fox tauren


fox tauren
Recently released...
20-618 Hellfire 'Mech - $7.25
Sculpted by Robert Kyde
20-621 Wraith 'Mech - $7.50
Sculpted by Phil Lewis
20-644 Barghest
'Mech - $7.50
Sculpted by John Winter
20-891 Wolfhound 'Mech - $6.50
Sculpted by Phil Lewis
Just back from GAM A and what a show! It was
very good to see all the retailers who could show up..
Next year I hope to see even more. This is going to be a
great year for the industry and really great for Partha. As
mentioned last issue the upcoming German DSAImports has invaded our shores in this addition. A lso the
new Battle Tech paints and Ink Sleeves are on the way to
your store.
Now the war has started: Crucible- Conquest for
the Final Realm ships this month so beware, these minis
are hot! Next in the lineup is the Museum scale pieces
starting with the Shadowrun Troll, the Madcat and
Vulture. Later in the year look for the Crimson Skies
Museum Scale pieces.
Til' then- make mine Partha
Chris Bledsoe
20-873 Spider 'Mech — $6.50
Sculpted by Phil Lewis
t1EIFE5 & H
01-048 Lord M averick-
10-370 Cyborg
Bear Clan - $2.75
Dragon - $16.95
Sculpted by Dennis Mize
Sculpted by Robert Kyde
01-049 D efenders of the
Realm x2 — $4.50
Sculpted by Dennis Mize
01-051 Peasant
A rchers x2 - $ 4 . 5 0
lCtkbq Fck fbc~r
Sculpted by Dennis Mize
Samurai - $4.95
04-301 U n armored
Sculpted by Steve Saunders
01-052 Pikemen x2 - $4.50
Sculpted by Dennis Mize
01-053 H a lbardiers
x2 — $4.50
0 4-101 G u n f ighters - $ 4 . 9 5
Sculpted by John Winter
Sculpted by Dennis Mize
9 9-114 M o nster Base x4 -
99-115 20mm Flat Base x8 - $4.50
99-116 25mm Flat Base x6 — $4.50
99-117 Cavalry Flat Base x4 - $4.50
91-202 Or c Skirmishers 2
per pack - $5.95
Sculpted by John Winter
20-120 D e H aviland Hornet — $7.95
Sculpted by Dave Summers
20-121 GM Tempest — $7.95
Sculpted by Jeff Wilhelm
91-204 Or c River
Behemoth — $9.95
Sculpted by John Winter
NI85 & I1olNot55
01-054 Q uesting Knight on
A rmored War Horse - $ 7 . 5 0
Sculpted by Dennis Mize
91-300 D w a rven
01-055 D r agon Familiars
x4 - $3.00
Sculpted by R. Kerr
Grandfather - $3.95
Sculpted by Tim Prow
91-301 Dwarven Shieldmen 2 per pack - $5.95
Sculpted by Tim
+ $+c IBL E
91-200 Orc Chieftain — $3.95
Sculpted by John Winter
91-302 Dwarven Thunder Chiefs 2 per pack - $5.95
Sculpted by Tim
91-502 Bane Demon ¹1 (w/flight base) - $6.95
Sculpted by Bob Olley
4 0110 Growler Firegut Onehorn 1 Sculpted by Kev Adams
no photo available
4 0111 Growler Firegut Onehorn 2 Sculpted by Kev Adams
no photo avaiable
40113 Growler Firegut Pups (3) - $5.00
Sculpted by Kev Adams
91-500 Bane Fallen ¹1 - $6.95
Sculpted by Bob Olley
20-655 Fire Scorpion
'Mech - $6.75
Sculpted by John Winter
20-732 Bloodkite — $7.50
Sculpted by Robert Kyde
45402 Neo-Soviet (Ursa) Armored Suit — $24.95
Sculpted by
Jeff Wilhelm
20-651 Snow Fox 'Mech - $6.50
Sculpted by John Winter
20-731 Tai-Sho 'Mech - $8.25
Sculptedby Jeff Grace
45106 Growler Firegut
Bull - $19.95
Sculpted by Kev
20-847 Awesome 'Mech - $7.50
Sculpted by Phil Lewis
91-103 Tauren
Bloodfiend — $8.95
Sculpted by Tim Prow
10-371 Ice Dragon — $16.95
Sculpted by Jeff Wilhelm
9 1-100 Tauren Beastmen 2 per pack -
$ 5.95
91-104 Tauren Guardian - $8.95
Sculpted by Tim Prow
Sculpted by Tim Prow
9 1-101 Tauren Werewolves 2 per pack Sculpted by Tim Prow
91-509 Bane Fallen ¹2 (w/flight base) — $7.95
Sculpted by Bob Olley
91-510 Bane Demon ¹2 (w/flight base) - $6.95
Sculpted by Bob Olley
20-123 C h ance Vought
Skewer - $7.95
Sculpted by Jeff Wilhelm
Ral Partha Bases
Oblong Hex Base x3 - $4.75
Large Hex w/Slot x6 - $4.50
P lastic 25mm Round Base x12 -
Plastic Flight Base x6 — $4.50
2 0mm Plastic Square x12 -
Partha Paints
% a
77-759 Free Worlds League Colors - $9.95
Includes- Regulan Violet, Oriente Purple, Legionnaire
Green, League White, plus two new colors available only
in this sleeve; Marik Purple and Andurien Brown
77-760 Clan Jade Falcon Colors - $9.95
Includes- Gyrfalcon Green, Turkina Green, Jade Falcon
Green, and three new colors available only in this sleeve:
Talon Yellow, Ironhold Brown and Peregrine Green
20-722 A n hur Transport
Plane - $7.25
Sculpted by B. Hubboch
20-122 TNCA F-3
Aguila - $7.95
Sculpted by Dave Summers
20-652 Mandrill 'Mech — $6.50
Sculpted by John Winter
20-823 K u r ita Infantry — $7.50
Sculpted by Phil Lewis
2 0-824 D avion Infantry -
$ 7.50
Sculpted by Phil Lewis
91-804 Goblin
Deadwood — $7. 95
Sculpted by Steve Saunders
20-702 C orsair Aero Tech
Fighter - $5.25
Sculpted by Phil Lewis
91-802 Swamp Terror — $6.95
Sculpted by C. Staples
9 1-701 N ecromancer photos not available
45203 Union Special Forces (8) — $19.95
Sculpted by Steve Saunders
Sculpted by John Winter
40308 Zykhee Mystic - $3.95
Sculpted by Tim Prow
40309 Zykhee Death Dancer 1 - $3.95
Sculpted by Tim Prow
40310 Zykhee Death Dancer 2 — $3.95
Sculpted by Tim Prow
40311 Zykhee Death Dancer 3 — $3.95
Sculpted by Tim Prow
91-703 Ghouls
2 per pack-
Sculpted by Dave
91-801 Hobgoblins
2 per pack - $5.95
Sculpted by Dave Summers
91-705 Bone
Constructs 2
per pack-
Sculpted by Jeff
Grace R Steve
91-604 Infernal Elf Thorn-Cha - $5.95
Sculpted by Steve Saunders
10-100 Shadowrun
Troll (Museum Scale)
— $39.95
Sculpted by John
91-901 Pumpkin 'Eads — $5.95
Sculpted by Dave Summers
91-601 Infernal Elf
Spoiler - $3.95
91-902 Scarecrows 2 per pack - $5.95
Sculpted by Dave Summers
Sculpted by Steve Saunders
91-602 Infernal Elf Spearmen 2 per pack - $5.95
Sculpted by Steve Saunders
91-800 Goblin King — $3.95
Sculpted by Dave Summers
04-303 Ninja 2 per pack - $4.95
Sculpted by Steve Saunders
¹13 C y clops Dragon - F r ee when you send in all 12
Dragon Dollars from previous Dragons of the Month
(Mail Order Only) Sculpted by Bob
$2 9.95
44-001 Female Swashbuckler
tCaog %aVbcmy
04-306 Armored Ninja 2 per pack — $4.95
44-002 Duelist — $2.75
Sculpted by Steve Saunders
44-003 Noble Woman
on Horse — $6.75
04-307 Masters of Kung Fu 2 per pack - $4.95
Sculpted by Steve Saunders
44-004 O r c w / Battle
Axe — $2.75
44-005 Knight w/Sword R
Shield - $2.75
91-102 Tauren Satyrs 2 per pack - $5.95
Sculpted by Tim Prow
44-006 Hill Ogre - $6.75
91-203 Orc Warriors 2 per pack — $5.95
Sculpted by John Winter
91-000 Grand Mystic - $3.95
Sculpted by Dave Summers
91-303 D w arf Beast Handlers Sculpted
by Tim
91-001 Royal Elf Hippolytans 2 per pack — $5.95
Sculpted by Bobby Jackson
Assassins 2 per
pack - $5.95
Sculpted by
Dave Summers
$ 1 1 . 95
20-729 A res Medium
Tank - $7.50
Sculpted by B. Hubboch
91-105 Tauren
V armints 2 per pack -
Sculpted by Tim Prow
20-733 O r o H eavy
Tank - $7.95
Sculpted by B. Hubboch
— $3.95
91-201 Orc Shaman
Sculpted by John Winter
20-735 Bushwacker 'Mech (New Version) - $7.50
Sculpted by Jeff Wilhelm
photo not available
photo not available
photos not available
40312 Zykhee Soulless 1 - $4.95
10-101 Atlas 'Mech (Museum Scale) — $39.95
Sculpted by Phil Lewis
Sculpted by Tim Prow
40313 Zykhee Soulless 2 - $4.95
Sculpted by Tim Prow
40314 Zykhee Stalker 1 — $4.95
Sculpted by Tim Prow
40315 Zykhee Stalker 2 - $4.95
Sculpted by Tim Prow
40316 Zykhee Scouts (2) — $5.50
Sculpted by Kev Adams
40317 Zykhee Ka'char 1 - $3.95
Sculpted by Tim Prow
40318 Zykhee Ka'char 2 - $3.95
Sculpted by Tim Prow
4 0218 U n ion M ule Drone -
$ 7.50
Sculpted by Jeff Wilhelm
40219 Union HDT Drone - $7.95
Sculpted by Jeff Wilhelm
20-656 Thunder Stallion — $8.95
Sculpted by John Winter
10-102 Zeus 'Mech (Museum Scale) - $39.95
Sculpted by Jeff Wilhelm
I •
1 - 405 Archers of Lanis 2 per pack - $5.95
Sculpted by Dennis
44-007 Female Fighter
w/Sword — $2.75
91-406 Ogre - $9.95
Sculpted by Dave Summers
91-205 Orc Javelineers — $5.95
Sculpted by John Winter
44-008 Male Fighter
w/Sword - $2.75
44-009 "Rude" Girl - $ 2.75
44-010 Or c w/Axe R Sword
- $2.75
91-401 Arcane Master — $3.95
Sculpted by Steve Saunders
p r
ec y-
Hot off' the press...
e @= ~ + w e
The Paint Troll's Anally off' his keester and we' ve got some
10-103 Mad Cat (Museum Scale) - $39.95
Sculpted by Jeff Wilhelm
sleeves released!
77-756 Federated Suns Colors - $9.95
Includes- Federated Yellow, New Syrtis Green, Crucis Khaki,
and three new colors available only in this sleeve: Robinson
Orange, Davion Blue and Avalon Gray
77-758 Clan Wolf Colors — $9.95
Includes- Kerensky Brown, Keshik Gold, Wolf Brown, Tamar
Green, Strana Mechty Red and Alpha Yellow
77-755 Partha InksS et ¹I - $ 9 . 9 5
10-104 Vulture (Museum Scale) - $39.95
Sculpted by Jeff Wilhelm
Includes- Chestnut Brown, Mid -Green, Dark Green, Black,
Mid-Blue and Red
77-757 Partha Inks Set ¹2 - $ 9 . 95
Includes- Yellow, Orange, Purple, Chocolate Brown, Deep
Turquoise and Dark Blue
...and finally the topless wyrm-
10-369 Seductress Dragon - $1 6.95
Sculpted by Steve Saunders
About time huh!?!
*Products you thought were available*
1 0-470 W yrm Bazaar Box Set - $ 1 9 . 9 5
Sculpted by Partha Design Studio
1 0-471 Sage of the Wyrms Box Set -
$ 1 9 . 95
Sculpted by Partha Design Studio
Striving to conquer the future
Grea< Warriorsseep aside, 'cause Cruei~le has arrived~
Ral Partha Enterprises- 5938 Carthage Court, Cincinnati Ohio 45212-1197
Toll Free 1-800-543-0272 or Tel(513)-631-7335, Mon. through Fri., 8:30AM to 5:00PM (EST)
Email: ralpartha@zoomtown.corn
w e baddress: http: //www.fasa.corn/ralpartha/index. html