TVMS Teacher Mr. Mike Culbert Wins the Citadel Heart of Learning
TVMS Teacher Mr. Mike Culbert Wins the Citadel Heart of Learning
TWIN VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 3 S P R I N G 2 0 1 4 CITADEL TVMS Teacher Mr. Mike Culbert Wins the Citadel Heart of Learning Award for TVSD!! HEART OF LEARNING AWARD Middle School News KINETIC ART SHOW FIDDLERS JUNIOR READING OLYMPICS AUTHOR’S VISIT INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Citadel Award 1 Kinetic Art Show 1 Ad Campaigns 2 7/8 Art Club News 2 Nolde Forest Visit 3 Fiddlers 3 JRO 4 Author’s Visit 4 Music Festival 5 Artists on View 5 Reading Olympics 6 Dance Competition 6 Nurse’s Notes 7 Fifth Grade teacher, Mr. Michael Culbert was presented with the Citadel Heart of Learning Award on Monday, April 7th in a surprise ceremony attended by his colleagues, principals and Dr. Pleis. Mr. Culbert was awarded a $500.00 grant to be used for his classroom. Mr. Tom Gugerty from Citadel Bank was on hand at the Twin Valley Middle School to make the presentation. Mr. Gugerty read aloud excerpts from applications nominating Mr. Culbert. In one of those nomination letters, Mr. Culbert was praised for taking the extra time to acknowledge students as individuals. One parent wrote that Mr. Culbert continues to greet her child years after having her in his class. She shared in her letter how vital that acknowledgement has been to her child’s middle school experience. Mr. Culbert attended the 2014 Citadel Heart of Learning Banquet with nominees from all of the Chester County school districts on Tuesday, May 13th at the Desmond Great Valley Hotel and Conference Center. At that banquet one overall winner in each level of education was named. Congratulations to Mr. Culbert! The 1st Annual Kinetic Art Show You hopefully didn’t miss the Art Show this year, Wednesday, May 7th 6-8pm. The evening began with free art activities and light snacks from 6-7pm in the lower entrance by the art rooms. During this time there was a special art exhibit in the library and a showing of the 5th and 6th grade puppet videos that the students created with our “Artist in Residence”. At 7pm the show moved to the gym where our ventriloquist “Marian and Friends” presented a short performance that was followed by the 1st annual Kinetic Art Show. This show featured animals that “moved” by scooters, wagons, skateboards or bicycles. The show surpassed all expectations and was an evening of art and entertainment that will be remembered! PAGE 2 T Mr. Walsh’s 7th Grade Classes Present Advertisement Campaigns vertisement campaigns to their peers and their parents in the library. On Tuesday, June 3rd, Mr. Walsh’s Language Arts blocks presented their advertisement campaigns in the library. Students worked in class to create a new product and develop an advertisement campaign to persuade consumers to purchase the product. As a culminating project, students presented their ad- We are active learners. We are responsible. We are caring citizens. We are respectful. The goal of the project was to become more aware of propaganda and its effect on our views. Also, students learned to analyze the propaganda behind images that they are exposed to on a daily basis. Students gained insight into their own beliefs by learning how to critically think about why we believe what we believe, as well as solidifying their understanding of where their beliefs came from. Next, students improved their critical thinking by analyzing various sources of information and evaluating the messages behind all the glitter and emotion. Finally, students practiced and improved their argument writing skills by thoroughly expressing their ideas in a business plan. 7th and 8th Grade Art Club News In March, the 7th and 8th grade Art Club took a trip to Baltimore to visit the American Visionary Art Museum. Students enjoyed viewing the original work of “untrained artists” in this unique museum. They saw first-hand MIDDLE the large kinetic art pieces that were the inspiration behind our 1st Annual Kinetic Art Show which was on Wednesday, May 7th. Baltimore is famous for its Kinetic Art Race, which features large scale art pieces that SCHOOL NEWS “move” across water and land. The Art Club also visited the Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum on the same day and all were especially impressed by the recycled art they found there. VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 PAGE 7th Grade Visits Nolde All 7th graders traveled to Nolde Forest during the week of April 23rd for an Earth Day celebration. At Nolde, students participated in an Ecology study led by a Nolde Forest ranger. Students were greeted by their Nolde Forest ranger when they arrived at the park. Then, Nolde rangers took each small group of students to a different section of the park to study the ecosystem of Angelica Creek. Students identified crayfish, salamanders, and small insects that they found in the creek. Rangers led small group discussions that focused on the different facets of the Angelica Creek ecosystem. In the afternoon, Twin Valley teachers led the students through the park for a Nolde Forest scavenger hunt. Fiddlers The largest group of fiddlers to date have been busy this spring, with 16 members playing Fiddle, Penny Whistle, Viola, Cello and Bass. There are also members in all 4 grades at the Middle School. Members experienced 8th graders to enthusiastic beginners in 5th grade who just started playing strings this year! The Ensemble has been quite busy and in great demand, playing all around the school district and beyond. The recent schedule included: May 2nd – HBEC Athletic Course Dedication – 2:30p May 3rd – Robeson Lutheran Church – Fair – 12:00p May 6th – 7/8 Band and Orchestra Concert – 7:00p May 7th – MS Kinetic Art Show – 6:00p May 12th – HBEC Evening of the Arts – 6:00p May 15th – 5/6 Band and Orchestra Concert – 6:15p May 27th – Reading Fightin’ Phils Pregame – First Energy Stadium – 5:30p 3 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 PAGE 4 TVMS Junior Reading Olympians Compete Once Again Once again, the 5th grade hallway at TVMS was filled with excitement and anticipation, as the 5th grade Reading Olympians prepared for competition on May 1st, 2014. Ten teams competed in the event which required cooperative team work and self discipline. Since October’s kick off assembly, the students have been busy reading 15 novels covering a variety of genres. In the three rounds of competition, each team was asked 20 questions about those books. Two teams tied for first place this year and will have their names printed on our banner. They were the Lovely Llamas, coached by Mrs. Zeitz and the Page Poppers, coached by Mrs. Schneider. All the teams did a wonderful job and enjoyed an awards assembly during which a musical slide presentation highlighting their evening was viewed and ribbons were presented. Author Visits TVMS 5 th Graders In March, the fifth grade students at Twin Valley Middle School were treated to a visit from a local author, Jane Kirkland. She spoke to the young authors about the importance of taking the time to notice and observe all the beauty around you. “Recorded observations and thoughts can be tucked away for a future writing piece,” she explained. The writing process and developing reading skills were also discussed. Her books are nonfiction and focus on nature. Jane was kind enough to donate a set of her books to our library. In addition, students could order her books and have them personally autographed! This interactive event was enjoyed by the teachers and students. VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 PAGE 5 Berks Junior County Music Festival On Saturday, February 22, Kutztown High School hosted the Berks County Junior Music Festival’s annual concert. The festival showcased music students throughout Berks County in grades seven through nine. The students who represented Twin Valley are pictured below. Olivia Ritchey was selected as the best oboist in the county, so she played with both the orchestra and band. Congratulations to all of our very talented students! Band Maeve Bartra – Trumpet Jaylynn Ritter – Trumpet Olivia Ritchey – Oboe (not pictured) Chorus Lorna Graham – Alto 2 Bridget Dunleavy – Alto 2 Megan Reiff – Alto 2 Maddie Herman – Alto 2 James Mauchline - Bass Not Pictured Connor Miles – Bass Ben Rader - Tenor 2 Emma Kertis – Alto 2 Orchestra Mackenzie Rice – Violin Caralyn Higginbottom – Violin Olivia Ritchey – Oboe TVMS Artists On View at the Art Plus Gallery in West Reading Thirty five artists from 5th to 8th grade were chosen by our art teachers to have their work displayed in a special exhibit at the Art Plus Gallery in West Reading. The show entitled “Jazzed Up” was on exhibit during March and April in this gallery which features artists from the area. The opening evening was well attended by our students and parents. Kudos and congratulations to all student artists! Lilly Leonowitz – Viola Candice Taylor – Violin Joseph Mauchline – Cello VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3 PAGE Reading Olympics! 2nd Annual TVMS Dance Competition/Spring Pep Rally The 2nd Annual TVMS Dance Competition/Spring Pep Rally was held on Friday, May 9th in the TVMS Turf 2 stadium. Students from each grade level were invited to the field to strut their stuff to a mix of dance music. The most spirited dancers from each grade were chosen to participate in the Ultimate Dance Competition, featuring last year’s champion Jahlil Little as a guest judge. The competition was fierce, but in the end two champions were crowned, 7th grader EJ Nale and 6th grader Lexi Cox . In addition, our spring sports teams, musical groups, and clubs were recognized and given a chance to dance to such timeless classics as the “Chicken Dance” and the “Harlem Shake.” Mr. Stine was the winner of our first ever Teacher Mascot Race! We owe a special thank you to the dancers from ReMix Dance Studio (including several TVMS students!) who put on three fabulous dance performances. We were also lucky to have DJ Rob Mitchell volunteer his time and talents in handling all of the music for our afternoon. 6 We’re on the web! TVMS is a safe, respectful, and supportive community of students, staff, and involved parents where students are empowered to achieve academic, social, and emotional success and to TVMS feel a strong sense of pride in both our school Dr. Lorraine Sakoian Principal 5/6 and community. Dr. Gerald Catagnus Principal 7/8 Phone: 610-286-8660 Email: “A learning community” Nurse’s Notes “Be Sun Wise ” DO NOT BURN – Sunburns increase one’s lifetime risk of skin cancer, especially for children AVIOD SUN TANNING & TANNING BEDS – UV light causes skin cancer and wrinkling GENEROUSLY APPLY SUNSCREEN 20 minutes before going outside & at least SPF of 15 WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING – long-sleeved shirt, pants, widebrimmed hat & sunglasses For more information visit Web site REMINDER: State mandated health services: • Physical Exams due for 6th Graders • Dental Exams due for 7th Graders • Written proof of Tdap and Meningoccal (MCV) required for 7th graders