Fiber Cement Vertical Siding Fastening Alternatives with
Fiber Cement Vertical Siding Fastening Alternatives with
TECHNICA L BULLETIN CertainTeed Fiber Cement Vertical Siding TECHNICAL BULLETIN Reveals Fastening Alternatives with Architectural T E C H N I C A LHorizontal B UTrim L Pieces LETIN Fiber Cement Vertical Siding Fastening Fiber Cement Vertical Siding Alternatives with Architectural Reveals Fastening Alternatives with Architectural Reveals Fastening options for WeatherBoards™ Fiber Cement Vertical Siding Horizontal Trim Pieces when used with the Easytrim Reveals Aluminum Wall System Fastening options for Allura Fiber Cement Vertical Siding when used with theoptions Easytrim Reveals Aluminum Wall The combination of CertainTeed WeatherBoards™ Fiber When System installing CertainTeed WeatherBoards Fastening for WeatherBoards™ Fiber Cement Vertical Siding Cementwhen vertical siding andwith the Easytrim Reveals™ Fiber Cement vertical siding with Easytrim Reveal used the Easytrim Reveals Aluminum Wall System TM The combination of Allura Fiber Cement siding and aluminum architectural extrusion enablesvertical architects TM the Easytrim Reveals aluminum architectural extrusion to execute unique exterior wall designs that blend The combination of CertainTeed WeatherBoards™ Fiber enables architects to execute unique exterior wall designs that contemporary with fiber cement’s significant Cement aesthetics vertical siding and thefiber Easytrim Reveals™ blend contemporary aesthetics with cement’s significant long-term performance and sustainability. aluminum architectural extrusion enables architects long-term performance and sustainability. to execute unique exterior wall designs that blend contemporary withthe fiber cement’s significant For architects architects lookingaesthetics increase aesthetic appeal For looking totoincrease the aesthetic appeal of of long-term performance and sustainability. the product by reducing the number of fasteners required the product by reducing the number of fasteners required to ez.plane™ to attach vertical siding to the surface, CertainTeed attach thethe vertical siding to the wallwall surface, Allura For architects looking to increase the aesthetic suggests the following fastening pattern alternatives. suggests the following fastening pattern alternatives.appeal of the product by reducing the number of fasteners required ez.plane™ to attach the vertical siding to the wall surface, CertainTeed suggests the following fastening pattern alternatives. Pattern A* (24 screws) When installing Allura Fiber Cement vertical siding with horizontal trim pieces, please adhere to the following Easytrim Reveal horizontal trim pieces, please adhere to recommendations: When installing CertainTeed WeatherBoards the following recommendations: Fiber Cement vertical siding with Easytrim Reveal •• CertainTeed WeatherBoards Fiber Cement siding horizontal pieces, please adhere to the following Allura Fibertrim Cement vertical siding panels arevertical approved for and panels are approved should be set directly on top recommendations: should be set directlyfor on and top of the following Easytrims Reveals Soffit J Trim (EZ ? ) • CertainTeed WeatherBoards framing no greater than 24” on Fiber center.Cement vertical siding panels are approved for and should be set directly on top of NOT the following Reveals • DO CAULKEasytrims Horizontal Z or Hhorizontal Reveals trim pieces: Soffit JThe Trim (EZ ? ) used for fini EZplane™ feature creates a 8° sloped surface on the horizontal pieces that drains water away from the wall. The EZplane™ feature creates a 8° sloped surface on the horizontal pieces that drains water away from the wall. The ez.plane™ feature creates a 8 degree sloped surface on the horizontal pieces drainsfeature water Thethat ez.plane™ creates a 8 degree away from the wall. sloped Pattern A* (24 screws) used for fi of the following Easytrims horizontal trim pieces: horizontal trim pieces. Note:Reveals Horizontal trim to be fastened to surface on the horizontal pieces that drains water away from thez-Trim wall.(EZ4) z-Trim (EZ4) h-Trim (EZ5) h-Trim (EZ5) b-Trim (EZ10) b-Trim (EZ10) • When WeatherBoards Fiber Cement siding panels are • set When Fiberon Cement panels are sethorizontal directly ontrim top of directly top of siding Easytrims Reveals Easytrims Reveals horizontal trim pieces, an unmodified factory • When WeatherBoards Fiber Cement siding panels are pieces, an unmodified factory edge is required and must edge is required andofmust be used. All cut edges oftrim fiber cement set directly on top Easytrims Reveals horizontal be used. All cut edges of WeatherBoards Fiber Cement siding panels must be primed painted to prevent pieces, an unmodified factoryoredge is required and water must siding panels must be primed or painted to prevent water be used. All cut edges ofdelamination. WeatherBoards Fiber Cement absorption and potential absorption and potential delamination. siding panels must be primed or painted to prevent water Pattern B* (18 screws) Pattern B* (18 screws) andAllura potential delamination. • Asabsorption noted in the Fiber Cement Installation Manual, a 1/8” • As in be themaintained CertainTeed WeatherBoards gapnoted should where the sides andFiber top of the fiber Cement Installation Manual (FC017), a 1/8” gap should be cement siding panels align with the Easytrims Reveals • As noted in the CertainTeed WeatherBoards Fiber maintained where theManual sides and top of the fiber cement horizontal trim pieces. Cement Installation (FC017), a 1/8” gap should be siding panelswhere align with the Easytrims horizontal maintained the sides and top of Reveals the fiber cement siding with Easytrims Reveals horizontal trim pieces. Note: Not allpanels EZTrim align profiles are the shown. Pattern C* Pattern C* (16 screws) trim pieces. (16 screws) Square Outside Corner (EZ1)(EZ1) Square Outside Corner Rounded Outside Corner (EZ2)(EZ2) Rounded Outside Corner Inside Corner (EZ3)(EZ3) Inside Corner Z-Trim (EZ4)(EZ4) Z-Trim Square Outside Corner (EZ1) H-Trim (EZ5)(EZ5) H-Trim * Windload performance information on these alternative fastening * Windload performance information on these alternative fastening *can Windload performance information on these alternative fastening Square patternscan beobtained obtained through your Allura territory manager. patterns be through your CertainTeed territory manager. Square Outside Corner (EZ1) (EZ1) Rounded Rounded Outside Corner (EZ2) (EZ2) Inside Inside Corner (EZ3) (EZ3) Square Outside Corner Rounded Outside Corner Corner Inside (EZ3) Corner Outside Corner (EZ1) Outside Corner (EZ2) patterns can be obtained through your CertainTeed territory manager. Also see ES-ESR-1668 report for windload values for A and B patterns Rounded Outside Corner Z-Trim Z-Trim (EZ4)(EZ4) Z-Trim (Important note: Geographic location and specific design (Important note: Geographic location and specific design (Important note: Geographic location and specific design parameters must be accounted for when determining the optimum parameters be accounted for when determining the optimum parameters must bemust accounted for when determining the optimum fastening pattern for a particular project.) pattern for a particular project.) fasteningfastening pattern for a particular project.) Vertical BackBack PlatePlate PanelPanel to to Vertical PanelPanel Top Cap (EZ6-7) Top Assembly Cap Assembly (EZ6-7) Vertical Back Plate Pan Vertical Back Plate Panel to General J Trim (EZ8) Vertical BackBack PlatePlate PanelPanel to to Soffit J Trim (EZ9) General J Trim (EZ8) Vertical Soffit J Trim (EZ9) Plank Top Cap Assembly ( Panel Top Cap Assembly (EZ6-7) PlankPlank Top Cap (EZ6-11) Top Assembly Cap Assembly (EZ6-11) General J Trim Vertical Back Vertical Back J General Trim (EZ8) J(EZ8) Trim (EZ8) Back Vertical PlatePlate Panel BackPanel Plate to toPanel to General Vertical Back Vertical PlatePlate Panel BackPanel Plate to toPanel to Vertical Soffit JSoffit Trim Soffit J Trim (EZ9) J(EZ Tr Plank Cap Assembly (EZ6-11) Panel Cap Assembly (EZ6-7)(EZ6-7) Plank Top Top Cap Plank Assembly Top Cap(EZ6-11) Assembly (EZ6-11) Panel Top Top Cap Panel Assembly Top Cap(EZ6-7) Assembly © 12/14 Allura, Printed in U.S.A. Allura USA | 15055 Woodham Drive | Houston, Texas 77073 | 1 844 4 ALLURA (1-844-425-5872) © 12/14 Allura, Printed in U.S.A. Installing WeatherBoards Fiber Cement siding Installing Fiber CementReveals siding panels and Easytrim panels and Easytrim horizontal trim Reveals horizontal trim pieces using screws. pieces using screws. Using screws with the Easytrims Reveals system greatly Using screws with the Easytrims Reveals system greatly reduces the number of required fasteners compared to reduces the number of required fasteners compared to nailing. Pre-drilling the fastener holes provides several nailing. Pre-drilling the fastener holes provides several advantages: maximized panel strength, consistent fastener advantages: maximized panel strength, consistent fastener placement and superior aesthetics. placement and superior aesthetics. When installing fiber cement siding panels using When installing WeatherBoards Cement Easytrims Reveals horizontal trimFiber pieces, Allurasiding highlypanels using Easytrims horizontalsteel trim pieces, recommends 300Reveals series austenitic claddingCertainTeed highly recommends 300 series fasteners by SFS Intec, Inc. (see austenitic below). steel cladding fasteners by SFS Intec, Inc. (see below). TM Application Panel toWeatherBoards Wood Application--Allura CertainTeed Panel to Wood SFS intec TW-S-D12 FASTENER EASYTRIM z-TRIM SFS intec TW-S-D12 FASTENER ALLURA VERTICAL VERTICAL WEATHERBOARDS 5/16" FIBER CEMENT PANEL BUILDING PAPER Head Style: T20W TORX® Pan Head, Thread Diameter: 0.189" SFS intec Part # 0902988 0062661 0625848 0698813 0055443 SFS intec Global Code TW-S-D12-4,8X25 TW-S-D12-4,8X30 TW-S-D12-4,8x38 TW-S-D12-4,8X44 TW-S-D12-4,8X60 Description 10-12 X 1" 10-12 X 1-1/8" 10-12 X 1-1/2" 10-12 X 1-3/4" 10-12 X 2-3/8" Installation: 0-2500 rpm screwdriver equipped with depth sensing nosepiece. T20W TORX® drive bit. TM Application--Allura CertainTeed Panel to Steel Application Panel toWeatherBoards Steel Head Style: T25 TORX® Pan Head, Thread Diameter: 0.220" SFS intec Part # 1271253 SFS intec Global Code SX3/15-D12-5,5X30 Description 12-11 x 1-3/16" SX3 TORX is an austenitic stainless steel fastener with a bi-metal welded carbon steel point. Installation: Fasteners should provide for a minimum of 3 fully developed threads through the metal substrate. 0-2500 rpm screwdriver equipped with depth sensing nosepiece. T25 TORX® drive bit. Important Information Important Information • All products must be installed in accordance with all • All products must be installed in accordance with all national, national, state and local building codes. Be sure to check state and local building codes. Be sure to check with your with your local code official or governing body for the local code official or governing body for the building building requirements in your area. requirements in your area. Allother other installation installation requirements ••All requirements listed listedin inthe theCertainTeed Allura Fiber WeatherBoards Fiber Cement Siding Installation Cement Siding Installation Manual must be met. Manual (FC017) must be met. • Failure to comply with Allura installation instructions and/or •applicable Failure to comply CertainTeed instructions and buildingwith codes may affectinstallation product performance and/or building codes may affect product void theapplicable product warranty. performance and void the product warranty. • Refer to the EasyTrim Reveals website ( specific installation and fastening requirements. •for Refer to thereveal EasyTrim Reveals website ( for specific reveal installation • Cladding systems that incorporate reveal trim used with and fastening requirements. fiber cement siding panels are designed to provide a modern look while delivering an aesthetically •architectural Cladding systems that incorporate reveal trim usedpleasing with appearance. When using reveal systems, cladding fiber cement siding panels are designed to providesystem a design becomes a prescriptive on many factors modern architectural look whileapproach deliveringbased an aesthetically including wall system construction, and fastening pleasing appearance. When using reveal systems,requirements for the siding depend on becomes the specific wall systemapproach design. When cladding system design a prescriptive incorporating Allura Fiber Cement siding into a reveal cladding based on many factors including wall system construction, system, adhererequirements to the recommendations requirements and fastening for the sidingand depend on contained in wall this system document, the When latest version of the Installation the specific design. incorporating Manual, the installation instructions provided by CertainTeed WeatherBoards Fiber Cement sidingthe intotrim a reveal system manufacturer, as well as all national, state and local reveal cladding system, adhere to the recommendations building codes. The ultimate responsibility for cladding system and requirements contained in this document, the design is the responsibility of the general contractor, architect/ latest version of the WeatherBoards Installation Manual designer, building engineer and/or contractor. Allura will not (FC017), the installation instructions provided by the trim accept any liability or responsibility for cladding system design reveal system manufacturer, as well as all national, state or for any product failure caused by application that does not and local building codes. The ultimate responsibility for meet the requirements for proper installation. cladding system design is the responsibility of the general contractor, architect/designer, building engineer and/ Resources for design and installation of Allura Fiber or contractor. CertainTeed will not accept any liability Cement siding panels with Easytrims Reveals aluminum or responsibility for cladding system design or for any reveal wall systems: product failure caused by application that does not meet the requirements for proper installation. Resources for design and installation of CertainTeed WeatherBoards Fiber Cement siding panels with Easytrims Reveals aluminum reveal wall systems: ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER CERTAINTEED® PRODUCTS AND SYSTEMS: Roofing • Siding • tRim • decking • Railing • fence • foundationS gYPSum • ceilingS • i n S u l a t i o n • P i P e CertainTeed Corporation P.O. Box 860 Valley Forge, PA 19482 Professional: 800-233-8990 Consumer: 800-782-8777 © 12/12 CertainTeed Corporation Code No. FC070 © 12/14 Allura, Printed in U.S.A. Allura USA | 15055 Woodham Drive | Houston, Texas 77073 | 1 844 4 ALLURA (1-844-425-5872) © 12/14 Allura, Printed in U.S.A.
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