volume 22, Number 3 March 2016
volume 22, Number 3 March 2016
An Affiliate of the Arizona Quilters Guild volume 22, Number 3 March 2016 Greetings From the President…. I can’t believe that another month has slipped by! We will all be doin’ a jig and wearin’ the green very soon. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all of you! I hope that the luck of the Irish and the handshake of a leprechaun will bless you this month! I am hoping that some magic will happen this month in the way of a Quilt Show Chair. Sherri Ashford put forth a lot of effort into the Quilt Show Manual, so the next volunteer to take on this important role will have all the answers! Yes, it is a big job. Yes, you get to work with a large variety of women. Yes, you are in full control. No, you are not alone. You have the expertise of those who have chaired this important committee before, and they will be happy to share their experiences to help you succeed. Please step up and volunteer. We will be discussing the budget at this month’s general meeting. Are you ready? Adeline, our Treasurer, is ready to answer all the relevant questions you come up with. Remember, a budget is “a tool to provide a forecast of revenues and expenditures; that is, to construct a model of how we might perform financially if certain strategies, events, and plans are carried out”. Events and plans carried out? What happens if we don’t have the Quilt Show next year? Answer: We need a chairman! This month also brings nominations. Do you know of anyone who would like to lead a committee? Can you say Yes to being the next Quilt Show Chairman? How about being a shadow to someone on the Board, in preparation for being nominated next year? We have a few positions like that available. Give Sherri Ashford a call if you are interested in volunteering in this way. Let me end this column with this sage adage: Volunteers don’t get paid. Not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless. Thank you for taking the time to volunteer. Sheri Ahrens Hospitality WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS: Melissa Corder Judi Eide Laurie Bevars Susan Dull ROSTER CHANGES: The members listed below have made changes to their phone, email, or address. Please consult the Online Roster located on our website for up-to-date information. Bette Carbone Rita Marquart Susan George Dianne Lomax If your information needs to be updated, please contact Sherri Ashford, Membership Chair Zola Stuart & Ruby Worrell Put another candle on your birthday cake! TINA BENSON LUCILLE BUSH GINNY CLAUSEN KAREN DEITZ JANE DONSKER ANN EDMONDSON CATHERINE GEER SHARON HUSTED LINDA IRA EILEEN JOHNSON SHIRLEY JOHNSON MARY LOMBERTO LINDA MAC KAY SARAH MCNARY DEIRDRE NOLAN CAROL PANAGOS FRIEDA PETERS NANCY PETERSON JO SHOOP SHANNON SIGLER DORIS STEINLE MARY LOU VAN DREEL CAROLYN VICTOR LINDA VISNAW BARBARA WALKER CAROLYN WALTERS ROSELYN WHITNEY Dottie Holman will be collecting donations for the Transition House at the General Meeting. Bring your toiletry items and help your community! What’s Inside …. 3/24 3/31 3/05 3/08 3/09 3/27 3/13 3/23 3/07 3/18 3/20 3/28 3/16 3/19 3/24 3/29 3/27 3/11 3/14 3/31 3/21 3/23 3/10 3/08 3/20 3/16 3/15 PLEASE SIGN UP TO BRING SNACKS TO THE GENERAL MEETING! FRIENDSHIP SOCIAL: Beryl Rasmussen is having a coffee on March 11, from 2:00 to 4:00 at the Havasu Resort located at 1905 Victoria Farms Rd. Theme: “Quilting in a Small Space”. DID YOU KNOW? The Guild provides $25 to offset the cost of a Friendship Social, so please consider hosting one! The social can be a daytime, afternoon, or evening get-together. Do whatever is best for you. Mark Your Calendar: GENERAL MEETING DATES Thursday, March 10 — Quality Inn, 6:30 PM Thursday, April 14 — Quality Inn, 6:30 PM Thursday, May 12 — Quality Inn, 6:30 PM Page Hospitality 2 BOM/Community Outreach/ NQD 3 PLEASE BRING A GOLD FAT QUARTER to the March Meeting for Joan Wurster General Meeting Minutes 4, 5, 6 Education—Guild Classes 7 who celebrated her Vendor Classes 8 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 9, 10, 11 On February 14. 12 CONGRATULATIONS, GOLDEN GIRL! February Meeting Highlights Friendship Social at Crazy Horse Local Supporters 13, 14 2 BOM SCAVANGER HUNT QUILT Shirley Johnson Hey Block of the Month Participants! I wanted to let you all know that I’m changing up the format a bit in March. I’ve asked the vendors not to bring their fabrics in March as I assume those of you who want to participate in the Farm Girl Vintage Block of the Month program (BOM) are well under way and likely have all your fabrics in stock that you’ll be using to complete your blocks. I will schedule one final vendor visit in May or June and will ask them to bring fabrics that can be used for the Flying Geese border, the additional final border, or the backing on the Farm Girl Vintage quilts. Here are the blocks that you’ll need to bring to the March meeting to participate in the FQ drawing: Old Glory, Sunday Morning, Wooly Sheep or Patchwork Pumpkin – bring either 2 or 4 blocks depending on the program you’ve signed up for. Upcoming blocks that will be assigned at the March meeting and due in April include: Autumn Star, Chicken Foot, Churn Dash and Cool Threads – we’re more than halfway done with the project now. Hope you’re still enjoying the BOM program! See you at the General Meeting on Thursday! Shirley Johnson Community Outreach Susan George & June Trubia THE CHALLENGE WAS ISSUED IN NOVEMBER: Use as many of the listed 30 items on the quilt as possible. THE REQUIREMENTS: Size is your choice. Your quilt must have 3 layers and the edges must be finished. Label must be attached to the back of the quilt and include your name and a list of the items you added to your quilt for this challenge. THE OPTIONS: Pieced blocks, embellishments, appliqués, quilting. THE RESULTS: The unveilings will be held at the March 10 General Meeting. WE CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOUR SCAVANGER HUNT QUILT! National Quilting Day Date: March 12 at the Quality Inn, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Entrance Fee: Bring a canned item for Interagency. Bed Turning: Presented by Phyllis Barton. Learn the very interesting history of quilts! Indoor Garage Sale: Come and see what is resurrected from the annual cleaning by our members. One sewer’s extras are another sewer’s treasures! Thanks to the Connecting Thread gals for volunteering to work the sale. Simply Woven Quilt: Class will be taught by Geri Larson and lunch is provided. Pay $5.00 prior to class and bring your sewing items. (Complete details on Page 7.) Community Outreach: Will be sewing their handy work. Demos: Will be conducted throughout the day. Many more fun things will happen. Come on by! Wendy Howe Next meeting: March 23, 2016 10 AM to 3 PM at the library, 1770 N McCulloch Blvd, Lake Havasu City. Future date: April 6, Same time and place. Our Goal: To share our love of sewing and help people in our community. We had 10 people at our last meeting. The projects may be one time or on going. What we currently do: lap, children quilts 40”x 48 to 60”max, fidget quilts, tie on walker bags, adult, child, baby bibs, baby burp cloths, pillow cases. We keep a count of the puppy pillows taken by you to the Western Humane Society. What we have given out from June 1, 2015 to March 1, 2016: 89 Lady quilts, 58 Men quilts, 61 Fidget quilts, 94 Adult bibs, 9 Children quilts, 2 baby quilts, 4 receiving blankets, 1 crocheted blanket, 2 hat/bootie set, 50 Burp cloths, 56 Baby Bibs, 58 children bibs, 118 Pillow cases, 165 Puppy pillows. This could not be done without help from all of you. WAY TO GO! Thank you! Any questions, please contact Wendy Howe. Remember to bring your Pennies to the General Meeting 3 HAVASU STITCHERS GENERAL MEETING MINUTES February 4, 2016 Call to Order 6:30 PM Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve January General Membership Meeting Minutes by Eileen Johnson, seconded by Pat Bennett, all approved, motion passed. Buy your raffle tickets – 6 for $5.00. Pennies: Reminder to drop off your pennies to President for next month’s drawing. Happy Birthday to our members. Hospitality – Zola/Ruby 102 Members present tonight 11 Visitors, 7 of whom became members tonight President Sheri Ahrens - Watch Missy Quilter for Teachers Guideline and Ground Rules Form. Revisions approved by the board. Request from member Catherine Stephan to review form revisions at this time. Discussion. Motion from Phyllis to table this until next meeting to allow the board to work out details, Seconded by Judy Fintz. Sheri Ashford requested amendment to motion to have special Board meeting with vendors present to discuss changes to form, Seconded by Judy Fintz, all approved, amended motion passed. Coffees Upcoming: Beryl Rasmussen – “Quilting in a Small Space” – March 11, see Missy Quilter for details. Thank you to the Crazy Horse Quilters for January coffee. Welcome to visitors and vendors. Vendors present are: Donna’s Quilt and Knit – Kingman Fabrics Unlimited – Fort Mohave Havasu Quilts – Kim Pebley – Online Sew What – Jeanette Kennedy and Kevin Cabbage – Online Treasurer – Adeline Reiten: Budget on Missy Quilter for review – Vote at March General Meeting. Report was given on account balances. Valentines Fat Quarter Give Away from the President: The winners were: Mary Lou Van Dreel, Winnie Pratt, Andy Walker, Donna Moore, Diane Lomax, Brenda Stanway, Audrey King, Carolyn Walters, Sherri Ashford, Penny Lind, Linda Nosal, Mary Beth Peters. Quilting at the Lake – Sherri Ashford – Fabulous! Working on lower class prices for Havasu Stitchers members for QAL 2017. Seven teachers under consideration. Please return survey form to help direct the next QAL and Havasu Stitchers classes. Calendar Girls – Sold Out! Revenue of $510.00. Thank you to Printing Plus. Fabric Exchange – Maria Rhodes Wild Animals – 5 ½ inch squares for this meeting, eight members participating in February. March will be Flowers. 4 HAVASU STITCHERS GENERAL MEETING MINUTES—CONTINUED February 4, 2016 1st VP Education – Geri Larson April 4th Ann Creek Class – Victorian table runner $5.00 class 9:00 to 3:00 at MO’s April 8th Piecing/Applique class - Gladiolas by National Teacher Reeze Hanson at Quality Inn 9:00-3:00 $40.00 Penny Count – $23.50 from January collection winner is Shirley Chamberlain. Printing Plus – Michelle and Heather – speaking on behalf of Denise’s Day, fundraiser for local families fighting cancer. Raffle tickets on sale for the displayed quilt that Jeanette Kennedy stitched and Kevin Cabbage quilted. Denise’s Day will be held on March 12 at the grassy green spot on McCulloch Blvd. There will be a concert. Raffle quilt by the Crazy Horse Quilters was on display. The Crazy Horse raffle quilt supports the American Hero Project. Did you know Quilts of Valor requires a completed quilt, while the American Hero project requires only a quilt top. Interesting bit of information. Thank you Crazy Horse girls for all of your dedication to this worthy cause. Balloon Fest – Judy Justice/Susan George made $1,853.00 on multiple items sold and the quilt raffle. Raffle Prize – basket winner Lisa Mousel. BOM – Cindy filled in for Shirley Johnson– The blocks due at next meeting were announced. Drawing- winner for completion of 4 blocks is Susan Black, 2 block winner is Deanna Pepe. Membership Drive – Sherri Ashford announced that April will be the beginning of the Membership Drive. All membership dues are due to the Havasu Stitchers by May 20. Break. Connecting Threads - Rita McElhinney & Marsha Davis – New group forming (Sew Much Fun) Thursdays at Hobby Lobby 9:30, sit and sew friendship group. Show & Tell – A-L. Showcase at Aquatic Center – Need someone to help keep it current for Spring. Community Outreach – Wendy Howe - Presentation of December quilt project. Havasu Herald Newspaper featured Havasu Stitchers for the Western Humane Society puppy pillow donation, picture, and article in the paper on 2/3/16. Also, we were mentioned in the Orchids for senior blanket donations to Prestige. Christmas Party – Loretta Frilot (2016). National Quilting Day – Sheri/Geri - March 12 Garage Sale Bed turning Class – Simply Woven Exhibits Nominations – Sherri Ashford - Discussed open positions, encouraged members to volunteer to participate in many available positions. Nominations accepted at March meeting. Show & Tell – M-Z. 5 HAVASU STITCHERS GENERAL MEETING MINUTES—CONTINUED February 4, 2016 Scavenger Hunt Challenge – Susan George/June Trubia – There are 30 items to be incorporated into a quilt for the challenge. This quilt will be yours. Just for fun! Due at March General Meeting. Spring Frenzy – Cancelled by the City. Raffle Prize Basket Winner Sue Keller. Sunshine – Please let Joan Wurster know of a Havasu Stitcher that she can send a card too. Joan celebrates her 50th Wedding Anniversary this month. Bring gold fat quarters for her basket to March meeting. Motion to Adjourn by Marilyn Flick, seconded by Bonnie Fryer, motion passed. Adjourned at 8:45 PM. Respectfully Submitted by LeAnn Richey Sunshine WAYS AND MEANS June Trubia and the Sundowners Joan Wurster BUY RAFFLE TICKETS AT THE MEETING & WIN FUN PRIZE BASKETS OR 50/50 MONEY! Remember, it only takes one ticket to win! Please let the Sunshine Chairman know if you would like to have a card sent to one of our members. Please put Sunshine Lady in the Re: section of the e-mail. LIST OF OFFICERS P. O. Box 2875; Lake Havasu City, Arizona 86405 Havasu Stitchers General Meeting on the second Thursday of every month, 6:30 PM Quality Inn, Havasu Room 271 S. Lake Havasu Avenue, Lake Havasu City, AZ PRESIDENT: Sheri Ahrens FIRST VP: Geri Larson Board Meetings are held the first Thursday of every month. Mohave County Library, 6:00 PM SECOND VP: Sherri Ashford Email: havasustitchersguild@yahoo.com Web: http://www.HavasuStitchers.com TREASURER: Adeline Reiten Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/havasustitchers SECRETARY: LeAnn Richey FABRIC EXCHANGE CONNECTING THREADS Maria Rhodes Rita McElhinney and Marcia Davis Maria Rhodes invites you to bring your Floral prints in 5 ½” squares to the March meeting for the Fabric Exchange. Nine members will be participating in this fabric exchange extravaganza! There’s a new group in town! Rita and Marcia have formed a new sit and sew friendship group, and they meet on Thursdays at Hobby Lobby, beginning at 9:30 AM. We know you’ll have “Sew Much Fun”! 6 Education Geri Larson, 1st VP Education Simply Woven Quilt—March 12 Geri Larson, our 1st VP-Education will be teaching this colorful class as we celebrate National Quilt Day on Saturday, March 12 at the Quality Inn. This quilt comes together very quickly using jelly rolls, a solid background fabric, and a fun slice-anddice block construction method. Each square is 12”, and you only need to make 9 or 12. Sign up at the general meeting and get your supply list! The cost to Havasu Stitchers is only $5. Gladiolas Table Runner—April 8 This vivid quilt features the colorful Gladiola, the flower for the month of August. Four multi-hued flower stalks fill the corners of this quick-pieced summer table topper. The bright background of pinks, yellows, and oranges are strip-pieced to make up fast, and the borders are added to finish it off. The floral motifs are fused to make them fast. The applique is “appli-quilted” or stitched down and quilted at the same time! Size: 43” x 42”. The Gladiolas class will be taught by AQG National Educator Reeze Hanson on April 8 at Quality Inn from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The class fee is only $40 to Havasu Stitchers. Please contact Geri Larson or sign up at the general meeting to reserve your seat! Victorian Table Runner—April 15 Be sure to sign up to take the Victorian Table Runner class taught by Ann Creek at Grace Episcopal Church on April 15 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The church is located at 111 Bunker Drive in Lake Havasu City and the cost to Havasu Stitchers is only $5! The class will highlight the unique curves of this pattern by Southwind Designs. You know we’ll have fun! 7 VENDOR CLASSES CONTACT QUILT SHOP FOR COMPLETE/UPDATED NFORMATION FABRICS UNLIMITED CLASSES 5039 S. Hwy 95 Suite F Fort Mohave, AZ 86426 928-768-1888 March 2, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Pineapple Plus—New triangle methods. March 9, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Judy Niemeyer Club—New project each month March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Tuesday Sit and Sew MATERIAL OBSESSION 34 Lake Havasu Avenue N #11 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 928-505-3612 March 7, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Free Motion Quilting I March 14, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Free Motion Quilting II March 21, 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Free Motion Quilting III March 19, 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM, Toothbrush Rug, 18” x 36” MONICA’S QUILT SHOP 7737 Wagon Wheel Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86404 928-486-5583 March 2, Bargello, taught by Bettye Sheppard March 7, Fun and Done—Quilt as you go with charm squares, taught by Jean Teffeteller March 9 and 10, Mexican Star, taught by Bettye Sheppard March 16, Greased Lightning table runner, taught by Vicki Zimmer March 23, Quilt as You Go EZ Breezy Table Runner (Butterfly), taught by Ann Creek HAVASU QUILTS 2874 Cisco Dr N Lake Havasu City, AZ 928-221-8114 March 5, 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM, Fun and Easy Placemats with Jeanette March 12, 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM, Fabric Bowls with Mary March 19 (also 4/16, 5/21, 6/18, 7/16) 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM, Bloom BOM by Lori Holt, taught by Shirley Johnson March 25, 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM, Bow Bag with Jeanette 8 February Meeting Highlights 9 February Meeting Highlights—Continued 10 February Meeting Highlights—Continued 11 Preparing for the Friendship Social at Crazy Horse on January 29 The 2016 Raffle Quilt, presented by Crazy Horse Quilters Shelley Oxley and Joann Jacobsen. A Note of Thanks… We were delighted that over 50 Havasu Stitchers were able to attend the recent Friendship Social at Crazy Horse Campground. You supported our American Hero Project by purchasing over $200 worth of raffle tickets, taking quilt kits home to sew, and returning completed quilt tops within days! Funds generated from the sale of raffle tickets enable us to purchase fabric and sew quilt tops for wounded soldiers. We hope that you are all lucky winners when the raffle tickets are drawn and over 50 prizes are awarded on Monday, March 7! We will call you if you win! Linda Kjorstad, Penny Lind, Barb Math, Mary Peters, Mary Lou Van Dreel, and Charla Youngberg Crazy Horse Quilters & Havasu Stitchers 12 Thanks to our local supporters... 13 Havasu Stitchers Quilt Guild P. O. Box 2875 Lake Havasu City, Arizona 86405 is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the art and education of quilting. Email: havasustitchersguild@yahoo.com Web: http://www.HavasuStitchers.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/havasustitchers The Dangling Thread is a monthly publication of the Havasu Stitchers. It is distributed to members via email and is also available on the website. Editor: Mary Beth Peters 14
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