Fedora is the open source software that provides a rich


Fedora is the open source software that provides a rich
Fedora is the open
source software that
provides a rich framework
for complex modeling of
any type of content for “no
limits” digital repositories.
Who Uses Fedora?
The following are examples of just a few of the institutions that are currently using Fedora repository software to manage and store a wide variety of digital resources for curation and access. Visit
the Fedora Registry for a full list of global repositories at [link: http://bit.ly/LsSVNn].
WGBH Boston
Fedora is used for Open
Vault, the WGBH moving
image archives project.
Open Vault is a webbased system to address
scholars’ needs in terms
of searching, selecting and accessing archival moving image
materials. It features a custom PHP front end with the Zend
Framework that communicates with Fedora repository using
MediaShelf’s REST interface [link: http://bit.ly/LsWLpJ].
he name “Fedora” stands for Flexible
Extensible Digital Object Repository
Architecture. It is used by libraries,
higher education, and research institutions
around the world to store, manage, and access
digital content in the form of digital objectsFedora delivers the essential characteristics of
Stanford University
digital objects with the ability to express data
Stanford University Librarin very specific ways. REST/SOAP APIs make it
ies is helping to develop
Hypatia, a Hydra-based
simple to access your data. Features that supaccessioning, arrangement/
port digital preservation such as the ability to
description, preservation
scale to millions of objects and a rebuilder utility
and access tool for born
digital archival materials usfor disaster recovery and data migration help to
ing Fedora, Hydra, Solr, Blacklight. Recently this allowed the
ensure that digital content is durable and
library to extract Stephen Jay Gould materials from floppy
disks that required the use of the Forensic Tool Kit (FTK)
[link: http://bit.ly/KPpd9Y].
New York Public
More information
• Wikipedia includes Fedora repository history and related
articles [link: http://bit.ly/KPqNso].
• Download the Fedora repository Open Technology Spec
Sheet for product specifications [link: http://bit.ly/Mf4hsx].
Fedora repository
software helps power
digital collections of the
library of the great city
of New York. This
world-class public and
research institution with collections totaling more than
50 million items is the home of fascinating and significant
resources available online and in 77 neighborhood branch
libraries in three boroughs [link: http://bit.ly/LsYHys].
Fundación Juan
The Islandora–Drupal
and Fedora–repository at
Fundación Juan March is
robust and flexible, managing an increasing volume of
interrelated digital materials. With preservation in mind,
the repository has the capacity to create complex models to
accommodate relations between diverse types of materials
documented in multiple sources, such as databases or the
library catalogue [link: http://bit.ly/Mlaks0].
The Rock and Roll
Hall of Fame
“Rockhall” is a Hydrabased site that ingests
packaged video which
then creates objects in
Fedora. It is managed
in PBCore–reviewer information and two digital video data
streams with accompanying technical information. Plans are
to incorporate license selection with a Fedora mechanism
[link: http://bit.ly/JXwdSK].
The eSciDoc project
is intended to ensure
permanent access to
the research results and
research materials of
the Max-Planck Society
and seamless integration within eSciDoc as well as integration into an emerging,
global, electronic knowledge space. Fedora’s object storage
layer is a central component of the eSciDoc framework [link:
The Fedora Open Source
Development Community
Build on a flexible,
extensible, modular
Watch a visualization generated by Chris Wilper
using Gource v0.27 that illustrates 8.5 years of
collaborative Fedora repository development:
[link: http://youtu.be/drJxf5_DCe8].
Community open source development enables
constant improvements to Fedora repository
software in the following two ways:
Customize access to
your digital collections
1. Individuals participate in Fedora open
source software development by contributing
bug fixes or developing new features. A simple
process makes it simple to become a contributor or a committer and all are encouraged
to join in.
2. Groups of community members sometimes
come together around a particular issue, and
work collaboratively towards making a contribution to the Fedora repository platform
aimed at solving a problem. If you have ideas
about how a group of institutions or individuals
might work together to address an issue, drop
in for an informal chat during weekly Fedora
office hours: [link: http://bit.ly/Mfb0T9].
More information
• Why Open Source?: [link: http://bit.ly/M8zWZU]
• Get Involved: [link: http://bit.ly/KRH1Ry]
Preserve digital assets
including underlying
source data
DuraSpace, a not-for-profit, provides
technical leadership and guidance to the
Fedora repository community.
Thank you to our community and sponsors
for their ongoing contributions and support.
Use standard
interfaces for easy
access to common
Web applications