WHAT DOES PSTC Employees Federal Gredit DO WITH YOUR
WHAT DOES PSTC Employees Federal Gredit DO WITH YOUR
Rev, 1A2U0 WHATDOES PSTCEmployeesFederalGredit DO WITHYOUR PERSONALINFORMATION? Financialcompanieschoosehow they shareyour personalinformation.Federallaw gives consumersthe rightto limitsomebut not all sharing.Federallaw alsorequiresus to tellyou how we collect,share,and protectyour personalinformation.Pleasereadthis noticecarefullyto understandwhat we do. I I r credithistory and creditscores I I All financialcompaniesneedto sharemembers' personalinformationto run their everyday business.In the sectionbelow,we listthe reasonsfinancialcompaniescan sharetheir members' personalinformation;the reasonsPSTCEmployeesFederalCreditUnion choosesto share;and whetheryou can limitthis sharing. Forour everydaybusinesspurposes* suchas to processyourtransactions, maintain youraccount(s), respondto courtordersandlegal investigations, or reportto creditbureaus For our marketingpurposesto offerour productsandservices to you For joint marketingwith other financialcompanies For our affiliates'everydaybusinesspurposesinformation aboutyourtransactions andexperiences YES NO YES YES NO NO -----i I i I i I For our affiliates' everydaybusiness purposesinformationabout your creditworthiness i NO I For nonaffiliatesto market to you l r Call 610-352-2000 -our menuwill promptyou throughyour choice(s) or r Visitus online:www.pstcfcu.org YES Pleasenote: lf you are a new customer,we can beginsharingyour information30 days from the date we sent this notice,Whenyou arena longerour customer,we continueto shareyour informationas describedin this notice. However,you can contactus at any time to limitour sharing. Call610-352-2000or goto www.pstcfcu.org EFI To protectyour personalinformationfrom unauthorizedaccess and use,we use securitymeasuresthat complywith federallaw, Thesemeasuresincludecomputersafeguardsand securedfiles and buildings. Howdoes PSTCEFCU protect my personal information? How does PsTc EFGU i We collectyour personalinformation,for example,when you r openan account money or dePosit r payyourbills or applyfora loan i r useyourcreditor debitcard information fromothers,suchas,credit I W" alsocollectyourpersonal non-afiiliates or othercompanies I bureaus, I wttv can't I limii arl "rt"iinge i t"o"r"' tawgivesyoutherightto timitonty i r r r sharingfor affiliates'everydaybusinesspurposes-information aboutyour creditworlhiness affiliatesfrom usingyour informationto marketto you sharingfor nonaffiliates to marketto you State laws and individualcompaniesmay give you additionalrightsto limitsharing. What happens when I limit sharing for an account I hold jointly with someone else?