independent - United Cerebral Palsy of Los Angeles, Ventura and


independent - United Cerebral Palsy of Los Angeles, Ventura and
Spring Edition 2016
Art of Care
Lights, Camera, Action!
March 12, 2016
A Message from the President and CEO
As many of you know, UCPLA,
our allies in the Lanterman
Coalition, and our advocates
and self-advocates have been
engaged in a longterm battle to
convince the State of California
to keep the Lanterman Promise
by remedying rate stagnation
and, in some cases, decreases
that have caused many program
Thanks to the efforts and
enthusiasm of supporters like
you, at the end of February
2016, we – the entire
developmental disabilities community – scored a slight victory. The
California State Assembly and Senate passed a two-bill package that
will provide vital funding increases starting in July 2016 for regional
centers and developmental disabilities service providers like UCPLA.
These bills will institute an overhaul of California’s Managed Care
Organization (MCO) tax, with the resulting funds dedicated to
increasing salaries for regional centers and some community
providers, and allowing for a 5% increase in State reimbursements
for services such as supported and independent living, in-home and
out-of-home respite and transportation.
Although these increases are necessary, they are only a small
bandage on a gaping financial wound that threatens not only UCPLA’s
longterm viability but also the present and future of California’s entire
system of developmental disabilities services provision.
In the five short years since 2011, closures throughout the state
have meant that individuals with developmental disabilities have lost
access to:
435 residential homes, representing a loss of 2300 beds
57 day and work programs, affecting 1200 people
15 supported employment programs, representing 176
opportunities to work in the community.
Although these hard-fought funding increases will help lessen some
of these closures, they will not be enough to repair our ailing system.
Even at UCPLA, these vital funding increases will not address all
of our significant cost gaps. Our four Adult Day Programs and two
Behavioral Programs, for instance, will not receive any benefit from
the MCO tax. These programs serve more than 330 people and are
on track to experience a nearly $1 million loss this year due to underfunding.
UCPLA and the Lanterman Coalition are working hard to remind our
legislators of the importance of addressing these ongoing deficits and
creating a sustainable funding solution. We are currently advocating
for a rate survey from the Department of Developmental Services that
would allow providers like UCPLA to provide feedback on a plan that
would help ensure the longevity of our system of service provision.
We have come a long way in our fight to ensure that California will
Keep the Promise – but we still have a long way to go. Your support
and advocacy have been invaluable throughout this process and,
on behalf of our clients, staff and Board, I extend my most sincere
At this pivotal juncture – as we prepare to work as a community to
ensure the future of our community-based services – we need your
support and advocacy more than ever. I hope you will continue to tell
your legislators how important our state’s developmental disabilities
services are to you. You can even do so in person, as some of our
most engaged families did on Monday, May 16 at our Chatsworth
Campus, where we hosted a Candidates Forum to introduce our
supporters to legislators running for the seat in the California State
Senate (District 27).
Whether you choose to advocate in person or to call, write or email
your legislators to let them know how important UCPLA’s services are
to you and your family; follow and share our updates on social media;
or make a financial contribution to help us address our multi-milliondollar cost gap, your support has a direct impact on the future of our
organization and on the lives of the 1100 individuals and their families
we have the privilege of serving every day.
Our battle is far from over but, if we are united behind the ongoing
struggle to ensure that all individuals with developmental disabilities
can access high-quality, dignified services, I am certain that our
progress will continue – and that our community will be richer for our
Ronald S. Cohen, Ph.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Spring Edition 2016
Administrative Professionals Week (April 24-30)
From April 24-30, UCPLA celebrated Administrative Professionals Week and took the opportunity to honor and thank the dedicated
members of our Administrative Support, Development, Finance, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Human Resources
teams for the positive impact they make on the lives of our clients and our organization. We are grateful to these outstanding
administrative team members!
Administrative Support
Brooke Banuelos
Anita Espinoza
Megan Henry
Simee Schiffman
Aida Valeri
Jayson King
Tamara Pompey
Margarete Preusser
Laurie Bauman
Myriam Diaz
Lucy Kutakh
Mharcee Laquian
Dyana Lien
Kimberly Marotta
Crystal Aceves
Angel Canepa
HUD, cont.
Ralph Cooper
Nicole Dang
Natalie Holdren
Rhonda Jenkins
Lusine Khachatryan
Maria Munoz-Najar
Alondra Ocampo
Barbara Puryear
Ruby Rosales
Michelle Seaton
Human Resources
Patty Avalos
Shirley Butler
Debbie Kinlaw
Terry Naborne
Kern Tam
National Nurses' Week (May 6-12)
We also spent National Nurses’ Week, from May 6-12, recognizing and thanking our dedicated nursing staff, who provides daily care
for UCPLA’s clients with complex medical concerns in a professional, compassionate and whole-hearted fashion. We appreciate our
amazing nursing staff!
Ivon Martinez Aguiniga
Laila Alejandro
Justine Aluoch
Marco Jose Alvarez
Rowena Barcega
Jeremy Bennett
Phil Correa
Maria Diaz
Maricar Dignadice
Nicole Dobson
Rose Doneza
Roy Emmanuel
Camila Espiritu
Rhodora Fortaleza
Myrene Gomez
April Haith
Paula Hill Stone
Nettie Jordan
Lucy Kiluta
Anne Kinkelaar
Ashley Knight
Paula Luna
Pierre Rey Malek-Niasakanians
Jane Mandtanavonsin
Alejandra Martinez
Cherie Martinez
Lindsey Mason
Zheng Mc Neil
Kristina Osgood
Mary Leizl Pao
Mila Parone
Diana Pelayo
Freddy Perez
Kim Pettus
Tamara Polin
Deborah Rasmussen
Irma Reyes
Forestine Richards
Adrian Rocha
Jannie Sauza
Lori Smith
Richard Swiger
Levi Bryan Walse
Donald Wells
If you would like to send a tribute or a message of appreciation to
a UCPLA staff member, visit, click “Make a Donation”
and click “Yes” to answer the question “Is this a gift?”
We look forward to delivering your note of appreciation to our hardworking staff!
Art of Care 2016:
Congratulations to our 2016 honorees!
Zach Anner
John Lynch
Trailblazer Award
Heart and Soul Award
Benefactor Sponsor
Platinum Sponsors
The Shapiro Family
Charitable Foundation
Sandra & Peter Devereaux
Maureen & Bryan Stockton
Diamond Sponsors
Brutzkus Gubner Rozansky Seror Weber LLP
Karen & Nicholas Roxborough
Stolaroff Foundation
Gallery Benefactor
Reception Sponsors
Mary & Daniel H. James
Jonathan Victor & Tobey Cotsen-Victor
Marsha & Phillip Wright
Gold Sponsors
Mark & Tamara Hatwan
Bruce & JJ Levenstein, MD, FAAP
Nancy Niparko, MD
Silver Sponsors
Shelley & Frank Litvack
Nic & Tyler Robuck
Relief Foundation
One of the highlights of the 2016 Art of Care program was when Paul
Herzlich (center, front), a legal analyst with, announced that is aligning with UCPLA subsidiary UCP Wheels for Humanity
through its Google Impact Challenge: Disabilities initiative.
This three-year, $1 million grant from will support UCP Wheels’
efforts to gather and use innovative technologies, including in-chair
sensors and SMS text messaging surveys, to gather subjective and
objective data from wheelchair users in less-resourced countries.
Through this project, and its alliance with, UCP Wheels aims to
help bring the voices of people with disabilities to the forefront of policy and
philanthropy decisions worldwide. To learn more about this exciting project
and UCP Wheels’ work with, see page 15 of this newsletter.
Our sincere thanks to everyone who made the second annual Art of Care celebration a success.
The event raised nearly $400,000 and included an exciting announcement from our allies at!
Lori & Michael Allen
Candelaria Alvarado
Lisa & Jack An
Joyce Arad
Ashleigh Bergman Consulting
Joseph Astalos
Patricia Atkisson
Barbara Baker
Rachelle & Thomas Barrack
Toni & Mike Barton
Carolyn Beilfuss
Harrison Bell
Richard Berger
Ashleigh & Royce Bergman
Emily Bergman
Austin & Virginia Beutner
Bina & Sharvan Bhatia
Maureen & Donald Binder
Charlie Bisharat
Blazing Saddles
Anthony Bloch
Caron & Joe Block
Shirley & Larry Bovshow
Brutzkus Gubner Rozansky
Seror Weber LLP
Beverly & Mark Brutzkus
Bulldog Brewery
Dan Cagney
Monique & Ed Caine
Kaitlyn Pfingston &
Michael Carwin
Change A Life Foundation
Theresa & Barry Chase
Kathleen & Tom Coda
Bonnie & Alan Cohen
Cameron Cohen
Susan & Ronald Cohen
Kira & Craig Cooper
Paul Crowder
Kailey Crum
Mary Ann Cummins Prager
Eric Cusano
Julie & Daniel Daponde
Arlene & Gary Davidson
Gary Davidson, ESPN
Sandra & Peter Devereaux
Marcia Dickstein
Ashley Dingman
Kaylyn Donato
Robyn & Patrick Dunn
Jennifer & Richard Eidinger
Jaye & Neal Eigler
Elite Island Resorts
Fantastic Race
Christopher Farlow
Lani & Brad Fauvre
Cecilia & William Feiler
First Foundation Inc.
Lori & John Floyd
Floyd, Skeren & Kelly, LLP
Steve Frankel
Rebecca & Sean Fredrick
Beth & Joshua Friedman
Carole Gaba
Myra & Jeff Gantman
Zeina & Justin Gaynor
Joanne & Peter Gerlach
Julie Gigante
Christian Girodet
Bob Glouberman
Jennifer Jackson &
Hector Gonzalez
Linda & Gary Goldfein
Susan Tick & Scott Goldstein
Joseph Goltsev
Brenda & Raymond Goshorn
Mark Graham
Brandon Gross
Cynthia Lazar Grossman &
Adam Grossman
Laura & Steve Gubner
Laurie & John Hadley
LaVerne & Rod Hagenbuch
Eric Hamermesh
Terry Hamermesh
Trevor Handy
Joan Hanson
Delilah & John Harris
Katarina & Ryen Harris
Scott Harrison, Los Angeles
Chamber Orchestra
Peg & David Hartwig
Erika & Gerald Hassan
Tamara & Mark Hatwan
Mara Hebkersman
Lisa & George Hess
Cornelia Hewitt
Carsten Hoffman
Erin Hoien, InYoga Center
Andrea & Scott Holtzman
Khara & Rob Horning
Eleanor & James Hudson
Samara Hutman
Leslie Weisberg &
James Hyman
Matt Iseman
Tomiko Iwata
Lynn & Craig Jacobson
Mary & Daniel James
Janae Designs
Daniel James, PrimeGroup, Inc
Susan & Martin Jannol
Frank Johnson
Deborah Jones
Linda Jones
Jeff Joyce
Roxanne Hampton &
Brian Kabateck
Ken Katsumoto
Ronald & Leona Katz
Michiko Kawakami
Anie & Manoug Kederian
Tina & James Kenefick
Ellen & Alan Kessler, M.D.
Ashley Kessler
Anne Kirkland, Inform Fitness
Gene Kirkland
Deborah Klar
Jason Komorsky
William Krebs
Marisa Kuney
Claudia Kunin
Debbie & Marc Labeaune
Katrin Lalezarzadeh
Karen & Michael Layfield
Jaqueline Lechtholz-Zey
Rebecca Lee
Bernadette & Ray Leonard
Marcia & Ronald Levenson
JJ Levenstein, M.D. &
Bruce Levenstein
David Levinson
Lewis Hyman, Inc.
Jane Liepshutz
Shelley & Frank Litvack
Leslie & Adam Lobel
L & D Longo Family Foundation
Lena Longo
Patrice Lopez
Crystal & Blaine Lourd
Sal Lozano
Daniel Lykken
Lowell Lykken
Kevin Lynch
Karen & Robert Lynn
Cheryl & Rick MacDonough
Saheli Datta & Tom Mackey
Simon Majumdar
Jan Goodman & Jerry Manpearl
Maria’s Kitchen
Paul Marsolan
Brett Martin
Jason Masherah, The Upper
Deck Company, Inc.
Abigail Mason
Pamela Mason
Tess Masters
Linda May
Karen Krasney &
Dennis McCarthy
Kevin McCarthy
Mary Sheila McCarthy
Dana McCormick
Celeste & Thomas McLain
Zandra Messerman
Grady Miller
Lynda & Paul Miller
Steve Mills
Kathy Molloy
Joanne & Clinton
Montgomery, M.D.
Dave Moon
Ann & Jerry Moss
Nicole & Allan Mutchnik
Margaret Nagle
Chithra Nair
Joyce & Lee Neibart
Neuberger Berman LLC
Betsy Newman &
Howard Heitner
Michelle Nguyen
Nancy A. Niparko, M.D.
Peter Norman Jewelers
Shannon & Gary Nye
Margaret Ouchida
Allison Overbeke, Yummi Glass
Pauline & Drew Pomerance
Giovanni Porta
The Press Cabinet, Inc
Wolfgang Puck
Bonnie Rasking,
Gail Reisman & Robert Olson
The Relief Foundation
Sidney & Allen Rishe
Amy & Jim Roach
Bob Roath
Nancy Roberts
Lucy Rodriguez
Barbara & Derek Rogers
Caroline & Mark Romeo
Rosalyn & Richard Rosin
Richard Rowe
Karen & Nick Roxborough
RPR Wine International
Douglas Ryan
Safia Day Fine Jewelry
Salastina Music Society
Maureen & James Scanlon
Regan & Robert Schaffer
Lizzie Scheck
Elisa & Michael Schenkman
Gavin Schiff
Ted Schwab
Lonny Schwartz
Richard Schwartz
Lisa & Wesley Scruggs
Scott Sellens
The Shapiro Family
Charitable Foundation
Silver Oak Cellars
Simms Restaurants
Amy & Doug Simons
Dana Slatkin
Lia Smith,
Lia Smith, Nail Garden Woodland Hills
Spago Beverly Hills
Jonathan Stanley
Craig Stanman
Tracey & Jake Steinfeld
Marlene Stern
Rick Stern
Nancy Holland & Robert Stern
Maureen & Bryan Stockton
The Stolaroff Foundation
The Sugar Ray Leonard
Neti & Jason Sussman
Lisa & Sean Sutton
Thomas Szymanek
Leslie Talley
Virginia & Narong Tanawong
Emma Taylor & Karen Taylor
Cathleen & Paul Trapani
Alison & Michael Triessl
UCPLA Washington Reid Gallery
Universal Studios, Hollywood
Universal Studio Hollywood’s
Discover A Star Foundation
US Bank
Val Surf
Laura Fox & Ben Van de Bunt
Chris Vasquez
Josefina & Julio Vergara
Tobey Cotsen Victor &
Jonathan Victor
Linda & Skip Victor
Sandy Viletti
Sheila & Clint Walker
The Walt Disney Company
Shannon Warner
Larry Wheat
Rebecca & Sean Williams
Kenneth Wingard
Judith Farmer &
Gernot Wolfgang
Marsha & Phillip Wright
Jere Yates
Marianne Younkheere
Lawrence Zarian
Lana & Boris Zokouzski
Updates from UCPLA's Auxiliary Groups
UCPLA is grateful to have the support of some amazing people who volunteer
countless hours each year to support our viable programs and services from
the Special Children’s League (SCL) committees and the Psi Delta Sigma,
LLC. These fun and enthusiastic ladies lend their time and talents to ensure
their communities are accessible and inclusive to everyone.
October 2015
• Beta Mu Chapter of Psi Delta Sigma held their annual Spirit of Giving
Luncheon and Fashion Show in San Pedro. The program of beautiful
fashion was hosted by Fox 11 News reporters Gigi Graciette and Rick
Dickert. Save the Date for the next Spirit of Giving on October 8, 2016.
November 2015
• Beta Pi Chapter of Psi Delta Sigma held their annual Bingo Event in
Palos Verdes. It was a fun evening of food, friends, and Bingo.
• SCL South Bay held their annual An Affair to Remember at the Palos
Verdes Country Club. The Luncheon and Boutique has become
a holiday tradition. The capacity crowd at the luncheon helped SCL
South Bay raise $70,000. Save-the-date to attend this year’s Affair to
Remember on November 18, 2016.
December 2015
• The SCL Foothill committee, with members in the La Cañada, Glendale,
La Crescenta and Pasadena areas also remains as engaged and active
as ever. Their annual Angel Letter campaign in December raised almost
$10,000 for UCPLA.
• If you live in the area, the SCL Foothill committee is seeking new
members who are interested in joining a fun dedicated group
of women in raising awareness and funds for UCPLA, contact
Margarete Preusser, Development Manager at (818) 782-2211 ext.
541 or email for more information.
March 2016
• In March 2016, the SCL Whittier committee held their annual Zingo
luncheon, this Spring-time tradition raised over $30,000 in support of
UCPLA and other organization throughout Whitter.
April 2016
• All five chapters of Psi Delta Sigma came together for An Afternoon of
Laughter on April 9 at the Hermosa Beach Comedy and Magic Club.
The capacity crowd enjoyed a silent auction, lunch and comedy and
magic show.
Spring Edition 2016
UCPLA's Resident Artists at Work
The UCPLA Washington Reid Gallery's fourth annual Blank
Canvas community art show took place in November 2015.
The show brought together UCPLA resident artists and staff as
well as members of the larger Los Angeles art community to
raise funds that support UCPLA's programs.
The Spirit of Gentleness featured works in a variety of
media from Gilberto Alfaro, Stephen Hopkins and John
Smith, whose abstract works were accompanied by
photographs taken by his mother Julie Newmar.
The Washington Reid Gallery kicked off 2016 with the colorful,
vibrant group exhibit Glamour, featuring resident artists
Shelby Boston, Della Dixon and Veronica Tamayo.
Resident artists at UCPLA's Thousand Oaks Adult Day
Program have been busy as well. Friends and studio
peers Donna Frame and Judy Lalley recently debuted
a series of landscapes and portraits in the exhibit
Nature Calls: It's More than Just Art to Me.
Currently at the UCPLA Washington Reid Gallery:
Resident artists Carl Tyler and Seong Chon explore and depict historical and current-day
icons in their two-man show LEGENDS: Past and Present. This exhibit also features
resident artists Bea Olea and Vanessa Ortiz in the gallery’s Project Space. LEGENDS is
open at the UCPLA Washington Reid Gallery (6110 W. Washington Boulevard, Culver City,
CA 90232) through May 26, 2016.
We are here...
March 2016 marked the 28th annual National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month (NDDAM). In the spirit
NDDAM’s focus on inclusion and education, UCPLA spent the month showcasing the many abilities of some of our
outstanding clients, colleagues and supporters! Here are some highlights from this busy, exciting month.
We are here
We recognized Lorelle,
a resident at UCPLA’s Buena
Park Group Home, who
received a letter from President
Obama congratulating her on
her self-published book Gone
But Not Forgotten.
Karen and her friends at our Ch
s in style!
Campus celebrated Mardi Gra
to celebrate
We met Shannon, a Community Living Services (CLS)
client who, with the help of her CLS staff member Lisa,
undertook the daunting task of obtaining her GED.
Shannon passed her GED exams and now plans to
continue pursuing her education! Read Shannon's story
We heard the st
ory of Brittany,
Caitlin and Cam
friends who foun
eron, three
d their “forever
home” at UCPL
for yourself, visi
A. To watch
Spring Edition 2016
to celebrate NDDAM!
Community Living Services client Amber
co cat
introduced us to her hairless Sphynx Cali
t this
Leeloo, and shared some information abou
unique breed and its care
for cerebra
We went gr
l palsy awa
reness on
March 25.
We celebrated the release of
Art of Care Trailblazer Honoree
Zach Anner's first memoir If at
Birth You Don't Succeed: My
Adventures with Disaster and
Destiny. You can pick up a copy
using AmazonSmile and give
back to UCPLA while you shop!
To see more from Zach, visit
UCP Golf Classic Tournament:
Celebrating 20 Years and Honoring Nick Roxborough
On June 6, 2016, golf lovers and UCPLA supporters will once again gather at the illustrious
Wilshire Country Club to celebrate the landmark 20th Anniversary of one of UCPLA’s signature
fundraisers: the UCP Golf Classic Tournament.
Founded and spearheaded each year by UCPLA Board members Dr. Alan and Mrs. Ellen
Kessler, the UCP Golf Classic Tournament has raised nearly $10 million over the past 19 years
to support UCPLA’s 40 programs and services.
In addition to celebrating 20 years of excellence, 2016’s UCP Golf Classic Tournament will
honor the dedication of Nick Roxborough, Chairman of UCPLA’s Board of Governors.
Roxborough, a co-managing partner of Roxborough, Pomerance, Nye & Adreani, LLP (RPNA),
the first law firm in the country to specialize in representing employers nationwide in workers’
compensation premium disputes, has been a dedicated supporter of UCPLA since 1988.
He joined the UCPLA Board of Directors in 1990 and has held several leadership positions
on UCPLA’s Boards. In addition to his current positions as Chairman of UCPLA’s Board of
Governors and Director of our SCEF board, Roxborough previously served as the Chairman
of UCPLA’s Board of Directors from 2008 - 2012.
“I am humbled to have learned that I will be honored at the 20th Anniversary UCP Golf Classic
Tournament,” says Roxborough. “I have been deeply committed to supporting the UCPLA
family and their mission for the last 28 years, during which I have seen the true significance of
what we do for our clients: allow them to live life with dignity, surrounded by a loving community
and opportunities that only can be given from people who think of others first and themselves
Roxborough and his firm RPNA have been supporting the UCP Golf Classic Tournament
throughout the entirety of its 20-year history, and UCPLA is grateful for the opportunity to
honor Nick Roxborough and express our gratitude for his substantial contributions to our
To learn more about the 20th Anniversary UCP Golf Classic Tournament Honoring Nick
Roxborough, or to purchase tickets or sponsorships, visit
Spring Edition 2016
20 Years of Summer Games
at UCPLA's Thousand Oaks Adult Day Program
In 1996, the Program Administrator at UCPLA’s Thousand
Oaks Adult Day Program decided that it would be beneficial for
program participants and staff to partake in four major events
every year - one during each season of the year. Instructor
Stan Crawford was assigned to plan the summer event and,
inspired by the upcoming 1996 Olympics, developed an
accessible, inclusive sports competition designed to allow
program participants to compete in individual and group events
tailored to their strengths.
Twenty years later, the Summer Games, as this competition
came to be called, is still a favorite of program participants and
staff members alike. Program participants are able to show
off agility, speed and precision in individual events like Golf
Putting, an Obstacle Course and a Ball Throw.
up to display both strength and strategic thinking. At the end
of the two-week competition, medals are awarded to winners
in each individual and group event and inclusion and teamwork
are celebrated at the inspiring Closing Ceremony.
To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Summer Games, which
will be taking place this year from June 20th through July 1st,
Stan Crawford has invited former program participants and
staff members to take part in the games and reconnect with
their colleagues, as well as invited program participants and
staff from UCPLA’s three other Adult Day Programs to join in
the fun.
Congratulations to the Thousand Oaks Adult Day Program on
reaching this milestone! Family, friends and members of the
community are encouraged to come out and cheer competitors
Teamwork is also on full display with program participants and alumni. Stay tuned to UCPLA’s Facebook page at
working together for events like the Relay Race, as well as for details about the 20th Anniversary
with staff members for challenges like the Wheelchair Slalom of the Summer Games competition. For more information,
and the crowning event of the Summer Games competition - contact Edmond Osepans, Manager of UCPLA’s Thousand
the Tug of War, during which staff members and clients team Oaks Adult Day Program, at (805) 497-8083 or visit
Summer Games founder Stan Crawford
(left) with Edmond Osepans, Thousand
Oaks Adult Day Program Manager.
When the Summer Games began in 1996 at UCPLA’s Thousand
Oaks ADP, bowling was one of the original events that
challenged partcipants as individuals and in teams.
Left: Summer Games
participants undertake the
Ball Throw, cheered on by
staff members; Right: Each
Summer Games competition
concludes with a closing
ceremony that includes the
awarding of medals and
recognition of the effort put
in by all participants.
Families and community members are
encouraged to take part in the Summer
Games competition.
A Visit from
Canine Companions
UCPLA’s Westside Parent Support and Advocacy
Group recently welcomed two special guests:
Denali, a four-month-old yellow lab/golden retriever
mix who is training to be a Canine Companion to
individuals with disabilities, and his trainer Lisa
Snowiss, a volunteer with Canine Companions
for Independence. Lisa and Denali presented
information on the purpose of Canine Companions,
the training process, and the benefits of having
a skilled animal companion for children with
developmental disabilities. Families also heard a special presentation from a UCPLA
family who went through the process of obtaining a Skilled Canine Companion for
their eight-year-old son Daron, whose black lab Lionel also attended the meeting.
To learn more about Canine Companions for Independence, visit For more
information about upcoming UCPLA Westside Parent Support and Advocacy Group
meetings, visit
Hostile Witness Rocks out for UCPLA!
Our sincere thanks to UCPLA supporters and members of Hostile Witness, who took to the stage at the world-famous Whisky a Go
Go on March 19 to compete in the 5th Annual Law Rocks LA, a battle of the bands that brings together lawyers who like to rock for
their favorite charities. Board of Governors member and musician Brandon Mendenhall introduced Hostile Witness, who energized
the crowd with renditions of classic rock hits and raised over $3,000 to support UCPLA. To learn more, visit
Spring Edition 2016
Students at Norwalk High School
Giving Charity to Charities
April 28th was National Superhero Day and UCPLA witnessed some real life superheroes at Norwalk High School during their annual
Giving Charity to Charities assembly where UCPLA was presented with a check for $1,000. A senior project of sorts, Giving Charity
to Charities is a student-run program under the academic mentorship of Dean Gray, the AP Government teacher. Members of the
senior class research, present and eventually fundraise for charities of their choice. Superheroes Brenae and Briana selected
UCPLA because both of them had family members with cerebral palsy who passed. The young ladies used the opportunity to
remember their loved-ones and to build their legacy. At the assembly UCPLA President and CEO Ron Cohen recognized the
selflessness of all the students who came together to raise funds for UCPLA and nine other charities, saying, “What you have done
at your young age is you have literally touched lives. Nothing could be done if it wasn’t for wonderful, caring people like you.”
A Laundry (Check)List
Residents in UCPLA’s programs work with staff members on a
daily basis to learn and practice lifeskills that enable them to live
independently. At our Dronfield group homes, residents Wayne and
Liz exercise their independence by doing their own laundry on a
weekly basis. Wayne and Liz recently took some time to show us
their laundry routines and have even put together a checklist for
safe, effective laundry skills!
2. Make sure housem
ates haven't
left anything behind
To hear more from
Wayne and Liz,
UCPLA or scan the
QR code with your
1. Separate light clothes
from dark clothes
3. Load laundry, add exactly 1
of detergent and hit “Start”.
WORK, Inc.
UCP WORK, Inc. - Out in the Community
Save the Date! Keep your eye out for the Santa
Barbara Independent’s June 16 edition, which will
feature a 4-page insert regarding UCP WORK, Inc.’s
programs and services, generously funded by the
Hutton Parker Foundation.
Bruce is a UCP WORK,
Inc. participant who
recently moved into his
own residence. He had
previously been struggling
followed by an unstable
living environment. Bruce
and his UCP WORK, Inc.
Supported Living Services
Life Skills Coach Gary
worked together to find
housing for Bruce. He is very happy now and excited for this
"new beginning". We are so happy for Bruce!
Save the Date for UCP WORK, Inc’s First Thursday Art Show on June 2nd from 5-8pm at Sundial Studios located at 715
Kimball Avenue in Santa Barbara. This will be a special show featuring unique printmaking works of art created by Sundial
artists and generously funded by National Arts and Disability Center. “This activity is being supported in part by the California
Arts Council, a state agency, and the National Arts and Disability Center at the University of California Los Angeles.”
Some of UCP WORK, Inc.’s Santa Barbara
Applied Abilities participants volunteered
in the Goleta hills with the Backyard
Bounty program for the Foodbank. They
loved being out in nature and giving back
to their community!
One of UCP WORK, Inc.’s participants, Jim,
has worked at Jeanine’s Bakery for 13 years.
Jeanine’s will be hiring another UCP WORK, Inc.
employment referral very soon!
To keep up with all of UCP WORK, Inc.’s activities, visit their website at
Spring Edition 2016
UCP Wheels For Humanity and Align to Bring
the Voice of Wheelchair Users from Around the World
to the Decision-Making Table
Launched in May of 2015, the Google Impact Challenge:
Disabilities put $20 million in grants behind
nonprofits using emerging technologies to increase independence for people living with disabilities. “At,
we support organizations that offer innovative solutions to
complex challenges. We’re thrilled to back UCP Wheels for
Humanity as they help build a world that works for everyone,” states Brigitte Gosselink, Head of the Google Impact
Challenge: Disabilities. With a $1 million, three-year grant
from, UCP Wheels for Humanity (UCP Wheels).
will bring the voice of people with disabilities to the forefront
in policy and philanthropy decisions.
Ronald Cohen, CEO of UCP Wheels states, “We are excited
to be aligned with as we work together to make
dynamic strides in connecting individuals with disabilities to
innovative resources that will bring them independence and
integration in our global community.”
collect data on wheelchair usage patterns and environment,
as well as SMS surveys to learn about user satisfaction and
impacts on education, income, community participation and
health. The combined data will provide key insights into
which chairs are most effective in a range of conditions, users’ preferences and overall impacts.
Because thousands of wheelchair users in many countries
will be involved, the project will reach an unprecedented
scale. Through SMS surveys, even remote users will be
able to submit a review of their chair in their own words bringing their voice directly into the conversation on how
best to serve their needs. This global wheelchair performance project aims to answer basic effectiveness questions
and drive future funding to a problem that affects 70 million
people worldwide., the philanthropic arm of Google, supports
nonprofits that innovate to address humanitarian issues.
UCP Wheels is interested to know what really makes a dif- was created to pursue, experiment with, and
ference in wheelchair users’ lives. Data from less-resourced build upon ideas to improve the world, and continues to
countries on the performance, usage and benefits of wheel- take an iterative approach to philanthropy today. Google.
chairs provided by donors, aid agencies, and governments org develops and invests in pursuits that can have measuris difficult to collect and not broadly available. Since different able impact on local, regional and global issues, and rallies
chairs and clinical services are needed to accommodate the Google’s people in support of these efforts with a singular
varying needs of people with disabilities, this data is crucial goal of creating a better world, faster.
to ensure users have the best chair to maximize their health Launched in May of 2015, the Google Impact Challenge: Disand independence.
abilities ( committed $20 million in Google.
UCP Wheels is developing a system for gathering both
subjective and objective data from users in less-resourced
settings all over the world. UCP Wheels will use sensors to
org grants behind nonprofits using emerging technologies
to increase independence for people living with disabilities.
6430 Independence Avenue
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
(818)782-2211 |
Upcoming Events
Monday, June 6, 2016
20th Annual UCP Golf Classic Tournament
Honoring Nick Roxborough - Wilshire Country Club
To register:
Sunday, July 18, 2016
18th Annual Devon Stern/UCPLA Golf Tournament
Camarillo Springs Golf Course
To register:
Connect with us online!
Saturday, September 24, 2016
UCP Wheels for Humanity’s Wheels in Motion
Skirball Cultural Center
To register:
October 2016
Out & About with UCPLA -
Registration begins August 1, 2016
For a full list of calendar events, visit our website at and click on the Calendar link.
Photos: Holly Eschrich, Dempson Juvenal, Ian Romero and Jon Stanley