Newsletter Fall 2015 - Hot Springs School District
Newsletter Fall 2015 - Hot Springs School District
HOT SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT District of Choice, Excellence and Opportunities 400 Linwood Avenue Hot Springs, AR 71913 FALL 2015-2016 Phone: (501) 624-3372 VOLUME 9 Fax: (501) 620-7829 ISSUE 1 SUPERINTENDENT... Dr. Mike Hernandez Superintendent Calendar of Events: August 11-13, 2015 - Professional Development August 17, 2015 - Students First Day of School August 17, 2015 - 1st Quarter Begins September 07, 2015 - Labor Day Holiday (No School) September 22, 2015 - Parent/Teacher Conference (3:30 PM - 6:30 PM) September 24, 2015 - Parent/Teacher Conference (3:30 PM - 6:30 PM) The beginning of a new school year is always an exciting time. The students are eager to meet their new teacher and see their friends to discuss summer experiences. Teachers are full of hope and a desire to help students reach their potential. Parents are delighted that their children have the opportunity to go to a school that offers caring and topquality education. I find myself thinking about the new school year and fresh faces often as I start my tenure as the superintendent of the Hot Springs School District. I am ecstatic to have the opportunity to work with staff, students, parents, and community members to continue the work of Ms. Craft and the Board of Education. We will strive to ensure that students are prepared to enter the world after high school with all the tools necessary to be successful. Together we can accomplish making Hot Springs the premier district in Arkansas. We will continue working on the Mission and Vision and start new initiatives such as a conversion charter for the high school, computer science education, and a renewed emphasis on grade level reading. I fully believe that we have a highly qualified staff that will work hard to take this district to new heights in education. I ask that all staff work hard in the areas of Communication, Customer Service, and Character. Communication is important to any organization. We must be transparent and communicate well with each other and patrons. Customer Service is important. Our customers are our students, parents, community members, and each other. We must ensure that we are a customer-oriented organization. Lastly, great Character is something that we must have and ensure that we teach students to have the same. We must do the right thing all the time and be a model to our students. October 15, 2015 - End 1st Quarter (43 Days) October 16, 2015 - 2nd Quarter Begins October 23, 2015 - Report Cards to Parents I look forward to the things we will accomplish this year working side by side for the students of our district. I am eager to hear from you on how we can make things better for kids. November 19, 2015 - Interim Reports to Parents November 23-27, 2015 - Thanksgiving Holiday (No School) Dr. Mike Hernandez, Superintendent December 18, 2015 - End 2nd Quarter (41 Days) December 18, 2015 - End of 1st Semester (84 Days) December 21 - January 01, 2016 - Christmas/Winter Break (No School) Staff members should check the website for available and required professional development opportunities. TRANSITIONING SUPERINTENDENT... V I S I O N STATEMENT The vision of the Hot Springs School District is for students to graduate college and career ready in order to meet the challenges of an everchanging world. M I S S I O N STATEMENT The mission of the Hot Springs School District is to assure that all students have the essential skills to compete in a global society, value and respect diversity and possess the ethical standards of integrity. As we move into the 2015-2016 school year, I want to thank you for all of your hard work during the 2014-2015 school year. As I reminisce on the beauty of education, I am in awe of what our profession does in the life of our students. It gives them hope, a future, a quest for a better life. What a most rewarding and gratifying profession to change the lives of children. As you continue to change children’s lives during this new school year and as the torch is passed with new leadership, you should feel proud to be a "Trojan". There is and always will be a spirit of oneness in the Hot Springs School District and that unifying force is the "Black and Gold"! Alumni and friends far and near have a vested interest in the Trojans and the success of the Hot Springs School District; therefore, as you continue to invest in the lives of children, know that your impact is immeasurable and will make a difference for years to come. The title of the book, Good to Great by Jim Collins, sums up the outlook (or potential) of the Hot Springs School District and, I ask you, what better way to end a 43-year career in public education as a professional educator than to know the promising future of the Hot Springs School district - its staff, students, and parents will move from "good to great" under the new leadership of Dr. Mike Hernandez. Mrs. Joyce Craft, Transitioning Superintendent "You can; you will!" HOT SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT District of Choice, Excellence and Opportunities 400 Linwood Avenue Hot Springs, AR 71913 FALL 2015-2016 Phone: (501) 624-3372 VOLUME 9 Fax: (501) 620-7829 ISSUE 1 TECHNOLOGY... Welcome back, I hope everyone had an excellent summer break! As always, it has been a very busy time for the technology department. We’ve upgraded computers, finished several ongoing projects and setup and delivered over 360 new devices to various buildings throughout the District. We also hosted our annual technology conference and I’m happy to report that HSTI was once again an awesome success! Nearly 1200 educators from across the state attended, receiving professional development on a wide variety of topics. It also provided us an early opportunity to welcome our new superintendent, Dr. Mike Hernandez, as he spoke in front of a packed house in Mackey Theatre. Most important of all, as we begin a new school year, I want to let you know that a bright path forward is being laid out for technology. It’s obvious to me that Dr. Hernandez has a heart for tech and a real belief in maintaining what we have. As a result he has formed a committee to begin the serious work of planning for the future of technology in our District. I truly believe these efforts will help push Hot Springs School District to the front of the pack statewide! I was reminded of one of my favorite sayings recently … “If you believe you can or can’t accomplish a particular goal … You’re RIGHT! … I believe we can! Mr. Bryce Walker, District IT Coordinator Starting a new school year is exciting not just for students, but for teachers as well! Summer professional development has opened our eyes to new teaching strategies and resources that we can't wait to incorporate into the classroom. Many of these resources includes tips for technology integration. While it is important to remember that learning goals and objectives drive classroom engagement, it is exciting to think about the opportunities that we have as educators to integrate technology into student learning experiences. With ipads, Chromebooks, Macbooks, Netbooks, just to name a few...., our students have the world at their finger tips. So as educators, how do we manage it all? What if we started by trying one new tool each month? Whether you have one laptop or a class set of tablets, there are tons of educational technology tools to explore, such as Google Classroom, Edmodo, Skype in the Classroom, Edublogs or Weebly, to name a few. Choose one new tool to try out each month. This will give you enough time to really see if it works with your teaching style and if it is relevant to the content you're teaching. If you love it, add it to your technology tool belt and keep using it for the rest of the year. If it's not for you, applaud yourself for being a risk-taker and at the end of the month choose another one to explore. Just keep trying, exploring and sharing. Your students, as well as you, will reap the benefits! Mrs. Michelle Moore, District Academic Technology Coach BUSINESS & FINANCE... Welcome back. We hope everyone enjoyed their summer break and came back to school refreshed. The Business Office would like to remind all employees that open enrollment for insurance will be October 1 to October 15. These changes will take effect January 1, 2016. We would also like to remind all employees with District insurance that the deadline for your wellness visit and health risk assessment is October 31. You can read more about the assessment and wellness visit on Junk mail. You may contact the business office at 624-3372 if you have any questions. Mr. David White, Business & Finance Manager SECONDARY EDUCATION... Amazingly enough, another summer has passed and a new school year is upon us. There are lots of exciting opportunities for our students on the horizon in our secondary schools. HSHS submitted a letter of intent to apply for District Conversion Charter School status. A steering committee has been meeting regularly to guide the application process. Our completed application will be submitted by September 9. The time is now to be innovative and flexible in our schools to meet the needs of all of our students and to prepare them to be productive citizens as they are our future. We are exploring academy style learning options that will enrich learning. All programs will be based on the needs of the career fields leading to high growth/high wage jobs. Students will have the ability to gain a high school diploma, associate’s degree, and industry certification upon graduation. Providing real-world experiences will empower our youth beyond high school. HSMS will begin conversations soon about possibilities for them in the future, as well. Professional development was a focus throughout the summer with conferences attended locally, in state, and out of state. All attendees will be expected to share their learning with fellow educators in their buildings and in the district. Data will continue to be a focus through collaboration in Data Teams and utilization of the Arkansas StudentGPS Dashboard. Don’t forget that the Arkansas Student Intervention System is a key component of the StudentGPS Dashboard and can track interventions, along with AIP’s and IRI’s for our students. Dr. Stephanie Nehus, Director of Secondary Education & District Testing Coordinator DISTRICT TESTING... As you may have heard by now, PARCC is out and ACT Aspire is in. Our district testing calendar will be set in the very near future as more information becomes available from the state. Below is a snapshot of the state and alternate assessments with their testing windows to give you an idea of the year ahead. Kindergarten – Qualls [Aug. 17-Sept. 18] Grades 1 & 2 – Iowa Assessment [Apr. 4-15] Grades 3-10 – ACT Aspire [Apr. 11-May 13] ELA (English, Reading, Writing), Mathematics, and Science Grade 11 – ACT [Mar. 1-15] LEP Students K-12 – English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA 21) [Feb. 1-Mar. 11] Science Alternate Portfolio – Qualifying students in Grades 5, 7, & 10 only [Mar. 18] NCSC Alternate for Math & ELA – Qualifying students in Grades 3-8 & 11 [Mar. 28-May 6] Together we will make 2015-2016 a fabulous year! Dr. Stephanie Nehus, Director of Secondary Education & District Testing Coordinator HOT SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT District of Choice, Excellence and Opportunities 400 Linwood Avenue Hot Springs, AR 71913 FALL 2015-2016 SPECIAL EDUCATION... Welcome back. We are excited to welcome several new staff members to the special education team: Megan Washburn (HSIS), Kristin Dobbs (HSHS), Anita Bell (HSHS), Julie Black (HSHS), Lesa Blees (HSMS), Nathan Crockett (HSMS), and Karen Bean (HSHS). A few reminders as we begin this school year Create a successful learning environment Become Familiar with intervention strategies Provide students with multiple opportunities for success Focus on reading, math and writing Implement appropriate accommodations Do whatever it takes to help students be successful HAVE A GREAT YEAR !!!! Mrs. Bobbie Morrison, Director of Special Education Phone: (501) 624-3372 VOLUME 9 Fax: (501) 620-7829 ISSUE 1 FEDERAL PROGRAMS... ACSIP on Indistar This year all of us will use a new software program to input our Arkansas Consolidated School Improvement Plans (ACSIP). The new program is Indistar. Some schools have used it in the past for other projects. All of us will use it this year! Indistar is a continuous improvement planning process built on research and best practices. It guides school teams to look at what they do well and to determine exactly what needs improvement. With Indistar, a school can monitor their progress with reports to assess what is working and what needs more assistance and focus. Indistar will allow us to collaboratively work together to get us all on the correct path to help each student reach their full potential. Remember the FORC!! Please remember to tell our families in need about our Family Outreach Center. Located near Langston at 371 Palmetto, Erika Cross helps families develop a network of support. At the FORC families can gain assistance in connecting to community services; take classes on life skills, employment skills, nutrition and finance; access the food pantry and/or clothes closet; use the washer and dryer or stove; receive assistance in filling out a job application, SNAP and Medicaid applications; prepare for a job interview. The Hot Springs Family OutReach Center is here to help! Dr. Anne Gentry Director of Federal Programs H S S D C O L L E G E AWA R E N E S S I N I T I A T I V E The vision of the Hot Springs School District is for students to graduate college and career ready in order to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world. As part of that vision, one of our goals for the Hot Springs School District is to see a significant increase in the number of our students who graduate on time from Hot Springs High School and go on to earn their college degree. In order to help our students reach that goal and under the direction of our superintendent, Dr. Hernandez, we want to continue the early college awareness campaign in our school district. As part of our district’s early college awareness campaign, we are continuing with the Hot Springs School District Tradition by asking ALL staff members and students to wear a college shirt on the last Tuesday of each month. For staff members these can be shirts from the college you attended OR from your favorite local or state college. For students, you may wear a college shirt from your parent’s alma mater or the college you hope to attend in the future. This tradition will help us visualize our goal of college for each of our students. *The November, December and May dates fall on the last Tuesday that we are in school for those months. Everyone is asked to furnish their own shirt. Hopefully, with everyone’s participation, we can make this a positive experience for our district and provide much encouragement for our students. HOT SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT, DR. MIKE HERNANDEZ ANNOUNCES THE 2015-2016 BUILDING AND DEPARTMENTAL STAFF. Gardner STEM Magnet School Laura Angel, Clarissa Aquilar, Christie Beaty, Missy Bell, Kristi Bellomy, Paula Bettis, Christina Bishop, Detric Brown, Trina Burden, Tom Buth, Kimberly Campbell, Dianna Carpenter, Katie Cazenave, Patricia Corbell, , Gail Curran, Carolyn Dawson, Rebecca Dickinson, Cynthia Finstrom, Betty Graham, Cassie Harris, Holli Hightower, Dawna Hill, Janie Hill, Christi Hodges, Rachael Huddleston, Bobbi Huffman, Diane Hurley, Cathy Johnson, Jessica Keller, Blanche Kingery, Nancy Loe, Stacie Love, Katelynn Martin, Gerald McAnulty, Paul Miller, Tara Milroy, Tanya Montgomery, Stephanie Moody, Brittney Nobles, Gay O’Neal, Sandra Peppers, Ruby Perkins, Tamra Riddell, Carol Roberson, Kendra Roberts, Loretta Ross, Lorri Saracini, Lauren Sierocuk, Lora Scoggins, Amy Simmons, Shannon Shannon, Jodie Spainhour, Christie Spriggs, Linda Steed, Brandie Stipe, Bill Taylor, Natalie Thomas, Alison Tony, Katelyn Walker, Michael Watson, Lauren Wilson, Cathy Widener, Charles Wray Langston Aerospace & Environmental Studies Magnet School Nikki Anderson, Jimmy Batchelor, Debbie Benton, Katrenia Bledsoe, Tasha Boozer, Carolyn Boyette, Melissa Briggs, Vickie Bulfone, Whitney Bulfone, Tessa Campbell, Tammy Cash, Barbara Cooper, Frank Cooper, Dorian Counts, Kim Cox, Margaret Dickson, Cynthia Dobbins, Britney George, Gerald George, Carol Gibbs, Sara Graves, Stacy Green, Virginia Greene, Georgia Guinn, Troy Hall, Rebecca Holder, Chris Holzer, Cartheleen Houston, Rachel Huddleston, Ronda Hughes, Rebekka Hughley, Anna Jackson, Terry Lawler, Bernice Lowrey, Ana Margetic, Krystal Mayhone, Sharon McClure, Jessica Moore, Tifanie Mullenix, Gloria Newborn, Utana Newborn, Amanda Noverola, Tina Overton, Ami Parker, Julie Redifer, Forrest Ridgley, Angel Rhodes, Jerraldean Ross, Gwen Saylor, Ashley Shadwick, Debbie Shelman, Darlene Shepperd, Julia Short, Enedian Silva, Whitney Smith, Jessica Spoon, Stephany Stokes, Katrina Swanigan, Alberta Swint, Betty Telles, Debbie Thompson, Dawn Utsey, Rhonda Vaughn, Tina Vineyard, Amy Wagner, Michael Watson, Cynthia Woodard, Charles Wray, Angelique Zeigler Oaklawn Visual & Performing Arts Magnet School Dawn Anderson, Michael Baker, Angela Bates, Abigail Baze, Gail Bean, Bethany Burkeen, Donavan Bennett, Leigh Bradley, Prince Brandon, Angela Brown, Courtney Buckelew, Barbie Caldwell, Catina Campbell, Kina Clayton, Ashley Coats, Allison Cole, CJ Coleman, Amanda Crawford, Georgie Crihfield, Jodi Delaney, Betty Dobbs, Therie Eichelberger, Matthew Everett, Kala Freeland, Sarah Glisson, Kristen Gordon, Heidi Graves, Melissa Gray, Michelle Hartmann, Sharon Horne, Steven Hogue, Cheri Huff, Jennifer Irons, Jessica Jeffers, Joyce, Johnson, Felicia Jones, Theresa Jones, Brenda Jordan, Kim Keller, Jenny Kelley, Karen Kendig, Debbie Kopf, Charlene Lampinen, Dana Lazic, Jamie Limbaugh, Cheryll Long, Donna Ludwig, Gail McKee, B. Sean McNary, BelindaMiller, Maureen Miller, Jenny Mitchell, Tracy Nelson, Meredith Palmer, Jamie Pearce, Antonia Raith, Sally Randolph, Kendra Roberts, Bobbie Robinson, Glenda Rusert, Amy Ryan, Carrie Sales, Karli Sanchez, Melinda Scott, Jason Selig, Kathleen Sietman, Julienne Shepperd, Laura Smith, Heather Spruill, Marilyn Swartz, Lacey Tarkington, Treva Tarkington, Whitney Thornton, Melody Timm, Suzanne Trieschmann, Mendy Uhiren, Lisa Upshaw, Linda Walker, Kathleen Wallace, Michael Watson, Melissa White, Sharesa White, Kerri Whitson, Pam Wiles, Linda Withrow, Brooke Woolford, Charles Wray, Mike Wyatt Park International Baccalaureate Magnet School Bobbi Aldridge, Carmen Binns, Kristal Brandon, Amanda Bryson, Marissa Burton, Trudy Cansler, Karen Carpenter, Tina Chapman, Debbie Clevenger, Mary Cluck, Freddie Cobbs, Lynne Crow, Susan Escalona, Cindy Evans, Margaret Freeman, Theresia Gunnell, Jennifer Henley, Sharon Hunter, Ben Iverson, Ralph Johnson, Thomas Jones, Elizabeth Mehlin, Meghan Mabry, Linda Moore, Michelle Moore, Cynthia Moreland, Olga Oklobdzija, Patsy Olive, Candyce Putman, Julie Quast, Amy Ratcliff, Stefanie Ray, Susan Roe, Becky Rosburg, Teresa Rowe, Jennifer Shelor, Jan Sligh, Diane Smith, Bob Springsteen, Danny Steele, Renee Tester, Crystal Trejo, Joie Trejo, Lorraine Valladares, Laura Vaughan, Michael Watson, Kristy Wilkerson, Anita Wilson, Charles Wray Hot Springs Intermediate School Meredith Armstrong, Michael Benoit, Ashley Brown, Amanda Bryson, Madeline Bull, Trudy Cansler, Karen Carpenter, Tina Chapman, Amanda Coats, Deborah Clevenger, Freddie Cobbs, Erica Cooper, Rebecca Counts, Corrine Cox, Nathan Crockett, Jodie Crone, Lori Dabbs, Becky Davis, Sue Deleon, Taryn Echols, Susanna Escalona, Cindy Evans, Tawana Foxworth, Margaret Freeman, Stephanie Goodman, Theresia Gunnell, Sue Hall, Aspen Ham, Maxine Hannah, Georgia Houston, Wilda Hughley, Sharon Hunter, Ben Iverson, Ralph Johnson, Thomas Jones, Heather Kaker, Dana Keller, Lindi Kelly, Lia LaFollette, Natasha Lenox, Justin McArthur, Carolyn McDaniel, Melody McDaniel, Elizabeth Mehlin, Natalie Mitchell, Linda Moore, Cynthia Moreland, Michelle Moore, Crystal Myers, Nikki Natt, Kate Neighbors, Olga Oklobdzija, Patsy Olive, Lamont Page, Otilia Peret, Alexis Pritch, Candace Putman, Sally Randolph, Amber Reynolds, Susan Roe, Becky Rosburg, Lauren Russell, Daryl Scott, Lauren Sisson, Josh Smith, Julie Sorg, Danny Steele, Lynn Strong, Melissa Tiernan, Valerie Tobin, Jacquelyn Tutton, Megan Washburn, Michael Watson, Dudley Webb, Laura West, Leslie Whalen, Barry White, Kristy Wilkerson, Michael Willard, Margie Williams, Anita Wilson, Kyria Wilson, Charles Wray, Richard Wrightner, Casey Wylie, Jade Youngblood READ TO YOUR CHILD 20 MINUTES A DAY HOT SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT, DR. MIKE HERNANDEZ ANNOUNCES THE 2015-2016 BUILDING AND DEPARTMENTAL STAFF. Hot Springs Middle School Linda Barrett, Michael Benoit, Robert Blake, Lesa Blees, Paul Blissit, Devon Bolden, Samantha Bollan, Amy Bramlett, Gabriela Briner, Madeline Bull, Debra Byers, Barbie Caldwell, Charles Capps, Laurie Chitwood, Amanda Coats, Steven Cooper, Nathan Crockett, Shannon Davis, Kerry Deardorff, Jana Dixon, Georgeta DeWeber, Tracy Edwards, Rhonda Fisk, Crystal Fustin, Cynthia Graves, Kandice Green, Susan Haley, Jan Hamilton, Doris Hampton, Glenda Harding, Heather Harris, Vicky Harvey, Gekyesha Hill, Leanne Hitt, Venicha Horne, Clyde Hughley, Kristina Johnson, Bill Johnston, Connie Jones, Rachel Jones, Reid Kauffman,Sean Kelloms, Tim Koller, Cynthia Lamberth, Natasha Lenox, Candy Logan, Justin McArthur, Tina McGrew, Cherri Mertz, Karina Miller, Sunny Miller, Leslie Moore- Miller, Nikki Natt, Tracy Nelson, Rennea Newborn, Kathy Olive, Brenna Orellana, Sharon Payne, Wanice Pitts, May Qin, Sally Randolph, Jo Roberson, Linda Rogers, Lauren Russell, Pam Sadler, Nancy Scott, Tom Seib, Chris Shoemaker, Dave Simmons, Kip Spainhour, John Stokes, Chelsea Sturdivant, Crystal Thomas, Ron Thompson, Melissa Tiernan, Valerie Tobin, Robin Todd, Laura Veazey, Kim Walker, Kurt Wasson, Michael Watson, Steven Watts, Roberta Weiner, George Wilson, Leslie Wolfe, Charles Wray, Jim Yarberry Hot Springs High School Nikki Aitken, Maria Alvarado, Karen Aureli, Brandon Bates, Karen Bean, Judy Beard, Anita Bell, Jennifer Bradley, Amy Bramlett, Melissa Bratton, Tiffany Brandt, Janis Bremer, Pat Brunston, Justin Buck, Tammy Bush, Alisha Chatman, Rickey Cowart, Jonathan Cowley, Randall Cummings , Gregory Davis, Cassandra Dixon, Kristen Dobbs, Lorrie Duke, Shirley Duncan, Terri Easter, Rodney Echols, Eileen Ellars, Gina Elliott, Andrea Ellis, Dzazil Espinosa, Matthew Everett, Deana Franklin, Lyndell Franklin, Reta Gates, Shannon Geoffrion, Marcelle Goins, Matthew Gonzales, Sarah Graham, Kyle Green, Tammy Green, Patricia Griffin, Shalanya Grigsby, Lana Grimes, Bobbie Hampton, William Harris, Robyn Hartsfield, Gerald Hatley, Kiley Henderson, Ellen Herschberger, Ashley Hill, Tony Hines, Brad Hodges, Daniel Hodges, Kori Holder, Deborah Horn, Debbie Hrvatin, Clyde Hughley, Lloyd Jackson, Marian Jimerson, Rachael Jones, Robin Jones, Tameika Jones, Lisa Jordan, Roberta Joseph, Jeffrey King, Ferderica Langley, Valerie LaRue, Angela Lesher, Suely LindseyLynda Litzsey, Erik Lunsford, David Martin, Vincent Mathews, Rose Maxie, Veronica Mitchell, Teresa Mitchell, Meggan Moody, Shannon Nash, Kimberly Nielsen, Lee Palmer, Danielle Pitts, Shanda Powell, May Qin, Lee Ratcliff, Paula Redding, Andrea Roberts, Lauren Russell, Darin Sanders, Jerry Scroggins, Toni Shelton, Doug Shott, Dohnae Sikes, Suzanne Skrivanos, Josh Smith, Amy Snider, Wyman Souder, Cheryl Stafford, Lindsey Steele, Cory Sturdivant, Rhonda Tannehill, Patrick Timmons, Shirley Tipton, Valerie Tobin, Pat Travis, Leslie Tutton, Mark Upshaw, Gary Van Zandt, Chris Vereen, Kristina Ward, Michael Watson, Michelle Watts, Stephanie White, Susie White, Joey Williams, Marsha Williams, Michelle Williams, Allison Woodfork, Charles Wray Summit/Job Corp Alternative Learning Environment (ALE) School Jenifer Abbott, Janette Bales, Diana Bramlett, Lori Butler, Larry Counts, Johnny Davis, Kelley Deardorff, Joseph Dobbins, Janis Echols, Matthew French, Gina Fuell, Shelia Gilmore, Manuela Guardado, Audrey Guy, Katherine Hannah, Patti Harris, Adriane Hines, Carolyn Huffman, Amanda Jones, Terri Knapick, Candyce Kolafa, Cynthia Ludlow, Rodney Matthews, Marlo Mitchell, Leonard Miropol, Marvin Moody, Traci Pendergrass, Cheryl Poole, Ronda Riddell, Carl Seymour, Michael Watson, Aimee Webb, Charles Wray Hot Springs School District Central Office Tanya Bowen, Tiffany Cooper, Erika Cross, Melissa Edwards, Donnetta Frierson, Anne Gentry, Jim Gentry, Mike Griffith, Mina Gustafson, Jane Hansen, Ken Harding, Mike Hernandez, Kim Hughes, Paulette Jones, Sabrina Jordan, Paula Leamons, Janice McCoy, Michelle Moore, Bobbie Morrison, Stephanie Nehus, Janet Shaw, Eva Shott, Doug Upshaw, Bryce Walker, Chuck White, David White Hot Springs School District Maintenance & Transportation Office Michael Banfield, Jimmy Batchelor, Devon Bolden, Jerry Bolden, Tom Buth, Jeff Byers, Roger Cook, Barbara Cooper, Frank Cooper, Dorian Counts, Odis Crudup, Debra Davis, Greg Davis, Patsy Davis, Doyle Dearmon, Johnny Dorsey, Brenda Echols, Daphna Ellis, Larry Griffith, Tina Haines, Katherine Hannah, Patti Harris, James Huff, Carolyn Huffman, Thomas Jones, Charles Lawson, Claudelle Lizanna, Mike Love, Mike Lybarger, Theodore Marshall, Rodney Matthews, Raymond McNary, Sean McNary, Billy McNeely, Janis Menchaca, Carolyn McDaniel, James Moore, Joyce O’Neal, Jamie Pearce, Sandra Peppers, Jim Ramsey, Melissa Saltsman, Janet Shaw, Jenee Shillito, Robert Springsteen, Katrina Swanigan, Debbie Thompson, Doris Thompson, Patrick Timmons, Danny Vaughn, Holly Woodfork Hot Springs School District Child Nutrition Office Curtis Cash, Debbie Davis, Patsy Davis, Barbara Norwood READ TO YOUR CHILD 20 MINUTES A DAY WELCOME BACK HSSD STAFF & FACULTY! 2014-2015 Distinguished Educator Awards! CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Ann Webb & Ms. Debbie Moore on your retirements! 2015-2016 HSSD NEW HIRES WELCOME BACK HSSD STAFF & FACULTY! Members of the Trojan Tireless Teachers Relay For Life team pause "under the big top". The team raised over $8500 to help find a cure for cancer. The amount earned the district its second consecutive Platinum status. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HSSD Retirees (2014-2015) were presented with gifts from the HSSD Board Members and Mrs. Joyce Craft, Superintendent. We thank all of these educators for their hard work and dedication to the district! Another Athletic Achievement Banner to add to Hot Springs High School Gymnasium!! “One District, One Book” Initiative Mrs. Dawn Anderson, Oaklawn Visual & Performing Arts Magnet School Counselor, was named as the 2014-15 Southwest Arkansas School Counselor Association's Elementary Counselor of the Year. Mr. Lamont Page was named as the 2015 Arkansas Alternative Learning Environment Teacher of the Year! Mrs. Janie Hill, Gardner Literacy Coach was named as the Arkansas Air Force Stem Teacher of The Year! Hot Springs School District welcomes its staff and faculty to view detailed lunch menus, nutritional analysis, allergen info and more by visiting You can also download the “School Lunch by Nutrislice” app from the App Store in order to view this information from your phone. 2014-2015 Hot Springs Technology Institute In an effort to create a culture of literacy in every home, the district will be participating in a school solution program entitled “One District, One Book” for the upcoming year. Transitioning Superintendent, Mrs. Joyce Craft was recognized by HSTI Director, Mr. Don Benton for each of the 26 HSTI Conferences. ADE Commissioner, Mr. Johnny Key spoke of the educational changes that will affect the State of Arkansas. Nine Hot Springs High School students attended the American Legion/American Legion Auxiliary sponsored 2015 Boys and Girls State as delegates recently. Front row: Cloey Brown, Elizabeth Snider, Kaylee Gould, Anna Claire Butler, Belen Lambert. Back row: Cameron Pearce, Logan Brenneman, Walker Collier, Thomas Hampton WELCOME BACK HSSD STAFF & FACULTY! GARDNER STEM MAGNET SCHOOL (P (P--4) STAFF LANGSTON AEROSPACE & ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES MAGNET SCHOOL (P (P--4) STAFF OAKLAWN VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS MAGNET SCHOOL (P (P--4) STAFF PARK INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATTE MAGNET SCHOOL (P (P--4) STAFF HOT SPRINGS INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL (5 (5--6) STAFF HOT SPRINGS MIDDLE SCHOOL (7 (7--8) STAFF HOT SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL (9 (9--12) STAFF HOT SPRINGS ALE SUMMIT (K (K--12) STAFF WELCOME BACK HSSD STAFF & FACULTY! HOT SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT MAINTENANCE & TRANSPORTATION & CHILD NUTRITION OFFICE STAFF CONVERSION CHARTER PLANNED FOR HOT SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Lloyd Jackson, Hot Springs High School principal and Dr. Mike Hernandez, Hot Springs School District superintendent, explained the Conversion Charter process during a public hearing held August 6th at the High School's Mackey Theater. District, community, and other interested parties were on hand to hear the purpose and the ADE application requirements for the district's actions. The public is encouraged to be an active participant in the process. For additional information please contact Mr. Lloyd Jackson, or Dr. Stephanie Nehus, HOT SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT CENTRAL OFFICE STAFF HOT SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT District of Choice, Excellence and Opportunities 400 Linwood Avenue Hot Springs, AR 71913 FALL 2015-2016 Phone: (501) 624-3372 VOLUME 9 ELEMENTARY EDUCATION... P Fax: (501) 620-7829 ISSUE 1 ADMINISTRATION Dr. Mike Hernandez Superintendent ROFESSIONAL LEARNING IN HIGH GEAR Teachers were given many opportunities to select workshops that will help them develop high-level practices that would continue to support student achievement. After numerous observations and reflective conferences, the professionals hone in on “matters that matter”. First, the professional growth plan was the target for direction providing the ongoing path for learning. Next, the school-wide and district-wide classroom observations’ data were linked to the teachers’ need. Lastly, choice was the option for many. The opportunity of choice was the decisive key for developing one’s strength. Mrs. Joyce Craft Transitioning Superintendent Mr. Jim Gentry Assistant Superintendent, Maintenance and Transportation & Athletic Director Dr. Janice McCoy Director of Elementary Education Teachers attended Primary Years Program and Middle Years Program training, as well as technology, science, math, literacy, and curriculum development and humanities training. Also, professional learning related to classroom management and diversity was chosen. It is the desire of the Hot Springs School District to continue to listen to the teachers and offer learning venues to teachers that are effective and relevant. The goal is to ensure that all students are career and college ready upon graduation. Partnerships with Dawson Educational Coop, Cognitive Guided Instruction (CGI), Hot Springs Technology Institute (HSTI) and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) have been on-going entities for learning. This summer several teachers will be trained to fully implement one of the state’s identified intervention programs. With a commitment to reach all students, additional support for our students who are struggling in reading will be in place this school year. We will continue on this journey of excellence until No Child or Teacher is left behind! Dr. Janice McCoy, Director of Elementary Education Dr. Stephanie Nehus Director of Secondary Education & District Testing Coordinator Dr. Anne Gentry Director of Federal Programs Mrs. Bobbie Morrison Director of Special Education Mr. Doug Upshaw Director of Human Resources, Communication & Career Initiatives MAINTENANCE & TRANSPORTATION... The Maintenance and Transportation Departments would like to welcome everyone back for the 2015-2016 school year. As we enjoy these first few days of the school year… with the excitement of new goals and fresh energy… we also reflect on a great summer! Your custodial staff has been hard at work as a team – moving furniture, waxing floors, and deep cleaning buildings. This work is made even more difficult with summer school classes, working around painting and repair crews doing in-depth maintenance jobs, and dealing with the summer heat. Please be sure to thank them for the extra effort they have all put in. Our goal is to give our students and staff a clean, safe, and comfortable environment in which to learn. To accomplish this, summer is the time for the Maintenance Department to have the opportunity to do all the major repairs that are necessary to keep our district’s buildings in top condition. As always, if you find any maintenance issues in your classroom, please report them to your principal or lead custodian as soon as possible. That way a work order can be issued and our maintenance team will do their best to resolve the problem. Mr. David White Business & Finance Manager Mrs. Barbara Norwood Director of Child Nutrition Mr. Chuck White District Attorney BOARD MEMBERS President Bob Freeman Vice-President Debbie Ugbade Secretary Ann Hill Karen Reese Steve White HSSD The Transportation Department has been hard at work with summer school routes and special trips. We appreciate our drivers and mechanics who attend training workshops, evaluate routes, clean and maintain equipment, and work hard to be prepared for the first day of school. Our school bus drivers take the safety of our students very seriously, and they strive to make the journey to and from school a positive experience for everyone. Teachers, please remind students of proper bus conduct as we begin a new year. Rules on the bus should be the same as the classroom. We wish everyone a great start to the new year! Welcome home Trojans! Mr. Jim Gentry, Assistant Superintendent & Athletic Director Administrators Staff & Faculty appreciate the Hot Springs School Board!! CHILD NUTRITION... Welcome back! As we start a new school year the department of Child Nutrition is excited to offer breakfast in the class room again this year at our elementary schools, grab and go and second chance at the middle school and high school. Choice, Excellence and Opportunities are goals for the Department of Child Nutrition. We strive to have an excellent program while offering students in our district healthy, well balanced meals. Hope each and everyone a wonderful exciting year! Mrs. Barbara Norwood, Director of Child Nutrition Newsletter Chief Editor: Mr. Doug Upshaw, Director of Human Resources, Communication & Career Initiatives Editorial Assistant: Mina Gustafson, Administrative Assistant