Slope Stability of Levees 659 IT IS SEEPAGE INDEED — A
Slope Stability of Levees 659 IT IS SEEPAGE INDEED — A
IT IS SEEPAGE INDEED — A SENSITIVITY STUDY ON SEEPAGE AND SEEPAGE-INDUCED SLOPE STABILITY OF LEVEES Khaled Chowdhury, PE, GE1 Sujan Punyamurthula, PhD., PE3 Richard Millet, PE, GE2 Gyeong-Taek Hong, PhD., PE4 Nichole Tollefson5 ABSTRACT Typical failure modes observed in levees are caused by underseepage, through seepage, slope instability, erosion, and overtopping. Overtopping and erosion are strongly influenced by hydraulic conditions. For the remaining failure modes seepage is the major contributor to multiple types of distress conditions in a levee during flood events. Underseepage, which may cause piping and internal erosion of materials due to excessive pore water pressure under the blanket layers, also negatively impacts slope stability by reducing effective stresses in the foundation soils. Similarly, through seepage, which may cause removal of materials from levee embankments due to piping through non-cohesive soils, reduces the factor of safety against slope stability failure. Underseepage and through seepage are dependent on multiple factors that include net head, embankment and foundation stratigraphy, material types, levee geometry, hydraulic conductivity of the embankment, blanket, and aquifer, contrast between blanket and aquifer hydraulic conductivity, blanket thickness, and the presence or absence of a waterside blanket. A sensitivity study was performed to evaluate different factors on steady state underseepage and through seepage conditions on levees, and subsequently, the effects on slope stability. The results of these seepage and stability studies were compared with current United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) criteria (EM 1110-2-1913). Different contributing factors were evaluated under both existing and remediated levee conditions. If a reduction in a slope stability factor of safety is driven by seepage conditions, seepage mitigation measures should also improve stability conditions. Sensitivity study results indicate that slope stability factors of safety vary significantly for a wide range of soil strength parameters as seepage conditions vary. However, this variation in slope stability factors of safety is significantly reduced in levee sections remediated for seepage conditions. Exceptions to these findings include levees founded on soft organic soils or fissured highly plastic clay, where stability of an existing levee is mainly dependent on the strengths of embankment and near surface foundation layers. Due to the findings that levee seepage characteristics affect the majority of levee failure modes (i.e. underseepage, through seepage, and seepage-induced slope stability conditions), data collection efforts should focus more on collecting information on factors that affect seepage conditions so that an effective mitigation measure can be designed. 1 Project Manager, URS Corporation, 2870 Gateway Oaks Ste 150, Sacramento CA 95833, 2 Vice President, URS Corporation, Sacramento, CA , 3 Vice President and A/E Division Manager, URS Corporation, Sacramento, CA, 4 Senior Staff Engineer, URS Corporation, Sacramento, CA , 5 Senior Staff Engineer, URS Corporation, Sacramento, CA , Slope Stability of Levees 659 INTRODUCTION Seepage and slope stability are two major analyses used in geotechnical evaluations of existing levees. There are many independent factors that affect steady state seepage and slope stability conditions. However, as pore water pressure distributions in the embankment and foundation layers are incorporated in the slope stability analyses, seepage conditions have a major impact on slope stability. A series of sensitivity study results showing effects of different contributing factors on underseepage based on Blanket Theory can be found in USACE TM 3-424 (USACE, 1956) and Turnbull and Mansur (1961a and 1961b). In preparation for this paper, about 325 sets of seepage and slope stability analyses were performed to evaluate the effects of different factors on steady-state underseepage and through-seepage conditions and subsequently their effects on slope stability. Each set includes seepage and slope stability analyses for a given set of conditions using SEEP/W and Slope/W software (GeoSlope, 2008 and 2009). A levee geometry section was prepared in accordance with the USACE Sacramento District’s criteria for levees along major rivers (USACE, 2008). This study to assess the sensitivity of factors of safety (slope instability) and exit gradients (underseepage) to levee material and geometry was performed under five conditions: Case 1: Embankment strength under a range of net head conditions Case 2: Hydraulic conductivity contrast between an embankment and a blanket layer for different drained strengths of the embankment under different net head conditions Case 3: Hydraulic conductivity contrast between a blanket and an aquifer for a range of drained strengths of the blanket layer under different net head conditions Case 4: Blanket layer thickness for a range of drained strengths of the blanket layer under different net head conditions Case 5: Aquifer thickness for a range of drained strengths of the blanket layer under different net head conditions All these cases were evaluated without a fine-grained layer at the channel bottom, i.e. with an aquifer exposed at the channel bottom. Cases 2 through 5 were also evaluated with a fine-grained layer of constant thickness at the channel bottom. Analyses with a fine-grained layer at the channel bottom were evaluated under two different boundary conditions at the waterside vertical faces: no flow and total head conditions. Three sets of analyses, which resulted in higher exit gradients (i) and phreatic surface breakouts and lower factors of safety, were further evaluated under remediation conditions for seepage improvement measures only. SEEPAGE AND SEEPAGE INDUCED SLOPE STABILITY CONDITIONS Factors affecting underseepage, through seepage, and slope stability conditions are interrelated when geotechnical evaluations of a levee system progress from seepage evaluation to slope stability evaluation. Turnbull and Mansur (1961a and 1961b) have formulated the initial understanding of underseepage conditions of levees based on their 660 Innovative Dam and Levee Design and Construction groun ndbreaking investigation i ns on Mississsippi Valleyy levees durinng the early 1950s. Findiings from theese early inv vestigations were w the bassis of Appenndix B in US SACE Engin neering Man nual (EM) 11 110-2-1913, which proviides mathem matical analyyses of underrseepage and d subsurfacee pressure (allso known aas Blanket Thheory). Accoording to EM M 1110-2-1913, thee factors affeecting the un nderseepage (See Figure 1) are: Net N head on levee, l H Thickness, T z and vertical hydraulic co onductivity of top stratuum (blanket), Kbr and Kbll Thickness, T d and horizon ntal hydraulicc conductiviity of perviouus substratuum, Kf Distance D from m riverside levee toe to river, r L1 Base B width of levee and berm, b L2 Length L of fou undation and d top stratum m (blanket) laandward of llevee toe, L3 Distance D from m landside leevee toe to effective e seeppage exit, X3 Distance D from m effective source s seepaage entry to rriverside levvee toe, X1 Figure 1. Illusstration of Paarameters Afffecting Undderseepage (F Figure B1 fro om EM 11100-2-1913) Curreently, there is i no embank kment throug gh seepage aanalytical prrocedure avaailable in EM M 1110-2-1913 for levee design n and constru uction. USA ACE’s Engineer Technicaal Letter L 1110-2-556 6) “Risk Bassed Analysiss in Geotechnnical Engineeering for Suupport of (ETL Plann ning Studies”” (USACE, 2003) presen nts determinnistic modelss used for prrobabilistic analy yses of throu ugh seepage. In these detterministic m models, the fo following parrameters aree identified as affeccting through seepage ev valuations: Hydraulic H conductivity Hydraulic H graadient, i Porosity, P n Critical C stresss c (the sheear stress req quired for floowing waterr to dislodge a soil particle) p Particle P size, expressed as a some repreesentative siizes such as D50 or D85 Friction F angle or anglee of repose Slopee Stability of o Levees 6661 In the deterministic models presented in ETL 1110-2-556, gradient, critical tractive stress, and particle size are used to determine whether shear stresses induced by seepage head loss are sufficient to dislodge soil particles. The model uses the gradient and hydraulic conductivity to determine whether a seepage flow rate is sufficient to carry away or transport particles once they have been dislodged. Grain size and pore size information may also be used to determine whether soils, once dislodged, will continue to move (i.e., piping) or be caught in adjacent soil particles (i.e., plugging). Very fine sands and silt-sized particles are among the most through seepage-susceptible materials. Slope stability problems are associated with a decrease in shear strength, or an increase in shear stress, or both. According to Duncan and Wright (2005), the predominant processes for a decrease in shear strength are: Increase in pore water pressure (i.e., decrease in effective stress) Development of cracks through the soil near the crest of the slope Swelling (increase in void ratio) of clays, especially highly plastic and heavily overconsolidated clays Development of slickensides in clays (highly plastic clays) as result of shear on distinct planes of slip Decomposition of clayey rock fills Creep under sustained loads Leaching, resulting changes in chemical composition of pore water as water seeps through the voids Strain softening Strength loss due to weathering (various physical, chemical, and biological processes) Cyclic loading causing liquefaction Duncan and Wright (2005) also identify the mechanisms through which shear stress can increase in a slope. These are Increase of loads at the top of the slope Water pressure in cracks at the top of the slope Increase in soil weight due to increased water content Excavation at the bottom of the slope Drop in water level at the base of a slope during rapid drawdown conditions Earthquake shaking Based upon evaluation of these factors, it can be readily concluded that majority of the factors affecting slope stability are related to pore water pressure. In the analyses of levee stability under steady state conditions, the following factors have major impacts: 662 Innovative Dam and Levee Design and Construction Height and slope inclinations Total unit weight of soil layers Effective stress shear strength parameters Net head Pore water pressure in steady state conditions Whereas levee embankments subject to geotechnical evaluations usually range from 5 feet to 30 feet in height; these heights are small compared to dams or natural slopes, which may range up to hundreds of feet in height. In the case of natural slopes and dams, the imposed shear stress and shear strengths of an embankment and foundations, as well as pore water pressure, are major contributors to slope stability. However, in case of a levee embankment with moderate height, pore water pressure induced during steady state flood conditions has significantly higher effect on slope stability. CURRENT STATE OF GUIDELINES OR CRITERIA FOR SEEPAGE AND STABILITY EVALUATIONS Currently, seepage and slope stability of levees are evaluated in accordance with USACE EM 1110-2-1913 and EM 1110-2-1902. The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has also developed Urban Levee Design Criteria (final draft, January 2012) for California levees. These manuals and guidelines provide seepage and stability evaluation criteria. Underseepage may cause piping and erosion of materials from levee foundations due to excessive pore water pressure under the blankets. Analytically, underseepage is characterized by “Average Vertical Exit Gradient” at the toe of the levee through blanket layer. Average vertical exit gradient is calculated as follows: Average Vertical Exit Gradient = Total Head Drop Across Blanket Layer Thickness of Blanket Layer Based upon USACE criteria, a calculated average vertical exit gradient value of 0.5 or less at the toe of the levee at the design water surface is an acceptable criterion for underseepage evaluations. An average vertical gradient value of 0.8 is identified as a “Critical Exit Gradient,” which provides a factor of safety of 1 for a soil with unit weight of 112.5 pcf. Considering the critical gradient value of 0.8, an average vertical exit gradient of 0.5 provides a factor of safety of 1.6 for underseepage. However, underseepage may occur at lower average vertical exit gradients. USACE’s TM 3-424, Investigation of Underseepage and Its Control: Lower Mississippi Levees, describes a relationship between a vertical exit gradient at a levee toe and the severity of underseepage conditions observed during a 1950 flood in the Mississippi River. Table 1 summarizes these field observations. Slope Stability of Levees 663 Table 1. Average Vertical Exit Gradient vs. Seepage Conditions Trends Observed During a 1950 Flood in the Mississippi River Exit Gradient, i Seepage Conditions 0 to 0.5 Light/No Seepage 0.2 to 0.6 0.4 to 0.7 0.5 to 0.8 Medium Seepage Heavy Seepage Sand Boils1 Source: ETL 1110-2-569 (Design Guidance for Levee Underseepage, May 2005) 1 The gradient required to cause sand boils varies considerably at the different sites, and relatively low gradients were recorded near some sand boil areas. This may be due to the fact that at sites where sand boils developed previous to the 1950 high water, only fairly low excess head may have been required to reactivate boils in 1950, and as a relief of pressure occurs at the boil, readings of piezometers near the boil may be somewhat lower than those farther from the boil (TM 3-424). If a phreatic surface daylights on the landside of the slope of a levee under steady state conditions, and embankment materials consist of low-plasticity soils (i.e., erodible soils), it may indicate a potential for through seepage. Through seepage causes removal of materials from levee embankments due to piping through low plasticity soils. Generally, there is no specific criterion for through seepage in USACE design manuals. According to USACE guidance for slope stability analyses of levees, static stability analyses on a levee’s landside for long-term conditions assume steady state conditions. A factor of safety of 1.4 or greater at design water surface elevations is considered acceptable for steady state slope stability analyses. According to EM 1110-2-1902, pore water pressures can be estimated from field measurements, hydrostatic pressure computations for no-flow conditions, or steady-state seepage analyses techniques (i.e., via flow nets, finite element analyses, or finite difference analyses). Advances in seepage and slope stability analysis software allow pore water pressure imports from steady state seepage to stability analysis, and these analyses can be performed more easily than before. GEOLOGIC AND GEOMETRIC MODEL FOR SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS An idealized geologic and geometric model was prepared to evaluate the sensitivity of different factors on seepage conditions, and subsequently their effects on slope stability. According to the USACE Sacramento District’s Geotechnical Levee Practice (USACE, 2008), “the minimum levee section should have a 3H:1V waterside slope, a minimum 20 feet wide crown for main line levees, major tributary levees, and bypass levees, a minimum of 3H:1V landside slope, a minimum 20 feet landside easement, and a minimum 15 feet waterside easement. Existing levees with landside slopes as steep as 2H:1V may be used in rehabilitation projects, if landside slope performance has been good.” Given the USACE Sacramento District guideline and the purpose of evaluating the sensitivity of different factors on seepage and seepage-induced slope stability, the following idealized cross section was developed for the sensitivity analyses: 664 Innovative Dam and Levee Design and Construction Figuree 2A. River with w Levees on Both Siddes Figure 2B. Idealized Seection withou ut Fine-Graiined Blankett at Channel Bottom Bottom Figure 2C. Idealized Section with a Fine-Grainned Blanket at Channel B Figure 2. Idealized I Seections and Boundary B Coonditions forr Sensitivity Study Figurre 2A shows levee embaankments on both sides oof a channel.. An idealizeed section foor analy yses includess levee embaankment on one o side exteending to thee middle of the channel.. As sh hown on Figures 2B, thee idealized seection includdes a 50-foott-wide waterrside bench and th he aquifer laayer is conneected to wateer inflow froom the channnel. A no floow boundaryy condiition at wateerside verticaal face was used u in sensiitivity analysses using secction shown in Fig gure 2B. To evaluate thee effects of fine-grained fi layer at the cchannel botttom, Slopee Stability of o Levees 6665 sensitivity Cases 2 through 5 were also evaluated with a waterside blanket of a constant 7.5-foot thick blanket at the bottom of the channel. An idealized section with a 7.5 feet thick fine-grained blanket at the channel bottom is shown on Figure 2C. Two boundary conditions (no flow and total head) at waterside vertical face were used in sensitivity analyses using section shown in Figure 2C. SENSITIVITY STUDY CASES Case 1: Net Head and Embankment Strength Case 1 was developed to evaluate seepage and stability conditions with increased net head. The net head was varied to different ratios of the height of the levee. Slope stability analyses were performed at each of these net head conditions with a range of drained strength of the embankment. Case 1 sensitivity analyses were performed using a no flow boundary condition at waterside vertical face. Table 2 summarizes seepage and stability results and Figure 3 shows the average vertical exit gradient and factor of safety values for different net head loading conditions. As expected, these results indicate that with the increase of net head the average vertical gradient increases and the factors of safety against slope stability decreases. The range in slope stability factors of safety for a variation in embankment strength is narrow compared to the steep increase in average vertical exit gradient. Table 2. Summary of Case 1 Steady State Seepage and Slope Stability Results Drained Shear Strength Layer and Thickness (feet) Soil Type Net Head 0.08LEVEE HEIGHT (=1.5 feet) 0.21LEVEE HEIGHT (=3.75 feet) 0.42LEVEE Embankment Silty Clay HEIGHT 18 feet (=7.5 feet) 0.62LEVEE HEIGHT (=11.25 feet) 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) Blanket 15 feet Aquifer 20 feet Aquiclude 20 feet 666 Hydraulic Conductivity Horizontal, kh Cohesion Intercept (cm/sec) (c') (psf) 1.0E-05 1.0E-05 1.0E-05 1.0E-05 1.0E-05 Effective Friction Angle, φ' 75 29 75 31 75 33 75 29 75 31 75 33 75 29 75 31 75 33 75 29 75 31 75 33 75 29 75 31 75 33 Silty Clay 1.0E-05 100 29 Sand 1.0E-03 0 33 Silty Clay 1.0E-05 150 31 Average Phreatic Minimum Surface Vertical Factor Breakout Exit Safety under Point Gradient Above Steady State at Landside Landside Conditions Toe (feet) Toe (i) 1.67 <0.1 0.0 1.75 1.80 1.63 0.15 0.5 1.68 1.72 1.51 0.30 1.8 1.55 1.59 1.37 0.45 3.6 1.40 1.44 1.20 0.61 6.3 1.23 1.26 Constant for all Case 1 Analyses Innovative Dam and Levee Design and Construction Fig gure 3. Casee 1 Average Vertical V Exit Gradient (ii) and Factorrs of Safety (FOS) Plot Case 2: Hydraullic Conducttivity Contrast Between n Embankm ment and Blanket Case 2 was develloped to evalluate hydrau ulic conductiivity contrasst between ann embaankment and d a blanket laayer. The em mbankment’ss hydraulic cconductivity was varied for a range of em mbankment materials m with h different ddrained strenngths and hyddraulic uctivity valu ues. The blan nket, aquiferr, and aquicluude conditioons were keppt constant condu for alll cases. Table 3 summarrizes seepagee and stabiliity results annd Figure 4 ((4A to 4C) show ws the averag ge vertical ex xit gradient and a factor off safety values for differeent net headd condiitions with variable v hydrraulic condu uctivity contrrasts betweenn embankmeent and blank ket. Slopee Stability of o Levees 6667 Table 3. Summary of Case 2 Steady State Seepage and Slope Stability Results Layer and Thickness (feet) Soil Type Case ID and Contrasting Soil Layers Net Head 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT Case 2-I (=5 feet) Compacted 0.56LEVEE Compacted Clay HEIGHT Clay Embankment (=10 feet) over Silty Clay Blanket 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) Drained Shear Average Phreatic Minimum Strength Surface Vertical Factor Ratio of Breakout Exit Safety Horizontal Point Gradient under Hydraulic Above at Steady Conductivity of Landside Landside State Hydraulic the Embankment Toe (feet) Conditions Toe (i) Conductivity and Vertical Horizontal, Cohesion Effective Hydraulic kh (cm/sec) Conductivity of Intercept Friction (c') (psf) Angle, φ' the Blanket Case 2A: No blanket over channel Kh(embankment)/ bottom with waterside (ws) no Kv(blanket) flow boundary 1.0E-06 0.4 125 32 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) Silty Clay Embankment 18 feet Case 2-II Silty Clay 0.56LEVEE Embankment HEIGHT over Silty (=10 feet) Clay Blanket 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) 1.0E-05 4 75 31 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) Case 2-III Sandy Silt 0.56LEVEE Sandy Silt Embankment HEIGHT (=10 feet) over Silty Clay Blanket 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) 1.0E-04 40 50 31 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) Case 2-IV Silty Sand 0.56LEVEE Silty Sand Embankment HEIGHT over Silty (=10 feet) Clay Blanket 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) Blanket 15 feet Aquifer 20 feet Aquiclude 20 feet 668 1.0E-03 400 0 33 Silty Clay 1.0E-05 100 29 Silty Sand 1.0E-03 0 33 Silty Clay 1.0E-05 150 31 Average Phreatic Vertical Surface Exit Breakout Gradient Point at Above Landside Landside Toe (i) Toe (feet) Minimum Factor Safety under Steady State Conditions Case 2B: 7.5 feet thick blanket over channel bottom with ws no flow boundary (Case 2C: 7.5 feet thick blanket over channel bottom with ws total head boundary condition) 0.21 0.9 1.72 0.12 (0.19) 0.2 (0.9) 1.8 (1.74) 0.42 3.4 1.51 0.24 (0.38) 1.1 (2.9) 1.69 (1.55) 0.62 6.5 1.26 0.36 (0.57) 2.9 (5.9) 1.55 (1.32) 0.21 0.9 1.63 0.12 (0.19) 0.5 (0.9) 1.69 (1.64) 0.42 3.2 1.45 0.25 (0.38) 1.6 (2.7) 1.57 (1.47) 0.62 6.3 1.22 0.38 (0.58) 4.1 (5.9) 1.4 (1.25) 0.21 0.9 1.57 0.13 (0.19) 0.9 (0.9) 1.57 (1.56) 0.42 2.9 1.41 0.26 (0.39) 2.7 (2.9) 1.43 (1.41) 0.63 6.5 1.19 0.39 (0.58) 6.1 (6.3) 1.24 (1.21) 0.21 0.9 1.37 0.13 (0.19) 0.9 (0.9) 1.36 (1.36) 0.42 2.9 1.21 0.26 (0.39) 2.9 (2.9) 1.21 (1.20) 0.63 6.5 1.01 0.40 (0.58) 6.3 (6.5) 1.00 (1.00) Constant for all Case 2 Analyses Innovative Dam and Levee Design and Construction Figure 4A. Case 2A A – No Fine--Grained Blaanket over C Channel Botttom Fig gure 4B. Casse 2B – 7.5 feet f Thick Fiine-Grained Blanket oveer Channel B Bottom with Waterside No N Flow Verrtical Face B Boundary Coondition Slopee Stability of o Levees 6669 gure 4C. Casse 2C – 7.5 feet f Thick Fiine-Grained Blanket oveer Channel B Bottom with Fig Waterside W To otal Head Vertical Face Boundary C Condition Fig gure 4. Case 2 Average Vertical V Exitt Gradient (i)) and Factorrs of Safety ((FOS) Plots Results for Case 2A indicate that the hyd draulic conduuctivity of em mbankment has little was evaluatedd. Similarly,, the change effectt on underseeepage condiitions in the range that w in hydraulic cond ductivity hass little effect on the heighht of the phrreatic surfacee breakout abovee the landsid de toe. Howeever, with th he increase inn hydraulic cconductivityy values, the quanttity of flow through t land dside slope face f increasees. As the inccrease in hyddraulic condu uctivity valu ue also indicaates transitio ons from cohhesive fine-ggrained soilss to noncohessive coarse-g grained soilss, the impactt in slope staability is maiinly due to a change in the drrained streng gth of emban nkment soilss. For exampple, the diffeerence in sloppe stability factorr of safety between a com mpacted siltty clay (c’, φ’) embankm ment and a sillty sand (φ’)) leveee is mainly due d to the draained strengtths of the em mbankment m materials rathher than underrseepage preessure and th hrough seepaage phreatic surface breaakout. s an nalyses weree evaluated uusing a consstant 7.5-foot-thick Case 2B and 2C sensitivity blank ket above thee channel bo ottom. Case 2B 2 results inndicate that tthe presence of finegrain ned blanket overlying o thee channel bottom decreasses the averaage vertical exit gradient when n compared with w Case 2A A analyses reesults, proviided a no floow boundaryy condition iss used on the waterrside verticaal face. Thesee improved sseepage connditions subssequently ove the stabiility conditio ons. Howeveer, as found oon Case 2C,, the positivee impact on impro 670 Innova ative Dam aand Levee D Design and C Constructioon underseepage decreases if a total head boundary condition is used on the waterside vertical face. Case 3: Hydraulic Conductivity Contrast Between Blanket and Aquifer Case 3 was developed to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity contrast between a blanket and an aquifer layer. The hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer was varied with a constant hydraulic conductivity of the blanket. Slope stability analyses were performed for each of these cases with a range of drained strengths of the blanket layer. The embankment, blanket, and aquiclude conditions were kept constant for all cases. Table 4 summarizes seepage and stability results and Figure 5 (5A to 5D) shows the average vertical exit gradient and factor of safety values for different net head conditions with variable hydraulic conductivity contrasts between blanket and aquifer. Results of Case 3A indicate that, with the increase in hydraulic conductivity contrasts between blanket and aquifer (as indicated by the ratio between horizontal hydraulic conductivity of aquifer, kh(aquifer) and vertical hydraulic conductivity of blanket, kv(blanket)), the average vertical exit gradient increases and the phreatic surface breakout height increases. These two conditions impact slope stability conditions by lowering factors of safety. Case 3B and 3C sensitivity analyses were evaluated using a constant 7.5-foot-thick blanket overlying the channel bottom. Case 3B results indicate that the presence of a finegrained blanket overlying the channel bottom has a big impact on the average vertical gradient at landside toe and the phreatic surface breakout, provided a no flow boundary condition is used on the waterside vertical face. In these cases, the average vertical exit gradient increases and then starts to drop (See Table 4), with a higher hydraulic conductivity contrast between blanket and aquifer. However, as found on Case 3C, if a total head boundary condition is used on the waterside vertical face, the results are closer to the Case 3A conditions with exposed aquifer conditions at the channel bottom (i.e., there is little effect of the fine-grained blanket overlying the channel bottom). Slope Stability of Levees 671 Table 4. Summary of Case 3 Steady State Seepage and Slope Stability Results Layer and Thickness (feet) Embankment 18 feet Soil Type Case ID and Contrasting Soil Layers Net Head Silty Clay Hydraulic Conductivity Horizontal, kh (cm/sec) Ratio of Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity of the Aquifer and Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity of the Blanket Kh(aquifer) /Kv(blanket) 1.0E-05 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) Case 3-I Silty Clay Silty Clay Blanket over Sandy Silt Aquifer 0.56LEVEE HEIGHT (=10 feet) 1.0E-05 20 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) Case 3-II Silty Clay Silty Clay Blanket over Silty Sand Aquifer Blanket 15 feet 0.56LEVEE HEIGHT (=10 feet) 1.0E-05 40 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) Case 3-III Silty Clay Silty Clay Blanket over Silty Sand to Sand Aquifer 0.56LEVEE HEIGHT (=10 feet) 1.0E-05 400 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) Case 3-IV Silty Clay Silty Clay Blanket over Sand Aquifer 0.56LEVEE HEIGHT (=10 feet) 1.0E-05 4000 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) Aquifer 20 feet Aquiclude 20 feet 672 Sandy Silt 5.0E-05 SiltySand 1.0E-04 40 Silty Sand to Sand 1.0E-03 400 Sand 1.0E-02 4000 Silty Clay 1.0E-05 Drained Shear Strength Cohesion Intercept (c') (psf) Effective Friction Angle, φ' 75 31 100 100 100 100 100 100 27 29 31 27 29 31 100 27 100 29 100 31 100 100 100 100 100 100 27 29 31 27 29 31 100 27 100 29 100 31 100 100 100 100 100 100 27 29 31 27 29 31 100 27 100 29 100 31 100 100 100 100 100 100 27 29 31 27 29 31 100 27 100 29 100 31 0 33 Average Vertical Exit Gradient at Landside Toe (i) Phreatic Surface Breakout Point Above Landside Toe (feet) Average Minimum Vertical Factor Safety Exit under Steady Gradient State at Conditions Landside Toe (i) Case 3A: No blanket over channel bottom with waterside (ws) no flow boundary 0.07 0.5 0.15 1.8 1.64 1.70 1.73 1.51 1.56 1.61 Phreatic Minimum Surface Breakout Factor Safety under Steady Point State Above Landside Conditions Toe (feet) Case 3B: 7.5 feet thick blanket over channel bottom with ws no flow boundary (Case 3C: 7.5 feet thick blanket over channel bottom with ws total head boundary condition) 0.07 0.5 0.15 1.8 0.24 (0.24) 4.5 (4.5) 1.34 (1.34) 1.34 0.24 4.5 1.39 0.5 0.25 1.8 1.62 1.68 1.72 1.48 1.53 1.58 0.12 0.5 0.24 1.8 5.0 1.35 0.37 (0.39) 4.7 (5.0) 0.9 0.41 2.7 1.58 1.64 1.69 1.40 1.45 1.50 0.12 0.5 0.25 1.6 6.3 1.23 0.38 (0.58) 4.1 (5.9) 1.4 0.55 4.1 1.53 1.59 1.65 1.31 1.36 1.41 0.06 0.0 0.13 0.9 7.7 1.03 1.07 1.67 1.74 1.76 1.59 1.65 1.70 1.47 (1.04) 1.00 0.82 1.4 (1.26) 1.44 (1.29) 1.26 0.27 1.63 1.69 1.73 1.51 1.57 1.62 1.35 (1.22) 1.19 0.61 1.37 (1.35) 1.41 (1.39) 1.40 0.20 1.62 1.68 1.73 1.49 1.54 1.59 1.32 (1.31) 1.31 0.39 1.39 (1.39) 1.43 (1.43) 1.43 0.12 1.64 1.70 1.74 1.51 1.56 1.62 0.2 (0.79) 2.3 (7.4) 1.52 (1.07) 1.57 (1.10) 20 Shear strengh of aquifer and shear strength and hydraulic conductivity of aquiclude constant for all cases 150 31 Innovative Dam and Levee Design and Construction Slopee Stability of Levees 6773 Figure 5B: Case 3A-II, 3B-II, and 3C-II: Silty Clay Blanket over Silty Sand Aquifer Figure 5A: Case 3A-I, 3B-I, and 3C-I: Silty Clay Blanket over Sandy Silt Aquifer 674 Innova ative Dam aand Levee Design and Constructioon Figure 5: Case 3 Average Vertical Exit Gradient (i) and Factors of Safety (FOS) Plots Figure 5D: Case 3A-IV, 3B-IV, and 3C-IV: Silty Clay Blanket over Sand Aquifer Figure 5C: Case 3A-III, 3B-III, and 3C-III: Silty Clay Blanket over Silty sand to Sand Aquifer Case 4: Blanket Thickness Case 4 was developed to evaluate the thickness of a fine-grained blanket layer. The blanket thickness was varied while keeping the hydraulic conductivities of the embankment, blanket, aquifer, and aquiclude constant. Slope stability analyses were performed for each of these cases with a range of drained strengths of the blanket layer. Table 5 presents a summary of the seepage and stability results and Figure 6 (6A to 6D) shows the average vertical exit gradient and factor of safety values for different net head conditions with variable blanket thickness and drained shear strengths of blanket. Results of Case 4A indicate that with the increase in blanket thickness, the average vertical exit gradient decreases. These conditions impact slope stability by increasing the factors of safety. However, as the phreatic surface breakout remains almost the same in all blanket thickness conditions, influence of the saturated condition of the embankment on slope stability remains the same. This becomes more apparent with the increase in net head on the levee, as the impact of phreatic surface breakout on slope stability increases with increasing net head. Case 4B and 4C sensitivity analyses were evaluated using a constant 7.5-foot-thick blanket overlying the channel bottom. Case 4B results indicate that the presence of finegrained blanket overlying the channel bottom has a big impact on the average vertical gradient at landside toe and the phreatic surface breakout, provided a no-flow boundary condition is used on the waterside vertical face. In these cases, both the average vertical exit gradient and the phreatic surface breakout decrease significantly compared to an aquifer exposed at the channel bottom. However, as found on Case 4C, if a total head boundary condition is used on the waterside vertical face, the results are closer to the Case 4A conditions with exposed aquifer conditions at the channel bottom, (i.e., there is little effect of the fine-grained blanket overlying the channel bottom). Slope Stability of Levees 675 Table 5. Summary of Case 4 Steady State Seepage and Slope Stability Results Drained Shear Strength Case ,ID, Layer and Thickness (feet) Soil Type Net Head Hydraulic Conductivity Horizontal, kh (cm/sec) Average Vertical Exit Gradient at Landside Toe (i) Cohesion Intercept (c') (psf) Effective Friction Angle, φ' Phreatic Phreatic Minimum Minimum Surface Surface Average Factor Breakout Vertical Exit Breakout Factor Safety Safety under Gradient at under Steady Point Point Steady State Landside State Above Above Conditions Landside Conditions Landside Toe (i) Toe (feet) Toe (feet) Case 4A: No blanket over channel bottom with waterside (ws) no flow boundary Embakment (18 feet) Silty Clay 1.0E-05 75 31 1.0E-05 100 100 100 100 100 100 27 29 31 27 29 31 100 27 100 29 100 31 100 100 100 100 100 100 27 29 31 27 29 31 100 27 100 29 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) Case 4-I Blanket 10 feet 0.56HEIGHT 0.66 MaxHEAD 0.56LEVEE HEIGHT (=10 feet) 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) 0.56LEVEE HEIGHT (=10 feet) Case 4-II Blanket 15 feet 0.83HEIGHT 1.00MaxHEAD 1.0E-05 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) Silty Clay 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) 0.56LEVEE HEIGHT (=10 feet) Case 4-III Blanket 20 feet 1.11HEIGHT 1.33MaxHEAD 1.0E-05 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) 0.56LEVEE HEIGHT (=10 feet) Case 4-IV Blanket 25 feet 1.39HEIGHT 1.67MaxHEAD 1.0E-05 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) 0.9 0.59 3.2 1.56 1.62 1.67 1.36 1.42 1.46 0.88 6.3 1.12 0.21 0.9 0.42 3.2 1.58 1.63 1.69 1.40 1.45 1.49 0.62 6.3 1.22 31 1.25 1.59 1.65 1.70 1.42 1.47 1.52 100 27 100 29 0.16 0.9 0.32 2.7 0.48 6.3 1.25 100 31 1.29 27 29 31 27 29 31 1.59 1.65 1.70 1.43 1.48 1.53 100 27 100 29 100 31 1.0E-03 0 33 1.0E-05 150 31 1.6 0.54 (0.8) 3.8 (5.9) 0.12 0.5 0.25 1.6 0.38 (0.58) 4.1 (5.9) 0.09 0.5 0.19 1.4 0.29 (0.46) 4.1 (5.9) 0.08 0.5 0.16 1.8 0.24 (0.38) 4.1 (5.9) 1.22 100 100 100 100 100 100 Silty Clay 0.35 1.18 27 29 31 27 29 31 Aquiclude 20 feet 0.5 1.14 100 Silty Sand 0.17 1.08 100 100 100 100 100 100 Aquifer 20 feet 676 0.29 Case 4B: 7.5 feet thick blanket over channel bottom with ws no flow boundary (Case 4C: 7.5 feet thick blanket over channel bottom with ws total head boundary condition) 0.13 0.9 0.27 2.7 1.24 0.40 5.9 1.27 1.31 1.63 1.69 1.74 1.51 1.56 1.61 1.35 (1.17) 1.40 (1.20) 1.44 (1.24) 1.63 1.69 1.74 1.52 1.57 1.62 1.35 (1.21) 1.40 (1.25) 1.44 (1.29) 1.63 1.70 1.73 1.51 1.57 1.62 1.35 (1.23) 1.40 (1.28) 1.44 (1.31) 1.63 1.70 1.74 1.51 1.57 1.62 1.35 (1.25) 1.40 (1.29) 1.44 (1.33) Constant for all Case 4 analyses Innovative Dam and Levee Design and Construction Slopee Stability of Levees 6777 Figure 6B: Case 4A-II, 4B-II, and 4C-II: Blanket Thickness = 0.83 Levee Height Figure 6A: Case 4A-I, 4B-I, and 4C-I: Blanket Thickness = 0.56 Levee Height 678 Innova ative Dam aand Levee Design and Constructioon Figure 6: Case 4 Average Vertical Exit Gradient (i) and Factors of Safety (FOS) Plots Fi 6D Case C 4A IV 4B-IV, 4B IV and d 4C IV Blanket Bl k Thickness Thi k 39 L i h Figure 6D: 4A-IV, 4C-IV: = 11.39 Levee H Height Figure 6C: Case 4A-III, 4B-III, and 4C-III: Blanket Thickness = 1.11 Levee Height CASE 5: AQUIFER THICKNESS Case 5 was developed to evaluate the thickness of an aquifer. Aquifer thickness was varied while keeping the hydraulic conductivities of the embankment, blanket, aquifer, and aquiclude constant. Slope stability analyses were performed for each of these cases with a range of drained strengths of the blanket layer. Table 6 presents a summary of the seepage and stability results and Figure 7 (7A to 7E) shows the average vertical exit gradient and factor of safety values for different net head conditions with variable aquifer thickness. Results of Case 5A indicate that with the increase in aquifer thickness and if the aquifer is exposed at the channel bottom, both the average vertical exit gradient and phreatic surface breakout increase. These conditions impact slope stability by decreasing factors of safety. Case 5A and 5B sensitivity analyses were evaluated using a constant 7.5-foot-thick blanket overlying the channel bottom. Case 5A results indicate that the presence of finegrained blanket overlying the channel bottom has a big impact on the average vertical gradient at landside toe and the phreatic surface breakout, provided a no-flow boundary condition is used on the waterside vertical face. For example, the average vertical exit gradient (i) drops from 0.4 (compared to 0.49 for case 5A) for an aquifer thickness of 0.33 times blanket thickness to 0.28 (compared to 0.70 for Case 5A) for an aquifer thickness of 5.33 times blanket thickness. In these cases, both the average vertical exit gradient and the phreatic surface breakout decrease significantly compared with an aquifer exposed at the channel bottom. However, as found on Case 5C, if a total head boundary condition is used on the waterside vertical face, the results are closer to the Case 5A conditions with exposed aquifer conditions at the channel bottom (i.e., there is little effect of the fine-grained blanket overlying the channel bottom). Slope Stability of Levees 679 Table 6. Summary of Case 5 Steady State Seepage and Slope Stability Results Drained Shear Strength Case ID, Layer, and Thickness (feet) Embankment 18 feet Blanket 15 feet Case 5-I Aquifer Thickness 5 feet 0.33BLANKET Soil Type Net Head Silty Clay Hydraulic Conductivity Horizontal, kh (cm/sec) Aquifer Strength 1.0E-05 1.0E-05 27 100 29 100 31 1.71 0.56LEVEE HEIGHT Silty Sand to (=10 feet) Sand 100 27 1.44 100 29 100 31 1.55 100 27 1.26 100 29 1.0E-03 c' = 0 psf φ' = 330 Silty Sand Silty Sand Silty Sand Silty Sand 680 Silty Clay 0.49 2.5 5.4 1.66 1.50 1.30 31 100 27 100 29 100 31 1.70 0.56LEVEE HEIGHT (=10 feet) 100 27 1.42 100 29 100 31 1.52 100 27 1.22 100 29 100 31 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) 100 27 100 29 100 31 1.69 0.56LEVEE HEIGHT (=10 feet) 100 27 1.39 100 29 100 31 1.49 100 27 1.18 100 29 1.0E-03 c' = 0 psf φ' = 330 c' = 0 psf φ' = 330 0.37 0.56 0.9 2.7 5.9 1.65 1.47 1.26 0.42 0.62 0.9 3.2 6.3 1.63 1.44 1.21 31 27 100 29 100 31 1.68 0.56LEVEE HEIGHT (=10 feet) 100 27 1.37 100 29 100 31 1.47 100 27 1.14 100 29 100 31 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) 100 27 100 29 100 31 1.67 0.56LEVEE HEIGHT (=10 feet) 100 27 1.36 100 29 100 31 1.46 100 27 1.12 1.0E-03 c' = 0 psf φ' = 330 100 1.0E-05 29 100 31 150 31 1.49 0.27 2.0 1.54 0.40 (0.45) 4.7 (5.2) 1.32 (1.29) 1.37 (1.33) 1.41 (1.37) 0.13 0.5 1.59 1.62 1.49 0.27 1.8 0.40 (0.51) 4.5 (5.4) 0.12 0.5 0.45 0.68 3.4 6.8 1.62 1.42 1.17 1.51 0.25 1.6 1.57 0.38 (0.58) 4.1 (5.9) 1.35 (1.21) 1.40 (1.25) 1.44 (1.29) 0.11 0.2 1.62 1.64 0.47 0.70 3.4 6.8 1.62 1.42 1.15 1.70 1.74 1.53 0.22 1.4 1.59 1.64 0.33 (0.65) 3.6 (6.5) 0.09 0.2 1.56 1.1 1.69 1.73 1.20 0.23 1.33 (1.25) 1.37 (1.30) 1.42 (1.34) 1.63 1.56 0.9 1.55 1.60 1.25 0.23 1.69 1.73 1.57 0.21 1.68 1.73 1.29 100 c' = 0 psf φ' = 330 0.5 1.59 0.18 100 1.0E-03 1.62 0.13 1.34 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) Aquiclude 20 feet 0.32 0.7 100 1.0E-03 Case 5B: 7.5 feet thick blanket over channel bottom with ws no flow boundary (Case 5C: 7.5 feet thick blanket over channel bottom with ws total head boundary condition) 1.60 0.16 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) Case 5-V Aquifer Thickness 80 feet 5.33BLANKET 31 100 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) Case 5-IV Aquifer Thickness 40 feet 2.66BLANKET 75 Case 5B: No blanket over channel bottom with waterside (ws) no flow boundary 0.28LEVEE HEIGHT (=5 feet) 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) Case 5-III Aquifer Thickness 20 feet 1.33BLANKET Effective Friction Angle, φ' See Below See Below 0.83LEVEE HEIGHT (=15 feet) Case 5-II Aquifer Thickness 10 feet 0.66BLANKET Cohesion Intercept (c') (psf) Average Average Phreatic Minimum Phreatic Vertical Vertical Minimum Surface Factor Surface Exit Exit Factor Breakout Safety Breakout Gradient Gradient Safety under Point Above under Point Above at at Steady State Landside Toe Steady State Landside Toe Landside Landside Conditions (feet) Conditions (feet) Toe (i) Toe (i) 1.38 (1.16) 1.43 (1.20) 1.48 (1.24) 1.66 1.72 1.76 1.56 0.18 1.1 1.62 1.67 0.28 (0.72) 3.2 (7.0) 1.18 1.42 (1.11) 1.47 (1.14) 1.52 (1.17) Constant for all Case 5 analyses Innovative Dam and Levee Design and Construction Slopee Stability of Levees 6881 Figure 7B: Case 5A-II, 5B-II, and 5C-II: Aquifer Thickness = 0.66 Blanket Thickness Figure 7A: 5A-I, 5C-I: = 00.33 Fi 7A Case C 5A I 5B-I, 5B I and d 5C I Aquifer A if Thickness Thi k 33 Blanket Bl k Thickness Thi k 682 Innova ative Dam aand Levee Design and Constructioon Figure 7D: Case 5A-IV, 5B-IV, and 5C-IV: Aquifer Thickness = 2.66 Blanket Thickness Figure 7C: Case 5A 5A-III, III 5B-III, 5B III and 5C-III: 5C III: Aquifer Thickness = 11.33 33 Blanket Thickness Figu ure 7E. Case 5A-V, 5B-V V, and 5C-VA Average Verrtical Gradieent ( i) and F FOS Plots foor Aquiffer Thickness = 5.33Blannket Thickneess Figure 7. Caase 5 Averag ge Vertical E Exit Gradiennt (i) and Factors of Safety (FOS S) Plots Slopee Stability of o Levees 6883 REMEDIAT R TION SECT TIONS WIT TH SEEPAG GE MITIGA ATION ME EASURES To ev valuate the effects e of seeepage conditions on sloppe stability, tthree sectionns with higheer underrseepage and d phreatic su urface breako outs and low wer factors of safety weree evaluated with seepage mitigation meassures. Thesee three analysis sets are C Case 3A withh Silty Clay blank ket over Sand d aquifer, Caase 4A with a blanket thhickness of 00.56 times levee height, and Case C 5A with h aquifer thicckness of 5.3 33 times blaanket thickneess. In the firrst 2 sectionns (Casees 3A and 4A A), a cutoff wall w was useed as a seepaage mitigatioon measure, and in the third case, a drain ned seepage berm was used considerring thick aqquifer. In all these three sectio ons, improveed seepage conditions c also improvedd slope stability conditioons signifficantly. Tab bles 7 throug gh 9 present the assumpttions and ressults of thesee three comp parisons and Figures 8 th hrough 10 in nclude the se epage and sttability outpputs from SEEP P/W and SLO OPE/W. Table 7. Assu umptions and d Results of Case 3A Secction with Seepage Mitigation M M Measure An exam mple of Case 3 with Seepage S Mitigation by using Fully Pe enetrating SB Cutoff Wall Existing Conditio on Drained Shear Strength Layer and a Thickn ness (feett) Soil Type H Net Head Hydraulic Anisotrphy Conductivity Ratio, Horizontal, kh/kv kh (cm/sec) Cohesion Intercept, (c') (psff) Effective Friction Angle, φ' Reme ediated Condition Phreatic Ave erage M Minimum Surface Average Factor Vertic cal Exit Breakout Vertical Exit Point Grad dient at Saffety under Gradient at Above Landside Ste eady State Landside Landside Co Toe (i) oe (i) onditions To Toe (feet) Phreatic Minimum m Surface ety Breakout Factor Safe Point under Steady Above State Landside Condition ns Toe (feet) No blanket over cha annel bottom with ws no flow boundary Embank kment Silty Clay 18 feet Blank ket 15 feet Aquiffer 20 fee et Aquiclu ude 20 feet 1.0E-05 4 75 31 1.0E-05 4 100 27 Sand 1.0E-02 4 0 33 Silty Clay 1.0E-05 4 150 31 Silty Clay LEVEE 0.83L HEIGHT (=15 feet) Rebuilt section above levee degrade fo or cutoff wall: Compacted Clay: kh = 10-6 cm/sec, kh/kv = 4, c' c = 100 psf, φ' = 32° Cuto off Wall: kh = 10-7 cm/se ec 0 0.82 7.7 1.00 <0.1 No Breakout 1.58 Figuree 8. Seepagee and Stabilitty Results foor an Exampple of Case 33A withoutt and with Seepage Mitiggation Meassure 684 Innova ative Dam aand Levee D Design and C Constructioon Table 8. Assu umptions and d Results of Case 4A Secction with Seepage Mitigation M M Measure An exam mple of Case 4 with Seepage S Mitigation by using Fully Pe enetrating SB Cutoff Wall Existing Conditio on Drained Shear Strength Layer and a Thickn ness (feett) Soil Type Net Head H Hydraulic Anisotrphy Conductivity Cohesion Ratio, Horizontal, ( Intercept (c') kh/kv kh (cm/sec) (psf) Drained Effective Friction Angle, φ' Ave erage Vertic cal Exit Grad dient at Landside oe (i) To Reme ediated Condition Phreatic M Minimum Surface Average Vertical Exit Factor Breakout Point Saffety under Gradient at Above Ste eady State Landside Toe (i) Landside Co onditions Toe (feet) Phreatic Minimum m Surface ety Breakout Factor Safe Point under Steady Above State Landside Condition ns Toe (feet) No blanket over cha annel bottom with no flow ws boundary Embank kment (18 fe eet) Silty Clay Blank ket 10 fe eet 0.56HEIGHT 0.66 Max xHEAD Silty Clay Aquiffer 20 feet Aquiclu ude 20 fe eet Silty Sand Silty Clay 1.0E-05 4 75 31 Rebuilt section above a levee degrade fo or cutoff wall: Compacted Clay: kh = 10 C 1 -6 cm/sec, kh/kv = 4, c' c = 100 psf, φ' = 32° Cuto off Wall: kh = 10-7 cm/se ec LEVEE 0.83L HEIG GHT (=15 feet) 1.0E-05 4 100 27 1.0E-03 4 0 33 1.0E-05 4 150 31 0 0.88 6.3 1.08 0.21 No Breakout 1.56 Figuree 9. Seepagee and Stabilitty Results foor an Exampple of Case 44A withoutt and with Seepage Mitiggation Meassure Slopee Stability of o Levees 6885 Table 9. Assu umptions and d Results of Case 5A Secction with Seepage Mitigation M M Measure An exam mple of Case 5 with Seepage S Mitigation by using 150 feet wide Seepage Berm m Existing Conditio on Drained Shear Strength Hydraulic Anisotrphy Conductivity Ratio, Horizontal, kh/kv kh (cm/sec) Layer and a Thickn ness (feett) Soil Type Embank kment 18 fe eet Silty Clay 1.0E-05 Blank ket 15 feet Silty Clay Aquiffer Thickn ness 80 feet 5.33BLAN NKET Silty Sand Aquiclu ude 20 fe eet Silty Clay Net Head H Cohesion Intercept, (c') (psff) Effective Friction Angle, φ' 4 75 31 1.0E-05 4 100 27 1.0E-03 4 0 33 1.0E-05 4 150 31 Reme ediated Condition Phreatic Ave erage Minimum M Average Surface Factor Vertic cal Exit Breakout Vertical Exit Point Grad dient at Saffety under Gradient at Above Landside Ste eady State Landside Landside Co Toe (i) To oe (i) onditions Toe (feet) Phreatic Minimum m Surface ety Breakout Factor Safe under Steady Point State Above Landside Condition ns Toe (feet) No blanket over cha annel bottom with ws n o flow boundary LEVEE 0.83L HEIG GHT (=15 feet) Seepage Berm: kh = 10-3 cm/sec, kh/kv = 4 4, c' = 0, φ' = 32°; 0 0.70 6.8 1.13 0.23 No (0.58 at Breakout Berm Toe) 1.74 Figuree 10. Seepage and Stabiliity Results ffor an Exampple of Case 55A withoutt and with Seepage Mitiggation Meassure 686 Innova ative Dam aand Levee D Design and C Constructioon CONCLUSIONS The results of the sensitivity analyses performed under five different sensitivity cases can be summarized as follows: The hydraulic conductivity contrasts between embankment and blanket have low impact on the average vertical exit gradient and phreatic surface breakout. In this study, the embankment hydraulic conductivities were varied with a constant blanket hydraulic conductivity. However, the quantity of flow increases with the coarsergrained embankment and steady state stability factor of safety drops due to low or no cohesion and low effective stress in coarser-grained materials. The hydraulic conductivity contrasts between blanket and aquifer have a large impact on the average vertical exit gradient and phreatic surface breakout. In this study, the aquifer hydraulic conductivities were varied with a constant blanket hydraulic conductivity. The average vertical exit gradient and phreatic surface breakout increase with increase in the ratio between horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, kh,blanket and the vertical hydraulic conductivity of the blanket, kv,blanket. Thin fine-grained blanket may create an unsafe condition for underseepage. In this study, blanket thicknesses were varied between 0.66 times maximum net head and 1.67 times maximum net head and the average vertical exit gradient dropped from an unacceptable to acceptable range. Average vertical exit gradients increase with increase in the aquifer thicknesses. In this study, aquifer thicknesses were varied between 0.33 times blanket thickness and 5.33 times blanket thickness and the average vertical exit gradient increased from a marginal range to an unacceptable range. The resulting range in slope stability factors of safety for a variation in embankment strength (for this study: ’ range between 290 and 330 with a c’ = 75 psf) is narrow compared to the steep increase in average vertical exit gradient with net head increase. The resulting range in slope stability factors of safety for a variation in blanket strength (for this study: ’ range between 270 and 310 with a c’ = 100 psf) is narrow compared to the steep increase in average vertical exit gradient with net head increase. Assumption of boundary condition of the waterside vertical face is important if a fine-grained blanket is present over the channel bottom. A fine-grained blanket at the channel bottom can positively impact the underseepage conditions by lowering the average vertical exit gradient if a no-flow boundary condition is used on the waterside vertical face. However, if a total head boundary condition is used on the waterside vertical face, the positive effects of the presence of the fine-grained blanket at the channel bottom reduce and the results are closer to aquifer exposed at the channel bottom. If the low factor of safety is driven by seepage forces, a seepage mitigation measure should also improve the slope stability factor of safety. In this study, 3 sets of Slope Stability of Levees 687 analyses with high average vertical exit gradients and phreatic surface breakout were analyzed by using seepage mitigation measures such as cutoff walls and seepage berms. In all these cases, the improvement of the seepage conditions improved the factor of safety even with the lower bound of the drained strength of the blanket. In most cases, a reduction in slope stability is mainly due to adverse seepage conditions. Therefore, improvement of seepage conditions also increases slope stability. Exceptions to these conditions include levees founded on soft organic soils or fissured highly plastic clay, where stability of an existing levee is mainly dependent on the strengths of embankment and foundation layers, and where seepage mitigation measures may not improve the stability conditions to an acceptable level. In most cases, levees show seepage distress before they fail indicating a deteriorating seepage conditions during flood. Therefore, it is very important to have a greater understanding of the conditions affecting both underseepage and through seepage. Data collection efforts should focus more on collecting information about factors that affect seepage conditions so an effective mitigation measure can be designed for levees with seepage and seepage-driven slope stability conditions. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank Francke Walberg, PE of URS (Overland Park, Kansas) and Derek Morley, PE of URS (Sacramento) for reviewing the paper and providing valuable suggestions during preparation of this paper. REFERENCES California Department of Water Resources (CA DWR). 2012 . Urban Levee Design Criteria Final Draft. January, 2012. Cedergren, H.R. 1989. Seepage, Drainage, and Flow Nets. Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, New York. Duncan, J. M. and Wright, S. 2005. Soil Strength and Slope Stability. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey. Geo-Slope International Ltd (Geo-Slope), 2008. Stability Modeling with SEEP/W 2007 Version: An Engineering Methodology. Fourth Edition Calgary, Alberta, Canada. November. Geo-Slope International Ltd (Geo-Slope), 2009. Seepage Modeling with SEEP/W 2007: An Engineering Methodology. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. May. Turnbull, W. and Mansur, C. 1961a. Design of Underseepage Control Measures for Dams and Levees. 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