kamiak high school kamiak high school orchestra member`s handbook
kamiak high school kamiak high school orchestra member`s handbook
KAMIAK HIGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA MEMBER’S HANDBOOK 2012 2012-13 MR. BRIAN STEVES DIRECTOR OF ORCHESTRAS You have chosen to become a member of an organization based upon pride, achievement, and unity. A brief history of the Kamiak Orchestras: In 1996 the orchestra was awarded Best Full Orchestra and Best Orchestra All Divisions at the Golden Gate Music Festival in San Francisco. In 1997 and 1998 the Kamiak Symphony Orchestra earned superior ratings at the Northwest Orchestra Festival in Gresham, Oregon, and in 2001 we were awarded the third place award out of eighteen orchestras in our division. The Philharmonic Strings and Kamiak Choirs combined scores earned the ensembles sweepstakes at the Vancouver 2000 Heritage Festival. The eighty-piece Symphony Orchestra traveled to New York City and Boston for a major performance tour in 1999, and spring 2002 was our first European Adventure, with performances in Vienna, Salzburg and Prague. In the spring of 2003, the newly formed Kamiak Uber Kammerstreich won third place for the State String Ensemble Division and in 2004 and 2006 was awarded Best Chamber Orchestra at the Northwest Orchestra Contest. The Symphony Orchestra traveled again in 2005, this time to beautiful Hawaii for competition and community performances – earning Sweepstakes Awards for Best Orchestra Overall and Best Chamber Orchestra. In 2007 our Symphony I won third place at the Northwest Orchestra Contest, and we brought not one but two symphony orchestras to the event, 160 students’ total. 109 strings, winds and percussion traveled to Rome and Tuscany in the spring of 2008 for our major performance tour, with outstanding performances, sight-seeing, wonderful food and dangerous bus rides in the streets of Rome (!!!) Kammerstreich earned Second Place at the Northwest Festival in 2008 and 2009 and Symphony Orchestra I again earned third place. 2010 was also a year of awards, with regional solo awards for violin, cello, bass, harp and piano, and the Kammerstreich won 2nd Place for the Large String Division and the Mebbs Quartet won 2nd place in the Small String Division. Years of fundraising also paid off as our Booster Organization was able to purchase a beautiful pedal harp for our school. 2011 brought another great performance tour - -to Spain! Once again our Symphony I took third place at the Gresham Festival, as did the Uber Kammerstreich, and the “Three Little Maids Piano Trio” was named third in State in the Small String Ensemble Division. In 2012, Symphony Orchestra I finally made it to play-offs and earned second place at the Northwest orchestra Festival and the Uber Kammerstreich was named First in State for Large Ensembles! We continue our traditional performance of Handel’s Messiah at our December concerts; send numerous soloists and ensembles to the All-State/All-Northwest Honor Orchestra and to the State Solo & Ensemble Competition. The Kamiak Orchestras are a leading string organization in the Pacific Northwest; you have the responsibility and choice to set high standards for both yourself and the orchestra. Throughout the year, we will develop our artistic abilities, seek deeper and richer meaning in the art of music, and we shall work together as an ensemble so we may achieve as a team. Experts have concluded that the study of music helps with spatial reasoning, test taking, and overall quality of life. Factor in social skills, emotional development, leadership training, group interaction, aesthetic perception, music making and the discipline required to be in a music ensemble – you are taking advantage of a great opportunity that goes even beyond the concert stage. This Handbook is designed to answer any questions you might have concerning the program. Please read all the information and sign the form in the “form booklet” students will receive with this handbook. I am honored to be your director and am looking forward to a great year! Mr. Brian Steves, Director of Orchestras Office Hours: 6:45 AM - 7:15 AM, 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM Conference: Period 5 Email: StevesBP@mukilteo.wednet.edu I Kamiak Orchestra!!! 2 THE ORCHESTRA SYLLABUS & CURRICULUM District Curriculum, 9-12 Instrumental Music Goals. Revised 1990 Each goal correlates to the four Washington Essential Academic Learning Requirements in the Arts (EALR). These four requirements are: 1. The student acquires the knowledge and skills necessary to create, to perform and to respond effectively to the arts. 2. The student applies the creative process with arts knowledge/skills to reason and solve problems. 3. The student uses at least one art form to communicate ideas and feelings. 4. The student understands how the arts connect to other subject areas, life and work. The study of music through the performance of string and full orchestra literature seeks to: GOAL EALR A. Develop understanding of the basic elements of music 1.1, 1.2 B. Develop listening skills appropriate to music 1.1, 2.1, and 3.2 C. Develop skills in reading and writing notation 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 D. Differentiate through performance a variety of styles and genres 1.5, 2.3, 3.1 E. Develop performance skills and provide performance opportunities 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 3.1 F. Develop understanding of the relationship of music within societies: historically, culturally, and stylistically 2.3, 3.1, 4.4 G. Develop awareness of the relationships between music and other disciplines 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 H. Encourage creativity and the aesthetic sensitivity 2.2, 2.3, 3.2 I. Develop focus, concentration and self-discipline 4.3, 4.5 MUKILTEO SCHOOL DISTRICT COURSE OFFERINGS PHILHARMONIC STRINGS I (by audition) This advanced orchestra is open to upperclassmen playing violin, viola, violoncello string bass or harp. This audition ensemble will focus on advanced scale and etude techniques, bowing styles, vibrato and shifting, music understanding and performance. This ensemble will also perform full orchestra symphonic literature, which may require outside of school rehearsals. Students are expected to attend evening concerts, competitions, and tours. Members of this ensemble will represent Kamiak at various orchestra festivals, including the Northwest Orchestra Festival in Gresham, Oregon. PHILHARMONIC STRINGS II (successful completion of Int. Orchestra or by audition) This orchestra is open to upperclassmen and auditioned freshmen playing violin, viola, violoncello, string bass or harp. This ensemble will focus on advanced scale and etude techniques, bowing styles, vibrato and shifting, music understanding and performance. This ensemble will also perform full orchestra symphonic literature, which may require outside of school rehearsals. Students are expected to attend evening concerts, competitions, and tours. Members of this ensemble will represent Kamiak at various orchestra festivals, including the Northwest Orchestra Festival in Gresham, Oregon. INTERMEDIATE ORCHESTRA (non-audition) This orchestra is open to any student with middle school experience playing violin, viola, violoncello, string bass or harp. This class will introduce and develop scale and etude technique, bowing styles, vibrato and shifting, music understanding and performance. Like the Philharmonic Strings, this ensemble will perform at our annual Messiah concert; students will work in quartets for solo & ensemble and will be adjudicated at the spring regional contest 3 OTHER PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLES KAMIAK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS Our two Symphony Orchestras perform a number of the major symphonic works throughout the year, focusing on the large romantic works of Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, Sibelius, etc. We are fortunate to have talented wind players who share their skills with our string players; so many Kamiak musicians may have a true symphony experience. Because orchestra ensembles and band ensembles are scheduled during the same period, wind players may join the strings as often as once a week to rehearse our symphonic literature. We are also very fortunate to have a wonderful, flexible band director, Mr. Bathurst, who so kindly shares his bandlings with us! Symphony is comprised of students in PS I and Chamber Winds, Symphony II has members from PS II and Wind Ensemble. KAMIAK UBER KAMMERSTREICH (Translation: The Kamiak Super Chamber Strings) This is a true chamber orchestra, an audition ensemble for sixteen string players. The ensemble rehearses once a week during “0” period and students take ownership by managing and running their own rehearsals. The ensemble also performs without a conductor. Students will have professional coaching once a month for a twohour rehearsal. This ensemble will perform at concerts and compete at regional contests. CHAMBER ENSEMBLES Chamber ensembles can be the most rewarding experience for a musician - one to a part assignments and preparing the authentic works of great Western composers prepare students for the Solo/Ensemble Festival and other opportunities in the community. Students are encouraged to form “standing quartets” and other ensembles, and may hold weekly rehearsals. MUSICAL PIT ORCHESTRA Working in conjunction with the Drama and Choral Departments, members of the Kamiak Orchestras may audition for a part in the pit orchestra for the Spring Musical. Auditions are in January and rehearsals begin early March, and are held after school. Students must attend all performances, held in the first two weeks of May. YOUTH SYMPHONIES Students wishing to perform great symphonic masterworks are encouraged to audition for positions in these community youth orchestras. Rehearsals are held in the evening. The Everett Youth Symphony phone is 425.258.2058 www.eyso.info, and the Cascade Youth Symphony phone is 425.776.4332. Kamiak musicians are also members of the Seattle Youth Symphony as well. Note the Everett Youth Symphony will be rehearsing at Kamiak on Monday evenings again this season, and upcoming auditions are scheduled for September 8, 2012, in the morning. See everettyouthsymphony.org to sign up for an audition and get additional information. ALL STATE/ALL-NORTHWEST Members of the orchestras are eligible to audition for these Honor Ensembles. This year All-State & All-Northwest Audition tapes are due October 4. Materials can be found on the WMEA.ORG web site. STUDENT LEADERSHIP ORCHESTRA COUNCIL The Student Orchestra Council will meet on a periodic basis, to discuss issues including: Fund-Raising Opportunities, Performance Obligations and Responsibilities, Rehearsal Atmosphere, Ensemble Goals. Each Orchestra Council Member is responsible for the following duties. He or she may appoint a committee to assist with these responsibilities. The heads of the orchestra the council are the PS I President and Vice President, who will be voted upon by all returning orchestra members in the spring. The remaining officers are voted on by their respective orchestras (PS I and PS II) in the fall. President Student Representative at Orchestra Booster Meetings & KHS ASB Calling Orchestra Council Meetings Assisting Substitute Teachers Vice-President Concert Set-Up Librarian Music Library maintenance Historian Orchestra Scrap-Book & Concert PR. Facebook Manager Keeping our Orchestra Web up to date and relevant 4 Principal Players Principal players for each section are responsible for: • Bowing Markings • Sectional rehearsals • Section behavior • Section attendance Principal and Assistant Principals are selected the previous spring, based upon a performance audition and application. They are selected because of their commitment to the orchestra, their playing ability, and their leadership ability. They expected to lead sectionals, mentor their section players and demonstrate proper orchestra rehearsal and performance etiquette. CHAIR PLACEMENTS For Philharmonic Strings I & II, there will be at least three major chair exams held throughout the year, before each concert. Based upon instrument performance skill (intonation, bowing style, musical style, speed, posture), students will be placed in chair order. Principal and assistant principal players are selected by a combination of playing ability and leadership ability, and while not rotating chairs, are held to a higher standard for music learning and meeting rehearsal expectations. These players may join the rotating section if they fail to maintain the standard. In order to place students in accurate chairs, it is imperative that they all test on the same day, in succession of each other. Therefore, while a student may certainly make-up a playing test for full credit, he or she may have to accept a lower chair if they were heard on a day separate from the rest of the section. GRADING POLICIES 35% PERFORMANCE, THEORY, AND MUSIC HISTORY TESTS Student mastery of various music topics, including instrumental technique, articulation, tone, phrasing, literature excerpts, memorization, and music theory and music history will be evaluated throughout each quarter. Instrumental skills will be assessed in either a live or taped format. All students must have access to recording devices, or must be prepared to tape tests after school or during lunch periods. 10% LISTENING ENTRIES AND REFLECTION JOURNALS Guided listening and journal assignments will be held during class time. Students are expected to make-up journals and listening assignments for excused absences. Journals and Listening assignments are evaluated at the end of each quarter. 20% REHEARSAL PARTICIPATION Important outcomes for orchestra include attitude, cooperation, and leadership and rehearsal attentiveness. This measure will be evaluated by the orchestra director, and will include observations of equipment care, punctuality to rehearsals, including those scheduled after school, and effort made during rehearsals. 35% PERFORMANCES AND OUTSIDE REHEARSALS Students must attend all scheduled orchestra performances and scheduled rehearsals. Evaluations will include attendance, proper uniform, audience behavior, and participation in set-up/tear-down. Students must complete the “Excused Absence” form two weeks prior to a performance and twenty-four hours before a rehearsal to receive a make-up assignment – generally a written assignment for missed performances and practice tapes for missed rehearsals. Unexcused absences cannot be made up, and will lower a student’s grade. REHEARSAL EXPECTATIONS During rehearsals and performances, students are expected to be on time, not to talk or distract, and use good judgment when working with other people, equipment, and our rehearsal room. Participating in a music ensemble requires the same behaviors required of individuals in the workforce – striving for a common goal, sacrificing for the team, and acknowledging that achievement through the group effort is a rewarding a characterbuilding activity. In our music ensembles our success results in meeting personal and ensemble artistic expression through the art of music making – and this happens not only on the stage but also in the rehearsal room. Rehearsals that are disciplined, focused, rigorous and controlled will be productive and positive 5 and will thus allow for the unified expression for the ensemble and personal expression for the musician. We will then want to do more, get better, achieve higher heights: “The Road to Musical Excellence is never accepting today what was acceptable yesterday” Frank Battisti Timeliness By starting rehearsals on time with the proper equipment and music, we: • Improve ensemble and individual performance as we maximize our actual playing time and avoid unnecessary delays; • Set a standard for the entire ensemble, as this behavior indicates the ensemble is important to us as individuals, and we are willing to sacrifice social and non-musical behaviors for the performance of the ensemble Rehearsal Focus By restricting conversation to musical and rehearsal matters, we: • Improve ensemble and individual performance as we allow sections to rehearse, and optimize communication between sections and the conductor; • Set a standard for the entire ensemble, as this behavior indicates the ensemble is important to us as individuals, and we are willing to sacrifice social and non-musical behavior for the performance of the ensemble. Respect for Each Other By refraining from personal put-downs, offensive language, and unnecessary/disrespectful comments, we: • Improve ensemble and individual performance as we can approach the music with a positive attitude, thus optimizing time on playing and minimizing conflict mediation; • Set a standard for the entire ensemble, as this behavior indicates the ensemble is important to us as individuals, and we are willing to resolve problems outside rehearsal time, using proper communication channels and methods. Respect for Property, Rehearsal Room, and Instruments By taking the time to put equipment in its proper storage place, taking care with instruments even when hurried, and keeping the room picked-up from unnecessary debris, we: • Improve ensemble and individual performance as we reduce delays in rehearsal that are unnecessary; • Set a standard for the entire ensemble, as this behavior indicates the ensemble is important to us as individuals, and we are willing to take the time to be organized for the performance of the ensemble. Please note - -20% of each quarter grade is based upon daily rehearsal behavior SPECIAL NOTE: INSTRUMENTS ARE KEPT IN INSTRUMENT LOCKER ROOM UNDER STUDENT RISK! ORCHESTRA DEPARTMENT AND SCHOOL ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEFT OR DAMAGE TO PRIVATE INSTRUMENTS. OUR LOCKER ROOM IS EQUIPED WITH SURVELLIENCE CAMERAS FOR THE PROTECTION OF SCHOOL AND PRIVATE PROPERTY. A Special Note on Cell Phones and Texting Why is texting/game playing a problem during rehearsals? • There is no such thing as “resting” in rehearsal - -even when the conductor is working with other sections, you have responsibilities – mentally preparing an excerpt, listening to the conductor’s directions and applying it to your own technique and musical excerpts, or seeing how the work done in another section could relate to your section’s performance. • It shows a disengagement from the rehearsal and “takes you away” from the important task of music making with a team. • Having an electronic conversation is just as rude as having a “live” conversation – it is disrespectful to the conductor, your team mates and the organization. 6 FIELD TRIP EXPECTATIONS • • • • • Report to the Orchestra Room at least fifteen minutes prior to trip departure time Take the time to make a mental checklist of all necessary equipment: instrument, music, rosin, uniform (including black shoes and socks!) When a chaperone, student, bus driver, or the Orchestra Director stands in the front of the bus asking for your attention, you are to sit down, face the front, be quiet, and listen immediately! Treat the bus driver & bus with respect, using good manners and being responsible for trash STUDENTS ARE NOT TO BE DRIVING OTHER STUDENTS TO KAMIAK-RELATED EVENTS ATTENDANCE POLICY: Rehearsals, Concerts, Festivals, Competitions Excused absences are either pre-arranged or are caused by illness or family emergency. Students must complete make-up assignments to receive grade credit. Unexcused absences cannot be made up, and will result in a grade drop. The number of performances determines the amount of grade loss for that quarter. Repeated unexcused absences may result in loss of travel privileges, or even ensemble membership. MUKILTEO SCHOOL DISTRICT CO-CURRICULAR DRUG, ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO ELIGIBILITY POLICY The District expects students will abide by all laws relating to drugs and alcohol and will remain drug and alcohol free 365 days of the year. The District will impose disciplinary consequences if a co-curricular participant violates the drug and alcohol policy. This policy is in effect from the first practice/rehearsal until the last day of the school year. Mukilteo School District holds the following as grounds for denial of participation and/or dismissal from cocurricular activities: 1. Illegal consumption, possession, or sale of alcoholic beverages. 2. Illegal use, possession, or sale of drugs or narcotics. 3. Illegal use of tobacco products. The effects for confirmed violation of the above are detailed in the Secondary School Athletic Policy Handbook. Because orchestra ensembles are curricular courses, violation of above grounds will not result in dismissal from courses or curricular concerts and performances, but could result in loss of traveling and field trip privileges. Students will not be eligible to represent their school at All-State events, State Solo Contest or other optional activities. ASB CARD REQUIREMENT The Kamiak High School Orchestra receives a generous grant from the Kamiak Associated Student Body. This grant pays for transportation to our SKMEA Festival, entry fees for SKMEA events, our tuxedo inventory, Kammerstreich coaching clinics and half the fee for each All-State/All-Northwest participant. As a group associated with the ASB, all orchestra members are required to purchase an ASB Activity Card. TRI-M In 2011-12, Kamiak High Music Program chartered our International Tri-M Chapter. Tri-M Music Honor Society, formerly known as Modern Music Masters, is a high school music honor society, designed to recognize students for their academic and musical achievements, reward them for their accomplishments and service activities and to inspire other students to excel at music and leadership. There are approximately 4,500 participating chapters in several countries. Any Kamiak musician, grades 9-12, may apply for membership to the Kamiak Tri-M chapter. Prerequisites for applying, in accordance to the organization standards, must have a GPA of 2.5, is currently enrolled in a Kamiak music ensemble, and is approved by their director for character and leadership. Our chapter holds monthly meetings, and our service projects include performing at community senior centers, hospitals and hospices, providing “instrument petting zoos” for the YMCA and Nastri Music Center, tutoring elementary and middle school band, orchestra and choir students, and forming special ensembles for community service. Tri-M seeks to enrich the lives and provide additional growth to talented music students in our world’s secondary schools. Consider joining this exciting organization! A membership application is in the back of this handbook. 7 EARNING A KAMIAK ACTIVITY LETTER IN ORCHESTRA A Kamiak High School Orchestra Letter is a symbol that represents: • • • Dedication to the Kamiak High School Orchestra Program; Involvement in activities that support the Associated Student Body of Kamiak High School; Excellence in musical performance. To earn an Orchestra Letter, an orchestra student must: A. Attend all performances or arrange an excused absence B. Successfully complete two years of Philharmonic Strings I or II C. Complete at least four of the following options: 1. Earn average of 90% or higher on all playing tests (18/20 points) 2. Complete an audition tape for All-State Ensembles 3. Perform in a solo or ensemble at Sno-King Festival 4. Take at least four months of private lessons on orchestra instrument during the academic year you are seeking a letter 5. Member of Youth Symphony (Everett, Cascade, Seattle). 6. Perform in Pit Orchestra for Spring Musical 7. Attend two professional concerts, generally a concert performed by the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Cascade Symphony or the Everett Symphony Orchestra. Opera and Ballet performances may also count, but musicals, pops and Holiday concerts (except Messiah!) do not. 8. Performing with the Uber Kammerstreich 9. Active member of Tri-M. Please secure a Tri-M Officer signature on your spring letter application. 10. Leadership position – ACTIVE Orchestra Officer and/or Inner Circle 11. Donating four hours of service to orchestra -- ushering, general fundraising, etc. (may count as fulfilling two requirements for every four hours of service) You may propose how you showed service to the orchestra, such as submitting a logo design for T shirt or program. UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS Philharmonic Strings I & II Men: Tuxedo Jacket and Pants (provided by school, $15 Cleaning Fee payable to ASB), black bow tie and tux shirt, black shoes and black socks. Cost for tux shirt and tie is approximately $28. Men will also be issued a garment bag for traveling with their tuxedos - - replacement fee is $16 if not turned in with tux at the end of the year. Women: All black, full-length dress/skirt, short or long sleeve top, conservative cut (No low cut! No backless! No midriff cutouts! No tank tops or spaghetti straps!) Black hose and black dress shoes. Intermediate Orchestra Men: Black slacks, socks, shoes, tuxedo shirt (or nice collared white shirt) and bow tie (usable for Philharmonic Strings as well) Women: Black blouse with black skirt or black pants, black hose and shoes. Orchestra T Shirts and Program Design All Orchestra students will receive an Orchestra T Shirt – we will be wearing them to school on performance days and often when we travel to show our orchestra unity and pride! The cost is included in your Program Fee. (Financial aid is available for those in need.) Please indicate your size on the contract form. You can order extras for parents, family members, etc.! The Orchestra Council will be actively seeking student designs/logos for our T Shirts, from either a Kamiak Orchestra OR from any student in the Kamiak community (i.e. advanced art student.) We would also like to have a student design featured for our school concert programs. While preference will be given for members of the 8 orchestra, art designs for our program cover from non-orchestra students will also be considered. PROGRAM AND T SHIRT LOGOS AND DESGIGNS ARE DUE THE FIRST WEEK OF OCTOBER FINANCIAL PROGRAM FEES Parents and families have expressed interest in “combining” the various fees for participating in the orchestra program, including uniform costs (T-shirts) Travel (Trip to Gresham, OR for the NW Orchestra Festival) and Basic Program Expenses (Clinicians, Music Rental, and Orchestra Camp for PSI & II). The Program Fee for members of PS I & II is $125 and the Program Fee for members of the Intermediate Orchestra is $15. Optional Booster fees may include tickets to the Seattle Symphony (approx. $18) Solo & Ens. Solo & Duet Fees ($10-$20) All-State/Northwest Recording Fee (approx. $25). Please note that students and families are now allowed to fundraise to offset any or all of these charges (see Fund raising below). Checks for these must be remitted to Kamiak Performing Arts Boosters – KPAB – deposited in the locked payment box in the band room or our KPAB Post Office Box or the KPAB Mail Box found in the main office. These Checks are payable to KPAB. Other fees will be charged via the Kamiak Orchestra ASB: All-State/All Northwest Expenses, $150, Kammerstreich Clinician Fee, $75, Instrumental Usage Fee ($35 to $75) and Tuxedo Cleaning for men in PS I & II: $15, lost or damaged tuxedo garment bag: $16. Checks for these must be remitted to the KHS Bookkeepers (Kamiak Main Office, second floor) checks payable to Kamiak High School. At the end of every year, some orchestra students are faced with school fines due to lost equipment and materials. Be aware of these most common fines: Locks ($5), orchestra text books ($7), sheet music ($2 per page), and all checked out uniform parts. These fees are also paid to the KHS Bookkeeper. ORCHESTRA PROGRAM LATE FEE: After a thirty-day grace period, a $10 late fee will be billed to the students’ KPAB account in the event that the payment is not made in a timely manner. This late fee may be waived if a modified payment schedule is required due to either pending fundraising revenue or extenuating circumstances. Communication is required in advance with the student account volunteer (studentaccount@kamiakarts.org) or the liaison (orchestraliaison@kamiakarts.org). FUNDRAISING Several KPAB fundraisers this year are designated for students to earn money for their own program fees and expenses. 80% of profits will go directly to student accounts including sales of scrip, fall entertainment books, holiday candle sale and spring bulb bowls. This fundraising money can be used by students for program expenses such as their program fees (see above), trips, ASB fees (again see above) Money raised for student accounts can only be used for program expenses. Personal instrument repair and personal music lessons do not count as program expenses. Per IRS rules money raised through KPAB fundraisers cannot be refunded to families. “Surplus” fundraising money may be transferred to any student or to the orchestra program within KPAB upon leaving the program. Non-designated funds will be donated to KPAB general fund. SCHOOL INSTRUMENT RENTAL FEES Kamiak is adopting usage fees for students who use school instruments – including ‘cellos, basses and the school harp. This is designed to offset the yearly costs for instrument maintenance and strings/equipment. The rental fee is $35 per year for “shared instruments” (Cellos, Basses and Harps) and $70 for single use instruments (schoolowned violins and violas). EQUIPMENT SELECTION AND CARE Top Ten reasons to upgrade your Instrument: 10. To own and play a quality instrument is one of life’s great pleasures 9 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. An “inadequate instrument” impedes technical progress and musical growth Selecting a quality instrument is easy – there are many fine dealers in the area Playing the right size instrument is the right thing to do Playing a quality instrument inspires you to practice Owning a quality instrument makes you sound better A quality instrument connects you to the great orchestra literature you play Owning a quality instrument is a sound financial investment Anything worth doing is worth doing well YOU WILL LOVE IT! Selecting a Quality Bow • • • • • • • Cleaning Bow Hair: Rag and denatured alcohol. Dampen and clean – but this is for emergency only Bow Maker: F.G. Holt: quality fiberglass bows from China; ebony frog – superior to Glaser bows Carbon Fiber Bows are close to wood but not the same – response is especially superior with wood. Popular wood is Permabuoco from Brazil. Avoid synthetic hair How to Test a Bow o Check for proper hair length – 4 – 6 turns, just enough room at frog for thumb o Too long if bow is totally loose (frog all the way to wrap) This will create problems for eyelet/screws Check Quality of hair: rub thumbnail against the hair - -too slick? Straightness of Bow: hair should be straight at the ferling. Does the hair loosen in a uniform manner or did only one side become loose? Weight and Balance between head and frog – balance point should be 8 ¾” – 10” from the tip of the frog (not the screw) Quick Instrument and Bow Fixes • • • • • • • • • • Eyelet won’t turn? Clean, and then lubricate the screw and all parts. “Fells Naphtha” soap will lubricate and not attract dirt Well-Fitting Pegs: peg should be flush with the wood, no extra. Use peg dope sparingly and avoid peg drops Nut: check for clearance, a nut that is too high or too low. A business card (two for cello, credit card for bass) should cleanly fit between the nut and the string Fingerboard: Sight in and check for anything not in line, signs of warping Bridge: Watch for movement. The feet should line up with the inside of the f whole notches. The tail side should be 90-degree angle. Cheap varnish can cause slippage Tailpiece: watch for fine tuner gauging. Make sure the saddle is glued correctly Chin Rest: have a chin rest key Sound Post: always on the treble side and should be under the treble foot of the bridge. Cellos can easily become misaligned and can create wolf tones, etc. End Pin: Make sure it moves, check to see if bent and stripped screws Bow: eyelet stripped or too loose. Undo the eyelet and create a bind form the inside (?) Make sure if holds the hair firm. Strings Common and perhaps most grave pitfall: instrument strung with an inappropriate mix of strings Three main types: o Metal: wound and core steel o Synthetic: wound with metal core, or perlon (i.e. nylon) core synthetic, or stabelon zyax o Gut: obsolete, generally for authentic Baroque performance For student instruments, best sound is with all steel strings. More stable and last longer For intermediate instruments, synthetic strings (e.g. Dominant) Two kinds of steel strings: solid steel core (i.e. wire), usually wrapped with a flat wire and polished; Cable core, little strands of wire cabled together and wrapped with a flat wire Violin/Viola: Perlon strings will suddenly sound “creamy” after approximately nine months and entire set should be changed. Steel strings have a gradual decline while perlon/synthetic strings decline very suddenly 10 “Supersensitive” is the cheapest solid steel strings, but has an awful sound with low durability. Viola: Steel A (Jargar good), often a steel D, perlon for G and especially C – produces a nice gutsy sound Cello: D’Addario Prelude, Helicore, Jarger, Pirrastro chrome. Should be changed at least once a year - even school owned instruments – or at least every two to three years. Most ‘cellists are using all metal strings. Bass: Helicore or D'Addario Prelude, and should be changed every five years Jazz Bass: D’Addario Hybrid Note that higher quality strings don’t last as long Check strings - -especially violin E strings – three weeks before concert. Check for finger marks, blackened strings, and burrs. Avoid changing all strings at once Instrument Care • • • • • • • • • • Bow: Avoid over tightening it – loosen it completely and then bring it back just a single turn after each playing. Bow hair needs to be replaced when it is no longer digging into the string or there are too few hairs present. Avoid too much bow hair on a rehair and do not use too much rosin. Body: The best care is to keep the body and fingerboard clean regularly. Commercial cleaners can harm the varnish, and while alcohol can clean rosin off the fingerboard, it can easily run down to the instrument and melt the varnish. If you must use alcohol on the fingerboard, lay the instrument flat and place cardboard between the fingerboard and body. Pegs: well-fitting and maintained pegs are a joy; those that aren’t are a nightmare. Peg dope (a lubricate) should be used sparingly and peg chalk should not be used – your pegs need to be refitted. Bridge Placement: centered between inside notches of f-holes. String grooves should be evenly divided across the top of the bridge. Tail Gut: adjusted so that the tailpiece is as near the saddle as possible. Nut: if grooves are too deep, strings will rattle against fingerboard. Check for burrs in grooves. Cello String will often have a “growl” This indicates the nut is too low, but it is very difficult to make perfect. Use Bass specific rosin and only in one direction. Check string height with quarters: if a single quarter is slid up a string it should become “caught” about a whole step from the nut – two quarters should be “caught” a fourth or fifth from the nut. If the quarter(s) go higher than prescribed, the strings are too high. Buzzes: Could be caused by a myriad of reasons: a loose E tuner to something major inside that became unglued. Buzzes often only appear under certain conditions, so you should know the circumstances before going to the Luthier. Check strings and windings first. Next check for open bouts or other parts of the set up: tailpiece, chin rest or pegs. Buzzes often are a result of purfling that has become unglued. 11 Kamiak Orchestras enjoy the support of an active parent volunteer group, the Kamiak Performing Arts Boosters. The goals of the organization include: a. b. c. d. e. f. To support the goals and objectives of the performing arts programs – music, dance, drama To assist the directors and students with administrative and logistical support when requested To help promote a positive image of the performing arts programs throughout the community To provide financial support for the performing arts programs To foster communication between the performing arts directors, parents, and students To foster a feeling of parental involvement and support between parents and students The Orchestra Boosters operate within the Kamiak Performing Arts Boosters. We are seeking volunteers for the following orchestra committees: Public Relations, Travel and Chaperones, Finance Support, Hospitality, Messiah Community Performance, Night in Vienna Ball, and the Kamiak Fine Arts Show Case. On the back of the student/parent commitment form is a volunteer sign-up form. KPAB uses email to communicate timely program activity and student account information. Using email saves hundreds of dollars in postage and printing costs and hours of volunteer time. Please provide your up to date, frequently checked email address (es). Contact your program liaison for questions and to update your email. If you do not have email or regular computer access, please provide the orchestra liaison with an alternative mechanism to reach you. Booster meetings are typically held selected Thursdays of each month, 7:00 in the choir room. After a short general meeting, Orchestra Parents will convene and work on projects and events that will support our young and talented musicians in the Kamiak Orchestra! September 20 -October 11 --November 15 -January 10- February 7-March 6 - April 11- May 16 -June 12 (Wed!) 2012-13 Orchestra Liaison: Melanie Field orchestraliaison@kamiakarts.org 425.239.7698 Visit the Performing Arts Boosters and the Orchestra Web Page on line: KAMIAKARTS.ORG MEMBERS OF PS I & PS II: PLEASE DO NOT PLAN ON TAKING THE SAT ON MARCH 9 IF YOU ARE ATTENDING THE NORTWHEST ORCHESTRA FESTIVAL TRIP IN GRESHAM OREGON! Check the KPAB Website for updated information on performances and rehearsals. You can also stay informed by joining the KPAB/Orchestra Listserve, using the upper left button in the Homepage. Parents and students alike may also join our Kamiak Orchestra Facebook page! 12 PRIVATE AREA STUDIO TEACHERS LAST FIRST INSTRUMENT PHONE LOCATION E-MAIL Gowers Todd Bass 206.524.1843 Seattle toddgowers@wwdb.org Hodgson Brian Bass 425.478.2730 Bothell misterhodgson@gmail.com Lieberman Barry Bass 206.523.1223 Seattle dbass@u.washington.edu Maxwell William Bass 206.276.7437 Lynnwood Kennelly Keys Smith Collard Bass 253.543.8986 Mountlake Terrace Tinuviel Kim Bass 360.321.4563 Rose hill Center Smith Alex Bass/Guitar 360.659.8555 Everett Bischell Joe Cello 206.329.2792 Montlake Brennand Meg Cello 206.782.5639 North Seattle Eckert Richard Cello 206.522.6714 Seattle Kovell Todd Cello 425.205.5533 Bothell toddkovell@earthlink.net krentzke@localaccess.com Krentz Kevin Cello 206.517.4164 Northgate Lewis Gwen Cello 425.345.5343 Kuman Center/Muk Lucas Gwen Cello 425.290.9500 Mukilteo Reaver Rachel Cello 425.789.1097 Mukilteo info@genenastrischool.org Russel Angela Cello 425.771.9153 Shoreline sokolruss@gmail.com Shinn Sangwon Cello 425.773.2217 Lynnwood Coleman Chris Cello Haight Brian Cello/Bass 360.653.6240 Mukilteo Lord Mary Classical Guitar 425.789.1097 Mukilteo Bishobergers Bothell/Mill Creek chris@colemancello.com info@genenastrischool.org Luthier Luthi Ernst Luthier 206.868.8729 Redmond Nerad David Luthier 360.734.6362 Bellingham Stone David Luthier 206.526.5542 Seattle repair@davidtstoneviolins.com Hammond Ashley Luthier (Bass) 206.878.3456 Seattle www.hammondashley.com Welle Talmon Piano 206.217.1124 Mukilteo Mills Music talmanmusicman@aol.com 13 Moses Kenneth Piano/Theory (360) 638-1185 Gruber Jonathan Viola 360.550.5575 Mukilteo (Mon) Harris Cheryl Viola 425.338.0572 Everett Leonard Aviva Viola 206.361.0444 Edmonds Baker Judy Violin 206.546.8374 Edmonds Bever Janet Violin 425.778.6372 Edmonds Chandler Beth Violin 206-841-7988 North Seattle bviolin88@aol.com Cho Jenny Violin 206.679.8556 Everett jenny_cho@hotmail.com Cho Kyung Violin 206.854.0752 Edmonds Chu Fred Violin 425.290.9500 Mukilteo Crisafulli Brian Violin 425.789.1097 Mukilteo info@genenastrischool.org Drury Mitch Violin --- Mukilteo mitchell.drury@gmail.com Elwood Margaret Violin 425.774.5729 Edmonds Fisher Larry Violin 425.670.1815 Gudorf Amy Violin 425.377.2111 musictnv@msn.com Park KwanBin Violin 206.390.4921 Edmonds Lake Stevens & Shoreline Mukilteo Roark Sarah Violin 425.898.8068 Lynnwood Dr.Caligari@verizon.net Rohland Marina Violin 425.488.0117 Woodinville Shearer Patrice Violin 425.392.5489 Everett pshearer899@comcast.net Talley Marcus Violin ------ Mukilteo (Monday) Marcus@SahaleStrings.com vanhorne5@comcast.net jonathansgruber@aol.com avivaleonard@gmail.com VanHorne Pam Violin 425.953.0452 Mill Creek Ying Hai Violin 206.367.7167 Shoreline Greenhouse Dianne Violin/Piano 425.353.2785 Mukilteo Bushnell Andrew Violin/Viola 425.789.1097 Mukilteo Coleman Jan Violin/Viola 425.489.0771 Mill Creek Crasswell Steve Violin/Viola 206.999.7963 Everett Johnson Geoff Violin/Viola 425.743.4367 Bothell Kim John Violin/Viola 206.679.8564 Mill Creek Knoll Mary Violin/Viola 425.347.3437 Mukilteo MacFarland Jared Violin/Viola 425.330.6953 Mukilteo jared.macfarlane@gmail.com Petty Loreen Violin/Viola 425.789.1097 Mukilteo info@genenastrischool.org Schillen Jennifer Violin/Viola 425.670.7834 Edmonds schillenj@edmonds.wednet.edu Sterans WeedShearer Yost Chelle Violin/Viola 425.784.8118 Lynnwood Patrice Violin/Viola 425.789.1097 Mukilteo info@genenastrischool.org Francine Violin/Viola 425.820.9372 Mill Creek franyost@hotmail.com info@genenastrischool.org johnkim.violin@gmail.com 14 Kamiak High School Orchestra Payment Coupons Being part of the Kamiak High School Orchestra involves a financial commitment -- in addition to the costs for the instrument, private lessons and black socks! As a convenience to our Orchestra Families, a majority of the year’s costs are detailed here, and this is an opportunity to remit a single payment. Some fees are for charges incurred by Kamiak Performing Arts Boosters, and some by Kamiak High School. For ease of bookkeeping, please attach a separate check for each organization. Please note that individual student account fundraising (ISAF) money through KPAB can be used to offset any of the fees below. If you plan on participating in the Scrip Program (place money onto a payment card and when you use the card at a local vendor, i.e. QFC, Chevron, you receive a percentage, i.e. 6%, of the charge into your account), Fall Entertainment Book (student credited approx. $12 per book sold) Partylite Candle Sale or Spring Bulb Sale (credit approx. $8 for each bulb bowl sold), you may want to decrease the amount remitted now. There is an optional payment coupon located in the back of the Handbook. You may use it when remitting a payment to ensure complete communication to the KPAB treasurer or the Kamiak Bookkeeper. Kamiak Performing Arts Fees (check payable to KPAB) KPAB Orchestra Program Fee o $125 (PS I & PS II) Due October 15 o $90 (Orchestra Winds) Due October 15 o $15 (Intermediate Orchestra) Due October 15 The Orchestra Program fee pays for the annual trip (transportation, snacks, hotel room, and buffet) to the Northwest Orchestra Festival, in Gresham Oregon, the orchestra T Shirt (required), clinicians, and some equipment and music costs. Financial Assistance is available for families in need, please remit Financial Aid form (available from Mr. Steves or the orchestra liaison) by October 1, 2012. Also available on our KPAB website @ kamiakarts.org. LATE FEE: After a twenty-day grace period, a $10 late fee will be billed to the students’ KPAB account in the event that the payment is not made in a timely manner. This late fee may be waived if a modified payment schedule is required due to either pending fundraising revenue or extenuating circumstances. Communication is required in advance with the student account volunteer (studentaccount@kpab.org) or the liaison (orchestraliaison@kpab.org). Kamiak High School Fees (checks payable to Kamiak High School) Kammerstreich Clinician Fees $75 Due by Jan.15, only for members of Kammerstreich Tuxedo Cleaning Fee $15 Due by Nov.15, only for PS I& II men who use KHS Tuxedo SKMEA Solo Fee $15 Due by Feb. 1, an optional SKMEA solo adjudication Instrumental Usage Fee $35/$75 Due by Nov. 15, $35 for orchestra members using school instruments: cellos, basses & harp and $75 for single-usage instruments. Used for instrument upkeep and repair. Other optional fees for the year paid to KPAB include our optional trip to the Seattle Symphony, approximately $18, the All-State Recording Fee $25, and fees to Kamiak HS include All-State Participation Fee, $150 and the SKMEA Solo Fee ($15) and the SKMEA Ensemble Duet Fee ($10 each member). Kamiak ASB will cover fees for trios, quartets and larger ensembles. 15 Did you know most relevant paperwork (Permission Slips, Financial Aid Forms, Fundraising Information, Driver Documents, Performance Schedules, etc.) can be found on the KPAB Website? Check out Kamiakarts.org Kamiak High School Orchestra Payment Coupons KPAB Orchestra Program Fee (checks payable to KPAB) Due October 15th, 2012 [] $125 PS I [] $125 PS II [] $15 (Intermediate Orchestra) [] $90 (Orchestra Winds) Student Name__________________________________________________________ Email Address__________________________________ Check Amount $____________ Parent Name__________________________________ Date______________________ Questions? studentaccounts@kamiakarts.org Mail to PO box 1016, Mukilteo, WA 98275 or place in secure box in band room. Kamiak Performing Arts Boosters emails a monthly financial statement to all students. A current, frequently checked email address is required to receive these statements. Note: Funds raised through individual student account fundraisers (ISAF) are not refundable. Kamiak High School Fees (checks payable to Kamiak High School) Kammerstreich Clinician Fees $75 Due January 15 Tuxedo Cleaning Fee $15 Due November 15 SKMEA Solo Fee $15 Due February 1 Instrumental Usage Fee $35/$70Due November 15 Student Name________________________________ Check Amount $____________ Parent Name__________________________________ Date______________________ Questions? Contact Kamiak Bookkeeping farthingla@mukilteo.wednet.edu 10801 Harbour Pointe Boulevard, Mukilteo, WA 98275 or bring to bookkeeping at Kamiak Office Kamiak High School student fees & payments can be found on Aspen Parent Connect under Accounts These student fees may also be paid by requesting a transfer of funds from students’ KPAB account to the Kamiak Bookkeeper. Contact the KPAB Treasurer to arrange the transfer arrangements. 16 TRI-M MUSIC HONOR SOCIETY Membershi p . Music. Scholarship. Leadership. Service. Character. Name: Instrument/Vocal Range: Street Address: City & Zip Code Home Phone: Cell Phone: Texting? Email: Year of Graduation: Facebook? 2013 2014 Kamiak Music Ensemble: Cumulative GPA: Y 2015 Y N N 2016 Instrument/Voice Part: Music GPA (2011/2012): Area(s) of Interest: ________ Performance (retirement homes, hospitals, etc.) ________ Mentoring young musicians ________ Advocating for Music Education in the Community ________ Ushering at concerts ________ Volunteering for Kamiak Music ________ General Aid Music Teacher Recommendation Signature: _________________________________ I understand that being a member of the Tri-M Honor Society requires: –Involvement in a school music ensemble or class for at least one semester of the 2012-13 school year –Maintaining a B average in music as well as a C average in all other classes –Participation in at least 2 volunteer events per semester –Demonstration of good character in the community (respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship.) Signature ________________________________________________________________ Official Use only Accepted ___________ President Signature ________________________ Advisor Signature__________________________ 17 18 2012-13 Kamiak High School Orchestra Performance Schedule 8/29/2012 Date Day Event Time Place Orchestras August 21, 2012 Tuesday Orchestra Welcome Back BBQ 2:00 - 7:00 PM Kamiak PAC & Commons IO, PS II, PS I September 20, 2012 Thursday KPAB Booster Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 PM Kamiak Choir Room Parents, Officers October 2, 2012 Tuesday All-State Audition Tapes Due 12:00 PM www.wmea.org All Interested October 4, 2012 Thursday Orchestra to the Symphony 7:30 PM Benaroya Hall, Seattle All Interested October 5, 2012 Friday Kammerstreich Seattle Workshop I 9 AM - 4 PM Calvin Presbyterian, Shoreline Kammerstreich October 11, 2012 Thursday KPAB Booster Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 PM Kamiak Choir Room Parents, Officers October 13, 2012 Saturday Kammer PLU Orchestra Festival 1:30 PM - 7:00 PM PLU, Tacoma Kammerstreich November 8, 2012 Thursday Orchestra Concert 7:00 PM Kamiak PAC IO, PS II, PS I, Sym I Winds November 12, 2012 Monday Kammer Foundation Breakfast 7:00 - 8:00 AM Kamiak Commons Kammerstreich November 15, 2012 Thursday KPAB Booster Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 PM Kamiak Choir Room Parents, Officers December 14, 2012 Friday "Messiah" Rehearsal 2:15 - 3:30 PM Kamiak Band Room IO, PS II, PS I December 16, 2012 Sunday Holiday Concert "Messiah" 1:00 & 3:30 PM Kamiak Main Gym IO, PS II, PS I, Sym I Winds January 10, 2013 Thursday KPAB Booster Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 PM Kamiak Choir Room Parents, Officers February 2, 2013 Saturday SKMEA Solo & Ens Festival 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Kamiak HS All Interested February 7, 2013 Thursday KPAB Booster Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 PM Kamiak Choir Room Parents, Officers February 8, 2013 Friday Kammerstreich Seattle Workshop II 9 AM - 4 PM Calvin Presbyterian, Shoreline Kammerstreich February 9, 2013 Saturday "Night in Vienna " Ball 7:00 - 9:00 PM Kamiak Commons PS I & PS II February 15, 2013 Friday - Mon All-NW Ensemble & Conference (Sym I Performance?!) All Weekend Portland Convention Center All Interested March 2, 2013 Saturday Symphony Orchestra Camp 8:00 - 2:00 PM Kamiak PAC PS I & PS II, All Sym Winds March 6, 2013 Wednesday KPAB Booster Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 PM Kamiak Choir Room Parents, Officers March 8, 2013 Fri-Sat Northwest Orchestra Festival* (NO SAT!) 3:00 PM -12:00 AM Mt. Hood CC PS I & PS II, All Sym Winds March 13, 2013 Wednesday District Orchestra Festival 7:00 PM Kamiak Main Gym IO, PS II, PS I, Sym I Winds March 19, 2013 Tuesday SKMEA Orchestra Contest 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Shorecrest HS IO, PS II, PS I, All Sym Winds March 21, 2013 Thursday March Orchestra Concert 7:00 PM Kamiak PAC IO, PS II, PS I, All Sym Winds April 11, 2013 Thursday KPAB Booster Meeting 7:00 - 9:00 PM Kamiak Choir Room Parents, Officers April 19, 2013 Friday KPAB Show Case Benefit Dinner 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Rose Hill Center State Solo/Ens, Kammerstreich April 26, 2013 Friday State Ensemble Contest 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CWU State Ens April 27, 2013 Saturday State Solo Contest 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CWU State Solo May 16, 2013 Thursday KPAB Booster Meeting 7:00 PM- 9:00 PM Kamiak Choir Room Parents, Officers May 28, 2013 Tuesday Kammerstreich Recital Orchestra Concert 7:00 PM TBA Kammerstreich 7:00 PM Kamiak PAC 3:00 - 6:00 PM 7:00 - 9:00 PM TBA! Kamiak Choir Room IO, PS II, PS I, All Sym Winds IO, PS II, PS I, All Sym Winds 2:00 - 7:00 PM Kamiak PAC & Commons June 4, 2013 Tuesday June 10, 2013 Monday June 12, 2013 Wednesday Orchestra End of Year Party KPAB Booster Meeting August 20, 2013 Tuesday Orchestra Welcome Back BBQ Parents, Officers IO, PS II, PS I 19 20 CONTRACT FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE KAMIAK HIGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA Please return this page by Wednesday, September 12 Please also complete the back of this contract with important contact information I, _____________________________________________, affirm that I have read and understand the Kamiak High School Orchestra Handbook. I further affirm that I will abide by the rules, regulations, and intent of this Handbook, and understand the penalties for not doing so. I understand that an unexcused absence from a rehearsal or performance will seriously affect my grade in Orchestra, and those personal belongings, including instruments, are not the responsibility of the Mukilteo School District, especially in the case of theft. I have had all questions concerning the content of this Handbook answered and will do my best to live up to the intent of this contract. Student Signature ______________________________ ORCHESTRA T SHIRT SIZE: S M L Date ________ XL Additional T Shirts wanted? Indicate number and sizes: Ensemble(s) Circle all that apply Intermediate Orchestra Philharmonic Strings II Philharmonic Strings I Kammerstreich I/We have read the Kamiak High School Orchestra Handbook and have discussed it with my/our child. I/We will do our best to encourage him/her to abide by the rules and regulations of the Orchestra. Parent Signature _______________________________ Date ________ BOOSTER MEETING! THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 7:00 PM CHOIR ROOM Please note that the overwhelming majority of concert, field trip and other orchestra information is now conveyed through EMAIL. Please provide a frequently read email address below, to which you would like this communication sent. EMAIL: ___________________________________________ IF NOT ALREADY DONE SO, PLEASE complete the Contact Information on the other side of this contract. 21 KAMIAK HIGH SCHOOL PERFORMING ARTS BOOSTERS Membership and Student Account Information Form Please return this page by Wednesday, September 12 Please print clearly Student __________________ Student ID#__________ Grad Year 20___ Mother’s Name ____________________ e-mail____________________ Father’s Name_____________________ e-mail____________________ Home phone #_________________ Mother’s Cell #_________________ Father’s Cell #_________________ Student Cell #__________________ Mother’s work #________________ Father’s work #_________________ Home Address__________________________ City_________________ Zip Code________ Student e-mail_______________________________ Student lives with: ____ both parents, ____ mother, ____father, or ____ other _____ Check here if you would like Orchestra information in Korean when it is available Parent Volunteer Sign Up Performing Arts Boosters is a volunteer organization-there are many ways you can help in any of the areas below. Please mark below all area(s) you would like to be involved in: ____ Hospitality (planning, procuring & providing refreshments at designated events) ____ Equipment Handling (maintenance, setup & assistance, storage & transporting) ____ Chaperones (working behind the scenes during trips & competitions) ____ Medical Professional, able to advice or assist on trips ____ Fall Partylite Candle Sale ____ Messiah Performance (planning, decorating, publicity for our special holiday performances) ____ Night in Vienna Dance (planning, decorating, publicity for annual Orchestra dance) ____ Performance Showcase Fundraiser (planning, decorating, publicity) ____ Finance Committee (assist treasurer with data entry and collections throughout year) ____ Uniforms (fittings, maintenance, care & upkeep, inspection, assistance, storage) ____ Advisory (legal and/or financial consultation) ____ Communications/Phone Tree/e-mail ____ Librarian/Sheet Music/Paperwork/Mailing (copying, folding, organizing, folders) ____ Public Relations/Publicity (community & school outreach through the media) ____ Website (development, maintenance of Booster website) ____ Videographer/Photographer ____ Drivers (people and/or equipment Special Interest: _____________________________________ 22