Saturday, August 2, 2008, 10 to 7 Sunday, August 3, 9 to 5
Saturday, August 2, 2008, 10 to 7 Sunday, August 3, 9 to 5
Twelfth Annual Saturday, August 2, 2008, 10 to 7 Sunday, August 3, 9 to 5 EXHIBITORS Room 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Universal Affirmation By Bobbie Greenfield Village Nautilus Rick McClung 541-961-3844 Medicine Wheel Arts-Flutes 503-304-9250 Works of Art by Holly 541-953-0797 Celestial Awakenings 360-896-2207 Susa Achik Jewelry Art Medicine 541-653-9457 Rev. Carole Conley Clairvoyant Readings 503-317-1897 Colleen Watson Chakra Balancing 503-353-1768 Earth’s Treasure 541-554-8295 Phoenix Rising Astrology & Tarot 503-927-3798 Readings & Healings for Animals 541-996-6065 I am the one who can make a change. I am the one who can make peace happen. I am the one who carries the light. I am the one who releases the fright. I am I am I am the one. Visit with me in Booth #14 Multi Purpose Room 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Cheri’s Gallery 541-265-5456 Cindy Palmistry & Fairy Books 503-531-2758 belsian Sand’s Oracle 541-867-4777 Third Avenue Crafters - Jewelry 541-997-5830 Florence Massage & Spa 541-902-8898 %REELH³+HDOLQJ+DQGV´*UHHQ¿HOG 541-902-8530 Diane Two Feathers Shaman Healer 541-301-8842 Intentional Style Living 541-902-7912 Flying Ocean Spirit Energy Healings 541-272-2427 James Gilliland Author & 509-395-2092 Multi Pure Water Filtration Systems 800-765-4407 Healing Hands Helping Hearts Massage 541-543-8405 Cherry Divine 541-924-1955 Take Shape for Life 541-961-1465 Energy Healing of the Philippines 541-535-6044 Lady Irish Herbals 503-510-6995 RC Superfood 619-892-0076 Audrey’s Music 775-782-1131 European Magnetic Bath 541-285-4102 Sacred Earth School of Consciousness 541-927-3284 Grizzly Mountain Arts 541-447-4255 Spiritual Bridges 503-722-8631 Jeanette Vandervelden, Chair Massage 503-240-7271 Inner Wisdom Aura Camera & More 541-270-5601 Oregon Du Drops & Cat Freshwater CDs 503-355-2541 Sacred Stone Readings & Spirits Heart Art 541-547-4664 From the Heart Jewelry 541-547-4738 OM Cards by Jackie 541-997-5707 Dancing Heron Art 503-537-7598 Room 3 Cafe: 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Quiche, Salad, Hummus & Pita Bread, Dessert Delights, Drinks Full Circle Art Mandalas 360-359-1522 Just Wait Foundation 541-765-2109 All Natural Pest Elimination Ana 541-272-2372 Mystery Gallery Crystals & Gifts 503-659-7776 Karen Campbell Tarot Consultations 503-787-1910 (Sat only) Light Touch Hands on Healing 541-921-0725 (Sun only) Shamanic Healer Medicine Cards & Crafts 541-921-4894 Readings by Raia 541-994-9807 Room 4 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Crystal Child Preston 541-488-2116 KC Connections Spirit Dolls & More 541-923-2162 Lady Herbalot’s Noble Solutions 541-653-2213 Robin Urton 503-752-8292 Kindred Tokens 541-554-8734 Window Jewels 541-528-3060 One of a Find 714-970-8051 Past Lives Were Us 541-456-2468 Katrina Wynne,MA Tarot Counseling, Dreams 541-547-5123 Linda F. Torres 503-807-0896 Hand Analysis - Planetary Effort Work 360-883-5745 Chuckling Cherubs Spiritual Ministry A ministry dedicated to promoting, living and teaching the principles of compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love as a means of healing ourselves and our planet. South Hall & Lobby 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Ancient Light 541-563-7154 Soul Resonance 541-264-0550 Psychic, Past Lives & Palm Readings 541-510-8442 5HDGLQJVE\'UDJRQÀ\ 503-313-6490 Rev. Charleen Diksha Brain Illuminations 541-547-4313 Dream Path Card Readings 541-753-0531 Sacred Healing LLC 541-758-2062 Rich Havas Readings, Healings & Sacred Spaces 503-708-0624 Reiki & Sacred Path Card Readings 541-961-1701 The Fairy Glen Fairy Winkles Fairy Stuff 541-913-7629 El-Fun Fairy Face Painting 541-988-0967 Welcome to Pathways to Transformation Welcome to the 12th Annual PATHWAYS TO TRANSFORMATION Holistic Health, Psychic & Crafts Fair. The mission of Chuckling Cherubs Spiritual Ministry is to provide information to the public for the purpose of elevating the human spirit and helping humanity to remember their connection to the Divine. With this intention, we are pleased to present to you RYHU H[KLELWRUV IURP WKH 3DFLۋF 1RUWKZHVW EULQJing their healing expertise, products and information to Yachats, Gem of the Oregon Coast. Twenty-four hourly eductational seminars are included in the suggested donation of $3 for a weekend pass. Children 12 and under are free, as is parking. Near the registration table at the entrance, will be a table with free books on health and spirituality, please help yourselves. We are delighted to have internationally known author and speaker, James Gilliland as our FEATURED KEYNOTE SPEAKER on Saturday, August 2, at 5:30 p.m. James is the founder of ECETI.ORG (Enlightened Contact With Extraterrestrials) and the Director of the Saatva Sanctuary at Mt. Adams. “UFOs, ORBS and the VIBRATIONAL CONTINUUM” is the title of his presentation. If you have ever wondered about UFOs, you will want to attend. JameswillhavehisbooksandDVDsinBooth17all weekend. Seminars covering everything from working with DQJHOVHOHFWURPDJQHWLFۋHOGVUDLQIRUHVWPHGLFLQHDQG Reiki happen hourly. Special presentations start on Saturday at 11:30 a.m. with Healer Nancy Waldron’s Experiential Workshop on “Heal Your Lightbody Now!”. A Special Presentation “Reaching Beyond the Veil: Signs, Symbols & Messages From Beyond” with Margi Lantos, medium and author, is on Saturday at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at 2:30 p.m. an Experiential Life Changing Workshop, “Bringing The Joy Of The Future To Your Present” will be led by Carl Palmer, Founder of the Just Wait Foundation. Learn valuable meditation techniques during the Meditation Demonstration, “Getting Into The Silence” with Jonathon Linneman, Astrology & Tarot Consultant on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. On Sunday at 11 a.m. an Experiential Presentation on the power of energy entitled, “Spoonbending For The Twisted & The Bent” will be led by Jeff Elkins from Celestial Awakenings. If you have wondered about psychic surgery, the Special Presentation at noon by Healer and Author Jessica Bryan, “Philippine Psychic Surgery & Multi-Dimensional Realities” may answer your questions. “Insights Into Past Life Connections” is the title of an Experiential Presentation with Energy Healer, Sharon Appelbaum at 2 p.m. A Guided Meditation with Rocky Neil, LMT, is entitled “Take A Native American Shamanic Journey.” New this year is the Fairy Glen in Booth #60 with Fairy Queen Wanda Winkles and her Face Painter friend ElFun Fairy. You are invited to dress in Fairy garb for the Fair, continued on next page Ananda Jyotir Diksha What is Diksha? Diksha, or initiation, is the physical transference of divine energy, or light, directly into the brain, which initiates the process of Enlightenment. Visit Rev. Charleen Krick at Booth # 55 (541) 547-4313 LOVE offerings accepted. A huge “Thank you” to all who helped make this event a success! Continued have your face painted, your photo taken and participate in the “Fairy Parade” that will take place at 2 p.m. both days. Bring your children or your own “inner child” and visit with the Fairies. Rocks, minerals and crystals will be featured as well as jewelry, statuary, art cards, music and meditation cds and books. Multicultural imports, handmade spirit dolls, crazy TXLOWV1DWLYH$PHULFDQیXWHVDQGDUWWKHZRUNRIYLVLRQDU\ artists and craftspeople will be available for sale. The Wisdom Of The Ages Sacred Stones TM Intuitive Readings Spiritual Guidance With Violet of Yachats Sacred Strands TM Healing Stones Jewelry Spirit’s Heart Art Spirit Directed Drawings Available by appointment at 541-547-4664 Visit Me in Booth 32 <RXZLOOۋQGDQDEXQGDQFHRIKHDOWKDQGZHOOQHVV personal growth, natural living and spiritual development products and info. Learn about weight loss, herbal remedies, DURPDWKHUDS\PDVVDJHERG\ZRUN5HLNLZDWHUSXULۋFDWLRQ all natural pest control, interior design and more. Try different and interesting divination styles including Tarot, Palmistry, Astrology, Dream Path, Sacred Path & Medicine Cards, Stone Readings, animal readings (bring your pet or a photo of your pet) and more. Get a photo of your aura in color. Enjoy different styles of energy healings. Learn about life-enriching classes and seminars. Meet the authors of some fascinating books. Feed your physical body as well as your spirit at the on-site Fair Cafe being catered by Jacquelyn Hewitt. The menu features home made quiche, salad, hummus and pita bread, delectable desserts and beverages. There is so much to see and do at the Fair, plan to come both days. Our goal is to provide you with a safe place in ZKLFKWRRSHQ\RXUPLQGVDQGKHDUWVWRWKH,QۋQLWH:HKRSH \RXۋQG3$7+:$<67275$16)250$7,21MXVWVXFKDSODFH and we look forward to meeting you at the Fair. With Love in Abundance, Rev. Violet Young Chuckling Cherubs Spiritual Ministry HAVE A PLEASANT PRESENT! Natural Selection Fine Food for People and Pets 145 NW Highway 101 Waldport, Oregon 97394-2380 Tony Waters 541-563-6101/fax6106 Owner Briana Fore Manager OPEN 7 DAYS Booth # 4 262 Hwy 101, next to Shirley’s, 10 to 6 daily - closed on Wednesdays 547-4244 Visit us for great Coffee and Espresso Drinks as well as delicious muffins, scones, bagels and danish from our in-house bakery. Meet new friends on our ocean view deck. We have gift items and art supplies, too. Come and stop by Meeting Change with grace Rev. Violet Young, Chuckling Cherubs Spiritual Ministry Change. Just the word can strike fear into some of us. Most of us are comfortable with the familiar and shudder when change rears its head.. Daily we are confronted with changing prices at the gas pump, the food store and just about everywhere we shop. We are confronted with the changes in our daily lives due to loss of jobs, relationships or through the death of dear ones. Many of us are going through intense emotional changes due to spiritual growth. We can learn to deal with these changes with grace, calmness and with love in our hearts. When confronted with a change, start by calling upon your guides to assist with the assimilation of the new idea. Hold your arms out wide, take a deep breath and ask for assistance in how to understand and work with the situation. Be still and listen to the message that you receive. In that moment of stillness, your answers will come. Look at whatever change is upon you with open arms and an open heart. When you can look at a difficult situation with an open heart, it can suddenly take on a new appearance and instead of fear, opportunity can appear. Remember the cleansing quality of tears. Sometimes a good cry can wash away fear and provide release. Feeling all your feelings in the moment, instead of bottling them up can also help in assimilating new information. I offer this poem that came to me while I was dealing with major changes: CHANGE IS JUST CHANGE Change is just Change and nothing more. If you mix change with fear, it shuts the growth door. Discover you’re worthy of change without fear Following your bliss is what brings God near. Discover your worth and you can uncover The strength to take risks and be like none other. And most of all, the only constant in the universe is change. Embrace it and be free! * * * * * 150 & 6 , 97365 (541) 265-9917 & * * Rev. Colleen Watson Energy Medicine Practitioner 15 min Brain Balance / Aura Cleanse $10 30 min Brain Balance, Aura Cleanse and Chakra Balancing $25 503-353-1768 Booth # 6 This program was created by Anja Chavez (541)574-1668 We are reprinting a poem by Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General of the U.N.. It sums up the concept of forgiveness in a very clear way. Decide to Forgive Decide to forgive For resentment is negative Resentment is poisonous Resentment diminishes And devours the self. Be the first to forgive, To smile and to take the first step. And you will see happiness bloom On the face of your human brother or sister Be always the first Do not wait for others to forgive For by forgiving You become the master of fate The fashioner of life The doer of miracles. To forgive is the highest, Most beautiful form of love. In return you will receive Untold peace and happiness. The Great Invocation From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth. From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and light work out And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. Rev. Carole Conley Spiritual Counselor Clairvoyant Reading / Healing 503-317-1897 Milwaukie, Oregon visit me in booth #6 When a challenging event occurs in your life, consciously choose how you want to receive it instead of performing the knee jerk re-action. Remember, RE-ACTING is doing something that you have done before and RESPONDING is doing something by choice. This awareness leads to compassion, compassion leads to forgiveness and forgiveness leads to unconditional love, the most powerful force in the universe. Booth # 23 Booth # 1 Natural Foods Cooperative Full-Line Grocery. Everyone welcome. Hot Food and Salad Bar Mon - Sat Hot Soup and Baked Goods Daily Mon - Fri 8-7, Sat 8-6, Sun 10-6 159 SE 2nd, Newport 541-265-3893 Events Calendar ANCIENT LIGHT PSYCHIC FAIR FIRST WEEKEND EACH MONTH Ask Your Angels 10285 Hwy. 101, Seal Rock 541-563-7154 FREE Admission Crafts on the Coast 11th Annual Harvest & Holidays Arts & Crafts Festival Sat., Nov. 1 10-5 and Sun., Nov. 2 10-4 Inside Yachats Commons FREE Admission 541-547-4664 Psychic, Past Lives and Palm Readings Zen Touch Energy Work and Soul Healing Sharon Appelbaum, CCHT Cert.Hypnotherapist (541) 510 - 8442 Booth # 53 58 Booth # 42 Edgewater NW Solutions for Sustainable Living Alkaline / Ionized Water System Renewable Energy Systems Rainwater and Wastewater Systems :DWHUDQG(QHUJ\(IÀFLHQF\ 541-563-4227 ZZZ(GJHZDWHU1:FRP 5REHUW#(GJHZDWHU1:FRP All Natural Pest Elimination Autographed copies available at Booth # 32 877-4keiko-2 Non Synthetic Botanical Pest Control SAFE for the environment, you, and your pets! Call now for your free inspection. You have nothing to lose except your pests! Ana 541-272-2372 888-954-PEST (7378) Booth # 35 FREE SEMINARS SATURDAY SR 11:30 S 11:30 SR 12:30 S 12:30 (SR) Speaker Room (S) Stage Speaker Area EXPERIENTIAL HEALING WORKSHOP Heal Your Light Body Now! Nancy Waldron, Healer Booth #57 Calling Upon The Archangels Linda F. Torres, Angel Intuitive Booth #49 Finding Your Soul’s Purpose Katrina Wynne, MA & Author Booth #45 Home Design Using Your 6 Senses: A Fool Proof Method Kat Cunningham, Intentional Style Living Magazine Booth #35 SR 1:30 S 1:30 SR 2:30 S 2:30 SR 3:30 S 3:30 SR 4:30 S SR 4:30 5:30 SUNDAY SR 10:00 S 10:00 SR 11:00 S SR 11:00 12:00 S 12:00 SR 1:00 S 1:00 SR 2:00 S 2:00 SR 3:00 SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Reaching Beyond the Veil Signs, Symbols & Messages From Beyond Margi Lantos, Medium & Author Booth #29 Amazon Jungle Rainforest Medicine Erika Lincango Booth #5 EXPERIENTIAL WORKSHOP Bringing The Joy Of The Future To Your Present Carl Palmer, the Just Wait Foundation Booth #34 MEDITATION DEMONSTRATION Meditation: Getting Into The Silence Jonathon Linneman, Astrology & Tarot Consultant Booth #8 Awaken Your Healing Energy With Reiki Cindy Renner, Reiki Master Booth #59 Connecting With Your Divine Self Cherry Divine, Energy Healer Booth #20 Finding Harmony On A Planet In Turmoil Raia, Psychic Reader Booth #39 Electromagnetic Fields: What You Need to Know 'RQ*RRFK&HUWL¿HG3UHVHQWHU%RRWK FEATURED KEYNOTE PRESENTATION UFOs, ORBs AND THE VIBRATIONAL CONTINUUM James Gilliland, Internationally Known Author & Speaker: Director of Saatva Sanctuary, Mt. Adams & Founder of Booth #17 Resonating With Your Highest Self Linda DeMont, Energy Worker Booth #52 Healthy Body, Happy Body: Making Fitness Fun Rick McClung, Village Nautilus Booth #35 EXPERIENTIAL PRESENTATION Spoonbending For The Twisted & The Bent Jeff Elkins, Celestial Awakenings Booth #4 Reiki: Finding Your Place In The Universe 0DUN³'UDJRQÀ\´)UHHPDQ5HLNL0DVWHU%RRWK SPECIAL PRESENTATION Philippine Psychic Surgery & Multi-Dimensional Realities Jessica Bryan, Author Booth #22 Utilizing Our Expanding Consciousness & Senses In Our Daily Life & Business Rich Havas, Intuitive Life & Home Consultant Booth #58 The Difference Between The Spirit & Soul Ja-Na, Energy Healer Booth #47 Mucus: It’s Snot What You Think Juanita Hedrick, Family Herbalist Booth #42 EXPERIENTIAL PRESENTATION Insights Into Past Life Connections Sharon Appelbaum, Energy Healer Booth #53 Mandalas: Bringing The World Into Balance Heather Taylor-Zimmerman, Mandala Artist Booth #33 GUIDED MEDITATION Take A Native American Shamanic Journey Rocky Neil, LMT Booth #13 The Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi Lord, Make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; and Where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much Seek to be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and It is in dying that we are born to eternal life. A heartfelt thank you to Vicky Thompson publisher and editor of New connex ion JOURNAL OF CONSCIOUS LIVING 1-877-415-8700 f eed yo ur b od y a s w e ll a s yo u r s p i r i t at the Fair Cafe Run by Jacquelyn Hewitt Fa i r men u : h omem a d e q u i ch e , S a l a d, H u m m u s & p i t a b r e a d, delectable desserts and bevera ges