April - Fagowees Ski Club


April - Fagowees Ski Club
A Message from our President
Don’t be sad Winter is almost done - it’s just another toy change!
As we wind down our winter ski season and anticipate the changing of the FaGowees
Board of Directors, April is elections time, who wants to step up and make a difference?
Twenty years ago I was sitting in one of my first few meetings; I knew I wanted to get
involved. I jumped right in at the start of my first year, my sister thought I had lost it. I
just had my first ski lesson from my family, and then I became Secretary in my first year in
the club. Back then we still used typewriters! I didn’t know what they were talking
about, and I hardly knew how to ski. So I listened really well. Several board positions
later, and after surviving many trips, here I am - President of one of the most fun clubs in
If you can’t commit to a board position, then there is always a need for trip leaders and
co-trip leaders. What is the difference? A trip leader is mostly a person who has experience in running a trip, and a co-trip leader helps out and learns how so they can later run a
trip themselves. Together they communicate and collaborate
on what needs to be planned and organized and then lead it
and control the event. Just think; you can use these practices
in your everyday life. Have fun and be creative, you get to
choose how you want to plan it and propose it to the board.
The board will look at it and approve it if it fits into our schedule and is in line with what Fagowees are all about.
There are always people around at all events who will help
with the little things like transport something, set up and/or
clean up, or even take out the trash.
You even learn the small details that you might not have thought about. Mark P. just had
our summer planning party and there were lots of good idea’s
posted up on the board. These are
activities that cover the time frame May 1st
Oct 31st . This is a work-inprogress, and it can always be added to.
Bring your summer ideas to him at any
time and see where it goes.
April 2013
The Fagowees Ski Club is a proud member of the Cleveland Metro Ski Council
Let us know!
Club Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Month
Doors Open at 7:00 P.M. - Meeting Starts at 8:00 P.M.
AMPOL HALL - 4737 Pearl Road - Cleveland
$5.00 Members - $6.00 Guests
Beer, Wine, Pop and Munchies
(Specialty Nights - $1.00 Additional)
Send your new address to:
Cynthia Daniels at
Greeting you at the door will be...
April 2
Regular Meeting - Ampol Hall
John M. & Brian K.
April 16
Regular Meeting - Ampol Hall
Shelli S. & Brian K.
May 7
Regular Meeting
Bill W. & Donna B.
May 21
Regular Meeting
Mike P. & Brian K.
2012 - 2013 Executive Board
Sharon Eckhardt 216-362-7470
Winter Social
Shelli Snyder
Race Chair
Tahler MacBoyle 216-496-6918
Merchandise Chair
Donna Brown
Vice President
Brian Korfhage
Summer Social
Mark Pillon
Assistant Race Chair
Caryn Donnellan 216-267-8697
Alicia Christy
Membership Chair
Cynthia Daniels
CMSC (Metro) & Int’l Rep
Pat Murphy
Happening Editors (newsletter)
John Molnar
Joe Benek
Submit information to:
Tony Tomsic
Jeff Branske
Al Feronti
Terry Keane
Larry Foote
Mike Kupiec
Publicity Chair
Mike Popik
Elections Chair
Bill Wolohan
Past President
Jodi Leal
Dave Mitzel
NOTICE: Executive Board Members' phone numbers are printed in The Happening and in the Directory. Members having any suggestions, questions, or problems are invited to call us.
However, members' phone numbers and addresses are for the sole use of the membership of the Fagowee Ski Club. No one may use this information provided in the directory for business
use of any kind. Unauthorized use of our directory can result in disciplinary or legal action. Read more about our constitution, by-laws, and code of conduct at www.fagowees.org.
Congratulations to the Fagowee(s) of the Month….
No other club comes close. The Fagowees racers did it again. We put one third of the total racers on the hill consistently
week after week and we take home almost one third of the total points. But our Fagowees of the Month came through in
the final race of the season, the Bristol Combined. In order to win you must finish all 5 runs and have the fastest combined
First off in A Women, Caryn dominated her class in the Super G with a 1 second lead and putting it all but out of reach with
almost a full 5 second lead in the GS. A fourth place finish in the slalom was more than enough to win the combined by more
than 3 seconds total.
Next in BB Men, Jered put together 5 solid runs winning the Super G by a 2.1 second margin and the GS by almost 2.5
seconds. A second place finish in the slalom was enough to give him a combined time victory by 1.21 seconds.
Then in B Vet Women, Debbie did it again this year. Coming off a totally dominating win at last year’s Combined she pulled
off a victory this year with wins in the Super G and the GS and a third in the slalom for a much narrower margin of victory of
2.17 seconds total time.
Finally in CC Women, a new racer this year, Krista came off a terrible injury on our Big Sky trip last year. She finished third
in the Super G less than 1 second out of first place. Then she dominated the GS winning by nearly 8 seconds and taking
another first in the slalom by almost 7 seconds for a very convincing combined win.
A toast to our Fagowees of the Month
Caryn D. (AW), Jered P. (BBM), Debbie S.(BVW), and Krista P.(CCW).
Check This Out!
Your help is needed in controlling entrance and exit via the back door in the bar. As you know, there is a charge for
entering the meeting. Many of you think that this goes to cover the cost of beer and munchies. Some of it does, but
most of it goes to cover the cost of the hall rental for that evening. We need to cover that cost as well as the beer
cost. People who enter via the back door can forget to pay for that evening.
In the future, the will be no access through that door. If you need to smoke, please use the front exit for the hall.
Pan Ohio Hope Ride - A fun way to help beat cancer
Last year CMSC put together its first team for the Pan Ohio Hope Ride, a 328 mile bicycle ride from Cleveland to
Cincinnati to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. We had 7 riders who raised over $4000. This year we want to
build on our success. But we need your help.
We have all been touched by cancer. Some of us are survivors, some have close family and friends who are survivors and
unfortunately some of us have lost friends and family to cancer. Some of us fall in all 3 groups. It’s a terrible disease that can
take our loved ones from us slowly or almost overnight. But there is something we can all do.
POHR is one of many fundraisers that the American Cancer Society holds each year and one of the most enjoyable. We
ride across the entire state and see some of the beauty it has to offer. We meet people from all walks of life who have
volunteered to support the riders who take on this challenge. Many of these volunteers are survivors themselves but most
are people who have seen someone else deal with cancer. We stay at beautiful college campuses and enjoy the camaraderie
of our fellow riders. But most importantly we know we are making a difference. We are ensuring that more people will have
more birthdays to enjoy with their loved ones.
”How can I help?” you ask. Here are 3 ways.
Join our team - There are a lot of people in CMSC who ride bicycles. You don’t have to be a champion racer,
or someone who bikes to work every day. You just need to ride. We will have training rides throughout the
summer and spring to help you get used to riding longer and longer distances. It’s a great way to stay in shape
for next year’s ski season and you’ll be surprised at what you can do. To join go to http://bit.ly/CMSCPanOhio.
Donate to our team - The main reason we do this is to raise money for ACS. If everyone in CSMC donated
$5 we would could be one of the top fundraising teams. See Bill or Shelli at any club event or go to http://bit.ly/
CMSCPanOhio to donate online. You can choose to donate to an individual rider or to the team.
Volunteer - POHR needs lots of help during the ride and in the days leading up to it. To find out more go to
If you would like more information see the links above or email us at PanOhioCMSC@fagowees.org.
See you in Cincinnati!
Bill Wolohan & Shelli Snyder
Pan Ohio Hope Ride Team CSMC captains.
FLASHBACK to the Fabulous 50’s
Fagowees 46th Anniversary Costume Party
Saturday,, May 18th, 2013
For more information
Cynthia at 440-667-6868
Pat at 216-382-7284
KD Party Center
6085 State Road
Parma, Ohio 44134
7:00 to Midnight
Before May 1st:
After May 1st:
$25 Members/$30 Guests
$30 Members/$35 Guests (No tickets/transactions handled at the door)
Price includes: DJ, appetizers, buffet dinner, dessert, sodas, coffee, wash BUT NO
alcohol. BYOB!!
Dress in your 1950’s attire: Elvis, housewife, etc.
Need a costume?
Cleveland Costume & Display
Cleveland Shop Vintage
Chelsea’s Vintage Costumes
Jinxed Costume & Magic
Mr. Fun’s
18489 Pearl Rd.
11606 Detroit Ave.
1412 W. 116th St.
4666 Ridge Rd.
4130 State Rd. (Cuy. Falls)
2013 Fagowee Race Update v5.0
Helloooooo race fans and welcome to the 5th edition of the 2013 Fagowee winter race team news letter. Winter has
arrived and disappeared and arrived and disappeared. I think we are all getting a little dizzy from all the cool downs and
warm-ups. So letz get to some racing news. We have Holiday Valley duals both skiers and boarders, then over to Peek
‘n Peak with a kids slalom day, then over for Swain for Snowboard Combined and then the following weekend for
Bristol Combined for the skiers.
Holiday Valley 2 – DUALS: Good morning BRRRRR, it is 9 degrees with a wind chill factor to a BALMY 2 degrees.
BASE LAYERS, LOTS ‘N :LOTS of base layers. This is a really fun race and very quick with two racers going head
to head. Blue course ready, Red course ready, racers ready, 3-2-1 GOOOOO .. I know, you are full of adrenaline and
wanna call Tahler up right now to get on the list of racers. Even the boarders got into the spirit of duals. The oreo
cookie pudding shots were flowing as were the twizzlers during lunch. Okay, I have a twizzler problem. As you will
notice Fagowees, we are about to get CAUGHT. SnowBallers are right on our heels with points, especially when the
boarders are on menu. So step up racers if you wanna stay #1.
Divison 1: Fagowees 347 pts.
Divison 2: SnowBallers 305 pts, Hi Rise 125 pts., Continental 106 pts.
Peek ‘n Peak – Slalom: Okay, cold morning again, I see single digits again, but I AM TOLD it should warm up during
the day. Delays in the timing gear kept us patiently waiting to race. After run 1 we were severely snowed by Max from
AM. I was fortunate to be behind someone and only get a little snowed. Some looked like snowmen. REALLY .. Sun
came out after Group 1 and so did the warmth. Sunglasses and light spring cloths was all you needed. I was on
scoreboard with my 2 beer minimum and my stash of twizzlers, a full handful made it into my coat.
Divison 1: Fagowees 311 pts.
Divison 2: SnowBallers 182 pts, Hi Rise 163 pts., Continental 127 pts.
Swain 2 – Snowboard combined with GS & Slalom ski races – what happens when you sit down for lunch a few
snowboarders at P’nP? Exactly, you get convinced to race a snowboard. Tommygun and Marhar, can you say
sponsored rider? Can you dig it? Swain 2 is always tons of fun and not necessarily on the hill, the Sierra is cookin’ on
Friday night and I can honestly say, it affected my racing on Saturday. There were still boarders raising the roof at
1:30am. With a start time of 9:30am, there were some slow moving individuals. SuperG is 1st up for the boarders and
the course is set for SPEEEEED. I am rather nervous doing a headwall when I barely can turn a board. I expressed my
concerns with my mantra of the weekend “1st or CRASH”. Course quickly changed from SuperG to GS for the
boarders with a quick course review we were off for round 2. A few DQ’s on the boards today, interesting when the
board doesn’t have a release mechanism. Ballers were king of the hill today with a load of boarders. Fagowees held
our own. Swain quickly got the course ready for Group1 racers with a few boarders scrambling to change their gear
(me one of ‘em). As I was moving to the lifts I heard Jill N. theme song from the banana splits. Tra-la-la-la-la-la-la Trala-la-la-la-la-la. How cool is it to have your own theme song? Long day today with the kids racing after group3.
Awards and Tedders must of turned in a great GS time. Cuz’ the boy got STRIKE 1. So Saturday night turned the
Sierra into a Pajama Party. Mike B. decided we needed a PJ party, so I took it viral on FB and email chains. Lots of
great PJ’s .. Especially our own Harry B. I would highly recommend you NEVER EVER get bib 104 when you race.
Just sayin’. Sunday turned into some CRAAAAZY icy conditions. I myself put down my arm twice at the same spot as
did more than just I. First 3 groups go through and it is time for the finals for Snowboard Combined. Everyone is
wiggin’ cuz’ the course is an ice skating rink. We decide a board meeting was in order. Drinks around the table and we
all strap on our COURAGE .. I said to everyone, with this course, placements can EASILY CHANGE !! It was UGLY,
everyone was BRAVE and in the end, every CSB finished 2 runs. They might not of been pretty, but we finished. CCSB,
well, some didn’t go up for run #2. CSB RULES !! At the end SnowBallers took snowboard combined.
Congratulations Ballers, don’t let the trophy be alone, it might do a tour of Cleveland again wink wink.
Bristol Combined - Bristol babie, “I feel the neeeed, the neeeed for SPEEED”. Yeah, it is like that and wicked course is
the name of the game. Cold conditions and everyone is getting ready at the YURT. Extra layer for sure. For some
reason speed suits just are warm. Sure padding and skin tight and built for speed, but warm they ain’t. At the top of the
hill we get out instructions from the Bristol. If you blow out of the course and lose your momentum, GAME OVER, get
outta the course. Jill N. found that out and your own editor Tommygun decided he needed to kiss the fencing when his ski
just MAGICALLY came off. HUH, need to change those DIN settings. Everyone made it down safe and SLGS course
was quickly setup for group3 which was Group1’s GS. GREAT IDEA CMSC, the day went A LOT quicker with that
idea. Not a lot of free skiing today after 3 runs, seems everyone wants to save their legs or get to the hot tub quicker.
During Awards the Fagowees got the couch out of the hallway and had a nice seating arrangement. Mostly girls and well,
Tedders beat me to it. But I found a way onto the couch. Day 2 was slalom day .. SWEET RACING and technical
courses are always setup. They really like to make this interesting .. A flush at the bottom of the headwall with some tight
turns .. A few people decided to take the flush through the legs. Luckily pole guards saved the jewels for the men. AAW
had only two contenders today left in their class. Dawn crashed so only one left was Lindsey and she decided to skip the
through gate. The entire AM watching did a big OOOOOHHHH, as she didn’t even notice the skip. It was great at the
end of the day, AAW winner was decided by a CHUG OFF. Well we all know Janet is impossible to beat. Dawn gave it
a great try, but Janet got them. Jill N. got a DNF on the chug off. Hahaha .. Congrat’s to the Fagowees who brought
home the Combined Trophy in Division1. Division 2 was the SnowBallers. Individuals who also brought home gold for
Fagowees were:
Caryn D – AW, Jered P – BBM, Debbie S – BVW, Krista P - CCW
That is it for race season my friends. Don’t forget the CMSC Racers Banquet. We will be tallying up race fees owed
soon. So look for that.
If you need to contact us, you know how: Race@fagowees.org.
See you real soon,
Tommy Gun, Tedders, Caryn and Tahler
Cleveland International Film Festival
The Fagowees are sponsoring two showings of
The Crash Reel
on Saturday, April 13, at 9:20 PM and Sunday, April 14, at 1:30 PM
“US champion snowboarder Kevin Pearce was at the top of his sport in 2009 when he suffered massive head trauma while
training for the 2010 Winter Olympics. What begins as a documentary of a tireless and daring athlete working to become
the new face of a growing sport, quickly becomes a chronicle of a young man’s brave journey towards rehabilitation and the
understanding of his own limits. Two-time Academy Award nominee Lucy Walker directs a brilliant and beautiful film that
will open your eyes to the daring feats of today’s most extreme athletes and open your heart to the devastation that can be
caused within a fraction of a second. With interviews and insights from Pearce’s close knit family, his doctors, and
snowboarding’s to top talents including Shawn White, Pearce’s long time friend and rival, THE CRASH REEL is an intimate
and thoughtful look into the trials and tribulations of facing your fears on a mountain and the long journey toward recovery.
While a professional snowboarder, Pearce was a hero to many; while recovering from his accident, Pearce has become an
inspiration to all. - TW”
Just For the Fun of It (JFFI)
CMSC play day at Presque Isle State Park
Saturday, July 20
Presque Isle is in Erie, PA and is a peninsula that extends into Lake Erie and offers boating, jet skiing, kayaking,
biking, hiking, blading, windsurfing, swimming and lots of fun. See details at http://www.presqueisle.org/
‡ What:
‡ Spend a day at the park doing all your favorite things
‡ Meet at Bundy Beach, #10 for a picnic at 5:00 PM. Look for CMSC Banner in parking lot
‡ Bring:
‡ Beach chair, suntan lotion & life jacket
‡ A dish to share at the picnic (salad, dessert, fruit, veggies«
‡ A grill to help cook the goodies
‡ Cost:
‡ Sign up:
‡ No signup is required, but if you have questions, contact Pat Murphy at patkupiec@gmail.com
Details on Web at Fagowees.org or SkiCleveland.com
Thanks to Mark S, here are his favorite Presque Isle and nearby activities or opportunities
• Beaches – on the lake (some with volleyball courts) or long & shallow for families (beach 11)
• Kite flying at beach 10, a lot more fun than it sounds! It’s also the hobie cat beach, windsurfing beach, and OUR PICNIC BEACH
• Niagara Boat Launch – water taxi to the Erie bay front, about a 4-5 block walk to the jet-ski rentals, porteriesports.com
• Yellow bike rentals – just across from Niagara launch, they have side by side bikes for rent or just bring your own.
• Misery Bay – they have a Perry statue similar to Put-in-Bay.
• There is a pontoon boat with tours through the lagoons
• Also a tour boat that goes into the bay & the lake (depending on weather).
• This is also where they have canoe & kayak rentals.
• 10-mile multipurpose trail - roller blading, cycling, running or walking. Stay on trails, DEET is sprayed for ticks and bugs
• Bird watching - the Audubon Society loves Presque Isle
• Fishing - with waders or from a boat, in the bay or the lake: smallmouth bass, perch & walleye
• Waldameer Park, a small amusement park across from TREC just before the entrance to the park. They have a cool rollercoaster
that crosses Peninsula Drive & a Ferris wheel with a great view of Presque Isle. They also have a water park, if it’s really hot that day.
• On the way in,everyone stops at Sara’s Ice Cream stand right at the entrance to the park. Their specialty is foot long grilled hot dogs.
• On the way out, at the kite/hobie beach is the best view for sunsets at the entire park. It’s actually called “Sunset Point”
• Tom Ridge Environmental Center – free local science center with a 75’ tower that overlooks the lake.
• They also offer movies every hour (Discovery Channel types) in the same theatre where the Erie Ski Club shows the Warren Miller movie.
Camping: There are a couple campgrounds nearby.
• Sara’s is at the entrance to the park. (Sara Coyne Campgrounds 814-833-4560)
• 2 others are about 10 miles out, both located just off I-90 at Exit 18, Sterrettania Road.
• Hills Family campground is just off the exit
• KOA campground about 3 miles south of the interstate.
Hotels: http://www.visiteriepa.com/where_to_stay.shtml
Extra Fun: 5 minutes from the beach, going toward Cleveland, is a Greek festival.
• Music, dancers, art and FOOD.
• It is one of the biggest festivals in Erie. It is something to consider either on the way to or from the Peninsula,
• Assumption Greek Orthodox Church’s ANNUAL PANEGYRI (FESTIVAL)
Holimont Trip
A Big Hit in More Ways then One!
Holimont 2013 was a fantastic day. I’ve been on this trip several times so I
knew what to expect with the conditions. The snow rarely lets you down there.
The non-existent lift lines make you happy you decided to take the day off. West
side pick ups went rather smoothly. O Jeffery was nowhere to be seen so after
waiting a few extra minutes I needed to get the bus moving. We added an east
side pick up this year and luckily we found O Jeffery who I promptly spanked
for worrying me. The morning ride to Ellicottville went off without a hitch.
Dunkin’ Donuts forgot the cream so a big shout out to AD who saved the day by
running to the gas station convenience store.
Holimont put us up in the Phoenix Room which turned out to be a nice change of
pace from the regular lodge. We had our own room and balcony area
overlooking the slopes. Everyone geared up and headed out rather quickly. The
morning corduroy was beautiful and the sunshine came out just as ordered. I ran
into Joe B. and Renae D. on the slopes. Boy is Curly Sue fast. Watch out
peeps! It was a fantastic AM and everyone I saw during the lunch break
appeared to be having a fantastic morning.
After lunch break, I saw Donna K. in the lodge sitting with Rob L. She motioned
me to come over and informed me that he had fallen out on the hill. She was
concerned he might have rattled his head pretty well. I believed what she was
saying because I had just been sitting out on the patio soaking in some sun and
thought it odd that he walked right by me and didn’t acknowledge that I was
there. Here’s the rest of the story from the best ski buddy ever, Bill W.
“On our last run before lunch, Rob took a spill. I didn’t see it but Dawn U. said
he rolled over a few times. He yard saled, but got up and said he was fine other
than tweaking his knee. He put his skis back on and beat us to the bottom.
Rob and I went over to get some lunch and while we were eating and talking he
started looking around and asked where his helmet was. I told him we had left it
at the other building where the group was. 30 seconds later he asked me again. I
jokingly asked if he had hit his head and told him where it was. A minute later he
looked under his jacket and when I asked him what he was doing he said he
was looking for his helmet. I went to get someone from ski patrol. They sent a
nurse over and when she asked him what month it was he thought for a few
seconds and calmly stated, “We have a problem.” This became the quote of the
day as we realized he didn’t remember anything that happened the whole day.
They called an ambulance and I rode to the hospital with Rob.
Over the next 6 hours or so he asked me what happened approximately 86
times. After a while I realized it didn’t really matter what I told him so I started to
get creative. A snowboarder slammed into you and cleaned your clock. You
decided to try the moguls and face planted into the third one. You went off a big
jump and landed on your head. A toilet seat fell out of the sky and bounced off
your helmet. You kept asking the same question over and over so I pushed you
down the hill backward. He believed me when I could keep a straight face. He kept thanking me for being there telling me I
didn’t sign up for this. After I while I told him yes I did, it’s in the waiver that Fagowees makes you sign. He thought this
was hilarious every time I said it.
They did a CT scan and an x-ray and said there was definitely a brain there and they didn’t see any damage. He had a
minor concussion and should be OK in a day or two. They let him go about 6:30 but the bus had left Holimont at 5. I
rented a car and drove us back to Cleveland. About an hour into the ride he started to remember things for more than 5
minutes and by the time we got to Cleveland he seemed almost normal. I dropped him with a friend for the night and I’m
sure he will be OK, but I thought it would be a good to write this out because if he asks me what happened one more time
I’m going to take him to the top of the biggest mountain I can find and really push him off of it.
Jodi L and Lisa D. did a great job with the trip. They made sure Rob was taken care of and found the stuff we left at the
lodge. Thanks ladies for a memorable trip. It was Rob’s first time at Holimont and since he doesn’t remember it his next
trip there will be his first time too.” I hated to leave Rob behind, but Bill W. stepped up to the plate and took good care of
him. Thanks Bill!
At the end of the day, I heard Larry F. took a bad fall. From Larry’s email with the subject line: Larry F. Wild Ride, “
“It was a little after 3 PM and I was skiing with a group of Fagowees on what was going to be my last run
as I was planning on meeting Michael D. I think the run was Exhibition. I had skied it before and usually
cut to the right at the bottom to get back to the lift.
I was going fast, but not any faster than I had been skiing all day. Toward the bottom the run splits with
some trees in the middle. I was turning to the right and saw someone coming toward me in my peripheral
vision. I instantly turned to the left side of the trail rather than risk a collision or get too close to the trees.
That is the last part that I remember with full clarity.
The side that I chose is part groomed and part moguls. Not big bumps, just small ones that were hard and
icy. I think I hit one or two moguls when a ski came off and I went for a wild ride before slamming my right
side into the hard pack. Someone who was at the bottom and saw it said it was quite a crash. I seriously
don’t remember falling.
The next thing I do remember is someone asking if I was okay and how I felt. My response, “I’m tired... I, I
think I’m okay”. I sat up and there was blood on the snow from my cheek and my helmet had a small crack
on the top right.
Once my brain finished rebooting, I was fully aware of where I was and what had happened, sort of. Ski
patrol was going to get me a sled but I told them I was okay and stood up. As I was putting my skis back
on, I noticed my ankle hurt and so did my whole right side. I skied down with the patrol to their station as it
was only a short way. They gave me some 4x4 gauze and an ice bag for my face while I sat and took
inventory of the damage. Nothing urgent, just battered, bruised, and sore all over.”
So as you can see Holimont was a very exciting trip. Unfortunately we had a few injuries and the day didn’t go exactly as
planned, but it makes for some good reading. Larry ended up scheduling an appointment with his orthopedic doctor after
the trip to get the prognosis on his ankle. Multiple ankle fractures, fortunately of the fast-healing variety, but OUCH! No
wonder he hurt so much when Renee S and Brian W were helping him get his ski boot off. I saw him about a week ago
and his face looked back to normal and he still plans on going to his Banff ski trip in March! Thanks to Michael D for
volunteering to drive Larry and his car back to Cleveland after his fall. Thanks to Lisa D. for helping me run a really great
trip. This was her first time running a Fagowees trip and she did a great job. A special shout out to Chip and Donna K. for
helping us with dinner on the bus on the way home. I hope to see you all again next year!
Incentive Program:
Here is the list of members and who they signed up in our Incentive Program Contest:
Cynthia D. - Jessica E., Laurie M., Patty N., Richard B., Robin G.,
Sharon E. - Chuck S., Hope S., John F., Kevin S., Matt P., Trish M., Zack L.
Brian K. - David D., Roy G.
Jerry N. - Mandi N.
John G. - John C.
Dena R. - John M.
Jodi L. - Donna K.
Stacey S. - Ann S., Dan S.
Tim L. - Mark W.
Jim W. - Shan W.
Jeanne M. - Beverly T.
Tom & Marty W. - Peggy M.
Bill W. - Evan P., Kevin P., Laurie M.
This program will return soon! Continue “talking up” the club. We have lots of summer events that will entice many people, especially
those that think we are only a “ski” group! More details of the incentive program are coming soon! Come to a meeting to get the most upto-date information.
2012-2013 Directory Corrections:
John C:
Gary K.:
Donna K:
Is your information printed correctly in the directory? Please double-check it & email Cynthia at membership@fagowees.org if there is a
Name Badges:
Do you have your name badge? Have you picked it up from the membership area? If not, please do so. There are WAY too many
unclaimed name badges. If you lost it, there is a $5 charge to replace it. New members can pick up their new badges at future meetings.
Finger Lakes Winery Crawl
Save the date!!!
October 18th through October 20th, 2013
Stay tuned for details
Euchre Tourney
Saturday, June 8th
Cynthia’s house in Medina
THURSDAY, August 8
Cynthia’s house in Medina
Saturday, September 7th
Place TBD—See Cynthia if interested in hosting! ;)
Saturday, October 12th
Place TBD—See Cynthia if interested in hosting! ;)
Arrival: 5:30 p.m. until 6:15 p.m. to eat, drink, & socialize
Be ready to play: 6:30 p.m.
Entrance fee: $3.00 (1st & 2nd place winners take the cash!)
Bring a side dish or dessert
Bring a sleeping bag . . . just in case! lol
RSVP: Euchre@Fagowees.org
Contact Cynthia to be added to the E-mail list
Contact Cynthia if you are interested in hosting a euchre party at your house.
Check out pogo.com if interested in learning how to play or want to brush up on your euchre skills – play against the “robots”/
s Island Bik
e & Bar Cra
August 24th, 2013
Meet at the Casino Bar at NOON
This is a JIFFY: Each person is responsible for their own costs, accommodations, and
Suggested transportation:
Kelley’s Island Ferry, 510 W. Main, Marblehead, 43440
Mention “Fagowees” & round trip cost is $15 (not $19)
Need a place to stay?
Some hotel rooms have been placed on “hold”. If interested in sharing a room,
email Cynthia BY AUGUST 1st at CynthiaAnne6868@yahoo.com
The Smashed Glass Band
Upper Deck Sports Bar and Grill
375 West Bagley Rd., Berea
Friday, April 12
Pedal to the Point!
Join the Movement!
Be a part of the 2013 Team Fagowees on the MS 150 bicycle fundraiser, Pedal to the Point!
August 3-4, 2013 Brunswick High School to Sandusky, Ohio (and back!)
A fully supported ride providing meals, snacks, medical teams, SAG vehicles for road-side rescues!
One day riders can choose 30, 75, or 100 miles (August 3 only). One-day riders and their bikes will be safely
transported back to Brunswick at no cost.
Two day riders can choose 150 or 175 miles. [You are biking yourselves back to Brunswick!!]
Fundraising minimum for all routes: $300 (this is an increase from $250 in previous years)
To register: Search Google for “Ohio Bike MS Pedal to the Point ride 2013” or click here ,
click on Join A Team, search for Team Fagowees and sign up!
Free registration for first time riders: Enter code NEWRIDER2013, Register now thru January 31 for $20
Registration fees will double, triple, and quadruple the closer you get to the ride
Last day to register August 2 will be about $80
Questions? Contact Lisa Damato, team captain at egdamato@gmail.com
WHEN: Thursday April 4th
Cleveland, OH 44130] 6pm-ish for
WHERE: meet at the ICEHOUSE [10036 Brookpark Rd
Brookpark Skateland [13445 Brookpark Road, Brook Park, OH 44142]
SKATE : 7:30 pm- 10:30 pm
Featuring Retro Night- +LWVIURPWKHµV¶V
COST: $6.00 [exta fee for skate rental not specified]
CONTACT: RollerSkateDisco@fagowees.org with questions or just SHOW UP!
Euchre Night!
Saturday, March 30th, 2013
George W. in North Ridgeville
Arrival: 5:30 until 6:15 p.m. to eat, drink, & socialize Euchre begins:
6:30 p.m. SHARP! Potluck: bring a side dish to share
BYOB (coolers will be provided)
Cost: $3.00
RSVP: Euchre@Fagowees.org (Cynthia) POGO.com — to
practice playing against “robots”/computer Want to host a euchre
party? Contact euchre@fagowees.org
“My Death,” “Alone” and “Sons Of.”
Bits And Pieces
Fagowee Members
2013 New
2012 Renewals
Women Couples
12 (6)
122 (61)
134 (53)
Fagowees send their condolences to
Sandy and Dave Feicht
on the loss of her Father
Robert Shauck
Please keep them in your thoughts during this
difficult time.
Go to Meetup.com and Fagowees.org for the most current info
April Events
Future Events
Regular Meeting - ELECTIONS
Retro Roller Skate Nite - JIFFI
Jiffi - Smashed Glass Band
The Crash Reel - Cleveland International Film Festival
Regular Meeting
CMSC Monsters Happening Day
Racers Banquet
Ampol Hall
Brookpark Skateland - see ad inside for more info
Upper Deck Sports Bar & Grill, Berea
See ad inside
Ampol Hall
Go to CMSC website for more info
Reinecker’s Party Center
Fagowee Theater Event
Fagowee 46th Anniversary Party
Euchre Tourney
Presque Isle CMSC Play Day!
Pan Ohio Hope Ride
Pedal to the Point
Euchre Tourney
Put In Baw Getaway!
Kelley’s Island Bike & Bar Crawl
Euchre Tourney
Euchre Tourney
Finger Lakes Winery crawl
Contact Joe & Patty for more info
Near West side Theater, see ad inside
More info inside!
Contact Cynthia D., see ad inside
See ad inside
See ad inside
Contact Lisa D., see ad inside for details
Contact Cynthia D., see ad inside
Contact Tara P., see ad inside
See ad inside
Contact Cynthia D., see ad inside
Contact Cynthia D., see ad inside
Save the date, more info to come
Buckeye Beer Engine
15315 Madison Ave.
Lakewood, 44107
Happy Hour!
For Sale/Swap/Rent
Snowshoe, WV: Mountain Lodge Unit 254 for rent. 1 bedroom, 1 bath condo. (Sleeps 4) 30 yards from the top of Ballhooter lift.
Great views. More information at www.homeaway.com listing # 3471809. Need more units: see www.snowshoeskicondo.com.
What does Snowshoe offer after skiing is finished for the year? Green Zebra tours, Shavers Lake & Scenic lift rides, backcountry
trails, Raven Golf Club (Gary Player signature course), Cheat mountain stables, Segway tours, sporting clays, guided fly fishing,
zip line, and events to be scheduled such as mountain bike races, blues brews and barbecue, etc.
Go to www.snowshoemtn.com for details
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For Sale - Make your Best Offer!
Downhill skis - Volant FX-2L 175 cm, Salomon bindings (Quadrax) ( SERIE 7)
Downhill boots - Nordica F8, Syntech Lady, iA5GS, 24.5 size
Downhill poles - Kerma (vector) alloy 64 inch
Ski Bag - Techno pro
Cross Country skis - Skis - Trak, 195, t-1150
Boots – Heierling, size 38
Bag – Sport Valise
Call Sharon at 216-362-7470 for more info or to make an offer!
A Member of the Cleveland Metropolitan Ski Council
April Birthdays
P.O. BOX 635 NORTH OLMSTED, OH 44070-0635
PERMIT No. 1063
The Crash
The Crash
Regular Meeting
Roller Skate
Smashed Glass
Happy Hour!
Buckeye Beer
April 2013