WHAT IS CLT? - The Hong Kong Institute of Education
WHAT IS CLT? - The Hong Kong Institute of Education
WHAT IS CLT? Community Leaders of Tomorrow – Nurturing g Future Leaders with Social Responsibility p y through g Involvement in Community Service 「今日公益,明日領袖」 – 透過社會服務計培育俱社會責任感的未來領袖 August 2009 Table of Contents 1. Introduction to CLT 2 Achievements of CLT 2. 3. Community Service Projects 4 Experience Sharing and Award Ceremony 4. 5. Sharing the Experience with All the Schools in Hong Kong 6 Feedback from Education Bureau 6. 7. Feedback from Students 8 Feedback 8. F db k ffrom Th The H Hong K Kong IInstitute tit t off Education Ed ti 9. Selected Media Coverage 10 C t t Information 10.Contact I f ti Appendix: List of Participating Schools and Projects in Previous CLT Programmes 2 1. Introduction to CLT (1/3) What is CLT? Community Leaders of Tomorrow (“CLT”), launched in 2006-07, is a scheme created by EdExchange, a non- profit organization specializing in helping schools raise educational resources from the community, with the main objective of developing future leaders of Hong Kong and China with a strong sense of social responsibility by: ¾ Promoting a community service ethos among students in Hong Kong and beyond; ¾ Encouraging students to develop entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial management and teamwork skills; and ¾ Helping students make a measurable and sustainable difference in the lives of people across all segments of society, especially the elderly, sick and needy Participating p g schools form student-led teams to conceive,, plan p and implement p community y service projects Projects run the course of a full school year (Oct to May) and are then evaluated by a panel of judges for creativity, entrepreneurship, effectiveness and reach, financial responsibility, and teamwork In 2008-09 school year, over 2,000 students from 21 schools participated; Over the last 3 years, a total of 2,830 students from 54 schools have participated Project themes have included helping the elderly, promoting environmental education, teaching English to rural schools in PRC, PRC fund raising Student volunteers from The Hong Kong Institute of Education assist in monitoring the progress of the projects and organize an experience sharing and award presentation ceremony at the end of a school year 3 1. Introduction to CLT (2/3) What is CLT? (Con’d) In CLT 06/07, / , 07/08 / and 08/09, / , each team was given g a seed capital p from the Organizers g of CLT to finance its project. For CLT 09/10, there will be no seed capital from the Organizers For CLT 09/10, participating schools will be eligible to nominate a number of student representatives to a Leadership Seminar organized by the alumni of Harvard Business School in July 2010 The Programme has attracted many sponsors, including, as the Lead Sponsor, Merrill Lynch (06-09), and, as Co-Sponsors, Education Bureau (06-09), The Chinese University of Hong Kong OneMBA Alumni (06-08), General Chamber of Commerce (06-09), Ho-Sum Organization (06-08) and British Chamber of Commerce ((for o 2006/07 006/07 o only). y). The e Hong o g Kong o g Institute s u e of o Education, duca o , a founding ou d g stakeholder s a e o de o of EdExchange, d c a ge, iss a also so a co-sponsor since the Programme’s inception CLT 09/10 will be organized by The Hong Kong Institute of Education in partnership with EdExchange and Harvard Business School Association of Hong Kong. It will be co-sponsored by Education Bureau and Yue Y Yuen Industrial I d t i l (H (Holdings) ldi ) Limited Li it d 4 1. Introduction to CLT (3/3) What is CLT? (Con’d) The Scheme has been very well received by schools, teachers, parents and students as well as the Education Bureau: ¾ Community service will be incorporated in the new senior secondary school curriculum in Hong Kong from 2009-10 as part of the required Other Learning Experiences (“OLE”) ¾ Scholars, teachers, parents and even students all agree that participation in community service work will not only enrich a student’s community service experience, but also develop his/her many generic qualities and skills such as leadership, project management, and teamwork CLT provides a unique forum for students of all the schools in Hong Kong to engage in community service projects, share their experience with others, and see their achievements being acknowledged 5 2. Achievements of CLT The popularity of the CLT scheme has grown year on year: School Year 2006/07 15 9 6 - School Year 2007/08 18 5 9 3 1 School Year 2008/09 21 4 15 1 1 Total nm nm nm nm nm nm 230 600 2 000 2,000 2 830 2,830 9 9 17 35 Donation from Others $92,801 $108,196 - $200,997 Amount of Grants to Schools (incl award money for winning teams) $242,570 $198,540 $151,364 $592,474 No. of Participating Schools - Local Primary - Local Secondary - Local Special Needs - International - Schools in mainland China No. of Students (in terms of man No man-times; times; based on the estimated number provided by participating schools. No. of Community Service Projects Special Features: 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 • • • • • • • • • Joint-schools teams only Required international and local schools to work in partnership Joint-schools teams only Allowed local schools to work in partnership First time to see the engagement of a primary school First time to see the engagement of a mainland Chinese school Set up two categories of participation: Joint-Schools and Single School, using a larger grant to encourage joint-schools projects First time to see the engagement of mentally handicapped students in providing community service to others N marketing No k ti tto iinternational t ti l schools h l d done d due tto resource constraints t i t 6 3. Community Service Projects (1/4) CLT 2006 - 07 Building friendship and trust with the elders through art and crafts workshops Children were playing a language game “Scrabble” in a weekly language workshop Students having a great time with kids in a school in rural China Raising environmental awareness among students through cleaning Starfish Bay 7 3. Community Service Projects (2/4) CLT 2006 - 07 S ude s helping Students e p g children c de prepare a musical performance Students developing a great relationship e a o s p with o orphans p a s Having fun with mentally challenged kids in a ball game Taking care of refugee children and learning about th i their experiences Students developing insights i t th into the problems bl off education in rural China 8 3. Community Service Projects (3/4) CLT 2007 - 08 Paying a visit to a local senior home Students enjoying a P.E. lesson with students from Yunnan, China Students participating in a peer reading scheme Students attending tt di a science lesson together with students from Yunnan,, China 9 3. Community Service Projects (4/4) CLT 2007 - 08 Full u attention a e o to o the e task as at a hand Chinese calligraphy of bl i blessing words d ffor the h students. “Rock-climbing taught me a lesson that with courage, I could try anything! “ i Students participating in a peer reading i scheme Students had a taste of organic farming 10 4. Experience Sharing and Award Presentation (1/2) An experience sharing and award presentation ceremony is held at the end of the school year with students from the participating schools sharing their experience in serving the community Guests attending the Ceremony will have the chance to see the works of the students in their community service projects CLT 2006-07 11 4. Experience Sharing and Award Presentation (2/2) CLT 2007-08 12 5. Sharing the Experience with All the Schools in Hong Kong 1,500 copies of Experience Sharing Report capturing the community service work of the participating students are printed each year and distributed to the Scheme’s participants as wellll as allll schools h l and d selected l t d NGO’ NGO’s iin H Hong K Kong to t further f th promote t the th community it service ethos underlining the Scheme to the public 13 6. Feedback from Education Bureau “The scheme demonstrates how we can promote wholeperson development through education…[It] breaks new ground by g y bringing g g together g our international and local schools to deliver community service projects, and in so doing opens up new learning experience for students of different background…[It] is a big success and we want EdExchange g to continue,” Bernadette Linn, Deputy Secretary for Education May 2007 “Community Service” is effective in developing empathy, social concern and respect for different groups of people in society. These values and attitudes underpin Moral and Civic Education. The future leaders of our society are nurtured through the valuable learning experiences gained in programmes like “Community Leaders of Tomorrow,” Mr. Chris Wardlaw, Deputy Secretary for Education May 2008 14 7. Feedback from Students “We have found this Scheme rewarding and meaningful. Although we are from different schools, cultural lt lb background k d and d speaking ki diff differentt llanguages, we are glad to have this opportunity working together to serve the community,” Students from King George V College and d Ch Chan Shui Sh i Kei K i (La (L Salle) S ll ) College C ll May 2007 “Throughout “Thro gho t our o r many man sessions, sessions we e grew gre a bond with the amazing children. Their laughter, creativity, and imagination have touched us all. We hope that they have benefited from this, b i being more environmentally i t ll aware and d able bl to t recognize and understand the new terms they learnt pertaining to saving the environment so they can contribute to making the world a better place…. l Our team this i year has worked together cooperatively, learning more about each other,” Students from King George V College and Chan Shui Kei (La Salle) College M May 2008 15 8. Feedback from The Hong Kong Institute of Education “Any of the participants in this programme, who has learned the lesson of servant-leader, can consider him or herself a winner,” Professor Wing On Lee, MH Vice President (Academic) and Deputy to the President The Hong Kong Institute of Education May 2008 16 9. Selected Media Coverage (1/5) 18 November 2006 g Post South China Morning 17 9. Selected Media Coverage (2/5) 10 February 2007 South China Morning Post 18 9. Selected Media Coverage (3/5) 31 May 2008, “Wen Wei Bao”, a Chinese newspaper in Hong Kong 18中小學合作服務社會 ■18間中小學校參與「今日公益,明日領袖」計劃,以跨校合作形式服務社會。圖為計劃獲獎學校與大會代表合照。 【本報訊】學生雖然年紀輕輕,但只要有心就能組織各種各樣的活動,為社會作貢獻。18間中小學參加了「教融易」 主辦的第二屆「今日公益,明日領袖」聯校社會服務計劃,以跨校合作的方式進行關懷長者、推廣環保及社區探訪等活 動,更從中學會溝通、組織及合作的技巧。而幾個憑出色計劃獲主辦單位頒予獎項及獎金的「跨校小組」,亦分別將所 獲的萬元獎金捐給四川地震災民及本地青少年服務團體 將其社會服務的宗旨一直推展 獲的萬元獎金捐給四川地震災民及本地青少年服務團體,將其社會服務的宗旨一直推展。 貫徹宗旨 萬元獎金捐災區 是次計劃共有600多名學生參加,其中由陳瑞祺(喇沙)書院和英皇佐治五世學校學生合作的「綠之力量」計劃,透過「 是次計劃共有600多名學生參加 其中由陳瑞祺(喇沙)書院和英皇佐治五世學校學生合作的「綠之力量 計劃 透過「 教融易」平台籌得約1萬元,供參與的10多名學生於幼兒中心推廣環保意念。計劃亦為其贏得「捐款提名權」和「美林 財務管理」兩項大獎,共計3萬元獎金,他們會將其中1萬元捐予四川地震災民,延續服務社會的心意,剩下的2萬元則 由兩校各自購買財務類書籍放於圖書館供學生使用。 而由樂善堂梁植偉紀念中學及保良局陳溢小學合作的「兩校三分親」,以及由筲箕灣官立中學及筲箕灣官立小學合作 的「晚晴同心路」亦各獲1萬元獎金,他們會分別捐給基督教女青年會和青年協會。 http://paper.wenweipo.com/2008/05/31/HK0805310027.htm 19 9. Selected Media Coverage (4/5) 28 April 2009 South China Morning Post 20 9. Selected Media Coverage (5/5) 24 April 2009 “Ming Bao”, a Chinese newspaper in Hong Kong 智障生服務社區迎新高中 2009-04-24 保良局百周年學校中三級學生朗朗(左)與李世豪(右)均有參與探訪老人院計劃,世豪與長者合唱粵曲《帝女花》,老師指兩人現在比以往更有禮貌。(何家達攝) 【明報專訊】施與受並沒有一定的公式!特殊學校保良局百周年學校的學生,經常獲社會的幫助,學校最近安排20名中度智障的中三學生到訪老人院,既讓長者感受溫暖, 也令學生學習到待人接物要有禮貌。 保良局百周年學校校長甘燕萍表示,下學年推行新高中學制,學校已在常規課程中加入「社區服務課」,教導學生參與社區服務的技能及態度,不過部分中度智障學生前往 陌生地方會感不安,有很多小動作、大叫大喊,甚至哭起來。 為了讓學生參與和回饋社會,百周年學校向網上籌款平台「教融易」(EdExchange)申請4000元資助,2月初讓20名中三學生探訪老人院,學校將於明日獲頒「今日公益 ,明日領袖」傑出學校計劃獎,以表揚學校有突破表現。 探訪老人院 變得有禮開朗 該校負責計劃的黃玉梅主任表示,參與探訪的學生會有潛移默化的影響,例如變得更有禮貌、跳出學校與住所這兩個生活圈子,人會更加開朗等。患有自閉症的李世豪就讀 中三級,他笑言探訪當日與公公婆婆合唱粵曲《帝女花》,非常開心。世豪又向長者贈送禮物包,以及握手互相勉勵。 「教融易」網上籌款辦活動 2005年成立的「教融易」是由教育學院、熱心公益的企業機構與社會人士創立的網上籌款平台。老師先要撰寫資助計劃,審批成功後可正式在教融易網站「掛牌上市」,捐 助人便會在網站直接選取願意支持的計劃而捐款。 教融易至今已撥款逾160萬元,資助超過80個教育計劃。為檢討成效及未來的發展方向,教融易已暫停網上籌款服務一年,現正進行籌款或處理中之計劃則不受影響。 明報記者 蔡惠華 21 10. Contact Information For further information please contact: Ray Lee The Hong Kong Institute of Education Tel: +852 - 2948 6112 Email: CLT@ied.edu.hk Address: Student Affairs Office, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong (Please mark “CLT Programme” on the envelope.) Website: http://ied.edu.hk/sao http://ied ed hk/sao Turning Youth Inspiration into Aspiration, and Aspiration into Realization 22 APPENDIX – List of Participating Schools and Community Service Projects in Previous CLT Programmes 23 List of Participating Schools and Community Service Projects in Previous CLT Programmes 2006 / 2007 Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong & Valtorta College Community Service Project for Mentally Challenged Children of Pinehill Village Pre-school Centre Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong & Shatin Pui Ying College Community Service Project for Mentally Challenged Pre-school Autistic Children German Swiss International School & St. Paul’s School (Lam Tin) Festive i Preparations i ((& O Other h Activities) i i i ) with i h Refugees f Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong & Holy Carpenter Secondary School Home for the Aged German Swiss International School & St. Paul’s Paul s Co-educational Co educational College Language Made Easy and Fun Chan Sui Ki *La Salle” College & King George V College Project “Wanderer” Australian International School Hong Kong & Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School Reaching Out – China School Trip Gertrude Simon Lutheran College & Hong Kong International School Hope’ss Edge – Care For Refugees and Orphans Hope Renaissance College & Chinese YMCA College The Adoption of Starfish Bay 24 List of Participating Schools and Community Service Projects in Previous CLT Programmes 2007 / 2008 Shaukeiwan Government Secondary School & Shaukeiwan Government Primary School Community Project for Elders Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Tuen Mun) & Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Yuen Long) “Environmental Pioneer” Concerning the Elderly C.C.C. Kwei Wah Shan College & South Island School Fund d for f the h Needy d Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College & King George V School Green Power Yew Chung International School (Secondary) & Yaumati Catholic Primary School (Hoi Wang Road) Green Unlimited Helen Liang Memorial Secondary School (Shatin) & The Little Flower’s Catholic Primary School Peers Rock Climbers Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School & Po Leung Kuk Chan Yat Primary School Strengthening Friendships Between Two Schools Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School & Holy Carpenter Primary School Share Mission, Mission Share Love St. Margaret’s Co-educational English Secondary Primary School & Yuanyang County National Vocational High School Volunteering Trip in Yunnan 25 List of Participating Schools and Community Service Projects in Previous CLT Programmes 2008 / 2009 Po Kok Secondary School & Buddhist Chi Lin Primary School Mutually Respect and Love HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School & HHCKLA Buddhist Wong Cho Sum School No One Will Be Left Out Ju Ching Chu Secondary (Tuen Mun) & Taoist Ching Chung Primary School G Green Lif Life att home h Holy Carpenter Primary School & Holy Carpenter Secondary School Love Your Neighbour g Lan Middle School & 清遠白石小學 Sung 同心同行之送暖到清遠 Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School Love our 'neighbour' Carmel Secondary School Carmel VQ Volunteer Training & Service Scheme Kwun Tong Government Secondary School P I N Buddies服務計劃 P.I.N. C.C.C. Kwei Wah Shan College 愛心遍香江 26 List of Participating Schools and Community Service Projects in Previous CLT Programmes 2008 / 2009 (con’d) SKH Lui Ming Choi Secondary School Share Arts with the Elderly Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College Community Care and Leadership Training Program St Joan of Arc Secondary School Leadership d hi Training i i ffor Future Leaders d St Joan of Arc Secondary School 韶關服務之旅 C.C.C. Fung Leung Kit Memorial Secondary School 中華基督教會馮梁結紀念中學學校義工日 Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College To love & spread Po Leung Kuk Centenary School 中華基督教會馮梁結紀念中學學校義工日 S.K.H. All Saints' Middle School 讓愛走動之旅 27