1/13/12 IBM Inc 2011 1 Publisher Name Software Title Name
1/13/12 IBM Inc 2011 1 Publisher Name Software Title Name
Publisher Name ACD Systems Ltd. Acer Inc. acs39 Ltd. activePDF Inc. Activision Actuate ADINA R & D Inc. Adobe Systems Incorporated Advanced Geosciences Inc. Ageia Agilent Technologies Inc. AICPCU Aide CAD Systems Incorporated Alden Group Ltd. ALeadSoft.com Inc. Alentum Software AlfaSoft Research Labs ALGOR Inc. ALGOR Inc. Alicat Scientific Inc. Allies Computing Allok Soft Inc Allround Automations Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Solutions Inc. Alps Electric Co. Ltd. Altiris Inc. Altova Inc. Altova Inc. Altova Inc. Altova Inc. ALWIL Software Amazon.com Inc. American Power Conversion (APC) Analog Devices Inc. Analog Devices Inc. Analog Devices Inc. ANZANI TRADING GROUP Aone Software Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Applian Technologies Inc. ArcSoft Inc. Artech Studios Artech365 Software Inc. ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG Aspect Software Aspect Software Aspen Technology Inc. ASW Software AT&T Laboratories Cambridge Atari Inc. ATConsulting LLC ATI Technologies Inc. ATI Technologies Inc. ATI Technologies Inc. Autodesk Inc. 1/13/12 Bigfix DSS SAM Software Catalog - Newly Added Applications Software Title Name Software Title Version Name ACDSee Photo Editor ACDSee Photo Editor 4 Acer eRecovery Management Acer eRecovery Management 2 Science Toolbox Demo Science Toolbox Demo 1 PrimoPDF PrimoPDF 4 Ultimate Spiderman Ultimate Spiderman 1 Actuate e.Report Designer Professional Actuate e.Report Designer Professional 7 ADINA ADINA 8 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1 EarthImager 2D EarthImager 2D 2 AGEIA PhysX Boxes Demonstration AGEIA PhysX Boxes Demonstration 2 Agilent Data Capture Agilent Data Capture 2 AICPCU Exam AICPCU Exam 4 Aide PDF to DXF Converter Aide PDF to DXF Converter 6 Xassist Xassist 1 Search Engine Builder Professional Search Engine Builder Professional 2 WebLog Expert WebLog Expert 3 AlfaClock AlfaClock 1 ALGOR ALGOR 14 ALGOR ALGOR 21 Flow Vision Flow Vision 1 PostCoder API PostCoder API 1 Allok MP4 Converter Allok MP4 Converter 2 PLSQL Developer PLSQL Developer 5 Allscripts Homecare Client Allscripts Homecare Client 5 Dell Touchpad Dell Touchpad 7 Altiris Local Recovery Altiris Local Recovery 6 DiffDog DiffDog 2008 SemanticWorks SemanticWorks 2008 StyleVision StyleVision 2005 UModel UModel 2008 avast! Antivirus avast! Antivirus 4 Amazon MP3 Downloader Amazon MP3 Downloader 1 APC PowerChute Business Edition APC PowerChute Business Edition 7 SMax4PNP SMax4PNP 6 SMax4PNP SMax4PNP 6 SoundMAX SoundMax 5 HP Procurve Configurator HP Procurve Configurator 3 Ultra AVI Converter Ultra AVI Converter 1 iPodService Module iPodService Module 9 iTunes iTunes 9 Safari Safari 3 Safari Safari 4 Replay Screencast Replay Screencast 1 WD Backup WD Backup 1 TONKA Search & Rescue 2 TONKA Search & Rescue 2 4 MPEG4 Direct Maker MPEG4 Direct Maker 1 Winoptimizer Platinum Winoptimizer Platinum 3 Aspect Uniphi Connect Aspect Uniphi Connect 1 eWorkForce Management eWorkForce Management 6 Business Process Explorer Business Process Explorer 2 ImageToAvi ImageToAvi 1 Win2VNC Win2VNC 1 Blue Clues School Blue Clues School 1 E-Z Audit E-Z Audit 7 Catalyst Control Center Catalyst Control Center 2 HydraVision Desktop Manager HydraVision Desktop Manager 4 Radeon Omega Drivers Radeon Omega Drivers 3 AOEMView AOEMView 2008 IBM Inc 2011 App Name ACDSee Photo Editor 4.0 Acer eRecovery Management 2.0 Science Toolbox Demo 1 PrimoPDF 4 Ultimate Spiderman 1 Actuate e.Report Designer Professional 7 ADINA 8 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1 EarthImager 2D 2 AGEIA PhysX Boxes Demonstration 2 Agilent Data Capture 2 AICPCU Exam 4 Aide PDF to DXF Converter 6 Xassist 1 Search Engine Builder Professional 2.0 WebLog Expert 3 AlfaClock 1 ALGOR 14 ALGOR 21 Flow Vision 1 PostCoder API 1 Allok MP4 Converter 2 PLSQL Developer 5 Allscripts Homecare Client 5.0 Dell Touchpad 7.102 Altiris Local Recovery 6.1 DiffDog 2008 SemanticWorks 2008 StyleVision 2005 UModel 2008 avast! Antivirus 4 Amazon MP3 Downloader 1.0 APC PowerChute Business Edition 7 SMax4PNP 6 SMax4PNP 6.0 SoundMax 5.2 HP Procurve Configurator 3 Ultra AVI Converter 1 iPodService Module 9.0 iTunes 9.0 Safari 3 Safari 4.0 Replay Screencast 1 WD Backup 1 TONKA Search & Rescue 2 4 MPEG4 Direct Maker 1 Winoptimizer Platinum 3 Aspect Uniphi Connect 1 eWorkForce Management 6 Business Process Explorer 2 ImageToAvi 1 Win2VNC 1 Blue Clues School 1 E-Z Audit 7.6 Catalyst Control Center 2 HydraVision Desktop Manager 4 Radeon Omega Drivers 3 AOEMView 2008 Catalog Version 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. AutoDWG AutoDWG AutoIt AutoIt Autonomy Inc. Avanquest Software AVAYA Communication Aventail Corporation Axantum Software AB Axiomx Azureus Inc Baan Company N.V. BBS Technologies Inc. Belarc Inc. Belkin Bentley Systems Inc. Bentley Systems Inc. Bentley Systems Inc. Bioware.Corp. Blue Marble Geographics BMC Software Inc. BMC Software Inc. BMC Software Inc. BMC Software Inc. BMC Software Inc. BMC Software Inc. Boingo Wireless Inc. Bomber Studios Borland Software Corporation Boson Software LLC. Bozteck Software Bozteck Software Brio Software Inc. Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Corporation Brother Industries Ltd. Brother Industries Ltd. Brother Industries Ltd. Brother Industries Ltd. Bureausoft Corporation BVRP Software C&S Solutions CA Clarity Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canon U.S.A. Inc. Cardinal Brands Inc. Cassetica Software Inc. Castelle Corp. Castelle Corp. 1/13/12 Autodesk CAD Manager Tools Autodesk DWF Composer Autodesk DWG Viewer Autodesk Land Desktop/Civil 3D Autodesk Vault Explorer CAiCE Visual Transportation CAiCE Visual Transportation GeoTiffExamine DWGSee DWGSee Pro AutoIt AutoIt ZANTAZ EAS Digital Line Detect Avaya CentreVu Supervisor Aventail Connect AxCrypt PixelToolbox Azureus BaanERP SQL diagnostic manager BelMonitor Client Belkin Bulldog Plus CulvertMaster PondPack WaterCAD Neverwinter Nights The Geographic Calculator BMC CM BMC CMDB BMC Portal BMC Run Book Automation BMC Run Book Automation Magic HelpDesk IQ GoBoingo! SciTEFlash StarGate SDK Boson NetSim LE for Cisco Press ICND VNCScan VNCScan BrioQuery Bluetooth Broadcom CV Host Component Brother MFL Pro Brother MFL Pro Brownie P-touch Quick Editor PDF Compress Classic PhoneTools SE Clinical Simulation Exam II Open Workbench Canon Digital Camera Canon Digital Camera Canon NetSpot Device Installer Canon Utilities PhotoStitch CanoScan Toolbox Tax Forms Helper NotesMedic FaxPress FaxPress Premier Autodesk CAD Manager Tools 17 Autodesk DWF Composer 5 Autodesk DWG Viewer 16 Autodesk Land Desktop/Civil 3D 2007 Autodesk Vault Explorer 2009 CAiCE Visual Transportation 10 CAiCE Visual Transportation 10 GeoTiffExamine 1 DWGSee 2 DWGSee Pro 2 AutoIt 3 AutoIt 3 ZANTAZ EAS 5 Digital Line Detect 1 Avaya CentreVu Supervisor 9 Aventail Connect 5 AxCrypt 1 PixelToolbox 8 Azureus 3 BaanERP 7 SQL diagnostic manager 4 BelMonitor Client 7 Belkin Bulldog Plus 3 CulvertMaster 8 PondPack 10 WaterCAD 8 Neverwinter Nights 1 The Geographic Calculator 1 BMC CM 7 BMC CMDB 2 BMC Portal 2 BMC Run Book Automation 2 BMC Run Book Automation 3 Magic HelpDesk IQ 7 GoBoingo! 1 SciTEFlash 1 StarGate SDK 5 Boson NetSim LE for Cisco Press ICND 2 VNCScan 2007 VNCScan 2008 BrioQuery 5 Bluetooth 6 Broadcom CV Host Component 1 Brother MFL Pro 1 Brother MFL Pro 1 Brownie 1 P-touch Quick Editor 1 PDF Compress 1 Classic PhoneTools 6 SE Clinical Simulation Exam II 8 Open Workbench 1 Canon Digital Camera 6 Canon Digital Camera 6 Canon NetSpot Device Installer 2 Canon Utilities PhotoStitch 3 CanoScan Toolbox 4 Tax Forms Helper 2008 NotesMedic 4 FaxPress 8 FaxPress Premier 3 IBM Inc 2011 Autodesk CAD Manager Tools 17.2 Autodesk DWF Composer 5 Autodesk DWG Viewer 16 Autodesk Land Desktop/Civil 3D 2007 Autodesk Vault Explorer 2009 CAiCE Visual Transportation 10 CAiCE Visual Transportation 10.0 GeoTiffExamine 1 DWGSee 2 DWGSee Pro 2 AutoIt 3.3 AutoIt 3 ZANTAZ EAS 5 Digital Line Detect 1 Avaya CentreVu Supervisor 9 Aventail Connect 5 AxCrypt 1 PixelToolbox 8 Azureus 3 BaanERP 7 SQL diagnostic manager 4 BelMonitor Client 7 Belkin Bulldog Plus 3 CulvertMaster 8 PondPack 10 WaterCAD 8 Neverwinter Nights 1 The Geographic Calculator 1 BMC CM 7 BMC CMDB 2 BMC Portal 2 BMC Run Book Automation 2 BMC Run Book Automation 3 Magic HelpDesk IQ 7 GoBoingo! 1.5 SciTEFlash 1 StarGate SDK 5 Boson NetSim LE for Cisco Press ICND 2 VNCScan 2007 VNCScan 2008 BrioQuery 5 Bluetooth 6.1 Broadcom CV Host Component 1.6 Brother MFL Pro 1 Brother MFL Pro 1 Brownie 1 #1.0 P-touch Quick Editor 1 PDF Compress 1 Classic PhoneTools 6 SE Clinical Simulation Exam II 8 Open Workbench 1 Canon Digital Camera 6 Canon Digital Camera 6 Canon NetSpot Device Installer 2 Canon Utilities PhotoStitch 3 CanoScan Toolbox 4 Tax Forms Helper 2008 NotesMedic 4 FaxPress 8.1 FaxPress Premier 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 CCTV SOFTWARE LTD. Century Software Century Software Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. Chelsea Technologies Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory Coastal Systems Station Cognos Incorporated Colorgraphic Communications Inc. ColorPlaza SA ColorPlaza SA Compliance Communications LLC ComponentOne LLC Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Conexant Systems Inc. Conexant Systems Inc. Continental Instruments Systems LLC Control Systems Inc. Coordination Group Publishing Ltd. Coordination Group Publishing Ltd. Corel Corporation Corel Corporation Corel Corporation Creative Technology Ltd Creative Technology Ltd. CyberLink Corp. CyberLink Corp. CyberLink Corp. DataDirect Technologies DataNumen Inc. Datataker Pty Ltd. Daxesoft Ltd Dearborn Group Technology Declan Software Deerfield.Com Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Deutsche Postbank AG DFM Systems Inc. DHI Water & Environment Inc. Diamond Multimedia Systems Inc. Digimation Inc. DigitalGlobe Inc. Digitizer Technology Company LLC Disk Doctor Labs Inc. Disney Interactive DivXNetworks Inc. D-Link Corporation D-Link Corporation dnSoft Research Group DocuSign Inc 1/13/12 Camfunc TinyTERM WTERM Check Point VPN-1 SecureClient cView Cisco IPTV Viewer Wireless-G Notebook Adapter Citrix Password Manager Citrix XenApp Plugin Web Interface CHANLPRO Offgassing Analysis PowerPrompts Developer Studio Colorgraphic Mover Colormailer Photo Service Colormailer Photobooks MSDS Administrator C1Report Designer Alert Manager BrightStor ARCserve Backup InoculateIT for NT SmartAudio Universal Device Install/Uninstall CardAccess 3000 LT2005_BASE Educational Publishing Information Centre Educational Publishing Information Centre Corel Painter Essentials Knockout Paradox Runtime CD Ripping Wizard OpenAL Installer PowerDVD PowerProducer PowerProducer DataDirect SequeLink Advanced Rar Repair dataTaker Pipe Flow Wizard Hercules Declans Italian FlashCards DNS2Go Dell Inc. DSETInfo Dell Modem Diagnostic Tool Dell Photo AIO Printer 922 Mouse Suite Stampit Business DFM Back Office MIKE Zero ProcessGuard Hydra Licensing System by Digimation PhotoMapper Virtual Tablet Interface Disk Doctors NTFS Data Recovery Travellers Tales toy2 DivX Web Player AirPlus G D-Link AirPremier Client Utility XNote Stopwatch DocuSign Professional Camfunc 2 TinyTERM 4 WTERM 3 Check Point VPN-1 SecureClient 1 cView 10 Cisco IPTV Viewer 5 Wireless-G Notebook Adapter 1 Citrix Password Manager 4 Citrix XenApp Plugin 11 Web Interface 4 CHANLPRO 2 Offgassing Analysis 1 PowerPrompts Developer Studio 7 Colorgraphic Mover 2 Colormailer Photo Service 2 Colormailer Photobooks 3 MSDS Administrator 3 C1Report Designer 1 Alert Manager 7 BrightStor ARCserve Backup 11 InoculateIT for NT 4 SmartAudio 2 Universal Device Install/Uninstall 4 CardAccess 3000 2 LT2005_BASE 1 Educational Publishing Information Centre 1 Educational Publishing Information Centre 1 Corel Painter Essentials 3 Knockout 1 Paradox Runtime 10 CD Ripping Wizard 1 OpenAL Installer 1 PowerDVD 6 PowerProducer 3 PowerProducer 3 DataDirect SequeLink 5 Advanced Rar Repair 1 dataTaker 1 Pipe Flow Wizard 1 Hercules 3 Declans Italian FlashCards 1 DNS2Go 3 Dell Inc. DSETInfo 1 Dell Modem Diagnostic Tool 1 Dell Photo AIO Printer 922 1 Mouse Suite 2 Stampit Business 1 DFM Back Office 1 MIKE Zero 7 ProcessGuard 3 Hydra Licensing System by Digimation 1 PhotoMapper 1 Virtual Tablet Interface 6 Disk Doctors NTFS Data Recovery 1 Travellers Tales toy2 1 DivX Web Player 6 AirPlus G 3 D-Link AirPremier Client Utility 4 XNote Stopwatch 1 DocuSign Professional 2 IBM Inc 2011 Camfunc 2 TinyTERM 4 WTERM 3 Check Point VPN-1 SecureClient 1 cView 10 Cisco IPTV Viewer 5 Wireless-G Notebook Adapter 1 Citrix Password Manager 4.6 Citrix XenApp Plugin 11.0 Web Interface 4 CHANLPRO 2.0 Offgassing Analysis 1 PowerPrompts Developer Studio 7 Colorgraphic Mover 2 Colormailer Photo Service 2 Colormailer Photobooks 3 MSDS Administrator 3 C1Report Designer 1 Alert Manager 7 BrightStor ARCserve Backup 11 InoculateIT for NT 4 SmartAudio 2 Universal Device Install/Uninstall 4.0 CardAccess 3000 2 LT2005_BASE 1 Educational Publishing Information Centre 1 Educational Publishing Information Centre 1 Corel Painter Essentials 3 Knockout 1 Paradox Runtime 10 CD Ripping Wizard 1 OpenAL Installer 1 PowerDVD 6.0 PowerProducer 3 PowerProducer 3 DataDirect SequeLink 5 Advanced Rar Repair 1 dataTaker 1 Pipe Flow Wizard 1.07 Hercules 3 Declans Italian FlashCards 1 DNS2Go 3 Dell Inc. DSETInfo 1 Dell Modem Diagnostic Tool 1 Dell Photo AIO Printer 922 1 Mouse Suite 2 Stampit Business 1.6 DFM Back Office 1 MIKE Zero 7.0 ProcessGuard 3 Hydra Licensing System by Digimation 1 PhotoMapper 1 Virtual Tablet Interface 6 Disk Doctors NTFS Data Recovery 1 Travellers Tales toy2 1 DivX Web Player 6 AirPlus G 3 D-Link AirPremier Client Utility 4 XNote Stopwatch 1 DocuSign Professional 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 DocuWare AG Dr Tax Software Inc. DSP Development Corporation DVD X Studios e frontier America Inc EasyByte Software Ltd. Eclipsit Corporation EcoCom EcoCom Eicon Technology Corporation Electronic Arts Electronic Storage Corporation EMC Corporation Engineered Software Inc. Enterasys Networks Environment Canada Environmental Simulations Inc. Eolsoft Epicor Software Corporation Epicor Software Corporation ESET LLC ESRI E-Tools Software Ltd. Executive Software International Experian Experian ExpressSoft Inc. Extensis FAICO Information Solutions FastStone Soft FBH Associates Ltd. FdrLab FdrLab Fengtao Software Inc. Fiberlink Communications Corporation Firebird Foundation Inc. Fluke Networks Inc. Focus Educational Software Fog Creek Software ForensiT Limited Frameworks Systems Corp FraserSoft Freecom Technologies GmbH Freecom Technologies GmbH FrontRange Solutions Inc. FrontRange Solutions Inc. FSCreations Inc. F-Secure Corporation Funduc Software Inc. Funk Software Inc. G.D.G. Software Gadwin Systems Inc. Gadwin Systems Inc. Gadwin Systems Inc. Gemmico GemTeck Environmental Software Ltd. Genetibase Inc. GeoConcept SA GeoGraphix GEO-SLOPE International Ltd. 1/13/12 DocuWare UFile DADiSP Video X Converter Shade EasyByte Ticker Microangelo Toolset EcoSqueeze EcoSqueeze Aviva Battlefield NeXtract Professional Edition EMC Retrospect PIPE-FLO Lite NetSight Element Manager HYDAT CD Groundwater Vistas Winmail Opener MANAGE Manage 2000 Personal Workstation ESET Smart Security ArcPad Mass e_Mailer Deleted File Analysis Utility QuickAddress Pro QuickAddress Pro Express ClickYes Portfolio AFSearch FastStone Capture Viewbase:Link32 Undelete Plus Undelete Plus DVDFab Platinum Extend360 Firebird SQL Server LinkWare KS3 Physics (demo) FogBugz Screenshot User Profile Wizard RDP Gadget by Frameworkx GenHelpPro Freecom Backup Software Freecom Personal Media Suite HEATPC IMSCAN ExamView Pro F-Secure BlackLight Count Characters Proxy Master AniTuner Gadwin PrintScreen Gadwin PrintScreen Gadwin PrintScreen FolderInfo EQWin NuGenUnify GeoConcept GeoGraphix Discovery GeoStudio DocuWare 5 UFile 2006 DADiSP 2002 Video X Converter 1 Shade 8 EasyByte Ticker 2 Microangelo Toolset 6 EcoSqueeze 2 EcoSqueeze 3 Aviva 8 Battlefield 2 NeXtract Professional Edition 2 EMC Retrospect 7 PIPE-FLO Lite 9 NetSight Element Manager 3 HYDAT CD 6 Groundwater Vistas 5 Winmail Opener 1 MANAGE 2000 Manage 2000 Personal Workstation 9 ESET Smart Security 3 ArcPad 7 Mass e_Mailer 2 Deleted File Analysis Utility 4 QuickAddress Pro 3 QuickAddress Pro 6 Express ClickYes 1 Portfolio 7 AFSearch 9 FastStone Capture 6 Viewbase:Link32 1 Undelete Plus 2 Undelete Plus 2 DVDFab Platinum 3 Extend360 6 Firebird SQL Server 1 LinkWare 3 KS3 Physics (demo) 1 FogBugz Screenshot 1 User Profile Wizard 2 RDP Gadget by Frameworkx 1 GenHelpPro 5 Freecom Backup Software 1 Freecom Personal Media Suite 2 HEATPC 8 IMSCAN 2006 ExamView Pro 4 F-Secure BlackLight 2 Count Characters 0 Proxy Master 4 AniTuner 1 Gadwin PrintScreen 3 Gadwin PrintScreen 3 Gadwin PrintScreen 3 FolderInfo 2 EQWin 6 NuGenUnify 2 GeoConcept 4 GeoGraphix Discovery R2007 GeoStudio 2004 IBM Inc 2011 DocuWare 5 UFile 2006 DADiSP 2002 Video X Converter 1 Shade 8 EasyByte Ticker 2 Microangelo Toolset 6 EcoSqueeze 2 EcoSqueeze 3 Aviva 8 Battlefield 2 NeXtract Professional Edition 2 EMC Retrospect 7 PIPE-FLO Lite 9 NetSight Element Manager 3 HYDAT CD 6.0 Groundwater Vistas 5 Winmail Opener 1 MANAGE 2000 Manage 2000 Personal Workstation 9 ESET Smart Security 3 ArcPad 7 Mass e_Mailer 2 Deleted File Analysis Utility 4.0 QuickAddress Pro 3 QuickAddress Pro 6 Express ClickYes 1 Portfolio 7 AFSearch 9.55 FastStone Capture 6 Viewbase:Link32 1 Undelete Plus 2 Undelete Plus 2 DVDFab Platinum 3 Extend360 6 Firebird SQL Server 1.5 LinkWare 3 KS3 Physics (demo) 1 FogBugz Screenshot 1 User Profile Wizard 2 RDP Gadget by Frameworkx 1 GenHelpPro 5 Freecom Backup Software 1 Freecom Personal Media Suite 2 HEATPC 8 IMSCAN 2006 ExamView Pro 4 F-Secure BlackLight 2 Count Characters 0 Proxy Master 4 AniTuner 1 Gadwin PrintScreen 3 Gadwin PrintScreen 3 Gadwin PrintScreen 3 FolderInfo 2 EQWin 6 NuGenUnify 2 GeoConcept 4 GeoGraphix Discovery R2007.2 GeoStudio 2004 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 Geosoft Inc. GExperts Inc. GFI Group Inc. Gigabyte gINT Software gINT Software gINT Software Global Mapper Software LLC Global Mapper Software LLC GlobalSCAPE Inc. Glovia International Inc. Google Google Grig Software Grisoft Software Grisoft Software Group W Systems LLC Helios Software Solutions HEM Data Corporation Hemera Technologies Inc. Hemera Technologies Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hexisoft Inc. HHD Software Ltd. HumanConcepts LLC Humongous Entertainment Hyland Software Inc. Hyperion Software Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation ibs-quadrat GmbH iCentric Corp. Iconico Inc. ICSA Software International IHS Inc. iLinc Communications Inc. iLinc Communications Inc. iLinc Communications Inc. iLinc Communications Inc. Illumine Software IM Soft Ltd. IMSI Indigo Rose Corporation Indigo Rose Corporation Infor Global Solutions Inc Infor International Limited InfoUSA Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. 1/13/12 Oasis montaj Viewer Gexperts for Delphi 5 FENICS FX @BIOS gINT gINT gINT Global Mapper Global Mapper CuteFTP XP glovia.rad Windows Client Google Chrome Google Video Uploader Compare It! AVG Free AVG Internet Security MEAdmin TextPad Snap-Master Hemera Photo-Objects 50000 Volume II Hemera Photo-Objects Viewer HP Digital Sender 9100C Address Book Manager HP Download Manager HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility HP PrecisionScan LTX HP Software Update HP Wireless Keyboard Image Icon Converter Hex Editor OrgPlus Reader Art Time OnBase Hyperion Enterprise IBM Rational PurifyPlus Lotus Symphony Lotus Symphony ZapNotes ContactGrabber Enterprise Edition DriverGuide Toolkit ColorPic Blueprint OneWorld QUE$TOR iLinc Conferencing Suite iLinc Conferencing Suite iLinc Conferencing Suite iLinc Conferencing Suite JCVGantt SMTP Server DesignCAD 3D MAX Setup Factory Setup Factory 7.0 Visual CRM VISUAL Jobshop infoUSA Network Setup AeroCatalog AeroEAD Client AIS Administrator Chart Editor Chart Manager Database Changes Processor Oasis montaj Viewer 6 Gexperts for Delphi 5 1 FENICS FX 9 @BIOS 1 gINT 6 gINT 6 gINT 8 Global Mapper 8 Global Mapper 9 CuteFTP XP 5 glovia.rad Windows Client 1 Google Chrome 3 Google Video Uploader 1 Compare It! 3 AVG Free 8 AVG Internet Security 8 MEAdmin 5 TextPad 5 Snap-Master 3 Hemera Photo-Objects 50000 Volume II 3 Hemera Photo-Objects Viewer 3 HP Digital Sender 9100C Address Book Manager 4 HP Download Manager 4 HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility 1 HP PrecisionScan LTX 1 HP Software Update 4 HP Wireless Keyboard 1 Image Icon Converter 1 Hex Editor 3 OrgPlus Reader 6 Art Time 1 OnBase 3 Hyperion Enterprise 6 IBM Rational PurifyPlus 2006 Lotus Symphony 1 Lotus Symphony 1 ZapNotes 3 ContactGrabber Enterprise Edition 1 DriverGuide Toolkit 2 ColorPic 4 Blueprint OneWorld 2000 QUE$TOR 9 iLinc Conferencing Suite 10 iLinc Conferencing Suite 10 iLinc Conferencing Suite 10 iLinc Conferencing Suite 10 JCVGantt 3 SMTP Server 2 DesignCAD 3D MAX 17 Setup Factory 6 Setup Factory 7.0 7 Visual CRM 3 VISUAL Jobshop 5 infoUSA Network Setup 2006 AeroCatalog 2 AeroEAD Client 1 AIS Administrator 1 Chart Editor 1 Chart Manager 1 Database Changes Processor 1 IBM Inc 2011 Oasis montaj Viewer 6 Gexperts for Delphi 5 1 FENICS FX 9 @BIOS 1 gINT 6.1 gINT 6.1 gINT 8 Global Mapper 8 Global Mapper 9.2 CuteFTP XP 5 glovia.rad Windows Client 1 Google Chrome 3.0 Google Video Uploader 1 Compare It! 3 AVG Free 8 AVG Internet Security 8 MEAdmin 5 TextPad 5.3 Snap-Master 3 Hemera Photo-Objects 50000 Volume II 3 Hemera Photo-Objects Viewer 3 HP Digital Sender 9100C Address Book Manager 4.0 HP Download Manager 4.1 HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility 1 HP PrecisionScan LTX 1 HP Software Update 4 HP Wireless Keyboard 1 Image Icon Converter 1 Hex Editor 3 OrgPlus Reader 6 Art Time 1 OnBase 3 Hyperion Enterprise 6 IBM Rational PurifyPlus 2006 Lotus Symphony 1 Lotus Symphony 1 ZapNotes 3.4 ContactGrabber Enterprise Edition 1.0 DriverGuide Toolkit 2 ColorPic 4 Blueprint OneWorld 2000 QUE$TOR 9.6 iLinc Conferencing Suite 10.2 iLinc Conferencing Suite 10.2 iLinc Conferencing Suite 10.1 iLinc Conferencing Suite 10.1 JCVGantt 3 SMTP Server 2 DesignCAD 3D MAX 17 Setup Factory 6 Setup Factory 7.0 7 Visual CRM 3 VISUAL Jobshop 5 infoUSA Network Setup 2006 AeroCatalog 2 AeroEAD Client 1 AIS Administrator 1 Chart Editor 1 Chart Manager 1 Database Changes Processor 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Innovative Technology Inc. Innovative Technology Inc. INRIA Insight Software Solutions Inc. InstallShield Corporation InstallShield Corporation InstallShield Corporation InstallShield Corporation Instrumentation Northwest Inc. Integral Technologies Inc. Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation InteliSOLVE InteliSOLVE Intelore Interact Commerce Corp. Intergraph Corporation Internetsoft Corporation Internetsoft Corporation Intuit Canada Intuit Canada Intuit Inc. Intuit Inc. IObit.com Iomega Corporation IQue Inc Itc InterNetworks ITC Systems J. River Inc. J. River Inc. J.D. Edwards & Company J.J. Keller & Associates Inc. JAM Software JAM Software JIC Technology Jodix Technologies Ltd. Joost Technologies B.V. Kana Solution Kaplan Educational Centers 1/13/12 Delete Temporary Extraction Tables Dig Out EMACS Extraction Extraction Rules Feature Manager FPDAM IAS Suite Launcher Product Structure PUBlication Editor PUBlication Manager Report Manager Report Manager Specification Manager Symbolization Update Database User Options xArinc In xDig In xDig Out NMS-Edit Professional NMS-Edit Professional Scilab Macro Express InstallShield AdminStudio InstallShield Professional InstallShield Windows Installer Edition InstallShield Windows Installer Edition Aqua4Plus FBSpectrim Desktop Manager Intel Matrix Storage Manager Intel Matrix Storage Manager Hydraflow Express Hydraflow Hydrographs Access Password Recovery ACT! GeoMedia Professional FTP Commander Pro FTP Commander Pro QuickTax QuickTax QuickBooks Product Listing Service Quicken Advanced WindowsCare Personal Iomega Automatic Backup SMART.ALX SiteUnseen Print Manager Media Center Media Center OneWorld Client Listener KellerSoftEmail TreeSize TreeSize Professional SuperClip Free WMA to MP3 Converter Joost DynDNS Updater Test Prep Delete Temporary Extraction Tables 1 Dig Out 1 EMACS 1 Extraction 1 Extraction Rules 1 Feature Manager 1 FPDAM 6 IAS Suite Launcher 1 Product Structure 1 PUBlication Editor 1 PUBlication Manager 1 Report Manager 1 Report Manager 1 Specification Manager 1 Symbolization 6 Update Database 7 User Options 1 xArinc In 1 xDig In 1 xDig Out 1 NMS-Edit Professional 2006 NMS-Edit Professional 2007 Scilab 4 Macro Express 3 InstallShield AdminStudio 5 InstallShield Professional 6 InstallShield Windows Installer Edition 8 InstallShield Windows Installer Edition 9 Aqua4Plus 1 FBSpectrim 1 Desktop Manager 6 Intel Matrix Storage Manager 6 Intel Matrix Storage Manager 7 Hydraflow Express 1 Hydraflow Hydrographs 2007 Access Password Recovery 2 ACT! 2006 GeoMedia Professional 6 FTP Commander Pro 7 FTP Commander Pro 8 QuickTax 2004 QuickTax 2005 QuickBooks Product Listing Service 2 Quicken 2008 Advanced WindowsCare Personal 2 Iomega Automatic Backup 1 SMART.ALX 3 SiteUnseen 3 Print Manager 5 J. River Media Center 12 Media Center 11 OneWorld Client Listener 1 KellerSoftEmail 6 TreeSize 5 TreeSize Professional 2 SuperClip 1 Free WMA to MP3 Converter 1 Joost 1 DynDNS Updater 3 Test Prep 3 IBM Inc 2011 Delete Temporary Extraction Tables 1 Dig Out 1 EMACS 1 Extraction 1 Extraction Rules 1 Feature Manager 1 FPDAM 6 IAS Suite Launcher 1 Product Structure 1 PUBlication Editor 1 PUBlication Manager 1 Report Manager 1 Report Manager 1 Specification Manager 1 Symbolization 6 Update Database 7 User Options 1 xArinc In 1 xDig In 1 xDig Out 1 NMS-Edit Professional 2006 NMS-Edit Professional 2007 Scilab 4 Macro Express 3 InstallShield AdminStudio 5 InstallShield Professional 6 InstallShield Windows Installer Edition 8 InstallShield Windows Installer Edition 9 Aqua4Plus 1.3 FBSpectrim 1 Desktop Manager 6 Intel Matrix Storage Manager 6 Intel Matrix Storage Manager 7 Hydraflow Express 1 Hydraflow Hydrographs 2007 Access Password Recovery 2 ACT! 2006 GeoMedia Professional 6 FTP Commander Pro 7.7 FTP Commander Pro 8.0 QuickTax 2004 QuickTax 2005 QuickBooks Product Listing Service 2 Quicken 2008 Advanced WindowsCare Personal 2 Iomega Automatic Backup 1 SMART.ALX 3 SiteUnseen 3 Print Manager 5 J. River Media Center 12 Media Center 11 OneWorld Client Listener 1 KellerSoftEmail 6 TreeSize 5.1 TreeSize Professional 2.43 SuperClip 1 Free WMA to MP3 Converter 1 Joost 1 DynDNS Updater 3 Test Prep 3.7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 Kaspersky Lab Kaspersky Lab Kaspersky Lab Kaspersky Lab Keyspan KONICA MINOLTA Kra-Tronic Corp. Kroll Ontrack Inc. LaCie USA Laplas-soft LavaSoft LavaSoft LavaSoft LavaSoft Law School Admission Council Ledalite Architectural Products Leica Geosystems GIS Mapping LLC Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Lexmark International Inc. Linden Research Inc. Linguatec GmbH Logitech Software Inc. Logitech Software Inc. LogiXML Inc. Lumension Security Maptech Inc. MatchWare Inc. Maximum Output Software Memeo Inc. Memory-Map Inc Mentor Graphics Corporation MetaProducts Corporation MicroGraphics Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation MicroStrategy Incorporated Microtek Lab Inc. Minnesota Department of Transportation Minq Software AB Minq Software AB Mirage Audio Visual Media MJMSoft Design Limited MochaSoft Aps MODAC Inc. ModelMaker Tools 1/13/12 Kaspersky Administration Kit Kaspersky Administration Kit Kaspersky Anti-Virus Kaspersky Anti-Virus Keyspan Serial Assistant MINOLTA-QMS Kra-Tronic - Key-Recorder Data Lifeguard LaCie Backup Software SQLExecMS Ad-Aware SE Professional Ad-Aware SE Professional Ad-Aware SE Professional Ad-Aware SE Professional Admission Communication and Exchange System Ergolight Control Cyclone Presentation Director Presentation Director IP Setup Utility Second Life Voice Reader Studio Labtec Keyboard Logitech SetPoint LogiServerManager Sanctuary Chart Navigator MatchWare OpenMind FileBack PC Memeo AutoBackup Memory-Map Navigator ModelSim DeskTool MDM Zinc Fiddler Internet Explorer Microsoft Driver Package Installer Microsoft Forefront Client Security Microsoft MapPoint Microsoft Office Live Meeting Microsoft Office SharePoint Server Microsoft Windows Microsoft Winter Fun Pack for Windows XP Windows Defender Windows Journal Windows Mail Windows Media Player Windows NT Backup - Restore Utility Windows Sidebar Windows System Image Manager MicroStrategy Desktop Microtek ScanWizard Pro for Windows MnCon dbvis DbVisualizer CLOX World Timezone Clocks KeyText MTELNET MODAC ModelMaker Kaspersky Administration Kit 6 Kaspersky Administration Kit 6 Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6 Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6 Keyspan Serial Assistant 3 MINOLTA-QMS 2 Kra-Tronic - Key-Recorder 5 Data Lifeguard 5 LaCie Backup Software 1 SQLExecMS 2 Ad-aware Pro 6.0 Oracle SQL plus for Windows 9 Symantec Ghost 11 Volo View 3 2003 Admission Communication and Exchange System 3 Ergolight Control 1 Cyclone 5 Presentation Director 1 Presentation Director 3 IP Setup Utility 10 Second Life 1 Voice Reader Studio 2 Labtec Keyboard 5 Logitech SetPoint 3 LogiServerManager 9 Sanctuary 4 Chart Navigator 5 MatchWare OpenMind 2 FileBack PC 3 Memeo AutoBackup 2 Memory-Map Navigator 5 ModelSim 5 DeskTool 3 MDM Zinc 2 Fiddler 2 Internet Explorer 8 Microsoft Driver Package Installer 2 Microsoft Forefront Client Security 1 Microsoft MapPoint 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting 8 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Microsoft Windows Vista/2008 x64 Microsoft Winter Fun Pack for Windows XP 2004 Windows Defender 6 Windows Journal 6 Windows Mail 6 Windows Media Player 12 Windows NT Backup - Restore Utility 6 Windows Sidebar 1 Windows System Image Manager 6 MicroStrategy Desktop 8 Microtek ScanWizard Pro for Windows 7 MnCon 2 dbvis 4 DbVisualizer 5 CLOX World Timezone Clocks 7 KeyText 5 MTELNET 5 MODAC 1 ModelMaker 9 IBM Inc 2011 Kaspersky Administration Kit 6.0 Kaspersky Administration Kit 6 Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6 Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 Keyspan Serial Assistant 3 MINOLTA-QMS 2 Kra-Tronic - Key-Recorder 5 Data Lifeguard 5 LaCie Backup Software 1 SQLExecMS 2 Ad-aware Pro 6.0 Oracle SQL plus for Windows 9 Symantec Ghost 11 Volo View 3 2003 Admission Communication and Exchange System 3 Ergolight Control 1 Cyclone 5 Presentation Director 1 Presentation Director 3 IP Setup Utility 10 Second Life 1 Voice Reader Studio 2.0 Labtec Keyboard 5 Logitech SetPoint 3.21 LogiServerManager 9 Sanctuary 4 Chart Navigator 5 MatchWare OpenMind 2 FileBack PC 3 Memeo AutoBackup 2.0 Memory-Map Navigator 5 ModelSim 5 DeskTool 3.3 MDM Zinc 2 Fiddler 2.1 Internet Explorer 8.0 Microsoft Driver Package Installer 2.1 Microsoft Forefront Client Security 1.0 Microsoft MapPoint 2010 Microsoft Office Live Meeting 8.0 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Windows Remote Assistance COM Server Microsoft Winter Fun Pack for Windows XP 2004 Windows Defender 6.1 Windows Journal 6.1 Windows Mail 6.1 Windows Media Player 12.0 Windows NT Backup - Restore Utility 6 Windows Sidebar 1.0 Windows System Image Manager 6.1 MicroStrategy Desktop 8 Microtek ScanWizard Pro for Windows 7 MnCon 2.04 dbvis 4 DbVisualizer 5 CLOX World Timezone Clocks 7 KeyText 5 MTELNET 5 MODAC 1 ModelMaker 9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 Moffsoft Morpheus Software LLC Motorola Inc. Mozilla.org Mozilla.org Multiview Inc. Musicnotes Inc. MySoftware Company MySpace.com MySQL AB nanocosmos informationtechnologien GmbH National Instruments Corp. National Instruments Corp. National Instruments Corp. National Instruments Corp. NCH Corporation NCH Swift Sound NCSoft Nero AG Nero AG NetLearning Inc NetManage Inc. NetObjects Inc. Netropa Corp. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New House Internet Services BV Newforma Inc. NewsGator Technologies Inc. NewTech InfoSystems Inc. NewTech InfoSystems Inc. Nikon Corporation Nikon Corporation Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd. Nortel Networks Nova Development Novell Inc. Novell Inc. Novell Inc. NumeriX LLC ObjectPlanet Inc Onset Computer Corporation Onset Computer Corporation Onset Computer Corporation Open Systems Resources Inc OpenLimit SignCubes GmbH OPTIMAL System-Beratung GmbH & Co. KG OPTIMAL System-Beratung GmbH & Co. KG Oracle Oracle Oracle Outer Technologies Outlaw Technologies Inc. Pace Scientific Inc. 1/13/12 Moffsoft FreeCalc Morpheus Photo Morpher CompPro BitPim SATs Revealed KS3 Science Demo Multiview Reader Musicnotes Player MyAttorney Home And Business MySpace Instant Messenger MySQL Server nanoPEG Editor ANALYZER DASYLab DASYLab NI-DAQ ExpressBurn Stamp Lineage Nero AG InCD Nero Fast CD-Burning Learning Administrator FTP Client BeanBuilder DellTouch Programmable Keys AutoInstallListener DBLogins 2 Magic License Generator Magic License Generator McAfee Common Framework McAfee System Compliance Profiler System Checker Install Pending Files PTGui Project Center FeedStation NTI Backup NOW! for Windows NTI CD&DVD-Maker Nikon Transfer Nikon View Nokia Software Updater Symposium Express Call Center Art Explosion Publisher Pro NetDrive NetWare Migration Wizard NetWare Server Consolidation utility NumeriX Pro Network Probe BoxCar Pro HOBOware HOBOware OsrBootIniCfg S-TRUST Sign-it Smart Imaging Pro Smart ZIP Applications Desktop Integrator Oracle 8 ODBC Driver Oracle Database 10g CachemanXP CustomerFocus LogXR Moffsoft FreeCalc 1 Morpheus Photo Morpher 3 CompPro 1 BitPim 1 SATs Revealed KS3 Science Demo 1 Multiview Reader 2 Musicnotes Player 1 MyAttorney Home And Business 1 MySpace Instant Messenger 1 MySQL Server 5 nanoPEG Editor 2 ANALYZER 2 DASYLab 8 DASYLab 9 NI-DAQ 7 ExpressBurn 1 Stamp 1 Lineage 2 Nero AG InCD 5 Nero Fast CD-Burning 1 Learning Administrator 6 FTP Client 3 BeanBuilder 1 DellTouch Programmable Keys 2 AutoInstallListener 1 DBLogins 2 1 Magic License Generator 1 Magic License Generator 7 McAfee Common Framework 3 McAfee System Compliance Profiler 2 System Checker 4 Install Pending Files 8 PTGui 6 Project Center 5 FeedStation 2 NTI Backup NOW! for Windows 4 NTI CD&DVD-Maker 7 Nikon Transfer 1 Nikon View 6 Nokia Software Updater 1 Symposium Express Call Center 3 Art Explosion Publisher Pro 2 NetDrive 1 NetWare Migration Wizard 6 NetWare Server Consolidation utility 1 NumeriX Pro 5 Network Probe 4 BoxCar Pro 4 HOBOware 2 HOBOware 2 OsrBootIniCfg 1 S-TRUST Sign-it 2 Smart Imaging Pro Beta Smart ZIP 1 Applications Desktop Integrator 7 Oracle 8 ODBC Driver 8 Oracle Database 10g 10 CachemanXP 1 CustomerFocus 5 LogXR 1 IBM Inc 2011 Moffsoft FreeCalc 1 Morpheus Photo Morpher 3.10 CompPro 1 BitPim 1 SATs Revealed KS3 Science Demo 1 Multiview Reader 2 Musicnotes Player 1.23 MyAttorney Home And Business 1.0 MySpace Instant Messenger 1 MySQL Server 5.1 nanoPEG Editor 2 ANALYZER 2 DASYLab 8 DASYLab 9 NI-DAQ 7 ExpressBurn 1 Stamp 1 Lineage 2 Nero AG InCD 5 Nero Fast CD-Burning 1 Learning Administrator 6 FTP Client 3 BeanBuilder 1 DellTouch Programmable Keys 2 AutoInstallListener 1 DBLogins 2 1 Magic License Generator 1 Magic License Generator 7 McAfee Common Framework 3 McAfee System Compliance Profiler 2.0 System Checker 4 Install Pending Files 8 PTGui 6 Project Center 5 FeedStation 2 NTI Backup NOW! for Windows 4.5 NTI CD&DVD-Maker 7.5 Nikon Transfer 1 Nikon View 6 Nokia Software Updater 1.3 Symposium Express Call Center 3 Art Explosion Publisher Pro 2 NetDrive 1 NetWare Migration Wizard 6 NetWare Server Consolidation utility 1 NumeriX Pro 5 Network Probe 4 BoxCar Pro 4.3 HOBOware 2 HOBOware 2 OsrBootIniCfg 1 S-TRUST Sign-it 2.1 Smart Imaging Pro Beta Smart ZIP 1.0 Applications Desktop Integrator 7 Oracle 8 ODBC Driver 8 Oracle Database 10g 10 CachemanXP 1 CustomerFocus 5 LogXR 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 Palm Digital Media Panda Security SL Panda Security SL PanicWare Parker Hannifin Corp Parsons Brinckerhoff Passware Inc. Pelmorex Media Inc. Photodex Corporation Photodex Corporation Photoleap Inc. Pixela Corp Pixela Corp PJLM Software Inc. PLANDOCS GmbH Pocket Soft Inc. Polar Electro Oy Posturite UK Ltd PowerGadgets LLC Primavera Systems Inc. PrinterOn Corporation ProVation Medical Inc. Quark Inc. Quest Software Inc. Quest Software Inc. Quest Software Inc. Ramka Ltd. RBR Ltd. RealNetworks Inc. RealNetworks Inc. Realtek Semiconductor Corp Realtek Semiconductor Corp RealVNC Ltd. RealVNC Ltd. Red Gate Software Ltd. Red Gate Software Ltd. Reed Elsevier Reed Elsevier Reed Elsevier Reuters Financial Software RICOH Company LTD. RICOH Company LTD. RICOH Company LTD. Rimrock Geophysics RJL Software Inc. RK Solution RK Solution RL Vision Rockwell Software Inc. Rocscience Inc. Rocscience Inc. Rocscience Inc. Roctest RSMeans RustemSoft Saba Software Inc. Safenet Inc. Sage Software Inc. Salty Brine Software Salvatore Ravida 1/13/12 eBook Studio Panda ClientShield Panda Internet Security PopUpStopper inPHorm Hose and Fittings Subway Environment Simulation Passware Kit Enterprise WeatherEye Photodex Presenter Photodex Presenter Photoleap ImageMixer for HDD Camcorder ImageMixer VCD2 Print Audit NotesLinker RTPatch Professional Polar Precision Performance SW PauseRite PowerGadgets Primavera P3ec for Construction Internet PrintWhere ProVation MD QuarkXPress Passport PowerGUI Reporter TOAD for SQL Server WMAConvert RBR Logger Software Rhapsody Music Subscription Service Super Collapse! II Realtek HD Sound Manager Sound Effect Manager VNC Enterprise Edition VNC Server Log Rescue Red Gate SQL Bundle Time Matters Time Matters Time Matters Enterprise Reuters Desktop Management Console Caplio Software DeskTopBinder DeskTopBinder Lite SIPwin Resize Browser pdrepair Pdxrbld PDF Image Extraction Wizard Enterprise Administrator RocLab Swedge Unwedge ACCUTALK CostWorks XMLFox XML Editor freeware Saba Centra ProtectDrive SalesLogix Pivot Reporter FolderMatch WinUHA eBook Studio 1 Panda ClientShield 4 Panda Internet Security 2007 PopUpStopper 2 inPHorm Hose and Fittings 2 Subway Environment Simulation 4 Passware Kit Enterprise 7 WeatherEye 2 Photodex Presenter 2 Photodex Presenter 2 Photoleap 1 ImageMixer for HDD Camcorder 1 ImageMixer VCD2 2 Print Audit 5 NotesLinker 3 RTPatch Professional 6 Polar Precision Performance SW 4 PauseRite 1 PowerGadgets 1 Primavera P3ec for Construction 3 Internet PrintWhere 2 ProVation MD 4 QuarkXPress Passport 6 PowerGUI 1 Reporter 5 TOAD for SQL Server 2 WMAConvert 1 RBR Logger Software 4 Rhapsody Music Subscription Service 4 Super Collapse! II 1 Realtek HD Sound Manager 1 Sound Effect Manager 2 VNC Enterprise Edition 4 VNC Server 4 Log Rescue 1 Red Gate SQL Bundle 3 Time Matters 6 Time Matters 7 Time Matters Enterprise 8 Reuters Desktop Management Console 4 Caplio Software 4 DeskTopBinder 2 DeskTopBinder Lite 5 SIPwin 2 Resize Browser 1 pdrepair 4 Pdxrbld 4 PDF Image Extraction Wizard 1 Enterprise Administrator 4 RocLab 1 Swedge 4 Unwedge 3 ACCUTALK 2000 CostWorks 9 XMLFox XML Editor freeware 1 Saba Centra 7 ProtectDrive 8 SalesLogix Pivot Reporter 3 FolderMatch 3 WinUHA 2 IBM Inc 2011 eBook Studio 1 Panda ClientShield 4.1 Panda Internet Security 2007 PopUpStopper 2 inPHorm Hose and Fittings 2 Subway Environment Simulation 4 Passware Kit Enterprise 7 WeatherEye 2 Photodex Presenter 2 Photodex Presenter 2 Photoleap 1 ImageMixer for HDD Camcorder 1 ImageMixer VCD2 2 Print Audit 5.0 NotesLinker 3 RTPatch Professional 6 Polar Precision Performance SW 4 PauseRite 1 PowerGadgets 1 Primavera P3ec for Construction 3 Internet PrintWhere 2 ProVation MD 4 QuarkXPress Passport 6 PowerGUI 1 Reporter 5 TOAD for SQL Server 2 WMAConvert 1 RBR Logger Software 4.26 Rhapsody Music Subscription Service 4.0 Super Collapse! II 1 Realtek HD Sound Manager 1 Sound Effect Manager 2 VNC Enterprise Edition 4 VNC Server 4 Log Rescue 1 Red Gate SQL Bundle 3 Time Matters 6 Time Matters 7 Time Matters Enterprise 8 Reuters Desktop Management Console 4 Caplio Software 4 DeskTopBinder 2 DeskTopBinder Lite 5.3 SIPwin 2 Resize Browser 1 pdrepair 4 Pdxrbld 4 PDF Image Extraction Wizard 1 Enterprise Administrator 4 RocLab 1 Swedge 4 Unwedge 3 ACCUTALK 2000 CostWorks 9 XMLFox XML Editor freeware 1 Saba Centra 7 ProtectDrive 8 SalesLogix Pivot Reporter 3 FolderMatch 3 WinUHA 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 Sammsoft San Diego Data Processing Corp. San Diego Data Processing Corp. SanDisk Satish Kumar ScanSoft Inc. Schlumberger Limited Sea-Bird Electronics Inc. Secure Computing Sensormatic Sepialine Inc. Serif Inc. Shell Tools LLC ShurVault Solutions Inc. SiComponents SiComponents SiComponents SiComponents Sigma Tel Inc. SignCAD Systems Inc. SillySot Software Sinovation Inc. Sinovation Inc. sipgate GmbH (V.i.S.d.P) SkySof Software Inc. SkySof Software Inc. SkySof Software Inc. Skywire Software smartFOCUS Group plc SnapStream Media Inc. Snap-tite Inc. Softek Services Ltd. Softek Services Ltd. Softland SRL Softnik Technologies SoftSoft Ltd. SoftSoft Ltd. Software Garden Inc. Software Protection Labs Solinst Canada Ltd. SoMat Corporation SoMat Corporation SoMat Corporation SoMat Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB Soundlinks Ltd. Sparx Systems Pty Ltd Sprint Nextel SPSS Inc. Standard Networks Inc. Star Finanz GmbH Stardock Corporation Starz Entertainment LLC Statios LLC Stolt Comex Seaway SA 1/13/12 Advanced Registry Optimizer SPORT SPORT SanDisk TransferMate Wink OmniForm Internet Filler AquiferTest Sea-Bird RemoveRegVal American Dynamics EDVR Client Argos Client Serif PhotoPlus PowerShellAnalyzer ShurVault SIL Editor SIL Editor TsiLang Dictionary Manager TsiLang Dictionary Manager C-Major Audio SignCAD Iconoid MediaCoder MediaCoder sipgate Faxdrucker AppSpy DirSpy ServerSpy wipedit smartFOCUS Viper Firefly Mini Autoclave Engineers Fluid Components E-Catalog S-CONCRETE Softek Structural Office Backup4all IP Lookup WinTopo Freeware WinTopo Pro Dan Bricklins demo-it! Player PC Guard for .NET/Win32 Levelogger InField SoMat TCE SoMat TCE 3500 SoMat TCE eDAQ Disc2Phone DVD Architect Studio PictureGear Panorama Maker Sony ACID XMC Vegas Movie Studio Platinum Mobile Connectivity Suite pwWebSpeak Enterprise Architect Sprint PCS Connection Manager ShowCase Suite MOVEit Buddy StarMoney Multiplicity Vongo WinGslib HS2000 AMS Advanced Registry Optimizer 5 SPORT 1 SPORT 2 SanDisk TransferMate 1 Wink 1 OmniForm Internet Filler 1 AquiferTest 4 Sea-Bird 1 RemoveRegVal 1 American Dynamics EDVR Client 3 Argos Client 6 Serif PhotoPlus 6 PowerShellAnalyzer 1 ShurVault 2 SIL Editor 4 SIL Editor 5 TsiLang Dictionary Manager 2 TsiLang Dictionary Manager 3 C-Major Audio 1 SignCAD 5 Iconoid 3 MediaCoder 0 MediaCoder 0 sipgate Faxdrucker 1 AppSpy 2 DirSpy 2 ServerSpy 2 wipedit 11 smartFOCUS Viper 6 Firefly Mini 1 Autoclave Engineers Fluid Components E-Catalog 8 S-CONCRETE 8 Softek Structural Office 8 Backup4all 3 IP Lookup 1 WinTopo Freeware 1 WinTopo Pro 3 Dan Bricklins demo-it! Player 2 PC Guard for .NET/Win32 5 Levelogger 3 InField 1 SoMat TCE 3 SoMat TCE 3500 3 SoMat TCE eDAQ 3 Disc2Phone 1 DVD Architect Studio 3 PictureGear Panorama Maker 1 Sony ACID XMC 6 Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 6 Mobile Connectivity Suite 1 pwWebSpeak 1 Enterprise Architect 6 Sprint PCS Connection Manager 3 ShowCase Suite 7 MOVEit Buddy 3 StarMoney 6 Multiplicity 1 Vongo 1 WinGslib 1 HS2000 AMS 1 IBM Inc 2011 Advanced Registry Optimizer 5 SPORT 1 SPORT 2 SanDisk TransferMate 1 Wink 1 OmniForm Internet Filler 1 AquiferTest 4 Sea-Bird 1 RemoveRegVal 1 American Dynamics EDVR Client 3.5 Argos Client 6.3 Serif PhotoPlus 6.0 PowerShellAnalyzer 1 ShurVault 2.5 SIL Editor 4.1 SIL Editor 5.1 TsiLang Dictionary Manager 2.3 TsiLang Dictionary Manager 3.0 C-Major Audio 1.0 SignCAD 5 Iconoid 3 MediaCoder 0 MediaCoder 0 sipgate Faxdrucker 1.0 AppSpy 2 DirSpy 2 ServerSpy 2 wipedit 11 smartFOCUS Viper 6 Firefly Mini 1 Autoclave Engineers Fluid Components E-Catalog 8 S-CONCRETE 8 Softek Structural Office 8 Backup4all 3 IP Lookup 1 WinTopo Freeware 1 WinTopo Pro 3 Dan Bricklins demo-it! Player 2 PC Guard for .NET/Win32 5.0 Levelogger 3 InField 1 SoMat TCE 3 SoMat TCE 3500 3 SoMat TCE eDAQ 3 Disc2Phone 1 DVD Architect Studio 3 PictureGear Panorama Maker 1 Sony ACID XMC 6 Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 6 Mobile Connectivity Suite 1 pwWebSpeak 1 Enterprise Architect 6 Sprint PCS Connection Manager 3.0 ShowCase Suite 7 MOVEit Buddy 3 StarMoney 6.0 Multiplicity 1 Vongo 1 WinGslib 1 HS2000 AMS 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 Styopkin Software Sun Microsystems Inc. Sunbelt Software Distribution Inc. Sweetscape Software Sweetscape Software Sybase Inc. Sybase Inc. Symantec Corporation Symantec Corporation Symantec Corporation Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC TAL Technologies Inc. Tamosoft TangoTools.com TatukGIS TeamScope Software Inc. TeamViewer GmbH Teratrax Inc. TerraGlyph Interactive Studios Texas Instruments Inc. Texas Instruments Inc. Texas Instruments Inc. TGRMN The Center for Internet Security The Coding Workshop Limited The MathWorks Inc. The MathWorks Inc. Tidewater Systems ToniArts TopoGrafix TopoGrafix Torchsoft TOSHIBA CORPORATION. TOSHIBA CORPORATION. TOSHIBA CORPORATION. Touchpaper Software plc Tracker Software Products Ltd. Tracker Software Products Ltd. Trend Micro Inc. Trend Micro Inc. triCerat Inc. TSI Inc. Turbo Squid Inc. Turner Broadcasting System Inc. Two Pilots Ulead Systems Inc. Unicor Medical Inc. Unigraphics Solutions Inc Unigraphics Solutions Inc Uniplot Software GmbH University of Toronto Upscene Productions Upscene Productions Utimaco Safeware AG Ventis Media Inc. VeriSign Inc. VERITAS Software Corporation VERITAS Software Corporation 1/13/12 Free&Easy Font Viewer Java Runtime Environment iHateSpam 010 Editor 010 Editor Advantage Data Architect TimeCard Backup Exec DLO Norton Security Scan Symantec Endpoint Protection Sysinternals ADExplorer Sysinternals Debugview Sysinternals Handle WINWEDGE CommView Remote Agent JpegSizer TatukGIS Viewer Outlook Linker TeamViewer Teratrax Database Manager Showdown in Ghost Town Code Composer Studio FilterPro Tina-TI ViceVersa Plus Windows NT/2000 Security Scoring Tool Pocket DVD Wizard MATLAB MATLAB WSFinger32 EasyHtml EasyGPS ExpertGPS Registry Workshop ConfigFree Delete Hard Disk Recovery Partition PC Diagnostic Tool HelpDesk PDF-XChange Viewer PDF-XChange Viewer CWShredder Trend Micro PortalProtect ScrewDrivers Client TSI Turbo Squid Tentacles GameTap Screenshot Pilot Ulead Photo Express Alpha IIs CodeWizard Solid Edge Viewer Solid Edge Viewer UniPlot Reinforced Concrete Apps Database Workbench Database Workbench Pro SafeGuard PrivateCrypto MediaMonkey NAVI Client Backup Exec for Windows NT - Remote VERITAS Software Console Free&Easy Font Viewer 1 Java 2 Runtime Environment 5 iHateSpam 4 010 Editor 2 010 Editor 3 Advantage Data Architect 7 TimeCard 8 Backup Exec DLO 3 Norton Security Scan 2 Symantec Endpoint Protection 11 Sysinternals ADExplorer 1 Sysinternals Debugview 4 Sysinternals Handle 3 WINWEDGE 1 CommView Remote Agent 2 JpegSizer 6 TatukGIS Viewer 1 Outlook Linker 1 TeamViewer 4 Teratrax Database Manager 4 Showdown in Ghost Town 1 Code Composer Studio 3 FilterPro 2 Tina-TI 7 ViceVersa Plus 2 Windows NT/2000 Security Scoring Tool 2 Pocket DVD Wizard 3 MATLAB 5 MATLAB 5 WSFinger32 1 EasyHtml 2 EasyGPS 2 ExpertGPS 2 Registry Workshop 3 ConfigFree 5 Delete Hard Disk Recovery Partition 1 PC Diagnostic Tool 1 HelpDesk 6 PDF-XChange Viewer 1 PDF-XChange Viewer 2 CWShredder 2 Trend Micro PortalProtect 1 ScrewDrivers Client 4 TSI 1 Turbo Squid Tentacles 3 GameTap 3 Screenshot Pilot 1 Ulead Photo Express 4 Alpha IIs CodeWizard 2 Solid Edge Viewer 14 Solid Edge Viewer 20 UniPlot 5 Reinforced Concrete Apps 1 Database Workbench 2 Database Workbench Pro 3 SafeGuard PrivateCrypto 2 MediaMonkey 2 NAVI Client 2 Backup Exec for Windows NT - Remote 9 VERITAS Software Console 2 IBM Inc 2011 Free&Easy Font Viewer 1 Java 2 Runtime Environment 5.0 iHateSpam 4 010 Editor 2 010 Editor 3 Advantage Data Architect 7 TimeCard 8 Backup Exec DLO 3.1 Norton Security Scan 2.0 Symantec Endpoint Protection 11 Sysinternals ADExplorer 1 Sysinternals Debugview 4.76 Sysinternals Handle 3.42 WINWEDGE 1 CommView Remote Agent 2 JpegSizer 6.4 TatukGIS Viewer 1 Outlook Linker 1 TeamViewer 4.1 Teratrax Database Manager 4.0 Showdown in Ghost Town 1 Code Composer Studio 3 FilterPro 2 Tina-TI 7 ViceVersa Plus 2 Windows NT/2000 Security Scoring Tool 2 Pocket DVD Wizard 3 MATLAB 5.1 MATLAB 5.2 WSFinger32 1 EasyHtml 2 EasyGPS 2 ExpertGPS 2 Registry Workshop 3 ConfigFree 5 Delete Hard Disk Recovery Partition 1 PC Diagnostic Tool 1 HelpDesk 6 PDF-XChange Viewer 1 PDF-XChange Viewer 2.0 CWShredder 2.10 Trend Micro PortalProtect 1.7 ScrewDrivers Client 4.2 TSI 1 Turbo Squid Tentacles 3 GameTap 3 Screenshot Pilot 1 Ulead Photo Express 4 Alpha IIs CodeWizard 2 Solid Edge Viewer 14 Solid Edge Viewer 20 UniPlot 5 Reinforced Concrete Apps 1 Database Workbench 2 Database Workbench Pro 3 SafeGuard PrivateCrypto 2.11 MediaMonkey 2 NAVI Client 2 Backup Exec for Windows NT - Remote 9 VERITAS Software Console 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 11 Videx Inc. Visicom Media Inc. Visual Click Software Inc. Visual Components Inc. Visual Solutions Inc. Visualizer Image Group Voiceware Co. Ltd. Vyapin Software Systems Watson Wyatt Data Services Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. Wavelength Digital Limited WebEx Inc Webyog Softworks Pvt. Ltd. White Plume Technologies LLC WinAbility Software Corporation WinGuides Software Wise Owl Inc. Wise Solutions Inc. Witness Systems Inc. Xerox Corporation Xfire Inc. Xing Technology Corp. Xing Technology Corp. Xing Technology Corp. Xing Technology Corp. Xobni Corporation Xobni Corporation Xtreeme GmbH Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo! Inc. YSI Incorporated ZDNet ZDNet ZDNet Zeallsoft Inc. Zend Technologies Ltd. Zero G Software Inc. Zero2000 Software Zinio Systems Inc. ZJMedia Digital Technology Ltd. ZOHO Corporation 2X Software LLC 2X Software LLC 2X Software LLC 2X Software LLC 4D Abbott Systems Inc. Access Control Technology Access Softek Access Softek Accolade Inc. ACD Systems Ltd. ACD Systems Ltd. ACD Systems Ltd. Acer Inc. 1/13/12 CyberAudit AceFTP DSRAZOR Formula One Workbook Designer VisSim Visualizer Photo Resize VoiceText Admin Report Kit HospCompQuest Password Vault Viewer Password Vault Viewer RF Analyser WebEx AIM Pro SQLyog CodeScan TweakUAC Tweak Manager Demeanor for .NET ICS Viewer Witness Client CentreWare Web Xfire GPS TrackMaker honestech One Touch DVD HT Fireman CD/DVD Burner iCD CoolBeLa XobniService XobniService Search Engine Studio EncWar Yahoo! Browser Yahoo! Parental Controls Yahoo! Toolbar Yahoo! Toolbar Yahoo! Widgets EcoWatch for Windows IconEdit IconEdit WMatch Super Screen Capture Zend Studio for Eclipse InstallAnywhere Enterprise 2nd Speech Center Zinio Reader WinAVIVideoConverter Zoho Meeting 2X ApplicationServer for Windows Terminal Services 2X Client 2X Virtual Desktop Server 2X Virtual Desktop Server 4D Abbott Powerstrip ACTWin Pro Dragnet Prompt Jack Nicklaus Tour Collection ACDSee ACDSee ACDSee Acer GridVista CyberAudit 2 AceFTP 3 DSRAZOR 2005 Formula One Workbook Designer 4 VisSim 4 Visualizer Photo Resize 3 VoiceText 1 Admin Report Kit 4 HospCompQuest 1 Password Vault Viewer 3 Password Vault Viewer 3 RF Analyser 2 WebEx AIM Pro 1 SQLyog 1 CodeScan 3 TweakUAC 1 Tweak Manager 2 Demeanor for .NET 3 ICS Viewer 6 Witness Client 5 CentreWare Web 1 Xfire 1 GPS TrackMaker 13 honestech One Touch DVD 2 HT Fireman CD/DVD Burner 1 iCD CoolBeLa 1 XobniService 1 XobniService 1 Search Engine Studio 3 EncWar 98 Yahoo! Browser 2003 Yahoo! Parental Controls 2004 Yahoo! Toolbar 7 Yahoo! Toolbar 7 Yahoo! Widgets 4 EcoWatch for Windows 3 IconEdit 1 IconEdit 2 WMatch 2 Super Screen Capture 1 Zend Studio for Eclipse 6 InstallAnywhere Enterprise 8 2nd Speech Center 3 Zinio Reader 3 WinAVIVideoConverter 1 Zoho Meeting 1 2X ApplicationServer for Windows Terminal Services 7 2X Client 7 2X Virtual Desktop Server 7 2X Virtual Desktop Server 7 4D 11 Abbott Powerstrip 1 ACTWin Pro 2 Dragnet 2 Prompt 2 Jack Nicklaus Tour Collection ACDSee 8 ACDSee 8 ACDSee 9 Acer GridVista 4 IBM Inc 2011 CyberAudit 2 AceFTP 3 DSRAZOR 2005 Formula One Workbook Designer 4 VisSim 4 Visualizer Photo Resize 3 VoiceText 1 Admin Report Kit 4 HospCompQuest 1 Password Vault Viewer 3 Password Vault Viewer 3 RF Analyser 2 WebEx AIM Pro 1 SQLyog 1.0 CodeScan 3 TweakUAC 1 Tweak Manager 2 Demeanor for .NET 3 ICS Viewer 6 Witness Client 5 CentreWare Web 1 Xfire 1 GPS TrackMaker 13 honestech One Touch DVD 2 HT Fireman CD/DVD Burner 1 iCD CoolBeLa 1 XobniService 1 XobniService 1.8 Search Engine Studio 3.0 EncWar 98 Yahoo! Browser 2003 Yahoo! Parental Controls 2004 Yahoo! Toolbar 7 Yahoo! Toolbar 7 Yahoo! Widgets 4 EcoWatch for Windows 3.17 IconEdit 1 IconEdit 2 WMatch 2 Super Screen Capture 1 Zend Studio for Eclipse 6 InstallAnywhere Enterprise 8 2nd Speech Center 3 Zinio Reader 3 WinAVIVideoConverter 1 Zoho Meeting 1 1.0 2X ApplicationServer for Windows Terminal Services 7.1 2X Client 7.3 2X Virtual Desktop Server 7.1 2X Virtual Desktop Server 7.3 4D 11.5 Abbott Powerstrip 1.0 ACTWin Pro 2.5 Dragnet 2.1 Prompt 2.0 Jack Nicklaus Tour Collection ACDSee 8.0 ACDSee 8.1 ACDSee 9.0 Acer GridVista 4.29 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 Acronis Inc. activePDF Inc. ActivIdentity Inc. Activision Activision Inc. Activision Inc. Actsoft Inc. Acute System Acute System Adaptec Inc. Adaptec Inc. Adept SQL Tools Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Affiliated Computer Services Inc. AGD Interactive Ageia Ai Squared Ai Squared Aladdin Enterprises Aladdin Enterprises Aladdin Enterprises Aladdin Enterprises Alchemy Lab Alex May and Rudolf Kremers ALGOR Inc. Alias Systems Corp. Alias Systems Corp. Alias Systems Corp. Alias Systems Corp. Alias Systems Corp. ALK Technologies Inc. ALK Technologies Inc. Alki Software Corporation Allround Automations Alpha Networks Inc. Alpha Networks Inc. Alps Electric Co. Ltd. Alps Electric Co. Ltd. 1/13/12 Acronis True Image PrimoPDF ActivClient Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty 2 Demo Comet Tracker CrossFont CrossFont CI/O Management Software EZ-SCSI AdeptSQL Diff Acrobat Catalog Acrobat Distiller Acrobat Elements Acrobat Reader Acrobat Reader Adobe Acrobat Adobe Audition Adobe Audition Adobe Captivate Adobe Captivate Adobe CS4 Deployment Toolkit Adobe GoLive Adobe Illustrator Adobe PageMaker Adobe PageMaker Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Authorware Authorware Runtime ColdFusion Director FrameViewer JRun Server Persuasion Player ACS Data Protection Agent King s Quest I AGEIA PhysX Boxes Demonstration ZoomText 9.1 ZoomText 9.1 Ghostscript Ghostscript Ghostscript Ghostscript Remote Control PRO Dyson ALGOR Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya PC Miler Worldwide PC Miler Worldwide Microsoft Word Companion Disk PLSQL Developer Anio Service Aniwzcs2 Service Alps Pointing-device Driver Dell Touchpad Acronis True Image 9 PrimoPDF 5 ActivClient 6 Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye 1 Call of Duty 2 2 Call of Duty 2 Demo 2 Comet Tracker 5 CrossFont 5 CrossFont 5 CI/O Management Software 2 EZ-SCSI 4 AdeptSQL Diff 1 Acrobat Catalog 4 Acrobat Distiller 5 Adobe Acrobat Elements 9 Acrobat Reader 2 Acrobat Reader 9 Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard Adobe Audition 1 Adobe Audition 3 Adobe Captivate 3 Adobe Captivate 4 Adobe CS4 Deployment Toolkit 1 Adobe GoLive 5 Adobe Illustrator 7 PageMaker 3 PageMaker 5 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Authorware 7 Authorware Runtime 4 ColdFusion 9 Director 11 FrameViewer release 5 JRun Server 3 Persuasion Player 1 ACS Data Protection Agent 3 King s Quest I 3 AGEIA PhysX Boxes Demonstration 2 ZoomText 9 ZoomText 9 Ghostscript 4 Ghostscript 5 Ghostscript 6 Ghostscript 7 Remote Control PRO 3 Dyson 1 ALGOR 22 Maya 2006 Maya 2008 Maya 2009 Maya 2010 Maya 8 PC Miler Worldwide 19 PC Miler Worldwide 22 Microsoft Word Companion Disk 5 PLSQL Developer 6 Anio Service 1 Aniwzcs2 Service 1 Alps Pointing-device Driver 7 Dell Touchpad (All Versions) IBM Inc 2011 Acronis True Image 9.1 PrimoPDF 5.0 ActivClient 6.1 Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye 1.0 Call of Duty 2 2.0 Call of Duty 2 Demo 2.0 Comet Tracker 5.3 CrossFont 5.4 CrossFont 5.1 CI/O Management Software 2.21 EZ-SCSI 4.0 AdeptSQL Diff 1.96 Acrobat Catalog 4.0 Acrobat Distiller 5 Adobe Acrobat Elements 9.3 Acrobat Reader 2.1 Acrobat Reader 9.3 Adobe Acrobat 9.3 Adobe Audition 1.5 Adobe Audition 3.0 Adobe Captivate 3.0 Adobe Captivate 4.0 Adobe CS4 Deployment Toolkit 1.0 Adobe GoLive 5.0 Illustrator 7.0 PageMaker 3.0 PageMaker 5.0 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.5 Authorware 7.0 Authorware Runtime 4.0 ColdFusion 9.0 Director 11.5 FrameViewer release 5 JRun Server 3.0 Persuasion Player 1.0 ACS Data Protection Agent 3.1 King s Quest I 3.1 AGEIA PhysX Boxes Demonstration 2.6 ZoomText 9.13 ZoomText 9.1 Tutorial 8.0 Ghostscript 4.03 Ghostscript 5.5 Ghostscript 6.01 Ghostscript 7.04 Remote Control PRO 3.7 Dyson 1.0 ALGOR 22.0 Maya 2006 Maya 2008 Maya 2009 Maya 2010 Maya 8.5 PC Miler Worldwide 19.1 PC Miler Worldwide 22.0 Microsoft Word Companion Disk 5.0 PLSQL Developer 6.0 Anio Service 1.0 Aniwzcs2 Service 1.0 Alps Pointing-device Driver 7.0 Dell Touchpad 1.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13 Altair Engineering Inc. Altair Engineering Inc. Amazon.com Inc. Ambulant American Power Conversion (APC) American Speechsounds AnalogX ANSYS Inc. AnyClient Any-Video-Converter.com AnywhereTS Apache Group APEX Analytix Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Applix Inc. Arcade Lab Arcot Systems ArcSoft Inc. ArcSoft Inc. ArcSoft Inc. ARDI Aris Entertainment Artifex Software Artisoft Artisoft AT&T AT&T Atex Inc. ATI Technologies Inc. ATI Technologies Inc. Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attest Systems Inc. Attest Systems Inc. Attitash Software Audible Inc. AuthenTec Inc. Author Direct Shareware Author Direct Shareware Author Direct Shareware Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. 1/13/12 HyperMesh Optistruct Amazon Unbox Ambulant Player PowerChute Personal Edition American Speechsounds Professional Proxy ANSYS/Multiphysics AnyClient Any DVD Converter Professional AnywhereTS Apache HTTP Server FirstStrike eCommercial AirPort Extreme Admin Utility Apple Mobile Device Support Apple Mobile Device Support QuickTime for Windows Rendezvous TM1 Bricks of Camelot Webfort VAS PhotoImpression Print Creations WebCam Companion Executor Best of Media Clips Ghostscript CO/Session CO/Session Host AT&T Global Network Dialer Communication Manager Sequel Reports ATI Problem Report Wizard ATI Video Drivers for Windows 3.1 EXTRA! For Windows IRMA WorkStation Reflection Customization Manager Reflection for HP with NS/VT Reflection for IBM Reflection for ReGIS Graphics Reflection for UNIX and Digital GASP eAudit GASP Report AttiTools AudibleManager Fingerprint Sensor Passwords Max Passwords Max for Groups Passwords Max for Groups 3ds Max 3ds Max AutoCAD AutoCAD AutoCAD Autodesk CAD Manager Tools Autodesk Design Review Autodesk Express Viewer Autodesk Express Viewer Autodesk Express Viewer Autodesk Land Desktop HyperMesh 2 Optistruct 3 Amazon Unbox 2 Ambulant Player 1 PowerChute Personal Edition 2 American Speechsounds Professional 5 Proxy 1 ANSYS/Multiphysics 5 AnyClient 1 Any DVD Converter Professional 3 AnywhereTS 3 Apache HTTP Server 1 FirstStrike eCommercial 10 AirPort Extreme Admin Utility 4 Apple Mobile Device Support 1 Apple Mobile Device Support 2 QuickTime for Windows 1 Rendezvous 1 TM1 8 Bricks of Camelot 1 Webfort VAS 4 PhotoImpression 6 Print Creations 2 WebCam Companion 2 Executor 2 Best of Media Clips 2 Ghostscript 8 CO/Session 5 CO/Session Host 6 AT&T Global Network Dialer 4 Communication Manager 6 Sequel Reports 2 ATI Problem Report Wizard 6 ATI Video Drivers for Windows 3 EXTRA! For Windows 3 IRMA WorkStation 2 Reflection Customization Manager 14 Reflection for HP with NS/VT 14 Reflection for IBM 14 Reflection for ReGIS Graphics 14 Reflection for UNIX and Digital 14 GASP eAudit 7 GASP Report 7 AttiTools 1 AudibleManager 5 Fingerprint Sensor 8 Passwords Max 5 Passwords Max for Groups 5 Passwords Max for Groups 5 3ds Max 10 3ds Max 9 AutoCAD 2002 AutoCAD 2008 AutoCAD 2010 Autodesk CAD Manager Tools 18 Autodesk Design Review 10 Autodesk Express Viewer 10 Autodesk Express Viewer 7 Autodesk Express Viewer 7 Autodesk Land Desktop 2006 IBM Inc 2011 HyperMesh 2.1 Optistruct 3.3 Amazon Unbox 2.1 Ambulant Player 1.0 PowerChute Personal Edition 2.1 American Speechsounds Professional 5.4 Proxy 1.0 ANSYS/Multiphysics 5.4 AnyClient 1.0 Any DVD Converter Professional 3.7 AnywhereTS 3.0 Apache HTTP Server 1.3.4 FirstStrike eCommercial 10.0 AirPort Extreme Admin Utility 4.2 Apple Mobile Device Support 1.14 Apple Mobile Device Support 2.50 QuickTime for Windows 1.1 Rendezvous 1.0 TM1 8.0 Bricks of Camelot 1.0 Webfort VAS 4.28 PhotoImpression 6.1 Print Creations 2.8 WebCam Companion 2.0 Executor 2.0 Best of Media Clips 2.01 Ghostscript 8.51 CO/Session 5.0 CO/Session Host 6.1 AT&T Global Network Dialer 4.26 Communication Manager 6.3 Sequel Reports 2.23 ATI Problem Report Wizard 6.14 ATI Video Drivers for Windows 3.1 EXTRA! For Windows 3.5 IRMA WorkStation 2.1.2 Reflection Customization Manager 14.0 Reflection for HP with NS/VT 14.0 Reflection for IBM 14.0 Reflection for ReGIS Graphics 14.0 Reflection for UNIX and Digital 14.0 GASP eAudit 7.1 GASP Report 7.1 AttiTools 1.01 AudibleManager 5.1 Fingerprint Sensor 8.0 Passwords Max 5.72 Passwords Max for Groups 5.49 Passwords Max for Groups 5.72 3ds Max 10.0 3ds Max 9.2 AutoCAD 2002 AutoCAD 2008 AutoCAD 2010 Autodesk CAD Manager Tools 18.0 Autodesk Design Review 10.0 Autodesk Express Viewer 10.0 Autodesk Express Viewer 7.0 Autodesk Express Viewer 7.2 Autodesk Land Desktop 2006 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 14 Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Autodesk Inc. Avanquest Software AVAYA Communication AVAYA Communication AVAYA Communication AVAYA Communication Avery Dennison Corporation Avid Technology Inc. Avid Technology Inc. AXIS Communications AB Axonic Informationssysteme GmbH Axway Software Babylon Ltd. Badger I.T. BEA Systems Inc. BEA Systems Inc. Belkin Bentley Systems Inc. Berkeley Systems Berkeley Systems Berkley Integrated Audio Software Inc. BHOK IT Consulting Bioscript Inc. Bioscript Inc. Bitstream Inc. Bitstream Inc. Blizzard Entertainment BLOC Publishing BLOC Publishing Bluebeam Software Inc. Bluebeam Software Inc. Bluebeam Software Inc. Bluebeam Software Inc. BMC Software Inc. BonaVista Systems Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Boson Software LLC. 1/13/12 Autodesk LandXML Reporting Autodesk Revit Autodesk Revit DWG TrueView Ecotect James Gleick's Chaos ProjectPoint ProjectPoint Wiretap Modem Helper Avaya Site Administration Avaya Voice Player Call Center View IP Office Avery Wizard Instant DVD Recorder Studio Axis Media Control SDK Lookeen Cyclone Activator Babylon Builder VOB2MPG BEA JRockit WebLogic Workshop Belkin Bulldog Plus HAMMER Disney Collection Screen Saver Star Trek - The Screen Saver BIAS Authorization Manager StudioTax Cognizance Identity Manager Cognizance Identity Manager Bitstream Fontware Fontware Symbols I Warcraft: Orcs and Humans Diskette Manager III FormFiller Bluebeam PDF Revu Bluebeam PDF Revu Bluebeam Stapler Stamp Editor Action Request System MicroCharts Borland Applause II for DOS Borland C++ Borland C++ Borland C++ Borland C++ Borland C++ Borland Draw Applause Borland Turbo Assembler Borland Turbo Assembler & Debugger Borland Turbo Basic Borland Turbo C++ Borland Turbo C++ Borland Turbo Pascal Borland Turbo Pascal Borland Turbo Pascal Borland Turbo Pascal Boson NetSim for CCNA Autodesk LandXML Reporting 18 Autodesk Revit 10 Autodesk Revit 2010 DWG TrueView 2010 Ecotect 2010 James Gleick's Chaos 1 ProjectPoint 2009 ProjectPoint 7 Wiretap 1 Modem Helper 1.0 Avaya Site Administration 2 Avaya Voice Player 2 Call Center View 5 IP Office 6 Avery Wizard 3 Instant DVD Recorder 2 Studio 12 Axis Media Control SDK 1 Lookeen 2010 Cyclone Activator 1 Babylon Builder 1 VOB2MPG 3 BEA JRockit 8 WebLogic Workshop 7 Belkin Bulldog Plus 1 HAMMER V8 XM Disney Collection Screen Saver 1 Star Trek - The Screen Saver 1 BIAS Authorization Manager 1 StudioTax 2008 Cognizance Identity Manager 2 Cognizance Identity Manager 3 Bitstream Fontware 2 Fontware Symbols I 1 Warcraft: Orcs and Humans 1 Diskette Manager III 1 FormFiller 3 Bluebeam PDF Revu 7 Bluebeam PDF Revu 7 Bluebeam Stapler 7 Stamp Editor 7 Action Request System 4 MicroCharts 1 Borland Applause II for DOS 1 Borland C++ 2 Borland C++ 3 Borland C++ 4 Borland C++ 4 Borland C++ 5 Borland Draw Applause 1 Borland Turbo Assembler 5 Borland Turbo Assembler & Debugger 1 Borland Turbo Basic 1 Borland Turbo C++ 1 Borland Turbo C++ 3 Borland Turbo Pascal 1 Borland Turbo Pascal 1 Borland Turbo Pascal 6 Borland Turbo Pascal 7 Boson NetSim for CCNA 7 IBM Inc 2011 Autodesk LandXML Reporting 18.8 Autodesk Revit 10.0 Autodesk Revit 2010 DWG TrueView 2010 Ecotect 2010 James Gleick's Chaos 1.0 ProjectPoint 2009.1 ProjectPoint 7.1 Wiretap 1.0 Modem Helper 1.0 Avaya Site Administration 2.1 Avaya Voice Player 2.35 Call Center View 5.0 IP Office 6.0 Avery Wizard 3 Instant DVD Recorder 2.5 Studio 12.1 Axis Media Control SDK 1.0 Lookeen 2010 Cyclone Activator 1.0 Babylon Builder 1.0 VOB2MPG 3.0 BEA JRockit 8.1 WebLogic Workshop 7.0 Belkin Bulldog Plus 1.1 HAMMER V8 XM Disney Collection Screen Saver 1.0 Star Trek - The Screen Saver 1.0 BIAS Authorization Manager 1.1 StudioTax 2008 Cognizance Identity Manager 2.5 Cognizance Identity Manager 3.0 Bitstream Fontware 2.04 Fontware Symbols I 1.0 Warcraft: Orcs and Humans 1.12 Diskette Manager III 1.0 FormFiller 3.0 Bluebeam PDF Revu 7.0 Bluebeam PDF Revu 7.0 Bluebeam Stapler 7.0 Stamp Editor 7.0 Action Request System 4.0 MicroCharts 1.0 Borland Applause II for DOS 1.5 Borland C++ 2.0 Borland C++ 3.0 Borland C++ 4.52 Borland C++ 4.0 Borland C++ 5.0 Borland Draw Applause 1.0 Borland Turbo Assembler 5.0 Borland Turbo Assembler & Debugger 1.0 Borland Turbo Basic 1.0 Borland Turbo C++ 1.0 Borland Turbo C++ 3.0 Borland Turbo Pascal 1.5 Borland Turbo Pascal 1.0 Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0 Borland Turbo Pascal 7.0 Boson NetSim for CCNA 7.26 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 Boxer Software Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Corporation Broderbund (SEE Riverdeep) Broderbund (SEE Riverdeep) Broderbund (SEE Riverdeep) Brother Industries Ltd. BT Group Plc. Bullzip.com Business Objects Inc. Bypass.cc Bytel Corporation CADSI (LMS CADSI) CADzation Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canyon Software Canyon Software Canyon Software Canyon Software Canyon Software Canyon Software Canyon Software Canyon Software Cape Systems CaseWare International Inc. CaseWare International Inc. Castelle Corp. Centennial Software Ltd. Centrica plc Cerience Corporation Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Company Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Citeknet CNET Networks Inc. Cobalt Blue Software LLC Codehaus CoffeeCup Software Compaq Computer Corporation Compaq Computer Corporation ComponentOne LLC Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Compuware NuMega connectBlue Inc. Convekta Ltd. Copitrak Worldwide (see Control Systems Inc.) Corel Corporation Corel Corporation Corel Corporation Corel Corporation 1/13/12 Boxer Text Editor Bluetooth Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 Banner Mania Math Workshop PrintMaster Gold Publishing Suite BRAdmin Professional BT Analyst Elite PDF Printer Crystal Reports Bypass Genifer DADS AcroPlot Canon Dias ZoomBrowser EX ZoomBrowser EX Memory Card Utility Drag and File Drag and File (32-bit) Drag and File Gold Drag and File Gold Drag and File Gold Drag and Zip (16-bit) Drag and Zip (32-bit) Drag and Zip (32-bit) TRUCKFILL CaseView for CaseWare CaseWare FaxPress Centennial Discovery Control Center Centrica Energy Consultant RepliGo Server PlantSpec Cisco DART Cisco Localization Tool Cisco SDM iFilter Explorer Webshots Crazy Eddie Goes to School Groovy Applet Marquee Wizard AltaVista Discovery Visual Fortran (Compiler) C1Report Designer Alert Manager Cheyenne ARCserve Forest & Trees Forest & Trees PC ACH-Direct RegisterIT SIMPLE Win Y2k test program Basic Wizard Chess Assistant Boxer Text Editor 13 Bluetooth 6 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 11 Banner Mania 0 Math Workshop 1 PrintMaster Gold Publishing Suite 4 BRAdmin Professional 3 BT Analyst Elite 5 PDF Printer 6 Crystal Reports 2008 Bypass 0.78 Genifer 1 DADS 8 AcroPlot 7 Canon Dias 1 ZoomBrowser EX 3 ZoomBrowser EX Memory Card Utility 1 Drag And File 1 Drag and File (32-bit) 3 Drag and File Gold 2 Drag and File Gold 3 Drag and File Gold 4 Drag and Zip (16-bit) 5 Drag and Zip (32-bit) 1 Drag and Zip (32-bit) 2 TRUCKFILL 1 CaseView for CaseWare 2005 CaseWare 2005 FaxPress 6 Centennial Discovery Control Center 7 Centrica Energy Consultant 3 RepliGo Server 1 PlantSpec 9 Cisco DART 2 Cisco Localization Tool 1 Cisco SDM 1 iFilter Explorer 1 Webshots 1 Crazy Eddie Goes to School 4 Groovy 1 Applet Marquee Wizard 1 AltaVista Discovery 1 Visual Fortran (Compiler) 5 C1Report Designer 2 Alert Manager 7 Cheyenne ARCserve 6 Forest & Trees 1 Forest & Trees 2 PC ACH-Direct 5 RegisterIT 8 SIMPLE Win 1 Y2k test program Basic Wizard 8 Chess Assistant 3 Boxer Text Editor 13.0 Bluetooth 6.2 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 11.4 Banner Mania 0.78 Math Workshop 1.0 PrintMaster Gold Publishing Suite 4 BRAdmin Professional 3.0 BT Analyst Elite 5.6 PDF Printer 6.0 Crystal Reports 2008 Bypass 0.78 Genifer 1.01 DADS 8.5 AcroPlot 7.1 Canon Dias 1.6 ZoomBrowser EX 3.1 ZoomBrowser EX Memory Card Utility 1.0 Drag And File 1.60 Drag and File (32-bit) 3.0d Drag and File Gold 2.22e Drag and File Gold 3.51a Drag and File Gold 4.16c Drag and Zip (16-bit) 5.3 Drag and Zip (32-bit) 1.3 Drag and Zip (32-bit) 2.22 TRUCKFILL 1.0 CaseView for CaseWare 2005 CaseWare 2005 FaxPress 6.3 Centennial Discovery Control Center 7.1 Centrica Energy Consultant 3.2.3 RepliGo Server 1.0 PlantSpec 9.0 Cisco DART 2.0 Cisco Localization Tool 1.0 Cisco SDM 1.0 iFilter Explorer 1.1 Webshots 1.0 Crazy Eddie Goes to School 4.27 Groovy 1.1 Applet Marquee Wizard 1.0 AltaVista Discovery 1.0 Visual Fortran (Compiler) 5.0 C1Report Designer 2.6 Alert Manager 7.0 Cheyenne ARCserve 6.5 Forest & Trees 1.0a Forest & Trees 2.0a PC ACH-Direct 5.21 RegisterIT 8.1 SIMPLE Win 1.11 Y2k test program Basic Wizard 8.01 Chess Assistant 3.01 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Copitrak Desktop Copitrak Desktop 1 Copitrak Desktop 1.0 3 Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI Corel Professional Photos Corel VideoStudio Grammatik Windows Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI 11 Corel Professional Photos Corel VideoStudio 12 Grammatik Windows 2 Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI 11.0 Corel Professional Photos Corel VideoStudio 12.0 Grammatik Windows 2.0 3 3 3 3 IBM Inc 2011 16 Cosmi Counterpane Systems Creative Technology Ltd. Creative Technology Ltd. Crestron Electronics Inc. Crestron Electronics Inc. Crestron Electronics Inc. Crestron Electronics Inc. Crestron Electronics Inc. Crestron Electronics Inc. Crestron Electronics Inc. Crestron Electronics Inc. Crestron Electronics Inc. Crestron Electronics Inc. Crestron Electronics Inc. CrossLoop CrystalPort C-SOFT SRL Cummins Power Generation Cybermation Inc. Cypress Technologies Cypress Technologies Cypress Technologies DAEMON DEK Software International DEK Software International Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Design & Drafting Design Science Inc. DeviceAnywhere Dexotek Canada Corp. digitalPersona digitalPersona DIP Consultants LLC Dipolar Pty Limited DirectTV Disctronics Disk Doctors Labs Inc. Disk Trix Inc. Distinct Corporation DivlocSoft DivX Inc. DivX Inc. DivXNetworks Inc. DIY DataRecovery D-Link Corporation DocuWare AG Dot Hill Systems Corp. dtSearch Corporation DVD X Copy International 1/13/12 Multimedia Law Library Premiere Edition Password Safe Creative Recorder Dell Webcam Central Crestron Coldfire Crestron D3 Pro Crestron DEAL for Windows Crestron Digital Media Tools Crestron Engraver Crestron iLux Designer Crestron MasterInstaller Crestron SystemBuilder Crestron Toolbox Crestron VisionTools Pro-e SIMPL Windows CrossLoop CrystalPort Browser Laptop Cleanup Utility Cummins Power Suite ESP System Agent LaunchPad LaunchPad (32-bit) LaunchPad Scheduler DAEMON Tools Lite Alchemy Network Inventory Asset Tracker for Networks Ambient Light Sensor Bonjour Printer Wizard Dell EISA Configuration Utility Dell Inspector Dell Networking Guide Dell Open Manage Dell OpenManage Prerequirements Checker Dell Poweredge Diagnostics Dell Poweredge Diagnostics Dell QuickSet QuickSet LD Assistant Ac Equation Editor DeviceAnywhere Studio HandyCalc DigitalPersona Pro DigitalPersona Pro Evolution Personal Quest SUPERCAST APCiDOOM Disk Doctors Outlook Mail Recovery UltimateDefrag File Manager Actual Search & Replace DivX for Windows DivX for Windows Uninstall DivX Recon AirPlus G DocuWare Viewer SpeedStor dtSearch DVD X Copy Platinum Multimedia Law Library Premiere Edition Password Safe 3 Creative Recorder 2 Dell Webcam Central 1 Crestron Coldfire 2 Crestron D3 Pro 2 Crestron DEAL for Windows 4 Crestron Digital Media Tools 3 Crestron Engraver 5 Crestron iLux Designer 1 Crestron MasterInstaller 2 Crestron SystemBuilder 3 Crestron Toolbox 2 Crestron VisionTools Pro-e 3 SIMPL Windows 2 CrossLoop 2 CrystalPort Browser 4 Laptop Cleanup Utility 1 Cummins Power Suite 4 ESP System Agent 6 LaunchPad 3.02 LaunchPad (32-bit) 2 LaunchPad Scheduler 1 DAEMON Tools Lite 4 Alchemy Network Inventory 1 Asset Tracker for Networks 1 Ambient Light Sensor 1 Bonjour Printer Wizard 1 Dell EISA Configuration Utility 2 Dell Inspector 4 Dell Networking Guide 1 Dell Open Manage 1 Dell OpenManage Prerequirements Checker 5 Dell Poweredge Diagnostics 2 Dell Poweredge Diagnostics 2 Dell QuickSet 1 QuickSet 1 LD Assistant Ac 2008 Equation Editor 2 DeviceAnywhere Studio 1 HandyCalc 1 DigitalPersona Pro 4 DigitalPersona Pro 4 Evolution 0 Personal Quest 1 SUPERCAST 1 APCiDOOM Disk Doctors Outlook Mail Recovery 2 UltimateDefrag 2 File Manager 1 Actual Search & Replace 2 DivX for Windows 7 DivX for Windows Uninstall 10 DivX 5 Recon 1 AirPlus G 4 DocuWare Viewer 4 SpeedStor 6 dtSearch 7 DVD X Copy Platinum 1 IBM Inc 2011 Multimedia Law Library Premiere Edition Password Safe 3.18 Creative Recorder 2.0 Dell Webcam Central 1.0 Crestron Coldfire 2.95 Crestron D3 Pro 2.06 Crestron DEAL for Windows 4.0 Crestron Digital Media Tools 3.1 Crestron Engraver 5.01 Crestron iLux Designer 1.03 Crestron MasterInstaller 2.0 Crestron SystemBuilder 3.07 Crestron Toolbox 2.1 Crestron VisionTools Pro-e 3.9 SIMPL Windows 2.11 CrossLoop 2.3 CrystalPort Browser 4.01 Laptop Cleanup Utility 1.0 Cummins Power Suite 4.01 ESP System Agent 6.0 LaunchPad 3.02 LaunchPad (32-bit) 2.8 LaunchPad Scheduler 1.6 DAEMON Tools Lite 4.30 Alchemy Network Inventory 1.19 Asset Tracker for Networks 1.2 Ambient Light Sensor 1.0 Bonjour Printer Wizard 1.0 Dell EISA Configuration Utility 2.0 Dell Inspector 4.0 Dell Networking Guide 1.0 Dell Open Manage 1.3 Dell OpenManage Prerequirements Checker 5.4 Dell Poweredge Diagnostics 2.11 Dell Poweredge Diagnostics 2.9 Dell QuickSet 1.0 QuickSet 1.0 LD Assistant Ac 2008 Equation Editor 2.0a DeviceAnywhere Studio 1.0 HandyCalc 1.01.00 DigitalPersona Pro 4.4 DigitalPersona Pro 4.3 Evolution 0.17 Personal Quest 1.01 SUPERCAST 1.0 APCiDOOM Disk Doctors Outlook Mail Recovery 2.0 UltimateDefrag 2.0 File Manager 1.1 Actual Search & Replace 2.8 DivX for Windows 7.2 DivX for Windows Uninstall 10.1 DivX 5.2 Recon 1.0 AirPlus G 4.0 DocuWare Viewer 4.5 SpeedStor 6.5 dtSearch 7.30 DVD X Copy Platinum 1.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 17 Eagle Point Software Corporation Eastman Kodak Company Eastman Kodak Company Eaton Eaton eBay Inc. EC Software Eclipse Foundation Eclipse Foundation EdrawSoft EdrawSoft Educational Testing Service eHelp Corporation eHelp Corporation eHelp Corporation eHelp Corporation Eitan Pogrebizsky ElcomSoft Co. LTD. Electronic Arts Electronic Arts Electronic Arts Electronic Arts Electronic Arts Electronic Arts Electronic Arts Electronic Theatre Controls Electronic Theatre Controls Electronic Theatre Controls Electronic Theatre Controls Electronic Theatre Controls Electronic Theatre Controls Electronic Theatre Controls Electronic Theatre Controls Electronic Theatre Controls Electronic Theatre Controls Electronic Theatre Controls Electronic Theatre Controls Element K Corporation Elk River Systems Inc. EMC Corporation EMC Corporation EMC Corporation Emulex Corporation Enttec Pty Ltd. Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc. Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc. Epic Games Epic Megagames Inc. Eric Malafeew Consulting eRightSoft ESET LLC ESET LLC ESET LLC ESHA Research Esker Inc. Esker S.A. Esko nv ESRI 1/13/12 Process Mapper Kodak Picture Printing Software Proofer Client PowerVision Client PowerVision Server Skype Help & Manual Eclipse Eclipse Edraw Network Diagram Edraw Network Diagram GMAT POWERPREP RoboHELP HTML RoboHELP HTML WinHelp BugHunter WinHelp Inspector OpenPandora Advanced Registry Tracer A-Train Command and Conquer Generals Deluxe Paint II - Enhanced Magic Carpet Magic Carpet Plus Search for Symbols Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Dimstat ETC Net2 Light Manager Light Manager Mosaic Designer Network Configuration Editor NicPicker Paradigm ControlDesigner Paradigm LightDesigner SpecWriterII USAP Test Version Detect Microsoft E-Learning Offline Player PrintersBench Express Avamar Windows Client CAVA Tools Navisphere Server Utility NETWIZ DMX USB Pro Process Mapper 2009 Kodak Picture Printing Software Proofer Client 3 PowerVision Client 4 PowerVision Server 4 Skype 4 Help & Manual 5 Eclipse 1 Eclipse 3 Edraw Network Diagram 4 Edraw Network Diagram 5 GMAT POWERPREP 3 RoboHELP HTML 8 RoboHELP HTML 9 WinHelp BugHunter 1 WinHelp Inspector 4 OpenPandora 0 Advanced Registry Tracer 1 A-Train 1 Command and Conquer Generals 0 Deluxe Paint II - Enhanced 2 Magic Carpet Magic Carpet Plus Search for Symbols Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning 1 Dimstat 1 ETC Net2 1 Light Manager 1 Light Manager 1 Mosaic Designer 1 Network Configuration Editor 4 NicPicker 1 Paradigm ControlDesigner 1 Paradigm LightDesigner 1 SpecWriterII 2 USAP Test 2 Version Detect 1 Microsoft E-Learning Offline Player 4 PrintersBench Express 1 Avamar Windows Client 3 CAVA Tools 4 Navisphere Server Utility 6 NETWIZ 2 DMX USB Pro 1 Process Mapper 2009 Kodak Picture Printing Software Proofer Client 3.1 PowerVision Client 4.1 PowerVision Server 4.1 Skype 4.1 Help & Manual 5.2 Eclipse 1.0 Eclipse 3.1 Edraw Network Diagram 4.6 Edraw Network Diagram 5.1 GMAT POWERPREP 3.0 RoboHELP HTML 8.0 RoboHELP HTML 9.10 WinHelp BugHunter 1.5 WinHelp Inspector 4.0 OpenPandora 0.7 Advanced Registry Tracer 1.0 A-Train 1.01 Command and Conquer Generals 0.8 Deluxe Paint II - Enhanced 2.0 Magic Carpet Magic Carpet Plus Search for Symbols Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning 1.0 Dimstat 1.0 ETC Net2 1.1 Light Manager 1.9 Light Manager 1.0 Mosaic Designer 1.6 Network Configuration Editor 4.1 NicPicker 1.1 Paradigm ControlDesigner 1.0 Paradigm LightDesigner 1.0 SpecWriterII 2.0 USAP Test 2.3 Version Detect 1.0 Microsoft E-Learning Offline Player 4.0 PrintersBench Express 1.0 Avamar Windows Client 3.7 CAVA Tools 4.2 Navisphere Server Utility 6.28 NETWIZ 2.04 DMX USB Pro 1.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ArcGIS ArcGIS 9 ArcGIS 9.0 3 ArcGIS ArcGIS 9 ArcGIS 9.1 3 Unreal Tournament UT2004 Real Golf SUPER ESET Online Scanner ESET Remote Administrator Console ESET Smart Security The Food Processor Plus VSI-FAX IZE Reader PERfection ArcPad Unreal Tournament 2004 UT2004 1 Real Golf 1 SUPER 2007 ESET Online Scanner 1 ESET Remote Administrator Console 3 ESET Smart Security 4 The Food Processor Plus 6 VSI-FAX 2 IZE Reader 2 PERfection 3 ArcPad 8 Unreal Tournament 2004 UT2004 1.0 Real Golf 1.0 SUPER 2007 ESET Online Scanner 1.0 ESET Remote Administrator Console 3.0 ESET Smart Security 4.0 The Food Processor Plus 6.04 VSI-FAX 2.04 IZE Reader 2.0a PERfection 3.2 ArcPad 8.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 IBM Inc 2011 18 Eugene Roshal Eusing Software EverythingAccess.com EVRSOFT Excentrics World Executive Software International Executive Software International Experlogix Inc Express Metrix Extensis FabTrol Systems Inc. fCoder Inc. FileMaker Inc. FileMaker Inc. Flambeaux Software Florida Surplus Lines Service Office Fookes Software Foundation Microsystems FoxIE Foxit Software Company Foxit Software Company Free Time FreeStone Group Freeze.com LLC (see W3i LLC) F-Secure Corporation F-Secure Corporation Full Circle Software Fyodor Gallery Systems Inc. GEDYS Geeworks Inc. GemTek Technology Co. Ltd. Genie-Soft Geoworks Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd Glarysoft Ltd. GlobalRPh Inc. GlobalSCAPE Inc. GoldWave Inc. GoldWave Inc. Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Google Gordano Ltd. GretagMacbeth LLC Gupta Corporation (see Centura Software Corp.) Guruworks Inc. H&R Block Harper Collins Publishers Haruyasa Yoshizaki Hasbro Interactive 1/13/12 The RAR Archiver Eusing Free Registry Cleaner Access Password Retrieval LITE Evrsoft First Page 2006 Unleash It Diskeeper Diskeeper Master Product Configurator - PE Express Meter (DOS) Suitcase FabTrol MRP StreamAction Cameo FileMaker Pro Computer Shopper's 'Best of Tech Help!' FSLSO FTP Easy Thumbnails Schedule Express Foxie Suite Foxit PDF Editor Foxit Reader FormatFactory Video Card Stability Test Tight Backgrounds F-PROT F-PROT Professional Full Circle TalkBack nMap The Museum System Windows Tools MPing PC FM Radio Genie Backup Manager Home Geoworks Pro GSview Glary Utilities Clinical Bundle CuteFTP Professional GoldWave GoldWave Google Chrome Google Chrome Google Earth Google Earth Pro Google Quick Search Box Google SketchUp Google SketchUp Google SketchUp Viewer Google Toolbar Google Toolbar Google Updater NTMail Profilemaker Professional The RAR Archiver 2 Eusing Free Registry Cleaner 1 Access Password Retrieval LITE 1 Evrsoft First Page 2006 3 Unleash It 2 Diskeeper 11 Diskeeper 13 Master Product Configurator - PE 4 Express Meter (DOS) 3 Suitcase 11 FabTrol MRP 8 StreamAction 1 Cameo 8 FileMaker Pro 9 Computer Shopper's 'Best of Tech Help!' 1 FSLSO FTP 5 Easy Thumbnails 3 Schedule Express 1 Foxie Suite 1 Foxit PDF Editor 2 Foxit Reader 3 FormatFactory 2 Video Card Stability Test 1 Tight Backgrounds 1 F-PROT 2 F-PROT Professional 2 Full Circle TalkBack 2 nMap 2 The Museum System 9 Windows Tools 1 MPing 2 PC FM Radio 2 Genie Backup Manager Home 8 Geoworks Pro 1 GSview 2 Glary Utilities 2 Clinical Bundle 1 CuteFTP Professional 8 GoldWave 5 GoldWave 5 Google Chrome 2 Google Chrome 4 Google Earth 5 Google Earth Pro 5 Google Quick Search Box 1 Google SketchUp 7 Google SketchUp 7 Google SketchUp Viewer 7 Google Toolbar 6 Google Toolbar 6 Google Updater 2 NTMail 1 Profilemaker Professional 5 The RAR Archiver 2.01 Eusing Free Registry Cleaner 1.0 Access Password Retrieval LITE 1.0 Evrsoft First Page 2006 3.0 Unleash It 2.4 Diskeeper 11.0 Diskeeper 13.0 Master Product Configurator - PE 4.7 Express Meter (DOS) 3.5 Suitcase 11.0 FabTrol MRP 8.2 StreamAction 1.2 Cameo 8.5 FileMaker Pro 9.0 Computer Shopper's 'Best of Tech Help!' 1.0 FSLSO FTP 5.0 Easy Thumbnails 3.0 Schedule Express 1.0 Foxie Suite 1.0 Foxit PDF Editor 2.1 Foxit Reader 3.0 FormatFactory 2.1 Video Card Stability Test 1.0 Tight Backgrounds 1.0 F-PROT 2.25 F-PROT Professional 2.27a Full Circle TalkBack 2.2 nMap 2.53 The Museum System 9.35 Windows Tools 1.1 MPing 2.5 PC FM Radio 2.03 Genie Backup Manager Home 8.0 Geoworks Pro 1.2 GSview 2.9 Glary Utilities 2.20 Clinical Bundle 1.1 CuteFTP Professional 8.3 GoldWave 5.23 GoldWave 5.25 Google Chrome 2.0 [2] Google Chrome 4.1 Google Earth 5.0 Google Earth Pro 5.1 Google Quick Search Box 1.2 Google SketchUp 7.0 Google SketchUp 7.1 Google SketchUp Viewer 7.0 Google Toolbar 6.2 Google Toolbar 6.3 Google Updater 2.0 NTMail 1.2 Profilemaker Professional 5.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 SQLEdit SQLEdit 6 SQLEdit 6.1 3 Bypass H&R Block TaxCut Men Are From Mars; Women Are From Venus LHARC Elite Plus Bypass 0.78 H&R Block TaxCut 2008 Men Are From Mars; Women Are From Venus LHARC 1 Elite Plus Bypass 0.78 H&R Block TaxCut 2008 Men Are From Mars; Women Are From Venus LHARC 1.14b Elite Plus 3 3 3 3 3 IBM Inc 2011 19 Hasbro Interactive Hawking Technology Inc. Hemera Technologies Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company High End Systems Inc. High-Logic B.V. Hilgraeve Holbrook Enterprises Inc. Honeywell Inc. http://www.beatharness.com Hummingbird Communications Ltd. 1/13/12 Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon Multifunction Print Server Greeting Card Creator Array Configuration Utility File Sanitizer HP 3d Driveguard HP Album Printing HP Array Configuration Utility CLI HP Array Configuration Utility CLI HP Array Diagnostic Utility HP Color Center HP Data Protector HP Digital Imaging HP Digital Imaging HP Documentation HP Drive Encryption HP Easy Access Button Support HP Info Center HP Insight Diagnostics HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition HP Insight WBEM Test Event Tool HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility HP MPIO DSM Manager HP mpx Manager HP Network Assistant HP Network Configuration Utility HP OpenView Storage Data Protector HP Printer Utility HP Privacy Manager Sign and Chat HP ProtectTools Security Manager HP Remote Support Configuration Collector HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service HP Software Update HP Software Update HP Software Update HP StorageWorks EVA Cluster Extension HP System Management Homepage for Windows NT HP Systems Insight Manager HP Systems Insight Manager HP Total Care Advisor HP Version Control Repository Manager HP Webcam HP Wireless Assistant HPQFlash LightScribe Control Panel LightScribe Control Panel Personalize Your PC SAN Loader Toolbox Hog 2PC MainType HyperTerminal Private Edition WireCAD WIN-PAK BeatHarness Andyne GQL for Windows Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon 455 Multifunction Print Server 2 Greeting Card Creator 1 Array Configuration Utility 8 File Sanitizer 1 HP 3d Driveguard 1 HP Album Printing 1 HP Array Configuration Utility CLI 8 HP Array Configuration Utility CLI 8 HP Array Diagnostic Utility 8 HP Color Center 1 HP Data Protector 6 HP Digital Imaging 1 HP Digital Imaging 110 HP Documentation 1 HP Drive Encryption 4 HP Easy Access Button Support 8 HP Info Center 6 HP Insight Diagnostics 8 HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition 5 HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition 5 HP Insight WBEM Test Event Tool 1 HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility 1 HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility 1 HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility 2 HP MPIO DSM Manager 3 HP mpx Manager 9 HP Network Assistant 1 HP Network Configuration Utility 9 HP OpenView Storage Data Protector 6 HP Printer Utility 1 HP Privacy Manager Sign and Chat 1 HP ProtectTools Security Manager 4 HP Remote Support Configuration Collector 5 HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service 6 HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service 6 HP Software Update 2 HP Software Update 3 HP Software Update 5 HP StorageWorks EVA Cluster Extension 2 HP System Management Homepage for Windows NT 3 HP Systems Insight Manager 4 HP Systems Insight Manager 5 HP Total Care Advisor 2 HP Version Control Repository Manager 2 HP Webcam 1 HP Wireless Assistant 3 HPQFlash 4 LightScribe Control Panel 1 LightScribe Control Panel 1 Personalize Your PC 9 SAN Loader 4 Toolbox 3 Hog 2PC 3 MainType 2 HyperTerminal Private Edition 3 WireCAD 5 WIN-PAK 2 BeatHarness 2 Andyne GQL for Windows 3 IBM Inc 2011 Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon 455 Multifunction Print Server 2.2 Greeting Card Creator 1.12 Array Configuration Utility 8.25 File Sanitizer 1.0 HP 3d Driveguard 1.10 HP Album Printing 1.2 HP Array Configuration Utility CLI 8.0 HP Array Configuration Utility CLI 8.25 HP Array Diagnostic Utility 8.25 HP Color Center 1.7 HP Data Protector 6.10 HP Digital Imaging 1.0 HP Digital Imaging 110.0 HP Documentation 1.3 HP Drive Encryption 4.0 HP Easy Access Button Support 8.0 HP Info Center 6.4 HP Insight Diagnostics 8.1 HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition 5.21 HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition 5.20 HP Insight WBEM Test Event Tool 1.0 HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility 1.7 HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility 1.3 HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility 2.0 HP MPIO DSM Manager 3.1 HP mpx Manager 9.5 HP Network Assistant 1.0 HP Network Configuration Utility 9.35 HP OpenView Storage Data Protector 6.10 HP Printer Utility 1.7 HP Privacy Manager Sign and Chat 1.0 HP ProtectTools Security Manager 4.0 HP Remote Support Configuration Collector 5.20 HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service 6.8 HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service 6.10 HP Software Update 2.0 HP Software Update 3.0 HP Software Update 5.0 HP StorageWorks EVA Cluster Extension 2.00 HP System Management Homepage for Windows NT 3.0 HP Systems Insight Manager 4.0 HP Systems Insight Manager 5.0 HP Total Care Advisor 2.3 HP Version Control Repository Manager 2.2 HP Webcam 1.0 HP Wireless Assistant 3.0 HPQFlash 4.10 LightScribe Control Panel 1.10 LightScribe Control Panel 1.12 Personalize Your PC 9.0 SAN Loader 4.0 Toolbox 3.0 Hog 2PC 3.4 MainType 2.1 HyperTerminal Private Edition 3.0 WireCAD 5.01 WIN-PAK 2.0 BeatHarness 2.0 Andyne GQL for Windows 3.3.3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 20 Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Huw Millington Hydrologic Engineering Center Hydrologic Engineering Center Ibadov Tariel IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation Icon Empire IDG Books Worldwide Inc. IDM Computer Solutions Inc. Illustrate ILS Image Line Software BVBA ImageMagick Studio Impact Software Impact Software IMSI IMSI IMSI InfinaDyne Infineon Technologies AG InfoAccess Inc. InfoAccess Inc. InfoAccess Inc. Informix Software InfoUSA IniCom.Networks Inc. Inmagic Inc. Inner Media Inc. Insight Software InstallShield Corporation Integrated Technology Express Inc. Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Network Systems Inc. Intel Network Systems Inc. Interact Commerce Corp. Interact Commerce Corp. Interactive Technologies Inc. InterCall Intercon Associates Inc. Intergraph Corporation Internetsoft Corporation InterSystems Corporation InterVideo Inc. Intuit Inc. 1/13/12 NFS Maestro Client for Windows 95 Windows Grep HEC-RAS HEC-RAS Options ImagePrinter Access IBM BookManager Library Reader for Windows BookManager Read for Windows IBM AntiVirus Logon IBM iSeries Access for Windows IBM Java 2 Runtime Environment for Windows IBM Java RunTime Environment for Windows IBM Java RunTime Environment for Windows IBM Nways Workgroup Manager for Windows NT IBM RecordNow Personal Communications Personal Communications System Migration Assistant IconoMaker Cliffs StudyWare UltraEdit dBpowerAMP Music Converter Geo Express FL Studio ImageMagick MicroAngelo Microangelo on Display Hijaak Graphics Suite Hijaak Pro IMSI Family Heritage DVD X Rescue Infineon TPM Software Guide Guide Hypertext System Guide Hypertext System Informix-Connect for Win32 PhoneDisc - Business & Residental Combo Pack FlashFXP Inmagic DB/TextWorks Collage Pure Motivation DemoShield RAID Manager Intel 14.4exf/SatisFAXtion 400e PROM Upgrade Intel Active Management Technology Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager Intel PROSet Wireless Intel Wifi Shiva Configurator ShivaRemote ACT! Support Express CueServer Admin InterCall Web Meeting Accessible FormNet Intergraph DiskShare FTP Commander CachT Studio WinCinema Manager QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions NFS Maestro Client for Windows 95 5 Windows Grep 2 HEC-RAS 3 HEC-RAS 4 Options ImagePrinter 1 Access IBM 4 BookManager Library Reader for Windows 2 BookManager Read for Windows 2 IBM AntiVirus Logon 1 IBM iSeries Access for Windows 10 IBM Java 2 Runtime Environment for Windows 1 IBM Java RunTime Environment for Windows 1.1.6 IBM Java RunTime Environment for Windows 1.1.8 IBM Nways Workgroup Manager for Windows NT 1 IBM RecordNow 3 Personal Communications 4 Personal Communications 5 System Migration Assistant 5 IconoMaker 2 Cliffs StudyWare 4 UltraEdit-32 15 dBpowerAMP Music Converter 13 Geo Express 7 FL Studio 7 ImageMagick 6 Microangelo 98 Microangelo on Display 1 Hijaak Graphics Suite 3 Hijaak Pro 3 IMSI Family Heritage 2 DVD X Rescue 1.1 Infineon TPM Software 3 Guide 3 Guide Hypertext System 2 Guide Hypertext System 3 Informix-Connect for Win32 7 PhoneDisc - Business & Residental Combo Pack 4 FlashFXP 3 Inmagic DB/TextWorks 10 Collage 2 Pure Motivation DemoShield 5 RAID Manager 1 Intel 14.4exf/SatisFAXtion 400e PROM Upgrade Intel Active Management Technology 2 Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager 13 Intel PROSet Wireless 12 Intel Wifi 12 Shiva Configurator 1 ShivaRemote 5 ACT! 10 Support Express 3 CueServer Admin 2 InterCall Web Meeting 3 Accessible FormNet 3 Intergraph DiskShare 3 FTP Commander 7 CachT Studio 2008 WinCinema Manager 1 QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 9 IBM Inc 2011 NFS Maestro Client for Windows 95 5.0 Windows Grep 2.1 HEC-RAS 3 HEC-RAS 4.0 Options ImagePrinter 1.4 Access IBM 4.1 BookManager Library Reader for Windows 2.0J BookManager Read for Windows 2.0 IBM AntiVirus Logon 1.0 IBM iSeries Access for Windows 10.0 IBM Java 2 Runtime Environment for Windows 1.4 IBM Java RunTime Environment for Windows 1.1.6 IBM Java RunTime Environment for Windows 1.1.8 IBM Nways Workgroup Manager for Windows NT 1.1.2 IBM RecordNow 3.55 Personal Communications 4.3 Personal Communications 5.5 System Migration Assistant 5.2 IconoMaker 2.10 Cliffs StudyWare 4.5 UltraEdit-32 15.20 dBpowerAMP Music Converter 13.4 Geo Express 7.0 FL Studio 7.0 ImageMagick 6.1 Microangelo 98 Microangelo on Display 1.0 Hijaak Graphics Suite 3.0 Hijaak Pro 3.0 IMSI Family Heritage 2.0 DVD X Rescue 1.1 Infineon TPM Software 3.0 Guide 3.0 Guide Hypertext System 2.0 Guide Hypertext System 3.0 update Informix-Connect for Win32 7.20 PhoneDisc - Business & Residental Combo Pack 4.10 FlashFXP 3.6 Inmagic DB/TextWorks 10.0 Collage 2.0 Pure Motivation DemoShield 5.0 RAID Manager 1.7 Intel 14.4exf/SatisFAXtion 400e PROM Upgrade Intel Active Management Technology 2.0 Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager 13 Intel PROSet Wireless 12.4 Intel Wifi 12.4 Shiva Configurator 1.7 ShivaRemote 5.01 ACT! 10.1 Support Express 3.0 CueServer Admin 2.2 InterCall Web Meeting 3.0 Accessible FormNet 3.0 Intergraph DiskShare 3.0 FTP Commander 7.67 CachT Studio 2008 WinCinema Manager 1.0 QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 9.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 Intuit Inc. Intuit Inc. Intuitive Systems Inc. intY Ltd. Iomega Corporation Ipswitch, Inc. Ipswitch, Inc. Ipswitch, Inc. Ipswitch, Inc. Ipswitch, Inc. Ipswitch, Inc. Ipswitch, Inc. Ipswitch, Inc. Ipswitch, Inc. iSkysoft Studio iSofter Inc. iXOS Software AG J.J. Keller & Associates Inc. JAM Software JAM Software Jasc Software Inc. Jasc Software Inc. JCMatt software JenJen Software JetAudio Inc. Jive Software John McKernon Software Jotter Technologies Inc. JSCAPE JTB World Just Great Software Kamel Software Inc. Kaplan Educational Centers KCP Technologies Kemal Zhang Key Metric Software LLC Key Metric Software LLC Kilowatt Software Kiwi Enterprises Knowledge Adventure Inc. Knowledge Revolution Kodak Kodak Kodak Kofax Image Products kowalczyk.info Kronos Incorporated Kybtec Software LANDesk(R) Software LANDesk(R) Software LANDesk(R) Software LANDesk(R) Software Lantronix Inc. LapLink.com Inc. LapLink.com Inc. LapLink.com Inc. LastPass Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory Lawrence Productions Layton Technology Inc. 1/13/12 QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions - Contractor Edition 9 Quicken OptimizeIt Professional intY ExoServer Connection Manager Iomega Flash!File WS_FTP WS_FTP Limited Edition WS_FTP Limited Edition WS_FTP Limited Edition WS_FTP Pro WS_FTP Pro 16-bit WS_FTP Professional WS_FTP32 WS_FTP32 iSkysoft DVD Ripper iSofter DVD to WMV Converter Livelink Imaging Alcohol & Drug Testing TreeSize TreeSize Professional Jasc Media Center Paint Shop Pro File Waster CD Tray jetAudio Spark Lightwright Jotter Red Drive SSMPropEditor PowerGREP FastLook Career Counselor The Geometer's Sketchpad GNUGS Duplicate File Detective FolderSizes Portable REXX Kiwi Log Viewer 3-D Dinosaur Adventure Working Model Kodak EasyShare Kodak EasyShare KODAK Picture CD Kofax ImageControls Sumatra PDF Timekeeper Central Software Kybtec World Clock LANDesk Management Suite LANDesk Management Suite LANDesk Management Suite LANDesk Process Manager EZWebCon LapLink III ViewLink WinConnect LastPass Optics5 McGee AuditWizard QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions - Contractor Edition 9 9 Quicken 16 OptimizeIt Professional 3 intY ExoServer Connection Manager 4 Iomega Flash!File 2 WS_FTP 95 WS_FTP Limited Edition 4 WS_FTP Limited Edition 4 WS_FTP Limited Edition 5 WS_FTP Pro 9 WS_FTP Pro 16-bit 5 WS_FTP Professional 2007 WS_FTP32 WS_FTP32 2 iSkysoft DVD Ripper 2 iSofter DVD to WMV Converter 3 Livelink Imaging 9 Alcohol & Drug Testing 5 TreeSize 5 TreeSize Professional 2 Jasc Media Center 2 Paint Shop Pro 1 File Waster 6 CD Tray 2 jetAudio 7 Spark 2 Lightwright 4 Jotter 2000 Red Drive 1 SSMPropEditor 3 PowerGREP 3 FastLook 7 Career Counselor The Geometer's Sketchpad 4 GNUGS 1 Duplicate File Detective 2 FolderSizes 4 Portable REXX 1 Kiwi Log Viewer 2 3-D Dinosaur Adventure Working Model 2 Kodak EasyShare 5 Kodak EasyShare 8 KODAK Picture CD 3 Kofax ImageControls 1 Sumatra PDF 0 Timekeeper Central Software 3A Kybtec World Clock 3 LANDesk Management Suite 8 LANDesk Management Suite 8 LANDesk Management Suite 8 LANDesk Process Manager 4 EZWebCon 1 LapLink III 3 ViewLink 1 WinConnect 1 LastPass 1 Optics5 5 McGee AuditWizard 7 IBM Inc 2011 QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions - Contractor Edition 9 9.0 Quicken 16.1 OptimizeIt Professional 3.02 intY ExoServer Connection Manager 4.1 Iomega Flash!File 2.07 WS_FTP 95 WS_FTP Limited Edition 4.12 WS_FTP Limited Edition 4.50 WS_FTP Limited Edition 5.06 WS_FTP Pro 9.0 WS_FTP Pro 16-bit 5.05 WS_FTP Professional 2007 [1] WS_FTP32 WS_FTP32 2.0 iSkysoft DVD Ripper 2.0 iSofter DVD to WMV Converter 3.0 Livelink Imaging 9.5 Alcohol & Drug Testing 5.6 TreeSize 5.3 TreeSize Professional 2 Jasc Media Center 2.0 Paint Shop Pro 1.0 File Waster 6.7 CD Tray 2.0 jetAudio 7.5 Spark 2.5 [1] Lightwright 4.18 Jotter 2000 Red Drive 1.0 SSMPropEditor 3.0 PowerGREP 3.5 FastLook 7.0 Career Counselor The Geometer's Sketchpad 4.0 GNUGS 1.0 Duplicate File Detective 2.2 FolderSizes 4.8 Portable REXX 1.30g Kiwi Log Viewer 2.1 3-D Dinosaur Adventure Working Model 2.0.2 Kodak EasyShare 5.2 Kodak EasyShare 8.0 KODAK Picture CD 3.6 Kofax ImageControls 1.0 Sumatra PDF 0.9 Timekeeper Central Software 3A.02 Kybtec World Clock 3.3 LANDesk Management Suite 8.5 sp3 LANDesk Management Suite 8.1 LANDesk Management Suite 8.0 LANDesk Process Manager 4.1 EZWebCon 1.1/7 LapLink III 3.0a ViewLink 1.00c WinConnect 1.0 LastPass 1.66 Optics5 5.1 McGee AuditWizard 7.1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 22 LEAD Technologies Inc. LEAD Technologies Inc. Legato Systems Inc. Legato Systems Inc. Len Dorfman & Marc Neuberger Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Lexmark International Inc. Liberty Street Software LizardTech Inc. LLERRAH Inc. Lord Publishing Inc. Lotus Development Corporation Lotus Development Corporation Lotus Development Corporation Lotus Development Corporation Lotus Development Corporation Lotus Development Corporation LucasArts Entertainment Co. M.I.S. Helpers Macrovision Corp. Macrovision Corp. Macrovision Corp. Mactive Inc. MagicalJellyBean.com Magix Magnoware Systems Inc. Mallard Software Inc. manifold.net MAPILab Ltd MapInfo Corporation Marimba Inc. Marimba Inc. Marshal Ltd Maxim Integrated Products Inc. McKesson Corp. MCL Technologies MCL Technologies MetaGeek LLC MetaGeek LLC MetaGeek LLC Michigan Scientific Corporation Michigan Scientific Corporation Micro Design International Micro Design International Micro Design International Microchip Technology Inc. Microchip Technology Inc. Microchip Technology Inc. Microchip Technology Inc. Microchip Technology Inc. Microchip Technology Inc. MicroEdge Inc. MicroEdge Inc. Micrografx Micrografx Micrografx Micrografx 1/13/12 ePrint LEADTOOLS AcitveX32 Legato NetWorker Legato NetWorker C Memory Management Techinques Access Connections Lenovo Care Rescue and Recovery Update Scheduler Lexmark X63 AssetManage Enterprise Express Cartridge Manager MIDI Made Jukebox Ronstadt's Financials (demo) Lotus Gallery Lotus Notes Server for NT Lotus ScreenCam NT Lotus ScreenCam NT Lotus ScreenCam NT Sametime Connect Star Wars Rebel Assault Alchemy Network Monitor FLEXlm Utilities FLEXlm Utilities SAM Report LT AdBooker Keyfinder MAGIX Media Manager platinum DataTrack System Lunar Command Manifold System MAPILab Groupware Server MapInfo Professional for Windows Castanet Tuner Castanet Tuner WebMarshal OneWireViewer STAR Navigator MCL-Designer MCL-Net Chanalyzer Chanalyzer Lite inSSIDer Pdhudamericanflyer Pdhudgs1 PC-Kwik Power Pak PC-Kwik Power Pak PC-Kwik Power Pak for DOS Application Maestro Hi-Tech C Compiler MPLAB IDE MPLAB PIC32 MPLAB REAL ICE PICkit (R) 2 Visual SlickEdit Visual SlickEdit ABC SnapGraphics Designer Draw Plus FlowChart Viewer ePrint 1 LEADTOOLS AcitveX32 12 Legato NetWorker 4 Legato NetWorker 5 C Memory Management Techinques Access Connections 5 Lenovo Care 1 Rescue and Recovery 4 Update Scheduler 4 Lexmark X63 6 AssetManage Enterprise 2007 Express Cartridge Manager 1 MIDI Made Jukebox 2 Ronstadt's Financials (demo) 2 Lotus Gallery Lotus Notes Server for NT 3 Lotus ScreenCam NT Lotus ScreenCam NT 3 Lotus ScreenCam NT 97 Sametime Connect 7 Star Wars Rebel Assault 1 Alchemy Network Monitor 8 FLEXlm Utilities 11 FLEXlm Utilities 9 SAM Report LT 3 AdBooker 1 Keyfinder 1 MAGIX Media Manager platinum 1 DataTrack System 2 Lunar Command 1 Manifold System 8 MAPILab Groupware Server 1 MapInfo Professional for Windows 5 Castanet Tuner 1 Castanet Tuner 2 WebMarshal 6 OneWireViewer 0 STAR Navigator 1 MCL-Designer 3 MCL-Net 3 Chanalyzer 3 Chanalyzer Lite 1 inSSIDer 1 Pdhudamericanflyer 1 Pdhudgs1 1 PC-Kwik Power Pak 1 PC-Kwik Power Pak 2 PC-Kwik Power Pak for DOS 2 Application Maestro 1 Hi-Tech C Compiler 9 MPLAB IDE 8 MPLAB PIC32 1 MPLAB REAL ICE 8 PICkit (R) 2 2 Visual SlickEdit 3 Visual SlickEdit 5 ABC SnapGraphics 1 Designer 3 Draw Plus 1 FlowChart Viewer 7 IBM Inc 2011 ePrint 1.0 LEADTOOLS AcitveX32 12.1 Legato NetWorker 4.3 Legato NetWorker 5.5 C Memory Management Techinques Access Connections 5.30 Lenovo Care 1.0 Rescue and Recovery 4.20 Update Scheduler 4.0 Lexmark X63 6.0 AssetManage Enterprise 2007 Express Cartridge Manager 1.0 MIDI Made Jukebox 2.0 Ronstadt's Financials (demo) 2.0 Lotus Gallery Lotus Notes Server for NT 3.3 Lotus ScreenCam NT Lotus ScreenCam NT 3.0 Lotus ScreenCam NT 97 Sametime Connect 7.0 Star Wars Rebel Assault 1.4 Alchemy Network Monitor 8.5 FLEXlm Utilities 11.1 FLEXlm Utilities 9.2 SAM Report LT 3.4 AdBooker 1.0 Keyfinder 1.0 MAGIX Media Manager platinum 1.3 DataTrack System 2.6 Lunar Command 1.0 Manifold System 8.0 MAPILab Groupware Server 1.5 MapInfo Professional for Windows 5.5 Castanet Tuner 1.09 Castanet Tuner 2.1 WebMarshal 6.1 OneWireViewer 0.3 STAR Navigator 1.1 MCL-Designer 3.18 MCL-Net 3.9 Chanalyzer 3.3 Chanalyzer Lite 1.1 inSSIDer 1.2 Pdhudamericanflyer 1.0 Pdhudgs1 1.0 PC-Kwik Power Pak 1.52 PC-Kwik Power Pak 2.0 PC-Kwik Power Pak for DOS 2.01 Application Maestro 1.0 Hi-Tech C Compiler 9.60 MPLAB IDE 8.33 MPLAB PIC32 1.0 MPLAB REAL ICE 8.33 PICkit (R) 2 2.61 Visual SlickEdit 3.0 Visual SlickEdit 5.0 ABC SnapGraphics 1.0 Designer 3.1 Draw Plus 1.0 FlowChart Viewer 7.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 23 Micrografx Micrografx Micrografx Micrografx Micrografx Microlytics Inc. Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation 1/13/12 Micrografx Convert Micrografx Graph Plus Windows Draw Windows Draw Windows Graph WordFinder Active Directory Migration Tool Choice Guard Dialog Box Help Editor Exchange Management Pack FRx Forecaster Components Live Family Safety Microsoft AdUnpack Application Microsoft AntiSpyware Microsoft C Microsoft Chat SDK Microsoft Database Compact Utility Microsoft DIAL Microsoft DirectX for Windows Microsoft Driver Package Installer Microsoft Easy Assist Microsoft Enterprise Library for .NET Microsoft Entertainment Pack Vol 1 Microsoft Entertainment Pack Vol 2 Microsoft Excel Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft FxCop Microsoft Help Workshop Microsoft ISQL for SQL Server Microsoft Kill Microsoft LAN Workplace Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) Microsoft Mail Microsoft Mail for PC Networks Microsoft Mail for PC Networks Microsoft Mail for Windows Microsoft Message Queue Microsoft Mouse Driver Microsoft Mouse Driver Microsoft Multimedia Jumpstart Microsoft Network Courier Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Excel Viewer Microsoft Office Tools Microsoft Office Tools Microsoft Office Tools Microsoft Office Tools Microsoft Office Word Viewer Microsoft Outlook Microsoft Outlook Micrografx Convert 2 Micrografx Graph Plus 1 Windows Draw 1 Windows Draw 3 Windows Graph 1 WordFinder 4.0 Active Directory Migration Tool Choice Guard 2 Dialog Box Help Editor 1 Exchange Management Pack 6 FRx Forecaster Components 6 Live Family Safety 14 Microsoft AdUnpack Application 1 Microsoft AntiSpyware 9 Microsoft C 6 Microsoft Chat SDK 2 Microsoft Database Compact Utility 1 Microsoft DIAL Microsoft DirectX for Windows 4 Microsoft Driver Package Installer 2 Microsoft Easy Assist 2 Microsoft Enterprise Library for .NET 4 Microsoft Entertainment Pack Vol 1 1 Microsoft Entertainment Pack Vol 2 1 Microsoft Excel 2007 Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Microsoft Exchange Server 4 Microsoft FxCop 9 Microsoft Help Workshop 4 Microsoft ISQL for SQL Server 1 Microsoft Kill Microsoft LAN Workplace 5 Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) 4 Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) 5 Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) 6 Microsoft Mail 2 Microsoft Mail for PC Networks 3 Microsoft Mail for PC Networks 3 Microsoft Mail for Windows 3 Microsoft Message Queue 1 Microsoft Mouse Driver 1 Microsoft Mouse Driver 8 Microsoft Multimedia Jumpstart 1 Microsoft Network Courier 1 Microsoft Office Basic 2007 Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 Microsoft Office Professional 2007 Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 Microsoft Office Small Business 2007 Microsoft Office Standard 2007 Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 Microsoft Office Excel Viewer 2007 Microsoft Office Tools 12 Microsoft Office Tools 2000/SR-1/ Microsoft Office Tools 97 SR-2 Microsoft Office Tools 97/ SR-1/ SR-2 Microsoft Office Word Viewer 11 Microsoft Outlook 2002 Microsoft Outlook 2003 IBM Inc 2011 Micrografx Convert 2.0 Micrografx Graph Plus 1.2 Windows Draw 1.04 Windows Draw 3.0 Windows Graph 1.0 WordFinder 4.0 Active Directory Migration Tool Choice Guard 2.0 Dialog Box Help Editor 1.0 Exchange Management Pack 6.5 FRx Forecaster Components 6.0 Live Family Safety 14.0 Microsoft AdUnpack Application 1.0 Microsoft AntiSpyware 9.0 Microsoft C 6.0 Microsoft Chat SDK 2.0 Microsoft Database Compact Utility 1.0 Microsoft DIAL Microsoft DirectX for Windows 4.9 Microsoft Driver Package Installer 2.0 Microsoft Easy Assist 2.0 Microsoft Enterprise Library for .NET 4.1 Microsoft Entertainment Pack Vol 1 1.0 Microsoft Entertainment Pack Vol 2 1.0 Microsoft Excel 2007 Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 sp2 Microsoft Exchange Server 4.0 Microsoft FxCop 9.0 Microsoft Help Workshop 4.3 Microsoft ISQL for SQL Server 1.1 Microsoft Kill Microsoft LAN Workplace 5.0 Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) 4.0 Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) 5.1 Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) 6.11 Microsoft Mail 2.1 Microsoft Mail for PC Networks 3.2 Microsoft Mail for PC Networks 3.5 Microsoft Mail for Windows 3.02 Microsoft Message Queue 1.0 Microsoft Mouse Driver 1.0 Microsoft Mouse Driver 8.20 Microsoft Multimedia Jumpstart 1.1a Microsoft Network Courier 1.1 Microsoft Excel 2007 Microsoft Excel 2007 Microsoft Excel 2007 Microsoft Excel 2007 Microsoft Excel 2007 Microsoft Excel 2007 Microsoft Excel 2007 Microsoft Excel 2007 Microsoft Office Excel Viewer 2007 Microsoft Office Tools 12.0 Microsoft Office Tools 2000/SR-1/ Microsoft Office Tools 97 SR-2 Microsoft Office Tools 97/ SR-1/ SR-2 Microsoft Office Word Viewer 11.0 Microsoft Outlook 2002 sp3 Microsoft Outlook 2003 sp3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 24 Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Outlook Process Viewer Project QuickBasic Security Essentials Silverlight SNA Server SQL Client - DOS SQL Client - Windows SQL Report Builder SQL Server Streets & Trips System Center Virtual Machine Manager Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Outlook 2007 Process Viewer Project 9 QuickBasic 4 Security Essentials 1 Silverlight 3 SNA Server 3 SQL Client - DOS 4 SQL Client - Windows 4 SQL Report Builder 10 SQL Server 2008 x64 Streets & Trips 14 System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Outlook 2007 sp2 Process Viewer Project 9.0 QuickBasic 4.5 Security Essentials 1.0 Silverlight 3.0 SNA Server 3.0 SQL Client - DOS 4.21 SQL Client - Windows 4.21 SQL Report Builder 10.0 SQL Server 2008 x64 Streets & Trips 14.0 System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 3 Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Systems Management Server Client Microsoft TCP/IP-32 for Workgroups Microsoft Video for Windows Microsoft Video for Windows Microsoft Visual FoxPro Microsoft Web Platform Installer Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows 95 Game SDK Microsoft Windows 95 Resource Kit Microsoft Windows Installer SDK Microsoft Windows NT 3.5 Service Pack 1 Microsoft Windows Sound System Microsoft Word Microsoft WSE Microsoft WSE Office 97 Unique Identifier Removal Tool Office Live Microsoft Systems Management Server Client 1 Microsoft TCP/IP-32 for Workgroups 3 Microsoft Video for Windows 3 Microsoft Video for Windows 3 Microsoft FoxPro/LAN 2 Microsoft Web Platform Installer 7 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 Microsoft Windows Web Server 2008 R2 x64 Microsoft Windows 95 Game SDK Microsoft Windows 95 Resource Kit 95 Microsoft Windows Installer SDK 4 Microsoft Windows NT 3.5 Service Pack 1 Microsoft Windows Sound System 1 Microsoft Word 2002 Microsoft WSE 2 Microsoft WSE 3 Office 97 Unique Identifier Removal Tool 1 Office Live 2 Organization Chart Add-in for Microsoft Office programs 2007 Picture It! 1 Port Query 1 Port Query 2 Terminal Server Printer Driver Redirection Wizard 1 Tetris 2 Virtual Earth 3D 4 Volume Activation Management Tool 1 Wallpaper Changer 2002 Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor 2 Windows Installer Clean Up 1 Windows Live Messenger 2009 Windows Live Photo Gallery 2009 Windows Live Sync 2009 Windows Live Writer 2009 Windows Server Update Services 3 Zune 1 WebExpress (16-bit) 2 WebExpress (32-bit) 2 RackTools 3 Visual CUT 11 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Corporation Microsoft Corporation Organization Chart Add-in for Microsoft Office programs Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation MicroVision Development MicroVision Development Middle Atlantic Products Inc. Millet Software Picture It! Port Query Port Query Terminal Server Printer Driver Redirection Wizard Tetris Virtual Earth 3D Volume Activation Management Tool Wallpaper Changer Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor Windows Installer Clean Up Windows Live Messenger Windows Live Photo Gallery Windows Live Sync Windows Live Writer Windows Server Update Services Zune WebExpress (16-bit) WebExpress (32-bit) RackTools 3 Visual CUT 11 1/13/12 IBM Inc 2011 Microsoft Systems Management Server Client 1.2 Microsoft TCP/IP-32 for Workgroups 3.11b Microsoft Video for Windows 3.10 Microsoft Video for Windows 3.15 Microsoft FoxPro/LAN 2.0 Microsoft Web Platform Installer 7.1 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 Microsoft Windows Web Server 2008 R2 x64 Microsoft Windows 95 Game SDK Microsoft Windows 95 Resource Kit 95 Microsoft Windows Installer SDK 4.0 Microsoft Windows NT 3.5 Service Pack 1 1.0 Microsoft Windows Sound System 1.0 Microsoft Word 2002 Microsoft WSE 2.0 sp3 Microsoft WSE 3.0 Office 97 Unique Identifier Removal Tool 1.0 Office Live 2.0 Organization Chart Add-in for Microsoft Office programs 2007 Picture It! 1.0 Port Query 1.0 Port Query 2.0 Terminal Server Printer Driver Redirection Wizard 1.0 Tetris 2.0 Virtual Earth 3D 4.0 Volume Activation Management Tool 1.1 Wallpaper Changer 2002 Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor 2.0 Windows Installer Clean Up 1.0 Windows Live Messenger 2009 Windows Live Photo Gallery 2009 Windows Live Sync 2009 Windows Live Writer 2009 Windows Server Update Services 3.0 sp2 Zune 1.0 WebExpress (16-bit) 2.03 WebExpress (32-bit) 2.03 RackTools 3.1 Visual CUT 11 6.1001 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 25 MindGems Inc. Mindjet Mindscape Minnesota Department of Transportation mIRC Co. Ltd. Motive Communications Inc. Motive Communications Inc. Motorola Inc. Mozilla.org mst software GmbH mst software GmbH Multimedia 2000 Multi-Tech Systems Inc. Multi-Tech Systems Inc. Multi-Tech Systems Inc. MuTek Solutions Inc. muvee Technologies Pte Ltd MySoftware Company National Geographic Maps National Instruments Corp. NBC Universal Inc. NBC Universal Inc. NCH Software Pty Ltd NCH Software Pty Ltd NCH Software Pty Ltd NCH Swift Sound NCH Swift Sound NEC USA Inc. Nemetschek North America Inc. Neon Software Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Netbotz Inc. NetCentrics Corp Netopia Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. 1/13/12 Fast Duplicate File Finder MindManager Games People Play MnCon mIRC (16-bit) Activate License Activate License Media Downloader Mozilla mst Defrag mst Defrag Emily Post's Complete Guide to Weddings FaxFinder Client FaxFinder Client Software MultiVOIP MuTek BugTrapper muvee autoProducer MyInvoices National Geographic Maps TOPO! LabVIEW SignalExpress NBC Direct NBC Direct Express Scribe NCH Toolbox Prism Switch Switch SpectraView II VectorWorks LANsurveyor Nero Burning ROM Nero BurnRights Nero ControlCenter Nero Cover Designer Nero Cover Designer Nero DiscCopy Gadget Nero DiscSpeed Nero DiscSpeed Nero DiscSpeed Nero DriveSpeed Nero DriveSpeed Nero Express Nero InfoTool Nero PhotoSnap Nero Recode Nero RescueAgent Nero RescueAgent Nero RescueAgent Nero ShowTime Nero SoundTrax Nero StartSmart Nero StartSmart Nero Vision Nero WaveEditor NetBotz Advanced View Getting Things Done Add-In Timbuktu Pro Anyware AntiVirus for Windows 95 CyberMedia Oil Change First Aid 97 Fast Duplicate File Finder 1 MindManager 8 Games People Play 1 MnCon 2 mIRC (16-bit) 5 Activate License 9 Activate License 9 Media Downloader 1 Mozilla 1 mst Defrag 2 mst Defrag 3 Emily Post's Complete Guide to Weddings FaxFinder Client 1 FaxFinder Client Software 1 MultiVOIP 1 MuTek BugTrapper 3 muvee autoProducer 4 MyInvoices 1 National Geographic Maps TOPO! 4 LabVIEW SignalExpress 3 NBC Direct 2 NBC Direct 2 Express Scribe 4 NCH Toolbox 1 Prism 1 Switch 1 Switch 2 SpectraView II 1 VectorWorks 2008 LANsurveyor 10 Nero Burning ROM 9 Nero BurnRights 3 Nero ControlCenter 4 Nero Cover Designer 2 Nero Cover Designer 4 Nero DiscCopy Gadget 2 Nero DiscSpeed 4 Nero DiscSpeed 4 Nero DiscSpeed 5 Nero DriveSpeed 3 Nero DriveSpeed 4 Nero Express 9 Nero InfoTool 6 Nero PhotoSnap 2 Nero Recode 4 Nero RescueAgent 1 Nero RescueAgent 1 Nero RescueAgent 2 Nero ShowTime 5 Nero SoundTrax 4 Nero StartSmart 8 Nero StartSmart 9 Nero Vision 6 Nero WaveEditor 4 NetBotz Advanced View 2 Getting Things Done Add-In 2 Timbuktu Pro 2 Anyware AntiVirus for Windows 95 3 CyberMedia Oil Change 2 First Aid 97 4 IBM Inc 2011 Fast Duplicate File Finder 1.0 MindManager 8.0 Games People Play 1.01 MnCon 2.05 mIRC (16-bit) 5.02 Activate License 9.5 Activate License 9.1 Media Downloader 1.0 Mozilla 1.1 mst Defrag 2.0 mst Defrag 3.0 Emily Post's Complete Guide to Weddings FaxFinder Client 1.9 FaxFinder Client Software 1.08 MultiVOIP 1.0 MuTek BugTrapper 3.0 muvee autoProducer 4.5 MyInvoices 1.1.2 National Geographic Maps TOPO! 4.2 LabVIEW SignalExpress 3.0 NBC Direct 2.0 NBC Direct 2.0 Express Scribe 4.30 NCH Toolbox 1.16 Prism 1.25 Switch 1.0 Switch 2.03+ SpectraView II 1.1 VectorWorks 2008 LANsurveyor 10.2 Nero Burning ROM 9.4 Nero BurnRights 3.4 Nero ControlCenter 4.4 Nero Cover Designer 2.5 Nero Cover Designer 4.4 Nero DiscCopy Gadget 2.4 Nero DiscSpeed 4.9 Nero DiscSpeed 4.11 Nero DiscSpeed 5.4 Nero DriveSpeed 3.8 Nero DriveSpeed 4.4 Nero Express 9.4 Nero InfoTool 6.4 Nero PhotoSnap 2.4 Nero Recode 4.4 Nero RescueAgent 1.1 Nero RescueAgent 1.3 Nero RescueAgent 2.4 Nero ShowTime 5.4 Nero SoundTrax 4.4 Nero StartSmart 8 Nero StartSmart 9.4 Nero Vision 6.4 Nero WaveEditor 4 NetBotz Advanced View 2.6 Getting Things Done Add-In 2.06 Timbuktu Pro 2.0 Anyware AntiVirus for Windows 95 3.01 CyberMedia Oil Change 2.5 First Aid 97 4.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 26 Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Instruments L.L.C. Neuber GbR Neuratron Limited Neuratron Limited New Boundary Technologies Inc. Newforma Inc. Newforma Inc. NewSoft Inc. NextPage Inc. NFive Software Nitro PDF Inc. Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd. Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd. Norman Data Defense Systems Inc. Norman Data Defense Systems Inc. Norman Data Defense Systems Inc. Norman Data Defense Systems Inc. Norman Data Defense Systems Inc. Norton-Lambert Norton-Lambert Novell Inc. Novell Inc. Novell Inc. Novell Inc. Novell Inc. Novell Inc. Novell Inc. Nuance Communications Inc. NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Corporation NYC Software Inc. Oce Oce-Technologies B.V. Okna Corporation Okna Corporation One-Write Plus One-Write Plus 1/13/12 First Aid 98 McAfee Common Framework McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention McAfee Managed VirusScan McAfee Network Access Control Client McAfee SiteAdvisor Enterprise McAfee Total Protection Service McAfee Virtual Technician McAfee VirusScan McAfee VirusScan McAfee VirusScan Enterprise McAfee Vshield McAfee Vshield for Windows 95 NetShield for Netware NetShield NT PGP Command Line Freeware Saber Bonus Pack Saber Menu System SuperScan UnInstaller (16-bit) Winguard Observer Security Task Manager AudioScore Lite PhotoScore Lite New Boundary Client Project Center Project Center Presto! BizCard Folio Bound VIEWS Cardfive NitroPDF Professional Carbide.ui Nokia Lifeblog NVCLEAN ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus for Windows ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus for Windows 95 Close-Up LAN Close-Up Remote Communications Envoy Novell Client for DOS and Windows 3.1x Novell Client for DOS/Windows 3.x Novell LAN WorkPlace Novell TCP/IP Transport Novell Views WordPerfect Library Shell Dragon NaturallySpeaking 3d Vision NVIDIA nTune NVIDIA Performance Drivers NVIDIA System Monitor DVD X Rescue Oce Remote Logic OcT Repro Desk Server DeskTop Set DeskTop Set Junior Get Paid Plus One-Write Plus PC Menu First Aid 98 5 McAfee Common Framework 4 McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention 7 McAfee Managed VirusScan 5 McAfee Network Access Control Client 3 McAfee SiteAdvisor Enterprise 3 McAfee Total Protection Service 5 McAfee Virtual Technician 5 McAfee VirusScan 2 McAfee VirusScan 3 McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 14 McAfee Vshield 2 McAfee Vshield for Windows 95 1 NetShield for Netware 4 NetShield NT 4 PGP Command Line Freeware 6 Saber Bonus Pack Saber Menu System 3 SuperScan 1 UnInstaller (16-bit) 3 Winguard 7 Observer 3 Security Task Manager 1 AudioScore Lite 6 PhotoScore Lite 5 New Boundary Client 10 Project Center 6 Project Center 6 Presto! BizCard 5 Folio Bound VIEWS 3 Cardfive 1 NitroPDF Professional 5 Carbide.ui 3 Nokia Lifeblog 2 NVCLEAN 4 ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus 7 ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus 8 ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus for Windows 8 ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus for Windows 95 8 Close-Up LAN 2 Close-Up Remote Communications 4 Envoy 7 Novell Client for DOS and Windows 3 Novell Client for DOS/Windows 3 Novell LAN WorkPlace 5.0 Novell TCP/IP Transport 4 Novell Views 4 WordPerfect Library Shell 1 Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9 3d Vision 7 NVIDIA nTune 6 NVIDIA Performance Drivers 2 NVIDIA System Monitor 6 DVD X Rescue 1.0 Oce Remote Logic 11 OcT Repro Desk Server 2004 DeskTop Set 3 DeskTop Set Junior 4 Get Paid Plus 1 One-Write Plus PC Menu 1 IBM Inc 2011 First Aid 98 5.0 McAfee Common Framework 4.5 McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention 7.0 McAfee Managed VirusScan 5.0 McAfee Network Access Control Client 3.0 McAfee SiteAdvisor Enterprise 3.0 McAfee Total Protection Service 5.0 McAfee Virtual Technician 5.5 McAfee VirusScan 2.51 McAfee VirusScan 3.1.6 McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 14.1 McAfee Vshield 2.2 McAfee Vshield for Windows 95 1.5 NetShield for Netware 4.0 NetShield NT 4.03 PGP Command Line Freeware 6.5.2 Saber Bonus Pack Saber Menu System 3.0 SuperScan 1.0 UnInstaller (16-bit) 3.0 Winguard 7.85 Observer 3.0 Security Task Manager 1.5 AudioScore Lite 6.0 PhotoScore Lite 5.5 New Boundary Client 10.0 Project Center 6.1 Project Center 6.0 Presto! BizCard 5.0 Folio Bound VIEWS 3.1a Cardfive 1.0 NitroPDF Professional 5.5 Carbide.ui 3.1 Nokia Lifeblog 2.5 NVCLEAN 4.35 ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus 7.06 ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus 8.02 ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus for Windows 8.01 ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus for Windows 95 8.03 Close-Up LAN 2.5 Close-Up Remote Communications 4.01 Envoy 7.0 Novell Client for DOS and Windows 3.1x 2.03 Novell Client for DOS/Windows 3.x 1.2 Novell LAN WorkPlace 5.0 Novell TCP/IP Transport 4.12 Novell Views 4.3 WordPerfect Library Shell 1.0 Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9.51 3d Vision 7.15 NVIDIA nTune 6.05 NVIDIA Performance Drivers 2.0 NVIDIA System Monitor 6.05 DVD X Rescue 1.0 Oce Remote Logic 11.0 OcT Repro Desk Server 2004 DeskTop Set 3.0e DeskTop Set Junior 4.0 Get Paid Plus 1.0 One-Write Plus PC Menu 1.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 27 Online Media Technologies Ltd. ophcrack.sourceforge.net Opus Software Inc. Opus Software Inc. Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Orb Networks Inc. OrbitDownloader.com OrCAD Inc. Origin ORT Software OverDrive Inc. Paglo Labs Inc. Palm Computing Inc. Panda Security SL Pando Networks Pando Networks ParetoLogic Inc. ParetoLogic Inc. Patrick Dugan PBS&J Inc PC Dynamics Inc. PEAK-System Technik GmbH PEAK-System Technik GmbH Pegasus Mail Penril Port (see Nortel) PeoplePC Perceptive Software Inc. Periscope Company Inc. Pervasive Software Inc. PFU Limited PGP Corporation PGP Corporation Phantech Software Inc. Pharos Architectural Controls Limited Phillips Color Kinetics Phillips Color Kinetics Phillips Color Kinetics Phillips Color Kinetics Phillips Color Kinetics Piriform Ltd Pixela Corp PJ Technologies Inc. PJLM Software Inc. Pkware Inc. Plaxo Inc. plkr.org POLYCOM Polyhedric Software PowerQuest Corporation 1/13/12 AVS Video Converter ophcrack Opus Make Opus Make JInitiator Net8 Oracle 8 Client Oracle 8 Enterprise Edition Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle SQL Plus for Windows Oracle SQL Plus for Windows Oracle SQL Plus for Windows Oracle Web Application Server Personal Oracle Lite Personal Oracle7 for Windows 95 Kodak Digital Display Orbit Downloader PSpice Wing Commander Astro Fire OverDrive Media Console Packetyzer Palm Desktop Panda AdminSecure Pando Media Booster Pando Media Booster ParetoLogic DriverCure RegCure AnyClock HAZUS-MH MR4 MenuWorks PCANView USB PCAN-View USB Pegasus Mail (16-bit) Translating Data Analyzer Dump PeoplePC ImageNow Desktop Client Periscope Pervasive System Analyzer ScanSnap PGP Desktop PGP Desktop InfoRecall Pharos Designer ColorPlay ColorPlay ConfigCalc Light System Composer QuickPlay Pro CCleaner ImageMixer GoverLAN Print Audit PKZIP for Windows (16-bit) Plaxo for Outlook and Outlook Express Plucker Desktop Polycom PVX Mellosoftron PartitionMagic AVS Video Converter 6 ophcrack 3 Opus Make 6 Opus Make 6 JInitiator 1 Net8 8 Oracle 8 Client 8 Oracle 8 Enterprise Edition 8 Oracle Enterprise Manager 2 Oracle Enterprise Manager 7 Oracle SQL Plus for Windows 3 Oracle SQL Plus for Windows 8 Oracle SQL Plus for Windows 9 Oracle Web Application Server 3 Personal Oracle Lite 2 Personal Oracle7 for Windows 95 7 Kodak Digital Display 1 Orbit Downloader 2 PSpice 9 Wing Commander Astro Fire 1 OverDrive Media Console 3 Packetyzer 5 Palm Desktop 6 Panda AdminSecure 4 Pando Media Booster 2 Pando Media Booster 2 ParetoLogic DriverCure 1 RegCure 1 AnyClock 1 HAZUS-MH MR4 9 MenuWorks 2 PCANView USB 2 PCAN-View USB 2 Pegasus Mail (16-bit) 2 Translating Data Analyzer Dump 1 PeoplePC 6 ImageNow Desktop Client 6 Periscope 4 Pervasive System Analyzer 9 ScanSnap 1 PGP Desktop 9 PGP Desktop 9 InfoRecall 3 Pharos Designer 1 ColorPlay 3 ColorPlay 4 ConfigCalc 1 Light System Composer 1 QuickPlay Pro 1 CCleaner 2 ImageMixer 1 GoverLAN 5 Print Audit 5 PKZIP for Windows (16-bit) 2 Plaxo for Outlook and Outlook Express 2 Plucker Desktop 1 Polycom PVX 8 Mellosoftron 1 PartitionMagic 2 IBM Inc 2011 AVS Video Converter 6.2 ophcrack 3.2 Opus Make 6.04 Opus Make 6.11 JInitiator 1 Net8 8.1.6 Oracle 8 Client 8.0.4 Oracle 8 Enterprise Edition 8.0.4 Oracle Enterprise Manager 2.0.4 Oracle Enterprise Manager 7.3 Oracle SQL Plus for Windows 3.3.4 Oracle SQL plus for Windows 8.1 Oracle SQL Plus for Windows 9.2 Oracle Web Application Server 3.0.1 Personal Oracle Lite 2.4.3 Personal Oracle7 for Windows 95 7.3.2 Kodak Digital Display 1.4 Orbit Downloader 2.8 PSpice 9.1 Wing Commander Astro Fire 1.0s OverDrive Media Console 3.2 Packetyzer 5.0 Palm Desktop 6.2 Panda AdminSecure 4.2 Pando Media Booster 2.3 Pando Media Booster 2.2 ParetoLogic DriverCure 1.5 RegCure 1.5 AnyClock 1.4 HAZUS-MH MR4 9.0 MenuWorks 2.10 PCANView USB 2.0 PCAN-View USB 2.6 Pegasus Mail (16-bit) 2.54 Translating Data Analyzer Dump 1.0 PeoplePC 6.0 ImageNow Desktop Client 6.4 Periscope 4.01 Pervasive System Analyzer 9.1 ScanSnap 1.1 PGP Desktop 9.9 PGP Desktop 9.6 InfoRecall 3.4c Pharos Designer 1.6 ColorPlay 3.0 ColorPlay 4.5 ConfigCalc 1.0 Light System Composer 1.8 QuickPlay Pro 1.0 CCleaner 2.11 ImageMixer 1.5 GoverLAN 5.5 Print Audit 5.1 PKZIP for Windows (16-bit) 2.04g Plaxo for Outlook and Outlook Express 2.6 Plucker Desktop 1.0 Polycom PVX 8.0 Mellosoftron 1.1 PartitionMagic 2.03 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 28 PowerQuest Corporation PowerQuest Corporation PowerQuest Corporation PowerQuest Corporation PowerQuest Corporation prairieFyre Software Inc. Presidio Software Primeworks Princeton Softech Inc. Prodigy Services Company ProStores Inc. Publishing Technologies Inc. PureEdge Solutions Inc. Python Software Foundation Qlik Technologies Inc. QNAP Security QNAP Security QO Labs Qualcomm Incorporated Qualcomm Incorporated Qualcomm Incorporated Quantapoint Quark Inc. Quark Inc. Quark Inc. Quest Software Inc. Quest Software Inc. Quest Software Inc. Quest Software Inc. Quest Software Inc. Quest Software Inc. Quest Software Inc. Quicksoft Inc. R Company r2 Studios Radview Software Inc. Rainbow Technologies Raindrop Geomagic Inc. Rainlendar Ramsoft Inc. RARLAB RCI Custom RealNetworks Inc. RealTech VR Software RealVNC Ltd. Recognita Corporation Recoveronix Ltd. Red Gate Software Ltd. RedHat RedHat Registry Mighty Research In Motion Limited Research In Motion Limited Research In Motion Limited Research In Motion Limited Research In Motion Limited Research In Motion Limited Rhode Island Soft Systems Inc. Rhode Island Soft Systems Inc. RightFAX Inc. 1/13/12 PartitionMagic PartitionMagic PartitionMagic PartitionMagic for Windows 3.1/DOS PowerQuest DriveMapper Contact Center Management PC-Animate Data Port Wizard SELECT SE for PeopleSoft Prodigy (DOS) Store Monitor PubTech BatchWorks PureEdge Viewer Python QlikView QNAP Finder Software VioStor Player Neuview Professional Eudora Qualcomm Gobi Download Service Qualcomm Gobi Driver Package for Sony PRISM 3D QuarkXPress QuarkXPress QuarkXPress Knowledge Xpert PowerGUI Quest Benchmark Factory for Databases Quest Code Tester For Oracle Quest SQL Optimizer for Oracle SQL Monitor Toad Group Policy Manager PC-Write Jaws Startup Delay WebLOAD Analytics Sentinel System Driver Geomagic Studio Rainlendar PowerReader WinRAR PanelBuilder RealPlayer SP Space Girl VNC Enterprise Edition Recognita Select MSSQLRecovery SQL Compare Cygwin Cygwin Registry Mighty BlackBerry Desktop Software BlackBerry Device Manager Driver RecFind RIM Handheld Application Loader RIM Handheld Application Loader RIM Handheld Application Loader Hey Macaroni! Screen Saver Screen Saver Chooser RightFAX Client PartitionMagic 2 PartitionMagic 3 PartitionMagic 3 PartitionMagic for Windows 3 PowerQuest DriveMapper 1 Contact Center Management 5 PC-Animate 2 Data Port Wizard 2 SELECT SE for PeopleSoft 6 Prodigy (DOS) 2 Store Monitor 1 PubTech BatchWorks 1 PureEdge Viewer 6 Python 2 QlikView 7 QNAP Finder Software 3 VioStor Player 3 Neuview Professional 6 Eudora 2 Qualcomm Gobi Download Service 2 Qualcomm Gobi Driver Package for Sony 1 PRISM 3D 8 QuarkXPress 5 QuarkXPress 6 QuarkXPress 6 Knowledge Xpert 6 PowerGUI 1 Quest Benchmark Factory for Databases 5 Quest Code Tester For Oracle 1 Quest SQL Optimizer for Oracle 7 SQL Monitor 2 Toad Group Policy Manager 1 PC-Write 3 Jaws 2 Startup Delay 2 WebLOAD Analytics 1 Sentinel System Driver 7 Geomagic Studio 4 Rainlendar 2 PowerReader 4 WinRAR 3 PanelBuilder 1 RealPlayer SP 1 Space Girl 1 VNC Enterprise Edition 4 Recognita Select 2 MSSQLRecovery 2 SQL Compare 8 Cygwin 1 Cygwin 2 Registry Mighty 6 BlackBerry Desktop Software 5 BlackBerry Device Manager Driver 3 RecFind 5 RIM Handheld Application Loader 4 RIM Handheld Application Loader 4 RIM Handheld Application Loader 5 Hey Macaroni! Screen Saver 2 Screen Saver Chooser RightFAX Client 5 IBM Inc 2011 PartitionMagic 2.02 PartitionMagic 3.05 PartitionMagic 3.02 PartitionMagic for Windows 3.1/DOS 5.0 PowerQuest DriveMapper 1.0 Contact Center Management 5.2 PC-Animate 2.2 Data Port Wizard 2.0 SELECT SE for PeopleSoft 6.2 Prodigy (DOS) 2.1 Store Monitor 1.1 PubTech BatchWorks 1.03 PureEdge Viewer 6.1 Python 2.4 QlikView 7.52 QNAP Finder Software 3.3 VioStor Player 3.0 Neuview Professional 6.08 Eudora 2.0.2 Qualcomm Gobi Download Service 2.0 Qualcomm Gobi Driver Package for Sony 1.0 PRISM 3D 8.5 QuarkXPress 5.0 QuarkXPress 6.0 QuarkXPress 6.5 Knowledge Xpert 6.0 PowerGUI 1.9 Quest Benchmark Factory for Databases 5.5 Quest Code Tester For Oracle 1.8 Quest SQL Optimizer for Oracle 7.3 SQL Monitor 2.4 Toad Group Policy Manager 1.1 PC-Write 3.03 Jaws 2.0 Startup Delay 2.03 WebLOAD Analytics 1.0 Sentinel System Driver 7.5 Geomagic Studio 4.0 Rainlendar 2.1 PowerReader 4.6 WinRAR 3.0 PanelBuilder 1.0 RealPlayer SP 1.0 Space Girl 1.05 VNC Enterprise Edition 4.5 Recognita Select 2.0 MSSQLRecovery 2.10 SQL Compare 8.0 Cygwin 1.5 Cygwin 2.0 Registry Mighty 6.0 BlackBerry Desktop Software 5.0 BlackBerry Device Manager Driver 3.2 RecFind 5.00 RIM Handheld Application Loader 4.6 RIM Handheld Application Loader 4.7 RIM Handheld Application Loader 5.0 Hey Macaroni! Screen Saver 2.0 Screen Saver Chooser RightFAX Client 5.2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 29 Rising Software Australia Pty. Ltd. Robert McNeel & Associates Roxio Roxio Roxio Royal Philips Electronics RSE Software Inc. Rudenko Software s.a.x software Samsung SAP AG SAP AG SAP AG SAP AG Scala Inc. ScanSoft Inc. Scarborough Research SchemaToDoc Enterprises SDA Software Design Ahnert GmbH Seapine Software Inc. Seapine Software Inc. Second Nature Software Inc. Segue Inc. SEIKO EPSON CORP. SEIKO EPSON CORP. SEIKO EPSON CORP. SEIKO EPSON CORP. SEIKO EPSON CORP. SEIKO EPSON CORP. Self Test Software Sencore Inc. Sensitech Inc. Sewell Development Corp. Shazam Entertainment Ltd. ShoreTel Inc. ShoreTel Inc. Shrew Soft Inc. Sibelius Software Ltd. Sibelius Software Ltd. Sierra Entertainment Inc. Sierra Entertainment Inc. Sierra Entertainment Inc. Sierra Entertainment Inc. Sierra Wireless Inc. Sirius Publishing SiSoftware Site Technologies Skyscape Inc. SlickEdit Inc. SlickEdit Inc. SMART Technologies Inc. SmartDraw.com Smith Micro Software Inc. Smith Micro Software Inc. Snappy Software Softbridge Inc. Softbridge Inc. Softbridge Inc. Softland SRL Softland SRL 1/13/12 Musition Rhinoceros Roxio Creator Business Roxio Creator Silver Roxio Retrieve Philips Xcelera Magic Folders PADManager Outline Natural Color Pro SAP Download Manager SAP Frontend SAP Service Connector SAPGUI Scala InfoChannel IC200 PDF Converter Professional PRIME NExT DB Side-By-Side EASE Address Surround SCM Client TestTrack Slide Show Partner EPSON Attach To Email EPSON Copy Utility EPSON Event Manager Epson Fax Assistant EPSON File Manager EPSON Scan Assistant Self Test Software Colorpro TempTale Manager Desktop FastLynx Shazam ShoreWare ShoreWare Shrew Soft VPN Client Sibelius Sibelius After Dark After Dark Nova 9 Red Baron Arcade TRU-Install PC Karaoke SiSoftware Sandra XII Animated Desktop for Windows Skyscape Desktop SlickEdit SlickEdit SMART Notebook SmartDraw QuickLink II Fax for DOS QuickLink Mobile Wincode: Multi-Purpose Encoder/Decoder for Wind Bridge Batch Bridge ToolKit Bridge/286 doPDF doPDF Musition 3 Rhinoceros 4 Roxio Creator Business 10 Roxio Creator Silver 10 Roxio Retrieve 10 Philips Xcelera 1 Magic Folders 96 PADManager 2 Outline 3 Natural Color Pro 1 SAP Download Manager 8 SAP Frontend 7 SAP Service Connector 2 SAPGUI 6 Scala InfoChannel IC200 Release 2 PDF Converter Professional 5 PRIME NExT 1 DB Side-By-Side 1 EASE Address 1 Surround SCM Client 2008 TestTrack 2008 Slide Show Partner 2 EPSON Attach To Email 1 EPSON Copy Utility 1 EPSON Event Manager 1 Epson Fax Assistant 2 EPSON File Manager 1 EPSON Scan Assistant 1 Self Test Software 1 Colorpro 6000 TempTale Manager Desktop 1 FastLynx 2 Shazam 1 ShoreWare 13 ShoreWare 14 Shrew Soft VPN Client 2 Sibelius 5 Sibelius 6 After Dark 1 After Dark 2 Nova 9 Red Baron Arcade 1 TRU-Install 1 PC Karaoke Vol 3041 SiSoftware Sandra XII 2008 Animated Desktop for Windows 1 Skyscape Desktop 8 SlickEdit 2007 SlickEdit 2008 SMART Notebook 8 SmartDraw 2009 QuickLink II Fax for DOS 2 QuickLink Mobile 4 Wincode: Multi-Purpose Encoder/Decoder for Wind 2 Bridge Batch 3 Bridge ToolKit 3 Bridge/286 1 doPDF 5 doPDF 6 IBM Inc 2011 Musition 3.0 Rhinoceros 4.0 Roxio Creator Business 10.0 Roxio Creator Silver 10.1 Roxio Retrieve 10.1 Philips Xcelera 1.1 Magic Folders 96 PADManager 2.0 Outline 3.10 Natural Color Pro 1.0 SAP Download Manager 8.0 SAP Frontend 7.10 SAP Service Connector 2.0 SAPGUI 6.20 Scala InfoChannel IC200 Release 2 PDF Converter Professional 5.0 PRIME NExT 1.0 DB Side-By-Side 1.07 EASE Address 1.1 Surround SCM Client 2008 TestTrack 2008 Slide Show Partner 2.0.2 EPSON Attach To Email 1.0 EPSON Copy Utility 1.3 EPSON Event Manager 1.8 Epson Fax Assistant 2.0 EPSON File Manager 1.30 EPSON Scan Assistant 1.1 Self Test Software 1.01 Colorpro 6000 1.0 TempTale Manager Desktop 1.0 FastLynx 2.0 Shazam 1.1 ShoreWare 13.25 ShoreWare 14.21 Shrew Soft VPN Client 2.1 Sibelius 5.2 Sibelius 6.0 After Dark 1.0 After Dark 2.0 Nova 9 Red Baron Arcade 1.0 TRU-Install 1.0 [1] PC Karaoke Vol 3041 SiSoftware Sandra XII 2008 sp2c Animated Desktop for Windows 1.04 Skyscape Desktop 8.1 SlickEdit 2007 SlickEdit 2008 SMART Notebook 8.1 SmartDraw 2009 QuickLink II Fax for DOS 2.2.2 QuickLink Mobile 4.8 Wincode: Multi-Purpose Encoder/Decoder for Wind 2.7 Bridge Batch 3.0 Bridge ToolKit 3.0 Bridge/286 1.0 doPDF 5.0 doPDF 6.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30 SoftVelocity Inc. SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks Sonic Solutions Sonic Solutions Sonic Solutions Sonic Solutions Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sony Corporation SopCast.com 1/13/12 Clarion Application Performance Monitor Application Performance Monitor Licensing Configuration Wizard Custom Property Editor Database Manager Engineers Toolset Information Service Information Service IP Address Tracker Job Engine License Netflow Trafic Analyser Network Atlas Network Traffic Analyser Orion Diagnostics Orion Network Configuration Manager Orion Network Performance Monitor Orion Report Scheduler Orion Web Console Report Writer Solarwinds Engineers Toolset Solarwinds Exchange Monitor SolarWinds License Manager Setup Solarwinds SFTP and SCP Server Solarwinds System Log Viewer SQL Database Manager System Manager Trap Viewer Universal Device Poller Universal Device Poller VoIP Monitor VoIP Monitor WMI Monitor eDrawings Viewer SolidWorks Explorer SolidWorks Photoview 360 Audio Tag Editor Backup MyPC Deluxe 6 Digital Home Sonic DLA 3G Connection Manager Digital Voice Editor ISB Utility Marketing Tools Screeners Setting Utility Series Sony Music Sony Picture Utility VAIO Control Center VAIO Data Restore Tool VAIO Event Service VAIO Power Management VAIO Presentation Support VAIO Recovery Center VAIO Reminder VAIO Smart Network VAIO Update VAIO Wallpaper Setting Tool VAIORegister SopCast Adver Clarion 7 Application Performance Monitor 3 Application Performance Monitor Licensing 3 Configuration Wizard 9 Custom Property Editor 9 Database Manager 9 Engineers Toolset 10 Information Service 2 Information Service 2 IP Address Tracker 1 Job Engine 1 License Netflow Trafic Analyser 1 Network Atlas 1 Network Traffic Analyser 4 Orion Diagnostics 9 Orion Network Configuration Manager 8 Orion Network Performance Monitor 9 Orion Report Scheduler 9 Orion Web Console 1 Report Writer 9 Solarwinds Engineers Toolset 10 Solarwinds Exchange Monitor 1 SolarWinds License Manager Setup 1 Solarwinds SFTP and SCP Server 1 Solarwinds System Log Viewer 9 SQL Database Manager 8 System Manager 9 Trap Viewer 9 Universal Device Poller 1 Universal Device Poller 9 VoIP Monitor 9 VoIP Monitor 9 WMI Monitor 1 eDrawings Viewer 2010 SolidWorks Explorer 2009 SolidWorks Photoview 360 2008 Audio Tag Editor 9 Backup MyPC Deluxe 6 6 Digital Home 9 Sonic DLA 4 3G Connection Manager 5 Digital Voice Editor 3 ISB Utility 3 Marketing Tools 1 Screeners Setting Utility Series 4 Sony Music Sony Picture Utility 2 VAIO Control Center 3 VAIO Data Restore Tool 1 VAIO Event Service 4 VAIO Power Management 3 VAIO Presentation Support 1 VAIO Recovery Center 1 VAIO Reminder 1 VAIO Smart Network 2 VAIO Update 4 VAIO Wallpaper Setting Tool 2 VAIORegister 1 SopCast Adver 3 IBM Inc 2011 Clarion 7.0 Application Performance Monitor 3.0 Application Performance Monitor Licensing 3.0 Configuration Wizard 9.5 Custom Property Editor 9.05 Database Manager 9.05 Engineers Toolset 10.1 Information Service 2.0 Information Service 2.1 IP Address Tracker 1.0 Job Engine 1.3 License Netflow Trafic Analyser 1.0 Network Atlas 1.0 Network Traffic Analyser 4.0 Orion Diagnostics 9.5 Orion Network Configuration Manager 8.03 Orion Network Performance Monitor 9.05 Orion Report Scheduler 9.05 Orion Web Console 1.0 Report Writer 9.05 Solarwinds Engineers Toolset 10.04 Solarwinds Exchange Monitor 1.0 SolarWinds License Manager Setup 1.0 Solarwinds SFTP and SCP Server 1.0 Solarwinds System Log Viewer 9.05 SQL Database Manager 8.0 System Manager 9.05 Trap Viewer 9.05 Universal Device Poller 1.0 Universal Device Poller 9.5 VoIP Monitor 9.5 VoIP Monitor 9.1 WMI Monitor 1.0 eDrawings Viewer 2010 SolidWorks Explorer 2009 SolidWorks Photoview 360 2008 Audio Tag Editor 9.4 Backup MyPC Deluxe 6 6.0 Digital Home 9.4 Sonic DLA 4.95 3G Connection Manager 5.0 Digital Voice Editor 3.1 ISB Utility 3.0 Marketing Tools 1.17 Screeners Setting Utility Series 4.2 Sony Music Sony Picture Utility 2.1 VAIO Control Center 3.2 VAIO Data Restore Tool 1.0 VAIO Event Service 4.2 VAIO Power Management 3.2 VAIO Presentation Support 1.1 VAIO Recovery Center 1.1 VAIO Reminder 1.2 VAIO Smart Network 2.2 VAIO Update 4.0 VAIO Wallpaper Setting Tool 2.1 VAIORegister 1.0 SopCast Adver 3.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 31 Sophos Plc Sophos Plc Sophos Plc Sorenson Media Inc. Sparx Systems Pty Ltd SpectorSoft Corporation Sprint Nextel Sprint Nextel Spyware Square D Srimax Software System SSI Tristar Corporation SSI Tristar Corporation Stardock Corporation Stibo Group A/S Strategic Simulations (SEE Ubi Soft Entertainmt Strategic Simulations (SEE Ubi Soft Entertainmt Strategic Studies Group Strategic Studies Group Strategic Studies Group Sun Microsystems Inc. Sun Microsystems Inc. Sun Microsystems Inc. Sun Microsystems Inc. Sun Microsystems Inc. Sun Microsystems Inc. SuperNova International B.V. SwiftView Inc. Sybase Inc. Sybase Inc. Sybase Inc. Sybase Inc. Sybase Inc. Sybase Inc. Sybase Inc. Symantec Corporation Symantec Corporation Symantec Corporation Symantec Corporation Symantec Corporation Synaptics Inc. SysAid Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC SystemSoft Corporation SystemSoft Corporation Tally Systems Corp. 1/13/12 Sophos Anti-Virus Sophos Client Firewall Sophos Endpoint Management Sorenson Squeeze Enterprise Architect Spector CNE Sprint Smartview Sprint Smartview Save D-Log Outlook Messenger Native e no Do/Eigo de Asobo Sanbiki no Mori no Kuma Impulse RS Components Electronic Catalogue (Gateway) Sophos Anti-Virus 9 Sophos Client Firewall 2 Sophos Endpoint Management 3 Sorenson Squeeze 4 Enterprise Architect 7 Spector CNE 1 Sprint Smartview 1 Sprint Smartview 2 Save 1 D-Log 1 Outlook Messenger 4 Native e no Do/Eigo de Asobo 1 Sanbiki no Mori no Kuma 1 Impulse 1 RS Components Electronic Catalogue (Gateway) Sophos Anti-Virus 9.0 Sophos Client Firewall 2.0 Sophos Endpoint Management 3.1 Sorenson Squeeze 4.1 Enterprise Architect 7.0 Spector CNE 1.0 Sprint Smartview 1.18 Sprint Smartview 2.25 Save 1.0 D-Log 1.00 Outlook Messenger 4.01 Native e no Do/Eigo de Asobo 1.0 Sanbiki no Mori no Kuma 1.0 Impulse 1.1 RS Components Electronic Catalogue (Gateway) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Champions of Krynn Champions of Krynn Champions of Krynn 3 Gateway to the Savage Frontier Gateway to the Savage Frontier Gateway to the Savage Frontier 3 Dragons of Flame Heroes of the Lance War of the Lance Java Platform SE Java Runtime Environment Java Runtime Environment Java Web Start Java Web Start VirtualBox Guest Additions SuperNova Universal Integration Engine SwiftView EAServer InfoMaker PowerBuilder PowerDynamo Sybase Open Client Watcom C/C++ Watcom C++ Class Builder Norton Security Scan pcAnywhere Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Symantec Ghost AI Snapshot Symantec Ghost Console Client Synaptics Pointing Device Driver SysAid BgInfo Contig Desktops Disk2vhd Diskmnt DiskMon LiveKd LiveKd Process Monitor Sigcheck Strings Sync WinObj CardWizard CardWorks NetCensus Dragons of Flame 1 Heroes of the Lance War of the Lance 1 Java Platform SE 6 Java 2 Runtime Environment 1 Java Runtime Environment 4 Java Web Start 1 Java Web Start 6 VirtualBox Guest Additions 3 SuperNova Universal Integration Engine 7 SwiftView 8 EAServer 4 InfoMaker 5 PowerBuilder 5 PowerDynamo 3 Sybase Open Client 11 Watcom C/C++ 10 Watcom C++ Class Builder 5 Norton Security Scan 1 pcANYWHERE 12 Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows 12 Symantec Ghost AI Snapshot 11 Symantec Ghost Console Client 8 Synaptics Pointing Device Driver 11 SysAid 1 BgInfo 4 Contig 1 Desktops 1 Disk2vhd 1 Diskmnt 1 DiskMon 2 LiveKd 3 LiveKd 3 Process Monitor 2 Sigcheck 1 Strings 2 Sync 2 WinObj 2 CardWizard CardWorks 4 NetCensus 1 Dragons of Flame 1.0 Heroes of the Lance War of the Lance 1.0 Java Platform SE 6 Java 2 Runtime Environment 1.4 Java Runtime Environment 4.1 Java Web Start 1.2 Java Web Start 6.0 VirtualBox Guest Additions 3.0 SuperNova Universal Integration Engine 7.1.1 SwiftView 8.3 EAServer 4.2 InfoMaker 5.0 PowerBuilder 5.0 PowerDynamo 3.5 Sybase Open Client 11.1.1 Watcom C/C++ 10.5J Watcom C++ Class Builder 5.0 Norton Security Scan 1.2 pcANYWHERE 12.0 Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows 12.5 Symantec Ghost AI Snapshot 11.0 Symantec Ghost Console Client 8.0 Synaptics Pointing Device Driver 11.1 SysAid 1.1 BGInfo 4.15 Contig 1.55 Desktops 1.0 Disk2vhd 1.3 Diskmnt 1.0 DiskMon 2.01 LiveKd 3.13 LiveKd 3.12 Process Monitor 2.7 Sigcheck 1.60 Strings 2.41 Sync 2.2 WinObj 2.15 CardWizard CardWorks 4.0 NetCensus 1.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 IBM Inc 2011 32 Tannoy Ltd. TeamViewer GmbH Techbyte Sdn Bhd TechSmith Corporation TechSmith Corporation Teklynx International Teklynx International Tenebril Incorporated The Learning Company (SEE Riverdeep) The Learning Company (SEE Riverdeep) The Learning Company (SEE Riverdeep) The Learning Company (SEE Riverdeep) The Learning Company (SEE Riverdeep) The Learning Company (SEE Riverdeep) The Learning Company (SEE Riverdeep) The MathWorks Inc. The Nielsen Company The Weather Channel Interactive Inc. Thompson Automation Tivoli Systems Tivoli Systems Tom Ehlert Software Tom Poindexter TOSHIBA CORPORATION. TOSHIBA CORPORATION. Total Training Inc. Trancite Logic Systems Trend Micro Inc. Trend Micro Inc. Trend Micro Inc. Trend Micro Inc. Trend Micro Inc. TROY Group Inc. Tweak Marketing Inc. TweetDeck Inc. Tyco International Limited Ubi Soft Entertainment uCertify.com Ulead Systems Inc. Ulead Systems Inc. Ulead Systems Inc. Ultrapico United Parcel Service of America Inc. (UPS) United Parcel Service of America Inc. (UPS) United Parcel Service of America Inc. (UPS) Universal Software Solutions US Food and Drug Administration Vector Informatik GmbH Veetle Inc. VERITAS Software Corporation VERITAS Software Corporation VERITAS Software Corporation VERITAS Software Corporation VERITAS Software Corporation Verity Inc. Verity Inc. Viasoft Inc. VideoLAN Virtuawin.org Visiv Ltd. 1/13/12 Tannoy Distributed Designer TeamViewer IceWarp Data Packet Manager Camtasia Studio SnagIt LABEL MATRIX 7 LABELVIEW StickyNote Cyber Patrol Cyber Patrol Cyber Patrol Corporate MPC Wizard Sesame Street Letters Sesame Street: Numbers SoftType MATLAB Advisor Personal Desktop Weather Thompson Toolkit Tivoli Endpoint Agent Windows 95 Tivoli Endpoint Agent Windows 95 Drive Snapshot for WindowsNT Crobots Bluetooth Manager Toshiba Console VW Adobe Production Studio Easy Street Draw OfficeScan Client for Windows NT ScanMail for Exchange Trend Micro OfficeScan Trend Micro OfficeScan Trend Micro OfficeScan TROY Printer Utility Advanced Maillist Verify TweetDeck CCURE800 Pool of Radiance PrepEngine Ulead GIF Animator Ulead GIF Animator Ulead Photo Explorer Expresso MaxiTrac MaxiTrac for Windows UPS Worldship Money Matters MedWatch MDFValidator Veetle TV Backup Exec for Windows NT - Remote Client KVS Enterprise Vault Seagate ExecView Seagate WinINSTALL Seagate WinINSTALL KeyView Pro KeyView Pro OnMark 2000 Survey Server VLC Media Player VirtuaWin SharpEye Tannoy Distributed Designer 1 TeamViewer 5 IceWarp Data Packet Manager 1 Camtasia Studio 6 SnagIt 9 LABEL MATRIX 7 7 LabelView 6 StickyNote 0 Cyber Patrol 3 Cyber Patrol 4 Cyber Patrol Corporate 1 MPC Wizard 1 Sesame Street Letters Sesame Street: Numbers 2 SoftType 1 MATLAB 5 Advisor Personal 6 Desktop Weather 6 Thompson Toolkit 4 Tivoli Endpoint Agent Windows 95 21 Tivoli Endpoint Agent Windows 95 3 Drive Snapshot for WindowsNT 1 Crobots 1 Bluetooth Manager 6 Toshiba Console 3 VW Adobe Production Studio 1 Easy Street Draw 4 OfficeScan Client for Windows NT 5 ScanMail for Exchange 7 Trend Micro OfficeScan 16 Trend Micro OfficeScan 5 Trend Micro OfficeScan 8 TROY Printer Utility 3 Advanced Maillist Verify 4 TweetDeck 0 CCURE800 3 Pool of Radiance PrepEngine 12 Ulead GIF Animator 1 Ulead GIF Animator 3 Ulead Photo Explorer 3 Expresso 3 MaxiTrac 2 MaxiTrac for Windows 1 UPS WorldShip 9 Money Matters 1 MedWatch MDFValidator 1 Veetle TV 0 Backup Exec for Windows NT - Remote Client 9 KVS Enterprise Vault 8 Seagate ExecView 2 Seagate WinINSTALL 4 Seagate WinINSTALL 5 KeyView Pro 5 KeyView Pro 6 OnMark 2000 Survey Server 2 VLC media player 1 VirtuaWin 4 SharpEye 2 IBM Inc 2011 Tannoy Distributed Designer 1.0 TeamViewer 5.0 IceWarp Data Packet Manager 1.0 Camtasia Studio 6.0 SnagIt 9 LABEL MATRIX 7 7.01 LabelView 6.9 StickyNote 0.10 Cyber Patrol 3.0 Cyber Patrol 4.0 Cyber Patrol Corporate 1.0 MPC Wizard 1.0 Sesame Street Letters Sesame Street: Numbers 2.0 SoftType 1.0 MATLAB 5.3 Advisor Personal 6.2 Desktop Weather 6.0 Thompson Toolkit 4.2a Tivoli Endpoint Agent Windows 95 21 Tivoli Endpoint Agent Windows 95 3.6.4 Drive Snapshot for WindowsNT 1.36 Crobots 1.0 Bluetooth Manager 6.0 Toshiba Console 3.0 VW Adobe Production Studio 1.0 Easy Street Draw 4.0 OfficeScan Client for Windows NT 5.5 ScanMail for Exchange 7.0 Trend Micro OfficeScan 16.0 Trend Micro OfficeScan 5.58 Trend Micro OfficeScan 8 TROY Printer Utility 3.3 Advanced Maillist Verify 4.25 TweetDeck 0.33 CCURE800 3.0 Pool of Radiance PrepEngine 12.27 Ulead GIF Animator 1.5 Ulead GIF Animator 3.0a Ulead Photo Explorer 3.0 Expresso 3.0 MaxiTrac 2.8 MaxiTrac for Windows 1.0 UPS WorldShip 9.0 Money Matters 1.0a MedWatch MDFValidator 1.4 Veetle TV 0.9 Backup Exec for Windows NT - Remote Client 9.0 KVS Enterprise Vault 8.0 Seagate ExecView 2.01 Seagate WinINSTALL 4.0 Seagate WinINSTALL 5.1 KeyView Pro 5.1 KeyView Pro 6.0 OnMark 2000 Survey Server 2.0 VLC media player 1.0 VirtuaWin 4.1 SharpEye 2.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 Vizacom Inc. Vizacom Inc. vLetter Inc. VMware Inc. VMware Inc. VMware Inc. VMware Inc. VMware Inc. Vyapin Software Systems Vyapin Software Systems W. David Schwaderer WACOM Technology Corporation Walmart.com Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. Wavelink Corporation Wavelink Corporation Wavelink Corporation Wayzata Technology West Group WhiteTown Software Whitewater Group (see Symantec Corp.) WIBU-SYSTEMS AG Wilcox Associates Inc. Wilcox Associates Inc. Wilson WindowWare Inc. Wilson WindowWare Inc. WinSoft Corporation Winternals Software LP Winternals Software LP WinZip Computing WinZip Computing WiredRed Corporation WiredRed Corporation WiredRed Corporation WiredRed Corporation Wisdom Software Inc. Wise Solutions Inc. WizardWorks Wizmo Inc. WMHelp.com Wonderware Corporation World Book Inc. WRQ Inc. WRQ Inc. WRQ Inc. WRQ Inc. WRQ Inc. WRQ Inc. WRQ Inc. WRQ Inc. Xerox Corporation Xircom Xupiter.com Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo! Inc. YesSoftware ZDNet 1/13/12 PFS: First Publisher Professional File vLetterWriter VMware Converter VMware Infrastructure Client VMware Tools VMware Update Service Client VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client ARK for Active Directory ARK for Exchange Server NetBios Online Conference WACOM Driver Diskette Walmart MP3 Download Manager Authentication Manager Private Information Manager Secure Storage Manager Trusted Drive Manager Avalanche Manager Wavelink Avalanche Enabler Wavelink Avalanche Enabler WayZata World Factbook Law Desk CDBF for Windows Whitewater Resource Toolkit for Windows WIBUKEY PC-DMIS for Windows PC-DMIS for Windows WinBatch WinEdit 32 Pro for Windows NT RamDisk BlueSave ERD Commander Boot CD Wizard WinZip WinZip Self-Extractor ePop Alert Client ePop Basic Client ePop Server Web Conferencing Client ScreenHunter Free Wise Installation Express Windows Launcher Wizmo Print Uninstall Utility WMHelp XMLPad Wonderware DDE Server Toolkit Quiz Wizard hDC Windows Color Microman Power Launcher Reflection for IBM Conversion Tool Reflection Network Series Reflection Software Development Kit Reflection X VeraStream Universal Integration Engine TextBridge Pro Xircom CreditCard Ethernet Adapter 10/100 SQComponent Checker Module Yahoo! Messenger Yahoo! Toolbar CodeCharge Studio PC Magazine's AddIt PFS: First Publisher 3 Professional File 2 vLetterWriter 4 VMware Converter 3 VMware Infrastructure Client 4 VMware Tools 7 VMware Update Service Client 1 VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client 2 ARK for Active Directory 6 ARK for Exchange Server 5 NetBios Online Conference WACOM Driver Diskette 2 Walmart MP3 Download Manager 1 Authentication Manager 1 Private Information Manager 5 Secure Storage Manager 3 Trusted Drive Manager 3 Avalanche Manager 3 Wavelink Avalanche Enabler 3 Wavelink Avalanche Enabler 4 WayZata World Factbook 93 Edition Law Desk July 1994 CDBF for Windows 1 Whitewater Resource Toolkit for Windows 1 WIBUKEY 5 PC-DMIS for Windows 3 PC-DMIS for Windows 4 WinBatch 2 WinEdit 32 Pro for Windows NT 3 RamDisk 2 BlueSave 1 ERD Commander Boot CD Wizard 2005 WinZip 14 WinZip Self-Extractor 2 ePop Alert Client 3 ePop Basic Client 3 ePop Server 3 Web Conferencing Client 4 ScreenHunter Free 5 Wise Installation Express 7 Windows Launcher 1 Wizmo Print Uninstall Utility 3 WMHelp XMLPad 3 Wonderware DDE Server Toolkit 5 Quiz Wizard hDC Windows Color Microman Power Launcher 2 Reflection for IBM Conversion Tool 1 Reflection Network Series 2 Reflection Software Development Kit 1 Reflection X 14 VeraStream Universal Integration Engine 7 TextBridge Pro 98 Xircom CreditCard Ethernet Adapter 10/100 1 SQComponent Checker Module 2 Yahoo! Messenger 10 Yahoo! Toolbar 8 CodeCharge Studio 4 PC Magazine's AddIt 1 IBM Inc 2011 PFS: First Publisher 3.0 Professional File 2.01 vLetterWriter 4.5 VMware Converter 3.0 VMware Infrastructure Client 4.0 VMware Tools 7.8 VMware Update Service Client 1.0 VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client 2.0 ARK for Active Directory 6.1 ARK for Exchange Server 5.0 NetBios Online Conference WACOM Driver Diskette 2.45 Walmart MP3 Download Manager 1.0 Authentication Manager 1.0 Private Information Manager 5.5 Secure Storage Manager 3.1 Trusted Drive Manager 3.0 Avalanche Manager 3.0 Wavelink Avalanche Enabler 3.5 Wavelink Avalanche Enabler 4.06 WayZata World Factbook 93 Edition Law Desk July 1994 CDBF for Windows 1.51 Whitewater Resource Toolkit for Windows 1.0 WIBUKEY 5.20 PC-DMIS for Windows 3.2 PC-DMIS for Windows 4.1 WinBatch 2.0e WinEdit 32 Pro for Windows NT 3.1 RamDisk 2.3 BlueSave 1.02 ERD Commander Boot CD Wizard 2005 WinZip 14.0 WinZip Self-Extractor 2.1 ePop Alert Client 3.1 ePop Basic Client 3.1 ePop Server 3.1 Web Conferencing Client 4.6 ScreenHunter Free 5.1 Wise Installation Express 7.0 Windows Launcher 1.0 Wizmo Print Uninstall Utility 3.01 WMHelp XMLPad 3.0 Wonderware DDE Server Toolkit 5.0 Quiz Wizard hDC Windows Color Microman Power Launcher 2.0b Reflection for IBM Conversion Tool 1.0 Reflection Network Series 2.21 Reflection Software Development Kit 1.0 Reflection X 14.0 VeraStream Universal Integration Engine 7.2 TextBridge Pro 98 Xircom CreditCard Ethernet Adapter 10/100 1.61 SQComponent Checker Module 2.0 Yahoo! Messenger 10.0 Yahoo! Toolbar 8.1 CodeCharge Studio 4.1 PC Magazine's AddIt 1.1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 34 ZDNet ZDNet ZDNet ZDNet ZDNet ZDNet ZDNet Zenographics ZeroG Software PC Magazine's PC Magazine's PC Magazine's PC Magazine's PC Magazine's PC Magazine's PC Magazine's SuperPrint SANsurfer ABAS Software AG Acronis Inc. Acronis Inc. Acronis Inc. Acronis Inc. Acronis Inc. Acronis Inc. Acronis Inc. Adersoft Adobe Systems Incorporated America Online Inc. Analog Devices Inc. A-PDF.com Appigo Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AVTECH Software Inc. AVTECH Software Inc. AVTECH Software Inc. BackRex Software BahamasSecurity.com BahamasSecurity.com Building Systems Design Inc. C. Ghisler Co. Cadro Pty Ltd CAST Software Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. Citrix Systems Inc. Dell Computer Corporation Diginext B.V. Diginext B.V. DIMDATA Co. Ltd. Diskeeper Corporation DivX Inc. DivXNetworks Inc. eBay Inc. Elaborate Bytes EDPViewer Acronis Backup & Recovery Agent Acronis Backup & Recovery Management Console Acronis Backup & Recovery Management Server Acronis Backup & Recovery Storage Node Acronis Backup & Recovery Upgrade Tool Acronis License Server Acronis PXE Server VbsEdit Adobe Acrobat AOL Instant Messenger SMax4PNP A-PDF Restrictions Remover Appigo Sync Bonjour iTunes QuickTime Player AutoCAD product AutoCAD product AutoCAD product AutoCAD product Autodesk Express Viewer Autodesk ImageModeler Autodesk Navisworks Freedom Autodesk Navisworks Manage Autodesk Revit Autodesk Vault Explorer Matchmover Toxik AVTECH Device Discovery AVTECH Device ManageR PageR Enterprise BackRex Internet Explorer Backup LiveVue Geo LiveVue Geo BSD SpecLink+ Total Commander HatchKit wysiwyg Check Point VPN-1 SecuRemote Citrix Online Plug-in Dell Open Manage Vodafone Mobile Connect Vodafone Mobile Connect FilePackager Professional Diskeeper DivX Plus Converter DivX Plus Player Skype Virtual CloneDrive 1/13/12 Backdown CDPlayer Dupeless FFF IconEdit MC TapeCalc PC Magazine's Backdown 1 PC Magazine's CDPlayer 1 PC Magazine's Dupeless 2 PC Magazine's FFF PC Magazine's IconEdit 1 PC Magazine's MC 1 PC Magazine's TapeCalc 1 SuperPrint 1 SANsurfer 9 Catalog 4 EDPViewer 1 Acronis Backup & Recovery Agent 10 Acronis Backup & Recovery Management Console 10 Acronis Backup & Recovery Management Server 10 Acronis Backup & Recovery Storage Node 10 Acronis Backup & Recovery Upgrade Tool 10 Acronis License Server 10 Acronis PXE Server 10 VbsEdit 3 Adobe Acrobat 8 AOL Instant Messenger SMax4PNP 5 A-PDF Restrictions Remover 1 Appigo Sync 0 Bonjour 2 iTunes 9 QuickTime Player 7 AutoCAD product 2005 AutoCAD product 2007 AutoCAD product 2009 AutoCAD product 2010 Autodesk Express Viewer 11 Autodesk ImageModeler 2009 Autodesk Navisworks Freedom 2010 Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2010 Autodesk Revit 2011 Autodesk Vault Explorer 2010 Matchmover 2010 Toxik 2010 AVTECH Device Discovery 2 AVTECH Device ManageR 8 PageR Enterprise 5 BackRex Internet Explorer Backup 2 LiveVue Geo 1 LiveVue Geo 1 BSD SpecLink+ 12 Total Commander 6 HatchKit 2 wysiwyg 1 Check Point VPN-1 SecuRemote 6 Citrix Online Plug-in 11 Dell Open Manage 6 Vodafone Mobile Connect 4 Vodafone Mobile Connect 9 FilePackager Professional 5 Diskeeper 2010 DivX Plus Converter 8 DivX Plus Player 10 Skype 4 Virtual CloneDrive 5 IBM Inc 2011 PC Magazine's Backdown 1.0 PC Magazine's CDPlayer 1.0 PC Magazine's Dupeless 2.0 PC Magazine's FFF PC Magazine's IconEdit 1.0 PC Magazine's MC 1.01 PC Magazine's TapeCalc 1.0 SuperPrint 1.0 SANsurfer 9.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 EDPViewer 1.7 Acronis Backup & Recovery Agent 10.0 Acronis Backup & Recovery Management Console 10.0 Acronis Backup & Recovery Management Server 10.0 Acronis Backup & Recovery Storage Node 10.0 Acronis Backup & Recovery Upgrade Tool 10.0 Acronis License Server 10.0 Acronis PXE Server 10.0 VbsEdit 3.4 Adobe Acrobat 8.2 AOL Instant Messenger SMax4PNP 5.0 A-PDF Restrictions Remover 1.5 Appigo Sync 0.9 Bonjour 2.0 iTunes 9.1 QuickTime Player 7.6 AutoCAD product 2005 AutoCAD product 2007 AutoCAD product 2009 AutoCAD product 2010 Autodesk Express Viewer 11.0 Autodesk ImageModeler 2009 Autodesk Navisworks Freedom 2010 Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2010 Autodesk Revit 2011 Autodesk Vault Explorer 2010 Matchmover 2010 Toxik 2010 AVTECH Device Discovery 2.0 AVTECH Device ManageR 8.0 PageR Enterprise 5.0 BackRex Internet Explorer Backup 2.7 LiveVue Geo 1.2 LiveVue Geo 1.1 BSD SpecLink+ 12.1 Total Commander 6.1 HatchKit 2.7 wysiwyg 1.24 Check Point VPN-1 SecuRemote 6.0 Citrix Online Plug-in 11.2 Dell Open Manage 6.2 Vodafone Mobile Connect 4.1 Vodafone Mobile Connect 9.3 FilePackager Professional 5.1 Diskeeper 2010 DivX Plus Converter 8.0 DivX Plus Player 10.1 Skype 4.2 Virtual CloneDrive 5.4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 35 EMC Corporation Eytcheson Software Fluke Corporation Free Software Foundation Freebyte.com FTPx Corp. FTPx Corp. GeoVision Inc. Google gotomaxx GmbH Grisoft Software Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hyperion Software Corporation IBM Corporation INRIA INRIA Intel Corporation International Securities Exchange Holdings Inc. International Securities Exchange Holdings Inc. Itasca Consulting Group Inc. John McKernon Software KIP America Corporation KYOCERA MITA CORPORATION Layton Technology Inc. LogiXML Inc. Lumension Security MakeMusic Inc. MakeMusic Inc. Materialise NV Matrox Graphics Inc. Maxtor Corporation Memory-Map Inc Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation 1/13/12 Retrospect Express HD Multi-Remote Registry Change Fluke DMS Audacity Harddisk Search & Stats FTP Explorer FTP Explorer Remote Viewlog Google Desktop Search maxx PDFMAILER AVG Internet Security HP Drive Encryption HP Insight Diagnostics HP Network Configuration Utility Exceed Exceed Exceed Exceed Exceed Exceed Exceed for Windows HostExplorer Hyperion Enterprise TVT Message Scilab Scilab Intel Wifi Retrospect Express HD 1 Multi-Remote Registry Change 4 Fluke DMS 1 Audacity 1 Harddisk Search & Stats 2 FTP Explorer 10 FTP Explorer 8 Remote Viewlog 8 Google Desktop Search 5 maxx PDFMAILER 4 AVG Internet Security 8 HP Drive Encryption 1 HP Insight Diagnostics 7 HP Network Configuration Utility 8 Exceed 10 Exceed 11 Exceed 2008 x64 Exceed 7.1 Exceed 8 Exceed 9 Exceed for Windows 4 HostExplorer 2007 Hyperion Enterprise 6 TVT Message 1 Scilab 2 Scilab 5 Intel Wifi 11 Retrospect Express HD 1.1 Multi-Remote Registry Change 4 Fluke DMS 1.02 Audacity 1.3 Harddisk Search & Stats 2.2 FTP Explorer 10.3 FTP Explorer 8.3 Remote Viewlog 8.3 Google Desktop Search 5.8 maxx PDFMAILER 4.0 AVG Internet Security 8.5 HP Drive Encryption 1.0 HP Insight Diagnostics 7.5 HP Network Configuration Utility 8.37 Exceed 10.0 Exceed 11.0 Exceed 2008 x64 Exceed 7.1 Exceed 8.0 Exceed 9.0 Exceed for Windows 4.0 HostExplorer 2007 12 Hyperion Enterprise 6.1 TVT Message 1.1 Scilab 2.7 Scilab 5.2 Intel Wifi 11.1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 PrecISE Trade PrecISE Trade 2 PrecISE Trade 2.2 4 PrecISE Trade PrecISE Trade 2 PrecISE Trade 2.1 4 FLAC3D Beamwright KIP Request Kyocera TWAIN Driver AuditWizard Client Logi Info Studio Sanctuary Finale Finale MiniMagics Matrox PowerDesk-SE Maxtor OneTouch Memory-Map Navigator Debugging Tools for Windows Debugging Tools for Windows Fiddler Internet Explorer Administration Kit Microsoft .NET Framework Microsoft .NET Framework Microsoft Antigen Microsoft Default Manager Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft IntelliPoint Microsoft Network Monitor Microsoft PowerToys Microsoft Software Inventory Analyzer Microsoft Team Foundation Server Microsoft Terminal Server Client Microsoft Visual Studio FLAC3D 1 Beamwright 4 KIP Request 6 Kyocera TWAIN Driver 1 AuditWizard Client 4 Logi Info Studio 9 Sanctuary 4 Finale 2009 Finale 2010 MiniMagics 12 Matrox PowerDesk-SE 11 Maxtor OneTouch 4 Memory-Map Navigator 4 Debugging Tools for Windows 6 Debugging Tools for Windows 6 Fiddler 2 Internet Explorer Administration Kit 8 Microsoft .NET Framework 3 Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Microsoft Antigen 9 Microsoft Default Manager 2 Microsoft Exchange Server 5 Microsoft IntelliPoint 7 Microsoft Network Monitor 3 Microsoft PowerToys Microsoft Software Inventory Analyzer 5 Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 Microsoft Terminal Server Client 4 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 FLAC3D 1 Beamwright 4.0 KIP Request 6.2 Kyocera TWAIN Driver 1.3 AuditWizard Client 4.5 Logi Info Studio 9.2 Sanctuary 4.3 Finale 2009 Finale 2010 MiniMagics 12.0 Matrox PowerDesk-SE 11.10 Maxtor OneTouch 4.0 Memory-Map Navigator 4 Debugging Tools for Windows 6.8 Debugging Tools for Windows 6.11 Fiddler 2.2 Internet Explorer Administration Kit 8.0 Microsoft .NET Framework 3 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Microsoft Antigen 9.0 Microsoft Default Manager 2.1 Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0 Microsoft IntelliPoint 7.0 Microsoft Network Monitor 3.3 Microsoft PowerToys Microsoft Software Inventory Analyzer 5.0 Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 Microsoft Terminal Server Client 4.0 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 IBM Inc 2011 36 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Mozilla.org Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG NETGEAR Inc. NetIQ Corporation NetManage Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd. Nortel Networks Opera Software Pervasive Software Inc. Plogue Art et Technologie Inc. PrintFleet Inc. Progress Software Corporation Pygraphics Inc. Quest Software Inc. Quest Software Inc. RARLAB Raxco Software Realtek Semiconductor Corp Red Gate Software Ltd. Red Gate Software Ltd. Red Gate Software Ltd. Red Gate Software Ltd. Red Gate Software Ltd. Red Gate Software Ltd. reQall Inc. Research In Motion Limited R-tools Technology Inc. Sage Software Inc. Sagem-Interstar Inc. SAP AG Satish Kumar ScriptLogic Corporation SDI Limited Sensortherm GmbH Shavlik Technologies Siemens AG Siemens AG Smart Projects SmartDraw.com Smith Micro Software Inc. Smith Micro Software Inc. SolarWinds SolarWinds SolarWinds Sophos Plc Sybase Inc. Synaptics Inc. Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC 1/13/12 Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional Microsoft Windows Installer SDK SyncToy System Center Operations Manager Windows NetMeeting BitPim Nero DriveSpeed Nero MediaHome Nero Toolkit RAIDar NetIQ Directory and ResourceAdministrator RUMBA Administrative Tools Conflict Checker Professional New Boundary Common Channel Prism Console Prism Deploy Editor Nokia PC Suite BCM Monitor Opera Pervasive SQL Garritan Instruments for Finale Local Beacon Stylus Studio Pyware 3D Java Spotlight on Windows Spotlight on Windows WinRAR PerfectDisk HD Audio Sound Effect Manager .NET Reflector .NET Reflector .NET Reflector ANTS Memory Profiler ANTS Performance Profiler Exception Hunter reQall for Outlook RIM Handheld Communications Manager R-Drive Image SalesLogix Administrator XMediusFAX SAPGUI Wink Active Administrator TN3270 Plus SensorWin NetChk Agent LOGO! Soft Comfort Teamcenter IsoBuster SmartDraw V CAST Music V CAST Music Engineers Toolset Engineers Toolset Engineers Toolset Sophos Anti-Virus PowerDesigner Synaptics Pointing Device Driver Autoruns Autoruns Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional 2010 Microsoft Windows Installer SDK 5 SyncToy 2 System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Windows NetMeeting 3 BitPim 1 Nero DriveSpeed 3 Nero MediaHome 1 Nero Toolkit 5 RAIDar 4 NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator 7 RUMBA Administrative Tools 1 Conflict Checker Professional 8 New Boundary Common Channel 9 Prism Console 8 Prism Deploy Editor 8 Nokia PC Suite 7 BCM Monitor 42 Opera 9 Pervasive SQL 10 Garritan Instruments for Finale 2009 Local Beacon 2 Stylus Studio 2010 Pyware 3D Java 7 Spotlight on Windows 3 Spotlight on Windows 3 WinRAR 3 PerfectDisk 2008 HD Audio Sound Effect Manager 2 .NET Reflector 5 .NET Reflector 5 .NET Reflector 6 ANTS Memory Profiler 5 ANTS Performance Profiler 5 Exception Hunter 2 reQall for Outlook 1 RIM Handheld Communications Manager 5 R-Drive Image 4 SalesLogix Administrator 6 XMediusFAX 5 SAPGUI 7 Wink 2 Active Administrator 5 TN3270 Plus 3 SensorWin 1 NetChk Agent 7 LOGO! Soft Comfort 5 Teamcenter 2007 IsoBuster 2 SmartDraw 7 V CAST Music 1 V CAST Music 1 Engineers Toolset 10 Engineers Toolset 10 Engineers Toolset 9 Sophos Anti-Virus 7 PowerDesigner 12 Synaptics Pointing Device Driver 7 Autoruns 8 Autoruns 9 IBM Inc 2011 Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional 2010 Microsoft Windows Installer SDK 5.0 SyncToy 2.0 System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 NetMeeting 3.1 BitPim 1.0 Nero DriveSpeed 3.6 Nero MediaHome 1 Nero Toolkit 5 RAIDar 4.01c1-p1 NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator 7.50 RUMBA Administrative Tools 1.5 Conflict Checker Professional 8.0 New Boundary Common Channel 9.0 Prism Console 8.0 Prism Deploy Editor 8.0 Nokia PC Suite 7 BCM Monitor 42.2 Opera 9.64 Pervasive SQL 10.10 Garritan Instruments for Finale 2009 Local Beacon 2.5 Stylus Studio 2010 Pyware 3D Java 7.0 Spotlight on Windows 3.2 Spotlight on Windows 3.7 WinRAR 3.70 PerfectDisk 2008 HD Audio Sound Effect Manager 2 .NET Reflector 5.1 .NET Reflector 5.0 .NET Reflector 6.1 ANTS Memory Profiler 5.2 ANTS Performance Profiler 5.2 Exception Hunter 2.1 reQall for Outlook 1.1 RIM Handheld Communications Manager 5.0 R-Drive Image 4.3 SalesLogix Administrator 6.2 XMediusFAX 5.5 SAPGUI 7.10 Wink 2.0 Active Administrator 5.0 TN3270 Plus 3.2 SensorWin 1.0 NetChk Agent 7.2 LOGO! Soft Comfort 5.0 Teamcenter 2007 IsoBuster 2.7 SmartDraw 7.0 V CAST Music 1.1 V CAST Music 1.0 Engineers Toolset 10.5 Engineers Toolset 10.3 Engineers Toolset 9.2 Sophos Anti-Virus 7 PowerDesigner 12.0 Synaptics Pointing Device Driver 7 Autoruns 8.54 Autoruns 9.20 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 37 Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Texthelp Systems Inc. Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters TIBCO Software Inc. Transoft Solutions UGS Corp. UPEK Inc. Valco Data Systems Inc. Valco Data Systems Inc. Veeam Software VERITAS Software Corporation Voice Print International Inc. Western Digital WinZip Computing WinZip Computing WRQ Inc. ZabKat Contig Contig Process Monitor Process Monitor Sigcheck Strings Sysinternals Debugview Read&Write GOLD MarketQA Thomson ONE Turbo AutoTURN Configuration Utility NX ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software Valco Proxy Valco Viewer Veeam Backup and FastSCP NetBackup Activ! Host DLGDIAG for Windows WinZip WinZip Self-Extractor Reflection Signature Security Enhancements xplorer lite 3Dconnexion ABBYY Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems 3Dconnexion 3DxSoftware FineReader Sprint Adobe After Effects Adobe Air Adobe Air Adobe Bridge Adobe Contribute Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite 1/13/12 Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Incorporated Contig 1 Contig 1 Process Monitor 1 Process Monitor 1 Sigcheck 1 Strings 2 Sysinternals Debugview 4 Read&Write GOLD 8 MarketQA 5 Thomson ONE 4 Turbo 1 AutoTURN Configuration Utility 6 NX 5 ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software 5 Valco Proxy 4 Valco Viewer 2 Veeam Backup and FastSCP 3 NetBackup 6 Activ! Host 1 DLGDIAG for Windows 1 WinZip 14 WinZip Self-Extractor 4 Reflection Signature Security Enhancements 7 xplorer lite 1 Catalog 5 3Dconnexion 3DxSoftware 6 FineReader Sprint 5 Adobe After Effects CS5 Adobe Air 1 Adobe Air 1 Adobe Bridge CS5 Adobe Contribute CS5 Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Standard Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection Adobe Creative Suite 4 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Standard Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Standard Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Standard Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Standard Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Standard Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Standard Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Standard Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Standard IBM Inc 2011 Contig 1.54 Contig 1.53 Process Monitor 1.26 Process Monitor 1.01 Sigcheck 1.30 Strings 2.30 Sysinternals Debugview 4.63 Read&Write GOLD 8.1 MarketQA 5.81 Thomson ONE 4.3 Turbo 1.0 AutoTURN Configuration Utility 6.0 NX 5.0 ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software 5.4 Valco Proxy 4.3 Valco Viewer 2.3 Veeam Backup and FastSCP 3.0 NetBackup 6.5 Activ! Host 1.0 DLGDIAG for Windows 1.13 WinZip 14.5 WinZip Self-Extractor 4.0 Reflection Signature Security Enhancements 7.0 xplorer lite 1.7 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3Dconnexion 3DxSoftware 6.5 FineReader Sprint 5.0 Adobe After Effects CS5 Adobe Air 1.5 Adobe Air 1.1 Adobe Bridge CS5 Adobe Contribute CS5 Adobe Media Player 1.8 Adobe Media Player 1.8 Adobe Media Player 1.8 Adobe Media Player 1.8 Adobe Media Player 1.8 Adobe Bridge CS5 Adobe Device Central CS5 Adobe Illustrator CS5 Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0 Adobe Air 1.5 Adobe After Effects CS5 Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit 2.0 Adobe Media Player 1.8 Adobe Extension Manager CS5 Adobe Media Encoder CS5 Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Adobe Photoshop CS5 Adobe InDesign CS5 Adobe Fireworks CS5 Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 Adobe Bridge CS5 Adobe Device Central CS5 Adobe Illustrator CS5 Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0 Adobe Air 1.5 Adobe Media Player 1.8 Adobe Extension Manager CS5 Adobe Media Encoder CS5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 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4.0 Photoshop CS5 InDesign CS5 Contribute CS5 ExtendScript Toolkit CS5 Fireworks CS5 Flash Catalyst CS5 Flash Professional CS5 Bridge CS5 Device Central CS5 Premiere Pro CS5 Soundbooth CS5 Illustrator CS5 Encore CS5 SwitchBoard 2.0 Air 1.5 After Effects CS5 Pixel Bender Toolkit 2.0 OnLocation CS5 Media Player 1.8 Extension Manager CS5 Media Encoder CS5 Photoshop CS5 ExtendScript Toolkit CS5 Flash Catalyst CS5 Flash Professional CS5 Bridge CS5 Device Central CS5 Soundbooth CS5 Illustrator CS5 SwitchBoard 2.0 Air 1.5 Pixel Bender Toolkit 2.0 Media Player 1.8 Extension Manager CS5 Media Encoder CS5 Dreamweaver CS5 Flash Builder 4.0 Photoshop CS5 Contribute CS5 ExtendScript Toolkit CS5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 39 Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems 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Aha-Soft ANSYS Inc. Apple Computer Inc. ArcSoft Inc. ArcSoft Inc. ARMSoft ARMSoft Audatex North America Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. Barracuda Networks Inc. Bentley Systems Inc. Bentley Systems Inc. BigFix Inc. BigFix Inc. BigFix Inc. BigFix Inc. BNA Software Bogdan Ureche Bogdan Ureche 1/13/12 Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Device Central Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Encore Adobe Encore Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit Adobe Extension Manager Adobe Fireworks Adobe Flash Builder Adobe Flash Catalyst Adobe Flash Professional Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES Adobe Media Encoder Adobe Media Player Adobe OnLocation Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit Adobe Premiere Adobe Soundbooth Adobe SwitchBoard FrameMaker ADP w.e.b.Suite DSDA for Windows DSDA for Windows DSDA for Windows Warranty Wizard for GM DataMagine Client IconXP ANSYS iPhone Configuration Utility PhotoImpression PhotoStudio Flexible TreeView Flexible TreeView Shoplink for Windows AutoCAD LT AutoCAD LT AutoCAD LT AutoCAD LT AutoCAD LT AutoCAD LT AutoCAD LT AutoCAD LT AutoCAD LT AutoCAD LT AutoCAD LT Barracuda Restore RAM Concept V8i RAM Structural System BigFix Enterprise Client BigFix Enterprise Console BigFix Enterprise Relay BigFix Enterprise Server BNA Fixed Assets DesktopPro SQLite Expert Personal SQLite Expert Personal Adobe Creative Suite 5 Web Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Web Premium Adobe Device Central CS5 Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Adobe Encore CS3 Adobe Encore CS5 Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5 Adobe Extension Manager CS5 Adobe Fireworks CS5 Adobe Flash Builder 4 Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Adobe Illustrator CS5 Adobe InDesign CS5 Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES 8 Adobe Media Encoder CS5 Adobe Media Player 1 Adobe OnLocation CS5 Adobe Photoshop CS5 Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit 2 Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Adobe Soundbooth CS5 Adobe SwitchBoard 2 FrameMaker 9 ADP w.e.b.Suite 2000 DSDA for Windows 1 DSDA for Windows 6 DSDA for Windows 8 Warranty Wizard for GM 3 DataMagine Client 8 IconXP 3 ANSYS 12 iPhone Configuration Utility 2 PhotoImpression 5 PhotoStudio 5 Flexible TreeView 1 Flexible TreeView 2 Shoplink for Windows 6 AutoCAD LT 2000 AutoCAD LT 2001 AutoCAD LT 2002 AutoCAD LT 2004 AutoCAD LT 2005 AutoCAD LT 2006 AutoCAD LT 2007 AutoCAD LT 2008 AutoCAD LT 3 AutoCAD LT 97 AutoCAD LT 98 Barracuda Restore 2 RAM Concept V8i 3 RAM Structural System 14 BigFix Enterprise Client 8 BigFix Enterprise Console 8 BigFix Enterprise Relay 8 BigFix Enterprise Server 8 BNA Fixed Assets DesktopPro 2010 SQLite Expert Personal 2 SQLite Expert Personal 2 IBM Inc 2011 Adobe Fireworks CS5 Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 Adobe Device Central CS5 Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Adobe Encore CS3 Adobe Encore CS5 Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5 Adobe Extension Manager CS5 Adobe Fireworks CS5 Adobe Flash Builder 4.0 Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Adobe Illustrator CS5 Adobe InDesign CS5 Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2 Adobe Media Encoder CS5 Adobe Media Player 1.8 Adobe OnLocation CS5 Adobe Photoshop CS5 Adobe Photoshop Elements 8.0 Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit 2.0 Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Adobe Soundbooth CS5 Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0 FrameMaker 9.0 ADP w.e.b.Suite 2000 DSDA for Windows 1.0 DSDA for Windows 6.5 DSDA for Windows 8.0/8.1 Warranty Wizard for GM 3.80 DataMagine Client 8.0 IconXP 3.21 ANSYS 12.0 iPhone Configuration Utility 2.1 PhotoImpression 5.0 PhotoStudio 5.5 Flexible TreeView 1.4 Flexible TreeView 2.6 Shoplink for Windows 6.37 AutoCAD LT 2000 AutoCAD LT 2001 AutoCAD LT 2002 AutoCAD LT 2004 AutoCAD LT 2005 AutoCAD LT 2006 AutoCAD LT 2007 AutoCAD LT 2008 AutoCAD LT 3.0 AutoCAD LT 97 AutoCAD LT 98 Barracuda Restore 2.0 RAM Concept V8i 3.3 RAM Structural System 14.0 BigFix Enterprise Client 8.0 BigFix Enterprise Console 8.0 Bigfix Enterprise Relay 8.0 BigFix Enterprise Server 8.0 BNA Fixed Assets DesktopPro 2010 SQLite Expert Personal 2.3 SQLite Expert Personal 2.4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 40 Broadcom Corporation Brother Industries Ltd. Building Systems Design Inc. Business Objects Inc. CCC Information Services Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Component Factory Pty Ltd. Component Factory Pty Ltd. DameWare Development DameWare Development DameWare Development DataViz Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation DivX Inc. EMS Software Development LLC Eolsoft ESRI ETAS Group Express Metrix Express Metrix Express Metrix Express Metrix Flexera Software Inc. FSPro Labs Funk Software Inc. fyiReporting Software LLC General Motors Corporation Google Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hummingbird Communications Ltd. Hummingbird Communications Ltd. IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IC#SharpCode IC#SharpCode IC#SharpCode IC#SharpCode Idera InstallShield Corporation Insulin Power Insulin Power Internetsoft Corporation Internetsoft Corporation Investintech.com Inc. Investintech.com Inc. Knowledge Adventure Inc. Lenovo Group Ltd. 1/13/12 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 3 Brother MFL-Pro BSD SpecLink+ Crystal Reports Viewer CCC Pathways Citrix XenCenter GoToAssist Krypton Toolkit Krypton Toolkit DameWare Exporter DameWare Mini Remote Control DameWare NT Utilities Passwords Plus Dell ControlPoint Dell Edoc Viewer Dell Open Manage DivX for Windows Uninstall EMS SQL Manager for SQL Server Lite Winmail Opener ArcGIS Explorer GM MDI Software Express Purchasing Express Reports Web Site Express Software Manager Express Software Manager Client GDS Event Log Explorer Proxy Host fyiReporting RDL Project TIS 2000 Google Quick Search Box HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility HP Performance Tuning Framework HP Performance Tuning Framework LightScribe Control Panel Exceed Exceed Exceed for Windows Exceed for Windows Exceed for Windows Exceed for Windows Exceed for Windows Exceed for Windows IBM AS/400 Client Access for Windows IBM iSeries Access for Windows Lotus Notes SharpDevelop SharpDevelop SharpDevelop SharpDevelop SQLcheck DemoShield amInsert amScript FTP Commander FTP Commander Able2Extract Professional Able2Extract Professional HyperStudio Message Center Plus Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 3 12 Brother MFL-Pro 2 BSD SpecLink+ 11 Crystal Reports Viewer 2008 CCC Pathways 1 Citrix XenCenter 5 GoToAssist 8 Krypton Toolkit 4 Krypton Toolkit 4 DameWare Exporter 6 DameWare Mini Remote Control 6 DameWare NT Utilities 6 Passwords Plus 1 Dell ControlPoint 1 Dell Edoc Viewer 2 Dell Open Manage 3 DivX for Windows Uninstall 6 SQL Manager for SQL Server Lite 3 Winmail Opener 1 ArcGIS Explorer 1 GM MDI Software 7 Express Purchasing 9 Express Reports Web Site 9 Express Software Manager 9 Express Software Manager Client 9 GDS 10 Event Log Explorer 3 Proxy Host 3 fyiReporting RDL Project 4 TIS 2000 5 Google Quick Search Box 1 HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility 1 HP Performance Tuning Framework 1 HP Performance Tuning Framework 1 LightScribe Control Panel 1 Exceed 2007 Exceed 2008 Exceed for Windows 4.1.1 Exceed for Windows 5.0 Exceed for Windows 5.1.0 Exceed for Windows 6.0 Exceed for Windows 6.1.1 Exceed for Windows 7.0 IBM AS/400 Client Access for Windows 5 IBM iSeries Access for Windows 5 Lotus Notes 8 SharpDevelop 1 SharpDevelop 2 SharpDevelop 2 SharpDevelop 3 SQLcheck 2 DemoShield 8 amInsert 2008 amScript 2008 FTP Commander 7 FTP Commander 8 Able2Extract Professional 5 Able2Extract Professional 6 HyperStudio 4 Message Center Plus 2 IBM Inc 2011 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 3 12.2 Brother MFL-Pro 2.1 BSD SpecLink+ 11.2 Crystal Reports Viewer 2008 CCC Pathways 1.0 Citrix XenCenter 5.5 GoToAssist 8.0 Krypton Toolkit 4.1 Krypton Toolkit 4.0 DameWare Exporter 6.6 DameWare Mini Remote Control 6.6 DameWare NT Utilities 6.6 Passwords Plus 1.0 Dell ControlPoint 1.3 Dell Edoc Viewer 2.0 Dell Open Manage 3.5 DivX for Windows Uninstall 6.7 EMS SQL Manager for SQL Server Lite 3.0 Winmail Opener 1.4 ArcGIS Explorer 1.0 GM MDI Software 7.8 Express Purchasing 9.5 Express Reports Web Site 9.5 Express Software Manager 9.5 Express Software Manager Client 9.5 GDS 10.0 Event Log Explorer 3.1 Proxy Host 3.9 fyiReporting RDL Project 4.1 TIS 2000 5.2 Google Quick Search Box 1.0 HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility 1.1 HP Performance Tuning Framework 1.21 HP Performance Tuning Framework 1.39 LightScribe Control Panel 1.18 Exceed 2007 Exceed 2008 Exceed for Windows 4.1.1 Exceed for Windows 5.0 Exceed for Windows 5.1.0 Exceed for Windows 6.0 Exceed for Windows 6.1.1 Exceed for Windows 7.0 IBM AS/400 Client Access for Windows 5.8 IBM iSeries Access for Windows 5 Lotus Notes 8.5 SharpDevelop 1.0 SharpDevelop 2.1 SharpDevelop 2.2 SharpDevelop 3.1 SQLcheck 2.6 DemoShield 8.0 amInsert 2008 amScript 2008 FTP Commander 7.x FTP Commander 8.0 Able2Extract Professional 5.0 Able2Extract Professional 6.0 HyperStudio 4.2 Message Center Plus 2.0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 41 Logo Computer Systems Inc. Logo Computer Systems Inc. Malwarebytes Corporation Malwarebytes Corporation MaxView Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation 1/13/12 MicroWorlds MicroWorlds EX Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware MaxView Microsoft Excel Microsoft InfoPath Microsoft LifeCam Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Access Microsoft Office OneNote Microsoft Outlook Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Project Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Publisher Microsoft SharePoint Server Microsoft SharePoint Workspace Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Visio Microsoft Visio Microsoft Visio Microsoft Visio Viewer Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows MicroWorlds 2 MicroWorlds EX 1 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1 MaxView 5 Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft InfoPath 2010 Microsoft LifeCam 1 Microsoft Office 2000 Premium Microsoft Office 2000 Professional Microsoft Office 2000 Small Business Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Microsoft Office Standard 2010 Microsoft Office Standard 2010 Microsoft Office Standard 2010 Microsoft Office Standard 2010 Microsoft Office Standard 2010 Microsoft Office Standard 2010 Microsoft Office Access 2010 Microsoft Office OneNote 2010 Microsoft Outlook 2010 Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Microsoft Project 2010 Microsoft Publisher 2000 Microsoft Publisher 2010 Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Microsoft Visio 2010 Microsoft Visio Premium 2010 Microsoft Visio Professional 2010 Microsoft Visio Viewer 2010 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Datacenter Edition x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 Microsoft Windows Vista Business x64 Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise x64 Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic x64 Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium x64 Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate x64 Windows 7 Enterprise x64 IBM Inc 2011 MicroWorlds 2.03 MicroWorlds EX 1.1 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.46 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.45 MaxView 5.0 Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft InfoPath 2010 Microsoft LifeCam 1.4 Microsoft Publisher 2000 Microsoft Publisher 2000 Microsoft Publisher 2000 Microsoft OneNote 2010 Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft Word 2010 Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Microsoft Access 2010 Microsoft OneNote 2010 Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft Publisher 2010 Microsoft Outlook 2010 Microsoft Word 2010 Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Microsoft Access 2010 Microsoft OneNote 2010 Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft Publisher 2010 Microsoft Outlook 2010 Microsoft Word 2010 Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Microsoft OneNote 2010 Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft Publisher 2010 Microsoft Outlook 2010 Microsoft Word 2010 Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Microsoft Office Access 2010 Microsoft OneNote 2010 Microsoft Outlook 2010 Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Microsoft Project 2010 Microsoft Publisher 2000 Microsoft Publisher 2010 Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 Microsoft SQL Server 10.5 Microsoft Visio 2010 Microsoft Visio 2010 Microsoft Visio 2010 Microsoft Visio Viewer 2010 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Datacenter Edition x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 Microsoft Windows Vista Business x64 Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise x64 Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic x64 Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium x64 Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate x64 Windows 7 Enterprise x64 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 42 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Midlinesoft Mitchell International Inc. Mitchell International Inc. Nero AG Nessoft LLC NETGEAR Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. NewSoft Inc. NewSoft Inc. NEXT-Soft Nucleus Data Recovery.Com Pvt. Ltd. OEConnection Parametric Technology Corporation Parametric Technology Corporation Participatory Culture Foundation Penta Technologies Inc. PM Computer Services GmbH & Co. KG PQ Systems Inc. PQ Systems Inc. PQ Systems Inc. PrestoSoft Realtek Semiconductor Corp RemoteScan Corporation Riverdeep Group plc Robinmatch Limited SEIKO EPSON CORP. Serena Software Inc. Smart Projects SmartDraw.com Softmed systems Inc. Software Innovations UK Ltd SoftwareOK.com SolarWinds SQL Maestro Group SQL Maestro Group SQL Maestro Group Srman Information och Media AB SwoSoft & Partner Symantec Corporation Symantec Corporation Symantec Corporation Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC 1/13/12 Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX Microsoft Word Notepad++ Notepad++ MultiFind RepairMate Parts RepairMate Parts Nero DiscSpeed PingPlotter Pro NETGEAR ProSafe NMS Conflict Checker Professional Prism Deploy Editor ESPON Smart Panel Presto! BizCard Hex-Editor MX Kernel for Lotus Notes to Outlook CollisionLink Shop IsoView Mathcad Professional Miro PENTA for Windows helpLine SQCpack EZ SQCpack EZ SQCpack EZ ExamDiff Pro Realtek Update and Remove Driver Tool RemoteScan Server Gizmos & Gadgets! DDFileCatcher EPSON Copy Utility OpenProj IsoBuster SmartDraw ChartFax systemhound Scheduling Service Q-Dir TFTP Server AnySQL Maestro SQL Maestro for MySQL SQLite Maestro SAAB Workshop Information System WinSac Backup Exec for Windows Servers Enterprise Vault Symantec Ghost AccessChk Autoruns ClockRes Disk Usage Physmem Process Monitor Sigcheck Strings Sysinternals Handle ZoomIt Windows 7 Home Basic x64 Windows 7 Home Premium x64 Windows 7 Professional x64 Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 8 Microsoft Word 2010 Notepad++ 4 Notepad++ 5 MultiFind 1 RepairMate Parts 1 RepairMate Parts 2 Nero DiscSpeed 4 PingPlotter Pro 3 NETGEAR ProSafe NMS 1 Conflict Checker Professional 10 Prism Deploy Editor 10 ESPON Smart Panel 3 Presto! BizCard 4 Hex-Editor MX 6 Kernel for Lotus Notes to Outlook 8 CollisionLink Shop 3 IsoView 3 Mathcad Professional 7 Miro 2 PENTA for Windows 16 helpLine 4 SQCpack EZ 5 SQCpack EZ 6 SQCpack EZ 6 ExamDiff Pro 4 Realtek Update and remove driver tool 2 RemoteScan Server 9 Gizmos & Gadgets! 1 DDFileCatcher 3 EPSON Copy Utility 3 OpenProj 1 IsoBuster 2 SmartDraw 2010 ChartFax 5 systemhound Scheduling Service 6 Q-Dir 3 TFTP Server 9 AnySQL Maestro 8 SQL Maestro for MySQL 9 SQLite Maestro 9 SAAB Workshop Information System 3 WinSac 1 Backup Exec for Windows Servers 12 Enterprise Vault 7 Symantec Ghost 11 AccessChk 4 Autoruns 9 ClockRes 1 Disk Usage 1 Physmem 1 Process Monitor 2 Sigcheck 1 Strings 2 Sysinternals Handle 3 ZoomIt 2 IBM Inc 2011 Windows 7 Home Basic x64 Windows 7 Home Premium x64 Windows 7 Professional x64 Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX 8.0 Microsoft Word 2010 Notepad++ 4.8 Notepad++ 5.3 MultiFind 1.4 RepairMate Parts 1.09 RepairMate Parts 2.00 Nero DiscSpeed 4.12 PingPlotter Pro 3.20 NETGEAR ProSafe NMS 1.0 Conflict Checker Professional 10.0 Prism Deploy Editor 10.0 ESPON Smart Panel 3.2 Presto! BizCard 4.1 Hex-Editor MX 6.0 Kernel for Lotus Notes to Outlook 8.12 CollisionLink Shop 3.2 IsoView 3.0 Mathcad Professional 7.2 Miro 2.5 PENTA for Windows 16.1 helpLine 4.1 SQCpack EZ 5.5 SQCpack EZ 6.5 SQCpack EZ 6.0 ExamDiff Pro 4.0 Realtek Update and Remove Driver Tool 2.8 RemoteScan Server 9.448 Gizmos & Gadgets! 1.12 DDFileCatcher 3.0 EPSON Copy Utility 3.0 OpenProj 1.4 IsoBuster 2.6 SmartDraw 2010 ChartFax 5.3 systemhound Scheduling Service 6.0 Q-Dir 3.95 TFTP Server 9.1 AnySQL Maestro 8.2 SQL Maestro for MySQL 9.9 SQLite Maestro 9.10 SAAB Workshop Information System 3.0 WinSac 1.1 Backup Exec for Windows Servers 12.5 Enterprise Vault 7.5 Symantec Ghost 11 AccessChk 4.21 Autoruns 9.35 ClockRes 1.0 Disk Usage 1.31 Physmem 1.0 Process Monitor 2.2 Sigcheck 1.54 Strings 2.40 Sysinternals Handle 3.41 ZoomIt 2.11 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 43 Telerik Corporation The Eraser Project The Utility Factory TweetDeck Inc. UGS Corp. Vizacc Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. WebEx Inc WiQuest Communications Inc. Workplace Security Solution LLC Yadu Digital Inc. ZeroG Software Telerik RadControls for WinForms Eraser FileBoss TweetDeck UGS NX Nastran HelpMaker Authentication Manager Password Vault Viewer Preboot Manager Private Information Manager Private Information Manager Secure Storage Manager WebEx Player WiQuest Wireless USB ePanic Button Finders Keepers JXplorer LDAP Browser 3Dconnexion ABAS Software AG ABAS Software AG ABBYY ABBYY Accubid Systems Ltd. Accubid Systems Ltd. ACD Systems Ltd. Acronis Inc. ACS Technologies Group Inc. ACS Technologies Group Inc. ActivIdentity Inc. Addinsoft Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated ALJ Software AllMax Software Inc. Allround Automations Alps Electric Co. Ltd. Alps Electric Co. Ltd. Amazon.com Inc. America Online Inc. ANSYS Inc. ANSYS Inc. ANSYS Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Argonne National Laboratory Artifex Software AT&T AtomPark Software JSC AtomPark Software JSC AuthenTec Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. 3Dconnexion 3DxSoftware ABAS wmlogin EDPViewer ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap 3.0 FineReader Accubid ChangeOrder Pro Accubid Pro FotoSlate Acronis PartitionExpert ACS People Suite LiveStor ActivClient XLSTAT Adobe Flash Player Adobe Flash Player Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Tournament Maker Operator10 PLSQL Developer Dell Touchpad Dell Touchpad Kindle For PC AOL Instant Messenger ANSYS ANSYS Workbench ANSYS Workbench Apple Mobile Device Support Apple Mobile Device Support Apple Mobile Device Support iPodService Module iPodService Module iTunes Safari MPI Configuration Tool Ghostscript AT&T Modem Auto Activation Agent Atomic Mail Verifier Atomic Mail Verifier Fingerprint Sensor 3ds Max AutoCAD Architectural Desktop Autodesk Data Management Server 1/13/12 Telerik RadControls for WinForms Q3 2009 sp1 Eraser 6 FileBoss 2 TweetDeck 0 UGS NX Nastran 5 HelpMaker 7 Authentication Manager 3 Password Vault Viewer 3 Preboot Manager 2 Private Information Manager 6 Private Information Manager 6 Secure Storage Manager 5 WebEx Player 2008 WiQuest Wireless USB 1 ePanic Button 1 Finders Keepers 2 JXplorer LDAP Browser 6 Catalog 6 3Dconnexion 3DxSoftware 15 ABAS wmlogin 1 EDPViewer 1 ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap 3.0 8 FineReader 9 Accubid ChangeOrder Pro 7 Accubid Pro 6 FotoSlate 4 Acronis PartitionExpert 8 ACS People Suite 1 LiveStor 1 ActivClient 5 XLSTAT 2009/2010 Adobe Flash Player 10 Adobe Flash Player 10 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Tournament Maker 2 Operator10 8 PLSQL Developer 7 Dell Touchpad (All Versions) Dell Touchpad (All Versions) Kindle For PC 1 AOL Instant Messenger 7 ANSYS 12 ANSYS Workbench 10 ANSYS Workbench 10 Apple Mobile Device Support 2 Apple Mobile Device Support 2 Apple Mobile Device Support 3 iPodService Module 7 iPodService Module 9 iTunes 9 Safari 5 MPI Configuration Tool 1 Ghostscript 8 AT&T Modem Auto Activation Agent 1 Atomic Mail Verifier 5 Atomic Mail Verifier 5 Fingerprint Sensor 8 3ds Max 2011 AutoCAD Architectural Desktop 3 Autodesk Data Management Server 2008 IBM Inc 2011 Telerik RadControls for WinForms Q3 2009 sp1 Eraser 6.0 FileBoss 2.5 TweetDeck 0.30 UGS NX Nastran 5.1 HelpMaker 7.4 Authentication Manager 3.4 Password Vault Viewer 3.9 Preboot Manager 2.9 Private Information Manager 6 Private Information Manager 6.4 Secure Storage Manager 5.3 WebEx Player 2008 WiQuest Wireless USB 1.3 ePanic Button 1.7 Finders Keepers 2.02 JXplorer LDAP Browser 6.0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3Dconnexion 3DxSoftware 15.2 ABAS wmlogin 1.1 EDPViewer 1.6 ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap 3.0 8.0 FineReader 9.0 Accubid ChangeOrder Pro 7.0 Accubid Pro 6.01 FotoSlate 4.0 Acronis PartitionExpert 8.0 ACS People Suite 1.0 LiveStor 1.1 ActivClient 5.4 XLSTAT 2009/2010 Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Adobe Flash Player 10.0 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.0 Tournament Maker 2.1 Operator10 8.15 PLSQL Developer 7.0 Dell Touchpad 7.2 Dell Touchpad 7.4 Kindle For PC 1.0 AOL Instant Messenger 7.2 ANSYS 12.1 ANSYS Workbench 10.0 sp1 ANSYS Workbench 10.0 Apple Mobile Device Support 2.10 Apple Mobile Device Support 2.12 Apple Mobile Device Support 3.1 iPodService Module 7.1 iPodService Module 9.2 iTunes 9.2 Safari 5.0 MPI Configuration Tool 1.0 Ghostscript 8.54 AT&T Modem Auto Activation Agent 1.5 Atomic Mail Verifier 5.30 Atomic Mail Verifier 5.0 Fingerprint Sensor 8.1 3ds Max 2011 AutoCAD Architectural Desktop 3 Autodesk Data Management Server 2008 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 44 AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDWG AVAYA Communication AVAYA Communication AVL LIST GMBH B&R DV-Informationssysteme GmbH Babylon Ltd. Belarc Inc. Belarc Inc. Bitstream Inc. Borland Software Corporation Brady Worldwide Inc. Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Corporation Brother Industries Ltd. Brother Industries Ltd. Brother Industries Ltd. Brother Industries Ltd. Business Objects Inc. Canneverbe Limited Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canon U.S.A. Inc. Cardiff Software Cardinal Brands Inc. Cardinal Brands Inc. Centura Software Corporation Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. com2 GmbH Commtest Instruments Ltd Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Consona Corporation CounterPath Solutions Inc. CPUID CPUID CrackPDF Software CrazyBump Creative Technology Ltd. CTR Systems Inc. Danware Data A/S Danware Data A/S Danware Data A/S Dassault SystFmes 1/13/12 Autodesk Design Review Autodesk Mudbox Backburner DWG TrueView DWGSee Contact Center Express Desktop Media Proxy Service AVL EXCITE smartCRM Babylon Client Belarc Advisor Belarc Advisor Font Navigator Borland Interbase MarkWare BASP Driver Setup Program Broadcom 802.11 Network Adapter Installation Utility Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 Broadcom ASF IP Monitor Broadcom Management Agent Brother Control Center Brother Control Center Brother MFL Pro Brother Quick Print Setup Xcelsius CDBurnerXP Canon Dias Canon My Printer CanoScan Toolbox CapturePerfect Easy-PhotoPrint EX MP Navigator EX Solution Menu TeleForm Tax Forms Helper Tax Forms Helper Centura SQLBase Check Point SmartConsole NGX R65 Cisco Systems VPN Client FlipShare Linksys EasyLink Advisor Citrix Access Gateway Citrix Program Neighborhood Agent GoToAssist TWINFAX Ascent BrightStor ARCserve Backup Client CA License Dell Support Center eyeBeam CPU-Z CPU-Z PDF Password Cracker CrazyBump Dell Webcam Central ACM Windows NetOp Remote Control Numara Remote Control Numara Remote Control CATIA V5 Autodesk Design Review 2008 Autodesk Mudbox 2011 Backburner 2011 DWG TrueView 16 DWGSee 2 Contact Center Express Desktop 4 Media Proxy Service 4 AVL EXCITE 7 smartCRM 3 Babylon Client 6 Belarc Advisor 7 Belarc Advisor 8 Font Navigator 4 Borland Interbase 6 MarkWare 3 BASP Driver Setup Program 6 Broadcom 802.11 Network Adapter Installation Utility 5 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 11 Broadcom ASF IP Monitor 10 Broadcom Management Agent 11 Brother Control Center 3 Brother Control Center 3 Brother MFL Pro 1 Brother Quick Print Setup 3 Xcelsius 2008 CDBurnerXP 4 Canon Dias 1 Canon My Printer 1 CanoScan Toolbox 4 CapturePerfect 3 Easy-PhotoPrint EX 1 MP Navigator EX 1 Solution Menu 1 TeleForm 10 Tax Forms Helper 2007 Tax Forms Helper 2009 Centura SQLBase 6 Check Point SmartConsole NGX R65 6 Cisco Systems VPN Client 4 FlipShare 4 Linksys EasyLink Advisor 3 Citrix Access Gateway 8 Citrix Program Neighborhood Agent 10 GoToAssist 9 TWINFAX 6 Ascent 9 BrightStor ARCserve Backup Client 11 CA License 1 Dell Support Center 2 eyeBeam 1 CPU-Z 1 CPU-Z 1 PDF Password Cracker 3 CrazyBump 1 Dell Webcam Central 2 ACM Windows 1 NetOp Remote Control 9 Numara Remote Control 9 Numara Remote Control 9 CATIA V5 5 IBM Inc 2011 Autodesk Design Review 2008 Autodesk Mudbox 2011 Backburner 2011 DWG TrueView 16.2 DWGSee 2.3 Contact Center Express Desktop 4.0 Media Proxy Service 4.0 AVL EXCITE 7.0 smartCRM 3.1 Babylon Client 6.0 Belarc Advisor 7.2 Belarc Advisor 8.1 Font Navigator 4.1 Borland Interbase 6.0 MarkWare 3.4 BASP Driver Setup Program 6.2 Broadcom 802.11 Network Adapter Installation Utility 5.60 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 11.5 Broadcom ASF IP Monitor 10.4 Broadcom Management Agent 11.4 Brother Control Center 3.6 Brother Control Center 3.4 Brother MFL Pro 1.8 Brother Quick Print Setup 3.6 Xcelsius 2008 CDBurnerXP 4.3 Canon Dias 1.5 Canon My Printer 1.5 CanoScan Toolbox 4.1 CapturePerfect 3.0 Easy-PhotoPrint EX 1.0 MP Navigator EX 1.0 Solution Menu 1.0 TeleForm 10.1 Tax Forms Helper 2007 Tax Forms Helper 2009 Centura SQLBase 6.1 Check Point SmartConsole NGX R65 6.0 Cisco Systems VPN Client 4.0 FlipShare 4.5 Linksys EasyLink Advisor 3.1 Citrix Access Gateway 8.1 Citrix Program Neighborhood Agent 10.150 GoToAssist 9.0 TWINFAX 6.0 Ascent 9.40 BrightStor ARCserve Backup Client 11.5 CA License 1.8 Dell Support Center 2.2 eyeBeam 1.5 CPU-Z 1.4 CPU-Z 1.5 PDF Password Cracker 3.0 CrazyBump 1.1 Dell Webcam Central 2.0 ACM Windows 1.2 NetOp Remote Control 9.0 Numara Remote Control 9.0 Numara Remote Control 9.10 CATIA V5 5.20 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 45 Dassault SystFmes Dassault SystFmes DaveSoft Software Co. Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Delcam plc Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Delta Tau Data Systems Inc. Deltek Systems Inc. Digital Loggers Inc. digitalPersona DivXNetworks Inc. docSTAR Dornier GmbH Dynamic Knowledge Transfer LLC Eaton eCopy Inc. EFD Software ElcomSoft Co. LTD. EMC Corporation EMC Corporation EMC Corporation Ericsson Enterprise AB Ericsson Enterprise AB Etisalat Exact Software Exact Software FactSet Research Systems Inc. FalconStor Software FalconStor Software FalconStor Software FinalCatalogs GmbH Foxit Software Company Free Software Foundation Future Design Controls Inc. Gadwin Systems Inc. Gemalto NV Genovation Inc. 1/13/12 CATIA V5 Dassault Systemes Software CopyRite XP clarcfit Delcam CopyCAD Delcam Exchange Delcam PostProcessor DuctPost PAFWizard PAFWizard PMPost PowerINSPECT PowerINSPECT PowerINSPECT PowerMILL PowerMILL PowerMILL PowerMILL2VERICUT PowerSHAPE PowerSHAPE PowerSHAPE PowerSHAPE Pro PSOptiFeed Splinemill WinDNC Dell ControlPoint Dell ControlPoint Dell Support eSMART Agent PMAC Win32 Executive for Windows Deltek Financial Management System Personal Logger Digital Audio Logging DigitalPersona Pro DivX Plus Player docSTAR Geogrid Viewer DyKnow Powerware Shutdown Agent eCopy Desktop HD Tune Advanced Office Password Recovery Analyzer Decryption Utility ISIS Network Server PowerPath Call Centre Manager MD110 ApplicationLink Etisalat 3.5G USB Modem Alliance/MFG AllianceMFG Accounting Integrator Marquee DynaPath for Windows Snapshot Agent for File System Snapshot Agent for Oracle Anwendung FCImageManager Foxit Reader TypeFaster Future Design MultiView Gadwin PrintScreen GemAuthenticate Client MacroMaster683 CATIA V5 5 Dassault Systemes Software 8 CopyRite XP 1 clarcfit 2 Delcam CopyCAD 7 Delcam Exchange 5 Delcam PostProcessor 4 DuctPost 1 PAFWizard 3 PAFWizard 4 PMPost 4 PowerINSPECT 4 PowerINSPECT 4 PowerINSPECT 6 PowerMILL 10 PowerMILL 8 PowerMILL 9 PowerMILL2VERICUT 1 PowerSHAPE 7 PowerSHAPE 8 PowerSHAPE 8 PowerSHAPE Pro 2010 PSOptiFeed 2 Splinemill 3 WinDNC 1 Dell ControlPoint 1 Dell ControlPoint 1 Dell Support 3 eSMART Agent 6 PMAC Win32 Executive for Windows 2 Deltek Financial Management System 2007 Personal Logger Digital Audio Logging 2 DigitalPersona Pro 5 DivX Plus Player 10 docSTAR 3 Geogrid Viewer 1 DyKnow 5 Powerware Shutdown Agent 1 eCopy Desktop 9 HD Tune 2 Advanced Office Password Recovery 4 Analyzer Decryption Utility 6 ISIS Network Server 1 PowerPath 5 Call Centre Manager 4 MD110 ApplicationLink 4 Etisalat 3.5G USB Modem 1 Alliance/MFG 6 AllianceMFG Accounting Integrator 2 Marquee 2009 DynaPath for Windows 5 Snapshot Agent for File System 4 Snapshot Agent for Oracle 5 Anwendung FCImageManager 1 Foxit Reader 3 TypeFaster 0 Future Design MultiView 2 Gadwin PrintScreen 2 GemAuthenticate Client 4 MacroMaster683 1 IBM Inc 2011 CATIA V5 5.17 Dassault Systemes Software 8.1 CopyRite XP 1.1 clarcfit 2.0 Delcam CopyCAD 7.0 Delcam Exchange 5.9 Delcam PostProcessor 4.8 DuctPost 1.5 PAFWizard 3.0 PAFWizard 4.0 PMPost 4.50 PowerINSPECT 4.160 PowerINSPECT 4.214 PowerINSPECT 6.20 PowerMILL 10.0 PowerMILL 8.0 PowerMILL 9.0 PowerMILL2VERICUT 1.2 PowerSHAPE 7.3 PowerSHAPE 8.0 PowerSHAPE 8.2 PowerSHAPE Pro 2010 PSOptiFeed 2.0 Splinemill 3.2 WinDNC 1.0 Dell ControlPoint 1.4 Dell ControlPoint 1.1 Dell Support 3.1 eSMART Agent 6.2 PMAC Win32 Executive for Windows 2.38 Deltek Financial Management System 2007 Personal Logger Digital Audio Logging 2.6 DigitalPersona Pro 5.0 DivX Plus Player 10.2 docSTAR 3.09 Geogrid Viewer 1.0 DyKnow 5.0 Powerware Shutdown Agent 1.1 eCopy Desktop 9.2 HD Tune 2.5 Advanced Office Password Recovery 4.13 Analyzer Decryption Utility 6.24 ISIS Network Server 1.1 PowerPath 5.2 Call Centre Manager 4.0 MD110 ApplicationLink 4.0 Etisalat 3.5G USB Modem 1.0 Alliance/MFG 6.07 AllianceMFG Accounting Integrator 2.05 Marquee 2009 DynaPath for Windows 5.01 Snapshot Agent for File System 4.50 Snapshot Agent for Oracle 5.00 Anwendung FCImageManager 1.2 Foxit Reader 3.3 TypeFaster 0.4 Future Design MultiView 2.0 Gadwin PrintScreen 2.5 GemAuthenticate Client 4.0 MacroMaster683 1.1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 46 GFI Solutions Inc. Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd G-Lock Software GLSoft Goldleaf Financial Solutions Inc. Google Google Google GRAHL software design Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hexagon Metrology Inc. Hitachi Seiki Engineering Ltd. Hoffmann GmbH Hoffmann GmbH Hoffmann GmbH http://www.scintilla.org/ Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Image Recognition Integrated Systems SA Image Recognition Integrated Systems SA Infor Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intelore Intuit Inc. Intuit Inc. ITI TranscenData ITI TranscenData IVT Corporation Jungle Disk Inc. Kappix Inc. 1/13/12 UniPrint GSview G-Lock EasyMail Pro GridClicker WinTELLER Google Apps Google Chrome Google Toolbar PDF Annotator Array Configuration Utility Array Configuration Utility HP Array Configuration Utility CLI HP Array Configuration Utility CLI HP Array Configuration Utility CLI HP Backup and Recovery Manager HP Data Protector HP Digital Imaging HP Insight Diagnostics HP Insight Diagnostics HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility HP Network Configuration Utility HP Network Configuration Utility HP OpenView Service Desk HP Photosmart Essential HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service HP Smart Web Printing HP USB Key Utility ISOValidate SDMSSplash Pro-Measure PC Multi BatchManager eToolBrowser OutputMover SciTE Mobile Connect HydroCAD Readiris Readiris MP2 Access Intel Management and Security Intel Management and Security Intel Matrix Storage Console Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager Intel PROSet/Wireless Excel Password Recovery QuickBooks Pro TurboTax CADfix CADfix BlueSoleil Jungle Disk Server Edition Management DRoster UniPrint 3 GSview 4 G-Lock EasyMail Pro 4 GridClicker 0 WinTELLER 6 Google Apps 1 Google Chrome 5 Google Toolbar 6 PDF Annotator 2 Array Configuration Utility 6 Array Configuration Utility 8 HP Array Configuration Utility CLI 7 HP Array Configuration Utility CLI 7 HP Array Configuration Utility CLI 8 HP Backup and Recovery Manager 2 HP Data Protector 6 HP Digital Imaging 100 HP Insight Diagnostics 7 HP Insight Diagnostics 7 HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility 3 HP Network Configuration Utility 8 HP Network Configuration Utility 9 HP OpenView Service Desk 4 HP Photosmart Essential 1 HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer 5 HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer 5 HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer 5 HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer 5 HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer 5 HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service 6 HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service 6 HP Smart Web Printing 132 HP USB Key Utility 1 ISOValidate 1 SDMSSplash 1 Pro-Measure 2 PC Multi 2 BatchManager 1 eToolBrowser 1 OutputMover 1 SciTE 1 Mobile Connect 1 HydroCAD 9 Readiris 1 Readiris 8 MP2 Access 2000 Intel Management and Security 5 Intel Management and Security 6 Intel Matrix Storage Console 5 Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager 11 Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager 14 Intel PROSet Wireless 13 Excel Password Recovery 2 QuickBooks Pro 2010 TurboTax 2009 CADfix 7 CADfix 8 BlueSoleil 1 Jungle Disk Server Edition Management 3 DRoster 4 IBM Inc 2011 UniPrint 3.06 GSview 4.6 G-Lock EasyMail Pro 4.62 GridClicker 0.3 WinTELLER 6.4 Google Apps 1.2 Google Chrome 5.0 Google Toolbar 6.5 PDF Annotator 2.0 Array Configuration Utility 6.0 Array Configuration Utility 8.40 HP Array Configuration Utility CLI 7.85 HP Array Configuration Utility CLI 7.70 HP Array Configuration Utility CLI 8.40 HP Backup and Recovery Manager 2.3i HP Data Protector 6.11 HP Digital Imaging 100.0 HP Insight Diagnostics 7.9 HP Insight Diagnostics 7.7 HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility 3.0 HP Network Configuration Utility 8.55 HP Network Configuration Utility 9.90 HP OpenView Service Desk 4.0 HP Photosmart Essential 1.8 HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer 5.13 HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer 5.20 HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer 5.21 HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer 5.0 HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log Viewer 5.23 HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service 6.0 HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service 6.4 HP Smart Web Printing 132.0 HP USB Key Utility 1.3 ISOValidate 1.0 SDMSSplash 1.0 Pro-Measure 2.43 PC Multi 2.0 BatchManager 1.00 eToolBrowser 1.00 OutputMover 1.02 SciTE 1.79 Mobile Connect 1.0 HydroCAD 9.0 Readiris 1.11 Readiris 8.0 MP2 Access 2000 Intel Management and Security 5.0 Intel Management and Security 6.0 Intel Matrix Storage Console 5.7 Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager 11.1 Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager 14.9 Intel PROSet Wireless 13.0 Excel Password Recovery 2.0 QuickBooks Pro 2010 TurboTax 2009 CADfix 7.1 CADfix 8.0 BlueSoleil 1.6 Jungle Disk Server Edition Management 3.0 DRoster 4.3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 47 Katmar Software Knig & Stettner OEG Kodak Kodak Koyote Soft Kronos Incorporated labDV LangSoft Laservall S.p.A. LastPass Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. Lexmark International Inc. LitexMedia Inc. Logitech Software Inc. Logitech Software Inc. Logitech Software Inc. Logitech Software Inc. LogMeIn Inc. LogMeIn Inc. LogMeIn Inc. LSI Corp. LumaSense Technologies Inc. Macrovision Corp. Mahr GmbH Massachusetts Institute of Technology Matrox Graphics Inc. Max Programming LLC Medical Information Technology Inc. Medical Information Technology Inc. Medical Information Technology Inc. Medical Information Technology Inc. MedVision Inc. Metal Suppliers Online Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Mindjet mIRC Co. Ltd. Mobius Institute Mobius Institute MoTeC Pty Ltd Mozilla.org Municipal Software Corporation Municipal Software Corporation 1/13/12 Uconeer Wiegestation Kodak EasyShare Kodak EasyShare Free Video Converter Kronos Connect DVDx PC Translator Smartist LastPass Access Connections Access Connections Client Security Solution Client Security Solution Lenovo Fan Speed Control Update Scheduler L&H Power Translator Pro Presto! PageManager All To MP3 Converter Logitech SetPoint Logitech SetPoint Logitech Unifying Software Logitech Unifying Software LogMeIn Rescue Calling Card LogMeIn Rescue Calling Card LogMeIn Rescue Calling Card MegaRAID Storage Manager MikroSpec Report Writer FLEXlm Utilities MarSurf XCR 20 Scratch Matrox PowerDesk-HF eMail Bounce Handler MEDITECH Document Manager MEDITECH Magic Workstation MEDITECH Magic Workstation MEDITECH Magic Workstation QuickCap MSO - Weight Calculator KiXtart 2010 Microsoft .NET Framework Microsoft Assessment and Planning Solution Accelerator Microsoft Default Manager Microsoft Expression Encoder Microsoft IntelliPoint Microsoft LifeCam Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Communicator Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQLXML Remote Desktop Connection Manager MindManager mIRC iLearnVibration iTeachVibrationSTUDENT MoTeC i2 Pro Google AdWords Editor CityView Application Builder CityView Desktop Uconeer 2 Uconeer 2.4 Wiegestation 1 Wiegestation 1.0 Kodak EasyShare 3 Kodak EasyShare 3.0 Kodak EasyShare 7 Kodak EasyShare 7.0 Free Video Converter 2 Free Video Converter 2.5 Kronos Connect 1 Kronos Connect 1.40 DVDx 2 DVDx 2.20 PC Translator 1 PC Translator 1.0 Smartist 4 Smartist 4.1 LastPass 1 LastPass 1.68 Access Connections 4 Access Connections 4.40 Access Connections 5 Access Connections 5.20 Client Security Solution 6 Client Security Solution 6.1 Client Security Solution 8 Client Security Solution 8.0 Lenovo Fan Speed Control 1 Lenovo Fan Speed Control 1.0 Update Scheduler 4 Update Scheduler 4.21 L&H Power Translator Pro 7 L&H Power Translator Pro 7.0 Presto! PageManager 7 Presto! PageManager 7.11 All To MP3 Converter 2 All To MP3 Converter 2.5 Logitech SetPoint 4 Logitech SetPoint 4.80 Logitech SetPoint 6 Logitech SetPoint 6.0 Logitech Unifying Software 1 Logitech Unifying Software 1.10 Logitech Unifying Software 1 Logitech Unifying Software 1.0 LogMeIn Rescue Calling Card 5 LogMeIn Rescue Calling Card 5.2 LogMeIn Rescue Calling Card 6 LogMeIn Rescue Calling Card 6.0 LogMeIn Rescue Calling Card 6 LogMeIn Rescue Calling Card 6.2 MegaRAID Storage Manager 2 MegaRAID Storage Manager 2.35 MikroSpec Report Writer 4 MikroSpec Report Writer 4.0 FLEXlm Utilities 11 FLEXlm Utilities 11.6 MarSurf XCR 20 1 MarSurf XCR 20 1.20-4 Scratch 1 Scratch 1.4 Matrox PowerDesk-HF 8 Matrox PowerDesk-HF 8.13 eMail Bounce Handler 3 eMail Bounce Handler 3.6 MEDITECH Document Manager 5 MEDITECH Document Manager 5.58 MEDITECH Magic Workstation 3 MEDITECH Magic Workstation 3.26f MEDITECH Magic Workstation 4 MEDITECH Magic Workstation 4.21a MEDITECH Magic Workstation 4 MEDITECH Magic Workstation 4.22 QuickCap 6 QuickCap 6.6 MSO - Weight Calculator 1 MSO - Weight Calculator 1.00 KiXtart 2010 4 KiXtart 2010 4.61 Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 x64 Microsoft Assessment and Planning Solution Accelerator 3 Microsoft Assessment and Planning Solution Accelerator 3.2 Microsoft Default Manager 1 Microsoft Default Manager 1.1 Microsoft Expression Encoder 3 Microsoft Expression Encoder 3.0 Microsoft IntelliPoint 6 Microsoft IntelliPoint 6.30 Microsoft LifeCam 1 Microsoft LifeCam 1.21 Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 Microsoft Silverlight 4 Microsoft Silverlight 4.0 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 x64 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 x64 Microsoft SQLXML 3 SQLXML 3.0 Remote Desktop Connection Manager 2 Remote Desktop Connection Manager 2.2 MindManager 6 MindManager 6.1 mIRC 6 mIRC 6.31 iLearnVibration 3 iLearnVibration 3.2 iTeachVibrationSTUDENT 1 iTeachVibrationSTUDENT 1.0 MoTeC i2 Pro 1 MoTeC i2 Pro 1.0 Google AdWords Editor 7 Google AdWords Editor 7.0 CityView Application Builder 9 CityView Application Builder 9.0 CityView Desktop 9 CityView Desktop 9.0 IBM Inc 2011 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 48 MuthTn & MuthTn Nalco Company Nalco Company NCH Corporation NCH Software Pty Ltd NCH Swift Sound NCP engineering GmbH NeocorTech LLC NeocorTech LLC Nero AG Nero AG Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. NHS Connecting for Health NHS Scotland NHS Scotland Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd. Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd. Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd. Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd. Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd. Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd. Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd. Nuance Communications Inc. NVIDIA Corporation Obersterreichische Gebietskrankenkasse Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions GmbH Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle PC-Doctor Inc. PDFZilla Inc. Pegasys Inc. Perforce Software PFU Limited PFU Limited PFU Limited PFU Limited Photodex Corporation Piriform Ltd Piriform Ltd Piriform Ltd Piriform Ltd Piriform Ltd Piriform Ltd Piriform Ltd Piriform Ltd Piriform Ltd Piriform Ltd Piriform Ltd 1/13/12 Mplus Editor 3D TRASAR Controller Data Viewer Vantage V100 Express Burn MixPad Audio Mixer Express Rip Mobile VPN Monitor Tsunami Notebook Typhoon Notebook Nero BackItUp Nero Vision McAfee Avert Stinger McAfee Avert Stinger McAfee Security Scan Plus Conflict Checker Professional New Boundary Channel Manager New Boundary Channel Manager New Boundary Channel Manager New Boundary Channel Manager New Boundary Client Prism Deploy Editor NHS Connecting for Health ePharmacy Certificate Manager PMR Adapter Nokia Map Loader Nokia Ovi Suite Nokia PC Suite Nokia Software Updater PC Connectivity Solution PC Connectivity Solution PC Connectivity Solution PaperPort 3d Vision Elda Client analySIS Oracle Connector for Outlook Oracle Discoverer Desktop Oracle Drive Oracle VM VirtualBox OracleBI Discoverer Administrator PC-Doctor for Windows PDFZilla TMPGEnc Plus Perforce Visual Client CardMinder FUJITSU Scanner Control Center ScanSnap Manager ScanSnap Organizer Photodex Presenter CCleaner CCleaner CCleaner CCleaner CCleaner CCleaner CCleaner CCleaner Defraggler Defraggler Recuva Mplus Editor 5 3D TRASAR Controller Data Viewer 8 Vantage V100 100 Express Burn 4 MixPad Audio Mixer 2 Express Rip 1 Mobile VPN Monitor 8 Tsunami Notebook 1 Typhoon Notebook 1 Nero BackItUp 3 Nero Vision 5 McAfee Avert Stinger 3 McAfee Avert Stinger 3 McAfee Security Scan Plus 2 Conflict Checker Professional 10 New Boundary Channel Manager 10 New Boundary Channel Manager 7 New Boundary Channel Manager 9 New Boundary Channel Manager 9 New Boundary Client 10 Prism Deploy Editor 10 NHS Connecting for Health 10 ePharmacy Certificate Manager 1 PMR Adapter 3 Nokia Map Loader 3 Nokia Ovi Suite 2 Nokia PC Suite 6 Nokia Software Updater 1 PC Connectivity Solution 7 PC Connectivity Solution 8 PC Connectivity Solution 9 PaperPort 11 3d Vision 7 Elda Client 4 analySIS 5 Oracle Connector for Outlook 10 Oracle Discoverer Desktop 10 Oracle Drive 10 Oracle VM VirtualBox 3 OracleBI Discoverer Administrator 10 PC-Doctor for Windows 5 PDFZilla 1 TMPGEnc Plus 2 Perforce Visual Client 2009 CardMinder 3 FUJITSU Scanner Control Center 2 ScanSnap Manager 4 ScanSnap Organizer 3 Photodex Presenter 4 CCleaner 1 CCleaner 2 CCleaner 2 CCleaner 2 CCleaner 2 CCleaner 2 CCleaner 2 CCleaner 2 Defraggler 1 Defraggler 1 Recuva 1 IBM Inc 2011 Mplus Editor 5.2 3D TRASAR Controller Data Viewer 8.0 Vantage V100 100.0 Express Burn 4.30+ MixPad Audio Mixer 2.04 Express Rip 1.61+ Mobile VPN Monitor 8.32 Tsunami Notebook 1.0 Typhoon Notebook 1.0 Nero BackItUp 3 Nero Vision 5 McAfee Avert Stinger 3.8 McAfee Avert Stinger 3.4 McAfee Security Scan Plus 2.15 Conflict Checker Professional 10.5 New Boundary Channel Manager 10.5 New Boundary Channel Manager 7.0 New Boundary Channel Manager 9.1 New Boundary Channel Manager 9.0 New Boundary Client 10.5 Prism Deploy Editor 10.5 NHS Connecting for Health 10.00 ePharmacy Certificate Manager 1.1 PMR Adapter 3.4 Nokia Map Loader 3.0 Nokia Ovi Suite 2.0 Nokia PC Suite 6.83 Nokia Software Updater 1.8 PC Connectivity Solution 7.7 PC Connectivity Solution 8.15 PC Connectivity Solution 9.44 PaperPort 11.1 3d Vision 7.16 Elda Client 4.0 analySIS 5.0 Oracle Connector for Outlook 10.1 Oracle Discoverer Desktop 10.1 Oracle Drive 10.2 Oracle VM VirtualBox 3.2 OracleBI Discoverer Administrator 10.1 PC-Doctor for Windows 5.1 PDFZilla 1.0 TMPGEnc Plus 2.525 Perforce Visual Client 2009 CardMinder 3.1 FUJITSU Scanner Control Center 2.2 ScanSnap Manager 4.1 ScanSnap Organizer 3.1 Photodex Presenter 4.0 CCleaner 1.41 CCleaner 2.33 CCleaner 2.26 CCleaner 2.17 CCleaner 2.18 CCleaner 2.25 CCleaner 2.28 CCleaner 2.16 Defraggler 1.20 Defraggler 1.7 Recuva 1.17 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 49 Piriform Ltd Piriform Ltd PJ Technologies Inc. Planit Software Ltd. Plant Equipment Inc. PrestoSoft Qlik Technologies Inc. Raindrop Geomagic Inc. Rare Ideas LLC Raritan Computer Inc. Realtek Semiconductor Corp Red Kawa Inc. Red5 Software Reed Elsevier Reed Elsevier Research In Motion Limited Rockwell Software Inc. Roxio Roxio Roxio RTO Software Inc. RX Systems Inc. SafeNet Inc. SafeNet Inc. SafeNet Inc. SafeNet Inc. SafeNet Inc. SafeNet Inc. SafeNet Inc. Sage Sage Software Inc. Sawtooth Software Inc. ScanSoft Inc. Schmidt's LOGIN GmbH Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation SCIROCCO SEIKO EPSON CORP. SEIKO EPSON CORP. SEIKO EPSON CORP. Sensaphone Shane Croft Solutions Inc. Shane Croft Solutions Inc. SHAPE Services GmbH SICK AG Siemens AG Sierra Wireless Inc. Silver Bullet Technology Inc. SlySoft Inc. SMART Technologies Inc. SMART Technologies Inc. SMART Technologies Inc. SMART Technologies Inc. SMART Technologies Inc. Smith Micro Software Inc. SolarWinds SolidWorks SonicWall Inc. Sony Corporation Spotify Ltd 1/13/12 Recuva Speccy GoverLAN AlphaCAM VESTA ExamDiff QlikView Geomagic Studio Mozilla Firefox Portable Edition Paragon Manager HD Audio Sound Effect Manager Videora iPod Converter Architectural Calculator Time Matters Enterprise Time Matters Enterprise BlackBerry Media Sync Emonitor Odyssey DirectCD Roxio Creator DE Roxio Creator DE PinPoint Attendance Register eSafe eSafe eSafe eSafe eSafe Sentinel System Driver Sentinel System Driver ACT! FAS Asset Accounting Client Sawtooth Software SMRT PaperPort LOGINventory DEFORM License Manager DEFORM-3D SCIROCCO Take a Break EMP NS Connection EMP NS Connection EPSON PhotoQuicker IMS-4000 CleanMem CleanMem Mobiola Web Camera PLS-LSI-User Software Parasolid Translator TRU-Install RangerFlex for SmartSource Professional CloneCD LinQ Software SMART Board SMART Notebook SMART Number Cruncher SynchronEyes Teacher VZAccess Manager SolarWinds Network Management Tools SolidWorks Installation Manager NetExtender Log Viewer Digital Voice Editor Spotify Recuva 1 Speccy 1 GoverLAN 7 AlphaCAM 2001 VESTA 3 ExamDiff 1 QlikView 9 Geomagic Studio 10 Mozilla Firefox Portable Edition 3 Paragon Manager 1 HD Audio Sound Effect Manager 2 Videora iPod Converter 4 Architectural Calculator 2 Time Matters Enterprise 5 Time Matters Enterprise 7 BlackBerry Media Sync 2 Emonitor Odyssey 2 DirectCD 7 Roxio Creator DE 3 Roxio Creator DE 3 PinPoint 3 Attendance Register 1 eSafe 4 eSafe 5 eSafe 5 eSafe 6 eSafe 6 Sentinel System Driver 7 Sentinel System Driver 7 ACT! 2008 FAS Asset Accounting Client 2005 Sawtooth Software SMRT 4 PaperPort 11 LOGINventory 4 DEFORM License Manager 2 DEFORM-3D 6 SCIROCCO Take a Break 2 EMP NS Connection 2 EMP NS Connection 2 EPSON PhotoQuicker 3 IMS-4000 1 CleanMem 1 CleanMem 1 Mobiola Web Camera 3 PLS-LSI-User Software 3 Parasolid Translator 13 TRU-Install 2 RangerFlex for SmartSource Professional 2 CloneCD 4 LinQ Software 1 SMART Board 10 SMART Notebook 10 SMART Number Cruncher 1 SynchronEyes Teacher 5 VZAccess Manager 7 SolarWinds Network Management Tools 8 SolidWorks Installation Manager 15 NetExtender Log Viewer 1 Digital Voice Editor 3 Spotify 0 IBM Inc 2011 Recuva 1.32 Speccy 1.0 GoverLAN 7.1 AlphaCAM 2001 VESTA 3.0 ExamDiff 1.8 QlikView 9.0 Geomagic Studio 10.0 Mozilla Firefox Portable Edition 3.5 Paragon Manager 1.0 HD Audio Sound Effect Manager 2.3 Videora iPod Converter 4.06 Architectural Calculator 2.0 Time Matters Enterprise 5.0 Time Matters Enterprise 7.0 BlackBerry Media Sync 2.0 Emonitor Odyssey 2.4 DirectCD 7.0 Roxio Creator DE 3.30 Roxio Creator DE 3.5 PinPoint 3.2 Attendance Register 1.0 eSafe 4.2 eSafe 5.2 eSafe 5.1 eSafe 6.1 eSafe 6.2 Sentinel System Driver 7.0 Sentinel System Driver 7.1 ACT! 2008 FAS Asset Accounting Client 2005 Sawtooth Software SMRT 4.10 PaperPort 11.2 LOGINventory 4.3 DEFORM License Manager 2.1 DEFORM-3D 6.1 SCIROCCO Take a Break 2.7 EMP NS Connection 2.51 EMP NS Connection 2.11 EPSON PhotoQuicker 3.41 IMS-4000 1.0 CleanMem 1.4 CleanMem 1.5 Mobiola Web Camera 3.0 PLS-LSI-User Software 3.61 Parasolid Translator 13.0 TRU-Install 2.1 RangerFlex for SmartSource Professional 2.2 CloneCD 4.2 LinQ Software 1.3 SMART Board 10.6 SMART Notebook 10.6 SMART Number Cruncher 1.1 SynchronEyes Teacher 5.1 VZAccess Manager 7.0 SolarWinds Network Management Tools 8.0 SolidWorks Installation Manager 15.0 NetExtender Log Viewer 1.0 Digital Voice Editor 3.3 Spotify 0.4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 50 SPSS Inc. SPSS Inc. SteinhilberSchwehr AG SteinhilberSchwehr AG StreamTorrent StumbleUpon Inc. Super Flexible Software Ltd. & Co. KG SUPERAntiSpyware.com SurfRight B.V. Symantec Corporation Symantec Corporation Symantec Corporation Symantec Corporation Symantec Corporation Synaptics Inc. Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC SYSTAT Software Inc. SystemTools Software Inc. TechSmith Corporation Teklynx International Telef=nica I+D Telef=nica I+D testo AG The Harrington Group Inc. The MPlayer Project Thermon Manufacturing Company Thomson ISI ResearchSoft Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters TIBCO Software Inc. timeware (UK) Ltd TomTom Inc. Transend Corporation Trend Micro Inc. Trend Micro Inc. TrueCrypt Foundation TrueCrypt Foundation TT- Software UGS Corp. UGS Corp. Ulead Systems Inc. Ultralingua Inc. Unisys United Parcel Service of America Inc. (UPS) UPEK Inc. Veer West LLC Veridis 1/13/12 PASW Statistics PASW Statistics CS-OnlineView CS-OnlineView StreamTorrent StumbleUpon Toolbar Broker Process Super Flexible File Synchronizer SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition Hitman Pro Symantec ESM Enterprise Console Symantec Ghost Console Client Symantec Ghost Solution Suite Symantec System Center Veritas Backup Reporter Synaptics Pointing Device Driver AccessChk Autoruns Coreinfo Desktops Disk2vhd ProcDump Process Explorer Process Monitor PsGetSid Sigcheck Sysinternals Debugview Sysinternals Handle VMMap ZoomIt SigmaPlot Hyena SnagIt LABELVIEW Escritorio movistar Escritorio movistar Comfort Software Basic Calibration Recall MPlayer CompuTrace EndNote Reuters Messaging Reuters Station TIBCO Hawk Configuration Utility timeware 6 - Small Business Edition TomTom HOME ConnectorWare Import for cc:Mail CWShredder Trend Micro Internet Security TrueCrypt TrueCrypt TrueTerm NX UGS JT2Go Ulead Photo Explorer SE Ultralingua CAPI Exerciser UPS Worldship ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software Time Tracker FileCrypt Desktop PASW Statistics 17 PASW Statistics 18 CS-OnlineView 3 CS-OnlineView 4 StreamTorrent 1 StumbleUpon Toolbar Broker Process 3 Super Flexible File Synchronizer 1 SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition 4 Hitman Pro 3 Symantec ESM Enterprise Console 6 Symantec Ghost Console Client 8 Symantec Ghost Solution Suite 2 Symantec System Center 8 Veritas Backup Reporter 6 Synaptics Pointing Device Driver 13 AccessChk 4 Autoruns 8 Coreinfo 2 Desktops 1 Disk2vhd 1 ProcDump 1 Process Explorer 12 Process Monitor 2 PsGetSid 1 Sigcheck 1 Sysinternals Debugview 3 Sysinternals Handle 3 VMMap 2 ZoomIt 4 SigmaPlot 10 Hyena 7 SnagIt 10 LabelView 7 Escritorio movistar 7 Escritorio movistar 8 Comfort Software Basic 3 Calibration Recall 3 MPlayer 1 CompuTrace 5 EndNote X3 Reuters Messaging 7 Reuters Station 8 TIBCO Hawk Configuration Utility 4 timeware 6 - Small Business Edition 6 TomTom HOME 2 ConnectorWare Import for cc:Mail 1 CWShredder 2 Trend Micro Internet Security 14 TrueCrypt 5 TrueCrypt 6 TrueTerm 5 NX 4 UGS JT2Go 7 Ulead Photo Explorer SE 8 Ultralingua 4 CAPI Exerciser 8 UPS WorldShip 10 ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software 5 Time Tracker 1 FileCrypt Desktop 1 IBM Inc 2011 PASW Statistics 17.0 PASW Statistics 18.0 CS-OnlineView 3.8 CS-OnlineView 4.8 StreamTorrent 1.0 StumbleUpon Toolbar Broker Process 3.14 Super Flexible File Synchronizer 1.0 SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition 4.34 Hitman Pro 3.5 Symantec ESM Enterprise Console 6.5 Symantec Ghost Console Client 8.3 Symantec Ghost Solution Suite 2.5 Symantec System Center 8.0 Veritas Backup Reporter 6.6 Synaptics Pointing Device Driver 13.0 AccessChk 4.24 Autoruns 8.0 Coreinfo 2.0 Desktops 1.01 Disk2vhd 1.4 ProcDump 1.7 Process Explorer 12.1 Process Monitor 2.8 PsGetSid 1.4 Sigcheck 1.64 Sysinternals Debugview 3.24 Sysinternals Handle 3.10 VMMap 2.5 ZoomIt 4.1 SigmaPlot 10.0 Hyena 7.3 SnagIt 10.0 LabelView 7.1 Escritorio movistar 7.0 Escritorio movistar 8.5 Comfort Software Basic 3.20 Calibration Recall 3.5 MPlayer 1.0 CompuTrace 5.4 EndNote X3 Reuters Messaging 7.0 Reuters Station 8.5 TIBCO Hawk Configuration Utility 4.5 timeware 6 - Small Business Edition 6.0 TomTom HOME 2.6 ConnectorWare Import for cc:Mail 1.20 CWShredder 2.0 Trend Micro Internet Security 14.10 TrueCrypt 5.1 TrueCrypt 6.3 TrueTerm 5.0 NX 4.0 UGS JT2Go 7.1 Ulead Photo Explorer SE 8.0 Ultralingua 4.3 CAPI Exerciser 8.06 UPS WorldShip 10.0 ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software 5.8 Time Tracker 1.0 FileCrypt Desktop 1.7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 51 Verizon Business Global LLC Victor Company of Japan Ltd (JVC) Viewpoint Corp. Visioneer Visioneer VMware Inc. Voxco Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. WebEx Inc WebEx Inc WebToGo Mobile Internet GmbH Wenzel Metromec AG Western Digital Wiesemann & Theis GmbH Wisdom Software Inc. Wise Solutions Inc. XEN Soft XEN Soft XEN Soft Xerox Corporation Xerox Corporation Yahoo! Inc. YouSendIt ZabKat ZabKat ZD Soft W-Fi Connect JLIP Video Capture Media Player MtsAxInstaller OneTouch PaperPort VMware Tools Voxco Interviewer Authentication Manager EMBASSY Security Center Preboot Manager Trusted Drive Manager WebEx Player WebEx Productivity Tools My 3DataManager Metrosoft CM DLGDIAG for Windows WuTility ScreenHunter Free ICS Viewer X-MSK X-MSK X-MSK AccXES-Tools Xerox Support Centre Yahoo! Toolbar YouSendIt Express xplorer xplorer ZD Soft Screen Recorder Acer Inc. Acronis Inc. Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Akcelik and Associates Pty Ltd Akcelik and Associates Pty Ltd Allen Systems Group Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Applian Technologies Inc. Aspect Telecommunications Aspect Telecommunications Aspect Telecommunications Asseco Czech Republic a.s. AtomPark Software JSC AtomPark Software JSC AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoHotkey.com AYA CZ spol. s r.o. Bethesda Softworks LLC Blumentals Software Borland Software Corporation Acer Bio-Protection Fingerprint Solution Acronis True Image Adobe Air Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite SIDRA Intersection SIDRA TRIP DocumentDirect iPodService Module iTunes iTunes Replay Music Aspect System Management Suite Aspect WinSet CustomView Director ComfortChip Atomic Email Autoresponder Atomic Mail Sender AutoCAD Autodesk Navisworks Freedom Autodesk Navisworks Manage Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D AutoHotkey MV2Player Fallout 3 Screensaver Wonder Borland InterBase Server 1/13/12 W-Fi Connect 2 JLIP Video Capture 3 Media Player MtsAxInstaller 3 OneTouch 4 PaperPort 10 VMWare Tools 8 Voxco Interviewer 4 Authentication Manager 3 EMBASSY Security Center 3 Preboot Manager 2 Trusted Drive Manager 2 WebEx Player 2010 WebEx Productivity Tools 2 My 3DataManager 1 Metrosoft CM 3 DLGDIAG for Windows 1 WuTility 3 ScreenHunter Free 5 ICS Viewer 5 X-MSK 4 X-MSK 5 X-MSK 6 AccXES-Tools 8 Xerox Support Centre 2 Yahoo! Toolbar 7 YouSendIt Express 1 xplorer 1 xplorer 1 ZD Soft Screen Recorder 2 Catalog 7 (34016 October) Acer Bio-Protection Fingerprint Solution 5 Acronis True Image 9 Adobe Air 2 Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Standard Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection Adobe Creative Suite 5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5 Web Premium SIDRA Intersection 3 SIDRA TRIP 1 DocumentDirect 2 iPodService Module 10 iTunes 10 iTunes 7 Replay Music 2 Aspect System Management Suite 3 Aspect WinSet 3 CustomView Director 2 ComfortChip 2 Atomic Email Autoresponder 1 Atomic Mail Sender 4 AutoCAD 2011 Autodesk Navisworks Freedom 2011 Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2011 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D 6 AutoHotkey 1 MV2Player 1 Fallout 3 1 Screensaver Wonder 4 Borland InterBase Server 5 IBM Inc 2011 W-Fi Connect 2.20 JLIP Video Capture 3.1 Media Player MtsAxInstaller 3.6 OneTouch 4.0 PaperPort 10.4 VMWare Tools 8.1 Voxco Interviewer 4.5 Authentication Manager 3.2 EMBASSY Security Center 3.9 Preboot Manager 2.7 Trusted Drive Manager 2.6 WebEx Player 2010 WebEx Productivity Tools 2.1 My 3DataManager 1.0 Metrosoft CM 3.8 DLGDIAG for Windows 1.9 WuTility 3.51 ScreenHunter Free 5.0 ICS Viewer 5.1 X-MSK 4.3 X-MSK 5.0 X-MSK 6.0 AccXES-Tools 8.0 Xerox Support Centre 2.0 Yahoo! Toolbar 7.2 YouSendIt Express 1.6 xplorer 1.6 xplorer 1.8 ZD Soft Screen Recorder 2.6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Acer Bio-Protection Fingerprint Solution 5.0 Acronis True Image 9.5 Adobe Air 2.0 Adobe Bridge CS5 Adobe Bridge CS5 Adobe Bridge CS5 Adobe Bridge CS5 Adobe Bridge CS5 SIDRA Intersection 3.2 SIDRA TRIP 1.0 DocumentDirect 2.3 iPodService Module 10.0 iTunes 10.0 iTunes 7.4 Replay Music 2 Aspect System Management Suite 3.1 Aspect WinSet 3.0 CustomView Director 2.1 ComfortChip 2.11 Atomic Email Autoresponder 1.20 Atomic Mail Sender 4.20 AutoCAD product 2011 Autodesk Navisworks Freedom 2011 Autodesk Navisworks Manage 2011 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D 6.0 AutoHotkey 1.0 MV2Player 1.0 Fallout 3 1.7 Screensaver Wonder 4.7 Borland InterBase Server 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 52 Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Borland Software Corporation Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Corporation BSC Praha spol. s r.o. BSC Praha spol. s r.o. C. Ghisler Co. Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canon U.S.A. Inc. Carl Zeiss Inc. Carl Zeiss Inc. Carl Zeiss Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Compuware NuMega Creative Technology Ltd. Custom Computer Services Inc. CyberLink Corp. CyberSafe Limited Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation DeLorme Digi International Inc. Digital Rowing Inc. Digitus DLoG GmbH DoD-PKE DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH Edusoft Computer Systems eHelp Corporation Electronic Storage Corporation Embarcadero Technologies Inc. E-Tech Corporation F Key Solutions Inc. fish's dotNET FlashDevelop.org Fluke Corporation Fluke Corporation F-Secure Corporation Gnnter Ballbach Messzeuge GmbH & Co. KG Golden Software Inc. Google Heidenhain Numeric BV Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company IBM Corporation IDAutomation.com Inc. IdealLab Idera IDM Computer Solutions Inc. IDM Computer Solutions Inc. IGEL Technology GmbH Img2CAD.com Immortal Comms Ltd. 1/13/12 Borland InterBase Server StarTeam Client VisiBroker Bluetooth Bluetooth Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 Gemini HB Client Gemini Network Communication Manager Total Commander Canon Printer Driver Uninstaller MP Navigator Calypso HOLOS NT Zeiss License Manager Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client Citrix ICA Client Citrix Installation Manager NuMega DevPartner Studio OpenAL PIC C Compiler PowerDVD DX CyberSafe TrustBroker Secure Client for Workstations Dell Status Monitor Console Dell Supplies Management System 3-D TopoQuads Digi Device Discovery RowPro Digitus Video Grabber Quadro NC EASY InstallRoot TNCremoNT PRECISION CAD/CAM RoboHELP Office LaserVault Universal Client Rapid SQL Date Cracker 2000 E-Mail Server CodeLib.NET (Access) FlashDevelop AxTalk Analyzer LinkWare F-Secure Anti-Virus UMP Grapher Google Chrome CNC Data Station Firefox - HP Virtual Browser Edition HP Digital Imaging HP Image Zone Express HP OpenView CM Application Self-Service Manager HP OpenView CM Application Usage Manager Agent QMF for Windows Barcode Image Generator X1 Idera SQLpermissions UltraCompare Professional UltraCompare Professional IGEL Remote Manager Img2CAD NGSource Borland InterBase Server 7 StarTeam Client 5 VisiBroker 1 Bluetooth 5 Bluetooth 5 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 10 Gemini HB Client 5 Gemini Network Communication Manager 5 Total Commander 7 Canon Printer Driver Uninstaller 4 MP Navigator 3 Calypso 2 HOLOS NT 2 Zeiss License Manager 1 Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client 2 Citrix ICA Client 12 Citrix Installation Manager 4 NuMega DevPartner Studio 6 OpenAL 2 PIC C Compiler 4 PowerDVD DX 7 CyberSafe TrustBroker Secure Client for Workstations 4 Dell Status Monitor Console 1 Dell Supplies Management System 1 3-D TopoQuads 1 Digi Device Discovery 1 RowPro 2 Digitus Video Grabber 1 Quadro NC EASY 6 InstallRoot 3 TNCremoNT 2 PRECISION CAD/CAM 12 RoboHELP Office 9 LaserVault Universal Client 5 Rapid SQL 7.2 Date Cracker 2000 1 E-Mail Server 1 CodeLib.NET (Access) 14 FlashDevelop 2 AxTalk Analyzer 3 LinkWare 5 F-Secure Anti-Virus 7 UMP 1 Grapher 6 Google Chrome 6 CNC Data Station 5 Firefox - HP Virtual Browser Edition 1 HP Digital Imaging 90 HP Image Zone Express 1 HP OpenView CM Application Self-Service Manager 5 HP OpenView CM Application Usage Manager Agent 5 QMF for Windows 7 Barcode Image Generator 2 X1 1 Idera SQLpermissions 2 UltraCompare Professional 5 UltraCompare Professional 6 IGEL Remote Manager 3 Img2CAD 7 NGSource 3 IBM Inc 2011 Borland InterBase Server 7.1 StarTeam Client 5 VisiBroker 1 Bluetooth 5.1 Bluetooth 5.5 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 10.5 Gemini HB Client 5.0 Gemini Network Communication Manager 5.3 Total Commander 7.4 Canon Printer Driver Uninstaller 4.3 MP Navigator 3.0 Calypso 2.1 HOLOS NT 2.6 Zeiss License Manager 1.6 Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client 2.3 Citrix ICA Client 12.0 Citrix Installation Manager 4 NuMega DevPartner Studio 6.5 OpenAL 2.0 PIC C Compiler 4.110 PowerDVD DX 7 CyberSafe TrustBroker Secure Client for Workstations 4.2 Dell Status Monitor Console 1.100 Dell Supplies Management System 1.100 3-D TopoQuads 1.2 Digi Device Discovery 1.6 RowPro 2.3 Digitus Video Grabber 1.0 Quadro NC EASY 6.20 InstallRoot 3.13 TNCremoNT 2.03 PRECISION CAD/CAM 12.0 RoboHELP Office 9.10 LaserVault Universal Client 5 Rapid SQL 7.2 Date Cracker 2000 1.0 E-Mail Server 1.0 CodeLib.NET (Access) 14.0 FlashDevelop 2 AxTalk Analyzer 3.0 LinkWare 5.0 F-Secure Anti-Virus 7.10 UMP 1.3 Grapher 6 Google Chrome 6.0 CNC Data Station 5.0 Firefox - HP Virtual Browser Edition 1.1 HP Digital Imaging 90.0 HP Image Zone Express 1.5 HP OpenView CM Application Self-Service Manager 5.10 HP OpenView CM Application Usage Manager Agent 5.11 QMF for Windows 7.2e Barcode Image Generator 2.01 X1 1.0 Idera SQLpermissions 2.1 UltraCompare Professional 5 UltraCompare Professional 6.10 IGEL Remote Manager 3.0 Img2CAD 7.0 NGSource 3.8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 53 Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Insightful Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation IOSS GmbH Iron Mountain Corporation ITT Advanced Engineering & Sciences J. River Inc. JAMAR Technologies Inc. JENOPTIK AG Jolly Giant Software Inc. Kaspersky Lab Konica Minolta Inc. KYOCERA MITA CORPORATION LANDesk(R) Software LANDesk(R) Software LANDesk(R) Software LANDesk(R) Software LangSoft Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Lingea s.r.o. LKSoftWare GmbH Longview Solutions Inc. LSI Corp. Mahr GmbH MANZ Multimedia March Hare Software Limited McTrans MERANT Microchip Technology Inc. Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Motorola Inc. MRP Informatics s.r.o. MRP-Company s.r.o. Multivariate Software Inc. Municipal Software Corporation Musicnotes Inc. MySQL AB MySQL AB MySQL AB NCP engineering GmbH 1/13/12 Arinc Translator Database Load Symbolization Rules Utilities S-PLUS Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager Intel Rapid Storage Technology Intel Wifi Iometer DMH100 Connected BackupPC TSIS Network Toolbox PETRA for Windows TURBO WAVE QWS3270 PLUS Kaspersky Administration Kit DiMAGE Viewer Scanner File Utility LANDesk(R) Common Base Agent LANDesk(R) Common Base Agent LANDesk(R) Common Base Agent LANDesk(R) Common Base Agent PC Translator Lenovo Care Productivity Center PS/2 TrackPoint Support Lexicon IDA-STEP Khalix for Excel Launch Add-in Dell SAS RAID Storage Manager MarSurf XC 20 MANZ Browser cvsnt HCS+T7F Micro Focus Net Express PICC-Lite Debug Diagnostic Tool Deep Zoom Composer Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit Microsoft Expression Blend Microsoft Expression Design Microsoft Expression Web Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Live SQL Server 2005 Upgrade Advisor Motorola Software Update MRP Aktualizcia MRP Vizulny Ftovn systTm EQS CityView Manager Guitar Guru MySQL Tools MySQL Workbench MySQL Workbench Mobile VPN Monitor Arinc Translator 1 Database Load 1 Symbolization Rules 1 Utilities 1 S-PLUS 8 Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager 15 Intel Rapid Storage Technology 9 Intel Wifi 13 Iometer 2006 DMH100 1 Connected BackupPC 8 TSIS 5 Network Toolbox 2 PETRA for Windows 3 TURBO WAVE 7 QWS3270 PLUS 3 Kaspersky Administration Kit 8 DiMAGE Viewer 2 Scanner File Utility 3 LANDesk(R) Common Base Agent 8 LANDesk(R) Common Base Agent 8 LANDesk(R) Common Base Agent 8 LANDesk(R) Common Base Agent 8 PC Translator 2007 Lenovo Care 3 Productivity Center 2 PS/2 TrackPoint Support 4 Lexicon 2002 IDA-STEP 4 Khalix for Excel Launch Add-in 304 Dell SAS RAID Storage Manager 2 MarSurf XC 20 1 MANZ Browser 1 cvsnt 2 HCS+T7F 5 Micro Focus Net Express 3 PICC-Lite 9 Debug Diagnostic Tool 1 Deep Zoom Composer 1 Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit 2 Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5 Microsoft Expression Blend 3 Microsoft Expression Design 3 Microsoft Expression Web 3 Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Microsoft Office Standard 2010 Microsoft Office Live 2 SQL Server 2005 Upgrade Advisor 9 Motorola Software Update 2007 MRP Aktualizcia 1 MRP Vizulny Ftovn systTm 6 EQS 6 CityView Manager 9 Guitar Guru 3 MySQL Tools 5 MySQL Workbench 5 MySQL Workbench 5 Mobile VPN Monitor 9 IBM Inc 2011 Arinc Translator 1 Database Load 1 Symbolization Rules 1 Utilities 1 S-PLUS 8.0 Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager 15.0 Intel Rapid Storage Technology 9.6 Intel Wifi 13.0 Iometer 2006 DMH100 1.128 Connected BackupPC 8.0 TSIS 5.1 Network Toolbox 2.0 PETRA for Windows 3.02 TURBO WAVE 7.03 QWS3270 PLUS 3.6 Kaspersky Administration Kit 8.0 DiMAGE Viewer 2 Scanner File Utility 3.3 LANDesk(R) Common Base Agent 8.5 LANDesk(R) Common Base Agent 8.0 LANDesk(R) Common Base Agent 8.6 LANDesk(R) Common Base Agent 8.7 PC Translator 2007.15 Lenovo Care 3.0 Productivity Center 2.21 PS/2 TrackPoint Support 4.63 Lexicon 2002 IDA-STEP 4.0 Khalix for Excel Launch Add-in 304 Dell SAS RAID Storage Manager 2.08 MarSurf XC 20 1.40-5 MANZ Browser 1.1 cvsnt 2 HCS+T7F 5.3 Micro Focus Net Express 3.0 PICC-Lite 9.60 Debug Diagnostic Tool 1 Deep Zoom Composer 1.0 Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit 2.0 Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.5 Microsoft Expression Blend 3.0 Microsoft Expression Design 3.0 Microsoft Expression Web 3.0 Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft Office Live 2.0 SQL Server 2005 Upgrade Advisor 9.0 Motorola Software Update 2007 MRP Aktualizcia 1.0 MRP Vizulny Ftovn systTm 6.30 EQS 6.1 CityView Manager 9.0 Guitar Guru 3.2 MySQL Tools 5.0 MySQL Workbench 5.1 MySQL Workbench 5.0 Mobile VPN Monitor 9.20 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 54 NCR Corporation Network Associates Inc. Network Associates Inc. NetworkActiv Software NextPage Inc. NJStar Software Corp. NOS Microsystems Ltd. NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Corporation OnTrack Data International Inc. Opera Software Oracle OSIsoft Inc. Parametric Technology Corporation PatchLink Corporation Phihong USA Corp. Planit Software Ltd. PolySoft Solutions PowerISO Computing Inc. PTC QAD Inc. Qass.net GmbH Q-DAS GmbH Quest Software Inc. Quixote Transportation Technologies Inc. Realtek Semiconductor Corp RealVNC Ltd. RealVNC Ltd. Research In Motion Limited RIA-Media Software RK Software s.r.o. Sage (UK) Limited SANDBOXIE L.T.D. SAS Institute Inc. SAS Institute Inc. Sawtooth Software Inc. Sawtooth Software Inc. Sawtooth Software Inc. Seco Tools AB Serif Inc. Silver Creek Entertainment Sling Media SODATSW spol. s r.o. SOFTONIC INTERNATIONAL S.L. SourceGear LLC SPSS Inc. SPSS Inc. SRS Labs Inc. Stand By Soft Ltd. Stardock Corporation STMicroelectronics StraightSoft StraightSoft Struers A/S Symantec Corporation Sysinternals LLC TAL Technologies Inc. T-Mobile TouchStar TouchStar 1/13/12 Teradata GSS Client nt-i386 McAfee Avert Stinger McAfee VirusScan Enterprise NetworkActiv Port Scanner Folio Views NJStar Chinese Word Processor getPlus+ NVIDIA Uninstaller Utility NVIDIA Windows Vista Display Driver Ontrack PowerControls Opera Oracle Client Software PI ProcessBook Mathcad PatchLink Update Agent for Windows Phihong POE370 GUI Advanced WIRE Free FLAC to MP3 Converter PowerISO ProductView Express QAD Enterprise Applications CisAnalyzer qs-STAT Formatter Plus HDM Avance Sound Manager VNC Viewer VNC Viewer BlackBerry Enterprise Server RIA-Media Viewer FormEdik Sage Payroll Sandboxie JMP SAS Enterprise Guide CBC Hierarchical Bayes Module MaxDiff Designer SSI Web Secocut WebPlus Hardwood Hearts SlingPlayer Mobile OptimAccess Dial PhotoFiltre SourceOffSite PASW Data Collection and Survey Visualization SPSS AnswerTree SRS Premium Sound RationalPlan Viewer Multiplicity Professional AccelerometerP11 Easy Hot Key Easy Hot Key Duramin Symantec Backup Exec RootkitRevealer WinWedge Pro T-Mobile Internet Manager TouchStar Agent TouchStar Supervisor Teradata GSS Client nt-i386 1 McAfee Avert Stinger 10 McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8 NetworkActiv Port Scanner 4 Folio Views 4 NJStar Chinese Word Processor 5 getPlus+ 1 NVIDIA Uninstaller Utility 1 NVIDIA Windows Vista Display Driver 1 Ontrack PowerControls 4 Opera 10 Oracle Client Software 7 PI ProcessBook 3 Mathcad 14 PatchLink Update Agent for Windows 6 Phihong POE370 GUI 2 Advanced WIRE 2002 Free FLAC to MP3 Converter 1 PowerISO 4 ProductView Express 9 QAD Enterprise Applications 2008 CisAnalyzer 2 qs-STAT 3 Formatter Plus 1 HDM 9 Avance Sound Manager 5 VNC Viewer 4 VNC Viewer 4 BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.1 RIA-Media Viewer 1 FormEdik 1 Sage Payroll 15 Sandboxie 3 JMP 8 SAS Enterprise Guide 4 CBC Hierarchical Bayes Module 5 MaxDiff Designer 2 SSI Web 7 Secocut 4 WebPlus 10 Hardwood Hearts 1 SlingPlayer Mobile 1 OptimAccess Dial 3 PhotoFiltre 6 SourceOffSite 3 PASW Data Collection and Survey Visualization 5 SPSS AnswerTree 3 SRS Premium Sound 1 RationalPlan Viewer 3 Multiplicity Professional 1 AccelerometerP11 2 Easy Hot Key 6 Easy Hot Key 9 Duramin 4 Symantec Backup Exec 2010 RootkitRevealer 1 WinWedge Pro 3 T-Mobile Internet Manager 1 TouchStar Agent 5 TouchStar Supervisor 5 IBM Inc 2011 Teradata GSS Client nt-i386 1.0 McAfee Avert Stinger 10.0 McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7 NetworkActiv Port Scanner 4.0 Folio Views 4.31 NJStar Chinese Word Processor 5.0 getPlus+ 1.6 NVIDIA Uninstaller Utility 1.10 NVIDIA Windows Vista Display Driver 1.3 Ontrack PowerControls 4 Opera 10.61 Oracle Client Software 7.3.3 PI ProcessBook 3 Mathcad 14.0 PatchLink Update Agent for Windows 6.4 Phihong POE370 GUI 2.03 Advanced WIRE 2002 Free FLAC to MP3 Converter 1.0 PowerISO 4.7 ProductView Express 9.1 QAD Enterprise Applications 2008 CisAnalyzer 2.5 qs-STAT 3.2 Formatter Plus 1 HDM 9.0 Avance Sound Manager 5.0 VNC Viewer 4.1 VNC Viewer 4.0 BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.1 RIA-Media Viewer 1.4 FormEdik 1.20 Sage Payroll 15.02 Sandboxie 3.48 JMP 8.0 SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2 CBC Hierarchical Bayes Module 5.2 MaxDiff Designer 2.0 SSI Web 7.0 Secocut 4.1 WebPlus 10.0 Hardwood Hearts 1.0 SlingPlayer Mobile 1.6 OptimAccess Dial 3.0 PhotoFiltre 6.1 SourceOffSite 3 PASW Data Collection and Survey Visualization 5.60 SPSS AnswerTree 3.1 SRS Premium Sound 1.8 RationalPlan Viewer 3.17 Multiplicity Professional 1 AccelerometerP11 2.0 Easy Hot Key 6.3 Easy Hot Key 9.1 Duramin 4.0 Symantec Backup Exec 2010 RootkitRevealer 1.55 WinWedge Pro 3.1 T-Mobile Internet Manager 1.0 TouchStar Agent 5.5 TouchStar Supervisor 5.5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 55 Trend Micro Inc. VMware Inc. VMware Inc. Webroot Software Inc. Western Digital WinGuides Software WRQ Inc. WRQ Inc. Xandros Inc. Yahoo! Inc. ZapGrab ZJMedie Digital Technology Ltd. Zoosk Inc. ScanMail for Domino VMware GSX Server VMware Workstation Webroot Desktop Web Proxy WD SmartWare Registry Mechanic Reflection 4 for Windows 3.1x Reflection 4 for Windows 95/NT Scalix Connect for Microsoft Outlook Search Protection ZapGrab WinAvi Video Converter Zoosk Messenger 3Com 3COM NIC Driver Update Kit ABBYY ABBYY ScanTo Office Acronis Inc. Acronis True Image Workstation ACS Technologies Group Inc. LiveStor.Explorer ActiveState Tool Corp. ActiveState Komodo Personal Actuate Corporation pbviews Adobe Systems Incorporated Acrobat Reader Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Digital Editions Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Flash Player Advanced Technology Partners Inc. ABC VideoRoll Alloy Software Inc. Alloy Asset Navigator American Institute of Steel Construction Inc. AISC Search Utility Any-Video-Converter.com Any Video Converter Any-Video-Converter.com Any Video Converter Professional Apple Computer Inc. Apple Application Support Applian Technologies Inc. Freecorder Toolbar ArcSoft Inc. VideoImpression Art Systems Software GmbH FluidSIM Pneumatics Demo Art Systems Software GmbH FluidSIM Pneumatics Demo Association of Shareware Professionals PADGen AT&T AT&T Communication Manager Auburn University jGRASP Auslogics (see Auslogics Corporation) Registry Defrag Auslogics Corporation AusLogics Disk Defrag AutoDesk Inc. Autodesk Design Review AutoDWG AutoDWG DWG to PDF Converter AVAYA Communication Avaya IP Softphone AVAYA Communication Avaya Site Administration AVAYA Communication Terminal Emulator Balsamiq Studios LLC Balsamiq Mockups For Desktop Bentley Systems Inc. Bentley InRoads Group XM Edition Bentley Systems Inc. LEAP Bridge Bentley Systems Inc. WaterGEMS Binary Fortress Software DisplayFusion Bluebeam Software Inc. Bluebeam PDF Revu BMC Software Inc. SQL-Programmer Boson Software LLC. Boson NetSim for CCNP Breakpoint Software Inc. Hex Workshop Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Power Source Monitoring Service Brother Industries Ltd. P-touch Quick Editor BulletProof Software BulletProof FTP Client CambridgeSoft Corporation Chem3D Pro CambridgeSoft Corporation ChemDraw Ultra CambridgeSoft Corporation ChemFinder Pro Canon U.S.A. Inc. CanoScan Toolbox 1/13/12 ScanMail for Domino 3 VMWare GSX Server 3 VMware Workstation 7 Webroot Desktop Web Proxy 3 WD SmartWare 1 Registry Mechanic 7 Reflection 4 for Windows 3.1x 5.12 Reflection 4 for Windows 95/NT 5.21 Scalix Connect for Microsoft Outlook 11 Search Protection 2008 ZapGrab 3 WinAvi Video Converter 3 Zoosk Messenger 2 Catalog 8 (34018 November) 3COM NIC Driver Update Kit 5 ABBYY ScanTo Office 1 AcronisTrueImageWorkstation 9 LiveStor.Explorer 2 ActiveState Komodo Personal 2 pbviews 7 Acrobat Reader 9 Adobe Digital Editions 1 Adobe Flash Player 9 ABC VideoRoll 2 Alloy Asset Navigator 4 AISC Search Utility 3 Any Video Converter 3 Any Video Converter Professional 3 Apple Application Support 1 Freecorder Toolbar 4 VideoImpression 2 FluidSIM Pneumatics Demo 3 FluidSIM Pneumatics Demo 4 PADGen 3 AT&T Communication Manager 6 jGRASP 1 Registry Defrag 4 AusLogics Disk Defrag 5 Autodesk Design Review 2011 AutoDWG DWG to PDF Converter 3 Avaya IP Softphone 6 Avaya Site Administration 5 Terminal Emulator 16 Balsamiq Mockups For Desktop 1 Bentley InRoads Group XM Edition 8 LEAP Bridge 8 WaterGEMS 8 DisplayFusion 3 Bluebeam PDF Revu 8 SQL-Programmer 2001 Boson NetSim for CCNP 6 Hex Workshop 4 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 12 Broadcom Power Source Monitoring Service 1 P-touch Quick Editor 2 BulletProof FTP Client 2 Chem3D Pro 8 ChemDraw Ultra 2004 ChemFinder Pro 8 CanoScan Toolbox 5 IBM Inc 2011 ScanMail for Domino 3.0 VMware GSX Server 3.1 VMware Workstation 7.0 Webroot Desktop Web Proxy 3.6 WD SmartWare 1.3 Registry Mechanic 7 Reflection 4 for Windows 3.1x 5.12 Reflection 4 for Windows 95/NT 5.21 Scalix Connect for Microsoft Outlook 11.4 Search Protection 2008 ZapGrab 3.2 WinAvi Video Converter 3.1 Zoosk Messenger 2.5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3COM NIC Driver Update Kit 5.2 ABBYY ScanTo Office 1.0 AcronisTrueImageWorkstation 9.1 LiveStor.Explorer 2.0 ActiveState Komodo Personal 2.5.2 pbviews 7.0 Acrobat Reader 9.4 Adobe Digital Editions 1.7 Adobe Flash Player 9.0 ABC VideoRoll 2.5 Alloy Asset Navigator 4.5 AISC Search Utility 3.1 Any Video Converter 3.0 Any Video Converter Professional 3.0 Apple Application Support 1.3 Freecorder Toolbar 4.5 VideoImpression 2.0 FluidSIM Pneumatics Demo 3.6 FluidSIM Pneumatics Demo 4.0 PADGen 3.0 AT&T Communication Manager 6.7 jGRASP 1.8 Registry Defrag 4.1 AusLogics Disk Defrag 5.x Autodesk Design Review 2011 AutoDWG DWG to PDF Converter 3.7 Avaya IP Softphone 6.0 Avaya Site Administration 5.2 Terminal Emulator 16.00 Balsamiq Mockups For Desktop 1.8 Bentley InRoads Group XM Edition 8.9 LEAP Bridge 8.0 WaterGEMS 8.9 DisplayFusion 3.2 Bluebeam PDF Revu 8.0 SQL-Programmer 2001 Boson NetSim for CCNP 6.0 Hex Workshop 4.23 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 12.2 Broadcom Power Source Monitoring Service 1.0 P-touch Quick Editor 2.0 BulletProof FTP Client 2.6 Chem3D Pro 8.0 ChemDraw Ultra 2004 ChemFinder Pro 8.0 CanoScan Toolbox 5.0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 56 Caphyon LTD Carl Zeiss Inc. Carl Zeiss Inc. Cassetica Software Inc. Cassetica Software Inc. Cerulean Studios Citrix Systems Inc. Computer Sciences Corporation Conexant Systems Inc. ConeXware Inc. cyberpromote GmbH Datacard Datum Electronics Ltd. Dell Computer Corporation DeskShare Inc. DivXNetworks Inc. DYMO Corp. Eastman Software Inc. Eastman Software Inc. EASY UK eBay Inc. EDS PLM Solutions EduIQ.com Electronic Arts ESET LLC Evernote Corporation Evoluent Experience In Software Inc. Experience In Software Inc. Fidelity Investments Service Company Inc. Finkit d.o.o. Five Star Technologies FLIR Systems FLIR Systems Fraisa SA Fritz Mueller GmbH Gadwin Systems Inc. Gael Quality Ltd. Gael Quality Ltd. GBA Master Series Inc. Gemalto NV Gene6 SARL Global Graphics Software Ltd. Global Graphics Software Ltd. Google GWK H&S Heilig und Schubert Software AG Handmark Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company HID Global HID Global Honeywell Inc. Honeywell Inc. Hyperion Software Corporation HZ PKF s.r.o. HZ PKF s.r.o. IAP GmbH IBM Corporation IBM Corporation 1/13/12 Advanced Installer CMM_Tools SDCOScripts NotesMedic Pro NotesMedic Toolkit Trillian Citrix Offline Plug-in Shutdown Management Conexant Universal Device Install/Uninstall x86 Application PowerArchiver DiffDaff IDCentre Identification Software Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Video Caster DivX Player DYMO Stamps Kodak Data Source Tester Scanner Validation Tool EASY Quicksearch bar Turbo Lister I-deas NX Series Network LookOut Administrator Pro Poppit! To Go ESET NOD32 Antivirus Evernote Evoluent Mouse Manager Project KickStart Project KickStart Fidelity Active Trader Pro ManicTime Sigma ET ThermaCAM QuickView ThermaCAM QuickView ToolExpert Hardtest - Hardness Testing Diagram Studio MindGenius Business Q-Pulse gbaMS Workstation GemAuthenticate Client Gene6 FTP Server Administrator Jaws PDF Editor Jaws ToPDF Google Chrome EasyWin PAM for Exchange MobileDB-PC Designjet Registration OMNIKEY 5x21 5x25 PC/SC Driver OMNIKEY CardMan 3x21 PC/SC Driver MetrOPOS Administrator MetroSet 2 SQR Developer PUZ PUZ VIPER IBM SPSS Statistics IBM System i Access for Windows Advanced Installer 7 Advanced Installer 7.3 CMM_Tools 21 CMM_Tools 21.0 SDCOScripts 3 SDCOScripts 3.0 NotesMedic Pro 1 NotesMedic Pro 1.0 NotesMedic Toolkit 6 NotesMedic Toolkit 6.0 Trillian 4 Trillian 4.2 Citrix Offline Plug-in 6 Citrix Offline Plug-in 6.0 Shutdown Management 2005 Shutdown Management 2005 Conexant Universal Device Install/Uninstall x86 Application Conexant Universal Device Install/Uninstall x86 Application 4 4.0 PowerArchiver 2010 PowerArchiver 2010 DiffDaff 1 DiffDaff 1.0 IDCentre Identification Software 6 IDCentre Identification Software 6.5 310 310 2 310 2.0 Dell OpenManage Server Administrator 3 Dell OpenManage Server Administrator 3.4 Video Caster 3 Video Caster 3.4 DivX Player 7 DivX Player 7.0 DYMO Stamps 1 DYMO Stamps 1.6 Kodak Data Source Tester 6 Kodak Data Source Tester 6.64 Scanner Validation Tool 5 Scanner Validation Tool 5.22 EASY Quicksearch bar 2 EASY Quicksearch bar 2.00 Turbo Lister 2 Turbo Lister 2.0 I-deas NX Series 11 I-deas NX Series 11.1 Network LookOut Administrator Pro 3 Network LookOut Administrator Pro 3.52 Poppit! To Go 1 Poppit! To Go 1.0 ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4 ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4.2 Evernote 3 Evernote 3.5 Evoluent Mouse Manager 3 Evoluent Mouse Manager 3.2 Project KickStart 3 Project KickStart 3.0 Project KickStart 4 Project KickStart 4.0 Fidelity Active Trader Pro 7 Fidelity Active Trader Pro 7.3 ManicTime 1 ManicTime 1.2 Sigma ET 3 Sigma ET 3.8 ThermaCAM QuickView 1 ThermaCAM QuickView 1.3 ThermaCAM QuickView 2 ThermaCAM QuickView 2.0 ToolExpert 1 ToolExpert 1.3 Hardtest - Hardness Testing 3 Hardtest - Hardness Testing 3.76 Diagram Studio 5 Diagram Studio 5.1 MindGenius Business 3 MindGenius Business 3.6 Q-Pulse 5 Q-Pulse 5.0 gbaMS Workstation 7 gbaMS Workstation 7.0 GemAuthenticate Client 5 GemAuthenticate Client 5.2 Gene6 FTP Server Administrator 1 Gene6 FTP Server Administrator 1.0 Jaws PDF Editor 3 Jaws PDF Editor 3.0 Jaws ToPDF 4 Jaws ToPDF 4.0 Google Chrome 7 Google Chrome 7.0 EasyWin 1 EasyWin 1.51 PAM for Exchange 3 PAM for Exchange 3.1003 MobileDB-PC 1 MobileDB-PC 1.2 Designjet Registration 7 Designjet Registration 7.01 OMNIKEY 5x21 5x25 PC/SC Driver 3 OMNIKEY 5x21 5x25 PC/SC Driver 3.0 OMNIKEY CardMan 3x21 PC/SC Driver 2 OMNIKEY CardMan 3x21 PC/SC Driver 2.0 MetrOPOS Administrator 2 MetrOPOS Administrator 2.0 MetroSet 2 3 MetroSet 2 3.1 SQR Developer 8 SQR Developer 8.3 PUZ 2006 PUZ 2006 PUZ 2007 PUZ 2007 VIPER 1 VIPER 1.5c IBM SPSS Statistics 19 IBM SPSS Statistics 19.0 IBM System i Access for Windows 6 IBM System i Access for Windows 6.01 IBM Inc 2011 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 57 Idera Idera IDIS Co. Ltd. IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH Innoproducts Ltd. InstallShield Corporation Intel Corporation Intuit Inc. Intuit Inc. IObit.com Ipswitch, Inc. Ipswitch, Inc. Iron Mountain Corporation JetBrains Jolly Giant Software Inc. Juniper Networks Inc. Lampo Group Lenovo Group Ltd. Logik software + consulting GmbH Logik software + consulting GmbH Logitech Software Inc. Logitech Software Inc. Macroplant LLC Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation MicroVision Development MONOGRAM Multimedia s.r.o. MONOGRAM Multimedia s.r.o. Mozilla.org National Instruments Corp. NCH Software Pty Ltd Neevia Technology Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG 1/13/12 Idera SQL mobile manager Idera SQL mobile manager RASplus IDS FALCON/EAGLE IDS uEye SimFile Reader InstallShield Update Service Intel Management and Security QuickBooks Premiere Edition QuickBooks Product Listing Service Advanced SystemCare WS_FTP Limited Edition WS_FTP Limited Edition Pharmacy dataSAFE V2 Agent JetBrains ReSharper QWS3270 PLUS Network Connect Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Financial Software Rescue and Recovery [Logik [Logik Logitech Vid HD Logitech Webcam Software iPhone Explorer Microsoft Expression Design Microsoft Expression Design Microsoft Expression Encoder Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE Microsoft Help Viewer Microsoft IntelliPoint Microsoft Live Labs Pivot Microsoft SeaPort Microsoft SeaPort Microsoft SeaPort Microsoft SeaPort Microsoft Search Client Server Microsoft Search Client Server Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows System Center Operations Manager Console Windows Journal Viewer Windows Live Family Safety Windows Live Mail SureThing CD Labeler DSConfig MONOGRAM GraphStudio Mozilla Thunderbird DIAdem Express Scribe Neevia docCreator Nero BackItUp Nero CD-DVD Speed Nero CD-DVD Speed Nero CD-DVD Speed Nero CD-DVD Speed Nero CD-DVD Speed Idera SQL mobile manager 3 Idera SQL mobile manager 3 RASplus 1 IDS FALCON/EAGLE 4 IDS uEye 2 SimFile Reader 1 InstallShield Update Service 4 Intel Management and Security 4 QuickBooks Premiere Edition 2006 QuickBooks Product Listing Service 2 Advanced SystemCare 3 WS_FTP Limited Edition 4 WS_FTP Limited Edition 5 Pharmacy dataSAFE V2 Agent 8 JetBrains ReSharper 5 QWS3270 PLUS 4 Network Connect 6 Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Financial Software 5 Rescue and Recovery 4 [Logik 2 [Logik 2 Logitech Vid HD 7 Logitech Webcam Software 12 iPhone Explorer 0 Microsoft Expression Design 2 Microsoft Expression Design 4 Microsoft Expression Encoder 2 Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE 3 Microsoft Help Viewer 1 Microsoft IntelliPoint 8 Microsoft Live Labs Pivot 1 Microsoft SeaPort 1 Microsoft SeaPort 1 Microsoft SeaPort 2 Microsoft SeaPort 3 Microsoft Search Client Server 2 Microsoft Search Client Server 3 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 Windows 7 Home Basic x64 Windows 7 Professional x64 Windows 7 Ultimate x64 System Center Operations Manager Console 2007 R2 Windows Journal Viewer 5 Windows Live Family Safety 14 Windows Live Mail 2011 SureThing CD Labeler 1 DSConfig 1 MONOGRAM GraphStudio 0 Mozilla Thunderbird 3 DIAdem 9 Express Scribe 5 Neevia docCreator 2 Nero BackItUp 1 Nero CD-DVD Speed 0 Nero CD-DVD Speed 1 Nero CD-DVD Speed 2 Nero CD-DVD Speed 4 Nero CD-DVD Speed 4 IBM Inc 2011 Idera SQL mobile manager 3.6 Idera SQL mobile manager 3.6 x64 RASplus 1.0 IDS FALCON/EAGLE 4.40 IDS uEye 2.40 SimFile Reader 1.1 InstallShield Update Service 4.10 Intel Management and Security 4.2 QuickBooks Premiere Edition 2006 QuickBooks Product Listing Service 2.0 Advanced SystemCare 3.7 WS_FTP Limited Edition 4.50 WS_FTP Limited Edition 5.06 Pharmacy dataSAFE V2 Agent 8.2 JetBrains ReSharper 5.0 QWS3270 PLUS 4.2 Network Connect 6.5 Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Financial Software 5.2 Rescue and Recovery 4.21 [Logik 2.3 [Logik 2.1 Logitech Vid HD 7.2 Logitech Webcam Software 12.0 iPhone Explorer 0.9 Microsoft Expression Design 2.0 Microsoft Expression Design 4.0 Microsoft Expression Encoder 2.0 Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE 3.2 Microsoft Help Viewer 1.0 Microsoft IntelliPoint 8.0 Microsoft Live Labs Pivot 1.0 Microsoft SeaPort 1.2 Microsoft SeaPort 1.3 Microsoft SeaPort 2.0 Microsoft SeaPort 3.0 Microsoft Search Client Server 2.0 Microsoft Search Client Server 3.0 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 Windows 7 Home Basic x64 Windows 7 Professional x64 Windows 7 Ultimate x64 System Center Operations Manager Console 2007 R2 Windows Journal Viewer 5.0 Windows Live Family Safety 14.0 Windows Live Mail 2011 SureThing CD Labeler 1.2 DSConfig 1.0 MONOGRAM GraphStudio 0.3 Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1 DIAdem 9.10 Express Scribe 5.01 Neevia docCreator 2.41 Nero BackItUp 1.0 Nero CD-DVD Speed 0.8 Nero CD-DVD Speed 1.0 Nero CD-DVD Speed 2.0 Nero CD-DVD Speed 4.5 Nero CD-DVD Speed 4.6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 58 Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Netscape Communications Corporation NHS NJStar Software Corp. Nortel Networks Obersterreichische Gebietskrankenkasse Obersterreichische Gebietskrankenkasse Paessler GmbH Peninsular Technologies Pervasive Software Inc. Pictometry Inc. PostgreSQL Global Development Group Power Admin LLC Precision Valve & Automation Inc. PROMICRA s.r.o. PTC PTC Python Software Foundation Quicksilva Ltd. Quovadx Inc. Red Gate Software Ltd. Red Gate Software Ltd. Research In Motion Limited Research In Motion Limited Research In Motion Limited RX Systems Inc. Saba Software Inc. Sage (UK) Limited SANYO Information Business Co. Ltd. ScanSoft Inc. SEIKO EPSON CORP. Sensortherm GmbH Serif Inc. SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks Sony Corporation Sony Corporation Sophos Plc SplashData Inc. SQL Sentry Inc. Staff Trak STEINWALD datentechnik GmbH Sun Microsystems Inc. Symantec Corporation 1/13/12 Nero CD-DVD Speed Nero DriveSpeed Nero DriveSpeed Nero DriveSpeed Nero DriveSpeed Nero InfoTool Nero Recode Nero Recode Nero Vision Nero Vision Nero WaveEditor Nero WaveEditor Netscape Navigator NHS Identity Agent NJStar Communicator Desktop Assistant Pro ELDA fnr Windows ELDA fnr Windows PRTG Windows GUI PipeTech View Pervasive SQL Electronic Field Study PostgreSQL PA Server Monitor Free PathMaster QuickPHOTO Industrial Pro ENGINEER ProductView Python Spinal Tap Client Libraries SOC Client SQL Compare SQL Prompt BlackBerry Desktop Software RIM Handheld Application Loader RIM Handheld Communications Manager PSHO Saba Centra Sage 200 DVRViewer2 OmniPage SE EPSON Bidirectional Printer RegulusWin Serif DrawPlus DWGeditor SolidWorks SolidWorks eDrawings SolidWorks Explorer SolidWorks Installation Manager SolidWorks Installation Manager SolidWorks Photoview 360 DVD Architect Studio Vegas Movie Studio Platinum SafeGuard Enterprise SplashShopper SQL Sentry Staff Trak MessBase light Sun VirtualBox Norton Ghost Nero CD-DVD Speed 4 Nero DriveSpeed 1 Nero DriveSpeed 1 Nero DriveSpeed 1 Nero DriveSpeed 2 Nero InfoTool 4 Nero Recode 0 Nero Recode 2 Nero Vision 2 Nero Vision 4 Nero WaveEditor 1 Nero WaveEditor 5 Netscape Navigator 4 NHS Identity Agent 11 NJStar Communicator 2 Desktop Assistant Pro 2 ELDA fnr Windows 3 ELDA fnr Windows 3 PRTG Windows GUI 7 PipeTech View 5 Pervasive SQL 9 Electronic Field Study 2 PostgreSQL 8 PA Server Monitor Free 3 PathMaster 2 QuickPHOTO Industrial 2 Pro Engineer 2003 ProductView 9 Python 2 Spinal Tap Client Libraries 1 SOC Client 0 SQL Compare 6 SQL Prompt 4 BlackBerry Desktop Software 6 RIM Handheld Application Loader 6 RIM Handheld Communications Manager 6 PSHO 1 Saba Centra 7 Sage 200 6 DVRViewer2 2 OmniPage SE 15 EPSON Bidirectional Printer 1 RegulusWin 1 Serif DrawPlus 9 DWGeditor 2010 SolidWorks 2010 SolidWorks eDrawings 2010 SolidWorks Explorer 2010 SolidWorks Installation Manager 18 SolidWorks Installation Manager 18 SolidWorks Photoview 360 2010 DVD Architect Studio 4 Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 8 SafeGuard Enterprise 5 SplashShopper 2 SQL Sentry 5 Staff Trak 4 MessBase light 2 Sun VirtualBox 3 Symantec Ghost 11 IBM Inc 2011 Nero CD-DVD Speed 4.7 Nero DriveSpeed 1.6 Nero DriveSpeed 1.5 Nero DriveSpeed 1.1 Nero DriveSpeed 2.0 Nero InfoTool 4.2 Nero Recode 0.9 Nero Recode 2.5 Nero Vision 2.0 Nero Vision 4.9 Nero WaveEditor 1.0 Nero WaveEditor 5.0 Netscape Navigator 4.05 NHS Identity Agent 11.02 NJStar Communicator 2.23 Desktop Assistant Pro 2.0 ELDA fnr Windows 3.5 ELDA fnr Windows 3.0 PRTG Windows GUI 7.3 PipeTech View 5.08 Pervasive SQL 9.50 Electronic Field Study 2.7 PostgreSQL 8.2 PA Server Monitor Free 3.4 PathMaster 2.3 QuickPHOTO Industrial 2.3 Pro Engineer 2003 ProductView 9.1 Python 2.6 Spinal Tap Client Libraries 1.2 SOC Client 0.09 SQL Compare 6.2 SQL Prompt 4.0 BlackBerry Desktop Software 6.0 RIM Handheld Application Loader 6.0 RIM Handheld Communications Manager 6.0 PSHO 1.0 Saba Centra 7.5 Sage 200 6.0 DVRViewer2 2.1 OmniPage SE 15.0 EPSON Bidirectional Printer 1.1 RegulusWin 1.25 Serif DrawPlus 9.0 DWGeditor 2010 SolidWorks 2010 SolidWorks eDrawings 2010 SolidWorks Explorer 2010 SolidWorks Installation Manager 18.2 SolidWorks Installation Manager 18.3 SolidWorks Photoview 360 2010 DVD Architect Studio 4.5b Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 8.0d SafeGuard Enterprise 5.40 SplashShopper 2.62 SQL Sentry 5.1 Staff Trak 4.0 MessBase light 2.01 Sun VirtualBox 3.1 Symantec Ghost 11.0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 59 Synaptics Inc. Synaptics Inc. Sysinternals LLC TerraTec Electronic GmbH Thomson PPC Practitioners Publishing Company Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters TIBCO Software Inc. TOSHIBA CORPORATION. UGS Corp. UGS Corp. Verlag Dashfer s.r.o Verlag Dashfer s.r.o Verlag Dashfer s.r.o Verlag Dashfer s.r.o Verlag Dashfer s.r.o visionapp GmbH VMware Inc. VS Revo Group VSO Software WACOM Technology Corporation WACOM Technology Corporation WACOM Technology Corporation Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. WIBU-SYSTEMS AG Wolters Kluwer Xceed Software Inc. Yahoo! Inc. ZETES TECHNOLOGIES Synaptics Pointing Device Driver Synaptics Pointing Device Driver PsPasswd TerraTec Home Cinema Synaptics Pointing Device Driver 14 Synaptics Pointing Device Driver 15 PsPasswd 1 TerraTec Home Cinema 5 Synaptics Pointing Device Driver 14.0 Synaptics Pointing Device Driver 15.0 PsPasswd 1.1 TerraTec Home Cinema 5.118 8 8 8 8 SysInfo SysInfo 2009 SysInfo 2009 8 Fixed Assets CS 2009 Speedlink 4.0 TIB-Rendezvous 7.5 Bluetooth Manager 7.1 Teamcenter 2005 for Application Sharing 6.1 UGS JT2Go 5.1 Lexikon kov 1.7 Lexikon kov 1.5 Lexikon kov 1.8 Lexikon ocelf 1.8 Lexikon ocelf 2.3 visionapp Remote Desktop 2010 R2 VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 4.3 Revo Uninstaller Pro 2.0 ImageResizer 4.0 Bamboo Link 1.0 Bamboo Scribe 2.6 Penlauncher 1.0 EMBASSY Security Center 4.0 Password Vault Viewer 4.0 Preboot Manager 3.0 WIBUKEY 6.0 ProSystem fx Engagement 6.1 Xceed Zip for .NET 5.0 Yahoo! Anti-Spy Application 2005 MCL-Link Lite 2.11 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Absolute Software Corporation Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Ambient LLC AnalogX Anderson Consulting Engineers Inc. Annapolis Engineering Software Apple Computer Inc. Application Techniques Inc. Arbitron Inc. ASUSTek Computer Inc. Atlas Systems Inc. AutoDesk Inc. Birch Grove Software Inc. Birch Grove Software Inc. Bold Software LLC CAMSOL CinemaNow Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) CommVault Systems Counterpoint Software Inc. Currentware Absolute Manage Agent Acrobat Reader Adobe Acrobat Adobe Download Manager Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2 KING5.com First Alert Desktop Weather ITR Client NAG-ECMDS STEDwin iPod Reset Utility CaptureEze Pro RADAR ASUS Update ILLiad Client Autodesk Vault Explorer ActivTrak Screen Pass BoldChat NC_ProgInterface CinemaNow Media Manager Citrix Online Plug-in Web Interface Absolute Manage Agent 5.2 Acrobat Reader X Adobe Acrobat X Adobe Download Manager 1.2 Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2 9.0 KING5.com First Alert Desktop Weather 1.0 ITR Client 1.02 NAG-ECMDS 4.03 STEDwin 2.2 iPod Reset Utility 1.0 CaptureEze Pro 8.0 RADAR 16.x ASUS Update 5.6 ILLiad Client 8.0 Autodesk Vault Explorer 2011 ActivTrak 2.4 Screen Pass 6.4 BoldChat 5.10 NC_ProgInterface 18.06 CinemaNow Media Manager 1.9 Citrix Online Plug-in 12.0 Web Interface 5.3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1/13/12 Fixed Assets CS Speedlink TIB-Rendezvous Bluetooth Manager Teamcenter 2005 for Application Sharing UGS JT2Go Lexikon kov Lexikon kov Lexikon kov Lexikon ocelf Lexikon ocelf visionapp Remote Desktop VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Revo Uninstaller Pro ImageResizer Bamboo Link Bamboo Scribe Penlauncher EMBASSY Security Center Password Vault Viewer Preboot Manager WIBUKEY ProSystem fx Engagement Xceed Zip for .NET Yahoo! Anti-Spy Application MCL-Link Lite Fixed Assets CS 2009 Speedlink 4 TIB-Rendezvous 7 Bluetooth Manager 7 Teamcenter 2005 for Application Sharing 6 UGS JT2Go 5 Lexikon kov 1 Lexikon kov 1 Lexikon kov 1 Lexikon ocelf 1 Lexikon ocelf 2 visionapp Remote Desktop 2010 R2 VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 4 Revo Uninstaller Pro 2 ImageResizer 4 Bamboo Link 1 Bamboo Scribe 2 Penlauncher 1 EMBASSY Security Center 4 Password Vault Viewer 4 Preboot Manager 3 WIBUKEY 6 ProSystem fx Engagement 6 Xceed Zip for .NET 5 Yahoo! Anti-Spy Application 2005 MCL-Link Lite 2 Catalog 9 (34020 December) Absolute Manage Agent 5 Acrobat Reader X Adobe Acrobat X Adobe Download Manager 1 Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2 9 KING5.com First Alert Desktop Weather 1 ITR Client 1 NAG-ECMDS 4 STEDwin 2 iPod Reset Utility 1 CaptureEze Pro 8 RADAR 16 ASUS Update 5 ILLiad Client 8 Autodesk Vault Explorer 2011 ActivTrak 2 Screen Pass 6 BoldChat 5 NC_ProgInterface 18 CinemaNow Media Manager 1 Citrix Online Plug-in 12 Web Interface 5 Timber Timber 1 Timber 1.00 9 Simpana Traffic Currentware Simpana 8 Traffic 5 Currentware 1 Simpana 8.0 Traffic 5.01 Currentware 1.0 9 9 9 IBM Inc 2011 60 Customer FX Corporation Deep Software Inc. DEK Software International DeLorme Customer FX Application License Manager 1 Deep Log Analyzer 3 Asset Tracker for Networks 6 Street Atlas USA 9 Customer FX Application License Manager 1.0 Deep Log Analyzer 3.51 Asset Tracker for Networks 6.7 Street Atlas USA 9.0 9 9 9 9 Department of The Army Corps. of Engineers Corpscon for Windows Corpscon for Windows 6 Corpscon for Windows 6.0 9 Department of The Army Corps. of Engineers HEC-1 HEC-1 4 HEC-1 4.1 9 Department of The Army Corps. of Engineers HEC-6 HEC-6 6 HEC-6 6.0 9 Department of The Army Corps. of Engineers HEC-DSSVue HEC-DSSVue 2 HEC-DSSVue 2.0 9 Diskeeper Corporation DynaVox Mayer-Johnson eBay Inc. EMRL Enercalc E-on Software eSpor Inc. Express Metrix Extensoft Inc. FLO-2D Software Inc. Foxit Software Company Garmin Corp GeoCue Corporation GeoCue Corporation GeoCue Corporation GeoSpatial Experts GeoSpatial Experts GoldWave Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hilti AG Hilti AG Huw Millington IBM Corporation Identity Finder LLC IGD Security Ltd. iLinc Communications Inc. IncrediMail LTD Inmagic Inc. InstallShield Corporation InstallShield Corporation InstallShield Corporation Intel Corporation Intellectual Reserve Inc. International Land Systems Inc InterWise Inc. Intuit Inc. Intuit Inc. Izenda L.L.C. JDMCox Software KLM Royal Dutch Airlines KMSystems Inc. LEAP Software Inc. LEICA Geosystems AG Lieberman Software Corporation Literate Software Systems LogiXML Inc. Lotus Development Corporation (See IBM) Diskeeper 12 Boardmaker & Speaking Dynamically Pro 6 Skype 4 SMS 10 Structural Library 6 Vue xStream 8 eAnalyze Plus 1 Express Reporting 9 Artisteer 2 FLO-2D 2006 Foxit Reader 4 WebUpdater 2 LAS Reader for Arcgis 9 1 PointVue LE 6 RasterVue LE 6 GPS-Photo Link 4 GPS-Photo Link 5 GoldWave 5 HP Performance Tuning Framework 2 Survey Utility for Windows 8 AutoUpdate Tray 1 Hilti PROFIS Anchor 2 Windows Grep 1 VisualInfo 4 Identity Finder 4 MobiPassword 2 iLinc Conferencing Suite 10 IncrediMail 5 DBSearchWorks Run-time 4 InstallShield Update Service 3 InstallShield Update Service 5 InstallShield Update Service 6 Manageability Developer Tool Kit 6 Personal Ancestral File 5 MrSID GeoViewer 2 AT&T Connect Participant 8 TurboTax 2007 TurboTax 2008 AdHoc 5 USAPhotoMaps 2 World Timetable 2006 UTS Express Plus32 1 RC-Pier 3 LEICA Geo Office Combined 6 User Manager Pro 7 Across Crossword Products 2 LogiStudio 10 Sametime Connect 10 Diskeeper 12.0 Boardmaker & Speaking Dynamically Pro 6.1 Skype 4.1, Skype 4.2 SMS 10.0, SMS 10.1 Structural Library 6.0 Vue xStream 8.5 eAnalyze Plus 1.0 Express Reporting 9.6 Artisteer 2.4 FLO-2D 2006.01 Foxit Reader 4.0 WebUpdater 2.4 LAS Reader for Arcgis 9 1.7 PointVue LE 6.0 RasterVue LE 6.0 GPS-Photo Link 4.02 GPS-Photo Link 5.0 GoldWave 5.23, GoldWave 5.25 HP Performance Tuning Framework 2.25 Survey Utility for Windows 8.9 AutoUpdate Tray 1.5 Hilti PROFIS Anchor 2.0 Windows Grep 1.0 VisualInfo 4.3 Identity Finder 4.5 MobiPassword 2.0 iLinc Conferencing Suite 10.1, iLinc Conferencing Suite 10.2 IncrediMail 5.7 DBSearchWorks Run-time 4.0 InstallShield Update Service 3.10 InstallShield Update Service 5.01 InstallShield Update Service 6.0 Manageability Developer Tool Kit 6.0 Personal Ancestral File 5.2 MrSID GeoViewer 2.1 AT&T Connect Participant 8.8 TurboTax 2007 TurboTax 2008 AdHoc 5.0 USAPhotoMaps 2.76 World Timetable 2006 UTS Express Plus32 1.1 RC-Pier 3.0 LEICA Geo Office Combined 6.0 User Manager Pro 7.02 Across Crossword Products 2.0 LogiStudio 10.0 Sametime Connect 10.0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 1/13/12 Customer FX Application License Manager Deep Log Analyzer Asset Tracker for Networks Street Atlas USA Diskeeper Boardmaker & Speaking Dynamically Pro Skype SMS Structural Library Vue xStream eAnalyze Plus Express Reporting Artisteer FLO-2D Foxit Reader WebUpdater LAS Reader for Arcgis 9 PointVue LE RasterVue LE GPS-Photo Link GPS-Photo Link GoldWave HP Performance Tuning Framework Survey Utility for Windows AutoUpdate Tray Hilti PROFIS Anchor Windows Grep VisualInfo Identity Finder MobiPassword iLinc Conferencing Suite IncrediMail DBSearchWorks Run-time InstallShield Update Service InstallShield Update Service InstallShield Update Service Manageability Developer Tool Kit Personal Ancestral File MrSID GeoViewer AT&T Connect Participant TurboTax TurboTax AdHoc USAPhotoMaps World Timetable UTS Express Plus32 RC-Pier LEICA Geo Office Combined User Manager Pro Across Crossword Products LogiStudio Sametime Connect IBM Inc 2011 61 Lowrance Electronics Lowrance Electronics Lumension Security Lumension Security Maptech Inc. Marketron Broadcast Solutions Marketron Broadcast Solutions Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Miser Software Mozilla.org Mozy Inc. MWH Soft National Aeronautics and Space Administration Nero AG New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. Newforma Inc. Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd. OCLC Oracle Pandora Media Inc. Pervasive Software Inc. Pervasive Software Inc. Pervasive Software Inc. Physics Curriculum & Instruction Pixela Corp Portrait Displays Inc. Progeny Software Inc. Pro-Ware LLC Pro-Ware LLC Q-DAS GmbH RAM International Research Engineers Intl GPS Data Manager Sonarviewer LM Agent Lumension Patch Agent for Windows Terrain Navigator Pro AIO Visual Traffic .NET Compact Framework Microsoft IntelliType Pro Microsoft IntelliType Pro Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition Windows Collaboration Windows Live Installer Windows Live Mesh Windows Live Mesh Windows Live Photo Gallery Windows Live Writer Windows Logo Kit Windows Movie Maker GURPS Character Assistant Google AdWords Editor MozyPro H2OMAP Sewer GPS Data Manager 6 Sonarviewer 1 LM Agent 7 Lumension Patch Agent for Windows 7 Terrain Navigator Pro 7 AIO 5 Visual Traffic 3 .NET Compact Framework 2 Microsoft IntelliType Pro 7 Microsoft IntelliType Pro 8 Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition 10 WindWindows Collaboration 1 Windows Live Installer 2011 Windows Live Mesh 0 Windows Live Mesh 2011 Windows Live Photo Gallery 2011 Windows Live Writer 2011 Windows Logo Kit 1 Windows Movie Maker 6 GURPS Character Assistant 4 Google AdWords Editor 2 MozyPro 2 H2OMAP Sewer 2 GPS Data Manager 6.00 Sonarviewer 1.02 LM Agent 7.0 Lumension Patch Agent for Windows 7.0 Terrain Navigator Pro 7.01 AIO 5.0 Visual Traffic 3.2 .NET Compact Framework 2.0 Microsoft IntelliType Pro 7.0 Microsoft IntelliType Pro 8.0 Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition 10.0 Windows Collaboration 1.0 Windows Live Installer 2011 Windows Live Mesh 0.9 Windows Live Mesh 2011 Windows Live Photo Gallery 2011 Windows Live Writer 2011 Windows Logo Kit 1.0 Windows Movie Maker 6.0 GURPS Character Assistant 4.0 Google AdWords Editor 2.0 MozyPro 2.4 H2OMAP Sewer 2.0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 SpecsIntact SpecsIntact 4 SpecsIntact 4.04 9 Nero Online-Upgrade Channel Synchronization Tool New Boundary Common Channel PwrSmart Project Center Nokia Software Updater OCLC Connexion Java Platform SE Pandora Pervasive PSQL Client Pervasive PSQL Server Pervasive SQL Client Exploration of Physics ImageMixer VCD DVD2 for OLYMPUS HP Display Assistant PAF Companion Asset Keeper Asset Keeper Q-DAS ME 7 RAM Structural System STAAD Pro Nero Online-Upgrade 1 Channel Synchronization Tool 10 New Boundary Common Channel 10 PwrSmart 3 Project Center 7 Nokia Software Updater 1 OCLC Connexion 2 Java Platform SE 6 Pandora 2 Pervasive PSQL Client 9.10 Pervasive PSQL Server 10 Pervasive SQL Client 2000i Exploration of Physics 3 ImageMixer VCD DVD2 for OLYMPUS 2 HP Display Assistant 1 PAF Companion 5 Asset Keeper 17 Asset Keeper 24 Q-DAS ME 7 8 RAM Structural System 13 STAAD Pro 2007 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Research In Motion Limited BlackBerry Device Manager Driver BlackBerry Device Manager Driver 4 Respondus Inc. right2use Ltd. Roxio Roxio Roxio Roxio Roxio Roxio Roxio Roxio Roxio Roxio Respondus Software Organiser DirectCD Label Creator Label Creator Roxio Media Manager Roxio Media Manager Sound Editor Sound Editor Sound Editor VideoWave VideoWave Respondus 4 Software Organiser 4 DirectCD 6 Label Creator 10 Label Creator 12 Roxio Media Manager 12 Roxio Media Manager 8 Sound Editor 11 Sound Editor 12 Sound Editor 9 VideoWave 10 VideoWave 8 Nero Online-Upgrade 1.8 Channel Synchronization Tool 10.0 New Boundary Common Channel 10.0 PwrSmart 3.0 Project Center 7.0, Project Center 7.1 Nokia Software Updater 1.3, Nokia Software Updater 1.8 OCLC Connexion 2.10 Java Platform SE 6 Pandora 2.0 Pervasive PSQL Client 9.10 Pervasive PSQL Server 10.30 Pervasive SQL Client 2000i Exploration of Physics 3.0 ImageMixer VCD DVD2 for OLYMPUS 2.1 HP Display Assistant 1.0 PAF Companion 5.4 Asset Keeper 17.0 Asset Keeper 24.0 Q-DAS ME 7 8.7 RAM Structural System 13.0 STAAD Pro 2007 BlackBerry Device Manager Driver 4.0, BlackBerry Device Manager Driver 4.1 Respondus 4.0 Software Organiser 4.1 DirectCD 6.0 Label Creator 10.0 Label Creator 12.2 Roxio Media Manager 12.2 Roxio Media Manager 8.0 Sound Editor 11.1 Sound Editor 12.2 Sound Editor 9.4 VideoWave 10.0 VideoWave 8.0 1/13/12 IBM Inc 2011 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 62 Salesforce.com inc. Salesforce for Outlook ScanSoft Inc. PDF Converter ScanSoft Inc. PDF Converter Professional SEIKO EPSON CORP. epson cardmonitor SEIKO EPSON CORP. EPSON Easy Photo Print SEIKO EPSON CORP. EPSON PhotoStarter SEIKO EPSON CORP. EPSON Print CD Shana Corporation Informed Simpson Strong-Tie Strong-Walll Shearwall Selector Skyline Software Systems Inc. TerraExplorer SmartDraw.com SmartDraw VP SOFTIP a.s. SOFTIP Profit Softricity Inc. Softricity SoftGrid Sonic Solutions BackOnTrack Sonic Solutions CinePlayer Sonic Solutions MyDVD Sonic Solutions MyDVD Sonic Solutions Roxio Burn Sonic Solutions Roxio Creator Sonic Solutions Roxio Creator Sonic Solutions Roxio Creator Classic Sonic Solutions Roxio Creator Classic Sonic Solutions Roxio Music Disc Creator Sonic Solutions Roxio Music Disc Creator Sonic Solutions Roxio PhotoShow Sonic Solutions Roxio Photosuite Sonic Solutions Roxio Photosuite Sonic Solutions Roxio Venue Sonic Solutions Roxio Video Copy & Convert Sonic Solutions Roxio Video Copy & Convert Special Operations Software Specops Deploy Admin Tools Special Operations Software Specops Gpupdate Sunbelt Software Distribution Inc. Sunbelt Enterprise Agent Sunbelt Software Distribution Inc. VIPRE Enterprise Synametrics Technologies Inc. WinSQL Sysinternals LLC AccessChk Sysinternals LLC Autologon Sysinternals LLC Autoruns Sysinternals LLC LiveKd Sysinternals LLC RAMMap Sysinternals LLC VMMap Sysinternals LLC ZoomIt TNT Express ICS ExpressShipper U.S. Census Bureau Surveyor U.S. Department of Energy COMcheck U.S. Department of Homeland Security FEMA Rasplot U.S. Department of Transportation FHWA Hydraulics Library U.S. Department of Transportation FST2DH U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA SWMM UDFCD CUHP 2005 UDFCD MODSWMM UDFCD UDSWMM 2000 UDFCD WinSWMM for FC-SWMM University of Florida TRANSYT-7F USDA Agricultural Research Service USDA Food Search USDA Agricultural Research Service WinTR-55 VectorVest Inc. VectorVest U.S. Vizioncore Inc. vFoglightQV VMware Infrastructure Agent Vizioncore Inc. vOptimizer Pro VMware Inc. VMware View Client 1/13/12 Salesforce for Outlook 1 PDF Converter 1 PDF Converter Professional 8 epson cardmonitor 1 EPSON Easy Photo Print 1 EPSON PhotoStarter 3 EPSON Print CD 1 Informed 3 Strong-Walll Shearwall Selector 3 TerraExplorer 5 SmartDraw VP 19 SOFTIP Profit 3 Softricity SoftGrid 4 BackOnTrack 1 CinePlayer 5 MyDVD 10 MyDVD 8 Roxio Burn 1 Roxio Creator 2009 Roxio Creator 2010 Roxio Creator Classic 10 Roxio Creator Classic 12 Roxio Music Disc Creator 11 Roxio Music Disc Creator 12 Roxio PhotoShow 6 Roxio Photosuite 10 Roxio Photosuite 12 Roxio Venue 2 Roxio Video Copy & Convert 11 Roxio Video Copy & Convert 12 Specops Deploy Admin Tools 4 Specops GPUpdate 2 Sunbelt Enterprise Agent 4 VIPRE Enterprise 4 WinSQL 8 AccessChk 5 Autologon 3 Autoruns 10 LiveKd 4 RAMMap 1 VMMap 1 ZoomIt 3 ExpressShipper 1 Surveyor 2007 COMcheck 3 Rasplot 2 FHWA Hydraulics Library 1 FST2DH 3 EPA SWMM 4 CUHP 2005 1 MODSWMM 1 UDSWMM 2000 1 WinSWMM for FC-SWMM 1 TRANSYT-7F 10 USDA Food Search 1 WinTR-55 1 VectorVest U.S. 1 vFoglightQV VMware Infrastructure Agent 5 vOptimizer Pro 2 VMware View Client 4 IBM Inc 2011 Salesforce for Outlook 1.2 PDF Converter 1.0 PDF Converter Professional 8.0 epson cardmonitor 1.1 EPSON Easy Photo Print 1.51 EPSON PhotoStarter 3.09 EPSON Print CD 1.30 Informed 3.5 Strong-Walll Shearwall Selector 3.0 TerraExplorer 5.1 SmartDraw VP 19.1 SOFTIP Profit 3.15 Softricity SoftGrid 4.2 BackOnTrack 1.31 CinePlayer 5.0 MyDVD 10.0 MyDVD 8.0 Roxio Burn 1.0 Roxio Creator 2009 Roxio Creator 2010 Roxio Creator Classic 10.0 Roxio Creator Classic 12.2 Roxio Music Disc Creator 11.1 Roxio Music Disc Creator 12.2 Roxio PhotoShow 6.0 Roxio Photosuite 10.1 Roxio Photosuite 12.2 Roxio Venue 2.2 Roxio Video Copy & Convert 11.1 Roxio Video Copy & Convert 12.2 Specops Deploy Admin Tools 4.0 x64 Specops GPUpdate 2.0 x64 Sunbelt Enterprise Agent 4.0 VIPRE Enterprise 4.0 WinSQL 8.0 AccessChk 5.0 Autologon 3.0 Autoruns 10.1 LiveKd 4.0 RAMMap 1.1 VMMap 1.1 ZoomIt 3.3 ExpressShipper 1.05 Surveyor 2007 COMcheck 3.0 Rasplot 2.05 FHWA Hydraulics Library 1.0 FST2DH 3.22 EPA SWMM 4.4 CUHP 2005 1.1 MODSWMM 1.0 UDSWMM 2000 1.04 WinSWMM for FC-SWMM 1.0 TRANSYT-7F 10.01 USDA Food Search 1.0 WinTR-55 1.0 VectorVest U.S. 1.4 vFoglightQV VMware Infrastructure Agent 5.5 vOptimizer Pro 2.2 VMware View Client 4.0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 63 X-Rite Inc. ZDNet ZillaTube 3Dconnexion ActiveState Software Inc. (see SOPHOS) Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated AnalogX Andrey Gruber Apple Computer Inc. Attachmate Corporation AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AVAYA Communication Bionatics S.A. Bluebeam Software Inc. Bluebeam Software Inc. BMC Software Inc. Business Data Access Canon U.S.A. Inc. ClamWin pty Ltd Compaq Computer Corporation County Software Creative Technology Ltd. Creative Technology Ltd. CSG Systems Inc. CyberLink Corp. CyberLink Corp. CyberLink Corp. Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation doubleTwist Corporation Ecometry Corporation Esker S.A. Fellowes Inc. FinePrint Software LLC Fingerworks Foxit Software Company freemake.com Garmin Corp. Glarysoft Ltd. Google Google GuardianEdge Technologies Inc HandBrake Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company 1/13/12 i1Diagnostics ShortcutManager ZillaTube p ActivePerl Administrators Information Manager Adobe Photoshop Elements Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Adobe Premiere Elements Proxy pNotes Apple Mobile Device Support EXTRA! X-treme Autodesk Asset Locator Autodesk FBX Converter Autodesk Global Link for Revit Autodesk Global Link for Revit Autodesk Results Browser Autodesk Revit Building Autodesk Revit Building Autodesk Revit Building Ecotect Avaya IP Agent natFXMAX Bluebeam PDF Revu (32-bit) Bluebeam PDF Revu (32-bit) BMC Remedy User Business Data Transfer Easy-PhotoPrint EX Clamwin Antivirus Compaq Easy Access Button Software County Software Forms571 Creative ALchemy Creative Audio Console ACSR CyberLink DVD Suite Deluxe CyberLink LabelPrint PowerDirector Dell Client System Update Dell KACE doubleTwist VisualLink NT-HPUX Tun EMUL MediaFACE pdfFactory Fingerworks MultiTouch Utilities Foxit Reader Freemake Video Converter MapSource Glary Utilities Google Chrome Google SketchUp GuardianEdge Administrator Client Handbrake HP Array Configuration Utility CLI HP Customer Experience Enhancement HP Customer Feedback HP Digital Imaging HP Health Check HP Insight Diagnostics i1Diagnostics 1 ShortcutManager 1 ZillaTube 2 3Dconnexion 3DxWare 16 ActivePerl 2 Administrators Information Manager 9 Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Adobe Premiere Elements 9 Proxy 4 pNotes 6 Apple Mobile Device Support 3 EXTRA! X-treme 9 Autodesk Asset Locator 19 Autodesk FBX Converter 2011 Autodesk Global Link for Revit 2010 x64 Autodesk Global Link for Revit 2011 x64 Autodesk Results Browser 2011 Autodesk Revit Building 2009 x64 Autodesk Revit Building 2010 x64 Autodesk Revit Building 2011 x64 Ecotect 2011 Avaya IP Agent 7 natFXMAX 1 Bluebeam PDF Revu (32-bit) 7 Bluebeam PDF Revu (32-bit) 8 BMC Remedy User 7 Business Data Transfer 2 Easy-PhotoPrint EX 3 Clamwin Antivirus 0 Compaq Easy Access Button Software 2 County Software Forms571 13 Creative ALchemy 1 Creative Audio Console 2 ACSR 5 CyberLink DVD Suite Deluxe 7 CyberLink LabelPrint 2 PowerDirector 7 Dell Client System Update 1 Dell KACE 5 doubleTwist 2 VisualLink NT-HPUX 10 Tun EMUL 8 MediaFACE 4 pdfFactory 2 Fingerworks MultiTouch Utilities 6 Foxit Reader 4 Freemake Video Converter 1 MapSource 6 Glary Utilities 2 Google Chrome 8 Google SketchUp 8 GuardianEdge Administrator Client 8 Handbrake 0 HP Array Configuration Utility CLI 8 HP Customer Experience Enhancement 6 HP Customer Feedback 1 HP Digital Imaging 130 HP Health Check 3 HP Insight Diagnostics 8 IBM Inc 2011 i1Diagnostics 1.0 ShortcutManager 1.1 ZillaTube 2.0 3Dconnexion 3DxWare 16.8 ActivePerl 2.04 Administrators Information Manager 9.0 Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.0 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.2 Adobe Premiere Elements 9.0 Proxy 4.15 pNotes 6.0 Apple Mobile Device Support 3.3 EXTRA! X-treme 9.0 Autodesk Asset Locator 19.0 Autodesk FBX Converter 2011 Autodesk Global Link for Revit 2010 x64 Autodesk Global Link for Revit 2011 x64 Autodesk Results Browser 2011 Autodesk Revit Building 2009 x64 Autodesk Revit Building 2010 x64 Autodesk Revit Building 2011 x64 Ecotect 2011 Avaya IP Agent 7.0 natFXMAX 1.2 Bluebeam PDF Revu (32-bit) 7.2 Bluebeam PDF Revu (32-bit) 8.5 BMC Remedy User 7.1 Business Data Transfer 2.0 Easy-PhotoPrint EX 3.2 Clamwin Antivirus 0.96 Compaq Easy Access Button Software 2.2 County Software Forms571 13.3 Creative ALchemy 1.0 Creative Audio Console 2.0 ACSR 5.0 CyberLink DVD Suite Deluxe 7.00 CyberLink LabelPrint 2.5 PowerDirector 7.0 Dell Client System Update 1.1 Dell KACE 5.0 doubleTwist 2.8 VisualLink NT-HPUX 10.0 Tun EMUL 8.50 MediaFACE 4.2 pdfFactory 2.27 Fingerworks MultiTouch Utilities 6.0 Foxit Reader 4.1 Freemake Video Converter 1.1 MapSource 6.16 Glary Utilities 2.27 Google Chrome 8.0 Google SketchUp 8.0 GuardianEdge Administrator Client 8.6 Handbrake 0.9 HP Array Configuration Utility CLI 8.30 HP Customer Experience Enhancement 6.0 HP Customer Feedback 1.4 HP Digital Imaging 130.0 HP Health Check 3.1 HP Insight Diagnostics 8.3 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 64 Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company HumanConcepts LLC IBM Corporation Ideate Inc. Ideate Inc. IDM Computer Solutions Inc. IDM Computer Solutions Inc. IDM Computer Solutions Inc. IDM Computer Solutions Inc. IDM Computer Solutions Inc. IDM Computer Solutions Inc. IDM Computer Solutions Inc. Igor Pavlov Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation InterSpec InterSpec Intuit Inc. Intuit Inc. Intuit Inc. Intuit Inc. Intuit Inc. Intuit Inc. Intuit Inc. KnoahSoft kowalczyk.info LastPass Leader Technologies Inc McAfee, Inc. McAfee, Inc. McAfee, Inc. McAfee, Inc. Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation 1/13/12 HP Insight Diagnostics HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility HP MPIO DSM Manager HP Odometer HP PictureMover HP Recovery HP Setup HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service HP Support Framework HP Total Care Advisor OrgPlus Reader IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Ideate BIMLink for Revit 2011 Ideate Explorer UltraCompare Professional UltraEdit UltraEdit-32 UltraEdit-32 UltraEdit-32 UltraEdit-32 UltraEdit-32 7-Zip Intel Management and Security Intel PROSet Wireless Intel Rapid Storage Technology e-SPECS for Revit 2010 e-SPECS for Revit 5.1 Intuit Data Protect Quickbooks Connection Diagnostic Tool QuickBooks File Manager QuickBooks Premier - Accountant Edition QuickBooks Premier - Accountant Edition QuickBooks Premier - Accountant Edition Quicken Harmony Screen Capture Sumatra PDF LastPass EpsonReg McAfee Common Framework McAfee Common Framework McAfee Common Framework McAfee Common Framework DC Diagnostics Tool DC Diagnostics Tool Debugging Tools for Windows DNSLint Microsoft Dynamics CRM Microsoft Network Monitor Microsoft Office Communicator Microsoft Process Viewer Microsoft Works Remote Command Line Server Share Check SMS Advanced Client System Center Configuration Manager System Center Configuration Manager Toolkit V2 Windows AIK Windows Live Family Safety Windows Media Encoder Windows Movie Maker HP Insight Diagnostics 8 HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility 2 HP MPIO DSM Manager 3 HP Odometer 2 HP PictureMover 3 HP Recovery 5 HP Setup 1 HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service 6 HP Support Framework 4 HP Total Care Advisor 3 OrgPlus Reader 8 IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 8 Ideate BIMLink for Revit 2011/2011 Ideate Explorer 2010/2011 UltraCompare Professional 7 UltraEdit 16 UltraEdit-32 11 UltraEdit-32 12 UltraEdit-32 14 UltraEdit-32 15 UltraEdit-32 15 7-Zip 9 Intel Management and Security 6 Intel PROSet Wireless 13 Intel Rapid Storage Technology 9 e-SPECS for Revit 2010 1 e-SPECS for Revit 5.1 5 Intuit Data Protect 1 Quickbooks Connection Diagnostic Tool 1 QuickBooks File Manager 1 QuickBooks Premier - Accountant Edition 2007 QuickBooks Premier - Accountant Edition 2008/2009 QuickBooks Premier - Accountant Edition 2010/2011 Quicken 2009 Harmony Screen Capture 1 Sumatra PDF 1 LastPass 1 EpsonReg 3 McAfee Common Framework 3 McAfee Common Framework 3 McAfee Common Framework 3 McAfee Common Framework 4 DC Diagnostics Tool 5 DC Diagnostics Tool 5 Debugging Tools for Windows 6 DNSLint 5 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4 Microsoft Network Monitor 5 Microsoft Office Communicator 2010 Microsoft Process Viewer 5 Microsoft Works 9 Remote Command Line 5 Server Share Check 2003 SMS Advanced Client 2007 R3 System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3 System Center Configuration Manager Toolkit V2 2007 Windows AIK 6 Windows Live Family Safety 15 Windows Media Encoder 10 Windows Movie Maker 2 IBM Inc 2011 HP Insight Diagnostics 8.0 HP Lights-Out Online Configuration Utility 2.2 HP MPIO DSM Manager 3.3 HP Odometer 2.1 HP PictureMover 3.0 HP Recovery 5.5 HP Setup 1.2 HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification Service 6.16 HP Support Framework 4.3 HP Total Care Advisor 3.3 OrgPlus Reader 8.3 IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 8.4 Ideate BIMLink for Revit 2011/2011 Ideate Explorer 2010/2011 UltraCompare Professional 7.20 UltraEdit 16.30 UltraEdit-32 11.1 UltraEdit-32 12.20b UltraEdit 14.20 UltraEdit 15.10 UltraEdit 15.0 7-Zip 9.20 Intel Management and Security 6.1 Intel PROSet Wireless 13.2 Intel Rapid Storage Technology 9.5 e-SPECS for Revit 2010 1.0 e-SPECS for Revit 5.1 5.1 Intuit Data Protect 1.7 Quickbooks Connection Diagnostic Tool 1.0 QuickBooks File Manager 1.0 QuickBooks Premier - Accountant Edition 2007 QuickBooks Premier - Accountant Edition 2008/2009 QuickBooks Premier - Accountant Edition 2010/2011 Quicken 2009 Harmony Screen Capture 1.0 Sumatra PDF 1.1 LastPass 1.70 EpsonReg 3.13 Common Management Agent 3.6 Common Management Agent 3.5 Common Management Agent 3.0 McAfee Common Framework 4.0 DC Diagnostics Tool 5.2 DC Diagnostics Tool 5.0 Debugging Tools for Windows 6.12 DNSLint 5.2 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Microsoft Network Monitor 5.2 Microsoft Office Communicator 2010 Microsoft Process Viewer 5.0 Microsoft Works 9.7 Remote Command Line 5.0 Server Share Check 2003 SMS Advanced Client 2007 R3 System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3 System Center Configuration Manager Toolkit V2 2007 Windows AIK 6.1 Windows Live Family Safety 15.4 Windows Media Encoder 10.0 Windows Movie Maker 2.6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 65 Mindjet Moffsoft Moyea Software Co Ltd Mozilla Foundation Mozilla.org Mozilla.org Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nero AG Nikon Corporation Novell Inc. Nuance Communications Inc. Nuance Communications Inc. NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Corporation Online Media Technologies Ltd. Oracle Oracle Philipp Winterberg M.A. PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com PortableApps.com Quest Software Inc. Reed Construction Data RescueTime Inc. Sageworks Inc. Salesforce.com inc. SAManage ScanSoft Inc. ScriptLogic Corporation Siber Systems SlySoft Inc. SlySoft Inc. sourceforge.net sourceforge.net sourceforge.net Super Micro Computer Inc. SUPERAntiSpyware.com Support.com Inc. Symantec Corporation 1/13/12 MindManager Moffsoft FreeCalc FLV Editor Pro Kompozer - Composer Mozilla Thunderbird Sunbird Nero Burning ROM Nero ControlCenter Nero Cover Designer Nero RescueAgent Nero SoundTrax Nero Vision ViewNX ZENworks Desktop Management Agent PaperPort PDF Converter Professional NVIDIA nView NVIDIA Performance Drivers AVS Video Converter OpenOffice.org VirtualBox Guest Additions RarZilla Free Unrar 7-Zip Portable Clamwin Portable Coolplayer Portable Eraser Portable FileZilla Portable GIMPPortable InfraRecorder Portable KeePass Portable KompoZer Portable Mines-Perfect Portable Mozilla Sunbird Portable Edition Mozilla Thunderbird Portable Edition OpenOffice.org Portable Pidgin Portable pNotes Portable PortableApps Suite PortableApps.com Platform Sudoku Portable Sumatra PDF Portable VLC Portable Big Brother SmartBIM Library 4 RescueTime Expert Analysis Apex Data Loader SAManage OmniPage Professional Desktop Authority AI RoboForm AnyDVD CloneCD CoolPlayer Pidgin Sudoku Intelligent Platform Management Interface SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition Support Center Backup Exec for Windows Servers MindManager 9 Moffsoft FreeCalc 1 FLV Editor Pro 3 Kompozer - Composer 0 Mozilla Thunderbird 3 Sunbird 0 Nero Burning ROM 10 Nero ControlCenter 10 Nero Cover Designer 5 Nero RescueAgent 3 Nero SoundTrax 4 Nero Vision 7 ViewNX 1 ZENworks Desktop Management Agent 7 PaperPort 12 PDF Converter Professional 7 NVIDIA nView 6 NVIDIA Performance Drivers 2 AVS Video Converter 6 OpenOffice.org 3 VirtualBox Guest Additions 3 RarZilla Free Unrar 2 7-Zip Portable 1 Clamwin Portable 1 Coolplayer Portable 1 Eraser Portable 1 FileZilla Portable 1 GIMPPortable 1 InfraRecorder Portable 1 KeePass Portable 1 KompoZer Portable 1 Mines-Perfect Portable 1 Mozilla Sunbird Portable Edition 1 Mozilla Thunderbird Portable Edition 1 OpenOffice.org Portable 1 Pidgin Portable 1 pNotes Portable 1 PortableApps Suite 1 PortableApps.com Platform 1 Sudoku Portable 1 Sumatra PDF Portable 1 VLC Portable 1 Big Brother 3 SmartBIM Library 4 2011 RescueTime 2 Expert Analysis 2004 Apex Data Loader 20 SAManage 4 OmniPage Professional 17 Desktop Authority 7 AI RoboForm 7 AnyDVD 6 CloneCD 5 CoolPlayer 1 Pidgin 2 Sudoku 0 Intelligent Platform Management Interface 2 SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition 4 Support Center 7 Backup Exec For Windows Servers 11d IBM Inc 2011 MindManager 9.1 Moffsoft FreeCalc 1.2 FLV Editor Pro 3.1 Kompozer - Composer 0.7 Mozilla Thunderbird 3.0 Sunbird 0.9 Nero Burning ROM 10.0 Nero ControlCenter 10.0 Nero Cover Designer 5.0 Nero RescueAgent 3.0 Nero SoundTrax 4.6 Nero Vision 7.0 ViewNX 1.5 ZENworks Desktop Management Agent 7.50 PaperPort 12.1 PDF Converter Professional 7.0 NVIDIA nView 6.14 NVIDIA Performance Drivers 2.2 AVS Video Converter 6.3 OpenOffice.org 3.2 VirtualBox Guest Additions 3.2 RarZilla Free Unrar 2.8 7-Zip Portable 1.6 Clamwin Portable 1.6 Coolplayer Portable 1.6 Eraser Portable 1.6 FileZilla Portable 1.6 GIMPPortable 1.6 InfraRecorder Portable 1.6 KeePass Portable 1.6 KompoZer Portable 1.6 Mines-Perfect Portable 1.5 Mozilla Sunbird Portable Edition 1.6 Mozilla Thunderbird Portable Edition 1.6 OpenOffice.org Portable 1.4 Pidgin Portable 1.6 pNotes Portable 1.8 PortableApps Suite 1.6 PortableApps.com Platform 1.6 Sudoku Portable 1.6 Sumatra PDF Portable 1.6 VLC Portable 1.6 Big Brother 3.01 SmartBIM Library 4 2011 RescueTime 2.2 Expert Analysis 2004 Apex Data Loader 20.0 SAManage 4.0 OmniPage Professional 17.0 Desktop Authority 7.8 AI RoboForm 7.1 AnyDVD 6.7 CloneCD 5.3 CoolPlayer 1.6 Pidgin 2.7 Sudoku 0.6 Intelligent Platform Management Interface 2.0 SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition 4.45 Support Center 7.0 Backup Exec for Windows Servers 11d 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 66 Sysinternals LLC Autoruns Sysinternals LLC Autostart Program Viewer Sysinternals LLC Disk2vhd Sysinternals LLC Junction Sysinternals LLC LiveKd Sysinternals LLC ProcDump Sysinternals LLC Process Monitor Sysinternals LLC Process Monitor Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals ADExplorer Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals TCPView Sysinternals LLC TCP/UDP Endpoint Viewer Sysinternals LLC WinObj Sysinternals LLC ZoomIt TechSmith Corporation Camtasia Studio Thomson PPC Practitioners Publishing Company PPC's SMART Practice Aids Thomson Reuters GoFileRoom ControlPanel Trend Micro Inc. Trend Micro OfficeScan Turbo Squid Inc. Turbo Squid Tentacles VERITAS Software Corporation Backup Exec for Windows NT - Remote Client VERITAS Software Corporation Backup Exec for Windows NT - Remote Client WebEx Inc WebEx Productivity Tools Wolters Kluwer Custom Library 3M ESPE AG LavaCalc AASHTO Pontis ABBYY ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap 3.0 ABS Consulting HazardReview LEADER Acro Software Inc. PDF Writer Application Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Acrobat Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Help Center Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe SVG Viewer Allied Vision Technologies GmbH Active FirePackage American ELTEC Inc PC_EYE4 Configuration Apollonian Publications LLC RealityCharting Apple Computer Inc. iPhone Configuration Utility Apple Computer Inc. iTunes Apple Computer Inc. iTunes Apple Computer Inc. iTunes ArcSoft Inc. WebCam Companion AuthenTec Inc. Lenovo Fingerprint Software Baan Company N.V. Baan IV Canon U.S.A. Inc. Network ScanGear Carl Zeiss Inc. Calypso Carl Zeiss Inc. CMM_Tools Carl Zeiss Inc. Zeiss License Manager Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco IPS Event Viewer Clickbase Corporation ClickBase Compact Laser Solutions GmbH Visual Laser Write Cypherix Cryptainer LE DeLorme Street Atlas USA DivX Inc. DivX for Windows Uninstall dotPDN LLC Paint.NET dtSearch Corporation dtSearch eBay Inc. Skype EMC Corporation EMC Retrospect Faronics Technologies USA Inc. Faronics Power Save F-Secure Corporation F-Secure Anti-Virus Hewlett-Packard Company HP Performance Tuning Framework IBM Corporation Tivoli Endpoint Manager Client 1/13/12 Autoruns 10 Autostart Program Viewer 10 Disk2vhd 1 Junction 1 LiveKd 5 ProcDump 2 Process Monitor 2 Process Monitor 2 Sysinternals ADExplorer 1 Sysinternals TCPView 3 TCP/UDP Endpoint Viewer 3 WinObj 2 ZoomIt 2 Camtasia Studio 7 PPC's SMART Practice Aids 2009 GoFileRoom ControlPanel 8 Trend Micro OfficeScan 10 Turbo Squid Tentacles 4 Backup Exec for Windows NT - Remote Client 10 Backup Exec for Windows NT - Remote Client 9 WebEx Productivity Tools 2010 Custom Library 2008 LavaCalc 8 Pontis 4 ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap 3.0 7 HazardReview LEADER 2009 PDF Writer Application 2 Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional Adobe Help Center 2 Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit 2 Adobe SVG Viewer 3 Active FirePackage 1 PC_EYE4 Configuration 1 RealityCharting 4 iPhone Configuration Utility 3 iTunes 7 iTunes 7 iTunes 7 WebCam Companion 3 Lenovo Fingerprint Software 3 Baan IV 8 Network ScanGear 2 Calypso 4 CMM_Tools 20 Zeiss License Manager 1 Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client 2 Cisco IPS Event Viewer 1 ClickBase 3 Visual Laser Write 2 Cryptainer LE 7 Street Atlas USA 2009 DivX for Windows Uninstall 1 Paint.NET 3 dtSearch 7 Skype 5 EMC Retrospect 7 Faronics Power Save 3 F-Secure Anti-Virus 2011 HP Performance Tuning Framework 1 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Client 8 IBM Inc 2011 Autoruns 10.4 Autostart Program Viewer 10.4 Disk2vhd 1.63 Junction 1.6 LiveKd 5.0 ProcDump 2.1 Process Monitor 2.93 Process Monitor 2.3 Sysinternals ADExplorer 1.42 Sysinternals TCPView 3.2 TCP/UDP Endpoint Viewer 3.1 WinObj 2.21 ZoomIt 2.20 Camtasia Studio 7.1 PPC's SMART Practice Aids 2009 GoFileRoom ControlPanel 8.0 Trend Micro OfficeScan 10.5 Turbo Squid Tentacles 4.0 Backup Exec for Windows NT - Remote Client 10.0 Backup Exec for Windows NT - Remote Client 9.1 WebEx Productivity Tools 2010 Custom Library 2008 LavaCalc 8.0 Pontis 4.4 ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap 3.0 7.0 HazardReview LEADER 2009 PDF Writer Application 2.7 Adobe Acrobat 9.4 Adobe Help Center 2.1 Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit 2.5 Adobe SVG Viewer 3.3 Active FirePackage 1.60 PC_EYE4 Configuration 1.2 RealityCharting 4.0 iPhone Configuration Utility 3.2 iTunes 7.7 iTunes 7.6 iTunes 7.5 WebCam Companion 3.0 Lenovo Fingerprint Software 3.3 Baan IV 8.4 Network ScanGear 2.21 Calypso 4.8 CMM_Tools 20.1 Zeiss License Manager 1.1 Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client 2.5 Cisco IPS Event Viewer 1.0 ClickBase 3.5 Visual Laser Write 2.07 Cryptainer LE 7.1 Street Atlas USA 2009 DivX for Windows Uninstall 1.0 Paint.NET 3.56 dtSearch 7.65 Skype 5.0 EMC Retrospect 7.0 Faronics Power Save 3.31 F-Secure Anti-Virus 2011 HP Performance Tuning Framework 1.31 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Client 8.1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 67 IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation ideaMK IDM Computer Solutions Inc. IFS AB IFS AB inTechnology plc Interactive Intelligence Inc. Intuit Inc. iPass Inc. iPass Inc. iPass Inc. iPass Inc. JMT Labs Inc. Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. MagicalJellyBean.com Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation 1/13/12 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Console Tivoli Endpoint Manager Relay Tivoli Endpoint Manager Server EPS Viewer UltraEdit IFS Sales and Marketing .Net Client IFS Sales Configurator Unity Assistant Interaction Client Win32 Edition QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions iPassConnect iPassConnect iPassConnect iPassConnect BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife Lenovo Hotkeys Lenovo Hotkeys Keyfinder ACL Diagnostics ACL Diagnostics Active Directory Load Balancing Tool Active Directory Object Manager Active Directory Remote Control Add-On Active Directory Replication Diagnostic Utility Active Directory Replication Monitor Advanced Power Management Diagnostic Tool Applications as Services Utility AutoExNT Batch File Wait Browser Service Diagnostic Tool Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007 Certification Authority Key Recovery Check Replication Clear Memory Client-Side Caching Command-Line Options Cluster Recovery Utility Compress Files Compress Files Compute Cluster Job Manager Connection Manager Profile Update Create File Custom Reason Editor Dependency Walker DFS Management Command Line Tool DFS Management Command Line Tool Directory Services Command Line Diagnostic Utility Disk Command Line Utility Disk Configuration Tool Display Heap DNS Server Command Line Utility Drivers Source DsAcls DsAcls Edit Multiple SubDirectory Permissions FileVer Utility Free Working Set Tool FRS Status Viewer Global Flags Editor Group Policy Monitor Group Policy Objects Tivoli Endpoint Manager Console 8 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Relay 8 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Server 8 EPS Viewer 3 UltraEdit 16 IFS Sales and Marketing .Net Client 1 IFS Sales Configurator 8 Unity Assistant 16 Interaction Client Win32 Edition 2 QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 2007 iPassConnect 3 iPassConnect 3 iPassConnect 3 iPassConnect 3 BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife 1 Lenovo Hotkeys 1 Lenovo Hotkeys 2 Keyfinder 2 ACL Diagnostics 5 ACL Diagnostics 5 Active Directory Load Balancing Tool 5 Active Directory Object Manager 5 Active Directory Remote Control Add-On 6 Active Directory Replication Diagnostic Utility 5 Active Directory Replication Monitor 5 Advanced Power Management Diagnostic Tool 5 Applications as Services Utility 5 AutoExNT 5 Batch File Wait 5 Browser Service Diagnostic Tool 5 Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007 3 Certification Authority Key Recovery 1 Check Replication 5 Clear Memory 5 Client-Side Caching Command-Line Options 5 Cluster Recovery Utility 1 Compress Files 5 Compress Files 5 Compute Cluster Job Manager 1 Connection Manager Profile Update 5 Create File 5 Custom Reason Editor 5 Dependency Walker 2 DFS Management Command Line Tool 5 DFS Management Command Line Tool 5 Directory Services Command Line Diagnostic Utility 5 Disk Command Line Utility 5 Disk Configuration Tool 5 Display Heap 5 DNS Server Command Line Utility 5 Drivers Source 5 DsAcls 5 DsAcls 5 Edit Multiple SubDirectory Permissions 4 FileVer Utility 5 Free Working Set Tool 5 FRS Status Viewer 1 Global Flags Editor 5 Group Policy Monitor 6 Group Policy Objects 6 IBM Inc 2011 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Console 8.1 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Relay 8.1 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Server 8.1 EPS Viewer 3.2 UltraEdit 16.0 IFS Sales and Marketing .Net Client 1.0 IFS Sales Configurator 8.3 Unity Assistant 16.0 Interaction Client Win32 Edition 2.4 QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 2007 iPassConnect 3.51 iPassConnect 3.26 iPassConnect 3.30 iPassConnect 3.72 BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife 1.9 Lenovo Hotkeys 1.07 Lenovo Hotkeys 2.01 Keyfinder 2.0 ACL Diagnostics 5.00 ACL Diagnostics 5.2 Active Directory Load Balancing Tool 5.0 Active Directory Object Manager 5.0 Active Directory Remote Control Add-On 6.00 Active Directory Replication Diagnostic Utility 5.0 Active Directory Replication Monitor 5.0 Advanced Power Management Diagnostic Tool 5.00 Applications as Services Utility 5.2 AutoExNT 5.2 Batch File Wait 5.2 Browser Service Diagnostic Tool 5.00 Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007 3.0 Certification Authority Key Recovery 1.0 Check Replication 5.2 Clear Memory 5.2 Client-Side Caching Command-Line Options 5.2 Cluster Recovery Utility 1.00 Compress Files 5.0 Compress Files 5.2 Compute Cluster Job Manager 1.0 Connection Manager Profile Update 5.2 Create File 5.2 Custom Reason Editor 5.1 Dependency Walker 2.0 DFS Management Command Line Tool 5.2 DFS Management Command Line Tool 5.0 Directory Services Command Line Diagnostic Utility 5.0 Disk Command Line Utility 5.0 Disk Configuration Tool 5.2 Display Heap 5.2 DNS Server Command Line Utility 5.0 Drivers Source 5.2 DsAcls 5.0 DsAcls 5.2 Edit Multiple SubDirectory Permissions 4.0 FileVer Utility 5.0 Free Working Set Tool 5.2 FRS Status Viewer 1.0 Global Flags Editor 5.0 Group Policy Monitor 6.0 Group Policy Objects 6.0 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 68 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation RARLAB sourceforge.net WRQ Inc. Group Policy Registry Viewer Hard Link Display Tool IFilter Test Suite IFilter Test Suite Initialization Files Manipulation Tool Install AutoEXNT Service Install Connection Manager Profile Interrupt Infinity Tool ISO CD-ROM Burner Tool ISO DVD Burner Tool Kerberos Keytab Setup Kerberos List Kerberos Setup Kerberos Tray Kernel Profiling Tool Link Check Wizard Link Speed LinkD LinkD List Text File Tool List Text File Tool Locale Information Tool Log Time Memory Consumers Tool Memory Consumers Tool Memory Consumers Tool Memory Dump File Checker Memory Monitor Memory Pool Monitor Message Queue Catch Message Queue Multicast File Copy Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit Microsoft Office Live Meeting Microsoft Publisher WinRAR Mines-Perfect Reflection X for Windows NT/9x Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Ai Squared Alps Electric Co. Ltd. Apex Software Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. AT&T Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Auslogics Corporation Adobe Help Center FlashPaper Printer ZoomText 9 Alps Pointing-device Driver True DBGrid iPodService Module iPodService Module iPodService Module iTunes iTunes iTunes iTunes iTunes iTunes Text-To-Speech Attachmate Reflection Secure FTP Client EXTRA! X-treme Reflection for HP with NS/VT Reflection for IBM Reflection for Secure IT Client Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS AusLogics Disk Defrag 1/13/12 Group Policy Registry Viewer 5 Hard Link Display Tool 5 IFilter Test Suite 5 IFilter Test Suite 6 Initialization Files Manipulation Tool 1 Install AutoEXNT Service 5 Install Connection Manager Profile 5 Interrupt Infinity Tool 5 ISO CD-ROM Burner Tool 5 ISO DVD Burner Tool 5 Kerberos Keytab Setup 5 Kerberos List 5 Kerberos Setup 5 Kerberos Tray 5 Kernel Profiling Tool 5 Link Check Wizard 5 Link Speed 5 LinkD 5 LinkD 5 List Text File Tool 5 List Text File Tool 5 Locale Information Tool 5 Log Time 5 Memory Consumers Tool 5 Memory Consumers Tool 6 Memory Consumers Tool 6 Memory Dump File Checker 5 Memory Monitor 1 Memory Pool Monitor 5 Message Queue Catch 5 Message Queue Multicast File Copy 5 Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5 Microsoft Office Live Meeting 7 Microsoft Publisher 2007 WinRAR 3 Mines-Perfect 1 Reflection X for Windows NT/9x 7 Catalog 12 Adobe Help Center 2 FlashPaper 2 ZoomText 9 Alps Pointing-device Driver 7 True DBGrid 5 iPodService Module 7 iPodService Module 8 iPodService Module 8 iTunes 7 iTunes 7 iTunes 7 iTunes 7 iTunes 8 iTunes 8 Text-To-Speech 1 Attachmate Reflection Secure FTP Client 14 EXTRA! X-treme 9 Reflection for HP with NS/VT 14 Reflection for IBM 2011 R1 Reflection for Secure IT Client 7 Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS 2011 R1 AusLogics Disk Defrag 2 IBM Inc 2011 Group Policy Registry Viewer 5.2 Hard Link Display Tool 5.2 IFilter Test Suite 5.2 IFilter Test Suite 6.1 Initialization Files Manipulation Tool 1.1 Install AutoEXNT Service 5.2 Install Connection Manager Profile 5.2 Interrupt Infinity Tool 5.2 ISO CD-ROM Burner Tool 5.2 ISO DVD Burner Tool 5.2 Kerberos Keytab Setup 5.0 Kerberos List 5.2 Kerberos Setup 5.0 Kerberos Tray 5.2 Kernel Profiling Tool 5.2 Link Check Wizard 5.0 Link Speed 5.2 LinkD 5.2 LinkD 5.0 List Text File Tool 5.0 List Text File Tool 5.2 Locale Information Tool 5.2 Log Time 5.2 Memory Consumers Tool 5.2 Memory Consumers Tool 6.1 Memory Consumers Tool 6.0 Memory Dump File Checker 5.0 Memory Monitor 1.05 Memory Pool Monitor 5.0 Message Queue Catch 5.2 Message Queue Multicast File Copy 5.2 Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.00 Microsoft Office Live Meeting 7.3 Microsoft Publisher 2007 sp2 WinRAR 3.71 Mines-Perfect 1.4 Reflection X for Windows NT/9x 7 Adobe Help Center 2.1 FlashPaper Printer 2.0 ZoomText 9.18 Alps Pointing-device Driver 7.3 True DBGrid 5.0 iPodService Module 7.6 iPodService Module 8.1 iPodService Module 8.2 iTunes 7.7 iTunes 7.2 iTunes 7.6 iTunes 7.5 iTunes 8.1 iTunes 8.2 Text-To-Speech 1.0 Attachmate Reflection Secure FTP Client 14.1 EXTRA! X-treme 9.2 Reflection for HP with NS/VT 14.1 Reflection for IBM 2011 R1 Reflection for Secure IT Client 7.2 Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS 2011 R1 AusLogics Disk Defrag 2.1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 69 AutoDesk Inc. DWG TrueView Avira GmbH AntiVir Desktop Axiom International Axiom Small Site License BlackBoard Software Inc. Wimba Create Brother Industries Ltd. HL-4040CDN Interactive Help Brother Industries Ltd. P-touch Editor Bullzip.com PDF Printer CADlogic Limited Draft IT Canon U.S.A. Inc. Canon Easy Guide Viewer Carbonite Inc. Carbonite Online Backup CCCP Project Combined Community Codec Pack Cengage Learning Inc. Keyboarding Pro delux Center for Connected Learning NetLogo Cincom Systems Inc. VisualWorks Contech Bridge Solutions Inc. Hydraulic Tools Copernic Technologies Inc. Copernic Desktop Search - Corporate Corel Corporation Corel Presentations Corel Corporation Corel WordPerfect Corel Corporation Corel WordPerfect Lightning Corel Corporation Quattro Pro CyberLink Corp. PowerDVD DameWare Development DameWare Exporter DameWare Development DameWare Exporter DameWare Development DameWare Exporter DameWare Development DameWare Exporter DameWare Development DameWare Exporter DameWare Development DameWare Mini Remote Control DameWare Development DameWare Mini Remote Control DameWare Development DameWare NT Utilities DameWare Development DameWare NT Utilities DameWare Development DameWare NT Utilities Dell Computer Corporation QuickSet eBay Inc. Skype EC Software Help & Manual Efficient Software Efficient To-Do List Free eInstruction Classroom Performance System Emurasoft Inc. EmEditor Professional eMusic.com Inc. eMusic Download Manager Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc.ArcGIS ESRI ArcGIS Explorer ESTSoft Corp. ALZip FileHippo.com FileHippo.com Update Checker Free Software Foundation GNU Awk FreeDownloadManager.ORG Free Download Manager Google Google Chrome Google Google Updater Google Picasa Google Picasa Henry Schein Practice Solutions Dentrix Practice Assistant Hewlett-Packard Company HP Product Detection Hewlett-Packard Company LightScribe Template Labeler Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital WiViK Honeywell Access NStar IBM Corporation Tivoli Endpoint Manager Client IBM Corporation Tivoli Endpoint Manager Console IBM Corporation Tivoli Endpoint Manager Relay IBM Corporation Tivoli Endpoint Manager Server Info Tech Inc. Estimator Ingenuity Works All The Right Type Three Student Ingenuity Works All the Right Type Three Teacher 1/13/12 DWG TrueView 2011 AntiVir Desktop 10 Axiom Small Site License 1 Wimba Create 2 HL-4040CDN Interactive Help 8 P-touch Editor 5 PDF Printer 7 Draft IT 3 Canon Easy Guide Viewer 1 Carbonite Online Backup 3 Combined Community Codec Pack 2009 Keyboarding Pro delux 10 NetLogo 4 VisualWorks 1 Hydraulic Tools 4 Copernic Desktop Search - Corporate 3 Corel Presentations X5 Corel WordPerfect X5 Corel WordPerfect Lightning 1 Quattro Pro X5 PowerDVD 7 DameWare Exporter 5 DameWare Exporter 6 DameWare Exporter 6 DameWare Exporter 6 DameWare Exporter 6 DameWare Mini Remote Control 6 DameWare Mini Remote Control 6 DameWare NT Utilities 6 DameWare NT Utilities 6 DameWare NT Utilities 6 QuickSet 8 Skype 4 Help & Manual 4 Efficient To-Do List Free 1 Classroom Performance System 5 EmEditor Professional 6 eMusic Download Manager 4 ArcGIS 10 ArcGIS Explorer 2 ALZip 7 FileHippo.com Update Checker 1 GNU Awk 2 Free Download Manager 2 Google Chrome 9 Google Updater 2 Picasa 3 Picasa 3 Dentrix Practice Assistant 9 HP Product Detection 1 LightScribe Template Labeler 1 WiViK 3 NStar 1 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Client 8 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Console 8 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Relay 8 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Server 8 Estimator 2 All The Right Type Three Student 8 All the Right Type Three Teacher 8 IBM Inc 2011 DWG TrueView 2011 AntiVir Desktop 10.0 Axiom Small Site License 1.0 Wimba Create 2.4 HL-4040CDN Interactive Help 8.0 P-touch Editor 5.0 PDF Printer 7.1 Draft IT 3.0 Canon Easy Guide Viewer 1.2 Carbonite Online Backup 3.7 Combined Community Codec Pack 2009 Keyboarding Pro delux 10.1 NetLogo 4.0 VisualWorks 1.0 Hydraulic Tools 4.00 Copernic Desktop Search - Corporate 3.2 Corel Presentations X5 Corel WordPerfect X5 Corel WordPerfect Lightning 1.0 Quattro Pro X5 PowerDVD 7.0 DameWare Exporter 5.1 DameWare Exporter 6.3 DameWare Exporter 6.7 DameWare Exporter 6.5 DameWare Exporter 6.2 DameWare Mini Remote Control 6.7 DameWare Mini Remote Control 6.8 DameWare NT Utilities 6.7 DameWare NT Utilities 6.8 DameWare NT Utilities 6.2 QuickSet 8.3 Skype 4.0 Help & Manual 4.3 Efficient To-Do List Free 1.0 Classroom Performance System 5.4 EmEditor Professional 6.0 eMusic Download Manager 4.1 ArcGIS 10.0 ArcGIS Explorer 2.0 ALZip 7.52 FileHippo.com Update Checker 1.37 GNU Awk 2.0 Free Download Manager 2.5 Google Chrome 9.0 Google Updater 2.4 Picasa 3.1 Picasa 3.6 Dentrix Practice Assistant 9.0 HP Product Detection 1.0 LightScribe Template Labeler 1.18 WiViK 3.0 NStar 1.8 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Client 8.1 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Console 8.1 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Relay 8.1 Tivoli Endpoint Manager Server 8.1 Estimator 2.4 All The Right Type Three Student 8.5 All the Right Type Three Teacher 8.5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 70 Inspiration Software Inc. InstallShield Corporation Intuit Inc. ISACSOFT Inc. JAPISoft kiwi.software.net Lantronix Inc. Legato Systems Inc. Leica Geosystems GIS Mapping LLC Leica Geosystems GIS Mapping LLC Lexmark International Inc. MacKichan Software Inc. Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Moon Valley Software Inc. Municipal Software Corporation MWH Soft Netopia Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. NewSoft Inc. Oracle PFU Limited PJLM Software Inc. Quadrant Systems LLC RARLAB Rasterex Software a.s. Realtek Semiconductor Corp RICOH Company LTD. RSMeans S3 Graphics Inc. SafeNet Inc. Sage Software Inc. Sage Software Inc. Sage Software Inc. Serif Inc. Serif Inc. Sherrod Computers SMC Inc. SolidWorks Soundslides Sybatech Inc. 't Schrijverke TatukGIS TatukGIS TeamViewer GmbH Texas Department of Transportation Texas Instruments Inc. Texthelp Systems Inc. The Critical Thinking Co. The Critical Thinking Co. The Critical Thinking Co. Trimble Navigation Limited TweetAdder.com U.S. Census Bureau Val-Matic Valve & Manufacturing Corp. Ventis Media Inc. 1/13/12 Inspiration DemoShield QuickBooks Premiere Edition al-math-reader EditiX-Free-XML Editor EXIFEditor DeviceInstaller ReportXtender Viewer ECW Header Editor ERDAS IMAGINE ScanBack Scientific Notebook Active Directory Replication Diagnostic Utility Kerberos Keytab Setup Microsoft Office Live Meeting Windows Live ID Windows Live Photo Gallery Shell Tools CityView Desktop IWAppSrv Timbuktu Pro New Boundary Channel Server Prism Deploy Editor EPSON Smart Panel Agile Advantage ScanSnap Manager Print Audit RASWIN WinRAR RxView Realtek HD Audio Control Panel Ridoc IO Admin CostWorks s3setvga Sentinel System Driver Simply Accounting Premium Simply Connection Manager Simply Transaction Manager PagePlus WebPlus File Renamer CzarLite SolidWorks Vault Admin Soundslides Plus CodePal POI Manager TatukGIS Calculator TatukGIS Viewer TeamViewer WinStorm TI Connect Read and Write Reading Detective A1 Software Reading Detective B1 Software Reading Detective Beginning Software GPS Analyst Tweet Adder AESDirect Tutorial AirValve MediaMonkey Inspiration 9 DemoShield 7 QuickBooks Premiere Edition 2010 al-math-reader 2 EditiX-Free-XML Editor 2010 EXIFEditor 2 DeviceInstaller 4 ReportXtender Viewer 4 ECW Header Editor 1 ERDAS IMAGINE 2010 ScanBack 4 Scientific Notebook 5 Active Directory Replication Diagnostic Utility 5 Kerberos Keytab Setup 5 Microsoft Office Live Meeting 7 Windows Live ID 6 Windows Live Photo Gallery 12 Shell Tools 1 CityView Desktop 7 IWAppSrv 1 Timbuktu Pro 7 New Boundary Channel Server 10 Prism Deploy Packager 9 EPSON Smart Panel 1 Agile Advantage 2006 ScanSnap Manager 2 Print Audit 6 RASWIN 1 WinRAR 3 RxView 8 Realtek HD Audio Control Panel 1 Ridoc IO Admin 4 CostWorks 14 s3setvga 1 Sentinel System Driver 7 Simply Accounting Premium 2010 Simply Connection Manager 2010 Simply Transaction Manager 2010 PagePlus 14 WebPlus 12 File Renamer 4 CzarLite 6 SolidWorks Vault Admin 2010 Soundslides Plus 1 CodePal 7 POI Manager 1 TatukGIS Calculator 2 TatukGIS Viewer 2 TeamViewer 6 WinStorm 3 TI Connect 2003 Read and Write 9 Reading Detective A1 Software 4 Reading Detective B1 Software 4 Reading Detective Beginning Software 4 GPS Analyst 1 Tweet Adder 3 AESDirect Tutorial 5 AirValve 8 MediaMonkey 3 IBM Inc 2011 Inspiration 9.0 DemoShield 7.50 QuickBooks Premiere Edition 2010 al-math-reader 2.2 EditiX-Free-XML Editor 2010 EXIFEditor 2.2 DeviceInstaller 4.1 ReportXtender Viewer 4.61 ECW Header Editor 1.8 ERDAS IMAGINE 2010 ScanBack 4.1 Scientific Notebook 5.5 Active Directory Replication Diagnostic Utility 5.2 Kerberos Keytab Setup 5.2 Microsoft Office Live Meeting 7.3 Windows Live ID 6.5 Windows Live Photo Gallery 12.0 Shell Tools 1.1 CityView Desktop 7.8 IWAppSrv 1.00 Timbuktu Pro 7.0 New Boundary Channel Server 10.3/10.5 Prism Deploy Packager 9.0 EPSON Smart Panel 1.0 Agile Advantage 2006 ScanSnap Manager 2.1 Print Audit 6.2 RASWIN 1.0 WinRAR 3.71 RxView 8.0 Realtek HD Audio Control Panel 1.0 Ridoc IO Admin 4.1 CostWorks 14.0 s3setvga 1.00 Sentinel System Driver 7.2 Simply Accounting Premium 2010 Simply Connection Manager 2010 Simply Transaction Manager 2010 PagePlus 14.0 WebPlus 12.0 File Renamer 4.0 CzarLite 6.3 SolidWorks Vault Admin 2010 Soundslides Plus 1.9 CodePal 7.1 POI Manager 1.0 TatukGIS Calculator 2.0 TatukGIS Viewer 2.2 TeamViewer 6.0 WinStorm 3.0 TI Connect 2003 Read and Write 9.0 Reading Detective A1 Software 4.5 Reading Detective B1 Software 4.5 Reading Detective Beginning Software 4.5 GPS Analyst 1.43 Tweet Adder 3.0 AESDirect Tutorial 5.0 AirValve 8.0 MediaMonkey 3.2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 71 Verifone Systems Inc. Via Technologies Inc VMware Inc. VS Revo Group WebEx Inc Winternals Software LP Wolfram Research Inc. WRQ Inc. WRQ Inc. Wyse Technology Xerox Corporation 3ivx Technologies Pty. LTD a la mode inc. a la mode inc. a la mode inc. Aastra Technologies Ltd. Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated AG Interactive Inc. AirLink 101 ALGOR Inc. America Online Inc. America Online Inc. AnalogX Apache Software Foundation Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation Auslogics Software Pty Ltd autodessys Inc. AVAYA Communication Broadcom Corporation Brother Industries Ltd. Business Objects Inc. Cadence Design Systems Cadence Design Systems Cadence Design Systems Canon U.S.A. Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. code4ward CollabNet Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Datawatch Corporation Delcam plc Draken Development dtSearch Corporation EMC Corporation Eolsoft Freeze.com GanttProject GFI Software Ltd. 1/13/12 PCCharge Pro VIA RAID Tool VMware View Agent Revo Uninstaller WebEx Player Recovery Manager IDL Reflection X Reflection X for Windows NT/9x Wyse TCX Server Suite DocuColor 1632_2240 Mailbox Viewer PCCharge Pro 5 VIA RAID Tool 2 VMware View Agent 4 Revo Uninstaller 1 WebEx Player 2005 Recovery Manager 1 IDL 7 Reflection X 2011 R1 Reflection X for Windows NT/9x 7 Wyse TCX Server Suite 4 DocuColor 1632_2240 Mailbox Viewer 3 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 3ivx Config 3ivx Config 5 3ivx Config 5.0 13 Total Total 2010 Total 2010 13 WinTOTAL WinTOTAL 1 WinTOTAL 1.00 13 XSite Order Manager XSite Order Manager 2 XSite Order Manager 2.00 13 CMG Quick CMG Quick 7 CMG Quick 7.1 13 Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard Adobe Acrobat 9.4 13 Adobe Flash Player Adobe Flash Player 10 Adobe Flash Player 10.2 13 AGCoreService AGCoreService 3 AGCoreService 3.2 13 PS-Utility PS-Utility 1 PS-Utility 1.0 13 ALGOR ALGOR 16 ALGOR 16.4 13 AOL Explorer AOL Explorer 3 AOL Explorer 3.7 13 AOL Toolbar AOL Toolbar 5 AOL Toolbar 5.25 13 HyperTrace HyperTrace 1 HyperTrace 1.0 13 Subversion Subversion 1 Subversion 1.6 13 iPodService Module iPodService Module 10 iPodService Module 10.2 13 iTunes iTunes 10 iTunes 10.2 13 Attachmate Reflection Administrator's Toolkit Attachmate Reflection Administrator's Toolkit 14 Attachmate Reflection Administrator's Toolkit 14.1 13 Attachmate Reflection for the Web Attachmate Reflection for the Web 2008 R3 Attachmate Reflection for the Web 2008 R3 13 Attachmate Reflection for the Web Enterprise Edition Attachmate Reflection for the Web Enterprise Edition 2008 Attachmate R3 Reflection for the Web Enterprise Edition 2008 R3 13 Attachmate Reflection Secure FTP Client Attachmate Reflection Secure FTP Client 14 Attachmate Reflection Secure FTP Client 14.0 13 EXTRA! X-treme EXTRA! X-treme 9 EXTRA! X-treme 9.1 13 Reflection for IBM Reflection for IBM 14 Reflection for IBM 14.1 13 Reflection for ReGIS Graphics Reflection for ReGIS Graphics 14 Reflection for ReGIS Graphics 14.1 13 AusLogics Disk Defrag AusLogics Disk Defrag 1 AusLogics Disk Defrag 1.5 13 formZ RenderZone Plus formZ RenderZone Plus 6 formZ RenderZone Plus 6.6 13 Avaya CMS Supervisor Avaya CMS Supervisor 11 Avaya CMS Supervisor 11.00 13 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 11 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 11.7 13 P-touch Editor P-touch Editor 3 P-touch Editor 3.2 13 Business Objects Business Objects 5 Business Objects 5.0 13 Orcad Orcad 16 Orcad 16.2 13 OrCAD Capture OrCAD Capture 10 OrCAD Capture 10.0 13 PSpice PSpice 16 PSpice 16.2 13 CanoScan Toolbox CanoScan Toolbox 4 CanoScan Toolbox 4.9 13 Cisco Systems SSL VPN Client Cisco Systems SSL VPN Client 1 Cisco Systems SSL VPN Client 1.0 13 Royal TS Royal TS 1 Royal TS 1.6 13 Subversion Subversion 1 Subversion 1.6 13 BrightStor ARCserve Backup Diagnostic Utilities BrightStor ARCserve Backup Diagnostic Utilities 11 BrightStor ARCserve Backup Diagnostic Utilities 11.5 13 Monarch Report Explorer Monarch Report Explorer 5 Monarch Report Explorer 5.00 13 PowerSHAPE PowerSHAPE 7 PowerSHAPE 7.1 13 Sticky Notes Taskbar Hider Sticky Notes Taskbar Hider 1 Sticky Notes Taskbar Hider 1.91 13 dtSearch dtSearch 7 dtSearch 7.66 13 Avamar Windows Client Avamar Windows Client 4 Avamar Windows Client 4.0 13 Flash Movie Player Flash Movie Player 1 Flash Movie Player 1.1 13 3D Falling Leaves Full 3D Falling Leaves Full 1 3D Falling Leaves Full 1.0 13 GanttProject GanttProject 2 GanttProject 2.0 13 GFI Faxmaker GFI Faxmaker 14 GFI Faxmaker 14.3 IBM Inc 2011 PCCharge Pro 5.7 VIA RAID Tool 2.4 VMware View Agent 4.0 Revo Uninstaller 1.8 WebEx Player 2005 Recovery Manager 1.5 IDL 7.1 Reflection X 2011 R1 Reflection X for Windows NT/9x 7 Wyse TCX Server Suite 4.0 DocuColor 1632_2240 Mailbox Viewer 3.0 72 GFI Software Ltd. Google Google Hummingbird Communications Ltd. IAR Systems AB IBM Corporation IBM Corporation Igor Pavlov IHS Inc. IHS Inc. Ilja Herlein InfoGation Corp. INRIA Interact Commerce Corp. InterCall iSpring Solutions Inc. JetStat.com Jungle Disk Inc. Kiwi Codes Solutions Ltd. Kronos Incorporated Linear Technology Corporation LogMeIn Inc. LSoft Technologies Inc. Michigan Scientific Corporation Microchip Technology Inc. Microchip Technology Inc. Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation 1/13/12 GFI MailEssentials for Exchange Google Chrome Picasa HostExplorer IAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart Edition IBM Global Security Kit Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Software Usage Analysis 7-Zip GeoPLUS Petra PI Dwights PLUS on CD NetSetMan Odyssey Mobile Loader Scilab SalesLogix Architect Meeting Launcher iSpring Pro XP Pro IIS Admin Jungle Disk Server Edition Management Family Browser Timekeeper Central Software SwitcherCAD III/LTSpice LogMeIn Active@ Boot Disk Creator Amp Configuration Tool MPLAB IDE PICkit (R) 2 .NET Compact Framework Active Directory Diagnostic Tool Active Directory Object Manager Active Directory Topology Diagrammer Advanced Power Management Diagnostic Tool Binary File Difference Finder BITSAdmin Tool Browser Service Diagnostic Tool Dependency Walker DevCon Tool DHCP Server Locator Utility Directory Disk Usage Directory Services Command Line Diagnostic Utility Disk Command Line Utility Disk Manager Diagnostics DNS Server Command Line Utility Encrypted File Info Extended Change Access Control Lists Fault Tolerant Disk Mounter File Replication Utility File Version Utility Get Security ID Global Flags Editor HTTP Configuration Utility IAS Parse Tool ILMerge Internet Explorer Kerberos Setup Manipulate Service Principal Names for Accounts Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant GFI MailEssentials for Exchange 15 Google Chrome 10 Picasa 3 HostExplorer 7 IAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart Edition 4 IBM Global Security Kit 4 Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Software Usage Analysis 1 7-Zip 9 GeoPLUS Petra 1 PI Dwights PLUS on CD 1 NetSetMan 3 Odyssey Mobile Loader 1 Scilab 5 SalesLogix Architect 7 Meeting Launcher 4 iSpring Pro 4 XP Pro IIS Admin 1 Jungle Disk Server Edition Management 3 Family Browser 1 Timekeeper Central Software 4 SwitcherCAD III/LTSpice 4 LogMeIn 4 Active@ Boot Disk Creator 1 Amp Configuration Tool 1 MPLAB IDE 8 PICkit (R) 2 2 .NET Compact Framework 3 Active Directory Diagnostic Tool 5 Active Directory Object Manager 5 Active Directory Topology Diagrammer 2 Advanced Power Management Diagnostic Tool 5 Binary File Difference Finder 5 BITSAdmin Tool 6 Browser Service Diagnostic Tool 5 Dependency Walker 2 DevCon Tool 5 DHCP Server Locator Utility 5 Directory Disk Usage 5 Directory Services Command Line Diagnostic Utility 5 Disk Command Line Utility 5 Disk Manager Diagnostics 5 DNS Server Command Line Utility 5 Encrypted File Info 5 Extended Change Access Control Lists 5 Fault Tolerant Disk Mounter 5 File Replication Utility 5 File Version Utility 5 Get Security ID 5 Global Flags Editor 5 HTTP Configuration Utility 5 IAS Parse Tool 2 ILMerge 2 Internet Explorer 9 Kerberos Setup 5 Manipulate Service Principal Names for Accounts 5 Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant 2003 IBM Inc 2011 GFI MailEssentials for Exchange 15.0 Google Chrome 10.0 Picasa 3.8 HostExplorer 7.1 IAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart Edition 4.10 IBM Global Security Kit 4.0 Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Software Usage Analysis 1.2 7-Zip 9.7 GeoPLUS Petra 1.0 PI Dwights PLUS on CD 1.07 NetSetMan 3.0 Odyssey Mobile Loader 1.0 Scilab 5.1 SalesLogix Architect 7.2 Meeting Launcher 4.3 iSpring Pro 4.0 XP Pro IIS Admin 1.08 le Disk Server Edition Management 3.1 Family Browser 1.0 Timekeeper Central Software 4.3 SwitcherCAD III/LTSpice 4.07x LogMeIn 4.1 Active@ Boot Disk Creator 1.0 Amp Configuration Tool 1.0 MPLAB IDE 8.10 PICkit (R) 2 2.50 .NET Compact Framework 3.5 Active Directory Diagnostic Tool 5.1 Active Directory Object Manager 5.2 Active Directory Topology Diagrammer 2.0 Advanced Power Management Diagnostic Tool 5.2 Binary File Difference Finder 5.2 BITSAdmin Tool 6.5 Browser Service Diagnostic Tool 5.2 Dependency Walker 2.2 DevCon Tool 5.2 DHCP Server Locator Utility 5.2 Directory Disk Usage 5.2 Directory Services Command Line Diagnostic Utility 5.2 Disk Command Line Utility 5.2 Disk Manager Diagnostics 5.2 DNS Server Command Line Utility 5.2 Encrypted File Info 5.2 Extended Change Access Control Lists 5.2 Fault Tolerant Disk Mounter 5.2 File Replication Utility 5.2 File Version Utility 5.2 Get Security ID 5.2 Global Flags Editor 5.2 HTTP Configuration Utility 5.2 IAS Parse Tool 2.1 ILMerge 2.10 Internet Explorer 9.0 Kerberos Setup 5.2 Manipulate Service Principal Names for Accounts 5.2 Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant 2003 SP2 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 73 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Mobipocket.com Mozilla.org National Instruments Corp. NCover LLC New Boundary Technologies Inc. Oracle Oracle PDF Labs PJ Technologies Inc. Ruud van Velsen Sage Software Inc. Sage Software Inc. Saturn PCB Design Inc. ScanSoft Inc. SFR Software GmbH Siebel Systems Inc. SmartBear Software SolidWorks Space Sciences Laboratory Spigot Inc. Spigot Inc. Sysinternals LLC Texas Instruments Inc. Texas Instruments Inc. Transparent Language Inc. Trend Micro Inc. Wise Solutions Inc. WRQ Inc. 3M 3M 3M Acronis Inc. Adersoft Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Advanced Logic Technology ALT Agfa-Gevaert Agfa-Gevaert Allegorithmic Allegorithmic American Institute of Steel Construction Inc. American Power Conversion (APC) Arbitron Inc. Auslogics (see Auslogics Corporation) AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. 1/13/12 Microsoft Richcopy Microsoft Security Essentials Microsoft Terminal Server Client 16-bit Orca Port Query Windows Installer Zapper Mobipocket Reader Firefox Vision NCover Prism Deploy Editor Oracle VM VirtualBox VirtualBox Guest Additions PDFTK Builder GoverLAN KiXtart SalesLogix Administrator SalesLogix Intellisync Saturn PCB Toolkit OmniPage Pro BandeauTAO Siebel Enterprise Applications CodeCollaborator DWGeditor BOINC Application Updater PDFForge Toolbar Reghide PGA309 Calculator PGA309 DK Board Interface (2) Before You Know It - byki ScanMail for Exchange Wise Registry Cleaner Reflection for Unix and OpenVMS 3M Pad Conversion 3M Pad Staff Workstation Statistics Viewer Acronis True Image Enterprise Server VbsEdit Adobe SVG Viewer PhotoDeluxe WellCAD Reader Apogee Prepress Clients QMS Application Substance Designer Substance Player AISC Steel Construction Manual APC Device IP Configuration Wizard RADAR Auslogics Duplicate File Finder 3ds Max AutoCAD LT Autodesk Mudbox Autodesk Showcase Autodesk SketchBook Designer Autodesk Softimage Backburner Combustion Microsoft Richcopy 4 Microsoft Security Essentials 2 Microsoft Terminal Server Client 16-bit 6 Orca 5 Port Query 5 Windows Installer Zapper 4 Mobipocket Reader 6 Firefox 4 Vision 8 NCover 3 Prism Deploy Packager 11 Oracle VM VirtualBox 4 VirtualBox Guest Additions 4 PDFTK Builder 3 GoverLAN 6 KiXtart 3 SalesLogix Administrator 7 SalesLogix Intellisync 7 Saturn PCB Toolkit 5 OmniPage Pro 2 BandeauTAO 1 Siebel Enterprise Applications 6 CodeCollaborator 5 DWGeditor 2005 BOINC 4 Application Updater 1 PDFForge Toolbar 1 Reghide 1 PGA309 Calculator 1 PGA309 DK Board Interface (2) 1 Before You Know It - byki 3 ScanMail for Exchange 8 Wise Registry Cleaner 4 Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS 14 3M Pad Conversion 1 3M Pad Staff Workstation 1 Statistics Viewer 1 Acronis True Image Enterprise Server 9 VbsEdit 4 Adobe SVG Viewer 3 PhotoDeluxe Business Edition 1 WellCAD Reader 4 Apogee Prepress Clients 6 QMS Application 6 Substance Designer 1 Substance Player 1 AISC Steel Construction Manual 13 APC Device IP Configuration Wizard 3 RADAR 15 Auslogics Duplicate File Finder 2 3ds Max 2012 x64 AutoCAD LT 2011 x64 Autodesk Mudbox 2012 Autodesk Showcase 2011 Autodesk SketchBook Designer 2011 Autodesk Softimage 2012 x64 Backburner 2012 Combustion 2008 IBM Inc 2011 Microsoft Richcopy 4.0 Microsoft Security Essentials 2.0 Microsoft Terminal Server Client 16-bit 6.1 Orca 5.0 Port Query 5.2 Windows Installer Zapper 4.0 Mobipocket Reader 6.2 Firefox 4.0 Vision 8.5 NCover 3.4 Prism Deploy Packager 11.0 Oracle VM VirtualBox 4.0 VirtualBox Guest Additions 4.0 PDFTK Builder 3.6 GoverLAN 6.77 KiXtart 3.60 SalesLogix Administrator 7.2 SalesLogix Intellisync 7.2 Saturn PCB Toolkit 5.0 OmniPage Pro 2.0 BandeauTAO 1.4 Siebel Enterprise Applications 6.3 CodeCollaborator 5.0 DWGeditor 2005 BOINC 4.25 Application Updater 1.1 PDFForge Toolbar 1.2 Reghide 1.0 PGA309 Calculator 1.04 PGA309 DK Board Interface (2) 1.01 Before You Know It - byki 3.6 ScanMail for Exchange 8.0 Wise Registry Cleaner 4.9 Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS 14.1 3M Pad Conversion 1.20 3M Pad Staff Workstation 1.20 Statistics Viewer 1.04 Acronis True Image Enterprise Server 9.1 VbsEdit 4.8 Adobe SVG Viewer 3.3 PhotoDeluxe Business Edition 1.1 WellCAD Reader 4.2 Apogee Prepress Clients 6.0 QMS Application 6.0 Substance Designer 1.0 Substance Player 1.1 AISC Steel Construction Manual 13.0 APC Device IP Configuration Wizard 3.0 RADAR 15.0 Auslogics Duplicate File Finder 2.0 3ds Max 2012 x64 AutoCAD LT 2011 x64 Autodesk Mudbox 2012.x64 Autodesk Showcase 2011 Autodesk SketchBook Designer 2011 Autodesk Softimage 2012 x64 Backburner 2012 Combustion 2008 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 74 AutoDesk Inc. Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D AutoDesk Inc. Matchmover BirdieSoft POKTMON Trading Card Manager Bluebeam Software Inc. Bluebeam PDF Revu (32-bit) Bluebeam Software Inc. Bluebeam PDF Revu (32-bit) Boomerang Software Inc. WebShop Cadence Design Systems OrCAD Capture CambridgeSoft Corporation ChemDraw Pro Chaos Group V-Ray Cimmetry Systems Inc. AutoVue Cisco Systems Inc. Aironet Site Survey Utility Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix ICA Client Citrix Systems Inc. DNE Corex Technologies Corp. CardScan Creative Technology Ltd. OpenAL Installer CyberLink Corp. PowerDVD DAEMON DAEMON Tools Lite Datawatch Corporation Monarch Dell Computer Corporation Dell Backup and Recovery Manager Dell Computer Corporation Dell Backup and Recovery Manager DeLorme XMap Diskeeper Corporation Diskeeper Dominik Reichl KeePass Password Safe DownStream Technologies CAM350 10 EBSoftware HazLabeler E-on Software Vue xStream E-on Software Vue xStream Epicor Software Corporation eFrontOffice ESRI ArcInfo FileMaker Inc. FileMaker Pro Flexera Software Inc. FlexNet Publisher Franklin Covey Co. (SEE Franklin Quest Co.) ScoreBoardPlus Freescale Semiconductor Inc. CodeWarrior Development Studio for HC12 Freescale Semiconductor Inc. CodeWarrior Development Studio for HCS12(X) Freescale Semiconductor Inc. CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers Global Mapper Software LLC Global Mapper Google Google Toolbar Help Desk Technology International Corporation HelpSTAR Hewlett-Packard Company Energy Star Digital Logo Hewlett-Packard Company HP Hotkey Support Hewlett-Packard Company HP Mobile Data Protection System Hewlett-Packard Company HP Power Assistant Hewlett-Packard Company HP Quicklook Hewlett-Packard Company HP Setup Hewlett-Packard Company HP Software Framework Hewlett-Packard Company HP Software Setup Hewlett-Packard Company HP Wireless Assistant Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Mobile Connect IAR Systems AB IAR Embedded Workbench IBM Corporation IBM Cognos Business Intelligence IBM Corporation License Use Management Runtime IBM Corporation Rational RequisitePro IBM Corporation Rational Test Informative Graphics Corp. Brava! Reader Insight Software Solutions Inc. Keyboard Express InstallShield Corporation InstallShield Update Service Intel Corporation Intel Control Center Interleaf Inc. QuickSilver Internet Download Manager Corp. Internet Download Manager Janus Systems SA de CV Janus ASP .NET Server Controls 1/13/12 Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D 6 Matchmover 2012 x64 POKTMON Trading Card Manager 1 Bluebeam PDF Revu (32-bit) 9 Bluebeam PDF Revu 9 WebShop 1 OrCAD Capture 10 ChemDraw Pro 7 V-Ray 1 AutoVue 15 Aironet Site Survey Utility 1 Citrix ICA Client 10 DNE 3 CardScan 8 OpenAL Installer 2 PowerDVD 9 DAEMON Tools Lite 4 Monarch 9 Dell Backup and Recovery Manager 1 Dell Backup and Recovery Manager 1 XMap 3 Diskeeper 2011 KeePass Password Safe 2 CAM350 10 10 HazLabeler 2 Vue XStream 9 Vue XStream 9 eFrontOffice 7 ArcInfo 9 FileMaker Pro 11 FlexNet Publisher 11 ScoreBoardPlus 1 CodeWarrior Development Studio for HC12 4 CodeWarrior Development Studio for HCS12(X) 4 CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers 6 Global Mapper 9 Google Toolbar 7 HelpSTAR 2010 Energy Star Digital Logo 1 HP Hotkey Support 3 HP Mobile Data Protection System 4 HP Power Assistant 1 HP Quicklook 3 HP Setup 8 HP Software Framework 3 HP Software Setup 7 HP Wireless Assistant 4 Mobile Connect 4 IAR Embedded Workbench 4 IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 8 License Use Management Runtime 4 Rational RequisitePro 7 Rational Test 2006 Brava! Reader 2 Keyboard Express 3 InstallShield Update Service 11 Intel Control Center 1 QuickSilver 1 Internet Download Manager 5 Janus ASP .NET Server Controls 3 IBM Inc 2011 Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D 6.0 Matchmover 2012 x64 POKTMON Trading Card Manager 1.41 Bluebeam PDF Revu (32-bit) 9.0 Bluebeam PDF Revu 9.0 WebShop 1.0 OrCAD Capture 10.3 ChemDraw Pro 7.0 V-Ray 1.0 AutoVue 15.3 Aironet Site Survey Utility 1.3 Citrix ICA Client 10.2 DNE 3.22 CardScan 8.0 OpenAL Installer 2.0 PowerDVD 9.5 DAEMON Tools Lite 4.40 Monarch 9.0 Dell Backup and Recovery Manager 1.2 Dell Backup and Recovery Manager 1.3 XMap 3.0 Diskeeper 2011 KeePass Password Safe 2.1 CAM350 10 10.2 HazLabeler 2.10 Vue XStream 9.5 Vue XStream 9.0 eFrontOffice 7.2 ArcInfo 9.3 FileMaker Pro 11.0 FlexNet Publisher 11.5 ScoreBoardPlus 1.2 CodeWarrior Development Studio for HC12 4.5 CodeWarrior Development Studio for HCS12(X) 4.7 CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers 6.2 Global Mapper 9.3 Google Toolbar 7.0 HelpSTAR 2010 Energy Star Digital Logo 1.0 HP Hotkey Support 3.5 HP Mobile Data Protection System 4.0 HP Power Assistant 1.0 HP Quicklook 3.3 HP Setup 8.2 HP Software Framework 3.5 HP Software Setup 7.0 HP Wireless Assistant 4.0 Mobile Connect 4.0 IAR Embedded Workbench 4.4 IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 8.2 License Use Management Runtime 4.6 Rational RequisitePro 7.0 Rational Test 2006 Brava! Reader 2.5 Keyboard Express 3.3 InstallShield Update Service 11.1 Intel Control Center 1.2 QuickSilver 1.0 Internet Download Manager 5.15 Janus ASP .NET Server Controls 3.0 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 75 Jordan Lawrence Jordan Lawrence Korry Electronics Co. LaCie USA Lakeside Software Inc. Lambda Research Corporation Lambda Research Corporation Lambda Research Corporation Lambda Research Corporation Leica Geosystems GIS Mapping LLC Longview Solutions Inc. Macrovision Corp. Macrovision Corp. Magellan Materialise NV Materialise NV MB Foster Associates Mentor Graphics Corporation Mentor Graphics Corporation Mentor Graphics Corporation Mentor Graphics Corporation Messaging Architects MetaGeek LLC MetaGeek LLC MetaGeek LLC Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Novell Inc. Novell Inc. Novell Inc. Novell Inc. Novell Inc. Novell Inc. Novell Inc. Novell Inc. Nsasoft LLC. Octaga AS Opera Software P&E Microcomputer Systems Palisade Corporation Palisade Corporation ParallelGraphics PentaLogix LLC Quantitative Micro Software Quantum Software Corporation Quantum Software Corporation Quest Software Inc. Quest Software Inc. RARLAB Reganam Interactive Riverbed Technology Inc. Roxio SafeNet Inc. 1/13/12 ES Desktop GRIP Desktop FDDCP_DisplayCCA LaCie Network Assistant SysTrack TracePro TracePro50 TracePro60 TracePro70 Geospatial Imaging Khalix InstallShield PDMWorks Enterprise MobileMapper Office Magics MatConvert UDALink DxDesigner DxDesigner LP Viewer MGC SDD Configurator CleanIt Chanalyzer Channel Picker Recon 2 for Wi-Spy Batch File Wait Drawing Animator Toy for Tablet PC GPOAccelerator HP Power Data Microsoft Streets & Trips Power Paint Tool for Tablet PC Volume Activation Management Tool Windows Intune Client Windows Live ID Novell Authentication Client Novell Common Authentication Service Adapter Novell GroupWise Novell Messenger Zenworks ZENworks Asset Management ZENworks for Desktops ZENworks Remote Management Product Key Explorer Octaga Player Opera for Windows log2Phy Risk Industrial for Excel RISKOptimizer Cortona3D Viewer ViewMate EViews XactMan XactMan PowerGUI Pro Recovery Manager for Exchange WinRAR 3GP Player AirPcapReplay Roxio Retrieve Sentinel Keys Server ES Desktop 1 GRIP Desktop 2 FDDCP_DisplayCCA 1 LaCie Network Assistant 1 SysTrack 4 TracePro 4 TracePro50 5 TracePro60 6 TracePro70 7 Geospatial Imaging 9 Khalix 3 InstallShield 2008 PDMWorks Enterprise 7 MobileMapper Office 3 Magics 15 MatConvert 6 UDALink 5 DxDesigner 2005 DxDesigner 2007 LP Viewer 10 MGC SDD Configurator 2010 CleanIt 1 Chanalyzer 4 Channel Picker 0 Recon 2 for Wi-Spy 2 Batch File Wait 2 Drawing Animator Toy for Tablet PC 1 GPOAccelerator 2 HP Power Data 1 Microsoft Streets & Trips 2008 Art Tool for Tablet PC 1 Volume Activation Management Tool 2 Windows Intune Client 1 Windows Live ID 7 Novell Authentication Client 1 Novell Common Authentication Service Adapter 1 Novell GroupWise 8 Novell Messenger 2 Zenworks 10 ZENworks Asset Management 3 ZENworks for Desktops 7 ZENworks Remote Management 7 Product Key Explorer 2 Octaga Player 3 Opera 11 log2Phy 12 Risk Industrial for Excel 5 RISKOptimizer 5 Cortona3D Viewer 6 ViewMate 11 EViews 6 XactMan 1 XactMan 5 PowerGUI Pro 2 Recovery Manager for Exchange 4 WinRAR 4 3GP Player 2008 AirPcapReplay 4 Roxio Retrieve 12 Sentinel Keys Server 1 IBM Inc 2011 ES Desktop 1.0 GRIP Desktop 2.0 FDDCP_DisplayCCA 1.0 LaCie Network Assistant 1.3 SysTrack 4.30 TracePro 4.0 TracePro50 5.0 TracePro60 6.0 TracePro70 7.0 Geospatial Imaging 9.1 Khalix 3.4 InstallShield 2008 PDMWorks Enterprise 7.9 MobileMapper Office 3.40 Magics 15.0 MatConvert 6.2 UDALink 5.58 DxDesigner 2005 DxDesigner 2007 LP Viewer 10.2 MGC SDD Configurator 2010 CleanIt 1.0 Chanalyzer 4 Channel Picker 0.1 Recon 2 for Wi-Spy 2 Batch File Wait 2.0 Drawing Animator Toy for Tablet PC 1.0 GPOAccelerator 2.0 HP Power Data 1.0 Microsoft Streets & Trips 2008 Art Tool for Tablet PC 1.0 Volume Activation Management Tool 2.0 Windows Intune Client 1.0 Windows Live ID 7.25 Novell Authentication Client 1.7 Novell Common Authentication Service Adapter 1.7 Novell GroupWise 8.0 Novell Messenger 2.2 Zenworks 10.3 ZENworks Asset Management 3.30 ZENworks for Desktops 7.0 ZENworks Remote Management 7.0 Product Key Explorer 2.7 Octaga Player 3.0 Opera 11.01 log2Phy 12 Risk Industrial for Excel 5.5 RISKOptimizer 5.5 Cortona3D Viewer 6.0 ViewMate 11.2 EViews 6.0 XactMan 1.0 XactMan 5.6 PowerGUI Pro 2.4 Recovery Manager for Exchange 4.7 WinRAR 4.0 3GP Player 2008 AirPcapReplay 4.1 Roxio Retrieve 12.2 Sentinel Keys Server 1.3 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 76 Sage Software Inc. Saturn PCB Design Inc. Schlumberger Limited Silicon Laboratories Inc. SIMetrix Technologies SmartSoft Ltd. Smith Micro Software Inc. Softland SRL SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks Sonic Solutions Sonic Solutions Sonic Solutions Spigot Inc. Spigot Inc. Splashtop Inc Tektronix Inc. Tektronix Inc. Traction Software TVU Networks Corp. U.S. Census Bureau Universal Technical Systems Inc. VAMP Inc. VMware Inc. WACOM Technology Corporation Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. Winsome Technologies Accero Inc. Accero Inc. Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Alias Systems Corp. Alias Systems Corp. Articulate ARTstor AuthenTec Inc. AutoDesk Inc. Avid Technology Inc. Avid Technology Inc. Avid Technology Inc. Avid Technology Inc. Avid Technology Inc. Avid Technology Inc. Avid Technology Inc. Avid Technology Inc. Ayres Associates Beepa Pty Ltd 1/13/12 FAS Asset Accounting Client PCB Toolkit Visual MODFLOW Silicon Laboratories IDE SIMetrix SmartFTP Client Verizon Wireless USB760 Firmware Updates doPDF SolidWorks SolidWorks eDrawings SolidWorks Explorer SolidWorks Vault Admin PhotoShow Express Roxio Creator Roxio DVD Music Assistant Application Updater PDFForge Toolbar HP QuickWeb OpenChoice Desktop OpenChoice Instrument Manager Batch & Print Pro TVU Player Surveyor Advanced Spring Design McCAD G-View VMware Infrastructure Client Wacom Tablet DellAccess Private Information Manager Trusted Drive Manager Winsome File Renamer The Solution Series Administrative Client The Solution Series Administrative Client Adobe Audition Adobe Captivate Adobe Content Viewer Adobe Download Assistant Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Adobe Service Manager Adobe Story Adobe Widget Browser Creative@Home Client Maya Maya Articulate Presenter Professional Off-line Image Viewer (OIV) Fingerprint Security System DWG TrueView Avid iNews EDL Manager FilmScribe Log Exchange Media Composer MediaLog MetaSync Pro Tools LE SAMWin Fraps FAS Asset Accounting Client 2010 PCB Toolkit 4 Visual MODFLOW 4 Silicon Laboratories IDE 4 SIMetrix 5 SmartFTP Client 4 Verizon Wireless USB760 Firmware Updates 1 doPDF 7 SolidWorks 2011 SolidWorks eDrawings 2011 SolidWorks Explorer 2011 SolidWorks Vault Admin 2011 PhotoShow Express 2 Roxio Creator 12 Roxio DVD Music Assistant 12 Application Updater 4 PDFForge Toolbar 4 HP QuickWeb 1 OpenChoice Desktop 1 OpenChoice Instrument Manager 3 Batch & Print Pro 3 TVU Player 2 Surveyor 1 Advanced Spring Design 6 McCAD G-View 3 VMware Infrastructure Client 2 Wacom Tablet 6 DellAccess 01 Private Information Manager 7 Trusted Drive Manager 4 Winsome File Renamer 7 The Solution Series Administrative Client 5 The Solution Series Administrative Client 6 Adobe Audition CS5 Adobe Captivate 5 Adobe Content Viewer 1 Adobe Download Assistant 1 Adobe Illustrator CS5 Adobe InDesign CS5 Adobe Photoshop CS5 Adobe Service Manager CS5 Adobe Story 1 Adobe Widget Browser 2 Creative@Home Client 7 Maya 2011 x64 Maya 2011 x86 Articulate Presenter Professional 5 Off-line Image Viewer (OIV) 3 Fingerprint Security System 3 DWG TrueView 2012 Avid iNews 3 EDL Manager 27 FilmScribe 27 Log Exchange 27 Media Composer 5 MediaLog 27 MetaSync 27 Pro Tools LE 8 SAMWin 1 Fraps 3 IBM Inc 2011 FAS Asset Accounting Client 2010 PCB Toolkit 4.4 Visual MODFLOW 4.2 Silicon Laboratories IDE 4.1 SIMetrix 5.0 SmartFTP Client 4.0 Verizon Wireless USB760 Firmware Updates 1.0 doPDF 7.0 SolidWorks 2011 SolidWorks eDrawings 2011 SolidWorks Explorer 2011 SolidWorks Vault Admin 2011 PhotoShow Express 2.0 Roxio Creator 12.1 Roxio DVD Music Assistant 12.2 Application Updater 4.3 PDFForge Toolbar 4.3 HP QuickWeb 1.0 OpenChoice Desktop 1.8 OpenChoice Instrument Manager 3.3 Batch & Print Pro 3.0 TVU Player 2.3 Surveyor 1.6 Advanced Spring Design 6.11 McCAD G-View 3.1 VMware Infrastructure Client 2.5 Wacom Tablet 6.1 DellAccess 01.01 Private Information Manager 7.1 Trusted Drive Manager 4.0 Winsome File Renamer 7.1 The Solution Series Administrative Client 5.2 The Solution Series Administrative Client 6.0 Adobe Audition CS5.5 Adobe Captivate 5.0 Adobe Content Viewer 1.4 Adobe Download Assistant 1.0 Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 Adobe InDesign CS5.5 Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 x64 Adobe Service Manager CS5.5 Adobe Story 1.0 Adobe Widget Browser 2.0 Creative@Home Client 7.0 Maya 2011 x64 Maya 2011 x86 Articulate Presenter Professional 5.0 Off-line Image Viewer (OIV) 3.1 Fingerprint Security System 3.3 DWG TrueView 2012 Avid iNews 3.2 EDL Manager 27.0 FilmScribe 27.0 Log Exchange 27.0 Media Composer 5.0 MediaLog 27.0 MetaSync 27.0 Pro Tools LE 8.0 SAMWin 1.00 Fraps 3.2 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 77 Bentley Systems Inc. Boingo Wireless Inc. Bradbury Bram Bos Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Corporation CAM Commerce Solutions Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Compaq Computer Corporation Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Coordinated Systems Inc. Corel Corporation CPUID Creative Technology Ltd. Dell Computer Corporation Dropbox Inc. DYMO Corp. Ex Libris Ltd. Faronics Technologies USA Inc. Faronics Technologies USA Inc. Fiberlink Communications Corporation General Public License GNU General Public License Google Google Google Google Google GRASP Systems International Inc. Greyfirst Corp. Grisoft Software Grisoft Software GTS Services LLC Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company http://www.geogebra.org/cms/ http://www.scintilla.org/ Hyland Software Inc. 1/13/12 Bentley InRoads Group V8i Boingo Wi-Fi TopStyle Tu2 BCM Wireless Network Adapter BCM Wireless Network Adapter Installation Manager Broadcom Advanced Control Suite Broadcom CV Host Component X-Charge MeetingTime MeetingTime WebEx Connect WebEx Connect MetaFrame Presentation Server Client Netviewer Consultant Netviewer Participant Compaq Easy Access USB Keyboard Driver Secure Socket Adapter Systems Performance LiteAgent Unicenter DSM Agent + Asset Management plugin Unicenter DSM Agent + Asset Management plugin Unicenter DSM Agent + Software Delivery plugin Unicenter DSM Agent + Software Delivery plugin Unicenter DSM AM SWMetering Agent Unicenter DSM DMPrimer Unicenter DSM DMPrimer Unicenter DSM Docking Device Unicenter DSM Docking Device Unicenter IT Client Manager Unicenter Message Queuing Unicenter Message Queuing Virtual Observer CorelDRAW Graphics Suite PC-Wizard Sound Blaster PCI Real Mode Dos Configuration Utility KACE Management Appliance Dropbox DYMO QuickPrint VoyagerMedia Data Igloo Standard Deep Freeze Extend360 FWTools FOG Google Chrome Google Earth Google Pinyin Google Talk Plugin Google Talk Plugin MIStroClef Celtx AVG Anti-Virus AVG Internet Security GlasPacLX hp color LaserJet 2600n HB Plug and Play Package HP LaserJet 2600 HB Plug and Play Package Intel Chipset Support for Windows GeoGebra SciTE OnBase Thin Client Bentley InRoads Group V8i 8 Bentley InRoads Group V8i 8.11 15 Boingo Wi-Fi 1 Boingo Wi-Fi 1.7 15 TopStyle 4 TopStyle 4.0 15 Tu2 2 Tu2 2.5 15 BCM Wireless Network Adapter 3 BCM Wireless Network Adapter 3.20 15 BCM Wireless Network Adapter Installation Manager 3 BCM Wireless Network Adapter Installation Manager 3.20 15 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 12 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 12.4 15 Broadcom CV Host Component 2 Broadcom CV Host Component 2.0 15 X-Charge 7 X-Charge 7.1 15 MeetingTime 5 MeetingTime 5.3 15 MeetingTime 6 MeetingTime 6.0 15 WebEx Connect 6 WebEx Connect 6.7 15 WebEx Connect 6 WebEx Connect 6.5 15 MetaFrame Presentation Server Client 9 MetaFrame Presentation Server Client 9.23 15 Netviewer Consultant 5 Netviewer Consultant 5.0 15 Netviewer Participant 6 Netviewer Participant 6.1 15 Compaq Easy Access USB Keyboard Driver 6 Compaq Easy Access USB Keyboard Driver 6.0 15 Secure Socket Adapter 2 Secure Socket Adapter 2.2 15 Systems Performance LiteAgent 11 Systems Performance LiteAgent 11.2 15 Unicenter DSM Agent + Asset Management plugin 11 Unicenter DSM Agent + Asset Management plugin 11.2 15 Unicenter DSM Agent + Asset Management plugin 12 Unicenter DSM Agent + Asset Management plugin 12.5 15 Unicenter DSM Agent + Software Delivery plugin 11 Unicenter DSM Agent + Software Delivery plugin 11.2 15 Unicenter DSM Agent + Software Delivery plugin 12 Unicenter DSM Agent + Software Delivery plugin 12.5 15 Unicenter DSM AM SWMetering Agent 11 Unicenter DSM AM SWMetering Agent 11.2 15 Unicenter DSM DMPrimer 11 Unicenter DSM DMPrimer 11.2 15 Unicenter DSM DMPrimer 12 Unicenter DSM DMPrimer 12.5 15 Unicenter DSM Docking Device 11 Unicenter DSM Docking Device 11.2 15 Unicenter DSM Docking Device 12 Unicenter DSM Docking Device 12.5 15 Unicenter IT Client Manager 12 Unicenter IT Client Manager 12.5 15 Unicenter Message Queuing 3 Unicenter Message Queuing 3.11 15 Unicenter Message Queuing 5 Unicenter Message Queuing 5.13 15 Virtual Observer 3 Virtual Observer 3.0 15 CorelDraw Graphics Suite 15 CorelDraw Graphics Suite 15.2 15 PC-Wizard 2010 PC-Wizard 2010 15 Sound Blaster PCI Real Mode Dos Configuration Utility 2 Sound Blaster PCI Real Mode Dos Configuration Utility 2.0 15 KACE Management Appliance 5 KACE Management Appliance 5.1 15 Dropbox 1 Dropbox 1.0 15 DYMO QuickPrint 8 DYMO QuickPrint 8.2 15 VoyagerMedia 7 VoyagerMedia 7.2 15 Data Igloo Standard 1 Data Igloo Standard 1.20 15 Deep Freeze 7 Deep Freeze 7.0 15 Extend360 1 Extend360 1.2 15 FWTools 2 FWTools 2.4 15 FOG 1 FOG 1.0 15 Google Chrome 11 Google Chrome 11.0 15 Google Earth 6 Google Earth 6.0 15 Google Pinyin 1 Google Pinyin 1.0 15 Google Talk Plugin 1 Google Talk Plugin 1.9 15 Google Talk Plugin 2 Google Talk Plugin 2.0 15 MIStroClef 3 MIStroClef 3.10 15 Celtx 2 Celtx 2.7 15 AVG Anti-Virus 2011 AVG Anti-Virus 2011 15 AVG Internet Security 2011 AVG Internet Security 2011 15 GlasPacLX 5 GlasPacLX 5.2 15 hp color LaserJet 2600n HB Plug and Play Package 20070627-RC1 hp color LaserJet 2600n HB Plug and Play Package 20070627-RC1 15 HP LaserJet 2600 HB Plug and Play Package 4 HP LaserJet 2600 HB Plug and Play Package 4.1 15 Intel Chipset Support for Windows 5 Intel Chipset Support for Windows 5.1 15 GeoGebra 3 GeoGebra 3.2 15 SciTE 2 SciTE 2.11 15 OnBase Thin Client 6 OnBase Thin Client 6.2 15 IBM Inc 2011 78 IBM Corporation IBM Corporation Informative Graphics Corp. Inso Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Interact Commerce Corp. Intuit Inc. Juniper Networks Inc. KIDASA Software Inc. Knowledge Management Associates LLC Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Linden Research Inc. Logitech Software Inc. Logitech Software Inc. Lucent Technologies MACNETIX GmbH Maplesoft Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. Medical Information Technology Inc. Micro Technology Services Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Motorola Inc. NCH Software Pty Ltd Netop Nuance Communications Inc. Ontra Presentations LLC Open Text Corporation Oracle Oracle Overhead Door Corporation PGP Corporation Pixelfaerie Pkware Inc. Pkware Inc. Quark Inc. Quest Software Inc. Red Gate Software Ltd. Sage Software Inc. Seavus Group Sencore Medical ShoreTel Inc. Siemens AG Simon Tatham SonicWall Inc. Sophos Plc Sophos Plc 1/13/12 IBM Information Server Lotus Sametime Connect Brava! Desktop Quick View Plus Intel AMT Device Port Assigner Intel Boot Agent Intel Modem Test Utility SalesLogix Mail Client QuickBooks Premier Edition Host Checker Milestones Professional Mekko Graphics Auto Scroll Utility Thinkpad Power Manager ThinkVantage Communications Utility Second Life Viewer Logitech QuickCam Logitech Webcam Software Registry Config Utility editIT Client Maple DVDfunSTUDIO DVD-MovieAlbumSE HD Writer for HDC MEDITECH Client/Server HCIS LynxMessenger Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007 Microsoft Application Virtualization Client Microsoft Enterprise Library for .NET Microsoft Lync Microsoft Office Accounting Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Builder Microsoft SQL Server PowerPivot for Excel x64 Microsoft Visual F# Runtime Windows Support Tools SM56 Tray Application Debut Video Capture Software Netop Student Dragon NaturallySpeaking PPTshare File Compressor HostExplore Hyperion System 9 BI+ NetBeans IDE OHDirect Estimator PGP Desktop Madjik PKZIP for Windows PKZIP for Windows QuarkXPress Toad Data Modeler SQL Toolbelt Outlook2CRM for Sage SalesLogix Seavus Project Viewer Corporate Edition accu-Gray ShoreWare HiPath ProCenter Enterprise Client ExtraPuTTY SSL-VPN NetExtender Sophos Compliance Agent Sophos Compliance Agent IBM Information Server 8 Lotus Sametime Connect 7 Brava! Desktop 2 Quick View Plus 10 Intel AMT Device Port Assigner 1 Intel Boot Agent 2 Intel Modem Test Utility 2 SalesLogix Mail Client 7 QuickBooks Premier Edition 2010 Host Checker 6 Milestones Professional 2006 Mekko Graphics 3 Auto Scroll Utility 1 Thinkpad Power Manager 3 ThinkVantage Communications Utility 1 Second Life Viewer 2 Logitech QuickCam 11 Logitech Webcam Software 13 Registry Config Utility 7 editIT Client 3 Maple 14 DVDfunSTUDIO 2 DVD-MovieAlbumSE 4 HD Writer for HDC 2 MEDITECH Client/Server HCIS 5 LynxMessenger 4 Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007 4 Microsoft Application Virtualization Client 4 Microsoft Enterprise Library for .NET 3 Microsoft Lync 2010 x64 Microsoft Office Accounting 2008/2009 Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Builder 2005 Microsoft SQL Server PowerPivot for Excel x64 10 Microsoft Visual F# Runtime 2 Windows Support Tools 5 SM56 Tray Application 6 Debut Video Capture Software 1 Netop Student 6 Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 PPTshare File Compressor 2 HostExplore 14 Hyperion System 9 BI+ 9 NetBeans IDE 1 OHDirect Estimator 5 PGP Desktop 10 Madjik 1 PKZIP for Windows 2 PKZIP for Windows 5 QuarkXPress 8 TOAD Data Modeler 3 SQL Toolbelt 1 Outlook2CRM for Sage SalesLogix 1 Seavus Project Viewer Corporate Edition 3 accu-Gray 5 ShoreWare 15 HiPath ProCenter Enterprise Client 7 ExtraPuTTY 0 SSL-VPN NetExtender 4 Sophos Compliance Agent 3 Sophos Compliance Agent 3 IBM Inc 2011 IBM Information Server 8.0 Lotus Sametime Connect 7.5 Brava! Desktop 2.2 Quick View Plus 10.1 Intel AMT Device Port Assigner 1.0 Intel Boot Agent 2.11 Intel Modem Test Utility 2.14 SalesLogix Mail Client 7.0 QuickBooks Premier Edition 2010 Host Checker 6.5 Milestones Professional 2006 Mekko Graphics 3.0 Auto Scroll Utility 1.00 Thinkpad Power Manager 3.31 ThinkVantage Communications Utility 1.43 Second Life Viewer 2.1 Logitech QuickCam 11.7 Logitech Webcam Software 13.0 Registry Config Utility 7.42 editIT Client Maple 14 DVDfunSTUDIO 2.4 DVD-MovieAlbumSE 4.2 HD Writer for HDC 2.6e MEDITECH Client/Server HCIS 5.3 LynxMessenger 4.0 Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007 4.0 Microsoft Application Virtualization Client 4.5 Microsoft Enterprise Library for .NET 3.1 Microsoft Lync 2010 x64 Microsoft Office Accounting 2008/2009 Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Builder 2005 Microsoft SQL Server PowerPivot for Excel x64 10.5 Microsoft Visual F# Runtime 2.0 Windows Support Tools 5.1 SM56 Tray Application 6.11 Debut Video Capture Software 1.49 Netop Student 6.12 Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10.1 PPTshare File Compressor 2.5 HostExplore 14.0 Hyperion System 9 BI+ 9.3 NetBeans IDE 1.0 OHDirect Estimator 5.5 PGP Desktop 10.0 Madjik 1.1 PKZIP for Windows 2.70 PKZIP for Windows 5.0 QuarkXPress 8.1 TOAD Data Modeler 3.3 SQL Toolbelt 1.6 Outlook2CRM for Sage SalesLogix 1.3 Seavus Project Viewer Corporate Edition 3.5 accu-Gray 5.0 ShoreWare 15.41 HiPath ProCenter Enterprise Client 7.0 R2 ExtraPuTTY 0.22 SSL-VPN NetExtender 4.0 Sophos Compliance Agent 3.0 Sophos Compliance Agent 3.2 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 79 Sophos Plc Stardock Corporation Sybase Inc. Syntellect SystemTools Software Inc. Tallstugans forlag HB Tallstugans forlag HB Team IA Inc. Texas Ethics Commission The New York Times Company Tools4ever ToolsCenter.org TrueCrypt Foundation Unicom Systems Inc. Unisys Unity Technologies Vayusphere Inc. Verizon Business Global LLC Vizrt Vizrt VMware Inc. Vyooh LLC WACOM Technology Corporation West Group Wyse Technology Wyse Technology YoYo Games Ltd 1099 Pro Inc. 3Dconnexion 3Dconnexion 80/20 Inc. ABBYY ACD Systems Ltd. ACD Systems Ltd. ACD Systems Ltd. Acoustica Acro Software Inc. Acro Software Inc. Acronis Inc. Adaptec Inc. Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated ADP Incorporated AdVentNet Inc. Aerials Express AIMP DevTeam AIMP DevTeam AIMP DevTeam Alentum Software Apache Friends Apache Software Foundation AppAssure Software Inc. AppAssure Software Inc. Apple Computer Inc. AppSense Inc. AppSense Inc. Aquaveo Arcana Development LLC 1/13/12 Sophos Compliance Agent LogonStudio InfoMaker Apropos Interaction Management Suite Hyena Kalmstrom Calander Browser OLAP Reporting Tool iaStorage Centera Wrapper Lobby Electronic Filing Application Times Reader Self Service Reset Password Management Reset Wizard TeXnicCenter TrueCrypt Turnover MAPPER Unity NBC Urgent Messaging In Home Agent Viz EasyCut Viz PreCut VMware vSphere Client SplitView Bamboo Preferences WestMate Wyse USB Firmware Tool Wyse USB Firmware Tool Game Maker 1099 Pro 3Dconnexion 3DxSoftware 3Dconnexion Collage Deflection Calculator X ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap 4.1 ACDSee ACDSee Photo Editor Canvas X MP3 to Wave Converter PLUS CutePDF Writer CutePDF Writer Acronis True Image Adaptec RAID Controller Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer Adobe Captivate Reviewer Adobe RoboHelp FrameMaker PC Payroll for Windows Desktop Central Free Tools DataDoors Desktop AIMP AIMP AIMP WebLog Expert XAMPP for Windows Tomcat Replay Agent Replay Core Bonjour Environment Manager Agent x32 Performance Manager Agent x32 HY-8 Report Commander Sophos Compliance Agent 3 LogonStudio 1 InfoMaker 11 Apropos Interaction Management Suite 6 Hyena 8 Kalmstrom Calander Browser 6 OLAP Reporting Tool 3 iaStorage Centera Wrapper 3 Lobby Electronic Filing Application 2 Times Reader 2 Self Service Reset Password Management Reset Wizard 6 TeXnicCenter 1 TrueCrypt 7 Turnover 5 MAPPER 4 Unity 2 NBC Urgent Messaging 2 In Home Agent 4 Viz EasyCut 4 Viz PreCut 4 VMware vSphere Client 4 SplitView 2010 Bamboo Preferences 5 WestMate 7 Wyse USB Firmware Tool 1 Wyse USB Firmware Tool 1 Game Maker 8 1099 Pro 2007 3Dconnexion 3DxSoftware 3 3Dconnexion Collage 1 Deflection Calculator X 1 ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap 4.1 8 ACDSee 12 ACDSee Photo Editor 2008 Canvas X 10 MP3 to Wave Converter PLUS 2 CutePDF Writer 2 CutePDF Writer 2 Acronis True Image 2010 Adaptec RAID Controller 4 Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer 1 Adobe Captivate Reviewer 2 Adobe RoboHelp 9 FrameMaker 10 PC Payroll for Windows 6 Desktop Central Free Tools 1 DataDoors Desktop 7 AIMP 2 AIMP 2 AIMP 2 WebLog Expert 7 XAMPP for Windows 1 Tomcat 7 Replay Agent 4 Replay Core 4 Bonjour 3 Environment Manager Agent x32 8 Performance Manager Agent x32 8 HY-8 7 Report Commander 1 IBM Inc 2011 Sophos Compliance Agent 3.1 LogonStudio 1.7 InfoMaker 11.1 Apropos Interaction Management Suite 6.0 Hyena 8.5 Kalmstrom Calander Browser 6.1 OLAP Reporting Tool 3.0 iaStorage Centera Wrapper 3.02 Lobby Electronic Filing Application 2.5 Times Reader 2.0 Self Service Reset Password Management Reset Wizard 6.17 TeXnicCenter 1.0 TrueCrypt 7.0 Turnover 5.4 MAPPER 4.3 Unity 2.6 NBC Urgent Messaging 2.3 In Home Agent Viz EasyCut 4.4 Viz PreCut 4.5 VMware vSphere Client 4.0 SplitView 2010 Bamboo Preferences 5.2 WestMate 7.35 Wyse USB Firmware Tool 1.11 Wyse USB Firmware Tool 1.8 Game Maker 8.0 1099 Pro 2007 3Dconnexion 3DxSoftware 3.12 3Dconnexion Collage 1.2 Deflection Calculator X 1.0 ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap 4.1 8.0 ACDSee 12.0 ACDSee Photo Editor 2008 Canvas X 10.0 MP3 to Wave Converter PLUS 2.50 CutePDF Writer 2.8 CutePDF Writer 2.6 Acronis True Image 2010 Adaptec RAID Controller 4.0 Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer 1.5 Adobe Captivate Reviewer 2.5 Adobe RoboHelp 9.0 FrameMaker 10.0 PC Payroll for Windows 6.5 Desktop Central Free Tools 1.5 DataDoors Desktop 7.0 AIMP 2.11 AIMP 2.51 AIMP 2.60 WebLog Expert 7.2 XAMPP for Windows 1.7 Tomcat 7.0 Replay Agent 4.6 Replay Core 4.6 Bonjour 3.0 Environment Manager Agent x32 8.0 Performance Manager Agent x32 8.1 HY-8 7.2 Report Commander 1.4 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 80 Articulate Articulate Engage ARX Inc. ARX CoSign Client Ask.com Ask Toolbar AT&T Global Network Client Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Reflection for the Web Enterprise Edition Attachmate Corporation Reflection Security Proxy Server AutoDesk Inc. 3ds Max AutoDesk Inc. 3ds Max AutoDesk Inc. AutoCAD LT AutoDesk Inc. Autodesk 123D AutoDesk Inc. Autodesk Content Service AutoDesk Inc. Autodesk Design Review AutoDesk Inc. Autodesk Impression AutoDesk Inc. Autodesk Navisworks Freedom AutoDesk Inc. Autodesk Revit Building AutoDesk Inc. Raster Design AutoDesk Inc. Raster Design AVAYA Communication Avaya Modular Messaging Client Avery Dennison Corporation Avery Wizard Axialis Software Professional Screen Saver Producer 3 AXIS Communications AB AXIS Camera Management AXIS Communications AB AXIS Camera Station Client Azalea Software Inc. C128Tools Barracuda Networks Inc. Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall Outlook Add-In Bentley Systems Inc. HAMMER Bentley Systems Inc. SewerCAD Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft Blue Planet Software Inc. Track-It! Bond International Software Ltd. HR Professional Web Manager Brio Technology Hyperion Intelligence Designer Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Management Agent Brother Industries Ltd. BRAdmin Light Brother Industries Ltd. Portable Address Book BudCAD Q-Legal CADS Software India Ltd. RebarCAD Canon U.S.A. Inc. MP Navigator Canon U.S.A. Inc. MP Navigator EX Carbonite Inc. Carbonite Pro Chaos Group V-Ray for 3ds Max CHENGDU YIWO Tech Development Company EASEUS Ltd Partition Master Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Connect Citrix Systems Inc. GoToAssist Express Customer Citrix Systems Inc. GoToAssist Express Expert Citrix Systems Inc. XenApp Advanced Configuration Loader Code Sector Inc. TeraCopy Comodo Security Solutions Inc. Comodo Backup CompanionLink Software Inc. CompanionLink Comtrol Corporation PortVision Plus Contech Construction Products Inc. Contech CE Resource Manual Corel Corporation Corel Paradox Corel Corporation Corel Presentations Corel Corporation Corel WordPerfect Corel Corporation Quattro Pro Corel Corporation Spell Utility Corel Corporation Spell Utility CPUID PC-Wizard Cretex Concrete Products North Inc. Manhole Size Guidelines CyberLink Corp. PowerDirector CyberLink Corp. WaveEditor Dassault SystFmes SmarTeam Editor 1/13/12 Articulate Engage 1 ARX CoSign Client 4 Ask Toolbar 4 Global Network Client 7 Attachmate Reflection for the Web Enterprise Edition 2011 Reflection Security Proxy Server 2011 3ds Max 2009 3ds Max 2010 AutoCAD LT 2012 Autodesk 123D 1 Autodesk Content Service 2 Autodesk Design Review 2012 Autodesk Impression 3 Autodesk Navisworks Freedom 2012 Autodesk Revit 2012 Raster Design 2010 Raster Design 2011 Avaya Modular Messaging Client 7 Avery Wizard 4 Professional Screen Saver Producer 3 3 AXIS Camera Management 2 AXIS Camera Station Client 3 C128Tools 5 Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall Outlook Add-In 2 HAMMER 8 SewerCAD 8 World of Warcraft 4 Track-It! 9 HR Professional Web Manager 7 Hyperion Intelligence Designer 8 Broadcom Management Agent 14 BRAdmin Light 1 Portable Address Book 1 Q-Legal 6 RebarCAD 9 MP Navigator 2 MP Navigator EX 2 Carbonite Pro 3 V-Ray for 3ds Max 2010 EASEUS Partition Master 9 Cisco Connect 1 GoToAssist Express Customer 1 GoToAssist Express Expert 1 XenApp Advanced Configuration Loader 4 TeraCopy 2 Comodo Backup 2 CompanionLink 4 PortVision Plus 4 Contech CE Resource Manual 1 Corel Paradox 11 Corel Presentations X4 Corel WordPerfect X4 Quattro Pro X4 Spell Utility 10 Spell Utility 14 PC-Wizard 2008 Manhole Size Guidelines 1 PowerDirector 9 WaveEditor 1 SmarTeam Editor 5 IBM Inc 2011 Articulate Engage 1.1 ARX CoSign Client 4.4 Ask Toolbar 4.1 Global Network Client 7.2 Attachmate Reflection for the Web Enterprise Edition 2011 Reflection Security Proxy Server 2011 3ds Max 2009 3ds Max 2010 AutoCAD LT 2012 Autodesk 123D 1.2 Autodesk Content Service 2.0 Autodesk Design Review 2012 Autodesk Impression 3.0 Autodesk Navisworks Freedom 2012 Autodesk Revit 2012 Raster Design 2010 Raster Design 2011 Avaya Modular Messaging Client 7.2 Avery Wizard 4.0 Professional Screen Saver Producer 3 3.6 AXIS Camera Management 2.0 AXIS Camera Station Client 3.22 C128Tools 5.5 Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall Outlook Add-In 2.4 HAMMER 8.11 SewerCAD 8.11 World of Warcraft 4.0 Track-It! 9.0 HR Professional Web Manager 7.0 Hyperion Intelligence Designer 8.5 Broadcom Management Agent 14.2 BRAdmin Light 1.17 Portable Address Book 1.1 Q-Legal 6.02 RebarCAD 9.08 MP Navigator 2.1 MP Navigator EX 2.0 Carbonite Pro 3.7 V-Ray for 3ds Max 2010 EASEUS Partition Master 9.0 Cisco Connect 1.3 GoToAssist Express Customer 1.5 GoToAssist Express Expert 1.3 XenApp Advanced Configuration Loader 4.5 TeraCopy 2.01 Comodo Backup 2.2 CompanionLink 4.0 PortVision Plus 4.3 Contech CE Resource Manual 1.02 Corel Paradox 11.0 Corel Presentations X4 Corel WordPerfect X4 Quattro Pro X4 Spell Utility 10.0 Spell Utility 14.0 PC-Wizard 2008 Manhole Size Guidelines 1.00 PowerDirector 9.0 WaveEditor 1.0 SmarTeam Editor 5.16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 81 Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Deltek Systems Inc. Deltek Systems Inc. Desktop Technologies Pty Ltd. Digital Electronics Corp. Dovestones Software Ltd DVDVideoSoft Ltd. DVDVideoSoft Ltd. DYMO Corp. DYMO Corp. Eagle Point Software Corporation eBay Inc. eClinicalWorks eHelp Corporation Elite Software Development Inc. ESRI Evernote Corporation Experience In Software Inc. FairCom Corporation FARO Technologies Inc. Flexera Software Inc. Flexera Software Inc. Foxit Software Company Free Peers Inc. Free Peers Inc. Free Peers Inc. Free Peers Inc. Fujitsu Software Corporation Fyodor G. Neil Georgia Tech Research Institute Georgia Tech Research Institute GFI Software Ltd. GFI Software Ltd. GFI Software Ltd. GFI Solutions Group Inc. GFI Solutions Group Inc. Global Mapper Software LLC GlobFX Technologies SARL Google Google H&R Block Haestad Methods Hertzler Systems Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company HLP Inc. Honeywell Inc. Host Engineering Inc. HTC http://www.frostwire.com http://www.julien-manici.com 1/13/12 eSMART Agent KACE AppDeploy Repackager Reader DeltekVisionSystemTray Time Collection User NewsBoss Pro-Server with Pro-Studio for Windows AD Photos Free Audio CD Burner Free YouTube to MP3 Converter DAZzle DYMO Printable Postage Process Mapper Browser Highlighter - Firefox eClinicalWorks WinHelp Inspector Chvac PLTS for ArcGIS Evernote Project KickStart 5 c-treeACE Scanner Production Flexnet Connect Flexnet Connect Foxit Reader BearShare BearShare BearShare BearShare corporateVision nMap Optima Attendance Controller GeoRect TalonView EventsManager LANguard LANguard Agent MailArchiver 2011 Outlook Connector UniPrint Client Global Mapper Swiff Player Google Chrome Google Chrome H&R Block Deluxe + Efile + State StormCAD GainSeeker Suite Active Support Libary HP Digital Sender 9100C Address Book Manager HP Health Check HP Home Network Center HP Network Configuration Utility HP Performance Advisor HP Support Framework HP Version Control Agent Chameleon NStar WIN-PAK ERM Workbench HTC Sync FrostWire Windows 7 Logon Background Changer eSMART Agent 7 KACE AppDeploy Repackager 1 Reader 2 DeltekVisionSystemTray 6 Time Collection User 4 NewsBoss 4 Pro-Server with Pro-Studio for Windows 4 AD Photos 1 Free Audio CD Burner 1 Free YouTube to MP3 Converter 3 DAZzle 11 DYMO Printable Postage 2 Process Mapper 2010 Browser Highlighter - Firefox 1 eClinicalWorks 6 WinHelp Inspector 7 Chvac 7 PLTS for ArcGIS 9 Evernote 4 Project KickStart 5 5 c-treeACE 9 Scanner Production 4 Flexnet Connect 3 Flexnet Connect 6 Foxit Reader 5 BearShare 6 BearShare 7 BearShare 8 BearShare 9 corporateVision 2 Nmap 5 Optima Attendance Controller 7 GeoRect 4 TalonView 4 EventsManager 2010 LANguard 2011 LANguard Agent 10 MailArchiver 2011 Outlook Connector 7 UniPrint Client 4 Global Mapper 11 Swiff Player 1 Google Chrome 12 Google Chrome 13 H&R Block Deluxe + Efile + State 2010 StormCAD 8 GainSeeker Suite 8 Active Support Libary 1 HP Digital Sender 9100C Address Book Manager 3 HP Health Check 5 HP Home Network Center 3 HP Network Configuration Utility 10 HP Performance Advisor 1 HP Support Assistant 5 HP Version Control Agent 6 Chameleon 4 NStar WIN-PAK 648 ERM Workbench 1 HTC Sync 3 FrostWire 5 Windows 7 Logon Background Changer 1 IBM Inc 2011 eSMART Agent 7.3 KACE AppDeploy Repackager 1.2 Reader 2.1 DeltekVisionSystemTray 6.0 Time Collection User 4.0 NewsBoss 4.6d Pro-Server with Pro-Studio for Windows 4.54 AD Photos 1.9 Free Audio CD Burner 1.2 Free YouTube to MP3 Converter 3.2 DAZzle 11.2 DYMO Printable Postage 2.5 Process Mapper 2010 Browser Highlighter - Firefox 1.0 eClinicalWorks 6.5 WinHelp Inspector 7.1 Chvac 7.0 PLTS for ArcGIS 9.3 Evernote 4.0 Project KickStart 5 5.0 c-treeACE 9.1 Scanner Production 4.6 Flexnet Connect 3.20 Flexnet Connect 6.1 Foxit Reader 5.0 BearShare 6.2 BearShare 7.0 BearShare 8.0 BearShare 9.0 corporateVision 2.1 Nmap 5.51 Optima Attendance Controller 7.4 GeoRect 4.1 TalonView 4.1 EventsManager 2010 LANguard 2011 LANguard Agent 10 MailArchiver 2011 Outlook Connector 7.0 UniPrint Client 4.0 Global Mapper 11.1 Swiff Player 1.6 Google Chrome 12.0 Google Chrome 13.0 H&R Block Deluxe + Efile + State 2010 StormCAD 8.11 GainSeeker Suite 8 Active Support Libary 1.0 HP Digital Sender 9100C Address Book Manager 3.0 HP Health Check 5.1 HP Home Network Center 3.1 HP Network Configuration Utility 10.30 HP Performance Advisor 1.1 HP Support Assistant 5.1 HP Version Control Agent 6.3 Chameleon 4.6 NStar WIN-PAK 648 ERM Workbench 1.1 HTC Sync 3.0 FrostWire 5.1 Windows 7 Logon Background Changer 1.3 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 82 http://yizhar.mvps.org HumanConcepts LLC iAnywhere Solutions Inc. IBM Corporation IBM Corporation iMesh (Israel) Ltd. iMesh (Israel) Ltd. iMesh (Israel) Ltd. iMesh (Israel) Ltd. iMesh (Israel) Ltd. iMesh (Israel) Ltd. iMesh (Israel) Ltd. iMesh (Israel) Ltd. iMesh (Israel) Ltd. iMesh (Israel) Ltd. iMesh (Israel) Ltd. Imprivata Inc. InfoTronics Inc. Innovative Solutions Integrated Environmental Solutions LTD Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation IntelliTrack Inc. Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Ipswitch, Inc. IRIS Software Group Ltd ITT Advanced Engineering & Sciences ITT Industries Jedox AG JetAudio Inc. JetAudio Inc. Juniper Networks Inc. Key Metric Software LLC KEYENCE CORPORATION Kingston Technologies Company Inc. Kofax Image Products Komodo Laboratories LLC Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory LEICA Geosystems AG LEICA Geosystems AG Leica Geosystems GIS Mapping LLC Lexmark International Inc. Liberty Street Software Logitech Software Inc. LogMeIn Inc. LogMeIn Inc. LogMeIn Inc. Loren Cook Company Lotus Development Corporation (See IBM) LuckaSoft MadCap Software Inc. Magix Magix 1/13/12 Network Utlitities Set OrgPlus Pylon Sync for Windows Mobile Global Security Kit Personal Communications AS/400+3270 iMesh iMesh iMesh iMesh iMesh iMesh iMesh iMesh iMesh iMesh iMesh OneSign Agent Attendance Enterprise DriverMax IES Revit Plug-in Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Intel Management and Security Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager Intel Rapid Storage Technology Fixed Assets GeoMedia Digital Cartographer GeoMedia GI Toolkit GeoMedia Image Intergraph Map Publisher InterPlot Client WS_FTP Pro Solicitor Case Manager TSIS HxStation Palo jetAudio jetAudio Secure Meeting FolderSizes MEGA VIEW 7000 TravelerSafe+ Kofax VirtualReScan Newt Pro COMFEN WINDOW LEICA Geo Office Combined LEICA Geo Office Combined ERDAS IMAGINE Solution Composer AssetManage Logitech Webcam Software LogMeIn Hamachi LogMeIn Hamachi LogMeIn Hamachi Compute-A-Fan for Windows Lotus NotesSQL EngInSite Client for MySQL MadCap Flare MAGIX Audio Studio MAGIX Media Manager platinum Network Utlitities Set 1 OrgPlus 6 Pylon Sync for Windows Mobile Release 5 Global Security Kit 7 Personal Communications AS/400+3270 5 iMesh 10 iMesh 11 iMesh 6 iMesh 6 iMesh 7 iMesh 7 iMesh 7 iMesh 8 iMesh 8 iMesh 9 iMesh 9 OneSign Agent 4 Attendance Enterprise 1 DriverMax 5 IES Revit Plug-in 6 Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver 7 Intel Management and Security 7 Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager 16 Intel Rapid Storage Technology 10 Fixed Assets 7 GeoMedia Digital Cartographer 6 GeoMedia GI Toolkit 6 GeoMedia Image 6 Intergraph Map Publisher 6 InterPlot Client 10 WS_FTP Professional 12 Solicitor Case Manager 5 TSIS 6 HxStation 3 Palo 3 jetAudio 6 jetAudio 8 Secure Meeting 6 FolderSizes 3 MEGA VIEW 7000 2 TravelerSafe+ 1 Kofax VirtualReScan 4 Newt Pro 2 COMFEN 3 WINDOW 6 LEICA Geo Office Combined 2 LEICA Geo Office Combined 7 ERDAS IMAGINE 9 Solution Composer 1 AssetManage 9 Logitech Webcam Software 7 Hamachi 1 Hamachi 2 Hamachi 2 Compute-A-Fan for Windows 9 Lotus NotesSQL 8 EngInSite Client for MySQL 2 MadCap Flare 3 MAGIX Audio Studio 11 MAGIX Media Manager Platinum 2 IBM Inc 2011 Network Utlitities Set 1.46 OrgPlus 6 Pylon Sync for Windows Mobile Release 5.4 Global Security Kit 7.0 Personal Communications AS/400+3270 5.8 iMesh 10.0 iMesh 11.0 iMesh 6.5 iMesh 6.0 iMesh 7.0 iMesh 7.2 iMesh 7.1 iMesh 8.0 iMesh 8.1 iMesh 9.1 iMesh 9.0 OneSign Agent 4.5 Attendance Enterprise 1.0 DriverMax 5.5 IES Revit Plug-in 6.3 Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver 7.14 Intel Management and Security 7.1 Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager 16.3 Intel Rapid Storage Technology 10.1 Fixed Assets 7.0 GeoMedia Digital Cartographer 6.1 GeoMedia GI Toolkit 6.1 GeoMedia Image 6.1 Intergraph Map Publisher 6.01 InterPlot Client 10.0 WS_FTP Professional 12.2 Solicitor Case Manager 5.4 TSIS 6 HxStation 3.0 Palo 3.0 jetAudio 6.2 jetAudio 8.0 Secure Meeting 6.5 FolderSizes 3.6 MEGA VIEW 7000 2.0 TravelerSafe+ 1.5 Kofax VirtualReScan 4.50 Newt Pro 2.5 COMFEN 3.1 WINDOW 6.3 LEICA Geo Office Combined 2.0 LEICA Geo Office Combined 7.0 ERDAS IMAGINE 9.3 Solution Composer 1.0 AssetManage 9.8 Logitech Webcam Software 7.2 Hamachi 1.0 Hamachi 2.1 Hamachi 2.0 Compute-A-Fan for Windows 9.0 Lotus NotesSQL 8.0 EngInSite Client for MySQL 2.0 MadCap Flare 3.1 MAGIX Audio Studio 11.0 MAGIX Media Manager Platinum 2.10 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 83 Magix Marketron Broadcast Solutions Maxthon International Limited MC? Software MetaQuotes Software Corp. Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation MK Net.Work S.A. Motorola Inc. Motorola Inc. Mountaincow LLC Mozilla Foundation Mozilla.org Mozilla.org Mozilla.org Multi-Tech Systems Inc. Natural Resources Canada Nero AG NetSDK Software New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. New Boundary Technologies Inc. Newforma Inc. Nitro PDF Inc. NVIDIA Corporation On Center Software Inc. OnDemand Software Inc. Onstream Systems Ltd. OrbitDownloader.com OSIsoft Inc. Paisley Consulting Inc. Panasonic Corporation of North America Panasonic Online Parametric Technology Corporation Paramount Software UK Ltd. Password Solutions PFU Limited PFU Limited Piriform Ltd Piriform Ltd POLYCOM PowerUp Software Corporation Prevx Proxy Networks Inc Proxy Networks Inc Proxy Networks Inc Proxy Networks Inc Proxy Networks Inc Proxy Networks Inc PTV America QDesign Corporation Quest Software Inc. RAND Worldwide 1/13/12 MAGIX Photo Manager Invoice Express Maxthon ICE Interbank FX Trader Microsoft Bing Bar Microsoft Bing Bar Microsoft Office Live Meeting Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express Edition Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Performance Toolkit Software Certification Toolkit Windiff File and Directory Comparison ZipAgent 123Scan? MotoHelper MergeModules PrintingPress IAM Fox Mozilla Thunderbird SeaMonkey SeaMonkey FaxFinder Client Software RETScreen Nero Installer S3 Browser New Boundary Channel Server New Boundary Client Prism Deploy Editor Prism Suite Project Center NitroPDF Professional PhysX On-Screen Takeoff WinINSTALL Trapeze Desktop Orbit Downloader PI ProcessBook AutoAudit PBX Web Manager DMS Communications Utility Windchill Desktop Integration Macrium Reflect Office Password Recovery PRO CardMinder Error Recovery Guide CCleaner Defraggler Polycom Communicator Calendar Creator Plus for Windows 95 Prevx Proxy Pro Host Proxy Pro Host Proxy Pro Host Proxy Pro Host Proxy Pro Master Proxy Pro Master TRAFFIX MpegPlayer Migration Manager for Active Directory IMAGINit Scan to BIM Administrator MAGIX Photo Manager 2006 Invoice Express 1 Maxthon 3 ICE 3 Interbank FX Trader 4 Microsoft Bing Bar 5 Microsoft Bing Bar 7 Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express Edition 10 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 Microsoft Windows Performance Toolkit 4 Software Certification Toolkit 3 Windiff File and Directory Comparison 6 ZipAgent 10 123Scan? 1 MotoHelper MergeModules 1 PrintingPress 2 IAM Fox 1 Mozilla Thunderbird 5 SeaMonkey 1 SeaMonkey 2 FaxFinder Client Software 2 RETScreen 4 Nero Installer 4 S3 Browser 2 New Boundary Channel Server 12 New Boundary Client 12 Prism Deploy Packager 12 Prism Suite 12 Project Center 8 NitroPDF Professional 6 PhysX 9 On-Screen Takeoff 3 WinINSTALL 10 Trapeze Desktop 8 Orbit Downloader 4 PI ProcessBook 3 AutoAudit 3 PBX Web Manager 1 DMS Communications Utility 1 Windchill Desktop Integration 2 Macrium Reflect 4 Office Password Recovery PRO 1 CardMinder 4 Error Recovery Guide 3 CCleaner 3 Defraggler 2 Polycom Communicator 2 Calendar Creator Plus for Windows 95 1 Prevx 3 Proxy Pro Host 5 Proxy Pro Host 6 Proxy Pro Host 6 Proxy Pro Host 7 Proxy Pro Master 6 Proxy Pro Master 7 TRAFFIX 10 MpegPlayer 1 Migration Manager for Active Directory 8 IMAGINit Scan to BIM Administrator 1 IBM Inc 2011 MAGIX Photo Manager 2006 Invoice Express 1.3 Maxthon 3.1 ICE 3.3 Interbank FX Trader 4.0 Microsoft Bing Bar 5.0 Microsoft Bing Bar 7.0 Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express Edition 10.0 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64 Microsoft Windows Performance Toolkit 4.8 Software Certification Toolkit 3.5 Windiff File and Directory Comparison 6.1 ZipAgent 10.1 123Scan? 1.02 MotoHelper MergeModules 1.0 PrintingPress 2.3 IAM Fox 1.9 Mozilla Thunderbird 5.0 SeaMonkey 1.1 SeaMonkey 2.0 FaxFinder Client Software 2.1 RETScreen 4 Nero Installer 4.4 S3 Browser 2.9 New Boundary Channel Server 12.0 New Boundary Client 12.0 Prism Deploy Packager 12.0 Prism Suite 12.0 Project Center 8.0 NitroPDF Professional 6.0 PhysX 9.09 On-Screen Takeoff 3.7 WinINSTALL 10.0 Trapeze Desktop 8.34 Orbit Downloader 4.1 PI ProcessBook 3.2 AutoAudit 3.2 PBX Web Manager 1.0 DMS Communications Utility 1.0 Windchill Desktop Integration 2.0 Macrium Reflect 4.2 Office Password Recovery PRO 1.0 CardMinder 4.1 Error Recovery Guide 3.2 CCleaner 3.3 Defraggler 2.0 Polycom Communicator 2.0 Calendar Creator Plus for Windows 95 1.2 Prevx 3.0 Proxy Pro Host 5.20 Proxy Pro Host 6.0 Proxy Pro Host 6.10 Proxy Pro Host 7.0 Proxy Pro Master 6.10 Proxy Pro Master 7.0 TRAFFIX 10 MpegPlayer 1.0 Migration Manager for Active Directory 8.6 IMAGINit Scan to BIM Administrator 1.1 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 84 RealLegal RealNetworks Inc. RealNetworks Inc. RealNetworks Inc. Rhode Island Soft Systems Inc. RM Group US LLC Rocket Software Inc. RockMelt Inc. Royal Philips Electronics Salesforce.com inc. SAPIEN Technologies Inc. SCCM Tools ScriptLogic Corporation SEIKO EPSON CORP. Seiko Instruments USA Inc. Siemens AG Siemens AG SKM Systems Analysis Inc. SoftPrime Development SolarWinds SolarWinds SolidWorks SolidWorks Sonic Solutions Srimax Software System Stellar Infomation Systems Ltd. StorageCraft Technology Corporation Sunbelt Computer Systems Inc. SUPERAntiSpyware.com SUPERAntiSpyware.com Superspeed Software LLC. SurferNETWORK Survalent Technology Corp. Symantec Corporation Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Tanida Inc. TD Ameritrade IP Company Inc. Technology One Ltd. Texas Transportation Institute The PHP Group TheoShare.com Thermo Electron Corporation Thinkbox Software Inc. Thomson ISI ResearchSoft Thomson ISI ResearchSoft Tolomatic Inc. TopByteLabs TOWER Software Engineering Pty. Ltd. Trelligence Inc. Trilead AG Tru-Traffic Software LLC. TYBRIN Corporation TYBRIN Corporation Uniblue Systems Ltd. 1/13/12 RealLegal E-Transcript Viewer RealJukebox RealPlayer RealProducer UltraMon RMPrepUSB Seagull BlueZone RockMelt Philips Device Control Center ShoreTel Salesforce.com Call Center Adapter PrimalPad SCCM Client Center Desktop Authority EPSON Print CD Smart Label Printer NextEdit Syngo Workflow Power Tools for Windows Advanced File Organizer Advanced Subnet Calculator TFTP Server DWGeditor SolidWorks eDrawings Roxio Creator Basic Outlook Messenger Stellar Phoenix Outlook PST Repair ShadowProtect Desktop PL/B Client SUPERAntiSpyware SUPERAntiSpyware SuperCache and SuperVolume SurferNETWORK Suite WorldView Symantec Endpoint Protection ProcDump Process Explorer Process Explorer Process Explorer Process Explorer Sysinternals Listdlls VMMap Quiz Builder thinkDesktop T1 PR Components PASSER HP System Management Hompage Study Verses SampleManager Deadline Client EndNote EndNote Electric Sizing And Selection PowerShrink TRIM Context Affinity Trilead VM Explorer Tru-Traffic TS/PP Combat Flight Planning Software Portable Flight Planning Software Registry Booster RealLegal E-Transcript Viewer 7 RealJukebox 12 RealPlayer 12 RealProducer 13 UltraMon 3 RMPrepUSB 2 Seagull BlueZone 5 RockMelt 0 Philips Device Control Center 2 ShoreTel Salesforce.com Call Center Adapter 2 PrimalPad 1 SCCM Client Center 2 DesktopAuthority 8 Epson Print CD 2 Smart Label Printer 7 NextEdit 2 Syngo Workflow 31 Power Tools for Windows 6 Advanced File Organizer 2 Advanced Subnet Calculator 9 TFTP Server 10 DWGeditor 2007 SolidWorks eDrawings 2007 Roxio Creator Basic 3 Outlook Messenger 5 Stellar Phoenix Outlook PST Repair 4 ShadowProtect Desktop 4 PL/B Client 9 SUPERAntiSpyware 4 SUPERAntiSpyware 4 SuperCache and SuperVolume 3 SurferNETWORK Suite 1 WorldView 1 Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 ProcDump 3 Process Explorer 14 Process Explorer 15 Process Explorer 15 Process Explorer 15 Sysinternals Listdlls 3 VMMap 3 Quiz Builder 1 thinkDesktop 1 T1 PR Components 10 PASSER 3 HP System Management Hompage 6 Study Verses 3 SampleManager 9 Deadline Client 3 EndNote X1 EndNote X4 Electric Sizing And Selection 4 PowerShrink 4 TRIM Context 6 Affinity 6 Trilead VM Explorer 1 Tru-Traffic TS/PP 8 Combat Flight Planning Software 4 Portable Flight Planning Software 4 Registry Booster 3 IBM Inc 2011 RealLegal E-Transcript Viewer 7.2 RealJukebox 12.0 RealPlayer 12.0 RealProducer 13.1 UltraMon 3.0 RMPrepUSB 2.1 Seagull BlueZone 5.0 RockMelt 0.9 Philips Device Control Center 2.7 ShoreTel Salesforce.com Call Center Adapter 2.3 PrimalPad 1.0 SCCM Client Center 2.0 DesktopAuthority 8.1 Epson Print CD 2.00 Smart Label Printer 7.0 NextEdit 2.0 Syngo Workflow 31.0 Power Tools for Windows 6.5 Advanced File Organizer 2.6 Advanced Subnet Calculator 9.0 TFTP Server 10.4 DWGeditor 2007 SolidWorks eDrawings 2007 Roxio Creator Basic 3.30 Outlook Messenger 5.0 Stellar Phoenix Outlook PST Repair 4.0 ShadowProtect Desktop 4.0 PL/B Client 9.2 SUPERAntiSpyware 4.29 SUPERAntiSpyware 4.41 SuperCache and SuperVolume 3.0 SurferNETWORK Suite 1.7 WorldView 1.09 Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1 ProcDump 3.03 Process Explorer 14.1 Process Explorer 15.0 Process Explorer 15.2 Process Explorer 15.01 Sysinternals Listdlls 3.0 VMMap 3.03 Quiz Builder 1.2 thinkDesktop 1.0 T1 PR Components 10.03 PASSER 3 HP System Management Hompage 6.3 Study Verses 3.1 SampleManager 9.2 Deadline Client 3.1 EndNote X1 EndNote X4 Electric Sizing And Selection 4.6 PowerShrink 4.1 TRIM Context 6.24 Affinity 6.0 Trilead VM Explorer 1.0 Tru-Traffic TS/PP 8.0 Combat Flight Planning Software 4.1 Portable Flight Planning Software 4.1 Registry Booster 3.0 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 85 Unison Technologies Inc. United Parcel Service of America Inc. (UPS) University of Wisconsin-Madison Unreal Streaming Technologies VBrick Systems Inc. VERITAS Software Corporation Verizon Business Global LLC Visual Solutions Inc. VMware Inc. WangTuo Software WatchGuard Technologies Western Digital WIBU-SYSTEMS AG Wolfram Research Inc. Wondershare Software XP Software Inc. Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo! Inc. YouSendIt Z/I Imaging Corporation Z/I Imaging Corporation Z/I Imaging Corporation Z/I Imaging Corporation ZeroG Software Zynga Inc. Zynga Inc. Zynga Inc. Unison for Outlook WorldShip Condor for Windows Unreal Live Server VBrickComponents NetBackup V CAST Media Manager VisSim VMware vSphere Host Update Utility AdeptTracker Professional WatchGuard System Manager WDSmartWare CodeMeter Runtime Kit Mathematica PPT2Video Pro xpstorm Yahoo! Desktop Login Yahoo! Messenger YouSendIt Express I_RAS C Imagestation Raster Utilities Imagestation Raster Utilities TerraShare Client SANsurfer_Switch_Manager Flock Flock Flock 3DS Net Inc. ABBYY Actify Inc. AdRem Software Alcatel Alcatel Altiris Inc. ANSYS Inc. ANSYS Inc. Applied Flow Technology Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. AspenTech Ltd. AspenTech Ltd. OrthoGen PDS FineReader SpinFire MyNet Toolset Alcatel 4059 Applications PCXTools OMC Altiris Agent ANSYS ANSYS AFT Fathom Aspen Economic Evaluation Aspen Energy Analyzer Aspen Energy Analyzer Aspen Energy Analyzer Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating Aspen Flare System Analyzer Aspen Flare System Analyzer Aspen Flare System Analyzer Aspen HYSYS Aspen HYSYS Aspen HYSYS Aspen MUSE Aspen Process Engineering Console Aspen Process Engineering Console Aspen Process Engineering Console Aspen Simulation Workbook Aspen Simulation Workbook Aspen SLM License Profiler Aspen Custom Modeler Aspen Custom Modeler 1/13/12 Unison for Outlook 2 WorldShip 14 Condor for Windows 7 Unreal Live Server 7 VBrickComponents 4 NetBackup 7 V CAST Media Manager 1 VISSIM 5 VMware vSphere Host Update Utility 4 AdeptTracker Professional 3 WatchGuard System Manager 11 WDSmartWare 1 CodeMeter Runtime Kit 4 Mathematica 7 PPT2Video Pro 6 xpstorm 2010 Yahoo! Desktop Login 1 Yahoo! Messenger 11 YouSendIt Express 2 I_RAS C 8 Imagestation Raster Utilities 4 Imagestation Raster Utilities 5 TerraShare Client 2 SANsurfer_Switch_Manager 7 Flock 1 Flock 1 Flock 2 Catalog 17 OrthoGen PDS 7 FineReader 8 SpinFire 2 MyNet Toolset 1 Alcatel 4059 Applications 1 PCXTools OMC 7 Altiris Agent 7 ANSYS 13 ANSYS Workbench 13 AFT Fathom 7 Aspen Economic Evaluation 7 Aspen Energy Analyzer 7 Aspen Energy Analyzer 7 Aspen Energy Analyzer 7 Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating 7 Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating 7 Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating 7 Aspen Flare System Analyzer 7 Aspen Flare System Analyzer 7 Aspen Flare System Analyzer 7 Aspen HYSYS 2006 Aspen HYSYS 7 Aspen HYSYS 7 Aspen MUSE 7 Aspen Process Engineering Console 7 Aspen Process Engineering Console 7 Aspen Process Engineering Console 7 Aspen Simulation Workbook 7 Aspen Simulation Workbook 7 Aspen SLM License Profiler 2009 Aspen Custom Modeler 7 Aspen Custom Modeler 7 IBM Inc 2011 Unison for Outlook 2.0 WorldShip 14.0 Condor for Windows 7.2 Unreal Live Server 7.0 VBrickComponents 4.2 NetBackup 7.0 V CAST Media Manager 1.0 VISSIM 5.10 VMware vSphere Host Update Utility 4.0 AdeptTracker Professional 3 WatchGuard System Manager 11.1 WDSmartWare 1.1 CodeMeter Runtime Kit 4.20 Mathematica 7.0 PPT2Video Pro 6.1 xpstorm 2010 SP3 Yahoo! Desktop Login 1.0 Yahoo! Messenger 11.0 YouSendIt Express 2.7 I_RAS C 8.0 Imagestation Raster Utilities 4.4 Imagestation Raster Utilities 5.1 TerraShare Client 2.1 SANsurfer_Switch_Manager 7.0 Flock 1.0 Flock 1.1 Flock 2.0 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 OrthoGen PDS 7.03 FineReader 8.0 SpinFire 2.5 MyNet Toolset 1.0 Alcatel 4059 Applications 1.0 PCXTools OMC 7.1 Altiris Agent 7.1 ANSYS 13.0 ANSYS Workbench 13.0 AFT Fathom 7.0 Aspen Economic Evaluation 7.0 Aspen Energy Analyzer 7.0 Aspen Energy Analyzer 7.1 Aspen Energy Analyzer 7.2 Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating 7.1 Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating 7.2 Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating 7.0 Aspen Flare System Analyzer 7.1 Aspen Flare System Analyzer 7.2 Aspen Flare System Analyzer 7.0 Aspen HYSYS 2006.5 Aspen HYSYS 7.1 Aspen HYSYS 7.0 Aspen MUSE 7.0 Aspen Process Engineering Console 7.2 Aspen Process Engineering Console 7.0 Aspen Process Engineering Console 7.1 Aspen Simulation Workbook 7.2 Aspen Simulation Workbook 7.0 Aspen SLM License Profiler 2009 Aspen Custom Modeler 7.0 Aspen Custom Modeler 7.1 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 86 AspenTech Ltd. AspenTech Ltd. AspenTech Ltd. AspenTech Ltd. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AVEVA Group plc Babylon Ltd. Bentley Systems Inc. Bentley Systems Inc. Bentley Systems Inc. Bentley Systems Inc. BitWyse Solutions Inc. Blue Sky Development Inc. Blue Sky Development Inc. Blue Sky Development Inc. Blue Sky Development Inc. CAMSOL Camtek Ltd. CAPFOS Inc. Carl Zeiss Inc. CAXperts GmbH Citadon Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. COADE Inc. COADE Inc. COADE Inc. Cognitas Technologies Inc. COM-IT Applications A/S Computers and Structures Inc. ConeXware Inc. ConeXware Inc. Creative Element Creative Softworx Inc. Creative Technology Ltd. DBR Group of Companies Decison Graphics Inc. DeLorme Design Science Inc. Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Dimensional Solutions Inc. Dimensional Solutions Inc. Dimensional Solutions Inc. Dimensional Solutions Inc. Dimensional Solutions Inc. Dimensional Solutions Inc. Disctronics Disctronics DOM Sicherheitstechnik GmbH & Co DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH ECE Design EdrawSoft Electronics For Imaging Inc. EMC Corporation 1/13/12 Aspen Plus Aspen Plus Aspen Properties Aspen Properties Autodesk Navisworks Autodesk Navisworks Autodesk Navisworks ProjectPoint PDMS Babylon Translator Bentley IEG License Service ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer RAM Connection STAAD foundation Data Browser AlignDB Manager DM Loader ISAT Manager Temporary License Installer NC Programming Interface CAMMAM CAP CMM_Tools CAXperts Review Generator Citadon CW GoToMyPC CADWorx Design CADWorx Design Viewer CADWorx Steel License Manager Cognitas CrossLink LicenseWatch Client SAFE Patchbeam PowerArchiver Creative Element Power Tools Advanced Video FX Utility Face Tracking Utility DBR Hydrate CATS XMap MathType Brix Explorer DeepC DNVS License Manager HydroD Sestra DSAnchor DSAnchor Foundation3D Foundation3D Mat3D Mat3D Genie Genie DOM ELS TNCscopeNT PLANTMO Edraw Max EFI Job Monitor eRoom Aspen Plus 7 Aspen Plus 7 Aspen Properties 7 Aspen Properties 7 Autodesk Navisworks 2009 Autodesk Navisworks 2011 Autodesk Navisworks 2012 ProjectPoint 2011 PDMS 11 Babylon Translator 4 Bentley IEG License Service 2 ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer 14 RAM Connection 5 STAAD foundation 5 Data Browser 1 AlignDB Manager 2 DM Loader 2009 ISAT Manager 2 Temporary License Installer 1 NC Programming Interface 9 CAMMAM 4 CAP 2 CMM_Tools 18 CAXperts Review Generator 1 Citadon CW 8 GoToMyPC 7 CADWorx Design 2010 CADWorx Design Viewer 2010 CADWorx Steel License Manager 2010 Cognitas CrossLink 6 LicenseWatch Client 5 SAFE 12 Patchbeam 1 PowerArchiver 11 Creative Element Power Tools 2 Advanced Video FX Utility 1 Face Tracking Utility 1 DBR Hydrate 5 CATS 8 XMap 4 MathType 6 Brix Explorer 4 DeepC 1 DNVS License Manager 9 HydroD 3 Sestra 8 DSAnchor 3 DSAnchor 4 Foundation3D 4 Foundation3D 5 Mat3D 4 Mat3D 5 GeniE 5 GeniE 5 DOM ELS 4 TNCscopeNT 3 PLANTMO 2 Edraw Max 4 EFI Job Monitor 3 eRoom 6 IBM Inc 2011 Aspen Plus 7.1 Aspen Plus 7.0 Aspen Properties 7.0 Aspen Properties 7.1 Autodesk Navisworks 2009 Autodesk Navisworks 2011 Autodesk Navisworks 2012 ProjectPoint 2011.1 PDMS 11.6 Babylon Translator 4.0 Bentley IEG License Service 2.0 ProjectWise InterPlot Organizer 14.11 RAM Connection 5.5 STAAD foundation 5.0 Data Browser 1.0 AlignDB Manager 2.06 DM Loader 2009 ISAT Manager 2.06 Temporary License Installer 1.0 NC Programming Interface 9.03 CAMMAM 4.0 CAP 2.0 CMM_Tools 18.4 CAXperts Review Generator 1.3 Citadon CW 8.1 GoToMyPC 7.2 CADWorx Design 2010 CADWorx Design Viewer 2010 CADWorx Steel License Manager 2010 Cognitas CrossLink 6.0 LicenseWatch Client 5.6 SAFE 12.0 Patchbeam 1.0 PowerArchiver 11.70 Creative Element Power Tools 2.09 Advanced Video FX Utility 1.0 Face Tracking Utility 1.0 DBR Hydrate 5.4 CATS 8.0 XMap 4.5 MathType 6.7a Brix Explorer 4.0 DeepC 1.0 DNVS License Manager 9.2 HydroD 3.0 Sestra 8.48 DSAnchor 3.0 DSAnchor 4.4 Foundation3D 4.0 Foundation3D 5.8 Mat3D 4.0 Mat3D 5.8 GeniE 5.1 GeniE 5.0 DOM ELS 4.0 TNCscopeNT 3.0.19 PLANTMO 2.0 Edraw Max 4.6 EFI Job Monitor 3.0 eRoom 6.3 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 87 EMC Corporation LEGATO EmailXtender Client EMCO-TEST Prnfmaschinen GmbH ecos Engineering Dynamics Inc. SACS Engineering Dynamics Inc. SACS Ensoft Inc. LPILE Plus Epicor Software Corporation Epicor Client Epicor Software Corporation Epicor Client ESRI License Server Administrator Euro Plus d.o.o. NiceLabel Eurotherm USA RunTools Faronics Technologies USA Inc. Faronics Core Agent FastStone Soft FastStone Image Viewer Flowmeterdirectory.com Pipe Properties Fluke Corporation LinkWare FMS Inc. Total Access Memo FMS Inc. Total Access Memo Formative Software Inc. Jobber PC GE Fanuc Automation Factolink General Electric MicroCal Origin Google Google Chrome Hilscher Gesellschaft fnr Systemautomation GMBH CIF Device Driver Test Hilscher Gesellschaft fnr Systemautomation GMBH SyCon Hitachi Tool Engineering Europe GmbH QuickFinder Hyperionics HyperSnap Hyperionics HyperSnap Hyperionics HyperSnap-DX Hyperionics HyperSnap-DX IBExpert KG IBExpert IBM Corporation Lotus Symphony ICONICS Simulator OPC Server Independence Software LLP TotalEdit Informative Graphics Corp. DWG Viewer Inso Corporation Quick View Plus Intel Corporation Intel CDM Provider Intergraph Corporation PDS Intergraph Corporation SmartPlant License Manager Intergraph Corporation SmartPlant License Manager Intergraph Corporation SmartPlant Review Intergraph Corporation SmartPlant Review Intergraph Corporation SmartPlant Review Intuit Inc. Lacerte Tax Intuit Inc. ProLine Tax Import John Coulthard QuikGrid Kamel Software Inc. FastLook Plus Key to Metals AG Key to Steel Larson Software Technology Inc. VizEx Reader LEICA Geosystems AG CloudWorx for AutoCAD Leica Geosystems GIS Mapping LLC Cyclone Lenovo Group Ltd. PS/2 TrackPoint Support Lenovo Group Ltd. ThinkPad UltraNav Lenovo Group Ltd. ThinkPad UltraNav Maplesoft Maple Maptech Inc. Terrain Navigator Pro Mentor Software Inc. State Plane Locator Microsoft Corporation Microsoft AutoRoute Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Microsoft Corporation MSN Messenger Microsoft Corporation Web Deployment Tool Microsoft Corporation Windows Live Installer 1/13/12 LEGATO EmailXtender Client 4 ecos 5 SACS 5 SACS 5 LPile Plus 6 Epicor Client 7 Epicor Client 7 License Server Administrator 10 NiceLabel 5 RunTools 2 Faronics Core Agent 3 FastStone Image Viewer 4 Pipe Properties 3 LinkWare 4 Total Access Memo 2000 Total Access Memo 2007 Jobber PC 1 Factolink 2 MicroCal Origin 5 Google Chrome 14 CIF Device Driver Test 3 SyCon 2 QuickFinder 1 HyperSnap 6 HyperSnap 7 HyperSnap-DX 4 HyperSnap-DX 5 IBExpert 2006 Lotus Symphony 3 Simulator OPC Server 3 TotalEdit 5 DWG Viewer 3 Quick View Plus 9 Intel CDM Provider 10 PDS 11 SmartPlant License Manager 10 SmartPlant License Manager 11 SmartPlant Review 6 SmartPlant Review 7 SmartPlant Review 8 Lacerte Tax 2009 ProLine Tax Import 1 QuikGrid 5 FastLook Plus 2009 Key to Steel 2005 VizEx Reader 2 CloudWorx for AutoCAD 4 Cyclone 6 PS/2 TrackPoint Support 3 ThinkPad UltraNav 2 ThinkPad UltraNav 2 Maple 15 Terrain Navigator Pro 6 State Plane Locator 1 Microsoft AutoRoute 11 Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic 2009 R2 Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 2 Windows Live Messenger 14 Web Deployment Tool 1 Windows Live Installer 15 IBM Inc 2011 LEGATO EmailXtender Client 4.81 ecos 5.0 SACS 5.2 SACS 5.3 LPile Plus 6.0 Epicor Client 7.4 Epicor Client 7.3 License Server Administrator 10.0 NiceLabel 5.0 RunTools 2.0 Faronics Core Agent 3.33 FastStone Image Viewer 4.6 Pipe Properties 3.0 LinkWare 4.0 Total Access Memo 2000 Total Access Memo 2007 Jobber PC 1.2 Factolink 2.05 MicroCal Origin 5.0 Google Chrome 14.0 CIF Device Driver Test 3.1 SyCon 2.6 QuickFinder 1.3 HyperSnap 6.70 HyperSnap 7.07 HyperSnap-DX 4.40 HyperSnap-DX 5.50 IBExpert 2006 Lotus Symphony 3.0 Simulator OPC Server 3.1 TotalEdit 5.0 DWG Viewer 3.0 Quick View Plus 9.0 Intel CDM Provider 10.0 PDS 11.0 SmartPlant License Manager 10.0 SmartPlant License Manager 11.0 SmartPlant Review 6.2 SmartPlant Review 7.0 SmartPlant Review 8.0 Lacerte Tax 2009 ProLine Tax Import 1.3 QuikGrid 5.4 FastLook Plus 2009 Key to Steel 2005 VizEx Reader 2.0 CloudWorx for AutoCAD 4.0 Cyclone 6.0 PS/2 TrackPoint Support 3.55 ThinkPad UltraNav 2.05 ThinkPad UltraNav 2.11 Maple 15.0 Terrain Navigator Pro 6.0 State Plane Locator 1.0 Microsoft AutoRoute 11.0 Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic 2009 R2 Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 2.0 Windows Live Messenger 14.0 Web Deployment Tool 1.1 Windows Live Installer 15.4 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 88 Mirko B?er Mitutoyo Corp. Morningstar Morningstar Motic National Instruments Corp. National Instruments Corp. National Instruments Corp. National Instruments Corp. National Instruments Corp. NaturalSoft Ltd. NEC USA Inc. Need4Video Ltd. Nero AG Nero AG Olympus America Inc. Omnitech Associates Omnitech Associates Omnitech Associates Omnitech Associates Oracle Parametric Technology Corporation Parametric Technology Corporation Parametric Technology Corporation Parametric Technology Corporation Pathtrace Engineering Systems Ltd. Philips Electronic Instruments Company Planit Software Ltd. Portland Cement Association Primax Electronics Ltd. Qualcomm Incorporated Quantapoint Renesas Electronics Corp. REWE Group RICOH Company LTD. RISA Technologies RISA Technologies RISA Technologies Rixler Software Rixler Software RobWare SafeNet Inc. ScanSoft Inc. Schneider Infosystems AG SDI Sensable Technologies Inc. Siemens AG Siemens AG Siemens AG SolidWorks SolidWorks STRUCTUREPOINT LLC. Svet-Soft Symantec Corporation TeamSpeak Systems GmbH TeamSpeak Systems GmbH Technicolor SA Tectura Corporation Texthelp Systems Inc. Textron Fastening Systems 1/13/12 SuperMailer Formpak Morningstar Direct Prerequisite Morningstar Plug-In for Excel Motic Images Plus LabVIEW NI LabVIEW Merge Utility NI PXI Platform Services Provider for MAX 2.3.1 NI-DAQ C and VB6 API NI-VISA Runtime NaturalReader NEC Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver Need4 Video Converter InCD Nero Installer DSS Player DesconBrace DesconBrace DesconWin DesconWin Java Platform SE CoCreate 3d Access CoCreate Drafting CoCreate Modeling Mathcad EdgeCAM Digital Pocket Memo AlphaCAM pcaColumn MouseSuite Qualcomm Gobi 2000 Package for Lenovo QuantaCAD Smart Plant Review Plug-in USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver BIPA Fotoservice Integrated Camera Driver RISABase RISABase RISAFoundation Excel Password Recovery Master Outlook Express Password Recovery Manager RVTools SentinelLM OmniPage Pro T@imeCalc CGM Office PHANTOM Device Drivers HiPath 3000 Manager E NX I-DEAS Siemens OPC SolidWorks SolidWorks Photoview 360 spColumn Capture By George! Norton Ghost TeamSpeak Client TeamSpeak Client Digital Voice Manager ReQlogic Read and Write Fastcalc For Windows SuperMailer 2 Formpak 2 Morningstar Direct Prerequisite 3 Morningstar Plug-In for Excel 3 Motic Images Plus 2 LabVIEW 9 NI LabVIEW Merge Utility 8 NI PXI Platform Services Provider for MAX 2.3.1 1 NI-DAQ C and VB6 API 1 NI-VISA Runtime 4 NaturalReader 9 NEC Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver 1 Need4 Video Converter 5 InCD 5 Nero Installer 1 DSS Player 6 DesconBrace 2 DesconBrace 4 DesconWin 4 DesconWin 5 Java Platform SE 7 CoCreate 3d Access 17 CoCreate Drafting 17 CoCreate Modeling 17 Mathcad 15 EdgeCAM 11 Digital Pocket Memo 2 AlphaCAM 2002 pcaColumn 4 MouseSuite 1 Qualcomm Gobi 2000 Package for Lenovo 1 QuantaCAD Smart Plant Review Plug-in 7 USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver 2 BIPA Fotoservice 2 Integrated Camera Driver 1 RISABase 1 RISABase 2 RISAFoundation 3 Excel Password Recovery Master 3 Outlook Express Password Recovery Manager 1 RVTools 3 SentinelLM 8 OmniPage Pro 15 T@imeCalc 1 CGM Office 2 PHANTOM Device Drivers 4 HiPath 3000 Manager E 6 NX I-DEAS 5 Siemens OPC 3 SolidWorks 2010 x64 SolidWorks Photoview 360 2011 spColumn 4 Capture By George! 2 Norton Ghost 10 TeamSpeak Client 2 TeamSpeak Client 3 Digital Voice Manager 1 ReQlogic 8 Read and Write 10 Fastcalc For Windows 3 IBM Inc 2011 SuperMailer 2.0 Formpak 2.5 Morningstar Direct Prerequisite 3.10 Morningstar Plug-In for Excel 3.9 Motic Images Plus 2.0 LabVIEW 9.0 NI LabVIEW Merge Utility 8.5 NI PXI Platform Services Provider for MAX 2.3.1 1.2 NI-DAQ C and VB6 API 1.1 NI-VISA Runtime 4.2 NaturalReader 9.0 NEC Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver 1.0 Need4 Video Converter 5.0 InCD 5.9 Nero Installer 1.1 DSS Player 6.2 DesconBrace 2.0 DesconBrace 4.1 DesconWin 4.1 DesconWin 5.0 Java Platform SE 7.0 CoCreate 3d Access 17.0 CoCreate Drafting 17.0 CoCreate Modeling 17.0 Mathcad 15.0 EdgeCAM 11.5 Digital Pocket Memo 2.1 AlphaCAM 2002 pcaColumn 4.10 MouseSuite 1.0 Qualcomm Gobi 2000 Package for Lenovo 1.1 QuantaCAD Smart Plant Review Plug-in 7.5 USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver BIPA Fotoservice 2.1 Integrated Camera Driver 1.1 RISABase 1.0 RISABase 2.0 RISAFoundation 3.1 Excel Password Recovery Master 3.5 Outlook Express Password Recovery Manager 1.2 RVTools 3.0 SentinelLM 8.2 OmniPage Pro 15.0 T@imeCalc 1.12 CGM Office 2.00 PHANTOM Device Drivers 4.2 HiPath 3000 Manager E 6.4 NX I-DEAS 5.3 Siemens OPC 3.0 SolidWorks 2010 x64 SolidWorks Photoview 360 2011 spColumn 4.6 Capture By George! 2.6 Norton Ghost 10.0 TeamSpeak Client 2.0 TeamSpeak Client 3.0 Digital Voice Manager 1.16 ReQlogic 8.0 Read and Write 10.0 Fastcalc For Windows 3.6 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 89 Textron Fastening Systems The Document Foundation The MathWorks Inc. Thomson Reuters T-Mobile TntWare (Campus Crusade for Christ) Toshiba America Information Systems Tracker Software Products Ltd. TractBuilder LLC Trimble Navigation Limited Trusteer Ltd. U.S. Geological Survey UGS Corp. Unified Livery Systems Uwe Diener VanDyke Software Inc. Via Technologies Inc VMware Inc. VRcontext International s.a./n.v. Wachter GmbH Warp Engine Software WinSplitt Revolution Wolters Kluwer Wolters Kluwer Wolters Kluwer Wolters Kluwer XemiComputers Ltd. Yosemite Technologies Inc. Z+F UK Limited Z+F UK Limited Z+F UK Limited Z+F UK Limited Z+F UK Limited Z+F UK Limited Zeataline Projects Limited FastPunch For Windows LibreOffice MATLAB TrustEase GlobeTrotter Connect TntMPD eManager pdfSaver TractBuilder Tools for ArcGIS Trimble Exchange Rapport Console Earthquake Ground Motion Parameters UGS JT2Go ULS GrafStat Ausgabe SecureFX Vinyl Deck VMware vCenter Converter Client Walkinside Stahlschluessel KML Feature Extractor Winsplitt CorpSystem Sales Tax Subscription Update Client Sales Tax Office Administration Sales Tax Office Calculation Sales Tax Office Server Photo Gadget Viewer TapeWare LFM Modeller LFM Server LFM Server LFM Server LFM Server LFM Viewer Lite PipeData FastPunch For Windows 4 LibreOffice 3 MATLAB 2011a TrustEase 2008 GlobeTrotter Connect 2 TntMPD 2 eManager 4 pdfSaver 4 TractBuilder Tools for ArcGIS 1 Trimble Exchange 2 Rapport Console 3 Earthquake Ground Motion Parameters 5 UGS JT2Go 6 ULS 4 GrafStat Ausgabe 3 SecureFX 2 Vinyl Deck 5 VMware vCenter Converter Client 4 Walkinside 5 Stahlschluessel 2004 KML Feature Extractor 1 Winsplitt 1 CorpSystem Sales Tax Subscription Update Client 2 Sales Tax Office Administration 3 Sales Tax Office Calculation 3 Sales Tax Office Server 3 Photo Gadget Viewer 2 TapeWare 7 LFM Modeller 3 LFM Server 3 LFM Server 3 LFM Server 3 LFM Server 4 LFM Viewer Lite 3 PipeData 1 a la mode inc. a la mode inc. a la mode inc. a la mode inc. a la mode inc. a la mode inc. ABB Ltd. Absolute Software Corporation Actel Corporation activePDF Inc. Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated AKS Technologies Inc. Alcpu.com Alentum Software Ltd. ALGOR Inc. AltiGen Communications Inc. Apex Software Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. a la mode Vault SureDocs SureDocs Total UAD Reader XSites Desktop ABB Program Suite Theft Recovery Libero IDE PrimoPDF Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer Adobe Captivate Reviewer Adobe Community Help Adobe Download Manager Adobe Presenter FrameMaker AKS Monitor Core Temp Advanced Grapher ALGOR MaxCommunicator Apex Sketch Standard Apple Application Support Apple Mobile Device Support a la mode Vault 3 SureDocs 2 SureDocs 3 Total 6 UAD Reader 1 XSites Desktop 1 ABB Program Suite 9 Theft Recovery 5 Libero IDE 9 PrimoPDF 5 Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer 1 Adobe Captivate Reviewer 2 Adobe Community Help 3 Adobe Download Manager 1 Adobe Presenter 7 FrameMaker 8 AKS Monitor 1 Core Temp 0 Advanced Grapher 2 ALGOR 23 MaxCommunicator 6 Apex Sketch Standard 5 Apple Application Support 2 Apple Mobile Device Support 4 FastPunch For Windows 4.00 LibreOffice 3.3 MATLAB 2011a TrustEase 2008 GlobeTrotter Connect 2.1 TntMPD 2.0 eManager 4.2 pdfSaver 4.0 TractBuilder Tools for ArcGIS 1.12 Trimble Exchange 2.20 Rapport Console 3.5 Earthquake Ground Motion Parameters 5.0 UGS JT2Go 6.1 ULS 4.1 GrafStat Ausgabe 3.8 SecureFX 2.1 Vinyl Deck 5.4 VMware vCenter Converter Client 4.1 Walkinside 5.4 Stahlschluessel 2004 KML Feature Extractor 1.0.1 Winsplitt 1.03 CorpSystem Sales Tax Subscription Update Client 2.1 Sales Tax Office Administration 3.5 Sales Tax Office Calculation 3.5 Sales Tax Office Server 3.5 Photo Gadget Viewer 2.0 TapeWare 7.0 LFM Modeller 3.92 LFM Server 3.94 LFM Server 3.93 LFM Server 3.92 LFM Server 4.0 LFM Viewer Lite 3.91 PipeData 1.00 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 a la mode Vault 3.10 SureDocs 2.0 SureDocs 3.0 Total 6.0 UAD Reader 1.0 XSites Desktop 1.1 ABB Program Suite 9.02 Theft Recovery 5.1 Libero IDE 9.0/9.1 PrimoPDF 5.1 Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer 1.0 Adobe Captivate Reviewer 2.0 Adobe Community Help 3.5 Adobe Download Manager 1.1 Adobe Presenter 7.0 FrameMaker 8.0 AKS Monitor 1.4 Core Temp 0.99 Advanced Grapher 2.06 ALGOR 23.1 MaxCommunicator 6.0 Apex Sketch Standard 5.1 Apple Application Support 2.1 Apple Mobile Device Support 4.0 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Catalog 18 1/13/12 IBM Inc 2011 90 Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Applied Flow Technology Applied Flow Technology Ariel Corporation ArmadilloRun Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Aspen Technology Inc. Atmel Corp. Auslogics Software Pty Ltd AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. Beyond Logic Binary Fortress Software Bitstream Inc. Blackhawk Blackhawk Bluefive software BobCAD-CAM Inc. Broadcom Corporation Cadence Design Systems Cadence Design Systems Cadence Design Systems Canon U.S.A. Inc. Caterpillar Inc. Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. ChessBase GmbH Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. Citrix Systems Inc. COADE Inc. Cobiansoft Codeware Inc. Codeware Inc. Computers and Structures Inc. Corel Corporation Corel Corporation Corel Corporation Corel Corporation Corel Corporation Corel Corporation Corel Corporation Corel Corporation Corel Corporation Dassault SystFmes DEWESoft 1/13/12 iTunes Safari AFT Fathom AFT Impulse Ariel Performance Armadillo Run ACX 3 Aspen Flare System Analyzer Aspen HYSYS STX AVRStudio AusLogics Disk Defrag AutoCAD Autodesk Algor Simulation MES Autodesk CAD Manager Tools Autodesk Inventor Autodesk Inventor Fusion SMART & Simple DisplayFusion Font Navigator Blackhawk LAN560 JTAG Emulator FlashBurn TXTcollector BobCAD-CAM Bluetooth Cadence License Manager OrCAD Capture PSpice Network ScanGear Gas Engine Rating Pro Check Point SmartConsole ChessBase Reader Citrix Group Policy Management Citrix Group Policy Management Citrix Online Plug-in Citrix Online Plug-in Citrix Provisioning Services Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent x64 Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent x86 Citrix Xen Desktop Studio Citrix Xen Tools Citrix XenDesktop Controller Citrix XenDesktop Controller Web Interface PV Elite Cobian Backup Interface COMPRESS KeyManager SAFE Corel Burn.Now Corel DVD MovieFactory Corel Presentations Corel Presentations Corel WordPerfect CorelCENTRAL CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Quattro Pro Quattro Pro DraftSight DEWESoft iTunes 10 Safari 4 AFT Fathom 6 AFT Impulse 4 Ariel Performance 7 Armadillo Run 2 ACX 3 3 Aspen Flare System Analyzer 20 Aspen HYSYS 13 STX 3 AVRStudio 4 AusLogics Disk Defrag 5 AutoCAD 2012 Autodesk Algor Simulation MES 2011 Autodesk CAD Manager Tools 17 Autodesk Inventor 2011 Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2012 SMART & Simple 1 DisplayFusion 3 Font Navigator 3 Blackhawk LAN560 JTAG Emulator 1 FlashBurn 3 TXTcollector 2 BobCAD-CAM 24 Bluetooth 6 Cadence License Manager 10 OrCAD Capture 16 PSpice 16 Network ScanGear 2 Gas Engine Rating Pro 3 Check Point SmartConsole 7 ChessBase Reader 1 Citrix Group Policy Management 1 Citrix Group Policy Management 1 Citrix Offline Plug-in 6 Citrix Online Plug-in 13 Citrix Provisioning Services 5 Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent x64 5 Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent x86 5 Citrix Xen Desktop Studio 5 Citrix Xen Tools 5 Citrix XenDesktop Controller 5 Citrix XenDesktop Controller 5 Web Interface 5 PV Elite 2010 Cobian Backup Interface 10 COMPRESS 2011 KeyManager 1 SAFE 12 Corel Burn.Now 4 Corel DVD MovieFactory 7 Corel Presentations 11 Corel Presentations X3 Corel WordPerfect X3 CorelCENTRAL 10 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 14 Quattro Pro 11 Quattro Pro X3 DraftSight 2011 DEWESoft 7 IBM Inc 2011 iTunes 10.4/10.5 Safari 4.5 AFT Fathom 6.0 AFT Impulse 4.0 Ariel Performance 7.6 Armadillo Run 2.0 ACX 3 3.6 Aspen Flare System Analyzer 20.0 Aspen HYSYS 13.3 STX 3.6 AVRStudio 4.18 AusLogics Disk Defrag 5.x AutoCAD 2012 Autodesk Algor Simulation MES 2011 Autodesk CAD Manager Tools 17.0 Autodesk Inventor 2011 Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2012 SMART & Simple 1.0 DisplayFusion 3.0 Font Navigator 3.0 Blackhawk LAN560 JTAG Emulator 1.2 FlashBurn 3.1 TXTcollector 2.0 BobCAD-CAM 24.0 Bluetooth 6.4 Cadence License Manager 10.80 OrCAD Capture 16.3 PSpice 16.3 Network ScanGear 2.50 Gas Engine Rating Pro 3.3 Check Point SmartConsole 7.0 ChessBase Reader 1.0 Citrix Group Policy Management 1.1 Citrix Group Policy Management 1.5 Citrix Offline Plug-in 6.5 Citrix Online Plug-in 13.0 Citrix Provisioning Services 5.6 Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent x64 5.5 Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent x86 5.0 Citrix Xen Desktop Studio 5.1 Citrix Xen Tools 5.6 Citrix XenDesktop Controller 5.0 Citrix XenDesktop Controller 5.5 Web Interface 5.4 PV Elite 2010 Cobian Backup Interface 10.1 COMPRESS 2011 KeyManager 1.0 SAFE 12.2 Corel Burn.Now 4.5 Corel DVD MovieFactory 7.0 Corel Presentations 11.0 Corel Presentations X3 Corel WordPerfect X3 CorelCENTRAL 10.0 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 14.0 Quattro Pro 11.0/12.0 Quattro Pro X3 DraftSight 2011 DEWESoft 7.0 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 91 DMC Inc. dotPDN LLC dotPDN LLC dotPDN LLC dotPDN LLC dotPDN LLC dotPDN LLC dotPDN LLC dotPDN LLC dotPDN LLC dotPDN LLC dotPDN LLC dotPDN LLC dotPDN LLC Dresser Inc. Dresser Inc. Dresser-Rand Emerson Process Management Euro Plus d.o.o. Fiserv Inc. Fiserv Inc. Fisher Controls International Inc. Flagship Industries Inc. Flowserve Corporation Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd. Google Inc. Graphic Products Inc. Heat Transfer Research Inc. Heat Transfer Research Inc. Heat Transfer Research Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company High Criteria inc. Highresolution Enterprises Hitachi ID Systems Inc. Honeywell International Inc. Honeywell International Inc. http://www.pythonxy.com/ iAnywhere Solutions Inc. Identity Finder LLC Identity Finder LLC IDM Computer Solutions Inc. Infor Global Solutions Inc InstallShield Software Corporation InstallShield Software Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Intel Corporation Interactive Software Solutions LP Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation 1/13/12 DMC TDMS DataViewer Paint.NET Paint.NET Paint.NET Paint.NET Paint.NET Paint.NET Paint.NET Paint.NET Paint.NET Paint.NET Paint.NET Paint.NET Paint.NET QuickSize SRVS6 D-R Size Daniel Orifice Flow Calculator Dura Label Drivers Advantage UI Advantage UI Test Fisher Specification Manager Ventrilo Performance! Xerox Corporation Wide Format Scan Service Google Chrome Industrial Labeling Suite HTRI Xchanger Suite HTRI Xchanger Suite HTRI Xchanger Suite Device Access Manager for HP File Sanitizer HP Documentation HP Drive Encryption Total Recorder X-Mouse Button Control Hitachi ID Password Manager Client Components Honeywell Unisim Design R390 Predict-SW 2.0 for UniSim Design Python(x,y) SQL Anywhere Studio Identity Finder Identity Finder UltraEdit-32 VISUAL HR-Payroll DemoShield InstallShield Update Service Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Installer Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Installer Intel HD Graphics installer Intel Identity Protection Technology Intel PROSet for Wired Connections Intel PROSet Wireless Intel Rapid Storage Technology PasswordSafe Pro Caesar II Caesar II Caesar II DMC TDMS DataViewer 1 Paint.NET 2 Paint.NET 2 Paint.NET 2 Paint.NET 2 Paint.NET 3 Paint.NET 3 Paint.NET 3 Paint.NET 3 Paint.NET 3 Paint.NET 3 Paint.NET 3 Paint.NET 3 Paint.NET 3 QuickSize 2 SRVS6 6 D-R Size 6 Daniel Orifice Flow Calculator 3 Dura Label Drivers 3 Advantage UI 30 Advantage UI Test 30 Fisher Specification Manager 1 Ventrilo 3 Performance! 10 Xerox Corporation Wide Format Scan Service 1 Google Chrome 15 Industrial Labeling Suite 1 HTRI Xchanger Suite 4 HTRI Xchanger Suite 5 HTRI Xchanger Suite 6 Device Access Manager for HP 3 File Sanitizer 5 HP Documentation 2 HP Drive Encryption 5 Total Recorder 7 X-Mouse Button Control 1 Hitachi ID Password Manager Client Components 6 Honeywell Unisim Design R390 3 Predict-SW 2.0 for UniSim Design 2 Python(x,y) 2 SQL Anywhere Studio 9 Identity Finder 4 Identity Finder 5 UltraEdit-32 7 VISUAL HR-Payroll 6 DemoShield 7 InstallShield Update Service 1 Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver 3 Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver 6 Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Installer 1 Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Installer 1 Intel HD Graphics installer 1 Intel Identity Protection Technology 1 Intel PROSet for Wired Connections 6 Intel PROSet Wireless 14 Intel Rapid Storage Technology 10 PasswordSafe Pro 6 Caesar II 5 Caesar II 5 Caesar II 5 IBM Inc 2011 DMC TDMS DataViewer 1.0 Paint.NET 2.62 Paint.NET 2.64 Paint.NET 2.5 Paint.NET 2.6 Paint.NET 3.0 Paint.NET 3.58 Paint.NET 3.54 Paint.NET 3.52 Paint.NET 3.51 Paint.NET 3.10 Paint.NET 3.36 Paint.NET 3.30 Paint.NET 3.31 QuickSize 2.00 SRVS6 6.2 D-R Size 6.2 Daniel Orifice Flow Calculator 3.00 Dura Label Drivers 3.1 Advantage UI 30.08 Advantage UI Test 30.07 Fisher Specification Manager 1.0 Ventrilo 3.0 Performance! 10.0 Xerox Corporation Wide Format Scan Service 1.0 Google Chrome 15.0 Industrial Labeling Suite 1.2 HTRI Xchanger Suite 4.0 HTRI Xchanger Suite 5.0 HTRI Xchanger Suite 6.0 Device Access Manager for HP 3.0 File Sanitizer 5.0 HP Documentation 2.0 HP Drive Encryption 5.0 Total Recorder 7.1 X-Mouse Button Control 1.48 Hitachi ID Password Manager Client Components 6.4 Honeywell Unisim Design R390 3.90 Predict-SW 2.0 for UniSim Design 2.00 Python(x,y) 2.0 SQL Anywhere Studio 9.0 Identity Finder 4.0 Identity Finder 5.1 UltraEdit-32 7.20 VISUAL HR-Payroll 6.5 DemoShield 7.51 InstallShield Update Service 1.12 Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver 3.0 Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver 6.14 Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Installer 1.0 Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Installer 1.1 Intel HD Graphics installer 1.3 Intel Identity Protection Technology 1.0 Intel PROSet for Wired Connections 6.2 Intel PROSet Wireless 14.0 Intel Rapid Storage Technology 10.6 PasswordSafe Pro 6.1 Caesar II 5.30 Caesar II 5.20 Caesar II 5.10 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 92 Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation Intergraph Corporation InterVideo Inc. Invensys Operations Management I-Size Solutions Inc. Jedox AG Jedox AG Kaseya International Limited Kaseya International Limited Koch-Glitsch LP Lancaster University Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Lenovo Group Ltd. Logitech Software Inc. Logitech Software Inc. Mentor Graphics Corporation Microchip Technology Inc. Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation 1/13/12 Caesar II Intergraph INTools Intergraph SmartPlant Electrical Intergraph SmartPlant Engineering Manager Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation Intergraph SmartPlant P&ID Workstation Intergraph SmartPlant Schema Component InterPlot Server PDS SmartPlant License Manager SmartSketch Corel WinDVD SimSci-Essor PIPEPHASE InstruCalc Instrument Sizing Suite Palo Manager Palo Manager Remote Control Relay Client Virtual System Administrator Agent KG-TOWER Programmer's File Editor Lenovo Hotkeys Lenovo Warranty Information ThinkVantage Communications Utility Logitech SetPoint Logitech SetPoint PADS Suite MPLAB IDE Active Directory Migration Tool Active Directory Replication Monitor BITSAdmin Tool Cabinet Tool Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office System Conflict Viewer Create Recovery Media DFS Administration Utility DNS Server Command Line Utility Extensible Performance Counter List Extensible Performance Counter List Kernel Profiling Tool Memory Profiling Tool Memory Profiling Tool Microsoft LifeCam Microsoft Project Microsoft Project Microsoft Time Zone Microsoft Time Zone Microsoft Visual F# Runtime Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows Network Connectivity Tester Network Connectivity Tester Network Monitor Capture Utility Nltest Domain Utility Remote Storage Diagnostic Utility Remote Storage Diagnostic Utility Remote Storage File Analysis Utility Remote Storage File Analysis Utility Robust File Copy Utility Caesar II 5 Intergraph INTools 6 Intergraph SmartPlant Electrical 4 Intergraph SmartPlant Engineering Manager 4 Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation 7 Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation 8 Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation 9 Intergraph SmartPlant P&ID Workstation 6 Intergraph SmartPlant Schema Component 1 InterPlot Server 1 PDS 8 SmartPlant License Manager 9 SmartSketch 5 Corel WinDVD 10 SimSci-Essor PIPEPHASE 9 InstruCalc Instrument Sizing Suite 7 Palo Manager 1 Palo Manager 3 Remote Control Relay Client 6 Virtual System Administrator Agent 6 KG-TOWER 5 Programmer's File Editor 0 Lenovo Hotkeys 2 Lenovo Warranty Information 1 ThinkVantage Communications Utility 2 Logitech SetPoint 2 Logitech SetPoint 6 PADS Suite 2007 MPLAB IDE 8 Active Directory Migration Tool 5 Active Directory Replication Monitor 1 BITSAdmin Tool 6 Cabinet Tool 5 Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office System 12 Conflict Viewer 1 Create Recovery Media 1 DFS Administration Utility 6 DNS Server Command Line Utility 6 Extensible Performance Counter List 5 Extensible Performance Counter List 5 Kernel Profiling Tool 6 Memory Profiling Tool 5 Memory Profiling Tool 5 Microsoft LifeCam 3 Microsoft Project Professional 2007 Microsoft Project Standard 2007 Microsoft Time Zone 1 Microsoft Time Zone 5 Microsoft Visual F# Runtime 4 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64 Network Connectivity Tester 5 Network Connectivity Tester 5 Network Monitor Capture Utility 1 Nltest Domain Utility 5 Remote Storage Diagnostic Utility 5 Remote Storage Diagnostic Utility 5 Remote Storage File Analysis Utility 5 Remote Storage File Analysis Utility 5 Robust File Copy Utility 4 IBM Inc 2011 Caesar II 5.00 Intergraph INTools 6.0 Intergraph SmartPlant Electrical 4.00 Intergraph SmartPlant Engineering Manager 4.01 Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation 7.0 Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation 8.0 Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation 9.0 Intergraph SmartPlant P&ID Workstation 6.3 Intergraph SmartPlant Schema Component 1.0 InterPlot Server 1.03 PDS 8.0 SmartPlant License Manager 9.0 SmartSketch 5.0 Corel WinDVD 10.0 SimSci-Essor PIPEPHASE 9.4 InstruCalc Instrument Sizing Suite 7.00 Palo Manager 1.5 Palo Manager 3.0 Remote Control Relay Client 6.1 Virtual System Administrator Agent 6.1 KG-TOWER 5.0 Programmer's File Editor 0.07 Lenovo Hotkeys 2.10 Lenovo Warranty Information 1.0 ThinkVantage Communications Utility 2.0 Logitech SetPoint 2.22 Logitech SetPoint 6.30 PADS Suite 2007 MPLAB IDE 8.46 Active Directory Migration Tool 5.2 Active Directory Replication Monitor 1.1 BITSAdmin Tool 6.6 Cabinet Tool 5.2 Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office System 12.0 Conflict Viewer 1.10 Create Recovery Media 1.20 DFS Administration Utility 6.1 DNS Server Command Line Utility 6.1 Extensible Performance Counter List 5.0 Extensible Performance Counter List 5.2 Kernel Profiling Tool 6.0 Memory Profiling Tool 5.0 Memory Profiling Tool 5.2 Microsoft LifeCam 3.60 Microsoft Project 2007 Microsoft Project 2007 Microsoft Time Zone 1.2 Microsoft Time Zone 5.2 Microsoft Visual F# Runtime 4.0 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter x64 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64 Network Connectivity Tester 5.2 Network Connectivity Tester 5.0 Network Monitor Capture Utility 1.0 Nltest Domain Utility 5.2 Remote Storage Diagnostic Utility 5.2 Remote Storage Diagnostic Utility 5.0 Remote Storage File Analysis Utility 5.2 Remote Storage File Analysis Utility 5.0 Robust File Copy Utility 4.0 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 93 Microsoft Corporation Robust File Copy Utility Microsoft Corporation Security Administration Tool Microsoft Corporation Security Administration Tool Microsoft Corporation Security Descriptor Check Utility Microsoft Corporation Security Descriptor Check Utility Microsoft Corporation Service Pack Checker Microsoft Corporation Show Access Control Lists Microsoft Corporation Show Access Control Lists Microsoft Corporation SyncToy Microsoft Corporation System Center Configuration Manager Microsoft Corporation Windows Domain Manager Microsoft Corporation Windows Domain Manager Microsoft Corporation Windows Installer Zapper Microsoft Corporation Windows Installer Zapper Microsoft Corporation Windows Registry Command Utility Microsoft Corporation Windows Registry Command Utility Mozilla.org Mozilla Thunderbird Murata Manufacturing Company Ltd. Murata Chip S-Parameter & Impedance Library Murata Manufacturing Company Ltd. Murata EMI Filter Selection Simulator Murudai Solar 2 Mustang Engineering ModepPro National Institute of Standards and TechnologyREFPROP National Instruments Corp. Measurement & Automation Explorer National Instruments Corp. NI-DAQmx National Instruments Corp. NI-DAQmx NCH Software Pty Ltd Express Dictate nCode International nCode Viewer Nero AG Nero Installer Nero AG Nero Installer Nero AG Nero Installer NewSoft Technology Corporation EPSON Smart Panel NewSoft Technology Corporation Presto! PageManager NewSoft Technology Corporation Presto! PageManager NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Uninstaller Utility Operation Technology Inc. ETAP Operation Technology Inc. ETAP Operation Technology Inc. ETAP Operation Technology Inc. ETAP Operation Technology Inc. ETAP License Manager Operation Technology Inc. ETAP License Manager ophcrack.sourceforge.net (OS Objectif STcuritTophcrack SA) Parascript LLC CheckPlus Pat Hall CKRename Paulin Research Group PRG 2010 PentaLogix LLC ViewMate PentaLogix LLC ViewMate Piriform Ltd CCleaner Piriform Ltd CCleaner Piriform Ltd Defraggler Piriform Ltd Defraggler Predator Software Inc. Predator CNC Editor Predator Software Inc. Predator Virtual CNC QuoteTracker QuoteTracker Rainbow Technologies Inc. SentinelLM RARLAB WinRAR Realtek Semiconductor Corp HD Audio Sound Effect Manager Research In Motion Limited BlackBerry Device Manager Driver Research In Motion Limited BlackBerry Device Manager Driver Research In Motion Limited RIM Handheld Application Loader Research In Motion Limited RIM Handheld Application Loader 1/13/12 Robust File Copy Utility 5 Security Administration Tool 5 Security Administration Tool 5 Security Descriptor Check Utility 5 Security Descriptor Check Utility 5 Service Pack Checker 5 Show Access Control Lists 5 Show Access Control Lists 5 SyncToy 1 System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Windows Domain Manager 5 Windows Domain Manager 5 Windows Installer Zapper 2 Windows Installer Zapper 5 Windows Registry Command Utility 2 Windows Registry Command Utility 5 Mozilla Thunderbird 7 Murata Chip S-Parameter & Impedance Library 3 Murata EMI Filter Selection Simulator 3 Solar 2 1 ModepPro 1 REFPROP 8 Measurement & Automation Explorer 5 NI-DAQmx 8 NI-DAQmx 9 Express Dictate 5 nCode Viewer 7 Nero Installer 1 Nero Installer 1 Nero Installer 2 EPSON Smart Panel 3 Presto! PageManager 7 Presto! PageManager 7 NVIDIA Uninstaller Utility 1 ETAP 6 ETAP 7 ETAP 7 ETAP 7 ETAP License Manager 6 ETAP License Manager 7 ophcrack 3 CheckPlus 5 CKRename 1 PRG 2010 2 ViewMate 10 ViewMate 11 CCleaner 3 CCleaner 3 Defraggler 2 Defraggler 2 Predator CNC Editor 2005 Predator Virtual CNC 2007 QuoteTracker 3 SentinelLM 8 WinRAR 4 HD Audio Sound Effect Manager 2 BlackBerry Device Manager Driver 1 BlackBerry Device Manager Driver 1 RIM Handheld Application Loader 3 RIM Handheld Application Loader 4 IBM Inc 2011 Robust File Copy Utility 5.1 Security Administration Tool 5.2 Security Administration Tool 5.0 Security Descriptor Check Utility 5.2 Security Descriptor Check Utility 5.0 Service Pack Checker 5.2 Show Access Control Lists 5.2 Show Access Control Lists 5.0 SyncToy 1.4 System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Windows Domain Manager 5.0 Windows Domain Manager 5.2 Windows Installer Zapper 2.0 Windows Installer Zapper 5.0 Windows Registry Command Utility 2.0 Windows Registry Command Utility 5.1 Mozilla Thunderbird 7.0 Murata Chip S-Parameter & Impedance Library 3.15 Murata EMI Filter Selection Simulator 3.07 Solar 2 1.0 ModepPro 1.0 REFPROP 8.00 Measurement & Automation Explorer 5.0 NI-DAQmx 8.6 NI-DAQmx 9.4 Express Dictate 5.18 nCode Viewer 7.0 Nero Installer 1.0 Nero Installer 1.8 Nero Installer 2.0 EPSON Smart Panel 3.2 Presto! PageManager 7.16 Presto! PageManager 7.15 NVIDIA Uninstaller Utility 1.4 ETAP 6.0 ETAP 7.0 ETAP 7.5 ETAP 7.1 ETAP License Manager 6.0 ETAP License Manager 7.0 ophcrack 3.3 CheckPlus 5.1 CKRename 1.08 PRG 2010 2.0 ViewMate 10.6 ViewMate 11.0 CCleaner 3.8 CCleaner 3.6 Defraggler 2.1 Defraggler 2.6 Predator CNC Editor 2005 Predator Virtual CNC 2007 QuoteTracker 3.84 SentinelLM 8.0 WinRAR 4.1 HD Audio Sound Effect Manager 2.4 BlackBerry Device Manager Driver 1.1 BlackBerry Device Manager Driver 1.4 RIM Handheld Application Loader 3.6 RIM Handheld Application Loader 4.1 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 94 Research In Motion Limited Research In Motion Limited Rosemount Inc. RSA Security Inc. Sage (UK) Limited Sage Software Inc. Sage Software Inc. Sage Software Inc. Sage Software Inc. Sage Software Inc. SAP AG SAS Institute Inc. SAS Institute Inc. SAS Institute Inc. Seagull Scientific Systems Inc. Searer Business Technology SEIKO EPSON CORP. Simon Tatham SMART Technologies Inc. SMART Technologies Inc. SmartMax Software Inc. Softbits Consultants Ltd. Softbits Consultants Ltd. Softland SRL SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks Solonis LLC SoMat Corporation Sonic Solutions Sonnet Software Inc. SPSS Inc. Star Micronics Co. Ltd. Stellent Inc. Sulzer Chemtech USA Inc. Sunrise Systems Ltd. Surfware Inc. Sybase Inc. Sybase Inc. Sybase Inc. Sybase Inc. Symantec Corporation Symantec Corporation Symmetricom Inc. Synaptics Inc. Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Technical Toolboxes Inc. Tecskor Corporation TeraByte Unlimited Inc. Texas Instruments Inc. The FreeBASIC Development Team 1/13/12 RIM Handheld Communications Manager RIM Handheld Communications Manager Instrument Toolkit RSA ACE/Server Simply Accounting Transaction Manager SalesLogix Mail Client Simply Accounting Simply Accounting Simply Accounting Connection Manager Simply Accounting Connection Manager SAPPhone SAS Enterprise Guide SAS IML Studio SAS Universal Viewer DriverWizard PSR Viewer EPSON USB Display PuTTY SMART Board SMART Notebook SightMax Operator Flaresim Flaresim novaPDF Printer SolidWorks SolidWorks SolidWorks Explorer SolidWorks Installation Manager SolidWorks Installation Manager SolidWorks Installation Manager SolidWorks Installation Manager SolidWorks Installation Manager SolidWorks Installation Manager SolidWorks Installation Manager SolidWorks Installation Manager Messenger121 InField Roxio MyDVD DE Sonnet SigmaPlot VcSample Quick View Plus for Windows SULPAK Pipenet Vision SURFCAM InfoMaker InfoMaker PowerDesigner Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere Norton Ghost Explorer Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows SymmTime Synaptics Pointing Device Driver Process Explorer Process Monitor Pipeline Toolbox - enterprise edition PEAK Client Image for Windows SmartRF Studio The FreeBASIC Development Team RIM Handheld Communications Manager 3 RIM Handheld Communications Manager 4 Instrument Toolkit 3 RSA ACE/Server 5 Simply Accounting Transaction Manager 2011 SalesLogix Mail Client 7 Simply Accounting 2010 Simply Accounting 2011 Simply Accounting Connection Manager 2 Simply Accounting Connection Manager 2 SAPPhone 2 SAS Enterprise Guide 4 SAS IML Studio 3 SAS Universal Viewer 1 DriverWizard 7 PSR Viewer 9 EPSON USB Display 1 PuTTY 0 SMART Board 10 SMART Notebook 10 SightMax Operator 6 Flaresim 2 Flaresim 3 novaPDF Printer 6 SolidWorks 2007 SolidWorks 2009 SolidWorks Explorer 2007 SolidWorks Installation Manager 17 SolidWorks Installation Manager 17 SolidWorks Installation Manager 17 SolidWorks Installation Manager 18 SolidWorks Installation Manager 18 SolidWorks Installation Manager 19 SolidWorks Installation Manager 19 SolidWorks Installation Manager 19 Messenger121 5 InField 2 Roxio MyDVD DE 9 Sonnet 12 SigmaPlot 11 VcSample 0 Quick View Plus for Windows 5 SULPAK 3 Pipenet Vision 1 SURFCAM 5 Infomaker 10 Infomaker 8 PowerDesigner 15 Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 9 Norton Ghost Explorer 2003 Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows 13 SymmTime 2 Synaptics Pointing Device Driver 15 Process Explorer 15 Process Monitor 2 Pipeline Toolbox - enterprise edition 2011 PEAK Client 7 Image for Windows 2 SmartRF Studio 6 The FreeBASIC Development Team 0 IBM Inc 2011 RIM Handheld Communications Manager 3.6 RIM Handheld Communications Manager 4.1 Instrument Toolkit 3.0 RSA ACE/Server 5.2 Simply Accounting Transaction Manager 2011 SalesLogix Mail Client 7.5 Simply Accounting 2010 Simply Accounting 2011 Simply Accounting Connection Manager 2.2 Simply Accounting Connection Manager 2.3 SAPPhone 2.5 SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3 SAS IML Studio 3.3 SAS Universal Viewer 1.1 DriverWizard 7.1 PSR Viewer 9.0 EPSON USB Display 1.5 PuTTY 0.61 SMART Board 10.7 SMART Notebook 10.7 SightMax Operator 6.0 Flaresim 2.0 Flaresim 3.04 novaPDF Printer 6.4 SolidWorks 2007 SolidWorks 2009 SolidWorks Explorer 2007 SolidWorks Installation Manager 17.2 SolidWorks Installation Manager 17.3 SolidWorks Installation Manager 17.1 SolidWorks Installation Manager 18.1 SolidWorks Installation Manager 18.5 SolidWorks Installation Manager 19.5 SolidWorks Installation Manager 19.2 SolidWorks Installation Manager 19.1 Messenger121 5.1 InField 2.4 Roxio MyDVD DE 9.0 Sonnet 12.53.lite SigmaPlot 11.0 VcSample 0.1 Quick View Plus for Windows 5.1 SULPAK 3.03 Pipenet Vision 1.21 SURFCAM 5.2 Infomaker 10.0 Infomaker 8.0 PowerDesigner 15.3 Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0 Norton Ghost Explorer 2003 Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows 13.0 SymmTime 2.5 Synaptics Pointing Device Driver 15.2 Process Explorer 15.4 Process Monitor 2.96 Pipeline Toolbox - enterprise edition 2011 PEAK Client 7.1 Image for Windows 2 SmartRF Studio 6.10 The FreeBASIC Development Team 0.18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 95 The MathWorks Inc. TightVNC Group TightVNC Group TightVNC Group TomTom Inc. Tracker Software Products Ltd. TSI Inc. TSI Inc. Tyco International Limited Tyco International Limited UltraVNC UPEK Inc. Vishay Precision Group Inc. VisualSVN Ltd. VisualSVN Ltd. VMware Inc. WebEx Communications Inc. Welding Units (UK) Ltd WinSCP.net Wireshark.org Xerox Corporation Xilinx Inc. XIMETA Inc. Z+F UK Limited Z+F UK Limited Zynga Inc. ABSoft ACD Systems Ltd. ACD Systems Ltd. ACD Systems Ltd. Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated 1/13/12 MATLAB TightVNC Server TightVNC Viewer TightVNC Viewer TomTom HOME PDF-XChange Viewer FitPlus FitPro PRV2Size TraceCalc Pro UltraVNC Viewer ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software Model P3 Strain Indicator and Recorder VisualSVN VisualSVN Server VMware Workstation WebEx Productivity Tools Flange Data System WinSCP Wireshark PagePack Assistant Xilinx Software Development Kit NDAS Device Management LFM Server LFM Viewer Lite Flock Neat Image ACDSee Pro ACDSee Pro ACDSync Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite MATLAB 7 TightVNC Server 2 TightVNC Viewer 1 TightVNC Viewer 2 TomTom HOME 2 PDF-XChange Viewer 2 FitPlus 3 FitPro 2 PRV2Size 2 TraceCalc Pro 2 UltraVNC Viewer 1 ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software 5 Model P3 Strain Indicator and Recorder 2 VisualSVN 2 VisualSVN Server 2 VMware Workstation 8 WebEx Productivity Tools 27 Flange Data System 5 WinSCP 5 Wireshark 1 PagePack Assistant 3 Xilinx Software Development Kit 12 NDAS Device Management 3 LFM Server 3 LFM Viewer Lite 3 Flock 1 Neat Image 6 ACDSee Pro 4 ACDSee Pro 5 ACDSync 1 Adobe Acrobat X Pro Adobe Acrobat X Suite Adobe Acrobat X Suite Adobe Acrobat X Suite Adobe Acrobat X Suite Adobe Acrobat X Suite Adobe Acrobat X Suite Adobe Acrobat X Suite Adobe Acrobat X Suite Adobe Acrobat X Suite Adobe Acrobat X Suite Adobe Acrobat X Suite Adobe Acrobat X Suite Adobe Acrobat X Suite Adobe Acrobat X Suite Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium Adobe 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Community Help 3.0 Adobe Captivate Reviewer 2.0 Adobe Photoshop CS5 x64 Adobe Media Encoder CS5 Adobe Captivate 5.0 Adobe Device Central CS5 Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer 1.0 Adobe Acrobat X Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5 Adobe Extension Manager CS5 Adobe Audition CS5.5 Adobe Device Central CS5.5 Adobe Fireworks CS5.1 Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 x64 Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit 2.6 Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2 9.0 Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5 Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0 Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 Adobe Extension Manager CS5.5 Adobe Acrobat X Adobe InDesign CS5.5 Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5.5 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 96 Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe 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Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium IBM Inc 2011 Adobe Air 2.x Adobe Widget Browser 2.0 Adobe Service Manager CS5.5 Adobe Community Help 3.5 Adobe Content Viewer 1.4 Adobe Bridge CS5.1 Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5 Adobe Device Central CS5.5 Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 x64 Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2 9.0 Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5 Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0 Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 Adobe Extension Manager CS5.5 Adobe Acrobat X Adobe InDesign CS5.5 Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5.5 Adobe Air 2.x Adobe Service Manager CS5.5 Adobe Community Help 3.5 Adobe Content Viewer 1.4 Adobe Bridge CS5.1 Adobe Device Central CS5.5 Adobe After Effects CS5.5 Adobe Fireworks CS5.1 Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 x64 Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit 2.6 Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2 9.0 Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5 Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0 Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 Adobe Extension Manager CS5.5 Adobe Story 1.0 Adobe Acrobat X Adobe InDesign CS5.5 Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5.5 Adobe Air 2.x Adobe Widget Browser 2.0 Adobe OnLocation CS5.1 Adobe Service Manager CS5.5 Adobe Audition CS5.5 Adobe Community Help 3.5 Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 Adobe Content Viewer 1.4 Adobe Contribute CS5.1 Adobe Bridge CS5.1 Adobe Encore CS5.1 Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5 Adobe Device Central CS5.5 Adobe After Effects CS5.5 Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 x64 Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit 2.6 Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5 Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0 Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 Adobe Extension Manager CS5.5 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 97 Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems 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Aji LLC American Microsystems Ltd. Anders Kjersem Any-Video-Converter.com Apache Software Foundation Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG ATI Technologies Inc. Attachmate Corporation Attachmate Corporation AuthenTec Inc. AuthenTec Inc. aXmag Ben Williamson bitcomet.com Bitworx Blue Coat Systems Inc. Blumentals Software Borland Software Corporation Boson Software LLC. 1/13/12 Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Creative Suite Adobe Photoshop Lightroom eTIMEsheet AGCoreService Aji Reader Service M5000 Programmer Startup Control Panel Any Video Converter Tomcat iPodService Module iPodService Module iPodService Module iPodService Module iPodService Module Ashampoo Burning Studio ATI Catalyst Registration Reflection for IBM Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS AuthenTec Fingerprint Security System AuthenTec Fingerprint Security System Digital Magazine Creator Easy CD & DVD Cover Creator BitComet Autorunner Blue Coat ProxyClient Screensaver Factory StarTeam Cross-platform Client Subnet Calculator Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Web Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Web Premium Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Web Premium Adobe Creative Suite 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UNIX and OpenVMS 2011 R2 AuthenTec Fingerprint Security System 3 AuthenTec Fingerprint Security System 8 Digital Magazine Creator 2 Easy CD & DVD Cover Creator 4 BitComet 0 Autorunner 2 Blue Coat ProxyClient 3 Screensaver Factory 5 StarTeam Cross-platform Client 2008 Subnet Calculator 2 IBM Inc 2011 Adobe Story 1.0 Adobe Acrobat X Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5.5 Adobe Air 2.x Adobe OnLocation CS5.1 Adobe Service Manager CS5.5 Adobe Audition CS5.5 Adobe Community Help 3.5 Adobe Bridge CS5.1 Adobe Encore CS5.1 Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5 Adobe Device Central CS5.5 Adobe Fireworks CS5.1 Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 x64 Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit 2.6 Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2 9.0 Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5 Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0 Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 Adobe Extension Manager CS5.5 Adobe Acrobat X Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5.5 Adobe Air 2.x Adobe Widget Browser 2.0 Adobe Service Manager CS5.5 Adobe Community Help 3.5 Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 Adobe Contribute CS5.1 Adobe Bridge CS5.1 Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.5 eTIMEsheet 2.5 AGCoreService 3.2/4.1 Aji Reader Service 3.1 M5000 Programmer 1.0 Startup Control Panel 3.1 Any Video Converter 3.2 Tomcat 6.0 iPodService Module 10.2 iPodService Module 10.4 iPodService Module 10.5 iPodService Module 7.7 iPodService Module 7.4 Ashampoo Burning Studio 6.1 ATI Catalyst Registration 3.0 Reflection for IBM 2011 R2 Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS 2011 R2 AuthenTec Fingerprint Security System 3.3 AuthenTec Fingerprint Security System 8.4 Digital Magazine Creator 2.4 Easy CD & DVD Cover Creator 4.0 BitComet 0.70 Autorunner 2.0 Blue Coat ProxyClient 3.3 Screensaver Factory 5.0 StarTeam Cross-platform Client 2008 Subnet Calculator 2.0 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 98 Bullzip.com Burnaware Technologies Cal-Bay Systems Inc. Christian Kindahl Christian Kindahl Chroma ATE Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Cisco Systems Inc. Contour Inc. ConvertHelper DameWare Development DameWare Development Datacolor Datacolor deepinvent Software GmbH Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Det Norske Veritas (DNV) DocsCorp Pty Ltd dotPDN LLC DVDVideoSoft Ltd. Dyadem International Ltd. Edward Sackman EskoArtwork EskoArtwork Evernote Corporation EXP Systems LLC Famatech LLC Famatech LLC FlippingBook Foxit Software Company Free Time Freedom Scientific Freedom Scientific Freedom Scientific Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd. Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd. GetData Pty Ltd GNeil GNeil GNeil GNU General Public License GNU General Public License Google Inc. Gretech Corp. Hornil http://www.pdfexcelconverter.com IAR Systems AB IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation IBM Corporation inData Software L.L.C. Intel Corporation Interwoven Inc. Intuit Inc. Jack Henry & Associates Inc 1/13/12 PDF Printer BurnAware Free iVVivi_XMLtoCSV TUGZip TUGZip SFP028 MFC Application Cisco IronPort Email Security Plug-In FlipShare Packet Tracer Contour Storyteller ConvertHelper DameWare Mini Remote Control DameWare NT Utilities ProfileChooser Spyder3Elite MailStore Server DNV Software Phast DNV Software Phast DNVS License Manager pdfDocs Paint.NET Free DVD Video Burner PHA-Pro WinGDB3 Artios CAD Viewer Artios CAD Viewer Evernote PDF reDirect Pro Advanced IP Scanner Radmin Deployment Tool FlippingBook Publisher Trial Foxit PhantomPDF FormatFactory FSReader JAWS JAWS Network Scanner Utility Network Scanner Utility RecoverMyFiles Connection Diagnostics DB Maintenance DB Monitor FreeMind GNS3 Google Pinyin GOM Player Hornil StylePix PDF To Excel Converter IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM IBM Global Security Kit Rational ClearCase Rational ClearQuest Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Software Usage Analysis Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Software Usage Analysis Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Software Usage Analysis inData TrialDirector Suite Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Installer WorkSite Viewer Turbo Tax Audit Support Center Synergy ECM PDF Printer 3 BurnAware Free 3 iVVivi_XMLtoCSV 1 TUGZip 3 TUGZip 3 SFP028 MFC Application 1 Cisco IronPort Email Security Plug-In 7 FlipShare 5 Packet Tracer 5 Contour Storyteller 3 ConvertHelper 1 DameWare Mini Remote Control 7 DameWare NT Utilities 7 ProfileChooser 1 Spyder3Elite 4 MailStore Server 6 DNV Software Phast 6 DNV Software Phast 6 DNVS License Manager 1 pdfDocs 3 Paint.NET 3 Free DVD Video Burner 2 PHA-Pro 8 WinGDB3 3 Artios CAD Viewer 7 Artios CAD Viewer 7 Evernote 4 PDF reDirect Pro 2 Advanced IP Scanner 2 Radmin Deployment Tool 1 FlippingBook Publisher Trial 2 Foxit PhantomPDF 2 FormatFactory 2 FSReader 2 JAWS 12 JAWS 9 Network Scanner Utility 2 Network Scanner Utility 3 RecoverMyFiles 4 Connection Diagnostics 1 DB Maintenance 1 DB Monitor 1 FreeMind 0 GNS3 3 Google Pinyin 2 GOM Player 2 Hornil StylePix 1 PDF To Excel Converter 3 IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM 5 IBM Global Security Kit 7 Rational ClearCase 7 Rational ClearQuest 7 Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Software Usage Analysis 1 Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Software Usage Analysis 1 Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Software Usage Analysis 1 inData TrialDirector Suite 6 Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Installer 1 WorkSite Viewer 8 Turbo Tax Audit Support Center 2 Synergy ECM 2011 IBM Inc 2011 PDF Printer 3.0 BurnAware Free 3.0 iVVivi_XMLtoCSV 1.0 TUGZip 3.4 TUGZip 3.5 SFP028 MFC Application 1.02 Cisco IronPort Email Security Plug-In 7.1 FlipShare 5.12 Packet Tracer 5.0 Contour Storyteller 3.0 ConvertHelper 1.0 DameWare Mini Remote Control 7.0 DameWare NT Utilities 7.4 ProfileChooser 1.0 Spyder3Elite 4.0 MailStore Server 6.0 DNV Software Phast 6.54 DNV Software Phast 6.6 DNVS License Manager 1.0 pdfDocs 3.2 Paint.NET 3.510 Free DVD Video Burner 2.4 PHA-Pro 8.1 WinGDB3 3.63 Artios CAD Viewer 7.70 Artios CAD Viewer 7.40 Evernote 4.5 PDF reDirect Pro 2.2 Advanced IP Scanner 2.0 Radmin Deployment Tool 1.0 FlippingBook Publisher Trial 2.1 Foxit PhantomPDF 2.2 FormatFactory 2.60 FSReader 2.0 JAWS 12.0 JAWS 9.0 Network Scanner Utility 2.0 Network Scanner Utility 3.0 RecoverMyFiles 4.5 Connection Diagnostics 1.1 DB Maintenance 1.1 DB Monitor 1.1 FreeMind 0.9 GNS3 3.0 Google Pinyin 2.3 GOM Player 2.1 Hornil StylePix 1.6 PDF To Excel Converter 3.0 IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM 5.41 IBM Global Security Kit 7.0 Rational ClearCase 7.101 Rational ClearQuest 7.102 Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Software Usage Analysis 1.3 Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Software Usage Analysis 1 Tivoli Endpoint Manager for Software Usage Analysis 1.1 inData TrialDirector Suite 6.3 Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver Installer 1.2 WorkSite Viewer 8.2 Turbo Tax Audit Support Center 2.0 Synergy ECM 2011 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 99 KiS Software S.C. Windows Communicator Launchy Launchy LavaSoft Ad-Aware Logitech Software Inc. Logitech Webcam Software LuckaSoft EngInSite Perl Editor LE Macromedia Inc. (see Adobe) Inbal 2 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Enterprise Library for .NET Microsoft Corporation Microsoft IntelliPoint Microsoft Corporation Microsoft IntelliPoint Microsoft Corporation Microsoft IntelliPoint Microsoft Corporation Microsoft IntelliType Pro Microsoft Corporation Microsoft IntelliType Pro Microsoft Corporation Microsoft IntelliType Pro Microsoft Corporation Microsoft IntelliType Pro Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Security Essentials Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Streets & Trips Microsoft Corporation Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager Microsoft Corporation Microsoft WebMatrix Microsoft Corporation Navision Attain Microsoft Corporation Web Deployment Tool Microsoft Corporation Windows Embedded CE Platform Builder Microsoft Corporation Windows Identity Foundation Federation Utility Microsoft Corporation Windows Live Messenger Microsoft Corporation Windows Media Encoder Microsoft Corporation Xsd2Code Microsystems Microsystems DocXtools Microsystems Microsystems SDS Milum Corporation Office Tracker Mindjet MindManager Mooii Tech PhotoScape Mozilla.org Firefox Mythicsoft Agent Ransack National Institute of Standards and TechnologyFire Dynamics Simulator National Instruments Corp. LabVIEW National Instruments Corp. LabVIEW National Instruments Corp. LabVIEW National Instruments Corp. NI Error Reporting National Instruments Corp. NI LabVIEW Merge Utility National Instruments Corp. NI Measurement Studio Enterprise RunTime for VS2005 National Instruments Corp. NI Network Browser National Instruments Corp. NI-488.2 National Instruments Corp. NI-DAQmx National Instruments Corp. NI-RIO National Instruments Corp. NI-Serial National Instruments Corp. NI-VISA Runtime National Instruments Corp. Real-Time Execution Trace Toolkit (LabVIEW) NCH Software Pty Ltd Prism NeoSmart Technologies EasyBCD Nero AG Nero Burning ROM Nero AG Nero ControlCenter Nero AG Nero Express Nero AG Nero Installer Nero AG Nero Recode Nero AG Nero Remote Control Nero AG Nero SoundTrax Nero AG Nero Welcome NETGEAR Inc. RAIDar nFinity Inc. QuickVoice Sync Nik Software Inc. Color EFEX Pro Nik Software Inc. Color EFEX Pro 1/13/12 Windows Communicator 1 Launchy 2 Ad-Aware 9 Logitech Webcam Software 13 EngInSite Perl Editor LE 2 Inbal 2 6 Microsoft Enterprise Library for .NET 5 Microsoft IntelliPoint 6 Microsoft IntelliPoint 6 Microsoft IntelliPoint 8 Microsoft IntelliType Pro 6 Microsoft IntelliType Pro 6 Microsoft IntelliType Pro 6 Microsoft IntelliType Pro 8 Microsoft Security Essentials 2 Microsoft Streets & Trips 2010 Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 Microsoft WebMatrix 1 Navision Attain 3 Web Deployment Tool 2 Windows Embedded CE Platform Builder 6 Windows Identity Foundation Federation Utility 4 Windows Live Messenger 2011 Windows Media Encoder 9 Xsd2Code 3 Microsystems DocXtools 6 Microsystems SDS 6 Office Tracker 8 MindManager 9 PhotoScape 3 Firefox 4 Agent Ransack 5 Fire Dynamics Simulator 5 LabVIEW 2009 LabVIEW 2010 LabVIEW 2011 NI Error Reporting 2011 NI LabVIEW Merge Utility 11 NI Measurement Studio Enterprise RunTime for VS2005 8 NI Network Browser 1 NI-488.2 2 NI-DAQmx 9 NI-RIO 3 NI-Serial 3 NI-VISA Runtime 5 Real-Time Execution Trace Toolkit (LabVIEW) 2 Prism 1 EasyBCD 2 Nero Burning ROM 11 Nero ControlCenter 11 Nero Express 11 Nero Installer 1 Nero Recode 5 Nero Remote Control 2 Nero SoundTrax 5 Nero Welcome 11 RAIDar 4 QuickVoice Sync 1 Color EFEX Pro 3 Color EFEX Pro 4 IBM Inc 2011 Windows Communicator 1.9 Launchy 2.5 Ad-Aware 9.0 Logitech Webcam Software 13.30 EngInSite Perl Editor LE 2.3 Inbal 2 6.5 Microsoft Enterprise Library for .NET 5.0 Microsoft IntelliPoint 6.0 Microsoft IntelliPoint 6.20 Microsoft IntelliPoint 8.2 Microsoft IntelliType Pro 6.20 Microsoft IntelliType Pro 6.30 Microsoft IntelliType Pro 6.1 Microsoft IntelliType Pro 8.2 Microsoft Security Essentials 2.1 Microsoft Streets & Trips 2010 Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 Microsoft WebMatrix 1.0 Navision Attain 3.60 Web Deployment Tool 2.0 Windows Embedded CE Platform Builder 6.0 Windows Identity Foundation Federation Utility 4.0 Windows Live Messenger 2011 Windows Media Encoder 9.0 Xsd2Code 3.4 Microsystems DocXtools 6.0 Microsystems SDS 6.0 Office Tracker 8.0 MindManager 9.2 PhotoScape 3.5 Firefox 4.0-8.0 Agent Ransack 5.0 Fire Dynamics Simulator 5.0 LabVIEW 2009 LabVIEW 2010 LabVIEW 2011 NI Error Reporting 2011 NI LabVIEW Merge Utility 11.0 NI Measurement Studio Enterprise RunTime for VS2005 8.9 NI Network Browser 1.1 NI-488.2 2.7 NI-DAQmx 9.15 NI-RIO 3.3 NI-Serial 3.6 NI-VISA Runtime 5.0 Real-Time Execution Trace Toolkit (LabVIEW) 2.0 Prism 1.76 EasyBCD 2.1 Nero Burning ROM 11.0 Nero ControlCenter 11.0 Nero Express 11.0 Nero Installer 1.6 Nero Recode 5.0 Nero Remote Control 2.0 Nero SoundTrax 5.0 Nero Welcome 11.0 RAIDar 4.3 QuickVoice Sync 1.2 Color EFEX Pro 3.1 Color EFEX Pro 4.0 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 100 Nik Software Inc. Dfine Nik Software Inc. HDR EFEX Pro Nik Software Inc. Sharpener Pro Nik Software Inc. Silver EFEX Pro Nik Software Inc. Viveza Nikon Corporation Nikon File Uploader Nikon Corporation Nikon File Uploader Nikon Corporation Nikon Message Center Nikon Corporation Nikon Message Center Nikon Corporation Picture Control Utility Nikon Corporation ViewNX Novatel Wireless Inc. Dell Mobile Broadband Utility Omtool Ltd. AccuRoute Desktop Omtool Ltd. Accuroute Legal Option Pack Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Audio Converter Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Audio Editor Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Audio Recorder Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Cover Editor Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Disc Creator Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Document Converter Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Dvd Copy Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Image Converter Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Image Converter Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Media Player Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Photo Editor Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Registry Cleaner Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Ring Tone Maker Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Screen Capture Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Update Manager Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Video Converter Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Video Editor Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Video Recorder Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Video ReMaker Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS Video Uploader Online Media Technologies Ltd. AVS YouTube Uploader Oracle Oracle VM VirtualBox oxid.it Cain & Abel Paessler GmbH PRTG Windows GUI PaperCut Software PaperCut NG Client Paul Vogt ThSim PayneGroup Inc. Forms Assistant PayneGroup Inc. Metadata Assistant PC Tools Research Pty Ltd (see PC Tools Software) File Recover Piriform Ltd CCleaner Piriform Ltd CCleaner Piriform Ltd CCleaner Polaroid Corporation Polaroid Dust and Scratch Removal PolyLabel.com FlicAsset PreEmptive Solutions Inc. Dotfuscator Community Edition Qualcomm Incorporated QUALCOMM Gobi 2000 Download Service Sakysoft s.r.l. uninominale FLV Player Sakysoft s.r.l. uninominale Video Download Toolbar Secunia Secunia PSI SecurityMetrics Inc. PANscan SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co.KG J-Link ARM Seiko Instruments USA Inc. Smart Label Printer Simpo Technologies Simpo PDF to Word SlySoft Inc. AnyDVD SlySoft Inc. CloneDVDmobile SmartDraw.com SmartDraw 1/13/12 Dfine 2 HDR EFEX Pro 1 Sharpener Pro 3 Silver EFEX Pro 2 Viveza 2 Nikon File Uploader 1 Nikon File Uploader 2 Nikon Message Center 1 Nikon Message Center 2 Picture Control Utility 1 ViewNX 2 Dell Mobile Broadband Utility 3 AccuRoute Desktop 2009 Accuroute Legal Option Pack 2009 AVS Audio Converter 7 AVS Audio Editor 7 AVS Audio Recorder 4 AVS Cover Editor 2 AVS Disc Creator 5 AVS Document Converter 2 AVS Dvd Copy 4 AVS Image Converter 1 AVS Image Converter 2 AVS Media Player 4 AVS Photo Editor 2 AVS Registry Cleaner 2 AVS Ring Tone Maker 1 AVS Screen Capture 2 AVS Update Manager 1 AVS Video Converter 8 AVS Video Editor 6 AVS Video Recorder 2 AVS Video ReMaker 4 AVS Video Uploader 1 AVS YouTube Uploader 2 Oracle VM VirtualBox 4 Cain & Abel 4 PRTG Windows GUI 7 PaperCut NG Client 11 ThSim 2 Forms Assistant 1 Metadata Assistant 3 File Recover 7 CCleaner 3 CCleaner 3 CCleaner 3 Polaroid Dust and Scratch Removal 1 FlicAsset 0 Dotfuscator Community Edition 5 QUALCOMM Gobi 2000 Download Service 1 FLV Player 4 Video Download Toolbar 2 Secunia PSI 2 PANscan 1 J-Link ARM 4 Smart Label Printer 6 Simpo PDF to Word 3 AnyDVD 6 CloneDVDmobile 1 SmartDraw 2008 IBM Inc 2011 Dfine 2.1 HDR EFEX Pro 1.2 Sharpener Pro 3.0 Silver EFEX Pro 2.0 Viveza 2.0 Nikon File Uploader 1.2 Nikon File Uploader 2.0 Nikon Message Center 1.1 Nikon Message Center 2.0 Picture Control Utility 1.2 ViewNX 2.1 Dell Mobile Broadband Utility 3.0 AccuRoute Desktop 2009 Accuroute Legal Option Pack 2009 AVS Audio Converter 7.0 AVS Audio Editor 7.0 AVS Audio Recorder 4.0 AVS Cover Editor 2.0 AVS Disc Creator 5.0 AVS Document Converter 2.0 AVS Dvd Copy 4.1 AVS Image Converter 1.3 AVS Image Converter 2.0 AVS Media Player 4.1 AVS Photo Editor 2.0 AVS Registry Cleaner 2.2 AVS Ring Tone Maker 1.6 AVS Screen Capture 2.0 AVS Update Manager 1.0 AVS Video Converter 8.0 AVS Video Editor 6.0 AVS Video Recorder 2.4 AVS Video ReMaker 4.0 AVS Video Uploader 1.0 AVS YouTube Uploader 2.1 Oracle VM VirtualBox 4.1 Cain & Abel 4.9 PRTG Windows GUI 7.2 PaperCut NG Client 11.0 ThSim 2.14 Forms Assistant 1.0 Metadata Assistant 3.0 File Recover 7.5 CCleaner 3.10 CCleaner 3.9 CCleaner 3.1 Polaroid Dust and Scratch Removal 1.0 FlicAsset 0.7 Dotfuscator Community Edition 5.0 QUALCOMM Gobi 2000 Download Service 1.1 FLV Player 4.4 Video Download Toolbar 2.0 Secunia PSI 2.0 PANscan 1.0 J-Link ARM 4.36i Smart Label Printer 6.6 Simpo PDF to Word 3.1 AnyDVD 6.8 CloneDVDmobile 1.8 SmartDraw 2008 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 101 Socusoft Inc. Softland SRL Soft-Pak Solution Q Spotify Ltd Srimax Software System Sunrise Systems Ltd. Sunrise Systems Ltd. Symantec Corporation Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC Sysinternals LLC TechExcel Inc. TEC-IT Texas Instruments Inc. The Bingo Maker Thomson S.A. Thunderhead Engineering Consultants Inc. TightVNC Group Tikit Trend Micro Inc. TrueCrypt Foundation TrueCrypt Foundation UnlockForUs VMware Inc. WatchGuard Technologies WebEx Communications Inc. Western Digital WinZip Computing WRQ Inc. Xobni Corporation ZabKat ACD Systems Ltd. Activision Administaff Business Services L.P. Administaff Business Services L.P. Administaff Business Services L.P. Administaff Business Services L.P. Adobe Systems Incorporated Adobe Systems Incorporated Altiris Inc. America Online Inc. American Reprographics Company Any-Video-Converter.com ArchVision Inc. 1/13/12 Flash Slideshow Maker Professional novaPDF Printer i-Pak Eclipse Desktop Client Spotify Outlook Messenger Pipenet Vision Pipenet Vision Symantec LiveState Recovery Autoruns Coreinfo ProcDump Process Explorer RAMMap SDelete Sysinternals Debugview Sysinternals Handle Sysinternals Handle Sysinternals Handle Sysinternals Listdlls Sysinternals Listdlls Sysinternals TCPView Sysinternals TCPView Sysinternals TCPView VMMap VMMap ZoomIt ServiceWise TBarCode Office Code Composer Studio The Bingo Maker Elite Enterprise PyroSim TightVNC Server Sage Carpe Diem Worry-Free Business Security Agent TrueCrypt TrueCrypt WinBubbles VMware ThinApp Watchguard Authentication Client WebEx Recording Editor WD SmartWare WinZip Reflection X XobniService xplorer lite ACDSee Pro Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Descriptions Now People Manager Performance Now Policies Now Adobe OnLocation Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Altiris Deployment Agent AOL Companion Abacus Billing Popup Any Video Converter ArchVision Content Manager Flash Slideshow Maker Professional 5 novaPDF Printer 7 i-Pak 4 Eclipse Desktop Client 4 Spotify 0 Outlook Messenger 6 Pipenet Vision 1 Pipenet Vision 1 Symantec LiveState Recovery 12 Autoruns 11 Coreinfo 3 ProcDump 4 Process Explorer 15 RAMMap 1 SDelete 1 Sysinternals Debugview 4 Sysinternals Handle 3 Sysinternals Handle 3 Sysinternals Handle 3 Sysinternals Listdlls 2 Sysinternals Listdlls 3 Sysinternals TCPView 2 Sysinternals TCPView 3 Sysinternals TCPView 3 VMMap 2 VMMap 3 ZoomIt 4 ServiceWise 6 TBarCode Office 1 Code Composer Studio 3 The Bingo Maker 3 Elite Enterprise 3 PyroSim 2008 TightVNC Server 1 Sage Carpe Diem 4 Worry-Free Business Security Agent 7 TrueCrypt 6 TrueCrypt 7 WinBubbles 2 VMware ThinApp 4 Watchguard Authentication Client 11 WebEx Recording Editor 2009 WD SmartWare 1 WinZip 16 Reflection X 2011 R2 x64 XobniService 2 xplorer lite 1 ACDSee Pro 5 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 1 Descriptions Now 5 People Manager 3 Performance Now 4 Policies Now 6 Adobe OnLocation CS3 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 Altiris Deployment Agent 1 AOL Companion 1 Abacus Billing Popup 3 Any Video Converter 3 ArchVision Content Manager 1 IBM Inc 2011 Flash Slideshow Maker Professional 5.0 novaPDF Printer 7.0 x64 i-Pak 4.1 Eclipse Desktop Client 4.2 Spotify 0.6 Outlook Messenger 6.0 Pipenet Vision 1.40 Pipenet Vision 1.5 Symantec LiveState Recovery 12.0 Autoruns 11.0 Coreinfo 3.1 ProcDump 4.1 Process Explorer 15.5 RAMMap 11.1 SDelete 1.60 Sysinternals Debugview 4.77 Sysinternals Handle 3.45 Sysinternals Handle 3.40 Sysinternals Handle 3.46 Sysinternals Listdlls 2.20 Sysinternals Listdlls 3.1 Sysinternals TCPView 2.54 Sysinternals TCPView 3.3 Sysinternals TCPView 3.5 VMMap 2.2 VMMap 3.1 ZoomIt 4.2 ServiceWise 6.5 TBarCode Office 1.0 Code Composer Studio 3.0 The Bingo Maker 3.1 Elite Enterprise 3.5 PyroSim 2008 TightVNC Server 1.2.2 Sage Carpe Diem 4.6 Worry-Free Business Security Agent 7.0 TrueCrypt 6.2 TrueCrypt 7.1 WinBubbles 2.0 VMware ThinApp 4.6 Watchguard Authentication Client 11.0 WebEx Recording Editor 2009 WD SmartWare 1.2 WinZip 16.0 Reflection X 2011 R2 x64 XobniService 2.0 xplorer lite 1.8 ACDSee Pro 5.1 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 1.0 Descriptions Now 5.13 People Manager 3.04 Performance Now 4.01 Policies Now 6.01 Adobe OnLocation CS3 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.6 Altiris Deployment Agent 1.0 AOL Companion 1.5 Abacus Billing Popup 3.0 Any Video Converter 3.3 ArchVision Content Manager 1.11 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 102 AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. AutoDesk Inc. Avanquest Software AVAST Software a.s. Azureus Inc Blackbaud Inc. Broadbridge Media Broadcom Corporation Broadcom Corporation Broken Rules Chaos Group Citrix Systems Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Computer Associates International Inc. Conduit Ltd. CONTRACTORS REGISTER INC. Corel Corporation Cronvid Interactive CWE Computer Services Dalsa Semiconductor Inc. Dalsa Semiconductor Inc. Dalsa Semiconductor Inc. Dalsa Semiconductor Inc. Dalsa Semiconductor Inc. Dalsa Semiconductor Inc. Dalsa Semiconductor Inc. Dell Computer Corporation Dell Computer Corporation Electronic Arts ERDAS ERDAS ERDAS ERDAS ERDAS FARO Technologies Inc. Fidelity Systems PLC Fidelity Systems PLC Focus Home Interactive Free Time Gaijin Entertainment Corporation GNeil GNU General Public License GNU General Public License GNU General Public License GNU General Public License Google Inc. Grisoft Software Haven Systems Ltd. Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Company 1/13/12 3ds Max 3ds Max 3ds Max Autodesk Infrastructure Administrator Autodesk Inventor Autodesk Inventor Autodesk Photo Scene Editor Autodesk Quantity Takeoff Autodesk Showcase Autodesk SketchBook Designer Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis Batch Print for Autodesk Revit PhoneTools avast! Free Antivirus Azureus The Raisers Edge HyperCD Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 And Yet it Moves V-Ray for 3ds Max Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent x64 CA ARCserve Backup Client Agent for Windows CA ARCserve Backup Diagnostic Utilities Conduit Engine The Blue Book Corel Paradox SkyMagic GSAK Indicepensable Indicepensable InfoLiveV2Lib Magoo Nirvanar Promisserver TraitEx Adaptec Storage Manager Dell Poweredge Diagnostics Battlefield Bad Company 2 ER Viewer ERDAS ER Mapper ERDAS IMAGINE ERDAS LPS ERDAS-Net Licensing SCENE Fidelity General PoS Total Control Premier Cities XL FormatFactory Wings of Prey Optima AVStoDVD AVStoDVD GEngine Module MKVtoolnix Google Chrome AVG Internet Security Back Office HP Color Center HP Printer Utility 3ds Max 2010 x64 3ds Max 2012 3ds Max 2013 x64 Autodesk Infrastructure Administrator 2012 Autodesk Inventor 2011 x64 Autodesk Inventor 2012 Autodesk Photo Scene Editor 2 Autodesk Quantity Takeoff 2012 Autodesk Showcase 2012 Autodesk SketchBook Designer 2012 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis 2012 Batch Print for Autodesk Revit 2010 PhoneTools 4 avast! Free Antivirus 6 Azureus 4 The Raisers Edge 7 HyperCD 3 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 11 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 14 And Yet it Moves 1 V-Ray for 3ds Max 2010 x64 Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent x64 4 CA ARCserve Backup Client Agent for Windows 15 CA ARCserve Backup Diagnostic Utilities 15 Conduit Engine 6 The Blue Book 1 Corel Paradox 7 SkyMagic 1 GSAK 7 Indicepensable 1 Indicepensable 1 InfoLiveV2Lib 2 Magoo 1 Nirvanar 1 Promisserver 4 TraitEx 1 Adaptec Storage Manager 6 Dell Poweredge Diagnostics 2 Battlefield Bad Company 2 1 ER Viewer 11 ERDAS ER Mapper 2011 ERDAS IMAGINE 2011 ERDAS LPS 2011 ERDAS-Net Licensing 2011 SCENE 4 Fidelity General PoS 1 Total Control Premier 2 Cities XL 2011 FormatFactory 2 Wings of Prey 1 Optima 8 AVStoDVD 2 AVStoDVD 2 GEngine Module 1 MKVtoolnix 4 Google Chrome 16 AVG Internet Security 2012 Back Office 3 HP Color Center 1 HP Printer Utility 1 IBM Inc 2011 3ds Max 2010 x64 3ds Max 2012 3ds Max 2013 x64 Autodesk Infrastructure Administrator 2012 Autodesk Inventor 2011 x64 Autodesk Inventor 2012 Autodesk Photo Scene Editor 2.1 Autodesk Quantity Takeoff 2012 Autodesk Showcase 2012. Autodesk SketchBook Designer 2012 Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis 2012 Batch Print for Autodesk Revit 2010 PhoneTools 4.0 avast! Free Antivirus 6.0 Azureus 4.0 The Raisers Edge 7.85 HyperCD 3.0 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 11.0 Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2 14.4 And Yet it Moves 1.1 V-Ray for 3ds Max 2010 x64 Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent x64 4.0 CA ARCserve Backup Client Agent for Windows 15.1 CA ARCserve Backup Diagnostic Utilities 15.1 Conduit Engine 6.3 The Blue Book 1.1 Corel Paradox 7.0 SkyMagic 1.0 GSAK 7.7 Indicepensable 1.3 Indicepensable 1.2 InfoLiveV2Lib 2.2 Magoo 1.1 Nirvanar 1.2 Promisserver 4.4 TraitEx 1.7 Adaptec Storage Manager 6.30 Dell Poweredge Diagnostics 2.4 Battlefield Bad Company 2 1.0 ER Viewer 11.0 ERDAS ER Mapper 2011 ERDAS IMAGINE 2011 ERDAS LPS 2011 ERDAS-Net Licensing 2011 SCENE 4.8 Fidelity General PoS 1.0 Total Control Premier 2.1 Cities XL 2011 FormatFactory 2.80 Wings of Prey 1.0 Optima 8.3 AVStoDVD 2.4 AVStoDVD 2.3 GEngine Module 1.0 MKVtoolnix 4.9 Google Chrome 16.0 AVG Internet Security 2012 Back Office 3.1 HP Color Center 1.12 HP Printer Utility 1.12 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 103 Igor Pavlov ImTOO Software Studio Informa inTechnology plc inTechnology plc Integrated Environmental Solutions LTD Integrated Environmental Solutions LTD Intel Corporation Intex Software Limited Irongeek Kloonigames Ltd. Kranx Productions Kronos Incorporated Lumension Security Lumension Security Materialise NV Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Mike Matsnev Mitel S.C.C. Monika Mootools software Mozilla.org MusicMatch Inc. Okino Computer Graphics Inc. Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions GmbH Online Media Technologies Ltd. Online Media Technologies Ltd. Online Media Technologies Ltd. Online Media Technologies Ltd. Parametric Technology Corporation Pervasive Software Inc. Pervasive Software Inc. Pharos Systems International Playdead Primayer Limited Radio TV 2.1 Rainer Morgen Red Duck Inc. Robert McNeel & Associates Robert McNeel & Associates Roxio (See Sonic Solutions) Sage (UK) Limited Samsung Sega of America Shape Collage Inc. ShopatHome.com Skeep SonicWall Inc. SonicWall Inc. Splashtop Inc Spotify Ltd Systems Union Holdings Ltd Take-Two Interactive The Santa Cruz Operation Inc. The Windows Club TightVNC Group 1/13/12 7-Zip ImTOO iPod Manager International Who's Who MBS Agent MBS Agent IES Virtual Environment IES Virtual Environment Intel Identity Protection Technology Earnie IQ Irongeek's JetDirect Printer Hack Crayon Physics deluxe Hammerfight Stromberg Enterprise LM Agent Lumension Patch Agent for Windows MiniMagics Age of Empires III Trial Microsoft Bing Bar Microsoft Lync Recording Manager Microsoft Policy Platform Windows Intune Client Haali Media Splitter Binas Monika PC Polygon Cruncher Sunbird MusicMatch Jukebox NuGraf64 analySIS AVS Audio Editor AVS Image Converter AVS Video Converter AVS Video Editor Arbortext Pervasive PSQL Client Pervasive SQL Client Pharos Limbo Primeworks Radio TV 2 Toolbar RMChart Alliance of Valiant Arms Flamingo nXt WIP McNeel License Manager Roxio Creator Business Sage Accounts Samsung SmartViewer Empire Total War Shape Collage Shop at Home Select Rebates Skeep VNC Console SSL-VPN NetExtender SSL-VPN NetExtender Splashtop Remote Spotify Sunsystems Borderlands Vision Administration Ultimate Windows Tweaker TightVNC Viewer 7-Zip 9 ImTOO iPod Manager 1 International Who's Who 1 MBS Agent 6 MBS Agent 6 IES Virtual Environment 5 IES Virtual Environment 6 Intel Identity Protection Technology 1 Earnie IQ 1 Irongeek's JetDirect Printer Hack 1 Crayon Physics deluxe 1 Hammerfight 1 Stromberg Enterprise 4 LM Agent 7 Lumension Patch Agent for Windows 7 MiniMagics 2 Age of Empires III Trial 4 Microsoft Bing Bar 6 Microsoft Lync Recording Manager 2010 Microsoft Policy Platform 1 Windows Intune Client 2 Haali Media Splitter 1 Binas 2002 Monika PC 1 Polygon Cruncher 9 Sunbird 1 MusicMatch Jukebox 8 NuGraf64 5 analySIS 5 AVS Audio Editor 7 AVS Image Converter 2 AVS Video Converter 8 AVS Video Editor 6 Arbortext 4 Pervasive PSQL Client 11 Pervasive SQL Client 7 Pharos 8 Limbo 1 Primeworks 1 Radio TV 2 Toolbar 2 RMChart 4 Alliance of Valiant Arms 1 Flamingo nXt WIP 4 McNeel License Manager 4 Roxio Creator Business 10 Sage Accounts 2008 Samsung SmartViewer 3 Empire Total War 1 Shape Collage 2 Shop at Home Select Rebates 5 Skeep VNC Console 1 SSL-VPN NetExtender 3 SSL-VPN NetExtender 3 Splashtop Remote 1 Spotify 0 Sunsystems 5 Borderlands 1 Vision Administration 2 Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2 TightVNC Viewer 1 IBM Inc 2011 7-Zip 9.12 ImTOO iPod Manager 1.0 International Who's Who 1.3 MBS Agent 6.61 MBS Agent 6.6 IES Virtual Environment 5.8 IES Virtual Environment 6.3 Intel Identity Protection Technology 1.1 Earnie IQ 1.16 Irongeek's JetDirect Printer Hack 1.00 Crayon Physics deluxe 1.0 Hammerfight 1.0 Stromberg Enterprise 4.1 LM Agent 7.1 Lumension Patch Agent for Windows 7.1 MiniMagics 2.0 Age of Empires III Trial 4.1 Microsoft Bing Bar 6.0 Microsoft Lync Recording Manager 2010 Microsoft Policy Platform 1.3 Windows Intune Client 2.0 Haali Media Splitter 1.10 Binas 2002 Monika PC 1.5 Polygon Cruncher 9.0 x64 Sunbird 1.9 Musicmatch Jukebox 8.10 NuGraf64 5.0 x64 analySIS 5.1 AVS Audio Editor 7.1 AVS Image Converter 2.1 AVS Video Converter 8.1 AVS Video Editor 6.1 Arbortext 4.0 Pervasive PSQL Client 11.0 Pervasive SQL Client 7.94 Pharos 8.2 Limbo 1.0 Primeworks 1.4 Radio TV 2 Toolbar 2.0 RMChart 4.1 Alliance of Valiant Arms 1.2 Flamingo nXt WIP 4.0 McNeel License Manager 4.0 Roxio Creator Business 3.70 Sage Accounts 2008 Samsung SmartViewer 3.0 Empire Total War 1.5 Shape Collage 2.5 Shop at Home Select Rebates 5.2 Skeep VNC Console 1.4 SSL-VPN NetExtender 3.5 SSL-VPN NetExtender 3.0 Splashtop Remote 1.5 Spotify 0.5 Sunsystems 5.1 Borderlands 1.4 Vision Administration 2.20 Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.0 TightVNC Viewer 1.4 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 104 Valve L.L.C. VMware Inc. Wave Systems Corp. Wave Systems Corp. 1/13/12 Left 4 Dead 2 VMware View Agent Preboot Manager Private Information Manager Left 4 Dead 2 1 VMware View Agent 4 Preboot Manager 3 Private Information Manager 7 IBM Inc 2011 Left 4 Dead 2 1.0 VMware View Agent 4.6 Preboot Manager 3.2 Private Information Manager 7.0 20 20 20 20 105
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