vOLUMe 2 - Balanced Birth Services
vOLUMe 2 - Balanced Birth Services
VOLUME 2 Supplements Personal Care 2012 May June July AugusT Denver www.unfi.com ©2012 United Natural Foods, Inc. UNFI, DRIVEN BY NATURE and the UNFI DRIVEN BY NATURE logo are federally registered trademarks of United Natural Foods, Inc. UNFI Runs GREEN A s we continue to trundle down the green highway, UNFI has been hard at work to find ways to provide the systems and support needed to provide growth and world class customer service. As part of that service, UNFI began using the UPS Road Net Application to provide drivers with the most efficient routes in terms of mileage and efficiency in getting product to customers. Our successful use of this program led to our company winning the Running Green/ UPS Roadie Award, highlighting our commitment to sustainability. with UPS By Kristin Lacoste, Enterprise Systems Business Analysis Manager Over 200 companies vied for this award, including several Fortune 100 companies such as Coca-Cola and Anheuser-Busch. After being selected as a finalist in the competition, John Stern, UNFI Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer, and Kristin Lacoste, UNFI Enterprise Systems Business Analysis Manager, completed the video portion of the application process, which showcased UNFI’s ongoing commitment to sustainability, including our solar panels and transition to hydrogen fuel cells for the forklifts in the DCs. The awards selection evening on November 2nd was a banquet complete with an Emmylike atmosphere of anticipation for the hotly contested Roadie Award. With the crowd on edge to hear the winner’s name, a UPS representative arrived with a sealed Express envelope containing the final results. When the envelope was ripped open to reveal our name as the winner, applause erupted and the video portion of the application was played for the crowd. Winning this award shows other industry leaders just how far UNFI has come in our commitment to being sustainably green! ©2011 United Natural Foods, Inc. UNFI, DRIVEN BY NATURE and the UNFI DRIVEN BY NATURE logo are federally registered trademarks of United Natural Foods, Inc. Denver Region (Item 94520) Includes Rocky Mountains 15965 E. 32nd Avenue, Aurora, CO 80011 Spring - Summer 2012 Catalog Volume 2 MAY 2012 - AUGUST 2012 Thank you for choosing UNFI! Orders/Customer Service............... 800-264-7633 MSI Electronic Orders.................... 888-571-9665, 877-559-1828 (Please call to confirm electronic orders) Website......................................... www.UNFI.com Fax................................................ 866-464-4578 (Please call to confirm receipt of fax) Hours:........................................... Sun - Fri 8 am - 5 pm Western Region Credit/Claims....... 800-679-2733 Fax......................................... 866-673-8481 (Please call to confirm receipt of fax) Email:..................................... unfiwcredit@unfi.com Claims/Credits Hours.............. Mon - Fri, 8 am - 4 pm General Offices............................. 303-360-8459 Prices subject to change without notice. All sale items are subject to manufacturers’ availability CUSTOMER CLASSIFICATION All retail customers are required to have a state sales tax license. Definitions: Retail.............. To qualify for a retail account, you must meet the following criteria: • Operate as a retail business • Open to the public with valid retail license and a valid tax certificate. • Located in a commercial business district • Offer regular store hours (i.e. Mon-Sat, 9-5) MINIMUM ORDER Orders must meet minimum to ensure delivery. Locations outside of regular route are subject to higher minimums. • Will Call $200 • UNFI Truck $500 • FedEX/UPS $150 PLACING AN ORDER We offer four ways to order from our warehouse: Electronic ordering, phone, fax and on our website. Late orders will automatically default to the next shipping date available. Electronic orders�This method of ordering utilizes an electronic unit, such as Scan Genius or MSI, allowing you to speed the ordering process and departmentalize your orders. Contact your UNFI Territory Manager or Scan Genius (www.ScanGeniusDemo.com) for more information on obtaining an electronic ordering device. Ordering is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please always call Customer Service to confirm your electronic order. Web site����������������� Place orders online and view promotional pricing, order status, and delivery schedule along with many other custom features. Simply go to www.unfi.com and request your log on & password. Fax orders����������To fax an order, call 866-240-4852. Be sure to include your name, customer number, phone number, expected ship or pick-up date, product numbers and quantities using the fax form in the back of this book. Please always call us to confirm receipt of all pages of the fax. Phone orders������Call our Order Desk at 303-360-8493 (locally) or toll-free at 800-264-7633. To order produce, call Alber t's Organics at 303-666-4242 (local) or 800-671-0707. Please place your order before your order deadline to insure proper processing. 2 DELIVERY OPTIONS Transportation is federally regulated and UNFI adheres to all Department of Transportation regulations. As road and delivery conditions vary, your delivery ETA may fluctuate with these conditions; this is due to the limited driving/delivery hours available within the federal regulations. UNFI utilizes several delivery methods: UNFI delivery truck, Third Party common carrier, FedEx, UPS, or customer will call. Our drivers are trained to adhere to company safety standards and follow these general guidelines: Customer Location: As UNFI observes all local ordinances it is necessary your location provides a safe and legal parking area for the delivery truck Delivery trucks are not able to deliver in residential areas; we will establish an alternate location for you to meet the truck Delivery Area: As part of UNFI’s safe delivery practices, drivers may not ascend/descend more than 3 stairs.Please ensure your delivery entrance is accessible to our driver and not to exceed 50 yards from the delivery area. Pallet deliveries may not be moved onto your store floor during business hours by the UNFI driver. Delivery areas should be maintained and clear of any debris (including ice and snow during inclement weather). Areas not safe for delivery can not be accessed by the UNFI driver. Driver Responsibility: The UNFI driver will count piece/pallet/repack/totes each delivery. Goods from the delivery may not be separated until the driver and store receiver have agreed to the count and the delivery coversheet has been signed. Customers who receive “key drop” delivery must designate an area for dry product and ensure adequate space is available in coolers and dry area for product to be delivered. The UNFI driver will place perishable products in the cooler and dry product in the designated area. WILL CALL ORDERS Minimum order������� $200. Pick-up schedule��� Monday - Friday, 8 am - Noon. Please verify pick-up with Cutomer Service. Schedule may vary by warehouse location. Upon arrival, please check in at the Receiving window for pick-up assistance. Order deadline������� Order by 3pm the day prior to pick-up We are unable to make changes to your order on the day of pick-up - no add-ons allowed. Pick-up procedure� Be prepared to load your order into your vehicle as well as to sort your products off the premises. Cancellations of your order made the same day of scheduled pick-up and orders not picked up without calling prior to the designated time will result in a re-stock fee. Please check your order carefully prior to loading product into your vehicle – no claims for missing and damaged product will be accepted after the product has left the warehouse, no exceptions. All sales are by check, money order, or cashier's check only. UNFI DELIVERY Minimum order������� $ 5 0 0 . B i - w e e k l y o r d e r s a r e r e q u i r e d t o m a i n t a i n a c c o u n t s t a t u s . I f n o t m a i n t a i n e d , account status and delivery assignment may be deleted without notice. We are unable to deliver to residential areas. FedEx-UPS Minimum order������� $150 for orders of supplements and personal care only (sent Ground Delivery). Order deadlines: Monday - Friday 10am for the next day shipment. Delivery procedures COD customers must pay by mail to UNFI the order payment balance before shipment. We will not ship perishable, frozen, glass containers or produce items via FedEx/UPS. Note: ALL CLAIMS FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE MUST BE MADE DIRECTLY TO THE CARRIER. 3 HOLIDAYS Our general offices are closed on the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Customer Service has limited staff available on Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day. Order deadlines and delivery schedules may be altered around holidays. The holiday delivery schedule information will be printed on invoices at least two weeks in advance. If there are no changes to deadlines or deliveries, we will NOT call and it will be business as usual. A 25% wholesale restocking fee will be charged on orders returned to UNFI due to holiday store closure or customer not meeting our truck. REQUESTING CREDIT • Please check in your order immediately upon delivery. All box, tote, and piece count discrepancies must be noted on the billing manifest. A signed billing manifest acknowledges receipt of items as verified by the driver. • All credits must be requested within 5 business days of delivery. This includes orders shipped via Ocean Freight. • Requests received beyond these dates will not be approved. • Bulk items are subject to insect contamination. Please inspect all items promptly. We cannot issue credit for any claims reported more than 5 business days after delivery. • The following information must be supplied when requesting credit: ✓ Customer name and account number ✓ Invoice number, Item code and brief description ✓ Quantity - Please note which you are requesting, eaches or case credit (partial case credit may be given for damaged items). ✓ Reason for credit As part of our credit process, all claims are subject to research and approval before being approved. Providing complete and accurate information helps us to properly research requests and issue credits in a timely manner. RETURNING PRODUCT All returns must be approved by the Credits Department prior to being returned and must be in original cartons/ packages, free of price tags and in saleable condition or NO credit will be issued. Authorized returns will be picked up via the UNFI driver on your next delivery. UNFI drivers cannot accept returns without pre-authorization. All returns are subject to UNFI verification for credit to be considered final. UNFI does not accept the return of the following: • Discontinued items • Products that do not sell • Retailer’s promotional or ad items • Seasonal or Holiday merchandise • Appliances or Media products • Consumer returns not authorized by the manufacturer MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Restock fee - Misordered and returned items may be charged a 15% restock fee. Orders returned to the UNFI warehouse as refused or undelivered may be subject to a higher fee. Product Dates – UNFI guarantees dated perishables will have a minimum expiration date of 7 days at time of delivery. We strive to provide a minimum of 30 days on all non-perishable products. Will Call - Customers picking up at the UNFI warehouse must check orders on site. By signing the Billing Manifest you acknowledge receipt of the items invoiced. 4 TERMS OF PAYMENT • All accounts are C.O.D. unless previous arrangements have been made. FedEx orders cannot be sent until UNFI has received payment (check) from COD accounts. • Any outstanding product returns at the time of account deletion will not be picked up by UNFI nor will credit be issued. • Delinquent accounts are subject to a monthly finance charge of 1.5% (18% annually) and loss of discount. • Checks returned unpaid are subject to a fee and loss of discount. PRICING • Price change information is available on invoices or on our website, www.unfi.com. SERVICES Please feel free to call us for any needs that you may have – our resources are extensive. If you are opening, expanding or resetting a store, we can help you with store layout and equipment contacts as well as product mix and placement. We also have a complete inventory of point-of-sale materials available for in-store display. Contact our Sales Department for details and make sure to inquire about products sold exclusively through UNFI! ATTENTION RETAILERS Your individual UNFI invoices include flags indicating which terms have been identified as taxable under your state’s tax guidelines. This information is provided by the manufacturer and is informational only. For more information and frequently asked questions, we suggest you visit your state’s website. HOW TO USE YOUR UNFI CATALOG This catalog is organized alphabetically into seven categories (Bulk, Frozen, etc.), which are indicated at the top of each page. Within these categories, brands are listed alphabetically, with the products organized into subcategories (Crackers, Cookies, etc). 5 Manufacturer Web Page Addresses Table of Contents Manufacturer’s INFO BRAND/Co. Web Address BRAND/Co. Web Address Alpsnack.............................................................................................................www.drbronner.com Alta Dena......................................................................................................www.altadenadairy.com Alta Health.......................................................................................... www.altahealthproducts.com Alter Eco Fair Trade........................................................................................www.altereco-usa.com Alvarado Street Bakery.....................................................................www.alvaradostreetbakery.com Alvita.........................................................................................................................www.alvita.com Always Young................................................................................................www.alwaysyoung.com Amande...................................................................................................... www.amandeyogurt.com Amazon Mania.............................................................................www.naturalamazonproducts.com Ambassador Organics.......................................................................www.ambassadororganics.com Ambrosial Granola..................................................................................www.ambrosialgranola.com American Bag Co......................................................................................www.americanbagCo..com American BioSciences........................................................................www.americanbiosciences.com American Biotech Labs..........................................................................................www.amsilver.com American Classic................................................................................ www.onceagainnutbutter.com American Flatbread...................................................................................www.foodremembers.com American Flatbread Pizza..................................................................... www.americanflatbread.com American Health.................................................................................... www.americanhealthus.com American Safety Razor.............................................................................................. www.asrco.com Amerifit................................................................................................................. www.amerifit.com Amerifit Nutrition.................................................................................................. www.amerifit.com Amino Acid & Botanical Supply.........................www.aminoacidbotanicalandsupplementsource.net Amoretti...............................................................................................................www.amoretti.com Amy & Brian.....................................................................................www.amyandbriannaturals.com Amy’s Kitchen.................................................................................................www.amyskitchen.com Ancient Harvest Quinoa........................................................................................... www.quinoa.net Ancient Secrets................................................................................................www.lotusbrands.com Andalou Naturals..................................................................................................www.andalou.com Andas...................................................................................................................www.squipusa.com Andean Dream..............................................................................................www.andeandream.com Anderson Maple Syrup....................................................................www.andersonsmaplesyrup.com Andrew & Everett................................................................................. www.andrewandeverett.com Angell Bar............................................................................................................www.angellbar.com Annie Chun’s....................................................................................................www.anniechuns.com Annie’s Homegrown................................................................................................ www.annies.com Annie’s Homegrown................................................................................................ www.annies.com Anteadote................................................................................................................www.adagio.com Anutra..................................................................................................................... www.anutra.com Apicoltura............................................................................................. www.rigonidiasiago-usa.com Apollinaris......................................................................................................... www.apollinaris.com Apple & Eve................................................................................................... www.appleandeve.com Applegate Farms.......................................................................................www.applegatefarms.com Appletiser.............................................................................................................www.appletiser.net Aptera..........................................................................................................www.apteraimports.com Aqua Flora......................................................................................................www.aquaflorainc.com Aqua Hydrate.................................................................................................... www.aquagenus.com Aqua Lube......................................................................................................... www.mayerlabs.com Aquagen...............................................................................................................www.aquagen.com Arbordoun.........................................................................................................www.arbordoun.com Arctic Zero..................................................................................................... www.myarcticzero.com Ardal...............................................................................................................www.ardalinfoods.com Ardo.............................................................................................................................www.ardo.com Argo Teas............................................................................................................... www.argotea.com Arico Natural Foods...........................................................................................www.aricofoods.com Aristo...............................................................................................................www.aristohealth.com Arize......................................................................................................www.silvanasglutenfree.com Arizona Beverage Co......................................................................................www.drinkarizona.com Arizona Natural Products............................................................................www.arizonanatural.com Arizona Natural Resouces........................................................... www.arizonanaturalresources.com Ark Naturals.....................................................................................................www.arknaturals.com Arkopharma ................................................................................................... www.arkopharma.com Armanino....................................................................................................www.armaninofoods.com Armstrong Olives........................................................................................www.armstrongolives.net Aromatica Organic Spices....................................................................www.aromaticaorganics.com/ Arora Creations...........................................................................................www.aroracreations.com Arriba...................................................................................................................www.ribafoods.com Arrowhead............................................................................................... www.arrowheadwater.com 1-2-3 Gluten Free..........................................................................................www.123glutenfree.com 18 Rabbits............................................................................................................www.18rabbits.com 5K1N by Life Flow ................................................................................................... www.life-flo.com 8 Grain Crackers.............................................................................................www.venuswafers.com A. Vogel................................................................................................................... www.avogel.com A.C. Calderoni & Company, Inc....................................................................... www.accalderoni.com A.C. Larocco Pizza Co..........................................................................................www.aclarocco.com A.C. LaRoccos......................................................................................................www.aclarocco.com A.G. Ferrari...........................................................................................................www.agferrari.com Aaron Industries................................................................................... www.aaronindustriesinc.com Abba....................................................................................................................www.pureabba.com Abbotsford Farms.................................................................................... www.abbotsfordfarms.com Abco.....................................................................................................................www.abcolabs.com Abkit Inc.....................................................................................................................www.abkit.com Abra Therapeutics...................................................................................www.abratherapeutics.com Abracadabra............................................................................................www.abratherapeutics.com Absolute Nutrition.......................................................................................... www.absnutrition.com Absorbaid...................................................................................................www.naturessources.com Acai Wonderfruit..................................................................................................www.acailight.com Accu-Measure Body Fat Tester........................................................... www.accumeasurefitness.com Acqua Panna ................................................................................................. www.acquapanna.com Action Labs....................................................................................................www.nutraceutical.com Action Labs..........................................................................................................www.actionlab.com Active X...................................................................................................www.svp.inetticsdemo.com Adagio Tea...............................................................................................................www.adagio.com Adams Organic Coffee......................................................................www.adamsorganiccoffees.com Adina................................................................................................................www.adinaworld.com Adobe Milling............................................................................................... www.anasazibeans.com Adora............................................................................................................ www.adoracalcium.com Advanced Nutrtional Innovation..................................................................www.vitalitysystem.com Advanced Research.................................................................................... www.rexallsundown.com African Red Tea............................................................................................ www.africanredtea.com African Safari...........................................................................................www.belgraviaimports.com After Bite...........................................................................................................www.tendercorp.com Against The Grain Gourmet.........................................................www.againstthegraingourmet.com Agape Health..........................................................................................................www.perfect7.org Ageless Foundation.............................................................................. www.agelessfoundation.com AgroLabs..............................................................................................................www.agrolabs.com Ah! Alaska..............................................................................................................www.ahlaska.com Air Scense..............................................................................................................www.citrasolv.com Air Therapy............................................................................................................ www.miarose.com Ak Mak ......................................................................................................www.akmakbakeries.com Al Dente Pasta...............................................................................................www.aldentepasta.com Ala Maison............................................................................................... www.alamaisonsoaps.com Alacer................................................................................................................ www.alacercorp.com Alba Botanica................................................................................................www.albabotanica.com Alden’s Ice Cream...................................................................................... www.aldensicecream.com Alessi.................................................................................................................www.vigo-alessi.com Alexia Foods.................................................................................................... www.alexiafoods.com Ali Baba Grill.......................................................................................................www.mpifoods.com Alkazone...............................................................................................................www.alkazone.com All One.....................................................................................................................www.all-one.com All Terrain.........................................................................................................www.allterrainco.com Allergy Free Foods....................................................................................www.allergyfreefoods.com Allergy Research...............................................................................www.allergyresearchgroup.com Allied Old English............................................................................................www.sorrellridge.com Almased................................................................................................................ www.almased.com Almond Breeze..............................................................................................www.bluediamond.com Almond Dream............................................................................................www.tastethedream.com Almond Fresh.................................................................................................... www.soyaworld.com Almondina.........................................................................................................www.almondina.com Alo Drink................................................................................................................www.alodrink.com Aloe 80 Organics.........................................................................................www.lilyofthedesert.com Aloha Bay............................................................................................................ www.alohabay.com Alp Snack......................................................................................................... www.alpsnackinc.com Alpen................................................................................................................. www.weetabix.co.uk Alpenhaus........................................................................................................www.dcicheeseco.com 6 Manufacturer Web Page Addresses BRAND/Co. Web Address Bali’s Best................................................................................................... www.fusiongourmet.com B-Amazing! Foods .............................................................................................b-amazingfoods.com Bamboo Studio........................................................................................ www.ecobambooware.com Bar Harbor.................................................................................................www.barharborfoods.com Barbaggiani................................................................. www.sungrovefoods.com/barbaggianni.html Barbara’s Bakery........................................................................................www.barbarasbakery.com Bare Fruit, LLC........................................................................................... www.barefruitsnacks.com Barefoot Coral.............................................................................................. www.coralsupreme.com Barilla .................................................................................................................. www.barillaus.com Barney Butter................................................................................................ www.barneybutter.com BaTherapy................................................................. www.queenhelene.com/batherapyhome2.html Batter Blaster................................................................................................. www.batterblaster.com Baugher Ranch Organics............................................................................... www.bro-almonds.com Bausch & Lomb........................................................................................................www.bausch.com Bavarian Breads...........................................................................................www.bavarianbread.com Bay Bread............................................................................................................www.baybread.com Bayer............................................................................................................... www.bayeraspirin.com Baywood International...............................................................................www.newleafbrands.com Bazi......................................................................................................................www.drinkbazi.com Be Fine......................................................................................................................www.befine.com Be Natural ......................................................................................................www.peaceworks.com Bean & Body.................................................................................................www.beanandbody.com Beanfields................................................................................................www.beanfieldssnacks.com Beanitos................................................................................................................www.beanitos.com Beano................................................................................................................. www.beanogas.com Beanpod Tea....................................................................................................www.beanpodtea.com Bear Naked........................................................................................................www.bearnaked.com Bear Stewart................................................................................................... www.bearstewart.com Bear Valley.......................................................................................................... www.mealpack.com Beautiful Soap............................................................................................... www.beautifulsoap.net Beauty Without Cruelty................................................................... www.beautywithoutcruelty.com Bee MD.......................................................................................................... www.sponsorabee.com Beeceuticals Organics.....................................................................................www.beeceuticals.com Beehive Botanicals................................................................................www.beehivebotanicals.com Beeler’s.....................................................................................................www.beelerspurepork.com Beer Chips.......................................................................................................... www.beerchips.com Bekunis.................................................................................................................. www.bekunis.com Bela-Olhao..................................................................................................... www.belabelabela.com Belizza.....................................................................................................................www.belizza.com Bella Baby Foods LLC................................................................................. www.bellababyfoods.com Bella Grano..............................................................................................................www.bffoods.net Bella Monica Flatbread................................................................................... www.bellamonica.com Bella Terra.............................................................................................................www.racconto.com Bellamessa.......................................................................................................www.opal-export.com Bellwether Farms....................................................................................www.bellwethercheese.com Bellybar.............................................................................................................. www.nutrabella.com Ben & Jerry’s..........................................................................................................www.benjerry.com Benefit Nutrition........................................................................................www.benefitnutrition.com Benefit Toothbrushes...........................................................................................www.benedent.com Benissmo.......................................................................................................... www.chefjohnny.com Bentley Organic..........................................................................................www.bentleyorganic.com Berkshire Bark Inc........................................................................................www.berkshirebark.com Berlin Natural Bakery..........................................................................www.berlinnaturalbakery.com Bernahu.....................................................................................................www.berhanuorganic.com Bernard Jensen............................................................................................. www.bernardjensen.org Bertos Gelato............................................................................................. www.bertosicecream.com Beth’s Fine Desserts...................................................................................................www.beths.com Better Botanicals......................................................................................www.betterbotanicals.com Better Bread......................................................................................www.betterbreadcompany.com Better Life.....................................................................................................www.cleanhappens.com Better ‘N Peanut Butter.....................................................................www.betternpeanutbutter.com Better Than Bouillon.....................................................................................www.superiortouch.com Better Than Milk............................................................................................ www.libertyrichter.com Better Whey of Life.................................................................................. www.betterwheyoflife.com Betty Jeans...............................................................................................www.bettyjeansfoods.com Betty Lou’s...................................................................................................... www.bettylousinc.com Beveri Nutritionals...................................................................................... www.beverinutrition.com Arrowhead Mills........................................................................................www.arrowheadmills.com Art of Chipotle............................................................................................ www.chipotlepeople.com Artemis Woman..........................................................................................www.artemiswoman.com Artic Zero....................................................................................................... www.myarcticzero.com Artisana..................................................................................................... www.premierorganics.org Artisana....................................................................................................www.premierorganics.com Asherah’s Gourmet.................................................................................www.asherahsgourmet.com Asian Rhythms............................................................................................... www.phillipsfoods.com Aspen Pure........................................................................................................www.aspenpure.com AST Sport Science......................................................................................................www.ast-ss.com Astavita.................................................................................................................www.astavita.com At Last Naturals............................................................................................www.atlastnaturals.com Athena’s Silverland Desserts................................................................. www.silverlanddesserts.com Atkins............................................................................................................. www.atkinscenter.com Atlantic Mariculture............................................................................... www.great-eastern-sun.com Atlas World USA.......................................................................................... www.atlasworldusa.com Atomic......................................................................................................www.truenaturaltaste.com Attitude.........................................................................................................www.cleanattitude.com Attune............................................................................................................. www.attunefoods.com Au’some................................................................................................................. www.ausome.com Aunt Bee’s .............................................................................................www.privatelabelselect.com Aunt Gussie’s...................................................................................................www.auntgussies.com Aunt Millie........................................................................................................ www.auntmillies.com Aunt Patty’s...................................................................................................... www.auntpattys.com Aura Cacia.......................................................................................................... www.auracacia.com Auric Blends..................................................................................................... www.auricblends.com Auroma International....................................................................................... www.auromaintl.com Auromere............................................................................................................ www.auromere.com Aurora Group, The.........................................................................................www.theauroragrp.com Aurora Henna..................................................................................................... www.warmskin.com Auroshikha.......................................................................................................www.auroshikha.com Au’some.......................................................................................... www.ausomesnacknaturally.com Aussan Natural............................................................................................ www.aussannatural.com Aussie Bakery................................................................................................ www.aussiebakery.com Austin Cake Ball..........................................................................................www.austincakeball.com Avalon Org. Coffee ........................................................................................... www.victorallen.com Avalon Organics.........................................................................................www.avalonorganics.com Avant...................................................................................................................www.b4brands.com Avoderm...............................................................................................................www.avoderm.com Awakening........................................................................................... www.awakeningskincare.com Axelrod...................................................................................................................www.axelrod.com Axia 3........................................................................................................................www.axia3.com Ayala’s Herbal Water.......................................................................................www.herbalwater.com Ayate........................................................................................ www.pureandnaturaldeodorant.com Ayurbest....................................................................................................... www.komalherbals.com Ayurceutics.......................................................................................................www.ayurceutics.com Ayurveda Organics..............................................................................................www.ayurveda.com Aztec Secret Health & Beauty.........................................................................www.aztec-secret.com Baby’s Bliss........................................................................................................ www.babysbliss.com Baby’s Only Organic.........................................................................................www.naturesone.com Bach..................................................................................................................www.nelsonbach.com Bach Flower Essences.......................................................................................www.bachflower.com Back To Nature.....................................................................................www.backtonaturefoods.com Backerhaus Veit .........................................................................................www.backerhausveit.com Badia..............................................................................................................www.badia-spices.com Bagels Forever, Inc....................................................................................... www.bagelsforever.com Bags on Board...............................................................................................www.bagsonboard.com Bahama.................................................................................................www.bahamariceburger.com Bai.........................................................................................................................www.drinkbai.com Baji’s............................................................................................................... www.bajispassion.com Bakery On Main...........................................................................................www.bakeryonmain.com Balance Bar Company............................................................................................ www.balance.com Balance Nutrition................................................................................................... www.balance.com Balance Water............................................................................................... www.drinkbalance.com Balanced (American Natural Snacks)............................................................ www.panosbrands.com Balanceuticals..............................................................................................www.balanceuticals.ocm Bali Spice.........................................................................................................www.peaceworks.com 7 Manufacturer’s INFO Web Address Table of Contents BRAND/Co. Manufacturer Web Page Addresses Table of Contents Manufacturer’s INFO BRAND/Co. Web Address BRAND/Co. Web Address Body Rescue..............................................................................................................www.peelu.com Boericke & Tafel Inc.......................................................................................www.boericketafel.com Boiron Labs.........................................................................................................www.boironusa.com BOLD Organics.............................................................................................www.bold-organics.com Bombilla Gourd........................................................................................... www.bombillagourd.com Bon Ami..................................................................................................................www.bonami.com Bonne Maman.................................................................................................www.bonnemaman.us Boo Boo Buddy..............................................................................................www.skinvestment.com Bookbinder......................................................................................www.bookbinderspecialties.com Boomi Bar............................................................................................................www.boomibar.com Boowl.......................................................................................................................www.boowl.com Bora Bora Organic Foods............................................................................ www.boraborafoods.com Born Free....................................................................................................... www.newbornfree.com Borojo...................................................................................................................... www.borojo.com Bossa Nova.................................................................................................. www.bossanovausa.com Boston Popcorn............................................................................................ www.hain-celestial.com Boston’s Better Snacks................................................................................www.bostonssnacks.com Bot Beverages...............................................................................................www.botbeverages.com Bot Fortified Water.......................................................................................www.botbeverages.com Botani.......................................................................................................www.alohabay.com/botani Botanical Laboratories......................................................................................... www.natrabio.com Botanical Solutions.......................................................................... www.BotanicalSolutionsInc.com Boulder Bar ...................................................................................................... www.boulderbar.com Boulder Brownies .................................................................................... www.boulderbrownie.com Boulder Canyon................................................................................. www.bouldercanyonfoods.com Boulder Soup Works.............................................................................www.bouldersoupworks.com Bove’s Of Vermont.................................................................................................... www.boves.com Boylan......................................................................................................... www.boylanbottling.com Bradford Tonic..............................................................................................www.bradfordtonic.com Bragg........................................................................................................................ www.bragg.com Brain Toniq........................................................................................................ www.braintoniq.com Bran Crispbread..........................................................................................www.brancrispbread.com Brando’s Bella Italia................................................................................... www.brandosoliveoil.com Brandstorm..................................................................................................www.brandstorminc.com Brat Diet LLC........................................................................................................... www.bratdiet.org Bravissimo.................................................................................................... www.hain-celestial.com Bravissimo Pizza....................................................................................... www.bravissimopizza.com Brazil Gourmet............................................................................................www.brazilgourmet.com/ Brazilian Springs........................................................................................www.braziliansprings.com Breadshop.................................................................................................... www.hain-celestial.com Breath Gel.................................................................................................www.purelineoralcare.com Brent & Sam’s .............................................................................................www.brentandsams.com Breyer’s Ice Cream..................................................................................................www.breyers.com Brianna’s......................................................................................... www.briannassaladdressing.com Bricker Labs...................................................................................................... www.brickerlabs.com Bridge, The........................................................................................................www.bridgetofu.com Brita Products............................................................................................................. www.brita.com Bronco Bob’s...................................................................................................... www.lwcbrands.com Bronzo Sensuale....................................................................................................... www.bronzo.net Brother Bru Bru’s.................................................................................................wwwbrobrubru.com Brothers All Natural............................................................................... www.brothersallnatural.com Brown Cow ............................................................................................... www.browncowfarm.com Bubbies.................................................................................................................. www.bubbies.com Bucha Live Kombucha......................................................................................... www.mybucha.com Buderim Ginger.......................................................................................... www.buderimginger.com Bueno Foods....................................................................................................www.buenofoods.com Bufala Di Vermont................................................................................... www.bufaladivermont.com Buffalo Guys, The.......................................................................................www.thebuffaloguys.com Buffalo Nickel Wingers......................................................................... www.buffalonickelfoods.com Bugs-R-Done.....................................................................................................www.bugsrdone.com Bulldog Natural Skincare.......................................................................... www.meetthebulldog.com Bumble Bar........................................................................................................www.bumblebar.com Buried Treasure........................................................................................ www.buriedtreasureln.com Burn Out.......................................................................................................... www.burnoutsun.com Butter Works Farm..................................................................................www.butterworksfarm.com C & H......................................................................................................................www.chsugar.com Cabo Chips.........................................................................................................www.cabochips.com Beyond Coastal............................................................................................www.beyondcoastal.com Beyond Gourmet...................................................................................................www.avolsson.com Bhakti Chai........................................................................................................www.bhaktichai.com BHI............................................................................................................................www.bhiCo..com Bhuja.........................................................................................................................www.bhuja.com Bibi Caffe..............................................................................................................www.bibicaffe.com Bien Padre..........................................................................................................www.bienpadre.com Big Island Organics..............................................................................................www.gingeraid.com Bigelow.............................................................................................................www.bigelowtea.com Billington’s....................................................................................................... www.billingtons.co.uk Bindi..................................................................................................................... www.bindiusa.com Bio Kleen..................................................................................................... www.biokleenhome.com Bio Pac....................................................................................................................www.bio-pac.com Biobag............................................................................................................... www.biobagusa.com Biocentrics............................................................................................................ www.hgh-info.com Biochem.................................................................................................... www.biochem-fitness.com Bioforce........................................................................................................... www.bioforceusa.com Bioforce USA...................................................................................................www.bioforceUSA.com Bioitalia..................................................................................................................... www.bioitalia.it Bio-K+.................................................................................................................. www.biokplus.com Biomedrix...........................................................................................................www.biomedrix.com Bionade.................................................................................................................www.bionade.com Bionaturae ....................................................................................................... www.bionaturae.com Bionorica ...................................................................................................... www.bionoricausa.com Bio-Nutritional.................................................................................... www.bionutritionalonline.com Bio-Pac...................................................................................................................www.bio-pac.com Bio-Strath................................................................................................... www.naturesanswer.com Biotech ............................................................................................................www.biotechcorp.com Biotene ...................................................................................................................www.laclede.com Biotene Dental Products..........................................................................................www.laclede.com Biotta........................................................................................................................ www.biotta.com Bisca........................................................................................................ www.internatualfoods.com Biscoff...................................................................................................................... www.biscoff.com Biscottea................................................................................................................www.biscottea.net Bite Blocker....................................................................................................... www.biteblocker.com Black Diamond................................................................................................www.dcicheeseco.com Black Horse.............................................................................................www.blackhorsesauces.com Black Seed...................................................................................................www.blackseedusa.com/ Blake’s All Natural.................................................................................... www.blakesallnatural.com Blind Faith.....................................................................................................www.blindfaithcafe.com Bliss by Mom...................................................................................................www.blissbymom.com BLK Beverages...............................................................................................www.blkbeverages.com Bloom’en Nutrition.................................................................................www.bloomennutrition.com Blossom Organics...................................................................................www.blossom-organics.com Blue Cow Brands...........................................................................www.bluecow.com.au/index.aspx Blue Delta...................................................................................................www.bluedeltawater.com Blue Diamond ...............................................................................................www.bluediamond.com Blue Farm.................................................................................................................www.bluefarm.it/ Blue Galleon....................................................................................................www.bluegalleon.com Blue Horizon........................................................................................www.bluehorizonorganic.com Blue Horizon Wild............................................................................... www.bluehorizonseafood.com Blue Marble Brands...............................................................................www.bluemarblebrands.com Blue Monkey..........................................................................................www.bluemonkeydrinks.com Blue Pearl........................................................................................................www.lotusbrands.com Blue Sky..........................................................................................................www.drinkbluesky.com Blue Star Farms........................................................................................ www.partnerscrackers.com Blues Buster..................................................................................................... www.bluesbuster.com Blur Relief.................................................................................................................www.trpCo..com B’More Organic............................................................................................www.bmoreorganic.com Bob’s Red Mill .................................................................................................www.bobsredmill.com Bobbi’s Best, Inc................................................................................................ www.ilovebobbi.com Bobby D’s.............................................................................................................. www.bobbyds.com Bobo’s Oat Bars............................................................................................www.bobosoatbars.com Bob’s Red Mill..................................................................................................www.bobsredmill.com Boca Burger .....................................................................................................www.bocaburger.com Body Ammo........................................................................................www.bodyammoproducts.com Body Breakthrough..............................................................................www.bodybreakthrough.com 8 Manufacturer Web Page Addresses BRAND/Co. Web Address Central Milling..............................................................................................www.centralmilling.com Central Soyfoods...................................................................................... www.centralsoyfoods.com Ceres Juices.......................................................................................................www.ceresjuices.com Cha Dao Tea......................................................................................................www.chadaotea.com Challenge Dairy Products............................................................................www.challengedairy.com Champion Juicers.......................................................................................www.championjuicer.com Champion Nutrition.............................................................................www.champion-nutrition.com Chanakara......................................................................................................... www.chanakara.com Chandler Farm.............................................................................................. www.chandlerfarm.com Chandrika (Lotus)............................................................................................www.lotusbrands.com Chappaqua................................................................................ www.chappaquacrunchgranola.com Charantea..................................................................................................... www.charanteausa.com Chaser Plus........................................................................................................www.chaserplus.com Chaser/Living Essentials....................................................................................www.chaserplus.com Chatfield’s..................................................................................................... www.libertyrichter.com Chatham Village................................................................................................... www.marzetti.com Chebe....................................................................................................................... www.chebe.com Cheeky Monkey.............................................................................. www.cheekymonkeyorganic.com Chef Antonios Pizza..................................................................................... www.richelieufoods.com Chef Hymie............................................................................................. www.chefhymiegrande.com Chef Lala Homemade.......................................................................... www.cheflalahomemade.com Chef Sammy Gourmet.......................................................................................www.chefshamy.com Cheribundi.........................................................................................................www.cheribundi.com Cherrish...................................................................................................................www.cherrish.net Cherrybrook Kitchen............................................................................www.cherrybrookkitchen.com Chevrion..........................................................................................................www.dcicheeseco.com Chez Gourmet from Marie...............................................................................www.chezgourmet.biz Child Life Essentials.................................................................................................www.childlife.net Chilean Gourmet...........................................................................................www.chileangourmet.cl Chilliman.............................................................................................................. www.chilliman.com China Cola...............................................................................................www.reedsgingerbrew.com Chino Valley Ranchers........................................................................ www.chinovalleyranchers.com Chippewa Spring.......................................................................................www.premiumwaters.com Chiza Organic Chewing Gum...........................................................................www.axonbrands.com Chlorenergy................................................................................................... www.bestchlorella.com Chobani................................................................................................................. www.chobani.com Chocolate Dream.........................................................................................www.tastethedream.com Chocolite...............................................................................................www.healthysmartfoods.com Chocolove...........................................................................................................www.chocolove.com Chocos.......................................................................................................www.icecreamchocos.com Choctal................................................................................................................... www.choctal.com Choice Batter..................................................................................................www.choicebatter.com Choice Organic Teas..............................................................................www.choiceorganicteas.com Cholestaid .................................................................................................... www.naturessecret.com Chris’s Cookies............................................................................................... www.chriscookies.com Chromalux.............................................................................................................www.lumiram.com Chuao Chocolatier...................................................................................www.chuaochocolatier.com Chunks of Energy.......................................................................................www.chunksofenergy.com Ciao Bella................................................................................................... www.ciaobellagelato.com Cig-No Smoking Deterrent...........................................................................www.ggginc.com/cigno/ Ciprianis Pasta..............................................................................................www.ciprianispasta.com Circle Foods, LLC...............................................................................................www.circlefoods.com Citra Solv (Shadow Lake)................................................................................www.shadowlake.com Citra-Solv...............................................................................................................www.citrasolv.com Citrus Magic.................................................................................................... www.citrusmagic.com Citrusway.............................................................................................................www.citrusway.com Cleanwell....................................................................................................www.cleanwelltoday.com Clear Conscience.......................................................................................www.clearconscience.com Clear Products....................................................................................................... www.clearear.com Clear Tract...........................................................................................................www.cleartract.com Clearly Natural.....................................................................................www.clearlynaturalsoaps.com Clement Faugier............................................................................................. www.clementfaugier.fr Clemmy’s Ice Cream...............................................................................www.clemmysicecream.com Clif Bar......................................................................................................................www.clifbar.com Clippper Tea..................................................................................................... www.clipper-teas.com Cloud Nine.....................................................................................................www.nspiredfoods.com Cloud Star............................................................................................................ www.cloudstar.com Cabot..............................................................................................................www.cabotcheese.com Caesar Cardini Foods............................................................................................ www.marzetti.com Caesar Organic Pasta....................................................................................www.caesarspasta.com Cafe Altura.........................................................................................................www.cafealtura.com Cafe Fanny.................................................................................................................... cafefanny.com Café Orzo.............................................................................................................. www.cafeorzo.com Caffe D’Vita........................................................................................................www.caffedvita.com Cafferata............................................................................................................. www.cafferata.com Cafix.......................................................................................................www.internaturalfoods.com Cal Naturale..................................................................................................... www.sveltebrand.com Calabro Cheese Corp...................................................................................www.calabrocheese.com Calbee America...........................................................................................www.calbeeamerica.com Calhoun Bend Mill................................................................................... www.calhounbendmill.com California Baby............................................................................................ www.californiababy.com California Day Fresh..........................................................................................www.nakedjuice.com California Natural......................................................................................www.californianatural.net California Olive Oil Co...............................................................................www.californianatural.net California Olive Ranch........................................................................ www.californiaoliveranch.com California Pizza Kitchen................................................................................................ www.cpk.com California Tart Co............................................................................... www.thecaliforniafoodCo..com Calistoga Water ......................................................................................... www.calistogawater.com Calnaturale.......................................................................................................www.calnaturale.com Cambrian Naturals................................................................................................ www.product5.biz Camel...............................................................................................................www.noblefoods.com Camocare (Abkit).......................................................................................................www.abkit.com Camocare Products............................................................................................ www.camocare.com Campbell’s Soup Company.........................................................................www.campbellssoup.com Can Do Kids................................................................................................. www.iamacandokid.com Canita.......................................................................................................................www.canita.com Cankermelts....................................................................................................... www.orahealth.com Canoleo............................................................................................... www.sbamerica.com/canoleo Canterbury Cuisine............................................................................................www.conifer-inc.com Canterbury Natural............................................................................................www.conifer-inc.com Canus Goats Milk Body Care.....................................................................www.canusgoatsmilk.com Canus Vermont..........................................................................................www.canusgoatsmilk.com Canyon Bakehouse................................................................................ www.canyonbakehouse.com Cape Cod Potato Chips................................................................................. www.capecodchips.com Cap-M-Quick Capsule Products.....................................................................www.cap-m-quick.com Capogiro Gelato Artisans...........................................................................www.capogirogelato.com Capretta............................................................................................. www.sierranevadacheese.com Captain Toady’s........................................................................................... www.captaintoadys.com Carb Escapes..............................................................................................www.turtlemountain.com Carex Health Brands.......................................................................................www.apexmedical.com Caribbean Solutions.....................................................................................www.caribbean-sol.com Carman’s........................................................................................... www.carmansfinefoods.com.au Carme (Mill Creek)..............................................................................www.millcreekbotanicals.com Carpe Diem........................................................................................................www.carpediem.com Carr’s.............................................................................................................www.carrscrackers.com Carrington Farms...................................................................................... www.carringtonfarms.com Cartilade................................................................................................................ www.cartilade.net Casa Visco...........................................................................................................www.casavisco.com Casbah................................................................................................ www.casbahnaturalfoods.com Cascade Fresh................................................................................................www.cascadefresh.com Cascadian Farm...........................................................................................www.cascadianfarm.com Cascadian Farm.........................................................................................................www.cfarm.com Cascal.............................................................................................................www.cheerscascal.com Castor & Pollux..........................................................................................www.castorpolluxpet.com Catswell.................................................................................................................www.catswell.com Caudill Seed......................................................................................................www.caudillseed.com CC Pollen...............................................................................................................www.ccpollen.com Cedar Grove Cheese..............................................................................www.cedargrovecheese.com Cedarlane.................................................................................................. www.cedarlanefoods.com Celentano.................................................................................................................www.rosina.com Celestial Seasonings............................................................................ www.celestialseasonings.com Cell-nique........................................................................................................... www.cell-nique.com Celtic Sea Salt................................................................................................. www.celticseasalt.com Cento Products..........................................................................................................www.cento.com 9 Manufacturer’s INFO Web Address Table of Contents BRAND/Co. Manufacturer Web Page Addresses Table of Contents Manufacturer’s INFO BRAND/Co. Web Address BRAND/Co. Web Address Cylinder Works............................................................................................ www.cylinderworks.com Cypress Grove .................................................................................... www.cypressgrovechevre.com Cytosport.............................................................................................................www.cytosport.com D.L. Jardines...................................................................................................www.jardinefoods.com Da Rosario...........................................................................................................www.darosario.com Dabur (Nature Care)..................................................................................................www.dabur.com Daddy Sam’s.....................................................................................................www.daddysams.com Dagoba Chocolate.................................................................................. www.dagobachocolate.com DAHlicious Lassi.................................................................................................www.dahlicious.com Daily Detox.......................................................................................................www.wellements.com Daiya................................................................................................................. www.daiyafoods.com Dakota........................................................................................................www.myschoolmenu.com D’Allesandro..............................................................................................www.woodlandfoods.com Dan Active.......................................................................................................... www.danactive.com Dan’s Prime........................................................................................................ www.dansprime.com Dancing Deer.................................................................................................. www.dancingdeer.com Dancing Paws................................................................................................www.dancingpaws.com Danielle..........................................................................................................www.daniellechips.com Daphne........................................................................................................www.daphnebaking.com Dare Foods (Southland) Inc...................................................................................usa.darefoods.com Daregel.....................................................................................................www.daregalgourmet.com Darrell Lea..............................................................................................................www.dlea.com.au Dave’s Gourmet...........................................................................................www.davesgourmet.com Davidson’s Safest Choice......................................................................................www.safeeggs.com Davinci ...........................................................................................................www.davincipasta.com Dawes Hill Honey................................................................................ www.onceagainnutbutter.com De Cecco Pasta................................................................................................ www.dececcousa.com De La Estancia................................................................................................. www.delaestancia.net De Lallo.................................................................................................................... www.delallo.com De Wafelbakkers.......................................................................................www.dewafelbakkers.com Deb-El foods.....................................................................................................www.debelfoods.com DeBoles.................................................................................................................. www.deboles.com Deborah Kayes..............................................................................................www.deborahkayes.com Dee Amore.............................................................................................................www.mr-dees.com Deep Foods........................................................................................................www.deepfoods.com Deep Root................................................................................................ www.deeprootorganic.com Deep Sea................................................................................................www.bluemarblebrands.com Deep Steep........................................................................................................ www.deepsteep.com Deer Garden Foods......................................................................................... www.rejuvenative.com Delallo..................................................................................................................... www.delallo.com Deli USA...........................................................................................................www.dcicheeseco.com Deliciously Slim........................................................................................www.deliciouslysimple.com Dell’Amore .........................................................................................................www.dellamore.com Deluxe Honeydrop.............................................................................................www.honeydrop.com Dennis Farms.........................................................................................www.dennisfarmsmaple.com Deodorant Stones....................................................................................www.deodorantstones.com Derma E Skin Care..................................................................................................www.dermae.com Dermasilk............................................................................................................ www.dermasilk.com Desert Essence............................................................................................ www.desertessence.com Desert Pepper Trading Co..............................................................................www.desertpepper.com Designer Whey.............................................................................................www.designerwhey.com Desouza’s International.......................................................................................www.desouzas.com Desserts by David Glass....................................................................................www.davidglass.com Detour................................................................................................................. www.detourbar.com Deva............................................................................................................. www.devanutrition.com Devita........................................................................................................................ www.devita.net Devonsheer.......................................................................................................www.devonsheer.com Devya Indian Gourmet......................................................................www.devyaindiangourmet.com DeWafelbakkers.........................................................................................www.dewafelbakkers.com Diabease...............................................................................................................www.diabease.com Diamond Crystal........................................................................................ www.diamondcrystal.com Diamond Herpanacine Associates..........................................................www.diamondformulas.com Diana’s Bananas.........................................................................................www.dianasbananas.com Dicamillo Bakery........................................................................................www.dicamillobakery.com Dinosaur Barbque....................................................................................www.dinosaurbarbque.com Dirty Potato Chips.....................................................................................................www.dirtys.com Discover Cuisine....................................................................................................www.dcuisine.com Clover Organic Farms.................................................................................www.cloverstornetta.com Coach Dairy Goat Farm.....................................................................................www.coachfarm.com Cocio.....................................................................................................................www.rwgarcia.com Florida Crystals Inc...................................................................................... www.floridacrystals.com Florida’s Natural..........................................................................................www.floridasnatural.com Florida’s Natural Pocket Fruit................................................................................ www.ausome.com Flourish Baking Company..............................................................www.flourishbakingcompany.com Follow Your Heart..................................................................................... www.followyourheart.com Food Collective OG Bistro........................................................................www.theorganicbistro.com Food For Life Baking Co., Inc............................................................................. www.foodforlife.com CocoCare Products...............................................................................................www.cococare.com CocoHydro......................................................................................................... www.cocohydro.com Coconut Secret............................................................................................ www.coconutsecret.com Code Blue.................................................................................................... www.drinkcodeblue.com Colameco’s..................................................................................................www.wellshirefarms.com Colavita Olive Oil Co.............................................................................................. www.colavita.com Colby’s Kettlecorn.....................................................................................www.colbyskettlecorn.com Cold Mountain...................................................................................... www.coldmountainmiso.com Cold Sores Begone..............................................................................................www.csbegone.com Cold-Eeze.............................................................................................................www.cold-eeze.com Coles...................................................................................................................www.colestrout.com College Farm........................................................................................www.collegefarmorganic.com Columbia Gorge..............................................................................www.columbiagorgeorganic.com Columbia Gorge Organics..............................................................www.columbiagorgeorganic.com Comvita................................................................................................................. www.comvita.com Concieved By Nature............................................................................www.conceivedbynature.com Conrad Rice Mill.......................................................................................... www.conradricemill.com Consorzio.............................................................................................................www.consorzio.com Conte’s Pasta Company, Inc............................................................................www.contespasta.com Contessa...............................................................................................................www.contessa.com Contrex (Mineral Water)..................................................................................www.contrex-usa.com Cool Fruits Inc......................................................................................................www.coolfruits.com Coombs Family Farms..........................................................................www.coombsfamilyfarms.com Copper Moon Coffee............................................................................www.coppermooncoffee.com Corazonas...........................................................................................................www.corazonas.com Corners........................................................................................................www.medorasnacks.com Corto Olive Oil...................................................................................................www.corto-olive.com Coshell....................................................................................................... www.coshellcharcoal.com Country Choice.................................................................................www.countrychoiceorganic.com Country Comfort................................................................................. www.starwest-botanicals.com Country Comfort Herbals.............................................................. www.countrycomfortherbals.com Country Hen.....................................................................................................www.countryhen.com Country Pet..................................................................................................................www.canz.com Country Pet....................................................................................................... www.countrypet.com Country Save...................................................................................................www.countrysave.com Crave Foods...................................................................................................... www.cravefoods.com Crayons...........................................................................................................www.drinkcrayons.com Crepini.............................................................................................................. www.crepinicafe.com Crispy Cat............................................................................................ www.crispycatcandybars.com Crofters.......................................................................................................www.croftersorganic.com Crop to Cup Coffee.............................................................................................www.croptocup.com Crown Prince.................................................................................................. www.crownprince.com Crummy Brothers......................................................................................www.crummybrothers.com Crunchies Food Co....................................................................................... www.crunchiesfood.com Crunchmaster............................................................................................... www.crunchmaster.com Crystal Body Deodorant.....................................................................................www.thecrystal.com Crystal Geyser......................................................................................www.crystalgeyserwater.com Cucina Antica.................................................................................................www.cucinaantica.com Cucina Fresca..................................................................................................www.cucinafresca.com Cultural Revolution.................................................................................... www.kalonaorganics.com Culturelle.............................................................................................................www.culturelle.com Current C......................................................................................................www.thecurrantCo..com Curry Love...................................................................................................... www.mycurrylove.com Cuties..................................................................................................................www.cutieskids.com Cybros the Sprouted Bakehouse....................................................................www.cybrosbakery.com Cyclone Cider.........................................................................................www.gincointernational.com Cyclops ....................................................................................................www.cyclopsyoghurt.co.nz 10 Manufacturer Web Page Addresses BRAND/Co. Web Address Earth Balance................................................................................................. www.earthbalance.net Earth Cafe.................................................................................................... www.earthcafetogo.com Earth Friendly Baby................................................................................www.earthfriendlybaby.com Earth Friendly Products...............................................................................................www.ecos.com Earth Henna..................................................................................................... www.earthhenna.com Earth Mama Angel Baby.................................................................www.earthmamaangelbaby.com Earth Science..............................................................................................www.earthessentials.com Earth Solutions ...........................................................................................www.earthsolutions.com Earth Therapeutics................................................................................ www.earththerapeutics.com Earth’s Best........................................................................................................www.earthsbest.com Earth’s Best Baby Care..................................................................................www.jason-natural.com Earth’s Best Baby Foods....................................................................................www.earthsbest.com Earth’s Bounty...............................................................................................www.earthsbounty.com EartH2O................................................................................................................. www.earth2o.com Eartharvest............................................................................................. www.eartharvestfoods.com Earthly Delights..........................................................................................www.earthlydelights.com Earthrise ..............................................................................................................www.earthrise.com Earth’s Best (Hain).............................................................................................www.earthsbest.com Earth’s Bounty...............................................................................................www.earthsbounty.com Earthworm.......................................................................................................www.acleanearth.com East Wind........................................................................................... www.eastwindnutbutters.com Eat Cleaner........................................................................................................ www.eatcleaner.com Eat Pastry............................................................................................................www.eatpastry.com Eat Smart Naturals.................................................................................www.snydersofhanover.com Ecco Bella............................................................................................................www.eccobella.com Echo Farm Pudding...............................................................................www.echofarmpuddings.com Echo Water........................................................................................................... www.joinecho.com E-Cloth......................................................................................................................www.ecloth.com ECO Discoveries...........................................................................................www.ecodiscoveries.com ECO Fish...................................................................................................................www.ecofish.com Eco Nature Care...........................................................................................www.econaturecare.com Eco Skin Care............................................................................................... www.ecologicalskin.com Eco Teas..................................................................................................................www.ecoteas.com Eco-Dent...............................................................................................................www.eco-dent.com Ecofish.....................................................................................................................www.ecofish.com Ecolips.....................................................................................................................www.ecolips.com Ecolume.................................................................................................................www.lumiram.com Ecolution.....................................................................................................www.ecolutionhome.com Eco-Me...................................................................................................................www.eco-me.com Econugenics, Inc.............................................................................................www.econugenics.com ECOPath.................................................................................................................. www.veraloe.com Eco-Planet Organic Cookies.......................................................................... www.ecoheavenllc.com Ecosmart..............................................................................................................www.ecosmart.com Ecotrition...................................................................................................www.unitedpetgroup.com Ecover ......................................................................................................................www.ecover.com Eddie’s Organic Pasta.................................................................................... www.libertyrichter.com Eden Foods........................................................................................................www.edenfoods.com Edward & Sons......................................................................................... www.edwardandsons.com Efferve...........................................................................................................www.eurobubblies.com Effortless Beauty........................................................................................www.santeactiveusa.com Egg Innovations......................................................................................... www.egginnovations.com Eggology..............................................................................................................www.eggology.com El Bravo..................................................................................................................elbravotamale.com El Burrito............................................................................................................... www.elburrito.com El Cortijo..........................................................................................www.dcicheeseco.com/el-cortijo Eldorado...................................................................................................www.eldoradosprings.com Elemental Herbs........................................................................................www.elementalherbs.com Elements Naturals.................................................................................. www.elementsnaturals.com Elena’s......................................................................................................................www.elenas.com Elevate Me........................................................................................................... www.prosnack.com Eli’s Cheesecake...........................................................................................www.elicheesecake.com Ella’s Kitchen...................................................................................................www.ellaskitchen.com Elyon................................................................................................................. www.goldenfluff.com Embodi...........................................................................................................www.drinkembodi.com Emerald Cove......................................................................................... www.great-eastern-sun.com Emerald Forest Sugar...........................................................................www.emeraldforestsugar.com Emerald Labs.................................................................................................. www.emeraldlabs.com Diva Cup................................................................................................................ www.divacup.com Divina................................................................................................................www.foodmatch.com Divine Chocolate.................................................................................www.divinechocolateusa.com Divvies.....................................................................................................................www.divvies.com Dixie Health......................................................................................................www.dixiehealth.com DMSO........................................................................................................................ www.dmso.com Do Goodie Brownies.................................................................................. www.greystonbakery.com Doctor Kracker.....................................................................................................www.drkracker.com Dog’s Life...............................................................................................................www.adogslife.net Dogswell.............................................................................................................. www.dogswell.com Doguet’s................................................................................................................www.doguets.com Dolcetto...................................................................................................... www.fusiongourmet.com Dole ............................................................................................................................www.dole.com Dolphin Natural Chocolate......................................................................... www.dolphinnatural.com Dominex.................................................................................................www.dominexeggplant.com Domingo’s ......................................................................................................www.gaytanfoods.com Don’t Bite Me......................................................................................... www.dontbitemepatch.com Dona Maria...............................................................................................www.herdeztraditions.com Donkey Chips..................................................................................................www.donkeychips.com Dorest............................................................................................................www.dorsetcereals.com Dorot.................................................................................................................... www.mydorot.com Dorset Cereals...............................................................................................www.dorsetcereals.com Double B................................................................................................................www.doubleb.com Double Rainbow.........................................................................................www.doublerainbow.com Douget’s................................................................................................................www.doguets.com Dox Solutions........................................................................................................www.drinkdox.com Dr Good Carb..................................................................................................www.drgoodcarbs.com Dr McDougall’s.................................................................................................. www.rightfoods.com Dr Praeger’s...................................................................................................... www.drpraegers.com Dr Sears Family Essentials............................................................. www.drsearsfamilyapproved.com Dr Smoothie......................................................................................................www.drsmoothie.com Dr Vanessa’s Formulas........................................................................................www.drvenessa.com Dr. Bronner’s.......................................................................................................www.drbronner.com Dr. Bronner’s.......................................................................................................www.drbronner.com Dr. Christopher’s..........................................................................................www.drchristophers.com Dr. Goodpet.......................................................................................................... www.goodpet.com Dr. In the Kitchen.........................................................................................www.drinthekitchen.com Dr. Ken’s.....................................................................................................................www.drkens.net Dr. Kracker...........................................................................................................www.drkracker.com Dr. Lucy’s................................................................................................................ www.drlucys.com Dr. McDougall’s................................................................................................. www.rightfoods.com Dr. Oetker Organics..................................................................................................www.oetker.com Dr. Praeger’s..................................................................................................... www.drpraegers.com Dr. Sears...................................................................................................... www.desertessence.com Dr. Shen’s.................................................................................................................www.drshen.com Dr. Singha’s...........................................................................................................www.drsingha.com Dr. Smoothie.....................................................................................................www.drsmoothie.com Dr. Tung’s............................................................................................................... www.drtungs.com Dr. Venessa’s Formulas.......................................................................................www.drvenessa.com Dr. Weil.....................................................................................................................www.drweil.com Dr. Woods Soap......................................................................................www.drwoodsproducts.com Dr. Zhang’s Formula........................................................................................ www.herbal-max.com Dragon Pearl.............................................................................................. www.dragonpearltea.com Dragonfly Organix.................................................................................. www.dragonflyorganix.com Dream Bars..................................................................................................www.tastethedream.com Dreamerz.............................................................................................................www.dreamerz.com Drew’s All Natural...............................................................................................www.chefdrew.com Drews..................................................................................................................www.chefdrew.com Drews Fizzy Tea.............................................................................................www.drinkfizzytea.com Drogheria & Alimentari...................................................................................... www.drogheria.com Dry Soda................................................................................................................www.drysoda.com Dufour...............................................................................................www.dufourpastrykitchens.com Dutch Gold Honey.................................................................................... www.dutchgoldhoney.com Dylan’s Chia.......................................................................................................www.dylanschia.com Dynamic Health.......................................................................................... www.dynamichealth.com Eagle.......................................................................................................... www.dyeasternfoods.com Earnest Eats..................................................................................................... www.earnesteats.com 11 Manufacturer’s INFO Web Address Table of Contents BRAND/Co. Manufacturer Web Page Addresses Table of Contents Manufacturer’s INFO BRAND/Co. Web Address BRAND/Co. Web Address Fever-tree........................................................................................................... www.fever-tree.com Fibromalic...........................................................................................................www.fibromalic.com Field Day................................................................................................www.bluemarblebrands.com Field Roast...........................................................................................................www.fieldroast.com Fig Food.................................................................................................................. www.figfood.com Fiji Water...............................................................................................................www.fijiwater.com Fillo Factory.......................................................................................................www.fillofactory.com Fini ....................................................................................................................... www.finimodena.it Finn Crisp.............................................................................................................. www.finncrisp.com Fiordifrutta..................................................................................................www.fiordifruttausa.com Fire on the Mountain...................................................................................www.portlandwings.com Fireworks Popcorn.......................................................................................www.popcornlovers.com First Blush.....................................................................................................www.firstblushjuice.com First Juice.............................................................................................................. www.firstjuice.com First Organics....................................................................................................www.firstorganics.net Firstrax......................................................................................................................www.firstrax.net Fish Brothers....................................................................................................www.fishbrothers.com Fisher.................................................................................................................www.conifer-inc.com Fisherman’s Friend...................................................................................www.fishermansfriend.com FIT...........................................................................................................................www.fitwash.com Fit Produce Wash........................................................................................................www.tryfit.com Five Star Foods................................................................................................www.fivestarfood.com Fizzy Lizzy.............................................................................................................www.fizzylizzy.com Flamous Organics....................................................................................... www.flamousbrands.com FlavorBrazil.......................................................................................................www.flavorbrazil.com Flavorganics ....................................................................................................www.flavorganics.com Flavrz Beverage Corp...................................................................................www.flavrzdrinkmix.com Flax-Z-Snax..........................................................................................................www.flaxzsnax.com Fleischmann’s.................................................................................... www.fleischmannsvinegar.com Flex Now................................................................................................................... www.flexnow.us Flight Spray........................................................................................................www.flightspray.com Florida Crystals............................................................................................ www.floridacrystals.com Florida’s Natural..........................................................................................www.floridasnatural.com Flower Essence.................................................................................................. www.fesflowers.com Flower of the Valley ........................................................................................www.lotusbrands.com Fluendz................................................................................................................... www.fluendz.com Flying Basset Organics............................................................................... www.theflyingbasset.com Food For Life...................................................................................................... www.foodforlife.com Food For Lovers..........................................................................................www.food-for-lovers.com Food Merchants........................................................................................................ www.quinoa.net Food Science..............................................................................................................www.fslabs.com Food Should Tast Good.....................................................................www.foodshouldtastegood.com Foods By George........................................................................................www.foodsbygeorge.com Footherapy.................................................................................................... www.queenhelene.com Forces of Nature....................................................................................www.forcesofnatureusa.com Forze........................................................................................................www.pacifichealthlabs.com Four Monks............................................................................................................. www.mizkan.com Fox Ledge.............................................................................................................www.foxledge.com Franklin Farms.................................................................................................. www.veggieland.com Freeze RX...............................................................................................................www.freezerx.com Freezees Nutcream................................................................................................www.freezees.com French Café.................................................................................................www.frenchmeadow.com French Meadow .........................................................................................www.frenchmeadow.com Fresh Baby.......................................................................................................... www.freshbaby.com Friendship Dairy....................................................................................... www.friendshipdairies.com Frigo................................................................................................................ www.frigocheese.com Fromm’s..........................................................................................................www.frommfamily.com Frontera .......................................................................................................www.fronterafoods.com Frontier .......................................................................................................... www.frontiercoop.com Frontier Herb...................................................................................................www.frontierherb.com Froose.......................................................................................................................www.froose.com Frostbite..............................................................................................................www.wise-acre.com Frostea.................................................................................................................www.wise-acre.com FRS Healthy Energy........................................................................................................www.frs.com Fruit 2 Day............................................................................................................www.fruit2day.com Fruit 66...................................................................................................................www.fruit-66.com Fruit N Squeeze............................................................................................... www.charlesfaraud.us Emerald Valley Kitchen.....................................................................www.emeraldvalleykitchen.com Emergen-C..........................................................................................................www.emergenc.com Emeril’s................................................................................................................... www.emerils.com Emerita...................................................................................................................www.emerita.com Emilee’s Italian Ice................................................................................... www.emileesitalianice.com Emily’s Chocolates...................................................................................www.emilyschocolates.com Emperor’s Kitchen................................................................................. www.great-eastern-sun.com Endangered Species...................................................................................... www.chocolatebar.com Endangered Species Chocolate..................................................................... www.chocolatebar.com Endurox...................................................................................................www.pacifichealthlabs.com Ener G Foods........................................................................................................... www.ener-g.com Enjoy Life..................................................................................................... www.enjoylifefoods.com Enrich Your Life.................................................................................................... www.eyldrinks.com Enrico’s................................................................................................................... www.enricos.com Envirokidz .......................................................................................................www.naturespath.com Environne............................................................................................................www.environne.com EO.....................................................................................................................www.eoproducts.com Equal Exchange..........................................................................................www.equalexchange.com Erewhon............................................................................................................. www.usmillsinc.com Erin Baker’s.........................................................................................................www.bbcookies.com Erivan Yogurt Company..............................................................................................erivandairy.com Essence.................................................................................................... www.alkalinewaterinc.com Essentia Water..............................................................................................www.essentiawater.com Essential Oil Products.......................................................................................www.eoproducts.com Essential Organics.................................................................................. www.essentialorganics.com Essiac International..................................................................................... www.essiac-canada.com Estee................................................................................................................. www.esteefoods.com Estroven................................................................................................................. www.amerifit.com Eternal Water..................................................................................................www.eternalwater.com Ethnic Cottage..............................................................................................www.ethniccottage.com Ethnic Gourmet........................................................................................... www.ethnicgourmet.com Euro Bake............................................................................................................www.eurobake.com Evamor....................................................................................................................www.evamor.com Evergreen Juices........................................................................................www.evergreenjuices.com Everlast Nutrition........................................................................................... www.evernutrition.com Every Man Jack.............................................................................................www.everymanjack.com Evian.......................................................................................................................... www.evian.com Evol Foods.......................................................................................................... www.evolfoods.com Evolve................................................................................................................www.evolvekefir.com EX Drinks.............................................................................................................. www.exdrinks.com Excelline.......................................................................................................www.excellinefoods.com Explore Asian...................................................................................................www.opal-export.com Explorer’s Bounty.....................................................................................www.explorersbounty.com Expressnacks.........................................................................................www.bluemarblebrands.com Fabe’s Natural Gourmet.................................................................................www.fabesnatural.com Fabulous Flats..................................................................................................... www.fgfbrands.com Face Doctor...........................................................................................................www.facedoctor.ca Fage....................................................................................................................... www.fageusa.com Fairfield Farm Kitchens......................................................................www.fairfieldfarmkitchens.com Familia....................................................................................................www.internaturalfoods.com Fantastic Foods............................................................................................www.fantasticfoods.com Fantasy Cookie Co........................................................................................www.fantasycookie.com Farina Hot Cereal................................................................................................ www.usmillsinc.com Farmer Brown’s........................................................................................... www.farmerbrownsf.com Farmer’s All Natural Creamery.................................................www.farmersallnaturalcreamery.com Farmer’s Hen House................................................................................ www.farmershenhouse.com Farmer’s Pride................................................................................................... www.tatuafoods.com Fat Cat............................................................................................................www.fatcatscones.com Fattorie Breadsticks....................................................................................... www.libertyrichter.com Fearless Chocolate.................................................................................. www.fearlesschocolate.com Fearn..............................................................................................................www.modernfearn.com Feaster Foods.................................................................................................www.feasterfoods.com Feed Granola...................................................................................................www.feedgranola.com Feel Good Foods....................................................................................... www.feel-good-foods.com Fentimans...................................................................................................www.drinkfentimans.com Fentimans North America, INC............................................................www.wix.com/fentimans/test Festive Selections.................................................................................................www.jm-foods.com 12 Manufacturer Web Page Addresses BRAND/Co. Web Address Glad Corn.............................................................................................................www.gladcorn.com GladRags..............................................................................................................www.gladrags.com Glee Gum..............................................................................................................www.gleegum.com Glenn Foods............................................................................................................www.glennys.com Glenny’s..................................................................................................................www.glennys.com Gleukos...................................................................................................................www.gleukos.com Global Source......................................................................................................www.antijetlag.com Globe Bag............................................................................................................www.globebag.com Glory Bee Honey......................................................................................... www.glorybeehoney.com Glow...........................................................................................................www.glowglutenfree.com Gluekos...................................................................................................................www.gleukos.com Gluten Free & Fabulous.......................................................................www.glutengreefabulous.com Gluten Free Café.....................................................................................www.myglutenfreecafe.com Gluten Free Mama................................................................................... www.glutenfreemama.com Gluten Free Pantry...................................................................................www.glutenfreepantry.com Gluten Free Pantry Inc....................................................................................... www.glutenfree.com Glutenfreeda Foods....................................................................................... www.glutenfreeda.com Glutino.....................................................................................................................www.glutino.com GNU Foods..........................................................................................................www.gnufoods.com Go Appetit.......................................................................................................... www.goappetit.com Go Lightly...................................................................................................... www.hillsidecandy.com Go Live................................................................................................................. www.drinkphd.com Go Naturally.................................................................................................. www.hillsidecandy.com Go Picnic............................................................................................................... www.gopicnic.com Go Raw.....................................................................................................................www.goraw.com GoGo Rice.............................................................................................................www.gogorice.com Goji Gourmet.................................................................................................. www.gojigourmet.com Gojilania............................................................................................................... www.gojilania.com Gold Circle Farms....................................................................................... www.goldcirclefarms.com Gold Rush Kettle Korn.........................................................................................www.kettlepop.com Goldbaums.......................................................................................................www.goldbaums.com Golden............................................................................................... www.oldfashionedkitchen.com Golden Flavor.................................................................................................www.goldenflavor.com Golden Krust.........................................................................................www.goldenkrustbakery.com Golden Temple..............................................................................................www.goldentemple.com Goldie’s Premium Carob Bar..............................................................www.goldiescarobbars-ny.com GoLive.........................................................................................................www.massprobiotics.com Golnazar............................................................................................................... www.golnazar.com Good Bean.....................................................................................................www.thegoodbean.com Good Belly.......................................................................................................... www.goodbelly.com Good Earth Products.................................................................................. www.goodearthteas.com Good Earth Teas................................................................................................www.goodearth.com Good Food Made Simple.................................................................www.goodfoodmadesimple.com Good Health................................................................................ www.goodhealthnaturalfoods.com Good Karma Foods..................................................................................www.goodkarmafoods.com Good Kind............................................................................................................www.goodkind.com Good Tastes Kitchen........................................................................................www.good-tastes.com Goodkind Organics..............................................................................................www.goodkind.com Goody Good Stuff..................................................................................... www.goodygoodstuff.com Goose Valley ................................................................................................... www.goosevalley.com GoRaw......................................................................................................................www.goraw.com Gourme Mist....................................................................................................www.gourmemist.com Gourmet Artisan........................................................................................www.gourmetartisan.com Gourmet Sensations............................................................................... www.gourmetsensations.us Gourmet Virgina Peanuts.......................................................................... www.purelyamerican.com GrabGreen................................................................................................ www.grabgreenhome.com Graeter’s................................................................................................................www.graeters.com Grain Millers....................................................................................................www.grainmillers.com Grainaissance............................................................................................... www.grainaissance.com Grandpa Brands..........................................................................................www.grandpabrands.com Grandpa Soap Co.......................................................................................www.grandpabrands.com Grandy Oats.....................................................................................................www.grandyoats.com Granny Choe’s Kim Chi.................................................................................... www.grannychoe.com Granola Kitchen....................................................................................................www.gkifoods.com Granum..................................................................................................www.choiceorganicteas.com Grass Point Farms..............................................................................................www.grasspoint.com Grassland.............................................................................................................www.grassland.com Fruit2day...............................................................................................................www.fruit2day.com Fruitables................................................................................................www.fruitablespetfood.com FruitaBu........................................................................................................www.stretch-island.com Fruitabu.................................................................................................................www.fruitabu.com Fruitaceuticals...............................................................................................www.fruitaceutical.com Fruitsource Confections.................................................................................www.nspiredfoods.com Frustix..................................................................................................................... www.frutstix.com Frutzzo.....................................................................................................................www.frutzzo.com Fuchs...............................................................................................................www.lotusbrands.com Fuelers............................................................................................................www.fuelersnacks.com Fuji Batteries.........................................................................................................www.greenfuji.com Full of Life Foods..........................................................................................www.fulloflifefoods.com Full Tank........................................................................................................www.fulltankfoods.com Fullbloom.............................................................................................................www.fullbloom.com Function Drinks...........................................................................................www.functiondrinks.com Funky Monkey....................................................................................www.funkymonkeysnacks.com Funley’s Delicious..................................................................................... www.funleysdelicious.com Futurebiotics...................................................................................................www.futurebiotics.com Gaea.............................................................................................................................. www.gaea.gr Gaga’s Sherbetter................................................................................................. www.gogagas.com Gaiam.......................................................................................................................www.gaiam.com Galaxy Foods.................................................................................................. www.galaxyfoods.com Galaxy Granola............................................................................................ www.galaxygranola.com Galvanina........................................................................................................... www.galvanina.com Gardein...................................................................................................................www.gardein.com Garden City Foods....................................................................................www.gardencityfoods.com Garden Greens............................................................................................ www.garden-greens.com Garden Lites....................................................................................................www.garden-lites.com Garden Of Eatin’.......................................................................................... www.gardenofeatin.com Garden Time..........................................................................................www.napavalleytrading.com Gardenburger............................................................................................... www.gardenburger.com Gardenlites......................................................................................................www.garden-lites.com Garlic Gold..........................................................................................................www.garlicgold.com Garlique..............................................................................................................www.sunsource.com Garrett County............................................................................................www.wellshirefarms.com Garvey’s............................................................................................................ www.garveysent.com Gaytan Foods.................................................................................................www.gaytanfoods.com Gdiapers...............................................................................................................www.gdiapers.com Gelato Classico.............................................................................................www.gelatoclassico.com Gelato Di Babbo..........................................................................................www.gelatodibabbo.com Gelato Massimo..........................................................................................www.gelatomassimo.com General Mills.................................................................................................. www.generalmills.com Geneva Health & Nutrition..........................................................................www.geneva-health.com Genisoy ..................................................................................................................www.genisoy.com George’s Aloe Vera Products.......................................................................... www.georgesaloe.com Geraldine’s.................................................................................................www.bodaciousfoods.com Gerbs..................................................................................................www.gerbspumpkinseeds.com Gerolsteiner.....................................................................................................www.gerolsteiner.com Gertie’s Fresh Refridgerated....................................................................www.newroadnaturals.com Get Real.....................................................................................................................www.blueq.com Ghirardelli.......................................................................................................... www.Ghirardelli.com Ghirardelli Chocolate Company..........................................................................www.ghirardelli.com Gia Russa.............................................................................................................. www.giarussa.com Gifford’s Ice Cream ............................................................................................... www.giffords.com Gillians Foods.................................................................................................www.gilliansfoods.com Ginco International...........................................................................................www.ginsengCo..com Ginger Ale by Bruce Cost................................................................................www.bcgaconcept.com Ginger People................................................................................................www.gingerpeople.com Ginseng Up........................................................................................................ www.ginsengup.com Giovanni............................................................................................... www.giovannicosmetics.com Giovanni Hair Care............................................................................... www.giovannicosmetics.com Giusto’s................................................................................................................... www.giustos.com Give..................................................................................................................... www.drinkgive.com Give Water........................................................................................................... www.drinkgive.com GK Café...................................................................................................www.goodkarmafoods.com Glacia ......................................................................................................................www.glacia.co.uk Glacia Brand Norwegian Water....................................................................... www.glaciawater.com 13 Manufacturer’s INFO Web Address Table of Contents BRAND/Co. Manufacturer Web Page Addresses Table of Contents Manufacturer’s INFO BRAND/Co. Web Address BRAND/Co. Web Address HCG Fusion......................................................................................................... www.hcgfusion.com Head Organics..............................................................................................www.headproducts.com Head Products.............................................................................................. www.headorganics.com Health From The Sea............................................................................... www.healthfromthesea.ca/ Health From The Sun............................................................................. www.healthfromthesun.com Health Is Wealth................................................................................ www.healthiswealthfoods.com Health King........................................................................................www.healthkingenterprise.com Health Logics.................................................................................................www.health-logics.com Health Plus....................................................................................................www.healthplusinc.com Health Valley...................................................................................................www.healthvalley.com Healthy Dairy............................................................................................. www.myhealthydairy.com Healthy Handfuls...................................................................................... www.healthyhandfuls.com Healthy Origins............................................................................................ www.healthyorigins.com Healthy Times................................................................................................ www.healthytimes.com Heart Shape..................................................................................................... www.shapefoods.com Heartland Brands..................................................................................... www.heartlandbrands.com Heartland Mill................................................................................................www.heartlandmill.com Hearty & Natural ................................................................................................... www.sunrich.com Hearty Meal...................................................................................................www.frontiersoups.com Heaven Scent............................................................................. www.heavenscentnaturalfoods.com Heaven Sent....................................................................................................... www.hsnaturals.com Heaven’s Essence.....................................................................................www.heavens-essence.com Heavenly................................................................................................www.gourmetfinefoods.com Heavenly Organics..................................................................................www.heavenlyorganics.com Heel....................................................................................................................... www.heelusa.com Heinz.......................................................................................................................... www.heinz.com Helen’s Kitchen................................................................................................www.helensfoods.com Helios Nutrition........................................................................www.lifeway.net/product/helios.php Helios Nutrition Lmtd..................................................................................www.heliosnutrition.com Helwa.....................................................................................................www.internaturalfoods.com Hemp Sources Inc........................................................................................www.hempicecream.com Hempola...............................................................................................................www.hempola.com Hengstenberg.................................................................................................... www.fancifoods.com Henry & Lisa’s Natural Seafood....................................................................www.henryandlisas.com Herb Pharm......................................................................................................www.herb-pharm.com Herbal Clear........................................................................................................www.viviforyou.com Herbal Clear Naturally........................................................................www.herbalclearnaturally.com Herbal Melange..........................................................................................www.herbalmelange.com Herban Cowboy.......................................................................................... www.herbancowboy.com Herbasway.........................................................................................................www.herbasway.com Herbatint........................................................................................................www.bioforceUSA.com Herbavita...........................................................................................................www.herbavita.co.nz Herbon.................................................................................................................... www.herbon.com Herbs For Kids................................................................................................www.herbsforkids.com Herdez......................................................................................................www.herdeztraditions.com Here’s The Scoop.................................................................................www.healthypetfoodsinc.com Heritage Select...................................................................................... www.heritageselectrice.com Heritage Store, Inc........................................................................................ www.heritagestore.com Hero Nutritional Products......................................................................... www.heronutritionals.com Hero Nutritionals...................................................................................... www.heronutritionals.com Herrell’s..................................................................................................................www.herrells.com Hi Ball.....................................................................................................................www.hiballer.com High Country Kombucha..................................................................................... www.hckombu.com Highland Sugarworks........................................................................www.highlandsugarworks.com Hilary’s Eat Well (Drink Eat Well Inc) ....................................................... www.hilaryseatwell.com/ Himalania........................................................................................................... www.himalania.com Himalayan Institute................................................................................www.himalayaninstitute.org Himalayan Salt...................................................................................www.himalayancrystalsalt.com Hint...................................................................................................................... www.drinkhint.com Hip Bones....................................................................................................... www.lelandcherry.com Historical Remedies...............................................................................www.historicalremedies.com Hobe Laboratories............................................................................................... www.hobelabs.com Hodgson Mills................................................................................................. www.hodgsonmill.com Hoke2.......................................................................................................................www.hoke2.com Hol Grain...............................................................................................................www.holgrain.com Holistic Horizons........................................................................................www.holistichorizons.com Holistic Select................................................................................................www.holisticselect.com Grateful Harvest.................................................................................www.gratefulharvestfarm.com Great Eastern Sun.................................................................................. www.great-eastern-sun.com Great Mother’s Goods........................................................................ www.greatmothersgoods.com Great Northern...................................................................................www.greatnorthernmaple.com Great River Organic Milling..................................................................... www.greatrivermilling.com Greatful Harvest........................................................................................ www.gratefulharvest.com Greek Gods..............................................................................................www.greekgodsyogurt.com Green & Blacks..........................................................................................www.greenandblacks.com Green & Black’s Og Chocolate...................................................................www.greenandblacks.com Green Chopsticks......................................................................................www.greenchopsticks.com Green Foods.....................................................................................................www.greenfoods.com Green Forest.....................................................................................www.greenforest-products.com Green Genius.............................................................................................www.thegreengenius.com Green Mountain Coffee................................................................... www.greenmountaincoffee.com Green Mountain Gringo..................................................................www.greenmountaingringo.com Green Shield Organic..........................................................................www.greenologyproducts.com Green Sprouts........................................................................................ www.greensproutsbaby.com Green Tea Skin............................................................................................... www.greenteaskin.com Green Valley Organics....................................................................www.greenvalleylactosefree.com Green² - True Green Enterprises.............................................................. www.truegreenonline.com Greenbank................................................................................................. www.greenbankfarm.com Greendog Naturals.................................................................................www.greendognaturals.com Greener Cleener.......................................................................................... www.greenercleener.com Greenlee’s Bakery..................................................................................www.greenleesbakerysj.com Greens Today.................................................................................................. www.greenstoday.com Greenshield........................................................................................www.greenologyproducts.com Gringo Jack’s......................................................................................................www.candeleros.net GT’s Kombucha............................................................................................. www.gtskombucha.com Guardian Angel............................................................................................ www.guardianlitter.com Guayaki................................................................................................................. www.guayaki.com Guiltless Gourmet....................................................................................www.guiltlessgourmet.com Guittard.................................................................................................................www.guittard.com Gumeze.....................................................................................................www.purelineoralcare.com GURU................................................................................................................www.guruenergy.com Gus Soda..............................................................................................................www.drinkgus.com H20m Water.....................................................................................................www.h2omwater.com H2Organics Kids............................................................................. www.cuttingedgebeverages.com Haiku Teas............................................................................................. www.great-eastern-sun.com Hail Merry............................................................................................................www.hailmerry.com Hain.............................................................................................................. www.hain-celestial.com Hair No More................................................................................................... www.hairnomore.com Hakubaku...........................................................................................................www.hakubaku.com Halfpops LLC...................................................................................................................halfpops.com Halleljah................................................................................................................. www.hallelujah.ca Halo .....................................................................................................................www.halopets.com Hampstead Tea............................................................................................www.hampsteadtea.com Hannah Banana Bread.......................................................................www.hannahbananabread.com Hansen Natural Beverage......................................................................................www.hansens.com Hansen’s Natural Beverage...................................................................................www.hansens.com Happle’s..................................................................................................... www.happlegourmet.com Happy Baby...............................................................................................www.happybabyfood.com Happy Bellies........................................................................................... www.happybellyfoods.com Happy Bites................................................................................................www.happybitesfood.com Happy Planet..................................................................................................www.happyplanet.com Happy Tot..................................................................................................www.happybabyfood.com Harmless Harvest.....................................................................................www.harmlesscoconut.com Harmless Harvest......................................................................................www.harmlessharvest.com Harmony Valley................................................................................. www.harmonyvalleyfoods.com Harney & Sons.........................................................................................................www.harney.com Harrison & Crosfield........................................................................ www.harrisonsandcrosfield.com Harry’s Premium Snack.................................................................................. www.harryssnacks.com Hartz Clean Earth.......................................................................................................www.hartz.com Harvest Bay..................................................................................................... www.harvest-bay.com Hatch.................................................................................................... www.hatchmexicanfood.com Haute Cuisine.................................................................................................www.venuswafers.com Hawaii Springs........................................................................................... www.hawaiianspring.com Hawthorne Valley.............................................................................www.hawthornevalleyfarm.com 14 Manufacturer Web Page Addresses BRAND/Co. Web Address Indian Life Foods.................................................................................................www.indianlife.com Indian River Select..................................................................................... www.indianriverjuice.com Indiumease The Silver Bullet.............................................................................www.indiumease.net Indulge Hawaii............................................................................................ www.indulgehawaii.com Ineeka...................................................................................................................... www.ineeka.com Ines Rosales...........................................................................................www.bluemarblebrands.com Inholtra......................................................................................................... www.naturessecret.com Inka Coffee........................................................................................................ www.inkacoffee.com Inka Crops.......................................................................................................... www.inkacrops.com Inko’s Tea..................................................................................................www.healthywhitetea.com Inner-Eco.............................................................................................................www.inner-eco.com Interceuticals..........................................................................www.interceuticals.com/interceuticals Interrupcion Fair Trade......................................................................www.interrupcionfairtrade.com Iovate........................................................................................................................www.iovate.com Island Spring................................................................................................... www.islandspring.com It’s Soy Delicious ........................................................................................www.turtlemountain.com Italian Volcano............................................................................................. www.italianvolcano.com Ito En..........................................................................................................................www.itoen.com It’s All Good............................................................................................................www.gardein.com IZZE Beverage...............................................................................................................www.izze.com J & J Band Aid........................................................................................................www.bandaid.com J 1 Juice....................................................................................................................www.j1juice.com J Green Foods..................................................................................................www.jgreenfoods.com J R Watkins..........................................................................................................www.jrwatkins.com J.R. Liggett.............................................................................................................www.jrliggett.com J.R. Watkins.........................................................................................................www.jrwatkins.com J-1............................................................................................................................ www.jayone.com Jakemans.............................................................................................................www.jakemans.com Jamar Labs.......................................................................................................... www.lamarlabs.com Janis & Melanie....................................................................................................www.jm-foods.com Jarlsberg..........................................................................................................www.dcicheeseco.com Jason Natural Products..................................................................................www.jason-natural.com Jason Winter...............................................................................................www.sirjasonwinters.com Java Log.................................................................................................................www.java-log.com Java Pop................................................................................................................ www.javapop.com Javaccino........................................................................................................... www.javaccinos.com Jaxn’s......................................................................................................................... www.jaxns.com Jayone...................................................................................................................... www.jayone.com JD’s Best Gluten Free Pizza.............................................................www.jdsbestglutenfreepizza.com Jeff’s Soda.......................................................................................................www.getcreamed.com Jelly Belly..............................................................................................................www.jellybelly.com Jennie’s .......................................................................................................www.macaroonking.com Jers Homemade Chocolate...........................................................................................www.jers.com Jewel Date.......................................................................................................... www.jeweldate.com Jim’s Organic Coffee...............................................................................www.jimsorganiccoffee.com Joan of Arc.......................................................................................................www.dcicheeseco.com Jocalat.....................................................................................................................www.larabar.com Johnny’s.................................................................................................. www.johnnysfinefoods.com Jolie Ravioli........................................................................................................... www.nyravioli.com Jolly Llama..................................................................................................... www.thejollyllama.com Jones.................................................................................................................. www.jonesgaba.com Jo-Sef........................................................................................................ www.josefsglutenfree.com Journey Bar........................................................................................................www.journeybar.com Jovan’s Pure Nutrition........................................................................ www.jovanspurenutrition.com Jovial................................................................................................................. www.jovialfoods.com Joyce Chen.................................................................................................www.joycechenfoods.com Joyva.......................................................................................................................... www.joyva.com JR Watkins...........................................................................................................www.jrwatkins.com Julian’s Recipe................................................................................................www.juliansrecipe.com Julie’s Organics...............................................................................................www.juliesorganic.com Jungle Grub.......................................................................................................www.junglegrub.com Jungle Products.....................................................................................................www.junglepi.com Just Desserts....................................................................................................www.justdesserts.com Just Great....................................................................................................... www.bettylousinc.com Just Pik’t Juice.........................................................................................www.orchidislandjuice.com Justin’s...................................................................................................... www.justinsnutbutter.com Jyoti Cuisine India...............................................................................................www.jyotifoods.com Holly’s Oatmeal........................................................................................... www.hollysoatmeal.com Hollywood................................................................................................... www.hollywoodoils.com Hollywood Diet............................................................................................www.hollywooddiet.com Home Health................................................................................................www.homehealthus.com Home Run Inn................................................................................................www.HomeRunInn.com HomeFree.................................................................................................. www.homefreetreats.com Homemade Baby...................................................................................... www.homemadebaby.com Homemade In Minutes..................................................................................www.frontiersoups.com Homestyle Meals........................................................................................... www.Lousnaturals.com Homs......................................................................................................................... www.homs.com Honees.............................................................................................................. www.andreprost.com Honest Cocoa Nova............................................................................................www.honesttea.com Honest CocoaNova.......................................................................... www.honesttea.com/cocoanova Honest Foods.................................................................................................www.honest-foods.com Honest Kids........................................................................................................www.honesttea.com Honest Kombucha............................................................................www.honesttea.com/kombucha Honest Mate............................................................................................www.honesttea.com/mate/ Honest Tea..........................................................................................................www.honesttea.com Honey Bunny..................................................................................................... www.honeybunny.ca Honey Drop........................................................................................................www.honeydrop.com Honey Gardens............................................................................................ www.honeygardens.com Honey House..................................................................................... www.honeyhousenaturals.com Honey Man................................................................................................................www.mel-o.com Honey Ridge Farms..................................................................................www.honeyridgefarms.com Honeybee Gardens................................................................................ www.honeybeegardens.com Honeydrop.........................................................................................................www.honeydrop.com Hopes Harvest.............................................................................................. www.hopesharvest.com Horizon...........................................................................................................www.horizondairy.com Hot Kids............................................................................................................www.mummums.com Hot Mama’s..............................................................................................www.hotmamasfoods.com Hot Stuff............................................................................................. www.sports-supplements.com Hotteeze......................................................................................................... www.hotteezeusa.com House Foods...................................................................................................www.house-foods.com Howard Naturals.......................................................................................www.howardnaturals.com Howlin’ Gourmet...........................................................................................www.dancingpaws.com Hsu’s Ginseng...................................................................................................www.hsuginseng.com Hubert’s Lemonade...............................................................................................www.hansens.com Hubert’s.................................................................................................................www.hansens.com Hugger Mugger.......................................................................................... www.huggermugger.com Human Development Technology.....................................................................www.wellements.com Humane Choice......................................................................................www.thehumanechoice.com Humboldt Creamery.............................................................................www.humboldtcreamery.com Humphreys..................................................................................................www.humphreysusa.com Hurst Family Harvest............................................................................www.hurstfamilyharvest.com Hyland’s..................................................................................................................www.hylands.com I.M. Healthy................................................................................................... www.soynutbutter.com Ian’s ........................................................................................................www.iansnaturalfoods.com Ian’s Natural Foods..................................................................................www.iansnaturalfoods.com Ice Age............................................................................................................ www.iceagewater.com Ice Age Premium Glacial Water...................................................................... www.iceagewater.com Ice Box Bakery...............................................................................................www.iceboxbakery.com Ice Rocks................................................................................................................www.icerocks.com Iceland Glacial........................................................................................... www.icelandicglacial.com Iceland Springs............................................................................................. www.icelandspring.com Icelandic Glacial................................................................................................... icelandicglacial.com Icerok......................................................................................................... www.aquabluegroup.com Ideasphere (Twin Lab)............................................................................................www.twinlab.com If You Care...........................................................................................................www.ifyoucare.com Ikove...........................................................................................................................www.ikove.com IL Chester.........................................................................................................www.dcicheeseco.com IL Giardino.......................................................................................................www.dcicheeseco.com IL Hwa Korean Ginseng......................................................................www.ilhwakoreanginseng.com Illy Issimo............................................................................................................. www.illyissimo.com Imagine Foods..............................................................................................www.imaginefoods.com Immaculate Baking............................................................................... www.immaculatebaking.com Imperial Elixir....................................................................................................www.ginsengCo..com Imus Greening The Cleaning ................................................................... www.imusranchfoods.com 15 Manufacturer’s INFO Web Address Table of Contents BRAND/Co. Manufacturer Web Page Addresses Table of Contents Manufacturer’s INFO BRAND/Co. Web Address BRAND/Co. Web Address Kool Freeze........................................................................................................ www.koolfreeze.com Kopali..........................................................................................................www.kopaliorganics.com Koppla.......................................................................................................www.kopplanutrients.com Koyo Foods Inc.......................................................................................www.koyonaturalfoods.com Kozlowski Farms........................................................................................www.kozlowskifarms.com Kozy Shack......................................................................................................... www.kozyshack.com Kraus.............................................................................................................. www.worldpantry.com Krazy Kitchen..................................................................................................www.krazyketchup.org Kristall.....................................................................................................................www.kristall.com Kroeger Herb Comp Concentrates.................................................................. www.kroegerherb.com Kroeger Herbs................................................................................................. www.kroegerherb.com Kwai................................................................................................................www.natureworks.com Kyo-Dophilus.............................................................................................................www.kyolic.com Kyo-Green..................................................................................................................www.kyolic.com Kyolic.........................................................................................................................www.kyolic.com L&A Juice................................................................................................................www.langers.com La Baleine.............................................................................................................. www.saltworks.us La Belle Vie.......................................................................................................... www.tonsavon.com La Gardenia......................................................................................................www.puranfoods.com La Loma (Worthington)..............................................................................................www.wfds.com La Medina..........................................................................................................www.foodmatch.com La Merced....................................................................................................... www.lasmarias.com.ar La Tourangelle...............................................................................................www.latourangelle.com Lacey’s...........................................................................................................www.dessertsonus.com Laci Le Beau........................................................................................................www.lacilebeau.com Lactaid.....................................................................................................................www.lactaid.com Laf’s Natural Bodycare..................................................................... www.lafesnaturalbodycare.com Lafe’s Natural Crystal................................................................................................. www.lafes.com Lakewood.................................................................................................. www.lakewoodjuices.com LaLoo’s.....................................................................................................................www.LaLoos.com Lamas Beauty.................................................................................................www.lamasbeauty.com Lane Labs..............................................................................................................www.lanelabs.com Langers Juice..........................................................................................................www.langers.com Larabar....................................................................................................................www.larabar.com Late July.................................................................................................................. www.latejuly.com Late July Snacks...................................................................................................... www.latejuly.com Laughing Cow........................................................................................... www.thelaughingcow.com Laughing Giraffe Organics.................................................................... www.thelaughinggiraffe.com Laundry Door.........................................................................................www.bluemarblebrands.com Laura’s Wholesome Junk Food................................................ www.lauraswholesomejunkfood.com Laurel Hill....................................................................................................www.laurelhillfoods.com Laurel Hill Foods..........................................................................................www.laurelhillfoods.com LavAzza..................................................................................................................www.lavazza.com Lavilin...............................................................................................................www.zoomlavilin.com Lavosh Hawaii Crackers............................................................... www.adriennesgourmetfoods.com Le Grand.....................................................................................................www.maisonlegrand.com Le Saunier de Camargue........................................................................www.bluemarblebrands.com Lean On Me Baking.................................................................................www.leanonmebaking.com Leap Year.................................................................................................... www.greenercleener.com Legacy Valley..................................................................................... www.mtmonstermunchies.com Lenny & Larry’s..................................................................................................www.lennylarry.com. Leroux Creek.................................................................................................... www.lerouxcreek.com Leroux Creek Foods......................................................................................... www.lerouxcreek.com L’Esprit................................................................................................. www.lespritdecampagne.com Lesser Evil............................................................................................................ www.lesserevil.com Let’s Do Organic…................................................................................... www.edwardandsons.com Lewis Laboratories.............................................................................................www.lewis-labs.com Liberte Yogurt................................................................................................www.liberteyogurt.com Liberty Richter............................................................................................... www.libertyrichter.com LiceFreee!............................................................................................................. www.licefreee.com Lichi....................................................................................................................... www.lichidiet.com Lick Your Chops...................................................................................www.healthypetfoodsinc.com Liddell.........................................................................................................................www.liddell.net Life Flo..................................................................................................................... www.life-flo.com Life Flow Health Products........................................................................................ www.life-flo.com Life Solutions.............................................................................................. www.lifesolutionsnp.com Life Tree......................................................................................................www.earthessentials.com K.I.D.S. RELIEF by Homelab..................................................................................www.homelab.com Kaboom......................................................................................................www.kaboominfinite.com Kabuli Pizza........................................................................................ www.dallasgourmetbakery.biz Kagome.................................................................................................................... www.kagome.us Kaia Foods.......................................................................................................... www.kaiafoods.com Kaia Naturals.................................................................................................. www.kaianaturals.com Kalahari..................................................................................................................... www.rusks.com Kalona Superior Natural............................................................................ www.kalonaorganics.com Ka-Me........................................................................................................................ www.kame.com Kane Industries......................................................................................................www.kaneind.com Kappus.............................................................................................................. www.kappus-seife.de Kardea Nutrition........................................................................................www.kardeanutrition.com Kare-N-Herbs....................................................................................................www.karenherbs.com Karlin................................................................................................................www.karlinfoods.com Kashi...........................................................................................................................www.kashi.com Katalyst Kombucha................................................................................www.katalystkombucha.com Kate’s Homemade Butter................................................................www.kateshomemadebutter.com Katz Gluten Free..........................................................................................www.katzglutenfree.com Kaukauna............................................................................................................ www.kaukauna.com Kava King............................................................................................................ www.kavaking.com Ka-Viti.......................................................................................................................www.ka-viti.com Kavli Crispbreads....................................................................................www.internaturalfoods.com Kaweka..........................................................................................................www.kawekafoods.com Kay’s Naturals.................................................................................................www.kaysnaturals.com Kazana.......................................................................................................... www.komalherbals.com Kedem...................................................................................................................... www.kedem.com Keeper Springs............................................................................................. www.keepersprings.com Kendy USA...........................................................................................................www.kendyusa.com Kernel Seasonings....................................................................................... www.kernelseasons.com Kerplunk....................................................................................................www.kerplunkbottles.com Ketogenics.........................................................................................................www.ketogenics.com Kettle Chips......................................................................................................www.kettlefoods.com Kettle Cuisine.................................................................................................www.kettlecuisine.com Kettle Foods......................................................................................................www.kettlefoods.com Kettle Valley Dried Fruit..................................................................................... www.kettlevalley.net Kevita....................................................................................................................... www.kevita.com Kicking Horse........................................................................................www.kickinghorsecoffee.com KidFresh.................................................................................................................www.kidfresh.com Kids Central Kitchen..............................................................................www.kidscentralkitchen.com Kids Organic...................................................................................................www.kidsorganics.com Kids Relief...............................................................................................................www.kids0-9.com Kikkoman............................................................................................................ www.kikkoman.com Kim & Scott’s................................................................................................ www.kimandscotts.com Kime’s Cidermill...........................................................................................www.kimescidermill.com Kimono.............................................................................................................. www.mayerlabs.com Kind.................................................................................................................. www.kindsnacks.com King Arthur.................................................................................................www.kingarthurflour.com King Bio..................................................................................................................www.kingbio.com King’s Asian Gourmet........................................................................................www.kingsasian.com King’s Choice...................................................................................................www.dcicheeseco.com Kingslake & Crane................................................................................www.kingslakeandcrane.com Kinnikinnick Foods..........................................................................................www.kinnikinnick.com Kirk’s Natural...................................................................................................www.kirksnatural.com Kiss My Face..................................................................................................... www.kissmyface.com Kissel’s Spiced Jam.............................................................................................www.spicedjam.com Kitchen Basics, Inc..........................................................................................www.kitchenbasics.net Kitchens of India........................................................................................ www.kitchensofindia.com Kitty’s Wonderbox...................................................................................www.kittyswonderbox.com Kiwaii........................................................................................................................ www.kiwaii.com Klamath.................................................................................................www.klamathbluegreen.com Knotty Boy..........................................................................................................www.knottyboy.com Knudsen, R.W.............................................................................................. www.knudsenjuices.com Kolorex...................................................................................................................www.kolorex.com Kombucha Wonder Drink...............................................................................www.wonderdrink.com Kona Coffee...................................................................................................... www.konacoffee.com Konriko...................................................................................................................www.konriko.com Kookamunga............................................................................................... www.eightinonepet.com 16 Manufacturer Web Page Addresses BRAND/Co. Web Address Magick Botanicals..................................................................................www.magickbotanicals.com Magnelyfe.........................................................................................................www.magnelyfe.com Magnum.............................................................................................................. www.unilever.co.uk Maharishi Ayur-Ved....................................................................................................www.mapi.com Maille........................................................................................................................ www.maille.com Maine Coast............................................................................................................www.seaveg.com Maine Root........................................................................................................ www.maineroot.com Maison Le Grand........................................................................................www.maisonlegrand.com Maitake.................................................................................................................www.maitake.com Majans.......................................................................................................................www.bhuja.com Malaka..............................................................................................................www.vmc-health.com Mama Lil’s............................................................................................................www.mamalils.com Mamma Chia.................................................................................................. www.mammachia.com Mangia................................................................................................www.mangiaorganicsusa.com Manicotta...........................................................................................................www.manicotta.com Manischewitz...............................................................................................www.manischewitz.com Manitoba Harvest....................................................................................www.manitobaharvest.com Mantioba Harvest....................................................................................www.manitobaharvest.com Mantova....................................................................................................... www.mantovafood.com Maple Gold................................................................................................www.citadelle-camp.coop Maple Grove Farms.........................................................................................www.maplegrove.com Maple House........................................................................................................ www.cutadele.com Maple Lane Farms............................................................................................. www.maplelane.com Maple Valley...........................................................................................www.maplevalleysyrup.com Maranatha Natural Foods....................................................................... www.maranathafoods.com Marathon of Miracles...............................................................................www.scnssportsfoods.com Marconi............................................................................................................ www.cataniausa.com Margaritaville.........................................................................................................www.twangs.com Margarite Cosmetics.......................................................................................... www.margarite.com Maria & Ricardo’s.................................................................................................... www.harbar.com Mariani............................................................................................................www.marianifruit.com Marie Callenders...................................................................................... www.mariecallenders.com Mario Batali..................................................................................................... www.mariobatali.com Marius Fabre................................................................................ www.goodhealthnaturalfoods.com Mark Schlereth’s Stinkin’ Good Green Chili.....................................................www.stinkingood.com Marley Beverages..............................................................................www.marleysmellowmood.com Marqui Superberry..............................................................................www.novelleinternational.com Martha’s All Natural Foods................................................................... www.marthasallnatural.com Martinelli’s.........................................................................................................www.martinellis.com Marukan........................................................................................................www.marukan-usa.com Mary Jane’s Relaxing Soda............................................................................ www.relaxingsoda.com Mary’s Gone Crackers.........................................................................www.marysgonecrackers.com Mas Portell......................................................................................................www.casaponsusa.net Masada........................................................................................................... www.masada-spa.com Mashti Malone’s.......................................................................................... www.mashtimalone.com Massimos...................................................................................www.massimosorganicgourmet.com Master of Mixes.......................................................................................... www.masterofmixes.com Match Premium Vegan Meats........................................................................ www.matchmeats.com Materne....................................................................................................................www.materne.us Matsos Greek...................................................................................www.matsosgreekdressing.com Matt’s Munchies........................................................................................ www.mattsmunchies.com Matthew’s All Natural, Inc..................................................................www.matthewsallnatural.com Maui and Sons...............................................................................................www.mauiandsons.com Mavea...................................................................................................................... www.mavea.com Maxi Health......................................................................................................www.maxihealth.com Maximum Human Performance...............................................................www.maxperformance.com Maximum International................................................................. www.maximuminternational.com Maya Kaimal....................................................................................................www.mayakaimal.com Mayacamas......................................................................................www.mayacamasfinefoods.com Mayer Labs........................................................................................................ www.mayerlabs.com Mayesa...................................................................................................................www.mayesa.com McCann’s Irish Oatmeal.........................................................................www.internaturalfoods.com McCutchen Apple Products...........................................................................www.mccutcheons.com McIIhenny.............................................................................................................. www.tabasco.com Me (Sparkling Beverages)................................................................................www.findyourme.com Meals to Live....................................................................................................www.mealstolive.com Meditalia.........................................................................................................www.peaceworks.com Life Tree ................................................................................................... www.lifetreeproducts.com Life-Flo Health Products.......................................................................................... www.life-flo.com Lifetime Food Company...............................................................................www.lifetimefatfree.com Lifeway.....................................................................................................................www.lifeway.net Lifeway Foods, Inc ( Kefir)...........................................................................................www.kefir.com Lifeway Kefir.............................................................................................................www.lifeway.net Light Life Foods......................................................................................................www.lightlife.com Light Mountain (Lotus)....................................................................................www.lotusbrands.com Lightfull........................................................................................................ www.lightfullfoods.com Lil’ Sippa............................................................................................................ www.lilsippa.com.au Lillian’s Healthy Gourmet............................................................... www.lillianshealthygourmet.com Lily Of The Desert........................................................................................www.lilyofthedesert.com Ling Ling.................................................................................................................www.lingling.com Lings Chinese Deli.................................................................................... www.lingschinesedeli.com Linwoods ......................................................................................... www.linwoodshealthfoods.com Liohori.................................................................................................................www.zoebrand.com Liquid Health.............................................................................................. www.liquidhealthinc.com Liquid Solutions..............................................................................................www.liquidsolutions.us Lisanatti......................................................................................................www.lisanatticheese.com Lithuanian Bakery....................................................................................www.lithuanianbakery.com Little Bear Organic...................................................................................... www.littlebearfoods.com Little Twig............................................................................................................ www.littletwig.com Liv Organic Sports Drink....................................................................................www.liv-organic.com Live Food Products................................................................................................... www.bragg.com Liverite.....................................................................................................................www.liverite.com Living Harvest................................................................................................ www.livingharvest.com Living Right............................................................................................... www.livingrightfoods.com Liz Lovely............................................................................................................... www.lizlovely.com Lizard Lips..............................................................................................................www.lizardlips.net Lizi’s Granola..............................................................................................................www.lizis.co.uk Llanllyr Source Water......................................................................................www.llanllyrwater.com Loacker.............................................................................................................www.fcwimports.com Loacker Quadratini................................................................................................. www.loacker.com Long Life................................................................................................................www.long-life.com Long Life Tea.........................................................................................................www.long-life.com Loofah-Art..........................................................................................................www.loofah-art.com Lord Nut Levington................................................................................................. www.lordnut.com Loriva.........................................................................................................................www.loriva.com L’ortolano.................................................................................................. www.willowoakfarms.com Los Chileros.......................................................................................................www.loschileros.com Los Doscientas ............................................................................................................ www.las200.cl LoSalt.........................................................................................................................www.losalt.com Lotus Brands......................................................................................................www.lotusfoods.com Lou’s Famous.................................................................................................. www.lousnaturals.com Love Candy.........................................................................................................www.lovecandy.com Lu.........................................................................................................................www.lubiscuits.com Lu Biscuits........................................................................................................www.lubiscuitsna.com Lucini Italia................................................................................................................ www.lucini.com Lucky Country............................................................................................... www.lucky-country.com Lucky Foods........................................................................................................www.luckyfood.com Lucy’s...................................................................................................................... www.drlucys.com Lumiram.................................................................................................................www.lumiram.com Luna & Larrys Coconut Bliss...........................................................................www.coconutbliss.com Lundberg Family Farms ....................................................................................... www.lundberg.com Luvli ................................................................................................................... www.luvlijuices.com M.D. Labs.....................................................................................................www.mothernature.com M13 Functional Juice......................................................................................................www.M13.ca Maca Magic......................................................................................................www.macamagic.com Macabee..................................................................................................... www.macabeefoods.com Macro Greens.........................................................................................www.macrolifenaturals.com Maddy’s..............................................................................................................www.lilmaddies.com Made...............................................................................................................www.madedrinks.com Made In Nature............................................................................................www.madeinnature.com Madecasse........................................................................................................ www.madecasse.com Madhava.....................................................................................................www.madhavahoney.com Magado..................................................................................................... www.firelogsamerica.com Maggie’s Functional Organics.................................................................www.maggiesorganics.com 17 Manufacturer’s INFO Web Address Table of Contents BRAND/Co. Manufacturer Web Page Addresses Table of Contents Manufacturer’s INFO BRAND/Co. Web Address BRAND/Co. Web Address Montebello..................................................................................................... www.sprucefoods.com Moo Chocolate...........................................................................................www.moochocolates.com Moo Moo’s Vegetarian Cuisine...............................................................www.moomooscuisine.com Moom.......................................................................................................................www.moom.com Moosewood........................................................................................... www.moosewoodfoods.com Moosewood.......................................................................................www.fairfieldfarmkitchens.com Morehouse .............................................................................................www.morehousefoods.com Mori-Nu Tofu.......................................................................................................... www.morinu.com Mornin’ Glory..............................................................................................www.organicprunes.com Morningstar Farms................................................................................www.morningstarfarms.com Morton & Bassett....................................................................................... www.mortonbassett.com Morton Salt...................................................................................................... www.mortonsalt.com Mother Nature’s Goodies.......................................................................... www.naturesgoodies.com Mother’s.................................................................................................... www.mothersnatural.com Mount Hagen..........................................................................................www.internaturalfoods.com Mountain Green.......................................................................................... www.mountaingreen.biz Mountain High................................................................................www.mountainhighyoghurt.com Mountain High Yoghurt...................................................................www.mountainhighyoghurt.com Mountain Lift..................................................................................................www.mountainlift.com Mountain Madness.................................................................. www.mountainmadnessnaturals.com Mountain Ocean........................................................................................www.mountainocean.com Mountain Rise...............................................................................................www.mountainrise.com Mountain Sun................................................................................................www.mountainsun.com Mountain Sun (Apple Hill).............................................................................www.mountainsun.com Mountain Valley Spring Water......................................................... www.mountainvalleyspring.com Mr Sprinkles.................................................................................................... www.mr-sprinkles.com Mr. Kooks.............................................................................................................www.mrkooks.com Mr. Krispers.......................................................................................................www.mrkrispers.com Mr. Sprinklers................................................................................................. www.mr-sprinkles.com Mr. Wheat............................................................................................................ www.mrwheat.com Mrs Denson’s.......................................................................................www.mrsdensonscookies.com Mrs Meyers Clean Day........................................................................ www.mrsmeyerscleanday.com Mrs. Crimbles..........................................................................................www.belgraviaimports.com Mrs. Leeper’s........................................................................................... www.mrsleeperspasta.com Mrs. May’s Naturals.............................................................................................www.mrsmays.com Mrs. Meyers...................................................................................................... www.mrsmeyers.com Mrs. Miller’s Homemade Noodles.........................................................www.mrsmillersnoodles.com Mt. Sterling Creamery................................................................................www.buygoatcheese.com Mt. Vikos............................................................................................................... www.mtvikos.com Mudslinger’s Feestyle....................................................................................www.maggiemudd.com Muir Glen .............................................................................................................www.muirglen.com Multiwise..................................................................................................... www.sunpeakfoods.com Muscletech.......................................................................................................www.muscletech.com Mushroom Wisdom (Maitake Products)...............................................................www.maitake.com Music Water......................................................................................................www.finewaters.com Mustapha’s....................................................................................................... www.mustaphas.com My Family Farm...........................................................................................www.miltonsbaking.com Nacho Mom’s....................................................................................................... www.fatgoblin.com Nada Moo............................................................................................................www.nadamoo.com Nairn’s.......................................................................................................www.nairns-oatcakes.com Naked 100% Coconut Water.............................................................................www.nakedjuice.com Naked Juice.......................................................................................................www.nakedjuice.com Naked Nuggets.............................................................................................www.shedthebread.com Namaste Foods............................................................................................ www.namastefoods.com Nana Mae’s..........................................................................................................www.nanamae.com Nanak’s................................................................................................www.nanakslipsmoothee.com Nana’s ...................................................................................................................www.abuelita.com Nana’s Cookies............................................................................................. www.healthycrowd.com Nancy’s Springfield Creamery......................................................................www.Nancysyogurt.com Nantucket Nectars..................................................................................www.nantucketnectars.com Nantucket Off-Shore..............................................................................www.nantucketoffshore.com Napa Valley..........................................................................................www.napavalleynaturals.com Napoleon Co...................................................................................................www.napoleon-co.com Napoli Boys................................................................................................................. napoliboys.com Nasoya Foods..........................................................................................................www.nasoya.com Nate’s..............................................................................................................www.elenasfoods.com Native ...................................................................................................... www.nativealimentos.com Mediterranean Delights..................................................................www.mediterraneandelights.com Mediterranean Meals........................................................................www.mediterraneanmeals.com Mediterranean Organic.................................................................. www.mediterraneanorganic.com Mediterranean Snack Food....................................................... www.mediterraneansnackfoods.com Medora Snacks............................................................................................www.medorasnacks.com Melancor............................................................................................................. www.melancor.com Melinda’s Hot Sauces.......................................................................................... www.melindas.com Melitta.................................................................................................................... www.melitta.com Mel-O Honey.............................................................................................................www.mel-o.com Melt...................................................................................................... www.meltbutteryspread.com Menuco.................................................................................................................. www.menuco.com Merya..............................................................................................................www.meryawater.com Mestemacher Bread.......................................................................................... www.carlbrandt.com Method ........................................................................................................ www.methodhome.com Metro Mint.................................................................................................... www.metroelectro.com Metroelectro.................................................................................................. www.metroelectro.com Metromint.........................................................................................................www.metromint.com Met-Rx...................................................................................................................... www.metrx.com Mexi-Snax............................................................................................................www.mexisnax.com Meyenberg.......................................................................................................www.meyenberg.com Mezotrace........................................................................................www.mezotracecorporation.com Mi Ranchito..................................................................................................... www.mi-ranchito.com Mia Cucina................................................................................................... www.jerseynaturals.com Mia Rose (Air Therapy).......................................................................................... www.miarose.com Mia’s Kitchen...................................................................................................www.miaskitchen.com Miceli............................................................................................................... www.miceli-dairy.com Michael Angelos........................................................................................www.michaelangelos.com Michelle’s Miracle.................................................................................... www.michellesmiracle.com Middle Earth........................................................................................... www.deliciousorganics.com Midel.............................................................................................................www.midelcookies.com Mi-Del............................................................................................................www.midelcookies.com Midwest Northern.............................................................................www.midwestnorthernnut.com Mighty Leaf Tea........................................................................................... www.mightyleaftea.com Miguel’s Stowe Away............................................................................................ www.miguels.com Milk and Honey Granola..................................................................www.milkandhoneygranola.com Mill Creek............................................................................................www.millcreekbotanicals.com Millennium Products.................................................................................... www.gtskombucha.com Miller’s Cheese Corp.............................................................................. www.millerscheesecorp.com Millina’s (Organic Food Prod).......................................................................................www.ofpi.com Milton’s........................................................................................................ www.miltonsbaking.com Mimi’s Gourmet...........................................................................................www.mimisgourmet.com MimicCreme..................................................................................................... www.mimicreme.com Mim’s Kitchen.................................................................................................www.mimskitchen.com Mindful Mints................................................................................................www.mindfulmints.com Mineral Fusion..............................................................................................www.mineralfusion.com Minerva Cheese Factory...................................................................................www.cheesehere.com Miralce Noodle............................................................................................ www.miraclenoodle.com Miso Master........................................................................................... www.great-eastern-sun.com Miso Mayo..........................................................................................................www.misomayo.com MISO To Go.................................................................................................. www.japangoldusa.com Mitoku Macrobiotic.................................................................................................www.mitoku.com Mix 1..................................................................................................................... www.mix1life.com MLO Products.................................................................................................www.mloproducts.com Moab................................................................................................................www.superjuices.com Mode De Vie.......................................................................................www.modedeviebodycare.com Modern Products...........................................................................................www.modernfearn.com Modmix................................................................................................ www.modmixbeverages.com Moist Stic............................................................................................................. www.moiststic.com Mom Made...............................................................................................www.mommadefoods.com Mom’s Best Naturals............................................................................ www.momsbestnaturals.com Mon Cuisine Vegtrian (Alle)........................................................................www.alleprocessing.com Monari Federzoni...................................................................................www.internaturalfoods.com Monari Federzoni...............................................................................................www.worldfiner.com Monkey Brains............................................................................................ www.monkey-brains.com Montana Monster Munchies............................................................. www.mtmonstermunchies.com Montana Naturals.............................................................................................www.mtnaturals.com Monte Bene..................................................................................................... www.MonteBene.com 18 Manufacturer Web Page Addresses BRAND/Co. Web Address Nature’s Benefit.......................................................................................... www.naturesbenefit.com Nature’s Choice.........................................................................................www.barbarasbakery.com Nature’s Earth..................................................................................................... www.felinepine.com Nature’s Earthly Choice.................................................................................www.earthlychoice.com Nature’s Formulary................................................................................. www.naturesformulary.com Nature’s Gate................................................................................................ www.natures-gate.com Nature’s Grilling Products.............................................................www.naturesgrillingproducts.com Nature’s Harvest....................................................................................www.madeinnapavalley.com Nature’s Herbs...............................................................................................www.naturesherbs.com Nature’s Miracle..................................................................................www.naturemakesitwork.com Nature’s Path...................................................................................................www.naturespath.com Nature’s Pearl...................................................................................www.naturespearlproducts.com Nature’s Secret............................................................................................. www.naturessecret.com Nature’s Select Food........................................................................... www.originalsmartcookie.com Nature’s Way................................................................................................... www.naturesway.com Naturopatch of Vermont................................................................................. www.naturopatch.com Naturtint.........................................................................................................www.naturtintusa.com Naya........................................................................................................................... www.naya.com Near East..............................................................................................................www.neareast.com Near East Food Products......................................................................................www.neareast.com Nectar Life....................................................................................................................www.nectar.rs Neem Aura Naturals........................................................................................www.lotusbrands.com Neem Aura Naturals..............................................................................www.neemauranaturals.com Nejaimes Lavasch...........................................................................................www.venuswafers.com Nelson’s................................................................................................................... www.nelsons.net Neocell Laboratories............................................................................................... www.neocell.com Nestle Waters.............................................................................................................. ww.nestle.com New Age Beverage..............................................................................................www.newagebev.us New Chapter.................................................................................................... www.newchapter.com New England Natural Bakers......................................................................................www.nenb.com New Leaf....................................................................................................www.newleafbrands.com New Morning.......................................................................................................www.newmorn.com Newman’s Own Organics...............................................................www.newmansownorganics.com Newman’s Own........................................................................................... www.newmansown.com NewTree.................................................................................................................www.newtree.com Next Organics....................................................................................www.tropical-valley-foods.com Niblack........................................................................................................... www.niblackfoods.com Nibmor.....................................................................................................................www.nibmor.com Nielsen-Massey Vanilla...............................................................................www.nielsenmassey.com Nika Water..........................................................................................................www.nikawater.com Nikos......................................................................................................www.dcicheeseco.com/nikos Nile Spice .............................................................................................................www.nilespice.com Niora Naturals............................................................................................................www.niora.com No Jet Lag..............................................................................................................www.nojetlag.com No Pudge..............................................................................................................www.nopudge.com Noble Juice.........................................................................................................www.noblejuice.com Nocciolata............................................................................ www.en.rigonidiasiago.com/nocciolata Noni Pacific....................................................................................................... www.nonipacific.com Nonna Lena’s.....................................................................................................www.nonnalena.com Nonuttin’ Natural Foods Inc.................................................................................www.nonuttin.com NoOodle................................................................................................................www.nooodle.com Noosa...........................................................................................................www.noosayoghurt.com North American Herb & Spice..............................................................................www.oreganol.com North’s Bakery...............................................................................................www.northsbakery.com Nova Oliva.......................................................................................................... www.novaoliva.com Now Foods.........................................................................................................www.nowfoods.com Noyu Teas............................................................................................................ www.noyuteas.com Nu Age....................................................................................................www.1800homeopathy.com Nubian Heritage........................................................................................ www.nubianheritage.com Nueva Cocina........................................................................................www.nuevacocinafoods.com Nugo.............................................................................................................www.nugonutrition.com Nulaid Foods.............................................................................................................www.nulaid.com Number 9..................................................................................................... www.painoorganics.com Numi Tea...............................................................................................................www.numitea.com Nummy Tum Tum....................................................................................... www.nummytumtum.com Nunez De Prado..................................................................................... www.nunezdepradousa.com NurturMe.......................................................................................................................nurturme.com Native Forest............................................................................................ www.edwardandsons.com Native Kjaii Foods Inc..............................................................................................www.sfsalsa.com Natra-Bio Co......................................................................................................... www.natrabio.com Natracare.............................................................................................................www.natracare.com Natralia..............................................................................................www.brandsworldwide.com.au Natrapel.............................................................................................................www.tendercorp.com Natren...................................................................................................................... www.natren.com Natrol....................................................................................................................... www.natrol.com Natrual Nectar.............................................................................................www.natural-nectar.com Naturade.............................................................................................................. www.naturade.com Natural Brew.................................................................................................www.natural-brew.com Natural Brew Filters.......................................................................................... www.rocklineind.com Natural Brew Soda...................................................................................... www.knudsenjuices.com Natural By Nature...................................................................................www.natural-by-nature.com Natural Care...................................................................................................www.enaturalcare.com Natural Choice.........................................................................................................www.ncf-inc.com Natural Dentist....................................................................................... www.thenaturaldentist.com Natural Edge.................................................................................................. www.natural-edge.com Natural Factors............................................................................................ www.naturalfactors.com Natural High ................................................................................................... www.naturalhigh.com Natural Life Pet............................................................................................................www.nlpp.com Natural Miracles..........................................................................................www.naturalmiracles.net Natural Nectar.............................................................................................www.natural-nectar.com Natural Ovens Bakery.................................................................................... www.naturalovens.com Natural Preference...............................................................................................www.tendasoft.com Natural Rocks.................................................................................................www.naturalrocks.com Natural Rush Honey..........................................................................................www.naturalrush.com Natural Sea............................................................................................www.bluemarblebrands.com Natural Source.............................................................................................www.natural-source.com Natural Styles................................................................................................ www.naturalstyles.com Natural Touch........................................................................................................www.kelloggs.com Natural Value..................................................................................................www.naturalvalue.com Natural Vitality.............................................................................................www.naturalvitality.com Naturally Clean..................................................................................... www.chemfreesolutions.com Naturally Fresh................................................................. www.naturallyfreshdeodorantcrystal.com Naturally Klean.................................................................................................www.wellements.com Naturally Nora.............................................................................................. www.naturallynora.com Naturally Vitamins..................................................................................www.naturallyvitamins.com Naturals............................................................................................www.adirondackbeverages.com Nature Care..................................................................................................... www.nature-care.com Nature Crops...................................................................................................www.naturecrops.com Nature De France........................................................................................www.grandpabrands.com Nature’s Alchemy......................................................................................www.naturesalchemy.com Nature’s All Foods.....................................................................................www.naturesallfoods.com Nature’s Answer......................................................................................... www.naturesanswer.com Nature’s Baby Care.................................................................................. www.naturesbabycare.com Nature’s Basics.......................................................................................................www.vitamer.com Nature’s Benefit.......................................................................................... www.naturesbenefit.com Nature’s Choice .................................................................................www.natureschoiceonline.com Nature’s Earth Products................................................................................ www.naturesearth.com Nature’s Formulary................................................................................. www.naturesformulary.com Nature’s Gate.......................................................................................www.naturesgatebeauty.com Nature’s Grilling Products...........................................................................www.naturesgrilling.com Nature’s Guardian...................................................................................www.sergeantsnatural.com Nature’s Herbs...............................................................................................www.naturesherbs.com Nature’s Hollow...........................................................................................www.natureshollow.com Nature’s Miracle..................................................................................www.naturemakesitwork.com Nature’s Options....................................................................................... www.natures-options.com Nature’s Path ..................................................................................................www.naturespath.com Nature’s Secret............................................................................................. www.naturessecret.com Nature’s Way................................................................................................... www.naturesway.com NatureNaise................................................................................................. www.painoorganics.com Nature’s Alchemy............................................................................................www.lotusbrands.com Nature’s All Foods.......................................................................................www.brandstorminc.com Nature’s Answer......................................................................................... www.naturesanswer.com Nature’s Baby Products, Inc.............................................................www.naturesbabyproducts.com Nature’s Bakery..........................................................................................www.naturesbakery.coop 19 Manufacturer’s INFO Web Address Table of Contents BRAND/Co. Manufacturer Web Page Addresses Table of Contents Manufacturer’s INFO BRAND/Co. Web Address BRAND/Co. Web Address Oogies Snacks, LLC......................................................................................... www.oogiesnacks.com OONA...............................................................................................................www.oonahealth.com Opta Energy......................................................................................................www.optaenergy.com Orange Mate...................................................................................................www.orangemate.com Orangina...............................................................................................................www.orangina.com Orca Bay Seafoods........................................................................................ www.orcabayfoods.com Oregon Chai.....................................................................................................www.oregonchai.com Oregon Dukkah...........................................................................................www.oregondukkah.com Oregon Rain.....................................................................................................www.oregon-rain.com Oregon’s Wild Harvest........................................................................ www.oregonswildharvest.com Orgain.............................................................................................................. www.drinkorgain.com Organic Baby.........................................................................................................www.orgbaby.com Organic Baby & Organic Bath................................................................ www.freshorganicliving.com Organic Bake’mmm Bagels..........................................................................www.agnesveryvery.com Organic Bath Co..........................................................................................www.organicbathco.com Organic Bistro...........................................................................................www.theorganicbistro.com Organic Classics..........................................................................................www.organicclassics.com Organic Coffee............................................................................................ www.rogersfamilyco.com Organic Coffee Co.....................................................................................www.gourmet-coffee.com Organic Cow............................................................................................... www.theorganiccow.com Organic Creamery............................................................................................www.dcicheeseco.com Organic Essence....................................................................................... www.organic-essence.com Organic Essentials.................................................................................. www.organicessentials.com Organic Excellence.................................................................................www.organicexcellence.com Organic Fiji.........................................................................................................www.organicfiji.com Organic Food Bar....................................................................................... www.organicfoodbar.com Organic Gourmet.....................................................................................www.organic-gourmet.com Organic Grooming................................................................................. www.organic-grooming.com Organic India............................................................................................ www.organicindiausa.com Organic Indulgence..........................................................................www.myorganicindulgence.com Organic Nectar...........................................................................................www.organicnectars.com Organic Pantry......................................................................................www.organicpantryshop.com Organic Planet....................................................................................... www.great-eastern-sun.com Organic Prairie.............................................................................................www.organicprairie.coop Organic Soy Delicious.................................................................................www.turtlemountain.com Organic Valley................................................................................................www.organicvalley.com OrganicVille............................................................................................ www.organicvillefoods.com Organix....................................................................................................... www.organix-health.com Orgran..................................................................................................................... www.orgran.com Original Homestyle Meals...........................................................................www.wellshirefarms.com Oskri Organics............................................................................................................ www.oskri.com Osmosis.........................................................................................................www.drinkosmosis.com Ostrim.................................................................................................................www.protos-inc.com Oven Delights................................................................................................ www.ovendelights.com Owater.....................................................................................................................www.owater.com Oxylife Products...................................................................................................www.oxylifeco.com Ozery’s Pita Break.............................................................................................. www.pitabreak.com P J Madison’s....................................................................................................www.pjmadisons.com P.J.’s Organics..................................................................................................www.elenasfoods.com P28.........................................................................................................www.highproteinbread.com Pacific Bakery: Yeast-Free.............................................................................www.pacificbakery.com Pacific Biologic............................................................................................www.pacificbiologic.com Pacific Foods................................................................................................... www.pacificfoods.com Pacific Grain.........................................................................................................www.pacgrain.com Pacific Natural Foods...................................................................................... www.pacificfoods.com Pacific Shaving.............................................................................................www.pacificshaving.com Paesana................................................................................................................ www.paesana.com Paino Organics............................................................................................ www.painoorganics.com Palapa Azul....................................................................................................... www.palapaazul.com Paleta De Fruta....................................................................................................... www.frutstix.com Palm Island..................................................................................................... www.Hawaiikaico.com Pamela’s ................................................................................................ www.pamelasproducts.com Panda Licorice..........................................................................................www.pandalicorice.com/us Pannela............................................................................................................. www.mypannela.com Pappy’s...........................................................................................................www.sassafrastea.com Para Labs..............................................................................................................www.paralabs.com Parissa.................................................................................................................... www.parissa.com Nut Chips.......................................................................................................www.bluediamond.com Nutiva.......................................................................................................................www.nutiva.com Nutorious......................................................................................................www.nutoriousnuts.com Nutramax Labs.............................................................................................www.nutramaxlabs.com Nutrapathic...................................................................................................... www.nutrapathic.com Nutrasalt.............................................................................................................. www.nutrasalt.com Nutrex Hawaii, Inc........................................................................................www.nutrex-hawaii.com Nutri Rice............................................................................................................. www.nutri-rice.com Nutricology.......................................................................................................www.nutricology.com Nutritech.............................................................................................................. www.nutritech.com Nutrition Kitchen.............................................................................................www.nutrikitchen.com Nutrition Now................................................................................................ www.nutritionnow.com Nutritious Living....................................................................................... www.nutritious-living.com Nutro...........................................................................................................www.nutroproducts.com Nuttzo.................................................................................................................. www.gonuttzo.com NW Delights..............................................................................................www.naturesworldllc.com Nylabone....................................................................................................................... www.tfh.com O.N.E. ............................................................................................. www.onenaturalexperience.com O.N.E. Coconut Water........................................................................................www.onedrinks.com O’Dough’s.............................................................................................................www.odoughs.com O’Hana House..................................................................................................www.ohanafoods.com O’Soy..................................................................................................................www.stonyfield.com O2Cool...................................................................................................................www.hiosilver.com Oak Knoll Dairy............................................................................................. www.oakknolldairy.com Oasis Mediterranean Cuisine................................................................................www.omcfood.com Oat Cuisine.........................................................................................................www.oatcuisine.com Oats to GO........................................................................................ www.tomarkettwomarkets.com Ocean Nutrition.........................................................................................www.ocean-nutrition.com Ocean Spray......................................................................................................www.oceanspray.com O’Coco’s...................................................................................................................www.ococos.com Ohana House.....................................................................................................www.ohanafood.com OHCO.......................................................................................................................... www.ohco.com Ohgave!.................................................................................................................. www.ohgave.com Ohsawa.............................................................................................www.goldminenaturalfood.com Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foods............................................................ www.goldminenaturalfoods.com Oikos Organics................................................................................................www.oikosorganic.com Ojai Cook, The.......................................................................................................www.qbfoods.com Ola Loa..................................................................................................www.drinkyourvitamins.com Olade.........................................................................................................................www.olade.com Olave...........................................................................................................www.belcantofoods.com Olbas......................................................................................................................... www.olbas.com Old Bay...................................................................................................................www.old-bay.com Old Chatham Sheep Herding.................................................................www.blacksheepcheese.com Old Chatham Sheephearding Co...........................................................www.blacksheepcheese.com Old Wessex........................................................................................................ www.oldwessex.com Olde Cape Cod...................................................................................................www.cainsfoods.com Olde Thompson...........................................................................................www.oldethompson.com Olive Street Table.......................................................................................www.olivestreettable.com Olivella...............................................................................................................www.olivellaline.com Olivenol...................................................................................................................www.creagri.com Olivia’s........................................................................................................www.oliviascroutons.com Olympian Labs...............................................................................................www.olympianlabs.com Om Organics (Tulsi Tea)................................................................................... www.omorganics.com Omega Farms........................................................................................ www.megsomegafarms.com Omega Foods ...............................................................................................www.omega-foods.com Omega Nutrition........................................................................................www.omeganutrition.com Omega-Life......................................................................................................www.fortifiedflax.com Omni Nutritional................................................................................................ www.omninutra.com Once Again......................................................................................... www.onceagainnutbutter.com One Earth Natural Pet Proucts.................................................................... www.eightinonepet.com One Earth Pet......................................................................................................www.jefferspet.com One Natural Experience................................................................... www.onenaturalexperience.com One Shot........................................................................................................www.drinkoneshot.com One With Nature........................................................................................ www.onewithnature.com Only Natural................................................................................................www.onlynaturalinc.com Ooba............................................................................................................www.oobabeverage.com Oogave..........................................................................................................www.oogavesodas.com 20 Manufacturer Web Page Addresses BRAND/Co. Web Address Plugra........................................................................................................www.kellerscreamery.com Plum Organics.............................................................................................. www.plumorganics.com Pocono.........................................................................................................www.thebirkettmills.com Poh.........................................................................................................................www.buypoh.com POH Dental Floss................................................................................. www.oralhealthproducts.com Poland Springs...............................................................................................www.polandspring.com Pom Wonderful........................................................................................... www.pomwonderful.com Pomi Tomatoes...................................................................................................... www.pomi.us.com Pondi Kesso...................................................................................................www.kessemfoods.com Pons.................................................................................................................www.casaponsusa.net Pop Chips............................................................................................................. www.popchips.com Popcorn Indiana........................................................................................www.popcornindiana.com Popcorners...................................................................................................www.medorasnacks.com Popumz.......................................................................................................................www.drsfa.com Pork Barrel...................................................................................................www.porkbarrelbbq.com Potentsea............................................................................................................www.potentsea.com Potter Family Farms...............................................................................www.potterfamilyfarms.com Powell and Mahoney...........................................................................www.powellandmahoney.com Power of Fruit.................................................................................................www.poweroffruit.com Powerbar (Power Food).......................................................................................www.powerbar.com Powerbite.............................................................................................. www.whitedoveherbals.com PR Bar........................................................................................................................ www.prbar.com Prana Bars..........................................................................................................www.pranabars.com Precious..................................................................................................... www.preciouscheese.com Precious Aromatherapy................................................................................www.aromatherapy.com Prefenz................................................................................................... www.prefenzbotanicals.com Prego.........................................................................................................................www.prego.com Prelief.......................................................................................................................www.prelief.com Premier Japan........................................................................................... www.edwardandsons.com Premium Gold Flax..................................................................................www.premiumgoldflax.com Premium Herbal Blends.....................................................................................www.pmcleanse.com Preserve..................................................................................................www.preserveproducts.com Pretzel Crisps..................................................................................................www.pretzelcrisps.com Primal Pet Foods........................................................................................ www.primalpetfoods.com Primal Strips............................................................................................www.primalspiritfoods.com Prima-Vu................................................................................................................www.primavu.com Prince Of Peace.........................................................................................................www.popus.com ProBar................................................................................................................. www.theprobar.com Progressive Research Labs.........................................................................................www.prlab.com Project 7................................................................................................................www.project7.com Promax...................................................................................................... www.promaxnutrition.net Promensil............................................................................................................www.promensil.com Prometheus Springs............................................................................. www.prometheussprings.com Pronatura....................................................................................................... www.pronaturainc.com Proseed Grapefruit Extract...............................................................................www.imhotepinc.com Prostex....................................................................................................................www.prostex.com Pukka Herbs..................................................................................................... www.pukkaherbs.com Pumpkorn.......................................................................................................... www.pumpkorn.com Pup E. Luv................................................................................................................www.pupeluv.net Pure & Basic.................................................................................................. www.pureandbasic.com Pure Ayre..............................................................................................................www.pureayre.com Pure Bar............................................................................................................ www.thepurebar.com Pure Blue............................................................................................................... www.bluebev.com Pure Fruit Technologies...........................................................................www.purefruittechnologies Pure Fun Organic Candy........................................................................................... www.purefun.ca Pure Gourmet.......................................................................................www.puregourmetfoods.com Pure Life Soap Co...........................................................................................www.purelifesoap.com Pure Nutrition...........................................................................................www.purenutritioninc.com Pure Protein...................................................................................................www.sportnutition.com Pure Provence...................................................................................................... www.tonsavon.com Pure Touch Therapeutics.....................................................................................www.puretouch.net Purefit Inc................................................................................................................www.purefit.com PureGranate................................................................................................... www.puregranate.com Purely Decadent.........................................................................................www.turtlemountain.com Purely Elizabeth......................................................................................... www.purelyelizabeth.com Purevia....................................................................................................................www.purevia.com Purity Farms, Inc.............................................................................................. www.purityfarms.com Parker & Bailey............................................................................................... www.parkerbailey.com Parmalat.............................................................................................................. www.parmalat.com Partners Crackers.................................................................................... www.partnerscrackers.com Pasta D’oro..............................................................................................................www.sammills.eu Patak’s................................................................................................................... www.pataks.co.uk Patch It...................................................................................................................www.patch-it.info Patrick David’s Fine Foods............................................................. www.patrickdavidsfinefoods.com Paul’s Grains.................................................................................................... www.paulsgrains.com Pavel’s Yogurt............................................................................................................ www.pavels.net Pavich Family Farms...................................................................................... www.pavichraisins.com Paws Barkery................................................................................................. www.pawsbarkery.com Peace Cereals...............................................................................................www.goldentemple.com Peaceful Mountain................................................................................www.peacefulmountain.com Peak ...................................................................................................................www.tungbrush.com Peanut Butter & Co................................................................................ www.ilovepeanutbutter.com Peas of Mind....................................................................................................www.peasofmind.com Pedia Smart......................................................................................................www.naturesone.com Peelu..........................................................................................................................www.peelu.com Peloponnese...................................................................................................www.hormelfoods.com Penta................................................................................................................www.pentawater.com Penta Purified Water........................................................................................www.pentawater.com Pepper Dog............................................................................................... www.pepperdogsalsa.com Perfect Foods Bar..................................................................................... www.perfectfoodsbar.com Perfect Water.........................................................................................www.drinkperfectwater.com Perfectly Healthy......................................................................................www.perfectlyhealthy.com Peri-Gum............................................................................................................. www.peri-gum.com Perky’s.................................................................................................www.perkysnaturalfoods.com Pero ........................................................................................................................www.perous.com Perrier...................................................................................................................... www.perrier.com Personna..............................................................................................................www.personna.com Perx Organix....................................................................................................www.perxorganix.com Pet Botanica (De Botanica)..............................................................................www.debotanica.com Pet Guard............................................................................................................. www.petguard.com Pet Max Naturals....................................................................................................www.petmax.com Pet Naturals of Vermont...................................................................................www.petnaturals.com Pet Promise.................................................................................................. www.petpromiseinc.com Pete & Gerry’s..............................................................................................www.peteandgerrys.com Pete’s Tofu......................................................................................................www.sunrise-soya.com Peter Gillham..................................................................................................www.petergillham.com Peter Gilliham’s Natural Vitality.....................................................................www.petergillham.com Peter Rabbit Organics......................................................................... www.peterrabbitorganics.com Peter Rabbit Organics (Personal Care)...............................................................www.econatura.com Pete’s Tofu...........................................................................................................www.petestofu.com Petmax....................................................................................................................www.petmax.com Pharmaton Natural Health............................................................................... www.pharmaton.com PHD...................................................................................................................... www.drinkphd.com Phil’s Fresh Eggs..........................................................................................www.philsfresheggs.com Phyto Therapy..........................................................................................www.phytotherapyusa.com Pickapeppa...................................................................................................... www.pickapeppa.com PictSweet............................................................................................................ www.pictsweet.com Pillar Rock...................................................................................................... www.oceanbeauty.com Pineland Farms................................................................................www.pinelandnaturalmeats.com Pines................................................................................................................ www.wheatgrass.com Pirate’s Booty.................................................................................................www.piratesbrand.com Pita Naturals................................................................................................ww.kangaroobrands.com Pita Pal....................................................................................................................www.pitapal.com Pita Pitza..............................................................................................................www.pitapitza.com Pitrok Natural Crystal Deodorants........................................................................ www.pitrok.co.uk/ Pitter Patties...................................................................................................www.pitterpatties.com Pixie Mate........................................................................................................... www.pixiemate.com PJ Madison’s.....................................................................................................www.pjmadisons.com PJ’s...................................................................................................................www.elenasfoods.com Planet..................................................................................................................www.planetinc.com Planet Harmony...........................................................................................www.harmonyfoods.com Planet Products...................................................................................................www.planetinc.com Plantation..................................................................................................www.alliedoldenglish.com Plaza Sweets........................................................................................ www.plazasweetsbakery.com 21 Manufacturer’s INFO Web Address Table of Contents BRAND/Co. Manufacturer Web Page Addresses Table of Contents Manufacturer’s INFO BRAND/Co. Web Address BRAND/Co. Web Address Restore..................................................................................................... www.restoreproducts.com Reviva.................................................................................................................www.revivalabs.com Revolution Foods..................................................................................................www.revfoods.com Revolution Tea...............................................................................................www.revolutiontea.com Rhino Horn...................................................................................................www.tqmpropmgm.com Rhythm Superfoods.............................................................................. www.rhythmsuperfoods.com Ribbon Nutrition.........................................................................................www.ribbonnutrition.com Rice Dream...................................................................................................www.imaginefoods.com Rice Expressions........................................................................................ www.riceexpressions.com Rice Select...........................................................................................................www.riceselect.com Ricera Rice Yogurt............................................................................................www.ricerafoods.com Ricky’s Lucky Nuts..................................................................................... www.rickysluckynuts.com Rico M Panada...............................................................................................www.ricompanada.com Ricola................................................................................................................... www.ricolausa.com Ridgecrest Herbals.................................................................................. www.ridgecrestherbals.com Ring Relief................................................................................................................www.trpCo..com Rising Dough Bakery.......................................................................................www.risingdough.com Rising Moon.....................................................................................................www.risingmoon.com Rising Sun Farms........................................................................................ www.risingsunfarms.com RJ’s Licorice.........................................................................................................www.rjslicorice.com Road’s End Organics................................................................................. www.edwardandsons.com Rob’s Really Good.......................................................................................www.robsreallygood.com Robbie’s Natural Products.........................................................................www.robbiesnaturals.com Robert Rothschild Farms...........................................................................www.robertrothschild.com Robert’s American Gourmet................................................................................ www.robscape.com Robert’s Research Labs...................................................................... www.robertsresearchlabs.com Robinhood Free Meetinghouse.......................................................................www.gagnefoods.com Robinhood Meeting House........................................................ www.robinhood-meetinghouse.com Rob’s Really Good.......................................................................................www.robsreallygood.com Rockline Industries........................................................................................... www.rocklineind.com Rock-n-Roll Gourmet..............................................................................www.rocknrollgourmet.com Rocky Mountain Food Factory.......................................................... www.rockymtnfoodfactory.com Rocky Mountain Milling..................................................................www.rockymountainmilling.com Rocky Mountain Popcorn................................................................................. www.rmpopcorn.com Roland.............................................................................................................. www.rolandfood.com Roman Meal Milling Co.........................................................................www.romanmealmilling.com Romarsi...................................................................................................................www.romarsi.com Romulo............................................................................................................www.casaponsusa.net Rooibee Red Tea.......................................................................................... www.rooibeeredtea.com Root To Health..................................................................................................www.hsuginseng.com Rosetto................................................................................................................... www.rosetto.com Route 11.......................................................................................................................www.rt11.com Royal Harvest.................................................................................................. www.shapefoods.com Royal Hawaiian Honey....................................................................... www.tropicaltradersfoods.com Royal Tropics....................................................................................................www.royaltropics.com RU-21...........................................................................................................................www.ru21.com Ruby Jewel Treats.................................................................................................www.rubyjewel.net Rudi’s Organic Bakery..................................................................................... www.rudisbakery.com Rudolph’s Bakeries....................................................................................www.rudolphsbreads.com Rudolph’s Bakeries Inc........................................................................................... www.rudolphs.net Rumford........................................................................................................ www.bakewithlove.com Rumiano.....................................................................................................www.rumianocheese.com Runa.............................................................................................................................www.runa.org Rush Naturally Enlightened............................................................................... www.rushbowls.com Rustic Crust........................................................................................................ www.rusticcrust.com Ruth’s Foods......................................................................................................www.ruthsfoods.com Ruth’s Hemp Food....................................................................................www.ruthshempfoods.com Ryvita Crisp Bread...................................................................................................www.ryvita.co.uk Ryza................................................................................................................................www.ryza.ca S.L.Sanderson............................................................................................www.herbalremedies.com Sable & Rosenfeld................................................................................ www.sableandrosenfeld.com Saco Foods Inc....................................................................................................www.sacofoods.com Safe Trap................................................................................................................www.safetrap.com Saffron Road........................................................................................... www.saffronroadfoods.com Safie.......................................................................................................www.safiespecialtyfood.com Saf-Instant.............................................................................................. www.lesaffreyeastcorp.com Sahale Snacks................................................................................................www.sahalesnacks.com Purity Foods..................................................................................................... www.purityfoods.com Purity Juices................................................................................................ www.purityproducts.com Puroast...................................................................................................................www.puroast.com Puroast Coffee........................................................................................................www.puroast.com Putney Pasta...................................................................................................www.putneypasta.com Putney Pasta Co. Inc.......................................................................................www.putneypasta.com Pyure............................................................................................................... www.pyuresweet.com Q Tips..........................................................................................................................www.qtips.com Q Tonic......................................................................................................................www.qtonic.com QB’s...................................................................................................................... www.qbtreats.com Q-Bee’s................................................................................................................. www.qbtreats.com Qbel....................................................................................................................www.qbelfoods.com Quality of Life.............................................................................................................www.q-o-l.com Quantum.................................................................................................... www.quantumhealth.com Quantum Research.................................................................................... www.quantumhealth.com Que Pasa...................................................................................................... www.quepasafoods.com Queen Helene................................................................................................ www.queenhelene.com Queso Autentico..............................................................................................www.dcicheeseco.com Quinoa Gold.....................................................................................................www.quinoagold.com Quorn Foods............................................................................................................. www.quorn.com R.W. Garcia...........................................................................................................www.rwgarcia.com R.W. Knudsen.............................................................................................. www.knudsenjuices.com RAAW FOODS....................................................................................................www.raawfoods.com Racconto...............................................................................................................www.racconto.com Rachel Perry......................................................................................................www.rachelperry.com Rachel’s Yogurt.............................................................................................www.rachelsyogurt.com Radius..................................................................................................... www.radiustoothbrush.com Rage............................................................................................................www.ragenterprises.com Rainbow Light............................................................................................... www.rainbowlight.com Rainbow Research................................................................................... www.rainbowresearch.com Rainbowlight Nutritionals............................................................................. www.rainbowlight.com Raincoast Trading......................................................................................www.raincoattrading.com Rainforest (Golden Temple)..........................................................................www.goldentemple.com Rao’s Homemade.........................................................................................................www.raos.com Rapunzel Pure Organics........................................................................................www.rapunzel.com Raw Goodness..........................................................................................www.ruthshempfoods.com Raw Revolution.......................................................................................... www.rawindulgence.com Real Alkalized Water...................................................................................www.drinkrealwater.com Real Aloe.......................................................................................................... www.realaloeinc.com Real Beanz.......................................................................................................... www.realbeanz.com Real Foods...........................................................................................................www.cornthins.com Real McCoys............................................................................................... www.realmccoysnax.com Real Salt..................................................................................................................www.realsalt.com Real Salt........................................................................................www.hopesharvestcoconutoil.com Real Water...................................................................................................www.drinkrealwater.com Really Raw Honey...................................................................................... www.reallyrawhoney.com Rebar.............................................................................................................www.rebar-canada.com Re-Bar...............................................................................................................www.noblefoods.com Recycline...............................................................................................................www.recycline.com Red Fork......................................................................................................www.redforknatural.com Red Fork .....................................................................................................www.redforknatural.com Red Jacket Orchards.............................................................................. www.redjacketorchards.com Red River......................................................................................................www.redrivercereal.com Red Star..........................................................................................................www.redstaryeast.com Red’s All Natural ..........................................................................................www.redsallnatural.com Redd Rox............................................................................................................... www.reddrox.com Redleaf.......................................................................................................... www.redleafwater.com Redmond Trading Bath Salts..................................................................................www.realsalt.com Red’s All Natural...........................................................................................www.redsallnatural.com Redwood Hill Farm..........................................................................................www.redwoodhill.com Reed’s Ginger Brew.................................................................................www.reedsgingerbrew.com Reese .......................................................................................................... www.reesespecialty.com Rejuvenative .................................................................................................. www.rejuvenative.com Relaxity.....................................................................................................................www.relaxity.net Renaissance Farm.................................................................................................. www.renfarm.com Renaissance Herbs........................................................................................... www.avesthagen.com Requa........................................................................................................................www.requa.com 22 Manufacturer Web Page Addresses BRAND/Co. Web Address Shaman Chocolates.............................................................................. www.shamanchocolates.com Shari Ann’s Organics...............................................................................www.shariannsorganic.com Shari’s Gluten Free................................................................................www.glutenfreefabulous.com Sharkey’s Hot Sauces/ Marinades...................................................................www.sharkysshop.com Sharkies............................................................................................................www.sharkiesinc.com Sharwood’s....................................................................................................... www.sharwoods.com Shaymee’s Aussie Toffee.................................................................................... www.shaymees.com Shea Radiance...............................................................................................www.shearadiance.com Shedd’s.............................................................................................................www.unileverusa.com Sheer Bliss..........................................................................................................www.sheerbliss.com Sheila G’s......................................................................................................www.sheilagbrands.com Shelton’s Poultry................................................................................................... www.sheltons.com Shen Min (Biotech)..........................................................................................www.biotechcorp.com ShiKai.........................................................................................................................www.shikai.com Shiloh Farms......................................................................................................www.shilohfarms.net Shogun.............................................................................................................www.greenfoods.com Shotz............................................................................................................... www.shotzenergy.com Sibby’s........................................................................................................www.sibbysicecream.com Sibu Beauty...................................................................................................... www.sibubeauty.com Sierra Nevada Cheese......................................................................... www.sierranevadacheese.com Sierrasil...................................................................................................................www.sierrasil.com Siggi’s Skyr.................................................................................................................. www.skyr.com Siljans........................................................................................................ www.siljanscrispycup.com Silk.................................................................................................................... www.silksoymilk.com Silver Hills................................................................................................. www.silverhillsbakery.com Silver Star.......................................................................................................www.silverstarsalsa.net Similasan....................................................................................................... www.similasanusa.com Simply Asia........................................................................................................ www.simplyasia.com Simply Boulder............................................................................................. www.simplyboulder.com Simply Fiber.................................................................................................www.tribeznutrition.com Simply Orange.......................................................................................www.simplyorangejuice.com Simply Organic.....................................................................................www.simplyorganicfoods.com Simply Originals ..................................................................................... www.simplyoriginal.com.au Simply Shari’s Gluten Free & Fabulous.................................................www.glutenfreefabulous.com Sir Kensington’s...........................................................................................www.sirkensingtons.com Sir Richard’s....................................................................................................... www.sirrichards.com Sisters Secret.................................................................................................www.sisters-secret.com Sjaaks Organic Chocolate.........................................................................................www.sjaaks.com Skeet & Ike’s..........................................................................................................www.skeetike.com Skinner’s.............................................................................................................. www.usmillsllc.com Skinny Pop..........................................................................................................www.skinnypop.com Skooperbox...................................................................................................... www.skooperbox.com Skout Natural Foods.......................................................................................www.skoutnatural.com Skyhill Napa Valley Frams................................................................................www.skyhillfarms.com Sleeping Beauty.............................................................................. www.sleepingbeautytablets.com Slices on Ice, LLC....................................................................................................www.nyslices.com Slow Cooker Gourmet............................................................................... www.purelyamerican.com Small Planet Tofu.......................................................................................www.smallplanettofu.com Smart & Delicious...................................................................................... www.latortillafactory.com Smart Girls Who Surf.............................................................................www.smartgirlswhosurf.com Smart Juice........................................................................................................... www.smartjuice.us Smart Monkey Foods...........................................................................www.smartmonkeyfoods.com Smart Pup..........................................................................................................www.ubuntupet.com Smart Spice...................................................................................................... www.smart-spice.com Smashies.............................................................................................................. www.smashies.com Smile Brite.......................................................................................................www.lotusbrands.com Smile Bunnies..................................................................................................www.lotusbrands.com Smith Teamaker....................................................................................................www.smithtea.com Snack Factory.................................................................................................www.pretzelcrisps.com Snacklemouth.............................................................................................. www.snacklemouth.com Snapdragon............................................................................................www.snapdragonfoods.com Snapdragon Foods................................................................................... www.snapdragonfood.com Sneaky Pete’s Beverages, LLC/........................................................ www.sneakypetesbeverage.com Snikiddy Snacks.....................................................................................................www.snikiddy.com Sno-Pac Foods.........................................................................................................www.snopac.com Snoqualmie.........................................................................................www.snoqualmiegourmet.com Snyder’s of Hanover................................................................................www.snydersofhanover.com Salada...................................................................................................................www.greentea.com Salazon Chocolate.......................................................................................... www.salazonchoc.com Salba Smart...................................................................................................... www.salbasmart.com Salemville...................................................................................... www.dcicheeseco.com/salemville Salute Sante!................................................................................................. www.grapeseedoil.com Sambazon...........................................................................................................www.sambazon.com Sambucol.............................................................................................................www.sambucol.com San Benito...............................................................................................www.neiljonesfoodCo..com San Faustino.................................................................................................... www.sanfaustino.com San J...........................................................................................................................www.san-j.com San Pellegrino............................................................................................... www.sanpellegrino.com San Pietro........................................................................................................ www.tasteofchile.com Sanfaustino ..................................................................................................... www.sanfaustino.com Sanhelios........................................................................................................www.bioforceUSA.com San-J Int’l Inc..............................................................................................................www.san-j.com Sans Soda..............................................................................................................www.sansoda.com Santa Barbara..........................................................................................................www.sbolive.com Santa Barbara Olive Co...........................................................................................www.sbolive.com Santa Cruz............................................................................................................. www.scojuice.com Santa Cruz Organics.............................................................................................. www.scojuice.com Santa Fe Gourmet......................................................................................... www.chipotlemayo.com Santini ........................................................................................................... www.santinifoods.com Santini Foods Inc............................................................................................ www.santinifoods.com Saphara............................................................................................................www.sapharatea.com Sapore Sensuale.........................................................................................www.tasteitpresents.com Sappo Hill Soapworks.......................................................................................... www.sappohill.com Save Your Rainforest......................................................................... www.store.saveyourworld.com Savon et Cie......................................................................................................... www.tonsavon.com Savory Choice................................................................................................ www.savorychoice.com S’Better Farms............................................................................................... www.sbetterfarms.com Scala’s Original.............................................................................................www.scalasoriginal.com Scandinavian Formulas....................................................................www.scandinavianformulas.com Scarpetta.........................................................................................................www.saucesnlove.com Schar.........................................................................................................................www.schaer.com Scharffen Berger........................................................................................www.scharffenberger.com Schiff (Weider)......................................................................................................... www.weider.com Schiff Vitamins............................................................................................ www.schiffvitamins.com Sea Tangle Noodle Co.....................................................................................www.kelpnoodles.com Sea Tangle Noodle Company...........................................................................www.kelpnoodles.com Sea’s Gift................................................................................................................. www.jayone.com Sea20 ....................................................................................................................... www.sea2o.com Seaband...............................................................................................................www.sea-band.com Seabrook Brothers + Sons..........................................................................www.seabrookfarms.com Seapoint Farms............................................................................................www.seapointfarms.com Seaside Naturals........................................................................................www.seasidenaturals.com Seasnax.................................................................................................................www.seasnax.com Season Products........................................................................................www.seasonproducts.com Season’s Snacks.......................................................................................... www.seasonssnacks.com Secure (by A. Vogel).......................................................................................www.bioforceUSA.com Secure Care............................................................................................................... www.oraline.net Sedona Chocolate Superfoods...........................................................www.chocolatesuperfoods.com Sedona Labs.....................................................................................................www.sedonalabs.com Seed ..........................................................................................................www.seedsoycandles.com Seeds of Change.........................................................................................www.seedsofchange.com Seelect............................................................................................................... www.seelecttea.com Seitenbacher...................................................................................................www.seitenbacher.com Sem-Chi Rice............................................................................................... www.floridacrystals.com Sencha........................................................................................................www.senchanaturals.com Senor Fields.........................................................................................................www.ribafoods.com Sensible Portions......................................................................................www.sensibleportions.com Serafina................................................................................................................ www.giarussa.com Sesmark Foods.......................................................................................................www.sesmark.com Seven Paths.............................................................................................................www.7paths.com Seven Stars Farm, Inc................................................................................ www.sevenstarfarms.com Seventh Generation..............................................................................www.seventhgeneration.com Sha Sha Bread Co...........................................................................................www.shashabread.com Shady Maple Farms.........................................................................................www.shadymaple.com 23 Manufacturer’s INFO Web Address Table of Contents BRAND/Co. Manufacturer Web Page Addresses Table of Contents Manufacturer’s INFO BRAND/Co. Web Address BRAND/Co. Web Address SporTEA..................................................................................................................www.sportea.com Spring Tree......................................................................................................... www.sbamerica.com Spring Tree Corp................................................................................................ www.sbamerica.com Sprout Baby Food..................................................................................... www.sproutbabyfood.com Sproutease............................................................................................www.texasbestunlimited.com Squip.....................................................................................................................www.squipusa.com St. Claire’s..............................................................................................................www.stclaires.com St. Claire’s........................................................................................... www.econaturalsolutions.com St. Dalfour.............................................................................................................www.stdalfour.com St. Paul Brands..............................................................................................www.stpaulbrands.com Stacy’s Pita Chips................................................................................................ www.pitachips.com Stage Coach...........................................................................................www.stagecoachsauces.com Stahlbush Island Farms....................................................................................... www.stahlbush.com Stanton Orchards......................................................................................www.stantonorchards.com Starbucks.............................................................................................. www.starbucksicecream.com Starfish..................................................................................................................www.star-fish.com Stark Sisters Granola........................................................................................www.starksisters.com Starletta.................................................................................................... www.starlettaorganic.com Starlite Cuisine..............................................................................................www.starlitecuisine.com Start Healthy.......................................................................................... www.grandprairiefoods.com Stash..................................................................................................................... www.stashtea.com Stash Tea.............................................................................................................. www.stashtea.com State of Mind Water.............................................................................. www.stateofmindwater.com Steaz...........................................................................................................................www.steaz.com Stella............................................................................................................... www.stellacheese.com Stella Mare............................................................................................... www.stellamarehome.com Steve’s Real Food for Pets...........................................................................www.stevesrealfood.com Steviva.....................................................................................................................www.steviva.com Sticky Fingers Bakery........................................................................ www.stickyfingersbakeries.com Stirrings ................................................................................................................www.stirrings.com Stonehouse 27..............................................................................................www.stonehouse27.com Stony Brook Botanicals............................................................................ www.rainbowresearch.com Stonyfield Farm...................................................................................................www.stonyfield.com Stow Cheese....................................................................................................www.bierycheese.com Strathdale Honey......................................................................................www.strathdalehoney.com Straus................................................................................................www.strausfamilycreamery.com Stremicks Heritage Foods........................................................................... www.heritage-foods.com Stretch Island................................................................................................www.stretch-island.com Strub’s..............................................................................................................www.strubpickles.com Sudz.................................................................................................................. www.kissmyface.com Sue’s Amazing Lip Stuff.................................................................................www.sundoghemp.com Sugar In The Raw.........................................................................................www.sugarintheraw.com Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian foods..................................................................................www.sukhis.com Sun Rype..........................................................................................................www.sunrypeusa.com Sun & Earth....................................................................................................www.sunandearth.com Sun Chlorella...................................................................................................www.sunchlorella.com Sun Crystals......................................................................................................www.suncrystals.com Sun Flour Baking Co...................................................................................www.sunflourbaking.com Sun Sweet...............................................................................................www.sunsweetnaturals.com Sun Tropics..........................................................................................................www.suntropics.net Sun Valley Bar.................................................................................................www.sunvalleybar.com Sunbutter.............................................................................................................www.sunbutter.com Suncups.................................................................................................................www.suncups.com Sundial/Nubian Hetitage........................................................................... www.nubianheritage.com Sundog..........................................................................................................www.sundoghemp.com Sunergia..................................................................................................www.sunergiasoyfoods.com Sunergia Foods.......................................................................................www.sunergiasoyfoods.com Sungold Foods.....................................................................................................www.sunbutter.com Sunja’s Oriental Foods, Inc............................................................................ www.sunjaskimchi.com Sunland..............................................................................................................www.sunlandinc.com Sunrich Foods......................................................................................................... www.sunrich.com SunRidge Farms...........................................................................................www.sunridgefarms.com Sunsational........................................................................................ www.sunsationalnondairy.com Sunshine Burger Company........................................................................ www.sunshineburger.com Sunshine Burger Corp................................................................................ www.sunshineburger.com Sunshine Fragrance Therapy........................................................................... www.sunshinespa.com Sunshine Spa.................................................................................................. www.sunshinespa.com So Delicious................................................................................................www.turtlemountain.com So Lean............................................................................................ www.naturalharmonyfoods.com So Nice.........................................................................................................................www.sonice.ca Societe Bee......................................................................................................www.dcicheeseco.com Sohgave.................................................................................................................www.sohgave.com Sojo..................................................................................................................... www.sojofoods.com Soken.....................................................................................................www.bluemarblebrands.com Sokenbicha.......................................................................................................www.sokenbicha.com Sol........................................................................................................................... www.sunrich.com Sol Bliss.................................................................................................... www.productosdelsol.com Sol Cuisine.......................................................................................................... www.solcuisine.com Sol Mate........................................................................................................www.drinksolmate.com Sol Simple...........................................................................................................www.sol-simple.com Solana Gold Organics....................................................................................... www.solanagold.com Solea............................................................................................ www.goodhealthnaturalfoods.com Soleo.....................................................................................................................www.soleousa.com Solixir.........................................................................................................................www.solixir.com Solo Italia....................................................................................................... www.atalantacorp.com Solterra Foods...............................................................................................www.solterrafoods.com Somersaults..........................................................................................www.somersaultsnackco.com Sonic Sushi............................................................................................. www.great-eastern-sun.com Sonne’s....................................................................................................................www.sonnes.com Sonoma..................................................................................................www.summerfieldfoods.com Sonoma Soap (Avalon)...................................................................www.avalonnaturalproducts.com Sonoma Soap Company................................................................... www.sonomasoapcompany.com Sonoma Sparkler............................................................................................www.sonomacider.com Sonoma Wraps.......................................................................................... www.latortillafactory.com Soothing Touch............................................................................................www.soothingtouch.com Sophia’s Gourmet Foods..................................................................www.sophiasgourmetfoods.com Sophie’s Kitchen...........................................................................................www.sophieskitchen.net Sorrell Ridge..............................................................................................www.alliedoldenglish.com Soul de Cuba....................................................................................................www.souldecuba.com South Of France.............................................................................www.southoffrancebodycare.com South Pacific Trading Company........................................................................ www.nonipacific.com South River Miso Company........................................................................www.southrivermiso.com Southern Brown Rice............................................................................www.southernbrownrice.com Southern Gourmet.......................................................................................www.precisionfoods.com Southern Homestyle...................................................................................... www.soynutbutter.com Soy Boy....................................................................................................................www.soyboy.com Soy Deli...............................................................................................................www.quonghop.com Soy Delicious..............................................................................................www.turtlemountain.com Soy Dream...................................................................................................www.tastethedream.com Soy Fusion.......................................................................................................www.americansoy.com Soy Garden........................................................................................ www.earthbalancenatural.com Soy Inspiration............................................................................................www.soyinspirations.com Soy Joy......................................................................................................................www.soyjoy.com Soy Nut Butter............................................................................................... www.soynutbutter.com Soy Vay....................................................................................................................www.soyvay.com Soya Kaas...................................................................................................... www.panosbrands.com Soyatoo.......................................................................................................................... www.soya.be Soyatoo! Soy Whip......................................................................................... www.soyatoo-usa.com Soyco (Galaxy Foods)..................................................................................... www.galaxyfoods.com Soygo..........................................................................................................www.savingopusone.com Soymage (Galaxy Foods)................................................................................ www.galaxyfoods.com Soyummi Foods.......................................................................................... www.soyummifoods.com Sparklehearts...............................................................................................www.sparklehearts.com Sparkling Ice....................................................................................................www.sparklingice.com Speas Farm........................................................................................................ www.speasfarm.com Spectrum Essentials............................................................................... www.spectrumorganics.com Spectrum Naturals..................................................................................www.spectrumnaturals.com Spice Hunter.................................................................................................... www.spicehunter.com Spicery Shoppe................................................................................................. www.flavorchem.com Spicy Nothings..............................................................................................www.spicynothings.com Spinach Sensation.................................................................................www.spinachsensations.com Spinny Chips.................................................................................................... www.spinnychips.com Splenda.................................................................................................................. www.splenda.com Spoonful of Fruit.........................................................................................www.spoonfuloffruit.com 24 Manufacturer Web Page Addresses BRAND/Co. Web Address Tea-n-Crumpets......................................................................................... www.tea-n-crumpets.com Teaology...............................................................................................................www.teaology.com Teas’ Tea (Ito En).................................................................................................... www.teastea.com Teatech...................................................................................................................www.teatech.com TeaZen..................................................................................................................... www.teazen.com TecNu Extreme.............................................................................................www.tecnuextreme.com Teeccino.................................................................................................................www.teeccino.com Tejava....................................................................................................................... www.tejava.com Temptation........................................................................................................ www.welovesoy.com Tera’s Whey........................................................................................................www.teraswhey.com Terra Chips..........................................................................................................www.terrachips.com Terra Creta.......................................................................................................... www.terracreta.com Terra Firma........................................................................................ www.terrafirmabotanicals.com Terra Nostra......................................................................................................... www.terranostra.us Terra Nostra Organics........................................................................www.terranostrachocolate.com Terramazon.......................................................................................................www.terramazon.com Tesoro’s Trading Co................................................................................................ www.tesoros.com Tessa Thai Tea........................................................................................................www.davidrio.com Testmedica...........................................................................................................www.mirakone.com Tetley Tea............................................................................................................. www.tetleyusa.com Texas Best..............................................................................................www.texasbestorganics.com Thai Deodorant Stones............................................................................www.deodorantstones.com Thai Kitchen......................................................................................................www.thaikitchen.com Thai Pavilion.....................................................................................................www.thaikitchen.com That’s It..............................................................................................................www.thatsitfruit.com Thayer’s.................................................................................................................. www.thayers.com The Baker Organic....................................................................................www.thebakerorganic.com The Bridge.........................................................................................................www.bridgetofu.com The Buffalo Guys........................................................................................www.thebuffaloguys.com The Country Hen...............................................................................................www.countryhen.com The Cravings Place..................................................................................www.thecravingsplace.com The Crepe Team................................................................................................ www.crepinicafe.com The Fillo Factory................................................................................................www.fillofactory.com The FRS Company...........................................................................................................www.frs.com The Gluten Free Bistro.........................................................................www.theglutenfreebistro.com The Good Bean..............................................................................................www,thegoodbean.com The Healthy Pantry, Inc...........................................................................www.thehealthypantry.com The Mate Factor............................................................................................... www.matefactor.com The Orginal Soupman..............................................................................www.originalsoupman.com The Pure Pantry........................................................................................... www.thepurepantry.com The Real Deal All Natural Snacks...........................................www.therealdealallnaturalsnacks.com The Relaxing Tea........................................................................................... www.relaxingsoda.com The Salt Lick......................................................................................................www.danjardine.com The Snack Factory...........................................................................................www.pretzelcrisps.com The Stuff...........................................................................................................www.wellements.com The Switch..........................................................................................................www.switchbev.com The Tea Room.................................................................................................... www.thetearoom.biz The Tea Spot......................................................................................................www.theteaspot.com The Tea Spot.................................................................................................... www.the-teaspot.com The Village Press...................................................................................... www.thevillagepress.co.nz Theo Chocolate............................................................................................ www.theochocolate.com Theresa’ Select Recipes.....................................................................www.theresasaladressings.com Think Organic..........................................................................................www.thinkorganicbars.com Think Thin.....................................................................................................www.thinkproducts.com ThinkBaby................................................................................................www.thinkbabybottles.com ThinkSport.............................................................................................. www.thinksportbottles.com Third Street Chai............................................................................................www.3rdstreetchai.com Thomas Kemper.......................................................................................................www.tksoda.com Thompson Nutritional......................................................................www.thompson-nutritional.com Three Bakers...........................................................................................www.thegrainlessbaker.com Three Little Pigs.........................................................................................www.aceofheartsbbq.com Three Twins Ice Cream........................................................................ www.threetwinsicecream.com Thunder Ridge Emu Products.................................................................www.thunderridgeemu.com Thunderbird Energetica..................................................................www.thunderbirdenergetica.com TIA’S Bakery....................................................................................................... www.tiasbakerycom Tibetan Tea........................................................................................................ www.tibetantea.com Tiger Balm.......................................................................................................... www.tigerbalm.com Sunspire.........................................................................................................www.nspiredfoods.com Sunspire Foods......................................................................................................www.sunspire.com Sunsteen................................................................................................................www.sunsteen.net Sunsweet Naturals..................................................................................www.sunsweetnaturals.com Superior Trading Co...................................................................................www.superiortrading.com Support Nutrition......................................................................................www.supportnutrition.net Surata Soyfoods..................................................................................................www.suratasoy.com Surf Sweets....................................................................................................... www.surfsweets.com Surya Henna......................................................................................................www.suryabrasil.com Susan’s Salsa’s...................................................................................... www.greentomatofoods.com Sushi Now............................................................................................................www.sushinow.com Sushi Sonic............................................................................................. www.great-eastern-sun.com Sustainable Living Group............................................................... www.sustainablelivinggroup.com Sustainable Seas.......................................................................................www.wildplanetfoods.com Suzanne’s Specialties......................................................................... www.suzannes-specialties.com Suzie’s..........................................................................................................www.goodgroceries.com Swanson......................................................................................................www.swansonbroth.com Sweet & Slender..............................................................................www.wisdomnaturalbrands.com Sweet Annie Herbs.......................................................................................... www.sweetannie.com Sweet Baby Cakes....................................................................................www.sweetbabycakes.com Sweet Cactus Farms..............................................................................www.sweetcactusfarms.com Sweet Earth.....................................................................................www.sweetearthchocolates.com Sweet Home Farms...................................................................................www.hearthsidefoods.com Sweet Leaf .................................................................................................... www.sweetleaftea.com Sweet Nothings..........................................................................................www.turtlemountain.com Sweet Riot...........................................................................................................www.sweetriot.com Sweet Simplicity........................................................................www.sweetsimplicitysweetener.com Sweet Sin..............................................................................................www.glutenfreedesserts.com Sweetriot.............................................................................................................www.sweetriot.com SweetTree Sustainable Sweeteners.....................................................................www.sweet-tree.biz Swheat Scoop................................................................................................www.swheatscoop.com Swiss Valley...................................................................................................... www.swissvalley.com Swisspers..............................................................................................................www.uscotton.com Sylk.....................................................................................................................www.sylkonline.com Sylvan Border Farm.................................................................................www.sylvanborderfarm.com Symbiotics.........................................................................................................www.symbiotics.com T N Dickinson.....................................................................................................www.witchhazel.com Tadah................................................................................................................www.tadahfoods.com Tahiti Trader......................................................................................................www.tahititrader.com Taj Gourmet................................................................................................ www.ethnicgourmet.com Talenti............................................................................................................ www.talentigelato.com Tamale Molly.................................................................................................. www.tamalemolly.com Tambo Bamba............................................................................................... www.tambobamba.com Tandoor Chef.................................................................................................. www.tandoorchef.com Tang’s Naturals...............................................................................................www.twinmarquis.com Tanka Bar..............................................................................................................www.tankabar.com Tap ‘N Apple.................................................................................................. www.panosbrands.com Taragui............................................................................................................ www.lasmarias.com.ar Tashodi.....................................................................................................................www.tashodi.ca/ Taste Adventure..........................................................................................www.tasteadventure.com Taste It........................................................................................................www.tasteitpresents.com Taste Nirvana..................................................................................................www.tastenirvana.com Taste of Crete...................................................................................................www.tasteofcrete.com Tasty Adventure..........................................................................................www.tastyadventure.com Tasty Baby.......................................................................................................... www.tastybaby.com Tasty Bite..............................................................................................................www.tastybite.com Tasty Brand......................................................................................................... www.tastybaby.com Tavalon...................................................................................................................www.tavalon.com Taylors Tonics................................................................................................ www.taylorstonics.com Tazo Tea.......................................................................................................................www.tazo.com TCCD............................................................................................................................ www.tccd.com Tea District..........................................................................................................www.teadistrict.com Tea Forte................................................................................................................ www.teaforte.com Tea Room........................................................................................................... www.thetearoom.biz Tea Tech..................................................................................................................www.teatech.com Tea Tree Therapy.............................................................................................www.teatreeplace.com Tea’s Tea.....................................................................................................................www.itoen.com 25 Manufacturer’s INFO Web Address Table of Contents BRAND/Co. Manufacturer Web Page Addresses Table of Contents Manufacturer’s INFO BRAND/Co. Web Address BRAND/Co. Web Address Two Guys............................................................................................. www.twoguysfoodgroup.com Two Leaves and a Bud......................................................................... www.twoleavesandabud.com Two Moms In the Raw..........................................................................www.twomomsintheraw.com Tylenol.....................................................................................................................www.tylenol.com Tyrrells................................................................................................www.tyrrellspotatochips.co.uk U Turn 2 Tap.......................................................................................................www.uturn2tap.com U.S. Mills............................................................................................................ www.usmillsinc.com UAS Laboratories....................................................................................................www.uaslabs.com Udi’s Foods...........................................................................................................www.udisfood.com Udi’s Gluten Free.........................................................................................www.udisglutenfree.com Udi’s Granola...................................................................................................www.udisgranola.com Ultimate Grains.....................................................................................................www.hsbakery.com Ultra Glandulars.................................................................................................... www.ultraent.com Ultra Green............................................................................................... www.ultragreenhome.com Ultra Lab Nutrition................................................................................................ www.ultralab.com Ultra Lo gly................................................................................................................www.lo-gly.com Uncle Dougie’s...................................................................................www.originaluncledougies.com Uncle Eddies Vegan Cookies.....................................................www.uncleeddiesvegancookies.com Uncle Lee’s Tea......................................................................................................www.unclelee.com Uncle Matt’s ....................................................................................................www.unclematts.com Uncle Sam............................................................................................................ www.usmillsllc.com Unique Pretzels, INC....................................................................................... www.uniquesplits.com Universal.................................................................................................www.universalnutrition.com Un-Petroleum................................................................................................ www.unpetroleum.com Upper Crust Bakery.......................................................................... www.uppercrustbakeryusa.com Up-Time................................................................................................................. www.up-time.com Urban Pantry Essentials............................................................................. www.purelyamerican.com Urbane Grain.................................................................................................. www.urbanegrain.com US Cotton.............................................................................................................www.uscotton.com V-8 Juice..................................................................................................................www.v8juice.com ValuHealth/Anutra.................................................................................................. www.anutra.com Van Houtte Café...............................................................................................www.bigelowtea.com Van’s...................................................................................................................www.vansfoods.com Vannelli..........................................................................................................www.vannellifoods.com Varisi...........................................................................................................................www.varisi.com Vaska................................................................................................................www.vaskahome.com Vbites..................................................................................................................www.vbitesusa.com Veat Gourmet..............................................................................................................www.veat.com Vegan By Nature...........................................................................................www.veganbynature.net Vegenaise................................................................................................. www.followyourheart.com Vegetarian Plus........................................................................................................www.vegusa.com Vegetas LLC........................................................................................................... www.vegetas.com Veggie Patch................................................................................................... www.veggiepatch.com Vegitarian Plus......................................................................................................www.vegeusa.com Venus Wafers..................................................................................................www.venuswafers.com Verb/Yves/Hains............................................................................................... www.yvesveggie.com VerMints...............................................................................................................www.vermints.com Vermont Butter & Cheese Co........................................................... www.vtbutterandcheeseco.com Vermont Morning.............................................................................................. www.vtmorning.com Vermont Mystic Pie.................................................................................www.vermontmysticpie.com Vermont Village........................................................................www.vermontvillageapplesauce.com Veromax ...................................................................................................... www.naturessecret.com VerTerra................................................................................................................. www.verterra.com Vet’s Best...............................................................................................................www.vetsbest.com Viana......................................................................................................................www.viana.de/us/ Vibranz..............................................................................................................www.vibranzbev.com Vic Cherikoff Down Under..................................................................................... www.cherikoff.net Vicco..........................................................................................................www.viccotoothpaste.com Vicolo Wholesale.............................................................................................. www.vicolopizza.com Vida Tea.................................................................................................................. www.vidatea.com Villa Dolce..................................................................................................www.villadolcegelato.com Village Harvest.......................................................................................www.villageharvestrice.com Vincent Family Cranberries....................................................................www.vincentcranberries.com Vio...........................................................................................................................www.viovibe.com Viobin..................................................................................................................www.viobinusa.com VioVi....................................................................................................................www.viovijuice.com Virgil’s Root Beer...................................................................................................... www.virgils.com Tiger Tiger............................................................................................................www.tigertiger.info Tigers Milk..........................................................................................................www.tigersmilk.com Tillamook..................................................................................................www.tillamookcheese.com Timpone’s Fresh Foods........................................................................................www.timpones.com Tinkyada...............................................................................................................www.tinkyada.com Titterington’s Bake Shop, Ltd.........................................................................www.titteringtons.com To Go Brands....................................................................................................www.togobrands.com Toby’s Family Foods................................................................................ www.tobysfamilyfoods.com Today’s Harvest......................................................................................... www.greystonefoods.com Toddler Health................................................................................................www.toddlerhealth.net Tofurky.....................................................................................................................www.tofurky.com Tofutti.......................................................................................................................www.tofutti.com Tom’s Cookies.................................................................................................www.tomscookies.com Tom’s of Maine..............................................................................................www.tomsofmaine.com Tommy’s..................................................................................................www.tommysmargarita.com Tom’s Of Maine..............................................................................................www.tomsofmaine.com Tonic Health Shot.......................................................................................www.tonichealthshot.com Tonic Scene........................................................................................................www.tonicscene.com Tonnino........................................................................................................... www.tonninotuna.com Toothwhite (Sheffield Industries)............................................. www.sheffield-pharmaceuticals.com Topricin...................................................................................................................www.topricin.com Torino.........................................................................................................................www.pasta.com Total Greek Yogurt................................................................................................ www.fageusa.com Trader’s Point Creamery...................................................................................www.tpforganics.com Tradewinds Tea House................................................................................www.tradewinds-tea.com Traditional Medicinals...................................................................... www.traditionalmedicinals.com TRC Nutritional Laboratories...................................................................................www.trccrop.com Tre Bella Organic Foods, Inc..........................................................................www.trebellafoods.com TreWax.....................................................................................................................www.trewax.com Tribe...............................................................................................................www.tribehummus.com Tribex Nutrition...........................................................................................www.tribeznutrition.com Trim.............................................................................................................................. www.trim.com Trim Spa..................................................................................................................www.trimspa.com Trimedica.............................................................................................................www.trimedica.com Trinity Springs................................................................................................www.trinitysprings.com Triple Leaf Tea................................................................................................ www.tripleleaf-tea.com Triple Pet..............................................................................................................www.benedent.com Triple Rice.........................................................................................................www.puranfoods.com Tropical Oasis.................................................................................................www.tropicaloasis.com Tropical Source......................................................................................................www.sunspire.com Tropicana Product Sales,Inc................................................................................www.tropicana.com Tru Pickles........................................................................................................... www.trupickles.com Tru Roots...............................................................................................................www.truroots.com Tru Whip................................................................................................................ www.truwhip.com True Blue Beverage......................................................................................www.leadingbrands.com True Green Enterprises - Brand Green²..................................................... www.truegreenonline.com True North................................................................................................www.truenorthsnacks.com True Origin Organics.............................................................................www.trueoriginorganics.com True Toniq.......................................................................................................... www.braintoniq.com Truitt Brothers.............................................................................................. www.truittbrothers.com TruKid....................................................................................................................... www.trukid.com Truvia.........................................................................................................................www.truvia.com TruWhip................................................................................................................. www.truwhip.com Tubi’s Organic Soft Licorice..........................................................................www.tundratrading.com Tumaro’s................................................................................................................www.tumaros.com Turbana........................................................................................................... www.platanicious.com Turtle Island / Tofurky..............................................................................................www.tofurky.com Turtle Mountain..........................................................................................www.turtlemountain.com Tuscany.............................................................................................www.stefanipremiumfoods.com Tushies.....................................................................................................................www.tushies.com Twang.....................................................................................................................www.twangs.com Twin Hens............................................................................................................www.twinhens.com Twin Lab.................................................................................................................www.twinlab.com Twin Oaks Community Foods........................................................................www.twinoakstofu.com Twinings Tea.........................................................................................................www.twinings.com Twist.................................................................................................................. www.twistclean.com Twist (Water)..................................................................................................... www.drinktwist.com 26 Manufacturer Web Page Addresses BRAND/Co. Web Address Westsoy................................................................................................................... www.westsoy.biz Wet Noses..........................................................................................................www.wet-noses.com Wha Guru.....................................................................................................www.goldentemple.com Wheat Montana.........................................................................................www.wheatmontana.com Wheat Valley Bakery.............................................................................www.wheatvalleybakery.com White Gold Honey.................................................................................... www.whitegoldhoney.com White Mountain Foods......................................................................www.whitemountainfoods.com White Wave.......................................................................................................www.whitewave.com Whole Soy........................................................................................................ www.wholesoyco.com Wholemato.......................................................................................................www.wholemato.com Wholesome Creations.......................................................................www.wholesomecreations.com Wholesome Sweeteners................................................................ www.wholesomesweeteners.com Wholesome Valley.......................................................................................... www.galaxyfoods.com Wholesoy......................................................................................................... www.wholesoyco.com Wholly Wholesome................................................................................www.whollywholesome.com Wilcox Family Farms........................................................................................www.wilcoxfarms.com Wild Grill.......................................................................................................www.wildgrillfoods.com Wild Planet...............................................................................................www.wildplanetfoods.com Wild Veggie...................................................................................................www.wildveggieus.com Wildcatch.............................................................................................................www.wildcatch.com Wilde..................................................................................................................www.wildejuice.com Wilde Juice..........................................................................................................www.wildejuice.com Wildwood.......................................................................................www.wildwoodnaturalfoods.com Wildwood Natural Products...............................................................www.pulmuonewildwood.com Willard Water...........................................................................................www.dr-willardswater.com Williams Farm....................................................................................................www.danjardine.com Wine Cellar Sorbet..................................................................................www.winecellarsorbets.com Wings of Nature...............................................................................www.freshharvestproducts.com Winona Pure....................................................................................................www.winonapure.com Wisdom Natural Brands................................................................................www.wisdomherbs.com Wisdom of the Ancients................................................................................www.wisdomherbs.com Wise Essentials............................................................................................www.wiseessentials.com Wise Ways Herbal................................................................................................www.wiseways.com Wizard’s.................................................................................................... www.edwardandsons.com Wolfgang Puck.............................................................................www.wolfgangpuckallnatural.com Women.........................................................................................................www.lakeconsumer.com Wonder Natural Foods......................................................................www.betternpeanutbutter.com Woodlake Farms........................................................................................ www.woodlakefarms.com Woodstock Farms................................................................................... www.woodstock-farms.com World Baby Foods.....................................................................................www.worldbabyfoods.com World Catch...................................................................................................... www.worldcatch.com World Centric..................................................................................................www.worldcentric.com World of Grains............................................................................................www.worldofgrains.com World’s Best Cat Litter..........................................................................www.worldsbestcatlitter.com Worldwide Sport Nutrition...........................................................................www.sportnutrition.com Worthington Foods Inc..........................................................................www.worthingtonfoods.com Wow Baking Co............................................................................................... www.wowbaking.com Wrap ‘N Roll.........................................................................................................www.wrapnroll.net Wyman’s................................................................................................................www.wymans.com Wyman’s of Maine.................................................................................................www.wymans.com Wysong (Purbeck Isle).............................................................................................www.wysong.net Xochitl............................................................................................................. www.salsaxochitl.com Xylichew.......................................................................................................www.tundratrading.com XyliMelts............................................................................................................. www.orahealth.com Y Water....................................................................................................................www.ywater.com Yakshi Fragrances............................................................................................www.lotusbrands.com Yamamotoyama........................................................................................ www.yamamotoyama.com Yamate Chocolatier......................................................................................... www.ycchocolate.com Yasso.................................................................................................................www.teamyasso.com YaYa’s Outrageous Foods...................................................................www.tomclarkconfections.com Yerba Prima...............................................................................................................www.yerba.com Yes! Book...............................................................................................www.seedsofdeception.com Yo Gourmet.................................................................................................. www.lyo-san.ca/english YoBaby................................................................................................................www.stonyfield.com Yoga Nuts...........................................................................................................www.yoga-nuts.com Yogavive...............................................................................................................www.yogavive.com Yogen Fruz Smoothies........................................................................................www.yogenfruz.com Virgil’s Rootbeer....................................................................................................... www.virgils.com Vita Coco...............................................................................................................www.vitacoco.com Vita Spelt......................................................................................................... www.purityfoods.com VitaCare........................................................................................................www.vitacareworld.com Vital Farms..........................................................................................................www.vitalfarms.com Vitalicious...........................................................................................................www.vitalicious.com Vitality Works................................................................................................www.vitalityworks.com Vitamin Shotz................................................................................................ www.vitaminshotz.com Vitaminder.........................................................................................................www.vitaminder.com Vitasoy..............................................................................................................www.vitasoy-usa.com Vita-spelt......................................................................................................... www.purityfoods.com Vitol................................................................................................................ www.vitolproducts.net Vitops by Vitalicious...........................................................................................www.vitalicious.com Vivagave...............................................................................................................www.vivagave.com Vivaloe................................................................................................................. www.noyuteas.com Vivani Chocolates........................................................................................................ www.vivani.de Viviscal............................................................................................................. www.viviscalhair.com VMC Products...................................................................................................www.vmc-health.com Vodkos Greek Yogurt............................................................................................... www.voskos.com Vogue Cuisine................................................................................................ www.voguecuisine.com Volcano............................................................................................................www.dreamfoods.com Volvic Springwater................................................................................................www.volvic-na.com Vortex................................................................................................... www.vortexh20research.com Vosges Haut Chocolat..............................................................................www.vosgeschocolate.com Voskos..................................................................................................................... www.voskos.com Voss....................................................................................................................www.vosswater.com Vruit................................................................................................................www.americansoy.com Wacky Apple....................................................................................................www.wackyapple.com Waffle Waffle ...........................................................................................www.mywafflewaffle.com Wai Lana Yoga....................................................................................................... www.wailana.com Wakunaga/Kyolic.......................................................................................................www.kyolic.com Walden Farms................................................................................................ www.waldenfarms.com Walker’s Shortbread.............................................................................www.walkersshortbread.com Wallaby Yogurt............................................................................................www.wallabyyogurt.com Wallula................................................................................................. www.newplanetorganics.com Wally’s Natural Products...............................................................................www.wallysnatural.com Walnut Acres.................................................................................................. www.walnutacres.com Walnut Acres Organic..................................................................................... www.walnutacres.com Wan Ja Shan......................................................................................................www.wanjashan.com Wanda’s.........................................................................................................www.wandasfoods.com Warnock...................................................................................................... www.warnockfoods.com Wasa Crisp Bread.......................................................................................................www.wasa.com Wasa Crispbread.........................................................................................................www.wasa.com Wat-aah..........................................................................................................www.drinkwataah.com Wateroos.............................................................................................................www.wateroos.com Waterthins........................................................................................................www.fcwimports.com Wax Orchards................................................................................................ www.waxorchards.com Wayfare........................................................................................................www.wayfarefoods.com Wee Bee Honey............................................................................................. www.weebeehoney.net Weetabix........................................................................................................www.weetabixusa.com Weider..................................................................................................................... www.weider.com Weil..........................................................................................................................www.drweil.com Weilba..................................................................................................................www.weilbaby.com Welch’s....................................................................................................................www.welchs.com Weleda................................................................................................................... www.weleda.com Well in Hand Herbals........................................................................................ www.wellinhand.com Wellements.......................................................................................................www.wellements.com Wellington..........................................................................................................www.worldfiner.com Wellness...................................................................................................www.wellnesspetfood.com Wellness Core Cat...................................................................................................www.wellpet.com Wellness Pet Foods................................................................................................ www.omhpet.com Wellness Tonics...........................................................................................www.wellnesstonics.com Wellshire Farms...........................................................................................www.wellshirefarms.com Wellshire Kids..............................................................................................www.wellshirefarms.com Westbrae Foods................................................................................................... www.westbrae.com Westby......................................................................................................www.westbycreamery.com Westminster Crackers........................................................................ www.westminstercrackers.com 27 Manufacturer’s INFO Web Address Table of Contents BRAND/Co. Manufacturer Web Page Addresses Table of Contents Manufacturer’s INFO BRAND/Co. Web Address BRAND/Co. Yoghund...............................................................................................................www.yoghund.com Yogi Tea.................................................................................................................. www.yogitea.com Yogourmet........................................................................................................www.vmc-health.com YoKids.................................................................................................................www.stonyfield.com Yotta Bar..................................................................................................... www.undercoverveg.com Your Crown & Glory.............................................................................www.yourcrownandglory.com Youthful Essentials................................................................................www.youthfulessentials.com Y-Snore.................................................................................................................... www.ysnore.com Yucatan........................................................................................................ www.yucatanfoods.com Yumberry.................................................................................................................www.frutzzo.com Yummi Bears................................................................................................... www.yummibears.com Yummy Earth..................................................................................................www.yummyearth.com Yumnuts.................................................................................................. www.yumnutsnaturals.com Yves Veggie Cuisine.......................................................................................... www.yvesveggie.com Z Sweet....................................................................................................................www.zsweet.com Zaika................................................................................................................. www.zaikafoods.com Zak Designs........................................................................................................www.zakdesign.com Zand...........................................................................................................................www.zand.com Zap............................................................................................................................ www.levlad.com Zatarain’s............................................................................................................. www.zatarains.com Zebra Mix............................................................................................................ www.zebramix.com Zen Soy....................................................................................................................www.zensoy.com Zenbev.....................................................................................................................www.zenbev.com Zenedge............................................................................................................www.zenedgeinc.com Zenergize............................................................................................................. www.bevology.com Zephyrhills Water......................................................................................www.zephyrhillswater.com Zevia...........................................................................................................................www.zevia.com Zhena’s Gypsy Tea............................................................................................... www.gypsytea.com Zico Coconut Water......................................................................................................www.zico.com Zim’s.................................................................................................................www.crackcreme.com Zing....................................................................................................................... www.zingbars.com Zip Green Heat............................................................................................www.naturesgrilling.com Ziyad Brand............................................................................................................... www.ziyad.com Zoe Olive Oil........................................................................................................www.zoebrand.com ZOGLO’S...................................................................................................www.foodfestamerica.com Zoi Greek Yogurt........................................................................................www.zoigreekyogurt.com Zola Acai................................................................................................................www.zolaacai.com Zone Perfect....................................................................................................www.zoneperfect.com Zootons.............................................................................................................. www.gozootons.com Zredt LLC............................................................................................................ www.getredtea.com Zsweet.................................................................................................................... www.Zsweet.com Zuberfizz’s........................................................................................................... www.zuberfizz.com Zukay.........................................................................................................................www.zukay.com Zukay Live Foods.................................................................................................www.zukaylive.com Zuke’s........................................................................................................................www.zukes.com 28 Web Address 29 Table of Contents BLISS BY MOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 BLOSSOM ORGANICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 BLUE MAGIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 BLUM NATURALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 BODY RESCUE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53, 134 BOERICKE & TAFEL, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53, 134 BOIRON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 135 BOTANICAL SOLUTIONS, INC.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 BREATHE RIGHT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 BRICKER LABS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 BRONNER BROS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 BULLDOG NATURAL SKINCARE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 BUMP PATROL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 BURIED TREASURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 BURN OUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 BWC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 CALDERA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 CAMOCARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 CANTU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 CANUS VERMONT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 CAREFREE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 CARIBBEAN SOLUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 CHANDLER FARM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 CHANDRIKA AYURVEDIC SOAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 CHILDLIFE-NUTRITION FOR KIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 CITRUSWAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 CLEANWELL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 CLEAR CONSCIENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 CLEARLY NATURAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 CLEAR PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 CLIF BARS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 COLDEEZE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 COLD SORES BEGONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 COMVITA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 136 CONCEIVED BY NATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 CREME OF NATURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 CRYSTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 CRYSTAL BODY DEODORANT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 CRYSTAL ESSENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 CULTURELLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 CYCLONE CIDER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 CYLINDER WORKS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 DAX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 DEEP STEEP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 DEODORANT STONES OF AMERICA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 DEPTH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 DERMA E SKIN CARE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 DERMA LIFE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 DESERT ESSENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 DESIGNER WHEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 DESOUZA`S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 DEVITA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 DIAMOND HERPANACINE ASSOC.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 5 HOUR ENERGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 5K1N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 AARON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 ABRA THERAPEUTICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 ABSORBAID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 ADORA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 AFRICAN PRIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 AFRICARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 AFRICAS BEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 AGROLABS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 ALACER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 ALBA BOTANICA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 ALL ONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 ALL TERRAIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 ALMASED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 ALOE CADABRA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 ALTA HEALTH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 ALVERA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 AMBI SKINCARE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 AMERICAN BIOSCIENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 AMERICAN HEALTH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 AMERICAN SAFETY RAZOR CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 AMERIFIT NUTRITION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 AMPRO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ANCIENT SECRETS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ANDALOU NATURALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 AQUA FLORA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 AROMATHERAPAES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 AT LAST NATURALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 AURA CACIA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 AUROMERE AYURVEDIC PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 AVALON ORGANICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 A VOGEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 AXIA3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 AYATE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 AYU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 AZTEC SECRET HEALTH & BEAUTY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 BACH FLOWER ESSENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 132 BATHERAPY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 BAUDELAIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 BAYWOOD INTERNATIONAL, INC.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 BAZI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 BEANO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 BEAUTY WITHOUT CRUELTY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 BEE & FLOWER SOAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 BERNARD JENSEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 BETTER BOTANICALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 BEVERI NUTRITIONALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 BIOGAIA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 BIO-K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 BIO-K+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 BIONORICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 BITE BLOCKER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Manufacturer’s INFO Table of Contents Table of Contents Manufacturer’s INFO Table of Contents DISCOVER NUTRITION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 DIVA CUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 D&L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 DOO GRO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 DR. BRONNER`S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 DR. BRONNER`S MAGIC SOAPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 DR. GREENE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 DR. KEN`S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 DR. MIRACLE`S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 DR. SEARS FAMILY APPROVED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 DR. SHEN`S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 DR. SINGHA`S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 DR. TUNG`S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 DR. WILLARD`S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 DR. WOODS SOAPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 DYNAMIC HEALTH LABORATORIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 EARTH FRIENDLY PRODUCTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 EARTH MAMA ANGEL BABY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66, 138 EARTHRISE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 EARTH`S BEST BABY CARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 EARTH SCIENCE NATURALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 EARTH THERAPEUTICS, LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 EBOOST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 ECCO BELLA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 ECO-DENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 ECO SKIN CARE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 ECO STYLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 ECO TOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 ELEMENTAL HERBS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 EMERALD LABORATORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 EMERITA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 138 EO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 ERBA DOLCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 ESSENTIAL OXYGEN+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 ESSENTIAL PHYTOSTEROLINS INC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 EVERY MAN JACK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 FARMERS MARKET NATURAL SOAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 FLUENDZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 FOOD SCIENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 FORCES OF NATURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 FRESH ORGANICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 FRS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 FUCH`S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 FUTUREBIOTICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 GENISOY PRODUCTS CO.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 GENTLE TREATMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 GEO-DEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 GEORGE`S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 GIOVANNI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 GLAD RAGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 GLOBAL SOURCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 GO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 GOOD BELLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 GOODY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 GRANDPA SOAP CO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 GREAT MOTHER`S GOODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 GREEN EARTH FARM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 GREEN FOODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 GREENS TODAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 HAN`S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 HAPPY PLANET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 HAWAIIAN HENNA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 HEAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 HEALTH FROM THE SUN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 HEALTH PLUS, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 HEALTHY ORIGINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 HEALTHY TIMES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 HERBAN COWBOY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 HERBASWAY LABORATORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 HERBATINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 HERBS FOR KIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 HERITAGE STORE, INC.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 HERO NUTRITIONALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 HIMALAROSE HEALING RITUALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 HIMALAYAN INSTITUTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 HISTORICAL REMEDIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 HOLLYWOOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 HOME HEALTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 HONEY GARDENS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 HOT STUFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 HOTTEEZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 HUMPHREYS PHARMACAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 HYLANDS HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81, 143 IMPERIAL ELIXIR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 INHOLTRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 JAKEMANS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 JAMAICAN MANGO & LIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 JASON NATURAL COSMETICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 J.R. LIGGETT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 J R WATKINS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 JUST FOR ME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 K.I.D.S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 KING BIO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86, 148 KIRK`S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 KISS MY FACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 KLAMATH BLUE GREEN ALGAE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 KNOTTY BOY DREAD STUFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 KOLOREX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 KROEGER HERBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 KYOLIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 LA BELLE VIE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 LAFE`S NATURAL BODYCARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 LAKEWOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 LAMAS BEAUTY INTERNATIONAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 LAVILIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 LEWIS LABS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 30 31 Table of Contents NATUREWORKS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 NATURTINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 NEEM AURA NATURALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103, 161 NELSONS HOMEOPATHIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103, 161 NEOCELL CORPORATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 NITRO FUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 NORTH AMERICAN HERB & SPICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103, 161 NOVOGEN, INC.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 NUBIAN HERITAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 NUTIVA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 NUTRACEUTICAL SOLUTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 NUTRA NAIL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 NUTREX HAWAII INC.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 NUTRICOLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 NUTRITION NOW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 OHCO/ORIENTAL HERB CO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 OLA LOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 OLBAS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105, 165 ONE WITH NATURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 OONA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 OPTIMUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 ORGANIC ESSENTIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 ORGANIC INDIA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 ORGANIC ROOT STIMULATOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 ORGANIX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 OXYLIFE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 PACIFIC SHAVING COMPANY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 PARISSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 PCJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 PEACEFUL MOUNTAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106, 166 PEELU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 PERI-GUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 PERSIAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 PETER GILLHAM`S NAT VITALITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 PINES, INT`L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 PLANT FUSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 PLANTIVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 POH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 POMOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 POM WONDERFUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 PREFENZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 PRESERVE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 PRINCE OF PEACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 PROASIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 PURE & BASIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 PURE PLANET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 PURE TOUCH SKIN CARE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 QUALITY OF LIFE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 QUANTUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109, 168 QUEEN HELENE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 RADIUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 RAINBOW LIGHT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 RAINBOW RESEARCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 LIDDELL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 LIFE-FLO HEALTH PRODUCTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91, 149 LIFE TREE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 LIGHT MOUNTAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 LILY OF THE DESERT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91, 149 LIQUID HEALTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 LITTLE TWIG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 LIVING HARVEST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 LUSTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 MACRO LIFE NATURALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 MAGICK BOTANICALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 MANITOBA HARVEST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 MANUKA-GUARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 MARCO PHARMA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 MASADA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 MAXIM HYGIENE PRODUCTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 MAYER LAB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 MEDICINE MAMA`S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 MICHELLES MIRACLE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 MILL CREEK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 MINDFUL MINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 MINERAL FUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 MLO PRODUCTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 MOOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 MOTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 MOUNTAIN OCEAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 MRS MEYERS CLEAN DAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 MURRAYS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 NANAK`S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 NATRA-BIO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95, 151 NATRACARE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 NATRALIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 NATREN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 NATROL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 NATURADE PRODUCTS, INC.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 NATURAL CARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 NATURAL DENTIST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96, 155 NATURAL FACTORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 NATURALLY FRESH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 NATURAL SOURCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 NATURAL TREASURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 NATURE DE FRANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 NATURES ALCHEMY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 NATURE`S ANSWER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97, 156 NATURE`S BABY ORGANICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 NATURE`S BEAUTY WORKS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 NATURE`S FORMULARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97, 156 NATURE`S GATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 NATURE`S GATE ORGANICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 NATURE`S GATE ORG FRUIT BLND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 NATURE`S HERBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100, 156 NATURE`S SECRET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 NATURE`S WAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Manufacturer’s INFO Table of Contents Table of Contents Manufacturer’s INFO Table of Contents REDMOND CLAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111, 171 REVIVA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 RICOLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 RIDGECREST HERBALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 RUTH`S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 SAFE TRAP! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 SAI BABA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 SALONPAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 SAMBAZON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 SAMBUCOL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 SANHELIOS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 SAPPO HILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 SAVON ET CIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 SCHIFF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 SEABUCKWONDERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 SECURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 SEED BODY CARE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 SEVENTH GENERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 SHAVE DELUX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 SHEA MOISTURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 SHEN MIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114, 173 SHIKAI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 SHOTZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 SIBU BEAUTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115, 173 SIMILASAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 SIMPLY SALINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 SIR RICHARD`S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 SOFTEE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 SOFT SHEEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 SONNE`S ORGANIC FOODS, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 SONOMA SOAP COMPANY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 SOOTHING TOUCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 SOUTH OF FRANCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 SOUTH PACIFIC TRADING CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 SPATONE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 SPECTRUM ESSENTIALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117, 174 STELLA MARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 STEVITA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 STONYBROOK BOTANICALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 ST PAUL BRANDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 STREITS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 SUNSHINE SPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 SUPERIOR TRADING CO.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 SWEET LEAF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 SWISS KRISS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 SYMBIOTICS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 TAHITI TRADERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 TALIAH WAAJID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 TEA TREE THERAPY, INC.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 TEAZEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 TEC LABS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 TERAS WHEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 TERRAMAZON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 THAYER`S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119, 176 THEODENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 THINKBABY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 THINKSPORT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 THUNDER RIDGE EMU PRODUCTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 TIGER BALM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 TIJERAS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 T.N. DICKINSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 TO GO BRANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 TOM`S OF MAINE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 TOPRICIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 TRADITIONAL MEDICINALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 TRIMEDICA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121, 177 TROPICAL OASIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 TWIN LAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122, 177 UAS LABORATORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 ULTRA SHEEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 UN-PETROLEUM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 U.S. COTTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 VICCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 VIGOROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 VIOBIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 VITACARE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 VITAMINDER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 WALLY`S NATURAL PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 WAVE BUILDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 WAXELENE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 WEIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 WELEDA PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 WELLEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 WELL-IN-HAND HERBALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 WHITE DOVE HERBALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 WILD CHILD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 WINGFOOT ISKIATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 WISDOM NATURAL BRANDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 WORLD ORGANICS CORPORATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 YERBA PRIMA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124, 183 YOUTHEORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Y-SNORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 ZAND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 ZIA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 ZOLA BRAZILIAN FRUITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 32 PERSONAL CARE 5K1N 47799 Sunless Tanner 645951-485065 7 OZ 7.80 EA 7.80 12.99 Epsom Salts Epsom Salts Hydrogen Peroxide 3% 715256-200028 715256-200059 715256-300025 12/1 LB 6/4 LB 12/16 OZ 1.33 3.59 1.08 CS CS CS 16.00 21.52 12.96 2.19 5.99 1.55 021204-310030 1.2 OZ 13.00 EA 13.00 21.75 Deep Relaxation Body Scrub Deep Relaxation Bubble Bath Sensual Surrender Body Scrub Sensual Surrender Bubble Bath Vital Energy Body Scrub Vital Energy Bubble Bath 021204-142020 021204-140026 021204-142051 021204-140057 021204-142068 021204-140064 10 OZ 14 OZ 10 OZ 14 OZ 10 OZ 14 OZ 7.82 8.40 7.82 8.40 7.82 8.42 EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.82 8.40 7.82 8.40 7.82 8.42 13.15 13.99 13.15 13.99 13.15 14.05 Cellular Detox Green Tea Moisture Revival 021204-751017 021204-751024 021204-751031 10 OZ 10 OZ 10 OZ 7.88 7.88 7.88 EA EA EA 7.88 7.88 7.88 13.15 13.15 13.15 021204-833003 16 OZ 7.82 EA 7.82 9.49 021204-161014 021204-161038 16 OZ 16 OZ 9.63 9.60 EA EA 9.63 9.60 16.09 15.99 Cellular Detox Cellular Detox Cold & Flu Moisture Revival Muscle Therapy Muscle Therapy Sleep Therapy Stress Therapy 021204-160116 021204-160017 021204-160000 021204-160055 021204-160161 021204-160062 021204-160086 021204-160093 12/3 OZ 17 OZ 17 OZ 17 OZ 12/3 OZ 17 OZ 17 OZ 17 OZ 2.38 8.42 8.42 8.42 2.37 8.42 8.42 8.42 CS EA EA EA CS EA EA EA 28.54 8.42 8.42 8.42 28.49 8.42 8.42 8.42 3.95 14.05 14.05 14.05 3.95 14.05 14.05 14.05 N/L Relaxer Super 802535-410053 1 KIT 5.95 EA 5.95 8.95 Cocoa Butter Stick 075707-200008 12/1 OZ 16.75 EA 16.75 25.15 Hair Sheen Herbal Gro Super Oil Moisturizer Olive Oil Cream Therapy Olive Oil Hair Polish Olive Oil Moist Growth Olive Oil Shampoo Shampoo/Conditioner Super Grow Ultimate Org Olive Oil Lotion 034285-500122 003428-556043 034285-508128 034285-540074 034285-245061 034285-228125 003428-250125 034285-520120 034285-502058 034285-554125 12 OZ 5.25 OZ 12 OZ 7.5 OZ 6 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 5.25 OZ 12 OZ EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.67 3.11 4.72 4.19 4.97 4.89 4.31 3.30 3.11 4.42 5.49 4.65 7.09 6.29 7.45 7.35 6.45 4.95 4.65 6.65 AARON 40424 40425 40417 ABRA THERAPEUTICS Abra Skin Care Essentials 55703 53357 53355 53360 53352 53361 53353 53738 53739 53737 54550 Alpha Enzyme Peel Aroma Therapeutics Body Scrubs Aromasaurus Rex Herbal Aromatherapy Lotions 54666 54665 54669 54991 54992 54994 53756 54995 54996 54997 Cellular Detox Moisture Revival Herbal Hydrotherapy Bath AFRICAN PRIDE 07372 AFRICARE 46727 PERSONAL CARE Childrens Aromatherapy Bath SUPPLEMENTS BULK $ SRP REFRIGERATED EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price FROZEN Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description PET Item # GROCERY 46898 46899 46901 46903 46896 46889 46897 46902 46910 46905 3.67 3.11 4.72 4.19 4.97 4.89 4.31 3.30 3.11 4.42 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 35 SPECIALTY NON-FOODS AFRICAS BEST BULK REFRIGERATED FROZEN PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP ALBA BOTANICA Bath & Shower Gel 56283 56302 56279 56301 56281 56317 56282 56300 56280 56339 French Lavender French Lavender Honey Mango Honey Mango Island Citrus Island Citrus Sparkling Mint Sparkling Mint Tuberose Tuberose 724742-005634 724742-003630 724742-005627 724742-003623 724742-005597 724742-003593 724742-005610 724742-003616 724742-005573 724742-003579 32 OZ 12 OZ 32 OZ 12 OZ 32 OZ 12 OZ 32 OZ 12 OZ 32 OZ 12 OZ 10.20 5.71 10.20 5.71 10.20 5.71 10.20 5.71 10.20 5.71 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 10.20 5.71 10.20 5.71 10.20 5.71 10.20 5.71 10.20 5.71 16.99 9.49 16.99 9.49 16.99 9.49 16.99 9.49 16.99 9.49 Aloe Unscented Stick Lavender Stick Lavender Stick Tea Tree Stick Tea Tree Stick 724742-006136 2 OZ 724742-006105 2 OZ 724742-006204.5 OZ 724742-006129 2 OZ 724742-006211.5 OZ 4.20 4.20 1.97 4.20 1.97 EA EA EA EA EA 4.20 4.20 1.97 4.20 1.97 6.99 6.99 3.29 6.99 3.29 Deodorants 50676 50677 50682 50678 50683 56289 Displays (Special Order Only) Skin Care Floor 724742-003005 42 ASST 304.87 CS 304.87 509.15 3-in-1 Clean Towelette Deep Sea Facial Mask Even Advanced Eye Makeup Remover Sea Enzyme Facial Scrub Sea Kelp Facial Toner Sea Lettuce Cleansing Milk Sea Lipids Daily Cream Sea Mineral Cleansing Gel Sea Moss Moisturizer, SPF 15 Sea Plus Renewal Cream 724742-008093 724742-003234 724742-003050 724742-003241 724742-003166 724742-003258 724742-003197 724742-003272 724742-003128 724742-003173 30 CT 3.60 4 OZ 6.91 4 OZ 4.77 4 OZ 6.91 6 OZ 6.60 6 OZ 6.60 2 OZ 10.20 6 OZ 6.60 2 OZ 10.20 2 OZ 10.20 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.60 6.91 4.77 6.91 6.60 6.60 10.20 6.60 10.20 10.20 5.99 11.49 7.95 11.49 10.99 10.99 16.99 10.99 16.99 16.99 Clarifying Shampoo Conditioner, Detangling Conditioner, Leave-In Conditioner, Replenishing Conditioner, Volumizing Daily Shampoo Gentle Shampoo Hair Spray, Medium Hold Style Cream, Soft Hold Style Gel, Strong Hold 724742-006341 724742-006389 724742-006426 724742-006365 724742-006402 724742-006327 724742-006303 724742-006488 724742-006464 724742-006440 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 7 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8 OZ 4 OZ 7 OZ 6.31 6.31 5.37 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 5.97 6.00 6.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.31 6.31 5.37 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 5.97 6.00 6.00 10.49 10.49 8.95 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 9.95 9.99 9.99 724742-008765 724742-008741 724742-008758 12/.42 OZ 12/.42 OZ 12/.42 OZ 3.00 3.00 3.00 CS CS CS 36.00 36.00 36.00 4.99 4.99 4.99 724742-008574 724742-008628 724742-008550 724742-008611 724742-008567 724742-008536 724742-008598 724742-008543 724742-008581 724742-008512 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 Facial Care Products 50253 56307 87986 56308 56310 56309 56314 56311 56343 56312 50605 50613 50611 50614 50612 50606 50607 50610 50609 50608 53423 53422 53424 50729 50732 50728 50731 50711 50727 50730 50710 50712 50725 Hair Care Hawaiian Clear Lip Glosses Coconut Cream Passion Fruit Nectar Pineapple Quench Hawaiian Hair Care Cocoa Butter Dry-Repair Hair Wash Cocoa Butter Dry-Repair Hair Cond Coconut Milk Extra-Rich Hair Wash Coconut Milk Extra-Rich Hair Cond Gardenia Hydrating Hair Conditioner Gardenia Hydrating Hair Wash Honeydew Nourishing Hair Cond Honeydew Nourishing Hair Wash Mango Moisturizing Hair Conditioner Mango Moisturizing Hair Wash ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 36 50733 50709 40231 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Plumeria Replenishing Hair Cond Plumeria Replenishing Hair Wash EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 724742-008635 724742-008529 12 OZ 12 OZ 6.31 6.31 EA EA 6.31 6.31 10.49 10.49 724742-009137 8 OZ 5.37 EA 5.37 8.95 724742-008376 724742-009106 724742-008369 724742-008352 24/.15 OZ 12/.15 OZ 24/.15 OZ 24/.15 OZ 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 CS CS CS CS 42.96 21.44 42.96 42.96 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 724742-008932 724742-008925 724742-008918 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 3.60 3.60 3.60 EA EA EA 3.60 3.60 3.60 5.99 5.99 5.99 724742-008123 724742-008048 724742-008031 724742-008055 724742-008161 724742-008062 724742-008147 724742-008109 724742-008024 724742-008086 724742-008079 3 OZ 11.71 8 OZ 7.77 12 OZ 5.37 12 OZ 5.37 1 OZ 11.71 8.5 OZ 7.77 3 OZ 11.71 3 OZ 8.40 8 OZ 7.77 4 OZ 8.40 12 OZ 5.37 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 11.71 7.77 5.37 5.37 11.71 7.77 11.71 8.40 7.77 8.40 5.37 19.49 12.95 8.95 8.95 19.49 12.95 19.49 13.99 12.95 13.99 8.95 724742-008284 724742-008727 724742-008680 724742-008666 724742-008345 724742-008246 724742-008222 724742-008659 724742-008178 724742-008307 724742-008734 724742-008185 724742-008208 7 OZ 6.31 24 OZ 13.20 6.5 OZ 8.40 7 OZ 6.31 8.5 OZ 6.31 6.5 OZ 8.40 6.5 OZ 8.40 7 OZ 5.97 7 OZ 6.31 7 OZ 6.31 24 OZ 13.20 14.5 OZ 7.51 10 OZ 7.51 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.31 13.20 8.40 6.31 6.31 8.40 8.40 5.97 6.31 6.31 13.20 7.51 7.51 10.49 21.99 13.99 10.49 10.49 13.99 13.99 9.95 10.49 10.49 21.99 12.49 12.49 7.18 6.60 6.60 6.60 EA EA EA EA 7.18 6.60 6.60 6.60 11.95 10.99 10.99 9.95 1 KIT 12.69 EA 12.69 21.19 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 8.99 16.65 12.27 7.20 6.91 11.11 32.71 1.97 6.91 14.99 27.75 20.45 11.99 11.49 18.49 54.49 3.29 11.49 Hawaiian Hand Wash Goji Berry w/Pump Hawaiian Lip Balms 50714 44176 50630 50713 50627 50626 50625 50638 50634 49528 49530 50640 50635 50639 50637 50633 50636 49529 50646 55890 51241 51239 50648 50644 50643 51238 51235 50645 55891 50641 50642 44877 44879 44880 44878 56793 Hawaiian Skin Care After Sun Ltn, Aloe Kona Coffee Sunscreen, Aloe Vera SPF 30 Sunscreen, Cnut Dry Oil SPF15 Sunscreen, Green Tea SPF 45 724742-008260 724742-008253 724742-008314 724742-008277 Hawaiian Tropical Renewal Kit 724742-008901 Very Emollient Daily Shade SPF 16 Very Emollient Daily Shade SPF 16 Very Emollient Max Dry Skin Very Emollient Max Dry Skin Very Emollient Scented Body Very Emollient Scented Body Very Emollient Scented Body Very Emollient Scented Body Very Emollient Unscented Body 724742-003715 724742-003722 724742-003708 724742-003654 724742-003661 724742-003678 724742-023669 724742-013660 724742-003685 8.5 OZ 4 OZ 4.5 OZ 4 OZ Kits & Gift Sets Lotions 56336 56348 56295 56299 56303 56304 56318 56330 56305 12 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 32 OZ 1 GAL 2 OZ 12 OZ 8.99 16.65 12.27 7.20 6.91 11.11 32.71 1.97 6.91 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 37 SUPPLEMENTS Hawaiian Sun Care NON-FOODS Cocoa Butter Hand & Body Lotion Cocoa Butter Hand & Body Lotion Coconut Milk Body Cream Coconut Milk Cream Body Wash Kukui Nut Body & Massage Oil Kukui Nut Body Cream Papaya Mango Body Cream Papaya Mango Crm Body Wash Papaya Mango Exfol Body Wash Passion Fruit Body Wash Passion Fruit Body Wash Sea Salt Body Scrub Sugar Cane Body Polish PERSONAL CARE Hawaiian Spa Treatment SPECIALTY Aloe & Green Tea Oil Free Moisturizer Coconut Milk Facial Wash Crmy Pina Colada Cktl Body Wash Exfol Lava Flow Cktl Body Wash Green Tea Eye Gel Hibiscus Facial Toner Jasmine & Vitamin E Moisture Cream Papaya Enzyme Facial Mask Pineapple Enzyme Facial Cleanser Pineapple Enzyme Scrub Rev Mai Tai Cocktail Body Wash PET Cocoa Butter Coconut Milk Papaya Mango FROZEN Hawaiian Moisturizing Shave Cream GROCERY Coconut Cream Lip Balm Fruit Lip Balms, Clip Strips Passion Fruit Nectar Lip Balm Pineapple Quench Lip Balm BULK Item # REFRIGERATED BULK REFRIGERATED Item # GROCERY 56150 56153 56100 56274 56103 56275 56149 56151 56152 46257 46256 46260 46259 46258 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Very Emollient Unscented Body Very Emollient Unscented Body Very Emollient, Light Bronzing EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 724742-003692 724742-023683 724742-003746 32 OZ 11.11 1 GAL 32.71 8 OZ 8.71 EA EA EA 11.11 32.71 8.71 18.49 54.49 14.55 724742-003340 724742-003463 724742-003418 724742-003517 724742-003456 724742-003555 724742-003388 724742-003364 724742-003425 5 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 1.5 OZ 8 OZ 1.5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 8 OZ 4.80 4.20 4.20 1.97 4.20 1.97 4.80 4.80 4.20 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.80 4.20 4.20 1.97 4.20 1.97 4.80 4.80 4.20 7.99 6.99 6.99 3.29 6.99 3.29 7.99 7.99 6.99 Deep Clean Astringent Deep Pore Wash Face & Body Scrub Invisible Treatment Gel Oil Control Lotion 724742-007638 6 OZ 724742-007607 6 OZ 724742-007614 8 OZ 724742-007645.5 OZ 724742-007621 2 OZ 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 9.31 EA EA EA EA EA 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 9.31 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 15.49 Acai Antioxidant Body Lotion Acai Antioxidant Body Wash Acai Antioxidant Conditioner Acai Antioxidant Shampoo Andiroba Exfoliating Body Wash Andiroba Renewal Body Lotion Buriti Treatment Serum Copaiba Scalp Treatment Cond Copaiba Scalp Treatment Shampoo Cupuacu Deep Hydration Body Wash Cupuacu Deep Hydration Conditioner Cupuacu Deep Hydration Lotion Cupuacu Deep Hydration Shampoo Foaming Cream Cleanser Gentle Acai Renewal Scrub Hydrating Oil Control Moisturizer Lush Moisturizing Facial Cream Nighttime Rejuv Treatment Oil Refreshing Mist Toner 724742-001704 8 OZ 724742-001735 8 OZ 724742-001315 8 OZ 724742-001308 8 OZ 724742-001759 8 OZ 724742-001728 8 OZ 724742-001063 1.5 OZ 724742-001353 8 OZ 724742-001346 8 OZ 724742-001742 8 OZ 724742-001377 8 OZ 724742-001711 8 OZ 724742-001360 8 OZ 724742-001001 6 OZ 724742-001025 4 OZ 724742-001049 1.5 OZ 724742-001056 1.5 OZ 724742-001070.5 OZ 724742-001018 6 OZ 6.57 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.57 15.57 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.57 6.31 9.60 9.60 14.87 14.87 15.57 9.60 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.57 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.57 15.57 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.57 6.31 9.60 9.60 14.87 14.87 15.57 9.60 10.99 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.99 19.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.99 10.49 15.99 15.99 24.79 24.79 19.49 15.99 Moisturizing Cream Shave for Men & Women Aloe Mint, Foam Aloe Mint,Cream Coconut Lime, Cream Coconut Lime, Cream Mango Vanilla, Cream Mango Vanilla, Cream Mango Vanilla, Foam Sea Mist, Foam Unscented, Cream Natural ACNEdote Rainforest PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS 56306 56319 50379 48208 48211 48205 48202 48213 48210 48200 48206 48203 48212 48207 48209 48204 48195 48197 48198 48199 48201 48196 44721 44720 44713 44711 44719 44714 44712 44717 44716 44718 44715 44722 40167 40168 53401 53404 NON-FOODS SPECIALTY PET FROZEN Suncare Products SunScreen, Aloe Van Min SPF 30 Sunscreen, FF Mineral SPF 30 Sunscreen, Facial, SPF 30 Sunscreen, Frag Free, SPF 30 Sunscreen, Kids Mineral,SPF30 Sunscreen, Kids, SPF45 Sunscreen, Lavender, SPF 45 Sunscreen, Lavender, SPF 45 Sunscreen, Lip Balm, SPF 25 Sunscreen, Min Facial, SPF 20 Sunscreen, Sport, SPF45 Tanning Lotion, Sunless Very Emollient, Kids, SPF 40 Very Emollient, Sport, SPF 40 724742-003920 724742-003890 724742-003951 724742-003913 724742-003883 724742-003999 724742-003937 724742-013936 724742-003944 724742-003876 724742-003906 724742-003975 724742-003852 724742-003838 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 1 OZ 24/.15 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 2.38 1.79 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 2.38 42.96 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 3.95 2.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 077320-775000 077320-775154 12/.15 OZ 12/.15 OZ 2.39 2.39 CS CS 28.68 28.68 3.99 3.99 Terra Tints Lip Balm SPF 8 Blaze Bloom ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 38 50794 2.39 2.39 2.39 CS CS CS 28.68 28.68 28.68 3.99 3.99 3.99 724742-775018 724742-775162 724742-775414 724742-775360 724742-775063 12/.42 OZ 12/.42 OZ 12/.42 OZ 12/.42 OZ 12/.42 OZ 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 CS CS CS CS CS 42.84 42.84 42.84 42.84 42.84 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 724742-006990 18/2 OZ 1.97 CS 35.46 3.29 Cherry Tangerine Vanilla 077320-000065 077320-000089 077320-000058 24/.15 OZ 24/.15 OZ 24/.15 OZ 1.65 1.65 1.65 CS CS CS 39.68 39.68 39.68 2.75 2.75 2.75 Sunblock Repellent Display 000000-000000 48/ASST 5.67 CS 272.33 9.45 Poison Ivy & Oak Spray Skin Relief 608503-050203 608503-430074 2 OZ 5 OZ 3.59 5.40 EA EA 5.99 8.99 Cold & Flu Personal Care, Floor Shpr 608503-042406 Insect Repellent & Sunscreen Combo Floor Display 608503-020503 80 ASST 223.19 56 ASST 317.70 CS CS Bandages, Fabric, Assorted Bandages, Sheer Bandages, Strong Strip Bandages, Waterproof First Aid Floor Display #2 Gauze Pads 2x2 Gauze, Rolled, 3 Inch Kidswipes Tender Tape, 2 Inch 608503-050036 608503-050043 608503-050050 608503-050067 608503-052122 608503-050074 608503-050081 608503-050357 608503-050098 30 CT 2.75 40 CT 2.39 20 CT 2.75 20 CT 2.99 42 ASST 199.38 10 CT 2.39 2.5 YD 2.39 30 CT 6.00 5 YD 4.19 EA 2.75 4.59 EA 2.39 3.99 EA 2.75 4.59 EA 2.99 4.99 CS 199.38 332.29 EA 2.39 3.99 EA 2.39 3.99 EA 6.00 9.99 EA 4.19 6.99 Hand Sanitizer, With Aloe & Vitamin E Hand Sanz w/Aloe & Vit E Hand Sanz, Fragrance Free Hand Sanz, Fragrance Free KidsSanz, Aloe & Vitamin E KidsSanz, Aloe & Vitamin E KidsSanz, Fragrance Free KidsSanz, Fragrance Free 608503-050883 608503-050890 608503-050869 608503-050852 608503-050838 608503-050845 608503-050814 608503-050821 2 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 8 OZ 2 OZ 8 OZ 1.80 3.60 3.60 1.80 1.79 3.59 1.79 3.59 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 1.80 3.60 3.60 1.80 1.79 3.59 1.79 3.59 2.99 5.99 5.99 2.99 2.99 5.99 2.99 5.99 Herbal Armor Lotion Herbal Armor SPF 15 Herbal Armor Spray Herbal Armor Spray Herbal Armor Herbal Armor, Value Size Kids Herbal Armor, Value Size Kids Herbal Armour Phineas/Ferb, Herbal Value Sz 608503-010023 608503-010054 608503-010030 608503-010139 608503-010047 608503-010085 608503-010092 608503-010146 608503-010108 4 OZ 5.40 4 OZ 6.30 4 OZ 5.40 2 OZ 3.30 4 OZ 5.40 8 OZ 9.00 8 OZ 9.00 2 OZ 3.30 8 OZ 10.33 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.40 6.30 5.40 3.30 5.40 9.00 9.00 3.30 10.33 8.99 10.49 8.99 5.49 8.99 14.99 14.99 5.49 17.22 All Weather Cream Eczeam Cream Face Stick, KidSport SPF28 608503-020145 3 OZ 608503-050456 2 OZ 608503-030540.6 OZ EA EA EA 7.79 5.40 5.39 12.99 8.99 8.99 TerraGloss Tinted Lip Gloss Blaze Bloom Dawn Garnet Sienna Trial & Travel Sizes Conditioner, Detangling, Fish Bowl Un-Petroleum Lip Care 55089 55097 55102 ALL TERRAIN 89961 53287 41026 90205 89990 51195 51196 51197 51198 47755 51192 51193 41024 51194 57953 57951 57952 57954 58240 58241 58237 58238 89967 89964 89968 89969 89963 51809 51810 58226 51811 Aloe Gel 3.59 5.40 Displays (Special Order Only) 223.19 371.96 317.70 529.45 First Aid Hand Sanitizer Insect Repellents BULK REFRIGERATED 12/.15 OZ 12/.15 OZ 12/.15 OZ FROZEN 53415 53417 53420 53419 53416 077320-775406 077320-775352 077320-775055 PET Dawn Garnet Sienna $ SRP GROCERY 53414 53413 53402 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price PERSONAL CARE Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description SUPPLEMENTS Item # NON-FOODS 90215 90219 53286 7.79 5.40 5.39 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 39 SPECIALTY Kids BULK Item # NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED 90217 90019 53281 53282 53283 53280 90216 90226 53288 90221 90223 90224 90225 50940 50941 50942 50945 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Itch & Rash Cream Kid Sport SPF30 Phineas & Ferb SPF30 Lotion Phineas & Ferb SPF30 Spray Phineas & Ferb Sunburn Gel Phineas&Ferb Insect Repellent Skin Soother Gel Soothing Soap Sunburn Gel Wonder Wash, Fragrance Free Wonder Wash, Fragrance Free Wonder Wash, Peppermint Wonder Wash, Peppermint 608503-050449 608503-030519 608503-030618 608503-030632 608503-040082 608503-010061 608503-040075 608503-060035 608503-040099 608503-050555 608503-050562 608503-050579 608503-050586 2 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 12 OZ 4 OZ 12 OZ 5.40 7.20 7.80 9.00 5.10 6.00 4.80 4.50 4.79 2.40 4.50 2.40 4.50 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.40 7.20 7.80 9.00 5.10 6.00 4.80 4.50 4.79 2.40 4.50 2.40 4.50 8.99 11.99 12.99 14.99 8.49 9.99 7.99 7.49 7.99 3.99 7.49 3.99 7.49 Wonder Wash, Fragrance Free Wonder Wash, Fragrance Free Wonder Wash, Peppermint Wonder Wash, Peppermint 608503-050654 608503-050661 608503-050685 608503-050692 4 OZ 12 OZ 4 OZ 12 OZ 2.40 4.50 2.40 4.50 EA EA EA EA 2.40 4.50 2.40 4.50 3.99 7.49 3.99 7.49 Aqua Sport, SPF30 Value Size Kids Sport, SPF30 Value Size Phin/Ferb, SPF30 Value Size Terra Sport, SPF30 Value Size 608503-023320 608503-030526 608503-030625 608503-033329 6 OZ 6 OZ 6 OZ 6 OZ 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 EA EA EA EA 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 19.99 19.99 19.99 19.99 Ditch the Itch Bar Poison Ivy & Oak Bar 608503-060028 608503-050715 4 OZ 4 OZ 4.20 4.20 EA EA 4.20 4.20 6.99 6.99 Recovery, Tube 608503-040235 3 OZ 6.00 EA 6.00 9.99 AquaSport SPF 15 AquaSport SPF 30 AquaSport SPF15, Spray AquaSport SPF30, Spray Face Stick, AquaSport SPF28 Face Stick, TerraSport SPF28 Kidsport SPF15, Spray Kidsport SPF30, Spray Lip Balm SPF 25 TerraSport SPF 15 TerraSport SPF 30 TerraSport SPF 30 TerraSport SPF15, Spray TerraSport SPF30, Spray 608503-023153 3 OZ 608503-023306 3 OZ 608503-023177 3 OZ 608503-023337 3 OZ 608503-023344.6 OZ 608503-033343.6 OZ 608503-030571 3 OZ 608503-030533 3 OZ 608503-041157 24/.15 OZ 608503-033152 3 OZ 608503-031301 24/1 OZ 608503-033305 3 OZ 608503-033176 3 OZ 608503-033336 3 OZ 6.90 7.20 7.79 8.39 5.39 5.39 7.79 8.39 1.80 6.90 3.60 7.20 7.79 8.39 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS EA CS EA EA EA 6.90 7.20 7.79 8.39 5.39 5.39 7.79 8.39 43.20 6.90 86.50 7.20 7.79 8.39 11.49 11.99 12.99 13.99 8.99 8.99 12.99 13.99 2.99 11.49 5.99 11.99 12.99 13.99 Natural Aloe 826804-006037 2.5 OZ 5.77 EA 5.77 9.95 Aloe & Almonds Aloe Herbal Aloe Unscented 077435-335526 077435-335540 077435-335502 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 2.97 2.97 2.97 EA EA EA 2.97 2.97 2.97 4.95 4.95 4.95 Even & Clear Exfoliant Wash Soft & Even Creamy Lotion 381370-022268 381370-019787 5 OZ 12 OZ 6.97 8.09 EA EA 6.97 8.09 10.45 12.15 Liquid Soaps Lotions 51812 51813 51815 51814 89953 58228 Performance Soaps Rubs 90016 Sunblocks 89972 89973 58200 58202 53284 53285 58231 58235 89947 89975 89946 89976 58221 58225 ALOE CADABRA Lubricant 44874 ALVERA Aloe Vera Based Roll-On Deodorants 59703 59704 59705 SPECIALTY AMBI SKINCARE 46745 46744 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 40 43359 43360 43362 43364 43365 Long Handle Twin Blade Disposable w/ Lube Tri Flex Cartridge Tri Flex Cartridge, Women`s Tri Flex Handle w/2 Cartridges Tri Flex Women`s Handle w/ 2 Cartridges 024500-332775 024500-200142 024500-200203 024500-200265 024500-200296 5 CT 4 CT 4 CT 1 CT 1 CT 1.25 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 EA EA EA EA EA 1.25 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 2.09 5.56 5.55 5.56 5.56 Pro Style Gel Protein Gel Super Shine N Jam Gel 077312-408411 077312-408404 077312-410711 15 OZ 6 OZ 8 OZ 4.43 1.47 5.00 EA EA EA 4.43 1.47 5.00 6.65 2.19 7.49 Nasal Cleansing Salt, Jar 079565-006222 10 OZ 3.57 EA 3.57 5.95 Eucalyptus Evergreen Forest Lavender Patchouli 079565-005027 079565-005102 079565-005003 079565-005089 12/4 OZ 12/4 OZ 12/4 OZ 12/4 OZ 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 CS CS CS CS 25.13 25.13 25.13 25.13 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 Cleansing Spray 079565-006420 1 OZ 6.00 EA 6.00 9.99 Himalayan, Large Himalayan, Medium 079565-016016 079565-016009 1 EA 39.57 1 EA 26.37 EA EA 39.57 26.37 65.95 43.95 Breathe Again, Nasal Spray Breathe Again, Nsl Spray, Chld Nasal Cleansing Salt, Bag Nasal Cleansing Salt, Box Neti Nasal Cleansing Pot Neti Nasal Cleansing Pot, Travel 079565-006406 079565-006413 079565-006215 079565-006246 079565-005133 079565-006239 3.38 OZ 7.20 3.38 OZ 7.20 8 OZ 1.49 40 CT 3.57 1 EA 10.17 1 EACH 8.37 EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.20 7.20 1.49 3.57 10.17 8.37 11.99 11.99 2.49 5.95 16.99 13.99 Himalayan, Tea Light, Medium Himalayan, Tea Light, Small 079565-016054 079565-016047 1 EA 1 EA 8.37 7.77 EA EA 8.37 7.77 13.95 12.95 Kukui Cocoa Lavender Shea Passion Fruit 859975-002188 859975-002171 859975-002195 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8.37 8.37 8.37 EA EA EA 8.37 8.37 8.37 13.95 13.95 13.95 Age Defying Conditioner Moisture, Sweet Orange Argan Shine, Sunflower Citrus Volume, Lavender Biotin 859975-002393 859975-002065 859975-002058 859975-002041 11.5 OZ 11.5 OZ 11.5 OZ 11.5 OZ 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 EA EA EA EA 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 Cleansing Gel, Citrus Kombucha Cleansing Milk, Apricot Probiotic Creamy Cleanser, Meyer Lemon Lift/Firm Cream, Spr Polypeptide Lotion, Daily Defense w/ SPF 18 Mask, Avo Cocoa Skin Food Mask, Bioactive 8 Berry Enzyme Mask, Blue Geranium Crmy Clay Mask, Pumpkin Glycolic Brightening Moistrizr Acai+Whte Tea N/Oil Night Repair Cream, Fruit Stem Cell 859975-002232 859975-002218 859975-002225 859975-002294 859975-002324 859975-002270 859975-002256 859975-002423 859975-002263 859975-002447 859975-002317 6 OZ 7.77 6 OZ 7.77 6 OZ 7.77 1.7 OZ 14.97 2.7 OZ 8.97 1.7 OZ 8.97 1.7 OZ 8.97 1.8 OZ 8.97 1.7 OZ 8.97 2.1 OZ 14.97 1.7 OZ 14.97 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.77 7.77 7.77 14.97 8.97 8.97 8.97 8.97 8.97 14.97 14.97 12.95 12.95 12.95 24.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 24.95 24.95 AMPRO 46911 46732 46733 ANCIENT SECRETS 61654 Dead Sea Salts 58120 58121 58122 58123 EARinse 59565 Lamps 58137 58136 59563 59564 61653 62656 60410 61655 58138 58139 Nasal Cleansing Products Tea Lights ANDALOU NATURALS Body Butters 49321 49320 49322 Conditioners 59607 49309 49308 49307 49326 49324 49325 49382 49385 49380 49328 58695 49379 58697 49384 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 41 BULK NON-FOODS Facial Care SPECIALTY REFRIGERATED AMERICAN SAFETY RAZOR CO. Personna FROZEN $ SRP PET EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price GROCERY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description PERSONAL CARE Item # SUPPLEMENTS 42 43 BULK Item # 49387 58696 49383 49386 49381 49327 49323 49315 49314 49316 GROCERY FROZEN $ SRP Omega Glow Concentrate Peel, Grapefruit +C Exfoliating Renewal Cream, Probiotic + C Revitalize Serum, Fruit Stem Cell Scrub, Lemon Sugar Toning Refresher, Blossom & Leaf 859975-002348 859975-002430 859975-002300 859975-002331 859975-002287 859975-002249 1.9 OZ 14.97 1.8 OZ 8.97 1.7 OZ 14.97 1.1 OZ 14.97 1.7 OZ 8.97 6 OZ 7.77 EA EA EA EA EA EA 14.97 8.97 14.97 14.97 8.97 7.77 24.95 14.95 24.95 24.95 14.95 12.95 Lavender Shea 859975-002201 3.4 OZ 5.37 EA 5.37 8.95 Body, Citrus Verbena Body, Lavender Thyme Body, Mandarin Vanilla 859975-002126 859975-002119 859975-002133 11 OZ 11 OZ 11 OZ 7.17 7.17 7.17 EA EA EA 7.17 7.17 7.17 11.95 11.95 11.95 59606 49306 49305 49304 Age Defying Treatment Moisture, Sweet Orange Argan Shine, Sunflower Citrus Volume, Lavender Biotin 859975-002386 859975-002034 859975-002027 859975-002010 11.5 OZ 11.5 OZ 11.5 OZ 11.5 OZ 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 EA EA EA EA 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 49318 49317 49319 Citrus Verbena Lavender Thyme Mandarin Vanilla 859975-002157 859975-002140 859975-002164 11 OZ 11 OZ 11 OZ 5.97 5.97 5.97 EA EA EA 5.97 5.97 5.97 9.95 9.95 9.95 49313 49312 49311 49310 Cream, Sweet Orange Argan Gel, Sunflower Citrus Hair Spray, Sunflower Citrus Volume Spray, Lavender Biotin 859975-002102 859975-002096 859975-002089 859975-002072 6.8 OZ 6.8 OZ 8.2 OZ 8.2 OZ 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 EA EA EA EA 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 49392 49391 49393 Body Lotion, Lavender/Thyme Shampoo, Sunflower/Citrus Shine Shower Gel, Mandarin/Vanilla 859975-002812 859975-002805 859975-002829 18/2 OZ 18/2 OZ 18/2 OZ 1.20 1.20 1.20 CS CS CS 21.60 21.60 21.60 1.99 1.99 1.99 Age Defying Hair Trtmt System Age Defying Scalp Intensive Blemish Vanishing Gel Deep Wrinkle Dermal Filler Luminous Eye Serum 859975-002416 3 PIECE 17.97 859975-002409 2.1 OZ 8.97 859975-002379.60 OZ 7.77 859975-002355.60 OZ 11.97 859975-002362.60 OZ 11.97 EA EA EA EA EA 17.97 8.97 7.77 11.97 11.97 29.95 14.95 12.95 19.95 19.95 010879-700253 010879-700246 010879-700260 10/2.8 OZ 10/2.8 OZ 10/2.8 OZ 2.12 2.12 2.12 CS CS CS 21.20 21.20 21.20 2.79 2.79 2.79 366106-148719 2 OZ 5.55 EA 5.55 9.25 366106-148818 3 OZ 3.76 EA 3.76 6.25 2 OZ 10.65 2 OZ 13.50 1.5 OZ 5.85 EA EA EA 10.65 13.50 5.85 17.75 22.50 9.75 EA EA EA EA 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 Shower Gels Styling Products Travel Size Treatments 59609 59608 49390 49388 49389 SUPPLEMENTS AROMATHERAPAES Effervescents For The Bath NON-FOODS PERSONAL CARE EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Lotions Shampoos SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Hand Cream PET REFRIGERATED 59492 59491 59493 Fizzical Therapy Sleepy Time Stress Relief AT LAST NATURALS 87362 MSM Cream Born Again Skin 84126 MSM Herbal Bar Soap Wild Yam Products 87367 87368 87369 Cream Extra Strength Gel Vaginal Moisturizing Gel 366106-142311 366106-142410 366106-142519 AURA CACIA Air Freshening Spritz 45995 45996 45997 45998 Comforting Spices & Clove Refreshing Lime & Grapefruit Relaxing Lavender Uplifting Bergamot & Orange 051381-886400 051381-886424 051381-886431 051381-886417 6 OZ 6 OZ 6 OZ 6 OZ 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 44 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 84973 85010 21.44 3.27 7.79 12.56 6.59 8.99 4.79 12.56 26.96 26.96 12.56 2.39 5.99 5.99 12.56 26.96 2.99 5.45 12.99 6.99 10.99 14.99 7.99 6.99 14.99 14.99 6.99 3.99 9.99 9.99 6.99 14.99 051381-885328 4 OZ 051381-882457 4 OZ 051381-885144 4 OZ 051381-885335 4 OZ 051381-886189 4 OZ 051381-886196 8 OZ 051381-998172 36/1.75 OZ 051381-882433 4 OZ 051381-886028 4 OZ 051381-903114 6/1.75 OZ 051381-903107 6/1.75 OZ 051381-882440 4 OZ 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 7.99 1.97 4.89 4.89 1.97 1.97 4.89 EA EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA CS CS EA 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.89 7.99 70.92 4.89 4.89 11.82 11.82 4.89 8.15 8.15 8.15 8.15 8.15 13.35 3.26 8.15 8.15 3.29 3.29 8.15 051381-885861 051381-885762 051381-886332 051381-882532 051381-885878 051381-885779 051381-886349 051381-882631 051381-882518 051381-882501 051381-885892 051381-885793 051381-882600 051381-886363 051381-886356 051381-882556 051381-885885 051381-885786 051381-882624 051381-903077 051381-885854 051381-885755 051381-886325 051381-882617 14 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 14 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 4 OZ 13 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 14 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 13 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 14 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 13 OZ 6/1.75 OZ 14 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 4 OZ 13 OZ 7.49 1.97 4.79 6.79 7.49 1.97 4.79 5.39 6.79 6.09 7.49 1.97 5.39 4.79 4.79 6.79 7.49 1.97 5.39 1.97 7.49 1.97 4.79 5.39 EA CS EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA CS EA CS EA CS EA EA 7.49 11.84 4.79 6.79 7.49 11.84 4.79 5.39 6.79 6.09 7.49 11.84 5.39 4.79 4.79 6.79 7.49 11.84 5.39 11.84 7.49 11.84 4.79 5.39 12.45 3.29 7.99 11.29 12.45 3.29 7.99 8.95 11.35 10.15 12.45 3.29 8.95 7.79 7.99 11.35 12.45 3.29 8.95 3.29 12.49 3.29 7.99 8.95 051381-886202.5 OZ 051381-911515.5 OZ 6.12 6.12 EA EA 6.12 6.12 10.19 10.19 Aromatherapy Bath & Massage Oils Energize Eucalyptus Harvest Euphoria Heartsong Lavender Harvest Lavender Harvest Mlk/Oat Bth Powerwing Shipper Peppermint Harvest Relaxation Citrus Massage Oil Soothing Milk/Oat Bath, Chamo Sthng Mlk/Oat Bth Helichrysum Tea Tree Harvest Aromatherapy Body Care Cinnamon Ylang Ylang Foam Bath Cinnamon Ylang Ylang Foam Bath Cinnamon Ylang Ylang Mist Ginger Mint Body Cream Ginger Mint Foam Bath Ginger Mint Foam Bath Ginger Mint Mist Heart Song Bubble Bath Lavender Body Cream Lavender Body Wash Lavender Foam Bath Lavender Foam Bath Lavender Harvest Bubble Bath Lavender Mist Patchouli Orange Mist Patchouli Sweet Orange Body Cream Patchouli Sweet Orange Foam Bath Patchouli Sweet Orange Foam Bath Soothing Heat Bubble Bath Soothing Milk & Oat Bath w/Lav Tangerine Grapefruit Foam Bath Tangerine Grapefruit Foam Bath Tangerine Grapefruit Mist Tranquility Bubble Bath Aromatherapy Essential Blends Lavender Harvest Tranquility ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 45 FROZEN CS EA EA CS EA EA EA CS CS CS CS EA EA EA CS CS PET 50876 50882 50888 50561 50877 50883 50889 41154 50562 50565 50878 50884 41155 50890 50891 50563 50879 50885 41156 41382 H 50880 50886 50892 41157 1.79 3.27 7.79 4.19 6.59 8.99 4.79 4.19 8.99 8.99 4.19 2.39 5.99 5.99 4.19 8.99 GROCERY 12/4 OZ 1 EA 1 EACH 3/1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 2 OZ 3/1 EA 3/1 EA 3/1 EA 3/1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 3/1 EA 3/1 EA PERSONAL CARE 55333 40906 55331 55334 55338 55340 48424 H 40901 55342 48426 H 48427 H 41841 051381-998158 051381-916077 051381-913328 051381-887407 051381-913144 051381-913045 051381-886547 051381-887421 051381-887223 051381-887230 051381-887438 051381-913151 051381-998332 051381-998349 051381-887414 051381-887216 SUPPLEMENTS Aluminum Mist Bottle w/Cap Brass Lamp Ring Candle Lamp, Tea Comfort Spice/Clove Elec Refill Diffuser, Car Diffuser, Room w/5 Refill Pads Pillow Potion Mist Refresh Lime/Grapefrt Elec Rfl Refresh, Lime/Grpfrt Elec Frshn Relax, Lavender Elec Freshener Relaxing Lavender Elec Refill Replace Filter Car & Room Diffuser Terra Cotta Diffuser, Moon Terra Cotta Diffuser, Sun Uplift Bergamot/Orange Elec Rfl Uplift, Bergmt/Orng Elec Frshnr NON-FOODS 14669 87204 87199 42385 50872 85092 45260 42386 42405 42406 42387 50873 48698 48697 42388 42407 REFRIGERATED Aromatherapy Accessories SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK Item # SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Aromatherapy Mineral Baths 87223 40904 55309 55312 55307 55310 40902 40907 55330 55337 55372 85020 H 55311 55318 55308 55314 84934 84935 84936 55007 H 55013 H 55010 55011 51081 51080 51082 85000 w 50020 55531 w 55532 w 55533 w 55379 45259 85029 85031 85033 85038 55346 85037 55347 55348 85039 55349 85041 43689 55350 85061 87400 55295 Balancing Sage Clearing Eucalyptus Comforting Geranium Energizing Lemon Euphoric Ylang Ylang Inspiring Rosemary Purifying Tea Tree Refreshing Peppermint Relaxing Lavender Relaxing Lavender Relaxing Sweet Orange Soothing Milk and Oat Bath Tranquil Chamomile Tranquil Chamomile Warming Balsam Fir Warming Balsam Fir 051381-916916 051381-885090 051381-885175 051381-885168 051381-885113 051381-885182 051381-885083 051381-885076 051381-886165 051381-886172 051381-886080 051381-903176 051381-885199 051381-885250 051381-885151 051381-885243 6/2.5 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 16 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 9.75 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 16 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 16 OZ 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 7.49 1.97 9.59 1.97 7.49 1.97 7.49 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS EA CS EA CS EA CS EA 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 11.84 7.49 11.84 9.59 11.84 7.49 11.84 7.49 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 12.45 3.29 15.99 3.29 12.45 3.29 12.45 Cooling Peppermint Purifying Eucalyptus Soothing Lavender, Aromatherapy 051381-921033 051381-921026 051381-921019 6/.29 OZ 6/.29 OZ 6/.29 OZ 5.39 5.39 5.39 CS CS CS 32.32 32.32 32.32 8.99 8.99 8.99 Calming Baby Oil Calming Milk & Oat Bath Calming Nursery Blend Calming Nursery Diffuser 051381-887100 4 OZ 051381-887087 6/1.75 OZ 051381-887094.33 OZ 051381-887155 1 EA 5.39 1.97 9.30 9.59 EA CS EA EA 5.39 11.82 9.30 9.59 8.99 3.29 15.49 15.99 Calming Cheering Clearing 051381-885960 051381-885953 051381-885977 6/2.5 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 6/2.5 OZ 1.97 1.97 1.97 CS CS CS 11.84 11.84 11.84 3.29 3.29 3.29 Pure Shea Butter w/Lavender 051381-846275 051381-846251 4 OZ 4 OZ 4.45 5.99 EA EA 4.45 5.99 7.45 9.99 Ginger Mint Lavender Patchouli Sweet Orange 051381-881016 051381-881023 051381-881030 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 7.19 7.19 7.19 EA EA EA 7.19 7.19 7.19 11.99 11.99 11.99 Citrus Counter Display Pillow Potion Mist Counter DS 051381-917654 25 ASSTD 93.14 051381-998714 12/2 OZ 4.79 CS CS 93.14 155.23 57.48 7.99 Basil Bergamot Camphor Cassia (Cinnamon Bark) Cedarwood Chamomile Cinnamon Leaf Citronella Clary Sage Clove Bud Cypress Ess Oil Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus, Lemon 051381-911041.5 OZ 9.27 051381-911058.5 OZ 8.99 051381-911072.5 OZ 3.71 051381-911102.5 OZ 4.49 051381-911089.5 OZ 2.37 051381-911096.5 OZ 21.59 051381-911119.5 OZ 5.04 051381-911126.5 OZ 2.28 051381-911133.5 OZ 8.03 051381-911140.5 OZ 4.53 051381-911157.5 OZ 5.39 051381-911461 4 OZ 21.92 051381-911164.5 OZ 3.60 051381-911836 2 OZ 10.79 051381-999025 3/.5 OZ 3.60 051381-912857.5 OZ 3.39 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS EA 9.27 8.99 3.71 4.49 2.37 21.59 5.04 2.28 8.03 4.53 5.39 21.92 3.60 10.79 10.80 3.39 Aromatherapy Sticks Baby Care Bath Foam for Kids Body Butters Body Polishes Displays (Special Order Only) Essential Oils 19.34 14.99 6.19 7.49 3.95 36.05 8.39 3.79 13.39 7.55 8.99 45.69 5.99 17.99 5.99 5.65 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 46 3.89 7.35 17.03 10.19 8.48 5.91 9.95 7.17 22.29 21.52 3.29 3.83 3.23 5.03 8.99 13.51 9.59 4.19 11.83 4.89 15.01 14.67 4.79 6.59 8.99 7.79 3.65 5.99 32.99 3.69 2.50 2.63 4.99 15.59 14.96 8.95 9.51 3.99 8.99 6.49 12.30 28.48 16.99 14.15 9.85 16.59 11.95 37.15 11.95 5.49 6.39 5.39 8.39 14.99 22.49 15.99 6.99 19.69 8.15 25.05 8.15 7.99 10.99 14.99 12.99 6.09 9.99 54.99 6.05 4.15 4.39 8.35 25.99 8.29 14.95 15.85 6.65 14.99 051381-881184.5 OZ 051381-881092.5 OZ 051381-881153.5 OZ 051381-881108.5 OZ 051381-881146.5 OZ 051381-881122.5 OZ 051381-881191.5 OZ 051381-881139.5 OZ 051381-881115.5 OZ 051381-881160.5 OZ 051381-881177.75 OZ 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 051381-885397 051381-885403 051381-885427 051381-885434 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 EA EA EA EA 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 Essential Solutions Chill Pill Cool Hottie Creative Juices First Response Gray Matter Batter Love Potion Medieval Mix Mellow Mix Panic Button Pep Talk Pillow Potion Massage Creams Cinnamon Ylang Ylang Ginger Mint Lavender Unscented 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 47 BULK REFRIGERATED 50592 50598 50896 50898 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA FROZEN 3.89 7.35 17.03 10.19 8.48 5.91 9.95 7.17 22.29 7.17 3.29 3.83 3.23 5.03 8.99 13.51 9.59 4.19 11.83 4.89 15.01 4.89 4.79 6.59 8.99 7.79 3.65 5.99 32.99 3.69 2.50 2.63 4.99 15.59 4.99 8.95 9.51 3.99 8.99 PET 55539 55540 55541 55542 55543 55544 55551 55545 55548 55549 55550 051381-911171.5 OZ 051381-911188.5 OZ 051381-911195.5 OZ 051381-911201.5 OZ 051381-911218.5 OZ 051381-911591.5 OZ 051381-911225.5 OZ 051381-911232.5 OZ 051381-911843 2 OZ 051381-999018 3/.5 OZ 051381-911249.5 OZ 051381-911256.5 OZ 051381-911263.5 OZ 051381-911270.5 OZ 051381-998134 1 OZ 051381-911287.5 OZ 051381-998127 1 OZ 051381-911614.5 OZ 051381-911300.5 OZ 051381-911324.5 OZ 051381-911898 2 OZ 051381-999032 3/.5 OZ 051381-912949.5 OZ 051381-998059 1 OZ 051381-998103 1 OZ 051381-998110 1 OZ 051381-911331.5 OZ 051381-911355.5 OZ 051381-911362.5 OZ 051381-911379.5 OZ 051381-911294.5 OZ 051381-911386.5 OZ 051381-911393.5 OZ 051381-911928 2 OZ 051381-999049 3/.5 OZ 051381-911409.5 OZ 051381-911416.5 OZ 051381-911423.5 OZ 051381-911430.5 OZ GROCERY Fennel Fir Needle Frankincense Geranium Ginger Grapefruit Juniper Berry Lavender Lavender Lavender Lemon Lemongrass Lime Marjoram Moisturizing Baobab Oil Myrrh Nourishing Tamanu Oil Nutmeg Patchouli Peppermint Peppermint Peppermint, Natural Pine Protecting Macadamia Oil Rejuvenating Argan Oil Restoring Rosehip Oil/Vitamin E Rosemary Sage Sandalwood Spearmint Sweet Orange Tangerine Tea Tree Tea Tree Tea Tree Thyme Vetiver Wintergreen Ylang Ylang $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 85042 85043 55351 55352 85044 85045 85046 55353 85062 87401 55354 55355 85048 85049 52593 _ 85050 52596 _ 85051 55357 55359 85067 87402 55325 52594 _ 52592 _ 52595 _ 55360 55362 55363 85053 55356 85054 55364 85069 87403 85055 85056 55365 55366 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS 40905 40900 51730 51731 51732 51733 51734 51735 51736 51737 51738 51739 51740 51746 51741 51742 51743 51744 51749 51750 51751 51752 51745 51747 51748 51753 $ SRP 50920 50542 50548 85011 55344 85001 85003 85005 85006 85007 85009 55322 84991 84996 84994 84995 50867 H 84997 50868 H 55303 50869 H 55304 55305 84990 41191 Eucalyptus Harvest Aroma Mist Peppermint Harvest Aroma Mist 051381-882426 051381-882402 4 OZ 4 OZ 4.79 4.79 EA EA 4.79 4.79 7.99 7.99 051381-908164.25 OZ 7.32 051381-908218.25 OZ 7.79 051381-908294.25 OZ 3.23 051381-908287.25 OZ 3.23 051381-908119.25 OZ 11.99 051381-908096.25 OZ 5.86 051381-908171.25 OZ 6.66 051381-908027.25 OZ 5.59 051381-908089.25 OZ 12.48 051381-908133.25 OZ 5.00 051381-908010.25 OZ 8.97 051381-908232.25 OZ 5.95 051381-908102.25 OZ 3.63 051381-908157.25 OZ 3.83 051381-908256.25 OZ 8.22 051381-908126.25 OZ 3.55 051381-908249.25 OZ 6.75 051381-908058.25 OZ 10.51 051381-908034.25 OZ 6.27 051381-908201.25 OZ 5.75 051381-908065.25 OZ 4.97 051381-908041.25 OZ 4.79 051381-908195.25 OZ 9.76 051381-908072.25 OZ 6.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.32 7.79 3.23 3.23 11.99 5.86 6.66 5.59 12.48 5.00 8.97 5.95 3.63 3.83 8.22 3.55 6.75 10.51 6.27 5.75 4.97 4.79 9.76 6.99 12.20 12.99 5.38 5.39 19.99 9.77 11.10 9.29 20.79 8.34 14.68 9.92 6.05 6.39 13.70 5.89 11.25 17.49 10.45 9.59 8.29 7.99 16.27 11.65 051381-999858 051381-886516 051381-886738 34 ASST 147.40 4 OZ 5.39 4 OZ 5.39 CS EA EA Frankincense w/Jojoba German Chamomile w/Jojoba Jasmine Absolute w/Jojoba Neroli w/Jojoba Roman Chamomile w/Jojoba Rose Absolute w/Jojoba Rose Otto w/Jojoba Sandalwood w/Jojoba Vanilla Absolute w/Jojoba 051381-912307.5 OZ 7.79 051381-912338.5 OZ 6.59 051381-912284.5 OZ 9.59 051381-912291.5 OZ 9.35 051381-912321.5 OZ 6.59 051381-912277.5 OZ 7.02 051381-912260.5 OZ 9.95 051381-912253.5 OZ 7.55 051381-912314.5 OZ 14.93 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.79 6.59 9.59 9.35 6.59 7.02 9.95 7.55 14.93 12.99 10.99 15.99 15.59 10.99 11.69 16.59 12.59 24.89 Apricot Avocado Grapeseed Grapeseed Jojoba Jojoba Sesame Sesame Sweet Almond Sweet Almond Sweet Almond Sweet Almond 051381-911706 051381-911966 051381-911713 051381-911744 051381-906085 051381-911720 051381-906092 051381-911980 051381-906078 051381-911447 051381-911454 051381-911768 4 OZ 3.00 4 OZ 5.61 4 OZ 3.00 16 OZ 8.71 4 OZ 9.90 4 OZ 8.59 4 OZ 4.17 4 OZ 3.00 4 OZ 8.19 4 OZ 3.56 16 OZ 10.68 1 GAL 55.51 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.00 5.61 3.00 8.71 9.90 8.59 4.17 3.00 8.19 3.56 10.68 55.51 4.99 9.35 4.99 14.55 16.49 14.30 6.95 4.95 13.65 5.95 17.85 92.69 051381-882662 1/3 CT EA 4.19 6.99 Organic Essential Oil H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Basil, Sweet Bergamot Cinnamon Leaf Citronella Clary Sage Clove Bud Cypress Eucalyptus Geranium Grapefruit Lavender Lavender, Spike Lemon Lemongrass Marjoram, Sweet Orange, Sweet Oregano Patchouli Peppermint Pine Rosemary Tea Tree Vetiver Ylang Ylang III Precious Essentials Body Care Renewing Rose Shipper Rose Spritz Sandalwood Massage Oil 147.40 245.67 5.39 8.99 5.39 8.99 Precious Essentials NON-FOODS SPECIALTY EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Natural Perfumes FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Skin Care Oils Therapeutic Bath Salts Shower Tab, Purifying Eucalyptus 4.19 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 48 EA EA 4.19 4.19 6.99 6.99 Sandal Turmeric Tulsi Neem 027275-400014 027275-400106 2.75 OZ 2.75 OZ 2.00 2.00 EA EA 2.00 2.00 2.95 2.95 Freshmint Licorice Mint Free Non-Foaming 027275-200041 027275-200027 027275-200034 027275-200058 4.16 OZ 4.16 OZ 4.16 OZ 4.16 OZ 3.83 3.83 3.83 4.11 EA EA EA EA 3.83 3.83 3.83 4.11 6.39 6.39 6.39 4.09 654749-361214 654749-361221 654749-361252 654749-361016 654749-361023 654749-361054 14 OZ 14 OZ 14 OZ 14 OZ 14 OZ 14 OZ 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 654749-358085 8.5 OZ 654749-358115 8 OZ 654749-358047 1.75 OZ 654749-358054 1.75 OZ 654749-358122 8.5 OZ 654749-358108 8 OZ 654749-358009.55 OZ 7.80 7.80 15.60 15.60 7.80 10.80 16.20 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.80 7.80 15.60 15.60 7.80 10.80 16.20 12.99 12.99 25.99 25.99 12.99 17.99 26.99 Balancing Facial Toner Lip Balm Moisture Plus Lotion SPF 15 Refreshing Cleanser Renewal Facial Creme Revitalizing Eye Cream Vitality Facial Serum Vitamin C Hydrating Cleansing Milk Vitamin C Oil Free Moisturizer 654749-453872 654749-453759 654749-453865 654749-453889 654749-453834 654749-453827 654749-453803 654749-453902 654749-453841 8.5 OZ 16/.25 OZ 4 OZ 8.5 OZ 2 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 8.5 OZ 2 OZ 7.51 2.97 11.40 7.51 13.20 15.31 15.31 7.51 13.20 EA CS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.51 47.52 11.40 7.51 13.20 15.31 15.31 7.51 13.20 12.49 4.95 18.99 12.49 21.99 25.49 25.49 12.49 21.99 Natural Mineral Sunscreen SPF18 Nourishing Baby Lotion Protective A D & E Ointment Soothing Zinc Diaper Balm Tear-Free Shampoo & Body Wash 654749-371251 654749-371053 654749-371084 654749-371107 654749-371008 3.5 OZ 6 OZ 3.5 OZ 3.0 OZ 8 OZ 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 EA EA EA EA EA 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 654749-352908 4 OZ 5.37 EA 5.37 8.95 AUROMERE AYURVEDIC PRODUCTS Soap 57255 57254 Toothpaste 57249 57250 57251 57293 AVALON ORGANICS Active Hair Care Elixirs 43402 43403 43406 43409 43410 43413 43434 87983 43433 88009 88018 88010 88008 87984 88097 85581 88095 85580 88096 85579 43436 43435 Condition Awapuhi Mango Moisturizing Condition Biotin B Complex Thicken Conditioner, Tea Tree Mint Treatment Shampoo, Awapuhi Mango Moisturizing Shampoo, Biotin B Complex Thickening Shampoo, Tea Tree Mint Treatment Active Organics CoQ10 Wrinkle Defense CoQ10 Facial Cleasing Gel CoQ10 Perfecting Facial Toner CoQ10 Wrinkle Defense Night Cream Creme Facial Cleansing Cream Firming Lotion Serum Active Organics Vitamin C Skin Care Baby!! 53088 53083 53084 53085 53082 42344 53081 87862 87861 46622 46619 46618 46621 46620 46617 Deodorant Body Spray Grapefruit Geranium Displays (Special Order Only) Baby Floor Prepack Hand & Body Lotion/Shower Gel Display Liquid Soap Floor Display 654749-371503 654749-350171 654749-350188 46 ASST 274.77 48 ASST 6.90 48/12 OZ 4.77 CS 274.77 457.95 CS 331.19 551.96 CS 229.11 381.60 Essential Lift Skin Care Contouring Eye Creme Firming Moisturizer SPF15 Fortifying Toner Lifting Serum Restructuring Night Creme Smoothing Cleanser 654749-461259.5 OZ 654749-461105 2 OZ 654749-461051 6 OZ 654749-461204.5 OZ 654749-461150 2 OZ 654749-461006 6 OZ 15.58 11.97 7.77 15.58 15.58 7.77 EA EA EA EA EA EA 15.58 11.97 7.77 15.58 15.58 7.77 25.95 19.95 12.95 25.95 25.95 12.95 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 49 BULK REFRIGERATED 4.19 4.19 FROZEN 1/3 CT 1/3 CT PET 051381-882679 051381-882655 GROCERY Shower Tab, Relaxing Lavender Shower Tab, Reviving Peppermint $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 41192 41193 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # 55887 88098 88099 51724 88058 88134 87981 NON-FOODS $ SRP 88113 88111 88112 51723 41881 88683 88684 55886 88055 88685 88678 87980 41880 88680 88681 55885 51722 88054 88682 88677 87979 88679 41883 88687 88688 51725 88057 88689 55889 s 87982 43414 43415 43416 43417 87990 88694 87987 88695 88693 50688 Nourishing Cherry Aloe Refreshing Peppermint Green Tea Soothing Vanilla Rosemary 654749-465301 654749-465349 654749-465325 24/.15 OZ 24/.15 OZ 24/.15 OZ 1.79 1.79 1.79 CS CS CS 42.96 42.96 42.96 2.99 2.99 2.99 32 OZ 12.60 12 OZ 6.60 12 OZ 6.60 12 OZ 6.60 12 OZ 6.60 12 OZ 6.60 12 OZ 6.60 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 12.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.60 20.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 5.10 5.10 5.10 EA EA EA 5.10 5.10 5.10 8.49 8.49 8.49 654749-351697 654749-351536 654749-351505 654749-351550 654749-351680 654749-351581 654749-351604 654749-351673 654749-351659 654749-351031 654749-351000 654749-351055 654749-351260 654749-351192 654749-351086 654749-351109 654749-351178 654749-351154 11 OZ 6.31 11 OZ 6.31 11 OZ 6.31 11 OZ 6.31 32 OZ 12.00 11 OZ 6.31 11 OZ 6.31 11 OZ 6.31 11 OZ 6.31 11 OZ 6.31 11 OZ 6.31 11 OZ 6.31 32 OZ 12.00 11 OZ 6.31 11 OZ 6.31 11 OZ 6.31 11 OZ 6.31 11 OZ 6.31 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 12.00 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 12.00 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 19.99 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 19.99 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 654749-352175 654749-352038 654749-352007 654749-352052 654749-352199 654749-352083 654749-352106 654749-352274 654749-352151 12 OZ 7.20 12 OZ 7.20 12 OZ 7.20 12 OZ 7.20 12 OZ 7.20 12 OZ 7.20 12 OZ 7.20 32 OZ 13.20 12 OZ 7.20 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 13.20 7.20 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 21.99 11.99 654749-354308 654749-354353 654749-354384 654749-354407 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 EA EA EA EA 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 4 OZ 10.17 7 OZ 7.80 7 OZ 7.80 2 OZ 11.11 7 OZ 7.80 1 OZ 13.20 EA EA EA EA EA EA 10.17 7.80 7.80 11.11 7.80 13.20 16.95 12.99 12.99 18.49 12.99 21.99 Therapeutic Bath & Shower Gel Lavender Lavender Lemon Olive & Grape Peppermint Rosemary Ylang Ylang 654749-351963 654749-351802 654749-351857 654749-351970 654749-351888 654749-351901 654749-351956 Therapeutic Cream Shave Aloe Unscented Lavender Peppermint 654749-331132 654749-331101 654749-331125 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ Therapeutic Hair Care SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE 88756 H 88758 H 88757 H Cond, Olive & Grape Seed, Moist Conditioner, Grapefruit & Geramium Conditioner, Lavender Conditioner, Lemon Conditioner, Nourishing Conditioner, Peppermint Conditioner, Rosemary Conditioner, Tea Tree Scalp Treatment Conditioner, Ylang Ylang Shampoo, Grapefruit & Geranium Shampoo, Lavender Shampoo, Lemon Shampoo, Nourishing Shampoo, Olive & Grape Seed, Moist Shampoo, Peppermint Shampoo, Rosemary Shampoo, Tea Tree Scalp Treatment Shampoo, Ylang Ylang Therapeutic Hand & Body Lotion SPECIALTY EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Organic Lip Balm GROCERY PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Aloe, Unscented Grapefruit & Geranium, Refreshing Lavender Lemon Olive & Grape Peppermint Rosemary Unscented Hand-Body Lotion Ylang Ylang Therapeutic Liquid Glycerin Soap Lavender Lemon Peppermint Rosemary Therapeutic Organic Lavender Skin Care Exfoliating Enzyme Scrub Facial Cleansing Gel Facial Cleansing Milk Facial Moisturizer Facial Toner Lavender Eye Gel 654749-353301 654749-353059 654749-353073 654749-353103 654749-353004 654749-353165 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 50 13.20 11.11 13.20 11.11 EA EA EA EA 13.20 11.11 13.20 11.11 21.99 18.49 21.99 18.49 Conditioner, Lavender Fish Bowl Lotion, Lavender Fish Bowl Shampoo, Lavender Fish Bowl 654749-354728 654749-354766 654749-354704 24/2 OZ 24/2 OZ 24/2 OZ 2.09 2.09 2.09 CS CS CS 50.25 50.24 50.25 3.49 3.49 3.49 Nat Hand Woven Imported Washcloth 026603-424432 1 EA 4.08 EA 4.08 6.79 877566-000863 877566-000030 877566-000054 877566-000023 877566-000122 877566-000139 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 3.5 OZ 3.5 OZ 12.30 12.30 12.30 12.30 9.00 9.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA 12.30 12.30 12.30 12.30 9.00 9.00 20.50 20.50 20.50 20.50 15.00 15.00 877566-000450 877566-000498 877566-000467 7 OZ 11.40 2.6 OZ 14.40 4.2 OZ 8.10 EA EA EA 11.40 14.40 8.10 19.00 24.00 13.50 877566-000504 877566-000535 877566-000528 877566-000542 7 OZ 2.6 OZ 5.3 OZ 3.5 OZ 11.40 14.40 16.80 11.40 EA EA EA EA 11.40 14.40 16.80 11.40 19.00 24.00 28.00 19.00 877566-000870 877566-000481 877566-000894 877566-000900 877566-000917 877566-000887 877566-000511 7 OZ 3.5 OZ 5.3 OZ 2.6 OZ 3.5 OZ 4.2 OZ 4.2 OZ 11.40 11.40 16.80 14.40 11.40 8.10 8.10 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 11.40 11.40 16.80 14.40 11.40 8.10 8.10 19.00 19.00 28.00 24.00 19.00 13.50 13.50 727616-171169 727616-172326 1 LB 2 LB 4.05 6.54 EA EA 4.05 6.54 6.75 10.95 741273-000594 30 GR 6.58 EA 6.58 10.95 741273-014744 30 GR 8.56 EA 8.56 14.25 079896-220403 6/3 OZ 2.23 CS 13.36 3.69 792703-179113 5 OZ 2.50 EA 2.50 4.17 Trial Sizes AYATE 58400 AYU Body Care - Lotions 07251 07248 07250 07249 07253 07252 07254 07256 07255 07258 07246 07245 07244 07247 07257 07242 07243 07241 07240 07259 Body Lotion, Basil & Lemongrass Body Lotion, Cocoa/Shea Butter Body Lotion, Deep Moisture Olive Body Lotion, Green Tea Oxygenating Hand Lotion, Protective Primrose Hand Lotion, Winter Damage Facial Care - Mature Skin Cleanser, Palmarosa/Linden Cream, Smoothing Eye & Mouth Toning Solution, Witch Hazel Facial Care - Oily Skin Cleanser, Jojoba & Aloe Cream, Intensive Juniper Treatment Mask, Antibacterial Morocco Mud Moisturizer,3 Flowers Healing Facial Care - Omega3 Cleanser, Enriched Facial Cream, Firming Primrose/Rosehips Mask, Seaweed Super Nutritious Mask, Seaweed Super Nutritious Moisturizer, Protective Age Defying Toner, Kukui Nut, Stabalizing Toner, Magic Lavender Solution AZTEC SECRET HEALTH & BEAUTY Healing Clay 87250 87251 Secret Indian Secret Indian BACH FLOWER ESSENCES Cream 86462 Rescue Remedy Rescue Remedy 42311 Rescue Gel BATHERAPY Mineral Bath Salts 55627 Lavender BAUDELAIRE Essence Soaps 86900 Sea Loofa ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 51 BULK REFRIGERATED 32 OZ 7 OZ 1 OZ 2 OZ FROZEN 654749-352250 654749-353202 654749-353172 654749-353158 PET 47363 47367 47361 Lavender Hand-Body Lotion Moisture Plus Lotion SPF18 Renewal Facial Serum Ultimate Moisture Cream GROCERY $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 55888 87995 87989 87988 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # 88068 88067 31605 88083 88077 88075 88082 88081 88049 88071 88084 88078 88080 88079 88076 88065 41859 88062 88063 88901 88899 88061 88066 41858 88064 88900 88898 88060 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Lotion, Aromatherapy Lotion, Fragrance Free 000056-454420 000056-454406 16 OZ 16 OZ 7.77 7.17 EA EA 7.77 7.17 12.95 11.98 Mascara, Black Waterproof 5018744017012.27 OZ 8.97 EA 8.97 14.99 3% AHA Cleanser AHA Renewal Moisture Cream Balancing Toner Extra Gentle Cleansing Milk Eye Make Up Remover Eye Make-up Remover, Creamy Green Tea Nourishing Eye Gel Herbal Cream Cleanser Moisturizer, Daily Moisturizer, Maximum Cream Moisturizer, Oil Free SPF 15 Daily Lotion 000056-454024 000056-454239 000056-454109 000056-454048 000056-454253 000056-454277 000056-454352 000056-454000 000056-454215 000056-454178 000056-454192 000056-454154 8.5 OZ 4 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 1 OZ 8.5 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 4 OZ 7.17 10.77 5.97 7.17 5.37 5.97 11.97 6.57 10.17 10.17 10.17 7.77 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.17 10.77 5.97 7.17 5.37 5.97 11.97 6.57 10.17 10.17 10.17 7.77 11.95 17.95 9.95 11.95 8.95 9.95 19.99 10.98 16.99 16.99 16.99 12.98 Conditioner, Daily Benefits Conditioner, Lavender Highland Conditioner, Leave In, Revitalize Conditioner, Moisture Plus Conditioner, Rsmry Mint TTree Conditioner, Volumizing Hair Spray, Nat Hold Shampoo, Daily Benefits Shampoo, Lavender Highland Shampoo, Moisture Plus Shampoo, Rosemary Mint TTree Shampoo, Volumizing Spray Gel, Volume Plus 000056-454635 000056-454796 000056-454680 000056-454611 000056-454673 000056-454659 000056-454727 000056-454628 000056-454789 000056-454604 000056-454666 000056-454642 000056-454703 16 OZ 16 OZ 8.5 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 8.5 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 8.5 OZ 6.57 6.57 5.97 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.57 6.57 5.97 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 10.95 10.95 9.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 075115-010534 075115-010510 075115-011012 075115-010527 075115-011029 075115-010503 075115-011005 12/2.65 OZ 12/2.65OZ 4/4.4 OZ 12/2.65 OZ 4/4.4 OZ 12/2.65 OZ 4/4.4 OZ 0.81 0.81 1.13 0.81 1.13 0.81 1.13 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 9.76 9.76 4.52 9.76 4.52 9.76 4.52 1.35 1.35 1.75 1.35 1.75 1.35 1.75 8 OZ 10.20 8 OZ 10.20 4 OZ 9.00 EA EA EA 10.20 10.20 9.00 16.99 16.99 14.99 11.40 11.40 10.20 11.40 EA EA EA EA 11.40 11.40 10.20 11.40 18.99 18.99 16.99 18.99 8 OZ 6.00 4 OZ 10.20 8 OZ 6.00 8 OZ 6.00 EA EA EA EA 6.00 10.20 6.00 6.00 9.99 16.99 9.99 9.99 Eye Make Up PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BEAUTY WITHOUT CRUELTY Body Care FROZEN REFRIGERATED Facial Care Hair Care BEE & FLOWER SOAPS 55820 55821 58758 58747 58760 55822 58756 Ginseng Jasmine Jasmine Rose Rose Sandalwood Sandalwood BETTER BOTANICALS Body Care 52999 52998 53000 52983 52985 52981 52984 52995 52997 52993 52994 Balm, Kokum Butter Botanical Blend Oil, Ayurvedic 615731-030235 615731-030211 615731-030334 Bal Moisturizer, Sandalwood Eye Care, Apricot Hydrating Mist, Rose Tulsi Hysrating Cream, Dandelion 615731-011517 2 OZ 615731-011616.5 OZ 615731-011319 4 OZ 615731-011548 2 OZ Conditioner, Amla Shine Oil, Botanical Shampoo, Amla Shine Shampoo, Neem Care 615731-020410 615731-020533 615731-020212 615731-020311 Face Care Hair Care ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 52 Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP BULK 4 OZ 4.7 OZ 5.08 5.08 EA EA 5.08 5.08 8.49 8.49 Natural Moisturizing Lubricant Pure Pleasure Arousal Gel Warm Sensation Moist Lubricant Warm Sensation Oil 859602-002000 4 OZ 6.60 859602-002413.75 OZ 10.20 859602-002017 4 OZ 7.20 859602-002314 3 OZ 1.60 EA EA EA EA 6.60 10.20 7.20 9.60 10.99 16.99 11.99 15.99 Hair Food Indian Hemp Olive Oil Cream 075610-153101 075610-167108 075610-173109 3.74 3.74 3.74 EA EA EA 3.74 3.74 3.74 5.59 5.59 5.59 895045-000555 895045-000821 895045-000548 895045-000814 895045-000562 6/15 CT 1.56 12/30 CT 18.72 6/15 CT 1.56 12/30 CT 18.72 6/15 CT 1.56 CS CS CS CS CS 9.36 18.72 9.36 18.72 9.36 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 Combination & Oily Skin Combination/Oily Skin, Ind Wrapped Dry & Sensitive Skin Dry/Sensitive Skin, Ind Wrapped Exfoliating Sache Exfoliating Exfoliating, Individual Wrapped Eye Makeup Remover 895045-000715 895045-000487 895045-000722 895045-000425 895045-000869 895045-000739 895045-000494 895045-000517 3/30 CT 4.33 10 CT 0.22 3/30 CT 4.33 10 CT 2.19 100/1 CT 46.66 3/30 CT 4.33 10 CT 0.22 4.25 OZ 3.76 CS EA CS EA CS CS EA EA 12.99 2.19 12.99 2.19 46.66 12.99 2.19 3.76 6.99 3.65 6.99 3.65 0.62 6.99 3.65 6.27 Eye & Neck Cream Moisturizing Day Cream Nourishing Night Cream 895045-000616 895045-000593 895045-000609 1.8 OZ 1.8 OZ 1.8 OZ 5.60 5.60 5.60 EA EA EA 5.60 5.60 5.60 9.33 9.33 9.33 Oil Absorbing 895045-000708 6/50 CT 3.00 CS 18.00 4.99 Light Fresh Scent 895045-000531 6/15 CT 2.19 CS 13.12 3.65 Daily Exfoliating Daily Eye Cleansing 895045-000791 895045-000746 6/16 CT 50 CT 1.80 4.00 CS EA 10.80 4.00 2.99 6.49 pH Testing Tape 087614-800066 15 FT 7.51 EA 7.51 12.55 308078-250908 308078-250977 308078-251905 308078-251974 308078-503905 308078-509907 308078-254920 308078-253978 308078-253909 308078-252902 308078-252971 1 OZ 2.75 OZ 1 OZ 2.75 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.75 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 2.75 OZ 4.19 7.79 4.19 7.79 6.59 6.59 8.70 7.79 4.19 4.19 7.79 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.19 7.79 4.19 7.79 6.59 6.59 8.70 7.79 4.19 4.19 7.79 6.99 12.99 6.99 12.99 10.99 10.99 14.49 12.99 6.99 6.99 12.99 BLOSSOM ORGANICS 48437 48440 48438 48439 BLUE MAGIC 46725 46726 46912 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ BLUM NATURALS All Purpose Wipes 52582 52585 52581 52584 52583 51071 52570 51072 52590 52575 51073 52571 52589 52580 52578 52579 51077 Citrus Scent Citrus Scent, Canister Fragrance Free Fragrance Free, Canister Fresh Scent Daily Cleansing Towelettes Facial Care Facial Tissues 52588 51076 52519 BODY RESCUE 83467 BOERICKE & TAFEL, INC. Topical Gels/Creams 54872 84783 54674 54686 55816 54874 54871 54827 54823 54824 54687 Arniflora Arnica Gel Arniflora Gel Califlora Calendula Gel Califlora Florasone Cardiospermum Cream Psoriaflora Sports Gel Ssssting Stop Soothing Gel Sssting Stop Sooth Gel w/Citronella Triflora Analgesic Gel Triflora ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 53 NON-FOODS Pads SUPPLEMENTS Feminine Wipes SPECIALTY FROZEN 855689-000014 855689-000021 PET Herbal Insect Lotion Herbal Insect Spray GROCERY 41201 41200 PERSONAL CARE REFRIGERATED BITE BLOCKER BULK REFRIGERATED FROZEN PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP BOIRON Personal Care Products 56734 56721 56720 56757 56758 56759 57999 56717 56719 56760 56718 Arnica Cream Arnica Gel Arnica Ointment Arnicare Cream, MDT Value Pack Arnicare Gel Arnicare Gel, MDT Value Pack Arnicare Gel, Twin Pack Avenoc Ointment Calendula Gel Calendula Gel Calendula Ointment 306962-032555 1.33 OZ 4.47 306960-511540 1.5 OZ 4.47 306960-229506 1 OZ 4.47 306969-047781 2.5 OZ 8.96 306962-035594 2.6 OZ 7.07 306962-747244 2.6 OZ 8.96 306962-800246 1/2/2.6 OZ 11.75 306962-040505 1 OZ 4.47 306961-105540 1.5 OZ 4.47 306962-046590 2.6 OZ 7.07 306962-052508 1 OZ 4.47 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.47 4.47 4.47 8.96 7.07 8.96 11.75 4.47 4.47 7.07 4.47 7.45 7.45 7.45 14.93 11.78 14.93 19.55 7.45 7.45 11.78 7.45 678438-010023 4 OZ 6.75 EA 6.75 11.29 TickGuard 678438-010016 4 OZ 6.75 EA 6.75 11.29 Clear, Large Tan, Large 757145-002467 757145-001323 30 CT 12.20 30 CT 12.20 EA EA 12.20 12.20 20.33 20.33 Pump It Up Gold 55% 032023-016362 8 OZ 4.34 EA 4.34 6.49 Original After Shave Balm Original Face Scrub Original Face Wash Original Moisturiser Original Shave Gel 5060144640796 5060144640215 5060144640031 5060144640024 5060144640000 2.5 OZ 3.3 OZ 5.9 OZ 3.3 OZ 5.9 OZ 6.60 6.00 6.00 8.40 6.00 EA EA EA EA EA 6.60 6.00 6.00 8.40 6.00 10.99 9.99 9.99 13.99 9.99 Aftershave Treatment Original 612831-022030 1 EA 3.09 EA 3.09 4.65 46110 , 46111 , Eco-Sensitive w/Zinc SPF32 Kids Physical SPF30+ 651936-700009 651936-800006 3 OZ 3.4 OZ 9.99 9.99 EA EA 9.99 9.99 17.99 17.99 88907 Mascara, Black Full Volume 018744-017031.27 OZ 8.97 EA 8.97 14.99 Instant Cold Pack 679090-220027 2 PK 2.65 EA 2.65 3.99 Therapy Gel Pack, 10"x15" Therapy Gel Pack, 3"x16" Therapy Gel Pack, 4.5"x10.5" Therapy Gel Pack, 6"x10" Therapy Gel Pack, 6"x6" 679090-500020 679090-100022 679090-300026 679090-400023 679090-600027 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 7.00 3.00 3.00 3.67 3.00 EA EA EA EA EA 7.00 3.00 3.00 3.67 3.00 10.49 4.49 4.49 5.49 4.49 679090-610019 679090-210011 679090-320024 1 EACH 18.44 1 EACH 12.45 1 EACH 10.23 EA EA EA 18.44 12.45 10.23 27.65 18.69 15.35 BOTANICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. 49541 MosquitoGuard Botanical Insect Repellent 49540 BREATHE RIGHT Nasal Strips 42335 42333 BRONNER BROS 05830 BULLDOG NATURAL SKINCARE Mens Skincare 49573 49576 49574 49575 49572 BUMP PATROL 46749 BURN OUT Suncreen BWC CALDERA 05083 Bulk Pack 05079 05076 05077 05078 05084 05081 05080 05082 Universal Therapy Wrap Large Medium Multi-Purpose ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 54 C Spot 020065-300013 1 OZ 15.59 EA 15.59 25.99 Oil Moisturizer Oil Sheen Spray Shea Butter Conditioner Shea Butter Grow Strong Shea Butter Leave-in Cond Shea Butter Shampoo 856017-000065 874211-002593 856017-000027 856017-000041 856017-000126 856017-000010 13.5 OZ 9.5 OZ 13.5 OZ 6.1 OZ 16 OZ 13.5 OZ 5.87 4.93 5.32 4.85 6.30 5.32 EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.87 4.93 5.32 4.85 6.30 5.32 8.79 7.39 7.99 7.29 9.45 7.99 779242-001822 779242-001846 779242-001815 779242-001808 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 7.80 7.79 7.79 7.80 EA EA EA EA 7.80 7.79 7.79 7.80 12.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 779242-001877 779242-001884 779242-001860 779242-001853 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 EA EA EA EA 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 13.99 13.99 13.99 13.99 779242-001785 779242-001501 779242-149159 779242-001495 779242-001518 779242-001839 16 OZ 16 OZ 5 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 8.40 8.40 4.19 8.40 8.40 8.40 EA EA EA EA EA EA 8.40 8.40 4.19 8.40 8.40 8.40 13.99 13.99 6.99 13.99 13.99 13.99 779242-003994 779242-031003 779242-001006 779242-032086 779242-003963 779242-003956 779242-000993 779242-002089 3/5 OZ 1/3/5 OZ 5 OZ 1/3/5 OZ 1/3/5 OZ 1/3/5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 1.80 5.40 2.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 2.40 2.40 CS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.40 5.40 2.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 2.40 2.40 8.99 8.99 3.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 3.99 3.99 779242-001174 779242-001402 779242-001143 779242-001419 779242-001181 10 OZ 16 OZ 3.5 OZ 16 OZ 80 CT 6.60 7.80 2.10 7.80 4.80 EA EA EA EA EA 6.60 7.80 2.10 7.80 4.80 10.99 12.99 3.49 12.99 7.99 Daily Facial Cream Firming Eye Cream Mask, Moisturizing Clay Scrub, Hydrating Facial 779242-800012 1.7 OZ 12.00 779242-800043.5 OZ 9.60 779242-800036 5 OZ 9.60 779242-800029 5 OZ 9.60 EA EA EA EA 12.00 9.60 9.60 9.60 19.99 15.99 15.99 15.99 Curl Mist, Gold Curl Snap Back 075285-203088 075285-002995 8 OZ 8 OZ 4.19 3.92 EA EA 4.19 3.92 6.29 5.89 320031-250626 6 OZ 10.19 EA 10.19 16.99 CANTU 46861 46863 46859 46860 46862 46846 CANUS VERMONT Goat`s Milk Body Butters 42212 46278 46277 42211 46275 46276 46274 46273 42207 46127 42208 46126 46128 42201 49139 42202 49140 44432 46272 46271 49138 44431 49159 49162 49130 49163 49133 44965 44968 44967 44966 Body Butter, Marigold Goat Milk, Body Butter, Olive Oil & Wheat Goat Milk, Body Butter, Orchid Goat Milk, Body Butter, Original Fragrance Goat`s Milk Body Washes Body Wash, Goat Milk, Marigold Body Wash, Goat Milk, Olive Oil & Wheat Body Wash, Goat Milk, Orchid Body Wash, Goat Milk, Original Goat`s Milk Lotions Lotion, Goat Milk, Fragrance Free Lotion, Goat Milk, Marigold Lotion, Goat Milk, Orchid Lotion, Goat Milk, Orchid Lotion, Goat Milk, W/Pump Lotion, Goat Milk, Wheat & Olive Oil, W/Pump Goat`s Milk Soaps Soap, Goat Milk, 3pk Soap, Goat Milk, Fragrance Free, 3pk Soap, Goat Milk, Fragrance Free Soap, Goat Milk, Lavender, 3pk Soap, Goat Milk, Marigold, 3pk Soap, Goat Milk, Orchid, 3pk Soap, Goat Milk, Original Soap, Goats Milk, Lavender Lil Goat`s Milk Baby Care Lil Goat`s Milk 40% Zinc Ointment Lotion, Lil Goat Milk Soap Bar, Lil Goats, Vegetable Tearless Shampoo & Body Wash Wipes, Lotion Based, Lil Goat Nature By Canus CAREFREE 46921 46922 CARIBBEAN SOLUTIONS Outdoor Skin Care 54703 Kid Kare SPF 25 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 55 BULK REFRIGERATED 55254 FROZEN PET CAMOCARE Specialty Formulas GROCERY $ SRP PERSONAL CARE EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK REFRIGERATED FROZEN PET GROCERY Item # 54715 54782 54785 54751 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Onyx Oil Sol Guard SPF 15 Sol Guard SPF 25 Sol Guard SPF 8 320031-120417 320031-150612 320031-250619 320031-080612 4 OZ 6 OZ 6 OZ 6 OZ 15.00 10.19 10.19 10.19 EA EA EA EA 15.00 10.19 10.19 10.19 24.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 Knobi`s Coconut & Banana Lokan`s Natural Lavender Mias Cranberry & Mandarin Popi`s Pomegranate 094922-481153 094922-279255 094922-279248 094922-481122 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.32 EA EA EA EA 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.32 12.19 12.19 12.19 12.19 Knobi`s Coconut & Banana Lokan`s Natural Lavender Mias Cranberry & Mandarin Popi`s Pomegranate 094922-481139 094922-279217 094922-279200 094922-481108 8.3 OZ 8.3 OZ 8.3 OZ 8.3 OZ 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 EA EA EA EA 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 11.09 11.09 11.09 11.09 Knobis Coconut/Banana Bdy Ltn Lokans Nat Lavender Bdy Ltn Mias Cran/Mandarin Bdy Ltn Popis Pomegranate Bdy Ltn 094922-481146 094922-279224 094922-279231 094922-481115 8.7 OZ 8.7 OZ 8.7 OZ 8.7 OZ 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 EA EA EA EA 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 11.09 11.09 11.09 11.09 Chandrika Sandlewood 079565-000992 079565-000985 10/75 GR 75 GR 0.85 1.20 CS EA 8.54 1.20 1.49 1.99 AntiFungal Foot Spray Hydrating Food & Leg Lotion 798304-063790 798304-063806 2 OZ 8 OZ 6.41 8.99 EA EA 6.41 8.99 10.69 14.99 893481-001877 893481-001891 893481-001914 893481-001884 893481-001907 893481-001921 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 3.89 3.89 3.89 7.80 7.80 7.80 EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.89 3.89 3.89 7.80 7.80 7.80 6.99 6.99 6.99 13.99 13.99 13.99 893481-001631 8 OZ 3.90 EA 3.90 6.48 893481-001174 893481-001198 893481-001181 893481-001204 9.5 OZ 9.5 OZ 9.5 OZ 9.5 OZ 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 EA EA EA EA 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 893481-001402 893481-001730 893481-001723 893481-001419 20 CT 40 CT 40 CT 8/10 CT 8.83 3.32 3.32 2.24 EA EA EA CS 8.83 3.32 3.32 17.92 14.75 5.50 5.50 3.75 893481-001150 893481-001136 893481-001457 24/1 OZ 24/1 OZ 24/1 OZ 2.24 2.24 2.24 CS CS CS 53.76 53.76 53.76 3.73 3.73 3.73 663654-862952 663654-862921 3 OZ 12 OZ 3.44 7.65 EA EA 3.44 7.65 5.75 12.75 CHANDLER FARM Body Butter 83230 83221 83224 83227 83229 83220 83223 83226 Body Wash Lotions 83228 83219 83222 83225 CHANDRIKA AYURVEDIC SOAP Bar Soap 58438 58440 SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE CITRUSWAY 48326 48327 CLEANWELL Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap 42006 42004 42008 42007 42005 42009 59771 59726 59725 59724 59723 59729 59775 59774 59722 59773 59727 59772 Lavender Orange & Vanilla Peppermint Refill, Lavender Refill, Orange & Vanilla Refill, Peppermint Foaming Hand Sanitizers Original Foaming Hand Wash Ginger Bergamot Lavender Absolute Orange Vanilla Spearmint Lime Hand Sanitizing Wipes Natural Orange Vanilla Original Pocket Pack Spray Hand Sanitizers Mixed Natural Orange Vanilla CLEAR CONSCIENCE 38196 81527 MultiPurp-Soft(Hydrophilic)Lenses MultiPurp-Soft(Hydrophilic)Lenses ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 56 82870 82871 82884 56764 82882 82880 82875 82877 56765 82881 82873 82879 82973 82977 82891 82030 82031 82028 82029 Happy Kids Refreshing Uplifting 087052-300012 087052-300029 087052-300043 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 4.08 4.08 4.08 EA EA EA 4.08 4.08 4.08 6.80 6.80 6.80 075573-000108 075573-000122 075573-000160 087052-717490 075573-000177 075573-000146 075573-000184 075573-000191 087052-717032 075573-000139 075573-000153 075573-000115 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 087052-777746 087052-888824 087052-777722 12 OZ 32 OZ 12 OZ 2.79 5.59 2.79 EA EA EA 2.79 5.59 2.79 4.64 7.79 4.64 075573-400038 075573-400045 075573-400014 075573-400021 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 EA EA EA EA 5.81 5.81 5.81 5.81 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 606705-050007 606705-010001 12/.5 OZ 12/.5 OZ 6.38 6.38 CS CS 76.56 76.56 10.65 10.65 733726-801049 3.5 OZ 4.24 EA 4.24 4.25 Conditioner,Citrus,Moisturize Conditioner,Lavender,Nourish Conditioner,Rosemary,Fortify Shampoo, Citrus, Moisturizing Shampoo, Lavender, Nourishing Shampoo, Rosemary, Fortifying 071409-745014 071409-745052 071409-745038 071409-745007 071409-745045 071409-745021 11.5 OZ 11.5 OZ 11.5 OZ 11.5 OZ 11.5 OZ 11.5 OZ 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 Argan Oil Mst Shampoo Argan Wrap Oil Intensive Care Argan Wrap Oil Sheen Spray 075724-251991 075724-245662 075724-244382 075724-244399 12 OZ 5.39 12/1.75OZ 17.30 7 OZ 4.93 11.25 OZ 5.39 EA EA EA EA 5.39 17.30 4.93 5.39 8.09 25.95 7.39 8.09 086449-355581 086449-300062 086449-900033 086449-300093 086449-100020 086449-002256 086449-305005 8 OZ 2.25 OZ 48/.1 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 12/1.5 OZ 3.5 OZ EA EA CS EA EA CS EA 3.59 2.40 14.53 2.40 4.20 16.48 4.20 5.99 3.99 0.49 3.99 6.99 2.29 6.99 Glycerine Soap Aloe Vera Berry Cucumber Green Apple Honeysuckle Jasmine Lemon Lilac Peppermint Rainforest Unscented Vitamin E Liquid Glycerine Soap Liquid Hand Soap, Aloe Vera Unscented Refill Unscented w/ Pump Pure and Natural Glycerine Body Wash Aloe Vera Apricot-Chamomile Unscented Vitamin E COLD SORES BEGONE 40074 40075 Canker Sores BeGone Cold Sores BeGone COMVITA Propolis Products 58969 Toothpaste, Propolis & Tea Tree CONCEIVED BY NATURE Hair Care 52416 52423 52418 52415 52419 52417 CREME OF NATURE 46731 46730 46728 46729 CRYSTAL BODY DEODORANT 43910 58921 45737 58915 58520 58523 43911 Deodorant Body Foot Spray Roll On Solos Spray Stone Travel Stick Widestick Deod 3.59 2.40 0.30 2.40 4.20 1.37 4.20 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 57 BULK REFRIGERATED 82060 82927 82933 FROZEN PET CLEARLY NATURAL Bath Bubbles GROCERY $ SRP PERSONAL CARE EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Twist Stick Deodorant 58919 58917 58521 Blue Wide Men`s Clear Regular 086449-307009 086449-500097 086449-300031 3.5 OZ 4.25 OZ 4.25 OZ 4.20 4.20 4.20 EA EA EA 4.20 4.20 4.20 6.99 6.99 6.99 Chamomile & Green Tea Lavender & White Tea Pomegranate 086449-319910 086449-219913 086449-119916 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 2.85 2.85 2.85 EA EA EA 2.85 2.85 2.85 4.75 4.75 4.75 Chamomile & Green Tea Lavender & White Tea Pomegranate 086449-316612 086449-216615 086449-116618 2.25 OZ 2.25 OZ 2.25 OZ 2.85 2.85 2.85 EA EA EA 2.85 2.85 2.85 4.75 4.75 4.75 Body Deoderant Body Deoderant, Chamo/Green Tea Body Deoderant, Chamo/Green Tea Body Deoderant, Lav/White Tea Body Deoderant, Lav/White Tea Body Deoderant, Pomegranate Body Deoderant, Pomegranate 086449-903065 086449-399066 086449-391992 086449-299069 086449-291995 086449-199062 086449-191998 6 CT 1.80 6 CT 1.80 48 CT 14.53 6 CT 1.80 48 CT 14.53 6 CT 1.80 48 CT 14.53 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 1.80 1.80 14.53 1.80 14.53 1.80 14.53 2.99 2.99 0.49 2.99 0.49 2.99 0.49 CRYSTAL ESSENCE Body Spray 58509 58504 58507 SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY PET FROZEN Roll-On 58503 58506 58508 Towlettes 49580 49579 49583 49578 49582 49577 49581 CRYSTAL Rock Body Spray And Deoderant 43907 43908 43906 43909 Cobalt Sky Granite Rain Onyx Storm Unscented 086449-777222 086449-777338 086449-777116 086449-777444 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 EA EA EA EA 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 CYLINDER WORKS Pre-Packaged Candles 49552 Paraffin, Natural 2pk 757281-700678 1/2 PACK 3.00 EA 3.00 5.99 46719 46718 46717 46940 46938 46941 46878 46873 Gloss 5 Leave In Treatment Gloss 5 Moist Conditioner Gloss 5 Moist Shampoo Hair Color, Golden Blonde Hair Color, Golden Brown Hair Color, Sunkist Brown Reviving Colors, Natural Blk Reviving Colors, Radiant Blk 075285-004616 075285-004609 075285-004593 007279-003848 072790-003790 007279-003770 075285-003336 075285-003305 8.5 OZ 13.5 OZ 13.5 OZ 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 8.85 8.85 8.85 8.09 8.09 8.09 8.09 8.09 46944 Short and Neat Hair Dress 077315-009059 3.5 OZ 3.58 EA 3.58 5.35 Candy Mint Polish 674749-100064 4 OZ 4.77 EA 4.77 7.95 Crystal Mist, Spray Crystal Stick, Large Deodorant Stone Box 091639-906597 091639-820527 091639-318482 8 OZ 4.25 OZ 4 OZ 3.65 4.00 4.16 EA EA EA 3.65 4.00 4.16 6.09 6.09 6.35 Bay Coconut 811784-010068 12 OZ 6.00 EA 6.00 9.99 D&L DAX DEEP STEEP Foot Care 44246 DEODORANT STONES OF AMERICA Thai 57654 57653 43871 DEPTH Body Wash 53190 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 58 40322 811784-010020 811784-010044 811784-010082 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 6.00 6.00 6.00 EA EA EA 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.99 9.99 9.99 Daily Shampoo, Refresh Deep Conditioner, Submerse 811784-010631 811784-010655 10 OZ 10 OZ 6.00 6.00 EA EA 6.00 6.00 9.99 9.99 811784-010143 12 OZ 6.00 EA 6.00 9.99 Bay Coconut Mangrove Citrus Ocean Blossom Sea Berry 811784-010266 811784-010228 811784-010242 811784-010280 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 EA EA EA EA 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 Bay Coconut Sea Berry 811784-010365 811784-010389 5 OZ 5 OZ 4.20 4.20 EA EA 4.20 4.20 7.09 7.09 030985-004052 030985-021004 030985-006810 030985-020816 2 OZ 13.50 2 OZ 23.70 6 OZ 9.30 6 OZ 9.30 EA EA EA EA 13.50 23.70 9.30 9.30 22.50 39.50 15.50 15.50 Creme 030985-041002 2 OZ 13.51 EA 13.51 22.51 Brightening Serum Dark Circle Eye Creme Day Creme, SPF 15 Facial Cleanser Facial Toner Night Creme 030985-003529 2 OZ 030985-003758.5 OZ 030985-003338 2 OZ 030985-006032 6 OZ 030985-020038 6 OZ 030985-003345 2 OZ 17.97 16.77 16.77 9.30 9.30 16.77 EA EA EA EA EA EA 17.97 16.77 16.77 9.30 9.30 16.77 29.95 27.95 27.95 15.50 15.50 27.95 Fruit Enzyme Facial Scrub Microdermabrasion Scrub 030985-006308 030985-006902 4 OZ 8.37 2 OZ 19.49 EA EA 8.37 19.49 13.95 32.54 17.70 11.70 17.70 9.30 17.70 8.11 8.71 17.70 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 17.70 11.70 17.70 9.30 17.70 8.11 8.71 17.70 29.50 19.50 29.50 15.50 29.50 13.50 14.50 29.50 Hair Care Hand & Body Lotions Ocean Blossom Hand Soap, Liquid 53194 53192 53193 53195 41891 41892 Shave Cream DERMA E SKIN CARE Age-Defying 40138 40213 82493 82494 87863 Moisturizing Complex SPF15 Night Creme Vanilla Bean Cleansing Mousse Vanilla Bean Revitalizer Toner DMAE - Alpha Lipoic - C-Ester Evenly Radiant 41679 41680 41677 41675 41676 41678 Exfoliators 83199 87960 82455 82452 82453 85151 85152 47128 47129 82454 82475 Hyaluronic Acid Day Creme Eye Creme, Fragrance Free Firming Serum Hydrating Cleanser Hydrating Mask Hydrating Mist Lip Repair Creme Night Creme 030985-004656 2 OZ 030985-019759.5 OZ 030985-004670 2 OZ 030985-004618 6 OZ 030985-004625 4 OZ 030985-004694 2 OZ 030985-004649.5 OZ 030985-004663 2 OZ Wrinkle Reverse Creme 030985-007008 2 OZ 26.11 EA 26.11 43.49 Creme Facial Cleanser 030985-004953 030985-006964 2 OZ 17.97 6 OZ 9.30 EA EA 17.97 9.30 30.05 15.50 Alpha Lipoic Acid & Green Tea Avocado/E Dry Skn Relief Creme Glycolic Facial Cleanser 030985-005905 030985-004359 030985-006506 2 OZ 11.97 4 OZ 7.51 8 OZ 8.97 EA EA EA 11.97 7.51 8.97 19.99 12.55 14.95 Tea Tree & E Antiseptic Creme Tea Tree & E Itch Relief Ltn Tea Tree & E Oil 030985-091250 030985-095005 030985-091007 4 OZ 6 OZ 1 OZ EA EA EA 8.25 8.25 8.25 13.75 13.75 13.75 Peptides Plus Pycnogenol, Fragrance Free 88240 31749 Specialty 87959 87872 87955 87954 88246 87874 Tea Tree 8.25 8.25 8.25 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 59 SPECIALTY BULK PET REFRIGERATED 45293 45294 Mangrove Citrus Ocean Blossom Sea Berry FROZEN $ SRP GROCERY 53188 53189 53191 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price PERSONAL CARE Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description SUPPLEMENTS Item # NON-FOODS BULK Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP FROZEN SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY PET REFRIGERATED Treatments 87880 47127 87901 88245 87958 83198 43873 83196 47126 43874 43877 47125 47120 47121 47119 85153 85155 85154 40212 87871 87900 87873 48429 48428 87878 87879 NON-FOODS 030985-085006 2 OZ 030985-086003 2 OZ 030985-087000 4 OZ 030985-081008 2 OZ 030985-004755 2 OZ 030985-088038 4 OZ 030985-038002.5 OZ 030985-037500 4 OZ 030985-037159 8 OZ 030985-037005 6 OZ 030985-039009 2 OZ 14.97 6.91 11.97 11.97 14.97 13.17 6.91 8.37 6.91 9.30 11.70 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 14.97 6.91 11.97 11.97 14.97 13.17 6.91 8.37 6.91 9.30 11.70 25.01 11.50 19.99 19.99 25.01 21.95 11.50 13.95 11.50 15.50 19.50 030985-008753.5 OZ 12.60 030985-008104 6 OZ 8.25 030985-008050 2 OZ 12.60 030985-008159 4 OZ 8.25 EA EA EA EA 12.60 8.25 12.60 8.25 21.00 13.75 21.00 13.75 Glycolic Cleanser Glycolic Facial Scrub Glycolic Toner Vit A & Grn Tea Renewal Creme Vit A Wrinkle Treatment Creme Vit A Wrinkle Treatment Oil w/E Vit E 12,000 IU Moist Creme Vitamin A Pore Refining Gel Vitamin A Pore Refining Mask Vitamin E Oil 14,000 IU Vitamin E Oil 28,000 IU 030985-004816 030985-004830 030985-004823 030985-023008 030985-004809 030985-008883 030985-004458 030985-004885 030985-004847 030985-005202 030985-005103 6 OZ 7.65 4 OZ 7.65 6 OZ 7.65 2 OZ 12.45 4 OZ 8.25 2 OZ 7.65 4 OZ 8.25 2 OZ 12.45 4 OZ 11.25 2 OZ 5.70 1 OZ 8.11 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.65 7.65 7.65 12.45 8.25 7.65 8.25 12.45 11.25 5.70 8.11 12.75 12.75 12.75 20.75 13.75 12.75 13.75 20.75 18.75 9.50 13.55 Complexion Plus Lotion Skin Care Lotion Skin Care Lotion Skin Care 790885-042027 790885-041013 790885-081019 790885-161018 4 OZ 7.55 4 OZ 4.76 8 OZ 7.25 16 OZ 11.97 EA EA EA EA 7.55 4.76 7.25 11.97 12.59 7.95 12.09 19.98 2in1 Hair/Body Foam Cleanser Cuddle Buns Body&Massage Oil Don`t Be Rash Diaper Cream My Sweetie Pie Lotion Sweet Dream All Surface Clnr Sweet Dreams Nat Air Freshenr 718334-341033 718334-341019 718334-341002 718334-341026 718334-341040 718334-341057 5.7 OZ 4 OZ 3 OZ 6 OZ 12 OZ 8 OZ 6.57 7.77 6.57 7.77 2.97 4.77 EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.57 7.77 6.57 7.77 2.97 4.77 10.95 12.95 10.95 12.95 4.95 7.95 Tea Tree Therapy 718334-220604 100 GR 2.70 EA 2.70 4.49 Deodorant, Dry By Nature Deodorant, Lemon Tea Tree Deodorant, Nat Roll On Deodorant, Spring Fresh Deodorant, Tea Tree Oil w/Lavender Deodorant, Tropical Breeze Ointment, Tea Tree Oil Shea Butter Body Cream Tea Tree Relief Spray w/Ess Oils Towelettes w/Essential Oils 718334-220963 718334-332338 718334-220291 718334-332314 718334-220673 718334-332321 000680-000031 718334-223100 718334-221144 718334-220024 2.75 OZ 2.5 OZ 2 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 1 OZ 6 OZ 4 OZ 24 CT 3.75 3.75 3.60 3.75 3.75 3.75 4.80 5.99 3.60 9.94 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.75 3.75 3.60 3.75 3.75 3.75 4.80 5.99 3.60 9.94 6.25 6.25 5.99 6.25 6.25 6.25 7.99 9.99 5.99 16.55 Tropical Solutions Anti-Aging Eye Creme Facial Cleansing Gel Facial Moisturizer SPF15 Facial Scrub Vitamins A And E DERMA LIFE 43879 43880 43881 43882 DESERT ESSENCE Baby Care 53153 H 53151 H 53150 53152 53154 53155 54374 Bar Soap SPECIALTY Clear Vein Creme Flash Relief Psorzema Creme Scar Gel Skin Lighten Fade Age Spot Crm Skinbiotics Creme Very Clear Blemish Spot Very Clear Cleansing Scrub Very Clear Problem Skin Bdy Wsh Very Clear Problem Skin Clnsr Very Clear Problem Skin Moist Body Care 54273 54385 54277 54383 54356 54384 54326 54338 54334 54310 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 60 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.39 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 8.99 8.99 6.00 5.40 5.40 5.39 5.39 5.40 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.39 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 14.99 14.99 9.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 Age Reversal Eye Cream Age Reversal Face Cream Age Reversal Face Serum Blemish Concealer, Dark Blemish Concealer, Light Blemish Concealer, Medium Daily Essential De-Puffing Eye Cream Daily Essential Defense Lotion SPF15 Daily Essential Moisturizer Gentle Nourishing Day Cream SPF15 Gentle Nourishing Eye Cream Gentle Nourishing Night Cream Gentle Nourishing Organic Cleanser Gentle Stimulating Scrub Green Tea Facial Cleansing Pads Lip Balm, Jojoba Aloe Vera Lip Balm, Shea Butter Rescue Lip Balm, Tea Tree Oil Rescue Nat Cleansing Pads w/Tea Tree Oil 718334-300528.5 OZ 718334-300504 2 OZ 718334-300511 1 OZ 718334-322193 1/4/.33 OZ 718334-322179 1/4/.33 OZ 718334-322186 1/4/.33 OZ 718334-322322 1 OZ 718334-322315 2 OZ 718334-220932 4 OZ 718334-322261 2 OZ 718334-322292.5 OZ 718334-322278 2 OZ 718334-322285 6.7 OZ 718334-220949 4 OZ 718334-305134 50 CT 718334-220420 24/.15 OZ 718334-250229 24/.15 OZ 718334-220413 24/.15 OZ 718334-220406 50 CT 14.99 17.99 17.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 9.59 11.39 4.20 11.39 8.39 10.19 8.39 4.20 4.19 1.50 1.50 1.50 4.80 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS CS CS EA 14.99 17.99 17.99 23.99 23.99 23.99 9.59 11.39 4.20 11.39 8.39 10.19 8.39 4.20 4.19 35.96 35.96 35.96 4.80 24.99 29.99 29.99 39.96 39.96 39.96 15.99 18.99 6.99 18.99 13.99 16.99 13.99 6.99 6.99 2.49 2.49 2.49 7.99 Facial Care ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 61 FROZEN EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA PET 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.39 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 8.99 8.99 6.00 5.40 5.40 5.39 5.39 5.40 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.39 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 GROCERY 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 1 OZ 2 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 3.5 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ PERSONAL CARE 55218 55216 55217 56981 56979 56980 56974 56973 54283 56975 56977 56978 56976 54281 56047 54318 54332 54325 54282 718334-337333 718334-337418 718334-337302 718334-337319 718334-337326 718334-337449 718334-337340 718334-337364 718334-337852 718334-337432 718334-337845 718334-337104 718334-337081 718334-337821 718334-337814 718334-337807 718334-337029 718334-337005 718334-337746 718334-337739 718334-337715 718334-337555 718334-337579 718334-337548 718334-337562 718334-337043 718334-337036 718334-337708 718334-337098 718334-337074 718334-337371 718334-337128 718334-337531 718334-337111 718334-337357 718334-337456 SUPPLEMENTS Almond Body Wash Almond Hand & Body Lotion Body Wash, Green Apple & Ginger Body Wash, Italian Red Grape Body Wash, Red Raspberry Bulgarian Lavender Body Lotion Bulgarian Lavender Body Wash Coconut Body Wash Coconut Conditioner Coconut Hand & Body Lotion Coconut Shampoo Conditioner, Lemon Tea Tree Conditioner, Red Raspberry Eye Serum, Pomegranate Face Serum, Pomegranate Facial Cleansing Gel, Pomegranate Green Apple & Ginger Conditioner Green Apple & Ginger Shampoo Hand & Body Lotion, Coco Lime Hand & Body Ltn, Trop Coco Hand Repair Cream, Pumpkin Hand Wash, Coconut Hand Wash, Grapefruit Hand Wash, Lavender Hand Wash, Vanilla Chai Italian Red Grape Conditioner Italian Red Grape Shampoo Pistachio Foot Repair Cream Shampoo, Lemon Tea Tree Shampoo, Red Raspberry Unscented Body Wash Unscented Conditioner Unscented Hand & Body Lotion Unscented Shampoo Vanilla Chai Body Wash Vanilla Chai Hand & Body Lotion NON-FOODS 52601 56224 44151 44152 44153 56228 52602 52604 56254 56227 56253 52608 52610 44149 44148 44147 56221 56220 51290 51289 52607 56260 56270 56259 56269 56223 56222 52606 52609 52611 52605 52599 52600 52598 52603 56226 REFRIGERATED Desert Essence Organics SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK Item # PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY 56972 54271 54274 54316 56053 56054 53835 40143 40145 40144 55193 54296 54290 54295 54289 55192 54315 54345 FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Oil Control Lotion, Thoroughly Clean Tea Tree Blemish Touch Stick Thoroughly Clean Face Wash Thoroughly Clean Face Wash Thoroughly Clean Grn Tea & Sunflwr Thoroughly Clean, Sea Kelp Wash, Travel Size 718334-322247 718334-220697 718334-220161 718334-221113 718334-300924 718334-300931 718334-252032 4 OZ 6/.31 OZ 8.5 OZ 32 OZ 8 OZ 8.5 OZ 4 OZ 7.79 5.99 5.57 9.00 5.55 5.57 3.60 EA CS EA EA EA EA EA 7.79 35.96 5.57 9.00 5.55 5.57 3.60 12.99 9.99 9.29 14.99 9.25 9.29 5.99 Coconut Hair Defrizzer Coconut Shine & Refine Lotion Coconut Soft Curls Hair Cream Condition, Tea Tree Daily Replen Conditioner, Jojoba Body Boosting Conditioner, Shea Butter Shampoo, Jojoba Body Boosting Shampoo, Shea Butter Shampoo, Tea Tree Daily Replenishing 718334-337869 718334-337883 718334-337876 718334-300474 718334-300634 718334-300610 718334-300627 718334-300603 718334-300467 8.5 OZ 6.4 OZ 6.4 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.40 4.80 5.99 4.80 5.99 5.40 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.40 4.80 5.99 4.80 5.99 5.40 9.99 9.99 9.99 8.99 7.99 9.99 7.99 9.99 8.99 Tea Tree Castile Tea Tree Castile 718334-221120 718334-220208 32 OZ 8 OZ 8.70 4.19 EA EA 8.70 4.19 14.49 6.99 100% Jojoba 100% Jojoba Eco Harvest Tea Tree Eco Harvest Tea Tree Kinder To Skin Tea Tree Nourishing Body, Cactus Flower Nourishing Body, Desert Lime Organic Jojoba Tea Tree & Lavender Tea Tree Eco Harvest Tea Tree Tea Tree Tea Tree Tea Tree 718334-220055 2 OZ 4.80 718334-220079 4 OZ 7.37 718334-220062.5 OZ 5.39 718334-220642 2 OZ 13.19 718334-252001 4 OZ 5.10 718334-222363 6.4 OZ 5.99 718334-222356 6.4 OZ 5.99 718334-300290 4 OZ 8.99 000680-000079.6 OZ 6.00 718334-222004 1 OZ 8.39 000680-000024.5 OZ 4.79 000680-000017 1 OZ 7.19 718334-220277 2 OZ 12.00 718334-300313.5 OZ 5.69 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.80 7.37 5.39 13.19 5.10 5.99 5.99 8.99 6.00 8.39 4.79 7.19 12.00 5.69 7.99 12.29 8.99 21.99 8.49 9.99 9.99 14.99 9.99 13.99 7.99 11.99 19.99 9.49 Dental Floss, Tea Tree Oil Dental Tape, Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash, Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash, Tea Tree Oil Toothpaste, Tea Tree w/Fennel Toothpaste, Tea Tree w/Ginger Toothpaste, Tea Tree w/Mint Tthpst,Tea Tree Oil/Neem w/Wintergrn 718334-220246 718334-220628 718334-221137 718334-220635 718334-220819 718334-220826 718334-220550 718334-220536 6/50 YD 6/30 YD 16 OZ 8 OZ 6.25 OZ 6.25 OZ 6.25 OZ 6.25 OZ 2.25 2.25 4.79 3.59 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 CS CS EA EA EA EA EA EA 13.51 13.50 4.79 3.59 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 3.75 3.75 7.99 5.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 65% Hyaluronic Acid SeruGel Capillary Support Serum Devita-C Serum Eye Lift Creme, Revitalizing Facial Scrub, Gentle Aloe Foaming Moisture Cleanser, Aloe Vera High Performance Glycolic Acid Blnd Masque, Cappuccino Coco Masque, Cappuccino Coco Moisturizer, Daily Solar Protect 30 682941-022305 682941-022350 682941-123446 682941-123484 682941-123453 682941-123415 682941-123439 682941-401001 682941-401025 682941-123491 1 OZ 30 ML 30 ML 1 OZ 7 OZ 5 OZ 50 ML 3 OZ 6 OZ 2.5 OZ 28.12 22.62 22.00 14.66 14.04 14.65 20.17 10.17 14.97 15.88 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 28.12 22.62 22.00 14.66 14.04 14.65 20.17 10.17 14.97 15.88 45.95 36.95 36.65 23.95 23.45 24.45 33.65 16.95 24.95 25.95 Hair Care Liquid Soap Oils 54311 54312 54298 54347 53834 56983 56982 54368 H 54314 54294 54319 54320 54321 54367 54323 54369 54317 54357 55734 55733 55732 55731 Oral Care DEVITA Facial Care 83279 83382 83381 83255 83247 83246 83383 84354 84358 85173 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 62 15.27 21.39 10.17 14.97 29.96 17.11 14.65 17.72 14.04 14.04 24.95 35.69 16.95 24.95 49.99 27.95 24.45 29.59 22.95 23.49 Hand & Body Lotion Brulee Shea Btr, Tahitan Van Bean 682941-123514 7 OZ 14.66 EA 14.66 24.45 Solar Body Block 30 w/Shea Butter 682941-123705 7 OZ 17.11 EA 17.11 28.55 Diva Cup, Model 1 Diva Cup, Model 2 Diva Wash 857538-000015 857538-000022 857538-000039 1 EA 23.71 1 EA 23.70 6 OZ 7.19 EA EA EA 23.71 23.70 7.19 39.50 39.50 11.99 Mega Long Hair Vitalizer 649010-403502 4 OZ 5.29 EA 5.29 7.95 018787-111116 12/2 OZ 2.40 CS 28.80 3.99 018787-781050 018787-782057 018787-787052 018787-783054 018787-784051 018787-785058 018787-788059 018787-786055 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 018787-761168 018787-761045 018787-761656 018787-771082 018787-771327 018787-762165 018787-762653 018787-762042 018787-772089 018787-772324 018787-777084 018787-777169 018787-777329 018787-777657 018787-763162 018787-763049 018787-763650 018787-773086 018787-773321 018787-764169 018787-764046 16 OZ 4 OZ 1 GAL 8 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 1 GAL 4 OZ 8 OZ 32 OZ 8 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 1 GAL 16 OZ 4 OZ 1 GAL 8 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 4 OZ 6.30 2.55 36.00 3.84 10.20 6.30 36.00 2.55 3.84 10.20 3.84 6.30 10.20 36.00 6.30 2.55 36.00 3.84 10.20 6.30 2.55 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.30 2.55 36.00 3.84 10.20 6.30 36.00 2.55 3.84 10.20 3.84 6.30 10.20 36.00 6.30 2.55 36.00 3.84 10.20 6.30 2.55 10.49 4.25 59.99 6.39 16.99 10.49 59.99 4.25 6.39 16.99 6.39 10.49 16.99 59.99 10.49 4.25 59.99 6.39 16.99 10.49 4.25 Sun Care 83280 DIVA CUP Menstrual Solutions 57574 57575 57576 DOO GRO 46769 DR. BRONNER`S MAGIC SOAPS Hand Sanitizers 83970 H Lavender, Spray Organic Bar Soap 55933 : 55934 : 54242 55935 : 55936 : 55937 : 55940 : 55938 : 54206 : 54220 : 54225 : 55941 : 55949 : 54208 : 54212 : 54221 : 55942 : 55952 : 83858 83859 : 83860 : 83861 : 54214 : 54222 : 54226 : 55943 : 55953 : 54216 : 54223 : Almond Baby Mild, Unscented Citrus Orange Eucalyptus Lavender Peppermint Rose Tea Tree Organic Liquid Soap Almond Almond Almond Almond Almond Baby Mild Baby Mild Baby Mild Baby Mild Baby Mild Citrus Citrus Citrus Citrus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Lavender Lavender ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 63 BULK REFRIGERATED EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA FROZEN 15.27 21.39 10.17 14.97 29.96 17.11 14.65 17.72 14.04 14.04 PET 83385 682941-123477 2.5 OZ 682941-223412 8 OZ 682941-401018 3 OZ 682941-401032 6 OZ 682941-324997 1 OZ 682941-123460 2.5 OZ 682941-022404.5 OZ 682941-022312 1 OZ 682941-022343 5 OZ 682941-123422 5 OZ GROCERY Moisturizer, Evening Rich Nutritional Mud Masque, Italian Tomato Leaf Mud Masque, Italian Tomato Leaf Mud Masque, Italian Tomato Leaf Optimal Rejuvenation Perfect Timing Repair Serum, Under Eye Skin Brightenng Serum w/Kojic Acid Toner, Cool Cucumber Toner, Rose Moroccan $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 85171 83256 84349 84352 83254 85172 83278 83265 83273 83251 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY 54227 55944 55954 54203 54219 54224 54228 54249 55946 55956 83853 83854 83855 83856 54209 54243 54246 55947 55957 55985 55986 83857 55987 55988 55989 83852 55990 GROCERY PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 GAL 36.00 8 OZ 3.84 32 OZ 10.20 1 GAL 36.00 16 OZ 6.30 4 OZ 2.55 64 OZ 18.90 5 GAL 174.00 8 OZ 3.84 32 OZ 10.20 8 OZ 3.84 16 OZ 6.30 32 OZ 10.20 1 GAL 36.00 1 GAL 36.00 4 OZ 2.55 16 OZ 6.30 8 OZ 3.84 32 OZ 10.20 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA $ SRP Lavender Lavender Lavender Peppermint Peppermint Peppermint Peppermint Peppermint Peppermint Peppermint Rose Rose Rose Rose Tea Tree Tea Tree Tea Tree Tea Tree Tea Tree 018787-764657 018787-774083 018787-774328 018787-765654 018787-765166 018787-765043 018787-765647 018787-765661 018787-775080 018787-775325 018787-778081 018787-778166 018787-778326 018787-778654 018787-769652 018787-769041 018787-769164 018787-776087 018787-776322 36.00 59.99 3.84 6.39 10.20 16.99 36.00 59.99 6.30 10.49 2.55 4.25 18.90 31.49 174.00 289.99 3.84 6.39 10.20 16.99 3.84 6.39 6.30 10.49 10.20 16.99 36.00 59.99 36.00 59.99 2.55 4.25 6.30 10.49 3.84 6.39 10.20 16.99 Liquid Soap, Almond Liquid Soap, Baby Mild Liquid Soap, Citrus Liquid Soap, Eucalyptus Liquid Soap, Lavender Liquid Soap, Peppermint Liquid Soap, Rose Oil Liquid Soap, Tea Tree 018787-771020 018787-772027 018787-777022 018787-773024 018787-774021 018787-775028 018787-778029 018787-776025 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 018787-980019 018787-980026 6 OZ 6 OZ 4.80 4.80 EA EA 4.80 4.80 7.99 7.99 018787-970010 8 OZ 6.00 EA 6.00 9.99 018787-920039 018787-110102 018787-920046 018787-920015 018787-920022 12/.15 OZ 48/.15 OZ 12/.15 OZ 12/.15 OZ 12/.15 OZ 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 CS CS CS CS CS 21.60 86.39 21.60 21.60 21.60 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 018787-960011 018787-960059 018787-960042 018787-960028 018787-960035 24 OZ 24 OZ 24 OZ 24 OZ 24 OZ 10.20 10.20 10.20 10.20 10.20 EA EA EA EA EA 10.20 10.20 10.20 10.20 10.20 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 018787-950012 018787-950050 018787-950043 018787-950029 018787-950036 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 EA EA EA EA EA 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 018787-930045 018787-930014 018787-930038 018787-930021 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 EA EA EA EA 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 Travel Size : : : : : : : : DR. BRONNER`S Organic Hair Conditioner & Style Creme 83875 H 83880 H 83874 H Lavender Coconut Peppermint Organic Hair Conditioning Rinse Citrus Organic Lip Balms 56066 56072 56067 56064 56065 83869 83873 83872 83870 83871 83864 83868 83867 83865 83866 56071 56068 56070 56069 H H H H H Lemon Lime Lip Balm Counter Display Naked Unscented Orange Ginger Peppermint Organic Liquid Body Soap H H H H H Lavender Lemongrass Lime Naked, Unscented Spearmint Peppermint Tea Tree Organic Liquid Hand Soaps H H H H : Lavender Lemongrass Lime Naked, Unscented Spearmint Peppermint Tea Tree Organic Lotions H H H H Lavender Coconut Orange Lavender Patchouli Lime Peppermint ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 64 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Organic Shaving Gels 83878 83863 83879 83876 83877 H H H H H Baby Unscented Lavender Lemongrass Lime Spearmint Peppermint Tea Tree 018787-940044 018787-940013 018787-940051 018787-940020 018787-940037 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 EA EA EA EA EA 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 613325-000107 16 OZ 5.00 EA 5.00 7.99 Spearmint Fluoride Free Spearmint Fluoride Free Spearmint Fluoride Spearmint Fluoride Wintergreen Fluoride Wintergreen Fluoride 613325-000305 613325-000305 613325-000022 613325-000022 613325-000008 613325-000008 6 OZ 5.2 OZ 6 OZ 5.2 OZ 6 OZ 5.2 OZ 4.79 4.13 4.80 4.13 4.80 4.13 EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.79 4.13 4.80 4.13 4.80 4.13 7.99 6.59 7.99 6.59 7.99 6.59 Relaxer, New Growth, Super Relaxer, Regular 897127-000507 897127-000491 1 KIT 1 KIT 4.46 4.46 EA EA 4.46 4.46 6.69 6.69 Mustard Rub 798412-444443 4 OZ 8.85 EA 8.85 14.79 Mustard Bath Mustard Bath 798412-444429 798412-444412 8 OZ 28/2 OZ 5.97 1.95 EA CS 5.97 54.60 9.95 3.25 Kids Tbrsh Sanitizer, 2 Per Card Smart Floss Display Tongue Cleaner Display Toothbrush Sanitizer, 2 Per Card 019373-952557 019373-711215 019373-911219 019373-951154 12/2 PK 6/30 YD 12/1 EA 12/2 PK 3.00 2.69 4.16 3.00 CS CS CS CS 36.00 16.16 49.92 36.00 4.99 4.49 6.95 4.99 Black Soap w/Shea Butter Black Soap w/Shea Butter Black Soap Black Soap Black, With Shea Butter 689191-523187 689191-524122 689191-512013 689191-512051 689191-523064 32 OZ 8 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 7.53 2.77 6.93 4.32 4.92 EA EA EA EA EA 7.53 2.77 6.93 4.32 4.92 11.59 4.25 10.65 6.65 7.55 Almond w/Shea Butter Lavender With Shea Butter Lavender Lavender Peppermint Peppermint With Shea Butter Peppermint w/Shea Butter Peppermint Tea Trea Tea Tree With Shea Butter Tea Tree w/Shea Butter Tea Tree 689191-523132 689191-523057 689191-512211 689191-512006 689191-512020 689191-523002 689191-523118 689191-512068 689191-512082 689191-523040 689191-523156 689191-512044 32 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 7.53 4.92 4.32 6.90 6.93 4.92 7.53 4.32 4.32 4.92 7.53 6.93 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.53 4.92 4.32 6.90 6.93 4.92 7.53 4.32 4.32 4.92 7.53 6.93 11.59 7.55 6.49 10.35 10.65 7.55 11.59 6.49 6.65 7.55 11.59 10.65 689191-530239 689191-530260 8 OZ 8 OZ 4.19 4.19 EA EA 4.19 4.19 6.99 6.99 DR. KEN`S Maximum Care Mouthwash 51679 Spearmint DR. SINGHA`S 85974 Mustard Bath Cold Treatment 85971 85972 DR. TUNG`S 89570 89698 89689 89691 DR. WOODS SOAPS Black Soaps 83844 83845 83842 83843 44563 83840 44564 50616 50617 83847 44565 83848 44562 83850 44567 83851 83849 44560 44561 Castille Soaps Facial Cleansers Shea Vision Daily Exfoliating Shea Vision Tea Tree ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 65 PET 46946 46951 GROCERY PERSONAL CARE DR. MIRACLE`S SUPPLEMENTS 51673 51804 51672 51803 51670 51801 NON-FOODS FROZEN Maximum Care Toothpaste SPECIALTY REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK REFRIGERATED FROZEN PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP EARTH FRIENDLY PRODUCTS Body Care 50555 50554 Liquid Hand Soap, Lavender Liquid Hand Soap, Lemongrass 749174-796653 749174-796646 6/17 OZ 6/17 OZ 2.69 2.69 CS CS 16.16 16.16 4.05 4.05 859220-000433 859220-000310 859220-000808 859220-000341 859220-000617 857249-001066 857249-001059 6 CT 2 OZ 4.6 OZ 4 OZ 5.3 OZ 5.3 OZ 5.3 OZ 2.97 7.48 5.47 6.47 5.47 5.47 5.47 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 2.97 7.48 5.47 6.47 5.47 5.47 5.47 5.95 14.95 10.95 12.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 859220-000273 2 OZ 7.48 EA 7.48 14.95 859220-000549 6 CT 4.47 EA 4.47 8.95 859220-000006 857249-001004 859220-000082 8 OZ 5.3 OZ 4.6 OZ 9.96 5.47 9.97 EA EA EA 9.96 5.47 9.97 19.95 10.95 19.95 054986-001513 1 OZ 11.86 054986-001827 2 OZ 13.18 054986-001810.5 OZ 7.77 054986-001834 1.7 OZ 13.17 054986-001889 6 OZ 7.95 054986-001872 5.8 OZ 8.37 EA EA EA EA EA EA 11.86 13.18 7.77 13.17 7.95 8.37 19.75 21.95 12.95 21.95 13.25 13.99 Regular SPF 15 Unscented 054986-000349 054986-000363 054986-000356 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5.71 5.97 5.71 EA EA EA 5.71 5.97 5.71 9.50 9.95 9.50 Liken, Herbal Liken, Unscented Rosemary Mint Tea Tree Natural 054986-002510 054986-002527 054986-002541 054986-002534 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 EA EA EA EA 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 6.95 6.95 6.96 6.95 After Shave, Herbal Shave Cream, Azulene Skin Care Balm 054986-005290 054986-005160 054986-005399 8 OZ 6 OZ 8 OZ 4.95 5.37 5.55 EA EA EA 4.95 5.37 5.55 8.25 8.95 9.25 Conditioner, Citress Conditioner, Frag Free, Travel Conditioner, Hair Treatment Conditioner, Unscented Deep Conditioning Hair Masque Haircare Combo Display Olive & Avocado,Deep Conditioning Shampoo, Citress Shampoo, Fragrance Free, Travel Shampoo, Hair Treatment Shampoo, Unscented 054986-174705 054986-174453 054986-174606 054986-174408 054986-174958 054986-200015 054986-175009 054986-174309 054986-174057 054986-174101 054986-174002 EARTH MAMA ANGEL BABY Baby Products 59156 44573 44575 54111 44576 59158 59159 44581 Angel Baby Bath Blossoms Angel Baby Bottom Balm Angel Baby Lotion Angel Baby Oil Angel Baby Shampoo & Body Wash Calm & Clean, Hand to Toe Wash Nat Non Scents Hand to Toe Wash Breast Feeding Natural Nipple Butter Postpartum Recovery 59157 Postpartum Bath Herbs, 6 pads Pregnancy Products 44570 44856 44583 Earth Mama Body Butter Happy Mama Hand to Toe Wash Stretch Oil EARTH SCIENCE NATURALS Active Age Defense Line 55419 55481 55741 55742 55415 55414 55462 55464 55463 Cellagen Renewal Serum Hydrating Day Cream I-Cream Nourishing Eye Cream Nighttime Recovery Cream Nutrient Toning Elixir Whipped Creme Cleanser Almond-Aloe Light & Silky Moisturizers Deodorants 55440 55441 55423 55505 55453 55710 55454 51365 51371 51363 51361 40073 42431 42424 51364 51370 51362 51360 For Men Hair Care 12 OZ 4.78 2 OZ 1.18 12 OZ 5.38 12 OZ 4.78 2 OZ 2.37 36 ASST 160.92 6 OZ 5.71 12 OZ 4.78 2 OZ 1.18 12 OZ 5.38 12 OZ 4.78 EA 4.78 7.95 EA 1.18 1.75 EA 5.38 8.95 EA 4.78 7.95 EA 2.37 3.95 CS 160.92 268.19 EA 5.71 9.55 EA 4.78 7.95 EA 1.18 1.75 EA 5.38 8.95 EA 4.78 7.95 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 66 Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP BULK 38.50 12.95 8.95 A D E Creamy Cleanser, Lotion A/B Hydroxy Acid Rejuvenator Aloe Vera Complexion Toner/Freshener Apricot Facial Scrub Creme, Mild Apricot Night Creme Azulene Eye Cream Clarifying Facial Wash Clarifying Facial Wash, Frag Free Clarifying Herbal Astringent Daily Sun Defense Lotion, SPF 15+ GentleEyeMakupRmvr,Chamomile/Grn Tea Ginsium C Skin Lightener Herbal Plasma (Skin Rejuvenating Mist) Mint Tingle Masque Papaya Glycolic Light Skin Peel Soothing Oatmeal & Aloe 054986-000493 8 OZ 5.98 054986-001858 1 OZ 11.97 054986-000691 8 OZ 5.86 054986-000141 4 OZ 5.55 054986-001124 2 OZ 9.58 054986-001612.8 OZ 8.97 054986-000592 8 OZ 5.98 054986-000608 8 OZ 5.98 054986-000790 8 OZ 5.86 054986-002718 11 OZ 9.91 054986-000820 4 OZ 4.50 054986-001995 2 OZ 17.97 054986-001490 8 OZ 5.97 054986-001322 4 OZ 5.97 054986-001940 4 OZ 8.97 054986-002817 11 OZ 7.18 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.98 11.97 5.86 5.55 9.58 8.97 5.98 5.98 5.86 9.91 4.50 17.97 5.97 5.97 8.97 7.18 9.95 19.95 9.75 9.25 15.95 14.99 9.95 9.95 9.75 16.50 7.50 29.99 9.99 9.99 14.99 11.95 054986-002619 054986-002633 5.98 1.18 EA EA 5.98 1.18 9.95 1.75 073377-040054 073377-040771 073377-093951 073377-091780 1 EA 6.00 1 EA 12.00 6 OZ 6.00 1 EA 9.00 EA EA EA EA 6.00 12.00 6.00 9.00 9.99 20.00 9.99 15.05 073377-073236 073377-093135 073377-813818 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 4.20 4.80 4.80 EA EA EA 4.20 4.80 4.80 6.99 7.99 7.99 Complexion Sponge Exfoliating Gloves, Natural Exfoliating Hydro Gloves, Lt Grn Exfoliating Hydro Gloves, White Exfoliating Hydro Towel Hydro Back Brush, Dark Green Hydro Back Brush, White Terry Covered Bath Pillow, Nat Wooden Footsie 073377-073106 073377-911729 073377-911743 073377-911712 073377-091155 073377-692635 073377-692611 073377-714122 073377-093852 1 EA 1 EA 1 PK 1 EA 1 EA 1 EACH 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.60 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.80 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.60 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.80 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 5.99 7.00 7.00 6.99 7.99 Exfoliating, Aloe Vera & Kiwi Exfoliating, Oatmeal & Honey Exfoliating, Peach & Passion Therapeutic Mineral Bath 073377-095252 073377-095306 073377-095351 704694-043403 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 32 OZ 1.80 1.80 1.80 9.00 EA EA EA EA 1.80 1.80 1.80 9.00 2.99 2.99 2.99 15.00 073377-069406 073377-071188 073377-069451 073377-094057 073377-069444 073377-094101 073377-069703 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 3.60 1.80 3.60 3.00 4.20 2.40 4.80 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.60 1.80 3.60 3.00 4.20 2.40 4.80 5.99 2.99 5.99 4.99 6.99 3.99 7.99 Skin Care Spa Essentials Skin Care Body & Massage, Frag Free Hand, Body, & Massage 11 OZ 2 OZ EARTH THERAPEUTICS, LTD. Anti Stress 86765 51989 86888 51990 89183 89184 89186 86918 86819 51988 86869 86874 43894 86891 86921 86821 Comfort Wrap Neck Pillow Silk Eye Pillow Sinus Pillow Bamboo Bath Accessories Complexion Mitt, Anti-Bacterial Complexion Towel, Anti-Bacterial Flower Sponge, Anti-Bacterial Body Care Spa Accessories Bodycare 86805 86806 86807 86727 86790 86810 86792 86892 86791 86809 86815 Exfoliation Accessories: Brushes Bristle Back Brush Bristle Nail Brush Bumpy Bristle Massage Brush Complexion Brush w/Handle Far Reaching Back Brush Footsie Foot Brush The Fuzz Brush ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 67 FROZEN 23.11 7.78 5.38 PET 47618 55711 EA EA EA GROCERY 16 OZ 23.11 4 OZ 7.78 2 OZ 5.38 PERSONAL CARE 55424 55416 55426 55421 55442 55480 55425 55740 55427 51359 55420 55413 55432 55431 55493 55712 054986-002923 054986-002916 054986-002909 SUPPLEMENTS Hand Cream w/ Pump Hand Cream Purfection Hand Cream NON-FOODS 55714 55713 55739 SPECIALTY REFRIGERATED Purfection BULK Item # 86893 86793 86826 86828 86800 86799 86894 86895 86787 86794 86797 86798 86796 86875 43898 86723 86896 86696 86932 86873 86717 89309 89311 89308 86898 87320 86722 35238 86931 83211 86899 86870 86835 86834 86816 86714 GROCERY Aloe Vera & Kiwi Loofa Brush w/Handle Loofah Blown Up 5" Loofah Face Discs Loofah Sponge Loofah Waffle Puff Oatmeal & Honey Peaches & Passion Sisal Bath Mitt 6" x 8" Terry Pad 5" x 7" 704694-096256 073377-069468 073377-081057 073377-071065 073377-081071 073377-071409 704694-096300 704694-096355 073377-031250 073377-071034 6 OZ 1 EA 1 EA 3 PK 1 EA 1 EA 6 OZ 6 OZ 1 EA 1 EA 4.80 3.60 1.20 1.20 1.80 3.00 4.80 4.80 2.40 1.80 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.80 3.60 1.20 1.20 1.80 3.00 4.80 4.80 2.40 1.80 7.99 5.99 1.99 1.99 2.99 4.99 7.99 7.99 3.99 2.99 073377-713828 073377-713835 073377-713811 073377-092008 073377-911736 073377-091179 073377-071218 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 PAIR 1 EA 1.80 1.80 1.80 4.20 3.00 3.00 1.20 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 1.80 1.80 1.80 4.20 3.00 3.00 1.20 2.99 2.99 2.99 6.99 4.99 5.00 1.99 Dream Zone Sleep Mask Fire & Ice Eye Lid Compress Herbal Eye Mask Sleep Mask, Blu 073377-060656 073377-094088 073377-091087 073377-801839 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EACH 4.80 3.00 4.20 6.00 EA EA EA EA 4.80 3.00 4.20 6.00 7.99 4.99 6.99 10.00 Aloe Moisturizing Sock, Blue Aloe Moisturizing Sock, Pink Aloe Moisturizing Sock, Tan Foot Repair Balm Gel Booties Gel Sleeves, Soft Heels Intensive Heel Repair Moisture Socks, White Pedi-Care Kit Grooming Essentials Refreshing Foot Scrub Sierra Stone Stick, Nat Stone w/Brush Wooden File 073377-917936 073377-917929 073377-917912 704694-096492 073377-095146 073377-754920 704694-075497 073377-911910 073377-071881 704694-096430 073377-071201 073377-071096 073377-071089 073377-071119 6/1 PAIR 6.00 6/1 PAIR 6.00 6/1 PAIR 6.00 4 OZ 6.00 1 PAIR 15.00 1 PAIR 12.00 4 OZ 6.00 1 PAIR 4.80 1 KIT 7.20 4 OZ 6.00 1 EA 1.80 1 EA 2.40 1 EA 2.40 1 EA 1.80 CS CS CS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 36.00 36.00 36.00 6.00 15.00 12.00 6.00 4.80 7.20 6.00 1.80 2.40 2.40 1.80 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.99 24.99 20.00 10.00 7.99 11.99 9.99 2.99 3.99 3.99 2.99 Quick Dry 073377-055010 1 EA 12.00 EA 12.00 20.00 Bristle Brush Mens Club Bristle Brush, Large Bristle Brush, Small Ceramic Styling Brush, Round Lacquer Pin Brush, Large Lacquer Pin Brush, Small Large, Boar Bristle, Bamboo Large, Nylon Bristle, Bamboo Leopard Bristle Leopard Bristle Pocket Comb Regular, Boar Bristle, Bamboo Regular, Nylon Bristle, Bamboo Styling Comb Tiger Nylon, Large 073377-098932 073377-098956 073377-098918 073377-099175 073377-098857 073377-098833 073377-098352 073377-098253 073377-099137 073377-099151 073377-098024 073377-098307 073377-098208 073377-098031 073377-099052 1 EA 5.40 1 EA 6.00 1 EA 4.80 1 EA 12.00 1 EA 5.40 1 EA 4.20 1 CT 6.00 1 CT 5.40 1 CT 5.40 1 CT 6.00 1 EA 1.80 1 CT 5.40 1 CT 5.40 1 EA 2.40 1 CT 6.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.40 6.00 4.80 12.00 5.40 4.20 6.00 5.40 5.40 6.00 1.80 5.40 5.40 2.40 6.00 8.99 9.99 7.99 19.99 8.99 6.99 10.00 9.00 8.99 9.99 2.99 9.00 9.00 3.99 9.99 Bath Blossom Green Bath Blossom Natural Bath Blossom White Cellulose Sponge, Natural Exfoliating Gloves, Green Hydro Gloves, Asst Loofah Terry Complexion Pads Facial Accessories PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS $ SRP Exfoliation Accessories: Specialty SPECIALTY EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Exfoliation Accessories: Loofah PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Foot Therapy Hair & Body Towels Hair Brushes 86881 86858 86859 86884 86882 86883 58988 58986 38263 38264 86644 58987 58985 86645 38262 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 68 86868 83420 86726 86725 86724 86865 Tiger Nylon, Regular Wooden Pin Brush, Large Wooden Pin Brush, Small 073377-099038 073377-098758 073377-098734 1 CT 1 EA 1 EA 5.40 6.00 4.80 EA EA EA 5.40 6.00 4.80 8.99 9.99 7.99 Beauty Gloves Emery Boards, Smooth & Shape Gloves, Aloe Infused, Blue Gloves, Aloe Infused, Pink Gloves, Aloe Infused, Tan Hand Repair 073377-091186 073377-071300 073377-918834 073377-918827 073377-918810 704694-090056 1 PAIR 15 CT 1 PAIR 1 PAIR 1 PAIR 6 OZ 4.80 3.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.80 3.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 7.99 4.99 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.99 Clipper, Toenail, with Catcher Cuticle Nipper Eyelash Curler, Curvaceous Manicure-to-Go, In Travel Case Nail Shine Stick, 3 Surface Pedicure Set, Smooth & Buff Pedicure-to-Go, In Travel Case Tweezer, Softouch, W/Black Handle Tweezer, Softouch, W/Pink Handle 073377-074110 073377-052217 073377-014611 073377-053146 073377-071355 073377-071997 073377-074141 073377-167317 073377-167324 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 KIT 12/1 EA 1 KIT 1 KIT 1 EA 1 EA 3.60 3.60 3.60 4.20 1.80 6.00 4.20 6.00 6.00 EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA 3.60 3.60 3.60 4.20 21.60 6.00 4.20 6.00 6.00 5.99 5.99 5.99 6.99 2.99 9.99 6.99 9.99 9.99 073377-071386 073377-713842 073377-713880 073377-713859 1 EACH 1 EA 1 EACH 1 EACH 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 EA EA EA EA 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 3.00 2.99 3.00 3.00 Diaper Relief Ointment Everyday Lotion Extra Rich Therapy Creme, Calendula Shampoo & Body Wash Sun Block SPF30+ Toddler Toothpaste w/applicator 078522-007043 078522-007012 078522-007036 078522-007050 078522-007005 078522-015314 4 OZ 7 OZ 4 OZ 8.5 OZ 4 OZ 1.6 OZ 6.58 5.55 7.18 5.55 9.57 4.79 EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.58 5.55 7.18 5.55 9.57 4.79 10.95 9.25 11.95 9.25 15.95 7.99 Lavendar Vanilla w/Pump 036923-015951 036923-015937 8 OZ 11.37 8 OZ 11.37 EA EA 11.37 11.37 18.95 18.95 Black Brown 036923-028906.38 OZ 10.77 036923-028913.38 OZ 10.77 EA EA 10.77 10.77 17.95 17.95 Baby, SPF 30 Body, Family, SPF 30 Body, Medium, SPF 30 Face, SPF 30 Marine Mist, Daily Skin Repair 013964-349771 013964-349719 013964-349702 013964-349740 013964-349832 3.5 OZ 9.60 5.3 OZ 13.75 3.5 OZ 9.35 1.8 OZ 7.70 4.0 OZ 15.60 EA EA EA EA EA 9.60 13.75 9.35 7.70 15.60 17.49 24.99 16.99 13.99 25.99 Black, Protein Crystal Pink 748378-001044 748378-001143 748378-001020 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 3.10 3.10 3.10 EA EA EA 3.10 3.10 3.10 4.65 4.65 4.65 20pc Cosmetic Applicators 5-Piece Brush Set 079625-012880 079625-012132 1 EACH 1 EACH 1.20 7.49 EA EA 1.20 7.49 1.79 11.25 Hand Therapy Implements 83417 83416 83413 83414 83412 83419 83415 83409 83410 86718 51218 86720 86719 Mesh Exfoliators Body Sponge w/Strap, Asst Body Sponge w/Strap, Green Body Sponge w/Strap, Peach Body Sponge w/Strap, Pink BULK $ SRP REFRIGERATED 38261 86856 86857 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price FROZEN Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description PET Item # GROCERY 59093 59091 59263 59264 Natural Mascara ECO SKIN CARE Suncare 53274 53276 53275 53273 53277 ECO STYLER Gel 07332 07331 07333 ECO TOOLS 46167 46151 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 69 SUPPLEMENTS ECCO BELLA Body Lotion NON-FOODS 89907 89905 89906 89904 89908 89922 SPECIALTY PERSONAL CARE EARTH`S BEST BABY CARE BULK Item # GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY 46160 46150 46162 46153 46164 46145 46147 46148 46161 46146 46149 46144 46152 46166 46165 46156 46154 46158 46155 PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description 6 Mini Bamboo Brushes 6-Piece Brush Set Bamboo 6pc Eye Brush Set Bamboo Bronzer Brush Bamboo Deluxe Concealer Brush Blush Brush Eye Shading Brush Eyeliner Brush Finishing Kabuki Brush Foundation Brush Lash & Brow Groomer Powder Brush Recycled Retractable Kabuki Retractable Foundation Brush Smudge Eyeliner Brush EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 079625-012231 079625-012064 079625-012279 079625-012293 079625-012309 079625-012019 079625-012033 079625-012040 079625-012460 079625-012026 079625-012057 079625-012002 079625-012149 079625-012484 079625-012453 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 1 EACH 2.49 7.80 5.56 6.24 2.49 4.37 2.49 2.49 4.37 3.75 1.87 4.99 5.56 3.75 2.49 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 2.49 7.80 5.56 6.24 2.49 4.37 2.49 2.49 4.37 3.75 1.87 4.99 5.56 3.75 2.49 3.75 11.69 8.35 9.35 3.75 6.55 3.75 3.75 6.55 5.65 2.79 7.49 8.35 5.65 3.75 079625-012439 079625-012347 079625-012514 079625-012378 1 EACH 10.87 1 EACH 7.15 1 EACH 6.43 1 EACH 11.37 EA EA EA EA 10.87 7.15 6.43 11.37 16.29 10.75 9.65 17.05 Between Gum Assorted Display Between Gum, Cinnamon, Refill Between Gum, Cool Mint, Refill Cinnamon Cool Mint Wintergreen 000360-082043 000360-081022 000360-080025 000360-054002 000360-053005 000360-055009 100/2 CT 29.00 50/2 CT 14.50 50/2 CT 14.50 12/12 PC 1.19 12/12 PC 1.19 12/12 PC 1.19 CS CS CS CS CS CS 29.00 14.50 14.50 14.33 14.33 14.33 0.49 0.49 0.49 1.99 1.99 1.99 Cinnamon, Vegan Mint, Gentle Waxed, Vegan 000360-020007 000360-000030 000360-071009 6/100 YD 6/100 YD 6/40 YD 3.29 3.29 2.27 CS CS CS 19.76 19.76 13.62 5.49 5.49 3.79 2 OZ 5.39 EA 5.39 8.99 By Alicia Silverstone 5-Piece Bag & Brush Set Cosmetic Bag Small Pencil Case Train Case ECO-DENT Between Dental Gum 51315 51317 51316 53922 53920 53921 54988 54138 54986 54137 Dental Floss Extra-Brite Tooth Whitener Regular 000360-000016 FunBrush for Kids 53933 53928 55557 55559 55558 55556 54987 53924 53925 53927 53926 54143 Child`s Refill Heads Soft & Refill 000360-066005 000360-065008 6/3 PK 6 CT 3.45 3.45 CS CS 20.72 20.72 5.75 5.75 000360-000085 000360-000078 000360-000092 000360-000061 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 EA EA EA EA 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 7.79 7.79 7.79 7.79 000360-067002 000360-064001 000360-063004 000360-061000 000360-062007 6 CT 6/3 PK 6/3 PK 6 CT 6 CT 2.71 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45 CS CS CS CS CS 16.24 20.72 20.72 20.72 20.72 4.49 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 000370-000037 2 OZ 5.39 EA 5.39 8.99 000370-000051 000370-000075 8 OZ 8 OZ 5.93 5.93 EA EA 5.93 5.93 9.85 9.85 Natural Toothpowder Anise Cinnamon Lemon Lime Mint TerrAdent 31 Replaceable Head Toothbrush System Adult Soft Toothbrush Med Refill Sensitive Refill Toothbrush & Refill, Sensitive Toothbrush and Refill, Medium Tooth Powder Specialty TartarGuard Ultimate Essential Mouthcare Rinse 55163 55165 Mint Spicy Cool Cinnamon ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 70 Sunstick, Chem Free, Unsct, SPF30 013964-029406 12/.6 OZ 3.99 CS 47.84 7.99 8/15 CT 3.60 6 CT 3.60 4 OZ 7.80 12/10 CT 4.36 6/32 CT 11.38 12/16 CT 5.35 12/14 CT 5.35 12/14 CT 5.35 12/10 CT 4.36 12/24 CT 4.36 12/30 CT 4.01 6/16 CT 4.36 CS EA EA CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 28.80 3.60 7.80 52.32 68.30 64.19 64.19 64.19 52.32 52.32 48.13 26.16 5.99 5.99 12.99 6.50 16.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 6.50 6.50 5.99 6.50 EMERITA Feminine Hygiene 81849 81878 81879 57578 53099 57582 57584 57583 57579 57581 57586 57580 53179 71751 81852 41733 71750 41732 57932 57933 81854 Cleanse/Moisturize Cloths Cleanse/Moisturize Cloths, Trvl Sz Cleansing/Moisturizing Wash Daytime Pds/Unscnt/Ind Wrapped Organic Tampon/Mlt Pk/Applic Organic Tampon/Regular/Applic Organic Tampon/Spr Pls/Applic Organic Tampon/Super/Applic Overnight Pads/Unscnt/Ind Wrpd Pantyliner/Ultra Thin/Ind Wrpd Pantyliner/Unscented/Unwrapped Regular Pads/Unscnt/Unwrapped 356163-303053 356163-303206 356163-303008 356163-303602 356163-303558 356163-303404 356163-303503 356163-303459 356163-303657 356163-303756 356163-303800 356163-303701 Womens` Formulas EO 356163-305200 356163-301202 356163-302209 356163-302254 356163-301103 356163-300953 356163-300854 356163-300908 356163-302155 4 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 48 CT 4 OZ 1 OZ 9.60 6.00 6.00 6.00 13.20 18.27 18.27 27.72 18.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.60 6.00 6.00 6.00 13.20 18.27 18.27 27.72 18.00 16.05 9.99 9.99 9.99 22.05 30.49 30.49 46.25 29.99 636874-120577 636874-120584 636874-120621 636874-120638 636874-120591 636874-120614 16 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 6.60 9.60 6.60 9.60 6.60 9.60 EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.60 9.60 6.60 9.60 6.60 9.60 10.99 15.99 10.99 15.99 10.99 15.99 Citrus Fusion Coconut Vanilla EveryOne Soap, Citrus/Mint EveryOne Soap, Coconut/Lemon EveryOne Soap, Lavender/Aloe French Lavender, POP Display Grapefruit & Mint Lavender Rose & Chamomile 636874-090771 636874-090955 636874-121505 636874-121482 636874-121512 636874-020716 636874-090757 636874-090740 636874-090764 16 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 12/1.5 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 7.79 7.79 5.99 5.99 5.99 1.07 7.80 7.80 7.79 EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA 7.79 7.79 5.99 5.99 5.99 12.89 7.80 7.80 7.79 12.99 12.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 1.79 12.99 12.99 12.99 Be Well Be Well, Single Serve French Lavender French Lavender, Single Serve Hinoki & Ginger Nighty Night Nighty Nite, Single Serve Rose & Chamomile Rose Geranium & Citrus Time Out 636874-030562 636874-030883 636874-030081 636874-030906 636874-030180 636874-030586 636874-030890 636874-030685 636874-030067 636874-030548 21.5 OZ 6/1.87 OZ 21.5 OZ 6/1.87 OZ 21.5 OZ 21.5 OZ 6/1.87 OZ 22 OZ 21.5 OZ 21.5 OZ 7.20 1.97 7.20 1.97 7.20 7.20 1.97 7.19 7.20 7.20 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.20 11.84 7.20 11.84 7.20 7.20 11.84 7.19 7.20 7.20 11.99 3.29 11.99 3.29 11.99 11.99 3.29 11.99 11.99 11.99 All Purpose Soap 41076 45208 41078 45207 41077 45209 41561 52132 59405 m 59403 m 59404 m 82991 41560 41546 41544 45222 05236 41592 H 05234 41595 45224 05235 49690 41593 H 45220 Moisturizer, Personal Moisturizer, Personal Nat Lubricant Oh Warming Lubricant, Paraban Free Phytoestrogen Cream Progest Cream, Paraben Free Progest Paraban Free Singles Progest, Paraban Free Response Cream Lavender Lavender Lemon Lemon Peppermint Peppermint Bath & Shower Gel Bath Salts ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 71 BULK REFRIGERATED 46445 FROZEN PET ELEMENTAL HERBS Sunscreen GROCERY $ SRP PERSONAL CARE EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # GROCERY 41586 Coconut Vanilla EveryOne Lotion, Citrus/Mint EveryOne Lotion, Coconut/Lemon EveryOne Lotion, Lavender/Aloe French Lavender Grapefruit & Mint Lemon Verbena Rose & Chamomile Rose Geranium & Citrus 636874-040783 636874-040844 636874-040837 636874-040820 636874-040240 636874-040233 636874-040301 636874-040226 636874-040271 8 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 5.39 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.39 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 8.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 French Lavender 636874-040066 8 OZ 9.00 EA 9.00 14.99 Be Well Be Well, Single Serve French Lavender French Lavender, Single Serve Hinoki & Ginger Nighty Night Nighty Nite, Single Serve Rose & Chamomile Rose Geranium & Citrus Timeout 636874-030531 636874-030845 636874-030296 636874-030821 636874-030272 636874-030524 636874-030838 636874-030265 636874-030289 636874-030517 12 OZ 6/1.75 OZ 12 OZ 6/1.75 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 6/1.75 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 7.20 1.97 7.20 1.97 7.20 7.20 1.97 7.20 7.20 7.20 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.20 11.84 7.20 11.84 7.20 7.20 11.84 7.20 7.20 7.20 11.99 3.29 11.99 3.29 11.99 11.99 3.29 11.99 11.99 11.99 636874-040813 636874-040790 636874-040806 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 3.60 3.60 3.60 EA EA EA 3.60 3.60 3.60 5.99 5.99 5.99 Coconut & Vanilla w/ Org Tangerine Grapefruit & Mint Lavender & Aloe 636874-120836 636874-120829 636874-120812 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 5.40 5.40 5.40 EA EA EA 5.40 5.40 5.40 8.99 8.99 8.99 Serenity Gift Set 636874-081182 6/2 PC 13.19 CS 79.14 21.99 CocoConditioner, Chamomile & Honey Cond Serum, Wild Rose & Coconut Cond, Sweet Orange/Rose Geranium Conditioner, French Lavender, Disp Conditioner, Keratin, Sulfate Free Conditioner, Leave In French Lavender Conditioner, Rose & Chamomile Conditioner, Rosemary & Mint Detangler Spray, French Lavender Hair Repair, Wild Lime & Ginger Hair Style Cream, Lavender Coconut Shampoo, French Lavender Shampoo, French Lavender, Disp Shampoo, Honey & Chamomile Shampoo, Keratin, Sulfate Free Shampoo, Rose & Chamomile Shampoo, Rosemary & Mint Shampoo, Sweet Orange Tame-Curl Gel, Coconut Vanilla 636874-090047 636874-090832 636874-090153 636874-020679 636874-090924 636874-090252 636874-090207 636874-090214 636874-090825 636874-100050 636874-090948 636874-090245 636874-020662 636874-090054 636874-090917 636874-090177 636874-090160 636874-090238 636874-090931 5.40 7.79 5.40 1.07 5.39 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.99 6.00 5.39 5.40 1.07 5.40 5.39 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.39 EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.40 7.79 5.40 12.89 5.39 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.99 6.00 5.39 5.40 12.89 5.40 5.39 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.39 8.99 12.99 8.99 1.79 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 9.99 9.99 8.99 8.99 1.79 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 Lavender Lavender Lavender 636874-120324 636874-120225 636874-120218 32 OZ 18.60 6/2 OZ 2.40 8 OZ 5.40 EA CS EA 18.60 14.40 5.40 31.05 3.99 8.99 Bubble Bath 41092 05233 41604 05231 41602 41095 05232 41674 41603 41089 44458 44456 44457 41088 41085 41094 55993 Face & Body Mists Deodorant Spray, Citrus Deodorant Spray, Lavender Deodorant Spray, Vetiver Foaming Hand & Body Soap Gift Packs NON-FOODS $ SRP Body Oils SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE 52131 m 44461 44459 44460 41562 m 41563 m 41564 m 41566 m 41565 m Hair Care 41670 83003 41577 82996 52136 41575 41574 41578 83004 41630 52138 41569 82995 41669 52135 41571 41573 41572 52137 41745 45213 61700 s SPECIALTY EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Body Lotions PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description 8 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 12/1.5 OZ 8.4 OZ 8.4 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8.4 OZ 4 OZ 6 OZ 8.4 OZ 12/1.5 OZ 8 OZ 8.4 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 6 OZ Hand Sanitizer ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 72 61703 H 61706 H 45211 61705 H 61708 H 41621 m 45201 m 41742 m 41526 41622 m 41744 m 55992 41527 41623 m 41743 m 41746 m 41668 m 41223 m 82713 82714 82717 82716 82715 Lavender, Spray Lavender, Spray Lemon Peppermint, Spray Peppermint, Spray $ SRP 636874-120911 636874-120959 636874-120409 636874-120935 636874-120904 12/.33 OZ 6/2 OZ 6/2 OZ 12/.33 OZ 6/2 OZ 1.20 2.40 2.40 1.20 2.40 CS CS CS CS CS 14.40 14.40 14.40 14.40 14.40 1.99 3.99 3.99 1.99 3.99 French Lavender French Lavender French Lavender, Refill Lemon & Eucalyptus Lemon & Eucalyptus Lemon & Eucalyptus, Refill Meyer Lemon w/ Sage, Limited Edition Peppermint & Tea Tree Peppermint & Tea Tree Peppermint & Tea Tree, Refill Rose Geranium Citrus Rosemary Unscented 636874-120140 636874-120171 636874-120294 636874-120164 636874-120133 636874-120317 636874-121413 636874-120157 636874-120126 636874-120300 636874-120331 636874-120195 636874-121260 12 OZ 1 GAL 32 OZ 1 GAL 12 OZ 32 OZ 12 OZ 1 GAL 12 OZ 32 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 5.40 32.40 10.20 32.40 5.40 10.20 5.39 32.40 5.40 10.20 5.40 5.40 5.39 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.40 32.40 10.20 32.40 5.40 10.20 5.39 32.40 5.40 10.20 5.40 5.40 5.39 8.99 54.00 17.05 54.00 8.99 17.05 8.99 54.00 8.99 17.05 8.99 8.99 8.99 Shave Cream w/Coconut Milk Shave Cream, Tea Tree & Lemon Shave Foam, Coconut Milk Shave Foam, Lavender & Aloe Shave Foam, Tea Tree & Lemon 636874-190068 636874-190082 636874-190006 636874-190044 636874-190020 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 EA EA EA EA EA 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 Cleansing, Lavender Cleansing, Lavender Lavender (Sanitizing) 636874-120379 636874-120249 636874-121338 210 CT 18.00 24 CT 8.50 6/10 CT 2.40 EA EA CS 18.00 8.50 14.40 30.05 13.99 3.99 Liquid Hand Soap ESSENTIAL OXYGEN+ Antiseptic 48241 48242 44341 H 44342 H Food Grade Hydro Peroxide 3% Food Grade Hydro Peroxide 3% 793573-527509 793573-527493 16 OZ 8 OZ 5.98 4.78 EA EA 5.98 4.78 9.99 7.99 Peppermint Peppermint 793573-444165 793573-444172 16 OZ 4 OZ 8.09 4.05 EA EA 8.09 4.05 13.49 6.75 Cedarwood Citrus Mint Signature 878639-000216 878639-000223 878639-000209 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 4.51 4.51 4.51 EA EA EA 4.51 4.51 4.51 7.49 7.49 7.49 Lotion SPF15, Frag-Free Scrub, Hydrating, Frag-Free Scrub, Skin Clearing, Frag-Free Wash, Hydrating, Frag-Free 878639-000360 878639-000582 878639-000353 878639-000520 3.2 OZ 5 OZ 4.2 OZ 5 OZ 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 EA EA EA EA 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 Cream, Hydrating, Frag-Free Gel, Hydrating, Frag-Free Lotion, Fragrance Free 878639-000476 878639-000421 878639-000568 6.7 OZ 7 OZ 4.2 OZ 4.51 3.91 4.51 EA EA EA 4.51 3.91 4.51 7.49 6.49 7.49 087052-720780 087052-720803 087052-720810 5.5 OZ 5.5 OZ 5.5 OZ 2.65 2.65 2.65 EA EA EA 2.65 2.65 2.65 3.95 3.95 3.95 Brushing Rinse EVERY MAN JACK Deodorant 52969 52970 52968 Face 46407 46402 46410 46401 Shave 46403 46404 46408 FARMERS MARKET NATURAL SOAPS All Natural Moisturizing Bar Soap 07894 07896 07897 Apple Orchard Blackberry Preserves Lavender & Eucalyptus ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 73 PERSONAL CARE 41237 s 61702 s 41617 SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS Wipes GROCERY Shaving Needs SPECIALTY BULK EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description FROZEN Item # PET BULK Item # PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY 07898 07895 07899 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Lemongrass & Basil Pumpkin Spice Unscented EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 087052-720827 087052-720797 087052-720834 5.5 OZ 5.5 OZ 5.5 OZ 2.65 2.65 2.65 EA EA EA 2.65 2.65 2.65 3.95 3.95 3.95 Acne/Pimple Control Fissure Control H-Balm Control H-Balm Control, Xtra Strength H-Balm Daily Control Hemorrhoid Cntrl, Xtra Strength Hemorrhoid Control Nail Fungus Control Scar Control Wart Control Wart Control, Extra Strength 830743-009172 830743-009028 830743-009158 830743-009165 830743-009141 830743-009011 830743-009004 830743-009059 830743-009073 830743-009103 830743-009127 11 ML 11 ML 11 ML 11 ML 11 ML 11 ML 11 ML 11 ML 11 ML 11 ML 11 ML 16.86 16.21 17.52 19.46 12.97 19.46 17.52 17.52 16.86 17.52 19.46 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 16.86 16.21 17.52 19.46 12.97 19.46 17.52 17.52 16.86 17.52 19.46 25.95 24.94 26.95 29.95 19.95 29.95 26.95 26.95 25.95 26.95 29.95 Bottom Balm Calming Bubble Bath Conditioning Shampoo & Wash Velvety Soft Babee Lotion 899834-002065 899834-002034 899834-002010 899834-002041 4 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 6 OZ 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 EA EA EA EA 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 079565-009117 079565-009124 1 EA 1 EA 3.45 3.45 EA EA 3.45 3.45 5.75 5.75 079565-009070 079565-009186 079565-009032 079565-009025 079565-009018 10 CT 10 CT 10 CT 10 CT 10 CT 1.95 2.37 1.95 1.95 1.65 CS CS CS CS CS 19.47 23.73 19.47 19.47 16.53 3.25 3.95 3.25 3.25 2.75 079565-009209 079565-009223 079565-009100 079565-009056 079565-009049 079565-009254 10 CT 10 CT 12 CT 10 CT 10 CT 10 CT 1.95 2.37 2.37 1.95 1.95 1.95 CS CS CS CS CS CS 19.47 23.73 28.43 19.47 19.47 19.47 3.25 3.95 3.95 3.25 3.25 3.25 071130-000512 1 EA 7.64 EA 7.64 11.45 732168-921810 732168-921827 732168-921834 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 3.60 3.60 3.60 EA EA EA 3.60 3.60 3.60 5.99 5.99 5.99 716237-183675 716237-183668 716237-183613 716237-183866 716237-183699 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 12/1.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 5.39 5.39 5.39 1.73 5.39 EA EA EA CS EA 5.39 5.39 5.39 20.80 5.39 8.99 8.99 8.99 2.89 8.99 FORCES OF NATURE Homeopathic Medicine FROZEN REFRIGERATED 55082 55087 55090 55096 55088 55086 55085 55092 55093 55100 55101 FRESH ORGANICS Organic Baby 46668 46666 46665 46667 FUCH`S Ekotec Replaceable Head Toothbrushes & Refills 58401 58403 58408 58406 58411 58410 58409 58414 58396 58485 58393 58392 58398 Nylon, Soft Refill, Soft Natural Bristle Toothbrushes Jr. Child, Med Medoral Duo Plus, Med Rec V, Adult, Hard Rec V, Adult, Med Rec V, Adult, Soft Toothbrushes, Nylon Bristle Medoral Jr, Child, Soft Medoral Special, Med, Duo Plus Pocket M, Nylon Record V, Nylon, Med Record V, Nylon, Soft Record-Multituft, Med GENTLE TREATMENT 47004 Relaxer, Regular GEO-DEO Deodorant Twist-Up Sticks 52897 52898 52899 Natural, Fragrange Free Natural, Ocean Breeze Natural, Tropical Breeze GIOVANNI 2Chic Sleek Collection 07230 07229 07228 40115 07232 Blow Out Styling Mist Flat Iron Syling Mist Lv In Condition/Styling Elixir Ultra Sleek Bdy Lotion,Trvl Sz Ultra Sleek Body Lotion ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 74 07231 40114 07227 07233 07226 40112 40113 42269 42273 42268 42272 42271 42270 42274 57887 57883 57884 57886 42688 42687 46914 42676 42677 42678 46916 42679 42680 Ultra Sleek Body Wash Ultra Sleek Body Wash, Trvl Sz Ultra Sleek Conditioner Ultra Sleek Hair/Body Spr Potion Ultra Sleek Shampoo Ultra Sleek Shampoo, Trvl Sz Ultra Slk Cond, Travel Size EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 716237-183682 716237-183859 716237-183606 716237-183705 716237-183590 716237-183835 716237-183842 10.5 OZ 12/1.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 1.8 OZ 8.5 OZ 12/1.5 OZ 12/1.5 OZ 5.39 1.73 5.39 4.79 5.39 1.73 1.73 EA CS EA EA EA CS CS 5.39 20.80 5.39 4.79 5.39 20.80 20.80 8.99 2.89 8.99 7.99 8.99 2.89 2.89 716237-182920 716237-182975 716237-182913 716237-183040 716237-183033 716237-182906 716237-182968 16 OZ 2 OZ 16 OZ 2 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 2 OZ 5.99 1.50 5.99 1.50 5.99 5.99 1.50 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.99 1.50 5.99 1.50 5.99 5.99 1.50 9.95 2.49 9.95 2.49 9.95 9.95 2.49 Cool Mint Lemonade Cucumber Song Grapefruit Sky Lavender Vanilla Snow 716237-181275 716237-180865 716237-180872 716237-180889 5.3 OZ 5.3 OZ 5.3 OZ 5.3 OZ 3.57 3.01 3.01 3.01 EA EA EA EA 3.57 3.01 3.01 3.01 5.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 Chocolate Sugar Scrub Mint Lemonade Cooling Salt Scrub 716237-180759 716237-180742 9 OZ 9 OZ 8.39 8.39 EA EA 8.39 8.39 13.99 13.99 Bamboo Birch Cassifluer White Tea Cucumber Song Grapefruit Sky Hazelnut Vanilla Lavender Vanilla Snow Raspberry Winter 716237-180841 716237-180599 716237-180605 716237-180612 716237-180858 716237-180629 716237-180636 10.5 OZ 10.5 OZ 10.5 OZ 10.5 OZ 10.5 OZ 10.5 OZ 10.5 OZ 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 Conditioner, Beautiful Blonde Conditioner, Boldly Black Conditioner, Brazenly Brunette Conditioner, Perfectly Platinum Conditioner, Remarkably Red Shampoo, Beautiful Blonde Shampoo, Boldly Black Shampoo, Brazenly Brunette Shampoo, Perfectly Platinum Shampoo, Remarkably Red 716237-182203 716237-182388 716237-182265 716237-182241 716237-182227 716237-182197 716237-182371 716237-182258 716237-182234 716237-182210 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 Facial Towelettes, Prfy/Exfol Purifying Body Bar, Step 1 Purifying Body Lotion, Step 3 Purifying Body Scrub, Step 2 Purifying Body Wash, Step 1 Purifying Facial Cleanser Purifying Facial Mask Purifying Facial Scrub Replenishing Facial Moisturizer 716237-183507 716237-182005 716237-182029 716237-182036 716237-182012 716237-182791 716237-182814 716237-182807 716237-182821 3 OZ 5.3 OZ 8.5 OZ 6 OZ 10.5 OZ 7 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 0.80 3.00 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.79 3.00 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 7.99 4.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 716237-183484 716237-183491 3 OZ 3 OZ 0.70 0.70 EA EA 4.19 4.19 6.99 6.99 3inOne: Shampoo, Body Wash, Bubble Bath Colorflage 44902 44910 44908 44906 44904 44901 44909 44907 44905 44903 D:tox 07235 42652 42654 42653 n 42651 42275 42278 42276 42277 07236 07237 Facial Cleansing Towelettes Citrus/Cucumber, Refresh Soothing, Fragrance Free ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 75 GROCERY Cleanse Body Wash PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS Body Scrubs NON-FOODS PET Bathe Bar Soaps SPECIALTY Cool Mint Lemonade Cool Mint Lemonade, Travel Size Grapefruit Sky Grapefruit Sky, Travel Size Orange Creamsicle Tropical Medley Tropical Medley, Travel Size BULK Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description REFRIGERATED Item # FROZEN BULK Item # PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Flight Attendant Kit 40111 07234 40109 57696 57684 42598 57683 57691 57598 89884 59561 57694 57626 57690 57669 57645 57687 57649 57642 57685 57682 57681 42597 57623 57599 57688 42072 57648 57594 57647 57670 57692 59562 42280 42279 42425 57871 57872 57873 46913 42681 42682 42683 46915 42684 42685 52619 52620 52616 52622 52618 52621 52617 FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description D;tox System, Facial Hair/Body Kit, Tea Tree, 2oz Hairy & Body, Smooth as Silk 716237-183828 716237-182982 716237-183798 1 KIT 1/4 PK 1/4/2 OZ 5.99 5.99 5.99 EA EA EA 5.99 5.99 5.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 716237-120083 716237-180056 716237-181725 716237-020086 716237-070081 716237-150080 716237-140081 716237-110084 716237-100085 716237-050083 716237-060082 716237-180162 716237-180278 716237-040084 716237-180339 716237-180322 716237-030085 716237-180049 716237-010087 716237-181718 716237-180537 716237-130082 716237-180360 716237-182289 716237-180261 716237-180100 716237-180346 716237-180179 716237-080080 716237-090089 716237-182883 716237-182876 716237-181695 7 OZ 4.79 8.5 OZ 5.40 8.5 OZ 4.78 8.5 OZ 4.78 8.5 OZ 4.78 8.5 OZ 4.78 2.75 OZ 5.36 5 OZ 4.78 6.8 OZ 5.37 6.8 OZ 5.37 6.8 OZ 4.78 5.1 OZ 7.80 128 OZ 43.53 8.5 OZ 4.78 8.5 OZ 4.78 128 OZ 43.54 8.5 OZ 4.78 8.5 OZ 5.40 8.5 OZ 4.78 8.5 OZ 4.78 8.5 OZ 4.79 8.5 OZ 4.79 4 OZ 5.39 5.1 OZ 5.37 6.8 OZ 6.60 6.8 OZ 5.40 2 OZ 5.99 2 OZ 5.99 8.5 OZ 4.78 5 OZ 4.78 8.5 OZ 5.36 8.5 OZ 5.36 2 OZ 5.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.79 5.40 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 5.36 4.78 5.37 5.37 4.78 7.80 43.53 4.78 4.78 43.54 4.78 5.40 4.78 4.78 4.79 4.79 5.39 5.37 6.60 5.40 5.99 5.99 4.78 4.78 5.36 5.36 5.99 7.95 8.99 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 8.95 7.95 8.95 8.95 7.95 12.99 72.39 7.95 7.95 72.39 7.95 8.99 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 8.99 8.95 10.99 8.99 9.99 9.99 7.95 7.95 8.95 8.95 9.99 716237-182159 716237-182166 716237-181572 10.1 OZ 10.1 OZ 10.1 OZ 3.89 3.89 3.89 EA EA EA 3.89 3.89 3.89 6.49 6.49 6.49 716237-180827 716237-180643 716237-180650 716237-180667 716237-180834 716237-180674 716237-180681 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 716237-181374 716237-181886 716237-181343 716237-181879 716237-181367 716237-181893 716237-181350 20 CT 24/1 CT 20 CT 24/1 CT 20 CT 24/1 CT 20 CT 7.16 0.48 7.16 0.48 7.16 0.48 7.16 EA CS EA CS EA CS EA 7.16 11.45 7.16 11.45 7.16 11.45 7.16 11.95 0.79 11.95 0.79 11.95 0.79 11.95 Hair Care Products Air Turbo Charged Mousse Conditioner, Restruxturing Conditioner, Root 66 Max Volume Conditioner, Smooth As Silk Conditioner, Stay In Direct Conditioner, Tea Tree Triple Treat Frizz Be Gone L.A. Hold, Non Aerosol Pump L.A. Nat, Xtra Firm Holding Gel More Body Thickner Nutrafix For Damaged Hair Power Treatment, Magnetic Remoisturizer, 50/50 Balanced Remoisturizer, 50/50 Balanced Root 66 Lifting Spray Shampoo, 50/50 Balanced Shampoo, 50/50 Balanced Shampoo, Energizing Shampoo, Golden Wheat Shampoo, Root 66 Max Volume Shampoo, Smooth As Silk Shampoo, Tea Tree Triple Treat Shine Of The Times Smooth As Silk Xtreme Straight Fast Straightening Elixir Styling Gel, Magnetic Attraction Styling Glue Styling Wax, Magnetic Force Sunset Herb/MinSculpt/SetLotion Vitapro Fusion, Vitamin Treatment Wellness System Conditioner Wellness System Shampoo Wicked Wax Styling Pomade Hands Liquid Soap Cucumber Song Grapefruit Sky Tea Tree Triple Treat Hydrate Body Lotion Bamboo Birch Cassifluer White Tea Cucumber Song Grapefruit Sky Hazelnut Vanilla Lavender Vanilla Snow Raspberry Winter Mini Towelettes Mixed Recharge Peppermint Surge POP DS Recharge Peppermint Surge Refresh Grapefruit Splash POP DS Refresh Grapefruit Splash Relax Lavender Calm POP DS Relax Lavender Calm ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 76 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Shave Cream 52044 52046 52045 42675 Invigorating, Tea Tree Mint Refresh, Pink Grpfrt & Pom Sensitive Skin,Aloe Frag Free 716237-183224 716237-183231 716237-183217 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 4.19 4.19 4.19 EA EA EA 4.19 4.19 4.19 6.99 6.99 6.99 716237-181428 20/1 OZ 1.80 CS 35.91 59.95 Peppermint, SPF35, Display Tropical Punch, SPF35, Display 716237-182753 716237-182739 24/.15 OZ 24/.15 OZ 2.34 2.34 CS CS 56.05 56.05 3.89 3.89 Body Care POP Display Conditioner, Direct Stay In Conditioner, Smooth As Silk Conditioner, Tea Tree Triple Treat Hair Spritz, L.A. Hold Remoisturizer, 50/50 Balanced Shampoo, 50/50 Balanced Shampoo, Smooth as Silk Shampoo, Tea Tree Triple Treat Shave Cream, Fragrance Free/Aloe Shave Cream, Pnk Grpfrt/Pom Shave Cream, Tea Tree & Mint Styling Gel, L.A. Natural Wellness Sys, Conditioner, TS Wellness System, Shampoo, TS 716237-181534 716237-180438 716237-180414 716237-180421 716237-180513 716237-180445 716237-180391 716237-180520 716237-180407 716237-183309 716237-183323 716237-183316 716237-180469 716237-183163 716237-183156 30/2 OZ 12/2 OZ 12/2 OZ 12/2 OZ 12/2 OZ 12/2 OZ 12/2 OZ 12/2 OZ 12/2 OZ 12/1.5 OZ 12/1.5 OZ 12/1.5 OZ 12/2 OZ 12/2.0 OZ 12/2.0 OZ 1.80 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.79 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.38 1.50 1.50 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 53.93 14.28 14.28 14.28 21.48 14.28 14.28 14.28 14.28 14.28 14.28 14.28 16.52 17.96 17.96 89.85 23.79 23.79 23.79 35.79 23.79 23.79 23.79 23.79 23.79 23.79 23.79 27.49 29.89 29.89 788832-000015 788832-000022 788832-000039 788832-000046 1 PK 7.00 3 PK 17.75 1 PK 8.51 3 PK 22.25 EA EA EA EA 7.00 17.75 8.51 22.25 10.49 26.65 12.75 33.39 1 PK 12.00 EA 12.00 17.99 Smooth As Silk Xtreme POP Shelf Display StreetChic Lip Balms 88992 88990 42599 40679 40674 40656 40650 40669 40661 40647 40652 59587 59588 59586 40691 59590 59589 83704 Undyed Cotton 788832-000091 14784 14782 14780 14781 14783 Ginger Balm Ginger Eye Cream Ginger Face Cleanser Ginger Face Moisturizer Ginger Face Serum 734027-012028 734027-011052 734027-011014 734027-011038 734027-011045 1.6 OZ 1 OZ 5 OZ 2 OZ 1 OZ 5.48 13.33 10.73 15.33 15.86 EA EA EA EA EA 5.48 13.33 10.73 15.33 15.86 9.13 22.21 17.88 25.55 26.43 43mm Hot Round Bulk Brush Blonde Braided Elastics Brantly Barrettes Chocolate Cake Braid Elastics Classic Girls Headband Comfort Hair Wrap 2" Ouchless Double Dare Me 4mm Elastics Grip Style, Cushion Brush Grp N Style Paddle Bulk Brush Librty London,Braided Elastic Long Metal Bar Headwrap Luxe Skinny Domed Slides Primary Color Elastics Rectangle Contour Clip Shades of Gray Elastics 041457-038680 041457-046968 041457-047910 041457-047439 041457-321133 041457-820681 041457-036594 041457-038666 041457-038697 041457-047422 041457-039601 041457-035849 041457-047217 041457-047880 041457-047545 3/1 CT 3/10 CT 3/2 CT 3/17 CT 6/5 CT 6/3 CT 3/24 CT 3/1 CT 3/1 CT 3/17 CT 3/3 CT 3/2 CT 3/17 CT 3/4 CT 3/17 CT 2.05 1.60 2.01 1.23 1.53 2.96 2.59 2.51 2.05 1.60 2.79 3.87 1.23 2.05 1.23 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 6.16 4.80 6.04 3.68 9.20 17.76 7.76 7.52 6.16 4.80 8.36 11.60 3.68 6.16 3.68 3.09 2.39 2.99 1.85 2.29 4.45 3.89 3.75 3.09 2.39 4.19 5.79 1.85 3.09 1.85 Cotton, Regular Cotton, Regular Cotton, Undyed, Organic Cotton, Undyed, Organic Menstrual Pads, Night GO GOODY 07150 07167 07163 07164 07153 07188 07168 07151 07152 07154 07158 07186 07169 07166 07155 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 77 PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE 83705 83706 83707 83708 SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS GLAD RAGS Menstrual Pads, Day FROZEN Trial Size SPECIALTY REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK Item # 07156 07157 07160 Slide Proof Medium Basic Claw Stay Tight Auto Clsp,Barrette Wave Textured Elastics EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 041457-047187 041457-039748 041457-039571 3/1 CT 3/4 CT 3/3 CT 1.83 1.97 2.79 CS CS CS 5.48 5.92 8.36 2.75 2.95 4.19 87557 87568 Pine Tar Pine Tar 010486-007103 010486-007110 8 OZ 8 OZ 7.10 6.47 EA EA 7.10 6.47 11.79 10.75 Baking Soda Chamomile w/Oat Beta Glucan Fancy Lux w/Olive Oil/Cham/Orange Indian Corn Old Fashioned Oatmeal Patchouli w/Aloe Vera Pine Tar, Bath Sandlewood Ginseng Shea Buttr Shea Butter Thylox Medicated Witch Hazel Wonder Pine Tar 010486-007080 010486-007172 010486-007127 010486-007189 010486-007073 010486-007141 010486-007011 010486-007158 010486-007257 010486-012121 010486-007035 010486-007004 3.25 OZ 3.25 OZ 3.25 OZ 3.5 OZ 3.25 OZ 3.25 OZ 4.25 OZ 3.25 OZ 3.25 OZ 3.25 OZ 3.25 OZ 3.25 OZ 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 3.20 2.64 2.64 3.52 2.64 2.47 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 3.20 2.64 2.64 3.52 2.64 2.47 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 4.39 5.29 4.39 4.39 5.85 4.39 4.09 798844-040220 4 OZ 14.82 EA 14.82 24.75 Calendula Cream Lanolin Calendula Cream Lanolin Calendula Cream Vegltm Calendula Cream Vegltm 604595-110054 604595-110030 604595-110061 604595-110047 4 OZ 2 OZ 4 OZ 2 OZ 8.32 6.14 8.32 6.14 EA EA EA EA 8.32 6.14 8.32 6.14 13.89 10.19 13.89 10.19 Body Paint Natural 658085-980016 1 CT 10.41 EA 10.41 17.38 074092-032065 8 OZ 8.10 EA 8.10 13.50 Shampoo, Clearly 074092-032034 16.9 OZ 8.10 EA 8.10 13.50 Bath Soap, Liquid Conditioner, Chamomile Blossom Shampoo Sweet Violet Lotion 048685-601082 048685-101094 048685-101087 048685-501023 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 6.21 6.21 6.21 6.21 EA EA EA EA 6.21 6.21 6.21 6.21 10.35 10.35 10.35 10.35 Baby Bath Baby Lotion Baby Shampoo Calming Mist 048685-062913 048685-062937 048685-062920 048685-062944 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 4 OZ 6.24 6.24 6.24 5.82 EA EA EA EA 6.24 6.24 6.24 5.82 10.39 10.39 10.39 9.69 Milled, Dusk 805002-000399 6/5 OZ 2.93 CS 17.60 4.99 After Shave Balm, Dusk Ceramic Shave Mug Cologne, Dusk Shave Cream, Dusk 805002-000726 805002-000061 805002-000306 805002-000627 3.4 OZ 5.33 1 EA 2.40 1.7 OZ 17.00 6.7 OZ 5.33 EA EA EA EA 5.33 2.40 17.00 5.33 8.99 3.99 28.99 8.99 Soap PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description GRANDPA SOAP CO Shampoo & Conditioner FROZEN REFRIGERATED 87551 52917 87550 87556 87553 87561 43932 52916 87562 87555 87552 87554 GREAT MOTHER`S GOODS 88653 Belly Butter GREEN EARTH FARM 43935 43936 43938 43939 HAWAIIAN HENNA 43946 HEAD Hair Styling Products 46893 46895 Spray, Extra Hold Shampoos & Conditioners, Paraben Free HEALTHY TIMES Baby Products 55112 55109 55111 55110 52626 52628 52627 52629 Sleepy Time, Baby Care HERBAN COWBOY Bar Soap 53362 Facial Care 53367 53374 53369 53366 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 78 50995 50996 2.9 OZ 1 EA 2.93 2.93 EA EA 2.93 2.93 4.99 4.99 805002-000375 805002-000337 805002-000320 805002-000382 805002-000368 2.8 OZ 2.8 OZ 2.8 OZ 2.8 OZ 2.8 OZ 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 EA EA EA EA EA 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 Blossom, Stick Powder, Stick 805002-000610 805002-000603 2.8 OZ 2.8 OZ 5.33 5.33 EA EA 5.33 5.33 8.99 8.99 (10N) Platinum Blonde (1N) Black (2N) Brown (3N) Dark Chestnut (4D) Golden Chestnut (4N) Chestnut (4R) Copper Chestnut (5D) Light Golden Chestnut (5N) Light Chestnut (5R) Light Copper Chestnut (6D) Dark Golden Blonde (6N) Dark Blonde (7D) Golden Blonde (7N) Blonde (8D) Light Golden Blonde (8N) Light Blonde (8R) Light Copper Blonde (9N) Honey Blonde 666248-001096 666248-001003 666248-001010 666248-001027 666248-001102 666248-001034 666248-001188 666248-001119 666248-001041 666248-001195 666248-001126 666248-001058 666248-001133 666248-001065 666248-001140 666248-001072 666248-001218 666248-001089 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 8 OZ 5.28 2 OZ 2.39 8 OZ 5.27 128 OZ 49.79 8 OZ 5.28 8 OZ 5.28 8 OZ 5.28 8 OZ 5.28 8 OZ 5.28 8 OZ 5.28 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.28 2.39 5.27 49.79 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 8.79 3.99 8.79 82.99 8.79 8.79 8.79 8.79 8.79 8.79 Mens Deodorant Dusk, Stick Forest, Stick Mountain, Stick Unscented, Stick Wild, Stick Womens Deodorant HERBATINT 72401 72399 72392 72394 72406 72391 72412 72398 72390 72408 72404 72393 72410 72397 72411 72403 72413 72400 HERITAGE STORE, INC. Aura Glow 85600 52656 52657 52659 85607 85606 85601 85604 85612 85617 85615 85602 85608 85611 85631 85630 85619 52654 85633 85637 85642 Almond Bergamot Grapefruit Bergamot Grapefruit Bergamot Grapefruit Coconut Jasmine Lavender Rose Unscented Vanilla Spice 076970-110315 076970-974122 076970-700622 076970-398454 076970-110346 076970-110353 076970-110339 076970-110322 076970-110360 076970-110377 Bath & Massage Oils 076970-110674 8 OZ 6.29 EA 6.29 10.49 Castor Oil Castor Oil Castor Oil Castor Oil Cotton Flannel 13" x 15" Wool Flannel 12" x 27" 076970-221165 076970-221325 076970-221042 076970-221097 076970-221882 076970-221745 16 OZ 32 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 1 EA 1 EA 5.88 8.88 3.00 3.60 6.60 6.60 EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.88 8.88 3.00 3.60 6.60 6.60 9.79 14.79 4.99 5.99 10.99 10.99 Bergamot Grapefruit Jasmine Lavender Lavender 076970-977932 076970-446780 076970-442317 076970-446452 8 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 4 OZ 5.27 3.60 5.28 3.60 EA EA EA EA 5.27 3.60 5.28 3.60 8.79 5.99 8.79 5.99 Flower Waters ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 79 BULK NON-FOODS Castor Oil SPECIALTY Egyptian Oil Extra P.O. REFRIGERATED 53379 53376 53377 40247 40246 805002-000443 805002-000054 FROZEN Shave Soap, Dusk Wood Shave Brush $ SRP PET 53370 53372 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price GROCERY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description PERSONAL CARE Item # SUPPLEMENTS BULK REFRIGERATED FROZEN PET GROCERY Item # PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS 85639 85646 85644 85645 85603 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Lilac Rosewater & Glycerin w/Atomizer Rosewater w/Atomizer Rosewater w/Atomizer Rosewater 076970-446230 076970-446568 076970-446124 076970-446094 076970-443635 4 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 3.60 3.89 5.28 3.60 3.29 EA EA EA EA EA 3.60 3.89 5.28 3.60 3.29 5.99 6.72 8.79 5.99 5.49 Herbal Heat Roll-On Lanolin Original Scar Massage Temple Healer Roll-On Vegetable Glycerin 076970-095032 076970-443468 076970-443062 076970-100033 076970-443796 3 OZ 4 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 4 OZ 7.80 6.00 6.29 7.80 3.89 EA EA EA EA EA 7.80 6.00 6.29 7.80 3.89 12.99 9.99 10.49 12.99 6.49 Alka Thyme, Alkaline Mouthwash Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash Ipsab Concentrate Ipsab Tooth Powder Ipsab Ipsadent 076970-111114 076970-665716 076970-554256 076970-554362 076970-111527 076970-554478 16 OZ 16 OZ 1 OZ 4 OZ 2 OZ 16 OZ 8.28 5.09 5.69 4.80 6.60 7.20 EA EA EA EA EA EA 8.28 5.09 5.69 4.80 6.60 7.20 13.79 8.49 9.49 7.99 10.99 11.99 076970-332175 076970-333332 8 OZ 8 OZ 4.20 5.40 EA EA 4.20 5.40 6.99 8.99 689076-933087 689076-933186 28 OZ 28 OZ 8.75 8.75 EA EA 8.75 8.75 16.99 16.99 649241-838104 2.2 LB 8.75 EA 8.75 16.99 Neti-Mist 652865-600408 1 OZ 9.57 EA 9.57 15.95 Eco Neti Pot Starter Kit Neti Pot Starter Kit Neti Pot, Bioplastic Neti Pot, Ceramic Neti Pot, Salt USP Grade Neti Pot, Salt USP Grade Neti Pot, Salt USP Grade Neti Pot, Salt USP Grade Neti Stick Counter Display Neti Wash Flu Neti Wash Plus Zinc Free Neti Wash Silver Salt Bag 652865-412018 652865-412001 652865-421119 652865-411998 652865-600064 652865-600071 652865-600071 652865-600064 652865-600255 652865-600422 652865-600231 652865-600460 652865-600415 1 KIT 17.97 1 KIT 20.97 1 EACH 8.37 1 EA 10.17 10 OZ 1.77 12 OZ 3.57 10 OZ 3.57 8 OZ 1.77 12/.2 OZ 2.97 1 OZ 9.57 2 OZ 8.97 1 OZ 8.98 1.5 LB 5.37 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA 17.97 20.97 8.37 10.17 1.77 3.57 3.57 1.77 35.64 9.57 8.97 8.98 5.37 29.95 34.95 13.95 16.95 2.95 5.95 5.95 2.95 4.95 15.95 14.95 14.95 8.95 Beauty Argan Oil Carrot Creme Carrot Oil Tea Tree Scalp Oil 045836-005409 045836-005003 045836-005508 045836-005904 3 OZ 7.5 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 7.12 3.89 2.86 2.86 EA EA EA EA 7.12 3.89 2.86 2.86 10.69 5.85 4.29 4.29 318858-513246 318858-540242 318858-541249 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 5.39 5.39 5.39 EA EA EA 5.39 5.39 5.39 8.99 8.99 8.99 Miscellaneous 48460 85618 85624 48459 85636 85627 85620 85622 85621 85605 85614 85613 85610 Oral Care Shampoo & Conditioner Olive Oil Pine Tar HIMALAROSE HEALING RITUALS Bath Salts 51223 _, 51224 _, 51225 _, SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Lavendar Rose Petal Massage Stones Pink Salt HIMALAYAN INSTITUTE Herbal Supplements 45762 40806 46006 47744 45858 40076 40077 45856 45876 47737 47742 45878 47743 45761 Neti Products HOLLYWOOD 46864 46954 46959 46952 HOME HEALTH Almond Glow Skin & Lotion Massage Oil 54059 54060 54061 Almond Coconut Jasmine ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 80 54051 54052 54087 54057 54058 54085 54086 54084 88404 88400 54063 88405 54067 54089 54092 54055 54071 46311 46313 46312 EA EA EA 5.39 5.39 5.39 8.99 8.99 8.99 Lavender Rose 318858-104246 318858-025244 8 OZ 8 OZ 5.39 5.39 EA EA 5.39 5.39 8.99 8.99 Conditioner, Oliva, Olive & Aloe Everclean Antidandruff Shampoo Hairever I Cleansing Scalp Treatment Hairever II Hair/Scalp Vit Tonic Shamp,Everclean,Unscent,Antidandruff Shampoo, Oliva Enriched 318858-518241 318858-546244 318858-570249 318858-558247 318858-122240 318858-534241 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 5.99 5.99 8.81 5.99 5.99 5.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.99 5.99 8.81 5.99 5.99 5.99 9.99 9.99 14.75 9.99 9.99 9.99 318858-501243 318858-501489 318858-501328 318858-533121 318858-533183 8 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 1 EA 1 EA 3.59 5.99 9.29 8.69 5.99 EA EA EA EA EA 3.59 5.99 9.29 8.69 5.99 5.99 9.99 15.49 14.49 9.99 Herbal Jasmine Unscented 318858-576098 318858-577095 318858-575091 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 4.79 4.79 4.79 EA EA EA 4.79 4.79 4.79 7.99 7.99 7.99 Antifungal Lotion Blemish Treatment Lotion Facial Cleansing Gel FemGest BOGO Liquid Lanolin Psoriasis Body Wash Psoriasis Cream Scargo Scar Massage Lotion Vitamin E Beauty Oil 318858-118120 4 OZ 5.99 318858-120123 4 OZ 5.99 318858-571246 8 OZ 5.69 018858-057176 2/2 OZ 14.99 318858-509126 4 OZ 5.69 318858-106240 8 OZ 7.79 318858-112067 2 OZ 9.29 318858-510061 4 OZ 5.99 318858-560011.5 OZ 3.16 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.99 5.99 5.69 14.99 5.69 7.79 9.29 5.99 3.16 9.99 9.99 9.49 25.05 9.49 12.99 15.49 9.99 5.29 318858-180301 318858-179077 318858-179053 1 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 9.49 9.99 6.51 EA EA EA 9.49 9.99 6.51 18.99 19.99 10.85 893987-002415 893987-002019 893987-002040 10/1 EA 10/1 EA 50/1 EA 1.07 1.49 1.49 CS CS CS 10.67 14.93 74.50 17.79 24.95 2.49 302190-403808 302190-304808 302190-304600 302190-306208 302190-305201 302190-306802 302190-307809 302190-304167 8 OZ 8 OZ 60 CT 2 OZ 2 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 16 OZ 5.67 2.71 4.77 0.76 0.76 3.96 3.96 3.60 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.67 2.71 4.77 0.76 0.76 3.96 3.96 3.60 9.45 5.42 7.95 1.52 1.52 6.60 6.60 7.20 354973-751019.26 OZ 5.52 EA 5.52 9.19 Flower Water Mists Hair Care Health Care Products Castor Oil Castor Oil Castor Oil Wool Flannel, Large (18x24) Wool Flannel, Small (12x18) Herbal Magic Roll-On Deodorant Skin Care Skin Essentials Goji Berry Eye Cream Goji Berry Facial Cream Goji Berry Hand & Body Lotion HOTTEEZE Self-Heating Pads 80104 80103 80105 Foot Regular Regular, Display HUMPHREYS PHARMACAL Witch Hazel 53218 53215 46172 42433 42435 42420 42422 53216 Alcohol Free Toner Astringent Cleansing Pads Toner, Citrus Oil Controlling Toner, Cucumber Melon Redness Reduce Toner, Oil Controlling Toner, Softening Witch Hazel Astringent HYLANDS HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES Arnica Products 56368 Bumps & Bruises ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 81 BULK REFRIGERATED 54078 54075 54076 54077 88401 54079 5.39 5.39 5.39 FROZEN 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ PET 54081 54082 318858-109241 318858-108244 318858-585243 GROCERY Lavender Rose Unscented $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 54090 54091 54062 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK REFRIGERATED Item # 40130 56436 56437 56425 56424 56439 56441 56446 56547 56400 59184 FROZEN PET GROCERY 354973-308510 354973-115514 354973-115521 3 OZ 1 OZ 4 OZ $ SRP 5.72 4.86 7.79 EA EA EA 5.72 4.86 7.79 9.55 8.09 12.99 Ointment Ointment, Tube Spray (Non Alcoholic) 354973-205239 354973-205215 354973-115323 3.5 OZ 10.86 1 OZ 4.86 4 OZ 7.79 EA EA EA 10.86 4.86 7.79 18.09 8.09 12.99 Hypericum Products Spray 354973-115750 4 OZ 7.79 EA 7.79 12.99 354973-751118.26 OZ 354973-751439 2.5 OZ 354973-420243 18 GR 5.46 5.72 3.59 EA EA EA 5.46 5.72 3.59 9.09 9.55 5.99 354973-750913 2.5 OZ 5.86 EA 5.86 8.79 Deep Muscle Warming Balm 818570-008896 3.3 OZ 4.33 EA 4.33 7.22 Body Oil, Aloe Green Tea Oil, Body Lemon Oil, Body, Lavender Oil, Body, Mango 818570-002481 818570-002566 818570-002528 818570-002603 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 3.87 3.87 3.87 3.87 EA EA EA EA 3.87 3.87 3.87 3.87 6.45 6.45 6.49 6.49 Menthol Camphor Bath Soak Menthol Camphor Relief Mist 818570-002979 818570-001545 14 OZ 4 OZ 4.51 4.31 EA EA 4.51 4.31 7.51 7.17 Daily Cleansing Cream Divine Day Cream Gentle Pore Scrub Nourishing Night Cream 818570-004232 818570-004263 818570-004256 818570-006113 6.4 OZ 6.83 2.24 OZ 10.55 4 OZ 5.69 2.2 OZ 10.55 EA EA EA EA 6.83 10.55 5.69 10.55 11.38 17.58 9.48 17.58 Foot Cream, Rejuvenating Peppermint Foot Scrub, Peppermint Soothing 818570-002627 000000-000000 11 OZ 12 OZ 5.63 6.08 EA EA 5.63 6.08 9.39 10.13 818570-002450 818570-002498 818570-002535 818570-002573 818570-001903 11 OZ 11 OZ 11 OZ 11 OZ 11 OZ 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 EA EA EA EA EA 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 Aloe & Green Tea Lavender Lemon 818570-002474 818570-002511 818570-002559 2.1 OZ 2.1 OZ 2.1 OZ 4.68 4.68 4.68 EA EA EA 4.68 4.68 4.68 7.85 7.85 7.85 Head To Toe Kit Lifes A Beach Travel Kit Manicure Pack 818570-002634 818570-003907 818570-004096 1 KIT 10.51 1 KIT 10.49 1 KIT 10.51 EA EA EA 10.51 10.49 10.51 17.55 17.49 17.50 Lip Balm, Medicated Natural Beeswax, Peppermint Weatherproofing, Raspberry 818570-007011 818570-002641 818570-004225 12/.15 OZ 12/.14 OZ 12/.14 OZ 2.09 2.09 2.09 CS CS CS 25.08 25.08 25.08 3.49 3.49 3.48 818570-008513 6/11 OZ 3.59 CS 21.52 5.39 Popular Specialty Products Ointment Stick, Bug Bite Ointment, Leg Cramps Prid Drawing Salve Remedies For Children Diaper Ointment J R WATKINS Natural Apothecary Analgesics 51584 51163 51164 51166 51165 51581 51580 48473 48471 48474 48472 51162 48465 51148 51150 51151 51149 51152 51160 51158 51161 Body Oil Cough & Cold Facial Care Foot Care SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS PERSONAL CARE Muscle Therapy Gel Spray Spray EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Calendula Products Kits SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Hand & Body Lotion Lotion, Hand & Body, Aloe/Green Tea Lotion, Hand & Body, Lavender Lotion, Hand & Body, Lemon Cream Lotion, Hand & Body, Mango Lotion, Hand & Body, Vanilla Hand & Cuticle Salves 51175 48467 48476 48466 51168 51169 51605 Lip Care Liquid Hand Soaps Aloe & Green Tea ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 82 51154 51155 51153 51156 51157 48470 51167 48469 48468 CS CS CS 21.52 21.52 21.52 5.39 5.39 5.39 818570-001538 818570-004805 11 OZ 4 OZ 7.02 5.53 EA EA 7.02 5.53 11.71 9.22 Hand Cream, Aloe Green Tea Hand Cream, Lavender Hand Cream, Lemon Hand Cream, Mango Hand Cream, Vanilla 818570-002467 818570-002504 818570-002542 818570-002580 818570-001897 3.3 OZ 3.3 OZ 3.3 OZ 3.3 OZ 3.3 OZ 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 EA EA EA EA EA 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 8.59 8.59 8.59 8.59 8.59 Body Wash, Aloe & Green Tea Calming Bath Soak, Lavender Daily Conditioner Aloe/Green Tea Daily Shampoo, Aloe & Green Tea 818570-003914 818570-002207 818570-001514 818570-001460 12 OZ 14 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 5.93 5.63 5.93 5.93 EA EA EA EA 5.93 5.63 5.93 5.93 9.89 9.39 9.89 9.89 Shampoo, Old Fashioned Bar, Original Shampoo, Old Fashioned Bar, Herbal 049056-102016 049056-102023 3.5 OZ 3.5 OZ 3.68 3.68 EA EA 3.68 3.68 6.15 6.15 049056-001067 049056-102061 1 EA 3.5 OZ 5.36 3.69 EA EA 5.36 3.69 9.99 6.99 714924-290804 714924-290408 714924-290002 714924-290934 6 OZ 8 OZ 6 OZ 6 OZ 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 EA EA EA EA 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 Natural Insect Repellent Spray 078522-432227 4.5 OZ 6.64 EA 6.64 11.09 Tea Tree Icy Mineral Gel Tea Tree Icy Mineral Gel 078522-030027 078522-030225 4 OZ 8 OZ 5.37 7.77 EA EA 5.37 7.77 8.95 12.95 Aloe Vera Liquid Satin Soap Apricot Liquid Satin Soap Chamomile & Comfrey Satin Soap Glycerin/Rosewater Satin Soap Herbal Liquid Satin Soap Lavender Liquid Satin Soap Mango & Papaya Satin Soap Tea Tree Liquid Satin Soap 078522-020059 078522-020011 078522-020073 078522-020233 078522-020134 078522-020257 078522-020103 078522-030171 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 Aloe Vera Tea Tree Tea Tree, 100% Pure Vitamin E, 14,000 IU Vitamin E, 32,000 IU Vitamin E, 45,000 IU Vitamin E, 5,000 IU 078522-040019 078522-030133 078522-030119 078522-040217 078522-040118 078522-040316 078522-050018 1 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 1.1 OZ 2 OZ 4 OZ 5.40 8.71 7.77 5.40 7.77 8.40 5.40 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.40 8.71 7.77 5.40 7.77 8.40 5.40 8.99 14.49 12.95 8.99 12.95 13.99 8.99 078522-021056 078522-021070 078522-021094 30 OZ 30 OZ 30 OZ 9.31 9.31 9.31 EA EA EA 9.31 9.31 9.31 15.49 15.49 15.49 Pain Relieving Liniments Original Spray Shea Butter Hand Cream Specialty Bath J.R. LIGGETT 56350 56351 50399 50398 Natural Traveler Items Shamp Bar, Ultra Balanced w/Travel Bag Shampoo, Bar, Ultra Balanced JAMAICAN MANGO & LIME 46784 46772 46771 46785 Cream Wax Gro Spray, No More Itch Locking Gel Locking Gel, Resistant JASON NATURAL COSMETICS "Quit Bugging Me" Natl Insect Repellent 51243 Analgesic 57831 78053 57897 57898 87603 57899 57900 84456 57031 57901 57832 57973 57835 57837 57838 57779 57836 57857 57858 87602 Bath & Body Care SUPPLEMENTS BULK 3.59 3.59 3.59 REFRIGERATED 6/11 OZ 6/11 OZ 6/11 OZ FROZEN 51582 51583 818570-008322 818570-008520 818570-006953 PET Lavender Lemon Orange Citrus $ SRP GROCERY 51606 51607 51608 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price PERSONAL CARE Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY Beauty Oils Body Wash & Scrubs Aloe Vera Satin W/Pump Apricot Satin w/Pump Chamomile & Comfrey Satin w/Pump ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 83 BULK Item # 57850 57849 57851 84388 84390 57034 57856 57855 42038 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Citrus w/Pump Glycerine & Rosewater Satin w/Pump Herbal Satin w/Pump Lavender Satin w/Pump Mango & Papaya Satin w/Pump Satin, Cranberry Tea Tree Satin W/Pump 078522-021162 078522-021230 078522-021117 078522-021131 078522-021100 078522-044796 078522-030270 30 OZ 30 OZ 30 OZ 30 OZ 30 OZ 30 OZ 30 OZ 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 9.31 15.49 15.49 15.49 15.49 15.49 15.49 15.49 Aloe Vera Roll On Aloe Vera Stick Apricot & E Stick Clearly Fresh For Women,StickUnscnt Clearly Fresh for Men, Stick, Unscnt Lavender Stick Tea Tree Oil Roll On Tea Tree Oil Stick 078522-090076 078522-090250 078522-090557 078522-091028 078522-091066 078522-090656 078522-090472 078522-090458 3 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 3 OZ 2.5 OZ 4.20 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.20 4.51 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.20 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.20 4.51 6.99 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 6.99 7.49 60 ASST 316.47 CS Displays (Special Order Only) SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY PET SPECIALTY 57963 57859 57860 57964 57032 47065 57861 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Deodorants FROZEN REFRIGERATED Kids Only! Floor Display 078522-007302 316.47 527.43 Everyday Hair Care 57801 57803 57805 57809 57813 57815 57817 57025 57024 84475 57800 57802 57804 57874 57808 57812 57814 57816 57840 57846 57842 47064 84412 57845 57844 57974 58608 58611 58609 58610 Conditioner, Aloe Vera Gel Conditioner, Apricot Keratin Conditioner, Biotin Conditioner, Henna HiLights Conditioner, Jojoba Conditioner, Sea Kelp Conditioner, Vitamin A, C & E Everyday Conditioner, Lavender Everyday Shampoo, Lavender Hi Shine Styling Gel Shampoo, Aloe Vera Gel Shampoo, Apricot Keratin Shampoo, Biotin Shampoo, Dandruff Relief Shampoo, Henna HiLights Shampoo, Jojoba Shampoo, Sea Kelp Shampoo, Vitamin A, C & E 078522-000297 078522-000099 078522-070092 078522-000990 078522-000198 078522-050094 078522-050193 078522-060055 078522-060000 078522-000648 078522-000259 078522-000051 078522-070054 078522-100300 078522-000952 078522-000150 078522-050056 078522-050155 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 6 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 12 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 5.37 6.31 6.31 6.31 7.80 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 5.37 6.31 6.31 6.31 7.80 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 8.94 10.49 10.49 10.49 12.99 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 Aloe Vera 84% Creme w/Vitamin E Apricot Scrubble, Extra Gentle Cocoa Butter Creme w/Vitamin E Satin Soap, Cranberry Tea Time Green Tea Moisturizer Vitamin E Creme, 25,000 IU Vitamin E, 5,000 IU Vitamin K Creme Plus 078522-040026 078522-060307 078522-050520 078522-044819 078522-050728 078522-040125 078522-050124 078522-050780 4 OZ 6.00 4 OZ 5.11 4 OZ 6.00 16 OZ 5.71 4 OZ 9.31 4 OZ 9.29 4 OZ 6.00 2 OZ 13.77 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.00 5.11 6.00 5.71 9.31 9.29 6.00 13.77 9.99 8.49 9.99 9.49 15.49 15.49 9.99 22.95 Conditioner, Daily Deodorant, Stick Shampoo, Daily Shower Body Wash, Satin 078522-021018 078522-720010 078522-021001 078522-020226 16 OZ 2.5 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 5.71 4.51 5.71 7.19 EA EA EA EA 5.71 4.51 5.71 7.19 9.49 7.49 9.49 11.99 98% Aloe Vera Soothing Moisture 98% Aloe Vera Super (Tube) 98% Aloe Vera Super Tea Tree 078522-040132 078522-040163 078522-040194 078522-040200 8 OZ 4 OZ 16 OZ 4 OZ 5.40 3.00 8.07 3.00 EA EA EA EA 5.40 3.00 8.07 3.00 8.99 4.99 13.45 4.99 Face Cream Fragrance Free Gels 57847 84479 84478 84481 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 84 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 84443 Quick Clean Non Oily Makeup Remover 078522-500056 75 PAD 5.37 EA 5.37 8.95 Bath Gel, Berry Burst Bath Gel, Tropical Twist Conditioner, Daily Detangling Conditioner, Extra Gentle Foaming Soap, Berry Burst Foaming Soap, Tropical Twist Shampoo, Daily Detangling Shampoo, Extra Gentle Toothpaste, Orange Toothpaste, Strawberry 078522-007241 078522-007258 078522-007210 078522-007234 078522-007265 078522-007272 078522-007203 078522-007227 078522-007296 078522-007289 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 4.2 OZ 4.2 OZ 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 3.60 3.60 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 3.60 3.60 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 5.99 5.99 6 In 1 Beard/Skin TherapyShavingLotion 078522-001805 8 OZ 5.11 EA 5.11 8.49 No Fungus Among Us Nail Care 078522-030324.5 OZ 5.40 EA 5.40 8.99 Aloe Vera 70% Lotion Aloe Vera 85% Lotion Apricot Lotion Cocoa Lotion Glycerine & Rosewater Lotion Hand Therapy, Lavender of Provence Hand Therapy, Van of Valley Hemp Plus Lotion Lotion, Cranberry Nat EFA Lotion Vitamin E Lotion 078522-000044 078522-301134 078522-301035 078522-301332 078522-301936 078522-302063 078522-302087 078522-302124 078522-044666 078522-301639 078522-301233 16 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.69 5.70 5.70 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.69 5.70 5.70 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 9.49 Healthy Mouth Plus CoQ10 Fluoride Gel Mouthwash, Healthy Mouth Mouthwash, NutriSmile Mouthwash, PowerSmile Cinn Mint Mouthwash, PowerSmile Mouthwash, Sea Fresh Nutri Smile Plus CoQ10 Fluoride Gel Oral Comfort CoQ10 Non Fluoride Gel Power Smile Plus CoQ10 Fluoride Gel Sea Fresh Plus CoQ10 Fluoride Gel Toothpaste, Gel PowerSmile Enz Brt Toothpaste, Healthy Mouth Toothpaste, NutriSmile Toothpaste, PowerSmile Cinn Mint Toothpaste, PowerSmile Travel Sz Toothpaste, PowerSmile Vanilla Mint Toothpaste, PowerSmile Toothpaste, Sea Fresh 078522-015253 078522-015604 078522-015659 078522-618454 078522-015505 078522-015550 078522-015451 078522-015352 078522-015406 078522-015307 078522-015512 078522-015154 078522-015208 078522-618942 078522-001508 078522-618478 078522-015000 078522-015109 6 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 6 OZ 4.2 OZ 6 OZ 6 OZ 4.2 OZ 4.2 OZ 4.2 OZ 6 OZ 24/1 OZ 6 OZ 6 OZ 6 OZ 4.80 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 1.97 4.19 4.19 4.19 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA 4.80 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 47.28 4.19 4.19 4.19 7.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 10.00 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 3.29 6.99 6.99 6.99 078522-070528 078522-700081 8.5 OZ 6.7 OZ 5.67 5.67 EA EA 5.67 5.67 9.45 9.45 078522-000846 078522-000808 078522-000822 078522-000785 8 OZ 8 OZ 17.5 OZ 17.5 OZ 6.30 6.30 6.30 6.30 EA EA EA EA 6.30 6.30 6.30 6.30 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 Kids Only! 42032 42033 42029 42031 42034 42035 42028 42030 42037 42036 57057 Men`s Products 57825 57764 57766 57768 57865 57049 57051 84434 47063 57864 57878 57110 57771 57772 41747 57769 57770 57112 57113 57111 57109 43357 57044 57045 41748 55861 41749 57042 57043 51258 51260 84403 84404 84407 84408 Oral Care Salon Hair Care Moist. Shamp., Sea Kelp & Plumeria Normalizing Cond, Rosewater/Chamo. Specialty Haircare Conditioner, For Kids Only, Mild Conditioner, Tea Tree Oil Therapy Shampoo, For Kids Only, Mild Shampoo, Tea Tree Oil Therapy ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 85 GROCERY PERSONAL CARE Natural Hand & Body Care SUPPLEMENTS 57055 NON-FOODS PET Nail Saver SPECIALTY REFRIGERATED In Balance With Nature - Personalized Daily Skin Care FROZEN Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY 42095 42097 42099 42096 42098 89902 89901 89903 89900 50283 84449 84438 57788 57787 84450 84418 84451 57052 Sunscreen, Facial, SPF 20 Sunscreen, Family, SPF 45 Sunscreen, Kids, SPF 45 Sunscreen, Mineral, SPF 30 Sunscreen, Sport, SPF 45 078522-083276 078522-083009 078522-083221 078522-083153 078522-083207 4.5 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 7.55 7.20 7.20 9.00 7.20 EA EA EA EA EA 7.55 7.20 7.20 9.00 7.20 12.59 11.99 11.99 14.99 11.99 Body Building Hair Spray Conditioner, Hair Thickening Revitalizing Scalp Elixir Shampoo, Hair Thickening 078522-000464 078522-000440 078522-000488 078522-000426 8 OZ 8 OZ 2 OZ 8 OZ 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 EA EA EA EA 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 C Effects Anti-Wrnkl Day Ltn SPF30 C Light Skin Tone Balancer Hyper C Serum w/Ester C Perfect Solutions Ester C Cream Perfect Solutions Ester C Lotion Super-C Cleanser Super-C Toner Ultra-C Eye Lift 078522-060376 4 OZ 078522-501350 1 OZ 078522-040064 1 OZ 078522-330028 2 OZ 078522-330035 4 OZ 078522-060369 6 OZ 078522-060383 6 OZ 078522-050841.5 OZ 9.57 12.57 22.17 10.17 10.17 6.27 5.37 12.57 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.57 12.57 22.17 10.17 10.17 6.27 5.37 12.57 15.95 20.95 36.95 16.95 16.95 10.45 8.95 20.95 Wild Yam Moisturizing Cream 078522-050629 4 OZ 9.87 EA 9.87 16.45 Scalp Conditioner Texturizing, Soft 072982-002150 072982-005205 3.4 OZ 1 EA 3.59 8.57 EA EA 3.59 8.57 5.39 12.85 Acne Clear 357955-504122 2 OZ 11.99 EA 11.99 19.99 Thin To Thick PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED Sunbrellas Vitamin C Facial Care Woman Wise JUST FOR ME 46980 46868 KING BIO Healthy Skin 49774 KIRK`S Castile Bar Soap 44496 44494 44495 Fragrance Free Original Original, 3 Pack 639844-149004 037000-005902 639844-100081 4 OZ 4 OZ 1/3/4 OZ 1.18 1.18 3.36 EA EA EA 1.18 1.18 3.36 1.95 1.95 5.60 Olive & Aloe Bonus, Buy 2 Get 1 Olive & Lavender Bonus, Buy 2 Get 1 Pure Olive Oil Bonus, Buy 2 Get 1 028367-840282 028367-840299 028367-840275 1/3/4 OZ 1/3/4 OZ 1/3/4 OZ 3.60 3.60 3.60 EA EA EA 3.60 3.60 3.60 6.00 6.00 6.00 Chamomile Olive Chamomile Olive Olive & Aloe Olive & Aloe Olive & Honey Olive & Honey Olive Green Tea Olive Green Tea Olive Lavender Olive Lavender Olive Oil Olive Oil 028367-828402 028367-828396 028367-827573 028367-731498 028367-828242 028367-828235 028367-833482 028367-833499 028367-833505 028367-833512 028367-827528 028367-731481 4 OZ 8 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 1.79 2.39 1.79 2.39 2.39 1.79 2.39 1.79 2.39 1.79 1.79 2.39 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 1.79 2.39 1.79 2.39 2.39 1.79 2.39 1.79 2.39 1.79 1.79 2.39 2.99 3.99 2.99 3.99 3.99 2.99 3.99 2.99 3.99 2.99 2.99 3.99 028367-828365 028367-828341 028367-828679 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 6.57 6.57 6.57 EA EA EA 6.57 6.57 6.57 10.95 10.95 10.95 KISS MY FACE 14523 14522 14521 54970 54971 54938 54939 54959 54960 53676 53677 53672 53673 54936 54937 54964 54965 54883 Bar Soaps Bath & Shower Gels Active Athletic Anti Stress Cold & Flu Bath ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 86 EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 10.19 6.57 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 16.99 10.95 028367-834595 028367-834618 028367-834632 028367-839422 028367-839415 028367-839446 028367-828747 028367-831327 028367-831310 028367-839439 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 Holiday Peace Floor Display 028367-838418 24 ASST 177.46 CS Big Body Shampoo, Bonus Size Conditioner, Big Body Conditioner, Miss Treated Conditioner, Whenever w/Pump Conditioner, Whenever Mistreated Shampoo, Bonus Size Shampoo, Big Body Shampoo, Miss Treated Shampoo, Whenever w/Pump Shampoo, Whenever Styling Gel, Upper Management Styling Mousse, Hold Up Whenever Conditioner, Bonus Sz Whenever Shampoo, Bonus Size 028367-840343 028367-834687 028367-834694 028367-837770 028367-834670 028367-840336 028367-831686 028367-831655 028367-837756 028367-831679 028367-831693 028367-834700 028367-840350 028367-840329 16.5 OZ 4.77 11 OZ 4.77 11 OZ 4.77 32 OZ 10.79 11 OZ 4.77 16.5 OZ 4.77 11 OZ 4.77 11 OZ 4.77 32 OZ 10.79 11 OZ 4.77 8 OZ 5.37 8.5 OZ 5.37 16.5 OZ 4.77 16.5 OZ 4.77 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.77 4.77 4.77 10.79 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 10.79 4.77 5.37 5.37 4.77 4.77 7.95 7.95 7.95 17.99 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 17.99 7.95 8.95 8.95 7.95 7.95 Deodorants 56177 56178 56179 50515 50514 50517 55003 55039 55038 50516 2.48 OZ 2.48 OZ 2.48 OZ 2.48 OZ 2.48 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ Displays 45519 177.46 295.76 Hair Care 59497 55799 55800 40892 55798 59496 54947 54944 40890 54946 54943 55801 59498 59495 53579 53578 53575 53576 41343 89355 89356 42326 44416 46298 44418 89357 89352 41340 89358 89350 89354 51721 54677 54676 Hand and Foot Care Foot Creme, Peppermint Foot Scrub, Peppermint Hand Alert Hand Creme 028367-835639 028367-835622 028367-835660 028367-835646 4 OZ 4 OZ 3 OZ 4 OZ 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 EA EA EA EA 5.37 5.37 5.37 5.37 8.95 8.95 8.95 8.95 Berry Smart Lip Balm Berry Smart Toothpaste w/Fluoride Berry Smart Toothpaste Berry Smart Whale Soap Duo Pk Kids SPF 30 Sun Stick Blue Kids SPF 30 Sun Stick Pink Kids SPF 30 Sun Stick White Orange U Smart Bubble Wash Orange U Smart Creme Detangler Orange U Smart Lip Balm Orange U Smart Self-Foam Hand Wash Orange U Smart Shampoo/Conditioner Orange U Smart Whale Soap Duo Pack 028367-837480 24/.15 OZ 028367-835943 4 OZ 028367-835936 4 OZ 028367-836391 1/2/3.5 OZ 028367-837800 6/.5 OZ 028367-839354 6/.5 OZ 028367-837794 6/.5 OZ 028367-835875 12 OZ 028367-835899 8 OZ 028367-837473 24/.15 OZ 028367-835912 8 OZ 028367-835851 8 OZ 028367-836384 1/2/3.5 OZ 2.09 3.57 3.57 4.77 6.60 6.60 6.60 5.97 5.37 2.09 4.77 5.37 4.77 CS EA EA EA CS CS CS EA EA CS EA EA EA 50.24 3.57 3.57 4.77 39.60 39.60 39.60 5.97 5.37 50.24 4.77 5.37 4.77 3.49 5.95 5.95 7.95 10.99 10.99 10.99 9.95 8.95 3.49 7.95 8.95 7.95 Coconut Pineapple, SPF 15 Cranberry Orange SPF 15 Ginger Mango SPF 15 028367-836865 028367-832126 028367-832133 2.09 2.09 2.09 CS CS CS 50.24 50.24 50.24 3.49 3.49 3.49 Kiss Kids BULK Lip Balms 24/.15 OZ 24/.15 OZ 24/.15 OZ ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 87 SPECIALTY REFRIGERATED Active Life Fragrance Free Active Life Lavender Active Life Patchouli Active Life, Cucumber/Grn Tea Active Life, Sport Liq Rck Roll On, Cucu/Grn Tea Liquid Rock Roll On, Fragrance Free Liquid Rock Roll On, Lavender Liquid Rock Roll On, Patchouli Liquid Rock Roll On, Sport 16 OZ 6.57 16 OZ 6.57 16 OZ 6.57 16 OZ 6.57 32 OZ 10.19 16 OZ 6.57 FROZEN 028367-830627 028367-830634 028367-828815 028367-831297 028367-837848 028367-831303 PET Moisture Bath Early to Bed Moisture Bath Early to Rise Peaceful Patchouli Rough Thyme Gentle Exfoliant Shower Gel, Anti Stress w/Pump Silky Soft $ SRP GROCERY 53962 53963 54926 53970 40894 53971 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price PERSONAL CARE Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description SUPPLEMENTS Item # NON-FOODS BULK Item # PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY 54675 54678 54672 54673 54671 55042 55724 55726 55727 55722 55721 55728 55725 55729 55047 44599 55041 54608 55048 44600 55044 54935 55788 59952 55790 59951 55736 55738 55789 59953 55784 59955 54606 55787 59954 54908 55735 55737 FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Sliced Peach SPF 15 Sport SPF 30 Strawberry SPF 15 Treat Mint SPF 15 Vanilla Honey SPF 15 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 028367-832119 028367-835677 028367-834236 028367-834229 028367-834243 24/.15 OZ 24/.15 OZ 24/.15 OZ 24/.15 OZ 24/.15 OZ 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.09 CS CS CS CS CS 50.24 50.24 50.24 50.24 50.24 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 3.49 028367-830993 028367-834786 028367-834779 028367-834748 028367-833093 028367-833086 028367-834731 028367-834793 028367-834724 028367-831013 028367-838081 028367-830962 028367-831198 028367-831006 028367-838098 028367-830986 028367-831501 9 OZ 17.5 OZ 17.5 OZ 17.5 OZ 8.75 OZ 8.75 OZ 8.75 OZ 17.5 OZ 8.75 OZ 9 OZ 9 OZ 9 OZ 9 OZ 9 OZ 9 OZ 9 OZ 9 OZ 3.89 6.57 6.57 6.57 4.77 4.77 4.77 6.57 4.77 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.89 6.57 6.57 6.57 4.77 4.77 4.77 6.57 4.77 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 6.45 10.95 10.95 10.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 10.95 7.95 6.49 6.49 6.45 6.45 6.49 6.49 6.45 6.45 Cool Mint Cool Mint Fragrance Free Fragrance Free Green Tea & Bamboo Green Tea & Bamboo Key Lime Key Lime Lavender & Shea Lavender Patchouli Patchouli Peaceful Patchouli Peaches & Cream Pomegranate Grapefruit Pomegranate Grapefruit 028367-834557 028367-839248 028367-834533 028367-839309 028367-839231 028367-839293 028367-834571 028367-839255 028367-834526 028367-839279 028367-831211 028367-834564 028367-839262 028367-829645 028367-839224 028367-839286 11 OZ 3.4 OZ 11 OZ 3.4 OZ 11 OZ 3.4 OZ 11 OZ 3.4 OZ 11 OZ 3.4 OZ 4 OZ 11 OZ 3.4 OZ 4 OZ 11 OZ 3.4 OZ 4.77 3.00 4.77 3.00 4.77 2.99 4.77 3.00 4.77 3.00 2.97 4.77 3.00 2.97 4.77 2.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.77 3.00 4.77 3.00 4.77 2.99 4.77 3.00 4.77 3.00 2.97 4.77 3.00 2.97 4.77 2.99 7.95 4.99 7.95 4.99 7.95 4.99 7.95 4.99 7.95 4.99 4.95 7.95 4.99 4.95 7.95 4.99 Chinese Botanical Chinese Botanical Fragrance Free Honey & Calendula w/Pump Honey & Calendula Honey & Calendula Lavender & Shea Butter Lavender & Shea Butter Olive & Aloe Olive & Aloe Patchouli Peaches & Creme AHA 4 Peaches & Creme AHA 4 Peachful Patchouli Vitamin A & E Vitamin A & E 028367-831150 028367-830658 028367-828259 028367-837817 028367-827986 028367-828099 028367-831518 028367-832201 028367-827566 028367-827733 028367-831204 028367-828785 028367-830177 028367-835127 028367-827856 028367-828105 4 OZ 2.99 16 OZ 7.17 16 OZ 7.17 32 OZ 11.39 16 OZ 7.17 4 OZ 2.99 16 OZ 7.17 4 OZ 2.99 16 OZ 7.17 4 OZ 2.99 16 OZ 7.17 16 OZ 7.17 4 OZ 2.99 4 OZ 2.99 16 OZ 7.17 4 OZ 2.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 2.99 7.17 7.17 11.39 7.17 2.99 7.17 2.99 7.17 2.99 7.17 7.17 2.99 2.99 7.17 2.99 4.99 11.95 11.95 18.99 11.95 4.99 11.95 4.99 11.95 4.99 11.95 11.95 4.99 4.99 11.95 4.99 Liquid Moisture Soaps Almond Creme Foam Soap Refill, Lav & Chamomile Foam Soap Refill, Lemon Ginger Foam Soap Refill, Rosemary Melon Foam Soap, Grapefruit & Bergamot Foam Soap, Lavender & Chamomile Foam Soap, Lemon Ginger Foam Soap, Refill Grpfrt Bergamot Foam Soap, Rosemary Melon Fragrance Free Lavender Shea Olive & Aloe, Original Patchouli Pear Pomegranate Acai Summer Melon Tea Tree Germs Aside Moisture Shaves Moisturizers 54517 55161 54958 40895 54915 54954 53964 55150 54911 54950 54609 54882 55177 53536 54914 54953 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 88 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 44916 44915 44919 44920 44918 44917 44923 44922 44926 44927 44925 44924 4.77 4.77 16.48 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 7.95 7.95 2.29 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 Grassy Mint Counter Display Grassy Mint Grassy Mint Grassy Mint, Foaming Lavender Mandarin Counter Display Lavender Mandarin Lavender Mandarin Lavender Mandarin, Foaming Lemongrass Clary Sage Counter DS Lemongrass Clary Sage Lemongrass Clary Sage Lemongrass Clary Sage, Foaming Mixed Assortment Counter Display Pomegranate Acai Counter Display Pomegranate Acai Pomegranate Acai Pomegranate Acai, Foaming 028367-839330 028367-838296 028367-838326 028367-839187 028367-839347 028367-838302 028367-838333 028367-839194 028367-839323 028367-838357 028367-838364 028367-839170 028367-839408 028367-839316 028367-838289 028367-838319 028367-839163 12/3.4 OZ 17 OZ 34 OZ 8 OZ 12/3.4 OZ 17 OZ 34 OZ 8 OZ 12/3.4 OZ 17 OZ 34 OZ 8 OZ 12/3.4 OZ 12/3.4 OZ 17 OZ 34 OZ 8 OZ 1.79 5.40 9.59 4.20 1.79 5.40 9.59 4.20 1.79 5.40 9.59 4.20 1.79 1.79 5.40 9.59 4.20 CS EA EA EA CS EA EA EA CS EA EA EA CS CS EA EA EA 21.53 5.40 9.59 4.20 21.53 5.40 9.59 4.20 21.53 5.40 9.59 4.20 21.53 21.53 5.40 9.59 4.20 2.99 8.99 15.99 6.99 2.99 8.99 15.99 6.99 2.99 8.99 15.99 6.99 2.99 2.99 8.99 15.99 6.99 Balancing Act Facial Toner Break Out Botanical Acne Gel C The Change Ester C Serum Cell Mate Facial Crm/Sunscrn SPF10 Clean For A Day Creamy Face Cleanser Eyewitness Eye Repair Creme Facial Starter Kit Intensive Repair Night Creme Olive My Body Balm Pore Shrink Deep Cleansing Mask Shea Soy Facial Cleansing Bar So Refined Jojoba & Mint Face Scrb Start Up Exfoliating Face Wash Under Age Ultra Hydrating Moist 028367-833543 5.3 OZ 028367-831983 1 OZ 028367-831990 1 OZ 028367-831976 1 OZ 028367-833536 4 OZ 028367-832003.5 OZ 028367-837466 1 KIT 028367-836674 1 OZ 028367-836803 6/.8 OZ 028367-831952 2 OZ 028367-833604 5 OZ 028367-831945 2 OZ 028367-831938 4 OZ 028367-831969 1 OZ 9.00 11.40 12.60 12.60 9.00 11.40 9.00 13.80 5.37 9.00 7.80 9.00 9.00 12.60 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA 9.00 11.40 12.60 12.60 9.00 11.40 9.00 13.80 32.24 9.00 7.80 9.00 9.00 12.60 14.99 18.99 20.99 20.99 14.99 18.99 14.99 23.05 8.95 14.99 13.05 14.99 14.99 20.99 Peace Soaps, Liquid Castile Potent & Pure Sheer Organic Lip Shimmer Sticks Amethyst Garnet Opal Pearl Ruby Topaz 028367-836971 028367-837008 028367-836964 028367-836957 028367-836995 028367-836988 3/.08 OZ 3/.08 OZ 3/.08 OZ 3/.08 OZ 3/.08 OZ 3/.08 OZ 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.97 2.97 CS CS CS CS CS CS 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 8.92 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 028367-836919 028367-836940 028367-836902 028367-836896 028367-836933 028367-836926 3/.5 OZ 3/.5 OZ 3/.5 OZ 3/.5 OZ 3/.5 OZ 3/.5 OZ 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 CS CS CS CS CS CS 12.52 12.52 12.52 12.52 12.52 12.52 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 Sheer Organic Shine Lip Gloss Amethyst Garnet Opal Pearl Ruby Topaz ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 89 FROZEN EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA PET 42082 42083 42084 42085 42086 42087 50058 40234 41866 42088 41168 42089 42090 42091 4.77 4.77 1.37 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.57 GROCERY 16 OZ 16 OZ 12/2 OZ 3.4 OZ 3.4 OZ 3.4 OZ 3.4 OZ 3.4 OZ 3.4 OZ 3.4 OZ PERSONAL CARE 46295 50360 50364 47791 46296 50361 50365 47792 46294 50359 50363 47793 46297 46293 50358 50362 47790 028367-837893 028367-837886 028367-837862 028367-840312 028367-840305 028367-836247 028367-836254 028367-831556 028367-831563 028367-836230 SUPPLEMENTS Mouthrinse, BB Sprmnt Anticavty Mouthrinse, Breath Blst/Sprmnt Mouthrinse, Brth Blst/Sprmnt TS Paste, Triple Action Anticavity Paste, Triple Action Toothpaste, Sensitive Toothpaste, Tartar Control Toothpaste, Triple Action Toothpaste, Whitening Tthpst, Whitening w/Anticavity NON-FOODS 45255 45254 45253 58567 58566 53935 53936 53930 53931 53934 REFRIGERATED Oral Care SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK Item # GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Suncare Products 53316 46290 53634 40017 54930 54931 50356 55158 40015 84778 57225 53654 53652 53659 53650 53649 57226 PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Face Factor SPF 30, Face & Neck Face Factor SPF 50, Face & Neck Hot Spots Natural Mineral Lotion, SPF 40 SPF 18 SunBlock w/Oat Protein Complx SPF 30 SunBlock w/Oat Protein Complx Sports Spray SPF50 Sun Block SPF 30 Spray Sun Spray Lotion, Value Size SunSpray Lotion, SPF 30 028367-833451 028367-839361 028367-832157 028367-840442 028367-829560 028367-829577 028367-838272 028367-830597 028367-840527 028367-835608 2 OZ 7.77 2 OZ 8.37 6/.5 OZ 5.37 3 OZ 10.19 4 OZ 7.17 4 OZ 7.77 8 OZ 10.19 4 OZ 7.77 14 OZ 12.00 8 OZ 9.57 EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.77 8.37 32.24 10.19 7.17 7.77 10.19 7.77 12.00 9.57 12.95 13.95 8.95 16.99 11.95 12.95 16.99 12.95 19.99 15.95 Conditioner, Whenever Canister Frag Free Liq Rock Deod. Canister Honey & Calendula Moist. Canister Lavender/Shea Btr Moist Canister Shampoo, Whenever Canister Shower Gel, Anti Stress Canister Whitening Toothpaste Canister 028367-834830 028367-833956 028367-833925 028367-833918 028367-833741 028367-833680 028367-834274 24/1 OZ 24/1 OZ 24/1 OZ 24/1 OZ 24/1 OZ 24/1 OZ 48/.75 OZ 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 18.56 18.56 18.56 18.56 18.56 18.56 37.12 1.28 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.15 871206-001012 871206-001005 871206-001104 871206-001708 871206-001159 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 4 OZ 8.00 8.00 6.00 8.51 6.51 EA EA EA EA EA 8.00 8.00 6.00 8.51 6.51 13.35 13.35 9.99 14.19 10.85 891356-000772 891356-000734 891356-000819 891356-000796 891356-000765 891356-000826 891356-000758 891356-000802 891356-000741 891356-000789 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 Stone w/Pouch & Dish 792870-127139 6 OZ 3.99 EA 3.99 6.65 Shampoo & Gentle Wash 792870-011056 12 OZ 9.59 EA 9.59 15.99 792870-129645 792870-323685 4.25 OZ 3 OZ 3.79 1.57 EA EA 3.79 1.57 6.35 2.65 792870-204007 792870-802609 792870-709953 8 OZ 8 OZ 4 OZ 5.39 3.59 2.49 EA EA EA 5.39 3.59 2.49 8.99 5.99 3.99 792870-052028 792870-719952 792870-121274 792870-122509 792870-520022 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 EA EA EA EA EA 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 Trial Sizes KNOTTY BOY DREAD STUFF 41061 41060 41062 41064 41063 Dread Wax, Dark Dread Wax, Light Shampoo Bar Spray Leave-in Cond, Green Tea Tightening Gel LA BELLE VIE Triple Milled Soap Bars 46224 46220 46228 46226 46223 46229 46222 46227 46221 46225 Acai Pomegranate Apple Lotus Apricot Milk Black Cherry Fresh Verbena Lavender Milk Spiced Cocoa Milk Summer Fruits Tangerine LAFE`S NATURAL BODYCARE 43887 Baby 58924 Crystal Deodorants 58930 58935 58926 58931 58932 58939 58940 58937 58938 58936 Push Up Stick Trial Size Stone Deodorant Sprays Mother-To-Be With Aloe Vera With Aloe Vera Hemp Roll-On Deodorants Active Hemp Fresh Lavender Powder Unscented ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 90 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 Conditioner, Soy Balancing (All Types) Shampoo, Rice Protein Volume Shampoo, Soy Hydrating (Dry, Damaged) 851477-000051 851477-000037 851477-000020 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 9.36 9.36 9.36 EA EA EA 9.36 9.36 9.36 15.65 15.65 15.65 Underarm Deodorant 733739-080127 12.5 GR 10.53 EA 10.53 17.99 4.47 4.47 EA EA 4.47 4.47 6.39 7.45 1.67 OZ 18.00 8 OZ 6.00 EA EA 18.00 6.00 29.99 9.99 LAMAS BEAUTY INTERNATIONAL Hair Care 42554 42552 42551 LAVILIN 84755 LIFE TREE Soft Skin Body Wash 60280 60274 Ginger Blossom Green Apple 045048-034310 045048-034211 12 OZ 12 OZ LIFE-FLO HEALTH PRODUCTS Skin Care 47659 58107 58104 58101 57236 57232 AgeSpot Care MSM Lotion 645951-795058 645951-831046 Women`s Wellness Estro Care Progesta Care Cream, Pump ProgestaCare Plus ProgestaCare 645951-840024 645951-810027 645951-810089 645951-810041 2 OZ 2 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 12.00 15.00 21.00 21.00 EA EA EA EA 12.00 15.00 21.00 21.00 20.05 24.99 35.05 35.05 079565-005577 079565-005560 079565-005515 079565-005553 079565-005539 079565-005522 079565-005546 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.57 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 077014-100040 077014-100088 049347-003725 077014-100057 049347-003732 077014-100071 049347-003756 049347-003749 077014-100026 077014-100064 077014-100019 077014-100033 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 026395-000043 4 OZ 026395-000128 12 OZ 026395-001149 24/.125 OZ 2.78 5.60 2.12 EA EA CS 2.78 5.60 50.88 4.59 9.29 3.59 LIGHT MOUNTAIN "Color the Gray!" - Hair Color & Conditioner for Gray Hair 58556 58553 58429 58433 58431 58430 58432 58418 58423 58554 58421 58555 58422 58569 58558 58417 58420 58416 58419 Black Chestnut Copper Dark Brown Light Brown Mahogany Med Brown Natural Hair Color, Henna Auburn Black Bright Red Brown Burgandy Chestnut Dark Brown Light Brown Light Red Mahogany Neutral Red LILY OF THE DESERT Aloe Vera Skin Care Products 81515 81516 81497 Gelly Gelly Lip Balm ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 91 FROZEN EA EA EA EA EA EA PET 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 GROCERY 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ PERSONAL CARE 792870-550104 792870-510139 792870-501021 792870-521722 792870-530038 792870-520312 SUPPLEMENTS Active Fresh Lavender Powder Tea Trea Unscented NON-FOODS 58951 58953 58952 58954 58955 58956 REFRIGERATED Twist Stick Deodorants SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK Item # GROCERY EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Aloe80 Organics Body Care 45158 45147 45157 45156 45159 45145 45144 45146 45149 45154 45150 45151 45155 45152 45153 45148 Body Wash Bubble Bath Hand & Body Lotion Citrus Hand & Body Lotion Lavender Liquid Soap 026395-059416 026395-057597 026395-059317 026395-059300 026395-057153 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 4.98 EA EA EA EA EA 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.31 4.98 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 8.29 026395-057146 026395-057139 026395-057757 16 OZ 16 OZ 8 OZ 5.35 5.35 5.48 EA EA EA 5.35 5.35 5.48 8.99 8.99 9.09 Clarifying Scrub Cleansing Lotion Freshner Liquid Moisturizer Moisturizing Creme Skin Soothing Gel Skin Soothing Gel Wash 026395-057184 026395-059591 026395-057276 026395-057313 026395-059294 026395-057160 026395-571628 026395-057177 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 16 OZ 8 OZ 6.31 5.98 3.79 6.74 6.31 4.42 6.74 5.98 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.31 5.98 3.79 6.74 6.31 4.42 6.74 5.98 10.49 9.99 6.29 11.19 10.49 7.29 11.19 9.99 Lavender Tangerine Unscented 899947-000651 899947-000668 899947-000644 17 OZ 17 OZ 17 OZ 8.69 8.69 8.69 EA EA EA 8.69 8.69 8.69 14.49 14.49 14.49 Pink Grow Complex Pink Relaxer Reg Pink Relaxer Super Pink Sheen Spray 038276-053611 038276-005443 038276-005450 038276-051426 6 OZ 1 KIT 1 KIT 15.5 OZ 5.72 5.72 5.72 4.96 EA EA EA EA 5.72 5.72 5.72 4.96 8.59 8.59 8.59 7.45 000469-042009 000469-041002 16 OZ 16 OZ 5.97 5.97 EA EA 5.97 5.97 9.95 9.95 722498-003027 722498-003041 722498-043047 722498-004024 722498-002020 722498-002044 722498-042040 722498-047045 722498-005021 722498-001023 722498-001047 2 LB 4 LB 4.8 OZ 2 LB 2 LB 4 LB 4.8 OZ 4.8 OZ 2 LB 2 LB 4 LB 11.08 19.85 2.26 11.08 11.08 19.85 2.26 2.26 11.08 11.08 19.85 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 11.08 19.85 2.26 11.08 11.08 19.85 2.26 2.26 11.08 11.08 19.85 18.49 33.15 3.75 18.49 18.49 33.15 3.75 3.75 18.49 18.49 33.09 722498-907028 722498-903020 722498-902023 722498-905024 722498-901026 2 LB 2 LB 2 LB 2 LB 2 LB 12.32 12.32 12.32 11.90 12.32 EA EA EA EA EA 12.32 12.32 12.32 11.90 12.32 20.59 20.59 20.59 19.89 20.59 895199-001125 16 CT 5.69 EA 5.69 9.49 Aloe80 Organics Hair Care PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Daily Conditioner Daily Shampoo Styling Spray Aloe80 Organics Skin Care LITTLE TWIG Baby Wash 51084 51085 51083 SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE LUSTERS 46987 46906 46908 46884 MAGICK BOTANICALS Hair Care 82801 82800 Conditioner, Oil Free, Unscented Shampoo, Oil Free, Unscented MASADA Dead Sea Mineral Bath Salts 83032 83037 83048 50115 83031 83036 83045 83042 83034 83030 83035 83071 83068 83067 83069 83066 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Jasmine & Lily Lavender Lavender Lavender Lily & Jasmine Rainforest Unscented Unscented Mineral Herb Spa Cold & Flu Detox Joint & Muscle Relief PMS Relief Stress Relief MAXIM HYGIENE PRODUCTS 48270 Cardboard Applicator Tampon, Reg. ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 92 Cardboard Applicator Tampon, Sup. Classic Contour Pads, Regular Contour Pantiliners, Light Days Cotton Balls Cotton Rounds Cotton Swabs Non-Applicator Tampon, Regular Non-Applicator Tampon, Super Non-Applicator Tampon, Super Plus Ultra Thin Pantiliners, Light Days Ultra Thin Winged Pads, Daytime Ultra Thin Winged Pads, Overnight 895199-001132 895199-001194 895199-001231 895199-001248 895199-001255 895199-001262 895199-001149 895199-001156 895199-001163 895199-001200 895199-001170 895199-001187 16 CT 16 CT 30 CT 100 CT 80 CT 180 CT 20 CT 20 CT 20 CT 24 CT 10 CT 10 CT 5.76 4.95 4.02 2.10 2.32 2.44 4.81 4.88 5.49 4.88 4.88 4.88 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.76 4.95 4.02 2.10 2.32 2.44 4.81 4.88 5.49 4.88 4.88 4.88 9.59 8.25 6.69 3.49 3.89 4.09 7.99 8.15 9.15 8.15 8.15 8.15 Regular Regular 016169-510021 016169-510045 2 OZ 4 OZ 5.33 7.60 EA EA 5.33 7.60 8.89 12.66 016169-080036 016169-080128 016169-050039 016169-050121 016169-060120 016169-010125 016169-070037 016169-070129 3 PK 12 PK 3 PK 12 PK 12 PK 12 PK 3 PK 12 PK 2.33 10.00 2.33 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.33 9.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 2.33 10.00 2.33 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.33 9.00 3.99 14.99 3.99 16.67 16.67 16.67 3.99 14.99 Larger Shape, Regular 016169-020124 12 PK 10.00 EA 10.00 16.67 Heavenly Golden Healing Balm 736211-568489 4 OZ 14.99 EA 14.99 24.99 All in One Healing Skin Cream All in One Healing Skin Cream All in One Healing Skin Cream 736211-569288 736211-568984 736211-569080 4 OZ 14.99 2 OZ 8.99 2 OZ 8.99 EA EA EA 14.99 8.99 8.99 24.99 14.99 14.99 All in One Lip & Face Balm 736211-850348.5 OZ 5.99 EA 5.99 9.99 Intimate Wellness Cream 736211-850140 2 OZ 11.99 EA 11.99 19.99 MAYER LAB Aqua Lube 53566 58512 53572 53573 53558 53559 53561 53551 53562 53563 53553 Kimono Condoms 13566 : 13564 : 13565 : 13567 : 13568 : 13569 : Bee Magic Magic Wand V Magic MILL CREEK Biotene H-24 "Thicker Fuller Hair" 82701 82707 55973 82700 Conditioner Conditioning Hair Spray Emulsion Shampoo 079526-003024 079526-003093 079526-003031 079526-003017 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 2 OZ 8.5 OZ 4.79 5.40 7.19 4.79 EA EA EA EA 4.79 5.40 7.19 4.79 7.99 8.99 11.99 7.99 Grapefruit 082982-263727 16 OZ 5.40 EA 5.40 8.99 082982-153707 082982-143708 082982-253704 082982-233706 082982-163706 082982-223707 082982-213708 082982-193703 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.97 4.79 4.79 4.79 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.97 4.79 4.79 4.79 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 8.29 7.99 7.99 7.99 Lotions 56096 Shampoo & Conditioner 56091 56092 55974 56097 56088 55977 56098 56095 Aloe Vera Conditioner Aloe Vera Shampoo Biotin Conditioner Biotin Shampoo Conditioner, Tea Tree Henna Conditioner Henna Shampoo Jojoba Conditioner ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 93 SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS MEDICINE MAMA`S Baby & Mama PERSONAL CARE Maxx Condoms SPECIALTY Micro Thin, Large Micro Thin, Large Micro Thin, Regular Micro Thin, Regular Micro This w/Aqua Lube Regular Sensation, Regular Sensation, Regular BULK $ SRP REFRIGERATED 48271 48278 48279 48280 48281 48282 48272 48273 48274 48277 48275 48276 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price FROZEN Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description PET Item # GROCERY BULK REFRIGERATED FROZEN PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY Item # 56090 56093 56094 56087 55961 55950 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Jojoba Shampoo Keratin Conditioner Keratin Shampoo Shampoo, Tea Tree 082982-173705 082982-123700 082982-103702 082982-133709 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.97 EA EA EA EA 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.97 7.99 7.99 7.99 8.29 Aloe Vera & Paba Lotion Elastin Creme 082982-263703 082982-293700 16 OZ 4 OZ 5.39 8.39 EA EA 5.39 8.39 8.99 13.99 840749-014797 840749-014780 840749-014759 8/.9 OZ 8/.9 OZ 8/.9 OZ 4.19 4.19 4.19 CS CS CS 33.55 33.55 33.55 6.99 6.99 6.99 840749-017187 840749-017163 840749-017194 840749-017170 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 EA EA EA EA 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 840749-017286 840749-017262 840749-017279 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 6.00 6.00 6.00 EA EA EA 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.99 9.99 9.99 Conditioner, Curl Care Conditioner, Fortifying Conditioner, Lasting Color Conditioner, Volumizing Shampoo, Anti-Dandruff Shampoo, Curl Care Shampoo, Fortifying Shampoo, Lasting Color Shampoo, Volumizing 840749-000141 840749-017460 840749-000158 840749-017484 840749-000165 840749-000172 840749-017361 840749-000189 840749-017385 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 Wax Strips, Bikini Wax Strips, Leg & Body 774049-888874 774049-888898 1/20 PC 1/20 PC 5.96 7.16 EA EA 5.96 7.16 9.95 11.95 Skin Care MINERAL FUSION Liquid Lip Gloss Caddies 48342 48341 48343 44895 44893 44896 44894 44892 44890 44891 46285 44899 46284 44900 46283 46282 44897 46281 44898 Enlighten Polished Sensitive Mineral Body Lotion Earthstone Sunstone Unscented Waterstone Mineral Body Wash Earthstone Sunstone Waterstone Mineral Hair Care MOOM 31294 31295 85945 85963 85958 85949 85943 100% Natural Botanical Hair Removal System H Hn H H H Classic With Tea Tree Refill Classic, With Tea Tree Classic, With Tea Tree, Refill For Face, Travel Kit Spa Formula, Lavender 774049-999075 774049-999099 774049-999921 774049-999983 774049-999013 12 OZ 11.97 1 KIT 11.97 6 OZ 7.77 1 KIT 3.59 1 KIT 11.97 EA EA EA EA EA 11.97 11.97 7.77 3.59 11.97 19.95 19.95 12.95 5.99 19.95 At Home Lavish Shampoo At Home Moist + Conditioner Moisturizer Hairdress Relaxer System Regular Relaxer System Super 087300-600536 087300-600543 087300-600208 087300-601229 087300-601236 13 OZ 5.84 13 OZ 5.84 6 OZ 4.85 1 EA 10.62 1 EA 10.62 EA EA EA EA EA 5.84 5.84 4.85 10.62 10.62 8.75 8.75 7.29 15.95 15.95 Hair Conditioning Rinse Shampoo, Max Hair 075772-277547 075772-277530 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 6.70 7.10 EA EA 6.70 7.10 11.15 11.85 Lip Trip SPF 15 075772-277561 12/.165 OZ 2.86 CS 34.27 4.75 8.5 OZ 10.48 EA 10.48 17.49 MOTIONS 46740 46741 46998 46742 46743 MOUNTAIN OCEAN Hair Care 57124 57123 57126 Lip Care Pregnancy Product 57131 Mother`s Special Blend Skin Tone Oil 075772-277608 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 94 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Skin Care 57103 57121 57127 Massage Oil, Almond Skin Trip Coconut Moisturizer Skin Trip Coconut Soap 075772-277622 075772-277516 075772-277615 8.5 OZ 8 OZ 4.5 OZ 5.89 6.85 3.54 EA EA EA 5.89 6.85 3.54 9.79 11.45 5.99 Hand Soap Lip & Cheek Balm Massage Oil 808124-175075 808124-175242 808124-175228 6/12.5 OZ 12/.5 OZ 12/4 OZ 3.52 5.63 7.04 CS CS CS 21.12 67.52 84.48 5.29 8.45 10.55 Bar, Basil Bar, Lavender Bar, Lemon Verbena Liquid, Apple Liquid, Basil Liquid, Geranium Liquid, Honeysuckle Liquid, Iowa Pine Liquid, Lavender Liquid, Lemon Verbena Liquid, Orange Clove Liquid, Rosemary Refill Pouch, Basil Refill Pouch, Geranium Refill Pouch, Lavender Refill Pouch, Lemon Verbena 808124-141070 808124-111073 808124-121072 808124-174276 808124-141049 808124-131040 808124-174252 808124-174214 808124-111042 808124-121041 808124-174313 808124-174504 808124-144613 808124-143616 808124-141612 808124-142619 12/8 OZ 12/8 OZ 12/8 OZ 6/12.5 OZ 6/12.5 OZ 6/12.5 OZ 6/12.5 OZ 6/12.5 OZ 6/12.5 OZ 6/12.5 OZ 6/12.5 OZ 6/12.5 OZ 6/33 OZ 6/33 OZ 6/33 OZ 6/33 OZ 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.05 3.33 3.33 3.05 3.33 6.15 6.15 6.15 6.15 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 46.08 46.08 46.08 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 18.32 20.00 20.00 18.32 20.00 36.88 36.88 36.88 36.88 5.77 5.75 5.75 5.56 5.01 5.01 5.56 4.59 5.01 5.01 4.59 4.99 9.23 10.25 9.23 9.23 Lotion & Soap, Pine Scent 2/8 OZ 808124-433212 6/2/8 OZ 7.04 CS 42.24 10.55 Gel Loc Lock 074704-267007 8 OZ 3.96 EA 3.96 5.95 Skin Repair 708949-777778 24/.5 OZ 1.56 CS 37.33 62.29 Almond Coconut Unscented 708949-333332 708949-222223 708949-111114 24/.18 OZ 24/.18 OZ 24/.18 OZ 1.56 1.56 1.56 CS CS CS 37.33 37.33 37.33 2.59 2.59 2.59 371400-213049 371400-211021 4 OZ 2 OZ 6.35 3.85 EA EA 6.35 3.85 10.59 6.49 782126-200112 16/50 CT 4.59 CS 73.50 6.89 782126-003041 12/10 CT 782126-003027 12/14 CT 782126-003010 12/20 CT 782126-003034 12/12 CT 782126-200150 12/12 CT 782126-003072 16/30 CT 782126-003003 10/30 CNT 782126-003065 16/30 CT 782126-003102 12/10 CT 3.89 3.62 3.30 3.62 2.53 2.17 2.17 2.17 3.62 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 46.73 43.49 39.56 43.49 30.33 34.76 21.72 34.76 43.49 5.89 5.49 4.95 5.49 3.79 3.25 2.99 3.25 5.49 MRS MEYERS CLEAN DAY Baby Blossom 64501 64510 64508 64520 64517 64518 66035 64524 64523 66036 53292 64521 64522 67233 06051 64516 64515 64513 64514 64597 d 46871 NANAK`S 83434 Lip Smoothees 83436 83437 83439 NATRA-BIO Medicated Creams 82077 82242 Arnica, The Rub Arnica, The Rub NATRACARE Totally Chlorine Free (Dioxin-Free Processes) Baby Care 41010 Baby Wipes Feminine Hygiene Products 57145 57150 57149 57151 57135 57160 54127 57140 57277 Cool Comfort Pads, Night Time Cool Comfort Pads, Regular Cool Comfort Pads, Slender Cool Comfort Pads, Super Cotton Intimate Wipes Panty Liner, Tanga Panty Liners Panty Shields, Curved Ultra Pad w/Wings, Long ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 95 PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE MURRAYS SUPPLEMENTS Holiday items NON-FOODS FROZEN Hand Soaps SPECIALTY REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK Item # 57141 57134 57157 57158 57159 57142 57146 57148 57143 57147 SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY NATURAL DENTIST Dental Picks NON-FOODS Ultra Pad w/Wings, Regular Ultra Pad w/Wings, Super Ultra Super Plus Pads EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 782126-003058 782126-003089 782126-003119 12/14 CT 12/12 CT 12/12 CT 3.62 3.62 3.62 CS CS CS 43.49 43.49 43.49 5.45 5.45 5.49 782126-008008 782126-009005 12/16 CT 12/16 CT 4.95 4.95 CS CS 59.36 59.36 7.45 7.45 Regular Regular Super Plus Super Super 782126-181039 782126-001009 782126-002020 782126-191038 782126-002006 20/10 CT 12/20 CT 12/20 CT 20/10 CT 12/20 CT 2.22 4.15 4.61 2.22 4.15 CS CS CS CS CS 44.49 49.84 55.37 44.49 49.84 3.35 6.25 6.95 3.35 6.25 Eczema & Psoriasis Cream 835787-000376 2 OZ 9.00 EA 9.00 14.99 Stimu Dent, Mint Thin Stimu Dent, Mint Thin Stimu Dent, Mint 334362-000201 6/4 PK 334362-000348 12/160 CT 334362-000034 12/100 CT 2.27 2.27 2.27 CS CS CS 13.59 27.20 27.20 3.79 3.79 3.79 Anti-Gingivitis, Peppermint Sage Cavity Zapper Fluoride Rinse Berry Dry Mouth, Cool Mint Mist Healthy Gums, Orange Zest Healthy Gums, Peppermint Twist Healthy Teeth Fluoride, Fresh Mint Natural Antiseptic, Spearmint Whitening, Clean Mint 714132-000738 714132-000905 334362-000409 714132-000776 714132-000752 714132-000790 714132-000714 714132-000783 16 OZ 16.9 OZ 16.9 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16.9 OZ 16 OZ 6.00 6.00 5.99 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.00 6.00 5.99 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 Children`s Gel, Sparkle Berry Blst Denture Cleansing Paste Fluoride Free, Peppermint Sage Kids Cavity Buster, Glittery Grape Original, Orange Zest Original, Peppermint Twist Sensitive, Mint Whitening Plus, Peppermint Twist 714132-000622 334362-000317 714132-000684 714132-000639 714132-000660 714132-000646 334362-000232 714132-000608 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 4.79 3.59 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.79 3.59 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 7.99 5.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 Crystal Deod Ministick 732168-159121 2.1 OZ 2.39 EA 2.39 3.99 732168-321450 732168-321481 732168-512520 732168-321498 732168-321474 3 OZ 3 OZ 1 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 2.39 2.99 1.19 2.99 2.99 EA EA EA EA EA 2.39 2.99 1.19 2.99 2.99 3.99 4.99 1.99 4.99 4.99 732168-909801 4 OZ 732168-102349.83 OZ 732168-909825 4 OZ 732168-909832 4 OZ 2.39 0.77 2.99 2.99 EA EA EA EA 2.39 0.77 2.99 2.99 3.99 1.29 4.99 4.99 732168-221026 732168-714177 732168-121135 3.59 4.19 4.19 EA EA EA 3.59 4.19 4.19 5.99 6.99 6.99 Regular Super Organic Non-Applicator Tampons FROZEN NATRALIA Skin Care 44521 58980 58981 50148 Mouthwash 40016 89016 59947 89018 89017 41298 89030 40026 Toothpaste 89020 52450 89023 89031 89022 89021 89034 89019 NATURALLY FRESH 40141 87519 87496 46711 87497 87502 87513 40142 87492 87493 87517 87521 87522 Deodorant Roll-Ons Crystal Lavender Mini Roll On Ocean Breeze Tropical Breeze Deodorant Sprays SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Organic Applicator Tampons PET REFRIGERATED Crystal Spray Mist Crystal, Mini Lavender Ocean Breeze Deodorant Twist-Up Sticks Crystal w/ Aloe, Wide Crystal, Female Crystal, Male 3 OZ 4.25 OZ 4.25 OZ ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 96 Gardenia Powder Fresh Unscented Basil Citrus Sandalwood 010486-007288 010486-007325 010486-007349 010486-007318 010486-007295 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 4.83 4.83 4.83 4.83 4.83 EA EA EA EA EA 4.83 4.83 4.83 4.83 4.83 8.05 8.05 8.05 8.05 8.05 Lavender 079565-003177.5 OZ 7.11 EA 7.11 11.85 PerioWash Mouthwash, AF Cool Mint PerioWash Mouthwash, AF Grape 083000-016431 083000-016592 16 OZ 16 OZ 6.57 6.57 EA EA 6.57 6.57 10.95 10.95 Diaper Ointment, Fragrance Free 183060-000095 3 OZ 7.17 EA 7.17 11.95 Bubble Bath, Lovely Lavender 183060-000248 12 OZ 7.80 EA 7.80 12.99 Ah-Choo!, Eucalyptus 183060-000163 2 OZ 6.59 EA 6.59 10.95 Lavender Chamomile Vanilla Tangerine 183060-000064 183060-000040 8 OZ 8 OZ 6.59 6.58 EA EA 6.59 6.58 10.99 10.95 Silky Smooth, Fragrance Free 183060-000170 4 OZ 5.97 EA 5.97 9.95 Face & Body Moist, Frag Free 183060-000088 8 OZ 7.17 EA 7.17 11.95 Lavender Chamomile Vanilla Tangerine Vanilla Tangerine 183060-000019 183060-000026 183060-000002 8 OZ 6.59 16 OZ 10.77 8 OZ 5.98 EA EA EA 6.59 10.77 5.98 10.99 17.99 9.95 NATURES ALCHEMY Essential Oils 58353 NATURE`S ANSWER Oral Care 81922 81935 NATURE`S BABY ORGANICS Baby Creams 41474 H Bath 49224 49230 H Chest Rub Conditioners 41465 41471 49463 Dusting Powders Moisturizers 41463 Shampoos 41467 41464 41468 NATURE`S BEAUTY WORKS Facial Towelettes 80182 80183 80180 80181 Age Defying All Purpose Oily Skin Sensitive Skin 853280-003038 30 CT 853280-003120 1/3/30 CT 853280-003014 30 CT 853280-003021 30 CT 3.44 3.13 3.44 3.44 EA EA EA EA 3.44 3.13 3.44 3.44 5.99 4.99 5.99 5.99 717567-301005 717567-303009 717567-302002 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 7.83 7.83 7.83 EA EA EA 7.83 7.83 7.83 12.99 12.99 12.99 717567-305102 3 OZ 2.43 EA 2.43 3.99 078347-765302 078347-765333 078347-765319 078347-765326 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 EA EA EA EA 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 NATURE`S FORMULARY Ayurvedic Massage Oils 78750 78756 78755 42526 Calming Cooling Warming Ayurvedic Soaps Neem & Tulsi NATURE`S GATE ORG FRUIT BLND Conditioner 49435 49436 49437 49438 Asian Pear/Red Tea Grapfruit & Wild Ginger Manderian Orange Patchouli Persimmon & Rose ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 97 BULK REFRIGERATED 55616 55618 55619 52915 52914 FROZEN PET NATURE DE FRANCE Le Stick Clay Formula Deodorants w/Baking Soda GROCERY $ SRP PERSONAL CARE EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 52712 52713 49423 49424 49425 49427 49428 49429 49430 1.7 OZ 1.7 OZ 3.59 3.59 EA EA 3.59 3.59 5.99 5.99 Asia Pear & Red Tea Grapefruit & Wild Ginger Mandarin Orange & Patchouli 078347-765388 078347-765418 078347-765395 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.20 4.20 4.20 EA EA EA 4.20 4.20 4.20 6.99 6.99 6.99 Asia Pear & Red Tea Grapefruit & Wild Ginger Manderian Orange & Patchouli Persimmon & Rose Geranium 078347-765265 078347-765296 078347-765272 078347-765289 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 EA EA EA EA 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 Natural Reslults Acne Spot Corrector Natural Results Acne Treatment 078347-751121.5 OZ 6.05 078347-750599 1 KIT 17.99 EA EA 6.05 17.99 10.09 30.05 Chamomile/Lemon Verbena Lavendar & Aloe Lemongrass/Clary Sage Tea Tree/Blue Cypress 078347-750056 078347-750018 078347-750070 078347-750032 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.79 EA EA EA EA 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.79 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 078347-750407 078347-750384 078347-750414 078347-750391 1.7 OZ 1.7 OZ 1.7 OZ 1.7 OZ 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 EA EA EA EA 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 Chamomile W\Vitimin A, E, & D Lavendar & Aloe Lemongrass & Clary Sage NaPCA 078347-750131 078347-750100 078347-750124 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 6.00 6.00 6.00 EA EA EA 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.99 9.99 9.99 Lavender & Aloe Lemongrass & Clary Sage Neroli Orange & Chocolate Mint Tea Tree & Blue Cypress 078347-750148 078347-750162 078347-750179 078347-750155 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 EA EA EA EA 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 Chamomile/Lemon Verbena Lavendar & Aloe Lemongrass/Clary Sage Tea Tree/Blue Cypress 078347-750049 078347-750001 078347-750063 078347-750025 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 EA EA EA EA 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 Conditioner, Pomegranate Sunflower Shampoo, Pomegranate Sunflower 078347-752098 078347-751916 32 OZ 32 OZ 7.19 7.19 EA EA 7.19 7.19 11.99 11.99 Body Wash, Pomegranate Sunflower 078347-751923 32 OZ 7.37 EA 7.37 12.29 Aloe Vera Herbal Oatmeal Pomegranate Sunflower Tea Tree 078347-752357 078347-752340 078347-752364 078347-752371 078347-752388 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 EA EA EA EA EA 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 3.79 3.79 3.79 3.79 3.79 Borage Serum Cleansing Gel, Lemon Verbena 078347-752517 078347-752470 1 OZ 11.40 8 OZ 5.99 EA EA 11.40 5.99 18.99 9.99 NATURE`S GATE ORGANICS Advanced Skin Care 88658 88660 PET PERSONAL CARE 078347-750490 078347-750476 Shampoo Conditioners 88606 88602 88608 88604 88635 88637 88636 88634 88614 88611 88613 88615 88617 88618 88616 Deodorants, Propylene Glycol Free Chamomile & Lemon Verbena Lavender & Aloe Lemongrass & Clary Sage Tea Tree & Blue Cypress Hand & Body Lotion Liquid Soaps Shampoos 88605 88601 88607 88603 NATURE`S GATE Aloegen Natural Products, Hair Care 50507 50506 NON-FOODS Bathmoods SPECIALTY SUPPLEMENTS Grapefruit & Wild Ginger Mandarin Orange & Patchouli Liquid Soap GROCERY FROZEN REFRIGERATED Deodorant 50509 Cleansing Bar 53425 53426 53427 53428 53429 50662 50663 Facial Care ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 98 54413 54636 54483 54420 54419 54415 54633 43597 43596 54412 54635 54482 54422 54450 54414 54632 43598 43599 07330 44058 54452 54451 54453 52697 88296 54465 54101 6.60 11.40 10.99 18.99 Ginger Tea Ltn/Body Wash Orchid Hand Care 078347-751886 078347-752203 6/2 PC 6/2 PC 5.99 5.99 CS CS 35.96 35.96 10.09 9.99 078347-555156 078347-555002 078347-555057 078347-555651 078347-555507 078347-555552 078347-555606 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 2.5 OZ 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 3.17 5.29 5.29 5.29 5.29 5.29 5.29 5.29 078347-870020 078347-022573 078347-870099 078347-030189 078347-030424 078347-870044 078347-751183 078347-751824 078347-751831 078347-870013 078347-022566 078347-870105 078347-011812 078347-011898 078347-870037 078347-751176 078347-751855 078347-751848 18 OZ 4.37 18 OZ 4.37 18 OZ 4.37 18 OZ 4.37 1 GAL 24.00 18 OZ 4.37 18 OZ 4.37 32 OZ 7.19 32 OZ 7.19 18 OZ 4.37 18 OZ 4.37 18 OZ 4.37 18 OZ 4.37 1 GAL 24.00 18 OZ 4.37 18 OZ 4.37 32 OZ 8.99 32 OZ 8.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.37 4.37 4.37 4.37 24.00 4.37 4.37 7.19 7.19 4.37 4.37 4.37 4.37 24.00 4.37 4.37 8.99 8.99 7.29 7.29 7.29 7.29 40.09 7.29 7.29 11.99 11.99 7.29 7.29 7.29 7.29 40.09 7.29 7.29 14.99 14.99 078347-031070 078347-001554 078347-001547 078347-001523 078347-001530 078347-030394 078347-031087 6/5 OZ 6/5 OZ 6/6 OZ 6/6 OZ 6/6 OZ 6/5 OZ 6/5 OZ 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 4.37 3.29 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 19.74 19.76 19.76 19.76 19.76 26.24 19.74 5.49 5.49 5.49 5.49 5.49 7.29 5.49 Moisturizing Purifying 078347-551110 078347-552223 12.5 OZ 12.5 OZ 3.89 3.89 EA EA 3.89 3.89 6.49 6.49 Avocado Night Cream Colloidal Oatmeal Lotion Fragrance Free Moisturizing Lotion Glow Lotion, Light Glow Lotion, Medium Lotion, Acai Moisturizing Lotion, Frag Free Moisturizing Lotion, Frag-Free Moist Sensitive Lotion, Herbal Moisturizing Lotion, Papaya Moist all types Lotion, Pomegranate Sunflower Oil Free, Lemon Verbena Rice Bran 078347-752548 078347-751800 078347-751817 078347-752128 078347-752135 078347-752265 078347-752173 078347-041727 078347-041710 078347-041741 078347-751206 078347-752494 078347-752487 2 OZ 10.20 32 OZ 9.59 32 OZ 8.39 16 OZ 7.79 16 OZ 7.79 18 OZ 6.60 1 GAL 28.80 18 OZ 5.40 18 OZ 5.40 18 OZ 6.60 18 OZ 6.60 4 OZ 8.99 4 OZ 8.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 10.20 9.59 8.39 7.79 7.79 6.60 28.80 5.40 5.40 6.60 6.60 8.99 8.99 16.99 15.99 13.99 12.99 12.99 10.99 48.00 8.99 8.99 10.99 10.99 14.99 14.99 Gift Sets Herbal Deodorant Roll On, Autumn Breeze Roll On, Spring Fresh Roll On, Summer Spice Stick, Autumn Breeze Stick, Spring Fresh Stick, Summer Spice Stick, Winter Clean, Unscented Herbal Hair Care Conditioner, Aloe Vera Moisturizing Conditioner, Biotin Strengthening Conditioner, Chamomile Replenishing Conditioner, Daily Herbal Conditioner, Herbal Daily Conditioner, Jojoba Revitalizing Conditioner, Pomegranate Sunflower Daily Cleansing Shampoo Daily Conditioner Shampoo, Aloe Vera/Moisturizing Shampoo, Biotin Strengthening Shampoo, Chamomile Replenishing Shampoo, Herbal Daily Shampoo, Herbal Daily Shampoo, Jojoba Revitalizing Shampoo, Pomegranate Sunflower Tea Tree Calming Conditioner Tea Tree Calming Shampoo Herbal Toothpaste Cherry Gel For Kids Cool Mint Gel Creme Peppermint Creme de Anise Creme de Mint Natural Whitening Gel Wintergreen Gel Liquid Soaps with Pump Moisturizers 50661 43594 43595 88982 88983 52660 50292 54423 54421 54430 54634 50664 50660 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 99 BULK REFRIGERATED 54495 54493 54494 54499 54497 54498 54496 EA EA FROZEN 8 OZ 6.60 1 OZ 11.40 PET 41513 56690 078347-752463 078347-752531 GROCERY Cleansing Milk, Rice Bran Grape Seed Eye Cream $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 50665 50666 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # PET 54199 88984 53586 53588 55160 54524 88985 54428 88586 54459 54460 54427 88585 54458 54426 54425 $ SRP 53095 53097 53096 88582 88580 50508 54424 88581 53093 51093 51094 51095 51092 53091 51097 51098 51099 51096 54531 54463 Aquablock Sunscreen SPF 50 Faceblock SPF25 Mineral Kids Block SPF 20 Mineral Sportblock SPF 20 SPF 50 Kid`s Sunblock Sports SPF 50 Dry Lotion Sunless Tanner 078347-300756 078347-752067 078347-300121 078347-300145 078347-300442 078347-300268 078347-752074 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 6.00 5.99 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.39 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.00 5.99 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.39 11.09 9.99 8.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 8.99 078347-023037 078347-023204 078347-023051 078347-023068 078347-023020 078347-023198 078347-023044 078347-023013 078347-032824 18 OZ 18 OZ 18 OZ 18 OZ 18 OZ 18 OZ 18 OZ 18 OZ 18 OZ 4.37 4.37 4.37 5.57 4.37 4.37 4.37 5.57 4.37 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.37 4.37 4.37 5.57 4.37 4.37 4.37 5.57 4.37 7.29 7.29 7.29 9.29 7.29 7.29 7.29 9.29 7.29 078347-752272 078347-752227 078347-752289 078347-041765 078347-041758 078347-752166 078347-041734 078347-041772 3 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 18 OZ 18 OZ 32 OZ 18 OZ 18 OZ 4.20 4.20 4.20 6.60 6.60 9.59 6.60 6.60 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.20 4.20 4.20 6.60 6.60 9.59 6.60 6.60 6.99 6.99 6.99 10.99 10.99 15.99 10.99 10.99 Body Wash, Acai Body Wash, Aloe Vera Body Wash, Hemp Body Wash, Papaya Body Wash, Pomegranate Sunflower Liquid Soap, Acai Liquid Soap, Aloe Vera Liquid Soap, Oatmeal Liquid Soap, Pomegranate Sunflower Liquid Soap, Tea Tree 078347-752302 078347-751428 078347-751398 078347-751404 078347-751411 078347-752319 078347-751435 078347-751459 078347-751442 078347-751466 18 OZ 18 OZ 18 OZ 18 OZ 18 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.19 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.19 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 Vitamin E Oil, 32,000 IU Vitamin E Oil, 40,000 IU 078347-774380 078347-774403 1.13 OZ 2 OZ 5.69 6.60 EA EA 5.69 6.60 9.49 10.99 030054-216102 4 OZ 7.10 EA 7.10 11.79 661176-010202 661176-010080 661176-010011 661176-011322 661176-010028 661176-010912 661176-010929 661176-010134 661176-010905 661176-010936 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 Rainwater Herbal Hair Care GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Natural Suncare FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Conditioner, Awapuhi Volumizing Conditioner, Hemp Nourishing Conditioner, Shine Enhancing Conditioner, Tea Tree Calming Shampoo, Awapuhi Volumizing Shampoo, Hemp Nourishing Shampoo, Henna Shine/Enhancing Shampoo, Tea Tree Calming Shampoo/Wash, Baby Soothing Skin Therapy Lotions Cream, Cherry Bloom Cream, Orchid Cream, Rose Lotion, Colloidal Oatmeal Lotion, Hemp Moist Dry Dehydrated Lotion, Pomegranate Sunflower Lotion, Skin Therapy Lotion, Tea Tree Calming Velvet Moisture, Paraben Free Vitamin E Oils NATURE`S HERBS Ayurvedic Products 80292 Boswellin Cream NATURTINT Permanent Hair Colors 88526 88532 88519 88882 88520 88573 88575 88527 88559 88574 (10A) Light Ash Blonde (10N) Light Dawn Blonde (1N) Ebony Black (2N) Brown Black (3N) Dark Chestnut Brown (4G) Golden Chestnut (4I) Irridescent Chestnut (4M) Mahogany Chestnut (4N) Natural Chestnut (5C) Light Copper Chestnut ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 100 101 Thinking about Going ? “GREEN” Are you a store owner who is interested in turning your existing building “green”, or thinking of constructing a brand new environmentally sustainable store? Are you unsure where to start, or looking for more detailed information? One of the leading sources of information on green buildings is the U.S. Green Building Council. mance, sustainable buildings. Members of the U.S. Green Building Council representing all segments of the building industry developed LEED and continue to contribute to its evolution. The LEED rating system is applicable to new and existing commercial, residential and institutional buildings. It is divided into five categories: Sustainable Sites, The USGBC was formed in 1993 Water Efficiency, Energy & Atmoand is the nation’s foresphere, Materials most coalition of leaders & Resources, and Green design from across the buildEnvironwill benefit the Indoor ing industry. The Counmental Air Quality. cil works diligently to environment, promote buildings that Performance points economy and are environmentally reare earned in each sponsible, profitable health of your category for meeting and healthy places to or surpassing the set community. live and work. The UScriteria, which estabGBC boasts more than lishes a balance be7,500 members and a network of 75 tween traditional building design and regional chapters to assist in advanc- emerging environmental issues. Difing their mission of transforming the ferent levels of green building certifibuilding industry to sustainability. cation are achieved based on the total amount of points from all categories. One of the first priorities for the USGBC was to develop a rating system Green design will benefit the envifor measuring and defining green ronment, economy and the health of buildings. The LEED® (Leadership your community. And it may be easier in Energy and Environmental Design) than you think to get started. Visit the Green Building Rating System™ is a USGBC web site at www.usgbc.org to voluntary, consensus-based national learn more about the Council, memberstandard for developing high-perfor- ship or the LEED certification process. By: Lisa Madsen 102 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 17.99 661176-011513 7.04 OZ 10.77 EA 10.77 17.95 786648-012017 786648-040010 786648-080139 786648-080016 2 OZ 11.37 4 OZ 6.50 1 OZ 3.51 1 OZ 6.50 EA EA EA EA 11.37 6.50 3.51 6.50 18.99 10.95 5.85 10.95 Shampoos & Conditioners Nutrideep Multiplier NEEM AURA NATURALS Body Care 43671 43670 43658 43659 Cream w/Aloe Vera Herbal Outdr Spray-Bug Disenchanter Skin Salve Topical Oil NELSONS HOMEOPATHIC Creams & Gels 86506 86650 86624 86507 86508 86509 86655 86510 86505 55649 86504 42307 42308 Cream, Arnica Cream, Arnica Cream, Arnileve Multi-Action Sport Cream, Calendula Cream, Hemorrhoid Cream, Hypercal, Cuts & Scrapes Cream, Tea Tree Gel, Sting Purifying Cleansing Gel, Acne 741273-005025 741273-020172 741273-019022 741273-005049 741273-005100 741273-005117 741273-030812 741273-005162 741273-005001 30 GR 50 GR 30 GR 30 GR 30 GR 30 GR 30 GR 30 GR 30 GR 3.94 5.98 4.66 3.94 4.66 3.94 3.94 3.94 4.65 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.94 5.98 4.66 3.94 4.66 3.94 3.94 3.94 4.65 6.56 9.96 7.76 6.56 7.76 6.55 6.56 6.57 7.74 Exfoliating Wash, Apricot Seed Nourishing Moisturizer Purifying Cleansing Wash Purifying Wipes 741273-016106 741273-016083 741273-016007 741273-016021 4.2 OZ 125 ML 4.2 OZ 32 CT 7.17 7.96 6.58 5.25 EA EA EA EA 7.17 7.96 6.58 5.25 11.95 13.25 11.01 8.75 Pure & Clear NORTH AMERICAN HERB & SPICE 45520 Oreganol Cream 635824-002048 2 OZ 20.99 EA 20.99 34.99 African Black with Aloe Carrot & Pomegranate Coconut & Papaya Goats Milk & Chai Honey & Black Seed Indian Hemp Lemongrass & Tea Tree Mango Butter Olive Butter Peppermint & Aloe 764302-106005 764302-123095 764302-111047 764302-123156 764302-119005 764302-110583 764302-102014 764302-113003 764302-118008 764302-117001 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 NUBIAN HERITAGE Bar Soap 87526 87760 87527 87759 87532 87761 87525 87529 87531 87530 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 103 BULK REFRIGERATED 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 10.77 FROZEN 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA 1 EA PET 88285 661176-010097 661176-010141 661176-010035 661176-010103 661176-010042 661176-010165 661176-010110 661176-010158 661176-010059 661176-010196 661176-010172 661176-010127 661176-010066 661176-010073 661176-010189 661176-011155 661176-011148 GROCERY (5G) Light Golden Chestnut (5M) Light Mahogany Chestnut (5N) Light Chestnut Brown (6G) Dark Golden Blonde (6N) Dark Blonde (7C) Terracotta Blonde (7G) Golden Blonde (7M) Mahogany Blonde (7N) Hazelnut Blonde (8A) Ash Blonde (8C) Copper Blonde (8G) Sandy Golden Blonde (8N) Wheat Germ Blonde (9N) Honey Blonde (9R) Fire Red (I-6.66) Fireland (I-7.76) Teide Brown $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 88533 88528 88521 88534 88522 88530 88535 88529 88523 88525 88537 88536 88524 88531 88538 88280 88282 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # 87533 87528 57536 57538 05482 05483 05481 57539 87567 57537 05480 87763 87762 87765 87538 87539 05494 87544 00188 87541 87537 05495 87543 87545 05486 05485 05488 05487 05484 57534 FROZEN REFRIGERATED PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Raw Shea Butter Shea Butter, Lav/Wild Flower 764302-130000 764302-112006 5 OZ 5 OZ 2.40 2.40 EA EA 2.40 2.40 3.99 3.99 African BLack Soap African Black Soap, Infused Goat Milk & Chai, Infused Honey/Black Seed, Infused Indian Hemp/Haitian Vetiver, Infused Lavender & Wildflowers, Infused Lemongrass & Tea Tree Shea Butter Olive & Green Tea Olive & Green Tea, Infused Shea Butter Coconut & Papaya Shea Butter Raw Myrrh Shea Butter, Mango 764302-130994 764302-103349 764302-130505 764302-103394 764302-111306 764302-103424 764302-102144 764302-103462 764302-103387 764302-103363 764302-123002 764302-103370 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 5.40 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.80 5.40 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.80 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.40 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.80 5.40 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.80 8.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 8.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 African Black Wash N Scrub Coconut Papaya Goat Milk & Chai Honey & Brown Sugar Indian Hemp/Haitian Vetiver Lavendar & Wild Flowers Lemongrass Tea Tree Mango Butter Olive & Green Tea Raw Shea Butter 764302-106036 764302-111092 764302-130499 764302-119074 764302-111290 764302-115052 764302-102069 764302-114055 764302-118077 764302-130109 13 OZ 13 OZ 13 OZ 13 OZ 13 OZ 13 OZ 13 OZ 13 OZ 13 OZ 13 OZ 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 Goat Milk & Chai Honey & Black Seed Lavender & Wildflowers Lemongrass & Tea Tree Mango Butter Raw Shea Butter 764302-123118 764302-122975 764302-103448 764302-103479 764302-103455 764302-130383 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 African Black Soap, Body Body Butter Coconut & Papaya, Body Coconut Papaya Goat Milk & Chai Goat`s Milk & Chai, Body Hand Cream, Coconut Papaya Honey & Black Seed Honey & Black Seed, Body Indian Hemp/Haitian Vetiver Indian Hemp/Hatian Vetiver Bdy Lavender & Wildflowers Lavender & Wildflowers, Body Lemongrass & Tea Tree Lemongrass & Tea Tree, Body Mango Butter, Body Oats & Aloe Olive & Green Tea, Body Olive Butter Raw Shea Butter Raw Shea Butter, Body Shea Butter Raw Myrrh 764302-106067 764302-114017 764302-111078 764302-111054 764302-160083 764302-130482 764302-103431 764302-119036 764302-119029 764302-111276 764302-111283 764302-115014 764302-115007 764302-102021 764302-102045 764302-114000 764302-106074 764302-118022 764302-118039 764302-130321 764302-130024 764302-110552 13 OZ 8 OZ 13 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 13 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 13 OZ 8 OZ 13 OZ 8 OZ 13 OZ 8 OZ 13 OZ 13 OZ 8 OZ 13 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 13 OZ 4 OZ 7.20 6.00 7.20 6.00 6.00 7.20 5.40 6.00 7.20 6.00 7.20 6.00 7.20 6.00 7.20 7.20 6.00 7.20 6.00 6.00 7.20 5.40 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.20 6.00 7.20 6.00 6.00 7.20 5.40 6.00 7.20 6.00 7.20 6.00 7.20 6.00 7.20 7.20 6.00 7.20 6.00 6.00 7.20 5.40 11.99 9.99 11.99 9.99 9.99 11.99 8.99 9.99 11.99 9.99 11.99 9.99 11.99 9.99 11.99 11.99 9.99 11.99 9.99 9.99 11.99 8.99 Body Butter SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Body Wash Hand Cream Lotion 06942 87549 06943 87548 05490 06944 87764 87508 06945 05489 06946 87505 06947 87546 06948 06949 87547 06952 87507 87509 06953 87766 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 104 Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP BULK 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 EA EA EA EA 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 8.79 8.79 8.79 8.79 Analgesic Salve Herbal Bath Herbal Bath Inhalers Oil Oil Oil 715486-502114 1 OZ 5.97 715486-503104 4 OZ 5.71 715486-503203 8 OZ 10.18 715486-505108 12/1 EA 3.57 715486-500110.32 OZ 5.71 715486-500219.82 OZ 11.98 715486-500318 1.65 OZ 19.78 EA EA EA CS EA EA EA 5.97 5.71 10.18 42.84 5.71 11.98 19.78 9.95 9.50 16.95 5.95 9.50 19.95 32.95 Almond Coco Walnut Exfoliating Coconut Milk Soap Cranberry Fig Dead Sea Mud Dead Sea Salt Hemp Honey Almond Soap Lavender Lemon Verbena Naked Goat`s Milk Naked Lavender Naked Rose Naked Shea Butter Olive Oil Peppermint Rose Petal Shea Butter Sugar Cookie Vanilla Oatmeal 893455-000042 893455-000097 893455-000141 812281-010124 893455-000073 893455-000080 893455-000059 893455-000028 893455-000004 893455-000127 812281-010162 812281-010155 812281-010179 812281-010148 893455-000066 812281-010131 893455-000011 893455-000332 812281-010117 893455-000035 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 4/6/4 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 4/6/4 OZ 4/6/4 OZ 4/6/4 OZ 4/6/4 OZ 7 OZ 4/6/4 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 4/6/4 OZ 7 OZ 2.68 2.68 2.68 31.04 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 31.04 31.04 31.04 31.04 2.68 31.04 2.68 2.68 31.04 2.68 EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA EA CS CS CS CS EA CS EA EA CS EA 2.68 2.68 2.68 31.04 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 31.04 31.04 31.04 31.04 2.68 31.04 2.68 2.68 31.04 2.68 4.49 4.49 4.49 1.99 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 4.49 1.99 4.49 4.49 1.99 4.49 Coconut Lime Lavender Rose Petal Shea Butter 893455-000707 893455-000684 893455-000936 893455-000691 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 EA EA EA EA 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 812281-010285 812281-010193 812281-010254 812281-010278 812281-010261 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 EA EA EA EA EA 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 14.99 14.99 14.99 14.99 14.99 893455-000134 893455-000110 893455-000103 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 2.68 2.68 2.68 EA EA EA 2.68 2.68 2.68 4.49 4.49 4.49 893455-000660 893455-000646 893455-000929 893455-000653 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 EA EA EA EA 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 OLBAS 87894 87895 87896 44059 87888 87889 87890 ONE WITH NATURE Bar Soaps 51325 51326 51305 55136 51327 51328 51300 51302 51329 51323 51126 51125 51127 51124 51304 55137 51330 51303 55135 51301 47466 47464 51344 47465 51375 51376 51372 51374 51373 51321 51322 51324 47462 47460 51343 47461 Dead Sea Mineral Bath Salts Eucalyptus Fragrance Free Lavender Tangerine Rose Petal Shea Butter Vanilla Glycerin Soaps Bing Cherry Granny Smith Orange Blossom Hand Wash - Liquid Coconut Lime Lavender Rose Petal Shea Butter ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 105 NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS Body Wash SPECIALTY FROZEN 018515-127440.45 OZ 018515-127419.5 OZ 018515-127426.45 OZ 018515-127402.5 OZ PET Cuticle Remover Essential Oil Therapy Nail Growth Serum Nail Strengthener GROCERY 20649 20647 20648 20646 PERSONAL CARE REFRIGERATED NUTRA NAIL BULK Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP FROZEN REFRIGERATED Lotion 47470 47471 47468 51345 47469 Coconut Lime Fragrance Free, Mineral Lavender Rose Petal Shea Butter 893455-000745 893455-000752 893455-000721 893455-000943 893455-000738 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 EA EA EA EA EA 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 8.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 Care Conditioner Care Shampoo Care Sheen Spray 075285-004715 075285-004708 075285-004722 13.5 OZ 13.5 OZ 10 OZ 6.63 6.63 6.44 EA EA EA 6.63 6.63 6.44 9.95 9.95 9.65 611624-019820 611624-019813 611624-019882 80 CT 80 CT 180 CT 2.39 2.00 2.33 EA EA EA 2.39 2.00 2.33 2.99 2.99 3.89 632169-120147 632169-111763 632169-111558 632169-111145 632169-111633 632169-111640 5.5 OZ 2.25 OZ 1 EA 6 OZ 6 OZ 13 OZ 4.03 4.25 6.69 5.93 5.93 5.29 EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.03 4.25 6.69 5.93 5.93 5.29 6.05 6.39 10.05 8.89 8.89 7.95 186356-000021 6/2 ML 186356-000038 3 OZ 186356-000076.5 OZ 186356-000144 6/.17 OZ 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 CS EA EA CS 33.60 5.60 5.60 33.60 9.35 9.35 9.35 9.35 Azulene Oil 066427-630008 5.40 EA 5.40 8.99 OPTIMUM 46723 46720 46724 ORGANIC ESSENTIALS 88496 88495 88464 Cosmetic Rounds Cotton Balls Cotton Swabs, Paper Stick SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY PET ORGANIC ROOT STIMULATOR 46766 46763 46760 46758 46761 46762 Coconut Oil Olive Oil Edge Control Olive Oil Girls Relaxer Olive Oil Glossing Polisher Olive Oil Heat Protect Serum Smooth N Hold Pudding PACIFIC SHAVING COMPANY 50539 50537 50553 50538 Blade Oil Natural Shaving Cream Natural Shaving Oil Nick Stick PARISSA Accessories & Aftercare 48364 48368 48351 48353 48352 48354 48355 56076 56077 2 in 1 Roll-On Wax System Body Sugar Chamomile Quick & Easy Wax Strips, Face & Bikini Quick & Easy Wax Strips, Legs & Body Strip Free Hot Wax Studio Warm Wax Wax Strips Mini Eyebrow Design Wax Strips Underarm, Bikini & Face 066427-970005 066427-910001 066427-610000 066427-620009 066427-810004 066427-310009 066427-660005 066427-670004 5 OZ 12.00 6 OZ 7.20 16 CT 5.40 16 CT 7.20 4 OZ 5.40 4 OZ 7.20 32 CT 5.40 24 CT 7.20 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 12.00 7.20 5.40 7.20 5.40 7.20 5.40 7.20 19.99 11.99 8.99 11.99 8.99 11.99 8.99 11.99 46999 47000 Detangling Spray Hair Dress 038276-007331 038276-007348 12 OZ 4 OZ 4.00 3.39 EA EA 4.00 3.39 5.99 5.09 818692-007609 818692-008408 3.5 OZ 3.5 OZ 5.33 5.33 EA EA 5.33 5.33 9.95 9.95 818692-007050 818692-007203 818692-007104 818692-007159 3.5 OZ 3.5 OZ 3.5 OZ 3.5 OZ 7.47 7.47 5.33 7.47 EA EA EA EA 7.47 7.47 5.33 7.47 13.95 13.95 9.95 13.95 2 OZ Hair Removers PCJ PEACEFUL MOUNTAIN Pain Remedies 58842 58846 58843 58845 58841 58844 Arnica Plus Gel Muscle Ice Rescue Products Back & Neck Rescue Gel Joint Rescue Gel Muscle Rescue Gel Tendon Rescue Gel ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 106 86736 86737 86742 86739 86741 86743 86744 86733 86734 86730 86731 Cinnamon Sass Cinnamon Sass Citrus Breeze Display Citrus Breeze Citrus Breeze Peppermint Peppermint Spearmint Spearmint Vanilla Mint Moxie Vanilla Mint Moxie 087614-351155 087614-351162 087614-350264 087614-351230 087614-351247 087614-351193 087614-351209 087614-351216 087614-351223 087614-351179 087614-351186 100 PC 300 PC 12/8 PC 100 PC 300 PC 100 PC 300 PC 100 PC 300 PC 100 PC 300 PC 7.11 18.16 1.11 7.11 18.16 7.11 18.16 7.11 18.16 7.11 18.16 EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.11 18.16 13.32 7.11 18.16 7.11 18.16 7.11 18.16 7.11 18.16 10.95 27.95 1.71 10.95 27.95 10.95 27.95 10.95 27.95 10.95 27.95 Cinnamon Mint Free Peppermint Spearmint Spearmint 087614-351384 087614-351377 087614-351339 087614-351353 087614-351360 3 OZ 7 OZ 3 OZ 3 OZ 7 OZ 4.19 5.99 4.19 4.19 5.99 EA EA EA EA EA 4.19 5.99 4.19 4.19 5.99 6.99 9.99 6.99 6.99 9.99 Peri-Gum Mouthwash 831038-000010 1 OZ 14.95 EA 14.95 21.95 Cold Wax Kit Cold Wax Kit Cold Wax, Facial Wax Strips, Leg & Body 066427-510003 066427-520002 066427-500004 066427-562002 5 OZ 8 OZ 2 OZ 40 CT 5.95 8.95 4.80 9.60 EA EA EA EA 5.95 8.95 4.80 9.60 9.99 14.99 7.99 15.99 Unwaxed Waxed 076757-200093 12/100 YD 076757-200109 12/100 YD 1.71 1.71 CS CS 20.46 20.46 20.45 3.65 120 Sprays 640 Sprays Floor Display 788581-015018 788581-015025 788581-015049 1.5 OZ 8 OZ 72 ASST 4.03 9.41 5.84 EA 4.03 6.99 EA 9.41 16.99 CS 420.59 630.89 631740-010600 96 ASST 2.40 CS 230.39 3.99 Toothpicks, Cinnamint Toothpicks, Mint Tea Tree 631740-120026 631740-120019 24/35 CT 24/35 CT 1.17 1.17 CS CS 28.16 28.16 1.75 1.75 Tongue Cleaner 631740-030103 1 EA 1.63 EA 1.63 2.69 631740-050811 631740-050903 12/1 PK 6/1 PK 5.05 5.05 CS CS 60.64 30.32 8.45 8.45 631740-010167 631740-010143 631740-010129 6 CNT 6 CNT 6 CNT 2.00 2.00 2.00 CS CS CS 11.99 11.99 11.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 631740-010150 6 CT 2.40 CS 14.40 3.99 Toothpaste 48653 48656 48651 48652 48655 PERI-GUM 46596 PERSIAN Cold Wax 59707 59708 59706 59709 POH Dental Floss 56261 56262 PREFENZ Hand Sanitizer 81621 81622 81623 PRESERVE Displays (Pre-Orders Only) 65344 Assorted Color & Bristle Flavored Toothpicks 57913 57914 83028 Recyclable Razors & Refills 65358 65359 83024 83023 83022 65351 Triple Blade Razor, Display Triple Blade Refill Toothbrushes in Mail Back Packs Medium, Adult, Soft Pack Soft, Adult, Soft Pack Ultra Soft, Adult, Soft Pack Toothbrushes in Travel Cases Medium ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 107 BULK NON-FOODS Oral Care SPECIALTY REFRIGERATED PEELU Dental Gum FROZEN $ SRP PET EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price GROCERY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description PERSONAL CARE Item # SUPPLEMENTS BULK Item # PET 65350 65349 83025 59440 59434 59448 59449 59435 59436 59437 59438 59439 56252 $ SRP 631740-010136 631740-010105 6 CT 6 CT 2.40 2.40 CS CS 14.40 14.40 3.99 3.99 631740-020104 6 CT 2.16 CS 12.96 3.59 074092-011381 074092-011374 074092-011435 074092-011442 074092-011404 074092-011411 074092-011428 074092-011398 074092-011367 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 8.97 8.99 8.98 8.99 8.99 8.97 8.97 8.97 8.99 Anti Dandruff 074092-031051 12 OZ 4.79 EA 4.79 7.99 Lotion & Wash, Paraben Free, Display Shamp & Cond, Paraben Free, Display 074092-021212 074092-021199 Soft, Junior Banana Vanilla, Paraben Free Caribbean Heat, Paraben Free Cherry Almond, Paraben Free Fresh Fig, Paraben Free Fuji Appleberry, Paraben Free Grapefruit Verbena, Paraben Free Lavender Rosemary, Paraben Free Passionate Pear, Paraben Free Revitalizing, Paraben Free Conditioners, Paraben Free Displays 56264 56263 56214 56215 56216 56218 56219 59447 59441 59450 59451 59442 59443 59444 59445 59446 44/12 OZ 5.39 44/12 OZ 213.33 CS 237.34 8.99 CS 213.33 356.25 Liquid Hand Soaps, Paraben Free PERSONAL CARE Oils NON-FOODS Soft Ultra Soft EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price PURE & BASIC Bath & Body Wash, Paraben Free SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Toothbrushes w/o Envelopes SUPPLEMENTS GROCERY FROZEN REFRIGERATED Fuji Apple Grapefruit Verbena Moisturizing Unscented Wild Banana & Vanilla 074092-041265 074092-041272 074092-041210 074092-041234 074092-041241 12.5 OZ 12.5 OZ 12.5 OZ 12.5 OZ 12.5 OZ 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 EA EA EA EA EA 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 Banana Vanilla, Paraben Free Caribbean Heat, Paraben Free Cherry Almond, Paraben Free Fresh Fig, Paraben Free Fuji Appleberry, Paraben Free Grapefruit Verbena, Paraben Free Lavender Rosemary, Paraben Free Passionate Pear, Paraben Free Revitalizing, Paraben Free 074092-088345 074092-088338 074092-088390 074092-088406 074092-088369 074092-088376 074092-088383 074092-088352 074092-088321 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 5.39 8.97 8.97 8.99 8.99 8.97 8.97 8.99 8.97 8.97 Vitamin E, Lite, 21,000 IU 074092-121035 1.62 OZ 5.40 EA 5.40 8.99 074092-031020 074092-011015 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.79 4.79 EA EA 4.79 4.79 7.99 7.99 638242-707007 24 PK 3.90 EA 3.90 6.49 638242-000030 638242-000047 638242-000016 638242-000023 24 PK 12 PK 24 PK 12 PK 3.00 1.67 3.00 1.67 EA EA EA EA 3.00 1.67 3.00 1.67 4.99 2.79 4.99 2.79 638242-709001 638242-707205 24 PK 12 PK 3.00 2.10 EA EA 3.00 2.10 4.99 3.49 Lotion, Paraben Free 56373 Shampoos, Paraben Free 56644 56363 Anti Dandruff Clarifying Citrus PURE TOUCH SKIN CARE Medicated - Flushable Moist Wipes 44595 46090 46091 46092 46093 44597 44596 Tush, Medicated Naturals - Flushable Moist Wipes Feminine Feminine, Travel Pack Natural Tush Wipes Tush, Travel Pack Organics - Flushable Moist Wipes Feminine Tush, Medicated, Travel Pack ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 108 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP QUANTUM Counter Displays 58478 Buzz Away Extreme Towelettes 046985-209915 50/.16 OZ 0.47 EA 23.71 0.79 Athlete`s Foot Cure Scar Reducing Cream Skin Crack Cream 046985-018029 046985-018012 046985-017954 21 GR 21 GR 2 OZ 7.19 7.19 5.99 EA EA EA 7.19 7.19 5.99 11.99 11.99 9.99 35 ASST 178.76 CS Derma 58675 58673 58674 51624 56892 58473 52960 58999 59484 58639 58646 58655 58464 58656 58657 59485 Displays (Special Order Only) 046985-016285 Canker Cover Oral Canker Sore Patch Canker Sore Gel Cold Sore Bandage, Invisible LipClear Lysine Plus OraMoist Dry Mouth Discs SupLysine+ Cold Sore Relief Cream SupLysine+ Cold Sore Relief Cream SupLysine+ Coldstick SPF21, Tang. SupLysine+FlavorCldstkSPF21POP SupLysine+LipCldstk SPF21Strawberry SupLysine+LipCldstkSPF21Plain Super Lysine+ Little Lips Berry 046985-017985 6 CT 046985-017862.33 OZ 046985-016766 10 CT 046985-016742 7 GR 046985-017077 16 CT 046985-001014.25 OZ 046985-103008.75 OZ 046985-000079 18/.17 OZ 046985-017558 36/.17 OZ 046985-000062 18/.17 OZ 046985-016261.17 OZ 046985-017374 7 GRAM Buzz Away Extreme Pop-up Towlette Buzz Away Extreme Towelettes Buzz Away Extreme, Pump Spray Buzz Away Extreme, Pump Spray Buzz Away Extreme, Squeeze Bottle Buzz Away Itch Nix Buzz Away Pump Spray Buzz Away Pump Spray Buzz Away Sting Soothe 046985-016575 046985-071024 046985-016902 046985-018104 046985-016216 046985-509947 046985-509916 046985-016063 046985-509930 Bath Salts, Cold & Flu Bath Salts, Lavender Bath Salts, Lavender Bath Salts, Lavender Bath Salts, Original Bath Salts, Original Bath Salts, Original Bath Salts, Original Liq Mineral Bath, Original 178.76 298.16 51627 58647 51178 56799 51625 58622 58619 58648 58623 5.99 5.39 10.19 5.99 4.19 4.19 3.75 6.29 3.89 9.99 8.99 16.99 9.99 6.99 6.99 6.19 10.49 6.49 079896-221776 079896-220731 079896-220748 079896-220410 079896-668762 079896-678778 079896-688784 079896-698790 079896-220120 20 OZ 4.47 2 LB 6.23 5 LB 12.40 20 OZ 4.47 20 OZ 4.47 2 LB 6.23 5 LB 12.40 20 LB 43.47 16 OZ 4.42 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.47 6.23 12.40 4.47 4.47 6.23 12.40 43.47 4.42 7.45 10.39 20.69 7.45 7.45 10.39 20.69 72.45 7.39 Aloe Mint Julep Tea Tree Oil Vitamin E 079896-536023 079896-756032 079896-220304 079896-536016 2.7 OZ 2.7 OZ 2.7 OZ 2.7 OZ 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 EA EA EA EA 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 5.19 5.19 5.19 5.19 Mineral Foot Bath 079896-539000 6/3 OZ 2.32 CS 13.92 3.85 Curl Shaping Creme Curl Smoothing Oil Moisture Rich Conditioner Stay Clean Shampoo 079896-021154 079896-021109 079896-021055 079896-021000 15 OZ 4 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 EA EA EA EA 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 QUEEN HELENE Batherapy 40801 55597 55598 55609 47098 55606 55607 55623 55638 55600 55639 55640 55603 Deodorant Sticks Footherapy 55621 Royal Curl 53059 53062 53058 53057 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 109 PET EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA GROCERY 25 CT 5.99 12 CT 5.39 8 OZ 10.19 4 OZ 5.99 2 OZ 4.19 4 OZ 4.19 2 OZ 3.75 6 OZ 6.29 1 OZ 3.89 Repellent PERSONAL CARE 9.99 8.99 6.99 6.99 9.99 6.99 14.99 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.99 SUPPLEMENTS EA 5.99 EA 5.39 EA 4.19 EA 4.19 EA 5.99 EA 4.19 EA 8.99 CS 72.24 CS 144.48 CS 72.24 EA 4.01 EA 4.19 NON-FOODS 5.99 5.39 4.19 4.19 5.99 4.19 8.99 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.19 FROZEN Oral Care SPECIALTY Buzz Away Floor DS BULK Item # REFRIGERATED BULK Item # 55620 55632 55633 43248 55635 55636 81462 81461 84986 82234 84989 84993 82249 82248 PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS Cocoa Butter Stick, 100% Facial Scrub, Mint Julep Facial Scrub, Oatmeal & Honey Masque, Grape Seed Extract Peel Off Masque, Mint Julep Masque, Mud Pack 079896-049462 079896-565771 079896-565788 079896-220243 079896-585793 079896-586516 12/1 OZ 6 OZ 6 OZ 6 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 1.43 2.90 2.90 2.92 2.92 2.92 CS EA EA EA EA EA 17.12 2.90 2.90 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.39 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 Cranberry Silk 085178-001844 085178-001851 6/55 YD 6/55 YD 2.37 2.37 CS CS 14.24 14.22 3.95 3.95 085178-090060 085178-004418 085178-090091 085178-090053 18/1 EA 89.76 32 ASST 172.37 22/1 EA 81.18 21 ASST 86.22 Displays (Special Order Only) PET Toothbrushes NON-FOODS $ SRP RADIUS Dental Floss Ergonomic Toothbrush Display Intelligent & Source TB w/Case Pure & Natural Oral Care Display Sustainability Toothbrush DS CS 89.76 149.10 CS 172.37 287.27 CS 81.18 134.90 CS 86.22 143.34 Source Toothbrushes 83375 83374 82221 82219 82223 82226 82247 82245 82220 84700 84701 51590 82232 Medium w/Extra Replacement Head Soft w/Extra Replacement Head 085178-000663 085178-000656 6/1 EA 6/1 EA 4.79 4.79 CS CS 28.72 28.72 7.99 7.99 Medium Replacement Heads, 2 Pack Soft Replacement Heads, 2 Pack 085178-000687 085178-000670 6/2 PK 6/2 PK 3.59 3.59 CS CS 21.54 21.54 5.99 5.99 Toothbrushes, Adults Adult Original Left Hand Adult Original Right Hand Adult Scuba Left Hand Adult Scuba Right Hand Mixed Floor Display Original & Scuba, Right Hand BOGO 085178-000090 085178-000083 085178-000137 085178-000120 085178-003909 085178-003992 6/1 EA 5.99 6/1 EA 5.99 6/1 EA 5.99 6/1 EA 5.99 36 PIECE 243.68 32 PIECE 229.11 CS 35.92 9.99 CS 35.92 9.99 CS 35.92 9.99 CS 35.92 9.99 CS 243.68 406.12 CS 229.11 382.39 Toothbrushes, Kids KIDZ Travel Pure Baby Totz 085178-110010 085178-001080 085178-001097 6/1 EA 6/1 EA 6/1 EA 2.99 2.40 2.40 CS CS CS 17.92 14.40 14.40 4.99 3.99 3.99 085178-000380 085178-000397 6/1 EA 6/1 EA 2.37 1.60 CS CS 14.24 9.60 3.95 2.69 Body Lotion Body Wash Body Wash, Oat, Colloidal, Scented Body Wash, Oat, Colloidal, Unscnt Body Wash, Scented Body Wash, Unscented Lotion, Unscented Shampoo Shampoo, Scented Shampoo, Unscented 000518-200022 000518-200053 000518-200206 000518-200220 000518-200152 000518-200183 000518-200244 000518-200046 000518-200145 000518-200169 8 OZ 8 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 8 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 3.89 3.89 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 3.89 5.99 5.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.89 3.89 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 3.89 5.99 5.99 6.49 6.49 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 6.49 9.99 9.99 Tropical Rain Wildflower 000518-300029 000518-300050 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.49 4.49 EA EA 4.49 4.49 7.49 7.49 000518-100087 000518-100100 12/.75 OZ 8 OZ 1.32 5.10 CS EA 15.84 5.10 2.19 8.49 Travel Cases, Assorted Colors Scuba/Orig Toothbrush Case Toothbrush RAINBOW RESEARCH Baby Oh Baby 84646 84648 51666 51667 84716 84718 51665 84649 84715 84717 84695 84698 55500 84692 Bubble Bath SPECIALTY EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Skin & Facial Care GROCERY FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Facial Care Products French Green Clay Packets French Grn Clay Pwdr ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 110 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 84301 84302 84303 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 Bubble Bath, Berry Banana Blast Bubble Bath, Original Bubble Bath, Original Bubble Bath, Sweet Dreams Bubble Bath, Unscented Conditioner, Creamy Vanilla Conditioner, Unscented Hand Sanitizer For Kids Hand Sanitizer For Kids Kids Travel Pack Liquid Soap, Antibac, Refill Liquid Soap, Antibacterial, Raspberry Shampoo Shampoo, Original Shampoo, Unscented Soap, Original Spray Detangler 000518-600082 000518-300111 000518-600303 000518-600136 000518-600068 000518-600228 000518-600204 000518-600143 000518-600150 000518-600365 000518-600075 000518-600129 000518-600013 000518-600327 000518-600105 000518-600341 000518-600020 12 OZ 12 OZ 2 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 8.5 OZ 8.5 OZ 2 OZ 8 OZ 4/2 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 12 OZ 2 OZ 12 OZ 2 OZ 8 OZ 4.80 4.80 1.63 4.80 4.80 3.90 3.90 1.79 4.79 6.67 8.39 4.49 4.80 1.63 4.80 1.63 3.90 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.80 4.80 1.63 4.80 4.80 3.90 3.90 1.79 4.79 6.67 8.39 4.49 4.80 1.63 4.80 1.63 3.90 7.99 7.99 2.69 6.99 7.99 6.49 6.49 2.99 7.99 10.99 13.99 7.49 7.99 2.69 7.99 2.69 6.49 Tropical Passion Unscented Vanilla 000518-500061 000518-500047 000518-500078 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 4.49 4.49 4.49 EA EA EA 4.49 4.49 4.49 7.49 7.49 7.49 Colloidal Oatmeal Bath Oat Body Wash, Lavender Oat Body Wash, Unscented 300518-100132 1/3/1.5 OZ 000518-100162 12 OZ 000518-100186 12 OZ 4.17 5.40 5.40 EA EA EA 4.17 5.40 5.40 6.95 8.99 8.99 Clay Baby Powder Facial Mud First Aid Clay 018788-203322 018788-203247 018788-203209 4.05 4.52 4.52 EA EA EA 4.05 4.52 4.52 8.09 9.05 9.05 10% Glycolic Acid Night Cream Collagen Cream Elastin Night Cream 087992-112874 087992-111266 087992-111273 1.5 OZ 17.40 1.5 OZ 8.40 1.5 OZ 8.40 EA EA EA 17.40 8.40 8.40 28.99 14.00 14.00 Oatmeal Seaweed 087992-111372 087992-111327 4.5 OZ 4.5 OZ 2.40 2.40 EA EA 2.40 2.40 3.99 3.99 Alpha Lipoic Acid Eye Serum Alpha Lipoic Acid Night Cream Brown Spot Night Cream Brown Spot w/Kojic Acid Night Crm Exfoliant, Pomegranate Eye Makeup Remover Gel 087992-113826 087992-113772 087992-111594 087992-115868 087992-119729 087992-111792 1 OZ 11.40 2 OZ 13.80 1 OZ 6.60 1 OZ 6.00 2 OZ 11.40 2 OZ 3.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA 11.40 13.80 6.60 6.00 11.40 3.00 19.05 23.05 11.00 9.99 19.05 5.00 Kid`s Products Liquid Soaps Antibacterial Skin Care REDMOND CLAY 48251 48250 48249 3 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ REVIVA 43305 43296 43297 85752 85753 85750 85738 85755 85760 31781 43627 Bar Soap Facial Care ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 111 FROZEN EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA PET 84306 84304 84307 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 GROCERY 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ PERSONAL CARE 84309 84676 84719 84713 84308 84641 84640 84162 84163 84722 52221 84312 84677 84720 84310 84721 84675 000518-400026 000518-400118 000518-400125 000518-400033 000518-400132 000518-400040 000518-400088 000518-400057 000518-400071 000518-400101 000518-400019 SUPPLEMENTS Black Blonde Blonde, Marigold Brown, Dark Brown, Light Brown, Med Burgundy Copper Mahogany Neutral Red NON-FOODS 84680 84689 84690 84681 84691 84682 84686 84683 84685 84688 84679 REFRIGERATED Henna-"Certified Pesticide Free" SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK REFRIGERATED FROZEN PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY Item # 85743 85749 85742 85740 85778 85745 85747 85761 81928 81932 44616 85757 44615 48645 85756 48640 85751 43304 48646 85744 85748 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Glycolic Acid Cleanser Glycolic Acid Day/Night Cream Glycolic Acid Renaissance Toner Light Skin Peel Makeup Primer Vitamin E Oil Stick POP 087992-112454 087992-112348 087992-112416 087992-111150 087992-119637 087992-111174 4 OZ 7.20 1.50 OZ 15.00 4 OZ 7.20 1.5 OZ 12.00 1 OZ 11.71 12/3.5 GR 2.40 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP EA EA EA EA EA CS 7.20 15.00 7.20 12.00 11.71 28.80 11.99 24.99 12.00 19.99 19.50 3.99 7.20 7.20 22.80 12.60 15.00 11.40 15.00 13.20 7.80 29.40 7.80 6.60 17.40 13.80 11.40 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.20 7.20 22.80 12.60 15.00 11.40 15.00 13.20 7.80 29.40 7.80 6.60 17.40 13.80 11.40 12.00 11.99 38.00 21.00 25.00 19.00 25.00 22.05 12.99 49.09 12.99 10.99 29.05 23.00 19.05 1.6 OZ 14.99 EA 14.99 24.99 Special Products Brown Spot Gel w/Glycolic Acid Brown Spot Gel, Glycolic/Kojic Acid Collagen Eye Pads (4pr)+Energy Gel Collagen Fibre Eye Pads w/Myoxinol Collagen Serum DMAE Firming Fluid EFAs Cream Hyaluronic Serum Light Skin Day Cream Peptides & More Anti Wrinkle Cream Skin Lightening Day Crm/Kojic Acid Sun Protective Moisturizer, SPF 25 Under Eye Dark Circle Serum Varicose Veins Lotion Vitamin K Cream 087992-112713 087992-115882 087992-119491 087992-119507 087992-119811 087992-113857 087992-119798 087992-113925 087992-112058 087992-114083 087992-115875 087992-111044 087992-115967 087992-113727 087992-112577 1.25 OZ 1.5 OZ 1 KIT 3 PAIR 1 OZ 1 OZ 1.5 OZ 1 OZ 1.50 OZ 2 OZ 1.5 OZ 1.5 OZ 1 OZ 8 OZ 1.5 OZ Au Revoir Lice & Nits 896996-002001 Nag Champa 050525-557015 4/150 GR 4.77 CS 19.09 7.95 Gel Hot Capsicum Patch Pain Relief Patch Pain Relief Patch Pain Relief Patch Pain Relief Patch Pain Relief Patch, Large Pain Relief Spray 346581-600407 346581-700015 346581-100204 346581-100402 346581-670059 346581-680058 346581-202045 346581-400809 40 GR 1 CT 20 CT 40 CT 5 CT 5 CT 4 CT 80 ML 3.34 1.06 1.82 3.35 5.73 5.73 1.54 4.80 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.34 1.06 1.82 3.35 5.73 5.73 1.54 4.80 4.70 1.49 2.54 4.75 7.99 7.99 2.15 6.50 087437-001015 087437-001176 087437-001022 087437-001046 087437-001183 087437-001169 087437-001053 087437-001190 087437-001084 087437-001091 087437-001077 087437-001138 12/3.5 OZ 12/3.5 OZ 12/3.5 OZ 12/3.5 OZ 12/3.5 OZ 12/3.5 OZ 12/3.5 OZ 12/3.5 OZ 12/3.5 OZ 12/3.5 OZ 12/3.5 OZ 12/3.5 OZ 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 15.47 15.47 15.47 15.47 15.47 15.47 15.47 15.47 15.47 15.47 15.47 15.47 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 891356-000703 891356-000956 7 OZ 7 OZ 2.84 2.84 EA EA 2.84 2.84 3.99 3.99 SAFE TRAP! 44102 SAI BABA Bar Soaps 47547 SALONPAS 52537 52535 52533 52534 52539 52540 52538 52536 SAPPO HILL Glycerine Creme Soap 60202 60217 60209 60207 60218 60215 60203 60219 60206 60205 60201 60208 Almond Aloe Oatmeal Aloe Vera Cucumber Desert Sage Gardener`s Jasmine Lavender Nat Oatmeal Nat, Unscnt Oatmeal Sandalwood SAVON ET CIE Triple Milled Bar Soap 46203 46204 Acai Cranberry Cinnamon Orange ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 112 2.84 2.84 2.84 EA EA EA 2.84 2.84 2.84 3.99 3.99 3.99 Denture Adhesive Strips Denture Bonding Cream 364031-300097 364031-300103 15 CT 1.4 OZ 5.69 5.99 EA EA 5.69 5.99 9.49 9.99 852277-002238 852277-002245 852277-002139 852277-002146 8 OZ 8 OZ 3.5 OZ 3.5 OZ 7.67 7.67 5.27 5.27 EA EA EA EA 7.67 7.67 5.27 5.27 12.79 12.79 8.79 8.79 732913-440764 732913-440726 732913-440757 732913-440733 732913-440740 732913-440719 732913-999385 732913-999378 3/10 OZ 5.85 3/3 OZ 6.60 3/6 OZ 5.85 3/10 OZ 5.85 3/10 OZ 5.85 3/3 OZ 13.05 12 ASST 93.65 16 ASST 70.24 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 17.56 9.75 19.80 10.99 17.56 9.75 17.56 9.75 17.56 9.75 39.16 21.75 93.65 156.08 70.24 117.06 Maxi Pads, Overnight w/ Wings Maxi Pads, Regular Pantiliners Tampons, Regular, Applicator Tampons, Regular, Digital Tampons, Super Plus, Digital Tampons, Super, Applicator Tampons, Super, Digital Ultra-Thin Pads, Overnight Ultra-Thin Pads, Regular w/ Wings Ultra-Thin Pads, Super Long, Wings 732913-450015 732913-450008 732913-450053 732913-451036 732913-451005 732913-451029 732913-451043 732913-451012 732913-450039 732913-450022 732913-450046 12/14 CT 12/24 CT 18/45 CT 12/16 CT 12/20 CT 12/20 CT 12/16 CT 12/20 CT 12/14 CT 12/18 CT 12/16 CT 3.87 3.87 3.87 5.60 4.76 5.19 5.60 4.76 3.87 3.87 3.87 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 46.40 46.40 69.60 67.20 57.12 62.24 67.20 57.12 46.40 46.40 46.40 5.79 5.79 5.79 8.39 7.15 7.79 8.39 7.15 5.79 5.79 5.79 Hand Wash, Lavender 732913-228300 8/12 OZ 3.33 CS 26.61 4.99 706758-124806 12/.625 OZ 3.58 CS 42.92 5.99 764302-250043 764302-250197 764302-250180 764302-250173 2 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 5 OZ 5.39 5.39 5.39 2.99 EA EA EA EA 5.39 5.39 5.39 2.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 4.99 764302-250005 764302-250029 764302-250036 4 OZ 6 OZ 4 OZ 5.39 5.99 5.39 EA EA EA 5.39 5.99 5.39 8.99 9.99 8.99 764302-901426 764302-901396 764302-901365 764302-901433 4 OZ 8 OZ 5 OZ 6 OZ 6.59 6.59 2.99 6.59 EA EA EA EA 6.59 6.59 2.99 6.59 10.99 10.99 4.99 10.99 SECURE 47617 43393 SEED BODY CARE Grape Seed Enriched Body Care 40024 40025 40019 40020 Body Cream, Citrus Blend Body Cream, Lavender Hand Cream, Citrus Blend Hand Cream, Lavender SEVENTH GENERATION Baby Personal Care 50852 50858 50854 50838 50847 50856 50860 50861 61441 61440 61445 61036 H 61446 61448 61037 H 61447 61443 61442 61444 05465 Bubble Bath Diaper Cream Lotion Shampoo & Wash Gel Shampoo & Wash, Foaming Sunscreen SPF 30+ Wee Gen Personal Care Floor DS Wee Gen Personal Care Tray Feminine Hygiene Products Personal Care SHAVE DELUX Shave Products 87285 Shave Delux SHEA MOISTURE Mens Groom Collection 84229 84276 84231 84230 84226 84227 84228 84222 84224 84223 84225 Anti Age/Bump Prev Face Cream Three Butters Lotion Three Butters Wash/Scrub Utility Soap Mens Shave Collection Black Soap Facial Wash/Scrub Shea Btr/Afrcn Blk Sp Shave Btr Tea Tree Hrbl After Shave Elixir Organic Raw Shea Butter Baby Raw Shea Btr Head/Toe Ointment Raw Shea Butter Baby Oil Rub Raw Shea Butter Eczema Soap Raw Shea Butter Eczema Therapy ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 113 BULK REFRIGERATED 7 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ FROZEN 891356-000994 891356-000932 891356-000987 PET Cranberry Cassis Green Tea Oatmeal GROCERY $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 46208 46211 46207 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK REFRIGERATED Item # GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY 84220 84221 84295 84279 84278 84277 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Raw Shea Butter Lotion Raw Shea Butter Shampoo/Wash EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 764302-901402 764302-901419 12 OZ 12 OZ 6.59 6.59 EA EA 6.59 6.59 10.99 10.99 Cnut/Hibis Shave Butter Creme Hny/Blk Seed After Shave Lotion Hny/Blk Seed Skin Healing Elixir Honey/Black Seed Sugar Wax 764302-250340 764302-250333 764302-250326 764302-250302 6 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 6 OZ 5.99 5.39 5.39 7.19 EA EA EA EA 5.99 5.39 5.39 7.19 9.99 8.99 8.99 11.99 Topical Solution Vitalize Shampoo 733530-450006 733530-370007 3 OZ 12.95 8 OZ 6.49 EA EA 12.95 6.49 21.49 10.99 Trial Size Display 081738-201112 1.20 CS 24.00 1.99 081738-402809 2 OZ 10.86 081738-402700 6 OZ 7.38 081738-402854.5 OZ 10.86 081738-402755 2 OZ 10.26 EA EA EA EA 10.86 7.38 10.86 10.26 18.09 12.35 18.09 17.09 Borage Therapy 1/4 Pallet Borage Therapy 1/4 Pallet Dry Skin Foot Cream Dry Skin Lotion Display Dry Skin Lotion, Adult Formula Hand Cream Lotion, Advance Formula Lotion, Child Formula Lotion, Child Formula Lotion, Lightly Fragranced 081738-001002 081738-001019 081738-402502 081738-402052 081738-402021 081738-402229 081738-402069 081738-402014 081738-402250 081738-402045 64/8 OZ 567.94 128/8 OZ 8.87 4.2 OZ 7.06 18/1 OZ 1.38 8 OZ 8.91 2.5 OZ 5.17 8 OZ 9.80 8 OZ 8.31 3 OZ 4.28 8 OZ 8.91 CS 567.94 946.52 CS 1135.89 1893.07 EA 7.06 11.77 CS 24.92 2.29 EA 8.91 14.86 EA 5.17 8.62 EA 9.80 16.33 EA 8.31 13.86 EA 4.28 7.12 EA 8.91 14.85 Color Reflect Cond, Daily Moist Color Reflect Cond, Intensive Repair Color Reflect Conditioner, Mist & Go Color Reflect Curl Enhancer Color Reflect Hair Spray Color Reflect Hot Oil Treatment Color Reflect Mousse Color Reflect Shampoo, Deep Color Reflect Shampoo, Gold Color Reflect Shampoo, Platinum Color Reflect Shampoo, Warm Color Reflect Shine Serum Color Reflect Styling Gel Conditioner, Everyday w/Amla Conditioner, Everyday Conditioner, Henna Gold Conditioner, Tea Tree Conditioner, Tea Tree Shampoo, Color Care Shampoo, Everyday Shampoo, Everyday Shampoo, Everyday Shampoo, Henna Gold Shampoo, Moisturizing Shampoo, Tea Tree Shampoo, Tea Tree Shampoo, Volumizing 081738-313600 081738-313624 081738-313617 081738-313709 081738-313716 081738-313631 081738-313723 081738-313518 081738-313525 081738-313532 081738-313549 081738-313730 081738-313747 081738-303052 081738-303151 081738-303175 081738-303090 081738-303199 081738-303045 081738-303113 081738-303014 081738-303212 081738-303168 081738-303038 081738-303083 081738-303182 081738-303021 8 OZ 5.71 5 OZ 6.14 8 OZ 5.71 6 OZ 5.71 8 OZ 5.71 1.36 OZ 5.71 7 OZ 5.71 8 OZ 5.71 8 OZ 5.71 8 OZ 5.71 8 OZ 5.71 2 OZ 5.71 5 OZ 5.71 12 OZ 5.11 24/2 OZ 1.41 24/2 OZ 1.41 12 OZ 5.71 24/2 OZ 1.41 12 OZ 5.11 24/2 OZ 1.41 12 OZ 5.11 1 GAL 33.07 24/2 OZ 1.41 12 OZ 5.11 12 OZ 5.71 24/2 OZ 1.41 12 OZ 5.11 Womens Shave Collection SHEN MIN 43823 87010 SHIKAI Biker Soap PET FROZEN 46255 20/2 OZ Borage Therapy Facial 54630 54628 54631 54629 59948 59949 55782 55783 54548 54546 54638 54536 54537 54637 55839 55838 54182 55780 54122 55778 54123 55837 54574 54598 55836 55779 54124 54590 54181 54184 47335 47339 54587 54180 54586 54596 54183 54588 47334 47338 54589 24 HR Repair Cream Cleanser Eye Cream Moisturizer SPF 15 Borage Therapy Hair Care EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS CS EA CS EA CS EA EA CS EA EA CS EA 5.71 6.14 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.71 5.11 33.85 33.85 5.71 33.85 5.11 33.85 5.11 33.07 33.85 5.11 5.71 33.85 5.11 9.54 10.24 9.54 9.54 9.53 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.55 9.53 8.51 2.20 2.20 9.49 2.19 8.53 2.20 8.54 55.25 2.20 8.54 9.49 2.19 8.54 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 114 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 44016 50184 50690 46250 50691 46252 50182 50183 46253 50694 54093 50693 50692 46251 54570 54594 54593 50450 54557 55021 54544 55023 50452 50451 46254 54376 54072 54558 54559 55022 52612 52613 52614 52615 081738-402120 081738-343102 081738-343027 081738-343621 081738-343041 081738-343669 081738-343003 081738-343096 081738-343690 081738-343072 081738-343119 081738-343065 081738-343058 081738-343652 16 OZ 12.00 8 OZ 5.60 8 OZ 5.60 12/1 OZ 1.20 8 OZ 5.60 12/1 OZ 1.20 8 OZ 5.60 8 OZ 5.60 12/1 OZ 1.20 8 OZ 5.60 8 OZ 5.60 8 OZ 5.60 8 OZ 5.60 12/1 OZ 1.20 EA EA EA CS EA CS EA EA CS EA EA EA EA CS 12.00 5.60 5.60 14.40 5.60 14.40 5.60 5.60 14.40 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 14.40 24.19 9.35 9.35 1.99 9.29 1.99 9.35 9.35 1.99 9.29 9.35 9.35 9.35 1.99 Conditioner Conditioner, Highlighting Shampoo, Highlighting 081738-303274 081738-303076 081738-303069 1 GAL 36.07 12 OZ 5.71 12 OZ 5.71 EA EA EA 36.07 5.71 5.71 60.23 9.51 9.51 Henna Gold 6.01 6.01 1.26 6.01 1.26 6.01 6.01 1.20 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01 1.26 EA EA CS EA CS EA EA CS EA EA EA EA CS 6.01 6.01 15.17 6.01 15.17 6.01 6.01 14.40 6.01 6.01 6.01 6.01 15.17 9.99 9.99 2.09 9.99 2.09 9.99 9.99 1.99 9.99 10.02 9.99 9.99 2.09 Citrus Scent Cucumber Scent Fresh Scent Tea Tree 081738-373017 081738-373024 081738-373031 081738-373048 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 EA EA EA EA 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 Cleanse/Detox Beauty Bar Repair/Protect Daytime Face Cream Sea Buckthorn Body Cream Sea Buckthorn Eye Cream Sea Buckthorn Facial Cleanser Sea Buckthorn Hydrating Serum Sea Buckthorn Night Cream Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil 718122-507061 3.5 OZ 718122-506965 1 OZ 705105-703060 6 OZ 705105-703169.5 OZ 858180-002013 4 OZ 858180-002020 1 OZ 858180-002006 1 OZ 689076-756501.338 OZ 4.18 10.48 8.98 12.48 8.98 19.98 17.48 7.98 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.18 10.48 8.98 12.48 8.98 19.98 17.48 7.98 6.96 20.95 14.94 24.95 17.95 39.95 34.95 15.94 Wound Wash, Spray 022600-085645 7.1 OZ 5.76 EA 5.76 9.59 022600-085621 022600-085638 3 OZ 3 OZ 5.40 5.40 EA EA 5.40 5.40 8.99 8.99 804879-231608 804879-231585 1/3 CT 1/12 CT 3.00 7.93 EA EA 3.00 7.93 4.99 13.99 Very Clean Hand Soap SIBU BEAUTY 81376 81377 81371 81370 86331 86332 86330 81372 SIMPLY SALINE 07310 Nasal Relief Mist 07308 07309 Adult, Super Size Baby, Super Size SIR RICHARD`S Collection Condoms 14033 14032 1 Each:Classic, Pleasure, Thin 4 Each: Classic, Pleasure, Thin ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 115 PERSONAL CARE 12 OZ 12 OZ 12/2 OZ 12 OZ 12/2 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12/2 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12/2 OZ SUPPLEMENTS 081738-363100 081738-363025 081738-363124 081738-363049 081738-363162 081738-363001 081738-363094 081738-363193 081738-363070 081738-363117 081738-363063 081738-363056 081738-363155 NON-FOODS Coconut Cucumber & Melon Cucumber & Melon French Vanilla Gardenia Honeysuckle Pomegranate Pomegranate, Trail Size Sandalwood & Amber Starfruit White Gardenia Yuzu Fruit (Japanese Citrus) Yuzu Fruit GROCERY Moisturizing Shower Gels SPECIALTY PET Borage Dry Skin Therapy Coconut Cucumber Melon Cucumber, Trial Size French Vanilla Gardenia, Trial Size Honeysuckle Pomegranate Pomegranate, Trial Size Sandalwood Amber Starfruit White Gardenia Yuzu (Japanese Citrus) Yuzu, Trial Size REFRIGERATED Hand & Body Lotions FROZEN Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED Condoms 14028 14031 14029 14030 Classic Ribbed Extra Large Pleasure Dots Ultra Thin 804879-231578 804879-222811 804879-222804 804879-222781 1/12 CT 1/12 CT 1/12 CT 1/12 CT 7.93 8.56 7.93 7.93 EA EA EA EA 7.93 8.56 7.93 7.93 13.99 14.99 13.99 13.99 Lets Jam Lite Hold Lets Jam Style Mega H/Gel Roots of Nat Oil Moisturizer Roots of Nat Repair Hairdress Sta Sof Fro Rub On 072790-615566 075285-002025 075285-003619 075285-003633 072790-109706 4.4 OZ 9 OZ 8.5 OZ 6 OZ 5 OZ 3.38 4.62 6.84 6.84 2.90 EA EA EA EA EA 3.38 4.62 6.84 6.84 2.90 5.05 6.95 10.25 10.25 4.35 Herbal Gro Indian Hemp 096002-009233 096002-009240 5 OZ 5 OZ 1.72 1.72 EA EA 1.72 1.72 2.59 2.59 Citrus Medley First Crush Lavender Reserve 811854-010080 811854-010066 811854-010042 6 OZ 6 OZ 6 OZ 2.23 2.23 2.23 EA EA EA 2.23 2.23 2.23 3.75 3.75 3.75 Conditioner, Citrus Medley Conditioner, First Crush Conditioner, Lavender Reserve Shampoo, Citrus Medley Shampoo, First Crush Shampoo, Lavender Reserve 811854-010264 811854-010240 811854-010226 811854-010165 811854-010141 811854-010127 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 Citrus Medley First Crush Lavender Reserve Unscented 811854-010561 811854-010547 811854-010523 811854-010585 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 EA EA EA EA 4.51 4.51 4.51 4.51 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 Citrus Medley, Liquid First Crush, Liquid Lavender Reserve, Liquid 811854-010462 811854-010448 811854-010424 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.51 4.51 4.51 EA EA EA 4.51 4.51 4.51 7.99 7.99 7.99 Cedar Sage Eucalyptus Spruce Lavender Peppermint Rosemary Rest & Relax 812659-010961 812659-010435 812659-010190 812659-010206 812659-011043 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 EA EA EA EA EA 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 13.79 13.79 13.79 13.79 13.79 897799-001048 897799-001055 812659-010725 897799-001062 897799-001079 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 EA EA EA EA EA 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 7.99 13.39 13.39 13.39 13.39 13.39 812659-010367 812659-010374 812659-010350 812659-011050 812659-011074 812659-011067 12/.25 OZ 12/.25 OZ 12/.25 OZ 12/.25 OZ 12/.25 OZ 12/.25 OZ 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 CS CS CS CS CS CS 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.89 SOFT SHEEN 46866 46872 46879 46883 46865 SOFTEE 47002 47003 SONOMA SOAP COMPANY Bar Soap 47600 47599 47598 42666 42665 42664 42663 42662 42661 42669 42668 42667 42670 47480 47479 47478 Hair Care Hand & Body Lotions Hand Soaps SOOTHING TOUCH Bath Salts 59329 59330 59333 59339 59340 59347 59348 59349 59350 59353 59389 59392 59393 59355 59386 59387 Bath, Body & Massage Oils Lavender Muscle Comfort Nut Free Lite Unscented Rest & Relax Sandalwood Lip Balms 70% Organic Coconut Lime Grapefruit w/Vitamin C Pomegranate Vegan Lemon Cardamom Vegan Unscented Vegan Vanilla Chai ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 116 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Extra Strength Narayan Oil Display Regular 812659-011425 812659-901078 812659-011418 6/1.5 OZ 6/1 OZ 6/1.5 OZ 5.64 7.73 5.64 CS CS CS 33.84 46.40 33.84 9.39 12.89 9.39 Brown Sugar, Vanilla Orange Brwn Sugr, Chocolate Peppermnt Salt, Lavender Salt, Peppermint Rosemary Salt, Tangerine 897799-001628 897799-001673 897799-001574 897799-001581 897799-001598 16 OZ 16 OZ 20 OZ 20 OZ 20 OZ 10.16 10.16 10.16 10.16 10.16 EA EA EA EA EA 10.16 10.16 10.16 10.16 10.16 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 16.99 755355-100843 755355-100829 755355-100812 755355-100850 755355-100836 755355-100805 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 6.89 755355-100393 755355-100133 755355-100706 755355-100386 755355-100126 755355-100102 755355-100096 755355-100119 755355-100379 755355-100607 755355-100355 755355-100713 755355-100720 755355-100256 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 3.58 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 Coconut Oil, Unrefined 022506-112018 15 OZ 6.61 EA 6.61 9.89 Pregnancy Test 899115-000001 2 CT 4.32 EA 4.32 7.19 687735-850348 687735-850362 687735-852342 687735-852366 687735-851369 4/1 EA 4/1 EA 4/1 EA 4/1 EA 4/1 EA 4.97 7.00 4.97 7.00 7.00 CS CS CS CS CS 19.89 28.01 19.89 28.01 28.01 7.45 10.49 7.45 10.49 10.49 Noble Fir Spiced Clove Sugared Peppermint 687735-850331 687735-852335 687735-851338 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 5.12 5.12 5.12 EA EA EA 5.12 5.12 5.12 7.69 7.69 7.69 Noble Fir Spiced Clove Sugared Peppermint 687735-708502 687735-708526 687735-708519 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 8.57 8.57 8.57 EA EA EA 8.57 8.57 8.57 13.55 13.55 13.55 Scrubs 59342 59346 59343 59344 59345 SOUTH OF FRANCE Liquid Vegetable Soaps - Ultra Moisturizing 47636 47639 47635 47640 47637 47638 08050 08045 08052 08049 08044 08042 08041 08043 08048 08051 08047 08053 08054 08046 42522 H ST PAUL BRANDS Tests 42042 STELLA MARE 3x3 Open Pillar Candle 07922 07928 07924 07930 07929 07925 07927 07926 Noble Fir Noble Fir Spiced Clove Spiced Clove Sugared Peppermint Boxed Pillar Candle PERSONAL CARE SPECTRUM ESSENTIALS ***All Liquid Oils Require Refrigeration*** Skin Care SUPPLEMENTS Acai Pomegranate Almond Cucumber Aloe Gardenia Green Tea Honey Lavender Lemon Verbena Lime Basil Magnolia Pear Mango Mint Orange Ginger Shea Butter Ultra Moisturizing GROCERY Natural French Milled Soaps NON-FOODS Cucumber Aloe Green Tea Lavender Lemon Mint Orange Blossom Honey Shea Butter FROZEN 40818 59388 40817 REFRIGERATED Narayan Oil & Narayan Balm PET Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK 07937 07939 07938 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 117 SPECIALTY Diffusers BULK Item # FROZEN REFRIGERATED PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Soy Glass Candle 07931 07933 07932 Noble Fir Spiced Clove Sugared Peppermint 687735-850553 687735-852557 687735-851550 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 4.81 4.81 4.81 EA EA EA 4.81 4.81 4.81 7.19 7.19 7.19 Noble Fir, 1" Spiced Clove, 1" Sugared Peppermint, 1" 687735-850188 687735-852182 687735-851185 18/2 OZ 18/2 OZ 18/2 OZ 0.89 0.89 0.89 CS CS CS 16.00 16.00 16.00 1.35 1.35 1.35 Conditioner, Unscented Shampoo, Unscented 000518-900113 000518-900090 16 OZ 16 OZ 4.79 4.79 EA EA 4.79 4.79 7.99 7.99 Candles, Chanukah 070227-501253 50/45 CT 1.18 CS 58.85 1.75 Lavender Vanilla 076950-112131 076950-112094 8 OZ 8 OZ 6.67 6.67 EA EA 6.67 6.67 11.10 11.10 076950-120020 076950-120037 076950-120044 076950-120013 23 OZ 23 OZ 23 OZ 23 OZ 9.33 9.33 9.33 9.33 EA EA EA EA 9.33 9.33 9.33 9.33 12.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 076950-120068 076950-120051 16 OZ 16 OZ 9.33 9.34 EA EA 9.33 9.34 12.99 15.55 052651-000113 052651-000106 052651-000304 50 CT 50 CT 100 CT 5.11 3.27 6.49 EA EA EA 5.11 3.27 6.49 8.49 5.45 10.79 815680-001397 815680-001250 815680-005111 815680-005166 8 OZ 6 OZ 6 OZ 8 OZ 6.63 6.63 5.88 5.88 EA EA EA EA 6.63 6.63 5.88 5.88 9.95 9.95 8.79 8.79 815680-006149 815680-001380 6 OZ 6 OZ 6.63 6.63 EA EA 6.63 6.63 9.95 9.95 637792-122605 2 OZ 637792-801203 4 OZ 637792-804044 8 OZ 637792-701206 4 OZ 637792-611352 3.5 OZ 637792-600356 3.5 OZ 637792-402028 8 OZ 637792-400086 8 OZ 637792-800503 2 OZ 637792-505002 12/100 CT 5.97 4.17 5.37 4.50 2.25 2.25 5.97 5.97 6.58 2.15 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS 5.97 4.17 5.37 4.50 2.25 2.25 5.97 5.97 6.58 25.80 9.95 6.95 8.95 7.49 3.75 3.75 9.95 9.95 10.95 3.59 Votives 07934 07936 07935 STONYBROOK BOTANICALS Hair Care Products 84670 84669 STREITS Candles SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description 84237 SUNSHINE SPA Body Oils 89736 89737 57732 57731 57736 57733 57734 57735 Herbal Salt Scrubs Lavender Peppermint & Rosemary Tangerine Vanilla Herbal Sugar Scrubs Mango Ginger Vanilla Orange T.N. DICKINSON Witch Hazel Products 82912 82911 83010 Hazelets Facial Pads w/Aloe Hazelets Pads Hemorrhoidal Pads TALIAH WAAJID Black Earth Products 46808 46800 46814 46841 46845 46803 Great Detangler Lock It Up, Light Hold Lock it Up Mist Bodifer Curls, Waves & Naturals Curl Sealer Curly Curl Cream TEA TREE THERAPY, INC. Tea Tree Products 82955 74405 51066 74404 83215 83216 51067 51068 83206 42129 15% Water Soluble Tea Tree Oil 2% Tee Tree Oil & Lavender Air Freshener, Lemon Myrtle Antiseptic Cream Bar Soap, Lemon Myrle Exfoliating Bar Soap, Lemon Myrtle Body Butter, Lemon Myrtle Body Lotion, Lemon Myrtle Chest Rub, Eucalyptus Cinnamon Toothpicks ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 118 4.49 3.89 4.77 4.17 3.29 3.15 5.97 4.77 6.58 7.05 4.66 11.71 5.97 2.27 7.79 2.27 25.80 7.49 6.48 7.95 6.99 5.48 5.26 9.95 7.95 10.95 11.75 7.75 19.50 9.94 3.79 12.99 3.79 3.59 Licefreee! Single Dose 083926-240019 4 OZ 8.00 EA 8.00 13.35 After Shave Astringent Cucumber w/Aloe, Alcohol Free Lavender, Alcohol Free Lemon w/Aloe Vera Med w/Aloe (Mentholated Astringent) Original w/Aloe Vera, AF Pads Peach w/Aloe Vera Rose Petal Unscented w/Aloe, Alcohol Free 041507-065789 041507-065765 041507-070073 041507-070066 041507-067035 041507-070011 041507-070059 041507-065772 041507-070042 041507-070035 041507-070080 4 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 60 CT 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 3.91 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 4.77 5.97 5.97 5.97 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.91 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 5.97 4.77 5.97 5.97 5.97 6.53 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 7.95 9.95 9.95 8.79 Luxury Toothpast, Flouride Free 853069-003006 3.4 OZ 7.54 EA 7.54 9.99 SPF 30 890397-002684 3 OZ 10.65 EA 10.65 15.99 LiveStrong SPF 30 890397-002592 3 OZ 10.65 EA 10.65 15.99 Maintenance Plus (W/100% Emu Oil) Pain Relief (W/100% Emu Oil) 852241-000208 852241-000109 2 OZ 2 OZ 4.80 6.00 EA EA 4.80 6.00 7.99 9.99 100% 100% Neat Feet(W/100% Emu Oil) 852241-000000 852241-000017 852241-000567 2 OZ 9.00 4 OZ 15.00 4 OZ 9.00 EA EA EA 9.00 15.00 9.00 14.99 24.99 15.00 EA CS EA 9.07 28.20 1.34 14.95 7.75 2.19 TEC LABS Licefreee! 42021 THAYER`S Witch Hazel Products 40062 40061 41391 41722 40049 40048 40098 40059 40047 40071 41392 THEODENT 07988 THINKBABY Sunscreen 50579 THINKSPORT Sunscreen 50580 THUNDER RIDGE EMU PRODUCTS 89042 89041 89039 89040 52597 Emu Oil TIGER BALM Pain Relieving Products 58499 58497 58786 Arthritis Rub Extra Strength, Red, Large Extra Strength, Red, Pocket Size 039278-422047 039278-220100 039278-200300 4 OZ 6/18 GR 4 GR 9.07 4.70 1.34 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 119 BULK REFRIGERATED EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS FROZEN 637792-600080 8 OZ 4.49 637792-603609 8 OZ 3.89 637792-440402 4 OZ 4.77 637792-503602 12 OZ 4.17 637792-500052 5 OZ 3.29 637792-500038 3 OZ 3.15 637792-111159.5 OZ 5.97 637792-120205 2 OZ 4.77 637792-700506 2 OZ 6.58 637792-100306 1 OZ 7.05 637792-100153.5 OZ 4.66 637792-100603 2 OZ 11.71 637792-204806 16 OZ 5.97 637792-603005 3.5 OZ 2.27 637792-606068 6 CT 7.79 637792-601001 3.9 OZ 2.27 637792-501004 12/100 CT 2.15 PET Hand Soap, Lemon Myrtle, Natural Liquid Tea Tree Soap Massage Oil, Lemon Myrtle Macadamia Mouthwash, Alcohol Free Natural Toothpaste Natural Whitening Toothpaste Oil, Lemon Myrtle, 100% Natural Oil, Lemon Myrtle,15% Water Soluble Ointment, Tea Tree Pure Oil Pure Tea Tree Oil Pure Tea Tree Oil Shampoo, Tea Tree Soap, Eucalyptus Tea Tree Suppository Tea Tree Therapy Vegetable Base Soap Toothpicks GROCERY $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 51064 74408 51063 74409 74406 74407 51062 51065 83207 74411 74410 82956 74403 83205 74400 83204 74412 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY Item # SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED BULK 58792 58498 58494 58785 58493 58774 58500 58495 58771 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Liniment, Family Size Patch Warm Regular Strength, White, Large Regular Strength, White, Pocket Size Tiger Balm Patch, Large 8"x4" Tiger Muscle Rub Ultra Strength Ultra Strength, Non Staining Ultra Strength, Travel Size 039278-313222 2 OZ 039278-322002 6/5 CT 039278-110104 6/18 GR 039278-100303 4 GR 039278-323009 6/4 CT 039278-440201 2 OZ 039278-315417 1.7 OZ 039278-315103 6/18 GR 039278-315080.28 OZ 6.19 4.37 4.70 1.34 5.34 4.67 9.07 5.43 1.94 EA CS CS EA CS EA EA CS EA 6.19 26.20 28.20 1.34 32.03 4.67 9.07 32.60 1.94 10.25 7.35 7.75 2.19 8.85 7.69 14.99 8.99 3.15 Clary & Cucumber Revitalizer Clary & Cucumber, Daily Crimson Clove Daily Crimson Clove Revitalizer Unscented Daily 712356-101125 712356-200125 712356-220123 712356-001128 712356-210124 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 9.98 8.48 8.48 9.98 8.48 EA EA EA EA EA 9.98 8.48 8.48 9.98 8.48 19.95 16.95 16.95 19.95 16.95 Chrimson Clove Shampoo Clary & Cucumber Unscented Daily 712356-010120 712356-100128 712356-110127 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 7.98 7.98 7.98 EA EA EA 7.98 7.98 7.98 15.95 15.95 15.95 Wild Primrose 712356-510125 12 OZ 7.58 EA 7.58 12.66 Daily Moisture, Natural Daily Moisture, Twin Pack Daily Moisturizer, Natural, Trial Deodorant, Natural Energizing, Natural Gentle Exfoliating, Natural Relaxing, Natural Sensitive, Natural 077326-830390 077326-830352 077326-830314 077326-830338 077326-830383 077326-830369 077326-830376 077326-830406 6/4 OZ 1/2/4 OZ 6/.9 OZ 6/4 OZ 6/4 OZ 6/4 OZ 6/4 OZ 6/4 OZ 2.47 4.93 0.79 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 CS EA CS CS CS CS CS CS 14.80 4.93 4.72 14.80 14.80 14.80 14.80 14.80 3.69 7.99 1.19 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 3.69 Peppermint, SLS Free, Fluoride 077326-831113 6/4.7 OZ 4.67 CS 28.00 6.99 Long Lasting Roll On, Lavender Long Lasting Stick, Apricot Long Lasting Stick, Cln Confidence Long Lasting Stick, Lavender Long Lasting Stick, Lemongrass Long Lasting Stick, Mtn Spring Long Lasting Stick, Mtn Spring Long Lasting Stick, Unscented Long Lasting Stk, Beautfl Earth Roll On, Crys Confidence, Citrus Roll On, Crys Confidence, Frag Free Roll On, Unscented Long Lasting Stick, Antiperspirant, Powder Stick, Antiperspirant, Unscented Stick, Honeysuckle Rose Stick, Sensitive Skin, Calendula Stick, Sensitive Skin, Woodspice Stick, Unscented 077326-622032 077326-611258 077326-835272 077326-612255 077326-613252 077326-666258 077326-835289 077326-614259 077326-665251 077326-638026 077326-637029 077326-624036 077326-831953 077326-831946 077326-607251 077326-655252 077326-642252 077326-619254 6/3 OZ 6/2.25 OZ 6/2.25 OZ 6/2.25 OZ 6/2.25 OZ 6/2.25 OZ 6/2.25 OZ 6/2.25 OZ 6/2.25 OZ 6/2.4 OZ 6/2.4 OZ 6/3 OZ 6/2.25 OZ 6/2.25 OZ 6/2.25 OZ 6/2.25 OZ 6/2.25 OZ 6/2.25 OZ 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 2.93 2.93 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 26.40 26.40 26.40 26.40 26.40 26.40 26.40 26.40 26.40 17.60 17.60 26.40 26.40 26.40 26.40 26.40 26.40 26.40 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 4.85 4.85 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 Anti Plaque Flat Spearmint 077326-980309 6/32 YD 2.91 CS 17.44 4.85 TIJERAS Conditioners 41794 41803 41795 41805 41797 Shampoos 41798 41801 41796 41815 Skin Care TOM`S OF MAINE Bar Soap 83150 43268 59245 83151 83175 83185 83152 83153 52778 Clean & Gentle SLS-Free Toothpaste Deodorant 58265 58261 58249 58262 58263 44885 58248 58264 44884 83109 83108 51039 58247 58246 57372 57348 57349 57366 Floss 57325 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 120 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 19.84 19.84 19.84 4.99 4.99 4.99 Juicy Mint w/Flouride, Alcohol Free Peppermint w/Baking Soda Spearmint Wicked Fresh!, Cool Mountain Mint Wicked Fresh!, Peppermint Wave 077326-830482 077326-830468 077326-830475 077326-460160 077326-470169 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 5.59 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 EA EA EA EA EA 5.59 4.27 4.27 4.27 4.27 8.26 6.49 6.49 6.39 6.39 077326-663257 6/2.25 OZ 4.40 CS 26.40 7.35 077326-197042 6/4 OZ 4.04 CS 24.24 6.75 077326-830772 077326-166048 077326-148068 077326-149065 077326-830833 077326-830710 077326-830840 077326-830895 6/5.5 OZ 6/4 OZ 6/4.7 OZ 6/4.7 OZ 6/5.5 OZ 6/4.7 OZ 6/4.7 OZ 6/4.7 OZ 4.04 4.67 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 24.24 28.00 24.24 24.24 24.24 24.24 24.24 24.24 5.99 7.79 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 077326-830727 077326-830741 077326-830789 077326-830857 6/5.5 OZ 6/5.5 OZ 6/5.5 OZ 6/5.5 OZ 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 CS CS CS CS 24.24 24.24 24.24 24.24 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 Fennel, Tartar Control + Whitening Gel, Spearmint, Antiplaque+Whitening Peppermint, Tartar Control+Whitening Spearmint, Tartar Contril+Whitening 077326-830758 077326-831083 077326-830796 077326-830864 6/5.5 OZ 6/4.7 OZ 6/5.5 OZ 6/5.5 OZ 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 CS CS CS CS 24.24 24.24 24.24 24.24 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 Toothpaste, WC, Peppermint Tthpst, Clean Mint Simply White Tthpst, TC+Whiten, Peppermint 077326-104019 077326-830420 077326-159019 12/.87 OZ 12/.9 OZ 12/1 OZ 1.32 0.79 0.79 CS CS CS 15.84 9.44 9.44 2.19 1.19 1.19 Cinnamon Clove Gel, Orange Mango Gel, Peppermint Gel, Spearmint Peppermint Spearmint Wintermint 077326-830734 077326-830765 077326-830802 077326-830871 077326-830819 077326-830888 077326-830918 6/4.7 OZ 6/4.7 OZ 6/4.7 OZ 6/4.7 OZ 6/4.7 OZ 6/4.7 OZ 6/4.7 OZ 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 24.24 24.24 24.24 24.24 24.24 24.24 24.24 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 Topricin Foot Therapy Cream Topricin Foot Therapy Cream Topricin Foot Therapy Cream Topricin Topricin Topricin, Flip Top Bottle Topricin, Junior 609863-010081 609863-600206 609863-057048 609863-047049 609863-020028 609863-080084 609863-010029 8 OZ 2 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 2 OZ 8 OZ 1.5 OZ 23.95 10.17 14.97 14.97 10.16 23.97 7.79 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 23.95 10.17 14.97 14.97 10.16 23.97 7.79 39.95 16.95 24.95 24.95 16.95 39.95 12.99 Blood Type Test 744665-004668 1 KIT 11.96 EA 11.96 19.95 Mouthwash b b b b b 84592 84590 84591 83118 83119 51038 57345 Sensitive Care Stick Deodorants Fragrance Free Specialty Toothpaste Wintermint Toothpaste w/Fluoride 52788 44887 83154 83155 52789 52780 52781 52790 52792 52793 52794 52795 52782 52791 52783 52799 83103 57506 51916 52796 52785 52786 52787 52797 52784 52798 Peppermint Baking Soda Sensitive, Soothing Mint Simply White Clean Mint Simply White Sweet Mint Gel Spearmint Wicked Fresh! Peppermint Wicked Fresh! Spearmint Ice Wintermint Toothpaste w/Propolis & Myrrh Cinnamint, Fluoride Free Fennel, Fluoride Free Peppermint,Fluoride Free/Bakng Soda Spearmint, Fluoride Free Toothpaste, Flouride Free Trial Sizes Whole Care Toothpaste TOPRICIN 40310 44454 44455 40237 40238 40744 40309 TRIMEDICA 46013 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 121 FROZEN CS CS CS PET 3.31 3.31 3.31 GROCERY 6/4.2 OZ 6/4.2 OZ 6/4.2 OZ PERSONAL CARE 077326-830949 077326-830925 077326-830932 SUPPLEMENTS Orange Mango w/Fluoride Silly Strawberry w/Fluoride Silly Strawberry, Fluoride Free NON-FOODS 85348 b 85347 b 85346 b REFRIGERATED Kid`s Toothpaste SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK REFRIGERATED Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP TWIN LAB Cosmetics & HABA`s 48066 48067 NA PCA NA PCA W/ Aloe 027434-036009 027434-036016 8 OZ 8 OZ 5.04 5.26 EA EA 5.04 5.26 10.08 10.50 Pads Travel Swiss Beauty Cotton Balls Swiss Beauty Pads 048341-000303 048341-991007 048341-000808 30 CT 100 CT 80 CT 0.93 1.19 1.95 EA EA EA 0.93 1.19 1.95 1.55 1.99 3.19 Conditioner,Extra Dry 071130-000871 8 OZ 4.28 EA 4.28 6.39 Jelly 077320-000119 3.5 OZ 3.89 EA 3.89 6.49 Toothpaste 050525-200003 3 OZ 2.70 EA 2.70 4.50 Mousse, Curling Mousse, Olive Oil 078319-471033 078319-471026 12 OZ 12 OZ 4.97 4.97 EA EA 4.97 4.97 7.45 7.45 Acai + Whitening Key Lime + Whitening Pomegranate + Whitening 850575-003117 850575-003131 850575-003124 12/12 PC 12/12 PC 12/12 PC 1.20 1.20 1.20 CS CS CS 14.40 14.40 14.40 1.99 1.99 1.99 Key Lime & Mint 850575-003049 12 OZ 5.39 EA 5.39 8.99 Acai Purple, Medium Acai Purple, Soft Key Lime Green, Medium Key Lime Green, Soft Snow White, Medium Snow White, Soft 850575-003087 850575-003070 850575-003063 850575-003056 850575-003100 850575-003094 6 CT 6 CT 6 CT 6 CT 6 CT 6 CT 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 EA EA EA EA EA EA 14.40 14.40 14.40 14.40 14.40 14.40 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 Acai & Mint Key Lime & Mint Pomegranate & Mint 850575-003001 850575-003025 850575-003018 3.4 OZ 3.4 OZ 3.4 OZ 3.60 3.60 3.60 EA EA EA 3.60 3.60 3.60 5.99 5.99 5.99 100% Beeswax 100% Beeswax Beeswax, Herbal Beeswax, Herbal Soy Blend Soy Blend, Herbal Soy Blend, Lavender Soy Blend, Lavender Soy Blend, Lavender Soy Blend, Natural Soy Blend, Natural 609280-300024 609280-300048 609280-400021 609280-400045 609280-100754 609280-200027 609280-600124 609280-600148 609280-600759 609280-100020 609280-100044 2 PC 4 PC 2 PC 4 PC 75 PC 2 PC 2 PC 4 PC 75 PC 2 PC 4 PC 4.90 9.10 5.03 9.44 1.58 4.02 3.88 7.55 1.67 3.74 7.30 EA 4.90 EA 9.10 EA 5.03 EA 9.44 CS 118.79 EA 4.02 EA 3.88 EA 7.55 CS 125.27 EA 3.74 EA 7.30 8.39 15.74 8.91 16.26 2.69 6.79 6.47 12.69 2.80 6.21 12.15 Ear Oil Itch Away Oil 609280-105001 609280-102253 1 OZ 1 OZ 7.00 7.00 EA EA 12.59 12.59 U.S. COTTON 87820 87906 87905 PET FROZEN ULTRA SHEEN 47001 UN-PETROLEUM Un-Petroleum Jelly 55098 VICCO Toothpaste 83530 SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY VIGOROL 46737 46735 VITACARE Gum 55808 55806 55807 Mouthwash 55805 Toothbrush 58976 58975 58974 58973 58978 58977 Toothpaste 55802 55804 55803 WALLY`S NATURAL PRODUCTS Candles 83684 83685 83696 83698 83687 83683 83681 83682 83688 83680 83694 Miscellaneous 83691 83692 7.00 7.00 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 122 Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP BULK 3.65 5.49 Petroleum Jelly Alternative Petroleum Jelly Alternative 609728-197988 609722-604918 2 OZ 9 OZ 4.20 9.60 EA EA 4.20 9.60 6.99 15.99 Calendula Baby Oil Calendula Cream Bath Cream, Calendula Cream, Calendula, Weather Protection Diaper Care Lotion, Calendula Oil, Calendula, Trial Shampoo & Body Wash, Calendula Soap, Calendula Starter Kit 4001638088190 6.5 OZ 9.90 4001638088152 6.8 OZ 10.20 095508-161018 2.6 OZ 7.20 4001638088213 1 OZ 7.20 4001638088138 2.8 OZ 8.10 4001638088183 6.8 OZ 9.30 4001638088237.34 OZ 1.20 4001638088329 7.2 OZ 7.50 4001638098946 3.5 OZ 4.80 095508-160431 1 KIT 7.80 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.90 10.20 7.20 7.20 8.10 9.30 1.20 7.50 4.80 7.80 16.50 17.00 11.99 11.99 13.50 15.50 2.00 12.50 8.00 13.35 Birch Body Scrub Citrus Creamy Body Wash Pomegranate Creamy Body Wash Pomegranate Travel Kit Sea Buckthorne Creamy Body Wash Skin Food - Small Skin Food Skin Food, Trial Wild Rose Creamy Body Wash 4001638088312 5.1 OZ 7.20 4001638088275 7.2 OZ 7.20 4001638088442 7.2 OZ 7.20 095508-072604 1 KIT 6.00 4001638088282 7.2 OZ 7.20 4001638098649 1 OZ 8.10 4001638098595 2.5 OZ 11.10 4001638090056.32 OZ 2.11 4001638088268 7.2 OZ 7.20 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.20 7.20 7.20 6.00 7.20 8.10 11.10 2.11 7.20 12.00 12.00 12.00 9.99 12.00 13.50 18.50 3.50 12.00 Calendula Toothpaste Children`s Tooth Gel Mouthwash, Ratanhia Plant Gel Toothpaste Ratanhia Toothpaste Salt Toothpaste 4001638098014 4001638098021 4001638098069 4001638098045 4001638098083 4001638098090 3.3 OZ 1.78 OZ 1.7 OZ 3.3 OZ 3.3 OZ 3.3 OZ 4.50 4.50 6.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.50 4.50 6.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 7.50 7.50 10.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 Citrus Sage Spray, Citrus Spray, Sage Spray, Wild Rose Wild Rose 4001638097079 4001638099271 5013455040465 5013455040458 4001638088091 4001638088084 3.4 OZ 3.4 OZ 1.02 OZ 1.02 OZ 1.02 OZ 3.4 OZ 7.80 7.80 4.80 4.80 6.00 9.60 EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.80 7.80 4.80 4.80 6.00 9.60 12.99 12.99 8.00 8.00 10.00 16.00 Almond Soothing Cleansing Lotion Almond Soothing Facial Cream Almond Soothing Facial Lotion Almond Soothing Facial Oil Calendula Face Cream Cold Cream Foot Balm Gentle Cleansing Milk Iris Hydrating Day Cream Iris Hydrating Facial Lotion Iris Hydrating Night Cream One-Step Cleanser & Toner Pomegranate Firming Day Cream Pomegranate Firming Eye Cream 4001638080316 2.5 OZ 4001638086004 1 OZ 4001638086882 1 OZ 4001638080309 1.7 OZ 4001638088169 1.6 OZ 4001638080347 1 OZ 4001638905305 2.6 OZ 4001638080132 3.4 OZ 4001638080187 1 OZ 4001638080194 1 OZ 4001638080262 1 OZ 4001638080156 3.4 OZ 4001638090889 1 OZ 4001638097253.34 OZ 11.40 14.40 14.40 15.00 7.50 9.60 7.80 11.40 12.00 12.00 12.60 11.40 19.80 19.80 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 11.40 14.40 14.40 15.00 7.50 9.60 7.80 11.40 12.00 12.00 12.60 11.40 19.80 19.80 19.00 24.00 24.00 25.00 12.50 16.00 13.00 19.00 20.00 20.00 21.00 19.00 33.00 33.00 WAXELENE 49107 49109 WELEDA PRODUCTS Baby Care 49248 49250 52516 05744 49246 57504 59359 41211 57505 57477 82270 29031 49066 49069 41871 81094 57237 57508 29030 56762 57380 57426 41207 56761 59662 Body Care Dental Care Products Deodorants 57246 57247 57501 57502 57503 57248 48443 48445 48444 48446 49247 48458 53070 48441 48452 48451 48453 05743 48454 48456 Facial Care ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 123 FROZEN EA PET 3.65 GROCERY 3 OZ PERSONAL CARE 019663-311033 SUPPLEMENTS Deep Wave Pomade NON-FOODS 46886 SPECIALTY REFRIGERATED WAVE BUILDER BULK REFRIGERATED FROZEN Item # 48455 48457 48442 48448 48450 48447 48449 45975 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Pomegranate Firming Night Cream Pomegranate Firming Serum Refining Toner Wild Rose Smoothing Day Cream Wild Rose Smoothing Eye Cream Wild Rose Smoothing Facial Lotion Wild Rose Smoothing Night Cream 4001638091015 1 OZ 4001638080040 1 OZ 4001638080149 3.4 OZ 4001638089654 1 OZ 4001638080088.34 OZ 4001638086875 1 OZ 4001638086011 1 OZ Rosemary Oil 4001638098403 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 22.20 27.00 10.20 16.80 16.80 16.80 18.60 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 22.20 27.00 10.20 16.80 16.80 16.80 18.60 37.00 45.00 17.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 31.00 1.7 OZ 9.60 EA 9.60 16.05 Arnica Calendula Wound Care 095508-005596.88 OZ 095508-004599.88 OZ 095508-006609.88 OZ 8.40 8.40 8.40 EA EA EA 8.40 8.40 8.40 14.00 14.00 14.00 Everon 4001638088381 3.31 CS 39.68 5.50 Pomegranate Regen Hand Cream Sea Buckthorne Body Lotion Sea Buckthorne Hand Cream 4001638088459 4001638097505 4001638097499 1.7 OZ 7.50 3.4 OZ 13.20 1.7 OZ 6.60 EA EA EA 7.50 13.20 6.60 12.50 22.00 11.00 After Shave Balm Moisture Cream for Men Shaving Cream 4001638098564 7611916124044 4001638098809 3.4 OZ 13.80 1.06 OZ 12.60 2.5 OZ 8.40 EA EA EA 13.80 12.60 8.40 23.00 21.00 14.00 Arnica Massage Oil Birch Cellulite Oil Body Oil Essentials Kit Lavender Body Oil Pomegranate Regen Body Sea Buckthorn Body Oil Stretch Mark Massage Oil Wild Rose Body Oil 4001638099226 4001638088039 095508-071706 4001638099943 4001638088473 4001638099950 4001638095112 4001638099394 13.20 16.20 9.59 12.60 15.60 15.60 15.00 15.60 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 13.20 16.20 9.59 12.60 15.60 15.60 15.00 15.60 22.00 27.00 15.99 21.05 26.00 26.00 25.05 26.00 Hair Care Healing Ointments 57463 57465 57464 44081 Lip Balm 12/.17 OZ SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY PET Lotions 49064 41872 41873 57499 57483 57385 Men`s Skin Care Oils 57383 57500 29035 57241 49065 57240 49245 57436 3.4 OZ 3.4 OZ 1 KIT 3.4 OZ 3.4 OZ 3.4 OZ 3.4 OZ 3.4 OZ WELL-IN-HAND HERBALS Topical Medicinals 53068 53223 53226 Wart Wonder Zero Zitz, Extra Strength Zero Zitz, Tea Tree 009551-970022 009551-984043 009551-972040 2 OZ 21.00 6 OZ 11.99 6 OZ 8.99 EA EA EA 21.00 11.99 8.99 35.05 19.99 14.99 Complete Head Lice Kit Head Lice Preventative Spray Head Lice Preventative Spray 814399-000110 814399-000028 814399-000417 1 KIT 16.00 4.2 OZ 8.00 4 OZ 8.00 EA EA EA 16.00 8.00 8.00 26.69 13.39 13.39 5.97 EA 5.97 9.95 WILD CHILD Quit Nits 48337 42505 48338 YERBA PRIMA Cleansing Products ZIA 40711 Nat Skin Brush 046352-001074 1 EA Age Defying Solar Care 45138 45140 Face SPF 30 Sunless Tanner 758024-009263 758024-009300 1.8 OZ 10.77 4 OZ 10.77 EA EA 10.77 10.77 17.95 17.95 ActiClean Face Scrub ActiClean Skin Clearing Face Wash ActiShield Shave Gel Dual Action Face Lotion 758024-005401 758024-005258 758024-005302 758024-005500 5 OZ 5 OZ 5 OZ 2.5 OZ EA EA EA EA 5.97 5.97 5.97 8.37 9.95 9.95 9.95 13.95 Mens 45099 45096 45097 45137 5.97 5.97 5.97 8.37 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 124 45093 45095 45094 44989 45003 44998 44997 44987 44985 44995 44993 44991 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP HydraClean Face Wash HydraShield Shave Cream Triple Protection Lotion SPF 15 758024-005104 758024-005203 758024-005159 5 OZ 5 OZ 6.7 OZ 5.97 5.97 8.97 EA EA EA 5.97 5.97 8.97 9.95 9.95 14.95 Aloe & Citrus Wash Bamboo Exfoliant Daily Moisture Screen SPF 15 Everyday Moisturizer Fresh Cleansing Gel Moisturizing Cleanser Nourishing Creme Sea Tonic Aloe Toner Sea Tonic Rosewater/Aloe Toner 758024-001625 758024-000697 758024-001687 758024-001670 758024-001618 758024-001601 758024-001656 758024-001649 758024-001632 6.7 OZ 1.6 OZ 1.6 OZ 1.6 OZ 8.3 OZ 8.3 OZ 1 OZ 6.7 OZ 6.7 OZ 11.97 3.57 12.57 12.57 10.77 10.77 22.17 8.97 8.97 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 11.97 3.57 12.57 12.57 10.77 10.77 22.17 8.97 8.97 19.95 5.95 20.95 20.95 17.95 17.95 36.95 14.95 14.95 Deep Moisture Repair Serum 758024-003353.5 OZ 22.17 EA 22.17 36.95 758024-007160.5 OZ 758024-007245.5 OZ 758024-007184 1.5 OZ 758024-007351 1 OZ 758024-007344 2 OZ EA EA EA EA EA 23.97 21.57 23.97 24.57 20.37 39.95 35.95 39.95 40.95 33.95 Skin Basics Treatments 45056 44973 44975 44974 44981 44980 Ultimate C Serum Ultimate Eye Creme Ultimate Moisture Ultimate Night Renewal Ultimate Oil Free Moisture 23.97 21.57 23.97 24.57 20.37 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 125 SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE PET Ultimates Facial Care GROCERY BULK Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description REFRIGERATED Item # FROZEN UNFI Runs GREEN with UPS A s we continue to trundle down the green highway, UNFI has been hard at work to find ways to provide the systems and support needed to provide growth and world class customer service. As part of that service, UNFI began using the UPS Road Net Application to provide drivers with the most efficient routes in terms of mileage and efficiency in getting product to customers. Our successful use of this program led to our company winning the Running Green/UPS Roadie Award, highlighting our commitment to sustainability. By Kristin Lacoste, Enterprise Systems Business Analysis Manager Over 200 companies vied for this award, including several Fortune 100 companies such as Coca-Cola and Anheuser-Busch. After being selected as a finalist in the competition, John Stern, UNFI Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer, and Kristin Lacoste, UNFI Enterprise Systems Business Analysis Manager, completed the video portion of the application process, which showcased UNFI’s ongoing commitment to sustainability, including our solar panels and transition to hydrogen fuel cells for the forklifts in the DCs. The awards selection evening on November 2nd was a banquet complete with an Emmylike atmosphere of anticipation for the hotly contested Roadie Award. With the crowd on edge to hear the winner’s name, a UPS representative arrived with a sealed Express envelope containing the final results. When the envelope was ripped open to reveal our name as the winner, applause erupted and the video portion of the application was played for the crowd. Winning this award shows other industry leaders just how far UNFI has come in our commitment to being sustainably green! ©2011 United Natural Foods, Inc. UNFI, DRIVEN BY NATURE and the UNFI DRIVEN BY NATURE logo are federally registered trademarks of United Natural Foods, Inc. 126 04895 04893 04894 49096 49099 49097 49098 Extra Strength, Grape Lemon Lime Orange 719410-720018 12/1.93 OZ 719410-400019 12/1.93 OZ 719410-300012 12/1.93 OZ 2.07 1.87 1.87 CS CS CS 24.80 22.40 22.40 3.49 2.99 2.99 Berry Extra Strength Grape Pomegranate 719410-500016 719410-700010 719410-200015 719410-800017 12/2 OZ 12/2 OZ 12/2 OZ 12/2 OZ 1.87 2.07 1.87 1.87 CS CS CS CS 22.40 24.80 22.40 22.40 2.80 3.10 2.80 2.80 Allergy Relief Liquid Allergy Relief Tablets Calcium Absorbtion Sinus Relief Soothing Pine Cough Drops 364031-104893 364031-104909 364031-104244 364031-105555 364031-513800 1.7 OZ 120 TAB 400 TAB 120 TAB 16 CT 11.40 11.40 11.40 11.40 4.20 EA EA EA EA EA 11.40 11.40 11.40 11.40 4.20 18.99 18.99 18.99 18.99 6.99 100% Allicin 100% Allicin AbsorbAid AbsorbAid 872232-000079 10 ML 872232-000000 30 CAPS 724250-784014 240 VCAP 724250-784045 90 VCAP 18.19 18.19 23.99 11.99 EA EA EA EA 18.19 18.19 23.99 11.99 29.99 29.99 39.99 19.99 Dark Chocolate Calcium Disk Milk Chocolate Calcium Disk 748689-303011 748689-303004 12/30 CT 12/30 CT 6.69 6.69 CS CS 80.28 80.28 11.15 11.15 Coconut Water Peaceful Sleep Wheatgrass 008547-273604 008547-440402 008547-440419 1/6/3 OZ 13.99 1/6/3 OZ 13.99 1/6/3 OZ 13.99 EA EA EA 13.99 13.99 13.99 23.29 23.29 23.29 885898-004282 076314-304448 24/30 CT 11.40 36/30 CT 9.53 CS 273.59 CS 343.19 17.10 14.31 885898-000079 000000-000000 000000-000000 30 CT 11.39 10 CT 5.26 30 CT 11.39 EA EA EA 11.39 5.26 11.39 18.99 9.98 18.99 3.66 CS 21.94 6.09 9.53 11.40 11.40 9.53 9.53 7.20 11.40 11.40 11.40 11.40 9.53 9.53 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.53 11.40 11.40 9.53 9.53 7.20 11.40 11.40 11.40 11.40 9.53 9.53 15.95 18.99 18.99 15.89 15.89 11.99 18.99 18.99 18.99 18.99 11.99 11.99 Energy Drinks ,s ,s ,s ,s A VOGEL 43800 43801 43807 43817 43812 ABSORBAID 55927 55928 53815 53818 ADORA 44502 n 44501 n AGROLABS Shots 48491 K 48490 K 48492 K ALACER Displays (Special Order Only) 59537 59536 52357 52346 52347 50295 n Immune Combo Display Kidz Mangosteen Combo Display Emergen-C Immune + System Support w/ Vitamin D Bluberry Acai Citrus Citrus Emergen-C Shots Immune+ Citrus 076314-302642 6/2/2.5 OZ Oral & Effervescent 44631 40243 n 40236 n 40245 n 40244 n 44638 44636 44634 n 50668 50669 52257 52262 Emergen C Acai Berry Emergen C Adult Apricot/Mngo Multi Emergen C Adult Cherry/Pom Multi Emergen C Berry Blue Emergen C Cranberry Pomegranate Emergen C Electro-Mix Emergen C Heart Health Blk Cherry Emergen C Joint Health, Tangerine Emergen C Kidz Orange/Pinapl Multi Emergen C Kidz Straw/Banana Multi Emergen C Kidz, Fruit Punch Emergen C Kidz, Grape 076314-302062 076314-301911 076314-301904 076314-301997 076314-301935 076314-302321 076314-302116 076314-302086 076314-301805 076314-301812 076314-304042 076314-304066 30 CT 30 CT 30 CT 30 CT 30 CT 30 CT 30 CT 30 CT 30 CT 30 CT 30 CT 30 CT ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 129 BULK REFRIGERATED FROZEN 5 HOUR ENERGY PET NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS GROCERY $ SRP PERSONAL CARE EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY Item # GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY 52261 44630 44633 44625 48464 44632 44626 44627 44628 44629 44635 n 50297 n Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Emergen C Kidz, Orange Emergen C Lemon Lime Emergen C Lite MSM Emergen C Lite Emergen C Mangosteen Emergen C Pink Emergen C Raspberry Emergen C Super Orange Emergen C Tangerine Emergen C Tropical Emergen C,Vit D/Calcium,Mxd Berry Immune+ Citrus 076314-304059 076314-302055 076314-302109 076314-302093 076314-303205 076314-302048 076314-302017 076314-302031 076314-302024 076314-302079 076314-302260 076314-302574 30 CT 9.53 30 CT 9.53 30 CT 11.40 30 CT 9.53 30 CT 9.53 30 CT 9.53 30 CT 9.53 30 CT 9.53 30 CT 9.53 30 CT 9.53 30 CT 11.40 10 CT 5.87 Active Seniors Active Seniors Calcium Complex Fruit Antioxidant Formula Green Phyto Base Green Phyto Base Green Phyto Base Kids Formula, 30 Day Supply Original Original Original Rice Base Rice Base 052534-400085 052534-000063 052534-800014 052534-500013 052534-400115 052534-400078 052534-000056 052534-105003 052534-100015 052534-200012 052534-300019 052534-000094 052534-402003 15.9 OZ 5.29 OZ 8.5 OZ 15.9 OZ 2.2 LB 15.9 OZ 5.29 OZ 7.95 OZ 5.29 OZ 15.9 OZ 2.2 LB 5.29 OZ 2.2 LB Synergy Diet Powder Sil X Silica Sil X Silica EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.53 9.53 11.40 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 11.40 5.87 11.99 15.95 18.99 15.95 15.95 15.95 15.95 15.95 15.95 15.95 18.99 9.79 32.97 11.97 14.97 28.77 52.77 28.77 10.77 14.37 10.77 28.77 52.77 9.57 43.77 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 32.97 11.97 14.97 28.77 52.77 28.77 10.77 14.37 10.77 28.77 52.77 9.57 43.77 54.95 19.95 24.95 46.95 87.95 47.95 17.95 23.95 17.95 47.95 87.95 15.95 72.95 688449-258727 17.6 OZ 23.70 EA 23.70 39.95 076920-000185 076920-000222 60 TAB 11.31 120 TAB 16.17 EA EA 11.31 16.17 18.85 26.95 678226-001301 30 CAP 32.96 EA 32.96 54.95 076630-503037 076630-503044 076630-503051 076630-501033 076630-501040 076630-501057 076630-502030 076630-502047 076630-502054 076630-502504 100 TAB 2.99 250 TAB 5.75 600 TAB 10.50 100 TAB 2.99 250 TAB 5.26 600 TAB 9.99 90 TAB 3.99 180 TAB 6.26 360 TAB 10.50 16/12 PK 0.50 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS 2.99 5.75 10.50 2.99 5.26 9.99 3.99 6.26 10.50 7.99 5.99 11.49 20.99 5.99 10.49 19.99 7.99 12.49 20.99 0.99 Acerola Plus 300 mg Acerola Plus 300 mg Mega Acerola 1000 mg Super Acerola Plus 500 mg Super Acerola Plus 500 mg Super Acerola Plus 500 mg 076630-110532 076630-110549 076630-111522 076630-111010 076630-111034 076630-111041 90 TAB 4.75 180 TAB 7.35 60 TAB 9.09 50 TAB 4.75 100 TAB 8.39 250 TAB 15.75 EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.75 7.35 9.09 4.75 8.39 15.75 9.49 14.69 18.19 9.49 16.79 31.49 1000mg Effervescent Orange 1000mg w/Citrus Bioflav., Veg Tabs 076630-367486 076630-169837 21 PK 10.79 45 VTAB 7.07 EA EA 10.79 7.07 17.99 11.79 ALL ONE PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED BULK 84321 84323 58638 84324 n 58633 84320 84322 58641 58626 58627 58628 58630 58632 ALMASED 83114 ALTA HEALTH 83015 83016 AMERICAN BIOSCIENCE 82590 ImmPower AMERICAN HEALTH Chewable Enzymes 84929 84930 84931 84921 84922 84923 84925 84926 84927 84928 84838 84839 84846 84843 84844 84845 Papaya w/Chlorophyll Papaya w/Chlorophyll Papaya w/Chlorophyll Papaya, Original Papaya, Original Papaya, Original Papaya, Super Plus Papaya, Super Plus Papaya, Super Plus Papaya, Super Plus, Roll Pack Chewable Vitamin C Ester-C 49584 K 45311 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 130 EA EA EA 14.69 10.99 14.69 29.39 21.99 29.39 Acidophilus Culture-Blueberry Acidophilus, Asst. Nat. Fruit Acidophilus, Chewable, Banana Acidophilus, Chewable, Blueberry Acidophilus, Chewable, Strawberry Acidophilus, Culture, Plain Acidophilus, Culture, Strawberry 076630-008747 16 OZ 076630-036184 100 WAFER 076630-036153 100 TAB 076630-036177 100 TAB 076630-057219 100 TAB 076630-008709 16 OZ 076630-008754 16 OZ 8.10 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 8.10 8.10 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 8.10 5.26 5.26 5.26 5.26 8.10 8.10 13.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 10.49 13.49 13.49 Digestive HPE Enzyme Probiotic Complex Probiotic CD 076630-347112 076630-295871 076630-296076 90 VCAP 25.79 90 VCAP 11.99 60 VTAB 17.99 EA EA EA 25.79 11.99 17.99 42.99 19.99 29.99 6.80 6.80 6.80 EA EA EA 6.80 6.80 6.80 12.99 12.99 12.99 More Than A Multiple More Than A Multiple, New Improved More Than Multiple Duotabs, Men`s Natural Health Aids Specialties 51629 87740 87739 AMERIFIT NUTRITION AZO 52623 52624 52625 Cranberry Naturals PMS Naturals Yeast Naturals 787651-050041 787651-050058 787651-050034 60 CAP 36 CAP 60 TAB Adult Kid Gummy Drops Prenatal Toddler 092961-020104 092961-020098 092961-020074 092961-020081 90 SGEL 17.50 30 CT 8.00 60 SGEL 12.00 30 CT 10.50 EA EA EA EA 17.50 8.00 12.00 10.50 34.99 15.99 23.99 20.99 Estroven 092961-016138 50 CAP 14.40 EA 14.40 23.99 Brainstrong 51757 51756 51754 51755 Estroven 44401 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 131 BULK REFRIGERATED 84910 84904 n, 84905 84906 84907 84908 84912 076630-075503 90 DUOTAB 14.69 076630-075527 60 DUOTAB 10.99 076630-148108 90 TAB 14.69 Multi Vitamins & Minerals FROZEN EA 12.59 20.99 EA 16.79 27.99 EA 22.79 37.99 EA 15.59 25.99 EA 11.99 19.99 EA 9.18 15.29 EA 6.78 11.29 EA 13.19 21.99 EA 7.07 11.79 EA 13.79 22.99 EA 25.79 42.99 EA 21.90 36.49 EA 19.07 31.79 EA 6.00 9.99 EA 10.50 17.49 EA 6.78 11.29 EA 11.39 18.99 EA 5.70 9.49 EA 9.90 16.49 EA 10.19 16.99 CS 9.90 16.49 EA 10.19 16.99 CS 446.05 743.45 EA 10.79 17.99 EA 9.90 16.49 EA 17.99 29.99 CS 415.00 735.49 EA 10.19 16.99 PET 88851 88850 88854 076630-169813 90 VTAB 12.59 076630-169820 120 VTAB 16.79 076630-169844 180 VTAB 22.79 076630-169752 90 CAP 15.59 076630-367097 60 VTAB 11.99 076630-170727 125 CT 9.18 076630-169905 90 VTAB 6.78 076630-169912 225 VTAB 13.19 076630-169714 90 VTAB 7.07 076630-169745 225 VTAB 13.79 076630-169561 450 VTAB 25.79 076630-169677 240 VCAP 21.90 076630-169622 240 CAP 19.07 076630-169608 60 CAP 6.00 076630-169615 120 CAP 10.50 076630-169653 60 VCAP 6.78 076630-169660 120 VCAP 11.39 076630-169851 60 CAP 5.70 076630-169868 120 CAP 9.90 076630-290784 90 VTAB 10.19 076630-169646 120+120 9.90 076630-347105 60 TAB 10.19 076630-294461 36 ASST446.05 076630-170291 8 OZ 10.79 076630-170505 4 OZ 9.90 076630-170512 8 OZ 17.99 076630-328494 51 ASST 415.00 076630-292399 90 VTAB 10.19 GROCERY 1000mg w/Citrus Bioflav., Veg Tabs 1000mg w/Citrus Bioflav., Veg Tabs 1000mg w/Citrus Bioflav., Veg Tabs 1000mg w/Citrus Bioflavonoids 1000mg w/Probiotics 250mg Chewable Wafers (Vegetarian) 500mg Veg Tablets 500mg Veg Tablets 500mg w/Citrus Bioflav., Veg Tabs 500mg w/Citrus Bioflav., Veg Tabs 500mg w/Citrus Bioflav., Veg Tabs 500mg w/Citrus Bioflavonoids Vcap 500mg w/Citrus Bioflavonoids 500mg w/Citrus Bioflavonoids 500mg w/Citrus Bioflavonoids 500mg w/Citrus Bioflavonoids Vcaps 500mg w/Citrus Bioflavonoids Vcap 500mg 500mg Antioxidant Frmla w/ Whl Food Cmplx Ester C Vit C 500mg w/Bioflavonoids Ester C w/D3, 1000mg, 5000IU Ester-C Cit Bioflavonoids Display Liquid Powder w/Citrus Bioflav.(Veget) Powder w/Citrus Bioflav.(Veget) Spring Super Pack Display Urinary Tract w/ Whl Food Crnbry $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 45312 45313 45314 45309 49585 K 45296 45318 45319 45315 45316 45317 45305 45308 45320 45321 45322 45323 45306 45307 87738 88771 51628 87742 45299 45297 45298 51390 87737 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # 44402 44407 51758 Estroven Estroven, Extra Strength EA EA 10.00 15.84 14.99 26.39 Ovega-3 DHA+EPA, 500mg 092961-020166 60 SGEL 15.00 EA 15.00 25.00 High Potency Phase I Phase II 357955-160366 357955-160168 357955-160267 16 OZ 18.89 16 OZ 15.00 16 OZ 15.00 EA EA EA 18.89 15.00 15.00 29.85 23.39 23.45 Heartburn Extinguisher Mints Heartburn Extinguisher Rl Cntr DS 855261-001118 855261-001101 6/36 CT 18/.65 OZ 6.33 1.73 CS CS 38.00 31.20 10.55 2.99 741273-014577 741273-014515 741273-015185 12/50 GR 12/50 GR 12/17 CT 4.77 4.77 3.57 CS CS CS 57.28 57.28 42.88 7.95 7.95 5.95 741273-001027 741273-001003 10 ML 10 ML 8.55 8.55 EA EA 8.55 8.55 14.24 14.24 741273-204114 741273-204213 741273-204312 741273-204411 741273-204510 741273-204619 741273-204718 741273-204817 741273-204916 741273-205012 741273-205111 741273-205210 741273-205319 741273-205418 741273-205517 741273-205616 741273-205715 741273-205814 741273-205913 741273-206019 741273-206118 741273-206217 741273-206316 741273-206415 741273-206514 741273-206613 741273-206712 741273-206811 741273-206910 741273-207016 741273-207115 741273-207214 741273-207313 741273-207412 741273-207511 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 10.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.55 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 Vegetarian Omega-3 AQUA FLORA 81383 81381 81382 AXIA3 47360 40333 FROZEN GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS $ SRP 30 CAP 10.00 60 CAP 15.84 NON-FOODS EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price 092961-013335 092961-017081 BACH FLOWER ESSENCES Displays SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description PET REFRIGERATED 84957 s 86410 s 43763 84954 84952 86656 86657 86658 86659 86660 86661 86662 86663 86664 86665 86666 86667 86668 86669 86670 86671 86672 86673 86674 86675 86676 86677 86678 86679 86680 86681 86682 86683 86684 86685 86686 86687 86688 86689 86690 Pastilles Display, Black Currant Pastilles, Display Rescue Gum, Counter Display Essences 10 ml Kids Confidence Remedy, Alcohol Fr Kids Daydream Remedy, Alcohol Free Essences 20 ml Agrimony Aspen Beech Centaury Cerato Cherry Plum Chestnut Bud Chicory Clematis Crab Apple Elm Gentian Gorse Heather Holly Honeysuckle Hornbeam Impatiens Larch Mimulus Mustard Oak Olive Pine Red Chestnut Rock Rose Rock Water Scleranthus Star of Bethlehem Sweet Chestnut Vervain Vine Walnut Water Violet White Chestnut ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 132 10.54 10.54 10.54 17.54 17.54 17.54 Emotional Eating 741273-002000 1 KIT 14.98 EA 14.98 24.99 Intro to the 38 Bach Flower Essences 9780946982059 1 EA 2.97 EA 2.97 4.45 741273-015048 741273-015062 741273-014492 741273-013952 741273-003908 741273-003922 741273-001041 741273-015314 741273-015000 741273-015284 741273-014089 741273-013976 7 ML 20 ML 20 ML 20 ML 10 ML 20 ML 10 ML 20 ML 10 ML 28 CAP 7 ML 7 ML 7.96 12.58 11.98 11.98 8.38 11.98 8.55 12.58 10.18 5.97 8.38 7.78 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.96 12.58 11.98 11.98 8.38 11.98 8.55 12.58 10.18 5.97 8.38 7.78 13.26 20.96 19.96 19.96 13.95 19.96 14.24 20.95 16.95 9.95 13.95 12.95 741273-020851 1/30 ML 2.37 EA 2.37 3.95 780613-132410 780613-132014 492 GR 11.96 492 GR 11.96 EA EA 11.96 11.96 19.95 19.95 780613-109016 492 GR 11.96 EA 11.96 19.95 810466-001004 12/2 OZ 25.12 EA 25.12 35.88 Beano Beano 341383-062002 341383-063009 30 TAB 4.84 100 TAB 13.76 EA EA 4.84 13.76 5.29 14.29 Chlorophyll Dulse Tabs 726434-103314 726434-105219 100 TB 100 TB 3.62 3.35 EA EA 3.62 3.35 5.99 5.49 Alfalfa Leaf Tablets Alfalfa Leaf Tablets Chlorophyll Mint Chlorophyll Mint 726434-107114 726434-107121 726434-103123 726434-103116 500 TAB 1000 TAB 16 OZ 8 OZ 5.84 9.87 7.82 4.38 EA EA EA EA 5.84 9.87 7.82 4.38 9.55 16.09 12.59 7.19 10 CT 7.50 10 CT 7.50 10 CT 7.50 EA EA EA 7.50 7.50 7.50 14.99 14.99 14.99 EA EA EA EA EA 6.31 6.31 6.31 4.35 3.10 12.69 12.69 12.69 8.79 6.29 Flower Essences Kits Literature 86466 Rescue Remedy 86496 86497 86641 86464 86459 86460 84955 55650 84956 86461 86400 86444 86511 Energy Spray Rescue Energy, Spray Rescue Remedy Sleep Rescue Remedy Spray Rescue Remedy Rescue Remedy Rescue Remedy, Kids, Alcohol Free Rescue Remedy, Pet, Alcohol Free Rescue Remedy, Pet, Alcohol Free Sleep Liquid Melts Sleep Spray Spray Treatment Bottles Treatment Bottle BAYWOOD INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cal-Mag Fizz 45498 n 45496 n 50462 n Mixed Berry Tropical Fruit Magnesium Fizz Cherry BAZI Natural Energy Shot 48658 8 Superfruits BEANO Dietary Supplements 05536 05537 BERNARD JENSEN 43782 43785 Supplements 43780 43781 43783 43784 BEVERI NUTRITIONALS 44969 44971 44970 50504 50505 50503 50502 50500 Immunity Boost Lemon Zest Immunity Boost Tangerine Immunity Boost Tropical Fruit 773743-300026 773743-300033 773743-300019 Golden w/ Blueberries Golden w/ Cranberries Golden w/ Mixed Berries Golden, Fine Milled Golden, Whole 773743-500044 773743-500051 773743-500068 773743-500020 773743-500013 Flax Seed K K K HK HK 1 LB 1 LB 1 LB 1 LB 1 LB 6.31 6.31 6.31 4.35 3.10 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 133 BULK REFRIGERATED EA EA EA FROZEN 20 ML 10.54 20 ML 10.54 20 ML 10.54 PET 84958 741273-207610 741273-207719 741273-207818 GROCERY Wild Oat Wild Rose Willow $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 86691 86692 86693 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Whey Protein-rBGH Free 49641 49642 49645 49646 49643 49644 Chocolate Chocolate Unflavored Unflavored Vanilla Vanilla 773743-500082 773743-500112 773743-500075 773743-500105 773743-500099 773743-500129 Acidophilus 12.5 Billion Acidophilus 25 Billion Acidophilus 50 Billion 12 OZ 24 OZ 12 OZ 24 OZ 12 OZ 24 OZ 12.83 23.66 12.83 23.66 12.83 23.66 EA EA EA EA EA EA 12.83 23.66 12.83 23.66 12.83 23.66 21.39 39.49 21.39 39.49 21.39 39.49 626608-001128 626608-001258 15 CAP 9.58 15 CAP 15.96 EA EA 9.58 15.96 15.99 25.99 626608-001500 15 CAP 24.76 EA 24.76 39.99 33.33 19.27 19.27 33.33 33.33 21.01 19.27 35.66 9.93 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS 33.33 19.27 19.27 33.33 33.33 21.01 19.27 35.66 9.93 48.99 28.89 28.89 48.99 48.99 31.35 28.89 52.44 15.49 BIO-K Capsules 53613 53623 BIO-K+ Capsules 53624 49691 48001 48007 n 49692 49693 48053 48041 n 53594 Hn 53593 GROCERY PET Refrigeration Required Acidophilus Acidophilus Acidophilus, DF Acidophilus, Dairy Free Acidophilus, Strawberry BIO-K+ CL1285, Rice, Vanilla BIO-K+ CL1285, Strawberry Probiotic, Fermented Rice Probiotic, Strawberry 626608-000770 626608-000763 626608-000862 626608-000879 626608-000978 626608-000268 626608-000961 626608-002125 626608-000930 1/12/3.5 OZ 6/3.5 OZ 6/3.5 OZ 1/12/3.5 OZ 1/12/3.5 OZ 1/6/3.5OZ 1/6/3.5 OZ 1/12/3.5 OZ 1/3/3.5OZ Probiotic Chew Tabs Probiotic Straws Protectis Baby 602359-460056 602359-460063 602359-460117 30 TAB 26.00 30 CT 25.13 5 ML 25.13 EA EA EA 26.00 25.13 25.13 29.99 28.99 28.99 Bronchipret Syrup, Kids 897618-000283 3.38 OZ 11.99 EA 11.99 19.99 Sinus & Immune Support Sinus & Immune Support 897618-000245 897618-000023 25 TAB 10.79 50 TAB 19.79 EA EA 10.79 19.79 17.99 32.99 Sinus & Immune Syrup 897618-000221 3.38 OZ 10.79 EA 10.79 17.99 Gripe Water, Apple GripeWater Liquid 679234-051012 679234-052996 4 OZ 4 OZ 7.19 7.19 EA EA 7.19 7.19 11.99 11.99 Morning Sickness Magic Capsules 679234-082016 60 CAP 9.74 EA 9.74 14.99 Alkalizing Booster pH Drops Apple Cinnamon Alkalizing Tea Apricot Alkalizing Tea 087614-800318 087614-800110 087614-800042 1.25 OZ 20 BAG 20 BAG 4.79 3.89 3.89 EA EA EA 4.79 3.89 3.89 7.99 6.49 6.49 308078-100982 308079-003930 308079-005941 100 TAB 4 OZ 8 OZ 6.59 4.79 8.10 EA EA EA 6.59 4.79 8.10 10.99 7.99 13.49 308078-033983 120 TAB 7.19 EA 7.19 11.99 SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE BIOGAIA 50293 50294 50291 BIONORICA 50327 50322 50323 50321 Sinupret Adult Sinupret Children BLISS BY MOM Baby`s Bliss 41370 87564 n 45836 Mommy`s Bliss BODY RESCUE 83472 83470 83468 BOERICKE & TAFEL, INC. Children`s Remedies 54842 54846 54878 84809 Kid`s Alpha CF Kid`s Cough & Bronchial Syrup Kid`s Cough & Bronchial Syrup Cold & Flu Remedies Alpha CF Bonus Pack ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 134 308078-004907 308078-013909 40 TAB 40 TAB 6.59 6.59 EA EA 6.59 6.59 10.99 10.99 Migraide Blister 308078-123905 40 TAB 6.59 EA 6.59 10.99 308078-125909 40 TAB 6.59 EA 6.59 10.99 308071-035748 250 TAB 5.70 EA 5.70 9.49 308072-035730 100 TAB 3.59 EA 3.59 5.95 308079-011935 308079-011942 308079-002933 308079-002940 308079-010938 308079-006931 308079-006948 4 OZ 8 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 8 OZ 4.79 8.10 4.79 8.10 4.79 4.79 8.10 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.79 8.10 4.79 8.10 4.79 4.79 8.10 7.99 13.49 7.99 13.49 7.99 7.99 13.49 Camilia, Teething Relief Chestal Berry Cocyntal, Baby Colic Reflief Coldcalm, children, Pellets/Tube Oscillococcinum, Children, 6 Dose Sabadil/Allergies 306969-054086 15 DOSE 306969-062159 4.2 OZ 306969-045084 15 DOSE 306969-049426 2 TUBE 306969-281512 6 DOSE 306969-061428 1/2/80 CT 5.03 4.73 5.03 8.32 9.02 8.32 EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.03 4.73 5.03 8.32 9.02 8.32 8.39 7.89 8.39 13.89 15.05 13.89 Optique I Eye Drops Optique I Eye Drops 306962-193713 306969-277713 4.47 6.58 EA EA 4.47 6.58 7.45 10.95 Acidil Pelletts/Indigestion Arnicare Pain Relief Chestal Berry Chestal Berry Chestal For Children Chestal For Children Chestal Chestal Coldcalm Oscillococcinum 6 Dose Oscillococcinum Oscillococcinum Oscillococcinum, 6 Dose Sinusalia Pellets/Sinus Pain 306969-058428 1/2/80 CT 8.32 306969-059043 60 TAB 6.71 306969-063163 8.45 OZ 7.89 306969-063156 4.2 OZ 4.73 306969-033166 8.45 OZ 7.90 306969-033159 4.2 OZ 4.74 306969-032152 4.2 OZ 4.74 306969-032169 8.45 OZ 7.90 306962-607609 60 TAB 6.71 306962-867249 18/1.2 OZ 9.02 306962-878245 30 DOSE 21.86 306969-998342 12 DOSE 14.83 306969-998519 6 DOSE 9.02 306962-851248 1/2/80 CT 8.32 EA 8.32 EA 6.71 EA 7.89 EA 4.73 EA 7.90 EA 4.74 EA 4.74 EA 7.90 EA 6.71 CS 162.36 EA 21.86 EA 14.83 EA 9.02 EA 8.32 13.89 11.19 13.19 7.89 13.15 7.89 7.89 13.15 11.19 6.77 36.43 24.72 15.05 13.89 Quietude (Restless Sleep) Roxalia (Sore Throat) Sabadil (Allergy) Sedalia (Stress) Sinusalia (Sinusitis) 306962-610609 306962-611606 306962-612603 306962-614607 306969-341049 60 TAB 60 TAB 60 TAB 60 TAB 60 TAB 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 EA EA EA EA EA 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 6.71 11.19 11.19 11.19 11.19 10.75 306969-715987 7 CT 9.39 EA 9.39 15.65 306960-094616 12 CT 9.39 EA 9.39 15.65 Remedies 54691 Respiratory Aides 54693 Allergimittel, Blister Pack Single Remedies, 30X 55812 Arnica Montana Single Remedies, 30c 54264 Arnica Montana Tonics & Syrups 84807 84808 54840 54855 84805 54695 54717 Cough & Bronchial Syrup w/ Zinc Cough & Bronchial Syrup w/Zinc, 99% AF Cough & Bronchial Syrup Cough & Bronchial Syrup Cough & Bronchial Syrup, 99% AF Cough & Bronchial Syrup, Nighttime Cough & Bronchial Syrup, Nighttime BOIRON Children`s Products 55748 58689 55749 56705 56704 87559 56729 56733 Eye Irritation 10 DOSE 20 DOSE Remedies 44852 57998 58687 58688 40226 n 56737 n 40225 n 56735 n 56702 56756 57997 87500 56701 44851 BULK REFRIGERATED Alpha CF Sinus Headaches & Congestion FROZEN $ SRP PET 54861 54860 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price GROCERY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description PERSONAL CARE Item # SUPPLEMENTS 56743 56745 56742 56741 52930 56708 Woman`s Products Yeastaway Year Round Best Sellers 56696 Hemorrhoid Avenoc Suppositories ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 135 SPECIALTY NON-FOODS Speciality BULK Item # PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP BRICKER LABS Specific Nutrition 80014 B 12 Blast 042239-260022 2 OZ 8.97 EA 8.97 14.95 "B" Complete Complex A.D.D. Attention ACF Aller-Ease Children`s ACF Children`s Complete Cough Complete ACF Neuro-Nectar Mental Max Prenatal Plus DHA Complete Sleep Complete VM 100 Complete, Citrus Medley 016055-456716 016055-456761 016055-345744 016055-456778 016055-456822 016055-456747 016055-456891 016055-345775 016055-456792 016055-456884 016055-453784 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 12.36 18.00 14.83 14.83 12.35 11.74 12.97 17.31 18.00 14.83 19.16 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 12.36 18.00 14.83 14.83 12.35 11.74 12.97 17.31 18.00 14.83 19.16 19.99 29.99 23.99 23.99 19.99 18.99 20.99 27.99 29.99 23.99 30.99 "B" Essential, liquid "C" Essential Kids Multi Vitamin, liquid Ladies Multi Vitamin, Liquid Mens Multi Vitamin, Liquid 016055-600034 016055-600041 016055-600065 016055-600072 016055-600027 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 20.39 17.99 20.39 22.19 22.19 EA EA EA EA EA 20.39 17.99 20.39 22.19 22.19 33.99 29.99 33.99 36.99 36.99 First Defense Formula 3 Cough Syrup, Cherry Liquid Calcium Magnesium Multi Vitamin & Mineral Prenatal DHA, Lemon Probiotics + Colostrum, Orange Toothpaste Tablets, Berry Vitamin C 608274-101500 608274-109506 608274-107007 608274-103009 608274-125001 608274-111004 608274-111509 608274-102002 4 OZ 4 OZ 16 OZ 8 OZ 30 SGEL 90 TAB 60 TAB 4 OZ 13.17 8.97 11.97 10.17 11.97 14.37 3.98 4.77 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 13.17 8.97 11.97 10.17 11.97 14.37 3.98 4.77 21.95 14.95 19.95 16.95 21.95 23.95 6.49 7.95 Clear Motion & Digestive Aid Clear Restless Leg Relief Clear Shingles, Herpes, & UTI`s Clear Sinus & Ear Clear Tinnitus 648426-128672 648426-196992 648426-701554 648426-049571 648426-215006 60 CAP 7.49 60 CAP 10.00 60 CAP 7.49 60 CAP 7.49 60 CAP 10.00 EA EA EA EA EA 7.49 10.00 7.49 7.49 10.00 14.99 19.99 14.98 14.99 19.95 Energy Gel, Double Expresso 722252-176264 24/1.2 OZ 0.81 CS 19.52 1.19 Cherry Lozenge Honey Lemon Lozenge Mint Frost Losenge Strawberry & Cream Lozenge Tropical Orange Lozenge 091108-100136 091108-101256 091108-104738 091108-102970 091108-100143 12/18 CT 12/18 CT 6/18 CT 12/18 CT 12/18 CT 5.01 5.45 5.01 5.45 5.45 CS CS CS CS CS 60.16 65.44 30.08 65.44 65.44 5.99 6.49 6.99 6.49 6.49 733726-801155.7 OZ 9.63 EA 9.63 14.45 30 CAP 17.32 30 CT 22.27 EA EA 17.32 22.27 28.99 32.99 BURIED TREASURE FROZEN REFRIGERATED 83660 45418 83664 83674 47100 45420 55153 K 83662 45421 45947 83699 52955 52956 52957 52958 52959 Purely Organic KJ KJ KJ JK JK CHILDLIFE-NUTRITION FOR KIDS 58518 58564 58561 58513 58562 58563 58565 58516 CLEAR PRODUCTS 50192 50155 50196 50191 50190 CLIF BARS Clif Shot 53075 :b COLDEEZE 31564 59412 59416 31569 59414 COMVITA Propolis Products 51669 Throat Spray CULTURELLE Dietary Supplements 82138 81950 JK Probiotic Culturelle Caps Probiotics for Kids 049100-364049 049100-400082 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 136 Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP BULK 16.95 844334-008109 12 OZ 10.09 EA 10.09 16.79 844334-008598 844334-008550 844334-008604 10 OZ 10.25 1/8 CT 7.91 10 OZ 10.25 EA EA EA 10.25 7.91 10.25 17.99 14.49 17.99 1.59 1.59 1.59 CS CS CS 19.08 19.08 19.08 31.09 31.09 31.09 12.49 29.99 29.99 12.49 12.49 12.49 29.99 29.99 10.09 29.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 12.49 29.99 29.99 12.49 12.49 12.49 29.99 29.99 10.09 29.99 20.89 49.94 49.94 20.89 20.89 20.89 49.94 49.94 16.79 49.94 5 CT 5.29 5 CT 5.29 5 CT 5.29 EA EA EA 5.29 5.29 5.29 8.79 8.79 8.79 5.24 2.83 5.47 6.99 EA EA EA EA 5.24 2.83 5.47 6.99 8.75 4.75 8.89 11.55 742710-011005 742710-012002 100 CAP 16.80 200 CAP 26.40 EA EA 16.80 26.40 29.49 46.29 035720-006308 60 CAP 15.00 EA 15.00 24.95 027434-032353 027434-032216 14 ASST 120.92 120 CAP 12.97 DESIGNER WHEY Biggest Loser Protein Bars 43502 n Protein, Chocolate, Women Biggest Loser Protein Powder 43611 n 43613 n 43612 n 49476 49474 49475 42216 n 42222 n 42227 n 43505 42218 n 42217 42220 n 46292 n 42225 ns 42221 n 59957 59958 59956 Protein, Big Loser, Chocolate Protein, Big Loser, Raspberry 2Go Protein, Big Loser, Vanilla Designer Whey Protein Bars Protein Bar, Chocolate Caramel Crunch Protein Bar, Peanut Butter Crunch Protein Bar, Triple Chocolate 844334-009502 12/1.41OZ 844334-009465 12/1.41OZ 844334-009489 12/1.41OZ Designer Whey Protein Powder Protein Powder, Chocolate Protein Powder, Chocolate Protein Powder, Double Chocolate Protein Powder, Double Chocolate, All Natural Protein Powder, French Vanilla Protein Powder, Natural Protein Powder, Natural Protein Powder, Vanilla Almond Protein Powder, Vanilla Protein, French Vanilla 844334-001308 844334-001315 844334-008185 844334-008116 844334-001322 844334-001346 844334-001353 844334-009182 844334-000820 844334-001339 Protein, 2Go Pack, Lemonade Protein, 2Go Pack, Tropical Orange Protein, 2Go, Mixed Berry 844334-009557 844334-009571 844334-009441 100% Pure Chlorophyll 60 mg 100% Pure Liquid Chlorophyll 100% Pure Liquid Chlorophyll 100% Pure Liquid Chlorophyll 726227-380601 726227-380045 726227-380083 726227-380168 12 OZ 2 LB 2 LB 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 2 LB 2 LB 12 OZ 2 LB To Go Packs DESOUZA`S 87166 87163 87164 87165 60 CAP 4 OZ 8 OZ 16 OZ DIAMOND HERPANACINE ASSOC. 89750 89752 Herpanacine Skin Support System Herpanacine Skin Support System DISCOVER NUTRITION ClearTract 82250 Capsules DR. GREENE Alan Greene, MD, Nutritional Supplements 51433 42065 Greene Gravity Display Prenatal Formula CS 120.92 241.74 EA 12.97 25.95 DR. SEARS FAMILY APPROVED Little Champion 45264 44723 n Multi Vitamins 896938-0010003/60 SCHEW 14.33 CS 43.00 23.99 Pineapple-Mango, Plus D 896938-0014683/30 SCHEW 8.09 CS 24.28 13.49 Bi Min Kan, Sinus Formula B Cu`Ring, Stomach Shou Wu Pill 789741-000042 789741-000059 789741-000134 EA EA EA 11.94 11.94 19.94 21.50 21.50 35.95 Multi Vitamins DR. SHEN`S 58662 58664 58910 90 TAB 11.94 80 TAB 11.94 200 TAB 19.94 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 137 FROZEN 10.18 PET EA GROCERY 2 OZ 10.18 PERSONAL CARE 715783-022001 SUPPLEMENTS Herbal Tonic NON-FOODS 27180 SPECIALTY REFRIGERATED CYCLONE CIDER BULK REFRIGERATED Item # GROCERY 13910 13913 13918 13912 13919 13914 31910 Hb 78641 Hb 31911 Hb 78640 78645 Hb 78646 Hb 45374 b 43993 78647 , 46195 H 789741-000011 789741-000028 90 TAB 12.44 90 TAB 11.94 CLEAR Concentrate CLEAR Concentrate CLEAR Concentrate DARK XXX Concentrate DARK XXX Concentrate DARK XXX 094922-487315 094922-043184 094922-049995 094922-487346 094922-070401 094922-070425 16 OZ 8 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 8 OZ Black Cherry Black Cherry Cranberry Cranberry Mango Puree Papaya Puree Pomegranate Himalayan Goji Mangosteen Blend Tart Cherry, 100% Pure $ SRP EA EA 12.44 11.94 22.50 21.50 15.00 9.59 24.99 14.99 24.99 7.67 EA EA EA EA EA EA 15.00 9.59 24.99 14.99 24.99 7.67 29.99 19.18 49.98 29.89 49.99 15.35 790223-100167 790223-100310 790223-100150 790223-100303 790223-100174 790223-100181 790223-100334 16 OZ 7.09 8 OZ 3.94 16 OZ 14.80 8 OZ 7.44 16 OZ 4.38 16 OZ 4.38 8 OZ 5.59 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.09 3.94 14.80 7.44 4.38 4.38 5.59 10.65 5.89 22.19 11.19 6.59 6.59 8.45 790223-100877 790223-100891 790223-101256 32 OZ 13.15 32 OZ 13.15 16 OZ 8.99 EA EA EA 13.15 13.15 8.99 25.61 26.29 14.99 3.59 3.71 EA EA 3.59 3.71 5.97 6.19 Juices EARTH MAMA ANGEL BABY Pregnancy Products 44559 _b 44556 _b Mama-2-Be Tea Sampler Milkmaid Tea 859220-010203 859220-010173 16 BAG 16 BAG 500 mg 500 mg 500 mg Powder Powder 032602-000058 032602-120008 032602-125003 032602-210006 032602-520082 90 TAB 6.60 180 TAB 11.04 360 TAB 18.40 3.2 OZ 9.20 6.3 OZ 14.11 EA EA EA EA EA 6.60 11.04 18.40 9.20 14.11 10.99 17.99 29.99 14.59 22.99 Acai Pomegranate Powder Stick Orange Natural Powder Orange Tablets Pink Lemonade Powder Super Berry Shot 094922-499707 094922-804396 094922-879455 094922-112774 856541-002016 30 CT 2 5.99 20 CT 18.67 10 TAB 8.00 20 CT 18.67 12/2 OZ 2.32 EA EA EA EA CS 25.99 18.67 8.00 18.67 27.84 43.33 31.10 14.99 31.10 46.40 EARTHRISE Spirulina 41531 41532 41533 41535 41536 SUPPLEMENTS EBOOST 50094 50083 50124 50089 50111 s EMERALD LABORATORIES Coconut Oil Liquid SPECIALTY Yin Chiao, Colds & Flu Zong Gan Ling, Cold & Flu EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price DYNAMIC HEALTH LABORATORIES Concentrates NON-FOODS PERSONAL CARE 58660 58661 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description DR. WILLARD`S Willard Water PET FROZEN 83240 Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Liquid 743650-000913 16 OZ 8.38 EA 8.38 14.95 743650-000906 120 SGEL 7.51 EA 7.51 14.49 30 CAP 9.60 60 TAB 14.40 EA EA 9.60 14.40 16.05 24.05 CS 46.24 6.45 Coconut Oil Softgels 83241 Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Softgels EMERITA Womens` Formulas 71753 81850 Libido Formula Menopause Plus 356163-305002 356163-305057 Box With 50 Packets 183340-000029 12/1.75 OZ ERBA DOLCE Stevia 40539 3.85 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 138 Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP BULK 29.01 19.77 36.27 48.35 32.95 60.45 FLuendz Flu & Cold Relief Display Fluendz Flu & Cold Relief 793573-861696 6/.7 OZ 11.23 793573-795809.7 OZ 11.23 CS EA 67.38 11.23 19.99 19.99 DMG 125mg 026664-338099 90 TAB 15.80 EA 15.80 31.59 Orange, All Natural Pineapple Mango, All Natural Pomegranage Blueberry,All Nat 872774-006485 872774-006454 872774-006423 30 CT 11.33 30 CT 11.33 30 CT 11.33 EA EA EA 11.33 11.33 11.33 18.99 18.99 18.99 049479-001163 049479-001156 049479-002177 049479-001644 100 CAP 8.67 100 CAP 6.87 75 TAB 10.18 90 TAB 7.77 EA EA EA EA 8.67 6.87 10.18 7.77 14.45 11.45 16.96 12.95 30 Day Beauty Secret Folic Acid Hair, Skin & Nails Hair, Skin & Nails Multi Vitamin Plus 049479-000401 049479-035182 049479-000500 049479-000494 049479-000470 30 PKT 11.37 120 VTAB 5.97 75 TAB 7.17 135 TAB 11.07 120 TAB 11.97 EA EA EA EA EA 11.37 5.97 7.17 11.07 11.97 18.95 9.95 11.95 18.45 19.95 Cholesta Lo Cholesta Lo Cholesterol Balance 049479-001040 049479-001699 049479-025022 60 TAB 6.57 120 TAB 10.77 90 VCAP 14.50 EA EA EA 6.57 10.77 14.50 10.95 17.95 24.17 049479-002580 049479-002863 049479-002597 2 OZ 10.17 4 OZ 15.57 4 OZ 5.97 EA EA EA 10.17 15.57 5.97 16.95 25.95 9.95 049479-001408 049479-003136 049479-025183 049479-001088 049479-025060 60 TAB 7.77 120 TAB 13.17 60 VCAP 14.50 60 TAB 4.77 90 VCAP 13.98 EA EA EA EA EA 7.77 13.17 14.50 4.77 13.98 12.95 21.95 24.17 7.95 23.30 Hair, Skin & Nails Male Power, Herbal Glandular Multi Vitamin Plus Multi Vitamin Plus 049479-002115 049479-001880 049479-001897 049479-001996 75 TAB 7.17 60 TAB 8.07 60 TAB 8.97 120 TAB 14.98 EA EA EA EA 7.17 8.07 8.97 14.98 11.95 13.45 14.95 24.97 CalciumEssentials 049479-025213 90 VCAP 6.98 EA 6.98 11.64 049479-029150 60 VCAP 13.98 EA 13.98 27.95 049479-025091 60 VCAP 16.48 EA 16.48 27.47 049479-035083 90 VTAB 13.17 049479-025084 120 VCAP 17.48 049479-025077 60 VCAP 11.48 EA EA EA 13.17 17.48 11.48 21.95 29.13 19.13 FLUENDZ 50158 50157 FOOD SCIENCE 72377 FRS Soft Chews 50249 50250 50225 FUTUREBIOTICS Acidophilus/Enzymes 44001 44000 44103 44005 44087 50756 H 44079 44080 44084 Longest Living Acidolphilus + Longest Living Acidolphilus Vegetarian Enzyme Complex 50 Plus Vegetarian Enzyme Complex Advanced Womans Formulas Cholestaids 44006 44164 42134 44138 44139 44140 44017 44165 42132 44027 42133 44028 44032 44030 44031 Colloidal Minerals Silver Silver Trace Minerals Herbal Formulas Garlic Echinacea Goldenseal+ Garlic Echinacea Goldenseal+ InflamMotion Super Silica Complex Veinfactors Mens Formulas Minerals 42146 Nutritional Standards 42144 GlucoActive Premium Herbal Extracts 42137 Thinkfast Special Nutritionals 50750 H 42135 42136 Active Eyes Nutrivision StressAssist ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 139 SPECIALTY FROZEN EA EA EA PET 120 TAB 29.01 90 CAP 19.77 180 CAP 36.27 GROCERY 772570-000512 772570-656009 772570-656108 PERSONAL CARE Moducare Grape Chewables Moducare Moducare SUPPLEMENTS 81830 81824 81825 NON-FOODS REFRIGERATED ESSENTIAL PHYTOSTEROLINS INC BULK Item # 50753 H 87776 50755 H 87778 83735 44169 44012 42141 42143 44023 83734 44066 87797 44052 50754 H 50757 44057 44101 Bioactive Antioxidant Colon Green Digestive Greens Vital Green 90 VTAB 13.17 150 CAP 8.97 90 VTAB 13.17 375 TAB 10.17 EA EA EA EA 13.17 8.97 13.17 10.17 21.95 14.95 21.95 16.95 Acneadvance Chill Pill (Calmness Formula) Cinna Care EnergyForce Immunactive Living Energy, Beepollen w/Chinese Herbs OmegaQ10 Pressur Lo Pressur Lo Relax & Sleep Formula 2 Seasonal Immunity 049479-025251 049479-003402 049479-009145 049479-025138 049479-025015 049479-001101 049479-025244 049479-001248 049479-207015 049479-000227 049479-035113 90 TAB 60 TAB 60 CAP 90 VCAP 60 VCAP 75 TAB 30 VCAP 90 TAB 270 TAB 60 TAB 90 VTAB 17.48 4.47 16.77 10.98 12.48 6.27 17.48 7.77 19.77 5.97 13.17 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 17.48 4.47 16.77 10.98 12.48 6.27 17.48 7.77 19.77 5.97 13.17 29.14 7.45 27.95 18.30 24.95 10.45 34.95 12.95 32.95 9.95 21.95 African Mango Vital K + Ginseng Extra Vital K w/Magnesium 049479-006342 049479-001873 049479-001743 60 VTAB 14.97 16 OZ 9.57 16 OZ 9.57 EA EA EA 14.97 9.57 9.57 24.95 15.95 15.95 635992-041702 635992-041504 635992-041603 22.2 OZ 11.75 16 OZ 11.75 22.2 OZ 11.75 EA EA EA 11.75 11.75 11.75 19.59 19.59 19.59 Natural Chocolate Natural Vanilla 635992-041078 635992-041061 22.2 OZ 12.51 22.2 OZ 12.51 EA EA 12.51 12.51 20.85 20.85 Aloe Liquid Aloe Liquid 789287-100985 789287-100640 128 OZ 18.06 64 OZ 10.65 EA EA 18.06 10.65 30.10 17.75 JetZone Jet Lag Remedy 363923-100302 PET PERSONAL CARE GROCERY Targeted Nutritionals GENISOY PRODUCTS CO. Soy Protein Powder Shakes Vital K 84367 84368 84366 83646 83645 Chocolate Protein Plain Vanilla Ultra XT Soy Protein Powder GEORGE`S 46794 46795 GLOBAL SOURCE 44022 6/30 TAB 5.25 CS 31.52 9.95 Lemon Ginger Vanilla Chamomile 891770-002031 6/4/2.7 OZ 891770-002130 6/4/2.7 OZ 4.17 4.17 CS CS 24.99 24.99 8.79 8.79 Carrot Essence 083851-203394 6.8 OZ 13.20 EA 13.20 21.99 13.20 33.00 19.83 10.57 16.51 13.19 26.43 13.19 15.55 16.01 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 13.20 33.00 19.83 10.57 16.51 13.19 26.43 13.19 15.55 16.01 21.99 54.99 32.99 17.59 27.49 21.99 43.99 21.99 25.89 26.69 25.2 OZ 17.99 EA 17.99 29.99 GOOD BELLY Probiotic Fruit Drinks Big Shot 14725 nb, 12528 :nb, GREEN FOODS NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS $ SRP 049479-035106 049479-003112 049479-035137 049479-003105 SPECIALTY EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Super Foods FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description 57090 H Made With Organic Young Barley Leaves 57083 : 57082 H 57080 H 57081 H 57079 : 53399 K, 43943 53400 K, 57602 56934 : 53396 K, Barley Essence, Green Tea Flavor Green Magma (USA) Economy Size Green Magma (USA) Powder Green Magma (USA) Powder Green Magma (USA) Tabs Green Magma Magma Plus Magma Plus Magma Plus Veggie Magma 083851-205657 083851-204667 083851-204315 083851-204070 083851-204285 083851-204445 083851-205336 083851-205558 083851-205312 083851-205510 5.3 OZ 11 OZ 5.3 OZ 2.8 OZ 250 TAB 15/.21 OZ 11 OZ 15/.32 OZ 5.3 OZ 5.3 OZ Plant Protein Shake True Vitality, Chocolate 083851-207668 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 140 EA EA EA EA 12.00 17.99 17.99 12.00 20.00 29.99 29.99 20.00 083851-206357 16 OZ 10.20 EA 10.20 16.99 Children`s Chewable Frogs 611049-740606 8.97 EA 8.97 14.95 Original 611049-901724 18 OZ 25.77 EA 25.77 42.95 Energy Boosters Joint Powerhouse Vegan 611049-741603 611049-901847 611049-901861 611049-901700 60 TAB 8.97 15.9 OZ 26.97 2.8 LB 31.17 18 OZ 25.77 EA EA EA EA 8.97 26.97 31.17 25.77 14.95 44.95 51.95 42.95 Natural Cough Syrup 039278-998887 8.5 OZ 6.19 EA 6.19 10.09 Natural Detox Natural Energy Natural Glow Natural Immunity 779172-812109 779172-812086 779172-812116 779172-812093 12/2.25OZ 12/2.25OZ 12/2.25OZ 12/2.25OZ 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 CS CS CS CS 23.36 23.36 23.36 23.36 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 Whole Seeds GREENS TODAY Childrens 41761 n 60 TAB Original 41756 n Special Formulas 41751 n 41752 41750 n 41755 , HAN`S 58763 HAPPY PLANET Health Shots 01954 01953 01956 01955 HEALTH FROM THE SUN Black Currant 58075 58056 58076 Oil, 1000 mg Oil, 500 mg 010043-012243 010043-012205 60 CAP 17.40 90 CAP 15.60 EA EA 17.40 15.60 28.99 25.99 300 mg 010043-050504 30 CAP 9.60 EA 9.60 15.99 010043-050948 010043-050955 010043-050962 010043-050924 180 CAP 8 OZ 16 OZ 90 CAP 25.08 10.20 16.80 13.80 EA EA EA EA 25.08 10.20 16.80 13.80 40.49 16.99 27.99 22.99 Evening Primrose 1300 mg. 010043-010867 60 CAP 6.91 EA 6.91 11.49 FiProFlax Flax Oil, Liquid Gold Flax Oil, Liquid Gold Flax Oil, Omega 3, Herbicide/Pesticide Free 010043-050252 010043-050283 010043-050290 010043-062156 15 OZ 5.11 8 OZ 6.60 16 OZ 11.40 8 OZ 5.71 EA EA EA EA 5.11 6.60 11.40 5.71 8.49 10.99 18.99 9.49 Borage Oils Combination Oils 58047 58048 56920 58039 59741 Total EFA 1200mg Total EFA Vegetarian/Lignan Total EFA Veggie Total EFA Evening Primrose Flax 58043 b 58024 H 58025 H 58040 HEALTH PLUS, INC. Colon Cleanse MAX 44529 44530 57165 57166 57178 57167 57164 Digesti Cleanse Ultra Fiber Biotic 083502-103486 083502-103479 30 CAP 60 CAP 7.80 7.80 EA EA 7.80 7.80 12.99 12.99 Colon Cleanse Colon Cleanse Colon Cleanse 625 mg Orange Tea 083502-065432 083502-123453 083502-087632 083502-112341 083502-900108 6 OZ 12 OZ 200 CAP 12 OZ 30 BAG 5.40 7.80 9.00 7.19 6.59 EA EA EA EA EA 5.40 7.80 9.00 7.19 6.59 8.99 12.99 14.99 11.99 10.99 Colon Cleanse ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 141 BULK REFRIGERATED 12.00 17.99 17.99 12.00 FROZEN Chia Seeds 7/1.8 OZ 22.7 OZ 25.2 OZ 7/1.8 OZ PET 41490 _ 083851-207118 083851-207552 083851-207774 083851-207224 GROCERY True Vitality, Chocolate True Vitality, Unflavored True Vitality, Vanilla True Vitality, Vanilla $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 53397 53398 53394 53395 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS K, K, K, K, Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # FROZEN REFRIGERATED 57175 57176 45404 45397 45403 45398 59129 45399 45400 57170 57171 57172 100% 100% 083502-401209 083502-401223 12 OZ 7.20 24 OZ 12.60 EA EA 7.20 12.60 11.99 20.99 Arenal Cleanse Colon Cleanse Orange S/F Colon Cleanse Pineapple Colon Cleanse Regular Colon Cleanse orange S/F Kidney Cleanse Liver Cleanse Super Colon Cleanse Super Colon Cleanse Super Colon Cleanse 083502-550037 083502-234562 083502-345671 083502-076544 083502-112358 083502-550020 083502-550013 083502-098768 083502-087656 083502-087649 13.19 7.79 7.79 22.79 8.40 10.79 13.19 8.40 12.30 7.80 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 13.19 7.79 7.79 22.79 8.40 10.79 13.19 8.40 12.30 7.80 21.99 12.99 12.99 37.99 13.99 17.99 21.99 13.99 20.49 12.99 90 CAP 12 OZ 12 OZ 48 OZ 9 OZ 90 CAP 90 CAP 12 OZ 240 CAP 120 CAP Resveratrol, 300mg 603573-236946 150 VCAP 47.50 EA 47.50 94.99 603573-153502 603573-153533 30 SGEL 5.00 120 SGEL 11.28 EA EA 5.00 11.28 9.99 22.49 615828-888886 2 OZ 11.99 EA 11.99 17.99 Chamomile Calm Echinacea & Astragalus Echinacea & Eyebright Echinacea Golden Root, Blackberry Echinacea Golden Root, Blackberry Echinacea Golden Root, Orange Echinacea Golden Root, Orange Echinacea/Astragalus Gum Omile Oil Horehound Minty Ginger Sweet Echinacea Valerian Super Calm Willow & Garlic Oil 701619-100104 701619-100302 701619-100500 701619-102009 701619-102016 701619-102054 701619-102078 701619-100357 701619-100708 701619-100753 701619-100852 701619-101057 701619-101200 701619-101453 1 OZ 1 OZ 2 OZ 1 OZ 2 OZ 1 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 2 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 6.35 6.35 10.20 6.35 10.20 6.35 10.20 10.20 6.35 6.35 6.35 10.20 6.35 6.35 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.35 6.35 10.20 6.35 10.20 6.35 10.20 10.20 6.35 6.35 6.35 10.20 6.35 6.35 10.59 10.59 16.99 10.59 16.99 10.59 16.99 16.99 10.59 10.59 10.59 16.99 10.59 10.59 Astragalus Extract A/F Cherry Bark 701619-101552 701619-100203 1 OZ 1 OZ 6.35 6.35 EA EA 6.35 6.35 10.59 10.59 701619-107202 701619-107110 4 OZ 1 OZ 7.00 6.35 EA EA 7.00 6.35 11.69 10.59 HEALTHY ORIGINS PET GROCERY 46198 K HERBASWAY LABORATORIES Herbal Tea Concentrates Dietary Supplements 43591 K 43592 K 89590 Vitamin D3 Gels, 10,000 IU Vitamin D3 Gels, 10,000 IU HerbaGreen HERBS FOR KIDS Combination Blends PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS $ SRP Super Colon Cleanse NON-FOODS EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Psyllium Husk SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description 86590 86594 86598 86582 86583 86585 86586 86595 86606 86607 86609 86613 86615 86619 86620 86592 86581 86635 Single Extracts Throat Sprays & Syrups Eldertussin Elderberry Syrup Super Kids Throat Spray HERO NUTRITIONALS CinnaBetic II 46024 Cinnabetic II 613098-900208 60 CT 15.60 EA 15.60 25.99 Energy Boost Multi Vitamin & Mineral Formula Multi+ MultiVitamin + Vegetarian Vitamin C Formula Vitamin D3 For Adults 613098-834336 613098-834503 613098-834572 613098-834473 613098-834657 613098-834879 60 CT 60 CT 30 CT 60 CT 60 CT 60 CT EA EA EA EA EA EA 12.00 13.20 15.00 14.40 9.00 9.60 19.99 21.99 24.99 23.99 14.99 15.99 Slice Of Life 41782 41783 49699 45811 nK 41785 50100 n 12.00 13.20 15.00 14.40 9.00 9.60 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 142 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Bears 613098-651018 14.40 14.40 13.20 23.99 23.99 21.99 16.80 7.20 7.20 10.80 9.60 9.60 16.80 12.00 10.20 7.80 7.80 9.60 16.80 14.40 18.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 16.80 7.20 7.20 10.80 9.60 9.60 16.80 12.00 10.20 7.80 7.80 9.60 16.80 14.40 18.00 27.99 11.99 11.99 17.99 15.99 15.99 27.99 19.99 16.99 12.99 12.99 15.99 27.99 23.99 29.99 90 CT 10.20 EA 10.20 16.99 3.91 3.91 3.91 3.91 3.91 3.91 3.91 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 46.88 46.88 46.88 46.88 46.88 46.88 46.88 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 Yummi Bears 120 CT 40 CT 60 CT 90 CT 90 CT 90 CT 200 CT 60 CT 90 CT 60 CT 60 CT 90 CT 200 CT 132 CT 90 CT Yummi Sourz HISTORICAL REMEDIES Homeopathic Lozenges 45493 45489 45491 45641 45494 45492 45490 n n n n n n n Arnica Drops, Citrus Calm Drops Moon Drops, Vanilla PMS Relief Passion Drops, PMS Relief Pick Up Drops, Lemon Stress Mints 750988-000331 750988-000386 750988-000348 750988-000362 650988-000365 750988-000317 750988-000294 12/30 LOZ 12/30 LOZ 12/30 LOZ 12/30 LOZ 12/30 LOZ 12/30 LOZ 12/30 LOZ Honey Elderberry Extract Honey Elderberry Syrup Honey Wild Cherry Syrup Honey Wild Cherry Syrup Propolis Throat Spray & Wound Wash 022318-000084 022318-000329 022318-000336 022318-000091 022318-000077 4 OZ 6.72 8 OZ 11.87 8 OZ 11.20 4 OZ 6.72 1 OZ 6.72 EA EA EA EA EA 6.72 11.87 11.20 6.72 6.72 11.19 19.79 17.89 11.19 11.19 Up Your Gas 894806-007772 60 TAB 10.77 EA 10.77 17.95 HONEY GARDENS Apitherapy 44813 44811 44812 44814 44815 HOT STUFF 50000 HYLANDS HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES 56515 56509 56517 56511 56518 56520 56508 56510 35260 56516 51424 51425 51426 354973-310117 500 TAB 354973-310216 500 TAB 354973-310315 500 TAB 354973-310513 500 TAB 354973-310612 500 TAB 354973-310711 500 TAB 354973-310810 500 TAB 354973-310919 500 TAB 336012-988044.25 OZ 354973-311213 500 TAB 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 6.55 7.39 7.39 7.39 5.46 7.39 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 6.55 7.39 7.39 7.39 5.46 7.39 12.35 12.35 12.29 12.35 10.99 12.35 12.29 12.35 9.09 12.29 303601-156047 303601-523245 303601-543649 5.46 5.46 5.46 EA EA EA 5.46 5.46 5.46 9.09 9.09 9.09 Amber Vial Single Remedys - 30c - Pellets Apis Mellifica Arnica Montana Arsenicum Album 2 DRAM 2 DRAM 2 DRAM ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 143 SPECIALTY Calcarea Fluorica 30X Calcarea Phosphorica 30X Calcarea Sulphurica 30X Kali Muriaticum 30X Kali Phosphoricum 30X Kali Sulphuricum 30X Magnesia Phosphorica 30X Natrum Muriaticum 30X Sepia 30c Silicea 30X FROZEN 41489 nKJ 613098-683804 613098-683750 613098-683545 613098-683477 613098-683507 613098-631003 613098-680032 613098-683576 613098-683828 613098-683651 613098-684870 613098-683491 613098-680049 613098-680056 613098-683798 EA EA EA PET ChildBright Echinacea Fiber Supplement Multi Vit & Mineral, Vegetarian Multi Vitamin & Mineral Multi Vitamin & Mineral, Cherry Multi Vitamin & Minerals, Value Sz Multi-Vitamin & Mineral SF Omega 369 Yummi Bear Vitamin C Vitamin D3 Whole Food Supplement Whole Food Supplement Yummi Bears Vitamin C Yummi Bears with DHA 90 CT 14.40 90 CT 14.40 90 CT 13.20 GROCERY 84215 84209 84203 84205 n 84201 84216 n 84207 49698 80978 n 84202 50099 n 84200 84206 46028 n 84232 613098-901052 613098-901021 613098-901014 PERSONAL CARE Bone Builder Brain Booster Multi Vitamin SUPPLEMENTS 42076 n 42075 n 42079 n REFRIGERATED Yummi Bears Organics NON-FOODS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK REFRIGERATED Item # GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY 51434 51436 51437 51445 51446 51447 51450 40124 56427 56395 56512 56393 40343 01537 01538 01490 56362 56394 56397 56396 56392 56391 56390 56389 56538 40000 41356 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Gelsemium Hypericum Perfoliatum Ignatia Amara Pulsatilla Rhus Toxicodendron Ruta Graveolens Sulphur EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 303606-480444 303607-276046 303607-337242 336011-743644 336012-172047 336012-355648 336013-583576 2 DRAM 2 DRAM 2 DRAM 2 DRAM 2 DRAM 2 DRAM 2 DRAM 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.46 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 9.09 354973-308411 354973-750814 50 TAB 125 TAB 4.99 5.52 EA EA 4.99 5.52 8.29 9.19 354973-295421 354973-301016 354973-910423 354973-215856 354973-312418 354973-312319 354973-295933 354973-301528 354973-295223 354973-295926 354973-912021 100 TAB 50 TAB 100 TAB 4 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 40 TAB 120 TAB 100 TAB 100 TAB 100 TAB 7.06 5.72 7.06 5.59 8.11 8.11 8.11 9.32 7.06 7.06 7.06 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.06 5.72 7.06 5.59 8.11 8.11 8.11 9.32 7.06 7.06 7.06 11.75 9.55 11.75 9.29 12.99 12.99 12.99 15.55 11.75 11.75 11.75 354973-295124 354973-295827 354973-914711 354973-915022 100 TAB 100 TAB 50 TAB 100 TAB 7.06 7.06 5.12 7.06 EA EA EA EA 7.06 7.06 5.12 7.06 11.75 11.75 8.55 11.75 Calms Forte Display Cold`n Cough Display Muscle Therapy Counter Display 354973-306844 354973-308640 354973-309142 12 EA 6.39 9/4 OZ 5.93 12 ASST 57.12 CS CS CS Arnicaid Clearac Enuraid 354973-022911 354973-220218 354973-322318 50 TAB 50 TAB 50 TAB 5.72 5.72 5.72 EA EA EA 5.72 5.72 5.72 9.55 9.55 9.55 354973-121287 354973-522886 354973-643383 354973-644083 354973-808188 125 TAB 125 TAB 125 TAB 125 TAB 125 TAB 3.79 3.79 3.79 3.79 3.79 EA EA EA EA EA 3.79 3.79 3.79 3.79 3.79 6.35 5.99 6.35 6.35 6.35 354973-912724 354973-913820 354973-913028 354973-914629 354973-912328 100 TAB 100 TAB 100 TAB 100 TAB 100 TAB 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 EA EA EA EA EA 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 354973-295520 354973-296510 354973-295025 354973-309319 354973-295629 354973-295612 354973-296619 100 TAB 100 TAB 100 TAB 50 TAB 100 TAB 50 TAB 50 TAB 6.99 6.99 6.99 7.92 6.99 5.12 5.12 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.99 6.99 6.99 7.92 6.99 5.12 5.12 11.65 11.65 11.65 13.19 11.65 7.69 8.55 Arnica Products PET FROZEN Arnica 30X Bumps & Bruises w/Arnica Cough & Cold Combinations Bronchial Cough Cold Tablets w/Zinc Cough Cough Syrup, SF Defend Cold & Cough Defend Cold & Cough, Nightime Defend Sinus Flu Care, Complete Flu Sinus Sore Throat Digestive Products Gas Indigestion Motion Sickness Upset Stomach Displays (Special Order Only) 76.72 127.85 53.35 88.89 57.12 95.20 Miscellaneous 56444 56445 56442 43230 43236 43238 43240 43241 56594 56596 56595 56592 56593 56598 56429 56600 41337 56602 56523 50021 NuAge Cell Salts Bioplasma 6X Kali Phosphoricum 6X Natrum Muriaticum 6x Natrum Sulphuricum 6x Silica 6x Over the Counter Combinations Cold Sores/Fever Blisters(3 Grain Tabs) Hayfever (3 Grain Tabs) Hemorrhoids (3 Grain Tabs) Hives (3 Grain Tabs) Insomnia (3 Grain Tabs) Pain Products Combinations Arthritis Pain (3 Grain Tabs) BackAche w/Arnica Headache (3 Grain Tabs) Leg Cramps PM w/Quinine Leg Cramps w/ Quinine (3 grain) Leg Cramps w/ Quinine Restful Legs ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 144 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 7.75 10.65 10.65 9.55 13.19 12.29 9.09 16.19 10.65 8.55 9.09 354973-308312 125 TAB 5.59 354973-751835 125 TAB 4.79 354973-308015 12 CT 5.19 354973-750524 125 TAB 6.65 354973-307513 4 OZ 5.92 354973-309814 4 OZ 5.92 354973-750227 125 TAB 6.65 354973-309715 4 OZ 5.92 354973-301610 125 TAB 4.79 354973-215832 4 OZ 6.65 354973-751613.33 OZ 7.52 354973-751637.33 OZ 6.65 354973-982949 7 PC 23.32 354973-751910 125 TAB 5.59 354973-752122.5 OZ 5.06 354973-312715 135 TAB 6.15 354973-750616 125 TAB 4.39 354973-750623 125 TAB 6.65 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.59 4.79 5.19 6.65 5.92 5.92 6.65 5.92 4.79 6.65 7.52 6.65 23.32 5.59 5.06 6.15 4.39 6.65 9.29 7.99 8.65 9.99 9.89 9.89 9.99 9.89 7.99 9.99 12.55 9.99 38.85 9.29 7.59 10.25 7.29 9.99 354973-290044 354973-290143 354973-290242 354973-290341 354973-290440 354973-290549 354973-290648 354973-290747 354973-290846 354973-290945 354973-291041 354973-291140 354973-310414 354973-291249 354973-291348 354973-291447 354973-291546 354973-291645 354973-291744 354973-291843 354973-291942 354973-292048 354973-311015 354973-311114 354973-292147 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 7.39 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 7.39 7.39 5.66 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 12.35 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 12.35 12.29 9.45 Remedies For Children Allergy Relief Calms Forte 4 Kids Cold Relief With Zinc Cold Tablets, Baby Tiny Cold n Cough Cold n Cough, Nightime Colic Tablets Complete Allergy Complete Flu Care Cough Syrup, Baby Earache Drops, Children Earache Drops, Children Kid`s Kit Sniffles `n Sneezes 4 Kids Teething Gel Teething Tablets Vitamin C 25 mg Vitamin C 25 mg STANDARD - Single Remedies 30X Aconitum Napellus (Colds & Fevers) Allium Cepa (Sneezing & Runny Nose) Antimonium Tartaricum (Rattling Cough) Apis Mellifica(Bites,Stings&Swellings) Arnica Montana(Bruises&Muscle Soreness) Arsenicum Album(Runny Colds&Restlessness) Belladonna (Fever & Inflammation) Bryonia Alba(Rheumatic Pain,Dry Cough) Calcarea Phosphorica(Knitting of Bones,Dentition) Cantharis (Burns & Sore Throats) Carbo Vegetabilis(Dyspepsia&Sour Stomach) Chamomilla (Sleeplessness & Irritability) Ferrum Phosphoricum 30X Ferrum Phosphoricum(Fevers&Inflammations) Gelsemium Sempervirens(Flu w/Muscle Soreness) Hepar Sulphuris Clacareum(Boils&Skin Eruptions) Hypericum Perforatum(Nerve Injury from Blows) Ignatia Amara(Restlessness&Sleeplessness) Ipecacuanha (Nausea & Vomiting) Ledum Palustre(Puncture Wounds,Stings,Bites) Magnesia Phosphorica(Spasmodic Pains&Cramps) Mercurius Vivus(Sore Throat&Diarrhea) Natrum Phosphoricum 30X Natrum Sulphuricum 30X Nux Vomica(Indegestion&Sour Stomach) 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 500 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 500 TAB 500 TAB 250 TAB 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 7.39 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 7.39 7.39 5.66 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 145 FROZEN 4.66 6.39 6.39 5.72 7.92 7.39 5.46 9.72 6.39 5.12 5.46 PET 56477 56478 56479 56480 56481 56482 56483 56484 56485 56486 56487 56488 56519 56489 56490 56491 56492 56493 56494 56495 56496 56497 56507 56349 56498 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA GROCERY 4.66 6.39 6.39 5.72 7.92 7.39 5.46 9.72 6.39 5.12 5.46 PERSONAL CARE 40134 56524 50108 59760 41396 50009 59180 50008 56525 58746 56521 59186 56421 50022 59187 49499 56420 59181 354973-112117 50 CT 354973-112124 100 CT 354973-112032 100 CT 354973-112315 4 OZ 354973-750715 40 TAB 354973-751620.33 OZ 354973-301313 60 TAB 354973-112919 500 CT 354973-301429 100 TAB 354973-113015 50 TAB 354973-301214 60 TAB SUPPLEMENTS Calms Forte Calms Forte Calms Clearac Cleanser Earache Earache Drops, Adult Migraine Headache Nerve Tonic Nerve Tonic Poison Ivy/Oak Seasonal Allergy Relief NON-FOODS 56411 56412 56410 56557 57263 43369 56430 56413 56476 56597 56447 REFRIGERATED Popular Specialty Products SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK Item # 56499 56500 56501 56502 56503 56504 56505 56448 56449 56450 56451 56452 56453 56454 56455 56456 56457 56458 56459 56460 56461 56462 56463 56464 56465 56467 56468 56469 56470 56471 56472 56473 56474 56475 56506 56435 56555 86625 86601 56434 56401 56402 56403 56404 56405 56406 56407 56408 56409 56431 56432 56433 56387 56388 PET GROCERY NON-FOODS Phosphorus (Inflammations & Diarrhea) Pulsatilla (Colds w/Runny Nose) Rhus Toxicodendron(Joint Aches,Better w/Motion) Ruta Graveolens(Sprains&Dislocations) Spongia Tosta(Coughs w/Expectoration) Sulphur (Skin Irritation w/ Burning) Veratrum Album (Diarrhea w/ Vomiting) EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 354973-292246 354973-292345 354973-292444 354973-292543 354973-292642 354973-292741 354973-292840 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 Aconitum Napellus(Fevers&Inflammations) Allium Cepa (Sneezing & Runny Nose) Antimonium Tartaricum (Rattling Cough) Apis Mellifica(Bites,Stings&Swellings) Arnica Montana(Bruises&Muscle Soreness) Arsenicum Album(Runny Colds w/Restlessness) Belladonna (Fever & Inflammation) Bryonia Alba(Rheumatic Pain,Dry Cough) Calcarea Phosphorica(Knitting of Bones,Dentition) Cantharis (Burns & Sore Throats) Carbo Vegetabilis(Dyspepsia&Sour Stomach) Chamomilla(Sleeplessness&Irritability) Ferrum Phosphoricum(Fever&Inflammations) Gelsemium Sempervirens(Flu w/Muscle Pain) Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum(Boil&Skin Eruptions) Hypericum Perforatum(Nerve Injury from Blows) Ignatia Amara(Restlessness&Sleeplessness) Ipecacuanha (Nausea & Vomiting) Magnesia Phosphorica(Spasmodic Pains&Cramps) Mercurius Vivus(Sore Throat&Diarrhea) Nux Vomica(Indegestion&Sour Stomach) Phosphorus (Inflammation & Diarrhea) Pulsatilla (Colds With Runny Nose) Rhus Toxicodendron(Joint Aches,Better w/Motion) Ruta Graveolens(Sprains&Dislocations) Spongia Tosta(Coughs w/Expectoration) Sulphur (Skin Irritation w/ Burning) Veratrum Album 354973-060043 354973-060142 354973-060241 354973-060340 354973-060449 354973-060548 354973-060647 354973-060746 354973-060845 354973-060944 354973-061040 354973-061149 354973-061248 354973-061347 354973-061446 354973-061545 354973-061644 354973-061743 354973-061941 354973-062047 354973-062146 354973-062245 354973-062344 354973-062443 354973-062542 354973-062641 354973-062740 354973-062849 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 250 TAB 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 5.66 9.45 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.45 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.44 9.45 9.45 9.44 9.44 9.45 9.44 9.44 9.45 9.44 9.44 9.45 9.44 500 TAB 8.52 1000 TAB 12.46 1/12 PK 7.99 500 TAB 8.52 1000 TAB 12.46 500 TAB 7.39 500 TAB 7.39 500 TAB 7.39 500 TAB 7.39 500 TAB 7.39 500 TAB 7.39 500 TAB 7.39 500 TAB 7.39 500 TAB 7.39 500 TAB 7.39 500 TAB 7.39 500 TAB 7.39 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 8.52 12.46 7.99 8.52 12.46 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 14.19 20.75 13.39 14.19 20.75 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 EA EA 7.06 7.06 11.75 11.75 Schuessler Cell Salts SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description STANDARD - Single Remedies 6X SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE FROZEN REFRIGERATED Biochemic Phosphates Biochemic Phosphates Bioplasma Sport Bioplasma Tablets Bioplasma Calcarea Flourica 6X, #1 Calcarea Phosphorica 6X, #2 Calcarea Sulphurica 6X, #3 Ferrum Phosphoricum 6X, #4 Kali Muriaticum 6X, #5 Kali Phosphoricum 6X, #6 Kali Sulphuricum 6X, #7 Magnesia Phosphorica 6X, #8 Natrum Muriaticum 6X, #9 Natrum Phosphoricum 6X Natrum Sulphuricum 6X, #11 Silicea 6X, #12 354973-106918 354973-106925 354973-312210 354973-106819 354973-106826 354973-203310 354973-204317 354973-204911 354973-343115 354973-522411 354973-522817 354973-523012 354973-602014 354973-643314 354973-643611 354973-644014 354973-808119 Women`s Group Bladder Irritation Menopause 354973-295322 354973-911321 100 TAB 100 TAB 7.06 7.06 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 146 Menstrual Cramps PMS Vaginitis 354973-296121 354973-295728 354973-296220 100 TAB 100 TAB 100 TAB 7.06 7.06 7.06 EA EA EA 7.06 7.06 7.06 11.75 11.75 11.75 Ginseng & Royal Jelly Ginseng & Royal Jelly Ginseng Chinese Red Ginseng For Women, Original Ginseng, American Ginseng, American Ginseng, Chinese Red Ginseng, Korean Red Ginseng, Korean Red Ginseng, Korean White Royal Ginseng for Women Royal Jelly, 2000 mg Siberian Eleuthero & Royal Jelly Siberian Eleuthero, 2500mg Siberian Eleuthero, 2500mg Siberian Sport 5000 715783-382884 715783-382860 715783-382020 715783-382808 715783-381023 715783-381009 715783-382006 715783-384987 715783-384963 715783-385007 715783-386806 715783-387100 715783-388183 715783-388022 715783-388008 715783-388282 100 CAP 50 CAP 100 CAP 50 CAP 100 CAP 50 CAP 50 CAP 100 CAP 50 CAP 50 CAP 45 CAP 30 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 50 CAP 90 CAP 14.98 8.71 14.26 6.57 15.65 9.09 8.38 21.58 11.98 8.11 8.38 11.98 14.38 14.26 8.38 14.48 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 14.98 8.71 14.26 6.57 15.65 9.09 8.38 21.58 11.98 8.11 8.38 11.98 14.38 14.26 8.38 14.48 24.95 14.50 23.75 10.95 25.75 14.95 13.95 35.95 19.95 13.49 13.95 19.85 23.95 23.75 13.95 28.95 Ginseng & Royal Jelly Vials Ginseng & Royal Jelly Vials Panax Ginseng Vials 715783-393101 1/10/10 CC 4.17 715783-393156 1/30/10 CC 11.71 715783-362503 1/10/10 CC 4.17 EA EA EA 4.17 11.71 4.17 6.95 19.49 6.95 Slices w/ Honey 715783-39400910/20 GRAM 3.90 CS 39.00 6.49 715783-591002 715783-591255 1 OZ 9.34 2 OZ 16.34 EA EA 9.34 16.34 14.05 24.49 614322-000909 90 CAP 21.27 EA 21.27 34.95 IMPERIAL ELIXIR Capsules 43918 87909 43920 87907 43919 87916 87918 43922 87869 87917 83167 43923 43930 43924 87908 83169 Extracts 83165 83166 83163 83177 43927 43928 Royal Jelly, Fresh Royal Jelly, Fresh INHOLTRA Natural Pain Relief Formula 70188 Inholtra Premium Lubri Joint JAKEMANS Throat & Chest Lozenges 40318 n 56189 n 40316 n 40317 n 56190 n 56188 n 56191 n 59178 Anise Cherry Menthol Cherry Honey & Lemon Honey Lemon Menthol Liquorice Menthol Mixed Berry Menthol, Sugar Free Mixed Berry Menthol, Sugar Free 895164-002010 895164-002607 895164-002041 895164-002072 895164-002584 895164-002560 895164-002621 895164-002621 24 CT 30 CT 24 CT 24 CT 30 CT 30 CT 30 CT 24 CT 2.40 1.70 2.40 2.40 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 2.40 1.70 2.40 2.40 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 3.99 2.69 3.99 3.99 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 Colic, Raspberry Earache, Grape Teething, Orange Allergy, Banana Cough & Cold, Fruit Flu Relief, Raspberry Calm, Grape Pain & Fever 778159-090653.85 OZ 778159-090639.85 OZ 778159-090608.85 OZ 778159-676390.85 OZ 778159-090615 3.4 OZ 778159-666353.85 OZ 778159-090646 3.4 OZ 778159-020780 25 ML 4.98 5.23 5.48 5.48 3.73 4.78 4.78 4.79 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.98 5.23 5.48 5.48 3.73 4.78 4.78 4.79 9.95 10.45 10.95 10.95 7.45 9.55 9.55 9.55 K.I.D.S Remedies 51402 51404 51405 51407 51403 51406 51401 51414 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 147 SUPPLEMENTS Royal Jelly Fresh (Refrigerated) NON-FOODS PERSONAL CARE Ginseng Roots SPECIALTY BULK $ SRP REFRIGERATED 56384 56386 56385 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price FROZEN Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description PET Item # GROCERY BULK Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP REFRIGERATED KING BIO 46386 49719 45788 FROZEN PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS 357955-511625 2 OZ 11.99 EA 11.99 19.99 Regional Allergies, Rocky Mtns, US Regional Allergies, SW U.S. 357955-518624 357955-518921 2 OZ 11.99 2 OZ 11.99 EA EA 11.99 11.99 19.99 19.99 Sleep Aid 357955-503927 2 OZ 12.59 EA 12.59 20.99 357955-515821 2 OZ 11.99 EA 11.99 19.99 357955-532026 357955-532125 2 OZ 12.59 2 OZ 12.59 EA EA 12.59 12.59 20.99 20.99 357955-519928 357955-513421 2 OZ 11.99 2 OZ 12.59 EA EA 11.99 12.59 19.99 20.99 Asthma Free Cough Control 357955-504429 357955-516620 2 OZ 11.99 2 OZ 11.99 EA EA 11.99 11.99 19.99 19.99 Appetite & Weight Control 357955-515623 2 OZ 14.99 EA 14.99 24.99 9-1-1 Stress 357955-507925 2 OZ 12.59 EA 12.59 20.99 9.00 EA 9.00 17.95 Healthy Children & Infants 46383 46384 46385 49717 45775 45782 46382 45780 49718 Colic Relief Healthy Digestion Lower GI Restoration Upper GI Restoration Healthy Immune Influenza, Multi Strain Sinus Relief Spray Healthy Respiration NON-FOODS Poison Ivy & Oak Relief Healthy Body SPECIALTY 46387 Allergies Healthy Weight Stress Relief KLAMATH BLUE GREEN ALGAE 87305 Blue Green Algae 500 mg 735749-000010 60 TAB Advanced Candida Care 649191-000231 60 SGEL 29.99 EA 29.99 49.99 Circu Flow Milk Thistle Standardized Wormwood Combo 696916-100158 696916-115077 696916-100400 270 CAP 15.00 90 CAP 8.51 100 CAP 6.00 EA EA EA 15.00 8.51 6.00 29.99 16.99 11.99 Candida Cleanse/Digestion Form102 Candida Cleanse/Digestion Form102 Fmla 109 Blood Pressure Kid`s Dophilus Kyo Chlorella Kyo Dophilus 9 Kyo Dophilus Veg Form Kyo Dophilus, Heat Stable Kyo Dophilus, Heat Stable Kyo Dophilus, Heat Stable Kyo Green (No Maltodextrin) Kyo Green (No Maltodextrin) Kyo Green Kyo-Dophilus + Cranberry Extract Kyo-Dophilus Powder Kyo-Red Antiox Superfruit Blend Kyolic Garlic 100 Formula Kyolic Reserve 600 mg Kyolic Reserve One Per Day Phytosterols Formula 107 Plain Liquid Garlic w/60 Caps Stress & Fatigue Relief Form 101 023542-102414 023542-102421 023542-109413 023542-601320 023542-710312 023542-610490 023542-600316 023542-600491 023542-600453 023542-600422 023542-700504 023542-700559 023542-700320 023542-359412 023542-620550 023542-712507 023542-100434 023542-200417 023542-200424 023542-250634 023542-107419 023542-100212 023542-101417 100 CAP 200 CAP 80 CAP 60 TAB 120 TAB 90 CAP 60 TAB 90 CAP 45 CAP 180 CAP 5.3 OZ 2.8 OZ 180 TAB 60 CAP 3.1 OZ 5.3 OZ 300 CAP 60 CAP 120 CAP 30 CAP 80 CAP 2 OZ 100 CAP EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 8.73 15.45 15.45 8.13 13.17 16.47 9.87 11.85 7.23 19.77 19.23 11.25 9.87 13.17 11.97 23.97 19.41 9.39 16.35 8.07 10.53 11.07 8.07 14.55 25.75 25.75 13.55 21.95 27.45 16.45 19.75 12.05 32.95 32.05 18.75 16.45 21.95 19.95 39.95 32.35 15.65 27.25 13.45 17.55 18.45 13.45 KOLOREX 84294 KROEGER HERBS 80923 80919 80921 KYOLIC 40269 40270 37852 40527 40289 40277 40298 40281 40282 40330 40283 40285 40291 41345 41344 59528 40292 40297 40279 40481 41341 40253 40265 8.73 15.45 15.45 8.13 13.17 16.47 9.87 11.85 7.23 19.77 19.23 11.25 9.87 13.17 11.97 23.97 19.41 9.39 16.35 8.07 10.53 11.07 8.07 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 148 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 8.97 14.55 7.41 12.81 8.07 14.13 8.07 14.13 9.87 16.65 8.31 14.55 9.39 16.35 14.95 24.25 12.35 21.35 13.45 23.55 13.45 23.55 16.45 27.75 13.85 24.25 15.65 27.25 Lakewood Pure Aloe Pure Aloe Plus Cherry Pure Aloe Vera Gel Pure Aloe Whole Leaf Pure Aloe Pure Herbal Aloe Pure Whole Leaf Aloe 042608-470014 042608-470502 042608-470090 042608-470106 042608-125013 042608-470519 042608-125037 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 12.5 OZ 32 OZ 12.5 OZ 5.32 5.97 5.32 5.32 2.47 5.97 2.47 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.32 5.97 5.32 5.32 2.47 5.97 2.47 8.89 9.49 8.87 8.87 4.15 9.49 4.29 Brewer`s Yeast Bud, Imported Premium Brewer`s Yeast Flakes, Imported Prem Brewer`s Yeast, Imported Premium Brewer`s Yeast, Imported Premium Fabulous Fiber Fiber Yeast Lecithin 042515-435045 042515-435038 042515-435021 042515-435014 042515-435076 042515-435052 042515-435144 14 OZ 14 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 10.76 10.76 20.24 10.45 12.60 12.91 13.77 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 10.76 10.76 20.24 10.45 12.60 12.91 13.77 17.15 17.15 32.35 16.69 20.25 20.75 22.19 Morning Sickness 363113-050967 12/1 OZ 9.00 EA 9.00 15.00 Liver 363113-265965 1 OZ 10.77 EA 10.77 17.95 363113-213966 363113-215960 363113-284966 363113-216967 363113-252965 1 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 11.97 11.97 23.97 23.97 11.97 EA EA EA EA EA 11.97 11.97 23.97 23.97 11.97 19.95 19.95 39.95 47.95 19.95 363113-112962 363113-131963 363113-217964 363113-270969 363113-274967 1 OZ 8.37 1 OZ 8.37 1 OZ 11.97 1 OZ 10.77 1 OZ 10.77 EA EA EA EA EA 8.37 8.37 11.97 10.77 10.77 13.95 13.95 19.95 17.95 17.95 645951-958507 2 OZ 18.00 EA 18.00 29.99 026395-900015 90 CAP 19.16 EA 19.16 37.99 LAKEWOOD Aloe Products 46630 06830 46631 46632 46633 06831 06832 H H H H H H H LEWIS LABS 87813 87814 87811 87812 87816 s 87815 87817 LIDDELL Common Conditions Line 50080 Detox 50070 Energy Restorative Line 72457 72458 51046 72454 72459 72431 72449 72456 51048 51052 Female Sexual Energy Male Vital HGH Skin, Hair, Nails Vital HGH Weight Loss XL Homeopathic Sprays Allergy Back Pain + Sciatica Brain Energy Letting Go - Anxiety Letting Go - Feeling Overwhelmed LIFE-FLO HEALTH PRODUCTS Women`s Wellness 58103 Silica Drops LILY OF THE DESERT 45189 Glucaloe Plus ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 149 FROZEN EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA PET 8.97 14.55 7.41 12.81 8.07 14.13 8.07 14.13 9.87 16.65 8.31 14.55 9.39 16.35 GROCERY 100 CAP 90 CAP 100 TAB 200 TAB 100 CAP 200 CAP 100 CAP 200 CAP 2 OZ 2/2 OZ 100 CAP 200 CAP 100 CAP 200 CAP PERSONAL CARE 023542-105415 023542-150491 023542-100311 023542-100328 023542-100410 023542-100427 023542-104418 023542-104425 023542-100205 023542-100236 023542-103411 023542-103428 023542-106412 023542-106429 SUPPLEMENTS Antioxidant Formula 105 EPA Cardiovascular Hi PO Formula 100 Hi PO Formula 100 Hi PO Formula 100 Hi PO Formula 100 Lecithin Cholesterol Form 104 Lecithin Cholesterol Form 104 Liquid Cardiovascular, Plain Liquid Cardiovascular, Plain Vit C/Astragalus/Mush Form 103 Vit C/Astragalus/Mush Form 103 Vit E/Cayenne/Hawthorn Form 106 Vit E/Cayenne/Hawthorn Form 106 NON-FOODS 40275 40278 40256 40257 40262 40263 40273 40274 40252 40255 40271 40272 40276 40296 REFRIGERATED Aged Garlic Extract SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK Item # SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Aloe Vera Juices Condition Specific Formulas 45553 45554 45555 45282 45283 45281 Detox Stomach Stomach 026395-037506 026395-037537 026395-037544 32 OZ 11.32 16 OZ 7.50 32 OZ 11.32 EA EA EA 11.32 7.50 11.32 18.89 12.49 18.89 Function Aloe Beverage Cucumber, Cleanse Grape, Defense Lemon, Immune 026395-601165 026395-602162 026395-600168 16.2 OZ 16.2 OZ 16.2 OZ 1.92 1.92 1.92 EA EA EA 1.92 1.92 1.92 2.99 2.99 2.99 Aloe Vera Aloe Vera Aloe Vera Herbal Detoxifying Formula Herbal Stomach Formula Whole Leaf Whole Leaf 026395-100163 026395-100323 026395-101283 026395-401321 026395-400324 026395-200320 026395-201280 16 OZ 32 OZ 1 GAL 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 1 GAL 3.06 5.84 17.15 11.32 11.32 5.84 17.15 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.06 5.84 17.15 11.32 11.32 5.84 17.15 5.09 9.69 28.59 18.89 18.89 9.69 28.59 Aloe Vera Conc Whl Lf Preserv Free Aloe Vera Aloe Vera Aloe Vera Aloe Vera, Cran Apple Aloe Vera, Lemon Lime Aloe Vera, Orange Papaya Aloe Vera, Preservative Free Aloe Vera, Preservative Free Aloe Vera, Preservative Free Aloe Vera, Whole Leaf Juice Aloe Vera, Whole Leaf, Preserv Free Aloe Vera, Whole Leaf, Preserv Free Aloe Vera, Whole Leaf, Preserv Free MANGA Whole Leaf Whole Leaf 026395-850327 026395-000166 026395-000326 026395-001286 026395-810321 026395-800322 026395-820320 026395-830169 026395-830329 026395-831289 026395-850167 026395-840328 026395-840168 026395-841288 026395-700325 026395-300327 026395-301287 32 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 1 GAL 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 1 GAL 16 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 1 GAL 32 OZ 32 OZ 1 GAL 13.73 3.06 5.84 17.15 5.71 5.71 5.71 4.12 6.60 16.59 8.02 6.60 4.12 16.59 19.94 5.84 17.15 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 13.73 3.06 5.84 17.15 5.71 5.71 5.71 4.12 6.60 16.59 8.02 6.60 4.12 16.59 19.94 5.84 17.15 22.89 5.09 9.69 28.59 9.49 9.49 9.49 6.89 10.99 27.59 13.29 10.99 6.89 27.59 34.99 9.69 28.59 Calcium Calcium Children Multiple Complete Multiple Daily Multiple Daily Multiple Energy & Stress Glucosamine/Chond MSM 765462-005368 765462-005108 765462-008369 765462-700324 765462-004361 765462-004200 765462-009366 765462-006365 32 OZ 8 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 14.72 5.65 14.40 21.16 13.85 8.67 13.32 17.11 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 14.72 5.65 14.40 21.16 13.85 8.67 13.32 17.11 29.45 10.60 29.45 42.35 21.75 19.98 26.65 34.25 Hemp Oil Hemp Protein, Original Flavor Hemp Protein, Vanilla Spice 875386-000025 875386-000018 875386-000124 16.9 OZ 12.08 16 OZ 10.75 16 OZ 12.05 EA EA EA 12.08 10.75 12.05 20.15 17.89 20.09 852434-001371 852434-001418 852434-001425 852434-001388 054139-907006 054139-909000 852434-001012 3.3 OZ 3.3 OZ 7 OZ 7 OZ 6/2 OZ 10 OZ 1/12 CT EA EA EA EA CS EA EA 7.20 7.20 13.65 13.65 43.20 25.77 15.90 12.00 12.00 22.99 22.99 11.99 42.95 26.50 Gels 81481 81482 81483 81489 81488 81491 81492 Juices 81592 81485 81486 81487 81505 81502 81506 81518 81521 81597 81591 81522 81525 81598 81559 Hn 81493 81494 LIQUID HEALTH 41272 ,JK 45870 45686 45869 J 41270 n,JK 41271 n,JK 41273 ,JK 45685 LIVING HARVEST 81735 _ 81733 _ 81746 _nK MACRO LIFE NATURALS Macro Greens 58857 58853 58854 58858 45912 45911 45913 Jr Berri Red 14 Day Canister Jr Coco Greens 14 Day Canister Jr Coco Greens 30 Day Canister Jr berri Red 30 Day Canister Macro Greens 6 Pack Display Macro Greens Canister Macro Greens Single Serve Packets 7.20 7.20 13.65 13.65 7.20 25.77 15.90 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 150 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Canister 852434-001036 10 OZ 25.77 EA 25.77 42.95 697658-101052 697658-101038 697658-201011 697658-201028 60 CAP 6.51 12 OZ 6.60 8.4 OZ 6.60 16.9 OZ 11.23 EA EA EA EA 6.51 6.60 6.60 11.23 9.99 10.99 10.99 18.75 MANITOBA HARVEST ***All Liquid Oils Require Refrigeration*** Oil 44202 44200 44204 _bm 44206 _bm 42559 Hnbm 41542 41541 41813 Km 41543 _ 44207 _bm 44203 bm 42560 Hnbm 26200 m 44208 _bm Hemp Seed 1000 mg Hemp Seed Oil Hemp Seed Oil Hemp Seed Oil Protein Powder 697658-202032 697658-101090 697658-690082 697658-690037 697658-202025 697658-202018 697658-101083 697658-202049 16 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 12.80 20.39 32.54 17.51 15.76 8.76 12.00 12.80 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 12.80 20.39 32.54 17.51 15.76 8.76 12.00 12.80 21.99 33.99 53.99 29.99 26.99 14.99 19.99 21.99 Hemp Seed Nut Hemp Seed Nut 697658-101021 697658-203015 2 OZ 1.95 12 OZ 10.04 EA EA 1.95 10.04 2.95 14.99 Nutralize, Ginger Peach Nutralize, Maple Lemon 858631-002005 858631-002012 7 OZ 11.25 7 OZ 11.25 EA EA 11.25 11.25 19.95 19.95 Acusine Nasal Spray Contessa Female Tonic Wow Drops 704944-100146.50 OZ 6.59 704944-100184 8 OZ 12.51 704944-100122.32 OZ 3.93 EA EA EA 6.59 12.51 3.93 9.79 17.99 5.85 Montmorencey, Concentrate Tablets, CherriMax 836470-010061 836470-010412 16 OZ 15.00 120 TAB 20.05 EA EA 15.00 20.05 24.95 33.35 Spearmint 837654-640166 12/40 CT 3.89 CS 46.66 5.99 MARCO PHARMA 82432 82433 82435 MICHELLES MIRACLE Dietary Supplement, Tart Cherry 47089 b 47091 MINDFUL MINT 04650 MLO PRODUCTS Fitness & Energy 82931 84369 82914 82930 82939 82938 Milk & Egg Protein, All Vegetable Protein, High Fiber Rice Super High 030963-020043 030963-020012 030963-020500 030963-020036 16 OZ 14.27 16 OZ 8.60 24 OZ 11.52 16 OZ 8.60 EA EA EA EA 14.27 8.60 11.52 8.60 23.81 14.33 19.21 14.35 Chocolate Vanilla 030963-010266 030963-010242 47 OZ 13.33 47 OZ 13.33 EA EA 13.33 13.33 22.22 22.22 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.35 5.75 6.35 6.35 5.11 5.11 6.35 6.35 10.59 9.59 10.59 10.59 8.49 8.49 10.59 10.59 Mus-L Blast NATRA-BIO Bio-Allers - Natural Homeopathic Medicine 82183 82139 82185 82181 82206 82207 82182 82186 Animal Hair & Dander Children`s Allergy Relief Grass Pollen Mold, Yeast & Dust Outdoor Allergy Pet Allergy Pollen & Hayfever Tree Pollen 371400-703014 371400-712016 371400-706015 371400-702017 371400-711606 371400-709603 371400-701010 371400-707012 1 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 60 TAB 60 TAB 1 OZ 1 OZ 6.35 5.75 6.35 6.35 5.11 5.11 6.35 6.35 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 151 PERSONAL CARE 58603 58604 SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS MANUKA-GUARD GROCERY Shelled Hemp Seed SPECIALTY Dark Chocolate Hemp Pro 50 Hemp Pro 70 Hemp Pro 70 Hemp Pro Fiber Hemp Protein Powder w/Fiber Hemp Protein Powder Very Vanilla FROZEN 45916 REFRIGERATED Miracle Reds PET Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK Item # REFRIGERATED 82260 82262 82264 82246 FROZEN PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE $ SRP Allergy Cold & Flu Teething 371402-301010 371402-303014 371402-306015 1 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 5.11 5.11 5.11 EA EA EA 5.11 5.11 5.11 8.49 8.49 8.49 Children`s 371400-552049 4 OZ 4.45 EA 4.45 7.49 Adrenal Support Thyroid Support 371401-001607 371401-002604 60 TAB 60 TAB 5.11 5.11 EA EA 5.11 5.11 8.49 8.49 371401-101017 371400-543016 371401-102014 1 OZ 1 OZ 1 OZ 5.75 5.11 5.75 EA EA EA 5.75 5.11 5.75 9.59 8.49 9.59 371401-008606 371401-009603 60 TAB 60 TAB 5.11 5.11 EA EA 5.11 5.11 8.49 8.49 371401-007609 371401-011606 371401-003601 371400-183496 371401-014607 371401-012603 371401-004608 60 TAB 60 TAB 60 TAB 60 TAB 60 TAB 60 TAB 60 TAB 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 8.49 8.49 8.49 8.49 8.49 8.49 8.49 Smoking Withdrawal Stop It Smoking Lozenges 371401-016601 371400-853368 60 TAB 36 PC 5.11 8.25 EA EA 5.11 8.25 8.49 13.79 Nasal, Cold & Sinus Nasal, Sinus & Allergy Sore Throat 371400-557112.8 OZ 371400-708019.8 OZ 371400-556047 4 OZ 6.35 6.35 5.11 EA EA EA 6.35 6.35 5.11 10.59 10.59 8.49 Cough Syrup Glandulars 82594 82595 82640 82187 82641 82601 82602 82600 82634 82596 83055 82637 82635 82597 82639 82107 Liquid Remedies Adrenal Support Allergy Relief Thyroid Support Premium Tablets Allergy & Sinus Relief Migraine Relief Remedies, Tablets Allergy Relief Bio Pain Relief Cold & Flu Relief Hot Flashes/Menopause Insomnia Relief Leg Cramps Sinus Relief Smoking Cessation Aids Sprays 82113 82101 82100 NATREN (Refrigeration required) SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Children`s Naturals 40458 40450 40466 40437 42196 40432 40433 40439 40456 40440 40454 40451 40452 Bifido Fact Life Start II (Adults) Bifido Factor, ND Bifido Factor, ND Gastro-pH Natural Strawberry Gy Na Tren Oral/Vaginal Kit, 2 Pc Healthy Start System, DF Healthy Trinity Healthy Trinity, DF Life Start (Infants) Megadophilus Megadophilus Megadophilus, DF Megadophilus, DF 052557-302502 052557-850607 052557-751751 052557-471901 052557-910141 052557-601261 052557-600141 052557-600301 052557-501257 052557-100603 052557-102508 052557-800602 052557-701756 2.5 OZ 60 CAP 1.75 OZ 90 CT 1 KIT 1 KIT 14 CAP 30 CAP 1.25 OZ 60 CAP 2.5 OZ 60 CAP 1.75 OZ 14.37 15.57 14.97 13.17 16.17 21.57 19.18 37.78 10.17 15.57 14.37 15.57 14.97 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 14.37 15.57 14.97 13.17 16.17 21.57 19.18 37.78 10.17 15.57 14.37 15.57 14.97 23.95 25.95 24.95 21.95 26.95 35.95 31.95 62.95 16.95 25.95 23.95 25.95 24.95 Glucosimine & Chondroitin MSM Saf 047469-002282 047469-005207 90 TAB 17.01 90 CAP 19.51 EA EA 17.01 19.51 28.35 31.99 Green Tea 500 mg 047469-008925 60 CAP 7.00 EA 7.00 11.65 047469-051051 2/60 TAB 5.51 EA 5.51 11.05 30 CAP 10.00 EA 10.00 20.55 NATROL 45464 43125 BodyGuards SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description 41317 Buy One Get One Free (See Your Natrol Rep.) 41246 Melatonin 3 mg BOGO Diet Aids & Fiber Formulas 40949 5-HTP 100mg 047469-040932 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 152 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 12.00 12.00 13.00 11.00 14.00 10.00 8.00 5.51 5.51 23.99 24.49 25.99 19.59 23.85 19.69 15.99 9.99 10.89 Easy C Regenerating Cmplx 500mg Easy-C 1000mg with Bios Easy-C 1000mg with Bios Easy-C 500mg Easy-C Complete with Bios 500mg Easy-C Complete with Bios 500mg Easy-C Complete with Bios 500mg Easy-C with Bios 500mg Easy-C with Bios 500mg Easy-C with Bios 500mg 047469-062729 28 CT 412.00 047469-051105 90 VTAB 10.00 047469-051112 120 VTAB 12.00 047469-051426 225 VTAB 11.00 047469-051341 180 VCAP 19.00 047469-051358 60 VCAP 9.00 047469-051365 120 VCAP 14.00 047469-051075 225 VTAB 12.00 047469-051006 60 VCAP 6.00 047469-051020 120 VCAP 10.00 CS 412.00 823.72 EA 10.00 19.99 EA 12.00 23.99 EA 11.00 21.89 EA 19.00 37.89 EA 9.00 17.95 EA 14.00 27.89 EA 12.00 23.99 EA 6.00 11.99 EA 10.00 19.99 500 mg Formula 091603-120004 200 CAP 14.00 EA 14.00 24.85 CoQ10 50mg 047469-161095 45 SGEL 11.00 EA 11.00 19.99 047469-007652 047469-007683 047469-008000 047469-007706 047469-007720 60 TAB 9.00 60 CAP 9.43 90 CAP 6.00 30 CAP 6.00 90 CAP 15.51 EA EA EA EA EA 9.00 9.43 6.00 6.00 15.51 17.99 18.89 10.15 11.89 30.29 12.50 13.51 12.50 13.51 7.50 9.51 9.50 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 12.50 13.51 12.50 13.51 7.50 9.51 9.50 24.99 26.39 24.99 26.39 14.99 18.75 18.99 Easy-C 59400 47077 47078 47068 47069 47074 47075 47083 47085 47086 GarliPure 41422 09716 Heart Health Herbal Products 41252 41254 40989 40987 40988 40945 40946 41013 41014 40936 41028 41235 41215 Ginkgo Biloba 120 mg Ginkgo Biloba 120 mg Guarana Gymnema Sylvestre Gymnema Sylvestre My Favorite Multiples Adult Adult Adult, w/o Iron Adult, w/o Iron Energizer Take One Multi Vitamin Take One w/o Iron 047469-004224 047469-004323 047469-004248 047469-004347 047469-004774 047469-004262 047469-004286 120 TAB 180 CAP 120 TAB 180 CAP 60 TAB 60 TAB 60 TAB My Favorite Supplements CoQ10 100 mg 047469-002862 30 CAP 13.51 EA 13.51 23.25 DHT Blocker Hair Regrowth System for Men Hair Regrowth for Men Thinning Hair Serum 733530-055546 733530-420009 733530-055539 733530-470004 60 TAB 1 KIT 60 TAB 3.1 OZ 21.99 27.49 21.99 13.74 EA EA EA EA 21.99 27.49 21.99 13.74 39.99 49.99 39.99 24.99 30 CAP 8.00 60 CAP 14.51 60 VCAP 7.00 30 CAP 7.00 60 TAB 6.50 30 BEAD 9.00 100 TAB 6.50 120 CAP 18.00 120 TAB 12.00 60 TAB 4.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 8.00 14.51 7.00 7.00 6.50 9.00 6.50 18.00 12.00 4.00 15.95 27.85 13.99 13.99 12.99 17.99 12.99 36.75 23.65 7.99 NuHair 51576 51578 51574 51577 41292 41415 40831 49095 52296 40941 52292 41323 40999 40851 Specialty Products 5 HTP 50 mg 5 HTP 50 mg Acai 1000 mg Acai Weekend Cleanse Advanced Sleep Melatonin,10mg BioBeads Probiotic Acidophilus Biotin, 10000mg CetylPure China Chlorella 500 mg Cholesterol Balance w/ Beta Sitosterol 300 mg 047469-008840 047469-008833 047469-048136 047469-055301 047469-059644 047469-040420 047469-053963 047469-161729 047469-007225 047469-009267 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 153 BULK REFRIGERATED 12.00 12.00 13.00 11.00 14.00 10.00 8.00 5.51 5.51 FROZEN 047469-060817 047469-161767 047469-001308 047469-009861 047469-003326 047469-001261 080987-061973 080987-058096 047469-009359 PET Carb Intercept 3 Carb Intercept w/Phase 2,500mg Citrimax Plus w/Chromemate MSM 250mg/Gluscoamine Sulfate 250mg Oat Bran Fiber 850 mg Pure Citramax Super Dieter`s Fast Dissolve Super Dieter`s Tea Acai Berry WaterPill GROCERY 60 CAP 60 CAP 90 CAP 180 CAP 360 TAB 90 CAP 30 TAB 30 BAG 60 TAB $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 59246 43123 40928 41404 43122 41048 55155 40009 41401 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED 40992 40924 40866 40875 40876 41232 41486 41284 41420 40840 41478 41288 40996 40997 41182 41183 46947 40735 40871 40874 40870 52294 41383 52290 52298 41387 40846 40845 40719 40729 43353 40959 40885 41012 43749 JK 40889 52297 42504 48500 41351 41352 41354 41350 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Chromemate 200 mcg CoQ10 30 mg DHEA 10 mg DHEA 25 mg DHEA 25 mg DHEA 25 mg DHEA 50 mg Digest Support Kava Kava 200 mg MSM + Glucosamine Double Strength MSM w/ Glucosamine Creme MSM, 500mg Melatonin 1 mg Melatonin 1 mg Melatonin 3 mg Melatonin 3 mg Melatonin 5mg Time Release Melatonin Liquid Melatonin Liquid Melatonin Time Release 1 mg Melatonin Time Release 3 mg Minus 10, 300mg Omega 3 1000 mg Omega-3 Krill Oil, 1000mg Omega-3 Krill Oil, 500mg Quercitin 250 mg SAMe 200 mg Sleep N Restore Tonalin CLA, 1200 mg Tonalin CLA, 1200mg EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 047469-005429 047469-002824 047469-005948 047469-005900 047469-005894 047469-005979 047469-161064 047469-008857 047469-009496 047469-161286 047469-160326 047469-008888 047469-004651 047469-004668 047469-005108 047469-005115 047469-048372 047469-044084 047469-004576 047469-004675 047469-004583 047469-061425 047469-009298 047469-061388 047469-061050 047469-009083 047469-161415 047469-005023 047469-008635 047469-008642 90 TAB 60 CAP 30 TAB 90 CAP 30 CAP 90 TAB 60 TAB 60 CAP 30 CAP 90 TAB 4 OZ 60 CAP 90 TAB 180 TAB 60 TAB 120 TAB 100 TAB 8 OZ 2 OZ 90 TAB 100 TAB 120 TAB 60 SGEL 30 SGEL 30 SGEL 50 CAP 20 TAB 20 TAB 60 SGEL 90 SGEL 7.00 11.00 3.00 13.51 5.00 8.51 6.18 7.00 6.00 7.51 8.00 5.51 4.51 7.51 5.51 9.51 6.00 7.51 4.51 5.00 5.00 29.99 4.51 15.51 10.50 6.00 14.00 4.50 11.00 15.51 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.00 11.00 3.00 13.51 5.00 8.51 6.18 7.00 6.00 7.51 8.00 5.51 4.51 7.51 5.51 9.51 6.00 7.51 4.51 5.00 5.00 29.99 4.51 15.51 10.50 6.00 14.00 4.50 11.00 15.51 13.65 19.05 6.09 26.39 9.99 16.75 11.99 13.69 11.99 14.25 12.95 10.89 9.05 14.25 11.05 18.79 11.99 14.95 8.99 10.29 8.85 49.99 9.25 29.99 19.99 10.35 23.85 8.99 22.35 31.05 5-HTP Time Release 100 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid 600mg Iron, Liquid Supplement Kid`s Companion Liq Multi, Trop Berry MaquiBerry, 1,000mg Multi Vitamin, Liquid Supplement Vitamin D3, 10000 IU 047469-052287 047469-044725 047469-004620 047469-004729 047469-058753 047469-004644 047469-060145 45 TAB 30 CAP 8 OZ 8 OZ 60 VCAP 8 OZ 60 TAB 11.00 7.00 11.00 11.00 8.50 12.51 6.50 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 11.00 7.00 11.00 11.00 8.50 12.51 6.50 21.99 13.99 21.99 18.35 16.99 24.59 12.99 Complete Balance, AM/PM Menopause Formula Esselence Hair Hot Flashex Menopause Formula Skin/Hair/Nails Soy Isoflavone 047469-030018 30+30 CAP 11.00 047469-058869 50 TAB 7.00 047469-030087 60 TAB 9.75 047469-030001 60 CAP 8.51 047469-030100 60 CAP 8.51 047469-009250 60 CAP 4.51 EA EA EA EA EA EA 11.00 7.00 9.75 8.51 8.51 4.51 19.99 13.99 19.39 16.99 16.99 9.25 079911-027079 079911-027086 079911-027024 079911-024016 079911-024023 079911-026010 079911-025129 079911-025136 079911-025181 079911-025198 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 11.25 20.25 14.31 11.25 20.25 11.25 11.25 20.25 11.25 20.25 18.75 33.75 23.85 18.75 33.75 18.75 18.75 33.75 18.75 33.75 Vitamin, Mineral & Amino Acids Formulas Women`s Line NATURADE PRODUCTS, INC. Protein Powders 85115 85123 85117 58169 58170 58769 85124 58176 58179 58180 100% Soy, Natural 100% Soy, Natural 100% Whey, Vanilla N-R-G, Vanilla, Unsweetened N-R-G, Vanilla, Unsweetened Pea, Vanilla VEG, Natural Vegetable, Original Vegetable, Soy Free Vegetable, Soy Free 14.8 OZ 29.6 OZ 12 OZ 16 OZ 30 OZ 15.66 OZ 15 OZ 2 LB 16 OZ 32 OZ 11.25 20.25 14.31 11.25 20.25 11.25 11.25 20.25 11.25 20.25 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 154 58188 58183 58234 58309 58161 58162 58159 58160 58187 58239 58155 59042 59043 Weight Gain, SF Weight Gain, SF, Van 079911-026614 079911-026638 18 OZ 9.58 40 OZ 17.98 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP EA EA 9.58 17.98 15.95 29.95 Specialty Formulas Expectorant, Children`s Expectorant, Children`s Herbal Expectorant II Herbal Expectorant II Herbal Expectorant Herbal Expectorant K.B. 11 Nasal Spray, Saline & Aloe Softex, Stool Softener 079911-034886 079911-034893 079911-034855 079911-034862 079911-034817 079911-034824 079911-033230 079911-034992 079911-032417 4.2 OZ 8.8 OZ 4.2 OZ 8.8 OZ 4.2 OZ 8.8 OZ 120 TAB 1.5 OZ 60 TAB 4.67 7.49 4.67 7.49 4.67 7.49 5.94 5.63 5.75 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.67 7.49 4.67 7.49 4.67 7.49 5.94 5.63 5.75 7.79 12.49 7.79 12.49 7.79 12.49 9.89 9.39 9.59 Bavarian Chocolate French Vanilla 079911-023019 079911-023026 17.88 OZ 17.88 OZ 8.97 9.51 EA EA 8.97 9.51 14.95 15.85 Anxiety Relief Appetite Suppressant BluesStop NerveFix Reflux Away Ring Stop Ear Drops RingStop SinuFix Mist SleepFix Vein Gard Cream 705692-415254 120 TAB 705692-382600 60 CAP 705692-575378 60 VCAP 705692-314601 60 CAP 705692-417609 60 CAP 705692-504804.5 OZ 705692-504606 60 CAP 705692-391152.5 OZ 705692-355000 60 CAP 705692-525205 2.25 OZ 9.51 8.91 16.20 18.91 12.65 10.80 18.91 9.55 12.65 12.65 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.51 8.91 16.20 18.91 12.65 10.80 18.91 9.55 12.65 12.65 15.89 14.89 26.99 31.49 20.99 17.99 31.49 15.99 20.99 20.99 Soothing Mint Soothing Orange For Kids 334362-002182 334362-000225 3.75 OZ 3.75 OZ 5.99 5.99 EA EA 5.99 5.99 9.99 9.99 068958-018058 90 CAP 10.00 EA 10.00 19.95 Assorted Flavors Blueberry, Raspberry & Boysenberry Blueberry, Raspberry & Boysenberry Tangy Orange 068958-013329 068958-013268 068958-013275 068958-013305 90 TAB 7.00 90 TAB 7.00 180 WFR 12.00 90 TAB 7.00 EA EA EA EA 7.00 7.00 12.00 7.00 12.95 12.95 22.95 12.95 All Adrenal Raw Adrenal Raw Thyroid 726511-254601 726511-245609 726511-252607 60 CAP 6.02 60 TAB 6.02 60 TAB 10.27 EA EA EA 6.02 6.02 10.27 12.00 12.00 20.50 7.50 EA 7.50 12.50 Total Soy BULK Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description REFRIGERATED Item # FROZEN NATURAL DENTIST Throat Spray 89032 89033 NATURAL FACTORS Acidophilus Capsules 82822 Acidophilus & Bifidum w/Goat Milk, Dbl Strength Fruit Chewable Vitamin C 500 mg 82844 82838 82839 82842 NATURAL SOURCE Glandulars 81587 81578 81585 GROCERY PERSONAL CARE 50477 n 50469 50402 50467 50468 50425 50470 50473 50496 50476 SUPPLEMENTS PET NATURAL CARE 45755 Gentle Care Gripe Water 742961-040137 4 OZ Herbal Iron Herbal Iron 020065-500031 020065-500048 8.5 OZ 10.79 17 OZ 17.09 EA EA 10.79 17.09 17.99 28.49 020065-100026 020065-100033 020065-100040 020065-100071 3.38 OZ 6.89 8.45 OZ 14.09 16.9 OZ 23.39 33.8 OZ 36.59 EA EA EA EA 6.89 14.09 23.39 36.59 11.49 23.49 38.99 60.99 NATUREWORKS Herbal Iron 59120 59121 59101 59102 59103 59104 Swedish Bitters Liquid Swedish Bitters Swedish Bitters Swedish Bitters Swedish Bitters ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 155 SPECIALTY NON-FOODS NATURAL TREASURES BULK Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED NATURE`S ANSWER 48239 41759 41153 NON-FOODS 083000-261473 083000-017209 60 VCAP 8.40 1 KIT 16.79 EA EA 8.40 16.79 13.99 27.99 Alcohol Free Liquid Combinations Echinacea Goldenseal 083000-007590 1 OZ 6.49 EA 6.49 12.99 083000-006289 083000-006456 083000-006517 083000-261886 083000-260469 1 OZ 11.00 1 OZ 7.00 1 OZ 16.49 2 OZ 5.00 4 OZ 7.97 EA EA EA EA EA 11.00 7.00 16.49 5.00 7.97 21.99 13.99 32.99 9.99 15.95 083000-260407 4 OZ 7.48 EA 7.48 14.95 60 VCAP 19.00 EA 19.00 37.99 7.48 EA 7.48 14.95 083000-261749 083000-261732 16 OZ 10.00 16 OZ 9.00 EA EA 10.00 9.00 19.99 17.99 083000-165207 16 OZ 11.99 EA 11.99 19.99 083000-164958 083000-017285 083000-017247 083000-261336 90 CAP 12.50 8 OZ 10.20 16 OZ 7.79 60 VCAP 6.00 EA EA EA EA 12.50 10.20 7.79 6.00 24.99 16.99 12.99 9.99 717567-100547 717567-100103 717567-100158 717567-100202 717567-100523 717567-100516 717567-100141 717567-100554 717567-100530 60 VCAP 60 VCAP 60 VCAP 1.1 LB 60 VCAP 60 VCAP 60 VCAP 60 VCAP 60 VCAP 11.93 11.43 11.43 14.45 12.32 11.43 11.43 11.97 6.63 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 11.93 11.43 11.43 14.45 12.32 11.43 11.43 11.97 6.63 19.89 18.99 18.99 23.99 20.49 18.99 18.99 19.89 10.99 030054-001159 030054-001166 030054-002415 100 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 9.04 9.04 4.82 EA EA EA 9.04 9.04 4.82 18.09 18.09 9.65 Pomegranate Extract 030054-350196 60 CAP 9.63 EA 9.63 19.25 Acai Fruit 027434-031660 60 CAP 9.12 EA 9.12 18.25 Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Aloe Vera Astragalus Bitter Melon Cascara Sagrada Cat`s Claw 030054-002040 100 CAP 030054-002002 50 SGEL 030054-002064 100 CAP 030054-002125 100 CAPS 030054-002262 100 CAP 030054-002293 100 CAP 6.03 5.66 5.42 7.54 5.12 5.72 EA EA EA EA EA EA 6.03 5.66 5.42 7.54 5.12 5.72 12.05 11.35 9.05 15.09 10.25 11.45 Alcohol Free Liquid Extracts 41117 41180 41052 45194 81975 b 80088 Golden Seal Root Milk Thistle Oil of Oregano Sambucus Extract Spray Sambucus Immune Support Alcohol Free Liquid Extracts, Super Concentrated Sambucus (Black Elder Berry) Antioxidant Food Supplements 48346 Reservatrol, 250mg 083000-261794 Sambucus Kids Formula 083000-260445 For Children 81976 b 4 OZ Liquid Formulas 48349 48344 80000 Liquid Fiber Liquid Magnesium Glycinate Special Herb Products Chia Seeds Specialty Items 41105 48348 48345 48347 Red Yeast Rice 600 mg Tru Cleanse Chia Fiber Plus #3 Tru Cleanse Detoxicant #1 Vitamin D Complex, 2000 IU NATURE`S FORMULARY Ayurvedic Herbs 42543 78740 78741 78742 78752 78753 78747 42528 78754 Arjuna Ashwagandha Boswellia Serrata Chyawanprash Guggul Gymnema Picorrhiza Shankpushpi Triphala NATURE`S HERBS Herb Master`s Original Formula 80107 79930 80111 79915 SPECIALTY Daily Digestive Enzymes Tru Cleanse 3 Part Kit Echinacea & Goldenseal Elderberry, Echinacea & Goldenseal Fenugreek Thyme Herbal Extracts Power Herbs 57948 Single Herbs 80196 80195 80197 89525 80206 79939 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 156 5.44 12.07 5.36 7.24 5.31 4.82 4.82 7.24 5.24 14.48 6.63 5.14 4.99 5.24 10.85 24.15 10.75 14.49 10.65 9.65 9.65 14.49 10.49 28.99 13.29 10.25 9.99 10.49 030054-002255 030054-010991 030054-012605 030054-011899 100 CP 5.62 60 CAP 6.03 50 CAP 10.86 60 CAP 6.34 EA EA EA EA 5.62 6.03 10.86 6.34 11.19 12.05 19.29 12.65 7.12 14.27 8.77 13.17 16.47 11.97 8.29 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.12 14.27 8.77 13.17 16.47 11.97 8.29 12.95 25.95 15.95 23.95 29.95 21.95 14.95 5.00 5.51 EA EA 5.00 5.51 9.99 10.99 033674-154182 033674-143704 033674-153345 60 CT 8.26 90 SGEL 10.50 180 SGEL 19.50 EA EA EA 8.26 10.50 19.50 16.49 17.49 32.49 033674-156407 60 VCAP 13.51 EA 13.51 26.99 Aloelax Change O Life Echinacea Combo GSR Echinacea Ester C Naturalax 2 Naturalax 3 Silent Night 033674-009000 033674-116081 033674-004159 033674-004173 033674-009208 033674-009307 033674-004012 100 CAP 180 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 5.00 7.51 8.75 5.75 5.26 4.75 5.26 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.00 7.51 8.75 5.75 5.26 4.75 5.26 9.99 14.99 17.49 11.49 10.49 9.49 10.49 Alfa Max Alfalfa Leaves (COG) Aloe Vera Astragalus Astragalus Berries 585 mg Black Cohosh Black Cohosh Black Cohosh 033674-020111 100 CAP 033674-101001 100 CAP 033674-101506 100 CAP 033674-151808 100 VCAP 033674-101803 100 CAP 033674-167502 100 CAP 033674-151792 100 VCAP 033674-105009 100 CAP 033674-606001 60 TAB 5.00 4.26 5.26 5.51 5.26 7.51 5.00 4.75 5.51 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.00 4.26 5.26 5.51 5.26 7.51 5.00 4.75 5.51 9.99 8.49 10.49 10.99 10.49 14.99 9.99 9.49 10.99 Standardized Power Herbs Celery Seed Celery Seed Milk Thistle 540 mg Veno Care NATURE`S SECRET Cleanse Platform 70205 70208 70209 70210 70206 70201 70202 15-Day Weight Loss, Cleanse & Flush Multi Fiber Super Cleanse Super Cleanse Ultimate Cleanse Ultimate Liver Cleanse Ultimate Respiratory Cleanse 710363-255541 60 CT 732391-500851 275 CT 732391-500837 100 CAP 732391-501339 200 TAB 732391-500820 2/120 TAB 710363-255596 60 CT 710363-255602 60 CT Calcium & Magnesium 500 mg/250 mg W/Magnesium & Zinc 033674-413104 033674-414101 NATURE`S WAY Calcium 87702 87704 88367 86091 87611 88182 100 CAP 100 CAP Essential Fatty Acids EPO Cold Pressed 1300 mg. Fisol Fish Oil Fisol Fish Oil Herbal Extracts - Standardized Standardized Hoodia Herbal Formulas 86210 86375 86338 86339 : 86207 86209 86366 86247 86246 : 86248 86223 86249 86437 86224 86254 88345 Herbal Singles ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 157 BULK REFRIGERATED EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA FROZEN 100 CAP 5.44 100 CAP 12.07 100 CAP 5.36 100 CAP 7.24 100 CAP 5.31 100 CAP 4.82 100 CAP 4.82 100 CAP 7.24 100 CAP 5.24 250 CAP 14.48 100 CAP 6.63 100 CAP 5.14 100 CAP 4.99 100 CAP 5.24 PET 43169 79911 80061 81810 030054-002224 030054-002309 030054-002422 030054-003115 030054-002514 030054-002477 030054-002453 030054-002606 030054-003504 030054-072760 030054-002767 030054-002637 027434-034029 030054-002927 GROCERY Cayenne Cranberry Juice Concentrate Dandelion Root Dong Quai, Chinese Eletheroccus Senticosus Fenugreek Seed Ginger Maca Pau D` Arco Saw Palmetto Berries Saw Palmetto Sea Kelp Valerian Root 475 mg White Willow $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 80207 80215 80217 80219 80237 80228 80232 80146 80253 81800 80260 80246 81520 80270 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK REFRIGERATED FROZEN PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY Item # 86255 86256 : 86257 : 86258 86259 86124 86260 : 86261 86264 86266 86983 86267 86268 86269 86270 86272 : 86376 87005 86273 86226 86275 86395 86276 86278 86279 86381 86282 86283 86284 86285 86288 86289 88439 86290 86293 86387 86296 86297 : 86299 86301 86304 86305 86308 86310 86312 86314 86317 86393 86318 86320 86321 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Black Walnut Hulls Blessed Thistle Herb (COG) Burdock Root (COG) Butchers Broom Cascara Sagrada Cat`s Claw Bark 540 mg Catnip Herb (COG) Cayenne Pepper Chlorella Cranberry Fruit Cranberry Damiana Leaves Dandelion Root Devils Claw Root Dong Quai Root Echinacea Herb (COG) Echinacea Herb (COG) Elderberry Eyebright Herb Fenugreek Seed Fenugreek Seed Fenugreek Seed Feverfew Garlic Cloves Ginger Root Ginger Root Ginseng, Korean White Ginseng, Siberian Glucomannan Goldenseal Herb Gotu Kola Herb Hawthorn Berries Hops Flowers Horsetail Grass Kelp Kelp Licorice Root Marshmallow Root Nettle Herb Pau d`Arco Red Clover Blossom Red Raspberry Leaves Schizandra Fruit Senna Leaves Slippery Elm Bark St. John`s Wort Valerian Root Valerian Root Vitex White Willow Bark Wild Yam 033674-106006 100 CAP 033674-107003 100 CAP 033674-112007 100 CAP 033674-112502 100 CAP 033674-113004 100 CAP 033674-114506 100 CAP 033674-114001 100 CAP 033674-115008 100 CAP 033674-118504 100 CAP 033674-121504 100 CAP 033674-150207 60 TAB 033674-122006 100 CAP 033674-123003 100 CAP 033674-123508 100 CAP 033674-123805 100 CAP 033674-124000 100 CAP 033674-124086 180 CAP 033674-124406 100 CAP 033674-125007 100 CAP 033674-151747 100 VCAP 033674-128008 100 CAP 033674-146101 180 CAP 033674-128503 100 CAP 033674-130001 100 CAP 033674-131008 100 CAP 033674-131084 180 CAP 033674-134009 50 CAP 033674-135006 100 CAP 033674-136751 100 CAP 033674-137000 100 CAP 033674-140000 100 CAP 033674-141007 100 CAP 033674-141557 100 CAP 033674-143001 100 CAP 033674-145005 100 CAP 033674-145081 180 CAP 033674-146002 100 CAP 033674-148006 100 CAP 033674-151501 100 CAP 033674-154502 100 CAP 033674-160008 100 CAP 033674-161005 100 CAP 033674-168004 100 CAP 033674-170007 100 CAP 033674-171004 100 CAP 033674-173008 100 CAP 033674-177006 100 CAP 033674-177082 180 CAP 033674-117507 100 CAP 033674-178508 100 CAP 033674-178706 100 CAP 4.75 4.75 5.00 4.51 4.75 5.26 4.51 4.51 9.26 7.00 5.26 4.51 4.75 5.26 7.26 5.75 8.51 6.00 5.26 4.75 4.51 6.51 6.00 4.51 4.51 7.00 7.00 4.75 8.51 6.51 4.75 4.51 3.00 4.75 4.26 6.00 4.51 5.00 4.75 4.51 4.51 5.00 5.26 4.51 4.75 5.51 4.51 6.75 4.00 4.75 4.75 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.75 4.75 5.00 4.51 4.75 5.26 4.51 4.51 9.26 7.00 5.26 4.51 4.75 5.26 7.26 5.75 8.51 6.00 5.26 4.75 4.51 6.51 6.00 4.51 4.51 7.00 7.00 4.75 8.51 6.51 4.75 4.51 3.00 4.75 4.26 6.00 4.51 5.00 4.75 4.51 4.51 5.00 5.26 4.51 4.75 5.51 4.51 6.75 4.00 4.75 4.75 9.49 9.49 9.99 8.99 9.49 10.49 8.99 8.99 18.49 13.99 10.49 8.99 9.49 10.49 14.49 11.49 16.99 11.99 10.49 9.49 8.99 12.99 11.99 8.99 8.99 13.99 13.99 9.49 16.99 12.99 9.49 8.99 5.99 9.49 8.49 11.99 8.99 9.99 9.49 8.99 8.99 9.99 10.49 8.99 9.49 10.99 8.99 13.49 7.99 9.49 9.49 Boron Chromium Picolinate Magnesium Complex 500 mg Potassium 99 mg Selenium 200 mcg Zinc 30 mg 033674-411018 033674-410318 033674-410516 033674-410714 033674-410813 033674-410912 3.51 4.75 4.51 3.75 4.51 3.51 EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.51 4.75 4.51 3.75 4.51 3.51 6.99 9.49 8.99 7.49 8.99 6.99 Minerals 87699 87691 87694 87696 87697 87698 100 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 158 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 20.99 13.00 13.00 14.51 13.00 13.00 14.51 9.50 13.50 13.50 7.50 34.99 25.99 25.99 28.99 25.99 25.99 28.99 18.99 26.99 26.99 14.99 Natural Remedies Sambucus For Kids Sambucus Immune Lozenge Sambucus Immune Sambucus Immune Sambucus Original Lozenge Sambucus Original Sambucus Original Sambucus Sugar Free Sambucus Sugar Free Zinc Lozenges 033674-069738 033674-140024 033674-069745 033674-153338 033674-140017 033674-069707 033674-153321 033674-069714 033674-153314 033674-410929 4 OZ 9.30 30 CT 8.70 4 OZ 9.89 8 OZ 18.59 30 CT 8.70 4 OZ 9.30 8 OZ 17.39 4 OZ 9.30 8 OZ 17.39 60 LOZ 3.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.30 8.70 9.89 18.59 8.70 9.30 17.39 9.30 17.39 3.00 15.49 14.49 16.49 30.99 14.49 15.49 28.99 15.49 28.99 5.99 Flax Oil Super Lignan Liquid Flax Oil Mega EFA Blend 1350 Mg. 033674-154281 033674-154267 033674-154403 16 OZ 8.51 16 OZ 8.26 90 CT 13.19 EA EA EA 8.51 8.26 13.19 16.99 16.49 21.99 Ginkgold Bonus 033674-152683 150 TAB 24.30 EA 24.30 40.49 Alive Ultra Shake, Vanilla Alive Van Shake Rice & Pea Protein Alive! Rice Pea Vanilla Shake Reset Wt. Loss Mix, Vanilla 033674-153895 033674-155448 033674-155455 033674-157305 1.3 LB 1.3 LB 2.2 LB 1.4 LB 15.59 15.59 24.59 24.59 EA EA EA EA 15.59 15.59 24.59 24.59 25.99 25.99 40.99 40.99 Bifidus Chewables, Cherry Children`s Orange Chewables Primadophilus Probifia Pearls Primadophilus Primadophilus Reuteri 033674-068601 033674-142431 033674-068816 033674-142424 033674-151242 033674-068007 033674-068502 033674-142400 90 CAP 30 TAB 5 OZ 30 TAB 30 CT 90 CAP 180 CAP 30 CT 11.51 4.50 9.00 4.50 10.79 10.51 18.26 6.90 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 11.51 4.50 9.00 4.50 10.79 10.51 18.26 6.90 22.99 7.49 17.99 7.49 17.99 20.99 36.49 11.49 033674-452400 033674-452509 033674-451717 033674-020708 033674-020203 033674-792001 033674-153413 358008-035013 358008-035020 358008-035501 033674-148105 033674-148501 033674-147931 30 TAB 5.00 60 TAB 9.51 100 CAP 5.51 100 CAP 5.51 100 CAP 5.00 90 CAP 7.26 90 SGEL 16.51 16 OZ 7.50 16 OZ 7.50 90 CAP 8.99 60 CAP 11.00 120 CAP 20.00 60 TAB 7.51 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.00 9.51 5.51 5.51 5.00 7.26 16.51 7.50 7.50 8.99 11.00 20.00 7.51 9.99 18.99 10.99 10.99 9.99 14.49 32.99 12.49 12.49 14.99 21.99 39.99 14.99 Oils 88371 88370 88372 86056 Phyto Supplements Powders 88379 88185 89490 56806 Primadophilus 86130 86076 86132 86075 82681 86128 86129 86398 88357 88358 87721 86152 86153 88336 87610 86213 86214 86212 86985 86986 86978 Specialty Products 5 HTP 50 mg 5 HTP 50 mg Activ Charcoal From Ind Hardwood Activated Charcoal Bee Pollen Blood Sugar CLA One Chlorofresh Liquid Mint Chlorofresh Liquid Natural Chlorofresh Dim Plus Dim Plus Garden Veggies ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 159 FROZEN EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA PET 20.99 13.00 13.00 14.51 13.00 13.00 14.51 9.50 13.50 13.50 7.50 GROCERY 30 OZ 60 TAB 60 TAB 90 TAB 60 TAB 60 TAB 90 TAB 60 TAB 90 TAB 90 TAB 90 VCAP PERSONAL CARE 85493 b 85499 b 85492 b 85496 b 85498 b 85491 b 85495 b 85494 b 85497 b 88346 033674-153956 033674-156919 033674-156858 033674-155424 033674-156926 033674-156865 033674-155431 033674-149263 033674-149270 033674-149317 033674-150924 SUPPLEMENTS Alive! Liquid Alive! Mens 50+ Multi Vitamin Alive! Mens Multi Vitamin Alive! Mens Multi Vitamin Alive! Womens 50+ Multi Vitamin Alive! Womens Multi Vitamin Alive! Womens Multi Vitamin Alive Alive Alive, No Iron Added Alive, No Iron Added NON-FOODS 89149 84292 84290 89959 84293 84291 89962 86965 86966 86959 86973 REFRIGERATED Multi Vitamins & Minerals SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK Item # PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED 87627 82483 82484 88342 86107 86982 87718 82480 82683 86101 86100 82685 86103 86102 82687 82689 82690 88385 88388 88408 88305 88418 86023 86229 88311 88312 88313 86066 88317 88318 88319 86231 88321 86232 88352 86233 86030 88323 88324 88411 88328 88329 88331 88332 SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Glucosamine HCI Form Hydraplenish, Hyaluronic Acid w/MSM Hydraplenish, Hyaluronic Acid Leg Veins Melatonin Sublingual Lozenge 500 mcg Pepogest Prenatal Complete Sytrinol Cholesterol Control Umcka Cold Care Chewable, Cherry Umcka Cold Care Drops, Umcka Cold Care Drops, Original Umcka Cold Care Hot Drink, Lemon Umcka Cold Care Syrup, Cherry Umcka Cold Care Syrup, Menthol Umcka Cold+Flu Chewable, Berry Umcka Cold+Flu Syrup, Berry Umcka Cold+Flu Syrup, Orange Umcka Drops, Alcochol Free Umcka Syrup, Grape, SF, 99% AF EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 033674-451915 033674-156032 033674-156018 033674-792704 033674-491119 033674-145371 033674-451304 033674-155707 033674-151440 033674-152713 033674-152706 033674-151464 033674-152737 033674-152720 033674-151594 033674-151488 033674-151495 033674-157916 033674-157947 90 CAP 60 VCAP 60 VCAP 60 CAP 100 CT 60 SGEL 180 CAP 60 SGEL 20 TAB 1 OZ 1 OZ 10 CT 4 OZ 4 OZ 20 TAB 4 OZ 4 OZ 2 OZ 4 OZ 9.75 14.51 11.75 6.00 4.00 7.00 12.00 16.19 9.30 9.30 9.30 6.30 9.30 9.30 10.19 10.19 10.19 17.39 9.30 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.75 14.51 11.75 6.00 4.00 7.00 12.00 16.19 9.30 9.30 9.30 6.30 9.30 9.30 10.19 10.19 10.19 17.39 9.30 19.49 28.99 23.49 11.99 7.99 13.99 23.99 26.99 15.49 15.49 15.49 10.49 15.49 15.49 16.99 16.99 16.99 28.99 15.49 Artichoke Bilberry Boswellia Cinnamon Cranberry Echinacea FeverFew Ginkgo Grape Seed Gymnema Hawthorn Horsechestnut Milk Thistle Milk Thistle Olive Leaf Olive Leaf Oregano Oil Red Yeast Rice Reishi Saw Palmetto Soy Isoflavone St. John`s Wort Turmeric Valerian White Willow Bark 033674-646007 033674-605103 033674-644003 033674-154922 033674-151341 033674-613009 033674-615003 033674-616000 033674-143209 033674-637005 033674-619001 033674-620007 033674-151716 033674-624005 033674-151723 033674-640005 033674-151815 033674-155172 033674-627006 033674-628003 033674-641002 033674-630006 033674-631003 033674-634004 033674-636008 60 CAP 90 CAP 60 TAB 60 VCAP 60 VCAP 60 CAP 60 CAP 60 CAP 30 CAP 60 CAP 90 CAP 90 CAP 60 VCAP 60 CAP 60 VCAP 60 CAP 60 VCAP 60 VCAP 100 CAP 60 SGEL 60 CAP 90 CAP 60 TAB 90 CAP 60 CAP 5.51 12.51 7.26 7.00 5.51 12.26 4.75 9.26 5.51 9.75 8.00 6.75 9.00 8.75 6.26 6.00 8.51 9.51 7.26 8.75 11.00 8.51 12.50 5.75 11.51 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.51 12.51 7.26 7.00 5.51 12.26 4.75 9.26 5.51 9.75 8.00 6.75 9.00 8.75 6.26 6.00 8.51 9.51 7.26 8.75 11.00 8.51 12.50 5.75 11.51 10.99 24.99 14.49 13.99 10.99 24.49 9.49 18.49 10.99 19.49 15.99 13.49 17.99 17.49 12.49 11.99 16.99 18.99 14.49 17.49 21.99 16.99 24.99 11.49 22.99 Regular 033674-069585 100 CAP 21.89 EA 21.89 36.49 "O" 033674-632000 100 CAP 5.39 EA 5.39 8.99 B Stress w/ Siberian Ginseng B100 Complex B100 Complex B12 2000 mcg Lozenge Folic Acid 800 mcg Niacinamide 500 mg 033674-406311 033674-405208 033674-405215 033674-404409 033674-404515 033674-404805 100 CAP 9.51 60 CAP 6.75 100 CAP 10.51 100 CAP 9.51 100 CAP 3.00 100 CAP 3.75 EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.51 6.75 10.51 9.51 3.00 3.75 18.99 13.49 20.99 18.99 5.99 7.49 Standardized Herbs Thisilyn 86242 Vegicaps Capsules 86425 Vitamin B 87686 87683 87684 87671 87673 87678 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 160 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Vitamin C 87654 87655 87660 87645 1000 w/Rose Hips 1000 w/Rose Hips 500 w/Bioflavonoids 033674-403129 033674-403136 033674-403303 100 CAP 6.51 250 CAP 14.00 100 CAP 5.00 EA EA EA 6.51 14.00 5.00 12.99 27.99 9.99 Dry, 400 IU 033674-401415 100 CAP 4.00 EA 4.00 7.99 400 w/D Alkpha Tocopherols 400 w/D Alpha Tocopherols 033674-402115 100 SGEL 033674-402108 60 SGEL 8.51 5.51 EA EA 8.51 5.51 16.99 10.99 786648-030011 1 OZ 7.77 EA 7.77 12.95 741273-05011784 PILLULES 741273-05061284 PILLULES 5.26 5.26 EA EA 5.26 5.26 8.76 8.76 Arnica 30c 741273-04020084 PILLULES 3.94 EA 3.94 6.58 Acne Treatment Tablets 741273-016069 48 TAB 4.66 EA 4.66 7.76 016185-129184 016185-129191 016185-128996 016185-129009 016185-096653 016185-096653 016185-019867 47.6 OZ 17.2 OZ 16 OZ 120 CAP 16 OZ 12 OZ 7 OZ 29.97 17.98 17.97 11.97 17.97 17.97 9.57 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 29.97 17.98 17.97 11.97 17.97 17.97 9.57 49.95 29.95 29.95 19.95 29.95 29.95 15.95 Immucel Collagen 2 Resveratrol Antioxidant Super Collagen+C Super Collagen+C 016185-096578 016185-129108 016185-128958 016185-128965 120 CAP 17.97 150 CAP 14.97 120 TAB 9.57 250 TAB 14.97 EA EA EA EA 17.97 14.97 9.57 14.97 29.95 24.95 15.95 24.95 Chocolate 890985-001853 2 LB 25.79 EA 25.79 42.99 890985-001754 890985-001723 2 LB 26.99 2 LB 25.79 EA EA 26.99 25.79 44.99 42.99 15.00 12.00 35.99 17.99 41.99 17.99 17.99 41.99 17.99 17.99 23.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 15.00 12.00 35.99 17.99 41.99 17.99 17.99 41.99 17.99 17.99 23.99 24.99 19.99 59.99 29.99 69.99 29.99 29.99 69.99 29.99 29.99 39.99 Vitamin D Vitamin E 87649 87648 REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK 43672 Leaf Extract NELSONS HOMEOPATHIC Homeopathic Clikpak Combinations 86530 86535 86563 Allergy/Hayfever Sinus Homeopathic Clikpak Singles 48248 81884 80162 81914 80161 81913 81889 81890 57487 81887 81888 Collagen Sport Powder/Frnch Van Collagen Sport Powder/Frnch Van Collagen+C Pomegranate Liquid Fish Collagen+H.A. Hyaluronic Acid, Blueberry Liq Hyaluronic Acid, Blueberry Liq Super Collagen Powder Nutritional Supplements NITRO FUSION 38094 100% Natural Multi Source Protein 50259 Kn, 50256 Kn, Mocha Vanilla NORTH AMERICAN HERB & SPICE 45522 59061 59051 59058 59052 59053 59054 45896 59059 59060 45908 Germ-A-Clenz Juice of Oregano Oil of Oregano Oil of Oregano Oil of Oregano, Super Strength OregaRESP OregaRESP Oregacyn Respiratory Oregamax Oreganol Oreganol, Super Strength 635824-002116 4 OZ 635824-000136 12 OZ 335824-000531 1 OZ 335824-000012.45 OZ 335824-000203 1 OZ 335824-000937 30 VCAP 335824-000951 60 SGEL 635824-002079 90 VCAP 635824-000044 90 CAP 635824-000501 60 SGEL 635824-002345 60 GCAP OregaRESP P73 Oil 335824-000920 1 OZ 35.99 EA 35.99 59.99 635824-005384 3.2 OZ 23.99 EA 23.99 39.99 Herbs 59080 Instant Beverages 83961 Chag-O-Charge, Expresso ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 161 PERSONAL CARE NEOCELL CORPORATION SUPPLEMENTS 42310 NON-FOODS GROCERY Pure & Clear SPECIALTY PET FROZEN NEEM AURA NATURALS BULK Item # GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS $ SRP 47783 Nuke Protect 635824-000655 90 CAPS 24.00 EA 24.00 39.99 Sinu Orega 635824-002727 2 OZ 12.00 EA 12.00 19.99 Trinovin 649197-010012 30 TAB 12.51 EA 12.51 24.99 Cold Pressed Hempseed Oil 692752-100000 692752-100093 8 OZ 16 OZ 5.66 9.66 EA EA 5.66 9.66 9.29 15.65 692752-100062 692752-100123 692752-100994 692752-100055 692752-133336 692752-133312 692752-000317 16 OZ 16 OZ 30 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 13 OZ 13.80 12.17 14.60 10.72 13.80 13.80 9.66 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 13.80 12.17 14.60 10.72 13.80 13.80 9.66 20.55 17.99 21.59 16.09 20.55 20.55 14.49 021659-000111 2 OZ 7.17 EA 7.17 9.95 Spirulina Pacifica 1000mg Spirulina Pacifica Spirulina Pacifica, 500 mg Spirulina Pacifica, 500 mg Spirulina Pacifica, Powder Spirulina Pacifica, Powder Spirulina Pacifica,500mg 732894-010062 180 TAB 732894-010048 400 TAB 732894-010017 100 TAB 732894-010024 200 TAB 732894-010239 5 OZ 732894-010260 16 OZ 732894-011007100+100 TAB 17.99 19.79 7.79 11.99 11.99 29.99 7.79 EA EA EA EA EA EA CS 17.99 19.79 7.79 11.99 11.99 29.99 7.79 29.99 32.99 12.95 19.99 19.99 49.99 12.99 BioAstin Astaxanthin 4mg Bioastin HI Astaxanthin 12mg Bioastin HI Astaxanthin 12mg EyeAstin 732894-035089 732894-035188 732894-035171 732894-035157 13.19 23.99 13.79 23.99 EA EA EA EA 13.19 23.99 13.79 23.99 21.99 39.99 22.99 39.99 Sprays 45989 , NOVOGEN, INC. 53106 NUTIVA Hempseed Oil 42610 Hm 42613 Hm 25181 41137 41138 42612 06116 06125 41135 Hempseed Products Hwm Hm Hm Hm Hb Hb Hm Chocolate Hemp Shake Hemp Protein 15g Protein Hemp Protein Hi Fiber Hemp Protein Powder Hi Fiber Hemp Shake, Super Berry Hemp Shake, Vanilla Shelled Hempseed In Pouch NUTRACEUTICAL SOLUTIONS 43224 Sublingual B Total NUTREX HAWAII INC. 57218 88025 57062 57063 57067 57068 52139 57066 50180 50181 57220 57307 57309 57308 MD Formulas 60 SGEL 50 SGEL 25 SGEL 60 VCAP Multi-Vitamins Tablets Spirulina Pacifica For Men Spirulina Pacifica For Seniors Spirulina Pacifica For Women 732894-010079 732894-010093 732894-010086 90 TAB 16.80 90 TAB 16.80 90 TAB 16.80 EA EA EA 16.80 16.80 16.80 27.99 27.99 27.99 OmegaAstin 732894-035140 60 VCAP 17.99 EA 17.99 29.99 W/ Advanced Probiotic Formula 250 gm 713947-515406 9.27 OZ 29.66 EA 29.66 46.35 713947-510807 200 CAP 24.09 EA 24.09 48.19 Buffered, Powder 713947-500006 240 GR 12.15 EA 12.15 21.25 PB 8 Pro Biotic Acidophilus PB8 Probiotic Acid PB8 Probiotic PB8, Vegetarian 027917-003573 027917-001067 027917-001128 027917-001135 120 VCAP 12.50 60 CAP 7.50 120 CAP 12.50 60 TAB 7.50 EA EA EA EA 12.50 7.50 12.50 7.50 24.99 14.99 24.99 14.99 Vegetarian 57219 NUTRICOLOGY ProGreens SPECIALTY EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Kelp Potassium PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description 86005 Vitamin & Minerals 85985 OcuDyne II Vitamin C Products 85992 NUTRITION NOW Acidophilus 56820 58540 58541 56860 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 162 163 G reen Housekeeping By Lisa Madsen S pring cleaning is here— and it’s a great time to think about switching from conventional cleaning products to the more environmentally friendly versions. It’s a well-known fact that conventional cleaners contain hundreds of chemicals that unleash harmful toxins and contaminate our waterways once discarded. What you may not know is just how harmful these chemicals are: acting as respiratory irritants, potential carcinogens, neurotoxins, mutagens, teratogens, and endocrine and hormone disrupters. Certain ingredients called Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are added to most cleaners to enhance their performance, but can impair neurological functions. Manufacturers of conventional cleaning products are not held to any labeling requirements, making it difficult for even the savviest consumer to tell what they are being exposed to. Don’t have the time to formulate your own products? Look no further than the shelves of your store! Some of the best cleaning products are made by manufacturers in our industry. Look for products that are non-toxic, non-corrosive, and nonreactive. Ideally they should contain no hazardous ingredients, no known or suspected carcinogens, no heavy metals, and no glycol ethers or petroleum distillates. If possible, try and choose products that are formulated using renewable natural resources. The good news is that some of the most environmentally friendly cleaning products can be found right in your own home or store: Spring cleaning the natural way: • Soap, water, baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice and a coarse scrubbing sponge can take care of most household cleaning needs. • To clean glass, use a mixture of half white vinegar and half water. • Baking soda and cornstarch are both good carpet deodorizers. • To clean mold and mildew, use a mixture of lemon juice and white vinegar and salt. • A paste of baking soda, salt and hot water makes a good oven cleaner. Maybe you’ve carried these products for years, but haven’t used them yet. Take advantage of these gentle cleaners and help lower the exposure to harmful chemicals in your store or home. Green cleaning improves the air quality for all by reducing respiratory irritants and lowering the total VOC levels. As an added bonus it may also help your employees experience better, more productive work days and less sick-related absences from work. Switch to green housekeeping today and discover the many environmental benefits for yourself, your employees and customers. Source: www.worldwatch.org 164 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 56829 n 56828 n 52268 58538 58542 11.99 17.99 9.99 12.99 9.99 11.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 9.98 Calcium Soft Chews Rhino Calcium Soft Chews, Chocolate Rhino Calcium Soft Chews, Fruit 027917-003788 027917-003771 75 CHEW 75 CHEW 6.66 6.66 EA EA 6.66 6.66 10.99 10.99 027917-001265 027917-015866 027917-001807 027917-019338 027917-017440 027917-017433 027917-001395 027917-016948 027917-003856 027917-014883 027917-003153 60 TAB 3.59 60 CHEW 5.99 60 CHEW 5.99 60 CT 5.99 60 TAB 8.99 30 TAB 4.79 70 CHEW 5.99 190 CT 14.99 60 CHEW 5.99 60 CT 5.99 60 CHEW 5.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.59 5.99 5.99 5.99 8.99 4.79 5.99 14.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 14.99 7.99 9.99 24.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 027917-003849 027917-003832 027917-021799 027917-005119 027917-010021 75 CHEW 6.66 75 CHEW 6.66 75 CT 8.99 120 CAP 10.79 60 CAP 5.99 EA EA EA EA EA 6.66 6.66 8.99 10.79 5.99 10.99 10.99 14.99 17.99 9.99 Rhino Vitamins C+Echinacea, Chewable, Raspberry Calci-Bears, Gummy Chewy C, Gummy D, Gummy FOS & Acidophilus, Chewable, Straw FOS & Acidopilus, Chewable, Straw Multi, Gummy Multi, Gummy Multi, Vegetarian, Gummy Omega 3, Gummy Veggie-Fruit, Gummy Women`s Formulas Calcium Soft Chews, Chocolate Calcium Soft Chews, Fruit PreNatal Gummies Yeast Defense Yeast Defense OHCO/ORIENTAL HERB CO 82003 82009 82005 82006 82007 82008 82018 43226 82013 82012 43227 82010 82011 Chi`ll Out Cold Snap Sampler Cold Snap Cold Snap Cold Snap, Powder Cold Snap, Powder OHCO Flow OHCO Motion OHCO Motion Stomach Chi Sampler Stomach Chi Stomach Chi Stomach Chi, Pwdr 791572-650600 791572-600162 791572-600605 791572-601206 791572-600506 791572-601008 791572-630602 791572-621204 791572-620603 791572-610086 791572-611205 791572-610604 791572-610505 60 CAP 16 CAP 60 CAP 120 CAP 50 GR 100 GR 60 CAP 120 CP 60 CAP 8 CAP 120 CAP 60 CAP 50 GR 9.77 2.35 7.96 13.47 10.13 17.15 10.01 16.67 9.53 1.75 14.73 8.57 10.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.77 2.35 7.96 13.47 10.13 17.15 10.01 16.67 9.53 1.75 14.73 8.57 10.99 15.79 3.89 13.19 22.29 16.79 28.39 16.59 27.59 15.79 2.89 24.39 14.19 18.19 Energy Cran Raspberry Orange Repair Mineral Formula Orange Super Multi Energy Powder Sport Mango Tangerine Sport Mixed Berry Tropical Power Powder 680475-125011 680475-100230 680475-100223 680475-133054 680475-143053 680475-100025 5 CT 30 CT 30 CT 30 CT 30 CT 30 CT 5.60 21.00 21.00 15.00 15.00 21.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.60 21.00 21.00 15.00 15.00 21.00 6.99 34.99 34.99 24.99 24.99 34.99 Cough Syrup 715486-504200 4 OZ 5.71 EA 5.71 9.50 OLA LOA 89153 81834 81833 89156 89157 81832 n n n n n n OLBAS 87897 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 165 FROZEN 5.99 10.79 5.99 7.79 5.99 7.19 5.39 5.39 5.39 4.99 PET 58573 56902 n 56881 44642 n 58572 58568 56621 n 56809 n 56827 82736 n 56885 n EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA GROCERY 60 CT 5.99 60 CT 10.79 60 CT 5.99 60 CT 7.79 70 CT 5.99 60 CT 7.19 70 CT 5.39 100 CT 5.39 70 CT 5.39 75 CT 4.99 PERSONAL CARE 56823 n 56824 n 027917-019345 027917-021683 027917-021614 027917-021607 027917-014616 027917-014531 027917-014630 027917-014579 027917-014517 027917-021522 SUPPLEMENTS Calcium CoQ10 Elderberry Fiber Multi Vitamin Omega 3 Vitamin B Complex Vitamin B-12 Vitamin C Vitamin D NON-FOODS 44640 n 49610 n 52269 52270 82735 n 82729 n 82732 n 82734 n 82730 n 47290 n REFRIGERATED Adult Gummy Vitamins SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK REFRIGERATED Item # FROZEN PET Lozenge, Black Currant Flavor Pastilles $ SRP 715486-506204 715486-506105 1/24 CT 12/1.6 OZ 3.91 3.91 EA CS 3.91 46.88 6.49 78.29 80080 80081 For Common Symptoms of Menopause For PreMenstrual Syndrome 835674-001110 835674-001127 96 TAB 17.87 5/90 TAB 15.20 EA CS 17.87 76.00 28.99 24.95 Psyllium, Whole Husk 801541-107612 7.81 EA 7.81 12.99 851469-000731 851469-000830 851469-000786 851469-000748 851469-000274 90 VCAP 10.36 108 CAP 9.58 90 VCAP 10.36 90 VCAP 10.36 90 VCAP 9.61 EA EA EA EA EA 10.36 9.58 10.36 10.36 9.61 15.55 15.95 15.55 15.55 14.39 851469-000168 851469-000809 851469-000397 851469-000922 851469-000779 851469-000472 851469-000915 851469-000724 851469-000540 851469-000526 851469-000571 851469-000533 851469-000175 851469-000793 851469-000113 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 12.01 10.81 9.61 11.42 12.01 11.42 12.01 11.42 10.22 11.42 11.42 11.42 9.61 12.01 13.82 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 12.01 10.81 9.61 11.42 12.01 11.42 12.01 11.42 10.22 11.42 11.42 11.42 9.61 12.01 13.82 19.99 17.99 15.99 19.05 19.99 19.05 19.99 19.05 17.05 19.05 19.05 19.05 15.99 19.99 23.05 Chocolate Mint Golden Honey Lemon 091108-104646 091108-104622 4/21 CT 4/21 CT 1.72 1.72 CS CS 6.88 6.88 2.59 2.59 Oxygen/Collodial Silver, Plain Oxygen/Colloidal Silver, Orange/Pineapple Second Wind O 2 Stabilized Oxygen Zero2 Sixty 697983-015826 697983-015819 697983-015796 697983-015772 16 OZ 5.50 16 OZ 5.50 2 OZ 5.06 90 CAP 10.00 EA EA EA EA 5.50 5.50 5.06 10.00 11.00 11.00 5.06 20.00 818692-007753.27 OZ 5.33 818692-007708 1.0 OZ 7.99 818692-008101 4 OZ 9.72 818692-008149 2 OZ 6.40 818692-007258 60 CAP 16.00 818692-001508 1.5 OZ 6.40 818692-008255 3.5 OZ 9.72 818692-007555 1.4 OZ 18.67 818692-007500 1.4 OZ 16.00 818692-006008 4 OZ 6.40 818692-003007 2 OZ 7.47 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.33 7.99 9.72 6.40 16.00 6.40 9.72 18.67 16.00 6.40 7.47 9.95 14.95 17.95 11.95 29.95 11.99 17.95 34.95 29.95 11.99 13.99 875534-001263 EA 18.50 36.95 ORGANIC INDIA 40692 _ 50764 b 40685 50767 :b 50765 :b 50766 :b 51776 51778 51779 51780 51781 51783 51784 51785 51786 51777 51788 51787 51789 51790 51791 12 OZ Bottled Formulas GROCERY 40053 44060 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price OONA Herbal Supplements PERSONAL CARE Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Breathe Free Flexibility Formula Osteoseal Sugar Balance Trikatu Herbal Dietary Supplements :b :b :b :b :b : b : :b : :,b :K, :,b :K :b, Ashwagandha Bowelcare Brahmi-Gotu Kola Complete Flexibility Heart Guard Joy! Liver Kidney Memory Neem Peaceful Sleep Shatavari Skin Renew Triphala Tulsi-Holy Basil Turmeric Formula ORGANIX Cough & Sore Throat Drops 47232 :nb 47231 :nb SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS OXYLIFE 40039 40038 40041 40036 PEACEFUL MOUNTAIN Rescue Products 58838 58837 58849 58848 42350 K 80300 58847 58840 58839 80303 80302 Cold Sore Rescue Eczederm Rescue Hot Flash Rescue Moisturizing Ltn Hot Flash Spray Joint Rescue Nasal Rescue Sciatic With Pump Bottle Shinglederm Rescue Plus Shinglederm Rescue Stomach Rescue Throat Rescue PETER GILLHAM`S NAT VITALITY 47392 Organic Life Vitamin Nutri Packs 30 CT 18.50 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 166 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 11.50 20.00 9.50 9.50 18.51 12.00 20.50 12.00 20.50 13.00 13.00 23.50 12.50 12.00 20.50 12.50 22.95 39.95 18.95 18.95 34.95 23.95 40.95 23.95 40.95 25.95 25.95 46.95 24.95 23.95 40.95 24.95 Calmag Energy 28 Energy 28 NutraRev Organic Life Osteo Calm 183405-000179 875534-001560 875534-001584 875534-001393 183405-000469 875534-001409 16 OZ 15 PK 30 OZ 30 OZ 30 OZ 30 OZ 15.50 13.00 14.95 18.51 18.50 14.50 EA EA EA EA EA EA 15.50 13.00 14.95 18.51 18.50 14.50 30.95 25.95 29.95 34.95 36.95 28.95 100% Barely Grass Powder 100% Wheat Grass Powder 043952-000254 043952-000278 3.5 OZ 10.51 3.5 OZ 10.51 EA EA 10.51 10.51 17.49 17.49 Powder Tablets Tablets Tablets Wheat Grass 043952-000100 043952-000018 043952-000025 043952-000032 043952-000049 10 OZ 100 TAB 250 TAB 500 TAB 1400 TAB 19.51 7.51 11.37 19.35 47.97 EA EA EA EA EA 19.51 7.51 11.37 19.35 47.97 32.49 12.49 18.95 32.25 79.95 Chocolate Chocolate Unflavored Unflavored Vanilla Vanilla 890985-001914 890985-001969 890985-001938 890985-001983 890985-001907 890985-001952 1 LB 2 LB 1 LB 2 LB 1 LB 2 LB 16.19 25.79 16.19 25.79 16.19 25.79 EA EA EA EA EA EA 16.19 25.79 16.19 25.79 16.19 25.79 26.99 42.99 26.99 42.99 26.99 42.99 Aller DX Immune DX 648041-570047 648041-550025 60 CAP 13.17 60 CAP 13.17 EA EA 13.17 13.17 21.95 21.95 648041-590045 60 CAP 13.17 EA 13.17 21.95 Pomegranate, Natural 824150-464334 6/3 OZ 1.70 CS 10.17 2.82 Prostate AM 891644-001610 60 VCAP 12.26 EA 12.26 24.95 Vitamins 48435 48430 48433 40756 46986 40757 PINES, INT`L Green Energy 40357 : 40355 _ 40354 _ 40351 : 40352 : 40353 : 45538 Wheat Grass PLANT FUSION Plant Protein - Multi Source 41861 41864 41862 41865 41860 41863 JKn, JKn, JKn, JKn, JKn, JKn, PLANTIVA 50198 50245 50287 Immune Health Cold Dx POM WONDERFUL POMx Super Shots 50018 POMOLOGY Supplements 59510 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 167 FROZEN EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA PET 11.50 20.00 9.50 9.50 18.51 12.00 20.50 12.00 20.50 13.00 13.00 23.50 12.50 12.00 20.50 12.50 GROCERY 8 OZ 16 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 30 OZ 8 OZ 16 OZ 8 OZ 16 OZ 8 OZ 8 OZ 16 OZ 30 CT 8 OZ 16 OZ 30 CT PERSONAL CARE 183405-000018 183405-000025 183405-000162 183405-000537 875534-001508 183405-000131 183405-000148 183405-000070 183405-000087 183405-000971 875534-000938 875534-001461 183405-000636 183405-000100 183405-000117 183405-000728 SUPPLEMENTS Calm Calm Calmag Calmag, Raspberry Lemon Kid`s Calm Multivitamin Lemon Lemon Orange Orange Plus Calcium Plus Calcium, Raspberry Lemon Plus Calcium, Raspberry Lemon Raspberry Lemon Packets Raspberry Lemon Raspberry Lemon Regular Flavor Packets NON-FOODS 46821 m 46822 m 48434 48436 47394 46830 m 46831 m 46827 m 46828 m 46833 46835 47393 K 46836 m 46824 m 46825 m 46837 m REFRIGERATED Natural Calm SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK REFRIGERATED Item # GROCERY 58752 58776 58777 58802 58773 58775 58772 58778 58779 43264 PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP W/ Royal Jelly & Bee Pollen 039278-611380 1/10/10 CC 4.01 EA 4.01 6.45 039278-703108 039278-703306 039278-706307 039278-700503 039278-700527 039278-701135 039278-701210 039278-701234 039278-704303 1/10/10 CC 1/30/10 CC 1/30/10 CC 1/10/10 CC 1/30/10 CC 1/30/10 CC 1/10/10 CC 1/30/10 CC 1/30/10 CC 3.55 9.06 6.91 3.55 9.06 9.06 3.55 9.06 9.06 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.55 9.06 6.91 3.55 9.06 9.06 3.55 9.06 9.06 5.65 14.45 10.89 5.59 14.25 14.25 5.65 13.89 14.45 Fruit Punch Niagra Grape Orange Pineapple Raspberry 833423-005457 833423-005501 833423-005464 833423-005488 6/2.9 OZ 6/2.9 OZ 6/2.9 OZ 6/2.9 OZ 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 CS CS CS CS 11.52 11.52 11.52 11.52 17.94 17.94 17.94 17.94 Green Kamut Just Barley 764934-526929 764934-526899 45 GR 9.58 80 GR 15.58 EA EA 9.58 15.58 15.97 25.99 ImmunoComplex 812259-000294 30 VCAP 17.75 EA 17.75 29.59 Super Lysine Liquid Extract Super Lysine Plus Super Lysine Plus 046985-031028 046985-001106 046985-001113 2 OZ 8.99 90 TAB 5.99 180 TAB 11.09 EA EA EA 8.99 5.99 11.09 14.99 9.99 18.49 Chinese Herbal Products Ginkgo Biloba & Red Panax Ginseng Ext Ginkgo Biloba & Red Panax Ginseng Ext Green Tea Extract w/Panax Ginseng Red Ginseng Royal Jelly Red Ginseng Royal Jelly Red Panax Ginseng Ext. Red Panax Ginseng Extractum Red Panax Ginseng Extractum Ultra Ginkgo Plus PROASIS Protein Vials RTD 51589 51587 51588 51586 PURE PLANET 87380 H 87377 _ QUALITY OF LIFE Supplements 44295 QUANTUM 58640 58616 58617 58650 58941 59018 58949 n 58460 58607 58606 Cold & Flu Products Eldberry, Echinacea & Goldenseal Ext Thera Zinc Spray 046985-016223 046985-017053 2 OZ 4 OZ 8.99 6.59 EA EA 8.99 6.59 14.99 10.99 046985-016650 12/14 LOZ 046985-017718 12/14 LOZ 1.49 1.49 CS CS 17.88 17.88 2.49 2.49 C Syrup Extract Standardized Extract 046985-016407 046985-016254 046985-016247 4 OZ 2 OZ 60 CAP 8.39 8.98 6.29 EA EA EA 8.39 8.98 6.29 13.99 14.99 10.49 MigreLief 046985-003100 60 TAB 17.99 EA 17.99 29.99 Cold Season Eldberry w/Methol Eucalyptus Thera Zinc, Cherry Thera Zinc, Lemon Thera Zinc, Orange Zinc Echinacea 046985-016278 046985-016018 046985-016025 046985-016001 046985-909914 36 CT 24 CT 24 CT 24 CT 48 CT 6.29 3.35 3.35 3.35 5.09 EA EA EA EA EA 6.29 3.35 3.35 3.35 5.09 10.49 5.59 5.59 5.59 8.49 Super Immune+ HERBAL 046985-001120 90 CAP 8.99 EA 8.99 14.99 Iron, Plant Source 021888-800919 50 VCAP 17.99 EA 17.99 29.99 021888-800414 90 VCAP 24.00 EA 24.00 39.99 Counter Displays Zinc Echinacea Rolls Zinc Elderberry Rolls Elderberry Products Herbals 58479 Lozenges 58597 58624 58625 58615 58654 58492 Oral Care RAINBOW LIGHT SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description PRINCE OF PEACE American Ginseng Products PET FROZEN 50701 : Certified Organic Calcium 45807 : PhytoKinetic ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 168 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 53314 47585 :, 44218 81519 44220 44219 48659 :K, Greens Drink Mix, Watermelon Immuno Build Greens 021888-402861 021888-800612 20 CT 23.88 4.7 OZ 23.99 EA EA 23.88 23.99 39.99 39.99 021888-800117 120 VCAP 17.50 021888-800513 60 VCAP 15.00 021888-800216 120 VCAP 17.50 021888-800018 120 VCAP 17.50 EA EA EA EA 17.50 15.00 17.50 17.50 34.99 29.99 34.99 34.99 PhytoKinetic Calcium, Lemon 021888-800315 19 OZ 24.00 EA 24.00 39.99 Men`s One/Counter Attack Bundle PhytoKinetic Calc/Womens Mlti Women`s One/Counter Attack Bundle Womens Multi+Phyto Calcium 021888-600311 90+10 TAB 15.75 021888-600366 90+12 CT 23.99 021888-600304 90+10 TAB 15.75 021888-600373 120+12 CT 17.50 EA EA EA EA 15.75 23.99 15.75 17.50 31.49 39.99 31.49 34.99 021888-402939 021888-110131 021888-113521 021888-107728 021888-107629 021888-107643 021888-102235 021888-100613 10/8 TAB 60 TAB 60 SGEL 60 TAB 60 TAB 120 TAB 60 TAB 60 TAB 3.60 14.40 14.37 16.80 12.91 19.97 12.00 9.91 CS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 36.00 14.40 14.37 16.80 12.91 19.97 12.00 9.91 5.99 23.99 23.94 27.99 21.50 39.94 19.99 16.50 021888-351329 021888-351022 021888-351015 021888-350117 021888-350124 021888-351237 021888-104833 021888-104857 021888-104918 021888-350834 021888-113712 021888-650712 021888-351428 021888-121212 021888-410217 021888-410019 021888-410019 021888-410316 021888-410118 021888-410361 021888-410064 021888-113613 021888-410460 021888-410415 021888-810413 90 CAP 180 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 180 VCAP 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 180 VCAP 8.8 OZ 90 VCAP 90 VCAP 4/90 VCAP 90 VCAP 50 CT 14 OZ 10.7 OZ 17 OZ 14.6 OZ 11 OZ 8 CT 8 CT 60 TAB 8 CT 11.2 OZ 50 CAP 16.00 17.49 9.49 8.00 14.49 15.00 8.11 14.10 11.37 14.00 10.80 11.97 11.97 10.79 15.00 13.20 13.20 13.20 11.97 10.80 13.20 24.00 15.75 16.80 23.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 16.00 17.49 9.49 8.00 14.49 15.00 8.11 14.10 11.37 14.00 10.80 47.88 11.97 10.79 15.00 13.20 13.20 13.20 11.97 10.80 13.20 24.00 15.75 16.80 23.99 31.99 29.15 15.82 15.99 24.15 29.99 13.50 23.50 18.95 27.95 17.99 17.95 19.94 17.99 24.99 21.99 21.99 21.99 19.95 17.99 22.00 39.99 26.24 28.09 39.99 021888-115112 30 TAB 9.00 021888-115020 30 TAB 9.00 021888-116010 30 TAB 8.40 021888-402915 10/10 TAB 36.00 021888-201327 90 TAB 21.00 021888-114023 6/75 SGEL 3.29 EA EA EA CS EA CS 9.00 9.00 8.40 36.00 21.00 19.76 14.99 14.99 13.99 5.99 34.99 5.49 Certified Organic Multivitamins : : : : Men`s Mushroom Therapy Prenatal Women`s Certified Organic Sport Drink Combo Packs 81479 53325 81478 53319 50700 82650 81355 82652 81234 81235 81624 81267 80838 81161 81160 81280 81281 82654 81465 81466 81467 82665 42197 55979 81179 86241 n 44549 50862 81145 44548 59950 48151 KJ, 48150 KJ, 44550 48152 KJ, 50863 58764 82642 81644 81641 50187 55959 46867 Health Prescriptives Allerstan "Quick Response" Congest Away Counter Attack Immuno Response Counter Attack POP Display Counter Attack Mint Asure ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 169 GROCERY PERSONAL CARE Adv Enz Optima/Probiotic/Prebiotic Advanced Enzyme System Advanced Enzyme System, 60+30 Vcap All Zyme Double Strength All Zyme Double Strength Enzymend Digestive Aid Everyday Fiber System Everyday Fiber System Everyday Fiber System, Powder Lacto-Zyme Dairy-Eze PM Purify Probio 1B Defense Vegan Guard Probio 1B Defense Vegan Guard Probiolicious Gummies Protein Energizer Powder, Whey Protein Energizer Pwder, Vanilla Protein Energizer Pwder, Vanilla Protein Energizer Pwdr, Acai Berry Protein Energizer Pwdr, Chocolate Protein Energizer, Acai Berry Protein Energizer, Vanilla ThinBerry Diet ThinBerry Opti-Curb ThinBerry Opti-Curb Thinberry Satiety SUPPLEMENTS Dietary Fundamentals NON-FOODS Allergy Rescu POP Display Allergy Rescue Everyones Omega, Fish & Flax Oil Ginkgo-Bacopa Quick Thinking Milk Thistle Plus Milk Thistle Plus Nail, Hair & Skin Connection Ultra Energy Plus PET Common Health Concerns SPECIALTY REFRIGERATED Certified Organic Immune Builder FROZEN Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK BULK Item # $ SRP 53324 Liver Longevity 021888-810116 60 VCAP 16.79 EA 16.79 27.99 Rhodiola Recharge 021888-810017 60 VCAP 15.00 EA 15.00 24.99 50+ Age-Defense, Mini-Tabs 50+ Multivitamin, Daily, Mini Tab Advanced Nutritional System Advanced Nutritional System Advanced Nutritional System Advanced Nutritional System, Iron Free Busy-Brain Release, Mini-Tabs Calcium Citrate, Mini-Tabs Complete Nutritional System Complete Nutritional System Complete Nutritional System Complete Nutritional System, Iron Free Performance Energy for Men Performance Energy for Men RejuvenAge 40+ Multivitamin RejuvenAge 40+ Multivitamin 021888-113439 021888-113422 021888-102822 021888-102839 021888-102860 021888-110926 021888-202218 021888-202119 021888-100149 021888-100125 021888-100132 021888-112227 021888-106950 021888-106936 021888-107124 021888-107148 180 TAB 90 TAB 90 TAB 180 TAB 240 TAB 180 TAB 60 TAB 120 TAB 240 TAB 90 TAB 180 TAB 90 TAB 180 TAB 90 TAB 60 TAB 120 TAB 16.50 8.50 16.00 27.00 33.48 27.00 12.00 7.80 32.50 14.50 25.00 14.50 24.98 13.75 14.00 25.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 16.50 8.50 16.00 27.00 33.48 27.00 12.00 7.80 32.50 14.50 25.00 14.50 24.98 13.75 14.00 25.00 32.99 16.99 31.99 53.99 66.95 53.99 23.99 12.99 64.99 28.99 49.99 28.99 49.95 27.50 23.33 49.99 021888-109913 021888-109920 021888-112517 021888-112531 021888-107018 021888-107025 021888-107049 021888-104710 021888-104727 021888-104741 021888-108916 021888-108923 021888-108930 021888-108817 021888-108824 021888-108831 30 TAB 90 TAB 30 TAB 90 TAB 30 TAB 60 TAB 120 TAB 30 TAB 60 TAB 120 TAB 30 TAB 90 TAB 150 TAB 30 TAB 90 TAB 150 TAB 7.50 17.00 6.98 17.00 6.75 13.00 22.48 6.75 13.00 22.48 6.75 15.75 21.50 6.75 15.75 21.50 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.50 17.00 6.98 17.00 6.75 13.00 22.48 6.75 13.00 22.48 6.75 15.75 21.50 6.75 15.75 21.50 14.99 33.99 13.95 33.99 13.49 25.99 44.95 13.49 25.99 44.95 13.49 31.49 42.99 13.49 31.49 42.99 021888-109012 021888-109029 021888-202515 021888-101016 021888-101023 021888-110735 021888-100316 021888-100323 021888-200610 021888-108015 021888-101924 021888-101962 021888-109517 021888-109524 021888-121410 021888-108732 021888-120642 021888-103119 45 TAB 90 TAB 90 TAB 90 TAB 180 TAB 45 TAB 90 TAB 180 TAB 60 TAB 45 TAB 120 TAB 240 TAB 90 TAB 180 TAB 50 CT 120 TAB 100 CT 60 TAB 5.48 8.98 17.99 8.50 15.00 9.50 10.00 18.00 8.00 8.50 9.97 19.00 6.50 11.00 7.79 19.99 9.59 6.98 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.48 8.98 17.99 8.50 15.00 9.50 10.00 18.00 8.00 8.50 9.97 19.00 6.50 11.00 7.79 19.99 9.59 6.98 10.95 17.95 29.99 16.99 29.99 18.99 19.99 35.99 15.99 16.99 19.94 37.99 12.99 21.99 12.99 39.99 16.00 13.95 High Potency Herbal Prescriptives 04712 Multiples PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Herbal Perscriptives FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description 45654 K 80337 81205 81206 81650 81309 45655 K, 45653 K 81141 81220 81221 81244 81532 82658 81625 81626 81136 81137 81535 81536 81569 81570 81571 81445 81446 81447 81290 81292 81539 81279 81287 81541 One-Per-Day Multivitamins Active One Senior Multivitamin Active One Senior Multivitamin Energizer One Multivitamin Energizer One Multivitamin Just Once Iron Free Just Once Iron Free Just Once Iron Free Just Once Multi w/Iron Just Once Multi w/Iron Just Once Multi w/Iron Men`s One Multivitamin Men`s One Multivitamin Men`s One Multivitamin Women`s One Multivitamin Women`s One Multivitamin Women`s One Multivitamin Vitamins/Minerals/Antioxidants 81316 81320 86240 81212 81213 82659 81217 81218 81300 87593 81227 81545 81399 81400 50156 44253 KJ 42656 n 81162 B Complete B Complete Brain and Focus Multivitamin Calcium "+" 500 mg/1000 mg Calcium "+" Chewable Calcium Citrate Complete B Complex Complete B Complex Complete Iron System Energy B Complex Everyday Calcium w/Enzymes Everyday Calcium w/Enzymes Food Based Calcium Food Based Calcium Gmy,Vit D,Berry DLicious 2500 Osteo-Build Sunny Gummies, Vit D 1000 IU Super C 1000 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 170 12.97 8.71 Candida Cleanse Congest Away Get Well Soon Omega Brain Performance Omega Cardio Performance Omega Performance Asst POP DS Omega Skin & Mood Pain Eze TheraMend Cox-2 Flex TheraMend Recovery 021888-101115 60 TAB 021888-108336 60 TAB 021888-108411 45 TAB 021888-850112 60 SGEL 021888-850211 60 SGEL 021888-402830 16/20 SGEL 021888-850013 60 SGEL 021888-108213 30 TAB 021888-810314 50 CAP 021888-810215 50 CAP 25.94 14.56 14.40 13.80 10.80 19.79 19.79 93.50 18.00 8.40 23.99 20.99 EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA 14.40 23.99 13.80 22.99 10.80 17.99 19.79 32.99 19.79 32.99 93.50 155.84 18.00 29.99 8.40 13.99 23.99 39.99 20.99 34.99 Active Health Teen Multivitamin Active Health Teen Multivitamin Black Cohosh Meno Relief 1650 Complete Menopause Multivitamin Complete Menopause Multivitamin Complete PreNatal System Complete PreNatal System Complete PreNatal System Fiber Garden Gummies Gummy Bear Essentials Multi Gummy Omegalicious Gummy Power Sours Multi Gummy Vitamin C Slices Kids` One MultiStars Kids` One MultiStars Menopause One Multivitamin Menopause One Multivitamin NutriStars DFB, Fruit Blast NutriStars DFB, Fruit Blast Nutristart MultiVit Pwdr 6mos-4yrs Nutristart MultiVit Pwdr 6mos-4yrs PMS Relief Prenatal One DHA Combo Pack Prenatal One Multivitamin Prenatal One Multivitamin Prenatal One Multivitamin Prenatal Petite Multivitmn/Mineral Prenatal Petites Multivitamins Sunny Gummies, Vitamin D, 1000 IU Vitamin C Slices, Gummy Vitamin D Sunny Gummies Women`s Nutritional System Women`s Nutritional System 021888-112012 30 TAB 7.75 021888-112029 90 TAB 18.50 021888-547012 60 TAB 12.00 021888-106523 60 TAB 11.49 021888-106547 120 TAB 20.00 021888-101511 60 TAB 7.50 021888-101528 180 TAB 19.50 021888-101566 360 TAB 33.00 021888-121014 30 CT 12.00 021888-120024 30 CT 8.99 021888-120420 30 CT 14.40 021888-120123 30 CT 9.00 021888-120321 30 CT 5.99 021888-109814 30 TAB 5.48 021888-109821 90 TAB 12.48 021888-112418 30 TAB 7.50 021888-112432 90 TAB 17.00 021888-105427 60 TAB 7.50 021888-105441 120 TAB 13.50 021888-113118 30 CT 12.00 021888-113118 25 CT 11.99 021888-108619 30 TAB 10.80 021888-600069 1/2/30 CAP 15.00 021888-109715 30 TAB 7.50 021888-109722 90 TAB 17.00 021888-109760 150 TAB 22.50 021888-201839 180 TAB 16.00 021888-201822 90 TAB 9.00 021888-120628 50 CT 5.99 021888-120338 90 CT 5.99 021888-120536 60 CT 5.40 021888-101825 120 TAB 12.97 021888-101832 180 TAB 18.50 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.75 18.50 12.00 11.49 20.00 7.50 19.50 33.00 12.00 8.99 14.40 9.00 5.99 5.48 12.48 7.50 17.00 7.50 13.50 12.00 11.99 10.80 15.00 7.50 17.00 22.50 16.00 9.00 5.99 5.99 5.40 12.97 18.50 15.49 36.99 19.99 22.99 39.99 14.99 38.99 65.99 19.99 14.99 23.99 15.00 9.99 9.95 24.95 14.99 33.99 14.99 27.99 20.00 19.99 17.99 29.99 14.99 33.99 44.99 31.99 17.99 10.00 9.99 8.99 25.94 36.99 Clay Daily Detox Mineral Support Stomach Health 018788-902553 10 OZ 018788-203407 120 VCAP 018788-203360 120 VCAP 018788-203285 120 VCAP 6.10 7.00 7.00 7.00 EA EA EA EA 6.10 7.00 7.00 7.00 10.05 13.99 13.99 13.99 036602-074507 036602-079922 0.72 0.72 CS CS 17.28 17.28 1.19 1.19 Wellness 81214 82669 81142 89521 J 89522 J 89524 J 89523 J 81247 59669 59670 81343 81346 81421 81653 81654 81222 81223 81651 40873 K 81646 81649 81645 81647 81238 81259 81537 81538 81449 81464 80967 81100 81225 81111 81236 81237 81540 51075 42299 80338 n 53326 41161 n 81277 81278 Women & Children REDMOND CLAY 40742 49105 49104 49106 RICOLA Natural Herb Cough Throat Drops Sticks 40477 40475 Cherry Honey Original 24/10 PC 24/10 PC ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 171 BULK REFRIGERATED EA EA FROZEN 120 TAB 12.97 4 OZ 8.71 PET 021888-103126 021888-103317 GROCERY Super C 1000 Super C Powder $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 81163 81164 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # GROCERY 40482 05290 n 04763 n 40468 40496 40507 40510 40485 n 41347 n PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS $ SRP Cherry Honey Bag Cherry, Dual Action Display Cherry, Dual Action Echinacea, Honey Lemon Herbal Bag, Original Honey Herb, Bag Lemon Mint, Bag Original, Big Bag 036602-072909 036602-302020 036602-301559 036602-301467 036602-079175 036602-300019 036602-079489 036602-300330 12/24 PC 1.67 1/36 CT 71.99 12/19 CT 2.00 12/24 PC 1.67 12/21 PC 1.67 12/24 PC 1.67 12/24 PC 1.67 12/50 PC 3.47 CS EA CS CS CS CS CS CS 19.99 71.99 23.99 19.99 19.99 19.99 19.99 41.60 2.79 2.99 2.99 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.79 5.19 036602-301849 12/19 PC 1.67 CS 19.99 2.79 355724-001247 355724-001346 355724-001360 355724-001469 355724-001445 355724-001681 60 TB 9.00 60 CAP 9.50 120 CAP 16.50 120 CAP 20.00 60 CAP 12.50 60 CAP 5.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.00 9.50 16.50 20.00 12.50 5.00 17.99 18.99 32.99 39.99 24.99 9.99 679948-651324 16 OZ 19.95 EA 19.95 32.95 818411-000225 90 GR 15.00 EA 15.00 24.99 896116-001181 896116-001105 896116-001112 4 OZ 8.99 4 OZ 8.99 7.8 OZ 15.00 EA EA EA 8.99 8.99 15.00 14.99 14.99 24.99 Nature`s Protection Vitamin C Drops Mixed Berry, Bag RIDGECREST HERBALS 43314 87421 87422 83655 83656 45588 Blood Sugar Balance Clear Lungs w/o Ephedra Clear Lungs w/o Ephedra Clear Lungs, Extra Strength Clear Lungs, Extra Strength Kidney Aid RUTH`S Hemp Protein Powder 41112 H Hemp Protein w/Maca & E3 Live SAMBAZON Member Fair Trade Federation Supplements 40132 m Acai Powerscoop SAMBUCOL Black Elderberry Syrup 53129 53120 53121 53123 53122 53128 Syrup, Black Elderberry, Kids Syrup, Black Elderberry, Original Syrup, Black, Elderberry, Original Black Elderberry Tablets Cold & Flu, Quick Dissolve Original Tablet, Immune, Black Elderberry 896116-001501 896116-001129 896116-001174 30 TAB 30 TAB 30 CT 8.99 8.99 8.99 EA EA EA 8.99 8.99 8.99 14.99 14.99 14.99 Circu Caps Higher Dose Curbita Bladder Caps 364031-207051 364031-207006 50 CAP 16.19 30 CAP 14.99 EA EA 16.19 14.99 26.99 24.99 Milk Free Milk Free 020525-105301 020525-105318 100 CAP 6.29 250 CAP 12.29 EA EA 6.29 12.29 10.49 20.49 Niacin 500 mg, Flush Free 020525-125217 100 TAB 12.57 EA 12.57 21.89 SANHELIOS 46333 43834 SCHIFF Acidophilus & Fiber 82544 82545 88797 NON-FOODS EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Natural Herb Cough Throat Drops PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description B Vitamins Digestive Enzymes 89369 Enzymall, Super 020525-106186 90 TAB 9.05 EA 9.05 13.79 Super 020525-108180 100 SGEL 6.88 EA 6.88 11.47 21 Gr 020525-110046 100 SGEL 5.65 EA 5.65 9.42 3 mg Knock Out 020525-127457 020525-127822 180 TAB 6.92 50 TAB 13.67 EA EA 6.92 13.67 10.05 22.78 Garlic 88790 Lecithin 82555 SPECIALTY Melatonin 88728 82666 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 172 Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP BULK 82565 Calcium, Super 020525-112569 120 SGEL 8.45 EA 8.45 14.09 020525-113405 020525-113429 100 SGEL 90 SGEL 5.72 6.81 EA EA 5.72 6.81 9.53 11.35 180 TAB 8.93 30 PK 17.47 60 TAB 11.36 EA EA EA 8.93 17.47 11.36 14.89 17.45 18.89 Multiple Minerals 82571 88789 82573 82583 82577 82680 Calcium/Magnesium Calcium/Magnesium, Super Multiple Vitamins & Minerals 020525-114075 020525-114938 020525-114426 EA 3.63 7.29 82518 82516 1000 mg + Rose Hips 500 mg + Rose Hips 020525-103109 020525-103062 100 TAB 100 TAB 8.44 5.77 EA EA 8.44 5.77 14.07 9.62 82533 82535 88732 82514 43318 Complex, 200 IU Complex, 400 IU 020525-104182 020525-104229 100 CAP 8.97 100 CAP 12.59 EA EA 8.97 12.59 14.95 20.97 020525-101228 020525-101587 100 SGEL 9.32 120 TAB 10.39 EA EA 9.32 10.39 16.19 17.99 020525-107107 90 SGEL 10.33 EA 10.33 17.22 Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil Sea Buckthorn Omega-7 Complete Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil 674756-780044 674756-780112 674756-780075 674756-780020 1.76 OZ 60 SGEL 1 OZ 60 SGEL 14.98 17.97 18.98 18.98 EA EA EA EA 14.98 17.97 18.98 18.98 24.97 29.97 32.97 32.97 Advanced Formula For Women Advanced Formula for Men DHT Blocker Hair, Skin & Nails for Women Original Hair Nutrient 733530-540004 733530-230004 733530-001277 733530-240003 733530-100000 60 TAB 60 TAB 60 CT 90 TAB 90 TAB 22.69 22.69 25.95 19.45 19.45 EA EA EA EA EA 22.69 22.69 25.95 19.45 19.45 37.99 37.99 43.49 32.49 32.49 Acai Pomegranate 899758-300100 899758-300148 12/2.5 OZ 12/2.5 OZ 2.33 2.33 CS CS 28.00 28.00 3.89 3.89 Cellular Support Soft Gel Caps Revitalize & Renew Drink 718122-506866 718122-506767 60 SGEL 14.99 25.35 OZ 14.99 EA EA 14.99 14.99 29.95 29.95 Anxiety Relief Ear Wax Relief Drops Eye Drops #1, Dry Red Eyes Eye Drops #1, Dry Red Eyes, Monodose Eye Drops #2, ALlergy Eyes, Monodose Eye Drops #2, Allergy Eyes Eye Drops #3, Computer Eyes Eye Drops, Irritated Eye Relief Kids Cold & Mucus Relief Kids Cough Syrup Relief Nasal Allergy Relief, mist Sleeplessness Relief Spray, Nasal 094841-610122.529 OZ 094841-255156.33 OZ 094841-300146.33 OZ 094841-300139 20 DOSE 094841-300238 20 DOSE 094841-300245.33 OZ 094841-300474.33 OZ 094841-300344.33 OZ 094841-256115 4 OZ 094841-256108 4 OZ 094841-254173.68 OZ 094841-610115.529 OZ 094841-254166.68 OZ EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.72 7.72 7.72 11.29 11.29 7.72 7.72 7.72 5.76 5.76 5.76 7.72 5.76 10.99 10.99 10.99 14.99 14.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 10.99 9.60 Vitamin E Whole Rice B Complex 50 mg Super w/ B12 Women`s Formulas Cranberry, Extra Strength 800mg SEABUCKWONDERS 90481 _ 90486 90482 _ 90483 SHEN MIN 87008 87007 43641 87011 87006 SHOTZ Natural Energy 50122 K, 50123 K, SIBU BEAUTY 81374 81375 SIMILASAN 81435 81457 81450 81469 81490 81451 81456 81458 84058 84057 84411 81436 88152 7.72 7.72 7.72 11.29 11.29 7.72 7.72 7.72 5.76 5.76 5.76 7.72 5.76 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 173 PET 3.63 GROCERY 60 TAB PERSONAL CARE 020525-127679 SUPPLEMENTS DHEA 25 mg Vitamin C NON-FOODS FROZEN Specialty Items SPECIALTY Children`s Vitamin/Mineral, Chewable Multi Nutrient Pack, Whole Food Based Single Day REFRIGERATED Minerals BULK REFRIGERATED FROZEN PET GROCERY Item # Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description 81434 46907 Stress & Tension Relief Stye Eye Relief 094841-610108.529 OZ 094841-300542.33 OZ EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 7.72 7.72 EA EA 7.72 7.72 10.99 10.99 SONNE`S ORGANIC FOODS, INC. 43323 Calphonite 797311-020017 15 OZ 12.20 EA 12.20 19.06 #7 Detoxificant #9 Intestinal Cleanser 797311-070012 797311-090102 32 OZ 13.64 10 OZ 11.83 EA EA 13.64 11.83 21.31 18.48 726012-660024 32 OZ 17.27 EA 17.27 31.45 741273-050834 28 CT 15.96 EA 15.96 19.95 Borage Oil, Cold Pressed Flax/Borage 022506-127012 022506-121010 60 SGEL 17.51 100 SGEL 9.62 EA EA 17.51 9.62 29.69 16.39 Children`s DHA Chewable Softgels Prenatal Toddler Vegetarian DHA 022506-127203 022506-474703 022506-904736 022506-474727 EA EA EA EA 10.18 14.96 10.96 14.56 16.99 24.99 17.55 24.65 Fish Oil Display Ground Flaxseed w/Berries DS 022506-04132532/250 SGEL 17.54 022506-104327 32/12 OZ 5.70 CS 561.16 CS 182.25 25.75 9.39 Evening Primrose Oil 1300 mg Evening Primrose Oil 500 mg 022506-127036 022506-128019 90 SGEL 20.67 100 SGEL 12.77 EA EA 20.67 12.77 34.99 21.79 Cod Liver Oil 520mg Cod Liver Oil 520mg Cod Liver Oil w/ Lemon Fish Oil With Vitamin D Fish Oil With Vitamin D Fish Oil Fish Oil Omega 3 Mixers, Adult Omega 3 Mixers, Kids Omega-3 Fish Gummies w/Vitamin D 022506-125018 022506-125025 022506-125551 022506-129030 022506-305120 022506-003255 022506-516250 022506-025172 022506-625181 022506-485136 90 SGEL 200 SGEL 8 OZ 250 SGEL 100 SGEL 100 SGEL 250 SGEL 14/.4 OZ 14/.4 OZ 60 CT 6.79 13.48 12.04 18.46 8.70 8.03 17.52 0.98 0.77 11.68 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS CS EA 6.79 13.48 12.04 18.46 8.70 8.03 17.52 13.73 10.73 11.68 11.55 22.95 20.15 34.09 14.49 13.35 28.99 1.45 1.15 17.49 Prebiotic, Powder 022506-003002 8.5 OZ 11.64 EA 11.64 18.49 022506-002012 16 OZ 13.67 022506-126053 8 OZ 7.72 022506-000353 24 OZ 18.13 022506-226609 8 OZ 10.04 022506-226616 16 OZ 19.52 022506-135208 8 OZ 8.28 022506-120013 100 SGEL 7.69 022506-120020 250 SGEL 17.63 022506-002135 24 OZ 18.13 022506-120051 8 OZ 7.72 022506-120167 16 OZ 13.67 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 13.67 7.72 18.13 10.04 19.52 8.28 7.69 17.63 18.13 7.72 13.67 21.05 11.75 27.79 16.99 32.99 13.89 13.15 29.65 27.79 11.75 20.99 Digestive Aids 82272 82273 SOUTH PACIFIC TRADING CO Noni Pacific 82486 _b 100% Noni Juice SPATONE Minerals/Supplements 52168 Pur-Absorb Iron SPECTRUM ESSENTIALS ***All Liquid Oils Require Refrigeration*** Borage Caps 40517 H 40500 : DHA 40154 41049 41050 41313 90 SGEL 60 SGEL 1.8 OZ 90 SGEL 10.18 14.96 10.96 14.56 SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE Displays 41004 41850 : 42515 H 40519 : 42519 42520 42514 40224 45190 40421 44691 48497 n 48498 n 51689 40495 40501 40505 40522 42557 42558 42518 40498 40499 40511 40513 40514 EPO Caps Fish Oil Flax Fiber SPECIALTY NON-FOODS Flax Seed Oil & Blends Hb Hb Hb H H Hb : : Hb Hb Hb Enriched Flax Oil w/Lignans 8% Flxseed Added Enriched Flax Oil w/Lignans 8% Flxseed Added Enriched Flax Oil w/Lignans 8% Flxseed Added Flax Oil With DHA Flax Oil With DHA Flax Oil w/Lemon Flax Oil Flax Oil Flax Oil Flax Oil Flax Oil ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 174 40512 30789 40422 48496 48495 45310 40503 40521 42516 42517 Hb : Hb n n Hb : : Hb Hb EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Flax Oil, Cinnamon Flax Pomegranate Flax/Borage Oil Twister, Lemon Meringue Twister, Tropical Coconut Ult Enr Flax Oil w/Lignans 15% Flxseed Added Ultra Enriched Flax Oil w/Lignans Ultra Enriched Flax Oil w/Lignans Ultra Enriched Flax Oil w/Lignans Ultra Enriched Flax Oil w/Lignans 022506-122055 8 OZ 8.32 022506-135253 8 OZ 8.21 022506-003200 8 OZ 12.60 022506-164970 16 OZ 14.24 022506-164987 16 OZ 14.24 022506-131026 16 OZ 13.67 022506-002029 250 SGEL 18.93 022506-126015 100 SGEL 7.89 022506-131019 8 OZ 7.72 022506-131033 24 OZ 18.13 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 8.32 8.21 12.60 14.24 14.24 13.67 18.93 7.89 7.72 18.13 13.89 12.29 21.39 21.35 21.35 21.09 31.79 13.45 11.79 27.79 Flaxseed Meal Ground With Mixed Berries Whole Whole, Dry Roasted 022506-677890 022506-125070 022506-125049 022506-125063 14 OZ 12 OZ 15 OZ 12 OZ 4.75 5.74 3.77 5.06 EA EA EA EA 4.75 5.74 3.77 5.06 7.79 9.55 6.15 8.45 Chia Seed, Grnd,Omega3/Fiber Chia, Whole 022506-521070 022506-521063 10 OZ 12 OZ 6.52 5.74 EA EA 6.52 5.74 9.79 8.45 Flax Oil With Lemon 022506-204348 8 OZ 6.70 EA 6.70 11.09 Cherry Lime Orange Spoonable Stevia Spoonable Stevia Stevia Liquid, Clear Stevia Liquid, Clear Stevia Spoonable Packets Stevia, Supreme (1 gram pkts) Stevia, Supreme Strawberry 617928-002049 617928-002063 617928-002070 617928-000014 617928-000052 617928-000076 617928-000205 617928-000250 617928-400012 617928-400029 617928-002094 1/10/.2 OZ 1/10/.2 OZ 1/10/.2 OZ 2.8 OZ 16 OZ 1.35 OZ 3.3 OZ 50 CT 50 CT 5.4 OZ 1/10/.2 OZ 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.13 13.20 3.30 6.59 3.54 3.37 6.25 4.79 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.13 13.20 3.30 6.59 3.54 3.37 6.25 4.79 7.99 7.99 7.99 6.89 21.99 5.49 10.99 5.89 5.65 10.45 7.99 Panax Ginseng Red Renshen Ginseng Renshenwangjiang w/Royal Jelly 032133-062020 1/10/10 CC 032133-061269 1/20/10 CC 032133-061061 1/10/10 CC 2.96 7.97 4.30 EA EA EA 2.96 7.97 4.30 4.45 12.89 7.15 Stevia Extract, Powder, White Stevia Extract, Powder, White 716123-125710 716123-125727 25 GRAM 10 GRAM 9.59 5.99 EA EA 9.59 5.99 15.99 9.99 Flakes Flakes Tablets Tablets Tablets 075820-160159 075820-158354 075820-162016 075820-162122 075820-186302 1.5 OZ 3.25 OZ 24 TAB 120 TAB 250 TAB 3.47 5.80 2.70 5.00 9.33 EA EA EA EA EA 3.47 5.80 2.70 5.00 9.33 5.79 9.69 4.49 8.35 15.59 647303-010086 647303-010130 120 TAB 13.75 120 TAB 13.75 EA EA 13.75 13.75 25.95 25.95 647303-040021 647303-040038 647303-040182 120 CAP 16.49 120 CAP 16.49 240 CAP 27.49 EA EA EA 16.49 16.49 27.49 31.09 31.09 51.85 Flaxseed 40523 40223 42521 40524 _ :nb H H BULK Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description REFRIGERATED Item # FROZEN Shelf Stable Oil STEVITA 83013 83014 83011 58091 58092 58094 58095 58093 58098 58097 83012 SUPERIOR TRADING CO. 58812 58813 14873 SWEET LEAF 66281 b 66282 b SWISS KRISS Laxatives 59023 59024 59020 59021 59022 SYMBIOTICS Colostrum Chewables 83120 n 83121 n 83128 83125 83126 Colostrum Plus w/ BIO-lipid Candida Formula Plus Colostrum Plus 120 Caps Colostrum Plus 240 Caps ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 175 SPECIALTY Pineapple Wild Cherry GROCERY 44182 Hb PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS 40013 Kb 44255 bK NON-FOODS PET Seeds BULK REFRIGERATED Item # 83124 83132 83133 83134 83130 83129 83138 83136 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Colostrum Plus 60 Caps Colostrum Plus Powder Colostrum Plus Powder Immune Formula Plus Kosher Certified Plus Lactoferrin Colostrum Plus 647303-040113 60 CAP 647303-040083 6.3 OZ 647303-040045 2.25 OZ 647303-040076 120 CAP 647303-040090 120 VCAP 647303-040052 120 CAP EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 10.99 27.49 16.49 19.24 16.49 19.24 EA EA EA EA EA EA 10.99 27.49 16.49 19.24 16.49 19.24 28.28 51.85 31.09 36.29 31.09 34.99 Specialty Formulas Colostrum 40% IgG Lactoferrin 100% 647303-010062 647303-040069 120 CAP 19.24 60 CAP 27.50 EA EA 19.24 27.50 36.29 49.99 Noni Juice, High Potency 686936-120328 32 OZ 21.79 EA 21.79 36.99 Bio Noni, for Women Bio Noni, for Women Maqui 100 Maqui 100 Noni Juice, High Potency Power Noni 686936-130129 686936-130327 686936-200129 686936-200327 686936-120120 686936-140326 12 OZ 32 OZ 12 OZ 32 OZ 12 OZ 32 OZ 13.19 26.39 14.99 32.99 12.53 23.08 EA EA EA EA EA EA 13.19 26.39 14.99 32.99 12.53 23.08 21.99 43.99 24.99 54.99 20.99 38.99 Acai Goji Mangosteen Noni Pomegranate 686936-190321 686936-180322 686936-170323 686936-150325 686936-160324 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 EA EA EA EA EA 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 23.08 38.99 38.99 38.99 38.99 38.99 An Tea Stress 027434-032223 2 OZ 12.00 EA 12.00 19.99 Cranberry Pomegranate 850628-002319 12 OZ 19.80 EA 19.80 32.99 19.67 26.56 19.67 26.56 19.67 26.56 19.67 26.56 EA CS EA CS EA CS EA CS 19.67 26.56 19.67 26.56 19.67 26.56 19.67 26.56 32.79 44.25 32.79 44.25 32.79 44.25 37.99 4.39 12 OZ 13.87 EA 13.87 23.09 40188 41040 41041 48319 H, 48320 H, 40191 40241 H 42317 42315 42313 42319 42321 PET FROZEN TAHITI TRADERS Functional Juice NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY Max Juice Hn Hn :n Hn Hn TEAZEN 89474 TERAS WHEY Goat Whey 46041 KJ Organic Cow Whey 44356 :KJ 46018 :KJ 44347 :KJ 46016 :KJ 44344 :KJw 46015 :KJw 50061 50066 46033 KJ Blueberry Blueberry Bourbon Vanilla Bourbon Vanilla Dark Chocolate, Fair Trade Dark Chocolate, Fair Trade Plain Plain 850628-002296 850628-002258 850628-002548 850628-002517 850628-002302 850628-002203 850628-002586 850628-002609 12 OZ 1/12/1 OZ 12 OZ 1/12/1 OZ 12 OZ 1/12/1 OZ 12 OZ 1/12/1 OZ rBGH Free Cow Whey Wolfberry 850628-002333 Acai Powder Camu Camu Powder Maca Powder 812907-010743 812907-010767 812907-010781 2 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 7.26 7.26 5.46 EA EA EA 7.26 7.26 5.46 12.09 12.09 9.09 Citrus Spray, Citrus Spray, Menthol 041507-065871 041507-065895 041507-065918 100 CT 4 OZ 4 OZ 7.76 5.81 5.81 EA EA EA 7.76 5.81 5.81 12.95 9.35 9.69 Cherry Elm Cherry Elm Maple (Two Trees) 041507-065925 150 CT 041507-065505 10/42 CNT 041507-065406 10/42 CNT 8.12 3.22 3.22 EA CS CS 8.12 32.20 32.20 12.49 4.95 4.95 TERRAMAZON Supplements 44249 H 44251 44250 H THAYER`S Dry Mouth 40066 40068 40067 SPECIALTY Lozenges 40055 59715 59717 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 176 CS EA CS 32.20 8.12 32.20 4.95 12.49 4.95 Honey-B Anise Sore Throat 041507-066052 5 OZ 8.97 EA 8.97 14.95 Acai Energy 850197-001232 6 CT 4.17 EA 4.17 6.95 Acai Energy Extreme Berries Extreme Berries Go Greens Go Greens Green Tea Energy Green Tea Energy Omega 850197-001102 850197-001348 850197-001362 850197-001072 850197-001195 850197-001164 850197-001065 850197-001355 24 CT 24 CT 6 CT 24 CT 6 CT 24 CT 6 CT 6 CT 14.97 14.97 4.17 20.97 5.37 14.97 4.17 4.18 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 14.97 14.97 4.17 20.97 5.37 14.97 4.17 4.18 24.95 24.95 6.95 34.95 8.95 24.95 6.95 6.95 Cherry Blast Lemon Burst 850197-001782 850197-001775 14 CT 14 CT 6.00 6.00 EA EA 6.00 6.00 9.99 9.99 Throat Coat 032917-001726 6/24 CT 7.16 CS 42.96 11.95 Echinacea Elder Herba Tussin Throat Coat 032917-001740 032917-001733 032917-001757 4 OZ 4 OZ 4 OZ 7.16 7.16 7.16 EA EA EA 7.16 7.16 7.16 11.95 11.95 11.95 Fiber Psyllium Smooth Move Senna 032917-001924 032917-001917 180 CAP 10.76 50 CAP 8.96 EA EA 10.76 8.96 17.95 14.95 Thyadine Colloidal Iodine 744665-006976.5 OZ 9.58 EA 9.58 15.95 Coral Calcium 617279-475967 60 CAP 10.00 EA 10.00 19.95 9.00 18.00 16.20 10.80 15.00 15.00 17.50 9.00 15.00 19.50 17.49 17.50 15.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.00 18.00 16.20 10.80 15.00 15.00 17.50 9.00 15.00 19.50 17.49 17.50 15.00 17.95 35.95 32.39 21.55 29.95 29.95 34.95 18.00 29.95 32.49 34.95 34.95 24.99 60 CAP 19.82 150 TAB 22.17 EA EA 19.82 22.17 39.65 36.95 CS CS 13.70 13.70 2.29 2.29 Syrups 40060 TO GO BRANDS 80062 Powder Packets 80060 80053 80054 80056 80058 80050 80051 80006 48493 n 48494 n Vita Rocks TRADITIONAL MEDICINALS Herbal Pastilles 44077 : Herbal Syrup 84133 84134 84135 84136 : 84139 : Smooth Move TRIMEDICA 49522 TROPICAL OASIS Coral Calcium 47341 47395 47396 47347 40371 40374 47349 47354 47351 40370 47370 K 43647 47344 47369 K Liquid Dietary Supplements 100% Pure Acai 100% Pure Acai B12 Calcium, Magnesium w/ Vitamin D Glucosamine Chondroitin, Liquid Ionized Trace Minerals Joint Complete w/ Hyaluronic Acid Mighty Kids Multiple Vitamin/Mineral Multiple Vitamin/Mineral Trans Resveratrol Tropical Acai w/Resveratrol Tropical Plus, Multiple Vit Mineral Tropical Super Fruit Blast 617279-200064 617279-200071 617279-210025 617279-340012 617279-334851 617279-334578 617279-334844 617279-335506 617279-334592 617279-230061 617279-230030 617279-334608 617279-230054 Mega L-Glutathione N Amino Tabs 2000 Mg 027434-001656 027434-002288 16 OZ 32 OZ 4 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ TWIN LAB 80473 80651 59288 59289 Amino Acid Supplements 100% Whey Prtn,Chocolate Disp 100% Whey Prtn,Vanilla, Disp 027434-035309 027434-035316 10/34 GR 10/34 GR 1.37 1.37 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 177 BULK REFRIGERATED 3.22 8.12 3.22 FROZEN 041507-065604 10/42 CNT 041507-065826 150 CT 041507-065703 10/42 CNT PET Rose Hips & Vitamin C Slippery Elm Slippery Elm GROCERY $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 59716 40054 59714 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # NON-FOODS SPECIALTY 81122 46628 80510 89471 59292 89472 80538 80537 80575 80577 80580 80582 80591 80588 80593 80596 80598 80601 80607 80612 80674 80687 59278 59275 80398 41307 80665 80785 80822 80650 80683 80685 89486 80467 80468 80464 80472 80470 80471 81793 80474 80476 80555 41113 41115 80719 80817 80794 80880 80533 48065 80660 80738 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Acetyl L Carnitine 500 mg Acetyl L-Carnitine 500mg DL Phenylalanin 500 MG Detox Fuel Endurance Fuel Display Endurance Fuel Powder Gaba Plus Gaba Plus (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid) L Argin/L Ornit 750 mg L Arginine 500 mg L Carnitine 250 mg L Cysteine 500 mg L Glutamine 1000 mg L Glutamine 500 mg L Glutathione 100 mg L Histidine 500 mg L Lysine 500 mg L Methionine 500 mg L Phenylalanine 500 mg L Tyrosine 500 mg Mega Taurine 1000 mg N Acetyl Cystein Power Fuel Pwdr, Formlua 52 Power Fuel Pwdr, Formula 52 027434-004268 027434-030649 027434-001069 027434-031653 027434-035323 027434-031820 027434-001083 027434-001076 027434-001175 027434-001113 027434-001205 027434-001229 027434-001335 027434-001304 027434-002097 027434-001373 027434-001410 027434-001441 027434-001502 027434-001694 027434-001984 027434-002110 027434-035651 027434-035644 30 CAP 120 CAP 60 CAP 60 CAP 10/31 GR 2.4 LB 100 CAP 50 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 60 CAP 60 CAP 50 TAB 100 CAP 60 CAP 60 TAB 100 CAP 30 CAP 60 CAP 100 CAP 50 CAP 60 CT 10/20 GR 1.76 LB 21.13 33.08 8.79 10.50 1.49 24.00 13.75 7.68 13.20 7.99 16.27 10.46 9.92 11.03 11.86 12.14 5.52 5.51 7.68 9.34 4.95 9.90 10.99 33.49 EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 21.13 33.08 8.79 10.50 14.90 24.00 13.75 7.68 13.20 7.99 16.27 10.46 9.92 11.03 11.86 12.14 5.52 5.51 7.68 9.34 4.95 9.90 10.99 33.49 35.25 55.09 17.59 21.00 2.49 39.99 27.49 15.39 26.39 15.99 32.55 20.89 19.85 22.05 23.69 24.25 10.99 10.99 15.39 18.69 9.39 19.79 21.95 66.95 CoQ10 50 mg, Twinsorb CoQ10 Dots, 30 mg CoQ10, Mega, 30 mg CoQ10, Super, 50 mg CoQ10, Ultra, 100 mg MaxiLife 30 mg 027434-009973 027434-032117 027434-016858 027434-001618 027434-001632 027434-002844 60 SGEL 60 TAB 100 CAP 60 CT 60 CT 120 CT 29.20 9.92 20.94 20.38 35.82 27.54 EA EA EA EA EA EA 29.20 9.92 20.94 20.38 35.82 27.54 58.45 19.85 41.89 40.75 71.65 55.09 8 OZ 5.04 8 OZ 5.26 EA EA 5.04 5.26 10.09 10.49 14.71 4.47 8.58 8.75 6.59 9.19 9.32 7.24 7.84 7.84 12.14 5.48 11.00 11.20 18.50 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 14.71 4.47 8.58 8.75 6.59 9.19 9.32 7.24 7.84 7.84 12.14 5.48 11.00 11.20 18.50 29.39 7.45 14.29 14.59 10.99 15.29 15.55 12.05 11.79 11.79 24.25 10.99 21.99 18.69 30.85 50 CAP 7.14 200 CAP 22.02 200 CAP 12.68 60 CAP 8.55 90 CAP 12.10 50 CAP 6.62 EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.14 22.02 12.68 8.55 12.10 6.62 14.29 44.05 25.35 17.09 24.19 13.25 Co Q10 Cosmetics & HABA`s SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED NA PCA Spray NA PCA w/ Aloe Vera 027434-014069 027434-014076 Dale Alexander Fish & Marine Oils Children`s Omega-3 Powder Cod Liver Cod Liver Cod Liver, Cherry Cod Liver, Emulsified Cod Liver, Emulsified, Mint Cod Liver, Emulsified, Orange Cod Liver, Lemon Cod Liver, Mint Cod Liver, Plain Complete EFA Omega 3 Omega 3 Omega 3, Emulsified Twin EPA 027434-035002 027434-012058 027434-012065 027434-012027 027434-012126 027434-012102 027434-012119 027434-031615 027434-012201 027434-012249 027434-021586 027434-032162 027434-032179 027434-012294 027434-001861 30 CT 100 SGEL 250 SGEL 12 OZ 100 SGEL 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 90 SGEL 50 SGEL 100 SGEL 12 OZ 60 SGEL Fiber, Digestion & Regularity Enzyme, Super Enzyme, Super Fibersol Mega Bromelain Mega Bromelain Pancreatin 027434-015080 027434-015240 027434-016339 027434-036177 027434-050692 027434-015042 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 178 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 80341 81055 46616 80512 80513 59171 81052 81134 81005 80990 80883 81003 89485 48063 Advanced Shark Cartilage 275 mg Cardio Krill Oil Cran 1 Daily DMAE DMAE H3 (Paba) Diet Fuel, Forskohlii Flax/Fish Combo Oil Glucosamine Sulfate 750 mg Grape Seed Extract 50 mg Lutein 20 mg Primrose Oil, Mega, 1300 Pycnogenol 50 mg Resveratrol Dots Resveratrol Max Dots 027434-002639 100 CT 21.80 027434-031059 60 SGEL 22.06 027434-022743 30 CAP 8.83 027434-006637 100 CAP 5.92 027434-016247 1.7 OZ 6.64 027434-036597 60 CAP 12.49 027434-031042 120 SGEL 9.92 027434-004282 90 CAP 28.44 027434-004671 60 CAP 12.54 027434-008945 30 CAP 11.59 027434-006675 60 CAP 12.54 027434-004343 60 CAP 31.75 027434-034784 60 TAB 8.39 027434-036559 60 CT 8.39 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 21.80 22.06 8.83 5.92 6.64 12.49 9.92 28.44 12.54 11.59 12.54 31.75 8.39 8.39 36.35 44.09 17.65 9.89 13.29 24.99 19.85 47.39 20.89 19.29 20.89 52.89 16.79 16.79 Chicken Collagen Type II 027434-012669 60 CAP 14.31 EA 14.31 28.59 Cal Quick, Liquid Calcium 1000 w/ Vitamin D Calcium 500 w/ Magnesium & Vitamin D Calcium Citrate Calcium Citrate Calcium Citrate, Chew 1000mg/500mg Calcium Lactate 740 mg/100 mg Copper 2 mg Iron 18 mg Liquid Potassium Magnesium 400 mg Magnesium 400 mg Manganese 10 mg Potassium 99 mg Potassium 99 mg Sodium Selenite Tri Boron Tri Boron Plus Tri Boron Plus Zinc 30 mg Zinc 50 mg Zinc 50 mg 027434-010153 027434-008242 027434-008228 027434-010078 027434-002837 027434-035408 027434-010092 027434-010177 027434-010184 027434-010191 027434-010214 027434-010238 027434-010221 027434-010337 027434-010344 027434-010405 027434-010474 027434-010481 027434-002813 027434-010412 027434-010429 027434-010436 16 OZ 9.11 120 TAB 12.68 180 TAB 9.92 150 CAP 9.38 250 CAP 13.79 60 WFR 9.92 100 CAP 6.90 100 CAP 4.96 100 CAP 3.28 16 OZ 6.31 100 CAP 4.95 200 CAP 9.38 100 CAP 5.51 90 CAP 3.87 180 CAP 6.23 100 CAP 6.07 100 CAP 4.96 120 CAP 7.68 240 CAP 13.75 100 CAP 4.96 90 CAP 4.68 180 CAP 8.83 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.11 12.68 9.92 9.38 13.79 9.92 6.90 4.96 3.28 6.31 4.95 9.38 5.51 3.87 6.23 6.07 4.96 7.68 13.75 4.96 4.68 8.83 15.15 25.35 19.85 18.75 27.55 19.83 13.79 9.89 6.55 12.59 11.85 18.75 10.99 7.69 12.45 12.15 9.89 15.39 27.49 9.89 9.35 17.65 027434-009010 027434-009027 027434-020497 027434-036207 027434-009041 027434-009058 027434-002851 027434-003544 027434-003551 027434-003599 027434-003582 027434-009096 027434-009072 027434-009089 027434-030519 027434-009164 100 CAP 200 CAP 50 CT 60 CAP 60 CAP 90 CAP 180 CAP 90 CAP 180 CAP 180 CAP 90 CAP 1.7 OZ 100 TAB 200 TAB 120 CAP 180 CAP EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 11.59 18.20 9.38 9.90 10.20 14.06 24.78 13.75 24.23 29.74 16.27 7.56 14.90 28.94 14.90 10.48 23.15 36.39 18.75 19.79 20.39 28.15 49.55 27.49 48.45 59.49 32.55 15.15 29.75 57.89 29.75 20.95 REFRIGERATED Food Supplements FROZEN Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK 80353 80354 80698 48064 80484 80485 80486 80489 80490 80342 80497 80569 80515 80516 46624 80682 Multi-Vitamins & Minerals Allergy, Multi Allergy, Multi Animal Friends, Bunch O`Berries, Chewable Daily One W/O Iron & Floraglo Daily One w/Iron Daily One w/Iron Daily One w/Iron Daily One w/o Iron Daily One w/o Iron Daily Two w/o Iron Daily Two w/o Iron Drops, Infant Care Dual Tabs, Mega Vitamin & Mineral Dual Tabs, Mega Vitamin & Mineral Men`s Ultra Daily Multi Minerals 11.59 18.20 9.38 9.90 10.20 14.06 24.78 13.75 24.23 29.74 16.27 7.56 14.90 28.94 14.90 10.48 ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 179 GROCERY PERSONAL CARE 80422 80902 80900 80424 80425 87830 80427 80478 80573 80626 80638 80876 80639 80747 80748 80764 80813 80814 80815 80846 80847 80848 SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS 81725 SPECIALTY Minerals PET MaxiLIFE BULK Item # 80751 46623 80633 Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Prenatal Formula Women`s Ultra Daily EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 027434-009188 027434-030526 120 CAP 14.31 120 CAP 14.90 EA EA 14.31 14.90 28.59 29.75 027434-002295 16 OZ 10.08 EA 10.08 16.79 Protein Supplements PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS NON-FOODS SPECIALTY FROZEN REFRIGERATED Predigested Liquid, Regular Special Formulas 80352 80987 81767 80909 80863 81114 58448 80021 80022 80718 58443 81797 81798 81021 n 40690 80844 50761 89483 89484 89481 89482 80330 s 80364 80365 80367 80358 80359 80673 80456 81785 81040 81038 81039 81784 80434 89480 55773 80915 s 81682 80836 80983 45632 81689 80438 81015 81774 80653 81010 81011 85674 85687 Allergy Fighters Alpha Lioic Acid 50 mg Bone Support w/ Ostivone Cholesterol Success Choline Cocktain w/Fructose Melatonin, 3 mg Mood Solutions Ocuguard Plus Ocuguard Plus Ocuguard Stress Solutions Tomato Lycopene Tomato Lycopene Vital Memory Vitamin D3 1000IU + K2 90mcg Dots Yeast Fighters 027434-016018 027434-008914 027434-013895 027434-021036 027434-006705 027434-005111 027434-031219 027434-032063 027434-032070 027434-002547 027434-031196 027434-017961 027434-017954 027434-022613 027434-031622 027434-016803 60 CAP 60 CAP 60 TAB 120 TAB 13.33 OZ 60 CAP 90 SGEL 60 CAP 120 CAP 120 CAP 30 CAP 30 SGEL 60 SGEL 45 TAB 60 TAB 75 CAP 12.68 10.28 17.18 19.82 17.18 5.92 13.23 16.51 30.76 21.51 11.91 9.23 16.51 23.12 9.36 7.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 12.68 10.28 17.18 19.82 17.18 5.92 13.23 16.51 30.76 21.51 11.91 9.23 16.51 23.12 9.36 7.99 25.35 17.09 28.59 33.05 28.59 9.89 22.05 27.49 51.29 35.85 19.85 15.39 27.49 38.55 17.65 15.99 027434-035026 027434-033954 027434-033961 027434-033879 027434-033886 027434-016087 027434-016063 027434-016070 027434-002264 027434-016032 027434-016049 027434-031493 027434-001960 027434-014250 027434-005913 027434-003872 027434-003889 027434-014243 027434-009454 027434-032186 027434-035941 027434-020688 027434-019675 027434-004213 027434-004190 027434-009935 027434-008693 027434-017534 027434-011310 027434-013857 027434-001977 027434-011327 027434-011334 027434-008495 027434-008501 1 LB 16 OZ 32 OZ 16 OZ 32 OZ 250 TAB 60 TAB 150 TAB 50 TAB 16 OZ 32 OZ 180 TAB 100 CAP 180 CAP 60 CAP 4 OZ 8 OZ 90 CAP 120 CAP 2 OZ 50 TAB 24/8.4 OZ 18 OZ 120 CAP 4 OZ 120 CAP 120 CAP 60 CAP 120 CAP 16 OZ 16 OZ 60 CAP 120 CAP 60 CAP 120 CAP 11.75 12.00 20.67 12.00 20.67 18.49 5.99 11.99 8.97 11.33 19.33 13.70 5.25 17.99 5.39 5.39 8.39 10.79 23.40 5.99 7.70 0.88 33.57 14.97 14.37 20.97 20.37 11.96 31.17 18.75 10.47 11.10 20.97 9.59 17.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 11.75 12.00 20.67 12.00 20.67 18.49 5.99 11.99 8.97 11.33 19.33 13.70 5.25 17.99 5.39 5.39 8.39 10.79 23.40 5.99 7.70 21.12 33.57 14.97 14.37 20.97 20.37 11.96 31.17 18.75 10.47 11.10 20.97 9.59 17.99 19.59 20.00 34.44 20.00 34.44 36.99 11.99 23.99 14.95 18.89 32.22 23.06 10.50 29.99 8.99 8.99 13.99 17.99 39.00 9.99 14.55 1.49 55.95 24.95 23.95 34.95 33.95 19.95 51.95 31.24 17.44 18.50 34.95 15.99 29.99 Sports Nutrition 100% Whey Protein, Vanilla Amino Fuel Liquid, Cherry Amino Fuel Liquid, Cherry Amino Fuel Liquid, Orange Amino Fuel Liquid, Orange Amino Fuel, 1000 mg Amino Fuel, 1000 mg Amino Fuel, 1000 mg Amino Fuel, 2000 mg Amino Fuel, Concentrate Amino Fuel, Concentrate BCAA Fuel Chromic Fuel Creatine Fuel Stack Creatine Fuel Creatine Fuel, Powder Creatine Fuel, Powder Creatine Fuel, Stack Diet Fuel, Ephedra Free Electolyte Fuel Spray Energy Fuel Energy Fuel, High Performance Drink Glutamine Fuel Powder Glutamine Fuel Glutamine Fuel, Pwdr Glutamine Fuel,Mega HMB Fuel 350 mg Horny Goat Weed Joint Fuel Joint Fuel, Liquid Concentrate MCT Fuel, Liquid Male Fuel Male Fuel Mega Creatine Fuel Mega Creatine Fuel ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 180 80419 80421 80349 80348 80776 80414 80462 80623 80624 80755 14.88 17.49 12.30 23.40 30.00 12.29 23.40 11.37 14.88 12.45 12.45 13.19 8.10 14.70 14.99 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 14.88 17.49 12.30 23.40 30.00 12.29 23.40 11.37 14.88 12.45 12.45 13.19 8.10 14.70 14.99 24.80 34.99 20.49 39.00 49.99 20.49 39.00 18.95 24.80 19.95 20.75 21.99 13.50 24.50 24.99 Allergy, 10,000 IU Vitamin D 2000 IU Dots 027434-005012 027434-034111 100 CAP 100 TAB 5.24 5.51 EA EA 5.24 5.51 10.49 10.99 B1, 100 mg B1, 500 mg B100 B100 B12 Dots B12 Dots 500 mcg B2, 100 mg B50 B50 B6, 100 mg Biotin, 600 mcg Choline & Inositol, 500 mg Choline, 350 mg Folic Acid, 800 mcg Folic Acid, 800 mg Inositol, 500 mg Liquid, Herbal Liquid, Regular Mega B12 Dots, 5000 mcg Mega B12 Dots, 5000 mcg Niacin (B3), 1000 mg Niacin (B3), 500 mg Niacin, No Flush 800 mg Pantothenic Acid, 500 mg (B5) Pantothenic Acid, 500 mg (B5) Stress B Complex Stress B Complex 027434-006019 027434-006026 027434-006125 027434-006132 027434-006095 027434-006088 027434-006033 027434-006101 027434-006118 027434-006057 027434-006163 027434-006200 027434-006187 027434-006354 027434-006217 027434-006224 027434-006248 027434-006286 027434-021302 027434-021319 027434-006316 027434-006309 027434-020619 027434-006408 027434-006460 027434-006422 027434-002875 100 CAP 100 CAP 50 CAP 100 CAP 250 CT 100 CT 100 CAP 50 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 200 CAP 100 CAP 100 CAP 8 OZ 8 OZ 30 CT 60 CT 100 CAP 100 CAP 50 CAP 100 CAP 200 CAP 100 CT 250 CT 5.51 9.38 6.59 12.09 10.75 5.51 7.18 4.96 7.68 5.24 5.51 7.99 8.28 8.28 4.96 8.28 17.36 15.04 8.28 13.79 8.83 5.51 11.03 7.72 14.34 10.44 23.12 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 5.51 9.38 6.59 12.09 10.75 5.51 7.18 4.96 7.68 5.24 5.51 7.99 8.28 8.28 4.96 8.28 17.36 15.04 8.28 13.79 8.83 5.51 11.03 7.72 14.34 10.44 23.12 10.99 18.75 13.19 24.19 21.49 10.99 14.35 9.89 12.85 8.79 10.99 15.99 16.55 16.55 9.35 16.55 28.95 25.09 16.55 27.59 17.65 10.99 22.05 15.45 28.65 20.89 46.25 1000 mg 500 mg Allergy 1500 mg Allergy Ascorbate, Super, Powder, 2000 mg C+ Citrus Bioflavonoid Citrus Bioflavonoid Liquid Liquid Quercetin + C 500 mg/1400 mg 027434-007139 027434-007115 027434-007023 027434-007016 027434-007269 027434-007177 027434-007153 027434-007214 027434-007207 027434-007221 250 CAP 250 CAP 200 CAP 100 CAP 8 OZ 100 CAP 100 CAP 16 OZ 8 OZ 50 CAP 16.44 11.59 19.30 11.03 17.87 8.79 8.83 11.00 6.31 9.34 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 16.44 11.59 19.30 11.03 17.87 8.79 8.83 11.00 6.31 9.34 33.05 23.15 38.59 22.05 29.75 17.59 17.65 18.29 10.49 18.69 Vitamin A & D Vitamin B Vitamin C ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 181 BULK REFRIGERATED 80380 80381 80382 80383 80386 80385 80387 80388 80389 80391 80409 80453 80454 80877 80536 80572 80618 80622 80620 80628 80691 80690 80695 80741 80881 80766 80767 60 CAP 90 TAB 60 TAB 120 TAB 200 CAP 60 CAP 120 CAP 100 CAP 60 CAP 3.3 LB 3.3 LB 1.18 LB 50 CAP 100 CAP 90 CAP FROZEN 027434-022491 027434-031738 027434-035972 027434-035989 027434-022736 027434-009508 027434-009515 027434-010924 027434-022514 027434-001274 027434-001182 027434-004923 027434-011297 027434-011280 027434-018166 PET 80347 81363 Ripped Fuel Extreme, Ephedra Free Ripped Fuel Xtendr Ripped Fuel Ripped Fuel Ripped Fuel, Ephedra Free Ripped Fuel, Mahuang Free Ripped Fuel, Mahuang Free Tribulus Fuel Ultimate Diet Fuel, Ephedra Free Ultra Fuel, Fruit Punch, Powder Ultra Fuel, Orange, Powder Vege Fuel Yohimbe Fuel Yohimbe Fuel ZMA Fuel GROCERY $ SRP PERSONAL CARE 46608 81071 55774 55775 80746 81029 81070 81711 46609 80825 n 80828 80835 81012 81013 80523 EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price SUPPLEMENTS Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description NON-FOODS Item # SPECIALTY BULK Item # 80756 80778 80351 100 CAP 16.51 8 OZ 15.22 EA EA 16.51 15.22 33.05 25.35 Allergy, 400 IU 027434-003506 100 CAP 4.96 EA 4.96 9.89 1000 IU, Super 400 IU, Super Complex 400 IU, Super Complex 400 IU, Super, Plus Selenium Dry 400 IU 027434-008143 100 SGEL 20.68 027434-008112 100 SGEL 10.20 027434-008129 250 SGEL 22.58 027434-008099 100 CAP 17.38 027434-008044 100 CAP 14.31 EA EA EA EA EA 20.68 10.20 22.58 17.38 14.31 41.35 20.39 45.15 34.75 28.59 Diet Fuel Diet Fuel 027434-035934 027434-035965 120 TAB 23.40 120 TAB 21.42 EA EA 23.40 21.42 39.00 35.70 Brewers Super Rich, Plus 027434-011020 027434-011099 18 OZ 9.27 16 OZ 13.23 EA EA 9.27 13.23 15.45 22.05 8.70 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 13.50 12.35 18.00 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 8.70 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 13.50 12.35 18.00 15.75 20.25 20.25 20.25 20.25 23.35 22.50 33.20 Vitamin D Vitamin E 80790 80787 80788 80793 80520 55064 55067 80411 80805 FROZEN GROCERY PERSONAL CARE SUPPLEMENTS $ SRP 027434-002004 027434-007283 UAS LABORATORIES NON-FOODS EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price Quercetin + C Super, Powder 2000 mg Weight Loss Supplements Yeast Products 40123 40120 K 40121 K 40122 K 84488 K 84487 K 84486 K 84489 K DDS Acidophilus Capsules DDS Acidophilus w/FOS DDS Acidophilus DDS Acidophilus, Powder DDS Junior DDS Plus DDS Plus, Powder Probioplus DDS 725334-003489 60 CAPS 725334-003205 100 CAP 725334-003106 100 TAB 725334-003458 2.5 OZ 725334-003236 2.5 OZ 725334-003502 100 CAP 725334-003854 2.5 OZ 725334-003519 100 VCAP Bin Wheat Germ Oil 20m Wheat Germ Oil Liquid Wheat Germ Oil Liquid 734968-050011 734968-043136 734968-043143 100 SG 11.44 8 OZ 6.59 16 OZ 10.72 EA EA EA 11.44 6.59 10.72 19.08 10.98 17.89 Drink Mixer Food Scale Pill Case Stacker, Display Box Pocket Pack Power Shaker Seven Day Pack Vitamin Chest Vitamin Splitter/Crusher 700522-101314 700522-101307 700522-101222 700522-102311 700522-102083 700522-101260 700522-101253 700522-101321 1 EA 1 EACH 6/5 PK 1 CT 1 EA 1 EACH 1 EA 1 EA 4.80 5.40 4.20 1.20 3.00 2.40 3.60 3.60 EA EA CS EA EA EA EA EA 4.80 5.40 25.20 1.20 3.00 2.40 3.60 3.60 7.19 9.99 6.29 1.79 4.49 3.99 5.39 5.39 Cardio Support Formula Daily Antionxidant Liquid Veg Caps Daily Multi Optimum Health Daily Multi Optimum Health Glucosamine & Chondroitin Immune Support Formula Mood Support Formula Vitamin B Complex Vitamin D 1000IU 874013-000100 874013-000056 874013-000049 874013-000018 874013-000063 874013-000087 874013-000124 874013-001183 027434-031509 30 SGEL 60 LCAP 180 TAB 30 TAB 90 TAB 120 SGEL 90 SGEL 90 TAB 100 TAB 20.44 22.93 24.68 6.30 15.74 18.90 13.13 8.93 6.83 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 20.44 22.93 24.68 6.30 15.74 18.90 13.13 8.93 6.83 39.99 46.19 49.34 12.59 31.49 31.49 26.24 17.84 13.64 Gripe Water for Colic 729609-019656 4 OZ 6.00 EA 6.00 10.95 VIOBIN 40304 40306 40307 VITAMINDER 62122 45646 62124 45642 62117 45643 62126 62121 WEIL Andrew Weil, MD, Nutritional Supplements 89171 48972 48973 48974 89168 48978 48979 89175 89179 WELLEMENTS SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description PET REFRIGERATED 56811 H ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 182 36158 36159 36161 36189 Cough & Cold Emotional Rescue Sinus & Nasal Sound-A-Sleep 654641-411123 654641-411130 654641-411154 654641-411161 1/8/5 ML 1/8/5 ML 1/8/5 ML 1/8/5 ML 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 EA EA EA EA 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 11.99 11.99 11.99 11.99 Natural Ginger Lemon Natural Lemon Natural Lime Natural Orange 858027-002046 858027-002039 858027-002022 858027-002015 24/.70 OZ 24/.70 OZ 24/.70 OZ 24/.7 OZ 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.62 CS CS CS CS 38.95 38.95 38.95 38.95 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 716123-124027 716123-124812 716123-124157 716123-124171 716123-125659 716123-125611 716123-123884 716123-123983 716123-123860 716123-124126 716123-126328 716123-124089 716123-123969 716123-124102 716123-124041 716123-123006 716123-123846 716123-125628 2 OZ 9.00 2 OZ 9.89 2 OZ 9.00 2 OZ 9.00 4 OZ 15.00 2 OZ 9.00 2 OZ 9.00 2 OZ 9.00 2 OZ 9.00 2 OZ 9.00 1/4/6 ML 9.60 2 OZ 9.00 2 OZ 9.00 2 OZ 9.00 2 OZ 9.00 2 OZ 9.00 2 OZ 9.00 6 ML 2.63 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 9.00 9.89 9.00 9.00 15.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.60 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 2.63 14.99 16.49 14.99 14.99 24.99 14.99 14.99 14.99 14.99 14.99 15.99 14.99 14.99 14.99 14.99 14.99 14.99 4.39 726899-590360 726899-590476 726899-590230 726899-590025 726899-590131 726899-590568 50 CAP 100 CAP 16 OZ 8 OZ 16 OZ 60 CAP 3.89 6.47 6.47 4.67 7.79 5.81 EA EA EA EA EA EA 3.89 6.47 6.47 4.67 7.79 5.81 6.49 10.79 10.79 7.79 12.99 9.69 WINGFOOT ISKIATE 06647 06646 06645 06644 Kn Kn Kn Kn WISDOM NATURAL BRANDS SweetLeaf 50784 JK 50966 44110 44109 50947 50952 50925 50926 50924 50786 JK 50782 JK 50781 JK 50922 50780 JK 50785 JK 50927 50923 50954 Stevia Clear Liquid Chocolate Stevia Concentrate Stevia Extract, Liq, Hazelnut Stevia Extract, Liquid, Berry Stevia Extract, Liquid, Clear Stevia Extract, Liquid, Clear SteviaClear Liq Valencia Orange SteviaClear Liquid Apricot SteviaClear Liquid Choc Raspberry SteviaClear Liquid Cinnamon SteviaClear Liquid Flavors Tin SteviaClear Liquid Grape SteviaClear Liquid Lemon Drop SteviaClear Liquid Peppermint SteviaClear Liquid Rootbeer SteviaClear Liquid Toffee SteviaClear Liquid Vanilla Creme SteviaClear Liquid, Travel Size WORLD ORGANICS CORPORATION Chlorophyll Products 58722 58723 58721 58719 58720 58724 58737 58710 58717 Chlorophyll, 60 mg Chlorophyll, 60 mg Liquid w/ Mint 50 mg Liquid, 100 mg Liquid, 100 mg Mega, 100 mg Liquid Supplements Kelp Potassium Iodide Ultra B in Raisin Juice 726899-552740 726899-553044 726899-518531 2 OZ 2.90 2 OZ 2.99 16 OZ 12.89 EA EA EA 2.90 2.99 12.89 5.79 4.99 21.49 Ysnore Spray Ysnore, Anti-Snoring Nose Drops 798311-111712 798311-331011 20 ML 5 ML 9.27 4.80 EA EA 9.27 4.80 15.45 6.29 Great Plains Great Plains 046352-005201 046352-005195 32 OZ 16 OZ 9.95 6.57 EA EA 9.95 6.57 16.58 10.95 046352-001012 100 TAB 7.01 EA 7.01 11.70 046352-002064 180 CAP 8.97 EA 8.97 14.95 BULK REFRIGERATED WHITE DOVE HERBALS Single Serve Elixirs FROZEN $ SRP PET EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price GROCERY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description PERSONAL CARE Item # SUPPLEMENTS 40410 57310 YERBA PRIMA Bentonite 40741 40743 40705 Cleansing Products Kalenite Herbal Cleansing Formula Dietary Fiber Capsules 40703 Colon Care Formula ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 183 SPECIALTY NON-FOODS Y-SNORE BULK REFRIGERATED FROZEN PET GROCERY PERSONAL CARE Item # 40713 40738 40710 40736 40702 40712 40714 40737 40708 40709 40730 Daily Fiber Fiber Plus Psyllium Husks Psyllium Husks EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP 046352-001999 180 CAP 046352-002163 180 CAP 046352-001067 180 CAP 046352-001081 180 VCAP 7.77 8.97 7.29 7.96 EA EA EA EA 7.77 8.97 7.29 7.96 12.95 14.95 12.16 13.27 Colon Care Formula Daily Fiber Daily Fiber, Orange Fiber Plus Psyllium Husk Psyllium Husk, Whole Soluble Fiber Formula 046352-002040 046352-002002 046352-001982 046352-002132 046352-001043 046352-001050 046352-001821 12 OZ 12 OZ 16 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 12 OZ 7.77 5.97 6.57 8.25 6.57 6.31 6.17 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.77 5.97 6.57 8.25 6.57 6.31 6.17 12.95 9.95 10.95 13.75 10.95 10.52 10.29 Men`s Rebuild Internal Cleansing Sys Women`s Renew Internal Cleansing Sys 046352-001159 046352-001005 1 KIT 17.97 1 KIT 17.97 EA EA 17.97 17.97 29.95 29.95 Advanced, Type 1, 2 & 3 Advanced, Type 1, 2 & 3 Liquid Marine Marine Protein Shake Type 1 & 3 853244-003074 160 TABS 853244-003036 290 TABS 853244-003111 16 OZ 853244-003142 290 TABS 853244-003135 160 TABS 853244-003081 24 OZ 853244-003005 120 TABS 7.88 11.69 13.97 12.74 8.12 20.22 5.71 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 7.88 11.69 13.97 12.74 8.12 20.22 5.71 14.95 19.95 24.95 20.95 13.95 29.95 9.95 Advanced Advanced Anti-Aging Anti-Aging 853244-003159 290 TABS 18.84 853244-003098 160 TABS 11.49 853244-003166 290 TABS 15.72 853244-003104 160 TABS 9.79 EA EA EA EA 18.84 11.49 15.72 9.79 29.95 18.95 25.95 16.95 041954-020928 041954-020836 041954-020980 041954-020898 EA EA EA EA 15.75 5.75 4.51 16.19 26.29 9.59 7.59 26.95 Dietary Fiber Powders 40739 40701 YOUTHEORY Collagen 43174 43175 43181 43179 43180 43184 43173 Resveratrol 43185 43186 43176 43177 ZAND Cleansing & Digestion Formulas 40600 40572 40617 40578 40626 40607 40700 40546 H 40605 40664 H 40608 40676 H 40558 87922 87923 40665 H 40610 40677 H 40609 40562 40561 Candida QuickCleanse Laxative QuickDigest Chewables Quickcleanse Internal Program, 3 Pc 60 VCAP 15.75 100 TAB 5.75 90 TAB 4.51 1 KIT 16.19 Herbal Formulas Astragalus Decongest Herbal HerbalMist, Throat Spray w/Echinacea Herbalmist, Throat Spray Insure 041954-010080 041954-010097 041954-010332 041954-010752 041954-010042 2 OZ 48 CAP 1 OZ 2 OZ 2 OZ 7.65 5.75 5.15 7.00 8.91 EA EA EA EA EA 7.65 5.75 5.15 7.00 8.91 12.79 9.59 8.59 11.69 14.89 041954-000081 041954-000111 041954-000050 041954-000142 041954-000098 041954-000104 041954-000074 041954-000135 041954-000067 041954-000128 12/18 CT 12/15 CT 12/18 CT 12/15 CT 12/15 CT 12/15 CT 12/18 CT 12/15 CT 12/18 CT 12/15 CT 1.55 1.43 1.55 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.55 1.43 1.55 1.43 CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 18.56 17.21 18.56 17.21 17.21 17.21 18.56 17.21 18.56 17.21 2.59 2.39 2.59 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.59 2.39 2.59 2.39 041954-040018 041954-040001 1 OZ 1 OZ 5.75 5.75 EA EA 5.75 5.75 9.59 9.59 Herbal Lozenges SPECIALTY Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description Programs NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS Blue Berries Cough Drop, Original Menthol Cranberry Raspberry Lozenges Echinacea Zinc, Cherry Elderberry Zinc Green Tea w/ Echinacea Honey Lemon Lemon Zinc Tropical Lozenges Vitamin C, Orange Kids` Insure Herbal Orange Banana Raspberry ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade All Items May Not Be Available in All Warehouses 184 Item # EA/ Wholesale CS $ Price $ SRP Nutritional Formulas 40631 Glucosamine w/ Chondroitin & MSM 041954-041404 16 OZ 10.20 EA 10.20 16.99 041954-030002 1 OZ 12.05 EA 12.05 20.09 041954-010295 60 CAP 11.99 EA 11.99 19.99 852056-003012 852056-003029 852056-003036 16 OZ 10.82 16 OZ 10.82 16 OZ 10.82 EA EA EA 10.82 10.82 10.82 18.05 18.05 18.05 Standardized Herbal Extracts-Liquids 40803 Oregano Oil Women`s Health 40643 Changes For Women, Day & Night Formula ZOLA BRAZILIAN FRUITS 06653 06654 06655 Acai Antioxidant Booster Acerola Caja Vit C Booster Cupuacu Mango Vitality Booster ✫ = Gluten Free ✪ = Wheat Free ▲ = Artificial Ingredients ✓ = Sulphured ■ = Contains Sugar ✦ = Foodservice ✿ = 100% Organic ★ = 95-99% Organic ✚ = Made With 70-94% Organic Ingredients ✌ = Vegan ❂ = Kosher v = Vegetable Enzymes C = Ethnic m = Non-GMO Project Verified w = Fair Trade Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 185 SPECIALTY NON-FOODS SUPPLEMENTS PERSONAL CARE GROCERY PET FROZEN REFRIGERATED Unit/ UPC # Case Size $ Unit Product Description BULK g Announcing our Green General Merchandise Program UNFI is the premier source of sustainable general merchandise products and committed to providing a complete, sustainable general merchandise program. General Merchandise does matter— are you getting your fair share of this market? Market s
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