & Kathleen Gullickson
Marilynn Gump
R.J. Gump
Frank & Ramona Gunn
Lawrence & Annette Gurney
Jan & Edith Gustafson
Lisa Gustin
Gil & Lizanne Guthrie
Gary & Cathy Gutjahr
Gene & Lisa Gutschenritter
Lorna Habegger Harder
Kim & Charlotte Hackett
Larry & Janice Hackley
Bradley & Terri Haddock
Richard & Treva Haden
Cheryl Hadley
David Hadley
Rocky Hadley
Thomas & Carol Hadorn
William & Wayona Hafeman
Robert & Jane Hagan
Darlynn Hagen
Linda & Billy Hager
Troy Hagerman
Barth & Betty Hague
Dennis & Susan Hague
Chris & Cassie Hahn
Glen & Janet Hahn
Larry & Linda Hahn
Craig Haines
Daniel & Dorothy Haines
Peggy Haines
Peter & Kathy Hanas
Adam Halabi
Charles & Ladonna Hale
Cliff & Marian Hall
Dennis & Amy Hall
Dick Hall
James & Holly Hall
Judith Hall
Kathleen Hall
Lindsey Hall
Pamela Hall
Tim & Maria Hall
Peter & Mary Halley
Robert & Gayle Hallgarth
Thomas & Kimberly Halliburton
Robert & Maureen Halligan
Amy Halloran
Jerry & Lark Hallum
Craig & Angela Halpern
David Ham & Amy Drassen Ham
Dana Hamant
Darrell Hambley
Fred & Dee Hambright
Kimberlee Hamel
James & Rebecca Hamersly
Don & Ella Hamill
Aaron & Ronda Hamilton
Candy Hamilton
Dave & Rhonda Hamilton
Joshua & Sherri Hamilton
Michael & Metinee Hamilton
Steve & Laura Hamlin
Eldon & Paula Hamm
Alvin Hammar
Mark & Leah Hammar
Gary & Carol Hammel
Gary Hammer
John Hammer
Dennis Hammers
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Steven & Janet Hamous
Scott Hampel
Connie Hampton
Sarah Hampton
Wade Hampton
Loyd & Sharon Hamrick
Robert Hamrick
Sharon & James Hand
Dorothy Haner
Linda Hankins
Ed & Julie Hanks
Karen Hanley
Shawn & Katherine Hannagan
Robert & Mary Hannah
Herbert & Gertrude Hannam
Robert & Christy Hanne
Delbert Hanneman
Pat & Renee Hanrahan
Allen & Jane Hansen
Bobbi Hansen
Gunter & Mary Hansen
Kenton & Lacy Hansen
Owen & Leslie Hansen
David & Janet Hanson
Roger & Pamela Hanson
Theodore & Arvilla Hanson
Gary & Susie Hanssen
Mike & Kathy Happe
John & Carol Harbert
Vicki Hardaway
Dorothy Harder
Tom & Lois Harder
Vern Harding
Richard & Terry Hardman
Evelyn Hardy*
Ray & Jennifer Hare
Gary & Cathy Harmon
William & Beverly Harmon
Deanna Harms
Duane Harms
Gary Harms
Mary Harms
Tom Harms
Harvey & Carol Harness
Jerry Harper
George & Dotty Harpool
Alan & Debra Harr
Mary Harren
David & Debra Harries
Karen Harriman
Lynn & Susan Harrington
Richard Harrington
Agnes Harris
Charles & Rosemary Ruth Harris
Donna Harris
James & Donna Harris
Keith & Pamela Harris
Kerry Harris
Max & Janie Harris
Alferdteen Harrison
Joseph & Sheila Harrison
Kevin & Carol Harrison
Maurine Harrison
Timothy & Tracy Harrison
Greg & Madeline Harshberger
Bruce & Sheree Hart
Darrel & Joyce Hart
Hylagene Hart
Irene Hart
Stephen & Wilma Hart
Chris Harter
Brett & Jody Hartkopp
Robert & Coral Hartl
James & Cheryl Hartley
Matthew & Rhea Hartley
Meriel Hartling
Delaine Hartman
Jean Hartman
Keck & Robbin Hartman
Richard & Margaret Hartman
Steve & Lisa Hartman
Wink & Libba Hartman
Steven Hartmann
Robert & Jody Hartnett
John & LeeAnn Hartsfield
Matthew Hartwell
Daniel & Ann Harty
Anne Harvey
Dennis & Elaine Harvey
Larry & Susan Harvey
Maryln Harvey
Robert Harvey
Bobby Harwick
Lori Hase
Ross Haskell
Helen Haskin
John Hastings
Larry Hastings
Stephanie Hastings
Steve & Patty Hastings
Jay & Therese Hathaway
Jeanine Hathaway
Stephen & Cindy Hattrup
Gerald & Debra Hauder
Daniel & Marla Haug
James & Phyllis Haught
Gene Haury
Jim Hauserman
Lynn Havel
Don & Mary Hawkins
Sherman Hawkins
David Hawley
Ellis Hawley
Gary & Jean Hawley
Brandon & Kelsi Hay
Richard & Sandy Hayden
Mike & Barbara Hayes
Sally Hayes
Barbara Haynes
Chuck & Dana Haynes
Bryon & Elizabeth Hays
Marc Head
Nichole Head
Jay Headrick
Ralph & Lou Ann Heady
Michael & Carol Hearne
Carolyn Heasty
Sabine Heath
Bill & Risa Hebb
Donald & Jasjit Heckathorn
Gwendolyn Heckathorn
Damon & Dana Hecker
Dale & Christina Heckman
John & Roberta Heckman
Ken & Paulette Hedden
Joshua & Michelle Hedges
John Heer
Brad & Rhonda Heerey
Tyler & Jenni Heffron
Daniel & Janet Heflin
Dorothy Heidebrecht
Clay & Catherine Heidel
Gary Heidrick
Richard Heim
Mark & Carrie Heiman
Sharilyn Heiman
Rick & Carla Heimerman
Justin Hein
Fred & Joyce Heismeyer
Timothy & Brenda Hellman
Jim Helmick & Lisa Perry
Matthew Helmick
Bobby Helms
James & Catherine Helms
James & Kristi Helms
George & Virginia Helsel
David Hemberger
Kent Hemberger
Helen Hembree
Vickie Hemmen
Wayne Hemmen
Alexander Hendee
Michael Hendershott & Elizabeth
John & Kathryn Henderson
Starla Henderson
Trenton Henderson
Duncan & Kim Hendrix
Geneva Hendrix
Peter & Allison Hendrixson
Rich & Dee Hennette
Brian & Jessica Henning
Tonya Henning
Elizabeth Henry
Robin Henry
Shanna Henry
Tim & Pat Henry
Bill Hensley
Richard Heptig & Tracy Ramsey
William & Nancy Hercher
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Amy Herd
Alan Hering
Lindsey Herkommer
Bradley Herman
Karl & Mary Herold
Levi Herriage
Lynn & Paula Herrington
Anna Herrman
Jim & Carol Herrman
Roy Herrman
David Herrmann
Gary & Mary Jane Herron
Kenneth & Carol Hertel
Terry Hervey
Allen & Karen Hess
Bryan & Janette Hess
Larry & Jo Hess
Marty Hess
Michael & Tracy Hess
William & Judy Hess
Nazanin Hessabi
David & Christina Hesse
Kurt & Rebecca Hesse
Joyse Hess-Rodda
Chris & Kim Hett
James & Sharon Hewitt
Julie Hey
Dennis Heyer
Teresa Hickey
Timothy & Kathy Hickey
Alfred & Marceil Hicklin
Harriet Hickman
Linda Hickok
Ross & Brenda Hicks
Betty Hiebert
Greg Hiebert
Greta Hiebert
Terry & Janice Higgins
Julius High
Jacob Highfill
Jerry & Sheryl Higley
Larry Hildebrand
Terry Hildreth
Shawn & Angela Hilferty
Richard Hilgenfeld
Arlin & Barbara Hill
Bob Hill
Carol Hill
Daniel & Lori Hill
Don & Darlene Hill
Marsha Hill
Pamela Hill
Patrick & Sandy Hill
Robyn Hill
Steve & Leah Hill
Marjorie Hillgren
Edgar Hills & Donna Roth Hills
Steven & Annabeth Hind
Roger & Suzanne Hinderliter
Raleigh & Rhandalee Hinman
Patricia Hinojos
Darryl & Julie Hinshaw
Mabel Hirning
Steven & Linda Hirsch
Robert & Patricia Hirschmann
Eugene & Carol Hirsh
Lauren Hirsh
Robert & Cherryle Hitchings
Ellen Hittle
Tim Hitz
Kenneth & Shirley Hixon
Yunching Ho
Nels & Ruth Hoadley
Janice Hobbs
Lewis & Jo Ann Hobbs
Jan Hoberecht
Cheryl Hobson
Owen & Mary Hobson
Daniel & Elizabeth Hoch
Christine Hockett
George Hockett
Patricia Hockett
Perry & Anita Hodge
Tim Hodge
Carl & Karen Hodges
Ed Hodges
Stuart Hodges
Edith Hodgson
Barbara Hodson
Gladys Hoefer
Neal Hoelting
Dean Hoepner
Jeremy & Mitra Hoepner
Jeffrey & Kimberly Hoetmer
Lindsay Hoff
Cornelius Hoffmans
Gary & Pamela Hofmeier
Maureen Hofrenning
Daniel & Jean Hogan
Dennis & Shirley Hogan
Joseph Hogan
Kellie Hogan
Kevin & Amy Hogan
Pat & Linda Hogan
Paul & Cheryl Hogan
Marlene Hoglund
Wayne & Marie Hole
Julia Holen
Frank & Carolyn Holland
Ross & Judith Hollander
Bruce & Jeanne Hollembeak
Jeffery & Dena Hollinger
David Hollingshead
Kyra Hollis
Michael & Joyce Hollowell
Winona Hollowell
Bruce & Rana Holmer
David & Danette Holmes
David Holmes
Ellen Holmes
Judy Holmes
Martha Holmes
Nancy Holmes
Stephen & Barbara Holmes
Ken Holopirek
Brian Holstein & Melanie Wright
Keith & Rebecca Holt
Stephen & Virginia Holt
Steve Holtz
Gary & Kathy Holzman
Alicia Holzmeister
Andrea Holzwarth
Mary Honeck
Gretchen Hoobler
Lindy Hood
Ronnie & Rebecca Hook
Al Hooker
Justin & Ann Hoover
Dean & Karen Hope
Paula Hopkins
Amy Hopper
Jim & Barbara Hoppins
Leslie Horigan
Heath Horinek
Clarence & Doretha Horn
Walter & Ellen Horn
Jon Horning
Nonya Horning
Kurt & Shannon Horsch
Mike & Jan Horsch
Kenneth & Sara Horstmann
Randy & Kay Hoskinson
Bernard Hoss
Lowell & Beth Hostetler
Mary Hotze
Charli Houck
Michael Houk
James & Christine House
Russell & Joann House
Bill Houston
George Houston
Robert & Margaret Houston
Bud Howard & Lisa Callahan
Deborah Howard
John & Mickey Howard
Richard Howard
Robert & Marla Howard
Wayne & Jo Howdeshell
Chris & Michel Howell
Holly Howell
John & Susan Howell
Kenneth & Wilma Howell
Nicole Howerton
Huston & Krista Howery
Lynn Howitz
Michael & Rebecca Hoyer
Ming-Hsu & Wen-Chaun Hsiao
John & Laura Hubbard
Brian & Julie Huber
Robin Huber
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
William & Barbara Hubert
Daniel & Lynn Hudson
Gregory & Pat Hudson
Jim Hudson
Ken & Shelley Hudson
Nathan & Stephanie Huff
Melanie Huffman
David & Sally Hufford
Ann Hughes
Carroll & Linda Hughes
David & Allison Hughes
Eugene & Margaret Ann Hughes
Rachael Hughes
Robert & Janeen Hughes
Roy & Marilyn Hughes
Roger & Nancy Hughey
Gary & Debra Huhnerkoch
Ben Huie
Bob & Cindy Hull
James Hull
Jason & Cheree Hull
Kenneth & Anne Hull
Robert & Carole Hull
Crystal Hummel
Donald & Carol Hummel
Don & Jamie Hunt
James & Shelley Hunt
John & Diane Hunt
Solon & Carol Sue Hunt
Charles & Lynne Hunter
Gary & Kathy Hunter
Glenn & Cheryl Hunter
Jill Hunter
John Hunter
Don & Vera Hunziker
Jacqueline Hustead
David & Linda Hutchinson
Don & Sara Hutchison
Patrick Hutchison
Paul & Terri Hutsey
George & Beverly Hutton
Michael & Sheryl Hutton
Douglas & Vicki Hye
Galen & Kris Hysom
Justin Hysom
Russell & Jane Icke
Fredrick Iffert
Bret & Diana Ingalls
Ronnie Ingle
Michelle Ingram
Gregory Intoccia
Steve Ioerger & Tari Ernst
Richard & Sharon Iorio
Curtis & Sue Irby
Robert Ireland
Jacqueline Irwin
Lauren Irwin
Victor Isakov & Julie Bees
James & Elizabeth Isern
Charles Isiley
Peggy Deforest with scholarship recipient
Sarah Larson at the 2014 Scholarship Dinner.
Robert Isley
Lyndon & Vicky Isliefson
David Jabara
Hassan Jabara & Sherry Beck
Rick & Betty Jabara
Shan Jabara
David & Lisa Jack
Wendell & Mary Jack
Bill & Pat Jackson
Georganna Jackson
J.J. & Lisa Jackson
James & Maria Jackson
Kathryn Jackson
Linda Jackson
Sam & Carol Jackson
Wilma Jackson
Thomas Jacob
Jeffrey & Rhonda Jacobs
Richard & Myra Jacobs
Robert & Lynn Jacobs
Robert Jacobs
Steve & Carla Jacobs
John & Lynette Jacobsen
Gary & Jacque Jacobson
Michael & Julie Jacobson
Eric & Jana Jaderborg
Bill & Kathleen Jaeger
Robert & Marianne Jaeger
Roberta Jakowatz
Anthony & Kayla James
Red & Sandie James
Tom & Marilyn James
Christopher & Beth Jameson
Jeffrey & Jolene Jameson
Christopher Jans
Greg & Kendra Jantz
Richard & Kelli Jantz
Kenneth & Janet Janzen
Mike & Carolyn Janzen
Peter & Debra Janzen
Terry Janzen
Robert & Mary Jardine
Tom & Marcia Jarmer
Nancy Jarus
Travis & Sandra Jasnoski
Bernie & Rachel Jauregui
Danny & Darcy Jeffers
James Jemmerson
Bradley Jenkins
Doug & Ann Jenkins
Lisle & Debi Jenkins
Michael & Mary Jenkins
William Jenkins
John & Catherine Jenkinson
Charles & Melanie Jenney
Kimberly Jenning
Timothy & Stephanie Jennings
Leslie Jensby
Brian & Kathleen Jensen
David Jensen
Scott & Heidi Jensen
Wallace & Debora Jensen
Bill & Joan Jenson
Kathy Jerrod
Rita Jeter
Jule Jewell
Ward & Nancy Jewell
Ronald & Joyce Jilg
Brian Jimison
Dave Jinks
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Steven Jobst
Louis & Margaret Johansen
Jason & Maggie Johns
Adam Johnson
Alex Johnson
Brian & Kris Johnson
Byron & Lucille Johnson
Charles & Sheila Johnson
Clifford & Dolores Johnson
Craig & Suzie Johnson
Daniel & Sheryl Johnson
Darren Johnson
David Johnson
Dawn Johnson
Don & Lorana Johnson
Donald & Carol Johnson
Doug & Dalene Johnson
Gary & Beverly Johnson
Howard Johnson
Jack & Sonya Johnson
James & Jane Johnson
Jerry & Mary Johnson
Jim Johnson & Barbara Odevseff
John & Peggy Johnson
Joyce Johnson
Ken Johnson
Kenneth & Julia Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Margaret Johnson
Nick Johnson & Sabrina Vasquez
Patricia Johnson
Patrick & Robyn Johnson
Peter & Marilyn Johnson
Randall & Susan Johnson
Randy & Jennifer Johnson
Rick & Julie Johnson
Roger Johnson & Jennifer
Ron & Maryann Johnson
Ronald & Christine Johnson
Steve & Leanna Johnson
Steve Johnson
Steven & Jackie Johnson
William & Judy Johnson
Bill Johnston
Joe & Jerilyn Johnston
Kevin & Jennifer Johnston
Leon & Karen Johnston
Matt & Mandi Johnston
Max Johnston
Michael & Cynthia Johnston
Ronni Johnston
Vince Johnston
Mark Jolliffe
Baron & Barbara Jones
Barry & Annette Jones
Calvin & Judith Jones
Casey & Inalee Jones
Deb Jones
Dwight & Jenifer Jones
Elmer & Judy Jones
Gary & Carole Jones
Gary & Mary Jones
George & Cindy Jones
Gordon & Carolyn Jones
Greggory Jones
Jerry & Lisa Jones
Jim & Cindy Jones
John Jones & Michele Pugh
Keith & Peggy Jones
Larry & Pamela Jones
Lyle & Elisabeth Jones
Mark & Vicki Jones
Michael & Linda Jones
Mike & Pat Jones
Rodd & Sally Jones
Rodney & Mary Jones
Ronald & Mindy Jones
Russell & Beverly Jones
Scott Jones & Mary Reece
Terry & Lorraine Jones
Wade & Suzanne Jones
Walter Jones
William & Lisa Jones
Selby Joplin & Susaun Maxson
David & Katherine Jordan
Jeffery & Amanda Jordan
Matthew & Carrie Jordan
Chris Jorn
Janice & Kenneth Jorns
Jim & Melanie Joseph
Travis Jost
Fadi Joudi
Richard Juarez
David Judd
William Judd
James Juhnke
Richard & Cecilia Julius
Carol June
Vern & Judy Just
Ann Kach
David & Sherilyn Kadel
John & Kim Kadel
Herbert & Susan Kadison
Kevin & Anne Kaff
Ronald & Cindy Kahmeyer
Scott & Sue Kailer
Timothy & Janet Kaiser
Endel & Leslie Kallas
Kenneth Kallenbach
Kent & Audrey Kallenberger
Daniel Kallman
Theodore & Marie Kaltsounis
Phyllis Kamas
Mark & Vanessa Kanaga
Edmund & Karen Kane
Roland & Linda Kankey
Robert & Carolyn Kaplan
Rollin & Patti Karg
Richard & Elaine Kasitz
Tara Katz
Bradley Kauffman
Eugene & Cheryl Kaufman
Larry Kaufman
Timothy Kaufman & Roberta Doyle
Sheri Kaufman-Marsh
Elizabeth Kay
David & Nancy Kays
Teresa Kearney
Gregg & Laura Keefe
Kenneth & Debbie Keehn
Tom & Maggie Keehn
Earl Keener
Johnny & Felicia Keeton
Meyeken & Anita Kehr
James & Judith Keister
Gregory Keith
Steven & Liz Keith
Derek & Jennifer Keller
Rick & Janet Kellerman
Leonard Kelley
Dick & Julie Kellogg
Kathryn Kellogg
Justin Kelly
Kathleen Kelsch
Michael & Nora Kelting
Brent & Kelly Kemnitz
Garry Kemnitz
David & Diane Kemp
David & Tammy Kemp
Linda Kendrick
Dan & Becky Kennedy
David Kennedy
John & Connie Kennedy
Kamella Kennedy
Kay Kennedy
Robert & Peggy Kennedy
Russell Kennedy
Rye Kennedy
Fran Kentling
Andy Kenyon
Kevin & Sommer Keplar
Eleaner Keppy
Neal & Brenda Kerans
Reuben & Christine Kerbs
Cindy Kerby
Charles & Patsy Kerley
Bob Kerr
Richard Kersey & Jeanne
Marc & Diana Kessinger
Andrew Kester
George & Yvonne Ketcham
Rollin Ketteman
Bob & Dot Key
Marwa Khamis
Gyan & Manorama Khicha
Sangeeta Khicha
Nizar Kibar
Larry Kiess
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Gregory & Carol Kilbane
Richard & Laura Kilgour
Steve & Marcella Kille
Loren Killingsworth
Richard & Sidney Killmer
Arnetta Kimball
Steven & Sara Kimball
Barbara Kimble
Gene & Gay Kimble
Ralph & Debora Kimble
Jay Kimmel
Brad & Linda Kincaid
James & Sharon Kincaid
Lee & Elizabeth Kinch
Bennie Kinchion
Chuck & Marjorie King
Curt & Sally King
Douglas & Alice King
Edward & Ruth King
Gregory & Donna King
Kendal & Marie King
Laurel King
Marissa King
Marlon & Michalle King
Rosalie King
Bob & Janet Kingsley
Joshua & Kyla Kippenberger
Clarence & Joanne Kirby
Linda Kirby
Cindy Kirk
Roger & Joyce Kirk
Tom Kirk
David & Mary Kirkbride
John & Beatrice Kirkham
Jon Kirkpatrick
Mark & Karen Kirsch
Thomas & Sally Kitch
Catherine Kitchen
Stuart & Lucy Kitt
John & Valerie Klaassen
Kyle & Courtney Klassen
Pete & Lorena Klassen
Jake & Robin Klaver
Verne & Gretta Kling
Barbara Klingman
Jim Klisanin
Rege & Kathy Klitzke
Edward & Susan Klock
Stacey Kluge
Brian & Shannon Klukas
Will & Kathy Klunder
Cathy Klusman
Thomas & Cynthia Kluzak
Sam & Mary Knecht
Brian Kneeland
Emerson & Annie Kneller
William & Cindy Knight
Matt & Bobbie Knoblauch
Ryan Knoblauch
Jean Knoll
Keith Knopp
Ted & Nancy Knopp
Steve & Wendy Knorr
Blaine & Missy Knott
Gary Knott
Lawrence & Michelle Knowles
Cindy Knox
Robert Knuth
Don & Kim Knutson
Kenneth & Loretta Knutson
Jim & Roberta Kobbe
Dan Kobel
Anthony & Lisa Koch
Bernie & Ann Koch
Clarence & Suzanne Koch
Mike & Joy Koch
Kent & Julie Koehler
Chad & Shannon Koehn
Don & Kay Koehn
Esther Koehn
Harvey & Mary Koehn
Janet Koehn
Lyle & Joyce Koehn
Barbara Koelsch
Dianna Koerner
Lyle & June Koerper
Steven & Paula Kohler
Leoria Kohls
Donald Koke
Bill & Yvonne Kolarik
Curtis & Kelly Kolb
Brian & Debra Kondrat
Carol Konek
Chuck & Deann Korte
Sandor & Karra Kostya
Frank & Carol Kotsch
Meredith Kowalsky
Joe & Alys Kowing
Jon Kowing
Robert & Valorie Kozicki
Wendy Koziol
Janet Krack
Leon & Nancy Kranz
Mary Kraus
Michael Kraus
Robert Kraus
J.V. Krause
Jim & Patricia Krebs
Dwight & Bonnie Krehbiel
Ernestine Krehbiel
James Krehbiel
Jeff & Betty Krehbiel
Craig Kreiser
Kraig & Catherine Kreitler
William & Bonnie Krenning
Valerie Kretchmar
R. Krishnan
Lorraine Krofssik
Janis Krohe
Donald Krone
Ted & Ann Krone
Charles & Cathrine Kroon
Ted & Elaine Kruse
Rongze & Sumei Kuang
Imogene Kubin
Glenn & Nancy Kubina
Dean & Anne Kuckelman
Jerry Kuckelman
Dustin Kuhn
Frank & Beverly Kuhn
Karilyn Kuhns
Robert Kukol
Dean & Betty Kukral
Satwaji Kumar
Loyd & Sharon Kupfersmith
Michael & Cheryl Kuss
Philip Kyle
Brett & June Laaser
Melissa Lacey
David & Catherine Lachapelle
Edward & Doris Lackner
Franklin & Barbara LaClair
Charles & Jean Ladd
Val & Jane Laetari
Renee La Fever
Steven Lafever
Jerry & Susan LaForge
Harold & Mary Lake
Emmie Lam
Gregg & Linda LaMar
Chris & Shannon Lamb
Larry & Donna Lamb
Richard Lamb
William Lamb
Pamela Lamborn
Doug Lampton
Jack & Sharon Lamson
Richard & Sharron Lamunyon
Joseph Lancaster
Russell Land
Chad Landes
Pat & Kelly Landes
Charles & Davida Landgraf
Walter & Bonnie Landis
Grady & Janet Landrum
Megan Landwehr
Richard & Nancy Lane
Ron & Carrie Lane
Denise Lang
Dennis & Vera Lang
Greg & Theresa Lange
Dale & Alice Langley
Judy Langley
Vaughn Langley
Shawn & Nina Lanman
Brian & Vickie Lanning
R. Lansdowne
Jim & Susan Laplant
John & Tamala La Posa
Bill & Pam Lappin
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Scott & Jennifer Larkin
Larry Larkin
Marcene Larkin
Alice Larosa
Eric & Debbie Larson
Kyle & Ellen Larson
Philip & Reba Larson
Steve Larson
Tony Lask
Christopher & Linda Lathem
Harry & Melanie Laubhan
Terry & Deborah Laudermilk
John Laurance
Kurt & Joey Laurie
Charles & Molly Lavacek
Cary & Susan Lavender
Paul & Cathy Lavender
Jim Lawing
Kevin Lawlor
Anne Lawrence
David Lawrence
Judy Lawrence
Gary & Cynthia Lawson
Royce & Kay Lawson
Tina Layton
Robert Layton
Linh & Susan Le
Minh Le
Ken & Norma Le Blanc
Don & Susan Lear
Rex & Stephanie Lear
Michael Leary & Leigh Aaron-Leary
Brian Leastman
Terry & Crystal Leatherman
Thomas Leavitt
Jon & Stephanie Lebeda
Dan Leddy
Karl & Lauren Ledford
Ann Lee
Bennie & Donna Lee
Bruce Lee
Chris Lee
Darby Lee
Gary & Jennifer Lee
Richard & Marlene Lee
Robert & Gina Lee
Ryan & Larissa Lee
Shwu-Ching Lee
Michael Leet
Chris & Anne-Marie Leeuwenburg
Shirley Lefever-Davis
George & Kay Leff
Leroy & Pat Lehman
Roy Lehman & Deann Gillen-Lehman
Scott & Martha Lehner
Bob & Gail Lehr
David Leib & Elizabeth Peyser
Greg & Linda Leighton
Tom Leikam
Daniel & Sharon Leiker
Mark & Angela Leiker
Melissa Leiker
Ralph & Catherine Leininger
Aimee Leisy
Jerry & Diane Leisy
Kyle & Aimee Leithoff
Amos & Phyllis Leitner
Allison Lemons
Kris & Janice Lemuz
Douglas & Wylene Lengel
Donn Lentz
Gene & Arleen Lentz
Craig & Becky Leonard
Glenda Leonard
Jeff & Ronnie Leonard
Marsha Lerenberg
Sheryl Lesage
Terri Leschuk
Aaron Lessor
Ronald & Vivian Leupp
Craig & Deborah Levering
Bettie Lewallen
Valerie & Steve Lewallen
Brent Lewis
Craig & Rebecca Lewis
David & Jo Lynn Lewis
Jim & Jane Lewis
Kevin & Rachel Lewis
Martha Estelle Lewis
Paul Lewis
Rhonda Lewis
Rita Lewis
Timothy Lewis
Todd & Anne Lewis
Wilbert & Martha Lewis
Chiang-Chang Liao
Gerald & Treva Lichti
Bob Lida
Marie Lies
William & Karen Lies
Steven & Debbie Lieurance
Kay Light
Jerry & Kathie Ligon
Joel Ligon & Kimberly Harmon Ligon
Casey & Katharine Lilley
Candace Lillibridge
Edgar & Carolyn Lincicome
Gary Lincoln
Paul Lindblade
Craig & Carrie Lindeman
Janelle Lindeman
Steve & Susan Linder
Carole Lindsay
Dennis & Mary Lindsay
Martha Linhardt
Dan & Mildred Linn
Paul Linnabary
Doug Linnebur
Henry & Alice Linnebur
Mary Linnebur
Joe & Becky Linot
Dave & Cynthia Linscheid
Jeff & Martha Linsner
Jaclyn & Mark Lippelmann
Kelly Lippold
Amy Lippoldt
Ken & Elizabeth Lippoldt
Everett Lipsey
Richard & Cindy Liptak
Lee Li-Qun & Wendy Zhou
Janet Lister
Bill & Mary Little
Michael & Christine Little
Matthew & Lisa Littrell
Aaron & Karen Liudahl
Dennis Lively
Dennis & Theresa Livingston
Nicky Llamas
W.C. & Joan Lloyd
Brian & Larisa Lochner
Don Lock
Marlin & Debra Locke
Kiel Loebsack
Kathleen Loehr
Cliffton & Lavonna Loesch
Susan Loesch
Danny & Vinene Logan
Nelson & Henrietta Logan
Judy Loganbill
Marcus & Cynthia Loganbill
Neil & LuAnn Logback
Jim Logsdon
Marguerite Lohrenz
Tim & Colleen Lohrenz
John & Jill Lokke
Ed & Sara Lomax
Justin Londagin
Dennis & Vicki London
Bob & Joan Long
Bryan & Angie Long
Kent Long
Randy & Karla Long
David & Shirley Longfellow
Andrew Longhofer
Kirk & Linda Longhofer
Porter & Anne Loomis
Joel & Diana Looney
Skip & Joyce Loper
Delia Lopez
Joann Loquist
Daniel & Cindy Lord
Geoff Louvar
Grant Louvar
Chris Lovchik & Roxy Cramer
Adrian Love
Robert & Nancy Love
Stephen & Beverly Love
Betty Lovett
Minford & Vicki Lovett
David & Dawne Lowden
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Gary Lowe
Steven Lowe
Brenda Lowery
John & Connie Lowman
Don Luallen
Gary Lucas
James & Margaret Lucas
Sherry Lucas
Michael Ludlow
William & Sabira Ludlum
William & Susan Ludwick
Summer Ludwig
Donald & Jane Luellen
Kimberly & Marc Lujan
Adam Lukens
Dick & Mary Luman
Mark & Kay Luna
Brittany Lundberg
Peter & Sherry Lungwitz
Janice Luth
Karen Luthanen
Josh & Jill Luton
Rebecca Lynch
Steven & Anne Maack
Patricia Mabie
Debra MacArthur
John MacDonald
Joseph MacDonald
Arturo & Jean MacIas
John Mack
Paul & Tina MacKay
Ronald & Malinda MacKay
Jeffrey & Brenda MacKeben
Alan & Marilyn MacKey
Jim MacKie
Norval & Joyce Madden
Philip & Mary Mader
David & Barbara Madewell
Viswanatha Madhavan
John & Susan Madia
Chris & Amy Madsen
Christopher & Jennifer Magana
Jeff & Joan Magee
David & Lynda Magill
Eugene Maguin
Arlan & Vickie Mahon
Garry & Peg Mahoney
Jim & Christa Mahoney
Patricia Malcolm
William & Ann Maley
Ralph & Carole Malin
Donald & Linda Mallonee
Erik & Angela Mallory
Rocck Mallory & Charlette
Bryan & Theresa Malone
Mike & Elynn Malone
David & Dana Manda
Linda Manfull
Mary Beth Manion
Janice Manlove
Connie Mann
James Mann & Kimberley Aune-Mann
Darryl & Kara Mannebach
Jack & Kathy Manske
Dan Manson
Don & Rebecca Manson
James Manuszak
Larry Manz
Crystal Maples
David & Tahnee Maples
John & Shirley Maples
Lori Marceau
Michael & Cynthia Marion
Mary Mariscalco
Lynn & Jan Markel
Heather Marks
James & Sherri Marks
Jesse & Ashleigh Marks
Scott & Robin Marks
James & Patty Marlett
Robert & Margaret Marley
Megan Marmor
Greg & Sheila Marney
James & Shirley Marquardt
Gene & Connie Marsh
Robert & Ann Marsh
Thomas & Ellen Marsh
Betty Marshall
Joe & Stacy Marshall
Jon Marshall-Potter
Robert Marsal & Marilee
Fred & Dena Marten
John Marteney
Gary & Jenny Marti
Alan & Kristen Martin
Carl & Mary Martin
Charles & Kara Martin
Cory & Heidi Martin
David & Nancy Martin
Dwayne & Bev Martin
Herbert Martin
Jennifer Martin
Jim & Connie Martin
John Martin
Joy Martin
Julia Martin
Keith & Barbara Martin
Keith & Susan Martin
Matt & Vickie Martin
Mike & Minnie Martin
Norman & Shirley Martin
Richard Martin
Debbie Trimmell-Martin
Roger Martin
Thor Martin
Tony & Mary Martin
Kenneth Martindale
David & Schana Martine
Gary & Debbie Martinez
Oscar & Estela Martinez
Sandra Martz
Roger & Naiola Marvel
Jack & Lisa Marvin
John & Rebecca Marvin
Paul & Clarice Maseberg
Monte & Kara Maska
Charles & Cathy Mason
Michael & Rochelle Mason
Steve & Becky Mason
Christene Massey
George Massey
Alan Mast
Charles & Janeen Masters
Mark Masterson
Paul & Pamela Masterson
Kenneth & Donna Mastroly
Zachary Mastroly
Joe & Gina Mastrosimone
Walter & Virginia Matern
Vince & Kristy Mathews
Meg Mathewson
Bill & Ann Mathis
Charlene Mathis
James & Amy Mathis
Bob & Vicki Matreci
Sara Matteo
John & Deborah Matthew
Rachel Matthew
William & Carolyn Matthews
Gregory Matthias
Frank & Nancy Mattke
Eve Mattucci
Pat Matzek
Ken Matzen
Joseph & Joe Mau
Anne Maupin
Ardys Maxson
Doug & Lisa Maxwell
J.R. & Debbie Maxwell
Jay & Penny Maxwell
David & Deborah May
David & Susan May
Jerry & Patricia May
Jonathan May
Randy & Cheryl May
Scott & Tammy Mayfield
Bob & Anne Mayle
Otto & Joleen Maynard
Ashley Mayo
Sara Maze
Mark Mazur
Salvatore & Chellie Mazzullo
Daniel & Jeannette McAdam
Paul & Sylvia McAlister
Julie McArthur
Vickie McAuley
James & Jan McBride
John & Flavia* McBride
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Joshua McBride
William & Julia McBride
Gregg & Cheryl McCabe
Phyllis McCabe
Richard & Jane McCabe
John & Karen McCabe-Juhnke
Mark & Dana McCain
Mahlon McCaleb
David & Mary McCall
Vickie McCandles
James & Amy McCargo
Neil & Joan McCarron
Tim & Tammie McCarthy
Ernest & Barbara McClellan
Bob McClelland
Joanne McClelland
Mary McCloud
Ricky McClure
Shawn McClure
Daniel & Roseanne McConachie
Harriet McConachie
Samuel & Allison McConnell
Karla McCoy
Marcia McCoy
David & Fawn McDonough
Lawrence McDonough
Cameron & Cami McElhinny
Arvel McElroy
Russell & Threcia McFadden
Wendell & Marilyn McFadden
John & Geri McFall
Howard & Shirley McFarland
Cecil* & Polly McGaugh
Therese McGill
Garth & Terri McGinn
Wilma McGinnis
Brian McGreevy
Duane & Gaylyn McGregor
Kelly & Kim McGrew
Brian & Jane McGuire
Gary & Kim McGuire
Naomi McGuire
Andy McHenry
William McHugh
Iain McIntyre
Rich & Shelley McIntyre
Michael & Linda McKay
William & Gae McKay
Jack See, left, with James Rhatigan, former WSU Foundation consultant, and
Linda Constable, See’s attorney, made a $1 million commitment to Wichita
State to encourage and reward outstanding work by faculty and students.
Patrick & Kathy McCoy
Todd & Chris McCracken
Marya McCrae
Scott & Elena McCreery
Debbie McCurdy
Wesley McDaniel
Terence McDonald
Patricia McDonnell
Richard & Marilyn McKee
William McKeighan & Sharon O’Neill
Mary McKenney
Jay & Nancy McKenzie
Cathy McKibban
James & Janice McKinney
Margaret McKinney
Scott & Janessa McKinley
Wiley & Melvia McKinzie
Bradley McLain
Charles & Carol McLean
Jay & Gertrude McLeod
Mary McMackin
Keith & Judith McMahan
Jim & Karyle McMannama
Nancy McMaster
Matthew McMillan
Gayle & Jane McMillen
Roger & Leeann McMillen
Michael & Molly McMillin
Ted & Ruth McMullen
Curt & Debra McNay
Douglas & Lois McNicol
Nathan McNiel
Clayton & Mindy McPheeters
Denis McRae
Ron & Jean McReynolds
Tom & Emily McReynolds
Vinita McSpadden
Anthony & Mariah McSwain
Randy & Emily McVay
Donna McVey
John & Beverly McWilliams
Michael & Carolyn McWilliams
Paul & Rose Meals
Brad & Diane Mears
David & Erica Mears
Lana Mederos
Francisco Medina
Drew & Jennifer Meek
Nancy Meeker
Steve & Mary Meeker
John Meilert
Gary & Kathy Melander
Louise Melander
Josh Melcher
Mark & Kathy Melhorn
Adam & Natalie Melichar
Nathan Melland
Theo & Kelli Mellion
Ricardo Melon
Alan & Kathy Mendenhall
Thomas & Karen Mendenhall
Troy & Allyson Mendenhall
John Menges
Alok Menon
Norman & Janice Menzie
Norma Mercer
Chris & Deb Merchant
Brian Meredith
John & Helen Meredith
Judy Meridith
Michael Meredith
Jack & Sara Merkel
Charles & Terry Merrifield
Leo & Virginia Merriman
Kenneth Merry
Bill & Myleena Mesker
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
William & Debra Messamore
Roy & Ann Messmore
Kathy Messner
Ruth Ann Messner
Stan Messner
Jeffrey Methe
Mark Metz & Lynda Carrier-Metz
Carl & Janet Metzger
Derek Meyer
Eddie & Jolene Meyer
Jan Meyer
John & Donna Meyer
Linda Meyer
Marsha Meyer
Russ & Helen Meyer
Tony Meyer
Kent & Michelle Meyerhoff
Mark Meyerhoff
Amanda Meyers
Michael & Lyneille Meza
Dusten & Jess Michel
Rebecca Middleton
Peter & Christina Midthun
John Mierau
Andrew & Jamie Mies
John Mies
Melanie Mies
William Mikels
Richard* & Carolyn Mikish
Paul & Sharon Miles
Larry Milhon & Melissa Ness
Rick & Marilyn Milhon
Chad & Gerree Miller
Cheryl Miller
Christian & Paula Miller
Chuck & Holly Miller
David & Lori Miller
Dean & Joan Miller
Elizabeth Miller
Eric Miller
Harvey & Carol Miller
Herman & Mary Miller
Janet Miller
Jeff & Deana Miller
Jim & Janeen Miller
Joe & Trudy Miller
Kenneth Miller & Carrie Rogalsky
Leta Miller
Mark & Marlene Miller
Nathan Miller
Paul & Margaret Miller
Richard & Mary Miller
Rick Miller
Rodney Miller & Pina Mozzani
Ronald & Barbara Miller
Ronald & Sara Miller
Steve Miller
William & Pamela Fey Miller
William & Patricia Miller
Stephen Millham
Robert & Nancy Mills
Nancy Milner
Dave Milobar
Otis & Betty Milton
Loren & Barbara Minard
Robert & Rebecca Minard
Jeffery & Melissa Mincks
Susan Miner
David & Barbara Minor
Lori Minor
James Mintern
Jeremy Mirarck
Gary & Jeanette Miskimon
Judith Mitchell
Shawn & Tamra Mitchell
Jeremy & Katie Mitchell-Koch
Nikhil Roger Mitra
Roberta Mittelstaedt
Gregory & Johanna Mittman
Nikki Moddelmog
Leon & Susan Moeder
Theodore & Judith Moeller
Athena Moen
Eldon & Iris Moen
Robert & Arleen Moffett
Mark & Dinah Mohesky
Richard & Barb Mohney
Michael & Micha Mohr
William Mohr
John Molstad
Bradley & Laura Monahan
Joel Monahan
Dick & Wilma Monical
Derek Morgan & Kaye Monk-Morgan
Daniel Monnat & GraceWu-Monnat
Brittany Monroe
Kevin & Kathie Monroe
Sleiman & Megan Monsour
Graham & Joy Montgomery
Laveda Montgomery
Michael Montgomery
Terry Monty
Jamil Moody
Andrew & Mary Moore
Brenton & Cheryl Moore
Christopher & Melody Moore
Clara Jane Moore
Darren & Terry Moore
David & Betty Moore
Don & Arlene Moore
Donald & Suzanne Moore
Harlan & Elaine Moore
Howard & Margaret Moore
Jim & Jennifer Moore
John Moore
Justin Moore
Kevin & Kimberly Moore
Mack Moore
Michael Moore
Paul & Angela Moore
Rebecca Moore
Richard Moore
Ryan Moore
Steve & Norma Moore
Teresa Moore
Tom & Joan Moore
Vickie Moore
Virgie Moore
Wilma Moore-Black
Barbara Moorhouse
Eric Moormann & Donna Brand
Edgar Morales & Maureen
Juan Morales
Timothy Moran
Jimmy & Patricia Moreland
Julie Moreland
Matt & Lisa Moreland
Jacqueline Morgan
Lisa Morgan
Megan Morgan
Michael & Lori Morgan
Mitch Morgan
Nathan & Lorraine Morgan
Nicholas Mork & Marilyn Forsyth Mork*
Victoria Mork
Beverly Morlan
Matthew & Carlene Morris
William Morris
Evelyn Morris-Henricks
Donna Morrison
Marc & Karen Morrison
Larry Morrison
Linda Morrison
Kim Morrissey
Merle & Linda Morrow
Tony & Sara Morrow
Bradford & Cynthia Morton
John & Patricia Morton
Robert & Dana Morton
Vern Morton
Victor Moser
Mickey & Nancy Mosier
Mark & Jane Mosley
Pixey Mosley
Billy & Jeri Moss
Vern Moss
David & Joan Mossbarger
Thomas & Marilyn Mosteller
Adil & Lori Mouak
Stephanie Mouse
Janice Mowat
Kent Moxley
Charlie & Gwen Moyer
Doug Moyer
Gary & Kathy Moyer
Richard Moyer
Timothy & Stephanie Moyer
Sam & Mardelle Moyers
Amy Muegge
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Michael & Susan Mueller
Scott Mueller
Tracy & Will Muirhead
Gwendolyn Mukes
George & Nancy Mulholland
Andy Mullen
Charlie & Kathryn Mullen
Dick & Joan Mullen
Luke Mullet & Sarah Roth-Mullett
Kevin Mullins
Larry Mumford
Shirley Muncie
Miley & Nancy Mundwiler
Tim Munn
John & Patricia Muntz
Annette Murach
Roger & Jewel Murdock
William & Nancy Muret
Anthony Murillo
Dwight & Virginia Murphey
David Murphy
Gary Murphy
Mark & Kami Murphy
Todd & Stephanie Murphy
William & Eva Murphy
David & Diana Murray
Constance Musgrave
Bob & Lana Myers
Carl & Romona Myers
Edward Myers
Evan Myers
James & Gail Myers
James Myers
Melody Mynatt
Alan Myrtle
Michael Myshka
John & Kathryn Nachbor
Jacqueline Nagel
Margery Nagel
George & Carmella Nambo
Vinod Namboodiri
Makayla Nasser-Welch
James Nastars
Diana Nation
Gregg & Jan Nattier
Rick Navarro
Dennis & Sue Navrat
Judy Naylor
Mike & Linda Neal
Vincent & Karen Nealey
William & Kim Needy
Timothy & Toni Neff
Faye Neil
Scott & Tamme Neises
Brian & Glenda Nelson
Chris & Connie Nelson
Gregory & Neila Nelson
Irene Nelson
Kathryn Nelson
Keith & Marilyn Nelson
Kelley Nelson
Larry & Nickola Nelson
Randy & Kim Nelson
Scott & Paige Nelson
Shirley Nelson
Michelle Nentwig
Jay Nerderman
Harvey & Gloria Nero
Dolores Nesbit
Dorel & Phyllis Neufeld
Gaylen & Loretta Neufeld
Russell & Kendra Neufeld
Paul & Diane New
Christopher Newlin
Jeffrey Newlin
Jeremy & Amy Newlin
Terry & Janet Newlin
Timothy Newlin
Jaime & Jessica Newman
Phil & Miriam Newman
Gregg & Jodi Newmark
Chris & Janet Newton
Denis Nguyen
Hung Nguyen
Khoi Nguyen
David & Carol Nibert
Judith Nicely
Danny & Shari Nicholas
Joan Nichols
Vernon & Rowena Nicholson
William Nickerson
Don & Debra Nicoson
Patricia Nieman
Jerry & Charlene Niernberger
David & Terri Nigg
Ty Nighswonger
Jeannette Nikkel
Doug & Rae Niles
Lance & Tamara Niles
Erick & Corinne Nilsen
Delwayne & Charlene Nimmo
Kendall & Nimfa Niquette
Shanna Nispel
Brian & Jill Nitcher
Larry & Julie Nitzsche
Dale & Jean Noel
Harry & Judith Noetzel
Miriam Nofsinger
Timothy & Jane Nohr
Mark Nolen
Carlos Nolla-Corretjer
Keith & Cindy Nolte
Roger Nolte
Terry & Kathy Noltensmeyer
Larry & Deanna Nolting
Greg & Susan Norby
Earl & Pat Norman
Kevin & Lorelei Norman
Billy & Joyce Norris
David & Diane Norris
Joretta Norris
Richard & Twila Norris
Robert & Constance Norris
Robert & Geraldine Norris
Dan & Teresa Northrop
Eric Northrop
Dave & Judy Norton
Don & Karen Norton
Jill Norton
Suze Norton
Barney & Mary Lou Nossaman
Steven Nossaman
Colleen Novak
Dan Novascone
Francis & Denise Novascone
Nick Nowak
Bob & Linda Nugent
Terry & Janette Nunemaker
Caroline Nunnington
Kelly Nusbaum
Paul & Donna Nutter
Ben & Mary Lyndal Nyberg
Randy & Susan Nyp
Robert & Bridget Nystrom
Ronald & Shirley Oakes
William & Jacqueline Oakes
Trent & Katie Oatman
Scott & Susan Oatsdean
Peter & Diane Oberthaler
Raymond & Greta O’Brien
C.J. Ochs
Christopher Ochs
Justin Ochs
Margaret Ochs
Scott & Carole Ochs
Doug & Dawna O’Connor
Lawrence & Susanne O’Dea
Donald & Roberta Oder
Jarvis Odgers
P.T. & Linda O’Donnell
Josh & Shelly Oeding
Jana Oelkers
Samuel Ofei-Dodoo
Amandibuogu Ogbunuju
Nancy Ogle
Sheryl Oglesby
Joseph & Margaret O’Hara
Kim O’Hara
Mary Ohlemeier
John & Tammy Ojile
Dominic Okon
Rory & Debra Oldenburg
Suzanne Oldenstadt
Josephine Oldham
Billie & Vasiliki Oldziey
Aggie & Anita Oleksak
Joe Oline
James & Diane Oliver
Richard & Ruth Oliverson
Craig Ollek
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Calvin & Mary Olmstead
Justin & Rose Olmstead
Kent & Sharon Olmstead
Victor & Judith Olmstead
Gerry & Cindy Olmsted
Marsha Olmsted
Brent & Becky Olney
John & Karen O’Loughlin
Daniel & Delane Olsen
Donald Olsen
Jake & Christi Olsen
David & Barbara Olson
Dawn Olson
Warren & Mary Olson
Jerry & Cynthia Oltmanns
Maurice Ommerman
Jennifer Oneal
Matthew & Kristine Onofrio
Sam & Judy Ontjes
Matthew Opliger
Rod & Susan Opliger
Jeffrey Orr
Scott & Shirley Orr
Peter Orsi
Stacy Ortega
Kelly & Tyann Orton
Barbara Osborne
Lila Osborne
Randall & Shayne Osborne
Stephen O’Shaughnessy
William & Amelia Osteen
Don & Sue Osterfelt
Carol Ostlind
Rex & Mary Ostmeyer
David Ostrodka
Tim & Pat O’Sullivan
Roger Oswald
Gary & Anita Ott
Morgan Overland
Michael & Joyce Owen
Clark & Jane Owens
Mark & Danell Oxler
Dwight & Patricia Oxley
Loren & Leslie Pack
Dawn Packer
Brent & Melissa Padgett
Ross & Sandra Padgham
Bob & Kay Page
Karyn Page
Tom & Mindy Page
Tom* & Leslie Page
Marsha Paige
Joseph & Terryl Pajor
Jerry & Deborah Palacioz
Joe & Criss Palacioz
Lane & Alexandra Palmateer
Marc & Karen Palmateer
Bud Palmer
Carl Palmer
David & Dunri Palmer
J.P. Palmer
Karen & Evan Palmer
Virgil & Marjorie Palmer
Cathleen Palmer-Tuck
Valente Palomino
Katie Cates Panakos
Richard Pancake
Joe & Diane Panegasser
Daniel Pankratz
Gene & Miriam Pankratz
Jerramy & Erin Pankratz
Matt Pankratz
Steve & Camille Pankratz
David Panton
Kerry & Shelley Parham
Charles & Sabrina Parker
Craig & Amy Parker
Francine Parker
Howard & Patricia Parker
James & Maria Parker
James & Valerie Parker
Natasha Parker
Patty Parker
Andrea Parks
Wendell & Pat Parks
Janell Parmelee
Dennis Parr
Joseph Parra
Ronald & Jennifer Parsons
Howard & Marie Partington
Sam & Linda Paschal
Ron Pasmore
Dave & Patsy Pate
Doug & Mary Patry
Jean Patterson
Jeffrey & Delilah Patterson
Jeremy & Carlotta Patterson
Don & Darlene Patton
Jerry & Paula Patton
Michael & Lora Patton
Robert & Cynthia Patton
Kristen Patty
Doug & Gayle Paul
Steffan & Angela Paul
Tim & Linda Paul
Ralph & Julie Pauls
Gene & Kimberly Paulsen
Alan & Connie Pauly
Susan Pauly
Dick & Judith Pavelski
Ed & Dana Pavey
Fred & Sharon Pavey
David & Jenifer Payne
Steve & Gloria Peacock
David & Shelly Peaden
Timothy & Meg Peaden
Diana Peak
John Peapples
Wilfred Pearce
Brian & Lydia Pearson
Jay & Candace Pearson
Travis & Patricia Pearson
Bob & Dalene Peavey
Jason & Susan Pechanec
Luanna Peck
Robert & Sharon Pedroja
Claudia Peebler
David Peebler
Phyllis Peete
Paul Peffly & Melinda Cryer-Peffly
Lynette Pelischek
Johnny Pellin
Donald & Carolyn Penner
Gregory & Patsy Penner
Keith & Sharon Penner
Marlin & Janis Penner
Reno & Edith Penner
Kirk & Gaye Pennington
Jeffrey & Paula Pennock
Tim Peppard
Kate Pepper
Scott Percival
Leslie Perez
Eric Perkins
David & Sue Perrin
Aaron Perry
John & Courtney Perry
Steven & Pamela Persons
Tom & Nancy Peterie
Daniel & Kathryn Peters
Dennis Peters
Jacob Peters
Raechel & Nathan Peters
Fred & Jan Petersen
Donald & Linda Peterson
Harold & Joyce Peterson
John Peterson
Ken & Jackelyn Peterson
Lowell & Barbara Peterson
Randy & Christine Peterson
Robert & Cynthia Peterson
Rodney & Krista Peterson
Russell Peterson
Stacy & Allison Peterson
Steve & Joni Peterson
Patricia Petrakis
Arin Petrask
Philip & Heather Petty
Phylis & Duane Petty
Kathy Petz
Matt Pfannenstiel
Jay & Mary Pfeiffer
Wayne Pfeiffer
Kim & Huong Pham
James Phares
Alana Pharis
Terri Phifer
John Philbrick & Eloise Melton
Scott & Eileen Phillips
Innes Phillips
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Mel Kahn and Joan Gleeson-Kahn with their scholarship recipient,
Derek Blair, at the 2014 Scholarship Dinner.
Irne Phillips
Jeffrey & Marsha Phillips
Leon & Susan Phillips
Mark & Linda Phillips
Robert & Sharon Phillips
Troy & Vicki Phillips
David Phillis
Randy Phillis & Debbie Lockas Phillis
Michael & Ann Phipps
Gilbert & Shirley Pickenpaugh
Gary & Jayne Pierce
Lucinda Pierce
Randall & Nancy Pierce
Scot & Deanna Pierce
Austin Pierpoint
Adam & Taryn Pierson
Lois Pierson
Stan Pike
Jerry & Karen Pilkington
Sean Pineda
Jorge Pinedo
Charlotte Pinkall
Chris & Nancy Pinkham
Jack & Janice Pippin
Kenneth & Carol Pitetti
Steven Pitkin
Howard & Gloria Pitler
Laurie Pivonka
Sean & Kara Plante
Dwight & Lavonne Platt
Thomas & Jill Pletcher
John & Patricia Plett
Ron & Carol Plinsky
Ben Plotkin
William & Cheryl Plucker
Kim Plumer
Michael Plumer
Michael Poage & Gretchen Eick
Dale Poe & Beth Harlenske
John Poe
Martha Poinsett
Michael Pointer
Jack Poling
David & Phyllis Polk
Gary & Sue Poltera
Winona Ponder
Wynn Ponder & Cynthia
Cletha Ponds
Van & Sharon Pooler
Gary Poore
Nick & Tiffany Pope
Harold & Vicki Popp
Steven Popp
Thomas Popp & Tammy Allen
Dave & Nancy Porter
Randy Porter
Scott & Janine Porter
Daniel & Jody Portuese
Harold & Joan Posey
Calvin & Barbara Posner
Danielle Post
Scott & Diane Post
Carl & Jessie Poston
Thomas & Katie Pott
Chuck & Feryl Potter
Robert & Mary Potter
David & Patricia Powell
Fletcher Powell
James & Barbara Powell
Jonathan Powell
Marilyn Powell
Mike & Reita Powell
Kent & Elaine Power
Wesley Power
Michael & Annette Powers
Sarah Pratt
Brian Preston
Donna Preston
Benjamin Prewitt
John & Victoria Price
L.C. & Toni Price
Lee Price
Frank & Marjorie Pritz
Maurice & Brandee Pritz
Aaron Prose
Chris Provencio
Brandon & Jessica Provines
Larry Provo
Stephen Peters & Kathryn
Pruessner Peters
Robert Pugh
Randy & Jeanne Pulec
Alan & Rachelle Pulkkila
Sharon Pullins
Henry Pupkoff
Andrea Purdy
Barry & Joani Purdy
Tobin & Christi Purslow
Patricia Purvis
Stanley Pyles
William Pyles
Ray & Marilee Quackenbush
Bruce & Diane Quantic
William & Virgina Quincy
Web Quinius
Kirby & Jeanne Quinn
Frances Quint
Daniel Racer
Dick Rader
Steve & Karen Radley
Donna Rafter
Bob & Ann Ragan
Keith Raiden
Kevin Rainey
Harold & Linda Ralston
Loren & Debra Ralston
Mike Ramirez
Raquel Ramirez
David Ramos
Larry Ramos
Bill & Pamela Ramsey
Jeff & Jill Ramsey
Pat Ramsey
Stephen & Carolyn Ramsey
Warren & Marilyn Ramsey
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Hassan Ramzah
Marcus Randall
Steve & Nicole Randle
Pete & Bunny Rankin
David & Judy Rapp
Randall & Richelle Rariden
Robert & Sharol Rasberry
Joseph & Jennifer Rateliff
Charles Rath
Aleen Ratzlaff
Donna Ratzlaff
Ty & Brenda Rauber
Mary Rawcliffe
Sherri Rawlins
Donald & Melinda Ray
Jane Ray
Chris & Holly Rayl
David & Peggy Rayl
Bob & Sharon Razook
Diane Razook
Janel Razook
Herbert & Jody Rea
Sandra Rea
William & Sonia Reagan
Keith & Susan Reazin
Howard & Barbara Redburn
Elizabeth Redfield
Cynthia Reding
Scott & Betsy Redler
Ronald & Mary Reeb
A.J. & Esther Reed
Chip & Sherry Reed
Rosemary Reed
Raymond & Janice Rees
Kevin & Janelle Reese
John & Nancy Reeve
Dennis Regan
James & Susan Regan
Judy Regehr
Wes & Beth Regehr
Chuck & Cynthia Regier
Gale & Sherrill Regier
Kevin & Connie Regier
Matt & Tia Regier
Myron & Lori Regier
Brian Rehm
Rudolph Rehm
John & Patricia Reibenspies
Tom & Kathy Reichenberger
Ginny Reid
Adam Reida
Jean Reidenbaugh
John Reiff & Lorene Valentine
Patrick & Angelique Reilly
David & Sandra Reimer
Miles Reimer
Gerard & Linda Reimond
Beth Rein
John & Michelle Reinhardt
Donald & Patricia Reinhold
Jerome Reinking
Dwayne & Lisa Reiter
Matthew Reiter
Richard & Toni Renfro
Hal Rennert
Jan Reno
Marcel Renollet
Shawn & Alison Replogle
Oscar Repreza
Mike & Kathleen Resnik
Wilbur & Julie Reusser
Sharon Revell
Ginny Revering
Carolyn Reynard
Steve & Beverly Reynolds
Leroy & Donna Rheault
Dale & Autumn Rhoads
Douglas & Marsha Rhoads
Cynthia Rhodes
Keith & Donna Rhodes
Lawrence & Rita Rhodes
Leroy Rhodes
Von Rhodes
John & Linda Rice
Janice Rich
John Rich
Karen Richards
Lynn & Ellen Richards
Claretta Richardson
Gary & Susan Richardson
James & Diana Richardson
Steve Richey
Diana Rickson
Bart & Lori Ridder
Jason & Emily Ridder
Joseph & Phyllis Riddle
Patricia Riddle
Bill Ridgeway
Charles Ridlon & Rebecca Kirby
Deborah Rieb
Erik & Della Rieger
John & Ann Riggenbach
Richard & Marie Riggs
Bill & Rhoda Riley
Lisa Riley
Marshall & Mary Rimann
Greg & Nikki Rincker
Craig & Elizabeth Rindt
Brad & Marilyn Rine
Mallory Rine
Marge Rine
Rebekah Rine
Richard & Barbara Rineberg
Warren & Vieno Riner
Curtis & Karen Rink
Weston & Arian Riordan
Fred Ripley
Mike & Ann Rishell
Albert Risley
Hale & Jane Ritchie
Homer Ritter & Laurene Matson-Ritter
John & Jeanine Ritter
Jamie Rivera
Kathleen Rivers
Michael Roach & Anna Kelley
Yeai & Mei Roan
Lanita Roark
Nick & Bonnie Roark
Duane & Janice Robben
Ashley Robbins
David Robbins
Gary & Donna Robbins
James & Linda Robbins
Carolyn Roberson
James & Lisa Roberts
Ken & Margol Roberts
Lonnie & Sally Roberts
Max & Rose Roberts
Robin Roberts
Sanford & Janet Roberts
Tom & Janet Roberts
Alice Robertson
Bradley Robertson
Rodney & Vicky Robertson
Julie Robinette
Fred & Jennifer Robinson
Jay & Lori Robinson
Keith & Denice Robinson
Nancy Robinson
Patrick & Linda Robinson
Robert & Janet Robinson
Ann Robison
Bob & Carri Robison
Stephen Robison
Tim & Karen Robu
Donna Robuck
Mark Roby
William & Mona Roche
Joe & Laverne Rochford
Tom & Sandy Rockey
Bryan & Catherine Rocky
Leon & Tamara Rodak
Tommy & Cynthia Rodgers
Kathleen Rodriguez
Lucas Rodriguez
Marsela Rodriguez
Ronn & Ann Roehm
Jacob Roenbaugh & Jennifer Ryan
Steve Roepken
Ken & Diana Roger
Beth Rogers
Dorothy Rogers
Jayna Rogers
Jerry & Christine Rogers
Jim & Becky Rogers
John & Sara Rogers
Manning & Karen Rogers
Mark & Christa Rogers
Michael Rogers
Ross Rogers
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Donald & Nancy Rohr
Travis & Tessa Rohrberg
Timothy Rohrig
Kamran Rokhsaz
Rebecca Rolph
Jim & Jennifer Roman
Per & Anne-Louise Romson
Dennis & Carole Ronek
Vicki Ronn
Amanda Roodhouse
Shannon Rooney
Nancy Roop
Edwin & Traci Root
Christopher Rorabaugh
Ronald & Stephanie Rosales
Duncan Rose & Rosalie Haley-Rose
Jason & Megan Rose
Joe & Deborah Rose
Patricia Rose
Robb & Francine Rose
Joe & Tammara Rosenberg
Renee Rosenfeld
Alan Roskam & Nancy Gividen-Roskam
Bob & Betsy Ross
Lydia Ross
Lynn Ross
Novelene Ross
Barry & Shala Rossheim
Gary & Beverly Rossio
Alan & Carole Roth
Jeff & Cyndi Roth
Glen & Barb Roths
Joe & Devon Rothwell
Dan Rouser
Brigitte Roussel
Craig & Carol Rowe
Michael & Sidney Rowe
Marcus & Elizabeth Rowland
Sidney Rowland
George Roy
Alan & Lori Royal
Delinda Royse
C.D. & Michelle Royse
Robert Rozzelle
Rongze & Sumei Ruan
Miriam Rubbert
Anthony Rubio
Deryk & Tracy Ruddle
Donald Rude
Ashley Rudkin
David & Iris Rudy
Gary & Virginia Ruedebusch
Dale & Cindy Rufenacht
Phil & Courtney Ruffin
Phillip & Aleksandra Ruffin
Robert & Janine Ruiz
Antonio & Lea Ann Rumlin
Carolyn Rundle
Bernard & Carolyn Rundstrom
Mark & Linda Runge
Glen Rupe
Bill & Sandra Rupert
Bradley & Jeanne Rupp
Teresa Rupp
Kenneth & Elaine Rusk
Brad & Robin Russell
Dennis Russell
Paul Russell
Robin Russell
Tracy Rutledge
Christopher Rutz
Linda Ruzich
Marian Ryan
Marlene Ryan
Patrick Ryan
Paul & Kathryn Ryan
Mary Ryant
Miguel & Mallela Sabas
Anas & Maria Sadkhi
Rosemary Sadowske
Tom & Debbie Saffel
Anthony & Jan-Maeve Saggerson
Jean Saladino
Laura Salmeron
David Salmon & Marcella
Michael & Christine Samms
Chandy & Shanthi Samuel
David & Millie Samuelson
Keith & Wanda Sanborn
Larry & Rebecca Sanchez
Leslie Sandberg
Wantland & Phyllis Sandel
Kim Sanders
Richard & Denise Sanders
Stephanie Sanders
Donna Sanders-Simpson
Mohamed Sandid
Bob & Janis Sandifer
John & Brenda Sandlin
John & Kim Sandlin
Milt & Veva Sandrick
Fred Sandstrum
Andrew & Kathy Santee
Susan Santo
Peter & Joan Sanzen
Nancy Sapp
Virginia Sartorius
Tim & Nancy Satzler
Chuck & Deborah Sauer
Joe & Karol Sauer
Rudolph & Doris Sauerwein
Dave & Annette Saunders
Steve & Rose Mary Saunders
Diana Saville
Bruce Sawdy
Wes & Amy Sawyer
Baseer Sayeed
Richard & Jan Saylor
Scott & Elizabeth Sayre
Timothy & Kimberly Scanlan
James & Andrea Scarpelli
Tony & Julie Schaar
Matthew & Karen Schaefer
Stan & Suzanne Schaefer
Robert Schaeffer
Steve Schauf
Dan & Kate Scheer
Michael & Jolene Scheidt
Kerin Schell & Susan Dougherty
Tracy Schell
Marvin & Andrea Schellenberg
Brad* & Lisa Scheopner
Eldon & Karen Schierling
Dean Schiller
Andy & Jane Schlapp
Harold Schlechtweg
Eugene & Deborah Schlegel
Jay & Carolyn Schlegel
John & Monica Schlegel
Andrea Schlender
John & Karol Schlicher
Mark & Maria Schlotterbeck
Michael Schlotterbeck
Elena Schmidt
Esther Schmidt
Gordon Schmidt & Christine
Greg & Trish Schmidt
James & Barbara Schmidt
Jeanne Schmidt
John Schmidt
Kay Schmidt
Peter & Carolyn Schmidt
Peter Schmidt
Ralph & Jeanne Schmidt
Richard Schmidt
Rodney Schmidt
Wes & Ada Schmidt-Tieszen
Carolyn Schmitt
David & Barbara Schmitz
Jason & Jennifer Schmitz
Mark Schneegurt
Steve Schneider
Lee & Melinda Schnyder
Brent & Lori Schock
Larry & Carol Schoenfeld
Donald & Donna Schoeni
Susan Scholl
Robert & Cherlyn Schooley
Rodney & Leslie Schoonover
Daniel Schores
Ron & Janet Schraeder
Dwayne & Sandy Schrag
Palmer & Marjorie Schrag
Judith Schrock
Darlene Schroeder
Marcia Schroeder
Philip & Pamela Schroeder
Stan & Beth Schroeder
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Vern & Jan Schroeder
Lela Schrott
Allen & Jacqueline Schuermann
Steve & Elaine Schulke
Clint Schulte
Frank & Linda Schulte
Mark & Kathryn Schulte
Scott Schulte
Carey & Judith Schulten
Harold & Carolyn Schultz
Matt & Chris Schultz
Paul & Audrey Schultz
Sue Schuneman
Gregory & Pin Schunk
D.L. & Sheron Schupp
Ted & La Donna Schupp
James & Melissa Schwab
Neal & Arlys Schwabauer
Larry Schwarm & Peg Bicker
Michael Schwartz
Andrew Schwarz
Paul & Janet Schwarz
Tom & Tina Schwarz
Gregg Schwendner
Joe Schwermann
Robert & Cheryl Schwermann
Keith & Jolene Schwertfeger
Timmy Schwilling
Paul Schye
Melody Scofield
Mark & Alison Scott
Stephanie Scott
Steven & Dorcas Scott
Timothy & Jeanne Scrivner
Diane Scroggins
Scott & Tara Scrogin
Marcia Scurfield
Ken & Kathy Seaman
Sean Seamster
James & Lois Searle
Allen Searles
Alan & Karen Seaton
Dave & Callie Seaton
Kay Seaton
Lawrence & Shirley Seaton
Lewellyn & Sharon Seaver
Steve & Kim Seely
Amy Seery
Larry & Marge Seger
Tony & Paula Seikel
Alan & Penny Seiwert
Tony & Pat Selby
Craig & Michelle Sellens
Dean & Linda Sellers
Sarah Selmon
Steve & Judy Seltzer
Sam & Shirley Seminoff
Jeremy & Courtney Sendall
Craig & Donnamarie Senn
Michael & Stephanie Senn
Gwen Sevart
John & Lucille Severe
Thomas Severs
Sam & Sheryl Seward
Allen & Jane Sewell
Rhea Sewell
Charla Seymore
Dale Seymour
Miner & Valetta Seymour
Steve Shaad
Paul & Angela Shafer
Jake & Janice Shaffer
Jim Sharp
Charles & Debbie Shaver
Gloria Shaw
June Shaw
Kenneth & Irene Shaw
Kent & Marty Shawver
Matthew Shawver
William Shdeed
Kathleen Shea
William & Margaret Shea
Stephen & Teresa Sheahan
Thomas & Helen Sheehy
Christian Taylor, a 2014 senior majoring in studio art, works on a portrait
in his workspace in McKnight Art Center.
Malcolm & Janise Shaffer
Saurabh & Smita Shah
Kathy Shanahan
Julia Shandy
Laurie Shaneyfelt
Edward & Kim Shank
Eric & Glenda Shank
Gavin & Ruth Shank
Shela Shank
Naomi Shapiro
David & Julie Sharp
Greg Sharp
Staci Sheern
Patricia Sheets
Bill Shelby
William Sheldon
Robert Shellenberger
Earl & Jerreen Shellner
Linda Shelly
Mark Shelton & Nancy Ross
Clarence & Bille Shepherd
Carla Shepherd
Donald & Janet Shepherd
Jim & Margo Shepler
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Julie Sheppard
Alex & Josephine Sheridan
Agnes Sherman
Thomas & Barbara Sherman
John & Vicki Sherwood
Carl Shewmaker
Charles & Kitty Shield
Kent & Mary Shields
Michael & Carolyn Shields
Dennis Shinliver
Truman* & Carol Shinn
Andrea Shipley
Nathan & Natalie Shipley
Joshua Shirley
Kim & Nancy Shoemaker
Michael Shoemaker
Janet Shoentrup
Bret & Suzanne Shogren
Elsie Shore
Alicia Short
Ken & Lois Short
Steven & Elisabeth Shouse
Linda Shriver
Clark & Carolyn Shultz
Roger & Janet Shurtz
Gerry Sibley
Ron & Glenda Sibley
Jane Siebert
Marianne Siebert
John & Pat Siedhoff
Allen & Vera Siemens
Tony & Carlene Sieverin
Jo Sieverling
Stephen & Frances Sigley
Lindel & Joan Silvertooth
James Simmerman
David & Chris Simmonds
Ryan & Jennifer Simmonds
Rebecca Simmons
Velma Simmons
Jay & Barbra Simpson
Gregorey & Theresa Simpson
Joseph Simpson
Robert Simpson
Robert & Joan Sims
Paul Sinclair
David Singelton & Sheryl Haffa
Sitanshu & Jennifer Singh
Philip & Karen Singleton
Dave Sinkler
Ralph Sinnett
Sandra Sipes
John Sisson
Jim & Ginni Skach
Fritz Skeen & Helen Morse
Greg & Christy Skelton
Jon & Karren Skelton
Richard & Susan Skibba
Bill Skidmore
Lynn & Rochelle Skillen
Betty Skillett
Ermalee Bonar Skillman
Stephanie Skillman
Margot Skinner
Virginia Skinner
Donald & Ellie Skokan
Brian Slack
Bobby & Montanez Slade
Keith & Cheryl Slater
Dan Slater
John & Jennfer Slattery
Eddie Slaughter
Don & Teresa Sloss
Sara Sluss
Rusty & Donna Slusser
Jack & Janeen Smalley
Kevin Smallwood
Andrew & Janet Smaltz
Daniel & Jerry Smartt
Stanley & Melinda Smeltzer
Craig & Maggie Smet
Rick & Bev Smiley
Donald Smischny
Bradley & Barbara Smisor
Arthur & Patricia Smith
Bradley Smith
Bradley Smith & Amy Hodgson-Smith
Brian Smith
Carol Smith
Charles & Donna Smith
Dale & Debra Smith
Dale Smith
Dan & Mary-Dell Smith
Duane Smith
Earl & Heather Smith
Foster & Janet Smith
Gary & Belinda Smith
James & Kim Smith
Janae Smith
Janet Smith
Jim & Kay Smith
Joseph & Kristy Smith
Joyce Smith
Karla Smith
Kelly & Shirley Smith
Larry & Sharon Smith
Margaretta Smith
Maria Smith
Marty Smith
Matt & Kristy Smith
Matt & Megan Smith
Paul & Janice Smith
Paul & Peggy Smith
Randy & Ann Smith
Rita Smith
Roger & Janan Smith
Russell Smith
Sarah Smith
Shadrach & Deena Smith
Stacy Smith
Steven & Deborah Smith
Sylvia Smith
Thomas Smith
Tim & Stephenie Smith
Tom Smith
Wendell & Doris Smith
Richard & Marcia Smola
Joseph Smucker & Barbara Goering
Stanley & Marlene Smucker
Dana Smyser
Tad & Paula Snarenberger
David & Leslie Snodgrass
Joan Snodgrass
Tom & Jeannie Snook
April Snow
Edward & Helene Snyder
Jacqueline Snyder & Richard Lewis*
Kay Snyder
Tim & Leanne Snyder
Tom & Sibyl Snyder
Walter Sobryan
Morrie & Sydney Soderberg
Nancy Soldner
Gilbert & Gloria Solis
Larry & Sarah Solomon
Robert & Kay Soltz
Brandon & Robin Sommer
John & Janet Sommer
Lyle & Marj Sommerfeld
John & Jane Sommers
Julie Sontag
Bobby & Glendyl Southard
Denise Southwick
Lana Southwick
Don & Rhonda Sowers
Joseph & Gina Spade
Ann Spangler
Doug & Barbara Sparks
Gordon & Mary Sparlin
Barbara Speck
Stephen & Mary Speck
Garry & Susan Spector
Ralph Spencer
Richard & Mary Spencer
Gary & Patsy Sphar
Deborah Spiers
Dorothy Spohn
Steven Spohn
Dale & Laurie Sprague
Janet Sprecker
Jayde & Billie Sprecker
Jennifer Spriggs
James & Evelyn Spring
Jessica Springer
Stanley & Linda Spurrier
Charles & Margit Squire
Jeff & Linda St. Clair
Nicholas & Julie St. Peter
Ray & Opal Staats
Richard & Cynthia Stacey
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Dustin Stafford
Michael & Virginia Staiano
Bill Stalcup
Andy & Pamela Stallard
Roger & Julia Stallbaumer
Stan & Joan Stallbaumer
Jack & Susan Stallings
Nathan Stalsworth
Larry & Patricia Standiford
Mark & Renee Standiford
Robert & Carolyn Stanek
Dan & Jessi Stang
Barry & Janet Stanley
Pat & Judy Stanley
Thomas & Kimberly Stanley
Aaron & Michelle Stanyer
Kyle Starkel
Dee & Linda Starkey
Edward & Rosa Starnes
Gary & Joyce Starrett
Kevin & Chandra Stauffer
Wayne & Diane Steadham
Jared Steadman
Jason Steadman
Mark Steadham
Tyler Stecker
Robert Steckley
Steve & Maxie Steeby
Onah Steele
Randall Steeno
Zackary Steffen
Kenneth Steffens
Sam & Gelene Steffy
Joed Steinberg
Kent & Beverly Steiner
Mark & Lisa Steiner
Randall Steinert
Ron & Elaine Steinke
Louis & Katherine Stekoll
Brian & Lori Stemple
Athena Stephanopoulos
Gerald & Nancy Stephanz
Azey & Mary Stephens
Douglas & Lu Stephens
Elizabeth Stephens
Gary & Swati Stephens
Mark & Ann Sternberger
Cindy Stevens
Ron & Mildred Stevens
Shawn Steward
Adam Stewart & Gina Knauff Stewart
Brian & Vanessa Stewart
Dale & Patricia Stewart
Elizabeth Stewart
Jacqueline Stewart
James & Bonita Stewart
Shawn Stewart
Jeffrey Stickle
Helen Stickney
Brandon Stiff
Alan & Judith Stigge
Jeffrey & Mabel Stilger
Matthew & Shelly Stilger
Richard Stinnett
Gordon & Stacey Stockemer
Randy & Deb Stockman
Harry & Edith Stockwell
Joseph Stohlmeyer
Barbara Stokley
Robert Stolzle
Kathleen Stone
Marvin & Patricia Stone
Dennis & Christine Stoots
Beverly Stotts
Mikel & Leann Stout
Wayne & Debra Stout
Andrew Stover & Cynthia Watson
Harold Stover
Tracey Stover
Michael & Deeta Strader
Todd & Connie Straight
James & Sally Straka
Matt & Marissa Straka
Brian Strange
Dale & Kathy Strattman
Mark Stratton
Melody Street
Delbert & Brenda Strelow
Joseph & Krystle Strelow
Scott & Julie Stremel
Dick & Debbie Strickert
Lois Strickland
John & Debbi Strickler
Robert Strickler
Jack & Trudy Striegel
David & Deanna Strohm
Bob Strong
Michelle Stroot
David & Holly Strunk
Charlotte Stuart
Naomi Stuart
Curtis & Marian Stubbs
Rick & Dena Stubbs
Harold & Jolene Stubby
Doug & Darla Stuber
Dennis & Janet Stuck
Bruce & Patricia Stucky
Clint Stucky
Philip Stucky
Scott & Jean Stucky
Janet Studnicka
Robert & Davina Stuhlsatz
Chris Stump
Mark & Sandy Stump
Karl & Linda Stumpff
Gus & Kristi Suarez
Joyce Suellentrop
Blair & Jennifer Sullivan
Brian & Valerie Sullivan
James & Sharol Sullivan
John & Mai Sullivan
Michael Sullivan
Patrick & Joyce Sullivan
Shawn & Kelly Sullivan
Thomas Sullivan & Cathleen
Waters Sullivan
Ronald & Coralyn Summers
Cynthia Summers
Ronald & Leah Sutcliffe
James & Alice Sutterfield
David Sutton
Rick & Cindy Sutton
Steve & Labrenda Swain
Woody & Barbara Swain
Carl Swanson & Jean Loy-Swanson
Ken & Loy Swanson
Robert & Roberta Swanson
Becky Swart
Jim & Joanne Swayze
Skip & Pat Swearingen
Michael & Betsy Sweeney
Thomas & Carol Sweeney
Brian Sweet & Carlean Bissell
Ann Swenson
Thomas Swenson
John* & Roberta Swinehart
Bob & Karen Swisher
Jason Swisher
Jim & Lynn Switzer
Mansoor & Fay Syed
Bryan Taber
William Tabing
Mike & Elizabeth Tackett
Elmer Tagatac
David & Molley Taiclet
John & Janet Talbot
Kim Talbot
Scott & Lottie Talbott
Jerry & Jacquelyn Talley
Istvan & Libby Tamas
James & Sandra Tangeman
Reza Tanha
Chuck & Cindy Tannehill
Derek & Cherri Tanner
Holly Tanquary
Ben & Kathy Tarbe
Robert & Susan Tarman
G.D. & Ginger Tarrer
Edwin & Carolyn Tarver
Stephen & Kristi Tarver
Glenn & Susan Tate
Abraham & Laura Tatpati
Tom & Lois Tatro
Carolyn Taylor
Charles & Carolyn Taylor
Harry & Debbie Taylor
James & Jane Taylor
Jeremy & Molley Taylor
John & Holly Taylor
Kent Taylor
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
R.K. & Nadine Taylor
Rodger Taylor
Tony & Jennifer Taylor
Larry & Kirsten Teague
Terry & Louise Tegarden
Merril & Rita Teller
Rose Templin
Rosemary Templim
Teaubra Tenbrink
Ron & Vicki* Tennissen
Curtis & Marjorie Terflinger
Stephanie Terney
Mae Terrebonne
William & Fay Terrell
Stephen & Janet Terrones
Millard & Paula Terry
Patrick & Karen Terry
Lon & Susan Teter
Doug & Denise Tewes
Jodi Thach
Dennis Thebeau
Mary Thelman
Andre’ Thibault
Dan Thibault
Kathryn Thiessen
Neva Thiessen
Lisa Thimm
Charles & Nancy Thimmesch
Alex Thomas & Kelly
Blythe Thomas
Elias & Shirley Thomas
Frank Thomas & Jacqueline
De Koster Thomas
George Thomas & Jill Cobb
Gerald & Patricia Thomas
Joseph Thomas
Judith Thomas
Lewis & Kimberly Thomas
Pamela Thomas
Phillip & Marian Thomas
Dwayne Thomason
Frank & Carolyn Thome
Charles & Leota Thompson
Craig & Laura Thompson
Dennis & Margaret Thompson
Donald & Stephanie Thompson
Douglas Thompson
Douglas & Ruth Thompson
Gary & Glenda Thompson
Gary & Jan Thompson
Gregory & Julia Thompson
Kenneth & Pamela Thompson
Miles & Cindy Thompson
Pete Thompson
Ronnie & Velma Thompson
Sean Thompson
Thomas & Angie Thompson
Timothy & Sharon Thompson
Tom & Jeanne Thompson
•  Wendy Thompson
•  Zach Thompson & Lisa
•  James Thomson
•  Annette Thornton
•  Daryl & Robin Thornton
•  Dave & Dyan Thornton
•  Terri Thornton
•  William & Sheryl Thorpe
•  Helen Throckmorton
•  Ralph & Bette Thul
•  Fred & Patty Thurlow
•  Doug Thurwanger
•  Joe & Constance Tibbetts
•  Micol & Diana Tice
•  Ross & Karma Tidemann
•  Delbert & Patricia Tieszen
•  Robert & Bonnie Till
•  Mark & Jackie Tillotson
•  Burt & Sharon Tims
•  Dustin Tireman
•  Jan Tisdale
•  Jay Tissera
•  Bill Titus
•  Dennis & Nanci Titus
•  Aaron & Hope Tjaden
•  James Toburen
•  Nelson & Helen Toburen
•  Ermine & Susan Todd
•  Francis & Margaret Toews
•  Keely Tolbert
•  James Tole
•  Sarah Toll
•  Tabitha Tolle
•  Wayne & Julie Toman
•  John Tomblin & Katie Mullikin
•  Francis Tomecek
•  Suzanne Tomlinson
•  C. & Jo Toner
•  Natalie Toney
•  Theodore & Katherine Toon
•  Carl & Lora Topinka
•  Jeff Topping & Margaret Hough
•  Korey & Deana Torgerson
•  John & Diane Torline
•  Donald & Sandra Torre
•  Danielle Totten
•  Joumana Toubia
•  Randa Toubia
•  Richard Toubia
•  Sherry Tourtillott
•  Ann Townsend
•  Brandon & Missy Traffas
•  Le Tran
•  Arcadia Trask
•  Deborah Travis
•  Paul Travis
•  Danny Trayer & Janice Lee
•  Devoe Treadwell
•  Todd & Jessica Treadwell
Gregg & Marcia Trebilcock
Randall Treece
Thomas & Deborah Tremain
Raymond Trent
Thomas Trieschman
Terry & Elizabeth Trimble
Andrea Trinklein
Thomas & Christine Triplett
Frank & Jolene Tritschler
P.A. Tronsgard-Schulte
Gil & Julie Trout
E.T. & K.L. Troutman
Don & Mary Troyer
Ernest & Judy Trujillo
Donald & Kathleen Trummel
Luann Trummel
Dewayne Trumpp
Thanh Truong
D.W. & Janice Tucker
David & Vickie Tucker
Greg Tucker
Kaci Tucker
Mark Tucker
Phillip & Gloria Tucker
Rebecca Tucker
Ron Tucker
Steven & Faith Tucker
Richard & Judy Tumlinson
Wendy Tung
Jim & Diane Tuorila
Alan Turner
James Turner
Justin & Kathy Turner
Robert Turner
Roger & Becky Turner
Stephen & Martha Turner
Wayne & Carol Turner
Jennifer Turpin
Bradley & Joann Tuzicka
Rebecca Twietmeyer
Toby & Megan Tyner
James & Alison Ubert
Martin & Kim Ufford
Ashley Ulbrich
Robert Ulbrich
Shirlene Ulbrich
Brian Ullmann
Paul Ullom & Marla Ullom-Minnich
Robert Ullom
Timothy & Kara Ulmen
David & Grace Ulrich
Brian & Wendy Underhill
Nelson Ung
Paul Unrau
William & Mildred Unrau
Elizabeth Unruh
James & Karen Unruh
Jim & Janet Unruh
Larry Unruh
Michael & Trudy Unruh
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Paul & Shirley Unruh
Susan Unruh
Alana Unterborn
Peter Upton
Daniel & Angela Urenda
Albert Urich
Gilbert & Donabeth Urick
Clifford & Beverly Utermoehlen
Tony & Carolyn Utter
William & Jennifer Utting
Kenneth Utz
Louis & Consuelo Valadez
Fred Valentine
Elna Valine
Michael Valliere
John & Carol Valusek
Wayne & Paula Van Andel
Allan & Debra Van Asselt
Bruce & Pam Van Bebber
Ken & Annette Van Blaricum
Fred Van Buren & Caroline Crist
Anthony Van Der Voorn
Judy Van Dolah
Lanny & Janis Van Eman
Nelson Van Fleet
Michael & Jeanene Van Meter
Tim & Dee Ann Van Scyoc
William & Carrie Van Sickle
Arthur Van Vranken
John & Charlene Van Walleghen
Ace & Mary* Van Wey
Jay Vance
Jeanne Vance
William Vanderburgh
John & Mary Vanderhoff
Victoria Vanderhoof
Dennis & Evelyn Vanidestine
Pamela Vanlandingham
Robert & Andria Vanmeter
Elizabeth Vannatta
Nancy Vannerson
Bruce & Trish Vanosdel
Mark & Karren Vantzelfde
Billy & Michelle Vardaman
Howard & Mary Varley
Jones & Trish Vaughan
James & Lisa Vayda
Teresa Veazey
Thomas & Norma Veazey
Darron & Dawn Veh
Tony Veith
Steven & Jeanette Vequist
Jamie Verbeckmoes
Carol Vereen
Bruce & Jayne Vernon
Mike & Rhonda Vess
Bernie & Nancy Vestring
John & Marcia Vian
Juan & Sandra Victors
Gordon & Rohini Vieth
Ray & Jacqueline Vietti
Richard & Kimberly Vieux
Ann Vincent
Kyle Vincent
Tim & Kim Vincent
Monique Viner
David & Margaret Vink
Mark & Elaine VinZant
Ralph Viola
Ted & Betty Vlamis
Ted & Karen Vlamis
Jonathan Voegeli
Michael & Kari Voegeli
Harold & June Vogt
Craig & Sue Voigt
Rolf & Shelley Von Merveldt
Douglas & Joyce Vonehrenkrook
Max & Irma Voran
Aaron Voth
Gary & Theo Voth
Robert Vu & Mina Pham
Robert Wade & Ruth Gish Wade
Elizabeth Wadle
Scott & Elizabeth Waddle
Ann Wagner
Dale & Marta Wagner
Donald & Vickie Wagner
Gary Wagner
James & Joyce Wagner
Keith Wagner
Kirk Wagner & Debra Schwemmer
Tim & Peggy Wagner
Tommy & Jill Wagner
Christina Wagoner
Diane Wahto
Rube & Nancy Wakley
June & Jerome Walburn
Greg Waldeck
Scott Walden
David & Jane Waldie
Ray & Dolores Waldo
John & Judi Waliczek
Bill & Billie Walker
Dale Walker
Ford & Carmen Walker
James Walker
Jane Walker
Mary Walker
Melissa Walker
Rich Walker
Ronald & Marilyn Walker
Tim & Barbara Walker
Phil & Rachel Walkup
David Wall & Maureen Roos
Michael Wall
Robert & Joyce Wall
Ronald Wall & Dee Spade
Richard Wallace
Gerald Waller
Heather Walling
Muriel Walpole
Floyd Walpole
Richard & Laverna Walser
Shelly Walston
Harold & Barbara Walter
Myron & Anne Walter
Bucky Walters
Suzanne Walters
Christena Walterscheid
Barbara Waltner
Bruce & Marjorie Walton
Steve & Kathleen Walts
Jan & Nancy Wanamaker
Warren & Nancy Wandling
Leo & Fonda Wapelhorst
William & Linda Wapelhorst
James Ward
Leah & John Ward
Maimon & Leslie Ward
Melissia Ward
Bryan Ware & Ginger Wineinger Ware
Dave & Carol Ware
Joe & Jane Ware
John Ware
Mike & Mary Ware
Mike & Stephanie Warner
Todd & Sheila Warner
Andrew Warren
Joan Warren
Johnny Warren
Joseph & Diane Warren
Mike & Bobbi Warren
Russell & Rhonda Warren
Monte Washburn
Bob Wasinger
Brent & Cayla Wasson
William & Patricia Waswick
Hilary Waters
Randy Waters
Herb & Jean Wathan
John Watkins
Aubrey Watson
Mary Watson Carson
Bill & Mary Watson
Fred & Linda Watson
Michael & Marci Watson
Jack & Letty Watt
Micheal & Kristen Watts
Edith Waugh
Lisa Waupsh
Robert & Patti Wayman
Curtis & Linda Weagel
Terrie Weakly
John & Elizabeth Weatherby
Kim Weaver
Robert & Carol Weaver
Larry & Joleen Webb
Allen & Patricia Webber
Rod & Marla Webber
Charles & Mary Weber
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Hugo & Rosemary Weber
Kevin & Michelle Weber
Robert Weber
Myron & Elaine Webster
Kevin Wedan
Elizabeth Weddle
Ron & Marcia Weddle
Dale Wedel
Darrell & Doris Wedge
Robert Weems
Michael & Pamela Wegeng
Brian Weide
Janet Weidenheimer
Scott & Ann Weidensaul
Jeff & Traci Weiford
David & Billye Weihe
Robert & Zada Weilert
Rodney & Sue Weinmeister
Kent & Brenda Weixelman
Bill & Mary Welch
Brittany Welch
John & Kathy Welch
Larry & Donna Welch
Dee Weldon
Thomas Welk
Peter & Deborah Wellenstein
Byron & Sharon Welliver
Roger & Patricia Wellman
Denise Wells
Don & Karen Wells
Gene & Carlene Wells
Gretchen Wells
John & Shirley Wells
Joseph & Rose Wells
Michael & Sabrina Wells
Randy & Marilyn Wells
William & Lois Wells
Anne Welsbacher
Gary & Jane Welsh
Mark & Debra Welty
Melissa Welty
Michael & Patricia Wemmer
Bill & Nancy Wempe
Mark & Judith Wencel
Milford & Joan Wencel
Bruce & Marilyn Wendler
Lisa Wendling
Hope Weninger
Kenneth Weninger
Russell & Carolyn Wentworth
David & Bethel Wentz
Kim Weprin
JoAnna Werner
Thomas & Elisa Wertz
Kristopher & Leslie Wessel
Phyllis Wessel
Robert & Tasha Wessel
Todd Wessel
Janet Wesselowski
Susan Wesselowski
Tim Wesselowski
Jason & Nicole West
Matt West
Kathy Westerhoff
Sky Westerlund
Mike & Marilyn Westhoff
David & Susan Wettstaed
Robert Wetzel
Chris & Jen Whalen
Melissa Whalen
Jeff & Paula Wheatley
John & Cheryl Wheeler
Karen Wheeler
Kathleen Wheeler
Kenneth & Michele Wheeler
Mindy Wheeler
Theresa Wheeler
Wesley & Angela Wheeler
Brian & Kathy Whepley
Colleen Whepley
Robert & Sheila Whetstone
Allison & Janice Whitaker
Brad &Tricia White
Danny & Elizabeth White
Holly White
Kevin & Rose White
Phil & Connie White
Philip White
Randall & Christine White
T.J. & Rene White
Victor & Denise White
Brant & Shauna Whitelock
Larry & Mary Whiteside
Susan Whitfield Harding
Bill & Jane Whitley
Curtis Whittit
Brad & Susan Whittle
Charley Whitworth
J.R. & Lee Whyte
Roger & Ingrid Whyte
Raymond & Peggy Wichert
Zach Wickencamp
Curtis & Tanya Wickersham
Jimmy & Susan Wickiser
Arthur & Susan Wickman
Calvin & Nancy Wiebe
David & Elena Wiebe
Todd & Tandis Wiechman
Richard & Margaret Wieland
Amy Wiens
Katherine Wiens
Orville & Theresa Wiens
Deborah Wierenga
Alan & Anita Wiggans
Scott & Pam Wiggins
Virginia Wiggins
Leasa Wilch
Barton Wilcox
David & Allison Wilcox
Dennis Wilcox
Doyle & Sondra Wilcox
Susan Wilcox
David Wiley
Doug & Deborah Wiley
Herb & Rose Wiley
Karen Wiley
Tom Wilhelm
Lindsay Wilke
Jim & Kimberly Wilkerson
Rob & Karen Wilkins
Russell Wilkins
Gregory Wilkinson
David & Virginia Will
Mark & Susan Will
Jean Willard
Maribeth Willard
Jeff & Brandy Willett
Al & Nancy Williams
Cory & Bethany Williams
Dale & Connie Williams
Dale & Mary Williams
David & Joan Williams
David & Rebecca Williams
Dick & Diana Williams
Doug & Lynn Williams
Dwight Williams
Everett & Sharon Williams
Gail Williams
Grant & Lori Williams
Hamilton Williams
Jackie Williams
James Williams
Jim & JoAnn Williams
Joe Williams
Joe & Diane Williams
Joe & Kristey Williams
Lonnie & Sharon Williams
Mary Williams
Mike Williams
Otha Williams
Robert & Becky Williams
Ronald & Linda Williams
Scotty & Maureen Williams
Steven Williams
William & Judy Williams
Dale & Gail Williamson
Ferril Williamson
Jeremiah & Stacie Williamson
Harry & Mary Ellen Williford
Rodney Willis
Toni Willis-Jackman
Titus & Jennifer Willits
Mike & Rhonda Willome
Bob & Dee Wills
Lynnie Wills
Alden Wilner & Sheila O’Connor
Cameron Wilson
Curtis & Connie Wilson
Donald & Linda Wilson
Edward & Nayu Wilson
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Evan & Phyllis Wilson
Herm Wilson
Jack & Anne Wilson
James Wilson & Judith Worrell
Jerry & Barbara Wilson
Johanna Wilson
Joseph & Debbie Wilson
Joshua & Jennifer Wilson
Keith & Nadine Wilson
Leslie Wilson
Marcus Wilson & Gigi Coufal
Matt & Felicia* Wilson
Michael & Sheryl Wilson
Phyllis Wilson
Richard & Patti Wilson
Rochelle Wilson
Ronald & Sharon Wilson
Sandra Wilson
Skip & Kim Wilson
Kurt Wimmer
Paul & Cindy Windsor
Mary Wine
Donald Wineke & Linda O’Shea
Rob & Mae Winslow
Gary & Janice Winter
Linda Winter
William & Margaret Winter
R.W. Winters
Don & Phyllis Wipf
Forrest & Jackie Wise
Gary* & Virginia Wise
Lynn & Lori Wiseman
Gary & Nancy Witham
Jeff & Rhonda Witherspoon
Steven & Tonya Witherspoon
Paul & Michelle Witte
Steve & Terri Wittrig
Bob & Kathryn Woelk
Susan Wolcott
Jennifer Wold
Rebecca Wold
Anne-Marieke Wolfe
Fred Wolfe
Ilsa Wolfe
Ineke Wolfe
Gary & Michele Wolff
Sandra Wolter
John & Patricia Woltz
Sonny & Carol Womack
T.K. Wong
Colin & Lucinda Wood
Gary Wood
Gordon & Rita Wood
Maynard & Ilene Wood
Mike & Margaret Wood
Ruth Wood
Sam & Kathy Wood
William & Pamela Wood
Greg Woodall
Jim & Juliet Woodall
Gary & Pam Woodard
Lee & Nancy Woodard
Mark & Kathleen Woodman
Donald & K. Woodmansee
Linda Woodring
Bill Woods
Bruce & Janice Woods
Dexter Woods
Leslie Woods
Mark & Kathy Woods
Mary Woods
William & Anne Woods
Ray & Diane Woodson
Patrick & Mahala Woodward
Bill & Tanya Woolley
James & Narnie Woolley
Terry & Anne Woolsey
Dana Worley
Lauren & Carol Worley
Vicki Worrell
Paul & Diane Worth
Cheryl Wortman
Ted & Susan Wrench
Jeffrey & Sonya Wright
Rick Wright
Robin & Harlan Wright
Rosemary Wright
Stacey Wright
Thomas Wright
Wayne & Elaine Wright
Rachel Wullenweber
Matt & Janice Wunderlich
Gary Wyant
Nicholas Wyant
Henry & Ruth Wyeno
Raymond Wyman & Shaunna Millar
Dalvin & Rebecca Yager
Steven & Deanna Yates
Samuel & Mary Yeager
Grace Yearout
Jeffrey & Jennifer Yearout
Teresa Yeary
Kamalesh Yegneswaran
Sharon Yelton
Vernon Yenne & Deborah Baxter
Mark & Janice Yeskie
Bridgit Yinger
Brian Yockers
Donna Yoder
Dorothy Yoder
Ron & Lisa Yoder
Stanley & BarbaraYoder
James Yokom
Jeehyun & Jihye Yoon
Lee & Marilyn Yoon
Patricia Yorgensen
Carol York
Winifred & James York
Cindy Yost
Lowell & Darlene Yost
Alan Young
Alex & Joni Young
Christopher & Lori Young
Douglas & Patricia Young
Harriet Young
James & Shelley Young
John & Sherry Young
John Young & Kathleen Moran
Lee & Christine Young
Renee Young
Rod & Terry Young
Ronald & Annetta Young
Stuart & Cynthia Young
William Young
Arthur & Linda Youngman
Ronald & Loretta Youngs
Lee Ann Youse
Stephen & Tiffany Zacker
Priscilla Zadoka
Robert & Bobbie Zajkowski
Bernard & Toni Zaleski
Mel & Shirlee Zandler
Hilary & Nancy Zarnow
Rita Zaudke
Nancy Zavala
Jeremy Zellers
Aaron & Kelly Zens
Clifford & Debbie Zens
Angela Zeorlin
Thomas & Juanita Zerfas
Michael & Raya Zerger
Timothy & Christme Zerger
Curtis Zerr
Robert Zettle
Leon & Ming Zhang
Thomas & Brenda Zickuhr
Greg Ziegler
Jim Ziegler
Jim & Patti Zielke
Vern & Myrna Zielke
Lori Ziemann
Jay & Glennis Zimmerman
Lynette Zimmerman
Melva Zimmerman
George Zinke
Dennis & Deanna Zitterkopf
Keith & Barbara Zody
Kirk Zoerb
Eric & Paula Zoller
Peter & Jean Zoller
Melanie Zuercher
Douglas & Sandra Zwemke
Kevin & Kassie Zwiener
Robert & Marjorie Zwiesler
Ginger Zyskowski
* Deceased
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Honor Roll of Donors • Fiscal Year 2014
Matching Gift Companies
These companies matched employees’
contributions to the WSU Foundation
during fiscal year 2014.
Aetna Foundation
AIG Matching Grants Program
Air Products Foundation
Airbus Group, Inc. Matching Gift
Alliant Energy Foundation
Allstate Foundation
American Century Investments Dollars
for Donors Fund
Ameriprise Financial
Apple Matching Gift Program
AT&T Foundation
Bank of America
Bemis Company Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Matching Gift Program
The Boeing Company
Cisco Employees Charitable Giving
Conoco Phillips Co.
Delta Dental of Kansas Foundation
Devon Energy Corporation
Diversified Services Company
Eaton Charitable Fund
Ernst & Young Foundation
Exxonmobil Foundation
Fluor Foundation
FM Global Foundation
GE Foundation
Geico Philanthropic Foundation
Goodrich Foundation Partners in Giving
Grant Thornton Foundation
Harley-Davidson Motor Company
Hershey Foods Corporation
Hess Corporation
Hewlett-Packard Company
Hormel Foods Corporation
Houghton Mifflin Company
IBM International Foundation
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
Jostens Foundation Inc.
Juniper Networks
Lockheed Martin Corporation
M & L CPA’s Chartered
Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
Maxim Integrated
Merck Partnership For Giving
Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts
Motorola Foundation
New York Life Foundation
Northwestern Mutual Life Foundation
Occidental Petroleum Charitable
Oneok Foundation Inc.
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Pepsico Foundation Inc
Petro Harvester Operating Co LLC
Phillips 66
Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc
Quest Diagnostics
Raytheon Matching Gifts for Education
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Sprint Foundation
SPX Corporation
State Farm Companies Foundation
Tesoro Petroleum Corporation
Texas Instruments Foundation
Textron Charitable Trust
Travelers Foundation
UBS Foundation
Union Pacific Corporation
Verizon Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Westar Energy Foundation
Society of 1895
Members of the Society of 1895 have
expressed their support for the Wichita
State University by notifying the WSU
Foundation about their planned gift
commitments. Listed are new members
for the 2014 fiscal year.
Piper Ayala
Royal ‘Gene’ & Kathleen Bales
Bikki Bevelhymer
Joseph E. ‘Bob’ Borlase
Barbara Scott-Brier & Stephen Brier
Elaine Classen
Carolyn M. Copple
Monica & Christian Giovanniello
Dana Gsell
Harriet A. Hickman
Vic and Stephen Hutchings
Rob Jacob
Linda Kisner
Cindy Knox
Elaine Cunningham Lee
Danny & Shari Nicholas
Ken and Carol Pitetti
David Powell
Chris Purdum
Dennis Regan
Curt R. Rierson
Robert and Karen Roswurm
Paula Routon
Rob and Trisha Self
Lula P. Stephens
Susan E. Terwilliger
Kevin Wedan
Bob and Patricia White
Ronald R. & Linda L. Williams
Memorials were established with the WSU
Foundation in fiscal year 2014 to honor
these friends of Wichita State.
Darlene Anderson
Debra C. Becker
Betty Bernstorf
Deb Byers
Charles Dennis Coffey
John Colaw
Sally David
Barbara Ann Doyle
Dr. Alan R. Elcrat
James Morgan Glover
Goldabelle Gregg
Dr. Anthony P. Gythiel
Dr. John J. Hartman
Linda S. Hamilton
Rae J. Long
Robert Manning
Flavia McBride
Dottie Miller
Margaret E. Miller
Audrey Needles
Cynthia Perry
Peter Reynolds
Leonard Rosenfeld
Larry Rutenbeck
Christel Selcer
Mary L. Tasheff
Vicki Tennissen
Dr. Gary Toops
Robert Town
Alex Valentine
Charlotte Weidman
Oral M. Weldon
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Judy and Richard Tumlinson with scholarship recipient
Emma Tarbox at the 2014 Scholarship Dinner.
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to take a one-minute survey.
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Click the button on the right, complete the
one-page form and a member of the WSU
Foundation staff will contact you!
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How to Reach the WSU Foundation
Woodman Alumni Center,
4205 East 21st St. North
WSU Foundation
1845 Fairmount St.
Wichita, KS 67260-0002
Telephone: 316-978-3040
Fax: 316-978-3277
open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays;
closed major holidays
[ ] [ ] [ ]
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
Mission Statement
The Wichita State University Foundation strives to enhance
a community of learning excellence for our students and faculty
through philanthropy and stewardship.
Core Values
An obligation to honesty and
openness with accountability, not
only to ourselves but to others.
A commitment to enhancing trust,
respect and diversity.
A reliance upon the
professionalism of our colleagues
with acknowledgment that all are
equally valued.
A practice of personally
performing to a standard that is
always exceptional.
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |
| s i g n s o f p r o g r e s s | W S U F o u n dat i o n a n n ua l r e p o r t | F Y 1 4 |

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