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Richardson Review S E P T E M B E R , O C T O B E R N O V E M B E R & D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 6 Richardson Community Senior Center 1485 E Oakley Park Rd. Commerce Twp, MI 48390 Phone: (248) 926-0063 Fax: (248) 926-4069 Senior Center Director Emily England STAFF Mickie Weber Dorota Best F r o m t h e o f f i c e o f d i r e c t o r . . . Summer is Mill. behind us and we are looking forward to the leaves changing colors in the fall and the joyful holiday season. In November, we will tour the Parade Company. Then, we will head over to the Trinity Church to see those beautiful holiday decorations. September, we will travel to the Detroit Zoo. Then, we will be going for a trip to the Cranbrook House & Gardens. October will find us shopping at the Livingston Antique Mall. Then, we will enjoy going to the Spicer Orchards Cider Commerce Township R i c h a r d s provides information Trip Reservations about seminars and workshops, All trips that have a transportawe do not endorse any tion donation MUST be paid for private company; we within 5 business days of your merely inform consumers sign up date. If the transportaof the availability of the tion donation has not been paid service. As a consumer your reservation will be you are encouraged to cancelled. independently research and ask for references. Thank you for your cooperation Page Please sign up early as these trips fill fast, also remember to pay for your trips within 5 days of signing up. Please keep in mind that you must sign up at least 2 days in advance for anything that includes meals. o n C e n t e r Senior Lunch Program t h e As always we will have our potluck and free theme lunches. Take advantage of our Tai-Chi, Line Dancing, and One on One Computer Help. We are hoping you will enjoy the trips & activities the Richardson Center offers Happy Holidays!! Sincerely, Emily, Mickie, & Dorota I n f o ! ! ! 911 Cell Phone Program The senior lunch program is available Monday thru Friday Emergency cell phones that only dial 911 are at 12:00 noon. Please call our site hostess, on her Nutri- available through the tion Line at least two (2) busi- Oakland County Sheriff ness days in advance to hold Dept. The cell phones are available to any your Oakland County Senior reservation Citizen free of charge. (248) 669-5942 Richardson Review SERVICES Senior Lunch Program Richardson Center Library Senior Transportation The Senior Lunch Program is available on Monday thru Friday at 12:00 noon. Please remember to call two (2) days in A wide selection of books from fiction advance to hold your reservation. Meal to mysteries, cookbooks to biograCommerce Township offers a transmenus are available upon request at the phies and more is available for our portation program. This service is Richardson Senior Center or by calling seniors to read and enjoy. You can open to the seniors and disabled the phone number listed below. always take home and read your faresidents of Commerce, White vorite book and bring it back when Lake, and Wolverine Village. (248) 926-0063 you are finished. Vehicles are able to transfer you to the Richardson Center, medical appointments, malls, bank, grocery Computer and Internet Availability store, hair salon and many more places. For more information please call (248) 698-3994 Monday– Friday between the hours of 8:30am and 3:00pm. Reservations The Richardson Senior Center computers may be taken up to two weeks in are equipped with the Microsoft Office advance but no later than one day Software. You will have access to word before. If you wait to reserve, space processing, the internet and e-mail. may not be available. A $2.00 doThere will also be a printer set up for nation is suggested for each oneyour printing needs. way trip! T h i n g s Registration Reminder For all special events, even those that do not have a fee, please remember to sign up or register in advance. If you do not, we may not be able to accommodate you. In all events where there is a fee, help us by having the correct change when you sign up. Thank You!!!! Trip Parking t o k n o w ! Important Phone Numbers Commerce Twp. Offices: (248) 624-0110 Fire Department non emergency: (248) 560-0051 Police Department non emergency: (248) 858-4950 Commerce Twp. Library: (248) 669-8108 Alzheimer's Association: (800) 337-3827 Area Agency on Aging: (800) 852-7795 OLHSA: (248) 209-2600 Social Security: (800) 772-1213 When parking at the Richardson Senior Center for a day trip, please be sure to park your car at the far end of the parking lot so that spaces in front of the building are left open for those who are in and out of the center during the day. Thank you! Page 2 Richardson Review S e r v i c e s s e p t e m b e r , o c t o b e r , N o v e m b e r & D e c e m b e r o f 2 0 1 6 Daily Activities Tuesday Monday 10:00-4:00 Computer 9:30-11:30 Knit, Lab Crochet & Sewing Wednesday 9:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 11:00 Woodcarving 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Bingo 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 12:30-4:00 Bridge 12:30-4:00 Euchre Thursday 10:00-Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup, Sandwich & Movie (see page 5 for movies) Friday 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge Upcoming Events Please sign up for these events at least (2) working days in advance September October November December Thur Sept 1st: Hear Clear Fri Sept. 2nd: Go w/ the Flow Mon Sept 5th: CLOSED Tue. Sept. 6th Independence VIllage Wed Sept.7th: Detroit Zoo Thur Sept 8th: One on One Computer Help Fri Sept 9th: Brookdale Cookout Tue Sept 13th: Heart to Heart Hospice Tue Sept 13th: Card Making Tue Sept 13th: Potluck Fri Sept 16th: Klint Kesto Mon Sept 19th: Sunrise Lunch Tue Sept 20th: Financial Partners Wed Sept Sept 21st: Seamstress Thur Sept 22nd: One on One Computer Help Thur Sept 22nd: Cranbrook Gardens Tue Sept 27th: Theme Lunch Tue Sept 27th: Seasoned Readers Tue Oct 4th: Metro Hospice Fri Oct 7th: Livingston Antique Mall Tue Oct 11th: Same Address Tue Oct 11th: Card Making Tue Oct 11th: Potluck Thur Oct 13th: One on One Computer Help Fri Oct 14th: Cider & Donut Day Fri Oct 14th: Pumpkin Painting Mon Oct 17th: Maple Manor of Novi Tue Oct 18th: Affinity Group Wed Oct 19th: Seamstress Wed Oct 19th: AARP Thur Oct 20th: AARP Fri Oct 21st: Klint Kesto Tue Oct 25th: Theme Lunch Wed Oct 26th: Spicers Orchard Wed Oct 26th: Seasoned Readers Thur Oct 27th: One on One Computer Help Fri Oct 28th: Westlake Halloween Party Thur Nov 3rd: Ask the Attorney Thur Nov 3rd: Hear Clear Tue Nov 8th: CLOSED Thur Nov 10th: One on One Computer Help Thur Nov 10th: Life Line Fri Nov 11th: CLOSED Tue Nov 15th: Dr. Berry Bell — Eye Diseases Tue Nov 15th: Potluck Tue Nov 16th: Seasoned Readers Wed Nov 16th: Seamstress Thur Nov 17th: Parade Company Fri Nov 18th: Klint Kesto Tue Nov 22nd: Benefits of Tai Chi Thur Nov 24th: CLOSED Fri Nov 25th: CLOSED Mon Nov 28th: Trinity Church Trip Tue Nov 29th: Theme Lunch Fri Dec 2nd: Christmas Tree Decorating Tue Dec 6th: Elder Care Firm - Probate Court Tue Dec 6th: Westlake Soup & Bread Thur Dec 8th: One on One Computer Help Fri Dec 9th: Hamtramck Mon Dec 12th: MI State Capital Tour Tue Dec 13th: Card Making Tue Dec 13th: Potluck Fri Dec 16th: Klint Kesto Tue Dec 20th: Theme Lunch Wed Dec 21st: Seamstress Thur Dec 22nd: One on One Computer Help Fri Dec 23rd: CLOSED Mon Dec 26th: CLOSED Tue Dec 27th: CLOSED Wed Dec 28th: CLOSED Thur Dec 29th: CLOSED Fri Dec 30th: CLOSED Page 3 Richardson Review Daily Progr ams Bingo Knit, Crochet & Sewing Circle Monday 12:30pm-3:30pm Cost: .25 cents per card Tuesdays 9:30am-11:30am Cost: Free Join us on Monday afternoons!!! A variety of games are played to keep your interest and stimulate your mind. Maybe you can be the This group of ladies (and men), love to create beautiful handmade items. Their creative flair and talent are shared among each other as they chat and laugh the time away. Come join them even if you are a beginner, they will make you feel at home. “Big Jackpot Winner!!!!” Monthly Shredding The 1st Wednesday of each month we offer a service for seniors to shred unwanted important documents, bank statements, credit cards statements etc. We ask that you please remove paper clips and flatten papers out (We will not shred papers that are thrown into a bag in a disorderly fashion) Please Limit to one “Wal-mart” plastic bag Art, Fabric & Embroidery Thursdays 10:00am Cost: Free Help feed those in need. Stop in the Richardson Center to donate non perishable food items for the Hospitality House Food Drive!!!! This group of ladies meet and This food drive in an work on all different kinds of pro- on-going event, feel jects! These projects include quilt- free to stop by anying, embroidery and different time to drop off dokinds of Fabric Work!! Come nations. check them out….. Cards Seamstress Bridge Monday 12:30pm-4:00pm Euchre Tuesdays 12:30pm-4:00pm Pinochle Wednesdays 12:30pm-4:00pm Cards of Choice Fridays 12:30pm-4:00pm Bridge Fridays 12:45pm-4:00pm Page 4 Hospitality House Food Drive Commerce/Walled Lake Area Wednesday, Sept 21st Wednesday, Oct 19th Wednesday, Nov 16th Wednesday, Dec 21st Time: 11:00am We will have Cathey Studnicki at the Richardson Center doing seamstress repairs free of charge, repairs will be for sewing rips and tears, fallen hems, button replacement (bring your own buttons), simple pant shortening and other minor repairs. Please sign up in the office Limit 4 people per date Richardson Review Daily progr ams Soup, Sandwich & Movie Day Thursdays Time: 12:00pm-3:00pm Cost: $3.00 for lunch Richardson Senior Center will serve lunch and provide an afternoon movie. Please reserve your spot in advance to ensure a seat! If you would like to just WATCH the movies, please call in advance! The movies are as follows: Sept 1st — Concussion Sept 8th — The Lady in the Van Sept 15th — The Big Short Sept 22nd — Daddy’s Home Sept 29th — Spectre Oct 6th — Suffragette Oct 13th — The 33 Oct 20th — An American in Paris Oct 27th — Big Stone Gap Nov 10th — My Name is Doris Nov 17th — Miracles from Heaven Dec 1st — Elvis & Nixon Dec 8th — Cool Hand Luke Dec 15th — Brian’s Song Dec 22nd — A Christmas Carol Nov 3rd — Joy Woodcarving Richardson’s “ Go with the Flow” Forum Tuesdays 11:00am Cost: Free Friday, September 2nd 10:30am ALL Seniors are invited! It is amazing to watch those talented men and women working their craft. They can take a simple piece of wood and turn it into a fascinating work of art. You really must see them at work to truly appreciate the beauty of their skill. New members are always welcome to join the ongoing workshop. Page 5 Art Group Fridays 9:00am-12:00Noon Cost: Free (Bring your own supplies) This is your chance to come and make suggestions to help improve your senior center. Bring along your suggestions and ideas for trips, parties, programs, crafts, etc. that will be exA weekly gathering of artists in pressed in a relaxed, informal setting. varied media levels or expertise We want to make the Richardson Sento practice together and share ior Center a great place for you and their love for creativity in art. we will succeed with your ideas and input. Please Sign up in the Office!!! Richardson Review Upcoming events Where do we go from here? Metro Hospice Eye Diseases Dr. Berry Bell Tuesday, Nov 15th Time: 10:30am Tuesday, Sept 6th Time: 10:30 Tuesday, Oct 4th Time: 10:30am Pam from Independence Village of White Lake will be at the cenMetro Hospice will be at the center ter to discuss options locally for discussing volunteer opportunities at senior living and long term care their Hospice. They will also be providfor seniors! They will also be ing goodies!!!! providing snacks Please Sign up in the Office! Please Sign up in the Office! Hospice 101 Dr. Berry Bell will be at the Richardson Center to discuss current eye diseases and what to watch for! Please Sign up in the office! Tai Chi Senior Safe Home Tuesday, Sept 13th Time: 10:30am Megan from Heart to Heart Hospice will be at the center discussing everything Hospice has to offer and clearing up all the Myths of Hospice! Please Sign up in the office! Social Security Financial Partners Tuesday, Sept 20th Time: 10:30am Tuesday, Nov 22nd Time: 10:30 Tuesday, Oct 11th Time: 10:30am Our Tai Chi instructor will explain to you the benefits of Tai Same Address who is through Area Chi with arthritis and how it can ease your pain! Agency on Aging will be at the center to discuss how to keep your Please Sign up in the Office! home safe and keep you at your same address! Please Sign up in the Office! Medicare Supplements The Affinity Group Tuesday, Oct 18th Time: 10:30am Probate Court Elder Care Firm Tuesday, Dec 6th Time: 10:30am Two of the most daunting tasks Learn what to expect when it that need to be addressed as Learn valuable information on your comes to probate and how you you near retirement is when to Medicare Supplement options! Find can avoid the headaches that out about potential price start social security and what to probate often cause. increases.. do about your Medicare Supplement! We can Help… Please Sign up in the Office! Please Sign up in the Office! Please Sign up in the Office! Page 6 Richardson Review Upcoming events Maple Manor of Novi Christmas Tree Decorating December 2nd Time: 12:30pm Friday, Sept 9th Time: 11:00am Limit 30 Come join your friends at the Richardson Center and decorate the center for the holidays!!! Maple Manor of Novi will be at the center to explain their new facility and what they have to offer!!! A great lunch will be provided Please Sign up in the Office! Please Sign up in the Office! Ask the Attorney!! Jack Bolling Date: November 3rd 10:00am This is a great opportunity to have a one on one 15 minute session with an attorney! You must sign up in the office, the attorney will only come if he has 5 people sign up for Appointments. Please Sign up in the Office!!! We want to give a big Thank you!! Out to Independence Village for providing Snacks for our Bingo Crew on the 3rd Monday of every month…... Page 7 Richardson Review Upcoming Events Total Body Fitness for Seniors Improve your Balance, Mobility, Strength, Endurance and Flexibility while building and toning muscle mass. Learn proper technique for Kettle Bells, Indian Clubs, Hand Weights along with Chair and Low impact exercises. It’s a total body work out for Seniors, modified for your needs and abilities. Clothing and Shoes appropriate for exercise. Richardson Center Mondays and Thursdays 9:30am 2nd Tuesday of each month Time: 1:30-3:30pm Cost: $10.00 per class Beverly Roberson will hold a two hour card making class. The cost of the class includes the materials for cards with envelopes. Please Sign up in the Office! Page 8 Richardson Review Friday, September 9th Time: 11am Brookdale will be at the center doing a fun cookout! This is a time to come hangout out with friends and relax at the center.. Please sign up in the office!!! Pumpkin Decorating by Brookdale of Novi!!! Friday, October 14th, 2016 Time: 10:00am Brookdale will be at the Richardson Center providing everything you need to decorate a pumpkin! Come join your friends for a fun time…. Please Sign up in the Office!!!!! Page 9 Richardson Review Upcoming events Hear Clear Free Hearing Evaluations Date: Thursday, September 1st Thursday, November 3rd Come have your hearing checked by a licensed hearing aid specialist. He will go thru a series of tests to see how well your hearing and understanding is. This is a free service, but does require an appointment time. Appointments will start at 9:00am and will last as long as we have people who are interested in having their hearing checked. Call Today for Appointment 248-926-0063 State Rep Updates Klint Kesto Lunch will be provided! Friday, September 16th Friday, October 21st Friday, November 18th Friday, December 16th Time: 11:00am You will receive updates from your State Representative, you will also be able to ask questions. Please Sign up in Office! Page 10 Halloween Party Westlake Cider & Donut Day Friday, October 28th Time: 11:30am Friday, October 14th Time: 12:30pm Westlake will be at the center Its that time of year again! Lets enjoy some Apple Cider having Halloween Party. and donuts with your Come in costumes as there friends at the Richardson will be a prize for the best Center. costume! Space is limited please make sure you sign up. Please Sign up in Office! Please Sign up in Office! Richardson Review Upcoming events Seasoned Readers Come Join the Richardson Center Book Club! We will have a monthly book discussion lead by Marika Zemke from the Commerce Township Library on the last Wednesday of the month at 10:00am. Book of the month: Sept 28th: Heading Out to Wonderful By: Robert Goolrick Oct 26th: The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend By: Katarina Bivald November 16th: Be Frank with Me By: Julia Clairbourne December: No Discussion Page 11 Richardson Review Upcoming events Time: 12:00 Noon Cost: FREE The main course will be provided by the center. ***Menu is subject to change at anytime without notice*** Potluck Rules 1. You must sign up in the office at least two (2) working days in advance 2. You must bring a dish to pass (each individual person) 3. Please bring your own plate and place setting 4. You must stop in the office to show your dish Tuesday, September 13th Main Course: Lasagna Tuesday, October 11th Main Course: Cabbage Rolls Tuesday, November 15th Main Course: BBQ Pork Tuesday, December 13th Main Course: Grilled Chicken Richardson Senior Center will provide you with a FREE dinner once a month. There will be a theme associated with each dinner every month! You are not required to dress up according to the theme, but we strongly encourage it. Sign up at least 2 days in advance!!! Tuesday, Sept. 27th Theme: End of Summer Time: 11:30am Main Course: Stuffed Steak Page 12 Tuesday, Nov. 29th Theme: Thanksgiving Time: 11:30am Main Course: Turkey Tuesday, Oct. 25th Theme: Halloween Time: 11:30am Main Course: Hamburger Tuesday, Dec. 20th Theme: Christmas Time:11:30am Main Course: Roast Beef Richardson Review Date: October 19th-20th Time: 12pm-4pm Members: $15.00 Non-Members: $20 Must Bring your AARP Card if you’re a member! How the AARP Smart Driver Course will help you!! Update driving skill and your knowledge of the rules-and hazards-of the road Learn about normal age-related physical changes and how to adjust your driving to compensate. Reduce your chances of receiving a traffic violation, getting into an accident, or becoming injured. Get an insurance discount. Auto insurance companies in most states provide a multi-year discount to course graduates! (Some states may have restrictions on accepting an online driver improvement course for insurance discounts. Please consult your insurance agent for more information on discounts in your area and state. Page 13 Richardson Review R i c h a r d s o n S e n i o r C e n t e r / D a y T r i p s Detroit Zoo Livingston Antique mall Date: September 7th Time: 10:00am Cost: on your own Date: October 7th Time: 10:00am Cost: on your own ($6.00 transportation donation) ($6.00 transportation donation) We will be heading over to the Detroit Zoo for We will be returning to your favorite Antique Mall their Senior Day!!! Admission is Free and the just in time for the Christmas finds!!! We will then new penguin exhibit is now open!!! head to lunch at the Red Olive restaurant.. Please sign up in the office! Please sign up in the office! Cranbrook Gardens Spicers Orchard Date: September 22nd Time:10:00am Cost: on your own Date: October 26th Time:10:00am Cost: $7.00 for tour and pick your own ($6.00 transportation donation) ( $6.00 transportation donation) We will be taking a self guided tour of the Cranbrook Gardens, admission is free to the gardens. We will then enjoy a nice lunch at Mitchells Fish House…. Fall is in the air and its that time to visit our favorite orchards!! This year we will receive a tour and you will get to pick your own apples!!! Lunch will follow at Olga’s. Please sign up in the office! Please sign up in the office! Page 14 Richardson Review R i c h a r d s o n S e n i o r Parade Company Date: November 17th Time: 10:00am Cost: $10.00 admission ($6.00 transportation donation) We will be heading back to the Parade Company for a tour of the Thanksgiving Parade Floats!!! We will then head to the Vinsetta Grill for lunch. Please sign up in office! c e n t e r / d ay t r i p s Hamtramck Date: December 9th Time: 10:00am Cost: on your own ($6.00 transportation donation) This trip is back by popular demand! We will be heading back to Hamtramck where you will enjoy a great Polish lunch and get to pick up some of your favorite baked goods...Be sure to sign up fast for this one!!!! Please sign up in the office! Trinity Church MI State Capital Date: November 28th Time: 10:00am Cost: On your own Date: December 12th Leave Time:10:00am Tour Time: 11:30am Cost: Free ($6.00 transportation donation) ($6.00 transportation donation) We will be visiting Trinity Church and touring We will enjoy touring the Michigan State Capital! to see all the amazing holiday decorations Guided tours of the MI State Capitol feature the they have up! We will then enjoy lunch at public areas of the Capitol including Rotunda and Louies Ham & Corn Beef... the Gallery of the Governors. Tours also include Please sign up in the office! visits to the House and Senate Galleries, the Governor’s Office, and the historic Supreme Court Chamber, based on availability. Lunch will follow at Tavern & Tap. Please sign up in the office! Page 15 Richardson Review D a y T r i p s Firekeepers Casino Hollywood Casino Date: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month Cost: $27.00 cash/ $30.00 check Date: Sept 20th Cost:$27.00 Firekeepers Casino is offering and incentive package that includes $20 slot play and $5 for food. Make sure to sign up these trips fill up fast. We will head to the Hollywood Casino where you will be $10 in slot play as a casino incentive. lease Sign up in Office! Please Sign up in Office! Color Luncheon Cruise Soaring Eagle Casino Date: Sept. 15th Cost: $79.00 Date: Oct. 11th Cost: $30.00 Enjoy a Luncheon Buffet & Color Cruise along Grand River in Lansing aboard the Michigan Princess, plus you will visit Uncle John’s Cider mill for cider, donuts & wine tasting. We will head to Soaring Eagle Casino where your incentives will be $10 in Premium play plus a $5 food coupon. Please Sign up in Office! Please Sign up in Office! Page 16 Richardson Review Day Trips “Sinners-Sweets-Fermented Treats” Date: Oct 21st Cost: $130.00 We will learn the history of Michigans 1st State prison before we take a tour of the prison. We will then head to do some shopping at the Jackson Candy store and the Sandhill Crane Winery.. Church & Mansion Holiday Tours Date: Dec. 5th Cost: TBA We will be headed to Trinity Church for a tour and a catered lunch, we will also take a tour and enjoy dinner at the Edsel & Eleanor Ford Mansion. Please Sign up in Office! Page 17 Richardson Review Day trips/Extended Trips Grand West Mi Thunder Bay Resort Dates: Sept 24-25 Cost: $229 pp/Double Occupancy Date: July 21st-22nd Cost: $249 PP/ Double Occupancy Visit Grand Haven, we will enjoy dinner at Porto Bello Harbor and a show at the World’s Largest Musical Fountain, We will then head to Holland and Grand Rapids where we will head to Art Prize On our way to Thunder Bay Resort we will visit Cops & Donuts where we will have lunch, after we check in we will take a horse drawn carriage ride to watch the elk and enjoy dinner and a wine tasting… and much more Please Sign up in the Office! Please Sign up in the Office! Million Dollar Quartet & Apple Butter Festival Date: Oct 8th-9th Cost: $222 PP/Double Occupancy We will visit the Toledo Glass Pavilion, Russell Stover Candy Store, La Comedia Dinner Theater, the performance Million Dollar Quartet. We will spend Day 2 at the Apple Butter Festival Branson Christmas Show Date: November 8th-13th Cost: $959 PP/ Double Occupancy Your trip will include 5 outstanding Christmas shows, and 9 meals. More information is available at the center! Please Sign up in the Office! Please Sign up in the Office! Page 18 Richardson Review Day trips/Extended Trips Page 19 Richardson Review Commerce Township offers a minor home repair program designed for low to moderate income households to complete more complicated home maintenance. You must be a resident of Commerce Township in order to qualify for this GRANT (this is not a loan that you will have to pay back). You must own the home in which you are applying for repairs on and there are financial requirements you will have to meet. For more information on this GRANT Program please contact Janet Bushey at Commerce Twp 248-960-7069 Page 20 Richardson Review Upcoming events Do you need extra help when it comes to computers? Come to a help session with your specific questions about internet searching or applications like Microsoft word, email or help downloading to your e-reader device. These one on one sessions are an opportunity to work with a librarian who can provide some extra help on questions you have. Sign up for half hour sessions. Thursday Schedule: 9:30am-11:30am Thursday, September 8th Thursday, September 22nd Thursday, October 13th Thursday, October 27th Thursday, November 10th Thursday, December 8th Thursday, December 22nd Page 21 Richardson Review Please come join Pam Piacenti, a line dancing instructor, for some fun and exercise! Fridays 9am—12pm Beginners start at 9am & Intermediates start at 10am Cost: $6.00 Page 22 Richardson Review Page 23 Richardson Review Page 24 Richardson Review Wednesday Mornings Beginner Class @ 9:30 Advanced Class @ 10:30 Cost: $5.00 a class $12.00 if you sign up for 4 classes Joan a licensed Tai Chi instructor will be holding classes at the Richardson Center! Please make sure you wear flat shoes and comfortable clothes. Please sign up in the office! Page 25 Richardson Review Senior Discounts 50s and up Freebies!!! RESTAURANTS: Applebee’s: 15% off with Golden Apple Card (60+) Arby’s: 10% off (55+) Ben & Jerry’s: 10% off (60+) Bennigan’s: discount varies by location (60+) Bob’s Big Boy: discount varies by location (60+) Boston Market: 10% off (65+) Burger King: 10% off (60+) Chick-Fil-A: 10% off or free small drink or coffee (55+) Chili’s: 10% off (55+) Culver’s: 10% off (60+) Dairy Queen: 10% off (60+) Ponderosa: special discounted menu for Senior Citizens (60+) Denny’s: 10% off, or 20% off for AARP members (55+) Dunkin’ Donuts: 10% off or free coffee (55+) Einstein’s Bagel: 10% off baker’s dozen of bagels (60+) Golden Corral: 10% off (60+) Hardee’s: $0.33 beverages everyday (65+) IHOP: 10% off (55+) KFC: free small drink with any meal (55+) Krispy Kreme: 10% off (50+) Long John Silver’s: various discounts at locations (55+) McDonald’s: discounts on coffee everyday (55+) Sonic: 10% off or free beverage (60+) Steak ‘n Shake: 10% off every Monday & Tuesday (50+) Subway:10% off (60+) Taco Bell: 5% off; free beverages for seniors (65+) Waffle House: 10% off every Monday (60+) Wendy’s: 10% off (55+) White Castle: 10% off (62+) Page 26 Richardson Review Place an Ad in the Richardson Review! Free Senior Lunch To place an Ad, please call: Clip this coupon and celebrate the month of your Birthday! *Please remember that you MUST sign (248)-926-0063 or stop by the up at least (2) working days in advance Richardson Senior Center for more at the Richardson Senior Center or you information. can reach the Meals on Wheels line at (248) 926-0063 Donations are always welcome at the Richardson Senior Center. Here is a list of supplies we use at the Senior Center: Coffee Cups Large Coffee Filters Sweet N Low Paper Towel Sugar Creamer 8 1/2 x 11” paper Page 27 A special thank you to the following people and groups for their generous donation of their time, coffee, filters, creamer, tea, cookies, crafts, yarn and sewing materials, paper toweling, books, and funding for our programs. Your kindness is greatly appreciated!!! Krogers Don Hicks Linda Nichols Jeanne Pfaffenhausen Frank Abramovich Panera Bread Annoymous Richardson Review Transportation Program Richardson Community Senior Center Richardson Senior Center 1485 E. Oakley Park Rd Commerce Twp, Mi 48390 Let us Take you where you need to go! Medical appointments, Malls, Bank, Grocery Store, Hair Salon & More! (248) 698-3994 Phone: 248-926-0063 Fax: 248-926-4069 Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30 Page 28 Richardson Review September 2016 M onda y 5 T ue sda y W edn e sda y T hur sda y F ri da y 1 Hear Clear 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: Concussion 2 Go with the Flow 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge 6 Independence Village 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Euchre 7 Shredding Senior Day at the Zoo 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 8 One on One 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: The Lady in the Van 9 Brookdale Cookout 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge 12 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 12:30 Bridge 13 Card Making Heart to Heart Hospice 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 12:00 Potluck 12:30-4:00 Euchre 14 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 15 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: The Big Short 16 Klint Kesto 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge 19 Sunrise Bingo & Pizza 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 12:30 Bridge 20 Financial Partners 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Euchre 21 Seamstress 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 22 One on One Cranbrook Gardens 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: Daddy's Home 23 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge 26 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 12:30 Bridge 27 CVS Flu Shots 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 11:30 Theme Lunch 12:30-4:00 Euchre 28 10:00 Seasoned Readers 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 29 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: Spectre 30 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge Closed Labor Day October 2016 M onda y T ue sda y W edn e sda y T hur sda y F ri da y 3 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 12:30 Bridge 4 Metro Hospice 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Euchre 5 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 6 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: Suffragette 7 Livingston Antique Mall 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge 10 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 12:30 Bridge 11 Card Making Same Address 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 12:00 Potluck 12:30-4:00 Euchre 12 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 13 One on One 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: The 33 14 Pumpkin Painting Cider & Donut Day 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge 17 Maple Manor of Novi 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 12:30 Bridge 18 The Affinity Group 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Euchre 19 AARP Seamstress 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 20 AARP 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: An American in Paris 21 Klint Kesto 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge 24 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 12:30 Bridge 25 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 11:30 Theme Lunch 12:30-4:00 Euchre 26 Spicer Orchard 10:00 Seasoned Readers 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 27 One on One 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: Big Stone Gap 28Westlake Halloween Party 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge 31 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 12:30 Bridge November 2016 M onda y T ue sda y W edn e sda y T hur sda y F ri da y 1 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Euchre 2 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 3 Ask an Attorney 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: Joy 7 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 12:30 Bridge 8 9 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 10 Life Line Screening 11 One on One 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: My Name is Doris 14 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 12:30 Bridge 15 Eye Diseases 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 12:00 Potluck 12:30-4:00 Euchre 16 Seamstress 10:00 Seasoned Readers 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 17 Parade Company 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: Miracles from HEaven 18 Klint Kesto 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge 21 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 12:30 Bridge 22 Benefits of Tai Chi 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Euchre 23 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 24 25 28 Trinity Church 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 12:30 Bridge 29 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 11:30 Theme lunch 12:30-4:00 Euchre 3010:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle Closed Elections Closed Thanksgiving 4 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge Closed Veterans Day Closed December 2016 M onda y T ue sda y W edn e sda y T hur sda y F ri da y 1 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: Elvis and Nixon 2 Christmas Tree Decorating 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge 5 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 6 Elder Care Firm Westlake Soup & Bread 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 12:00 Senior Lunch 7 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 8 One on One 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: Cool Hand Luke 9 Hamtramck 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge 12 MI State Capitol Tour 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 13 Card Making 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 12:00 Potluck 12:30-4:00 Euchre 14 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 15 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: Brians Song 16 Klint Kesto 9:00-12:00 Art 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Cards of Choice 12:45-4:00 Bridge 19 9:30 Stretch & Strength 9:30 Quilting 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30 Bingo 20 9:30-11:30 Knit & Crochet 11:00 Woodcarving 12:00 Theme Lunch 12:30-4:00 Euchre 21 Seamstress 10:30 Tai chi 12:00 Senior Lunch 12:30-4:00 Pinochle 22 One on One 23 9:00 Art, Fabric & Embroidery 12:00-4:00 Soup & Sandwich Movie: A Christmas Carol 26 27 28 29 Closed Closed Closed Closed 30 Closed Closed
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