B-4 - the British Columbia Utilities Commission
B-4 - the British Columbia Utilities Commission
ICBC – 2010 REVENUE REQUIREMENTS EXHIBITB-4 building trust. driving confidence. June 16, 2010 British Columbia Utilities Commission Sixth Floor 900 Howe Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2N3 Attention: Ms. Erica M. Hamilton, Commission Secretary Re: Affidavit for Notice of Review Working Session Dear Ms. Hamilton: Please find attached ICBC's affidavit confirming the Notice of Review Working Session was published in newspapers as required in the Commission Order G-85-10 relating to ICBC's 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application. Yours truly, d~2tJ»r June Elder Manager, Regulatory Affairs Cc: Donnie Wing, CA,Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs, ICBC Attachments 151 West Esplanade I North Vancouver I British Columbia I V7M 3H9 I 604-661-2800 I regaffairs@icbc.com IN THE MATTER OF THE UTILITIES COMMISSION ACT R.S.B.C. 1996, Chapter 473, as amended and the INSURANCE CORPORATION ACT R.S.B.C. 1996, Chapter 228, as amended and a Streamlined Application by the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia for approval of the 2010 Revenue Requirement for Universal Compulsory Automobile Insurance and an Application for Approval of a Plan Regarding Universal Compulsory Automobile Insurance Excess Capital Available AFFIDAVIT I, Melissa Mortimer, of the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia ("ICBC"), 151 West Esplanade, North Vancouver, British Columbia, MAKE OATH AND SAY AS FOLLOWS: 1. I am a Marketing Communications Specialist with the Strategic Marketing Division ofICBC and as such, I have personal knowledge of the facts deposed to in this affidavit, save and except where stated to be on information and belief and where so stated I verily believe them to be true. 2. I was the person responsible for instructing ICBC's advertising agency, Wasserman & Partners, to place the Notice of Review Working Session (the "Notice") with respect to ICBC's Application for Approval of the 2010 Revenue Requirement for Universal Compulsory Automobile Insurance and an Application for Approval of a Plan Regarding Universal Compulsory Automobile Insurance Excess Capital Available. 3. Attached as exhibits to my affidavit are true copies of the Notice published on June 3, 2010 in the newspapers as indicated, as a result of my instructions to Wasserman & Partners: 2 Exhibit Newspaper A Cranbrook Daily Townsman/Kimberly Daily Bulletin B Dawson Creek Daily News C Fort St Jolm Alaska Highway News D Kamloops Daily News E Kelowna Daily Courier F Alberni Valley Times G Nanaimo Daily News H Nelson Daily News I Penticton Herald J Prince George Citizen K Prince Rupert Daily News L Trail Daily Times M Victoria Times Colonist N Vancouver Suo o Vancouver Province SWORN BEFORE ME at the City of North ) Vancouver, this 1.!)t"\'1 day ofJune 2010. ) ) ~- ~~·~1~- Sarah Frost ) Melissa Mortimer A Commissioner for Taking Affidavits for ) British Columbia The Daily Townsman The Daily Bulletin News Thursday, June 3, 2010 Page 19 Tube trends: Canadians vs Americans ByALEXSlRACHAN Canwest News Service We Canadians are not the same as they Americans. There are similarities, sure, but differences, too, as a sideby-side comparison of the Top 20 TV programs - in terms of average viewers per episode - over the past seasOn shows. Now that the final, official figures are available from both countries, it's fun to play check-and-compare. In the U.s., the top 5 shows (in descending order) were American Idol (performance show), AmericanIdol (results show), Dancing with the Stars, NBC Sunday Night Football and NCIS. In Thi B.C. Liberalgffj use closure to Canada, the top shows were Survivor (both Samoa and Heroes \'S. Villains), Grey's Anatomy, Criminal Minds, and American Idol (performance show), American Idol (results show). Personally, I'm comfortable to see Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains (us) and American Idol (them) get their due. Reality TV often dredges the very bottom of the barrel, but when it's good it can make for exciting. compelling TV; no matter what the naysayers say. Crystal Bowersox, a Type 1 diabetic who had to beg for insulin and was picked on in school because she came from a poor back- ground, single-handedly raised Idol to must-see status most weeks. If Idol is about giving a total unknown that elusive break, this season's Idol did just that, despite a growing feeling that the show is growing past its prime. And who, watching Survivor: Heroesvs. Villains, could forget the sight of Russell Hantz dragging his swag belly and flapping gums across the sands of Samoa, while he lied, cheated and stole his way to second place! (Or make that third, if you want to get picky about it) Good TV is often about good vs. evil, but there was no villain on TV -not in any crime show, or in any legal drama - that could match Hantz for sheer, outrageous villainy. As for why Survivor consistently outpaces the competition in Canada - unlike in the U.s., where it finished a distant 14th overall- my theory is that it has to do with climate. In the long. dark Canadian winter, we'd much rather ogle the bikiniclad himbos and bimbos do their thing in a tropical paradise somewhere than watch C-list and D-list celebrities do their Oydesdale act in Dancing with the Stars. APPENDIXB to Order G-85-1 0 SIXTH FLOOR, 900 HOWE STREET, BOX 2S0 VANCOUVER, B.c. V6Z2N3 CANADA TELEPHONE: 1604) 660-4700 BC TOLL FREE: 1-800-663·1385 FACSIMILE: (604) 660-1102 web site: http://www.bcuc.com " r~tirN.@)itf;I~~~~~~XlIEvv~Vil~~KIN~-~essf A avit of.. m~J.! ~~, {h re rno S w 0 n befo"'~ r.J.Q.r.t.i,i"l?YI: !~;;.URANCE CORPORATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AStrea mlined Appl ication by the Insurance Corporation of British Colu mbia for Approval of ""t W<a~p~'1'tt~irementforuniversalcompulsoryAutomobilelnsuranceand an Application Cl '~':"f6~'Appr"Ov'alor:af'1anflei;Wdrng Universal Compulsory Automobile Insurance Excess Capital Available N. end de.bate,in t e Province of Bn:;sh C..=o.:.:lu~m-,--b_la t-n ay 0 .••••••.J;:l D.ate of ReviewWorkil)'l.:iession: ensure passagilHs I,)...r.7.<.. TllnEl:........ , 20.!.v.. of energy 1aw ~~,..._"..~~#~~............. ~at~ ---, Thursday, June 17, 201D Commencing at 9:00 a.m. ~mmiss~nHNringRoDm 12th Floor, 1125 Howe Street '''A Com~iRSfoner for takiith~"A"ML··da:.1J:s....~~~~~~~~~~~V~a:::nc'::::o~u.:ve::r~,B:::.C:::.:..:V:.:6:.:Z.:2~K8::.....~~~~~~~-.J VICTORrA - The B.C. Liberals will put an end to debate on the contentious Clean Energy Act that has upset aboriginals and the Opposition New Democrats. Liberal House Leader Mil<e de Jong says the government will invoke closure for the third time this session to ensure the act becomes law by Thursday evening, when this sitting of the legislature is scheduled to end. Opposition New Democrat House Leader Mike Famworth says the Liberals are ramming through a law that guts regulatory oversight of major projects like the massive Sit I' C dam in northeast B.C. And nearly four dozen individual B.c. FirstNations and three aboriginal organizations have asked the gov' ernment to delay passage of the act, saying they fear major dam, pipeline and mine projects could go ahead without consultation. De Jong says the govemment gave the Opposition ample time to fully debate the Clean Energy Act, but the New Democrats chose to spend their time on other issues, primarily the HST. The Liberals also used closure to end debate on the harmonized sales tax. Canadian Press within British Columbia THE APPLICATION By Order G-6S-10 the Commission determined that if, in future years, ICBC's actuarially indicated rate change for Basic insurance meets the criteria as specified in that Order, then ICBC may file a Streamlined Revenue Requ irements Application to be addressed in a Written Public Hearing process as described in that Order. On May 31, 2010, ICBC filed a 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application for Basic Insurance Including an Application for approval of a plan regarding Basic insurance excess capital available (the 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application}. In the Application, ICBC applied for approval of revenue req ukements for its 2010 policy year and approval of a plan for Basicinsurance excess ca pital available. The Appl ication met the criteria for a streamlined revenue requirements application as specified in OrderG-65-l0 as it seeks a rate change that is either a rate decrease of-l% or greater, and less than or equal to a 2.5% increase. THE REGULATORY PROCESS The Commission wishes to ensure that all parties affected by ICBC's 2010 Streamli ned Revenue Requ irements Application for Basic insurance have an opportunity to understand the basis forthe Application, The 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application will be reviewed in accordance with Commission Order G-85-10. A Review Working Session with respect to the 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application will be held at the Commission Hearing Room on the 12th Floor, 1125 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC on Thursday, June 17, 2010 commencing at 9:00 a.m. PUBLIC INSPECTION OF THE APPLICATION The Strea mlined Revenue Req uirements Application and supporting material will be made available for inspection atthe following ICBC field office locations: • Kelowna Claim Centre, 1720 Springfield Road, Kelowna, B,C. • Prince George Claim Centre, 4001 -15th Avenue, Prince George, B.C. The Application and supporting material will also be made available at the ICBC Head Office at 151 West Esplanade, North Vancouver, BC, on the iCSC website at http://www.icbc.com. and at the Commission Offices, Sixth Floor, 900 Howe Street, Vancouver BC REGISTERING TO PARTICIPATE Persons who expect to attend the Review Working Session and actively participate in the process should register as Interveners with the Commission. Interveners wlll receive copies of the filings, all correspondence and filed documents. Persons with an interest in the proceedings but who are not expecting to actively participate should register as Interested Parties and will receive a copy ofthe Introductory Chapter of the filings, all Orders issued, and the Commission's Decision, if applicable. Interveners and Interested Parties should inform the Commission Secretary, in writing or electronic submission, by Thursday, June 10, 2010 of their intentions, and advise whether they intend to attend the Review Working Session. Interveners should specifically state the nature of their Interest in the 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application and identify generally the nature of the issues that they may intend to pursue during the proceeding and the nature and extent af their anticipated involvement in the review of the application. Notification by cou rier delivery, fax, or e-mail is acceptable. All submissions andlor correspondence received from active participants or the public relating to the application will be placed on the public record and posted to the Commission's web site. FURTHER INFORMATION Acopy of the document 'Understanding Utility Regulation, AParticipants' Guide to the British Columbia Utilities Commission" is availa ble on the Commission's website at http://www.bcuc.com/Documents/ Guidelines/ParticipanCGuide.pdf. For further information, please contact Ms. Erica M. Hamilton, Commission Secretary, as follows: B.C. Toll Free: 1-800-663-1385 Telephone: (604) 660-4700 E-mail: Commission.5ecretary@bcuc-com Facsimile: (604) 660-1102 DAWSON CREEK DAllY f'I:EWS THURSDAY, JUNE 3. 2010 Pag~ ~e:.~~~m CANADA """"' ... MomRIN~I\CAl'Ii 1~17~W(AA\I~ (250) 18l43l.' Safety ranking flags Canada for lack of food traceability the posHive bump fmC&nadai.'i a ~UI1 Sarah Schmidt ~(Jlkws5mJice of a few rnuntrle, falling behind ralher De50pite a shaipened fOl::IIS on food safety in Canada In tbe ,'fake of Ute 2008 li.sl<:rio~is crisis, the OlTAWA - quality of the l:ounlry's faod-sarety ~Iemremainscsscntiallyunchanged., a newly publishad ranking c::ondudes. Overall. Canada f1udg~d up l3. spot in thE' inlErnational fcod-safcty rankings of l7 countrif'<'> to tie th~ Unlred Statl:S for fourth sprn and to ea.m.acoolAdes as ·OTle of the best-perfonning COI-lntncs· in .me 2t)lO Food Safely Performance World Ranking study. Denmark, AUslJaHa and Ihe Uniloo Kingdom carne our on tDp. while Italy; Frrma.- and Ireland roundBd out 'the bottomofthe2t1lll r:al:.ing. In 20M, Canada was fifth in the rankIng of member countries of !be Org:J.llt:s.ation Cor Economic Co-operation ,md Developrnerll. In 2010, Canada rccejved the same overall ·sl.l.perior" grade. Of the four major arcas assessed, Ca{jad;l ~arned the same grnrle in three-, but dropped ill !I grade of "pCH:Ir- in the area of U\lcE"abil. il)j which tracks food throughout ~he sUIlPly dUl.in, Sylvain Charleb-ais, tbE associate dlre-t:!m of th~ UnlVCiSity offiegina's graduate srnoQI of publ.iI: polley. said than rnarked-damestir improvements·Basically, Canada bas moved up one because some have actually moved down. S!l Canllda i~ performing equally wen· thai's probably MW 1 would qualify it My scnse Is that many e:ounme:> do halie a lor of w<lrk: 10 do, but wh~n you l:ompare Cmada with everyOne else, Canada does quirewelJ: said Charlebois, who oonduc:tM ths comparative sllldy_ Sinc~ !:he 2.008 ranJdngs were published, Canada's food safety system "''as shaken bylhE ~s!eri[)sis outbreal: .ofAugust2008. TI\·enty·two Canadians. most.Jy eId<:rly living in long-term CEre fil.eilities, dled after CD$ll,ming tslnl~ deli mealS prodllCM at ;'i feder.al1y .regulated planl operated by Maple Leaf Foods In the wakeolthe outbreak, the fcd~ erai govcrn.menl I::ommitted 515 muHOn to implement the recommendations of Sbeila Weatherill, tbe independent inv~tig.alor brought In to ldenIify Ihe gaps in the S)'StE'rn that led. to the ou'tbrm ThE: Canadiap. Food ImpcctionAgency has also spent part of the Sll:l. mllJio!1 eannarked in 2008 to improve fnod and consum<:r safety Ihrough the ~'oodand Consumer 5.afetyAetionPlan. U WeatbarW's !~CQmmendations are implemented and Canada fixes jt!l food uaceabjlily problems, Cbarlebo;5 saId. Canada can raise its global food safety raIiling from superior to the best iu the world. 'The sludy's objective is 10 look at policy, and po~cy dues ta,e time to Implement, of course,· s~id Quu1eboi:i. According lo the 2{HO ranking, Canada does an exceUcnt job gaver· nance and .reralis, ranking NEl. J in !.his [alegory. It considers ris\::·rnan:J.ge· mE'nl p]afls, the le~'el of d.arl(y of food rec.al..I reguIations and the numbt!r of ,I[ recalls. Canada ranb second in consumer affairs, wh.ieh measures incidence of .reported llin.ess by fElod-oorne p.atho~ g~ns, r&tes of lnspeclinns. and audits, fond s;;fely educa.lion progr.tms, labelling and Indications of aUcrgens and ease of access 10 public health inforlIIatIElt1. Bul Canada fallidown on tnlceabil· .it~;ln lbc- food chain, .ranked at the bDt· tom alongside the Uruten Sl~te$, T.:'l.Md<land Ibe u.s. do nol ha\.'eweUestahli:s.hed faTm~lo~ftlrk tt<lceability systems for any food pr.oduct.' the w.portst.ar~s,noting Gmada is tbeonly \:ollntry to Elll1111 l"lrer grade in trus an::a in 20U' compared to 21].1)8. McDonald's ad featuring gay teen goes viral A gay~fr.iendly 1V adwrnsemem [rom Mcl)()naJd's Is belng praise::d after !l.oin~viralonllnE:. The4-S--s-er::ond sp<ll, whkh has only aired in Fnmee, features a teenage boy lalking on the phone- with an unscc-n Iov-e Interest from hIiS. ~thool as his fatber orders from a McDon<lld's cashier. The My b~ngs up when his father appro;;chE:5 with a lr.1y of ham· burgen, and bis fath~ mentions that jt';; ~too bad ytJur c-1as5 is all boys. you cowd get all the girls. ~ Thes.onsmile.ssubtLyarthecameta, amI thE adellds\liiili Ihetagline, ~Venez eom.me vous etcs' . whkh transJates ·Comeas you-are.' By wednesday a.f1ernQOn, a week IlJLe{ being posted 10 YOllTube, Ole :;ld had garne!E'd more than 600 J ooO views Pofirt?f8Oktt8rp~a B cap affidavit of.l?1.,~j;.s~{?,o~~.cr.imjnals This is Exhibit" ~We wanted to sbn"" sodElty the . Vo';ly It is today, widlOlll: JUdging: ' there's obviol1.sly no problem w.ith homosexuality in Fra.oce today,· Nathalie Legarlanle2.ec. a spoJ:esh'CJman for M~Donald's, toldFren-eh media. rl'f, the fast f<lad giant's fm;t adfClaturing a; homosexual charael:el'j and orleleadjng Can<tt:ti<l-n g:Jy~righls group ~aid jL welCQmes the message ~2.~~~~~~~~~~~~!iii~~ 250-782-4888 Megan Goreck1, Assistant Editor: ex. 121 Rick Davi:;on, Sports Ed[tor. ex. 118 Jamie Woodford, ReportE'r~ ex. 119 ~~~~----~-~-------------, APP£NDJU toOrd'IrG4~·iD S1Xn-IFLODR,900(-JOWE StR£Er. EIOX2SO V6-ZiN~ VAI«OUVEll,B.C TElEPHOOE; (6(14j 6«l-4100 i«:1DU. ~RE.E: 1·8tj[J·66:3.-mtS; FACSIMlU: r&l4] 660-1102 CPJIlMJA w<'b ~It"" 1>~tp'Jlwww1KlI~mm Daugla<Quan sworn before me at.I.Y~..v.a.iJ.?~t;~~ .... in the Province of Brit;~,t:'~~ffr:~.;,t"o~~t:;:;.P~:J .....t...... £),I thrs.•••••.•• day of , I \ \ ~ A;, a l'CSull, police ~d saf~ty advoc:at':'1.S' some Canaman 'ties arc calling fo.rtight J 0 nthe &aJe of M~..'""'_•....•. t ~ ............... being used 10 -!l.Uad; people. • ro: .f) INSURANCE CORPOllATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA A Streamlined A.pptlca.tiCl-n by~~~ Irl~r;l!lCl':(QrpOf<ltlono-fB.rltl~h Col<Jmblafol Approval of the 2010 I1lWl"ll11e F1equlrement for Ul'li\'eIo;.aICompul!",(lIyAuromobile InSllrlll"l[of! <Ind <'Ill Appn[lItloll f-orApprovillola !'Ian f1egilldi~9 uflrver~l (ompl.llsoryAlJtomobllelruuJ<lnCll E:tJ:oflSS C"pltal AvailablE? ~We'lJeh<l-d<l·H-I.bstanliaiincrcaseinl.heuseoflht5sluffin the la5! 18 rncml.hs_ i\1~'ve had to sit up and take notic:e," ·Weneed . . . . , ..... ,!l~~~~~~._~llrC.;.S&1 . .~~¥}~a~n.~id. to 510'" tlieaoct!SSLmhly o[;any. A Commissioner forca~'~JfJ~tm~~c~~~~~~~j~~a5J;::~ P",te...-J ~"'IiWW~jrl~~oi'~iorl; T1l~II',J~n.I1,201" TJm'" CoMM".;cinlJ'atlJo,ooaJIl ~mml~:;iOll !1earin\llloom within British ~_~~o:=.r6':~r~~:t~~h~~s:m~~I~ 1~noor,ll1';~ClI'&SIl"~t v.;mrolJ~er.B,C, ;20 ca.n1Sief':i o[ be<lr spray were stolen from a Canadian Tue displaycabincr Elsewncre in the country, bandits have recently used bear Spru~' to rob a bar in EdmonlllI1, liIn cle~tmnic~ slore in Wmnipcg and a diner in Barrie. Onl. It's aJso bern used ill hGmCl mvasiom, and attaeks on cab dri\1':nl and passengers ona public bU£. The f-e-deral governme-nt regulates the usc of bear spray, bUi it's up to the pro~inccs 10 r.cgulal-c the s.a.IC! of the product MimLtob.a, for example, :introduced such rule5 at the be~rmi[1.g 'tJr 2009. Under lhe rules. retailers wh<l ~eU beM spray am roqu.ircd to obtain a p~liddf'-dBal[1'r licencEl, keep spr.ays beb.ind the tuW1lE'r and gel eacll pl.ln:::hasE'r to sign <I form, But the probJem persists, Ln 2008, before the new Jaw Cilme into efreer, there ~I'<:re 269 incld~llts l.nvol\li.ng bear spray, ai:cording 10 Wumipeg police. In 20C!l, 'Illerc were morc than 350 ea<iC5- So far this )'f>ar. there M\'ll hem mOlE than lSCl casf'S. ~It's .a concern to us.A! times, 11'~ bam used to assault and rob;ln individll.al; 5:\id \\"'l-nnipeg pCIlicc Sup'- Corrin~ ScottT In SasJ:.alchcwan, whe-re there.are no provincia:! ruJe:: on the sak~fbear$pray. PrinceAJben:poli~ehavc been ,,"orking wHh !(Jcil.! tel..il.ilets to try La &;:on(rot Lh~ sale of the produ(t, McLean said. Police have asked retailers t\l start tracking the nRlIl~ of purchasers. They're also d~velnpmg3 melbGd iliat will3llc:}\~ rhE'm 'to trace an illdj~iduaI C3.nister bad 10 the S1I:Iff;' where it w.as purchased, Major Canadian retail outlets have va.!)ing policies when jt cornes to the salE' of bear spruy. Al Mcuntain Equipment Q:,.op, bear spray i:s.nal SD-ld on store~hd~'l:s or Duline· you have to go to the counter and ask:forjt, said eompanyspok:t:SmanTtm SOlltham.You31soha...... to b!"3tleast tEl yearsoh.ge, show plcture 10, and :sign;l \'IaiW'I" 'Saying that ynu a.gree to use Ihe pltlducl for its intended PlUpOSCAI Canadian Tire, on the orher han,j, there is no age IJJnjt to buy bear spra'Y and purchasers are notrequ.ired to fill outa fOrm -Dr sbOl\' picture lD, said &;:e:trnpan)' spokeSWOlTli1fi liz Hamilton. The prodLlCt 1£ .available on store shelves. Murray Rotllns,aV.ancouv€rwhok!!;a.!erw!LQ has been selling be.u s.pray for moll": !han 20. YBaI'5, iil:"knowledg~ th.allhe produclcan be abused - but sars i( also saves liYC'S. He sa::id he worries marbeats.pray is being unfai!ly largetT cd and points out the~ are many il<:rn:s. sold in sportirlgT goolh slore$'· such l3.!i flare guns, machetes and baseball bal.5 • tllat.can be used as 1'I1':apom, bl.lt th~ are 110 condlrions to b'lythcm. \l"5Z2t;5 THEAPPLJCATION ByOrder G--65-lOth~ (omml5s1oJl d~~rmlned th.a1: If, Irl futL.lIe)'E:a~ laJ['~ ~dU<lliilUy lrldl'ilte(j: ral~ c:hange fOI Bil~I<:.I~~ur.ulUE! m~l§ the c::rlter1.'l a-50 5~11iE'd Il'Ilhat OH:lI:!r, thefilCOC may Iile-<1 Streamllned Rel'entJll- Requllem~l'Its App!kallot'J. (0 be ~dr~,1?d In:il W,itterl P'ubllc H~r11l9 pl~~a~de'X:r1bed irl that.Order. On May 31, 2ClIO,!CSCnl.;-d il 2010S1reamliaed ~evenl.ieAeqlJlr~"lS Appl,cali¢nfor Bilsk Irl~LC"ll"'olfl[llJdlngan Applil:<Jtlorr foropprovalof 01 ploln rut;l.m:lIJ'lg B.il5k: Irl:JlJli!l'I(E"-o"*:"E"~ Gapill'llav;;,i~ble(lh",2a10S"'MmIiMd R.e\t'E~u ... Requi.remll-n~5.Applic1lllonltntileAppllcat~Dn,!C8C appliE'd for approval of r~f!m,J,,"r~l.Ilrement~ 'or Its 2010 poll[}' yeu arlQ approy;l[of.a pl",n for B.:is.ic in5uran~eexces~(apllili ava.ililble. rilE' AppliGltiofl metlhe[litellil for a :streamttned leWltlL'e tequlrem.mt~ ilppllcatlon 015 ~pe<:~ in Ordel' G-65-10a51l SN'ks 11 rate c:hangethM;5 eithel il raled-e-=rl"a-se of -l%orgreatel, and Ies"S.lhanmequalm a2s:lil incre<l:se. THE REGULATORY PROCESS TheComm155loI'lwJshE'5toellsur~t~t ;;1[1 pi!nl~~ :il1fe<:te-d by KBCs2010 Srrwmllnf!d ~~r1~e~E'qUilemel1-l~Ailplk~lorl for &1sic in~ul,m(e have':lnQP-POltlJnilyto urldliUst.mdthe b<l~lsfo't~eAppllt:: ..tiIJn. The 101OStrt!ilmllmK!ll~nu~ Flequ;rel't'la"lt5AppH,at~0J'l will berevlewe<:l 11'1 ilCCQrda~~-e with Commission Ordll-r G-ss:·m A. ileY~ Workil'lg ~s51on wIth r~pect to th!! :(010 5tre<1mllnoo ~@lI(!nLj[! fleqIJ1~ernef1IS Applkatlo'lwm be-tlel-d al th,..Comm15sk)n HE!ilring Room oo1hel11h F[oor. 1115 HoweStIeet, Val'lcouver, BConThurWiry. JIJIIl" 17,2010 'l:Omlffilm:.1l'1gill9:00a.m PUBUC: INSPECTION OFTHEAPPUCATION The5treaml;nsd R,wenul" RequIrements Applk::<lllorl and 5uppon~ng malellal will be mild!! aY;l.llablefor Irlsp!!CrloIl at lhe fOlloWlI'l'ij K8C field o-ffi[!!loG1ltion'L • KelownaCl<>lmCerrtle. 17:lO"Splingridd Road, Kelow~a, B.(c • P.rlrKeGeorgeClalmCentr~,IlOlll-15th AllE!nlJe, Prll'lceGeolgll, B.C. The J\ppll<:"t~l'lal'ld -supporUng mater1ill willalw be made iJIo'<lililbie atthe lCBC Head Offi~~ilt 151 We5t E~pl-ilI\i!dE!, North VanmuV>E'.r, 1lC, on the !ese ~b51(~al httpilwv.wJcoc..oorn.ilod attheComl'l1lssion OfficB, SOOh FlDOI, 900 HCMe Street- Vilo(OUVE-r 8C REGISlERING TO PARTICIPATE attend the .R!!~lew WorUI'I9 SesS10l1 and activeJy p1Irtlcip;3.te III rho;> P'O<:es~ shoo!d regiS1el aslntervE'nE'rS- with lhe recei"'!! wpl2softhe Iillngs. a[l conesponderlooand filed document'5.. Pl""I:'.OI'IS who ex~t to Comml:ssforl.lr1t~.rver;el~will Pelso~~wlth:il!\ Int('!~€'St in the ~mx<:edjIlg~ butwhoare not <::(peCt1l19to <lc::tiw~ participilte )holJid regJst<!:r;,:;lnlE!rested recelw <l (Opy of the Intraductol)' Chaptel orthl" fillng~ .all alde~15'>'Joe'd, and thE- Commis~1on's Decision, IF applicable. Parlles and will lnte{\'e[ler:>arlcllIltllr~ed P-ilfHesshouldlnrorm lhE"-CommMion SeCletilry.ln writi~gm clE'ctmnil:s.ubmis.slon, byThulsdaJl, jul'l.~ 10, 2'010 Df their intemiol'l5.,.<l.lIdadl'iS!! whmhef1h~ll'I.tendto illtend th(' Re-v1~Wor'klngSes5ion, IrMrverler~~hQ\Jld ~pE'(ifl(~!IY5Iatethe n.o.tureoftlll3lr lntl!f~ lrl the lOHl Strli!amlined Revenue ReqLllleme-nl:s. '!'pplk:i!Hol'l al'ld identify gefWially the flawre ot thl;', iss~ thai they mil)' irltE'nd 10 pursoo duril"lgthe procee-dil'lg aoo the nature ill'ld extent ofdll!il antldpat~ lnvo!vemen( In tl;e reviewQrtheappl"'aliOrl. N>Jlifi.:atiOn by cou.rjllrdcllwry.fv.,.ore-m"jll~3(c!<ptable. All subm~iorl)<lndiol[Ones-Jx)l'ldenclJ" received from ildiYe particlpanl~ orthe- pUblk Il3latlng tothe applk.aUon wiH be p~ed ol'llhl:- public rKo'd 3nd posledloth~Commi5rJorfsw<:b'ilte. fURTHER INFORMAnON Ao::oP)' oftrtE' documenl ·UfldE"m.lIm;[lag Ulirlo/ RegulaliQrt:; A P<lnktpant$.' Gl,lldetothe: 8rltlsh Coll.1l11bla Utml~ ((ll1"lrnl~s~~·I$.aYa.ilab~oh the Cornm i-o;~i¢rI'5 'WebSite a.t hnp:l/Www.bcllc.coIlVOocumeolsJGu'lId eli neslP<;rtldpan~_GLCide.pdf. F()J 3 flfrth<:lllIIormal;.)1l, p~seWrlt<K' M'J.-. E.ricil M. Hamltton, C<Jmm'lSs!on 5K1/fti"y, il~ folbws: TllJepholle: (604}66'D·4700 B,C. Tollfl~: 1-800-663-1385 Fac~irnl~ (604)0660-1102 E-fn,o,H: Commi5,km.. SecI€t<l'Y@ococ.\:om A1A.sK.1-HlGBWAY N~iS, FORT ST. JOHN~ B.c. Pa.A3 REGION/PROVINCE B.C. shows support for cutting pensions for killers like Clifford Olson VANCOUVER - The B.C. gOYQ1lment .supporlS federal l-egisLauon that would cut off ol(l-agc penSluns for )Jl:ilple in federal prisons,. Includ· fig setial killer Gifford Olson. B.C. Ml.A John van Dongen joined federal cabinel member aIld B.C. MP Stockwell Day iJ1 :speaking 10 vicliJl1.$' grOI.lP:; ffilt111ged lilac prisoners arc eligible 10 collect money while bebilld bars. The cbaoge was prompted by public ounge that Olson, who killed atleasl Il bnys an" girls in B_C- before being .imprislJnectfor life, bocameentitlcd to cash ....t len he turned 70 tllis year. Day toIo. Utc viCcIffiS' rights groups Wi1\ legislation W'iU Stop -convicted criminal~ from collecting taxpayerfunded paymenl.'i. Old Age Sa:uriry is mean! to help seniOTh meet basic needs like fooo and housing. which aTe already providcdforprisoners. Four hundred federal prisoners would have to forgo more than Sl,100 a month Wlder the amend- ments. saving abom S2 million a year if !he legislation passes. TFiF;Co.N!lDWiPREE:: Kelly Patterson and ~ndi ~h from A"rls Family Resources sl..:i.nd Qut front of Ssfeway duril'lg the annual Hunger Awareness Day food drive. Food drive leaves organizers disappointed and hungry for more in Dawson Creek JAMla;:: WOQJ:l{'O~O STAfF WRITER /l.l;lS Family Resources' food drive for Hunger Awareness DilY ended in disappolntmertl Tuesday, Last year the elleIH Taiscd ~bout S 1.000 wmth of groceries for !he SaJ..-a~ion Army. "This "'ear we'll be lucky to break S100," said:. Kelly Pattcrso-n, foster pazent support and lta11ling facilitator at Axis. "Tt's a sad sign of the rimes when l1lis is what we end up with." P<:IHefSOl'l was OIl himd at Safeway during the food drive and said ma[ many people wbo wa~ked by her and the nearly empty food bin OUlside the dO\lrs wouLd avert Iheir ga 7--c. "A lOt of people in 03\\1&011 Creek are hungry:t ~he said. "There's never e.llOugh iII the food bank. and there are 101:s of familie~ ill .Ilt:ed." PaltctS<ln didll'l know approx:i· mate!y now many peopJe ill Dawson Creek were hungry, our Building anew beginning JAMIE WOODFORD ST...HW~rre:~ A unique patUletShip has brought a local area we[lal1dba·t:l;:tolif-e. The Piper family of Dawson Creek, Ducks Unlimited C31lada (DUel. HJld EnCiLlJa ha.\'e entetec;l a 30-year cunservauon agree:mCa\! 10 cOmC logelher to reston: !he wetland located flOTth Otl 17Lh Sln:eL ncar the Harper subdivision in Dawson Creek. Dubbed Piper Pon-c, the tdca for the already busy l'labltat begal1 ~hrec years ·ag.o when landowner Perry Piper approacned DUe to see if .iI was iIltercsl.ed in pUlting in a pond. SiIlCe one of DUe's objccti.;·~ :is to restore a.lld creatc wet.lands, ""we were very imeresled in pos&i~ bilides of it," said Darry.! Kr'Ocl::er, !lead of conservation programs ill me Peace Region al DUe. ·'Th~ Pipers ..... ere 'lui~e keen on having & SigIlificanl welland tll~rc. so we agreed 0.11 a plan. designed a dike, and got addil.io.IJal fUlldlng from EIlCaIla," he said_ 1ll.c currCllt wetland is only a pan of the original marsb that was once there because of its vidnity 10 lhe cily and surrounding residences. -The town dcyclopcl1 aroUIld it 8IId \Vilh Tesldenl.s downstteam, we couLdntt jusl put a dam at bottorn aud re·(]Doo it." said Kroeker. The dikc ""as built last fall and liIe resLQra!.ion w.as completed this spring ollce the pond was filled witb water. The pond' s shoreline wlil uke Lime 10 develop. Kroeker said, and just how lallg depends on the waCf:r levels. Many of the seeds preyjous1y in lhc soil persisl for d~adcs.. ~Ul Lbey can'l grow l.D st.a.od!IIg water, &0 as water Levels rise and fall, the .5ee.ds should germinale in the mud flats and then sproul., he said. A uti;>; of ,grasses wiUi a f~·LegLlffie.<;.,sucha:s alfal· fa, have been also plaJlted along the shorf:. The area was already bome to many crealUres, and having perm,Hlelll w<'!t-er will make it evell m{)re att.ractive lo w:ildljfe while enbancing the area for its Cllrr-ellt resjden!s. said Kr-oek:er. "It's already seen a 101 of u.se:' he said., noting the families of cow moose ,i1.ll.d their c.al.ves Iha[ have lake.o up residellce. Walerfowl .are espedaUy drawn lO the pond tilal has alrewy ~Il a migt;ll.iOll of swans, "We .got & bmt of ducks and geese thai are takiug ad\'aJltage of the area.°' said Kroeker. Lal1do-wner Kane Piper said hc's plea~ed lJo.J!h the ou~rne of l:heprojecl. '"'It's aClUally been quite a bil of fuIl ... I found I'm ~njoyiilg it a lot more Ulan I though. I would:' he. s$.(t PUC will be Tcspoll$ible for maintailling the dike and because of il.'i Loca!i{)II upstream {)f the dty, there ",ill bt:: a high Standard {)f iIlSpe(:!ion to en$ure Ihe &kc remains in top snape. said Kroeker. iPhone250-785"5631 .··or.fax.250..785-3522 for.·COrninge~~11tS.. "it's higher than whal people think it is," she said. "Think about aU tile meals you eac in a day. Now think about missing one or Ihose meats. Some don't e....en get that" Looking on the positive sidet Patlen:cn is. grateful for wha~ people have given so far. "Overall. it'$ more than whaL the food bank had yes!en:tay," she Said. Axis wiU be acccpl1ng food dOMlions at 1(S office for Ibe rest of the week, located al 908 - 102 Ave. APPENDIJ(B t"O""',,~G-BS-'Q "SIKTH FLOOR '100 HOWE 'STREET, 80X 250 VAN(OlIVfR. !tC V6Z2m (ANADI\. web. '.il~: !1ttp:II't'M'w.h{uc..com .~. ~ TELEPHONE: \(04) 6050-4iOQ. BcloLLfREE: 1-SCtO-Wl.-13S5 l=ACSlMltf: 16(4) 66o-1m2 '(1-~jc~<j c ,Nofl¢(Qfij~V:I~MtWg~,RlI~~·SEl,~~;~xhibit II AStre~mline:d INSl.'f1ANa.(O~POflAnONof8RmSHCOWMElIA 1_~l.lran(e or Ellil:i~h 1 ~~:~;om ,.- l:l'th floor, 1115 Howe Sl:Ir,;1 --'-v;;;;";;;;ro;;;;~.:;;.c:B£"-"";:."::.:"__'_*',.;.~+.'__+' • , By Ordel G-6S-10 the Commls:sion 'lJetennlnE:d that if, :n futLJre yearsJ 103('s ,]ctuari<llly indlC"lIte-r:3 r;;lte d"l;;lflg.ef"r B~sk inj. criteiiil a~ spl3"cilied in that Older, then leBe m;;'Y{l~E:a Str~mlinedRe\'el1lEl::'ReqLli;..ments AppHcal:ion to be lId-r:3le~sed in rl He<lring proc.e~s as de~cribedill ,t-Jilt Or-der. • , ~ ~ •• •••• po bl ...."" ~ = _ o ••••••••• ~ ::~f~~~~~~~~~~~j~:~::~~~fr:~~~~:~:~~:f~~a~~ci:~I~~l~""~l:':~~~~~~o~~:~~p~a~"1qf~~~':~~~~r~~:t~:~)~~~~~:i~~~~· Sf it sh Cofufnbia THE REGULATORY Pt:tOCESS The Commj~5kln WishES toenstlrE-mat illl plIrtles <lffeeted by 101;('j.:;1010 $neamlined Re\l'~nue Requ~r(>m<:nfSAp-plicatiQri for Ba$.iCdnSlJrance haw ,!ntlpptlrrunity ta ~rtdel'\tandrheoba&-i~ fo; theAppllca,ion. Thl'lOl{l Str€ilmlirteldRf"h'I'1LCe Re-quileme"N.ApplJcatio.n wlHbe relliew~ irl ilWJrd.anCE: with (ommi~sioIl Order G-l3S-l0. A Revi-EIVWorking Ses:o.ion with respe(t tothe 2010 5tre~mline-d RE-llerl.Lle Re-qLllremenls AppliC<ll'ior'l will beheld ;HtheCOlTlmi~siGnHe""ring R.oOrn On the 12thR.oOr. 1125Ho~ 5trel't. VOII1COUlfer, BC on ThuP.;wy,Jl.lne l;r, 1010" mmm-endl1g at 9;00 a.m. PUBLIC INSPECTIOJi OFTHE APPUCATION The Streamlined R'i!'X'nue Requiremefll:SAppl:Ciltiooand supporting melerial wrll belTlilde ;wlI:llIble farin.sp.=<ticn anhe foHmli'ir.g 1(l3(neld offi<:e !ocatJom: • • Kelowro Claim Centle. 1720Sprir.g~ddflo"d.KelCiWrl(l,KC Prince George C~im Centre.4DDl - 15lhAvenue, Prince Geo~ge, S,C The A;JpljG:lI'Cin .m.d s'Jpportlngm~1erii!1 wiil illsobem~de Ol,,~il~b-Ie<lt the tCBC He<ldOffi(';! ~tlSl W"tS'l: E5Plan<ld!),NcrthV",n':::oI.iY~r,ilC. on the lCBC webs.iteal hrrp~'fwwwj(b(.(:om,and attheCOn1miHior'! Offi(~, Sixth Flo<,l-r.900l-1owe5ttee'l:, V<ln.couverBC REGISTERING TO PARTfClPATE P€"t'Sons who E:xped: tollttE-rtd the R{:\'i€"vJ Wo.-x;.... g ~~ion"M ,.niwly parricipat.... jn th~ prO\:es.sshou[d fe9i~toe<.a~ Inte~nef~ wjth l~ Commiss1on.lntefYE'IlEfS wlll re-::eive copies ofthef.l!ngs.all correspondencf' llndfiled dQ(llfl,er'll~. Pcfsomwith<lll 'interest In the proceedings bLltwhoare note;o:.peetJng loa"tivdypil.rtkipaleshould legj~'l:er Olslnteresled f'<lrti~ andwil~ lecEive a cC'py rnlhe IrlUoou«(01)' Chilpler of the filings. all Ordel~ i~~lJed. and the CCimmissi.c:m's Decision. ff <lDplic.able. Interveners an.d ~nterested f'ilr~ ~ho\l!d jnftllm the CommiS5:0n Secrt"l:ary. 111 wrilir;g ofe-leetr<lnIC Sl.lbm!ision, byrnllrs~y, JLme 1O,2DlO"r theirintemions. arld adv~e Whether they ~ntend tQaltend theRev~WDrki(lgSe~skm.lm€"~oE~should spel;"if,uIJy stille th~ naitJreoFt~ir intetest in :i'010 Srre-,"lmllned Revelll,leRocquirefJi.en($ Applic.ati~ imd idertlify ge>P:!raliy the n<lture cf the is~lJ.es thotthel' milY In£end 10 pLmLJe dtJring the proceei:ling and the nature lIr1d e-xtent of melr antjr;:ip~~dIn\lOI,oe:'r1ent ~n the revl-ew (lf~he <Jppl~(<J!;on. NotificatiQn by courier dl:ltvery, filX, or e-milil iSiS~«!ptab~c. me All ~lJb1'l'li5~iot1s.<Jn-d/1,)1 (ot(e~pcl1·,,:lel'l{er~e~\'edfrQfli.act:i"eparIKip<lnl:S or the put-lic relating toth.e:applicati-oJl w~!1 ~ placed Dn tll'J PI.iIJ~" r.e-rord <lndposre<:J to the Com:nisslon·sweb sire. FURTHER INFOflMATION A mp)' of the oocLimenl ·Under5t1il'H::!ing Ut[l1ty RegU~iSti(}.'1~ A Partioparll~' G\lidelO t~ BrdtiSh CollJmbi.<l U,ilitde~ tht" ((lmmi.sJon·~ ~bsT~l" al hllp:fI.......-.....bctJc.c:om.'[}.J.cumE-rmJ Guldo1!linesfParticipanL_Gurde.pdf. Commis~onr isaV<lri<lbl.:: Orl FlY." f.utl:heril"lfo(hl<ltiDIl, pease (c>ntilct Ms. Erir:il M. Hilmilton. Cow,m~s:sionSeuetclry, ilS follows: Telephone: (60.!,.'660-4700 B.C.ToIIFree:: HD0"-l563-B8"5 facslmile: (604) 66O·1Hl2 E-marl: Commis:sioI1.5eaerary.g;·lxue.t:om '----------------~--~--_._------~~ . 20••. , Requ~rement~ApplicatiClfl for .a;aj.il;lnStJra-r'!~e it1dudin9<Jn ~p~JQI1er for taking Affidavits Applie;t\'iof\met the(:~i,eria Tor ",she'"-rnlin-ed revenU-e reGuin,·mellC~ application a$ spe6fied irr OrderG-6:S-IOas iheeks" «Itedl~nge trutj~ either a r.'Iledecreaseof-l%orgr€;oler, <lnclless tharl or equal to a 2.5%increa-s.e. . IQ ;.. ..day Ot. .•.Y. •• l1w THE APPU(AT~ON On May31, 2Dm, ICEK filed <I 2010 Sireamllned Revenue referred to in thE '.o''''_"J",''.'''' efore me at. ·..Vt.VJ.c:..t!UY,e..r: ~:::::~H:':::m in the p~Vince of B it;sh Columbia O".o,,","_w","", <',.om '-- .. II Vi of. ~O. ~e ~ .S. ~ :Q..... [lJo.c±( r.r.t~ , Application by the Corpor21tion (olllm8ft4OOY_tt Ihe Re;r.enLCIil ~,,"qLlifcm~nt forljflMlrsaIComptJl~ol')' Alltomob-lleln~L1rance andan Application for Approval ofa t'larl Re.g~rdlng Ul1iver:>i:l1 Campullor)' Autamobil€"l~,~u"lnt.eExC'e~~ Capital Av;o,ilablf!. Rno 1~ , CAMBRIDGE CRESCENT HONOURS TRIO Closing roadway rectifies trespass /l. d("mffi,l;Jld ~rrnr Ln P!ildn.i! a b!nt\" at ~he Cil~ Crescx:2lSlk!l ~joo~!) tmlncil 'feItq,1k E~-.:om~ll,f: for roM ~ rl~t w~l:: ~O> i) ruJrc;mhl;'_~w, i\.:lmkrop~rount:ilwiiIbe~Wto-it'~-th<1' ,tlns:a:ri! fJM de.1j~oJ)fl, of a'pi~ ofl'Q,~""·.1JY. berne c.mWr=e~ootill" Notth S~) whkhkf:~ tobaw.no ~·fttt.(rn lr.rlECCOt' 1--rnl:c-letJl:O';.i:me.nt. The 'Crmr in pladng tae ~n«-D1tmg Ca:m- l1ri.dte Cf~~d dec3des ago. ~fd.c;ay Iel!.1 ~,~~W."lW~.rO~"~~~Qt;ll""TlJ~1i!lld! fullow5 Mull Ji(:cmcd l.ik<i fn~o.l:Ve (lf~wOO.l'¥ootthe(ttll:t'onu:~rr.houzmk Wl~.;" ,The =m- ~ ro tJgh11vbt1l UJ(:,.rocitly .applid Jot a 'bWk:l:ing j)trn!.tt (Of a ~ entryway vnlli.blKldl~A:eview(!Hh~~'_']'l}:~'«ltbe t~~_oncity[(lild~)'.F7t'-"fiWl.i:M ifu,~-t:r pl.lrrhilSt!d ~ p;'Upl'!n~' fur$6,OOlJ,; 'tmed ont~ ~~nt'tbe:!L~JU'(l~. m~!.a¥k~~~~:~;hci~~~d; ~,jfirtl:1Qi.\Wfd~ytbctJ;m:Rk~yc Loon counters wanted Trial set to hear byBird Studies Canada accusations LciOO]~.(l,~~mwlun· lmflMl;3rn:_3~'I.'. aocl. bud-5]XIti'icg L'o:til July, Ycl1ilDl~ wUi b-e ~~nlyw-~l:;oot.w~th:f$)·e.-\ri .arl..roj~ ~lliiur ~Iw b~dilit lumu,;,d ]000 CO~;,m-f. $lI~ss€lflooMaM(~rosee Elm 5rud~ amaiIa IS bcl:rind th;rtwUdfik.\\."MU~.andf'S.. lk -:a,l"ll"ItJ..""lllaon-oouc1tit'tg~, JK:tially lOO:lJ5. (,...·hick build lhcit 'tM ~&jl':~twn$IJjdW.edne6< :n~tS 'l/i;ry .:I"'$e 1(1 ~he water's d:s.y Cl.lnildilln takll:5_ are thE' edg~ _:U'Et ~d."l.l canadian' bNedi!LK ~too.rnl~ fur.f..U t-e-trtfit lt1kn, (In~l-.. orld.·.$1oo.tl.popt.ilm:i.cJ~ 7<t ~ar-n m?TtI": -or'fO Soel jll~ It"", irupmt:iffit :ic:i;oon1lsl:S' lTilU: w1~,mn!&:IBirliStud:ll'!§CM\,. lb:'5C:l:iil:tdln:tl;~lil.tkmiiitl.t:'r- rnJ~ -in' at#1U'~~'{f:flirilitllMd.1. mg M' 1-$$8--44S'24n en l:a4~ Thr~:tl4}"$t\..1~ been-s-eJ l\$idi!f(lfd:lp.tf~!mh.¥O m('.Q.aeciI5lX1 c1~and.:!Q:uallyllfiau.'=ti~ Ii 1:t'I!( thcl!"limil ,~~~~~~~:~~~~ ~ Irish dance show set for Sunday M hli:l'Ji.'li't i1.::tJvl~f hl.~.!tHt Wt.ifJilUl~Y'l'ntta!l she~_adtyWt";l':t_ Ql.;J;d Ra.~~i(l:,_and ELurU SCbul:!:l k'e'~ cllaI$ed wicll. rntkwtftll «mfi~nt afm _an la:-Y~:jU'~rki W(Ul'l.U1 t:<rmpl:fl.illcd tOJ,lOli£:t. 5r.:h-uh1: j$ ~l~j) -chargedwit:h.sc:rua:~usaul'l. The m1d pol~ m~ W.u l"id woman l'i3d::. ~'k.e.ji wjlL pklc.ed up- by rhE. w -a hmlSc- ;'l.mrbdd ;'tg.i'I~~t ~.r De6!ru::E 'lawyr= toM H.l::_ ~~ £:cl1n JilltlO!RJlb.:!rt.PbWc'd; WMlnts'd.Vtbt:'jllKpt!d rodiilllt-~ IDe- WOOUlr{:;: £\1).1)". Stlg~ing w her roe W<ol~ ' ..i.lh l~wJllisgl:y,.a.nd rhB:t's!oM~llf!"'f!l'rnnfjneJ: ,Thcl.:dal~J'liilt-]S, (JJ'l'lsjt ww-l\·,'bbmc...iI:la.:2_lJI'g!' \-~t.>cl!:~, This is ~iOi¥· Sl'tmn.OOI:. itL\.~jjW~~;lll;"'n'. 00;( ~.VJ 'FA~~iJ_-;:. 'I(}L;;ri.:l (to;.:*, 'Itl;l1~llli.MwH·",ww~IX.l.t'l.i'l ~111~;~~=~~:~ Hdi ~lll.lry JlC~l1'l,. uw jnspi.woo fuf thj$lri:$ ,)~,~ ~haYf ~ i~ -ems ~cy oJ h'~~t.lr.d.~ :an >U1d, 1ft- of sro f'r;ttl.U''ll, pom~~ i D~Qflkvj:w.-W-(;;l1:.iir..;l ~~I.m', Vlill ~.d~ Wl,!h ~,ut,l ~,JUrnl},ZiJlU tiC)' oiw.riteu S1Jd1if~ WJlIi",m ~l,!lJ,!)r~.:;¢s:, ~)' A~~ts. Gf~· <..:.:.:;.:_ (Mi!~l!'i><~~t~t'iij:i~ !1l1lW:: $Up j.[p.: its; thty W~t. the, pa-IJry ll.rn1 J.M.. Synge. ·1;.~fkl.;:,r.!\6t1tL_:>;r'C:l'~ 'rhr uuuic ~V!~l~t;:. ~"io(.~~ wm .set toes lil9pkg a.."'!d h4l.nds SinC'e Rivcroan<::e tmik the world try ~t(lrm. mor.co tbiltt. 10 llWl d.a~~ot !>how~~ ~1! pr~ m caf'i'!cil:)'WdeDf:- t:t, apptaUllg l'Cl" rnl:ll. woJ:ce:1 '<tl'Kl('hThlWiI}f,aUagl:'..'=, Hllrl'l and soft t.hn-e i'llInc~%1S cah::s wQw;h~rful finuilr I:nl~. tahtflll.'nt. 5.<l;ld \l::J.\'l«! dlr-ec'Qt Juk.i~ Muil~ll• .,dd'lJ.$l -lilm of lrt"land Ui au "rnt:billl.1iDg C'l:hk Weti\.lt}e," ThI:!~;iScl:\lwlO.fJ~Da!lc~ 1ng h.a~ ~en -prodtLdtlt Nltt.· (::\iXlmg\lll~:'J:ll)Wl,iu K-i\tnWop~ furm~rhaD ]I)}'E"-ll.n.. "'Th~da~rsMl:tlciL~~t (bl:: ~lY.:t:l\e-tlf tbis Ydl":i s.T.CJW ~nd feh&.~ an. g.O~llg ~V;Siaid Mcll=. "ti"ktt.s .i\fc tI.,,~il;.)bk rrum to1rilloop$ Uw iklx OHke, 2:iSO374--5453.. Mtili rk~ts:i';~ 'SlS• ....·htlt SIlJ&.n:t-',." ~n.1l:ill;.and rJuldwl'l areadr.'lit.[(:d (ur$i25!}. THE APPUCAnON fly l}-:kI./j"6!H(tti'~ t::Q'"-"':a~'C"~te'.fl'I"~ ~-;t Ifl(>JlI-'~ ~~ _I(]IC~ i'<wy.~lj i... dk-'lt"';o:fal;:;:&M-t'~E'!'iJr ~.'I~~ i~ar;~~e"";O':he(('l"lW<l.;:i ~~ .111 ~ltaI-O;Q!:r. t'\al I'Jm~hldo~;()fclr>i. KiC::nqf.i-e ~ St.-"'lIm~'1i:l1l i{~'.1~ ~-e<:t-J:~~~ ~liai~t.:t6~:;M;j!w:~tl irl 01 \\"'J'j~n f.iu!:!~EJ: I-;flilfi~g pruCi:!5 ~~"-ii~"l~i--;!;ic ~~' (,l/,,>;;:J, ~l.tl':,~n",~:~~ ~~~~~~~~i~.~'j~cm~~m-~,ii,;lJ.i':>::t\:',i~d~-~9(l;ri.'<.;.:;?li~~ft:litpp'WIiir;J~ ~~ . pkr'1 irnc I~!diri~ -6~lt j'l\l,."til'1(~ .f!~t¢6: ~;:;'1l-C;\,":">"~~~.1t3'~ :X;l(iXr~::'Eli"Wd ~ ....~~i:' ~~~i A9Pli~~-fj:lJ'~.j~t.!~~~iCjl;~r'l> j~lp.i:tlrJ f..:;, ~~.:wi3I';:~ ~t'Vl:'r,~e~q1J;~-e.:m("I~ f;;' it) ((lW~I~_l't-.\!;;r-~ \It¢tJ;IO'.i!i:cl~i*l\lJ;;;~~::'li~~\!I¥QI.: ~~~.)...!;S irJr¢J~- "TI'--<e.An~~{~~;~ r,--~~ tl~ ~tjlt:>"~t<,)l','h~~.!>:"'1*.~,,~~('(l'j~lji<l"lb~~!""'-M'J)~<f\i:!<!hO-*:tt,():S·.W,,~i\wo:J.~=Jr~I'l~:':J'"'9It[~il~2!liJl!:"!lIW.'i~l'"wf7~~ .... t;< !lrl"i1l~r.;mrl~e'}:l.tr,~,... or~l ttl ~L~;IX:-r,,=<'l;~ . . . fiU!il~GuUt-o.R'!(.PFtOCf-s;S ThiO Co-r-l;rols~wl$b".; tO~~~tl:-<d~fl-R<u'ti.:.la,";=-.Ia"b).' ICSC~.L:J;lJ~~~~v;;;!1l,/e~i!q:.:ite~~nUA~l>6~oofOf B.:r>Oclrl~~l'~;]J"< QI-';xwt~lyt(lL.wd~lstilfHJtlE'~~tvrtbt,Ap.,3B:-.:.:i:sLiucl,ri"~'<OJ~St~W-l"I~~"iL»'~~!;ffi.li!lt\,lipl='l;.,:J1ilU'iwiiliJ~~¥C:.::-.i!~t¢!i.l~~wil~ (ofi&"r'l~oc*G·aS·lCI.Atw.~'!'!NWCfl~~S5sf.M-Mmli':'l~:i:loi~.:!01lJS.tIi!.w:1liI1"':JFl£\tfll:.;.;nt<1~'Il:~i«:; ;,;,,=...331 ....i~~t>~uthe- t:r;.."mj:,~:.e&'l'''"'s1i~t1{l!!l~fo l:2thf~ J;1~ ~~~,~';.~-::~.!"" OC~ 'll'u-:~oj">,,.k;~.J,;;!l:'~i}-"W"llff"'!!lg-il~9.00~ ...,." tuSUC INSPEcnOH Of THEIoPPUCAI10N r~W~\lln!i,"I~~~!'lut.'~~q:W-('-":\ff'll'~"-\l\lo;"l,t'·~~'<I~~tin-g't"4t~w9jf,;~_~~~;~:tJb!~r~1i'l.-;pt~~on~~f;;;e~1.1~ICOC~>:¥,l.::tffi"" lx",'o<,,,¥ • ~IC'X-r:ii ri;;;j~ ~ f"11~G('C;'l'~.(l:1o::"i(~~:n- ~:;'~"'~~;.ef'ri'l~E('re::Ii"}E.~.( C!i';I'l]:<'_ [';':-';; ~\t':;i~-"i'Uf~G.1d, ~~~; g{ 1(j~ k>.p.!j[';'lOOor::,!!tO \:..=pC~::l'li:'1";!tf'ti!~ w~\ l.l;.o::; ~ l"!'.l!j.. ..Jl:il.~~U'..e:,~t1~'" lffiiC:H.nc:l Dti<:~a! ~~'1 w~~ r",?'Jr'l~. ~~()Jtr. "~O<O';,j,'e:.oc.¢I"l t>*:;:~~m~tp~...:jdx:cO;ll\"'r.d.o:~l:h,,{{)~~'ii~o;f!~l:., )-oo~FMl?_~~~S~;rr, ¥ .. r;~~SC t!'d:' l($[ 8ECiJ:5URJNG lC fA~n&ATE ~ PRESS COUNCIL We are Responslbte to OUr Readers "The Karnioccs. Dairy News ~:;. oommttte-d to rn;tl pubUs.'1iog ~taJ1darQs and we Ptir!:m~ whr; ~f'l.' l:J .:iItti.-'nd :l\{'$t'''''-twWa~kL~:'5Ji'.Ir.;~n-alt<1-'''':_irelj(j:;J'lti'~t&';.; ~~ PJU!~~O(:"~~rl'(iht~ ... ~ :r:'!t<J"-"t'r*"j.~t3 1~\;$l""..J~~iWL L-'l!:""R"r~t~IJ~jw~::tFiN dt~Il'~'t~_.Illl =~~r."l~a~f:>t'd !lu.['..Mnt<'!~. P"r::ilr.~wit:h ¥: T!"cwMtm mtl fJr;-a-.'l'd:"q~ tlUt ~ .u~~ l:'~~~w--i'tOxli>'C!iy~!fki;.ilr"'~lI:~ rt'\Ji-~~,.~~;r.t.(';'.Mot~P,a.:tl[";;md".,il!~erM!~",,,-':1?7 «!;hl" 1,-j:.:'M,,~l'¥)'a~~ ~~~tdirr..F,""T!Of*':0 MlJI:'d.i'!.-.dt:..,G=<3~~i(.,;!·~I)x.~"'t;,if~I~-~li'_ ~"'I'::~-",,~,il"ld ~1~1e-;; ':>.. r!~'?!'~oOu:ld l-.·.,r':~lrl·'l mi! (or;l'-";'5-l~ S",Ui"t~_i$Wf":lt'.q.c!' ~Ku~nLt: !.U:~~li.w~ 'tJ:l' T::"e,~ }oj-Mel.;';. ~1~m~!lO!i, ~"\t~;;,r?,~~~E", .. ~hI::~ 1fu:;1"!II~n't9,;:,~"I'4tN;i3:~k«WCl!W':Q~-"~.lr1~~r,~~,9."¢i<i£,~if~~ ,.ti:~tT-~!\~liK.'!l ormelr ,:;l~~1il)m"," ~IO:w~''''O!1l R."..,~-X:fl~~~ • .::.ppb:"w;)i>I1dltl~tif"'~~~y~ '--'~o1-ofl~_15iVP.!idm~h<wm;;.: ~t"'e<:Il~~rJ_?;~>;;LJrirl!j lh~ pro~~&~~"td ihS'':"..ltl",1t'.Y'@~X'..Ell~.(lf-I~: ~i;;:~~ iflM~i.~lo~:i'>"iWI .l{["0l~;J~;>_ cr! 1M,",~~M~e:mfi.:5_:.:Jrl by<O'.UjZfd~~r-f.l'~,"r~.m~e ~~rr~k. The Be Press CQurn;J wUl e.Xm'litl$;;(ly~r1re~ !.s:lUeS'on.YC!.lrbCOO1'f. F« tnOre tnfunnatioo, cnntact 1..n.s3-687~12 'ft"'N1Y.~$'OQ~I,Qt1I 1.;.~~w: rf.1Qr.bm.er. f\Jll1ll<~ I_RM~Tl(>~ jr.,~;::rc;';q,{'oo.:.Ji:1.<'~ ·H:'~:~r:dl~ l.~::i"ty ~;.41>::on: 1-. :;'~;tj,;;p;;r:n< G\:~"I~tl>f. &'i~b"'"f.ollol'l".bi~ U(ji~t;:Q~.".;~~t:I'l~~ .?I:.;>al~v.-"~~ {Clrt..:;li:.::~·~.,."'~'>i-'.:j~l';~~;,u,.~_b-:~,,::!l)'\'jDoc~l'It:;:u""'d·;:'i;-.eli?~1i:~LG;..oi* klrf~nhl'r ':"<fcm:;,ic!1. ~",<ri~'»<"-Ult': ""~. T~:, (6C~)6OV ..POtl f~im;:~: ;;w.<1660-11OJ ..:(l&, 2la."''' Hm;~to":,. U::rr,m;5:':i=5E-i:;r......My.~fci~::'r.5. S_L.:Qlfr"e: ~·~:<Jk l-iW~P~ ('G=k.s~S~n(~>~"".("~ ' Y.-.O.e... ¥',...,__ ~ .... ;",""'H~~~1b;=;. [l~~ ~,~PI;j~ l~ l1M'! ~<n, )'i!i'I~~ ~, •referred to in the .. at.l:J...~kt}).~.Q~S.er. f Brit:sh Columbia 11le iM'a SdlOW or t.rMll Dt10cA in)'; will ;..re~n~ {u it~;1rcend ~ redklltiASW1d2}\ iti ti:1l:' (rom om aoonylnOOs 1> . , 20.\0.. ~ t .. -------------WORLD - - - - - - - - - - - - - A9 THE DALYCOURlER,. THURSDAY. JUN.E 3. 2a1<1 WORlDjf~r.H Lightning strike hurts 9 at Yellowstone YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo..-Alighlningslriks irlY~lowstooe Natiorial Patk ~jw"ed !liM people walli1g to see Okl Fa:lhfuI geyser-erupl One mat1 was. hospilaf!2ed wMe Ihe alhers.sufferedminOl"rnjuries.. Yellowsl.one spokesman I'J Nash sald tt;e Ughlning stn.JckTuesday afiemoorl. He said a 57-year-old marl, whose name was reteased. was tak'i!o to E~lem ldimo Regi-on31 Wiedi~ center in Idano F31ls. ]\laho.. "il' Nash~d his e;:onditinnWliSnot:ellai~ able bLJt :stvTle by:!!tanders performed CPR on him before mngers arl''-ved. Sellen oiJ"lers complaln]ng: or shortl1I!SS 01 breaL\ Ingling or numbness WlW treat&':! and releasel:l from ad Faahful ainJc:.,YIil~1! aninlh P€'l'SOflstruckdidnot seek mooc:aJ alIenlian. More than 100 victims come forward GENEVA - The Swiss Si!;hops' c.ooterencereportsthaI104~~ came furward this year as .allege<! 'victims cl:>eJ;; BWS-e by church em~O'J. res itl Switzt::rl8nd. The coun.try's hfg'hest catholic bad~ says the people reported the.abuse be- tween Januaryaoo May, tulmosloflhe allegations dale from before 1990. The reports claim wrongd\ling by BP stumped again in latest effort to stop oil Plan to use saw to thedepartment did not nmne s~ ktlrgetsfQrprosecut:ion. Shares in Btitish·based BP PLC were dol'ill three per cent Wednesday mt:lrnlng:in London tradiDgafiera13percentfa1ll:be day reIore. BP has loot tI5 hillkm in m3Ttet rnlue sinc:e Ule 5]iill staTtJ;d wilh an April1{lQiJ rig explosion and =lysis expect _ claims tototalbilliQllii:tIIm-e. In FJortda. officials CQnflt'l'lle!i an oIl sheen 1'ue5da.y about 15 kilorrP-!res !rom Pe=ooIa beoell. wbere cut pipe stalls when blade gets stuck ByThe Associated Press P ORTFOL'RCHON,Ia- The liQi;y effort to oontain 'the worst U.s. oil spill hit a snagWed.n~when.adi· amond..ffigErl.:law bam.me stuc};; in a thick pipeo.n a bloi'.'ll-Qutweli at the botromaftb..e Gulf ofMexlOO. Ooo>t Guard :.dnL Thad AIlen said thegoal~ to free the saw and finish the rut later m tbeday_ 'I'hi:; is thelatestattelt1lrttomntain - not plug - the gusber_ The t.;st cMncea! stlippingthe leak is arelief "'-!ill, which is. at least: twll rnonll1s from completion. "I don't tlllnk the issue is whellier or not we can.m:ike the second rnl. Ifs about how fine we c:<in make it. how smooth w:e can make it,.. Allen said. IftI'ffi',5 make 1ha Cllt. they will Irytopla~a~ponwpoftbecil spewing out This cut-and-cap effort could temporarily in~~ the fl.ow mc'Jil bj'a.<i mudl<lS';!}par cent. though Allen. said ofilcials v,o;;,uldn't knoi'i whether that had happened the surnmBr tourism seawn was iust .._""""". Winds were forecast fD. blow from the south and west. pushing the slickc1ffieilDbilli:he;;onF1mid.a's Panll<mdlein the state's northti'est roo~p,-....- This ima,ge made fn:lm videa provided by British Petroleum, Wednesday :;;htlwsthe sileofthe Deepwater Ho!iJ:ol't Dil spitl. ern Florida's wtrite sand beacb!>s for the first time and investors rnn from BP's stock for a ser.cnd day, reacting to the rnmpany'sfailure to plug the leal\ by shoot:ing mud and cement into the well, known as the top kilL The JliStLUi! Department also hos until tile cut could be rompleted. ~ may h:r~e to bring in<l S€O:lndsav.'lfthe delayrontinues, and !hey are shooting cbemir.al disIlffi'!i3lll'i at1heoille:akingout ofille new cut ADen said onl;B tlle cui is. made, crews v.ill inspect it and the cap oouUI he placed. orer the spliL announced it stlrted crtrttinal and ThB effort undffi'WaIB:r W3S going on as oil drifted close kJ nm1hw~t- ei\'il probes into the spill, although Emargeocy crew5 began scouring 1he beache5 fOr oil and shoring up mi1e:>ofboom. County officials will m.e it to block oil from reacbJng inl:md wab:nr.'Jys, but plan to leave beaches unprole.cted because they are too diffimlt to proted: and ea.sier' In """,,,up "It'!i inffitable that we liIi'ilJ see it on the be<lehes," said Keith W"'J1kins, deputy ehief ofneighbour· bood an~ community services for Escambia C<lunty. 72clrurrtlofficials TheBislmp!s'Coffierenceputl~the "figures Wednesday along wfth pledges to nghlse.>: atuu. agail'l~~ miMl"S.. It publ1sh'=Cl no name" of derg)'men s~~ofaWse. But it lllilYS Ihe church .....m.rl-d now report allegations to poticewl'leJI tilel'1! is "legally!iL.rlrrietJlsuspidon: The GaIhOOt::01wclJ LnSNitz€:riandhas been.crncize.1inlhepaslfotoo1't efiOOUl"aging alreged abuser'S 10 har'ld" lhemT se/ves;in, Millions more in aid for Africa BRUSSELS, Be%lium- The European Union 0r'I Wednesday pwvidad ano;her C$29 rliIl50n in Iood OiIr'Jd J'1"I.E:di:ca1 Bid li:H' dr'OlJghl-.slricken l1Qrlh African nations. . EU Development Comm~ssio~er Ktisl.alinOl Georgiev.atold"reporlerslhat ti'1e aid forth!! semiand" Sahel regioowill help prevE'nt a ca!as!roplle becaLlse l1le sil3Ja;~on iJ;; ·gettillg WOI1Se by the da.\,,: Taliban launch attack on peace conference KABUL, Afghanistan - T<lliban. mlliUmts launr.hed a suicide attack on Af.gillmistan':; nottiona! Pe<lce l;onference Wedn!lsday as President Hamid Kamai interrupted his opening: remarks to reassure n-ervous delegates bearing the thump ofroc.kets and i3ttle of gunfu.e spite skepticism in Washington about whetbi::f the til:ne is. right for an o\'erture to militant lead· ers. But the attIl;K underscored the 1l·ciJ.b: grip of Karzai's govermnent in the face the Taliban insurgency, which has stn:ngthenBrl despite outside. recnrd numbers of U.S_ farces in {"{Jltntry. "~1J de3l' Taliban, yeu are t','elcom.e in your own $Oil. Do not burt this. country,;md don'l d<'!s.troy (It kill yoursell;es," Kanai told the some l,BG~ dele~res in bi.s ope1lmg address, wbich was broadcast nationally on state television. But he said militants who caused the d8il.ths of Afghans - an apparent refenmea to al-Qaida No delegates j'·iere harmed but at least two at· tackers were killed in fighting with Afghan se.curity forces near the giant tentenK:ted fo:rthe threMay gathering, oDlcWs said, The Taliban claimed resp.onsibility for the a1' trick in a phone call to The Associated Press. The confenmc:e, known as. a Jl'H8-D!! jirga. continned_ Kaw.f nopa;; it will bolster him. poI~tj· cally by endo:rs.ing his. strategy of 'Offering incenti'li'es. to individual ToUban fighters and resching out to the. insurgent l.eadership, de- or leaders ~ deserved no Symp;ithy_"Those people wbo are killing innocent:;., punish them," Karzai said. Karzai said yean; of vic-!ence and infighting had driven thous.ands of Afghans 10 join tht: Talihan and another major insurgent group, Hizb-i-Islotmi, out offear. He said continuing fighting would only prevent the withdraw,,! of international fortes from Mghanistan. "Make pe·~ce with me and there will be no need for foreigners here," Kanai said. About HI minutes. into his speech, Karzai was briefly interruptsd by an explosion Olltsid~, which 'POlice said VI'as a rocket. Karzai beard the thud. but dismissed it. telling delegales, ~Don't worry. We've heard th1:; kiI(d afthing before." An AP reportE-r nrorby hem!. a loud expl~i(m .and saw smoke rismg from a !iee<lnd apparent rOt:ket that s!tU<:k about 100 metres- from the venue. The.EUfTlrneJIt:lrf.!ger.Cilact.~f\'3: Faso arid no.r9'lem N~eria .....111 prioriliIe med aid 10 malnourished children and pregnant and rIlJrsing women The blJlk (J~ til!! funds will go 10 Niger and ChOid. The EU has .lllreacJy ghl€l1 C$3O mittiOll totlle region this year. ~1nI1 fiJXlfl. 9Q[) troI'I'C:STR~ImX~(l VANOJUYBt. 8..C. Aid agenCy Oxfam says more money web dIe: is needed and thai Nig~r has only Ieceived hair or tile C$146 mllK;r'l it says it ~Z2N3 CAN.*.DA ~ttp://www.bc:lJc.com needs locopewith thedrougntan::l U.N. agencies. in Chad ha\le OI1ly QOl20 per cent of the funds the\" require. Porn actor accused of killing 1, injuring 2 loS ANGE:LEs - Po~ce adorkiled~coUeagueand say a porn iIljuredt'Ml other:;; with a prop we8pon durin9 a lals l1ight shWo'dc:M'r1 at the Lo.s Af,geles $oWdiawhere Ihey.allworked. Po~-ce DetectiYe Joe! Pl'ice saidthe.aJ· legedallad\e(had bee1livingattheadull -entertainment business for several months bul his ooUea91les told him he ll<'Jd to m..k.e other mangements by Wednesday. Price sl'I'fll Sleven Hi~ 3ttar:Jted 3 ro~ league in lhe back of the buildlng afler work Tuesday wilh a machele-lika WIlapol'l. ThI.lm!ay,.hmI!U',2alc. D-He-ofR.eIliNlWi:lri:in.gSeuioo:. O:>mm"'l<3"!lat'fflOil.J'll. -r-!nlV C(ll'TuPlnloroliem1rogRaoom Ulf,FIoot.'IZ5H."....,~ Va."UDUYeI',II.C.V!i.Z:2KE- A Commi5~: THEAPPUCATION By OrdoetG·-r,i'H(lth~ Commis.<J:~ol'l detetmirr~ :t!la't rt in fu't\lr"i' yoeaP.i.-ICac~ ;;;etl.Jari~11y ~ndl~~d rate dungl: for BiiSJc::: iru-ura;nl;;-l: m-e-etsth~ aiteriil as :§.p«tfied In that Order, thl:n l(llCmqtil~a Stl'l::amllnc:d R~~uc: .Fl.t:qulrcmenncAppll~tic-n to-bt addNiuea in i1 Wri'tte!l. P\.lblic Healing proce~5 ilS .d~scrl.b~d In thn Order. Price says two olhars who he.an::l 1M man's saeam'Sranto help him and\Wr"e -also sitalXed betcre Hililled the scene. Boy, S, dies in locked car NlCOSlA. Cwus-Cyprlolpolicesay ~ fi\le'--yur-oldb::ty died in alockedcarirl hol~er::d'lerhiS51J~fatherW'35 Cil,TIec!avGfjfor.anf!l"lW9enr:yoperntkln POUO:I onWe.inesdaysili'rhemDdhlld sta)'ed in lF1eparked C31"W at feaslnin-e nour.;. TemperallJr£S. oulside were up to jlC On Jlr'i..l)' 31, 201D, 100Cnleod a 2\l'OStreilmli~ed: R~venl.le ReoClulrem.. ntsAppli~tiori ror B~5!cinsUT",n~l"clljdlng ~nApp~atlofi for a-pprov;ll-er:! pl:m ~"'Ilardin!j8<l~,~i~lJf:m~~U:'5~ ~pitO\I i1V-il~~ble (thl: ... 010 SI1Nmlim:d R~ll~f! R,,:-qIJ·Lrl:m,=,nt::> Appl,~tianJ-.lnthe AppliGtion, ICBCilppliedffJr -iIpprtlvall)freYl!nu~ rl!qulreml!nu to! Its 2mOpoHtYyear and apProYjol of ij, plilljforBailc ItUlJl:ilTlc'I! -eJ(~5 alpmtl;Iv.l.i1;l,ble. The App~cation met the .a\urla fur::\ me~m1iljed rwenue rfol:lu'EI"l"~!'l~:.ppli~tlo~ M speclfie-d In Ord~rGT65--1(j.:IS it~eek!:;Jl; fat", dlan!i1e tha.l is either" ~tl!d~Ql:iIJ''':01-1% r;,>r 9l'Eatt-r, and lBsthOlon aT equ~1 toll iI L5% lnCl'un. nU:;.REGLtLATORYFROCI:SS The Ccmr.'lE!;:i~on wbhl:5W ~l"CilJre1hatallp.al1lt.! afftct:td bylCBCs 20105tr~ilmlinedReve"uc: lh:quilem!r1tsAppIiFWilt:lon for Bui-e: in~ufi.na- have- a 1"1 opportuTllryto Imde-rsti.nd the basis for the AppliG1ltion. Th~ 2010 Stre.1lmlined Revenueo Requjremel1ts Appli~tl .... ~ Wm bt re.,.itw~ 111 a~rd.l.~ wilh Commi»icr. Ordl:rG-l3~-lll'.A ReviewWor:klrlgi ~ion Wbth !opec:ttothc 2t110Streamlint"'d Revenlie Rcqllirvrumt:5 "'ppl~atl-cn. wHI be- h~1d atttle er.mm~lcnHoI!artrlg Ftoom Dn the 12th Flcor, 1125 H-ewe Stren, VancclNf'r, BCen Thurn::lay,June 17. 2010 .:»mmendll9;1t 9:0D :l..lYl. PUBUCiNSPECTJON OFTlIEAflPUCATION Thl! Streamnned Rav.cnu.:: nequi~~ts Applic:::ation and suppcrtin.; m~teorial wi~ b-e made avaltablefc:r tn~Po£':etI0rl atthefollowin.g ICBCfi.eld affic::e IOl;<ltlr;,>nl' The boy died "fuesd.ay in Ihe 10WI'1 of 'U:maca, ou(sj~~ thl::priwloE!dillic~ llis~lherWOJks PalireSi!'fthe40-~-oId5IJl"9eonwas; driving the boy to school, but was stde-trad:..ed byarl emergel"lC)' caR and spent tlle-dayirlSU]ety. He remembered Ihe ~ aftt!! his ~fe called to ask. where !he chad was. An",ulopsyruledool heatslrokeorsufrocatiQll as tne cause of-death. biJt10und H'lallhe b::Jy had alleart defe<:l Nn r..har!Jes: I1ave been til-ed. Experts cautious about cobra V1EN~Au:slJia-E;.:pertsaretaking oo-chalic:esYoithanAsian«tK:a,naleve:"l ooe tow1d i"I a bw. .....lUi the l'neSS"'lJe, -I am no Iongervenomous.· The Austria Press Agency says a YoQm<ID foond the semeo cardboard box Il1 a.P3.rkonTIJeSday.~lpckedituP. snook it - mtI somet!ling m.?Ved inslde,a the rnb:lefltiied WOI'll<m was qooled as S3:y"'9 ~;;~;;k;~'Affid~~i;~"""" "~ within Brirish Columbia - Ke-Io-wn;a Cla!m Centl'~ 172Cl Sprii1;fi~1d R-ead, • ~IQ~ BcC Prina Ge-orge d ...imunm:.4I'101 -15th Anrlul; pnna-Ge-t1rge.. B.Co The App1iatlr;,>n .md ~"'PPClrtin~ 1Tl~tl:rl<i.l will abo be rmde ilvaU-able at tht: lr::BC: Head Offi~ "t 151 Wc:st bplarlilde, Nal'1h Va!'ltolMlr, ftC.-on the ICSC website it hnp:lfWWW.Jcbc.com.and atthe Commls~ion Offices..Six'th Flocr, POO Howe StIllet, VanctllJwrBC REG1STERINGTO PARTICIPATE PoI!rsc-rn wnc eoxpect'tD ilo~ndthOO' Review Wcl'tjTig SusJon i1:1d actively participatol! in the proceushauld rl.'~1mroM Interven~r:s witll the CcJ.mrrtisiion. l"tefY~e~ will n:('!!l~ mp<.g o1''fl',.. f1rLhgl.:"IH o;>rn:SPQndem;e .md filed dfJUlrnwb. Pi£!~ol-I'I§ Wlm:l.n ~nurenl!1 th~ pr!)Q'l.'dl!l9i but who :Irt! not l!Xpl!nihg til iI.;;tI~ly ~rtidp:a1J:" st-..,.l,Jld ttg'~rer;A:iln~rffie-d f'.arti:,=,~;anJ:i wl~ re~ive attnl: IMrodumJryo,aptergftnl: fi~n!iJf, ...ll ord~ ~lJed..(Jnd the CDmmlMlon's Otti!;lcn,lfappllCil:ble.. iI (;oPY Intervem:11 ~nd ~nre~tt'd P"rtics$l-;oi,lld inform 'the C¢mm~km-SI:CRtilry,inwritinl;l or d<:ctrrJntt:iubm.1s,sion,.b)'ThW'Sday. Jl.lrle 10, 2010 ofthe]r inu:ntic-ns,.ilnd advise wh.ll'thlutlu)'lnwnd toattena nil!: Review Working SoI!S5iO-ll.lntol!rvIi!ners ihould iPfilfjc.ally JU~"'I.': nlltIJre drhl.':1l'~l'M'lin the ~~S:d~:;:~rth~:~r~~~=n~n~~t~~~~~~~~:::~~~~=~:~:~:~~~~~~~:~n~n~~-cri:~l.'ur~~:'~e_rNil is ".:;oo:pt:lble:, All wbmlsii-ens iHld/c-r corrMpoQl"la<:nCf' M:~ivM tr(lm.a.~ panidpan'fi or d\r:publ~~ ~lil.tIh51 tQ'l;i,..: ;o.ppil:Ol.tioo will be ~ tr;,>tne (Qmm~r;,tTI'~w~b~~. pl~o::d on 'thl: pu'blit:=ro ;and FURTHER INFORMATION A topyoflhC' dCUJrnen't~Urld<:~t<lndin!ilUti~rty Flell'ul<ltir'In~APilrtjci~r.u'Guide tathe S-ritlsh Columb~ Utiliti" CommiS5ioN" is availa!:lleoon the G:lmmillion'iweb'iiteatl'lttp;[IW'HW,bcu~m/CDCUmflnt5/Gujd.eIinesIPlIrtldpiltlt:_GLl.ldl.':,P<l( Ftlffurtheorin.fonnatkm, pl'l!<l~e Cllnti!letMs.&1ca M. H.mhon, Comminion SoI!anary•.llfolloVl'£ T~ll!':ph('>n~ Faa~11l1le: {~660-4700 (604/660-1102 s..c.. TQnF~ E-mail: l-1mD·~~U65 Com:T.lb$lor..se~TY@.~c.com anadaE"ltWOrid l1'iLJl'5day. June], 2010 Merni Valley Tunes • S Top doc thinks H1N1 program had bugs lineups at public clit:J.ics and doctors' offkes.. Often, the province had. more vaccine than it needed, and then found :itself ....ith a shortage dulingthe peak or the outbreak., said King. Onl.ario initially Qrdered 19 million doses of the flu vac;:ine, but eventually cut that order to 13 million. Only five D:liUion doses were .f:ventually given out, and the majority of the vaccine has UNDA NGUYEN CANWEST H~S SE:FNlCE Ontario 'received little co-Grdination from the federal govern- ment on the deli\r-ery of the HlNl flu vaccine last year> resuUing in supply.-and-demand ne!!ds nBVRr being balanced, ac.cording to a reportreleasedWedn<>daybytbe province's top doctor. Dr. Arlene Kmg, Ontuio'sChief Medical Officer of Health, said the provin~e "did not re~eiv.e expired. good information" about how much vaccine was a\"ailab}e and hoI."/' l1luch was going to be <fullv- Health Minister Deb Matthews could not say how much the ered to Ontario. ''There waS never an alignment between HiNi vaccine supply The report found that vaccinationratesforH1Nl varied greatly across the .country, ranging from 35 to 80% of the population in some provinces. These rates also differed in Ontario cities, with Ott..awa reportingthe highest vac· c:inationrate at 55~/. and Toronto the lowest at 35%. UIIllSed.vaccine cost thBprovince. demand and our capacity to deliv- Reo:istered nur.;e Giselle Dela CnJitdelivers, needle c:ont3ininl~ the HlNl vaccine at: a wccinatll:ln dlnic In North Y01tl, OM. [CAN'h"i:STNE"HS $Ell'i"K.I:] er it." she said at a news conference at Queen's ParlL "The vac· cine supply chain was out of 01..U· hands and at times, so was the d.E!mand.Howe\W. thecapacity to deli\'ef an influenu w-c.cme- (ell squarely on the province." Last year's w:a'l.-e of the HINI flu virus spread quickly to more than 2O(J countries.and led to the When the federal government deaths of 17,700 people world\\ide. forced Ontario to wait for infox' In Canada, a total of 426 deaths mation, it left -provineial health offjeia Is. scrambling to make last·tninute de<:isions about who should get priority for the ThJni· flu vaccine, culminating in long to date have been attributed to the outbreak, which began in the spring of 2009, The majority of the deaths occurred in Ontario, Working out is going to the dogs If's. a common dog---()"Jy"llCC dilemma: Go-to thE3"gytn while-the dog s:it.sat homo'l or sacrifice the workout to walk the dog? So Megan Rogers "''as thrilled to fmd a way to exercise herself .and her best four-legged friend, Ruby Thureday; at the same time. time saver, because normally I would come to fitness class and longfi1:nessandjntegrateaSnJueh of your family or your dog :intQ the then [would go walk the dog." id.ea,"Tsesaid. Meeh, and train for an upcoming oolay race at the same time. neville said before the start of class. my dog'sfit:ressandwlthmoreof a 'I11e boot campis gearedto bulnans, but dog,<an1help but bernrlit from the exercise as W€D. says Chris 'The. """ Ieods the class ~ith 1\illow per. sonal tlain::r,Jenny Newman. "We're trying to eneOU1'3ge life- Have your say • . ·•· 1&111 Ltd ~""""""'.oolhlsslc;yto ',-'~mes.net.Lettef!irru:<;t jncktde-your fi_~ .'1M' lastr.:mes.~OMli3ndaphonenumbec "":r:::: .. ~"Md k(J -~ Seniors Week June 5 • June 12, 2010 Enter to win a co-op coffee mug with bonnmless refills plus. $;.00 gifl<.ertifieate that can be rEdeemed at either location. Enter to "in at Beaver creek or Jobnston Road Locations lenging cardiovascular workout running hilhi with Newman and her dog Chewy, and the rest doing fun-ctional -exercises with Tse, while their dogs take a break. They then switch Farly minutes later, the grt)ll,p h"dsb.ck. """,,\yand spen~ lWi with theirtongues hanging out of the-irmouths. Quen- tronic trackiDg system, a clearer "chain of coJIllnand" from Ottawa and more power for the chid medical officer to standardiz.e the distribution of vaccinations insh:ad of relying ah multiple public health units to m.ake their owndecisi(ln& Aful1review on Ontario'sbandling of the H1Nl crisis will be availablein2011. IaU"""JinIOfr,~ d-ogpark. There, the groupfs split in two, with half getting a .ch.a.1· H Kingmadfl~keyrecommen' dations in the.repm, calling for the implementation of an elec- WANTED! is. sa appealing to neigh· blursJ>nGlooUEzand_Quenne.ille that !bey dIive to Edmonton ,so this ority groups. such as the elderly, young, the sick and pregnant women did indeed bring down infection rates, ~~ The idea able to :incorporate myfib:1ess 'i'tith :full.body workout:' Rogers said or -fuIl.obstaclecourse:3, trailnmning and rasiBtance training that are part of the twice-a-week program. <lIt's bonding time. and also a track medical records, and said health officials may nerer know OWnets and their dogs are brought together for a meet-and· greet before the first session, to see For Jessie Krefting, Pack Pursuit means !>he can walk her dog, The pair were aID.'Ollg the fin;t to sign up for Pack Pursuit, a new, six·week o-utdoor boot camp run byan Edmontoh fitneSS rentre. "It's absolurely incredible to be King blamed the discre-pancies on the province's illilbility to if the plan to immunize high-pri- DRAW DATE IS June-14, 2010 r&J SPONSOREDBY~ o]51JiijltllfM'i!@iii:%J( ~;m.etmMd. u.s. following * =1'= AilPENDIXEt toOrdKG·8;S·10 Cuba's political prisoner relocations SIXTH fLOOR, 900 HOWE STRUT, BOX 25-iJ VANCOUVER, B.C \/61:m:s. (MAD/\, ,~l~~hibit • -c; Wf.bsit~~hnpJ!www.bm::.(om FACSIMILE, (fi,Q4) z~ affidavit of.JJ1dJ. stk..l(}/lr:b.mt.-.': . N()ilC:j::6FR~:viE:WW6RKINGSEssjC:1WJorn before me at.d..VM.Cr.qy.V.e£. . i!>sc CAMWEST HEWS 5ERVtCE p: •referred to in the 66O-]I0~ . 1~;.,R~CfCO~~RAT1~"OF.~,n;;;~~L~~.;~ .. WASHINGTON· Th. United in the Province 0 aware that Cuba has relocated some of its political British Columbia States is of.. !.<!:-KI;?' prisoners closet to their families., md urges Havana to free aUsu<:h D~b! detainees, a State Department spokesmansaid Wednesday. "We are dosely follOWing the :reports that some political prisonershave been:relo~ated to jails in their home provinces," said ofReYiI!WWori:.ing 5e!sio~ lime; , Comm-e-lltil1g M9:<lO ",.m, lO(lItJon, O:lIJ1'flI,:;ioroHi:.,;lringf,.I;J.om '2iliFl[][]r,11~I1(lWl;'$\Ie.et V.2lflm~.B.c\l6Z:zKR Charl.esLuoma,Overst:1'eet "WfJ hope that prisoners of con!?cieru:ewill bereleasedu.noondition- aUyand in the-very nearfuture,"he caid in an email to AFP. Tuesday, Cuba's commuuist government started relocating politie.al prisoners closer t'Cl theIr families after -church-government talks aimed at ending politically embarrassing huns€r st.rikel;, dissident and family SOI.lI'«S sald. The action came after talks launcbed May 19 aimed at ending hUllll"fstlik<sinSUpporlof tbepolitiC3l~whichha\-~become 3 major pohtkal embarrassment for President Raul Castro. So far, the Cuban gO\'€t1:lment moved six political prisoners to jails closer to their families. on Tuesday, the Archbishop of }{a,,'"3n3's. office announced. ':As '....em.ve said before, we jo-in many respected 3Ct'Of$. induding the Catholic Churrh., In calling on the Cuban government to release .allCubanllrisonun;of~," the u.s. spokesmBn arlded. The relocated priwn-ers aU are among the 5Sdissidents still jailed. after a major 2003 roundup that sent 75 Cubans tojail. Last week Guillermo Farinas, a dissldent on a three-month hunger strik.€,. said the Cuban gm--enunent would take the steps. Farinas went on his latest strike demanding that 25 sick political prisoners be freed before he would end the ptolest.. Q,=hofficiah_lalmththe gm.wnmenton behal( rLFarinas. An oppositionjoumalist, Farinas began his 23rd hunger- strike sin~ lOCO-denyingbothfoodand ...-ater -the day3fte,1ea<lingCubmdissi· dent OdandoZapata WOO onFeb. 23 folJo-wingan 85-day bunger strike. , 20,1.0. TiucrsdOl)',Ju~!! 17,2010 "-'=_......" . . ~. _.. nil: ApPliCAtIoN ByOrderG-.-6S·10the Commls~jOfl determined that if, II'l futul" ~ar~,lC\.K'£ac:tua.rilllly ~ndiG3t~d .r.ate [mnge for Basic lmlJr.m[e rne-ets the criteria ;IS ~pedfied in thilt Order.lhen ICBCmayfilea Stre<lmlilled Revenuefiequlremertts Appli[<ltiDn to be.addrrm(!d inilWrittoEtn Public Hellringpl'OCE-S5 as desmbed in !Mt Order. OnMay31,2010.ICBC fil~d ~ 2010 sncamlirled Revenua Requlr'!:menl~Appl~C"alion for Ba51[ il"Lsur3nre induding 1lnApplicotionfor.approvalofa plan regarding B.as.i>: ~n$Uf<Il~..:e eX~H..::apilalav<lllable (the 201(l Stre<lmiined RevenueAequJrement:i A.pplj[iJ,tionJ.l.. theAppli~tion,ICBC applied (or approval of reveflue requirements forrts 2010 policy ye.ar .and approval of.'l plan fQf 6<isi( Iru~tiln~e ,,)W~Ss ..::ap'f[al .Q1IOIrlOlble. The Application met the <:rilerii! for i! ~tre;lmlil1ed revenue r~t.JjlCmelntsappli[iltio-n a~ -s.PE'c~l2d in Oldl2r -G-65-10 as it seeks. a rate chllnge that Jse~e:ra r;ue d~[re;;5e or-l%Qrgrealer.ilnd" fes-s.thanoreqU<lltoa 1.5% inae<lse ' THE REGULATORY PROCESS Tho:- Commissjefl wid'les to er1$ltre- tim all p;<nie~ ;offecred by leSC's 2010 Streamlined Revenue Re.quiremeflts AppllciJtion for Basic insurance- 1l.:lVe iHl opportunity to understand th'ii" ba5i1 forth .. Application. The :201OStreamllned RevE'fllle Requirements App1i~tionwill be re:v~wed Ina(o,d"n~e witn Comml~~ion.OrderG·85·10, ARevj~wWorkjn.g S~~iDnwllh rm.pec=l toth\:>, 2010 SIIellm!inedRevefl'.fe ReCluiremenTS App~iGUiDnWjll be ~!d;lt tl"1eCommlssion rle.aring ROOm¢l'ltneU(h Floor, 11:2::5 Howe StTeet Vancouver, Be ofllhul>day. JLlne i7,2010<:omme-nclngat 9':OOa,m. PUBLIC INSPECTION OFTKE APPLICATION The Stre<lITllined Revenue Re-qulremeills AppnGltion~nd s:upp(}('\"lng matt":ri<!1 'Will ~ made <lvatlable for in~pection<ltthe follov.in'll1C6C field office locatioru: • i{;;'O]Q..... MCl3imCentrl:'.ln05prlr'J.g~ld • PrinceGl!'orge Claim C""nlre,4001 -15th Ave:nti~ PrinCE GeOlgl2:. R.C. Roa'Cl.I<r:lowna,8,C TheApp!lc<ltlonand'SuppOlting t'I\<Itl!'r~lwilJ3fsobe made available iltthe leBCHead Offi<;eallS1 WellE~plaMde,Nonh Yan(t'luvel,Sc. on the lesc we-bs.ite at hnpi/Www-icocmm. and "t ihe Ulmm~siol'lOffiee~. Sixth F100f. 900 HC1We Street, V,mwuvl2:r tiC REGISTERING TO PARnClpAlC Pt'o(;.orn who l"xpe"tto anend the Rev1ewWorking Se.s.sioflllnd actiVE-Ill participate in the prOCE'SS shQ1,.lld re9isl~1 il5 rml!'r"Wne~5 with the CCtlnmjs~ion InteJVeners w~1J re~eive copiE'S ol'dw filings. all correlpo-ndence_andfiled documents. Per;.ons wilhan intere'stInthe procet!dil1gs butwhoar~ notf'lCpedng (oactiv~y p.artic;~l'" shO'Jldlif:gistet<ls rnterested Partie~"nd will received of the Introdl.ll:toJYCnapl"'t of the frl~l19~, ill! Ord ..,s J5~lRd, and the Commis;.ion's Dedston, jf apprkable. copt lnt",rvo:-roers.and hnerl2:s.red Partifi should inform the (ornmis$iQn Seaoer<lry. ir; wlitiog or electronic sUbmj~S-lOll,by Thursday,jum~ lG, 2010 of th.e:i~ intenllons, i!nd adllise whether they jotlmd to 1ltter1d the Revi~ Working Session. ~Iit~n.e($should spe(i~allyS1<1te thoe natu,e of (heir intelest in the 2010 Stream~il'l€'d Re¥oenu!!" ~!!qLl'rement,l. App1t.ciltion i!nd idenlify gene>.ltly!h!" nature of the issues th.'3t th~ may intend to pursue dUring t~ Pfor.:ee.:!ing and the r.<ltU-r"" and eJ:lffitoftheir <lnl.opilted irl\lol.. emeflt~n tl)e n:",iewof mil ilpplk.iltiOI1. Nonfi(:.i!tion by (;Qulier d .. riv""fY. fax, Clr('L-mail is~ca:ptable. All SrJbmisslons "ndio. rolT£'~pondenrere..::eived fwm i!ldNe pilrticip.o.nU (If the publj" Mating to t~ app1iGtion will be ,md po5ted to the Commis~ioll's web ~Ie. pta"E'C! on me public rfford FURTtiER INFORMATION A copyofthe dowment ~Understandjl'lgUtility !i€gulation: A Partici,oonts' Guide 10 the Brithh Columbia Utilities (Ommis-;jQn" is<ll{i:Jlt<l~e on the Commi!oS;OI'l'S web'>trf'~t hnpilwww.bcuc.,ommorumenn/Gui<le-nnelfP.ntl(~panl_Guidepdf For further informatil'r'r, p!e-ilse [OIllMt Ms_ Eti.:a M, H"'l1'liltol\ Commis~ion Sea~ti1ry. 3S follows: Tell:phone: (604) 660--4700 S.c. Toll Free-: 1-000-663-'1385 Facsimile: r6D4}6E(J-1Hi2 t-lNil: CommJ~sion5euetilJY~bcL'C.[om t • • , • • • • • • • ... I'~ ••••• ~~ •• ··~·~·_·· ... • A Commissi ner for taking Affidavits within rltish Columbia DRIVING C2 I DAILY NEWS ~ TI-lURSDAY, JUNE 3. 2010 Lincoln MKS loaded with potential The handling, engine and ride guality is superb on this high-performance sports car Ram's cabin has finish of luxury sedan RAM.,fmm Page CI The lilt, leather wrapped steertngwheel houses:fingertip controls for thE premium Alp" me Audio System and Driver Fordis on a product tear at the lnoment: The Fiesta is going to turn the entty-car ~egIll'E!IllOIl its ear, as win the ElU'Opean Focus !nformationreacktuts 'wbile~ and3l1all-new compad-SUV .....i len they arrive. But what oJ the lin- coln side of the ledger? Inlnany :respects, its future has potential Fill instanee, the gasoline llU'bocharged direct mjoection {GTDI) engine in the MRS sedan is a wonderful piece of engineering: - Ford's Kc:oBoost technology is as good.as it g'€1£. In this case, the direct·injected, twin·turbo 3.5-litre V6 pushes no l~s than 355 horsepower. plus 350 poundfeet 'Of torque at 1,500 rpm. To say the MRS is quick is an und.erstare. ment; its zerc>to-lOO-kilometresan-hour time come~ mat ju.st 5.5 secoruk Yet. it r;analsobe frugal if driven with a soft foot. ] averaged lOB litres per 100 km during my test period, which surpassed myexpectatiom.. The EcoBoost·s poweris n!layed ToSZi the MKS Is QIJido::is.an ~~I; its zero-to..1DO-ici1ometres-an-hour tir'l'w0CllTliS in at just 5.5 seconds. to the road through a good all- lCAN...·~r-EJh'!;$WICtJ wheel-drive system a.nd a sixspeedmanumatic. The all-wheel The MRS is a large, he.avy(1,940 including a cellphone, can be oper- very quickly indeed - more than drive, when teamed with Ford's kilograms} four-door, but one ated via vake control. $12,OO)en the test car.c'The se<:ond lIophisticatRdAdvanceTrac sta- wouldnotknowtlfrom tbewayit There's alsea crash avoidance is feund with some of the: interior bility cQntrol.system. puts a stop . dri'ilR'i. The.feelandfeedbackfrom s.ystem that alerts the driver if materists.. The ''ullirilste leather" to any UD.l'i'3l1ted wheelspin while the steering is great, the suspen· he is closing in. on anothe:r car is great except that some of it adding a m.easure of stability to sion is efi'ectiwly damped and, too quiCkly by flashing a row of is vinyl, oops. man-made. This thedrive.MatthegasandtheMKS thanks to the AWD system. and red lights and making a devil of leaves a less-th.an·upsc:ale impres. just picks up its exaggerated side large P245f45R20 tires. there aI't! a noise - it frightened the living silJlLb@causeit'sinone'sface,The daylights out of .me the first time same applies to some of the other .sills (part of th% EcoBoosl body no discernible vices. kit} and l1.l.D!': like the wind. As for content, the good news it activated The system borrows materia1s: The transmission works eqIl81- is that the MKS comes loaded to many of the sensors that make The upper dash materials are ly well, but with one flaw - the the nmes. The heated and cooled the active cnrise control one of good; the stuff on the een!:re conlnanual mode. front seals lH-e very acco.tnmodat- the best. All of this kit adds to the sole and door panels aren't. I was Paddle shifters "W.ate designed 1ng and come with all the right MKS's allure.as a luxmy car. expecting more uniformity with to keep the driver's hands on the power adjustments (two memory Cabin-wise, the MRS is one the quallty of the fixtures and wh-eel whenever shifting manu- positions for the driver), Then of the few cars capable of real- fittings. ally. But the MRS's system fort:efl there's stuff such as Syn-c and i.!;ticaHy accommodating tl1re€ Am] being overly picky about the drn-ertoreach down.andmove MyKey, both of which are indus- adults. The te.5ter'srear seat also the material choices given the the shift lever into the manual try-leadingattrlbul.es. featured two-stage seat heaters. MKS's fabulous ride, wonderful mooeto activate the paddles. The- test€t also f€atured ~ome Aft of that sUs an 18.7-cubic-foot handling and an engine that's There is no logi-cal reason [or pretty high-end options, includ- trunk. Unforlunately, the Openln,g .sweet:md powerful without being t.his. The world's sportiest brands ing a two--panel sunroof, a fabu· is letterbm;:-like-wide, but with hard on gas? Perhaps. But, my leaw the padOles activeregard!ess lous600-watt, THX--certifiedaudio little height - and the seats do mother had a saying: ''What the o[ shifter position; Lincoln would system that blastsits s.weet sound not fold flat (there's only a small eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't through 16 speake-rs and a. USl'lt· ski pass·through). grieveO'Je!:" be wise to do likewise. As with the enginB, thll" hand- friendly navigation Bystem. The The downsides to the MKS are Lincoln would do well to take ling HlLd rid'll quality is superb. bonus is that much of the stull twofold. First, the toys add up this sage advice to heart. G This is Exhibit," " referred to in the /) fl· affidavit of./!2r;.;(/$..>/:1... .. (ilK: .l.a;l.~~QI'/I;~lJ'\"aoXlSO VANcpt)\lEIl. RC_ SWorn before me VI5Z :;!N~ AP'p'-NtlIXiI toOrdIrG-$S·1CI TEW'HONE~ CANADA ElCTOllFFlff: l-!IOO-,yj3-13S5 F~SlMllE~ (604} 660-11C2 at.N .. a.(Jt.QJ!.;~r.~~'~:b~:'~ in the Province of Brit:sh olumbia 1E,)j)'- th is..... . ~a of.. U~~ v. ,~ 'J.. ~ , •• 4 ~. , ~ •• " . 4 ••• 4 , ~ 4 ••• CIII-e of .Re\l'~tw Wcl1llng Sc»~r;r": an Applicat~on n"'Irs<i~y.J~fl.cl;r,20HI U~ Cr;tfflmellr;f~<lt9:00-il.m. Loation: CommlsrJOfI H~llfI\l tQ emIlty, 1Ia.nl;mission temperature, engine hours and diesel filter status using fingertIp controls on the steering wheel. A .simple dial to the dri..· er's right hand lets you shift·ontbe-Oy be-n\-een RWD, 4WD or 4LOforwry beavygoing, while tllere are two new controls for Trailer Brake Control and an Exhalliit Brake Limiter that increases engine compression bralring and adds s:igDificantly to brake life. Large diamel.e-r; ~isteddiscbrakeswith ABS and Equal Bnke Force Distribution plus an Anti·spm :roar differential prevent whee! .slippage whether accelerating orunder heavy braking. The 6-spood Autoinatic Traru;mi.5sion p:rovides s.e31ll-' ~ .shifting and has a unlCl.Ue manual t:ontrol via two buttons on the steering column gearshift. This is a teal b~lli!fit wlHmyou want to 'hold' a lower pull up to 10,500tb .f~~~~p:;"?!~f':;'Plan Reg~rdillg LJniv~l"5~1 CompulsDl)' Jl,LJfomQbikl-lnsur.;loo:e El(eioS C<l.pitat/l,vililab-I>:, A Commissioner for ta ing Affidavits within British Co umbia arnbienttempe.rature, dis'bnee kg) Cummins Turbo Diesel can (8,392 and can baul a payload of 5.100 Ib (2.3H kgi, Solid front and :rear axles with coilspriDgs up fro-ntandtr.ro--stage leaf springs at the rear plus front and rear anU-swaybars andHD tubular ~hock absorbers, emure that the Ram deliver.,; ~ ~mooth but firm ride whether fully loaded or not. .And that Turbo Di-e5-E::I is much quieter than previous: \'e~ions. On the highway, you wouldn't even know it "Wa:s. a dieseL Des.pite its size and 20;{,~:;';"'dA••Ii:~~::~~~~,~~::(~~:~~::'~~0~:~~:~mb~fQCA.PC~"Q' forUl1iver~1 (ompu1sorjl Aw:¢rnobil~ lli~uran(e aM rearslidi:ngwi:n~letthesum merin. Inaddition to th", 1.lsUa1 gauge:;; for speedometer. tachometer, fuel and engine temperature, the Ram include.s oil pressure and battery charge. A screen between the lIla-in gauges lets yous.crolltbroughdatasuchaB gear when fully loaded. towing or climbing. The power of the . . NOTICEOFREvIEWw'()RKINGSESSION> tn.e 2010 RevenuE' fleqlJiremenl .............. (604) 660-4700 centre cons0J2 becomes the hub of your mobl1e "oCfice" 1,1,ith a wide and dorep two-tier cubby thatcanhandleyaur laptop and assorted office files. The heart of the media centre is .~by\ehard_(6.700 song c.alJadty) and a 6.6-ihch Touch Screen Display. TheIl\. speaker SlUTOum'.l Sound. sys· tem features AMIFMICD}DVD and Uconn.ect Voice Command mpabilityplus one-year romplirnenbnySirh1sradioserYice. 'ThE:: cabin has the fit and finish of a luxurysetm. v.1thanioel:trlxor nredi1lID. grey and cbarcoal sur· faces that cOJIlpleroent the durable cloth upholstery. Brushed andb.r1gi1tm.etalaccents further adda luxury toucl\ to gaugl;$ arrd """"dory_.Automatic climateronlrol~thin!I"cozy in winter and.an optlonalpower sunroof and standard power, ~oom 12IhFloor.112SHcweStreet VilrlO'JU'ler,E1'c'v.6Z2KS weight, theRamJs.surpIi.s:ingly THE APPLICATION ByOrderG·65·10the Comm~s:sionde[ermEnedtnllt if, Fn r"lure~rs,ICBC~aduariillly indiC1lI~d fatech1lCige for 8.'3sidnsurancemee'sthe cril~ri~ a$ sp.;:(ifled in that Ord~f, then ICBC rnay file iii Streamlined Revenue Requij~m,"nts Applkatlon to beadd~cd·iClaWritten Public Hearing procoE!..lsas de:scribe-d in that OrdN. On May31. 20l0,lCS(flled a.20lOStreamlined Revenue R.eq"ir>:'l'l'Ients AppliGUion l<:>r8<a~i( imuromceindl.lding an Applic;.tkmfOi approval ofapliln re-gardlng Basic irULlr.3:nCe exce5:5 G3pbal <lvaUabl" {thJ!. 2010 5treamlin~ R~enuE' REquirem!!r.ls ApplLC.3rl{mJ.ln too AppllC1lt~Qn. Irsc <lppli2d for ilPPfOlii'llofflNenue-requirements fotl1:~ 2010pollCYYei3randapprOVilI-of<l pr<ln forB.a:;;iclmuran~eXCE'5~<:a.pita.1 alfaililb!e. The Appucatlo.n met thf! oCfll!!ri'"! for ... m-e;lMlir.ed r(>VE'nl,le requl,,"mE'flU<lppli(;l!ion as specified tn -Order (;-65-10 a.s i( 'Seeks a r'<;Ite chaClge that is-either <l rate deO;:rE-a~e Qf-l,*,otgr~ter,and l..ssll1<ln orequal tail 2.S%int:rei3;e. THE REGULATORY PROCESS The Commi~sion. wbnesto erJ:iun: that <III p,utius.<lffedEd by I(BC~ 2010 S((eamll~-d R~\tenue Req"jrem!3nts ApplJCafion for Billic insuromce hilv!3 ,m oppornmity to I,mof!rstand the b.;;s[s fortheApplfc<llion_ The-10l0 SJ:rwmlin~d Revenue Req\lirE'mem~Appli~lionwill be rel"~\Neod inac<or~nCE l'{rlhCommiloSion Orde-rG·85·IO. A Revie-w Working 5essioo wiltl r~peuto thclOl0 Streamlined ReWilUE" RE'quiren1E'nhApplit:iltion will be hEldat IhE(Qmn'l~~siOJlHearin.g Room On the 12th RoOf. ]125 Ho\V€Street, V.,nco~r. Be on ThIJrsdal'.June 17, 2010 comml2m:ing at 9:00a.m. puauc INSPECTION OF THE APPUCAnON The "Sl:reamlined RevenuE Requlfffll!!n.s AppliG3tiooi!nd:s.upp-ortin.g IT\ilIErial 11I'111 be madei3vailableforinspect:ion ilrthe following ICBCneld office lo~ion:!i: • ~ The ApplJuUon a.nd supporting material will 01:.0 ~ma-d .. availilblE'at1heKBCHeadOftke at 151 W!?§t E~planad",. websiLeat hup-J/www.icbuom. ,md ilt the CommissJoll Offices, Si:o:th r-loof, 900 Howe Street. V<lnCOLJ\lerBC NorthVarirnrlver"Bc..ont~l!: ICBe REGISTERING TO PARTIOPATE proce~shQuld regi5t-2r;;lS Irn:erveners W~(h th.e (l;>ffimiss'ron. Pel'5orn with an intEfE-St in Ihe proee-£!'dings bur: who a~ nor expe:air.gto aaively participate should re-gt5ter~s !nt!!fe';t(>d P,.!'ti(!..5..}l'\d will tE'ceiVe <J; IrltrodlKtory (h.":lpter ofthe filings.i!ll Orders js~ued. aM the Commission's Decision, if<lppllGlble. <QPY of the IntE"rver<er~ar;d 111lere'ited?<Irt~s shoutd inform the Commission 5eo<:rel<lry, inwriHnog or ek:ctlonics.ubmission, by Thu~, lUll!! 10. 2010ol,h6r iruentiorls. and <ldvlse whelherthey lntetld to 3tteOO tllE' RelliewW',J1king Ses~i(m.lnt~IlE'" shoold specijiQlly :s:latct!w n.ilt.tHe oftheirirltel'~t in the 2a10 Streamlined Revenll!! Requirements AppliG3tion and identify gene~llytheNrureoftht;> iHUoE:5- tnal rh!:'y milyinrertd 10 plIfSUe during the pfQCE'l"din.g and thE' natu~ and I."xtl."nl ofth..1r 3l'llicipat.ed invotv.ement in tOt! f!3viewofthe !Ip-ptiOllion. NotiftLillion by coorlerdetive,-y. fax" ore--mail iSilcceptable. AlJsubmlSlijon~.ar;dJorcou(:j;por.dence ri!~ved needed when towing. InadditiQll to an the ~tandard power arnenlties, our te!=ter was equlllpe\l with the optional Trailer Tow Group (Trailer Brake Control, 7-pin wiring harness and Cla!lS IV Kitch), Remote Start. Tip Start, Aux· iliary'I"ransnrissionOil Cooler, KelowM (I<lim (enne.,. 1720 SpringlleldRoad, Kelcwm, B.C. Prince &org~ Clilim Centre, 4DaI - 15th A,,~nlJ'" Prince George. B.C. Fe-l'5orn wh-oexpeato ;ltteml rh-2 Review Wo,.xing Se-ssi01j and aetiw-ty participate In th~ Inter.o'!rl~rs will r~C£"ivec{)pi~ ofthelinn.gs,.a!l correspondence and tiled documl!nts. agile thEnks to itspowe-r-assist· ed, recircUlating ball steerihg. The steeringisvery light at low ~peed.!l bIlt provld-es a strong on-eentre feel and stra:ight line tracking on the highway. I particularly liked the extra Large po~"Cr, heatffli outside J:nitrors. They are split vertically giving a regular and wide-angle view and canalso be flipped out and up to provide the extra vlsion Iromiiuive part~dp,mts ortMpublir; relating lotM appl~atiOrlwillbe plaadon the publicreocord and po$l'edtothe (ommlssJon·~......-ebsile. FURTHER INFORMATION A (opyoftn.. doc.umO"nl ~Under!>tandir1g UiilrryRegu~iitj{ln:A P<lrtidpanl5' Guideto thE- BritishColLlmbia Ul:ilitlE-5 Commis.sion~ isav.'lJl3bh:: all the (ommJ~sion"~website <ll hHP:JIWIo'o'W.bcuLwmlDoclJm~nts!Gl,Jid~linE'$lPill1idpant_G"jde:.pdf. Transfer Case Skid Platoe and handsome 17 x 8.0. Polished Forged aluminum rims. D:m· venitmce Hems include an overhead 'Console with Univer· sal Garage Door Opener, Rear ParkSoense audible warning, 12Vand 115V auxiliary outlets and a locking- tailgate. Dual stage front seat :;ilfbags and full, side-curtain airbags are . standard.. Going to work was never this. comCortable. <'And the Ram 3500 tu:rbo· diesel has never been soafferd· ab1e,D says Doug Green of Neal's Nanai.m;;Chrysler. ''We'1,~just announced up to $3,500 cus· tomer cashback pIllS 0% finan· cing over 36 months Dr 2.25% variaNe fmaming for up to 84 months." lJAltm!lkF'hel1 isa Omudian Forfu.rmerin.rormatjon, ple..:it' contact Ms. EriG>M. H"milton. Commi~sjoIlSecrelary,il'5-roHO'W:S' TEleph.one; (6Q4)66{l-4700 ELc.. Toll Ffeot!-- 1·BOCl-663·1385 Facsfmi~: t604J660·1W2 E-mart Commi'5.s1Qn.Sf.crE.r.'lry@0CI.J~om au!omDti:;ejounulJist and is f""",, __ ofCo!gui<leM"g,,~ zine. ETfS articles appear auh ~i1ithisspare 1\l'd~ouwail!2.~eUl~ World Cup notebook Thursday, June 3, 2010 PAGE 13 Brazil beats Zimbabwe in first World Cup warmup By ENOCK MUCHINJO The Associated Press HARARE, Zimbabwe - Brazil defeated Zimbabwe 3-0 in a World Cup warmup Wednesday thanks to goals from M:ichel Bastos, Robinho and Elano. An almost full-strength Brazil team made a sloppy start at Harare's National Sports Stadium but picked up the pace to eam a comfortable victory with less than two weeks to go before its World Cup debut. The five-time world champion suffered a SCaIe, though, with first-choice goalkeeper Julio Cesar forced off injured in the 26th minute. The ChaInpions League winner with Inter :Milan left the field walking and the exmnt of the injury was not immediately known. Left back Michel Bastos opened the scoring with a powerful free kick in the 41st minute, winger Robinho added a second from inside the penalty aIea in the 44th and midfielder Elano wrapped things up from close range in the 56th. It was Brazil's first warmup since aIriving in Africa to begin its World Cup preparations. It will face Tanzania in Dar es SalaaIn on Sunday in its final match before opening its campaign against North Korea in Johannesburg June 15. Brazil, weaIing a blue strip, made too many passing errors eaIly on and encountered problems at the bad<. against 11 othranked Zimbabwe, which will not be playing in the World Cup. Brazil started with most of the players expected to be in its first-choice lineup, with the exception of defender Tbiago Silva, who replaced Juan in central defence. Brazil hadn't played since its friendly win against Ireland in March. It was its first match against Zimbabwe. Cup notes APPENDIXB to Order G·8S·tO SPAMMERS IN ON THE GAME SIXTH FLOOR, 900 HOWE STREET. BOX 250 VANCOUVER, S.c. V6ZlN3 CANADA TORONTO - Soccer fans should think twice before clicking On World Cup-related emails that TELEPHONE: 1604) 660-4700 BC TOLL FREE: 1-800-663-1385 FACSIMILE: (604) 660-1102 web ~ite: http://www.bcuu::om ~d~~e~:e~~edaJ1hl is Exhibit· . '.rr,-)?,; D ~pf.~ .•,. •.•:.•. avit of /IS.~ ""/h,,~~ me: Security-software com- . s:c=ffl k;~~r~:~c o~s f.•J"•. f.",•." " · ' · · · ••••• .. ... "'~"' •..(!..t.e".. I.a1.h-:.....lM5URANCE CORPORATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA At inspired spam are sur§W Tn before me at V4tJ+l!1!~!\¢~nbythelnsuranceCorporationofBntishColumbiaforApprovalof ing. Some e m a i l s o f f i r l t e P . f 8 . : . ; •• th~b~.<l!te.vel;I!Ei: R~~tJlr~rt\etlt for Universal Compulsory Automobile Insurance and an Application access to tickets, while' rovlnce 0 f1t·,~ ~~~aan Regarding Universal Compulsory Automobile Insurance hcess Capital Available others attempt to infec,"-i\.. \ Thursday, June 17, 2010 computer with a fake lir\kllS w.~.ca of...... 811(:•. .o.IUliR.~~im,v.@9!,'~sion: to a video. Time: . CommenCIng at 9.00 a m. c:..+h Another examp.le •• appears to be sent from FIFA, soccer's governing body; with merchandise offers. The most cornmon keywords in the SpaIn messages so far have been variations on "FIFA 2010," "2010 FIFA," "Football World Cup" and "FIFA World Cup." STEVE NASH TO REPORT ON CUP FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - Phoenix Suns star Steve Nash will travel to South Africa to report on the World Cup for CBSSports.com. The Victoria native's team was eliminated by the Los Angeles Lakers on Saturday in the Western Conference final. He'll file eight videos and have addi tional reports and photos posted to CBSSports.com's social media platforms under a deal with Meathawk, rus production company. PITT JOINS BID TRYING TO BRING WORLD CUP TO US NEW YORK - The United States has added more star power to its bid for the 2018 or 2022 World Cups, putting actor Brad Pitt on the cornrnittBe trying to bring back soccer's premier event. Pitt accepted an invitation to join the USA Bid Committee, the group said Wednesday. The U.s. staged the tournament in 1994. ~ t.... d. . .. .. . LP&i¢iR.IJ~ t............ ••. . A Commissioner for takfrg Affidavits within British COlooFl&iit- CommiSSion HearJng Room 12th Floor, 1125 Howe StrEet v.:. .a.:. .n.:. .co.:. .".:. .ve.:. .r.:. B., .:. . C.:... . :. .V.:. .6Z:. 2.:. .K.:. .8 --' THE APPLICATION By Order G-6S-1 0 the Commission determined that if, in future years, ICBCs actuarially indicated rate change for Basicinsu rance meets the criteria as specified in that Order, then ICBC may file a Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application to be addressed in a Written Public Hearing process as described in that Order. On May 31, 2010, ICBC filed a 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application for Basic insurance including an Application for approval of a plan regarding Basic insurance excess capital available (the 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application). In the Application, ICBC applied for approval of revenue requirements for its 201 0 policy year and approval of a plan for Basic insurance excess capital available. The Application met the criteria for a streamlined revenue requirements application as specified in Order G-65-10 as it seeks a rate change that is either a rate decrease of -1 % or greater, and less than or equal to a 2.5% increase. THE REGULATORY PROCESS The Commission wishes to ensure that all parties affected by ICBC's 2010 Streamli ned Revenue ReqUirements Application for Basic insurance have an opportunity to understand the basis for the Application, The 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application will be reviewed in accordance with Commission Order G-85-1 O. AReview Working Session with respect to the 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application will be held at the Commission Hearing Room on the 12th Floor, 1125 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC on Thursday, June 17, 2010 commencing at 9:00 a.m. PUBLIC INSPECTION OF THE APPLICATION The Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application and supporting material will be made available for inspection at the following ICBC field office locations: • Kelowna Claim Centre, 1720 Springfield Road, Kelowna, B.c. • Prince George Claim Centre, 4001 - 15th Avenue, Prince George, BL The Application and supporting material will also be made available at the ICBC Head Office at lSI West Esplanade, North Vancouver. BC, on the ICBC website at http://www.icbc.com.andatthe Commission Offices, Sixth Floor, 900 Howe Street, Vancouver BC REGISTERING TO PARTICIPATE Persons who expect to attend the Review Working Session and actively participate in the process shou Id register as Interveners with the Commission. Interveners will receive copies of the filings, all correspondence and fi led documents. Persons with an interest in the proceedings but who are not expecting to actively participate should register as Interested Parties and will receive a copy of the Introductory Chapter of the filings, all Orders issued, and the Commission's Decision, if applicable. Interveners and Interested Parties should inform the Commission Secretary, in writing or electronic submission, by Thursday. June 10,2010 oftheir intentions, and advise whether they intend to attend the Review Working Session. Interveners should specifically state the nature of their interest in the 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application and identify generally the nature ofthe issues that they may intend to pursue during the proceeding and the nature and extent of their anticipated involvement in the review of the application. Notification by courier delivery. fax, or e-mail is acceptabl e. All submissions and/or correspondence received from active participants or the publ ic relating to the application will be placed on the public remrdand posted to the Commission's web site. . FURTHER INFORMATION Acopy of the document "Understand ing Util ity Reg ulation: AParticipants' Guide to the British Columbia Utilities Commission' is available on the Commission's website at http://www.bcuc.com/Documents/ Guidelines/ParticipanCGuide.pdL For fu rther information. please contact Ms. Erica M. Hamilton, Commission Secretary, as follows: B.C. Toll Free: 1-800-663-1385 Telephone: (604) 660-4700 Facsimile: (604) 660·1102 E-mail: Commission.Secretary@bcuc.com A7 ------------OPINION - - - - - - - - - - - f>StIT1C1'ONHERAl.D.1HURSD.AY.JUNE3.~10 STOCKWEll DAY lTum Th. Hi/1 Why should goons win? irebombing a baDk, or any l:milding, is serious bmi· F ness. Vldeotqlll).g:tbe event and proudly displaying it for 'the wtlrld to see is. deadly business. Using tb2- whole thing as a tb=t to fiwdDbllDring "",pit Is demented.a:nd CtIwardly, but h~ ging a response. Here at bame in the eonstituency doing M!!!!tmgs and evenbl .o-n the w.....,~ I've beard • couple Df things on this. I've heard raw and Volunteering forIronman Bill designed to buy votes DearEditor: With the sale of the Iromnan Canada oJlioe last fall many_are wondering bow w.sign up to vol· \lJJ.teerfurthevrorld.-class 28th annu- Dear Editor: 01ll' gonrnnn,rt In OIlawa "' )rnsh. 1rlg II bill with only (Ilm ob)active m mind <md 1bat is 1l:l secure the SiIP'port of new Canadialls at the polls. ,\ftuonly tI=e""", in tbe """"'Y held on ADgust 29. tlleywJlJqnalif;>f"fulIold~"",· 01_ CaIIada Triatblon to be rity rathE!l' thBn the 10 yean they J!JI.Dwmetoilltroducemy~my tLame is LauJ:a Carleton 1 was Mm. mustwaltn~. .lllJi ral,<;ed in Pentictw and. 3m. a kmg time v\lhmteerfor Ironman canada, the secretary lor the DOn-profit rronman Canada Ram Soeiaty and the new volunte::'l' toOrdinafur for !he WeareabouttoslDppriscmel:s .....ing lifu: sentenre5 from receMng pen.sions and that will be a "drop in the bucltet" when compared to the 1:Iril]j!Jns nf dollars this bill will cost Canadians who have omtrfbuted til {lU[' pmsion pl..ap for their work· AtbJetes. who race in Ironman dista.J:lu 1"aCES will mIl yau that fmn:man Canada has the best volunteers in the vrorld tbat is thaDk.s to you. the residmts of Peutict.on and the: South Okanagan whn have supparted this raL'E: fot' 2a mna:ting years! lIookfOI"Wilrdt{lmyMwmle£:QOfdinat:ing the 4,OOO-plus volunteers. '(au can sign up to voluntee-r at www.iromn.an.ca Click on the- vol'Wlteer lInk. If yll'1l have any qlll'.SI'ilce. nom; FlU. wards the vile and twisf1!d bulli.e.s coordinator, Iroll1Ilan Canada -"'(omdtbMis~wbat my view. Some :might say that soands.a lit· tle harsh. We need to undersWld what :is going on ben!. ~fueftRm.lilitgofour('.I'6i1tna· two the buried bodi-es around the globe of our brave young soldiers are silent testaments to the price we've paid for thE- freedoms we en· joy. Ca.l:'Iada o:mtinUi:$ to be a. global shll-w>:.l!S2 nf tolerance, a cnuniry where people can Jree1y speak aIld ",-anllprolEslonaoyi=etlley ell_. "TQ1er:meefor the.ar:ti.cms of~· :Ists.mdbuilli!sbo~if;Dm:fuund in ei:Ill£!r the l£Iimns or the hearts of tnOStof1iluhere:lnthli!O~ .and NicoIaVaJ..Ip;ys. We do not feel vey warm .and lilzzy ,t the thougbt of canada be· ings9imon yotiI"ubesand TVWlJe.'l amund the world as a pla'Ce when! bombsgooffinourstreetK. is doubly wOfriso.me if 1t ap· pears that peaple (IDl girt away with It. Tbis1sespe<l>llyroJfwben they 5tudied the financial impli_ too dose]y as he- is the- sa..me man who bankrttpted Ontario as 'pmnler a few years ago. would not have A rerent documentary dahliled the contact me at c:l.n Laura. CarletoD. volunteer 1hey ~) if they are apprehended.. And as many years as possible behind bars would nat b!! too many In canadian popula:ti.on and seconded by Bob :Rail. n is mWJdey tbat Mr. Rae canvolun±een;@naspclrt5..com. \Ul.ee-nsored anger and disgust to- whodotlllskilldof'Let me assure you,. I hape the full li:lrce of the law will be applJ<d to tile an lnglives. It slwuld be mentioned tbl\t tills bJll 'Was introduced by an M.P. in Brampton, a :ridlJlg witb. .a1arge DeW rapidly ~ dem.ograph1cs of canada that 'ilrill set; double 1he number' of ~opI marne to [Pill' yotrth numbers. WhD :is going to pay pDlillckn_ for tills growing dio:repency? God belp "'" cbildnm =l grand. I believe the lncome Tax Act is clear that inwme has ill be reportai and ta::!: paid in the year receIn'd I understand tbat ll!ler the Internal Rewnue br&ch dWtwith f.hes,e.la1£ reported l"Y""'l1s. not only did Mr. Mulroney not fate a penalty and fiDe for lale reporting, but tbe lax payable cllllilren! Bob Hendersal! Pellt::ictol! We already knew that mthat:inromewasata:n!dw:edram. Mr. Mulroney und<l1l1Jmdly benmt~ from the good legal anInsel SUlJplted at taIpayer expense at a eo. DffHl'Editt.r: TIle Federal gowmmeat,. at the!nsi.stenreaftl::Le afIicialoPJmifum.has just s;pmt $16 mill10n of 1:ll.$y1rr monaylHlthe Oli:fantenqnirytDfind om what we ll1J:'aady lmew prior to th, start oftllat dog and pony _ , namely 1hat fonn&t}rime m.1nlsbl:r Ilrlan MuInme,.., liDanclal deaIinJo< businessman. KarIhetnz 8chreil:Jer were inaJIPropriate. Justice Ollfant's sammatY findings, however, do not bigtllight the mported mst m$UI million. ThIs -oostly government enquiry, similar to most. can. be SIlIDIl:lOO up by 1hb: quotEI from. tlJlI!. of W:illi.atn Shakespesr's plays; ..It is -a tale told --iDg". byaIl!dlol;lullD!5D<lDIlm<llttry,~ _fact tbM Lk Molroney did nat report tbose cashpa_n~ftnn! Mr. Scbreibe-r for. unspecifu!d work in tbe year or years retebred. and nardid he pay tha BjtJlrnpriat.a inCOID.e lax on the proceeds. He apparently reported the lnrome :ye:mIaterwbi!n it ~ * apparent that the Jllimenbl. would become c/o James M. Miller. 186 Nanarmo Ave. W, Penlldol"l, B.C., V2A lN4, drop it off at the office, lax to the editor at250-492·24C3 or e-maJled to: ~e"e;s@pentictanherald.ca. Our lWfarencais l:rJe-tlSiI,whenw-erpossible. Maxi!OOm leo,g!h is 400 words. All lene~ mtlst be sIgned. We- k1rllily rGqlHlst one .sublrUssion per mcn1tl. Praise for Children's Festival, beef industry _l!ateto _ _ eforE: Ibeg1n this ""W'Sl"e- B 0_ .... the 4,000 cattle r.mcllers who ron· of this year's RoW'y Oka.nagan II:ltemational -Children's Fe9tival In spite of the 1XtIJler weather, this rear was ano1h· ganizer.; -e:r buge meres&. of~June 2. yeste:rd.ay was British Colwnbla's fim."..ll.C.lleefDayto""""""" part I would like to thank the ma.ny volunteers:md 'Or. triI>uI<$1;5I)miIlionlnbeofsalestbat hel.p StlJlojKlrt the RC. ernnnmy. Bill . We are fortl.ln<tte :In the South to have many specialty butclJ.er shops along with the meat dHJlartnllmts in our larger stares. I know firsthand fu:lm attending with my wife and granddaughter how many wonderful In!:morics we will <Jlare frobl tills troly fantastie slmw.r.:asE! li±al.Hntputoo. by all ofthe! perf{l~ An exr.ellent effort by <ill.1nvo]jr-ed. " WWiV.beb1d.gclv.bc.ea. lnteRsted in pursuing career' lip- porbnlitiea worlting In the B.c. civil service? '!'be foDow1ng l1nk bas a full listing nf:po.":ted JXlsitions currently ;avail· ...... able: www.empI.oym!!Dtgov.bc.ca In closing" for those of you who have mquin!dQn the progress of the SUmmeriandHighway9?projec:t,the on local electi-cm campaign partid~ Everwcmdered what happens with surplw ItiJ'vernm.ent assets? Many government surplw; assets an; J]l]W sold onllne through the B.C. gomu· panls,requiriDg_=ldis. clo-sl1l'El by 1hlrd}><lrtY adv~, tlononan _ _ md reqnUing ""...,.bip info,.",., To browsa,. bid. O!' obtain mote in· for the W{lJ'k!!.rs in redur:irlg your fonnatioD on iI<lm currently tor sale speed is much appreciated as Wi.' recammendaliOIls to help improve the lcx::al gunmmmt ele.cliotJs To read the full uport visit wwwJoal.lelectionst:askfu:n::e.gr.)-Y.bc. please visit the www.bca.uctico.ca website. For those looldng 10 poWl· tiaIIy provide pxl.s or servilES to the prneess. &lme of the reoonunenda· ca. or contact my offiee. """ In .othar reamt eVf!Dts, thl! lacal government elections task f-e-l"l:e b;;.a now completed the final report with MLA&port ...... tiDns include pla.cing expense-limil5 Government. there"' also tb_BG Bid located ongoiml:an.droad~oninfull swing as June moaiDs a busy m.mIh. Your patieou and ool1S1denrtlon menrs~a.uctimlwe'bsile. website _remalnsactivclyunder· way_rock_~..m at mnve10wards tbeJinal sblges. of this project. Bill BariIu)f[ iB MLA for Pellt.i.c:t(lD and Speaker cf the Ho= APPeHOOIi maaffkQ~,of... t'X1 ~Dl:THFl.OOfl,'KliJ l-lO"M::STRIET, WX ZSO VANOOWEf\. S-.C, WZ 2N3 <AKAOA BCTOLLrnEE:: 1.:E101l-6Sl·1J1..5 FACSIMILi:(eic~ 66I;j..li/l:1 ~b$l:te:http:l"-..baJc.[J)m So, yes, I beard your voices this on this mtl.B. Now b",,'. !be nW.I also beard comment about the- secarity rom ~kend b:lg.fun& relatedtotbeG..!landlJ.OOble<tings wmingap. Ilclievcmelnc.der:stand A S~mlin.ed ApplicatlQn bythelnsurilc'l'i: C'OJj)¢I'a~on(lf9rrosh CoI~mbi<l fur ApPlov:a~ uf the2C110 R'!ftI1ue Requltementfot Un1veual Comp.ulsCl)' Alltomabill" l.nsuril:nCi" ilnd an AppHDlti for Jl,ppw.r.a:1 ofa Plim Reg:<lrding UnlVl"rli<ll Cwnpubory ALrt-cmobile In~ul<I.n[e Exce~ ClIp1~1 :::I:--.o=~- ~ the ron.cerns abou,t the owrall ammml Alti:wugh these are budget. ed oosts, they .,.. blgb. ~ofRm"",w .. >kI"'!I~~"'''f Thu~,)l.I_li',20,.;l Tho. OJmme~dIlSlat!l:OOi1.m. l.oudo~ Cornm.lssloroHGrirJg-Room Val'l~/,B.C. WiZ2M- send. THE 1LPPUCATION beane tbing(per.;owilly, I have seen :i.pedfie-d ill th.itOrder, lhen ICBC rna, fdea de9J.ib~d in th<itOnie/. who_ deba:te when aDd with whom we wl5hisoothelln<-. The very people who bave no re- specl:fur truad!!1nOctaq.and no re• pect fill" the property rigIl~ of the hard working people whose businesses they -trash during th!lt ille· gal cmd pathfltit::riots are becoming of_ tbeo... whocallthe>hots. 'lbeyaresayiDg tD us "'lfyou dare to """have tbeae kind> we will troab l'OlU" ..i8hbourlloods and fiIIlaSh your shops. We will break. your glass windows, assault yoW' }>tiaCli! {lf6.~, and rule your _." :Friends, we have seen th-l!Se dart. attempts at fearan-d cL'tt1:io.b an down through history. The .soci. eties that summlb to them 1'11nd up im;poverished in spirit, d.imini5hed illdlgnUy,and ... _toolEffirul l=io bDblOO right>. That'll nc.t what my fatiler and grandfathers 1i>ugbtfill". Hawilbotttycurs1 stockwell Day is Member rJ! P2fJiameDt for Okanag.tlJ----CoqrrilJ.aJla and the p.residenl of thE: 7h!.aslU7 .Board.. .. ~~~ ~-Order (i.fi5~1{1 tile C-ommbliicfl detemlined that if, infutLW)"'llll'S, le!ICs i1cwiilriilllylndk.at-ec:! ratech:a:ngl! kirBasic lnS'Jram:e meets the! criteria ilS to 00 addrM:if!l;IlJ1:!. Wf{W"n Publ~c-HI:~.rlri9 p~"-S SlJ-E'amnn~ Revenue .Rell,u~m~rl.1:5 AppilCill:io~ o~ May31, 2010, JCBCfi~d iI :WHIStr~mli'!lMJl,:~u-eR~ulf('mel'lt'iA,?pli~t1ooforll.)5ll: ln$",ran-ce Irlduding an Appli~ti(ln fr;,\-ra~ .n.. plan regarding 5Mk.ln~-'riIocel"~ G1pltal iIY.!Illllb!e (ttl'!! 2010 Streamlined Revenue- ~-.!remerLts Applre.atian).Ir. th... Appliciltkan, ICBCappllKl for approval of r-even'le requirements rorlts 2!l'10pollcy)'oiill and appr~1 (Jf a p~nfm Elask: Il\StIl':3lflQ'! iI!!):Q!s~~pl~~;ffilllable. The Ap~licatl00 met 1iie 'C:literiil for iI rtJ:e~mllned revt!l'lue req-t.lit~en't:i ilppli~t1orl iI~.lipedfled]n Order G-tis--.Ul iI..li it§!"!"n ilIl'il1te chang-etNt Es eith!1' a rate declea.!.eof ·1% or gll!ater.and I-essth-an 0l-equ~1 toa 2..SCJ6 lncreise. THEREGULATORYP,ROCESS The Commlmon wisr,~ to eMUre-thiit;lU parnesaffect~ by lcae's 20HI Stll!-amllned Revenue- Reo!;uiremM't5Appli[;ltlonforBilsk: IMl.IriI~ haY{! an Qpp.ol'tJAnll)l toundernitrrd th~ basts fortr.1" Apptl-catlQ/l. The2-010 ~reilmiirled Revefl.ue ~~I;.etnerlt$ Appl:iQtioowmbt" reviewed in i1~rdance with Commlulan Ordlf!rG----85-10. A Re~WQl'kIng 51lulon with l!$pecttothe 2010 Streamlined Revenue Req-.lrel11tMiu AppllOilUCH1 wlll bE' held atthf" Cc.mmis.!ioo Hfilrtng Roam on. the 12th Floor, 1125 HD'M!! SttIf'N, Va~(QLlV-!!r, Beer'! Thursda)',JUI1@ n2011i~mm"'rldF1.9 al9:00;!:.m, PUBLIC INSPECTION OF THEAJ'P1.1CATlON The Stt-l"&'lmlrned Reovenue Requirements AppliCiltjOl1 ilrld5Llpporting rnater~ wlll be m.1df"avilililbl~ rOI lru.peetloo ill me foliowlng ICBCfielcl offi«- 10000tion:s:; • I(,elawnil Claim Cenrnr.. 1120 Sprillgfif!td Rn<!d,.l(l%wfI<l., B.c• • Plin(eGeorge ~Im UoI1'trt'•.o\OO1'- i5U1Awn.lIi1!,?!Tnce GOOofge, B.C. will Th~ AppnCiltiOoh ... nd SIJPJXll"'(1I"1gn'l~erI..1 ;!!s-o be m;,de iffiI;i1<lbl~iltthe-lC8C He;,dOff'Ke ilt 151 Wet EspI;matle,Nortn V<lnwUVI"f, Be, on tile ICBC ~me at hrtp:!l¥rwwkbc..o::ll1\ and attnll! Commls$ion Cffi'e~,Sixth f1O(lf. 900 Ha-we5m!n VanaJLnlI"! IS( REGlSTERiNGTOPAImClPATO Pers-onswho exp«t ta Oltte-ndthe ReviewWorldng Se:iislotl aM actlwlypl!rtkipa~en tJ<.E.process shoukl le-gister as ~ntefveoorswtth thl:':Commi5!;;ion IlitfflienefS Wl11 reO!IYe caplfiof1hefiliflg~ all cot'1'e~dencJ:!oMd filed ,*,,=um~MS. Per$OlUwlth iln lntl"lfitin ttlf" proceedings butwha il~nm upernng M aa~ p.1Irtidpate -5hooukl ril!!'glstef as IntErested Pal1les ",ndwill re(ei-ve il copy afthe Introduruory OJa.pterofthe filings. ~J11 O~t$ wti-l:d. .. ~d theU>mmi:i5ion<~ Dec:il;ioo, Jfllppli~b~ J InlE~s ;;lind I.rlU·l~d Pa.~ shoo.ld Inform tho!!' Com'11ls$~ S~a.ryr In wtftl'lg orelectrw1k ~UbmM~oo, byThur5day,June "0, 2Q10 cftheir lr'lt~nt:Jon§..<Uldiildvi~e whetl1ertheyinte1ld tv illtetJd the ReviewWoOOng ~on.ln~ers$troLdd spedficallymte the naruJl! ofthfoir interest in the 2IJ1C StrI"amlbed Revenue R~L!il!':mef1t5ApplitMio.n and ldentify91"l\NllIly the na~ofl:tleISSloe5 'ltl:l1t1w)i mayinterJd w P'Jt$u~dlKing the pr<Kel"dmg ilnd the I't<JM~;and ~nt(>fthei-r' anticipate<J irwrorement in the reviewot'the i1pptratJon. Notl1katlon by cnurler delivery, fu. are-mail is iKcepmb!l:':. All submiss"ionl ilndlMcorre;;ptlnd~r«etve<i from acti~ pal1idpilnt5orthe public It'liltfng tQWappli<::atiOr1 will bf"o pl;,c:ed Dn tl"ll" pr,lblioc ~r<j a.nd PQ'nedt>'> theCommlnlon's web me. FURTHER INFORMATION AC'OPY of the doalmenl-Undemllondlng Utility Regula~APl!rrldp<ll"lll' GlJidr:tQW 8ritI$h Coh.trnh~ lJt,lilSes V:1ml'!1~S$iQn· (Oll'Ull~~m:bsi't'e~t httpJlWioI'w.ocuc..wrnlDoGlrn!J~WGuiddlnf:.li/Pi!I.rtidp;Jl\U~jJidqxtf_ Fa( funb~ Infom'l.... ti~n, plf'M@r:M'tM!:M$..&i«lM. Himilwll" CllI~ll 5E-o-E'taJ'y. iI"I folloYn-: lelephorte: (W4)66IJ----47OO B.c.Tollfree: l-S~-13es FaC5iml.le: (604)~o-ll02 E-maIl;-(.(Jl"Ilmb:iiOi\.Se(~bcIJuom 4 .. .o. •• ~ ~ • ~ ••••••• L~~.~ ,.." , v ••• • • • • • • • • • , •• ner for taking Affidavils British Columbia 12t1'1Iioor.l'2SH~i!StR!et should oC2IlC!!l. the ev;mts. Not .elroy is that Dot poss1ble, we need to think through what IIl2Ssagl! that would Tb..ink about it Our very precious and<!early.,Jdfill"riglrtto"""'and referred to in the U.~~Q., .. n1o.d.;.,.~ ~4 Tm Auditor Gimeral will ntl-W be looking into tbese oos1s In detaIL Meanwhile, there have bEen soggestions in some guarb!r:a that we TboproblOblls, llthe_to 11 sworn before m at. hI-. VM.c...iJ,l.;.,'l{e!. ,~,." , ~, . ,.".~" . ,.. ,."""."",.",,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ jnJhe Province f Sri ::s h Colu mbia ·•·•• ·~.NOT:ICEOF.REVIEW.WORKlNGSESSION·j? ......................... ·,;.,;,;;.,.~'-""~~,;,,~~N~F."~H~O;.,~~~ ··········~·lfijs .lS.~d ay of J V,.,r. e.. 20 vtte6f1Irtber,mayhem. cancel these meelin.gs in the future is due to the security costs, then it is the street thugs .and anarchi$.s .J- X I I 't>:>"'f~(j-ll$-lg. are appreh-ended. they are given Thatoll1yadds Iigbtsell1ell<eL to our :sense af insecurity and in- first-hand the ben!!fi-bl ofleadeIs IH:ma1ly being &bl.e ill sit down laC!;! to fate to grapple wlth lbe issues tbat ~tdJy impact our ~y to day P~l!tid<J.l! _ _ To vrrit& alattertothe editor. send ~to: [t Having_ a debate based (In tha val· uooflbe _ wouId D. C.BerIl1=l with i~~i<lble Qn the ~ . I() ~ #' news Priest accused of abuse was suspended talli of the allegation, but confumed that it invo:M5 some form of DEER LAKE., KL.-Polir:e1n loIi'eS<emNewfo1Jncllando:mfumed Wednesdaythatthey~re::eired an officLal compl&nt ofabuse by oS RoIIlaJlCilthalicpriestwho,lI'aSsuspendedfrom his_inP.E.l Sgt..laafuesMo:rnc:'iNofthe 1Kl.1PinDet>ILakEsaidaninYesti· g;;.rionhas beenlauru:hM foRowing anaI!f'gationagaim:tRJ:v. Geor~ S!niIh.Hesa:idhofO:cm'r~de-. :5e:rualabuse..M~lJsaidthe: rn"'l'_.ppn=hM<heR<>man Qrtholic:Chun:h:fn ~Lake abo'Ut ilieinddem that's an~ to have happened del::ades. ago. BishcpDouglas crosbyissued a Slate!l:lentWednesdayconfirm:i.ng that an "alleged 'CaSe ofse:aW. Il:1is. conductby a furwer priest ofthe di~hasbeen[e.furredrothe RCMPfur:invesci,gation.t> WIIf'J'If,I~Dr'm-The1954AAOl"lMartjrlO.B5.drivfilbySeajJConliertjl1Go\d§f19t!r al'ldThund~all whidJ is ...I:pected to fetch. at t~:rt $5 mm~n when"rt 15 sold at i':ucrion In o.:tober. The cal isoneof on1ytwo of the orlgir.al Aston Martins that feature::! on screen with Sean Connery behind the wheel in kon.ic tnd:s.lt com<,~ with &lnd gadg~Jndl.ldlng fakt:o mao::hT~ gllM" re'IOlvlng numb!!t plat~ and §mo!:@sCfE'i"n. AP""", from you" New copyright laws set fines for illegal copies MONTREAL-Sw~ingnew federal -oopyrightlegislatioD .vollld lock provisiQn will be of partioilar help to the\ideo-game indusb)', which employs 15,OOOpeoplain canada. allow companies to seek damages r<mgi:n£from $100 to S5.000from people who illegally oopy digital material like games and music. The bill creates H new legal cale· gory for personal UM:n., 5epanltE; from the previous law that lumped people and businesses togem-@f and sit t:h<" $AIP~ $1 million mmd· mumpenalo/. The new law would alsQ make it illegal to pick a technological lock to mow legally acquired digital tn.aterial from. say, a videa game at Iliusic CD to a computer. The Conservative goveinmenl ~ys the newrules aim to bring Crnmda in line ;virh internacionaI !>tmdards while al!m appeasing du3 eruertainmentindusr:ry. 'Ihe gm:!Omm~tsaid the digital· The Conservative government says the new rules aim to bring Canada in line with international standards while also appeasing the entertainment industry. "'Cmadian companies will bene-fit," Heritage Minister James Moore said. ~rt is essent:ialll::J pr(J!eCt the:>e jubs and thi$ creati'lity .• _to m.ake sure C&nadaremains a cerm:e of creativity." Love under fire "IhePrinceC"",ge.<'ublicLWt;uy "">. va""ncyon U;< ll<=d of D.ikdt~, trnlayinMonrreaL The Le~arionfollows the ill-fated Bill C-61, whlcl1lhe Torieli tabla! twO yean: ago. BillC-61, nippMttpbycon. SllIDerOI.1OCJy,a!so'wouldhave madeitillega! tQ breakdigital coronght locks. IndustryMinisterTonyCement told The Caruidian Presslastweek that the bill to be presented roday is "not chheIled instone;' He s:illI there could be- som~ "positive .amendm~nro;" to t:h.e bill IlO Wnwfu"""'holp"", liotM)' '"Ql'llinl>¢ t(> j",l''''ve and grow by~'lenir>g tv _d""lli omd ><lIing <ii",ction 1'>"""" tho"",d5 ¢f'"e "hrM cnmmunit)' • Are )'i)upassl~nsta about the llbnly? • A.. Y'>" ... to ",,,..,,,,1 lb. word about tho g., fl~~rylQlr1.~ds,""lgllbou,"" ~nd_ Public? • Are you wllliilgl<>deVO!i! 1f1 hollt$IMOfitM rid; ~r:i,lI~:~wlk#lti~.JltCity-HaJJ Vcr apply"iinl1ric;tCi and is C1:nmting on CQ-oper:;.tion n..necir:;p~.x,""'dl)'h.lIicrimmiU"""IIi/;>,.,,>, fromoneor m'Cireofcheopposi· tionp.artie$_ He conceded itw.ould be difficult ro please .everyone. On W.edne:sday, he ca1Ied the.new leg. \\rt' MJuirel ~ img!-L'e. The Conservative ga.. .errun.ent aIlliDunCEJ detaiis of the nev·, bill Al'plkanlln' w41 ""''"''I'IM~tO'Y lbll\ltlli! iO".<t.y, J\ln~ 11 ~i 4~'i1:Pm mrCt i.s!atit:ll) a lang time: ooIIling. ~Canada:isillte ro the table, quin~ frankly," Clement said. J ~1r'..cCSl.m~':E.~lil{It.KliC.S!) "i:~ · referred to in the i/t~ P., .!?1Ql.h'm.t:K...........• at. .I.V:. .1!t?IJ.c.au.v,eJ: . :\lAAt!f;J:\,Wtl,l-L. Wl.i.':.ttG: .. ~~ we: ~"%t~· ...,..:.b;·OC~"l Canadian soldiers wrestle with rules on inappropriate relationships f Brmsh Columbia UfJ:nr:: ,20.I.Q. TheCanadian Press. KANDAIlAR, Afghani""n- Even 1,.lIJ:der baggy, long-sleeved fatigues. cll-e supple gaitaf ll. blonde saIdie. making herway towards the Kandahar Airfield boardwalk rntc~ the ~ of one male Canadian ooUll1erpan. "see? Th.atjUSt happem:' said the lieutenant, who spoke on condition of anonymily. ''B\Jtls irworth it? No." The s....dden OUSter l..a:stweekend (lfcanada's top miJitarywrnmamIer inAfghani!>r:an smid alIe· ~tlOl1S cf an inappropriate reI<ltionshipwitha female subordiT nateisfu-iogthei.w..agin.atiDIl;$(Jf so1d~en; at the spnlwling ba:>e and :r.roking some randyrepartet:' among me rank-and-file. ButBrig.-Gen.Daniel Menarrl's dhirnissw over uuproven HCCU:r.atiOlli has also brough. inro stark n::IE"r:h""mn.=:t:'qIl~ce.s"fs.~· deriDg ,0 camall-e.mpcalion - not to mention th.e challenge human narure can pre:r.ent to even the mmtdi:sc:iplinEd milita.ryoffi~ while on me battlefield for months. at a time. "You are hl!l:nan,." the soldier ~druefully.~Th~~nowis, 1fil::Cillha.ppenroa gf!n~al,jt can happen tel anyone.... Me:n.ard'soonduC1, th.edebJilsof whicll have [lever beffi officially disclosed, h8smme und-t!l'investi· g;mDP by the c:am.dian Forces National ~tigarlon Service after ao:usations swfaced that he was involval m:m mappropriatE" reb· ricnship whil~in Kandah~. Menard ha5 yet ro publidy acknOWledge the allegations. The swirlin,g: dust that ~ the base, nor to mention me O<:C2SicmaIS(enmofsalo"agel'\o<lftingfrom an open-air\'laSte'Nater pond ne.arlJ:I.~doem'nDakefQr the mOSt mmam:ic of ciH.,\,lIIl5l::am~.BUI ......-hrn th"" plaCf' is popl..lh~ with tens of mO\l:sands ofyoung, fir, guD-lo!ing soldiers, that doesn'tl muchma"er. tRt;'i''Pf~Wtoi-~~~l~ft: Tht/.ri~~~.I1JfoII;JI-~;o T~"'" ~~".,;i"i-""J~Il();lM,,_ loc~tkJ,t;: ~~~~~~~~ .. _ . . . . . l l t . _.~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ner for taking Affidavits British Columbia !?'1'f'l.opril].i;'!~·bl'~~ ...;o,.... V:$-,!It.~~~ nl~Al'I'LlGA.tJ()I,l ~.thrl"" G.~""'lEl_t1~ rpmrni~,;jM 6ei.Pil.,k~i.~~·~\fl (ll'tiJ11' >,*~K; ~~'_~Mt~>Ar~lrl"di:Ca~li=l'flt~?In;'«frf6'· ffXi~H1llif~j>.ff"'*T~ u-,lO>.j~~ ·;Pl'.:U'i~d>TI-~~~r,~CBtm~fel~a~~~-l'nl.$'~m·i:-Im'n~"Ilph.;at~ntP"!J.e~.:Jil~tni'l,'tnce;.Publ~Hffirn-.lJDr«-ffi.a'! . fuui\:lctH.d~tC·u~. ." , ... . ' _. - . 'Oil Mil'j ll; m'J;~-rl.h."j~;z.Q'O:5;lr~~l.r>(;<jh!"':WI~ Rli'q~~"fJwnt~P.cpliw1'iJ'1lfud3~'!l':Wril'?IVi!~;;,;t:J![l-\P:a!~;.wjJ-:..:~hJllkiJ lli;JpIO'l'o'iC;:.i1 !J'i~l ~~.,:w~'=r!"I'!-!!~~~~.II:~~.;I':~~~9'014~~~~!;,~~~~'l\lir~~;:~N:Pl~~i~l"l~h~-ApI<I;.:(l.~r~l.(9(/lppIWf:'L ~PPt'~,..811-\<il~~Jt-~llit~N:': 1Q.(i>;'i:~01;j.~~~)'r.""r.lf1_d:~·a"?f"'~.a~for NU(.m'\lirl<w..r;_-:;..'I'~-cIl~~I~.iI!JI~, 111+Ap~~.aU-ot'! rJWI( l~al~b f.:':t:"1t~I~:I'~nr.;,p.~IIi>{<l~~~P\1lj{~rt;Qlla~!{I!',.~m'Orp~G-6~....J;:€'.<a~i~ WE}.~~tiIi,!'d1<'i~th~~!; ;,J~~-.a.J'J.t~~N1~ . . -of.,:~')jl~gr'Nl'N,;tIr>ci i~~th-"':l\1f-'l'q'Rdl".-J 1<,~~ if'l{r~.~m TH! UWlATORY FROWS Th~{;~~'i'!~i'I~:;~~~t'1;!fi;'\!'!p;!!o:1k1~~t:r-~)lOIQ~~l11'l~Jl~I,l~~~!,f'm~~~~i;'Jr;f~~1i;;~:il~~"'~,,1'1 -J:>Ppo,lllnltY!1:\ w.rkwow>:l tn~ lN~l~ fw1~ Ap~l/;/ll;;':In.1M ~t<~r'>"finl'dtl~c: ~qui:!'lM'lmt$AppIWGl'i'wiil.'*'~I~ ir'l i"':ll!dinC&; Mrh~~OfMf&-!.5-1a.A~e..~(';f.;:tt"mkil':'9~!kJ<'.wRh~r:j'J;oa1<Elhil'1D10'i!~P~"''*~tA.Ppfi:;,''I!~ ...iFtt>rN'5d~l tiwCmTh"fli_woo~b.gfl.OO11M1_M 12lh R>xt, H2SiW\WSt.~'r '\'~.nruu'lPl",BC QnThu'~y.J~ l1)tl'IO l:?~'"'l!l.1tt~ PI'. P1JBUCINS!'OC'llO!lQf lmJlPPU<;"'1(I"" Th"!Sh~.'rrill>'K'd~~~~~nl~l\hApp!~~Xrl.OO_\uf3~~r;w~kl!iM;ib(>~cb!'OWoj~-&l»e_!~il\s.p;:>~'rl~.u:d~E~-QC1(nfi0<l1(.tl(nc'4¢1.I);! 1l'l""tlM~~ ~ ~ - kLo"'N(J.j;i\'l1@trlilIWSP"'0¢I)li:!~Oljj,~~!K:f"<mat~I9<i.;J,;li.f':l\(,"IiIw(~1 - )~h},,,,e~vt,_~~~~elM:, 'the.Appik-i'lOOrt",~d !o1i~go~W~wjl!~be~@.;I,,\:,.\)t«>-3ni"r= IteC:HoodOllk>?<.lt ,51 WtoS, Bp!~ HO~tI. v~"ro~, 6'C."O"~KBC i!tt''''~;I: 'n~;;,tw-w'l'l.:p;:t.i'.w.n'l • .M~ .;w~_{<:#\1~~_¢ffi(tl S~hfJoor,!»3 HI)'~~~~ -v:.NQ;,uqrPC MGE:5T:EREN6-TO PaJrnCtPATE =T~';;~~~~:~~~~=:;~:~~~=~~WJC~jS$hwldlE<;~W~lme"'~~theC~si:~~ 'f'l'~",It:'!~iP'1.ti-trroffi:jr.~ p'O«~:"i9~t.utwhO-M~nMI!.J:p-N:"(inst\)lJG'~tl;vtidp;l~W_l,J!.d ~t~f-1l~l~~j PN'Ms.)M 'hllJ i~;9 -Inf1tof1hi>w~-e~o)o1'o!m.fii::1~~~'in,-tl"""'",=do:mdt~fn~i[)..,'~['].,tci"'n>",it;:l;pph<:;J'l:oI.p IhtB'W:rti:tS"»:Hntef:e.ted~:1ho:uUlinr-:>m1the(o!T(J'Jh~iati~t>i-."y.~wtj!lrJgOf~flk~:.b:riis~b:rJh,.adar,J>d1loi!'lo,io'IO:Ji~ ~'"'l~!;flIKrm.¥4~v:~It~h~f~~rdl~o1o!1(104~ ... R~"i(;«l'W;<~nS'~~:!!~lmf:r~:'tIC\Jld~~f~~J~~If:t'r~II.-,.~\)r\.hol!i~tm~iMlin liJ\i~ll,)SV~i!h~w~~",,~~qui:-~~~~~li~w-I~~y-y~at:l',8ylh~~\;~nJ:~~Ul4\lht;y~ur,en;h'Dpm¥J';dui~"l9~ Ptt!C(W;~il:fl.jthr,~a~o>Jb('!w[~tM<'Nlti<lpaM"",'~~r!I;Jr.'tMf'$'";!:Wc:;f~""pli~~t.I\l~t)'~'e:f~~·.'illt,~-e.~~ I~;;>«om~~ ~H~II~nlQ!f4M'I~..:w-~~~I:IlQ.l~~ ~I tl-flf'?::;«~~_Ji)ff1k~~lJlrtlI:~dJt.::~tI~~n*i:;pf-'llnlftm.....-JI~~~I~lhi-~th\:::tt.:--,-,K-l P<lnffl ~l:)otN.o tl)lT.:mI'?iian·~ wt'b_Ul!. FURTH~lI-lHfOlUMnOJli A.wPyO/~~~'I1'l"'I~i'J:"-'~d?"&JUU~t1~""'.iI,,:bi;l<;'O~ A~<f'... ~e("""'~l~tt.<: ~t."l:<~-&toajoM. r:~i~<:,n~~<It'~~l~O<'l!'M -rJ:lMrt'.i~~j,x·"S~I:i~:~i'!rl?ttp"J''WWN_lx»;:~n!X~tWGiLi~P~~ fuf fuHha ~kXl. f~ _i'-d?,i,.,.-..:Jit' p!~lli' rnri~ 'i~f>;lC>IT-<l:;'l}{l ~~«i<l·HOl We, &ic~W.. Hcm~lan, _6;~#t (oom!~\m5etltlaf)',;afcll%--;; W;.l~!fn;. l---$}:J-~-J~ 'f.n-"'~ C'lJ"~'~,~rtUt'j'81;o.:;",,-,,~";>·nY Paq~ 1:2 THURSDAY', JUNE3, 2010 The DAILY NEWS, Ptince Rupert. B.C n 1iJ>P'EI'o!OIl(B toO",luG-a5'ill S1XTr1 fLQO~. ~O tH;JWE HIlEET. :fIOX ~$(I VANCQI,lV.ER.5-C Vl;.l2lll;: TELIF'HONE: r604~ 660·4700 :E!CTOllRlE!..:i-800-66:>-13EI5 OoN./ID~ l'I!bsil~; ra~p:/fwww.b<:uo:.com fACSIM~ (004} 6(jCl-llQ~ •.• :&'i: : .. r-"t&- Feline biting and aggression Aggress.iolltakcs rnanyf(mn5and~ :s.olmion dE!pends cmlhecause. Doa jietle detectr.'e work tofigutcthi~bclIaY NOTICEOFREVIEWWORKING.SESSION"··, lQU~ O\,It fearer Pain: 1N5~RJ\I-lCE(OIH'ORATION Or El~mSHCOlUMElIA Dat~-of~~I_W(lfkIM ... ~n; Qui b~eaLJ£e he is afraid or hurting, yOU! bC'S1 bC:1 i~ to ll;'~ve him <1lone and wolktJn tbeu!ldf"rlyln~ rrobll'm. A cat in pllin or fear has his lO'arS flile ba('l\: agaios; hi~ Th~,"'C\.I-I'.Jvn.e l1,2~iO Comme!King~~$':OO Time: ... m. Com~onHe.a:rin!;lf1.oom 11~FI00f, 'l1.'iHow~ S'tr~1 v.m~ ~13.L hC'M andhl$booyrol.ledWIO \I'.fiZ2K3 ::l defe:n~i\'e ")'(l,d,", G-5.5-10 mil Comml~~ d~",rmjflO:d 110;.. lfcin-ruture ~.aP.i, Ie&:'~ il~~wri~lly iOOI(,Hed r.lte<;:h~ngefor B-ilsj( !nsLllilnG!rneet§ ttw al-.err.a <IS .P'O·<;::ffied in- th<Jt Ordei, lher.ICl3C m3yfitei3 S-lr-e.MllII.rn:d FlEl'enue RequjremeC1t~ Applk.ilticn [e be addres.-sed ~n.a Wr~llen Publit HE!arlng proU!)!.il,S desurbed In thiltOrdee-. On May 301, 2010,lCBC filed a 201ClStreamlin.ed RevefllI~ R~uirll~ Appllati-onlor ~~Ic in~tJ,a!l~C! lrid"ding<'n IIppll(il.ion fOf <,pprQY<l1 01 a plan t>'!gatdlr.g Il;;lsk In'llJr.3lnt:-t!t''!lOCt'!~! lapit:ll ~a:l!~blo: (~he 21110 $ll<;ll"llined ~~e Re(f.llr~me~ti Applij(~tiool.1n the Appli(...1:J-on.ICBC .appned fQI ilpprQVill QF,~ IE:\;J\l'rerm~nt~fo~it.2010poli()' ye~r imd apprOYlll (If-ilpi3nforB"~c rnrur.8lll(E!oE!Xl:e~s(:apll.i!1 wa~able. The AppliQIIOn met the <;:ril;eri.;j for <1 $treamllned revenue re-quirement~ilpplk<ltion-il$ l'pecllied In Dtc:k!rG·6S·11l as II ~,*b a r<lle- change !h:olls eltheJ.a I~>C deae~.eaf ,1%or greater.imdJesl thana! equal to a ;3.5% Ifl~rease,. THE REGULATORY PROCESS. 11",,< CommissilJ-n wishes 10 enwreltw.1 all pilrlies "ff ,ed by lCBC's lOlOoSlreamlirte-d ~ ~equiremffi[S Applkali~1i f.;H ~llllnsw~II'1[e have an opportunll)' Ie> undel5land lhe b;;sl~ forth Appllarlon. l"'rHl ~OlO SUe;lmlined Rt!Wn.L.tf> Rt'lqU;lefn<:r>t$ ApP/I(<ltion will be revlewoo in alrordaocewllh Comml-so;lorlOrd-er G·I3:S-10.A Rev/ewWorki"9 ~~;lon wIth IISP£'oCt to tM ](1m St,,~arn1''led RlNIi:nue ~lJ'iremenb I'opflti<;;'lrlan .....ill bf> ~d d[ m~(oh\MlSS~n I-k;>~ring !'loom on tl1e12lh F-IOl;ll. 1125 Hovre Stie«l, V~n(O'.Ner.IK 00 Thur~day. JUrl.E- 17, 2IilCl <ommenc:~ng 3t 9;OO.a,mc PUBUC INSPEcnON OFllIE APPUCATlON .cfl'iceloc:aliofl'l,: ~owrn (Ialm Centr".c 1noSplingfleid Ro~, !(cl~WM. ftC Prirl<:eGer;.rg" CI""IT'C","lre,4001 - 1~lh A~.PIiIlCeGe().rge. tl,(. TO PA.A11QPAlE P-e'rsom who etpec:lle>.;tlendthe RlNiew Working Sessl-:irl and an/vely pa!l/ripate in the pm<ess should f~III£' as Itl~~r; With!ho: CommissklrL Irtl~~31MS wm f~lve(ople~oftheflllngs.aUl~H~.If!O~~and lil£ddoc.... rnPn~$- Per:;.om wit!-;gll Inl~'l;'$l ill ~pro<;:ee<;tin::F- l;Jul who a,," not e;>;pecljng Ie ~(Iiv<"ll'PiJrti~lpilte should regisle. as lnlerested reW"ve a (op)'of the IntrodlJctoryCh<rpter of thefilil19>..i>l1 Ord~~ isslJed, and theCommi~sjon's Ded!olcn, if appIicabl-e. 1r1I€{eu~ Par1i~ Mid will Partiel shoLJld JnfOim lhis Commission 5ecrer:1!1)\ In wril:ing or ~ecuonf( suhrnllblr.n, by n-.LJr~y,)\-Irie ,0, ;rowof ~lllnten(/oN..and advlsewt1ether they inlend 10 all<"nd lht"! FIevi~W~kir'19 $e:!.~io'1_IrI~l!;'fven.:r~ ~1d ~~~c3111' ~t<ltelhe rntlJreoftheJr Inl~re~1 in!he ~l(] SIJ~aM1i~R~lI!!"~r~llt~AppliytiOrl and identify generally the ruture ofthej~5u~thalll1eyrN)' Entl!rld to pu'~e dlJn-1lg thepu;.(~rtg ..ndthe rJ<l\U[<: and O=l':lefltorthclr antjdpilted Involl'Cm!!fl! tn there';"'!!'Noflhe appHciltie>11. Noljl1C:il~Dn bl' ~urler d~I"'€'Il'.lax. 01 fr.crn amYl: pankjpantsol the public lela~ng to lhf.ilpplication".,11 b.= plii~ 01'1 [h,:., pubL~ For furtheri"krmo:tioo. pfe.i!~ c:on't;;l(1 M.... ErlC.il M. HamilEQrI"Comm[s:>lon Se1:leta~y,.as follows.: (604) 660-4700 l5O<l!660-1l02 B.c. Totl Fr...e-: l-B00-6-63--BSS E·l1"I:<il: (nmmi!!Jorl.5.f.cretar)'@baxn.m l~' build (If) your suc(X'~~ c~ts do reallyerljCl!' beillg peLlerl and fawnell Sortie OVCI fOI a long time bu. alo, ofcats .... flotsoIDUC!t rrY-Oil are pettlrlg YOur Cl-t'$bcl~-rem~rnl;ler lh,,1 ~I~$ i5 a \....1). stln5hive area for I::a,s and "'~'en If }'ol.lr C~[ Qffers il to you, you are oclm ~omewhere- el5e B~dctltlJ'{Jnc ~son Is SCXL1- off pelHllll ;-,1 irl D;l\l)re~ YOllr m"le ~[ b~~omes aroused ....nen his re&Cl~ bd!y is rubbed and fufl:hetri:ptothel-I(':~ v.itha bite because thfltis J had O.tlC CIlI h'hlJ hated hi.$ tIaI.'<:l ling crate $0 much I wot1-1d 11'~lIhf"r ....-tJat powered att~(~ but you'vf" :nil! gOl thos~ sharp tips around )'(Iur band. In milshort run. freere. Don' flJihI YOUfCilt Cir)'(fu mas uigse~ a real blte_ SomNimcs SInack· ing yom D[hE!r tld.lld hard againsl a hard surface (e.g ISb~e topJ mil}' starde your ClIt tntQ bleaking off the reline maljng bE-h,w- iouricvoll'e5. P~"Y Aggr.;ssion~ gloves when. puLtinghimimide. Ovcrstimuliltion: You are flCUingywrcal and wdderl· Iy she grab~ you with her SlJre. jt hurl5 bur whEn your cat pmlllNsml YOlHfl::"erbtllel.1- det'ldy he lsn'l lrj'ing ~o hUrl hE- -IS playing. Y-oo Jlero towcmlseyourphly sessions \'iirb )'O'1rcat ....ith an appro' priale lOY, not your boo:)' )"OU, !"ill- Rccirencd AggreSSlon: Your cal ser:s another Cll1, <JJl wtruller. oulsid:e ~"OurHr,ing T('JOm ""ino:l:ow: He bEcomes I2'nraged. Y<XIwa!kb~lSJldruo naUs YDU. Yep, it hflppcne-d to me. I was the vic lim of aU1rd\. IfllJUSlarstill,how- re<:!ire-cted aggression. To ever,sheu::ual!yca1IDsdov,-o kep ~thEr cal5 Out (If your and relE!as<'-S }W_ The bettEr pm you mlght tty usiPil ao guage an~ S1:oP petting S1ll'Ul.llaled, A(I;lPY ofthc>document ·Understanding VLIJ,[y Regvl"ti.or.:A P-ilrtidp~nl~'Gvidelo l~ B1jtish Columb:a UriliOOsCcmmLuioo"Is iIVillIatlleon ihe C<;>ft'lml5slon's webslteal: http-J/WWWlKur:.":ornJDowrno=rlt~GlJcdeli~J'..rtiop-"nLG\JIde.pdf. FKsimlle:: thO' ArIgtU· of uying to force fashion, the lime- lo-calloff ~cpcltingb&ll arri~'("d. You can at!itl build up )"DU, pals, ;lure Ihen rOl.l.relC, and slew; your cat m tmhcr his l::&ITlcr bEfore she become$ over fURTHERINFORMAllol\l T~~honc: feY1.' I.!elils Or waler in thEre for awhile. Your Ci11 mayclloosc logo in there and Ibis 1]).11 s:u"" )"On ....- ide opEn with a option i5 lO bf" [uIIiliar ....ilh your c:al alld: hE!r body lan- e--m<lili,<lcrept<rblo=. AlI5ubrnissi'Of1~.andJo!<orresponden~e rlKellied ~erordand posted to IheCommE~51on·sweb 5111' You nEed tQ-I~1 your COIl: cal.wdUI'P"Il.evenifhehil5lo h~de- If~'Ou !leta to g('{ \o'()\.lr c:at into 11~ Cf<l-Ie to gN him IIJ lhel:E!tErEnarianyou might try le;<lvin&!hll cflrrler dODr cl3WS and terch, NOI a futl- thE! App~ioC.lltlon.!lM §upportlng m.!llelta! 'Will al:iO be-nudeaVaJ1ab/eat 1he" ICBC HudO!flce i!ll51 ~t Esplanade, North Vancoulo'e'f, fIC, orllhe K:BC WEbsiteat http://wwwJdx:.com•.andat Ine'Commissioo Offic<"S. "Illth Rom, 9OOHowe Str<"l:1,. V.1nt:e>lNef Be lnlelV<"l'h"l'S and 10\"1' dawsupilJld~}: WE!ar The Stre~rnlined Revenlle Requirement. ,ll,pplfC300r1ilOO SLlpporrlfl9 mat~iIl will bemad~a\lilllablefor rnspKliQn alIne following KBC field fI~GlstERING p-Qs{ute 3-gaim;[ thof' ground wilh THE J\PPUCATION , , ]f Yol.l.r cal is slriking A s.tre~mlcned Appll~3tKmbJl'!h1! 1n~!03.n(I!COfporaUOJlof 8rUI~h Columbia fer Apprc\lal 01 the 2<110 IlWffiue Re"qulrernent fm Unil'ffsal Compulsorl' IIlllomobne lliSur.;nce.'lM d.I"lAflp!IGl.tl~n ro( Apptov:.l of:. P1~n Fi"'9,w:ling -1Jnjverl'~1 wmp<.Jl>Qry AlIl¢mobik-IrI,..ITpr.c;:e Ex(e~5 C~pjl<ll AI'-illiable Qu lovers OflNl thin\;: S1.l.l:h ~ua~k5 comp. ....i mom ",am1ng bm mE! fact is mal they missed the warning. sigl)5. of a cal thar has sImply h.xi ('lj.(IuYJ.lf~1.lun:~al$UrlS rwi:tching he. tail in a jerky air hom ....n en yOLl ~ Ih~m inywrrard . To keep your cat from muncbing 011 )COUf btJuy pa~1:!; JOu might II)· us.illg a -spray h·ater bQ nle and rna}'he .a no when tn~ muncl1ingstartsOT II'J' !Ilhtle Eirr~r Apple': en your hand or ahla:;;lfromanairhom. ~~iuJ\'... mastel5.Dts ba.'\'5tllT.~ -mI TRAlL DAlLY TIMES THURSDAY,JUNE3,2010 I PAGE9 ENVIRONMENT Saw sticl{S in pipe during effort to contain oil Best chance at stopping spew may take two months THE ASSOCIATED PRESS they will try to place a cap on top of the oil spewing out. This cut-and-cap effott could temporarily increase the flow of oil by as much as 20 per cent, though Allen said officials wouldn't know whether that had happened until the cut could be completed. Engineers may have to bring in a second saw if the delay continues, and they are shooting chemical dispersants at the oil leaking out of the new cut. Allen said once the cut is made, crews will inspect it and the cap could be placed over the spill as early as Wednesday.. The effort underwater was going on as oil drifted close to northwestern Florida's white sandbeaches for the first time and investors ran from BP's stock for a second day, reacting to the company's failure to plug the leak by shooting mud and cement into the well, known as the top kill. The Justice Department also has announced it started criminal and civil probes into the spill, although the department did not name specific targets for prosecution. Shares in British-based BP PLC were down three per cent Wednesday morning in London trading after a 13 per cent fall the day before. BP has iost $75 billion in market value since the spill started with an April 20 oil rig explosion and analysts expect damage claims to total billions more. In Florida, officials confirmed an oil sheen Tuesday about 15 kilometres from Pensacola beach, where the summettourism season was just getting started. PORT FOURCHON, La. - The risky effort to contain the worst U.S. oil spill hit a snag wednesday when a diamond-edgedsawbecame stuck in a thick pipe on a blown-out well at the bottom ofthe Gulf of Mexico. APPENDIX a Coast Guard Adm. Thad to O,de, G-85-10 Allen said the goal was to SIXTH FLOOR, 900 HOWE STREET, BOX 250 TELEPHONE: (604} 660·4700 free the saw and finish the VANCOUVER. 8.c. V6Z 2N3 CANADA Be TOll fREE: 1-800-663-1385 cut later in the day. This is web site: http://www.bcuc.com FACSIMILE: (604) 660-1102 the latest attempt to contain - not plug - the gusher. The best chance at stopping the leak is a relief well, whicnr is is at least two months from completion. 'd "t 'f ,~~}.; "I don't think the issue is I aVI 0 .. " whether ornot we can make 1</ ; I' the second cut. It's about> orn be'fareHl"ie y.....0.a1.1tt?v..i(~:;~~;;.~~NCECORPORATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA how fine we can make itjn he Province of 8rirsh ~9Q:l.1j~pplicationby the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia for Approval of how smooth we can make 'l:ne 2d'M'Rt,ltklM~'1lequirement for U11Iversai Compulsory Automobile Insurance and an Application it," Allen said. th' ~T~ {)fI: J ,for ApRroval of a Plan. R~ardin~ Universal CompUlsory Automobile Insurance Excess Capital Available If crews make the cut, I ,.\.. ~ a. 1. . w,.;P.e.. zO.J,"U L' meiJ'Cj::fj iisEEXhihit"d :a atr. I Date of ReviewWorking Session; ;0' ~ io.;o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •• • ~ • • • ~ ~~: ... Tim¢.: ~::~:,. ~ H: .:: .... ~.,: F A Cgttlffii§slo0l$f far t~ 'iflij~idfl~li~ WrUiIfj Bfiilsll lum'tiii'l eC ThuIsdaYI June 17~ 2010 Commencing at 9:00 iI.m. Commission Hearing Room 12th Floor, 112S Howe Street Vancouver,8.c. V6Z 2K8 THE APPLICATION By Order G-65-1O the Commission determined that if, in future years, ICBC's actuarially indicated rate change for Basic insurance meets the criteria as specified in that Order, then ICBC may file a Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application to be addressed in a Written Pu blic Hearing process as described in that Order. On May 31, 2010, ICBC filed a 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application for Basic insurance including an Application for approval ofa plan regarding Basic insurance excess capital available (the 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application). In the Application, ICBC applied for approval of revenue requirements forits 2010 policy year and approva Iof a plan for Basic insurance excess capita Iavaila ble. The Application met the criteria for a streamlined revenue requirements application as specified in Order G-65-1O as it seeks a rate change that is either a rate decrease of -1% or greater, and less than or equal to a 2.5% increase. THE REGU LATORY PROCESS The Commission wishes to ensure that all parties affected by ICBC's 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application for Basie insurance have an opportunity to understand the basis forthe Application, The 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application will be reviewed in accordance with Commission Order G-8S-10. A Review Working Session with respect to the 2010 Streamlined Revenue ReqUirements Application will be held at the Commission Hearing Room on the 12th Floor, 1125 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC on Thursday, June 17, 2010commencing at 9;00 a.m. PUBLIC INSPECTION OF THE APPLICATION The Streamlined Revenue Requirements Appl ication and supporting material will be made available for inspection at the follOWing ICBC field office locations; , , Kelowna Claim Centre, 1720 Springfield Road, Kelowna, B.C. Prince George Claim Centre, 4001 -15th Avenue, Prince George, B.C. The Application and supporting material will also be made available at the ICBC Head Office at 151 West Esplanade, North Vancouver, BC, on the ICBC website at http://www.icbc.com. and at the Comm ission Offices, Sixth Floor, 900 Howe Street, Vancouver BC Who says colour doesn't (all attention to your ad? It just did. REGISTERING TO PARTICIPATE Persons who expect to attend the Review Working Session and actively participate in the process should register as Interveners with the Commission. Interveners will receive copies of the filings, all correspondence and filed documents. Persons with an interest in the proceedings but who are not expecting to actively participate should register as Interested Parties and will receive a copy of the Introductory Chapter ofthe filings, all Orders issued, and the Commission's Decision, if applicable. Interveners and Interested Parties should inform the Commission Secretary, in writing Or electronic submission, by Thursday, Ju ne 10,2010 of their intentions, and advise whether they intend to attend the Review Working Session. Interveners should specificaliy state the nature of their interest in the 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application and identify generally the nature ofthe issues thatthey may intend to pursue during the proceeding and the nature and extent of their anticipated involvement in the review of the application. Notification by courier delivery, fax, or e-mail is acceptable. Allsu bmissions and/or correspondence received from active participants or the pu blic relating to the appl ieation will be placed on the public record and posted to the Commission's web site. Dan flitlles ----J----.1163 Cedar Ave, Trail Z50- 368-855l ,." FURTHER INFORMATION Acopy of the document 'Understanding Utility Regu lation: A Participants' Guide to the British Colu mbla Utilities Commission" is available on the Commission's website at http://www.bcuc.com/Documents/ GUidelines/Participant_Guide.pdf. For further information, please contact Ms. Erica M. Hamilton, Commission Secretary, as follows: B.C. Toll Free: 1-800-663-1385 Telephone: (604) 660-4700 Facsimile: (604) 660-1102 E-mail: Commission.5ecretary@bcuc.com llMES COLONISll t1me.s.ooleJn]stmm r _c__'TH"'U"'R"'SD"'A"'Y,,,m"'N:o.E_"3'_1",0.,ID,--"]B7 ', ~~ APPSNOIXB toOflder~S-10 Hiring plans upbeat for professionals S1xn·1 FLOOR, "0(1 HOWE STREET. SOX.:lSO Vl\NCOUliflt ELt;". V6Z:<'tH CMIADA '" Manufa<:turing.finance, insurBl1re and real estate were the mostpositive.sectors in tbe survey, with net outlooks of 20 to2'i per renL The sLIl"'Vey was based on teiephone in1emews with abotltl,lXX}<::.madlanelLec& tiv~inearl.yMa,·. Th.eove.rallsurvey restilLS are congdered~at:ewillrln three peruntage points,]9 timesoutof20. Survey: Job cnmch to hit energy sector CALGARY - The Canadian oiland-gas industry i5 headiD.g for .1labaur s~rtage in tile nel>!: year; and the longer-term picru.re l:brirugh 2020 just get:> worre, .according to a. -Stildy by thcPctroleum Humat1 ReSDW'Ce:l Council of Canada In spite of the loomIng demand, trade s.chools in Canada are far frolD full,. said executive dl,reci:or Chery] Knight, adding that energy . companies arE: gering ID haVe to ch:mge theirtr<tdffional hiring practioesta emplor more ....'Ouien, aborigiDaI5 aDd imrni· ...""ts. The .srudy -attempted to- falCtor(lut SMlt-term rommodity prla'lfluctuations.. ~~S (6'J4l MiJ-110::1 (If) • referred to in the tNOT.c·IcE.··.b. F;REVIEW.'". w.·c·..O.·R·.·cK·.·.I'N.G". .ccSES.S.IO.",c.N.:~dav·lt of.I.~: M ~ ~ < ~' "..... £.;'V'ilkJ•• n r+'(,,,~p..'''','':''~c,c">'~''""";c,~,,,_~,,, '/"oW'O'~"_::·:._.'-~N';"""'~,~~uv".~;.;f~~~,~;;,~,~-,---,-,:·-,-.-~al11 . lrl~ ", ••• t .IK.,;.'~ ..... ~." _ ..... .1.. ,.. lNSURANCE CORPORATION OF BmTLSH COlUMB1A Ihe~o~~=~::RA:~:~tb~;~enli:~:~~~I~:~~~~~~~~~~ ~~:~~~~~dA~~;SWQrn before m at ~{~r.. ~~\(l~ ~:\Y:~::~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~. Pro ~nce f British Columb.a SllrVeyre.sultsrele.ased:r~r lXI1I positive outlook resulting from the ~POI1~sec. and-quarter sm"Vey, but the staf1'ingage.ncyto-utedthefaet t:MJ ltiring for sltilled 'Workers c:mtinues to outpace cuts. FA1:S1r.'JLI~ This is Exhibit a ;j'HAWA-Pro~Qn.alsin employec.s:,leaving the net .outlook llI: eiibt per ceut Th<Jt'.::JowerttM the lSper ElCTOUfREE;l-SOO-MJ-UllS w~ ~te:http'.//Www.baJc.(Om Canada stand a good chanc.e sf: findirlg new job3 this SUJIJIDoer if they 00 desire,oOlCCOrdingto day. ApollofCanadiall ex.ecutiv~ done by sta:Irmg agency Robert Half Intemal:iooaI sbowed th.;II 13 per cent are looking at adding worker.;: with :specializ.edskillsinthisye<U"'s thitd quartet. Five per ¢eJlt anticipate QJtbaclcs for Sllcb TELEPHONE; (604] 6MI-4100 +. ful.ApprovalC>f~PlanRegajd[09Uni\rersa!Compu[~JyAutomoMelrlSUr.J.llceE:«;e.I5GJ.PJt~IAV3.llilhe r:C=-'1<=-.-o'=-R~""'-_-:W:-'OO""·-"'-:'-~""O-",---~T=-"-"""c-,,,=-,-,"""C:,;zo""1""'~--~~-j. e :::;H:::::m ~:~on~ VI of "~',=,.nE"~~'",~, J Vln~10<." , 20 •••• [0 , V..nCOUYef",B.c, Vt>Z2.K!l THE APPUCATlON lI' .. _ . . :~ ~ • • : • • • • • • • ~.~ • ~~~~:~~~~;:~~~il~~n~:;~I:-~:::~:!~: ~~~~~~~~1~~:~~~~~~k~~o~a:~~a~~~~=f~ra~~~t~~~~~~e~~~tS . lOner for taking Affidavits describedifltJwtOrdsr. with, Or! Mdy31. 2Ol0.1CBCfiled ~2010 Slie~rnlilled Re~flLJe ReqrjirernenuApplicalDtl for Ba~ic illsurarJCoe inclLJdirlg an Application fal approV<i!ofa plan legardjng 3a5ic in~uJ.;ln"e- excessopirOlI available (the 2010 Stream.lined ~\I'.ellue Requiremellts App1kation).ln the AppliGllion. ICOCapprted fur .i3pprOv.il1 ofleYenl"lE:' requlrE'moE:'MSfo{ its 2010 pcJHcl" yeilJ .arlrj~pprov~1 ora plan fwBask InsuJ<lrla~ e;(ce~ capital aliililabk:. Th!3 Appljcalion met the t:rii:eria [or a ~reamllt1M le\li!rlI"'~ tequi.ement~ application a~ sperlfil"d in OrderG-65-10 as 11 seek~a. r.3te-chllllge-that is eitnera r.3INi-<X:fease of~1% or .greater,arld 1E:'$sthan 01 eqlJal tOil 15% lno:reaSE:. THE REGULATORY PROUSS The (t'lmmi~iQn wishe~ lo.erlsu,ethOlt <Ill part~alfected byICBC's20105tr6lmlllled RevellLJE Ro:qujl'E"mEmls Appncatlon for 6<!skin..sLlriUl[!3 hil....!3 an o~poltlJrlEtytou~del~andthebllsis fOi tht: Apprkalinn. The2010Slreamlined RevelllJe Req~i~m21l[~ Applicati_ollwill be revie~ il1 ~CClrdan[oI;' with Commis~O"IlOlder G-85-1Q.A Review WQ,king SeS'Sion with respect to the 20m StfeamllnEOd RE!venue FleqUHE;lm;:ms. Appll,atlon wIn be ~eld..,1 the Commission Hei'IJirlg Roomnllthe 12th Fk.ClI, 1125 HoweStreet, Vancouvel, Be ollTllursday.Jufie 17. 20Hl commencing 0119:00 \I_M, PUBUCJNSPECTjON OFTHEAPPUCATION Th~ '511~m1ifl0 R~llue ReqUifement~ ApplicatkJn and supparttng materi<J1 will be !J'I.:>de available for irlspe<.:tion althe fDlktwjllg ICBe lield office loc.iltiorls: - Ke~ownaCja[mCe-ntrE!, lnO$pringfiekl Road ~ PrlrH:~ G~rg.e O~irn Centre, «l0l - 15th Kelowna, B.C AveIllJ~ Prince Georgi; B-C Th~Appli(<lti(lnand Sl.lppoftlng m~teri~lwillalso 00 m~dealJ<lilabl~.atthe[(Be Head Oflke al 1$1 Wesl hplilnade. North \lilnC'Juve~ BCor. tbeJCBC website ill htllX!lwww.lc!x:Lom• .i!.nd ill theCommissiorl OffiC!35.5ilflh Floor, 900 How~StrM, Vancouva B( RE(iIST£RING TO PARTICIPATE ~iOIlS who fll:pccttoattendtbeRevh:wWolkfng Ses~ion and aClivel)' partic1p1\win th~ Interveflels will receive copi13 cofthefilings, al! coaespor'ldeoce arid fi~ dOCLJmllllts. proc~sshoLlld l~i!>lN<lS [r')tHVl'lllers with th~COrrH'rlis~kJn. Petsons wrth ill] inlere~1 ill the- ptlX<i'edif'\9S bl.lt wile> aro;.- flOI e;.:pl;;(ling to. aClil'el)' participate should register aslntorm:moo P.uties and will receive" copyonh~IClllOdu-etoryChllpllll ofth<! filing.., all Orders issued.,and the Commls.slorl'~Decision, if applicable. Interveners .clrld Irlterested Parties shoulc! inform Hie Comml:s~ior1 Secretary. ill writir"lg or electronk submission, b)'T~ ... r.s.day, JUM 10, 201D oftheil interllions.3rld adl'ise-whetnei Illey inlend to att.end Ille Re~lew Working Session.. Jntervener.s shoLlld 5;OE!Ci5cally slille the natur.eofthBir inlere-st ill tl"le 2010 StrB3mtirled Rel'el'lue R~uil<"mMls Apprkallon and idelltify geller.'lll)'the- natureof th!" issues. thatthel' mil)' irn.end 10 pl)r~lle do,lring thepllJce~ing arid tr.e nature<loo e:o;terll ofthe-i, ar'1licipilled ;n¥Olvemerll irl the ru-l'klJ.woftlJe appljGltjon. Notinci!tiarl by ~ourb=lr deljvery, fax, or e-mall j5aoc(eptabl~ All submisiio!1; and/ormuesJ)Ondem:e r&eived flom acliwp,ulidpllnts ortfle pLIhlk II:!alil"lg IDtr.e .i3pptiG3lion will b,,"pla(edcnt1"le pvblk recotr;l 3rld p¢s,ledtothe(Qmmj$~IQrI'sWE"b~i(e_ FURTHER INFDRMAT!ON A wpyohhedoc::um<!nt 'Und~lllill1diflgUtiHty R.egulaliorJ: A ParticJpallt5' Guide tothe I3.rit1§'h Columbia Utlllli~sCommls~ion·is available on the Commlss1on's.WE!h;;it-fl-a[flltp:Jlwww.bcuc.CClm/Documerlls/Gu[de~nes/P.arti(jfklrlt_Gll;~_pdf_ fOl further illformation, ple.aseoontact Ms.. EriG3 M. Hamilton, Commi~slofl s.e.:ret~rl". <'I~ folkJws' r"l"phons-: (6G415w--4700 B.C. Toll freE!: HOQ-.663·136S ~2J.';~fjlilE!: {6041660-1102 E-mail: (ornmi~S~Il_SO:<:lelaly@lxlJc.(om WHAT IS THE BENEFIT OF CONVERTING MY MORTGAGE TO THE TAX DEDUCTIBLE VARIETY? The interest expense of your mortgage payments becomes tax deductions! Holmes Realty in Sidney is sponsoring a public seminar featuring Fraser Smith discussing 111e Smith Manoeuvre at? pm at the MaryWinspear centre on June 10, Attendees will receive a free copy of the book, 111e Smith Manoeuvre, Oi'er11le past ZSyears,thousands of cana~~ Illmeowners Ilave lItuized 1heSrnithManoeuvret.c txifllIErt tfleirTteresl: expense of tlJair mort93:gi! irrtQ amuaI ta:c; rJelJLlctioIls in the arllOOl1ts Dlustrated in Uti! chart above. IUlnber at ttleirrtersectkmof1heamomt ot your mortgage and the mortgage inleresl late YOIJ are pa~fngoo thai mortgage. That numberl51he appuxima1e sire ofttle tax deductioo yooratCOl1n1anlmo..dd have been al:ieto enlefirrtCl your tlx return aLlms 221 this year if yoo h.'!dWIVerted yoor IIl\lrtgagetDthE! tIx OetJuc;1lblevariety usil191h8SmitflM8f/0tNVf'8stralegy. Admission by donation, proceeds will go!<J Kiva Microlending, See the Kiva micro finance story at www.kiva.org. Simply locate the ForirlStaoce. anew5 year$300,OOJ mortlt/1geat 4% woutd gellE!l'3!eaboot S12,COOfnmterest ~(jeduclionswhich would lSeliver ata:t;refuoo chequeal1al:1imeol S4,BOOiryoo were at lJle40%1&'I: tJa::ke1 ($12,ooox AO =S4,EOJ~ Thf pn:x:essis e1!!gMtas ¥ft!ll ~taxefficil!ll,and iscomplei~lesaJ. Marr;hmiiiE!SQI1the PeI1illSl,lla are curenlly enjoying these rather significanl beneft5: ~ear after year. Fraser Smith isttle autllorof Thf!smrt!I ~and 61/es il'l Sidney. Gel a copy 01 tis bookooline at w.ywSffifthmM.ne1 at larmer's or come oul1\l Ill!!' aItport IJ~ and picK up a ccpythere and iMt1~ shipping 1IfLd handljng. Phone i.5O-656-ron klr dirdorlS. TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT EMAIL events@holmesreality.com or phone 250-656-0911 ..-..-++ ~ ~ ~. WE5TCOAST NEWS II SYMBOlS All VANCOUVER Vancouver's Chinatown to become first Fireworks to light up city skies again this summer in the world to get its own mascot Celebration of Light is a go, park board chairman says B~ ., DREW HAtFNIGHT ......•..• ~' VanOO\lver's Chinatm..\ol1 will becomE' the first in the .."mrld to get ibi own mascot this summer after it selects aile of two youth-oriented pandas vying for the job. The Deighlxlllrhood business improvement association bas narM'>I--ed tile pool down tQ Punkie,. a teen pand<l with a flaming mtlhawk 31;ld rimles~ sunglasses who is pictured sucking BY ANDREA WOO R_:{~;:C3 ~-' The popular Celli"bratillu of Light fireworks .competition will nltu.m this SWrlIIle:f, Vancouver park boaro <.:hair- 'II coolly on a bamboo :sprig, and Muse, it mtaller panda with a huge paintbrush sllitlg over it.'! b.. d.. Both chAracter..'; sport vibrant spir.9l tattoos.. The v.inner Will be feted during this :rear':> Chinatown Festival ceh:brating the 125th aODiversary of the neighbo\lrhood in dOl\lltown Vancouver. manAaronJasper said Wedne5-day. HO...."e'ler. be said he could not telease any details about hQ..... the pe· renniaUy money-strapped evEnt will befmanced. ~Itwa5jus1 recentlyd!!l.!!l"IIlirilld that itison.w Ja:sp'Tsaid. Mil is happening, but 3t tlJi.s point there is little more infonnation... Lasty<:ar, the competition was emcelled until Ilrganizers scraped up enough sponsorship mOney iit the la~t minvte to allow it to proceed. Chinatown mascot contest entries are PU!lkie (Left) alld Muse. Vancouvemes will vote (In the-mascots thrQ~ghoot The rnaf£()ts that didn't make the<:Ut JlJI"iJ"'. LastY1"'ar's sponSQrs included Hsnc. were decidedly I~ huggabte.. The RIA first considered.'l compass, an aMcus Vancouver. and elements ofChin-eseart and ar"Through their stories, they had to chitecture bdore settling on the -en- have.a moral and II positive lesson dangered bear, which i:;; already mil.S- to teach tv the yOuths,· Chan said. cot tor the World Wildlife Fund and w:1S one offive mascots for the 2008 BejjingOlympic GamE's. ~W-e. ...i sited varioul> literal and abstract ideas of how this mascol could take ChanofDefinj· form,"saidChris be: a more. positive role model," wrote the Kllg Steakhous~ :md :Bar, shore l£.tUu.!.UlNir~~""W.J"II:~~LD.:fll!5 another. ~This.is a maS'OOI for China- FM:, Edgewater C3.sino .and London Last yean; Celebration of Light ilt tOWIl, not the (Downtown Ea5t:sider Om",. E"gLI$~ Say tQst about$4lillHfon. SeYeral comrneliterS noted that ]t CO:!.1" aoout $4 million to produ~ Puokie's motto is ~1t'50kay 10 bedif~ Punkie's sprig of bamboo recaIls a cer~ the fireworks last year. Val1<:OUv<lr pOlicing, road e1osure:> ilod c1l::IU1Up krent!~ <Lnd Ml,I:;:e's is ~Keep on mov· tain othE'r illidt green treat. -P\lnkie Fireworks Festival Sqeiery chairman provided by the City- ofVanoouvef. ingfurwa.rd and ....nrking hard - good lookslikehe's ~kingw~ ..•~wmte BrentMcGregor said at the time_ 1l13:t A tot.ll ofabout 14 million people 3t· tbi:ngs wiD happen.~ one. -Ramboo "~d!" included $1.5 million 1n ca!:h. wlth tendM last Yl'"ar's firewt;lrks disPlays. Vancouveriteswill vote 00 the rna,;. the rest in the form of donated ser· cots thmughout June. winning Yices, including about $700,000 for The ~~~~~'a~=d:~:t~~:~: f:~~i~d~~~teckm~~~~~~,--------------~---~ ~~~~~\\:~~~J~sch:~::r; ~~~~%f1~ot~~I~~~~~ Th'is is E h-b"t II X I I > • • ~draw a strong and bcli!';Vll.ble COnTI<;Ction viith the audiE:nce so they can really care'" alKlut Chinese heritage. To this end, the pandas were giveD hiogr<Iphi-es full of1lom<tges to their native bomeland. Punkie w.as meant to be the 13th animal in the Chinese wA ~I diac,butwaspassoedove.becausehis the voting site suggest the more con:;;ervative bE:ll.1", Muse. is doing better th2n his nonconformist friend.. -MLlse is definilely more inspirillg," wrote cml1i carnmenter. ABe has <I. de<lr cultuuilly relev.mt :'>1oryj whereas Punkie lsba:sieaDyao outcast? Notverypo3i- tivell.nd:sp-irited.'" IV-· ~~~~tw~1ti~t~~ef~rr:~;~~;,f:r;~~~e,~~;. I\ Jilek vibes thalshe brought with herto fuclor [ml;rehandisingl, and tends: tQ ======- ---, Ciffldavlt of.. m.~.!.Y>St:J.;;:f:!:,:tt2J~·.7.'.~••.~••~••~,,::::: ...::::..::::: .. DEFINITION: l!aving <II delicious sweetbs~ orsmtll Thu !U5C.'iws BfDm.ll a! frrr.ifily baked liPP/1] pi/iJs drilled !f;Jmlheopenwimhw(]fthekitcllerl. Af'nHDl:Jl:f'l loOrdli'rG-8S·tO TELEPHONE: (6(1.4) 66e-<l700 B(iou.RU;1; 1 800---&63 '~5 fACS1MIl£; (l5{l4lli60·lIOl Understan A Stfeamlined AppJicatl,m byth-e Inwran"e Corpor.nion (lfl3.riti~h Columbia for Approval of Ihe lOla Revenue ~utremertt for Univena! (omp-ul!rrJry Automobile Imur-an[(~ ,md ,m Applli::iltic:m for Appr-oVd! of a Plan R",gardirtg Urtiv",rsal Compulsory Automobll", Il1sur.lll(e [X<-!l!Q Clpital Availabl~ D~n.oi:R""""wWorl;i~g S...."iDIl' TtlLlrscl~I'.. J,tIl" Time; ec.rtV1'lffi<:1f19~t9;OO~.m. ~~~!~, Wine~ 1',1010 ~ . Undemandtn9 An Lntrodut:ticn CQrnml~:;IOfl~-<di~Room -JLJfy 12-Hi 121h-Fkmr.l12!iHCl...... SUe"'t 'hrKouver.ll'c' V~:l'Ke: -Ju~y HI·23 . '.,_ .-.'.', ,~ .. ..... THE APPUCATION Register now! ByOrderG-65-IOtho:!Comml~siDn df!~f!rfYllll~th.;l.t if. in furureye.<lf$, IC8C's ;lauilriaHyi~-di(~t('d lilt," o:I'J.<l-ngef¢f:Ba>l(ijl1:i~lilI1C~ffieoi:tS Ihe crileria-a.:s spec:ili13din th.2lt Ord!3l, thoElrt ICBC may ~I-!! i! Stre.i!mlined RevenueIWqUJr!!m!3rtlsAppllcatl-on to be-addr~5Ii~dJnaWlllti'r'lPublic H~ring pro<e~$a~deS(fijbed 1r-lha(Or-der. winearts.ubu;atv5 or6Q4-822-0802 ... Ol\M;!y 31, 2010.. ICBC n~da :;lOl'J SlIe<lmlllled ReverlUe Requirement~App1iC"3tklntor &sk imurilm:tl jIl~tud~n9 iln Applicaticm forillpprovi!l of pliln regillding Ba~k ~n~uraoce EXo(e~5c"pitalav.a'lable (the 10105ue.,;mrirled Rew-nue Requirem~nts Appticationl.lnt~C!Appli[atiort,IC6C applied fo~ apop.oval of 1E:l'ellUe reqLlircmentsfor ttslOlO poljCYYll'lIilrtd<lPPIC)\l','3I~filpl'lIl for Bil~icinSLlranrE! e::t:~{2SS ~-ilpilal"voililillb113. TfleApplic<ltlon met thf' criteria for a meam!irlf'd rewnue reqLlirem{!rlls.apptication;,~:s.pecifi~d in OlderG-65-H) ilS 11 ~!!eks.a rare ch<trlg:,;- th~t i$ eilher araledee:reaseor-l% or greater,arID Ie;~ thart or equal to" 25% irtUeil~. i! THE FLEGULA.TCRY PROCESS TheCommi~slonwi~hf'~IO ensurethlll "II p.1Irtle5 ;;.H"ecled bytcBC'~ 20iO Slrea.ml~lied RevenLleR-equirem~l'mAppnc.at!on for B.1Isic iJl~ur.m(e hallE an opporhlrtllyto-undE:lst,mdtr.e ba'Sb forttii::ApplK:ation. TIlel\110 Stre<lmIJlled Revenu~ Requherrnmt5 Applk:atioJl will b!3 revjewed ina-c:cordllr'lCf' wi!~ Commissiorl OlderG-85-10.A Revi-ewWorking Sesskln wj.h re~peato rhe 2010 Srreamlined Ro!W!rlUf! Requii"{!mt;>!lts Applrcatioll .....ill be held-at the Commis:s.io~ li~ilIfjng Room 011 tr.ll' 12th Floor, l11SHoWl: StfC£t..V"nCo~V!3r, B(orllhursday. June 11,2010 commendrlg ilr9ilO.;l.m PUBLIC INSPECTION OF THE APPLICATION The StfNml~~ed Rel'eJiue Reqyilemeilts ApplKiltion ilnd ~upportirlg mater~lwiti be Iliildeavailabl~ for in5pocti-ofi ..t ttil3 follOWing lese fi",kj o!fi(o!'lcx:a(iarls: " iC(!lown.<l C1;11rraCErotfe, 17205p'(]~fleldRo.<ld,Ka;o1ow"'i!,RC • Prim;eGet>rgeCli!~mCelille,4D01-15th Avenue,PrJnceGsorge, 5.c. Tl1eAppll~i3.t~nOlnd ~~pportlng l'N!!eFial willalm be madeavailabl~al the K:BC HeildOFfkE'at 151 W.. ~tE:spl1lr'lade. lCB-Cw",bsllll::lt hnp~llwwwJdx-com and al theCommi~~lon Office$, Sixth Hoor, 9OOHo...,~ Sl:reet. Valll:QuYef Be NcrlhV"ncoLfVef, Be on t~e I Continuing Studies ~OF VANCOUVER vancouver,ca Discover the Lighter Side of the Landfill Come autto one or the most unlque.and intaresting ~nts in the cityl JQlro 1,.1$ ;;I.tthe <;jtyot vanCDLnI1Ir', 10th i!U1f1.t;IJ Landflll Opeln Ho","" on: saWtdq, Jl.Il'l. s~ 9artl-3:30;pm 5400 '2nd 5tT••t, o.ltI RfGlStERtNGTO PAATlClPAT{ Persons who lfXpect<to ..nerldt~eRevlewWorkJ~gSes~jOIl <sndadiv-elyp<!l1kipateJnthe proc:{!)S should r.egi~I"1 a~ Inl"lvenf'r~withIhe Commission, IrIt~l~n",I}Will '.e<eiVE copies'l')fth-e filings,. illl (orrespOl1(f.e/1(e oill1.c1l1ieddo(l)ments, ~rs.onswitr. ilf'l,intetE-Sl in (l'I," pr-<x-eediI1QI blJl who are r-ot expecli3"lgto <K(~lypmlt::ip<lte shorJid legi~telas Irltele$tedPartie:s "nd wHI recelv!3 i! (Opyofthe lntroduaory Chapt ..r orth~ filil'lgs,all OJders i5')u~ and the Commj~:>Jon'~Oe(lSlOfl, ifappricable. lnll!'rvel'll!'rsandtnrerested Parli5should irl!mmtne-Commis.sJoll 5@cret.ary.-Jn wriling oreiKuorlksubmis~iori. byThur~~y,Jlll'le HI, 201\l of their intenliom'.iloo advisewhetr.13rthey intoElrtdto <JttE!Jl.d Ih!3 RwjewWorkil19 Se5~ioll.lntervene'5 sho\lld speclftu1ly ~-ilte the nilturiO'of ther ,ntefest irt Ihe :tOHl 5.lIeamllnof!od ~rlue RequiremerlL'i A.pplkariO"n and idEnlifygenefallytbe nalure ofthe ISSl,Jes Ihat they roay jlllend to pUlsLle du rIng the proceed irtg -ilrld t I1e Il<ItLlI!!' and e~1!mt of their arJtjcipatE:d '~nvolvemenl in tne feVJ ...w of the <lppliallion. Notlfical ion by muriel deorl'\l"'l)'j ~r. 01 e-m.ail [:s. a<:<r:ptabl",_ All ,>LJbmiSSiol'l~ <mdlor cO"~SpOl"KfefJce receNed !,om ",(fiv~ particlp;:J111s¢i the pub!ic rela!lng to the<:lpplit:ation will be pl<K:ed on thE! pubhc r""wd and postl&l to the Comm135ion's web site. FURTHER INFORMA.TION A mp)'oflhC! document ·Undefo;tarlclirl9 Uti tit 'I Regulation: A Panit::ip;into;.' GUidE to the Blit~h (o~umbia Uti~.ies(ommissiorl· j~ availablE' on tile Comm[s5"Eon's webme at http:ltwww.bcuc.comlDocLlmenWGuidel~n~/Parttcip.HJ.LGuide.pdf. Forfulth-erJrtrOfIll1l.IKln- pleasecorllacr:. Ms. Erica M.Hamilton,.Commis.slon ~r!3tal)l, as follows: B-C Tell Fffil;: 1--&>0----663--13B5 T'"'ephone: 16041660-4700 Fac!Jmile: {604l660-1102 [-mail: Commis~ien.Secr.. li!ly~lxuc.com . E9 s,*, wnat s"rprises aof.e in store ilt this 635~hectarH. wheekhili,-aeceS-5tble 5rtu. ChlJ:ckout the OClloiln views arod hawlc> and falcons En flight. Learn ..bout Some 'Of our grIJ:ell [hitiatNes sud! as composting ar.d power ge'ner.atiol'l. Pid< up free compost Other hlghr19l'lts include: behind-the·scenes tour.5, craft <lcU...ities for kids,equipmentdisplays. free rflfres.hments and morel FOR MORE INFORMAnON: vancouver.ca/Jandflll or phone O.rtside Vancouver fi04.B71.7000 !:l.{LLL This is Exhibit· . , • referred to in the affidavit of.• !X1etl~~Ro ..!Y.lP. i"-.L; ;'VIP v- 'fI.~ •• "II.~.""'~".""" •• . ~worn bef~re me at..l1;.Y.GVU.Q.'d~~ In THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 2010 Overwaitea fish policy named best OTTAWA - Major supermarket chains, including B.C.'s Overwaitea, won unusual praise from Greenpeace onWednesdayfor starting to rid their shelves of"destructivelyfished or farmed" seafood. In a report,Greenpeace ranked eight major grocery chains on their efforts to help improve the sustainability of the seafood they buy and sell. I! said that "following pressure by environmental organizations and the public;' retailers have started adopting sustainabilitypolicies for their seafood supply chains, and stopped selling up to 15 "destructively fished or farmed" species. Thesespecies include dredgedAtlantic sea scallops and salmon from farms said to contaminate the marine environment. But more can be done to protect the oceans, Greenpeace said. "Supermarkets have stopped selling imperilled species such as shark, skate and bluefin tuna, which are not big sellers;' said Beth Hunter, Greenpeace oceans campaign co-ordinator. "Now retailers need to focus on no longer sellingfish that maybe consumerfavourites, but are still destructively fished or farmed: Overwaitea (which includes Save On Foods), Loblaw, Safeway, Walmart, Metro, Sobeys, Federated Cooperatives and Costco - in this order - were ranked from best to worst for their efforts. Costco received the lowest ranking because it has not Indicated any plans to discontinue to the sale ofunsustain· able fish or develop a seafood policy. Overwaiteareceived the highest overallscore becauseit stoppedsellingspecies at risk, started implementing a seafood policy and is actively promoting sustainable seafood initiatives to customers and suppliers. - Agence France-Plesse Man, 30, charged CALGARY - The man accused ofstabbing and seriouslywounding anRCMP officer in Calgary nowfaces attemptedmurder, assault and weapons charges. Lee Christopher Monrose, 30, will appear in court Friday on charges linked to an attack on 53-year-old Sgt. Andrew Jobnson. Johnson, who was with the Alber[a Serious Incident Response Team, was investigating a November 2009 police shooting in which Monrose was shot in the head. It's alleged that Monrose wanted charges laid in the shooting. Police say he then attacked Johnson with a knife, stabbing him severaltimes. The officer is recovering in hospital. - C"nw...tNews Service I . the PrOVince of British Columbia . J'c..th .~ thIS .. ~•• da of...... ~.Y:-n ... ".... . .. ,.. iO THEPROVINCE.COM I NEWS I A25 ~ A CommiSSioner ';;k;~'Affk;'~~1~""""'" within British Columbia APPENDIXB 10 O,der G-BS-TO SIXTH FLOOR. 900 HOWE STREET, BOX 2S0 TELEPHONE: (604) 660-4700 SCTOll FREE, 1-800-663·1385 FACSIMilE, (604} 660-1102 VANCOUVER, B.c. V6Z 2N3 CANADA web site: http://www.bcuc.com INSURANCE CORPORATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA A Streamlined Application by the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia for Approval of [he 2010 Revenue Requirement for Universal Compulsory Automobile Insurance and an Applica[ion for Approval of a Plan Regarding Universal Compulsory Automobile Insurance Excess Capitai Available Date of ReVl€W Working Session; Time: Location: Thursday, June 17,2010 Commencing at 9:00 a.m. Commission Hearing Room 12th Floor, 1125 Howe Street Vancouver,8.C V6Z 2K8 THE APPLICATION By Order G-6S-1 0 the Commission determined [hat if, in futu re years, ICBC's actuarially indicated rate change for Basic insu rance meets the criteria as specified in that Order, then ICBC may file a Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application to be addressed in a Written Public Hearing process as described in that Order. On May 31, 2010, ICBC filed a 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application for Basic insurance including an Application for approval of a plan regard ing Basic insurance eXCeSS capital available (the 20lO Streamli ned Revenue Requirements Application). In the Application, ICBC applied for approval of reVenue requirements for its 2010 policy year and approval of a plan for Basic Insurance excess capital available. The Application met the criteria for a streamlined revenue req uirements application as specified In Order G-6S-1O as It seeks a rate change that is either a rate decrease of -1% or greater, and less than or equal to a 2.5% increase. THE REGULATORY PROCESS The Co mmission wishes to emu re that a II parties affected by ICBe's 2010 Streamli ned Revenue Requirements Application for Basic insurance have a n opportunity to understand the basis for the Application. The 2010 Streaml ined Revenue Requirements Application wii I be reviewed in accordance with Commission Order G-85-lO. A Review Working Session with respect to the 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application will be held at the Commission Hearing Room on the 12th Floor, 112S Howe Street, Vancouver, BC on Thursday, June 17,2010 commencing at 9:00 a.m. PUBLIC INSPECTION OF THE APPLICATION The Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application and supporting material will be made available for inspection at the following ICBC field office locations: • Kelowna Claim Centre, 1720 Springfield Road, Kelowna, B.c. • Pri nee George Claim Centre, 4001 - 1Sth Avenue, Prince George, B.c. The Application and supporting material will also be made available at the ICBC Head Office at 151 West Esplanade, North Vancouver, BC, on the ICBC website at http://www.icbc.com. and at the Commission Offices. Sixth Floor, 900 Howe Street, Vancouver BC REGISTERING TO PARTICIPATE Persons who expect to attend the Review Working Session and actively participate in the process should register as Interveners with the Commission. Interveners will receive copies of the filings, all correspondence and filed documents. Persons with an interest in the proceedings but who are not expecting to actively participate should register as Interested Parties and will receive a copy of the Introductory Chapter of the fiiings, all Orders issued, and the Commission's Decision, if applicable. Interveners and Interested Parties should inform the Commission Secretary, in writing or electronic submission, by Thursday, June 10, 2010 of their intentions, and advise whether they intend to attend the Review Working Session. interveners should specifically state the nature of their interest in the 2010 Streamlined Revenue Requirements Application and identify generally the nature of the Issues that they may intend to pursue during the proceeding and the nature and extent of their anticipated involvement in the review of the application. Notification by courier delivery, fax, or e-mail is acceptable. All submissions and/or correspondence receivedfrom active participants orthe public relating to the application will be placed on the public record and posted to the Commission's web site. FURTHER INFORMATION A copy of the document "Understanding Utility Regulation: A Participants' Guide to the British Columbia Utili[ies Commission" is available on the Commission's website at http://www.bcu(.com/Documents/ Guidelines/Participant_Guide.pdf. For further information. please contact Ms. Erica M. Ha milton, Commission Secretary, as follows: Telephone: (604) 660-4700 B.C. Toll Free: 1-800-663-1385 E-mail: Commission.5ecretary@bcu(.com Facsimile: (604) 660-1102