Instructional module(G8) - Department of Education
Instructional module(G8) - Department of Education
Module in MAPEH GRADE 8 Quarter: First Music: Southeast Asian Music Competencies: 1. Analyze the music of Southeast Asia. 2. Perform using the music of Southeast Asia. 3. Analyze examples of Southeast Asian music and describes how the musical elements are used. 4. Relate Southeast Asian music to the lives of the people. 5. Explain the distinguishing characteristics of representative Southeast Asian music in relation to history and culture of the area. 6. Perform available instruments from Southeast Asia, alone and/or with others. 7. Improvise simple rhythmic/harmonic accompaniments to selected Southeast Asian music criteria. 8. Explore ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that would simulate instruments being studied. 9. Evaluate the quality of your own and others’ performances and improvisations of Southeast Asian music using developed. Activity 1: Blind Map Instruction: Discuss among your seatmates and try to identify the countries in the given map below. Then, answer the following questions. Guide questions: Answer in a sentence. 1. What region in Asia is the map above? _______________ 2. What are the similarities and differences among these countries? Activity 2: Describe Southeast Asian Music Instruction: Supply the following table based on your research, discussions and other ways of information. COUNTRY Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam DESCRIPION OF MUSIC INSTRUMENTS 1 SAMPLE SONG Activity 3: Music analysis (Rasa Sayang ) Instruction: Let the students listen to the Rasa Sayang music and let them describe the following by checking: Time Signature Dynamics timbre Pitch Form A. Dynamics ___ 24 ___ soft ___ light ___ high ___ strophic ___ moderate ___ 34 ___ loud ___ bright ___ low ___ binary B. tempo ___ 44 ___ fast (allegro) ___ dark ___ neutral ___ Ternary ___ moderate (moderato) ___ slow (lento) ___ Rondo b. How do you feel after hearing the Rasa Sayang? _____________________________________. Activity 4: Music analysis (Burung Kakatua) Instruction: Let the students listen to the Burung Kakatua music and let them describe the following by checking: Time Signature Dynamics Timbre Pitch Form A. dynamics ___ 24 ___ soft ___ light ___ high ___ strophic ___ moderate ___ 34 ___ loud ___ bright ___ low ___ binary B. tempo ___ 44 ___ fast (allegro) ___ dark ___ neutral ___ Ternary ___ moderate (moderato) ___ slow (lento) ___ Rondo b. How do you feel after hearing the Burung Kakatua________________________________. Activity 5: Rhythmic Activity Instruction: After learning the song Rasa Sayang and Burung Kakatua, they will sing the songs while clapping or with improvised materials for rhythmic accompaniment. Activity 6: Concept Map Instruction: Write your own understanding about the music of Southeast Asia based on the previous discussions and leanings. Topic: Evaluation: Portfolio making Rubric title: Rubric for portfolio making Target Intelligence: Visual-Spatial Performance Task: Each student will create their own portfolio showing concept and ideas about the music of Southeast Asian music. Objective: Give importance to the music of Southeast Asian music. CRITERIA 10 5 3 RATING Creativity Content Punctuality Very Good Show very high sense of creativity and artistry. Illustrate impressive information. Submit on or before the deadline. Good Show just enough creativity and artistry Illustrate just information Submit a day after the deadline. TOTAL 2 Poor Creativity is showed. not Content is not seen. Submit 2 days and beyond the deadline Arts: Folk Arts of Southeast Asia Competencies: 1. Name the countries in Southeast Asia. 2. Understand the nature of Southeast Asian arts and crafts and how they affect the life and culture of the people. 3. Analyze how the elements of art and principles of design are applied in Southeast Asian folk arts 4. Compare and appreciate the similarities, differences, and uniqueness of Southeast Asian Art. 5. Create examples of Southeast Asian indigenous and folk arts showing understanding of the elements and principles of art. 6. Put up a mini-Southeast Asian art exhibit using their own artworks. 7. Appreciate the contribution of Southeast Asian art and culture. Activity 1: Loop Relay Instruction: 1. Choose 5 boys and 5 girls to represent the class. 2. The first player will read and analyze the written letters to form word/s related to the art of Southeast Asia. 3. Use chalk or any writing instrument to loop the word either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. 4. Go back to your group and tag the next player to loop the next word. Do this until all the members of the group have identified the words. 5. The first group to finish wins. W A C O E R N I T E I K N I G O I X S A W D U R U O C A R S Y H I L U N N K T E A L T O S I H N H E N E I D L O N R Q W E L X I G G E G M Z T Q Y O A F S G U O O S X E K U M K K I L Z A O R H B Y Y O E F E I A L O R J L K E R Z I O Y O T H W D I O T K E L I K A N F A N G E A N S I R T A G I C K L U I E X E S Y K I T A K M F E R E I T F U N Q P Y N N W A Y A N G K U L I T B E T G V A C R F I E Activity 2: Batik Making Materials: Canvas or old cotton fabric Fabric paint or acrylic paint (Latex) Elmer's washable blue gel glue Paint brushes Plastic wrap or plastic placemat Procedure: 1. Cut canvas or cotton fabric into the desired size. Now it’s time for you to learn how to make Southeast Asian Artworks. Do the activities below and have fun creating the artworks. Follow the procedures carefully to produce fabulous artworks! 2. Sketch a design (optional) If you are planning on making a detailed picture, you can lightly sketch your design onto the fabric. Another option you can do is to cut out a picture or template and trace its outline on the fabric. 3. Make a batik design with glue Place plastic wrap or a plastic placemat under your fabric in case the glue seeps through. Squeeze the glue to make lines and designs on your fabric. You can make simple designs like flowers or geometric shapes, or do a complete picture. If you will use a sketch, you simply have to apply glue along the lines of your drawing. 4. Allow the glue to dry Once you are satisfied with your design, allow the glue to dry. This will take around six hours or more, depending on the weight of your fabric and the thickness of the glue lines. When completely dry, the glue lines will turn transparent. 5. Prepare your paint 3 Prepare the colors of fabric paint or acrylic paint on your palette. Watering down the paint can create a nice watercolor-like wash. Be careful with adding too much water because your batik might look old and too washed-out. On the other hand, adding just a little bit of water can give beautiful deep hues but thick acrylic paint sometimes chips off from the fabric. The best way to find the right balance is to try it out for yourself on a spare swatch of fabric. 6. Paint the fabric Classic batik usually makes use of one or two colors. This puts emphasis on the lines rather than on the colors, although multiple colors are not uncommon. When using two or more colors, you can paint random splotches of color or paint an ordered pattern (e.g. stripes).180 7. Allow the paint to dry When you have covered the entire fabric with colors, let the paint dry completely. *To find out if the glue has effectively resisted the paint, check the flip side of your fabric. The areas with glue should not absorb any of the colors. A variation you can do is to use the glue lines as the borders for the colors, quite similar to painting any picture. 8. Remove the glue Soak the fabric in warm water for 15 to 30 minutes. You can do this in a basin or directly inside a sink or bathtub. The glue will soften as it soaks longer. You can speed up the process by rubbing on the areas with glue. After all the glue has been removed, hang the fabric to dry. Another method that does not involve soaking in water is to peel off the dry glue lines directly from the fabric. This does not work for certain types of fabric. However, it works well with canvas batik but not on cotton tank top. 9. Finishing touches Once your batik has dried, iron it and it is ready to be framed or displayed as an artwork You may also hem the edges to turn it into a placemat, napkin or bandana. If you worked on a large piece of batik, you can sew and transform it into a bag, pillowcase, tablecloth, and other projects. Activity 3: Puppet Making (Wayang Kulit) Materials: pattern or template old cardstock watercolor cutter single hole punch or press punch paper fasteners wooden sticks string clear gloss (optional) gold or silver doilies PROCEDURE: 1. Draw or trace the pattern of a character (Bima) on cardstock or illustration board. 2. You can enlarge the pattern if you wish and then photocopy it directly onto cardstock or you may also print off the pattern and then glue this down to your cardstock or illustration board. 3. Cut out all the pieces of your puppet. 4. Using a single-hole puncher, or even the tip of a knitting needle, punch a hole in all the little circles on the pattern. You can also add some extra holes for decoration as these look good in the shadow. These are your joints so you can have some movement in your puppet. Attach some paper fasteners. If the ends from a large fastener are too long, just fold it back on itself or you can trim them off with scissors. 5. Attach the main part of your puppet to a stick using adhesive tape. 6. The best way to attach the wooden sticks to the arms is by a string so that you can get better movement for your puppet. Attach a piece of string to the stick using adhesive tape. Wrap the string around the wrist of the puppet .This enables the stick to move sideways from the arm which makes the puppet easier to manipulate. 7. You can add a coat of clear gloss varnish to your puppet so it will last through many performances. 8. This is how the finished product should look. Bima is one of the five sons of King Pandu. Research and you can find many images of Wayang Kulit characters as well as some of the traditional plays and you can build your own little puppet troupe. Activity 4: Soap Carving Soap Knife Cutter Pencil 4 Old newspaper Procedure: 1. Choose a bar of soap. Any soap will work; however, a larger bar is easier to hold and gives more material to work with. Make sure you have a well-covered area to do your soap carving on. 2. Choose a knife to use. Soap is fairly soft, so a sharp knife is not absolutely necessary. Plastic knives, spoons, or Popsicle sticks would also work. This is especially important to note if you are doing this project, to prevent any accidents from using sharp knives. 3. Draw an outline of your carving on one side of the soap. You can either draw the outline first using a pencil, or directly use a knife, orange wood stick, or toothpick to scrape the outline into the soap. 4. Remove the soap outside the outline using small slivers or chips. Make sure to scrape away only small portions at a time, as it would be easier to remove than to put back an over scraped portion. Cutting off too much would cause the soap to break off into chunks. 5. Add detail to the inside of your outline to refine the design further. When the carving is finished, wet your finger and rub the surface of the soap to create a smooth finish. Allow it to dry and harden for a day. Evaluation: Research Report Rubric title: Rubric for research report Target Intelligence: Linguistic Performance Task: Each group will choose one country in Southeast Asia and they will make a research report about their arts. Objective: Give importance to the arts of Southeast Asia. CRITERIA 10 5 3 RATING Very Good Good Poor Show very high sense Show just enough Creativity is not Creativity of creativity and creativity and artistry showed. artistry. Illustrate impressive Illustrate just Content is not seen. Content information. information Submit on or before Submit a day after the Submit 2 days and Punctuality the deadline. deadline. beyond the deadline TOTAL Physical Education: Health Related Fitness Competencies: 1. Recognize the physical activity habits of the family in terms of health-related fitness components; 2. Undertake fitness tests; 3. Assess the family’s strengths and weaknesses in the components of HRF 4. Perform exercises to enhance cardiovascular and muscular fitness; 5. Demonstrate HRF for the family regularly to ensure its promotion of an active lifestyle; 6. Explain why the purpose is critical in ensuring the conduct of activities in the family; 7. Design physical activities that promote cardiovascular and muscular fitness to family members. Activity 1: Where Am I? Instruction: Introduce to your students this brain teasing fun games called “Word Scramble”. Instruct them to find from the untangled letters the components associated with Health-Related Fitness. The words could be in any directions as long as the letters are all inter-connected. Let them write these words below and define each. S C E N T E R O W B T E N D U R A E O L R V I T A N C D F L E X I B I L Y C O M N D Y T I I S O P O G F Y R T I O N S P T A G M A X I M U M H E My answers: 1.________________________________ 5 2.________________________________ 3. ________________________________ 4. ________________________________ Activity 2: Quest for Fitness Instruction: Reflect on your daily activities and write them down on the table below. Give special attention to activities that will help improve your Health-Related Fitness and maximize your body potentials. After a few minutes, group yourselves into 5 or 8 and discuss your answers with the group. Present your output in class. My daily HRF components routines/tasks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Activity 3: Picture Parade/collage Instruction: In this activity, you are expected to bring pictures showing different activities of a person. Display each picture and describe the action and how the person in the picture might be feeling. List down benefits associated with each activity. Examples of pictures might include: 1. A smiling child running (feeling free and happy) 2. A group of people engaged in a game or sport (having fun) 3. A figure skater, dancer, or gymnast performing (graceful, powerful) After displaying your picture parade, ask one of your classmates to report his/her list of benefits associated with each activity in class. Allow your classmate to explain his/her answer. Variation: Create a collage or bulletin board display of cut-out pictures from newspapers or magazines that will illustrate the benefits of being active. Activity 4: Body Mass Index Instruction: Let the students get their own weight in kilograms and height in meters. Then, guide them in computing their BMI following the formula: Example: BMI= WEIGHT (Kg) HEIGHT (m)2 30 kg. = 30 2 1.10 m 1.10 x 1.10 Classification: below - 18. 5 18.5- 24. 9 25- 29.9 30- above underweight normal overweight obese = 30 = 24.79 1.21 Activity 5: Physical Fitness Test ACTIVITY 90 DEGREE PUSH-UPS CURL-UPS ZIPPER TEST RESULT HEALTH RELATED COMPONENT 6 Activity 6: Web Map Instruction: List 3 ways on how to achieve fitness in every aspects/dimension. Physical Emotional FITNESS Social Spiritual Mental Evaluation: Fitness Collage Making Rubric title: Rubric for Collage Target Intelligence: Visual-Spatial Performance Task: The students will be grouped. Each group will create their own collage showing fitness and wellness of a person. Objective: Give importance to the holistic wellness of a person. CRITERIA 10 5 3 RATING Very Good Good Poor Show very high sense Show just enough Creativity is not Creativity of creativity and creativity and artistry showed. artistry. Illustrate impressive Illustrate just Content is not Content information. information seen. Submit on or before Submit a day after the Submit 2 days and Punctuality the deadline. deadline. beyond the deadline TOTAL Health: Family Health Competencies: 1. Discuss sexuality as an important component of one’s personality. 2. Explain the importance and dimensions of human sexuality. 3. Analyze the factors that affect one’s attitudes and practices related to sexuality. 4. Assess personal health attitudes that may influence sexual behaviour. 5. Relates the importance of sexuality to family health. 6. Discuss the signs, symptoms, and effects of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). 7. Enumerate steps in the prevention and control of STIs. 8. Analyze why abstinence is the most effective method for the prevention of HIV and AIDS and other STIs. 9. Follow government policies in the prevention and control of HIV and AIDS (RA 8504 or Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act). 10. Explain other government efforts in ensuring a clean blood supply to prevent issues and problems related to sexuality (RA 7719 or Blood Services Act of 1994). 11. Apply decision-making skills in managing sexually-related issues. Activity 1: How I See Myself – How Others See Me Listed below are characteristics which may or may not Yes, this is very much me! represent you. Using the icon at the left side, see if you can rate X No, not me at all. o Unsure. 7 yourself. After you are done, fold the paper in half and ask a classmate to rate you. Extrovert _____ Extrovert _____ Extrovert ______ Selfish ____ Selfish ____ Selfish ______ Confident _____ Confident _____ Confident ______ Aggressive ____ Aggressive ____ Aggressive ______ Shy _____ Shy _____ Shy ______ Attractive _____ Attractive _____ Attractive ______ Good listener ____ Good listener ____ Good listener ______ Approachable ____ Approachable ____ Approachable ______ Liked _____ Liked _____ Liked ______ Fun ____ Fun ____ Fun ______ Sincere ____ Sincere ____ Sincere ______ Irresponsible ____ Irresponsible ____ Irresponsible ______ Kind _____ Kind _____ Kind ______ Dependable ____ Dependable ____ Dependable ______ Other/s: ______ Other/s: Other/s: _____________ ____ _____________________ Activity 2: Loop Word On your activity sheet, encircle the fifteen (15) words related to gender and human sexuality. B Y N O R M S E L F E S G F E D O F R A H F E M A L E A O E A Q N X Q I H M L Q V U D L U M E I E U I S E X P A A L Z A O T R K E L L Y O L R O X D E E T I P I R D G I R L H D T T L Y J B S X V B O Y Follow-up activity: In your own words, define the encircled words you have found! Check your answers! Using the rubrics below, see how you fare in this activity. 13-15 Excellent 10-12 Very Good 7- 9 Good 4- 6 Fair 0- 3 Needs Improvement Activity 3: Pre-assessment For each of the following topic/idea, place a check mark in the cell that appropriately describes your experience. Topic/Concept Have Read it Have heard it Have seen on TV or movie production STIs, HIV, and AIDS Abstinence Refusal skill Blood donation/transfusion 8 Have written a report paper on it Activity 4: Check yourself/Reflect and Understand After they complete the guided practice, ask them to answer the questions below to review what they have learned. 1. In your own words, give the difference between HIV and AIDS? 2. What are the four ways that HIV can be passed from one person to another person? 3. If you become an HIV positive, what will you do to prevent AIDS? And what will you do to live longer? 4. AIDS is not curable but it is preventable. What are the best methods of prevention? 5. Name two ways teenager can do to reduce the risk of HIV infection. 6. How can using alcohol and illegal drugs increase a person’s risk of having HIV infection? Use the chart below in answering the items. Think back on something that you learned on this learning material. Reflect on the following questions and then write your answers to them. 1) What did you learn? 2) How did it affect you? 3) Why did you choose to learn it? 4) What/who helped you learn it? 5) What hindered your learning? 6) How did you know that you have learned it? Activity 5: What? So What? Now What? Strategy: My response What: What do I want to know about the topic? What behavior I would like to change or improve to have a healthy sexual behavior? What steps are involved to accomplish this healthy sexual behavior? 9 So what: Why is this important? What does it mean to me? How does knowing about this information change my thinking? What other ideas in human sexuality do I have or connections can I make to STIs and HIV / AIDS? Now what: What are the implications of human sexuality to a healthy family life? What am I going to do or apply to protect and promote healthy sexuality? What measures will I do to prevent HIV / AIDS? Evaluation: Investigative Reporting Group the class in to several groups and ask the learners to visit Barangay health center, or school clinic and interview Barangay health workers, professionals, school health workers and health professionals and adults. The following are the guide questions for their interview. 1. What is HIV? What causes AIDS? 2. What are the signs and symptoms of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)? 3. How can HIV / AIDS be spread from one person to another? 4. What are effects of HIV/AIDS to our body? 5. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? After gathering the facts, the students will submit it to the teacher with some picture regarding their report and investigation about the topic. Rubric title: Rubric for Investigative Report Target Intelligence: Linguistic Performance Task: Each group will present their own report based on their investigation. CRITERIA 30 20 10 RATING Very Good Good Poor Illustrate impressive Illustrate just Content is not Content information. information seen. Submit on or before Submit a day Submit 2 days and Punctuality the deadline. after the beyond the deadline. deadline TOTAL 10 Module in MAPEH Grade 8 Quarter: Second Music: Music of East Asia Competencies: 1. Identify through music listening the characteristics of East Asian (Japan, China and Korea) Music in relation to their history and culture. 2. Identify similarities and differences of the music of East Asia. 3. Describe how the musical elements reflect East Asian Culture. 4. Analyze representative songs from East Asia and describe how the musical elements are used. 5. Compare and classify the musical instruments. 6. Sing accurately representative songs from East Asia simulating their singing style. 7. Play/improvise simple melodic and rhythmic accompaniments to selected East Asian music. 8. Perform the improvised musical composition using musical instruments or sound sources that can be used to produce sounds that are similar to the sound of East Asian music with the awareness of its musical elements and style. 9. Evaluate the quality of their own performances and others’ performances and improvisations of East Asian music using developed criteria. 10. Evaluate music and music performances of East Asian Countries applying knowledge of musical elements and style. Activity 1: Pre-assessment Instruction: Allow the students to brainstorm within their group. Let them discuss each word if they have any background and let them identify the origin of every word (JAPAN, CHINA or KOREA). Remind the students that there is no wrong answer as long as they try their best. 1. Yin-yang 2. Cherry Blossom 3. Sanjo (flute) 4. Erhu 5. Dragon 6. Koto 7. Kabuki 8. Ikebana Activity 2: Picture Web Form a group and make a picture web on the music and culture of Japan, China, and Korea. Analyze your output using the guide questions after each section. MUSIC COSTUMES Name of Country ______ ARTS CULTURE Activity 3: Getting to know the culture Instruction: Let the students do an advance research about any of the three countries (Japan, Korea, and China). Give them the freedom to write anything in the manila paper about their research. CHINA JAPAN KOREA Activity 4: Venn Diagram Instruction: From the previous activity, let them review all the facts and allow them to decide what are the similarities and differences of every country below. 11 Japan and Korea/ Korea and China/ China and Japan Differences differences similarities Activity 5: Complete ME Instruction: Complete the following table by reading and researching the following instruments used in East music. Instrument Description Classification Origin (Chordophone, Aerophone, (Japan, Korea or China) Membranophone, Idiophone) Tsuzum Tsuridaiko Taiko Koto Shamisen Biwa Shakuhachi Nokan HIchiriki Sho Shinobue Ryuteki Yueqin Pipa Erhu Yunluo Sheng Dizi Zheng Pengling Kayagum Geomungo Haegum Piri Changgo Activity 6: Music Analysis (Sakura) Instruction: Listen to music of Japan entitled “Sakura” in using the Youtube. Then, analyze the song based on the following elements. As possible, try to learn the song and prepare for a performance in the succeeding activity. Time Signature dynamics timbre Pitch Form A. dynamics ___ 24 ___ soft ___ light ___ high ___ strophic ___ moderate ___ 34 ___ loud ___ bright ___ low ___ binary B. tempo ___ 44 ___ fast (allegro) ___ dark ___ neutral ___ Ternary ___ moderate (moderato) ___ slow (lento) ___ Rondo b. How do you feel after hearing the song “Sakura”? _____________________________________. Evaluation: Vocal Singing (Sakura) Rubric title: Rubric for vocal singing Target Intelligence: musical Performance Task: Allow the class to sing the Sakura song in small groups. 12 Objective: Give importance to the folk music of Japan. CRITERIA 10 5 Very Good Good Vocal Quality Able to sing with Able to sing with correct pitch some errors with throughout the pitch. song. Performance Students able to Students able to present very good present but showmanship. inconsistent all throughout the performance. TOTAL 3 RATING Poor Unable to sing the song improperly. Students perform poorly and unable to show what is expected Arts: East Asian Arts Competencies: 1. Identify the characteristics of arts and crafts found in China, Japan and Korea like painting, pottery, paper arts 2. Analyze art elements (color, line, shape, etc.) and principles (texture, proportion, emphasis, harmony etc.) in the production of art in China, Japan and Korea. 3. Reflect on and derive the mood, idea, or message emanating from paintings, paper artworks, pottery, ikebana, face painting and architecture, etc. of China, Japan and Korea by comparing their similarities and differences. 4. Determine and evaluate the effectiveness of mood, idea, or message as shown by the visual image in the arts and crafts of Japan, China and Korea. 5. Trace the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous) influences that are reflected in the artworks and crafts from China, Korea and Japan through research and video clip viewing. Activity 1: Match and Fill Instruction: Read each statement and try to identify each by choosing the answers from the box below _____ 1. The art that is considered as one of the oldest and most highly refined among the arts of Japan _____ 2. It is regarded as the highest form of Chinese painting _____ 3. The art of beautiful handwriting _____ 4. Arts and crafts flourished during this period in Korean history _____ 5. A technique for printing text, images or patterns used widely throughout East Asia and originating in China in antiquity as a method of printing on textiles and paper _____ 6. The best known type of Japanese woodblock art print _____ 7. The era in Korean paintings that offers the richest variety and are the styles most imitated today _____ 8. The art of paper folding in Japan _____ 9. The three concepts of art reflected mostly in the artworks and crafts in China, Japan and Korea _____10. It is also known as Jingju Lianpu that is done with different colors in accordance with the performing characters’ personality and historical assessment Origami Woodblock Printing Heaven, Earth, Mankind Calligraphy Painting Peking Face-Paint Chosun PeriodUkiyo-e Four Gracious Plant Kabuki Face-Paint Koryo Period Landscape painting Activity 2: Chinese Painting Instruction: Choose a subject to any of the following as an example of Chinese Painting. 1. Flowers and birds 4. Human Figures 2. Landscapes 5. Animals 3. Palaces and Temples 6. Bamboos and Stones 13 Activity 3: Japanese Art (Mask Painting) Instruction: Choose a subject to any of the following as an example of Japanese Painting. 1. Scenes from everyday life 2. Narrative scenes crowded with figures and details Activity 4: Korean Mask-making Instruction: Create your own design of a mask like of Koreans. Activity 5: Origami Instruction: Learn the art of paper folding from your teacher and try to make your design. After doing so, paste it in an oslo paper and add more designs. Activity 6: Travel to East Asia Instruction: Choose a country in the East (Japan, Korea or China). Research about any important sports or events and present it in a web map. Evaluation: Artfolio of the Arts of the East Asia Rubric title: Rubric for Artfolio of the Arts of the East Asia Target Intelligence: Visual Performance Task: Each student will compile all their outputs about the arts of East Asia. Objective: Show creativity in presenting their output about the lesson. CRITERIA Creativity Content Punctuality 10 Very Good Student shows a very unique artfolio with the use of different materials. The artfolio bares a very informative product which explains the details of the task. Submits the output on or before the deadline. 5 Good Student shows just enough uniqueness in the artfolio. The artfolio bares inadequate information. 3 Poor Students shows no uniqueness in the artfolio The artfolio bares no information at all. Submits the output a day after the deadline Submits the output 2 days and beyond the deadline. TOTAL RATING Physical Education: Team Sports Competencies: 1. Discuss the nature and background of baseball/softball. 2. Explain the health and fitness benefits derived from playing baseball and softball. 3. Practice proper and acceptable behavior (e.g. fairness, respect for authority) when participating baseball/softball. 4. Execute proficiently the basic skills and tactics in baseball/softball. 5. Interprets rules and regulations of baseball/softball. 6. Exhibit enjoyment in playing baseball/softball. Activity 1: Pre-Assessment Write the corresponding team sport in the space provided in the right side of the column for basic skills. BASIC SKILLS CORRESPONDING TEAM SPORT(Baseball, softball, basketball) BASIC SKILLS Dribble Chest Pass Bounce Pass Assist Bat/Batting Pitch Shoot Throw Catch Homerun Strike Balls Home Base Initial Sack Key Stone 14 CORRESPONDING TEAM SPORT(Baseball, softball, basketball) Activity 1B: Pre-Assessment Name: ___________________________ Chosen Team Sport:______________ K-What you KNOW W-What you WANT to know L-What you’ve LEARNED 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 3. 3. Activity 2: Team Sport Engagement Survey This time you need to fill up a team sport engagement survey form. This will help assess your engagement in team sports which will serve as a reference for your planning the sequence of learning activities about team sports. Procedure: 1. Copy the survey form in your activity notebook and reflect on your participation in team sports by honestly responding to the survey questionnaire below. SURVEY QUESTIONS BASKETBALL YES NO BASEBALL YES NO SOFTBALL YES NO 1. Have you experience playing team sports? 2. Do you play team sports often? 3. Do you play team sports with friends? 4. Do you play team sports with your family? 5. Are you a member of the school varsity team? 6. Do you participate in community sports programs? 7. Do you enjoy participating in team sports? 8. Do you consider the benefits derived from playing team sports? 9. Are there team sports enthusiasts in your family? 10. Do you plan to make team sports one of your lifetime fitness activities? 2. Just put a checkmark ( ) on the column of your corresponding response to the items indicated in the survey questions. It’s quite easy, right? So go on, grab a pen and accomplish the questionnaire. 3. Now that you’re done, submit the questionnaire to your teacher during the face-to-face encounter. The result of the survey may help your teacher in designing your succeeding activities in team sport Activity 3: Fill-in the missing component 1. Below is a table indicating three columns namely: team sports, basic skills and components of physical fitness involved in performing the basic skills. Copy the table in your activity notebook. 2. The team sports at the first column have already been provided together with the respective basic skills. All you have to do is to identify the component of physical fitness involved in performing the respective skills. Write your answers in the given column. 3. After accomplishing this, meet with your group, friends or relatives and share your answers. Consolidate all your answers in another sheet. 4. Identify three most frequent components of physical fitness based on your groups, relatives’ or friends’ responses and come up with an exercise of four repetitions each. Make sure that it promotes any of the identified fitness components. Do this in five minutes. 5. Let your group present your work to the class Name: __________________________ Section:___________________________ TEAM SPORTS Basketball: Component of Physical Fitness Involved Baseball/Softball BASIC SKILLS Shooting Passing Dribbling Rebounding Running Throwing Catching Pitching Batting Base Running 15 Activity 4: The team sport that I would like to know more Instruction: This activity allows you to share your knowledge about team sports which brings out your expectations of the lesson, your prior knowledge and skills, and the specific team sport you want to learn more. Name: _______________________________ Chosen Team Sport:______________ K-What you KNOW W-What you WANT to know L-What you’ve LEARNED 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. Activity 5: Lecture-Discussion Instruction: Research about following components in basketball. Put it in a short bond paper. - Nature and background of basketball - Basic skills - Facilities, equipment and playing attire ans shoes - Basic rules and officiating (Violations and misconduct) Activity 6: Pick-Shoot and Answer! Instruction: In this activity, you will be given strips of paper containing questions regarding basketball. Read each question, think of the answer and write it in your activity notebook. 1. Your class will be grouped into four. 2. Each group will be provided with a bowl containing numbered paper strips with written questions related to basketball. The groups will assemble in columns facing the blackboard about three meters away. The bowl of questions in front and a basket near the board about three meters away. 3. As the “go” signal is given, the first member of each group picks up a strip of question to answer. Within 10 seconds, he/she answers the question , then crumples the strip and shoot it in the basket provided per group. 4. After shooting, the first members go to the board and write their answers on it. 5. The group with the most number of correct answers and successful shots combined, wins the game. Activity 7: Display of Skill Instruction: Perform the following skills below then Just put a checkmark ( ∕ ) in the column corresponding to your response to the items indicated in the following table based on how well you did in each drill station. SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL ON BASIC SKILLS IN BASKETBALL Name: Section: STATION DRILLS Advanced Proficient Approaching Proficiency Station 1: Shooting Station 2: Dribbling Station 3: Passing Station 4: Rebounding Station 5: Running Date: Developing Beginning Evaluation: Artfolio of My Favourite Basketball Player Rubric title: Rubric for Artfolio of My Favourite Target Intelligence: Visual Performance Task: Each student will compile all their outputs about My Favourite Basketball Player. 16 Objective: Show creativity in presenting their output about the lesson. CRITERIA Creativity Content Punctuality 10 Very Good Student shows a very unique artfolio with the use of different materials. The artfolio bares a very informative product which explains the details of the task. Submits the output on or before the deadline. 5 Good Student shows just enough uniqueness in the artfolio. The artfolio bares inadequate information. 3 Poor Students shows no uniqueness in the artfolio The artfolio bares no information at all. Submits the output a day after the deadline Submits the output 2 days and beyond the deadline. TOTAL RATING Health: Family Life Competencies: 1. Recognize the different factors that contribute to a successful marriage 2. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of parents in fulfilling the needs of their children 3. Analyze the effects of having a big family and problems it may cause to the health of the nation 4. Make a plan on how to have a successful marriage and family life. 5. Talk about pregnancy-related concerns and prenatal care. 6. Explain the importance of maternal nutrition during pregnancy. 7. Discuss essential newborn protocols. 8. Recognize the advantages of breastfeeding. 9. Analyze the importance of responsible parenthood. 10. Recognize the factors for a successful family life. 11. Explain the effects of family size on the health of the family. 12. Examine the important roles and responsibilities of parents in child rearing and care. 13. Explain the effects of rapid population growth on the health of the nation. 14. Propose ways on how to plan an ideal family size. Activity 1: LOOP-A-WORD Loop as many words as you can that have something to do with marriage. Use the words or the factors of family in a sentence or give the meaning of each. 1. Dating______________________ 2. Engagement__________________ 3. Courtship____________________ 4. Love _______________________ 5. Infatuation___________________ 6. Marriage_____________________ 7. Friendship____________________ 8. Pregnancy___________________ 9. Newborn____________________ 10. Family______________________ P D A T I N G V C T J L C R R M A R R I A G E F O O E E E H T A L C A R E V U G N F G N E W B O R N E R N I N F A T U A T I O N T A E F R I E N D S H I P S N N S Y F X 17 N Y J K W G H C T T E U L F A M I L Y I Activity 2: Picture-connectivity 1. What words can you form out of these pictures?__________________________________________________________________ 2. How do these pictures apply to you? ___________________________________________ 3. Why is courtship and dating important in choosing a lifetime partner? _________________________________________________________________________ Activity 2: Courtship What comes into your mind seeing the picture below? How does the picture appeal to you? Does it bring good feeling or bad feeling? Does it spell something? Give your assessment. Activity 4: MY IDEAL PARTNER Instruction: In an oslo paper, draw, and color your ideal man / woman. Below your drawing, write the characteristics you expect from him / her. Activity 5: DEBATE Instruction: Be with your group mates and prepare for a debate by reflecting on and answering these questions. Assess your performance using this rubric. Rubrics for Debate = weak; 2 = developing; 3 = adequate; 4 = above average; 5 = strong 1. Opening statements clearly addressed the central issues of the debate. 1 2. Overall impression on the presentation – eye contact, use of voice 1 3. Claims showed evidence of research. 1 4. Rebuttal statements effectively addressed the statements of the opposing team 1 5. The presentation demonstrated organization and forethought. 1 6. Final statements effectively summarized salient points and improved the team’s position. 1 7. Participants adhered to rules and procedures. 1 Activity 6: Word Bank Instruction: Check the words below and find their meanings. Put it in a Web Map. Pregnancy Morning sickness Complications Discomfort Trimester Braxton Hicks Contraction Health condition Family Life 18 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Activity 7: What to Avoid During pregnancy Instruction: The following is a list of actions performed during pregnancy. If the action mentioned is something that a pregnant women should avoid, put X on the space provided. If the activity is something that would be good for a pregnant woman, put a /. Remember to copy the table in your activity notebook. ACTIVITY 1. drinking alcohol ______ 2. drinking milk ______ 3. dyeing hair ______ 4. cleaning the cat’s litter box ______ 5. drinking water ______ 6. eating varieties of fruits and vegetables ______ 7. smoking cigarretes ______ 8. sitting in a sauna, steam room, or hot tub ______ 9. eating uncooked meat ______ 10. taking vitamin B (folic acid) daily ______ 11. taking over-the-counter drugs ______ 12. having an x-ray ______ 13. drinking coffee ______ 14. going for walks ______ 15. eating sweets and junk foods ______ Activity 8: THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN Hello! Let’s play THUMBS UP, THUMBS DOWN. Read the statement below, sign THUMBS UP if you agree with the statement and THUMBS DOWN if not. Explain the reason for your answer. _______1. Mom and Dad provide my basic needs. _______2. Security is the priority of my parents. _______3. Parents give love and care to their children. _______4. We live under the bridge because our parents are jobless. _______5. I get what I want from my parents. Activity 9: SLOGAN-MAKING Instruction: Create a slogan expressing the responsibilities and roles of parents their duties and responsibilities of parents Evaluation: Artfolio about Family, Courtship and Marriage Rubric title: Rubric for Artfolio about Family, Courtship and Marriage Target Intelligence: Visual Performance Task: Each student will compile all their outputs about Family, Courtship and Marriage Objective: Show creativity in presenting their output about the lesson. CRITERIA Creativity Content Punctuality 10 Very Good Student shows a very unique artfolio with the use of different materials. The artfolio bares a very informative product which explains the details of the task. Submits the output on or before the deadline. 5 Good Student shows just enough uniqueness in the artfolio. The artfolio bares inadequate information. Submits the output a day after the deadline 19 3 Poor Students shows no uniqueness in the artfolio The artfolio bares no information at all. Submits the output 2 days and beyond the deadline. TOTAL RATING Module in MAPEH Grade 8 Quarter: Third Music: Music of Asia Competencies: 1. Listen to songs from Central Asia, South Asia, and West Asian countries alone and/or with others. 2. Relate Central, Southern, and West Asian countries’ music in the lives of the people. 3. Analyze examples of music from Central, South Asia and West countries and describe how the elements are used. 4. Explain the distinguishing characteristics of representative Central, South Asian and West countries’ music in relation to the culture of the area. 5. Perform using available instruments from Central Asia, South Asia and West countries alone and/or with others. 6. Improvise simple rhythmic/harmonic accompaniments to music from selected Central, South, and West Asian countries. 7. Explore ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that would simulate instruments being studied. 8. Sing vocal music from Central, South, and West Asian countries alone and/with others. 9. Evaluate music and music performances applying knowledge of musical elements and styles Activity 1: Name the country Instruction: Complete the table below by identify the countries where they belong. CENTRAL ASIA SOUTH ASIA WEST ASIA Follow-up activity: Make a sketch of Asia and locate the counties you identified in the previous activity. Activity 2: Web Map Instruction: The class will be grouped into 3 with the following task; to make a web about Central, South and West Asia. Each group will show their own concept about the music and instruments on their assign Asian region. Topic: Asian Music (Central, South & West) Activity 3: Describe Asian Music Instruction: Supply the following table based on your research, discussions and other ways of information. COUNTRY DESCRIPION OF VOCAL MUSIC Instrumental Region (South, East, West) Indian Pakistan Middle East Israel Activity 4: Peace, Order and Organize Instruction: Compare and contrast the vocal/instrumental music of Pakistan from the music of India. Draw this diagram on an oslo paper. VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PAKISTAN SIMILARITIES INDIA PAKISTAN DIFFERENCES INDIA Activity 5: Music analysis (Zum Gali Gali ) Instruction: Let the students listen to the Zum Gali Gali music and let them describe the following by checking: 20 Time Signature ___ 24 ___ 34 ___ 4 4 Dynamics C. Dynamics ___ soft ___ moderate ___ loud D. tempo ___ fast (allegro) ___ moderate (moderato) ___ slow (lento) timbre Pitch Form ___ light ___ high ___ strophic ___ bright ___ low ___ binary ___ dark ___ neutral ___ Ternary ___ Rondo b. How do you feel after hearing the Zum Gali Gali? _____________________________________. Evaluation: Vocal Performance Rubric title: Rubric for Vocal Performance Target Intelligence: Musical Performance Task: Students will perform the song Zum Gali Gali with rhythmic accompaniment. Objective: Show appreciation to the music of a sample Asian music. CRITERIA Mastery Vocal Rhythm 10 Very Good Sung the song with utmost confidence Performed the song with correct melody and pitch throughout the performance Performed the song with consistent rhythmic pattern. 5 Good Sung the song with some inconsistencies. Performed the song with some inconsistencies in terms melody and pitch throughout the performance. Performed the song with inconsistencies in term of rhythmic pattern 3 Poor Unable to perform the whole song. Performed the song with very poor pitch accuracy and melody RATING Performed the song with very poor rhythmic ability Total Arts: South, Central and West Asia Competencies: 1. Analyze art elements (color, line, shape, etc.) and principles (texture, proportion, emphasis, harmony etc.) in the production of arts and crafts 2. Understand how art plays a significant role in the daily life and activities of the people 3. Describe the unique lines, forms, shapes and colors found in their folk arts 4. Use the different motifs and designs as manifested in their folk arts 5. Identify contributions made by the named countries in the field of arts like architecture, painting, and folk arts 6. Compare the development of crafts in specific areas of a country, according to traditional specialized expertise, functionality, and availability of resources 7. Appreciate the ethnic and unique characteristics of art form and style through creating and viewing similar artworks 8. Compare the artworks of the Philippines with the artworks of India, Central Asia and West Asia in terms of forms, motifs, shapes and designs. 9. Appreciate their art forms, motifs and themes by using them in an appropriate programs, school activities, celebrations and in personal hobbies Activity 1: Learning from the past Instruction: Define the following terms. Elements of Art 1. Color 2. Shape 3. Line Principles of Art 1. Texture 2. Proportion 3. Emphasis 4. Harmony Definition Lesson 2: Indian Crepe (Group Work) Materials: Dark-colored crepe paper/or any colored paper Cotton buds 21 Bleach (i.e., Clorox) Plastic cups PROCEDURE: 1. Draw your design on a piece of paper. 2. Spread out the crepe paper or the colored paper on a flat surface. 3. Pour a small amount of bleach in a plastic cup. Take care not to spill any on your clothes or to get any on your skin. 4. Lightly dip the tip of a cotton bud in the bleach. 5. Create designs on the crepe paper by gently drawing lines with the cotton buds. Be careful not to tear the thin crepe paper. 6. Decide on the pattern: repeated or alternative motifs, radial, or border design. ACTIVITY 3: Lines and curves – Map of life MATERIALS NEEDED: Oslo paper Pen, pencil or colored pencils DIRECTIONS: 1. Recall some of your remarkable childhood memories. 2. Using the diagram below sketch or draw the places that have been a part of your life and are of interest to the members of your family. Example: From your house, church, malls, parks and school. 3. Answer the questions found on the next page. Write your answers to the following questions in your notebook: 1. Why are those places important to you and your family? How were you able to reach those places? 2. What features made those places memorable to you and your family? 3. How did these places affect you and the other members of your family? 4. What type of lines can you see on your sketch? Activity 4: Rangoli Art (Indian) After learning about Rangoli, I will now let you experience how to make one. Materials: Glue Plain paper plate Pencil Colored sand (different colors) Instruction: 1. Sketch your design lightly in pencil or chalk in ¼ illustration board. 2. When you are happy with your design, finalize the outline with heavier lines. 3. Use glue to outline your design. 4. Roll the paper plate into a cone and snip a small hole in the narrow end. 5. Fill the larger opening with colored sand. Use your finger as a stopper on the small hole you made. This is how you will control the flow of the sand. 6. Fill in your design with sand according to your choice and color combination. This is the most interesting step, and usually the most fun. 7. Apply different design patterns: (Repeated, Radial, Alternating, Border pattern) 8. Display your work in class. Activity 5: Candle Sculpture (Pakistani) Materials: Old newspaper pencil Candle – 2” in diameter Sketch of your chosen design Nail pusher Black permanent marker Instruction: 1. Spread out the old newspaper to protect your work area. 2. Sketch your chosen design on the candle using your pencil. Use geometric shapes and patterns like scrollwork and curved lines. 3. With the nail pusher, carve the design on the candle. Use the subtractive technique to cut away the unwanted part. 4. Highlight the design with the use of a black permanent marker. 22 Activity 6: Border Design It! Materials: Black cartolina Pair of scissors Stapler Long bond paper Glue Emulsion Paintbrush Instruction: 1. Cut out two 5“x7“rectangles of black cartolina. Set aside one rectangle. 2. On one of the cartolina rectangles, draw an inside rectangle, measuring 0.5 inchesfrom the outside edges. Cut out and discard. You will now have a frame. 3. Place the frame on top of the other rectangle. Staple three of the outer edges together so that a 4" by 6" photo can fit inside. 4. Cut the bond paper into 8 lengthwise strips. 5. From the sample design above, create your design by cutting the strips of bond paper. 6. Paste the strips of paper on the frame-shaped cartolina as a border.Trim as needed. 7. Apply emulsion with a brush and let it dry. 8. Put in your photo after finishing your work. 9. Display your work for critiquing. Evaluation: Portfolio Making about the Arts of Asia Rubric title: Rubric for Portfolio Making about the Asian Arts Target Intelligence: Visual Performance Task: Students will make their a portfolio about the arts of Asia. CRITERIA Creativity Content Punctuality 10 Very Good Student shows a very unique portfolio with the use of different materials. The portfolio bares a very informative product which explains the details of the task. Submits the output on or before the deadline. 5 Good Student shows just enough uniqueness in the portfolio. The portfolio bares inadequate information. 3 Poor Students shows no uniqueness in the portfolio The portfolio bares no information at all. Submits the output a day after the deadline Submits the output 2 days and beyond the deadline. TOTAL RATING Physical Education: Indoor Recreational Activities Competencies: 1. Discuss the nature/background of the game scrabble; 2. Explain the health and fitness benefits derive from playing scrabble; 3. Practice proper and acceptable behaviour when participating in indoor recreational activities; 4. Execute basic skills and tactics in indoor recreational activities; 5. Interpret rules and regulations of the game scrabble; 6. Apply knowledge of rules and regulations in scrabble; 7. Promote indoor recreational activities to family members. Activity 1: Terminologies in Scrabble (Web Map) Instruction: Create a web map about the terminologies used in playing scrabble. Write also its functions or descriptions. Terminologies: (tiles, double letter, triple letter, count tiles, shuffle, hook letter, double word, double challenge, blank tiles, open board)) Topic: Scrabble Activity 2: Close Encounter Instruction: This activity will assess the learners’ encounter with scrabble and will serve as the basis in planning the sequence of their learning activities regarding indoor recreational activities. Ask 23 them to reflect on their participation in a scrabble game by accomplishing the questionnaire below. Let the learners’ answer the question using the following smiley, for YES ; and for NO. Note: During the duration of the activity, guide the learners in answering the questions. QUESTIONS YES NO Have I experience playing SCRABBLE Do I play SCRABBLE often? Do I play SCRABBLE with friends? Do I play SCRABBLE with family? Am I a member of a SCRABBLE team in school? Do I enjoy participating in a SCRABBLE game? Do I consider the benefits derived from playing SCRABBLE? Is there SCRABBLE game enthusiast in my family? Do I plan to make SCRABBLE as one of my lifelong activity? Activity 3: Name Me! Instruction: Together with your students, analyze the results of your pre-assessment to determine where they are in terms of knowledge. This will serve as your basis in planning the instructional activities. Name Chess piece Name Chess piece Activity 4: Web Map Instruction: Create a web about the game chess. You may include how the game developed and the functions of different pieces. Topic: Scrabble Evaluation: Mini Tournament (Chess and Scrabble) Rubric title: Rubric for Chess and Scrabble tournament. Performance Task: Students will compete to each other. CRITERIA Skill Win 10 Very Good Used the pieces and functions properly Won the two games against an opponent 5 Good Used some of the movements and functions only Won only 1 game to an opponent TOTAL 24 Target Intelligence: Visual- spatial 3 Poor Unable to use the functions and movements of the different pieces No win to any of the two games at all RATING Health: Disease Prevention and Control (Communicable Diseases) Competencies: 1. Discuss the nature, prevention and control of common communicable diseases (mortality and morbidity); 2. Analyze the common beliefs about the causes of disease; 3. Discuss the factors that influence disease transmission; 4. Explain the different elements of the chain of infection; 5. Discuss the stages of infection; 6. Discuss skin problems: its nature, prevention and control; (Acne, Warts, Tinea (ringworm, jock, itch, athlete’s foot) 7. Recommends actions to prevent and control the spread of communicable diseases. 8. Demonstrate healthful practices in order to prevent and control communicable diseases. 9. Demonstrate self-monitoring skills to prevent and control communicable diseases during adolescence. Activity 1: How well do you know the nature of diseases? Instruction: The learners will read very carefully each statement about the nature of communicable diseases. Assist them as they react to its truth or falsity as they put a check (√) mark on the appropriate box. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 STATEMENT Organisms like bacteria and viruses are all over the environment. Many of the most common diseases are caused by tiny microorganisms called pathogens. Communicable diseases come from one infected person to another. Stomach ache is one symptom that can be manifested by a communicable disease. Viral hepatitis is caused by a virus that affects the liver. Rabies virus can enter only the brain cells while polio virus attacks only the nervous system. Malaria is a sickness caused by a carrier mosquito. Pinworms hatch and live primarily in the intestines of a person. Stagnant water is a reservoir for mosquitoes to multiply. It is the nature of pathogens to invade its host through certain points of entry to cause morbidity. TRUE FALSE Indicator SCORE 10 TRUE COMMENT They are Advanced Very Good INDICATIONS They really know, understand, and practice the prevention of getting infected. 7-9 TRUE They need to review someone so that you will know, understand and practice the prevention of getting infected. 4-6 TRUE Good They are prone to get infected easily. 1-3 Poor They have to do something because you are in danger of getting sick TRUE easily. Congratulations! Since they did well in this activity, are they now excited to find out what’s in store for them in the next level? Activity 2: Self-Inventory Instruction: The students will number their activity notebook from 1 to 20. Read the questions and respond by writing M if the statement describes them most of the time, S if the statement describes them some of the time and N if the statement never applies to them. The students will do this without any assistance from you or from anybody.Total the number of each type of the response. Proceed to the next section, the How Did You Score each section. QUESTIONS 1 I keep my immunization records up-to-date. 2 I stay away from people who currently have cold or flu. 3 I eat a balanced diet daily. 4 I get at least eight hours of sleep each night. M S N 11 12 13 14 QUESTIONS I listen and respond to my body that it is tired or that something may be wrong. I wash my hands before and after every meal, before preparing food, and after using the toilet. I shower or bathe regularly. I do not share eating utensils or glasses with other people 25 M S N 5 I exercise aerobically at least three times a week. 6 I do not smoke. 7 I avoid using towels that others have used. 8 I avoid using other people’s combs and brushes. 9 I take a few minutes each day to relax. 1 I stay at home within the first 0 day when symptoms of an illness appear. 15 I cover my mouth when I cough or sneeze. 16 17 I avoid walking around without footwear. I avoid eating dairy & poultry products that are not refrigerated. I advise my parents to make sure that our pets have their vaccines too. I put food waste in closed containers. 18 19 20 Total for Most of the time Total for Some of the time Total for Never applies I support efforts of the government to enforce public health laws for immunization and reporting communicable diseases. Total for Most of the time Total for Some of the time Total for Never applies B. How did they score? Give the learners 4 points for each most of the time; 2 points for each some of the time; O points for each never answer. Get their total and read the result of their score below: 60 to 80 = Excellent! Their disease prevention efforts are outstanding. Congratulations! 40 to 59 = Good. They are doing very well in their efforts to prevent communicable diseases. 20 to 39 = Fair! Disease prevention is not important to them. Some efforts will be beneficial to them and to others. Below 20 = Needs Improvement! Be careful. They may be spreading communicable diseases to others. Tell them now is a good time to start taking good care of themselves. C. Invite the learners to do, “What are your goals?” If they received an excellent score (60 to 80), they will complete the statements in part A only, but if they scored fair (20 to 39), then they will complete parts A and B. Part A. Part B 1. I plan to learn more about disease 4. My behavior I am most likely to change is prevention by_______. __________. 2. My timetable for accomplishing this 5. The steps involved in making these change are is ________________. _______. 3. I plan to share my information with 6. The people or groups I will ask for support and other people by assistance are ____________________________. ___________________________. 7. My rewards for making this change will be _______________. Activity 3: Activity 3: Looks Familiar? Instruction: Group the learner into five, each group will look closely on the pictures illustrating different kinds communicable diseases. Make them choose their answer from the choices given. Have them reflect on what the causes of each communicable disease then plot their ideas on the appropriate box. Picture of COMMUNICABLE diseases 1 Write on the first row the name of the disease (look at the choices below) Write on the second row the causes of the disease. Caused by 2 Caused by 3 Caused by 26 4 Caused by 5 Caused by 6 Bites from 7 Bites from 8 Caused by 9 Caused by Caused by 10 ACNE MALARIA ATHLETE’S FOOT PNEUMONIA DENGUEINFLUENZA JOCK ITCH RINGWORM TUBERCULOCIS WARTS Activity 4: Know what you see Instruction: Invite them to look at the figure (power point) and write in their notebook what they should do and what they should not be doing if they are the one in the picture. Let them copy figure 2 on their notebook and write their answers on the column provided. WHAT I SHOULD DO WHAT I SHOULD NOT BE DOING Example Drink using my own Example bottle/glass I should NOT drink from someone’s bottle/glass. 27 Activity 5: MATCH and CONNECT Instruction: Give them the pap sheet about the chain of infection. Instruct them to carefully read each numbered entry and choose from the word pool the appropriate term being described. Help them do the following: 1. A volunteer from each row will read aloud the definitions very well, then write the word of the first in the link chain. 2. Another member of the row will explain in her/his own words the meaning of the chain. 3. The other rows will do the same until the link chain is discussed. CHAIN MEANING/DEFINITION is an organism with the ability to cause diseases. The greater the organism's virulence (ability to grow and multiply), invasiveness (ability to enter tissues) and pathogenicity (ability to cause diseases), the greater the possibility that the organism will cause an infection. Infectious agents are bacteria, virus, fungi, protozoa and parasitic worms. is a place within which microorganisms can thrive and reproduce. For example, microorganisms thrive in human beings, animals, and inanimate objects such as water, table tops, and doorknobs. The most common reservoir is the human body provides a way for a microorganism to leave the reservoir. For example, the microorganism may leave the reservoir through the nose or mouth when someone sneezes or coughs. Microorganisms, carried away from the body by feces, may also leave the reservoir through an infected bowel. the mode of transmission is the method by which the organism moves from one host to another. The mode of transmission are contact, droplet, air-borne, food-borne/waterborne, Vector-borne (usually insect. an opening allowing the microorganism to enter the host. This includes body orifices, mucus membranes, or breaks in the skin. Tubes placed in body cavities, such as urinary catheters, or from punctures produced by invasive procedures such as intravenous fluid replacement can also serve as portal of entry. a person who cannot resist a microorganism invading the body lack due to immunity of physical resistance to overcome the invasion by the pathogenic microorganism. MODE OF TRANSMISSION HOST PORTAL OF EXIT RESERVOIR PATHOGEN PORTAL OF ENTRY SUSCEPTIBLE Activity 6: What’s the word where they will answer? Instruction: 1. Copy the puzzle in your activity notebook and write the letters on the boxes to form each word being described. 2. Choose your answer from these choices: (Convalescence stage, Incubation stage, Illness stage, Prodromal stage) 4. 1. 2. 3. 28 Across 1. This is the interval between entrance of pathogen into the body to the appearance of first symptoms. 2. This is the stage when the sick person exhibits signs and symptoms specific to type of infections. 3. This is the interval when acute symptoms of infection disappears (length depends on severity of infection and sick person’s state of health). Down 4. This is the interval from the onset of nonspecific signs and symptoms to the appearance of more specific symptoms time. When microorganisms grow and multiply, and the sick person may be more capable of spreading disease to others. Evaluation: Compilation Instruction: Each student will make a compilation of all the activities relating to communicable diseases by following the format below. Rubric title: Rubric for Compilation Target Intelligence: Knowledge Performance Task: Students will compile and collect all the activities in health for third quarter CRITERIA Completeness Content Neatness Punctuality 10 Very Good All activities are in. 5 Good 2 activities are not found. Importance details are present The presentation is cleanly submitted Submits the output on or before the deadline. Some details are missing There are some areas which are not neatly presented Submits the output a day after the deadline 3 Poor More than 3 activities are not found. No important details are included. The whole project is a mess. rating Submits the output 2 days and beyond the deadline. Total Research And Compile: Infectious Agent How it looks What it is Bacteria One-celled organisms that is found almost everywhere. dangerous bacterium it is estimated that wisteria causes approximately Examples Strep throat, tuberculosis, sinus infections Virus Fungus Protozoan Parasite Have them reflect on the following: As a student, what can you do to make our environment clean and keep SO WHAT NOW? ourselves free from disease? Do you believe that you can do great things to prevent the spread of communicable disease? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Adapt the quotation that says “Ako ang simula” 29 Module in MAPEH Grade 8 Quarter: Fourth Music: Traditional Asian Music Competencies: 1. identifies musical characteristics of selected Asian musical theater through video films or live performances; 2. sing selection/s from chosen Asian musical describe how the musical elements contribute to the performance of the musical production; 3. identifies the instruments that accompany Kabuki, Wayang Kulit, Peking Opera; 4. explains the distinguishing characteristics of representative Asian musical theater; 5. describe how a specific idea or story is communicated through music in a particular Asian musical theater; 6. creates/improvises appropriate sound, music, gesture, movements, props and costume for performance of a chosen Asian traditional musical and theatrical form; 7. evaluates music and music performances applying knowledge of musical elements and style. Activity 1: Carousel Brainstorming Instruction: 1. Form a group of three. 2. Each group will travel around the class. 3. Write something about Peking Opera/wayang kulit/kabuki 4. Students will write something about themusic, instruments and performances of each topic. 5. Each corner has a cue word written in a Manila paper. Wayang kulit Peking opera Kabuki Corner 1 Corner 2 Corner 3 Activity 2: Complete Me Instruction: Describe the Kabuki base on the cue words below. This could be given as an assignment. COSTUME INSTRUMENT MUSIC KABUKI/WAYANG KULIT/PEKING OPERA PROPS Evaluation: Kabuki Time Rubric title: Rubric for Rhythmic activity Target Intelligence: Musical Performance Task: Each group is required to bring materials such as plastic bottles, bamboo sticks, spoon/fork and an empty soda can. Objective: Present a rhythmic accompaniment to a kabuki presentation ff.: the rhythmic patterns given. Materials Rhythm patterns for a Kabuki accompaniment Plastic bottles Bamboo sticks Spoon and fork Empty soda can 30 CRITERIA Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement DESCRIPTION Always demonstrates understanding of appropriate physical appearance for performing and connecting with the audience to convey the message Usually demonstrates understanding of appropriate physical appearance for performing and connecting with the audience to convey the message Sometimes demonstrates understanding of appropriate physical appearance for performing and connecting with the audience to convey message Rarely demonstrates understanding of appropriate physical appearance for performing and connecting with the audience to convey message RATING 4 3 2 1 Arts: Festivals and Theatre Arts of China, Japan, Indonesia and Thailand Competencies: 1. Identify the festivals and theatrical forms celebrated in China, Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia. 2. Explain the history of the festival and theatrical composition and its evolution and describe how the townspeople participate and contribute to its festivity and gaiety. 3. Define what makes each of the Asian festivals unique by a visual presentation and report on selected festivals representing the different Asian countries. 4. Design with a group the visual components of a school drama 5. Analyze the uniqueness of each group that was given recognition for their performances 6. Explain what component contributed in selecting the performing group Activity 1: Group dynamics Instruction: choose one theatre act (Florante at Laura, Ibong Adarna, Romeo and Juliet and Miss Saigon). Analyze the play according to the theatre aspects in the table below. Be prepared to explain your analysis in front of the class. You may watch these theatres in a YouTube. Title of the Elements of Theater Musical/Stage (Audience, Actors and Play Actresses, Director, Purpose of Play Piece, Playwright, Visual Effect, Sound Effect) (4 points) Elements of Artistic Expression (Line, Color, Sound, Shape, Space, Rhythm, Movement, Texture) (4 points) Tools of the Performers (Body, Voice, Emotion) (4 points Activity 2: Carousel Brainstorming Instruction: 1. Form a group of four. 2. Each group will travel around the class. 3. Each group will go to the corners of the class. 4. Write something on the corner depending on the cue words of each corner. 5. Each corner has a cue word written in a Manila paper. Corner 1 China’s Spring Festivals Corner 2 Japan’s Taiko Drum Corner 3 Indonesia’s Bali Dance Corner 4 Thailand’s Lantern Activity 3: China, Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand Theater Arts Instruction: You are going to watch China’s Peking Opera, Japan’s Kabuki, Indonesia’s Wayang Kulit and Thailand’s Nang Puppet show. While you are watching the videos you will be given guide questions to answer. You may answer this individually or in groups. You may watch these clips in the You tube. 31 1. Tell something about the Chinese Peking Opera. Describe the make-up and movements done in the play. Make-up:___________________________________________________________ Movements:_________________________________________________________ 2. Write some spectacular things that you see on the stage of Japan’s Kabuki play? How did the costumes in the play make it more interesting to watch? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Describe how the Wayang Kulit puppets are performed in the play. How did the stage set up, sounds, and lights affect the show? ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Compare Thailand’s Nang (shadow puppet show) to Indonesian’s Wayang Kulit using the chart below. Name of Puppet Shadow Theatre 1. WAYANG KULIT 2. Nang Materials Used Movements Story Evaluation: Portfolio Making about the China, Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand Theater Arts (3-4 days) Rubric title: Rubric for Portfolio Making about the China, Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand Theatre Arts Target Intelligence: Visual Performance Task: Each group will make their a portfolio about the China, Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand Theatre Arts Objective: Present a creative output about the China, Japan, Indonesia and Thailand Theatre Arts CRITERIA Creativity Content Punctuality 10 Very Good Student shows a very unique portfolio with the use of different materials. The portfolio bares a very informative product which explains the details of the task. Submits the output on or before the deadline. 5 Good Student shows just enough uniqueness in the portfolio. The portfolio bares inadequate information. Submits the output a day after the deadline 3 Poor Students shows no uniqueness in the portfolio The portfolio bares no information at all. RATING Submits the output 2 days and beyond the deadline. TOTAL Physical Education: Regional and National Dances with Asian Influence Competencies: 1. Discuss the origin and location of folk dance through its costume and music 2. Execute selected regional and national dances with Asian influences such as the Binislakan, Sakuting, Sua-ko-Sua and Pangalay. 3. Demonstrate the dance sequence appropriately. 4. Identify the meaning of the gestures and hand movements of the dance selected. 5. Approximate interpretation of the dance literature 6. Promote folk dancing as a physical activity for the family. Activity 1: Philippine Folkdance (Web Map) Instruction: Create a web map about the Philippine folkdances. Topic: Philippine Folkdances 32 Activity 2: Complete Me! Instruction: Supply the following column in the table below. Dance title Male Camisa de Chino and red pants EXAMPLE Costume Female Siesgo and kimono with loose and longsleeves and soft panuelo Music Count Description 2/4 composed of two parts: A and B One, two, one and two, and one and two and Write the short description including the origin etc. BINISLAKAN SUA-KU-SUA PANGALAY TIKLOS SAKUTING Evaluation: Dance Performance (Sakuting) Rubric title: Rubric for Sakuting Target Intelligence: Kinaesthetic Performance Task: Students will perform to the dance “Sakuting”. Weight 5 4 3 2 1 Musicality (Timing, Dynamics, and Mastery) 40% MASTERFUL: Performs rhythmic composition with high level of musicality while observing proper timing, dynamics and mastery STRATEGIC: Performs rhythmic compositions with a certain level of musicality while observing proper timing, and mastery but with limited ability to perform with dynamics ABLE: Performs rhythmic compositions with mastery and limited but growing ability to perform with timing and dynamics APPRENTICE: Performs rhythmic compositions with general mastery but could hardly adapt to varying dynamics and timing NOVICE: Performs rhythmic patterns with low or no mastery, timing, and dynamics Degree of Difficulty (Complexity and Intricacy in the Use of Rhythmic Patterns in Various Meters) 40% SKILLFUL: Creates skillful composition of complex and intricate rhythmic patterns in duple, triple, and quadruple meters. COMPETENT: Creates a certain degree of skillful composition of complex rhythmic patterns in duple, triple, and quadruple meters. PRACTITIONER: Creates a commonly accepted composition of simple rhythmic patterns in duple, triple, and quadruple meters. APPRENTICE: Creates rhythmic patterns but could hardly distinguish differences among duple, triple, and quadruple meters NOVICE: can not create any rhythmic pattern at all Characterization (Behavior During Performance) 20% MATURE: Demonstrates proper characterization and appropriate behavior in the performance and with high level of confidence SENSITIVE: Demonstrates proper characterization and appropriate behavior in the performance and with a certain level of confidence AWARE: Demonstrates generally acceptable characterization and proper behavior towards the performance and with a certain level of confidence DECENTERING: Displays inconsistent characterization and demonstrates low level of confidence EGOCENTRIC: Has little or no characterization and behaves inappropriately towards the performance Health: Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse (Cigarettes and Alcohol) Competencies: 1. Discuss cigarettes and alcohol as gateway drugs 2. Analyze the implications of cigarette smoking Describe the harmful short and long-term effects of cigarette smoking on the different parts of the body. Discuss the dangers of mainstream, side stream or second-hand and third-hand smoke. Explain the impact of cigarette smoking on the family, environment, community, and country. 3. Analyze the implications of drinking alcoholic beverages Describe the harmful short and long-term effects of drinking alcoholic beverages Interpret blood-alcohol concentration in terms of physiological changes in the body. 33 Explain the impact of drinking alcoholic beverages on the family, community, and country 4. Discuss strategies in the prevention and control of cigarette smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages Apply resistance skills in situations related to cigarette and alcohol use. Enumerate healthy alternatives to cigarette and alcohol use. Follow school rules and government laws related to cigarette and alcohol use. Prepare advocacy materials against cigarette and alcohol use. Activity 1: SELF-INVENTORY (ACTIVE OR PASSIVE? Instruction: Read and answer each item below by writing YES or NO. Total the number of yes responses for items 1 to 5, 6 to 13, and 14 and 15. YES NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Do you smoke? Is there someone who lives with you, who smoke? Do you have friends who smoke? Are you often exposed to cigarette smoke? Do you sometimes find yourself with people who smoke? When people around you smoke, do you let them know that you do not want to inhale or smell their smoke? 7. Have you tried giving disapproving look at people who smoke to let them know that you indirectly dislike smoking? 8. Have you ever commented about someone smoking but not directly to the smoker? 9. Have you ever asked smokers to get rid of their smoke? 10. Have you ever asked smokers to transfer to another place so that you would not inhale their smoke? 11. Have you ever tried moving away from a smoker who does not listen to your appeal? 12. If you are in a vehicle and someone is smoking, do you roll down the window or turn towards the window to avoid inhaling smoke? 13. Have you ever tried moving away from a smoker without asking him/ her to move away instead? 14. Will you just let smokers smoke near you, choosing to be passive, saying nothing and doing nothing? 15. Are you afraid that if you speak out and ask a smoker to stop smoking or move away from you, that he/ she will laugh or get mad at you? What is your score in the self-inventory? ITEM (YES ANSWER) ITEMS 1-5 SCORE VALUE INTERPRETATION 5 ITEMS 6-13 5 or more items AT THE RISK OF EXPOSURE TO SMOKE ACTIVE ZONE and you stand for your rights and protect your health 3 or items 1 or 2 4 you are heading towards standing for your rights and protecting your health you are beginning to stand for your rights and protect your health it is important to learn how to be active in standing up for your rights and protecting your health ITEMS 14-15 ITEM (NO ANSWER) 6-13 SCORE VALUE INTERPRETATION 8 items Passive smoker and need to learn to stand up for your rights and protect your health Activity 2: VALUES CLARIFICATION Instruction: Copy the illustration below in your notebook or activity sheet. Based on your selfinventory score, encircle the part using any marker or ball pen that best describes your current position on the chart below. 34 PASSIVE ZONE ACTIVE ZONE SAYS NO TO SMOKING (ACTIVE ZONE) HEADING TOWARDS STANDING FOR RIGHTS BEGINNING TO STAND FOR RIGHTS DOES NOT SEE RIGHT AGAINST SMOKING AT RISK OF EXPOSURE TO SMOKE (PASSIVE ZONE) Activity 3: WHICH ZONE ARE YOU IN? Copy and answer BOX A if you are in the PASSIVE ZONE. On the other hand, copy and answer BOX B if you are in the ACTIVE ZONE. BOX A (PASSIVE ZONE) BOX B (ACTIVE ZONE) 1. My first step in standing up for my rights when I am in danger of being exposed to cigarette smoke is ___________________. 2. The last time I inhaled someone else’s smoke, I became a passive smoker because _____________. 3. I will do the following steps to become more active about avoiding passive smoke: ____________________. 4. I know that the benefits of being active about avoiding smoke are _______. 1. I will help passive smokers who are afraid to stand up for their rights to speak up for themselves on the issue of second hand smoke by ____________________. 2. Every time a person smokes near me, I politely react by ________________. 3. The following are my ways of protecting my health from the dangers of smoke: ___________________________. 4. The benefits of sharing this healthy information will be __________________. Activity 4: SELF-INVENTORY (ALCOHOL: IS IT COOL?) Instruction: Read and answer each item below by writing YES or NO. Total the number of YES responses. 1. Have you ever had a drink mixed with alcohol? 2. Have you ever had more than one glass or bottle of alcoholic drink in a two-hour period? 3. Do you drink alcoholic beverages on a regular basis (everyday, every weekend, at all parties attended, etc.)? 4. Do you drink alcoholic beverages to get away from problems? 5. Do you drink alcoholic beverages to become more comfortable with other people? 6. When you are troubled or angry, do you drink alcohol right away? 7. Have you ever received comments about your drinking? 8. Do you get irritated or annoyed when people talk about your drinking? 9. Do you drink until the supply is gone? 10. Do you sometimes deny your drinking when someone asks if you drink? 11. Do you find it difficult to say no when someone else invites you for a drink? 12. Do you sometimes drink even though you know that it will affect your work or class the next day? 13. Do you leave class or work just to attend a drinking session with groups? 14. Are your grades suffering because of your drinking? 15. Have your friends left or avoided you because of your drinking? 35 What is your score in the self-inventory? Give yourself 1 point for every YES answer. Total your score and read the interpretation below: SCORE 0 to 2 3 to 5 6 to 8 9 and above INTERPRETATION Congratulations! You do not have a problem with alcohol. You could be on your way to having a problem with alcohol. Chances are you already have a problem with alcohol. You really need help! You have a serious problem with alcohol. Activity 5: Key to Knowing Copy and complete the key diagram below. List the two gateway drugs in the two smaller boxes and the examples of dangerous and illegal drugs in the bigger box. DANGEROUS AND ILLEGAL DRUGS GATEWAY DRUGS Activity 6: Why do Teenagers Smoke? Answer the questions found on each cigarette diagram. Place your answers on the smoke provided space. Why do teenagers smoke? Why do teenagers experiment on more dangerous drugs? Activity 7: How To Say No! Instruction: Practice this three-step technique for saying NO. Ask yourself each of the questions. Ask a family member, a classmate, or a friend these questions and positively ask him/her your position. Step 1: What is the problem? Say what is wrong. Say “that is wrong,” or “smoking is bad,” or “that is prohibited,” or “ Drinking alcohol is against the school rules.” Step 2: What could happen? Ask the following: Could anyone be harmed if I do it (including you)? How? Could it get you into trouble? What trouble? Would it make you feel bad if you do it? Step 3: What are the ways of saying NO? Choose from any of the following: Say No. “No, I’m not interested,” or simply say “No” Change the topic. Say “I’m going to the park, you can come with me.” or “Would you like to see a movie with me?” Tell the truth. Say “I hate smoking, it makes my breath smell bad,” or “smoking makes the body smell stinky,” or “I’m too young to die.” Joke about it. Say “My parents are good at smelling, I won’t get past them,” or “Are you really ready to die? I’m not!” Give reasons. “I don’t smoke, it’s bad for the health,” or “I’m pro-environment, smoking makes the air dirty,” or “I have a training today, I need clean air to get going,” or “Let’s play basketball, beat me!” Tell a story. Say “My father got really sick with smoking. It was painful,” or “my grandmother died from smoking. I don’t want that to happen to me or to you!” Walk away if you can’t change your friend’s mind. 36 Activity 8: Key to Knowing Instruction: Read the information. Copy and complete the key diagram below. List the three types of alcohol and provide examples. Alcohol is a colorless, bitter-tasting substance that humans have been consuming since the ancient times. It comes from plants that underwent fermentation. Fermentation is the process of extracting alcohol from a plant or a fruit. An example of fermented alcohol is a beer. A beer is extracted from grains. On the other hand, wines are from grapes and other fruits. There are three types of alcohol: isopropyl, methanol and ethanol. Isopropyl and methanol are used in laboratories and are poisonous and fatal if taken. On the other hand, ethanol is also called the beverage alcohol. This is what humans consume that intoxicates and alters the nervous system. Examples: A L C O H O L Activity 9: Brainstorming Instruction: Have you seen a person who has consumed alcoholic beverages? What are your observations? List them inside the bottle. 1. ________ __ 2. ________ __ 3. ________ __ 4. ________ __ 5. ________ __ 6. ________ __ Activity 3: The Alcohol Path 7. ________ How does alcohol go into your body? How is it absorbed? Fill in the blanks with correct information. __ Within 10-20 heartbeats, Alcohol enters the body first alcohol in the bloodstream through the ______. reaches the __________. In the _____, alcohol is converted into water, and carbon dioxide. The _________ pumps alcohol in the bloodstream throughout the body. Most alcohol enters bloodstream through ___________________. Alcohol is filtered in the ________, leaving salts and acids, then exits the body through urination. the the 37 Evaluation: Green and Go! No to Alcoholism! Rubric title: Rubric for Green and Go! No to Alcoholism Target Intelligence: Visual/INtrapersonal Performance Task: Objective: You will produce advocacy materials for the prevention of alcohol drinking with shared responsibility from the family for a healthy family life. Objective: Create a material that advocates for the prevention of alcoholism. Choose from any of the following: [ ] Song/Poem: Write a song or poem that centers on the alternative hobbies that you can replace alcohol drinking. The song or poem may also discuss how alcohol can ruin someone’s life. [ ] Artwork/Poster: Draw and/or paint an artwork that depicts the causes and effects of alcohol drinking. You can also use recycled materials like empty bottles/cans of alcohol to create a 3D artwork. Write a 1-paragraph description of your masterpiece. [ ] Video Create a video presentation that shows alcoholism in the Philippines and how the government works on it. Write a short synopsis of your video. Criteria Required Elements Labels Graphics Relevance Attractiveness Grammar 4 The advocacy material includes all required elements as well as additional information. All items of importance on the advocacy material are clearly labeled with labels that can be read from at least 3 ft. away. All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation. The advocacy material is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. There are no grammatical/mecha nical mistakes on the advocacy material. 3 All required elements are included on the advocacy material. 2 All but 1 of the required elements are included on the advocacy material. 1 Several required elements were missing. Almost all items of importance on the advocacy material are clearly labeled with labels that can be read from at least 3 ft. away. All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand. Some borrowed graphics have a source citation. The advocacy material is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. Many items of importance on the advocacy material are clearly labeled with labels that can be read from at least 3 ft. away. All graphics relate to the topic. One or two borrowed graphics have a source citation. Labels are too small to view or no important items were labeled. There are 1-2 grammatical/mechan ical mistakes on the advocacy material. There are 3-4 grammatical/mecha nical mistakes on the advocacy material. The advocacy material is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. Graphics do not relate to the topic or several borrowed graphics do not have a source citation. The advocacy material is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. There are more than 4 grammatical/mec hanical mistakes on the advocacy material. References: Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health Guide for Teachers K to 12) Manual of Rubrics for Performance based-Activities. Rouel A. Longinos. Southwestern University, Cebu City Philippines. 2008 Edition. A worktext in Self-testing Activities (PE 1). Emma Marilla Unciano. 2003 Revised Edition. ( 38 39