Reviving a downtown icon
Reviving a downtown icon
Lucky Bucks page 4B Radio Log page 3A Realty page 8C News from the Crime Beat. See what great deals are going on! Local and area listings. Sunday, March 10, 2013 Visit us online at Reviving a downtown icon Developer hopes to see Casa Grande Hotel thrive in new role Larissa Graham Staff Reporter It’s a downtown landmark that’s stood sentry at the corner of Third Street and Main. It’s a place of memories for older generations who talk about ballrooms and gettogethers. It was the original Route 66 Museum and now houses a shuttered museum, with many of the old artifacts still stored inside. It’s the Casa Grande Hotel, now called the Anadarko Basin Museum of Natural History, and the hotel has been closed to the public since 1969. John West, the Anadarko Basin Museum of Natural History spokesman, said the building was built in 1928. But now, Elk City Economic Development Director Jim Mason said he wants to re-open the building and make it a thriving addition to a booming downtown. While working for Cushing’s economic development program, Mason helped a downtown project that took a dilapidated, multistory building and turned it into apartments for the elderly. When he came to Elk City, the first thing he saw was Casa Grande. And his mind started working. “The very first day I drove into town, I followed the road in and I saw it,” Mason said. “I literally just stopped when I saw the building. I parked beside the rig and walked around it. I thought this would make a good project. It’s just like God kind of pointed it out to me.” The project does come with logistics problems. A Parker drilling rig that towers next to it – an artifact itself, the rig once held bragging rights for drilling the deepest well ever dug at the time – would have to be moved. The building shows its age in places, with boarded windows and vandals’ marks covering exposed surfaces. There’s plumbing that would have to be updated, heating and air conditioning to be installed, a parking lot that would have to be built and an estimated $9 million price tag. But despite all that, Mason said he’s confident. “It has good bones,” he said. “It’s very solidly constructed.” Another perk is the fact that there’s already an elevator shaft built into the building, even if the elevator itself might not be up to code. Mason’s talked to a company that specializes in restoring historic buildings, and he’s hoping they might have all their ducks in a row by July, when they’d be able to apply for historic renovation tax credits. “You can apply only in January and July,” Mason said. “We’re shooting for July. The only way this will work is if we qualify for those tax credits.” To qualify, Mason said, the hotel will need to be located in an empowerment zone, designated by “The very first day I drove into town, I followed the road in and I saw it. I literally just stopped when I saw the building. ... It’s just like God kind of pointed it out to me.” Economic Development Director Jim Mason poverty levels in any given area. Elk City has one large empowerment zone from Third Street to the railroad, and Main Street to Eastern. Which means the hotel sets literally right across the street from the zone and the zone will need to Mayor candidates speak out The Elk City Daily News asks candidates to outline their plans for the city Dan Gambill How long have you been commissioner? I got back to the United States in September 2010 after working for a total of five years in Iraq as a civilian. A great many people had expressed concern to me at this time about the state of our city. By December these concerns had turned into requests for me to run for Commissioner and so I filed in January See Gambill, p. 2A Tom Johnson How long have you been a commissioner? I have been on City Commission 12 years in April. What made you decide to run for mayor? I am experienced, I have time available to be deeply involved in the city’s affairs and I am ab- solutely passionate about Elk City. I love this city and this is another opportunity for me to serve. See Johnson, p. 2A be scooted to the north or Mason will need to come up with a way to tie the hotel to the existing zone. Right now, the museum inside the building is closed to the public. West uses some of the first floor for See Casa, p. 2A Charges amended for suspected kidnapper Attempted murder charges have been dropped but a Kansas woman accused of stealing a car with two children inside will stand trial on charges of kidnapping. Angel Renee Yoakum, 23, of Kansas City, Kan., appeared in court last week for a preliminary hearing. After See Charge, p. 3A Yoakum Daylight Saving Time starts Sunday How will you use another hour of daylight? People love it or they hate it! Whether a lover or a hater, Daylight Saving Time kicks in at 2 a.m. Sunday in Oklahoma and every state in the Union except Hawaii and part of Arizona. Four Elk City citizens share their answer to “What will you do with an extra hour of daylight in your day?” Elk City Animal Control Officer Jonathon Weaver: “It’s going to sound wasteful but I will probably spend the time inside relaxing. I have to be at work early.” Kim North: “I will spend the hour working in my yard. When time comes, I will watch my grandkids play baseball and softball.” Lori Pruitt: “I am a morning person. That hour of darkness is my time. That’s when I get my housework done before I go to work. I hate doing things after work. I have no energy.” Basil Weatherly: “It’s springtime! I can hear my yard calling me already. When I get through with mine, I will go do the yard at Red Carpet Theatre.” Jonathon Weaver Kim North Lori Pruitt Basil Weatherly Cheryl Overstreet Community Editor Opinion Sports Community 4A 5A 1B Classifieds TV Comic/games 1C 3C 7C 50/ 26 When Daylight Saving Time begins, sunsets like this one will occur an hour later. Photo by Amanda Wann. Vol. 109, No. 43 50 cents, 20 pgs. Home delivery 580.225.3000 Pa ge 2 , Sec ti on A The Elk City Daily N ews • Elk City, Oklaho ma Casa ’Round town Sunday Daylight savings time begins 2 a.m. Elk City High School National Honor Society food drive, 1:15 p.m. to 4 p.m. door to door collectiion for Help, Inc. Roy Canard Memorial Race, 9 a.m., Motocross Park. Rivers Edge Art Society, 3 p.m., Gallery@112, 112 W. Main, Sayre. Johnson From p. 1A What areas in the city need improvement? We need to anticipate future requirements more efficiently. I intend to appoint a long range planning study group to examine future needs for infrastructure, quality of life improvements, annexation strategies, water resources and all the other issues that will facilitate the city’s growth and prosperity. We need to create a “vision” for the future. We need more housing, especially multifamily, to accommodate people working in our city. We need to keep the city growing, so we are deeply S unday, M arch 10, 2 013 From p. 1A office space, as does his father, and the museum association owns the property. “The first floor is usable, but the rest of it is basically how it was when it was mothballed,” Mason said. The renovation company toured the building while representatives were in town, Mason said, and identified some of the key issues they’d face working on Casa Grande. There’s no floor plan, for starters, and the company had to go through and take internal measurements. “Every property has its own special issues,” Mason said. “With Casa Grande, the rooms on the south side all have restrooms in the suites. On the north side, they just have lavatories, with a restroom down the hall.” It will be a big investment, Mason said, and even if the renovation is given a green light it’ll be awhile before it’s ready for business – between 18 months and two years, he estimated. “It doesn’t have to happen tomorrow,” Mason said. “But the longer we wait the more the building deteriorates.” Before they can apply for the historic renovation tax credits, Mason said, they’ll have to have a floor plan ready, and show what kind of designs they have in mind for the finished product. Mason said they’re hoping for between 20 and 24 apartments. Updating the building means displacing the Parker rig and all of the artifacts housed in the museum. Mason said he’d like to see the rig and the artifacts moved to the existing museum complex at Third and Pioneer. Some of the artifacts, which highlight the area’s drilling history, are already displayed at city hall, and Mason said they’d like to have a similar type of showcase at the hotel once it’s renovated. The rig in particular, he said, would be more visible near the museum and could be lit up to attract even more attention. Before it was situated by Casa Grande, it was in a field south of town. Area oilfield companies have already offered to take it down, paint it, and rig it back up again. “To make it work, we need to move the rig,” Mason said. The reason for relocating the rig is to help with the parking situation if Casa Grande reopens as housing. Apartment complexes are required to have one and onehalf spaces for each apartment it has available, Mason said, and if Casa Grande has 20 apartments available that means it has to have 30 parking spaces. L.V. Baker, chairman of the Elk City Museum Commission, said if the decision was made to move the collection, the museum board would need to discuss what to do with the artifacts. The museum’s in the process of constructing another building, but that space is already spoken for, Baker said. “It would require a fair amount of size,” Baker said. Despite all the hurdles he’ll need to clear, Mason said he believes in the future the Casa Grande will be open as a thriving icon of downtown Elk City. “I think we’ll find a way to get it done,” Mason said. “If we can get the historical credits, we will get it done.” involved in economic development. The city recently purchased a 130 acre industrial site that we will develop for new businesses coming to Elk City. We need new grade schools to replace Northeast and Fairview. Good schools are synonymous with strong, vibrant communities. I believe the city should assist the school board in passing a bond issue for construction of a new grade school complex and assist with infrastructure purchases and dirt work for the new facility. I believe we need to hire an Event Planner for sports events, Pioneer Center activities, and other events that will enhance economic growth and quality of life. I want to reduce the fees associated using the Pioneer Center to improve its availability to the community. I believe the city’s appearance can be improved by adding staff positions to the Enforcement Division and requiring the enforcement of city rules/ordinances. We have too many junk cars and dilapidated buildings in our community. I would reopen discussions with the YMCA to consider bringing a YMCA facility to Elk City. This would be a welcome quality of life improvement for our town. Our Civic Center should be improved and modernized. I would fund feasibility study to determine options and costs. We need better T-ball facilities. I would convert the old soccer fields in Peeler Park to that use. I would immediately fund the improvement/repair the city’s many ball fields. The city may have a need for a multipurpose indoor sports facility. This could have many functions including soccer, volleyball, wall climbing, flag football, basketball, and many others. I would determine if there is a desire for such a facility and begin planning for one if appropriate. that have helped our city, I am most proud of the overall results of that effort. Elk City is a great community, one in which people are happy to work and raise their families. Our city is prospering and I believe it will continue to do so. I am proud to be part of a healthy, growing community that people in surrounding towns come to shop and seek medical care. Because of our city’s cooperative spirit, we have been able to achieve exceptional progress. Elk City is a very special city, and it is not by accident. What achievement you made while serving on commission are you most proud of? Though I have been a part of many decisions and actions What is the mayor’s role? The Mayor has the traditional duties of managing commission meetings without bias and ensuring they are conducted in a correct and orderly manner, and serves as the administrative head of the city’s government. During the performance of civic and ceremonial duties, I also believe the Mayor has the duty to provide leadership and guidance to the community. These are dramatic and important times for Elk City, and they require focus and decisive action. The city must be kept on a course that maximizes its growth and economic progress, and the Mayor, together with the City Manager, must provide the impetus to make this happen in an efficient and timely manner. I intend to be a very proactive mayor. Twylah Loraine Stalcup Gambill From p. 1A and won the election that April of 2011. Why did you decide to run for mayor? The reasons I have decided to run are numerous but include the following : 1) I have a vision of what to do when the arena sales tax (Pioneer Center) is paid off. 2) Communicate that vision and try to see what the public will be willing to support. 3) Anita Archer and Jim Mason have shown what they can do in the short amount Bible thought Devon Krause, Associate Pastor United Methodist Church ”I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Tim 4: 7) Prayer: Lord, encourage us to be the Christians we need to be so that we can hear these glorious words at the end of our earthly race. Amen. 600 West Country Club, Elk City 580-225-1111 of time they have been here. As mayor, I will make sure I don’t hinder what they are being paid to do. I will be a mouth piece on behalf of the people to Anita and Jim about the concerns the public has. I will also be a mouth piece for Anita and Jim to the public about the concerns of City Hall. What areas in the city need improvement ? 1) Communication about the relationship between housing and our schools and communication about what the city can and can’t do in regards to helping our schools. 2) I-40 frontage roads, I-40 development, and increased I-40 access. 3) Updated zoning laws especially for industrial zones. 4) Appearance of city. What in your opinion is your biggest accomplishment while on the city commission? Several to pick from here for the city commission as a whole. I will give you three things that I would flip a coin on : 1) The new industrial park out on 20th between Pioneer and Falcon. 2) Hiring Anita Archer as city manager. 3) The new burn tower and classrooms being built here in town. As an individual commis- sioner I would like to say that being a part of helping get the PSO grant of $150,000 for the historical society that so many had worked so hard on was a big accomplishment that I was fortunate to play a part in. What is the mayor’s role? The role of mayor outside of extra duties as the official representative of Elk City would be similar to what I try to do as a commissioner. To be not only the most approachable public figure of any at city hall but the most outgoing in terms of being out in the public in order to keep apprised of public opinion and to keep the public apprised of city hall’s opinion. Area deaths Eddie Ray Maddox Funeral services for Eddie Ray Maddox will be Monday, March 11 at 4 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of Elk City with Dr. Russell Duck and Rev. Danny Ringer officiating. Interment will be in the Fairlawn Cemetery under the direction of the Martin Funeral Home of Elk City. Eddie Ray Maddox was born October 9, 1939, to Raymond “Buck” and Cleeta Lowry Maddox at Elk City. He died March 7, 2013 at the age of 73. He was preceded in death Providing funeral service in western Oklahoma for over 85 years - Since 1926 by his parents; brothers, Jay Schones and Johnny Maddox and daughter Tammey Cameron. He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Nancy Ann Byler Maddox; son, James Ray “Jimmy” Maddox, of the home; daughter, Dana Newcomb and husband Jase of Duke; son, Stephen Maddox and wife Jasmine of Elk City; daughter, Phyliss Norris and husband Mike, of Tuttle; son, Gabriel High and wife Juanita of Elk City; four grandsons; three granddaugh- ters; two great granddaughters; one great-grandson; brother, Jimmy Ted Maddox and wife Janice of Custer City; and sister-in-law Eileen Maddox of Elk City. Eddie is also survived by dear friends Melvin and Shirley Long and Steve and Betty Lowery, many nieces and nephews and countless other special friends and loved ones. Donations in Eddie’s memory may be made to the First Baptist Church in Elk City. Full obit will be published in the Tuesday edition. Funeral services for Twylah Loraine Stalcup will be held at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, March 12 at the North Fork Baptist Church with Reverend Byron Kennedy officiating. Burial will follow at Greenwood Cemetery under the direction of Hunn Black & Merritt Funeral Home & Crematory. Twylah Loraine Stalcup, 88, of Eufaula, died on Friday, March 8, 2013 in Eufaula. Twylah was born on Nov. 23, 1924 in Moorewood to Willis B. and Hallie Irene (Miller) Travis. She attended and graduated from Hammon High School in 1943. On Nov. 5, 1944, she married Floyd Wayne Stalcup. Twylah was a member of the North Fork Baptist Church. She is preceded in death by her parents, Willis and Hallie Travis; husband, Floyd Wayne Stalcup; one son, Ronnie Stalcup; one brother, Bill Travis and one sister, Lawauna Miller. She is survived by her daughter, Karen Luellen and husband, Rick, of Eufaula; one brother in-law, Jack Stakcup, of Elk City; four grandchildren, Natalie Brackin, Julie Davis and husband, Danny, Lori Adams, John Miller; fourteen great grandchildren. Memorial contributions may be made to North Fork & Hope Clinic, God’s Helping Hands, and Texanna Fire Department. Online condolences may be made at Elk City HEaring aid CEntEr Un Ow der N • Hearing Evaluations ner ew ship • Hearing aid fittings ! • Cleaning, Service, & Repairs • Musicians In-Ear Monitors • Hearing Protection • Wireless Bluetooth Accessories WaynE Morris, H.a.s. Monday–Friday, 9am to 5pm Evenings & Weekends by Appt. • Home Calls Available (580) 419-HEar [4-3-2-7] 2900 West third street Office: (580) 243-0939 Sund ay, Marc h 10, 2 0 13 The Elk City Daily N ews • Elk City, O klaho ma Page 3, S ec tio n A Elk City Municipal Court docket Adult arraignment Keyan Amin Akhbari, 1/20, DUI, plea of guilty, judgment and sentencing date 9/5, ad fee $500, pay by 4/11, follow evaluation Ashley Rae Barrett, 2/7, animal at large, warrant issued Michael Scott Bennett, 1/5, operating motor vehicle without valid driver’s license, warrant issued Brittani Paige Brown, 2/11, vandalism, warrant issued Lauren Christine Garcia, 2/13, sale of 3.2 beer to person under 21, plea of guilty, fine $50, pay by 3/28 Cory Blake Grimes, 1/21, harboring vicious animal, dismissed by the city William Alan Johns, 1/17, operating motor vehicle under suspension/revocation/cancellation, continue 3/14 Patrick Bryan Johnson, 2/16, failure to comply with compulsory insurance law, warrant issued Leon Lefay Parker, 2/14, actual physical control, plea of guilty, judgment and sentencing date 9/5, ad fee $500, pay by 4/11, follow with evaluation Jakeub Roshto, 8/27, resisting an officer, warrant issued Jakeub Roshto, 8/27, flight from an officer, warrant issued Jakeub Roshto, 8/21, trespassing, warrant issued Irma Seay, 2/16, speeding 1-10, defendant failed to appear Delbert Oliver Shuck, 1/24, DUI, plea of guilty, fine $750, pay by 3/21 Timothy Byron Swann, 11/29, failure to pay taxes due state, plea of guilty, fine $10 Timothy Byron Swann, 11/29, operating motor vehicle with expired driver’s license, dismissed by the court Angela Marie Trout, 1/18, operating motor vehicle under suspension/revocation/cancellation, plea of guilty, fine $250, pay by 3/14 Angela Marie Trout, 1/18, failure to pay taxes due state, plea of guilty, fine $10, pay by 3/14 Adult payby Melissa Gail Barham, 12/12, animal at large, plea of guilty, warrant issued Jeffery Lynn Bruce, 12/13, operating motor vehicle under suspension/revocation/cancellation, plea of guilty, continue 3/21 Adren Allen Jackson, 1/30, DUI, plea of no contest, continue 3/14 Mark Darrell McDowell, 11/11, false representation/harmful deception, plea of guilty, continue 3/21 Mark Darrell McDowell, 11/11, obstructing an officer, plea of guilty, continue 3/21 Mark Darrell McDowell, 11/16, operating motor vehicle under suspension/revocation/cancellation, plea of guilty, continue 3/21 Michael Gerald McDowell, 12/6, operating motor vehicle under suspension/revocation/cancellation, plea of guilty, paid Michael Gerald McDowell, 12/2, possession of marijuana, plea of guilty, continue 3/21 Barry Trent McLerran, 2/3, public intoxication, plea of guilty, continue 4/11 Sharon Yvette Provost, 12/6, speeding 11-15, plea of guilty, warrant issued Jakeub Roshto, 7/8, curfew violation by minor, plea of guilty, warrant issued Jakeub Roshto, 8/13, curfew violation by minor, plea of guilty, warrant issued Jakeub Roshto, 8/13, flight from an officer, plea of guilty, warrant issued Kristofer Wayne Schortemeier, 1/4, speeding 16-20, plea of guilty, continue 3/21 Adult trial Timothy David Havens, 2/6, zoning for trailer parking, plea of no contest, judgment and sentencing date 9/5, ad fee $50, pay by 3/38 Kelly Lynn Murray, 1/27, TOC (beer), plea of not guilty, found guilty, fine $50, pay by 3/21. Elk City Police Department radio log March 8 9:01 a.m. - animal call, 100 block Herring – two dogs at large. 9:12 a.m. – animal call, 100 block Brookview – Australian shepherd and pug at large for a week. 9:41 a.m. – animal call, 600 block North Van Buren – two gray pits terrorizing animals. 10:09 a.m. – suicide threat. 10:11 a.m. – animal call, 700 block Avenue D – min pin picked up. 10:41 a.m. – information, Janets Way and 3rd – strong odor of natural gas. Transfer to ECFD. 11:05 a.m. – disturbance, 1500 block West 7th – Fairview school requesting an officer. 11:51 a.m. – remove subject, 3200 block South Main – female subject asking customers for money. Want her banned from Arrests Elk City police made two arrests Friday and early Saturday. Arrests and complaints: Lonnie Ray Fairless, 41, Cove, Ark., sentenced to 48 hours Justin McClary Spruill, 21, Sayre, driving under suspension, revocation or cancellation. Charge From p. 1A witness testimony, prosecutors dropped a count of possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. A judge Wednesday ordered Yoakum to stand trial on Oil & Gas OK Sweet Sunoco Inc. C. OK Sweet OK Sour Sunoco Inc. Natural gas $85.16 88.50 86.16 74.06 76.50 3.63 Stocks +67.58pts. AEP CAT CHK DVN F HAL KO MWE OKE PEP RES SD SLB T WMT Dow Jones 14,397 +0.47% 47.49 90.51 21.33 56.24 12.98 42.08 39.22 59.29 45.24 77.20 16.43 5.81 77.96 36.68 73.03 +0.21% +0.96% +2.30% +0.81% +1.17% +1.62% +0.26% +2.00% -0.11% +0.08% +1.48% -0.17% +0.18% +0.80% -0.40% Lonnie Fairless Justin Spruill counts of child neglect, child abuse, two counts of kidnapping and a count of larceny of an automobile. Yoakum is accused of stealing a vehicle with two small children inside and later abandoning the children in an oilfield parking lot. Bond has been denied for Yoakum, and she is scheduled for a formal arraignment at 1:30 p.m. on March 13. Jessica Reinschmidt of Elk City told police she had befriended a woman who needed transportation and took her to get a bus ticket back to Kansas City on Dec. 21. But when Reinschmidt went inside to buy the woman a bus ticket at Hutch’s at 3rd Street and Merritt Road, leaving her 1-yearold and 5-year-old in the car, the woman she was trying to help drove away in her car with the children still inside. Elk City Detective Sarah Frye said the woman took the car and kids shortly after 7:30 p.m. that Friday and a mechanic coming to work at Great White Pressure Control, 2003 Merritt Road, found the children around 10:40 p.m. and called police. The children, having been left in near freezing temperatures and without winter clothing, were checked out at Great Plains Medical Center and released. The stolen vehicle was found near the T/A truck stop on Cemetery Road off Interstate 40 east of Sayre. Police arrested Yoakum the next night at an Elk City motel. property. Local warrant. 12:11 p.m. – animal call, 1100 block of Virginia – trap service, trap picked up. 1:49 p.m. – welfare check, 100 block South Main. 2:39 p.m. – stolen property – iPad. 3 p.m. – soliciting without a license, 1500 block North Washington. 3:37 p.m. – fraud, 400 block East 3rd – someone used credit card to make a purchase through Walmart. 3:51 p.m. – shots fired, Country Club and Boone – two shots heard. 3:59 p.m. – assault, 400 block East 3rd – Mother says fourthgrade daughter was held down and beat up at Grandview school. 4:22 p.m. – domestic dispute, 700 block Bowman – assault. 4:27 p.m. – drug deal. 4:58 p.m. – fraud, 400 block East 3rd – someone has been using debit card. 5:36 p.m. – animal call, 1000 block South Main. 7:08 p.m. – stolen property, 20000 block East CR 1110 – tire stolen. Prank. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION: Delivered by carrier $83 E-Paper $83 Delivered by mail $115 Outside areas by mail $145 EMAIL: Elizabeth (Wade) Perkinson Publisher J.B. Bittner Managing Editor Editor Managing Cheryl Overstreet Design Design Manager Manager Melissa Fulton Circulation Circulation Manager Manager Calvin Stone Production Manager March 9 1:26 a.m. – business alarm, 100 block South Main – motion detector. 1:41 a.m. – harassment, 1200 block Crestview. 2:18 a.m. – juvenile sneaked out. 8:26 a.m. – suspicious vehicle, Elk Lake. 8:41 a.m. – business alarm, 2700 block West 3rd – First National Bank, building checks secure, employees in building. Just kick-back… kick-back… Just and explore all your options. all your options. and explore KICK BACK AND ENJOY THE GAMES IN A NEW LA-Z-BOY RECLINER! 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Mother’s $ 368 VAIL ROCKING $ originally 479 • save $111 RECLINER USPS # 173-020 580-225-3000 7:17 p.m. – remove subject, 1700 block West 9th – left prior to arrival. 7:36 p.m. – abandoned vehicle, Highway 66 and Eastern – out of fuel. 8:47 p.m. – attempted suicide. 9:21 p.m. – shoplifting, 20000 East 1110 Road. 10:08 p.m. – assist other agency, 1100 block West Highway 34. 10:37 p.m. – reckless driver, 200 block 2nd Street – racing cars up and down 2nd Street. 11:16 p.m. – assault, Washington and Elm – hit in eyes, unknown originally 398 • save $ $ 529 $ 131 638 $ nlA yVERICK GIBSON now oM CHAISE originally 839 • save $201 ROCKING RECLINER $ SAVE NOW THIS AREA’S LARGEST on name brands $ $ $ including: SELECTION LA-Z-BOY GOF IBSO N now only only CALVIN now only 368 LANCER now only 5 638 2 9 398 only 278 TAKE $ LANCER now only 448 And many more... 10% OFF ALL T ERRY'SLARGE FURN ITURE SELECTIONS ACCESSORIES • orSigOinFaAllSy, $4 eL$S1, 1 S7 E9 C T Is OaNvA C1 HAIRS $$ oFOR riginallyYOUR saHOME! ve $201 839 $ 1 529 save $13COMFORT igiLnOaTllyM3O9R8E . & A W H Oo LrE $ • THIS AREA’S LARGEST SELECTION OF LA-Z-BOY COMFORT FOR YOUR HOME! Sale ends OF monGLIDER th 00th! ROCKERS SOFAS, SECTIONALS, CHAIRS & A WHOLE LOT MORE. © 2011 La-Z-Boy Incorporated • TERRY'S FURNITURE TERRY'S FURNITURE SHOWROOM © 2011 La-Z-Boy Incorporated © 2013 La-Z-Boy Incorporated Pa ge 4 , Sec ti on A The Elk City Daily N ews • Elk City, Oklaho ma S unday, M arch 10, 2 013 El ElkCity DailyNews The Serving Western Oklahoma Since 1901 Paul R.(Wade) Wade, Publisher (1934 – 1972) M. Elizabeth Perkinson, Publisher R. Wade, Publisher (1972 – 2011) Larry Larry R. Wade, Publisher (1967-2011) Elizabeth Paul R. Wade, Wade Publisher (1934-1972) Perkinson, Publisher Animal welfare Reality not always pretty bill needs Seldom Black or White support Kevin Black Our View Supply and demand. It’s an economics lesson. It’s also the fuel behind the fire of animal violence – dog fights and cock fighting. Setting animals to fight each other – often to the death, routinely to the point of bloody injury - is outlawed in most places. But what about the people who go to watch? No blood on their hands, no foul? Not so, say the people supporting a bipartisan measure in the U.S. Congress that would take to task spectators showing up at animal fights. House Resolution 366 would prohibit anyone from knowingly attending an animal fighting venture or causing a person younger than 18 to attend. Violators could face up to three years in prison. The Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act of 2013 was sent to a House Agriculture subcommittee and awaits action there. Bill supporters reason that by penalizing those who watch animal fights, they can reduce demand for the fights and, consequently, reduce the number of instances of animals being pitted against each other in bloody battle for entertainment and illicit gambling. Western Oklahoma’s own Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Okla., chairs the House Agriculture Committee. Rep. Lucas has long made a practice of soliciting input from constituents as he tackles issues in Washington. Contact Rep. Lucas and tell him people who flock to illegal dogfights and cockfights help perpetuate illegal violence against animals. And they need to be held accountable. Contact him at: Canadian County Office 10952 NW Expressway Suite B Yukon, OK 73099 Phone: (405) 373-1958 Fax: (405) 373-2046 Washington, DC Office 2311 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-5565 Fax: (202) 225-8698 Or go to and send him an email. Please put trash where it belongs Boxer About Town Psst, hey, you driving that pickup or truck or pickup truck, whichever is your terminology of choice. I hate to be the one to break this to you but you just did something really stupid and you seem like such a nice person, I hate for other people to think you look stupid. But, pal, when you put stuff in the bed of your truck that EVERYBODY knows isn’t going to stay there when you’re cruising 65 or 70 mph down the highway, well that tends to nudge the STUPID meter a tad toward the northern reaches. That range cube sack, beer can, sports drink bottle or round bale twine is not going to be there when you get where you’re going. Trust me. And because that is so logical, the people who see it come flying at them out of the back of your truck decide a) you put it there on purpose and don’t care if it blows out or b) you are stupid. That pickup bed is not a Dumpster, trash sack or garbage can. Keep that stuff inside or, um, throw it away in a real waste receptacle. I’m not just talking to farmers. It’s not an agriculture problem, or an oilfield problem or a redneck problem. It’s a trash problem and it’s piling up in our ditches and yards and everywhere else the wind blows. And maybe if you didn’t already have all that crap in the back of your pickup, other people wouldn’t walk by and drop in their burger sacks and soda bottles. Just saying. Don’t be stupid. Facing reality is a difficult task, especially when gazing on a reality that is plainly unpleasant. Reality is a foreboding and cold place not for the faint at heart. It is oh-so-much more comforting to drift along carried by the dreamy disconnect of what once was or never existed. Speaking of fuzzy-minded and disconnected from reality, let’s take a gander at the current legislative session. The official cowboy song is a matter of grave concern to our legislators. The state doesn’t have an official cowboy song to accompany our legislatively authorized other official stuff and this must be addressed post haste. Legislation to have this critical matter rectified has been duly introduced and is sure to be passed with a great deal of fanfare. At the same time, state employees haven’t had so much as a symbolic pittance of an increase in pay since 2006. I assume the Legislature hasn’t noticed that the cost of living has gone up just a tad in the past few years. But what the heck, even though our ODOT employees were risking their lives in last week’s blizzard, I’m sure a nice card would be just the same as a raise. Speaking of schools: Well I wasn’t, but I am now. I believe the Legislature must not be aware of a few facts. One: Public schools have had a 20 percent cut in the past five years. Two: The majority party in the Legislature must believe that our kids and schools aren’t worthy of even the bare minimum of funding since only five other states spend less per child. Do 45 other states really care more or do we simply care less? Three: The old, tired rhetoric that “money doesn’t help” is fairly ridiculous. If your roof is blown off in a tornado, money WILL solve the problem of no roof. Money wisely invested to fund schools is money better spent than money thrown into the bottomless pit of standardized tests. The familiar legislative whine of “the cost of living is so much lower in Oklahoma that more funding isn’t needed” is by any rational measure, ridiculous. Books, computers, paper, supplies, desks - all the material objects required to teach kids cost the same no matter in which state a school is located. An iPad costs the same in Connecticut as it does in Oklahoma. Let me assure the Legislature that a dollar is a dollar no matter where you are. I must apologize for my irritable tone, but it bothers me to no end when I see our children being Black treated unjustly. Let me assure you, I am not alone in this feeling. This must stop, not for our sakes, but for our children’s. My opinions are my own. Have a great day and a better tomorrow. Kevin Black lives in Texola. Happily married with three sons, an exceptional grandson and three idiot dogs, he enjoys reading, old machinery and high school sports. He has taught at Elk City High School since 1989. Questions or comments? kevin@ecdailynews. com The human connection Just a Bit More J.B. Bittner Managing Editor Daylight Saving Time’s arrival offers the promise of spring. At least it looks a lot more promising than the final weeks of February when snow came in waves. The memories I will take away from the blizzard are not impassable roads, towering drifts and flickering lights but the way folks rallied to help each other. It is no surprise. That is simply who people are in western Oklahoma. A neighbor needs a hand, you fire up the tractor, trek through the snow and hook up a chain, or scoop a path or haul a hay bale. And they do the same for you. When the power is out and the lines are down and the utility poles are snapped off, it’s not some nameless, faceless work crew out there laboring to make it right. It’s our family or friend or neighbor. We know them so we know they are doing their best. That doesn’t get the lights on faster, but it brings down the stress level a bit and extends patience a tad. Recently on this page we ran stories sharing readers’ experiences and the good Samaritans who eased the storm’s discomfort for them. No doubt, there are scores more stories out there. People help people out here. That’s what Mom and Dad taught. That’s what you’ve taught your children. People unfamiliar with our part of the world don’t warm up right away to the sparse population, the lonely stretches of highway, the absence of a 24/7 mentality driving every- thing we do. That’s OK. There’s a whole lot more going on out here than they Bittner know. Thanks to all the good neighbors and well-doers who stepped up, stayed out and worked hard to keep all of us warm and safe during the Blizzard of 2013. J.B. Bittner is managing editor of The Elk City Daily News. Contact her at Change takes time Sen. Tom Ivester As legislators, one of our jobs is to recognize areas in need of change. However, change is often hard and rarely happens overnight. Some folks talked to me about ways in which universities were handling sexual assaults. Universities do not always report allegations of sexual misconduct to the police. Universities may conduct investigations and hearings on the matter, all within the confines of the university walls. This leaves the potential for the university to quietly handle the incident without publicity. If the university does not notify the police the perpetrator is left under the radar. In response, I drafted Senate Bill 312 to ensure universities are reporting these sexual assault incidents to the police. Bill 312 sought to balance the interest of the universities, the victims, the accused and the community. The bill required the universities to report incidents of sexual assault to the local authorities once a student reported the incident to the university. While writing this bill, many people within the system were willing to help with the cause. Unfortunately, there are 101 ways to kill a bill, and at the end of the day Bill 312 did not survive. However, all is not lost. The efforts of reform catalyzed action within the system. Discussions shedding insight on the issue were held with officials from the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University and the Regional University System of Oklahoma. The Board of Regents governing OSU are considering adopting a policy requiring administrators to notify law enforcement of sexual assaults. RUSO has adopted a new system-wide policy that requires the universities to report incidents of campus-related sexual assaults to the proper law enforcement authorities. These policy changes will be implemented within the state’s regional universities RUSO governs: East Central University, Northeastern State University, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Southwestern Oklahoma State University, and the University of Central Oklahoma. In Ivester addition, Oklahoma City University is also considering implementing policy changes. Sen. Tom Ivester, D-Sayre, represents western Oklahoma’s Senate District 26 encompassing Beckham, Caddo, Greer, Jackson, Kiowa, Tillman and Washita counties. He is an attorney, with an office in Elk City. Sports Sunday, March 10, 2013 Heads Up Sunday The Elk City Daily News • Elk City, Oklahoma Racing season opens Saturday Roy Canard Memorial Motocross Race 9 a.m. Elk City Motocross Park. Monday Elk City boys, girls soccer 4:30 p.m. at Newcastle Elk City boys golf 8 a.m. at Lawton McArthur Elk City baseball 4:30 p.m. vs. Mangum at Elk City Tuesday Elk City boys and girls soccer 4:30 p.m. vs. Bethany at Elk City Elk City boys and girls tennis 8 a.m. at Lawton McArthur Elk City girls golf 9 a.m. at Sayre Page 5, Section A Vines Lee Coleman Sports Editor Paul Vines has been racing dirt track stock cars more than 22 years. He has competed at 28 tracks across the country and some in Mexico. When racing season at Elk City Speedway opens next Saturday, Vines will enter his 23rd season wearing a few more hats than in years past. Vines is the new promoter and track manager for the Bonner family in the second year of management at the track. “It is going to be a good season and I’m looking forward to it,” Vines said. “We have a lot of new things going on at the track and we’ve made several improvements including new safety lights, an improved pit area, a new souvenir stand and a new computerized scoring system.” Back this year will be racing in the Bombers, Factory, Modified and Limited Modified classes with points championships in each division. In addition, some specialty shows will highlight a season in which racing is scheduled three of four weeks a month. Vines said the average car count per show last season hovered around 80 cars and the first-year promoter has his sights set on 100 cars a show. “If we do that, it will be an outstanding year, successful year,” he said. “We want to put on some good, quality shows and the improvements we’ve made, including a new victory lane, will certainly add to the shows.” More than 30 sponsors are on board for the season, Vines said, and race night in Elk City has become a community affair. “We have very strong community support and there are a lot of things we want to do to show our appreciation to the sponsors and the fans,” Vines said. “We want to make race night a fun experience for families to come out and enjoy a great night of racing.” With the demise of some short tracks across the state, “We want to put on some good, quality shows and the improvements we’ve made, including a new victory lane, will certainly add to the shows.” - Paul Vines Vines said, the crowds and racers should naturally grow and impact the local economy and the track. The city of Elk City owns the track.City Manager Anita Archer said she is confident 2013 will be a good season. “I think it will be a real good season,” Archer said. “I’m glad the Bonners took back the management of the facilities. The track has a good following in the community and it will attract a draw from all over. It adds to the quality of life in our community and people really don’t understand just how much it means to Elk City.” The new season starts Friday with practice from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. Saturday is race day with a car show from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. Gates open at 6 p.m. with racing action starting at 8 p.m. Admission is $10 for adults, $7 for ages 12 through 15 and $3 for ages 6 through 11. “I want everyone to come out and have a great experience when they come to our nice, clean and safe environment,” Vines said. “At the end of the night, I want people to go home and say they enjoyed the show and had a great time.” Elks beat Lawton-Ike 13-4 Lee Coleman Sports Editor The Elk City Elks rebounded from an opening-round loss to Cache with a 13-4 victory over Lawton Eisenhower Friday in the second round of the Altus Invitational Baseball Tournament. With the win, the Elks were set to play Pampa, Texas, at 4 p.m. Saturday for fifth place. Justin Southard got the win in Friday’s run-rule victory, striking out seven batters. “Overall, we had a better approach today at the plate,” Elks head coach Matt Yost said. “I told them to trust their hands and don’t try to overthink it. We were much more patient.” Lawton jumped out to an early 4-0 lead but Elk City responded, plating five runs in the bottom of the first inning to propel the Elks to the victory. “They jumped on us early but we bounced back with five of our own to grab the momentum and rolled with it the rest of the way,” the coach said. Elk City plays Mangum at home Monday and Yost said this was an important win to get. Box Score Lawton Ike 400 0 4 2 2 Elk City 508 0 13 10 2 WP- Justin Southard 7 KO’s Elk- Cook 2-3, RBI; Butler 2-2, RBI; Campbell 2-2, double, 2 RBI Compete NOTICE TO BID Community Action Development Corporation is now accepting bids for Audit 2013 Fiscal Year. Request for bid proposal packets may be submitted to CADC, P.O. Box 989, Frederick, OK 73542. All Bids must be submitted no later than 5:00 P.M. on Thursday, April 18th, 2013. For further details contact Terry Collom (580) 335-5588. What neat The nly gift they’ll photos have get to open 257 times!you 83 a year! $ * “We look for this to be a building block to gain more confidence,” he said. “This is something we can build on.” Team Chip Taekwondo students competed in the 28th annual Oklahoma Invitational Championships recently. The 55 team members brought home more than 150 medals and a trophy. Photo provided. taken? Send us photos that you took. Whether they are pictures of the sunset, nature, pets or of prices. kids playing we will publish That’s a 36% savings over the newstand them in the paper. Just send them to with a description the Complete Coverage Package by December 14of for the your chance to photo and who took it. win a Kindle Fire! 206 West Broadway • 225-3000 • * Mail subscriptions extra. Pa ge 6, Sec ti on A The Elk City Daily N ews • Elk City, Oklaho ma S unday, M arch 10, 2 013 Elk City basketball Congrats to the Elks and Elkettes on a good season! The Big Elks #3 Cody Patton #4 Luke Lewallen # Elias Wiseman #10 Kyler Butler #11 Colby Love #12 Cameron Rogers #13 Chandler Rogers #14 Chance Butler #15 Berek Dyson #20 Lane Hoots #21 Brock Walker #22 Josh Adams #23 Shayne Thornton #24 Jarvey Jackson #25 Mark Adams #30 Steven Loyd #32 Justin Jordan #33 Drew Anderson #34 Garrett Parkhurst #35 Destry Kelley Staff photo by Blake Colston. The Elkettes #3 Kelsi Wilson #4 Mikayla Harrison #5 Jacquie Cheatham #10 Kailan Craig #11 Mallory Luttrell #12 Randi Cheatham #13 Whitney Brownfield #14 Nikayla Clinton #15 Nicole Lamar #20 Cassidy Urius #21 Salina Salinas #22 Destiny Nix #23 Sydney Skelton #24 Kelsee Cromer #25 Courtney Jacks ELK CITY • VICI • CORDELL • GEARY • WEATHERFORD • WOODWARD #34 Erin Hutchison #35 Makayla Spilinek Staff photo by Blake Colston. “We Sell The Best & Fix The Rest” Specializing in Production Testing & Flowback Manifolds L&R Tire & Truck Center Truck, Tractor, Automobile Now offering Full Service Auto & Semi Garage Nationwide Road Hazard on Proverbs 3:5-6 The Lord Reigns Hunter Computerized Alignment Oil Change • Brakes • Battery Change Larry & Sandi Odom PO Box 703, Elk City, OK 73648 580-225-4096 Fax: 580-225-6792 & 1204 S. Main • 225-8473 • 24-Hour Tire Repair Mon - Fri 8:00-5:30 Sat 8:00-12:00 106 N. Main Elk City, Oklahoma 580.243.2001 Toll Free ELK CITY • VICI • CORDELL • GEARY • WEATHERFORD • WOODWARD 201 E. Broadway • Elk City, Oklahoma 580-225-3434 Dr. Lisa Walker 106 N. Main, Elk City 243-2020 866.579.2837 Go, Fight WIN! Elite Qwik Lube 418 S. Main Street Since 1960 580.225.9900 Have Confidence In your automotive maintenance with the Lifetime BG Protection 1421 W. 3rd • Elk City, Ok 73644 1421 W. 3rd • Elk City, Ok 73644 Plan that covers fuel, engine, transmission, driveline, coolant, power steering & brakes Find out more at 580.225.3005 580.225.3005 1605 W. Third Elk City 580-225-3677 Sund ay, Marc h 10, 2 0 13 The Elk City Daily N ews • Elk City, Oklaho ma Merritt basketball Page 7, Sec tion A Congrats to the Merritt teams on a good season! Save An Extra $500 The Oilers Through March 20, 2012 in addition to rebate’s as high as $4000- or 0% APR Staff photo by Blake Colston. #1 Michael Hust #2 Branson Daugherty #3 Tanner Loyd #4 Devin Fite #5 Ryan Garner #10 Matthew Rust #11 Trever Price #13 Trek Rundle #14 Brendan Flowers #15 Francis Potter #21 Kenny Price #22 Taylor Mong #23 Dylan Shockley Rogue #25 Billy Davis #30 Cody Maddox #31 James Pruitt #32 Mason Dickinson #33 Kaleb Keith #34 Coty Forrester 2012 Rogue #35 Devin Carnes 2012 Sentra #45 Pierson Waugh Save An Extra $500 Through March 20, 2012 in addition $4000- or 0% APR 2012 Altima to rebate’s as high as 2012 Save An Extra $500 Through March 20, 2012 in addition 2012 Altima to rebate’s as high as $4000- or 0% APR 2012 maxima Save An Ex The Oilerettes 2012 maxima 2012 Altima 2012 2012 Armada 2012 Armada 2012 maxima #1 Cierra 2012 Doyal Sentra Through March 20, #2 Bailey Carnes rebate’s as high as $ #3 Jordian to Gray 2012 Rogue #5 Lacey Custer #12 Destry Pollard #13 Kenzie Smith 2012 Altima Versa Hatchback #14 Taylor Schrick #21 Lauren Jones #23Versa TaylorHatchback Skelton 2012 2012 Sentra #24 Javehn Roberts 2012 maxima #25 Kinsey Wright #32 Kara Eckhart #33 Abigayle Willis #34 Madison Nagle 2012 Armada 2012 Titan 2012 Titan Photo by Merritt All-Sports Club. 2012 Murano 2012 Murano 2012 Armada 2012 Versa Hatchback Family Nissan We want your photos! Smith Fami SmithSmith Family Nissan 106 2012 Murano 106 Access Rd • Elk C 106 Access Rd • Elk City • 580-225-3344 www.smithfamil Access • Elk City • 580-225-3344 2012 Titan 2012 Murano Smith Family Nissan 106 Access Rd • Elk City • 580-225-3344 The place for all things Oakley High Plains Services Men’s Radarlock Women’s Overtime 2615 West 20th • 580-225-7388 Is a Company Owners: Hood/Odom Families Backpacks • Board Shorts •Flip-Flops • T-Shirts 218 West Broadway Elk City, OK 580-225-2187 2222 W 3rd Elk City,OK 580-243-2484 Elk City Outdoor “There is a Difference” Chevrolet • Buick • GMC Sales Hours: M-F 8-7 • SAT 8-?? Service Hours: M-F 7:30-6 SAT 7:30-Noon East Hwy 66 • Next to Airport 580-225-0450 • 1-800-562-0450 Elk City 225-2580 Sayre 928-2580 Serving Western Oklahoma Since 1901 Chevy Runs Deep All Under One Roof! 110 Access Road • Elk City 580-225-0132 • 800-879-4363 (toll free) Pa ge 8, Sec ti on A The Elk City Daily N ews • Elk City, Oklaho ma S unday, M arch 10, 2 013 Community Sunday, March 10, 2013 The Elk City Daily News • Elk City, Oklahoma Page 1, Section B Quilters retreating in Elk City next weekend Cheryl Overstreet Community Editor For 24 hours on Friday and Saturday, quilters will be in stitches at the Elk City Convention Center during the semi-annual Circle B Quilters’ Retreat. Quilting expert Janeta Harrel of Elk City said quilters usually set up early Friday. Hours are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. both days. Visitors are welcome. “The fee to participate is $20 per person,” Harrel said. “That gives them two tables.” Quilters from across Oklahoma and Kansas set up sewing machines and work on projects. At the fall retreat, 70 booth spaces were filled. “There is a lot of fellowship and friendship,” Harrel said. The quilt retreat is held twice each year – in March and October. The walls inside the convention center serve as the backdrop for the stitchers’ works of art. “Visitors are welcome to come look at the quilts and purchase materials from vendors Bonnie Glasgow and Vote Dan Gambill for Mayor Call or text anytime 580-799-5646 Paid for by Dan Gambill for Mayor Like us on Facebook for news and sports updates. The Elk City Daily News. Linda Stewart. Products available range from fabric and notions to patterns and quilt kits, Harrel said. Harrel, who teaches quilting classes as Stewart’s Quilters Niche in Weatherford, will be on hand to share ideas and offer advice. “Many of the women at the retreat are former students,” she said. “They feel comfortable asking questions.” Quilters haul in their sewing machines, fabrics, patterns and notions for the two days of stitching and fun. “We have such a good time,” Harrel said. “We get to see one another’s projects and get a lot of great ideas.” The stitchers make the convention center their home away from home for two days. “It gives us a place to stretch out and work on large projects,” Harrel said. “And we eat well.” Bonnie Glasgow will serve up a make and take project during the retreat. Past projects include grocery totes, pillowcases and scarves, quilter Claudene Anspaugh said. For more information, call Glasgow at 580-821-2144 or Stewart at 580-774-7522. Meeting in the Middle The Quaint Quilters meet each Wednesday afternoon at First Presbyterian Church. Pictured working to complete a king-size project with a wheat motif are Janeta Harrel, Claudene Anspaugh, Velma Patrick and Earlene Taylor. Staff photo by Cheryl Overstreet. Cheyenne students meet the birds “Can we stay out here a little longer?” This was a common question asked by students while participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count, an event used to introduce bird watching to students. On Feb. 15, rangers from Washita Battlefield National Historic Site partnered with staff members from Washita National Wildlife Refuge to introduce second- and thirdgrade students to bird watch- ing at Cheyenne Elementary School. Amber Zimmerman, refuge manager at Washita National Wildlife Refuge, spoke to each class before going to look for birds. The park would like to thank the teachers for their support in making the 2013 Great Backyard Bird Count a success. On Feb. 16, Cheyenne Girl Scout Troop 710 joined Park Guide Teresa Ezersky in counting birds. The girls walked along the park’s self-guided trail, looking for birds and then returned to the visitor center for hot chocolate and cookies. This year’s count totaled 11 species. Washita Battlefield National Historic Site is one mile west of Cheyenne on Highway 47A. For more information, call 580-497-2742 or check www. Pa ge 2 , Sec ti on B The Elk City Daily N ews • Elk City, Oklaho ma S unday,M arch 10, 2013 Museum, gallery open for the season Metcalfe Museum News Roger Lester Lloydelle Lester hurt, as I in reality was. Far besides was the awful blow that I received from the nasty animal. “My girlie, Augusta, my best friend and mistress, would not allow me to come near her and I was nearly heart broken. What could I do, with no one to love, none to caress. No one to pity me in my dire distress? “Dad killed the horrible brute, then rolled in the sand and ran to the river to wash. That was my first lesson. “Since that time when I came to the years of discretion, when I had no daddy to help me, I killed five skunks in one day. That is still talked of as a great achievement.” We will continue the story of Yip next week. He certainly is an interesting little fellow. We have many photographs and drawings of him. We are hoping to have our new website up soon. Everyone is going in so many directions at this time. It is hard to get everything together. There is still a lot of information that is available but the calendar needs to be changed. For information on Break O’Day Farm, Metcalfe Museum and Art Gallery, visit Changing to a plant food diet A Natural Way Donna Nicholas Thomas Dear Grandma Donna: Since you were 40-plus-years-old when you changed to a plantfood diet, I would like to know what your extended family thought of your new lifestyle. Love, Savana Dear Savana: At first, my new way of eating caused great concern to my family. My parents and siblings were all meat eaters, even as I had been, and they were certain that I would suffer malnutrition. I tried to defend myself, but I well remembered my own worry over my daughter Lori, who had refused to eat animal products. Perhaps that made me a bit more tolerant of their criticism. I was asked the question that almost every vegan is asked: “Where are you going to get your protein?” I tried to very humbly answer: “Meat, milk, cheese and eggs are high in protein, which makes a concern in many minds that a lack of those foods would bring about a shortage of protein; but if we get enough to eat, there is almost never a shortage of protein.” Let me digress from the subject to make it clear that my statement was true. The daily requirement for protein in women is 44 grams and in men it is 56 grams. Note the grams of protein in a serving of these common foods: Legumes: (1 cup) lentils 16, great northern 14, limas 16. Vegetables: (1 cup) potato 3, broccoli 4, corn 2, peas 8. Fruits: cantaloupe 2, orange 2, avocado 5, banana 1. Grains: (1 cup) oatmeal 5, cornmeal 11, whole wheat 16. Nuts: (1/3 cup) almonds 8, sunflower seeds 9, pecans 4, walnuts 9. If we were to eat a dinner of lentils, baked potato, broccoli and a vegetable salad with avocado, we would have 28 grams of protein. That is half of a man’s requirement and more than half of a woman’s requirement, plus there are two more meals to be eaten. To get back to the subject, I can tell you that after the initial confrontation, I felt amazingly well accepted. From the beginning, I always made it clear that they didn’t need to prepare anything special for me because I could eat potatoes and vegetables. Time is a wonderful healer! In the ensuing days, my family became used to my eating only plant-food portions of the meals served and that ended the controversy. Since that time, I have felt perfectly accepted by my family and friends. Recently on a three-day visit with my brother and his wife, I was gratified that she cooked a pot of beans every day. Not only did I enjoy them, everyone else seemed to like them along with their serving of meat. I became vegan more than thirty years ago. Today I am amazed when I mention that I eat only plant food, to hear many people say, “I don’t eat very much meat.” “I could easily be a vegan, because meat isn’t important to me.” Vegetarianism is a growing trend in our society. There are about 7.3 million vegetarians in the U.S. There are about 1 million people who are vegan. In a study done by Vegetarian Times, the editor-in-chief made this statement: “The vegetarian sector is one of the fastest growing categories in food publishing” I am so glad to be on the cutting edge of the food of the future! Grandma Donna Pita Pockets Black Bean Salad 4 T lime or lemon juice 1 T olive oil 1 T chopped fresh cilantro 1 large clove garlic minced 1/2 t oregano leaves 1/2 t cumin 1/4 t salt 1 15-oz can black beans drained and rinsed 1 15-oz can corn drained 1/2 c diced green pepper 1/2 c diced red pepper 1/4 c diced purple onion Mix all ingredients and serve in a pita bread pocket with lettuce, salsa and a wedge of avocado. Surprise Salad 1 15-oz can garbanzos drained (save 2 T liquid) 1/4 t salt 2 t Braggs aminos (soy) 1 stalk celery diced 1/4 c diced red onion 1/4 c sweet pickle relish Tickets on sale for SWOSU production WEATHERFORD - Tickets are now on sale for Southwestern Oklahoma State University’s final main stage production of the theatre season as the SWOSU Players will present the musical comedy “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” March 28 to March 30 on the Weatherford campus. Performances will begin nightly at 7:30 p.m. in the SWOSU Hilltop Theatre. “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” is a hilarious tale of overachievers’ angst chronicling the experience of six adolescent outsiders vying for the spelling championship of a lifetime. The show’s Tony Award winning creative team has created the unlikeliest of hit musicals about the unlikeliest of heroes: a quirky yet charming cast of outsiders for whom a spelling bee is the one place where they can stand out and fit in at the same time. Six young people in the throes of puberty, overseen by grown-ups who barely managed to escape childhood themselves, learn that winning isn’t everything and that losing doesn’t necessarily make one a loser. Admission for the Department of Communication and Theatre production is $5 for adults, $3 for non-SWOSU students and free for individuals with a valid SWOSU ID. Reservations will be taken at the SWOSU Hilltop Theatre from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. March 11 to March 15 and March 25 to March 30 or by calling 580774-6046. Seating is limited and reservations are encouraged. Please note that this production contains some language and subject matter that may not be appropriate for all ages. The production is under the guidance of Steve Strickler, director; Stephen Haynes, technical director and Eric Martin, music director. Elk City, Erick and Arnett students win at WARP SAYRE - Students from Elk City, Erick and Arnett were the winners at the timed Writing and Research Project competition March 5 on the Sayre campus of Southwestern Oklahoma State University. Winners were Daniel Thompson, Elk City, essay “Birds and their Feathers,” first; Alyssa Tidmore, Erick, essay “For the Birds,” second; and Lauren Crow, Arnett, essay “Together or Apart,” third. The students were awarded scholarships to SWOSU in the amount of $600, $500 and $400, respectively. Twenty high school students from area schools competed in WARP that had the theme “Hurray for Hollywood.” Judy Haught, sayre language arts instructor, said students were required to view a short film, then research the topic and submit a written essay based on the film. The film selected was “For the Birds” by Pixar Animation Studios, which won the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film in 2001. The film deals with the timely issue of bullying and the consequences of cliquish behavior. Like us on Facebook for news and sports updates. 1/4 c vegenaise 1 clove garlic minced 2 T nutritional yeast flakes Mash the garbanzos with reserved liquid, salt and soy sauce. Add other ingredients. Refrigerate. Serve in pita bread with lettuce. Veggie Sandwich 2 T vegenaise Garlic salt to taste 1/2 avocado peeled, seeded and sliced 2 thick slices of large tomato 1/2 cucumber, peeled and sliced Several rings of thinly sliced purple onion 2 lettuce leaves Serve in whole-wheat pita bread. Donna Nicholas was a teacher for several years. She is a self-educated health enthusiast who adopted the vegan lifestyle more than 30 years ago. She lives in Thomas., email Metcalfe@dobsonteleco. com or call 580-655-4467. Our hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. The museum is southeast of Durham in the Black Kettle National Grassland of Roger Mills County. From Cheyenne, travel north nine miles on Highway 283, then 12 miles west on EW 88. Signs point the way. Friday & Saturday night from 5 ‘til close 12 ounce rib eye steak, cooked to your specifications & a choice of 2 sides $11.99 Buy a rack of ribs get 1/2 FREE rack Rebecca Ashley, our visiting spring artist, was finally able to get her art to the museum on March 1. We worked over the weekend getting it in place. There are some lovely pastels hanging in our gallery today. Rebecca Aileen Robertson was born in Sapulpa in 1979 to Janie Nine and Jim Robertson. She is the third child of four. From the time she was very small, she knew one day she would be an artist. In 1989, she moved to Follett, Texas, with her mother and three siblings after her parents separated. There, she was close to grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins on both sides of the family. In Follett, she discovered a love for athletics, especially basketball, and did well in academics. She graduated high school in 1998 and, in the fall, went to Oklahoma State University in Stillwater. There she pursued and attained a BA in psychology. Despite her mother’s encouragement, Rebecca never took a single collage art class. That part of her life we will be telling at a later date. Her story is an interesting one and Metcal- fe Art Gallery is excited to be a part of launching Rebecca’s art career. Here we continue the story of “Yip, An Autobiography of a Dog,” by Mary Corson. Remember now, Yip is the writer. “At four months old I had my first experience with a skunk. Daddy started one up and kept in front of it, barking as if he meant business. “I wondered why he didn’t grab it and make a finish for it, so I jumped it from the rear to help him but I didn’t take hold of it as I was immediately nearly suffocated with an overpowering stench. It seemed to me as if I never would get rid of the perfume. “I rolled in the dirt and yowled as if I had been badly Have Van! Will Travel! Call Hog Trough for all Catering Needs •Oilfield • Weddings • Family Re-Unions, etc... 1011 South Main, Elk City 580-243-HOGS • 580-243-4647 LAST CALL!! 25 THE RACKS ARE UP! SPRING $ 00 All Remaining Shoes & SUMMER SALE! Select Items GREAT SELECTIONS! PAIR Born, Merrell, Cushe, Taos, Naturalizer, SAS & More! Large selection of assorted styles Born boots 1/2 off 101 S. Main Street, Elk City 580-225-8486 Find us on Facebook Sund ay, Marc h 10, 2 0 13 The Elk City Daily N ews • Elk City, O klaho ma Page 3, S ec tio n B United Methodist Women meet Elk City United Methodist Women met for a noon luncheon and business meeting March 6 in the Life Center of the church. A menu of barbecue and trimmings with dessert was served by hostesses Charlene Sharp, Pat Henry, Jan Attocknie and Carla Garrison. Tables were appointed in white and green with shamrock centerpieces. Phillis Smith opened the business meeting by welcoming members and guests Aleta Lonberger, Rosalind Hughes and Marilyn Johnson. The three are Crisis Center representatives. The devotion, given by Sharon Hodges, was entitled “Sight to See.” It addressed the Lenten priority of taking time for deep gratitude for Jesus’ gift and referenced passages from Isaiah 51 and Matthew 27. Minutes of the February meeting were read by Sibyl Hillock and approved as read. She shared correspondence from the families of Ertis Finnell, Luella Bronn and Tom Bailey in thanks for funeral dinners served. The day’s program was brought by Sue Atchley whose guests for the day were from the Women and Children’s Crisis Center in Elk City and Clinton. They presented a factfilled report on their agency, which serves eight counties. They shared data, some alarming and discouraging, reporting that Oklahoma is ranked first in female incarceration per capita in the nation, first in number of children going to bed hungry, second in teen pregnancy and homeless youth and third in divorce. The I-35 and I-40 crossroad location makes the state vulnerable to human trafficking activity. They also spoke of ways to aid those in pain and need and of past successes in their ministry. Mareen Hallmark gave the treasurer’s report. UMW have ordered 224 calendars, 168 of which are sold. Courtesy copies for ad purchasers are available. UMW will refund $13 if the group can identify the order with no name on it. Hallmark also discussed with the group the need for parlor renovation plans to be brought before the Board of Trustees at their next meeting. Her report was accepted upon a motion by Barbara Blake and seconded by Atchley. Hallmark also clarified that the budget balance shown in her report includes the funds being held in reserve for the parlor project and the calendar profits. The group voted to include the calendar sale profit into the parlor fund, on a motion by Lois Hubbard, second by Hodges. Sue Shirley read the monthly Prayer Calendar section concerning UMW fundraising events in Zimbabwe to help fight Aids. DeAun Ivester reported on upcoming children’s activities and asked for cookie donations for the Easter egg hunt. She previewed children’s activities for Palm Sunday and shared with the group the summer VBS theme, “Fun Fair.” She asked members to be thinking of items from the theme countries - Mexico, United Kingdom, Australia, Zimbabwe and Japan - that could be used in the studies. Barbara Thompson gave the Response moment, touching on a bible study on Esther, and reporting on UMW participation in home construction for a woman who had lost her home to Hurricane Katrina. New business included a sign-up sheet for Friday’s luncheon for the Owen funeral, an announcement of the Oklahoma UMW Conference April 26 to April 28 at the Canyon Lodge, with a sign-up sheet for it being available, plus remind- ers of the communion breakfast March 26. Use the north or kitchen doors for the 7 a.m. event. Smith said the $100 check that had been presented to the guest had been agreed upon in executive session. The group by consensus then approved the decision. Smith thanked those who recently had fed the Sayre college students and reminded the group that they are scheduled again in April to take a meal. Prayer concerns were shared and Smith lifted those to the heart of God. She also made mention of Christine Smith Circle next meeting on March 20 and Lois Smith Circle meeting on March 26. The next general meeting will be April 3 with Ruby Ragsdale, Barbara Thompson, and Nelda Burch hosting. Charlene Sharp is in charge of the program. Anita Blackwell said sign-up sheets are in the narthex for our church’s April responsibility for Meals on Wheels. Attocknie displayed table napkins and potholders she had been working on for bazaar. Mary Lou Britton has lots of batting if anyone needs some. There being no further business, the meeting closed with recitation of the traditional prayer by members. Those present were Sherry Larson, Mareen Hallmark, Phillis Smith, Sibyl Hillock, Marilyn Morris, Sue Shirley, Debra Gholston, Mary Lou Britton, Ruby Ragsdale, Nita Blackwell, Barbara Thompson, Anita Carpenter, Charlene Sharp, Jan Attocknie, Pat Henry, June Conrad, Sue Atchley, Nelda Burch, Rosalind Hughes, Marilyn Johnson, Aleta Lonberger, Barbara Blake, Deannie Rule, Mary Townsend, Nancy McCormick, Lois Hubbard, Sharon Beach, DeAun Ivester, Terry Koehn, Sharon Hodges and Helen Nayfa. Pianist Kirill Gliadkovsky performing in concert WEATHERFORD - Piano virtuoso Kirill Gliadkovsky will perform in concert at 7 p.m. Thursday in the Weather- ford High School Performing Arts Center. Admission is free. He will be featuring world masterpieces, including His- Fluid Power Solutions Call Us For All Your Industrial Hose Needs 403 S. Pioneer Rd Elk City, OK 73644 Phone: (580) 303-9170 After Hours: (580) 374-1497 We Rent Most Everything You Need For Those Home Improvement and Construction Projects Sand Blaster Tillers Fork-Lifts Trenchers Jackhammers Jungle Adventure Bounce Air Compressors Compressor Trenchers Loaders Concrete Saws Chain Saws Drum Sanders Electric Drills Generators AND MORE!! panic, Russian and American composers. The sponsors of the event include a cross-section of the Southwestern Oklahoma State University and Weatherford communities: the SWOSU Spanish Society, Department of Music, Department of Language and Literature, Weatherford High School choirs and the Weatherford Arts Council. Since making his first public appearance at the age of 6, Gliadkovsky has toured extensively on three continents performing piano and organ recitals and as a soloist with orchestras in various cities in Russia, including Moscow’s prestigious Bolshoi, Maliy and Rachmaninoff Halls, St. Petersburg Philharmonic’s Glinka Hall, as well as in Italy, England, Poland, Mongolia, Canada, Japan and throughout the United States. Kirill Gliadkovsky was born in Moscow and has studied music since the age of 5. Gliadkovsky attended the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow where his teachers included renowned musicians Lev Vlasenko, MikhailPletniev and Leonid Royzman. Gliadkovsky will also offer a master class to SWOSU music students. For more information, call 580-774-7052 or 580-7743093. Gliadkovsky What’s new at the shelter Last week, 12 pets found new forever homes. One cat was released to a barn and one dog was sent to a rescue facility. Two dogs were euthanized and 11 animals were returned to lost owners. If your pet goes missing, call the shelter. Dogs available for adoption this week include a male lab mix, male Aussie-heeler mix, male hound mix, male lab mix, male blue heeler, female pugbeagle mix, male rat terrier, male heeler, female Chihuahua and a female heeler. Cats available include a gray tuxedo male, gray and white male and two dilute calico females. Two male kittens are waiting for new homes this week. 3-3 Shelter has Elk City Animal partnered with Sayre to house their animals while their new animal shelter is being built. If your pet goes missing in the Sayre area, contact Elk City Animal Shelter. For more information and to view pictures go to www. Elk City Animal Shelter is at 1022 S. Main. Call 580-2257222. Lawn Mowers Lawn Mowers 911 S. Main, Elk City 580-225-1400 ZONES: 3 for week of March 10, 2013 2x2 ads may run anywhere in your newspaper. Don’t forget to remind yo download the line ads for this week at - CHOOSE THE AD SIZE CLOSEST TO YOUR COL Baby Girls! Sarah & Kaleb Rhodes 3/23 Danna & Rebel Ridling Hope & Michael Rupp Lauren(Smith) & Charles Belcher Brianne(Silk) & Colter Vaught Ashley(Silk) & Ryan Waddell Twin Girls Manufacturer’s Recall Recently Announced Are you suffering after being implanted with a STRYKER REJUVENATE ® Modular Hip Implant? Vanessa & Josh Welk 3/16 Kristen Jordan & Lynndon Lambright 4/13 Have you experienced failure of your Stryker Rejuvenate hip implant, resulting in pain and other complications that may have required revision surgery? If so, please know that we are investigating these injuries – and those caused by other brands such as DePuy, Lana Keathly & Jake Nunley Brandi (Spears) & Kevin Scheel WEITZ LUXENBERG P.C. KC(Shepard) & Jordan Marple 4/6 Baby Boys! Lacie Tompkins & Brock Downs 3/10 Kasie & Kevin Frech Owners: Hood/Odom Families 218 West Broadway • Elk City, OK 580-225-2187 & ASBESTOS | Pinnacle, Biomet and Wright – for possible legal action. Weitz & Luxenberg can help you understand your legal options. For a free consultation please call us today at 1-800- LAW-6789 or visit us on the web at DRUGS/MEDICAL DEVICES 700 BROADWAY | NEW YORK, NY 10003 BRANCH OFFICES IN NEW JERSEY & CALIFORNIA 1.800.LAW.6789 | | ENVIRONMENTAL | NEGLIGENCE LAW OFFICES We are also investigating METAL ON METAL HIP REPLACEMENTS from other manufacturers ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. Prior results do not guarantee a future outcome. We may associate with local firms in states wherein we do not maintain an office. No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of NJ. If no recovery, no fees or costs are charged, unless prohibited by State Law or Rule. Gary R. Klein, Esq. Lucky Bucks Page 4, Section B The Elk City Daily News • Elk City, Oklahoma Sunday, March 10, 2013 Sign up to win Lucky Bucks from The Elk City Daily News! Register with these participating merchants to win Elk City City Daily News Lucky Bucks to be spent at these businesses! No purchase required! & We Have Cash Waiting For You! Loans from $141-$706 Yes Finance The nly gift they’ll get to open 257 times! 1414 W. 3rd • Elk City, OK 73644 (580)225-1525 Spring is around the$ corner. * 83 a year! Add the e-paper only $1/mo. That’s a 36% savings over the newstand prices. Available on any tablet or smartphone. Buy the Complete Coverage Package by December 14 for your chance to win a Kindle Fire! 206 West Broadway • 225-3000 • * Mail subscriptions extra. Classifieds Sunday, March 10, 2013 The Elk City Daily News • Elk City, Oklahoma help wanted The Clarion Inn of Elk City IS NOW HIRING • PT Housekeepers - night • Wait staff • Cook • Dishwasher Come join the Clarion family! We offer competitive pay rates, paid vacation, gym membership and discounts on hotels around the world. NOW HIRING at SUBWAY Apply in person, 1206 W 3RD Day or Evening Shifts Available Elk City Nursing Home is accepting applications for CNAs & CMAs Help Wanted AMBASSADOR HOTEL: Now hiring front desk position. Apply in person, 2606 E. Hwy 66, Elk City. COWBOY CAFE has an immediate opening for FullTime Experienced Cook. Apply inside Ramada Inn, 102 BJ Hughes, Elk City. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! WANTED: CDL DRIVER FOR ROADTRUCK. OilBenefits include: field experience helpful but •incentive bonus not required. No Haz-Mat • paid vacation after 1 year Forpay questions regarding thisneeded. insertion order, Envi• holiday Drug-Free •health insurance please contact: Tim Runge ronment. Insurance after • on-site daycare. Account Manager 90 days. 580-339-1199 NEW HIGHER RATES EFFECTIVE Phone:9-01-12 832-437-1477 Fax: 832-553-2599 MAINTENANCE POSITION: Apply in person at 301 N. Garrett. EOE. Full-time. Make ready e remit invoices reflecting IO number to: Patriot Advertising, Inc., Attn: Accounts Payable, experience a plus. Salernhurst, Suite 263, Katy, TX 77450 AND THE DAY AFTER PUBLICATION FAX OR EMAIL proof of ary based on experience. Crude Drivers Needed vertisement/tearsheets to: Fax: 832-553-2599 or Apply in person, Monday Due to the growth of the High Sierra Transportation division, we are - Friday 8am-12pm or 1pm o Logisticsinterviewing - Erica Class A CDL drivers for Elk City,Account Rep:and Tim Runge OK and Wheeler Pampa, TX. - 5pm at Southgate Village, Daily News,Qualified OK Size: 2 x 5.5 Drivers must have at least 2 years driving experi1200 S. Watkins, Elk City, e: March 10,13,17,20,24,27,31, Rate:driving $8.40record, c.i /netand - color OK. ence, good employment2013 history, good HazMat/Tanker endorsements. ers - Transportation Online: none Tanker experience preferred but not necessary. LUGREG TRUCKING is looking for full-time Benefits include competitive pay, medical, dental & vision insurance, paid holidays, paid HELP. No experints are property of 401(k) Patriotplan, Advertising Inc anddays are off for& the use through Patriot AdvertisingSHOP Inc. exclusively. vacation, regularly scheduled a quarterly safety incentive. erials may not be reproduced by any vendor or publication. C Copyright 2009 Patriot Advertising Inc. ence necessary. Apply in Come by our office for an interview, 1801 E. 20th St, Elk City person, 3421 S. Hwy 6; call or send resume to 580/225-4929. Apply in person at 101 Meadowridge, Elk City. No phone calls please. EOE. for 6-2 & 2-10 shifts Also hiring cooks & dietary aides Insertion Order #64362SUN At Sunoco Logistics Partners L.P. (NYSE: SXL) we are one team driven by a passion to make a difference in everything we do. We are fueled by our commitment to be the best and continuously seeking new ideas and innovative solutions. If you are driven by the opportunity to engage, excel and achieve success in your career, then look no further. Our Crude Trucking Division is EXPANDING and now hiring for Elk City and the surrounding Oklahoma area: Bobtail/Transport Driver- Job# 6877 Work five 10 to 12 hr. shifts/week, starting at 5AM or 5PM and move product safely from the field to pipeline injection sites. Some minor vehicle maintenance also involved. You will need a H.S. diploma/GED, current DOT medical card (or ability to qualify for same), CDL Class A with X endorsements, 2 years of clean tractor trailer driving experience or graduate from approved school and 21 years of age or older. Compensation includes $.1800 - .2173/barrel and $.4063/cents per mile commission plus medical, dental, life, 401(k), Disability, Flexible Spending Accounts, Tuition Reimbursement, paid vacations & holidays. Benefits & Compensation: Medical & dental benefits, matching 401K, Paid vacations and holidays. For additional information apply online: Self-motivated Care Coordinator position available in Beckham/Roger Mills counties. Applicant will be making a difference in the lives of children and their families. Provides intensive crisis support, family team building and family education programs that serve to help preserve, strengthen, and restore the integrity of the family unit. Applicant must have a Bachelor’s Degree in a mental health related field. Excellent benefit package and team environment. Send resume to Jennifer Kelley at Red Rock West, 94 N 31st, Clinton, OK 73601, or email to EOE/AA M/F/HV HealthCare Innovations Private Services is now accepting applications for a Personal Care Attendant in the Elk City, Cheyenne, and Sayre area. Please call Page 1, Section C Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Jennifer Cox at 1-866-5432834. “HCIPS is an Equal Opportunity Employer.” test. Dependable and willing to train. Pay based on experience. Insurance offered. Apply in person 1705 W. 7th. ment. Send resume with handwriting sample to BCAC Box 80 Sayre, OK 73662. WANTED: TIRE MAN w/ field and road service experience. Must pass drug screening. Apply in person, L&R TIRE, 1204 South Main, Elk City. Great Plains Systems of Care is looking for an outgoing Family Support Specialist for Beckham/Roger Mills counties. Personal experience with SED children, OJA, DHS, court systems and/or school issues, reliable transportation, proof of insurance and high school diploma or equivalent required. No degree required. Send resume to Jennifer Kelley at Red Rock West, 90 N. 31st, Clinton, OK 73601 or e-mail to jenniferd@red-rock. com. Applications can be obtained at com. Please specify position applying for. EOE/AA M/F/H/V Machinist CNC or manual. Insurance and benefits. Apply in person at M-1 Machine, 3833 W. 3rd, Elk City. 225-6826. LUGREG TRUCKING, LLC seeking experienced and dependable CLASS A CDL DRIVERS to work out of Elk City yard. Excellent pay; benefit package available, Apply in person, 3421 S. Hwy 6, Elk City. Wanted: Experienced mechanic. Must have own tools. Monday-Friday, 8-5:30. Salary negotiable. Apply in person at D&D parts and service center, south of Clinton on Highway 183. Drilling Fluids Technology, Inc. is looking to hire a class B CDL driver with a hazmat endorsement to work out of the Elk City area. Please contact Rick St. Cyr at 405-375-6282. Full/Part-time position for childcare setting. Must be 18, pass OSBI and drug Plumber Assistant Wanted Local Plumber looking for reliable assistant. Good pay, flexible hours. Call225-8641 for more info. Dollar General is now hiring store managers, key holders, and sales associates at our Elk City, Burns Flat and Sayre locations. Apply online at DollarGeneral. com/careers or call 580791-3051. Independent Distributors wanted for the Elk City, OK area. Must have an excellent driving record and good credit. Your route will have the exclusive rights to sell and distribute the following bread products: Sunbeam, Nature’s Own, Cobblestone Mills, Bluebird, and Roman Meal. Independent Distributors have the opportunity to earn from the mid $40s to over $100,000. You will work approximately 90 days with a Temporary Service at $10/hr plus over-time, then become an Independent Distributor. If interested, please submit your resume to Chip Miles at Chip_Miles@flocorp. com or fax to (405) 2701349 or call for appointment (405) 270-7880. 66 Sweet Spot is now hiring a part-time cashier. Apply at 3rd and Randall. Competitive salary; call 225-6969 for more info. The United Methodist Health Care Center has openings for CMAs/CNAs on all shifts in our nursing department. We offer excellent working conditions, competitive salary, 401k, paid vacation and sick leave. Please apply in person at 2316 W. Modelle, Clinton, OK. Openings for Personal Care Assistant in Elk City. Call Elkview Home Care, Hobart 1-888-482-4492 Independent Contractor. Great money to be made and Paid Weekly! Performance Pay Tiers starting at Tier 2. Dish Network Installations in the Elk City area. Need white truck/van (assistance available). We are a growing company with plenty of opportunities. Come join our team now. Call 888-959WORK (9675) or e-mail o apply online at Part-time job with flex hours. Neat handwriting a require- Experienced Construction Laborers needed. Pay depending on experience. Valid driver’s license, some tools and basic skills in drywall, painting and trim work the most. 580-225-1592: leave message. Personal STATE CERTIFIED DUIDRUG-DOT EVALUATION. 10 & 24-Hour ADSAC (DUI School) Eileen McGee, 580/225-7930, 303-0527 or 580/323-6363 Lost & Found Found dog at United parking lot on Friday, March 1. Border collie female. Please call to identify. 580-3747626 Lost walking cane with a brown foam grip handle. Different colors and breeds of cats on it. At the top and the bottom of the cane, there are mailing labels with name and address. Please call 580225-1851 or 918-839-1856 if found. $100 reward for set of lost keys. Lost on Sunday, March 3. 12-14 keys on a large key ring. Please call 580-243-1313. Absolutely Free Puppies to a good home. Two 7 month old male Chihuahuas. 580-547-9874. Construction CUPP CONSTRUCTION: Remodeling, Repairs, Custom Cabinets, Ceramic Tile, Replacement Windows, Drywall Painting. 580/2251301 McLemore Sand & Topsoil Loading and Hauling, Washed Masonry Sand. Sand Loam. Red Bed. Fill Sand. 243-7496 or 225-3426 Cleaning HOME OR OFFICE CLEANING: Dependable. Experienced. Deep Cleaning a specialty! Please call 580/225-6580 Beauty MARY KAY COSMETICS: Kathryn 225-6378. Colognes, Skin care, Facials Livestock Serviceable age Black Angus Bulls, Reg. or Comm. 6 different bloodlines to fit your cowherd needs. For more info contact Thomas Angus, Reydon, 580/655-4318. b uhse in l eps sw s aenrtv e i cde s B&J Mini Storage • All Sizes • 4 Locations • All Fenced & Lighted • Low Cost Rates • Discounts for Pre-Pay • Outside RV Storage • 7 Day Phone-Long Hours Comforting Hands Hospice, LLC 401 E. 3rd Street Elk City, OK 73644 580-225-1738 We are looking for exceptional people to join our team of caring professionals and volunteers. Specifically looking for a part-time chaplain. Also needed are volunteers direct care and indirect care. “Some of the best things in life are waiting for you.” You can make a difference. Come by our office. 225-6300 minerals Now Buying Minerals Please call 580-303-8120 Free Estimates!! Producing or Non-Producing. Oil & Gas Leases • Interior • Exterior • Residential • Commercial • Airless spraying • Drywall Repair• Faux painting ll t ca ” Jus opps eK “Th 580-374-7836 The nly gift they’ll Terry Stone 580.243.9598 get to open 257 times! Email: 83 a year! $ * Delivered to your home That’s a 36% savings over the newstand prices. Tuesday-Friday & Saturday. Buy the Complete Coverage Package by December 14 for your chance to win a Kindle Fire! 206 West Broadway • 225-3000 • Do you need your home/office cleaned or help assisting the elderly? * Mail subscriptions extra. Pa ge 2 , Sec ti on C Houses For Rent The Elk City Daily N ews • Elk City, O klaho ma Houses For Rent 2bd/2ba duplex, no pets, references and deposit. Recently updated. $750/ month. Available March 1st! 580-729-1001 For Rent: 3bd/1ba home with basement. All appliances included plus washer and dryer. $800/month $800 deposit. 521 N. 6th, Sayre. Call Liz at 580-729-2164. Golf Course Condo for rent now. Call 580-243-0624 for more information. 2 bd/2ba, 1 car garage townhomes in Wheeler, TX. 972-989-8019. New industrial park in Wheeler, TX. 2-5 acre lots; build to suit. Quail Run Industrial Park. 806-334- Mobile Home Parks with new home purchase. No refund? Use your land/ family land ZERO down. Don’t prejudge credit, E-Z qualify by phone. WAC 405631-7600 or 405-834-8814. 2108. For rent 30x40 builing/ storage shop etc., electric doors. 580-445-4415. Mobile Home Parks POTTER’S MH PARK: RV Spaces for rent. 30amp for $235 and 50amp for $270. Water, Sewer and electricity furnished. Storm Shelter.225-2186, 243-8040. QUEEN CITY MH PARK: We Now Move Mobile Homes. Mobile Homes Rent/Sale! We Buy MH For CASH! 580/2250156, 821-2310 Mobile Homes Double your tax refund up to $5,000!! Use refund and receive a Visa gift card Fresh Brunch Ideas WANTED: $You don’t have to be rich$ To get our homes. A DEED is all you need! NO LAND :(? DON’T CRY! We’ll get you some! Low down payments. WAC 405-631-3200 Homes For Sale Scenic rock home. 3bd/2ba, fireplace, over-sized 2 car garage, fenced backyard with storage building. 901 W. Mountain Ave., Granite, OK. 580-450-3236 3bd/2ba, 1846 sq.ft., professionally landscaped corner lot, water softener, vacuum Homes For Sale system, sprinkler system, custom cabinets and wood works, excellent neighborhood. 580-821-1676 or 580243-1217 Historic home at 522 W. Broadway. 1.5 lots, LR, formal dining, den, 5bd/2ba, 2700 sf, wrap-around porch, basement, carport, 2 car garage, separate apartment, pecan trees. $180,000 as-is. 580-243-7767. Hotels Hotel in Wheeler, TX; executive stay, newly remodeled, great prices! 806-826-3790. Lost & Found pet ads are free! Blend the first seven ingredients well and let rest for 20 minutes. Make waffles in a waffle maker. Top with fruits and toasted pecans. Add maple syrup to taste. Nutrients per serving: 300 calories, 9g protein, 7g fat, 63 calories from fat, 4g saturated fat, 120mg cholesterol, 2g dietary fiber, 99mg sodium Sweeter breads and casseroles are popular brunch foods, but they can be heavy and full of fats, sugar and calories. For a lighter, fresher brunch that still leaves guests satisfied, fill their plates with delicious and healthy fresh fruits. Fresh fruits help satisfy a sweet tooth without filling you up with unhealthy ingredients. And fresh fruits are available year-round thanks to an abundance of fruits available from Chile. Here are a few delicious ways to make your brunch fresh and tasty with fruit: • Slice up a variety of fresh fruits and serve them in fruitbased containers. Carve a basket from a watermelon, hollow out the center of halved cantaloupes or honeydew melons, or make individual servings in orange peel cups. • Set up a yogurt bar so guests can customize their own yogurt parfaits. Include creamy yogurt, fresh Chilean blueberries, plums, grapes, kiwis and apples. Have a selection of homemade granolas, toasted nuts and coconut flakes with honey or agave nectar for drizzling. • Set out fresh fruit skewers stacked with chunks of your favorite fresh fruits. For an added layer of flavor, lightly grill the skewers over smoky coals or in a grill pan on the stove. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with toasted coconut flakes. Another way to enjoy fresh fruit is to incorporate it into your brunch recipes. This Legals LPXLP IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF BECKHAM COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA In the Matter of the Application of Nathaniel Robert Leigh, For Change of Name Case No. CV-13-18 NOTICE OF FILING PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME recipe for Sweet Potato Waffles tops fluffy waffles with fresh Chilean peaches, plums and grapes; and this recipe for Blueberry, Apple and Gorgonzola Paninis uses fresh Chilean blueberries for little bursts of sweet flavor in a savory sandwich. For more brunch recipes like these, visit www. Sweet Potato Waffles Serves 8 1 1/2 cups buttermilk or plain yogurt 4 large eggs 1/2 cup sugar 2 1/2 cups flour 3/4 tablespoon baking powder 3/4 cup cooked sweet potato puree (canned or fresh) 3 tablespoons melted butter 2 peaches, sliced 2 plums, sliced 1 cup grapes, halved 1/4 cup pecans Maple syrup Blueberry, Apple, Gorgonzola Paninis Serves 4 8 Italian bread slices 8 ounces Gorgonzola, crumbled 1/2 cup blueberries 1 crisp apples, thinly sliced 8 ounces thinly sliced ham or smoked turkey 1 cup arugula 2 tablespoons red pepper jelly, divided 2 tablespoons olive oil Layer 4 bread slices evenly with Gorgonzola, blueberries, apples, ham and arugula. Spread 1 1/2 teaspoons pepper jelly on side of each of the remaining 4 bread slices; place bread slices, jelly sides down, on top of arugula. Brush sandwiches with olive oil. Cook sandwiches in batches in a preheated Panini press or grill pan 2 to 3 minutes or until golden brown. Nutrients per serving: 450 calories, 19g fat, 171 calories from fat, 9g saturated fat, 57g cholesterol, 1,507g sodium, 24g protein, 4g dietary fiber. Have you received your daily news today? The nly gift they’ll get to open 257 times! 83 a year! $ To Whom It May Concern: Take notice that Nathaniel Robert Leigh has filed in the above court a Petition to have his/her name changed as follows: From Nathaniel Robert Leigh to Nathan Robert Leigh; and that the same will be heard by the District Court of Beckham County, Oklahoma, at 11:00 o’clock a.m. on the 1st day of April, 2013. You are hereby also provided notice that any person may file a written protest in the case prior to the date set for hearing. Dated this 7th day of March, 2013. * That’s a 36% savings over the newstand prices. Michelle Kirby Roper Judge of the District Court (SEAL) Donna Howell, Court Clerk By: Shonna Stewart, Deputy Petitioner: Nathaniel Robert Leigh 122 Meadow Ridge Elk City, OK 73644 (Published in the Elk City Daily News March 10, 2013.) The nly get to open Buy the Complete Coverage Package giftby December they’ll14 for your chance to win a Kindle Fire! 257 times! 206 West Broadway • 225-3000 • 83 a year! * Mail subscriptions extra. $ * Send photos toThat’s a 36% savings over the newstand prices. Buy the Complete Coverage Package by December 14 for your chance to win a Kindle Fire! 206 West Broadway • 225-3000 • * Mail subscriptions extra. S unday, M arch 10, 2 013 TV ez TV LOCAL TV LISTINGS FOR YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Cutler examines ‘The World According to Dick Cheney’ % KOCO _ TBS Today Dr. Phil Fresh Prince The View Fresh Prince ( WGN- Matlock A ) KWTV + KOCB , OETA ` KOKH / KAUT 8 FAM 9 USA : DISN = TNT > ESPN F AMC G TCM K A&E R LIFE Engagement _ TBS + KOCB / KAUT 8 FAM 9 USA : DISN = TNT > ESPN F AMC G TCM K A&E R LIFE Wipeout The Young and the Restless News 9 at Noon Bold/Beau- The Talk tiful Jerry Springer The Steve Wilkos Show America’s Funniest Home Videos Be a Millionaire Be a Millionaire Sesame Street Daniel Tiger Sid the Sci- WordWorld Barney & ence Kid Friends Caillou Clifford-Dog Signing Time! Good Day Oklahoma America’s Court Judge Mathis The People’s Court Divorce Court The 700 Club Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent Cops Maury The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Full House Full House Full House Full House Reba Varied Programs NCIS NCIS America’s Court Jake and Mickey the Pirates Mouse Octonauts Little Einsteins Little Einsteins Dora the Dora the Explorer Bubble Guppies Bubble Guppies Max & Ruby Dora the Explorer Johnny Test Scooby Scooby Looney Tunes Supernatural Supernatural SportsCenter Movie Peter Rabbit Cops NCIS Doc McStuffins Looney Tunes Varied Programs Walker, Texas Ranger The Trisha Goddard Show Thomas & Friends Divorce Court Reba NCIS Gaspard & Phineas Lisa and Ferb Dora the Explorer Varied Programs SpongeBob SpongeBob Tom & Jerry Tom and ScoobyJerry Tales Doo Bones Bones Bones SportsCenter College Basketball Varied Programs College Basketball Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Criminal Minds Varied Programs CSI: Miami Varied Programs Frasier Frasier Old Chris- Old Chris- Old Chris- Old Chris- How I Met/ How I Met/ Grey’s Anatomy tine tine tine tine Mother Mother 2:30 Movie Inside Edition Katie Cougar Town Friends CSI: Miami Varied Programs Criminal Minds Varied Programs Criminal Minds Varied Programs 3 pm Days of our Lives 3:30 Jeopardy! 4 pm 4:30 5 pm 5:30 6 pm NewsChan- First News News nel 4 at 4:30 Nightly News The Dr. Oz Show The Ellen DeGeneres Show ABC World News 5 at News 6pm Friends Friends Friends News The King of The King of Seinfeld Queens Queens News Seinfeld 6:30 Extra Edition Wheel of Fortune Seinfeld Walker, Texas Ranger Law & Order: Criminal Intent Old Chris- Old Chris- America’s Funniest tine tine Home Videos Let’s Make a Deal The Jeff Probst Show News 9 at 4:00 PM News 9 at 5:00 PM The Jeremy Kyle Show The Bill Cunningham Show The Steve Wilkos Show Family Feud Family Feud The Simp- Varied sons Programs Curious Arthur Wild Kratts Electric Comp. Martha Speaks WordGirl Maury Reba Steve Harvey Reba That ’70s Show PBS NewsHour Two and a Big Bang Half Men Theory Varied Programs Varied Programs A.N.T. Farm Good Luck Varied Programs Charlie NCIS NCIS Varied Programs Good Luck Jessie Charlie WizardsPlace WizardsPlace The Fairly The Fairly SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Drake & OddParents OddParents Josh Johnny Test Johnny Test Varied Programs World of Gumball Bones Varied Programs College Basketball Varied Programs World of Gumball Adventure Adventure Regular Time Time Show Regular Show Varied Programs College Varied Basketball Programs Varied Programs The First 48 Varied Programs The First 48 Varied Programs Grey’s Anatomy Varied Programs 17 * And Gifts Grandview Pharmacy 20 19 18 * Providing Comfort 28of Life Choices 29 26 27 and Support for End Hospice care provides medical and spiritual re32 support, 33 30 31 services, emotional sources for people who are in the last stages of a serious illness, such as cancer or heart failure. Hospice care also helps family members manage the practical 36 * 37 35 34 details and emotional challenges of caring for a dying loved one. 40 41 42 39 * * For questions regarding hospice service or eligibility, contact: 38 Carrie Perry, RN/ Adminsistrator Pat Welsh, RN/ Coordinator of Patient Care 43 The identity of the featured celebrity is found within the answers in the puzzle. In order to take to TV Challenge, unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle. Some of the most common conditions are: • Cancer • Failure to Thrive • EndofStage Cardiac23. Disease (CHF) 2000-04 series for 38.Dennings “2 Broke ACROSS • End Stage CerebrovascularGirls” Disease (CVA) • End Stage Amyotrophic Josh Randall 1. Role for Melissa Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) • End Stage Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 27.Role on “Roseanne” 39.Star’s car, perhaps McCarthy (2) Liver Disease • End Stage Renal Disease • AIDS/HIV • End Stage 28.Hilda’s portrayer on 42.Disease “Dude, Where’s • End Stage Neurological such as My Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s 9. Hoover or Boulder “Ugly Betty” __?”; Ashton Kutcher 10.Folk singer Guthrie Role on “The O.C.” movie Professional,30.Passionate Jami 11. Alley __; comic strip 31.“Paul Blart: __ Cop”; 43.“Modern Family” role Williams, Advanced, Attentive caveman 2009 Kevin James (2) LPN ..Our difference is our care 13.Vietnamese or film Laotian 15.__ __ bell; sounded familiar 17.Reality talent show (2) 18.“__ Ordinary Family” 20.Role on “Married 21.Polly Holliday role 23.Go astray 24.Tupperware piece 25.“To __ For”; 1995 Varied Programs The First 48 Varied Programs The First 48 Varied Programs Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty DOWN 1. Bell and Barker Have 2. Leave out you 32.__ lights; marquee frame ever considered becoming 33.“__ of Triumph”; a hospice volunteer? 3. Clark Kent’s love 1948 film for Ingrid 4. Period of time: abbr. A fulfilling experienceBergman in the spirit 5. Setting for “Empty Drink like Rin Tin of giving and 35. receiving. Nest”: abbr. C H 6. Actress Loughlin Tin 37.“__ the Favorite”; omforting2012 movie for Bruce “Gilligan’s Island” Willis LLC 8. Holiday drink ands Hospice 40.“__ Do Anything” 7. Number of Emmys for 9. Actor on “Law & Order: SVU” (2) (2004-05) 401 East 3rd Street • Two ElkDads” Cityactor • 580-225-1738 12.“My Nicole Kidman movie (2) 41.Fraternity letter Check us out on facebook! 29.Prince William’s mum 14.Cry of discovery 30.Role on “NCIS: Los 16.“__ of Valor”; 2012 Angeles” (2) Movie * 23 22 211220 West 3rd, Elk City, OK • 580-225-5550 Fax: 580-225-6658 • Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-5:30 Sat 8:30-1 25 24 26.“Go __” SportsCen- Around the Pardon the SportsCenter ter Horn Interruption Varied Programs Your owned pharmacy 4 6 5 7 * 8 1 *family 2 3 convenient drive through. 11 12 9 10 Great selection of gifts and 15 16 Colby Brewster 13 items for 14 home and baby Owner/Pharm D ...With Children” NCIS Movie Big Bang Theory Entertainment ’Night Are We Are We How I Met/ How I Met/ Everybody- EverybodyThere Yet? There Yet? Mother Mother Raymond Raymond NCIS Movie CBS Eve- News 9 at ning News 6:00 PM World News Nightly Business Judge Alex Judge Alex Judge Joe Judge Joe Judge Judy Judge Judy Two and a Brown Brown Half Men SpongeBob Rocket ; NICK Monkeys < TOON American Dad The Price Is Right , OETA George ` KOKH According Everybody- American to Jim Raymond Dad General Hospital The Ricki Lake Show ( WGN- Walker, Texas Ranger A ) KWTV The Chew WGN Midday News 2 pm % KOCO Anderson Live In the Heat of the Night Weekday Afternoon $ KFOR NewsChannel 4 at Noon The Doctors In the Heat of the Night ; NICK Explorer < TOON Engagement Rachael Ray 1:30 film for Alex Veadov 34.Ms. Verdugo 19.Actor Ken 36.__ Hyman; actor who 20.Extremely dry played Cliff Huxtable’s dad 22.Drug tragedy, for short N O P GA U AL RR I E D I S L E AR Y $ KFOR 9:30 10 am 10:30 11 am 11:30 12 pm 12:30 1 pm views of someone; they question their integrity and motivations.” One other reason Cheney’s opponents may seek to cast him a dark light is that, unlike most vice presidents, he was a central player rather than a bystander. Says Cutler, “Cheney refers to his vice presidency ... as one of the most consequential vice presidencies in American history. And it clearly was.” YN O AN C E T E D A NA AR C P H 9 am Cutler MO L L Y F L AM A R L O R S I AN THEVO I O A LO I D N D S AM H A N E L ENA A T L I MO P H I LDUN Weekday Morning Page 3, Section C D A N N F L O R E K Certitude and conviction in a politician is a double-edged sword. If you disagree with the person, you want him or her to be conciliatory, cooperative and amenable to compromise. If you agree with the person, you want him or her to stand strong and defend your shared policies and principles. Few politicians of the modern era exemplify this better than Richard Cheney. There are those who consider him a valiant warrior for the cause, while others see him as a combination of Machiavelli and Darth Vader. On Friday, March 15 — intentionally, or not, also the Ides of March — Showtime premieres “The World According to Dick Cheney,” a profile of the controversial vice president who served under President George W. Bush after a career that included stints in Congress, as White House chief of staff (under Gerald Ford) and as secretary of defense (under George H.W. Bush). According to Harvard-educated filmmaker R.J. Cutler (“Nashville,” “A Perfect Candidate,” “The War Room”), “we certainly argue in the film that Vice President Cheney is a man of great conviction, great patriotism, great passion. It is my belief that conviction is a necessary element of the success of a democracy. Leaders who believe in things, I believe, are the engines of a successful democracy. “Leaders who don’t believe in anything except perhaps stopping the other side from accomplishing anything or getting themselves re-elected, these people clog up the engine of democracy and cause it to sputter and worse. “And here is a man whose conviction, I believe, is hard to argue. However, conviction itself, absolute belief and certainty in the fact that what you believe is completely right and unfailing, and above either question or reproach, at a certain point, could have its dangers.” One thing that comes through in Cutler’s conversations with Cheney is that the vice president is not interested in outside approval or The by Elkhis City Daily News • Elk City, Oklahoma affection and that he stands beliefs and choices. Former George W. Bush press secretary — and co-host of the Fox News Channel weekday roundtable show “The Five” — Dana Perino has yet to see the documentary, which premiered in January at the Sundance Film Festival, but of course she had a front-row seat to what happened during Cheney’s time in office. Asked by email what she thinks his legacy will be, Perino responds, “The great thing is, none of us will live long enough to find out; history will have to decide. I like how he can spin up the left and make them crazy by never being cowed by them. I think he was an excellent choice for the vice presidency.” Although Perino doesn’t believe history has yet passed judgment on Cheney, Cutler says that one goal of his film was to take the long view of Cheney’s time in the White House — in particular, the administration’s response to 9/11 and its justifications for the Iraq War. Cutler says he viewed Cheney “less from the perspective of his only having been out of office for the length of a presidential term and more the way we suspect history will look at his time, both in office and his life and career.” As for what surprised him during his preparation and days of conversations with Cheney and others, Cutler says, “It’s my approach as a filmmaker always to go in, not with a thesis or preconceived notion, but with curiosity and questions and inquiry. So in some way, I’m always surprised. I’m always finding paths of engagement. “I was certainly struck by the manner in which R.J. he discussed the choice between duty and honor and the way in which he described duty as trumping honor without question in his mind, specifically when he is talking about what it called Cheney looms as an ominous figure in the enhanced interrogation techniques. imaginations of his political and philosophical “The fact that he didn’t seem to think that the foes. question of acting with honor should enter into the Regarding that, Perino writes, “I suppose it’s equation and was rather dismissive of it — there because they disagreed with his views and instead are a number of other things that certainly struck of having a disagreement, they had to decide that me. I include them in the film, because I want the he must be evil. That’s a major problem in politics audience to be struck and compelled by them in the same way I was.” today — people don’t just question the policy Solution Tim Allen Sunday, March 10, 2013 By Kate O’Hare © Zap2it Pa ge 4 , Sec ti on C The Elk City Daily N ews • Elk City, Oklaho ma ez TV LOCAL TV LISTINGS FOR YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Sunday Morning 9 am $ KFOR News March 10, 2013 9:30 10 am 10:30 11 am 11:30 12 pm 12:30 1 pm Sunday Evening 1:30 Flash Point Meet the Press (N) (CC) Quick & NHL Hockey New York Rangers at Washington Capitals. From Easy Meals! Verizon Center in Washington, D.C. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) This Week With George Christina is St. Luke’s Ford Game NBA NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Oklahoma City United Day Countdown Thunder. From Chesapeake Energy Arena in Okla42! Methodist (N) (Live) homa City. (N) (Live) (CC) Cougar The King of The King of ›› Mamma Mia! (2008, Musical Comedy) Meryl ›› 17 Again (2009, Comedy) Zac Town ’ Queens ’ Queens ’ Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth. A single hotelier Efron. A 37-year-old man miraculously (CC) (CC) (CC) prepares for her daughter’s wedding. (CC) transforms into a teenager. (CC) Paid Paid › The Hot Chick (2002, Comedy) Rob Schneider, › Underclassman (2005, Comedy) Nick Cannon, Program Program Anna Faris, Matthew Lawrence. A cheerleader and a Shawn Ashmore, Roselyn Sanchez. A rookie policeman switch bodies via magic earrings. (CC) man works under cover at a prep school. (CC) CBS News Face the Joel Osteen Westmin- College Basketball Virginia Commonwealth at College Basketball MisSunday Nation ’ (CC) ster at Temple. (N) (Live) (CC) souri Valley Tournament, Morning (N) (CC) Worship Final: Teams TBA. (N) Jack Van Paid Christina is Pre-Auction 10 Minute RightSide Paid Joe Cooper ›› O (2001, Drama) MeImpe Pres- Program 58, Looks Real Estate Trainer With Arm- Program Auto khi Phifer, Josh Hartnett, ents ’ 42! Riches! strong Julia Stiles. (CC) Super Brain With Dr. Rudy Tanzi Maxi- Eat & Cook Healthy! With Dr. John La The Oklahoma I Remember Oklahoma’s past. mizing the brain’s potential. ’ (CC) Puma Eight-week nutrition plan. ’ (CC) 7 pm $ KFOR % KOCO Stephanopoulos (N) (CC) 58, Looks % KOCO _ TBS _ TBS ( WGNA ) KWTV + KOCB , OETA FOX News Sunday With Jesse Paid ›› Brother Bear 2 (2006, Adventure) Voices of Paid Pro- NASCAR Duplantis Program Patrick Dempsey, Mandy Moore. Animated. A bear gram (CC) Racing (N) (CC) helps a friend travel through the wilderness. Paid Pre-Auction Sleep Like Paid Pre-Auction Flash Point Are We Everybody Adrift in Manhattan Program Real Estate There Yet? Loves Ray- (2007) Heather Graham, / KAUT Program Real Estate A Baby! Riches! Riches! mond ’ Dominic Chianese. › Coyote Ugly (2000, ›› The Wedding Planner (2001, Romance-Comedy) Jennifer › When in Rome (2010) Kristen Bell. 8 FAM Romance-Comedy) Piper Lopez, Matthew McConaughey, Bridgette Wilson-Sampras. An event Magic coins bring the possibility of love Perabo, Adam Garcia. organizer has eyes for her biggest client’s beau. to a disillusioned woman. › The Back-up Plan (2010, Romance-Comedy) Jennifer Lopez, ››› Knocked Up (2007, Romance-Comedy) Seth Rogen, Katherine Heigl, Paul Rudd. A one-night stand has an unforeseen 9 USA Alex O’Loughlin, Michaela Watkins. A single woman becomes pregnant, then meets her ideal man. (CC) consequence. (CC) Good Luck Jessie ’ ›› Ramona and Beezus (2010, Comedy) Joey King, Jessie “101 A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm Selena Gomez. A mischievous girl and her big sister Lizards” ’ “detective “endurAnts” “ANTswers” : DISN Charlie ’ (CC) (CC) must save their family’s home. ’ (CC) agANTcy” ’ ’ SpongeBob SpongeBob Teenage SpongeBob Victorious Jade and Cat Winx Club Monster Barbie in the Pink Shoes SquarePants give a karaoke perfor(N) ’ (CC) High: New (2013) Voices of Kelly ; NICK SquarePants SquarePants Mutant ’ ’ Ninja ’ mance. ’ (CC) Ghoul Sheridan. (CC) Green Young Tom and Tom and Tom and Jerry: The Magic Ring (2002, Scooby-Doo! And the Legend of the Justice: Jerry Tales Jerry Tales Comedy) Voices of Frank Welker, Charlie Vampire (2003, Comedy) Voices of < TOON Lantern: Animated Invasion Schlatter. Casey Kasem, Frank Welker. Law & Order “America, Law & Order Bank execu- Forensic ››› Road to Perdition (2002, Crime Drama) Tom Hanks, Paul = TNT Inc.” A contractor’s murder. tive must assist in robbery. Files “See- Newman, Jude Law. A Depression-era mob enforcer and his son flee ’ (CC) (DVS) ’ (CC) (DVS) ing Red” after a fatal betrayal. (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) College Basketball Illinois at Ohio State. (N) (Live) SportsCenter Special > ESPN (N) ››› Mad Max (1979, Sci- ››› Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981, Action) › Catwoman (2004, Action) Halle Berry, Benjamin F AMC ence Fiction) Mel Gibson, Mel Gibson, Bruce Spence. Loner lawman Mad Max Bratt, Sharon Stone. A shy artist acquires feline Joanne Samuel. fights bikers for wasteland gas. (CC) strength and agility. (CC) ››› Days of Wine and Roses (1962, Drama) Jack ››› The Harvey Girls (1946, Musical Comedy) Judy ››› The Way We Were G TCM Lemmon, Lee Remick. A husband and wife struggle to Garland, John Hodiak. Young waitresses help civilize a (1973, Romance) Barbra control their alcoholism. rowdy 1870s Western town. Streisand. Criminal Minds “Blood- ››› Ghost (1990, Fantasy) Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Whoopi Barter Barter Kings Trading up Goldberg. A murder victim returns to save his beloved fiancee. (CC) Kings (CC) for a deck boat. (CC) K A&E line” A family abducts young women. ’ (CC) The Client List “Try, Try The Client List A friend The Client List “Life of The Client List “Acting The Client List “Past Is finds Riley’s hidden money. Riley” Riley coaches an Up” Riley goes on a date Prologue” Riley’s secret life R LIFE Again” Riley considers dating. (CC) (CC) insecure client. (CC) with Dr. Mark. is in jeopardy. (CC) ` KOKH Chris Wallace ’ (CC) Claudia Joy Holden and welcome in new cast members Brooke Shields, R&B star Ashanti, Torrey DeVitto (“The Vampire Diaries”) and former teen heartthrob Jesse McCartney (“All My Children”) as Fort Marshall prepares to merge with an Air Force base, and the fate of the first brigade is revealed. Catherine Bell also stars in the season premiere, “Ashes to Ashes.” 8 p.m. on % KOCO Revenge: As the Hamptons community mourns the loss of one of its own, Emily’s (Emily VanCamp) commitment to seeking justice and obtaining revenge is strengthened in the new episode “Retribution.” Madeleine Stowe, Gabriel Mann and Henry Czerny also star. 8 p.m. on ) KWTV The Good Wife: Drug dealer Lemond Bishop (Mike Colter) wants Alicia (Julianna Margulies) to work with his other lawyer, the seemingly mild-mannered Charles Lester (guest star Wallace Shawn). When witnesses against Bishop start to recant their testimony, however, she suspects Lester isn’t as meek as he appears. Kalinda (Archie Panjabi) trains a new investigator in the new episode “Runnin’ With the Devil.” Audra McDonald also guest stars. Sunday Afternoon 2 pm 2:30 3 pm ) KWTV + KOCB , OETA ` KOKH / KAUT 8 FAM 9 USA : DISN ; NICK < TOON = TNT F AMC G TCM K A&E R LIFE / KAUT 8 FAM 9 USA : DISN ; NICK < TOON = TNT > ESPN F AMC G TCM K A&E R LIFE SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) Rico. (N) (Live) The Walking Dead “Clear” The Walking Dead Rick Talking Dead “Arrow on The Walking Dead Rick The Walking Dead Rick Rick leads a weapons and the Governor convene. the Doorpost.” (N) (CC) and the Governor convene. and the Governor convene. run. (CC) (N) (CC) (CC) (CC) ››› Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (1957, Drama) ››› The Sundowners (1960, Drama) Deborah Kerr, Robert ››› The Deborah Kerr, Robert Mitchum. Premiere. A Marine Mitchum, Peter Ustinov. Australian sheep drovers face a challenging Ace of officer and a nun are cast upon a Pacific island. daily life. Hearts Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) ›› The Switch (2010) Army Wives “Ashes to The Client List (Season ›› The Switch (2010, Romance-Comedy) Jennifer Jennifer Aniston, Jason Ashes” The people of Fort Premiere) Evan and Aniston, Jason Bateman. A woman uses a friend’s Bateman. (CC) Marshall mourn. Riley’s bond grows. (N) sperm, unknowingly, to get pregnant. (CC) The get t Monday’s Best episode “J.R.’s Masterpiece.” Patrick Duffy, Linda Gray and Jesse Metcalfe also star. 8 p.m. on + KOCB 9:01 p.m. on Deception: After being fired by Will (Laz Alonso) for 90210: Annie, Adrianna and Silver (Shenae Grimes, 83 sleeping with Julian (Wes Brown), Joanna (Meagan Good) finds videotapes of Vivian’s therapy sessions. Edward (Tate Donovan) turns himself in for Kimberly Yaeger’s murder. Wyatt (John Pyper-Ferguson) is released from prison and confronts Sofia (Katherine LaNasa). Mia (Ella Rae Peck) donates bone marrow to her birth father (John Larroquette) in the new episode “You’re the Bad Guy.” (Brian Hallisay), walks back into her life, Riley (Jennifer Love Hewitt) is torn between her conflicted feelings for him and the romantic inclinations she has developed for his brother Evan (Colin Egglesfield). Riley also takes on a larger role at the spa, and the added power and responsibility equate with new threats and deeper trust issues. Tyler Champagne also stars in the season premiere, “Till I Make It on My Own.” Dallas: Viewers knew that J.R.’s death would be Rao, Alfred Molina) scramble to save a young written into the series since Larry Hagman died late stabbing victim (Denzel Whitaker) who turns out to be last year, but the circumstances of the character’s Villanueva’s (Ving Rhames) son. Sung and Ty (Keong demise are a shock to the surviving Ewings, who set Sim, Jamie Bamber) try to remove a tumor from a aside their differences to mourn their loss. Their late concert violinist’s brain. A kidney donor has a strange patriarch still manages to have the last word, however, request for Buck (Bill Irwin) after the transplant fails in West Broadway • 225-3000 as a shocking206 revelation about him surfaces in the new the•new episode “Communion.” March 10, 2013 4 pm 4:30 5 pm 5:30 6 pm Add the e-paper only $1/mo. That’s a 36 9:02 p.m. on = TNT Available or smartphone. 8 p.m. on = TNT on any tablet Monday Mornings: Sydney and Hooten (Sarayu Monday Evening 6:30 NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Los Angeles Lakers. From Staples ABC World Eyewitness America’s Funniest Center in Los Angeles. (N) (Live) (CC) News With News 5 at Home Videos (N) ’ (CC) David Muir 5:30pm (N) ›› 17 ››› My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) Nia Var›› Monster-in-Law (2005, Romance-Comedy) Jennifer Lopez, Again dalos, John Corbett. The daughter of traditional Greeks Jane Fonda, Michael Vartan. A shrewish woman clashes with her (2009) (CC) is engaged to a WASP. (CC) son’s fiancee. (CC) ›› O (2001, Drama) Mekhi Phifer, Josh Hartnett, 30 Rock America’s Funniest Bloopers! Bloopers! How I Met Julia Stiles. A jealous teen tries to ruin his basketball “Subway Home Videos ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Your Mother teammate’s life. (CC) Hero” ’ ’ College Basketball Mis- College Basketball Indiana at Michigan. (N) (Live) CBS Eve- News 9 at 60 Minutes (N) ’ (CC) souri Valley Tournament, (CC) ning News 5:30 PM (N) Final: Teams TBA. (N) (N) (CC) (CC) ›› O (2001, Drama) Me- › Underclassman (2005, Comedy) Nick Cannon, Burn Notice “Where The Big The Big khi Phifer, Josh Hartnett, Shawn Ashmore, Roselyn Sanchez. A rookie police- There’s Smoke” Rescuing Bang Bang Julia Stiles. (CC) man works under cover at a prep school. (CC) Fiona. (CC) Theory ’ Theory ’ The Heart of Perfect Health With Rick Steves’ Delicious R. Steves’ Lawrence Welk: Precious Memories Hymns, inspiraBrenda Watson Digestive health and Europe Europe European tion, gospel. ’ (CC) heart health. ’ (CC) Insights NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: KOBALT Tools 400. From Las Vegas Motor Speed- Joe Cooper The Andy Bob’s Burg- American way in Las Vegas, Nev. (N Subject to Blackout) ’ (Live) (CC) Auto Griffith ers ’ (PA) Dad (N) ’ Show Adrift in Manhattan ›› Love N’ Dancing (2008, Drama) Amy Smart, Adam-12 Adam-12 Dragnet Dragnet (2007) Heather Graham, Tom Malloy, Billy Zane. Dance partners compete for “The Bank “The Badge Dominic Chianese. a world title. Jobs” Racket” › When ›› You Again (2010, Romance-Comedy) Kristen ››› Meet the Parents (2000, Comedy) Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller, in Rome Bell, Jamie Lee Curtis. A woman learns that her Blythe Danner. A man spends a disastrous weekend with his lover’s (2010) brother is marrying her old nemesis. family. › The Ugly Truth (2009, Romance-Comedy) KathLaw & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special erine Heigl, Gerard Butler. A romantically challenged Victims Unit Pedophile Victims Unit Criminology Victims Unit Subway woman faces outrageous tests. (CC) kidnaps two children. ’ leads to murder. (CC) commuter is mutilated. A.N.T. Farm Dog With Jessie ’ Shake It Up! Good Luck Good Luck Austin & Good Luck Shake It Up! Shake It Up! “scavANTger a Blog ’ (CC) “Ty It Up” Charlie ’ Charlie ’ Ally ’ (CC) Charlie ’ ’ (CC) “Quit It Up” hunt” (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Barbie in the Pink Shoes The Fairly OddParents SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob (2013) Voices of Kelly Anti-Fairies and the Pixies SquarePants SquarePants SquarePants SquarePants SquarePants SquarePants Sheridan. (CC) join forces. ’ (CC) ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ Regular Regular Incredible Adventure Adventure Adventure ››› Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (2009) Show “The Show Crew Time Time Time Voices of Bill Hader, Anna Faris. Animated. An inventor Night Owl” finds a way to convert water into food. ››› The Town (2010, Crime Drama) Ben Affleck, Rebecca Hall, ››› Mission: Impossible III (2006, Action) Tom Cruise, Philip Jon Hamm. A woman doesn’t realize that her new beau is a bank Seymour Hoffman, Ving Rhames. Agent Ethan Hunt faces the toughrobber. (CC) (DVS) est villain of his career. (CC) SportsCen- Sport Science (N) The Clemente Effect (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Baseball 2013 Clásico ter Special (CC) Tonight (N) Mundial de (N) (CC) Béisbol ›› The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003, Fantasy) ›› Underworld (2003, Horror) Kate Beckinsale, Scott SpeedSean Connery, Shane West, Stuart Townsend. Literary figures unite man, Michael Sheen. A vampire protects a medical student from to stop a mad bomber. (CC) werewolves. ››› The Way We Were ›› The Mating Game (1959, Romance-Comedy) ›› Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation (1962, Comedy) (1973, Romance) Barbra Debbie Reynolds, Tony Randall, Paul Douglas. A James Stewart, Maureen O’Hara, Fabian. A banker Streisand. farmer’s daughter falls for an IRS investigator. and his family vacation at a run-down beach house. Barter Kings Trading up Barter Kings Seeking Barter Kings Trading up Barter Kings “Snakes on Duck Duck Dyfor a classic car. (CC) toys for vacationing for a small aircraft. (CC) a Trade” Steve confronts Dynasty nasty “CEO children. (CC) his biggest fear. (CC) (CC) for a Day” › Bride Wars (2009, Comedy) Kate Hudson, Anne › The Ex (2006, Comedy) Zach Braff, Amanda Peet, ›› The Switch (2010) Hathaway, Kristen Johnston. Weddings scheduled the Jason Bateman. A chronic underachiever locks horns Jennifer Aniston, Jason same day turn best friends into enemies. (CC) with his wife’s former sweetheart. (CC) Bateman. (CC) 7 pm 7:30 8 pm 8:30 The Biggest Loser “Down to the Wire” The final four $ KFOR players are announced. (N) ’ (CC) _ TBS ` KOKH 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 $ KFOR Delivered to your home Tuesday-Saturday. $ _ TBS , OETA 9 pm 2013 Clásico Mundial de Béisbol Primera Ronda, Pool C: % KOCO + KOCB 8:30 All-Star Celebrity Apprentice “Just as Simple as NewsChan- Criminal Minds “Derailed” CSI: Miami Making Soup” The teams tackle a task in Orlando, Fla. nel 4 at A man takes train pas“Broken” ’ (N) ’ (CC) 10PM sengers hostage. ’ (CC) Once Upon a Time Revenge “Retribution” Red Widow Boris remem- Eyewitness Eyewitness The Closer Santa’s Dark magic tempts Mary Emily’s determination is bers something about his News 5 at News 5 at entrance via zip line goes Margaret. (N) ’ (CC) renewed. (N) ’ (CC) dad. (N) (CC) 10p (N) 10:30p (N) awry. (CC) ›› Step Up 2 the Streets (2008, Drama) Briana ›› Step Up (2006, Musical) Channing Tatum, Jenna ›› Step Up 2 the Streets Evigan, Robert Hoffman. A rebellious street dancer Dewan, Mario. A troubled guy’s dancing attracts the (2008) Briana Evigan. tries to adapt at an elite arts academy. (CC) (DVS) attention of a ballerina. (CC) (CC) (DVS) How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met WGN News Instant 30 Rock 30 Rock Rules of Rules of Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother at Nine (N) Replay (N) “Succession” “Sandwich EngageEngage’ ’ ’ ’ ’ (CC) ’ (CC) (CC) Day” (CC) ment (CC) ment (CC) The Amazing Race “I The Good Wife “Runnin’ The Mentalist Jane is News 9 at Oklahoma Entertainment Tonight Love Monkeys!” (N) ’ With the Devil” Kalinda forced to make a confes- 10 PM (N) Sports Blitz ’ (CC) (CC) trains a new investigator. sion. (N) ’ (CC) (CC) Hart of Dixie Zoe gets Beauty and the Beast TMZ (N) ’ (CC) Two and a Two and a It’s Always That ’70s overly protective of Rose. Heather falls for Joe’s Half Men ’ Half Men ’ Sunny in Show “The (N) ’ (CC) younger brother. (CC) (CC) (CC) Phila. First Time” Great Performances: Andrea Bocelli Live in Central Park The Delicious More Funny Ladies of As Time The Vicar popular Italian tenor performs. ’ (CC) Europe British Comedy Female Goes By of Dibley comics of the U.K. (CC) (CC) “Winter” The Simp- The Cleve- Family Guy Bob’s Burg- Fox Prime- Fox 25 Fox 25 OklaPaid Whacked sons (N) ’ land Show “Call Girl” ers “Topsy” time News Sports Sports homa High- Program Out Sports (N) ’ (N) ’ (N) at 9 (N) Wrap Up Sunday School ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Rules of Rules of How I Met How I Met M*A*S*H 30 Rock ’ 30 Rock Joint Relief (CC) (CC) EngageEngageYour Mother Your Mother (CC) (CC) “Let’s Stay In Just 7 ment (CC) ment (CC) ’ ’ Together” Days! ›› Happy Gilmore (1996, Comedy) Adam Sandler, ›› Happy Gilmore (1996, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Joel Osteen Kerry Christopher McDonald. A powerful swing convinces a Christopher McDonald. A powerful swing convinces a (CC) Shook hockey player he can join the PGA tour. hockey player he can join the PGA tour. Ministries Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special ››› Knocked Up (2007, Romance-Comedy) Seth Victims Unit “Slaves” Victims Unit The detec- Victims Unit “Baggage” Rogen, Katherine Heigl, Paul Rudd. A one-night stand ’ (CC) tives track a serial killer. ’ (CC) has an unforeseen consequence. (CC) Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Austin & Jessie “Toy A.N.T. Farm Austin & Jessie ’ Shake It Up! Wizards of Wizards of ’ (CC) “Clean It Up” Ally (CC) Con” ’ “infANT” ’ Ally ’ (CC) (CC) “Slumber Waverly Waverly (N) (DVS) (CC) (CC) It Up” Place ’ Place ’ Wendell & See Dad ››› Rugrats in Paris: The Movie The Nanny Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Vinnie ’ Run (N) ’ (2000, Adventure) Voices of E.G. Daily, “Mommy (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Christine Cavanaugh. ’ (CC) and Mai” Incredible The Looney The King of the King of the The Cleve- Family Guy Family Guy Loiter MetalocaCrew “Face Tunes Show Oblongs ’ Hill ’ (CC) Hill “Death land Show ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Squad lypse Jeans” (CC) and Taxes” ’ (CC) ››› Gran Torino (2008, Drama) Clint Eastwood, Christopher Car- ››› Gran Torino (2008, Drama) Clint Eastwood, Christopher Carley, Bee Vang. A veteran faces his longtime prejudices. (CC) (DVS) ley, Bee Vang. A veteran faces his longtime prejudices. (CC) (DVS) > ESPN República Dominicana vs. Puerto Rico. Desde San Juan, Puerto % KOCO ketball ) KWTV 8 pm March 10, 2013 9 p.m. on R LIFE The Client List: After her estranged husband, Kyle 3:30 7:30 Dateline NBC ’ (CC) Jessica Lowndes, Jessica Stroup) plan a girls night out for Naomi (AnnaLynne McCord), but it doesn’t go well. Let’s hope she has better luck with up-andcoming media mogul Jordan Welland (Robbie Jones), who wants her to be his event planner. Dixon (Tristan Wilds) becomes attracted to Michaela (Lyndon Smith). Matt Lanter and Michael Steger also star in the new episode “Dude, Where’s My Husband?” PGA Tour Golf WGC Cadillac Championship, Final Round. From Doral Golf Resort in Doral, Fla. (N) ’ (Live) Dateline NBC ’ (CC) $ KFOR (CC) NBA Bas- ( WGNA 8 p.m. on R LIFE Army Wives: It’s time to bid farewell to Kim Delaney’s Sunday’s Best ( WGNA S unday, M arch 10, 2 013 ( WGNA ) KWTV + KOCB , OETA ` KOKH / KAUT 8 FAM 9 USA : DISN ; NICK < TOON = TNT > ESPN F AMC G TCM K A&E R LIFE 9 pm March 11, 2013 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 Deception Joanna finds tapes of therapy sessions. (N) (CC) (DVS) The Bachelor “After the Final Rose” (N) ’ (CC) NewsChan- The Tonight Show With Late Night nel 4 at Jay Leno Halle Berry; With Jimmy 10PM (N) Rachel Maddow. (N) ’ Fallon (N) The Bachelor (Season Finale) (N) ’ (CC) Eyewitness Jimmy Kimmel Live ’ Nightline News 5 at (CC) (N) (CC) 10p (N) Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Conan (N) (CC) The Office Conan (CC) “Petergeist” ’ (CC) “Stewie B. ’ (CC) ’ (CC) “Stewie “Search (CC) Goode” ’ Loves Lois” Committee” America’s Funniest America’s Funniest WGN News at Nine (N) America’s Funniest Rules of Rules of Home Videos ’ (CC) Home Videos ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Home Videos ’ (CC) EngageEngagement (CC) ment (CC) How I Met Rules of 2 Broke Mike & Hawaii Five-0 “Popilikia” News 9 at Late Show With David Late Late Your Mother EngageGirls ’ Molly ’ McGarrett’s mom visits. 10 PM (N) Letterman (N) ’ (CC) Show/Craig ’ ment (N) ’ (CC) (CC) ’ (CC) (CC) Ferguson The Carrie Diaries “The 90210 Dixon starts to fall Seinfeld Seinfeld King of the Frasier ’ Frasier That ’70s Great Unknown” Dorrit for Michaela. (N) ’ (CC) “The Label “The Finale” Hill ’ (CC) (CC) “Goodnight, Show ’ goes missing. (N) (CC) Maker” ’ (CC) Seattle” (CC) Rick Steves’ Hidden Europe Highlights from trips Barbra Streisand: One Night Only Rick Steves’ Hidden Europe Highlights around the world. ’ (CC) at the Village Vanguard The singer from trips around the world. ’ (CC) performs. ’ (CC) Bones “The Future in the The Following “Welcome Fox Prime- Fox 25 Fox 25 Late TMZ (N) ’ Family Guy Family Guy Past” Brennan is accused Home” A follower and Joe time News Sports Edition (N) (CC) “The Splen- “FOX-y of murder. form a deadly plan. at 9 (N) Wrap Up did Source” Lady” ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Rules of Rules of Freedom 43 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H 30 Rock 30 Rock The Office (CC) (CC) EngageEngageNews (N) (CC) (CC) Seeking a “Fireworks” “Training ment (CC) ment (CC) (CC) new star. ’ Day” (CC) Switched at Birth The › When in Rome (2010, Romance-Comedy) Kristen The 700 Club ’ (CC) The Fresh The Fresh Carlton students await a Bell, Josh Duhamel. Magic coins bring the possibility of Prince of Prince of decision. (N) ’ (CC) love to a disillusioned woman. Bel-Air ’ Bel-Air ’ WWE Monday Night RAW (N) ’ (Live) (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles “Fa- CSI: Crime Scene Invesmilia” Investigating Hetty’s tigation Catherine decides disappearance. to leave the team. Wizards of Another Cinderella Story (2008) Jessie Good Luck Jessie ’ A.N.T. Farm Wizards of Wizards of Waverly Selena Gomez. A young man falls in love “Gotcha Charlie ’ (CC) “sciANTs Waverly Waverly Place with a pretty dancer at a masked ball. Day” (CC) (CC) fair” (CC) Place ’ Place ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends Ex- Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ (CC) (Part 1 of 2) (Part 2 of 2) (CC) fiance woos (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Rachel. ’ Regular MAD King of the King of the American American Family Guy Family Guy Robot Aqua Unit Show Hill ’ (CC) Hill ’ (CC) Dad “Stan Dad “Family ’ (CC) Peter goes Chicken Patrol Time” ’ Affair” on a date. Squad 1 Castle High-end home Dallas “J.R.’s Masterpiece” Monday Mornings Dallas “J.R.’s Masterpiece” Monday Mornings invasions end in murders. The family gets together to Villanueva’s son becomes The family gets together Villanueva’s son becomes ’ (CC) mourn. (N) a patient. (N) (CC) to mourn. a patient. (CC) College Basketball Sun College Basketball West Coast Conference Tourna- SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Belt Conference, Final: ment, Final: Teams TBA. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) Teams TBA. (N) (Live) ››› The Breakfast Club (1985, Comedy-Drama) Emilio Estevez, ›› Sixteen Candles (1984, Comedy) Molly Ringwald, ››› The Molly Ringwald, Judd Nelson. Five teenagers make strides toward Anthony Michael Hall, Michael Schoeffling. Girl turning Breakfast mutual understanding. 16 likes another girl’s guy. Club (1985) ›››› Mrs. Miniver (1942, Drama) Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon, ››› Random Harvest (1942, Drama) Ronald Col- ››› Dame May Whitty. An Englishwoman leads her husband and family man, Greer Garson, Philip Dorn. A love-struck woman Madame through World War II. rebuilds an amnesiac’s shattered life. Curie Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Dy- Duck Duck Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty nasty “Fowl Dynasty Dynasty “Si-Yonara” (CC) “Samurai Si” (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Play” “Si-Yonara” (CC) The Bible Joshua conquers Jericho. (CC) To Be Announced The Bible Joshua conquers Jericho. (CC) B Sund ay, Marc h 10, 2 0 13 The Elk City Daily N ews • Elk City, Oklaho ma ez TV LOCAL TV LISTINGS FOR YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Tuesday Evening 7 pm Off Their _ TBS ( WGNA ) KWTV + KOCB , OETA ` KOKH / KAUT 8 FAM 9 USA : DISN ; NICK < TOON = TNT > ESPN F AMC G TCM K A&E R LIFE 7:30 8 pm 8:30 9 pm March 12, 2013 Off Their Rockers Tuesday’s Best 8 p.m. on $ KFOR I’m adoptable! 9 p.m. on % KOCO Body of Proof: Megan, Tommy and Adam (Dana Delany, Mark Valley, Elyes Gabel) are shot at while investigating the shooting death of a mob boss’s son. When the victim’s father threatens to kill whoever’s responsible for his son’s murder, Megan and the team realize they have to act fast in the new episode “Mob Mentality.” Jeri Ryan also stars. Wednesday Evening 8 pm The Office 1600 Penn Law & Order: Special NewsChan- The Tonight Show With Late Night “Game Victims Unit ’ (CC) nel 4 at Jay Leno (N) ’ (CC) With Jimmy “Bailout” (DVS) Theory” (N) (DVS) 10PM (N) Fallon (N) Shark Tank A modern-day Grey’s Anatomy New Scandal Fitz doesn’t know Eyewitness Jimmy Kimmel Live ’ Nightline slip business. ’ (CC) management causes who he can trust. ’ (CC) News 5 at (CC) (N) (CC) chaos. (N) ’ (CC) 10p (N) Family Guy Family Guy The Big The Big The Big The Big Conan (N) (CC) Men at Work Conan (CC) ’ (CC) “Prick Up Bang Bang Bang Bang Your Ears” Theory ’ Theory ’ Theory ’ Theory ’ How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) America’s Funniest Rules of Rules of Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother ’ (CC) Home Videos ’ (CC) EngageEngage’ ’ ’ ’ ment (CC) ment (CC) The Big Two and a Person of Interest “All In” Elementary “Déjà Vu All News 9 at Late Show With David Late Late Bang Half Men (N) ’ (CC) Over Again” Joan tackles 10 PM (N) Letterman Gerard Butler; Show/Craig Theory (N) (N) (CC) her first solo case. (CC) Elizabeth Cook performs. Ferguson College Basketball Big 12 Tournament, College Basketball Big 12 Tournament, Fourth Frasier ’ FraThat ’70s Third Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. From Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. From Kansas City, Mo. (N) (CC) sier “Space Show ’ Kansas City, Mo. (N) (CC) (Live) (CC) Quest” ’ (CC) ThePianoGuys: Live at Red Butte Delicious Doc Martin “Nowt So ThePianoGuys: Live at Red Butte Delicious Garden Steven Sharp and Jon Schmidt Europe Queer” Portwenn is buzz- Garden Steven Sharp and Jon Schmidt Europe perform. ’ (CC) ing with news. ’ perform. ’ (CC) American Idol “Results Glee “Feud” Will and Finn Fox Prime- Fox 25 Fox 25 Late TMZ (N) ’ Family Guy Family Guy Show” One finalist is sent receive an assignment. (N) time News Sports Edition (N) (CC) “Brian and “Star Trek” home. (N) (CC) (CC) (DVS) at 9 (N) Wrap Up Stewie” convention. Friends ’ Friends ’ Rules of Rules of Freedom 43 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H 30 Rock ’ 30 Rock The Office (CC) (CC) EngageEngageNews (N) (CC) (CC) (CC) “Hiatus” ’ ’ (Part 2 of ment (CC) ment (CC) (CC) (CC) 2) (CC) ››› Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe, The 700 Club ’ (CC) The Fresh The Fresh Rupert Grint, Emma Watson. New dangers lurk for Harry, Dumbledore and their Prince of Prince of friends. Bel-Air ’ Bel-Air ’ NCIS “Truth or ConseNCIS “Reunion” The death NCIS “The Inside Man” Psych “Lassie Jerky” Law & Order: Special quences” The team tries to of a Marine. ’ (CC) A blogger turns up dead. Shawn and Gus join col- Victims Unit “Choice” replace Ziva. ’ (CC) ’ (CC) lege filmmakers. ’ (CC) Wizards of Waverly Place Wizards of Wizards of Shake It Good Luck Jessie ’ Austin & Wizards of Wizards of Tina reveals things about Waverly Waverly Up! “Lock It Charlie (CC) Ally ’ (CC) Waverly Waverly Rosie. ’ (CC) Place ’ Place ’ Up” ’ “Ditch Day” Place ’ Place ’ ›› Scooby-Doo (2002) Friends Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Freddie Prinze Jr., Sarah Relationship (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (Part 1 of 2) (Part 2 of 2) Michelle Gellar. ’ (CC) rules. ’ (CC) (CC) Incredible Regular King of the King of the American American Family Guy Family Newsread- Aqua Unit Crew Show Hill ’ (CC) Hill “Aisle Dad “Wife Dad ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Guy Peter’s ers “Epic Patrol 8A” (CC) Insurance” mortality. Fail” (N) Squad 1 NBA Basketball Dallas Mavericks at San Antonio Spurs. From the NBA Basketball New York Knicks at Portland Trail Blazers. From the AT&T Center in San Antonio. (N) (Live) (CC) Rose Garden in Portland, Ore. (N) (Live) (CC) % KOCO _ TBS ( WGNA ) KWTV + KOCB , OETA ` KOKH / KAUT 8 FAM 9 USA : DISN ; NICK < TOON = TNT College Basketball Big > ESPN East Tournament, Third F AMC G TCM K A&E R LIFE 821-1463 Southland: John (Michael Cudlitz) thinks about what his life might be like after he leaves the force. Lydia (Regina King) reconnects with someone she sent to death row years earlier. An act of heroism catapults a reluctant Sammy (Shawn Hatosy) to tabloid fame. A foot pursuit endangers Dewey (C. Thomas Howell) in the new episode “Off Duty.” Ben McKenzie also stars. XOXO, Pepper 9 pm March 13, 2013 Thursday’s Best Friday Evening Whitney ’ Law & Order: Special Chicago Fire “It Ain’t NewsChan- The Tonight Show With Late Night (CC) (DVS) Victims Unit “Manhattan Easy” Jose Vargas must nel 4 at Jay Leno (N) ’ (CC) With Jimmy (N) ’ Vigil” ’ (CC) (DVS) go on disability. ’ 10PM (N) Fallon (N) The Middle The Neigh- Modern Suburga- Nashville Rayna is Eyewitness Jimmy Kimmel Live ’ Nightline “Thanksgiv- bors (N) ’ Family ’ tory “Yakult comforted by an old friend. News 5 at (CC) (N) (CC) ing IV” ’ (CC) (CC) Leader” ’ ’ (CC) 10p (N) Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy The Big The Big The Big Conan (N) (CC) Men at Work Conan (CC) “Mother ’ (CC) “Saving Pri- Bang Bang Bang Tucker” ’ vate Brian” Theory ’ Theory ’ Theory ’ Rules of Rules of Rules of Rules of WGN News at Nine (N) America’s Funniest Rules of Rules of EngageEngageEngageEngage’ (CC) Home Videos ’ (CC) EngageEngagement (CC) ment (CC) ment (CC) ment (CC) ment (CC) ment (CC) Survivor: Caramoan Criminal Minds “The CSI: Crime Scene Inves- News 9 at Late Show With David Late Late -- Fans vs. Favorites (N) Good Earth” Four men tigation “Pick and Roll” ’ 10 PM (N) Letterman (N) ’ (CC) Show/Craig ’ (CC) from Oregon go missing. (CC) (DVS) (CC) Ferguson College Basketball Big 12 Tournament, College Basketball Big 12 Tournament, First Round: Frasier ’ Frasier “The That ’70s First Round: Teams TBA. From Kansas Teams TBA. From Kansas City, Mo. (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) Good Son” Show Jackie City, Mo. (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) lies. Oscar Hammerstein II -- Out of My Magic Moments: The Best of 50s Pop Musicians Oscar Hammerstein II -- Out of My Dreams Lyricist Oscar Hammerstein. perform. ’ (CC) Dreams Lyricist Oscar Hammerstein. ’ (CC) ’ (CC) American Idol “Finalists Compete” The top ten final- Fox Prime- Fox 25 Fox 25 Late TMZ (N) ’ Family Guy Family Guy ists perform. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) time News Sports Edition (N) (CC) “Quagmire’s “Episode at 9 (N) Wrap Up Dad” 420” (CC) Friends ’ Friends ’ Rules of Rules of Freedom 43 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H 30 Rock 30 Rock The Office (CC) (CC) EngageEngageNews (N) (CC) (CC) “Sun Tea” ’ “Cleveland” ’ (Part 1 of ment (CC) ment (CC) (CC) (CC) ’ (CC) 2) (CC) ››› Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007, Fantasy) Daniel The 700 Club ’ (CC) The Fresh The Fresh Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson. Harry prepares a group of students to fight Prince of Prince of Voldemort. Bel-Air Bel-Air NCIS “Tell-All” NCIS NCIS Tony’s father bePsych “Lassie Jerky” CSI: Crime Scene Inves- CSI: Crime Scene Invesinvestigates a message in comes a murder suspect. Shawn and Gus join col- tigation “Caged” Book tigation An investigation blood. ’ (CC) (DVS) ’ (CC) (DVS) lege filmmakers. (N) restorer’s death. (CC) leads to fetish clubs. ’ Wizards of ››› Wizards of Waverly Place: The Phineas Good Luck A.N.T. Farm Good Luck Wizards of Wizards of Waverly Movie (2009, Comedy) Selena Gomez, and Ferb ’ Charlie “Al- ’ (CC) Charlie ’ Waverly Waverly Place ’ David Henrie. ’ (CC) (CC) ley Oops” (CC) Place ’ Place ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) 7 pm 7:30 ` KOKH / KAUT 8 FAM 9 USA : DISN ; NICK Dragons: Incredible King of the King of the American American Family Guy Family Guy Robot Aqua Unit Crew “Face Hill “Cotton’s Hill ’ (CC) Dad ’ (CC) Dad ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Chicken Patrol Berk (N) Jeans” Plot” “Suck It” Squad 1 ››› The Town (2010) Boston’s Finest “Love Southland “Off Duty” John Boston’s Finest “Love Southland “Off Duty” John Hurts” The drug control considers life after the = TNT Ben Affleck, Rebecca Hall. Hurts” The drug control considers life after the (CC) (DVS) unit plans a raid. (N) LAPD. (N) ’ (CC) unit plans a raid. (CC) LAPD. ’ (CC) NBA Basketball Utah Jazz at Oklahoma City Thunder. From Chesa- NBA Basketball New York Knicks at Denver Nuggets. From the Pepsi Center in Denver. (N) (Live) > ESPN peake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City. (N) (Live) < TOON Riders of F AMC G TCM K A&E R LIFE ›› Underworld (2003, Horror) Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speed›› Underworld (2003, Horror) Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman, Michael Sheen. A vampire protects a medical student from man, Michael Sheen. A vampire protects a medical student from werewolves. werewolves. ››› On the Bowery ››› Come Back, Africa (1959, Drama) Zacharia An American in Sophia- Black Roots (1970, Docu(1956, Documentary) Mgabi, Vinah Makeba, Miriam Makeba. Premiere. The town (2007, Documenmentary) Premiere. Premiere. impact of apartheid on South Africans. tary) Premiere. Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty (N) Dynasty (N) Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Wife Swap ’ (CC) Preachers’ Daughters America’s Supernanny Project Runway The Wife Swap ’ (CC) Taylor reveals one of her Deborah helps a blended designers must use duct fantasies. (CC) family. (N) (CC) tape. (CC) _ TBS ( WGNA ) KWTV + KOCB , OETA ` KOKH / KAUT 8 FAM 9 USA : DISN ; NICK < TOON = TNT > ESPN F AMC G TCM K A&E R LIFE 8 p.m. on ) KWTV Golden Boy: Clark (Theo James) is on the case when a police officer who worked with Arroyo and Owen (Kevin Alejandro, Chi McBride) is murdered while moonlighting for a hip-hop mogul. Arroyo and McKenzie’s (Bonnie Somerville) relationship is in danger of being exposed in the new episode “Role Models.” Holt McCallany and Stella Maeve also star. 9:01 p.m. on % KOCO out whom he can trust, Olivia (Kerry Washington) becomes attracted to a handsome stranger (Scott Foley), but when she and Fitz find themselves in the same room, sparks fly. A new case has the Pope & Associates team working with David Rosen (Joshua Malina) instead of against him in “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.” Columbus Short also stars. 20/20: You may have noticed some changes at this venerable newsmagazine’s anchor desk recently. David Muir, weekend anchor of “ABC World News,” has replaced Chris Cuomo — now at CNN — as Elizabeth Vargas’ co-host. The content of the show hasn’t changed: top-notch investigative reports on the stories of the day. 8 pm 8:30 9 pm March 15, 2013 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 Fashion Star “Sex Sells” Grimm “Natural Born Rock Center With Brian NewsChan- The Tonight Show With Late Night Wesen” Juliette questions Williams (N) ’ (CC) nel 4 at Jay Leno Craig Ferguson; With Jimmy sexy pieces. (N) her mental state. 10PM (N) Vera Farmiga. (N) Fallon (N) Last Man Malibu Shark Tank A posture cor- 20/20 ’ (CC) Eyewitness Jimmy Kimmel Live ’ Nightline Standing Country (N) rection device. ’ (CC) News 5 at (CC) (N) (CC) “The Fight” ’ (CC) 10p (N) Family ››› Hitch (2005, Romance-Comedy) Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Are We Are We Are We Are We Guy “Chick Kevin James. A smooth-talker helps a shy accountant woo an heir- There Yet? There Yet? There Yet? There Yet? Cancer” ’ ess. (CC) (DVS) How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met WGN News NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Golden State Warriors. From Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother at Nine (N) Oracle Arena in Oakland, Calif. (N) (Live) ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ (CC) Undercover Boss “ADT” Golden Boy “Role Blue Bloods “No Regrets” News 9 at Late Show With David Late Late (N) ’ (CC) Models” Clark threatens (N) ’ (CC) 10 PM (N) Letterman Seth Meyers; Show/Craig Arroyo. (N) ’ (CC) (CC) Demetri Martin. (N) ’ Ferguson College Basketball Big 12 Tournament, First Semifi- College Basketball Big 12 Tournament, Second Frasier That ’70s nal: Teams TBA. From Kansas City, Mo. (N) (Live) (CC) Semifinal: Teams TBA. From Kansas City, Mo. (N) “Dinner at Show ’ (Live) (CC) Eight” ’ (CC) Oklahoma News Report Joe Bonamassa: An Acoustic EveCarole King -- James Taylor Live at Joe Bonamassa: An ’ (CC) ning at the Vienna Opera House Joe the Troubadour Musicians King and Acoustic Evening at the Bonamassa performs in Vienna. Taylor perform again. ’ (CC) Vienna Opera House Kitchen Nightmares Touch “Ghosts” Jake and Fox Prime- Fox 25 Fox 25 Late TMZ (N) ’ Family Guy Family Guy “Yanni’s” Yanni’s Greek Martin visit Breakwire. (N) time News Sports Edition (N) (CC) ’ (CC) “Stew-Roids” restaurant in Seattle. (N) ’ (CC) at 9 (N) Wrap Up ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Rules of Rules of Freedom 43 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H 30 Rock 30 Rock The Office (CC) (CC) EngageEngageNews (N) (CC) (CC) “St. Patrick’s “Seinfeld “St. Patrick’s ment (CC) ment (CC) (CC) Day” Vision” ’ Day” America’s Funniest America’s Funniest America’s Funniest The 700 Club ’ (CC) The Fresh The Fresh Home Videos ’ (CC) Home Videos ’ (CC) Home Videos ’ (CC) Prince of Prince of Bel-Air ’ Bel-Air ’ Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special CSI: Crime Scene Inves- CSI: Crime Scene InvesVictims Unit “Pixies” A Victims Unit A girl Victims Unit “Justice tigation “Split Decisions” tigation The team works gymnast is found dead. escapes from her rapist. Denied” ’ (CC) (DVS) ’ (CC) (DVS) to prove a man’s guilt. The Wizards Return: Alex Gravity Dog With Jessie “101 Good Luck A.N.T. Farm Jessie ’ Good Luck A.N.T. Farm vs. Alex (2013) Selena Falls “The a Blog ’ Lizards” ’ Charlie ’ “fraudulANT” (CC) Charlie ’ “informANT” Gomez. (CC) Deep End” (CC) (CC) ’ (CC) ’ Teenage Teenage Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends Gang heads to Mutant Mutant (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Barbados for a convention. Ninja Ninja ’ (CC) Cartoon Planet King of the King of the American American Family Guy Family Guy Robot Aqua Unit Hill ’ (CC) Hill ’ (CC) Dad ’ (CC) Dad ’ (CC) Meg gets a ’ (CC) Chicken Patrol makeover. “1987” Squad 1 ›› The Librarian: Quest for the Spear (2004, ››› The Librarian: Return to King Solomon’s Dallas “J.R.’s Masterpiece” Action) Noah Wyle, Kyle MacLachlan. A man protects Mines (2006) Noah Wyle. An adventurer uses a map The family gets together magical artifacts from the forces of evil. (CC) to search for King Solomon’s mines. (CC) to mourn. College Basketball Big College Basketball Big East Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams College Basketball Pac-12 Tournament, East Tournament, First TBA. From Madison Square Garden in New York. (N) (Live) Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. From Las Semifinal: Teams TBA. Vegas. (N) (Live) ›› The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003, The Walking Dead Rick Comic Freakshow Immortal- ›› Cry Fantasy) Sean Connery, Shane West. Literary figures and the Governor convene. Book Men (CC) ized “Love Wolf (2005, unite to stop a mad bomber. (CC) (CC) (CC) and War.” Suspense) ›› Stromboli (1950, Drama) Ingrid Bergman, Mario ›› Europa ’51 (1951, Drama) Ingrid Bergman, Alex- ››› Journey to Italy Vitale, Renzo Cesana. A poor fisherman’s wife yearns ander Knox, Ettore Giannini. A suicide victim’s mother (1953, Romance) Ingrid for something better. turns to humanitarian causes. Bergman. Premiere. Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (CC) Army Wives “Ashes to Hoarders (CC) Ashes” The people of Fort Marshall mourn. % KOCO , OETA Friday’s Best 9:02 p.m. on % KOCO Scandal: As Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) tries to figure 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. The Walking Dead Comic Freakshow Immortal- Comic Freakshow Immortal- Comic Freakshow “TS-19” All is not what it it Book Men (N) (CC) ized “Love Book Men (CC) ized “Love Book Men (CC) seems. (CC) (N) (CC) and War.” (CC) and War.” (CC) ››› 13 Rue Madeleine (1946) James ››› The House on 92nd Street (1945, Suspense) ›› Ice Station Zebra (1968) Rock Cagney. A spy tracks a double agent to William Eythe, Lloyd Nolan. The FBI attempts to Hudson. An American sub searches for Gestapo headquarters. infiltrate a Nazi spy ring in New York. a downed Soviet satellite. The First 48 Club night in The First 48 Killing of a After the First 48 “Friends The First 48 Schoolgirls The First 48 Club night in Miami turns deadly. (CC) Dallas couple. (N) (CC) for Life” Fatal shooting in fight; innocent man shot. Miami turns deadly. (CC) Cleveland. (CC) Project Runway The Project Runway “Take It All Off!” To Be Announced Project Runway The designers must use duct Designers make looks for a male review. designers must use duct tape. (CC) (N) (CC) tape. (CC) % KOCO + KOCB College Basketball Big East Tournament, Fourth Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. From Madison Square Garden in New York. (N) (Live) of the day under the hospital’s new management, and one of the doctors is giving serious consideration to going elsewhere. Multiple transplant surgeries have the staff scrambling in the new episode “Transplant Wasteland.” Ellen Pompeo, Patrick Dempsey, Sandra Oh and Justin Chambers star. 9 p.m. on = TNT 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 Community Parks and $ KFOR The designers present ) KWTV 9 pm Vergara) go all out to give Manny (Rico Rodriguez) a surprise birthday party, where it turns out there are enough surprises for everyone. Phil and Claire (Ty Burrell, Julie Bowen) fret about the new guy in Haley’s (Sarah Hyland) life. Cam (Eric Stonestreet) is jealous of Mitch’s (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) bond with Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) in “Party Crasher.” Whitney ( WGNA 8:30 $ KFOR (N) ’ (CC) Recreation ’ (CC) $ KFOR “Nesting” _ TBS 8 pm 8 p.m. on % KOCO Grey’s Anatomy: Chaos and discord are the order 8:30 7:30 March 14, 2013 8 p.m. on % KOCO Modern Family: Jay and Gloria (Ed O’Neill, Sofia Contact Vicky at Western Animal Resources brother figure to Owen (Tyler James Williams), who desperately needs one. Yolanda (Suzy Nakamura) decides it’s time to graduate from the support group. Steven (John Cho) makes a hiring decision in the new episode “Videogame, Set, Match.” Laura Benanti, Julie White and Brett Gelman also star. 7:30 7 pm Wednesday’s Best Go On: Ryan (Matthew Perry) becomes a big 7 pm Thursday Evening 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 Go On The New Smash “The Fringe” Derek NewsChan- The Tonight Show With Late Night “Videogame, Normal ’ and Karen must make a nel 4 at Jay Leno (N) ’ (CC) With Jimmy Set, Match” (CC) decision. (N) ’ 10PM (N) Fallon (N) Celebrity Wife Swap The Taste (Season Finale) Body of Proof A notorious Eyewitness Jimmy Kimmel Live ’ Nightline “Gilbert Gottfried/Alan A contestant wins the mobster’s son is murdered. News 5 at (CC) (N) (CC) Thicke” (N) ’ (CC) competition. (N) ’ (N) ’ (CC) 10p (N) The Big The Big The Big The Big Cougar The Big Conan (N) (CC) Cougar Conan (CC) Bang Bang Bang Bang Town “You Bang Town “You Theory ’ Theory ’ Theory ’ Theory ’ Tell Me” (N) Theory ’ Tell Me” ’ How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) America’s Funniest Rules of Rules of Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother ’ (CC) Home Videos ’ (CC) EngageEngage’ ’ ’ ’ ment (CC) ment (CC) NCIS “Devil’s Trifecta” FBI NCIS: Los Angeles Vegas “The Real Thing” News 9 at Late Show With David Late Late Agent Fornell is targeted. “Recruit” A retired Marine’s A dentist is murdered. 10 PM (N) Letterman Steve Carell; Show/Craig ’ (CC) (DVS) remains are found. ’ ’ (CC) (CC) Emilia Clarke. (N) (CC) Ferguson Hart of Dixie “Old Beauty and the Beast Seinfeld Seinfeld King of the Frasier FraThat ’70s Alabama” Lavon lets his Heather wants to stage an “The Race” “The Finale” Hill ’ (CC) “Liar! Liar!” sier Martin’s Show Domayoral duties slip. ’ intervention. (CC) ’ (CC) (CC) ’ (CC) wedding. nated toys. Cherish the Ladies: An Irish Home- Divinas Live at Chambord Castle Sing- The British Beat (My Music) British Invasion hits from coming Cherish the Ladies perform. ers Méav, Rita and Yulia perform. ’ (CC) the 1960s. ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Hell’s Kitchen ContesNew Girl The Mindy Fox Prime- Fox 25 Fox 25 Late TMZ (N) ’ Family Guy Family tants present signature “Guys Night” Project time News Sports Edition (N) (CC) “April in Guy “Three dishes. (CC) (DVS) (N) (N) ’ at 9 (N) Wrap Up Quahog” Kings” ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Rules of Rules of Freedom 43 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H 30 Rock ’ 30 Rock The Office (CC) (CC) EngageEngageNews (N) (CC) (CC) (CC) “Corporate ’ (CC) ment (CC) ment (CC) (CC) Crush” ’ Pretty Little Liars Jamie The Lying Game “To Lie Pretty Little Liars Jamie The 700 Club ’ (CC) The Fresh The Fresh is haunted by his shady For” Dan issues an ultima- is haunted by his shady Prince of Prince of past. (N) ’ (CC) tum to Ethan. (N) ’ past. ’ (CC) Bel-Air ’ Bel-Air ’ Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Detectives Victims Unit “Disabled” Victims Unit “Conned” Victims Unit “Anchor” Victims Unit Two young race to find a witness. ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Three children die. (CC) sisters are killed in a fire. Wizards of ›› Princess Protection Program Jessie Zuri Good Luck Austin & Jessie Wizards of Wizards of Waverly (2009, Comedy) Selena Gomez, Demi plans a tea Charlie ’ Ally ’ (CC) “One Day Waverly Waverly Place ’ Lovato, Tom Verica. ’ (CC) party. ’ (CC) Wonders” Place ’ Place ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (Part 1 of 2) (Part 2 of 2) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) The Looney Adventure King of the King of the American American Family Guy Family Guy Robot Aqua Unit Tunes Show Time Hill (CC) Hill (CC) Dad ’ (CC) Dad ’ (CC) “Road to ’ (CC) Chicken Patrol Europe” ’ Squad 1 Castle “Ghosts” Woman Castle “Little Girl Lost” Castle A plastic surgeon is Southland “Under the Big Boston’s Finest The is drowned in motor oil. Castle competes with brutally murdered. ’ (CC) Top” Lydia and Reuben fugitive unit cases the ’ (CC) Beckett’s ex. ’ (CC) search for a killer. streets. (CC) Women’s College Basket- College Basketball Horizon League, Final: Teams SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ball Big East Tournament, TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) Final: Teams TBA. › Catwoman (2004, Action) Halle Berry, Benjamin ›› Swordfish (2001, Suspense) John Travolta, Hugh ››› Escape From New Bratt, Sharon Stone. A shy artist acquires feline Jackman, Halle Berry. An ex-con computer hacker is York (1981) Kurt Russell, strength and agility. (CC) pulled into a high-tech heist. (CC) Ernest Borgnine. ›› Hang ’Em High (1968, Western) Clint Eastwood, ››› The Westerner (1940, Western) Gary Cooper, ››› The Man From Inger Stevens, Ed Begley. A rancher swears revenge Walter Brennan, Doris Davenport. Hanging Judge Roy Colorado (1948) Glenn on the men who tried to lynch him. Bean befriends a Texas drifter. Ford, William Holden. Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars “Juras- Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) sic Bark” Dance Moms “Camouflaged Maneuvers” Military-in- Preachers’ Daughters Preachers’ Daughters Dance Moms Military-inspired group dance. (N) (CC) Taylor reveals one of her Taylor reveals one of her spired group dance. (CC) fantasies. (CC) fantasies. (CC) $ KFOR Rockers % KOCO Page 5 , S ec tio n C Pa ge 6, Sec ti on C The Elk City Daily N ews • Elk City, Oklaho ma ez TV LOCAL TV LISTINGS FOR YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Saturday Morning 9 am March 16, 2013 9:30 10 am 10:30 11 am 11:30 12 pm 12:30 1 pm Saturday Evening 1:30 The Chica Pajanimals Poppy Cat Justin Time LazyTown MLS Soccer D.C. United at New York Red Bulls. From Red Bull (EI) (EI) (EI) ’ (EI) (CC) Arena in Harrison, N.J. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Jack Ocean $ KFOR Show (EI) Born to Sea Rescue Recipe Food for College Basketball SEC Tournament, First Semifinal: Explore (CC) (DVS) Rehab (CC) Thought Teams TBA. From Nashville, Tenn. (N) (Live) Countdown (CC) (DVS) (DVS) Rules of Rules of › My Baby’s Daddy (2004, Comedy) Eddie Griffin, ››› Hitch (2005, Romance-Comedy) Will Smith, Eva EngageEngageAnthony Anderson, Michael Imperioli. Three footloose Mendes, Kevin James. A smooth-talker helps a shy ment (CC) ment (CC) men deal with fatherhood. (CC) accountant woo an heiress. (CC) (DVS) Paid Paid Law & Order: Criminal Law & Order: Criminal Law & Order: Criminal Law & Order: Criminal Program Program Intent “Faith” Murdered Intent An executive is Intent “Dead” A funeral Intent Social worker publisher. ’ (CC) framed, blackmailed. ’ director’s murder. (CC) shielded prodigy. (CC) Busytown Busytown Liberty’s College Basketball Conference USA Tournament, College Basketball Big Ten TournaMysteries Mysteries Kids “Going Final: Teams TBA. From Tulsa, Okla. (N) (Live) (CC) ment, First Semifinal: Teams TBA. From ’ (EI) ’ (EI) Home” Chicago. (N) (Live) (CC) Transform- Justice Justice WWE Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Temp-ta- Paid › After.Life (2009, ers Prime League League Saturday ’ (CC) Zexal ’ tions Program Drama) Christina Ricci, Unlimited Unlimited (CC) Liam Neeson. (CC) Sewing With Nancy: Sewing A to Z 3 Steps to Incredible Health! With Joel Visions of Germany: Bavaria Music Blood Sewing and quilting techniques. ’ (CC) Fuhrman, M.D. Joel Fuhrman’s health accompanies an aerial view. ’ (CC) Sugar Soluplan. ’ (CC) tion Paid Paid Paid Paid Wild Express Norris Auto Joe Cooper Paid The Andy Program Program Program Program America Credit Auto (CC) Auto (CC) Program Griffith “Killer Mice” Show Mom Is 57, Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Movie Looks 27! Program Program Program Program Program 7 pm _ TBS _ TBS + KOCB , OETA ` KOKH / KAUT 8 FAM 9 USA ›› Hocus Pocus (1993, Comedy) ››› Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Bette Midler. Youths conjure up three Emma Watson. A malevolent force threatens the students at Hogwarts. child-hungry witches on Halloween. ››› The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005, Romance-Comedy) Steve Carell, Catherine Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Keener, Paul Rudd. Three co-workers unite to help their buddy get a sex life. (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Good Luck Jessie “Toy The Wizards Return: Alex Jessie Luke A.N.T. Farm Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Austin & Charlie ’ Con” ’ vs. Alex (2013) Selena hurts his “early retire- (CC) (CC) (CC) Ally ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) Gomez. ’ (CC) knee. mANT” SpongeBob SpongeBob Teenage Teenage The Fairly OddParents Power SpongeBob The Fairly The Fairly Mutant Norm the Genie tries to Rangers SquarePants OddParents OddParents ; NICK SquarePants SquarePants Mutant ’ ’ Ninja Ninja trick Cosmo and Wanda. Megaforce ’ ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Green Young Ben 10: Secret of the Omnitrix (2007, Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Ben 10: Justice: Adventure) Voices of Tara Strong, Paul “Absolute Power” “The Ultimate Enemy” Race < TOON Lantern: Animated Invasion (N) Eiding, Meagan Smith. Dallas “J.R.’s Masterpiece” Monday Mornings Southland “Off Duty” John Boston’s Finest “Love ›› Journey to the CenHurts” The drug control ter of the Earth (2008) = TNT The family gets together Villanueva’s son becomes considers life after the to mourn. a patient. (CC) LAPD. ’ (CC) unit plans a raid. (CC) Brendan Fraser. SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) College GameDay (N) College Basketball ACC Tournament, First Semifinal: (Live) (CC) Teams TBA. From Greensboro, N.C. (N) (Live) > ESPN : DISN F AMC G TCM K A&E R LIFE ›› Seven Ways From Sundown (1960, Western) ››› Enter the Dragon (1973) Bruce Lee, John Saxon, Jim Kelly. A League Audie Murphy, Barry Sullivan. A Texas Ranger hunts kung fu expert is sent to infiltrate an island fortress. (CC) of Extra. the outlaw who killed his partner. (CC) Gentlemen Attack of ›› The Case of the Curious Bride ›› Torchy Blane in ›› Carson City (1952, Western) Randolph Scott, the 50-Foot (1935, Mystery) Warren William, Marga- Chinatown (1939) Glenda Raymond Massey, Lucille Norman. Sabotage delays Woman ret Lindsay, Donald Woods. Farrell, Barton MacLane. civil engineer’s completion of railroad. Flip This House “Flip in Flipping Boston Pete Flipping Boston Peter To Be Announced The First 48 “Ditched” Trouble” Peter and Brian gets creative with a tiny and Dave help a friend in Motorists discover a flip a high-end home. condo. (CC) need. (N) (CC) decomposed body. (CC) Paid Pro- Paid Pro- ››› Selena (1997, Biography) Jennifer Lopez, Edward James Ol- Twist of Faith (2013) Toni Braxton. A gram (CC) gram (CC) mos, Jon Seda. Mexican-American singer skyrockets to fame. (CC) gospel community helps a man whose family was murdered. (CC) LARGE Retail Saturday’s Best Retail Market Market LARGE Retail Market Aged Premium Choice Steaks Football season 8 p.m. on $ KFOR Homemade Sausages Chicago Fire: Severide’s (Taylor Kinney) visiting is here. McGhee Honey father (Treat Williams) butts heads with Chief Aged Premium Watonga Cheese Get tailgate 7 p.m. on ) KWTV • FRESH Choice Steaks BodenMEAT (Eamonn Walker) over a former colleague’s Spices COUNTER Homemade Sausages CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Frank Sinatraready at Mills (Charlie Barnett) tries to calm down death. Amish Pantry Items McGhee Honey • Aged premium songs and Chow, other music from the Rat Pack era provides Chow Relish, Pickles a driver who’s upset over having caused an Watonga choice steaks • FRESH MEAT the soundtrack for thisCheese episode, in which the CSI team Aged Premium Aged Premium Spices accident. Shay & (Lauren German) makes a decision • Deli Meats Specializing in historian COUNTER investigates the murder of a music whose Choice Steaks Choice Steaks Amish Pantry Items Aged Premium • Aged premium Cheeses about her relationship with Clarice (Shiri Appleby). Custom Homemade Sausages Homemade Sausages body is found inside a piano. The case resonates Chow Chow, Relish, Pickles Amish Pantry Items choice steaks Choice Steaks McGhee Honey McGhee Honey Herrmann, Otis and Dawson (David Eigenberg, Yuri Processing. Gift personally with Sanders (Eric Szmanda) who had aCertificates Chow Chow, Relish, Pickles • Deli Meats & Homemade Sausages Specializing in Watonga Cheese Watonga Cheese Sardarov, Monica Raymund) solve a mystery in •Shue FRESH MEAT past with theCustom victim. Ted Danson and Elisabeth • FRESH MEAT Deli Meat! Salami, McGhee Honey Cheeses Watonga Cheese & Spices Available! Spices COUNTER COUNTER Amish Pantry 335 Hwy. 44, Burns Flat 1105 E. 7th St, Elk City •Bologna, also star in “It Was a Very Good Year.” Watonga Cheese Better toItems Lie.” Processing. FRESH MEAT Amish Pantry Items Amish Pantry Items Olive & Retail Market Retail Market Retail Market LARGE LARGE Retail Market LARGE Keith's! ail Retail Ret Ret ail Market Market Market McGhee Honey Chow Chow, Relish, Pickles OPEN M-F 8-57p.m. 9-noon p.m.Sat. on G TCM •Chow Aged Chow,premium Relish, Pickles • Spices Chow Chow, Relish, Pickles Aged premium OPENchoice Tues.-F 9-6 p.m. Sat. 9-58p.m. steaks choice steaks p.m. onCOUNTER ) KWTV Amish Pantry Items Jalapeno Loaf, Ham premium Aged premium 335An Hwy. 44, Burns Flat 1105 E. 7th St,in Elk City • Deli Meats & ••Aged Specializing Deli Meats & Specializing Chow Chow, Relish, Pickles Tootsie: out-of-work actor in (Dustin Hoffman), choice steaks Criminal Minds: Blasts from the past, anyone? 580-562-3220 580-303-4481 Cheeses Cheeses & Turkey Custom OPEN M-F 8-5 p.m. Sat. 9-noon OPEN Tues.-F 9-6 p.m. Sat. 9-5 p.m. Custom choice steaks desperate for a job, poses as a woman and gets aAmish role Pantry • Deli Meats & Specializing in Items Amish Pantry Items Rossi (Joe Mantegna) and his team are in the South Gift But Certificates Available! Processing. Processing. Watonga Cheese & Cheeses on a daytime soap opera. he finds it increasingly Chow Chow, Relish, Pickles Chow, Relish, Pickles Custom 580-562-3220 580-303-4481 investigating a seriesChow of murders whose signature Check out our website... Amish Pantry Items difficult to keep up the charade, especially Processing. when he Award Winning McGhee Honey Chow Chow, Relish, Pickles Gift Certificates Available! 44, Burns Flat (Jessica 1105 E. Burns 7th St, Flat Elk City matches that of a killer1105 from 30 years the same for aHwy. full list of products &44, custom pricing. 335 Lange). Hwy. E. 7th St,ago. ElkAtCity For335 full listour of retail products falls inalove with one of his retail co-stars Check out Sausages! time, they discover there’s a copycat tracking themp.m. and M-F 8-5 Sat. 9-noon OPEN Tues.-F 9-6 p.m. Sat. 9-5 p.m. OPEN M-F 8-5 p.m. Sat. 9-noon OPEN Tues.-F Sat.City 9-5 335 Hwy. Burns Flat 1105 E. 9-6 7th p.m. St, Elk Teri Garr, Billfull Murray, Coleman and Charles &OPEN custom pricing out for a listDabney ofcheck retail products &44, custom pricing. replicating murders they’re in the9-6 process of solving Summer Sausage, Durning also star in the 1982 romantic comedy, which OPEN M-F 8-5 p.m. Sat. 9-noon OPEN Tues.-F p.m. Sat. 9-5 p.m. 580-562-3220 580-303-4481 our website 580-562-3220 580-303-4481 in “Perennials.” Thomas Gibson, Shemar Moore and A.J. was nominated for 10 Oscars but won only one: best & Hot Link German Gift Certificates Available! Gift Certificates Available! Cook also star. supporting actress for Lange. Check out our website...Check out our website... Gift Certificates Available! for a full list of retail products &list custom pricing. for a full of retail products & custom pricing. Check out our website... for a full list of retail products & custom pricing. 580-562-3220 580-303-4481 Saturday Afternoon 2 pm 2:30 3 pm March 16, 2013 3:30 4 pm 4:30 5 pm 5:30 6 pm 6:30 PGA Tour Golf Tampa Bay Championship, Third Round. From Palm Harbor, Fla. Quick & NBC Nightly NewsChan- Inside EdiEasy Meals! News (N) nel 4 at 6PM tion Weekend (N) (N) ’ College Basketball SEC Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams Paid Eyewitness ABC World Eyewitness Wheel of TBA. From Nashville, Tenn. (N) (Live) Program News 5 at News With News 5 at Fortune 5pm (N) David Muir 6pm (N) (CC) ››› Hitch Everybody Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ The King of The King of The King of The King of (2005) Will Loves Ray- (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Queens ’ Queens ’ Queens ’ Queens ’ Smith. mond ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Law & Order: Criminal MLB Preseason Baseball Kansas City Royals at Chicago Cubs. Split-squad America’s Funniest Intent Detectives probe a game. (N) (Live) Home Videos ’ (CC) bludgeoning death. ’ College Basketball Big College Basketball Big Ten Tournament, Second College Basketball Mountain West Tournament, Final: Ten Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA. From Chicago. (N) (Live) (CC) Teams TBA. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) (CC) Semifinal: Teams TBA. › After.Life (2009, Arrow “Vertigo” Thea Supernatural “Hunteri Two and a Two and a The Big The Big Drama) Christina Ricci, gets caught using a drug. Heroici” Castiel decides to Half Men ’ Half Men ’ Bang Bang Liam Neeson. (CC) ’ (CC) become a hunter. ’ (CC) (CC) Theory ’ Theory ’ The Blood Sugar Easy Yoga for Easing Hopeful Aging With Dr. Ed Sullivan’s Top Performers 1966-1969 (My Music) Solution With Dr. Mark Pain Yoga effectively al- John Zeisel Learning Hits from the 1960s. ’ (CC) Hyman ’ (CC) leviates joint pain. (CC) process helps the brain. ›› 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag (1997, Comedy) Joe Judge Judy Judge Joe Ring of Honor Wrestling Family Guy Family Guy Pesci, Andy Comeau. A mob courier loses his bag of ’ (CC) Brown ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) severed heads at an airport. (CC) (CC) Movie It Takes a Thief “The Adam-12 Adam-12 Dragnet ››› The Naked Billionaire” Find “Find Me a Professionreclusive tycoon. (CC) Needle” als (1966) Harry ››› Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, ››› The Sisterhood PotterEmma Watson. New dangers lurk for Harry, Dumbledore and their friends. of the Traveling Pants Chamber (2005) Amber Tamblyn. Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) $ KFOR (N) ’ (Live) (CC) % KOCO _ TBS ( WGNA ) KWTV + KOCB , OETA ` KOKH / KAUT 8 FAM 9 USA Austin & Austin & Jessie Jes- Dog With a Good Luck Dog With Austin & Jessie A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm Ally ’ (CC) Ally “Soups sie defends Blog “Dog Charlie ’ a Blog ’ Ally ’ (CC) “Teacher’s ’ (CC) “detective & Stars” ’ Mr. Kipling. Loses Girl” (CC) (CC) Pest” ’ agANTcy” The Fairly The Fairly Victorious Victorious iCarly ’ (CC) SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob ’ (CC) SquarePants SquarePants SquarePants SquarePants ; NICK OddParents OddParents ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ ’ ’ ’ › Ben 10: Race Against Ben 10 Ben 10 (Part Ben 10 (Part Ben 10: Ben 10: Omniverse “The ›› Diary of a Wimpy Kid Perfect day. 1 of 2) 2 of 2) Omniverse Frogs of War” The Incurse- (2010) Zachary Gordon, < TOON Time (2007, Action) Graham Phillips. ans take over control. Robert Capron. ›› Journey to the Cen- ››› King Kong (2005, Adventure) Naomi Watts, Jack Black, Adrien Brody. A ››› The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of = TNT ter of the Earth (2008) beauty tames a savage beast. (CC) Brendan Fraser. the Ring (2001) College Basketball ACC Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams College Basketball Big 12 Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. From Kansas City, Mo. (N) (Live) > ESPN TBA. From Greensboro, N.C. (N) (Live) : DISN F AMC G TCM K A&E R LIFE ›› The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003, ›› Hulk (2003, Fantasy) Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliott. Scientist Bruce Fantasy) Sean Connery, Shane West. Literary figures Banner transforms into a powerful brute. (CC) unite to stop a mad bomber. (CC) ››› Creature From the Black Lagoon ››› The Mark of Zorro (1940) Tyrone ››› Titanic (1953, Docudrama) Clifton Webb, (1954, Horror) Richard Carlson, Julia Power. A 19th-century noble dons a Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Wagner. People mingle and Adams, Richard Denning. disguise to fight corruption. couple bicker on doomed 1912 luxury liner. The First 48 A man is The First 48 A young The First 48 “Torn; Gun The First 48 Man shot in Storage Storage shot to death on the street. woman is shot to death. Crazy” A love triangle that his home. (CC) Wars (CC) Wars (CC) (CC) (CC) turned deadly. Twist of ›› Not Easily Broken (2009, Drama) Morris Chest- Movie Faith (2013) nut, Taraji P. Henson. The aftermath of a car accident (CC) tests a couple’s marriage. (CC) ( WGNA ) KWTV + KOCB , OETA ` KOKH / KAUT 8 FAM 9 USA : DISN ; NICK < TOON = TNT > ESPN F AMC G TCM K A&E R LIFE 8 pm 8:30 9 pm March 16, 2013 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 NewsChan- Saturday Night Live ’ (CC) nel 4 at obstacle course. (N) 10PM (N) Celebrity Wife Swap Eyewitness Access Hollywood (N) The Closer Kate Gosselin and Kendra News 5 at ’ (CC) “Relative Wilkinson. ’ (CC) 10p (N) Matters” The Big The Big The Big The Big The Big The Big Cougar ›› Why Did I Get Married? (2007, Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Town “You Comedy-Drama) Tyler Perry, Janet Theory ’ Theory ’ Theory ’ Theory ’ Theory ’ Theory ’ Tell Me” ’ Jackson, Jill Scott. (CC) America’s Funniest America’s Funniest WGN News at Nine ’ Bones “Boy in the Time Bones The death of a Home Videos ’ (CC) Home Videos ’ (CC) (CC) Capsule” Old classmates truck company employee. unearth a time capsule. ’ (CC) CSI: Crime Scene Inves- Criminal Minds “Perenni- 48 Hours ’ (CC) News 9 at News 9 at Castle “The Final Nail” tigation A famous music als” Someone tracks cases 10 PM (N) Late Edition Investigating a friend of historian is murdered. ’ and copies crimes. (CC) Castle’s. ’ (CC) The Vampire Diaries Beauty and the Beast Ring of Honor Wrestling Seinfeld Seinfeld Burn Notice “Seek and Klaus uses Hayley to get “Any Means Possible” Cat (CC) “The Door- “The Jimmy” Destroy” Corporate secuinformation. (N) (CC) threatens a witness. man” ’ ’ rity specialist. (CC) Moments to Remember: My Music Number 204 1950s and ’60s Oscar Hammerstein II -- Out of My Ed Sullivan’s Top Perhits. ’ (CC) Dreams Lyricist Oscar Hammerstein. formers 1966-1969 (My ’ (CC) Music) ’ (CC) Cops Cops “Wild The Following “Welcome Fox Prime- Fox 25 Hell’s Kitchen Creating a 30 Seconds Bones ’ “Morons on and Crazy Home” A follower and Joe time News Sports menu for fashion design- to Fame ’ (CC) Parade No. 6” No. 2” form a deadly plan. at 9 (N) Wrap Up ers. (CC) (DVS) (CC) Movie M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Criminal Minds “What Law & Order “Baby, It’s (CC) (CC) Fresh Hell?” A girl is You” Model’s death leads abducted in broad daylight. to Baltimore. ’ ››› The Sisterhood of the Traveling ›› The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (2008, Comedy›› Serendipity (2001, Pants (2005, Comedy-Drama) Amber Drama) Amber Tamblyn, Alexis Bledel. Premiere. Time and distance Romance-Comedy) John Tamblyn, Alexis Bledel. challenge four young women’s friendship. Cusack, Kate Beckinsale. Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special ››› The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005) Steve Carell, Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ (CC) Catherine Keener, Paul Rudd. Three co-workers unite to help their buddy get a sex life. (CC) Jessie Luke The Wizards Return: Alex GravA.N.T. Farm Austin & Good Luck A.N.T. Jessie “Star Austin & hurts his vs. Alex (2013) Selena ity Falls ’ “phANTom Ally ’ (CC) Charlie ’ Farm “bad Wars” ’ Ally ’ (CC) knee. Gomez. ’ (CC) (CC) locker” ’ (CC) romANTs” ’ Wendell & Marvin Supah Nin- Wendell & See Dad The Nanny Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Friends ’ Vinnie (N) Marvin (N) jas “Cheer Vinnie ’ Run ’ (CC) ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Fever” (N) (CC) ›› Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Venture Family Guy Family Guy The Cleve- Black The Boon- Bleach Naruto (2010) Zachary Gordon, Bros. “Petarded” “Brian the land Show Dynamite docks “Mr. “The Broken Robert Capron. ’ (CC) Bachelor” ’ (CC) Medicinal” Seal” ››› The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001, ›› Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008) ›› Deep Fantasy) Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Liv Tyler. Creatures unite to Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson. A professor and his Impact destroy a powerful ring and defeat a lord. (CC) (DVS) nephew go below the Earth’s surface. (CC) (1998) (CC) To Be An- College Basketball Big East Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. From College Basketball Pac-12 Tournament, Final: Teams nounced Madison Square Garden in New York. (N) (Live) TBA. From Las Vegas. (N) (Live) American Ninja Warrior % KOCO ) KWTV 7:30 $ KFOR Tackling a challenging % KOCO Hanna’s Wild Mysteries ( WGNA S unday, M arch 10, 2 013 Chicago Fire Severide’s dad clashes with Chief Boden. (CC) (DVS) 20/20 ’ (CC) Saturday Night Live Justin Timberlake hosts and performs. ’ (CC) ›› Godzilla (1998, Science Fiction) Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno, Maria Pitillo. › Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000, Action) Nicolas Premiere. Nuclear testing in the South Pacific produces a giant mutated lizard. Cage, Angelina Jolie, Giovanni Ribisi. A retired thief must steal 50 cars to save his brother. (CC) ›››› Tootsie (1982, Comedy) Dustin Hoffman, ››› Little Big Man (1970, Western) Dustin Hoffman, Faye ››› John Jessica Lange, Teri Garr. An unemployed actor poses Dunaway, Martin Balsam. A 121-year-old man recounts his life as a and Mary as a woman to land a soap role. Wild West pioneer. (1969) To Be Announced To Be Announced ›› Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail (2009, Com- Pastor Brown (2009, Drama) Salli Richardson-Whitedy) Tyler Perry, Derek Luke. Premiere. Madea raises field, Nicole Ari Parker, Keith David. Jesse returns hell behind bars. (CC) home to see her dying father. (CC) ›› Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail (2009) Tyler Perry. (CC) In Focus New faces enlist with returnees in Season 7 of ‘Army Wives’ Want your ad in living rooms all week? Torrey DeVitto By Jay Bobbin © Zap2it As happens on actual military bases, the names and faces of some “Army Wives” are changing. When the Lifetime drama series begins its seventh season Sunday, March 10, an obvious absence will be that of founding cast member Kim Delaney ... with the departure of her character, Claudia Joy Holden, explained very early in the run. Longtime co-stars Sally Pressman and Sterling K. Brown are recurring now, but at the same time, the show is getting an influx of performers both new and familiar. Torrey DeVitto (“Pretty Little Liars,” “The Vampire Diaries”) plays a veteran of three tours of duty in Iraq, now opting for domestic life with her staff sergeant husband (Burgess Jenkins); singer-actress Ashanti appears as a mother of three whose husband (Joshua Henry) serves overseas; Jesse McCartney, who also has dual careers in singing and acting, portrays a new soldier eager to make his mark; and Elle McLemore is cast as the latter’s new, young wife, forced to build a life for herself away from other loved ones. And midway through its new season, “Army Wives” will be joined by a particularly famous new co-star: Brooke Shields, as an Air Force pilot who proves herself a worthy opponent to Army Gen. Michael Holden (Brian McNamara) as each tries to maintain a degree of professional power. For all the actors who are just starting their “Army Wives” tenures on location in Charleston, S.C., Kelli Williams, McNamara and Wendy Davis remain prominent on the series — as does Catherine Bell, whose alter ego Denise Sherwood remains so pivotal to the show, ABC Studios signed the popular “JAG” alum to a new contract early to ensure the drama would have at least another year. “I’m really enjoying it,” Bell says of the rebuilding of the cast. “There are a lot of changes, and while it’s the same show, it also feels different. Denise has become the central friend people come to for different reasons, especially as the new girls try to fit in. The new characters are fun, and I think they’re nice additions. As in Army life, people get moved every couple of years, and new friendships form ... so it’s realistic, for sure. “If anything, (the original actors and characters) got to stay together longer than most people do on a military base,” notes Bell, who adds, “I’ve met Brooke Shields several times, and she’s a sweetheart, a really nice lady. I’m excited to have her be a part of our show.” Bell shares a reasonable amount of screen time with “Army Wives” newcomer DeVitto, particularly since both of their characters have an affinity for riding motorcycles. “She’s just been so sweet and welcoming and really great to work with,” DeVitto says. “I like and respect her so much. “Even though this show is seven years old, I don’t know people expected it to go this long. We aren’t sure how the audience is going to react to all the changes, so I still have the same worries and fears you do when you start a new show. On the flip side, coming into a show that’s been on for seven years, the morale on the set is just beautiful. Everybody is in their rhythm and groove, and you don’t have those 16-hour days you have on a new show when you’re trying to find your footing.” With “Army Wives” her third series running currently, it’s little surprise that DeVitto enthuses, “I love being busy! I always say I need a break, but when I actually get it, I’m just itching to get back to work after one day. What most people don’t realize is that even though I was doing ‘Pretty Little Liars’ and ‘The Vampire Diaries,’ there are so many cast members, I was only working two or three days per episode. Now with ‘Army Wives,’ I don’t really have any days off.” A similar work pace usually applies to DeVitto’s husband, Paul Wesley, alias the undead Stefan on The CW’s “The Vampire Diaries,” on which she recently acted in scenes with him for the first time. She also has a well-known father in the longtime drummer for music icon Billy Joel, Liberty DeVitto, and she has family ties to the real military as well. “I don’t have relatives in the Army specifically,” she says, “but I have family in the Air Force, a couple of cousins and an uncle. And my aunt was actually a chief petty officer in the Navy for a long time. They were all so thrilled, on so many levels, that I got this role. They’re all from Michigan, and they were like, ‘Your character’s an Airborne, and she’s from Michigan? Amazing!”’ With so many of her co-stars new to the world of “Army Wives” that she’s known for so long, Bell — who also will continue her “Good Witch” series of TV movies for Hallmark Channel at Halloween — takes her position as one of the senior cast members seriously, despite her trademark good humor. “I’m always aware of the fact that you set the tone,” she says, “but it’s a great cast and crew, with real camaraderie. We’ve always had a great vibe, and we’re just keeping that going.” Advertise here! 225-3000 Activities Sunday, March 10, 2013 The Elk City Daily News • Elk City, Oklahoma Page 7, Section C Man comes back into confused woman’s life Dear Abby Pearls Before Swine Get Fuzzy Dilbert Garfield DEAR ABBY: I met a man 15 years ago who has recently come back into my life. I hadn't seen him in years. He says he wants to be with me and marry me, and I very much would like to be his wife. I live in one state, he lives in another and his work is in yet another state. He does travel -- not much -- but some. The problem is I think he's mar- ried to his job. He says he wants to be home with me once we are married. But then he says that once his work slows down, he won't earn as much. I'm not sure how I can do this, with him working in one state and living in another. Sometimes I wonder if he's really in love with me or if he's stringing me along. How can I be with him if I never see him? If you have any advice for me, please let me know soon. HEARTS AWAITING DEAR HEARTS AWAITING: If a "little voice" is telling you this man may be stringing you along, make no hasty decisions. It's important that you visit him at his home at least a few times, get to know his friends and family, if he has any, and see how you would fit in. You also need to decide how you would spend your "alone" time while he's working. If you are an independent type, you'll be able to fill the time. But if you're not, then face the fact that as much as you care for him, you'd be miserable. So look CAREFULLY before you leap to the altar. DEAR ABBY: I am an educated, open-minded, well-spoken, wellmannered single man. I enjoy life and smile just about every waking moment. My problem is that people -- especially women -- think I'm gay. I assure you, I'm not! One woman recently lambasted me, saying her "gaydar" is never wrong, so I should just admit it to myself. This issue has prohibited me from dating, especially over the last few years, because ladies see me as a peer instead of potential partner. Also, people tell others that I'm gay, so there are preconceived opinions. Please don't think I am anti-gay. I have several gay male and female friends. I don't think my speech inflections or mannerisms make people assume this. I don't know what to do. Help! STRAIGHT, BUT NOT NARROW IN ALABAMA DEAR STRAIGHT: Because there appears to be some confusion about your sexual orientation, I recommend you talk frankly with some of your female and male friends and ask what it is about you that has created this impression. Obviously there is something about the way you present yourself that's causing it, and the quickest way to find out what it is would be to ask direct questions of the people who know you best. DEAR ABBY: My dear friend, God rest her soul, had a saying I think everyone could benefit from: "You are the master of the unspoken word. Once it is spoken, it is your master forever." Comments, Abby? DISCREET MIDWESTERNER DEAR DISCREET: Your dear friend was a smart woman. Too many times we say things that we wish we could take back. The same is true for the written word. Realty Page 8, Section C 507 West Third Looking for a GREAT place to call home? Wingate Management The Elk City Daily News • Elk City, Oklahoma American Realty 580/ 225-1502 MIKE STOUT -- OWNER/BROKER -- 821-0744 Gloria Turley 225-2592 • Ruthann Nichols 821-0523 • Linda Andresen 821-0601 Malisa Gifford 210-9363 • Kristy Smith 243-9243 • Jennifer Kimzey 497-6831 Cheryle Griffith 751-0789 • Becky Dugger 799-5176 ---------------------------------------NEW LISTINGS 1023 Amy Way-6bd 3.5ba, 3400 sq. ft., large lot. Completely Remodeled!. ...............$349,000 155 Carter Road-3bd, 2ba, 1406 sq. ft., granite, crown molding, fireplace................ $139,900 318 N Cearlock, Cheyenne-3bd, 1.75ba, 1400sf, 2 cellars, lg utility room w/office..... $54,900 1012 & 1018 West 3rd-34bd, 2ba, 2145sf. Commercial Building w/Extra Lot!........... $214,900 More Money Without Costing 201 West 6th,“Making Cordell-3bd,You 2ba, 1726 sq. ft.... .......................................UNDER CONTRACT! You More” 112 Thornton Lane-3bd, 2ba, 1463 sq. ft., fireplace, lg backyard w/shop building...... $69,000 Real Estate • Commercial 803 Westwood--4bd, 2.5 baths, 2520 sq.Equipment ft. Loaded• with Amenties!! ........................ Mike Grant Cindy Grant$259,900 Farm Estates Auctioneer/Sales Real Estate Broker • Business 1218 W. 3rd--2500 sq.Associate ft. CommercialHousehold Building. Rt. 66!.............................................. $229,000 580-821-1738 37+Mobile Acres in580-821-1186 City Limits--2 ponds, creek,Liquidations 1800sf Comm. Bldg. Mobile Amazing Property!. $369,900 19139 Hwyw/Apt 6, Sayre, OKtotaling 4730 sq. ft.! ...... $65,000 221 E. Main, Sentinel-Commercial Building & Loft, all Office - 580-225-0269/Fax - 580-225-8810 Home on 2 Acres (mol) &2bd, 1ba, 1296 sq. ft., 4 storage sheds!............................ $130,000, 46 Ac (mol), Cheyenne-Running creek, trees, well, elec., 35x30 barn w/23x50 overhang.. REDUCED! $197,500 210�S. � 4th,�Sentinel--3bd, 1ba,�1566�sq.�ft..�Great � ���� � Starter � �Home!............................... � � � � � � �$35,000 �� �195 Helen Hocker--3bd, 1ba, 1000 sq. ft. Updated!..................................................... $64,900 � � �������������������������� � �706 S. 6th, Canute-3bd, 2ba, 1985 sq. ft.................................................................... $124,900 � ���������������������� 1300 sq. ft.. Remodeled in 2010!........................................... $122,900� �105 Maple-3bd, 1.5ba, �118 West Avenue B-3bd, 2ba, 1008 sq. ft., original hardwood. Refurnished............... $88,000� ������������ �11 W. Commercial, Gotebo-7000 sq. ft. Office Building (formerly Post Office). .......... $25,000 � ���������� � ������������������� � 1207 N 5th, Sayre-2391sf, 1/2 Ac������ (mol), shop������������� w/OH door, finished basement. ..... REDUCED! $185,000� � � �156 Blackburn-3bd, 1ba, 1245 sq. ft.......................................................UNDER CONTRACT! � 521�S. � 2nd,�Sentinel-3bd 1280�sq.�ft................................................ � � � � 2ba, �� � � � � � � � �REDUCED! � � �$25,000 �� 519 S. Callaway-3bd, 2ba, 1300 sq. ft., updated large living area. .............................. $76,900 1608 N. Randall. 3bd, 2ba, 2200 sq. ft. on 3 Acres.................................REDUCED! $229,900 Grant’s Auction & Realty FEATHER REALTY 207CITY W.LISTINGS Broadway, Elk City • 225-1534 COMMERCIAL, LAND & LOTS ELK Weststorm 3rd-Comm Bldg, price 3rd Street $199,000 HouseCity: & 1 Acre-3/1, roof ‘09, cellar..... $69,900 sq802feet, Elk 3101800sf, Maverick, 3/2, 1700+ cellar, reduced 2049 W 7th Place-3/2, 1421sf. .......... Contract! Business on Hwy 283, CheyenneElk City: 103 Sunset. 3/4 bedroom, 1.5 bath, workshop, 721 N. Elk-3bd,carport. 2ba, 1873 sq.CALL ft..........MISTY $177,900 Restaurant, Equipment, 2500 sq. ft... $97,500 fireplace, 101 Sondra-3bd, 1445sf Reduced!...... $119,900 1503,areas, 1505 & 1507 Weston 3rd-15,000 sq. ft. of Canute acreage: 4bd/2ba, 2 living farm 5 acres 203 Grove-4/2, FP, 2 sunrooms......... $205,000 Retail Space. .72 Acre, corner lot821-0904 ... $599,000 Norma Warnke - Owner/Broker • Misty Warnke - Sales Associate 217 Shell. 3/1, 1458sf.......REDUCED! $112,900 EAST THIRD-10 Acres (MOL). .... WILL DIVIDE! 422 7th-3bd, 1ba. Remodeled!.............. $65,000 2 LOTS-Washington, 125x117 ea. Ea $25,000 OklahOma realty 1810Western Westwood Place. Executive Home...........CALL! 1104 W 1st- Lot 75x140....... REDUCED! 12,900 100 Sunset. 3/2, 2200sf.... REDUCED! 1010 W.$169,000 3rd • Suzy BROKER 225-0233 $199,900 225-6271 200Spieker Madison-915sf, 1.16 Ac............... OUT OF TOWNremodeled, LISTINGS kitchen, basement, lg lot, call Tyler New on Peace! 4bd/3ba, East Side Rt. 66.........REDUCED! New N. Elk.Flat-3bd, Appx 2700 sf, lg formal living & dining room,Shortstop, den, 3bd/2ba, w/ lots of updates,$99,000 lg lot 207listing Elaine,onBurns fenced. .... $58,900 New Listing - very nice brick home. approx 58ac near Carter, 30x40 shop, 3bd/2ba, sprinkler system, creek, 33 Acres off I-40 exit-Canute....... Contract! good fence.(mol) Call office. New acres SE....... of city, trees, good build site, call Tyler BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! 1504Listing N. 6th,- 30Sayre-3/2 REDUCED! $40,000 New Listing country home on 23 acres s. of Canute 3bd/2ba, $155,00, Call Tyler 215 S. Glenn English, Cordell-2/1 ........ $28,500 CALL FOR LIST! New Listing 17 ac s of Canute, Call Tyler New Listing 189 Helen Hocker, 3bd/1ba, CH/A, $58,000 Call Tyler New Listing in Sayre on Central, 2bd, some updating nice lot $75,000 New Listing in Fox Ridge, appx 3,000 sf, 4bd/3.5ba, office, media room, sprinkler system. New Listing, new construction in Sayre. 4bd/2ba near golf course on Fairway Dr. New Listing in Sayre on Electra, 3bd/2ba, .53 acres. Nice shop, (2) living areas, custom shutters, wood stove. Call office CONTRACT New Listing! 3bd/2ba brick home, corner lot, 103 Sandy Ln. $118,000. Call Liz! CONTRACT New Listing - 1008 N. 5th, Sayre. 3bd/2ba, basement, redone, 2 extra lots, 1)garage 2)carports. Call Suzy! New Listing in Sayre - sm home on 2nd st. 2bd/1ba, CH/A, $35,000 Commercial building on 4 corner lots in Sayre, excellent condition, call Liz. New Listing! Large ranch style home on 3 acres on N. Randall. 4bd/3ba, sunroom, 4 car garage, wood shed. Call Tyler. New Listing! 3bd/2ba home on 9 lots in Carter, OK. New roof and updated.......PRICE REDUCED! Call Liz! New Listing in Cordell - immaculate home, 3bd/2ba, sun room, beautiful landscaping, 3 extra lots, call Liz! Contract New Home at 923 N. Adams, 3 bedrooms and an office, stainless steel appliances, PRICE REDUCED! call Liz New Listing on 7th place - 3bd/2ba, has been updated, $135,000. Call Tyler, move in ready! 5 Rental Homes for sale! Good Income! Call Suzy! New Listing - 120 acres on Falcon & 20th. Great for development. Call Tyler! New Listing - 40 acres N of Canute on paved road. Call Suzy! New - Lg brick home, 62 sub-irrigated ac, lg barn, pipe fencing, paved road, E of Erick - Back on Market!!! Call Suzy! 80 Acres - SE of Carter. Has wind easement agreement. Wheat ground - Call Suzy! New Listing - Lg Country Home, 10 or 200 acres, near Mayfield, log interior, 7bd/2.5ba, Barn, 3 Grain Bins. Call Suzy for details! New Listing- 1106 N Lusk 2,988 SqFt, 3/2, large living area, entertainment area near pool. New Listing - 20 Acres near town Tyler Harrison 799-3864 Look for us on Janet Redd 243-7994 or Liz Nation 580-729-2164 FOR SALE IN MANGUM Residence + Duplex Nice 3bd/1ba brick house with CH/A system & attached single garage PLUS brick duplex on same corner lot (duplex income = $600/month). $115,000. Contact McGuffin Real Estate for more info. 580-782-3335 NEW LISTINGS! 104 Grandmark-Beautiful updated home on 1.43 acres, 3bd/2ba, living room + den......................$219,900 304 N. Madison-brick, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, large kitchen/dining room, utility room, ¼ acre.......$140,000 400 E 6th, Leedey-2 bedrooms, 1 ½ baths, remodeled kitchen, CH/A, new roof, garage, cellar.....$50,000 Merritt area-new home/2.5 acres, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, utility room/sink, covered patio...............$240,000 515 Schely, Leedey-Mobile home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, corner lot, metal roof, cellar.......................$25,000 10 acres off HWY 34, south of Carter - raw land, owner will carry with down.......................................$25,000 905 N. Howard -beautiful, remodeled, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, granite counter tops, cellar...............$155,000 401 E. Madison, Carter-2bd/1ba, metal roof, 8 lots, electric kitchen stove...............................................$35,000 19094 HWY 6-Solitaire DWMH, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2.89 acres, 2 shop buildings, pool..............$189,000 Magnificent home on 10 acres, 4bd, 3 full ba, beautiful kitchen cabinets, new shop, cellar..........$380,000 3,600 sq ft shop/3 lg overhead doors, office, kitchen, 1 ½ baths, lighted fenced yard, 7 acres.....$250,000 MORE ELK CITY LISTINGS! 3 Country Court-4bd/4 ½ ba, pool, ponds, 1.77 ac...CALL 1205 Bluestem-3bd/4 ½ ba, office, swim spa.....CALL 1201 N Falcon Rd-custom 5 bd/3ba, shop, corner..$449,900 1704 W Ave D - very nice, 3bd/2ba, 30x40 shop, $199,900 902 N Howard - 3bd/2ba, fireplace, privacy fenced.......$190,000 106 Timberridge-3bd/2ba, sprinkler, fenced..........$149,000 202ShellBlvd-remodeled4bd/2ba.,cornerlot.........$125,000 321 W 1st -2bd/1ba, 2 story, corner lot, garage...$119,900 105 Thornton, 3bd, 1.5ba, updated.................$87,500 611 W. 6th-3bd, 2ba, large yard..................$63,900 127 Carpenter, 2-3bd/1ba, fenced yard, cellar..CONTRACT 1321 S. Franklin - 3bd/1ba, kitchen appliances.....$25,000 OTHER TOWNS! 221 NW Boundary Rd, Erick-3bd/2ba, cellar...$150,000 201 Magnolia/312 W 3rd, Erick-2 houses...$142,000 1631 Crestview Dr., Cordell-3bd/2ba, lr/fp..$138,900 420 S 9th-Clinton-Historic 3bd/2ba, dining...CONTRACT 304/306 Bryan-BF-3/1 ½, lr+den, own/bkr.$120,000 145 Watan, Colony-DWMH, 3bd/2ba.....$115,000 604 N. Sheb Wooley, Erick-3bd/2 ½ ba......$110,000 312B Pawnee, BF-4 bd/2bd, lr + den, 2 shops...$95,000 802 S Washington-Hobart-DWMH, 3bd/2ba...$90,000 304 Potomac-BF-3-4bd/2ba,patio.................................$65,000 101A Potomac, BF-3bd/1.5ba, garage, fence...$45,000 206 Denise- BF-4bd/1ba, fenced yard..$38,000 HOME ON ACREAGES / ACREAGES / LOTS! 320 Acres, Sweetwater-Heart of Oilfield!........ CONTRACT 160 ac, prime hunting land, river bottom..............$800,000 2 Parcels of 160 acres – Sweetwater-.............$560,000 each Canute-new home/40 acres-1 ½ story, 3bd/2ba...CALL 240 Acres off I-40, will divide @ $5,000/ac...$360,000 160 acres of fenced pasture in Greer Co...$240,000 DWMH/5 ac, 3bd/3ba, lr+den, shop...$225,000 Merritt-3bd/2ba, lr + den, 1.38 acres...$196,500 2bd/2 ba, 80 acres, shop/wood stove...$150,000 10 acres on HWY 34, lots of trees...CONTRACT 1206 W. 1st St, nice building lot.........CONTRACT 314 N 1st, Sayre- 2 corner lots, trees...$7,000 COMMERCIAL ElkRun RV Park, managers house, 10ac...CALL Store/house, 5 acres, Erick, near I-40...$179,000 Elk City restaurant, seats 80, great location....$475,000 27 acres, highway frontage, Burns Flat...OFFERS Retail building on 3rd St/Rt 66, lease/sale..$359,000 Shop/2bay/lifts/office/warehouse......OFFERS Convenience store/grill/fuel, busy HWY..$350,000 509 S. Maple, Erick-6,000 sf, building.....$93,000 160 acres of minerals in Greer County...$288,000 60 Watan/Colony, “Standing Bear Cafe”..$75,000 • Nancy Henrichsen 225-5331 • Sherri Carlson 243-9439 • Stacey Carnes 821-4804 • James Kindsfather 821-2225 • Kristie Perkey 243-8738 • Jennifer Cherry 817-907-8340 • CimarronStudio, Ridge & 2 BR Units • 1Raintree III Corporate Units • Timber Creek 225-6271 Studio, 1 &Available 2 BR Units Corporate Units Available 1010 W. 3rd • Suzy Spieker BROKER 225-0233 New Listing! Nice country home on approx. 58 acres near Texola 3bed, 13/4 bath w/barn,corrals & new fence call Janet. New on Peace! 4bd/3ba, remodeled, kitchen, basement, lg lot, call Tyler New listing on N. Elk. Appx 2700 sf, lg formal living & dining room, den, 3bd/2ba, w/ lots of updates, lg lot New Listing - very nice brick home. approx 58ac near Carter, 30x40 shop, 3bd/2ba, sprinkler system, creek, good fence. Call office. New Listing - 30 acres SE of city, trees, good build site, call Tyler New Listing country home on 23 acres s. of Canute 3bd/2ba, $155,00, Call Tyler New Listing 17 ac s of Canute, Call Tyler New Listing 189 Helen Hocker, 3bd/1ba, CH/A, $58,000 Call Tyler New Listing in Sayre on Central, 2bd, some updating nice lot $75,000 New Listing in Fox Ridge, appx 3,000 sf, 4bd/3.5ba, office, media room, sprinkler system. New Listing, new construction in Sayre. 4bd/2ba near golf course on Fairway Dr. New Listing in Sayre on Electra, 3bd/2ba, .53 acres. Nice shop, (2) living areas, custom shutters, wood stove. Call office CONTRACT New Listing! 3bd/2ba brick home, corner lot, 103 Sandy Ln. $118,000. Call Liz! CONTRACT New Listing - 1008 N. 5th, Sayre. 3bd/2ba, basement, redone, 2 extra lots, 1)garage 2)carports. Call Suzy! New Listing in Sayre - sm home on 2nd st. 2bd/1ba, CH/A, $35,000 Commercial building on 4 corner lots in Sayre, excellent condition, call Liz. New Listing! Large ranch style home on 3 acres on N. Randall. 4bd/3ba, sunroom, 4 car garage, wood shed. Call Tyler. New Listing! 3bd/2ba home on 9 lots in Carter, OK. New roof and updated.......PRICE REDUCED! Call Liz! New Listing in Cordell - immaculate home, 3bd/2ba, sun room, beautiful landscaping, 3 extra lots, call Liz! Contract New Home at 923 N. Adams, 3 bedrooms and an office, stainless steel appliances, PRICE REDUCED! call Liz New Listing on 7th place - 3bd/2ba, has been updated, $135,000. Call Tyler, move in ready! 5 Rental Homes for sale! Good Income! Call Suzy! New Listing - 120 acres on Falcon & 20th. Great for development. Call Tyler! New Listing - 40 acres N of Canute on paved road. Call Suzy! New - Lg brick home, 62 sub-irrigated ac, lg barn, pipe fencing, paved road, E of Erick - Back on Market!!! Call Suzy! 80 Acres - SE of Carter. Has wind easement agreement. Wheat ground - Call Suzy! New Listing - Lg Country Home, 10 or 200 acres, near Mayfield, log interior, 7bd/2.5ba, Barn, 3 Grain Bins. Call Suzy for details! New Listing- 1106 N Lusk 2,988 SqFt, 3/2, large living area, entertainment area near pool. Look for us on or E “We Specialize in Service” lk City Realty Tyler Harrison 799-3864 Janet Redd 243-7994 Liz Nation 580-729-2164 1412 West Third Elk City, OK 73644 580-225-2378 NEW LISTING Back on Market! 910 Kathy’s Pl, 3-4bd/2ba, updated kitchen, gazebo, 2 living areas.........................$239,500 New Listing! 119 Ramsey Dr. 3bd/2ba, 2 living areas, new windows, move-in-ready..........................$139,500 New Listing! 116 Mitchell! 2 living areas, 3bd/2ba, 20x20 shop w/ saferoom, appx 2053 sf...............$180,000 New Listing! 1821 Cattlemens Dr - 3bd/2ba, 2 acres, 30x30 shop, 2 living areas, security system...$245,900 New Listing! 2824 W. 2nd. New construction, 3bd/2ba, dbl garage, near completion...........................$169,500 Back on Market! 2007 W. 7th Pl., 3bd/2ba, open living area, island bar w/ solid surface countertops, split floor plan, cellar, 2 car garage, new windows, doors and available for immediate sale...........................$144,500 New Listing! 1005 Bowman, 4bd/2ba, open floor plan, double fireplace, new wood scraped floors, updated interior texture and paint, new appliances, sprinkler system, cellar in garage, move-in-ready................$219,500 New Listing! 1005 Kathy’s Pl, 3bd/2ba, great kitchen w/ Corian counters, sprinkler system...............$245,000 New Listing! 6 Liberty Ln, 3bd/2ba, 30x50 shop on 1 acre, great neighborhood..................................$222,500 New Listing! 305 NE Hwy 66, Sayre, 3bd/2ba, 2485 sf, built in 2004, a must see!!!.............................$250,000 New Listing! Commercial Building/Sayre 7 offices, 3 bathrooms, reception area, great location.....$180,000 New Listing! 5000 sq. ft. building on HWY 66, Elk City, Great location, previously retail.......................$325,000 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 408 N Adams/Back on Market..79,500 715 W. 3rd .............................130,000 205 Blackburn/Reduced..........79,000 307 NE Hwy66/Sayre Office Bldg...180,000 204 Blackburn........................89,000 108 Ramsey Pl/New Roof......92,500 822 W. 3rd St. /5000 sq.ft. bldg only...325,000 1122 N. Washington/New Listing....109,500 6 acres @ EC Industrial Park.............475,000 309 Ellis Ln/New Listing................Contract Well Established Restaurant/Reduced.....449,500 201 Lester/ New Listing.....................110,000 415 Hoover Circle/Reduced...........110,000 1017 W Ave C/New Listing..115,000 OTHER TOWNS 115 Mary.........................................122,000 521 S. Louisiana, Mangum, 2bd/1ba...35,000 919 W. 1st/Back on the market..$126,000 524 N. Calloway/New.............Contract 520 S. Louisiana, Mangum, 3bd/1ba....40,000 119 Ramsey Dr/New Listing..139,500 214 Adams, Canute/Dblwide....69,500 313 Ridgecrest/New Const...Contract 305 NE Hwy66, Sayre/New Listing...250,000 2007 W 7th Pl/back on market...144,500 311 Ridgecrest/New Const..145,900 1102 Colorado/Reduced.........165,000 520 Kimberly..........................Contract ACREAGES with RESIDENCE 2824 W. 2nd/new const...........169,500 116 Mitchell/New...................180,000 1821 Cattlemens Drive, 3bd/2ba, 2ac...245,900 110 Mockingbird............................195,000 W.Hwy6 4/2, 5ac/reduced.....Contract 115 Peggy/New Listing.............Contract 1301 W 7th 10ac, 1426sf, 2bd..........350,000 138 Calhoon..................................Contract 1005 Bowman/New Listing............219,500 6 Liberty Ln/New Listing..............222,500 LOTS & ACREAGES 910 Kathy’s Pl/back on market....239,500 1005 Kathy’s Pl. /New Listing.....245,000 1955 S Randall, 1.09ac......................44,000 305 NE Hwy66, Sayre/New List..250,000 45 ac (MOL) S of EC/New....270,000 145 Calhoon/New Listing! ..............$299,000 Judy Burson 580-821-2168 • Robbie Allen 580-821-1908 Ella Fagan 580-225-5526 • Deedra Watson 580-243-9540 Vickie Parker 580-303-0615 Wayne Wilson - Broker/Owner 580-243-8378 ALSO VISIT US ON REALTOR.COM CALL US FOR YOUR HUD HOME PURCHASES 220n Ridgecrest A pA r t m e t s Road • home? 374-1352 Looking for a GREAT to call A GREAT Place place to 225-4495 Call Home! Western OklahOma realty 521 West Third 580-225-3699 WILSON REALTY Sunday, March 10, 2013 900 W 3rd, Elk City, OK 580-225-7800 Terry Stone, Owner/Broker.........................................................580-243-9598 Damon Culver, Owner/Agent..................................................580-821-0681 Elaine Stone, Agent..........................................................................580-821-1578 Hollie (Britton) Laird, Agent.....................................................580-799-1449 Glenna Kirk, Agent.........................................................................580-497-7197 LISTINGS New Listing!! 502 Loust- 1324 SF, 3bd, 1Ba,Carport, Corner Lot.....................$88,500 New Listing!! S. Van Buren- 30 Acres Development Property....................................... New Listing!! 1101 Spencer Rd-2624 SF, 4Bd,3Ba, 30x50 Shop Building, 29 acres...$269,500 Price Reduced! 120 S Ave B, Carter - 3bd/2ba, 2304 sf, 4 lots...............................$77,500 Price Slashed Again, Sandy Beach-Home, Garage, Shop, 2 Carports, Deck, Owner/Agent.......$114,000 New Listing!! 307 Parkview 3bd/2ba, 1360sf shop building, must see, move-in ready...$153,900 Price reduced!!! 3525 Calloway, Weatherford-New Construction, 4bd/2.5 ba, 3213SF, Granite Countertops, Lg Office/Den, Basement, Prime Location, Broker/Agent..............$375,000 New Listing!!202 Ave. A, Carter - 2bd/1ba, large lot, carport, new carpet & roof...................................$38,500 New Listing! S of Elk City - 3bd/2ba, 1898 sf, 51.83 acres, remodeled...................................................$275,000 Reduced!! 211 S 6th, Carter - 2bd/2ba, 1440sf, 12 city lots, landscaped..................$74,000 New Listing! 701 S. 3rd, Cheyenne - 4bd/2ba, 2400 sf, completely remodeled, 2 living areas, office, 2 carports, 30x50 shop, large lot, pool & deck, Pergola, Owner/Agent.........$350,000 New Listing! 301 W. Airport, Hinton - 10960 sf shop/warehouse, 3560 sf office building, 3.39 acres, large parking lot, additional acreage available, will consider lease.........$1,200,000.00 New Listing! SE Elk City, Near New Shopping - prime development property, 19.63 ac....$2,450,000.00 Building lots - 139/141 Bonita, build to suit by CulverStone Homes, Broker/Owner...$25,000/lot 2 Ac Building Sites, SW of EC, build to suit by CulverStone Homes, Broker/Owner.......$30,000 20 Acres West of S Hwy 6 & Hwy 152 Seller will divide acreage!.......$5,000/Acre 10 Acre Tracts, East of Carter, Nice Home Sites. 2 tracts available!!!.............$25,000 80 Acre Farm, 15 Miles S of Elk City, Very Good Farm Land!.......$150,000 NOW BUYING Minerals, Producing or Non-Producing Oil & Gas Leases CulverStone Commercial & Residential Contractors New Construction & Remodeling Your Land Or Ours Damon Culver 821-0681 Terry Stone 243-9598 OPEN• SATURDAY 220 Ridgecrest Drive 225-4495 374-1352 10-2 Elk City, OK SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS Washer & Dryer Hookups in All Units! SECURITY PATROL 1200 South Watkins (Main Entrance on Oliver Street) 225-0044 E.O.H./HUD Approved • Section 8 Property FAIRVIEW VILLAGE APARTMENTS Owned by the Housing Authority of Elk City Elderly, Handicapped & Family Apartments 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Especially Equipped for the Elderly & Handicapped Elderly Meal Program Available Also 2, 3 & 4 Bedrooms Quality Housing in a Stable Community featuring Affordable Rates APts & Condos FOR RENT Small Corporate Units Available! Pets Welcome! Park Place Apts Clubhouse Condos BRIGHTON MANAGEMENT • 243-0624 PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination EXTRA! EXTRA! because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or HOT OFF THE PRESS! national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real The estate nlywhich gift they’ll Find what is in violation of you’re lookingget totheopen times! law. 257 All persons are hereby for in the informed that all dwellings classifieds. $ advertised are available on an equal * opportunity basis. 1510 W. 9TH ELK CITY 580-225-0129 83 a year! That’s a 36% savings over the newstand prices. Buy the Complete Coverage Package by December 14 for your chance to win a Kindle Fire! 206 West Broadway • 225-3000 • * Mail subscriptions extra. Looking for your dream home? Find it here on the Realty page.