Fall 2013 - Squarespace


Fall 2013 - Squarespace
“One Mind, One Heart”
FALL 2013
Announcing the new
worldwide leader of
the Augustinians
Three Augustinians
profess their first vows
Announcing our three
Gala 2014 honorees
This summer was a historic moment for the Augustinians with
Pope Francis opening our 184th Chapter on St. Augustine Day,
August 28th, with a Mass at St. Augustine Church in Rome. We
also elected a new Prior General, Fr. Alejandro Moral, O.S.A. of
Spain, to succeed Fr. Bob Prevost, O.S.A. who has completed two
terms–12 years – of service in that office. We are truly grateful for
Fr. Bob's leadership and look forward to his return to Chicago
after some well-deserved time off to become the Director of Formation for our students studying
Theology in the Federation of Augustinians of North America (FANA).
Before Fr. Bob left office, he was able to be present at St.
Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel in Chicago to receive the
first profession of vows of three men in formation for
our Province: Fr. Brian Barker, O.S.A., Brother Bernard
Cissell, O.S.A., and Brother Joe Ruiz, O.S.A. Personally,
I was happy to have Fr. Bob receive the renewal of my
vows along with my classmate, Fr. Tom McCarthy,
O.S.A., on the occasion of our 25th Anniversary of our
profession in the Augustinian Order. I also celebrated 20
years of priesthood on November 12th.
CHICAGO, IL: (from top left) Troy Kassien; Joe Ward;
Nicholas Scianna, Bobby Carroll; (from bottom left) Rev.
Thomas R. McCarthy, O.S.A.; Most Rev. Robert F. Prevost,
O.S.A.; Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D.
I look forward to another exciting year in the Province,
Federation, and Order. We have recently started the
process of election for Prior Provincial for the Midwest Province which occurs every four years. I
received a strong nomination for a second term. The election will take place on December 19th.
In the meantime, be assured of my prayers for you. Please pray for me, for the Augustinians, and
for more vocations to our way of life so that we can continue serving you. I appreciate all who
continue to support us through our annual fund and our Augustinian Gala. The Gala, by the way,
is on the eve of the Solemn Feast of Our Province Patroness, Mary, Our Mother of Good Counsel,
on Friday April 25, 2014 at the Drake in downtown Chicago. Our honorees will be Fr. David L.
Brecht, O.S.A., Fr. Jack Gavin O.S.A., and Fr. Bill Sullivan, O.S.A. Hope to see you there!
Sincerely in Christ and St. Augustine,
Cover Photo
ROME, ITALY: Prior General Robert Prevost, O.S.A.
greets His Holiness Pope Francis
© 2013 Servizio Fotografico, Citiá del Vaticano
Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D.
Prior Provincial of the Midwest Augustinians
FALL 2013
The Midwest Augustinian is a publication of
the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel.
For additions, or to unsubscribe, please contact
the Province Advancement Office:
Augustinian Advancement Office
5401 South Cornell Avenue
Chicago, IL 60615
PHONE FAX EMAIL WEB Table of Contents
General Chapter Report�������������������������������������������������������4
The 2014 Augustinian Gala:
Announcing Our Honorees�����������������������������������������������6
Three Augustinians Profess their First Vows��������������������������8
Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel
Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D.
Bro. Thomas Taylor, O.S.A.
Rev. Richard J. McGrath, O.S.A., Ph.D.
How I Found the Augustinians������������������������������������������10
By Brother Joe L. Ruiz, O.S.A.
Living Biographies of Fathers John Tyma, O.S.A.
and Dan Hartigan, O.S.A.�����������������������������������������������12
By Nicholas Mullarkey and Jeff Raths
Our Captive Lord of Ayabaca:
A Living Experience of Faith��������������������������������������������14
News & Notes
Bro. Mark Emken, O.S.A.
Sr. Mary Ann Hamer, O.S.F.
Milann Siegfried Named Chair of
Province Captial Campaign���������������������������������������������16
Rev. Michael J. Slattery, O.S.A.
Rev. Thomas R. McCarthy, O.S.A.
Rev. Richard J. McGrath, O.S.A, Ph.D.
Rev. R. William Sullivan, O.S.A.
Canadian Augustinian School
Returns to Peruvian Mission��������������������������������������������17
Augustinians Honor Cardinal George��������������������������������19
Rev. John D. Merkelis, O.S.A.
Midwest Augustinians Receive
Two National Awards for Publications�����������������������������19
Rev. Thomas R. McCarthy, O.S.A.
Fr. Jim Paradis, O.S.A. Named Director of Novices������������20
Rev. Jorge L. Cleto, O.S.A.
Province Welcomes New Advancement Associate Director���20
Sr. Ardis Cloutier, O.S.F.
Fr. Brian Barker, O.S.A. Releases New Music CD��������������20
Mr. Michael Gerrity
Advancement Progress Report��������������������������������������������21
Ms. Elizabeth Mazur
Thank You to Our Newest Donors�������������������������������������22
Mr. Patrick T. Murphy
Save the Date!��������������������������������������������������������������������23
Ms. Becky Schmitt
ROME, ITALY: Pope Francis addresses members of the Augustinian General Chapter at St. Augustine's Church
General Chapter Report
n August 28, 2013, the Feast of St. Augustine,
Augustinian leaders from around the globe
gathered in Rome to begin the Order’s General
Chapter. Taking place every six years, the General Chapter
elects the Order’s new Prior General, or worldwide leader, as
well as sets the course of action for the Order’s following six
years. This year, the Augustinians were privileged to open the
chapter with a Mass celebrated by His Holiness Pope Francis.
Pope Francis’ Mass was held at St. Augustine's Church, the
same church that holds the tomb of St. Monica, the mother
of St. Augustine. Immediately after Mass, Pope Francis knelt
before the tomb to pray.
Pope Francis greeted the many Augustinians gathered at the
chapter, including three from our Province: Rev. John D.
Merkelis, O.S.A., Rev. Thomas R. McCarthy, O.S.A., and
the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D. When
it came time for Fr. Bernie to greet the Pope, he presented
him with a ski cap from St. Rita of Cascia High School, the
Augustinian high school in Chicago. Fr. Bernie says, “He
then had a big smile on his face and said it will be good for
when it is cold." It was 90oF that day!
On September 4, the Augustinians announced that they had
elected a new Prior General: the Most Reverend Alejandro
The Midwest Augustinian |
FALL 2013
Moral, O.S.A., an Augustinian friar from Spain. For the past
12 years, the Most Rev. Robert Prevost, O.S.A. has served
as the Prior General; he is the third American to serve in
that capacity in the Order’s 769-year history. Also elected to
serve as Secretary General was the Rev. Jack Flynn, O.S.A.,
an Augustinian from the East Coast Province of Villanova
who had been serving as Director of Novices in Racine,
Wisconsin. Rev. Joe Farrell, O.S.A., another American
Augustinian from the Villanova Province, was also elected to
serve as the new Vicar General.
As the chapter concluded on September 14, Fr. Bernie
Scianna offered some closing thoughts:
"The experience of the Chapter has been very
encouraging and enlightening for me. I was happy to
learn more about what the Augustinians throughout
the world are doing and very happy to know what
a positive impact we are having in the Church and
indeed in the world! I believe what we have done will
encourage and guide us over the next six years."
We wish the very best to the new Prior General and his
Council. May God bless our entire Augustinian family as we
continue our journey together toward God.
Midwest Province delegates with Propsero Cardinal Grech, O.S.A.
Pope Francis lights vigil candle at the tomb of St. Monica
The Most Rev. Alejandro Moral, O.S.A. is the newly elected
Prior General of the Augustinians
Fr. Bernie Scianna, O.S.A. presents Pope Francis with hat from St. Rita High School
SEE MORE PHOTOS WITH POPE FRANCIS ONLINE AT www.midwestaugustinians.org/photos
Members of the 184th General Chapter of the Augustinian Order
| www.midwestaugustinians.org
Augustinian Gala
Hosted by the Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Prior Provincial
The Drake Hotel, Chicago ~ April 25, 2014
Fr. David L. Brecht, O.S.A.
Fr. Jack Gavin, O.S.A.
Fr. Bill Sullivan, O.S.A.
Table Opportunities
St. Augustine Tables
St. Monica Tables
Preferred table for 8, full page program
ad, prominent program signage
Table of 8, quarter page ad
St. Rita of Cascia Tables
You name an Augustinian, Parish,
School, or Loved One, Table of 8,
quarter page ad
Preferred table for 8, half page program
ad, prominent program signage
"In Honor Or Memory Of" Tables $2,500
Major Underwriting and
Sponsorship Opportunities
Video Tribute Sponsor $10,000
Program Book
Sponsor an Augustinian
to attend Gala $500
The Midwest Augustinian |
FALL 2013
Gala Program Book Opportunities
(8.5" x 11" full page – full color)
Full Page Centerfold (Both Pages)$3,000
Full Page (Back or inside front cover) $1,500
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Business Card
2014 GALA
This year, we are pleased to announce that the honorees of our 2014 Augustinian Gala are
Fathers David L. Brecht, O.S.A., Jack Gavin, O.S.A., and Bill Sullivan, O.S.A.
Fr. David Brecht came to know the
Augustinians initially by attending
Austin Catholic High School in
Detroit. After his novitiate year in
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, he professed
his first vows in 1957 and was later
ordained to the priesthood in 1965.
Since then, Fr. Brecht has made a tremendous impact across
our Midwest Province. Following ordination, he taught at
Mendel Catholic High School and Tolentine College, both in
Illinois, and at Villanova University in Pennsylvania. He later
became Principal of St. Rita of Cascia High School in Chicago,
Headmaster of Cascia Hall Preparatory School in Tulsa, and
the Superintendent of Augustinian Schools. He took on these
roles all while serving as a member of the Provincial Council.
He was later elected the Prior Provincial for the Midwest
Province, and became one of only two Augustinians to be
elected Provincial for three terms.
Among these and many other assignments, Fr. Brecht
returned to Michigan in 2006 to serve as Pastor of St. Clare of
Montefalco Parish in Grosse Pointe Park. He now serves as the
Director of Mission Effectiveness at Austin Catholic Academy
in Ray, Michigan.
In 1972, Fr. Brecht was named an “Outstanding Educator
in America” and was also inducted into the Four Chaplains
Legion of Honor in 1980 “in recognition of service to all
people regardless of race or faith.” We are grateful to have Fr.
Brecht as an Augustinian from our Province and happily honor
him at our next Augustinian Gala.
Augustinian Academy of St. Louis. Fr. Gavin was also elected to
the Provincial Council for the Midwest Province in 1968.
Fr. Jack Gavin came to know the
Augustinians by first attending St. Rita
of Cascia High School in Chicago.
After his novitiate year in New
Hamburg, New York, he professed
his first vows in 1943 and was later
ordained to the priesthood in 1948.
Prior to his retirement in 2005, Fr. Gavin devoted 22 years of
his life to parish ministry in St. Louis. As Administrator and
later as Pastor of Immaculate Conception/St. Henry Church,
he ministered to the spiritual needs of the people and organized
an extensive outreach program to help meet the material needs
of the poor. Fr. Gavin now lives in the Augustinian retirement
community at Franciscan Village in Lemont, Illinois.
Following ordination, Fr. Gavin served in many different ways
at four Augustinian high schools: St. Augustine Seminary High
School in Holland, Michigan, St. Rita of Cascia High School
and Mendel Catholic High School both located in Chicago, and
Fr. Bill Sullivan came to know the
Augustinians by first attending
Mendel Catholic High School in
Chicago. After his novitiate year, he
professed his first vows in 1960 and
was later ordained to the priesthood
in 1967.
Fr. Sullivan was first assigned to serve in Michigan at St. Clare
of Montefalco Parish in Grosse Pointe Park and then at Austin
Catholic High School in Detroit. He has since served as a
Fr. Jack Gavin is well loved across the Province, as well as the
global Order. In his priestly ministry, he has touched thousands
of lives, and we are privileged to honor him at our next
Augustinian Gala.
member of the Augustinian formation team in Chicago, St.
Louis, and Villanova, Pennsylvania. Among other assignments,
Fr. Sullivan has been Pastor at St. Clare of Montefalco Parish
in Chicago and the Parochial Vicar at St. Jude Parish in New
Lenox, Illinois, where he currently serves. Fr. Sullivan has also
served as the Province Personnel Director and as a member of
the Provincial Council for many years.
In addition to his current service at St. Jude Parish, Fr.
Sullivan is also the Vicar Provincial for the Midwest Province.
We are happy to honor Fr. Sullivan for his many years of
compassionate and caring service to the Augustinian Order at
our next Augustinian Gala this April.
| www.midwestaugustinians.org
CHICAGO, IL: (from left) Brothers Bernard Cissell, O.S.A., Joe Ruiz, O.S.A., and Fr. Brian Barker, O.S.A. profess their first vows as Augustinians in August 2013
Three Augustinians Profess their First Vows
n August 11, 2013, the Most Rev. Robert
Prevost, O.S.A., in his concluding weeks in
office as Prior General, led a solemn evening
prayer service in which three novices professed their first
vows to the Augustinian Order. The Rev. Brian Barker,
O.S.A., Brother Bernard Cissell, O.S.A., and Brother Joe
Ruiz, O.S.A. had spent the past year together in Racine,
Wisconsin. After this first profession, all three are headed
to different ministries during these continued stages of
Augustinian formation.
Brother Bernard Cissell, O.S.A. proudly hails from
Indianapolis. After graduate school, Brother Bernie began
teaching for Chicago Public Schools. He is currently
completing his Master’s of Divinity at Catholic Theological
Union. Just a few years ago, Brother Bernie had been
considering life as a permanent deacon. Upon further
discernment, he realized that he was being called to the
priesthood in a community setting. In addition to his
formation studies, Brother Bernie enjoys running, having
participated in his ninth marathon in early 2013.
Fr. Brian Barker, O.S.A, has already been ordained a priest
for 19 years. After initially discerning a vocation with the
Augustinians, Fr. Brian was ordained a diocesan priest in
the Diocese of Belleville, Illinois. However, he felt a calling
to return to the Augustinian Order, and after many years,
he now continues his priesthood with the Augustinians.
Currently, Fr. Brian is serving at Cascia Hall Preparatory
School in Tulsa, Oklahoma as the Chaplain/Head of
Campus Ministry. Fr. Brian is also a talented recording
artist, having released four independent albums. You can
visit fatherbrianmusic.com for further information.
Brother Joe Ruiz, O.S.A. hails from Texas. Originally,
Brother Joe discerned a religious life with the Holy
Cross Brothers, but felt another call to the Augustinian
brotherhood. He is now studying for a Master’s in
Counseling while also working in Campus Ministry at St.
Rita of Cascia High School in Chicago. To read Brother
Joe’s reflection on how he found the Augustinians, please
see page 10.
The Midwest Augustinian |
FALL 2013
May God bless our newly professed and guide them
in their ministries as Augustinians!
Watch a beautiful
and inspirational
5-minute video
recap of the
First Profession
of Vows
Listen to excerpts from Fr. Bernie Scianna, O.S.A.’s homily, as we watch Fr. Brian Barker, O.S.A., Brother Bernie Cissell, O.S.A., and
Brother Joe Ruiz, O.S.A. profess their first vows as Augustinians! The video also includes a very important call for vocational
discernment by Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A. Watch online today and share!
Frs. Rich Young, O.S.A. and Jerry Nicholas, O.S.A. prepare for
solemn evening prayer by piano
Fr. Brian Barker, O.S.A. vested by
his mom and Fr. Bernie Scianna, O.S.A.
Brother Bernie Cissell, O.S.A. professes his first vows in the Augustinian Order
Fr. Bob Prevost, O.S.A.
congratulates Brother Joe Ruiz, O.S.A.
Fr. Dan Hartigan, O.S.A. honored for his
75th Anniversary of Augustinian vows
CHECK OUT THE FULL PHOTO GALLERY ONLINE AT www.midwestaugustinians.org/photos
Fr. Jim Thompson, O.S.A. and Brother Fred Kaiser, O.S.A. honored
among many other jubilarians
Our three newly professed Augustinians cut the cake at their reception
| www.midwestaugustinians.org
How I Found the Augustinians
By Brother Joe Ruiz, O.S.A.
ver since I can remember,
I have always had an
inclination to prayer.
I am not sure how I developed
the inclination for prayer; if I
can remember, I never saw my
parents or even my grandmother
pray. Maybe I should give kudos to God for giving
me the inclination to prayer. I remember being
in third grade religious education classes (CCD)
and learning the basic prayers like the Our Father
and the Hail Mary, but when I prayed before bed,
I always found myself praying for other people
and for myself. As much as I was encouraged to
memorize the basic prayers, it seemed I had a
natural tendency to have a simple conversation with
Many years later, I continue to have that simple
conversation with God. I do even more so now as
a newly professed Augustinian friar. At this point
in my life, I can easily recall the various moments
God has been at work throughout my faith journey.
One of my favorite works of Saint Augustine is his
Confessions. A common thread found throughout
his Confessions, is his acknowledgment of God’s
saving presence throughout his life:
“I dwelt upon these things and
You were near me. I sighed
and You heard me. I was
wavering uncertainly and You
guided me. I was going the
broad way of the world and
You did not forsake me.”
Confessions VI,5
The Midwest Augustinian |
FALL 2013
Throughout his Confessions, we find pockets of
Augustine’s intimate conversation with God. As
Augustine reveals himself to God, God in turn
reveals God’s self to Augustine. For me, this process
of revelation between a human and the Divine is
what personal prayer is all about.
One of the things I have become aware of
throughout my faith journey is a sense of
restlessness in my life, a yearning to be spiritually
filled, and the desire to live a meaningful life. Once
again, in his Confessions, Augustine speaks of his
own restlessness. He says “You made us for Yourself
and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”
These words of Augustine struck me at a time in
my life where I was feeling unsettled. As I reflect
on my life, I see the different paths I have taken
that led me to this point with the Augustinians.
I was an Electronics Technician for a computer
company for five years. I was a religious brother of
Holy Cross for two years. I was a semi-professional
ballet folklórico dancer for ten years, traveling and
performing in different parts of Texas, Colorado,
and Mexico. I was an extra for the opera Carmen.
I have traveled to Bangladesh and Peru to tutor
English to natives of those countries.
All in all, if it were not for my personal prayer
with God and the restlessness in my life, I would
not have encountered
the Augustinians. My
attitude toward life
is to live always in
the present and to
be attentive to God’s
saving presence as
did Augustine.
“Before all else,
live together,
being of one
mind and one
heart on the
way to God.”
Men of
in Formation
Javier Aguilar, 29
Luis Asencio, 33
Robert Baiocco, 41
Fr. Brian Barker, 53
Arthur Bolivar, 43
Bobby Carroll, 21
German Castro, 42
Bernard Cissell, 37
Choluteca, Honduras
Bronx, NY
Batavia, NY
Chicago, IL
London, England
Chicago, IL
Medellin, Colombia
Indianapolis, IN
Elizandro Contreras, 34
Gladson Dabre, 33
Fr. Jacek Dabrowski, 41
Cole Dryden, 21
Estimé Frader, 31
Nelson Garcia, 23
Stephen Isley, 26
Bryan Kerns, 24
La Vega, Dominican Republic
London, England
Kwidzyn, Poland
Los Angeles, CA
Wichita, KS
Philadelphia, PA
Juan Magana-Ortiz, 44
Carlos Medina, 27
Richie Mercado, 34
Nicholas Mullarkey, 27
Joe Murray, 56
Colin Nardone, 22
Nicholas Porter, 29
Aldo Potencio, 39
Mexico City, Mexico
Barranquilla, Columbia
Los Angeles, CA
West Des Moines, IA
Brooklyn, NY
Williamsport, PA
Los Angeles, CA
Iriga, Philippines
Jeff Raths, 20
Bienvenido Rodriguez, 49
Carlos Rodriguez, 31
Joe Ruiz, 39
Joe Siegel, 42
Jack Tierney, 23
Maxime Villeneuve, 26
Jimmy White, 23
Davison, MI
Ponce, Puerto Rico
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Austin, TX
Urbana, IL
Sun Prairie, WI
San Diego, CA
Devon, PA
Saint Louis du Nord, Haiti La Vega, Dominican Republic
Philip Yang, 33
John York, 33
Fr. Rich Young, 49
Fr. Robert Basler, 43
Fr. Fernando Lopez, 53
Fr. Craig McMahon, 34
Fr. Mark Menegatti, 30
Fr. Homero Sánchez, 28
Anaheim, CA
Nesquehoning, PA
Chicago, IL
St. Turibius Parish
Chicago, IL
St. Thomas Aquinas
Parish, Ojai, CA
Doctoral Studies
London, England
St. Augustine High
School, San Diego, CA
St. Jude Parish
New Lenox, IL
Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A.
Province of St. Thomas of Villanova Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel
(Eastern U.S.) 610-519-4674
(Midwestern U.S. & Canada) 773-776-3044
Fr. Tom Whelan, O.S.A.
Province of St. Augustine
(Western U.S.) 415-387-3626
Fr. Jorge Cleto, O.S.A.
Villanova / Midwest Province
(Latinos Interesados) 305-474-0591
Living Biographies
Interview with Fr. John Tyma, O.S.A.
had never
met Fr. John
Tyma, O.S.A.
before Jeff Raths
and I interviewed
him this summer.
What I discovered
is that he is a man
By Nicholas Mullarkey,
of service and
Augustinian Novice
adventure. Our
time together was truly enjoyable as he
told us about his life, making sure to
include lots of humor and anecdotes.
Fr. John described his childhood
in Chicago. He showed us his old
baseball glove that he had recently
come across, saying he had been a
catcher and had dreamed of playing
in the major leagues. I enjoyed
hearing about his post-graduate year
in Holland, Michigan, where they
drained sap from maple trees for syrup.
He had then gone to the Novitiate in
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, where they
would often eat rabbits that Fr. Stengel
had caught. He described his studies
at Villanova and Washington, D.C., as
well as the summers at Sea Isle during
that time. It sounded like there was
great camaraderie throughout all these
The first assignment Fr. John had was
teaching at the high school seminary
in Holland, Michigan. He described
the new building there and how it was
later sold to the State and made into a
prison! After serving in Michigan, he
went to Mendel Catholic High School
in Chicago, where he taught math and
aviation. His family was interested
The Midwest Augustinian |
FALL 2013
GUADALUPE, LA LIBERTAD, PERU: Fr. John Tyma, O.S.A. celebrated his 50th anniversary of priesthood
in 2009
in airplanes: his father was a pilot in
World War I, and his brother took
flying lessons. His next assignment was
at St. Rita High School in Chicago
as procurator of the monastery and
school. What he did after that was
very surprising. He worked for the
Archdiocese of Anchorage, Alaska by
flying between towns to say Mass since
there were no roads between them.
Even the people had to take air taxis
to travel. After serving in Alaska, he
worked in the Missions Office for the
In 1996, at the age of 64, Fr. John
began a new adventure in Peru,
where he still serves. He was in
Morropón, Piura for a year, and then
in Pacaipampa, where he had about 80
villages across the Andes Mountains
to visit. He recounted how he bought
a mule to travel between the villages
and how he had to print crucifixes
off of the computer for some village
chapels. The next place he worked in
was Guadalupe, Peru, where he had
three chapels built. He currently serves
in Buenos Aires, Peru, a small village
next to Morropón in the Diocese of
Chulucanas. He discussed the state
of the church building there and his
pastoral experiences in the parish. On top of all the amazing things
Fr. John has done in his ministry,
whether in the Midwest, Alaska, or
Peru, he is very humble. At the end
of our conversation, he was telling
stories about other Augustinians who
have served in Peru. As I enter my
novitiate year, I am fortunate to have
had the opportunity to reflect on the
example of Augustinians like Fr. John
Tyma, who serve Christ by serving His
This summer, our young men in early stages of Augustinian formation visited many of the sites and people around our
Midwest Province. Nicholas Mullarkey is an Augustinian novice now living in Racine, Wisconsin; he had the opportunity to to
interview Fr. John Tyma, O.S.A., a missionary in Peru who was visiting St. Turibius Parish in Chicago, Illinois. Jeff Raths is an
Augustinian pre-novice now living in Ardmore, Pennsylvania; he interviewed Fr. Dan Hartigan, O.S.A., who now lives at the
Augustinian retirement community in Lemont, Illinois. Below are summaries of their interviews:
Interview with Fr. Dan Hartigan, O.S.A.
his summer,
and I had the
privilege of
interviewing Fr. Dan
Hartigan, O.S.A.
During the interview,
By Jeff Raths,
Dan shared with
Augustinian Pre-Novice
us the story of his life
as an Augustinian. What I came to realize
over the course of the interview, was the
fact that Fr. Dan truly embodied the holy
lifestyle that we as Catholics should all
strive for.
Fr. Dan told us about his childhood in
LEMONT, IL: Our pre-novices and men in discernment visit Fr. Dan Hartigan, O.S.A. at Franciscan
Boston; in particular he shared his rather
amazing vocation story. Fr. Dan started off
by telling us how one Sunday his mother
as a teacher and administrator. After serving at the various
forced him and his brother to attend a mission at St. Paul’s
Augustinian high schools, Fr. Dan attended Loyola
Church in Dorchester, Massachusetts. During the mission,
University in Chicago, where he earned a master’s degree
the priest talked about men and women answering the call
in mathematics, and also a doctorate in education. After
to follow Christ. However, interestingly enough, the priest
Loyola Fr. Dan worked for the City of Chicago Mental
pointed at Fr. Dan and said “maybe God is calling you to
Health Center as an administrator for 20 years. Fr. Dan,
the priesthood.” Confused as to why the priest pointed at
now retired, lives at Franciscan Village in Lemont, Illinois.
him, Fr. Dan tried to talk to the priest after the mission.
However the priest had already left. Fr. Dan was advised to
Interviewing Fr. Dan Hartigan was absolutely an
write to Staten Island, where he was told the priest lived.
inspiration to me, as I begin my pre-novitiate years with
After writing to Staten Island, Fr. Dan was invited to come
the Augustinians. He is such a great example of someone
and spend the year there, which he did, in what became his
who has served God faithfully throughout his entire life,
pre-novitiate year. Fr. Dan then told us about his Novitiate
in whatever ministry he undertook, he always kept God as
the center of his life. In closing I would just like to share
in New Hamburg, New York, after which he attended
some of the words of advice Fr. Dan had for men entering
Villanova University for part of his college education, and
formation. He told us “see your life as a time when you have
then, was sent to Augustinian College in Washington, D.C.
to demonstrate to God that you’re worthy of Him. We were
for continued studies.
all touched by God in various ways, but are unified in our
purpose in life to know God better, love Him more, and
Fr. Dan was ordained a priest in 1945, and his first
serve Him more faithfully.” So he told us, “We must take
assignment was teaching math at St. Rita High School
our call very personally and work towards identifying what
in Chicago. After St. Rita, Fr. Dan was sent to Mendel
God wants us to do.”
Catholic High School in Chicago, where he served both
| www.midwestaugustinians.org
Our Captive Lord of Ayabaca, Peru:
A Living Experience of Faith
Feast Day of Our Captive
Lord of Ayabaca is on
October 13
Children from all over
Peru wear purple
garments in honor of
Our Captive Lord
The Augustinians are celebrating 50 years of missionary service in
Northern Peru this year. One of the most recognized saintly images in
the entire country of Peru originates from the Augustinians' mission
territory in the Diocese of Chulucanas. Our Captive Lord (El Señor
Cautivo) of Ayabaca is an important devotion among the Peruvian
people. Below is an article written about the importance of this
devotion in Peru, translated from Spanish:
yabaca is a picturesque town located in the
mountains of Piura: 92,000 feet above sea level.
Within its beautiful Andean landscape and
healthy climate, there is also a great atmosphere of religious
devotion to the city’s patron saint: Our Captive Lord of
Ayabaca (El Señor Cautivo de Ayabaca). His feast day,
October 13, attracts large numbers of faithful who come
on pilgrimage from different areas of Northern Peru, the
neighboring country of Ecuador, and other neighboring
countries. Ayabaca will always have the warmth of His zeal
and His faith. Without a doubt, the city’s people are, and
always will be, a Christian people.
The many pilgrims who come to Ayabaca express their faith
through sacrifice and pain. They pass on lyrics in honor of
Our Captive Lord such as:
The Midwest Augustinian |
FALL 2013
From a distance, I have come to
see my captive, to see my captive,
You are the captive, the captive of my heart,
O holy Captive Lord, if great are my sins,
Your goodness is greater.
And on this day, together we all sing:
On Your day, we wish You blessings,
Our Captive Lord.
These are some of the many lyrics the people sing to bring
praise to Our Captive Lord. Dozens of these songs sung by
choirs with emotion, anger, sweat, and tears are contagiously
heard within our church walls, in our town square and
narrow side streets, and among the mountains of Piura,
Ayabaca has received more than 90,000 visitors for the
image of Our Captive Lord, ranging from pilgrims to
devotees. It should be noted that reaching the city of
Ayabaca is a great difficulty to many pilgrims. Many people
walk great distances—even from neighboring countries—to
encounter the Our Captive Lord Shrine in Ayabaca.
AYABACA, PERU: Pilgrims offer extra sacrifice by intentionally crawling through muddy streets to see the image of Our Captive Lord in Ayabaca
The hike to Ayabaca begins with long months, days, and hours. It should be noted
that the people that go do not mind having to travel in hunger, thirst, heat, or
cold; they do everything with love for the Lord and for their brothers and sisters
with incurable disease. At the start of the journey, many people, as a sign of their
solidarity, provide the pilgrims with water, fruit, and a meal to eat.
The pilgrims typically wear their everyday clothes, and others wear colorful
costumes. Many also carry a small cross, with the weight being lifted by a small
wheel. They claim that this sacrifice is nothing in comparison to that of Our
Captive Lord.
On their journeys, the pilgrims not only carry their own petitions, but also those
of their bedridden family members that cannot make the journey to Ayabaca.
They then ask Our Captive Lord for healing for those who asked for prayers so
that they may be healed by the faith they put in the Lord.
Their sacrifice does not end with their long walk in many cases. Upon reaching
the entrance of the city, even with their exhaustion and fatigue, many roll up their
pants and begin crawling on their knees until they reach the doors of the church.
There, they kiss and touch the image of Our Captive Lord, as well as clean his face
with a cotton cloth. This, for many, is the most fulfilling part of the pilgrimage.
CHULUCANAS, PERU: Fr. Robert Basler, O.S.A.
visits a statue of Our Captive Lord during his
pastoral year in Peru
In the words of a pilgrim, “For all priests in our world acting on behalf of Christ, do not leave them alone in their ministry. As
a good shepherd needs to be near his flock, we must pray for them often. We must pray for priestly vocations. We must pray
that parents respect the vocations of their children and that they do not fear handing their service over to the serving the people
of God.”
| www.midwestaugustinians.org
Milann Siegfried named Chair of Province Capital Campaign
CHICAGO, IL: Milann leads the Campaign Cabinet for the Augustinians. Top row, from left: Jerry Martin, Patrick O'Connor, Don R. Berschback, Patrick J. Ormsby,
Alan B. Ross; Bottom row, from left: Michael Gerrity, Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D., Milann H. Siegfried, Rev. Thomas McCarthy, O.S.A., and Rev. R.
William "Bill" Sullivan, O.S.A.; Not pictured: Mark Hacker, Wayne Klasing, Rev. Robert F. Prevost, O.S.A.
ilann H. Siegfried
of Tulsa, Oklahoma
is the volunteer
Chair of the campaign for
the Augustinians, Continuing
Our Journey of Faith. Mrs.
Siegfried is no stranger to the
Augustinians or to philanthropy.
In addition to serving on the
Board of Nordam Corporation,
she is a Registered Nurse and
community volunteer. She, and her late husband Ray, are
Affiliates of the Augustinian Order. Milann served as the
first woman Chair of the Board of the Augustinians’ Cascia
Hall Preparatory School in Tulsa. She has also served
on or headed Boards of many prominent institutions,
including: St. John’s Medical Center and Health System,
the Footsteps Committee for the Order of Holy Cross
Priests, the University of Portland (Oregon), the ALS
The Midwest Augustinian |
FALL 2013
Advisory Committee of the Judith and Jean Pape Adams
Charitable Foundation, the Papal Foundation, the Tulsa
Philharmonic, Tulsa Opera, Foundation for Excellence, the
American Academy of Physician and Patient, the National
Committee for the Performing Arts, the Philbrook Art
Museum, the University of Tulsa, the National Review
Board (appointed by the U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops), the and Eisenhower Medical Center-California
Prior Provincial Fr. Bernie Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D. said
that he was thrilled to have Milann as Chair of the
Augustinians’ Capital Campaign. He went to say, “This
is the largest campaign in the Province’s long history and
our first such campaign in over 20 years. It is crucial to me
that we have a top volunteer leading the effort, and we are
very blessed to have Milann’s service.” A campaign cabinet
of top leaders has been formed now to work closely with
Milann and the Augustinians in this vitally important
capital campaign.
MORROPÓN, PERU: Villanova College, for the second year in a row, return to the Augustinian
mission in Northern Peru
Canadian Augustinian School
Returns to Missions in Peru
illanova College (King City, Ontario,
Canada) embarked on its second
religious mission excursion to the town
of Morropón in Northern Peru this past July.
The purpose of this Augustinian missionary trip
is to serve the spiritual and material needs of the
Peruvian people.
Nine students and two teachers from Villanova
College participated in this 17-day experience,
interacting on many levels with the locals
and the people from neighboring towns. This
involvement included teaching English at two
high schools, assisting at a school for children
with special needs and at an orphanage,
participating in youth group meetings,
interacting with the elderly at an old age home,
attending daily Mass, and making new friends
in the community. A special thank you to the
teachers, Ms. Picerno and Mr. Rick, for all of
their efforts to organize this opportunity for the
students of Villanova College. Congratulations
to the following Grade 12 students for
completing the mission: Faiza Agyemang, Jenna
Bifolchi, Adriana Caravaggio (alumni, second
time doing the experience), Lindsay Hatt,
Andrea Lackowicz, Claudia Naccarato, Natalie
Pignetti, Alana Sullivan, and Francesca Vance.
MORROPÓN, PERU: Students from Villanova College donated
their "Knights" school apparel to the local youth in Morropón
"Every student needs to
do a mission trip like
this while in high school
or university."
– Jenna Bifolchi
"Padre Wilder [Augustinian
pastor in Morropón] needs
to come to Canada,
especially to our school!"
– Natalie Pignetti
"I can't thank my school
and teachers enough
for providing me with
this life changing
– Lindsay Hatt
"I will return to the
town of Morropón one
day with so many fond
memories and invaluable
– Alana Sullivan
MORROPÓN, PERU: Students from Villanova College, an Augustinian secondary school in
King City, Ontario visit with Bishop Daniel Turley, O.S.A., an Augustinian missionary bishop
from Chicago
| www.midwestaugustinians.org
A Long-lasting Gift:
A Matter of Love and Gratitude
We would like
to acknowledge
and thank the
following supporters
for including the
Augustinians in their
wills or estate plans:
Pierre M. Adams
Anne Berschback
Donald R. Berschback
Joseph A. Drap
Sandra Lyn Drap
Barbara L. Drozd
Ardith Goodroe
Frank D. Grimaldi
Michael C. Kirby
Barbara Klasing
Wayne G. Klasing
Sandra Kruse
Vincent Kruse
John D. Kwiatkowski
Robert J. LaFortune
Dolores P. Lundeen
Elizabeth Manning
Michael Manning
Donald Miller
Debra Molinari
Adele O'Sullivan
Harry O'Sullivan
Connie Pines
Edward Raher
Mary Rasmussen
Richard Rasmussen
Bernice A. Raubiskis
Lisa Solava
Richard Solava
The Midwest Augustinian |
hen you consider all that the Augustinians have meant to you and to your loved
ones, and also consider the tremendous impact they have had on your life, a
planned gift is a really nice and long-lasting way to say “thank you.”
It is not a matter of where you were served. It could have been through a parish, a school, in
seminary, on a retreat, or in a hospital. It is not simply a matter of charity. It is a matter of
love and of gratitude for the Augustinians who together have contributed so many years of
service in the Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel.
There are many ways to make a
planned gift. A few ideas include –
• A simple bequest of cash or a percentage
of an estate,
• Name the Province as a beneficiary in your
insurance policy, annuity or retirement plans,
• Donate a home or other property
Please give this gift some thought and prayer. When you are
ready, you can ask questions or ask for information from
Province Chief Advancement Officer Michael Gerrity at
michael@midwestaugustinians.org or at 773-595-4035.
The Restless Hearts Society
Donor Wall in Chicago, Illinois
FALL 2013
The legal name for bequests and other planned gifts is
Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel-The Augustinians.
Your gift includes enrollment in the Province’s Restless
Hearts Society. Society members are recognized in the
Province’s headquarters (see photo).
Augustinians Honor Cardinal George
n Thursday, October 3, the Augustinians
honored Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I.,
Archbishop of Chicago, with a bust of St.
Rita of Cascia in honor of his 50th anniversary of
priestly ordination. The Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna,
O.S.A., Ph.D. presented the gift to the Cardinal after
the conclusion of the St. Rita Novena Mass celebrated
in Chicago that night. The monthly Novena has been
celebrated for over 100 years in Chicago.
Midwest Augustinians Receive Two
National Awards for Publications
Congratulations, Cardinal George, on your
anniversary this year, and thank you for leading the
Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Chicago!
e are happy to share the news that our
Province has been awarded two 2013
Lumen Awards by the National Catholic
Development Conference, or NCDC. They include:
• Winner of Best Publication Without a Gift
Envelope for the 2012 Augustinian Case for
• Winner of Best Accountability/Annual Report for
the 2011-2012 Augustinian Inaugural Report
CHICAGO, IL: Cardinal George of Chicago cuts the cake celebrating his
50th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination at St. Rita High School
The NCDC is a group of over 2,000 institutional
members including dioceses, hospitals, religious
orders, schools, universities, and social service
agencies. Other winners this year include the
Archdiocese of Milwaukee, the Capuchins, DePaul
University, the Maryknoll Fathers, the Archdiocese
of Chicago, and a host of others.
This recognition emphasizes the Augustinians’
commitment to transparency, stewardship, and
fundraising as a ministry. We are thankful to
our entire Augustinian family for their prayerful
support and also thankful to the National Catholic
Development Conference for recognizing these
efforts. God bless!
CHICAGO, IL: Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D. (right) presents
Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. with a bust of St. Rita of Cascia
View photos from the Novena Mass at
Visit midwestaugustinians.org/news/lumen2013
online to view our award-winning
publications digitally!
| www.midwestaugustinians.org
Fr. Jim Paradis, O.S.A. Named Director of Novices
ather Jim Paradis, O.S.A., a friar of the Augustinians' Eastern Province headquartered
in Villanova, Pennsylvania, has been appointed Director of Novices. Fr. Paradis is
expected to assume this post at the North American Augustinian Novitiate, Racine,
Wisconsin, on December 1, 2013. Father Paradis will replace Fr. Jack Flynn, O.S.A., who
was elected Secretary-General of the Order during the Ordinary General Chapter of 2013.
Fr. Flynn is now serving at the Augustinian worldwide headquarters in Rome.
The Augustinian Novitiate is located at the Parish of St. Rita in Racine, Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Congratulations, Father Paradis, and welcome to our Wisconsin Novitiate!
Province Welcomes New
Advancement Associate Director
his August, the
Elizabeth Mazur as the
Associate Director Annual Fund for the
Province of Our Mother
of Good Counsel. The
Augustinians hired her
to ensure the continued success of the annual
fund, especially as the Province embarks on its
largest capital campaign to date. The youngest of
four children, Elizabeth was born in Poland. She
came to the United States when she was nine and
attended Maria High School of Chicago. She has
15 years of advancement experience at not-forprofit organizations. Because her faith is very
important to her, she is excited about working
in a Catholic setting. Augustine’sPROMISE
image of the
restless heart, which finds its rest only in God,
speaks to her own spiritual journey, Elizabeth
said. She enjoys hiking, being with nature, and
classical music. Please welcome Elizabeth to
our Augustinian family. She can be reached at
elizabeth@midwestaugustinians.org or at
Fr. Brian Barker, O.S.A. Releases New Music CD
r. Brian Barker, O.S.A., currently serving at Cascia Hall in
Tulsa, released his fourth album Promise. Fr. Brian began
serving in Tulsa after professing his first vows in August. He
is currently the school's Campus Minister and Director of Music
You may have heard Fr. Barker's live music at many of our recent
Province events, having sung and played piano at our recent
ordinations and gala. He says:
“The CD is the fruits of my novitiate year. I wrote ten songs
during the year. I’ve had plenty of time up there to compose,
write, reflect and pray. One of the songs, ‘You Were Always
There’ is taken right from Augustine’s Confessions. Fr. Brian
Lowery came over from Italy and spent a couple of weeks
with us going over the entire book. So I took one of the
chapters and made a song out of it.”
If you are interested in purchasing a CD, or any of Father's other three
CD's, you can purchase them for $15 each, or $40 for any three, plus
shipping & handling ($3 per CD). Please mail checks to:
Fr. Brian Barker & Fr. Benedykt Pazdan
Where Charity and Love Prevail
Amazing Grace
You Were Always There
Hope's Journey
Spring Rain
Wonder, Mystery and Awe
Psalm 100
Draw Near O Lord, Our God
10. Jesu Dulcis Memoria (Jesus Sweet Memory)
Maxim Entertainment Studio, Hoffman Estates, IL
© Copyright 2013
9343 S. Francisco Ave., Evergreen Park, IL 60805
(708) 422-8995
The Midwest Augustinian |
FALL 2013
Fr. Brian Barker & Fr. Benedykt Pazdan
Fr. Brian Barker, O.S.A.
Cascia Hall Monastery
2520 S. Yorktown Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74114-2803
Congratulations, Father!
Ms. Anne Berschback
Mr. Donald Berschback
Mr. Robert Biolchini
Mr. Matthew F. Coughlin, III
Mr. Mark S. Hacker
Mr. Gregory Jania,
Mr. Wayne Klasing,
Mr. Anthony J. Lauinger
Very Rev. Bernard C.
Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D.,
Prior Provincial
Mr. Robert Sullivan
Mr. Mike Zunica
e are already well underway for this year’s Annual Fund, which runs from July 1,
2013 through June 30, 2014. As of October 31, we have raised over $140,000
this fiscal year toward the Annual Fund thanks to more than 800 donors. All these
donations benefit our men in formation and vocations outreach program, our retired and
infirm Augustinians, and our missions in Peru.
We are also preparing for what is sure to be the Augustinians’ largest capital campaign ever.
After a professional study involving interviews with 105 individuals, the Province decided the
time was right to prepare for a campaign to build its two trusts: the Fr. Ray Ryan, O.S.A. Trust to
support men in formation and vocations outreach and the Journey of a Lifetime Trust to support
our retired and infirm Augustinians. The campaign, named Continuing Our Journey of Faith, has
been blessed to have many volunteers serve as Capital Campaign Cabinet leaders. The Cabinet
is led by our Chair Milann H. Siegfried, an Augustinian Affiliate from Tulsa. You can read
Milann’s bio on page 16. To learn more about the campaign, please contact Chief Advancement
Officer Michael Gerrity at michael@midwestaugustinians.org or at 773-595-4035.
Preparations are also well underway for our Augustinian Gala on April 25, 2014 at the Drake
Hotel in downtown Chicago. We are grateful to have such outstanding honorees this year: Rev.
David L. Brecht, O.S.A., Rev. Jack Gavin, O.S.A., and Rev. Bill Sullivan, O.S.A. These men
have touched the lives of hundreds of thousands across the Midwest Province; you can read
about their rich lives of ministry on page 7. We are also grateful to have such an outstanding
Gala Committee, led by Co-Chairs Dr. Jim Foody, M.D., Rachel Rone, and Vice-Chair Dr.
Stephan Sargent, Ph.D. Tickets and sponsorship opportunities are now available by contacting
Elizabeth Mazur at elizabeth@midwestaugustinians.org or at 773-595-4009.
Our Province Communications are also spreading the word out to more people in more ways
than ever before. If you have not yet already seen our redesigned website, please visit it at www.
midwestaugustinians.org for current news, upcoming events, and much more. You can also
sign up for our new Augustinian e-news for news directly in your email twice a month. Please
also be sure to visit us on Facebook and Twitter, too!
Thank you again for your continued prayers and support of the Augustinians. With your
support, we can continue to make progress and move forward on our spiritual journey toward
God together. God bless!
| www.midwestaugustinians.org
Thank you to our newest donors!
he Augustinians are continually grateful for those new donors that join us in mission to serve the Church in
our schools, parishes, missions, and other ministries. United in one mind and one heart, these gifts lead us
closer toward God. With these gifts and the continued prayers of thousands, we are ensuring the Augustinian
spirit will live on for generations to come.
We now would like to thank those newest donors that have given their first gift to the Augustinians between June 11
and September 9. We ask that all our readers keep these newest supporters in prayer. Thank you!
Mr. Russell Abolt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gale
Mr. Robert Nolan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Abrams
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gleason
Mr. Patrick Pajor
Ms. Grace Alaksiewicz
Mr. Bernard Graczyk
Mr. William Pattara
Miss Virginia Balnis
Mr. James Grady
Mr. Frank Pavlica
Mr. Dennis Basinski
Ms. Phyllis Guistolise
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Petro
Ms. Judith Bojorquez
Mr. Brent Jacobsen
Mrs. Lisa Plichta
Mr. John F. Brennan
Dr. Tom Jung, M.D., Ph.D.
Mr. Casimir Radke
Mr. David Kairis
Mr. Ronald Reyzer
Mr. Louis Kisala
Mr. & Mrs. John Scott
Mr. Bernard Korzyniewski
Mr. Roger Scott
Mr. Frank Lacny
Mr. Steve Seymour
Mr. Patrick Lynch
Mr. William Siska
Mrs. Mary Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John Maglio
Mr. Reeves Smith
Mr. Edward Mannebach
Mr. Javier Solorio
Mr. Russ Martin
Mr. Brad Stubitsch
Ms. Rita Mayhoff
Mr. Ronald Stuchl
Mr. Maurice McAuliffe
Dr. Jennifer Switak
Mr. Paul Dobrovits
Mr. Walter McAver
Mr. Bernard J. Truschka
Hon. & Mrs. John T. Doody
Mr. Donald McCormack
Ms. Audrey Tufts
Mr. Daniel Dressel
Mr. Patrick McDaniel
Mr. James Turcich
Mr. Chris Drnaso
Mr. Michael McGinnis
Mr. Richard Vlcek
Ms. Danielle Fary
Mr. Tom McGreal
Mr. Kenneth Young
Mr. John Freely
Mr. John Mega
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Zambo
Mr. Arthur A. Frigo
Mr. Thomas Miller
Mr. James Zotti
Mr. William Brown
Mr. William Byrnes
Mr. Wilfred Chapleau IV
Chemray Process Solutions,
Inc., Naperville, Illinois
Mr. Clayton Cleveland
Mr. John Clifford
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Collier
Mr. Timothy Crawford
Ms. Kimberly Crites
Mr. Robert Danaher
Mr. Rob DeStefano
If you feel your contributions are not properly reflected in this report or if you see errors, we apologize and ask
you to please contact the Advancement Office at advancement@midwestaugustinians.org or at 773-595-4008.
The Midwest Augustinian |
FALL 2013
Save the Date
Augustinian Retreat: Building
Community through Augustinian Values
Saturday, November 23, 2013
8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
St. Turibius Parish
St. Turibius Parish
5646 South Karlov Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60629
Map data © 2013 Google
Rev. Terry Deffenbaugh, O.S.A. will lead a half-day retreat to discuss living Augustinian values in our daily lives of work, family, and community. All
friends of the Augustinians are welcome to attend with their families and friends. There is no cost to attend; donations gladly welcome. Breakfast,
lunch, and parking provided. For reservations, please contact the Advancement Office at advancement@midwestaugustinians.org or at 773-595-4008.
Introducing the new Augustinian
Perpetual Enrollment Card
All contributions made for perpetual enrollments in the name of a
loved one will include them for all time in countless Masses, prayers
and good works of the Augustinian priests, brothers, and men in
formation. Each perpetual enrollment card (5 ¼” x 7 7/8”) comes
printed on firm, yet lightweight, textured cardstock. The cover has a
gold foil seal of the Augustinian Order and the interior has a beautiful
painting of Our Mother of Good Counsel, the patroness of our
Midwest Province. Each card is mailed with its own mailing envelope
for your personal use. We ask for a suggested contribution of $30.00
for each perpetual enrollment.
All voluntary contributions for Prayer Intention Cards
and Novena Enrollments support the Augustinian men
in formation and vocations outreach program, retired and
infirm Augustinians, and Augustinians missions in Peru.
To request your perpetual enrollment card, contact the Advancement
Office by emailing advancement@midwestaugustinians.org or by
calling 773-595-4008.
| www.midwestaugustinians.org
Midwest Augustinian
Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel
5401 South Cornell Avenue
Chicago, IL 60615-6200
for an inspirational
5-minute video
from the
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