university master of the politecnico di milano xiv


university master of the politecnico di milano xiv
via Durando, 38/A
20158 Milano, Italy
XIV EDIZIONE 2015/2016
T +39 02 2399 5911
F +39 02 2399 5970
Master Yacht Design
Master of Politecnico di Milano
designed by Consorzio
With the support of:
The University Master program in Yacht Design,
organized by the Design Faculty of the Politecnico
di Milano in collaboration with the University of
Genoa and has been set up to meet
an intense demand for training in the recreational
boat sector, which requires professionals with a
post-graduate specialization.
is well-established in the Italian context and
benefits so much from international appreciation
that the competences in design, organization and
project management are now directed towards
those geographical areas which are being more
interested in growth and development factors
from an industrial and market point of view.
The program provides the tools required to handle
the process of designing and building sailing and
motor craft.
The Master in Yacht design is intended for
graduates in Architecture, Engineering, Industrial
Design and Economics, or anyone holding a
university degree in a related discipline.
The maximum number of students admitted to
the Master is 30.
The sailing sector shows a strong professional
vocation both on necessary competences for
designing leisure boats and on capacities for
managing the various phases of production
Looking at the past 5 years data analysis on
pleasure craft market trends, it can be observed
that there was a contraction in product and sales
volume that affected Italian craft market.
However the mega-yacht sector, which is a sector
where Italian shipbuilding preserves an important
role at international level, is demonstrating of still
holding strong.
Another emerging factor is that design culture
MYD - Master in Yacht Design
This master’s degree program provides the skills
needed to manage the design and construction
process of a sailboat or a motoryacht.
The master has an overall duration of 826 hours
divided in frontal lesson and internship, which will
allow students to reach a total of 60 university
training credits.
The internship has a duration of aproximately 3
The Master is scheduled to start in March,
following the authorization from University.
A boat, whether sailing or motor, is a complex
product which integrates different systems
ranging from that of propulsion to living
accommodation, and other accessory functions.
Every decision that touches on the technical
setup (keel, fins, internal volume, motorization,
plant engineering) affects all the other systems.
A boat may be produced in series or as a one-off,
using different technology and different materials.
Interiors are influenced by trends and language,
market competition tends to endow every product
with a certain degree of innovation.
The organization of the Master program takes
this complexity into account and alternates class
teaching – nine training modules from different
disciplines – with design activities and visits to
shipyards and companies within the sector, as
well as institutes of applied research.
The principles of each discipline are given,
together with the tools necessary for the practical
application in the design activities of what has
been learnt. The various skills and competences
of the course participants will be integrated in the
work groups, which will be required to develop a
series of work-projects.
The training course is organized in 9 Didactic
Units, plus a final workshop and an internship:
1. Yacht Design
2. Design and visual representation
3. Nautical architecture
4. Shipbuilding
5. Onboard fittings and propulsion apparatus
6. Interior furnishings
7. Component and accessory design
8. Environment engineering
9. Empowerment
A particularly important characteristic of the
Master program is the integration of different
didactic modes: meta-design analysis; concept
definition; practical design activity in small groups
carried out in class. The workshops enable skills
acquired in the didactic units, class activities and
external visits to be put into practice in
a complete project and are considered a
fundamental part of the training course. Visits
to research structures, production sites and
professional firms also form part of the didactic
Didactic activities in class are supported by the
various occasions for putting in practice what
students have learnt in theory.
An example can be seen in:
- the long list of company visits to manufacturing
MYD - Master in Yacht Design
plants of naval sector and related businesses
organized each year;
- the practice exercises of physical modelling
to support design activities and to integrate 3D
- the practice exercises of small watercrafts
contruction applying the most recent techniques
of industrial production;
- the opportunities for practising the study of
group dinamics through experiences held on
Teambuilding on board of a sailing cruise, allows
student to live a new and engaging experience,
taking subjects presented in class outside from
the usual study environment.
The educational metodology activates a direct
process of personal and group growth amplified
by the need of “survival” on board.
Boating with classmates, allows students to learn
the construction and management mechanism of
a team, moreover it allows to acquire the skills
needed to understand working dynamics of a
working group.
Self-perception becomes immediate in conjunction
with themes such as trust, collaboration and
effective communication. There are individual
modalities aiming to create relationships and
functional modalities apt to create support
relations and trust to create professional and
personal efficient relations.
It is about living teambuilding dynamics facing
concrete problems that need to be solved in
group with the aim of reaching a common goal, of
structuring an effective team work, creating a fast
and clear communication net and to understand
which is the real power of action of a group that
can reach goals of growing complexities only
when it is cohesive and integrates resources and
Following the sailing cruise, students will attend
guided reflection and rationalization moments
about the experience and will transfer what
learned to the working reality.
Students who complete the program will be ready
to cover professional roles that differ from those
for which they were prepared by their previous
training. Roles covered in recent years by
graduates from the Master include: design
assistant in professional firms, shipyard
production assistant, production manager, quality
control manager.
The internship is compulsory, lasts three months
and takes place in top design studios and
MYD - Master in Yacht Design
MYD - Master in Yacht Design
It allows participants to transfer the skills
they have acquired during the course to a real
(design or production) context in the nautical
world. The training project carried out during the
internship will be agreed by the tutor from the
Politecnico and the company tutor.
The program will be conducted at the Consorzio, Politecnico di Milano, via Durando
38/A, Milano.
Admission to the University Master in Yacht design
is subject to selection based on an assessment of
your curriculum vitae and an individual interview.
Maximum number of participants: 30.
Those interested should send their curriculum
vitae to
Candidates living abroad will be able to do a
test on-line before the selection interview.
1 reduction of 50% of the registration fee and 2
reductions of 25% are available.
All the interested in getting reductions have
to complete the selection process (sending
documentation and interview) by November
15, 2014. The results will be announced after
November 16, 2014.
MYD - Master in Yacht Design
Studi professionali
A.V. & C. di Andrea Vallicelli Tommaso
Alessandro Vismara
Felci Yachts
Giovanni Ceccarelli Yacht Design
Luca Brenta
Marc Lombard S.A.R.L. Architecture Navale
Naval Design
Officina Italiana Design, Mauro Micheli
Pastrovich Studio
ProShip S.r.l.
Roberto Starkel Studio
Spadolini Cariboni Italy
Stand By, Marijana Radovic
Studio Lazzarini & Pickering
Studio Roberto Starkel & C. s.a.s.
Tripp Design
Victory Design
Adria Sail srl
Alessandro Vismara Yachts
Azimut-Benetti Spa
Bertram Yacht Inc., Miami (Usa)
Cantieri Alto Adriatico srl - Monfalcone
Cantieri Baglietto
Cantieri di Sarnico
Cantieri Navali Lavagna srl
Cantieri Navali Sciallino srl
Cantieri Sangermani
F.lli Rossi srl - Viareggio (LU)
Ferretti Yachts
Gemini Yachts Tullio Abbate CRN
ICE Yacht Srl
Marine Composite srl
Maxi Dolphin
North Sails Italia Srl
Perini Navi
Plessis Associèe, Nantes, France
Riva Yachts
Rodriquez Cantieri Navali Spa (ME)
Ron Holland
Sanlorenzo spa (SP)
Sessa Marine
Sessa Marine srl
SNO Yachts
Southern Wind
MYD - Master in Yacht Design
Southern Wind Ship Yard, Cape Town, Sud Africa
Wally Yachts, Montecarlo
Wind Tunnel - Politecnico di Milano
Yildiz Gemi VE Mak San Tic – Istanbul
Director: Prof.ssa Silvia Piardi
Full professor of Architecture Technology,
Director of the Design Department, since 2000
is associated to the Design Faculty and teaches
Interior Design.
His research interests examine relations between
projects and sustainability.
Assistant Director: Prof. Andrea Ratti
Ricercatore di ruolo
Prof.ssa Silvia Piardi,
Direttore Dip. Di DESIGN del Politecnico di Milano
Prof. Andrea Ratti,
Ricercatore Politecnico di Milano
Prof. Andrea Vallicelli,
Professore Ordinario Università di Chieti
Ing. Lorenzo Pollicardo,
Consultant Federagenti Yachting e organizzatore
Salone di Venezia
Ing. Aldo Gatti,
Consigliere As.Pro.Na.Di
Prof. Fabio Fossati,
Professore Ordinario Dip. di Meccanica
Prof. Carlo Bertorello,
Ricercatore Università di Napoli e Resp. Vasca
Navale Dip. Di Ingegneria Navale di Napoli
Prof. Massimo Musio Sale,
Professore Associato, Università di Genova
Arch. Umberto Felci, Yacht Designer
The Master course involves a group of figures
operating in the academic field, in the applied
sector or who carry out their professional activity
in the field of yacht design, or the production of
boats and their components.
The list shown includes the names of all the
professionals who in one way or another have
taken part in the development of program
activities. These figures have conducted teaching
and training sessions in class; they have overseen
practical design activities or work projects;
they have held lessons or given reports in the
update seminars, or have acted as tutors during
internships undertaken at the end of the Master
Sergio Abrami - Yacht Designer
Andrea Avaldi - Ingegnere Strutturista
Giovanni Belgrano - SP-Technologies
Carlo Bertorello - Ricercatore, Università di Napoli
Roberto Biscontini - Yacht Designer
Luca Brenta - Yacht Designer
Giovanni Cariboni - Produttore alberi e impianti
Guido Cavalazzi - Sail Designer - North Sails Italia
Giovanni Ceccarelli - Yacht Designer
Berardo Cittadini - Yacht Designer
Marcello Costanzo - INSEAN
Arturo Dell’Acqua Bellavitis - Preside della Scuola
del Design - Politecnico di Milano
Fulvio De Simoni - Yacht Designer
Umberto Felci - Yacht Designer
Massimo Figari - Ricercatore Università di Genova
Fabio Fossati - Docente Ordinario, Politecnico di
Andrea Frabetti - Vice Presidente Engineering
Division Ferretti Group
Vittorio Garroni Carbonara - Professore Ordinario,
Università di Genova
Aldo Gatti - Consigliere ASPRONADI
Lorenzo Giovanozzi - Yacht Designer - Felci Yachts
Massimo Gregori Grgič - Yacht Designer - Naval
Ron Holland - Yacht designer
Paolo Lodigiani - Yacht Designer
Claudio Maletto - Yacht Designer
Giovanni Manni - Responsabile Controllo Qualità
Mauro Micheli - Yacht Designer
Eugenio Moretti - Ex - Direttore tecnico Cantieri
Navali Beconcini
Massimo Musio Sale - Professore Associato,
Università degli studi di Genova
Luca Olivari - Ingegnere Strutturista
Massimo Paperini - Yacht Designer
Clara Pepe - Docente a contratto Politecnico di
Silvia Piardi - Docente Straordinario, Politecnico di
Lorenzo Pollicardo - Yacht Industry consultant
MYD - Master in Yacht Design
Ivana Porfidi - Yacht Designer
Alfio Quarteroni - Professore Ordinario Politecnico
di Milano
Andrea Ratti - Ricercatore, Politecnico di Milano
Giampaolo Spera - Direttore Harken Italia
Roberto Starkel - Yacht Designer
Maurizio Testuzza - Titolare cantiere Adria Yacths,
Andrea Vallicelli - Professore Ordinario, Università
di Chieti
Antonio Vettese - Direttore Vela&Motore
Davide Zerbinati - Yacht Designer
Gianni Zuccon - Yacht Designer e Professore
Associato Università di Roma
Seminars conducted
YD Yacht Design
19 e 20 giugno 2003 - Politecnico di Milano - Via
Durando, 10 – Aula CT43
Design e valorizzazione dei beni culturali
nella nautica italiana
ottobre 2003, Salone Nautico Internazionale di
Genova Sala Riviera
Innovazione e Trasferimento tecnologico nel
settore nautico
19 novembre 2004 - Politecnico di Milano - Via
Durando, 10 – Aula CT43
Competizione e ricerca nella nautica Il caso
America’s Cup
23 Novembre 2005 Politecnico di Milano - Via
Durando, 10 – Aula CT43
10 Anni di idee per la Nautica
30 Settembre 2011- Politecnico di Milano - Via
Durando, 10 – Aula CT43
Publications developed within the ambits of
the Master program
•A. Ratti, “Progettazione e costruzione di
imbarcazioni a vela ad alta tecnologia”, atti del
corso di aggiornamento, Edisport, Milano, 1998
•F. Fossati, G. Diana, “Principi di funzionamento
di una imbarcazione a vela, Spiegel, Milano, 2000
•A.Ratti , “Materiali e tecniche innovative nel
settore nautico”, atti del corso di aggiornamento,
Simone Editore, Napoli, 2001
•S. Piardi, “Il design degli spazi abitativi”,
Polidesign, Milano, 2002
•Massimo Musio Sale, “Il Design nautico”, DDD,
Disegno e design digitale,, Milano,
anno 01, n. 3, lug/set 2002
•S. Piardi, A. Ratti, “Progettare e costruire
imbarcazioni da diporto”, Clup, Milano, 2003
•A. Ratti, “La ricerca nello yacht design. Dalle
applicazioni in Coppa America alla produzione di
serie”, Edisport, Milano 2004
•S. Piardi, F. Maggiulli, “Esperienze di cantiere:
dall’artigianato all’industria”, Clup, Milano 2004
•Piardi S., Ratti A., Maggiulli F. (a cura di),
Costruire imbarcazioni da diporto, Libreria Clup,
Milano, 2005
The Politecnico di Milano has been, for more
than 135 years, the design University par
excellence. The university has always focused on
quality and innovation of didactics and research,
developing a relation with the economic and
productive reality through applied research and
technological transfer.
The Politecnico di Milano organizes post-graduate
courses aiming to educate professionals.
Relations with the professional sphere are
endorsed by the presence of four of the most
important associations of design professionals on
the board of
ADI Association for the Industrial Design
AIPi Italian Association of Interior Designers
AIAP Italian Association of Visual Communication
AIMAT Italian Association of Materials Engineering
The Design Faculty of Politecnico di Milano is
today the biggest international university, both
for number of students and professors, for the
education of product, communication, intern and
fashion designers. has obtained the ISO 9001
certification for quality issued by the ITALCERT
certification authority.
The certification was assigned thanks to the
design services and the teaching services
provided such as Master of first and second level
in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano
university and Higher Education Courses.
The laboratories – run by the Department
of Design – cover an area of around 10,000
m2 within the Milan Bovisa campus and,
together with the huge network of engineering
laboratories, constitute the largest international
centre supporting research in the field of design in
terms of size, available equipment, and the skills
network. Politeca, an integrated documentation
system for research in the field of design, is
integrated into the laboratories.
The Architecture Faculty of Università degli
Studi di Genova in numbers:
• 143 Bachelor Courses, Master Degree and and
Specialization Courses (year 2009/2010)
• 14 PhD courses
• 1 International PhD course
• 43 Specialization school activated during
2009/2010 is a Consortium of the Politecnico
di Milano promoting educational post-graduate
projects operating in the field of design acting
as an interface between universities, companies,
and professional organisations, institutions and
The cornerstone of lies in
the disciplines of design and of the related
professions. This dimension of design is broader
and more systematic than ever; it takes on
strategic importance and contrasts not just with
the product dimension, but also the dimension
of communication, services, spaces, fashion, and
MYD - Master in Yacht Design
Founded in 2005, ASSOCOMPOSITI is the Italian Industry Association for Composite Materials. Its
mission is to promote knowledge and use of composite materials in Italy in every possible industrial
application and to activate synergies and promote actions at the international level.
Ucina is the Italian marine industry association (Unione Nazionale dei Cantieri e delle Industrie
Nautiche e Affini) is a non-profit organization for the development and promotion of the boating sector,
as well as encouraging knowledge about the sea and boating tourism.
Associazione Progettisti Nautica Diporto
the Association of the Planners of the Nautical one from Diporto, founded 30 years ago with the aim
of promoting the profession in Italy, supporting information exchange among colleagues, encouraging
education, research and innovation in the field of sailing and representing the category in front of
authorities and institution that operate in related sectors.
The Italian Sailing Federation or Federazione Italiana Vela is an authority related to the sail discipline in
Italy and part of the dell’ISAF (International Sailing Federation).
It also takes care of programs and federal activities dealing with promotion, in particular towards
youngs; moreover through participation in sailing fairs and big events, FIV struggles to put in contact
people with sailing.
Another of the objectives of FIV is to educate, the sector of “diporto” and the oceanic activities.
CYD - Collegio Yacht Designer
10 MYD - Master in Yacht Design
Ufficio coordinamento formazione POLI.desig
Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano
Via durando 38/A
20158 Milano
tel. 02 2399.5911 fax. 02.2399.5970