Cre Anaerobic Conference Programme
Cre Anaerobic Conference Programme
600,000 Tonnes BRIDGING THE GAP TUESDAY 1ST SEPTEMBER 2015 Killashee House Hotel, Naas, Kildare 135,000 Tonnes ANNUAL CONFERENCE & INDUSTRY AWARDS 2015 The expert panel of speakers at our annual conference 2015 will address the challenge of bridging the gap to collect 600,000 tonnes of brown bin material by looking at new policies, new regulations, pay by weight, new ways to educate householders on using the brown bin and looking to the future at new opportunities in the bioeconomy sector. The event is a must for everyone in the waste, composting, anaerobic digestion and bioeconomy sectors to attend. I can promise that it will create much debate, be thought provoking, informative and inspiring. We hope to see you on the day. Kind Regards Chief Executive, Cré MAIN SPONSORS: PROGRAMME 08.00 Registration/Tea/Coffee SESSION 1 09.00 09.10 09.35 9.55 10.15 10.30 10.40 What Does the Future Hold for the Sector? Martin Eves, Chairman of Cré Implementing Ireland’s Waste Policy Philip will explain the recently published regulations on waste collection, food waste and pay by weight. He will also outline the new regional waste enforcement authorities and provide an overview of the Regional Waste Plans. Philip Nugent, Principal Officer, Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Update on Development of New Supports for Anaerobic Digestion Brian Carroll, Principal Officer, Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Draft National 25 Year Sludge Management Plan Speaker to be confirmed Supports for Biomethane Use in the Transport Sector Denise Keoghan, Sustainable Transport Division, Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport Q&A Coffee Break SESSION 2 11.00 11.30 12.00 Q&A 14.15 14.45 15.15 PANEL DISCUSSION - THE COMMERCIAL FOOD WASTE REGULATIONS Waste Policy – Philip Nugent, Department of Environment, Community and Local Government Local Authority – Pete Murtagh, Waste Enforcement Officer, Sligo County Council Waste Collector – John Dunne, Panda Processor – Sean Campbell, Thorntons Recycling Business – Patricia Callan, Director of the Small Firms Association Lunch SESSION 4 13.45 NEW WAYS TO COLLECT MORE BROWN BIN MATERIAL Results of the National Brown Bin Advisors Pilot in Sligo Siobhan Gillen & Matthew Byrne, Sligo County Council Experiences of Implementing Pay By Weight in County Leitrim Sean Scott, Leitrim County Council SESSION 3 12.45 UPDATES NEW ERA…. NEW OPPORTUNITIES Opportunities in the Circular Economy and BioEconomy David Newman – President of The International Solid Waste Association & Managing Director of BBIA promoting the bioeconomy in the UK. Creating Biomass from Composting Operations- EU Experiences Arjen Brinkmann – Managing Director of BVOR – Dutch Association of Biowaste Processors Foodwise 2025 – Increasing Food Production in a Sustainable Way Padraig Brennan – Sustainability Development Manager, Origin Green, Bord Bia Cré – Institute of Technology Sligo – Certificates in Compost Facility Operation The students who have completed this course will be awarded their certificates by Dr. Billy Fitzgerald of Institute of Technology Sligo. Winners of the Cré Industry Awards will be Announced Ends largest small Pfirm representative Speaker rofiles organisation, with over 8,500 member companies. Patricia is a member of the Consultancy Government’sin 2008. His consultancy focuses on sustainable waste & National Economic Dialogue resource(NED), management, as well as CSR strategies. In 2011, Arjen was Brian Carroll is of Renewable and the Advisory Group on Small appointed managing director of the Dutch Association of Biowaste Sustainable Energy Division in the Business (DJEI), the High Level Philip Nugent is the Principal Officer of Processors (BVOR), which represents the Dutch biowaste recycling Profiles Department of Communications, Energy GroupSpeaker on Business Regulation Speaker P rofiles industry. Between 2000 and 2002, Arjen worked in Ireland on since 2012, and the Waste Policy and Resource Efficiency Speaker Profiles and Natural Resources (DJEI), the Public Procurement Section the Group Department of the permanent secondment to Tobin Consulting Engineers. a Member of the Board of the SME in Working (DPER/OGP), the SME Funding Consultation Environment, Community of and Local Consultancy in 2008. His focuses on sustainable wasteon & sustainable waste & Consultancy in 2008. His consultancy focuses Committee (Department Finance), theConsultancy Prompt Payment of consultancy in 2008.Code His consultancy focuses on sustainable waste & Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Government. Prior to Group this he (DJEI) was the resource management, asaswell as CSR strategies. 2011,was Arjensince was 2010. He chairs Conduct Working andresource the Business Europe resource as Inwell asInArjen CSR strategies. In 2011, Arjen the wasSteering management, as wellmanagement, CSR strategies. 2011, Group thatholds oversees the implementation appointed managing director of the Dutch Association of Biowaste Entrepreneurship & SME Committee, others.managing Patricia holds a Padraig Brennan Principal Officer in Planning and prioramongst to appointed director ofmanaging the Dutch Association Biowaste appointed director ofof the Dutch Association oftheBiowaste of Ireland’s Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan which was Philip Nugent Principal Officer Processors (BVOR), which represents the biowaste Dutch biowaste recycling Masters inthe International Studies from the Processors University of(BVOR), Limerick, a BA that was Officer in position Sustainability Philip Nugent isisPrincipal the Principal Officer of ofHousing which represents the Dutch recycling Philip Nugent is the Principal Officer of industry. Processors (BVOR), which represents the ofDutch biowaste recycling published He in the Central (mod.) inandResource Economics from Trinity College Dublin, aBetween Diploma in 2002, and 2002, Arjen in 2014. Ireland onhas also theWaste Waste Policy Resource Efficiency Between 2000 2000 and Arjen workedinworked inFebruary Ireland on the Policy and Policy & Finance. He Efficiency has from UCD a industry. Development Manager inin worked Bord industry. Between 2000 and 2002, Arjen worked Ireland the Waste Policy and Resource Efficiency Philip Nugent is the Principal Offi cer of the Evaluation Unit of the Ireland’s Department of Finance. In total he Expenditure Evaluation Unit of the Ireland’s Department of on Finance. In Management from DIT, and athe Diploma inpermanent Employment Law from the Section in the Department of permanent secondment to Tobin Consulting Engineers. Section in the Department of the secondment to Tobin Consulting Engineers. Batchelor’s of Arts and Master of Arts. He Bia23(Irish Food Board). He has total he has spent years in the Civil Service, having also worked having in Section in the Department of the permanent secondment to Tobin Consulting Engineers. National College of Ireland. Environment, Community Local Environment, Community andandResource Local Waste Policy and has spent 23 years in the Civil Service, also worked in the been part of the team involved in has an MScEcon, Policy Analysis fromEfficiency Section in the Departments of Justice and Foreign Affairs. He holds a first class Government. Priortotothis thishehewaswas Government. Prior thethe Environment, Community and Local the Institute of Public Administration. the development and the Department ofprior the Environment, Community Padraig Departments of Justice andUniversity Foreign Affairs. He holds a first class Masters in Economic fromthe the National of Ireland. Padraig Brennan holds Principal OfficerininPlanning Planning prior Brennan holdsScience the Principal Officer toheto was the Government. Prior and toand this implementation ofScience Bord Bia’s that was Officer in inHousing Local Government. of Sustainability thatand was Principal Principal Officer Housing position of Economic Sustainability Masters in Padraig Brennan from holds the the National University of Ireland. Principal Officer in from Planning andPrior prior toto this he was the position Origin Green Policy && Finance. HeHehas UCD a a David Newman is the Managing Development Manager in Bord Policy Finance.Offi has from UCD Development Manager in Bord Sustainability Principal cer in Planning and prior to that was that was Principal Officer in Housing position of Sustainability Director of the newly established Batchelor’s of Arts. He He Bia (Irish He has HeFrom programme. in Batchelor’sofofArts Artsand andMaster Master of Arts. BiaFood (IrishBoard). Food Board). has its launch Offi cer inhas Housing Policy &thethe Finance. Denise isin an Assistant promoting bioeconomy inHeof 2012 Policy & Finance. He from BBIA UCD a beenmore part ofthan the team involved in and Development Manager Bordis Denise Keoghan an Assistant Principal in the has an Policy Analysis from second half 460 Irish food drink companies been part of the team involved in Keoghan hasPrincipal an MScEcon, MScEcon, Policy Analysis from Principal the drink Sustainable the of UK. Since 2012 heMaster holds the oftheirthe theInstitute Instituteofof Public Public Administration. Administration. and Batchelor’s of Arts and Master of Arts. HeArts (Irish Food Board). He hasTransport the thedevelopment development and has from UCD a Batchelor’s and have registered participant with 80% ofBia Ireland’s foodinand Sustainable Transport Division of the Department Patricia Callan is the Director of Division of the Department of Transport, implementation of Bord Bia’s position of President of the implementation Bord been part of the team involved in has anHe MScEcon, Policy Analysis from Analysis exports covered verified members of ofthe programme while more Arts. has Firms an MScEcon, Policy the by Origin ofBia’sTransport, Sport. She is involved Tourism and Sport. SheTourism is involved in and the Green Green Sustainability Solid from Waste the Small Association, International “The Origin Sustainability almost are undertaking sustainability assessments the Institute Institute of Public Administration. thein development andtransport programme. From its launch of sustainable Association which than operates from40,000 farms Voice of Small Business” in Ireland, of Public Administration. in development the development ofthesustainable transport and From its launch in annually. Padraig is Irish fromprogramme. a and family farming background, holds a Bia’s implementation of Bord the second half of 2012 more than 460 food drink companies and climate change policy, including Vienna. He was recently appointed with responsibility for the overall the second half of 2012 more than 460 Irish food and drink companies climate policy, of Agricultural fromfood University Dublin (UCD) have registered their participant with 80%Science of Ireland’s and Origin drinkCollege delivery of thechange low-carbon roadmap forincluding the delivery of of theBachelor international Green Sustainability Patricia Callan isand the management Director of leadership ofChairman the exports havecovered registered their participant with of Ireland’s food and drink bya Masters verified of the80% programme while more the transport sector. A roadmap graduate of for the transport sector. Patricia Callan is the Director of charity Patricia Callan is“Thethe Director ofcovered the Small and in Business Development fromprogramme. the University of Western organisation WasteAid. Hemembers the low-carbon From its launch in the Small Firms Association, exports by verified members of the programme while more Association. The SFA is Ireland’s than almost 40,000 farms are undertaking sustainability assessments psychology and adult education, Denise the has Small Firms “The worked inAssociation, thein waste industry since 1999 and specifically Australia. Voice of Small Business” Ireland, Firms Association, “The Voice ofthan Small Business” almost 40,000 farms are undertaking sustainability assessments the half offarming 2012 more than 460 Irish and drinkService companies Afoodgraduate of inpsychology and adult education, largest small firm representative annually. Padraig is second from a family background, holds a joined the Civil 2000 where composting and AD, and lately has been involved in developing plastic Voice of Small Business” in Ireland, responsibility for the overall annually. Padraig is fromfrom a University family farming a enjoyed have registered their participant with(UCD) 80%holds of Ireland’s foodvarious and the drinkinCivil Science Collegebackground, Dublin organisation, over 8,500 Bachelor inwith with responsibility forof Agricultural the overall she has roles policy Service in 2000 where Denise joined bag legislation in Italy and withIreland, responsibility forwith the overall leadership and management theEU. Patricia Callan isofthe the Director and of Bachelor of Agricultural Science from University College Dublin (UCD) a Masters in Business Development from the University of Western member Patricia development, exports covered by she verified members of the programme while leadership and management of the is a of the Association. leadership and Association. Thecompanies. SFA ismanagement Ireland’s has enjoyed various roles in more policy development, finance and the Small Firms Association, “The and a Masters in Business Development from University of Western finance andthe legislation. member theis Ireland’s Government’s Australia. Association. The SFA than almost largest small firmofis representative The SFA Ireland’s largest firm 40,000 farms are undertaking sustainability assessments Australia.small Voice ofwith Small Business” Ireland, largest small firm over representative organisation, 8,500 in(NED), National Economic Dialogue annually. Padraig islegislation. from a family farming background, holds a withcompanies. responsibility for the Small overall representative organisation, withManaging over 8,500 Arjen Brinkmann, Director member is 8,500 aon organisation, with Patricia over Brian Carroll is of Renewable and (UCD) the Advisory Group Bachelorof of Agricultural Science College Dublin Siobhán Gillen from holds University a BA in Business Management and a BSc in BVOR Association member of the(DJEI), Government’s leadership and management of the(Dutch member companies. Patricia is of a Level Sustainable Energy Division in the member companies. Patricia is a member of in Business Business the High a native of Galway and has over and a Development fromSean the University of Western Environmental Management, both of Campbell which are from isInstitute of Biowaste Processors). Arjen has Masters 20 National Economic Dialogue (NED), member of the Government’s Association. The SFA is Ireland’s Department of Communications, Energy Group on BusinessNational Regulation the Government’s Economic Dialogue Technology, Sligo. Siobhán worked primarily in administration up until years of international experience in the Brian Carroll is of Renewable and Australia. the Advisory Group on Small 20 years experience working in the environmental National Economic Dialogue (NED), largest small firm representative and Natural Resources since 2012, and (DJEI), the Public Procurement 2011 she then Environmental Services Energy in the waste industry. (DJEI), He has worked two Sustainable Business (DJEI), on the High (NED), the Advisory Small Business thefor High BrianSeptember Carroll Division is of when Renewable andjoined the the Group Advisory Group onLevel Small sector. with a degree in Agricultural a Member of the Board asGraduating of a the SME Working Group (DPER/OGP), the Business SME Funding Consultation organisation, with over 8,500 Department of Sligo County Council, Waste Management Department of Communications, Energy Group on Regulation major Dutch consulting engineering BusinessRegulation (DJEI), the High Level the Public Procurement Sustainable Energy Division in the Level Group on Business (DJEI), Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Committee (Department of Finance), the Public Prompt Payment Code of Resources since 2012, and Energy Enforcement Officer. Science, he also has a diploma in Environmental (DJEI), the Procurement companies companies. Patricia is and a a bio-energy project and Natural Department of Communications, Groupmember on Business Regulation of the Board of He the chairs the Steering SME Working Group (DPER/OGP), the SME Funding developer before starting his own a Member since 2010. SME Working Group(DJEI) (DPER/OGP), SME Funding Consultation Conduct Working Group and the Business Europe member of Consultation thetheGovernment’s and Natural Resources since 2012, and Impact management (UCD) and Environmental (DJEI), the Public Procurement Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Committee (Department of Finance), the Prompt Payment Code of consultancy firm Brinkmann Group that oversees the implementation Entrepreneurship Committee, amongst others. Patricia holds a Prompt Payment a Member of the Board of the SME Working Group& SME (DPER/OGP), the SME of Funding Consultation Committee (Department Finance), the National Economic Dialogue (NED), (Trinity College). Sean has held various since 2010. He chairs the Development Steering Engineering Conduct Working Group (DJEI) and the Business Europe of Ireland’s Offshore Renewable Energy was Masters International from University of Limerick, a Small BA Authority of Ireland Committee (Department of Studies Finance), the Prompt Payment Code ofand Brian Carroll isPlan of which Renewable and thethe Advisory Group GroupSustainable that overseesEnergy the implementation CodeininWorking of Conduct Working Group the Business Europe Entrepreneurship & SME Committee, amongst others. Patricia(DJEI) holds a on management over the years with REPAK, published in February 2014. has alsothe worked in theDivision Central positions (mod.) Economics from Trinity College Dublin, a Diploma in sinceDevelopment 2010. He HePlan chairs Steering Conduct Group (DJEI) and the Business Europe of Ireland’s Offshore Renewable Energy which was Sustainable Energy in the Masters in International Studies& from theBusiness University of(DJEI), Limerick, amongst a BA High Level the Entrepreneurship SME Committee, others. Patricia holds Group thatworked the implementation Evaluation Unit ofoversees the Ireland’s Department of Finance. InOCAE consultants. Sean has also Entrepreneurship & SME Committee, amongstDublin, Patricia holds a Management from DIT, and a Diploma inothers. Employment Law from the published in Expenditure IFFPG and February 2014. He has also in the Central (mod.) in Economics from Trinity College a Diploma in Department of Communications, Energy Group on Business Regulation Siobhan G illen of Ireland’s Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan which was Masters in College International Studies from the University ofLaw Limerick, a BA total he has 23 years in the Civil Service, in EPA providing technical assistance a Masters inIreland. International Studies from the University of Limerick, National of Expenditure Evaluation Unit spent of the Ireland’s Department ofas Finance. Inhaving also worked Management from DIT, and a Diploma in Employment from the worked ain consultant to the and Natural Resources since 2012, and (DJEI),Dublin, the aPublic Sean Cyears ampbell Justice He Service, holds a first in Departments February hasand also worked thein He Central (mod.) inCollege Economics Trinity College DiplomaProcurement in totalpublished he hasaspent 23 in 2014. the of Civil having also worked the Foreign Affairs. class National of Ireland. a BA (mod.) infrom Economics from College Dublin, Diploma in a National of In the Board of and the with SGS Ireland as a Green on from the Emission Trading schemes SME Working (DPER/OGP), the SMETrinity Funding Expenditure Evaluation UnitForeign of the Ireland’s Department Finance. Management fromGroup DIT, and a Diploma in Employment Law from Consultation the the Departments of Justice and Affairs. He holds a Member firstofclass Masters in Economic Science the University of Ireland. Management from DIT, and a Diploma in Employment Law from the total he has spent 23 years in the Civil Service, having also worked in National College of Ireland. in Economic from the University of Ireland. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Committee (Department of Finance), the Prompt Payment Code Masters of verifi er.and Sean worked as manager of in the trials Sean Science Campbell is National a nHouse ative of G alway has oalso ver 20 year’s experience working the fieeld nvironmental the Departments of Justice and Foreign Affairs. He holds a first class National College of Ireland. since 2010. He chairs the Steering Conduct Working Group (DJEI) andNewman the Business Europe David is the Managing division of SGS. Sean has Sworked with Thorntons raduating w ith a dUniversity egree ithat n gricultural cience, hon e avarious lso has a projects diploma in Environmental David Newman is the Managing Masters insector. Economic GScience from the National ofAIreland. Group oversees the implementation Entrepreneurship & SME Committee, amongst others. holds a Director the newlyPatricia established Director of the of newly established Recycling since 2008 andngineering has recently taken over as facility Impact management (UCD) nd EAssistant nvironmental (Trinity College). Sean has hmanager eld various ofDirector Ireland’s Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan which was Masters in International Studies from the University ofbioeconomy Limerick, Denise Keoghan is an EAssistant BBIA promoting Denise Keoghan is aan BBIA promoting the isbioeconomy David Newman isin the ainBA Managing David Newman thetheManaging of Kilmainhamwood compost. Sean is a member of Cré and sits on Principal in the Sustainable Transport Principal in the Sustainable Transport published in February 2014. He has also worked in the Central the UK. Since 2012 he holds the the UK. Since 2012 he holds the (mod.) in Economics from Trinity College Dublin, a Diploma in management positions over the years with REPAK, IFFPG and OCEA consultants. Sean has also Director of the newly established ofposition the newly established BBIA promoting the Division of thethe Department ofofisTransport, of inPresident of the Association’s Anaerobic Division the of Transport, position of President thethe Expenditure Evaluation Unit of the Ireland’s Department ofDigestion Finance. In committee. Management from DIT, and a BBIA Diploma Employment Law Denise Keoghan anDepartment Assistant promoting the bioeconomy inoffrom worked as aTourism consultant tShe o the EPA Sport. providing technical assistance on the Emission Trading schemes and Sport. isSustainable involved in the in the UK. International Solid Waste and She is having involved in the Principal inTourism thein Transport International Waste 2012 he holds the UK. Since 2012 heSolid holds the Since total he the has spent 23ofyears the Civil Service, also worked in National College of Ireland. bioeconomy development sustainable transport Association which operates from Division of the Department position of President of the position of President of the Solid development of Transport, sustainable transport and w ith S GS I reland a s a G reen H ouse v erifier. S ean a lso w orked as manager of the trials Association which operates from International the Departments of Justice and Foreign Affairs. He holds a first class and climate change policy, including the Siobhán Gillen holds a BA inField Business Vienna. He was recently appointed Tourism andand Sport. She ischange involvedpolicy, in the including the International Solidrecently Waste climate Vienna. appointed Waste Association which operates from Vienna. theScience roadmap Masters Economic from the University ofwIreland. Chairman of He thewas international division of inSdelivery GS. Sofean hlow-carbon as w orked on National vforarious projects ith and Thornton recycling since 2008 and has Management a BSc in Environmental development of sustainable transport Association whichofoperates from delivery of the low-carbon roadmap for Chairman the international the transport sector. A graduate of organisation WasteAid.appointed He Hecharity was recently Chairman of the and change policy, including Vienna. He1999 was recently appointed recently taken o ver as adult fthe acility m anager oManagement, f Kthe compost. Sean iare s a mfrom ember Institute of CRÉ and transport sector. Ailmainhamwood of which psychology and Denise Matthew Bclimate yrne education, graduate of both charity organisation WasteAid. He has worked in the waste industry since and specifically David Newman is the Managing delivery the low-carbon roadmap for Chairman of the international international charity organisation WasteAid. He joined the CivilofService in 2000and where composting and AD, has been involved in developing plastic psychology adultofeducation, Denise Sligo. Siobhán worked primarily has worked in and the lately waste industry since 1999 and specifically Technology, sits o n t he associations Anaerobic igestion committee. theenjoyed transport sector. AD graduate of charityDirector organisation WasteAid. He of the newly established she has various roles in policy bag legislation in Italy and the EU. has inand the waste plastic industry since 1999 and psychology joined theeducation, Civil Service in 2000 where composting and AD, and lately hasworked been involved in developing and adult Denise has worked in the waste industry since specifically in administration up until September 2011 when Denise Keoghan development, BBIA 1999 promoting the bioeconomy in Matthew Byrne she holds a Masters in Eisnvironmental, has enjoyed various roles in an policyAssistant Health and Safety Management, an Honours bag legislation in Italy and specifi cally composting and AD, and lately has been Service in 2000 where composting and AD, and latelythe hasEU. been the involved developing finance and legislation. involved in joined the Civil Principal in the Sustainable Transport the Environmental Services UK.inSince 2012plastic he holds the she then joined development, she has enjoyed various roles in policyand a Higher Diploma in Environmental Science. Matthew has bagdeveloping legislation in Italy plastic and the EU.bag legislation in Italy and the EU. Degree i n E nvironmental S tudies Division of theDepartment Department of Transport, position of President of the finance and legislation. of Sligo County Council, as a Waste development, Arjen Brinkmann, Managing Director Tourism and Sport. is involved in the Waste in the Public Sector aste She management arena for almost finance and legislation. Siobhán Gillen holds worked a BA in Business Management and a BSc inw of BVOR International (Dutch AssociationSolid of Management Enforcement Offi cer. 15 years. He is a member of man development Environmental both of which are from Institute of of sustainable transport Association which from Biowaste Arjen has operates 20 Director Arjen Brinkmann, Managing DirectorManagement, of national BVOR ArjenProcessors). Brinkmann, Managing w orking g roups a nd a s ecretary t o t he C onnacht U lster Regional Waste Management Technology, Sligo. Siobhán worked primarily in administration up until years of international experience in the Arjen Managing Director Siobhán Arjen Gillen holds a BA in Business Management a BSc in and climate changeand policy, including the Vienna. He was recently appointed of Brinkmann, BVOR (Dutch Association of Processors). (Dutch Association of Biowaste whenholds she athen joined the Environmental Services waste industry. (Dutch He has worked forArjen two ofhas 20 September Siobhán2011 Gillen BA in Business Management BSc in pInstitute Matthew Byrne a Masters in Environmental, of Biowaste BVOR Association Environmental Management, both delivery of which from offor tholds Processors). of aare the low-carbon roadmap for environmental Chairman ofengineering the international Enforcement Na etwork. Mand atthew’s assion he and regulatory field has helped h has 20 years of international experience in the Department of Sligo County Council, as Waste Management major Dutch consulting Environmental Management, both of worked which are from in Institute of Biowaste Processors). Arjen has 20 in the Technology, Sligo. Siobhán primarily administration upgraduate untilSafety yearscharity of international experience Health the transport sector. Aand of Management, an Honours WasteAid. He Enforcement companies and a organisation bio-energy project Sligo.implement Siobhán primarily up until years of international experience inhas the forworked hange tadministration hrough eand ngagement, negotiation and motivation and of stakeholders across a waste industry. He for Officer. two major September 2011 worked when c she theninjoined the Environmental Services waste industry. He has worked two Technology, psychology adult education, Denise has worked in the waste industry since 1999 and specifically developer before starting his own Degree in Environmental Studies and a Higher September 2011 when she then joined the Environmental Services waste industry. He has workedengineering for two Dutch consulting andofCounty aSligo Department County Council, as Waste Management major Dutch engineering consultancy firm consulting Brinkmann the Civil Service inainnd 2000 where composting and AD, and lately been involved inengineering developing plastic companies broad spectrum pWaste ublic, caommercial domestic sectors. Department of Sligo Council, asof a joined Management majorhasDutch consulting Diploma Environmental Science. Matthew has Enforcement Officer. companies andbio-energy a bio-energy project before bio-energy developer starting she has enjoyed various roles in policy Enforcement Officer. his bag legislation in Italy and the EU. companies and a project project worked in the Public Sector waste management developer before starting his own developer before starting his own development, own consultancy fi rm Brinkmann Consultancy in Speaker Profiles Speaker Profiles consultancy firm firm Brinkmann Brinkmann arena for almost 15 years. He is a member of consultancy finance and legislation. al Officer fficer of of e Efficiency ficiency nt of of the the and LocalLocal he was was the the and priorprior to to in Housing Housing om UCD UCD a a r of Arts. Arts. He He nalysis is fromfrom Director ector of of iation, n, “The“The ”Ireland, in Ireland, the overall overall ment of the t of the is Ireland’s reland’s presentative entative ver8,5008,500 atricia ia is ais a overnment’s nment’s ogue (NED), (NED), on SmallSmall High h LevelLevel Regulation gulation Procurement urement Consultation ultation nt Code Code of of ss Europe Europe ricia holds holds a a merick, k, a BAa BA Diploma oma in in aw romfrom the the SPEAKER PROFILES Siobhan Gillen Siobhan Gillen Matthew Byrne Siobhan GBillen in Environmental, Health and Safety Management, an Matthew yrne holds a Masters Degree in Environmental Studies and a Higher Diploma in Environmental Science. Matt worked in the Public Sector waste management arena for almost 15 years. He is a mem national working groups and a secretary to the Connacht Ulster Regional Waste Manag 2008. His consultancy focusesEnforcement on sustainableNetwork. Matthew’s passion for the environmental and regulatory field h many national working groups and a secretary to waste &in 2008. resource management, as well as CSR strategies. In 2011, Consultancy His consultancy focuses on sustainable waste & negotiation and motivation and of stakeholde Consultancy in 2008. His consultancy focuses on sustainable waste &Director implement change through engagement, the Connacht Ulster Regional Waste Management Arjen Brinkmann, Managing Arjen was appointed managing director of the Dutch Association of resource management, as well as CSR strategies. In 2011, Arjen was resource management, as well as CSR In 2011, Arjen was Siobhán Gillen holds a BA in Business Management and a BSc inpassion for the environmental of strategies. BVOR (Dutch Association of Enforcement Network. Matthew’s appointed managing director of the Dutch Association of Biowaste Matthew B yrne Biowaste Processors (BVOR), which represents the Dutch biowaste broad s pectrum o f p ublic, c ommercial a nd d omestic s ectors. appointed managing director of theBiowaste Dutch Association of Biowaste Environmental Management, both of which Institutehim of implement change through Processors). Arjen has 20 and regulatory fieldarehasfromhelped Processors (BVOR), which represents Dutch biowaste recycling Processors (BVOR), which represents theofthe Dutch biowaste recycling recycling industry. Between 2000 and 2002, Arjen Ireland Sligo. Siobhán worked primarily in administration up until Technology, years international experience in the worked in industry. Between and 2002, Arjen worked in Ireland engagement, negotiation and motivation and of stakeholders across industry. 20002000 and 2002, Arjen worked Ireland on forontwo onBetween permanent secondment to Tobin Consulting Engineers. September 2011 when she then joined the Environmental Services waste industry. Heinhas worked permanent secondment to Tobin Consulting Engineers. permanent secondment to Tobin Consulting Engineers. a broad commercial and domestic sectors. Department of Sligo County spectrum Council, as ofa public, Waste Management major Dutch consulting engineering Matthew Byrne holds a Masters in Environmental, Health and Safety Management, an H Matthew Byrne companies Brennan and a bio-energy urtagh Studies and Higher Diploma in Environmental Science. Matth Padraig holdsprojectDegree the position ofMOfficer. iEnforcement n EPete nvironmental PeteaMurtagh has been working as a waste developer before starting his theManager own Padraig Brennan Padraig Brennan holdsholds the Sustainability Development in Bord Bia consultancy Brinkmann position of offirm Sustainability enforcement cer forHealth Local the Sustainability worked in Pete tteam Public Shector wwaste arena foor aAuthorities lmost 15 Ayinuthorities ears. He in is the a m emb Matthew Bhe yrne holds a bM asters im n aEanagement and afety M anagement, anof M urtagh as een orking s nvironmental, a waste eoffi nforcement fficer for LSocal west (Irishposition Food Board). He has been part of the Development Manager in Bord Development Manager in Bord west of Ireland for over ten years. During this involved in the development and implementation Bia (Irish Food Board). He has Ireland for over ten yS ears. Decretary uring this thas ime he hCthe as seen the w aste management industry change Bia (Irish Food Board). He has national w orking g roups a nd a s t o t he onnacht U lster R egional W aste M anage Degree i n E nvironmental tudies a nd a H igher D iploma i n E nvironmental S cience. M att time he seen waste management industry been of team the team involved in of been Bord Origin Sustainability part part ofBia’s the involved in Green significantly, from a public service to asignifi private one, afrom nd from a one bservice in system change cantly, a public to tao the three we hav development the the development and andinEnforcement programme. From its launch the second half of Network. atthew’s assion for tfrom he aearena nvironmental athe nd ryegulatory ha worked in the Public SM ector waste pm anagement for system almost 15 three ears. He is field a mem implementation of Bord Bia’s one, onein bin of Bord Bia’s today. Pete was also an early rprivate ecipient of tand he Certificate Compost Fto acility Operation from Cré, 2012implementation more than 460 Irish food and drink companies OriginGreen Green Sustainability Origin Sustainability we have today. Pete was also an early recipient of implement corking hange troups hrough eCounty ngagement, nd mUotivation and f omposting saste takeholder national w and a secretary tegotiation o sttarting he Connacht Regional Manag haveprogramme. registered their participant with 80% of was gw which hen Sligo Council wn ere to daevelop tlster heir green w aste ocW site i programme. its launch FromFrom its launch in in the Certificate in Compost Facility Operation from theIreland’s second of 2012 more than Irish and companies food and drink exports by verifibroad edPete members of theN o the second half half of 2012 more than 460 460 Irish foodfood andcovered drinkdrink companies M urtagh Ballisodare, C o. S ligo. P ete h as d ealt w ith a ll s orts o f w aste p roducers a nd p rocessors o ver t he year s pectrum f p ublic, c ommercial a nd d omestic s ectors. Enforcement etwork. M atthew’s p assion f or t he e nvironmental a nd r egulatory f ield h Cré, which was when Sligo County Council were starting to develop registered participant 80% ofalmost Ireland’s havehave registered theirtheir participant with with 80%than of Ireland’s foodfood and and drinkdrink programme while more 40,000 farms are undertaking exports covered by verified members of programme the programme while more their green waste composting site in Ballisodare, Co. Sligo. Pete has exports covered by verified members of the while more sustainability assessments annually. Padraig is fromimplement a family farming through engagement, negotiation and motivation and of stakeholde almost 40,000 are undertaking sustainability assessments change thanthan almost 40,000 farmsfarms are undertaking sustainability assessments all sortsaof producers and processors overfthe Pete urtagh has bdealt een with working s awaste waste enforcement officer or Lyears. ocal Authorities in background, of background, Agricultural Science fromM University annually. Padraig isholds from aa Bachelor family farming annually. Padraig is from a family farming background, holdsholds a a broad s pectrum o f p ublic, c ommercial a nd d omestic s ectors. Bachelor of Agricultural Science from University College Dublin (UCD) College Dublin (UCD) and a Masters in Business Development from Bachelor of Agricultural Science from University College Dublin (UCD) Ireland f or o ver t en y ears. D uring t his t ime h e h as s een t he w aste m anagement industr a Masters in Business Development from the University of Western Seán Scott graduated from Institute of and and a Masters in Business Development from the University of Western the University of Western Australia. Australia. Australia. Technology, Sligo in 1997. Sean has worked significantly, from a public service to a private one, and from a one bin system to the th with Masonite Ireland and subsequently the Brian Carroll is of Renewable and Sustainable today. Pete w of the Protection Certificate in Compost Facility Operation Environmental Agency before joining Energy Division in the Department ofas also an early recipient Leitrim County Council. Sean has been working in Communications, Energy and Natural Resources which w as w hen S ligo C ounty C ouncil w ere s tarting t o d evelop t heir green waste comp Waste Enforcement since 2005. In the last three Brian Carroll of aRenewable since 2012, Member Brian Carroll is and ofis Renewable and andof the Board of the Sustainable Energy Division in the heith hasabeen involved the p formulation Sustainable Energy Division in the of Ireland Sustainable Energy Authority since 2010. Ballisodare, Co. Sligo. Pete has dyears ealt w ll sorts of win aste roducers and and processors o Department of Communications, Energy Seán implementation of waste policy in County Leitrim Department of Communications, Energy He chairs the Steering Group that oversees theScott Natural Resources and and Natural Resources sincesince 2012,2012, and and Pete Murtagh and in particular the roll out of a pay by weight and brown bin system ofBoard Ireland’s a Member aimplementation Member of of the the Board of of the theOffshore Renewable was published across County Leitrim. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Energy Development Plan which Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland since 2010. He chairs since 2010. He chairs the the Steering in February 2014. He has also worked inSteering the Central Expenditure Pete M urtagh has been working as a waste enforcement officer for Local Authorities in t Group oversees the implementation Group that that oversees the implementation of Ireland’s Offshore Renewable Energy Development which of Ireland’s Offshore Renewable Energy Development PlanPlan which was was published in February worked in the Central published in February 2014.2014. He He has has also also worked in the Central Expenditure Evaluation of Ireland’s the Ireland’s Department of Finance. Expenditure Evaluation Unit Unit of the Department of Finance. In In total he has spent 23 years in the Civil Service, having also worked total he has spent 23 years in the Civil Service, having also worked in in the Departments of Justice and Foreign Affairs. He holds a first the Departments of Justice and Foreign Affairs. He holds a first classclass Masters in Economic Science the National University of Ireland. Masters in Economic Science fromfrom the National University of Ireland. Pete Murtagh Ireland for over ten years. During this time he has seen the waste management industry significantly, from a bpeen ublic ervice ato private one, and from a one bin system to the thr Pete Murtagh has wsorking s aa w aste enforcement officer for Local Authorities in today. P ete w as a lso a n e arly r ecipient o f t he C ertificate i n C ompost F acility O peration fr Ireland for over ten years. During this time he has seen the waste management industr Directions to Killashee House Hotel Killashee House Hotel and Villa Spa, Naas, Co. Kildare is set amongst 280 acres of manicured gardens & parklands with magnificent views over the Wicklow Mountains and Kildare countryside. It is ideally located just 30kms from Dublin City Centre, 2kms outside Naas Town, and only 40mins from Dublin Airport. Accommodation at the Killashee House Hotel Single B&B €89 – Please quote ‘Cré’ when booking to avail of this reduced rate. Tel: 045 879277 Booking For bookings follow this link: All bookings are made by credit card into the Cré paypal account For Local Authority bookings please contact Conference Rates Cré Members €145 + 23% vat Non Members €200 + 23% vat The rate includes a hot lunch and coffee breaks. Exhibitors Members: A limited number of exhibition spaces are available for Cré members free of charge, please contact Normal delegate rate applies. Non Members: €200 + 23% VAT + delegate fee. To book your exhibition space follow this link: CONTACT: Lee-Jane Eastwood Tel: 086 393 0425 Email: