April 2016
April 2016
April 2016 Enumclaw, Washington Hope Lutheran Church The Messenger of Hope “Member of the Plateau Ministerial Association” In this issue… Alleluia! He is Risen! Having journeyed through Lent and Holy Week, we now enter into the Easter Season in which we remember that because Jesus lives, we also live! About a month ago 25 - 30 people gathered for our Congregational Vitality Study. It was an evening spent reflecting on our church, God’s activity here, and what God is calling Hope to do in the future. Time was spent listening and sharing. One of the primary emphases of the evening was hearing each other’s perceptions of our congregation. It was a rewarding and enlightening experience! From that evening of listening and sharing, I identified two significant outcomes. The first was that we do a tremendous job of welcoming and inviting people to the church. No one would deny that we are a friendly and warm congregation. However, there is a gap in easily incorporating new people into the life of the congregation. In response to this feedback, at a recent Inviting and Welcoming Team meeting we reflected on this fact. We discussed why that gap exists and what can be done to close that gap. A few options discussed where making information easily accessible, offering educational opportunities to learn about the life of the church, intentional ‘hosts’ inviting visitors to sit with them at coffee hour, and providing a questionnaire for people who have been coming for awhile but aren’t yet members to discover their interests and gifts. Be looking for some of these ideas to take shape over the next few weeks and months! The second outcome is the calling to “feed my sheep” as Jesus tells Peter in John 21. As a church, we have responded to this calling by literally feeding, clothing, and caring for those in need. We are out in our community and world sharing the love of Christ. The conviction I had regarding Jesus’ call to “feed my sheep” is centered on our need to be fed through the Word, Prayer, and Discipleship. For myself, as your Pastor, this is going to be my area of focus. I have been in prayer and discernment regarding the ways we need to be fed as a Church. Cont on page 2 “Making Christ Known in Our Community” 1 2 Pastor Keith’s Corner 3 Garage Sale Fellowship Community Garden 4 Council Meeting Financial Report 5 6 Greetings, Bleatings 7 Faith and Everyday Life Easter Egg Hunt 8 Stewardship Worship Schedule 9 Featherhaven 10 Choir Schedule God in Creation Sin Pastor’s corner cont Upcoming Events Sunday forum Relay for Life Church Musician Calendar April 2016 Page 2 of 10 “A Sin That Does Not Lead to Death” “If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he should pray and God will give him life. I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death. I am not saying that he should pray about that. All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death” (I John 5:16-17). The Apostle’s comment above is enigmatic at best. How does this mesh with “the wages of sin is death”, found in Romans 6:23? I’ve thought about John’s writing for years and have come to the following opinion: There is an unpardonable sin referred to in Hebrews 6, and II Peter 2 and by Jesus as a warning to the Pharisees. That is the sin noted above by John, where a person willfully and knowingly turns his back on God without the pressure of temptation and weakness, but out of clarity of mind and purpose. This is not the kind of sin that John is referring to when he notes the “sin [that] does not lead to death.” We are all prone to wrong thoughts. As it Jeremiah 10:23-24 states: “It is not for man to direct his steps. Correct me, Lord, but only with justice—not in your anger, lest you reduce me to nothing.” There is virtually an infinite number of ways we can wander off the path to righteousness. We do it easily. To understand this, listen to someone for a few minutes and you can tell which crazy tangent someone is emphasizing. Some of those tangents are sinful, others are just fuzzy thinking. These tangents come from life experiences that we interpret in differing ways, some good, and some pure error. We tend as humans to jump to conclusions. We make decisions based more upon feelings rather than careful thought and analysis. Once we come to those decisions, it is difficult for us to see how those erroneous thoughts can lead us on a destructive trajectory that we may not comprehend for years and even decades. It is these attitudes I believe the Apostle John is referring to. We need to pray for others in the faith to help them see the error of their thinking, and God will reveal it to them. We also need to pray Jeremiah’s prayer to keep ourselves from the same kind of sins and wrong thinking that beset others. Our freedom from these kinds of sins comes from doing what God tells us in Micah 6:8: “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Thoughtfully, in Christ, Richard Elfers Pastor’s Corner cont It is my hope to hear from you and find out what you need. Maybe you don’t know what you need, but you sense something is lacking in your spiritual life. I want to hear that, too. On Sunday, April 10th in your bulletin will be an idea card. My hope is to listen to the Spirit by listening to you! As always, I look forward to continuing the journey together through our shared faith in our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ! Blessings, Pastor Keith April Events “Making Christ Known in Our Community” April – Thursdays: Rotary April 2 – Fourth Wise Man & Special Olympics April 7 – Shed Building Kickoff April 9 – God in Creation April 11 – Garden Meeting April 12 – Council Meeting April 16 – Fourth Wise Man April 25 –Messenger Articles Due & Garden Meeting April 26 – XYZ Potluck April 28 – Bibles & Brews @ Cole Street Brewery Page 3 of 10 April 2016 Upcoming Garage Sale! Hope Lutheran Church 1316 Garfield St. Enumclaw, WA 98022 Phone (360-825-2420) Church E-mail: hopelutheran.churchoffice@gmail.com Website: www.hopelutheranchurch.org Worship Hours: Morning Spirit: 8:15am Celebration Worship: 10:00am Its spring cleaning time, so get those closets and garages cleaned out and donate your items to the annual garage sale to support the Halloween Carnival! The garage sale will be held Saturday, May 7th. Donations can be brought to the church the week before the sale. A sign-up sheet for helping before, during and cleaning up after the garage sale is located in Berg Hall. Last year over 225 children attended the Carnival on Halloween, along with their accompanying parents. Also, the Carnival is open on October 30th to the special-needs children in our community and approximately 35-40 enjoyed the opportunity to play games in a safe environment. As a reminder, due to a reduced budget line item, the Carnival is moving towards being self-funded. This means that almost all the money needed to put it on will be coming from the proceeds of the garage sale and “Special Giving” opportunities. March was a “Special Giving” opportunity for the Carnival and May also will be. So please be mindful of how you can support this amazing outreach: by giving financially, helping out during the garage sale, assisting during the Carnival, or even all three! Education Ministries: Sunday School and Sunday Forum are offered at 9:00 am each Sunday, September through May. (Except during holidays). Our Purpose: “Making Christ known in our community by reaching out through worship service and fellowship” Hope Lutheran Church is a member of the Southwestern Washington Synod of the ELCA Their mission: “Spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ by empowering congregations and church leaders to grow in worship, education, outreach, stewardship and other missions” Their website: www.lutheranssw.org Fellowship April 2016 Thanks to everyone who answered the email to provide food for Hank Johnson's funeral reception. The family appreciated the time to visit with family and friends of Hank. We didn't have to make any phone calls and many of you set up and cleaned up. Our next scheduled event will be graduation breakfast. Please let us know if you need help for a function your group is planning. New Hope Community Garden Do you like to build things? Do you like to paint? Do you like to Landscape? Or do you have questions about the Garden and what’s happening? If so, please attend the kick-off meeting. We will be covering items: the design of the structure, timeline for completing it, looking for volunteers to complete the tasks and answering questions about the garden and the building. What: Garden Shed Building Kickoff When: April 7th, at 7 pm Where: Berg Hall Who: Anyone The Garden Ministry team, Ramsey Graham, Nancy Berg, and Jan Schumacher Soli Deo Gloria “Making Christ Known in Our Community” Page 4 of 10 April 2016 Council Meeting March 15, 2016 Facilitator President: Pam Christensen. Agenda item: Corrected Minutes accepted. Agenda item: The Treasurer’s report accepted. In attendance were council members President Pam Christensen, Debbie Ekstrom, Sandy Carey, Jerry Globe, Dan Idso, Treasurer Kathie Thompson and Pastor Keith Marshall. Excused Gary Hahn. Guests: Cathy Dormaier, Board member of Plateau Outreach Ministries. Cathy shared that the POM Board has formed sub-committees to focus on soliciting input from the community regarding the work that POM does. Using a prepared questionnaire Cathy gathered input from all the Board members. Agenda item: Old Business Presenter: Pam Christensen Discussion: Nursery Attendant Update – Pastor Keith and Debbie Ekstrom will be interviewing a candidate on Thursday, March 17. Agenda item: New Business Presenter: Pam Christensen Discussion: Employee Handbook – A draft copy of the handbook was submitted to council by Debbie Ekstrom. After the review process Debbie will add the table of contents and cover, and number pages. Council Vacancies – There will be three vacancies on the Council at the end of this term. Church Musician Vacancy – So far there has not been any applicants. Agenda item: Ministry Team Reports: Inviting & Welcoming – Met on March 8 to discuss the results of the survey taken for the Vitality Study evening dinner. They will be focusing on; a visitor’s questionnaire; making Service informational cards; training greeters; and designed a class for informational purposes. Project managers were assigned. Property – Dan Idso gave an update on the shed project. They are looking at a small group of individuals from church that would be able to build a shed in a weekend. Pastor to discuss with Ramsey Graham. Fellowship – Kathie Thompson reported that the Fellowship Team continues to help with the Wednesday evening Lent soup suppers. The team is also planning a luncheon for Hank Johnson’s Memorial Service on March 19. Agenda item deadline April 5 Next Council Meeting April 12 at 6:00 pm A detailed copy of the Council minutes can be seen on the roundabout in the Narthex. Monthly Financial Report February 2016 At our annual meeting it was requested that we give information regarding our financial standing each month. As articles are due before the end of the month, the information will be reported for the previous month. There is a full copy of the profit and loss report on the roundabout in the Narthex. February Actual Giving $13,629.00 Actual Expenses $15,359.39 Budgeted Giving $15,210.10 Budgeted Expenses $15,210.10 YTD Total Giving -$615.93 (under budget) YTD Total Expenses -$819.29 (under budget) “Making Christ Known in Our Community” April 2016 Page 5 of 10 Greetings, Bleatings, from the Sheep Pen Plans, Part 2 Reaffirmation Last month I wrote on the loss of my job from a company that I had worked for over 35 years. It was unexpected news. It was crushing news. I was on the road in Eastern Washington when I learned my fate and the next day when I got home, my wife shared her daily devotion reading from the day before. It was based upon the reading of Jeremiah 29: 11. “I know the plans I have for you, and they are good.” After reading and reflecting on this with a little time and prayer, I accepted the news and moved on to planning an early retirement, just a couple of years earlier than I had expected. It was only a couple days after I wrote that article that I received an interesting call from Baltimore. A former upper level manager of my past company called to tell me he had just heard of my unemployment, and asked me to strongly consider coming and working for his compressor company. He noted he had long term plans to hire someone as a Sales Manager for Western US and Western Canada early next year, but my news made him decide to pursue me for immediate employment. That, and subsequent conversations, had quite the opposite effect of being crushed. Long story short, I accepted his offer, have visited his company in Baltimore (along with Marti) and have met the key employees, who all have enthusiastically welcomed me. For me, I felt that God had a big say in all that transpired. Jeremiah spoke truly and beautifully. Now I don’t think that I have some special “in” with God, other that sharing with all of us believers the “in” we all have. Often hardships or losses don’t end so positively, or so quickly. But as Easter Sunday shows all of us, our God overcame the crushing news felt by all his disciples of his death, to rise and conquer this greatest enemy. And the greatest story is even bigger. Loss jobs, major illnesses, crumbled relationships, persecutions, and deaths will all be overcome in the end. No more fears. No more tears. Joy eternal. For God has plans for you, and they are good. As I sat in church Easter morning, this message came beautifully and powerfully to me again as we sang the first song, “My Savior, My God” by Aaron Shust. As verse 1 boldly declares; I am not skilled to understand, What God has willed, what God has planned. I only know at his right hand, Stands one who is my savior. Greetings, bleatings, from the sheep pen. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. (Psalm 23: 1) Jim Niehoff “Making Christ Known in Our Community” April 2016 Page 6 of 10 April Birthdays 4/1 4/6 4/6 4/8 4/9 4/9 4/10 4/14 4/14 4/16 4/17 4/24 4/26 4/29 4/30 Sunday Forum Kevin Carey Tim Hazen Mike Christenson Linda Ingham Cordia Hinderer Alan Haywood Eric Bearden Shirley Lewis Hogan Olafson Kristie Axelson Dave Voss Lynn Thayer Ann Kuhlman Jorunn Ruff Bonnie Seehorn We have a wonderful Sunday Forum program planned for April in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us at 9:00 a.m. the following Sundays. April Schedule: April 3 - 17 – Pastor Keith - The Gospel of John. Relay for Life Hope's Relay team is looking for people who would like to walk with us. If you would like to help at our campsite on July 9th, please let us know. If you are a cancer survivor, please let me know. I would like to encourage you to come and join other survivors for a luncheon about 1:00 pm on July 9th. Our Enumclaw relay committee starts meeting in the fall to begin planning for the 2016 walk. The theme is "Paint your World Purple." We appreciate the support from so many. We are hoping this will be another good day for a walk around the track at JJ Smith School. This year we will walk from noon to midnight. April Anniversaries Kathie Thompson 4/5 Don & Ann Bettencourt 4/14 Rob & Pam Christensen Church Musician W Our April schedule for POM: Pasta & Sauce Place all donated items in the basket in the Narthex. Thank you! e are seeking to hire a Church Musician for our 10:00 am Celebration Worship service. As the Church, we are called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to pass on the faith to future generations. Music is one of the significant ways in which this has been done throughout the Church’s history. As the Church is ever changing, so too does the music and worship of the Christian faith. However, the traditions of the past must remain to keep us rooted in our identity and understanding of the Gospel. We hope to hire a person for this position who can honor this balance with their skills and passion for all forms of church music. Proficiency with the piano is a requirement for this position. In addition, gifts of singing, guitar, and other musical abilities are also highly desirable. If you are interested in this position, please send a cover letter and resume to Pastor Keith. “Making Christ Known in Our Community” April 2016 Page 7 of 10 Faith and Everyday Life April 2016 Playmates No, not the kind with the bunny ears, the kind you had as a kid. Remember when you could just show up at your friend’s door and ask if he or she could play? Pretty simple! God created people for connection, with God, and with each other. Little people are free to connect with others repeatedly. This sets neural patterns in their brains for the rest of their lives that will allow them to form strong bonds with others later in life. You have these pathways embedded in you. Maybe they are open and flowing. Maybe they are a bit calcified or at have been out of use. Who are your playmates today? Who can you call and say, “Do you want to play with me?” Why don’t you count them up? Yes, right now! If there are lots, sit back, smile, and feel warm. Give thanks to God. If there are few, you might be more isolated than you want to be. God does not want you to be alone. God wants you to have playmates. Take a chance. Call someone and ask if they want to come out and play. They just might say yes. Lutheran Counseling Network The mission statement of Lutheran Counseling Network: "LCN's professional therapists are instruments of God's grace bringing hope and healing to individuals, couples and families in church congregations and in the broader community." LCN is an endorsed ministry of the ELCA. Donations from ELCA congregations make subsidization of fees possible. For assistance, call 253-839-1697 for Federal Way/Enumclaw/Tacoma. Easter Egg Hunt A big THANK YOU to everyone who donated candy & prizes for the annual Easter Egg Hunt, it was an amazing success! The lawn was covered in eggs along with some in the bushes; it was a great site for the 16 kids to see as they walked outside to prepare for the hunt. We started with kids age 5 and under with the older kids (10-14) cheering them on, meanwhile kids ages 6-9 counted to 100 before they could start their hunt. Once they reached the magic number of 100 they were off and running to gather as many as they could before the older kids finished their counting to 100 to begin their start in the hunt. When they were all finished with finding the eggs the fun continued with opening the eggs to see what was in them and finding out which prize they won with their Golden Egg. It was another Hope Easter Egg Hunt that the kids have added to their memories. Blessings and Thanks, Jan Schumacher & Christel Baskaron “Making Christ Known in Our Community” Page 8 of 10 April 2016 Stewardship April 2016 I Pledge to Grow my Commitment Worship Schedule Happy Easter, Spring is here and so is daylight savings time. April is the beginning of our second quarter. We give thanks to each of you, the stewards of Hope. There is much to be thankful for - those who help with worship every Sunday morning, the children who come to Sunday School, the people who clean the church, the flower beds are being cleaned out, people have signed up every month to be helping hands leaders (they will be asking others to help during the month), the weekly flower chart is full, the garden plot is being prepared for planting and a cement slab has been poured for a shed, the quilters for making so many beautiful quilts,- yes, many things to be thankful for. The budget committee and stewardship ministry team will be reviewing our 2016 budget. We thank you for not only saying "I will grow my commitment" but also for being more committed. Being more involved daily, weekly and financially. Thank you to each of you who make Hope a welcoming church to all who enter. God's Peace to each of you Kathie Thompson April 3 – Second Sunday of Easter: First reading; Acts 5:27-32; Second reading; Revelation 1:4-8 Gospel; John 20:19-31; April 10 – Third Sunday of Easter: First reading; Acts 9:1-20; Second reading; Revelation 5:11-14; Gospel; John 21:1-19; April 17 – Fourth Sunday of Easter: First reading; Acts 9:36-43; Second reading; Revelation 7:9-17; Gospel; John 10:22-30; April 24 – Fifth Sunday of Easter: First reading; Acts 11:1-18; Second reading; Revelation 21:1–6; Gospel; John 13:31-35; Stewardship ministry team Each Month We Designate a Special Giving opportunity for the Congregation. For April it is Nicaragua Trip. Please help if you can. “Making Christ Known in Our Community” April 2016 9 of 10 “Making Christ Known in Our Community” April 2016 10 of 10 Hope Lutheran Church Staff Pastor: Pastor Keith Marshall 253-970-9973 pastorkeithmarshall@gmail.com Choir Schedule for April Choir practices weekly on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm. As always new voices are welcome. The tentative Choir performance schedule is; April 24: Easter Season May 15: Pentecost June 5: Last performance before summer! If you have any questions, please contact our Choir Director, Ardell Razor at ardellmrazor@gmail.com. Office Administrator: Lorie Ritzdorf 360-825-2420 hopelutheran.churchoffice@gmail.com Music Director: Open Choir Director: Ardell Razor ardellmrazor@gmail.com Lutheran Counseling Network: Pearle Hintz, LMHC 253-839-1697 Church Council President: Pam Christensen Vice President: Jerry Globe Secretary: Debbie Ekstrom Treasurer: Kathie Thompson Sandy Carey, Gary Hahn, Dan Idso Financial Secretary: Dianna Olafson Soli Deo Gloria God in Creation Two views of the Snoqualmie River. This month we are going to do a little driving and then a little hiking through a Riparian Forrest besides the Snoqualmie River. We plan on leaving the church around 9:00 a.m. on Saturday April 9. We will drive up to Highway 18 in Maple Valley, then up to Tiger Mountain and then on to I-90 heading west towards Seattle and taking the first exit north towards Fall City then on to Carnation. There is a King County Park there named Macdonald Tolt and it has a beautiful hike in the woodlands around the Snoqualmie River where it intersects with the Tolt River. It is also dog friendly. We will have lunch at this park, and for any that would like to see the new Snoqualmie Falls park area developed at the bottom of the falls, we will stop in on the way home. This lower short hike and view is off of the Fall City Snoqualmie road at 372 Ave SE. Neither of these parks require any kind of pass. Bring a picnic lunch and join us down on the river. Jim Niehoff “Making Christ Known in Our Community”