Our Services Include - Canorient Christian Association
Our Services Include - Canorient Christian Association
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Your new committee have been busy planning the very eventful fall and winter schedule of events which I am sure you will all enjoy and most importantly support with your participation. The traditional Thousand Island Picnic was held again this year but as in the past several years the numbers of Torontonians attending has declined dramatically to barely a handful of families and this year the attendance by Montrealers was also very disappointing. The Toronto Chapter had decided a couple of years ago to discontinue this event but on suggestion of some members it was decided to try and keep the tradition alive. This years attendance shows that our members are simply not interested and hence the Toronto Chapter will not be involved with this event any more. A summer event held this year for the first time was The Bike Ride and Picnic at the Mississauga Promenade along Lake Ontario. This fun event was the brain child of our new Vice President Margaret Castelino. Judging from the many young and old who attended it was a very successful and enjoyable event. The weather was just beautiful and as always the food being shared by our members was amazing. We are always looking for creative ideas or suggestions on events that would interest our members and continue to build an even stronger Canorient. The fall schedule of events leads off with the ever popular Canorient Idol. This is the fifth year and we are expecting a record turnout. The food fair and children’s Christmas tree continue as usual. The Christmas Dance is back to the usual December 26th date and based on the demand for tickets this will be another well attended event. We have changed the format for New Year’s Eve dance this year by making it a family night and hosting it at the club itself. We have a number of young parents who would like to celebrate New Year’s Eve with their kids and hence this year we thought it would be a good idea to cater to this demographic. The new committee consisting of many new members coming in with fresh ideas and fresh thinking are trying to ensure that our members enjoy a variety of events. We are always exploring new ways to get members involved. In recent weeks members who are not part of the executive committee have come forward and presented ideas and have actually taken the lead in making them happen. Patrick Correa organized the Goan Fiesta and Disco night. An idea which turned out to be a great success with the excellent Goan food, music and video being displayed on two large screens. Maria (Tootsie) Fernandes organised the Line Dancing evening. We suggest and encourage many others to do the same. To make the sharing of ideas even easier you can go to the Canorient Toronto page on Facebook and post your ideas and get feedback as well. Thanks very much for all your support. I look forward to seeing each and every one of you at a Canorient event this fall and winter. Angela Menezes President October 2009 They say time flies and for once I actually believe that. Can you believe that the summer’s over? I feel like the last day of school was just yesterday … and now I’m getting my classes and my course outlines ready for the upcoming school year. I feel like 2009 has hurried by and I’m not sure where it’s gone. When I accepted the position as editor of the Contact last year, I was still learning the ropes and getting myself acquainted various aspects of the Association. This year I am much more comfortable with everything especially with the monthly Canorient Christian Association meetings. Part of my job as Editor of the Contact is attending the monthly meetings. I have to say, this is probably one of my favourite aspects of this job. I love attending these meetings because the Executive Committee members have an abundance of ideas that they want to share with everyone and that they want to implement within the Association. To say that these meetings are animated and enthusiastic would be an understatement … ideas are flying everywhere; people are respectfully listening to others and then passionately sharing their own thoughts. We never experience a lull in the conversation. Also, as a side note, there is always delicious, scrumptious, delectable food at every single meeting. This brings me to my main point in this editorial. The Executive members meet every month to think of a multitude of events that the members of the Canorient Christian Association can thoroughly enjoy. They work tirelessly to ensure that these ideas come to fruition. I wanted the cover of this edition of the magazine to reflect all the amazing events offered by the Association this year. From the food fair, to the Christmas dance and the family events, and of course, the highlight of the Canorient events, the Canorient Idol, there is something for everyone to enjoy. So, please select the event that interests you, or even better, please bring your family members and attend all of them. Every one of these events provides you with an opportunity to meet old friends, make new ones, and to just enjoy yourselves. Like I mentioned earlier on, this year has passed by rapidly. So since this is the last edition of the Contact for 2009, I wanted to say, enjoy the crisp air and the beautiful leaves of the fall, savour every minute of the Christmas season and try to keep your New Year’s resolution (easier said than done … I speak from experience). I welcome all your contributions and comments. The article submission deadline for the next edition of the Contact is January 25th, 2010. We really appreciate all your submissions. Please understand that due to limits on space, we unfortunately have to decrease the size of some articles. You can email me at schenelle2009@hotmail.com. I’ll talk to you in March 2010. Happy Reading, Schenelle Vote for your “Person of the Year” We ask all our members to please nominate the person of the year. Who in your mind has demonstrated dedication and commitment to the Canorient Christian Association? NOMINATION FORM Please provide the following information about your nominee: NAME_________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS: Describe why person meets the criteria for this award (person’s contributions would include the past year only!) Submitted By: _______________Telephone ______________ Email _______________________________ DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING NOMINATIONS is November 30th, 2009!!! Submit Nomination Forms to: Canorient Christian Association 7700 Pine Valley Drive, PO Box 72100, Woodbridge ON L4L 2X4 Or E-Mail: toronto.canorient@gmail.com A Warm Welcome to our new members Kevin & Feiona Antao Walter & Beryl Barnett Charlene D’Cruz Martin & Jennifer D’Souza Ryan D’Souza Joseph & Marie Fernandes Glenn & Valerie Fernandes Fidelis & Muriel Noronha Alison Quaratesi Vacuna Quiterio Surya Quiterio Dominic Rodrigues Desmond & Carole Saldanha Gerry & Daisy Suares CONGRATS FROM A MEMBER! As usual I read the “Contact” cover-to-cover (including the Ads!) and as usual, kudos to the team. I really liked the color centre-fold and I'm relieved that we have so many cops around to protect the community. I found Menin's article on St. Patrick's to be very informative. The Cover for the 35th was brilliant - a red hand extending a Maple Leaf to a green hand perfectly symbolizing the raison d’être of the organization Why didn't I think of it for the 20th??? Shabaash! Michael Dias (Former Editor of the Contact) “TIME AND TIDE WAIT FOR NO MAN OR WOMAN” How often have we heard the cliché in conversations, relative to our every day life and specific to an opportune instance that opens a portal to the ever intriguing proverb achievement is to strike when the iron is hot! The origin of the phrase can be traced to the beginning of time. More importantly, to coin the phrase and characterize a more literal interpretation would be relative to “tide” or “season” – the up and down movement of water or the pace of life through time. Having said that, I would like to attempt to illustrate my version to this expression “Time and Tide Wait For No Man” and to that I have added Woman! When I think of the expression, I am often transported to a place in time – my youth. Knowing what I do today of the skills I have acquired through the pen and producing articles that have engaged and held the attention of readers, (I have so been told) I would probably have devoted much of my time polishing and fine-tuning this creative side of me. Nevertheless, there is no point regurgitating what might have been. So here I am, taking the task in hand in an attempt to produce some form of writing that would attract readers and, initiate a chain reaction to much of the talent that exists within the community. Most of us are plagued with anxiety attacks of how this budding talent will be accepted. Will the subject matter make sense and numerous other tell tale signs of insecurities that emerge when pen is put to paper for the first time. I went through this myself. However, when results of my writing really hit the waves, I was astounded to find what an assorted outcome of encouraging comments that came my way. So much so, something that I had kept hidden within my soul for all this time suddenly burst forth. Some designated it as “Talent”, and, I never for one moment thought of it being a prolific gift I could propagate which would probably culminate in making my dream of writing come true. The innate longing to expose my soul through writing has long been a dream I have harboured and has been festering in me for some time. Like most, I was waiting for the opportunity – but it never came. Of course time passed and my dream got lost somewhere inside of me and I immersed myself in life’s daily activities, totally drowning this passion and burying it. Suddenly, I was engaged in short travelling excursions with friends that prompted the opportunity I was looking for – the ability to engage in writing that would attract, hold and capture the attention of those who read it. The humour I had buried deep within suddenly came to the surface. The effect was absolutely profound; I realized I could actually make people laugh, cheer them up, release that pent up emotion called “Hilarity”. Humour they say is infectious, so with every article I wrote, I found I was getting that little nudge from people who waited patiently for the next elating saga. Feedback poured in numbers, accolades were dished out and the excitement I felt penning those short spontaneous writings made me realize if I had started the creative juices running earlier in my life, I might have come half-way to accomplishing a third of fulfilling my dream – To think I was actually able to shape ideas and re-live moments in articles from experiences that were cocooned within me blossomed into an array of reading matter that had the small band of readers screaming for more. I was astounded at the results but, the positive effect that came from it was recognition of an undiluted hidden “insecure talent” that came from within, I never knew I had. This was the first time in my life I felt a sense of liberation. I could actually make people want to take relief from my articles. I would encourage, entice and hope that the growing number of readers, youth in particular could draw from my experience and probably urge their dreams to blossom into a reality. Again, Time and Tide wait for No Man or Woman! How often have I been weighed down with ideas, thoughts, concepts and imagery that I would have liked to culminate in some form of writing but, the insecurities crept in and the limelight was too terrifying to confront? Now with maturity and confidence, I have come to realize you only get one kick at the can. This is my kick and I want to share my ideals with you readers in the hope of removing borders between cultures with the intent to speak to our youth who must take that first step to realize their dreams what ever they are. How often have we heard people allude to the world getting smaller? Globalization originally in its infancy is exposed and visible in every stage of today’s economy. I could go on and on however, that it is not what I want this article to put on display. The objective is to fulfil one’s dreams. Whatever they are, whatever the outcome, the act of fulfilling one’s dreams is the objective of this piece. I have often heard overtones and innuendoes that set out to discourage creative ideas. It is this discouragement that deters human dreams and should be crushed the moment they are vocalized. My endeavour is to encourage one to dream. Dreaming is free and costs nothing. The legacy I would like to bequeath here is leave no stone unturned. As ideas grow like weeds, they will find root in something that is a million and more times exhilarating than a pitcher of bitterness as a result of un-fulfilled dreams. So readers, “don’t let grass grow under your feet” and “For thee the earth has put forth sweet flowers” make hope vibrate, go forth, realize your dreams and make them a reality. The world is yours to expose. Discover your hidden talents and make life more meaningful and maybe someday you will have achieved your dream. Carole Saldanha Woman in Man’s World - Dr. Bernadette Dean - Principal Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore, Pakistan Reflecting on the role of women in today’s world, I am proud to introduce my sister-in-law, Dr. Bernadette “Berna” Dean. Members of the Canorient may know her as the youngest daughter of the late Placy and Vicky Menezes of Cincinnatus Town, St. Lawrence’s Parish, Karachi. Berna has recently been appointed Principal of Kinnaird College for Women, in Lahore. Kinnaird College is regarded as the most prestigious women’s college in Pakistan and considered to be one of the most distinguished places of higher learning in the Indo-Pakistan Sub Continent. The College was established in 1913. Currently Kinnaird has over 3,000 students enrolled, and offers courses for Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees. Prior to being appointed Principal at Kinnaird College, Berna was Head of Academic & Student Affairs at the Aga Khan University in Karachi. Berna has undoubtedly excelled in her academic studies with two doctorates; one from the University of Alberta, Edmonton and the second from the Aga Khan University, Karachi. She also holds a M.Sc. in Psychology and an M.Ed. in Teacher Training. Perhaps Berna’s most admired achievement is that even though she has achieved some of the highest honors in Pakistan she has always worked selflessly to help educate the less fortunate in the many bastis (shanty towns) in Karachi and the surrounding areas. She would even hold classes for those who could not afford a formal education in her own home. She has been a tireless worker for social justice and has led by example. Today we are all so proud of Berna’s achievements. She is married to Derrick Dean and they have two very beautiful and charming girls’ “Sohni” and “Zahra”. Berna has a down-to-earth personality, and a very pure approach to life as it affects her and others who come in contact with her. We are sure that she will always be successful in whatever endeavor she undertakes. Right now we pray that she lives up to the expectations of the Board of Governors’ of Kinnaird College and proves that she is indeed made up of the right stuff. By Ray D'Souza My Disney Vacation - by Evan Noronha ( 10 year old ) I thought I had to wait two more days for my Disney adventure to begin but I was wrong. The adventure started on our driveway in the very early hours Thursday morning when my dad misplaced the van keys and we had to search the driveway so that we could be on our way. We were off, an hour later, after my mom found the keys between the driver seat and the storage unit. A day later we arrived at my Uncle Malcolm’s house in Miami. He took us on a very quick tour of Miami and after lunch we went to the Everglades where we got to ride on an air boat and see alligators and later to the beach where we swam in the calm and warm water. On Saturday, we left Miami for Disney World in Orlando. After checking into our room, we went to an outlet mall where I bought a hat. When we returned to the resort, I went into the pool to cool off. Sunday…. Disney Hollywood Studios here I come! I enjoyed the “Indiana Jones Epic Adventure Stunt Spectacular” and “Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show” shows and went on the most of the rides. My favourite ride was a Star Wars ride called “Star Tours” where I got to design my very own light sabre at the gift store. At the end of the day I saw a show called “Fantasmic” with Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters. Fantasmic was an amazing spectacle with pyrotechnics, shining laser lights, images projected on water and some amazing illusions and animatronics. Monday I was off to the water park Typhoon Lagoon. The waves in the wave pool were huge and very strong! The water slides – body and tubes - were wicked. On Tuesday I went to Magic Kingdom by ferry and got to see Mickey’s opening ceremony. This was a day of attractions such as “It’s A Small World”, “Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin”, “Stitch's Great Escape!” and “Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade”, “Dream-Along With Mickey”, “Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor” and other shows. As well, my sister, Danielle, got to meet five princesses and three fairies in person. My most favourite part was the amazing “Wishes Nighttime Spectacular Fireworks” show. I did not get to see Tinkerbell flying in the sky to Epcot because of the rain. Wednesday I went to Epcot and I think “Soarin” is one of the best rides. Danielle and I joined Team Possible and became secret agents in the “Disney's Kim Possible World Showcase Adventure” interactive quest to help save the world from super-villains with the help of a high-tech "Kimmunicator". On Thursday, the 2nd last day of my vacation, I went on the water and tube slides at Blizzard Beach which was awesome and after Blizzard Beach I went to Disney Quest! Disney Quest has five floors of interactive games and virtual simulations. I had a blast! On my last day we went to Animal Kingdom and the “Tree of Life” was amazing! I was sad when we left Orlando on Saturday for home but I guess all good things must end. My Disney vacation was great!! The 1st Annual Bike Ride and Community Picnic 2009 By Margaret Castelino As a family, we have always enjoyed bike riding along the Mississauga and Toronto bike trails each summer. This year my husband, Pat, and I thought it would be nice if the Canorient families and youth joined us for a day of biking and picnicking along the scenic trails in the city. Thus began the idea of the 1st annual Canorient Bike ride and community picnic. The weather characteristic of this 2009 summer loomed over us, as forecasts called for rain and clouds, but the Canorient was in luck when the morning clouds rolled away, and blossomed into a hot, sunny day. The excited bikers arrived bright and early on August 23rd at the Lakefront Promenade Park and enthusiastically decorated their bikes with streamers, ribbons and balloons. The paved trail passed through conservation areas of the park and wooded estates along Lake Ontario, such as the Adamson Estate, home of the Royal Conservatory of music. The bicyclists journeyed all the way to Port Credit, a historic village of Mississauga, where they stopped for a rest, took in the view and then headed back. Thanks to the following youth participants: Larissa Lobo, Brittany Lobo, Eldon Lobo, Jose Ferro, Valerian Gomes, Valencia Gomes, Kimberly Alexander, Jeremy Alexander and the young adults David Castelino, Rebecca Castelino, Lynn Alexander and Patrick Castelino. Thanks also to Valerian, Rebecca, David and Pat for their leadership and care in forming the head and tail ends of the biking group and ensuring no one was lost or left behind. The picnic that followed was a tremendous event in itself! The beautiful vistas of the lake, the sailboat races, the swans and the skylines of Toronto made the location relaxing for the less energetic. The cloudy skyline and chance of inclement weather brought out the brightly coloured gazebos, adding to the festive atmosphere, while the kids were free to bike around the park. No Canorient picnic would be a success without the presence and energy of Pompie Gois, who- in the words of our president Angela Menezes– is worth his weight in GOLD! The numerous games, the dancing, bingo and masala chai made the picnic so much more fun! The day was also made more enjoyable by the presence of Anthony Fernandes Senior’s DJ, who brought along a tropical beach flavour of music. The potluck luncheon presented a table ladened with copious amounts of mouth watering food which was enjoyed by all. But it was the challenge of the desserts that had us all salivating and waiting anxiously to sample the creativity of the members’ effort. The first prize went to Lynn Alexander, for her delicious date / walnut cake; the second prize was secured by Mrs. Juliet Furtado for her traditional bathica; and 3rd prize captured by Sarita and Sitara Chiu for their artistically decorated layered cake. Thank you to the judges, Marian Turner, Violet Lobo and Claudine Alias. No picnic would be a success without member participation. Thank you to all the Canorient friends and families, who attended, children, young adults, young-at-heart- adults and seniors. A last minute idea transformed into a successful event that had us exercising, relaxing, renewing acquaintances, and having fun together as a community. Dinner Menu: Mixed Field Greens with Orange Dijon Vinaigrette, Caesar Salad, ,Family Pasta Salad Primavera & Creamy Cole Slaw **** Roast Beef in Red Vine Sauce (well done) Oriental Chicken Stir Fry Salmon in Teriyaki Sauce Veg. Fried Rice Veg. Chow Mein Medley of Vegetables Hot Sauce Assorted Dinner Rolls with Butter **** Sweet Table Variety of Cakes, French & Italian Pastries Milestones On Sunday, June 21st, 2009, my grandparents, Maura and E.J. Fernandez celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the Crystal Fountain Banquet Hall. Their past 50 years together were recounted in the form of speeches, games, and a slideshow of pictures. Performances included a piano rendition of Ben E. King’s “Stand By Me” by their youngest grandchildren, Hayley and James, a few songs sung by close friends, as well as violinist, Grenville Pinto, who entertained guests during dinner. However, of all the guests in attendance, relatives all the way from Australia trekked across the planet to mark this grand event, some of whom were actually surprise guests for Maura and E.J. After dinner and speeches, the party expanded onto the dance floor, beginning with the “Grand March”, a tradition that united the entire crowd and led to their first dance. Throughout the evening, family and friends commemorated Maura and E.J.’s successful 50 years together, reminiscing about memories from Karachi and more recent memories here in Canada, in addition to reacquainting themselves with old friends. This Golden Anniversary was a milestone achievement for my grandparents, and we all look forward to their many more years of joy and happiness together. By Dillon Lobo Barbara and Michael (Mickey) Fernandes celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on July 10th, 2009. The ever green couple reveled in reminiscing about more personal milestones like their wedding day, the birth of their two loving children Aubrey and Fiona; their youthful days in Bombay and Bahrain and their glorious days in Canada. They remembered fondly all the old and new friends they have been blessed with; some who were present that day and others who were unable to attend. Their growing family of grandchildren surrounded them with love and support which typically only two people who exude love and friendship deserve. The couple danced to “I’ll be loving you always” which, to their surprise, was sung with all tenderness by their 19 year old granddaughter, Kiran Devan, (not Frank Sinatra) who serenaded them as her grandparents danced their signature waltz. Michael and Barbara, thank you for being great role models for many generations to come. We look forward to celebrating many more anniversaries with you. Milestones Wedding bells ring for Jason & Jaclyn Jaclyn Anne-Marie, daughter of Bernard & Raynette Mascarenhas, joyously wed Jason Thacker on the 2nd of May 2009 at Saint John Chrysostom Church, Newmarket, Ontario. A reception followed at The Westin Prince in Toronto. It was a magnificent and momentous occasion for the Mascarenhas /Thacker Families. 90TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION On May 16th, 2009, surrounded by all her immediate family, extended family and friends Molly Pinto celebrated her 90th Birthday. A feast of Indian delights and plenty of desserts was followed by a dedication in song by her son Noel. This was an emotional rendition of the song “Mother of Mine” by all the four children ~ Noel, Penny, Marise and Celia. A couple of speeches by daughter Penny, Brother-in-Law Austin and Son-in-law Derek, then it was the turn of the grandchildren 6 of the 8 of them, who attempted to showcase their grandmothers life and in particular her love for the “Toronto Blue Jays". Molly Athaide was born in May 1919 and spent her early years in Aden where her father was posted a Police Superintendant. On her return to Karachi, she completed her studies at Juffelhurst and then spent her youth teaching, helping out with the war effort and giving a lot of time to charitable works. In 1946, she married Leo Pinto and they had five children (one died at birth). She went on to found the St. Lawrence’s Poor Aid Society. When she immigrated to Canada in 1981 with her husband Leo, she was a founding member of the Canorient Seniors (Central) Group. Thankfully she is of good health at the present and attributes it to daily exercise and a moderate diet - even at this age!!! We can only benefit from her good example, and we are grateful for our dear and loving mother. A Minute in Time . . . . Nella Barretto (Trivia ….. a minute to read) Sally, this one’s for you - merci/thanks Met for a day - a friend for a life time! Let me capture yet another milestone in my life as I think back in time. I am a young sheltered convent schooled/colony girl barely out of my teens traveling alone on the train from Paris to Lourdes - most folk even today are on conducted tours - ‘twas the carefree days of youth! Seated across is a huge burly man in a black bowler hat! I try to avoid eye contact - he keeps staring at me! I am frightened! At dusk we reach Lourdes and I board the bus for my hotel. “Mr. Bowler Hat” is on the same bus and walks into the same hotel lobby! Fast forward - I check in, eat alone in the dinning room, and hang around in the lobby. The manager asks me why I am not going to the candle light procession - I don’t mention ‘Mr. Bowler Hat’. I mumble, “I am alone”. Fast forward again – She (the manager) speaks to a priest, who has a group visiting from England, who in turn introduces me to Sally McGreal - an Irish barmaid - a friendship is born that endures a lifetime! Sally assures me everyone here in on pilgrimage and ‘Mr. Bowler Hat’ is history! Sally and I have soon bonded. We are joined at the hip. With the large crowds, the procession does not move that early September - the previous day was an important feast of Our Lady! We become fast friends. Sally cannot comprehend the land of my birth has such a small percentage of Christians – ‘I am praying for the conversion of the country of your birth,’ Sally writes in the many, many aerograms/letters and cards for Easter/birthdays/Christmas I receive over the years. Sally marries a Ukraine refugee Mikhail and is now Sally Kowaliw. I am in another country with a family and a dog. Sally is widowed. For more than fifty years we correspond, Sally always ending with her trademark – ‘I am praying for the conversion of the country of your birth!’ The encounter on that day brought a friend into this play called ‘life’. A friend that shared every scene in every act! Not too long ago this past summer I receive a sad letter - Sally has passed away. So this one’s for you Sally - au revoir dear friend until we meet again - just remember to keep tooting for my family and me. Thanks again for taking me under your wings that September in Lourdes so many summers ago and while you are up there I am sure you will be putting in a word ‘for the conversion of the beautiful land of my birth’ - if ever before we needed it we need it now - as time is running out! Upcoming Canorient Events Oct 16, 2009 – Thanksgiving Tournament @ the Canorient Club – (Pot –luck dinner with dancing) Oct 30, 2009 – Halloween Nite @ the Canorient Club Nov 7, 2009 – Pool Tournament Nov 13, 2009 – Family Movie Nite & Karaoke Nite (Food on sale) @ the Canorient Club Dec 13, 2009 – Christmas Tree for the Children @ the Canorient Club Feb 12, 2009 - Valentine Day & Family Nite @ the Canorient Club Mar 19, 2009 – St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations The Canorient Seniors Club of Toronto Greetings from our President, Mr. Tony D’Silva & the 2009 Executive Committee It is our hope and our wish that most of our members have joined us in one, few or many of the activities organized by us this year. In addition to our Main events, we have tried our best to have varied themes for our Regular Thursdays. Included are reviews of some of these events as presented by some of our members. Rosary Day: The Committee started their new term with a beautiful devotion to Our Lady – The Rosary. The Committee members placed a candle at the feet of Our Lady asking for blessing on our families, friends & the club. In between each decade, flowers were offered and finally we crowned Our Lady for the month of May. There was a very good turnout. Phyllis Fernandes “Surprise” Thursdays – an innovative idea from the New Committee of 2009! As a result of the club’s financial stability under the control of the present Executive Committee & in appreciation to members who loyally come out to the club on Regular Thursdays and participate in potluck lunches, bingo, 50/50 draws, “Surprise” Thursdays were initiated. On these days, members have been treated to surprise meals/treats and thus far have enjoyed Hakka Chow, Pizza, Cake, Ice-cream etc. We hope this goodwill gesture will encourage more members to come out on “Regular” Thursdays to support the club & all its endeavours, thus ensuring that it will continue to be a prosperous, caring and sharing organization. - Linda LaPorte Outdoor Picnic: In the month of July a large crowd of seniors turned out for an in-door and out-door picnic. The club-house was well decorated with colorful umbrellas, beach towels etc. We enjoyed a picnic lunch of Hot Dogs, Sloppy Joes and Salad which included the various sauces from which we helped ourselves, drinks and dessert were served later. What was more fantastic it only cost us a Tooney. We then participated in team games, a lot of laughing and shouting but every one had a great time. We ended the day with Whist and Board games. – Pam Track – Canada Day: We wish to comment on the Canada Day activities. It was good to see so many at the club & everyone so patriotic in their red & white attire. We enjoyed the lunch very much & the games were a lot of fun. All in all, it was a very entertaining day & Sophie & I wish to thank everyone who helped in making it a success. It was also a great privilege to have His Grace, Archbishop Larry Saldanha celebrate Mass for us. We would like to thank Joe, Paul, Shirley & the others who contribute with their musical talents on special occasions. When we first joined the club, we only attended special event days, but now we go every Thursday as there is always something different every week to look forward to & on potluck days, it is a food fest!!! Thanks again Committee & keep up the good work! - Maureen LaPorte & Sophie Coleman Team Day: An ‘Ordinary Thursday turns Extraordinary’ – On August 6th, what was intended to be an “ordinary” day for Club members turned to be an “Extraordinary” day! Thanks to Deanna who with her ‘Team Theme’ idea had more than 60 members interacting with each other as team members. Each team participated in a variety of fun-filled games competing for the highest score. Since the teams were trusted to mark their own scores, you can imagine the kind of scores registered! The Club seems to be attracting a lot more members to its Regular Thursday events. The growing attendance seems to speak for itself. In the recent past, 25 was considered to be a “reasonable” number. Now the number is growing by leaps & bounds! More than half the attendees are now playing Whist. All this can rightly be attributed to the hard work of the present Committee. – Joe D’Cruz – Hawaiian Day: Our Regular Thursday on July 4th was a Thursday with a Hawaiian theme. Many members were dressed in floral moo-moos, adorned with leis, floral hair wreathes & bracelets. Some actually came out with multi-colored grass skirts – however, modesty prevailed & they combined them with shorts & Capri's. The guys wore brightly colored floral shirts & the Hawaiian music kept our Seniors swaying like hula dancers! The highlight of the day was the grand appearance of a well disguised personality in a grass skirt – none other that our “Bunia [Chancellor of the Exchequer]” – Victor! His costume defied description but he sure was a big hit. Theme days are always a lot of fun & participation is good. Our Community lunch is always a great success generally reflecting generosity & caring. The result is a buffet better than any Indian restaurant that the GTA can offer! - Rowena D’Cruz - Upcoming Events—Canorient Seniors Club Toronto We ask our members to please keep the following dates free to attend our activities: October 1st: Regular Thursday – Rosary for the month of October th Regular Thursday – Backward Party! th October 17 : Thanksgiving Mass – Members $8.00 Guests: $10.00 October 24th: ‘Surprise Thursday’ – Please let us know if you are coming. October 10 : st October 31 : Regular Thursday – Halloween – come dressed in costume! November 5th: Regular Thursday – Grandparents Day th Memorial Mass – Members $8.00 Guests: $10.00 th ‘Surprise Thursday’ – Please let us know if you are coming. th Regular Thursday th Canorient Seniors Dinner/Dance – see attached flyer November 12 : November 19 : November 26 : November 29 : November 13, 2009 7:30 pm @ The Canorient Club Home cooked meal available at cost price. Gift Donations Gifts in your closet from last Christmas, an anniversary or birthday, corporate gifts with logos that can't be re-gifted? Consider donating them to the Canorient. Perspective from an Unlikely Referee: Canorient Beach Volleyball Tournament By Rebecca Castelino On any other day, a trip to the beach might include sun, sand and soothing waves. But when the clouds roll in, the sand turns to mud, and the only sounds heard are the waves of incessant downpour, conditions are perfect for the 2009 Canorient Beach Volleyball Tournament! The forecast for Saturday, July 25th was somewhat promising and the sun came out for the beginning of the tournament at Centennial Park. Armed with my timer, whistle, beach chair, and cooler, I was ready for a relaxing day of score keeping and samosas. Little did I know that the seven teams (all of whom had arrived at least an hour earlier), were warming up for the set of round robins, and were eager to start the game. Panic set in, as I realized I would have to learn the rules of volleyball and match up the teams in less than five minutes, but sports director Kenneth Conception, Canorient Vice-President Margaret Castelino and enthusiastic volunteer and club manager Valentine Gomes came to my aid with the score sheet and instructions. It was smooth ‘serving’ from then on, and the tournament was well on its way. After all the teams had played each other on the three courts, the warm-ups ceased and the competition began. Each team was an eclectic mix of spikers, servers, and extreme talent – not to mention the creative team names that left spectators tongue tied: Block Party, Hard Knocks, Baa Baa Brown Sheep, Last Minute, Sponge Block, The Team Formerly Known As Zzzzz, and Raminder Malingo and the Astronauts. In between games, the teams posed for their pictures and actively watched the strategies of the other teams. Tensions were running high, the clouds were rolling in, and I could tell things were about to get dirty. One by one, some teams moved up in the tournament, and others were eliminated; victories were won, and dreams were crushed. But spirits were nonetheless dampened during the semi-finals when heavy rain drenched both players and referee. Amazed by the unwavering strength and dedication with which the resulting teams faced the weather, this referee took shelter for the finals to watch team Sponge Block versus team Last Minute. The tournament finals were like a battle fought underwater. Puddles and mini-lakes littered the court; players were nose-diving into mud, slipping and skidding about, and the ball was more or less a minor diversion in this theatrical culmination of elements and sport. In the end, due to minor injuries and overall exhaustion, team Baa Baa Brown Sheep bowed out for a solid 4th place, giving team Hard Knocks the 3rd place medals. In 2nd place came team Last Minute and in 1st place was team Sponge Block. All players relished the medal ceremony and were congratulated on a tournament well-played. Though I may have been ready to blow the whistle on the whole thing and dry off, there is one thing I know I can count on: come rain or shine, the Canorient knows how to serve up a good time. JOINT OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY: PROS & CONS Spouses commonly hold much of their property jointly with a right of survivorship – it is a very convenient way for couples to pass property to the surviving spouse. A minimum of paperwork is required and probate fees can be avoided because the jointly held property passes outside the estate and is not distributed under the Will. In addition, there are no tax consequences in Canada to passing property between spouses. It may not be appropriate; however, if there are other beneficiaries, such as children of a first marriage. Conflict can arise during the administration of the estate of a person who has transferred property into joint names with a right of survivorship. Disgruntled beneficiaries under the Will may claim that the property should be part of the estate. Where a parent transfers property into joint names with one or more children, there is potential for conflict among the children and other beneficiaries as to whether an immediate gift was intended at the time of transfer, or whether the surviving joint owner holds the property in trust for the estate of the parent. In addition to potential conflict, a host of other problems may arise. In general, property should be transferred into joint names with children only when an immediate gift is intended. Consider the following: x All owners may have immediate full access to the property. Assuming a “right of survivorship”, the property passes to the surviving owners on the death of one joint owner, bypassing the deceased’s estate and possibly conflicting with distribution plans in their Will. x If property is held jointly with a right of survivorship with children and there is an “out of order death”, family members may be disinherited. For example, what if one of your children dies before you do? Usually grandchildren receive a “gift over” of their parent’s share under the person’s Will if the parent has already passed away. But with joint ownership the grandchildren will not receive any share of the property owned jointly by their parent and you. On your x Death, the property will pass only to the surviving children who are joint owners. This could occur where there is a common accident. x The property may become subject to the claims of creditors of all joint owners, and this could include an estranged spouse. x A transfer of property into joint names, unless to a spouse, creates a “deemed sale” for income tax purposes on the portion passed to another joint owner. The death of a joint owner generates another deemed disposition on the accrued gain on that person’s share. x All joint owners must declare their portion of the income and capital gains from the jointly held property. x A portion of the “principal residence exemption” will be lost if the jointly owned property is a principal residence and other joint owners have their own residence on which they claim the exemption. If property is held jointly with children and the above consequences were not intended, professional advice may be recommended. If you are a joint owner or are considering becoming one, talk to your legal advisor about the benefits and risks. x Ivan Vellozo is an Investment Advisor with BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. 416-590-7638. 4881 Yonge St. 9th Floor. Toronto. Ontario. M2N 5X3. Opinions are those of the author and may not reflect those of BMO Nesbitt Burns. The information and opinions contained herein have been compiled from sources believed reliable but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to their accuracy or completeness. BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of Montreal. Member CIPF The comments included in the publication are not intended to be a definitive analysis of tax law: The comments contained herein are general in nature and professional advice regarding an individual’s particular tax position should be attained in respect of any person’s specific circumstances. The Canorient Christian Association of Metropolitan Toronto 2009-2010 Committee President: Angela Menezes V. President: Margaret Castelino Secretary: Antionette Rosario Treasurer: Calvin Rodgers Co-Treasurer: Godfrey Cunningham Directors: Austin Pinto Bertha D’Cunha Cynthia Harris Donald Ferro Francis Pinto Ivan Rosario John (Pompie) Gois Maria (Dola) Menezes Patsy Fernandes Terence Cordeiro Valentine Gomes Walter Mendes (905) 271-7137 (905) 812-4886 (647) 340-1134 (905) 785-7336 (905) 209-9775 (905) 881-5366 (416) 284-8463 (905) 878-7772 (416) 742-0417 (905) 886-8486 (647) 340-1134 (905) 850-5529 (416) 744-6533 (905) 683-8124 (905) 293-9676 (647) 868-8084 (905) 294-7045 The Canorient Community Centre 40 Hanlan Road, Units 40/41 (main intersection) Steeles / Pine Valley) Woodbridge ON L4L 3P6 Telephone: (647) 868-8084 Perfect Setting for small intimate events at affordable price! Capacity for up to 149 persons Kitchen & Bar Facilities Your favorite caterer is welcome and may use our kitchen at no extra charge. The kitchen facilities include a stove/ oven, two refrigerators and microwave. Baptisms Funeral Wakes Anniversaries, Birthday Parties Graduations & Proms Seminars, Conferences & AGM’s To book / view the Community Centre call: Club Manager Valentine Gomes (647) 868-8084 Valentine Gomes @ 647-868-8084 www.canorienttoronto.org This issue was compiled and produced by: Schenelle Cunningham - Email:schenelle2009@hotmail.com Antoinette Rosario Rental Rates Monday Thursday Friday/ Weekend/ Holidays Hourly Members $ 300 $ 350 $ 60 NonMembers $ 400 $ 600 $ 100 Cover designed by: Kenneth Conception Advertising: Regular Rates Per Ad Quarter Page Half Full Page Inside Cover Back Cover Per Issue $40 $80 $160 $250 $300 Discounted rates for multiple publications of 3 issues or more $35 $70 $140 $225 $250 Member announcements on births, deaths, marriages, achievements are “NO CHARGE” Letters Patent: The Contact is a publication of the Canorient Christian Association of Metropolitan Toronto. It is produced by volunteer members of the Association to keep the membership informed and engaged. No warranty is given nor implied with regards to the content published in the Contact. The views expressed in the publication do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editorial team or that of the Canorient Christian Association. The Canorient Contact – October 2009 Edition Special rate for Funeral Wakes – Members* -$200 *Members in good standing for a year to qualify for this rate - All breakage, loss or damage must be either paid for or replaced. - The stereo sound system on the premises is not available for rent. You must arrange your own sound equipment. Call early to ensure a booking on the date of your choice. Your reservations are confirmed on a receipt of a $200 refundable deposit. WE NEED YOUR CORRECT EMAIL ADDRESSES The Executive Committee is requesting all members to provide us with their email addresses should they wish to receive information, updates and communication on upcoming events. Please send your correct email addresses to toronto.canorient@gmail.com Thanks. The Executive Committee Sell or Buy with Confidence! JESSICA D’SILVA Sales Representative Accredited Senior Agent REALTRON REALTY, INC. “Home of the Top Producers” Independently Owned & Operated Direct: 416-294-2060 Bus: 905-764-6000 / 416-222-8600 Email: jdsilva@trebnet.com www.jessicadsilva.com x x x x x x From CONSULTATION to BUYING, SELLING and CLOSING! Sell your Home FAST, HASSLE FREE and for TOP $$$ Complimentary STAGING! Top Quality MARKETING and ADVERTISING until…… SOLD! Excellent NEGOTIATOR Personalized Professional Assistance To get you Proven Results, call today! Oh, by the way I’m never too busy for your REFERRALS! 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