Open House - Norma Butler Bossard Elementary School


Open House - Norma Butler Bossard Elementary School
Norma Butler Bossard
Open House
Our School Day
• Classroom doors open at 8:10 a.m.
• Class work begins promptly at 8:10 a.m.
• Students arriving after 8:20 a.m. will
be marked as tardy.
*As of Tuesday, September 2, 2014,
parents are not allowed in the building.
The children will need to be dropped off at
the first floor hallway door.
*Children will walk to their assigned class and
patiently wait for their teacher(s) to open the
classroom door promptly at 8:10 A.M.
• Our school day ends at 1:50 pm. Bus and ASC
students will be escorted by a teacher or ASC
leader prior to Parent Pick-up.
• Persons picking up students MUST have a pink
dismissal paper in order to pick up their child.
• Students will not be dismissed after 1:20. Please
schedule appointments, etc. accordingly.
• Parents will not be allowed to wait in the office
from 2-3:00 for older siblings to be dismissed.
• Early Sign Out- Board Policy 5200: Students are to be
counted in attendance only if they are actually present for
at least two (2) hours of the day or engaged in a schoolapproved educational activity which constitutes a part of
the instructional program for the student. Therefore, a
student released early before 10:20 am, for students in
grades K-1, will be marked absent for the day.
• The early release of students causes disruption to the
academic performance of all students and may create
safety and security concerns. No students shall be released
within the final 30 minutes of the school day unless
authorized by the Principal or Principal’s designee (i.e.,
emergency, sickness).
• Every absence must be followed by a
written note from home on the day that
the student returns to school. The note
must include the following information:
– Student’s name
– Date(s) of absence
– Reason for absence
– Parent’s signature.
Please Note:
• Students that are tardy or are
released early a total of 5 times will
not be qualified to receive a Perfect
Attendance Award.
Mandatory Uniforms
Polo Shirt Colors: Gold or Navy
Bottoms: Khaki
Friday : Yellow T-Shirt
Polo Shirt and Yellow Friday/Field
Trip T-Shirt can be purchased at our
school, through our PTA every
Wednesday morning.
Important! Coming to school out of
uniform could result in
Our Daily Schedule
8:20-9:20 – Social Studies/Science
9:20-9:50 – Spanish with Ms. A. Lopez
9:50-10:20 – Lunch
10:20-11:20 – Math
11:20-1:20 – Reading/Language Arts/Writing
1:20-1:50 – PE
• Take Home Tuesday Folder have been
issued to all students. Important school
notices will be sent home in this folder
every Tuesday.
• Red Folder will contain the Home
Learning packet and daily behavior log.
Red Folder must be brought to school
• Your child’s conduct will be
documented daily on a behavior
sheet, located in the red Home
Learning folder.
• Child’s behavior may affect their
participation in any field trips or
special school activities.
Code of Conduct
The online version of the Code of Student
Conduct can be located in the Parent
Portal or by accessing through the
following website address:
Students will be tested formally and
informally on information taught at school
during the week .
Students will be tested in the following
Language Arts
Social Studies
Grade Point
E (A)
G (B)
Above average
S (C)
Average Progress
M (D)
U (F)
Working below
grade level
Art & Music Grades
• Instruction for art and music in the primary grades (KG-1)
will be provided by the classroom teacher through an
interdisciplinary approach. These disciplines will be taught
within the core subject areas of reading/language arts,
mathematics, science, and social science.
• Students will not receive individual Art and Music grades
but instead, will explore basic concepts and integration of
Art and Music in the classroom, then assessed on those
concepts within the core subjects.
Parent Teacher Association
*Asking for participation in joining the PTA.
*Membership helps support students, teachers,
and the school.
*Volunteering is not necessary for membership;
those that are able to volunteer will receive
additional emails about upcoming events that they
may participate in.
*PTA membership forms available today at
the PTA table in the open courtyard.
Speaking of Volunteers…
• You must register to become a
volunteer every school year.
• Volunteers must wear the NBBE
Friday tee-shirt on field trips and
events here at school.
Volunteering and
entering the Café
• We welcome parent volunteers in the
• Birthday celebrations are allowed in the
cafeteria but you must be a cleared
volunteer. Cupcakes only please, no pizza,
etc. If you are not celebrating in the
cafeteria with your child, the classroom
teacher MAY choose to serve the
cupcakes at the end of the day.
Field Trips!
• Payment for field trips will be cash
• Chaperones MUST wear an NBBE
Friday tee-shirt on both off and on
campus trips/functions.
• Please be aware that some field trip
venues are small, therefore, limiting
the number of chaperones.
• We encourage that everyone submit a free/reduced lunch
application…it helps our school! Registration is now online. If
you need assistance, please see Ms. Aquino in the After
School Office.
• Also, parents and students who wish to start receiving
automated email grade book notifications can do so via the
Electronic Gradebook link in the parent or student portals.
*Registration instructions, demonstration videos, as well as a
description of all notifications can be found on the PIV
resources page at:
Now a little about the
Florida State Standards…
The Florida Standards
New State Standards: 2014-2015 School
The Florida Standards
Why Are We
• Emphasize success in college and careers
• Prepare students with 21st century skills
• Provide more rigorous content and application of
• Place emphasis on critical and analytical thinking
• Establish clear, consistent guidelines for
The Florida Standards
What Subjects Are
• Language Arts Florida Standards
(LAFS) and Mathematics Florida
Standards (MAFS) provide a clear set
of goals and expectations
• Define what students should know and
be able to do at each grade level –
kindergarten through grade 12
The Florida Standards
What Do They Mean For
Teaching and Learning?
Regular practice-complex
text & academic language
Reading, writing, listening
and speaking grounded in
evidence from text
Build knowledge through
content-rich text
Different writing genres
Deeper understanding of
mathematical concepts
Builds habits of mind of
productive mathematical
Real-world applications
Modeling with pictures
technology, graphs,
The Florida Standards
What About the New Assessments?
• MAFS and LAFS will be assessed with the new Florida
Standards Assessments (FSA)
• Spring 2015 administration of elementary school
assessments will include:
– English Language Arts (ELA): grades 3- 5*
– ELA Writing Component: grades 4 and 5*
– Mathematics: grades 3- 5*
*5th grade will have Computer Based Testing
What Are the Standards and
Assessments For Science
and Social Sciences?
• The 2008 Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
(NGSSS) remain for science and social science
• Science FCAT 2.0 continues as the grade 5 science
• Social Sciences supports literacy during K-5 required
– Grades K-1: 60 minutes each week
– Grades 2-5: 120 minutes each week
How May I Help My
• Read different types of books and informational text with your
• Ask your child to find answers to questions in the text of books,
newspaper articles, manuals, etc.
• Encourage your child to form and defend an opinion by supporting
it with facts, details and reasons from text
• Discuss mathematics ideas with your child and have them explain
these to you using pictures, graphs, etc.
• Visit the Florida Standards Assessment online portal at to become familiar with the new
Teacher Information
Important! Please be sure to include a
subject in the subject line of your emails
to the teacher in order for her to receive