Dow - Building Solutions
Dow - Building Solutions
Uniclass EPIC L68151:P7111 F841:X722 CI/SfB (27) May 2006 Dow - Building Solutions Insulating buildings with STYROFOAM Rn7 (M2) Contents Introduction Insulating Floors About STYROFOAM 03 Basic principles 35 Developing your STYROFOAM Solution 03 Insulating groundbearing floors: design 38 Authority 03 Insulating groundbearing floors: installation 44 Meeting environmental standards 03 Insulating suspended floors: design 45 Insulating suspended floors: installation 48 Renovating floors 49 Product Data Technical description 04 Performance 04 Insulating Structures Below Ground Products 05 Insulating structures below ground: design 50 Handling and Storage 06 Insulating structures below ground: installation 51 Data Table 07 Insulating Walls 52 Part L 2006 Guidance 10 Insulating Single Ply Roofs 54 Insulating Pitched Roofs 56 Insulating Agricultural Buildings 60 References 62 Notes 64 Stockists 66 Insulating Inverted Flat Roofs Insulating Inverted roofs: basic principles 14 Insulating ballasted inverted roofs: design considerations (ROOFMATE MinK System) 18 Insulating ballasted inverted roofs: installation methods 23 Insulating lightweight inverted roofs: design considerations 24 Insulating lightweight inverted roofs: installation methods 27 Insulating green roofs: design considerations 28 Insulating green roofs: installation methods 30 Insulating roofs for renovation projects: design considerations 31 ROOFMATE LG-X Project assessment sheet 34 Note Information contained in this brochure may be subject to change. When specifying STYROFOAM it is important to follow the most recent advice and recommendations. Contact Dow or visit our web site at 2 Introduction In the demanding conditions of today’s building and Developing your STYROFOAM Solution engineering projects STYROFOAM™ blue extruded Each construction project has its own unique combination polystyrene boards can deliver the thermal performance of insulation requirements. Developing an accurate and strength you require - for the lifetime of the structure. insulation project specification can be a time-consuming As a world-class producer of thermal insulation products, process. However, the designer now has available a range Dow can provide all the help, advice and information you of fast-track templates in the form of STYROFOAM Solutions. need to achieve the solutions you’re looking for. You will find each STYROFOAM Solution detailed in a Dow has developed STYROFOAM Solutions, for using dedicated section of this manual. STYROFOAM to maximum effect in a wide selection of The STYROFOAM product range itself is described in the typical application areas. Product Data section. Further information is available on the STYROFOAM Solutions web site at About STYROFOAM STYROFOAM has been manufactured by Dow for more than 60 years. The process of extruding foamed polystyrene Authority results in a material with uniformly small, closed cells, a STYROFOAM is manufactured under a BS EN ISO 9001:2001 smooth ‘skin’ and an unrivalled set of properties which Quality Assurance System (BSI Certificate Q05968). make it the choice of specifiers in a wide range of demanding insulation applications: ››› low thermal conductivity - minimising the board STYROFOAM products comply with BS EN 13164: 2001 Thermal insulation products for buildings - factory made products of extruded polystyrene (XPS) - specification. thickness needed to achieve a specific U-value, thus allowing the designer greater flexibility. ››› high compressive strength - in load-bearing applications, the closed cell structure gives the foam great rigidity and makes it highly resistant to compression. ››› STYROFOAM products have been evaluated by the British Board of Agrément and certified as suitable for use in: ››› ››› ››› Cavity walls (Certificate 88/2105). Pitched roofs - warm roof concept (Certificate 87/1836). low water absorption - STYROFOAM has natural resistance to rain, snow, frost and water vapour which Floors (Certificate 92/2782) ››› Inverted roofs (Certificate 97/3431). makes it an exceptionally stable material, which retains its initial insulation performance and physical integrity in exposed conditions over the very long term. It was this unusual property that made possible the inverted warm roof concept, pioneered by Dow. ››› ››› Meeting environmental standards Concern about ozone depletion in the stratosphere has led to international agreements to phase out the use of ozonedepleting chemicals. workability - STYROFOAM is easily worked with normal hand tools. All STYROFOAM products are hydrochlorofluorocarbon hygiene - STYROFOAM boards have low susceptibility (HCFC) free and comply with the requirements of EC to rot, mould or fungal growth is therefore minimised. Regulation No 2037/2000 (1 Oct 2000) on substances They are clean, odourless and free from irritating dust. which deplete the ozone layer. STYROFOAM `X’ products are foamed with a hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) and `A’ STYROFOAM is available in a number of different grades products with carbon dioxide. designed to meet the performance requirements of specific applications. ®™* Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("DOW") or an affiliated company of Dow STYROFOAM Solutions 3 Product data Technical description Surface characteristics Dow STYROFOAM boards are blue. All boards have a smooth homogeneous skin on both sides with the exception of ROOFMATE™ LG-X and PERIMATE™ DI-A. Performance Structural STYROFOAM boards are available in a range of compressive strengths to suit different loadbearing requirements. Fire Information on aspects of fire performance of extruded polystyrene in building applications is given in BS 6203: 1991, 'Fire characteristics and fire performance of expanded polystyrene materials used in building applications'. Water/moisture STYROFOAM is highly resistant to water absorption. STYROFOAM boards are very resistant to the passage of water vapour and are unaffected by repeated freeze/thaw cycles. Biological STYROFOAM has low susceptibility to rot; mould or fungal growth is therefore minimised. Chemical STYROFOAM boards are resistant to most commonly occurring construction materials such as lime, cement, plaster, anhydrous gypsum, solvent-free bituminous compounds, water-based wood preservatives, as well as alcohols, acids and alkalis. Certain organic materials such as solvent-based wood preservatives, coal tar and derivatives (creosote), paint thinners and common solvents STYROFOAM products contain a flame retardant additive to (e.g. acetone, ethyl acetate, petrol, toluene and white spirit) inhibit accidental ignition from a small fire source. will attack STYROFOAM, resulting in softening, shrinkage STYROFOAM is, however, combustible and if exposed to an and possible dissolution, with a consequent loss of intensive fire may burn rapidly. performance. During Shipment, storage, installation and use STYROFOAM The use of solvent-free adhesives is recommended. products should not be exposed to flames or other ignition Advice on compatibility with polystyrene foam should be sources. sought from the adhesive manufacturers. Fire classification is based on small-scale tests, which may not reflect the reaction of the product in its end use state under actual fire conditions. STYROFOAM products should, when installed, be adequately protected from direct exposure to fire. STYROFOAM products achieve Euroclass E (reaction to fire). Temperature Polystyrene products will melt when brought into direct contact with high temperature heat sources: for Dow STYROFOAM boards the recommended maximum continuous operation temperature is 75°C. ®™* Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("DOW") or an affiliated company of Dow 4 Product data Sunlight Products Protect STYROFOAM from prolonged exposure to intense FLOORMATE sunlight to prevent degradation of the surface of the FLOORMATE™ is the STYROFOAM Solution for insulating board. floors. FLOORMATE insulation is available in a range of compressive strengths to match the loading requirements Durability of individual projects. Properly installed, STYROFOAM boards have a service life comparable with that of the building or structure. FLOORMATE insulation can be installed under or over the slab in groundbearing concrete floors and is suitable for Environmental use on suspended beam and block or timber floors. STYROFOAM is non bio-degradable and does not present WALLMATE an environmental hazard. WALLMATE™ CW-X is the STYROFOAM Solution for Disposal insulating walls. WALLMATE CW-X insulation can be used as STYROFOAM can be: partial cavity fill without increasing the risk of water ››› ››› ››› ››› recycled mechanically. penetration. recycled chemically. The low water absorption of WALLMATE CW-X insulation used as land-fill. enables it to be used in walls without any loss of incinerated under control to recover the energy performance. WALLMATE CW-X boards are sized to content. co-ordinate with common brick and block sizes. Properties Standard Specific heat Coefficient of linear thermal expansion — BS 4370: Part 3: 1988:Method 13 Working temperature range Fire classification: reaction to fire — Unit Value kJ/kgK 1.4 mm/mK 0.07 °C -50 to +75 BS EN 13164 + BS EN 13501: Euroclass E Table 01 Common properties of STYROFOAM products ®™* Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("DOW") or an affiliated company of Dow STYROFOAM Solutions 5 Product data: products ROOFMATE SL-X & LG-X CE marking (to BS EN 13164) ROOFMATE SL-X and ROOFMATE LG-X are the STYROFOAM FLOORMATE 200-X T1 – CS(10/Y)200 - CC(2/1.5/50)60 - WL(T) 0.7 - DS(TH) Solutions for insulating inverted roofs. The boards are unaffected by the conditions encountered on flat roofs, including wide fluctuations in temperature or repeated STYROFOAM SP-X T1 – CS(10/Y)300 - CC(2/1.5/50)120- WL(T) 0.7 - DS(TH) freeze/thaw cycles. ROOFMATE SL-X insulation is intended for use on heavyweight decks with a ballast layer of gravel or concrete slabs. It can also be used in the ROOFMATE MinK system, which will reduce the rain water cooling penalty, thereby minimising the insulation thickness required. Its rot-resistance makes it ideal for insulating roof FLOORMATE 500-X T1 – CS(10/Y)500 - CC(2/1.5/50)150 - WL(T) 0.7 - DS(TH) FLOORMATE 700-A T1 – CS(10/Y)700 - CC(2/1.5/50)250 - WL(T)0.7 - WD(V)3 - FT2 - DS(TH) - DLT(2)5 gardens. ROOFMATE LG-X boards have a 10mm modified concrete WALLMATE CW-X T1 – CS(10/Y)100 - WL(T) 0.7 -DS(TH) topping on the upper surface, eliminating the need for separate ballast and making it possible to gain the benefits ROOFMATE RL-X T1 – CS(10/Y)300 - WL(T) 0.7 - DS(TH) of the inverted roof on lightweight decks. ROOFMATE RL X ROOFMATE RL-X is the STYROFOAM solution for insulating single-ply roof decks. ROOFMATE RL-X boards provide a lightweight, rigid substrate beneath light-coloured single-ply polymeric membranes on flat or low slope metal decked roofs. The large area and high dimensional stability ROOFMATE SL-X T1 –CS(10/Y)300 - CC(2/1.5/50)110 - WL(T) 0.7 - WD(V)3 - FT2 - DS(TH) - DLT(2)5 ROOFMATE LG-X ††† T1 – CS(10/Y)300 - CC(2/1.5/50)110 - WL(T)0.7 - WD(V)3 - FT2 DS(TH) - DLT(2)5 PERIMATE DI-A††† of ROOFMATE RL-X boards minimise the installation time as well as the number of fixings required. T1 – CS(10/Y)300 - WL(T)0.7 - WD(V)3 - FT1 - DS(TH) ROOFMATE RL-X can also be used to insulate warm pitched roofs at rafter line. ROOFMATE RL-X boards are for installation above the rafters with ROOFMATE RL-X boards cut to size to fit between the rafters The insulation is supplied in large boards for rapid coverage. PERIMATE DI-A PERIMATE DI-A is the STYROFOAM solution for insulating structure below ground. PERIMATE DI-A boards have vertical channels cut into one face, to drain water away, and a filter fabric bonded to the face to prevent soil particles blocking the channels. 6 ††† Insulation only FLOORS WALLS ROOFS ◆ Domestic Medium load bearing High load bearing V high load bearing Partial fill cavity Below ground/basement ◆ ◆ ROOFMATE LG-X ROOFMATE SL-X ROOFMATE RL-X WALLMATE CW-X FLOORMATE 700-A FLOORMATE 500-X STYROFOAM SP-X PERIMATE DI-A FLOORMATE 200-X Product data: data tables ◆ ◆ ◆ Pitched - insulation at rafter line Flat: inverted -ballasted -lightweight -terraced Flat: conventional warm ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ROOFMATE RL-X ROOFMATE SL-X ROOFMATE LG-X WALLMATE CW-X 1.70 1.70 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.4 2.40 30 1.00 35 1.20 40 1.35 50 1.70 70 FLOORMATE 700-A 1.70 0.85 1.70 FLOORMATRE 500-X 1.70 25 60 STYROFOAM SP-X mm FLOORMATE 200-X Thickness PERIMATE DI-A Table 02 Product Selector 75 1.20 1.35 1.70 1.70 1.35 2.55 2.55 80 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 90 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 100 2.75 3.45 120 3.30 4.10 140 4.50 4.10 4.10 2.75 3.45 3.45 4.10 4.10 4.50 4.50 150 4.85 160 5.15 5.15 180 5.80 5.80 200 6.45 Table 03 Declared thermal resistance (RD) - m2K/W STYROFOAM Solutions 7 Product data: data tables FLOORMATE 200-X STYROFOAM SP-X Properties Standard unit CE Code Thermal conductivity* ≤80mm 81-120 >121 BS EN 12667 BS EN 12667 BS EN 12667 W/mK W/mK W/mK λD λD λD 0.029 0.029 0.031 0.029 0.029 - Compressive strength at 10% or break (90 days) BS EN 826 kN/m2 CS(10/Y)i 200 350 Design load 2% max. deflection (50 years) BS EN 1606 kN/m2 CC(2/1.5/50) σc 60 110 BS EN 12086 MNs/gm - 825 875 MUi 165 175 Water vapour resistivity Water vapour diffusion resistance factor BS EN 12086 m Water absorption Total immersion Diffusion Freeze/thaw, after 300 cycles BS EN 12087 BS EN 12088 BS EN 12091 % vol % vol % vol WL(T)i WL(V)i FTi <0.5 - <0.5 - Dimensional stability 48hrs at 70C/90% RH 168hrs at 40kPa/70C BS EN 1604 BS EN 1605 % % DS(TH) DLT(2)5 <2 - <2 - Density (aim) BS EN 1602 kg/m3 - 38 38 Dimensions Length Width Thickness BS EN 822 BS EN 822 BS EN 823 mm mm mm Ti 2500 600 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140 2500 600 50, 75 Fire classification – reaction to fire BS EN 13164 BS EN 13501 Euroclass E E Appearance Surface Edge profile skin butt edge skin butt edge Application Floors - domestic Floors medium load bearing 92/2782 92/2782 Certification BBA Agrément - - - Table 04 Product data The properties given above are typical (unless stated otherwise). Results of tests described are available from Dow. * declared 90/90 value - BS EN 13164 ** includes 10 mm for the mortar topping; thicker products available on request up to 190 mm 8 Product data: data tables FLOORMATE 500-X 0.029 0.029 - FLOORMATE 700-A WALLMATE CW-X ROOFMATE RL-X ROOFMATE SL-X ROOFMATE LG-X PERIMATE DI-A 0.036 - 0.029 0.029 - 0.029 0.029 - 0.029 0.029 0.031 0.029 0.029 0.031 0.035 0.036 - 700 200 300 300 300 300 110 110 110 500 250 150 825 575 825 825 825 825 165 165 115 165 165 165 165 <0.5 <3 <1 <0.5 <3 <1 <0.5 - <0.5 - <0.5 - <0.5 <3 <1 <0.5 <3 <1 <2 - <2 <5 <2 - <2 <5 <2 <5 <2 40 45 38 38 38 38 45 1250 600 50, 80, 120 1250 600 50 1200 450 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 2500 600 50, 60, 80,120 1250 600 50, 60, 75, 80, 90 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200 1200 600 60, 70, 90, 110, 130** 1250 600 60, 100 120 E E E E E E E skin shiplap skin shiplap skin shiplap skin tongue & groove skin shiplap mortar topping tongue & groove grooved face & geotextile shiplap Floors high load bearing Floors very high load bearing Cavity wall - partial fill Pitched roofs insulation at rafter line Flat roofs Agricultural Inverted roofs ballasted Inverted roofs lightweight Basement walls external 92/2782 - 88/2105 87/1836 97/3431 97/3431 825 <2 - STYROFOAM Solutions 9 Part L 2006 Guidance 6 April 2006 saw the introduction of changes to Part L of the Building Regulations in England and Wales†. selected method is a revised version of the ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› government’s Standard Assessment Procedure Demonstrating compliance for extensions to and (SAP 2005), whilst for other buildings the government refurbishment of existing buildings, especially dwellings, has introduced the Simplified Building Energy Model will still rely heavily on elemental U-values. (SBEM). There are now four new Approved Documents: reduce the UK’s emissions of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide. The operation of buildings accounts for 46% of the UK’s carbon dioxide emissions; the intention behind the regulations is to reduce emissions for new buildings by 20 - 28% compared to the 2002 regulations. ››› implement parts of the European Union’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, which requires the introduction of standardised methods of assessing the energy efficiency of buildings. For dwellings the ››› requires simultaneous consideration of all factors affecting energy efficiency including: The changes are intended to: ››› This holistic approach offers greater design flexibility but reduce fuel poverty. type of building and its configuration siting and orientation fenestration elemental U-values air leakage rate thermal bridging space heating/solar gain/space cooling water heating lighting efficiency ventilation type of fuel (for dwellings only). L1A New dwellings Meeting Part L 2006 Requirements L1B Work on existing dwellings The latest changes to Part L of the Building Regulations L2A New buildings other than dwellings complete the move towards a single compliance route for L2B Work on existing buildings other than dwellings all new buildings. The change, which began in 1995 with the introduction of SAP ratings for new dwellings, requires designers to adopt a 'whole building' approach and to demonstrate that carbon dioxide emissions from the new building will not exceed a stipulated maximum. † similar changes are expected to be introduced in Northern Ireland in November 2006 and in Scotland in 2007 Improvement factor LZC benchmark†† Overall improvement factor without LZC benchmark dwellings 20% N/A 20% non dwellings - naturally ventilated - mechanically ventilated - air conditioned 15% 20% 20% 10% 10% 10% 23.5% 28.0% 28.0% †† The LZC benchmark is intended to implement Article 5 of the EPBD by ensuring the use of LZC energy supply systems is considered before construction starts. Table 05 Improvement factors and low or zero carbon (LZC) benchmarks 10 Part L 2006 Guidance For dwellings (up to 450m2 floor area) the calculations use New buildings Approved Documents L1A & L2A the SAP 2005 methodology implemented in an approved These set out five criteria which must be met if a new SAP program. For other buildings the calculations are building is to meet the requirements of Part L. The criteria performed by the SBEM, using software from the ODPM apply to dwellings and to buildings other than dwellings, augmented if necessary by other approved software. Both although the methods of demonstrating compliance vary methods take account of heat loss through air infiltration between building types. and thermal bridging. 1. Achieving the Target carbon dioxide emission rate. 2. Limits on design flexibility Carbon dioxide emissions from the proposed building The emissions rating assessment allows designers must be lower than a target rate. The process for considerable flexibility in the methods they employ to calculating the target and design rates is: achieve the required rating. To ensure the building’s fabric 1. calculate the carbon dioxide emissions per square and services are reasonably energy efficient they must metre of floor area from a notional building of the perform no worse than the limits set out in the Approved same dimensions as the proposed building, which Documents - see table 07. An air permeability limit of would have passed the 2002 regulations by the 10m3/m2/hr @ 50Pa applies to all buildings. Elemental method. – see table 06 2. apply an improvement factor and a low or zero carbon (LZC) benchmark (see table 05) to the calculated rate: the resultant figure is the Target carbon dioxide emission rate, the TER. 3. Limiting the effects of solar gains in summer Lowering elemental U-values and improving airtightness bring a risk of building interiors overheating in summer as a result of solar gain. Both SAP and SBEM assessments will test for overheating and indicate if there is an excessive risk. For dwellings: TER = (CH x fuel factor + CL) x (I - improvement factor) CH = carbon dioxide emissions from heating and hot water CL = carbon dioxide emissions from lighting For non - dwellings: TER = Cnotional x (I - improvement factor) x (I - LZC benchmark) Dwellings Non - dwellings Walls 0.35 0.35 calculate the carbon dioxide emission rate for the Floors 0.25 0.25 proposed building: the Dwelling emission rate (DER) Roofs – Pitched Flat 0.16 (0.25) 0.16 0.25 Windows/Doors 2.0 2.2 Cnotional = carbon dioxide emissions from a notional buiding 3. for dwellings, or the Building emission rate (BER) for other buildings. 4. Table 06 Elemental U-values for 2002 notional buildings(W/m2.K) the building meets the criterion if the DER or BER is equal to or lower than the TER. Area weighted average Worst for any sub-element Walls 0.35 0.70 Floors 0.25 0.70 Roofs 0.25 0.35 Windows 2.2 3.3 Doors 2.2 3.3a/3.0b a b dwellings non - dwellings Table 07 Limiting U-values – New build (W/m2.K) STYROFOAM Solutions 11 Part L 2006 Guidance 4. Quality of construction and commissioning Thermal element The standard of construction must ensure the actual New➀ Replacement➁ Walls 0.30 0.35 Floors 0.22 0.25 The thermal insulation must be reasonably continuous Roofs – Pitched (rafters) (joist) Flat 0.20 0.16 0.20 0.20 0.16 0.25 around the building envelope. Designers should use Windows 1.8 2.0 approved construction details or be able to Doors 3.0➂/6.0➃ 3.0➂/6.0➃ performance of the building is consistent with the predicted carbon dioxide emission rate. To achieve that: ››› demonstrate equivalent levels of performance in proposed alternative details. ››› measured air permeabilities must be lower than the values used in the emissions calculation and less than 10m3/m2/hr @ 50Pa. Whilst all buildings other than dwellings must be tested, only a sample of dwellings ➀ Extensions to non-dwellings which are greater than 100m2 in floor area and more than 25% of the floor area in the existing building come under ADL2A ➁ If > 25% of surface area is to be renovated then whole element has to be upgraded to this level ➂ Dwellings ➃ Non - Dwellings Table 08 Extensions & Renovations – U-values (W/m2.K) within a development need be tested (the size of the sample depends upon the adoption of approved ››› construction details and the results of the first test.) Thermal element building services must be properly commissioned: in some cases that may involve air leakage testing of ductwork. 5. Operating and maintenance instructions. The owner of the building must be provided with sufficient information to enable the fixed building services to be efficiently operated and maintained. Threshold Improved Cavity Wall 0.70 0.55 Other wall type 0.70 0.35 Floors 0.70➂/0.35➃ 0.25 Roofs – Pitched (rafters) (joist) Flat 0.35 0.35➂/0.16➃ 0.35 0.20-0.25 0.16 0.25 If U-value is worse than “threshold” then upgrade to “improved” if economically viable (15 years payback or less) ➂ Dwellings ➃ Non - Dwellings Table 09 Upgrade of retained thermal elements – U-values (W/m2.K) Existing buildings Approved Documents L1B & L2B Because existing buildings account for a substantial proportion of carbon dioxide emissions the revisions to Part L have raised performance standards for building fabric and services for extensions, material alterations and changes of use – tables 08 and 09. For buildings other than dwellings, work on extensions and initial fit out may require improvements to be made to existing services. Those ‘consequential improvements’ may cost as much as 10% of the proposed work. Increases in the capacity of heating or cooling plant will require consequential improvements to the thermal elements: there is no cost limit on such improvements, but they should have a payback period not exceeding 15 years. 12 Part L 2006 Guidance Transitional arrangements Designers should consider a two stage approach: first, Where work on site began before 6 April 2006 a building design the building to require the minimum amount of will only have to comply with the requirements of heating, cooling and lighting for its operation; secondly Part L 2002. Similarly, a building need only comply with provide those services with the minimum carbon dioxide Part L 2002 if the local authority has granted full plans emissions. To do that designers may have to adopt different approval before 6 April 2006 and work begins on site forms of construction and it may be that some before 1 April 2007. In most other cases the building must constructions will be unable to give the performance meet the requirements of Part L 2006 – required by the regulations. see ODPM Circular 03/2006. Implementing the regulations The key challenge for designers is to design buildings which will produce 20 - 28% less carbon dioxide emissions (some clients may, require buildings with emission levels much lower than the bare minimum set by Building Regulations). Insulation will continue to play a dominant role in achieving the carbon dioxide emissions targets in both new and existing buildings as can be see from table 10. Part L: 2006 ensures that the emphasis will not shift away from the long-term benefits of insulating the building fabric towards the short-term benefits of 'renewable' plant. 2002 All buildings 2006 Dwellings Non - Dwellings Natural ventilation Mechanical ventilation LZC - 10% 0% 10% 0% Overall improvement factor 20% 15% 23.5% 20% 28% Flat roofs 0.25 0.20 0.21 0.19 0.20 0.18 Floors 0.25 0.20 0.21 0.19 0.20 0.18 Walls 0.35 0.28 0.30 0.27 0.28 0.25 Pitched roofs 0.20 0.16 0.17 0.15 0.16 0.14 Table 10 2006 U-values (W/m2.K): Impact on new build Shows the overall improvement factor required, including any compensation for not incorporating low or zero carbon technology. STYROFOAM Solutions 13 Insulating inverted roofs Basic principles The waterproof layer acts as a total vapour control layer The performance and longevity of flat roofs depends upon and, being on the warm side of the insulation, is many factors, including the position of the insulation maintained above dewpoint temperature so the risk of within the construction. condensation is eliminated. If insulation is placed below the structural deck (cold roof The inverted roof concept has other benefits. construction) the structure remains cold and there is a The insulation can be: considerable risk of condensation; for that reason cold deck ››› ››› ››› roofs are not recommended and are now seldom used. Insulation placed above the structural deck and beneath installed in any weather. added to, without stripping the waterproof layer. easily lifted and replaced/re-used if the building is altered. the waterproof layer (warm roof construction) reduces the risk of condensation but, because the waterproof layer is thermally isolated from the rest of the roof construction, it The insulation for an inverted roof must: is exposed to wide temperature fluctuations with ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› consequent increased risk of premature failure (Figure 01). The inverted roof concept overcomes the problem by placing thermal insulation above the waterproof layer, maintaining it at an even temperature close to that of the building interior and protecting it from the damaging resist water absorption. be unaffected by freeze/thaw cycling. withstand surface traffic. protect the waterproof layer long term. be ballasted to prevent flotation. be protected from UV and mechanical damage. effects of UV radiation and from mechanical damage. General recommendations on the design of inverted roofs The insulation protects the waterproof covering from: ››› ››› ››› are contained in BS 6229. Agrément certificate 97/3431 wide temperature variations - +80 to -20°C. contains specific recommendations regarding the use of degradation from weathering. ROOFMATE insulation. mechanical damage during construction, use and maintenance. Construction of the inverted roof In the inverted roof system insulation is laid over the waterproofing layer and suitably loaded to restrain it against flotation and wind uplift and to protect it against damage. Inverted roof constructions can be categorised as heavyweight or lightweight by reference to the form of building construction involved. If the structure incorporates protected membrane a concrete slab it will normally be cost-effective to design Temperature ˚C the slab to support the load of 80 - 120 kg/m2 imposed by a ballasted inverted roof system (Figures 02 and 03). 0 unprotected membrane J F M A M J J A S O N Figure 01 >> Temperature fluctuations in an unprotected roof covering compared with those in one protected by STYROFOAM 14 D Insulating inverted roofs: basic principles Dow also offer an alternative inverted roof solution to suit lightweight, long span structures, capable of supporting a minimum nominal load of 30 kg/m2. The lightweight inverted roof features a STYROFOAM board which, thanks to a bonded mortar topping and interlocking edge profile, does not require an additional ballast layer (Figure 04). This lightweight solution enables a far wider range of buildings to gain the benefits of the inverted roof system. Figure 02 >> Inverted roof with aggregate ballast The inverted roof concept is ideally suited to green roofs where the roof is covered with a plant-bearing layer (Figure 05). Green roofs may be used to: ››› ››› reduce a building's environmental impact. provide a garden area for projects where space is at a premium. ››› contribute to a building's appearance. Roof loadings Figure 03 >> Inverted roof with paving ballast The basic roof structure may be of concrete, metal or timber: it must be strong enough to withstand the maximum predicted loads with a suitable factor of safety. Inverted roofs are subject to three main loads: ››› dead loads: the self-weight of all the materials used: for calculation advice see BS 6399: Part 1. ››› wind loads: the positive and negative pressures acting on the roof should be calculated using either the standard or directional method given in BS 6399: Part 2. ››› Figure 04 >> Inverted roof on light-weight deck with self-ballasted insulation imposed loads: see BS 6399: Part 3. Figure 05 >> Inverted green roof STYROFOAM Solutions 15 Insulating inverted roofs: basic principles Thermal performance Fire Table 11 shows the thickness of insulation required to achieve the expected a range of U-values now required by Part L: 2006. Inverted roofs ballasted with incombustible material, such as aggregate or paving slabs, readily achieve an external fire rating of FAA when tested to BS 476: Part 3: 1958. In an inverted roof construction some rainwater will run off They offer adequate resistance to the external spread of fire beneath the insulation boards and in doing so may draw as required by Building Regulation B4 (Regulation 19 in heat from the deck. To compensate for this intermittent Scotland). heat loss it is usual to increase the thickness of insulation by 20% (rainwater cooling penalty) or if the For further information on the fire performance of ROOFMATE boards the STYROFOAM Solution for roofs see ROOFMATE MinK system is used this can be reduced to 2% BS 6203 and Agrément Certificate 97/3431. - see page 16. 0.20 0.18 0.16 Roof falls and drainage. U value 0.35 0.25 Standard* 90mm 140mm 180mm 200mm 220mm Good drainage is vital to the long-term performance of a ROOFMATE MinK system** 80mm 120mm 160mm 180mm 200mm flat roof. To ensure the minimum finished fall of 1:80 Roof build-up: Ballast (aggregate or paving slabs) Separation layer (eg. ROOFMATE MK) ROOFMATE SL-X recommended in BS 6229, falls should be designed to 1:40. Inverted roof construction can be used on flat roofs designed with falls up to 1:11. Falls must be consistent, Separation layer without deflections or depressions in which large Mastic asphalt 20mm quantities of water may pond. To perform effectively, Sand cement screed 50mm Concrete deck 200mm ROOFMATE boards must not be totally submerged. *20% rainwater cooling penalty **2% rainwater cooling penalty Table 11 Required ROOFMATE SL-X thickness to meet U-values (W/m2.K) Guidance on the capacity and location of rainwater gutters and outlets is given in BS EN 12056: Part 3. Specify rainwater outlets which will accept run-off from both the top of the insulation and the surface of the waterproofing. Condensation The inverted roof construction can greatly reduce the risk of condensation in an existing building by keeping the roof structure and the waterproof layer above the dewpoint temperature. Roof waterproofing The inverted roof concept can be used with a wide range of waterproofing materials, including mastic asphalt and high performance built-up bituminous felt (bituminous roofing felt with a core of organic fibre is not suitable). Where the building is likely to have a high level of humidity, as in the case of swimming pools or commercial kitchens, condensation risk assessment should be Where roofs do not have a fall, the waterproofing should be to a tanking specification. undertaken by a suitably qualified professional. A method In renovation projects the inverted roof concept can be for calculating the risk of interstitial condensation is given used to upgrade thermal performance of the roof: if the in BS EN ISO 13788. existing waterproof layer is in sound condition it may be Roofs with high thermal capacity - such as concrete at least 50mm thick - do not undergo rapid cooling by rainwater run-off. 16 retained but it may be desirable to overlay it with a new waterproof layer. Insulating inverted roofs: basic principles Separating layers The recommendations for the use of separating layers in inverted roof construction are as follows: ››› ››› between insulation and ballast: - to prevent fines from being washed under the between waterproof layer and insulation: insulation where they could damage the waterproof - mastic asphalt: BS 8218 requires a loose-laid non- membrane use a loose-laid filter fabric, e.g. woven polyester fleece 130 - 140g/m2 lapped ROOFSTAT* N or ROOFSTAT R non-woven 200 - 300mm. geotextiles. - bituminous felts: separating layer not normally required. - to maintain the depth of ballast required to counter wind uplift at 50mm of washed 20 - 40mm nominal - single ply polymeric membranes: a loose-laid non- diameter aggregate irrespective of the insulation woven polyester fleece is normally recommended thickness, use a loose-laid non-woven geotextile for pPVC membranes - consult the membrane with 140g/m2 minimum density, e.g. ROOFSTAT R, supplier. lapped 300mm. *Tradename of Terram Ltd. STYROFOAM Solutions 17 Insulating ballasted inverted roofs: design considerations General The inverted roof system is ideally suited to the insulation ➀ of flat roofs of heavyweight construction, and offers a ➁ durable, attractive roof finish for roofs where maintenance ➂ traffic is expected (Figure 06). ➃ ➄ ➅ STYROFOAM Solutions The STYROFOAM Solution for insulating ballasted inverted roofs is ROOFMATE SL-X. ROOFMATE SL-X is designed to give the maximum benefit in inverted roof construction: ››› a range of thicknesses from 50 to 200mm allows thermal performance to be matched to project ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ballast separating layer (if required) ROOFMATE SL-X separating layer (if required) waterproof layer concrete slab Figure 06 >> Ballasted inverted roof requirements (see Table 06). ››› shiplapped edges ensure a good interlock between boards, which helps prevent thermal bridging. ››› rigid boards provide a firm base for the ballast layer. ➀ For the full physical properties and performance ➁ ➂ characteristics of ROOFMATE SL-X see Product Data. ➃ The ROOFMATE MinK ➄ ➅ ➆ system Allowing for rainwater cooling requires a 20% increase in ➇ insulation thickness. This can be reduced to 2% by use of the ROOFMATE MK separating layer together with ROOFMATE SL-X (see Agrément certificate 97/3431 - the ROOFMATE MinK system). ROOFMATE MK is waterproof, but at the same time water vapour permeable. It replaces the usual separating layer laid between the insulation and ballast (see Figure 07). Rainwater is prevented from reaching the waterproofing layer, thereby almost ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆ outlet guard ballast ROOFMATE MK separating layer ROOFMATE SL-X separating layer (if required) waterproof layer screed to falls ➇ concrete slab completely eliminating the rainwater cooling effect. Figure 07 >> ROOFMATE MinK system in the inverted roof ROOFMATE MK should be loose-laid over the insulation, at right angles to the slope with 150mm laps running down the slope (or if the depth of the aggregate ballast is to kept to a maximum of 50mm then 300mm laps will be required.) At upstands and penetrations it should be turned up to finish above the surface of the ballast. 18 Insulating ballasted inverted roofs: design considerations ROOFMATE MK is a spun bonded polyethylene geotextile Aggregate should be replaced by paving slabs:- with the following properties: ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› water vapour permeable. water resistant. tear resistant. UV stable - can be left exposed outdoors for up to four expected. ››› where the kerb at the roof edge is too shallow to retain the aggregate. ››› at perimeters, where calculations indicate aggregate will provide insufficient resistance to wind uplift or will months. ››› to form walkways where regular foot traffic is be affected by wind scour.†† fire - melts and shrinks away from a heat source (unclassifiable as regards Building Regulations). ››› temperature - retains flexibility and toughness down Paving slabs to -73ºC, melting point is 135ºC. Table 08 lists the recommended thicknesses for paving slabs used to ballast an inverted roof. The slabs should be raised off the insulation on spacers to allow drainage and Ballast to avoid rocking. Alternatively, slabs may be set on a 20mm Both washed aggregate and dense concrete paving slabs bed of pea gravel or sand spread over a layer of ROOFSTAT R. are suitable as ballast for use with ROOFMATE SL-X The pea gravel bedding will assist drainage, support low insulation. strength slabs, accommodate changes of level and allow Aggregate This gives a good appearance at an economical cost and the use of thinner slabs: 40mm slabs with a 20mm depth of bedding will impose a total load of 140kg/m2. should be 20 - 40mm nominal diameter, clean, washed and reasonably free from fines. The depth of aggregate required depends upon the thickness of the insulation and is shown in Table 07. When boards are overlaid with a suitable separating layer (see Page 15) - such as ROOFSTAT R or ROOFMATE MK - Thickness of ROOFMATE SL-X (mm) Depth of aggregate (mm) Approx weight of aggregate (kg/m2)† 50 50 80 60 60 96 75 75 120 90 75 120 100 80 128 120 90 144 >120 <160 100 160 >161 <200 125 200 lapped 300mm, then a 50mm depth of aggregate may be sufficient to counter wind uplift and flotation of the insulation. Additional ballast may, however, be needed in those areas subject to greater wind uplift, such as perimeters. † assumes density of 16kg/m2 per 10mm depth Table 12 Recommended depth of aggregate † Thickness of ROOFMATE SL-X (mm) Thickness of paving slab† (mm) 50, 60 not less than 40 70, 90 100, 120 not less than 50 >120 not less than 60 assumes dense concrete slabs to weigh approx. 25kg/m2 per 10mm thickness Table 13 Recommended slab thicknesses †† see BRE Digest 311 STYROFOAM Solutions 19 Insulating ballasted inverted roofs: design considerations Edge details Upstands at parapets and abutments should be protected by ROOFMATE SL-X boards set vertically and covered with ➀ ➁ an apron flashing (Figure 08). Extending the insulation in this way affords a consistent level of protection and helps to avoid thermal bridging. ➂ Apron flashings should be carried to at least 150mm above ➃ the surface of the ballast. ➄ Kerbs, including those at verges and rooflights, should be ➅ ➆ high enough to contain the insulation and the ballast ➇ (Figure 09). ROOFMATE SL-X boards should be fitted tight against kerbs. ➀ apron flashing Drains and gutters ➁ ROOFMATE SL-X Outlet gratings may be raised on spacer rings to reduce the ➂ ballast risk of blockage: cut a hole in the ROOFMATE SL-X boards ➃ separating layer (if required) to accommodate the outlets (Figure 10). A paving slab on ➄ ROOFMATE SL-X spacer pads may be used above a flat grating (Figure 11). ➅ separating layer (if required) ➆ waterproof layer Where possible, line internal gutters with ROOFMATE SL-X ➇ concrete slab to prevent thermal bridging, and maintain the ballast layer (Figure 12). Alternatively, the gutter may be spanned by Figure 08 >> Ballasted inverted roof - detail at upstand ROOFMATE SL-X boards ballasted by paving slabs on spacer pads (Figure 13). Where the roof drains to an edge gutter terminate ➀ aggregate ballast with a row of paving slabs on suitable supports (figure 14) and protect the edge of the ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆ ➀ cover flashing or capping ➁ ballast ➂ separating layer (if required) ➃ ROOFMATE SL-X ➄ separating layer (if required) ➅ waterproof layer ➆ concrete slab Figure 09 >> Ballasted inverted roof - detail at verge 20 ROOFMATE SL-X boards from UV light with a cover flashing. Insulating ballasted inverted roofs: design considerations ➀ ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆ ➅ ➇ ➆ ➈ ➀ outlet guard ➁ ballast ➄ separating layer (if required) ➂ separating layer (if required) ➅ waterproof layer ➃ ROOFMATE SL-X ➇ concrete slab ➀ ballast ➄ waterproof layer ➁ separating layer (if required) ➅ ROOFMATE SL-X ➂ ROOFMATE SL-X ➆ concrete slab ➃ separating layer (if required) ➆ screed to falls Figure 12 >> Ballasted inverted roof - insulation within internal gutter ➈ roof outlet Figure 10 >> Ballasted inverted roof - drain with outlet guard ➀ ➁ ➂ ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➅ ➆ ➀ ballast ➀ paving slabs on spacer pads ➃ waterproof layer ➁ ROOFMATE SL-X ➄ screed to falls ➁ separating layer (if required) ➅ roof outlet ➂ ROOFMATE SL-X ➂ separating layer (if required) ➃ separating layer (if required) ➄ waterproof layer ➅ concrete slab ➆ concrete slab Figure 13 >> Ballasted inverted roof - insulation over internal gutter Figure 11 >> Ballasted inverted roof - outlet protected by paving slabs ➇ ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➀ paving slab on spacer pads ➅ ➄ waterproof layer ➆ ➁ separating layer (if required) ➂ ROOFMATE SL-X ➃ separating layer (if required) ➅ screed ➆ concrete slab ➇ flashing Figure 14 >> Ballasted inverted roof - detail at eaves STYROFOAM Solutions 21 Insulating ballasted inverted roofs: design considerations Specification J21 Mastic asphalt roofing 710 Inverted roof insulation J41 Built-up felt roof coverings 710 Inverted roof insulation J42 Single layer polymeric roof coverings 810 Inverted roof insulation ››› Manufacturer and reference: Dow Chemical Co. Ltd, Building Solutions, 2 Heathrow Boulevard, 284 Bath Road, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0DQ. Tel: 020 8917 5050 - Fax: 020 8917 5413 ROOFMATE SL-X Thickness†: 50/60/80/100/120/140/160/180/200mm †delete as appropriate Board size: 1250 x 600mm Edge profile: shiplap Design loading: 110kN/m2 Fire Classification: Reaction to fire: BS EN 13164 Euroclass E Working temperature range: -50°C to +75°C. ››› do not lay insulation until roof is clear of other subtrades. ››› ››› ››› clean off all dirt and debris from base. lay separation layer as required. set out to minimise cutting and avoid small cut pieces at perimeters and penetrations. ››› loose lay boards, tightly butted and to brick pattern, cut cleanly to fit closely around projections, upstands, rainwater outlets, etc. ››› on completion of laying ensure boards are in good condition, with no springing, flexing or rocking. Secure boards against wind uplift as soon as practicable. Specify ballast layers with clauses 720, 730 or 731. 22 Insulating ballast inverted roofs: installation methods Installation sequence 1. Inspect the roof to ensure it is clean. Plan the installation sequence and the layout of ROOFMATE SL-X boards. 2. Lay the separating layer (if required) over the waterproof layer; lap all edges by 200 - 300mm, at perimeters and penetrations turn up above the installed thickness of the insulation. 3. Lay ROOFMATE SL-X insulation boards in brick pattern with shiplap edges pushed together firmly (Figure 15). Figure 15 4. Insulate upstands with ROOFMATE SL-X boards (Figure 08). 5. Fit ROOFMATE SL-X boards neatly around penetrations (Figure 16). Cut boards with a sharp knife or fine toothed saw. 6. Lay the filter layer (if required) with 150mm laps or if ROOFMATE MK 300mm laps at right angles to the slope. Arrange laps to run down the slope (Figure 17). At upstands and penetrations turn up the filter layer so it finishes above the surface of the ballast. 7. Lay paving slabs on supports around roof perimeters Figure 16 and penetrations as required. 8. Lay the ballast layer progressively. Work on an advancing front away from the point of access so all ballast material is carried across a protected waterproof layer (Figure 18). 9. Install cover flashings. Key points ››› careful setting out before installation begins will minimise cutting and wastage. ››› take care not to over-stress any area of the roof while Figure 17 distributing the ballast. ››› use scaffold boards when barrowing materials over ROOFMATE SL-X boards. Figure 18 STYROFOAM Solutions 23 Insulating lightweight inverted roofs: design considerations General U value 0.35 0.25 0.20 0.18 0.16 Lightweight inverted roofs are suitable for use with a wide ROOFMATE LG-X 100 (includes 10mm thick mortar topping) 160 220* 260* 320* range of waterproofing materials in both new and existing Roof build-up: buildings where limited roof top access is expected ROOFMATE LG-X (i.e. maintenance traffic only). Separation layer Mastic asphalt 20mm The system is not suitable for use on heavily Sand cement screed 50mm trafficked areas, such as balconies and terraces, nor Concrete deck 200mm Rainwater cooling penalty calculated to BS EN ISO 6946 Annex D4 should it be used with loose-laid membranes. * 2 layers required eg. 160mm ROOFMATE SL-X + 60mm ROOFMATE LG-X ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ Table 14 Required ROOFMATE LG-X thickness (mm) to meet U-values (W/m2.K) Wind uplift ROOFMATE LG-X boards are designed to minimise the effect of wind uplift forces; the joints between boards are ➀ ROOFMATE LG-X ➁ separating layer (if required) ➂ waterproof layer ➃ timber deck ➄ timber joist Figure 19 >> Lightweight inverted roofs interlocking, but not airtight, so differences in pressure between the top and bottom surfaces of the boards produced by wind blowing across the roof - rapidly equalise, reducing the uplift forces on the insulation. When assessing the effect of wind uplift upon STYROFOAM Solutions ROOFMATE LG-X boards on a lightweight inverted roof it is The STYROFOAM Solution for insulating lightweight important to consider: inverted roofs is ROOFMATE LG-X: it consists of ››› predicted uplift force: predictions of wind uplift STYROFOAM insulation boards with a factory applied top should be based upon the calculation methods given surface of modified mortar 10mm thick. The surface is in BS 6339: Part 2. mottled grey, resembling a cement:sand render with a ››› means of attachment of the waterproof layer: wood float finish. waterproof layers on lightweight inverted roofs may ROOFMATE LG-X is designed to give the maximum benefit be partially or fully adhered or mechanically attached: in lightweight inverted roofs; the boards are: the weight of ROOFMATE LG-X boards should be ››› they lock together to give a continuous insulation layer, eliminating thermal bridging and reducing the effect of wind uplift. ››› ››› ››› ignored when assessing the stability of the waterproof tongued and grooved on their long edges to ensure light enough for one man to handle. can be cut and shaped on site with a masonry saw. installed in one easy operation, avoiding the cost of a ballast layer. Consult Page 08 for the full physical properties and performance characteristics of ROOFMATE LG-X boards. 24 layer under windload. ››› laying pattern of boards: ROOFMATE LG-X boards must be laid in brick pattern with their tongued and grooved edges fully interlocked. Insulating lightweight inverted roofs: design considerations ››› parapets and roof kerbs: at roof perimeters ➀ ROOFMATE LG-X boards must be protected from wind blowing directly underneath the boards: kerbs should ➁ ➂ ➃ ➅ ➄ extend at least 50mm above the top of the boards. ➆ On roofs with low wind exposure ROOFMATE LG-X boards may be laid to drain directly into an edge ➇ gutter. Protect the board edge with a cover flashing (Figure 20). ››› edge restraint: the mortar topping to the ROOFMATE LG-X boards provides some resistance to uplift, but edge restraint is usually required at the roof perimeter and around large penetrations such as plant rooms. Edge restraint can be achieved by laying a single row of 50mm thick paving slabs or adhering the boards to the substrate with a suitable adhesive eg. ➀ paving slab ➄ flashing ➁ ROOFMATE LG-X ➅ screed to falls ➂ separating layer (if required) ➆ concrete slab ➃ waterproof layer ➇ WALLMATE CW-X Figure 20 >> Lightweight inverted roof- detail at eaves Tixophalte*. If exceptionally high uplift forces are involved further rows of paving or possibly mechanical restraint will be required. A ROOFMATE LG-X project assessment form is provided on page 34 of this brochure: the specifier should send a ➀ completed copy of the form to Dow for each project designed with ROOFMATE LG-X: on the basis of project ➁ information supplied Dow will calculate the amount and location of restraint required. For assistance in completing the form please contact Dow. ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆ ➄ Edge details Waterproof upstands should be protected by fitting ROOFMATE LG-X boards against the upstands and covering ➇ them with an apron flashing (Figure 21). Extending the ➈ insulation in this way also helps to avoid thermal bridging. Any apron flashing should terminate at least 150mm above ➀ apron flashing the top of the boards. ➁ ROOFMATE LG-X ➂ paving slab ➃ ROOFMATE LG-X ➈ WALLMATE CW-X ➄ separating layer (if required) ➅ waterproof layer ➆ screed to falls ➇ concrete slab ➈ WALLMATE CW-X Figure 21 >> Lightweight inverted roof - detail at upstand * available from Callenders Ltd. tel 01268 591155 STYROFOAM Solutions 25 Insulating lightweight inverted roofs: design considerations Drains and gutters Specification Gratings for rainwater outlets may be raised on spacer rings J41 Built-up felt roof coverings 710 Inverted roof insulation to reduce the risk of blockage; cut a hole in the ROOFMATE J41 Built-up felt roof coverings LG-X board to accommodate the outlet. 810 Inverted roof insulation Alternatively, a paving slab supported on spacer pads may J42 Single layer polymeric roof coverings be used above a flat grating (Figure 22). 810 Inverted roof insulation ››› Manufacturer and reference: Dow Chemical Co. Ltd, Building Solutions, ➀ 2 Heathrow Boulevard, ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ 284 Bath Road, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0DQ. Tel: 020 8917 5050 - Fax: 020 8917 5413 ➅ ➆ ROOFMATE LG-X Roofs for maintenance traffic Thickness†: 60/70/90/110/130†† mm ➀ paving slab on spacer pads ➃ waterproof layer (including 10mm mortar topping) ➁ ROOFMATE LG-X ➄ screed to falls ➅ concrete slab †delete as appropriate ➂ separating layer (if required) ††thicker products available on request up to 190 mm ➆ rainwater outlet Board size: 1200 x 600mm Figure 22 >> Lightweight inverted roof - detail at outlet Edge profile: tongued and grooved on long sides, butt edged on short sides. Design loading: 110kN/m2 Fire Classification: Reaction to fire: BS EN 13164 Euroclass E (insulation only) Working temperature range: -50°C to +75°C. ››› do not lay insulation until roof is clear of other subtrades. ››› ››› clean off all dirt and debris from base. set out to minimise cutting and avoid small cut pieces at perimeters and penetrations. ››› loose lay boards, tightly butted and to brick pattern, cut cleanly to fit closely around projections, upstands, rainwater outlets, etc. ››› on completion of laying ensure boards are in good condition, with no springing, flexing or rocking. Secure boards against wind uplift as soon as practicable. 26 Insulating lightweight inverted roofs: installation methods Installation sequence Key points 1. ››› Inspect the roof to ensure it is clean. Plan the installation sequence and the layout of ROOFMATE LG-X boards. 2. minimise cutting and wastage. ››› Lay the separating layer (if required) over the waterproof layer; lap all edges by 200 - 300mm, at the 3. ››› keep the waterproof layer clear of debris throughout installation. ››› protect ROOFMATE LG-X boards from damage by Plan and set out ROOFMATE LG-X boards with 3 - 5mm subsequent construction activity: replace any between adjacent boards and between boards and damaged boards. upstands, kerbs and penetrations. 4. when placing pallet loads of ROOFMATE LG-X onto the roof, distribute them to prevent overloading. perimeters and penetrations turn up above the installed thickness of the insulation. careful setting out before installation begins will Start laying the first row of boards with their long ››› do not store unrestrained ROOFMATE LG-X boards on the roof. edge against the longest side of the roof. If there is an 5. 6. angle fillet chamfer the board edges to get a good fit. Mortar topping Do not use cut pieces of less than half board length at As with most mortar coatings, hairline cracks may develop the perimeter: they may be used towards the roof in the mortar topping of ROOFMATE LG-X boards; such centre. cracks will have no effect upon the performance of the Lay the second row of boards, staggered by half a product. They will not propagate, but will tend to heal as board length, ensure the tongued and grooved edges hydration of the cement continues. interlock. 7. Stagger subsequent rows by half board lengths (Figure 23). 8. Accidental damage to the topping of ROOFMATE LG-X boards can be repaired in-situ using a suitable latexmodified cement. At penetrations cut the board across its width at the line of the penetration and neatly cut a shaped recess in each part so the edges of the ROOFMATE LG-X boards still interlock. 9. At changes in roof slope use a masonry saw to cut the mortar topping of the ROOFMATE LG-X boards along the line of change of plane. This will reduce cracking as the STYROFOAM insulation flexes under load. Leave the saw cut open. 10. Place the specified edge restraint along the roof perimeter and around large penetrations. 11. Install cover flashings. Figure 23 STYROFOAM Solutions 27 Insulating green roofs: design considerations General STYROFOAM Solutions Flat roofs of suitable construction may be used to provide The STYROFOAM Solution for insulating green roofs is planted or landscaped areas which can offer a valuable ROOFMATE SL-X. amenity within the built environment. Such 'green' roofs can enhance the appearance of the building and provide additional outdoor facilities for building users. ROOFMATE SL-X is designed to give the maximum benefit in inverted roof construction; it is: ››› An inverted roof with ROOFMATE insulation is the ideal solution for 'green' roofs where landscaping or planting is rot proof - performance unaffected by conditions below the plant-bearing layer. ››› available in a range of thicknesses from 50mm to provided. The insulation boards protect the waterproof 200mm allow thermal performance to be matched to layer and the planting provides necessary ballast project requirements. ››› (Figures 24 and 25). made with shiplapped edges to ensure a good interlock between boards, preventing thermal bridging. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➀ planting / drainage layer (50-150mm) ➃ separating layer (if required) ➁ filter layer ➄ waterproof layer ➂ ROOFMATE SL-X ➅ concrete slab Consult Page 08 for the full physical properties and performance characteristics of ROOFMATE SL-X. Waterproof layers Suitable waterproof layers for green roof constructions include: ››› ››› mastic asphalt. modified bitumen membranes. Figure 24 >> Extensive green roof The ROOFMATE SL-X boards will help protect the waterproof layer from root penetration: consult the membrane manufacturer for information on suitability and ➀ ➁ ➂ ➄ ➅ ➆ ➇ ➀ planting layer (150-500mm) ➄ ROOFMATE SL-X ➁ filter layer ➅ separating layer (if required) ➂ drainage layer ➆ waterproof layer ➃ filter layer ➇ concrete slab Figure 25 >> Intensive green roof 28 protection. Insulating green roofs: design considerations Filter layers Specification Filter layers will be required above the drainage layer and J21 Mastic asphalt roofing the insulation to prevent fines being washed down to the drainage and waterproof layers. Suitable materials include geotextiles with minimum weight of 140g/m2, 710 Inverted roof insulation J41 Built-up felt roof coverings 710 Inverted roof insulation such as ROOFSTAT R. J42 Single layer polymeric roof coverings 810 Inverted roof insulation Planting ››› Manufacturer and reference: The planting on a green roof may be: Dow Chemical Co. Ltd, ››› extensive: using a thin plant-bearing layer Building Solutions, (50-150mm) and hardy plants such as sedums and 2 Heathrow Boulevard, grasses. Extensive green roofs are not usually intended 284 Bath Road, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0DQ. for access. Once the planting is established - which Tel: 020 8917 5050 - Fax: 020 8917 5413 may take only a few months - it requires very little ››› maintenance (Figure 24). ROOFMATE SL-X intensive: using a thick plant-bearing layer Thickness†: (150-500mm) and traditional garden plants including 50/60/75/80/90/100/120/140/160/180/200mm lawn-grass, shrubs and even small trees. Intensive †delete green roofs require full access for maintenance, are Board size: 1250 x 600mm suitable for roof gardens and are often combined with Edge profile: shiplap paved areas and terraces to provide amenity areas. Design loading: 110kN/m2 The type of planting chosen will determine the roof Fire Classification: Reaction to fire: construction above the filter layer: extensive planting BS EN 13164 Euroclass E requires a planting layer which will retain some water Working temperature range: -50°C to +75°C. as appropriate whilst intensive planting requires a thicker, soil-based plant-bearing layer and a drainage layer (Figure 25). ››› do not lay insulation until roof is clear of other subtrades. Loading ››› ››› The load imposed by saturated soil can be as high as 25kg/m2 per 10mm depth, and that of the gravel drainage clean off all dirt and debris from base. set out to minimise cutting and avoid small cut pieces at perimeters and penetrations. ››› loose lay boards, tightly butted and to brick pattern, layer 16kg/m2 per 10mm depth. A further load of 20kg/m2 cut cleanly to fit closely around projections, upstands, should be allowed for water logging of the gravel drainage rainwater outlets, etc. layer (minimum 50mm depth). ››› on completion of laying ensure boards are in good condition, with no springing, flexing or rocking. Secure boards against wind uplift as soon as practicable. Specify the green roof covering with clause 770. STYROFOAM Solutions 29 Insulating green roofs: installation methods Installation sequence 1. Inspect the roof to ensure it is clean. Plan the installation sequence and the layout of ROOFMATE SL-X boards. 2. Lay the separating layer (if required) over the waterproof layer; lap all edges by 200 - 300mm, at perimeters and penetrations turn up above the installed thickness of the insulation. 3. Lay ROOFMATE SL-X insulation boards in brick pattern with shiplap edges pushed together firmly. 4. Insulate upstands with ROOFMATE SL-X boards. 5. Fit ROOFMATE SL-X boards neatly around penetrations. Cut boards with a sharp knife or fine toothed saw. 6. Lay the filter layer with 150mm laps at right angles to the slope. Arrange laps to run down the slope. Turn up the filter layer at upstands and penetrations. 7. Proceed with drainage layer, (50mm deep gravel graded 20 - 30mm) soil and planting, taking care not to disturb the ROOFMATE SL-X boards and filter layer. Key points ››› careful setting out before installation begins will minimise cutting and wastage. ››› work on an advancing front away from the point of access so all loading material is carried across a protected waterproof layer. ››› take care not to over-stress any area of the roof while distributing the soil layer. ››› use scaffold boards when wheel barrowing materials over ROOFMATE SL-X boards. 30 Inverted roofs for renovation projects: design considerations General The STYROFOAM Solutions for the renovation of flat The inverted roof concept can be used to upgrade the roofs are ROOFMATE SL-X and ROOFMATE LG-X. insulation level of an existing roof without the need to ROOFMATE SL-X is designed to give the maximum benefit remove and renew the existing waterproof layer, subject to in ballasted inverted roof construction:- certain conditions: ››› the structure must be capable of carrying the ››› 50-200mm allows thermal performance to be additional load. ››› ››› matched to project requirements the existing waterproof layer must be sound. adequate falls and drainage outlets must be in place. a range of thicknesses from (see Table 06 on Page 14). ››› shiplapped edges ensure a good interlock between boards, which helps prevent thermal bridging. Adopting the inverted roof systems allows work to ››› rigid boards provide a firm base for the ballast layer. continue without interruption and with no need to disturb the building interior. ROOFMATE LG-X consists of STYROFOAM insulation boards Both the ballasted inverted roof and the lightweight with a factory applied top surface of modified mortar solutions are suitable for renovation projects: the choice of 10mm thick. The surface is mottled grey, resembling a solution will depend upon the loadbearing capacity of the cement:sand render with a wood float finish. roof structure and other project requirements. ROOFMATE LG-X is designed to give the maximum benefit Always obtain the advice of a roofing specialist, who in lightweight inverted roofs; the boards are: should inspect the existing roof to confirm: ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› tongued and grooved on their long edges to ensure drainage. they lock together to give a continuous insulation falls. layer, reducing the effect of wind uplift and outlets. eliminating thermal bridging. waterproof layer. ››› and shaped on site with a masonry saw. details. penetrations. light enough for one man to handle and can be cut ››› installed in one easy operation, avoiding the cost of a ballast layer. Consult Page 08 for the full physical and performance properties of ROOFMATE SL-X and ROOFMATE LG-X. Loading Ensure the existing structure is able to support the additional load imposed by the insulation and/or loading layer; those additional loads are: ››› ››› minimum 100kg/m2 for a ballasted solution. minimum 30kg/m2 for a lightweight solution. STYROFOAM Solutions 31 Inverted roofs for renovation projects: design considerations Waterproof layer Edge details The condition of the waterproof layer must be checked. Upgrading an existing roof by the addition of ROOFMATE Whilst ROOFMATE boards will protect an existing layer, and insulation will raise the finished surface level by the thus increase its life expectancy, they are not a cure for combined thickness of the insulation and any ballast layer. failure of the waterproof layer. Parapets, abutments, penetrations and flashings should be Localised defects in a waterproof layer, which otherwise is in good condition, must be repaired. modified to ensure the roof is adequately contained and weatherproof. The edges of ROOFMATE LG-X boards must be protected from sunlight and detailing must prevent A waterproof layer which is near the end of its useful life wind blowing directly under the boards (Figure 26). may be overlaid with a new waterproof layer. Where a roof has no drainage falls the waterproof layer should be to a tanking specification. For renovation projects using ROOFMATE LG insulation, the flashing need only extend 50mm above the top surface of the boards, so long as a 50mm, aggregate filled, gap is left Small penetrations such as screed vents and cable ducts between the boards and the perimeter (Figure 27). require careful detailing: it may be preferable to eliminate many existing features and make good the waterproofing ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ locally. Existing bitumen felt may have a bonded covering of stone chippings. Before overlaying with ROOFMATE boards ➅ ➆ ➇ sweep off all loose chippings and lay a cushioning layer, such as ETHAFOAM* 222E. ➈ Interstitial moisture ➀ flashing ➅ ROOFMATE SL-X Typically a heavyweight roof being considered for ➁ waterproof layer renovation will have little or no insulation above the ➂ timber kerb ➆ separating layer (if required) concrete slab, and no VCL below the slab. Consequently, ➃ ballast there is a high probability of condensation occurring at the interface of the concrete and the waterproof layer during ➄ separating layer (if required) ➇ waterproof layer ➈ existing slab Figure 26 >> Renovated inverted roof - detail at kerb the winter. The build up of water in the top of the concrete may be increased by any leakage through defects in the waterproof layer, in which case the summer 'dry-out' of ➀ ➁ condensation will be insufficient to remove moisture from the concrete, resulting in a permanently waterlogged slab. ➂ The installation of an inverted roof system, in conjunction ➃ ➄ ➅ with any remedial treatment necessary for the waterproof layer, will substantially reduce the risk of condensation and ➆ allow the slab to dry out. Using an inverted roof, any insulation already in the roof construction beneath the waterproofing layer should be ➀ flashing removed to avoid the risk of internal condensation. If in ➁ ballast doubt carry out a Condensation Risk Analysis. ➂ paving slab ➃ ROOFMATE LG-X ➄ separating layer (if required) ➅ waterproof layer ➆ existing slab Figure 27 >> Renovated inverted roof - detail at upstand * Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company 32 Inverted roofs for renovation projects: design considerations Drainage Rainwater outlets must be capable of receiving run-off from the top of the insulation and from the waterproof layer. If existing falls are inadequate: ››› remove waterproof layer, lay screed to falls, provide new waterproof layer. ››› remove waterproof layer and replace with new to a tanking specification. ››› install additional rainwater outlets at the low points. ROOFMATE boards should not be installed where they will be submerged in ponded water. Specification Specifications for renovation projects will be similar to those for new build projects, but may need to include clauses to: ››› ››› ››› ››› provide a drainage fall to the roof. repair or replace waterproof layer. extend shallow roof kerbs. install additional rainwater outlets in areas where water ponds. ››› ››› modify gratings or rainwater outlets. level out large depressions in the substrate and repair the waterproof layer. Maintenance All roofs should be inspected as part of normal maintenance procedures. Inspections should cover the waterproof layer, outlets, gutters, flashings and detail work. The inspection should confirm that neither the insulation nor ballast has been displaced, particular care should be taken with ROOFMATE LG-X. In some environments there may be weed growth on the roof. Whilst this is unlikely to damage an inverted roof it is advisable to eradicate weed growth by removing it or by using a suitable water-based weed killer. Check its compatibility with STYROFOAM before use. STYROFOAM Solutions 33 ROOFMATE LG-X Project assessment sheet Fax Number: 020 8917 5413 Information supplied by: Date: Project data • Project name: • Site address: (including Post Code) • Specifiers name: Address: Contact name: Telephone number: Fax number: • Area of ROOFMATE LG-X: • Thickness of ROOFMATE LG-X: • Type of waterproofing: • Roofer’s name: Address: Contact name: Telephone number: Fax number: • Date to be roofed: Roof details • Please provide a complete roof plan: • Roof height: • Parapet height: Roof width: Roof length: Parapet width: • Is the roof slope less than 5 degrees? • Are there any steps or changes in the roof surface? • Is there a plant room or any other structure on the roof - if so provide details? • Will ROOFMATE LG-X boards (and paving slabs if required) be concealed by a parapet/kerb along all edges? Give details: 34 Insulating floors: basic principles This section describes the thermal insulation of floors using By including in the floor construction a layer of thermal STYROFOAM extruded polystyrene insulation from Dow. insulation continuous with that in the rest of the building It covers the principles, design considerations and envelope, heat loss is reduced and thermal bridges at the installation methods for groundbearing and suspended junction of the floors and walls are avoided. However, floors in new build and renovation projects. thermal insulation incorporated in a floor must not compromise any of the functional requirements. STYROFOAM Solutions The STYROFOAM Solution for insulating groundbearing and suspended floors in new build and Agrément Certificate 92/2782 covers the use of FLOORMATE 200-X, STYROFOAM SP-X and FLOORMATE 500-X in groundbearing floors. renovation is FLOORMATE which includes the products: FLOORMATE 200-X, STYROFOAM SP-X, ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ FLOORMATE 500-X and FLOORMATE 700-A. Insulating floors ➄ Floors are classified as: ››› ➅ ground floors, in contact directly, or indirectly with ➆ ground. ››› exposed floors, forming lowest part of structure over un-enclosed airspace (e.g. balcony). ››› semi-exposed floors, lowest part of a structure over an enclosed but unheated space (e.g. a floor over a ➀ screed with light mesh ➁ vapour control layer (VCL) ➂ FLOORMATE intermediate floors, having heated space above and membrane (DPM) ➄ concrete slab ➅ hardcore with sand blinding ➆ ground garage). ››› ➃ damp proof reinforcement Figure 28 >> Groundbearing floor slab below. Ground floors may be groundbearing (figure 28) or ➀ ➁ ➂ suspended (figure 29): all other floors are, by definition, suspended. ➃ The ground absorbs heat from floors close to or in contact with it, with high soil moisture content increasing the rate of loss. Those effects, when combined with the natural temperature gradient in buildings, can lead to uncomfortable internal environments, condensation at ➀ board or screed finish ➁ VCL/slip sheet (SS) 500 gauge polyethylene ➂ FLOORMATE ➃ beam and block floor with levelling topping wall/floor junctions and higher than predicted energy usage. Exposed and semi-exposed floors, suffer heat loss to Figure 29 >> Suspended beam and block floor air, in the same wayother building elements. STYROFOAM Solutions 35 Insulating floors: basic principles Determining the floor construction Loadings Floors must be designed as a whole element taking Floors should be designed to sustain safely the combined account of all the functional requirements. The position of dead and imposed loads, without excessive deflection the insulation is influenced by the type of construction, the (Building Regulations 1991: Schedule 1 Requirement A1: predicted floor loading and the heating regime. Standard 1.1 in Scotland). Buildings which are to be intermittently heated are usually In self-contained dwellings FLOORMATE insulation can designed with ‘fast response’ fabric with the thermal support the design load when: insulation on the inside of the structure. Heating systems ››› which utilise the structure as a heat store require the thermal insulation to encompass as much of the structure sited above a groundbearing slab and covered with suitable plywood, chipboard or screed. ››› sited below a groundbearing slab and receiving the as possible. dead load of the slab and the loading transferred The design of foundations and groundbearing floors is through the slab. influenced by the site on which the building is to be constructed. The load bearing capacity of the soil should ››› laid on timber decking and covered with suitable plywood or chipboard. be established before design work is undertaken. Whilst a groundbearing floor is usually an effective construction for domestic and commercial buildings, a ground floor should be suspended in the following Load bearing internal partitions must be built off the structural floor not the FLOORMATE insulation boards. Internal masonry walls must have their own foundations. circumstances: For buildings other than dwellings the correct grade of ››› FLOORMATE insulation should be selected on the basis of domestic buildings on sloping sites where more than 600mm depth of infill would be required. ››› ››› an assessment of the loading by a structural engineer. where the bearing capacity and nature of the ground The maximum acceptable load on FLOORMATE insulation varies from one part to another. products is the design load together with a suitable safety where the ground is of shrinkable clay, expansive factor. (The “design load” is that load on the insulation material or other unstable soil type. which will give a maximum compression of 2% after 50 years) The site should be assessed for hazards likely to affect In the unlikely event of floor loadings being too high for an substructure and groundbearing floors such as chemicals available grade of FLOORMATE board the material may be (particularly sulphates), contaminated material above or in used as vertical edge insulation, which is not subject to the ground and waterlogged ground. In some parts of the loadings from the floor slab. UK special precautions are necessary to reduce the entry of radon gas, details of those geographical areas may be obtained from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Floors must be resistant to ground hazards as outlined in Building Regulations C1 + C2 (Standard 3.1 - 3.4 in Scotland). 36 Insulating floors: basic principles Thermal performance Table 15 gives the thicknesses of FLOORMATE 200–X required to achieve a range of U-values for ground floors. Refer to BS EN ISO 6946, BS EN 13370, CIBSE Guide A and BRE BR 443 ‘Conventions for U-value calculations’ for the method of U-value calculation. Heat loss from floors is concentrated at the perimeter. Whilst an uninsulated ground floor may achieve the required U-value the use of edge insulation will avoid thermal bridging at the floor perimeter. FLOORMATE boards may be installed as vertical or horizontal edge insulation depending on the application.When used as vertical edge insulation, FLOORMATE may be placed on the inside of the external walls (see figure 30), within a cavity or on the outside of the walls. Where horizontal edge insulaFigure 30 >> Horizontal edge insulation below concrete slab tion is used beneath the slab maintain the minimum slab thickness by setting the FLOORMATE boards into the sand blinding or by increasing the overall depth of the slab. Refer also to BRE document BR 262 ‘Thermal insulation: avoiding risks’ and DEFRA/DTLR ‘Robust Details’. Solid ground bearing floor P/A 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 0.18 25 70 90 110 110 120 120 140 140 140 0.20 25 60 80 90 100 110 110 110 120 120 0.22 - 40 70 80 90 90 100 100 100 110 0.25 - 30 50 60 70 80 80 80 90 90 0.21 0.36 0.48 0.58 0.67 0.75 0.82 0.89 0.95 1.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 0.18 50 90 110 120 120 120 140 140 140 140 0.20 30 80 90 100 100 110 110 110 110 120 0.22 25 60 80 90 90 90 100 100 100 100 0.25 25 50 60 70 80 80 80 80 90 90 0.26 0.41 0.52 0.61 0.68 0.74 0.79 0.83 0.87 0.90 U-values No insulation 65mm Screed Suspended beam & block floor P/A U-values No insulation 65mm Screed; block 100 x 440mm, (0.51 W/mK); beam 60mm, (1.13 W/mK) Table 15 Thickness of FLOORMATE 200-X (mm) to meet U-values (W/m2.K) STYROFOAM Solutions 37 Insulating groundbearing floors: design General description ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ In a groundbearing floor the ground is used to support the floor slab for the life of the building. The floor slab is formed: ➄ ››› ➅ with reinforced or non-reinforced concrete poured ➆ within, but separate from the external walls, which are built off separate foundations. ››› as a reinforced concrete raft combining both foundation and floor. ➀ floor finish e.g. carpet ➁ timber board ➂ Vapour control layer (VCL)/Slip sheet (SS) ➄ concrete slab ➅ Damp proof membrane (DPM) ➆ hardcore with sand blinding ➃ FLOORMATE The FLOORMATE insulation can be installed: ››› ››› ››› Figure 31 >> Insulation between the slab and a board finish between the slab and a board finish (figure 31). between the slab and the screed (figure 32). ➀ below the slab (figure 33). ➁ Positioning FLOORMATE insulation below the slab avoids ➂ ➃ any disruption to the construction sequence. In this ➄ position it supports the floor slab and it is essential the ➅ insulation have sufficient compressive strength: it must also be placed on well compacted level surface to avoid uneven settlement. ➆ ➀ floor finish e.g. carpet ➁ screed with heating elements Because of the difficulty of providing edge insulation to a ➂ VCL raft foundation, FLOORMATE insulation is not normally installed below the slab in raft constructions (figure 34). ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆ FLOORMATE concrete slab DPM hardcore with sand blinding Figure 32 >> Insulation between the slab and the screed FLOORMATE insulation is designed to give the maximum benefit in groundbearing floor construction: ››› ➀ a range of compressive strengths to match loading ➁ conditions. ››› ››› resistant to ground moisture. ➂ thicknesses from 25mm to 100mm allow thermal ➃ ➄ performance to be matched to project requirements. ➅ Refer to Page 08 for the full physical and performance properties of FLOORMATE products. ➀ floor finish e.g. carpet ➁ screed ➂ concrete slab ➃ DPM ➄ FLOORMATE ➅ hardcore with sand incorporating heating elements Figure 33 >> Insulation below the slab 38 blinding Insulating groundbearing floors: design If FLOORMATE boards are to be installed over a slab the surface must be even (no more than 5mm deviation under a 3m straight edge) to prevent excessive deflection of the finished floor (refer to Agrément certificate 92/2782, BS 8203 and BS 8204: Part 1). FLOORMATE boards should only be laid over a slab once the building is weather tight and should be overlaid as soon as practicable to avoid damage from follow-on trades. Screeds Screeds must neither breakdown nor permit indentation of the floor finish. Screeds which are not monolithic with the slab should be at least 65mm thick (75mm if heated or subject to higher Figure 34 >> Insulation applied over a concrete raft loadings) to prevent cracking and curling. They should incorporate a light mesh (D49 to BS 4483) centrally Site preparation positioned and passing through any joints in the screed. A bearing surface for the concrete slab should be prepared An unbonded screed laid over FLOORMATE boards should by removing all topsoil and vegetable matter and making be separated from the insulation by a slipsheet of 500 up the level to the required height with inert, well graded gauge polyethylene, well lapped and turned up at the floor fill. The fill, which should pass a 150mm by 100mm screen, edges. Floating screeds must not bridge gaps in the layer should be laid and compacted in layers not exceeding below. 225mm to finished depths from 100mm to 600mm. Greater depths may be used for buildings other than dwellings in some circumstances. Once laid, screeds should be covered immediately with a polyethylene sheet to ensure a slow cure and help avoid shrinkage cracks: the covering should be left in place for The fill should be blinded with the minimum thickness seven days (BRE Defect Action Sheet 52). necessary to give a suitable surface for the next layer of the construction and to protect it from being damaged by the hard core. Sand blinding is the most suitable to receive a sheet damp proof membrane (DPM) or FLOORMATE boards. Blinding to receive FLOORMATE boards should be flat and level so the boards can be laid accurately in a continuous layer without ‘kicking up’ or rocking. Concrete slabs Concrete slabs should be at least 100mm thick; the need for increased thickness and for reinforcement should be assessed in accordance with BS 8110: Pt 1. Movement joints in the slab should be aligned with movement joints Where screeds are heated extra care must be taken on site to avoid failure of the heating elements and cracking of the screed. Electric heating elements may need to be separated from FLOORMATE products by a thickness of screed; check with the heating system manufacturer before specifying. Curing/drying Sufficient time should be allowed for the curing and drying out of concrete slabs and screeds. Guidance is given in BRE publication: ‘Floors and Flooring’ (Table1.3) and BS 8203. in other elements in the structure. A slip sheet (SS) (which may be the DPM) must be incorporated between poured concrete and FLOORMATE insulation. STYROFOAM Solutions 39 Insulating groundbearing floors: design Thermal bridging To avoid a thermal bridge at the wall/ floor junction continue wall insulation down to the bottom of the ➀ concrete slab and install 25mm of FLOORMATE insulation ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ vertically between the edge of the slab and the inner leaf. The exposed edge of the FLOORMATE board will normally ➇ ➅ be hidden by the internal plaster and skirting but at thresholds should be protected with a timber board. ➆ Alternatively, insulating blocks may be used for the inner ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ leaf of the wall below floor level. Doors in external walls require openings at floor level which need special attention to avoid thermal bridges (figures 35 to 37). Refer also to BRE document ‘Thermal insulation: avoiding risks’ and DEFRA/DTLR ‘Robust Details’. WALLMATE CW-X floor finish VCL/SS FLOORMATE DPM ➅ concrete slab ➆ hardcore with sand blinding ➇ Damp proof course (DPC) Figure 35 >> FLOORMATE boards above slab junction with WALLMATE CW-X Moisture Building Regulation C2 (Standard 3.4 in Scotland) requires floors to resist the passage of ground moisture into the ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ building. Moisture can reach the interior of the building as either ground water rising through porous construction elements or construction water from concrete slabs or ➆ ➄ screeds. Specific guidance is given in Approved document C (Technical Handbook section 3.4 - Scotland). A DPM placed above the slab and linked to the damp proof course (DPC) will exclude ground moisture and protect the finish against construction moisture. The vapour control layer (VCL) must be positioned on the warm side of the insulation. ➅ ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ floor finish VCL/SS FLOORMATE DPM ➄ concrete slab ➅ hardcore with sand blinding ➆ DPC Figure 36 >> FLOORMATE boards above slab junction with STYROFOAM If the DPM is positioned below the slab a separate moisture barrier must be included above the slab to protect any moisture sensitive floor finishes; this additional moisture ➀ barrier will also assist the proper curing of the concrete. ➁ When laying FLOORMATE boards over liquid applied DPMs ➂ ensure the DPM does not contain solvents incompatible ➃ ➄ with extruded polystyrene foam. Check with the DPM manufacturer. ➅ ➀ threshold ➁ DPC ➂ concrete slab ➃ DPM ➄ FLOORMATE ➅ hardcore with sand blinding Figure 37 >> Avoiding thermal bridges at thresholds, typical solution 40 Insulating groundbearing floors: design Surface water arising from conditions of use, e.g. water kitchens and bathrooms can damage some flooring or ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ flooring panels such as chipboard. Where surface water is ➄ likely to occur moisture resistant products or grades of ➅ carried on footwear into entrance halls or spillages in product should be used throughout the floor construction. FLOORMATE insulation is resistant to moisture. ➀ floor finish ➁ access cover ➂ services Services Services such as gas and central heating pipes and ➃ pre-formed channel set into screed ➄ VCL ➅ FLOORMATE Figure 38 >> Typical service run in floor screed electrical cables should be run in a duct set into the screed or the FLOORMATE boards to allow for access (figure 38). Overlaying FLOORMATE with timber Services should not be embedded: As FLOORMATE boards do not provide a suitable surface for ››› faults are hard to find, and repair requires the floor the direct application of a floor finish: they must be finish to be taken up and the screed to be broken up, overlaid with a screed or with a timber based board. possibly damaging other services. When FLOORMATE insulation is overlaid with a board, there the thickness of the screed is reduced over the service, is a risk of the insulation being compressed where the floor increasing the risk of cracking. is subjected to relatively high loads for extended periods, ››› possibly leading to uneven floor surfaces. Check design Electrical cables less than 50mm from the underside of the load to ensure use of the correct FLOORMATE grade. flooring panels should be protected from the floor panel’s fixings by an earthed metallic sheath or earthed steel conduit. Before laying FLOORMATE boards battens should be positioned at doorways and the foot of stairs and to support partitions, kitchen fittings and sanitary fittings PVC-covered cables likely to come into contact with (figure 39). The battens should be preservative treated, in FLOORMATE insulation should be protected by metal accordance with BS 5268: Part 5 (check compatibility of or uPVC conduit or trunking to avoid the risk of preservatives with FLOORMATE insulation), and fixed to the plasticiser migration from the PVC. slab through the DPM. (Adequate time should be allowed Water service pipes rising through a ground floor must be for preservatives to fix and for solvents from solvent based adequately insulated to prevent freezing (for guidance preservatives to evaporate.) consult BRE document ‘Thermal insulation: avoiding risks’). To avoid dampness entering the building the DPM must be sealed around pipes and ducts where they pass through the floor construction. ➀ Underfloor heating systems increase, for guidance refer to BS EN 1264-4: 2001 and the ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ Domestic Heating Compliance Guide. ➅ The use of warm water underfloor heating is on the ➀ door opening ➁ VCL/SS ➂ timber batten ➃ FLOORMATE ➄ DPM ➅ floor slab Figure 39 >> Additional support at thresholds STYROFOAM Solutions 41 Insulating groundbearing floors: design Moisture resistant overlays and finishes should only be Specification placed once the building is weathertight. They must be The following NBS clauses are relevant to the specification protected from damage by residual moisture in screeds of FLOORMATE insulation: and slabs. A slipsheet (500 gauge polyethylene) should E20 Formwork for in situ concrete always be laid between FLOORMATE boards and the floor covering. A construction which is still damp when FLOORMATE insulation and a boarded finish are to be 200 Underslab sheet insulation ››› ››› installed should be overlaid with an additional DPM of at least 1200 gauge polyethylene, well lapped, sealed at joints Insulation: extruded polystyrene boards Thickness: 25/30/35/40/50/60/ 70/75/80/90/100/120/140†mm ››› Manufacturer and reference: and turned up at edges behind skirting to protect the Dow Chemical Co. Ltd, flooring from construction moisture in the wall. Building Solutions, Timber floor finishes should be applied in accordance with 2 Heathrow Boulevard, the recommendations of BS 8201. Chipboard should be to 284 Bath Road, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0DQ. BS 5669 Type C4 18mm thick laid with staggered cross Tel: 020 8917 5050 - Fax: 020 8917 5413 joints. All joints should be bonded with wood grade PVA adhesive to avoid their squeaking in use; check the FLOORMATE 200-X; STYROFOAM SP-X; compatibility of the adhesive with FLOORMATE insulation FLOORMATE 500-X; FLOORMATE 700-A prior to laying. Wedge the panels temporarily at the Board sizes: 1250 x 600mm and 2500 x 600mm† perimeter until the adhesive has set. Edge profile: butt edge, ship lap Allow a gap of 10mm or 2mm per linear metre of flooring Compressive strength†: 200kN/m2, 350kN/m2, (whichever is the greater) between the chipboard and the 500kN/m2, 700kN/m2 perimeter wall. Proprietary expansion joints may be Design loading† : 60kN/m2, 110kN/m2, 150kN/m2, required for uninterrupted floor runs greater than 5 metres, 250kN/m2 the joints should allow for 2mm expansion per metre of Fire classification: Reaction to fire: BS EN 13164 - floor. Euro class E Where there is a likelihood of regular water spillage (e.g. bathrooms and kitchens) the chipboard must be protected by a waterproof covering such as continuous sheet vinyl turned up at abutments. For details of laying other timber overlays refer to BS 8203. ››› lay sheets on a level bed of sand, not less than 13mm thick. ››› seal all joints by overlaying with 500 gauge polyethylene with lapped joints. ››› ensure that insulation is covered with concrete blinding (see section E10) before fixing slab reinforcement. † select appropriate values using STYROFOAM Solutions Product Data - See page 09 42 Insulating groundbearing floors: design M10 Cement:sand/concrete screeds/toppings K11 Rigid sheet flooring ... 290 Floating construction ››› ››› ››› Insulation: (as E20) Thickness: (as E20) Manufacturer and reference: (as E20) FLOORMATE 200-X; STYROFOAM SP-X; FLOORMATE 500-X; FLOORMATE 700-A 225 Particleboard floating floor ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› Base: ... Preparation: ... Insulation: (as E20) Thickness: (as E20) Manufacturer and reference: (as E20) Board size: (as E20) FLOORMATE 200-X; STYROFOAM SP-X; Edge profile: (as E20) FLOORMATE 500-X; FLOORMATE 700-A Compressive strength: (as E20) Board size: (as E20) Design loading: (as E20) Edge profile: (as E20) Fire classification: (as E20) Compressive strength: (as E20) Design loading: (as E20) ››› all abutments with walls, columns etc. for full depth of screed. ››› Fire classification: (as E20) lay insulation with tight butt joints and continue up at lay separating layer of 500 gauge polyethylene sheet, lapping 100mm at joints. ››› ››› Vapour control layer: ... Flooring: particleboard to BS EN 312, Type P5 Thickness: Edges: tongued and grooved all edges Insulation below screed may also be specified with clause Fit boards together tightly with end joints staggered. M13 - 260. Glue all joints. Insulation below flooring may also be specified with: K11 - 115/125/135/145/215/235/245, K20 - 150/160, K21 - 120/130 STYROFOAM Solutions 43 Insulating groundbearing floors: installation Installation sequence FLOORMATE under screed (figure 41) 1. When the concrete slab is sufficiently cured check the surface for trueness and, if necessary blind with sand. 2. Lay FLOORMATE boards with edges tightly butted. 3. Overlay with a slip sheet with edges lapped. 4. Lay screed and leave to cure for at least seven days. Installation sequence FLOORMATE below timber (figure 42) Figure 40 >> Floormate under slab 1. Lay DPM over the concrete slab. 2. Lay FLOORMATE board with edges tightly butted. 3. Overlay FLOORMATE with slipsheet with joints lapped and edges turned up. 4. Fit flooring boards, leaving a 10mm gap at perimeters. Key points ››› avoid point loading (eg wheelbarrows and foot traffic) of FLOORMATE thermal insulation during installation; provide scaffold boards or similar. ››› protect FLOORMATE boards and DPM while concreting or screeding. Figure 41 >> Floormate under screed ››› ››› lay insulation over whole floor leaving no gaps. stagger board joints when laying insulation in two or more layers. ››› use temporary timber battens over perimeter walls to protect edge insulation (if present). ››› tape joints in DPM and lap with wall DPC. Ensure DPM is correctly positioned and continuous with DPC. ››› ensure all damp proof membranes and slip sheets are installed and turned up correctly. ››› ensure reinforcement and installation procedures for screeds are carried out in accordance with the specification. Figure 42 >> Floormate below timber ››› applied. Installation sequence FLOORMATE under slab (figure 40) 1. Compact fill and blind with sand. 2. Fit 25mm thick FLOORMATE boards vertically at the ››› Lay FLOORMATE boards with edges tightly butted. 4. Overlay with the DPM, lapping and sealing joints. Turn up at edges ready to link into the DPC. 5. Lay the floor slab. at penetrations of the floor slab by service and soil pipes, take care to avoid ground moisture bypassing the DPM. Cut FLOORMATE boards to fit the penetration closely. Fill small gaps with an expanding edges. 3. allow screeds to cure before any floor finishes are polyurethane foam to form an airtight seal. ››› where services are run within a concrete slab, they should be tested before the slab is laid. ››› keep service runs beneath the flooring to a minimum, ensure they are accessible for maintenance. Allow a 44 gap of at least 10mm between timber based flooring panels and the wall. Insulating suspended floors: design General considerations Suspended floors are supported on the walls and can be formed from: ››› ››› ››› ››› ➀ ➄ ➁ timber joists and boarding. ➂ cast in-situ concrete. concrete beams and block infills. precast concrete units. Intermediate floors are by definition suspended and are ➃ only required to incorporate thermal insulation if the floor divides a heated space from an unheated space or outside air, or when a floor slab extends to form a balcony over the outside air. FLOORMATE insulation is designed to give the maximum benefit in suspended ground and intermediate floors: ››› ➀ FLOORMATE ➁ DPM ➂ concrete slab ➃ hardcore with sand blinding ➄ DPC Figure 43 >> FLOORMATE boards over cast in-situ concrete a range of compressive strengths to match loading conditions. ››› ››› ➀ ➁ ➂ resistant to ground moisture. thicknesses from 25mm to 100mm allow thermal performance to be matched to project requirements. ➃ Consult the technical data on Page 09 for the full physical and performance properties of FLOORMATE. Suspended ground floors of cast in-situ concrete Ground floor slabs may be formed in-situ onto fill which is ➀ board or screed finish ➁ VCL/SS ➃ beam and block floor with levelling topping ➂ FLOORMATE Figure 44 >> FLOORMATE boards over beam and block floor expected to settle and is therefore regarded merely as temporary shuttering. In such cases the slab must be ➀ ➁ ➂ designed and reinforced as a suspended slab even though it is, initially, ground-bearing (figure 43). In this type of floor, the DPM should be laid directly on the slab and then ➃ covered by the FLOORMATE, followed by the other layers of the floor construction. Beam and block and precast ground floors Beam and block floors (figure 44) and precast floors (figure 45) should be levelled ie. no more than 5mm deviation ➀ board or screed finish ➁ VCL/SS ➂ FLOORMATE ➃ precast floor with levelling topping Figure 45 >> FLOORMATE boards over precast concrete floor under a 3m straight edge with a screed or grouted prior to laying FLOORMATE boards. FLOORMATE insulation is best applied over the beams and beneath a screed or boarded finish. STYROFOAM Solutions 45 Insulating suspended floors: design Suspended ground floors of timber Thermal bridging Timber joisted floors involve no wet trades, are simple to In suspended ground floors, as with groundbearing floors, install and avoid the need for large amounts of compacted it is important to detail wall/floor junctions to avoid backfill. They can be insulated using FLOORMATE extruded thermal bridges. polystyrene in several ways: ››› ››› ››› In exposed floors, there is a risk of thermal bridging at the between joists (figure 46). wall/floor junction where the wall is built off a projecting attached to bottom of joists. floor. Ensure continuity of wall and floor insulation (figure on decking (for example suitable grade of chipboard) 47) or use insulating blockwork and overlapping layers of laid over joists. insulation (figure 48) or insulate internally (figure 49). FLOORMATE boards should not be positioned directly onto the joists. Where the floor structure is timber joists, ensure the space between the joist and the wall is packed with thermal insulation or fix FLOORMATE boards to the underside of the floor externally and apply a vandal proof soffit. Refer also to BRE BR 262 ‘Thermal insulation: avoiding risks’ and ➀ DEFRA/DTLR ‘Robust Details’. ➁ The detailing of balconies requires careful attention to ➂ avoid problems with thermal bridging; for guidance refer to BRE BR 262. Figure 46 >> FLOORMATE boards between joists ➀ ➁ ➂ ➀ WALLMATE CW-X ➁ projecting floor ➂ FLOORMATE Figure 47 >> Exposed wall/floor junction, outer leaf supported independently 46 Insulating suspended floors: design Cables run close to FLOORMATE insulation may need to be de-rated in line with IEE Regulations. PVC-covered cables likely to come into contact with FLOORMATE insulation should be protected by metal or uPVC conduit or trunking ➀ ➁ ➂ to avoid the risk of plasticiser migration from the PVC. Specification The following NBS clauses are relevant to the specification of FLOORMATE insulation: P10 Sundry insulation 255 Rigid board insulation supported between ➃ floor joists ➀ VCL/SS ➁ FLOORMATE ››› ››› ➂ WALLMATE CW-X ➃ DPC/tray Insulation: extruded polystyrene boards Thickness: 25/30/35/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/120/140† mm †delete Figure 48 >> Exposed wall/floor junction, insulation applied internally ››› as appropriate Manufacturer and reference: Dow Chemical Co. Ltd, ➀ Building Solutions, 2 Heathrow Boulevard, 284 Bath Road, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0DQ. Tel: 020 8917 5050 - Fax: 020 8917 5413 ➁ ➂ FLOORMATE 200-X Board size: 2500mm x 600mm Edge profile: butt edge Compressive strength: 200kN/m2 Design loading: 60kN/m2 ➃ Fire classification: Reaction to fire: BS EN 13164 - Euroclass E ➀ STYROFOAM LB - X /plasterboard laminate ➁ VCL/SS ➂ FLOORMATE ➃ DPC/tray Figure 49 >> Exposed wall/floor junction, lightweight blockwork inner leaf ››› Supports: saddle clips†† / nails†† / preservative treated battens†† ››› Fit tightly with closely butted joints, leaving no gaps Services Central heating pipes are often run in the void below suspended timber floors or within the joist depth. When FLOORMATE boards are incorporated in the † select appropriate values using STYROFOAM Solutions Product Data †† delete as appropriate construction, it is best to locate the pipework above the insulation to minimise heat loss into the cold void (figure Insulation laid on boarding may also be specified with: 50). The pipes should be insulated to concentrate heat K11 - 115/125/135/145/215/235/245, K20 - 150/160, output at the radiators. K21 - 120/130 Run gas pipes below the FLOORMATE boards. STYROFOAM Solutions 47 Insulating suspended floors: installation Installation sequence Beam and block and precast floors (figures 45 and 45) 1. Lay topping to provide necessary level surface. 2. Lay FLOORMATE boards with edges tightly butted. 3. Overlay with slip sheet with edges lapped. 4. Lay board or screed finish (allow to cure for at least 7 days). Timber floors (figure 51) 1. Fix preservative treated battens to the sides of floor joists so the height of the joist above the batten is the same as the thickness of the FLOORMATE boards. 2. Cut FLOORMATE boards so they will fit tightly between the joist and lay on the battens. Figure 50 >> Services above FLOORMATE boards 3. Lay and fix floor boards. Key points Beam and block and precast floors ››› refer to Key Points under Insulating groundbearing floors: installation. Timber floors ››› fit FLOORMATE boards tight to the underside of the floor to avoid air movement between the FLOORMATE boards and the floor. ››› pack FLOORMATE insulation into any spaces at the perimeter. ››› at penetrations cut boards around the pipe or duct and seal the gap with polyurethane foam. Figure 51 >> FLOORMATE boards between joists ››› ensure underfloor ventilation is clear and not restricted at sleeper walls. 48 Insulating floors: renovating floors General considerations Improving the thermal performance of existing floors Renovating with a concrete groundbearing floor during renovation can be desirable and economic. When replacing an existing timber floor with a concrete Existing timber ground floors may be overlaid with groundbearing floor follow the guidance on pages insulation and a new flooring surface. 35 - 44 of this brochure, taking account of the following: Timber ground floors in pre-war properties often suffer ››› non-settling fill to a maximum depth of 600mm. from rot and insect infestation while the underfloor void can be a habitat for rodents. Such floors may be replaced fill deep sub-floor voids with hard core or a suitable ››› if the DPM cannot be tied into the DPC, it should be dressed up behind a skirting. by a groundbearing concrete floor incorporating thermal insulation (see figure 52). ››› Overlaying existing timber floors FLOORMATE extruded polystyrene can also be used to When upgrading an existing timber floor the skirting provide floor insulation in conversions, for example when should be removed and the appropriate grade of converting an agricultural building to domestic use. FLOORMATE laid. The flooring and finish is then laid on it. Old concrete, stone or earth floors should be removed The skirting will then be reinstalled or replaced and doors down to a level suitable to accept the new insulated floor. shortened to open over the new level. Site assessment and preparation in refurbishment projects block off ventilation openings. should follow the same procedures as for new-build. ➀ timber floor finish ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➆ ➁ VCL/SS ➂ joist ➃ concrete slab ➄ ➅ ➄ DPM ➅ FLOORMATE ➆ DPC Figure 52 >> Replacement of decaying timber floor with a new insulated concrete floor STYROFOAM Solutions 49 Insulating structure below ground General considerations PERIMATE DI-A is designed to give the maximum benefit Structure below ground must prevent ground water when insulating structures below ground: reaching the interior of a building in order to maintain ››› ››› suitable internal conditions (see BS 8102 for gradings). A common way of providing waterproofing is to use externally applied tanking membranes of mastic asphalt or bituminous sheet. In such constructions insulation can be shiplapped edges ensure continuity of insulation. vertical channels cut in the face of the board drain water away. ››› a thin layer of filter fabric bonded to the surface prevents soil particles blocking the channels. located outside the waterproofing, where it will: ››› ››› insulate the structure. Consult pages 5 and 9 for the full physical and protect the tanking material from physical damage performance properties of PERIMATE DI-A. caused by the rest of the construction process or by ››› the backfill material. Drainage drain water away from the structure, reducing the Water collecting at the base of the PERIMATE DI-A boards hydrostatic pressure on the tanking membrane. must be drained away by filter drains formed with perforated or porous pipes laid above the footings or When externally insulating basement walls the insulation boards are laid against the tanking membrane and the excavation is then backfilled (figure 55). The construction is suitable for new build; it is also suitable for refurbishment collector drains formed from perforated pipes laid in granular material (figure 54). Depending upon ground conditions drains may be connected to surface drainage systems or soakaways. projects. For guidance on constructing basements consult the Approved Document: Basements for dwellings. Thermal performance The STYROFOAM Solution for externally insulating Methods for calculating U-values for basements are given basement walls is PERIMATE DI-A. in BS EN 13370 and the Approved Document ‘Basements for dwellings’. For assistance with U-value calculations contact Dow. Observe the following installation guidance to gain the maximum benefit from PERIMATE DI-A insulation. ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➀ structure below ground ➂ PERIMATE DI-A ➁ tanking membrane ➄ ground ➃ backfill Figure 53 >> Principles of insulating structure below ground 50 Insulating structure below ground: installation Installation sequence ➀ 1. manufacturer's instructions. ➁ ➂ ➃ 2. Lay the drainage system. 3. Install PERIMATE DI-A insulation against the tanking membrane, with the grooved face outward, using a ➄ suitable adhesive such as Insta-Stik™. ➅ 4. ➆ ➇ Install the tanking membrane according to Backfill to the designated level. Key points ››› ››› ensure boards butt together tightly. when installing more than one row of boards ensure the filter fabric on upper rows laps over that of lower ➀ structure below ground ➄ ground ➁ tanking membrane ➆ perforated pipe ➂ PERIMATE DI-A ➃ backfill rows. ➅ geo-textile ➇ granular material Figure 54 >> Drainage by collector drain ™ Tradename of Dow Chemical Company STYROFOAM Solutions 51 Insulating walls: design Problems with cavity walls Externally insulated solid walls The conventional cavity wall construction was intended Solid masonry walls may be insulated on their external originally to prevent problems of damp penetration of thin surface and the insulation covered by an external finish brick walls. It has since been adapted to meet successive such as render, boarding or tiling (see figure 56). That changes in Building Regulations, most notably with the construction offers numerous benefits: introduction of thermal insulation into the cavity ››› all the thermal mass of the wall lies within the (see figure 55). insulation envelope, resulting in a structure with a With the latest changes in Part L it has become apparent slow thermal response which is well suited to that cavity wall construction may not be a practicable continuously heated buildings; method of achieving the necessary standards of thermal ››› moisture, which eliminates one route for air infiltration, performance: ››› ties to achieve structural stability; ››› wider cavities may not comply with the requirements for robust details to Part E; ››› making it easier to construct buildings with low rates the thickness of thermal insulation requires wider cavities which, in turn, require longer and more wall solid walls do not require vented cavities to drain away of air permeability; ››› detailing of windows and doors is easier as there is only one structural plane to consider within the wall; ››› large format blocks and thin joint systems speed construction and reduce the effect of thermal bridging. thicker walls will either reduce the available space within the building or increase the building footprint, which may, for example, lower the density of dwellings in a development; ››› vents to the cavity results in high levels of air infiltration. To avoid those and other problems designers should consider other forms of wall construction. Figure 55 >> Conventional cavity wall construction Figure 56 >> Externally insulated solid walls 52 Insulating walls: Internally insulated walls Walls may be insulated on their internal face, with the insulation applied between the structure and the internal finish (see figure 57). Installing the insulation in that way will mean the thermal mass of the wall is outside the insulation, resulting in a rapid thermal response, suitable for buildings which are intermittently heated. Internally insulating walls is a useful solution for upgrading the thermal performance of walls in the course of projects which require consequential improvements. It will not affect the external appearance of the building. Timber or steel framed walls Figure 57 >> Internally insulated walls In framed wall constructions of timber or steel the insulation is fitted between the studs, combining the structure and thermal insulation into the same plane. The internal face of the wall is lined with plasterboard, whilst the external face can be finished with a single leaf of brick, tile hanging, boarding or a render system (see figure 58). Where necessary the thermal performance of the wall can be improved by installing a further layer of insulation across the face of the studs: that will also reduce the effects of thermal bridging. The use of framed wall construction has become increasingly common, most notably in the Republic of Ireland and Scotland where the required U-values for walls are already Figure 58 >> Timber or steel framed walls as low as 0.27W/m2K and 0.30W/m2K respectively. STYROFOAM Solutions Partial fill cavity U value 0.25 0.28 0.30 0.35 Block λ (W/mK) The STYROFOAM solution for partial fill cavity wall Dense 1.63 100 90 80 70 Medium 0.51 100 90 80 70 WALLMATE CW-X is designed to give the maximum benefit Lightweight 0.19 90 80 70 60 in wall construction: Solid - internal insulation 110 90 80 70 ››› Timber frame - insulation between and external to studding constructions is WALLMATE CW-X. tongue and grooved edges ensure a good interlock between boards, avoiding thermal bridging, ››› ››› Stud depth 90mm the strong, rigid boards are self-supporting, low water absorption means performance is unaffected by moisture. 140mm 90+30 90+25 90+25 90 140+25 140 140 140 15% timber fraction Table 16 STYROFOAM thickness (mm) to ahieve U-values (W/m2.K) For the full physical properties and performance characteristics of WALLMATE CW-X see Product Data. Other STYROFOAM products can be used for internally insulated solid walls and timber or steel frame walls. STYROFOAM Solutions 53 Insulating single-ply roofs The use of single-ply waterproofing membranes in ROOFMATE RL-X is designed to give the maximum benefit combination with metal deck systems enables the construction in single-ply roof construction: of lightweight, long-span roofs at pitches of 10˚ and below. ››› Siting rigid insulation above the decking brings the whole roof structure, with the exception of the waterproofing high compressive strength helps reduces the risk of mechanical fixings working loose after installation. ››› enhanced dimensional stability minimises the number membrane, within the insulating envelope, which: of fixings required and reduces board movement in ››› ››› ››› service. maintains the structure at an even temperature. reduces the risk of harmful condensation. minimises thermal movement within the structure. Single-ply metal deck roofs offer a cost effective way of covering large spans. Installation of the roof covering can begin as soon as the structural steelwork is in place, allowing the construction of the roof to take place independently of many other parts of the project. ››› ››› supports pedestrian traffic during installation. minimal water pick-up enables insulation to be laid in any weather. ››› ››› easy to install. ROOFMATE RL-X is suitable for use under all single-ply polymeric waterproofing membranes. Consult Page 08 for the full physical and performance data of ROOFMATE RL-X. General considerations Lightweight single-ply roofs usually consist of profiled steel Choice of membrane decking fixed to steel purlins and overlaid with a vapour ROOFMATE RL-X insulation is designed for use under light control layer. Rigid insulation board is fixed through the coloured (grey through white) single-ply polymeric crowns of the decking and then overlaid with a light membranes. ROOFMATE RL-X insulation is not suitable coloured, single-ply, polymeric waterproofing membrane for use under dark coloured waterproof coverings such which is usually mechanically fixed through the decking as bituminous felt or black EPDM. To prevent plasticiser (see figure 59). migration PVC membranes should be isolated from ROOFMATE RL-X boards by a suitable separating layer. The STYROFOAM Solution for insulating single-ply roofs is ROOFMATE RL-X. Loading The roof structure must be strong enough to withstand the maximum predicted loads with a suitable factor of safety. ROOFMATE RL-X boards are suitable for occasional pedestrian maintenance traffic but if more frequent traffic is expected, additional protection of the membrane and boards is required, eg. walkway layers or concrete paving slabs on spacers. U value 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.25 0.35 ROOFMATE RL-X 200 180 160 120 80 Table 17 Figure 59 >> Mechanically fixed single-ply membrane 54 ROOFMATE RL-X thickness (mm) to achieve U-values (W/m2.K) Insulating single-ply roofs Securement Consult a fire Safety Engineer where any doubt exists on Fixings for the roof covering and insulation must able to the need for fire protection. withstand predicted wind-uplift forces; refer to the Thermal performance membrane supplier’s and fixing manufacturer’s data for loading limits and calculation methods. Table 17 shows the amount of ROOFMATE RL-X required to meet a range of U-values. Each ROOFMATE RL-X board should be secured to the deck with three fixings, each having a washer of at least 20cm2 Condensation area: these are in addition to any used to secure the Condensation can cause rot, decay and the corrosion of waterproof membrane to the deck. Half boards or less may metal components, leading to roofing failure. Whilst the risk be secured with two fixings. of condensation is low for a metal deck roof featuring ROOFMATE RL-X insulation under normal environmental Drainage conditions, condensation risk analysis should still be Good drainage is vital to the long term performance of a performed, using the method given in BS EN 150 13788. flat roof. To ensure the minimum finished falls of 1:80 recommended in BS 6229 falls should be designed at 1:40. If the calculation predicts harmful levels the design should be reassessed. Consider: Falls can be constructed by ››› ››› ››› designing the roof structure to falls. ››› ››› reducing the humidity level within the building. increasing the thickness of thermal insulation. applying a screed to falls or adding tapered insulation.* Specification Use the following NBS clause to specify ROOFMATE RL-X When assessing the requirements of gutters and outlets insulation in a single-ply roof: designers should refer to BS EN 12056-3. J42 Single layer polymeric roof covering Fire Building Regulation B4 requires roofs to resist the spread of fire over the roof and from one building to another. Roof 452 Warm deck insulation ››› ››› Insulation: extruded polystyrene board to BS EN 13164 Manufacturer and reference: covering classified according to BS 476: Part 3: 1958 as AA, Dow Chemical Co. Ltd, AB or AC may be used without restrictions (see Approved Building Solutions, Document B, Technical Standard D in Scotland). 2 Heathrow Boulevard, Experience suggests a roof construction which has a 284 Bath Road, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 0DQ. protective layer of 50mm of gravel above the Tel: 020 8917 5050 - Fax: 020 8917 5413 waterproofing layer will achieve an AA rating. Nonballasted, mechanically fixed, plasticised PVC roofing ROOFMATE RL-X membranes will normally achieve an AB rating. Thickness: 50/60/80/120 mm BRE document ‘Thermal insulation: avoiding risks’ indicates Board size: 2500mm x 600mm cellular plastic insulants laid directly on a metal deck may Edge profile: tongue and groove melt when there is a fire source within the building. Compressive strength: 300 kN/m2 Improved fire protection may be provided by the use of: Design loading: 110 kN/m2 ››› ››› ››› sprinkler systems. Fire classification: EUROCLASS E fire rated suspended ceilings. fire barriers which form a break in the insulation layer, giving effective fire separation. * A tapered insulation system based on STYROFOAM is available from the A. Proctor Group who offer a full design and installation service for cut-to-falls insulation. STYROFOAM Solutions 55 Insulating pitched roofs Inroduction Pitched roofs can be insulated at ceiling level or at rafter line: applying insulation at rafter line brings all the building volume within the insulation envelope (figure 60). By insulating at rafter line: ››› the insulated space enclosed by the building STYROFOAM Solution The STYROFOAM solution for insulating pitched roofs at rafter line is ROOFMATE RL-X, a tongue and grooved STYROFOAM board (figure 61). Agrément Certificate 87/1836 covers the use of ROOFMATE RL-X in warm pitched roof construction. envelope is substantially increased without altering the structural design; the additional space can be used as part of the initial design or converted for use at a later date. ››› the whole of the building fabric is kept at a similar temperature, thereby reducing the risk of condensation on structural members. ››› thermally induced movement is reduced because the roof structure is not subject to extremes of temperature. ››› a board-insulated roof offers greatly improved resistance to wind-driven rain and fine snow. ››› pipes, tanks and services in the loft space are protected from freezing temperatures. ››› pipes and wiring at ceiling level are not hidden by insulation. Insulating warm roofs Warm roofs may be formed with the insulation installed part above and part between the rafters (figure 60). Warm pitched roof constructions are not covered by any British Standard, although some guidance is contained in BS 5250, BS 5534 and BRE document ’Thermal insulation: avoiding risks’. Figure 60 >> Insulating above and between the rafter with ROOFMATE RL-X 56 Figure 61 Insulating pitched roofs Fixing ROOFMATE RL-X boards ROOFMATE RL-X boards installed over the rafter are secured by the fixings used to secure the counterbattens, which pass through the insulation and into the rafters. The counterbattens, which will normally be 32 or 50mm thick, support the tiling battens (figure 61). The counterbattens are secured using specialised fasteners, Underlays Roofing underlays form a second line of defence against wind-driven rain and snow. Underlays used in warm pitched roof constructions should: ››› ››› ››› have very low resistance to the passage of water vapour. be compatible with the insulation. not “tent” when laid in contact with the insulation. e.g. Helifix Inskew, Proctor PR nail, Ancon Staifix - Thor For this application Dow recommend water vapour Helical Batten fixings. The type and number of fasteners permeable underlays with a water vapour resistance less should be calculated using the methods in BS 5534: Part 1 than 0.25MNs/g (such as ROOFSHIELD†, TYVEK†† or and fasteners manufacturer's data. PERMO†††) certified by Agrément. The tiling battens can be secured directly to the The underlay may be laid either directly on the ROOFMATE counterbattens using normal fasteners. RL-X boards or over the counter battens (figure 63). A rigid Joints between adjacent boards of ROOFMATE RL-X do not require cross noggins: the tongued and grooved edges of carrier may be required to prevent ponding at the eaves (figure 64). ROOFMATE RL-X are self-supporting and ensure continuity of insulation at all joints. However, the boards must never be stood on or used as a working platform. The ROOFMATE RL-X boards should be laid with their length parallel to the ridge/eaves with the tongue facing up the roof slope (figure 62). ROOFMATE RL-X boards cut-to-size can be installed between the rafters and secured in place by support underlay laid directly on ROOFMATE-RL-X underlay draped over the counter battens Figure 63 battens board width / length up slope Figure 62 >> Joints in ROOFMATE RL-X † A trade name of Don & Low Nonwovens †† A trade name of Du Pont ††† A trade name of Klober Limited Figure 64 STYROFOAM Solutions 57 Insulating pitched roofs Thermal performance Ventilation Table 12 below shows the amount of ROOFMATE RL-X required to achieve a range of U-values.. does not require provision for ventilation to remove Table 18 ROOFMATE RL-X thickness (mm) to achieve U-values (W/m2.K) 0.14 0.16 Above rafter 0.18 The loft space enclosed within a warm roof construction 0.20 0.25 condensation. If the loft is to be used as habitable space, it will need to comply with the requirements of Building Regulation F1 (Regulation 23 in Scotland). Between rafter 60mm 180 140 120 100 60 80mm 160 120 100 60 50 Moisture build up in the space between the outer roof covering and the water vapour permeable underlay must 8.3% timber fraction 50mm rafters at 600mm spacing be prevented by venting moist air to atmosphere. The Continuity of thermal insulation surface irregularities of natural slates and cambered plain Thermal insulation of the roof should be continuous, with tiles will usually provide sufficient air paths. However, close- gable ends being insulated to their full height. fitting coverings, such as those formed with tightly Thermal bridging can occur where boards are cut to fit as interlocking tiles, synthetic resin slates or profiled metal at junctions, ridges, abutments and penetrations. Fill all sheets, will require specific provision for air movement in gaps with sprayed polyurethane foam or flexible foam strip the form of vents, especially if the roof pitch is low or the to avoid air leakage which may lead to localised roof slopes are large or of complex shape. condensation. Ventilation is not however required between the underlay Please refer to DEFRA/DTLR ‘Robust Details’ and BR 262 and insulation. ‘Thermal Insulation - avoiding risks’ Fire Condensation The use of ROOFMATE RL-X insulation boards will not affect Adopting a warm roof construction moves the condensation the fire rating of tiled roofs when evaluated by assessment plane to the batten space where any condensation which or when tested to BS 476: Part 3: 1958. To comply with occurs can be dispersed by natural air movement. Building Regulation B2 (Regulation 12 in Scotland) for The closed cell structure of ROOFMATE RL-X insulation internal fire spread ROOFMATE RL-X boards must be makes it resistant to the passage of water vapour: calculation protected by a lining, such as plasterboard. will often show no need for a vapour control layer. For further information on the fire performance of It is however advisable to install a vapour control layer ROOFMATE RL-X boards see BS 6203 and Agrément ensuring that it is as convection tight as possible. Where Certificate 87/1836. the building is likely to have a high level of humidity, as in the case of swimming pools or commercial kitchens, condensation risk assessment should be undertaken by a suitably qualified professional. A method for calculating the risk of interstitial condensation is given in BS EN ISO 13788. 58 Insulating pitched roofs Installation sequence 1. 7. Fix a 60mm thick timber stop batten across the rafters at eaves (A). 2. Fit ROOFMATE RL-X boards cut-to-size between the rafters from within the loft space. Press tight against the ROOFMATE RL-X boards and fix by nailing support battens Lay ROOFMATE RL-X boards with long edges at right to the rafters (F). angles to the rafters and with the tongue pointing up the slope (B). 3. Butt the first row of boards tight against the stop batten. Continue laying up the slope towards the ridge. At ridge butt ROOFMATE RL-X to the ridge board (B) or to ROOFMATE RL-X on the opposite slope. (C). 4. Fix ROOFMATE RL-X boards temporarily by occasional nailing until permanently secured by the counter battens. 5. Key points ››› Ensure ROOFMATE RL-X boards interlock tightly. ››› Cut and fit boards neatly. ››› Seal any gaps, particularly at cut joints. ››› Do not stand on ROOFMATE RL-X or use as a working platform. At all cut edges, junctions and penetrations trim ROOFMATE RL-X boards neatly to fit (D) (E). Seal any gaps with polyurethane foam. 6. either: (a) lay the underlay directly onto the ROOFMATE RL-X boards and secure with counter battens; or (b) secure the ROOFMATE RL-X boards with counter battens, then drape the underlay over the counter battens and secure with tiling/slating battens. (Refer to underlay supplier’s instructions). A B C E D E STYROFOAM Solutions 59 Insulating agricultural buildings Modern farming methods require efficient buildings in Thermal performance which temperature and humidity can be closely controlled. Building Regulations do not impose any requirement for Effective insulation is vital for the design and construction the thermal performance of agricultural buildings. Table 19 of buildings which will: shows the recommended U-values for walls and roofs of ››› ››› ››› agricultural buildings given in BS 5502. provide economic crop storage. extend the effective period for crop storage. provide the optimum environment for healthy growth of livestock. ››› reduce the risk of livestock suffering thermal stress by minimising summer heat gains and winter heat loss. Condensation The high humidity levels required in crop stores to minimise water losses from crops held in storage and the warmth and moisture given off by livestock present considerable condensation risks within agricultural buildings. Insulation in agricultural buildings must be able to withstand: ››› ››› ››› Condensation on inside surfaces, which could damage stored crops can be prevented by insulating inside the structural framework. However, insulation applied to the high humidity. impact damage. regular cleaning, including pressure hosing. outside of the structural framework will prevent surface condensation and prevent interstitial condensation by maintaining the framework at the same temperature as the interior of the building. Guidance on the use of insulation in agricultural buildings can be found in BS 5502. The STYROFOAM Solution for insulating agricultural buildings is ROOFMATE RL-X. Fire Agricultural buildings used principally for retailing, packing or exhibiting are required by Building Regulations to have a fire resistant lining: 13mm plasterboard applied over ROOFMATE RL-X is designed to give the maximum benefit STYROFOAM insulation will meet that requirement. All in agricultural buildings:- other agricultural buildings are excluded from the scope of ››› ››› ››› unaffected by moisture. Building Regulations. BS 5502: Part 23 gives recommendations sufficiently rigid to span purlins unsupported. for fire performance of building elements. withstands pressure hosing or steam cleaning. Roofs (W/m2K) Walls (W/m2K) Heated piggeries 1 0.5 0.5 Unheated piggeries 1 0.6 0.6 Poultry houses 2 0.4 0.4 Crop storage 3 0.4-0.45 0.5 Table 19 Recomended U-values for agricultural buildings 1) BS 5502: Part 42 2) MAFF booklet ‘Heat Stress in Poultry - solving the problem’ 3) BS 5502: Part 71 60 Insulating agricultural buildings General ROOFMATE RL-X The walls of agricultural buildings may be insulated on the Thickness: 30/40/50/60/80*mm inside or outside of the loadbearing structure, whilst roofs *delete as appropriate may be insulated above purlins or with the insulation Board size: 2400 x 600mm forming a horizontal ceiling. Edge profile: tongue and groove Compressive strength: 250kN/m2 Roofs Fire classification: Applying ROOFMATE RL-X insulation in the plane of the BS 3837: Part 2: 1990: Appendix C roof enables maximum use to be made of the space Operating temperature: -50°C to +75°C enclosed by the structure. Ventilation will be required between the roof covering and the insulation to prevent the build up of condensation. Where ventilation systems require flat ceilings uninterrupted by structural members the insulation boards should be installed to the underside of the joists. ROOFMATE RL-X insulation should be fixed as follows: ››› Above the purlins: ROOFMATE RL-X boards will be secured by the fixings for the cladding (figure 64). ››› Below the purlins/horizontal ceiling: for timber frames ROOFMATE RL-X boards should be nailed directly to Figure >> 65 Insulation above purlins the timber using flat headed galvanised or aluminium alloy nails (figure 65). For steel or concrete frames, battens should be fixed to the frame (by shot-firing to steel or strapping to concrete) and the ROOFMATE RL-X boards nailed directly to the battens (figure 66). Specification Agricultural buildings are not specifically treated in NBS. The following text can be used to specify ROOFMATE RL-X insulation. ››› ››› Material: Extruded polystyrene board Manufacturer and reference: Figure >> 66 Insulation below purlins Dow Chemical Co. Ltd. Building Solutions, 2 Heathrow Boulevard, 284 Bath Road, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 0DQ. Tel 020 8917 5049 Fax 020 8917 5413 Figure >> 67 Insulation at ceiling line STYROFOAM Solutions 61 References Agrément certificates ››› ››› ››› ››› 88/2105 Cavity walls 97/3431 Inverted roofs Approved Documents to the Building Regulations ››› – C Site preparation and resistance to moisture ››› dwellings ››› Part 1: 1996: Design. ››› slabs with profiled steel sheeting. ››› BS 5268: Structural use of timber. Part 4: Fire resistance of timber structures. – Section 4.2: 1990: Recommendations for calculating fire resistance of timber stud walls and joisted floor – L2A Conservation of fuel and power in new constructions. buildings other than dwellings Part 7: Recommendations for the calculation basis for – L2B Conservation of fuel and power in existing span tables. buildings other than dwellings Regulations BS 5950: Structural use of steelwork in building. Part 4: 1994 Code of practice for design of composite dwellings Technical Handbooks to Building Standards Scotland BS 5427: Code of practice for the use of profiled sheet for roof and wall cladding on buildings. – L1B Conservation of fuel and power in existing ››› BS 5250: 2002: Code of practice for control of condensation in buildings. – E Resistance to the passage of sound – L1A Conservation of fuel and power in new BS 1202: Specification for nails. Part 1: 2002: Steel nails. – A Structure – B Fire safety BS 743:1970: Specification for Materials for Damp proof courses. 92/2782 Floors Building Regulations ››› ››› 87/1836 Pitched roofs - warm roof concept – Section 7.1: 1989: Domestic floor joists. ››› BS 5502: Buildings and structures for agriculture. Part 23: 1990: Code of practice for fire precautions. BRE publications Part 42: 1990: Code of practice for design and ››› ››› Thermal insulation: avoiding risks BR 262:2002. construction of pig buildings. Conventions for U-value calculations Part 71: 1992: Code of practice for design and – B. Anderson BR443: 2006 construction of ventilated stores for potatoes and Building Elements: ‘Floors and Flooring’ – PW Pye and onions. ››› HW Harris BR 332: 1997 ››› ››› ››› Foundations, basements and external walls BR 440: ››› ››› Part 3: 1985: Materials and components, design and BRE Digest 311. Wind scour of gravel ballast on roofs. workmanship. BRE IP 17/01. Assessing the effects of thermal bridging ››› BS 6203: 1991 (1996) Guide to fire characteristics and at junctions and around openings in the external fire performance of expanded polystyrene materials elements of buildings. used in building applications. ››› BS 743: 1970: Specification for materials for damp BS 476: Fire tests on building materials and structures. BS 6229: 2003: Code of practice for flat roofs with continuously supported coverings. ››› proof courses. ››› BS 5628: Code of practice for use of masonry. 2002. British Standards ››› BS 5534: 2003: Code of practice for slating and tiling. BS 6398: 1983: Specification for bitumen damp proof courses for masonry. ››› BS 6399: Loading for Buildings Part 2: 1987. Methods for determination of the fire Part 1: 1996: Code of practice for dead and imposed resistance of loadbearing elements of construction. loads. Part 3: 1958: External fire exposure roof test Part 2: 1997: Code of practice for wind loads. Part 3: 1988: Code of practice for imposed roof loads. 62 References ››› ››› BS 6515: 1984 (1996) Specification for polyethylene European standards damp-proof courses for masonry. ››› ››› ››› ››› ››› buildings. structures against water from the ground. Part 3: 2000: Roof drainage, layout and calculation. BS 8103 Structural Design of low-rise buildings. ››› buildings - Factory made products of extruded investigation, foundations and ground floor slabs for polystyrene (XPS) specification. ››› products and building elements. Part 1: 1997: Code of practice for design and Part 1: Classification using test data from reaction to construction. fire tests BS 8203: 2001 Code of practice for resilient floor BS 8204: Screeds, bases and in-situ floorings. ››› – Heat transfer via the ground – Calculation methods ››› BS EN 13789: 1999: Thermal performance of buildings Transmission heat loss coefficient - Calculation cement sand levelling screeds to receive floorings. method. BS 8215: 1991: Code of practice for design and International standards ››› BS EN ISO 6946: 1997 Building components and building elements – Thermal resistance and thermal installation of damp proof courses in masonry transmittance – Caculation method. construction. ››› BS EN 13370: 1998 Thermal performance of buildings Part 1: 1999 Code of practice for concrete bases and surfaces. ››› BS EN 13501: Fire classification of construction BS 8110: Structural use of concrete. Part 2: 1999: Code of practice for concrete wearing ››› BS EN 13164: 2001 Thermal insulation products for Part 1: 1995: Code of practice for stability, site coverings. ››› BS EN 12056: Gravity drainage systems inside BS 8102: 1990: Code of practice for protection of housing. ››› Part 4: 2001 Installation BS 8000: Workmanship on building sites. Part 4: 1989: Code of practice for waterproofing. BS EN 1264: Floor heating. Systems and components. BS 8218: 1998: Code of practice for mastic asphalt Other publications roofing. ››› ››› CP 1018: 1971 (1993) Electric floorwarming systems for use with off-peak and similar supplies of electricity. CIBSE Guide A (1999) DEFRA/DTLR Robust Details – Limiting thermal bridging and air leakage: Robust Construction details for dwellings and similar buildings. 2002 ››› NBS Domestic Heating Compliance Guide: 2006 STYROFOAM Solutions 63 Recommendations The STYROFOAM range of blue extruded foamed polystyrene insulation products includes FLOORMATE, ROOFMATE, WALLMATE and PERIMATE. STYROFOAM products contain a flame retardant additive to inhibit accidental ignition from a small fire source. STYROFOAM is, however, combustible and if exposed to an intensive fire may burn rapidly. During shipment, storage, installation and use STYROFOAM products should not be exposed to flames or other ignition sources. Fire classification is based on small-scale tests, which may not reflect the reaction of the products in its end use state under actual fire conditions. STYROFOAM products should, when installed, be adequately protected from direct exposure to fire. Recommendations about the methods, use of materials and construction details are given as a service to designers and contractors. These are based on the experience of Dow with the use of STYROFOAM products. Any drawings are meant only to illustrate various possible applications and should not be taken as a basis for design. Since Dow is a materials supplier and exercises no control over the installation of STYROFOAM products, no responsibility is accepted for such drawings and recommendations. In particular, no responsibility is accepted by Dow for the systems in which STYROFOAM is used or the method of application by which it is installed. The legal obligations of Dow in respect of any sale of STYROFOAM products shall be determined solely by the terms of the respective sales contract. 66 Notes The information and data contained in this brochure do not represent exact sales specifications. The features of the products mentioned may vary. The information contained in this document has been provided in good faith, however it does not imply any liability, guarantee or assurance of product performance. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to determine whether these Dow products are suitable for the application desired and to ensure that the site of work and method of application conform with current legislation. No licence is hereby granted for the use of patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights. If Dow products are purchased, we advise following the most up-to-date suggestions and recommendations. STYROFOAM Solutions 67 Dow Chemical Company Limited Building Solutions 2 Heathrow Boulevard, 284 Bath Road West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 0DQ Tel: Fax: 020 8917 50 50 020 8917 54 13 Internet: ®™* Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company ("DOW") or an affiliated company of Dow UK-291-UK-628-0305