Did you know? - South Lakeland District Council


Did you know? - South Lakeland District Council
Issue 27
Spring 2015
Vision for the future
Council’s joined-up plan for South Lakeland
• Pictures clockwise from top-left: Cyclists in South Lakeland; local resident Jill Knowles recycling her household waste; SLDC Councillor Mark Wilson and Pat McIver from GSK in Ulverston
with plans for a £350m new factory and builders from Russell Armer working on low-cost new housing at Cragg Close, Kendal
all the pieces of the plan ‘jigsaw’
join together to create a bright
future for the district and its
The revised Council Plan sets out
the authority’s vision for its
ambitions up to 2019 and how
Council leader Councillor Peter
Thornton has described the
overall ambition to be ‘greener,
fairer and more local.’
BLUEPRINT that details
South Lakeland District
Council’s key priorities
over the next four years has
been unveiled.
The plan sets out a range of
environmental aims as well as
emphasising ongoing targets of
enabling 1000 new jobs and
1000 affordable rented homes
by 2025, and how the council
will continue to deliver
sustainable and cost-effective
Chief Executive of South
Lakeland District Council,
Lawrence Conway, said: “The
plan sets out a vision that each
of us can recognise and support.
South Lakeland will be a place
with a prosperous future, that
everyone can share in and feel
part of.
Focus on Council Plan 2015 - pages 4 & 5
“Our environmental credentials
sit high on our agenda, and the
plans residents wish us to
pursue are being delivered. Our
commitment will ensure that we
are able to balance the needs of
the future whilst protecting the
stunning beauty and special
qualities of South Lakeland.’’
Page 2 South Lakeland News
Twitter: @SouthLakelandDC
By Cllr Peter Thornton
Saving money…and the
IT HARDLY seems 12 months
since I was last asked to pen
an introduction to our Council
Plan. Where does all the time
Climate change is happening,
no one disputes that. Some
say that it’s part of the normal
cycle and that it isn’t caused
by human activity, but, as Clint
Eastwood famously said, “do
you feel lucky?’’
The good news is that there
are now 101 more affordable
homes to rent than 12 months
ago and 73 new jobs available
as well.
The fact is that it costs lots of
money to burn carbon. When I
recently topped up my loft
insulation it saved me money
and continues to do so month
after month.
The UK seems to be gradually
pulling out of its economic
woes and the South Cumbrian
economy is looking towards
significant expansion over the
next few years.
When we promote ever higher
standards of insulation in new
homes we are making them
cheaper to run.
A good secure home and
worthwhile employment are
two things that we all wish for
the next generation.
But in addition, we want an
environment that is clean, safe
and sustainable. That’s the
theme of this year’s Council
Working to tackle empty shops in our towns
Latest figures show that
Kirkby Lonsdale
currently has no empty
shop units.
Empty shop numbers are
collected every quarter
by the Economy and
Assets team at South
Lakeland District
Council in Kendal,
Ulverston, Ambleside,
Windermere, Bowness
and now Kirkby
Lonsdale, Grange and
• John Strange from Crossing Point (above) and Kirkby Lonsdale town
centre (below).
If we spend time working on
the routes of our refuse lorries
in order to trim off a few miles
we are cutting the council’s
costs and helping to deliver
our fifth year of a Council Tax
freeze .
Saving money and producing
less carbon, who can argue
with that?
Peter Thornton Tel: 01539 717202
Email: p.thornton@southlakeland.gov.uk
THE national average for shop
vacancy rates currently stands at
13.3% and the north west
average is 18.6%, although in
some towns in the region it is as
high as 26%.
The overall average for South
Lakeland stands at 8.12%.
As well as Kirkby Lonsdale’s 0%
figure – which is down from
3.6% in the last quarter - the
latest figures show the number
of empty shops in Windermere
and Kendal has also shown a
decrease this quarter, with
Windermere having only four
vacant shops and of the 431
in the previous quarter, and is
now at 10.1%.
In Windermere this equates to
just a 3.3% vacancy rate, while
in Kendal for the third
consecutive quarter the figure
has shown a fall and is now at
9.5%, the lowest level for six
Bowness has three new empty
shops, from 11 to 14, (9.3%)
and the number of vacant
shops in Grange-over-Sands
has gone up from three to five
John Strange has recently
opened the Crossing Point
Café in Kirkby Lonsdale and
has seen a steady growth in
John said: “We have had great
support from the community
and Town Council, people are
very loyal. Smaller towns like
Kirkby Lonsdale are perfect for
independent business.”
South Lakeland News is published by South Lakeland District
Council and distributed to all homes in the district.
Other towns in the district
have seen slight increases in
vacancy rates this quarter, but
the majority are still well
below national and regional
You can contact the council at:
South Lakeland District Council, South Lakeland House, Lowther Street, Kendal,
Cumbria LA9 4DQ.
Tel: 01539 733333 Fax: 01539 740300
Email: info@southlakeland.gov.uk Website: www.southlakeland.gov.uk
SLDC accepts no liability from any contract entered into with any advertiser. The
publication of adverts in this newspaper does not imply approval or
recommendation by the council of those goods and services advertised.
In Ulverston the number of
empty shops has increased
from 14 to 16 (9.4%) in the
same period, while in
Ambleside there has also been
an increase to 17, up from 14
Find us on Twitter and Facebook
We put all our news releases and updates on both sites as well as photos and
other bits of information so it’s a great way to keep up-to-date with the council.
You can use these sites to talk to us, start discussions and ask us any questions.
Search for South Lakeland on Facebook and find us
@SouthLakelandDC on Twitter.
Printed by Johnston Press.
shops in Kendal, only 41 are
recorded as empty.
Milnthorpe continues to have
the district’s highest empty
shop rate at 16.67%.
Councillor Giles Archibald,
SLDC portfolio holder for Town
Centres and Small Business
said: “It is fantastic to see
Kirkby Lonsdale thriving and it
is one of the very few towns in
the UK to have no empty
“Although the figures are very
positive for Kirkby Lonsdale,
Windermere and Kendal, we
also recognise that the picture
isn’t universally positive across
the district and we know there
is much work still to do. We
will continue to visually
enhance high streets and work
with local town and parish
councils and business
communities to help reduce
shop vacancy rates.’’
© Photo credits
With thanks to Steve Barber, Ben Barden, Cumbria Tourism, Giles Brown.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/southlakelanddistrictcouncil/
unveiled for
lake shore
PROPOSALS have been
unveiled for a quarter of a
million pound upgrade to a
popular Lake District tourist
views attract visitors from all
over the world every year.
The proposals to improve the
Waterhead promenade include
resurfacing walkways, repairing
walls and installing a ‘panorama’
board, developed with
Ambleside Civic Trust, to identify
key Lakeland landmarks that can
be seen from the shore.
Other suggestions in the
consultation plans include new
benches and seating, better
landscaping and railings and
litter bins more in keeping with
the location and surroundings.
Page 3 South Lakeland News
SLDC is investing £250,000 to
fund the improvements and
Lakes Parish Council is also
committing up to £20,000 to the
Councillor Giles Archibald, SLDC
portfolio holder for town centres
and small business, said: “This is
an exciting project that will
greatly improve a popular and
much-loved Lake District
“Waterhead is a magnet for
visitors and locals alike and
offers superb views of the lake. It
deserves a high quality,
attractive promenade in
keeping with its spectacular
Ambleside and Grasmere’s
district councillors, Councillor
Heidi Halliday and Councillor
Vivienne Rees, are also
backing the plans.
Cllr Halliday said: “This project
shows partnership working at
its very best’’, while Cllr Rees
added: “We know how
important that area is to local
families as well as tourists and
look forward to seeing a longheld dream become reality.’’
South Lakeland District Council
has been consulting on its plans
for improvements at Waterhead,
on the northern shore of
• AFTER: Artist’s
impression of how the
new-look Waterhead
promenade could look
Waterhead includes an
extensive lake frontage, with a
ferry pier and a mix of hotels,
guesthouses, a youth hostel,
pub, shops and cafes. It forms a
gateway to Ambleside and the
rest of the northern Lakes and its
Did you know?
So far in 2014/15 Kendal
Leisure Centre has been
used for 111,586
activities. In the same
period Ulverston Leisure
Centre has been used for
59,430 activities
Community power plan
A COMMUNITY ‘micro hydro’
scheme has been backed by
Members of South Lakeland
District Council’s (SLDC) Cabinet
have agreed to purchase land in
Killington needed for an energygenerating project and transfer
it at the same price to the
community trust behind the
The Killington and District
Sustainable Energy Trust (K-SET)
want to install a screw turbine
on the Broad Raine Weir on the
River Lune at Killington. Surveys
show the 50kW turbine could
generate enough power to
provide the energy needs of
around 40 homes.
Did you know?
looks today
Cabinet hits the
Council’s proposed budget is balanced for investment
Council Tax is due to be
frozen for the fifth year
THE SOUTH Lakeland District
Council draft budget proposes
a 0% Council Tax increase for
2015/16, and includes
proposals for growth projects
worth nearly £500,000,
including schemes to support
business, fund environmental
initiatives and deliver
improvements to parks and
open spaces.
The proposed budget also
protects front-line services
and key ongoing projects like
the plastics and cardboard
kerbside recycling roll-out.
The majority of car parking
fees would be frozen under
the proposals and an ‘early
bird’ offer would be trialled for
six months from 1 April in the
Westmorland Shopping Centre
car park in Kendal, that would
offer all-day parking for £2.20 to
drivers arriving between 7am
and 9am (usual all-day price is
£6). Reduced price parking
permits are also due to be
trialled in Milnthorpe.
The report to Full Council also
identifies where savings can be
made to ensure a balanced
budget for 2015/16 and looks at
ways to reduce projected
deficits in 2016/17 and 2018/19.
The council will receive £730,000
from the government’s New
Homes Bonus (NHB) for 2015/16,
an increase of nearly £380,000
on the previous year, reflecting
the council’s success in
delivering new properties,
affordable homes and reducing
empty properties in the district.
This NHB money is ring-fenced,
so that 60% goes to support
affordable housing projects and
the remaining 40% goes to
community projects, including a
£240,000 pot of cash available to
fund bids from South Lakeland
community organisations in
The biggest savings for next year
are from the council’s own back
office efficiencies and
improvements, including a new
digital innovation project to
make it easier for customers to
access council services, as well
as green energy savings and
increasing the life-span of the
council’s recycling vehicles from
seven to 10 years.
The proposed budget supports
the key aims laid out in the
authority’s blueprint Council
Plan for South Lakeland (For
details, see pages 4 and 5).
These include strengthening
environmental ambitions to be a
‘greener’ council, extending
kerbside recycling of plastics
SLDC made 4 million
waste collections between
April 2013 and March
2014 - 99.5% on the
collection day
and cardboard, further
promoting cycling and helping
the regeneration of town
centres with support for
festivals and events.
SLDC was praised by auditors
in September for providing
value for money for residents
and the robust way it manages
its finances, and Council
Leader Councillor Peter
Thornton said this draft
budget was further evidence
of the authority’s tight grip on
the way it manages public
money and prioritises its
resources within tighter
Councillor Thornton said:
“This is a prudent and well
thought-out budget and
demonstrates once again that
this council is committed to
making sound financial
decisions in the best interests
of the district and its residents.’’
THE COUNCIL’S Cabinet will be
hitting the road as it holds its
meeting on 25 March 2015 at
Staveley Village Hall.
Cabinet usually sits at Kendal
Town Hall, but the council
started an “Out and About”
initiative, where it will, from time
to time, hold Cabinet meetings
in different locations around
South Lakeland.
The meeting in Staveley will
start at 10.30am, and will be
preceded at 10am by a half hour
session during which
representatives of the local
community have been invited to
address Cabinet on local issues.
Did you know?
In 2014 we received 692
Freedom of Information
requests, an increase of
163 on the previous year.
83% were responded to
within 20 working days.
Page 4 South Lakeland News
Twitter: @SouthLakelandDC
Focus on the Council
Health and
Work with North Country
Leisure to improve health,
wellbeing and physical activity
programmes that are accessible
to all residents and visitors
Through the South Lakeland
Health and Wellbeing Forum
develop relationships with key
public health and third sector
providers to enable a more
joined-up approach to initiatives
linking good housing,
environment and economic
Work with partners to reduce
the numbers of people affected
by domestic violence, substance
misuse and antisocial behaviour
through Community Safety
Partnership work
Strengthen the district’s creative
and cultural reputation,
supporting leading cultural
organisations to secure
investment, improving
infrastructure in the district’s
towns to support South
Lakeland as a premier area for
culture, arts, events and festivals
Encourage the best use of the
distinctive environment to
attract more activities that
strengthen the district’s visitor
economy and the health and
wellbeing of residents
Work in support of a
crematorium facility in South
Enable delivery of new market
and affordable homes on
allocated housing sites,
including the creation of 1,000
new affordable homes for rent
by 2025.
Review and update
environmental standards that
help people to improve their
homes and help builders to
build environmentally
sustainable new homes.
Work to help deliver housing
needs, including barn
conversions, self-build and
green build initiatives
Plan for an ageing population
and develop policies for new
homes in small rural
Encourage a range of housing to
allow young people to stay in
the area, and to attract new
young people to the district.
Improve the quality and
condition of private sector
Reduce the number of empty
Promote the landlord
accreditation scheme to help
raise the standard of privately
rented homes.
Lobby government to challenge
high levels of second homes in
some areas of the district
Help householders with advice
about energy saving initiatives
and will work with partners to
reduce homelessness.
Council unveils
‘greenest’ plan
A BLUEPRINT for the council’s
priorities over the next four
years has been unveiled.
• Lakes International
Comic Art festival
© LakesPhotographer.co.uk
Health and
The second Lakes
International Comic Art
festival created a buzz in
Kendal town-centre last
October, with comic artists,
graphic novelists and
thousands of fans attending
from around the world.
More than 50 events took
place over three days of the
festival, which is supported
by SLDC.
“It has come on leaps and
bounds and in no short
measure due to enthusiasm
of the local businesses,
schools, colleges and
community groups.”
One of SLDC’s Council Plan
priorities is to build on the
area’s cultural reputation as a
place for nationally
recognised arts, events and
festivals, to both strengthen
the visitor economy and the
health and wellbeing of
The festival has grown since it
started in October 2013,
attracting more visitors to
South Lakeland.
Full Council has been
recommended to approve the
revised Council Plan, after it was
approved by Cabinet members
in January.
The Council Plan sets out the
authority’s vision and priorities
for South Lakeland up to 2019,
and how these will be achieved.
Proposals to strengthen
environmental ambitions to be
the ‘greenest’ council, extend
kerbside recycling of
plastics and
promote cycling and help the
regeneration of town centres
with support for festivals and
events have been earmarked as
The updated 2015 Plan also
emphasises the council’s
ongoing commitment to its
overall targets of enabling 1000
new jobs and 1000 affordable
rented homes by 2025, and how
it will continue to deliver
sustainable and cost-effective
It includes information to reflect
the progress being made
towards those targets, which
shows that by the end of quarter
three SLDC will have enabled 73
new jobs - predicted to increase
to 109 by the end of March 2015.
SLDC has also enabled 101 new
affordable homes for rent at the
end of quarter three, with the
potential to increase to 185 by
end of March 2015.
The council achieved savings of
£1.2m in 2014 and further
savings totalling £800,000 have
been identified for 2015/16, to
produce balanced budgets for
both years.
Comic Art festival organiser,
Julie Tait said: “It was an
overwhelming success and
was a development from the
first year.
Catriona Brown and her
husband Darren bought
their first home in
Kendal five years ago
with the help of the council’s
low cost home ownership
The scheme provides a
number of ways local people
can afford housing that has a
lower purchase price or rent
than available on the open
Catriona grew up in
Underbarrow, and says
without the help from SLDC
would not have been able to
afford to buy a house in her
home town.
Catriona said: “Our monthly
mortgage payment is less
what we
were paying
in monthly rent
and it’s our own place.’’
Thanks to the help from SLDC
Catriona and Darren are now
hoping to move up the housing
ladder to a bigger house, now
that their family has grown with
the arrival of twins, Reuben and
A key Council Plan priority is to
enable the creation of 1000 new
affordable homes for rent and to
support access to affordable
housing through schemes such
as low cost home
• For more
information about
low cost home
ownership visit:
Quality of Life
Building and planning
In 2014 48% of residents responding
to an independent Quality of Life
survey said they are satisfied with
the way SLDC runs things.
In 2014 we helped create 101
affordable rented homes towards
our target of 1000 new affordable
rented homes by 2025
So far in 2014/15 SLDC helped to
create 73 new jobs towards our
target of 1000 new jobs by 2025
In 2014 we dealt with 89% of all
household planning applications
within eight weeks
(In 2013/14 we helped create 113
new jobs)
(2013/14: 82%; 2012/13: 53%)
(2012: 37%; 2010: 35%)
Facebook: www.facebook.com/southlakelanddistrictcouncil/
This represents a
12.5% reduction in the
net annual revenue
budget of £16m,
while for the fifth year
running proposing a
freeze on Council Tax.
Council Leader Thornton
(pictured) said: “We want to be
greener, fairer and more local
and these ambitions are
emphasised throughout the
“In 2015 we will be working to
strengthen our environmental
ambition to be the greenest
council, by ensuring we support
our communities and businesses
to reduce energy consumption
and move towards renewable
“These ambitions enable our
communities and our councils to
save money at the same time as
they reduce our carbon
“We will roll out kerbside
recycling of cardboard and
plastics across the whole district
and encourage people to recycle
more so the amount of nonrecyclable waste we collect is
Sam Ridding was
offered a job at the
Ginger Bakers in September
2013 when the popular
Kendal-based bakery
Sam studied catering at
college and had worked in
hotels before he started
He said: “It’s a really great job
and I get on really well with
everyone I work with.”
South Lakeland District
Council (SLDC) has supported
Ginger Bakers’ success by
helping them create a
business profile and assisting
with promotion.
Owner of Ginger Bakers, Lisa
Smith, has been able to
Page 5 South Lakeland News
“We will
cycling in
Working in
with key
across the district, we want to
help deliver safer routes to work
and school and encourage people
to take up cycling as part of their
leisure activity.
“We will support the regeneration
of our town centres by doing
more to encourage festivals and
events, which also contribute to
the wellbeing of our communities.
“We will continue to increase the
number of apprentices working at
the council. We will continue to
look for efficiencies whilst
improving customer service. By
2016 we will provide customers
with improved access to our
services 24 hours a day, seven
days a week.
“This will see an increase in the
number of services accessible to
our customers via the website,
whilst maintaining face-to-face
and telephone contact, for those
customers who need it.’’
Celia Case took
advantage of South
Lakeland District Council’s
draught-proofing scheme to
reduce her heating costs.
As much as 30% of the heat
lost from homes is due to
draughts and through its
Draught Busters Scheme,
SLDC offers a free draughtproofing service to qualifying
vulnerable and elderly
It is part of its Council Plan
commitment to support
communities to become
more energy efficient.
Mrs Case lives in a cottage in
Staveley-in-Cartmel, parts of
which date back 300 years.
Through Draught Busters Mrs
Case had draught excluders
fitted around her front and
interconnecting doors, to
help eliminate heat loss, and
is also due to have more
excluders fitted to her
Mrs Case said: "I think it is an
excellent scheme, I think it
will really make a difference
to my heating bill. I saw an
article in South Lakeland
News and I thought I should
make the most of it. A lot of
people could really benefit
from this."
• For more details about
Draught Busters, including
details of who is eligible for
help, visit:
scheme/ or call the housing
department on 01539
Extend the range of recycled
materials collected from the
Reduce carbon emissions by
reducing its energy use through
the management of land and
buildings and will encourage
others to reduce their carbon
Support communities to
become more energy efficient,
such as helping develop microrenewable energy generating
Support Cumbria County
Council and local partners on
their strategies for cycling, such
as developing safer routes to
work and school and promoting
cycle tourism
Work with local communities to
improve and manage parks and
open spaces
Promote air and water quality
and address environmental
nuisance complaints
Support our National park
partners to make the Lake
District National Park a World
Heritage Site
Continue to improve and
enhance facilities for lake users
on Windermere
• Celia Case,
• Ginger Bakers
expand the business thanks to
funding from one of SLDC’s key
partners, Cumbria Local
Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
Lisa said: “We are planning to
take on someone else in the next
few months too. We have had a
grant from LEP Rural Growth
Fund for equipment and this will
enable further expansion and
further employment.”
A key Council Plan commitment
is to enable jobs and business
growth in accordance with the
Cumbria Strategic Economic
Plan, working in partnership
with the LEP and local
Support and advice for growing
businesses like Ginger Bakers is
just one way SLDC is creating
economic growth and
Health and Wellbeing
April 2013 to March 2014 SLDC
reduced its operational carbon
footprint to 3,300 CO2e Kg
(Exceeds target that by March 2019
council will reduce its carbon
footprint to 3,610 CO2e Kg)
In 2013/14 we reduced the average
amount of grey bin household
waste collected per household by
40Kg, from 510Kg to 470Kg
43% of household waste collected
by SLDC was sent for reuse,
recycling and composting in
During the period July to
September 2014 the total
membership of leisure centres in the
district has increased by 27 from
1,151 to 1,178
(National average is 43%)
Support the development of
higher paid jobs in South
Lakeland by enabling growth
and working in partnership with
Cumbria Local Enterprise
Partnership and local businesses
Help to deliver new
employment sites and promote
inward investment into the
Plan for future major
infrastructure needs to support
growth in Kendal and Ulverston
Work with local traders and
town and parish councils to set
out the vision for our towns over
the next 10 years to help secure
their future
Address issues of empty shops
and empty properties above
Continue with the strategic
review of SLDC-controlled car
parks, to increase the economic
benefits in the towns across the
Investigate options for a coach
parking facility in Kendal
Page 6 South Lakeland News
Twitter: @SouthLakelandDC
Election information
If you work away during the week,
have difficulty getting to your
polling station or are going on
holiday at the time of the election,
you may be able to apply for a
postal or proxy vote.
Did you know?
So far in 2014/15 SLDC has
investigated 292 cases of
fly-tipping in the district.
Festival boosts economy
THE 2014 Kendal Mountain
Festival helped give the local
economy a £2m boost.
The festival in November –
which is part-funded by SLDC brought together experts and
enthusiasts for a weekend of
films, talks and workshops.In
excess of 11,000 festival-goers
headed to Kendal, with
associated spending worth
around £2 million to the local
Sedbergh’s vital new hub
A ‘VITAL’ new hub that will act
as a focal point for business in
Sedbergh and the surrounding
rural district has been launched.
Sedbergh Business Hub was
declared open in November.
The former butcher’s shop had
been vacant for more than 20
years and in a state of disrepair.
Investment from the owner,
with funding support from the
Rural Growth Network
programme, South Lakeland
District Council (SLDC) and the
Yorkshire Dales National Park
(YDNP) has enabled the project
to come to fruition.
New TIC operator
A TOURIST information centre
has been given a new lease of
life after it was taken over by a
well-known company.
Mountain Goat Tours and
Holidays has been awarded the
lease for the TIC building in
Windermere by SLDC.
The centre had faced an
uncertain future after the
previous operators indicated
their intention to surrender the
lease on the building, which is
owned by SLDC.
The council agreed to run
another ‘expression of interest’
process to find a new occupier
that would also provide a TIC
Museum future secured
THE FUTURE of Kendal Museum
has been secured thanks to a
decision taken by councillors.
SLDC’s Cabinet has agreed to
surrender its historic ‘user rights’
on the museum building in
Station Road so that the
museum’s operators, Kendal
College, and owners can press
ahead with plans to upgrade
the attraction, including
developing it as a ‘teaching
The closing dates for applying for
a postal or proxy vote are:
The General
Election is
Are you registered to
vote, and can you have
your say at the next
General Election, which
will be held on
Thursday 7 May 2015?
Local elections will also be
held that day.
You can only vote if your
name is included in the
Register of Electors.
Following the introduction
of Individual Electoral
Registration (IER) last year, a
number of people may still
not be registered.
Letters were sent to every
residential property in South
Lakeland at the end of
January listing the names of
people who were registered
to vote at that time.
If you haven’t checked your
letter – do so now.
If someone isn’t listed they
are not registered - but all
they have to do is go to:
www.gov.uk/register-tovote to register. It’s quick
and easy.
You need to provide your
date of birth and National
Insurance Number (NINO) to
If you are unable to access a
computer, call the Electoral
Services team who can
register you online or post a
form to you.
Don’t leave it too late to
register. Your details must
be verified first which can
take 1-2 days - longer if there
are any problems.
The closing date for
registration applications is
Monday 20 April 2015, but
make sure you register well
before this date.
Remember – you need to be
registered under IER before
you can have a postal or
proxy vote.
5pm on Tuesday 21 April - for
new postal vote applications or
changes to an existing postal or
proxy vote
5pm on Tuesday 28 April - for
new proxy vote applications.
More details about postal or proxy
votes are available on our website:
SLDC wards with
scheduled elections this
year are:
Ambleside & Grasmere
Arnside & Beetham
Burton & Holme
Cartmel & Grange West
Grange North
Grange South
Low Furness
Mid Furness
Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale
Windermere Applethwaite &
Windermere Bowness North
Windermere Bowness South
Windermere Town
The parish and town
councils with
scheduled elections
this year are:
Mansriggs & Osmotherley
Hutton Roof
Kirkby Ireleth
Kirkby Lonsdale
Lower Allithwaite
Lower Holker
New Hutton
Old Hutton & Holmescales
Preston Patrick
Skelsmergh & Scalthwaiterigg
Underbarrow & Bradleyfield
Urswick, Bardsea & Stainton
Please remember that polling
stations can change.
Voters in the Ulverston East
Ward (Ulverston East Polling
District (UE)), which only has
the General Election this year,
have a new polling station
which is the Children’s Centre
on Lund Terrace, Ulverston.
Voters in the Upper Holker
Ward of Lower Allithwaite
Parish (Upper Holker Polling
District (DJ)) will be able to
vote once again at Cartmel
Village Hall. These voters will
also be able to vote in District
and Parish Council elections
this year.
Make sure you read your poll
card carefully as it will tell you
where to go to vote. Don’t just
assume that your polling
station is the same as last time,
as there may be other changes
before polling day.
For further information,
please contact SLDC
Electoral Services by calling
01539 733333 or email:
Interested in being a District or Parish Councillor?
There is a formal process to follow with the deadline for submission of nomination papers being 4pm
on 9 April. More information is available on SLDC’s website: www.southlakeland.gov.uk
Young people are being urged to grab a
slice of this May’s election action by
making sure they are registered to vote.
To support National Voter
Registration Day, SLDC and
social enterprise organisation
Inspira visited secondary
schools and Kendal College to
inform and promote the
importance of students
registering to vote and to
increase the number of 18- 24
year-olds registered.
In this column, Shannon
Twiddy, a member of the
Lakeland Youth Council, gives
a personal account of the
importance of young people
using their vote.
Why am I voting in the
General Election?
By voting in the May general
election, the younger
generation finally get a chance
to have their voices heard and
get involved in issues that are
going to affect their future.
It is important for me to vote,
as many of the big parties
have policies that involve
issues such as university fees,
education funding and living
and minimum wage - things
that are vital for me as I
progress into adulthood and will
directly improve the quality of
Voting is stereotypically done by
the older generation within the
UK, and many young people feel
that politicians favour older
people in comparison to
younger. By changing this,
voting and increasing the
statistics around young people,
the politicians are more likely to
see the increase and make
policies that will benefit us as
young adults.
With us being the upcoming
generation, these policies are
going to affect us more than
they will affect anyone else.
Voting isn’t a difficult task. Once
you’ve registered, it’s simple and,
in my opinion, it is my and the
other young peoples’ duty to do
If you vote in local elections you
get to influence issues in your
local area. If you don’t vote, then
you don’t really have the right to
complain on what the outcome
is - therefore I will be voting and
having my voice heard.
• Shannon
Facebook: www.facebook.com/southlakelanddistrictcouncil/
Page 7 South Lakeland News
Dementia friendly
Leisure centres
LOW Furness and Ulverston
Local Area Partnership (LAP) is
working to make its area
dementia friendly.
ride to improvement
NORTH Country Leisure
(NCL) is continuing to
improve facilities at the
district’s leisure centres.
A key development has been
the introduction of new
indoor ‘Cyclone’ cycling
An indoor cycling studio has
been created at Kendal Leisure
Centre to accommodate the
popular sessions, which focus
on building strength and
Cyclists can explore hundreds
of miles of scenic routes
without ever leaving the
studio, watching ‘virtual’
routes played on a big screen
in the studio to motivate them
to work harder and pedal
Ulverston Tennis Centre, next
to Ulverston Leisure Centre,
also has regular Cyclone
The LAP has already produced a
leaflet “Dementia: The Facts” and
held an advice day for members
of the public giving them the
opportunity to speak directly to
dementia health professionals.
The bikes used in the
sessions enable
cyclists to control their
own intensity, wheel
resistance and riding
position to suit the
workout. This allows
beginners and more
experienced riders to
take part in the same
The next stage of the campaign
is a training session for Ulverston
businesses on 18 March
highlighting what they can do to
make their premises dementia
SLDC’s portfolio holder
for Health and
Wellbeing, Councillor Graham
Vincent, said: “The
developments at the leisure
centres support our council plan
commitment to improve health,
wellbeing and physical activity
programmes that are accessible
to all our residents and visitors.”
The gym at Ulverston Leisure
Centre has almost doubled in
size with 36 pieces of equipment.
The Cyclone classes are not the
only new developments at
Kendal and Ulverston Leisure
Centres. New fitness gyms have
been opened at both centres,
with state-of-the-art gym
A multi-purpose studio has been
created at Kendal Leisure Centre
with a new fitness class
Last October, the swimming
pool changing rooms at
Kendal were refurbished to
include an additional group
changing facility to allow more
group swimming sessions to
take place at the same time as
public swimming.
A new fitness class programme
has been introduced at a
number of venues in Ulverston.
The alternative venues have
enabled NCL to increase the size
of the classes.
NCL has further developments
planned to improve South
Lakeland leisure facilities, with
work due to begin in March on
an outdoor 3G multi-sports
pitch at Ulverston.
• Cyclone Session at Kendal Leisure Centre
Council backs World Heritage Site bid
The council is backing a
campaign to see the Lake
District recognised as a World
Heritage Site (WHS).
Such status would place the
Lake District alongside
destinations like the Taj Mahal,
Tower of London and Great
Barrier Reef in its worldwide
Sites are designated by the
United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural
Organisation (UNESCO) that
have a cultural and natural
international significance and
are important to future
SLDC is a member of the Lake
District National Park
Partnership, comprising 26 local
and national organisations,
which is behind the bid.
WHS status would raise the Lake
District’s international profile,
boost tourism - particularly
cultural tourism, improve the
area’s ability to secure funding
and investment, improve the
sustainability of upland farming,
and promote the area as a
world-class place to do business.
A report to councillors states
WHS status would not only
For details of this free training
session contact Emilie Thornley,
gov.uk, telephone 01539
Business growth support
AN EVENT was organised to
help business owners learn how
education providers can help
them to grow.
SLDC’s economic development
team hosted the ‘business skills
for growth – higher education
special’ at Cartmel Racecourse.
Delegates heard from speakers
from Lancaster University,
Kendal College, Furness College,
University of Central Lancashire,
and University of Cumbria.
Development brief
affect the Lake District
National Park – which is the
area covered by the bid – but
would also benefit the longterm economic prospects for
the whole of South Lakeland.
The bid is due to be submitted
to UNESCO by January 2016,
with a decision expected by
May 2017.
A DETAILED development brief
setting out planning guidance
on the development of land for
housing at Swarthmoor, near
Ulverston, has been approved
by councillors.
The adoption of the
development brief for the Crossa-Moor site follows two separate
six-week consultations, during
which residents were invited to
have their say on the design and
layout requirements for any
development on the site.
The council is one of the first in
the North West to have
completed a Local Plan which
allocates sites to meet the
district’s need for housing or
business developments. The
Local Plan supports the key
council plan commitment to
deliver 1000 new higher paid
jobs and 1000 new affordable
homes for rent by 2025.
Did you know?
From April 2013 to March
2014 a total of 1,087 food
premises inspections
were carried out by SLDC.
Page 8 South Lakeland News
Praise for council’s
‘A-board’ code Of
• From left to right: John
Wilkinson, Paul Iley and
Malcom Corbett from the Vital
campaign group.
A group campaigning on issues
affecting people with impaired
vision has praised a code of
conduct to help manage the
use of ‘A-boards’ in Kendal town
SLDC and traders worked
together to develop the code of
conduct, which seeks to ensure
A-boards outside shops and
businesses don’t cause
obstructions and don’t have a
negative visual impact on the
town centre street
The code was drawn up in
response to concerns raised
about unauthorised A-boards
and health and safety concerns
that they could be a hazard to
highway users, particularly
people with sight problems.
The code was trialled for a year
and was then formally adopted
by the council in March 2014.
A group of visually impaired
campaigners who are part of
the Vital Group, supported by
Sight Advice in Kendal, have
praised the scheme.
John Wilkinson from Vital said:
“A substantial improvement has
taken place over the past year
in relation to the placement of
“We would like to thank the
Chamber of Commerce, retailers
and South Lakeland District
Council for the successful
implementation of their code.
Page 9 South Lakeland News
Your guide to
Saturday 25 April –
Monday 4 May
What’s On
Ulverston Walk Fest
Ulverston Walk Fest has a full
programme to cater for all
walking abilities with over 30
walks on offer over the 10
day festival. Many walks have
a theme; local history,
sketching, mapreading,
wildlife and conservation
and all are led by
experienced walk leaders.
There is something for all the
family with Coniston Old
Man and Goats Water, Bat
Walk and Advanced Map
Reading walks.
Wednesday 4 March 2015
Orchids of Cumbria
Plumgarths, Kendal
Peter Bullard, Cumbria
Wildlife Trust Director, will talk
about the wonderful variety
of orchids which can be
found in various habitats in
the county.
Saturday 7 March 2015
Lakeland Sinfonia
Kendal Leisure Centre
Two great friends of the
Lakeland Sinfonia are
welcomed back in its 40th
year. Wyn Davies will conduct
and Martino Tirimo will play
Chopin's PianoComnceto
No.2. Rossini's Overture
"L'Italiana in Algeri" starts the
evening, Ravel's "Ravane our
une infante defunte" and
Beethoven's Symphony No.4
end an excellent concert.
Saturday 7 March 2015
World Book Day
The World of Beatrix Potter
Attraction, Bowness-onWindermere
To continue the celebrations
from World Book Day World
of Beatrix Potter Attraction is
offering free entry to all
accompanied children
dressed as their favourite
Saturday 7 March 2015 –
Sunday 8 March 2015
“It is a great help to people with
sight loss to have less clutter on
pavements, but it is also a great
help to people in wheelchairs,
people on mobility scooters
and mums and dads with
Kendal Festival of Food
The code aims to ‘ensure free
pedestrian passage along
pavements and footways for all
users’ and ‘to avoid a negative
impact on the visual street
Mary Wakefield Westmorland
Festival is one of the longestestablished competitive
music festivals in Britain. The
week-long festival includes
Kendal Town Centre
See inset.
Saturday 14 March –
Saturday 21 March
Mary Wakefield
Westmorland Festival
in South Lakeland
There is something for everyone in South Lakeland to enjoy this spring, from food and music festivals to days out at the races.
Whether you are heading to one of our attractive town centres, picturesque villages or beautiful lakes, they will be out in bloom.
You can take your pick from a range of activities and events to make Easter break jam-packed.
rock, pop and jazz fun day,
Westmorland Orchestra Concert
and showcase concert.
refreshments served on both
days, always plenty of daffodils.
Sunday 22 March – Saturday
28 March
Low Farm, Lyth Valley
A celebration to herald the
arrival of spring in Westmorland
and the damson blossom. The
fair will be packed with crafts,
entertainment and
South Cumbria Musical
Coronation Hall, Ulverston
The South Cumbria Musical
Festival is a competitive event
for all aspects of performing
arts, with a varied selection of
music and speech classes.
Monday 11 May – Sunday 17
Freerange Comedy Festival
Saturday 11 April
Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal
See inset.
Damson Day Country Fair
Sunday 17 May
Brathay Windermere
The Brathay Windermere
Marathon and Family Fun Day
provides an opportunity for
visitors to enjoy the picturesque
Brathay Hall Estate in Ambleside.
Sunday 15 March 2015
Mother’s Day
The World Of Beatrix Potter
Attraction, Bowness-onWindermere
All Mums go free into The World
of Beatrix Potter attraction on
Mother’s Day and because we all
love them so much, every child
can plant a sunflower or
nasturtium in a pot to take
home for mum.
Saturday 21 of March 2015
World Poetry Day
The Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere
Celebrate World Poetry Day
2015 with poetry readings and
activities for all ages.
Saturday 21 March 2015
Coniston 14 Road Race
John Ruskin School, Coniston
Road Race around Coniston
Water organised by local
volunteers. All proceeds to local
Saturday 21 March 2015 Sunday 22 March 2015
Ambleside Spring Flower
Kelsick Centre, Ambleside
Spring flower show with classes
for handicrafts, floral art,
children's classes, cookery,
photographs, pot plants,
Saturday 25 April – Monday 4
Ulverston Walk Fest
See inset.
Saturday 25 April – Monday 4
Ulverston Flag Fortnight
Ulverston will be filled with
colour as hundreds of flags will
fill the town, with many
businesses, shops, homes and
public buildings getting
involved. There will be a mix of
old flags that have been restored
and carefully looked after and
new flags purposely created to
reflect the place it represents.
Saturday 2 May – Sunday 3
Coronation Hall, Ulverston
Printfest is an artist led
printmaking festival showcasing
exhibits of contemporary prints
and is the only print festival in
Northern Britain. It offers the
opportunity to view and
purchase art works, meet the
artists and find out more about
Saturday 7 March –
Sunday 8 March
Kendal Festival of
For two days Kendal will play host
to a festival that celebrates all
things food and drink. It is a chance
for all food lovers to experience
some of the best food the region
has to offer, from artisans and
producers to world class chefs and
new talent.
The packed line-up for this year's
festival has something to indulge
everyone's tastes buds with a full
timetable of demonstrations, talks
and tutored tasting.
Talks include a cheat’s guide to
tempering chocolate, a journey
through cheese and a ‘Celebration
of the Cumberland sausage’.
Kendal will be filled with more than
95 artisan and producer stalls with
tastings, tips and entertainment.
There will be something to tempt
everyone with stalls including New
Leaf Tea Tasters, North Chocolates,
Staff of Life Bakery and Cartmel
One of the highlights of this year's
festival is a special
evening with acclaimed
restaurant critic and
journalist Jay Rayner at
the Brewery Arts Centre.
This year the festival will
launch a new venue; the
Drink Yard, hosted by
Wainwrights Yard. Festival
goers will be offered the
chance to shop from
some of the region’s
celebrated drink
producers, and join the
fun in the drinks talks and
tastings theatre.
For more information
about the festival visit:
Freerange Comedy Festival
Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal
The Freerange Comedy
Festival plays host to
comedians, sketch shows and
comedy theatre performing at
the Brewery Arts Centre and
other venues around the
South Lakeland. Past locations
have included mountain tops.
The first few acts announced
at this year’s Freerange
Comedy Festival include:
Shappi Khorsandi (pictured),
Katherine Ryan, Lucy
Beaumont, Paul Foot and Rich
filled marquees, inspiring show
gardens, live garden theatre and
rare and unusual plants; green
fingered visitors will be spoilt for
Saturday 30 May – Sunday 31
Country Fest
Saturday 23 May – Sunday 24
County Showfield, Crooklands
A celebration of food and
countryside, there will be
entertainment and activities on
offer, cookery demonstrations,
agricultural displays and stalls
filled with information and tasty
Taste Cumbria Ulverston Food
Friday 12 June – Saturday 20
Over the course of the weekend,
Ulverston’s town centre will be
transformed by a producers’
market selling the best food and
drink Cumbria has to offer.
Renowned local chefs will run
informal demonstrations and
master classes. There will be a
wide selection of family
entertainment and activities.
Monday 25 May and
Wednesday 27 May
Cartmel Races
Cartmel Racecourse
See inset.
Friday 29 May – Sunday 31
Holker Garden Festival
Holker Hall, Cark in Cartmel
Bursting with magnificent
horticultural displays, fragrance
Check out: www.exploresouthlakeland.co.uk for the most up to date details
Pulling together
for festive
fortnight success
Monday 11 May – Sunday
17 May
• Shoppers enjoying the Germanstyle Christmas market in
Kendal in December
bringing the world's best
musicians to Furness and
Cumbria. The festival was
founded in 2004 by concert
pianist Anthony Hewitt. Since
the festival started it has
grown in size, now with over
20 events taking place over
nine days.
International Music Festival
The Ulverston International
Music Festival presents classical
and jazz artists of international
renown through a programme
of concerts and Outreach work,
Monday 25 May and Wednesday 27 May
Cartmel Races
Cartmel Racecourse
Enjoy a day out at the award-winning Cartmel racecourse. The
two days will be action packed with races and if the horses
aren’t exciting enough there will be a funfair, a great range of
trade stands and food outlets to keep everyone entertained.
A festive fortnight of Christmas
events has been hailed a
South Lakeland District Council
organised a programme of
festive-themed events and
attractions in Kendal in the two
weeks leading up to Christmas.
The centre-piece was a four-day
German-style Christmas market
- complete with 16 wooden
chalets – which was inspired by
Kendal’s twin town Rinteln,
which has its popular Christmas
markets every year.
Other events included a 22-stall
Made in Cumbria Christmas
market, the usual street markets
and a 28-stall farmers’ market.
Additional attractions included
an ice rink, street entertainers,
brass bands, a special guest
appearance from a Disney
approved Elsa from ‘Frozen’
character and children from
local schools putting on
performances in Market Place.
The programme was delivered
in partnership with Kendal
Business Improvement District
(BID), with financial support
from Kendal Town Council, to
help stimulate the town centre
Kendal BID funded a free parkand-ride service from K Village
into the town centre during
December and teamed-up with
SLDC to offer some great deals
on car parking, with free
parking on all SLDC operated
pay-and-display car parks in
Kendal on Sundays in
SLDC Portfolio holder for Town
Centres and Small Business,
Councillor Giles Archibald, said:
“This was a pilot year for a
Kendal Festive Fortnight and
the initial feedback has been
very positive.
“The vast majority of
shopkeepers in Market Place
thought it was a good event
and brought people in to the
town centre.
“It has been a positive example
of partnership working, with
SLDC, the Town Council, Kendal
BID, and the town’s traders all
pulling together to do
something different and
positive to support the local
Page 10 South Lakeland News
Twitter: @SouthLakelandDC
Spotlight on Hawkshead
• Head teacher of Hawkshead Esthwaite
County Primary School Joyce Hallam
Working together to
put the honey back
in Hawkshead’s pot
HAWKSHEAD has a name that is
almost as famous as the Lake
District itself.
Mention it to most people and
they will immediately have
visions of a quaint village in a
rural idyll. This is a place where
William Wordsworth went to
school and Beatrix Potter lived
just down the road, a place
abounded by the beauty of
Windermere and the fun of
Grizedale Forest.
"This really is a cracking place to
be," says Cllr David Fletcher, who
has lived in the area since he
was a boy.
As well as the attractions of its
history and landscape, the
village has a large number of
active community and sports
groups, including the thriving
Esthwaite Vale FC.
"I couldn't ask to live in a nicer
place," says Joanne Hodgson, a
native of the village who moved
back from Liverpool a few years
• Hawkshead village centre
"Once I had my little boy I just
knew I wanted to move back
here, the school is amazing," says
Joanne, who works at the
pharmacy on Main Street.
At Hawkshead Esthwaite Primary
School headteacher Joyce
Hallam says involving the 60
pupils in community activities is
one of the underlying themes of
school life.
"We are involved in the church
and Christmas fairs and the Rose
Queen Gala," she says.
"We work with businesses in the
village and we work with the
church to support the older
people, as well as groups like
Cumbria Wildlife, the National
Trust and Windermere
She hopes the school's next
community project will be to
design a sign for the recently
revamped entrance to the
village's recreation ground.
"The school needs to be part of
the community and we would
love to support anything that
• Joanne Hodgson (left) and Carol Aughpin
at Collins and Butterworth Pharmacy
will help revitalise the village
because there is a need for a
significant amount of funding to
give it a facelift," she says.
For as much as the people of
Hawkshead love their village,
they are still fighting to try and
make it even better.
Hawkshead's charms have made
it one of the traditional 'honey
pot' sites of the Lakes, attracting
up to 340,000 visitors each year.
However, residents say it hasn’t
been immune to the effects of
the recession.
For the first time since Cllr
Fletcher moved to the area aged
eight there are shops standing
empty in the village square. "We
have just never had empty
shops here before," he says.
For the last four years the
village's business forum has
been working to try and boost
commerce in the town. This has
included organising events like
the Christmas fair to attract extra
people into the village.
• Traditional lakeland houses
Chief among people's concerns
are public realm areas, where
cobbles are sticking up and
exposed. A special group
formed by local people has
worked with South Lakeland
District Council to formulate
plans for improvements to the
village squares and the main
entry points to the town.
At the Croft Caravan and
Campsite manager Charlotte
Wood has invested in 11
wooden lodges, which are open
all year round.
"We are certainly very, very busy
with the lodges, which is good
because it brings people in who
spend money in the village," she
says. "Hawkshead is a beautiful
place and it has a lot to offer but
at the moment we are being let
down by our public areas."
Edward Johnson, landlord of the
Kings’ Arms, says there is only so
much local people can do to
help themselves. "It really has
been a honeypot, but at the
moment it isn't," he says.
• Cllr David Fletcher (left) and
Edward Johnson, landlord of
Kings’ Arms Hotel
"No-one wants to whinge and
we do a lot ourselves, but it is
starting to show the signs of a
place that needs a leg up."
For now Cllr Fletcher says the
village will continue looking into
how to fund improvements to its
public areas, which it is
estimated could cost as much as
£900,000. "It's quite an
ambitious project, but that's
Hawkshead for you, people are
very proactive," he says.
Contact your
Cllr David Fletcher
Tel: 01229 860234
Facebook: www.facebook.com/southlakelanddistrictcouncil/
Page 11 South Lakeland News
Cardboard and plastic kerbside collections rolled-out to 14,000 homes
The council has introduced the
new collections to more than
14,000 households in the Kendal
area, the first phase of an
expansion that will eventually
take in the whole district.
RESIDENTS in South Lakeland are benefiting from
new plastic and cardboard kerbside recycling
collections that started in January.
Recycling case study
Residents are using a new blue
recycling bag for collecting
plastic bottles, pots, tubs and
trays; as well as cans, while one
of the existing blue boxes is
being used for cardboard and
paper, with the other continuing
to be used for glass.
Jill Knowles is one of many Kendal residents enjoying using the
new kerbside plastic and cardboard recycling.
Before the plastic and cardboard kerbside collections started
for 14,000 homes in January, Jill used to take her plastic and
card to recycling banks, but now says it’s even easier to recycle
thanks to the new service.
Jill, who lives on Sandylands,
said: “I think recycling is very
good, it really reduces the
amount of house hold waste
that goes into your domestic
waste bin.
It is estimated that in the first
month of the new collections an
additional five tonnes of plastic
and an additional five tonnes of
cardboard has been collected
thanks to the kerbside service.
Five tonnes of plastic equates to
approximately 200,000 plastic
milk cartons.
“Our grey bin is never full any
more when it is collected
every two weeks.”
Since the new blue recycling
bags have been delivered,
Jill’s daughter and
grandchildren have also been
bitten by the recycling bug.
Following the successful roll-out
of the enhanced kerbside
recycling services, the next stage
is to expand the service to other
areas before the end of the year.
The exact locations have not
been identified as yet, but work
is ongoing to determine which
round locations could be
accommodated with the
specialist vehicles that are
required to undertake the
The authority’s Council Plan
target is to recycle 50% of waste
collected in the district.
Currently it is achieving a 43%
recycling rate.
South Lakeland District
Councillor, Sue Sanderson,
Portfolio Holder for
Environment and People,
said: “The first phase of the
plastic and cardboard
kerbside collections has gone
well and we are working
towards introducing these
collections across the whole
“By extending the range of
items that we collect
through kerbside recycling it
helps the environment,
reduces the amount of
residual waste we have to
deal with, creates income and
also helps us to meet our
recycling targets.’’
Visit: www.southlakeland.gov.uk/bins-and-recycling for more information
about kerbside recycling, as well as video guides about which container to use
for which recycling materials and what happens to your plastic after collection.
Jill said: “My daughter has
just started to use the blue
bag and has become
recycling manic, recycling
everything she can.”
Follow SLDC on Twitter @SouthLakelandDC or ‘like’ the Facebook page at
facebook.com/southlakelanddistrictcouncil for updates, reminders and details
about recycling and waste collections.
A day in the life of.....a council street sweeper
John’s sweeping up in the street clean stakes
WHILE most of us are still
tucked up in bed, the
work to keep our streets
clean and litter free is
just beginning.
And for South Lakeland District
Council Sweeper Operative John
Rodway that means lots of early
A typical working day for
62-year-old John starts at
6:30am, with the regular vehicle
checks at Ecclerigg Depot before
he can take his trusty Citymaster
2000 Hako sweeper out on his
daily route around the streets of
Windermere and Bowness.
• Sweeper Operative John
Rodway using his trusty
Citymaster 2000 Hako sweeper
It is while the town centres are
quiet, in the early hours of the
morning, that the council’s
street care teams set about their
duties, so that by the time most
people are arriving for work the
streets are swept and pristine
ready for the day ahead.
John’s only company while he is
out in the sweeper is the
bleeping of the on-board
computer and a bit of music on
the CD player, and frequently
the only people he sees are the
early-bird shop keepers opening
John said: “You get to know the
shop keepers on your route; I
have a good rapport with them.
If their blinds are down, they lift
them up so I can sweep in front
of the shops.
“We clean the town centres in
the early morning and then
residential areas once everyone
has left for the day.”
John and his colleagues are also
willing to go that extra mile for
the community, and in recent
years have been making special
trips to ensure that the areas
around war memorials are given
extra attention in the run up to
Remembrance Day.
In John’s case that means he
makes a detour from his regular
route to make sure the area
around the memorial in Staveley
is clear of all litter and leaves in
readiness for the
Once John has completed his
early morning sweeping
schedule, around 9am, he heads
back to the depot to empty and
clean the machine before
tackling either one of the weekly
or monthly scheduled areas.
John explained the most
rewarding aspect of the job,
saying: “I like seeing a whole
street completely clean, even
if it’s just for half-an-hour. You
get a kick out of seeing a job
well done.
“Now and then I get someone
who stops me to say what a
good job we are doing. But
most people don’t realise the
work we do as we tend to
cleaning in areas when people
aren’t there.’’
The work the council’s
sweeper operatives do every
day contribute towards the
SLDC Council Plan
commitment to ensure that
the district’s high quality
environment is enhanced and
makes a positive contribution
to its residents’ quality of life.
Page 12 South Lakeland News
Did you know?
In 2013/14 SLDC
supported community
organisations awarding a
total of £298,750 in
Settlebeck Healthier Menu
A SECONDARY school in
Sedbergh has received an award
for its healthy menu.
SLDC invited all secondary
schools to take part in Healthier
Menus for Schools Award that is
being run in collaboration with
Cumbria County Council. The
aim of the scheme is to
encourage children to make
healthier and more informed
food choices, picking more fruit
and vegetables and less
saturated fats, sugars and salts.
In December Settlebeck in
Sedbergh became the second
school to in the district to get
the award. Cartmel Priory was
the first school in South
Lakeland to meet all
the criteria.
Twitter: @SouthLakelandDC
Forum praise for council’s business support
BUSINESS leaders
praised South
Lakeland District
Council at a
prestigious forum.
The support that SLDC and its
Invest in South Lakeland
economic development team
offers to businesses was
highlighted by a number of
organisations at The Times’
Forum, which was held at the
new science and engineering
hub at Kendal College in
The event was organised by
the national newspaper in
collaboration with the Invest
in South Lakeland team.
The forum discussions formed
the basis of a special feature in
the northern edition of The
Times’ Business Insight
magazine in December. The
feature also included profiles of
key South Lakeland businesses
and interviews with senior
councillors driving the council’s
economic development
The newspaper has a readership
of more than 300,000, including
many key decision-makers in the
business community.
Maria Whitehead, owner of
Hawkshead Relish, told the
forum: “SLDC is pro-active with
its support for business, if you
have a business proposal they
are not about knocking people
down, but about encouraging
Adrian Rawlinson, of Marl
International, also praised SLDC
for doing a ‘fantastic job’, and
Martyn Nicholson, Managing
Director of Russell Armer Homes,
congratulated the council on its
land allocations policy to
encourage business growth and
job creation, saying: “Praise is
due to councillors for getting
behind the allocation of land.
This will give opportunities for
development and will
encourage employment.”
Topics discussed during the
forum included the need for
faster broadband, technical
training for young people, the
need for affordable housing,
South Lakeland as a ‘brand’
and the importance of
international events.
SLDC leader Councillor Peter
Thornton said: “It was
wonderful to hear such
positive views from local
businesses. South Lakeland is
a wonderful place to do
business and it is great to hear
so many businesses talking
about expanding.
“It was an excellent event and
to hold the forum at Kendal
College in its new engineering
facility was the icing on the
Did you know?
505,747 car park
tickets were purchased
across the district from
July 2014 till September
• The first panellists at
The Times Forum
• Delegates listening to panellists at The Times Forum at
Kendal College
• Some of second panellists at Times
forum at Kendal College
Facebook: www.facebook.com/southlakelanddistrictcouncil/
Page 13 South Lakeland News
How are people appointed to the
council’s Independent
Remuneration Panel?
IN the second of his articles about the work
of SLDC’s Independent Remuneration Panel
(IRP), chairman David Holden (pictured)
explains how members are appointed to
the panel, which determines how much
councillors are paid in allowances.
Moving Holocaust commemorations
A CANDLE was lit in South Lakeland to mark Holocaust Memorial
in Kendal
Day as part of a national initiative to commemorate the 70th
anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Kendal was chosen to host
the lighting of one of 70
candles specially designed by
world-renowned artist Sir
Anish Kapoor as part of the
Concentration camp survivor
Joe Berger lit the candle on
26 January as part of a
concert in Kendal Town Hall
to honour survivors of the
Holocaust and subsequent
The event in Kendal was
chosen to be part of the
candle-lighting from
hundreds of applications sent to
the Holocaust Memorial Day
Trust, the charity responsible for
marking Holocaust Memorial
Day in the UK.
As part of the South Lakeland
commemorations there was also
a short ceremony at The
Birdcage in Kendal, at mid-day
followed by the free afternoon
public concert performed in the
town hall by international
concert pianist Anthony Hewitt,
against a backdrop of projected
films from the archive of the
Lake District Holocaust Project.
The Birdcage was
adorned with artwork
produced by students at
the Lakes School, and
Lakes School student
Keelan Hardy read out a
poem he composed for
the event, while a
member of the Lancaster
and Lakes Jewish
community recited the
writer and Holocaust
All the events on 26 January
were organised by South
Lakeland District Council and
its Chairman Evelyn
Westwood, working together
with the Lake District
Holocaust Project.
South Lakeland has a direct
link to Holocaust survivors
after 300 Jewish children from
concentration camps came to
Windermere directly from the
Theresienstadt camp in
Eastern Europe after it was
liberated in 1945.
Joe Berger was in
Theresienstadt from 1942
until liberation in 1945, when,
aged 12, he came to the Lake
District as one of the children
evacuated to Britain under
the ‘Kindertransport’ project.
He was accompanied at the
ceremony by fellow
concentration camp survivor
and evacuee Gerda Rothberg.
The concert at Kendal
Town Hall included music
composed by musicians
from the Theresienstadt
concentration camp , and
was preceded by the
lighting of the special
candle by Joe Berger and
an introduction by Susan
Stein, a New York-based
Councillor Westwood, said:
“This was a very special event
for South Lakeland.
“I hope people will learn from
the Holocaust and other
genocides and that this will
strengthen bonds of respect
and enable us to pledge to
take a step, to create a safer,
better future.’’
You may ask who are these people who sit on
the panel, and how do they become
members of the panel?
The panel consists of five people who had, at the time
of their appointment, been resident in the SLDC district. They must
have an understanding of local government and broader community
issues, have the ability to act impartially, consider evidence with an
open mind and debate issues with other panel members with a view
to reaching a decision.
Further, the selection criteria provides for prospective members not
being a member of any political party or be politically active to the
extent that a reasonable person would conclude that this activity
would influence the member’s judgement.
The panel member must also not be employed by SLDC or any district
or county council or several other public bodies.
It is essential that members have the knowledge, skills and
experience to read and access information and identify key points
and issues, ask questions in order to obtain information and open up
discussion, analyse information and use it to form opinions and
conclusions as part of a team. It is desirable, among other things, to
have an understanding of the roles of councillors and the regulations
and guidance which applies to members. Finally, of paramount
importance, the panel must be seen to be working independently of
the council.
The five members of the panel are currently Michael Duff, a former
senior manager in high tech and communications companies;
Andrew Hampshire, a retired area bank manager; David Holden, a
retired solicitor formerly in private practice; Suzanne Pender, a project
manager and Janice Wilson, a qualified Blue Badge tourist guide for
Andrew Hampshire, David Holden and Janice Wilson’s appointments
expire on 1 July 2015, when David Holden and Janice Wilson will be
eligible for reappointment, but Andrew Hampshire will not because
he no longer lives in South Lakeland district. Michael Duff and
Suzanne Pender’s appointments expire on 31 July 2016, when they
will both be eligible for reappointment.
The arrangements for the appointment of panel members has
recently been changed so that for next year’s appointments members
will, subject to a transitional period, serve for four years, with no
overall cumulative maximum term of eight years but with the ability
to re-apply after a four year break.
All appointments to the IRP will be validated by the Chief Finance
Officer, ensuring elected councillors themselves have no involvement
in appointments. This ensures the complete independence of the
Look out for the publication of a Public Notice in local press and on
the SLDC website and elsewhere inviting applications from
candidates wishing to join the
panel (see page 16 for IRP
Appointment Notice).
See www.southlakeland.gov.uk for
further details.
The final IRP article in the Summer
edition of South Lakeland News will
explain the panel’s function with
regard to parish council allowances.
David Holden is a retired solicitor
and former parish councillor.
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Page 14 South Lakeland News
Twitter: @SouthLakelandDC
Family loving life in former ‘empty home’
For residential development
CIL is only liable if the new
development has 100 square
metres, or more, of gross
internal floor space, or
involves the construction of
additional dwellings even
when that is below 100sqm.
charge to fund
A NEW charge on
developments to help pay for
infrastructure improvements is
proposed to come in to force
this Spring.
Through the Local Plan land
allocations South Lakeland
District Council has identified
sites for the development of
hundreds of new homes and
employment sites across the
district, that could mean
additional infrastructure is
required in areas such as
transport, education, health
and leisure.
The Community Infrastructure
Levy (CIL) is a charge that will
be collected by the council
based on the size and type of
new development to pay
towards key infrastructure
A proportion of CIL receipts
will also be passed to parish
and town councils for
communities to spend on
local infrastructure projects.
Any development where a
planning decision notice is
issued after the date the
charge comes into effect will
be liable to pay CIL.
CIL applies to all new-build
residential development,
sheltered/retirement housing
and supermarket or retail
warehousing in South
Lakeland outside the National
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visit us on Facebook:
A YOUNG family is settling
in to their new home in
Ulverston thanks to a new
grant scheme launched by
South Lakeland District
Justine Steel, her partner Will
Little and their three children,
Alysha, 9, Leon, 7, and Alleah, 4,
are all enjoying their new life in a
smart three-bedroomed house
on Devonshire Road.
The property had been inherited
by its current owner, who didn’t
want to sell the house but was
unable to afford the repairs
required to bring it up to date.
As a result it had stood empty
for a number of years and was
identified by SLDC’s empty
homes officer as a property that
could qualify for the new Empty
Homes Grant Management
Scheme, a programme designed
to help with repairs to bring
empty homes back into use to
provide more affordable
The house needed roof
repairs, wall tie
While any new build over this
size will be subject to CIL, the
gross internal floorspace of
any existing building(s) on the
site to be demolished will be
deducted from the final
charge calculation, provided it
has been in continuous lawful
Conversions of existing
buildings, subdivision of a
dwelling into two or more
dwellings and changes of use
that do not involve additional
new build floorspace are not
liable for CIL if they have been
in lawful use.
CIL will also not be charged on
affordable housing and
development by a charity for
charitable purposes, however
applicants will be required to
apply for an exemption. Other
exemptions could include selfbuild dwellings, extensions
and residential annexes.
new windows, while inside it got
a complete re-fit, including new
kitchen and bathroom, new
boiler, re-decoration and new
carpets throughout.
A £20,000 grant was provided by
SLDC and the work was carried
out by scheme partners South
Lakes Housing, which has added
the home to its stock of excouncil houses and found a
tenant through the Cumbria
Choice lettings scheme.
Under the scheme South Lakes
Housing manages the tenancy
for five years to provide another
much-needed affordable home,
while the property owner
receives the rental income, less a
10% management charge. At
the end of the five years the
property is returned to the
owner in a ready-to-let
Councillor Jonathan Brook, SLDC
portfolio holder for strategic
growth, described the
scheme as a
real ‘win-win’
for all
He said:
“This is
Jonathan Brook, SLDC’s
portfolio holder for Strategic
Growth, said: “The council has
put in place an ambitious
Local Plan to meet the
district’s housing and
employment needs.
“The CIL is a key part of a plan
for strategic growth that is
accompanied by the necessary
first property we have
completed through the new
scheme and it is a fantastic
example of what can be
“The owner gets the property
upgraded to a good standard,
the council gets to bring an
empty home back into use
towards our key aim to provide
more affordable housing, and
the tenant gets a good quality
David Stubbs, Director of
Customers and Communities at
South Lakes Housing, added:
“This is a great example of
working in partnership with
SLDC to bring empty properties
back into use.
“The property has been
upgraded to a high standard
which will benefit a local young
family who would have
otherwise still have been
waiting for accommodation.’’
Justine Steel says the whole
family is delighted with their
new home – and adds that the
scheme has helped her to stay in
her home town.
Justine said: “I’m from Ulverston
and really want to stay here, but
there is a problem finding
decent affordable houses.
“This (Empty Homes Grant
Management) scheme is a really
brilliant idea, it seems it helps
everyone and certainly we are
very happy with the results.’’
For more information about the
Empty Homes Grant
Management Scheme contact
SLDC’s Empty Homes Officer on
01539 793375, or visit the Empty
Homes pages of our website
• Ulverston resident Justine Steel
(third from right) who has just
moved in to her new home with
her partner and three children.
She is pictured with (from left)
Carl Ballantyne, Project Manager
and Katie Bamber, Housing
Officer, both of South Lakes
Housing; Julie Jackson, Principal
Housing Strategy Officer, Lynne
Campbell, Empty Homes Officer
and Councillor Jonathan Brook,
all of SLDC.
For more detailed information
about CIL, including the rates
of charge and how it is
calculated, can be found on
our website at:
L or on the Planning Portal:
Community taking control
A COMMUNITY will be able
to take more control of
development and use of land
after its parish was
designated as a
‘Neighbourhood Area’.
SLDC has approved an
application from Lower
Allithwaite Parish Council,
which means the parish
council can now prepare a
Neighbourhood Plan.
Neighbourhood Area
designations and
Neighbourhood Plans were
introduced to give local
communities greater rights and
powers to shape new
development in their area.
Any planning decisions will need
to take account of the adopted
plan, and once the plan is in
place the parish council will
receive additional income from
the proposed Community
Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – a
charge that councils can place
on developers building new
Parish councils without a
Neighbourhood Plan in place
would receive 15% of CIL
receipts on any development in
the parish, but once a
Neighbourhood Plan is
adopted the parish council’s CIL
receipt income goes up to
Money raised through CIL can
then be used by the parish
council to help fund the local
infrastructure needed to
support the proposed
Facebook: www.facebook.com/southlakelanddistrictcouncil/
Page 15 South Lakeland News
Keep this page safe in case of major
e.g. severe flooding, storms
or prolonged freezing weather
For problems with
M6 and A590
Highways Agency on 0300 123 5000
and follow on Twitter:
Visit: www.trafficengland.com >
Traffic Map
Other roads
Flooded/closed roads and blocked
road drains, surface water from land
and problems with minor
watercourses contact Cumbria
Highways: 0845 609 6609 and follow
on Twitter: @CumbriaCC
Sewer flooding
United Utilities on 0845 746 2200
and follow on Twitter:
Visit: www.unitedutilities.com >
Emergencies > Flooding
River flooding
Environment Agency on 0345 988
1188 and follow on Twitter:
Visit: www.gov.uk > Environment
and Countryside > Flooding and
extreme weather
Signing up for Flood Alerts 0800
Power cuts
Electricity North West on 0800 195
4141 or email:
enquiries@enwl.co.uk or follow on
Twitter @ElectricityNW. For updates
listen to your local radio station or
visit: www.enwl.co.uk > Power Cuts
Vulnerable customers, including
some older or disabled people, or
those with a medical dependency on
electricity, can also sign up to the
Priority Services Register by calling
0800 195 4141 or visiting:
www.enwl.co.uk > Our Services >
Priority Customers
Gas emergencies
National Grid on 0800 111 999 and
follow on Twitter: @nationalgriduk
Also updates via Facebook at National
Grid UK.
Did you know?
In total we collected £69
million in Council Tax receipts in
2013/14, and collected £40
million in
non-domestic rate receipts in
For updates and
information during an
Century FM
South Lakeland District Council
Westmorland Gazette
SLDC Contact Centre: 0845 050 4434
8am to 6pm - or - out of hours
emergencies only 0870 428 6905 and
0870 428 6906 and follow onTwitter:
Facebook: South Lakeland District
Visit: www.southlakeland.gov.uk
follow on Twitter: @gazettenewsdesk
Cumbria Police
BBC Radio Cumbria
follow on Twitter: @BBC_Cumbria
Visit: www.bbc.co.uk > travelnews
to report an emergency dial 999, for non
urgent reports dial 101 and follow on
twitter: @Cumbriapolice @kendalpolice
Northern Rail Train Service
tune into: 95.2 - 96.1 FM, 104.1 - 104.2
FM, 756 MW, 837 MW, 1458 MW and
follow on Twitter: @BBC_Cumbria
Visit: www.bbc.co.uk > News >
England > Cumbria
Lakeland Radio
tune into 105.4 FM /96.4 FM / 102.2 FM /
103.4 FM and follow on Twitter:
Visit: www.cfmradio.com
Met Office weather warnings follow on
twitter: @metofficeNWEng
Visit: www.metoffice.gov.uk > public >
weather > warnings
BBC Weather
North West Evening Mail
follow on twitter: @bbcweather
Visit: www.bbc.co.uk > weather
follow on Twitter: @NWEMlive
Visit: www.nwemail.co.uk
BBC Travel News
Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service
to report an emergency dial 999 and
follow on Twitter: @CumbriaFire
tune into: 100.1, 100.8 & 101.4 FM and
follow on Twitter: @LakelandRadio
Visit: www.lakelandradio.co.uk
Maritime and Coastguard
The Bay
Cumbria Community Messaging
tune into: 96.9 FM / 102.3 FM / 103.2FM
and follow on Twitter: @TheBayOfficial
Visit: www.thebay.co.uk
Provides people across Cumbria with
information from agencies.
follow on Twitter: @MCA_media
0630-2030 Mon-Fri, 0800-2000 Sat &
0900-1700 Sun and follow on Twitter:
Visit: www.northernrail.org
Virgin trains
tel: 08719 774 222 and follow on
twitter: @VirginTrains
visit: www.virgintrains.co.uk
Transpennine Express
tel: 0845 600 1671 and follow on
twitter: @tpexpresstrains
Visit: www.tpexpress.co.uk
What to do if there’s a power cut:
Electricity North West operates the
local electricity network in South
The power operator owns and
maintains the electricity network in the
North West of England. It’s their job to
deliver a safe, reliable supply of
electricity from the National Grid to
your home, through their network of
overhead lines, underground cables
and substations.
In a power cut customers can contact
Electricity North West 24/7 by phone
on 0800 195 4141, and check the
website at
www.electricitynorthwest.co.uk or on
Twitter @ElectricityNW for live updates.
Top tips in a power cut:
Keep your freezer and fridge door
closed to prevent defrosting
Leave a light on so you know
when power is restored
Use a battery operated or wind-up
torch. If you don’t have access to
either, please take care when
using candles
Check on your elderly or sick
neighbours and relatives
Vulnerable customers can also sign up
to Electricity North West’s Priority
Services Register to receive extra
support if they experience a power cut.
To register go to
priority or call 0800 195 4141.
Did you know?
Met Office
From April 2013 till March 2014
we helped 317 people from
becoming homeless.
Make sure electrical appliances,
such as cookers, electric fires etc
are turned off
Join Electricity North West’s
Priority Service Register if you
need extra support
If you need any advice ring
Electricity North West 24/7 on
0800 195 4141 or follow
@ElectricityNW on Twitter
Page 16 South Lakeland News
Twitter: @SouthLakelandDC
How to contact YOUR councillor
Cllr Vivienne J. C. REES
Greenheys, Lakeview Drive, Stock
Lane, Grasmere, Ambleside
LA22 9TD
Tel: 015394 35401
Cllr D. Anne HALL
Thurston Brae, Bridge End, Coniston
LA21 8EN
Tel: 015394 41558
Mob: 07771 988518
Cllr Phil WALKER
9 Buttermere Drive, Kendal, LA9 7PA
Mob:07554 005002
Cllr Stephen J. COLEMAN
47 Laurel Gardens, Kendal LA9 6FE
Tel: 01539 729049
19 Kirkfield, Ambleside LA22 9HA
Tel: 015394 31472
Mob: 07543024817
Cllr Sheila ECCLES
25 Birchfield, Endmoor, Kendal
Tel: 015395 67629
Cllr Prudence M. JUPE
Beetham House Lodge, Beetham,
Milnthorpe LA7 7AP
Mob: 07717 494786
Vice Chairman of the Council
Cllr Andrew P. GARDINER
24 Arnside Crescent, Morecambe,
Lancs LA4 5PW
Mob: 07825 768496
10 Rose Hill Grove, Sandside,
Milnthorpe LA7 7HR
Tel: 015395 62391
4 Westcliffe Gardens,
Grange-over-Sands LA11 6BT
Tel: 015395 32932
Mob: 07769 705307
Cllr Joss W. CURWEN
Waitham Hill Farm, Kirkby-in-Furness
LA17 7UZ
Tel: 01229 716412
Mob: 07765 577663
Laburnum Cottage, Satterthwaite,
Ulverston LA12 8LR
Tel: 01229 860234
Cllr Philip J. DIXON
Rectory Farm, Glebe Road,
Bowness-on-Windermere LA23 3GZ
Tel: 015394 22516
Mob: 07968 412827
Cllr Alvin FINCH
35 Anchorite Road, Kendal, LA9 5NF
Mob: 07846 077672
Cllr David EVANS
Wainwright House,
Fowl Ing Lane, Kendal LA9 6PH
Tel: 01539 737068
28 Howe Bank Close, Kendal
Tel: 01539 422939
Cllr Chris HOLLAND
33 Sandgate, Kendal LA9 6HT
Mob: 07891 009337
32 Jutland Avenue, Ravenstown,
Flookburgh LA11 7LF
Tel: 015395 59461
Cllr Brenda C. GRAY
Rose Cottage, Hincaster, Milnthorpe
Tel: 015395 61135
Cllr Roger K. BINGHAM
The Smithy, Ackenthwaite, Milnthorpe
Tel: 015395 63694
Cllr Brian COOPER
4 Hillside, Holme, Carnforth, Lancs
Tel: 01524 781998
Cllr Mary E. WILSON
Gateside Farm, Cark Road, Cartmel,
Grange-over-Sands LA11 7NR
Tel: 015395 36673
Cllr Chris HOGG
4 Valley Drive, Kendal, LA9 7AG
Tel: 01539 583759
Cllr Shirley Evans
Wainwright House, Fowl Ing Lane,
Kendal, LA9 6PH
Tel: 01539 737068
Cllr Jonathan R. BROOK
87 Hayclose Road, Kendal LA9 7NF
Tel: 01539 722540
Cllr Graham J. VINCENT
15 Underley Hill, Kendal LA9 5EX
Tel: 01539 725402
Mob: 07584 528462
35 Greenside, Kendal LA9 5DU
Tel: 01539 731672
Mob: 07415 000765
Cllr Sylvia M. EMMOTT
3 Collinfield, Kendal LA9 5JD
Tel: 01539 721452
Cllr Matt SEVERN
2 Ash Grove, Kendal, LA9 5QX
Mob: 077948 58017
Laurel Bank, Low Gate,
Levens, Kendal LA8 8NJ
Tel: 015395 61531
Cllr James AIREY
5 Reeds Gardens, Little Urswick,
Ulverston LA12 0US
Tel: 01229 868088
Mob 07881 920810
Cllr John M. HOLMES
Tower Hill, Crosthwaite, Kendal
Tel: 015395 68599
Mob: 07766 774326
Cllr Caroline AIREY
5 Reeds Gardens, Little Urswick,
Ulverston LA12 0US
Tel: 01229 868088
Cllr Janet WILLIS
Post Office, Bigland View, Main Street,
Greenodd, Ulverston
LA12 7RB
Mob: 07976 763067
Deputy Leader of the Council
Fellgate, Dowbiggin, Sedbergh
LA10 5LS
Mob: 07980 844695
Cllr Evelyn WESTWOOD
5 Bainbridge Road, Sedbergh
LA10 5AU
Tel: 015396 20148
Chairman of the Council
Lowton,7 Water Close, Backbarrow,
Ulverston LA12 8QZ
Tel: 015395 31125
Mob: 07584 528464
8 Gowan Close, Staveley, Kendal
Tel: 01539 821086
Cllr Bharath Sundara RAJAN
38 Woodland Road, Ulverston
Tel: 01229 583629
Mob: 07786 425301
Cllr J. Mark WILSON
7 Parkfield, Swarthmoor, Ulverston
LA12 0HW
Tel: 01229 586404
Cllr Helen IRVING
11 Garden Terrace, Ulverston
LA12 7DA
Mob: 07743 493383
Cllr David RYDER
20 Church Street, Milnthorpe
Tel: 015395 65716
Mob: 07703 659100
Cllr Nick COTTON
Sarum House, Biggins Road, Kirkby
Lonsdale, Carnforth LA6 2HL
Tel: 015242 71477
Cllr Janette E. JENKINSON
Barne House, Broad Dale, Ulverston
LA12 7SE
Tel: 01229 585305
Mob: 07765 244002
Ubarrow Hall, Longsleddale,
Kendal LA8 9BB
Tel: 01539 823640
Leader of the Council
Yew Tree House, Troutbeck,
Windermere LA23 1PL
Mob: 07881 388042
Cllr Colin JONES
Eller Rigg, Cornbirthwaite Road,
Windermere LA23 1DG
Mob: 0787 9880119
Red Screes, Fellside, Kendal Road,
LA23 3FS
Tel: 015394 88412
Cllr Dyan JONES
1 Oldfield Road, Windermere LA23 2AZ
Tel: 015394 48126
Cllr Amanda Jane RIGG
Red House, North Lonsdale, Ulverston
LA12 9DX
Tel: 01229 480406
Mob: 07511 899300
Cllr John Victor CLOUGH
23 Soutergate, Ulverston LA12 7ES
Tel: 01229 581970
Mob: 07977 863233
Did you know?
Total electorate in
the district as of
February 2014 is
80,782. The %
turnout at last May’s
district elections
South Lakeland District Council needs people from the local community
Visit us on Facebook:
COME and join SLDC’s Independent
Remuneration Panel and help make
recommendations on councillors’
South Lakeland District Council is looking
for people with a keen eye for detail and an
inquisitive nature to join its Independent
Remuneration Panel.
The panel consists of five members of the
public who annually review and make
recommendations on the level of
allowances paid to district and parish
councillors. The purpose of the panel is to
be fair, open and effective.
Held during normal office hours, the
meetings are held, on average, five times a
year and allowances are paid to panel
members for their attendance (currently
£50.00 per meeting). The panel’s work is
considered to be essential in providing an
impartial view on allowances which
enhances public confidence in the process.
There are currently three vacancies on the
panel and SLDC would like to hear from
anyone interested in becoming a part of an
essential council function. Full details,
including details of who is eligible to apply
and an application form, can be viewed on
SLDC’s website at: www.southlakeland.gov.uk
or obtained by calling Julie Edmondson on
(01539) 793309. For an informal discussion
on the role please contact Matthew Neal,
Solicitor to the Council, on (01539) 793305.
Closing date for completed application
forms, including the names and addresses of
two people for references, is 12 noon on 20
March 2015 and they should be sent to:
Matthew Neal, Solicitor to the Council, South
Lakeland District Council, South Lakeland
House, Lowther Street, Kendal, Cumbria
LA9 4DQ.