S pring - Family Campers and RVers
S pring - Family Campers and RVers
Delawanderers*Happy Hour Gang*Sandpipers*Woodchuks Delaware D Officers State Director Message 2 Editor Comments 3 3 Minutes, 09/13 Unapproved 4 DE FCRV Camping Schedule 5 What a Scoop! (Humor) 6 Sunshine News 6 Campvention Form 7 NER Campout Form 8 Buddy Rally Info 9 Walkersville Info 9 DE Fall Campout Form Yoders, Sep 13 -15 10 ws ne 2014 the Scoop w ela RV C eF ar serving of ll fu INSIDE o C A S p o Spring FCRV Delaware FCRV Officers State Director Nancy Burbage 24093 Cari Drive, Millsboro, DE The Scoop 302.945.2419 19966-9592 State Secretary Janet Stutzman 302.322.1191 72 Commonwealth Blvd, New Castle, DE 19720 State Treasurer Gloria Miller 108 Atlantic St., Milton, DE 19968 302.648.8426 Field Directors is published twice yearly, March and August by the Delaware Family Campers and RVers, FCRV. It is available to all members of the National FCRV, the members of Delaware Chapters of the FCRV, and any other interested persons by accessing it from the FCRV web site. http://www.fcrv.org/news/newsletters/northeast-newsletters/ fcrv-scoop/ The Scoop is copied and printed in black and white and mailed via USPS to those paid members unable to receive via computer. Receipt by computer is in color. It is edited by: Glenn Michael, 23169 Old Fairlee Rd. Chestertown, MD 21620. Photos by Glenn Michael unless otherwise credited. Many thanks to Vickie Roop, FCRV, who does a wonderful and timely job at getting these newsletters posted on the FCRV website. Sussex County Bob & Gloria Miller 108 Atlantic St., Milton, DE 19968 302.684.8426 Bill & Betty Foxwell 652 Hammond Dr., Milford DE 19963 302.422.4984 Kent County Diana Smith 302.284.3448 274 Ruritan Lane, Viola, DE 19979-1253 The Scoop is in PDF form which you can open through Adobe Reader. Most people have that on their computers already or can download a version at the FCRV site if needed. You can read it completely on your computer,or other media device, at any time or you can print out a single page or multiple pages as you wish. Submissions of articles and/or photos from all is encouraged for The Scoop . Articles are easier to work with when submitted in MS Word. Articles will be included pending space and appropriateness and are subject to editing. Photos should be submitted in either jpg or TIFF. Submissions should be made to Glenn Michael at: fastaperture@gmail.com Ivan Smith, Jr. 302.653.7610 P.O. Box 307, Clayton, DE 19938-0307 New Castle County Dick & Peg Talbott 302.798-9112 101 W. Delaware Ave., Wilmington, DE 19809-1203 Charles & Janet Stutzman 302.322.1191 72 Commonwealth Blvd., New Castle, DE 19720-3418 Kent County, MD Glenn Michael 410.778.0062 23169 Old Fairlee Rd., Chestertown, MD 21620 Conservation and Wildlife Director Ron and Joan Reilly PO Box 399, St Michaels MD 410.200.1080 21663 Delaware FCRV Scoop 23169 Old Fairlee Road Chestertown, MD 21620 2 State Director’s Message - Nancy Burbage T he winter has flown by for those in Florida. I am sure that it has been a long winter in Delaware and Maryland. Every time I saw the forecast, it said snow again. Hope you are all planning your 2014 Camping season. We have a good schedule planned with plenty of places to go. Our spring campout at Yoder’s will be coming up soon. We look forward to a nice weekend with many in attendance. for keeping your membership current. This would be a good time to invite those folks that have just bought a new camper, and are interested in camping with a group. FCRV will be dying if we don’t increase our membership. Each month, the national numbers keep dropping. They just can’t find the answer. I thank our members On the registration form, there is a place to check if you want to go out to dinner on Saturday night. I will make plans for that if there is enough interest. Plans are being made for the National Campvention in Vermont. The registration form is enclosed and hope there will be several going from our area. As of this writing I have just received limited info on NER. Linda Stiegler, State Director from New York tells us that the NER will be Columbus weekend at Herkimer Fairgrounds, Frankfort, N.Y. They, (NY Chapters), will be meeting March 22 for final plans. Enough for now. Looking forward to seeing each of you at Yoder’s and bring a new member. Notes from Editor - Glenn Michael H ere we go for another Rving season. After this cold winter, even in Florida to some degree, we sure should be looking forward to getting out in some warmer weather and without snow. Does the word, ‘grateful’ come to mind? I decided to update the newsletter considerably. Hope you like it. Included in this issue are all the reservation forms currently available to me. That would include Campvention, Northeast Region, (not yet available), and State Campout. Make your schedule plans, complete the forms, and get ready to hit the road. Overall I think collectively we made it through another winter, and a rough one at that, in reasonably good shape for the shape we’re in. Let’s keep on moving to keep us going. A good way to do that moving is to start up your rig and go! 3 State Minutes The Real Scoop The following minutes are from the FCRV Fall Campout meeting held Saturday, September 15, 2013 These will be up for approval at the Spring 2014 Campout. They are presented here as submitted and no corrections of any kind are made until approval. Ed DELAWARE FCRV STATE MINUTES September 15, 2013 YODER’s Farm, Harrington, DE In attendance: Simpsons, G. Michael & guest, Millers, Nafzingers, Nancy Burbage & Bob, Riellys, Foxwells, Dianna Smith & Millie, Stutzmans, Josephs, F. Hyland Nancy called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. Clyde Nafzinger led us in prayer followed by the Pledge to the Flag. Nancy noted it was nice to see Frank Hyland. The minutes were accepted as printed in the Scoop. Gloria reported the Treasury balance was $3,752.70. See more details in treasurer’s report. Bills were presented for copying handouts for National and NE Regional and also for the cost of hospitality hosted by Delaware at NE Regional in Connecticut. A motion was made to pay both bill and was past. Clyde presented the state with $15. From the sale of old patches and flags sold at the Regional campout. These are items that were originally purchased by Delaware state many years ago. National Campvention will be held in Vermont next year, July 7 – 11, 2014. The regional director would like the state directors to attend a campout in Vermont to see the grounds. No date set yet. Two campouts left for this year, Camp Mardella and Millstream. The Christmas dinner will be held on December 15 at Rudy’s in Harrington, DE at 2:30. Clyde will send out notices when it is closer and asks to keep him informed of your plans to attend, noting last year there were no shows and it made it unfair to the restaurant because they had put on extra staff which they did not need. New business. R. Simpson will send Nancy an updated list of the states paper products. We will have a covered dish dinner tonight at 5:30 and pancake and meat breakfast will be served Sunday morning. There was recognition in Camping Today magazine for the donation made to the Scholarship Fund. Gloria noted that she had about 50 songbooks that used to be used for church service and wanted to know what the state would like to do with them. The books were donated by the Sandpipers. It was motioned and passed that Gloria should dispose of the books to a worthwhile cause that could make use of them. Meeting suspended and will resume after lunch to work on a camp schedule for 2014. Meeting continued at approximately 2:00 pm September 15 and the following suggested schedule was developed. Glenn will send Janet the emails for members and Janet will email the schedule. The schedule will be finalized in December at the Christmas dinner. 4 2014 SUGGESTIONS FOR CAMPOUTS April 25 - 27 Buddy Rally Harrington Fair Ground Parkview May 2-4Camp MardelaDentonClyde Nafzinger May 9 - 11 Yoders - State Meeting Harrington Gloria May 16 - 18 MD State Walkersville, MD FCRV.org website June 6-8 Hidden Acres Coatesville, PA Janet Stutzman July 7-11 Campvention Camping Today or FCRV.org Aug 1-3 Easternshore Threshermen Federalsburg, MD Dry camp - no reservations Aug 7-10 Groshenhopen Pottstown, PA Clyde Nafzinger German festivalPossible Wawick Woods Aug 13 - 17 Steam engine show Roamers retreat, Ronks,PA Reservations are made one year in advance ???? N E REGIONAL LOCATION UNKNOW NOW Sept 12-14 Yoder’s State Meeting Harrington Gloria Sept 26 - 28 Tall Pines Saxis, VA Nancy Oct 10 -12 Camp Mardella Denton, MD Clyde Oct 15, 16 or 17 - 19,Millstream - PA Lancaster area Self-registration register with “DELWOODPIPERS” Dec Christmas Dinner Special Note from Clyde On the state annual camping schedule the Delawanderers had scheduled their spring clean-up at Camp Mardela for April 25 - 27. However, Parkview announced their Buddy Rally that weekend. Thus the weekend for Mardela has been changed to May 2 - 4. You can come earlier. Some small work projects will be planned such as blowing leaves from sites, splitting and stacking firewood, trimming low hanging limbs along the drive, clearing small bushes over a septic area, cooking over the fire, eating, sharing tall tales around the campfire. The cost with 30 amp elec. and water is $20 a day payable before you leave camp. There are nine sites with water and elec and lots of room to dry camp. Remember - All FCRV members are welcome to any campout on the list. It is a good idea to contact people on the list to be sure of the latest information. 5 Question: How many days in a week? Answer: 6 Saturdays, 1 Sunday Question: When is a retiree’s bedtime? Answer: Two hours after he falls asleep on the couch. Question: How many retirees to change a light bulb? Answer: Only one, but it might take all day. Question: What’s the biggest gripe of retirees? Answer: There is not enough time to get everything done. Question: Why don’t retirees mind being called Seniors? Answer: The term comes with a 10% discount. Question: Among retirees, what is considered formal attire? Answer: Tied shoes. Question: Why do retirees count pennies? Answer: They are the only ones who have the time. Question: What is the common term for someone who enjoys work and refuses to retire? Answer: NUTS! Question: Why are retirees so slow to clean out the basement, attic or garage? Answer: They know that as soon as they do, one of their adult kids will want to store stuff there. Question: What do retirees call a long lunch? Answer: Normal . Question: What is the best way to describe retirement? Answer: The never ending Coffee Break. Question: What’s the biggest advantage of going back to school as a retiree? Answer: If you cut classes, no one calls your parents. Question: Why does a retiree often say he doesn’t miss work, but misses the people he used to work with? Answer: He is too polite to tell the whole truth. And, finally.... QUESTION: What do you do all week? Answer: Monday through Friday, NOTHING..... Saturday & Sunday, I rest. SUNSHINE Updates on members We send sincere condolences and sympathies to Gloria Miller for the loss of her brother, Neil. Ron Reilly seems to be doing well after his surgery in the fall. Well enough that the annual fall and winter time in Florida was not disturbed. 6 July7‐11,2014 Moonlight in Vermont GatesOpen:9:00AM,Friday,July4,2014(NoParkingafter9:00PM) Friday&SaturdaywillbeEarlyBirddays.EarlyBirdfeewillbe$25.00/night(payableattheGateonly). FCRVMembership#________________________________ LastName____________________________________________________________________________ FirstName_______________________________________________________ SpouseorGuest’sName__________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________City___________________________________ST/PROV__________ZIP/PCODE_____________ EmailAddress_________________________________________________________________ Phone#_____________________________________________ #ofAdults_____#ofTeens_____#ofYouth9‐12_____#ofYouth5‐8_____#ofYouth0‐4_____ (PleaseprovidealistofnamesandagesofattendingTeens/Youths,eitherattachedtothisformorviaemail) Isthisyour�irstCampvention?YES_____NO_____ VIPParking(NationalOf�icers)________________________________________ TWOORMOREFAMILIESATTENDINGTHECAMPVENTIONINONEUNIT EachfamilyinthesameunitmustcompleteseparateRegistrationForms.Theadditionalfamilymustcompletetheinformationabove,purchaseaWeekly CampPass,andcompletethesectionbelowfortheowner(s)ofthecampingunit. LastName_________________________________________________________________FirstName_________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________City___________________________________ST/PROV__________ZIP/PCODE_____________ FamiliesstayingoffgroundsmustpurchaseaWeeklyorDailyCampPass/ProgramPassandcompleteaRegistrationForm. SPECIALNEEDSINFORMATION: IsaSpecialNeedssiterequested?YES_____NO_____ SpecialNeedsiteswillbelocatedclosertotheMainActivityAreaandwillhaveboth30ampelectricalandwaterhook‐ups.Ifaspecialneedssiteisre‐ quested,ONEofthefollowingMUSTaccompanytheRegistrationForm:adoctor�scerti�icatedatedwithinthelast3years,aphotocopyofyourHandicap Hanger,oracopyofyourFCRVMembershipCardstatingthatyouarehandicappedorhavespecialneeds.TherewillbenoSpecialNeedsitesavailableat thegateorafterMay31,2014.Tobesafe,besuretoregisterbeforehand. RegistrationFees.(Pleaseenclosepaymentinfull). Allcampsitesincludeelectricandwaterconnections.Unregisteredcamperswillbechargedanadditional$30.00atthegate. ____Campsite:$275.00____2DayCampsite:$140.00____WeeklyCampPass:$165.00____ProgramPass:$35.00 Visa_____Mastercard_____CreditCard#_______________________________________________________Expiration__________CW2#__________ Ifyouarriveun‐registered,youwillbeassignedasitebasedonavailability,youmaynotbeparkedwithyourStateorProvince. MakeChecksorMoneyOrderspayableto:FCRVCAMPVENTION2014(USCurrencyOnly). NOTE:Ifyouregisterandareunabletoattendforanyreason,wewillautomaticallymailyouarefundexceptfor$25.00. DeadlineforregistrationisMay31st.Pre‐registrationviaemailwillbeacceptedthroughJune15th. Mailregistrationto: Emailregistrationto: RobertWolf,366WindermereBoulevard,Amherst,NY14226 HomePhone:716‐725‐0789 CellPhone:716‐870‐0391 Email:fcrv2014.campvention@gmail.com ALLPARKINGWILLBE“HOBOSTYLE”BYSTATEORPROVINCE TYPEOFUNIT:Tent_____TravelTrailer_____FifthWheel_____Motorhome_____Other_____UNITLENGTH__________ Thereareapproximately800sitesavailablewith30Ampelectricandwater. Iwouldliketovolunteertohelpwith________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Submit You can go online for this form and email from there http://www.fcrv.org/campvent/2014/2014regis.pdf Or Mail this form with payment to: Family Campers & RVers 4804 Transit Rd, Bldg 2 Depew, NY 14043 7 Flash Back In Time Prepping for hosting 2010 NER As of this writing there is only limited info on NER. Linda Stiegler, State Director from New York tells us that the NER will be Columbus weekend at Herkimer Fairgrounds, Frankfort, N.Y. They, (NY Chapters), will be meeting March 22 for final plans. So rather than just take out the page planned for NER 2014, and with no reservation form, I thought I would throw up some pictures from the past. Kind of give you a look at what we do. These photos were from the State Campout at G&R the year when we later hosted the NER, so there you ARE with NER from G&R. We will have additional information on the 2014 NER when it becomes available. In the meantime, hold the date. Stuffing Goody-Bags are: Gloria Miller, Betty Foxwell, Clyde Nafzinger, Billy Foxwell, Ron Reilly, and Bobby Robinson. Below it’s Ron Reilly, Bobby Robinson, Gloria Miller, Betty & Bill Foxwell. Far righ Clyde gives the blessing for guidance at the meeting and below that Janet Stutzman, Chubbie Joseph, Nancy Burbage, and Gloria Miller bow for the prayer. 8 All are welcome!!! If you would like to park with your “Buddy,” please arrive with them. 4 Meals! Dinner Friday & Saturday; Breakfast Saturday & Sunday. 2 Nights of Extraordinary Entertainment. Music, Seminars, Bingo. Please RVSP by calling or email. a CO ardel in amp M ake room C e h t m n o o t r s l e led tai mb . Reme n reschedu s event. De O page 5 i C e e h has b edule for t DE FCRV e h the sc a are on th el Mard 1-302-653-6619 5511 DuPont Parkway 1-800-433-1348 rally@parkviewrv.com Smyrna, Delaware 19977 Price Unit Without Meals Unit with one person and meals Unit with two people and meals Each Additional Person With Meals Early Parking Thursday 04/24 $95.00 $125.00 $157.00 $37.00 $30.00 If you would like to park with your “Buddy,” please arrive with them. (In this PDF form you can click on the Parkview link above and go directly to the Parkview site for your reseration. Or, call either Glenn, Nancy, or Caddie for a mail-in hardcopy reservation form.) Walkersville Walkersville Walkersville MD/DC FCRV Spring Camp Out May 16 - 18 SAVE THE DATE - RESERVATION FORM NOT YET READY BUT YOU WILL BE CONTACTED WHEN IT IS AVAILABLE. USUALLY A REASONABLE PRICE FOR ELECTRIC SITE. THIS IS THE WEEKEND OF THE TOWN-WIDE YARD SALE. I UNDERSTAND THEY WILL BE DOING THE SAT. BREAKFAST AND DINNER. THAT ORDER FORM WOULD BE WITH THE SITE RESERVATION FORM. 9 2014 YODER’S CAMPGROUND Houston, Delaware DELAWARE SPRING CAMPOUT May 9-11, 2014 There is no building for use and activities will be dictated by weather. Chapter sales will still happen as desired and there will be hot dog sales by donation held by the Sandpipers on Saturday. Dinner on Saturday night TBD This is a true take it easy weekend. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please print this form as your reservation and mail along with your check by May 2, 2014 to: Gloria Miller, 108 Atlantic Street, Milton, Delaware 19968 Even though you may have sent this kind of information other times, it is handy to have this form for each campout you attend. Thanks Last Name………………………………………… First Name………………………………………. Street……………………………….City…………………….State………Zip…………. Email...........................................................................Phone .............................................. Site Fee (2 adults) with 30 amp @ $20.00 per night …………... $ _________ Site Fee (2 adults) with 50 amp @ ????? per night ................... $ _________ Total Enclosed…………………………………….. I am interested in going out to eat Yes _____ No _____ $ _________ REMEMBER; THIS IS AN ALCOHOL FREE PARK 10
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DelawareFCRV - Family Campers and RVers
Scoop . Articles are easier to work with when submitted in MS Word.
Articles will be included pending space and appropriateness and are subject to editing. Photos should be submitted in either jpg ...