June 2014 - Port Elgin-Saugeen Central School!
June 2014 - Port Elgin-Saugeen Central School!
WILDCATS Issue 10 École Port Elgin-Saugeen Central School www.pte.bwdsb.on.ca Safe arrival 832-2038 ext 100 (available 24 hrs a day) D. Rayner: Principal A. Gelmon: Vice Principal Character Trait TRUST While June marks the end of this school year, it is also a time when we are busy looking ahead to September. Enrolment figures are studied on a daily basis as we organize next year’s staffing and class organization. What seems organized at the end of June can look quite different just a few weeks later due to fluctuating enrolments. For all students in Bluewater District School Board, placement in classes during the month of September is considered tentative and is subject to change while the school’s final enrolment is determined. Therefore, there is potential for your child(ren) to have a change in their classroom and/or teacher after school begins. We always hope this is not the case, but should any changes be required, they will hopefully be completed by early October. However, June will soon be upon us, and this is always a very busy month complete with trips, assemblies, Fun Fair, Grade eight graduation, report cards and more. It is definitely a month to keep your calendars up to date! As stated, this has been a busy, productive year, and I would like to thank Monique Jacob-Allain and Tiffany Playfair for capturing many memorable moments through the creation of our yearbook. It is a wonderful representation of this past year and the Wildcat spirit. June is a very important month for our grade eight students as well. They will be embarking on their long-awaited grad trip, and of course, graduation. It is a nostalgic time as they complete their elementary school career and move into their secondary school years. We are proud of all of our graduates. They have demonstrated leadership, dedication and school spirit. We wish our graduates the very best as they transition to high school where we know they will continue to make us proud in the years ahead. We wish you a summer filled with lots of fun with family and friends. Happy June! Deborah Rayner Principal 2014 Upcoming Dates June 2014 Enjoying this beautiful sunny weather, it is hard to believe that just a few months ago the front of our school looked like a giant snowbank. I am sure we will all remember the winter of 2014, with lots of stories to share. However, warmer temperatures have finally arrived and we are all hoping for a warm June, and a beautiful summer. JUNE May 28-30 - EQAO Gr 3, 6 May 30 - Wildcat colours day June 3-4—EQAO Gr 3, 6 June 5—OEC 6S June 5 - Spring Fun Fair, 5—7 p.m. June 6—PD Day June 9-12 - Spring Book Fair June 9– BESC Track Meet Gr 5-8 June 10- Canada’s Wonderland Band trip Canadian Sport teams jersey day June 11—JiggiJump June 12—Regional Track Meet Rain date Fun Fair June 13- Talent show 9:30 am June 18-20– Grade 8 Trip June 20—K-6 Awards Assembly, 9:15 a.m. Longest day of play June 24 - Report cards go home —Grade 8 Graduation, 7 p.m. June 25—Last pizza day June 25– Grade 7 and 8 Awards Assembly , 11:45 a.m. June 26- Last Day of Classes—Have a great summer! - wear Wildcat colours June 27 - PD Day September 2– First Day of School—Welcome Back! September 18– Photo Day September 19– Photo Day REMINDER TO PARENTS Please remember to check the LOST AND FOUND bin by the library for any articles your child/ren may have lost during the school year. Items will be on display mid June to the end of the school year. All unclaimed items will be donated to the Salvation Army in July. Dress Code Reminder With the arrival of warmer temperatures, we have been reminding students of our School Dress Code. Parents and students can find the Dress Code in the front section of our school student planners, where the expectations are noted. We ask that students dress appropriately for our working and learning environment. Thank you. Jump Rope and Hoops for Heart Once again our Wildcat families contributed to raising funds for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. We surpassed last year’s total by over $2000.00 dollars, raising an amazing $8946.00! To date, our school has raised well over $100,000.00 for this worthy cause. We remind all Wildcats to be Heart Smart! June 5th Wanted Cakes, Cookies, Candies and Treats For Fun Fair The Treat Wheel has always been an excellent fundraiser at ÉPESCS’s Fun Fair and we are hoping that this year will be another great year. To make our Treat Wheel a success we are asking for donations of cakes, cupcakes, cookies, candies and treats. Donations for the Treat Wheel can be dropped off at the office on June 4th and 5th. Whether you are baking or buying something to donate please keep in mind ÉPESCS’s nut-free policy. Get your tickets ahead of time or at the door. Email: b_harris13@hotmail.com for more details. Proceeds will go towards our School Yard Improvements! Our final Book Fair of the year will be June 9— 12th in the school library from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. All books will be 2 for the price of 1 with all money raised going to the Children’s Miracle Network and Big Brothers and Big Sisters. This is a great opportunity to stock up on summer reading. Please join us! Thank you in advance for your support! Me 2 We Wildcats go “Cupcake Crazy”! Last week, as a fundraiser for our support of Makeni, Sierra Leone, our Me2We group went “Cupcake Crazy”. The Me2We bakers brought in an astounding 400+ cupcakes and the selling began. We sold cupcakes for $1, as well as raffle tickets on a giant bouquet of “cake pops”. After a very busy but tasty day, we were able to add more than $650 to our “Health Care” initiative bringing medical care to the people of Makeni. Many thanks to the bakers, the sellers, the delivery staff and of course all of the cupcake eaters. Way to go Wildcats! How do you turn a “freezie” into a house? During the month of June, Me2We will be running our final fundraiser of the year. For this one, we have chosen something really close to “home”. We are excited to pass along that Habitat for Humanity is building homes for deserving families this summer right here in Port Elgin! We would like to support the build as a school community. So, how do you turn freezies into a house? Well, each week in June, we will have a designated Freezie Day. Jumbo Freezies will be sold for $1.00 each with all proceeds going directly to the Habitat build. Please watch for a Freezie order form to come home early next week. We ask that you pre-order and pay in advance should you wish your child to participate. (sugar free freezies will also be available) For more information on how you can get involved in this summer’s Habitat Build, visit their website at www.habitatgreybruce.ca/ Thanks in advance for your support of this very worthy cause "MILK BAG MAT-ERS" Once again, we have some busy weavers in our school – that is milk bag weavers. Some students have been quietly and caringly making special milk bag mats for improverished people in Haiti; those without beds. Milk bag mats are better than the beds that Haitians make out of weaving leaves together. They last for a long time, do not harbor bugs and are easily washed. Our milk bag weavers are Maddy Craig, Kaitlin Ferguson, Taylor Harp, Lauren MacDonald and Kristen Mousseau. Our special expert volunteer is Vickie Hendry. If you are wondering if we have enough milk bags, the answer is yes, so there is no need to send in any milk bags to us. A big thank you goes to Mrs. Hendry and these girls for all the hours of dedication they put into “Milk Bag Mat-ers” SCC News and Updates Mark your calendars! The SCC is once again organizing our annual Fun Fair! Great food, music, raffles, games……fun for the whole family. Come out and join in the fun. A huge thank you to Barb Harris, for taking the lead in organizing this fundraiser. Our Wildcat Outdoor Pride playground committee has made great strides this year in getting a muti-year project for enhancing our playground off the ground. We appreciated the input from all stakeholders and look forward to further developments. Stay tuned! SCC Meetings for 2014-2015: *6:00 p.m. in the staff room *All parents welcome! September 8, 2014 February 17, 2015 October 14, 2014 March 24, 2015 November 17, 2014 April 20, 2015 December 8, 2014 May 19, 2015 A special thank you to all of the parents who came out to our meetings. Your input was always appreciated as was the time you dedicated to our students, staff and school community. Further gratitude is extended to Barb Harris and Tiffany Playfair for serving as our SCC co-chairs this year. Thanks for a great year! THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! On May 23 ÉPESCS honoured our volunteers. A delicious lunch was prepared by teachers and our volunteers were entertained by students. Round tables were set up in the gymnasium and children's artwork was displayed on the walls. Students from Ms Cameron's class performed a Reader's Theatre, Mrs. Palko's and Mrs. White's Kindergarten classes sang their famous Everyday is Earth Day song and Mrs. Weigand's class sang We Would like to Thank our Volunteers. Victoria, Danielle, Jessica and Olivia from 6C did a funny Eye of the Tiger parody, our Everyone's a Reader students read a poem, spelling out V-O-L-U-N-T-E-E-R and Mme. Belanger and Mlle. Howse's classes sang a Thank you song in French. Thank you to our piano players: Sasha Morano, Cydney Morris, Jamie Kuhl and Sarah Ripley. Each volunteer was presented with a potted plant to thank them for their countless hours they devote to our school. 2014 ÉPESCS Track and Field Information OUR SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD MEETS WILL TAKE PLACE ON THE FOLLOWING DATES: Regional Meets: BESCS (County) Gr. 7 & 8 Meet – June 9 Regional Track Meet—June 12 Davidson Centre Students wishing to attend the regional track meets must place in the top two in their division at our school meet and attend school track and field practices on a regular basis. All track and field information, including schedules and standards, can be found in the Sports section of the school web site: www.pte.bwdsb.on.ca . The Ontario Fun Pass is back! And it’s packed with great money saving coupons for Ontario Kids! Use these coupons for a free child’s admission when accompanied by a paying adult at 21 terrific Ontario attractions. Plus, families will save $2 on a daily parking permit at over 300 Ontario parks. Starting in June, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport will offer the Ontario Fun Pass online at www.ontariofunpass.com. Just type in your child’s last name and school board, print the coupons and redeem them at any of the participating Ontario attractions. It’s that simple! The Ontario Fun Pass – Your child’s ticket to the world of history and science, art and nature. SUMMER SCHOOL REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN. THE SUMMER SCHOOL REGISTRATION CODE IS 3599 REGISTER ON LINE AT http://www.bwdsb.on.ca OR REQUEST A REGISTRATION PACKAGE AT THE OFFICE. Session I: “Power-up” Literacy Global Literacy Math “Booster” Camp Bridge to Success July July July July 7 7 7 7 to to to to July July July July 21 21 21 11 Session II: “Power-up” Literacy Math “Booster” Camp Bridge to Success July 23 to Aug 7 July 23 to Aug 7 July 21 to July 25 11 days 11 days 11 days 5 days 11 days 11 days 5 days School Supplies for September 2014 Each year it can be an exciting, yet expensive, proposition to get ready for going back to school. We would like to remind our parents that the school will provide basic supplies such as pencils and pens for each student. We will also provide other items such as scissors, rulers, crayons, markers, pencil crayons, erasers and glue sticks that will be for shared access in each classroom. If your child would prefer to bring his/her own personal school supplies they are welcome to do so. A recommended list of school supplies for September 2014 will be included in your child’s report card in June. We also currently have several new backpacks complete with school supplies available in our office. Just speak with your child’s teacher or Mrs. Rayner if you would like one of these backpacks. As well, each year the United Way provides thousands of backpacks to families in need. To register for support with this organization, just call 211, or applications are also available at the school office. Either way, support is always available. COMMUNITY SUPPORT CORNER Where Do I Go If? ...my child wants to be involved in recreational activities? YMCA—Owen Sound 519-371-9222 -Hanover 519-364-3163 canadiantire.ca Jump start program 1-877-616-6600 Safety and Legal Reminders Helmets Youth Responsibilities - HTA Section 104 (2.1) - No person under the age of 18 shall ride on or operate a bicycle on a highway unless the person is wearing a bicycle helmet that complies with the regulations and the chin strap of the helmet is securely fastened under the chin. Parents / Guardian Responsibilities - HTA Section 104 (2.2) – No parent or guardian of a person under sixteen years of age shall authorize or knowingly permit that person to ride on or operate a bicycle...on a highway unless the person is wearing a bicycle helmet as required. Seatbelts Youth Responsibilities - HTA 106(3) - Passengers – Every person who is at least 16 years old and is a passenger in a motor vehicle on a highway shall occupy a seating position for which a seat belt assembly has been provided, and wear the complete seat belt assembly as required. Parents / Guardian Responsibilities - HTA 106(4) - Drivers Responsibility – No person shall drive on a highway a motor vehicle in which there is a passenger who is under 16 years old unless, that passenger occupies a seating position for which a seat belt assembly has been provided and is wearing the complete seat belt assembly as required. The DARE (Define Assess Respond Evaluate) Program The DARE Program is a program where a Police Officer comes into your classroom and talks to you about the uses of drugs and alcohol, bullying, and smoking. It teaches you about the impact on yourself as well as others if you were to use drugs or alcohol, smoke or bully someone. The Program helps us to determine right from wrong, and to evaluate situations we could find ourselves in. This year we had Officer Primeau as our DARE Officer. During the Program there was a DARE box where we were able to put questions in anonymously so others didn't know who was asking what. Officer Primeau was good at answering our questions and offered lots of good advice. To help better understand how to deal with situations we were able to act and do some role playing as well. We learned a lot! By Fiona Aiken 5E The D.A.R.E Program. While participating in the D.A.R.E program we learned how to deal with situations using the D.A.R.E Decision Making Model (Define, Assess, Respond, and Evaluate.) We learned what the health risks are of doing alcohol and tobacco. Also, we learned how to deal with stress and make proper decisions while stressed out. We learned how to effectively communicate to somebody and how to say “No” to friends without them getting upset. We learned how to stand up to a bully-Get a big crowd and outnumber him/her. I enjoyed that we could have our questions answered anonymously regardless of the question, Officer Primeau would answer all the questions that she understood and that were relevant. I highly recommend that this program continues. By: Ty Ernst 5E D.A.R.E. Program In DARE, my classmates and I learned about lots of ways to resist or say “no” to drugs. We also were taught about body language and how to read it. If someone had a frustrated face, it definitely wouldn’t be the time to tell that person you had broken their favourite toy. Also, we learned about different ways to report bullying and to report something anonymously. DARE was fun and I hope everyone else thought so too. Thank you Officer Primeau for teaching us D.A.R.E. -By Corey Ribey A NEW Magazine Sale Is Coming Fall 2014! MAGAZINES AND MEMORIES! Coming Fall 2014, we will have our annual Magazine Subscripon Program (including more digital magazines!) and also an opportunity to purchase Personalized Photo Memory Products including Photo Books, Labels, Cards, Calendars, Posters, Notepads and more! You’ll experience super easy upload and design of your products on-line with delivery right to your home. If you plan to design your own photo products this year, please order through our fundraiser and you’ll support our school at the same me. If you are eager to renew your subscripons before the official campaign begins, you can support our students at any me by shopping on-line! Just visit www.QSP.ca and search for our school name. (If you renew with the publishers directly the school does not receive profits.) Quesons? QSP Customer service is always available at 1-800-667-2536 First Rider Program School Bus Safety The First Rider Program is a School Bus Safety Program that introduces young children and their parents to school buses and school bus safety. The program is intended to be a fun learning experience that reviews bus safety rules and allows parents and children an opportunity to ask questions about school bus safety. As part of the program, parents and their children will also be invited to take a ride on a school bus. No registration is necessary. For more information on school bus transportation go to www.brucegreyschoolbus.ca Wednesday, June 4, 2014 Kincardine St Anthony’s School, 709 Russell St, Kincardine 5:00 to 7:30 pm Wednesday, June 11, 2014 Owen Sound Paisley Sydenham Community School, 1130-8th St E, Owen Sound Paisley Central School, 182 Arnaud St, Paisley 5:00 to 7:30 pm 7:00 pm (one session) Port Elgin St Joseph’s School, 584 Stafford St, Port Elgin 5:00 to 7:30 pm Owen Sound Hanover Sydenham Community School, 1130-8th St E, Owen Sound Holy Family School, 334 – 10th Ave, Hanover Flesherton Owen Sound Meaford Walkerton Macphail Memorial Elementary School, 59 Campbell St, Flesherton Sydenham Community School, 1130-8th St E, Owen Sound St Vincent-Euphrasia School, 555 St Vincent St, Meaford Mother Teresa School, 81 Cemetery Rd, Walkerton Wednesday, August 20, 2014 5:00 to 7:30 pm 5:00 to 7:30 pm Saturday, August 23, 2014 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 am am am am to to to to 12 12 12 12 noon noon noon noon June 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 EQAO 4 5 OEC 6S 6 EQAO Sat PD Day 7 13 Talent Show 9:30 am 14 20 21 Fun Fair 5—7 pm 8 Book Fair 9th— 12th 9 Regional Track 10 Book Fair Meet—Davidson Canadian Sport Centre team Jersey day 11 Book Fair 12 JiggiJump Regional Track meet Davidson Centre 18 19 Back from Grad Trip Band Wonderland Trip 15 16 17 Grade 8 Grad trip Grad trip Book Fair 3/4FI Museum Gr K-6 Award assembly Longest day of Play 22 23 Spirit Assembly 1:45 pm 24 Report cards 25 home Assembly Grade 7-8 Grad 7 pm Last Pizza 29 30 26 Last day of classes Wildcat colours day 7 PD Day 28
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