SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Biography / Biography Ataturk An Intellectual Biography M Sukru Hanioglu Code : 9780691157948 Pub Price : 19.95 US$When Mustafa Kemal Atatrk became the first president of Turkey in 1923, he set about transforming his country into a secular republic where nationalism sanctified by science-and by the personality cult Atatrk created around himself--would reign supreme as the new religion. This book provides the first indepth look at the intellectual life of the Turkish 10 Explorers Who Changed The World Clive Gifford,David Cousens Code : 9780753415375 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P 10 Leaders Who Changed The World Clive Gifford,David Cousens Code : 9780753415368 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P 100 Azeem Musalman Khawateen Dr. Akhat Nawaz Khan Code : 0000000216418 Pub Price : 200 Rs 100 Great Kings Queens And Rulers Of The World John Canning Code : 9788171675227 Pub Price : 395 Indian.Rs 100 Great Lives H D Sharma Code : 9788129107367 Pub Price : 395 Indian.Rs 100 Great Lives John Canning Code : 9780001000025 Pub Price : 395 Indian.Rs 100 Great Modern Lives John Canning Code : 9780010000146 Pub Price : 395 Indian.RsThis book is intended for those people who countless people who wish to be more informed about their times. 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A unique and intimate biography, this book covers the entire scope of President George Bush's life and career, SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS 50 American Artists You Should Know Debra N. 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Thus begins the true story of John Nash, the mathematical genius who was a legend by age thirty when he A Biographical Scenario Mirza Ghalib Gulzar Code : 9788129117175 Pub Price : 395 Indian.Rs A Biography Mandela Martin Meredith Code : 9781847378835 Pub Price : 14.99 UK.P A Biography Of Abdullah Yusaf Ali A Life Forlorn K K Aziz Code : 9789693523522 Pub Price : 900 Rs A Biography Of Pakistan Federalism Unity In Diversity Mian Raza Rabbani Code : 9789693705508 Pub Price : 1000 RsA Biography of Pakistan Federalism is a witness to the historical moments of Pakistan’s constitutional history. This case book is created to illuminate the people’s right to govern themselves, and to showcase my opinions on federalism, an independents judiciary and constitutional rights. Since federalism is my passion,I am profoundly pleased that the newly ratified 18th Constitutional Amendment ensures delegation of power to their real A Biography Of The Prophet Karen Armstrong Code : 9781842126080 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.PThis book is a significant help to understanding the religious experience of Islam and of the fascinating life of Muhammad in particular, not just a sympathetic book that would dispel the misconceptions and misgiving of its western readers, but also a book that is of considerable importance to Muslim’s. A Call To Conscience The Landmark Speeches Of Dr Martin Luther King JR Clayborne Carson Code : 9780316856331 Pub Price : 16.99 UK.PDr Martin Luther King JR was one of the greatest orators of the 20the century and perhaps in all of American history. In the 1950 and 1960 his words led the civil rights movement and helped change society.Althought he is best known for helping achieve civil equality for African Americans the speeches collected here show that his true goal was even larger he hoped to achieve acceptance for A Cavalcade Of International Cricketers Brian Crowley Code : 9780283996894 Pub Price : 19.95 UK.P A Dangerous Place Daniel Patrick Code : 9780316586993 Pub Price : 12.5 US$ A Dictionary Of Biology Oxford Code : 9780195675276 Pub Price : 245 Indian.Rs A Family Affair: The Margaret And Tony Story Roger Hutchinson Code : 9780846703891 Pub Price : 8.95 US$ A Fearless Voice Ismat Chughtai Code : 9788129101532 Pub Price : 195 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. 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Stationed i the Far East, where he became fluent in Chinese language and culture, and then in Germany, at what was largely considered the agency's toughest Cold War field posting, he quicly rose from field spy to division chief and became a fixture in the A Stones,s Throw Travels From Africa In Six Decades Genesta Hamilton Code : 9780091659103 Pub Price : 14.95 UK.P A Text Book Of Fungi Bacteria And Viruses H.C Dube Code : 9788188826384 Pub Price : 175 Indian.Rs A Touch Of Greatness Encounters With The Element R M Lala Code : 9788129116956 Pub Price : 195 Indian.Rs A Warrior s Life Paulo Coelho Code : 9780007360833 Pub Price : 599 Indian.Rs A Warriors Life The Authorized Biography Paulo Coelho Code : 9780061774294 Pub Price : 15.99 US$Paulo Coelho: A Warrior's Life is the first-ever biography of the man whose books have sold an astounding 100 million copies worldwide, making him one of the best selling authors of all time. SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal A Way Of Life An Apprenticeship With Frank Lloyd Wright Lois Davidson Gottlieb Code : 9781864700961 Pub Price : 15 UK.P A Woman In Charge The Life Of Hillar Rodham Clinton Carl Bernstein Code : 9780375407666 Pub Price : 27.95 US$In his preparation for a woman in charge Bernstein reexamined everything pertinent written about and by Hillary Clinton he interviewed some two hundred of her colleagues friends and enemies and was allowed unique access to the candid record of the 1992 presidential campaign kept by Hillary’s best friend Diane Blair. 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Internationally acclaimed Iranian journalist Kasra Naji has spent years interviewing Ahmadinejad's friends, family, and colleagues to tell for the first time the true story of how he came to Al Beruni The Great Muslims Scientists Historians And Geographer Haroon Ishaque Jangda Code : 9789690018427 Pub Price : 95 Rs Al Budur Al Bazighah Shah Waliyullah Code : 9789698016074 Pub Price : 150 Rs Al Ma Mun Michael Cooperson Code : 9781851683864 Pub Price : 595 Indian.RsThis accessible new biography offers an insight into the life and times of al-Ma’mun, treating him as the product of an age that has come to be seen as a formative period in the development of Islamic law and theology. Drawing on both contemporary and wellestablished sources, it officers a comprehensive portrait of one of the most fascinating figures in Islamic history, and will appeal to readers of all backgrounds. Al Rasool Al Nabi Umi Muhammad Maqsood Hasan Muhammadi Qadri Code : 0000000436458 Pub Price : 200 Rs Al Rasool PBUH R.V.C Badaly Code : 0000000346313 Pub Price : 250 Rs Al-Farooq The Life Of Omar The Great Second Caiph Of Islam Prof. Shibli Numani Code : 9788171012015 Pub Price : 260 Indian.Rs Albert Einstein A Short Biography R K Murthi Code : 9788129107114 Pub Price : 195 Indian.RsAlbert Einstein was unquestionably one of the greatest scientists of all time. He discovered the theory of Relativity that led to explosive developments in diverse fields of knowledge. He did not demolish Newton’s laws as some people think but fine tuned them and thus expanded man’s understanding of the Universe. In the process he stepped on the immense energy that every object holds and presented it in the form of the Albert Einsten A Glimpse Of His Life Philosophy And Science Ajoy Ghatak Code : 9788130917467 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs Alexander Destiny And Myth Claude Mosse Code : 9780748617654 Pub Price : 28.99 UK.PPK ! Ýü•7f [Content_Types].xml ¢ ( Alexander Invincible King Of Macedonia Peter G Tsouras Code : 9788182744264 Pub Price : 495 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Alexander The Conqueror Professor Eugene Code : 9780306812934 Pub Price : 35 US$Alexander the conqueror follows his triumphs through the near east and central Asia to the Indus valley.It exploers Alexander’s family the personalities of his generals and the cultures if the land he conquered.Author Laura Foreman probes the complex character of Alexander as student friend lover military genius and emperor and investigates the many unsolved mysteries surrounding his life who did Alexander turn to in passion and for comfort was Alexander The Great Philip Freeman Code : 9781416592815 Pub Price : 17 US$ Alexander The Great Paul Cartledge Code : 9781585675654 Pub Price : 28.95 US$ Alexander The Great Philip Freeman Code : 9781620907108 Pub Price : 19.99 US$ Alexander The Great And His Empire A Short Introduction Pierre Briant Code : 9780691154459 Pub Price : 19.95 US$ Alexander The Great Killer Of Men David J Lonsdale Code : 9780786714292 Pub Price : 25 US$Vital reading for those interested in the history of warfare, Alexander the Great Killer of Men reflects the latest understanding of Alexander’s fighting techniques. It describes a moment in time when the Macedonian army was the most important institution on earth and its young, terrifying Alexander The Great Leadership Lessons From The Man Created An Empire Lance Kurke Code : 9788184950434 Pub Price : 275 Indian.Rs Alexander The Great Lessons From History,s Undefeated General Bill Yenne Code : 9780230619159 Pub Price : 15.99 UK.P Alexander The Great Who Conquered The World By The Age Of 32 Angel Rumano Code : 9789654941754 Pub Price : 21.95 US$ Alexender The Great The Conqueror Giampaolo Casati Code : 9781592233496 Pub Price : 14.95 US$Since his death, Alexender the Great has been wrapped in a halo of myth and raomance, and over the centuries his story has lost none of its fascination. His short life was packed with astonishing, memorable events and one truly extraordinary undertaking the conquest of the world and his personality, apparently so radiant and glorious, was in reality both complex and tormented. Alexender’s life seems as much myth and legend as actual history, but aimed All In The Education Of General David Petraeus Paula Broadwell And Vernon Loeb Code : 9780143122999 Pub Price : 17 US$ All Rap Muhammad ALi The First Heavyweight Champion Of Rap George Lois Code : 9783822851562 Pub Price : 14.95 UK.P Allama Iqbal / Biography Allama Iqbal And The Authority To Interpret Shariah In A Modern Islamic State Dr. Muhamad Yousuf Code : 9789694321967 Pub Price : 55 Rs Allan Dnald The Autobiography Allan Donald Code : 9780002188999 Pub Price : 6.99 UK.P SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Quaid-e-Azam / Biography Ambassador Of Hindu Muslim Unity Jinnah Early Politics Ian Bryant Wells Code : 9788178241449 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs Ambedkar Gail Omvedt Code : 9780143065906 Pub Price : 250 Indian.Rs Biography / Biography American Dynasty Aristoracy, Fortune, And The Politics Of Deceit In The House Of Bush Kevin Phillips Code : 9780143034315 Pub Price : 15 US$ American Soldier General Tommy Franks Code : 9780060731588 Pub Price : 27.95 US$The commander in chief of the United States central Command from july 2000 through july 2003, General Tommy Franks made history by leading American and Coaliltion forces to victory in Afghanistan and Iraq-the decisive battles that launched the war on terroism. In this riveting memori, General Franks retraces his journey from a small-town boyhood in Oklahoma and Midlan, Texas, through a lifetime of military serive-including his heroic tour Amir Khusraw The Poet Of Sultans And Sufis Makers Of The Muslim World Sunil Sharma Code : 9781851683628 Pub Price : 595 Indian.RsThis book presents Amir Khusraw in the context of the society in which he lived, and explores his enduring relevance to contemporary South Asian language and culture. Accessible yet authoritative, it features a glossary, chronology and guide to further reading and will prove an indispensable resource for readers of al backgrounds. Amrita Sher Gil A Life Yashodhara Dalmia Code : 9780670058730 Pub Price : 695 Indian.RsAmrita sher gil’s life was as filled with passion and colour as her canvasses beautiful and brilliant she lived life on her own terms scandalizing the staid society of her times with her love affairs and unconventional ways. An American Saga Juan Tripped And His Pan Am Empire Robert Daley Code : 9780394502236 Pub Price : 13.25 US$ An Appetite For Wonder The Making Of A Scientist Richard Dawkins Code : 9780062225795 Pub Price : 27.99 US$ An Autobiography Agatha Christie.. Code : 9780007293384 Pub Price : 150 Indian.Rs An Autobiography Jawaharlal Nehru Jawaharlal Nehru Code : 9780143031048 Pub Price : 499 Indian.Rs An Autobiography On Balance Leila Seth Code : 9780143101390 Pub Price : 525 Indian.RsThe first woman Chief Justice of a High Court in India, the first woman Judge of the Delhi High Court, the first woman to top the Bar examinations in London: Leila Seth has led a full life. In this autobiography, Leila talks about its joyous as well as its difficult moments. Figuring prominently are her early years of homelessness and struggle, her straying into law while in England with her husband Premo, and An Autobiography Or The Story Of My Experiments With Truth M K Gandhi Code : 9780143330097 Pub Price : 150 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal An Enduring Love : My Life With The Shah Farah Pahlavi Code : 9781401352097 Pub Price : 24.95 US$HER STORY LIKE A FAIRY TALE. AT the age of twenty-one, Farah Diba married the shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi. In a matter of days, her quiet life was turned upside down: her coronation as the empress of Iran was covered in the world’s press, and overnight she became an international celebrity. A loving marriage, the raising of four children, and a devotion to social and cultural causes marked her early years as queen, An Enduring Love My Life With The Shah Farah Pahlavi Code : 9781401359614 Pub Price : 14.95 US$ An Uncivil Servant The Sucess Story Of A Bureaucrat Turned Businessman Ravi Mohan Sethi Code : 9788129110046 Pub Price : 595 Indian.Rs An Unfinshed Life John F.Kennedy 1917 to 1963 Robert Dallek Code : 9780316172387 Pub Price : 30 US$ Hazrat Muhammad S A W / Biography And Muhammad Is His Messenger The Veneration Of The Prophet In Islamic Piety Annemarie Schimmel Code : 9789693514100 Pub Price : 900 Rs And Then One Day A Memoir Naseeruddin Shah Code : 9780670087648 Pub Price : 699 Indian.Rs Ar Raheeq Al-Makhtum The Sealed Nectar Biography Of The Noble Prophet Safi-Ur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri Code : 0000000238090 Pub Price : 1095 Rs Arafat The Biography Tony Walker Code : 9781852279240 Pub Price : 25 UK.PIt is over thirty years since yasser Arafat swept onto the world stage as leader of the Palestine liberation organization a machine gun in one hand and an olive branch in the other in that time he has become many things to many people to ordinary Israelis a terrorist godfather whose desire for the complete annihilation of their state is only thinly veiled to previous us administrations a noble peace prize winner and the only Palestinian to do Biography / Biography Architect Of Global Jihad The Life Of Al Qaida Strategist Abu Muab Al Suri Brynjar Lia Code : 9781850658566 Pub Price : 895 Indian.RsIn Architect of Global Jihad, Brynjar Lia translates two key chapters from al-Suri’s Global Islamic Resistance Call and exposes his methods for jihad violence and bukiding successful, autonomous cells for individualized terrorism. Al-Suri’s words have inspired many of today’s militants making Lias detailed portrait required reading for students and specialists of contemporary forms of Arjan Singh : Marshal Of The Indian Air Force Roopinder Singh Code : 9788171679386 Pub Price : 95 Indian.Rs In April 2002 one of the legend of the Indian air force was honored with the first five star rank of Marshal of the Indian Air force. No one has deserved the honor more than the famous flyer Arjan Singh. When air chief marshal Arjan Singh stored up to the dais to receive the Marshals baton from the president of Indian it was the crowing glory of a brilliant career. From facing the Japanese during world war ll Allama Iqbal / Biography Armghan E Iqbal Prof Raheem Bakhsh Code : 0000000505697 Pub Price : 150 Rs As I See It Lk Advani Blog Posts Code : 9788129118769 Pub Price : 250 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Biography / Biography Ashoka The Great Wytze Keuning Code : 9788129117328 Pub Price : 995 Indian.Rs Assassination: 20 Assassinations That Changed The World Lee Davis Code : 9780792458548 Pub Price : 24.95 US$ Ataturk Andrew Mango Code : 9780719565922 Pub Price : 14.99 UK.P Ataturk Lessons In Leadership From The Greatest General Of The Ottoman Empire Austin Bay Code : 9780230107113 Pub Price : 13.99 UK.P Ataturk The Rebirth Of A Nation Patrick Kinross Code : 9781842125991 Pub Price : 16.99 UK.PATATURK THE REBIRTH OF A NATION Attar The Persian Mystic Margaret Smith Code : 9788130711928 Pub Price : 450 Indian.Rs BY. PATRICK KINROSS UK.P 14.99 SP.RS 990 With the collapse of the Ottoman empire after the First Autobiography Bertrand Russell Code : 9780415473736 Pub Price : 850 Indian.Rs Autobiography Of A General Shahid Hamid Code : 9789690010070 Pub Price : 280 Rs Autobiography Roller Coaster My Early Years Rao Rashid Code : 9789698455200 Pub Price : 300 Rs Ayesha (RA) Muslim Heroes Series Naima Sohaib Code : 0000000303927 Pub Price : 50 Rs Babur Nama Journal Of Epmeror Babur A S Beveridge Code : 9780144001491 Pub Price : 450 Indian.Rs Babur Nama Memoirs Of Babur Annette S Beveridge Code : 9789693512939 Pub Price : 1200 Rs Babur Nama Memoirs Of Babur Annette Susannah Beveridge Code : 9788175363144 Pub Price : 350 Indian.Rs Babur-Nama: Memoirs Of Babur Zahiru,d-Din Muhammad Babur Padshah Ghazi Code : 9788186142363 Pub Price : 225 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Bacha Khan Congress And Nationalist Politics In NWFP Juma Khan Sufi Code : 9789694024974 Pub Price : 795 Rs Badar Azhan Dr P.J Abdual Kalam Code : 0000000172509 Pub Price : 100 Rs Basic Biotechnology Colin Ratlege And Bjorn Kristiansen Code : 9780521729475 Pub Price : 495 Indian.Rs Bay Taigh Sapahi Lieutenant Colonel Retired Abdul Qadir Code : 0000000422635 Pub Price : 300 Rs Because He Is Meghna Gulzar Code : 0000000358040 Pub Price : 995 Indian.Rs Before Becoming A Legend Prof Zahida Ijaz Code : 0000000356336 Pub Price : 300 Rs Before Memory Fades Emergence Of Pakistan As A Nuclear Power Mian Abdul Waheed Code : 9789699739453 Pub Price : 780 RsThis book would be particularly beneficial for students of foreign affairs, especially about building relationships between countries. Mian Abdul Waheed had made numerous contributions to Pakistan, including his work as ambassador to Germany, where he was pivotal in convincing the German government to sell a steel mill to Pakistan. Telling that only a few people Begum Akhtar Loves Own Voice S Kalidas Code : 9788174365958 Pub Price : 495 Indian.RsAktharib ai Faizabadi or begum akthar as she was later called was a much loved classical diva of 20 century India. The Berkeley David Berman Code : 9780415923873 Pub Price : 6 US$ Bertrand Russell Autobiography Bertrand Russell Code : 9780415189859 Pub Price : 16.99 UK.P Beshir Agha Chief Eunuch Of Ottoman Jane Hathaway Code : 9781851683901 Pub Price : 595 Indian.Rs Beyond Band Of Brothers The War Memoirs Of Major Dick Winters Major Dick Winters And Colonel Cole C Kingseed Code : 9780425213759 Pub Price : 15 US$ Beyond The Lines An Autobiography Kuldip Nayar Code : 9788174369109 Pub Price : 595 Indian.RsAs a young law graduate in Sialkot (now in Pakistan), Kuldip Nayar witnessed at first hand the collapse of trust between Hindus and Muslims who were living together for generations, and like multitude of population he was forced to migrate to Delhi across the blood-stained plains of Punjab. From his perilous journey to a new country and to his first job as a young journalist in an Urdu daily, Nayar’s account is also the story of India. From Beyond The World Of Apu The Films Of Satyajit Ray John W Hood Code : 9788125035107 Pub Price : 565 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Bill Clinton Mastering The Presidency Nigel Hamilton Code : 9781844132096 Pub Price : 25 UK.P Bill Gates Heinemann Profiles Sean Connolly Code : 9780431086088 Pub Price : 3.45 UK.P Biochemistry Veena Code : 9788184111071 Pub Price : 800 Indian.Rs Bioengineering Fundamentals Ann Saterbak Code : 9788131720202 Pub Price : 449 Indian.Rs Biographical Dictionary Of Modern World Leaders Viva Facts On File 2 Vol Set John C Fredriksen Code : 9788130914336 Pub Price : 2995 Indian.Rs Biographical Encyclopaedia Of Islam 4 Vol Set M Th Houtsma, Arnold, Basset, Hartmann Code : 9788130703879 Pub Price : 8500 Indian.Rs Biographical Encyclopedia Of Afghanistan Ludwig W.Adamec Code : 9788182743212 Pub Price : 1850 Indian.RsLike first edition it contains about 1500 entries and is divided into the following parts 1. who is who,2. Who was who, 3. Afghan Govt. 4. Genealogies of important afghan families. Biography : Winston Churchill James C. Humes Code : 9780789493187 Pub Price : 23 US$Featuring lively, perspective writing by some of today’s top author biography series brings the insight accessible approach of the Emmy Award winning television series to the printed page giving readers a whole new way to explore the lives of history’s most intriguing individuals. Hazrat Muhammad S A W / Biography Biography Of The Prophet 2 Vol Set Shaikh Abdullah Code : 9789960980324 Pub Price : 1850 Rs Bioinformatics : Sequence Structure And Databanks Des Higgins Code : 9780199637904 Pub Price : 60 US$ Biography / Biography Biology Question Bank MCQs For CSS-PMS Syed Baqir Raza Code : 0000000432061 Pub Price : 250 Rs Biotechnology And Food Security Dr. Sujata K.Dass Code : 9788182051003 Pub Price : 850 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. 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Gen Inderjit Singh Gill PVSM Mc a legged in the Indian army but little know outside it he is a revered figure particularly among the paratroopers and special forces.Serving Britain behind the German and Italian lines during world war ll Inder Gill was part of a camaign to forment resistance the Axis powers in Greece and to cripple their tranpsport arteries by blowing up key bridges.Leaving Bride At Ten, Mother At Fifteen Sethu Ramaswamy Code : 9788174362896 Pub Price : 295 Indian.RsThe book helped me to make a resolution on my 40th birthday. This was a formal declaration to myself to the effect that henceforth I would do what I liked and would make my own decisions. It took me 40 years to take that decision whereas today even a child has the courage to make its own choices. Brief Lives 150 Intimate Biographies Of The Famous By The Famous Colin Matthew Code : 9780198600879 Pub Price : 14.99 UK.P Broken Bangles Hanifa Deen Code : 9780140288575 Pub Price : 250 Indian.RsWith humor, compassion and insight, Hanifa Deen relates stories of their fight against oppression, of the friendship of women of the joys and frustrations of the extended family, of the unwritten laws that govern women’s lives and the violence that can threaten them. Bangle Broken is the most wanted book in the subcontinent today. Brothers Against The Raj: A Biography Of Indian Nationalists Loenard A Gordon Code : 9788171673513 Pub Price : 595 Indian.Rs Bruce Catton,s Civil War Mr. Lincoln Code : 9780517447710 Pub Price : 40.85 US$Bruce Catton’s Civil War collects the author’s three out standing works on the civil war into one volume. Mr. Lincoln’s Army discusses the early stages of the war. Mc Clellan was convinced-as were his troops and the rest of the country –that he was divinely chosen as the instrument of the Republic’s salvation. Glory Road chronicles the critical months between the autumn of 1862 and midsummer of the following year. Bukhari Ghassan Abdul Jabbar Code : 9781845110956 Pub Price : 10.99 UK.P Captive Princess Zebunissa Daughter Of Emperor Aurangzeb Annie Krieger Krynicki Code : 9780195798371 Pub Price : 450 Rs Carlyle And The Burden Of History John D. Rosenberg Code : 9780674097544 Pub Price : 23.5 US$ Chappelli Speaks Out A Shley Mallett Code : 9781741144567 Pub Price : 350 Indian.Rs Charles Darwin Janet Browne Code : 9781844133147 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.PThe book gives an astonishingly fresh picture of the great naturalist…Janet Browne’s book is a triumph the closest we can come to getting inside Darwin’s mind. The second and final volume of Janet Browne’s biography of Darwin – the power of place – is also available from Pimloco. Charles Darwin Ki Khud Nosht Syed Alauddin Code : 0000000312509 Pub Price : 200 Rs Charles II Christopher Falkus Code : 9780351162145 Pub Price : 1.25 UK.P SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Che For Beginners Sergiop Sinay Code : 9788125022343 Pub Price : 235 Indian.Rs Che Guevara Revolutionary And Icon Trisha Ziff Code : 9780810957183 Pub Price : 22.5 US$This book tells the extraordinary story of the image, bringing together photography, posters, film, fine art, clothing, and artifacts from the world over to trace Che’s transformation from heroic guerrilla through pop celebrity to quintessential symbol of radical chic, Chief Of Staff The Diaries Of Lieutenant General Vol 2 1940 to 1944 Sir Henry Pownall Code : 9780850521627 Pub Price : 7.5 UK.P China Dragons A Rifle Company At War John Hill Code : 9780713722758 Pub Price : 14.95 UK.PChina Dragons is the story of the 196 officers, NCO and men of B Company, the Royal Berkshire Regiment, who waged war against the Japanese in Burma as the spearhead of the 14th Army’s victorious offensive between November 1944 and June 1945. Their men served in the 19th Indian Division. First over the Chindwin, first over the Irrawaddy. First into Mandalay, the 19th Indian Division under their brilliant commander Major General Churchill A Photografic Portrait Martin Gilbert Code : 9780712665636 Pub Price : 16 UK.P Churchill And Hitler : In Victory And Defeat John Strawson Code : 9780880642224 Pub Price : 17 US$ Cleopatra Pat Southern Code : 9780752414942 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.PCleopatra was intimately involved in the critical years that saw the roman republic transformed into the roman empire how this transition appeared to the queen of Egypt and the part she played in it is the subject of pat southern engrossing new biography. Clinton P.F.Bentley Code : 9780446517584 Pub Price : 19.95 US$In this book in more than 125 striking duotone photos Bentley evokes the energy and hustle the highs and lows of a frequently tough journey and he captures the essence of Clinton the intrepid campaigner here the candidate braves an uncertain primary exhibits fortitude in the face of scandal huddles informally with advisors and makes his way through flags light and mikes ever reaching out to an embracing hope filled electorate. CM To PM Narendra Modi Vivek Garg & Nirendra Dev Code : 9788170494683 Pub Price : 595 Indian.RsTelling the story of Narendra Modi and the state of Gujarat is not easy because so many things are fiercely contested. It is not wrong to call him a man of his time. Modi over the last more than one decade was able to brave through the challenges from all corners political rivals in Congress and other secularists, international community, NGOs, media and forces within his own party. To describe in one Col Mohammad Khan Mohammad Ismail Saddiqi Code : 9789694961033 Pub Price : 150 Rs Cold Beer Roff Smith Code : 9780792263654 Pub Price : 14 US$Cold Beer and Crocodiles – a gritty yet vivid immersion in Australia’s cattle stations, mining towns, aboriginal communities, rain forests, and above all its arid, blistering deserts, where midday temperature soar to 140 degree and the endless miles leave the author exhausted, out of water, and all but dead. There are narrow escapes along the way, wild tropical storms, a grisly bike crash, and in – depth encounters with the men and women who call Australia Colin White Nelson The Admiral Admiral Sir Alan Code : 9780750937139 Pub Price : 20 UK.PColin White has been at the forefront of all these development and has made many of the most exciting new discoveries himself. He is their exciting new discovery himself. He is therefore ideally placed to offer a fresh analysis of Nelson’s tactics and leadership style. Since then much new material has emerged, both as a result of the ground breaking Nelson’s Letters Project and in a series of international French, Spanish and Danish historians. Comandante Inside Hugo Chavez s Venezuela Rory Carroll Code : 9780857861511 Coming To Light Anne makepeace Code : 9780792264040 Pub Price : 35 US$Now in Edwards Curtis: Coming to Light his genius is revived in the haunting photographs he left behind: unforgettable ceremonies that would soon pass forever into the history Pub Price : 20 UK.PIn "Comandante, " acclaimed journalist Rory Carroll breaches the walls of Miraflores Palace to tell the inside story of Chavez's life and his political court in Caracas. Based on interviews with ministers, aides, courtiers, and citizens, this intimate SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Commanders Historys Greatest Military Leaders R.G.Grant Code : 9781405336963 Pub Price : 25 UK.P Commanders Of The Muslim Army Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar Code : 0000000238069 Pub Price : 550 Rs Commanders Of The Muslim Army Among The Companions Of The Prophet Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar Code : 0000000303606 Pub Price : 395 SpRs Commanders Of The Muslim Army Among The Companions Of The Prophet Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar Code : 9789960897264 Pub Price : 895 Rs Conference Of The Birds John Heilpern Code : 9780672524899 Pub Price : 10.95 US$ Confessions Of A Pilgrim Paulo coelho Code : 9780007114375 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.P Controversially Yours Shoaib Akhtar Code : 9789350291283 Controversially Yours Shoaib Akhtar Code : 9789350294024 Pub Price : 299 Indian.Rs Pub Price : 499 Indian.RsShoaib Akhtar has been one of the most colourful characters in the history of cricket. He is the fastest bowler in the world, who set an official Conversation With Myself Nelson Mandela Code : 9780230755949 Pub Price : 14.99 UK.PConversations With Myself is a moving collection of letters, diary entries and other writing that provides a rare chance to see the other side of Nelson Mandela's life, in his own voice: direct, clear, private. An international bestseller, Conversations With Myself is an intensely personal book that complements his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom. In his Conversation With Myself Nelson Mandela Code : 9780374128951 Pub Price : 28 US$PK ! 0É( r ¥ [Content_Types].xml ¢ ( Correspondence Of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan And His Contemporaries Salim Al Din Quraishi Code : 9789693508659 Pub Price : 200 Rs Counting The Diamond Sow Wickleffe W.Walker Code : 9780792264217 Pub Price : 14 US$The Tsangpo River plunges headlong from lofty Tibet to the Indian plains 9000 feet below slashing its way through the deepest canyon on Earth. Shrouded in mystery since western explores first reached the region a century and a half ago this magnificent series of Himalayan gorges has been called the Everest of the Whitewater world. Countries Of The World And Their Leaders Yearbook 2012 2 Vol Set Gale Code : 9781414419886 Pub Price : 433 US$ Courage And Conviction An Autobiography General VK Singh,Kunal Verma Code : 9789382277576 Pub Price : 595 Indian.Rseneral VK Singh served in the Indian Army for forty-two years, retiring as Chief of Army Staff on 31 May 2012. His SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Crossed Swords Pakistan Its Army And The Wars Within Shuja Nawaz Code : 9780195476606 Pub Price : 695 RsBased on 30 years of research and analysis, this definitive book is a profound, multi-layered, and historical analysis of the nature and role of the Pakistan Army in the country’s polity as well as its turbulent relationship with United States. Shuja Nawaz examines the army and Pakistan in both peace and war. Using many hitherto unpublished materials from the archives of the a Curzon David Gilmour Code : 9780719555473 Pub Price : 16.99 UK.P Cutting Free Salma Ahmad An Autobiography Salma Ahmad Code : 9789698784027 Pub Price : 525 Rs Cutting Free The Extraordinary Memoir Of A Pakistani Woman Salma Ahmed Code : 9788174365040 Pub Price : 295 Indian.RsBeginning with a privileged childhood in an elite family of pre-Partition India, to a troubled youth in Pakistan, this is the inspiring story of Salma Ahmed—a woman who surmounted formidable odds to achieve extraordinary success in business and politics. In this strikingly honest and candid account, Salma talks of her three marriages—to a naval officer, the scion of a leading feudal Cutting The Lion,s Tail Suez Through Egyptian Eyes Mohamed H Heikal Code : 9780233979670 Pub Price : 12.95 UK.PThe real importance of this book lies in the fact that, for the first time, we are able to see the familiar events in a wholly new light: not simply as a disastrous epilogue to Empire, but as one stage in the process by which the United State sought to supplant the old imperialism with a new form of hegemony, as one act in a drama that is still being played out. D. H. Lawrence Harry T. Moore Code : 9780500260302 Pub Price : 4.95 UK.P Dalai Lama,My Son A Mother,s Story Diki Tsering Code : 9780140297119 Pub Price : 299 Indian.Rs Daoughters Of Britannia Katie Hickman Code : 9780006387800 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.P Darlingji The True Love Story Of Nargis And Sunil Dutt Kishwar Desai Code : 9788172236977 Pub Price : 450 Indian.RsBased on the diaries and letters of Nargis Sunil and Priya as well as on conversations and interviews with family and friends Darlingji as they often addressed each other is a probing yet affectionate biography of two extraordinary people. At the same time travelling as it does from the nineteenth century to the present, the book tells the larger story of the evolution of Hindi cinema, and of a society and a nation in the process of change. Darwin In 90 Minutes John And Mary Gribbin Code : 9780094770508 Pub Price : 3.5 UK.P Daughter Of The East An Autobiography.Benazir Bhutto Benazir Bhutto Code : 9781847390851 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.PBeautiful, charismatic, and the first and only woman to lead a post-colonial Muslim state, Benazir Bhutto achieved international renown in her native Pakistan until charges of corruption forced her into exile in the late 1990s. From her upbringing in one of Pakistan's richest families to her subsequent politicization and her arrest following her father's execution, Bhutto's autobiography chronicles a life of David Beckham : My Side David Beckham Code : 9780007157327 Pub Price : 18.99 UK.P Dear Leader North Koreas Senior Propagandist Exposes Shocking Truths Behind The Regime Jang Jin Sung Code : 9781846044205 Pub Price : 13.99 UK.PDear Leader contains astonishing new insights about North Korea which could only be revealed by someone working high up in the regime. It is also the gripping story of how a member of the inner circle of this enigmatic country became its most courageous, outspoken critic. Jang Jin-sung held Decline Of Honor Avri El-Ad Code : 9780809281169 Pub Price : 15 US$ SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Deputy Nazir Ahmed A Biographical And Critical Appreciation M Ikram Chaghatai Code : 9789698460358 Pub Price : 600 Rs Destined For Destiny George W. Bush Code : 9780743299664 Pub Price : 19.95 UK.P Devotion And Defiance My Journey In Love Faith And Politics Humaira Awais Shahid Code : 9780393081480 Pub Price : 25.95 US$In autumn 2001, a newly-wed professor of English took on a job editing the "women's section" of one of Pakistan's leading Urdu newspapers. She soon transformed pages of celebrity gossip and fashion advice into a vehicle for the investigation of the lives of Pakistani women. News of acid attacks, the Diana : In Pursuit Of Love Andrew Morton Code : 9788129105233 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs Diana :Story Of A Priencess Tim Clayton Code : 9780743422055 Pub Price : 27 US$ Diana Death Of A Goddess David Cohen Code : 9780099471349 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.PThis book would not exist if David Carr Brown and I had not made two films together autopsies massacre and death of the solar temple. I am also very grateful to Francis gallery who directed lady died for Frances La cinquieme. Diana Speaks From Heaven Munir Ahamd Code : 0000000171977 Pub Price : 200 Rs Diana Story Of A Princess The Book Of The Televisions Series Tim Clayton Code : 9780340770801 Pub Price : 18.99 UK.PThe life of Diana princess of Wales has never before been told with such insight and authority this book is a subtle honest portrait without the bias and exaggeration of the past. Diana: story of a princess is a tale of chicanery at the highest level revealing in gripping detail how the princess and her husband sought to influence how their failing marriage and indeed their entire lives were perceived Diana:The Symbol Of Love Adeem Hashmi Code : 0000000178884 Pub Price : 200 Rs Diaries 1969-1979 The Python Years Michael Palin Code : 9780297844365 Pub Price : 20 UK.PMichael plain’s diaries begin in the late 1960swhen newly married; he began writing for hugely popular programmes, such as The Frost Report and The Two Ronnies. But Monty Python was just round the corner…. A perceptive and funny chronicle the diaries are rich portrait of a fascinating period. Diary Of The Cuban Revolution Carlos Franqui Code : 9780670272136 Pub Price : 16.95 US$ Dictionary Of Art And Artists Peter And Linda Murray Code : 9780140513004 Pub Price : 14.99 UK.P Dictionary / Biography Dictionary Of Biology M Thain,M Hickman Code : 9780141013961 Pub Price : 10.99 UK.P Dictionary Of Biology Dr. S.K.Tuli Code : 9788175640986 Pub Price : 100 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Biography / Biography Dictionary Of Indian Biography C.E. Buckland Code : 0000000181884 Pub Price : 150 Rs Dileep Kumar Star Legend Of India Cinema Bunney Robin Code : 0000000251297 Pub Price : 800 Rs Dilip Kumar The Substance And The Shadow An Autobiography Udayatara Nayar Code : 9789381398869 Discourse On Life Eric Ejaz Cyprian Code : 9789695930960 Pub Price : 600 Rs Pub Price : 699 Indian.RsDilip Kumar (born as Yousuf Khan), who began as a diffident novice in Hindi cinema in the early 1940s,went on to attain the pinnacle of Down To Earth: His Royal Highness Prince Philip Code : 9780006374169 Pub Price : 4.5 UK.P Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan Aur Islami Bomb Part 1 Zahid Malik Code : 0000000242226 Pub Price : 125 Rs Dr.Jamil Jalabi : Sowahi Kitabiyiat Dr.Naseem Fatima Code : 0000000230858 Pub Price : 300 Rs Dr.Radharkrishnan The Greatest Indian Of The 20th Century Prof.Nazeer Siddiqi Code : 0000000335409 Pub Price : 150 Rs Dreams From My Father A Story Of Race And Inheritance Barack Obama Code : 9781847673510 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.PBefore Brack Obama became a politician he has among other things a writer.Dreams from my father is his masterpiece a refreshing revealing portrait of a young man asking the big questions about identity and belonging.The son of a black African father and a white American mother Obama recounts an emotional odyssey.He retraces the migration of his mother,s family from Kansas to Dreams Of Trespass Tales Of A Harem Girlhood Fatima Mernissi Code : 9780201489378 Pub Price : 23.95 UK.PIn dreams of trespass menisci weaves her own memories with the dreams and memories of the women who surrounded her in the courtyard of her youth women who deprived of access to the world outside recreated it from sheer imagination dreams of trespass is the provocative story of a girl confronting the mysteries of time and place gender and sex in the recent Muslim world. 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Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Edmund Burke Conor Cruise Code : 9780099433446 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.PStatesman political thinker orator and ardent campaigner Edmund burke was one of the greatest minds of the eighteenth century hi9s ideas and principles were expressed in the great debates over liberty the rights of man and the American and French revolutions and are among the most important in modern history Connor cruise o brines magisterial book is a rich and fascinating biography of an extraordinary man. 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Einstein His Life And Works K A I L Wijewardena Gamalath Code : 9788184871777 Pub Price : 350 Indian.Rs Einstein The Life Of A Genius Walter Isaacson Code : 9780061893896 Pub Price : 40 US$ Einstein The Life Times Ronald W Clark Code : 9780062075468 Pub Price : 8.99 US$ Eisenhower Soldier Statesman Of The American Century Douglas Kinnard Code : 9788182744233 Pub Price : 495 Indian.Rs Elizabeth Barrett Browning Alethea Hayter Code : 0000000146302 Pub Price : 1.5 UK.P Elmer Sperry Inventor And Engineer Thomas Parke Hughes Code : 9780801811333 Pub Price : 15 US$ Eminent Historians Their Technology Thier Line Their Fraud Arun Shourie Code : 9788129104892 Pub Price : 295 Indian.RsTarnish every person institution period from which people may drive pride confidence ascribe tolerance magnanimity to the intolerant portray the inclusive open tradition as the one out to swallow others and the exclusivist totalitarian ideology as the ideology of broad mindedness of peace tolerance as communal anyone. Eminent Muslim Freedom Fighters G. Allana Code : 9788185418995 Pub Price : 160 Rs Emperors Of The Peacock Throne.The Saga Of The Great Mughals Abraham Eraly Code : 9780141001432 Pub Price : 650 Indian.Rs Empire Of The Sikhs The Life And Times Of Maharja Ranjit Singh Patwant Singh Jyoti M Rai Code : 9789380480527 Pub Price : 399 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Encyclopaedia Of Stem Cells.Set Of 6 Vol Amita Sarkar Code : 9788183563581 Pub Price : 5500 Indian.Rs Encyclopaedia Of Women Biography : India . Pakistan . Bangladesh Nagendra K. Singh Code : 9788176482615 Pub Price : 4995 Indian.Rs Encyclopedia Of British Writers 19th Century Viva Facts On File 2 Vol Set Christine L Krueger,Dr Thomas Recchio Code : 9788130914121 Pub Price : 1995 Indian.Rs Encyclopedia Of Exploration 2 Vol Set Carl Waldman,Alan Wexler Code : 9788130914138 Pub Price : 4995 Indian.RsViva Facts on File Encyclopedia of Exploration provides easy access to a wide range of important and interesting information. Cross reference connect explores with places and technologies. Containing more than 650 biographical entries, this first volume also includes a set preface; 144 black and white photographs and illustration; indexes categorizing explores by most relevant occupation, region of activity, sponsoring country of Encyclopedia Of Indian Rulers Set Of 24 Vol W W Hunter Code : 9788177551723 Pub Price : 20000 Indian.Rs Encyclopedia Of The Presidents And Their Times David Rubel Code : 9780590493666 Pub Price : 18.95 US$ Encyclopedia Of The World Biography 10 Vol Set Kamal S Srivastava,Sangeeta Srivastava Code : 9788176484992 Pub Price : 30000 Indian.Rs This “Encyclopaedia of the World Biography” is a pioneering attempts of learned scholars to bring together not only the prominent historical and mythical personalities of the world but also provide lavishly illustrated details about the biographical analysis of scientists, philosophers, social activists, politicians, artists, writers, poets, novelists, Encyclopedia Of World Artists Prof William Vaughan Code : 9781840139167 Pub Price : 35 UK.PThe Encyclopedia of World Artists is an accessible and intriguing introduction to some of the greatest artists of the Western world, from Fra Angelico to James Whistler. Commentaries by leading art historians, written in non _ technical language, give fresh insights into the featured paintings and sculptures, helping to explain how the works came into being and what they tell us about their creators and the times in which they lived. Evelyn Waugh Selina Hastings Code : 9780099436959 Pub Price : 8.99 UK.PEvelyn Waugh was the most complicated of men …it si the first great virtue of Selina Hasting’s splendid biography that she never forgets it. Consequently she has written a sympathetic and highly intelligent book which also – rarity of rarities these days – read rapidly. It is sympathetic. Even After All This Time Afschineh Latif Code : 9780060745332 Pub Price : 24.95 US$Even After All This Time is an immigrant saga un-like any other. It is the story of a selfmade man and the schoolteacher with whom he fell in love, of a family torn apart by war and violence, and of the two little girls who found themselves on their own in America, forced to become strong young women before they even had a childhood. Events At The Court Of Ranjit Singh 1810 1817 H L O Garrett,G L Chopra Code : 9789693513523 Pub Price : 600 Rs Evolution A Beginners Guide Burton S Guttman Code : 9781851683710 Pub Price : 195 Indian.Rs Exile In The Land Of Ream And Raawan Zafar Ali Ujjan Code : 0000000398688 Pub Price : 300 Rs Face Of Time :75 Years Of Time Magazine Cover Portraits Jay Leno Code : 9780821224984 Pub Price : 40 US$ SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Faces In My Time Volume III Anthony Powell Code : 9780030210013 Pub Price : 14.95 US$ Fact Finder Guide:Warriors Lan Westwell Code : 9781840133097 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.PThis book details key warriors from around the globe and over three thousand years. It describes the campaigns they waged, their nationalities, tactics, training, weapons and armor, and the locations in which battles were fought. Famous People Fact File Jlian Holand Code : 9780753412954 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P Fantastic The Life Of Arnold Schwarzenegger Laurence Leamer Code : 9780330439626 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.PIn this major new biography, acclaimed author Laurence leamer tells the inside story of Arnold’s remarkable rise to fame and power. 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The U-boat campaign almost brought Britain to her knees; the Arctic convoys were vital in keeping Russia in the war; Pearl Harbor brought America into the conflict with massive repercussions; the battle of Midway was one of the key turning points in the war. Allied naval supremacy made the D-day landings possible. Written Flight Of The Falcon Demolishing Myths Of Indo-Pak Wars 1965 And 1971.Story Of A Pilot S Sajad Haider Code : 9789694025261 Footprints In The Sand The Rise And Fall Of The Walmarts Of India Iqbal Ismail Code : 0000000400558 Pub Price : 650 Rs Fortunate Son J.H.Hatfield Code : 9780312242688 Pub Price : 25.95 US$Fortunate son is the long awaited biography of one of the years most fascinating and perplexing figures. Drawing on exhaustive research and probing interviews journalist and author J.H. Hatfield provides us with a unique vantage point from which to view and personal evolution and attempts to answer the most significant question of the 2000 presidential race. Forty Great Men And Women Islam Nur Ahmed Code : 9788174350268 Pub Price : 335 SpRs Founding Fathers Of Pakistan Prof Ahmad Hasan Dani Code : 9789693508307 Pub Price : 600 Rs Pub Price : 795 RsFlight of the Falcon is about the spectacular episodes, trials and tribulations I had to- SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Bhotto / Biography Fragmented Verses Sandip Tagore Code : 0000000170123 Pub Price : 75 Rs Framed Trumped Up As An Indian Spy Muhammad Akram Khan Code : 9789698613006 Pub Price : 450 Rs Biography / Biography Francisco Goya Life And Times Evan S Connell Code : 9781582433080 Pub Price : 15.95 US$ Franklin Delano Roosevelt Roy Jenkins Code : 9780330432061 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.PRoosevelt took office in the midst of economic crisis the stock marked had crashed the banking system had collapsed and millions of Americans were unemployed. But he demonstrated an optimism and resolve that garnered huge support for the programme he called the new deal. When he died some twelve years later he had overseen an incomparable mobilization of American industrial effort might and will power. Frederick II David Abulafia Code : 9780195080407 Pub Price : 16.95 US$ Freedom In Exile Dalai Lama Code : 9780349111117 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P Hazrat Muhammad S A W / Biography Freedom Of Speech And Islam Erich Kolig Code : 9781472424020 Pub Price : 65 UK.PFreedom of speech and expression is considered in the West a high public good and an important social value, underpinned by legislative and ethical norms. Its importance is not shared to the same extent by conservative and devout Muslims, who read Islamic doctrines in ways seemingly incompatible with Western notions of freedom of Freedom,s Daughter : Letters Between Indira Gandhi And Jawaharlal Nehru 1922-39 Sonia Gandhi Code : 9788123900506 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs Biography / Biography From Partition To Operation Bluestar Tales Of A Journalist Bureaucrat Spy Som Nath Dhar Code : 9789350293775 Pub Price : 399 Indian.RsFrom Partition to Operation Bluestar provides an engrossing, personal view of the public events that have shaped India's recent history, written by a man who had a ringside view of these. As we follow Som Nath Dhar's career in journalism, government and the world of covert intelligence, the book transports us from pre-Partition Punjab to Delhi From Plassey To Pakistan The Family History Of Iskander Mirza The First President Of Pakistan Humayun Mirza Code : 9789690016218 Pub Price : 395 RsCombining the personal insights of an insider with the objectivity of a meticulous researcher humayun mirza has written a work that will benefit academics policymakers and general readers alike anyone with an interest in the historical factors that have shaped the current political issues confronting India and Pakistan will find this an intriguing and indispensable book. From Purdah To Parliament Shaista Suhrawardy Ikramullah Code : 9780195794380 Pub Price : 295 Rs From South Asia To North America. An Autobiography 1915 To 2000 Syed Habib Ahmad Code : 9780195795271 Pub Price : 595 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Gabriel Garcia Marquez Gerald Martin Code : 9780747596141 Pub Price : 16.99 UK.PGabriel Garcia Marquez, author of the modern classic One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera, is one of the greatest and most popular writers of the late-twentieth century. As Gerald Martin tells the story of the author's fascinating rise to wealth and international fame, he reveals the tensions in Garcia Marquez's life between Gandhi : A Sublime Failure S.S. Gill Code : 9788129100931 Pub Price : 150 Indian.Rs Gandhi Bafore India Ramachandra Guha Code : 9780670083879 Pub Price : 899 Indian.Rs Gandhi Behind The Mask Of Divinity G B Singh Code : 9789694024929 Pub Price : 695 RsAmong prominent leaders of the twentieth century, perhaps no one is more highly regarded than Mahatma Gandhi. He is revered by the vast majority of Hindus as the hero of Indian independence, and many people throughout the world consider him to be a modern saint. In this explosive, intriguing, and provocative investigation, Colonel G. B. Singh charges that the popular image of Gandhi is highly misleading. Despite his famous philosophy Gandhi My Experiments With Truth M K Gandhi Code : 9788184082807 Pub Price : 195 Indian.Rs Gandhi The Man Eknath Easwaran Code : 9788172245177 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs Gandhi The Story Of My Experiments With Truth An Autobiography Pankaj Mishra Code : 9780141032733 Pub Price : 10.99 UK.PMohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in Western India in 1869. He was educated in London and later travelled to South Africa, where he experienced racism and took up the rights of Indians, instituting his first campaign of passive resistance. In 1915 he returned to British-controlled India, bringing to a country in the throes of independence his commitment to non-violent change, and his Gandhi,s Passion: The Life And Legacy Of Mahatma Gandhi Stanley Wolpert Code : 9780195130607 Pub Price : 27.5 US$ Garden Of Eden To North America Autobiography Dr S Gul Hunzai Code : 9789698127312 Pub Price : 1200 Rs Geisha Liza Dalby Code : 9780099286387 Pub Price : 8.99 UK.P General,Organic,And Biological Chimistry George Odian Code : 9780071135290 Pub Price : 14 US$ Generals Ten British Commanders Who Shaped The World Mark Urban Code : 9780571224852 Pub Price : 20 UK.PAll ten of these generals revealed either a brilliant ability or a fatal flaw. While one became Prime Minister another was beheaded. Success or failure depended largely on their ability to work within Britain’s Parliamkentary democracy-and against tyrants despots and emperors who were often free to act alone. Genghis Khan Paul Lococo Jr Code : 9788182744240 Pub Price : 495 Indian.Rs Genghis Khan Michel Hoang Code : 9780863562884 Pub Price : 17.95 UK.PIn the space of a mere 20 years Gengis Khan rallied all the tribes of Mongolia and put Mongol society under a codified set of laws, much admired by Western travellers. At the head of his superbly disciplined army, he then embarked on the conquest of China. Hardly had Beijing fallen to him then he was off again, this time to lay waste to It was through bitter experience growing up on the harsh and unforgiving steppes of Mongolia that Genghis khan learning to trust few people and to be vigilant of the personalities and SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Genghis Khan And The Making Of The Modern World Jack Weatherford Code : 9780609809648 Pub Price : 15 US$The Mongol army led by Genghis Khan subjugated more lands and people in twenty-five years than the Romans did in four hundred. In nearly every country the Mongols conquered, they brought an unprecedented rise in cultural communication, expanded trade, and a blossoming of civilization. Vastly more progressive than his European or Asian Genghis Khan And The Mongol Empire Jean Paul Roux Code : 9780500301135 Pub Price : 7.95 UK.PThe legendary Mongol conqueror Genghis khan (1155-1227) consolidated one of the largest and most powerful empires in all history striking fear and leaving devastation in his wake all over Asia and into Europe with extraordinary ruthlessness and organizational genius he united the Mongol tribes into one nation and led them to victory over almost every opponent their military brilliance extreme discipline and innovative weaponry meant that by Genghis Khan Conqueror Of The World Leo De Hartog Code : 9781860649721 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P Genghis Khan was the legendary founder of the Mongol empire and one of the greatest warrior-rulers in history. His armies breached the Great Wall of China and captured Peking. They crushed all resistance in Central Asia, Afghanistan, Persia and Southern Russia by ruthless massacres and pillage. Between 1237 and 1242 they invade Europe. The speed and scale of their conquests – and the Genghis Khan: Conqueror Of The World Leo De Hartog Code : 9781860643750 Pub Price : 10.95 UK.P George S Patton A Biography David Andrew Smith Code : 9780313323539 Pub Price : 595 Indian.RsThis book also includes a thorough bibliography of print and electronic sources to aid further research. A timeless plots the key events in Patton’s life and career. Accessible to students and general readers, this biography looks at Patton the soldier and Patton the man, and is perfect for those interested in he general’s life, World War II, and the U.S. military in the early and mid- 20 century. Gernal Betii Maqbool Arshad Code : 0000000302500 Pub Price : 350 Rs Ghalib Ka Ilmi Sarmaya Dr. Syed Moin Ur Rehman Code : 0000000191357 Pub Price : 1250 Rs Ghalib The Man The Time Pavan K.Varma Code : 9780143064817 Pub Price : 325 Indian.Rs Ghazi Ilmo Deen Shaheed Khoala Mateen Code : 0000000331579 Pub Price : 150 Rs Giants Of Science: Exploring The Past Marshall Cavendish Code : 9781854358578 Pub Price : 14.95 US$ Glubb Pasha The Life And Time Of Sir John Bagot Glubb Commander Of The Arab Legion Trevor Royle Code : 9780349103440 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P Golden Lads A Study Of Anthony Bacon Francis And Their Friends Daphne Du Maurier Code : 9781844080731 Pub Price : 8.99 UK.PA landmark book on much neglected figure, containing ground breaking research and a thundering good read. This biography is also a strange and fascinating tale. A fascinating historical figure, Anthony Bacon was a contemporary of the brilliant band of gallants who clustered round the court of Elizabeth I. Golden Stories Of Sayyida Khadijah Mother Of The Believers Abdul Malik Mujahid Code : 9786035001182 Pub Price : 980 Rs Good Bye Shehzadi. A Political Biography Of Benazir Bhutto Shyam Bhatia Code : 9788174366580 Pub Price : 295 Indian.RsFew journalists intimate witnesses to a career from political cradle to grave. Shyam Bhatia was on first name terms alongside Benazir every step of the way and his book is a revelation. A relationship that began among the dreaming spires of Oxford continued across the world from Pimlico to Pakistan. Along the way she told Bhatia things that she told no other journalist-history-making detail SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Gopal Krishna Gokhale His Life And Speeches John S. Hayland Code : 9788129102027 Pub Price : 195 Indian.RsHis life and speeches Gopal Gokhale His life and speeches is a detailed study of as the name suggest the life and speeches of the great moderate leader it acts not only as a casual life sketch but also emphasis’s the importance of various people beliefs and adjective in the life of this man who did not let trying situation impede the enthusiasm of his nationalist fervor. Governor Reagan His Rise To Power Lou Cannon Code : 9781586480301 Pub Price : 30 US$As a person and as a political figure Ronald Reagan was far more complex than most of his fellow citizens understood. But Lou cannon a brilliant reporter who has known and covered Reagan for nearly forty years understood. He has been Reagan best biographer. And now drawing upon a wealth of new material cannon illuminates Reagan Sacramento years his apprenticeship for the presidency. Ronald Reagan was not born to be president. Goya In Perpective Fred Licht Code : 9780133619560 Pub Price : 2.45 US$ Grace And Power. Sally Bedell Smith Code : 9781845130039 Pub Price : 25 UK.PUntil now however no single book has gone beyond the gossip and the conspiracy theories to tell the whole story of the Kennedy white house soberly comprehensively and compellingly in a major work of history sally bedell smith now does just that grace & power is a compassionate and poignant chronicle of pivotal historical events seen from the inside out behind the headlines and the carefully staged television appearances. Great Artists Of The World Larissa Branin Code : 9781597641210 Pub Price : 17.95 UK.P Great Commanders And Their Battles G.S.John Hackett Code : 9780785816683 Pub Price : 25 UK.PGreat Commanders and Their Battles brings yuou twenty famous victories won by a broad cross section of historus most outstandin commanders. Spanning more than two thousand uears of warfare frome the young Alexander the Greats triumph against the Persians at Gaugamela in 331 Bc to Israeli general Moshe Dayans Sinai campaign of 1956 the carefully chosen battles vividly reveal the vital links between the manner in which each victory was Great Commanders Of The Ancient World 1479BC 453AD Andrew Roberts Code : 9780857381958 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P Great Commanders Of The Early Modern World 1583 1865 Andrew Roberts Code : 9780857385901 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P Great Commanders Of The Medieval World 454-1582 Andrew Roberts Code : 9780857385895 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P Great Commanders Of The Modren World 1866 Present Day Andrew Roberts Code : 9780857385918 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P Great Indians Surendranath Banerjea To Gandi Balraj Krishna Code : 9788129118172 Pub Price : 195 Indian.Rs Great Military Lives Leadership And Courage In Obituaries Ailliam Hague Code : 9780007276707 Pub Price : 14.99 UK.P Great Sufi Wisdom Waris Shah Saeed Ahmad Code : 0000000289047 Pub Price : 100 Rs Great Sufi Wisdom Baba Farid Prof Saeed Ahmad Code : 0000000399609 Pub Price : 60 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Great Sufi Wisdom Bulleh Shah Prof Saeed Ahmad Code : 9789698714048 Pub Price : 100 Rs Great Sufi Wisdom Mian Mohammad Bakhsh Vol 1 Saeed Ahmed Code : 0000000289016 Pub Price : 100 Rs Great Women Of Islam Who Were Given The Good News Of Paradise Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar Code : 0000000238144 Pub Price : 475 SpRs Grey Wolf Mustafa Kemal H.C. Armtrong Code : 0000000182096 Pub Price : 300 Rs H R C State Secrets And The Rebirth Of Hillary Clinton Jonathan Allen,Amie Parnes Code : 9780804136754 Pub Price : 26 US$The mesmerizing story of Hillary Clinton's political rebirth, based on eyewitness accounts from deep inside her inner circle Hillary Clinton's surprising defeat in the 2008 Democratic primary brought her to the nadir of her political career, vanquished by a much younger opponent whose message of change and cutting-edge tech team ran circles around Hadrat Abubakar Siddique R A Prof Masud Ul Hasan Code : 0000000416122 Pub Price : 180 Rs Hadrat Othman Gahni R A Prof Masud Ul Hasan Code : 0000000416139 Pub Price : 140 Rs Hagar The Princess The Mother Of The Arabs And Ishmael The Father Of Twelve Princess Muhammad Ashraf Chheenah,Abdus Sattar Ghauri Code : 9789699704000 Pub Price : 350 Rs Half Of Two Paisas The Extraordinary Mission Of Abdul Sattar Edhi And Bilquis Edhi Lorenza Raponi And Michele Zanzucchi Code : 9780199068524 Pub Price : 695 Rs Hall Of Fame Salman Khan Diswadeep Ghosh Code : 9788178092492 Pub Price : 100 Rs Hall Of Fame Shah Rukh Khan Biswadeep Ghosh Code : 9788178092379 Pub Price : 175 Indian.Rs Hamaray Hazoor Abid Nazami Code : 0000000210225 Pub Price : 42 Rs Hami J Bhabha : Architect Of Nuclear India Dilip M Salwi Code : 9788129104779 Pub Price : 195 Indian.RsThese biographies have been written for the reader who is curious about the life achievements and character of these legends full of fascinating stories and facts written in an easy story telling style these biographies will make these great Indians and their times come alive for the reader. Hamood ur Rehaman Ashfq Ali Khan Code : 0000000199223 Pub Price : 240 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Hannibal Hamlin Of Maine Lincoln,s First Vice President H. Draper Hunt Code : 9780815621423 Pub Price : 18.95 US$ Harun-al-Rashid And The World Of The Thousand And One Nights Andre Clot Code : 9780863565502 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.PHarun-ul-Rashid, the legendary caliph portrayed in The Thousand and One Nights, was the son of a Yemenite slave who cleared Harun’s path to power, very probably by poisoning her eldest son. Harun reigned for a quarter of a century, his empire spreading over southwest Asia and into North Africa. Hasrat Mohani Aur Inqilab e Aazadi Nafees Ahmad Code : 9780195795028 Pub Price : 595 Rs Hayaatul Mulimeen Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi Code : 9788174351098 Pub Price : 140 SpRs Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique Sayed Qasim Mehmud Code : 9789695032329 Pub Price : 60 Rs Hazrat Abu Bakr: The Great Muslims Dr. Irshad Ul-Haq Quddusi Code : 9789690100788 Pub Price : 50 Rs Hazrat Ali: The Great Muslims Dr. Irshad-Ul-Haq Quddusi Code : 9789690100108 Pub Price : 50 Rs Hazrat Amir Khusrau Of Delhi Mohammad Habib Code : 9788177559019 Pub Price : 450 Indian.Rs Hazrat Muhammad S A W / Biography Hazrat Mohammad Waladat Se Nazool Wahi Tak 3 vol set Ali Asghar Chodhary Code : 0000000258784 Pub Price : 414 Rs Hazrat Qalandar Lal Shahbaz Of Sehwan Sharif Inam Mohammad Code : 0000000246194 Pub Price : 300 Rs Biography / Biography Hazrat Talha Bin Ubaid ullah Talib Hashmi Code : 0000000187022 Pub Price : 20 Rs Hazrat Umar Bin Abd Al-Aziz : The Great Muslims Sarwat Sharif Code : 9789690100818 Pub Price : 50 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS Heartbreak And Triumph Shawn Michaels Code : 9780743493802 Pub Price : 26 UK.P REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Hemingway Kenneth S. Lynn Code : 9780747403203 Pub Price : 8.99 UK.P Dictionary / Biography Hendersons Dictionary Of Biology Eleanor Lawrence Code : 9789332517400 Pub Price : 499 Indian.Rs Her True Story Diana Andrew Morton Code : 9780671024123 Pub Price : 7.99 US$ Biography / Biography Here But Not Here A Love Story Lillian Ross Code : 9780571197347 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.P Heroes And Villains Inside The Minds Of The Greatest Warriors In History Frank McLynn Code : 9781846072406 Pub Price : 18.99 UK.P Heroes Rascals & Rogues A Compendium Of Noteable Historical Characters Who Have Made Their Names By Foul Means Or Fair Rupert Matthews,John Birdsall Code : 9780749558666 Pub Price : 17.99 UK.P Heroes Rascals And Rogues Rupert Matthews,John Birdsall Code : 9780749558888 Pub Price : 17.99 UK.P Heydar Aliyev Viktor Andriyanov Code : 9789698384098 Pub Price : 250 Rs High Financier The Lives And Time Of Siegmund Warburg Niall Ferguson Code : 9780141022017 Pub Price : 14.99 UK.PNiall Ferguson' "High Financier" tells the extraordinary story of Siegmund Warburg, the refugee from Nazi Germany who restored the Blitz-shattered City of London as the world's preeminent international financial centre. Seared by events in the 1930s, when the long-established Hillary Clinton Her Way The Biography Jeff Greth,Don Van Natta Code : 9780719568923 Pub Price : 20 UK.P Hillary,s Choice Gail Sheehy Code : 9780345436566 Pub Price : 16 US$ SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Hindenburg Icon of German Militarism William J Astore Code : 9788182744295 Pub Price : 495 Indian.RsWith his victory over the Russian army at the battle of Tannenberg in August 1914, Paul von Hindenburg became a German national hero. By 1916, he had parlayed an exaggerated reputation for decisive victory into near dictatorial powers. After Germany`s defeat at Verdun and War Minister Erich von Falkenhayn`s dismissal, Hindenburg, along with his chief of staff Erich Ludendorff, took over His Excellency George Washinton Joseph J.Ellis Code : 9781400040315 Pub Price : 26.95 US$Gives us a visceral understanding of the era. Yields an incisive portrait of the man not the marble statue. Eloquently conveys the magnitude of Washington’s accomplishments. Shows us how his thinking was shaped by his own experience provides a lucid often-shrewd take on the man Mr. Ellis calls the primus inter pares the foundingest father of them all And does so with admirable grace and wit. Hitler Joachim C. Fest Code : 9780141391038 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.P Hitler 1936 1945 Ian Kershaw Code : 9780140272390 Pub Price : 10.99 UK.P Hitler : Military Commander Rupert Matthews Code : 9781841931524 Pub Price : 4.99 UK.PHitler: Military Commander examines Hitler’s key military decisions during the Second World War and assesses how far these decisions were militarily justified in light of the intelligence available at the time. Hitler A Short Biography A N Wilson Code : 9780007413492 Pub Price : 14.99 UK.P Hitler And His God The Background To The Hitler Phenomenon Georges Van Code : 9788129109538 Pub Price : 595 Indian.RsIn this book provide to the unexpected but well documented role of the Indian philosopher and sage sri Aurobindo in the action against Hitler before and during the second world war while Hitler wanted to bring humanity back to a state of barbarism sri Aurobindo stood for the progress of humanity and a future in which a new evolutionary being beyond humanity might at Hitler The Pathology Of Evil George Victor Code : 9788182744127 Pub Price : 995 Indian.RsIn this chilling psychohistory, distinguished psychotherapist George Victor examines Hitler's profoundly disturbed psyche. He explains how Hitler forced an entire nation to advance his dark, personal agenda and how his disastrous wartime decisions satisfied his psychological needs. Dr. Victor draws surprising new conclusions about a man who came as close as any to being the embodiment of evil. Hugo The Hugo Chavez Story Bart Jones Code : 9780099520528 Pub Price : 8.99 UK.P Humayun Nama The History Of Humayun Gul Badan Begum Code : 9789693513080 Pub Price : 600 Rs Humayun Nama. The History Of Humayun Gul-Badan Begam Code : 9788187570998 Pub Price : 100 Indian.Rs Humble Pie My Autobiography Gordon Ramsays Code : 9780007229680 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.P Hundred Great Muslims Kh Jamil Ahmad Code : 9789690006684 Pub Price : 395 Rs Hungery Stones And Other Stories Rabindranath Code : 9788171677139 Pub Price : 95 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Hwui Li,s The Life Of Hiuen Tsiang Samuel Beal Code : 9788129120311 Pub Price : 195 Indian.Rs I Am Malala The Girl Who Stood Up For Education And Was Shot By The Taliban Malala Yousafzai,Christina Lamb Code : 9780297870920 Pub Price : 595 Rs I Dare The Crusade Against Corruption Changing Peoples Destiny Kiran Bedi Code : 9788189988548 Pub Price : 599 Indian.Rs I Hope: Reminisecnces And Reflections Raisa Gorbachev Code : 9780006377900 Pub Price : 5.99 UK.P I Want To Live The Story Of Madhubala Includes A Free VCD OF Madhubalas Hit Songs Khatija Akbar Code : 9789380480817 Pub Price : 399 Indian.Rshe Legend Madhubala lives on Madhubala the very name conjures up vivid images of a love goddess possessing bewitching beauty, dazzling radiance, subtle sensuality, and, above all, a tantalizing screen presence. Her 'reel life' histrionic performances held (and continue to hold) audiences/viewers entranced. Her talent was phenomenal, and she could I Was The Quaid,s Adc Ata Rabbani Code : 9780195776591 Pub Price : 295 Rs Ibn Arabi Heir To The Prophets William C Chittick Code : 9781851685110 Pub Price : 395 Indian.Rs Ibn Battuta L P Harvey Code : 9780195694444 Pub Price : 225 Indian.Rs IBN Khaldun Makers Of Islamic Civilization Syed Farid Alatas Code : 9780198090458 Pub Price : 450 Indian.Rs Ibn Khaldun, Life And Times Allen James Fromherz Code : 9780748644834 Pub Price : 19.99 UK.P IKEA A Brand For All The People Elen Lewis Code : 9788130907819 Pub Price : 195 Indian.Rs Ikhwan Al Safa A Brotherhood Of The Idealists On The Fringe Of Orthodox Islam Godefroid De Callatay Code : 9781851684045 Pub Price : 595 Indian.Rs Images In My Mirror Autobiography Of A Sindhi Poet Attiya Dawood Code : 9780199063369 Pub Price : 895 Rs Imam Abu Hanifa Hayyat Fiqqar Aur Khidmat Mohammad Tahir Code : 9789694082257 Pub Price : 250 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Imam Ahmad Bin Humbal Abdul Jaleel Code : 9789690005724 Pub Price : 36 Rs Imam Khameni Aur Inqilab Iran Syed Abdul Qadoos Code : 0000000208093 Pub Price : 75 Rs Imam Saeed Bin Al-Musyyab Salahud-Deen Ali Abdul Mawjood Code : 9789960980133 Pub Price : 330 Rs Imam Sufyan Ibn Uyaynah Salaahud-Deen Ali Abdul Mawjood Code : 9789960980157 Pub Price : 360 Rs Imran Khan The Biography The Cricketer,The Celebrity,The Politician Christopher Sandford Code : 9780007262854 Pub Price : 20 UK.P In Defence Of Jinnah Ashfaq Ali Tabassum Code : 0000000327992 Pub Price : 90 Rs In My Own Time Nina Bawden Code : 9781860490316 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.PIn my own time confirms the great talent and the quiet heroism of a very special woman. Through this book we learn about the author’s childhood evacuation to Suffolk and Wales, and of her years at Oxford, where she met Richard Burton and Margaret Thactcher. And, she gives us a courageous account of her oldest son, Nike, who was diagnosed Schizophrenia. In My Time A Personal And Political Memoir Dick Cheney Code : 9781439176191 Pub Price : 35 US$For the first time, former Vice President Dick Cheney opens up about a life and career in politics that has spanned more than four decades.As Marine two gained Altitude ,we could see the pentagon .the building was lit up for rescue teams still at work and smoke was rising from it. All day I had seen image of the world trade center and the pentagon on TV. In The Afternoon Of Time : An Autobiography Harivansh Rai Code : 9780140276633 Pub Price : 295 Indian.RsIn the afternoon of time is a creative abridgement of these four volumes translated into English for the first time the narrative dwells at length on the death of his young wife and the ensuing trauma remarriage and a teaching assignment in the English department of Allahbad University his PH.D work on W.B.Bachan wrote the first of four volumes of his autobiography which was to earn widespread praise from critics and readers alike. In The City Of Gold And Silver The Story Of Begum Hazrat Mahal Kenize Mourad Code : 9788176212373 Pub Price : 350 Indian.Rs In The Line Of Fire A Memoir Pervez Musharraf Code : 9781416527787 Pub Price : 8.99 UK.PIt is almost unprecedented for a head of state to publish a memoir while still in office. But Pervez Musharraf is no ordinary head of state. As President of Pakistan since 1999, his is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, and he continues to play a crucial role in the global war on terror. A one-time supporter of the Taliban, a general who fought in several In The Line Of Fire A Memoir Pervez Musharraf Code : 9780743283441 Pub Price : 28 US$ In The Name Of Rome, The Men Who Won The Roman Empire Adrian Goldsworthy Code : 9780753817896 Pub Price : 8.99 UK.PFrom scipio Africans who combined apparent mysticism with iron determination to Caesar the aggressive and charismatic aristocrat Adrian goldsworthy looks at Rome’s greatest generals and at how and why they won their victories.At the same time the book tells the story of Roman warfare from the bitter struggle with cartage and the brilliant hannibal in the third century BC to the last In The Worlds Of Nelson Mandela Jennifer Crwys Williams Code : 9781846684470 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.P SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal India,s Bandit Queen The True Story Of Phoolan Devi Mala Sen Code : 9788172236106 Pub Price : 395 Indian.Rs Indira :The Life Of Indira Nehru Gandhi Katherine Frank Code : 9780002556460 Pub Price : 19.99 UK.P Indira Gandhi A Personal And Political Biography Inder Malhotra Code : 9789381398579 Pub Price : 599 Indian.Rs Indira Gandhi The Story Of A Leader Shaana Dasgupta Code : 9788129103307 Pub Price : 150 Indian.Rs This book titled as Indira Gandhi the Story of a Leader is written by thirteen year old Priya as a result when she was asked to wok on a school project on Indian Women. Priya’s study of India’s recent past reveals the extraordinary story of a shy, tongue tied girl who grew up to become a bold and Indiraji Through My Eyes Usha Bhagat Code : 9780670057726 Pub Price : 595 Indian.RsIndiraji through my eyes reveals the special relationship usha bhagat shared with Mrs. Gandhi one which went beyond the purely professional yet was not quite that of friends it provides fascinating vignettes of indira Gandhi as an attentive mother and affectionate grandmother a thoughtful friends a sensitive artist and creative intellectual there by offering hitherto completely unseen aspects of her personality. Infidel My Life Ayaan Hirsi Ali Code : 9780743295031 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.P Infidel My Life Ayaan Hirsi Ali Code : 9781416526247 Pub Price : 8.99 UK.P Ink In My Veins A Life In Journalism S Nihal Singh Code : 9789381431016 Pub Price : 499 Indian.RsThis book traces one man's journey stretching from the time of Jawaharlal Nehru to the Manmohan Singh era. As a journalist, S.Nihal Singh had a ringside seat in observing and analysing important developments in India and the world: The 1969 split in the Congress, with Indira Gandhi emerging victorious; the Emergency imposed by her in June 1975, her downfall, her phoenix-like rise and her Inside Baluchistan Political Autobiography Mir Ahmad Yar Khan Code : 0000000253338 Pub Price : 695 Rs Inside The K And B My Life In Soviet Espionage Vladimir Kuzichkin Code : 9780679401469 Pub Price : 25 US$ International Encyclopedia Of Great Islamic Dynasties 4 Vol Set M Th Houstma Code : 9788130713991 Pub Price : 15000 Indian.Rs Intervention A Life In War And Peace Kofi Annan With Nader Mousavizadeh Code : 9780141046501 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P Interventions A Life In War And Peace Kofi Annan And Nader Mousavizadeh Code : 9781846142970 Pub Price : 25 UK.P Introducing Shakespeare Paul Hicks Code : 9780174325840 Pub Price : 5.95 UK.P SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Iqbal Aur Hazara Prof. Bashir Ahmad Code : 0000000208567 Pub Price : 200 Rs Iqbal Aur Therikh Aazadi Dr . M . S . Naz Code : 0000000165075 Pub Price : 170 Rs Iqbal The Life Of A Poet, Philosopher & Politician Zafar Anjum Code : 9788184005868 Pub Price : 499 Indian.RsAllama Mohammad Iqbal, whom Sarojini Naidu called the Poet laureate of Asia, remains a controversial figure in the history of the Indian subcontinent. On the one hand, he is considered the Spiritual Father of Pakistan. On the other, his message of Eastern revivalism places him in the ranks of the twentieth centurys major intellectuals. Iqbals tragedy was that after his death, he was made the Iqbal The Spiritual Father Of Pakistan Rashida Malik Code : 9789693523560 Pub Price : 400 Rs Iqbal: His Life And Our Times Khurram Ali Shafique Code : 9789694164878 Pub Price : 399 Rs Iron Lady The Thatcher Years Stephen Blake,Andrew John Code : 9781843179115 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.PAllowing you to uncover the woman behind the 'Iron Lady' image, Iron Lady: The Thatcher Years takes a thorough yet lighthearted look at the life and times of Britain's longest-serving twentieth-century prime minister. As both the first woman to become leader of a European country and the first British premier to achieve re-election for three Isaac Asimov : It,s Been Good Life Janet Jeppson Code : 9781573929684 Pub Price : 26 US$Isaac Asimov’s boundless inexhaustible intellectual curiosity and his extraordinary talent for explaining complex subjects in clear concise prose is legendary to readers throughout the world in addition to treating to treating his devoted fans to nearly five hundred illuminating science-fiction and nonfiction books he also found time to write a three-volume autobiography. Islam Democracy And The West Benazir Bhutto Code : 9781847372727 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.P Islamic Seal On India,a Independence. Abul Kalam Azad A Fresh Look Syeda Saiyiddin Hameed Code : 9780195778151 Pub Price : 550 Rs It,s Not Cricket Simon Rae Code : 9780571215829 Pub Price : 8.99 UK.P J Krishnamurti A Biography Pupul Jayakar Code : 9780140103434 Pub Price : 450 Indian.Rs In 1990 when he was just fourteen Krishnamurti was proclaimed the world teacher to be in whom Mastery the Bodhisattva of compassion would manifest. The proclamation was made by Annie Besant then president of the theosophical society a movement that combined Western occult philosophy with Buddhist and Hindu teachings.Besant J Krishnamurti A Life Mary Lutyens Code : 9780144000067 Pub Price : 699 Indian.Rsj. Krishnamurti was born in Madanapalle a small town west of chennai to Brahmin parents. In 1909 at the age of fourteen he was proclaimed as a saviour and subsequently taken to England by Annie Besant. There he was educated privately and groomed for the role of world teacher. In 1929. However he rejected the mantle and disbanded the organization of which he was the head declaring that he did not want disciples thereby unleashing a Jackie,s Nine Sharon Roinson Code : 9780439385503 Pub Price : 4.99 US$ Jahanara Begam The Life Of A Mogul Princess Andrea Butenschon Code : 9789693515824 Pub Price : 400 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Jahat Saz Qalimkar Dr. Saleem Akhtar Dr. Tahir Code : 9789695032817 Pub Price : 150 RsIn spite of his disclaimer that he is a specialist of the subject and his assertion that he has written this book for his own pleasure and satisfaction Aziz emerges as a major art historian and critic this work will stand the test of time in the world of scholarship it will also give the reader much joy because of its exquisites style. Jalal Al Din Al Suyuti E. M. Sartain Code : 9780521206334 Pub Price : 39.5 UK.P Jamal Al Din Al Afghani An Apostle Of Islamic Resurgence M Ikram Chaghatai Code : 9789693516920 Pub Price : 1500 Rs Jami Makers Of Islamic Civilizations Hamid Algar Code : 9780198090441 Pub Price : 395 Indian.RsAbd al-Rahman Jami (1414-1492) is a culminating figure in Perso-Islamic culture, whose reputation and influence have remained undiminished throughout the eastern Islamic world-the Ottoman empire and Central Asia, Iran, India, China, and the Malay world. Primarily celebrated as a poet, Jami was also an accomplished Islamic scholar and Arabist, a Sufi of great standing, and an acerbic polemicist and social critic. He was Jane Austen Sylvia Townsend Warner Code : 0000000146258 Pub Price : 1.5 UK.P Jane Austen Carol Shields Code : 9780753812563 Pub Price : 6.99 UK.P Jannah The Garden From The Quran And Hadith Adem Yakup Code : 9781842000687 Pub Price : 1065 SpRs Jawaharlal Nehru A Biography Sarvepalli Gopal Code : 9780195669206 Pub Price : 395 Indian.Rs Jawan To General : Recollection Of A Pakistani Soldier General Mohammad Musa Code : 0000000275637 Pub Price : 195 Rs Jawan To General Recollections Of A Pakistani Soldier Gerneral rtd Mohammad Musa Code : 0000000185790 Pub Price : 175 Rs Jay Deehn Hi Jogi Jagya The Day The Jogis Woke Up Marvi Memon Code : 0000000476720 Pub Price : 900 Rs Jeremy Bentham His Life And Work Charles Milner Atkinson Code : 9788130713861 Pub Price : 795 Indian.Rs Gandhi / Biography Jinnah Aur Gandhi S.K Code : 0000000239967 Pub Price : 210 Rs Jinnah Creator Of Pakistan Hector Bolitho Code : 9780195473230 Pub Price : 395 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Biography / Biography Jinnah India Partition Independence Jaswant Singh Code : 9788129116536 Pub Price : 495 Indian.Rs Jinnah Myth And Reality Yasser Latif Hamdani Code : 9789694025605 Pub Price : 795 Rs Quaid-e-Azam / Biography Jinnah Of Pakistan Stanley Wolpert Code : 9780195774627 Pub Price : 495 RsPortraying Jinnah’s story in all of its human complexity, Wlpert begins in the late nineteenth century with Jinnah’s early life as a provincial country’s early life as a provincial country-boy in Karachi and follows him to London where he studied law and become a British barrister. Returning to India 1896, Jinnah rapidly ascended the dual ladders rapidly ascended the dual ladders of India law and politics, climbing to the top rung of each. By the Jinnah Of Pakistan Stanley Wolpert Code : 9780195773897 Pub Price : 895 Rs Jinnah Speeches As Governor General Of Pakistan 1947 1948 Quaid I Azam Mohammad Ali Code : 9789693515053 Pub Price : 400 Rs Jinnah The Founder Of Pakistan: In The Eyes Of His Contemporaries And His Documentary Records At Linclon,s Inn Saleem Qureshi Code : 9780195778519 Pub Price : 350 Rs Biography / Biography John Lawrence As Commissioner Of The Jullundur Doab 1846 to 1849 R.R Sethi Code : 9789698623043 Pub Price : 250 Rs John Paul II:Chronicle Of A Remarkable Life Father Michael Collins Code : 9780751308532 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.P John Stuart Mill A Study Of His Philosophy Charles Douglas Code : 9788130713915 Pub Price : 895 Indian.Rs Joseph Anton A Memoir Salman Rushdie Code : 9780812992786 Pub Price : 30 US$ K P The Autobiography Kevin Pietersen Code : 9780751557558 Pub Price : 14.99 UK.PThe fascinating life story of professional cricketer Kevin Pietersen, MBE, from his childhood in South Africa to his recent experiences as one of the leading lights in the world of international cricket. Kevin was dropped from the England squad in February of this year, seemingly calling time on an international career that began nearly ten years earlier. The decision Kahlil Gibran Author Of The Prophet A Biography Alexandre Najjar Code : 9780863566684 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.PIf there is a man who can read The Prophet without a singing in the heart as of music born within, that man is indeed dead to life and truth. The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran his work remains influential to this day. President John F Kennedy famously quoted from this book: Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Kareena Kapoor The Style Diary Of A Bollywood Diva Rochelle Pinto Code : 9780143417279 Pub Price : 699 Indian.Rs Karim Khan Zand John R Perry Code : 9781851684359 Pub Price : 595 Indian.Rs Kasturba A Life Arun Gandhi Code : 9780140299717 Pub Price : 295 Indian.RsKasturba: A Life is the result of a lifetime of research byArun Gandhi, grandson of the Mahatma and Kasturba. As well as recounting historical events behind the birth of a nation, it is also a love story, which ended with the terrible tragedy of Gandhi’s assassination in New Delhi in 1948. Until now, Gandhi’s biographers have dwelled upon his legend. This biography is the powerful story of two human beings, triumphing together Key To The Door Captain Tariq Sfina Code : 0000000186797 Pub Price : 30 Rs khabbab Bin Al Aratt The Teacher Abdul Basit Ahmad Code : 9789960861203 Pub Price : 110 Rs Khaki Shadows Pakistan 1947 To 1997 General K.M. Arif Code : 9780195793963 Pub Price : 595 RsKhaki Shadows vividly portrays the role of the army in the politics of Pakistan from its earliest years and demonstrates how the intermix of political and military forces created difficulties for both and damaged national prestige these are some of the issues among many others which have been dealt with by general K.M. Arif in this highly interesting and readable account which spans half a century of politics and power in Pakistan Khalid Bin Waleed Sadiq Hussan Saddique Code : 0000000177245 Pub Price : 250 Rs Khalid Bin Waleed An Outstanding General Parvez Iqbal Anjum Code : 9789690100580 Pub Price : 50 Rs Khatamis Iran The Islamic Republic And The Turbulent Path To Reform Ghoncheh Tazmini Code : 9781845115944 Pub Price : 395 Indian.RsSeyyed Mohammad Khatami, s election to presidency in May 1997 signaled from the outset a period of immense change in Iranian politics. Khatami, one of the most enigmatic of modern leaders, was an important figure representing a powerful social movement in Iran. His reforms symbolized an effort to usher in an era of sociopolitical transformation predicated on a political platform that Khawaja Mueen UD Din Chishti Begum Naz Code : 9789693701623 Pub Price : 25 Rs Khomeini Life Of The Ayatollah Baqer Moin Code : 9781845117900 Pub Price : 16.99 UK.PKhomeini was the most radical Muslim leader of this age he launched an Islamic revival movement which quickly turned him into a hero for his supporters and a villain for his enemies in the process Khomeini became one of the seminal figures of the modern age. Still an enigma in the west Khomeini transformed the Middle East and the world. With radical political Islam now clearly central in all attempts to understand the international Khubilai Khan His Life And Times Morris Rossabi Code : 9780520067400 Pub Price : 21.95 US$ Khubilai Khan His Life And Times Morris Rossabi Code : 9780520261327 Pub Price : 28.95 US$Living from 1215 to 1294, Khubilai Khan is one of history's most renowned figures. Morris Rossabi draws on sources from a variety of East Asian, Middle Eastern, and European languages as he focuses on the life and times of the great Mongol monarch. This 20th anniversary edition is updated with a new preface examining how twenty years of scholarly Khutbaat e Qaid e Azam Rais Ahmad Code : 0000000209830 Pub Price : 450 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. 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Clever King Khan Deepa Gahlot Code : 9788174365033 Pub Price : 495 Indian.Rs King Of The Ring Muhammad Ali Mukhtar Bhatti Code : 0000000413855 Pub Price : 200 Rs King Of The World David Remnick Code : 9780330371896 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P Kings Of Kashmira Kahlana Pandita Code : 9788175363168 Pub Price : 360 Indian.Rs Kipling A Life Jad Adams Code : 9788129123725 Pub Price : 195 Indian.Rs Kublai Khan The Mongol King Who Remade China John Man Code : 9780593054499 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.PKublai khan the thirteenth century Mongolian prince who became emperor of china lives on in the popular imagination thanks to Coleridg, es poetic fantasy. But the truth behind the legend is even more fantastic than the poem suggests. Kublai inherited the largest land empire in history from his grandfather Genghis khan and doubled it. Kurt Angle ItsTrue Its True Harper Collins Code : 9780060393274 Pub Price : 26 US$ Lady Randolph Churchill Volume 2 Ralph G. 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Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Allama Iqbal / Biography Life of Iqbal Vol II Prof. Masud-Ul-Hasan Code : 9789690001337 Pub Price : 400 Rs Life Of Shah Waliyullah G.N.Jabani Code : 0000000215213 Pub Price : 95 Rs Biography / Biography Life Of Sir Henry Lawrence Great Explorations Sir Herbert Benjamin Edwardes Code : 9789694023083 Pub Price : 1295 Rs Life Of The Amir Dost Mohammed Khan Of Kabul Set Of 2 Vol Mohan Lal 2 Vol Set Code : 9788120619197 Pub Price : 1745 Indian.Rs Hazrat Muhammad S A W / Biography Life Of The Prophet Siratun Nabi Including Battles 7 Vol Set Allama Shibli Nomani Code : 0000000172981 Pub Price : 5800 Rs Life Swings Nick Faldo Code : 9780755311217 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.P Biography / Biography Lives In The Wilderness Three Classic Indian Aurobiographies Ramachandra Guha Code : 9780195669787 Pub Price : 625 Indian.Rs Lives Of The Indian Princes: Even Better Than Plain Tales Form the Raj Guardian Charles Allen Code : 9780099465300 Pub Price : 5.95 UK.P Living History Hillary Rodham Code : 9780747255154 Pub Price : 20 UK.PLiving History is her reveling memoir of life through the White House years with Bill Clinton a thirty-year adventures in love and polities investigations and constant public security. 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Emotive, compelling and uplifting, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM is the exhilarating story of an epic life; a story of hardship, resilience and ultimate triumph told with the clarity and eloquence of a born leader. 'Burns with the luminosity of Long Walk To Freedom Nelson Mandela Code : 9780349139623 Pub Price : 14.99 UK.P Long Walk To Freedom The Autobiography Of Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela Code : 9780316034784 Pub Price : 8.99 US$ Losing My Virginity The Autobiography Richard Branson Code : 9780753519554 Pub Price : 11.99 UK.PThis is the bestselling autobiography of iconic entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson, featuring his take on his latest business ventures, personal achievements and intrepid adventures. 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For more than five hundred years the name Machiavelli has resonated through the Madam Secretary A Memoir Madeleine Albright Code : 9780330419550 Pub Price : 8.99 UK.P Madam Secretary A Memoir Madeleine Albright Madeleine Albright Code : 9780786868438 Pub Price : 27.95 US$For eight years during bill Clintons two presidential terms Madeleine Albright was an active participant in the most dramatic events of rent times from the pursuit of peace in the middle east to natal humanitarian intervention in kazoo. Now in an outspoken memoir the highest-ranking woman in American history shares her remarkable story and provides an insiders view of world affairs during a period of unprecedented turbulence. Madar e Millat Fatima Jinnah Hayyat o Afkar Prof. Dr. M. A. Sufi Code : 0000000216319 Pub Price : 200 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Madrat e Millat Halat o Khidmat Musa Khan Jalal Zai Code : 0000000212175 Pub Price : 75 Rs Maha Raja Ranjit Singh Ranjit Singh Code : 0000000312455 Pub Price : 150 Rs Mahatma Gandhi An Essay In Political Biography Dietmar Rothermund Code : 9788173042621 Pub Price : 150 Indian.Rs Mahatma Gandhi Essays And Reflections Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Code : 9788172241223 Pub Price : 295 Indian.RsHere are essays and reflections on mahatma Gandhi one of the outstanding personalities not only of our time but also of all time since Buddha Gandhi was the greatest moral force in Indian history for the accomplishment of liberty justices and peace he rediscovered the old techniques of ahimsa and Satyagraha. 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Charting his development as a lawyer, a protester, and a political leader, Peter Hain takes an in depth look at Mandela’s rise through the ranks of the African National Congress and subsequent imprisonment on Robben Island, as increasingly vocal protests against the injustices of Apartheid brought his struggle against overwhelming prejudice and fear Mandela Anthony Sampson Code : 9780006388456 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.P Mandela A Biography Martin Meredith Code : 9781847399328 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P Mandela The Authorised Biography Now With Updated Material Anthony Sampson, John Battersby Code : 9780007437979 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.PWidely considered to be the most important biography of Nelson Mandela, Antony Sampson's remarkable book has been updated with an afterword by acclaimed South African journalist, John Battersby. Long after his presidency of South Africa, Nelson Mandela remained an inspirational figure to millions - Manmohan Singh : Visionary To Certainty K.Bhushan,G.Katyal Code : 9788176486941 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Manmohanomics Journey To South Block Life Of An Indian Prime Minister Vivek Garg Code : 9788170492115 Pub Price : 495 Indian.RsThis book charts the career and persona of Dr. Manmohan Singh, since his humble beginning in the Gah village, now in Pakistan, to his becoming the Prime Minister of India, the biggest democracy in the world. Singh is not the run-of-the –mill Indian politicians. Rather, he is the average Indian at heart. The book dwells into many hitherto unknown facets of this most educated prime Minister Mao Jonathan Spence Code : 9780753810712 Pub Price : 6.99 UK.P Mao The Real Story Alexander V Pantsov, Steven I Levine Code : 9781451654479 Pub Price : 35 US$Maos will for power, his vision as a revolutionary, and his prodigious capacity for cruelty marked mankind. Yet it is impossible to understand the transformation of modern China without absorbing the enormity of one mans impact. Pantsov and Levine have opened what are perhaps the final vaults of archival treasures to buttress their new and engrossing portrait of the Chinese Mao The Unknown Story Jung Chang And Jon Halliday Code : 9780099507376 Pub Price : 11.99 UK.P Margaret Mead Some Personal Views Rhoda Metraux Code : 9780802706263 Pub Price : 9.95 US$ Margaret Thatcher The Authorized Biography Volume One Not For Turning Charles Moore Code : 9780713992823 Pub Price : 30 UK.PCharles Moore's biography of Margaret Thatcher, published after her death on 8 April 2013, immediately supercedes all earlier books written about her. At the moment when she becomes a historical figure, this book also makes her into a three dimensional one for the first time. It gives unparalleled insight into her early life and formation, especially through her extensive correspondence Margaret Thatcher: John Campbell Code : 9780224061568 Pub Price : 45 UK.PIn this first volume of the first full scale biography of Margaret Thatcher since her fall from power and the first thoroughly to explore her early life john Campbell the prize winning biographer of Edward heath re examines the mythology and suggests a more complex reality behind the idealized picture accepted by lady Thatcher’s early biographers. Mark Twain Bounty Books Code : 9780753709092 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.P Martin Luther King Godfrey Hodgson Code : 9781849160018 Pub Price : 20 UK.PMartin Luther King left an indelible mark on 20th-century American history through his leadership of the non-violent civil rights campaigns of the 1950s and 1960s. The election of Barack Obama as America's first black president in November 2008 has spawned a renewed interest in King's role as an agent and prophet of political change in the United States. Writing with verve and clarity but also with acute insight, Godfrey Martin Luther King Godfrey Hodgson Code : 9781849162623 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P Marxs Das Kapital A Biography Francis Wheen Code : 9781553652496 Pub Price : 22.95 US$ Mary Queen Of Scots Politics Passion And A Kingdom Lost Jenny Wormald Code : 9781860645884 Pub Price : 9.95 UK.P Master Musicians Berlioz Hugh Macdonald Code : 9780198164838 Pub Price : 17.95 US$The book is comprehensive life and works study Hugh draws on Berlioz’s numerous writings his Memories his critical articles and his extensive correspondence including many unpublished documents. It is a biography and music are treated together in a continuous narrative in the context of the musical life of early nineteenth century. Master Musicians Rachmaninoff Stanley Sadie Code : 9780198164883 Pub Price : 59.95 AD$ SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Master Of War The Life Of General George H Thomas Benson Bobrick Code : 9780743290258 Pub Price : 28 US$In this revelatory, dynamic biography, one of our finest historians, Benson Bobrick, profiles George H Thomas, arguing that he was the greatest and most successful general of the Civil War. Because Thomas did not live to write his memoirs, his reputation has been largely shaped by others, most notably Ulysses S Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman, two generals with whom Thomas served their favor in their own memoirs. Masters And Commanders The Military Geniuses Who Led The West To Victory In WWll Andrew Roberts Code : 9780141029269 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P Maulana Abul Kalam Azad M K Singh Code : 9788126135165 Pub Price : 900 Indian.RsThe book on Maulana Abul Kalam Azad as nationalist Muslim forerunners of India’s freedom struggle a reformist and as the first education minister of India is of great importance for the scholars researchers students teachers and historians as well pertaining to this sphere. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad And Sarmad V N Datta Code : 9788129112118 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi His Views On Religious And Moral Philosophy And Tasawwuf Ahmad Ali Khawaja Code : 9789698016296 Pub Price : 75 Rs Maxine Cheshire Reporter John Greenya Code : 0000000343916 Pub Price : 10.95 US$ Medhi Hasan Unforgettable Ghazals S M Shahid Code : 9789698625108 Pub Price : 600 Rs Mehmood ur Rehman Part2 Ashfaq Ali Khan Code : 0000000199216 Pub Price : 240 Rs Mein Kampe Adolf Hittler Code : 9788187981299 Pub Price : 175 Indian.Rs Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler With Rare Photographs Adolf Hitler Code : 9788184081305 Pub Price : 195 Indian.RsMein Kampf is perhaps the only notable work written in two volumes by Adolf Hitler, in 1924. Hitler was arrested when he took out a mass demonstration in favour of national unity for the formation of a socialist German state. He was tried by the People?s Court in Munich and subsequently, imprisoned for thirteen months where he wrote the first volume. The second volume was written after he was released. This book will give you an Mein Kampf An Autobiography Adolf Hitler Code : 9788172343774 Pub Price : 195 Indian.Rs Mein Kampf My Struggle Adolf Hitler Code : 9788184950502 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs Memoirs And Reflections Dr Justice Nasim Hasan Shah Code : 9789695160763 Pub Price : 795 Rs Memoirs Of A Bystander A Life In Diplomacy Iqbal Akhund Code : 9780195779974 Pub Price : 395 Rs Maulana Azad wrote his essay on swarmed even he was twenty three. His essay was hailed as a masterpiece. Some scholars have traced in this essay the genesis and growth of Azad religious thought and political life. With his wide learning and penetrating insights V N Datta gives altogether a different perspective by arguing that Azad saw in his own life SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Memoirs Of A Rebel Princess Abida Sultaan,Sahabzada Yaqub Khan Code : 9780199068425 Pub Price : 550 RsWritten shortly before her death this book documents the activities of a Muslim princess who rebelled against societal conventions to take an active public role, first, as heir-apparent and chief secretary within the context of an Indian princely state, then, shortly after partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947, as diplomat and dissident in independent Pakistan. 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As with Elvis and John Lennon everyone will remember where they were when they heard about the death of Michael Jackson. He was just fifty when he was dead, but had become a superstar by the Michael Jackson A Visual Documentary 1958-2009 The Official Tribute Edition Adrian Grant Code : 9781849382618 Pub Price : 19.95 UK.P Michael Jackson The Magic And The Madness J Randy Taraborrelli Code : 9780330420051 Pub Price : 8.99 UK.P SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. 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This book provide an illuminating look into some of the lives of those who at some point during their lifetimes devoted themselves to the defense of their nations. Miraculous Fortunes An Autobiography Of Dr. Ali Akbar M. Dhakan Dr. Ali Akbar M. Dhakan Code : 0000000250924 Pub Price : 300 Rs Mirza Ghalib A Creative Biography The Millennium Series Natalia Prigarina Code : 9780195779455 Pub Price : 495 Rs Mirza Ghalib The Poet Of Poets Saraswati Saran Code : 0000000232951 Pub Price : 250 Indian.Rs Modi To Moditva Nirendra Dev Code : 9788170494461 Pub Price : 595 Indian.Rs Mohammad And His Successors 2 vol set Washington Irving Code : 9788186787052 Pub Price : 1800 Indian.Rs Hazrat Muhammad S A W / Biography Mohammad Rasool ullah PBUH Dr. Akhter Nawaz Khan Code : 0000000198271 Pub Price : 250 Rs Mohammed Washington Irving Code : 9781840225730 Pub Price : 3.99 UK.PAccording to Mohammad the one true religion was revealed to five great Prophets before him Adam Noah Abraham Moses and Jesus. But each time their message was ignored and people chose to worship false Gods instead. As the last and greatest Prophet of the one and only God it was his task to abolish all idolatry. For many years his mission seemed hopeless. Mohammad now led his armies out to do battle in the desert spreading his religion at the point of Biography / Biography Mohan Das Karchand Gandhi Prof. Dr. Ghulam Hussan Code : 9789693502985 Pub Price : 595 Rs Mohandas A True Story Of A MAn His People And An Empire Rajmohan Gandhi Code : 9780670999323 Pub Price : 650 Indian.RsA candid recreation of one of the most influential lives of recent times Mohandas finally answers questions long asked about the timid youth from India’s west coast who became a century conscience and led his nation to liberty. Mohandas authored by a practiced biographer who is also Gandhi grandson does more than tell a story. SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Mohandas A True Story Of A Man, His People And An Empire Rajmohan Gandhi Code : 9780143104117 Pub Price : 800 Indian.RsA more heroic tale has yet to be told . . . [Mohandas] is meticulously researched, written in felicitous prose and is a delight to read' Khushwant Singh, Outlook A candid recreation of one of the most influential lives of recent times, Mohandas finally answers questions long asked about the timid youth from India's west coast who became a century's Mohandas K Gandhi A Biography Patricia C Marcello Code : 9788184950472 Pub Price : 350 Indian.Rs Monica Her Story Jaico Code : 9788172247652 Pub Price : 85 Indian.RsMonica testimony formed the basis of the star report, which in turn caused the house judiciary committee, and the house of representative to recommend impeachment proceeding of the president. Monicas Untold Story:An Amorality Tale Anonymous Code : 9780060393038 Pub Price : 12 US$ Montgomery D D Commander Nigel Hamilton Code : 9788182744271 Pub Price : 495 Indian.RsThis fascinating study of military leadership follows British field marshal Bernard Law Montgomery’s military career from his cadet days and service in World War II _ including his defeat of the great German panzer commander, Erwin Rome, at Alamein _to his time as chief of the Imperial General Staff and his outspoken and controversial views later in life on apartheid and communism. Nigel Hamilton presents a brilliant, arrogant Moon Walk Michael Jackson Code : 9780434020287 Pub Price : 9.95 UK.PIn Moonwalk, Michael Jackson share his personal feelings about some of his most public friends….friends like Diana Ross, Berry Gordy, Quincy Jones, Paul McCartney, Fred Astarie, Marlon Brando and Katherine Hepburn. He talks openly about the crushing isolation of his first love, of his plastic surgery, and of his wholly exceptional career and the often bizarre and unfair rumors at that love have surrounded it. Moonwalk is Moshe Dayan Martin Van Code : 9780297846697 Pub Price : 14.99 UK.P Mother Blessed Mother The Story Of A Girl Named Agnes Hubert Robin Gomez Code : 9788129103147 Pub Price : 195 Indian.RsThis book is about the person whom I saw as a neighbor . a provider and a spiritual advisor .it profiles there representative real life accounts of how mother gave new life to the unfortunate ,her oneness with Christ brought out the Christian value of love for other to Grasp. Mother India A Political Biography Of Indira Gandhi Pranay Gupte. Code : 9780670084098 Pub Price : 599 Indian.Rs Mother India A Political Biography Of Indira Gandhi Pranay Gupta Code : 9780143068266 Pub Price : 499 Indian.Rs Mother Teresa Navin Chawla Code : 9780143031789 Pub Price : 299 Indian.Rs Mother Teresa : The Apostle Of Love Gautam Ghosh Code : 9788171679119 Pub Price : 95 Indian.Rs Mother Teresa A Biography Meg Greene Code : 9788179927540 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs Mother Teresa Faith In The Darkness Greg Watts Code : 9788172239008 Pub Price : 695 Indian.RsSomething Beautiful for God 'In your own way, try to make the world conscious that it is never too late to do something beautiful for God.' SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Mother Teresa Faith In The Darkness Greg Watts.. Code : 9780745952833 Pub Price : 10.99 UK.P Mother Teresa: An Authorized Biography Kathryn Spink Code : 9780006280859 Pub Price : 12.99 US$ Mr George Eliot A Biography Of George Henry Lewes David Williams Code : 9780340257173 Pub Price : 12.95 UK.P Mrs Simpson Richard Garrett Code : 9780312551384 Pub Price : 10.95 US$ Mu Awiya Ibn Abi Sufyan From Arabia To Empire R Stephen Humphreys Code : 9781851684021 Pub Price : 595 Indian.Rs Mufakar e Pakistan Allama Iqbal Syed Asif Code : 0000000211956 Pub Price : 400 Rs Muhammad Ali Jane Benn Code : 9781906734602 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.PMuhammad Ali broke the boxing mould. Almost three decades have passed since he last pulled on the gloves, yet he is still revered the world over as a great athlete and great humanitarian. Muhammad Ali Flip Schulke Code : 9780312263607 Pub Price : 18.95 US$ Hazrat Muhammad S A W / Biography Muhammad As If You Can See Him Abdullah Al Qarni Code : 9789960999494 Pub Price : 200 Indian.Rs Muhammad At Medina W Montgomery Watt Code : 9780199064731 Pub Price : 695 Rs Muhammad In The Bible Abdul Ahad Dawud Code : 0000000189934 Pub Price : 165 Rs Muhammad In The Quran Ali Musa RAza Code : 9789694320014 Pub Price : 95 Rs Muhammad In The Quran The Task And The Text Kenneth Cragg Code : 9781901764130 Pub Price : 18 UK.PMuhammad in the Quran the task and the text studies the significance of what is known Muslims as tanzil the classic Islamic understanding of the Quran as divine revelation committing an eternal scripture to the prophet Muhammad at intervals over some twenty three years of his adult life. Muhammad PBUH Sayed Ahmed Rafique Code : 9789690022240 Pub Price : 595 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him The Model Of Excellence Raja Muhammad Sharif Qazi Code : 9789690101181 Pub Price : 400 Rs Muhammad Prophet For Our TIme Karen Armstrong Code : 9780007256068 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.PFrom the bestselling writer of 'The History of God' and the widely acclaimed 'Islam - A Short History' comes Karen Armstrong's 'Muhammad'. Karen Armstrong has become one of our most important and relevant commentators on religious world affairs today, consistently providing a scholarly but accessible approach to humanity's relationships with God Muhammad Prophet Four Our Time Karen Armstrong Code : 9780007232451 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.PThere is more historical data on his life than on that of the founder of any other major faith and yet his story is consistently misunderstood and subject to much distortion and error this story is more relevant now than ever offering crucial insight into the true origins of an increasingly radicalized Islam. Muhammad The Beloved Of Allah Salim Bin Muhammad Rafi Code : 0000000252966 Pub Price : 550 Rs Biography / Biography Muhammad The First And The Last Nighat Code : 9789695034033 Pub Price : 250 Rs Muhammad The Holy Prophet Hafiz Ghulam Sarwar Code : 9789694321318 Pub Price : 84 Rs Hazrat Muhammad S A W / Biography Muhammad: A Short Biography Martin Forward Code : 9781851681310 Pub Price : 14.99 UK.PIn the West, Islam is often regarded as a warrior faith, with Muhammad as its conquering leader, armed with the Quran in one hand and a scimitar in the other. But what sort of man was he? Was he the spiritual founder of a nation, committed to the will of God, or a military dictator? Gods chosen prophet or an autocratic polygamist? This biography offers an in-depth account of Muhammads life and Muhammadf Ali Champion Of The World Jonah Winter Code : 9780375937873 Pub Price : 9.95 US$ Biography / Biography Mukhtar Mai In The Name Of Honour Marie Therese Cuny Code : 9781844084098 Pub Price : 11.99 UK.PIn this rousing and moving account Mai describes experiences and readers get a rare look inside a world of ancient tribal justice rampant illiteracy poverty and economic and sexual bondage mukhtar Mai pitted herself against the system with extraordinary courage and strength of purpose timely and topical in the name of honour is the inspirational true story of a woman who continues to fight against exceptional odds since the trial some of the Mulana Abul Kalaam Azad Maasreen Ki Nazar Main Pro.Amjad Ali Code : 0000000310550 Pub Price : 200 Rs Muslim Heroes Of The Twentieth Century S.M.H. Mashoor Code : 9789694321158 Pub Price : 105 Rs Muslim Women Mystics The Life And Eork Of Rabi A And Other Women Mystics In Islam Margaret Smith Code : 9781851682508 Pub Price : 19.99 UK.P SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Mussolini A New Life Nicholas Farrell Code : 9781842121238 Pub Price : 14.99 UK.PNicholas Farrell has produced a fascinating biography of Mussolini which is bound to be controversial it is inevitable that Farrell will have the adjective revisionist attached to his name although surely the alternative to revisionist history is plagiarism? Farrell’s greatest contribution is to ground in his context as a very Italian phenomenon The questions Mussolini was trying to answer are Farrell makes clear as pertinent now as they were Muths Of Modern Individ Ualism Ian Watt Code : 9780521585644 Pub Price : 16.95 UK.P My Autobiography Alex Ferguson Code : 9780340919392 Pub Price : 25 UK.PSir Alex announced his retirement as manager of Manchester United after 27 years in the role. He has gone out in a blaze of glory, with United winning the Premier League for the 13th time, and he is widely considered to be the greatest manager in the history of British football. Over the last quarter of a century there have been seismic changes at My Autobiography F Max Muller Code : 9788171679737 Pub Price : 150 Indian.RsThe autobiographical of max Muller gives the readers a vivid insight into the formative years of the scholars life as he reminisces about this carefree childhood at dessau school days at Leipzig and student life in Paris and oxford the reader can feel his tremendous love and respect for Indian culture and vedic literature. My China Diary 1956-88 K Natwar Singh Code : 9788129117274 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs My Country My Life L K Advani Code : 9788129113634 Pub Price : 595 Indian.RsMy Country My Life is an extraordinary self-portrait of India s leading political personality - L.K. Advani. As an immigrant who was forced to abandon his beloved Sindh, which became a part of Pakistan after India was partitioned in 1947, on the basis of the communally inspired Two Nation Theory , Advani gives a poignant first-person account of that tragedy. With a career spanning six decades as a political activist in post-1947 India, My Country My Life L K Advani,Atal Bihari Vajpayee Code : 9788129116543 Pub Price : 495 Indian.RsMy Country My Life is an extraordinary self-portrait of India s leading political personality - L.K. Advani. As an immigrant who was forced to abandon his beloved Sindh, which became a part of Pakistan after India was partitioned in 1947, on the basis of the communally inspired Two Nation Theory , Advani gives a poignant first-person account of that tragedy. With a CAREERspanning six decades as My Diaries Marvi Memon Code : 0000000448208 Pub Price : 1200 Rs My Experiments With Truth M K Gandhi Code : 9788184950519 Pub Price : 395 Indian.Rs My Father Keeper Stephan Lebert Code : 9780349114576 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.P My Father Our Fraternity The Story Of Haafiz Ali Khan And My World Amjad Ali Khan Code : 9788174367617 Pub Price : 595 Indian.RsMy Father, Our Fraternity is an intensely personal memoir which brings alive the rich classical music tradition from the early twentieth century to the present. Amjad Ali Khan offers an insider's view of this era, through the life and times of his father, the famous sarod icon, Ustad Haafiz Ali Khan. He also affords us a glimpse into the deeply held traditions of Indian classical music, like My Father,s Rifle Hiner Saleem Code : 9780374216931 Pub Price : 17 US$ My Feudal Lord A Devastating Indictment Of Womens Role In Muslim Society Tehmina Durrani, William Marilyn Hoffer Code : 9780552142397 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.PWhen a woman with brains and beauty from a wealthy background decides to take her fate into her own hands and challenge the restrictions of a male-oriented, conservative society, the consequences can be devastating. Born into one of Pakistan's most My First 65 Years In Advertising Maxwell Sackheim Code : 9780830658169 Pub Price : 9.95 US$ SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal My Forbidden Face Growing Up Under The Taliban A Young Woman,s Story Latifa Code : 9781860499609 Pub Price : 5.99 UK.P My Journey Target Chase It Ashfaq Ahmad Code : 0000000499590 Pub Price : 550 Rs My Judy Carland Life For Anyone Who,s Ever Held A Candle To A Star Susie Boyt Code : 9781844084111 Pub Price : 15.99 UK.PDespite its emblematic place within contemporary racism and its increasingly important position in defining relations between states and ethnicised minorities, Islamophobia remains a contested, frequently unrecognised and largely under-theorised form of racism. The Politics of Islamophobia provides a definitive My Life Fidel Castro Code : 9780141026268 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.PIgnacio Ramonet is a specialist on geopolitics economics and the history of culture and a professor of communication theory at the university Denis Diderot in Paris. He is the long time editor of the French magazine Le Monde Diplomatque one of the founders of ATTAC international and a key player in organizing the first world social forum in porto Aleger.In addition Ramonet also founded the NGO media watch global. My Life And Times Premchand An Autobiographical Narrative Madan Gopal Code : 9788174364326 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs My Life As An Explorer 1885-1935 Sven Hedin Code : 9788120610576 Pub Price : 1445 Indian.Rs My Life Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Code : 9780099441359 Pub Price : 16.99 UK.P My Life Fidel Castro Ignacio Ramonet Code : 9780713999204 Pub Price : 25 UK.PIn this book Castro describes his life from the 1930s all the way up to the present day he discusses everything his parents his earliest influences the beginning of the revolution his relationship with che Guevara Cuban migration to the US. My Life,s Journey The Early Years 1966 - 1988 Safar E Zindagi Code : 9780199063413 Pub Price : 795 RsBased on a long interview of Altaf Hussain, the present day Chief of the now Muttahida Qaumi Movement (previously Mohajir Qaumi Movement), this book is an account of the protagonist's life and political career up to the year 1988. It provides illuminating insights into the rise of a powerful political party and its charismatic leader. Hussain's early encounters My Name Is Salma Fadia Faqir Code : 9780385610995 Pub Price : 11.99 UK.P My Share Of The Task A Memoir General Stanley McChrystal Code : 9781591844754 Pub Price : 29.95 US$ My Share Of The Task General Stanley McChrystal U S Army Retired A Memoir Code : 9781591846826 Pub Price : 20 US$General Stanley McChrystal is widely admired for his hunger to know the truth, his courage to find it, and his humility to listen to those around him. Even as the commanding officer of all U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan, he stationed himself forward and frequently went on patrols with his troops to Nag Hammadi CodicesThe Gospel Of The Egyptians Alexander Bohling And Frederik Code : 0000000144070 Pub Price : 11.49 US$ Nancy Reagan The Unauthorized Biography Kitty Kelley Code : 9780593024508 Pub Price : 16.99 UK.PIt provides a picture of a singularly complex woman a superb public performer and formidable strategist yet prone in large measure to social vanity materialism and vengefulness and in effect it puts into perspective the whole American electoral system showing how it was possible for someone of modest accomplishment but startling ambition to create her husband career and thus become without questions the most powerful woman in the SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Napoleon And The Art Of Diplomacy How War And Hubris Determined The Rise And Fall Of The French Empire William R. Nester Code : 9781611210927 Pub Price : 34.95 US$* The mostly overlooked impressive diplomatic skills of one of history's most intriguing, complex and powerful leaders A small library could be stocked with books written about Napoleon the general, whose battles and campaigns have been studied extensively. Napoleon And The Hundred Days Stephen Coote Code : 9780743449939 Pub Price : 8.99 UK.PIn Vienna, 1815, as the political aristocrats of Europe assembled to determine the fate of the continent after the wars of the last twenty years, the news arrives that Napoleon has returned to France. Bonaparte -the revolutionary turned emperor and 'disturber of the world's peace' -- had been defeated and exiled to Elba, but now he is fast advancing on Paris, gathering troops and taking cities without firing a single shot. Europe's peace is not to last. Napoleon The Great Andrew Roberts Code : 9781846140273 Pub Price : 30 UK.P Napoleon The Man WHo Shaped Europe Ben Weider Code : 9781862272231 Pub Price : 14.99 UK.PThis new edition includes chapters on Napoleons rehabilitation of the Jews and the cession of Louisiana in 1803. his research into Napoleons death has been responsible for fulfilling one of Napoleons last wishes that the true cause of his death is now know. Narendra Modi A Political Biography Andy Marino Code : 9789351362173 Nasser Hero Of Arab Nation Joel Gordon Code : 9781851684113 Pub Price : 595 Indian.Rs Pub Price : 599 Indian.RsA biography of Narendra Modi that aims to give a fair picture of the man and his politics. Narendra Modi, the BJPs prime ministerial candidate, is Nawaz Sharif Politics Of Business Mushtaq Ahmad Code : 0000000185820 Pub Price : 495 Rs Nehru B. N. Pandey Code : 9788171676026 Pub Price : 295 Indian.RsIndia’s first prime minister has been a topic of enduring interest to biographers His rise to power and his attempts to give life to his vision of a new world order have been as much a focus of scholarship as the man away from the political arena. It is a product of painstaking research based almost entirely on private documents and explores among other things Nehru’s intellectual growth his policies as the leader of the nation and Nehru A Political Biography Michael Brecher Code : 9780195647563 Pub Price : 645 Indian.Rs Nehru A Tryst With Destiny Stanley Wolpert Code : 9780195100730 Pub Price : 35 US$ Nehru The Making Of India M. J. Akbar Code : 9788174362056 Pub Price : 495 Indian.RsNEHRU THE MAKING OF INDIA Neil Armstrong Heinemann Profiles Sean Connolly Code : 9780431086170 Pub Price : 2.25 UK.P BY. M. J. AKBAR IN.RS 495.00 SP.RS 870 Born in Allahbad on 14 November 1889, Nehru was a Nelson Britannias God Of War Andrew Lambert Code : 9780571212224 Pub Price : 20 UK.PWhat made Nelson so special? What individual quality led Byron rightly to celebrate Nelson's genius as 'Britannia's God of War'? Andrew Lambert demonstrates how Nelson elevated the business of naval warfare to the level of the sublime. Where his predecessors and opponents saw a particular battle as an end in itself, Nelson - even in the midst of terrifying, close-quarters action - was concerned to exploit the victory he was achieving. Nelson Love And Fame Edgar Vincent Code : 9780300102604 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.PThis is remarkable book on all fronts technical, historical and psychological…Nelson is masterly biography, cool and sharp in long shots, intimately persuasive in close focus at all times difficult to put down and as timely as it is suggestive in its implications. SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Nelson Mandela A Force For Freedom Christina Scott Code : 9781862007635 Pub Price : 18.99 UK.P Nelson Mandela Conversation With My Self Macmillan Code : 9780230749016 Pub Price : 25 UK.P Nizam Al Mulk Tusi S. Rizwan Ali Rizvi Code : 0000000157278 Pub Price : 87 Rs No Higher Honour A Memoir Of My Years In Washington Condoleezza Rice Code : 9780857208088 Pub Price : 10.99 UK.PFrom one of the world's most admired women, this is former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's compelling story of eight years serving at the highest levels of government. A native of Birmingham, Alabama, who overcame the racism of the Civil Rights era to become a brilliant academic and expert on foreign affairs, Rice distinguished herself as an No Illusions, Some Hopes And No Fears I. H. Burney Code : 9780195776874 Pub Price : 795 Rs No Shame For The Sun Lives Of Professional Pakistani Women Shahla Haeri Code : 9780195977165 Pub Price : 650 Rs Nomad A Personal Journey Through The Clash Of Civilizations Ayaan Hirsi Ali Code : 9781847398185 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.PNomad is a philosophical memoir, telling how Ayaan Hirsi Ali came to America in search of a new life, and the difficulties she faced in reconciling her two worlds. With vivid anecdotes and observations of people, cultures, and political debacles, this narrative weaves together Hirsi Ali's personal Nostradamus And His Prophecies Edgar Leoni Code : 9780517388099 Pub Price : 16 US$ Notable Muslims Natana Delong Bas Code : 9781851683956 Pub Price : 395 Indian.RsNotable muslims is unique among works of a similar nature in its contemporary focus eighty five of the one hundred figures profiled are alive today and many have been interviewed personally by natana Delong bas for this project. Notes On Iqbals Asrar i Khudi J.Arberry Code : 0000000215152 Pub Price : 40 Rs Nur Jahans Daughter Tanushree Podder Code : 9788129107220 Pub Price : 295 Indian.RsEmpress Nur Jahan ruled hindustan for sixteen long years.While her story often told with wonder and awe historians and writer ignore the tale of her daughter Ladle the reluctant principles who found herself sucked in the maelstrom of her insensitive mothers ruthless ambitions.Set against the background of the opulence of the Mughal Empire Nur Jahan,s daughter is the story of a royal lineage plunged into fratricidal friction treaty unbelievable O- Level Classified Blology Web Publication Code : 0000000294515 Pub Price : 290 SpRs On The Firing Line:My 500 Days At Apple Gil Amelio William L.Simon Code : 9780887309182 Pub Price : 25 US$ On The Shoulders Of Giants Karleem ABdul Jabbar Code : 9781416534884 Pub Price : 26 US$ SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal One Life Is Not Enough K. Natwar Singh Code : 9788129132741 Pub Price : 500 Indian.Rs One Who Will The Search For Steve Waugh Jack Egan Code : 9781741143867 Pub Price : 395 Indian.RsSteve Waugh's career is undisputedly the stuff of legend. As a player and as a captain he has reached the pinnacle of Australian cricket. His side has been compared to Bradman's Invincibles, and the media coverage following his retirement from Test cricket was reignited by his controversial naming as Australian of the Year for 2004. Many though, Oprah Winfrey A Biography Helen,s S Garson Code : 9788179927533 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs Optimism Lives Yumna Jameel Code : 0000000389280 Pub Price : 150 Rs Orient And Occident My Life In East And West Annemarie Schimmel Code : 9789694163789 Pub Price : 350 Rs Osama Bin Laden A Biography Thomas R Mockaitis Code : 9788182745476 Pub Price : 795 Indian.Rs Osama The Making Of A Terrorist Jonathan Randal Code : 0000000317153 Pub Price : 395 Indian.RsOsama bin laden, s life and role in the rise of terrorism in the Middle East. Randal traces the current sources of Osama money and tells us why the Iraq war has played into the hands of the terrorists while also providing essential insight and background on the history of American involvement in the Middle East. With his long maintained sources in the Middle East and his intimate understanding of the region Randal gives us a clearer Osama The Making Of A Terrorist . Jonathan Randal Code : 0000000318679 Pub Price : 395 Indian.RsHow is it possible for one middle aged Saudi millionaire to threaten the world’s superpower? This is the question at the center of Jonathan Randal’s riveting, timely account of Osama bin Laden’s life and role in the rise of terrorism in the Middle East, Randal traces the current sources of Osama’s money and tells us why the Iraq war has played into the hands of the terrorists, while also providing essential insight and background on the history of Osama The Making Of A Terrorist The Life And Violent Death Of The Centurys Most Hunted Man Jonathan Randal Code : 9781780760551 Pub Price : 10.99 UK.PHow was it possible for one middleaged Saudi millionaire to have threatened the world's only superpower? How did he evade capture for so long? And how was he eventually found and killed? These are the questions at the centre of Jonathan Randal's riveting account of Osama bin Laden's role in the rise of terrorism in the Middle East. Randal - a journalist whose experience of the Osama The Making Of Terrorist Jonathan Randal Code : 9780375409011 Pub Price : 26.95 US$ Osama.The Making Of A Terrorist Jonathan Randal Code : 9781845111175 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.PThe Bush administration did not see to dispel the mystery of the cassette’s provenance in an effort to bolster the credibility of its bona fides. For reasons elucidated neither at the time nor late, the U.S government did no more than hint it had been found in a private house in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad, had been rushed to Washington in the late November, had been checked and double- checked and had provoked a sharp debate about the Oscar Wilde A Life In Letters Merlin Holland Code : 9780786719075 Pub Price : 27.95 US$ Ottoline The Life Of Lady Ottoline Morrell Sandra Jobson Darroch Code : 9780698106345 Pub Price : 12.5 US$ Our Bodies Ourselves Simon & Schuster Code : 9781439190661 Pub Price : 26 US$ SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Our Freedom Fighters 1562-1947 Twenty-One Great Lives G Allana Code : 9789690006851 Pub Price : 395 Rs Our Last Best Chance The Pursuit Of Peace In A Time Of Peril King Abdullah Code : 9780141048796 Pub Price : 10.99 UK.PHRH King Abdullah was schooled in America and at Sandhurst and was heading for a life as a CAREER soldier, when his father fell ill and he unexpectedly inherited the throne of Jordan. Fiercely loyal to his country but possessing an outsider's perspective on the political difficulties of the region, King Abdullah Our Last Best Change The Pursuit Of Peace In A Time Of Peril King Abdullah II Of Jordan Jordan Code : 9781846143373 Pub Price : 25 UK.P Our Live And Times : From The Turn Of The Last Century To The War On Terrorism Lorraine Glennon Code : 9781572153721 Pub Price : 68.95 US$Our Lives and Times combine the repertoires and resources of our greatest journalists, essayists, and visual communicators. Each year is covered in a separate section that relates the most important events of year. In addition provocative essays about each decade are included. These essays provide insight into the current issues of the times, from the pioneering work of Sigmund Freud to the Our Partnership With An Introduction By George Feaver Beatrice Webb Code : 9780521208529 Pub Price : 22.5 US$ Our Posthuman Future Consequences Of The Biotechnology Revolution Francis Fukuyama Code : 9781861974952 Pub Price : 225 Indian.RsIn 1989 Fukuyama made his nowfamous pronouncement that because ‘the major alternatives to liberal democracy had exhausted themselves,’ history as we know it had reached its end. Now, he has revised his argument: we haven’t reached the end of science. Arguing that the greatest advances still to come will be in the life sciences, Fukuyama asks how the ability to modify human Over World. Confessions Of A Reluctant Spy Larry J. Kolb Code : 9780552150491 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.P Oxford A Dictionary Of English Surnames Oxford Code : 9780198600923 Pub Price : 15.95 US$ Pakistan A Personal History Imran Khan Code : 9780857500649 Pub Price : 8.99 UK.PBorn only five years after Pakistan was created in 1947, Imran Khan has lived his country's history. Undermined by a ruling elite, and unable to protect its people from the carnage of regular bombings from terrorists and its own ally, America, Pakistan has for years suffered from instability. Now Imran Khan and his own political party, the Tehreek-e-Insaf, offer a real political alternative for the people of Pakistan at a time when tension Pakistan Cinema 1947To1997 Mushtaq Gazdar Code : 9780195778175 Pub Price : 995 Rs Pakistan s Warrior Princess Banazir Bhutto From My Heart Saria Benazir Code : 9789699739989 Pub Price : 990 Rs Pakistan The First Twelve Years Mazhar Ali Khan Code : 9780195776768 Pub Price : 650 Rs Papio Abdul Basit Haqqani Code : 9789694023465 Pub Price : 495 Rs Parveen Shakir Ahwal o Aasar Ahmad Paracha Code : 0000000197625 Pub Price : 150 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Past Forgetting My Love Affair With Dwight D. Eisenhower Kay Summersby Morgan Code : 9780671223588 Pub Price : 9.95 US$ Paths Of Innovators in Science Engineering And Technology Vol 1 R Parthasarathy Code : 9788173717505 Pub Price : 400 Indian.Rs Paths Of Innovators In Science Engineering And Technology Volume 2 R Parthasarathy Code : 9788173717512 Pub Price : 400 Indian.Rs Patton Legendary World Warr II Commander Martin Blumenson Code : 9788182744288 Pub Price : 495 Indian.Rs Paulo Coelho A Warriors Life The Authorized Biography Fernando Morais Code : 9780061718885 Pub Price : 26.99 US$Paulo Coelho: A Warrior's Life is the first-ever biography of the man whose books have sold an astounding 100 million copies worldwide, making him one of the bestselling authors of all time. Paulo Coelho's life begins with a complicated birth in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in August 1947. 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Before he became internationally known as a worldwide bestselling author, Payambar Discovery Of Peace And The Ultimate Reality Shaukat Ullah Code : 9789699470004 Pub Price : 3500 Rs People Who Changed The World Rodney Castleden Code : 9780708805756 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P People Who Changed The World Igloobooks Code : 9780857801364 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.P People Who Changed The World Cara Rogers Code : 9781848177178 Pub Price : 20 UK.P People Who Shaped The Century Time Life Code : 9780783555133 Pub Price : 29.95 US$ Richard Nixon / Biography Perfectly Clear Nixon From Whittier To Watergate Frank Mankiewicz Code : 9780812904055 Pub Price : 8.95 US$ Perjury The Hiss Chambers Case Allen Weinstein Code : 9780394491769 Pub Price : 20 US$ Biography / Biography Pierce Brosnan The Unauthorised Biography York Membert Code : 9780753507964 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.P Pioneering The Human Development Revolution An Intellectual Biography Of Mahbub Ul Haq Khadija Haq Code : 9780195695137 Pub Price : 595 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Pioneers In Science,Science Technology And Society 8 Vol Set Katherine Cullen PhD Code : 9788130907079 Pub Price : 4995 Indian.Rs Piyaray Qaid Big Book Maqbool Code : 0000000166645 Pub Price : 170 Rs Plato For Beginners Robert Cavalier Code : 9788125024729 Pub Price : 225 Indian.RsAll philosophy is a footnote to Plato. No other person so shaped the Western world and the way we think about it Plato’s questions remain as real for us today as they were 2500 years ago, and as human beings, we cannot avoid their presence not shirk our responsibility to attempt to answer them: Playing God? John Newell Code : 9780951562956 Pub Price : 12.95 UK.P Poineers In Education Pravat Kumar Dhal Code : 9788131312957 Pub Price : 995 Indian.Rs Police, Crime, And Politics Memoirs Of An IGP Hafiz S. D. Jamy Code : 9789694022888 Pub Price : 395 Rs Portraits In Words Rehkopf Code : 0000000174657 Pub Price : 3 US$ Potemkin Prince Of Princes Simon Sebag Code : 9780753818343 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.P Bhotto / Biography Power Failure The Political Odyssey Of A Pakistani Women Syeda Abida Hussain Code : 9780199401574 Pub Price : 2195 Rs Practical Textbook Of Biochemistry For Medical Students Second Edition DM Vasudevan Subir Kumar Das Code : 9789350906682 Pub Price : 195 Indian.Rs Biography / Biography Prem Naam Hai Mera Prem Chopra Rakita Nanda Code : 9788129131188 Pub Price : 495 Indian.Rs Premadasa Of Sri Lanka: A Political Biography Bradman Weerakoon Code : 9780706959833 Pub Price : 150 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. 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In this book, Farzana Moon sets out to portray the true spirit of Islam as a religion of peace and reconciliation, as practiced by the Prophet Muhammad The Infinite Light 2 M. Fathullah Gulen Code : 9789757388456 Pub Price : 225 Rs Bhotto / Biography Prophet The Life And Times Of Kahlil Gibran Robin Waterfield Code : 9780312193195 Pub Price : 25.95 US$Prophet is a powerful biography that offers both a through treatment of Gibran life and work as well as extraordinary insight into the character of a man whose writings still continue to influence legions of readers even today. Punjab A Biblography Lan Talbot Code : 0000000172028 Pub Price : 495 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Biography / Biography Qaid Tehreekh Altaf Hussain Syed Asif Jah Code : 0000000215251 Pub Price : 200 Rs Qissay Ishiq e Mustafa Kay Prof. Khalid Parvez Code : 9789695340110 Pub Price : 165 Rs Quaid E Azam Jinnah The Story Of A Nation G Allana Code : 9789690001122 Pub Price : 695 Rs Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah The Man Behind The Curtain Dinkar Joshi Code : 9788182745926 Pub Price : 795 Indian.Rs Quaid i Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah His Personality And His Politics S.M. 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He was a poet who knew the pulse of humankind a painter whose pictures have the myriad hues of eternal love a dramatist in Rahamat Ali A Biography K K Aziz Code : 0000000506359 Pub Price : 300 Rs Rahma Tul Lil Aalamiin Mercy Unto The Worlds 3 Vol Set Qazi Muhammad Sulaiman Code : 9789690019677 Pub Price : 1500 Rs Rahmat Ali A Biography K.K.Aziz Code : 9789693521870 Pub Price : 1200 Rs Rahul Jatin Gandhi & Veenu Sandhu Code : 9780670084807 Pub Price : 499 Indian.RsMotilal Nehru, the lawyerpolitician to whom the Nehru- Gandhi dynasty owes its origin, was Congress president twice’ in 1919 and then in 1928. His son Jawaharlal’s tryst with politics starred in 1916 at the age of twenty-seven and thirteen years later, in 1929, he took over from Motilal as Congress president. On the face of it, the succession happened through a democratic process, and Jawaharalal was made Congress president only after an Raj Kapoor The Great Showan Lata Khubchandani Code : 9788171678167 Pub Price : 95 Indian.Rs Raj Of The Rani Tapti Roy Code : 9780143062219 Pub Price : 299 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. 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There are certain spiritual principles, such as nonviolence and the vows of poverty and chastity that are universal but Gandhi is perhaps unique as an historical figure that lived out these principles in political life and as a result changed the course of history. Remarkable Engineers From Riquet To Shannon Ioan James Code : 9780521187336 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs Remarkable Mathematicians From Euler To Von Neumann Ioan James Code : 9780521670487 Pub Price : 395 Indian.Rs Remarkable Physicist From Galileo To YuKawa Joan James Code : 9780521670876 Pub Price : 395 Indian.Rs Remembering Some Great Men Khursheed Kamal Aziz Code : 9789694023632 Pub Price : 395 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Remembrances Khalid Hassan Code : 9789694023526 Pub Price : 495 Rs Reminiscence Justice (R) Khaja Muhammad Ahmad Samdani Code : 0000000305419 Pub Price : 150 Rs Renegade The Making Of Barack Obama Richard Wolffe Code : 9781905264872 Pub Price : 17.99 UK.PDuring his presidential campaign, Barack Obama himself told veteran political reporter Richard Wolffe, 'You'll getmore access than anyone else', and "Renegade" is his unique story of how a political newcomer with no money and an outsider's name grew into the world's most powerful leader. But it is also a uniquely intimate portrait Returning To Mount Hira: Islam In Contemporary Terms Kenneth Cragg Code : 9781857250770 Pub Price : 25 UK.P Revolution And Intervention The Diplomacy Of Taft And Wilson With Mexico 1910 To 1917 P. 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Royal Romance: Prince Andrew And Sarah Ferguson Tim Satchell Code : 9780450402470 Pub Price : 2.5 UK.P Rulers And Great Leaders Of India L F Rushbrook Williams Code : 9788184082487 Pub Price : 195 Indian.Rs Ruling Princes And Chiefs Of India Niaz Ahmad,F.S.Aijazuddin Code : 9789693516852 Pub Price : 12000 RsThe ruling princes and chiefs of India provided an invaluable collation of the origins background administrative structure and achievements of each state from the Punjab states in the north to madras and travancore in the south. In his introduction Lawrence acknowledge the limited sovereignty of each ruler acting within the strait jacket of suzerainty to a British king Emperor. But he acknowledges that the changes he anticipates would come at two levels the Rumi Past And Present East And West The LIfe Teaching And Poerty Of Jalal Al Din Rumi Franklin D Lewis Code : 9781851685493 Pub Price : 19.99 UK.PDrawing on a vast array of sources, from writings of the poet himself to the latest scholarly literature, this new anniversary edition of the award-winning work examines the background, the legacy, and the continuing significance of Jalal al-Din Rumi, today's bestselling poet in the United States. With new Rumi:Past And Present,East And West Franklin D.Lewis Code : 9781851682140 Pub Price : 26.99 UK.P Rumis World The Life And Work Of The Great Sufi Poet Annemarie Schimmel Code : 9789693515299 Pub Price : 600 Rs “An excellent and careful introduction, by a great expert, to a poet and teacher and spiritual master of absolute importance for the future of the world. 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This aims to articulate and describe the structure of mystical experiences in the Ruzbihan’s writing through analyses of his rhetoric of sainthood. SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Sada Ba Sehra Abu Shoukat Code : 0000000227872 Pub Price : 100 Rs Sadat And His Statecraft Felipe Fernandez Code : 9780946041145 Pub Price : 10.5 UK.P Sadi The Poet Of Life Love And Compassion Homa Katouzian Code : 9781851684731 Pub Price : 595 Indian.Rs Said Nursi Colin Turner And Hasan Horkuc Code : 9780198060321 Pub Price : 225 Indian.Rs Sartre His Philosophy And Psychoanalysis Alfred Stern Code : 9788130713878 Pub Price : 895 Indian.Rs Sarver Kainat Kay Pachace Sahabah Talib Hashmi Code : 9789694001081 Pub Price : 200 Rs Sayedana Abu Bakar Siddque R A Ishfaq Ahmad Khan Code : 0000000315494 Pub Price : 90 Rs Scenes From A Writers Life Ruskin Bond Code : 9780140270662 Pub Price : 200 Indian.Rs Scotch Whisky Creative Fire The Story Of Scotland Greatest Export Stuart Delves Code : 9788130907840 Pub Price : 195 Indian.Rs Second Act Joan Collins Code : 9780752221809 Pub Price : 6.99 UK.P Secret Lives M.R.D Foot Code : 9780198606376 Pub Price : 10.99 UK.PThe mysterious workd of secret intelligence is often seen in an heroic and romantic light a workd of spies dicing with death scientists deciphering codes and martyrs suffering pain to avoid betrayal . But what was this workd really liked for those who chose to be a part of it? These small portraits selected from the highly acclaimed Dictionary of National Biography by former wartime intelligence officer M. R. D. Foot provide a fascinating peek Secret Love Affairs Morris Mandel Code : 9780824602017 Pub Price : 9.95 US$ Quaid-e-Azam / Biography Secular And Nationalist Jinnah Ajeet Jawed Code : 9780195476743 Pub Price : 995 RsMohammad Ali Jinnah is the most misunderstood and misrepresented figure in the political history of the subcontinent. In Pakistan, he is considered the 'saviour of the Muslims', protector of Islam and Islamic culture. In India he is dubbed as an 'evil-genius, a diehard communalist, a separatist, egoist, opponent of the freedom struggle, enemy of the Seerat E Gunj Bakash Ghulam Jilani Makhdoum Code : 0000000346337 Pub Price : 100 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. 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Fergus Nicoll Code : 9781906598181 Pub Price : 30 US$ Shah Waliullah 1703 1762 His Religious And Political Thought M Ikram Chaghatai Code : 9789693517545 Pub Price : 1500 Rs Shahanshah : The Monarchy Of Iran E.Burke Inlow Code : 9780896840515 Pub Price : 200 Indian.Rs Shakespeare. The Biography Peter Ackroyd Code : 9780385511391 Pub Price : 32.5 US$ Sher Shah Suri A Fresh Perspective Basheer Ahmad Khan Matta Code : 9780199066278 Pub Price : 675 Rs Short Biographies Of Oliver Goldsmith Queen Victoria Henry Fielding Lord Curzon Charles Dickens T E Lawerence R C Goffin Code : 9788184081831 Pub Price : 95 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. 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A man of substance where foreign policy is concerned, he has served in theatres from the Artic to the jungle but is Sold A Story Of Modern Day Slavery Zana Muhsen Code : 9780751509519 Pub Price : 7.99 UK.P Some Talk Of Alexander A Journey Through Space And Time In The Greek World Fredric Raphael Code : 9780500512883 Pub Price : 24.95 UK.P Sometimes I Forgot To Laugh Peter Roebuck Code : 9781741143898 Pub Price : 295 Indian.RsBest known to a generation of Australian cricket fans as the incisive, and sometimes controversial, cricketing voice of the Sydney Morning Herald and ABC radio, Peter Roebuck's own career spanned 25 of the most exhilarating years of world cricket. From the heyday of the Somerset cricket club to the controversy of the World Series and ten SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Songs Of Blood And Sword A Daughter s Memoir Fatima Bhutto Code : 9780224087544 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.PIn September 1996, a fourteen-year-old Fatima Bhutto hid in a windowless dressing room, shielding her baby brother while shots rang out in the streets outside the family home in Karachi.This was the evening that her father Murtaza was murdered, along with six of his associates.In December 2007, Benazir Bhutto, Fatima's aunt, and the Songs Of Blood And Sword A Daughters Memoir Fatima Bhutto Code : 9781568586328 Pub Price : 26.95 US$ Spies & Commissars Lenin, Stalin, Comrades and Trotsky Code : 9780230748071 Pub Price : 25 UK.PIn the immediate aftermath of the Revolution, the Western powers were anxious to prevent the spread of Bolshevism across Europe. Lenin and Trotsky were equally anxious that the Communist vision they were busy introducing in Russia should do just that. But neither side knew anything about the other. Spy Princess The Life Of Noor Inayat Khan Shrabani Basu Code : 9788174366146 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs Stalin Edvard Radzinsky Code : 9780385479547 Pub Price : 17.95 US$ Stalin A Biography Robert Service Code : 9780330419130 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.PIn This acclaimed biography Robert Service brings us closer than ever to an understanding of one of the most notorious figures in world history.Drawing on unpublished material from the Moscow archives personal testimonies and private papers Stalin Illuminates the man as well as the dictator placing him truly in the frame of his politics party and revolution.Service describes Stalin’s Formative influences his alcoholic father and devout mother Stalin The Court Of The Red Tsar Simon Sebag Code : 9780753817667 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.PThis book is basically a history book titled as History Book of the Year which helps to explore that who was the boy from Georgia who rose to rule the empire of the tears? Who were his Himmler, Goring, Goebbles? 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The Later Mughals William Irvine Code : 9788185557564 Pub Price : 250 Indian.Rs The Life And Adventures Of K B Risaldar Shahzad Mir OBI 1863 1924 Probyns Horse Israr Ullah Khan Code : 9789695811412 Pub Price : 600 Rs The Life And Death Of Mahatma Gandhi Robert Payne Code : 9780831758707 Pub Price : 495 Indian.RsThis is the heroic story of the man whose non violent movement transformed his native India both spiritually and politically as it impelled the nation along the road to independence with consummate skill in a narration that never flags in vividness and drama Robert Payne re creates Mahatma Gandhi both as a spiritual and historical force and as a living personality. SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal The Life And Times Of Hitler Ian Schott Code : 9781858139913 Pub Price : 4.95 UK.P The Life And Times Of Shaikh Nizam Ud Din Auliya Khaliq Ahmad Nizami Code : 9780195677010 Pub Price : 525 Indian.Rs The Life And Times Of The Nawabs Of Lucknow Ravi Bhatt Code : 9788129109897 Pub Price : 295 Indian.RsLucknow under the rule of the idiosyncratic Nawabs was a heady mix of flourishing arts, literature, architecture, sports and – most famously – a culturally evolved lifestyles. In The Life and Times of the Nawabs of Lucknow, Ravi Bhatt depicts the life, history and culture of the Nawabs of Lucknow through over a hundred pithy, colorful anecdotes, Wily prime ministers, powerful begums, and eccentric chefs, this book is replete with little- The Life And Times Of William Shakespeare Kristen Mcdermott Code : 9781840111583 Pub Price : 16.99 UK.P The Life Hisory Of A Brahui Denys Bray Code : 0000000181730 Pub Price : 250 Rs The Life Of Capt, Sir Richard F.Burton 2 vol set Isabel Burton Code : 9788120607286 Pub Price : 2245 Indian.Rs The Life Of Mohammad Mohammad Husayn Haykal Code : 0000000190275 Pub Price : 255 Rs The Life Of Mohammad: Prophet Of Allah Sliman Ben Ibrahim Code : 9781851702206 Pub Price : 14.95 UK.P Hazrat Muhammad S A W / Biography The Life Of Muhammad Muhammad Husayn Haykal Code : 0000000277792 Pub Price : 1000 Rs The Life Of Muhammad Muhammad Husayn Haykal Code : 0000000251495 Pub Price : 665 SpRs The Life Of Muhammad A Translation Of IBN Ishaqs Sirat Rasul Allah A Guillaume Code : 9780196360331 Pub Price : 1395 RsGuillame’s translation of the Sira of Ibn Ishaq is now reissued. The translator used Ibn Hisham’s abridgement and also included many additions, the book thus presents in English practically all that is known of the life of the Prophet. The Life Of Muhammad Sallal Laho Alaihe Wa Sallam Muhammad Hussayn Haykal Code : 0000000247726 Pub Price : 255 Rs Biography / Biography The Life Of The Prophet Muhammad Abd Al-Rahman Azzam Code : 9780860370482 Pub Price : 25 Rs The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Al sira Al Nabawiyya Vol 3 Ibn Kathir Code : 9781859641446 Pub Price : 18 UK.PCompiled in the fourteenth century AD by a prominent Syrian scholar, al-Sira al-Nabawiyya by Ibn Kathir is a full examination, in chronological order, of the background, life and mission of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Drawn from the earliest and most reliable Arabic sources, it offers, SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Hazrat Muhammad S A W / Biography The Life of the Prophet Muhammad vol 4 Ibn Kathir Code : 9781859641453 Pub Price : 18 UK.PThe Life of the Prophet Muhammad Compiled in the fourteenth century AD by Ibn Kathir is a full examination, in chronological order, of the background, life and mission of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, Drawn from the earliest and most reliable Arabic sources, it offers, The Lifht Of Asia Sir Edwin Arnold Code : 9781859585214 Pub Price : 1.99 UK.PThe lights of Asia reveal the perfect purity and tenderness behind the Buddha’s doctrines. Discounting ritual even when on the threshold of nirvana, he professed to be only what all other people can become. 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During world war ll fighting in the middle east and the dunning terrain of the The Many Lives Of A Rajput Queen Ramya Sreenivasan Code : 9788178241852 Pub Price : 650 Indian.Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal The Meaning Of Relativity Albert Einstein Code : 9780415285889 Pub Price : 295 Indian.RsThe world would be avery different place if it were not for Albert Einstein.Like netwon and Galileo before him this remarkable scientist changed forever mankinds understanding of the universe.IN 1921 five years after proclaiming his general theory of relativity Einstein was awarded the nobel prize for physics in recognition of his remarkable achievements.The meaning of relativity which he revised with each new edition until his The Memoirs Of Earl Warren Chief Justice Earl Warren Code : 9780385128353 Pub Price : 12.95 US$ The Mogul Emperors Of Hindustan Edward S Holden Code : 9789693517774 Pub Price : 450 Rs The Money Man : Memoirs Of A Banker Tajammal Hussain Code : 9789690018359 Pub Price : 495 Rs The Mongol Empire Genghis Khan ,His Heirs And The Founding O Modern China John Man Code : 9780593071250 Pub Price : 13.99 UK.P The Monks Of Kublai Khan Emperor Of China Medievels From China Through Central Asia To Persia And Beyond Rabban Sawma Code : 9781780764535 Pub Price : 85 UK.PTowards the end of the thirteenth century the Nestorian monk, Rabban Sawma, together with his disciple Mark, set out from Khanbaliq (Beijing), the capital city of Kublai Khan's Mongol Empire, on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Travelling through northern China The Muslim Luminaries Leaders Of Religious Intellectual And Political Revival In South Asia National Hijra Code : 9786968016246 Pub Price : 200 RsPromotion of consciousness of the historical role of Islam being one of the main objectives of the National Hijra Council, it was proposed during 1986 to highlight the thought and teachings of eminent Muslim sages and scholars of the South Asian Subcontinent. Towards this end, a plan was drawn up to project, in three volumes, biographies of distinguished leaders in religious, intellectual The Namo Story A Political Life Kingshuk Nag Code : 9788174369383 Pub Price : 295 Indian.Rs The New Imperialists How Five Restless Kids Grew Up To Virtually Rule Your World Mark Leibovich Code : 9780130994431 Pub Price : 36.95 US$In this extraordinary book Mark Leibovich takes readers behind the curtain and gives us penetrating close-ups of five wizards of the information age. 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This is not a description of the present, however, but the 1970s. In "The Oil Kings, "Andrew Cooper tells the story of how oil came to dominate U.S. domestic and foreign policy. Drawing SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal The Pakistani Masters Bill Ricquier Code : 9780752439280 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.PPakistan is one of the youngest of the Test playing countries, having played its first Test match in 1952. Over the years it has produced some of the most talented and exciting cricketers the world has ever seen. 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Always respectful of the Pope’s prodigious spirit and unrelenting battles for human rights and religious freedom, Cornwell raises serious questions about a system that grants lifetime power to an individual vulnerable to the vicissitudes of aging The Prince The Secret Story Of The World,s Most Intringuing Royal Prince Bandar Bin Sultan William Simpson Code : 9780060899868 Pub Price : 18.95 US$For the last two and a half decades the United States and Saudi Arabia have a very special relationship through war oil crises and global terrorism. At a time when understanding our friends is as important as knowing our enemies understanding prince Bandar bin sultan may be the key to figuring out the Saudis. 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The illegitimate son of a Saudi prince and a servant girl, he used his vital behind-the-scenes influence to convince Gorbachev to withdraw the Soviet military from Afghanistan The Prisoner Khalid Hassan Code : 0000000170031 Pub Price : 120 Rs The Prophet Collections Kahlil Gibran Code : 0000000228466 Pub Price : 9.95 UK.P Hazrat Muhammad S A W / Biography The Prophet Muhammad A Biography Barnaby Rogerson Code : 9780349115863 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.PThe Prophet Muhammad is a hero for all mankind.In his Lifetime he established a new religion islam a new state the first united Arabia and a new literary language the classical Arabic of the Quran believed to be the word of God revealed to Muhammad by the Archangel Gabriel.A generation after his death he would be acknowledge as the founder of a empire and a new civilisation. The Prophet Muhammad Saas Harun Yahya Code : 9788174353528 Pub Price : 415 SpRs Biography / Biography The Prophet Musa AsThe Life And Struggle Of The Prophet Musa As In The Quran Harun Yahya Code : 9788188273218 Pub Price : 260 Indian.Rs The Prophet Of Revolution Maulana Wahiduddin Code : 0000000190145 Pub Price : 96 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal The Rajas Of The Punjab Being The History Of The Principal States In The Punjab Lepel H Griffin Code : 9789693517927 Pub Price : 1200 Rs The Ranee Of Jhansi D V Tahmankar Code : 9788129112330 Pub Price : 150 Indian.RsThe writer takes you on a journey through the plains and hills of central India which in 1857 The Regain Diaries Ronald Reagan Code : 9780007263059 Pub Price : 30 UK.P The Restoration Episcopate Walter G.Simon Code : 0000000144339 Pub Price : 6 US$ The Rightly Guided Caliph And Great Reviver Umar Bin Abd Al Aziz Dr Ali Muhammad As Sallabi Code : 9786035000987 Pub Price : 1300 Rs The Rise And Fall Of Napoleon Banaparte Robert Asprey Code : 0000000219365 Pub Price : 975 SpRs The Royal Rajputs Strange Tales And Stranger Truths Manoshi Bhattacharya Code : 9788129114013 Pub Price : 695 Indian.RsThe Royal Rajputs-Strange Tales and Stranger Truths is also a human tale of scandal and intrigue, moustaches and harems. Custom, tradition and memories born in those early days all have their reasons. So do the locations of battles and forts. The Rulers Of India And The Chiefs Of Rajputana Thomas Holbein Hendley Code : 9788175362550 Pub Price : 600 Indian.Rs The Scholar Scientist S. Chandrasekhar Code : 9788129104915 Pub Price : 195 Indian.RsThese biographies have been written for the reader who is curious about the life achievements and character of these legends full of fascinating stories and facts written in an easy story telling style these biographies will make these great Indians and their times come alive for the reader. The Scientifc Edge Jayant .V.Narlikar Code : 9780143030287 Pub Price : 250 Indian.Rs The Scientific Sensibility Of Ghalib Dr.Syed Hamid Ali Shan Code : 0000000294355 Pub Price : 120 SpRs The Sealed Nectar Ar Raeequl Makhtum Biography Of The Noble Prophet Safiur Rahman Al Mubarakpuri Code : 9786035000819 Pub Price : 900 Rs Hazrat Muhammad S A W / Biography The Sealed Nectar Biography Of The Noble Prophet Ar Raheequl Makhtum Safi Ur Rahman Ali Mubarakpuri Code : 9789960899558 Pub Price : 1095 RsA complete authoritative book on the life of Prophet Muhammad (S) by Sheikh Safi-urRahman al-Mubarkpuri. It was honored by the World Muslim League as first prize winner book. Whoever wants to know the whole life style of the Prophet in The Sealed Nectar Biography Of The Noble Prophet PBUH Safiur Rahman Al Mubarakpuri Code : 9786035001106 Pub Price : 2195 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal Biography / Biography The Secret History Of The Mongol Queens How The Daughters Of Genghis Khan Rescued His Empire Jack Weatherford Code : 9780307407153 Pub Price : 26 US$The Mongol queens of the thirteen century ruled the greatest the world has ever known. Yet sometime near the end of the century, censors cut a section from The Secret History of the Mongols, leaving a single tantalizing quote from Genghis Khan: “Let us reward our female offspring.” Only this hint of a father’s legacy for his daughters remained of a much larger story. 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The Narrative analyzes the nature of Clinton’s relationship with Lewinsky and explicitly describes their 10 sexual encounters including the cigar incident. More than 50 phone calls and 48 exchanges of gifts between Clinton and Lewinsky are noted in the Narrative. The Grounds section stresses that there is The Story Of Che Guevara Lucia Alvarez De Toledo Code : 9781849160407 Pub Price : 8.99 UK.P The Story Of Jinnah Anwar Enayetullah Code : 9780195774139 Pub Price : 50 Rs The Story Of My Ammi Begum Akhtar Shanti Hiranand Code : 9788130901725 Pub Price : 1295 Indian.Rs The Story Of The Malakand Field Force Winston S. Churchill Code : 9780850522600 Pub Price : 24.95 UK.PThis is an extraordinary punctuation, and a well-received book. Featuring lively, perspective writing by some of today’s top author biography series brings the insight accessible approach. The Story Of Vasco Da Gama M.T. Yates Code : 9788120618794 Pub Price : 195 Indian.Rs The Sword Of Allah 4th Edition LT-General A.I. Akram Code : 0000000503365 Pub Price : 895 RsMuslim history is replete with great military achievements and glorious feats of arms. In the annals of war there are no Battles which surpass, in brilliance and decisiveness, the battles of Islam; no commanders who surpass ,in courage and skill the gifted generals of islam. The sward has always held a place of honour in Muslims culture .and yet very little is known in the world today about the military history of Pakistan. The Sword Of Allah Khalid Bin Al Waleed His Life And Campaigns Lt General A I Akram Code : 0000000392112 Pub Price : 495 Rs SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. 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It speaks of those who loved and betrayed him; of charming ladies and brilliant men around him; of his greatness and of the crafty stupidity of his contemporaries; of the wit and folly of his times; and of the struggle of men and ideas when faced with the march of history. 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Noorani Code : 9780195796674 Pub Price : 495 Rs The Trial Of Muhammad Bahadur Shah H L O Garrett Code : 9789698623036 Pub Price : 350 Rs The Tuzuk I Jahangiri Memoirs Of Jahangir Henry Beveridge Code : 9789693510935 Pub Price : 900 Rs The Ultimate Einstein Dr.Donald Goldsmith Code : 9780671011710 Pub Price : 30 US$ SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. Phone: 92-51-2651656,57,58 Fax:92-51-2651660 Post Box: 515, Post Mall, F-7, Islamabad. Bankers: Askari Bank F-7, Markaz, Jinnah Super, Islamabad. Email: Web: NEW ARRIVAL/BEST SELLER & TOP LIST BOOKS REF: Biography --> Allama Iqbal The Unfinished Memoirs Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Code : 9780199063581 Pub Price : 995 RsThe book records political developments in East Bengal/East Pakistan. It contains considerable material about the turbulent political conditions in which the Awami League and the United Front were formed, routing the Muslim League in the elections to the East Bengal Assembly in 1954. These candidly written memoirs help to explain the genesis of Bengali Muslim nationalism. The Unforgettable Maharajas E.Jaiwant Pual Code : 9788174362957 Pub Price : 4500 Indian.Rs The Maharajas of India were undoubtedly one of the great anachronism century. Among them were enlightened rulers and prof scoundrels, heroes and cowards, sadists and boors, charmers and eccen they were, in the eyes of the people they ruled, they had the divine r power, coupled with their enormous wealth and fabulous jewellery, ga status that made them larger than life. 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For those who seek enlightenment a glimpse of divine truth or simply refuge The Wise Men Six Friends And The Worlds They made Walter Isaacson And Evan Thomas Code : 9781451683226 Pub Price : 35 US$ The Woman Golfer A Lifetime Of Golfing Success Belle Robertson Code : 9781851580682 Pub Price : 10.95 UK.P The World Is What It Is The Authorized Biography Of V S Naipaul Patrick French Code : 9780330440097 Pub Price : 9.99 UK.PThis is the first major biography of V.S. Naipaul, Nobel Prize winner and one of the most compelling literary figures of the last fifty years. With great feeling for his formidable body of work, and exclusive access to his private papers and personal recollections, Patrick French has produced a The World Is What It Is The Authorized Biography Of V S Naipaul Patrick French Code : 9780330433501 Pub Price : 20 UK.P The World,s Greatest 1000 Lives Jonathan Law Code : 9781841198569 Pub Price : 12.99 UK.P The book provides concise, reliable and illuminating biographies of over 1000 men and women who have helped to shape the modern world. Drawn from all ages, cultures and fields of endeavor the only real qualification for inclusion in this collection is a remarkable life. The World,s Most Evil Men Neil Blandford Code : 9780753706961 Pub Price : 2.99 UK.P The World,s Most Notorious Women Alva Code : 9780785814795 Pub Price : 9.99 US$ SAEED BOOK BANK Leading Importers, Exporter, Distributors, Booksellers & Publishers of Pakistan. Showroom F-7, Markaz Jinnah Super. Islamabad Pakistan. 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