impact - Green Hotels Association


impact - Green Hotels Association
Green” Hotels
Hotels Association
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ello again! Welcome once again to “Green” Hotels Association®’s fabulous IMPACT magazine.
It’s filled with smart information and ideas directly from Partner Members of our elite corps of
green hoteliers. Glorious photographs reveal clearly what works at green locations. Beautiful
advertisements beckon you with clever, useful, helpful green products and services offered by Ally
So, here we are in the fall of 2010. Things have been very tough for a lot of us. Worldwide economies
are struggling. There are lots of thing to worry about. There are lots of things to be happy about. There
are always cycles. There are always peaks and valleys. Some valleys are deeper than others. But, things
do always go in cycles. So, we know this too will end.
However, we are still all extremely fortunate to live in the most fabulous country in the world. Let’s
make the best of it! I truly believe it’s the perfect time to work on and ramp up your green program.
Perhaps there’s less demand from guests now. There’s also more time to do research on next green steps
to take. More time for staff to perfect green programs. Specifics of statistics regarding success of your
greening can be gathered. There’s time to develop information for press releases and marketing.
Remember, there’s going to be no end to greening. Don’t expect to ever be through, be done, you’re
green, you’re finished. Because vendors are creating, designing, developing and bringing to market
amazing and exciting products that will continue to slow energy usage, lower utility expenses and
reduce waste. Two of those are and The first allows
replacement of expensive battery packages in door locks and such with AAA and AA batteries. The
second is a golf ball meant to be hit into the ocean or a lake because it degrades in 48 hours and has a
center made of fish food!
Engage and applaud your staff! Welcome and celebrate your guests! Enjoy time with family and
friends. Ramp up your green program. Rave to hotel associates and colleagues about your green
successes. Encourage them to join “Green” Hotels Association®. Press on with marketing your green
program. Continue to develop the environmental portion of your website. And, let’s all look forward to
and be ready for the next peak, because it’s on its way!
Thinking “green,”
Patty Griffin,
President and Founder, “Green” Hotels Association®
“Green” Hotels Association®
Environmental Initiatives
Ingenuity, not investments, is all that is needed to implement
successful – and greener – practices
By Tara N. Wilfong
Green Developments
Embracing the green movement
By Heidi Bohi
Maintenance Matters
Outside, inside, and all around – green opportunities abound
By David A. Brown
Maintenance Vendors
Meeting green demands
By David A. Brown
Responsible Renovations
Considered to be the front line of any greening protocol, guest rooms
provide ample fodder for the hotel’s environmental overhaul
By Tara N. Wilfong
Nourishing Guests While Nurturing Sustainability
By David A. Brown
Green Food Service Vendors
By David A. Brown
Effective Environmentalism
Unique and informative training methods for all staff members
serve as the first step toward success in greening your property
By Tara N. Wilfong
Product Showcase
Atlas Paper Mills is the only Green Seal™-certified-manufacturer of 100 percent
recycled paper products in the State of Florida. Every product we offer is
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To learn more about how our sustainable Green Heritage® tissue and towel
products can help your company meet their environmental needs, contact us at or call 800-562-2860.
“Green” Hotels Association®
North American Headquarters
701 North West Shore Blvd., Tampa, FL 33609, USA
Tel. (813) 639-1900 • Fax (813) 639-4344
Gre ” Ho
ls A
Contributing Writers
Heidi Bohi
David A. Brown
Tara N. Wilfong
Editor in Chief
Charles Oldham
Ross W. Jobson
Peter M. Antell
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Lawrence Roberts
Vice President,
Business Development
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Project Manager
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Advertising Account Executives
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Ad Traffic Manager
Rebecca Laborde
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Office Administrator
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This publication is printed
on 30% recycled material.
Clyde Sanchez
Cover photo courtesy
of Casa Laguna
©Copyright 2010, Faircount Media Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction of editorial content in whole or in part without written permission is
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IMPACT greenhotels
Ingenuity, not investments, is all that is needed
to implement successful – and greener – practices
By Tara N. Wilfong
Photo courtesy of Graycote Inn
he decision to adopt greener operational practices, particularly in
the hospitality industry, is often regarded as a costly endeavor that
can take years to realize a return on investment. Properties new
to this rising trend consciously weigh the costs of such changes versus
the benefits to the environment, and often are left overwhelmed by their
choices. Although many hoteliers facing an environmental overhaul can’t
help but conjure visions of winged dollar signs quickly escaping through
drafty windows, the economic truth remains that going green doesn’t
necessarily translate to a hard hit on a property’s bottom line.
Photo courtesy of Harrison House Suites
greenhotels IMPACT
Cutting Costs with
Creative Collaborations
t At Harrison House Suites on San Juan Island,
Wash., innkeepers Anna Maria de Freitas and David
Pass began a composting project with local farms to
recycle kitchen scraps from their Coho Restaurant. Each
week, when the farmers deliver fresh produce, they
pick up the restaurant’s organic “leftovers,” which the
kitchen staff disposes of in large, 5-gallon recycling
buckets. Back on the farm, the farmers use the scraps
for chicken and pig feed, as well as composting. This
collaboration between the innkeepers and farmers is
a veritable win-win, with no monies changing
hands, but both providing a significant
service to the other and the environment.
“Because of our recycling and composting
project, Coho has just two garbage
pails of trash per week from a
restaurant that serves approximately
225 dinners each week,” de Freitas said.
“You can say we truly have a
farm-to-table-to-farm program.”
In fact, nearly every member of the “Green” Hotels Association® (GHA) remembers their switch from overly consumptive to environmentally conscious as a boon, not a burden, to
their property’s bottom line. “While the Georgian Hotel has
had a number of eco-friendly practices in place for many
years, the first change we made was to designate a ‘Green
Team’ for our hotel,” said Aimee Beardsley, sales assistant and
Green Team chief at the Georgian Hotel in Santa Monica, Calif.
“This change was not costly at all, and it helped include all
of our employees and departments in our efforts and desire
for change. With many versatile minds working together, we
have made many positive changes and increased awareness
Photo courtesy of the Georgian Hotel
throughout our company.”
Relying on its Green Team’s ingenuity and ability to discover new and innovative ways to implement savvy environmental projects, the Georgian Hotel began making small, yet
significant changes. “While it’s true that becoming a green
tt From the energy-saving furnace to the energy-efficent bathroom fixtures, innkeepers Pat and Roger Samuel have
updated Graycote Inn to meet exacting green standards. p The Georgian Hotel uses reusable items (flatware, linens,
containers, etc.) in food and beverage areas, compostable to-go coffee cups, biodegradable cleaning products, and
energy-efficient incandescent heat lamps in guest bathrooms to name a few green practices.
IMPACT greenhotels
W A.G. Thomson House Historic
Bed & Breakfast Inn has a detailed
green policy in place that covers
energy conservation, water
conservation, waste reduction, and
it takes a little longer to fill a glass or
a coffee carafe, there is virtually no
noticeable difference when showering.”
Smart changes, like these, that have
little-to-no impact on a guest’s comfort
– not to mention the property’s bottom
line – are the most successful when it
business sometimes requires finan-
one of the easiest and most inexpensive
dustry. For many properties that have
cial investments, many green options
changes is offering guests a choice be-
successfully and efficiently implement-
require no cost at all, and many oth-
tween reusing their towels and linens
ed new practices, one area in which an
ers produce an immediate return on
and requesting fresh ones. “This is a big
environmental overhaul can truly be
investment, such as using reduced-
win,” said Roger and Pat Samuel, inn-
measured is the onsite kitchen. Wheth-
energy fixtures and energy-efficient
keepers at Graycote Inn in Bar Harbor,
er a property features a small café, a
appliances. Small, up-front costs such
Maine. “Not only does this reduce wear
gourmet restaurant, or a simple self-
as these are easily justifiable since
and tear on the linens, but it also saves
serve dining area, there are numerous
they are beneficial to both the environ-
water in the laundry, reduces pollution
low-cost changes that can be made to
ment and the company’s budget,” said
caused by laundry detergents emitted
promote greener initiatives.
to the waste stream, and still allows
One easy change is offering drinking
To minimize up-front costs, most ad-
guests to have their towels and sheets
water to restaurant patrons only upon
vocates of a greener hospitality indus-
changed more often than they are used
request. Or, taking it one step further
try tend to tackle the simple fixes first.
to at home.”
– purchasing a water purifier instead
For example, when a light bulb burns
To compound water savings, many
of stocking trendy bottled water, and
out, instead of replacing it with another
properties are also installing aerators
serving purified water in reusable glass
incandescent bulb, opt for a more en-
on the faucets in guestrooms, and,
carafes. While this may take a little get-
ergy-efficient compact fluorescent one.
when showerheads and toilets are in
ting used to for those guests “hooked”
Although these bulbs may cost a little
need of replacement, choosing low-
on bottled water, a few carefully worded
more than their predecessors, by pur-
flow options that in many cases use 50
signs detailing the environmental ben-
chasing them on an as-needed basis,
percent less water than the previous
efits associated with banning the bottle
you not only spread the cost over sev-
are sure to help.
eral months or even years, but you may
aerators on our bathroom sink faucets,
A little more time and research inten-
also begin to immediately reap the fi-
the cost was minimal and the savings
sive, but certainly not costly, is transi-
nancial benefits of the conversion with
were immediate: going from 2 gallons
tioning to buying from local farmers and
lower energy bills.
to 1 gallon of water per minute,” said
merchants. Not only does this bolster
Water conservation is another area
Craig Sanders, general manager for
community relations, but it also prac-
in which hoteliers can realize signifi-
Hoagland Properties, owners of the
tically negates the environmental im-
cant savings with minimal cost. Perhaps
River House Inn in Florence, Ore. “While
pact that is created from shipping goods
Photo courtesy of A.G. Thomson House Historic Bed & Breakfast Inn
comes to greening the hospitality in-
greenhotels IMPACT
S GHA Partner Member Byblos Resort & Casino aims to further the preservation of Costa Rica’s endangered flora,
fauna, and natural resources through sustainable tourism.
across county and state lines. As an added benefit, out-of-town
products also retained a longer shelf life, thus reducing waste
guests have an opportunity to sample some of the area’s fresh-
and generating a direct savings overall.”
est seasonal offerings, giving them a true flavor of the local
Photo courtesy of Byblos Resort & Casino
Like all decisions in the hospitality industry, the move toward greener operational practices is one that must be care-
fully weighed against cost as well as guest satisfaction. Going
bandwagon, taking charge of providing food for our mulch
green can be a noble endeavor, but tackling too many projects
pile, eliminating most of the paper products or disposable
at the onset, or perhaps even worse, placing too many restric-
products that required extra packaging in our food service
tions on a guest’s experience, can lead to certain disaster. “Our
area, and converting to more environmentally friendly brands
best advice is to take the first step and build on it,” said Tim and
of all foodstuffs,” said Kimberly Barron, director of marketing
Angie Allen, innkeepers at A.G. Thomson House Historic Bed &
at Byblos Resort & Casino in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica.
Breakfast Inn in Duluth, Minn. “Living a greener life is a process.
“When we started buying from local providers and supporting
No person or business can
more directly our smaller neighbors in the industry, they
exist without impacting the
reciprocated by providing our resort with their highest
planet, but we can each do
quality products. This not only resulted in better tasting and
our part to make the world
quality ingredients for our restaurants, but the higher-quality
a better place.”
IMPACT greenhotels
Embracing the green movement
By Heidi Bohi
he hospitality industry, more than any other business sector
known for offering amenities, indulgences, and gimmicks that
range from grass being cut with a reel or mechanical mower so as
not to disturb the guests, to Hermès bath products, personal butlers, and
luxury linens, is just as enthusiastically embracing the green movement
as it becomes clear as a crystal goblet that besides the immediate and
substantial cost savings, guests who once indulged are now seeking out
properties that put the Earth first.
While some hotels, lodges, and resorts are just beginning to
Finding ways to reuse what many hotels would throw in
make small changes that can be implemented immediately, at
the dumpster includes donating all retired linens and towels
the same time just as many are making sustainable practices
to homeless shelters, and pillowcases and other terry cloths
an essential part of their business strategy.
are used for dust rags. The housekeeping seamstress also turns
Regardless of the size or sophistication of the operations,
retired linens into aprons for kitchen and stewarding staff, an-
there seems to be no limit to the number of creative and
other cost savings measure. Griffin’s favorite example of one of
innovative green measures they are coming up with now that
its unusual green measures is turning retired duvet covers into
they understand that not only is it the right thing to do for the
pet beds, which reduces waste and results in dog accommoda-
environment, it’s a way of thinking that means measurable and
tions that match what their owners are sleeping in.
immediate savings in operating costs. A 10 percent reduction in
Another GHA Member property offers a car-less trip – guests
energy consumption has the same financial effect as increasing
arrive via train or metro, and while there, use bicycles. Those who
the average daily room rate by $.83 in limited-service hotels
use the exercise bikes in the health club are given a coupon for
and $2.45 in full-service hotels.
a free meal because they are generating electricity for the hotel.
In other words, the green movement and the industry are
One of the biggest areas of advancement in hotel greening
growing up together, said Founder and President of the “Green”
efforts that Griffin noticed is the commitment to work with
Hotels Association® (GHA) Patricia Griffin. The organization has
green vendors that increasingly offer more new products and
450 members that represent more than 35,000 guest rooms.
services including key cards made from recycled products, bio-
“Green programs are maturing – hotels have done a lot and
degradable shower caps, eco-friendly menu and wine list cov-
are adding to it, creating solutions that are interesting and en-
ers, robes made from certified organically grown cotton, and
tertaining for guests,” she said.
hand dryers that take 10 to 15 seconds and use 80 percent less
A resort in Huntington Beach, Calif., has implemented about
40 green initiatives as part of its commitment to be proactive
about taking steps to preserve natural resources and improve
energy than conventional models.
“None of us can be green without the green vendors,” Griffin
the environment. Its 25-person green committee, comprising
Golden Arrow Lakeside Resort in Lake Placid, N.Y., has
staff from every department, continues to brainstorm ideas
introduced Adirondack Harvest Dinners at its Generations
that range from simple to those that require more of an
Restaurant. The menu features dishes made mostly with
ingredients from local growers and suppliers including local
Photo courtesy of Cobalt Coast Dive Resort
greenhotels IMPACT
Cobalt Coast Dive Resort
IMPACT greenhotels
cheeses. Supporting local suppliers is a key concept behind
keep bar soap wrappers to take lightly used bars of soap
sustainability and the green movement because it is an
home, and leave small bottles of unopened amenities in the
important link in strengthening the economy by providing local
guest room. Packing a permanent marker and writing each
jobs and reducing transportation costs and pollution.
person’s name on the cups in the hotel is also a simple step
The newest addition to the resort’s growing inventory of green
to reduce waste.
initiatives is the installation of solar thermal panels, Jennifer
Antlers at Vail Condominiums & Conference Center, named
Holderied, owner and director of marketing, said. These panels,
the Vail Valley Green Business of the Year in 2009, has been
installed in July are expected to produce enough heat to warm
a leader in green reform since the early ’90s. Since investing
the indoor pool, conserving 31,600 kilowatt-hours per year and
$70,000 to convert fireplaces from wood burning to gas back
saving more than $1,800 in annual fuel costs. “We should have
in 1992 – along with encouraging a number of other properties
100 percent pay back in under eight years and any additional
to do the same – the property has committed to several other
heat produced will be diverted to help heat the water for the
green changes. “If it’s green and it’s going to save money, then
north wing of the resort,” she said of the latest development.
let’s go for it,” is the thinking here, Greg Ziccardi, sustainability
Housekeeping departments are consistently one of the
coordinator for the property, said.
top areas where greening practices can be affordably imple-
Currently, he said, he is focusing on working with the house-
mented, Griffin said, and guests can easily participate in the
keeping department to help keep costs down. Last year the
efforts. In addition to hotel linen programs that encourage
property spent $22,000 on amenity bottles of hygiene products
guests not to have sheets and towels changed every day, she
such as body soap, shampoo, hand soap, hair conditioner, and
also is starting to see other innovative approaches that make
lotion. To reduce that cost and the amount of trash that goes
it easy for guests to participate in these efforts. To keep track
in the local landfill, this year it is focusing on implementing a
of personal towels, she recommends packing safety pins and
program that will instead refill these bottles from 1-gallon pump
colored beads, then attaching a pin and bead to keep track
containers. A similar dispensing system will be implemented for
of which towel belongs to which family member. Guests can
all biodegradable cleaning products and staff is now required
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greenhotels IMPACT
to properly dilute concentrated cleaners,
Antlers at Vail Condominiums & Conference Center
resulting in a 75 percent savings.
Although adopting improved green
measures presents property owners
with the decision of making cash
outlays in the midst of the worst
recession in generations, 63 percent say
they consider environmental issues
just as important as the economy, 88
percent think it’s important for their
businesses to be green, and 84 percent
recent survey by online payroll firm
PayCycle, though at the same time,
they are not willing to sacrifice the
paying more for making green choices.
While times are tough, instead of
Photo courtesy of Antlers at Vail Condominiums & Conference Center
paying more for green solutions, many
property owners are turning to eco-
into its profits, Arie Barendrecht, propri-
plastic to-go containers, has eliminated
conscious measures that save them
etor of the resort, said.
paper napkins and disposable cups, and
money, including reducing waste and
Best practices were implemented in all
purchases recycled tissues, paper towels,
making smarter consumer choices like
departments so that new, practical work
and poly-green trash bags. Upon check-
high-efficiency appliances and low-
habits pay closer attention to their sur-
ing in, guests are briefed about best green
watt light bulbs, without requiring
roundings. One housekeeping example,
practices they can participate in, includ-
additional cash outlay.
Barendrecht said, is improving the maxi-
ing reducing towel use, requesting that
Although being green does not in it-
mum capacity of dishwashers and laun-
bed linens be changed infrequently or not
self present enough of a competitive
dry facilities by documenting usage of
at all, and how to use the air conditioner
edge to capture more market share, it
water and electricity on a daily basis and
so that it does not run unnecessarily.
is one more component of a market-
evaluating variances in use. “Doing small
At a time when visitor industry num-
ing mix that can help businesses earn
things in a better way,” he said, includes
bers are down across the country, this is
positive public relations and encourage
waiting for dirty dishes to be stacked up
a good time for businesses to use extra
guests to become involved by increasing
so that the machine is loaded to capacity,
available staff time to develop and in-
awareness about these efforts.
and reducing wash and dry times. Besides
corporate best practices into their operations.
“Everyone wants to participate be-
saving money on the property, employees
cause there’s that whole feel-good thing
cannot help but take these same habits
“With what’s going on with the econ-
going on,” Griffin said. “They’re on vaca-
home. When the property was changed
omy, this is the perfect time to ramp
tion, having a great time, and feel good
out with compact fluorescent light (CFL)
up green efforts when there are not so
about what they’re doing for the com-
light bulbs, each employee was given 12
many guests demands and hotels can
munity, the country, and the world –
of the bulbs to use in their own homes, as
tighten things up and find ways to mar-
even making little changes add up.”
a way to increase top-of-mind awareness
ket to new guests while improving their
among staff.
green program,” Griffin said.
Cobalt Coast Dive Resort on Grand
Cayman, Green Globe Certified by the
After a year, he said, the staff has
department of tourism there, is one ex-
seamlessly incorporated these practices
ample of a GHA Member property that
into their daily routines. The resort also
is actively adding several greening mea-
changed its purchasing habits and now
sures to its operations without cutting
IMPACT greenhotels
Outside, inside, and all around – green opportunities abound
By David A. Brown
o often, it’s the simplest details that bear great examples of, and
great inspiration for, the causes that unite like-minded people. Case
in point: the floral tapestry accenting the grounds of FivePine Lodge
in Sisters, Ore. Colorfully whimsical, these petals of purpose offer a vivid
microcosm of the maintenance strategies common to “Green” Hotels
Association® (GHA) Members.
What’s that, you say? Flowers symbolizing environmen-
In historic Charleston, S.C., General Manager Abigail Martin
tal sustainability? You bet. See, they’re not just any flowers –
also employs sustainable grounds maintenance strategies for
they’re native wildflowers that flourish just fine on their own
The Inn at Middleton Place. The inn is located in a very rural
throughout the region. Of course, the clarkia, lupine, candytuft,
area, surrounded by live oaks and fragrant magnolias along
five spot, mallow, and bird’s eye don’t mind the organic fertil-
the Ashley River. Martin said that her cozy Southern location
izer that lodge owner Bill Willitts and his staff apply, but the
comes with its share of maintenance considerations, but she’s
seemingly simple act of planting wildflowers embodies the
pleased with the green advancements in the outdoor chemicals
“green” mindset.
Quick review of the facts: The seed mix comes from a local
“I believe the greatest opportunities lie in the maintenance of
supplier, so there is the whole reduction of transportation, fuel
our landscaping,” she said. “This is South Carolina and no ho-
usage, and emissions thing working. Wildflowers require mini-
tel is safe from outside invaders. [However,] there are so many
mal water – resource conservation – and plants that can thrive
new products that allow us eco-friendly choices on treating for
anywhere from an open field, to a fence row, to a highway me-
pests, weeds, and other issues concerning the environment.”
dian don’t need much babysitting. Count that as a labor saver.
Two new products that Martin’s staff has recently started
Those are the hard facts. Philosophically, wildflowers meld
using are CedarCide – aromatic cedar hardwood granules that
perfectly into the FivePine strategy of minimizing fossil fuel use
repel flies, fleas, roaches, mosquitoes, and snakes in decorative
by encouraging guests to park their cars and enjoy the magnifi-
areas around the guest buildings – and Snake Mole Grub (SMG),
cent natural setting on foot or via the lodge’s complimentary
a water carrier and two active ingredients that are instrumen-
cruiser bikes.
tal in killing and surfacing grubs that the moles eat. Without
“From bees to deer, wildflowers enhance our connection with
nature – they’re nature’s carpet,” Willitts said. “We have a focus on protecting our environment in balance with creating the
perfect guest experience.”
their food source, the inn has fewer tunnels under its lawn and
in the flower beds.
Now despite a few pests here and there, nature also provides
many positive forces, not the least of which are the sun and
Photo courtesy of International House Hotel
greenhotels IMPACT
S “Going green is not always the
cheapest way to do things in the
short term. In many cases, it has
to be more about wanting to do
the right thing,” said Brian Toche,
general manager of International
House Hotel in New Orleans, La.
X FivePine Lodge’s green groundskeeping efforts begin from the
ground up with hardy, native
wind. Both hold tremendous energy potential, as evidenced by the greenhouse
at Reignwood Pine Valley Resort in Beijing, China. Harnessing these renewable
energy sources, Reignwood maintains
optimal growing conditions for the production of organic fruits, vegetables, and
herbs used in its restaurant. Wind power
runs the LED lighting, recovery fan, and
©Jill Rosell/Courtesy FivePine Lodge
a pump that circulates recycled gray water for crop irrigation. A solar panel powers the ventilation.
“We have a control system to manage
the property’s construction – a project
the power station to deliver maximum
reliability and output,” said Pachanee C.
laid out to minimize local tree loss and
maximize the efficiency of water and
Devapradipa, Reignwood’s head of Members’ House and project manager. “We
Willitts said the FivePine family is
use good insulating material to control
continuously working to minimize its
energy use.
“We had the benefit of being able to
the temperature in the greenhouse.”
“footprint.” That objective traces back to
build our campus with ‘Green Intention,’”
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greenhotels IMPACT
W [ Reignwood Pine Valley Resort
in Beijing, China – set amid 900plus acres of pristine, rolling greens
– counts a solar- and wind-powered
greenhouse among its green
Willitts said. “By incorporating heat
pumps, wood casement windows, 6-inch
walls with blown insulation, and ondemand, computer-driven hot water
heaters, our
average $55 per month per cabin.”
Walnut Lawn Bed & Breakfast sits in
the southwestern Pennsylvania town of
Lancaster. Innkeepers Tom and Sarah
Murphy proudly tout the charm and ambiance of their century-old building, but
despite the reminiscent value of holding
onto the “old life,” keeping their property
relevant in the 21st century has necessitated certain modernizations. Tom said
they’ve installed energy-saving lights
with timers and energy-efficient windows – a real challenge for a building
with more than 100 birthdays.
As one of the first smoke-free hotels in New Orleans, the International
House further exercises environmental
protection through the use of low-VOC
(volatile organic compound) paints. The
“Bayou State” establishment also has
Photos courtesy of Reignwood Pine Valley Resort
installed compact fluorescent and LED
lighting throughout the building. Such
steps require commitment to the green
mission, as their impact on the bottom
line cannot be ignored.
“For many boutique hotels like International House, money presents the
greatest challenge to becoming more
‘green,’” said International House General Manager Brian Toche. “Going green
is not always the cheapest way to do
things in the short term. In many cases,
it has to be more about wanting to do
the right thing.”
IMPACT greenhotels
S Housekeeping staff at the Orchard Garden Hotel in San Francisco, Calif., use citrus-based cleaning products that
do not contain any hazardous chemicals commonly found in other cleaning agents.
Maria Lougaris, managing director of Castelli Hotel in Zakynthos, Greece, knows well this premise. Although green products
and services are far less accessible than in U.S. markets, she’s
intent on implementing and upholding sustainable practices.
Energy use is one of Castelli’s biggest concerns and the hotel
• toilet exhaust fans set in series with restroom lights so
both shut off when the facility is not in use;
• adjusting a building’s outdoor air thermostat (OAT) to
a wider range to free cool when the temperature and OA
humidity is in range; and
has an arsenal of strategies to fend off this foe. For starters, all
• adjusting the settings on the Building Automation System
guestrooms have electricity-saving systems that shut off all ap-
to reduce the load while keeping the humidity in range
pliances (except refrigerators) when guests leave their rooms.
minimizes energy output and retards mold.
a door is left open. Conversely, open drapes are encouraged, as
this reduces the need for interior lighting by allowing lots of
natural light through the hotel’s large windows.
Many of the greening strategies hotels employ go largely
A leader in professional services, ARAMARK provides direct
unnoticed, or at least uncontested. Occasionally, a solid idea
management of client facility functions including operations
requires a good bit of PR to pass muster with guests’ discern-
and maintenance, engineering, custodial, landscaping, house-
ment. In Golden, British Columbia, Denise English of ‘eh’ Cana-
keeping, and energy usage. Using ARAMARK’s conference cen-
dian Lodge takes to heart an alarming comparison, but strug-
ter client, the International Training Center, as an example,
gles with the implementation of countermeasures.
Director of Operations Joseph Fischioni offers a handful of
greening strategies:
“I was once told that the average North American family
uses as much energy in their dryer in one year as a family in
Photo courtesy of Orchard Garden Hotel
Sensors at balcony doors block the air-conditioning function if
greenhotels IMPACT
WS GHA Member Castelli Hotel emphasizes staff
involvement for the success of its green programs.
lack the fumes and hazardous chemicals of common products.
Castelli’s staff regularly uses vinegar for cleaning kitchenware,
and room cleaning is done with warm water – a practice that
lessens the amount of water needed for sufficient cleanliness.
Furthermore, Castelli’s paper rolls are made of recycled material, while housekeepers use newspaper sheets instead of cloths
Africa uses in their entire household in one year,” she said. “I
to clean windows.
usually tumble my laundry until it is steaming and then pull it
Additionally, GHA offers a few tips for making the most of a
out to air dry. The problem is wrinkles. Patrons see the wrinkles
hotel’s recycling program. First, crushing aluminum cans opti-
[in sheets and pillow cases] and think the beds have been slept
mizes space, while offering wine bottles to local wine-making
in. If we can get people thinking that wrinkles mean no ironing
stores or clubs keeps the containers in practical use. Gallon-
and less drying, which saves on energy, it would be great.”
size metal cans should be washed and both ends removed to
Martin rarely hears any objection to the signature soaps she
allow flattening.
provides for her guests. The Inn at Middleton Place purchases
In a related strategy, magnetic flatware-recovery systems are
large blocks of all-glycerin soap, melts it down, and uses molds
available. By mounting the simple device (affixed with mag-
to form the raw material into the shape and thickness they pre-
netic strips around the collar of of the mouth) to the top of a
fer. Martin’s staff adds seasonally appropriate color and scent,
standard 32-gallon garbage bin, it’s easy to detect and retrieve
often dressing up the aroma and appearance with natural
silverware. This saves money by minimizing flatware lost and
items such as lavender, poppy seeds, and mint found on the
cuts down on labor costs by eliminating the need for sorting
and manual recovery.
The inn presents these unique bars to guests in small reclos-
Photos courtesy of Castelli Hotel
able bags and encourages them to take the soap home for con-
tinued use. Unused soap left in rooms is melted and reformed
for employee washrooms only.
From cooking to cleaning, a hotel simply cannot function
“The amount we make each month is strictly dependent on
without H2O. The cost of water use goes beyond monthly bills, so
our occupancy,” Martin said. “This is also the highest selling
strict resource management and environmental responsibility is
item in our gift shop. I would say we sell anywhere from 200 to
paramount. Orchard Garden minimizes the potential pollution
500 bars a month.”
flowing into its drains daily by using rice straw wattles to absorb
For daily cleaning, the housekeeping staff at San Francisco’s
the concrete and wash-down runoff. The long, narrow wattles –
Orchard Garden Hotel uses citrus-based cleaning agents that
available at most major construction supply stores – fit snugly
greenhotels IMPACT
well-trained sculling team is pure poetry in motion.
With upwards of eight rowers pulling in unison, the
drive toward a common goal collects individual effort
and directs it into fluid momentum. But let just one team
member falter in effort or cadence and progress diminishes.
This analogy fits also with a hotel’s green policy – it only
works when everyone’s on board.
“It doesn’t really matter how you try to show your efforts, it
matters that the efforts are being done,” said Abigail Martin,
general manager of The Inn at Middleton Place in Charleston,
S.C. “The real issue is behind the scenes. If your employees
do not practice these values at all times, even when their day
is coming to an end, they’re tired and that extra 10 steps to
the recycling bin is really hard, the system will fail.”
On the Greek isle of Zakynthos, Maria Lougaris manages
Castelli Hotel, a property with exemplary commitment to
greening. In her opinion, human willingness is a far greater
force than any technological advancement.
“Technology may offer us new techniques, nevertheless it is
the people who implement any technique or idea,” she said.
“For example, not following the most advanced equipment’s
manufacturer’s guidelines may have the opposite effect [e.g.,
a ‘green’ professional dishwasher may have terrible results
in terms of cleanliness and energy consumption if dishes are
not cleaned before they’re put into the washer, or if too much
detergent is used].
“That’s why our people have to share the same green
orientation with the management. We hold a relevant
meeting at least once a month to view various everyday
improvements, and make sure obstacles are overcome and
our ideas implemented.”
Taking this thought a step further; fully committed
owners, management, and staff members have only a brief
window through which to expose guests to green principles
and practices. Leading by silent example is a good start,
but hotels that make concerted efforts to inform and
inspire guests often send them home with the knowledge
and motivation to implement their own environmentally
sustainable policies.
In San Francisco, Orchard Garden Hotel models the
proactive communication effort necessary to the advancement
of greening. General Manager Stefan Muhle said: “We educate
guests and visitors about what it means to be a truly ‘green’
hotel by offering information and resources at the front desk
at all times. The hotel’s staff is also very knowledgeable on
the subject and welcomes questions and feedback.
“On a community level, the hotel offers one annual paid
day off for team members to volunteer service to their
community. It’s called ‘Community Connection Day’ and it’s
very well received by all Orchard Garden Hotel employees as
a way to make a difference in their neighborhood and local
against the curb and around drain inlets. The hotel has also used
up spills with absorbent material, which can then be
a filter fabric for runoff, which prevents dirt and concrete par-
swept up. Do not hose spills into a parking lot, street
ticles from entering the drain system as water flows through it.
“Water will soon be a precious resource,” said Orchard Gar-
gutter, or storm drain.
• Wash water – Pour mopped water into a mop sink or
den General Manager Stefan Muhle. “Water rates are going to
toilet. Do not pour it onto a parking lot, alley, or street.
go up about 10 percent every year, so why waste? Mitigating/
Wash floor mats, kitchen mats, and trash cans in a mop
conserving helps the business save money while helping the
environment. It’s a win-win!”
sink, janitor’s sink, or near the kitchen floor drain.
Now, a sunny Greek isle may offer supremely relaxing ambi-
Storm water pollution is a peripheral threat that’s often rel-
ance, but water issues are no stranger to the Mediterranean.
egated to “out of sight out of mind.” However, without preven-
Specifically, the sea presents maintenance challenges for prop-
tive measures, dirty water will still be dirty water at its ultimate
erties such as the Castelli Hotel, where Lougaris faces the re-
destination. Suggestions from GHA include:
lentless assault of saltwater corrosion.
• Leaky/dirty dumpsters – Keep dumpster areas clean and
“The humidity of our island together with the salt of the wa-
lids closed. Cover, repair, or replace leaky dumpsters. Waste
ter makes a very interesting combination,” she said. “Anything
hauling companies normally do not charge to replace a
has a shorter lifetime here.”
dumpster. Bag all trash before placing in dumpster.
• Spills – Use dry methods for outdoor spill cleanup. Soak
As Lougaris noted, salt stains gather quickly on everything
from kitchenware (kettles, flatware, paring knives) to
IMPACT greenhotels
bathroom elements (tiles, taps, tubs). The material/glue
This approach can work for every green hotel, if only in vary-
around wall tiles is gradually destroyed by the salt and
ing approaches. As Lougaris pointed out, budgets often dictate
during the winter off-season, water that remains in pipes
the scope of a property’s green practices, but making the most
and toilets creates other marks as well. This extremely hard
of every opportunity within one’s reach defines success.
water greatly shortens the life of machinery pipes (water
boiler, pool, etc.).
“There are simple ways one may contribute to greening,
without necessarily spending big money,” she said. “For exam-
Such impacts have required a lot of extra maintenance,
ple, solar energy is more beneficial – especially in the long run
detergents, and labor, but Lougaris will soon be reducing
– as is [recycled] gray water, than simply applying methods and
all of these environmental affects by installing a desalina-
filters to save water.
tor. Removing the salt should drastically reduce the wear
“We strongly think that the most important factor is the
and tear on machinery, along with persistent maintenance
change of mentality – changing from thinking of just today
to thinking of tomorrow; and changing from thinking of our-
Beyond the seawater issue, Castelli takes many proac-
selves to thinking of the planet and everyone’s future. We
tive steps to conserve water and maximize what it uses.
all have to find ways to make our routines and businesses
Low-flow showerheads and sink faucets inject air into their
streams to reduce water usage without reducing the pres-
Martin said this requires imagination and prevalence. As a
sure. The hotel’s toilets also use less water, thanks to a
privately owned company working to invest any monthly sur-
device known as Hippo the Water Saver. Fitting this clever
plus back into the property, The Inn at Middleton Place has
creation into a toilet cistern saves Castelli up to 4 liters of
seen its ups and downs, but as the business developed, Martin
water per flush.
has held firmly to her green commitments.
Saving on water bills is a no-brainer for hotels, but reduc-
“When I couldn’t find a company that could meet the de-
ing water use also provides the less obvious benefit of lowering
mands I had in regards to guest bar soap, I made my own,” she
carbon emissions. The energy dedicated to the supply, heating,
recalled. “At the time of starting this practice, no company was
and disposal of domestic water supplies contributes to a hotel’s
affordable or had their own line of recycled packaging for guest
overall footprint. Every strategy that reduces water use also
amenities. Sure, now it would be easier to go to a different line,
shrinks that footprint.
but why? We offer up something unique and that still meets
Elsewhere, Castelli’s hot and cold pipes are insulated and
our green requirements. Why change?”
water taps are one-hand controlled. A professional dish-
Indeed, sustainable practices can also become popular ele-
washer affords maximum control of water and energy usage,
ments for guests. Through such endearment, powerful lessons
while a drip system allows the hotel to efficiently water its
are taught.
fruit and vegetable garden. Watering during early morning or
“We are not only trying to provide guests with healthy sur-
late afternoon ensures that more water reaches the plants
roundings and conservative-minded options, but we are working
with minimal evaporation. With sufficient outside warmth,
to educate them on how easy it really is to make a difference,”
leftover ice does a good job of watering plants and landscape
Martin said. “If a small company such as us can do so, the expec-
tations for the larger corporations should be much higher.
“Are we doing everything we can? Absolutely not. Again,
funds are what they are and we still have a business to keep
running. I look at each challenge presented to me by staff and
Within ARAMARK’s environmental stewardship statement,
we find a point of connectivity that summarizes the cumula-
ask myself, ‘Can we afford to go green with this?’ The real question is ‘Can we afford not to?’”
tive approach to sustainability. From the company’s Web site:
The good thing is that once hotel guests understand the
“Throughout our corporation, we develop and implement long-
purpose of greening, most find it infectious, invigorating.
term environmental stewardship programs and policies within
Hotels have an incredible opportunity to create the spark
the areas of sustainable food; responsible procurement; green
of interest, and with the right information for mental
buildings; energy and water conservation; transportation; and
waste stream management. We call these programs and poli-
environmental sustainability
cies Green Thread™ as they weave throughout our business op-
will spread like wildfire – or
erations every day.”
maybe wildflowers.
greenhotels IMPACT
Maintenance Vendors By David A. Brown
hen Abigail Martin of The Inn at Middleton Place
looks for supplies, she’s one picky general manager.
But hers is not merely an economic scrutiny – she’s
also super strict about her sustainability preferences.
“Vendors who do their homework already know that the
inn is a ‘green’ hotel and don’t waste my time on highwaste products,” she said. “If there is not a green line or
sustainable practice within their company, we do not care to
work with them. It’s as easy as that.”
Fortunately, green choices are steadily increasing within the
industries serving hotels, and it’s a good bet that much of
the development has come in response to stated needs. It’s
about relationship building and any good relationship grows
best when the lines of communication remain open. Here,
development depends on hoteliers talking to vendors and
vendors bringing new ideas and options. Along the way, both
groups must respect one another’s positions.
Martin explained: “I do have some long-time vendors
that are struggling to meet the green demands and with the
economy today I can’t forget that I’m running a business,
so I can’t just leave them for a higher charging vendor who
is 100 percent eco-friendly. We take it a step at a time with
suggestions and support so that they too may soon see the
Kaylin D’Aire, general manager of the Fort Lauderdale, Fla.based Natural Soap Formulas (,
agrees, adding that green hotels provide a critical conduit
to consumers who are often exposed to the principles and
practices of sustainability for the first time during their hotel
stays. The opportunity to teach, she said, is invaluable.
“Many people are oblivious to what’s happening [in terms
of greening] and a hotel is an excellent place for them
to learn,” D’Aire said. “Society needs an education and
hopefully people will take away something helpful from their
stay [at a green hotel].
“Guests who stay in a green hotel will recognize the
difference immediately. They’ll feel better in a green hotel and
then, hopefully, they’ll take that experience with them to their
homes, their schools, and their churches.”
Natural Soap Formulas – makers of the EPA awardwinning KD Gold brand – produces non-toxic, all natural
ingredient formulas and basic concentrates for industrial
and commercial use. By producing high-performance plantbased cleaners, degreasers, solvents, and polishes, the
company seeks to help shift the industry from hazardous
chemical cleaning products to safer, organic cleaning
solutions. Natural Soap Formulas won a “Champion” award
from the EPA’s Safer Detergents Stewardship Initiative,
Design for the Environment Program (DfE) by proving that
it has never used, nor will it ever use, NPE Surfactants in
its products.
The basis for Natural Soap Formula’s innovative products is
a revolutionary development in environmental science known
as colloidal chemistry. This process provides a new solution
to the personal health and environmental hazards of toxic
cleaners and the free radicals emitted by them.
Colloidal products are non-hazardous, non-fuming, noncaustic, non-corrosive, non-combustible, and non-explosive.
Highly effective, they are remarkably gentle and safe for
humans, pets and the environment.
Natural Soap Formulas are slightly more costly than harsh
chemical cleaners and solvents. However, the company
suggests that reductions in Workman’s Compensation claims,
protective clothing costs, expensive disposal procedures and
fire insurance will offset the price differentials.
Touting its wares as “industrial strength and baby safe,”
Natural Soap Formulas makes its non-toxic botanical product
available for general use or formulated to fit specific needs.
Concentrates are available by the gallon, drum, or tanker
load. Customers can also purchase or lease a formula license
and manufacture it independently.
Noting the severe taxation that harsh cleaning chemicals
have already inflicted on the environment, D’Aire said her
plant-based products present a twofold advantage: They’re
made from a completely renewable resource and they’re
readily biodegradable. Moreover, they’re not just eco-friendly;
they’re human-friendly – a point D’Aire can personally
“I’m chemically sensitive, so going to a hotel is a trying
experience at best,” she said. “Sometimes [in a new town],
I’ll have to try two or three hotels before I find one where I
can tolerate the chemicals they use.
“This is an extremely important point for the hotelier
because staff members are constantly exposed to toxic
chemicals. The hotels often have turnover and absenteeism
because of staff illnesses resulting from exposure to
harsh chemicals. Hotels will cut their absentee time down
[significantly] when they use clean products.”
More urgently, D’Aire said that human complacency
toward environmentally harmful products can no longer be
tolerated. “We’re looking at our own survival on this planet
and that of our progeny. We’ve so neglected it over the
past 50 years that it can’t wait another minute. That’s why
I got into this business. For every green cleaner we use,
we’re not using the other stuff so we’re not compounding
the problem.”
greenhotels IMPACT
Location: Eldred, Pa.
Web site:
Summary: Environmentally friendly products that help protect the environment by using renewable, biodegradable ingredients.
Among the company’s notable products are Cellulose bags. Cellulose, the primary component of the cell walls of plants, is
completely natural and nontoxic, so it can be composted and will completely biodegrade. Cellulose can also be recycled with
other paper products. Cellulose bags are more effective for food storage, because unlike plastic, no gases are given off to spoil
the taste of food. These bags also work well in the microwave, freezer storage, lunch bags, etc.
The company also offers products such as Mates Air Fresheners made from high-quality citrus oils. Available in orange, lemon,
lime, and grapefruit scents, Mates eliminate odors and clean the air naturally. The special recyclable container contains no
harmful CFCs or propellants, yet sprays effortlessly.
Photos courtesy of Waste Management, Inc.
Location: Racine, Wis.
Web site:
Summary: Dry extraction carpet cleaning system for use in both residential and commercial settings with results
superior to those of hot water or steam methods. Given the dry process, you can walk on the carpet immediately after
cleaning, so there’s zero downtime. The Advanced Formula HOST® Sponges Carpet Cleaner is a soft, natural product that is
environmentally friendly. HOST Cleaner is a soft, natural product moistened with water, detergent and a small amount of safeto-use-solvent. The HOST Sponges Cleaner dissolves, absorbs, and traps soil, spots, and odors as it cleans. The product and
the material it gathers are removed by vacuuming. Studies have shown this process to be effective at minimizing dust mites,
pet dander, mold, and spores.
Location: West Berlin, N.J.
Web site:
Summary: Waste Management, Inc. offers waste services
such as hauling and landfill services, recycling (including
single stream, paper, cardboard, aluminum, fluorescent bulbs,
batteries, and more); and in-depth assessments of current
waste service to determine and implement optimal service
With nearly 300 landfill sites managing the disposal of
millions of tons of waste per year, Waste Management,
Inc. has direct access to a vast supply of a natural,
renewable energy source: landfill gas or methane.
Created naturally through the decomposition of landfill
waste, this gas is a readily available, renewable
energy source that can be collected and used directly
as medium Btu gas for industrial use or sold to gasto-energy plants to fuel engine- or turbine-driven
generators of electricity.
Waste Management works with public and private
entities to develop beneficial-use projects for landfill
gas. The company currently supplies this clean, reliable
gas to more than 100 projects in North America, with
the equivalent of 470 megawatts of energy equaling the
power needed for approximately 400,000 homes. This
level of energy would replace nearly 2 million tons of coal
per year.
greenhotels IMPACT
Location: Hilton Head, S.C.
Web site:
Summary: The company’s products promote and facilitate recycling, reduce waste hauling costs, are environmentally
responsible green solutions, reduce manpower requirements, provide a rapid return on investment, and result in significant
volume reduction of recyclables and waste. Models include vertical compactors, chute fed compactors, densifiers, can crushers,
glass crushers, and shredders.
Location: Kissimmee, Fla.
Web site:
Summary: Hotels often use high-tech electronic locks to provide a more secure environment to guests and employees.
Currently, expensive replacement batteries are only available through the manufacturers of the electronic locks. The Hospitality
Battery Holder is a cost-effective alternative that allows you to replace manufacture-specific batteries with inexpensive, standard
AA rechargeable batteries. The holder is easy to use and can be applied to most hospitality electric locks that currently require
expensive, wrap-around style batteries. The compact battery holder is equipped with a dual- or three-wire connector specifically
designed to be compatible with the most popular brands of hospitality electronic locks.
©Benjamin Moore & Co.
Location: Grenada, Calif.
Web site:
Summary: Under the motto of “Mowing down pollution one lawn at a time,” Reel Mowers offers a selection of quiet, safe,
long-lasting, grass-cycling, zero-emission, renewable-energy Reel lawn mowers. The company offers push (manual) Reel Mowers,
Amish-made Classic Garden Cultivators, ProMow Gang Reel Mowers, manual Hudson Star and Hudson Star, cordless electric golf
putting green mowers, and Reel Mower parts and accessories.
The advantages of the Reel Mower are many: They start every time, they’re quiet, safe, inexpensive to own, and they do not
create air, water, or noise pollution. The Reel Mower gives a superior cut, sought after by those who desire a professionally
manicured look.
Location: Montvale, N.J.
Web site:
Summary: A resolute commitment to producing
environmentally safe products, led to the
development of the company’s lineup of Green
Promise® paints. Using safer raw materials enabled
Benjamin Moore® to develop paints with ultralow, and in some cases zero VOC. Topping the
eco-friendly Green Promise paints is Natura®
– a virtually odorless paint that is the greenest
and safest paint available on the market. In
independent third-party testing, Natura paint has
the lowest total VOC emissions of any national
paint brand tested.
Natura’s unique waterborne colorant system keeps
this paint at zero VOC levels even after it is tinted to
a specific color. Natura paint’s quick drying, virtually
odorless formula allows you to use your room the
same day it is painted. Available in any color, Natura
doesn’t compromise Benjamin Moore’s superior
quality or color options as it minimizes any impact
on the environment.
IMPACT greenhotels
Considered to be the front line of any greening
protocol, guest rooms provide ample fodder for
a hotel’s environmental overhaul
By Tara N. Wilfong
Although most properties agree that greening their entire organization is the overall goal, pinpointing options to make guest rooms more environmentally friendly is a
logical first step. In most cases when guests overnight away from home, they spend
more time in their rooms than any other place on the property. Even though the majority of that time is usually spent sleeping, it’s by far the guest room that sees the
most guest activity.
At Adventure Inn in Ely, Minn., operating an environmentally sensitive business is a
practice that works in concert with its surroundings and its guests’ refined sensibilities.
When Sue and Mark Edgington purchased the property five years ago, it was anything
but Earth-friendly; old, dilapidated buildings sucked energy, while five smoking rooms
polluted the air. Retrofitting and revamping every area of the business, particularly
Photo courtesy of Stonehurst Place Bed & Breakfast
ne of the most unique traits of today’s
travelers is an increased awareness of
global issues. Many savvy businessmen
and women and leisure travelers alike
who arrive in cities the world over share
one common denominator: a penchant
for saving our planet’s natural resources.
Environmentalism, with an emphasis on
preservation and conservation, is no longer a
vague term, but rather an extension of many
travelers’ everyday lifestyles. To this end, it’s
no wonder that many properties within the
hospitality industry are quickly adopting a
greener standard of operation, and, in particular,
targeting the guest room as ground zero.
greenhotels IMPACT
The 1896 National Register historic mansion, Stonehurst
Place Bed & Breakfast, kept its period feel even after
the installation of modern rainwater harvesting systems,
unobtrusive mounting of 10 solar thermal panels that
heat hot water used throughout the inn, and a gray-water
recycling system to conserve water by safely reusing
treated gray water for toilet flushing.
IMPACT greenhotels
W Adventure Inn runs successful
conservation and recycling
programs and is dedicated to using
toxin-free cleaners, which are less
harmful to both guests and the
a significant drop in costs and quantities related to laundering. Before guests
were made aware of the environmental
advantages to reusing towels and linens,
they often regarded the ability to have
fresh, clean ones daily as a luxury associated with being a guest. Although
most would never consider changing
their sheets and towels on a daily basis
at home, simply as a matter of practithe guest rooms, the Edgingtons were
out that they never sacrifice comfort for
cality, many guests became accustomed
successful in not only greening their
the greener good; instead, they deter-
to this practice while traveling. But once
business, but also receiving tremendous
mine areas in which a sensitive change
more green hotels adopted a linen- and
guest approval.
can be made, and make it as guest
friendly as possible.
savvy guests were quick to comply.
our efforts to make their accommoda-
In regard to linens, for example, most
Complementing many hotels’ reuse
tions greener,” Sue said. “They’re not
green properties make abundant use of
policies is a progression toward using
only receptive to our recycling and con-
a linen- and towel-reuse program, which
linens and towels made of all-natural
servation programs, but they also have
allows their guests to determine when
fibers. Although bamboo is highly touted
praised us for our use of natural and
and if their linens need to be changed.
as a natural fabric (see “The Buzz Behind
toxin-free cleaners. We have heard from
Removing themselves from this deci-
Bamboo” on page 35), most properties
some of our guests that they often get
sion-making process, green properties
instead provide organic cotton towels
ill staying at other properties, but they
refrain from imparting any unwanted
and, in many cases, luxury, organic, or
didn’t have a reaction at ours. One guest
environmental policies on guests while
recycled-content linens for a superior
even posted our inn on a Web site dedi-
at the same time allowing guests to
night’s sleep. Plush, soft, and abundantly
cated to safe places to stay for those
participate to whatever degree meets
absorbent, organic cotton takes less time
with chemical sensitivities. That type of
their comfort. “Most guests are happy to
to dry than chemically manufactured
feedback makes any effort we put forth
comply accordingly, just as they would
fabrics and, as an added bonus, contains
at our inn, as well as in our personal
at home, if they are recognized for their
no dyes.
lives, more than worth it.”
contributions to making the world a bet-
Combining this effort with the use of
While it’s true that properties of all
ter place,” said Shakti Khalsa, proprietor
non-toxic, chemical-free detergents in
sizes – from large national chains to
of Park Lane Guesthouse in Austin, Tex-
the laundry prolongs the life of the lin-
small, cozy boutique establishments –
as. “Some guests may even be partici-
ens and ensures the health and well-
put much emphasis on the general com-
pating for the very first time and start a
being of guests. “We try to find towels
forts of the guest room, those particular
new habit that they will incorporate into
and linens that have some recycled
properties with an environmental policy
their lives at home.”
content in them,” said Vern Schram,
take comfort to a new level. Since guest
By adopting this “guest-controlled”
retail, recreation, and environment
satisfaction is key to a successful busi-
linen policy, most properties are re-
manager at Harrison Hot Springs Re-
ness, green properties are quick to point
porting wide acceptance and noticing
sort and Spa in Harrison Hot Springs,
Continued on page 36
Photo courtesy of Adventure Inn
“Our guests have really appreciated
greenhotels IMPACT
Recycling Redux
An impactful part of any property’s greening process, particularly in guest rooms,
is a comprehensive recycling program. In-room bins that facilitate a patron’s desire to
sort plastic, glass, and paper not only make the program easy for guests to adopt,
but also allows the property to divert recyclable waste – which is prevalent in a guest
room – from the landfill.
But the recycling initiative doesn’t just end there. Guest rooms are full of items
always in need of replacement, and this constant turnover can put a severe strain on
local landfills. Properties with a penchant for environmental stewardship have come
up with savvy ways to not only recycle their unwanted items, but also repurpose or
reuse them.
With a relatively short lifespan, bed linens represent one area of constant change
– both figuratively and literally – for any property. Once sheets, blankets, and
comforters reach that point in which they are no longer acceptable for guest use,
many hotels ingeniously repurpose or recycle them for longer use.
At Harrison Hot Springs Resort, there is no such thing as a trash-worthy linen.
Instead of tossing out old or dingy linens, Vern Schram, retail, recreation, and
environment manager, said they find new uses for practically everything. Old
towels make perfect dust rags for housekeepers or rags to wipe up spills for the
maintenance crew, while old sheets are easily transformed into staff aprons. Other
linens that still have a bit of life left in them, but aren’t quite up to the quality standards for guest use, are donated to
local charities, where they’ll quickly be put to good use. “As a rule of thumb, we don’t throw anything out unless it’s in a
horrible state of disrepair, mainly because we don’t want to contribute to the ever-growing waste stream,” Schram said.
“There is a use out there for just about everything if you are willing to do your research and find it. The life of almost
every product can be extended with a little time and ingenuity.”
Like linens, mattresses are another guest necessity that is short-lived. With an average lifespan of just five years,
mattresses are constantly being rotated in and out of hospitality circulation. For those progressive properties opting to
replace old mattresses with new, hypoallergenic and organic green ones, the switch can combine peace of mind with
peaceful rest. Ideal for guests with chemical sensitivities and proprietors with a penchant for Earth-friendly products, green
mattresses are relatively chemical free and made from natural latex, organic cotton, and wool from chemical- and crueltyfree sheep farms.
On the downside, however, most property owners and managers stress that the cost of these green mattresses is too great
for their operating budgets. And, because of the inordinate number of mattresses they must replace on a yearly basis (most
hoteliers do not replace every mattress on a five-year cycle, instead, they replace a handful of them each year on a five-year
rotation), they are forced to use traditional mattresses in their guest rooms.
With these less-than-environmentally friendly mattresses gracing their sleeping quarters, many hoteliers are loathe to see
these monstrosities relegated to the landfill once their lifespan has been surpassed. To ensure their continued use, many
hotels are offering old but still-usable mattresses to staff and local charities, or donating them to mattress recyclers. “When
we first donated our used mattresses to the recycler, we did our homework and checked to make sure they were truly an
environmentally sensitive company,” said Rachael Solem, owner and general manager of Irving House at Harvard and Harding
House in Cambridge, Mass. “Many times companies say they recycle items such as mattresses, but, upon closer inspection, you
learn they are just taking them to the landfill for quick and easy disposal. For us, it’s important to work with a company that
supports and complements our environmental mission.”
GHA Ally Member Ohio Mattress Recovery and Recycling is a nationwide business offering the hospitality industry and
municipalities a green alternative to dumping old mattresses in landfills. Ohio Mattress deconstructs the mattresses and sorts
the materials for multiple end uses including: sending steal to a local scrap yard, recycling foam for carpet padding, using the
inner stuffing for bow and arrow targets, and using the covers as diesel fuel filters.
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greenhotels IMPACT
The Buzz Behind Bamboo
With so many products proclaiming their eco-friendly nature, it’s often hard to differentiate the real from the really
not so good. As interest in all things green rises to a frenzied roar, numerous new products flood the market, but
perhaps the one generating the most buzz is bamboo linens.
Touted for their superior softness, absorbency, and eco-friendly cachet, bamboo linens are making a statement in
the global market, while sparking some heated debate. Although most green hotels contend the price is what deters
them from purchasing these luxe linens for their properties, others say the process by which they are made taints
their eco-friendly claims, making them anything but green. “I did use bamboo sheets when we first opened the
inn,” said Sue Edgington, innkeeper at Adventure Inn. “There’s a lot of hype about the friendly nature of bamboo,
but the process by which it’s made requires the use of harsh chemicals. When I found out about this ‘chemical cost,’
I decided bamboo was better suited to flooring, not linens, and I did not replace them when they wore out.”
True, the bamboo plant can be classified as one of the world’s most sustainable resources – it can grow at a
considerable rate, sometimes shooting up more than a yard a day – but bamboo the fiber may indeed have far less
beneficial qualities than its natural roots. When bamboo is harvested for use as a textile, there are two possible
processes to turn the woody grass into fiber.
The first, and least common, is the mechanical process. Similar to the process used to produce flax or hemp,
the hard bamboo stalks are crushed and then natural enzymes break down the bamboo walls until it is a mushy
consistency. From this pulpy mass, natural fibers are mechanically combed out and spun into yarn. Considerably
more labor- and cost-intensive, not to mention much coarser to the touch, very few bamboo linens are made from
this process. Those that are, however, are often referred to as “bamboo linen.”
The second process, known as chemically manufactured bamboo, follows the same process by which rayon is
made. In this scenario, bamboo leaves and woody shoots are chemically broken down using solvents such as
sodium hydroxide and carbon disulfide to create fiber. Bamboo linens and clothing made from fibers created by this
process are much softer and more cost-effective, however, due to the use of harsh chemicals, their green properties
have all but disintegrated.
Last August, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) cracked down on companies who used chemically
manufactured bamboo, labeled their products as pure bamboo, and claimed that their products exhibited all of the
environmental benefits of the plant. Among those claims, manufacturers insisted that their chemically produced
fibers were created through an environmentally friendly process, retained natural, antimicrobial properties of the
bamboo plant, and were biodegradable.
According to the FTC, because of the manufacturing process, through which cellulose found in plants and trees –
including bamboo – is broken down with harsh chemicals, the resulting fiber is still man-made rayon, not bamboo.
Perhaps even more significant, chemically produced bamboo fibers, in contrast to many manufacturers’ claims, do
not withstand any of their environmental proclamations, as revealed by the FTC. The commission said that even if
bamboo is used as the cellulose source, the resulting fibers do not retain any of the antimicrobial properties of the
bamboo plant. In the same vein, by using harsh chemicals, which emit pollutants into the air, an environmentally
friendly process is unsubstantiated, and any naturally existing properties of the plant, including its ability to
biodegrade in a short period of time, are eliminated.
“With the tremendous expansion of green claims in today’s marketplace,
it is particularly important for the FTC to address deceptive
environmental claims, so that consumers
IMPACT greenhotels
can trust that the products they buy have the environmentally friendly attributes they want,” said David Vladeck, director of
the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “When companies sell products woven from man-made fibers, such as rayon, it is
important that they accurately label and advertise those products – both with respect to the fibers they use and to the qualities
of those fibers.”
To quell any consumer confusion, the FTC has ordered manufacturers who produce linens and clothing with bamboo
processed chemically to label their products as “rayon made from bamboo,” as long as they can prove and substantiate this
claim. Following this order, it can be hypothesized that green properties will begin shying away from the much-hyped bamboo
revolution, opting instead for a more environmentally sensitive option. Or, once mechanically produced bamboo is improved
W S Guest room greening efforts at Park Lane Guest
House include non-smoking rooms (in fact, the entire
property is 100 percent smoke free), implementing a
linen- and towel-reuse program, as well as providing
100 percent cotton linens and organic robes and
reusable carafes/glasses, to name a few.
Continued from page 32
British Columbia. “However, equally important to us is how
creating a chemical-free zone also includes using low- or no-
we treat them and how long they will last. For those reasons
VOC paints and stains for both walls and floors.
alone, we begin by purchasing quality products with high
At Stonehurst Place Bed & Breakfast, an historic inn in the
thread counts so that our linens and towels help us remain
heart of Atlanta, Ga., a total renovation in 2007 prompted the
true to our greening efforts by not having to replace them on
owner and interior designer, Barb Shadomy, to seek green op-
a regular basis.”
tions that would add to the charm of the inn while surrounding
Aiding their efforts to offer high-quality, green options that
her guests with ambiance and luxury. To her, the allure of stay-
are designed to pamper guests, many hotels, including Harris
ing at a luxury bed and breakfast is the personal experience
Hot Springs Resort, have implemented a strict chemical-free
guests receive; a feeling akin to cozying up in your own home.
zone within their guest rooms. Besides non-toxic, biodegradable
Keeping true to that experience, Shadomy personally over-
cleaning agents that are becoming increasingly more popular,
saw every green detail of her inn’s renovation and hand-picked
Photos by Cory Ryan Photography/Courtesy of Park Lane Guest House
upon in both touch and cost, properties may begin to look at this natural product as a viable alternative.
greenhotels IMPACT
X Harrison Hot Springs is dedicated
to recycling and reusing old
towels and linens that are no
longer acceptable for guest use.
Some of the retired linens are
made into housekeeping rags,
some are turned into staff aprons,
while others are donated to local
everything from materials to colors and
beyond. “A significant green choice for
flooring at Stonehurst Place included restoring the original wood floors in about
Photo courtesy of Harrison Hot Springs
90 percent of the home,” she explained.
“We restored them using low-VOC stains
efforts whenever it upgrades is a priority.
Living in a progressive town, she said
and finishes to minimize the off-gassing
When the resort underwent a major ren-
the opportunities to green her business
impact on guests, and us, too. It was more
ovation several years ago, eco-friendly
have been ample. When she first pur-
costly to not use harsh chemicals to pre-
carpets were a given in the guest rooms.
chased the inn 13 years ago, its five well-
pare the wood for refinishing, but it was
“Where we’re located, surrounded by
appointed guest rooms were in need of
well worth the investment in our health.”
mountains and perched on the edge of
a green overhaul. “I began by gradually
While the majority of the floors at
a beautiful lake, our guests expect us to
tackling one area at a time,” Pruitt said.
Stonehurst Place could be refinished,
have green practices,” Schram said. “Typ-
“It quickly became a challenge to see how
Shadomy said some were beyond re-
ically when we replace anything in the
much I could do. I do use recycled pa-
pair and required a complete overhaul.
resort, we use Earth-friendly products
per products in all my guest rooms, and
Although walnut would have been
as much as possible, considering they’re
while they’re not perfect, they certainly
her first choice in new wood flooring –
functional, proven, and cost-effective.”
are fine for their intended purpose.”
mainly because of its deep, rich tones
Other guest room necessities, such as
Equally as acceptable are eco-friendly,
and beautiful finish – Shadomy shied
facial and toilet tissue, are also available
individual bath amenities. Most for-
away from it because of the difficulty in
in recycled-content versions, though
ward-thinking properties cringe at the
finding sustainably harvested walnut. A
many proprietors admit that what they
thought of tiny, half-used shampoo and
tough decision, but one that gelled with
gain in environmental friendliness, they
other containers filling up their landfills.
her environmental philosophy, Shadomy
lose in softness. Although some of these
To clear their consciences, these pro-
instead chose Forest Stewardship Coun-
products continue to make strides in
gressive properties have sought other av-
cil-certified beech wood and stained it to
comparability, their eco-friendly appeal
enues that still allow them to offer their
look like walnut.
has allowed them to gain mass accep-
guests such luxuries as soap, shampoo,
Larger establishments usually don’t
tance. For Deb Pruitt, owner and inn-
and bubble bath, while remaining true
have the luxury of installing hardwood
keeper of Woods Hole Passage Bed &
to their environmental protocols.
floors, however many do consider in-
Breakfast Inn in Falmouth, Mass., mak-
Perhaps the most common outlet is
stalling recycled-fiber carpets whenever
ing the switch from overly consumptive
the use of commercial soap dispensers,
redecorating needs arise. At the nearly
to conservative did come with some sac-
which can easily be refilled. Eliminat-
100-year-old Harrison Hot Springs Re-
rifices, but it was a challenge she was
ing those “tiny bottles” entirely is one
sort, for example, maximizing its green
happy to accept.
simple way for hoteliers to lessen their
IMPACT greenhotels
Self-described flower child Sandy Maine, founder, president, and CEO of SunFeather
Natural Soap Company, knew at a young age that her life’s passion included sharing
the beauty of nature with the world. With a keen awareness of medicinal herbs and
scents – not to mention a highly developed nose – Maine began tinkering in her
kitchen in a quest to develop a business that married her philosophical beliefs and the
tactile joys of working with her hands. As her experimentation progressed, a fragrant
and environmentally sensitive endeavor was born. “From an early age, I had an
appreciation for fragrance and medicinal herbs, and that appreciation inspired me to
create a business that revolved around them,” she explained. “At the onset, I quickly
discovered that soap was the perfect medium.”
With an initial investment of just $15, Maine and her compatriots began their foray into creating a socially responsible microbusiness. Offering a dozen unique, scented soaps, all packaged in environmentally friendly calico fabric, Maine’s tiny business
quickly thrived, and satisfied customers began clamoring for more.
Today, more than 30 years after the self-taught entrepreneur discovered an outlet for her scent-inspired creativity, SunFeather
Natural Soap Company is a bustling business that produces 4,000 pounds of fine, natural soap each week. Counting among
its supporters a number of properties in the hospitality industry, Maine said she is happy to tailor any of her products to her
clients’ needs. “Currently, we have about 75 boutique hotels and beds and breakfasts, spa destinations, and a few upscale chain
hotels that keep us fairly busy,” she said. “While we have our signature scents that are available to the wholesale and natural
food market, our core competency is in private-label, cold process, artisan-made bar soaps. I tailor the formulas to the sense of
place or bio-region of the hotel, for example, we might create a sage- or juniper-infused soap for a hotel in the Southwest, or a
mango or lemongrass soap for a hotel in Hawaii.”
Created from certified organic raw materials, each private-label body care product is slowly and meticulously handcrafted by
SunFeather’s skilled soapmakers. Using old-fashioned ingenuity – a simple, wooden slatted spoon and a sizable soap pot –
unique mixtures of ingredients are blended to create a signature product that perfectly captures the essence of its destination.
To further complement the heady experience, Maine’s production and design team works with each client to expertly craft the
perfect packaging, from custom-designed labels to vessels to hold the products for end use. For those clients with an Earthfriendly environmental policy, Maine is pleased to offer a number of choices to complement any eco-sensitive mission. “All of
our products – from soaps, lotions, and candles to sunscreens, bug repellants, and lip balms – are packaged in natural, biodegradable wraps or recyclable containers,” she explained.
“We use a simple cello wrapper and a cigar band label or pressure-sensitive label, or a combination of these, for our privatelabel work. Our lotions, body butters, and sunscreens are not only organic, but they are also packaged in either glass jars with
aluminum lids or recyclable plastic jars and tubes. Our natural, biodegradable, DEET-free bug repellents are in balm or spritzer
form and available in recyclable tin or plastic packaging.”
With so much attention and general enthusiasm for her natural and Earth-sensitive products, Maine is looking to the future
to further expand her interests and satisfy the needs of her clientele. This year, plans are in the works for a subsidiary company
on the Finger Lakes Wine Trail in Seneca Lake, N.Y. This extension of the original company will not only showcase its methodical
production efforts via personal tours, but it will also accommodate a 1,500-square-foot museum housing soap-related fine and
commercial art dating to the 1800s.
To expand her current crop of body care products, Maine hopes to broaden her private-label offerings by infusing her scentladen soaps with even more regional flavor. “I’d really like to find ways to incorporate raw materials into my soaps that are local
to the client or the particular hotel we are servicing,” she said. “This would not only create a truly unique brand, but it would
also allow for cross-promotion between complementary businesses in the same region. In this respect, and in regard to our
fundamental desire to share the beauty of nature with those around us, we can see the vast potential for creativity, as well as
the path to social responsibility.”
Courtesy SunFeather Natural Soap Company
Artisan Bath and Beauty … Naturally
greenhotels IMPACT
X In 2007, Stonehurst Place Bed
& Breakfast’s major renovations
paid special attention to expanding
the green aspects of the property.
For instance, 90 percent of the
hardwood floors were not replaced,
but instead restored using Earthfriendly low-VOC stains and
contributions to the waste stream. And,
according to Rachael Solem, owner and
general manager of Irving House at Harvard and Harding House in Cambridge,
Mass., “there’s something to not having to
deal with the excess bottles that guests
really appreciate. We offer both private
and shared baths, and for our guests who
share facilities, this is a real bonus.” Although Solem said she’s still waiting for
an attractive soap dispenser that can deliver amenities with a one-handed push,
she’s happy with her switch and will continue to use the dispensers to promote
a program that helped the innkeepers
a local homeless shelter,” said Tami Ra-
her philosophy.
contend with half-used amenity bottles.
hier, environmental coordinator and
Out West, in the heart of Mt. Rainier
Instead of tossing them in the trash,
administration assistant for Mt. Rainier
National Park, the environmental co-
housekeeping collects the bottles for
Guest Services. “All partially used sham-
ordinator at National Park Inn devised
pass-on use. “I started a program with
poo and lotion is collected, and once we
have a few storage bins filled to capacity,
Photo courtesy of Stonehurst Place Bed & Breakfast
we transport them to a local business
Contributing to
the Greener Good
Speak with any proprietor, manager, or green team member
in charge of a property’s environmental policies, and they
all agree that their green practices and programs couldn’t
exist without the conscious actions and guidance of their
vendors. Taking the reins of the green revolution, GHA Vendor
Members have developed and honed specific products
that complement the hospitality
industry’s Earth-friendly mission.
down the mountain so that someone
from the mission can pick them up. Each
year, the mission assists approximately
8,000 people, averaging about 650 people
every month. This program has been important to us because it not only allows
us to continue our green practices, but it
also helps local people in need.”
Still others in the hospitality industry
have sought cutting-edge practices to
eliminate plastic amenity bottles while
still providing guests with individual
soaps and shampoos. Low-impact amenities in biodegradable bottles are a
growing trend, but for Shadomy, they
still didn’t fit her philosophy.
Continued on page 42
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greenhotels IMPACT
Photo courtesy The Old-Fashioned Milk Paint Company
Shades of Green
Long before the terms “green” and
“environmentally conscious” were
common buzzwords tripping off the
tongues of every passerby, Charles
Thibeau was experimenting with
ancient formulas to create an authentic,
natural paint for his reproduction
furniture. Primarily creating Colonial
and Shaker reproductions, Thibeau did
extensive research into the finishing
techniques of these skilled Colonial
craftsmen. Discovering that the various
hues they used were individually
created with locally found ingredients,
he set out to perfect a formula that
would not only compliment their
ingenuity, but also add authenticity to
his wooden creations.
Finding the perfect mixture, Thibeau
came up with a viable formula for milk
paint in the early 1970s. This simple
ingredient mixture, which dates back
more than 6,000 years, originally combined skim milk or buttermilk with crushed limestone, minerals, or pigments found in
clay pits or chimney soot. The primitive palette that was generated from this combination varied greatly in hue, texture, and
permanence, so Thibeau created his own version of the mixture that could consistently be replicated.
“Original milk paint varied from one batch to the next, and had a very short shelf life,” said Anne Thibeau, Charles’ daughter
and president of The Old-Fashioned Milk Paint Company. “Because the primitive versions used real milk, it didn’t last very long.
My father, who has always been very environmentally conscious, didn’t want to put preservatives in his paint, so he created
a formula that mimicked the original, with one major improvement: Instead of making a liquid paint, he created a powdered
version that you mix with water.”
As luck would have it, Thibeau’s furniture, finished in his all-natural, chemical-free milk paint, soon caught the attention
of producers of Yankee Magazine, which was producing a book on the lost arts. Highlighting Thibeau’s work, the book
generated a flood of requests for the primitive paint and served as the impetus for the creation of The Old-Fashioned Milk
Paint Company.
Today, nearly 40 years after Thibeau rediscovered and perfected the mixture, his milk paint is widely distributed to more than
400 national dealers, as well as a handful of international dealers. Available in 20 classic colors ranging from barn red to bayberry
green and marigold yellow to federal blue, the powder paint is ideal for porous, raw wood. “True to its original intent, our milk
paint is ideal for porous, wooden surfaces, like furniture,” Anne explained. “Once this paint adheres to a surface, there is no getting
it off because it hardens, like concrete, over time. In fact, historians have even found traces of milk paint in King Tut’s tomb.”
While milk paint is ideal for wooden furniture, applications to non-porous surfaces, such as walls, are not recommended. To
that end, Thibeau went back to the drawing board to create a formula that would not only be safe for these surfaces, but also
safe for the environment. Staying true to its inherent qualities, Thibeau aptly named his new creation SafePaint. Made in the
same manner as original milk paint, with milk protein, lime, and natural or mineral pigments, SafePaint only differs because of
a non-toxic additive that easily allows it to stick to non-porous surfaces. “SafePaint comes in the same 20 colors as milk paint,
IMPACT greenhotels
Continued from page 39
it’s still a powder formula that you mix
with water, and it’s long-lasting and
durable like its predecessor,” Anne
said. “But, SafePaint is so mild that
even pregnant women can safely paint
with it.”
Both manifestations dry quickly
and maintain a beautiful, flat luster.
However, in high-traffic or high-abuse
areas, Anne recommends using a
sealant to prevent water spotting and
dirt absorption. Her suggestion: Daddy
Van’s Beeswax, a natural paste wax that
seals the painted surface and provides a
velvety, unique finish while maintaining
the company’s green philosophy.
“Although original milk paint fell out of
favor many years ago with the invention
of latex paint and the easy-to-transport
paint can, consumers today are
discovering the many harmful chemicals
that are used to make these paints,”
Anne said. “With so many people with
chemical sensitivities, or a desire to
live a more environmentally conscious
lifestyle, we’re witnessing a rise in
consumer interest in milk paint.”
For those people taking an interest
in this ancient art, it’s as much a desire
for a pure, natural manifestation as it is
a return to the basics. Instead of letting
a computer generate the perfect paint
palette, consumers are trusting their
instincts and creating custom colors
by mixing and experimenting with The
Old-Fashioned Milk Paint Company’s
signature hues. “For us, this entire
endeavor has come full circle,” Anne
said. “My father went into this business
to pursue his dream of making
beautiful and authentic furniture that
he could share with the world. Instead,
from his vision, he created a business
that not only benefitted other skilled
craftsmen by furthering their art,
but also allowed him to pursue his
passions for antiques, woodworking,
and the environment.”
With a strict, “no bottles here!” mantra, she sought alternative packaging that would
work with her gray-water system. “Although most of the eco-friendly choices come in
biodegradable corn starch bottles, in my tests of the products the plastic was so rigid
that a significant amount of the product was left unused in the packaging,” she said. “I
opted instead for paper bottle amenities, which have numerous benefits, including a residual 1 percent of product left in the bottle instead of the 20 to 30 percent that remains
in a plastic bottle. In addition, the leftover packaging takes only 7 percent of the space
in a landfill that plastic bottle amenities would use.”
Such consumer consciousness in regard to residual waste can be applied to other
areas of the guest room as well. With an almost national obsession with television,
many hoteliers have opted for more energy-efficient electronics in all of their guest
rooms. Energy Star-rated choices and efficient LCD televisions top the list, while at
some bold establishments, removing the electronics entirely ensures a move toward
greener operations.
In the same vein, many properties are eliminating signature notepads and pens
from guest rooms. But for those who still want to facilitate their guests’ creative outpourings, many use recycled-content paper and pens to get the juices flowing. Others, like Solem’s Cambridge-area inns, offer diminutive, loose-sheet paper in smaller
quantities. “For our swag bags, we have recycled content paper notebooks and we’ve
used recycled pens, but I’ve found the pens to be less than reliable,” she said. “When
I have my name on something, I need it to work, so we’re waiting for the pens to improve in quality before we purchase them again.”
At Harrison Hot Springs Resort, where paper pads are still in use, Schram said
housekeeping will not set out a new notepad if there is sufficient paper left on the old
one. Practicing the principles of environmentalism, which proclaims, “reuse, repurpose, recycle,” others, like Shadomy, continue to use old stock from previous owners.
Although the paper may not be as environmentally sound, using the old stock before
purchasing new is a greener way to operate.
With so many ways to green their guest rooms, hoteliers are finding new and unique
ways to incorporate environmentally friendly products and fixtures. From simple tried
and true practices, such as converting old incandescent lights to more energy-efficient
CFL bulbs and retrofitting sinks and showers with water-saving aerators, properties
are eagerly awaiting the latest technology.
While in the beginning, light emitted from CFL bulbs paled in comparison to incandescents, and the fixtures that accepted these retrofits were limited at best, today technology has progressed to where CFLs emit a brighter, pleasant light and are
standardized to fit a number of attractive fixtures. In the area of water conservation,
dual-flush toilets and composting toilets are gaining attention and appreciation, allowing users to significantly reduce their water consumption. “We’ve been researching dual-flush toilets, and we really like what we see,” said Sue. “We’re currently in
construction on a new building, and we plan to use these toilets when it is finished. If
they work as well as we’ve read, we plan to retrofit our older building with them too.”
Other cutting-edge practices that can certainly benefit in the greening of the
hospitality industry include electronic door keys that automatically turn on electrical devices within guest rooms when the key is inserted in the lock and ecofriendly signage that is both informative and durable. Regarding the latter, Jay M.
Lloyd, general manager of the Suites at Hershey in Hershey, Pa., retrofitted his
guest rooms with magnetic signage, which has virtually eliminated the hotel’s
greenhotels IMPACT
Photo courtesy of Harris Pillow Supply
A Green Night’s Sleep
The importance of a good night’s sleep can never be stressed
enough. But, if you’ve ever tried to get comfortable using a lumpy
or perhaps even worse, a flat pillow, then you know peaceful
slumber can be frustratingly elusive. The owners of Harris Pillow
Supply in Beaufort, S.C., however, have made it their mission
since 1958 to improve rest relations one pillow at a time.
The family-owned and -operated company had its humble
beginnings as a mobile pillow cleaning service based in Chicago.
At that time, William Harris purchased a franchise of Fluff ’n Puff
Pillow Service of America and began what today is considered
a truly sustainable business of cleaning and regenerating old
pillows in institutions such as hospitals, hotels, and nursing
homes. When Fluff ’n Puff went bankrupt, William borrowed
enough money to purchase the failed business’ inventory, and
began selling these ingenious pillow-cleaning machines to
corporations across the country.
Making some adjustments to the original machine with an
engineer friend, William soon unveiled an updated version of
the Pillow-Vac – the same one that is widely available today.
Portable and relatively compact, the Pillow-Vac allows users to
empty the stuffing of an old, used pillow into the machine where
it is agitated, separating the dirt from the stuffing. Sifting out
the bacteria-laden dirt, while exposing the stuffing to an ozoneemitting germicidal light to kill remaining harmful bacteria and
sanitize and deodorize the filling, the Pillow-Vac simultaneously
fluffs up the pillow and breaks down the clumps or lumps that
have formed. Once the stuffing has been sufficiently transformed,
and, if needed, additional stuffing is added to regenerate the
pillow’s original density, the filling is blown into a new cotton
ticking that is both feather- and down-proof. The entire process,
which is ideal for feather, down, loose-filled microfiber, and
cluster-fiber pillows, takes a mere 3 to 4 minutes per pillow.
“The Pillow-Vac is basically a recycling machine that allows
corporate institutions, like hotels, to restore their old pillows
without replacing them,” said Patrick Harris, vice president
of the company and the grandson of founding father, William
Harris. “In today’s economy, businesses are looking for ways to
not only reduce costs that impact their bottom line, but they
also are looking for sustainable, green products that help them
adhere to their ever-expanding environmental policies.”
Doing its part to contribute to this greening trend, Harris
Supply reports that one of its supporters in the hospitality
industry – with a 700-room property using approximately 4,500
pillows on a daily basis – purchased only 400 new pillows in
2006, and a mere 100 pillows in 2007, due to its use of the
Pillow-Vac. “We have about 2,000 customers worldwide using
our machines, including many hotels,” Patrick said. “At this
particular property in Colorado, they’ve been very successful
with the Pillow-Vac, and they even custom-make pillows for their
guest rooms.”
As a full-service manufacturer, Harris Supply also stocks a wide
range of pillow tickings in a number of standard and custom
shapes and sizes. The ticking, the industry word for the fabric
“bag” that holds a pillow’s filling, is also available in various
patterns and colors, and customers can choose from a stocked
inventory of 150,000 yards of fabric. The pre-stitched ticking
comes with an opening designed to fit the Pillow-Vac, and it can
be custom designed with any logo or company name.
Likewise, Harris Supply also stocks pillow feathers and other
fillings, as well as fully manufactured pillows. “In 1998 we began
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greenhotels IMPACT
manufacturing high-quality pillows, a segment of our business
that is certainly a source of pride,” Patrick said. “We make
nearly every part of the pillow here in our plant, and import as
little as possible to ensure quality control.” The company’s best
seller is its Heavenly Down® pillow, an allergy-free pillow that
blends two different microfibers for a soft, down feel. Encased in
a 230-thread count, 100-percent cotton ticking, the pillow is both
washable and well-received in the hospitality industry.
With such a diverse and encompassing product line, Harris
Supply continues to gain much-appreciated attention, particularly
among the environmentally conscious sector of the hospitality
industry. Through its creation of the Pillow-Vac alone, the
company has given its clients a viable alternative to the wasteful
consumption of pillows that also drastically reduces the amount
of trash entering our waste stream. By diverting these bulky
items from landfills and creating a unique and Earth-friendly
technique to reuse pillows, Harris Supply is on the front lines
of conservation. “When you renovate a pillow, it’s brand-new,
and no one can tell the difference,” Patrick explained. “Because
every hotel wants each guest to have a superior experience, we
developed a system that allows them to custom-make a finequality product while practicing environmental stewardship.”
Photo courtesy of Bucuti Beach Resort
S GHA Charter Member Bucuti Beach Resort’s guest rooms are equipped with separate waste bins for recycling,
energy-saving lamps, and water-saving toilets, showerheads, and taps. The resort is also equipped with light
sensors, water-control devices, HACCP food safety procedures, environmentally friendly products, solar-heated
water, AC sensors, and bulk dispensers.
need for costly paper reprints when signs are damaged or
practices and well-detailed programs not only reduce a proper-
lost. “The magnets rarely disappear, and they hold up better
ty’s overhead costs, but they also provide a much sweeter sav-
than conventional signage,” he said. “So often hotels look to
ings: the Earth’s limited natural resources. Although monetary
go green, and then they unnecessarily inundate their guest
savings are never unappreciated,
rooms with paper signage.”
savvy establishments tout their
Through smart choices, green hotels are successfully streamlining the consumptive nature of their guest rooms. Creative
environmental prowess as their
biggest return on investment.
IMPACT greenhotels
By David A. Brown
s youngsters, most of our mothers taught us that our health
depends on eating plenty of greens. Today, the hotel industry faces
the challenge of considering not only the health of its patrons, but
also that of planet Earth – both of which require a strong dose of greening.
Many hotels are finding abundant greening opportunities in
various aspects of their food service. From sourcing to prepara-
tion, service to recycling, taking care of guest meals goes handin-hand with promoting environmental sustainability. Tech-
Located on the sun-drenched Mediterranean isle of Zykan-
nological advancements and a rising tide of “green” product
thos, Greece, Castelli Hotel lacks a full-service restaurant on
development have propelled many properties forward in their
the premises, so guests find only a breakfast buffet and a pool
quest for best practices, but nothing drives achievement like
snack bar. That’s a situation ripe for rampant waste, but Man-
heartfelt commitment to a selfless mission.
aging Director Maria Lougaris said the hotel remains ever dili-
These efforts rarely traverse level paths; challenges are
gent on this front. For starters, Castelli buys paper goods and
many and resolve is frequently tested. Geography and distance
buffet supplies in bulk whenever possible and avoids single-
can limit product availability, while implementation of proven
portion packages. Cereals, juices, yogurts, fruit, marmalade,
green strategies often stumbles over the low enthusiasm of
milk, sugar – all are served in dispensers and pourers.
guests and/or staff. Economics factor here as well, but despite
Some 5,000 miles away, Tom and Sarah Murphy face similar
the price tag, “Green” Hotels Association (GHA) Members know
concerns as the innkeepers of Walnut Lawn Bed & Breakfast
that the short-term cost of doing what’s right for the planet is
in Lancaster, Pa. One of the endearing facets of a B&B’s charm
far less than the long-term cost of failing to do so.
is the comfortably familiar dining. The Murphys take pride in
Some of the green advancements in food service are fairly
obvious and straightforward while others occur with more sub-
Walnut Lawn’s culinary experience, but when preparation exceeds demand, they do their best to put all items to good use.
tlety. Often, hotels work to educate their guests and promote
“The greatest opportunity to make green advancements [ex-
environmentally sound practices through a variety of means
ists] in the ‘waste’ of foods,” Tom Murphy said. “It is difficult to
ranging from in-room literature, to facility tours, and even
gauge the amount of breakfast a group of people will eat when
some hands-on opportunities.
you serve family style. For [staff and owners], we can make
Striking the tasteful balance between promoting green con-
leftovers into a lunch or dinner. Composting is an option that
cepts and respecting the guest’s privacy is an art as challenging
we have used. Also, in the preparation of our breakfasts, we
as it is rewarding. Commendably, members of GHA undertake
do limit the amount of waste – namely, recycling egg cartons,
this task with the utmost diligence.
avoiding plastic, and doubling use of containers.”
greenhotels IMPACT
Photo courtesy of Orchard Garden Hotel
Orchard Garden Hotel
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greenhotels IMPACT
S Roots Restaurant, at the Orchard Garden Hotel, is furnished with Forest Stewardship Council-certified maple wood
chairs and tables, 100 percent recycled/low-emission material carpet, and energy-efficient lighting.
ARAMARK provides food services and facilities management
as the designation of a certified San Francisco Green Business.
to health care institutions, universities and school districts,
Roots Restaurant contributes a great deal to the property’s
stadiums and arenas, and businesses around the world. ARA-
green culture with carpet pads made of 100 percent recycled
MARK manages client facility functions including operations
content and low-emission material, maple wood furniture cer-
and maintenance, engineering, custodial, landscaping, house-
tified by the Forest Stewardship Council, and energy-efficient
keeping, and energy management. Reducing the environmen-
tal footprint while delivering exceptional operational results is
Photo courtesy of Orchard Garden Hotel
the company’s objective.
At the Orchard Garden’s bar, many of the spirits are also organic in nature, while the Roots wine list comprises only sus-
In the area of food service, ARAMARK Innovative Dining So-
tainable, organic, and biodynamic wines. (Biodynamic refers to
lutions supports a diverse portfolio of clients including the In-
an agricultural method that treats the land as a unified, indi-
ternational Training Center in Bowie, Md. Here, staff members
vidual organism. This approach balances the holistic develop-
are taught to maintain proper water levels in their three-com-
ment and interrelationship of the soil, plants, and animals as a
partment sinks, thaw foods in walk-in refrigerators rather than
self-nourishing system without external inputs.)
under running water, and turn off lights in vacant rooms and
Doubly beneficial is Orchard Garden’s innovative recycling
offices. The Training Center’s Director of Operations Joseph Fis-
process that gives cooking oil a new career. Each week, third-
chioni stressed that the impact of environmental sustainability
party vendor Got Grease picks up the kitchen’s used oil, puri-
is not measured solely by a company’s negative consumption
fies it, and sends it to Energy Alternative Solutions, Inc., which
of resources, but by its holistic approach to conserving, improv-
converts the oil into biodiesel fuel. Orchard Garden General
ing, and reducing usage.
Manager Stefan Muhle describes such services as “absolutely
This belief system resonates deeply at San Francisco’s Or-
crucial” to the viability of greening efforts.
chard Garden Hotel, where a strong tradition of environmental
“Hotels need to help create a demand for conducting busi-
consideration has earned the city’s official Green Seal, as well
ness in a sustainable fashion,” Muhle said. “We need to make
IMPACT greenhotels
X In New Orleans, La., the International House Hotel’s
Rambla restaurant uses bio-friendly food service items
and locally sources its meats whenever possible,
cutting down on greenhouse gases.
sure we align ourselves with like-minded organizations, partners, and vendors. At the Orchard Hotels, we gladly participate
in field studies. That’s why we work so closely with the San
Francisco Department of the Environment, Green Seal, and the
U.S. Green Building Council.”
In Charleston, S.C., Abigail Martin is general manager of
The Inn at Middleton Place. Her property also deals responsibly with food waste – much to the delight of pigs living at
fertilization – a disciplined process that maximizes the
the neighboring plantation. Similarly, ‘eh’ Canadian Lodge in
efficiency of nutrients and crop water. With minimal loss of
the Blaeberry River Valley near Golden, British Columbia, uses
water and nutrients, the greenhouse increases the quality
the food waste from its restaurant to feed its chickens. Mar-
and quantity of its crops while protecting ground water from
tin notes that sorting through what domestic animals can and
nitrate pollution. Balancing soil ecosystems and building
cannot eat requires extra effort, but the same can be said of
sustainability are the long-term benefits.
most greening practices.
Castelli Hotel boasts an agricultural side of its own, with a
Fischioni puts it into perspective: “Human willingness to
farm of chickens and a small production of fruits and vegeta-
adopt better habits is most important to me as the technology
bles. Organic waste from the produce is used to feed the domes-
is already there but not all humans are putting forth the ef-
tic animals, and farm-fresh eggs are served at breakfast and
fort to utilize it and adapt their habits to conserve/recycle and
the pool snack bar. Olive groves surrounding the hotel flourish
reuse. It takes effort to save but it is the price we must pay to
without any toxic chemicals, and the pure virgin olive oil pro-
clean up the Earth.”
duced on-site is used for baking the homemade cake served
at breakfast, and also for serving salads at the pool snack bar.
Castelli Hotel and many others strive to source their purchased produce from local vendors. Doing so promotes the
In Beijing, greening is literally a grassroots – make that pro-
sustainability of agricultural communities and limits the con-
duce roots – operation for Reignwood Pine Valley. Reignwood’s
sumption of transportation energy. Lougaris said her hotel
on-site greenhouse provides many of the fruits and vegetables,
subtly promotes greening to local growers by donating plastic
along with herbs such as rosemary and thyme, used in its res-
containers. This helps defray the cost of local produce, while
taurant. Using recycled gray water for irrigation, the green-
decreasing the number of containers in circulation.
house reduces the need to purchase outside produce, thereby
For the Murphys, proximity to southwestern Pennsylva-
minimizing the fuel usage, emissions, and shipping containers
nia’s agricultural areas ensures a healthy selection of fresh
associated with transportation.
products. Of course, optimizing the positive impact of local
for our food service operation,” said Pachanee C. Devapradipa,
markets means taking advantage of opportunities before they
Reignwood’s head of members’ house and project manager. “As
“We are blessed to live in an area that has lots of farms and
we use both wind and solar energy to generate power, this plan
we can purchase many of our foodstuffs directly from the
will help us save energy and labor costs and reduce CO2 emis-
farmers or local markets,” Tom said. “We do search for as many
sions by approximately 5,780 tons per year.
local outlets for foods as possible. When we do find them we
“As our guests are always our first priority, we also feel that
are relieved, but they can be short-lived because [some] cannot
both health and environmental issues are things that we need
do a volume business. During the off-seasons, we have to rely
to pay more attention to in order to give the best we can to our
on national markets and it’s tough to find the kinds of foods we
guests, our place, and our world.”
want to serve to our guests.”
Devapradipa said that Reignwood optimizes the potential
Bridgette Miramon runs Rambla, the Basque-influenced
of its greenhouse through bee pollination and balanced
restaurant within the International House located two blocks
Photo courtesy of International House Hotel
“I feel this greenhouse is the most significant [green element]
greenhotels IMPACT
FivePine Lodge
from New Orleans’ French Quarter. Noting that the cheaper
food service items are typically the worst for the environment,
she uses bio-friendly disposable products and strives to source
Photo courtesy of FivePine Lodge
her meats from small local suppliers.
Martin said her biggest green advancement in her food ser-
“Large pig farms are some of the highest producers of pollu-
vice is the use of environmentally friendly utensils and packag-
tion,” Miramon said. “Buying local products helps cut down on
ing. Knives, forks, and spoons are made of biodegradable, com-
greenhouse gases and pollution from transportation.”
postable plant starch, while the paper napkins and to-go bags
Across the country, in the Pacific Northwest, Bill Willitts oper-
come from recycled paper.
ates FivePine Lodge amid the stunning forest setting of Sisters,
Properties such as ‘eh’ Canadian Lodge and Castelli Hotel
Ore. When his guests lift a mug or glass, it’s often filled with lo-
have realized significant energy and water savings by installing
cally produced beverages produced with the Earth’s well-being
commercial dishwashers that clean and sterilize dishes. Point-
in mind. From the on-site Three Creeks Brewing Company to
ing to the perpetual pitfall of a breezy, oceanfront location, Lou-
nearby Sisters Coffee Company and a local winery, sustainable
garis said that Castelli is confronting the specter of saltwater
practices are the common thread of what Willitts terms the
corrosion by installing a desalinator. Removing the salt extends
“Authentic Green” of FivePine.
the life of the pipes, fittings, and faucets that serve her kitchen.
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P&G’s most recent innovation came in the form of bringing the sustainability
benefits of compaction to the professional laundry industry. Their formula
is 2x concentrated – allowing customers to do twice as many loads with
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half as much packaging – and reduced water,
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Finally, P&G delivers these benefitss
without phosphates, and with safer (non-APEO) surfactants, and has done so forr
more than 20 years.
So for sustainably great cleaning, considerr
the P&G Professional laundry system of Tide
and Downy.
greenhotels IMPACT
the property makes good use of its food waste, there’s still a lot
of energy and resource usage.
GREEN MATERIALS: For short-term use or takeaway food
packaging, food service operations should use biodegradable
items produced from renewable resources (such as paperboard), which contain either some recycled or unbleached content. Styrofoam should be avoided when possible in favor of
non-rigid containers. For leftovers, offering guests aluminum
foil or wax paper will often suffice.
On dining tables, replacing candles with micro-lights powered by rechargeable batteries yields the same ambiance
with none of the air pollution. For the small touches, green
hotels opt for plain wooden toothpicks with none of the frilly
stuff and they don’t waste toothpicks in sandwiches. More-
S GHA Partner Member ‘eh’ Canadian Lodge.
over, they bundle napkins and silverware without adhesive
paper straps.
Complementing the many sensible and sustainable ideas
shared by GHA Members, the association offers an insightful
Despite sci-fi tales of hostile takeovers by self-aware ma-
summary of greening practices for food service operations. This
chines, reality remains contingent upon a simple premise: Hu-
resource includes tips such as:
mans control technology. That means development as well as
SAVE ENERGY: Controlling temperatures is essential to energy conservation, so keep refrigerators at 38°F (4°C) and freezers
GHA Members recognize this truth, both for its inherent
at 5°F (-15°C). Adding a thin coat of petroleum jelly on gaskets
challenges and the incumbent responsibility for the green-
yields a better seal and longer life. For the hot stuff, remember
committed to continually teach, remind, and encourage
that ovens lose about 10 degrees of heat for every second the
others. Staff should be expected to uphold green policies,
door is open.
but free will remains a constant hurdle for guest indoctri-
In-meat thermometers with outside-oven gauges minimize
oven door openings, thereby reducing heat loss and saving en-
Photo courtesy of ‘eh’ Canadian Lodge
Increasingly, travelers patronizing green hotels do so
ergy. Cooking meat at the lowest temperature possible for good
results also saves energy, with less shrinkage and nutrient loss.
accommodations based on the property’s commitment to
Heat loss will result if floor fans, etc., are allowed to blow
environmental sustainability. However, as eh’ Canadian’s
directly on cooking surfaces or equipment. After rush periods,
Denise English pointed out, travel often equates to leisure,
staff should turn off all equipment except one of each type
which typically means decreased attention to prudent
(griddles, burners, fryers, etc.) and lower temperature on stand-
practices. This is where proactive engagement between hotel
by equipment whenever possible.
and guest can bear significant impact.
POST-COOKING CARE: When cleaning ovens, green hotels
“Human willingness to adopt and adapt is the bigger part of
steer clear of products that contain lye as this corrosive mate-
the equation,” said English. “People on holidays tend to say ‘What
rial proves very detrimental downstream. A better option in-
the heck, I am on holiday.’ What they don’t realize is people on
volves dampening the oven, sprinkling it with baking soda, and
holiday expand their ecological footprint by virtue of travel. Fur-
leaving a shallow dish of ammonia inside overnight to soften
ther, the lack of refrigeration while traveling means they are of-
baked-on grime. A steel wool scrubber helps remove the soft-
ten eating foods with a lot of preservatives and packaging.”
ened matter.
Essential to this relationship is a green hotel’s persistence
NET RESULTS: To help minimize food waste, all food service
in demonstrating and verbalizing sustainability principles.
people should wear hairnets. The simple step of inexpensive
For some guests, hotels simply must bridge the gap between
hairnets can help avoid a lot of costly waste. One guest sees a
willingness and comfort level. For example, English finds it
hair in something and the batch has to be thrown out. Even if
challenging to get clients to deposit food waste in compost
IMPACT greenhotels
W Casa Laguna Inn & Spa in California, an active member
of the Slow Foods movement and GHA, is dedicated to
using fresh, local (requiring less transportation), organic
(requiring less water and pesticides) ingredients in every
gourmet breakfast dish.
produce, and explore the natural surroundings. Guests
who visit the henhouse can select their own egg and later
enjoy a complimentary fresh omelette by the pool. These
visual and tangible experiences afford Castelli staff ideal
opportunities to articulate the property’s green practices
after their visit.
Lougaris said that raising awareness yields bigger dividends
than simply mandating compliance. When staff understand
why procedures are implemented, they’re more likely to go beyond the routines they’re expected to remember.
“Implementation is usually where most mistakes may happen,” Lougaris said. “We may have a drip system for watering
the garden but if one [leaves] it on a lot of water is wasted. Or if
one washed the vegetables without being very careful with their
storage, etc., it could even be dangerous. We invest in our people.”
Martin echoed this opinion, adding: “We can adopt the use of
buckets because they’re not as visually tolerable as a
environmental sustainability and provide to our guests all the
conventional trash can.
means necessary to do this, but if they are not willing to help,
Willitts encounters occasional resistance at another level
all our efforts are wasted.”
– this one a calorie-conscious selection of wholesome, locally
The smaller, more intimate setting of an inn, Martin said, af-
sourced items known as the Healthy Start Breakfast. Organic
fords more direct interaction with guests and that yields great-
coffee and tea, granola, juice, yogurt, and hard-boiled eggs will
er occasion to pass along the message of sustainability.
certainly fuel a body well, but the distinct absence of tradition-
“In [larger hotels], notes are placed in rooms that explain [the
al breakfast treats raises a few eyebrows. For FivePine’s guests,
property’s green practices], whereas we have the opportunity to
it’s less about rejection of green practices as it is a simple long-
talk to guests about what we do on our Web site, through bro-
ing for the sugar and white flour to which Americans have be-
chures, at check-in, and throughout their stay,” she said. “Here
come accustomed.
at The Inn at Middleton Place, we have had standard green
Any such pushback doesn’t offend Willitts, as he realizes his
breakfast lineup represents a radical departure for some of his
practices for over eight years. It is our way of life, not our way
in business.”
guests. However, standing firm on the selection helps define
Central to this strategy is a cohesive staff effort, Martin said.
the lodge’s complete commitment to sustainable practices. Ul-
“Trained employees [who] understand the need to provide sus-
timately, Willitts believes in educating and influencing without
tainability bring that information home to their personal lives.
I am just trying to reach one person at a time, hoping that one
“The lodging industry has the opportunity/responsibility to
person passes on that information to one more.”
be an authentic ‘living green’ model of sustainability,” he said.
In some ways, the collective concept of promoting
“Our property defines the fact that a focus on sustainability is
greenness parallels a hotel’s food service. Intrinsic are
compatible with a premier guest experience. We are the highest
the right ingredients, prudent preparation, and creative
rated property in our region on TripAdvisor® and we’re authen-
presentation. With skill and
tic ‘green.’ We don’t sell green, we live green.”
effort, a memorable experience
Castelli Hotel guests with a deeper interest in greening
are regularly invited to tour the gardens, pick the fresh
pleases the guest and leaves
them hungry for more.
Photo courtesy of Casa Laguna Inn & Spa
and suggest options for guests to carry these lessons home
greenhotels IMPACT
Chefs use if for a variety of preparations from sautéing to
deep frying. Restaurant patrons see only the end result, but
behind the scenes, the limelight quickly fades for this culinary
Grease traps keep food and other debris from going where
they shouldn’t go, but where does the used oil go? Given
the harmful ramifications of groundwater contamination and
other environmental maladies, greening prudence warns
against pouring oil down drains or directly into soil. However,
with voluminous quantities of cooking oil passing through
a kitchen each week, the potential for a slippery sea of
accumulation would seem inevitable.
Fortunately, a sane solution exists – one that exemplifies
how specialized services like those of oil collectors bring
tremendous value to the hotel industry. GHA Approved
Vendor Tallowmasters, LLC, of Medley, Fla., is a collection and
rendering company that helps protect the environment by
recycling used cooking oils and animal byproducts.
As the company explains, fat is more than 75 percent
carbon and each pound of carbon can result in an
environmental release of 3.7 pounds of CO2. If not rendered,
these materials would be a potential source of greenhouse
gases such as CO2 and methane.
Tallowmasters has been providing rendering and grease
removal services since its 1958 inception with conformity
to all current EPA and USDA regulations. A member of the
National Renderers Association, Tallowmasters serves a
diverse range of clients from the single operator to national
chains. The company ensures that waste cooking oil is
recycled in accordance with state and local regulations.
Tallowmasters Customer Service Manager Tom Letcher said
that all of the oil collected from restaurants is taken to the
company’s rendering plant in Miami, where it is screened for
large items. After removing all of the French fries, onion rings,
and hush puppies, Tallowmasters puts the mostly cleaned oil
into a cooker to remove any water.
The last step in the purification process is a good spin in
the centrifuge. This eliminates any remaining particulates and
leaves what is known as “yellow grease.” Sold to poultry
farms, the rendered product is mostly used as an additive for
chicken feed.
According to Tallowmasters, renderers continually recycle
95 to 100 percent of discarded material (oil and other animal
parts) into useful and saleable products. This represents the
most successful and efficient recycling effort in the world
By David A. Brown
“The good thing about our service is that we use 100
percent of the oil – unlike biofuel operations, which only use
[a portion] of the oil they collect,” Letcher said. “Also, when
biofuel is burned, some of it goes back into the environment,
whereas [yellow grease] is consumed in chicken feed.”
Additionally, Letcher said that the Tallowmasters services
provide direct environmental benefits, as well as the
prevention of maintenance nightmares.
“Just about every hotel has a restaurant, so without
our type of service, the oil would be poured into the
grease traps and that would wind up in the municipal
waste waters where it would cause big problems,” he
said. “It’s an expensive proposition to get the oil out
of the water. Also, large amounts of oil would clog the
municipal pipes and then [waste water management]
would have to put a lot more chemicals into the pipes
to clear them.”
As a point of convenience, the Tallowmasters collection
team operates from sunset to sunup, as picking up waste
oil at night prevents any interference with the normal flow
of business. The company offers free pressure cleaning in its
container area once a year as a value-added service. (www.
Other areas in which green vendors serve the hotel
industry include:
Green hotels with green food service must constantly guard
their operation against wasteful and environmentally harmful
practices. Meals with locally sourced meats and organic
vegetables cooked in water-conscious kitchens with strict
energy-management practices can still fall short of optimal
greenness when served with or on the wrong materials.
Plastics, Stryofoam, even common paper items – these are
the energy-wasting, Earth-threatening, landfill-bulging pitfalls
to avoid.
Options are many and the uses for alternative materials
have become increasingly creative. Here are some of the
green products available for hotel food service.
Bamboo Studio – It’s the age-old question that seeks the
lesser of two (environmental) evils: “Paper or plastic?” In
truth, neither one sits well with the green faithful. Providing a
great alternative, Bamboo Studio offers an innovative line of
dinnerware made from bamboo sheath – a protective covering
found on newly emerging bamboo plants.
IMPACT greenhotels
\ Bamboo Studio.
Ultra Green LLC – Going beyond basic recycling, this
company makes Earth-friendly products using cutting-edge
ecological discoveries. Ultra Green’s premiere Tree Free paper
products are made from sugarcane fiber. Under traditional
agricultural processes, sugar is extracted from the raw cane
by squeezing out its naturally sweet liquid. Afterward, the
crushed stalks are burned or discarded.
Ultra Green has developed a way to utilize the unwanted
stalks, thereby eliminating the atmospheric pollution
of disposal fires and adding value to the agricultural
operations. The company’s premium napkins comprise 80
percent sugarcane fiber and 20 percent other natural fibers.
Additionally, the company produces cups and utensils made
from cornstarch. This process eliminates the environmental
nightmare of petroleum-based plastics that need hundreds of
years to break down, while contaminating soil, groundwater,
and oceans.
All of the company’s products are 100 percent
biodegradable, compostable, and sustainable. According
to Ultra Green, its Tree Free sugarcane paper products
biodegrade or compost in 60 to 90 days. The cornstarch
products biodegrade or compost in 150 days. Made to
withstand heat and hot liquids, Ultra Green’s products are oil
resistant, safe for microwave and freezer, and compliant with
FDA guidelines. (
G.E.T. – This company’s Eco-Takeouts line offers a green
alternative to disposable/reusable containers that reduce
waste and environmental impact. Break-resistant and
designed for use in commercial dishwashers, Eco-Takeouts are
made of recyclable, 100 percent BPA free polypropylene and
are microwave safe for reheating.
G.E.T. also makes BambooMel, an eco-friendly dinnerware
crafted from rapidly renewable bamboo cellulose and
quality, break-resistant melamine. G.E.T.’s BambooMel and
Eco-Takeouts are sustainable options to traditional plastic
foodservice items. (
Genpak – The Harvest™ Collection comprises biodegradable
food containers produced from naturally occurring, annually
renewable resources such as corn, rice, and wheat. All are
100 percent certified by the Biodegradable Products Institute
to completely compost and biodegrade when placed into a
commercially run composting facility.
The Harvest Fiber line includes a selection of compostable
dinnerware items, hinged take-out containers, and bowls.
In the Harvest Starch line, hinged containers, dinnerware,
Photo courtesy of Bamboo Studio
Based in San Juan Capistrano, Calif., the company collects
the sheaths, which fall to the ground as a plant matures,
cleans them, and boils them in preparation for product
creation. Bamboo Studio laminates the natural material to
the desired thickness and presses it into shape. The result
is disposable/reusable dinnerware that is elegant, strong,
leakproof, and 100 percent biodegradable. Products include
plates, trays, bowls, coasters, utensils, flatware, chopsticks,
and various picks and skewers. (
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IMPACT greenhotels
and cutlery are made from a hybrid material that reduces
the polypropylene material normally used by up to 60
percent with natural, annually renewable starches. (www.
Whether they’re starting their day at the breakfast table,
toasting a special event, or just sipping something pleasant
during a relaxing conversation with friends, guests of a
green hotel should be able to expect a clear history of
eco-friendliness in their glass, cup, or mug. Indeed, several
vendors provide products boasting strong commitments to
environmental sustainability.
A shining example of such commitment can be found in
Vermont’s Green Mountain region, where the aptly named
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. has established itself as
a leader in the specialty coffee industry. The Specialty Coffee
business unit produces coffee, tea, and hot cocoa from its
family of brands, including Tully’s Coffee®, Green Mountain
Coffee®, Newman’s Own® Organics coffee, and Timothy’s World
Coffee®. The Keurig business unit is a pioneer and leading
manufacturer of gourmet single-cup brewing systems.
Recognized for its award-winning coffees, innovative
brewing technology, and socially responsible business
practices, the company based in Waterbury makes waste
reduction and responsible energy use central to its mission
and business model. For example, 2008 found Green
Mountain Coffee setting out to reduce normalized total energy
use in its Specialty Coffee business unit by 10 percent. The
company exceeded that goal with a 13 percent reduction in
its thermal footprint.
In other energy-saving moves, Green Mountain Coffee
recently upgraded the air-conditioning for its distribution
center’s information technology room. The new system is
expected to save 61,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity and
6,212 gallons of propane per year.
At its Essex, Vt., facility, Green Mountain installed a new
energy-efficient compressor system to serve production needs
and retrofitted its production area with high-efficiency lights. An
independent third-party energy consultant (Efficiency Vermont)
estimates that these projects will save 200,000 kilowatt-hours
of electricity annually. In the company’s human resources office
space, upgrading to energy-efficient lights should cut annual
energy consumption by 2,340 kilowatt-hours.
A grant in 2008 enabled the company to install a 100
kilowatt solar array on the roof of its distribution center.
This installation will help reduce demand and CO2 emissions
(as well as save money) because solar installations typically
achieve maximum output on hot summer days when the
Vermont grid is most heavily utilized.
In the area of solid waste management, Green Mountain
Coffee owes significant reductions to its new quality-control
protocols for production; improved processes and newer,
more efficient packaging equipment; and expanded recycling.
Furthermore, the company has made its disposable items
more environmentally friendly by working with International
Paper to develop the ecotainer™ — an innovative alternative
to conventional paper cups. Paper for the ecotainer comes
from sustainably managed tree farms, so there’s no damage
to old-growth forests. A liner made from a corn-based polymer
breaks down under proper composting conditions.
Green Mountain estimates that developing the ecotainer –
winner of the 2007 Sustainability Award from the Specialty
Coffee Association of America – has helped keep more than
a million pounds of petrochemicals out of landfills by using
unique and sustainable materials.
In another innovative move, Green Mountain redesigned
the packaging film used for its Newman’s Own Organics line
of coffees by replacing a layer of petroleum-based material
with a layer of Poly-lactic Acid (PLA). PLA is a polymer
derived entirely from natural cornstarches and is 100 percent
renewable. The change reduced the non-renewable portion of
each bag by 19 percent, by weight.
Complementing its operational initiatives, Green Mountain
Coffee Roasters promotes its green beliefs beyond corporate
property. The company offers incentives for employees to
reduce their personal carbon footprint and in 2009, put up
$800,000 in grant funding to support nonprofits working
on climate change. One of the 2009 grant recipients was
the National Parks Conservation Association’s Do Your Part
program aimed at encouraging park visitors to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. (
Other companies promoting sustainable practices include:
Earth Friendly Distilling Co. – This Earth-friendly spirits
company produces the world’s first eco-friendly, flavored
vodka series – 360 Vodka. With the slogan, “Saving the
planet … one glass at a time,” 360 Vodka is produced
at a profoundly green facility in Weston, Mo. where it is
quadruple distilled and five times filtered with an energyefficient process that fully utilizes every bushel of grain for
zero waste.
Committed to reducing waste and resource consumption,
the company uses recycled paper for labeling and 85 percent
recycled glass for its bottles, which were designed for infinite
reuse, thanks to the swing-top cap. After consumption of 360
Vodka, the bottles can be reused to hold anything from olive
oil to water to spices. For those who choose to recycle their
bottle, Earth Friendly Distilling developed the Close the Loop
Essentially, the company encourages customers to
remove the swing-top cap prior to recycling and mail it
back in a postage-paid envelope (made from 100 percent
greenhotels IMPACT
Photo courtesy of Earth Friendly Distilling Co.
S Earth Friendly Distilling Co.
recycled paper) provided in the original packaging. The
company reuses the caps, thereby reducing waste and
conserving the resources and energy needed to make a
new one.
To date, customers have returned approximately 50,000
swing-top caps. For each one received, Earth Friendly
Distilling donates $1 to Global Green USA. The company
also implements green strategies throughout its purchasing
and office management, while encouraging employees to
work green and live green. (
Frey Vineyards, Ltd. – Situated on the slopes of the
Redwood Valley A.V.A. (American Viticultural Area) in
Mendocino County, Calif., at the headwaters of the Russian
River, Frey Vineyards is a family-owned and -operated green
business with a third generation helping with the production
of fine organic wines in a tradition of sustainability started
nearly 30 years ago.
In an effort to reduce its carbon footprint, the company
has installed efficient lighting and motors. A 17 kilowatt
solar array is used to power a forklift, lights, computers,
office equipment, bottling equipment, and pumps. A solar
water heating system is forthcoming. Using recycled office
and label paper, tree planting, and local forest protection
enhance the carbon-reduction efforts.
Frey Vineyards’ wines are made with no added sulfites
and this liberates their true flavors. America’s first maker of
certified Biodynamic® wines, the company puts its emphasis
on producing organic wine of the highest quality while caring
for planet and palate alike. (
IMPACT greenhotels
Unique and informative training methods for all staff members serve
as the first step toward success in greening your property
By Tara N. Wilfong
n the hospitality industry, when it comes to successfully greening
your property, staff participation is vital. Simply having an
environmental policy and adopting green practices aren’t enough;
a well-trained and environmentally conscious staff is the key to
operational success. “Training for any job, whether the company is green
or not, is the most important thing,” said Gwen Corbett, owner of Bear’s
Den Cottages in Hocking Hills, Ohio.
“Thorough training not only gives employees self-confidence
owners. Although their business is small, boasting just two
and more satisfaction, but it also gives employers peace of
environmentally conscious cottages tucked in the breathtaking
mind that their employees are less apt to make mistakes. In
foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, Gwen and Mike
any business, mistakes are wasteful in every realm, from time
Corbett’s mission is to tread as lightly as possible on the Earth,
and money to materials and products. Many companies in
both in their personal and business lifestyles.
America forego proper training to save money, but, in my opin-
To accomplish this goal, the Corbetts insist on operating a
ion, I believe these upfront savings end up costing the company
green lodging, and equate their success to staff participation.
more money in the long run due to wasted resources.”
When they hired their employee, they began an intensive
As the movement toward a greener way of thinking contin-
six-month training process that fully educated her on every
ues to evolve, and many more properties in the hospitality in-
facet of sustainable operations, from cleaning with all-
dustry adopt environmental protocols, owners and managers
natural, organic, and biodegradable products to procedures
are seeking successful training methods to inspire and enlight-
for recycling or reusing viable resources. “All of our green
en their staff members. Whether a property employs a staff of
procedures are written out in great detail so they’re easily
hundreds or just a small handful, adapting the methods that
accessible for a quick refresher,” Gwen said. “I also provide
worked for others to fit your property’s needs is the first step
her with my weekly ‘going green’ tip from the column I write
toward success in sustainability.
for a local newspaper so that she is continuously trained and
For Bear’s Den Cottages’ single employee, the recipe for
made aware of new trends and procedures.”
success was a long and detailed training process that included
Although many larger properties don’t have the manpower
instruction from a well-heeled authority: the cottages’
or resources to train new employees through one-on-one
greenhotels IMPACT
Photo courtesy of Boston Seaport Hotel
Photos courtesy of Bear’s Den Cottages
Bear’s Den Cottages
Boston Seaport Hotel
supervision, most have developed successful training
Introducing the program during orientation ensures that ev-
programs that begin with a combination of motivation and
ery employee is familiar with Seaport’s environmental mission;
education. As new hires are brought on board at Boston’s
it also serves as the foundation for the hotel’s environmental
Seaport Hotel, for example, they are immediately exposed
training initiatives. “When we introduce new concepts, we ex-
to the company’s environmental program, Seaport Saves.
plain the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ to ensure the staff completely
Based on the criteria that you can only lead by example,
understands the issues at hand,” said Lauri Howe, director of
Seaport Saves was designed not only as a program for the
communications for Seaport. “Although we initially faced a lot
hotel to conserve precious resources, but also as a platform
of skepticism, once our team saw how they could easily ex-
to empower guests to adopt these efforts in their own
ecute some of these initiatives, and we were able to make a
positive impact, support for the program grew steadily. After
we have used many mediums for communication,” said Julie
Radisson Los Angeles Airport Hotel
Baylor, project and public relations consultant for the hotel.
“The most effective is video, primarily because everyone enjoys watching themselves and their co-workers on film.”
Whenever the Radisson hosts an environmentally themed
event, the video cameras come out, and the employees are
encouraged to engage in a little healthy competition. Some of
the hotel’s most successful events include a recycling pledge
drive for America Recycles Day and a Green Halloween, which
included a departmental pumpkin-carving contest in which
employees were limited to only using recycled materials to
decorate their jack-o-lanterns. In celebration of the December holidays, a Holiday Diversity decorating event took place,
in which employees again used recycled materials to decorate
all, an educated and knowledgeable team is the foundation for
different areas of the hotel to represent the different holiday
exceeding our guests’ expectations.”
traditions from around the world. Guests served as judges, vot-
In California, where the edicts of “going green” have firmly
ing for their favorite scene. The entire festivities were filmed
taken root, especially among environmentally sensitive resi-
and posted on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, as well as the
dents, the hospitality industry is doing its part to emulate
hotel’s internal television station.
the efforts of its citizens. Taking a step beyond traditional
For the Radisson, a unique approach to training, which al-
training methods, the Radisson® Los Angeles Airport Hotel
lows its employees to participate in their green initiatives in
pursued a new technique designed to awe and inspire its
an unorthodox yet refreshing way, has resulted in a program
employees. Instead of simply teaching them the hotel’s en-
truly embraced by its staff. Instead of relying solely on verbal
vironmental policy, the Radisson engaged its team with old-
communication, the hotel has given credence to the old adage,
fashioned flattery.
“Actions speak louder than words.”
Like most people, the Radisson’s employees really respond-
At another major hotel chain, the Holiday Inn’s 11 proper-
ed to the hotel’s green policy when they had a formidable part
ties comprising Indiana’s General Hotels Corporation, green
to play in its implementation. So, to harness that enthusiasm
products and ideas are slowly filtered into the mix. Instead of
and dole out a little good will, management decided to cap-
bombarding its more than 1,000 combined employees with new
ture its staff in all its green glory on film. “To increase em-
procedural protocols, the corporation beta tests every environ-
ployee acceptance and engagement in our green initiatives,
mental change at just one hotel. If the new, greener option is
Conserving by Department
very department in any given hotel has its own unique way in which it can operate more conservatively. By reducing water
and energy consumption, recycling and reusing or repurposing good-quality materials, staff members can minimize their
department’s impact on our natural resources.
Housekeeping: The housekeeping department plays a major role in a property’s conservation efforts. With so
many areas pertaining to greener operations, it’s important for management to adequately train its housekeepers.
One simple swap is replacing harsh, chemical cleaners with natural, biodegradable ones. Although many in the
housekeeping department may be skeptical about the sanitary properties of friendlier cleaners, through proper
education and training, they’ll learn that these green products are not only sanitary, but also less harmful to
themselves, their guests, and the environment. To facilitate their proper use, management’s best training practice is
empowering the staff with knowledge.
Photo courtesy of Radisson Los Angeles Airport Hotel
IMPACT greenhotels
greenhotels IMPACT
WS Activeion’s ionators – which convert tap water into
ionized water – efficiently clean and sanitize, killing 99
percent of harmful bacteria without harsh chemicals.
Photos courtesy of Activeion™
To reduce energy consumption, housekeepers should be trained to turn down thermostats in those guest rooms that are
unoccupied, and, perhaps even more dire, make sure they turn off all electrical devices once they are through tidying a room.
In regard to water conservation, devising a system in which beds that have been unoccupied don’t get remade will help reduce
the laundry load as well as the amount of detergents emitted into the waste stream. “The head of our housekeeping team
has taken sustainability to every level of the cleaning experience,” said Bill Willitts, owner of FivePine Lodge and Shibui Spa
in Sisters, Ore. “We use post-consumer tissue paper, 100 percent green cleaning supplies, and natural amenities with postconsumer packaging.”
Empowering the housekeeping staff to use greener alternatives and training them on their proper use not only helps the
environment, but also provides a healthier workplace. For tips on training, lead by example and distribute data on water and
energy savings so that staff members are well aware that their efforts on the front lines are truly making a difference.
Kitchen: Small but significant changes in a hotel’s kitchen can have a huge environmental impact. Like the housekeeping
staff, members of the kitchen staff can be adequately trained to make greener choices in both food and packaging. Begin by
encouraging those involved with food preparation to buy produce and other foodstuffs locally, thus minimizing the pollution
involved with deliveries and, at the same time, supporting local commerce.
Instead of offering bottled water in restaurants and through room service, invest in reusable glass carafes that can
easily be washed and refilled with purified water. Likewise, consider eliminating Styrofoam for takeout, and opt instead
ƵƉƚŽϱϬйwhile staying
greenhotels IMPACT
Photo courtesy of Holiday Inn Terre Haute
for to-go packaging in post-consumer containers. While
these greener options may take some getting used
to, training the kitchen staff by example and positive
feedback will go a long way toward a more conscious
Holiday Inn Terre Haute
viable, and the staff readily accepts the change, then it is introduced as policy in the remaining 10 hotels.
Stacey Metz, sales manager for the Holiday Inn Terre Haute
in Terre Haute, Ind., said one of its most successful green programs is its Conserving for Tomorrow initiative. Focusing on
Groundskeepers: Outside, groundskeepers can tread
lightly on the Earth and work in concert with our natural
resources by planting vegetable and flower gardens
to supplement the kitchen and aid in the ambiance of
the property. Training with a horticulturist will teach
groundskeepers how and when to plant different varieties
of fruits and vegetables, and how to properly tend the soil.
To further their efforts, groundskeepers can search for ways
to minimize outdoor watering, including collecting rain
water and planting indigenous species that flourish in their
particular climate.
water conservation, Metz admitted that at first, the staff was
a little skeptical, but once they realized that the program not
only saved resources, but also time, they were immediately on
board. “For our housekeepers especially, this program is beneficial,” she said. “Particularly when they are dealing with a
double room in which there is only one occupant. In those instances, we train our staff to make the two beds differently so
that if a different housekeeper arrives the next day to make up
the room, he or she can immediately tell by the way the beds
are made, that one does not need to be changed.”
When new employees are hired to the Holiday Inn’s housekeeping staff, they are trained by a long-term employee who is
well versed on the resource-saving protocol. As a double check,
once that new employee is on his or her own to clean rooms,
management inspects those rooms much more thoroughly to
ensure all procedures are being met.
Every training method implemented by the wide variety of
hospitality properties – from intensive one-on-one training
to veritable self-flattery – comes with rewards for staff
Management: With successful training methods in place
for staff members operating in other areas of the property,
it’s important for management to not only adopt a greener
policy, but continually be trained on the newest and most
impactful conservation programs themselves. Imperative is
a management that leads by example, buying only recycled
paper products and recycling used office furniture and
“To keep all of our properties’ conservation efforts in check,
we formed a green committee comprising representatives
from each of our hotels,” explained Stacey Metz, sales
manager for the Holiday Inn Terre Haute in Indiana. “We also
created a ‘Green Trophy,’ which is awarded monthly to the
property with the best green idea or the best motivation
when it comes to implementing our new programs. This has
created some friendly competition, and it’s really boosted
morale, getting members from every department excited and
involved in our environmental initiatives.”
participation, namely a feeling of self-accomplishment and the
knowledge that they are doing their part to preserve the planet.
To help accomplish their training goals, most managers report
that an open line of communication, in which employees
can make suggestions for new green programs and products,
has made acceptance of their programs flourish. Although
monetary rewards are practically unheard of, most employees
are happily conserving because,
trained, they
understand the impact their
combined actions can have for
a less consumptive future.
Concierge, Valet, and Bell Staff: With a unique opportunity
to directly engage guests, concierge, valet, and bell staff
can quickly and efficiently apprise travelers on the hotel’s
green successes. Training these staff members on why the
property has implemented some of its green programs
and how they have positively affected the environment
allows them to easily answer guest questions both
effectively and knowledgeably. In addition, concierge and
bell staff particularly should be instructed to point out
green literature that guests can consult for additional
“Atlas Products Help Customers Meet Their Environmental Needs.”
We Haven’t Gone Green. We Were Born Green.®
Atlas Paper Mills is the only Green Seal™-certified manufacturer
in the State of Florida and a leading, cost-effective U.S. manufacturer
of 100-percent recycled tissue and paper products for over twentyeight years. Atlas carries a full line of Green Seal™ products offering
customers a truly green value proposition to meet all of their green
product needs. Atlas is committed to producing a value offering
of tissue and paper products which are made from 100-percent
recycled wastepaper, 100-percent chlorine-free and biodegradable.
All Atlas products are produced utilizing sustainable, Eco-friendly
manufacturing practices.
Atlas’ new Green Heritage®, Green Seal™-certified tissue and
paper products include: toilet tissue, jumbo roll tissue, and kitchen
roll towel. Atlas also carries 100-percent recycled facial tissue in
their Green Heritage™ line. At Atlas Paper Mills, we take our
corporate and individual responsibility as caretakers of the
Earth’s natural resources very seriously and are committed to
elevating our environmental stewardship role to new heights.
Atlas is dedicated to remaining fast and flexible in response to our
customers needs with our green tissue and towel offerings. Together
with Green Seal™, Atlas Paper Mills is dedicated to creating a more
sustainable world through products that help protect the environment.
Atlas is a proud member of the USGBC, “Green” Hotels Association®,
and the Healthy Schools Campaign.
ClearWater Tech offers the EcoTex™ Advanced Oxidation Laundry
System for commercial laundries to help defray rising energy costs
without compromising quality laundering. By using mostly cold water,
business operational costs can be reduced up to 50%.
• Ozone adds oxygen to wastewaters, deodorizes, and lowers COD
levels in wash and final rinse water.
• The UK’s Water Research Centre (WRc-NSF) studied ozone-treated
laundry wastewaters and concluded that it is not only safe but
actually beneficial to discharge them to the environment.
Economic Benefits
• Ozone requires cold water for effective performance, and
therefore saves 86% to 90% of the energy required by traditional
(conventional) thermal laundering. Using EcoTex lowers the
amounts of chemicals required by about 21%. Labor costs are
lowered by 39%. Fabric life is extended (because of fewer rinses
being required).
• Annual cost savings allow Returns On Investment between 7.7 and
17.4 months, depending on equipment size.
Environmental Benefits
• Using ozone decreases the use of chemicals. Therefore, fewer
chemicals are discharged; fewer chemicals are stored; thus
providing more safety for staff.
• Ozone “preoxidizes” some organics prior to discharge, making
them more biodegradable when discharged.
Microbiological Benefits
• In seconds, the EcoTex system eradicates MRSA, Clostridium
difficile, and other laundry-associated bacteria and viruses.
The EcoTex™ Advanced Laundry Oxidation Systems result in
significant cost savings over conventional laundering, environmentally
beneficial wastewater discharges, and provides degrees of
microorganism kills and inactivation that cannot be attained by
conventional laundering.
Contact Info:
805-549-9724 or 262-0203
Hotels go green with high-speed, energy-efficient hand dryers
XLERATOR®: The New Industry Standard for Hand Dryers
Nestled along the banks of the Colorado River in Lake Havasu City,
Arizona, London Bridge Resort and Conference Center boasts some of
the most striking views of the world-famous London Bridge. The resort
is home to 122 suites that serve as an oasis for guests looking to
relax, unwind and be pampered. “All of our facilities are designed and
maintained to meet the needs of discriminating guests from around
the world,” said Finn Hauchrog, maintenance director, London Bridge
To cut back on paper waste, Hauchrog recently installed four new
XLERATOR high-speed, energy-efficient hand dryers to service Kokomo,
the resort’s 10,000-square-foot, four-level nightclub. “In addition to
cutting back on paper waste, the dryers also helped us decrease time
spent on restroom maintenance,” said Hauchrog. “And, the response
from customers has been great.”
Eight years after its official launch, the XLERATOR hand dryer by
Excel Dryer, Inc. has established itself as the new industry standard by
which other dryers are measured. Unlike conventional hand dryers that
take 30 to 45 seconds to dry hands, the XLERATOR completely dries
hands 3 times faster (in 10-15 seconds) and uses 80% less energy than
conventional hand dryers. XLERATOR also delivers a 95% cost savings
when compared to paper towels and eliminates their maintenance and
waste, while creating a more hygienic restroom environment. It is the
only hand dryer to be MADE IN USA Certified, the first hand dryer to be
GreenSpec® Listed and helps facilities qualify for LEED® (Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design) credits by the U.S. Green Building
Council. A recent peer reviewed ISO 14040 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
confirmed that XLERATOR reduces the carbon footprint of hand drying
by 50-70% when compared to traditional hand dryers and paper
Contact Info:
P. O. Box 365
357 Chestnut Street
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Let your guests “carry-on” your green message with The Green Garmento™
The Green Garmento™ is an eco-friendly all-in-one reusable VIP/laundry, duffel
and hanging garment bag created to help eliminate the estimated three hundred
million pounds of single-use dry cleaning plastic that annually clogs US landfills and
waterways, threatening marine and wildlife.
Each Green Garmento™ is made from non-woven polypropylene and is durable,
washable, printable and recyclable. Rapidly changing the face of dry cleaning, these
bags are to garments what reusable totes are to groceries.
Since its introduction, The Green Garmento™ has received a tremendous
response from dry cleaners and environmentally conscious consumers and was
recently nominated for an Editor’s Choice Award from the International Hotel, Motel
& Restaurant Association.
Because of its growing demand within hotel laundry and guest services
throughout the US and abroad, the hospitality industry is quickly embracing The
Green Garmento™, which finally presents a viable alternative to single-use plastic
laundry and garment bags.
Eco-friendly, stylish, practical and affordable, The Green Garmento™ complements
many Hotels’ green initiatives. Not only does it function as a profitable take-home
gift for guests, but it continues to serve branding efforts far beyond the hotel room.
The Green Garmento™ is distributed through Pineapple Hospitality and Paper
Be Fantastic...use less plastic! Switch to The Green Garmento™
If you’re reading this, you probably already know of ways to help
protect the environment using better practices indoors…but what
about the outside areas surrounding your facility?
care and more. NaturaLawn of America also offers an exclusive line of
commercial retail products including its eco-friendly ice melter, Natural
Alternative® Ice Melt.
NaturaLawn® of America, an organic-based lawn care company, can
help you take care of many of your outdoor needs in ways that are
better for the environment.
Unlike traditional chemical lawn care companies that spray
unnecessary chemicals and pesticides into the ground, NaturaLawn
of America uses natural and organic-based products for healthier,
greener grass. By following an Integrated Pest Management system,
NaturaLawn of America has reduced weed and insect control usage by
over 85% when compared to traditional chemical lawn care.
The NaturaLawn® of America System currently has 66 franchise
locations across the United States who offer services such as
fertilization, seeding and aeration, flea and tick control, tree and shrub
For information on how we can help your business, please visit or call 800-989-5444.
Cascades Tissue Group is the fourth-largest paper tissue producer in
North America servicing the hospitality, office building, institutional, and
foodservice fields. We offer a broad range of products including paper
hand towels, bathroom tissue, facial tissue, paper napkins, perforated
roll towels, wipers, and dispensers.
Cascades’ environmental commitment, supported by over 45 years
of recycling experience and ongoing research and development, are
strengths that enable us to create increasingly sustainable products.
With rapid growth in green product claims, users need to know
which claims can be verified. North River® 100% recycled towel and
tissue products are Certified Green™, providing assurance that you
are purchasing one of the most environmentally responsible brands
available. North River®’s third-party certifications include Green Seal®,
EcoLogo™, and Processed Chlorine Free® – more than any competitive
brands. We are also the first and only brand in this market to offset
100% of the electricity used for its production with Green-e® certified
renewable wind energy, which speaks to Cascades’ commitment to a
sustainable future.
In October of 2009, Cascades became the first in its industry to be
awarded LEED-NC certification in North America with the significant
expansion of its manufacturing plant located in Lachute, QC. The
much coveted LEED certification recognizes buildings that are of high
environmental quality and that meet stringent performance standards,
notably in terms of energy, water consumption, and the use of local
1 East Church Street, Frederick, MD 21701
For more information, visit or
Cascades Tissue Group’s site at
TURTLE PLASTICS is one of the original RECYCLED PLASTICS MATTING companies going back 30 Years.
ALL of their MATTING products are made from RECYCLED PLASTICS.
Furthermore, TURTLE PLASTICS will BUY BACK their matting
at end of life!!!!
ENTRANCE MATTING, carpet/drainage keeps beautiful lobby
floors clean and sparkling.
POOL DECK MATTING covers unsightly and dangerous cracks
without expensive concrete work.
SLIP-RESISTANT MATTING makes ramp areas and other RISK
MANAGEMENT problems easier to manage.
LAUNDRY AREA MATTING makes for happier, more productive
workers who would be standing on concrete.
For more information contact Michele Norton at 1-800-756-6635 Ext. 204 or email
Activeion Cleaning Solutions
American DG Energy Inc.
A.V.M. Enterprises, Inc.
BIOgroupUSA (BioBag)
Chemical-free cleaner kills 99.9% of
harmful bacteria.
American DG Energy provides low cost,
clean energy with efficient cogeneration
and cooling systems.
distributes hospitality and janitorial
supplies nationwide.
Biodegradable and certified compostable
bags and can liners. GREEN your hotel
Amber Arnseth
Barry Sanders
Marketing Manager
Ph: 866-950-4667 ext. 306
President and COO
Ph: 781-522-6000
21308 John Milless Drive, Suite 104
Rogers, MN 55374
45 First Avenue
Waltham, MA 02451
P.O. Box 22283
8923 Transport Lane, 37363
Chattanooga, TN 37422
P.O. Box 369
Palm Harbor, FL 34682
Blueair Air Purifiers
Clif Family Winery & Farm
Coast To Coast Leather & Vinyl
Tony Ritter
High-quality wines that sustain the natural
resources of the local community.
Call for samples. 100% ECO Earth Leather.
Unbelieveable softness and high quality.
Visit us and discover quality organic
mattresses and bedding. Commercial
inquiries call Rex 800-229-7571.
Executive Director
of Professional Sales
Biji Abraham
Sales & Marketing
Ph: 423-847-4700
Jennifer Wagner
Marketing Manager
Ph: 727-789-1646
Linzi Gay
Vicki Reed
General Manager
Ph: 707-968-0625
Ph: 888-409-4433
1312 Vidovich Avenue
St. Helena, CA 94574
543 Townsend Avenue
High Point, NC 27263
Crypton Fabric
Ecofiber Textile Corp.
Eel River Brewing Company
Energex Inc.
Dana Winshall
Lead manufacturer and supplier of
organic bamboo apparel, fabric/textiles,
beddings, yarn and flooring.
America’s first certified organic brewery –
brewing great beer sustainably.
Occupancy Sensor – Save 25-45% on the
heating and cooling of empty spaces.
Ph: 1-800-BLUEAIR
17 N. State Street, Suite 1830
Chicago, IL 60602
Marketing Coordinator
Rex Mitchell
Director of Communications
Ph: 757-480-8500 x203
201 W. Ocean View Ave
Norfolk, VA 23503
Rachael Weseloh
Rami Belson
Marketing Assistant
Ph: 707-764-1772
Ph: 604-616-2618
1777 Alamar Way
Fortuna, CA 95540
105-6091 Dyke Road
Richmond, BC V7E 3R3 Canada
Environmental Specialty Products
Excellent Packaging & Supply
Green Business Insurance, Inc.
IDC Construction, LLC
Manufactures outdoor leisure furniture
made from recycled HDPE plastics –
35-year warranty.
National distributor of bio-based and
compostable food serviceware – cups,
cutlery, plates, napkins.
Insurance for green businesses.
A Hospitality Company in the
Construction Business.
Ph: 1-800-CRYPTON
6745 Daly Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Jim Chew
Ph: 951-371-5792
1044 McCall Drive
Corona, CA 92881
Cindy Leong
Sales/Marketing Manager
Ph: 604-779-1007
16777 83rd Ave
Surrey, BC V4N5T3 Canada
Allen King
Ph: (510) 501-3307
3220 Blume Dr., Ste. 111
Richmond, CA 94806-1903
Pat Thompson, CPCU
Ph: 614-562-5881
P.O. Box 546
Dublin, OH 43017
Charlie Crabbe
IT/Marketing Coordinator
Ph: 678-213-1110 x213
1000 Churchill Court
Woodstock, GA 30188
Impact Enterprises, Inc.
Kirei USA
Krull & Company
Maytag Commercial Laundry
(c/o Miller Brooks, Inc.)
Manufacturers of Eco-friendly custom
binders, menu covers, table-top
accessories, and more.
Kirei Eco-Friendly Design Materials:
Kirei Board, Kirei Bamboo, Kirei
Wheatboard & Kirei Coco Tiles
Krull & Co. is the East Coast’s leading
socially and environmentally responsible
investment firm.
On Premise Laundry Audience.
Ralph Salisbury
Teresa Cooney
Peter Krull
Sr. Vice President
Ph: 845-988-1900
Marketing Coordinator
Ph: 619-236-9924
Ph: 912-437-2900
11 Horse Hill
Warwick, NY 10990
412 N. Cedros Ave
Solana Beach, CA 92075
P.O. Box 1377
Darien, GA 31305
Lisa Miller
Interactive Media Planner
Ph: 317-873-8300 x204
11701 N. Michigan Rd.
Zionsville, IN 46077
Natura World
Renaissance Lighting
Natural, green and organic bedding,
pillows and mattress specialists
since 1994. Sleep Well for Life.
Pella’s aluminum-clad wood, fiberglass,
and vinyl windows and doors are a great
fit for hotel projects.
ProTeam, designs, manufactures and markets a full
line of high-end commercial vacuum cleaners. Since
1987, ProTeam has been recognized as a leader in efficient vacuum cleaner filtration, cleaning effectiveness,
quality, durability and advanced features.
Renaissance Lighting designs and
manufactures energy efficient LED-based
recessed downlights.
Cristina Rodrigues
Julia Rosien
Mike McDaniel
Communications Director
Ph: 519-651-2006
VP - Director of Media Services
Ph: 515-247-2663
Marketing Manager
Ph: 866-888-2168
One Natura Way
Cambridge, Ontario N3C 0A4
2633 Fleur Drive
Des Moines, IA 50321
P.O. Box 7385
Boise, ID 83707
Savvy Rest Organic Mattresses
United Feather & Down
Verus Carbon Neutral
Supremely comfortable, durable, customizable, certified organic. 20-year warranty.
United Feather & Down is a premier
purveyor of quality down and
manufacturer of eco-friendly, hospitallity
quality bedding
Verus can help hotels to become certified
carbon neutral.
WATG is a design firm that creates
environmentally sensitive hotels and
Laura Wallace
Marketing Director
Ph: 866-856-4044
4144 Ivy Commons
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Jacalyn High
Director of Marketing
Ph: 703-707-6070
480 Springpark Place, Suite 900
Herndon, VA 20170
Andrew Keenan
Tracy Miller
Director of Marketing
Ph: 847-296-6500
414 E. Golf Rd.
Des Plaines, IL 60016
Chief Marketing Officer
Ph: 800-275-1847
1112 St. Louis Place
Atlanta, GA 30306
Howard Wolff
Ph: 808-540-4645
700 Bishop St., Suite 1800
Honolulu, HI 96813
IMPACT is online!
Sign up for a free subscription to the “Green” Hotel Association®’s IMPACT magazine.
The online edition offers informative, industry-specific articles and helpful greening tips.
Visit and subscribe today!
“Green” Hotels Association
3$571(5 Hotels committed to conserving water and energy and reducing solid waste. $1 per guestroom + $150 per year.
Includes your logo or photo with web listing. Add $25/year for mailing addresses outside the US.
$//< Vendors offering approved environmental products and services. Sales under $1 million - $350/year, Sales over $1 million $450/year, Sales over $5 million - $550/year. Includes your logo or photo with web listing. Add $25/year for mailing addresses
outside the US. Extra logos, categories or links provided @ $50/year each.
('8&$725: Faculty and public employees interested in "green" programs in the hospitality industry. Faculty and Public
Employees - $200/year. Includes your logo or photo with web listing. Add $25/year for mailing addresses outside the US.
(19,5210(17$/,67 Organizations and associations interested in Earth-saving ideas and wishing to support "Green" Hotels
Association® members. Organizations/Associations: Up to 50 employees - $300/year; 51+ employees - $400/year. Includes your
logo or photo with web listing. Add $25/year for mailing addresses outside the US.
75$9(/(5 Individuals, tourists, business travelers, those interested in supporting “green” hotels and travel; $50/year.
"Green" Hotels Association® Membership Application
No. Floors:
No. Rooms:
City, State, Zipcode:
Reservations No.:
Phone No.:
Fax No.:
Internet Address:
e-mail Address:
Member Level:
Or, if you prefer, use a credit card:
Credit Card No.:
Exp. Date:
Name on Card:
Billing Address of Card:
&$1$',$13$<0(17127(We accept checks drawn on Canadian banks, but the check PXVWVSHFLI\86IXQGV.
,17(51$7,21$/3$<0(17127(Please make payment by check drawn on a US bank, Visa, MasterCard or American
Express credit card. (Our bank charges us $30 to process checks drawn on banks outside the US.)
- Nov09
Imagine a cleaner without a
chemical-related health warning label.
We did.
The new ionator EXP™ converts tap water into ionized
water — an effective dirt-removing cleaning agent — so
you can now clean your hotels without general-purpose
cleaning chemicals.
With just a faucet and the ionator EXP, your lodging facility
will now have a virtually endless supply of cleaner without
the ongoing hassles and expenses of cleaning chemicals.
When used as directed, the ionator EXP also kills more than
99.9% of harmful germs.
The ionator EXP is ideal
for cleaning:
• Guestrooms
• Dining Areas
• Restrooms
• Common Areas
• Bars
• Exercise Rooms
• Pool Areas
• Meeting Rooms
Just charge it, fill it and your staff is ready to clean.
© 2010 Activeion Cleaning Solutions, LLC. Patents pending, Activeion Cleaning Solutions, LLC, and Tennant Company.
866.950.4667 |