March 2010 - Habitat for Humanity


March 2010 - Habitat for Humanity
Hammer & Nails
P.O. Box 1866
Granbury, TX 76048
Issue No. 47
March 2010
March 20, 2010
1:30 PM
Thank You Community Bank and Donors
This year marked the 14th annual
Community Bank Matching Funds
Campaign. We are grateful to both
Community Bank and all the donors that contributed! Our partnership with the bank and local donors
has been awesome for the last 14
years. Thanks to this year’s campaign, we will
now have more funds to build simple decent
homes for more families in Hood County. The
need is great in this community for affordable
housing for these families and you are all making
it possible. With 40-60 volunteers
on Wednesdays and Saturdays at
the work site, there is lots of construction going on. The Matching
Funds Campaign makes it possible
for us to stay focused on constructing homes and building lives. We
are blessed to be in partnership with Community
Bank and the many donors in this community supporting the Habitat ministry. God has blessed us
with your willingness to give and we thank you
and Him from the bottom of our hearts!
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March 2010
Hammer & Nails
Habitat for Humanity of Hood County Board of Directors
Executive Director President –
Vice President Treasurer Secretary –
Carol Davidson
Ronald Barrett
Ray Stewart
Susan Meche
Regina Riemondi
Other Board Members:
Paul Beckman
Sallye Vela
Steve Davidson
Mary Dwyer
Bill Eslick
Carey Gentry
Kathy Gwinn
Billie Henderson
Bill Jackson
Dale McCormick
Lynn Nuding
Jan Pope
John Quilty
Sherrie Templeton
Norm Snyder
Stan Wied
Committee Chairs &
Steve Davidson
Site Selection
Paul Beckman
Public Relations &
Fund Raising
Norm Snyder
Family Selection
Sherrie Templeton
David Dowell
Linda Dowell
Family Support
Kathy Gwinn
Aurora Petersen
Nita Mitchell
Carol Davidson
Bill Eslick
Church Relations &
Speaker's Bureau
Linda Pluznick
Phyllis Anderson
Dale McCormick
Barbara Clark
Just a few of our recent helper groups
GHS Spanish Club
Bear Creek
Brock High School
Hammer & Nails
March 2010
Community Bank Employees
Building House #50
Once again, Community Bank employees have put a hammer in their hands
and have been on site helping build
house #50. This 50th is a big milestone
for our affiliate and it is very appropriate
that Community Bank volunteers are out
there helping with it. They have willingly
helped us raise funds for many homes
and they actually help build one house a
year with us. It is so exciting seeing all
the bank volunteers celebrating walls going up and coats of paint going on. We
have a bunch of fun with them and
greatly appreciate their willingness to
help! Thank you Community Bank volunteers!
Page 3
re you looking for information about where
we are building and when to show up?
at See photos of
construction progress and volunteers in action!
You can also find a COLOR copy of this newsletter.
If you REALLY want to keep up to date, sign up
for our weekly e-mail update by Jeff Jeffcoat. It
includes specifics of the construction progress
and usually includes a photo. Jeff promises no
spam, no pop-ups. Only Habitat news! Sign up
by e-mailing Jeff at
If you wish to correct your name or address,
stop receiving this printed newsletter (saving us
money), contact us at:
Memorials and Honorariums
11-1-2009 through 2-28-2010
Jack & Sue Cummins
Daniel and Regina Riemondi
Jo Ann Jackson
Jerry & Peggy Barton
Zeta Martin
Zeta Martin
Ray and Elizabeth Stewart
Daniel and Regina Riemondi
Arden and Deanna Haltom
Arden and Deanna Haltom
Donald and Phyllis Anderson
Margaret Estep
In Memory of Annette Waller
In Memory of Arlene Schlegel
In Memory of Betty Jackson
In Memory of Bill Hartshorn
In Memory of Courts Cleveland
In Memory of Doris Lancaster
In Memory of Gayle Hamby
In Memory of Gayle Hamby
In Memory of John Weideman
In Memory of Marie Jones
In Memory of Tom Hansen
In Memory of Tom Hansen
Jo Ann Jackson
Kirk & Dee Lewis
Diana M. Vela
Roger & Karan Enlow
Earnestine Camp
First Baptist Church - Willing Workers
Daniel and Regina Riemondi
Larry and Diane Burton
Daniel and Regina Riemondi
In Honor of Bill Jackson
In Honor of Charles & Kara Rapp
In Honor of Ed & Sallye Vela
In Honor of Hood County News Employees
In Honor of Larry & Jan Pope
In Honor of LaVerne Killian
In Honor of Sarah Riemondi
In Honor of Wayne Hagood
In Honor of Margaret Hull
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March 2010
Hammer & Nails
Habitat’s 48th House
Dedicated Nov. 21, 2009
Home of Tammy, Cody and Jessica
Today was not only a regular Habitat work day
(cool but no rain or wind!) but also the dedication for Habitat’s 48th home. The volunteers
worked all morning cleaning and preparing the
home for dedication and others worked on
some of the future lots.
The 1:00 pm dedication for the home of
Tammy Mullins and her children, Jessica and
Cody was well attended despite the damp
coolish weather. Pastor Chris Williams from
StoneWater Church was very moved by our
Habitat program and felt honored to have been
asked to Dedicate and Bless Tammy’s home!
Thank you Pastor Williams.
The community continues to support Habitat
especially at each dedication several groups
honor the homeowner with special gifts; MaryMartha Circle (Acton United Methodist
Women), Loaves & Fishes (Lakeside Baptist
Church), Linda Lillard (Master Gardener’s), Alice White (Petal & Pals), Lou Bates, Reva Rundell (Granbury Quilting Guild), Jimmie Stanton
(Rancho Brazos Community Center), Paul
Beckman, Howard Hayre, Wayne Hagood—
(HFH Volunteers Making Building Blocks for
the Children) and special recognition goes to
Christy Langston, (Habitat homeowner.)
By the Grace of God, two very special people
came into Tammy’s life and her children’s
lives; they are none other than Linda & Walt
Pluznick, Tammy’s ―advocates.‖
The Pluznicks have been long time Habitat volunteers and to be a true ―advocate‖ requires a
serious commitment, which they have honored.
Space does not allow for details of being an
advocate, but most importantly, the chemistry
was there, the Pluznick’s cared, were available
when needed, worked construction and attended the Dave Ramsey Financial program
with Tammy, offered guidance when asked.
We volunteers have been inspired by both
Tammy’s life and Linda & Walt’s example.
Thank you Lord for this ―double‖ Thanksgiving!
Thank you
to the following organizations which have
contributed to Habitat for Humanity of
Hood County
11/1/2009 - 2/28/2010
American Legion Joiner Fitzhugh Post 278
DCBE Weds. Ladies Domino Group
GFWC Woman's Wednesday Club
Granbury Masonic Lodge No. 392
Granbury Quilter's Guild
Granbury Woman's Club
Knights of Columbus #9748
Lady Bug Garden Club
Pecan Golfers Bible Study
The Inge Foundation
Trinity Faith Ministry
Hammer & Nails
March 2010
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Habitat’s 49th House
Dedicated Feb. 6, 2010
Home of Kristie, Meghan, Chaney,
Bryanna, Bryan & Joshua
Habitat dedication ceremonies are always a
cause for celebration and the Ellington's on Feb.
6th was great. What started as a raw, cold day
on Saturday evolved into a spectacular day for
the occasion. Because the size of the crowd
was more than anticipated, the ceremonies
were held in the warm out-doors.
Habitat President, Ron Barrett, welcomed the
guests with a few words to the volunteers, followed by Jason Jones' opening prayer. Executive Director Carol Davidson greeted everyone
with a word about HFH, recognizing Boards
members, Habitat families and friends. Our
business partners were recognized by Steve
Davidson, Chairman of our Building Committee,
then Board Member Jan Pope also gave recognition to all volunteers. Stan Wied presented
Kristie Ellington with the keys to her new home
as Kevin and Mary Dwyer, designated as the
family's advocates stood by the family.
Special Presentations included Acton UM
Women - Mary-Martha Circle, JJ Mainord;
Lakeside Baptist Church - Loaves & Fishes;
Master Gardners - Linda Lillard; Petal & Pals
Garden Club - Alice White; Granbury Quilting
Guild - Lou Bates & Reva Rundell; Rancho
Brazos Community Center - Jimmie Stanton;
Special Gifts - Paul Beckman, Site Selection
Chair; Howard Hayre & Wayne Hagood.
After the family gave thanks to all, Brother Raymond Plaster, Pastor, Church of God
read Scripture, Joshua 24: 14-15. In conclusion, Brother Plaster gave a blessing, dedication and said the closing prayer.
With the ceremonies over, Kristie invited her
guests to partake of "goodies" she had bought
and thanked all her guests for the many house
warming gifts lined up against the wall . The
Ellington children retreated to their bedrooms
to "build with their blocks". It was the end of
perfect day for the family and volunteers.
Carpenters Club
As Habitat celebrates the completion of 50 houses, we praise God for allowing us to be a part of His
work. We also thank you, the members of "The Carpenters Club" for standing with us in this ministry that is so alive & well. However, the need is still great & increasing. There is much more to
do. Because of this, we are building 5 houses a year instead of 4. If you would like to increase
your pledge, please fill out the form on page 7 or contact me. Your investments are paying great
dividends! Fifty families (182 people ) have hope for a better future. What better return could you
ask for?
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March 2010
Hammer & Nails
Donate to Habitat Using your Credit Card
Save time, simplify your life, and support Habitat! Thanks to Habitat for Humanity International
in Americus, GA, we are keeping up with the times by offering a new way to help our mission.
Now you can use your credit card to make an on-line donation to our Hood County affiliate.
Here’s how it works:
 Go to:
 Scroll down and click on “Credit Card” and follow the instructions by clicking on “Website”
 This will open a new Internet Browser window and direct you to the safe and secure Habitat
International website
 Once the new window opens, please follow the instructions on the Hood County website
 Remember to
so that Habitat for Humanity of Hood County receives the full 100% of your donation
By designating our affiliate, 100% of your donation will go to our local affiliate. Upon completing
the required on-line information, you will receive an e-mail confirming the donation. Our affiliate
will also send an acknowledgement to you once we have received notification from Habitat International.
Note: For memorial or honorarium donations made with a credit card, you will receive an acknowledgement only from Habitat International.
No more checks to write or stamps to buy. It’s fast, safe, and easy!
Try it today! Go to:
If you have a question, contact Susan at
Susan Meche has prepared an excellent tutorial on the many
ways to contribute to Habitat for Humanity of Hood County.
Please go to our web site,, and
click on
Hammer & Nails
March 2010
The Carpenters Club
The Carpenters Club is a group of people who believe that "Joined Together, We
can Do Great Things." They faithfully contribute $100 each time a Habitat house is
started in Hood County.
If you would like more information about "The Carpenters Club", please call Phyllis
Anderson at 817-579-1198 or you may become a part of this important group by completing this form and mailing it to:
Habitat for Humanity of Hood Co.
PO Box 1866, Granbury, TX 76048.
_____ YES! I will join the ―Carpenters Club.‖ Count on me for a $100 donation each
time a HFH house is started in Hood County.
I pledge for __ one, __ two, __ three, __ four, __ five houses per year.
Name: __________________________________________________________
City/State: ________________________________/___________Zip:_________
Phone: Business ____________________________________
Home _______________________________________
E-mail ___________________________________@____________________
____ Yes, you may list my name as a contributor in publications such as newsletters
or newspapers.
____ No, I wish this commitment to be anonymous.
Thank you! Your gift is tax deductible.
Faye Adams
Don & Phyllis Anderson
AUMC Bible Explorers SS
D.R. & Kathleen Bales
Rowland & Mary Ballard
Randy & Sharon Barnes
Ronald & Glenda Barrett
Irvin & JoAnn Barron
Theresa Baucom
Paul & Sally Beckman
Ray Bissell
Bill & Jeanette Black
Sharon S. Boles
Jean & Richard Boulmay
John D. Brown
BKR Contractors Corp.
Charles & Bobbie Brownlee
Janet Sue & Bob Burns
Dorothy Campbell
Virginia & Bob Carter
Church Of Christ
Barbara Clark
David Cleveland
Sally Cleveland
Jack E. Collier
Community Care Granbury
Steve & Carol Davidson
Philip & Marcia Delucchi
Carolyn B. Dickson
Sue Dowden
Mary Drillette
Mary & Kevin Dwyer
Henry L. Ehrlich
Jerry & Brigitte Eichler
Bill & Linda Eslick
Margaret Estep
Ray & Debby Fishencord
Rafael & Carmen Flores
Ray & Loretta Fox
Joneta Gaffin
Moe & Helen Glotfelty
Paul & Jane Graham
Granbury Lions Club
Granbury Masonic Lodge
No. 392
Tommy & Kathy Gwinn
Dr. Clyde Hagood
Joe & Judy Hallmark
Janet Hanna
George Anna Harris
Rita M. Hart
Bill & Donna Haynie
Howard & Wanda Hayre
Gerald & Valta Heffley
Dale & Jackie Heid
Ron & Billie Henderson
John & Louise Holcomb
Bill & Shirley Hooks
Everett Hooks
Bill Jackson
Jo James
Herbert & Nell Johnson
John & Elta Jeffries
H.B. & Charline Keating
Gene & Marilyn Kellough
Rob & Christy Kilmer
Holman & Janie King
Lynne Kuehler
Joe & Karen Langdon
Jim & Fran Lee
David & Carolyn Leaverton
Rachel J. Ledbetter
Roger R. Lessard
Lone Star Yellow Pages
Judith & Bob Lowrey
Bill Lowe
J.J. Mainord
Rev.Jane & Mr.Dan Mar
Jim & Mary Lynn Martin
Dawne McAlpin
Page 7
Jon & Jane McConal
Dale McCormick
Frances T. McGuire
Pat & Patricia McGuire
Carol McKernan
Ed & Becky McMahon
Mike & Pat McPherson
Carol ―Sister‖ McRae
Elsie Miller
Stephen Miller Homes
Seth Moore
Ken & Juanita Morgan
Bob Mosbarger
Ronny & Lacy Mowrey
Lyn Nuding
Rev. & Mrs. Jim Olney
Irene Patterson
Larry & Laura Potts
Gary Proctor
Don & Jo Lane Ridgway
Joann Robinson
Brian & Pat Rosetti
Rusty & Jo Beth Ross
Larry & Patti Shafer
Bill & Jo Shaffer
David & Claudia Southern
Teresa Shook
Ken & Karen Sparks
James & Kim Spencer
Robin & Jone Snider
Norm & Barbara Snyder
Hans & Marylyn Stallmann
Patrica Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Wynn Stanton
Ray & Elizabeth Stewart
Ed & Linda Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Dale M. Taylor.
Charles L. & Kay Terry
Jerry & Freddie Thorpe
Mason Townsend
Jerry Trickel
Pamela Trickel
Trinity Faith Ministry
Terry Varner
Ed & Sallye Vela
Raymond Wilcox
Jack Wilson
David & Melinda Wofford
Harold & Jean Wold
Woodmen Of The World
Plus 7 members who wish
To remain anonymous
Total number = 134
February 9, 2010
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March 2010
Hammer & Nails
Suppliers for Houses Number 48 and/or 49
Habitat could not accomplish its mission to build simple, decent, affordable homes without the many
suppliers and service companies. Their dedication and efforts makes the Habitat building process run
smoothly. If you see them around town, tell them “thank you”!
Construction Suppliers and Services
AACA Parts & Supplies............................................ HVAC Supplies…………………………………817-579-9010
Abel Gamez .............................................................. Concrete Services………………………………. 817-573-4523
Affordable Rock ....................................................... Stonework – mailboxes………………………… 817-326-3760
A.W. Drywall, Inc. ................................................... Drywall, Tape, Bed, Texture…………………… 817-560-0413
Builders FirstSource-Texas ....................................... Insulation……………………………………….. 817-640-1234
Burdette Air Conditioning ......................................... HVAC Services………………………………… 817-279-0810
Crown Quality Roofing ............................................. Roofing………………………………………….817-219-7115
David Blew............................................................... Water Inspections……………………………… 817-771-9249
Doyle Culp ............................................................... Design & Soil Tests……………………………..817-297-2342
G & G Aerobics ........................................................ Septic Systems…………………………………..817-573-3029
G & G Electric Service Company .............................. Electrical Wiring……………………………….. 817-279-7777
Goodman Air Conditioning and Heating …………….HVAC Materials …………………………….....817-568-8001
Granbury Appliance & Carpet Co. ............................ Flooring………………………………………… 817-579-7440
Granbury Door & Window........................................ Windows……………………………………….. 817-279-1066
Granbury Winlectric Company.................................. Electrical Supplies………………………………817-279-8399
Granbury Winnelson Co............................................ Plumbing Supplies……………………………... 817-579-8319
Henson Lumber, Ltd. ................................................ Lumber…………………………………………. 817-396-4321
Henson's Building Materials, Ltd. ............................. Fencing…………………………………………. 817-396-4848
Herman Pruitt Company, Inc. .................................... Plumbing Services………………………………817-573-9708
Home Depot ............................................................. Construction Supplies………………………….. 817-579-0050
Ingram Concrete, LLC .............................................. Concrete………………………………………... 817-573-0440
Kelly-Moore Paint Company, Inc. ............................. Paint & Supplies……………………………….. 817-579-6433
Kevin McConal ........................................................ Roofing Services……………………………….. 817-219-5937
Leonard Heathington ................................................ Dirt work……………………………………….. 817-326-2166
M & S Plumbing Services ......................................... Plumbing Services………………………………817-894-7842
Mears Custom Gutters .............................................. Gutters………………………………………….. 817-279-8998
Phillip Dixon ……………………………………...….Floor Stain ……………………………………...817-964-7837
Rental One …………………………………………...Tool & Equipment Rental ………………………817-573-4339
SPEC Building Materials Corp. ................................. Roofing Materials……………………………… 817-279-4093
Tri-Tex Grass ........................................................... Grass Sod………………………………………. 817-579-0770
Wagon Yard, Ltd. ..................................................... Lighting Fixtures……………………………….. 817-573-5321
Whirlpool Corporation .............................................. Appliances……………………………………… 800-835-0271
WMD Designs - Mike Durant ................................... House Design Plans
Yale.......................................................................... Door Locks and Knobs………………………….800-438-1951
Non-Construction Suppliers and Services
Brown & Walton ............................................ Real Estate Law……………………………………….. 817-573-8872
Central Texas Title ......................................... Real Estate Closing & Title Insurance………………... 817-573-3733
Cleveland Tractor ........................................... Tractor Repairs………………………………………... 817-326-5547
Community Bank ............................................ Mortgage Services/House Sponsor……………………. 817-573-2265
Federal Home Loan Bank-Dallas..................... Homeowner Grant…………………………………….. 800-362-2944
Gilbert Environmental, Inc. ............................. Portable Toilets………………………………………... 817-219-3703
Hood County News ......................................... Advertising……………………………………………. 817-573-7066
IESI ................................................................ Waste Containers……………………………………… 940-328-1176
Martin's Office Supply .................................... Office Supplies………………………………………... 817-573-2694
New Legend Media......................................... Website Support………………………………………. 972-733-0613
Signmasters .................................................... Banners………………………………………………... 817-579-1962
Specialty Cap & T-Shirt Co., Inc. .................... Caps, T-shirts………………………………………….. 817-326-4566
The UPS Store ................................................ Printing…………………………………………………817-579-8470
Hammer & Nails
March 2010
Page 9
Contributors to Habitat for Humanity
Nov. 1, 2009 - Feb. 28, 2010 (Includes Carpenters Club)
A.T. and
Patricia B. McGuire
Alan and Marcia Sloan
Alice Joann Armstrong
Arden and Deanna Haltom
Aunita Norman
Barbara Clark
Barnard T. Ghim and
Paula Ann Jampsa
Bill Jackson
Billie and Ron Henderson
Bob & Janet Sue Burns
Bob and Virginia Carter
Bob Burns
Bobbie Aicklen
Bobby & Cheryl Murray
Bobby Akers
Brian and Pat Rosetti
C. L. and Ann Boggs
C.H. and P.A. Neal
Callie Green
Carl & Cheryl Patterson
Carmine & Lucy Esposito
Carol "Sister" McRae
Carol McKay
Carol McKernan
Carolyn Dickson
Carolyn Nuding
Carolyn Steele
Charles and
Katherine Terry
Connie Hanson and
John Tamplin
Curtis and Sharon Ritchie
D.L. and L.J. Cleveland
D.N. and Paula Duckering
Dale and Jacqueline Heid
Dale McCormick
Dallas & Willa Callaway
Daniel and
Margaret Gessley
David and
Claudia Southern
Dawne Hood McAlpin
Daymon and Betty Graham
Dexter & Suzanne Francis
Dolores Casal
Don & Cindy Rogers
Donald & Bernice Wills
Donald A. Anderson
Donald and
Jo Layne Ridgway
Donald and Virginia Severe
Doug and Sheryl Crumrine
Earl (Moe) and
Helen Glotfelty
Edward & Dorothy Hughes
Edward and Iline Dittlinger
Edward and Sallye Vela
Edwin and Becky McMahon
Edwin and Linda Sullivan
Faye Adams
Frances T. McGuire
Frank and Billie Gruszynski
G.O. Sobota
Gail Clifton
Gary & Therese Proctor
Gary and
Barbara Berryman
George and
Mary Jeffers, Jr.
Harold and Jean Wold
Harry and Sara Dean
Henry and Lola Ehrlich
Herbert and Nell Johnson
Hiram and Charline Keating
Houston & Julie Tuel
Howard and Wanda Hayre
Hoyt and June Moore
Irvin and Joann Barron
J.D. and Melinda Wofford
J.J. and L.N. Lamarca
J.J. Mainord
Jack & Sandra Hamilton
Jack and Ann Woodley
Jack and Donna Yarbrough
Jack and Sue Cummins
Jack Collier
Jack Wilson
Jacque J. Tanton
James and Cora Cogdell
James and Frances Lee
James and Jere Rickman
James and Kim Spencer
James and
Linda Tomlinson
Janet Hanna
Jay Regehr
Jerry & Brigitte Eichler
Jerry and Freddie Thorpe
Jim and Judy Moyer
Jim and Mary Lynn Martin
JoAnn Cooper
Joann Robinson
Joe & Reva Rundell
Joe and
Karen Rae Langdon
John and
B. Louise Holcomb
John and Elta Jeffries
John and Susan Meche
K.P. and D.J. Lewis
Karen and Sam Mercurio
Kathryn Newman
Kelton and Jo Beth Cloud
Ken and Karen Sparks
L.E. & Brenda Staples
Larry & Carolyn Sadlowski
Larry and Jan Pope
Lavern & Beverly Franzen
Lawrence & Carol Link
Leslie and Betty Leake
Lewis and Jerene Rix
Loren and Karen Nichols
Loyce Looney
Lynne M. Kuehler
M.C. and W.D. Winslow
Margaret Estep
Mark and Helen Manroe
Mary and Kevin Dwyer
Mary F. James
Mary M. Dietze
Mason and Jean Townsend
Michael Macho
Mr. & Mrs. Don C. Hatfield
Mr. & Mrs. G.E. Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. K.D. Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. M.W. Jeffcoat
Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Bissell, Jr.
Mrs. George Anna Harris
Mrs. Larry E. Boles
Mrs. Warren E. Patterson
Norm and Barbara Snyder
Patricia P. Hayes Stanley
Paul and Sally Beckman
R.K. and Jone Snider
Rachel J. Ledbetter
Rafael and Carmen Flores
Randall and Sharon Barnes
Ray and Debby Fishencord
Ray and Elizabeth Stewart
Ray Larson
Ray & Helen Nasypany
Raymond and Loretta Fox
Raymond and
Rhonda Wilcox
Richard and
Cynthia Newman
Richard and
Lois Boulmay
Rita Hart
Robert & Barbara Raus
Robert & Christine Kilmer
Robert & Emily Kinney
Robert & Julie Wilson
Robert and Sue Dowden
Roger & Bertie Milson
Ronald and Gladys Valliere
Ronald and Glenda Barrett
Rowland and Mary Ballard
Russell and Jo Beth Ross
Seth and Jacquelyn Moore
Stevan & Beth Dozier
Steve and Carol Davidson
Susan Hanlin
Terry and Sandy Varner
Theresa Baucom
Thomas & Susan Petry
Thomas and Marian Arnett
Thomas and
Patricia McPherson
Tom and Sharon Dodson
Tommy and Kathy Gwinn
W. L. Lowe
W.S. and Wanda Lowe
W.W. and
Rebecca Moorhead
Walter & Linda Pluznick
Walter & Marge Helgesen
Warren D. Morrison
Wayne & Shirley Coyer
Wayne and Jean Hagood
William & Patricia Kopp
William and Joanne Shaffer
William and Linda Eslick
William and Yvonne Finley
Wilma Curtis
Wynn and Jimmy Stanton
Acton Baptist
Acton United Methodist
- Circle of Love
Acton United Methodist
Episcopal Church of the
Good Shepherd USA
Episcopal Diocese of
Fort Worth
First Baptist
First Christian
First Presbyterian
First United Methodist - Friendship Class
Good Shepherd Episcopal - Church of Acton
Granbury Church of Christ
Granbury First United Methodist
Lakeside Baptist
St. Frances Cabrini
Flooring Resources
IBM Employee Services Ctr.
Lone Star Yellow Pages
Quicksilver Resources Inc.
Woodmen of the World
Page 10
March 2010
Hammer & Nails
Houses 50 & 51
Gail Allen
Phyllis Anderson
Katherine Ball
Molly Barnhart
Ronald Barrett
Paul Beckman
Michelle Behrens
Ralph Benjamin
Cathy Bentke
Gary Berryman
Amanda Biltwater
Jordan Blake
Gary Blalock
Lisa Blalock
Melony Bleeker
Brian Bleeker
Tammy Bodine
C. L. Boggs
Ann Boggs
Richard Boulmay
Jean Boulmay
Stoney Boynton
Bill & Sheila Bradford
Amanda Brady
Amy Briggs
Haley Briggs
Michael Briggs
Jeff Brodan
Denise Brunner
Dana Burgett
Bob Burns
Jose Cabrera
Mike Case
Nina Cates
Kelsi Cathey
Alex Chastain
Paul Chevarley
Tom Christopherson
Shauna Cieply
Laura Cieply
J. J. Cieply
Jeff Clary
Clay Clay
Shannon Collins
John Colston
Silvia Cooper
Walt Cox
Jake Cranley
Jamie Daly
Bob Dauber
Carol Davidson
Steve Davidson
Trevor Davidson
Kamethia Davis
Terry Dawson
Jerry Dempsay
Ruby Derrick
Caryn Dodson
Brian Donnachie
Linda Dowell
Grover Downing
Paul Drake
Susan Durham
Mary Dwyer
Kevin Dwyer
Kristie Ellington
William Ellis
Bill Eslick
Jose Espinosa
Karen Esterly
David W Fish
Jim Esterly
Debbie Fishencord
Ray Fishencord
Mark Forrest
Ray Fox
Cotton Francis
Florence Franks
Beverly Franzen
Lavern Franzen
Linda Gaffey
Bill Garner
Carey Gentry
Brandon Green
Beta Greer
Mary Kate Grossman
Kathy Gwinn
Arden Haltom
Rob Hansen
Connie Hanson
Loretta Hardie
Michelle Harrison
B.J. Harrison
Michelle Harrison
Dallas Haubert
Dale Heid
Bill Hemes
Billie Henderson
Wayne Higgins
Mark Hiler
Anthony Hill
Dwight Hoover
Lisa Hopes
Lori Horn
Paul Hoskins
Cathy Howard
Bill Jackson
Jeff Jeffcoat
Doris Johnson
Larry Johnson
Ryan Johnson
Emily Jones
Ethan Jones
Bradley Kade
Tony Kade
Marshall Kay
Harry Kelly
Tara Kennedy
Rob Kilmer
Bothani Kirby
Elaine Koyles
Jennifer LaFrentz
James Lenard
Judy Lenard
Brett Lester
Steve Long
Pete Luera
Asa & Louise Maddox
Jimmy Maldrando
Lisa Mapes
Jairo Martinez
Zach Mathis
Bill & Sheila
Daryl McClendon
Bob McClinton
Dale McCormick
Dot McCormick
Mac McCormick
Troy McDonald
Gary McGuire
Mike McHugh
Carol McKernan
Thomas McMahan
John Meche
Susan Meche
Lindsey Meller
Karen Mercurio
Elsie Miller
Nita Mitchell
Seth Moore, Jr
Bob Mosbarger
Patricia Mosqueda
Tammy Mullins
Cheryl Murray
Angela Nettles
Loren Nichols
Jerry Niehaus
E. J. Niswender
Lyn Nuding
Paloma Nunez
Cindi Pace
Ashley Owens
Marla Percifull
Aurora Petersen
Tom Petry
Nancy Petty
Donald Petty
Linda Pluznick
Walt Pluznick
Jordan Pomeroy
Chip Pomeroy
Jan Pope
Larry Pope
Aniel Porter
Sarah Pretz
Alex Qasem
John Quiltey
Chelsea Rapp
David Rassmusson
Krista Ray
Jay Regehr
Zeke Richards
Don Ridgeway
JoLynn Ridgeway
Dan Riemondi
Regina Riemondi
Jerene Rix
Bobby Roach
Matt Robinson
Cindy Rogers
Don Rogers
Jim Rollins
Ruben Roman
Phil Roper
Lisa Roper
Bret Roper
Ben Rose
Mindy Rose
Joe Rundell
Reva Rundell
Larry Sadlowski
Calvin Saylors
Tim Scott
Sara Seals
Delaina Sharkey
Alan Sloan
Shane Smith
Calvin Smith
Chandler Smith
Kristie Smith
Barbara Snyder
Norm Snyder
Mathew Speight
Suzanne Speight
Jim Spencer
James Spencer
Carolyn Stanford
Sandy Stansbury
Jefferey Stephens
Ray Stewart
Larry Swift
Elsie Tallant
Miram Tello
Sherrie Templeton
Terry Templeton
Jacob Thompson
Brandon Treadway
Sabino Trujillo
Shelly Trull
Eric Turbaville
Terry Varner
Sandy Varner
Kim Vaughn
Sallye Vela
William Voss
Jarrod Waltrip
Audra Ward
Randy Ware
George Watters
Chris Werkman
Mark Weyandt
Chelsea White
Stan Wied
Karl Wilcox
Barry Williams
Don Wills
Connie Wimberly
A Windhem
T.E. Wright
Shirley Wright
Ronne Yale
John Paul Zapata
Hammer & Nails
March 2010
Page 11
Yes! I/We want to give a gift of hope and love
that will last for years to come.
Enclosed is a gift of $______ for a Habitat house.
Type of gift: Honor/Christmas/Birthday/Graduation/Anniversary/Wedding/Memorial/Other_____
Name of Person __________________________
Send acknowledgment to:
Name ________________________________
Address ______________________________
City _______________ State ___ Zip _______
Name ________________________________
Address ______________________________
City _______________ State ___ Zip _______
Yes, you may use my name (not the amount)
in publications such as newsletters or
No, I wish this contribution to be anonymous.
All gifts are tax-deductible. Make checks payable
to “Habitat for Humanity of Hood County”
Please return this form to:
Habitat for Humanity of Hood County
P.O. Box 1866
Granbury, TX 76048
Attention Direct Depositors!
Several persons are donating to Habitat regularly
by ―direct deposit‖ or electronic funds transfer
from their account to ours. We think we know who
some of those persons are, and have included
their names in the list of contributors. There may
be others who are unknown to us.
Privacy rules prevent banks from disclosing
names of these depositors to us. When we receive bank statements of our accounts, the statement shows the amount of money deposited by
funds transfer, but not the names of the people
from whom it came. As a result, those donors do
not receive thank you notes or tax statements
from us.
If you are one of our donors by funds transfer,
please call Carol Davidson at 817-573-8480 or
Susan Meche at 817-573-1626, and let us know
who you are and the amount. We want to be sure
your money is going into a Habitat account.
Please be assured that we appreciate your donations, even if we don’t know who you are!
re you looking for information about where
we are building and when to show up?
C h e c k
o u r
we b
s i t e
a t
See photos of
construction progress and volunteers in action!
You can also find a COLOR copy of this newsletter.
If you REALLY want to keep up to date, sign up
for our weekly e-mail update by Jeff Jeffcoat. It
includes specifics of the construction progress
and usually includes a photo. Jeff promises no
spam, no pop-ups. Only Habitat news! Sign up
by e-mailing Jeff at
If you wish to correct your name or address, or
stop receiving this printed newsletter (saving us
money), contact us at:
Printing of this newsletter was done free of charge by
Acton United Methodist Church.
Hammer & Nails
March 2010
Page 12
Hammer & Nails
Habitat for Humanity of Hood County
P.O. Box 1866
Granbury, Texas 76048
50th house dedication
Apply for a Habitat House - See Inserts!
Community Bank Matching Fund
Home Dedications
How to donate on-line
Habitat Home Application Dates:
April 18, 24, 25.
See inserts for details.