AMPHITHEATRE – MAIN STAGE 1:00-11:15pm Moderated by Jakub Kohák 1:00pm Opening ceremony with King Wenceslas IV. and Queen Chantal Poullain 1:30pm Pavel Šporcl and Gipsy Fire 3:15pm The Tap Tap 5:00pm Kristína 6:15pm Sabrage 7:45pm Tata Bojs 9:40pm Chinaski AMPHITHEATRE – SMALL STAGE 11:00pm–2:00am Denwer Sunday September 11th ALFONSE MUCHY STREET 11:00am–2:00pm 11:00am Kabrňáci MAIN SQUARE 10:00am–6:00pm CASTLE – EASTERN TERRACE ENTRANCE FEES 11:00am–2:00pm The Swinging Café with Melody Gentlemen All-event pass – advance sale April – June 390 CZK July – August 490 CZK 1st – 8th Sept 590 CZK THE GIANT BARREL CASTLE CELLAR 11:00am–4:00pm Wine tasting of Winery Vinofol CASTLE – UPPER COURTYARD 11:00am–4:00pm Interactive games, fairy-tales and competitions for children. CASTLE – MAIN ENTRANCE HALL 11:00am–4:00pm Little Sommelier – recognizing flavours and aromas in wine, for parents and children HOTEL GALANT 10:30am–3:00pm Pálava „Food Harvest“ (gastronomical event) 10:00am–6:00pm Wine shop Sommelier Club open THE WINE VILLAGE – KAPUCÍNSKÁ STREET 10:00am–5:00pm Amphitheatre - Hall Fri 5:00–8:00pm, Sat 8:00am–8:00pm, Sun 8:00am–2:00pm Tasting of wine, „burčáks“, and gastronomical specialties. 10.30am Moravian folk band Viola 2:00pm Moravian folk band Píšt’alenka Sightseeing helicopter flights 11:00am-5:00pm ADVANCE TICKET SALES • Ticketstream sales points www.ticketstream.cz • TIC Mikulov, Náměstí 1, tic@mikulov.cz Phone: +420 519 510 855 MAIN PARTNERS ORGANISERS ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMES AND ACTIVITIES County-wide baby animal fair GENERAL PARTNERS Heliport behind Hotel Maroli, Sat 9:00am–7:00pm Reservations: +420 777 449 974 CASTLE – TERRACE BY THE SMOKEHOUSE TOWER Municipal Police Station, Kostelní náměstí (Main Square opposite from the church) 11:00am–4:00pm National Wine Competition of Mikulov Region with wine tasting of the best wines Weekend (Fri–Sun) 590 CZK (town centre, amphitheatre) Handicapped and children under 12 – free. 11:00am–3:00pm Tasting and sale of wines Precautionary breathalyzer tests CASTLE – MAIN HALL amphitheatre 260 CZK 360 CZK – VOLAŘÍK WINERY Theatre performances for children, games and competitions. 11:00am–4:00pm Traditional grape processing – Winery Sedlecká vína town centre 230 CZK 330 CZK 200 CZK WINERY VÍNO MIKULOV Moderated by Monika Brindzáková 10:00am Poutníci 11:00am The best „burčák“ competition 11.05am Hike up Holly Hill with Chantal Poullain 1:00pm Spiritual kvintet 2:30pm Brass band Moravská Veselka 4:30pm Music group Kumpánovi muzikanti CASTLE GARDENS All-day ticket Friday Saturday Sunday MEDIA PARTNERS Eat Art Gallery – Feast Fri 4:00–12:00pm, Sat 11:00am–12.00 midnight, Sun 11:00am–10:00pm PROGRAMME CHANGES RESERVED www.palavske-vinobrani.cz This project is supported by the Viticultural Fund. Thursday September 8th MAIN SQUARE 5:00 – 8:00pm Singing with wine and „burčák“ (slightly fermented fresh grape juice)•Men’s choir from Pohořelice and vicinity Friday September 9th ALFONSE MUCHY STREET 5:00 – 7:00pm THE GIANT BARREL CASTLE CELLAR 5:00–9:00pm Wine tasting of Winery Vinofol CASTLE – THE GALLERY OF WINE PRESSES 5:00–8:00pm Wine tasting of Winery Víno Mikulov Sommelier Club and Winery Pavlov LORMOVO SQUARE 5:00pm Old Stars Břeclav 7:00pm Meeting god of wine Bacchus MAIN SQUARE ČESKÁ STREET– IN FRONT OF THE CINEMA 4:30 – 11:00pm Moderated by Petra Eliášová 4:30pm Wine Harvest Opening Ceremony 4:35pm Music and Dance Ensemble Dolina 5.30pm The King’s retinue setting out to fetch their Sovereign Wencelas IVth, festival ceremony 6:15pm Music band Zrní 7:45pm Jan Budař and Eliščin Band 9:15pm Entrée of King Wenceslas and his retinue 9:45pm KAZ Band THE WINE VILLAGE – KAPUCÍNSKÁ STREET 5:00-11:30pm Tasting of wines, “burčáks“ and Moravian gastronomical specialties. 5:30pm Moravian folk band Kasanica 6:00pm Vintners meeting Bacchus 8:00–11:30pm Dancing with folk band of Roman Horňáček from Slovácko region HOTEL GALANT 5:00–10:00pm Pálava „Food Harvest“ (gastronomical event) 7:00pm Get-together with a Moravian folk band AMPHITHEATRE – MAIN STAGE 5:30-11:30pm Moderated by Petr Fridrich and Jana Doleželová 5:30pm Irnis 6:30pm Slza 8:00pm Blue Effect 10:00pm David Koller AMPHITHEATRE – SMALL STAGE 12:30pm 1:45pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 5:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:45pm Rózinky z Kozojídek (girls‘folk-punk group) Gaudeamus folk group (School of Economics, Prague) Moravian folk band of CM Jura Petrů Moravian folk band Šmykňa Petr Bende and Moravian folk band Grajcar Voilá A Little Bit Different Circus & Home Chewing, Tightrope Walkers Up High Hamleti THE WINE VILLAGE – KAPUCÍNSKÁ STREET 10:00am–11:00pm Tasting of wine, „burčáks“, and gastronomical specialties. 10:00am 10:30am 12:30pm 3:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm Moravian folk band Klaret Vintners meeting Bacchus Men’s and Women’s choir from Březí Veselá bída music group King Wenceslas IVth’s Audience with vintners Moravian folk band Slovácko mladší CASTLE GARDENS – CASTLE CELLARS 10:00am–11:00pm Tasting of wines produces by Marcinčák Winery CASTLE GARDENS – CASTLE CELLARS 11:30pm–02.00am DJ Chocolatic CASTLE GARDENS 10:00am–9:00pm 4:00–11:00pm Tasting of wines produces by Marcinčák Winery Saturday September 10th Theatre performances for children, juggling and fencing. 8:30pm Pictures coming to life – the history of Mikulov CASTLE GARDENS ALFONSE MUCHY STREET CASTLE – TERRACE BY THE SMOKEHOUSE TOWER 7:00–10:00 pm Medieval Show – jugglers and performers, knightly games 7:00pm Mikulov Fiery Night 9:30pm King Wenceslas IVth’s Audience CASTLE – TERRACE BY THE SMOKEHOUSE TOWER 4:00–8:00pm Traditional processing of grapes – Sedlec Winery 6:00–8:00pm Opening of the vineyard, singing with folk group Pálava CASTLE – MAIN HALL 4:00-8:00pm National Wine Competition of Mikulov Region with wine tasting of the best wines, accompanied by Moravian folk band 5:00pm Ceremonial announcement of competition results 10:00am–9:00pm 10:00am Jazzpetit 1:00pm El Ectro Folk 3:30pm Natalika MAIN SQUARE 10:00am–11:00pm Moderated by Petra Eliášová 10:00am Opening ceremony 10:10am Children’s folk group Palavěnka 10:25am Children’s folk group Palavánek 10:45am Moravian folk band Kapuráci 11:15am Folklore group Pálava 12 noon Procession of King Wenceslas IVth and Queen Chantal Poullain, Procession in folk costumes 10:00am-8:00pm Traditional grape processing – Sedlec Winery 2:30pm Ceremony of granting the privilage of wine producing to the Burgomaster by King Wencelas IVth CASTLE – MAIN HALL 10:00am-8:00pm National Wine Competition of Mikulov Region with wine tasting of the best wines, accompanied by Moravian folk band Klaret CASTLE – EASTERN TERRACE 3:15pm Audience of King Wenceslas IVth and Queen Chantal Poullain THE GIANT BARREL CASTLE CELLAR 10:00am–9:00pm Wine tasting of Winery Vinofol CASTLE – THE GALLERY OF WINE PRESSES 10am–8pm Wine tasting od Winery Víno Mikulov Sommelier Club and Winery Pavlov CASTLE – UPPER COURTYARD 1:30-6:30pm Moderated by Monika Brindzáková 1:30pm Music Theatre Boretcheque 2:00pm Mojmír Bártek music group „Young pekáč“ 3:00pm Music theatre Boretcheque 3:20pm UR Band 4:20pm Music Theatre Boretcheque 4:40pm Gary Edwards & The Statement 5:45pm Evaluation of Czech National Championship in Recognizing Aromas in Wine 6:00pm Music Theatre Boretcheque CASTLE – GAJDOŠ HALL AND MAIN ENTRANCE HALL 10:00am–5:00pm Czech National Championship in Recognizing Aromas in Wine – „Mikulov Nose“ Sommelier’s Minimum GOAT TOWER 11:00am–7:30pm All-day programme and interactive games. Life in medieval times – knightly encampment, tasting of medieval cuisine, demonstrations of medieval arms and more. 1:30pm Audience of King Wenceslas IVth and Queen Chantal Poullain LORMOVO SQUARE 4:00pm Women’s choir from Dolní Dunajovice ČESKÁ STREET – IN FRONT OF THE CINEMA 7:00pm–12 midnight Dance with Moravian brass band Mikulovanka HOTEL GALANT 10:30am–11:30pm Pálava „Food Harvest“ (gastronomical event) 11:00pm–6:00am Wine bar with live music VOLAŘÍK WINERY 11:00am–6:00pm Tasting and sale of wines