Avocado Chef Training Classes In Export Markets
Avocado Chef Training Classes In Export Markets
Avocado Chef Training Classes In Export Markets Rose Young Team Strategy Concept Sdn Bhd Project Number: AV11024 AV11024 This report is published by Horticulture Australia Ltd to pass on information concerning horticultural research and development undertaken for the avocado industry. The research contained in this report was funded by Horticulture Australia Ltd with the financial support of the avocado industry. All expressions of opinion are not to be regarded as expressing the opinion of Horticulture Australia Ltd or any authority of the Australian Government. The Company and the Australian Government accept no responsibility for any of the opinions or the accuracy of the information contained in this report and readers should rely upon their own enquiries in making decisions concerning their own interests. ISBN 0 7341 2960 2 Published and distributed by: Horticulture Australia Ltd Level 7 179 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone: (02) 8295 2300 Fax: (02) 8295 2399 © Copyright 2012 Final Report for Avocado Food service R& D Project in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong 2012 Submitted by: Rose Yong Team Strategy Concept Sdn Bhd 28-1 Jalan Radin Anum, Sri Petaling, 57000 Kuala Lumpur Telephone: + 603 9057 3733 Facsimile: + 6 03 9057 3723 Date submitted: 29 August 2012 Total : 96 pages including cover 1 Final Report for Avocado Food service Project in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong 2012 A R&D project for the Australian Avocado industry was carried out by Team Strategy Concept Sdn Bhd in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong from 15 February to 20 June 2012. The project partners were HAL, Avocado Australia and DEEDI (under the Global Market Initiatives). Summary Following on from the success of the industry’s food service strategy in the domestic market, the aim now is to replicate this program in potential export markets such as Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia to further develop these markets. A series of ‘Australian Avocados ‘ Masterclass for Foodservice chefs and purchasers were carried out in the three markets to better educate the food service industry about Australian avocado versatility, seasons, types, handling and purchasing. Food service purchasers/importers from potential establishments were also invited to support and attend the masterclasses as they are influential when it comes to sourcing products for chefs. Avocados are mainly used in cold and side dishes, predominantly in Western cuisine. To increase the awareness and utilization of Avocados in Asia, it was recommended to introduce the use of Avocados in Asian and Chinese cuisine. Hence, the masterclasses focus on the introduction of Avocados recipes for Asian and Chinese cuisine. Prior to the masterclasses, a total of nine interesting recipes were created. These nine Avocado recipes in Malay, Indian and Chinese style were created by an Executive Chef in Malaysia. He explored and found the proper techniques of utilizing the Avocados in hot Chinese, Indian and Malay cooking. These recipes are featured in the new master book translated into Malay and Chinese language. Innovative chefs from the three respective markets were engaged to conduct the master classes demonstrating three recipes to participants invited from ‘star’ hotels and independent restaurants that include Chinese restaurants. The program commenced from February 2011 with initial activities focused on developing appropriate educational collateral handed out at the master classes which commenced in May 2012. KEY OBJECTIVES Educate chefs and purchasers about Australian avocado seasonality, varieties, storage, handling and cooking possibilities in order to: Get avocados on the menu Encourage multiple and creative usage of avocados Increasing volume usage of avocados 2 Encourage usage of avocado year round (target dishes) KEY MESSAGES Consumers love avocados Avocados are a versatile, healthy and sophisticated ingredient Avocados can be practical and suitable for multi-ethnic (target) dishes and desserts Avocados add to the bottom line Background As per the export statistics1, Singapore drove volume growth with 39% increase or almost 200 MT higher whereas Malaysia lifted up to 72%. There were almost 50,000 MT avocados imported to Asia in 2010, which shows the potential this market has and the opportunity for Australian avocados: Whilst looking at the other southern hemisphere competitors, it is evident that Chile has started making inroads to Hong Kong and South Africa to Singapore which is Australia’s stronghold: 1 th Export Market Intelligence Report, 10 November 2011, Wayne Prowse at Fresh Intelligence Consulting 3 Chile - Exports 080440 Avocados Quantity KG Country TOTAL AVOCADOS - Jul 06-Jun 07 164,255,770 Jul 07-Jun 08 116,279,610 Jul 08-Jun 09 75,838,067 Jul 09-Jun 10 195,011,515 Jul 10-Jun 11 87,948,453 United States Netherlands Argentina United Kingdom Spain France Sweden Hong Kong Japan Belgium all other 118,063,299 14,564,270 2,760,951 7,136,205 12,519,129 3,445,671 2,131,920 1,617,141 165,908 1,851,276 85,746,026 11,136,878 2,893,163 7,149,884 6,899,409 418,957 763,504 41,216 397,768 43,200 789,605 56,239,101 6,845,819 2,530,377 4,237,510 2,973,337 1,002,048 1,219,351 60,032 224,000 232,320 274,172 134,377,518 24,381,023 6,255,137 8,076,432 11,077,792 6,291,473 1,985,788 102,144 1,674,666 20,016 769,526 54,749,930 15,497,598 6,477,378 4,191,993 3,322,366 1,621,788 830,096 339,046 333,984 175,359 408,915 Total Avocados ex Chile 164,255,770 116,279,610 75,838,067 Source of data: Servicio Nacional de Aduana, Fresh Intelligence Analysis 195,011,515 87,948,453 South Africa - Exports 080440 Avocados Quantity KG Country TOTAL AVOCADOS - -EU 27-MIDDLE EAST 15Hong Kong Singapore Malaysia United States Zambia Mauritius Mozambique all other Total South Africa Exports KG Jul 06-Jun 07KG Jul 07-Jun 08KG Jul 08-Jun 09KG Jul 09-Jun 10KG Jul 10-Jun 11 42,501,469 46,372,436 61,770,867 35,783,627 48,611,689 42,194,319 103,006 104,742 9,504 11,113 0 485 23,688 6,973 47,639 42,501,469 45,813,895 328,319 130,400 0 38,095 0 508 11,376 7,983 41,860 46,372,436 61,166,564 291,519 174,240 0 75,060 0 2,640 17,554 14,192 29,098 61,770,867 34,965,241 445,403 119,092 57,024 104,649 0 5,378 15,669 11,037 60,134 35,783,627 47,336,607 525,119 239,262 188,994 149,094 115,298 24,802 12,381 8,514 11,618 48,611,689 Source of data: South African Revenue Service, Fresh Intelligence Analysis Therefore, to ensure that the Australian avocado industry continues to maintain their share in the Asian markets, targeting key influencers such as chefs, would help the industry in ultimately lifting overall consumption and demand. The foodservice industry in general needs educating. This has meant that, in the past, avocados have been under the menu radar with chefs. 4 Targeting the first layer of the foodservice industry - restaurants, star chefs in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong, would also provide the industry with opportunities to create awareness and penetrate into other sections of the food service such as banqueting, buffet and bistro that serve a menu of multi-ethnic dishes. The program helped to create a foundation for influencing Asian chefs to think and use Avocado in multi-ethnic cuisines. However, an effort to educate them needs to be on a continuous basis so as to make a lasting and impactful influence on the chefs. Adding to that there’s need for considerations to expand the influence into the culinary schools educating the young chefs on Australian Avocado’s versatility and utilization in multi-ethnic cuisines for next year’s workshops. The culinary schools in these three countries are aggressive in churning out young chefs for the fast growing food service and catering industry. Apart from local students, these culinary schools attract students from countries like Vietnam, Myanmar China and Africa. 1. Beverage and Dessert Sector In countries like Malaysia and Singapore, the beverage and dessert sector is quite untapped and this sector also offers the Australian avocado industry the potential to infuse avocados into healthy beverages, local sweet dessert soups and desserts. The food and beverage sector in these markets particularly, in Malaysia are vibrant, trendy and extremely competitive, as there are now fresh concept of beverage and dessert shops and cafes sprouting in all major shopping areas and suburbs. The Beverage Manager and chefs here are not fully aware of the versatility of Avocado products mixing in to beverage and desserts. Adding to that, this idea has not been well used and explored in these countries. Hence, Malaysia was the trial market for introducing new beverage and dessert ideas. The workshop provided opportunities for the beverage manager and pastry chefs to think about avocados and its usage for beverage and dessert ideas. Their feedback has helped in planning future workshops in Singapore and Hong Kong next year. On the other hand, some of the Chinese master chefs from medium to high end Chinese restaurants in Malaysia are constantly exploring “new” products (Avocado is new to Chinese Restaurants) to develop new and healthy dishes and desserts. The desserts in the menu of these Chinese restaurants are very limited in variety and avocados will present opportunities for the chefs to use them in sweet dessert soup and Chinese desserts, including hot cooking dishes. The strategy is to test the beverage and dessert market first, by obtaining participants’ feedback from the first beverage and dessert workshop in Malaysia. Furthermore, this is to gauge the chefs’ interest and recipe ideas in all things avocado for the planning of next year’s workshops effectively in Singapore and Hong Kong. 5 2. Restaurants Not only are there many different types of restaurants that are in fashion such as the Japanese buffet and Italian. There are also those that cater to the tourist market such as the Middle Eastern restaurants in Malaysia catering to Middle Eastern tourists who swarm into Malaysia each year from June to September. The restaurants in these countries are multi-faceted as they cater to an extremely multi-ethnic market and therefore, the menus in most restaurants are influenced by Chinese, Malay and Indian cultures. Avocados are not only unique in their size but also in quality, spoilage and price, which vary in relatively short periods of time. It is a lesser known product in Asia and is predominantly used mainly in Western and Japanese (sushi) cuisines. This is mostly due to lack of exposure and awareness on the product, its availability, and perceived culinary inflexibility. Food service needs training and education. Educating the food service chefs and purchasers about Australian avocado versatility, seasons, types, handling, purchasing and application through a series of interactive chef training masterclasses will help in building the chef’s awareness, confidence in using Australian avocados. Asian chefs are very competitive and are always hungry for new and innovative recipe ideas. Showcasing the versatility of avocados will encourage them to explore and experiment with this product and use it in various multi-ethnic cuisines such as Chinese, Malay and Indian. DEEDI under the Global Marketing Initiatives program, complimented this program by running various supply chain training sessions in the same export markets: Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. These retailer training sessions were a continuation of the program carried out in 2010. In addition to the retailer educational programs, there was research carried out by DEEDI amongst foodservice chefs, providers, wholesalers and retailers. The information gained assisted in further refining the foodservice program. Method Australian Avocados embarked on a strategic foodservice program in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong through a series of interactive chefs training workshops/masterclasses in May 2012. Depending on the results and feedback from this initial phase, the second phase in July 2012, of looked to reinforce awareness, and product usage in the key foodservice sectors identified. February 2012- June 2012 The food service strategy from January 2012 to June 2012 was to focus on creating awareness and interest in avocado usage in multi-ethnic Asian cuisine through a series of workshop training masterclasses for Asian chefs and purchasers in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore. 6 The basic format of the workshop sessions : 1. Introduction to avocados To provide an introductory into the history, world usage, types and global production of the fruit. Nutritional benefits will also be addressed with key content from the chef training manual (master book). The sessions were conducted in Mandarin for Chinese chefs. 2. Tasting avocados In every session, there was a tasting session, i.e. an avocado tasting plate as a sensory exercise featuring raw, salted, sugared, flash fried avocados were offered to participants. This helped in educating the chefs’ palate to be familiar with the avocado taste and texture so they know how to blend avocado with other possible ingredients. 3. Cooking and beverage demonstrations: a. Culinary - a cooking demonstration of three multi-ethnic recipes utilizing avocados will be held. There was also sampling of the dishes at the end of the session. b. For the beverage workshop in Malaysia, there were beverage concoction and sweet dessert demonstration followed by sampling at the end of the session. Each workshop training session in three of the countries was tailored for each foodservice segment to maximize informative and usage effect –the first segment was targeting multi-ethnic cuisine for star hotels, bistro, café and restaurants and the second segment was looking at Chinese chefs from Chinese restaurants in ‘star’ hotels and independent Chinese restaurants. It was critical to base on segment -specific requirements and the potential in the avocado utilisation and application within that particular segment as the delivery language, the recipe ideas and application were different. Proposed workshops/ masterclasses Country Malaysia Proposed workshop dates Target audience 15-5-2012 17-5-2012 16-5-2012 Chefs, Culinary lecturers & purchasers Chinese chefs Foodservice Segment Bistro, Café and restaurants Chinese restaurant s in 5 star Beverage masters and culinary lecturers All beverage outlets and Singapore May 22-5-2012 24-5-2012 Hong Kong 30-5-2012 29-5-2012 Chefs, Culinary lecturers & purchasers Chinese chefs Chefs, Culinary lecturers & purchasers Chinese chefs Bistro, Café and restaurant Chinese restaurant s in 5 star Bistro, Café and restaurant Chinese restaurant s in 5 star 7 Number of participants targeted Workshop language delivery Resources in 5 star hotels hotels and standalone outlets restaurant s including ethnic restaurant s s in 5 star hotels hotels and standalone outlets s in 5 star hotels hotels and standalone outlets 40-50 20-30 30-35 40-50 20-30 35-45 20-30 English Chinese English English Chinese English Chinese Avocado Manual, Product knowledge bag, knife and leaflets for staff Avocado Manual, Product knowledge bag, knife and leaflets for staff Avocado Manual, Product knowledge bag, knife and leaflets for staff Avocado Manual, Product knowledge bag, knife and leaflets for staff Avocado Manual, Product knowledge bag, knife and leaflets for staff Avocado Manual, Product knowledge bag, knife and leaflets for staff Avocado Manual, Product knowledge bag, knife and leaflets for staff . Database Development: A comprehensive and current database of the target audience across all sectors and locations is integral to facilitating the chef training sessions. Creative Publicity Creative publicity was arranged in all three countries targeting magazines, newspaper and social media such as food bloggers. The media was invited to attend the workshops to learn and to taste experience avocado and to interview the Chef trainer. The publicity angle and strategy was to reinforce the key messages and objectives of the workshops. Expected Outcomes - Achieve at least 80% positive feedback on the workshop sessions from participants who attend the workshop sessions - 7 market development activities in 3 key markets - Minimum 250 chefs and purchasers gained knowledge and ideas for avocado utilization and application in 3 key markets - expand influence on product awareness and usage in Chinese cuisine sector with 9 new recipes for Chinese chefs. - Achieve at least 6 articles in the media in the form of news-clippings and/ or recipes features and/or bloggers’ review. 8 Workshop feedback and outcome The success of the training workshops has been evaluated through findings and comments from participants at each of the food service workshops. Team Strategy Concept developed a questionnaire and used it to gauge the success and finding of the training sessions, with the possibility of an increase in avocado awareness, knowledge and usage, as well as follow-up contact with workshop participants and qualitative feedback from participants and host chefs. An industry and/or HAL representative was also provided with the opportunity to assess the workshops in person. Industry Adoption The outcomes of the program’s key objectives were gauged through survey from customers through importers. There has been continuous relationship fostering with the industry during the sessions and in the weeks following the food service training program. The industry has been referring to the survey results collated from the training sessions, with the likelihood of increase usage, as well as follow up contact and qualitative research. 9 Final Report The program provided the industry with opportunities to create awareness and penetrate into other sections of the food service such as banqueting, buffet and bistro that serve a menu of multiethnic dishes including penetrating into the Chinese restaurants segment, a vibrant segment eager to explore new products for new recipes and dessert ideas. The chefs training workshops were known as Australian Avocado Masterclass to leverage on the star chefs’ reputation and creativity in conducting the sessions. There were two masterclasses in each of the three markets with a total of seven masterclasses held in the three markets. There were two main focuses – one focusing on multi-ethnic cuisines like ‘Asian’ cuisine and the second masterclass is for Chinese chefs in Chinese cuisine. The seventh workshop in Malaysia was an exploratory R&D workshop targeting the beverage and dessert sector. Malaysia was identified as a trial market to run this workshop session to gauge this segment needs for new practical recipe ideas for beverage and desserts mainly because Malaysia is a truly multi-ethnic country and its beverage and desserts are diverse due to the different cultures. The aim is not only obtain feedback from F&B managers and chefs on the practicality and versatility of incorporating avocado into beverage and desserts it allows the participants to explore the concept of incorporating Avocado into desserts and beverage. This info will be useful to plan similar workshops in Hong Kong and Singapore, next year. The format of the masterclass began with an introduction to the product, its benefits and tips for handling and storage, and how to prepare avocado correctly. A power point presentation in English and Chinese language was specially developed by Team Strategy Concept for the Star chefs to present to the participants, which ensures consistent information and key messages delivered in all three markets. The presentation was followed by a sensorial tasting of avocado with cut avocado in its natural form, avocado served with sugar, avocado with salt and avocado with honey. Majority of the chefs prefer the avocados with salt – this is a finding for chefs to apply avocados to hot cooking possibilities. 10 Sensorial tasting of Avocado in two of the sessions in Malaysia Sensorial tasting of Avocado in Singapore Sensorial tasting of Avocado in Hong Kong Then, a cooking demonstration was carried out to prompt utilization ideas and finally a sampling of the demonstrated dishes. 11 All participants were requested to complete a feedback form comprising of questions to gauge their feedback on the masterclass in relation to the content delivery, current usage and interest in exploring the product for their menu and for multi-ethnic cuisine. The feedback form was translated into Mandarin for the Chinese speaking masterclasses in all three countries. The completed feedback forms’ results were then collated into the survey findings. The participants invited to the workshops were mainly Executive chefs, Executive sous chefs, chefs, and purchasing managers from ‘star’ hotels and restaurants. Executive Chefs and Executive Sous Chefs who could not attend the session had asked their assistants to attend. In some sessions in Malaysia and Hong Kong, there were culinary schools’ lecturers and final year culinary students attended. Each and every participant received a product knowledge bag consisting of the Master book printed in three language with nine new Asian recipes, copies of ‘Australian Avocados for Foodservice’ leaflets, three pieces of avocado as samples and a very good quality ‘Giesser branded’ knife to encourage them to explore the avocado samples when they are back to their kitchen/home and as a token of appreciation for their attendance and interaction in experiencing the taste of Australian Avocado in the masterclass. 12 Nine new Asian recipes were developed and added to the masterbook in all three languages. The recipes were translated and printed in English, traditional Chinese and Malay language. Sear Chicken roulade with Avocado Raita kachumber Salad and Papadium Lamb with Avocado, Chick peas and Lentil curry Confit Boston Lobster With Oriental Avocado salad and Oriental dressing Avocado with Aloo Gobi Avocado Spring Roll ‘Avocado Kueh Pie Tee’ 13 Avocado Corn Cream Soup with Escallop Avocado Chap Avocado Apple Mirror 14 Depending on the participants, they were provided with copies of the brochures for them to share the Avocado information with their kitchen staff Development of Creative Collateral Chef Training Manual: The primary educational material of the chef training class is the Australian Avocados – Fresh Avocados Masterbook. The manual developed for use within the domestic market was translated into traditional Chinese and Malay language. To keep the manual current and relevant, nine new local Asian avocado recipes were added to the manual. These recipes are also suitable to the local Australian foodservice market and some of the recipes will also be suitable for consumers. They were distributed to chefs and foodservice purchasers during the training sessions as it was the primary educational material. Avocado Informational Leaflet : An educational leaflet containing information on the right way to ripen, handling, peeling, storage and shelf life and nutrition for foodservice staff reference. This leaflet was developed and copies of this leaflet were distributed to chefs at the workshops for them to share the info in the leaflet with their kitchen and service staff. This leaflet was translated into Chinese for the Chinese kitchen and service staff reference. The rationale for this leaflet is to ensure that even the front of house staff and kitchen help, receive product information and have a reference point should customers require any information on the product. This will also serve to set the foundation for activities to be carried out from July 2012 to June 2013. 15 Invitations: for the training workshops, an invitation card was developed for all three markets in English and Chinese version and they were distributed to the target audience in all three markets. Below is a sample of the invitation cards. Printed invitation for Hong Kong Invitation card for Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore were also developed in pdf file for invitation by emailing. The invitation by email version included the location map of the masterclass venue. Product Knowledge bag: The product knowledge bag’s primary function is as a means to help the key messages presented in the training session to have lasting cut through. Every branded gift bag was printed with ‘Australian Avocado for all cuisines’ contained the Australian Avocados Food Service Masterbook as well as three avocados for the attendee to experimental usage following the workshop sessions. The gift bag included a professional chef knife, engraved with the Australian Avocados logo. The knife did not only act as an incentive to participation, but the branding also acted as a constant reminder of the program’s key messages when it matters most – in the kitchen. 16 17 Findings from the feedback forms collated from the Masterclass training sessions in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong A total of 7 masterclass sessions were conducted in May 2012 targeting the first layer of the foodservice industry - chefs in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. Malaysia In Malaysia, the first two masterclass on 15 and 16 May on ‘Australian Avocados in Asian cuisine and Australian Avocado dessert and beverage were conducted by star chef Mohd Noor. His experience with 5 star banqueting in cold and hot cooking in multi-ethnic and Western cuisine was showcased in his demonstration of three interesting Asian recipes and another three delicious dessert recipes during the ‘Beverage & Dessert’ session. All the recipes were very well presented. The third masterclass on 17 May 2012 was conducted by Lam Hock Hin, the Executive Chinese Chef of Chyna Restaurant, Hilton Kuala Lumpur. He has demonstrated three recipes utilizing Avocados in cold and hot Chinese cuisine. The masterclass was conducted in Mandarin. Activities Masterclass No. 1 – Malaysia Star chef name Chef’s profile Masterclass date Masterclass time Masterclass venue Recipes demonstrated and Recipes featured Number of participants Media attended : Chef Mohd Noor : Mohd Noor is an upcoming young Garde Manger chef from the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre who won the ‘Chef of Year’ award in the ever popular 2011 Salon Culinaire competition in Malaysia. He has won many Gourmet team competitions. : 16 May 2012 : 2.30 – 5.00 pm : Beyond Culinary Studio : 1. Sear chicken roulade with avocado raita kachumber salad and papadum : 2. “Avocado kueh pie-tee” Avocado and tomato cubes 3. Avocado Cha : Australian Avocados in Asian Cuisine : 41 (achieved the number of participants targeted at 40-50) : 7 journalists and their photographers attended the first masterclass. Please see the news clippings in press publicity section of this report. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. The Star News paper MIDI Malay magazine Mingguan Wanita Pure Glutton CC Food Travel Jom makan and Air Asia 360 magazine The Insider online paper 18 Avocado ‘Kueh Pie Tee’ Chef Mohd Noor presented the seared Chicken and Avocado Raita salad in an interesting and new presentation as a canapé for parties. 19 Survey findings The survey findings showed that the key messages of this program have been delivered and achieved. 1st masterclass held on 15 May 2012 in Malaysia Survey findings from 41 participants who attended the Avocado Masterclass, was conducted by Star chef, Mohd Noor on ‘Avocados in Asian cuisine’. 1. Are avocados part of your menu at present? 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes No 2. If yes, in what types of dishes are they used? - 67% of chefs attended used avocados in cold dishes 39% utilised avocados in lunch, entrees, mains and desserts 11% used avocados in warm dishes and seasonally 3. If not, why? 100% of the chefs found limited use with avocados and 40% were not familiar enough with avocados. 20 4. How likely are you to include avocados in future menus? 36% 34% 32% 30% Highly Not likely unlikely 1 2 Just as likely More likely Highly likely 3 4 5 2 5. How useful did you find the avocados masterclass? 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Not at all Less useful usefull 1 2 Quite useful Useful Extremely useful 3 4 5 6. What aspect of the masterclass did you find most valuable? - 96% of the chefs in the masterclass found the collateral most valuable 57% valued the new recipe ideas 43% of the chefs found deeper understanding of avocado possibilities and techniques valuable 32% thought avocado buying, storage and handling tips are equally valuable 21 7. Are you likely to use the provided collateral in your workplace? 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes Maybe No 8. What were your views on avocados prior to the masterclass? Participants who attended the masterclass said : they were not familiar with avocados. They think there is limited use in Asian cuisine and in cooking as an ingredient. They did know avocados are nutritious and is good for the skin. They have been using avocados in preparing mainly cold dishes but thought nothing much can be done with avocados. 9. Have these changed? If so, how? They now find that avocados can be applicable to more usage and recipes Open up borders on the usefulness of avocados in the industry Can be used in hot cooking and many other cuisine other than western cuisine Very good session to learn more than what they expected from an avaocado and the information was well informed. Recipes demonstrated can be applicable to more usage and recipes. New Asian recipe ideas on avocados are something new to learn and start practising. Avocados help to balance nutrition of dishes. 10. Do you have any suggestions that could improve future avocado masterclasses or the collateral? To extend the program to consumers learning how to use avocados and to conduct promotion for the future generation of end-users and consumers. To introduce a diet program for avocado. More research to be conducted on the usage and application for avocados. 22 Masterclass No. 2 - Malaysia Star chef name Masterclass date Masterclass time Masterclass venue Recipes demonstrated and sampled Recipes featured Number of participants : Chef Mohd Noor : 16 May 2012 : 2.30 – 5.00 pm : Beyond Culinary Studio Theatre : 1) Avocado custard cream : 2) Avocado jack punch : 3) Avocado cendol : Australian Avocados in Beverage and Dessert : 39 pax (exceeded the number of participants targeted at 30-35) Rose Yong answered some queries from the participants about the avocados. Our star chef engaged with the participants well by asking the chef participants to try cutting and preparing an avocado. Chef Mohd Noor giving tips to the participants on how to make full use of avocado. Two local celebrity chefs – Florence Tan and Siti attended the masterclass to learn about Avocados in dessert and beverages. 23 Participants got a chance to pipe the Avocado custard tartlets. Avocado custard cream tarts Survey findings from the 39 participants who attended the Avocado Masterclass conducted by Star chef Mohd Noor on ‘Avocados for dessert and beverage’. 1. Are avocados part of your menu at present? 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Yes No 2. If yes, in what types of dishes are they used? - 61% used avocados in desserts 43% used avocados in cold dishes 35% used in entrees 26% used in breakfast 3. If not, why? - 46% said avocados had few recipe ideas and are not familiar enough with avocados 31% said avocados are expensive 24 4. How likely are you to include avocados in future menus? 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Highly unlikely Not likely Just as likely More likely Highly likely 1 2 3 4 5 5. How useful did you find the avocados masterclass? 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Not at all Less useful usefull 1 2 Quite useful Useful Extremely useful 3 4 5 6. What aspect of the masterclass did you find most valuable? - 100% of the participants found the collateral extremely valuable 81% valued new recipe ideas 50% found that deeper understanding of avocado possibilities and avocado buying, storage & handling was valuable 39% thought the techniques were valuable 25 7. Are you likely to use the provided collateral in your workplace? 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Yes Maybe No 8. What were your views on avocados prior to the masterclass? Participants who attended the masterclass said: They thought avocados have limited usage, not versatile and not delicious They think the fruit is expensive They know avocado is nutritious but doesn’t taste good 9. Have these changed? If so, how? The participants said: The master class has widen their knowledge on the usage of avocados Majority of them though the session was informative and it was a great experience to taste the natural taste of the fruit The session was something different and can get a lot of ideas and knowledge on avocados They need more ideas on how to utilize the avocados Get to know that avocado is a very healthy food for many occasions The fruit quality was excellent and tasted creamy The fruit is awesome and is healthy and need more exposure in different types of cuisines 10. Do you have any suggestions that could improve future avocado masterclasses or the collateral? Suggested cooking demonstrations in supermarkets To carry out promotion to put avocado in menu in Asian cuisine To provide more recipes A masterclass with small group of participants is ideal To provide hands-on session on utilising the avocado in hot cooking To promote the utilization of avocado in new cooking method 26 Masterclass No. 3 – Malaysia Star chef name Chef’s profile Masterclass date Masterclass time Masterclass venue Recipes demonstrated and sampled Recipes featured Number of participants Media attended : Lam Hock Hin : Chef Lam is the Executive Chinese Chef of Chyna Restaurant, Hilton Kuala Lumpur. He is a well-respected Chinese chef in Malaysia who has conducted numerous workshops for Chinese chefs including few sessions for the Hilton group of hotels in the South-east Asian countries. Chef Lam has also conducted promotions in China. : 17 May 2012 : 2.30 – 5.00 pm : Beyond Culinary Studio Theatre : 1) Chilled salmon roll with avocado and grilled cheese : 2) Wok-fried avocado and slice lamb with sweet-soy sauce : 3) Avocado mousse : Australian Avocados in Chinese Cuisine : 24 pax (achieved the number of participants targeted at 20-30 pax) : Oriental Cuisine Magazine – please see the news clipping in the press publicity section of this report. 27 Chef Lam presented a simple and quick way of preparing Salmon rolls with Avocado to the amazement of the chefs . The dish was very healthy and tasty. Received good comments from the participants. Chef Lam demonstrated a quick stir fry of lamb with avocado. Avocado was added at the end when the lamb was cooked. He was pleasantly surprised on how versatile avocado is in Chinese cuisine. Survey findings from 24 participants who attended the Australian Avocado Masterclass conducted by Star Chef Lam Hock Hin on 17 May 2012 in Malaysia. The workshop was conducted in Mandarin. 1. Are avocados part of your menu at present? 100% 50% 0% Yes No 28 2. If yes, in what types of dishes are they used? - 58% of chefs attended used avocados in cold dishes 42% utilised avocados in desserts and entrees 11% used avocados in breakfast, lunch and mains 3. If not, why? - 80% were not familiar enough with avocados 40% of the chefs found few recipe ideas and limited use with avocados 4. How likely are you to include avocados in future menus? 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Highly unlikely 1 Not likely Just as likely More likely Highly likely 2 3 4 5 5. How useful did you find the avocados masterclass? 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Not at all Less useful usefull 1 2 Quite useful Useful Extremely useful 3 4 5 29 6. What aspect of the masterclass did you find most valuable? - 96% of the participants found the collateral extremely valuable 67% valued new recipe ideas 58% found that deeper understanding of avocado possibilities and avocado buying, storage & handling valuable 46% thought the techniques in the cooking demonstration were appreciated 7. Are you likely to use the provided collateral in your workplace? 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes Maybe No Did not answer this question 8. What were your views on avocados prior to the masterclass? The participants thought : Avocados can only be used in dessert only but they are not familiar with it. They are good for salad and desserts but too expensive in market. To get more knowledge on avocado Very good to include in menus Avocado is nutritious, healthy 9. Have these changed? If so, how? - Can be used in different cuisines and they learnt the different ways of cooking the avocados Share with more people on the goodness of the fruit Use more as entrees and mains and can be used in hot cooking ‘gastronomic’ Avocados can be used in desserts as well Avocado can make Chinese cuisine more tasty, especially in the stir fry lamb with avocado Avocado is healthy with lots of nutrients and can help to create healthy menus 30 10. Do you have any suggestions that could improve future avocado masterclasses or the collateral? - Conduct more master classes Compile all recipes and produce a recipe book for avocado Cooking road show for avocados Trial avocado in other cuisines such as ‘lemang avocado’, a traditional Malay recipe of plain glutinous rice smoked in a bamboo. Masterclass No. 4 – Singapore Star chef name Chef’s Profile Masterclass date Masterclass time Masterclass venue Recipes demonstrated and sampled Recipes featured Number of participants : Chef Eric Neo : Eric Neo is the Executive Chef of the InterContinental Hotel, Singapore : 22 May 2012 : 2.30 – 5.00 pm : InterContinental Singapore : Seafood avocado dumpling with garlic aioli : Stir fry chicken & avocado : Avocado mousse with gula melaka : Australian Avocados in Asian Cuisine : 36 pax (Expected number of participants targeted is 40-45 pax) In all seven masterclasses, all avocado samples were ordered from two major exporters of Australian avocados in all three markets. They were packed in trays of three avocados for the participants to take home. Avocado for foodservice leaflets were displayed in the rooms to enable the chef participants to read the information whilst waiting for the masterclass to begin. 31 Chef Eric Neo spoke about how he tried and trialed the avocados for Asian cuisine. Participants sampling the avocado dishes, demonstrated by Chef Eric Neo. Survey findings from 36 participants who attended the Australian Avocado Masterclass conducted by star chef Eric Neo on 22 May 2012 in English language. 1. Are avocados part of your menu at present? 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Yes No 32 2. If yes, in what types of dishes are they used? - 74% of chefs attended used avocados in cold dishes 48% utilised avocados in entrees 35% used avocados in desserts 22% used avocados in breakfast, lunch and mains 3. If not, why? - 57% of the chefs found few recipe ideas with avocados 29% found that avocados have limited use and are not familiar with them 4. How likely are you to include avocados in future menus? 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Highly unlikely 1 Not likely Just as likely More likely Highly likely 2 3 4 5 5. How useful did you find the avocados masterclass? 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Not at all usefull 1 Less useful Quite useful 2 3 Useful Extremely useful 4 5 33 6. What aspect of the masterclass did you find most valuable? - 97% of the participants found the collateral extremely valuable 70% found that deeper understanding of avocado is acceptable 60% valued new recipe ideas 43% avocado buying, storage & handling and presenter (Star Chef) most valuable 20% think techniques are useful to know 7. Are you likely to use the provided collateral in your workplace? 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes Maybe No Did not answer this question 8. What were your views on avocados prior to the masterclass? - Avocados are mostly used in sushi roll California or salad with prawn and in in drinks, cold dishes and desserts To see more new ideas on avocado recipes To gain more understanding on avocado. 9. Have these changed? If so, how? - Can be used in hot cooking and many other cuisines other than western cuisine The salt can enhance the flavour of the avocado compared to honey Many people has misperception that avocado by nature is buttery & is high in cholesterol but it is actually very healthy Can consider to use it in breakfast Very meaningful and well presented. Would be useful to have the principal of an avocado farm to give more details 34 10. Do you have any suggestions that could improve future avocado masterclasses or the collateral? - Create a dish which uses avocado without other elements to increase the flavour of avocado Include a clip of the process of growing avocado to the exporting stage Information such as how to be more efficient when preparing for large group of people and also tips to prevent from oxidation The demo don’t really shows the natural taste as it uses other ingredients to enhance them It is perfect but can explain more details about avocados Masterclass No. 5 – Singapore Star chef name Chef’s profile Masterclass date Masterclass time Masterclass venue Recipes demonstrated and sampled Recipes featured Number of participants : Chef Pung Lu Tin : Chef Pung is the Director of the F&B Division of the Gim Tim group of restaurants. They run a few seafood restaurants including catering for mass events. Chef Pung is influential in the Chinese Chef community. He is the advisor to the Chinese Cuisine Chefs Association in Singapore. : 24 May 2012 : 2.30 – 5.00 pm : InterContinental Singapore : Crispy roll with fish fillet and avocado : Deep-fried prawn with avocado cream sauce : Avocado smoothies : Australian Avocados in Chinese Cuisine : 41 pax (Exceeded the number of participants targeted at 20-30) Chef Pung demonstrated the correct method of cutting and preparing an avocado in the masterclass. 35 Chef Pung gave many tips on application for avocado in Chinese cuisine. Chinese chefs completing their feedback forms prior to collecting their knowledge bags. The chefs were impressed with the masterclass. They said the session gave them ideas to substitute pumpkin with avocado. Chinese chefs from InterContinental Hotel participated in the masterclass by Chef Pung. Some Chefs said they had used the avocado before in hot cooking 10 years ago when there was avocado promotion. Then the supplies were affected and they took out avocado from their menu. 36 Survey findings from 41 participants who attended the Australian Avocado Masterclass on 24 May 2012 in Singapore. This masterclass was conducted in Chinese for Chinese chefs. 1. Are avocados part of your menu at present? 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Yes No 2. If yes, in what types of dishes are they used? - 76% used avocados in desserts 48% used avocados in cold dishes 20% used avocados in entrees and mains 3. If not, why? - 69% said they are not familiar enough with avocados 19% thought that avocados have few recipe ideas and limited use 15% had concerns on the storage and handling 4. How likely are you to include avocados in future menus? 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Highly unlikely Not likely Just as likely More likely Highly likely 1 2 3 4 5 37 5. How useful did you find the avocados masterclass? 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Not at all usefull 1 Less useful Quite useful 2 3 Useful Extremely useful 4 5 6. What aspect of the masterclass did you find most valuable? - 46% found deeper understanding of avocado possibilities extremely valuable 39% thought that new recipe ideas were most valuable 20% said hearing ideas from others in their industry is valuable 18% said techniques is important 7. Are you likely to use the provided collateral in your workplace? 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes Maybe No Did not answer this question 8. What were your views on avocados prior to the masterclass? - Thought that avocados are only used in desserts and starters, mainly Western cuisine 38 - Not familiar with avocado Nutritious To get more information on avocado from this workshop Little knowledge and treat avocado only as a normal fruit 9. Have these changed? If so, how? - Can be used in hot cooking and cold cooking Many ways of cooking using avocados Use avocado in Chinese cooking To be used as part of a dish Know the right way to choose ripe avocados 10. Do you have any suggestions that could improve future avocado masterclasses or the collateral? - More cooking demo for the general consumers More masterclasses for chefs Explore more possibilities to use avocado as a cooking ingredient More in-depth information such as the health benefits Do more promotions in restaurants A tour to the avocado farm to explore and learn about avocados Masterclass No. 6 – Hong Kong Star chef name Chef’s profile Masterclass date Masterclass time Masterclass venue Recipes demonstrated and sampled Recipes featured Number of participants Media attended : Chef Calvin Tsoi : Chef Calvin is the Consultant Chef to Lee Kum Kee Sauce, the most famous Chinese sauce ingredients in the Chinese cuisine industry in South-east Asia, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Chef Calvin is very talented as he carry out R&D for Lee Kum Kee in the exploration of Chinese cuisine recipes for Lee Kum Kee products. He has also conducted lessons in Chinese cuisine for culinary schools in China. : 29 May 2012 : 2.30 – 5.00 pm : Chef Eddy Studio :1) Avocado and scallop sushi 牛油果煎帶子紫菜飯團 : 2) Avocado ‘ma la’ tofu 牛油果麻婆豆腐 : 3) Coral trout fish with avocado 牛油果薄腩肉片卷星班 : 4) Avocado smoothies with bitter gourd and celery 牛油果苦 瓜西芹蜜特 : Australian Avocados in Chinese Cuisine : 45pax (Exceeded the number of participants targeted for 20-30) : Apple Daily Newspaper – Please see news clipping in press publicity section. 39 Rose Yong was the emcee to welcome the participants. She introduced Ms Angela To, Trade Commissioner, Queensland Government, who is based in Hong Kong and Chef Calvin Tsoi, the Star Chef of the masterclass. She also welcomed guests from the Australian Avocado industry and Austrade trade officer. Chinese chef participants eagerly waiting for the commencement of the Avocado for Chinese cuisine masterclass by Chef Calvin Tsoi. First recipe demonstrated ‘Seared scallop with avocado and sushi rice’ 40 Participants sampling the seared scallop and avocado. Avocado and coral trout fish rolled in pork slices ready for steaming. When the pork is cooked, the dish is served with soya sauce to the delight of the participants. It was very innovative and tasty. The chefs liked this recipe very much. Final year chef students from a famous culinary school enjoyed the masterclass very much. They said they learnt very good tips on Avocado and didn’t think avocado is suitable for Chinese cuisine until they attended this session. Sampling session of demonstrated dishes by the participants. 41 Survey findings from 45 participants who attended the Australian Avocado Masterclass conducted by star chef Calvin Tsoi on 29 May 2012 in Hong Kong Chinese for Chinese chefs. 1. Are avocados part of your menu at present? 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Yes No 2. If yes, in what types of dishes are they used? - 39% used avocados in entrees and mains 26% used avocados in cold dishes 17% used avocados in warm dishes 10% used avocados in desserts mainly for lunch and seasonally 3. If not, why? - 31% said they are not familiar enough with avocados and have few recipe ideas 15% said there were unsuccessful attempt to use avocados in their dishes 15% said they have never used Avocado before 4. How likely are you to include avocados in future menus? 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Highly Not likely unlikely 1 2 Just as likely More likely Highly likely 3 4 5 42 5. How useful did you find the avocados masterclass? 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Not at all Less useful useful 1 2 Quite useful Useful Extremely useful 3 4 5 6. What aspect of the masterclass did you find most valuable? - 28% found techniques and new recipe ideas extremely valuable 25% said deeper understanding of avocado possibilities, avocado buying, storage & handling tips are most valuable 14% found that the presenter (Star Chef) is valuable including the collateral 7. Are you likely to use the provided collateral in your workplace? 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes Maybe No 8. What were your views on avocados prior to the masterclass? - Knowing that avocado can do many cooking style No much available and not easy to cook No knowledge on avocado Just a type of fruit and it’s a nutritious fruit 43 - Nutritious fruit (3) Can only use it in entrée and for vegetarian and mainly Western dish Limited in cooking use and could only use as a side dish Avocado is not healthy Nice, healthy, good for summer. Easy to handle 9. Have these changed? If so, how? - Taste very good as the taste is unique Very high in nutrition Avocado can be used in a variety of cooking methods and cuisines Knowing now that the avocados can also be used in Chinese cuisine It can add meat to avocado as new idea in recipes Will do more recipe trials with avocados Before, I don’t think avocado can match with Chinese food. This course makes me come to know that Chinese food with avocado is also a good idea. Avocado used as side dish is very tasty 10. Do you have any suggestions that could improve future avocado masterclasses or the collateral? - Provide more avocado dessert recipes Do more cooking varieties when demonstrating Carry out more of this type of masterclass and demonstrate more recipes Do more promotions and cooking demonstrations Do good already Add more promotions on avocado goodness Promotion avocados in the internet Masterclass No. 7 – Hong Kong Star chef name Chef’s profile Masterclass date Masterclass time Masterclass venue Recipes demonstrated and sampled Recipes featured Number of participants : Chef Eddy Leung : : 30 May 2012 : 2.30 – 5.00 pm : Chef Eddy Studio : Avocado & seafood pastillas : Roasted char siew spring chicken with avocado & tomato salad : Honey glazed pumpkin with crispy avocado : Australian Avocados in Asian Cuisine : 22pax (expected number of participants targeted was 35 to 45) 44 Participants enjoying the sensorial tasting as they have never tried avocado with salt, sugar and honey. They like the avocado with salt. They said the salt brings up the flavour of the avocado. Chef Eddy Leung in action, explaining how he created the recipes using avocados. According to him, the avocado is very versatile as the taste is quite neutral. Chef Eddy Leung explains how he dried the avocado slices into chips in an electric drier to create the dessert recipe. He cooked pumpkin and avocado in honey and served with sugared avocado chips. This recipe was very interesting. According to him this recipe is very healthy. 45 Daryl Boardman explaining the avocado information to participants from an airline catering in Hong Kong. Chef Eddy giving some tips on how to prepare the avocado recipes to Susan and Jennie from the Australian Avocado Export Company. Survey findings from 22 participants who attended the Australian Avocado Masterclass conducted by Star chef Eddy Leung on 30 May 2012 in Hong Kong. This session was conducted in English. 1. Are avocados part of your menu at present? 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Yes No 2. If yes, in what types of dishes are they used? - 68% have used avocados in their cold dishes 36% said they used avocados in lunch menus 32% used avocados in mains and summer dishes 46 3. If not, why? All participants are currently using avocados. 4. How likely are you to include avocados in future menus? 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Highly unlikely 1 Not likely Just as likely More likely Highly likely 2 3 4 5 5. How useful did you find the avocados masterclass? 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Not at all usefull 1 Less useful Quite useful 2 3 Useful Extremely useful 4 5 6. What aspect of the masterclass did you find most valuable? - 77% of the participants thought that new recipe ideas is extremely valuable 36% found the presenter (Star Chef) and deeper understanding of avocado possibilities most valuable 27% found avocado buying, storage & handling tips valuable 15% found the techniques and collateral valuable 47 7. Are you likely to use the provided collateral in your workplace? 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes Maybe No Did not answer this question 8. What were your views on avocados prior to the masterclass? - Expensive but taste good The avocado is really short life and get spoil very soon Mainly used in cold dishes 9. Have these changed? If so, how? - Before the masterclass, avocado is mainly used in cold dishes. However the masterclass shows that avocado can use in other cuisines. Its versatility as a fruit is demonstrated Yes, after talking to Mr Daryl Boardman Yes, using in Chinese cuisine Applicable for different menus Learnt new cooking ideas 10. Do you have any suggestions that could improve future avocado masterclasses or the collateral? - I think its superb and covers everything Participants to participate in the cooking with guest chef More new Avocado recipes 48 Press Publicity Team Strategy Concept Sdn Bdn (TSC) prepared a press kit consisting of a press release, star chef profile, Australian Avocado Masterbook, Avocado leaflets for foodservice, a knife, avocado samples and a knowledge bag. They were distributed to the journalists and photographers who attended the masterclasses. TSC follow-up with the media who could not attend the masterclass with a press kit and a press release. Prior to the masterclasses in all three countries, an invitation card and note to editor were sent to all potential and relevant media in all three countries. As a result of the media publicity, six news clippings (one appearing in August issue of MIDI) were achieved. In Hong Kong, there was a news clipping as a result of a press interview and another article on avocado was published. In Singapore, although the note to editor and masterclass invitation were sent to all the media in the newspapers and magazines, there was no journalist in attendance. Total value of publicity is approximately RM135,000 (approximately A$42,150). Note to Editor Press Release 49 News clippings Malaysia - The Star Newspaper, 25 June 2012 The Star Newspaper is largest major national tabloid newspaper in Malaysia with sections in current news, world news, Star 2 comprising of lifestyle stories, sports, metro pages featuring stories in the metro areas in Kuala Lumpur, entertainment, education and classifieds. This daily newspaper is sold at RM1.50 per copy and on weekends, it is sold at RM2.00 per copy. It has a readership of 1,024,000 and circulation of 286,409 Star has online Star as well so stories featured are available for viewing on-line. Demographic of their readers include working professionals from all races of Chinese, Malay, Indian and expatriates. We had successfully invited their reporter and photographer to attend the Australian Avocado Masterclass No. 1 session on May 15, 2012. On June 25, 2012, an article on Australian Avocado was featured in the Section 2 of Star Newspaper. The article is 1 ½ pages spread and has an advertising value of approximately RM50,000 (approximately A$16,000). 50 Article continued into the next page… 51 Malaysia - The Malaysian Insider - myfoodinsider.com, 31 May 2012 The Malaysian Insider is an online news site with a readership of approximately 20,000. They feature food articles and business news. Our article appeared on May 31, 2012. The reporter, Eu Hooi Khaw reported that the Avocado article garnered 90 likes which was the highest ranking amongst all food products stories that appeared in the Malaysia Insider. 52 Malaysia - MIDI Women’s Magazine, 15 June 2012 Midi is a Malay lifestyle magazine for ladies above 40 years old. This is women’s preferred No. 1 magazine in Malaysia. It is a monthly magazine sold at the news agent and bookstores at RM4.20 per copy. It has a readership of approximately 180,000 and with a circulation of approximately 45,000. Demographic of readers are female readers aged above 40 years old who are constantly looking for new ideas on cooking, fashion, lifestyle and trends. The readers are normally trendsetters of modern women with family. Four pages of the Australian avocado recipes and a write-up was featured in the magazine, Lifestyle and Recipe section on June 15, 2012 with an advertising value of approximately RM20,000 (approx. A$6,250). There will be two more Avocado recipe features in August, Hari Raya issue. 53 Malaysia - Oriental Cuisine Magazine, July 2012 ‘Oriental Cuisine Magazine’ is a Chinese culinary magazine with bilingual recipes in Chinese and English language. They feature new ideas, trends and recipes on dessert and beverage. It has a readership of 75,000 and a circulation of 30,000. This magazine is distributed and sold in Malaysia and Singapore at RM12.00 and S$6.50 respectively. Oriental Cuisine magazine is a subsidiary of the Nanyang major Chinese national newspaper in Malaysia. Its demographic of readers are majority women from 30 years onwards who prefers a modern home with trendy cooking equipment cooking tasty and healthy food for their families. A 10 page write up on Avocado was featured in the July 2012 issue. The spread consisted of information on Australian Avocado and 8 Avocado recipes – two recipes were from the star chef’s demonstration for Chinese chefs and the rest of the six recipes were taken from the Avocado masterbook. The advertising value of the Australian Avocado write is RM50,000 (S$16,000). 54 Malaysia – Pure Glutton blog, 31 May 2012 This website blog has a value of RM11,890.33 and it has daily page view of more than 200 hits. The blogs is about tasting and reviewing of new food and recipes. The article on Australian Avocado following our publicity drive was featured on 31 May 2012. Article continued into next page… 55 Hong Kong – Apple Daily Newspaper, 14 June 2012 Apple Daily Newspaper is the 2nd best-selling newspaper in Hong Kong. They have a sister publication with the same name in Taiwan. The publication started its distribution in 1995 in Hong Kong and in 2003 in Taiwan. The broadsheet newspaper is owned by Next Media and is delivered in Hong Kong Cantonese language and in Taiwan, it is in traditional Chinese. It does not have any figures supporting the readership and circulation but claimed to be the second best-selling newspaper with largest circulation in Hong Kong. The newspaper features local and international news, sports, entertainment, Technology, Travel and culinary. The article below talked about the different methods of cooking avocado. They mentioned that Avocado coffee is popular in Indonesia. 56 57 Apple Daily, 26 June 2012 This article highlighted an interview with Adriano Brescia on Australian Avocados. 58 Hong Kong – Metro Daily, 28 June 2012 Metro Daily is the world’s largest international newspaper recognised by the Guinness World of Record. The tabloid newspaper started in 2002 owned by the Metro International. The daily newspaper is distributed to over 100 major cities in 20 countries including Asia, Europe, North and South America. The readership of this paper is 725,000 per day and circulation is 420,000 copies per day. 75% of the readers are between 18-49 years old and the gender is 50%-50%. The readers’ demographic group is affluent and well educated. The newspaper covers local and international news, finance, sports, entertainment and so on. The newspaper introduced Avocado with new recipes in the article. They featured restaurants promoting Avocados with new recipes. 59 Database of Masterclass participants in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong Total number of participants achieved in all three countries is 251 (Expected a total of 250 participants in three countries). Australian Avocados in Asian Cuisine Masterclass – Malaysia (41 pax) 15th May 2012 No. Company Name Position 1 Berjaya University College Kerley Bong Culinary Lecturer 2 Berjaya University College Billy Ng Culinary Lecturer 3 Berjaya University College Nursyirin Mohd Said Culinary Student 4 Berjaya University College May Yuen Culinary Student 5 Berjaya University College Siti Arfah Culinary Student 6 Berjaya University College Mohd Faiz Culinary Student 7 Berjaya University College Yeoh Tze Sien Culinary Student 8 Berjaya University College Kybopha Sanya Culinary Student 9 Berjaya University College Chen Wan Sing Culinary Student 10 Berjaya University College Nguyen Phong Vu Culinary Student 11 Best Western Premier Haznizam Hamzah Chef de Cuisine 12 Best Western Premier Liew Shan Lin Sous Chef 13 Carcosa Seri Negara Muhd Shahrizal Assistant Chef 14 Chef Teddy Kitchen Chef Teddy Director 15 Chef Teddy Kitchen Elaine Tan Manager 16 Concorde Hotel Karyamin Sous Chef 17 Concorde Hotel Zulkefle Chef de Cuisine 18 CC Food Travel Mei Food writer 19 Grand Bluewave Hotel Shah Alam Chef Muit Chef de Cuisine 20 Grand Lexis Port Dickson Chef Goh Thong Lee Executive Chef 21 Karang Kraf Siti Arfah Binti Abdul Assistant Editor 22 Karang Kraf (Mingguan Wanita) Julie Roshma Journalist 23 Karang Kraf Halim Wahid Photographer 24 KDU University College Norhalis Assistant Lecturer 25 Las Carretas Chef Victor Siow Chef & Restaurant owner 26 Las Carretas Chef Joey Chef de Cuisine 27 Las Carretas Chef de Cuisine 28 Legend College 29 Legend College Chef Ayub Mohammad Arieffudin Bin Abdul Khalid Alif Aiman 30 Legend College Nor Azman Culinary Student 31 Legend College Lim Yee Yong Culinary Student 32 Legend College Ling Soon-En Culinary Student 33 Malaysian Insider Eu Hooi Khaw Food journalist 34 Mines Wellness Hotel Chef Alex Ye Sous Chef 35 Pure Glutton Chris Wan Food journalist 36 Simplot Chef Balan Chef Consultant 37 The Ship Restaurant Ms Jinny Marketing Manager 38 The Ship Restaurant Li Hong Assistant Manager 39 The Star Newspaper Majorie Chiew Journalist 40 The Star Newspaper Brian Moh Photographer 41 YTL Lucas Liao Lecturer Culinary Lecturer Culinary Student 60 Australian Avocados in Dessert & Beverage Masterclass – Malaysia (39 pax) 16th May 2012 No. Company Name Position 1 Azrah's Home of Culinary Arts Chef Azrah Celebrity Chef 2 Malaysian Chefs Association Chef Ricky Ng Head of R & D 3 D'italiane Kitchen Mr Saw General Manager 4 D'italiane Kitchen Sherly Restaurant Manager 5 Euro-Atlantic Vivian Sam Assistant Manager 6 Euro-Atlantic Anthony Lok Senior Executive 7 Export Plus Stephen Smith Export Manager 8 Euro-Atlantic Wilson Low Manager 9 Euro-Atlantic Suhaidah Ahmad Sales Executive 10 Euro-Atlantic Neoh Mervyn Sales Executive 11 GBA Corporation Sdn Bhd Chef Calvin Chan Business Development Chef 12 Holiday Inn Jenny Foo Purchasing Manager 13 Holiday Inn Mr Ng Assistant Manager 14 Holiday Inn Mr Ronny Purchasing Executive 15 Home Economy Ann Rosario Chef 16 17 Home Economy Jaya Grocer Supermarket Florence Tan Machay Hai Celebrity Chef Buyer 18 Jaya Grocer Supermarket Arie Produce Assistant 19 Jaya Grocer Supermarket Nur Zawang Produce staff 20 Jaya Grocer Supermarket Tina Lee Produce Manager 21 Jaya Grocer Supermarket Siti Nor Faizah Produce 22 Jaya Grocer Supermarket Juliana Produce 23 Marche Erman Head Chef 24 Marche Masriani Assistant Chef 25 Marche Payang Umi Assistant Restaurant Manager 26 Marche Marzuki Sous Chef 27 Mines Wellness Hotel Chef Alex Ye Sous Chef 28 Montes John Head Chef 29 Montes Ms Chin Restaurant Manager 30 Palace of Golden Horses Hotel Chef Mohd Salsabil Chef de Cuisine 31 Palace of Golden Horses Hotel Chef Muhamad Nasri Chef de Cuisine 32 Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur Ar Jay Imbungon Sous Chef 33 Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur Chaoy Chee Onn Chef de Cuisine 34 Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur Khor Ban Keon Assistant Chef 35 Secret Recipe Chelsea Purchasing Manager 36 Secret Recipe Penny Assistant Manager 37 Cititel Mid Valley Ardawati Chef 38 Crowne Plaza Zulkefli Chef de Partie 39 Crowne Plaza Ahmad Tharmiza Chef de Partie 61 Australian Avocados in Chinese Cuisine Masterclass – Malaysia (24 pax) 17th May 2012 No. Company Name Position 1 Best Western Premier Muhammad Hafiz Jamhuri Sous Chef 2 Best Western Premier Iskandar Zarratas bin Zulkiffli Sous Chef 3 Best Western Premier Khaw Siong Sim Executive Sous Chef 4 Best Western Premier Edmond Goo Yee Ming Sous Chef 5 Best Western Premier Yap Hon Wooi Chef de Cuisine 6 Best Western Premier Yeap Thiam Aik Chef de Cuisine 7 Best Western Premier Sam Saimon B. Sous Chef 8 Best Western Premier Lim Hann Nee Sous Chef 9 Best Western Premier Arini Tusoo Sous Chef 10 Best Western Premier Bobby Melvin Sous Chef 11 D'italiane Kitchen Machos Chef 12 InterContinental Hotel Kuala Lumpur Wong Lian You Head Chef 13 InterContinental Hotel Kuala Lumpur Lo Tian Sion Sous Chef 14 InterContinental Hotel Kuala Lumpur Wong Kong Loong Chef 15 InterContinental Hotel Kuala Lumpur Lee Soon Fatt Chef 16 InterContinental Hotel Kuala Lumpur Hun Keng Kung Chef 17 InterContinental Hotel Kuala Lumpur Chang Kian Boon Chef 18 Nanyang Press Holdings Kelly Then Jia Ling Sales Executive 19 Nanyang Press Holdings, Lawrence Chong Journalist 20 Sime Darby Convention Centre Lim Wai Keong Executive Chef 21 Asian Kitchen Chan Choo Kean Chinese Executive Chef 22 Asian Kitchen Wilson Low Restaurant Executive 23 Shangri-la Hotel KL Tan Kim Weng Chinese Executive Chef 24 Ritz Carlton KL Lai Jin Hong First Wok Chef Australian Avocados in Asian Cuisine Masterclass – Singapore (37 pax) 22nd May 2012 No. Company Name Position 1 Carlton Hotel Doreen Quek Purchasing Manager 2 Carlton Hotel Raymond Wong Director of Food & Beverage 3 Carlton Hotel Lee Hwee Yaw Executive Chef 4 Daniel's Kitchen Daniel Koh Senior Vice President 5 Daniel's Kitchen Elaine Marketing Manager 6 Fairprice Supermarket Foo Tze Liang Purchasing Manager 7 Fairprice Supermarket Mr Tan Assistant Manager 8 Fairprice Supermarket Ms Alice Lee Sales Executive 9 Grandcopthorne Waterfront David Toh Head Chef 62 10 Grandcopthorne Waterfront Madeline Tan Chef de Cuisine 11 Grandcopthorne Waterfront Vanness Tan Assistant Manager 12 ITE Eric Lim Lecturer 13 ITE Darren Assistant Lecturer 14 ITE Kok Wai Chef 15 Mandarin Orchard William Tan Director of Food & Beverage 16 Mandarin Orchard Shigeru Akashi Head of Culinary Consulting Services 17 Marina Bay Sands Paran Chef 18 Oasia Hotel Calvin Chef de Cuisine 19 Oasia Hotel Maxwell Head Chef 20 Oasia Hotel Winnie Sous Chef 21 Oasia Hotel Phoenix Assistant Purchasing Manager 22 Pan Pacific Boulevard Lim Eng Hoe Head Chef 23 Pan Pacific Boulevard Norazilina Sous Chef 24 Pan Pacific Hotel Andy Oh Executive Chef 25 Pan Pacific Hotel Lisa Sous Chef 26 Pan Pacific Hotel Ramlan Ahmad Sous Chef 27 Resort World Sentosa Eric Tan Executive Chef 28 Resort World Sentosa Leo Kee Meng Executive Sous Chef 29 Royal Plaza On Scott Abraham Tan Executive Chef 30 Royal Plaza On Scott Elvis Ng Sous Chef 31 Royal Plaza On Scott Choo Eng Tat Executive Pastry Chef 32 Shatec Calicia Jasmine Lim Business Consultant 33 Shatec Tommie Chee Host Mentor 34 Shatec Vincent Mentor 35 Suntec City Convention Centre Alfred Lee Executive Chef 36 Traders Hotel Roslan bin Abbas Chef de Cuisine 37 Traders Hotel Negi Rajendra Indian Chef Australian Avocados in Chinese cuisine Masterclass – Singapore (41 pax) 24th May 2012 No. Company Name Position 1 Bee Heong Palace Goh Eng Gee Head Chef 2 Bee Heong Palace Goh Siok Bee Chef 3 Boon Lay Raja Restaurant Pte Ltd Ng Seng Tio Executive Chef 4 Boon Tong Kee Liau Fut Sang Head Chef 5 Boon Tong Kee Seet Kai Fatt Chef 6 Furama Riverfront Rayyan Boh Chef de Cuisine 63 7 Griffith University Robin Roberts Lecturer 8 Intercom Cheong Kei Choon Head Chef 9 Intercom Ong Teng Chye Chef 10 InterContinental Hotel Chef Chan Chef de Cuisine 11 InterContinental Hotel Chef Alvin Assistant Chef 12 InterContinental Hotel Chef Ng Sous Chef 13 Jing Long Seafood Restaurant Steven Liow Restaurant Manager 14 Lian Xin Wong Yu Sheng Executive Chef 15 Long Beach Chong Wui Choong Executive Chef 16 Marina Mandarin Patrick Ooi Executive Sous Chef 17 Marina Mandarin Lim Chih Teck Chef de Cuisine 18 Peach Blossom, Marina Mandarin Chan Shun Wong Executive Chef 19 Putien Derek Chua Sous Chef 20 Putien Tang Tian Hua Chef 21 Putien Li Gong Ba Executive Chef 22 Putien Cheung Ting Ming Chef de Cuisine 23 Putien Cao Yong Chef 24 Putien Wong Peng Fei Chef 25 Queensland Government Victoria Jones 26 Society of Chinese Cuisine Chefs Chee Kwai Yian Chinese Chef 27 Society of Chinese Cuisine Chefs Wu Hai Feng Chinese Chef 28 Society of Chinese Cuisine Chefs Wong Li Han Sous Chef 29 Society of Chinese Cuisine Chefs Ng Lip Kah Chinese Chef 30 Society of Chinese Cuisine Chefs Wang Wei Chinese Chef 31 Society of Chinese Cuisine Chefs Cheah Kok Lai Chinese Chef 32 Society of Chinese Cuisine Chefs Robert Lin Chinese Chef 33 Society of Chinese Cuisine Chefs Li Lung Chef 34 Society of Chinese Cuisine Chefs/ Geylang Serai Culinary Club Loo Tiong Bin Director of F&B 35 Swatow Restaurant Pte Ltd Wong Man Cho Executive Chef 36 The American Club Cheng Siau Kun Chef 37 Yu Cuisine, Marina Bay Sands Kong Siew Chye Chef de Cuisine 38 Yu Cuisine, Marina Bay Sands Tan Foo Chinese Chef 39 Yummy Tasty Pte Ltd Gao Yu Feng Chinese Chef 40 Society of Chinese Cuisine Chefs Chia Sin Koon Chef 41 Society of Chinese Cuisine Chefs Chong Che Hean Head Chef 64 Australian Avocados in Chinese cuisine Masterclass Hong Kong (41 pax) 29th May 2012 No. Company Name Position 1 Apple Daily Limited Joyce Au Yeung Journalist 2 Australian Trade Commission Frances Cheung Business Development Manager 3 Avocado Export Company Pty Ltd Daryl Boardman Director 4 Avocado Export Company Pty Ltd Sally Boardman Assistant Director 5 Avocado Export Company Pty Ltd Jenny 6 Cathay Pacific Louis Pang Production Chef 7 Cucina Hong Kong Hong Kong Food Science and Technology Association Ltd. Chung Kei Au Yeung Chef de Cuisine - Chinese Minda Chiang Food Quality Officer 9 Intercontinental Grand Stanford HK Chef Leung Fai Hung Executive Chinese Chef 10 Lee Kum Kee (Hong Kong) Ltd. Alvin M.K. Ling Assistant Sales Manager 11 Lee Kum Kee (Hong Kong) Ltd. Mandy S.M. Lai Sales Supervisor 12 Lee Kum Kee (Hong Kong) Ltd. Eric Y.T. Wong Sales Supervisor 13 Lee Kum Kee (Hong Kong) Ltd. Mr Lee 14 L' Hotel Island South Sidney Chan Executive Chef 15 L' Hotel Island South Lo Pui Chun, Ronald Chef 16 L' Hotel Island South Hsu Hui Ping Chef 17 L' Hotel Nina at Convention Centre Chef KK Wu Executive Chef - Chinese Cuisine 18 Luk Kwok hotel - Canton Room William Ma Executive Chef - Chinese Cuisine 19 Maxim's Caterers ltd. Alan Chow Assistant Manager - Fresh Foods 20 Maxim's Caterers ltd. Leo Tse Officer 21 Maxim's Caterers ltd. Ng Cheuk Lun Officer 22 Queensland Government Angela To Trade Commissioner 23 Queensland Government Mandy Shing Trade Officer 24 Shatin Hyatt 何振雄 Ho Chun Hung Chef de Cuisine - Banquet 25 The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong Wong Chun Yee Sous Chef - Gardemanger 26 Tinenin Company Limited Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre Yves S.Y. Liu Managing Director Chan Po Yan, Yanny 陳寶欣 Culinary Student 8 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Cheng Hang Yee, Agnes 鄭 倖而 Chiu Hok Yin, Raymond 趙 學彥 Fung Man Ching, Mandy 馮 雯靜 Ho Yim Hung, Yvonne 何艷 紅 Culinary Student Culinary Student Culinary Student Culinary Student Lam Jason, Jason 林梓軒 Culinary Student Lau Tsz Sun, Anson 劉梓燊 Culinary Student 65 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre Hospitality Industry Training and Development Centre Leung Siu Hei, Anson 梁紹 熹 Wing Kee Trading Culinary Student Ma Man Wai, Ann 馬文惠 Seeto Yuk Fong, Ada 司徒 玉芳 Culinary Student So Wai Kin, Ken 蘇偉健 Culinary Student Wong Tsz Hong, Billy 黃子 康 Culinary Student Mak Yin Shan Culinary Student Keith Leung Instructor (Food & Beverage) Julian Chow Assistant General Manager Culinary Student Australian Avocados in Asian Cuisine Masterclass - Hong Kong (28 pax) 30th May 2012 No. Company Name Position 1 Avocado Export Company Pty Ltd Daryl Boardman Director 2 Avocado Export Company Pty Ltd Sally Boardman Assistant Director 3 Avocado Export Company Pty Ltd Jenny 4 Café Deco Group Hsu King Yik Chef de Cuisine 5 Café Deco Group Chung Loi Hi, Kenny Head Chef 6 Café Deco Group Zero Yu Chef 7 Gate Gourmet (Airline catering) Joel Crompton Executive Chef 8 HKCEC Chef Wan Kwok Fai Head Chef 9 HKCEC Chef Ho Man Yan Sous Chef 10 Intercontinental Grandstanford HK Jun Li Chef de Cuisine 11 Intercontinental Grandstanford HK William Lam Executive Sous Chef 12 Island Shangri-La Hotel Hong Kong Ho Kwok Cheung, Frank Service Manager - F&B Kitchen 13 L' Hotel Island South Sidney Chan Executive Chef 14 L' Hotel Island South Chum Chef 15 L' Hotel Island South Pui Wong Sous Chef 16 Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers Yeung Chi Man, Ricky Executive Sous Chef 17 Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers Cho Hau Kam, Peter Sous Chef 18 The Park lane, Hong Kong Brian Leung Chef de Cuisine 19 The Park lane, Hong Kong Heinz - Jorg Funhoff Executive Sous Chef 20 Cathay Pacific Louis Pang Production Chef 21 Gate Gourmet Wong Kwai Chuen Sous Chef (Hot Kitchen) 22 Gate Gourmet Billy Chui Sous Chef (Hot Kitchen) 23 Gate Gourmet Bamrah Singh 24 Luk Kwok Hotel Eddie Mak Indian Cuisine Head Chef Executive Chef - Western Cuisine 25 Luk Kwok Hotel Ma Wing Tak Chef 26 Luk Kwok Hotel Wilson Leong Chef 27 Queensland Government Trade Mandy Trade Officer 28 Queensland Government Trade Adriano Brescia Trade & Investment Officer 66 Power Point Presentation on Australian Avocado A power point presentation on Australian Avocado was developed by Team Strategy Concept Sdn Bhd for the Star Chefs to present in the Masterclass in all three countries. For the Chinese Cuisine masterclass, the power point was translated into Mandarin for use in the three countries. This is to ensure that the information and messages on Australian Avocado delivered by all the star chefs were accurate and consistent in all three countries. 67 Star Chefs’ Profile and their Australian Avocado recipes specially created and demonstrated in the masterclass in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. All-star chefs were required to present the Australian Avocado power point, demonstrate how to prepare and cut an avocado correctly, share their experience with avocado whilst they created and tested their recipes prior to the masterclass, prepare the sampling plate of avocado with sugar, salt in the sensorial tasting, including demonstrating the avocado recipes in the masterclass. Malaysia (15, 16 & 17 May 2012) : 1. Mohamad Noor bin Musa Profile i) Recipes for Asian Cuisine ii) Recipes for Beverage & Dessert 2. Lam Hock Hin Profile i) Recipes for Chinese Cuisine Singapore (22 & 24 May 2012) : 1. Eric Neo Profile i) Recipes for Asian Cuisine 2. Pung Lu Tin Profile i) Recipes for Chinese Cuisine Hong Kong (29 & 30 May 2012) : 1. Calvin Tsoi Profile i) Recipes for Chinese Cuisine 2. Eddy Leung Profile i) Recipes for Asian Cuisine 68 Malaysia - Avocado Star Chef Profile Mohamad Noor Bin Musa Having started his career in culinary arts at a very young age, Chef Mohamad Noor Bin Musa is currently the Garde Manger Chef of a leading centre of Excellence catering to the mass since 2007. His keenness to increase his skills and gain valuable experience over the culinary years has brilliantly improved his expertise to design dishes creatively with refined presentation to large top notch banqueting events and occasions for the crème de la crème. Chef Mohammad culminates his 13 years of experience and culinary skills during his early days when he was Senior Chef De Partie at The Le Méridien Kuala Lumpur from 2004 to 2006 and Senior Chef De Partie of Palace of Golden Horses Hotel for more than 3 years. He attended a month course in ‘Culinary Art – Basic cooking’ at the Le Cordon Bleu Institute in Malaysia in 2002. With all these achievements, Chef Mohamad Noor aspires to mentor upcoming chefs to win accolades for the country. Chef Mohamad Noor’s recognition in the foodservice industry being the winner of 2009 ‘Plated Appetizer Display’ in the year of 2009 and Gold Medallist winner in Team Challenge. He has participated in the Malaysia National Team to IKA Germany in 2005 and to Food Hotel Asia, Singapore in 2007 where the team won the silver award in both competitions. His greatest achievement was winning the ‘Chef of the Year’ at the 2011 Culinaire Malaysia is testimonial of his refined culinary and presentation skills and expertise second to none. Recipes by Star Chef i) Recipes for Asian Cuisine - Sear Chicken Roulade with Avocado Raita Kachumber Salad and Papadum - “Avocado Kueh Pie-Tee” Avocado and Tomato Cubes with Shrimp filled in Savoury Chef Hat - Avocado Cha ii) Recipes for Beverage & Dessert - Avocado Custard Cream - Avocado Jack Punch - Avocado Cendol 69 Recipes for Asian Cuisine Sear Chicken Roulade With Avocado Raita Kachumber Salad and Papadum Sear chicken salad Ingredients: 150 g 200 g 10 g 10 g 20 g 5g 5g Chicken thigh skin Chicken thigh meat Fine salt Walnuts Dried mango, thinly sliced Pink Peppercorns, finely milled Fresh Tarragon, chopped Method: 1. Trimmed the chicken thigh and set aside. Save trimming and blend to a fine farce in a food blender. 2. In a bowl, add chicken farce, walnuts, mango, chopped tarragon and season with salt and peppercorn. Gently fold everything until well mixed. 3. Spread out a piece of chicken skin on a flat surface. Spoon some of the blended chicken ingredients onto the skin and roll it into a roulade. Wrap the roulade tightly with cling wrap and follow with aluminium foil. 4. Poach roulades in simmering water for 20 minutes. 5. Discard plastic wrap and foil. Heat oil and sear chicken until golden brown. Avocado raita Ingredients: 50 g 20 g 10 g 10 g 5g Avocado, cubed Tomato, cubed Onion, cubed Yoghurt natural Coriander, chopped Salt and pepper to taste Method: 1. Mix all the vegetables and follow by plain yoghurt. 2. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 3. Serve together with chicken roulade and poppadum (Indian crackers). 70 “Avocado Kueh Pie-Tee” Avocado and Tomato Cubes with Shrimp filled in Savoury Chef Hat Ingredients: 50 g 100 g 50 g 10 g 10 g 50 g 10 g 5g 10 pcs Avocado Shrimp filled, chopped Tomato, cubed Onion, cubed Long beans, sliced Fish stock Egg yolk Corn oil Pie tee hat Salt and pepper to taste Garnishes: 3g Black caviar Fresh dill Method: 1. Heat oil in a pot over medium-high heat. Add onion and sauté till fragrant and lightly brownish colour. 2. Add carrot, long beans, shrimp followed by fish stock. 3. Pull the pan off the heat and return pot to the heat, reduce until almost dry. 4. Lastly, add tomato, avocado, egg yolk and cook until heated through then season with salt and pepper. 5. Add cooked ingredients in pie tee hats and garnish with black caviar and fresh dill. Ready to serve. 71 Avocado Cha Sago Ingredients: 200 g Small sago 150 g Pandan flavour big sago 150 g Rose flavour big sago Rose syrup Pandan leaves Method: 1. Boil small sago until crystallized and clean the sago in cold water, keep aside. 2. Steam big sago with pandan leaves and rose syrup until cooked. Clean sago and keep aside. To prepare Avocado cream Ingredients: 10 nos. 2.5 litre 1 litre 350 g 20 g Fresh Avocados Water Coconut milk Sugar Salt Method: 1. Blend fresh avocado with water and add in other ingredients, blend once again until all ingredients are well mixed. 2. To assemble, place small sago in the centre of the bowl and pour in the avocado cream. 3. Place some flavoured big sago on the avocado cream and serve chill. 72 Recipes for Beverage & Dessert Avocado Custard Cream Ingredients: 20 4 1.5 450 113 375 225 10 nos nos ltr g g ml g nos Tart shell (sweet) Fresh Australian Avocado Fresh milk Sugar (A) Boil Warm Butter Fresh milk Corn flour (B) Cold Mix Egg york Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Boil ingredients A in slow fire. Combine ingredients B in a bowl and mix until well combined. Mix ingredients A & B in slow fire until boiled. Continue to cook until the liquid thickened. Rest for five minutes in room temperature. Use piping bag to switch the custard cream into tartlet shell. Garnish with avocado or any fruits. Keep chilled and ready to serve. Avocado Jack Punch Ingredients: 400 1 5 100 100 100 200 g ltr nos g g g g Condense milk Fresh milk Fresh Australian Avocado Fresh jackfruit, chopped Sea coconut, chopped Fresh Australian Avocado, chopped Ice cube Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. Blend avocado together with condense milk and fresh milk. Add in ice and blend for two second as a base. Mix all the chopped ingredients in the blended liquid base. Whisk all together and ready to serve. 73 Avocado Cendol Ingredients: 300 600 60 40 50 100 g ml g g g g Fresh Australian Avocado Fresh milk Palm sugar “Gula Melaka” Castor sugar Cendol (Pandanus flavoured jelly) Crushed ice Method: 1. Melt palm sugar and castor sugar in a pot over a pan of water to avoid direct heat. 2. Blend Avocado with half portion of fresh milk. Set aside. 3. Pour melted sugar syrup in a glass, slowly pour blended Avocado on top of melted sugar then add in balance of fresh milk to make a layer look. 4. Spoon in cendol jelly. 5. Finally topped with crushed ice and serve. 74 Malaysia - Avocado Star Chef Profile Lam Hock Hin Hilton Kuala Lumpur’s Executive Chinese Chef Lam Hock Hin is a much respected industry veteran whose culinary career spans Malaysia and China. Having chalked up a wealth of experience following 24 years in the hospitality business, it should come as no surprise that Lam was declared the inaugural Winner of the Malaysia International Gourmet Festival’s Chef Congeniality Award and has led his Chynna restaurant team to awardwinning heights. The talented chef acquired his culinary skills through several working stints in Singapore between 1987 and 1993. Upon his return to Malaysia a year later, Lam briefly ran his own business before he entered the hotel industry in 1995. Some of the four and five-star properties he has worked for include the Allson Klana Resort Hotel in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Palace of the Golden Horses and the former Hilton Hotel in Seremban. Prior to his current position, Lam was the Executive Chinese Chef of the Hilton Hotel, Beijing, China. Recipes by Star Chef i) Recipes for Chinese Cuisine - Wok Fried Avocado and Sliced Lamb with Sweet Soy Sauce - Chilled Salmon Roll with Avocado and Grilled Cheese - Avocado Mousse 75 Recipes for Chinese Cuisine Wok-fried Avocado and Sliced Lamb with Sweet Soy Sauce, Serves: 6 Sweet soy sauce ingredients: 3 1 2 2 200 250 700 350 600 0.5 1/2 pcs pc pcs pcs g g g g g g tbsp Clove Cinnamon stick Cao Guo Star aniseed Black vinegar White vinegar Sugar Soy sauce Water Red edible-color Black soy sauce Ingredient A Method: 1. Bring water to boil, add in Ingredient A and continue to boil for 15 minutes. 2. Add in the remaining ingredients, boil for another 30 minutes. 3. Stir in red edible color and black soy sauce. Remove from fire and set aside. Ingredients: 150 g Fresh Australian Lamb rump (sliced) 100 g Fresh Australian Avocado (cubed) 2 nos Dried chilies (cut into small pieces) Salt Sugar Soy sauce Sesame oil to marinate Pepper Chicken stock HK flour Method: 1. Marinate lamb rump with salt, sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper, chicken powder and HK flour. 2. Sear marinated lamb rump in a wok until turned brown. Remove from fire. 3. Blanch avocado with hot water for few seconds. 4. Fry dried chilies until turned black, add in cooked lamb rump. 5. Add sweet soy sauce and lastly add in cubed avocados and toss thoroughly. 6. Ready to serve. . 76 Chilled Salmon Roll with Avocado and Grilled Cheese Ingredients: 1 300 6 no g pcs Fresh Australian Avocado (sliced) Chilled salmon (sliced) Cheese parmesan (sliced) Coarse sugar to taste Method: 1. Thinly slice salmon and place it on cling wrap. 2. Place a piece of sliced parmesan cheese on the knife and use a torch gun to burn until it turned brown and quickly place it on top of the salmon. 3. Place a slice of avocado on the cheese and sprinkle some coarse sugar on it. 4. Roll salmon up with cling wrap and chill for 20 minutes. 5. Ready to serve. Serves: 6 77 Avocado Mousse Ingredient A: 5 nos Fresh Australian Avocado 1.5 litre Water 200 g Honey (Blend avocado with water until smooth and add in honey) Ingredient B: 600 g Vanilla ice cream (half melt) Ingredient C: 20 g Gelatin powder 150 g Water (Stir gelatin until it melts) Ingredient D: 200 g Palm sugar “Gula Melaka” 625 g Water 12 g Gelatin (Cook until it melts) Method: 1. Mix well Ingredient A and Ingredient B, followed by Ingredient C until all well mixed and pour into a glass. 2. Pour Ingredient D on top of well mixed Avocado mousse. 3. Chill for 4 hours to set gelatin before ready to serve. Serves: 20 78 Singapore - Avocado Star Chef Profile Eric Neo Eric Neo was appointed Executive Chef at InterContinental Singapore in October 2011. In his role at InterContinental Singapore, Chef Eric will oversee all culinary operations and menus for Olive Tree (all-day dining and international buffet restaurant), Aroma (bakery), Man Fu Yuan (signature Cantonese restaurant), Lobby Lounge, Victoria Bar, and Aqua Pool Bar as well as the banqueting department. Having started out as a chef at the age of 16, Chef Eric brings with him over seventeen years of culinary and catering experience across varied cuisines including Cantonese, Western, Peranakan and Malay, as well as local delights. He rose through the ranks to become Head Chef of international buffet restaurant Aquamarine in Marina Mandarin Hotel before being promoted to the hotel’s Executive Sous Chef in 2006. He joined Crowne Plaza Changi Airport as Executive Chef in 2008, where he was an integral part of the preopening team responsible for developing menus and implementing operational procedures for the hotel’s food and beverage outlets including food preparation, quality control, timely deliveries, and satisfactory customer service. Chef Eric’s culinary style leans towards the contemporary style of cooking, combining fresh ingredients and cooking them with minimal fuss, to showcase wholesome and delicious food whilst retaining the integrity of the ingredients. Olive Tree, the hotel’s all-day dining restaurant will provide a showcase for Chef Eric’s culinary skills, offering his signature dishes like Pan Seared Cod with Truffle Tomato Salsa, Asparagus Risotto with charred King Prawn, the well-loved local favourite Hokkien Mee and Ayam Panggang. Chef Eric’s experience and skills go beyond the specialised area of culinary creativity; he also focuses on team work while demonstrating management ability to lead his crew with great confidence and patience. He believes in delivering a result driven kitchen team through the facilitation of extensive group and one-on-one training, achieving world-class standards of quality and continuity across the board. His expertise and culinary skills as both chef and leader have earned him extensive recognition in the industry. Among other accolades, he was most recently team manager of the culinary team representing Singapore at the Pattaya City Culinary Challenge 2011, leading the team to win the gold medal. He was also one of two elected Singapore representatives for the Tiger Brands World Cooks Tour for Hunger in Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Durban, South Africa in 2003, at which he 79 received a commendation for outstanding service. He also appears regularly as a guest chef or judge on popular television food programmes such as “Sizzling Wok” on Channel 8 in 2009 and “Feast Fight” on Channel 5 this year, amongst many others. Eric also plays an active role in the industry. Currently he serves a management role in the prestigious Singapore Chefs Association, and Member of Chaine Des Rotisseurs. “Chef Eric’s exceptional culinary skills combined with strong management and highly-effective operational skills, promises to be a great asset to the culinary team at InterContinental Singapore” says General Manager Tash Tobias. “Being a well-known food personality in Singapore, we hope to leverage on his status to raise the profile of our restaurants. His wide culinary repertoire, including his strength in local cuisine coupled with our unique InterContinental insider knowledge, will ensure that we continue to offer authentic local touches in our restaurants to create something that is truly unique and absolutely delicious. Recipes by Star Chef i) Recipes for Asian Cuisine - Stir Fry Chicken and Avocado - Seafood Avocado Dumpling - Avocado Mousse with Gula Melaka Recipes for Asian Cuisine Stir Fry Chicken & Avocado Ingredients: 2 nos 100 ml 2 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 clove 4 tbsp 4 pcs 200 100 g g Fresh Australian Avocado (chunked) Chicken broth Soy sauce Cornstarch Garlic (minced) Vegetable oil Skinless and boneless Chicken breast halves (sliced) Green peas Shiitake mushrooms (sliced) Method: 1. Heat oil in a wok or large skillet over medium-high fire and fry garlic till fragrant. 2. Add in chicken and fry for a few minutes. 3. Add in sliced Shiitake mushrooms, green peas and chicken broth and simmer for a few minutes. 4. Then add in chunked avocados and season with soy sauce. 5. Add cornstarch to thicken the gravy and served warm. 80 Seafood Avocado Dumpling Ingredients: 2 200 200 50 1 1 nos g g ml pkt Seasoning 2 tsp 1 tsp 1 tsp Fresh Australian Avocado Salmon (diced) Scallop (diced) Whipping Cream Spring roll skin (M size) Egg Fine Salt Sugar Ground pepper Method: 1. Season salmon and scallop with salt, sugar and pepper. 2. Mix well mashed avocados together with whipping cream then add in salmon and scallop. 3. Take a spring roll skin and spread 2 teaspoon of well mixed seafood avocado mash and fold into triangle and seal with egg wash. 4. Put some egg wash at one end of the folded spring roll skin and stick to the other end to create a nice dumpling shape. 5. Deep fry dumpling till golden brown and ready to serve. Avocado Mousse with Gula Melaka Ingredients: 8 1 20 100 50 nos no g g g Fresh Australian Avocado Young Thai Coconut Sugar Palm sugar “Gula Melaka” Espresso Coffee Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. Peel and pit the avocado and puree with sugar and coconut water. Scoop out coconut flesh and chop finely. Set aside for use later. Melt palm sugar and mix with espresso coffee to prepare the dessert syrup. Prepare a nice small shooter/dessert glass and fill the avocado mousse in the glass topped with syrup and a teaspoon of finely chopped coconut flesh. 5. Chill in refrigerator before ready to serve. 81 Singapore - Avocado Star Chef Profile Pung Lu Tin Chef Pung Lu Tin, Director, F&B Division of The Seafood International Market & Restaurant derives satisfaction from creating new recipes that excite diners while enhancing their appetite and health. He has more than 30 year of experience as a Chinese Cuisine Chef in various hotels and restaurants. As a Chef who has successfully led numerous teams in culinary competitions of the prestigious World Championship, his is now a familiar figure, sitting on a panel of judges in many culinary events. As advisor for Society of Chinese Cuisine Chefs and Culinary consultant for Restaurant Association Singapore to chefs at the Singapore Culinary Institute, he is dedicated to the development of Singapore Chinese Cuisine. It is something that he is particularly proud of the effervescent him constantly seeks to inspire his peers to create new recipes that improve the standard of Chinese Cuisine. He was the leader of the Singapore Famous Chefs Fraternity, had received the Singapore Media Corp Gourmet Hunt Honour Award (Best Chef) 2004, Hon President Award of Les Amis D’Escoffies Society and China Golden Chef Award in 2005 and The International Master Chef of Chinese Cuisine Award of World Association of Chinese Cuisine in 2006. Vice President of The International Exchange Association of Renowned Chinese Cuisine Chefs 2009. Despite the many awards and achievements, Chef Pung maintains a simple approach to food. The recipes featured here are typical of his “straightforward” style, simple and healthful that suit the local taste but with a distinctive aroma. Recipes by Star Chef i) Recipes for Chinese Cuisine (refer to Page 16 - 18) - Crispy Roll with Fish Fillet and Avocado - Deep-fried Prawn with Avocado Cream Sauce - Avocado Smoothies 82 Recipes for Chinese Cuisine Crispy Roll with Fish Fillet and Avocado Ingredients : 6 80g 1pc 50g 1tbsp Fresh Australian Avocado fish fillet bean curd sheet crispy batter flour corn flour Method: 1. Peel and cut avocado into 4 slices. Set aside. 2. Cut fish fillet into 4 pieces, each about 0.5 cm, make a opening at the centre of each fish fillet and set aside. 3. Rinse bean curd sheet, soak until softened, remove and drain. Set aside. 4. Add water and crispy batter flour and mix well. 5. Place sliced avocado inside the fish fillet’s opening. Coat withi crisply batter, wrap up with bean curd sheet. 6. Coat bean curb sheet roll with corn flour, deep-fry until golden brown. Remove and drain. Cut into halves and serve. 83 Deep-Fried Prawn with Avocado Cream Sauce Ingredients: 400 g 30 g 20 g 2 tbsp Prawn de-shell Fresh Australian Avocado, diced Mixed fruits, diced Corn flour Marinade: ¼ tsp ½ tsp 1 tsp 1 Salt Sugar Sesame oil Egg Pepper to taste Deep-Fried Prawn with Avocado Cream Sauce Seasoning : 100g 100g 250g 6pcs 1tbsp ¼ tea ½ tsp 5g Fresh Australian Avocado Butter Evaporate milk Curry leaves Sugar Salt Chicken powder Cheese A little chilli padi Method : 1. Wash and devein the prawn, cut thin slice from the back, add in marinade and marinate for 30 minute. 2. Coat prawn with corn flour, deep-fry with high heat till golden prawn or cook, dish out and drain. 3. Heat butter in wok, add curry leaves fry till fragrant, add avocado paste, milk, chilli, salt, chicken powder, sugar and cheese and stir well. 4. Add in prawn and stir well, dish out on plate, garnish with diced avocado and fruits. Ready to serve. 84 Avocado Smoothies Ingredients: 2 Fresh Australian Avocado 100 ml Sugar syrup 100 ml Whipped cream 2 ml Coconut cream 500g Shaved ice Method: 1. Peel and cut avocado and set aside. 2. Add in all ingredients and blend till smooth. 3. Keep blended avocado in refrigerator, pour into bowl or glass when serve and add in white fungus, harsma or bird nest. 85 Hong Kong - Avocado Star Chef Profile Calvin Tsoi Chuk Ku Being as a Culinary Chef for over 20-years, Calvin has been working in various positions in the food service industry for over 16 years with great experience in restaurants, clubs, catering companies, food manufacturing company and as a private chef. Since 2006, he was appointed as the Culinary Consultant for Lee Kum Kee and during this tenure, he works closely with Lee Kum Kee’s Sales and Marketing functions across the globe supported by Research and Development projects. He has a few notable achievements in recent years such as the culinary development of Truffle XO, the culinary and operation support of the “Mobile Kitchen” organized by the Lee Kum Kee China, the establishment of the Lee Kum Kee Culinary Center, as well as product trainings and demonstrations for global food service and retail industry in Netherlands, UK, Mainland China, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia and Philippines.. He has great enthusiasm and passion in uplifting the professional standards in the foodservice industry and has been proactively supporting young chef training programs in China. Since 2005, Chef Calvin was appointed by the Tourism College of Zhejiang, Faculty of Hotel Management as the visiting Lecturer sharing his technical experiences in the area of strategic planning and operation management. Calvin also has years of experience in organizing state level banqueting for various governments’ officials such as Mr Peng Chong, Secretary-General of the former Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress,People Republic of China, President of Zhejiang University, Director of Zhejiang Tourism Bureau and Mr Chris Patten, Former Hong Kong Governor. With his enthusiasm and contributions to the food trade, he was awarded as the International Famous Chef for Chinese Cuisine by the World Association of Chinese Cuisine (WACC) in China in 2006. This award further helped him to build his passion in servicing and contributing to the food service industry to the next professional horizon. His string of professional qualifications include Food Hygiene Certificate for Hygiene Managers in School of Continuing and Professional Education of the City University of Hong Kong in 2006, a Certificate in Hotel Cooking (Western Style) in the Haking Wong Technical Institute in 1997 and a Certificate in Food Preparation for the Hotel & Catering Industry in the Haking Wong Technical Institute in 1996. 86 Recipes by Star Chef i) Recipes for Chinese Cuisine - Coral Trout Fish with Avocado - Avocado Served with Scallop and Seaweed Rice Ball - Avocado Mapo Tofu - Avocado and Mango Served with Sago Recipes for Chinese Cuisine 牛油果薄腩肉片卷星班(四人用) 料: 牛油果 薄腩肉片 星斑 青蔥 薑絲 芫荽 2個 16 片 1000 克 16 克 16 克 8克 醬料: 面醬 豉油 糖 麻油 水 生粉 3 湯匙 2 湯匙 2 湯匙 2 湯匙 4 湯匙 2 湯匙 做法: 1. 牛油果去皮去核一開八(2 個 16 片)上適量生粉走油後留用,星班肉切件(每件 60 克)和腩肉片加入混和醬料中醃 1 小時 2. 用腩肉片卷班件牛油果片後,美觀地.放至碟上大火蒸至熟後加上青蔥/薑絲,燒熱油淋在魚 上加些芫荽 87 牛油果煎帶子紫菜飯團(一人用) Seaweed rice balls served with avocado and pan-seared scallop 料: 牛油果 大帶子 紫菜 味罧半湯匙 半個 1粒 1 大片 做法 : 1. 用薑 2 克/蔥白 2 克切碎加入生抽半湯匙/玫瑰露酒半茶匙/糖 1 茶匙/醃 2 小時 2. 飯團做法;用日本米煲好飯 100 克加 1/4 牛油果粒/味罧/半片紫菜碎混和壓成圓形留用. 3. 把 1/4 牛油果上些生粉炸,帶子先大火煎香兩面轉小火煎至七成熟同時把飯團也煎香,先把 飯團放至碟上加帶子/牛油果美觀地上碟 4. 食用時伴上半茶匙青芥/半湯匙沙律醬混和作汁食用. Ingredients: ½ no Avocado 1 no Scallop, large size 1 sheetDried seaweed, large piece ½ tbsp Miso paste Marinade: 2 gm 2 gm ½ tbsp ½ tsp 1 tsp Ginger Onion stalk Light soya sauce Rose wine Sugar Rice balls: 100 gm Ready cooked Japanese rice Method: 1. Marinate avocado with the marination ingredients for 2 hours. 2. Mix well the rice with ¼ of the avocado, miso paste, ½ sheet of dried seaweed and make small balls of rice. 3. Coat ¼ no. avocado with tapioca flour and deep-fry it. Pan-sear scallop both sides in 88 high heat and lower to low heat until medium well. Meanwhile, sear the rice balls till fragrant. 4. Set rice balls on a plate and accompany with scallop and avocado. 5. Ready to serve with well mixed ½ tsp wasabi and ½ tbsp salad sauce as a dipping sauce. 牛油果麻婆豆腐(四人用) Avocado ‘ma la’ tofu 牛油果 牛肉碎 豆腐切大粒 蒜頭粒 薑粒 青蔥 切大粒 1 個 200 克 120 克 5克 5克 10 克 醬料 : 蠔油 麻辣火鍋湯料 麻油 上湯 豆板醬 糖 1 湯匙 1 湯料 半湯匙 500ml 半湯匙 半湯匙 做法 : 1. 炒香牛肉碎蒜頭薑後加入醬料炒香後,加入牛油果豆腐粒後慢火炆至濃後上碟加上蔥花 Serve 4 Ingredients 1 no 200 gm 120 gm 5 gm 5 gm 10 gm Avocado, cut cubes Minced beef meat Tofu, cut cubes Garlic Ginger, cut dice Spring onion Sauce: 1 tbsp Oyster sauce 89 1 ½ tbsp 500 ml ½ tbsp ½ tbsp ‘Ma la’ steamboat stock Sesame oil Chicken stock ‘Tau pan’ sauce Sugar Method: 1. Stir-fry minced beef with garlic, ginger and sauce ingredients till fragrant. 2. Add in avocado and tofu cubes to braise over low heat until thicken. 3. Ready to serve with sprinkled spring onion on top. 牛油果芒果西米布甸 牛油果 芒果 烚好西米 蛋 糖 2個 2個 320 克 4只 60 克 做法: 1. 牛油果/芒果起肉用攪伴機分别攪溶,恰好西米,蛋分開黃/白 2. 芒果溶加 20 克糖蛋黃西米混和放至焗盆後加上, 蛋白加 40 克糖打起伴入牛油果溶,在 170c 焗 8-10 人分鐘 90 Hong Kong - Avocado Star Chef Profile Eddy Leung Chef Eddy Leung has over 23 years of culinary working experiences, practicing in various famous 5* star hotels in Hong Kong such as the Swire Hotels, The Ritz-Carlton, the Gaddis at the Peninsula Hotel, Grand Hyatt Hotel and The Harbour Plaza Hotel. Chef Eddy active involvement in many international culinary competitions around the globe, to hone his culinary skills cum gained valuable experiences had won him many medals of difference colors. Furthermore, Chef Eddy has also won a lot of awards such as the Hong Kong Food Festival Culinary Award, The American Culinary Classic Award and the FHA International Salon Culinaire Award. His involvement and knowledge of competitions has resulted him, being invited to many international culinary competitions such as the MLA Black Box Culinary Challenge, FHA and Hong Kong Culinary Classic as an International Judge. Chef Eddy was also previously in the Panel of Judges for Battle of the Chefs and Penang Chefs Challenge in Malaysia. Chef Eddy was also actively involved in organizing culinary competition such as Hong Kong International Culinary Classic, whereby he was in charge of hot cooking section. Besides taking part in international culinary competitions, he was also Star in different international TV Channels for demonstration, such as TVB, Cable TV, AFC, Far East TV and Malaysia TV. With the gained knowledge’s and skills, Chef Eddy also venture into Culinary Consultation and has many projects in China and Hong Kong. Recipes by Star Chef i) Recipes for Asian Cuisine - Avocado and Seafood Pastillas - Roasted Char Siu Spring Chicken with Avocado & Tomato Salad - Honey Glazed Pumpkin with Crispy Avocado 91 Recipes for Asian Cuisine Avocado & Seafood Pastillas Ingredients: 10 50 2 100 100 100 20 20 20 20 3 100 100 20 sheets g nos g g g g g ml g pcs g g g FILO pastry Unsalted butter Australian Avocado Onion Eggplant Mushroom Red bell pepper Zucchini Olive oil Garlic Hokkaido scallop Shrimp Crab meat Black bean & garlic sauce Method: 1. Stir fry all the seafood and vegetables with olive oil and season with salt & pepper. 2. Cut the avocado in dice and mix with the stuffing. 3. Melt the butter and roll out the FILO pastry on a dry surface. Use a small knife to cut out 20 circles, (15 cm) and 20 small circles (6cm). Using a small saucer & ramekin as a mould to make the pie. 4. To make each pie, brush a large pastry circle with the melted butter, and plate it in ramekin mould and then top it with the filling. 5. Fold the edges of the pastry inward and brush with ice melted butter, then seal the folded side with a small pastry. 6. Pan fry the pies with butter till golden brown. 92 Roasted Char Siu Spring Chicken with Avocado & Tomato Salad Ingredients: 1 50 2 1 1 pc g pcs pc pc French spring chicken Marinated Char Siu sauce Fresh thyme Rosemary Garlic finger Tomato salad: 1 no Peeled tomato 1 no Australian Avocado 2 nos Basil 30 ml Extra virgin olive oil 10 g Balsamic vinegar 1 pc Mozzarella cheese Method: 1. Marinate the spring chicken with char siu sauce, thyme, garlic and rosemary. Roast it in the oven at 160 ᵒC for 14 minutes. 2. Cut the tomato and avocado into wedges, cut the cheese in cubes, mix olive oil, basil and balsamic vinegar, season with salt and pepper. 3. Toss avocado, tomato & cheese with balsamic dressing, place the char siu spring chicken on top of salad. Honey glazed pumpkin with crispy avocado 93 Crispy Avocado: Ingredients: 1 600 20 50 2 5 20 10 no g g g tsp g ml g Australian Avocado Pumpkin Butter Ginger shreds Sake Salt Honey Soya sauce Lime and orange zest to garnish Method: 1. Peel and cut the pumpkin into segments, melt the butter, add pumpkin, 1/2 of ginger, 1 tsp sake and water, and mix well. 2. Cover and simmer for 3 mins, then reduce heat to medium, and simmer until the sauce has evaporated. Set aside to cool. 3. Mix honey, soya sauce, ginger and sake in a pan over medium heat for 2 minutes, put the sauce over the pumpkin and toss well. 4. Cut the avocado in thin slices, put on a tray, place in a dehydrator in 60"c to air dried the avocado for 5 hours till crispy. 5. Arrange the crispy avocado on a plate with pumpkin, and sprinkle the sesame seeds on top of avocado and pumpkin. Recommendation The masterclass program, which introduced avocados for Asian and Chinese dishes, was very well received by the chefs in all three countries. They received tips from star chefs on when is the right timing and technique to use avocado in hot cooking. Majority of the chefs requested for more recipes for avocado in Asian and Chinese cuisine. The masterclass received feedback from the Head Chinese Chef of InterContinental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur that the masterclass was very useful for his chefs as they learnt new recipe ideas from the masterclass and was very happy that his kitchen staffs were able to apply the ideas to their banquet event after the learning experience. To keep the momentum of the program and to progress further in the awareness program and to encourage more usage of the product, it would be appropriate to run food service avocado culinary competitions for professional and culinary student level selectively in three of the countries. In addition, to continue running the masterclasses providing more recipes. The masterclass is of 94 professional level that includes cuisines from Asian recipes such as Malay, Indian and Chinese. This program will help to push more ideas, innovation, creativity and utilization of avocados in Asia. From the recipes developed in the competition, to develop a recipe book containing these recipes or to add on the competition recipes to the masterbook for distribution to chefs in the Asian and Australian region. - end of report - 95