connecting body mind spirit - The Center for Eating Disorders at
connecting body mind spirit - The Center for Eating Disorders at
IN RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL EATING DISORDERS AWARENESS WEEK THE CENTER FOR EATING DISORDERS AT SHEPPARD PRATT PRESENTS CONNECTING BODY MIND SPIRIT Emme, the world’s first full-figured supermodel and national women’s advocate, discusses positive body image, self esteem and living in the present. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2013 T H E C O N F E R E N C E C E N T E R AT S H E P PA R D P R AT T 6 5 0 1 N . C H A R L E S S T. , T OW S O N , M D W W W. E AT I N G D I S O R D E R .O R G IN RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL EATING DISORDERS AWARENESS WEEK THE CENTER FOR EATING DISORDERS AT SHEPPARD PRATT PRESENTS CONNECTING BODY MIND SPIRIT 6501 N. CHARLES ST. BALTIMORE, MD 21204 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2013 2:00-4:00 p.m. THE CONFERENCE CENTER AT SHEPPARD PRATT 6501 N. CHARLES ST., TOWSON, MD A tireless advocate for women, Emme was the first model to speak out on body image issues before a congressional sub-committee in Washington, DC. and currently serves on the Ambassador’s Council of The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). Emme has appeared on numerous radio and television shows—from Oprah to CNN—in her mission to “awaken the inner magnificence inherent in each of us.” Meet and greet following presentation. Call 410-427-3886 for more information on these events: TUESDAY, February 26, 2013, 6:30-8:00 p.m. 7th Annual “Love Your Tree” Poster Exhibit, Recognition Ceremony and Reception THURSDAY, February 28, 2013, 7:00-8:30 p.m. but pre-registration is required. Call 410-938-3157 or email For directions, visit For more information about eating disorders and detailed event information go to Shifting the Focus from Weight to Health: Real-Life Facts and Strategies for Supporting a Healthy Self, a Balanced Family and a Culture of Acceptance - Samantha Lewandowski, MS, RD, LDN FREE Eating Disorder Screenings by appointment Schedule a free and confidential assessment with a licensed professional during National Eating Disorders Awareness Week.