Hunehune Kalo - Kanu o ka `Āina New Century Public Charter School


Hunehune Kalo - Kanu o ka `Āina New Century Public Charter School
Hunehune Kalo
Volume 13
Issue 32
May 2, 2013
Weekly Newsletter
Mana‘o Nui
Kanu o ka ‘Äina New Century Public Charter School
Aloha mai käkou
The meaning of ALOHA ÿÄINA and EARTH DAY are synonymous; the only difference is
one concept is older than the other. Know which one? Earth Day began in 1970 while the
concept of Aloha ÿÄina began since the beginning of time. All cultures from around the world
live with the understanding that in order to live life, all must “Aloha our Earth” for it sustains us.
Therefore, “Sustainability” is really an old concept with a new name, to do what has been done
for millennia – Aloha ÿÄina.
Last week on Monday, April 22nd we, Püÿulu Aukahi Mäkua, had the opportunity and joy
of putting together a special event celebrating this concept of Aloha ÿÄina with all students, teachers, and staff.
Volunteers from near and far offered their services to be a part of Kanu’s Earth Day Event. From honey bees to
hydroponics, pounding kalo to tea making, food tasting to creating an art piece for our school, looking at bugs and
plant forms, understanding light pollution, to crafting, understanding and appreciating the protocols that must be
observed in lei making. It was a wonderful sight to see our students outside having hands-on learning experiences
with our presenters, who gave unselfishly of their time and energy all day long.
The success of having such an event could not happen without the generous aid from many. Mahalo ke Akua for blessing us with
a beautiful and safe day. Mahalo to our Administrators for their support and assistance; to Sean Lacy, Owen and Heather Sarsona
and Terry Campbell, Kanu Parent Presenters, for sharing your time and talents with all of us; to Mike Kaha of Waste Management
Waikoloa for donating gift items for our students; to Doctors Suzanne Frayer & Ramsey Lundock of Subaru Telescopes and Dr. Daniel
Devost of CFHawaiÿi Telescopes; to Clare Bobo of Slow Foods Hawaiÿi; to Anya Tagawa and gang of DLNR Forest & Wildlife-Hilo,
for sharing crafts; to Jake Witcraft of DLNR Forest & Wildlife-Lälämilo for Koa seedlings; to Kamuela Naÿihe and ‘ohana of Amy
Greenwell Botanical Garden for teaching Kuÿi ÿai methods; to Merle Hayward of Hilo and her solar hotpot cooking demonstration; to
Shannon Shultz the Bee Keeper; to our friends at UH-Hilo Agriculture Club Aleysia Kaha and gang for all their help; to our own Kanu
Kumu Kalua Castro, Kuakahi Kaÿupu-Cabuag and KiTeya Belford-Smith for sharing your time and talents; to the Parent Volunteers
who helped and gave of their time all day long. Mahalo nui loa iä ÿoukou päkahi a pau.
No kou mälama ÿana i ka ÿäina, na ka ÿäina e mälama iä ÿoe.
Eva Maikui
Püÿulu Aukahi Mäkua
‘Ölelo No‘eau
Kalo kanu o ka ÿäina.
Taro planted on the land.
P.O. Box 398 Kamuela, HI 96743 Phone: 808-890-8144 Facsimile: 808-890-8146 E-mail:
Höÿike Haumäna
Uncle Kuakahi an
d Aunty Kalua tea
ows off her solar
Merle Hayward sh
ch lei making.
First Place: Oshen Kaolowi & Traven Lee
Third Place: Peyton Lee
Jake Witcraft’s pres
entation on Koa se
Top: Aunty Heather’s microscope station.
Left: Uncle Owen making tea bags.
greet and
Students waiting to
tat s with leis.
welcome the presen
CFHawiÿi Telescopes
Dr. Daniel Devost of
tic Impacts on Earth
talks about “Meterio
Kamuela Naÿihe and her ÿohana share their passion about kalo.
Mission: Külia i ka Nu‘u - Strive To Reach Your Highest!
Kihiki Makua
Terry Campbell and the UH-Hilo Agriculture Club in the hydroponic station.
Aleysia Ka
ha keeping
a keen eye
on the stud
Uncle KiTeya and his team
help the students with plantin
Students listen to Drs. Suzann
e Frayer
& Ramsey Lundock of Subaru
Anya Tagawa &
her gang
from DLNR sh
ares about
native plants an
d animals
through arts an
d carfts.
Top: Nathan Landt and Slow Foods
Hawaiÿi offer students some food sampling.
Right: Uncle Scot shows off
his painting techniques.
Visit our website:
Top: Shannon
Shultz the Bee
Bottom: Sean
Lacy’s discussi
on on “Five
Minutes To Cha
nge The World
Important Info & Updates
May Birthdays
2 Keanakolu Case & Isaac Winters
3 Kay-ala Kahaulelio
4 Noa Landers
5 Zachary Peterson & Kawelo Sarsona
6 Kuÿu Kauahi-Higa & Bob Zellner
14 Kamahoi Hurley
15 Oshen Kaolowi
16 Hari Gillette & Kamaliÿo Kaleleiki
KiTeya Belford-Smith & Kuakahi Kaÿupu-Cabuag
Anuhea Sanchez
Leola Kekuewa
Debbie Child-Lawrence & ÿUhane Mock Chew
Dylan Velez
Morgan Andrade & Rusty Jose
Nikolas Krakovic & Adrianna Zablan
HULA DRAMA TICKETS – In order to allow our growing KANU ÿohana members to enjoy our annual Hula Drama, each student
& staff member has the opportunity to purchase 2 tickets each at the special ÿohana price of $10.00 each for our Friday, May 17th
evening show or Saturday, May 18th day show. Order forms were sent out this past Monday. This opportunity is ONLY available
from Monday, April 29 through Friday, May 10, 2013. Tickets for both shows not purchased by May 10th will be sold on a first
come first served basis for $20 to the general public. Please return the enclosed order form as soon as possible. Please call Margo
Kawamoto at 890-8144 for more information.
HULA DRAMA MATINEE SHOW – Friday, May 17, 2013 at 9:30 am at Kahilu Theatre. The matinee show is to höÿike to students
from other schools in Waimea. KANU ÿohana members are also welcome to purchase matinee tickets if they cannot make it to the
Friday’s evening show or Saturday’s afternoon show. Tickets are available for sale on a first come first served basis. Adult tickets are
$10.00 each and keiki tickets are $6.00 each. Please contact Sasha Lim Genovia at 890-2546 for more information.
KANU’S GOVERNING BOARD – KANU’s Governing Board meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 4:00 pm at Hälau
Hoÿolako in the Lökahi Room. Next scheduled meeting is on Wednesday, May 8, 2013. Meetings are open to staff, students, parents
and the general public. For more information contact Margo Kawamoto at 890-8144.
SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM AT KANU – Fun and exciting activities to address the educational and cultural needs of our
keiki and ÿöpio. Serving students who have completed kindergarten through grade twelve, the program will run June 12th through July
11th, Monday-Thursday, 8 am - 3 pm. Information and registration forms have been sent home with all KANU students. Registration
forms are being accepted on a first come first served basis with payment of a $100 program fee. This Summer Enrichment Program is
also open to the general public. Interested eligible students can apply for Alu Like Summer School tuition scholarships. See attached
Alu Like form.
KEYBOARDING CLASS – FREE!!! Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:15 pm starting April 9th in Hälau Puke Library. Learning
to type is a developed skill that will help save time, decrease typing errors, and express your thoughts quicker. The more we practice,
the better we get. Please pick up registration/permission form from Aunty Sasha in the Library or at the front office. This form MUST
be filled out in order to be able to attend. For more information email
KANU GRADUATION – 10:00 am on Friday, May 31, 2013 at Kahilu Theatre. Please join us as we honor our senior class of 2013.
WAIMEA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION TOWN MEETING – Thursday, May 2, 2013 at the Waimea School Cafeteria. Review of
County Sign Ordinance and Enforcement. For information, call WCA President Sherman Warner at 885-1725 or
FIRST ANNUAL CONSERVATION CAREER DAY – Saturday, May 4, 2013 at UH Hilo Center Plaza, 200 w. Kawili Street in Hilo
from 10 am – 1 pm. For local middle and high school students and their ‘ohana. FREE.
Call 933-0705, email or visit
– Saturday, May 11, 9 am – 4 pm. Featuring entertainment by Hawane Rios and Kealiÿi Bertelmann, the Bertelmann ÿOhana,
Hama’Jang, Waipuilani Flores and Hälau Nä Kïpÿupuÿu, plus special guest performers. Keiki games, Hawaiian crafts, cultural
demonstrations, silent auction, ono meaÿai (food vendors) and more. FREE. Funds raised will help build a classroom for the keiki in
Punana Leo’s growing elementary school. For event information contact Punana Leo at 885-7166. To offer help in other ways, call
W.M. KECK OBSERVATORY – The observatory seeks a student assistant to support the Advancement Office by helping to stimulate
public awareness and interest in our work through boutique maintenance, marketing, donor relations activities, and informational
materials. Open to high school students only. To learn more about this position and to apply, go to
Visit our website:
Summer Enrichment Program
June 12 – July 11, 2013 from 8:00am – 3:00pm
Hālau Ho‘olako Community Resource Center
at Kauhale ‘Ōiwi o Pu‘ukapu – Waimea Kūhiō Village
Total cost of program – $100.00
Please bring a bag lunch and water bottle daily
E Ho‘okauhale Kākou is an enrichment program addressing the educational and
cultural needs of native children and families in the “cultural kïpuka” of Waimea, on
the island of Hawaiÿi.
Open to the general public for students completing
Kindergarten to twelfth grade, this unique program will provide workshops, such as:
Language Arts, Math, Technology, Native Environment, Health and Well-being,
Sports, Music, Performing Arts and Culture. Contact Kanu o ka ‘Āina Learning
‘Ohana (KALO) at 887-1117 for specific activities.
Participants will need to bring a bag lunch and water bottle for each day, Monday
thru Thursday. Also, since they will be outside for a portion of the day we also ask
for your child to be dressed accordingly, which also includes, socks, covered shoes
(sneakers), light towel, light jacket and sunscreen.
Registration and payment deadline is Thursday, May 23 to the KALO office
For more details: Contact Healani Spencer at 887-1117.
Summer Enrichment Program for students completing K – 12th grade
Summer Session: June 12 – July 11, 2013 from 8:00am – 3:00pm
Total cost of program – $100.00
Registration and payment deadline: May 23, 2013
Return to KALO office – Attn: Healani 887-1117
Student’s Full Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Last Name
First Name
Birth Date: ____________________________
Gender:  Male  Female
Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________________________
Street or P.O.
Physical Address:____________________________________________________________________________
Street or P.O.
Student resides w/: Both Parents Mother Father Guardian Foster Parent Other:_________
Name of person(s) student resides w/:__________________________________________________________
Last Name
First Name
Home Phone:____________ Work Phone:____________ Cell:____________ Email:____________________
Student Applicant is of Hawaiian ancestry: Yes No (If Yes, contact the KALO office for an
Alu Like Scholarship Application, for parent to also complete seeking student assistance.)
If yes: Percentage of Hawaiian of Mother:_________ Percentage of Hawaiian of Father:_________
List other ethnicities:_____________________________________________________________________
Grade (SY12 – 13):______ Age______ I received free or reduced lunch for SY 12 – 13: Yes No
(Last) School Attended:________________________________________________ Phone:______________
School Address:______________________________________________________________________________
LIST HEALTH/PHYSICAL/DIETARY RESTRICTIONS:_________________________________________
Fathers/Guardian Name:____________________________________ Cell Phone:______________________
Business Name:_____________________________________________ Work Phone:____________________
Mothers/Guardian Name:___________________________________ Cell Phone:_______________________
Business Name:_____________________________________________ Work Phone:____________________
In case child listed above becomes ill or is injured and parent/guardian cannot be contacted, authorities
have my permission to contact and release my child to the custody of one of the following:
Name / Relationship
If child needs to be taken to an emergency facility, he/she will be taken to the nearest location.
Physician Name:________________________________________Office Phone:_________________________
Medical Insurance Carrier:____________________Policy #:_________________________________________
I give consent for authorities to take appropriate action for the safety and welfare of my child.
ADULT SIGNATURE – AUTHORIZING TREATMENT:__________________________________________________
My son/daughter _____________________________________________ has my consent to fully participate in any or
all activities connected with his/her being a member of, or attendant at, or participant of, the activity designated
in this program. I expressly waive any and all claims against Kanu o ka ‘Äina Learning ‘Ohana (KALO), Kanu o
ka ‘Äina Public Charter School (KANU), Nā Lei Na‘auao – Native Hawaiian Charter School Alliance (NLN),
Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL), all site locations and any/and all of their staff and/or
representatives and volunteers, on account of accident or injury or illness that may be incurred; including travel to
and from places (especially, walking, hiking, riding, swimming, etc…) where the program activities are held,
athletic contests, musical contests, or festivals, picnics, and educational excursions and any injury or illness
resulting thereafter due to the activities taking place in this program.
Also, I grant permission to KALO, KANU and NLN, for my son/daughter to participate, be directly involved in
and include in data reporting, of an ongoing action research and report project, which includes the use of television
media, tape and video recordings and photographs of my son/daughter in class, outdoor learning projects and
various publications for any or all of his/her projects resulting from this program.
I (print student name), ___________________________________ agree that my attending the E Ho’okauhale Kākou
program is a privilege that is based upon my meeting all of the following conditions:
a) Attend all sessions
b) Actively and fully participate in all program activities throughout the day/evening
c) Fully comply and be pono with:
Aloha kekahi i kekahi, love one another
Mälama i kou kuleana, take care of your responsibilities
Kökua aku kökua mai, give help and receive help
Mahalo i ka mea loa‘a, be thankful for all that you receive, while participating in all the activities.
Disciplinary concerns: NO TOLERANCE RULE! No swearing, insubordination, teasing, bullying, fighting, etc….
No tobacco products, alcohol, illegal drugs/substances, weapons, allowed on program site and locations.
I understand and agree that if I fail to meet any of the conditions listed above, I may lose my privilege of attending
the program, starting at the time of infraction, also with no refund.
I (print parent/guardian name)___________________________________ have read the agreement above, and that
my child and I fully understand what it says and that we voluntarily agree to this agreement.
I hereby certify that all information I have supplied on this entire form is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and I agree to furnish further information if required. I further agree and understand that any false
information submitted on this form may be cause for non-acceptance into this program.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
For Office use only: per Healani, Te, Kamaka
Date and time received:_________________ Application complete: Yes No Missing:________________________
Acceptance/Denial:(Reason):_____________________________________________________ Admin Initial:________
Alu Like Scholarship:Y/N $_____Payment received:$_______Cash _______Cashiers check#_______payable: KALO
Sponsored by Kanu o ka ‘Āina Learning ‘Ohana – KALO
Honoring the past, addressing the present, serving the future
Who: Local Middle and High School Students (& ‘Ohana)
Where: UH Hilo Center Plaza 200 W Kawili St. Hilo, HI, 96720
When: Saturday May 4, 2013 - 10am – 1pm
Questions?: Call 933-0705 or
P.O. Box 3326, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96745
A Non Profit 501(c)(3)
Benevolent Organization
Founded in 1995 by
Master Lauhala Weaver
Elizabeth Maluihi Lee
Mission Statement:
“Perpetuate, preserve and
ensure the growth of the
traditional art of Lauhala
18th Annual Lauhala Conference
May 15-18, 2013
Courtyard King Kamehameha’s Kona Beach Hotel
Aloha mai ‘Oukou!
Come and join Aunty Elizabeth Maluihi Lee, Founder and President of Ka Ulu Lauhala o Kona and a
Living Treasure along with Na Kumu Lauhala o Hawaii nei, at the King Kamehameha’s Kona Beach
Hotel. Na Kumu share their knowledge and skills, thereby ensuring the perpetuation of the
beloved and ancient art of Lauhala weaving.
Attached you will find the following:
General Information Sheet
Conference Registration Form 2013
Membership Application
Scholarship Application
Courtyard King Kamehameha’s Kona Beach Hotel Reservation Form
♦ Hotel Reservations are to be made directly with the Courtyard King Kamehameha’s Kona Beach
Hotel. Visit for more information on the hotel or reservation via
email at : . Space is available on first come first serve basis.
♦ Transportation will not be provided. Please make your own arrangements.
Ka Ulu Lauhala o Kona Executive Board:
FOUNDER/PRESIDENT: Elizabeth Maluihi Lee
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Pualani Muraki
SECRETARY: Rowena Tiqui
TREASURER: Barbara Kossow
DIRECTORS: Nancy Carr Smith, Kate Bell, Noho Kahananui,
Ed Kaneko, Alice Kawamoto, Peggy Yuan
WEDNESDAY – 5/15/13
Registration (Begin at 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.), Lunch is on your own, weaving workshops start @ 1:00 pm,
hotel check in @ 3pm and Welcome Dinner in the evening. Night Weaving: On your own or with friends.
THURSDAY – 5/16/13
Weaving workshop. Lunch is on your own, resume weaving, free evening to dine with your family & friends or
relax on your own. Night weaving is on your own or with friends. You may choose to leave the property or
dine at Honu’s on the Beach and Billfish Poolside Bar & Grille. Visit to view the
restaurants and other info.
FRIDAY – 5/17/13
Weaving workshop. Lunch is on your own, resume weaving, free evening to dine with your family & friends or
relax on your own. Night weaving is on your own or with friends. You may choose to leave the property or
dine at Honu’s on the Beach and Billfish Poolside Bar & Grille. . Visit to view the
restaurants and other info.
SATURDAY – 5/18/13
Weaving workshop. Lunch is on your own, resume weaving. “Luau” Dinner, Silent Auction and Fashion Show.
♦ Silent Auction - We encourage everyone to please donate an item, such as a gift certificate, artwork, plant,
papale, handbag, etc. Funds raised WILL help to keep the cost of the conference down, it also helps to defray
the cost for our Kumu’s attendance and support our Scholarship Program. Volunteers are needed to help with
the Auction.
CRAFT FAIR: 5/15/12 – 5/18/12
♦ Haumana (Students): Please bring a spray bottle, scissors, paring knife and an old towel.
Your KUMU will have kits for you to weave. Prices range from $1.50 to $60.00 depending on
what you are weaving.
♦ Night Weaving will be available in the lobby area or invite your neighbor to weave in your
room. Remember you are on your own. Kumu commitment is to teach during the day not at
night. Please respect Kumu’s time off so Kumu can relax and enjoy the beauty of the Courtyard King
Kamehameha’s Kona Beach Resort.
♦ Registration Deadline is: 4/15/13 - No refunds after 4/30/13
♦ Walk in students are welcomed at FULL registration fee $225 + $15 membership fee
General Information: Pualani Muraki: (808) 989-6008 / Email:
Shirley Kauhaihao: (808) 328-2369
Silent Auction: Rowena Tiqui (808) 322-7977 / Email:
Sally Fukunaga (808) 322-7977 or (808) 938-5700 / Email:
Hotel Reservations: (See Attached Resort Reservation Request Form)
Ka Ulu Lauhala o Kona
Conference Registration Form 2013
Name: __________________________________________________
Date: ________________
Phone: Day: _____________________ Evening: _____________________Cell #: _____________________
Email: _________________________________Fax: _________________
Years of Weaving Experience: _________
Workshop Selections:
Please check one class only and circle item choice within each class
□ Beginners:
Bracelets, Fans, Hot Pads, Refrig. Magnets, Ornaments, Check Book Covers
□ Intermediate I: Baskets,
□ Intermediate II: Piko,
□ Advanced l: Papale
Napkin Holders, Wastebaskets, Clutch Purse
(Beginning of a Papale), Place Mat, 5-Piko Purse, Basket w/Haunu
(must know how to weave a “Piko” independently)
□ Advanced ll: Half
Moon Purse, Baseball Cap, Cup & Saucer Papale
□ Specialties: Uluna
(Bolster), Moena Palua, (Double Weave Mat), Lamp Shade
Hotel Information
Check-In Date: ________________________ Check-Out Date: __________________________
I will be sharing a room with:________________________________________________________________
Workshop Cost Breakdown
Current Member (dues paid in 2012)……………......................................$180.00 x ________ = $________
New Participant………………………………….................................................$195.00 x ________ = $________
Membership Dues 2013….……………………………………………………..………… $ 15.00 x ________ = $________
TOTAL COST:…………………………………………………………………………………….……………….…………………….$________
Meals: The hotel will have food available for you to purchase on your own
**Wednesday and Saturday dinners are included in your registration cost**
Please make check payable to: Ka Ulu Lauhala O Kona
Mail to: P.O. Box 3326, Kailua Kona, Hawaii 96745
Registration Deadline is: 4/15/13 ~ No refunds after 4/30/13
**Registration received after 4/15/13 must pay full registration fee of $225 + $15 membership due**
For Office Use Only:
Date Received:
Received by:
Pd Cash:
Copy to: Registration Committee
Pd Check #:
Original to: Registration File
Amt. Rec’d:
Ka Ulu Lauhala O Kona
Scholarship Application 2013
18th Annual Weaving Conference
May 15-18, 2013
Ka Ulu Lauhala O Kona offers scholarships to those who are interested in attending the Annual
Conference and whose financial situation would make it difficult to pay for the registration fee out of
pocket. The scholarship waives the registration fee ($180 for members or $195 for new participants).
Dinners for Wednesday and Saturday will be included. All other meals will be on your own. Submit
application along with two letters of reference.
See registration form attached.
Eligibility Requirements:
1. Must complete this Application form and submit it with Reference Letters by April 15, 2013.
2. Must be at least 21 years of age.
3. Must be able to provide own lodging.
4. Must be in financial need.
5. Must include 2 Letters of Reference.
Name: __________________________________________________
Phone: Day: ____________________________Cell #: ___________________________
Email: _________________________________
Please answer the following questions using the back or extra sheets as needed.
1) What experience have you had with lauhala weaving?
2) Describe your involvement with the Hawaiian culture.
3) Explain why you are deserving of this scholarship.
4) Provide a statement describing or documenting your financial need.
Signature __________________________________ Date_______________
Mail To:
Ka Ulu Lauhala O Kona
Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 3326
Kailua-Kona, HI 96745
For more information contact:
Pualani Muraki - (808) 989-6008 / Email:
Rowena Tiqui - (808) 327-7977/ Email:
Membership Application
P.O. Box 3326, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96745
A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Benevolent Organization
Founded in 1995 by Master Lauhala Weaver
Elizabeth Maluihi Lee
Mission Statement
“Perpetuate, preserve and ensure the growth of the traditional art of Lauhala Weaving”
Membership is open to all who are interested in the educational perpetuation of lauhala weaving. As a
member, you will be given first preference to attend our Annual Conference and Workshops, a Newsletter and
an opportunity to be a part of a network of Hawaiian Cultural Practitioners and Artisans.
Please check one: ____ New Member ____Renewal
Name: __________________________________________________
Date: ________________
Phone: Day: _____________________ Evening: _____________________Cell #: _____________________
Email: _________________________________Fax: _________________
Annual Membership Cost: $15.00
Please make check payable to: Ka Ulu Lauhala O Kona
For Office Use Only:
Date Received:
Pd Cash:
Received by:
Copy to: Registration Committee
Pd Check #:
Original to: Membership File
Amt. Rec’d:

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