Projects 2013.indd
Projects 2013.indd
PROJECTS BALKAN, one of the leading Companies in Construction Industry in S.Europe created an album of certain indicative projects for the celebration of 20 years of operation and successful course. The product’s range includes: • Aluminium Systems BLK & FWB Brokelmann • Pvc Systems WYMAR • Machinery • Polycarbonated Sheets • Composite Panels BALKAN promotes the briefing of study offices and technical companies on the products and their applications. More specifically the support actions include: • Promotion – presentation of products • Presentation to groups or individual Architects & Civil Engineers • Distribution of informative material • Direct mail of Balkan’s informative bulletin BALKAN NEWS GALLERY, twice a month • Technical support for products specifications • Indication of fabricators for offers submission WWW.BALKAN.GR Η BALKAN, μια από τις σημαντικότερες εταιρίες στον κλάδο των κατασκευών στην Ν.Ευρώπη, δημιούργησε ένα λεύκωμα μερικών ενδεικτικών έργων για τον εορτασμό των 20 χρόνων λειτουργίας και επιτυχούς πορείας. Τα προϊόντα που διατίθενται στην αγορά είναι: • Συστήματα Αλουμινίου BLK κα FWB Brokelmann • Συνθετικά κουφώματα WYMAR • Μηχανήματα • Πολυκαρμπονικά φύλλα • Σύνθετα πάνελ αλουμινίου Η BALKAN προωθεί την ενημέρωση μελετητικών γραφείων και τεχνικών εταιριών για τα προϊόντα και τις εφαρμογές τους. Πιο συγκεκριμένα οι ενέργειες υποστήριξης περιλαμβάνουν: • Παρουσίαση - προώθηση προϊόντων • Παρουσιάσεις σε μεμονωμένους αρχιτέκτονες & μηχανικούς ή σε ομάδες μελετητών • Διανομή ενημερωτικού υλικού σε έντυπη και ηλεκτρονική μορφή (CD). • Αποστολή ηλεκτρονικού ενημερωτικού σημειώματος ανά 15 ημέρες • Τεχνική υποστήριξη όσον αφορά τις προδιαγραφές προϊόντων • Υπόδειξη κατασκευαστών για την υποβολή προσφορών ...Inspired with passion! ROMANIA Vital Instal Offices, Bucuresti Systems W50 / BLK262 UKRAINE Business Center, Kharkov Systems W50 / RG75 ROMANIA Extending Therapy, Cluj-Napoca Systems W50 BULGARIA 31 Center, Sofia Systems W50 ROMANIA Headquarters of Public Finance, Timisoara Composite Panel 5.500m2, Systems W50 / BLK262 ROMANIA Headquarters Piritex, Ploiesti Systems W50 / BLK262/ BLK154 ROMANIA Hospital, Pitesti Systems W50 ROMANIA Hotel, Bucuresti Systems W50 ROMANIA Hotel, Mihailesti Systems W50 / BLK262 ROMANIA Isalnita Gimnasium, Craiova Systems W50 / BLK262 UKRAINE Delta Group, Kharkov Block Systems W50 / BLK262 UKRAINE Korona Project, Odessa Systems W50 / BLK262 ROMANIA Meediagalaxy Shopping Center, Brasov Systems W50 / BLK254 ROMANIA Office Building Orchidea, Bucuresti Systems W50 / BLK262 UKRAINE Sigurdhall, Odessa Systems W50 / BLK262 UKRAINE Poltava Museum, Poltava Systems W50 ROMANIA Exotic Shopping Center, Coldea Systems W50 / BLK254 ROMANIA Complex Melody, Mamaia Composite Panel 300m2 Systems W50 / RG75 ROMANIA Ford, Alexandria Systems W50 ROMANIA Library, Iasi Systems W50 / BLK254 ROMANIA Complex Laguna, Mamaia Systems W50 ROMANIA Spectrum Residence, Costanta Systems RG75 BULGARIA Motopista Office Buildings, Sofia Systems W50 / BLK262 ROMANIA Shopping Center, Arad Systems W50 / BLK254 ROMANIA Theatre, Valcea Systems W50 UKRAINE Business Center, Kharkov Systems W50 / BLK262 / BLK154 / RG75 UKRAINE Minutka, Odessa Systems W50 UKRAINE Chah Name, Odessa Systems BLK262 UKRAINE Business Center, Kharkov Systems W50 / RG75 / BLK262 U.A.E. Al Nahda, Dubai Systems W50 / BLK154 / BLK330 GREECE Restaurant, Ioannina Polycarbonate Sheets UKRAINE Systems BLK154 / BLK445 POLAND Systems BLK262 / BLK330 POLAND, Bank PKO Systems W50 / BLK262 / BLK330 POLAND, Bank PKO Systems BLK262 / BLK330 POLAND, Bank PKO Systems BLK262 / BLK330 POLAND Systems BLK262 / BLK330 POLAND, Hyatt Systems W50 / AL262 POLAND, Kinoplex Systems W50 / RG75 POLAND Systems BLK262 / BLK330 POLAND Systems W50 / RG75 POLAND Systems W50 / RG75 UKRAINE Systems W50 / RG75 UKRAINE Systems W50 / RG75 UKRAINE Systems BLK262 / BLK330 UKRAINE Systems W50 / RG75 UKRAINE Systems BLK262 / BLK330 UKRAINE Systems BLK262 / BLK330 UKRAINE Systems W50 / RG75 KUWAIT System RG75 UKRAINE Systems W50 / RG75 UKRAINE Systems W50 / RG75 UKRAINE Systems W50 / RG75 UKRAINE Systems W50 / RG75 UKRAINE Systems W50 / RG75 UKRAINE Systems W50 / RG75 UKRAINE Systems W50 / RG75 UKRAINE Systems BLK262 / BLK330 UKRAINE Systems W50 / RG75 UKRAINE Systems BLK262 / BLK330 UKRAINE Systems BLK262 / BLK445 UKRAINE Systems BLK262 / BLK445 UKRAINE Systems BLK262 / BLK445 UKRAINE Systems BLK262 / BLK445 UKRAINE Systems BLK262 / BLK445 UKRAINE Systems BLK262 / BLK445 KUWAIT System BLK445 PROJECT UNDER CONSTRUCTION UKRAINE Systems W50 / RG75 PROJECT UNDER CONSTRUCTION IRAN, Teheran Systems W50 / RG75 BALKAN NETWORK GREECE BALKAN SA ROMANIA BALKAN RO UKRAINE BALKAN UA Head Office: Athens 11th km Nat.Road Athens-Lamia 144 52 Metamorphosi Tel.: +30 210 2810 030 Fax: +30 210 2845 025 e-mail: Head Office: Bucharest B-dul Iuliu Maniu 333, Sector 6 Tel.: +40 213 170 695-7-8 Fax: +40 213 160 699 e-mail: Head Office: Kiev Moskovsky Av. 6 Tel./Fax: +38 044 464 4947/7858 Τhiva: Tel.: +30 22620 72001-4 Fax: +30 22620 71293 Extrusion Industry 79th km Nat. Road Athens-Lamia Ipato Thivon Tel.: +30 22620 72001-4 Fax: +30 22620 71293 e-mail: Alba Iulia: +40 258 810 241 Arad: +40 257 288 588 Bacau: +40 234 562 620 Βrasov: +40 286 549 904 Cluj-Napoca: +40 264 415 512 Constanta: +40 241 559 850 Craiova: +40 251 483 323 Iasi: +40 232 244 055 Τimisoara: +40 256 296 114 ROMANIA - DEALERS Galati: Alprovest tel/fax: +40 236 458 038 Pitesti: Conarg tel/fax: +40 248 610 089 Satu Mare: Neptun tel/fax: + 40 261 841 930 Sibiu: Roa Design tel/fax: +40 269 214 325 Ploiesti: Rolir tel/fax: +40 244 225 170 Κharkov: +380 57 757 5161-2 Odessa: +380 482 328 402, 335 654, 0487 773 389 BULGARIA BLK BG Ηead Office: Sofia 8 Malashevska Str. 1202 Tel.: +359 2936 6652/91 Fax:+359 2936 6735, e-mail: CZECH REPUBLIC ALUMONT BUILDING A.S. DEALER Hradni-Slazska 27/37, 710 00 Ostrava Tel./Fax: +420 777 800333 e-mail: RUSSIA MGM LTD DEALER Promzona 16 Str.-Armavir 352916 Krasnodar Tel./Fax: +7 86137 58100 e-mail: BELARUS SOL-FARM DEALER Kalvariyskaya 60/2H, 220073 Minsk Tel./Fax: +37517 204 22 25 e-mail: IRAN ALUMIN.CO No.6 8th Floor, Negar Tower, Vanak Sq. Tel.: +9821 8864 1422 Fax: +9821 8864 1425 KUWAIT ALUMINIUM CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES Center CO ALRAI industrial Area st.26, 22069 Behind Masjid Al-Othman, block 2, Fl1st tel: + 965-24755140, fax: + 965-24755107 MAURITANIA MOHAMED CHERIF ABDELLAHI 75, Ilot S Avenue G. A. Nasser, BP.5829 Nouakchott tel: 222 25 77 30, fax: 222 25 77 50 e-mail: