2013 - Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce
2013 - Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce
JOIN US FOR A YEAR-LONG CELEBRATION – MAY 2013 TO MAY 2014. 100! AMH is turning ● View a photo timeline from the last 100 years ● Share your stories ● Find a fun activity for kids ● Explore AMH’s history through interesting and historical facts Visit www.amh.org/100 Facebook.com/AbingtonHealth PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE By Bob Welch CBCC President A bout 15 years ago, I was asked to join the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce and I'm sure at the time I asked "why should I join the chamber.” I can easily answer that question now based on the extremely positive experiences I've had since the time I joined. The purpose of this writing will be to outline just those reasons why a person or business should join the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce. As you read keep in mind the chamber’s tagline: "growing your business IS our business." The primary reason that business people join the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce is to make themselves and their businesses more competitive and successful in their respective field. Being well educated and trained is vital to achieving this success. The Chamber provides a vast array of business training and educational programs such as the Leadership Advancement Program, State of the State, County and Nation Breakfasts, the Business Growth Series and the Entrepreneurial Assistance Program. These programs are but a few the Chamber offers you and your business to hone your business skills and provide training in a wide variety of areas. These programs take place throughout the year. The second reason to join the Chamber of Commerce is business development. Business development is quite simply meeting and developing new customers and markets for your business’ products or services. Business development could also mean meeting new suppliers, professionals or other consultants who could help you run your business more efficiently and or cost effectively. The chamber has a myriad of business development/networking programs to include business card exchanges, Link at Lunch events, and many committee meetings that have something to interest everyone. The Chamber’s business development/networking events are without peer. Attend one and you will see for yourself! The next reason to join the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce is all the great things the chamber does to benefit our local community. As a Chamber member you can share in the great satisfaction that comes from these community support and charity programs. These community involvement programs include the Bucks Fever events, the Women in Business Leadership Awards, Parenting and Family Seminars, and the Burpee Emergency Services Awards just to name a few. I've always said I want to be part of something bigger and more important than just myself and the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce gives me the opportunity to do just that. The last, but not the least, important reason to join the chamber is to get out and do something new for yourself personally and business-wise. Sometimes you can fall into the same monotonous “stale” schedule in your work life. Busy work schedules can isolate you. Chamber membership will break that monotony and isolation and might be that something that will kick-start your productivity. By joining and being active in the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce, you can pick and choose to fill your schedule with activities that are truly enjoyable. I have greatly condensed the Chamber’s programs and activities that occur from week to week, month to month and throughout the year. There are dozens of them. Stop by the Chamber offices (or website) to find out more about these events, programs and services. I am sure you will be impressed. As President of the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce, I hope to see you and your guests at any one of these events-please introduce yourself to me as I enjoy meeting all those people who make our Chamber the finest in Pennsylvania. Looking back on it, boy am I glad I joined the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce! Membership in the Y ourCentral Bucks Chamber of Commerce B y joining the Chamber, you have made a decision to commit to your own personal and professional development and to grow and further enhance your business or the business that employs you. You have made the right decision – for you and for your company! Belonging to our Chamber connects you to a rich and vibrant community of committed business leaders – leaders who are dedicated to their own success and the continued improvement of their businesses and the Bucks County community. Because you belong to our organization, you have access to thousands of professionals. With a membership comprised of nearly 2,000 businesses, employing thousands of people, you have the ability to reach thousands more area residents, business and governmental leaders, and regional decision makers. And, if you aren’t sure of your message – we can help you with that too! Sign up for Entrepreneurial Assistance and meet with our business coaches, legal, marketing & accounting experts for a free one-onone business consultation. Visit our website: www.centralbuckschamber.com and find out about our programs and committees. Mark your calendar with some of the many events that could enhance your corporation and your life. While you are on our website, think about the products and services you need, then visit our Business Directory and access our membership, using one of our famous taglines, created in 1993 – “Think Chamber Members FIRST! ™” Utilize our social media resources. “Like” us and Facebook, then share your news with others (facebook.com/buckschamber). Go onto twitter and tag us @buckschamber with your news and we will retweet to our followers! And, join our LinkedIn group – Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce – and send messages, blogs and information to your fellow group members. Finally, we are your team of professionals and we are here to help you. See the box below, and feel very free to contact one of us and make an appointment for a visit or phone call to find out how you can maximize your membership in our organization. Remember… “Growing Your Business IS Our Business! ™” Mission: The Chamber Team The Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce builds alliances among its members by uniting business, industry, professionals, artists and non-profit organizations. The Chamber serves as a catalyst that creates a rich business climate and improves the quality of life in the community. The Chamber is devoted to furthering the arts, humanities and welfare of the Central Bucks region. “Our business is to help your business grow!” W4 Dr. Vail P. Garvin FACHE, Executive Director vail@centralbuckschamber.com | Ext. 112 Sally Parham, Director of Administration sally@centralbuckschamber.com | Ext. 113 Amanda M. Soler, Director of Operations Editor, W4 amanda@centralbuckschamber.com | Ext. 111 Bradford R. Sanders, Director of Marketing W4 Design/Layout brad@centralbuckschamber.com | Ext. 115 Debbie Hays, Facilities & Financial Manager debbie@centralbuckschamber.com | Ext. 114 Sue Freeman, W4 Advertising Sales Receptionist W4Ads@centralbuckschamber.com | Ext. 110 About the Cover The 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award recipients include Daniel Anthonisen, Bucks County Arts; Joseph J. Tryon, Jr., Hatboro Federal Savings, Business; Christine Taylor, The Christine Taylor Collection, Ambassado r of Bucks County; Whitney Exemplar Walter P. Lomax, Jr., MD; Marvin Woodall, Humanitarian. About the Photographer Chris Whitney (Whitney Landscapes) is known for his stunning landscapes and portrait work of professionals, individuals and families. With a particular affinity for children and landscapes, Whitney has been capturing the spirit of people in Bucks County for two decades. Annual Report 2012-2013 3 Connections Business Card Exchanges Michener Art Museum | October 17, 2012 Doug Reasoner and Barbara M. Donnelly, C.P.M. (Donnelly Marketing Services Associates, LLC). Photography by Chris Whitney, Whitney Photography Pam Mikula (Mikula Web Solutions), Lee Schwarz (Black Lion Marketing) and Mary Ann Baviello (Bucks County Alive). Leland Felt and Linda Felt (Doylestown Hospital). Robert Tanner (Creekview Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC), Tom Biehl (B&B Electrical Services), Chuck Hall (SoMeBizLife) and Hal Levin (CMM Direct, LLC). Business Card Exchange at Michener Art Museum. Gracie Soler and Lisa Wuko (Azzatori Chiropractic). Doylestown Hospital | January 17, 2013 Jake Taylor, Tim Ernst, Joe Ernst (Ernst Brothers), Alan Openshaw (Cornerstone Lending) and Ron Isgate (Isgate & Chiccarine, P.C.). Photography by Chris Whitney, Whitney Photography Judy Gold (Take Shape for Life), Clark Shuster (Assisted Transition) and Barbara Hebel (Doylestown Hospital). Blair Johnson (Local Living), Lisa Sylvesteri (Raymour & Flanigan, Dave Craft (Primerica) and Mike Markowitz (Hickory Kitchen). Michael Feite (ANA) and Rick Toone (Shoot Better Video). Greg Macomber (ActionCoach, Certified Business Coach) and Hal Levin (CMM Direct, LLC). W4 (USPSOO9782) is owned and published six times a year (Jan./Feb., March/April, May/June, July/Aug., Sept./Oct., Nov./Dec. ) by the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce, Bailiwick, Ste 23, Doylestown, PA 18901, for $50 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Doylestown, PA. Postmaster: Send address changes to W4/Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce, Bailiwick, Ste 23, Doylestown, PA 18901. Bill Hoblin (NOVA) and Lucy Goodwin (Pinnacle Group). W4/Who, What, Where, When: Dr.Vail P. Garvin, FACHE, Executive Director • Amanda M. Soler, Editor/Deputy Executive Director: Operations • Sally Parham, Deputy Executive Director: Administration/Corporate Secretary Debbie Hays, Facilities & Financial Manager • Bradford R. Sanders, Design & Layout, Director of Marketing • Sue Freeman, W4 Advertising Executive MIGU Press, Inc., Printer Permission must be obtained to reprint any editorial material. Editorial content and advertising limited to Chamber members. Editorial coverage does not imply or indicate Chamber endorsement of members’ business, products or services. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising considered not in keeping with the standards of the publication. For more information, call (215)348-3913 or fax (215)348-7154. E-mail: info@centralbuckschamber.com. W4/Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce, Bailiwick, Ste 23, Doylestown, PA 18901 or visit us at www.centralbuckschamber.com. Spring-Summer 2013 4 Who • What • Where • When Connections Business Card Exchanges Montgomery Theater | February 20, 2012 Photography by Chris Whitney, Whitney Photography Toby A. Hoffman (T.A. Hoffman Architects, P.C.), Kristi Chester (mkj creative), Janet & Bill Haines (Pearl S. Buck International) Paulett Regan (3rd Fed Bank) Lori Smith (Sitecats). Aggie (Walker Chiropractic), Henry Holtzman (AXA) and Robin Coppinger (Bucks County Women's Journal). Roiya Doyle (Liberty Mutual Insurance) and Ervin Hall (Profection Advisors LLC). options Affordable personal and business loans. National Penn can help you make an investment in your future with a good loan. Susan Fisher (First Savings), Nick Custer(Baker Engineering) and Judy Smith (Baum, Smith & Clemens, LLP). Dan Ferry (Mona Vie) and Darla Pompilio (Your Tasks Our Time, LLC). It’s not revolutionary. It’s the way lending should be. 1.800.822.3321 www.nationalpenn.com/loan Equal Opportunity Lender Michelle Kane (Voice Matters) and Frederic LeLeu (Lisa LeLeu Studios). Sherry Shoemaker (Voice of Assurance, Life Coaching), Allegra Ketchum (Montgomery Theater) and Greg Macomber (ActionCoach, Certified Business Coach). BANKING INSURANCE INVESTMENTS TRUST Annual Report 2012-2013 5 Connections Business Card Exchanges Neshaminy Valley Golf Club | March 28, 2013 Photography by Chris Whitney, Whitney Photography John Hickey (Ashmead Insurance Associates Inc.) and Nancy Thomas (Neshaminy Valley Golf Club). Joseph Wingert (Bucks County Herald), Jane Moore (Moore Cleaning) and Alan Katz (Wealth Development Group, LLC). John D'Agostino (Junction PC), Steve Sable (Streamline Payroll LLC) and Isabel Menichella (Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce). William Sands, Jr. (Waddel & Reed) and Morris Seavey (CV-Enterprises). Cathy Fishman (cmf, Small Business Accounting), Greg Macomber (ActionCoach, Certified Business Coach) and Matt Cherapanya (Inverse Paradox). Bob Welch (Academy Wealth Advisers), Gloria Walker (Mary Kay Cosmetics) and Howard Cooperman (Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art). Roiya Doyle Sales Representative Home, Auto, Life and Annuities Roiya.Doyle@LibertyMutual.com Liberty Mutual Insurance 4259 W Swamp Road Suite 108 Doylestown PA 18902 Tel: 215-345-4422 x. 54587 Cell: 610-620-3176 Fax: 603-334-5889 Toby Hoffman (T.A. Hoffman Architects, P.C.) and Jim Happ (Happ Contractors, Inc.). Carroll Engineering Corporation Providing a Full Range of Engineering Services Since 1973 Water Facilities Engineering Wastewater Engineering Municipal Engineering Civil Engineering Traffic & Transportation Engineering Structural Engineering Environmental Engineering Planning & Site Design Landscape Architecture Surveying Geographic Information Systems Construction Management Event Catered by O’Neill’s Catering. Like us on Facebook or Follow us on Twitter and we'll post your picture on our Facebook page. Just submit the photo you want us to post. Corporate Office: 949 Easton Road Warrington, PA 18976 215.343.5700 King of Prussia, PA 610.489.5100 Malvern, PA 484.875.3075 www.carrollengineering.com 6 Who • What • Where • When Hillsborough, NJ 908.874.7500 The Bucks County Youth Initiative Scholarship awarded Young Citizens Awards Photography by Chris Whitney, Whitney Landscapes by David & Peg Werrett for engineering T he Engineering Scholarship, sponsored by Carroll Engineering Corporation, was awarded to Daniel E. Corney of Warrington. Daniel will receive a $1,000 scholarship award to study engineering at MIT and is a graduate of Central Bucks South High School. Joel H. Ardman, Vice President stated, “Dan’s was very well spoken, confident about being successful in the engineering field and had an impressive resume with respect to extra-curricular activities, leadership positions and awards.” W4 Business to Business Breakfast Photography by Chris Whitney, Whitney Landscapes Chairman of the Board David H. Werrett (Wells Fargo Advisors), Young Citizens Sponsor, is surrounded by the 2012 Young Citizens, who were honored at The Waterwheel Restaurant. This year’s recipients will be recognized on November 22, 2013. To submit a nomination, contact the Chamber for your form: 215.348.3913 or info@centralbuckschamber.com. Mini Business World Photography by Jung Wi, Allure West Studios Dr. Vail Garvin (CBCC) with local youth at the Business to Business Breakfast at the Waterwheel in May 2013. Jason Wood (Immersion Technologies), left, with participating high school students. Det Ansinn (BrickSimple) strategies with Central Bucks high school students. M ini Business World was founded over a decade ago by Bob Byers (Byers’ Choice Ltd.). It is a joint program of the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce and the Central Bucks School District. The program, currently co-chaired by Bob Byers and Martin Bahner (CertaPro Painters of bucks County) pairs business leaders with teams of high school students, who "run" a computer simulated company over a two day period. The students are responsible for making a wide variety of business decisions on a quarterly basis, everything ranging from how much of a product to produce, to how much to spend on advertising, and bank financing. These decisions are loaded into a computer along with the decisions of other student run companies. The computer creates a "market" utilizing all of the student's decisions and produces their results for the quarter. The process is repeated so that each company can react to the changing market forces and the competition. The role of the business mentor is to guide the team in understanding the relationship between different aspects of business. If you are interested in participating as a mentor, contact the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce (the program happens each May and December) info@centralbuckschamber.com or 215.348.3913. W4 Martin Bahner (CertaPro Painters of Central Bucks), who co-chairs Mini Business World with Bob Byers (Byers’ Choice Ltd.), works with Cheryl Castro (Aaron Mitchell Photography) to guide students in the real world of an entrepreneur. Local and accessible. Just like your small business. ABINGTON OFFICE 215.572.0988 SOUTHAMPTON OFFICE 215.322.5400 BENSALEM OFFICE 215.638.0700 WARMINSTER OFFICE 215.441.5200 YARDLEY OFFICE 215.579.6100 DOYLESTOWN OFFICE 215.345.5100 MONTGOMERYVILLE OFFICE 215.412.3400 WARRINGTON OFFICE 215.491.9503 fultonbank.com/SmallBiz Ray Valukonis (SCORE) regularly volunteers to assist with Mini Business World. Fulton Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. Member of the Fulton Financial Family. Annual Report 2012-2013 7 Grand Sponsor: Hatboro Federal Savings May 15, 2013 Expo 2013 Patrons Applebee’s Grill & Neighborhood Bar • Annie’s Water Ice Buckingham Valley Vineyards • Classic Trophies, Inc. • Cortineo Creative, LLC Fred Beans Family of Dealerships • Chambers 19 Bistro & Bar • Eastcom Portrait Photography throughout the day courtesy of Mark Margraff, M Studios Event Grand Sponsor is Hatboro Federal Savings. Lee Bergiven (Hatboro Federal Savings), Special Celebrity Guest Don Tollefson (Sports Broadcaster), and Connie Wood (Hatboro Federal Savings). Photography by Mark Margraff, M Studios Dale Rimmer (Dale Rimmer Siding) with former feature reporter for Action News Don Polec (Sun Blossom Entertainment). Wine served at the Expo was courtesy of long-time, loyal Chamber member Buckingham Valley Vineyards. Shown are Courtney and Eric Forsberg. Marc Kramer (CDIA – Commercial Deposit Insurance Agency). Vince DePaola (Tru Brew Coffee Service) served complimentary coffee throughout the day. Ken How and Expo Co-chair Bill Norcross, III (Cortineo) with Bill Norcross, Jr. (Cortineo Creative). Ann Benson and Carol Spence (National Penn Bank). Cheryl Castro (Aaron Mitchell Photography), Valerie Cain (TD Bank) and Todd Parlee (Parlee Stumpf). Jessica Walsh, Don Polec and Gina Milei (Sun Blossom Entertainment). Natalie Wi (Allure West Studios) donated a poster, mounted and designed by Graphics on the Wall to the Chamber for use at the Expo and in the CBCC offices. 8 Who • What • Where • When Jennifer Beatrice (Corner Bakery Café Newtown) offered Expo attendees the bakery café’s sweet treats. Donating the cuisine served at the Business Card Exchange sponsored by Eastcom was Chambers 19 Bistro & Bar. Shown is Jason Hynds. William Dannehower, IV (AutoExpress of Doylestown). All Bucks County (and beyond!) professionals were invited to meet the region's newest top leaders in an open forum at the Business & Technology Expo in May, 2013. Zane Moore, President & CEO of Central Bucks Family YMCA; Mike Jameson, President & General Manager, Calkins Media, Phila. Region; James Brexler, President & CEO, Doylestown Hospital; Lisa Tremper Hanover, Director & CEO, James A. Michener Art Museum; Dr. Stephanie Shanblatt, President, Bucks County Community College; Eric Rygg, President, Kelchner's Horseradish Products; Jamie Haddon, President & CEO, United Way of Bucks County; Dr. Rodney Green, Superintendent, Central Bucks School District; Jeffrey Marshall, President, Heritage Conservancy; Magne Gunderson, Scout Executive/CEO, Bucks County Boy Scouts; and Tim Schuback, President, Malmark, Inc. Anne and Benedict Bugajewski (Bugajewski FacilityServices). Lee Harper (Author/Illustrator), Ellen Mager (Booktender's Secret Garden Children's Bookstore & Gallery) and Debbie Dadey (Author). — with Lee Harper and Debbie Dadey were on hand to sign books, brought to the Expo by Ellen Mager. Bill Reed and Tony Swanfeld (Applebee’s Restaurant) shared delightful cuisine all day. Steve Sabel and Kim Romani (Streamline Payroll). 50,000 BRANCHES. Jason and Michele “Oz” Oszczakiewicz (Varcoe-Thomas Funeral Home). TM Hal Frankel (Ad Cetera, Inc.). Talk about convenience. Hatboro Federal belongs to the Allpoint ATM Network, the largest surcharge-free ATM network in the country. That means our customers can access their accounts and make transactions—for free— at more than 50,000 Allpoint ATMs worldwide, including thousands right here in Bucks & Montgomery County. From Hatboro to Honolulu, Warminster to Waco, Jamison to Jacksonville, Warrington to Juarez, you’ll never pay an ATM fee to access your own money. Hatboro Federal. You don’t have to bank here to bank here. HATBORO :: 215.675.4000 LENDING OFFICE :: 215.675.4424 Hatboro Lending Office Warminster Warrington Jamison WARMINSTER :: 215.672.1010 WARRINGTON :: 215.343.0344 215.675.4000 215.675.4424 215.672.1010 215.343.0344 215.918.2722 JAMISON :: 215.918.2722 bank online at hatborofed.com • bank-by-phone 1.877.HFS.2323 Warrington Hatboro Lending Office Warminster Jamison SMARTPHONE TAG Member 215.675.4424 • Equal Housing Lender • 215.343.0344 • • 215.918.2722 215.675.4000 215.672.1010 bank onlineMonday at hatborofed.com bank-by-phone - Thursday: 9 am -•4:30 pm• Friday: 9 am -1.877.HFS.2323 7 pm Warminster: Saturday 9 am - noon • Lending Office: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm hatborofed.com Expo Co-chair Eric Eberhardt (SpheroVision of Eastern Pa) with Fred Beans (Fred Beans Family of Dealerships). Annual Report 2012-2013 9 2013 BUCKS FEVER ANNUAL GOLF OUTING Title Sponsor: Customers Bank August 12, 2013 Golf Outing 2013 Sponsors Firstrust Bank • Amerihealth Administrators • Ventresca Ltd. • Keenan Motor Group • Matcor, Inc. Cold Spring Beverage • Comprehensive Investment Solutions • Dontech, Inc. • General Mechanical Services • Penn Valley Constructors, Inc. • Pine Run Retirement • Univest Bank and Trust Co. Photography by Mark Margraff, M Studios Stephen Kiszely (Delaware Valley Packaging Group) and Jim Collins (Customers Bank). Golf Outing Commitee Co-Chairs. Debbie Wagner (The Graphic Edge, Inc), Brad Sanders (CBCC), Jane Moore (Moore Cleaning LLC), Art D'Angelo (Insure4life Financial), Janet Hartman (Customers Bank), Rob Byrne (Penn Valley Constructors, Inc.) and Liz Vibber (Bee Berfvall & Co.). Corporate Miniature Golf. Doreen Paynton (Dontech Incorporated), Matt Garvin (Miniature Golf WINNER), Vail Garvin (CBCC), Karen O'Donnell (St. Mary Medical Center), Steve Sabel (Streamline Payroll, LLC). Benjamin Crowley & Christopher Nardo (Monument Bank). Nicholas Molloy (J. Carroll Molloy Realtor). Michael Ivankovich (Michael Ivankovich Home Downsizing & Appraisals). James Eby, Kevin Oakes, Steven Bartz, Gregg Maddalo Scott Slobotkin, Lisa Ventresca, Jon hazelwood, Kere Averett Tom Wagner, Don Reevey, Shelleen Piselli, Bob Welch Special tribute was paid to the late Beverly M. Miller (Stepping Up & Out, Inc.) for her years of contribution to the Golf Outing. 10 Who • What • Where • When Business to Business Breakfast Sponsors: First Savings Bank and Central Bucks Family YMCA May 3, 2013 Passionate about Metal Roofing: Brian Partyka, Drexel Metals By Anne Biggs, Journalist “Actually, I was wondering how old that metal roof is.” Photography by Mark Margraff, M Studios And that’s passion. Brian Partyka talked to Chamber members in May about his start in steel, his passion for metal roofing and what this niche industry has to do with excellence, portability and sustainability. Partyka is executive vice president and partner with Ivylandbased Drexel Metals, a nearly $40 million business recently named No. 66 among the top manufacturing companies in the U.S. Andrew Happ (Central Bucks Industrial Aero Park), Frank Arcoleo (A. Neumann & Associates) and Krista Harper (Curtin & Heefner). In response to customers’ needs, Drexel Metals has developed a machine that creates standing seam roofing panels in any length using coil steel. What used to be made in a factory and shipped in large pieces to a job site – a costly, cumbersome operation – is now a simple, on-demand process that allows local contractors, wherever they are, to provide an on-site custom roofing system for their customers. “We've been able to take a commodity and make sure that it’s made locally,” says Partyka. “We eliminate shipping and the damage of shipping. We are a niche in a very commoditized market. “There’s nothing more rewarding than your customers promoting your strategy to their customers.” Sponsor Bess Godin (Central Bucks Family YMCA), Speaker Brian Partyka (Drexel Metals) and Sponsor Todd Hurley (First Savings Bank). A Drexel Metals roof offers greater energy efficiency than any other roofing system, is lightweight – 1.5 pounds versus shingle’s 7 pounds – and doesn’t degrade like other roofing systems. Because it’s fastened internally, there’s nothing to tear and it will withstand winds of 100mph. Prefinished with a baked on coating, nothing sticks – not mold, not snow. According to Partyka, a Drexel Metals roof is the last roof you’ll ever have to buy. And he’s passionate about that. For more on Drexel Metals: www.DrexMet.com. The event was held at the Waterwheel Restaurant and sponsored by First Savings Bank and Central Bucks Family YMCA. W4 Susan Jones and Kevin Banks (First Savings Bank) with Craig Hall (Hall Family Chiropractic). Speaker Brian Partyka (Drexel Metals) and Emcee Past President & Chairman of the Board John C. Soffronoff (Monument Bank). RONALD KERSHNER T ogether atop the Eiffel Tower, looking out over the historic and romantic city of Paris, Elizabeth Partyka asked Brian Partyka what he was thinking of. PIANO STUDIO Private Instruction for Beginning & Advanced Students Adults & Children Doylestown, PA 215-345-0289 www.kershner2pianostudio.com Annual Report 2012-2013 11 14 Annual Bucks Fever Gallery & Studio Tour Sponsored by Academy Wealth Advisors T Photography by Natalie Wi, Allure West Studios his past Mother’s Day Weekend, May 11 & 12, art lovers took part in a delightful journey through Bucks County and visited some of the area’s premier galleries, featuring a wealth of regional artists. The galleries included: Aspiring Artists of the Earth (AAOTE), Bucks County Gallery of Fine Arts, Artist Emily Thompson conducted art demonstrations at Travis Gallery. Artist Dot Bunn demonstrated her skill at Patricia Hutton Galleries. Gratz Gallery served as one of the tour locations. Does your website power your company? It should. We create websites that work. Serving web clients for over 18 years. Creators of BucksCountyAlive.com 12 Who • What • Where • When Bucks County Project Gallery, Gratz Gallery, Patricia Hutton Galleries, Rich Timmons Gallery, Silverman Gallery, and Travis Gallery. Each Gallery featured guest artists doing demonstrations, holding discussions and sharing their art, work and inspiration. Artist/Gallery Owner Tari Zarka demonstrated her glass‘manship’ at Aspiring Artists of the Earth (AAOTE). Steve Bartz (Staples), Dr. Vail P. Garvin FACHE (CBCC) and Brad Sanders (CBCC) proudly display the Coloring Book containing original art donated by artist/gallery owner Lauren Travis (Travis Gallery) and printed courtesy of Staples. Allure West Photography Studios served as ticket sponsor while Aspiring Artists of the Earth offered complimentary brochure design. Original Art of each studio/gallery was featured in a Tour Coloring Book by Lauren Travis, Artist & Owner of Travis Gallery. W4 Michael Stumpf was on hand at the Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art to discuss his handcrafted nativities. Julie and Rich Timmons, owner of Rich Timmons Gallery, with dog Daisy. Artist Sandy Askey-Adams paints at the Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art while being The Gallery of Stephanie Lisle (Buck observed by Gallery owner and Studio/Gallery County Project Gallery) featured Dana Chair Howard Cooperman and tour-goers. Isley from Dana Isley Photography. Sponsored by 3rd Fed Bank and PECO Photography by Aaron Mitchell Photography Aaron Castro (Aaron Mitchell Photography), Dr. Vail Garvin (Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce) Erik Fleisher (Bucks County Country Gentlemen Barbershop Chorus), Rob Loughery (Bucks County Commissioner), Charlie Martin (Bucks County Commissioner), 3rd Fred (3rd Fed Bank), Kent Lufkin (3rd Fed Bank), Art D'Angelo (Insure4life Financial), Robert Zukowski (3rd Fed Bank) and Brad Sanders (Central Bucks Chamber). CB South Jazz Band's performance on June 12, 2013. Gregory Grasty, Jr. Art D' Angelo jamming with Slim Bob & The New Electrics. 3rd Fred entertaining our Brown Bag-It guests. Discover 3rd Fed Bank We’re worth taking a closer look Slim Bob (Blues Artist) and Cheryl Castro (Aaron Mitchell Photography). Audience enjoying Brown Bag-It With The Arts. CB East Jazz Band's performance on May 29, 2013. Kicking off the Brown Bag-It Season. Upper Bucks Alliance for Creative Expression's performance on June 26, 2013. The Conservatory entertaining our guests on June 19, 2013. The Brown Bag-It Committee hanging out with 3rd Fred. Robert Zukowski (3rd Fed Bank), Erik Fleisher (Bucks County Country Gentlemen Barbershop Chorus), Art D'Angelo (Insure4life Financial), Brad Wexler (Tycor Benefit Administrators), Brad Sanders (Central Bucks Chamber) and Aaron Castro (Aaron Mitchell Photography). Chris Tully and his students at MBIT filmed Bill Aust's performance on June 5, 2013. CHECK OUT BROWN BAG-IT Every Summer! Every Wednesday! Noon -1pm • Personal & Business Banking Services • Competitive Mortgages and Loans • Customized Lending Solutions • 24-Hour Online Banking and Bill Pay • 5 Convenient Locations in Bucks County www.3rdFedBank.com Annual Report 2012-2013 13 The 27th Byers Bucks Fever Art Exhibition Bucks Fever’s Signature Benefactor is Univest Bank & Trust Co. T he annual Byers Bucks Fever Art Exhibit, supported by Byers’ Choice Ltd. & Penn Color, Inc., featured over 100 artists living and/or working in Bucks County in all media: oil, sculpture, acrylic, mixed media, watercolor, photography, jewelry, and digital. The exhibit was hosted by the Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art, 77 W. Bridge Street, in New Hope. Thank you to the food purveyors who were so generous to at the Preview Reception, on April 11. These include Applebee’s Restaurant, Corner Bakery Café, KC Prime and Villa Barolo with wine courtesy of New Hope Winery. The invitation was designed by The Graphic Edge, Inc. and was printed by MiGU Press, Inc. W4 Pieces in the exhibit can still be viewed at: http://youtu.be/acFgKfYEjEg Photography by Natalie Wi, Allure West Studios Amy and Bob Welch. Chamber President Bob Welch also serves as Chairman of the Art Exhibition Committee. Many of the team who comprise the Byers Bucks Fever Art Exhibition showed up for the Art Exhibition Preview Reception on April 11. From left are: Natalie Wi (Allure West Studios), Deborah M.A. Wagner (The Graphic Edge), Chairman Bob Welch (CBCC President/Academy Wealth Advisers), Lauren Travis (Travis Gallery), Lucille Morgnanesi (Lu Chien Arts), Daniel Anthonisen (Artist), Patricia Hutton (Patricia Hutton Galleries), Maggie Leiby (Artist), Franca Warden (Bucks County Academy of Vocal Arts), Joe Santoro (Academy of Vocal Arts), Annette Szygiel (Univest Bank & Trust Co.), Howard Cooperman (Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art) and Chuck Mintzer. Howard and Edie Cooperman of Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art were gracious hosts. Bucks County Magazine Publisher Bill Waite and Senior Account Executive Kathy Driver. Each year, the Waites insert the colorful Bucks Fever brochure into their beautiful magazine. NEW CUSTOMERS! 10% OFF YOUR FIRST PRINT JOB! (expires 12/31/13) SPEND LESS, WEAR LESS HATS Move forward with MIGU. We deliver personalized service, superior production, fast turnaround, aggressive pricing and outstanding value. Economize and consolidate your marketing operations today. Lighten your load and hang your marketing hat on MIGU. We reach your customers. We reach your goals. We Deliver More. 260 Ivyland Road, Warminster, PA 18974 T 215.957.9763 / F 215.957.3240 info@migu4u.com / migu4u.com 14 Who • What • Where • When Bob and Pam Byers (Byers’ Choice Ltd.), sponsors of the Byers Bucks Fever Art Exhibition. Annette Szygiel (Univest Bank & Trust Co.). Univest Bank & Trust Co. serves as the Signature Benefactor of Bucks Fever. “Our business is to help your business grow!” ‘Live, Work, Play’ is focus of 2013 Excellence in Design Tour Sunday, September 29, 1-6pm PLAY LIVE Major Sponsor: Carroll Engineering Corporation WORK By Anne Biggs, Journalist E ach fall, the Architectural & Environmental Committee offers a delightful, unhurried visit to a handful of the area’s notable examples of the built environment. Chosen for their architecture, landscaping, interior design, environmental features or site planning, each selection offers a special look into the shared vision of the designer and owner. Fortunately, all of these will be described or demonstrated during the tour by Vertical Screen’s owner, Tony D’Orazio. Also on view are the dozens of raised-bed garden boxes, some of which are planted and harvested by Vertical Screen employees, that Vertical Screen’s onsite horticulturist has established and maintains. But the committee has noticed a trend in recent years. PLAY For some Bucks County residents, “play” in the traditional sense simply isn’t a possibility; some of these find their way to Special Equestrians, a nonprofit therapeutic riding center situated just off Bristol Road on 42 preserved agricultural acres owned by Warrington Township. Our communities’ planners and designers, taking their lead from the demonstrated – if not overtly stated – needs of businesses and residents, are changing how they envision the structures, the settings and the uses of both. The results are intriguing, inspiring and a heck of a lot of fun to explore. That’s why the A&E Committee has developed its 2013 Excellence in Design Tour around the theme of “live, work, play.” It has identified three fresh interpretations of each element, making this year’s self-guided tour a trio of happy glimpses into what might be the future of our built and social environment. LIVE “Both baby boomers and “millennials” (ages 19-37) desire invigorating places to live,” says architect Michael Raphael. “They already desire places to go (‘Third Place’) when they aren't sleeping (‘First Place’) or working (‘Second Place’). The closer and more convenient these places are, the greater the likelihood they will succeed.” That’s the premise of The Station at Bucks County in Warminster. This newly constructed residential project, developed by J.G. Petrucci Co. on 16 acres of the former Draeger Medical Infant Care facility, offers luxury apartments, a clubhouse with pool and fitness center as well as SEPTA rail access to Philadelphia and other areas in Bucks and New Jersey, and sits amid the businesses and commercial offices that have developed on and around the NADC brownfield site nearby. WORK Some residents of The Station make up the 450 employees who work “around the corner” at Vertical Screen’s corporate headquarters, Bucks County’s first and Pennsylvania’s sixth LEED Platinum-certified building. This iconic structure, part of which rests on the former runway, resembles the aircraft hangars that once dotted the NADC site. The difference? Soaring glass walls on the east and west façades, a singular interior space created by the barrel roof and structural insulated panels (SIPs), 900 photovoltaic roof panels – and a host of other less visible features that make up the building’s sustainability rating. The center has a 28-stall barn, indoor climatecontrolled and outdoor arenas, 10 acres of pasture and a Sensory Trail with 15 activity stations. The certified PATH (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship) International Center has grown from its founding in 1982 – when few therapeutic activities existed for children and adults with disabilities – to a well-equipped facility that offers more than 100 lessons a week to those with a variety of disabilities. Eighty percent of the riders are children. The horses, some of which are rescues, work with staff and volunteer therapists in group and individual sessions to help adults and children build new functional capacity and skills they are then able to take into other areas of their lives. Last year, the center provided 3,500 lessons to 188 riders ages 3 to 70. PUTTING IT TOGETHER The 2013 Excellence in Design Tour, which is centered in the Warminster-Warrington area, runs from 1 till 4pm. All tour property owners and ticket holders are invited to join A&E Committee members from 4 till 6pm for a wine and hors d’oeuvres reception hosted by Tony and Amy D’Orazio and held at Vertical Screen in Warminster. The event is sponsored by Carroll Engineering Corporation. In keeping with the environmental aspects of the event, a sampling of electric plug-in vehicles provided by Fred Beans Family of Dealerships will be on exhibit at Vertical Screen throughout the afternoon. The Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce celebrates 10 years of partnering with Univest Bank and Trust Co. to bring the best in Bucks County arts, culture, history & festivals to residents and tourists of Bucks County! Ticket and map are $10 per person in advance, $15 at tour sites on the day of the tour and $5 for students who show their school photo ID. Tickets can be purchased at the Doylestown Book Shop, Central Bucks Chamber offices and online at the Chamber’s website, www.CentralBucksChamber.com. Please contact the Chamber for further information: 215.348.3913 or Brad@CentralBucksChamber.com. W4 MODERN palate today’s sense of taste CATERING FOR ANY OCCASION 267 - 613 - 8543 www.modernpalate.com Annual Report 2012-2013 15 Sculpture Show Founded by Dr. Selma Burke Sponsored by The Lomax Companies 2012 – Show hosted by the University of Phoenix 2013 – Show hosted by Fred Beans Family of Dealerships (9/12 through 9/26) Preview Cuisine Courtesy of Soup to Nuts Caterers Wine Courtesy of Buckingham Valley Vineyards Photography by Natalie Wi, Allure West Studios Members of the Lomax family gathered at the 2012 Reception. The Lomax Companies serve as the Sponsor of the Bucks County Sculpture Show Founded by Dr. Selma Burke. Shown from left are some members of the Lomax family: Bennett, Jacqueline, Thomas, Dr. Walter, Beverly, Charles, Maria and Elizabeth. In the foreground are Maya and Allyson. David Crain (Member of the Sculpture Show Committee). Mildred White, Sculpture Show Committee Member Steve Brauns and Lyn Brauns. 2013 All-Inclusive Packages f Weddings f Bar Mitzvahs f Banquets f Special Events f Corporate Events f Business Meetings f Bat Mitzvahs f School Functions You name it we can do it! Come check out all of the beautiful renovations! Call us for details at 215-343-1630 or visit us at www.warringtoncountryclub.com 16 Who • What • Where • When Todd Parlee (ParleeStumpf) and Sculpture Show Ambassador Dr. Alan J. Miller (Family Practice Medical Management). Chairman of the Sculpture Show John Bray (Vincent Pools, Inc.) and Joe Marzano (University of Phoenix. University of Phoenix served as the site of the 2012 Show. Fred Beans Family of Dealerships (Cadillac) serves as 2013 location. Courtney and Eric Forsberg (Buckingham Valley Vineyards), Peter Edwardson (Peter Edwardson Construction) with Andrea Forest and Sculptor Kevin Forest. Linda and Leland Felt. Executive Producer: Monument Bank Production Managers: Antheil Maslow & MacMinn, LLP, Comcast and Silverman Family Partnerships, Inc. Production Assistant: Renvyle Partners, LLC. Special Courtesies: County Theater, Furia Rubel Communications, MacOutfitters and MKJ Creative Photography by Michael J. Monti Photography All Chamber Members are Invited! Front row: Vince Caperelli, Jr (Cotton Field Communications, LLC), Laura Talafous (Comcast) FilmFest Committee Co-Chairs. Back row: Jim Sanders (County Theater), Mike Monti (Photograher), Tom Donnelly (TD Post & Animation), Brad Sanders (CBCC), Rick Toone (Shoot Better Video), Janet Steiner (Comcast), Laura Powers (Furia Rubel Communications, Inc.) and Judy Habel (MacOutfitters). AWARDS NIGHT & RECEPTION FILMMAKER PANEL DISCUSSION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 5-7 PM SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 4-6 PM MAXWELL’S ON MAIN (M.O.M’s) 37 NORTH MAIN STREET DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 JAMES-LORAH MEMORIAL HOME 132 NORTH MAIN STREET DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 Join us for a special reception to announce the film and video winners and screenwriting finalists. “Great Idea? Now What?” Learn from experienced filmmakers about scripts, crowdfunding, production, distribution, and more. VIP RECEPTION SCREENING OF WINNING FILMS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 6-6:45 PM SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 7 PM COUNTY THEATER 20 EAST STATE STREET DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 COUNTY THEATER 20 EAST STATE STREET DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 Mingle with the winning filmmakersand supporters of the film community. View the winning films and discover the winners of the screenwriting competition! Also vote for the Fan Favorite film. Professional webvideo creates more business profits! Representing the area’s best living artists since 1990 6089 Lower York Road (Rt. 202) New Hope, PA 18938 215-794-3903 • www.travisgallery.com Original Art • Custom Framing • Corporate Art Consulting • Installation Art Lessons • Art Workshops ABC-TV’s Don Polec and SunBlossom Entertainment make it easy for real people to look like video pros – instantly connecting you to more clients. Call today! 267.544.0890 www.sunblossomentertainment.com With 30 years network experience Don has created over 5000 distinctive videos! OUR SERVICES: Accounting and Auditing Tax Planning and Preparation Financial Statement Preparation Management Consulting Business and Strategic Planning Services Cash Flow Projections New Business Start-Up Assistance OFFICES IN: Warrington, PA | Doylestown, PA Lansdale, PA Newtown, PA | Lambertville, NJ 215-343-2727 | www.bbco-cpa.com Annual Report 2012-2013 17 38 Years of Excellence 2013 Lifetime Achievement Awards Sponsored by M&T Bank and Wilmington Trust Christine Taylor Ambassador of Bucks County Daniel F. Anthonisen Bucks County Arts Hatboro Federal Savings Business Achievement Marvin L. Woodall Humanitarian The Whitney Exemplar Walter P. Lomax, MD Alicia and Ira Brown, M&T Bank. M&T Bank serves as Lifetime Achievement Awards Sponsor with Wilmington Trust. Serving as the 2013 Whitney Exemplar is Dr. Walter P. Lomax, shown with some family members: First Row Julian Reese, M. Claire Lomax, Walter and Beverly, Laura Lomax. Standing: left to right are Dylan Lewis, Maria Lomax, Charles Lomax,. Bennett, Jacqueline, Thomas Lomax, Michael Ledbetter, Timothy Reese, Sara Lomax Reese. Photography by Chris Whitney, Whitney Photography Al & Amy Tielemans. Barbara Donnelly, C.P.M. and Lamberto Bentivoglio. Tim and Susan Gillespie, Wilmington Trust. M&T Bank serves as Lifetime Achievement Awards Sponsor with Wilmington Trust. EXCEEDING CLIENT EXPECTATIONS FOR OVER 24 YEARS. PARLEESTUMPF.COM :: 215.345.7040 i r t e ark m Bi y. 2B. er, B g compan d l o n i B t , e r k mar gge ice l-serv A ful Debra C. Andrews President, Owner 215.489.5563 x10 dandrews@marketri.com www.marketri.com 18 Who • What • Where • When Bob Byers (Lifetime Achievement Jury Chair) and Business Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Joseph J. Tryon, Jr. (Hatboro Federal Savings). Chris Chesar and Cindy Branson of Montage Show Productions contributed video services to enhance the awards night. 2013 Lifetime Achievement Awards Kelly and Jim Brexler, CEO of Doylestown Hospital, a former Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Marvin and Dee Ann Woodall. Marvin Woodall was named the 2013 Humanitarian. Kim and Chris Nardo. AfterDark performed at the Lifetime Achievement Awards, held at Spring Mill Manor in April. Former Business Lifetime Achievement Award recipient George E. Michael introduced Christine Taylor, Christine Taylor Collection. Bucks County Arts Lifetime Achievement Award Daniel Anthonisen is shown, at the dinner, with his parents Ellen and George Anthonisen. George Anthonisen is past Bucks County Arts Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Andrew and Ellen Happ. Happ Contractors is a former Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Christine Taylor was honored with an Ambassador of Bucks County Lifetime Achievement Award. She is shown with her stepdaughters, Andrea (Recher), Pamela and Meredith (Little). The 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award recipients include Daniel Anthonisen, Bucks County Arts; Joseph J. Tryon, Jr., Hatboro Federal Savings, Business; Christine Taylor, The Christine Taylor Collection, Ambassador of Bucks County; Whitney Exemplar Walter P. Lomax, Jr., MD; Marvin Woodall, Humanitarian. Barbara and Tom Hebel. Bucks Country Gardens is a past Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Rick Toone and Phillip Carroll produced a video about Arts Achievement recipient, Daniel Anthonisen. Debbie D G Goetz MEDIA CONNECTIONS LLC Debbie Goetz President Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner • Catering 1518 Spearmint Circle Jamison, PA 18929 P: 215.630.5408 F: 215.491.1998 dgoetz@dgmediaconnections.com www.dgmediaconnections.com NEWTOWN 3 West Road (across from Acme) 215.860.3750 Annual Report 2012-2013 19 2012 est 1983 The Lakehouse Inn, Nockamixon Photography by Mark Margraff, M Studios Kathy and Steve Gilmore. Kathy Gilmore served as Red Ball Gala chair. Kate and Glenn Stevens, owners of The Lake House Inn, site of the 2012 Red Ball Gala. One of the Gala’s main sponsors was William Schutt (Matcor), shown with Kathy Gilmore Beth and Chris Gilbert. Bill and Lori Norcross. Beverly and Dr. Alan J. Miller. Fred and Taffy Schea. The ladies in red at the 2013 Red Ball Gala. YOU’LL DO A LOT MORE THAN DINE AFTER NINE FULL-ON PARTY STARTING AT 9 PM EVERY 1/2 PRICE APPS DRINK Some members of the Red Ball Gala Committee, led by Kathy Gilmore, included Thomas L. Hebel, Michael Raphael, John Bray, and Erik Garton. SPECIALS $2 SELECT DRAFTS $4 MAIN STREET ‘RITA® $4 MUCHO RED APPLE SANGRIA Dine in only. Does not include Appetizer Sampler, Ultimate Trios or Cheeseburger Sliders. Not valid with any other coupon, voucher, discount offer or discount. Excludes tax and gratuity. Please no more than two people sharing a late night appetizer. Linda Felt, Rosemarie Molyneux and Mary-jo May. OPEN ‘TIL LATE NIGHT MIDNIGHT OR LATER Visit one of our area locations NEWTOWN BENSALEM 20 Who • What • Where • When DOYLESTOWN QUAKERTOWN SOUTHAMPTON Bill Hoblin and Sarai Nieves. Health & Wellness Committee The Health & Wellness Committee mission is to assist CBCC Members in creating and maintaining a culture of physical and mental health that benefits their business and their employees. Committee goals include: providing unique and productive networking opportunities for committee members; supporting the education of Chamber Members on how to create and maintain a culture of healthy living; encouraging individual responsibility for health and wellness. The committee conducts monthly meetings/presentations at the Chamber for CBCC Members. Meeting time includes an information based presentation and committee business. Provide on-site, information-based presentations/services to Chamber Members at their place of business or other locations, as appropriate. Meryl Wexler (Wellness Resolutions, LLC) serves as the organizer for Health & Wellness off-site events. Vicki Bosler (Pine Run Community) serves as Committee Co-chair. The fall program, produced by the Health & Wellness Committee and sponsored by Firstrust Bank, is “Survival Guide” for the Affordable Healthcare Act, on September 11 at the Wellness Center, Warrington – with special courtesies from Cornerstone Clubs. Photography by Chris Whitney, Whitney Landscapes Health & Wellness Co-chair Dr. Gail Walker (Walker Chiropractic) with former Co-chair Marge Nocton-Barr oversaw a committee run health fair at Majestic Oaks, designed to enhance the wellness of Majestic Oaks’ employees. Mike Tamburino (Tamburino Insurance Group) volunteered to assist with the program. Committee member Julie Lachman, ND participated in the event. TO TACKLE THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES OF OUR TIME. TO TACKLE THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES OF OUR TIME. From our beautiful Doylestown campus, over 100 years of learning takes us to the cusp of innovation. When you 700 E. Butler Ave. | Doylestown, PA 18901 | think about it, small is perfectly suited to this kind of anonymity. AT DELVAL, EVERY STUDENT COUNTS. 700 E. Butler Ave. | Doylestown, PA 18901 P 215-345-1500 delval.edu reasoning. We are responsive and capable of change. We know our students by name. There’s no room for P Publication: Art due: Rep Size: Contact: W4 Nov CBCC Sue Freeman suef@msambc.com 215-345-7040 3.75x4.7, B&W Delaware Valley College Sarah Boyle 215.489.2450 215-345-1500 delval.edu Publication: Art due: W4 Annual Report Annual Report 2012-2013 21 Leadership Advancement 2012/2013 Sponsors: The Rose Group and Applebee’s Restaurant & Corner Bakery Café Leadership Advancement, the nine month program designed to enhance leadership skills, foster networking and endow participants with a richer commitment to the community, celebrated 20 years with the 2012/2013 season. For more information on Leadership Advancement 2013/2014, contact Debbie Hays at the Chamber, debbie@centralbuckschamber.com. Photography by Natalie Wi, Allure West Studios AgriBusiness is one of the Leadership Advancement sessions. Shown are Mike Fourneir (Penn State Cooperative Extension) and Jonathan Forest (Buckingham Valley Vineyards). Michael Araten, President & CEO of KNEX Brands, LP/The Rodon Group; Det Ansinn, BrickSimple; Doreen Paynton, DonTech, Inc.; and Bob Byers, President of Byers’ Choice Ltd. served as a panel at the Free Enterprise session of Leadership Advancement, held in Colmar at K’nex & The Rodon Group. The housekeeper you deserve. The driver you’ve wished for. Buckingham Valley Vineyards created a special present for the participants. Eugene G. Leffever (Interpersonal Dynamics), shown with alum and Task Force member Matthew Knol (Peddler’s Village), led a mid-way Alumni Session. Shown at the Governmental Affairs session are Bucks County Commissioner Robert Loughery, Stacey Mulholland (Office of Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick), Heather Cevasco (Office of Senator Chuck McIlhinney) and Senator Chuck McIlhinney. At Wesley Enhanced Living enjoy maintenance-free senior living, plus: ■ Spacious and affordable 1 & 2 BR senior living apartment homes and cottages with full kitchens and walk-in closets ■ Delicious chef-prepared meals ■ Everything you need is right outside your door – enriching programs & activities, fitness center, walking paths, beauty salon, chapel & more! To schedule a tour or for more information please call 267-895-1152. The chef you’ve always dreamed of. The big family you always wanted. 22 Who • What • Where • When Wesley Enhanced Living Doylestown 200 Veterans Lane, Doylestown, PA Wesley Enhanced Living Upper Moreland 2815 Byberry Road, Hatboro, PA 1-877-U-AGE-WEL • www.WEL.org The Wesley Enhanced Living (WEL) continuing care retirement communities are non-profit and faith-based, with a mission to deliver a purposeful life to residents. Leadership Advancement Graduation Photography by Natalie Wi, Allure West Studios Leadership Advancement Graduation was hosted by Doug Dolan and alum Molly Lowell at the Mercer Museum and catered by Alum Jack Skudris (Memorable Affairs Caterers). Dr. Vail P. Garvin, executive director of the Chamber, and Chamber President Bob Welch addressed the graduating class. Bob Welch and Vail Garvin congratulate Christopher Bigos (Fulton Bank). Bob Welch, Vail Garvin and Gerald J. Birkelbach (Aldie Counseling Center). Bob Welch, Vail Garvin and Jon Heacock (National Penn). Bob Welch, Vail Garvin and Garrett Talley (KNEX Brands, LP/The Rodon Group). Bob Welch, Vail Garvin and Jane Moore (Moore Cleaning). Bob Welch, Vail Garvin and Morgan Nau (Univest Bank & Trust Co.). Bob Welch, Vail Garvin and graduate and class photographer Natalie Wi (Allure West Studios). Bob Welch and Vail Garvin with Class Valedictorian Deborah M.A. Wagner (The Graphic Edge). Leadership Advancement graduate Benjamin Crowley (Monument Bank) is congratulated by his family wife Courtney, and children Shannon and FJ. Bob Welch, Vail Garvin and Suzanne M. Curran, MAI, AICP (Curran Realty Advisors-Appraisers). Bob Welch, Vail Garvin and Nicole Boytin (M&T Bank). MATCOR is the full-service provider of customized cathodic protection turnkey solutions to the oil & gas, power, water/wastewater and other infrastructure industries. 800 768 5669 MATCOR is a proud supporter of the Central Bucks County Chamber of Commerce. Learn more about MATCOR at matcor.com/W4 Annual Report 2012-2013 23 Link at Lunch Sponsored by CertaPro Painters of Central Bucks and Huntingdon Valley Bank Photography by Mark Margraff, M Studios Posing at the Link at Lunch held at the newly renovated Warrington Country Club are, from left: Tyler Ford (Warrington Country Club), Mary Ann Murtha (Huntingdon Valley Bank), and Martin Bahner (CertaPro Painters). Huntingdon Valley Bank and CertaPro Painters serve as Link at Lunch Patrons. Shown are Martin Bahner (CertaPro Painters of Central Bucks) and Michelle O’ Brien, Manager of P.F. Chang’s China Bistro at the Link at Lunch held at P.F. Chang’s. At Buttonwood Grille in Peddler’s Village are Franco Salerno (Darianna Bridal), David Werrett (Wells Fargo Advisors), and Eric Jacobson (IQnection Web Marketing and Design). David Werrett sponsors the Chairman’s Challenge, inviting members to attend and bring a non-member for free. If that non-member joins, the host’s next lunch is “on David!” Joe Lattanzi (Ted’s Montana Grill) spoke to the group about Ted’s Menu when Ted’s Montana Grill hosted Link at Lunch. The Bucks County Women’s Journal Reach Your Target Audience A publication dedicated to educating women For information on advertising, contact us at 215-721-0645 or 215-872-1814 bcwmnsjournal@yahoo.com www.buckscountywomensjournal.com Let’s Build Tomorrow TOGETHER Commercial & Construction Loans Business Lines of Credit • Vehicle Loans Call us today for a confidential business loan discussion & experience The First — where experience matters. A WEALTH OF EXPERIENCE SINCE 1864 215-860-9100 | www.fnbn.com 24 Who • What • Where • When Scott Spivack, Jennifer Villareale,Meaghan Dunn, Josh Pilch (Dunnamic). Don Polec (Sun Blossom Entertainment) filming the Link at Lunch for the new Chamber video produced by Sun Blossom Entertainment. Women in Business Committee Photography by Natalie Wi, Allure West Studios Tom O’Neill (O'Neill's Catering) serves Audrey Long (Audrey Long Interior Design). Chamber VIA Women in Business Leadership Award recipient Barbara Lyons is congratulated by Women in Business Cochairs Darla Pompilio and Nickey Hollenbach (outgoing). Deborah M. A. Wagner (The Graphic Edge), Co-chair of the Scholarships, with recipients Valerie Moeller, Kerrian Kerlew, Annika Odhner, Amy Taber and Scholarship Co-Chair Mae O’Brien (HealthLink Medical Center). Rebecca S. Van Dine (Child, Home & Community) and speaker Carol Aichele (Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth). Scholarship recipient Amy Taber with William Krempa (Krempa Associates, Inc.). David Campbell (Bucks County Herald) and Karen Lasorda (Bucks County Bank). Lou Pompilio and Art D’Angelo, CLU, ChFC perform for the crowd. Deborah M.A. Wagner (The Graphic Edge), Peggy Farley (Hepatitis B Foundation), Laura Powers (Furia Rubel Communications), Lucy Steitz (Sage Financial Group). Lynne Anne Donchez, fully made up to dance with the Doylestown Dance Center in their annual performance – Dancing Through the Ages, volunteered her to time to do hair, while Gloria Walker of Mary Kay Cosmetics donated her services to do make up for the Women in Business scholarship recipients. Editor’s Note: For all of the Women in Business Gourmet Getaway & June Dinner photos, visit (and “like”!) the Chamber Facebook page. www.facebook.com/buckschamber Ooka served up fabulous cuisine. Basement Waterproofing Basement Finishing Basement Structural Repairs Basement Humidity & Mold Control ...and Nasty Crawl Spaces too! 800-339-2070 BQBasementSystems.com Annual Report 2012-2013 25 Governmental Affairs Committee Photography by Mark Margraff, M Studios At the State of the State Breakfast featuring state legislators are: Sponsor Stephen Fera (Independence Blue Cross), State Representative Marguerite Quinn (143rd District), Sponsor Brian Jeter (Comcast), State Representative Kathy Watson (144th District), State Representative Scott Petri (178th District), State Representative Paul Clymer (145th District), and Carlo Borgia (Wells Fargo Bank). The State of the County Breakfast gives members the opportunity to connect with our County Commissioners. From left are Bucks County Commissioner Charles H Martin, Sponsor and Governmental Affairs Co-chair Carlo Borgia (Wells Fargo Bank), Bucks County Commissioner Robert G. Loughery, Governmental Affairs Co-chair Heather Cevasco (Office of Chuck McIlhinney), and Bucks County Commissioner Diane M. Ellis-Marseglia. At the end of 2012, the some of the Bucks County Chambers of Commerce joined together with the League of Women Voters to produce a Congressional Debate. Republican Congressman Michael Fitzpatrick and Democrat Kathy Boockvar answered questions from Chamber members and community residents at The Waterwheel Restaurant in Doylestown. Show, from left, are Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick, Andrea Kirchner, Kathy Boockvar, Governmental Affairs Co-chair Heather Cevasco (Office of Chuck McIlhinney), Connie Borichersky, Governmental Affairs Co-chair Carlo Borgia (Wells Fargo), and Chamber President Bob Welch (Academy Wealth Advisers). Fred Beans Family of Dealerships donated complimentary shuttle service. At the State of the Nation Breakfast featuring Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick are Sponsor and Governmental Affairs Co-chair Carlo Borgia (Wells Fargo Bank), Sponsor Brian Jeter (Comcast), Sponsor Tim Gillespie (Wilmington Trust), Speaker Congressman Michael G. Fitzpatrick, Sponsor Tom Wrigley (Independence Blue Cross) and Chamber President Bob Welch (Academy Wealth Advisers). Professional web-video creates more business profits! ABC-TV’s Don Polec and SunBlossom Entertainment make it easy for real people to look like video pros – instantly connecting you to more clients. Call today! 267.544.0890 www.sunblossomentertainment.com With 30 years network experience Don has created over 5000 distinctive videos! About Us... We provide instruction following the Classic Method of Pilates. Our experienced, professionally certified staff includes Director/ Instructor Sue Long and Instructors Mike Zelesko and Beth Butterworth. We will help you transform your body, transform your life! • State-of-the-art studio • Rehabilitation • Small group and private instruction 2325 Heritage Center Drive, Suite #114 • Furlong, PA 18925 267.544.5083 • www.transform-pilates.com 26 Who • What • Where • When 67th Annual Meeting Luncheon Jim Brennan: Coke Still Teaching World to Sing By Anne Biggs J im Brennan, Senior Vice President of Region Sales for Coca-Cola North America Group and Bucks County resident, has high expectations for the future – and he shared Coke’s compelling and upbeat video that demonstrates the company’s commitment to improving the health value of its beverages and fighting obesity with healthy initiatives. Brennan was keynote speaker at the Chamber’s 67th Annual Meeting, held at Spring Mill Manor in Ivyland. For these “challenging times, globally, nationally and locally,” Brennan said, Coke created the video “to make us optimistic about our future.” Today the beverage giant – “the world’s number one brand is Coke” – is employing its business heft to “encourage kids to keep moving” and to “unite scientists with our sippers…to find meaningful solutions to the complex problem of childhood obesity.” “Our success depends on our commitment to community,” Brennan said, noting that the company contributes $1.5 million locally to universities, Ronald McDonald house, parks, recycling efforts, youth programs and more. The annual meeting was sponsored by Wells Fargo Advisors and Chamber chairman of the board David H. Werrett. Barbara Donnelly receives 2013 Business & Arts Award For her exceptional contributions to the arts of Bucks County, Barbara Donnelly was presented with the Chamber’s 2013 Business & Arts Award at the luncheon. Photography by Chris Whitney, Whitney Photography Donnelly, of Donnelly Marketing Services Associates, has shared her marketing expertise with Chamber members through many of its business programs since joining in 2006, and today is vice president of the board. But her lasting impact on the arts has come from bringing her business and artistic flair together to shape and enhance successful artistic and cultural events across the county and beyond. Barbara is a hard-working and dedicated volunteer, plunging into projects with unparalleled enthusiasm. She has led the Bucks Fever Spectacular, a unique performing and visual arts extravaganza, and served annually as a Bucks Fever patron and now chair of the Bucks Fever Development Committee. She serves on the Chamber’s Byers Bucks Fever Art Exhibition Committee, Artists Studio Tour Committee and Red Ball Gala Committee, and is a director of the Academy of Vocal Arts and co-chair of the Bucks County Opera Association. The Chamber’s Business & Arts Award, sponsored by Syd and Sharon Martin, was established in 1997 to honor businesses that exhibit an outstanding commitment to the arts in Bucks County. W4 Barbara M. Donnelly C.P.M. (Donnelly Marketing Services Associates, LLC). Annette Szygiel, CFMP (Univest Corporation of PA), Peter S. Thompson, Esq. and Anne Biggs (Anne Biggs Inc.). Elmer O'Brien (Beneficial Bank), Susan Jones (First Savings) and Kevin Banks (First Savings). “Publishers Revel in Youthful Cruelty The publishing world’s preoccupation with bullies does not end at the bookshelf. Several publishing houses… have started antibullying campaigns built around their books. Authors have taken action on their own as well”. IGNORE: David Werrett (Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC) and Jim Brennan (Coca-Cola Refreshments). Leslie Kaufman New York Times 27 March 2013 the obvious observation that teen bullying arises from the teen peer culture itself. DISREGARD: the science that tells us the teenage brain is not yet an adult brain. And so adolescents can’t possibly think like adults. FORGET: Te e nage Brain? UNLESS YOU HAPPEN TO BE: -a p a r e n t struggling with a recalcitrant teen. all the successful interventions (now validated by science) -an e d u c a t o r trying to both motivate and control an unruly classroom. coming out of the ultra-turbulent 1960s that taught us -a s c h o o l a d m i n i s t r a t o r seeking to design how to penetrate the teen culture and thereby turn an a fair, impartial and effective teacher evaluation system. absolute negative into an absolute positive. -a t h e r a p i s t hoping to get through to a defiant kid. -a j u v e n i l e j u s t i c e p r o f e s s i o n a l pressured to turn around an institution full of delinquent youth. who in their right mind would want to put dedicated researchers and talented authors out of business by addressing the s o u r c e you may want to visit us at of the problem rather than its s y m p t o m s ? www.gotteenagers.com www.gotteenagers.org Alan Egber (Coca-Cola Refreshments). AFTER ALL: IN WHICH CASE: Annual Report 2012-2013 27 Standard Club Supports Sanders Benefit T he Standard Club recently donated space and resources to support Doug Sanders and the Sanders family. Doug Sanders, president of The Brentwood Group, suffered an aneurysm and stroke in December, 2012. Doug Sanders was presented with a dire prognosis and faced enormous medical challenges. So, the Sanders family enlisted community support and The Standard Club stepped up to the plate in a big way, along with countless businesses and area residents. The Standard Club is a private club located in the heart of Doylestown located in landmark 8,800 square foot building, designed and built as a private club in 1913 by architect Oscar Martin. The Club features several inviting spaces for members and their guests. The main floor features Oscar’s Restaurant, creating an outstanding menu from the finest local ingredients. The second floor features the beautiful Oscar Martin Ballroom and the elegant Governor’s Room, both offering dynamic and elegant space, ideal for weddings, private events, large and small parties and meetings. W4 The Standard Club & The Oscar Martin Room 127 E. State Street Doylestown PA, 18901 www.doylestownstandard.com News from Sculpture Show Committee Member Steven Brauns S teve Brauns, has been selected from the many entries across the country, as the designer and contractor for the Global War of Terrorism Memorial. The memorial will honor those from Bucks County PA who have fought and continue to fight terrorism around the globe. Look for the Global War of Terrorism Memorial to be installed in the garden at the Bucks County Court House, Doylestown, PA. Steven is personally working with the GWOT Committee to assure every detail is attended to and a quality piece is produced and delivered through Brauns Inc. Steven Brauns’ design ties together the international struggle against terrorism and the personal losses Bucks County experiences. Visitors will be able walk around and through the four freestanding seven- W4Magazine_J.Andrea.pdf 5/8/13 9:13:37 AM Beauty & Personal Styling by Judith D’Andrea Michael Ivankovich Moving ♦ Appraisal Home Downsizing Services Whether Antiques, Collectibles, Residential Contents, or Junk ● We’ll visit your home. We’ll appraise your items. ● We’ll explain your options. We’ll turn it into cash. ● Our Fee: $195. We appraise only. We do not buy. ● Sorting, Packing, Cleanout Services Also Available. P.O. Box 1536, Doylestown PA ♦ (215)-345-6094 Info@michaelivankovich.com www.michaelivankovichappraisals.com Personal styling and shopping for women and men Licensed aesthetician specializing in skincare and waxing services Make-up application for weddings and special occasions Expert eyebrow shaping Featured in Philadelphia Magazine, The Intelligencer, and BUCKS Life Magazine. For more information: www.judithdandrea.com To book: 267-670-0848 Love Your Beauty. Enhance Your Life. 28 Who • What • Where • When foot opened globe shape sections. The exterior of his creative design gives visitors glimpses into far reaching areas as it educates on the many “firsts” (such as women in combat, and cutting edge equipment making a difference to our troops, etc.) and the daily lives of our troops encounter. Then they are naturally invited to enter the globe where they are ensconced with images of the men and women of Bucks County that gave the ultimate sacrifice of our country. W4 Holiday Business Luncheon Featuring George Piro Sponsored by Hill Wallack and Wells Fargo December 5, 2012 • Spring Mill Manor Photography by Mark Margraff, M Studios Sponsor Frank Sullivan esq (Hill Wallack LLP), and Agent George Piro. Donna DeSimone & Barry Alan Moore (Moore Energy), Dominic Aprile (Wells Fargo Bank). Wells Fargo Bank was a sponsor of the luncheon. George Piro captivated a packed luncheon as he shared intimate details of his interrogation of Saddam Hussein. 1.866.400.HOST IQNECTION.COM Bucks County Magazine ... The only regional magazine all about Bucks County. ADVERTISE George J. Donovan, AIA (George J. Donovan AIA & Associates) and Mike Noftsger (MDN Sales). ART in the ANTIQUES DINING It’s good for your business! PEOPLE HOME GARDEN It’s true. Advertising in the W4 is an effective way of getting your message out to thousands of local businesses who could benefit from your product or service. It’s affordable. We offer adBank) design services Susan Fisher (First Savings and Karen McGinn discounted rates for members (Heaven on aatPlate). of the Central Bucks Chamber. To request ad design services and to reserve your space... HISTORY COULD YOUR BUSINESS SPARK MORE INTEREST? WEB DESIGN, MARKETING & HOSTING TOWNS SHOPPING EVENTS SCENERY B & B’S Contact Sue Freeman at 215-348-3913 W4Ads@centralbuckschamber.com Bailiwick Office Campus, Suite 23 252 West Swamp Road, Doylestown, PA 18901 Read it...enjoy it. HEALTH Our summer issue of Bucks County Magazine on sale now at fine locations throughout the region. Pick up a copy today at your favorite newsstand or call us at 215-766-2694 for a copy or subscription to Bucks County magazine. WEB SERVICES The only magazine found on Bucks County coffee tables. Visit us at BUCKSCOUNTYMAG.COM Annual Report 2012-2013 29 B:9.5” T:9.5” S:9.5” Wouldn’t it be nice if healthier employees led to healthier rates? We’re making it happen. in wellness programs and activities, such as exercising, losing weight and getting screenings. Taking advantage of these programs can earn them health points, which can be used to lower their medical costs. Because when your employees are healthy, so is your bottom line. To learn more about Small Group plans, contact your broker, call 215-241-2263, or visit IBX.com/employers. ibx.com/employers Independence Blue Cross is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. 30 Who • What • Where • When File: 30-13-102592_IBC_Change_SGP_Runners_9.5x12.5_4C_ Created 5-22-2013 10:21 AM User Fern, Todd (PHI-TNC) Modified 5-24-2013 11:24 AM T:12.5” rewarding your employees for participating B:12.5” S:12.5” At Independence Blue Cross, we’re Bucks County's Premier Boutique Hotel Barn Conference Center and Wedding Venue for up to 230 People, Restaurant and Spa. 32 Who • What • Where • When