Registration - Cheer Evolution


Registration - Cheer Evolution
Please recycle this form
after reading. Do not attach
to the registration package.
Tips and Tricks
The registration process can sometimes be hard to figure outbut with these tips and tricks it should be as simple as 1, 2, 3… 4, 5, 6, 7, 8!
Complete your Registration Package:
 One “Registration Form” per program.
For schools and programs with multiple teams, simply tick off all of
the divisions being entered.
 One “Team Roster” per team.
Please be sure to fill out the division section on each Team
Roster- especially if you are a large program!
 One “Coaches’ Code” per program.
Typically we use the following short
codes when notating various divisions.
Feel free to use the same codes when
filling out Division sections in your
Divisions Short Code Examples:
Large Senior 4
Tiny 1 Non Compete
Int’l Open Coed 5
 One “Athlete Waiver” per athlete.
Senior Coed 4.2
Please notify your athletes that it is very important to fill out the
Division section on the waiver. Our waivers have been designed
to cover the athlete for the entire 2013-2014 season so you only
need to turn in one waiver per athlete per season.
Primary Novice
P Nov
Junior Intermediate
J Int
Small Senior Advanced
SS Adv
 One Form of Payment per program/school.
Collegiate Coed 6
CC 6
Our Coaches’ Code has been designed to cover the athlete for the
entire 2013-2014 season so you only need to turn in one code per
program per season.
Payment Methods are outlined on the “Registration Form”
Other Important Information
Home Athletes vs Crossover Athletes
If an athlete competes on two teams within the SAME school or program, this means they are a crossover
athlete. This athlete will be counted as a Home Athlete on the youngest, lowest level team that they compete
on. For any teams after that they will be counted as a crossover athlete. Please note that crossover athletes
sometimes have an alternative rate, as noted on the “Registration Form.”
1-Run vs 2-Run Athletes
Some Canadian Cheer events are two run events. This means that most teams will compete twice throughout
the event. At 2-Run events, there are some divisions that only compete once. These divisions are: Tiny 1, Mini
1, All Star Prep and Non Compete divisions. At 2-Run events, teams competing in these divisions are known as
1-Run teams. Please note that 1-Run athletes have an alternative rate, as noted on the “Registration Form.”
Special Needs Division
Canadian Cheer events offer a Special Needs division. Please note that Special Needs teams are not required
to pay registration fees. However, registration forms, team rosters, and athlete waivers are still needed. Please
note that any “helpers” or “spotters” that are compete with the team on the performance floor MUST fill out an
athlete waiver before competing.
Filling out the Payment Section on the Registration Form
Please note that where applicable specialty totals and dance totals are to be added to the total registration
payment. Please remember to include HST in these payments!
Cheer Registration
Office Use Only Reg. Received: ___________________________________ Payment Received: _______________________________ Payment Method: ________________________________ Coaches Code:  Waivers:  ___________ Confirmation: ____________________________________ Big East Blast 2014
K-Rock Centre, Kingston
February 1, 2014
School/Program Name: __________________________________________ Program Mascot:_____________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person: _________________________ Email (req’d): ______________________________________________
Phone #: _________________________________________ Cell #: _________________________________________
Home Town (For announcement): __________________________________ Twitter Handle: ______________________
All Star Divisions
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4.2
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Small Youth
Small Senior
Int’l Open
Small Youth
Large Youth
Small Youth
Large Youth
Small Junior
Large Youth
Small Junior
Large Junior
Large Senior
Senior Coed
Int’l Open*
Small Junior
Large Junior
Junior Coed
Small Junior
Large Junior
Junior Coed
Int’l Open Coed
Open Coed*
Small Junior
Large Junior
Junior Coed
Int’l Open Coed* Small Senior
Senior Res.
Large Junior
Small Senior
Small Senior
Large Senior
Small Senior
Small Senior
Large Senior
Large Senior
Large Senior
Senior Coed
Open Coed*
Senior Coed
Int’l Open*
Large Senior
Senior Coed
Int’l Open Coed* Int’l Open
Int’l Open Coed
*Non USASF Divisions
School Divisions
All Star Prep
Level 4
Level 6
Small Senior
Small Senior
Small Senior
Large Senior
Large Senior
Large Senior
Senior Coed
Senior Coed
Non Compete
Level 1
Home Athlete
$40 + HST
$40 + HST
Dec 7 – Jan 3
$50 + HST
$50 + HST
$60 + HST
$60 + HST
Home Athletes
$_____ x _______# participants = $____________
Crossover Athletes
$_____ x _______# participants = $____________
Special Needs Athletes
$__0 _ x _______# participants = $____ 0.00____
Extra Coaches (First 2 free) $15.00 x _______# coaches
= $____________
= $____________
HST @ 13%
= $____________
Cheer Registration Payment = $____________
If applicable: Specialty Total
= $____________
If applicable: Dance Total
= $____________
Total Registration Payment
= $____________
Mini (Level 1)
Jan 4 – Jan 17
Please note: registrations will not be accepted after Jan 24
Tiny (Level 1)
Special Needs
Registration Fees (prices are per athlete)
Early Bird
On/Before Dec 6
Level 2
Last Minute
Jan 18 – Jan 24
$70 + HST
$70 + HST
Payment Methods
Cheques are payable to
Canadian Cheer Evolution
466 Speers Rd, Suite 303
Oakville, ON L6K 3W9
School/ Business Cheques accepted until 2 weeks prior to
the event.
Personal Cheques accepted until 3 weeks prior to the event.
To pay by credit, please fill out a Credit Card Authorization
Form. Charges over $1,500 will incur a 3% fee.
Email money transfers can be forwarded to
with the answer to the security question attached
in a separate email.
Office Use Only Date Received: Notes: Big East Blast 2014
Cheer Roster
Division: _______________________________________
Team Name/Mascot: ________________________________
Coaches 1) _____________________________________
2) _______________________________________________
Additional Coaches: __________________________________________________________________________________
Please use 1 page per team. Please list any additional team members on the back of this form.
Participant Name
Date of Birth
Male Crossover
Home Athlete or
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________
6. _____________________________
7. _____________________________
8. _____________________________
9. _____________________________
10. ____________________________
11. ____________________________
12. ____________________________
13. ____________________________
14. ____________________________
15. ____________________________
16. ____________________________
17. ____________________________
18. ____________________________
19. ____________________________
20. ____________________________
21. ____________________________
22. ____________________________
23. ____________________________
24. ____________________________
25. ____________________________
26. ____________________________
27. ____________________________
28. ____________________________
29. ____________________________
30. ____________________________
31. ____________________________
32. ____________________________
33. ____________________________
34. ____________________________
35. ____________________________
36. ____________________________
*Athletes must be of the correct age as of Aug 31, 2013.
Exception: Athletes competing in Int’l Open 5 and 6 divisions must be of the correct age category as of Dec 31, 2014.
*Please note that each individual athlete must submit a completed waiver. Only one waiver form must be signed per athlete, per season
Guardian Name:
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:
Cell Phone:
Program (School/Gym) :
It is a condition of competing in any of the 2013/2014 Cheer Evolution Events that this form is fully completed, signed and submitted.
It is a condition of competing in any of the 2013/2014 Cheer for the Cure Events that this form is fully completed, signed and submitted.
The Parent/Legal Guardian named above certifies that he or she has full authority with respect to the care, control and custody of the Participant
and understands that the Releasees are relying on this certification. The Participant and/or the Parent/Legal Guardian gives permission for and
consents to the Participant competing in the Event(s). In consideration of allowing the Participant to compete in the Event(s), the Parent/Legal
Guardian named above hereby releases 7666705 Canada Inc. (Cheer Evolution) and/or 6763201 Canada Inc. (Cheer for the Cure) as the hosting
bodies and host venue(s) (school, university, arena, hotel, convention centre, etc.), any and all sponsors of the Event(s), all vendors at the
Event(s) (collectively the "Releasees") and all of the directors, officers, employees, sub-contractors, agents or representatives of each of the
Releasees from any and all liability whatsoever from any claim, demand, action or cause of action of any kind arising from any illness, injury of
any kind or death of the Participant as a result of or caused directly or indirectly by the Participant attending or competing in the Event(s).
The Participant and/or the Parent/Legal Guardian further agrees to indemnify and save harmless all persons covered by this Release and their
successors, assigns or personal representatives from any claims, demands, actions or causes of action brought against them by the Participant or
any other person in any way related to the Participant attending or competing in the Event(s). This indemnity extends to and includes all costs,
legal or otherwise, incurred in defending any such claim, demand, action or cause of action. The Parent/Legal Guardian further acknowledges
that it is his or her sole responsibility to ensure the Participant is properly supervised and chaperoned at all times during the Event(s) as part of the
program with which they are competing. The Releasees have no obligation in this regard.
The Participant and/or the Parent/Legal Guardian hereby certifies that the Participant does not suffer from any physical disability or medical
condition which would pose a risk to the Participant while attending or competing in any Cheer Evolution Event(s) in the 2013/2014 season and
understands that Cheer Evolution and/or Cheer for the Cure is/are relying on this certification.
The Parent/Legal Guardian acknowledges that there is a risk to the Participant of sustaining an injury (minor, serious, catastrophic or fatal) by
reason of attending or competing in the Event(s). The Parent/Legal Guardian, on his or her own behalf and on behalf of the Participant, hereby
assume all responsibility for any such risk and releases Cheer Evolution and/or Cheer for the Cure as the hosting bodies, the host venue and any
sponsors of the Event(s), from any claim, demand, action or cause of action of any kind with respect to such injury.
Notwithstanding that Cheer Evolution and/or Cheer for the Cure, has no obligation to do so; the Parent/Legal Guardian authorizes Cheer
Evolution and/or Cheer for the Cure to provide treatment for the Participant in the event of an injury. If no medical treatment is provided, or if
the provided treatment is ineffective, Cheer Evolution and/or Cheer for the Cure will not be liable in any way. The Parent/Legal Guardian shall
be responsible for all costs of any such treatment and indemnifies and holds harmless, Cheer Evolution and/or Cheer for the Cure or its agents in
this regard.
The Participant and/or the Parent/Legal Guardian acknowledge that Cheer Evolution and/or Cheer for the Cure and its affiliates or contracting
companies, from time to time produces photographs, videotapes, DVD's, podcasts and video casts recording activities at the Event(s) to be used
for promotional or other commercial purposes. The Parent/Legal Guardian, on his or her own behalf and on behalf of the Participant,
acknowledge that the Participant may be included in such recordings as a participant or spectator at the Event(s) and consents to same. The
Participant and/or the Parent/Legal Guardian hereby transfers and assigns to Cheer Evolution and/or Cheer for the Cure and its successors, the
exclusive right to make such recordings and utilize the Participant's image and/or voice for the purposes of Cheer Evolution for the Event(s), for
any future Event(s), for advertising and promotion in general or for any other commercial purpose. The Participant and/or the Parent/Legal
Guardian waives any right to monitor, inspect or approve any such recordings or the use of any such recordings.
The Participant and/or the Parent/Legal Guardian confirms that he or she has read this document in its entirety and fully understands the contents
and is signing it voluntarily in order that it can be relied upon by the Releasees. Nothing in this document guarantees the Event(s) will take place.
I have read, understand and agree to abide by all terms and conditions outlined on this form.
Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian
Signature of Participant
*Veuillez noter que chaque athlete doit soumettre un formulaire de renonciation dûment rempli. Un seul formulaire de renonciation doit
être signé par athlète, par saison.
Nom Parent/
Tuteur légal:
Numéro de téléphone (Journée):
Numéro de téléphone (Soiré):
Téléphone cellulaire:
Programme (École/Gymnase) :
Afin de participer á la/aux compétition(s) de Cheer Evolution 2013/2014, ce formulare doit être rempli complement, signé et soumis. Afin de
participer á la/aux compétition(s) de Cheer for the Cure 2013/2014, ce formulare doit être rempli complement, signé et soumis. Le parent/tuteur
légal nommé plus haut certifie qu'il ou elle a toute autorité en ce qui concerne les soins, let contrôle et la garde du/de la participant(e) et reconnaît
que les renonciataires se fondent sur cette attestation. Le/la participant(e) ou le parent/tuteur légal autorise le/la participant(e) à prendre part à
la/aux compétition(s) et consent à ce qu'il/elle y participe. En contrepartie de l'autorisation du/de la participant(e) à prendre part à la/aux
compétition(s), le parent/tuteur légal nommé plus haut dégage par la présente 7666705 Canada Inc. (Cheer Evolution) et/out 6764301 Canada
Inc. (Cheer for the Cure), les organismes hôte et le(s) site(s) hôte(s) (école, université, stade, hôtel, centre de congrès, etc.), chacun et tous les
patronages, les commanditaires de la/des compétition(s), tous les fournisseurs de la/des compétition(s) (collectivement les <renonciataires>) et
tous les directeurs, les membres de la direction, les employés, les sous-traitants, les mandataires ou les représentants de chacun des renonciataires
de toute responsabilité quant à toute blessure ou décès du/de la participant(e) découlant de ou causé directement ou indirectement par la
participation ou la présence du/de participant(e) à la/aux compétition(s). Le/la participant(e) ou le parent/tuteur légal accepte également
d'exonérer de toute responsabilité toutes le personnes couvertes par le présent dégagement et leurs successeurs, ayants droit ou représentants
personnels de toute réclamation, demande, action ou cause d'action déposée contre eux par de/la participant(e) ou toute autre personne liée d'une
façon ou d'une autre à la participation ou la présence du/de la participant(e) à la/aux compétition(s). Cette exonération s'applique à tous les frais,
juridiques ou autres, engagés pour la défense d'une telle réclamation, demand, action ou cause d'action. Le parent/tuteur légal reconnaît
également qu'il relève de sa seul responsabilité de s'assurer que le/la participant(e) est correctment supervisé(e) à tout moment pendant la/les
compétition(s) dans le cadre du programme auquel il ou elle participe. Les renonciataires n'ont aucune obligation à cet égarde
Le/la participant(e) ou le parent/tuteur légal certifie par la présente que le/la participant(e) ne souffre d'aucune incapacité physique ou d'aucun
problème de santé qui induirait un risque pour le/la participant(e) lors de sa présence ou de sa participation à la/aux compétition(s) de Cheer
Evolution et/ou Cheer for the Cure pendant la saison 2013/2014 et reconnaît que Cheer Evolution et/ou Cheer for the Cure se fonde sur cette
déclaration. Le parent/tuteur légal reconnaît qu'ill exist un risque que le/la participant(e) puisse subir une blessure (légère, grave, catastrophique
ou fatale) lors de sa présence ou de sa participation à la/aux compétition(s). Le parent/tuteur légal, en son nom propre et au nom du/de la
participant(e), assume par la présente toutes les reponsabilités liées à ce risque et tient indemnes Cheer Evolution et/ou Cheer for the Cure,
l'organisme hôte, le site hôte et tout commanditaire de la/des compétition(s) de toute réclamation, demande, action ou cause d'action quelle qu'elle
soit concernant une telle blessure. Nonobstant le fait que Cheer Evolution et/ou Cheer for the Cure n'a aucune obliation de le faire, le
parent/tuteur légal autorise Cheer Evolution et/ou Cheer for the Cure à fournir un traitement qui peut s'avérer nécessaire au/á la participant(e) en
cas de blessure. Si aucun tratement n'est fourni, ou si le traitement fourni n'est pas efficace, Cheer Evolution et/ou Cheer for the Cure ne sera en
aucun cas tenu responsable. Le parent/tuteur légal est responsable de tous les frais liés à un tel traitement et exonère de toute responsabilité Cheer
Evolution, Cheer for the Cure, ou ses mandataires à cet égard.
Le/la participant(e) ou le parent/tuteur légal reconnaît que Cheer Evolution et/ou Cheer for the Cure et ses compagnies affiliées ou contractantes,
produisent de temps à autre des photographies, des enregistrements vidéo, des DVD, des balados audio et vidéo des activités de la/des
compétition(s) à des fins d'utilisation promotionnelle ou à d'autres fins commerciales. Le parent/tuteur légal, reconnaît en son nom propre et au
nom du/de la participant(e) que le/la participant(e) peut apparaître sur de tels enregistrements en tant que participant(e) ou spectateur/spectatrice à
la/aux compétition(s) et y consent. Le/La participant(e) ou le parent/tuteur légal trasfère et cède à Cheer Evolution, Cheer for the Cure et à ses
successeurs le droit exclusif de réaliser de tels enregistrements et d'utiliser l'image ou la voix du/de la participant(e) pour les besoins de Cheer
Evolution et/ou Cheer for the Cure, pour toute compétition à venir, à des fins de publicité et de promotion en général ou à tout autre fin
commerciale. Le/la participant(e) ou le parent/tuteur légal renonce à ses droits de contrôler, d'examiner ou d'approuver de tels enregistrements ou
l'utilisation de tels enregistrements.
Le/la participant(e) ou le parent/tuteur légal confirme qu'ill ou elle a lu ce document dans son intégralité, a pleinement compris son contenu et le
signe volontairement de sorte que les renonciataires peuvent s'appuyer dessus. Rien dans ce document ne garantit que la/les compétition(s)
aura/auront lieu. J'ai lu, compris et accepte de me conformer à toutes les conditions indiquées dans ce formulaire.
Signature du parent/tuteur légal
Signature du/de la participant(e)
Canadian Cheer
Coaches Honour Code
This Competition is being administered by CANADIAN CHEER. The judges will make all final decisions
on the placing of each team (this includes deduction and disqualification penalties). The decision of the
judges is FINAL and is not open to discussion.
The COACH is responsible for adherence to all rules listed in the General Guidelines and Policies and
Registrations. The guidelines are set forth on the CANADIAN CHEER Website,
I further acknowledge that CANADIAN CHEER uses a levelling system for their competition divisions. I
am aware of the rules pertaining to each division, and agree to abide by them. I take full responsibility
for knowing the rules and limitations for each division.
The COACH, team, and fans of the team (i.e. Parents/Spectators) will demonstrate appropriate
sportsmanship before, during, and after the competition.
The COACH acknowledges that all participants on the team are eligible for the division entered.
Ineligible participants will result in team disqualification.
The COACH acknowledges that all participants are entered on the official roster and any changes to
this roster have been made known to CANADIAN CHEER.
The COACH of each team will assume responsibility for the safety, well-being and conduct of all their
corresponding team members.
The COACH understands the policies regarding image and crossovers as stated by the USASF/IASF
and will endeavour to the best of their ability to ensure their members follow these guidelines.
The COACH acknowledges communicating all the above information to all team members, other
coaches, parents, supporters and other involved persons.
All cheerleaders named on all rosters are currently and legitimately enrolled in the school or
organization named and will be on the day of the competition. I also verify that all athletes meet the
age and eligibility requirements for the division for which we are registering.
All-Star/Club teams must hold a current liability policy of at least $2 million, which covers all athletes
and coaches from that specific club. School teams must be covered by their school board insurance
policy for off-site participation or must hold a separate liability policy of at least $2 million specific to the
team. All cheerleaders participating with our program are representing the School or All-Star
Club and are covered by the Canadian Cheer insurance requirements noted above.
I fully agree to the responsibilities, terms and conditions listed above:
Coach Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Printed Coach Name: ______________________________________________________________
Staff Advisor Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
(School Teams Only)
Printed Staff Name: ________________________________________________________________
School/Organization: _______________________________________________________________
* Staff advisor section must be signed for all school teams including University and College teams. If the team
staff advisor is also the team coach, that person must complete both sections of the form.
Canadian Cheer
Code D’Honneur des Entraineurs
Cette compétition est administrée par CANADIAN CHEER. Les juges prendront toutes les décisions
définitives sur le classement de chaque équipe (cela comprend les sanctions de déduction de points
ou de disqualification). La décision des juges est DÉFINITIVE et ne saurait être discutée.
L'ENTRAÎNEUR est responsable du respect de toutes les règles stipulées dans les lignes
directrices, les politiques et au moment des inscriptions. Les lignes directrices sont disponibles sur
le site Web de
Je reconnais que CANADIANCHEER utilise un système de niveau pour les divisions de compétition.
Je suis au courant des règles de chaque division et j'accepte de les respecter. Je prends l'entière
responsabilité de la connaissance des règles et des restrictions pour chaque division.
L'ENTRAÎNEUR, l'équipe et ses partisans (par exemple les parents ou les spectateurs) feront
preuve d'un esprit sportif approprié avant, pendant et après la compétition.
L'ENTRAÎNEUR atteste que tous les membres de l'équipe remplissent les conditions requises
pour la division dans laquelle ils sont inscrits.
La présence de participant(e)s qui ne remplissent pas les conditions entraînera la
disqualification de l'équipe.
L'ENTRAÎNEUR atteste que tous/toutes les participant(e)s sont mentionné(e)s dans la liste des
joueurs et que CANADIANCHEER a été informé de tout changement dans la liste des joueurs.
L'ENTRAÎNEUR de chaque équipe assumera la responsabilité de la sécurité, du bien-être et du
comportement de tous les membres de son équipe.
L'ENTRAÎNEUR certifie avoir transmis toutes les informations ci-dessus à tous les membres de son
équipe, aux autres entraîneurs, aux parents, aux partisans et aux autres personnes concernées.
Tous/toutes les meneurs/meneuses de claque cité(e)s dans la liste des joueurs sont actuellement
et légitimement inscrit(e)s dans l'école ou l'organisme mentionné et le seront le jour de la
compétition. Je confirme également que tous/toutes les athlètes ont l'âge requis et remplissent les
conditions requises pour la division dans laquelle ils/elles sont inscrit(e)s
Les équipes de clubs/d'étoiles doivent être en possession d'une police d'assurance de
responsabilité civile en cours de validité d'au moins 2 millions de dollars qui couvre tous/toutes les
athlètes et les entraîneurs de ce club. Les équipes scolaires doivent être couvertes par la police
d'assurance de leur conseil scolaire pour des participations à l'extérieur ou doivent être en
possession d'une police d'assurance de responsabilité civile d'au moins 2 millions de dollars
spécifique à l'équipe. Tous/toutes les meneurs/meneuses de claque participant à notre
programme représentent le club scolaire ou d'étoiles et sont en conformité avec les exigences
en matière d'assurance de Canadian Cheer mentionnées plus haut.
J'accepte toutes les responsabilités et les conditions indiquées plus haut :
Signature de l'entraîneur : __________________________________ Date: ____________________
Nom de l'entraîneur en caractères d'imprimerie : __________________________________________
Signature du conseiller : _______________________________________ Date: ____________________
(Équipes scolaires uniquement)
Nom du conseiller en caractères d'imprimerie : ___________________________________________
École/Organisme : _________________________________________________________________
Canadian Cheer
Credit Card Authorization Form
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY School/Club Name: ________________________________________________
Event (Name & Date): ___________________________________________
Contact Name: ___________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________ Email: _________________________________
Type of Credit Card
(Please check one):
Master Card
Credit Card Number: _______________________________________________
Expiry Date: _______________ Security Number: ________________________
(Last 3 digits located on the back of the card by the signature)
Name as it appears on card: _________________________________________
I hereby authorize Canadian Cheer to process the amount indicated on
the attached registration form to the Credit Card as indicated above.
Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________________
Upcoming Competitions
Get the best price! Register before the Early Bird Deadline!
For more information visit
Join over 185 teams in the battle for the provincial title. Don’t miss the
World’s Showcase, where the top level 5 & 6 teams from around Ontario
vie for Partial Paid and At Large bids to the 2014 Cheerleading World
May 10 or 11, 2014
Powerade Centre, Mississauga
Early Bird
(On/Before Dec 13 )
(Dec 14 – Jan 10 )
(Jan 11 - Jan 24 )
Last Minute
(Jan 25 – Jan 31 )
$40 + HST
$50 + HST
$60 + HST
$70 + HST
$45 + HST
$65 + HST
$43 + HST
$63 + HST
$40 + HST
$60 + HST
$45 + HST
$35 + HST
Over 360 teams from across Canada and the U.S. vie for the National title,
don’t miss the MOST prestigious event in the nation. Offering school, allstar, demo, dance and specialty cheer divisions, this is the pinnacle of the
season. From our amazing staging to our signature awards ceremony,
every second is designed to make each and every athlete feel like all the
sacrifice and practice has been worth the effort. Join the best teams in the
nation and hit up all the touristy fun of Niagara at the 2014 Canadian
Cheer & Dance Nationals!
April 11-13, 2014
Scotiabank Centre, Niagara Falls
Early Bird
(On/Before Jan 24 )
(Jan 25 – Feb 28 )
(Mar 1 - Mar 14 )
Last Minute
(Mar 15 – Mar 21 )
$75 + HST
$85 + HST
$100 + HST
$120 + HST
$95 + HST
$110 + HST
$140 + HST
$165 + HST
$60 + HST
$70 + HST
$90 + HST
$105 + HST
$85 + HST
$120 + HST
$80 + HST
$110 + HST
$75 + HST
$100 + HST
$70 + HST
$90 + HST
$85 + HST
$70 + HST
(Prices listed are for “Full Event Package”)