October - Evansville United Methodist Church
October - Evansville United Methodist Church
THE GOOD NEWS THE GOOD NEWS October 2009 Inside This Issue Sunday October 4 Homecoming Sunday World Communion Stewardship Campaign Kick-off (Consecration Sunday will be Nov. 15) Sunday School October 18th Birthday Sunday Bell Choir plays & 3rd Graders receive Bibles at 10:45 worship October Events From the Pastor October Sermons Wedding Coordinator Birthdays/Anniversaries Prayer Chain/ThankYou Sympathy/ Admin Asst. Stewardship Couples’ Group Stewardship at EUMC October Servants Thank You/ Quilters Sunday School Strong Women Praying Parents World Communion Upper Room Study VIM October Calendar 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 Sunday School Halloween Party October 24 at the church Pastor Sue will be on vacation October 12—18. If you have emergency pastoral care needs, call Wendee Nitz of Asbury United Methodist Church in Janesville 608-279-3010. If we do not have your email address, please let us know what it is. If you have changed your e-mail or mailing address recently, please bring us up to date. REMINDER Live, Give, Love . . . Beyond all Expectation Newsletter deadline October 15 for items for the November newsletter. October 2009 Page 2 Ruth Stafford Peal, in a Guideposts pamphlet titled “Faith in Action” asks this question, “Are you giving a tithe for God’s Work?” She writes as follows: “To tithe means giving one-tenth of your income to God. My husband, Norman, and I learned early in our marriage the value of giving back to God a portion of what He has given to us. Because of the harsh economic times during the Depression, Norman’s already small salary was cut twice. Norman was worried. He just couldn’t see how we were going to get by. But I know that God wouldn’t let us down if we trusted in Him and tithed. I know what the Bible promises to those who give ten percent to the Lord. It says in Malachi 3:10, “’Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse… Test me in this’ says the Lord Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.’” So we did. And God provided. Money didn’t pour in, but there was always enough. We have been tithing ever since. All God asks us is that we trust Him in all things. If you have never tithed, why not consider trying it for yourself? I know you’ll find it truly a blessing to trust God with what He has given to you.” From what Ruth said, the line that struck me most is “why not consider trying it for yourself?” How true it is! Tithing is for ourselves, not for God, though we think the other way around. God said, “Test me in this (tithing)!” Well, we have God’s permission, so why not? Ministry together in Christ, Pastor Sue What’s up with Sermons in October 2009? Oct. 4: Homecoming Sunday. Pastors who have served our church will visit us and share their stories about Evansville UMC with us! Oct. 11: John Wesley, the founder of our denomination described his conversion experience like this. “I felt my heart strangely warmed.” That experience changed his life and the lives many others forever . We can also call this a “Touched by God” experience, which we need one way or the other. This Sunday, we will hear a nameless woman’s experience in the Bible (Mark 5:21 – 34) and apply it to ourselves. Oct. 18: Pastor Sue will be gone. Carol Culbertson will preach. Oct. 25: God can use us and our gifts to make miracles and to make a big difference in our lives and the lives of others if we let God. We will hear the timeless and inspiring story – two fish and five loaves (John 6:1-14)– and reflect on our own lives, right here , right now. Wedding Coordinator A wedding coordinator is needed to assist couples planning to have a wedding at the Evansville Untied Methodist Church. Responsibilities include: working with the couple in planning and organizing their wedding ceremony and use of the church facilities. The position is compensated by the wedding couple. Complete job description available upon request. Interested individuals should contact Lou Winger (882-0977). Send resume’s to the church’s e-mail: evansvilleumc@SBCglobal.net to the attention of Lou Winger. Page 3 October 2009 Happy October Birthday to: 2 Katie Krainyk 5 Wayne Ballard 11 Alvin Walmer 27 Carol Feldt 3 Elaine Cornwell 6 Collin Deming 13 Lynn Heimann 28 Carlton Calley 3 Denise Karis 6 Mike Krumwiede 14 Gertrude Hunt 30 Carol White 3 Arlene Luchsinger 8 Dylan Bjugstad 14 Robert Luchsinger 30 Linda Updike 4 Mary Andrew 8 Tom Petterson 14 Brownie Schuster 4 Robert Christianson 9 Jeri Schnabel 24 Barb Ischi 4 Gary Gard 10 Lois Waller 26 Ethan Flood Happy October Anniversary to: 2 Bruce & Amanda Bjugstad 12 Jim & Lou Winger 4 Kevin & Carol Endres 14 Richard & Juna Nimz 4 Richard & Denis Karis 17 Paul & Jeanne Cargill 9 Jim & Fay Schoenenberger 18 Davis & Wendy Pryce 12 David & Rene Johnson 28 Tom & Elaine Petterson Administrative Assistant We are looking for an administrative assistant o provide clerical support to the pastor and activities of the Evansville United Methodist Church. Computer experience is required. Familiar with Word, Access and Excel. The position will be 8-12 hours a week. Complete job description available upon request. For more details contact Sheryl Nieman (608-757-0472 or 608-774-7472 or sheryl.nieman@associatedbank.com) Send resume’s to the church’s e-mail: evansvilleumc@SBCglobal.net to the attention of Sheryl Nieman. Or to contact me at 608 757 0472 or 608 774 7472. Thank you to our prayer volunteers Daytime prayer chain: Mary Calley, Karen Bass, Diana Eager, Betty Jeske, Dorothy McElroy, Lillian Winch & Evelyn Thompson. Evening prayer chain: Mary Calley, Phyllis Applebee, Nancy Brooks, Kelly Kurtz, Jean Chapin & Brenda Berg. If you have a prayer concern, please call Mary Calley at 921-5852 and she will begin the chain. Sympathy to: Family and friends of Art Sands, Jessica Arnold, Gladys Petersen and Olivia Heacox. We would like to send our heartfelt thanks to all our church family for the kindness, care and concern that was shown to us in this time of great sadness. We are so humbled by all the cards, food, flowers and donations that were sent. Mostly, thank you for all of your prayers, they are needed and are a comfort. Greg, Cathy, Brandon and Sydney Arnold Page 4 October 2009 A STEWARDSHIP MESSAGE FOR YOUR CHURCH #259 Giving Is … sharing. “Command them not … to set their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on God.” 1 Timothy 6:17 NRSV Mildred and Bill sold their farm years ago and invested the proceeds in Certificates of Deposit. Mildred is alone now, and the return on their CDs continues to decline. Mildred decided to transfer $10,000 from a maturing CD to establish a Charitable Gift Annuity at the Wisconsin UM Foundation. At age 80, she will receive annuity payments of 7.1%, or $710 per year, every year for the rest of her life. She also receives a charitable deduction for a portion of her $10,000 gift, and approximately 2/3 of her annuity payments each year will be tax-free until she reaches her life expectancy. At the time of her death, 90% of the funds remaining in her annuity account at the Foundation will be sent to her church and any other charitable beneficiaries she designates. Mildred loves the assurance of knowing she will receive $710/year to use as she pleases for the rest of her life. And, she takes comfort in knowing that her church will receive a gift at the time of her death no matter what happens to her estate. Charitable Gift Annuities can be established with gifts of as little as $2,000. Examples of current single life rates are: Age 55 – 4.8 Age 65 – 5.3 Age 75 – 6.3 Age 85 – 8.1 Age 60 –5.0 Age 70 – 5.7 Age 80 – 7.1 Age 90+ - 9.5 Our Charitable Gift Annuity rates are set by the American Council on Charitable Gift Annuities. You can view all rates at www.acga-web.org. For more information on how you can experience the joy of establishing a Charitable Gift Annuity, contact us at: Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation, 750 Windsor Street Ste 305, P.O. Box 620, Sun Prairie, WI 53590-0620 1-888-903-9863 or 608/837-9582 Email: wumf@wumf.org Petersons to Host Mystery Event for Couples Group Saturday, November 7 Bill Peterson & Mary Brintnall-Peterson will host a fun-filled evening using the murder mystery format. You are welcome to come even if you would not like to participate as a character in the mystery. Mark your calendars for a really hilarious evening. RSVP 862-2544 or e-mail wfp3@tds.net before October 23rd. Page 5 October 2009 STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN October 44-November 15, 2009 ‘CHALLENGE 25’ - Unto Each of Us Is Given- The parable of the Talents Matthew 25- 15-18 To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to their ability. The one who had received the five talents went at once and put the money to work and gained five more. So also, the one who had received the two talents gained two more. But the one who had received the one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid the master’s talent. This campaign will focus on the many ways God has special delivered to us priceless possessions and how we have used and shared those possessions and talents. The Kickoff for the campaign will be Sunday October 4th ending with Consecration Sunday on November 15. We ask for your prayers for this campaign and eagerly look forward to everyone’s participation!! October 2009 Page 6 * * * * * * * * SERVANTS FOR OCTOBER * * * * * * * * Fellowship 4 11 18 25 Nursery Potluck Chris & Kris Anich Jean Chapin & Lou Winger Lois Waller & Carolyn U’Ren Flowers Betty Jeske Chris & Kris Anich Betty Jeske Arlene 7 Tessa Larson Greeters 4 11 18 25 Counters: Mary Brintnall-Peterson Lois Waller Lorraine Schwartzlow Denise Arnold Juna Nimz Lou Winger Liturgists 4 11 18 25 Carol Culbertson Mary Brintnall-Peterson Karen Bass Sheryl Nieman Communion Elements: Ushers: 4 11 18 25 Marcia Kremer Jan, Ally & Holly Hunt 4 11 18 25 Applebee/Erdmann Don & Gloria Rosa Lorraine Schwartzlow Josh Gibb’s & family Barb Ischi Pianist/Organist 4 Cheryl Deininger 11 Cheryl Deininger 18 Cheryl Deininger 25 Nancy Brooks Acolytes 4 11 18 25 Katie Krainyk Parker Williams Josh Gibbs Katie Krainyk Know a Nine-Patch? If you’re a sewer – even a beginner - or would like to learn, call the church and leave your name. A group has expressed interest in piecing simple quilts for donating or helping each other with their own simple projects. If you have scraps or a stash of fabrics you’d like to thin out, the group might share fabrics or find uses for them. Sewing machines are portable and the fellowship hall could be filled with laughter and learning all at the same time! Call the church office if you’re interested. “AWARE would like to thank everyone who donated to the “Food for the 4th” and school supply drives this summer. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and truly helps families during these difficult times.” Thank you much for your continued support! Julie Hermanson Program Manager AWARE in Evansville October 2009 Page 7 Sunday School Staff for 2009/2010 Pre-K Doreen Nimz Amy Dunphy Lynda Laursen 1st—7th Grades Ingrid Marshall Claire Marshall Stephanie Pfeil Lisa Schnabel Jenna Schnabel Heather Heinzer Ann Krainyk Junior High Denise Arnold Sheryl Nieman Senior High Marcia Kremer Gloria Rosa Music Roni Harper Superintendent Sandy Larson October 18th Birthday Sunday Birthday Sunday Jenny Larson Bell Choir plays & 3rd Graders receive Bibles at 10:45 worship Bells Tess Thornton Terri Williams October 24th Halloween Party Lifting Women to Better Health Praying Parents November 11th 6:30—7:30 Choir Room Lifting up our children in prayer. This is an opportunity for you to focus your prayers and see how prayer comforts and sustains us. Join the buddy system that has been set up so parents can pray for each other’s children throughout the school year. Call Mary Calley (921-5852) if you have questions. Strong Women Training Designed for middle-age and older women Strength training using light-medium weights * Helps you increase your strength, bone density, balance and energy * Look better too! Join the StrongWomen Program Today Wedding Policy Wedding policies (including fees) have been developed for couples interested in being married in our church. If you would like a copy please contact the church office. Informational meeting Friday, September 4 10:00 am—United Methodist Church Fall session on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6pm—7pm, September 29-December 17 Evansville United Methodist Church 21 S. Madison St., Evansville For more information contact Nancy Brooks, 608-239-0527 Nancy.brooks55@yahoo.com Or http://www.uwex.edu/ces/cty/rock/flp/rockstrongwomen.html October 2009 Page 8 It is almost time for World Communion Sunday, and we need your help! Here’s the bottom line. Donations to World Communion Sunday have dwindled. That means only some of the record number of applicants are receiving scholarships, and those scholarships are significantly smaller than in the past. • The World Communion Scholarship office is getting more calls than ever from U.S. students saying the tough economy is making it harder for them to manage educational costs. • Scholarships for international students are being hit hard. Many of these students come from economically stressed countries with few financial options. • Last year, the World Communion Sunday offering was down, and a drop in giving is projected for this year as well. We encourage you to put a little extra in the offering plate. Fifty percent of the money received goes to the General Board of Global Ministries for World Communion Scholarships with at least one-half of the annual amount used for ministries beyond the United States. In addition, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry uses 35 percent of the money received for the Ethnic Scholarship Program. This award is for Native American, Asian, African American, Hispanic or Pacific Islander applicants pursuing their first undergraduate degree. The remaining 15 percent goes to the Ethnic In-Service Training Program for the recruitment. training and retention of ethnic United Methodists in leadership positions in the church. Now is the time to give. United Methodist students who have demonstrated leadership potential are losing education opportunities because of lack of funds. These students are the future of mission for The United Methodist Church. Thank you! Women’s Upper Room Bible Study October 21 9:30 a.m. Fellowship Hall Winter VIM Mission Opportunities Dec 7-11, 2009 Pine Lake, Westfield, WI Come join Steve and I for a wonderful week at Pine Lake. We will be working on the last wing of the retreat center. Don Mevis and I will be co-directors for the week. Carol Culbertson 882-0136. Hostess: Evelyn Thompson The Upper Room for September is available at the church so please pick up your copy. Cost is $1.00. This Bible Study is open to our church family and friends. Call Phyllis Applebee (8824425) if you have any questions. October 2009 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri Sat 42 3 9 10 16 17 6-7 pm Strong Women 4 8:30 & 10:45 Worship Homecoming 9:30 Sun.School 10:00 Choir World Communion 5 11 8:30 & 10:45 Worship 9:30 Sun.School 10:00 Choir 11:45 Hospitality Team 12 6 7 8 6-7 pm Strong Women 6:30pm Nurture 5:30 Confirmation 6:30 Sunday School teachers 6-7pm Strong Women 13 14 15 Newsltr Articles due 6-7 pm Strong Women 6:00pm Finance 6:30pmCouncil 6-7 pm Strong Women Pastor Sue’s vacation 18 19 20 21 22 Assemble Newsletter 6-7 pm Strong Women 5:30 Confirmation 6-7 pm Strong Women 27 28 9:30am Upper Room Study 29 8:30 & 10:45 Worship 9:30 Sun.School Birthday Sunday 10:00 Choir 3rd Gr. Bibles Sue’s vacation 25 8:30 & 10:45 Worship 9:30 Sun.School 10:00 Choir 26 6-7 pm Strong Women 5:30 Confirmation 6-7 pm Strong Women 23 24 30 31 THE GOOD NEWS Evansville United Methodist Church 21 South Madison P.O. Box 91 Evansville WI 53536 Rev. Kyung-Sook (Sue) Lee, DMin., MDiv. Office: 882-4622 Home: 882-4334 Pastor’s cell phone: 608-228-0066 Email: evansvilleumc@SBCglobal.net Office Hours 9-11 a.m. Monday and Thursday 1-3 p.m. Wednesday Other times by appointment Our Mission In response to the challenge of Christ, the mission of the Evansville United Methodist Church is to: Nurture the minds and spirits of our Congregation; Invite others into participation in the life of our church; and Reach Out to the human and spiritual needs of the people in our community, nation, and world.