Village Parkway


Village Parkway
Becoming a Member of Village Parkway Baptist Church
Guests, please stop by the Visitor Center Desk to
pick up a Welcome Packet.
DOW - Neil Boddicker (210) 679-5510
Whatever your reason for coming, we are glad you’re here. We would love for you to
join our family officially through church membership. Membership at Village Parkway is
considered a demonstration of your commitment to our church family and our ministry
You can join the church whether you have been to church before or not. We will simply
ask you some questions about your faith background. If you have questions about the
church or would like to join, please come to the front at the end of the
service, and one of our ministers or church members will assist you.
Sunday - September 21, 2014
At Village Parkway,
we actively seek ways to reach,
teach, and serve as a community.
We reach out to each other through
fellowship. We reach out to others by
telling them the message of Jesus.
We reach up to God through
worship and prayer.
We learn the teachings of the Bible.
We teach others the Bible. We live in
such a way as to illustrate the
life of Christ.
We serve our church through our
attendance, our gifts, and our time.
We serve others through a church
ministry or another ministry in our
community. We serve our world
by supporting missions through
prayer, gifts, and service.
Sunday School, C/EB…………….9:30 & 10:50 am
Worship Service, WC..……..…….9:30 & 10:50 am
Spanish Sunday School, SC……………....9:30 am
Spanish Worship Service, MB403……….11:00 am
Student Praise Band Practice, SC………..3:30 pm
Children’s Choir Practice, 303…………….4:00 pm
AWANA, C/EB………………………………5:00 pm
Student Bible Study, SC……………………5:00 pm
Marriage Study, 205………………………..5:00 pm
Psalm 119 Study, 105...…………………....5:00 pm
Witness, SC………………………………….6:00 pm
Deacons - TODAY at 3:30pm in Pastor Steve’s office.
Finance - October 5, at 4:00pm in Pastor Steve’s office.
Tuesday - September 23
Ladies Bible Study, Menefee’s Home…….9:30 am
Wednesday - September 24
VPCS Chapel @ the Pole……………..…...8:40am
Prayer Meeting, FH………………………....6:30 pm
ESL, C/EB……………..…………………….6:30 pm
Orchestra Practice, WC………….………...6:30 pm
Spanish Prayer Meeting, MB 402..………..6:30 pm
RA/GA/MF,303, 201, 305.………..………..6:30 pm
Student-Ignite, SC…………………………..6:30 pm
Beauty For Ashes, 309……………………..6:30 pm
Worship Choir, WC……………..................7:30 pm
College/Career Study, 206…..…………….7:30 pm
Week of 9/14/14
Weekly Budget Requirement…….…...….......................................$20,279.92
Last Week’s Receipts…………………….........................................$17,237.00
Total Month’s Receipts………………..…..…………………….........$45,622.41
VPBC Mission Team Support Emphasis Y-T-D..............................$2,485.00
Total Missions Giving Y-T-D…………………...…...………………..$24,040.42
Last Week’s KDA………........................…..……………………............$110.00
Thursday - September 25
Village Parkway
Sr. Adult Fellowship, 108…………..….….10:00 am
Sr. Adult Choir, CR…….…………..……….1:30 pm
Saturday - September 27
Fritz Craft Class, FH..……………………..10:00 am
**************************************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************************************************
CR = Choir Room
C/EB = Children & Education Building
DOW = Deacon of the Week
FH = Fellowship Hall
MB = Modular Building
PSO = Pastor Steve’s Office
SC = Student Center
WC = Worship Center
Men at the Gate
Mon., Sept. 29 at 6pm /Cost $5
VPBC Fellowship Hall
Speaker: Frank Jackson
Sign up before September 25
by filling out the bulletin insert &
check mark the box M@G then
place it in the offering plate.
Dr. Steve Branson, Senior Pastor
Doug Brinson, Associate Pastor
Ryan Carpenter, Minister of Education
Malcolm Grainger, Minister of Music
Rob Karns, Music Assistant
Debbie Hullet, Dir. of Children Ministries
Ryan Peduzzi, Minister to Students
(210) 680-7813 I
3002 Village Parkway, San Antonio, Texas 78251 - Office: (210) 680-7813
Fax: (210) 509-3502 / Web Site: - Office Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm; M-F
It’s appropriate that Missions Offering Sunday for Village Parkway
Christian School and Bless Our Schools Sunday are observed on
the same day since prayer plays such an important role in both
programs. At VPBC our day begins with prayer as the teachers
gather at 7:50am to pray for our students, their families, our school
and for the needs of our teachers and staff. Each class as well
begins their day in prayer. In chapel and at lunch, prayers of
thanksgiving are lifted up to the Father for His many blessings. Then
there are those special moments when we have the opportunity to
pray one on one with our students during teachable moments or
with parents asking for direction and wisdom in difficult situations.
Moms in Prayer International sponsors Bless Our Schools Sunday.
Today we are reminded to pray for our schools, for our students and
for our teachers. VPCS has a Moms in Prayer group that meets
every Monday morning for Bible study and prayer. It is such an
encouragement to know that someone is praying for us.
Our church family has played a major role in praying for our school.
Many times your prayers have strengthened and encouraged our
staff. “Thank You” for supporting the Missions Offering and please
continue to pray for VPCS as we seek to grow our students
academically and spiritually.
Irene Taylor, Principal
If you have any questions about Village Parkway Christian School,
please contact IreneTaylor at: (210) 680-8187.
Blessed - Peacemakers / Matthew 5:1-12
Psalm 119 Study - Tonight, in room 105 Pastor Steve will be teaching a
Girls Sunday School - Painting with a Twist on Saturday, Oct. 25 meet at the
Bible study on Psalm 119.
church at 1:15pm. We will go paint from 2-4pm. The girls will need to pay $15
before October 12. This will save their spot. Plan to bring extra money for shaved
Ice from Bahama Bucks afterwards. We will return to the church by 5pm.
Brigitte Gabriel/Act For America - Monday, October 6, 2014 at 7:00pm in
the Worship Center. Brigitte is Author & Global speaker on Islamic Terrorism.
Register at: (free event)
2014 VBVMI Bible Conference - October 9-11, Verse By Verse Ministry
International is having three days of Bible teaching here at Village Parkway Baptist
Church. To register go to and click on the link for on the “are you ready” page.
Village Parkway Christian School - Parent Teacher Fellowship is Sat.,
Sept. 27 at Skateland West (Marbach location) from 5-7pm. It is open to everyone!
A portion of the proceeds will go toward VPCS.
Korean War Veterans - We want to honor our Korean War Vets on Harvest
Day - Nov. 2. Please fill out the visitor registration area in your Worship Guide insert
with your name, years of service, branch of military, and job, then place it in the
offering plate. You can also call the church office at (210) 680-7813 with your
English as a Second Language (ESL) - Wednesday nights at 6:30pm.
Please contact Steve Ballinger at: if you have any questions.
Sunday School - Teachers are needed in the crawlers nursery classroom and
in the 5th/6th grade Sunday School class during the 9:30am Sunday school hour.
Nursery – Volunteers are needed in the nursery area on the 1st and 2nd Sundays
during the 10:50 Sunday School hour. Please consider helping just one hour a
Fall Fun Fest - Saturday, November 1, 6-8pm. Plan to decorate your car for Trunk
or Treat of just come out and help with the many activities we have planned. This is a
great community outreach opportunity.
For more information on any of these items or to volunteer, contact Deb Hullet at: or 379-8928.
AWANA - We are in need of more leaders for Cubbies & Sparkies. Please
contact Pete Walker at: (210) 854-7346 if you have any questions about
Café Chocolat - Women’s mini retreat on Oct. 4 from 8am-5pm. Cost is $15.00
Go! - Outreach post cards need to be filled out. If you are led to reach out to our
each. Breakfast & lunch are provided. Registration deadline is Sept. 28. A
registration table will be in the breezeway between Worship Services on Sunday’s.
Please contact Debbie Richardson for more info or to register at: (210) 317-0928.
Women’s Bible Study - Tuesday’s at 9:30am beginning Sept. 16 at Sherrie
Menefee’s home. The study will be Women of Faith video sermons with discussions
to follow. For more information contact Debbie Richardson @ (210) 317-0928.
community contact Ryan Carpenter at:
Men at the Gate (M@G) - September 29 at 6:00pm with Frank Jackson here
at Village Parkway. Cost is $5.00 each. Sign up by 9/25. You can fill out your info
and mark the box, M@G, on the Worship Guide insert and turn it into the office/
offering plate, or you can contact the church office at (210) 680-7813.
The Fatherhood Initiative - Life Choices Medical Clinic has been
ministering to young women for years. They have discovered a tremendous need for
the young “soon-to-be-fathers” to be ministered to as well. The Fatherhood Initiative
curriculum will be used to provide mentoring and training to young fathers.
If you would like more information, there will be a 20 minute meeting September 21,
at 12:00pm in room 105.You can also contact Doug Brinson at: if you are interested in helping or if you have questions.
Missionaries - The Swain Family covet your prayers, as they head toward
ministry among Urdu-Speaking Muslims in England. The Swains and their
organization, “Christar”, believe in prayer. In addition to their financial need,
Christar requires them to raise 100 new daily prayer patners to join in their
ministry. Would you consider committing to being one of them? Let them know if
you can commit to pray or would like to receive their newsletter by mail or post at: or 469-500-7165.
Hospitality Team - The hospitality Team is about creating a warm welcome for
everyone who walks through the doors on Sunday mornings. (Psalm 84:10) Prior to
the Worship Services, there are several things we can do to create that welcome for
our visitors. Some of these actions include handing out bulletins, greeting everyone
you see, looking for visitors needing assistance. If you have questions about serving,
please call Roy Theetge at: (210) 422-2702 or via email:
Escuela Dominical - 9:30-10:20am, Centro Estudiantil
Servicio En Español - Cada Domingo a las 11:00am, 403
Servicio de Oración - Miércoles, 6:30-7:30pm, 402