Summer 2015 - North Kansas City School District


Summer 2015 - North Kansas City School District
u Faculty and 1st Graduating Class
Alumni at the 2015 Commencement
u 2015 Graduating Senior, Nathan Simpson
his has been a fantastic year that
culminated with a tremendous celebration at
Commencement. The Class of 2015, our 50th
graduating class, was joined by members of
Oak Park’s very first graduating class. It was
an historic moment for our school, and the
perfect ending to a monumental year. This year
began with our Homecoming festivities, which
included a parade, pep rally, and the very first
Homecoming game to be played at Oak Park
High School. Over 400 alumni participated in
the Homecoming weekend festivities. We are
excited for the same outcome at our 2015-2016
Homecoming that will take place Saturday,
September 12th, at 3:00 PM at Oak Park High
School. In addition, more than 500 alumni
joined in the 50th performance of George
Frideric Handel’s “Messiah.” Adding to the
excitement the return of The “Monster”
painting, a class gift and a 1972 painting which
was stolen has officially been returned and is
displayed in our Fine Arts area. We had a 600%
increase in the alumni we were able to connect
with throughout the year and hope to continue
these connections.
It is exciting to see the growth of our
students as we filter through our End of Course
(EOC) results. The State continues to raise the
expectations for our students, and our students
Oak Park
continue to raise their performance level in
response. Students rise to
this elevated standard
allowing Oak Park to
experience more increases
in our academic
performance results. As
part of state testing this
year, our entire Junior class
was allowed to take the
ACT on April 28th. It was
exciting to see our students
genuinely engage in the
4+ hour assessment with
determination and perform
well. School results will
be received in the coming
Oak Park High School’s 2015 Graduating Class
Our students’ successes mirror the commitment
and hard work we see each and every day from
our staff. Again this year our staff engaged in a
goal-writing process specific to their work. We
benchmarked student performance
throughout the year, reflected on areas of
growth and concern, and continued to do
whatever it took to support each student’s
mastery of all essential learning. At the end of
the year we had the chance to reflect on their
progress and challenges to start preparing for
the upcoming school year.
With the guidance and support of Central
Office and School Board, our staff, students,
and community were able to engage in a
strategic planning process. The goal was for
us to identify where we wanted to be in three
years and strategize as to how we were going
to get there. This summer we have begun the
implementation of our strategic plan. Many
parts of this work will be to focus on strengthening our ties to the community and our feeder
schools. I am excited to see what we are able to
accomplish over the next three years.
continued on page 2
Mr. Mark Maus
Assistant Principal
Mr. Mike Dial
Assistant Principal/Activities Director
Mr. Casey Vokolek
Assistant Principal
Dr. Chris Sartain
New Assistant Principal
Mrs. Molly Smith
825 NE 79th Terrace
Kansas City, MO 64118
Phone: (816) 413-5300
We continued to focus on celebrating the
amazing things that are part of Oak Park, one
of them being the strong involvement of our
parents and community. It truly takes all of
us working together to determine what is best
for the Oak Park Family. Thank you for your
tremendous support and assistance. Without it
we would not be able to accomplish what we
have each and every year.
However, more presently if you have driven by
Oak Park this summer you may have noticed
the significant amount of renovations
occurring. As part of North Kansas City
Schools’ commitment to excellence, we have
received: full roof replacement, new lighting
and ceiling tiles in our hallways, a refinished
and newly painted gym floor, a newly created
student entrance and school store, and new turf
on the football field. Several of these items
were part of the bond that was passed in April
of 2014.
2015 Oak Park Graduates (from left to
right) Rachel Oatney, Rachel Bechthold,
Summer Caudillo, Anel Sandoval, Sofia
Contreras, Jomarie Circello and Samantha
Have a great summer,
Mark Maus, Principal
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• Watch the Axe and other videos on the
NorthmenNews channel on YouTube
Aug 2
Fall Sports Parent Meeting 6 p.m. Main Gym
Aug 3
Registration 12-7 p.m.
Aug 4
Registration 12 -7 p.m.
Aug 7
Registration Deadline for 09/12/15 ACT Exam
Aug 10
9th Grade Jump start 8-11 a.m.
Aug 12
First Day of School K-12
Aug 13
Booster Club Back-to-School Picnic &
Open House 5-8 p.m.
Sept 7
Labor Day, No School K-12
Sept 12
ACT Test Date
Sept 18
Registration Deadline for 10/24/15 ACT Exam
Sept 11
Homecoming Assembly/Hall of Fame Induction 12 p.m.
(Parade to follow at 12:45)
Sept 12
Homecoming Game vs. Wm. Chrisman 3 p.m. @ OP
Sept 12
Homecoming Dance 8-11 p.m. Main Gym
Sept 29
Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Sept 30
Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Oct 5
Professional Development, No School K-12
Oct 24
ACT Test Date
Oct 30
No School K-12
Nov 6
Registration Deadline for 12/12/15 ACT Exam
Nov 21
PTSA/Booster Club Craft Fair
Nov. 25-27
Thanksgiving Break, No School K-12
Dec 12
ACT Test Date
Dec 18
Winter Break Begins, Early Release 10:45 a.m.
Dec 21 - Jan1
Winter Break, No School K-12
Oak Park alumni can now connect on
Facebook! Alumni and friends can “like” the
Oak Park High School Alumni Association
Facebook page to find information about
upcoming alumni events and reunions, notices
about school events, Oak Park news, photos
and more. Search “Oak Park High School
Alumni Association” on Facebook to find the
Oak Park is proud to announce new faculty
and staff members to our OP team and family
beginning this 2015-2016 school year.
Tim Brennan, Special Education
Haley Cope, Special Education
Theresa Christal, Library Media Specialist
Michael Gier, Math
Meagan Halphin, English Language Arts
Elizabeth Hayslett, Science
Heidi Knaak, Physical Education
Jamie McSparin, Academy
Kyle Roach, Physical Education
Kelsey Rosborough, Social Studies
Molly Smith, Assistant Principal
Callie Smothers, Teaching & Learning Coach
Melanie Warner, English Language Arts
Riley Wartick, Special Education
Katherine Whitaker, Math
The Oak Park PTSA/Booster Club
The Oak Park PTSA/Booster Club has had another exciting year! We would like to congratulate all the Seniors on their success
and wish them well as they embark on their next big adventure! We hope you look back on your time at Oak Park with very
fond (and fun!) memories. We would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to the many parents, faculty and staff, and students
who selflessly pitched in this year to make all of our events successful. Because of the help of countless volunteers, we have
been able to give back just shy of $100,000 in the four years these 2015 Seniors have been at Oak Park! It is such an honor
to give this money back to our sports teams, academic teams, and all other organizations in need at this school.
We were also able to give two $500 scholarships this year to two deserving Seniors, who embodied the Oak Park
PTSA/Booster Club spirit in terms of leadership, academics, and community service. There were many fantastic
contributions from the Senior class for these awards, and the competition was extremely close, but this year’s two
winners were Olivia Eissler and Kaley Breault. Congratulations on your accomplishments, ladies!
Last, we would like to implore anyone who has not been a part of this organization to come join us next year
as we work to get our four year total for the Class of 2016 over $100,000. We are always in need of volunteers. And while that does mean work, it is always fun and you will make lasting memories! Our first meeting for next year will be Tuesday, August 18th, in the media center. We will have a new member reception
at 6:30 p.m., followed by our monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m. We look forward to seeing some new faces! Until
then, have a GREAT Summer!
Karla Brown
Incoming PTSA/Booster Club President 2015-2016
1. Please go to the Oak Park Website at
2. Click on the PowerSchool Link
3. Login to PowerSchool or Create an Account
4. Select that student’s name
5. On the left hand side, please choose the Test Score Page
6. Make sure you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page
END-OF-COURSE test results have come in and are now
accessible in Parent PowerSchool. Below, you will find the directions
on how to access your child’s performance level.
Rebecca Saari, Senior Class Vice President spoke at her
2015 Commencement.
About Achievement Levels
Advanced indicates a student performing at the Advanced level on the Missouri End-of-Course Assessment consistently demonstrating a
thorough understanding of the skills and processes identified in the EOC’s Course-Level Expectations.
Proficient indicates a student performing at the Proficient level on the Missouri End-of-Course Assessment demonstrating an
understanding of the skills and processes identified in the EOC’s Course-Level Expectations.
Basic indicates a student performing at the Basic level on the Missouri End-of-Course Assessment demonstrating an incomplete
understanding of the skills and processes identified in the EOC’s Course-Level Expectations.
Below Basic indicates a student performing at the Below Basic level on the Missouri End-of-Course Assessment demonstrating little
understanding of the skills and processes identified in the EOC’s Course-Level Expectations.
For more information about achievement levels, please visit the following web site:
April was Poetry Month. Taylor Kaat created a
“Poetree” for the display case, so student work
could be displayed. The “Poetree” quickly
leafed with thought-provoking, humorous, and
courageous pieces. Thank you to all the
students who chose to share their personal
work with us. We are proud to showcase the
many talented students at Oak Park.
Students have been reading Gateway nominees
all year. They had the opportunity to vote for
their favorite title at the Gateway celebration in
March. The winner of the 2014-2015 Gateway
Award was announced at the annual Missouri
Association of School Librarians Conference in
April. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is
the 2014-2015 winner. We already have
several students reading the 2015-2016 Gateway nominees!
National Library Week was celebrated April
12-18. There were raffles, pop and chips,
selfies, tweets about the library, and a huge
cake. What a great time celebrating the
importance of libraries in our schools and
The last Book Swap and Makerspace were held
May 5. Students participated in several
“creative spaces” including a cupcake
challenge, origami, bracelet making, and junk
sculptures. They ate their way through six
dozen cupcakes.
Hundreds of books were available for students
through the book swap. Thank you
Mid-Continent Public Library for providing
new and gently used books for OP students.
Our final event of the year was held on May
14, the kick-off for Mid-Continent’s Summer
Reading Program. The theme this year is
“Escape the Ordinary.” The Teen Summer
Reading Program started May 18 and will
end July 31. Get started now at
There were over 150 students who signed up
for the program and participated in the raffle
for prizes, candy, and free books. Once again,
thanks to Mid-Continent for collaborating with
us this year on so many events!
So, as the year ends, we wish all of you an
amazing summer, doing what you like/want
whether it be swimming, reading, traveling,
or just hanging out with friends and eating ice
cream. Be safe, keep on reading, and we will
see you in August.
This year Key Club participated in many
meaningful community service and school
events. We were honored to present a check to
the Lymphoma and
Leukemia society as a result
of our school fundraiser
“Pennies for Patients.” The
month of May was full of
service activities including volunteering at
Kiwanis. One day partnering with the NKC
Kiwanis at the Parkville Animal Shelter,
assisting physically handicapped athletes at the
Mid America Games, and collecting donations
for the local women’s shelter at HyVee. Key
Club is open to all students of Oak Park who
wish to serve their community and school.
Oak Park is proud to graduate 18 Gold
Medallion Honor Diploma Graduates. As part
of the honors diploma, students must conduct
original research and present it to a panel. This
year’s graduates and essential questions for
research include:
Seth Argyle What is the Impact of Singing on
Human Health?
Emina Dizdarevic How does the severity of
the cancer diagnosis correlate with the psychological implications of the diagnosis?
Chris Durrant How does character portrayal
impact an actor?
Kylie Folsom How does social media influence communication in the education system?
Rachel Gibbs What is the correlation between
parents and the development of their children’s
religious beliefs?
Lenalise Gomez What is the role of parents
in childhood obesity?
Tiffany Grazda How is the increasing diagnosis of students with autism impacting high
schools in America?
Ashton Hendren What are the impacts of
prenatal stimulant exposure?
Alexander Marx What factors are contributing to the recent decline of vaccinations among
Austin McGaugh What is the relationship
between military advancement in the United
States of America and the furthering of the
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Math) fields in the 21st century?
Lauren Mills Why hasn’t the United States
ever had a female President?
Rachel Oatney How has the reintroduction of
wolves impacted the environment, community,
and farmers of Yellowstone National Park?
Matt ONeil What are the impacts of outsourcing on the U.S. and global economies?
Myriam Paniagua How have immigration
policies impacted undocumented Hispanic
youth in the US preparing for post-secondary
Habiba Shariff How has terrorism redefined
freedom in America?
Bradley Taylor What impact is Cybercrime
having on business?
Jessica Timmerman What are the impacts
of prenatal genetic diagnosis on genetically
predisposed families?
Steve Were Should the use of embryonic stem
cells be a moral concern for patients receiving
Each year one male and one female student are
voted by their peers as Oak Park’s Norman and
Norma. They have been models of
Scholarship by being diligent in their studies,
showing their willingness to Serve others by
giving back to the school and community,
as well as their Northmen Spirit by actively
supporting and participating in a variety of
athletics and activities.
Our first honoree has been active in multiple
sports and extra activities. She has been
recognized as an All-Conference, All-District
athlete in Volleyball. She has
also been recognized as Ms
Volleyball for embodying
integrity and hard work. She
currently carries a GPA of
over 4.0 while being active
in STUCO, National Honor
Society, and Leadership. She
is known for her
exceptional integrity and
Julia Wopata
work ethic and has been
recognized as a Bright Flight Scholarship
Award Winner by scoring of 31 on the ACT.
This year’s Norma winner is Ms. Julia Wopata.
What an exciting year in the Library Media
Center – new faces, fun activities, research,
food, poetry, collaboration, and a lot of reading.
KEY CLUB is Oak Park’s service club.
Our next Senior has also been active in a
variety of extra-curricular activities. During
his four years at Oak Park, he has been active
in a variety of extracurricular activities and
leadership roles. He served students as Captain
of the Marching Northmen, and inspiring all
of our students to persevere
through challenges and
enjoy working hard. He has
also performed in first-place
marching bands earning top
“1” ratings at state music
festival. As an active
member of the Leadership
class he has taken on many
leadership roles and carries a Conner Clapham
GPA of over 3.7. This year’s Norman winner is
Mr. Conner Clapham.
The 2015 graduating class had 105 seniors
complete the A+ Scholarship Program. Each of
these students have gained 50 or more hours of
A+ tutoring, obtained 95% cumulative
attendance or higher, graduated with a 2.5 GPA
or higher and scored proficient or advanced on
the Algebra I EOC. Congratulations to all of
the Oak Park 2015 A+ Scholarship graduates
listed to the right!
One of the A+ Scholarship Program
requirements is to achieve a score of Proficient
or Advanced on the Algebra I End-of-Course
exam or a higher level DESE approved End-ofCourse exam in the field of mathematics. We
want to encourage all incoming seniors to take
the COMPASS test in order to meet the test
portion of the A+ criteria. Simply by taking
the COMPASS test at one of the Metropolitan
Community College Campuses you will score
above the required minimum score of 1.
Soon the State of Missouri will be reassessing
the COMPASS score which will affect all
incoming freshman, sophmores and juniors;
therefore, we are only encouraging the
incoming seniors to take the COMPASS at this
1. Be a U.S. citizen, eligible non-citizen or
lawfully present in the U.S.
2. Attend an A+ designated school for three
consecutive years prior to graduation;
3. Have at least a 95% attendance record for
the four year period;
4. Graduate with a grade point average of 2.5
or higher on a 4 point scale;
5. Perform fifty (50) hours of unpaid academic
tutoring which is connected to North Kansas
City Schools and supervised by a district
employee; and
6. Maintain a record of good citizenship and
avoidance of unlawful use of alcohol or drugs
or acts of violence;
7. Have achieved a score of proficient or
advanced on the Algebra I End-of -Course
exam or a higher level DESE approved End-ofCourse exam in the field of mathematics (ACT
Math Subscore 17, COMPASS Pre-Algebra
43, COMPASS Algebra 1)
Test Date
Registration Deadline
September 12
August 7
October 24
September 18
December 12
November 6
Oak Park’s School Code: 261-667
Test fee’s are $38.00 for ACT No Writing and
$54.50 for ACT Plus Writing. Register online.
Elizabeth Absher
Kelly Andrews
Seth Argyle
Elias Ascencio
Austin Barker
Mackenzie Beadle
Rachel Bechthold
Ryan Bennett
Devron Bradford
Kaley Breault
Gianna Brown
Wolfgar Burke
Weston Capper
Aubrey Carpenter
Maria Cerv
Jomarie Circello
Charles Clapham
Dustin Cochran
Crysta Collingsworth
Maimouna Coulibaly
Emily Cunningham
Austin Curttright
Alyssa Cusumano
Madison Daniels
Kylie Dickson
Caleb Dixon
Emina Dizdarevic
Danielle Dufty
Christopher Durrant
Austin Edmisten
Olivia Eissler
Anthony Etten
Breanna Evert
Lauren Fabac
Daniel Felten
Benjamin Fisk
Kylie Folsom
Sara Francois
Devon Fuller
David Genau
Rachel Gibbs
Lenialise Gomez
Tiffany Grazda
Sarah Heinz
Ashton Hendren
Joshua Hoffman
Dylan Hughes
Rebecca Hughes
Zachary Jones
Jackson Kellogg
Makayla Knight
Alexandra Lisenbee
Edgar Lopez
Miranda Mansell
Kayla Mansil
Alexandra Meyer
Joseph Miller
Lauren Mills
Tyler Morrow
Kelly Murrain
Haley Mynatt
Kanoe Newell
Cydney Newton
Tosh Newton
David Nguyen
Kevin OBrien
Celeste Ochoa
Kaitlyn OReilly
Joseph Ostermann
Myriam Paniagua
Brooke Parker
Courtney Parks
Kara Parman
Leigha Petersen
Chance Pitman
Cali Porter
Bertina-Maree Reese
Brianna Ritter
Huso Rizvanovic
Husref Rizvanovic
Rebecca Saari
Samantha Sander
Anel Sandoval
Joseph Scott
Ryan Settles
Samantha Shafar
Kelsey Shannon
Habiba Shariff
Koinonia Strong
Zachary Stump
Alexander Stump
Lauren Sullivan
Brenae Tate
Bradley Taylor
Chandler Templeton
Eva Thompson
Jessica Timmerman
Ethan Trainer
Sandy Tran
Antonio Valles
Austin Warman
Logan White
Mathew Wingerson
Laynne Woodson
Julia Wopata
Oak Park gave over 250 AP (Advanced Placement) exams this year. Our students will earn college
credit in a variety of courses through their test results. AP scores will be released by the College
Board beginning July 7. Students need to create an account at apstudent/
All scores will be available online only; the College Board does not mail results any longer.
Oak Park was able to use the beautiful Maple Woods campus for our tests this year. This is the
second year for this partnership. It provides a quiet, comfortable atmosphere for students to focus
on their exams.
Thank you, Associate Dean Dawn Hatterman and her staff for working with us and allowing us to
use this facility.
All students who are taking an AP course in the 2015-16 school year must complete a summer
assignment. Summer assignments for each course are posted on the counseling website. Summer
assignments must be completed by the first day of school.
Principal’s Honor Roll
Students must have a 4.0 grade point average
and a minimum of 2.5 credits earned per semester
to be considered for Principal honor roll status.
Northmen Honor Roll
Students must have a 3.2 grade point average
and a minimum of 2.5 credits earned per semester
to be considered for Northmen honor roll status.
Principal’s Honor Roll
Kaley Breault
Breanna Evert
Rachel Gibbs
Dustin Gier
Ashton Hendren
Miranda Mansell
Alexander Marx
Alexandra Meyer
Kelly Murrain
Kevin OBrien
Myriam Paniagua
Kara Parman
Huso Rizvanovic
Husref Rizvanovic
Joseph Scott
Ryan Settles
Anna Shichanina
Eva Thompson
Jessica Timmerman
Morgan Watson
Julia Wopata
Northmen Honor Roll
Kelly Andrews
Ryan Bennett
Stephanie Betancourt
Paige Bliss
Daniel Brown
Weston Capper
Logan Cassity
Songchai Charoenkhun
Boerie Chun
Emily Cunningham
Alyssa Cusumano
Daniel Dailey
Madison Daniels
Marie Desmurger
Emina Dizdarevic
Jake Dyer
Joseph Dyer
Austin Edmisten
Olivia Eissler
Celia Fernandez
Benjamin Fisk
Kylie Folsom
David Genau
Jr Gonzales
Giovanni Gonzalez
Tiffany Grazda
Cody Green
Mae Haler
Sarah Heinz
Joshua Hoffman
Rebecca Hughes
Zachary Jones
Trevor Kirkman
Alexandra Lisenbee
Austin McGaugh
Joseph Miller
Lauren Mills
Justice Morris
Anthony Motko
Kaleb Murray
Cydney Newton
Tosh Newton
David Nguyen
Alondra Novoa
Kaitlyn OReilly
Brooke Parker
Christopher Pitre
Mandana Polzer
Bertina-Maree Reese
Ponce Rivera
Hannah Rupard
Samantha Sander
Anel Sandoval
Jovana Saveva
Kelsey Shannon
Delaney Sievert
Hector Solorio
Alexander Stump
Lauren Sullivan
Bradley Taylor
Ethan Trainer
Samantha Urueta
Austin Warman
Jordan Wells
uentin Willett
Andy Leon
Amanda Link
Miguel Magazu
Ciera Maguire
Hiba Mahgoub
Jennifer Mai
Kira McKee
Melanie Meng
Garrett Miller
Mackenzie Nelson
Katia Newell
McKenzie Olson
Mary OShea
Rachel Pfleiderer
Ember Rangel
Jackson Richmond
Ryan Rogowski
Madison Russell
Emily Santulli
Gracie Schweinfurth
Alyssa Simmons
Kale Snipes
Absalom Solorio
Chaunery Tanguay
Kaise Thomas
Connor Tomlin
Sally Truong
Mabrey Wathen
Mikayla Winkler
Brittany Wright
Claire Kitelinger
Cody Kolka
Madeline Kuykendall
Alba Laredo
Anthony Ledesma
Kyle Linville
Dylan Lloyd
Mackenzie Lukenbill
Shelby Martin
Cali Matthai
William Ng
Michaela Obermark
Taylor Orcutt
Aleticia Powell
Orlando uintana
Kathrine Renevier
Forrest Rhea
Audrey Roberts
Michael Roman
Megan Ross
Patrick Roudebush
Maya Rupard
Andre Salgado
Orrin Sheppard
Andrei Snowbarger
Ekaterina Snowbarger
Louis Sosa
Thomas Starr-Timberlake
Tya Stigger
Noah Studebaker
Elyssa Taylor
Elijah Trainer
Kayla Turner
Kate Westberg
Jordan White
Jenna Zackert
Enver Zijadic
Jessica McClanahan
Adrienne McGeeney
Melody McKee
Rachel Montavy
Taylor Morris
Reilly Newton
David Nguyen
Mia Nguyen
Mark Nichols
Tatym Nobrega
Blake Orcutt
Justine Ortega
Breia Patterson
Celeste Polanco
Britney Redmond
Aurora Riley
Maya Rufo
Bayan Salam
Gabrielle Sanchez
Richard Sander
Alexandra Scalzi
Robert Sharp
Jaycee Simpson
Tanaja Starr
Joseph Stone
Madlin Tutu
Victor Urbina
Sebastian Vaughn
Bridgette Velasquez
Angelina Vorngsam
David Walker
Juan Walker
Zachariah Watson
Preston Weinzerl
Jasmine Werninger
Madison Witmer
Sean Wolenski
Robert Young
Principal’s Honor Roll
Lauren Boeding
Cheyenne Dobson
Elliott Eisele-Miller
Christopher Fusco
Elisa Gomez
Megan Hensley
Sabrina Hogan
Leah Israel
Amy Lehman
Kelsey Mason
Patrick Mournighan
Brady ODonnell
Landon Patterson
Karli Reichert
Jayla Saxton
Isaiah Smith
Brysen Stigger
Taylor Terrell
Drew VanDee
Katelin Watkins
Principal’s Honor Roll
Laura Akers
Allee Armitage
Josie Ballard
Brianne Bender
Sabrina Foster
Brianna Glanville
Rachel Grace
Max Gruschka
Joseph Hancock
David Horowitz
Jennifer Marx
Connor McNeall
Anna Merkel
Merna Michael
Salvador Morales-Mejia
Jessica Morrison
Cynthia Nguyen
Tommy Nguyen
Dominic Nunez
Ashlyn Penland
Lissette Reynaga
Albert Sciara
Laura Stevens
Mikelyn Sylvara
Mahasin Tutu
Clifton Wilkerson
Northmen Honor Roll
Mikayla Adams
Logan Allenbaugh
Hunter Aviles
Rylie Barling
Mikaelee Behen
Connor Bensyl
Katherine Berislavich
Ashley Bonavia
Emily Burdolski
Aaliyah Cahill
Tiana Chavez
uan Chow
Jonathon Chronister
Daulton Coats
Kimberlyn Crane-Allen
Dylan Deeney
Dominic Do
Carly Doyle
Margaret Eiberger
Leslie Esquivel
Christopher Feeney
Blake Foland
Illiana Gaines
Julian Garcia
Tristan Green
Abrielle Greene
Nicholas Gresham
John Haidusek
Gage Hass
Jenna Heinz
Kaitlyn Henderson
Chloe Hilgenkamp
Steven Horn
McKenna Hutchinson
Ali Ishkuntana
Thomas Kranz
Brianna Kruse
Northmen Honor Roll
Joseph Anello III
Nathanael Armstrong
Audrey Barnes
Jamien Bartlow
Augustine Batres
Nathanial Begley
Summer Bell
Alexander Beshears
Lauren Birdsong
Jeremy Bolling
Leanna Borgeson
Paige Borgeson
Denver Boucher
Bridget Burgess
Talia Burke
Kennedy Butler
Casey Cangelosi
Madeline Caton
Alix Chronister
Michael Crawford
Victoria Davis
Cailyn Deeney
Kendra DeMarrias
Emily Dickson
Dalton Dildine
Gavyn Do
Muraila Epel
Logan Fiedler
Maya Fields
Timothy Fincham
Caleb Fisher
Jessica Fowler
Brittney Frazier
Michael Gautieri
Achol Gawg
Ronney Goods
Amy Gruschka
Nicholas Hagen
Kaitlin Hawley-Hughes
Jaegar Hensley
Hannah Hermsen
Erin Hill
Taylor Holsted
Garrett Hughes
Sophia Hull
Kenzie Johnson
Yasmen Kent
Principal’s Honor Roll
Sequoya Ake
Shereen AlSaoudi
Madelein Bailey
Karson Bennett
Annie Bensyl
Alyssa Bingham
Anisa Birdsong
Charles Cunningham
Emma Durrant
Kalani Earls
Kenya Foster
Madeline Houx
Chad Humphrey
Nicholas Lane
Akout Malual
Scott Martin
Tyler Mason
Annamaria Mortelli
Tessa Rube
Charlotte Sipple
Gabrielle Stanley
Keely Tomlin
Kali Wade
Olivia White
Christopher Winegarner
Bronwyn Wood
XoeAnne Zuber
Northmen Honor Roll
Yasin Abdelhameed
David Aguilar
Dakota Ake
Nicholas Aragon
John Armstrong
Taylor Baker
Sydney Bardwell
Wyatt Barry
Ayla Bausch
Matthew Bausch
Dimitrius Bright
Alexavier Brown
Hieu Bui
Rachelle Burket
Di Chow
Abigail Clapham
Dylan Connor
Tyler Depetre
Alexandria Donnici
Kaden Evans
Kevin Evert
Audrey Ferguson
Kalee Fontenot
Ross Galler
Alexandra Gautieri
Cheyenne Geary
Kimber Gehrke
Jessica Gold-Barnes
Macenzy Guerra
Carter Harms
Brandyn Hasenohr
Heather Hazeslip
Rachel Head
Hannah Heinz
Samantha Hernandez
Sarah Horseman
Lillian Jackson
Jorden Kellogg
Joseph Keys
Hullale Khizirpour
Mackenzie Kuhn
Makayla Lambright
Madelyne Lane
Ryan Linville
Claire Loew
Leslie Lopez
Imani Love
Seth Madsen
Melanie Maros
Mahlete Massa
Class of 2015
Male Athlete of the Year: Mat Wingerson (Basketball, Football)
Female Athelte of the Year: kelly Andrews (Cheer, Volleyball, Track)
Linda Jones Award: Kaley Breault
John Berbert Award: Gerardo Salgado
MSHSAA Female Sportsmanship Award: Cydney Newton
MSHSAA Male Sportsmanship Award: Joey Scott Vocal Music
Speech and Debate
• Congratulations to Alexandra Meyer who earned quarter-finalist honors at the Catholic Forensic League Grand National Tournament. Meyer
competed in Dramatic Performance and placed 18th out of 256 students
in that event. CFL is the oldest debate and forensics honor society in the
United States and hold the annual national tournament over Memorial
Day weekend.
• 18th place in Dramatic Performance at CFL National Tournament.
• Brad Taylor and Alexandra Meyers qualified for the NSDA National
Track And Field
• Hiba Antoun, 400m State Qualifier and School Record Holder
• Katia Newell, Hiba Antoun, Mahasin Tutu and Kaley Breault, 4x200
State Qualifiers
• Tre’Veon McIntosh, High Jump State 2nd Plae
• Makram Tutu, 400m State Qualifie
• Kaley Breault, 100m hurdles District Champ, 100m & 300m State
Qualifier (4x State Qualifier)
The Oak Park Varsity Team was awarded “Academic All-State”
Joey Scott, First Team All Conference (Pitcher)
Ryan Rogowski, Second Team All Conference (Catcher)
Quentin Willett, “Honorable Mention” for All-Around Utility Player
Joey Scott, First Team All District (Pitcher/Out-Field)
Ryan Rogowski, Second Team All District (Catcher)
Dylan Deeney, Second Team All District (In-field)
Logan Allenbuagh, Second Team All District (In-field)
PRACTICE for all Fall
Sports and Activities will be
August 3rd. All students must
have an updated physical on
file in order to participate in
• The Northmen’s Log newsmagazine: Excellent rating. Editors senior
Olivia Eissler and junior Madison
Individual students won:
N2 Sports (Northland Network): In
its first State contest ever, the N2
Sports program earned an award for
each piece entered
• Seniors Marcos Mazariegos, Ali Harb and Kaleb Murray and juniors Mikayla Spears, Ward Mershon, Kayion Reed, Jared Vawter and T.J. Bunge,
All-Missouri, Coverage of a Sports Event, Oak Park at Staley
• Seniors Kur Bak, Marcos Mazariegos, Ashli Thornton, Ana Grinik,
David Genau and Ali Harb, and juniors Kayion Reed, Mikayla Spears and
Ward Mershon, Superior, Coverage of a Sports Event, Winnetonka at NKC
• Seniors Lucas Smith, Deontae Wilson, Ashli Thornton, Ali Harb and Kur
Bak, and juniors Ward Mershon, Alexandrea Erisman and Kayion Reed,
Superior, Coverage of a Sports Event, Raytown at NKC
• Senior Chandler Templeton, Excellent for On-Site Write-Offs Editorial
• Seniors Kaleb Murray and Lucas Smith, Excellent, Commercial, N2
Promotional Video
The Northmen’s Log newsmagazine:
• Senior Olivia Eissler, All-Missouri, Honorable Mention, Superior, and
• Junior Joe Haas Superior and Honorable Mention
• Senior Cody Green, Excellent and Honorable Mention
• Junior Madison Russell, Honorable Mention, Superior and Excellent
• Junior Mabrey Wathen, Excellent and Honorable Mention
• Freshmen Connor Annan and Effy Minnick, Honorable Mention
• Junior Nathan Roppa, Honorable Mention
Cambia yearbook:
• Senior Aubrey Carpenter, All-Missouri, Excellent & Honorable Mention
• Senior Marie Desmurger, All-Missouri
• Senior Miranda Haidusek, All-Missouri, Superior and Excellent
• Senior Ryan Bennett, Superior, Excellent and Honorable Mention
• Freshman Sarah Horseman, Superior
• Senior Samantha Belcourt, Excellent
• Junior Stephanie Brocato, Honorable Mention
The AXE broadcast
• Junior Jordyn Bensyl, All-Missouri and Superior
• Senior Kaleb Murray, All-Missouri, Superior and Excellent
• Senior Conner Clapham, All-Missouri and Excellent
Girls Soccer
• Junior Taylor Dorrel, All-Missouri, Excellent and Honorable Mention
• Becca Saari, “Honorable Mention” All Conference and Second Team
• Junior Allyson Laytham,Superior
All District
• Senior Tiffany Grazda, Superior
• Gracie Schweinfurt, First Team All Conference, First Team All District • Sophomore Gabriel DeLaFuente, Excellent
• Jenna Zackert, First Team All District, and “Honorable Mention” All
• Seniors Samantha Sander, Excellent and Honorable Mention
• Juniors Kaitlyn Henderson, Excellent
• Miriam Solorio,“Honorable Mention” All Conference and All District • Sophomore Remy Tran, Excellent
• Breanna Evert, Second Team All District
• Senior Tiffany Grazda, Honorable Mention
• Amy Gruschka, “Honorable Mention” All District website
• Junior Madison Russell, All-Missouri, Superior
Boys Tennis
Go to
• Junior Olyvia Weaver, All-Missouri, Superior
David Genau, First Team
and Honorable Mention
and click on rSchoolToday
• Senior Olivia Eissler, SuperiorHonorable
to Stay Connected with all
Boys Golf
upcoming activities view our
• Freshman Sarah Horseman, Superior
Ryan Bennett, Sectional Qualifier
• Freshman Connor Annan, Excellent
Sports and Activities
• Senior Samantha Belcourt, Excellent
Calendar on our website.
Overall publications earned:
• Senior Conner Clapham, Excellent
• Cambia yearbook: Superior rating. Editors 2014 graduates Gabrielle
• Senior Tiffany Grazda, Excellent and Honorable
Brancato and Kaitlyn Ramsey.
• website: Superior rating. Editor junior Courtney
For more detailed Journalism information visit our website.
Upcoming Events
Daniel Dailey and Marvin Joseph
Congratulations to the 2015
Graduating Class of Oak Park
High School!
QUICK FACT: 301 the number of
Students graduated from Oak Park this year.
825 NE 79th Terrace
Kansas City, MO 64118
Fast Track can make registration a quick
and painless experience! Oak Park offers an
opportunity for families to register for the
upcoming school year as early as right now!
Every student should have a Fast Track
packet that their parents and/or guardians
can fill out and turn in over the summer to
avoid lines and any other issues that may
come up during traditional registration. If
you do not have a packet, we have
additional copies at Oak Park or you can go
on our website to print off the forms.
Utilizing Fast Track will help get your student
registered in an easy, efficient manner. Fast
Track packets must be turned in to the office
by July 13th.
RETIREMENTS Oak Park also wants to
give a big thank you to Todd Beck, Maureen
Daily, Laura Hardman, Pat Stancil, Tana Stock
and Kelly Wooldridge who have been a great
part of the Oak Park way. We wish you all the
August 3 - 4
Registration 12:00-7:00 p.m.
August 10
9th Grade Jump Start 8:00-11:00 a.m.
August 12
First Day of School
August 13
Back-to-School Picnic &
Open House 5:00-8:00 p.m.