NEW JERSEY COURIER. » « ’» ' T * ' - P IO N E E R ^ ì B U S U ID 1 *5 0 Rope W orks Burnt BILL AND M A JO R ITY FROM A L L A R O U R D «¡TY ALSO HEADS OF ! •♦♦« ♦ ♦ • * * * * * « Low. of $ 1 2 ,5 0 0 &a a ^ » « k — iM « n i pi»* Bill to Stop Winter Tonfi FIV E TOW NSHIPS SELL IN T ER EST Course for High IN POOR FARM A T $ 1 2 ,5 0 0 EA CH School Thi* Fall BU T DOVER R EFU SED TO S E L L I . R R. Car Shopa and Depot Saved; Whole Town Thiaatenad Plañíais Farvi anil Touyei* Op- V O LU M I 6 1 - H U I B I B 2 4 Plan Commercial atL ak eh u rstw ith RULE; N O OPPONENTS PRESENT — OP O C E A N C O U N T Y . T O M B t V B B . M. J . , T H Ü M D A Y A F T E R NOOK. MARCH 1 6 . 1 6 ! 1 FOR PASSAGE O F LOCAL Iq P T I O N NEW SPAPER .. — Twc i I Raw Teacher« Itceded at Vlllafa School Rett Term N LEAGUE RECENT DEATHS PROPERTY HAD ROT BEER AD VERTISED; MARY RELIEVE IT W ORTH MUCH MOKE i tl iver. àfuituiyuih cvHtntv. nave reed che i h* Aikfil lor •»* Thurtdai •»11 tJ»«tr urnbvivjetj in irrest the kan chufe ours» in the high tch ili the ol It tor (srrn «1 ü I» rate of $75 OCX ib« Iml U another department t< relieve Bulled odici Cfl M ai 7 tu Althi iugh at Jackson*! Milla Í I OR the •hell NMi itili retained crowded state of the lower, or ele* ’ I S ta d , Ia«t lr« n April t to May ntary, grade« The total imount th« last few years Mr, Yahll im always i *bt(>is th« only oo t of ih» sia tlhat ha« I they «rill ask for i* $aono for urrent kepii hit voting residence fin Lakewood 11 refeiwd to sell at this prie». Ai a is>e«t* ’ I ytar. The lungert are muttly •1 h» hid lived in that town probably 1inS a few week« «go, th# btivcr To-wo« looted t o tbit proposition expenses and SI 500 for repairs ol ibe MalaOf th ii $7 500, the two new roontiand beiti re «Dy person do« living there H tj ih»fi Commute-« voted to aak for ita The bill it advocated by the plante wa« s member ol the Ltgi slaiurv in j •baire at ih» rata of $100,000 1for th« who stirred «■caute they mi y it arili give them *ovefrd by Bon Cmn* II their teachers and equipment wilt take 1«beil» tract. Ti»««day aileftioon th« mrr on the 2500 the first year After that the «tier supply of Me«! Thee »mv tin titghi watchman at the ropeworks. j Mr. Van Hist*« family li>ád ürm ! Conin tu ite held another ma»ting. re* rtea i f out- I spat catches on the sheila in the sum- j It W|is then a i the front of the building. | vet will he but little. For the comoffer of $12,500 for airman of mcr, end th tr when the jfkflNint open iI th e fart*,, t from water, and in the icrcial course it is estimated that toe arouod Lake wood "nail y years. fused to arccp ] i u aixtb. and i mied J C. M odena* Low and [ season arrives, on Octobe r I. tht shell j »lore room where the finished product cachet will coat »600; fitting up a room Whuti the Brrgfi 11 on Worl inn-har I as counsel, S00, typewriters and other equip- established hie brother• lc ih H Van- ! ban with 1. W r present j[ of the new formed oyster it so thin th at j¡ was iitored. It is alio alleg'd by the j to i«e what co uld I •< done to get a big[ If lev had charge ol the men lent M W For the ether -com the e address- I\lifiv per cant nf ih and Isaac *d it lost In 1 alt on ibe en# that the Is of in« I transplanting. If it coultI be left on- 1i Marti xpente will be $1000. to be ipent in was m the office keeping the Its and I ger price the mi of the btnldtt but none disturbed till April, they iinsist the shell fitting up the lai dirtfeting at end. Later The buyer* t f thi um»! n the t are tbreeMon* Cit i the job trying in the building and paving the teacher Bn.eksbuiig Laud and tin ty law would be thicker end larg er, and ther ■ to »V McDermott o 1 property. The Central railroad's hr,w County r ri« for fired, h * b.*< one year. It it planned to put the com- v on Freehold. CUrk of Monmouth, [he Lake- would be leu likelihood ot their being big 1 „| WUD is. UÏU lift mt-tcigl department in the third ttory. bookkeep i atxJ held the po ulio i until f'rsnk Dufandof MAfliKjuan sod J i m i f i church, wai the firtt crushed in taking up and replanting wrecking plant, waa put to work. T h ii The tongers are opposed to the meat. Of course after the first the first year U 79 when the stock c f the Co upany D. Carton of Asbury P *rk, th« I m two r «asmuch interested •aved the railroad eardrops and the the cost of fitting up the two new rooms was bought by Captain Bradsha r and being member* of the law firm of Durand ,! opt ion and he in- I ure because ij would take away from depot which stood next to the fopetham all chance« to work on the oyster and the equipment would be eliminated a number of bis friends After t lat Mr Ivins and Carton, The property * u i an eminently fair y ibêt it «•« work», acroaa the railroad track, and bpsittun, unti r the pm posed bill it I beds in the fall and winter, They as* partly in the path of the light north- and the State would pay a large part of Van H ise retired, and had lived either sold at private sale without any adverthe salaries, so the additional coet for in Lakewood or Jackson's Mill « ever tiacmerit and on lb« only offer made 0 lake thirty per cent ot the v. lyra sert that from the time the Jersey shore eaat wind Had the wind been blowing an elec lion and unless« mejori- j was first settled their ancestors and hard as it has most of the time the last the two new rooms to the taxpayers since that time The property it one of the most after the firtt year would perhaps not no saloon it | themselves have mtde a 'livelihood off Mr VanHise had a most lovable valuable ion the Jersey Coast, and i* |g the voters favor few weeks, the center of the town must be over $400 a year • make a com- j the oyster beds^in winter. They sav I bruni character and had many friends in considered by manv to have been toehave all been destroyed ¡ty dry. This he said was tnajori- that even now, though the beds are sad Last year having ju st received a large Lakewood and all around the county, rtiiced a t the price a t which it waaspld. The buildings were owned by Gen amount of money from the S tate rail He wa* a member of the Presbyterian inteIs Isad we had been brought up to ly depleted because the oyster spat are The sale by the five townsbipa waa John S Schultse, were built eome forty r-wd tav, which had been held upliuga k this principle to be the basis of not allowed to reach mnturity on the church and for many years haa not fail made at theSquan House. M anasquaa, years ago, and run by him as a ju te tlon for several year«, the school board natural beds but are taken up and re jovenur.ent. However he added ed to come to Lakewood for common on Saturday last, March t t t h . The miU. Five or six years ago DeGrauw, only asked for $2000. This year they ion services found that some people did not be- planted by the oyster growers, they can "Aymar and Co. of New York, took the townships were each represented by will not have a double apportionment .« mmajority rule on tbia question, still go out and make a fair days work plant and put in modern cordage m>. one member of the. Townahip Commit« pf the State Fund and the two addi hading citiren o: Lakewood had told in good weather all winter long when William F . Livermore, who lived here chinerv The plant was run partly by tee, who had by resolution been given m.h-said, that the people did not there is nothing else for them to do. To tiuual rooms th at are feit to be neces iu the late seventies and early e-ghties, steam and partly by water power and pewbstwu good for them, and that take away this privilege is to wipe the sary, make the total jump up consider died at Babylon Long Island,March 9, power to sell a t » Pri« of $85,000, or employed about forty hands. E A. not leas than $75,000. TheCommitteethe people of Lakewood had local op longer out entirely, they say, and give ably. On an average year the amount and was buried here Ion Saturday last. Huntley bad recently been madeiuper men who had signed tne contract to asked is from $5000 to $6000 i. they would vote for a dry town the planter the entire bay, as in Atlan H®v. C B Austin, D. D., conducted ‘ntendrnt. and Mr Butler wai foreman tic county imin the place Another proposition, backed by some the services and burial waa at Riverside sell the undivided one-sixth of their At first most of the employees were various townships were as follow s; citizens, is to ask $3q0 for music course cemetery. He was 69 years old Chatlei A Morris of Toms River, foreigners, but under Mr Huntley’s Brick township, Ocean county, J . H . The te u o so i George C. VanHiae, W. April Petit Jurors rantySuperintendent ol Schools, asMr. Livermore married a daughter of management the policy had been to LeCompt, of Herbertsville ; from Mon B Singleton and Jam es I McKelvey ex Irt«} that the saloon should be left for the late Mr. and Mra. William Hurrv of work in townspeople as much as possi. mouth county. Charles White, W all pire. Mr. Singletou will run again; New York and Toms River ____ peopleto decide, whether they wanSheriff Cox, with County Clerk Hol ble hor some |township ; R H .Morris Howell town Capt Clarence Birdsall is being asked to years he and bis family occupied the I shiTj”* D [dit or not He toll! of a friend niak- man, before Judge Berry onTuesday of W VanNote, Middletown The works had ju st completed a large take Mr. VanHise's place kga trip through Kansas and report- this week drew the April term petit residence which of late has been the township ; Edward Taylor. A tlantic amount of manilla rope for the U S that he found many young people jurors us follows; home of Mrs. A. M. Probst. He was township. Government,and it was stored waiting a Baseball Association Organizes *n upand married who had never interested in yachting and kept a boat Calvin Parker, Little Egg Harbor Government inspector to come down J C McClenaban »nd J . A. Irons, of tdrunken man, and never seen any and Plans Carnival for July 4th on the river when few people owned Stanley P Wilbert, Lacey and inspect it. I t is said that a carload Dover township, were both present sad Intept an empty one He Baid the their own pleasure craft Charles Peterson, Jackson of material, hemp, barrels ot oil, etc , TheToms River Baseball Association ifkihould assume the responsibility William B . Spragg, Stafford He leaves several children: William, stood out for their instructions, ao t to put in the day before the fire,was saved; organized for the ¿oming season last tiimatter as they do in ihe matter J r „ who is in business in New Y o rk ; sell unless $100 000 was offered. J . D. Jam es H Dickerson, Lakewood but practically all the completed stock, Tuesday evening, picked its officers, He chocls and all other problems of lo Sherwood Corlies, Stafford Charles Livermore, now a resident of Carton represented the buyeis. thg stock in progress of manufacture, and decided to plan for a big Fourth ‘ government Charles H Soper, Union Cuba; Archie Livermore who is in Cali finally took the consent of the five and the hemp stored for rope making, of July celebration th at would make townships and paid them each $1000 to 1(vDr CB Austin of the Toms RiFrank W Sutton, Sr. Dover fornia; and two married daughters as well as the new and uptodate all previous attempts look small and ^byterian church, said that as a John Bozarth, Manchester One son, Ned, was murdered in San bind the bargsin. machinery, recently installed, was de childish. They also picked out a squad Hhhe held a local option meeting of Leon W Hazelton, Stafford The objection made by the Dover Francisco, about a year ago by his stroyed. The loss was heavy The of players to work out for this year’s i<*nand voted tor no liquor for himIsaac N Jones, Lacey brother-in-law, who afterward killed township representatives was th at ap lessees had some insurance, but it is game Sofar he had not regretted that himself Nathan Jeffrey, Berkeley parently no attempt had been put forth not likely that there was any on the The meeting was held at the Sheriff’s Henry E Webb, Manchester and its result, and in his case to get other buyers for the property ; buildings. One estimate is that loss on office. The officers chosen a re : 1ition did prohibit. For the com Thomas Callahan one of the leading |------— Raymond Jones, Little Egg Harbor that no advertising had been done ; ana and ■ --------—veen uune buildings and machinery was $7500; President, R C Buckwalter r “ty t0 v°tu that some other man citizens of Surf City, which he had been Jthat these secret methods were not fair W alter Smock, Manchester stock, $5000 Vicepresident, W B Singleton largely instrumental in building up to the taxpayers who owned the farm onot have liquor to drink if he A J udson Harris. Dover Forty-five minutes after the alarm Secretary and treasurer, O B Shuts “Wit. was another question; but he died recently a t his home in Philadel Samuel Grant, Berkeley Tuesday afternoon the .Dover Town was given the whole mill had fallen Manager. O E Payne phia. Mr. Callahan had been Mayor of that he had some rights as to Reuben Potter, Berkeley ship Committee held a special session in. The hemp burned for hours after Assistant Manager, Lloyd C Lillie of Surf City, for a number of terms and ™er another man should drink. George S McKaig, Dover to consider the m atter. I t was thrash ward. I t is said that title to buildings The matter of a big Fourth of July was in fact the leading spirit in th at re amanget drunk and commit i Emmett O Waddill, Lakewood ed out in ail of its phase, and it was de and lands was to have passed this week carnival was discussed and the boys sort. Mr. Callahan was the founder of le»nd lie and all the other tax Benjamin Brewer, Dover cided! that Mr. McClenahan should If«» from Gen Schultz to the DeGrauw; concluded they had the ability to pull " s must pay for his arrest, his trial, the firm of Thomas Callahan and Sons McClellan Estlow, Jackson Aymar Co it off and that the town and countv at 3116 North Third street, Philadelphia undertake negotiatious, with Mr. Car "Nlfc in jail, and keep his J Risdon Horner, Ocean michael to guide him'as to legal aspects The fire has occasioned a demand for would help them. They appointed a — the firm lieing commission mer he is »“able to keep them He John Mills. Jr., Union of the m atter. No price was put as to committee to meet tonight and draught fire fighting apparatus in the villag chants apd produce dealers, more Henry T Applegate, Dover lit i j '°ca' “P1'00 was fair, reasonwhat they would sell for. Messrs. plans, and then call in the townspeople especially in the butter and egg lines ilemocriti,, it was simply letsufficient to cope with a large fire Edward W Parker, Lacey McClenanhan and Irons have arranged «Ethemajority rule to help it along. The committee con Mr. Callahan was a consistent mem Harry C Shoemaker, Jr., Brick sists of the officers mentioned above, ber of the Catholic church. He leaves to go look the land over carefully and Fred Keener, Lakewood „ ,'"0re ^ond‘t °f Verona, Essex Want Inland Waterway Chan then see what is best to be done C H Cox, I M Hirshblond, F G Bunnri] two sens. Thomas. J r . and Edward, , /' president of the State Anti SaGeorge G Worstall, Dover If the property should be sold by nels Marked Again This Season On the Fourth, as a big drawing card, who were associated with him in the Stacy Burr, Union teof81'6' °a^ed attention to the ab a balloon ascension and parachute development of Surf C ity; also two Dover Township at $V 5.000 rate, $ 12,William Mott, Little Egg Hdrbor thi i,anV °PPos'tt0n to local option Harry W. Schneider of Atlantic City, drop is talked about—if an aeroplane daughters, one of them Mrs Wm. H. 500 would come to Dover, but of th is earing He held that there was Clarence A Seaman, Eagleswood Commissioner uf Inland Waterways, is out of the question Donohue of Philadelphia and Surf City 3 11 tbs would have to be passed on to George A White Jackson itm liiT present because no arguhas called a meeting of the yacht clubs t h e squad from which the players ;',C0,UldbePutup against it, and He was a forceful, kindly, shrewd and Manchester Township and 1-5th of the William F Bragg, Little Egg Harbor ' there were any' t])e opponents of the Jersey coast from Bay Head to will be picked is made up of Richmond, ;ntellligent man of affairs and will be remainder to Berkeley township. In Harry .Seaman, Eagleswood Cape May, a t the rooms of the Y achts, Shuts, H Bowcocx, Allen, Lillie, greatly missed on Long Beach other words the $12.500 would be d i Solomon Rossell, Little Egg Harbor mens Club, 104 Scuth Juniper street, Schwarz, Wallace, Potts. Hansen, Gis vided up as follows: Dover, $7273,56; Merrick E Lane, Jackson itv.n, He said that m Philadelphia, on Wednesday .March 22, riel Grant, Rogers, Cleckner, A Bow Miss Matilda Collins whose death at Manchester$3408 0 8 ; Berkeley$ 1818.36 Harrie Parker, Little Egg Harbor ¿ 2 ' ? SULcs wi‘ b 65,000.000 into plan for markihg the channels along cock, Lefty Busch. G Busch, Kilpa Red Bat)k was noted in our last issue, The Poor farm tract starts at the Clarence Bennett. Stafford tioa on i h r WaS some form Of local the bays and thoroughfares. I t is as trick was long a resident of Bam ber, and was head of Shark River and runs along Ezra B Irons. Dover :Witn '! lcluorquestion and presumed that the State will meet the ex popularly known as “ Aunt Tillie Col Corlies avenpe. to the south, as far as John Schramm, Long Beach ■ B' » r J d t f r raein New JerseV pense, and a bill has been introduced W. H. Jeffrey and Errol Horner lins.” Her home at Bam ber was al Hamilton. About 150 acres are under ■idof, a t some politicians were j Abram Lawrence, Brick for that purpose in the present legisla Craig F Comstock, Lakewood Have Passed Bar Examinations ways a headquarters for sportsmen. cultivation. I t has three miles of river AdlessCaw'ntl0U' bUt the fear was ture. Each yacht club has been asked Joseph Stillwell. Brick She was nearly 90 years of age. She front and there is considerable wood “Ped ncW i 'am F i n l e y once to send a delegate to this convention W. Howard Jeffrey of this place who is survived by one sister, Mrs. Rachel land George South, Plumsted iThenH 10 °r ®tat«wide prohibíThe marking of channels was begun was married on Tuesday of la6t week to Shibla of West Belm ar, Mrs. S D Lane, Real estate men declare the pur Samuel W Loveland; Brick Wiener |0reRoOSevelt as P°Kce Comby the clubs of upper Barnegat Bay Miss Blanche Wilbur of Ridgway, re Mrs C P Lewis. Mrs Matilda Asay, Miss chase of the farm is of far reaching im John H Dunn, Lakewood irkoTs ' T " !he salo0ns of New some years ago, and was afterward ceived as a wedding gift while on his Leona Tayior and William Taylor, of portance. I t opens up for settlem ent J oseph W Fischer, Plumsted |jew t D ,ly’ and be came on down taken up by the State honeymoon last F r i dm y notification Point Pleasant are nieces and nephew. one of the most valuable tracts on the e* that q!’65' and 0cean County to from the Clerk of the New J e r s t y Another niece at Lakewood is Mrs coast, ideally located and with more 1011for thpCmun Wh° VOted £or 01 Married at BayvlIIe Two Big Yachts Launched and Supreme Court, William R iker, Jr ., the Harry Clark, Miss Collins resided in a than the average share of natural ad 1 need no, kB «S'dc ° f a morRÍ T « « 1 vantages At the home of Mr. and Mrs. C F Another Keel Laid at Kirk’s Word he had sucfcessfully passed the bar wilderness 8 miles south of Toms River examinations as a lawyer the week be and five miles away from Whitings Out Grant. Bayville, on Sunday afternoon Í6VWF Clark fore. Mr. Jeffrey has been connected no gunner was ever refused admittance Barnegat Rational Examined r“hoft rPol!!s pasior of the Baptist at one o’clock, March 12th, Miss Al At K irk’s yard this week two big iUvo.tJ Pleasant, said there berta T . Grant and Frederick F. May, craft have been launched and the keel with the Prosecutor's office reading law nor found a poorly stocked larder at Ot, Tuesday, March 14. a new Nation *° th'ngs conipulsory in his vijl- of Long Branch, were married by Rev. laid for a third The Margo built, for uqdei Prosecutor Brown, and is also Aunt Tillie s.’ Funeral services were SChools and saloons. al Bank Examiner accompanied by two Clerk of iiieGrana fury of Ocean County -----». The school held from the residence of Mrs Samuel N D Aspinnall. Miss Grant was one ^ for the' Fred Nathan of the JtUoad S t Theatra, -J freed assistants visited the Barnegat Bank saloon r ,£!d0m °f the intellect; of Bayville’s most popular young ladies Philadelphia, was launched on Tuesday, ^ Errol Horner of Tuckerton. son of Cranmer at Barnegat n.00“ f°r the enslavement of the and will be much missed The young and after the most thorough exam ina xtd A1 Horner, Jr ., of Tuckerton, who On Wednesday, Ira Lam bert's Arietta lltct-and tion of the B an k ’s condition, and per ha| iqr some years past been secretary couple take the best wishes of a large The C E. Society of the Presbyterian was put overboard. These boats were ■«andsjJT r lla!?8 stands «'Oil " ' s ave “nd, half free. circle of friends with them to their new put out of the shop to allow the setting to IJ S Senator Kean, was also adm it church will hold its annual S t. Patrick’s sonal interview with its officers and ted to the bar at the February exam day sociai Friday evening at the C E most of the directors, complimented “““I'M on page 8 home in Elberon up of the frame of another fifty footer ination them upon the excellent condition oi its room of the church; admission 17c ■ finances, and investments « i, i ar ol I I ishen J ^ ï r havebeen°nthe ^va,w ia dc,fhaviagpupu mm LAKEWOOD Tttefe WM A M ftttgM IA A noN h jo h n k t o m OOUNSfcLUlU AT L A » Neroon» O o n t ('-u h tu u u a n v n c k h ftt 1911 “Maxwell” Prie, Uevt«« tiutWr m *.i. „ t„,M irti» t« r inUiWtpi.,« on Monday «m ib * ihmuflb night I*tf hi M i (Ik Min Kathryn Allan t t in t s e f ftwtn 1b*4 P*Mil up m i Ih O n u a* mu* ft*nthingtnn <nThiiru!*v of h i t week t -**•! ( i n h«<l to it* burned January I, the Uniled Stairs Molor Company announce«) • schedule of p m « for |Q|| Fttnh hfiarp of FfciLdalpfcl*, «pent * e l I Ug *«*•*» them t»**i nl Use wop, ib «? » i n fuftfA t aittf UoiNttf with trial |vt. w W l f «Hatred hvr« H«tf ttd jfe i R rl»< *lrv who M l lm 1 \ R L E O N (JO U L E Aha S to tt i f th .-4 1 ) |, t|i»nt S » ts h Co«(c(*tt> t •! Ocean C llt, bo* ic v p io ) 4 * f And Sunday look IA» ov*t hi» poulUENTIMT, b* |***i-it o| the M g church oi thi* try (Arm Adu«l cApenmenU.hat) |«men T H E M A X W E L L C A R al the old price*. t„ |„ ,, e r m non a» . aiu * a MuM tucx |«i m I Ffnnh B uthr ha, ronimeneed tht I ano». ». 4. M l made Lift *ctv t K M t M to ih# celtor ««4 fnindalton lot hie u • « _ o a *» u *r» -T *« n M *r, m a»» m ot o larger (feiifrh tuiM int bungalow l WM »tori*| fey X rv M ttjm in Prof *nd Mr» A 6 Tilt on of lom * A p p i^ it« d m ptMor Rtvtr, vtailed the U tter'» father. C»pt I -)K. U E O R U E T . CRO O K Ch»*l*» n » tn i. who it quite df Th# A»* department, of which J g u U c i , think o! Maxwell Supetio.ily al Um 19 1 1 Mattwell price», way Moyv j ^ . Inbnt e hot -u ,( haeu ttt*,|r InrtMita |* I T h e o d o r e D n t k It »potliag • K u i t - m D ann e» •Mly m »red oi now a [ p a n t it* to cover i Thoms* motor cycle which he recently P'ifrh»s * 4 tn Lakewood th * ritki of thlo big low«. It bo* i*crn T t U r t f t » ! Ttw§ m r«a. a prvpueed that i t » High School Glee Mr* tlay tu o Poiter of A »bury Path • W » » t * * fm n itm m gttm m m « t Aim uatJ* uu i a taiin< Club too? nag Pmator* u o b roc tit fur recently visited Mrs Eluabyth Potter For For lb * dc|*«.tm*m oft tnonv people who It ietumored that one of our young hoard that u^fA & fiV Weeki Égvi, Indie* was married on Sunday in Long u a r m ic h a e l , i .w | Branch wpu M ltkt io h n r n agim Ooi’Mg^oa a t L * * AMt Mr* B F But)*r entertained the Sew Model A B. 16 H . P, with $ 7 0 equipment H trry Spd fn , rhiu flfu r fot Mr Jour* M i m i h (J u m b i , Model Q , 22 H. P„ cylinder, form ing Club on Wednesday afternon of U ,t I of Brooklyn, who rcfftttly ran uvei week ;r r ic iu * b a u u » » i i i i h t o i t r u r Hewn* Troupe« tb iig the rond way, t u A L Warden and family of Tom» For 6ned $40 bv Ju itu * Seanng. Troupe Toma Hiver, N J River visited 0 K Wardeil and wife on was not hurt much but hi« bicycle Sunday AW O F F IC E S Phi f>«as Potter .of the L S S has been Model Q ,22 H .P „ 4 cylinder, formerly $ 9 0 0 M m May M M . a teacher ia it# THEO J H BROWN, home on the tick list foe the past week Model E A, passenger, H. P„ K4j j. public tchool who boa viaitfd Tom» US S t M U t l-y , Mr and Mis John B enins of Lanoka. R ivw frequently with Mi»» Jraonette WWW*« iriLH IM . were viwiing relatives here on Saturday H i * . , p.i««d . . . . il y o . |h.m. The Maxwell p,o,™ !o be, , h „ . |„ Britton was taken tick last week, oad ___ W W U T B ft. J. •rse Mr* ft'ealey Tompkins was taken to baa been taken away for a root by her « M M » « t e » te rwuecuoas . » m i w w « Philadelphia hospital oo Saturday relative* She ta from H agan town. Md for an operation Fot the polo aeoaon Harry Payot ftealey Palkingburg who entered the A V ID A F E E D E R Whitney bai taken the Rainey houae Long Branch hot pita) on Thanksgiving ft*here John Hay» Hammond formerly * * * able to leave last week, and ta ex A T T O K N X T A T LAW ived, while John S. Phillips hat the ft' pec ted home soon H I L l i r r u K I » o n Af t ! «HT A Hamilton bottle near the Gould place Other people have taken cottages for Uï«** eriLuixii, v>ATiK ent ir r NEW EG YPT the ftpring month«. Mr* Laughlin of TO M S ftlV X K . H . J. Pittsburg, utter ot Mr» ft W Willock. A l l Slidfole has broken ill record* hat moved in the Beard bouse just va v^ H U T S a F I S C H E R in chicken haiching. If« *«t four ben* cated by the \Villockt. who have gone on 15 egg» cech, making 60 eggs in sit into their new mansion E G Merrill, -------B A R B E R S — and hatched |59 little chicks and the president of the Union Trust Co ,of New «onrtMOf io,C. T» linriim other one died in the shell—can anyone York, baa taken the Schwartz cottage beat that? EaTABuauAb 1877 oa Forest avenue VValter C Applegate, formerly of this Orroarrt th* Oc«ah Homi tu c k erto n Judge Livingston Cleaveland of New place, who had charge of the N Y Tele Haven, Conn, has been improving hit phone company's plant in ihe Plainfield Dr C H Conover's new forty horse L Y S S E S S. O RANT house on Prot pert street, near River district for the past eight years, has power Marion runabout automobile T o m o &i a l A n t u t , avenue been tranifered to Asbury Park, having arrived last week POOL ANO N tLLU H D TA ULNA Th# ladies of the town interested in B A T tlS charge of the plant in .Monmouth and Mr and Mrs William G Burton cele the S t James hospital have decided to Cowgenssratt Nxcbaat», N aia *treat part of Ocean counties with office OMBovtry day(exoaptHaodayltroo «.osa. brated their 28ih wedding anniversary Ashury Park hold the annual fair and bazaar on to e p .«.: HatardayA. from *a.m . tots mutatili recently and also the birthday of Mrs March 31 and April lit yueday. unit m. Theodore Robbins, Sr., has moved Burton, at their home on Otis avenue into his new house on Lakewood aveFarm, Villa«» < Larew Clayton of Clayton'* Garage h e a t e r s At the regular meeting of Ryerson Suburban n ue delivered two new Cadillacs last week, W HOW ARD JE F F R E Y Send for this Book. 1 here is some talk of erecting a large Post, No, 77, G. A. R , a beautiful Hag one to A E ft’hitney of Lakewood and V V . J C 8T IC I OF THE P»ACX It tells how our specially designed, up to-date had in New Egypt— it would SxIS feet was presented lo them by the I the other to Mrs Hayes of Bnelle tight steel tank and pumping appsrat L’oraua BrujtiNe, TOMS RIVES, S J Order of Jr Mechanics which was very ‘ be a bentit tc the town and paving inplaced anywhere, with ordinary air p Some few years ago when Mrs Jasp r highly appreciated by the veterans vestment so the Press says sun*, does it. No overhead tankstoli Colle,'tlona, CommlMioaer ot Deeds, Lynch dispensed with her horses and We l l Drilling, Pumps, Harry Brown is the builder of the John H Horner has purchased the or freeze. Plenty of running watere t»e*r,'tie» and Leg»! Paper* used an automobile instead, she gave a H e a t i n g and Sanitary Promptly aitaodait to where, also fire protection—that’a l lots on Oakford avenue where CnarTes concrete stepa in front of the new post valuable roan horse to John Curtis On Lamb had made preparations to build office building. He will also build a Plumbing. Agent for Wednesday as the horse was being a few weeks prior to his death concrete sidewalk at the same place R. M ILF O R D hooked he dropped dead in the shafts Rudolph Thompson has been suffer The Mannahawkin Dramatic Club There is a persistent rumor going D E N T IS T ing with an abcess on his jaw presented in the Y M C A of Tuckerton about the place that the Lakewood Hours; S to 11 a. m. t to 4 p. Clifford Challcnder has a new team on Saturday evening, the four act Hotel is to be opened as a hotel next of horses Water Supply System comedy drama entitled Esmeralda year and that Mr D B Plumer will be Union House, Main Street Jam es Pierce has moved his family For country homes; public bwildii Mayor T h o mas J Cowpertliwaite the manager Toms River, N. J . in the Doughty Reed house on Lake- served on the U. S. Petit Jury at Tren towns. Satisfaction guaranteed. Askfr Thompson's Storage and Express Co free book—"How 1 Solved the U wood avenue ton last week , had a valuable horse die last week Supply Problem.” Send TODAY. >1. V I L L I A M S William Layton will move in the Byron Colburn lias returned after The members of Manitou Tribe of Red D ealer la house now occupied by Frank South on spending a week with his parents at Men of this place will give their thir Maple avenue, April 1st Accomae Va teenth annual ball on the evening of IT M A IN S T . One of the large glass in the front Chester Driscall and Miss Hannah March 17 th window of H N Moore’s hardware store Birdsall both of Tuckerton, were mar Repairing Neatly Done at Loerert Pr'.i’es John Quicker an old soldier who frac was smashed in about midnight Satur ried March 8 at the home T J CowperB E S T OAK L E A TH E R USED tured both legs last August and had day Singleton B u ild in g oooo o o o oo o co o o o oo o o o o oo o o oooooooooooooooooooooc thwaite by Rev E C Hulse been in the Long Branch hospital ever M a i n St. T o m s R iv e r , N. J The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs A daughter was born last week to Mr since return, d to his borne recently William Tucker, died Wednesday of and Mrs J W Horner CM Bartlett has purchased a 1911 T H O S . E . VAIS D Y K E , J t last week Maxwell touring car of John H Aring J M Thompson of Washington, D. C.. Henry Wisseman has rented Evans JACKSON TOWNSHIP has been spending the week with his King's cottage on North Clover street family here A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs C o lla r» , Horae C lo th in g ,T o r f and Sp ortin g Good Albert Pearce of Bennett Mills has an R e p a irin g N eatly Done Ralph Johnson on Wednesday of last auto Cor. Mainano Waanington Sta, TO M » B I V t l also 1080*108» week loss 1Frankferd Ave, Phllodelohla MANNAHAWKIN All kinds of At South Lakewood Harry and Earl Tilton, Mrs Jessie Clayton, Mrs George White have traded horses; Rev J E Simpson has gone to Con C F McKelvey have all been ill for the Charles Holman has sold his black ference at Ocean City past week with grippe horse; Mrs Jane Chambers has traded Rev Joseph E Simpson of this place Mrs Schwartz, Miss Schwartz and her grey for a black recently performed two wedding cere Miss Nelson sailed last Thursday for A farewell reception was given to monies, both at the M E parsonage On Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Craig at WhitesBermuda « e o . G , W o r S t a ll March 5 he married Charles Wesley * An effort is being made to start an ville before they left for Conference J■ K «ay W m K ■ t ia K n n Sprague of Mayetta and Miss Margue after a successful year Elks lodge, If fifty names can be se N o . S M a i n S t r e e t , TO M S H IV E R rite Bahr of Surf City, both young Charles Behnke has moved from cured the lodge will properly b ; started people being well known in this section. Whitesville to Brooklyn and Janies Manager Shute is improving nicely The same day Miss SadieMarie Sprague Welsh of Brooklyn has moved into the from bis severe illness with pneumonia of Mayetta was married by||him to house he vacated I t is said the Hotel Greene at Pasa Lime, Cement and Brick, Harry Irving Peer of Cedar .Run. I t Cornelius Strickland of Harmony has dena, California, is scoring its best seawas a double wedding bten visiting his son Alva Strickland at son under the management of David B Door and Blinds, Lath, The Mannahawkin Dramatic society Plumer. formerly of Lakewood, who Blacksmith’s Coal and Coke, is said to have cleared up some $300 Bay Head, where the latter is a promi nent business man will also conduct that old time favorite Builders and Marine Hard with its presentation of Esmeralda at White Mountain resort. The Profile this place, Barnegat and West Creek ware, Flagging, Tile, etc. House, next summer At lowest prices. Agents Of this amount one half was turned Manager A J Dunn, who has had over to the local M. E, church charge of the Lakewood ball team for for Lucas’ Paints How should Mannahawkin be spelled? H n m lr e d a o f T a i n , l i l v . r R e a d e r * F i m i three years, will run it again this sum D a lly T o ll « H o rd e n It is noticed that for a generation past mer and is picking out his players to The Courier has spelled it Mannahaw try a game or two with the Newark In Opposite C, R. R . Depot, kin, while many people leave out one The hustle and worry of business men dians. The latter team will reach here The hard work and stooping of work Toms Ri er, N J , ”n” and make it Manahawkin. On men O C -O O C -0<> 00 e>0<iO-0<>CK>0<K>00-C><><>CK><><>CK>0-0<H>CK>(>CH>0<>CHH><>f>t>C March 27 to train for the opening of the early maps and records it is spelled The woman's household cares season Manager Dunn expects to have Mannahocking Manahocking, MannaAre too great a strain on the kidneys most of his last years team in the harness Backache, headache, sideache hocken, Manahocken, Mannahockin. as follows: S Norcross, T Johnson. J Kidney troubles, urinary troubles Manaho c k i n, M a n n a h a w k e n follow Ryno J Norcross, A P ettet A Grant. Manabawken, Mannahawkin M i n a A Toms R iver citizen tells you how William Muller, G Brown, C Brown P bawkin, etc., etc. Can anybody give us to cure them all M Coburn AND Abram Stout Doyer street, Toms any light on the matter? $225 was gathered in by the M E 1 suffered for a TheStateFish and Game Commission River N. J , says<kh^>(KKKk><^ ^ ^ Sunday school during the month of long time from a lameness across my turned loose a lot more buck deer back back which at times was so severe that February by a sacrifice plan— everyone of this place a week or so ago - In ail I could not do the least work. Every going without something hewanted but Anything in any kind of stou Established 1904, Opposite C. R . R. of N. ]■ about twenty-five were liberated not cold I contracted sutlled in my kidneys Telephone, 7,!„ did not need far from where most of the deer have and the kidney secretions became Residence, Robbins St I t costs about $38,000 to run the irregular in passage After i. a k i n g been killed the past two Novembers several remedies with no benefit I de school- of this township a year Yard, Washington St cided to give Doan's Kidnev Pills a The entertainment for the S P 0 A T O M S JttlV E K , S . J . trial and procured a box at Mathis a 'd will be repeated on Salurday evening, OM New Furniture Hainer's Drug Store They ber.Sted J . Lester Yoder|Prop. April 8 Worn out chairs arid furniture are me greatly, strengthening my back and made like new, at a cost of «Lout 20 kidneys and improving my health. I An viidownient for the A* W C A is Everything for Automobile, Motor Boat, Mill, a t city price! ^ cents with one coat of L & M . Varnish feel that ] cannot say too mucti in favor ■ort.p etc stock. Mail and telephone orders receive careful n o * being planned, to make the work of Doan's Kidney Pills” St oin P l u m b i n g , T in n i n g a n d Self sustaining f For sale by al! dealers Price 50 cent« Automobile tire repairing a specialty, work guaranteed, Mahogany Oak Walnut etc , colors. fin D Rockefeller is here at his big Foster-Mil burn Co . Buffalo, NewYork, Machine Shop for repair work on Motor Boats, Aui.omo Directions on each can H ra tin g sole agents for the United States Get it from: aMs*:iU' on th< east side fur a six weeks and Machinery by competent mechanics. Hoaxehold Goods "tr, Remember the name—Doen’s~-/.tid A. A Brant. Toms River ay, tiss first visit here in three years ri,e for our list of second-hand Machinery unu tools, takeno other. Stan wood Bros Island Heights W a s h in g to n S t ., T o n is R i v e r «KHJtinib. l u t t i , ora* u t > .. m > *(n n i l m ot twttr iivijiV.l.*i» Revolutionize the Automobile Trade Most Car for Least Money Maxwell Runabout Maxwell Touring $600 ■ '"$750 L $800 4 $13501 5 30 Bicycles a t $ 2 0 to $ 4 0 D Sewing Machines at $ 1 5 up Rocking Chairs, $1 to $ 1 5 Rugs from $ 1 .5 0 up JOS. GROVER & SON U Runnii Water «t*ForceI Your Hon THOMAS ROBERTS STOVES r o o f in g D I Aermotor Windmills. Kider and Errickson Hot Air Pumping Fmiinos. Tlios. Roberts SHOES Lumber Millwork Hardware Saddles» Harness, DIAMONDS QW ASO and W ALTHdH W ATCHES Strain too Great I. W. RICHTMEYER MONUMENTAL STONE 18 DEALER 30 Building Materials BUILDERS and [GENERAL CONTRACTOR! :0AL and LUMBER A. B. Newbury Co., (Inc) CEME1V1 LIM E PLASTEI COTTAGE, HOUSE AND CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION ° ROAD AND SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTORS Beach Haven Construction Co iBEACH HAVEN NEW JERSEY Berkeley Gara$ E. S.VanNOSTRÄNC tor L aser Machinery and Stationary gasoline.Engine« • ■; ft ./-hr 1 ‘. ¥ Personal Mention with Local Flavor ISLAM* HEIGH IS it h repot Md i l « t l ____ _______ «< t i » O » « « Creek crantMrry bugs b*v« O cean -------------- W e s i l i t i . who laug lit * IN tarnt « I th« B at r t üw RiuOtwtd. msa*u>«M U *M , Read l« i« m Uj * law siili*«, just «Ile« t e i l s . ________ C M l David O _______ P s f l t f t»f Ib« Board ol Jtlp b ia . 61 <1 K u ril JJd Tun» Rive» frum In* Uovluud uji O sikili was « T u ik n U u i Jude« U'ili.ut A Hi butti Itisi w * * I m * u . i * «4 Löflg •KIsuol. ItKl I.V«I lu t iitanch, «feo Hm f o r ____ _ hi Ili» county io Uw th« Circuit Laad ton* .wupied by Mi ■ho I m ti««« »tK iccdcl by I G i s .s ii . Pro! G s s lill» ,______ Neisou Y. Donasti ¡4 homer ville, will p n n u l in th« Philadelphia papere pritcii.c Uw in Newarb, The Chief rer-gntaed ly hi» old pupi!» in T fa tin e bat ae*t«n«l Judge Dung«» to R iv tt tl« t«u g lt school lot sixty yM n i l<* »«•<* Judge Ile: airy'* form er circuit. ■od I* ft Mason, Joining th* Tuckartoa i IIm Munti«* of d i u Monmouth and lo«lg« in |««5. Jl« «rsa «ist, « muMotao iHm County Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animab ANNOUNCEMENT In view ol the possible misundenitJincHng on the part of me in connection with the destruction and burial ol anwhich have owners, when destroyed for humane reasons agent, the socieu calls attention to the lact: ol cuaaidsrabl« «IDI I lint the Society is not under obligation to destroy and mmals which have owners, and when the Agent ol the n u t c i i ol such animals lor the purpose ol helpfulness, Vine the owner or custodian trouble and possible ex owner nr person in charge of the animal must in each ible lor the burial of the ual, the Society $ part in this by reason of assistance financial or other- Tlic Society will permit the Agent to render this service, it is possible to give time to the work, free of charge until r notice, ns a matter of courtesy however, not as an obligaa the part of the Society. RACH EL A. L Y N C H , Pres. ^ X b V .V .W W W A V V iW A W A W W A V iV S S A A V V W V W W W W W W b W MARINE RAILWAY Polo at Lakewood to Begin Saturday March Eighteenth f \ (ILNT F O I { STAN D ARD S T A N LEY _ PERR 0 U N C L E SA H 1 and Other M A R I N E M O TO R S ^ Work ot all kinds. Motors installed, etc G. E . W A L L A C E I LEWIS '■»»d Itllilllcr Forked Eiver, N. J Mlsheimer. Shoe Store Farmers Institute at New Egypt SLIPPERS Rubber boots and BOOTS sh o es Lome in and look us over Ne [heel pu S tlw o W lin k e r ul M i tlolly • summer vieitor et S e s Side Park, ha« lieto admitted to the her to practice law I * ♦ « ♦ * ♦ « ♦ ♦ * ♦ ■ » » » * » ♦ » ♦ » ♦ • » » .» CEDAR RUN WEST CREEK Mi«« Jctiftie Cl«timer r(turned at fv owe a l l« »pending (aw weeks at The disease te «aid to bt i a light iiigmon with bar brother W A Crait- and is wall quarantined Mr Catherine, the litti* daughter of Mr Mi« l.sttlla Conkling wa* tl« guest and Mr» J W Rutter, died Match J of Mia* Viola Ctauiner on holiday Shu had hern ill several week* and the Mim Je m» Conking it abla to return* b **t medical skill summoned but failed her school duties after a short Ulncts. to aav* her life dunng which tima.har brother taught The »even supper was a novelty and Marjoria Potts and Clara a success both Sprague of 11 each Haven, went over J H Field has moved here from K an Sunday visitors with Miss Klai* Cook sas and is occupying the George Seaman Richard Matins of Nsw l,re in s was in house on Main street town Sunday I — “»'V a» Hamilton -Pharo is »pcuuiug «pending the winHartford Cranmer recently purchased j ter at SUm/ord. Conn . with b m niter, team of mule* Mrs Heny Mori Three new member« were initiated in* C D Kelly 1« talked of i s a Demo to D of L lodge Monday evening cratic candidate for Oyster Superm* ^laa Nellie Giber eon spent a few day* tenent of Ocean retm tv in i w » » i i o « wpfk ia [pu n Horner of Tucker ton next year W S Cmtuner conducted Epworth | Mrs R W Kelly lu s returned to her League Sunday evening home her# after spending a portion of Mrs Levi Cranmer is making short the winter with her <u A W Kelly of stay at Barnegat Red Bank W m T Cook spent Sunday with his S W Salmons spent Saturday In At family lantic City Mrs Charles Bahr of Surf City is Mis Rhoda Cranmer is rejxirtcd quite spending a few days in town ill with pneumonia Fred Cranmer of Bond* L S S is off Miss Marion Bugby who has been vis duty fora few days on account of illncst iting Mrs Margaret Cox, haa returned to her home in Barnegat Going to build? Get an estimate from H. R. Sayre, office in Tribune building Let me figure on your work— H R Washington street Sayre, carpenter T n l uns building Auction Sale °f Horses Irons Bros. Stables, Toms River, N. J . ON SATURDAY. MARCH 18, 1911 8t 1 P. M. I will sell a Carload of Horses from New York State, selected especially for this Ocean County Trade. will be sold to the Highest bidder without reserve Four Months CREDIT Given with approved Security S. R. KNIGHT Mrs. Hannah Emson Wilbur has her Job Swamp bog managers, David Cot trell and Charles F Packard busily engaged making crates. She Will erect a large dwelling house and barracks for her pickers. Her crop this past season amounted to 4,000 bushels The Hanover Farms company will erect several houses and many other im provements The Mary Kestner farm has been pur chased by Mr Bowe, who will engage [in the poultry business^ 18.50S S Æ fiJ 25-w- - eJ,Now “ Ha"d C iv il L o n W IS S M A C H Toms River 'he NEW JER S EY P U B L IC S A L E OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS The Subscriber«, Executors of the late Mrs. A. C. Hirsch, will sell at public vendue on * T O M r R I V F R M|,a i n S t r 6 e t ’ n C a r W a 8 h i n 8 t ° n TOMS RIVER, beginning at 1 o'clock p. m. M onday, M arch 20, 1 9 1 1 The household furniture and effects of the deceased, including: Piano, Stoves, Rugs, Matting, Bedroom Furniture and Bedding^ Chairs, Tables, Books & Bookcases, Writing Desks, Crockery, Cooking utensils and many other goods too numerous to mention. Buckingham and Hanover Active (TIRES! They are all useful acclimated stock and SPRING LAKE, The annual Farmers Institute for the territory traversed by the Pemberton and Higbtstown Railroad, met in a two days session in Meir's hall New Egypt, last Thursday and Friday. The farm ers and their families were the guests of the Union Transportation Company who operate the Pemberton andHightstown Railroad. Free special trains were run both mornings and afternoons for their accommodation while luncheon was served by the same company in the banquet room of the Presbyterian church Dr. J . G Lipman spoke upon main tenance of soil? during the morning session and upon the subject of lime and its relative yalue as well as its com mercial value to different soils. The subject of milk production was dis cussed by Prof. II. R, Lewis and from the number of questions asked the speaker indicated no little amount of interest on the part of the farmers in the subject of milk and cost of produc tion NEW FOOTGEAR For EV ERY DAY J°ES Lakewood, March 13— Arrangements for what promites to be the great :st polo carnival ever held here in Lakewood are in progress It begins next Saturday on George J . Gould's Georg ian Court grounds, and the follow ing gentleman compose the committee in charge: George J. Gould Henry Lloyd Herbert, Henry Payne Whitney, Robert j . Collier, VV. A. Hazard. R. L . Agassiz, Louia E. Stoddard, John E, . Covvdin and Alexander Brown Fifty ponies from Whitney’s stable i have arrived and practice will begin eirly this week Whitney l e a v e s I England today and will come direct to I Lakewood, where as captain of the i champion Meadowbrook team, he will I take charge of the men in their prepa ration lor the championship matches with the English team. The members of the latter team accompany Whitney on the trip and will be seen in practice here Mpny of the crack polo players of this country will be seen in the saddle when the first ot the preparatory games of the carnival are begun. Among them' are Lawrence Watcrbury, Henry Tayno Whitney, James M. Waterbury, Henry Devereux Milburn, R. L. Agassiz, J B. Thomas, Malcolm Stevenson, John E Cowdin, Louis Stoddard, Raymond Belmont, Rene La Montagne, Foxhall Keene and William R . Grace Lieut. William T. R *«d ol tb» Third Ki-yimeot, ■ Camden lad, b »ne ot tb» New J«rs»y militia u liv eti peeled to go • *• *♦ » ♦ ♦ -« » ♦ » *• » *• • e e e e e e e TERMS CASH BUY YOUR Augusta H. Foster, W m . F . W idm aier, Executors SEED RÉh». P o t a t o e s HERF S T P if T! V T m rr Tn a ill» !I L „ ,, - S Ca e<^ Fy many leading citizens 1J n|y Newspaper in the County The ieguluf business meetings of the V. T, A, will be held the second Thurs day of each month a t 3 p. m. at the home of thePresideni, Mis? Annie Cow pertbwait on Main street I.wet Sunday Agent S H U m tng tinually rsceived congratulations and pr**«nia fiuot I n m m j friend* I t e » bii birthday and «f«*r tb»»v»ning train had goo« Mr« Lsmirtg »tiro.! hint to go with bar to th * Ppffptih! h*t#l T h * ■mil* on Sam » 1st« should never w*ar oft sa it appjH>ar»il «b eg b* waa t at by a number of hi» friend* in iha I'HIHg room where Mr* lo in *, who run if things ao nicely, b id p te ja m ! an dab* m e lt dinner in honor ot th * even it)J Nftbday Mid It»*-'« a yeir River front cottage* are nearly all taken for the coming season Mr* Amt* W eatcott was a Sundae visitor Jo a Nevil and Mr Zitnmerma. hav* started their regular weekly W hat would the Height« be Joe? Prof Stirling Wilson has don« work the peat winter with his clataet in muaic. He will toon arrange an enter tainment to be given by hie pupils Work on the street* is well under way with Commwsioner Joseph Johnson on the Job Lin brown and a company f r * i Philadelphia occupied the cottage at River Bank Saturday to M onday. Some of the pwrty entertam.-d with muaic and Fred Nathan of Broad etreet theatre wants them to give a reception at hit theatre. Fred was there More than a year ago when a yacht, well known on Toms River was making her way down the Chesapeake on a trip t >Florida, and was at a point opposite the Little Wicomico river the mast could not stand the strain and broke. T he chart showed a good inlet and the Captain, Charles Stanwood steered the yacht through it and into the river. The next day Pbineas Page, also of the vacht. located a tree that would make a good mast and then sought the owner Mrs, Gough, a wealthy young widow, admitted the ownership and the swap was made— tree for cash. Axe, saw and planes sonn formed a shapely mast and at the close of each day while the work was progressing Capt Pbineus walked to the nearby farmhouse of Mrs Gough and enjoyed the hospitality of her home Music, story telling, good old Virginia songs soon made Captain Phineas feel much attached to the place and when the mast was set he with sad re* grets bid farewell to Sunny Bank and the friends he had made little dreaming th at he would ever see the place again. The months rolled by and Captain Pag# was called to Baltimore on business and seeing the barrels of oysters in the market bearing shipping tags of Sunny Bank, he hurried to the steam er bound for that port and in a few days waa again on the Sunny Bank of the W icormco. But a few weeks after that time the yacht Stroller. Captain Stanwood stopped over night in the harbor this time on his way to northern waters and what was his surprise when casting anchor to hear the voice of Capt Page inviting him to come ashoreand witness the wedding ceremony of Phineas Page and Mrs Gough. Captain is now a t home at Sunny Bank and when not occupied with looking over the farm with Mrs Page, he is tightening the loose hinges on the oysters. Loose hinged oysters don't bring much in the market. He sent a barrel o f the finest to his Island Heights friends last week to compare with the Barnegat oysters, there were one hundred and twen. one oysters in the barrel and the barrel Beauty Of Color Painting Nice shades of color like L. and M T ”^ T e,nt fan<3 'T.ear’ when used by ad^oftheL T m “ 0 il to e^'hy gala t F°ttctoryL - & M c0,0r3 as P ^ u c e d Then the paint costs only about S I 60 per gallon because the user him a n d ? *.kes abouthaIt the paint used and reduces cost by adding the Oil Our Agents are; A. A. Brant. Toms River Stanwood Bros', Island Heights w ! h i MT V er of The Ladies World leads off with one of the best ar ticles on Tolstoy and his family that have appeared. After reading it one has a clear ,dea of the conditions which long continued and acute for the last h e o k î? 9 We' frCa!1>- ¡“ f e n c e d and l . U" m nU f r' an t0 leave his hom°' sstoiy, t o t TbeoauSe of 1 eRth' U of is îove » P it» « ! th0 years CHOICE YELLO W GhiiON S E T S du.o.ion preceded the growing apart of the Count and all his family® JO H N K IE N Z L E . N .^ v" C o r z n / T D ^ s t s L PL— ( «•sur will ta« Ëlutet Appl*g«ls, ftort of STRICT!.Y TRUE TG NA/’tfc' - Cobble're S Ü ew Drops, Green Mountains, State’ of Maine, and Fifty Other Varieties * V, I, A.Notes i. l » t llMtr reh alle fvsem -n, l s » u J Ap. » h e ipwyuoj tu« ■ ly »wo m o o li« syo. It M Mi Apple*«!« (eit U tsi bs ro ts bit »mit« um» i« ib« ui iw« uwu n a n berry bu«*, Mr g si» h»i ni«d» «stenti»« im pter«tienle on bit çfsnhefi-y bog« th» p u t winter, t l m expected ih«t Ht Appl«gal*'* N e )Bh!LL. LO ABA an 18^5 U O C K < b ts. B“"1» ^ « j K i W i* aW*rrfe«B„ n a , . Als «un(n «PnhV »i ?l a d e l p h i a con o h 0 i f daUghter' Anc«iw notable contribution is made by Madame Mel b a tho great prima donna, on the Growth of Mnsic in America with some advice to girls who are choosing m u *« ELECTION REFORM WILSON VICTORY JERSEY COURIER f*m* o» u n u * w m ■ 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 « n iR IM R r M U W M U « M N II. * as. l i . n m w . M lt« i ama mmmmmmmatmmmmmmmmmsmmmmimma amaa * n l i m r t H r t a ■■■ K lrw , tv » * « ! ■Nh m i MUNÌ %•*» la» i * * * is 1<# I V »■•làmia I to* pm I» l i ibi* a kirk fàvHMMà lo b* an Me «»il. Hi ike « i m i « ,»( pan) of ib* Mai*, sva ti t «Mttiaa IV euMiiuu at l i a pu«m m impmam-m, II» «UattOrtloa à f l i » UowtaitiJ ..I l i . pan» H» wilHl Iks '«««tie wllb • «In «alar M ir . » m l (OS 6wnwf Corns to Rose« d llU lit liait iSdM. J. Ik * ÜOBSDAY (A îfM xm i MAR 16. IO! I t u a i R iv iu u » . 4 . The «nie ol • property o l the sue» location and value ol the Shark Rivet foor Farm without Srst advertising tor bids i* open to arrioub queetion The D o v i r township authorities ta refusing to be a party to such prottrdiirr, showed good judgment No public business should he Rranaacted in secret ; and ccrtaialy no public property should be sold w ithout getting the most possible < r it Her a public advertisement I Ceran Bill '»be gnverout• taUh 1« jh a * " » l<«Mlr •pini at l i a m a l m af II» renfrro«*« « m full» U u4à«ia» i» u » rUMtlt. I l * M pTmad ilawM f aa par tiro tarty bapp» l i a i tb» ..w fatam i had v.'lad *• Il dut and liâ t i * « „ u opposi™ MEASURE III »et iditlanl ateo lo arrm In | I •àtr lai» roatxM «p»a l i a patdlr , ■ I W a n *1 Oaaan t n v * I» baaara 0». f«aai a l t i , H» ru p enm iam aa mt I . « . i farm at Government Fetta!" j J T b U * Ik. katae. ad*»n»d J P* ,M* Partit Util titee Bill j Hunda» nkgui Mr ............. |„im Wspabhaa» OppaartiM». dorsal a m m n i * wktrk U» friend. mt C onservation Is » live issu e . Conserve th e fu tu re com fort of your fam ily by a L i f e Insurance policy in T h e Prudential. It is th e sim p lest a n d sur^ e st way to do it. The j ih * administration rtelm wsa i u tro tar II np ptirt«*»*» o f »t4rir»ti t*u> WfH) iinet her notable Tk*lurt \ftm ,* I hr Ihr U tritt hill AiiNinUni to thr oM>|iietuent to da» i f t e n m i when ha i«>r*und«wl a j tifltiil irtwtah I It Trenton, March IS - U0t#rnnr Wll ?I « Í ttoMjr c o n f e n u ii e o f t h e 1v t n .k ’in 1 1 c m e m b e r s j tir election act, «if I«WH, pro dlalftct shall Of the a «»rullìi te agree to p m , mribing thaï no contain more t) rutera, and throag b the bouae, without amend i proviti#* the metfaal by a b e t the t a w or change, lie t i e n s election re-i roisry of state shall gire notice to the form MU Tbt* laleal victory of the, clerk of each mtinMpallty ao that ao governor a s * sU the inure not a trie district «hall contain more than ton from the fact that the Mil line tamam volet«. of Hudacm and K w x «ppueed him la j Peeing that the bill re fe rm i to elec Advices Iron* Trenton would indicate this mattar and that aume o f the ‘ j Hony, Speaker Kenny sent It to the th at tb« oyster longer «ad the clam inn tiers fro m th o se two rouaUea had npee mmittee on elections, the chairman are gradually being crowded |u(! the I j supporitd that oppoaltloo But when i nf which ta Asacmblyman l*hlHlpa. 'hey mt down to talk the matter over map of our b ay s Tb« wisdom of the«* __ , , ■ p en eiall» cutulderod . . ______ saldarsi a follower of the gorernor a u not tong In conrInc i J i n M J r Wb^ lht, frW>ml, yearly moves to crowd the independent Ing the objectors that the» were mis F0R K ED RIVER baymau further and further each year the governor called the speaker's at taken. at least. In tbelr views, and tention to the nature of the hill he 1« decidedly qu*ettooabie. To It can when the conference broke up It was promptly took It -from the election« l ^ T p h G Collins of New York and b r traced tn oo slight degree tb« de The Growing Demand for agreed by a vote of 2T to I I to report .-«•mmittee and referred It to the Ju Frank:Penn. Jr,, of tfaia pjac*. had a crease m population to tba short town and paw the measure dietary committee, a majority of toccewful gunning trip to the baach Securide* of the ships An «(Tort baa made lo retain the which la composed o f frteoda o f the laet week, getting ten geese and a tine part» designation tn (he ballots, those governor. When tb# house had ad string of duck* Prudential Policies Paid who advocated this contending that a journed Mr. McGowan and dames It Mt* Gertrud* Parker, Mr and Mr« ballot without ain-h party >toalgn*M«n \ugent, the lieutenant o f ex Senator Uunng January and February I the Edwin Parker, and Mri Aaenath Tilton would be»oml doubt destroy party or Smith, went to the speaker am! »trenti Prudential inaurane« company paid •pent Sunday at A»bury Park Kniitsa lions, This, however, It ta aald. oualy objected to the new re fere nee OF NEW JERSEY pubeir« in this county as follow*' The Parker estate have bought • fine had no weight with the governor, who Nuiront bluntly accused the speaker of Joseph W Chadwick, Bay Head, aa strongly argued tbat the bill as II being unfair and that stub methods new horse I* based upon a public apprecialion of the $$000, Joseph H Coolt. Osborn ville, waa wiia the measure demanded by would prevent his fi lie s|>eitker'a) reMr Hough of Lakewood, «ho hae phyaical values which lie hack of them and the people and aa aiteh should be fflvell $01.70; Jenniny* Steekhmtae, Ware, bungalow on Bay avenue, i i putting to tb e lli. town, ti$ 84. Herman Irons, Lakewood The speaker came back hotly with down sidewalk* and will build a neat the increasing proaperily of fhe Company Opposition Still Alive. the declaration that he did not pro wir* fence I I 23..16; D Morey, W trstowo, $149.78. This action on the part of the confer Isire to seek a reuomlnatlon, and If he Mt sJN'ancy Lane of Freehold ta visitees. It ta understood, has not entirely did he was not afraid of Nugent, The mg hete TUCKERTON killed the opposition, mid the enemies bill was Introduced, he knew, to create Mr and Mrs E A Gerdy have returned of the gorernor were going about Mon trouble, and so be sent It to the com NEWARK, N. J. A Tinker ton party at Harvey Cedars day night wagging their heads signifi mlttee which bail the Gerun measure to Brooklyn after a stay here § Capt and Mr* Edward Holmes »re Sunday were Jo b M Smith, Ed A Hein cantly and telling those who supported so that they could lie considered to Headquarter» for Public Service Securtiies, visiting in New York rich. Raymond Jones, Joseph P Smith the governor to wall aud see what will gether. Judge Benjamin Jones of East Or»nge and George Driscall happen to the measure v, hen It comes with its intimate knowledge of the Company O cean G rove D efeated A gain . before the house on final passage. a I Once more the efforts o f the ro*|-" and Alfred N Dalrymple, chairman of and its strong conditioh. recommends the Essex County Republican Commit In a statement concerning the eon- dents of Ocean Grove to Mis uri- a bor Dredge Heading for Toms River ferotice which was given ont Monday migli form of government have com« tee. were down Jast week fox hunting PUBLIC SERVICE SECURITIES The Pennsylvania Dredging Co which night, hut which It waa said did not to naught. After getting their bill with George Eichorn at the Parker As particularly desirable for both tbe large h ai the contract to dredge the channel come from the governor'« office, It was through the house it was Igmmilulously houre Tbeyjwere out hack of Baroehere has started its dredge Sandy Hook said that nt first attention tens culled beliteli In tbo seimte Monday by tbe 8»t with ClydeJKobimon and Ben Bowor small investor. <Capt James Herron) up from Tucker- by the governor to the fact that there decisive vote of IN to 2, Mr. Hllaer of ker of Waretown, and Dal bagged the seemed to tie serious objection to the Middlesex and Mr. Low of Ocean being ton this weak Write for full Information—ask for Weekly List fox e* way in which the bill had been pre tbe only appnreut friends It bail In the Mrs Lydia Grant, who has been very of Offerings, or Telephone 1932 Market pared und suggested to tbe legislature upper chamber, In fact, the Middlesex Borough Bill Advanced and said tbat IS was bis clear preroga senator's was ihe only voice that was sick, is now able to get around her room tive under the shite constitution to raised In support of tbe measure, dt The bill creating the borough ofPoint suggest at any time measures for their was un-American, he contendisi, to Dr Joel Fithian ot Camden, ha* been Pleasant Heights passed the Assembly consideration and that It was clearly lell the people of Ocean Grove tlmt visiting Dr O A Wood at Trenton yesterday Mr« Jennie Bunnell is home from within the meaning of the conatitu- ! they could not lim e a representative tiou that his suggestions might be in form of government. He denied the stay in Newark the form o f regularly formulated bills. statement which had been made by tbe Clarence Vaughn has returned to his The Philadelphia Record Therefore It would have liven within 1Opponents of the Mil lo the effect that home in Columbia. Pa , after a visit New Jersey occupies an important his choice to send the pending primary f the passage of the measure meant the with his father, Adolphus Vaughn and election law to them In a special des truc I ion of the religious atmosphere place in the public eyie at this time. Mrs E L Shinn of West Creek, has message 1,n<* n*k them lo vote upon It of Ocean Grove and declared that the Not onlv every citizen of the State been visiting her parents here, Mr and directly. j advocates of the bill complained that butiof tbe whole country is interested in "The governor pointed mit,” the j under existing condition« they were M'« Pitman Bunnell tbe prcceedings of the Le g i s I a ture, Thomas Taylor is building a new statement* went on, "that the bill ! obligi-d to pay excessive rates for light though tbe new kind of Governor, a which Mr. Geran had introduced had and other conveniences without any house on the lot he bought from Mrs man of ideas who does things, has been been objected to by those who opposed means of retlreHs. Mary Predmore Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $281,000.0 in office less than two months and the It only upon the grounds which went Lacey Township is rebuilding the Mr Osborne of Essex was of the people of New Jersey are waiting to see lo the validity and etllcncy of the whole opinion that the people who settled in dock at tile landing. It will be six feet matter. He maintained that it was Ocean Grove with a full knowledge of wide antUonger than before. The mud whether he will be able to accomplish absolutely necessary, in order to keep Its restrictions should not now be per the great reforms he has undertaken 0 will be dug out of the river alongside to DEPOSITS Politicians and thinking men in other faith with the voters of the state and mltted to tear down its form of gov give deeper water, and thrown over with public opinion, that the hill should ernment. November 1, 1898, States are keeping their eyes on Wilson back of the dock to fill in with,and then $261,000.00 substitute for the existing method of Senators Brown of Monmouth, Frefor many ot them believe tbat if he suc •electing election officers—a method llughuyHen of Monmouth and Nichols covered with sand and gravtl. Joseph November 1, 1903, 387;000.00 ceeds as Governor he will be called up which would be a very much nearer of Cumberland also spoke against the Holmes has charge of the work I t will on by his party to be its standard bear approach to what was impartial and help exceedingly next summer November 1, 1908, bill. 486.000. er in tbe presidential campaign of 1912. open and without taint of machine John Taylor of Lakewood with some In spite of the opposition of the Re November 1, 1909, In the State House a t Trenton im management, and that the other essen publican minority and the forensic friends was gunning a t the Sedge, with 579.000. 00 portant moves of the political chess tial feature was that the ballots should efforts of Republican Lender McCran, Capt George Chamberlain and they got November 1, 1910, 658.000. 00 board are made daily. All of these, to be of such form that the voters would the Democratic assemblymen have six geese and some ducks gether with what transpires in the have an opportunity to select indi passed the Eagan public utilities meas Rev N D Aspinwall has gone to Con legislative chambers the Governor’s viduals rather than tickets and so be ure. The bill practically re-enacts the ference in a position to demand and expect ot pftsent utilities law, with the addition office and the lobbies are described Word has been received here of the every political organization that they accurately in news stories which appear should put up candidates whose names of what is considered to be efficient marriage in Jersey City of Theodore rate making powers, and legislates out each day in the ‘ Philadelphia Record” would bear individual scrutiny. Hanford, a summer visitor, who of office the present commissioners “ Tbe Record" has long been known "He urged that the Democratic party and creates in their place a new com grandson of|Mrs Martha IWoolley as the leader in the news and political had for sixteen years been a minority Charles A Smith and Mr Bender have mission consisting of three members C K > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( world of New Jersey. Its fairness, fear party, which was assured to It becaus« at a salary of $7,500 a year each, to be been spending some time at Holly lessness, accuracy and the ability of its it would not open its processes to pop appointed by the governor, Wood Farm representatives have made that journal ular choice and to the free control of When the bill was placed on third an authority on New Jersey news of public opinion. Because, in short, the rending Mr. McCran Hought to have it OCEAN GA TE people had not believed that the De any character amended so that the present commis mocracy was their servant, but had sioners. who go out one each year be Especial attention is given by "The William C Smith and [William H TOMS RIV ER, N. J . feared that it was the servant of ginning next month, could fill out their Record” to news at Trenton at which selfish political interests. Newlin of the Ocean Gate Yacht Club, terms. The Passaic man said even if the people of the lower half of the TOTAL ASSETS - $300,000 00 opened an account yesterday with the "The recent election, lie pointed out. State, known as South Jersey, are in hail been won because Democracy had the Democrats would allow this Ocean County Trust Company at Toms amendment to he made the present terested River in the name of the yacht clpb challenged and obtained the support governor would have the appointment of independent voters. The Gerun and signed articles with their contractor SAFE DEPOSIT BO X E S TO RENT of the successors of all of them before bill, he maintained, was a mcani of Roy Ellis, for the building of the club Write for Catalog he went out of office, and the commis in Burglar and Fire Proof Vault, $2 to $5 per Yearj keeping faith with those voters, that house and p ierjat foot of Ocean Gate Send us your name and address to he felt confident that any appeal tn sion would always have the benefit of avenue day, so that you may receive our hand public opinion would sustain that bill experienced men. In case his amend About twenty-five of the members of ment was agreed to the Republicans, somely illustrated catalog of women’s overwhelmingly. he said, would vote for the measure the club were at this'place Sunday and and girls’ wear. Steinbach Company, Governor Gives His Reasons. unanimously, as both sides were agreed spent a very enjoyable day Asbury Park "tic wished the members of the con iliatA the public wanted regulation of Mr. Copeland and family, of Camden, ference lo relieve the Democratic party public utility rates. » are spending a week a t their bungalow ? Jobbing and alterations— H. R . Sayre e f even (he suspicion th at they were There was considerable commotion on Atlantic avenue contractor and builder, Tribune build not eager and willing, without pres during the debate when Mr. Jam es of Paid on Savings Accounts The Ocean Gate Company is building sure from the outside, to curry out not ng Hudson, who was speaker pro tem., in new office at the foot of Anglesea only the explicit but the implicit The man who deposits at 3% loses one-third timated that he would put Mr. McCran pledges of their campaign. He said avenue down when the hitter was trying to of his income thai <u far us Ills own preference was Com. E T Rarner is expected here get the bill back to second reading for BORROWING. concerned, he would greatly relish go the purpose of having his amendment from Philadelphia on Saturday for a 4% is bettei than Government Bonds Neither a borrower nor a lender ing to t i c people on the issue, except incorporated. The Passaic man dared few days be. lint*»it voulu seem to bring him into > O O O O O O O O O O e O O O O O e o O O O O O O O O O O O O O C K K K K J O O O O iX X K -C O C tl Uie young speaker pro tem, to put him I The pipe for the water system at this Fo r loan oft loses both Itself and collision with and oblige him to criti down, and then launched out into n j place arrived yesthrday and a gang of friend. cize the action of certain members of denunciation o f the manner in which ! men are hauling it around and placing And borrowing dulls the edge of the legislature. The vote which Ihc the Republican minority was being j it where it will be laid. Artesian -water husbttodiy , conference was about to take ho do This above all: To thine own ( lured to be one of the most critical (reeled In this house. The minority, he j will be used The pumping plant will ' ik • declared, was being ridden over worse i be on Barnegat avenue self be true in the history of the party. ! than any minority wss ever ridden ! And It. must follow, ns the night “The governor mild: 'You can thro over before and were being denied i tbe disy. guide from {S c if you choose: A Big Laugh Every Minutue Each week gives M O RE OCEAN COU N TY NE'j Thou cuust not then be false to you can decline to follow me; you can their rights. He acciised the Demo- ! ‘ Jo n e s ” Mr a n d Mrs Goodly, the ■ rati, of passing the Jaw mainly i.t or; any man. deprive me of office and turn aw aj Deacon and the Indian promise you from me, but you cannot deprive mt der to have three fat offices to give to ' 'v —Shakespeare, than can be found ip aii other papers combined. m m y hearty laughs in "W hat hagpentheir followers. of power so long as I steadfastly stand Prudential P u b lic S e r v ic e C orporation Fidelity Trust Company The First National Ban] OF TOMS RIYER, N. J. Total assets over $1,000*000.00 Ocean County Trust Co 4°|d Interest 00 m M 11 ■ H rttU fd « ? i o t l R I E R :***,m**’*ri « * * * . «I* m#m4mr* ■a pu bi. Itati. awe m n4 m * PERSONAL . i * i k » i> « m » •• i Um u n it Hwm b fib * Odd F e t o » 'k d * « tea«, H it « * * » * té , I t i I *• »* he**»f U m IHftll Am R w J M t f M I o w e out U m 4 t4 ; m >«n Ir f v K i b r e v it ie s tp 4 S t P atrick i Oar t e n a f f o * . tut) jilt * i i f 4 * f btteag» id h u * t f * S t o k i I I I tt i le* Hnsnr* J n s l a g i «peni ali* e * W UM but M nufb Rurnatdr Pent, O A K Inal tn M b tf in th* death of lease L at L aao h i tint w**k 1111 n R lw r dredging i t expected to begin right noon, and pforamad to be over twtth by the end of May W isden ore road in Berkeley ph Grover and Son have »old a im ll etr to Etra Barker, president the Barnegat National bank The earthworms came to the top of pound Monday morning for the rtt-oneof the surest signs of spring Gecrg: Gaskill hat moved from the liedenmsyer farm to the Mrs. Mon iraville Irons house on Hyera street, sdresumednis trade of carpentering J. BumpofSyracuie, N Y„ hag gbt the Coeperihwait hall prop, ly at Ihr corner of Main and Washgion streets The building it three The ground Moor if occupied j Wood's butcher shop and Elwell’s t-A-Word Advertisements Testing nilro-getatin at Whitings ac counts for the explosion* felt and heard in this section the last two days. One of them shook things up considerably Jam es 1). Holman of Whttesville spent last week at the High Bar club and brought back a dozen geese. This week Walter and Goodrich Holman are there Rev. Dr Austin on Sunday evening will preach another of hts series of question sermons, from the topic: Can I be a Christifh without believing in the divinity of Christ? If you see a boy with hie lip twisted nd swollen, don’t jump at the conclu sion that he has been in a fight, He may be a me mb r of the junior band and have a cornet lip George Newman has bought five acres of land on the road from Washington street to Cedar Grove from Mrs J G, Gowdy It lies near the Seth Richard son tarm. He will probably build soon Machine will be in kt as soon as gas pipe goes through *1 River. On* of the itiost perplants :n exi.-tence All complete r old boy can run it. For botThe Epworth League and theebdir tand particulars address B E will hold a song service at the M .E rkfd River, N J church next Sunday evening at 7 30, in FOUR twn inch White Cedar Laundry ¡«».medium size, for sale. B E ENO, the absence of the pastor. Rev. S. N. Bunnell will preach at the morning Inked River, N J service • iler and force Pump. Can be erectMr. C. A. Meinikheim and daughter •nywhert; no Tank need Both,100 and 150 Gallon Circulating of Jam aica, L mg Island, have bought nFor sale at Big Bargain. the Hannah place on Hooper avenue BEtNO. Forked River. N J and will make it their home They wil* M SALE—Two Number 8 Rider spend from $2000 to $3000 on the place “ ^mckson Air engines, good to put it in shape B E ENO, Forked River 16 Cold wave and snow last night and FOR — ,l; f°°t high galvanized thin morning. The storm started with * easily taken down and put "P, *Uh 2000 gallon steel tank, all good a gust out of the west and dashes of Rio ” , PEroughout Address . Eno’s rain in the early evening and soon esiverside. Forked River. turned to snow in huge flakes. By morning the ground was white and the E . T^D~ Bang up COW, fresh or wind blowing cold and keen out of the f™"”« fresh. ENO, Forked River west Stroller .for Sale.50 feet long. George Dace,young John HenWitzel, w f> ?eam' 4 feet draught, auxiliary, « a b o u t rig; first d as. condition. Mort Brown and Tom Simons were~ar Addhess r, C, M. Elwell. Toms R iv ir, N J. rested and taken to jail Sunday for a drunken brawl the night before at Surf boat, 26 feet over Mort’s home in Berkeley, Dace was so wder AÍeJt?."ii'^n?ar’ne etl§ine in good _^pply P O box 391, Toms River much cut up that a doctor was sent for to sew up several cuts fustice M. S. : . f i SALE -Iron lathe 8 feet bed Rowland, who issued the warrant, held loori cn 3 iVlng' Powe' drilL both in æWconduion price $250 p LA R. cou.i, Sunday afternoon, fined each one Lakehurst. N. J . $5 and costs, and turned them loose. "a*hoN uIeEw¡7kWOman ° r G’r lf o r .g?n - «Mt S f lf ld il tfll* filio « 4 C o lo n ia l <5 rill Friday, March 24th, 1911 retui»«d T e a , Coffee and C ake Complimentary liahtsr* t e i e T s is U y visitnf Rasatiti« L«vy n u rn e s l F r .l« } ( i n 1 asseta! v e tk i la J n a M t t t , f a , R rr r| 4 m n Ito Ml 4 1« •|a#«*>latt|t fiorii « I fliMfllfl • M b V-. I . A .N otes % ^ Ä ondeNZJU CK ER^ * NCOt- The Village Improvement Associa ÚResdnec Sma11 Float, good her- tion take pleasure in announejng that Nofair r,ff^a serme und several gillnets Mrs Barnett of Hooper Avenue, has « fused Address“ W. C. kindly consented to give a talk at the j 32f) Broadway, Yonkers,N.Y home of Miss Anna Cowperthwait on ¿ ° R. SA LE-3 s m T y l----------------- Thursday, March 30th., at 3 p. m. The lot- 1 5 x 300 porch shade, goodi subject will be ‘ Theosophy,” an- d 25* Rich ar need deed «‘CHARDGA pt P GARLAND, ¿Barnegat N J promises to be both interesting and in structive. A silver offering will be ........ —-, cut in stove taken'up for the increase of the Ceme ■ a , fer.Ml«. W líR°R°Tr T p ,y t0 .JOSEPH A LSH EI- tery Fund •Bums River 24 i:Æ PI0t?vTSn.eak b«X complete. AdT f LEVI GRANM ijÇ Cednr Run. Troop One of the Boy ipeouts . will hold a cake sale at Grover and Son's store on Saturday afternoon vat two Quit F * faie. No \ :r1Ce tpncdjBqm^ pipino for o'clock offer refuses EL1'v.ard Another Sale of awed Clauses, at Hiver l<U‘Nb Music Store. T o ms ’ , „ Q . . „ 24 * Elwells Saturday liGr.s fr,. , ----------------------—•I The Womens Relief Corps will hold a W.VU, ■ rhamhMg ------------— white ....................* K ----i/* from pute, g t, Patrick's day' social March ¿ 24* at I full y Beatb Mias S t y Tflfk»f at M tíi» iMflrry L* Jo M im t f l J d to g h tf* Rtn»« Ho of H«r Itflftd. hftv« b»cn m»Hi| li f t i Ghflflti T . 8flnn<n i hoflfl fll I ht fitfltu ! i liâfli F» L i«tfsn ort on I f * » t f n r r ^ M rt H r» a > tn rtd f# Of «V » is it Wm W Uvflftnofc ùi .N«« York. Mr and .Mu I F II» S b tfm d of !ifW R iifh illf, N- Y.* i l i f t F T. S « y h t of Fft*nn?k, Gons.« iC , D B r»fl(ttrt(!f9 T O Bril of W « t * I I ,v • ififtld 6 P, M . Cbarlee Gtagws and W MineM Snydet I , .1 Fhiladelphia w rl. « e sk enti visitor» ! Pti» I#*) loi ŸU»rìdi Mta. \V P. Simmon» I» «pending R E C E K T D EATH S t, Mr. imn«, aoms now in Camden N*<* tor nt No« Mr. and Mr«. SamuelBpayd >lIMFHi till 1 III th» vMfliioii H«vi »Ott, ha« week end in Ftiileriflphr* Rivi lis4 ai bel liofile, Bloomfield. N. j . sad ftshtfiK M» j ami «rii! ipv »d it gtj Hit»Le. H Kobbi Mra Bertha Alien of New Gtreto! ifl I Fffb ih ami s a » to n e d at Milton. Ra» it F )« d ê m « ppìih I m lUt ofN ( l u i III l l t f visiting Mra, C, B Grover oa Wednesday tfternuon. March 1/ as 98 Brofld iire ti R . B Bobbin» and W aiterC. O ’U e ty Mra. Kelaay Moore of Atlantic City, half p a l two Mra. Boyer tor a num Edward Callahan and Win H Dos* of Lakewood were to town Monday eve le vieiting her parents. Ml. and Mrs. L, ber of year« lived on Colfax Mreet to a hue tri Surf City e t i * bare from Phil* ning at a meeting of the Doves U a a this village B Gravatt directora edtlphta Tuetday W. S. Jackson returned Tuesday from Mr. and Mr». Harry Grover aod fam Cbnetophet tu m tn io f « of Bay villa, a the laaar L Worth, a « Philadelphia where hr had been to JsfG A. R. vataran who has been eariouaty ily moved here from Philadelphia thit Civil War died Siaad.p at H» week and are occupying the Mra. y t fersoo hospital for some time hv. ill wat a b b to gwt up town l a i weak had a itroke of paralyM Mr. and Mrs McClellan Kstlow and y e a n ago, aad got around again About W W Beaumont and Conover Apple- Sm ith bonne on Dayton avenue Mr. and M u. Joasph Wiedenmayrr family of WhitesviNe »peat the week three weeks twtora his death be » m gate ot Philadelphie wets week eod •gain seized He « a t a lifelong resident visitors ol Ptter C Applegate at Cedar I and Mr and Mr*. Louia Klein haut of end with R, C. Buckwaltar end wife 0 fovt ' Newark spent th* week end here end i Mr, and Mra T . W Stemmier ol ol the «hot# M riine, and was a bayman. jtiled the farm on Hooper avenue IChadw*ck. were down ftom New York He carved in the 29th N'_ J Vole,, and Loogstreet Irons and his mother. Mis we» n member of A B Bornaidn Poet. G A P * ? Toma River. Due at a iatge family, only two »liter* eorviva him, \Ut* EUuira Wurth of Bayvilie and Mrs Special of Special ot Ladies hem John Westbrook of Cambridge. Md He was bom a t Bayvilie and married M its hoys bloust stitched or Bm lev. daughter ol the late David Era* fancy em waists ley of Cedar Creek, broidered H* leave« «even children • H arry • regular Worth of Bayvilie : Ira W orth, Mies handker 50c values Stella Penn. Mr* Delia Perrine and chiefs 15c Mist Worth of Lanoka : M rs. Rachel values Spec at 3 5 c Bennett c f Long Branch ; Mra Lou ial at | Q c Corlie of Waretowo ; and six grand* all children. Funeral aervicis will be held to-day at the Lanoka M B church, and Burnside Post will send a detail to act as bearers Bru The Spring of 1911 would be the vety beat time of all tim et to .ta r t a crusade tot batter eidewalka in Tome River 0 ! » Siiurday—1Ih« riJvMC« Georg« Newman end family wit! alka*« move ftom Leaiagton avenue to the lloaro «od m m Allien farm on Knot Waahiagton »treet («rii lit trUii f t lutnrro It ought to bn somebody', business Portal I ha* ha Belkeley buogO' to have the b itn o m streets of tbs town cleaned up— too much paper blowing ssi Jixirr way u gip «ill con letI «• ( |wtlprMwd •round Tkarodov till to Jay R, B. Gowdy has pure based tha Mrs it Wilttf Youhk preecbed in lb« A. C. IL property on Main attest Washington It in understood be it rch U<: Sunday Giberson hoi hit Reo ear acting for «they parties Edward Crabbe has given a contract to i bung done up ■rck hoi given ut eom« ol for a slip to be dug nt the old coatdock. mhcr—and moot »pringlike recently bought by him, in which to house bis new speed boat I t is understood that the school board ! VilUou lu i moved from Dayton '.tie Chatlin home on Messen- wilt aak additional money to put a com mercial couraein the high school, at the school meeting next Tuesday nr Layton on Monday broke Gama Warden Alex Btinley hat been i for hit new home on South in town of late from Lanoka getting the iiltrtt. Bnkeley patrol boat New Jersey ready for an LFromp hat nearly completed the te ibop and garage at the bend in overhauling at Faunce Bros, yardsl Ib« IH ft t«# M il l« *• iNflflfl Mr» Clflf tr to d M*fl fl»flWW» « I # • M i* | B Totfd r t iu r m l la ti «eek Him C I i i Ih I t i i n M In * • h*<i4«&me j c#H* lily pUm with loar tint bkom # cm i lieta a «Uy w New V e t i city I t I t OMNI IHrsttof Otte v i Ibe Rnerd of Fise-1 111« » ! H«fl h f f t * Ocean House* Toms River, N. J. j Usett troni Philndelpbia I M ib t Pt*mk Sèni« «mi Holm«» V m ^ G i* ** Ibfi iritit Uuwitwiiiui v* T'iitut) . Mi» P assai McCurdy hw W I miI l l i l U ni p o ti m h ! ik o u i W lfttr? !if»f#rt«| *** lH« t#p <r| ! hem a w in n Mi New Yoeh Th* OhS 5ul4ttft I m I that t i n a it d «bent badly in Vtiling th way pettMua hilt ítfflift (« p H Ik* lti**4 *y y M ta» Mr i i M l d o l 16« U m U rflM I b fll Nttfftflg hV | * É 6 | tfeM H ot j O PEN IN G lì Auliti H » *i« t ip M t Uri week Ksypoft Mi, Crisi y ul M iw tly * «priva abri werik *»« » 1(4 ì end beta i p * « d p lo au m tilm m u j and arili inset (g a in in m o m a I * F. Lipschuetz* Co. Department Store S A V E S YOU M O N EY T O M S R I V E R , N. J . Spring Dress Goods At a Big Saving Sale of Table Linens' New damask table linens, napkins, towels, etc., Satin damask extra heavy bleached,newest patterns, including the new satin stripe, 72 inches wide 1.00 a yd Mercerized table damasks pretty patterns 25 to 7 5 c a yd Table napkins 18 x 18 in 1.00 a doz Mercerized “ 18 x 18 in 1.50 a doz Satin stripe “ 21 x 21 in 2.50 a doz Turkish towels 19 to 50 c a pair Huck towels satin border 18 x 36 in 25 c a pair Crash toweling Q to 1 rifle a yd Linen crash toweling 10 to 15 ° yd Womens new Dutch collars Shepherd plaid dress g’ds 36m widefl 5 C Navy blue stripe 25c gray and white chk flair line stripe and chk Blue & white pencil stripe Shepherd plaid Poplar cloth all colors New dress ginghams 34 75c all wool white panama cloth 50 inches wide 5 0 c New percales fast colors 12k INFANTS WHITE DRESSES, pi ain and neatly trimmed, at a saving Long tucked slips good value Long or short dresses, well made 75c dresses neatly trimmed at 50c t.oo tine qualities at 75c 1.50 “ well trim’d extra value* 1.19 Infants vests, cotton and wool 25c “ “ all “ 5 0c U silk cans caps f I8c ii u ISc •< sole»gentsThompsons Glove Fitting Corsets Womens corsets that fit, give comfort and abdominal suppoft, with graceful lines, the Famous Thompson Glove Fitting corset For stout or slender women R . & G. corsets 5 0 c to 2 . 0 0 - W e can | 1 . 0 0 to 3.00 order tor you any make corset you may desire. | P i k k / v n n in plain and fancy colors K ib b o n s satin or siik taffet3) for On our Bargain Counter trimmings, sash, haijr bows, ect. All widths, better quality than we have ever offered 5 to 3 5 c a yd 25c corset cover embroidery at 1 5 c yd 35c “ “ “■ 2 5 c yd 25c pure linen for waists 36m f 8 C yd 25c fin q white lawn 36m | 8 C yd , 12c Hamburg edge and insertion 8 c yd W hite Curtain Svv,ssi!;r^ "‘ ........ nes, new printed scrim for windows, swiss in dots, figure stripes 10 to 15 C Figured cretonnes 1O to 15 C Ecru printed scrim with border | ® c Fish net, white and ecru 18 to 2 5 C: C h o ic e s t G r o c e r i e s SSoda crackers qdbs lor O y s te r “ Ginger Snaps “ Compound Coffee Finest Rio “ Sugar corn 25c Bartlett pears c U tí 25c 30c U it 15 a 5c Val laces and 8c “ “ “ IOC ï5'c U k< tí U if it u a a 1.50 hand made wool aviator c à p s 7 5 c Q U A L IT Y considered our prices are lower California dried Iruits, apples peaches, prunes | * tc a lb Pure tub butte.r ¿ 0 C a lb Fresh eggs 2 J c doz Save your wrappers on the Sunkist oranges get a prem’n Chicken feed 2 1-20 lb B-À1Lì V u-pets' thref cents euch S C ’W , , , . Tom* Fi'ver. N J . Cali at ’ D on't miss the Big Sale of Oranges at 24 Elwells Saturday W;\■' , ; ; Special Candy Sale—40c Chocóla tt - sk Mw L ^ - . h“nd r°n .Lock k , p Peanut Wafers. Saturday only, 19c !b 'I-X45'., ' ,l,c7;heap' ju T c.isb! UJI" - Äivej, N j 24* at Elwells S® ; S Ira Lambert Has Oldest Horse In Stata or United Stales According to tbe Daily Journal o f Elizabeth, the oldest horse in tbe United States is owned by Ira C . Lam bert of Water street. Toms River. The borse is known as Jack, will be forty one years old in May. and has never been outside of the Lambert family. I t was first owned by Mr. Lam bert's fath er. a farmer near Elizabeth, and was used as a farrahorse and was dfiven to a milk wagon. The father afterward gave the horse to the son who has owu ed it ever since. When Mr. Lam bert sold his farm to move to Toms River, he sent the horse to the farm of his brother. James B. Lambert, at F a n wood. Union county, where it is pen sioned and well cared for. and bids fair to live several years longer Cranberry Men Want to Con solidate Two Sales Companies Mt. ITolly, March 10— Effort is being made to consolidate the New Jersey Cranberry Sales Company and the Cranberry Growers Association for the mutual benefit of tbe members of the two organizations. A meeting with th a t end in view was held in the grand ju ry room a t the Courthouse on Ttiursd *y Another meeting was to have been held at Camden on Saturday but on account of the illness of a prominent member of the Growers’ Association, the meeting was postponed. I t is said th a t the two sales agencies bucking one another has kept the m arket all in a flurry and unsettled in the past two winters Building and Loan Receivers will Make a 15 Per Cent Payment On the application of Thomas E . Fjen ch . Samuel K Robbins and George J Bergen, receivers of the S tate Mutual Building and Loan Association a rule to show cause why they should not de clare an additional dividend of IS per cen t was allowed Monday in Camden by Vice Chancellor Learning, but the approval of the fourth report of the re ceivers was held under advisement This makes a total of 65 per ceni| the stockholders of the defunct corporation will receive. This is the fourth divi dend Most Beautiful Scenic Effects “ W hat Happened to Jo n es" promises to be the best staged production ever seen here A feature will be the beauti ful stage setting—5 parlor sejne. 5 A meeting of the Star Dram atic Co. was held on Tuesday evening m then# club room. Six new members were ad-Ld to taks the place of tuo»e, whose' names were ordered stricken from the membership listL ester'Y o d er was eieotou general maimger a a d treasurer, .' and Ralph Kobinsoh, secretary. Good progress is being made Wit h the;... play and it in expected will be lirtsShtea here about the first of Aprii :-13KI «n i » < «r Ranger t It VNl IIP » IMM s I* I 1» |N w r ¿ tv Á frem ttitnimm t * }i W «U m i" » n i> K n tfllM I "« «McÉ ih* *tfi » *fm M l m»sr**t«*t r 4 * 1 , "|ll 1 »»»"|»Hb ~ U ni H h e It*it s u t Sin» t*** ¡»in», wit »*>• ta r n l it a n » fc«Y Utili m iti #»» «m] daini/ tn«i*vuw*ul ! I*uUdìtir ”1 catutot #t»dur* Itoli," »tot I*,-it •«■J i bit) rtfìcBlfd tu t^ fiftt a Uuuâteû of Itolo*. ba* ItoOl f n « S „ y. k" i I turnrd U WM»* » to r**rmii*«l bhiertr itoli oh« lUMI j UU>e» -1 *111 tort rHimrtit* ilm ''taller of <U»b«a, *h* "tow * iM y hav* b *,,, rai , * r * r tu fi t o i « M l « « f r i e tul», iter irtila m l wtili dn>|*nil* ro ttnii* imo ' ‘”***^1 in inaili, •h..***»! um ir pi«* Ml ta d Mr* Parket f •t httr o>tali>i ««4 «d»tto»i tmtbii g uf tbe titulo* r o m wtikh wo* «tatti tifa eowhoya. « * 1 itiltwr*. Unghia n » n t Sun»!«* **’* ’* U# tita n i ttf ntt ir h * nelght**r fitta) ; B IM will» BI. A»e aI*»Mt ■A M .■.»11loua I « , •''*> Ha» mrwm |t v a i, tad elt, tt*¿* I fìirr r t t r b i t i »mi i M f lowtitl famttte* j Wm" Al>u,’„ whlfti Im 4 dwtdfd b«f to i* toril * \IN»; aìi«t t'orla Iti iH*(Ni o f tramp-ilk# afifv a n iw* w n t , ft In* t i l ' t ç a tU f irr) b i a i r u • o f, butidini « M I« *, Bbppltig Into I ma! at the rs tl of tha ufJF, Bat toy a Abortititi for ■tic* III l> **n n a«', hou«*, un Ih* Ite». tallio wbtoh (iffncd (Ilo otoñara»! ctoH to* b rin i I w tu*'! fü r Ai a lunghi l*to# V.rg tota gtattffd mai tul upon har »hielt h* ho* revenite ' ■i*uW““4Im*3# v r f * Iti aniitt* arar tirink!ti|f c j ft . Alt B p ll itWk?» atul tH>v aiw» fou lai I ff»*’lr food trlth knlfo RM THRTirtiHW gUfflT, tli irti1 fi »ff## with Hirhinii 1»..,,*t ||*»Mi ib t t lt u t to.Ufer« 11bimlttt iim! gttwtt »* f|ft p IHIU ||t*»ttl ir f i V * m a m i her. bn «»» |u l u f . •H»l “fi d* O t wrtth m i f c t f t n i ’ M w‘tih k ern c t o it u n & f y&mr » y m p a t k e t t c u n d e r ml a r u lin g a / t h e pr& hhtm m w h i c h c o n frttnftfiH t h e Atf c i i ic fv * i f # fec/of# M # » r item m n r ie r e t o o d it u n d w ith « J*#t»I Ih tif f |tf*t fio ÌOTlÉSf bl âA#of*a/#i/ With f té th oftp H / «itfi ti# e f o «f » * * tors* Of turara»««, but her« «a» i ll « * * * «tut »Imtpmt b#r*eif •* twrotly «* to»l • ||?»#*♦*•• V In Itti U|'M«li tiIbi ìq H * virsieia *wudcml aI*hh «il itili *S *a lü iA r rrn n « i» ttW H f #* minto, r m u i N i i » * * «»««»»toi L W « » m i» * hr iiw im»tiMi wf ■»*>* i,i»» iluw t) III«, Mil »"*1111** #1 **1*11 ' !*»**4jtoU** «o* tmrsiM* that k«t>*s I bran w«*t* *t>»' C-er»t*k». IMA by H w ba I M y O r * f Afr. Gur/nin/ — Kmt Alov* t o r n M nrf enough to lo t mm sms I t o p r o o fs o f "Cavanagh, F s r s s t R o n g e r " i huvm rprtii || » « * II I MIMMI* t i l l Mr mint • h e « * * 1 Ib* i i|*t*l *1 iU lilt stier t By IMMUN BARIANO IN TR O D U C TIO N , £ 5 i . a l t o r » « * ,* »M M * Al *bJ « 1 W Uhi h it* fur m$; h«**p*r <h*t» tttèf II ihaImMI liti#* Mad oQ •4 «# f 'f f jr ; r i.iu U iiM r I* n fito r and » » ! *N M U h * to ld tto rM w l to r e l » r n to —— I e j !• lmuc to d t t itoe re««pfi At but b n )ñf)> Í ill «t í »ü » *t«mt f * is i v in a t a * tv l i m i t*\i i It r ii It*ft) t># n i t g \ H *#rHim rj** w lili ; W okh W U StOMf Mft f ly eti#!»{jr t»f It« it d *b# ftr<ij>jfe*s| |i(♦»i pjf , Udì A t itt*t “ fiiitwittt'** but t M nit II m lx y witt) (bo ,whiufep g ‘r utili hth'klnl, ** 'IS muh o f t u a A and BWi Over SI2.000 in NEW-YORK W estern /ninth I U li f e with a manly th eir trwn coarag which tlui them ant I etiti d o e « (hem high honor, St m e o f them t f f l n atu rally glow to met the at!vantage* o f the new order. Bat now filad th ey have s e e n i t there i* now A e re m o re in telligen t, e o n * virtced and e ffe c tiv e support O f the con serva tion p o lic ie s than in the west. The establishm ent o f the new o rd er in som e p la c e s was n ot ch ild 's p la y . B ui there is a strain o f fa irn ess am ong the western p e o p le which yoa can alw ays cou n t on in such a fig h t a s the f o r e s t serv ice has made a n d won. The s e r v ice con ta in s the best b o d y o f you n g men / know and m any sp len d id veterans. Jt is n in e-ten th s m ade up o f western men. It has m et the w est on its own ground, and it has won the c o n te s t— an ep iso d e o f which you have so w ell d e scrib e d — b e cause th e w est b eliev es in what ii stands fo r . I have lived much am ong the w estern m ountain men, d iffe r e d with som e o f them and worked with m any o f them. S om etim es I have lost, and som etim es / have won, but every tim e the fight was worth while. I have c o m e oat o f it all with a resp ect and liking f o r the west which will last as lon g as I do. Very sin cerely yours, G IF F O R D P IN C H O T. CHAPTER I, T H E B E S E B T CH ARIOT. EE VIRGINIA tV ETIIER FO RD began her return journey into the mountain west with exultu“ tlou. From the' moment she o|K-ueil her car window that August morning in Nebraska the plain called to her, sustained her Illusions, it was nil quite as,big, as tawny, us she re membered it, fit arena fur the epic deeds in which her father had been a leader bold und free. Her memories of lionring Fork und Its people were childish and romantic. She recalled vividly the stagecoach which used to amble sedately, not to say wheetily, from the railway to the Fork and from the Fork back to tbe railway- in tbe days tun years before vhen she Uu'd ridden away in it a tearful, despairing, long limbed girl and fully expected, to find it waiting for her at Sulphur City, with old Tom Cjuentan still as its driver. Tbe first bint of "the new west” came to her by way of the pretentious Hotel Alma, which stood opposite the station at Sulphur and to which she was led by a colored porter of most elaborate and kindly manners. This house, which furnishes an ex cellent dinner and an absorbing mix ture of types both American and Eu ropean, was vaguely disturbing to her. It'w as plainly not the old time westthe west her father hail dominated in the days “before the invasion," It was indeed distinctly built for the tourist trade and was filled with all that might indicate the comfortable nearness of big game and good fish ing. Upon inquiry as to ibe stage she' was amazed to hear that au automo bile now made the journey to the Fork iu five hours and that it. left ¡minediktely after the midday meal. At 2 o’clock, as the car came to the door, she entered it with a sense of having stepped from one Invading j chariot of progress to another, so big aud shining and up to date was its glittering body. ngUain with brass and' glowing with brave red paint. As they whirled madly down the val ley the girl was astonished at the transformation In the hot, dry laud. W ire fences ran here und there, ineiosiug field vf alfalfa and wheat ■where once' ' the sagebrush and the greaaewoou grew. Painted farm houses shone on the banks of tbe creeks and irrigating ditches flashed across the foad with an air of business and decision. For the first half hour it seemed as I f the dominion of tbe cattleman had L m tri bune corda- I and In j >tk af Ida yellow shirt a greea I % tu*ad «* ii It,, was loosely knotted. Hi* hand* 1 iuta f! M i-1 »very «loi* trm t*r V», r>, long anil fm-kimi. but were man- | r )*vt t f too To n|pf If a ho If (Wily trained to |mllle usage*. I “You going t et thrown off K). uti* (too 1 of k tUtk'l The other mon was younger and d I» golhf ne of I tit*»' day *, 9 day«,** Mid the ber wner and of a compact, athletic Ag Bother w ii a Uad ('vimpomirtit, young man on the hack »eat, are. On tbo breast of his olive green flo r unajiolLou cjueatloo, o|»i*oruit JUST STARTING 1 hereupon a etoleni »11». union are** mat bung a silver badge which bore a M bet b j another. * « « Riuirvrrd 1» pin« tree In tbe center. Ills shirt was an «Iti woman ¡m o m s w . “Oh, I«>nl. peer the queaUoh of (he right o f a tan rotoml and rough, but hi* head You may ent«r coolest at aayi yet! Bummer tourlat* are crawlin' ail aheepman to clatm Amt g ra n for hi* t was hnndaom*. Me looked like a during next two months. o rcr na «me« thl* olio line begun. dorki, and tjregg boaeted that he eared j ' young oflli er In tbe undress uniform Team tllie all the hare armed beotile* nothing for "the dead line.” "Tbey’re , of the regular army. III* bauds were anil emaategged tittle ripa In Omaha tried to run me out of lH»er Creek, hm j I f not a reader of tb« Tribun« strong, but rather small, and tho tin«* and Denrer had Joel gnt to ride In and I'm there to atay. I hare 10,00» more of hi* shonbier* graceful Most at it from your local denier Uwlc na orer. Two of them new hotel* on the «ray. and the man that Iriee to I tractive of alt were bt* eye*, so brown, Sulphur don't do a thing hut feed »top me will Ami trouble." *o quietly humorous and so keen. Th# our w m ending luto the rah | thtotttt t r b d r r M 1 e'pame prohl-bltion By mail two month» $1.40 In the ramble of cheep and vulgnr Fork now. and wire j wlU n * th# n#xt irmml ntitud play on lt\v of th# Hem) talk tbe voice* of the«« men appealed Mb #* am] nlf; Addrexs : Arid* on either aide j »i*® pon «** **ur tuvvtt toie nootnor* u # to ibe iron tiled girl with great charm. j^t*© further w ice o f the cluing» in j olâ fmi*tfitflt*)it*ri don't Rhe felt more nkiu to them than to n Down past the j îb# town grow« of not* but tto#*» liver (U# Intuìt dor any one else In tbe room, and from a lid deeper ali gets a nd truck r.i i are all time to tittle abo raised Iter eyes to sunk In tre Lee Vlr nla rodo, re New York City nlsln' th I price o' land and taxln' their faces. calling the n il nigli i w heu 30u aratesi ulet fell» ju r b o o t s ." nnd vengeful owbnys »limitimied il, | They were aware of her also, and The girl » a* bro light hack to their gu?.c was frankly admiring as Vital |»h!*M of her life by tb« bn rsli holding three ali lo barena and thelr well ns wondering, and in passiug the hired Invaders ngttlnat all romera, re* | vole# of one »of the men. "Llzo W» ham nnd eggs or the sugar they con oluto to ho Hu r owu judge. Jury and ¡ erfortl 1» gotia’ to kel Jumped one trived to show lu-r that they consid hiingmim. It » ■as all a * prsctfkl a* a ; the*# ilnv* f,»r sellb»' whisky with F u n e ra l D esigns a Specialty ered her a lady In a rough place and Sunday afii-n sui at thla moment, Ik-i r r e told her «o loo. Every P la n ts and Cut Flowers that they would like to know wore with o sign of t lerce pnssl-ms of body knows ah#'* «-doin' It, and what o t l V K M i m sKS, WINDSOR PARK about her. the p >t. beat* ute Is her gotn’ along In that way I S I , VNI » H E I G H T S She uccepted their civilities with The car cr 1 the Roaring Fork when a little time and money wonld gratitude nnd listened to their talk aud drew tip before two small shacks I "VIOTHvn. DON'T » 0 0 KNOW U S T set her straight with the law.” with growing Interest. I t sis-ined-that »« The sluv-k of nil this lay in the fact one of wbkh boro n faihsl sign, "The I room, (here (o *ob unrestrnlm-dly het the young mau had come down from AVetherfurd House," and the other lit I despair and shame. “Oh, I eau't stand that Elisa Wetberford was the mother tho hills to meet Ills friend nnd take fresher paint, “The Wetberford Cafe." it!" she called. " I rnn’t, 1 enn't!" to whom Leo Virginia was returning him lock to bis cabin, On the nidownlk a group of Indiana Mio felt herself alieu und solitary In after ten years of Uf* in the east, nnd “1 can't do it today, Ross,” said the »cr« sitting, and a half down slouch ! the land of her birth. the wienlficnnee of the man's words ing whit* men stood waiting at the older man. “ I wish I could, but one 1 I.rto came In halt ou hour later, pa frow» her blood for an Instant. meal of this kind Is all I can atuml door. thetic in her Rttempt at "slicking up." Th»»*» »«at!, h e ir j headset»«* uul «o muj The young fellow on the back sent A» Lee went post the hotel porch j Fhu was still kuiidsomo in n large fea- those days." women suffer with. They maj potou» slowly sni»l, "I don't complain of Uzo her heart heat hard and her breath Mrs. Wetberford, selling the mo come from *ye atrotn w pee cetuolfintl soilin' hail whisky, but the grub she shortened, lu a flash she divined the |tured way, hut her gray hair was ment, came down to do the honors. ache* are direct)» caused from !*frr!l»l I there and her face laid with a network “You fellers ought to know my girl. sets tip is fierce." vision truth. She understood why her moth"The grab ain't so bad; It's the way er hud discouraged her coming home. of fretful lines. Her color was bad. At Vlrgfnny, (Ills Is Forest Supervisor L e t a * give you * c a re fu l exam inai!«» hw she stacks It up," remarked another. It was not merely on account of th© tho moment her cheeks wore yellow Redfleid, nnd tills is Ross Cavanngh o fi'li» rg e »ad we will tell you Ify o u r t!« his forest ranger In this district. You ‘‘But, then, these little fly-bit cow money. It was because she knew that nnd sunken. aro th e cantte of tho trouble. She complained o f being short of ought lo know each other. My girl's town* are ail alike and all bad, so far her business was wrong. breath nnd lame nnd tired. “I ’m nl- just back from school, and she don’t 08 hotels are concerned." Wliut a squalid little- deu It tvan! think much of the Fork. It's a little Lee Virginia, crimson and burning IIow cheap, bald ami petty the whole ways tired,” she explained.••'Fears Philadelphia Eye Specialist» hot, was iu agony lest they should go ; town seemed of a sudden! Lee Vlr- I like sometimes I can't scarcely drag too course for her.” Lee flushed under this Introduction, further In their criticism. j glnla halted iin-J turned. There was myself around, but I do." She knew that her mother kept n only one thing lo Ih> done, und that j A pang of comprehending pnln shot and her distress was so evident tliut boarding house, nnd, while she was uut j was lo wako herself kuown. She re- j through Virginia's heart. I f she could both men ca»ui- to her rescue, Tho older man bowed and said, ‘T proud of it, there was nothing ills i traced her steps, pulled open tho bro- not love she could at least pity ami OCRS: 10 . 0 0 u-m. till 3 - 0 0 P ingraceful In It. Happily, the convert ken screen door and entered the cafe. help, nnd. reaching forth her hand, she didn’t know you had a daughter, Mrs, F R E E E X A M IN A T IO N patted her mother on the knee. “Foor Wetberford." And Cavanngh, with a tlon turned aside nnd fell upon the |It was a low, dingy dining room filled old mammy!" she said. “I ’m going to «lance of admiration, added, "W e’ve government's forest policy, nnd Sail: |with tho odor of ham and bad coffee. help you.” been wondering who you might be.” Gregg, a squat, wide mouthed, harsh j At the tables teu or tlftccu men, a iu»»tLlze was touched by thill action of went on: "i thought I'd got rid voleed individual, cursed the action of ley throng, Wore busily feeding tlietr 'lpr 9 been away now Ross Cavanngh, the ranger In tho dls , voracious Jaws, und on her left, behind her proud daughter aud smiled sadly. 1 Tdon'‘ k™w b“ t ,lt triet above the Fork. “He thinks he's « showcase filled with cigars, stood "This is no place for you. It's nothing about tcn her mother, looking old, unkempt and but a measly little cow town gone to wa* “ n' *mko' ^ook s like she s Gas and Hot W ater Fit worried. The changes In her were so seed—aud I ’m gone to seed with it. I gro,vn n Iltt!o to° flne bairod toT US 1dotighles out here.’’ great that tho girl stood Iu shocked know It. But what is a feller to do? ters, Steam Fitting and ! “So much the worse for us," replied alarm. At last she raised her veil. I'm stuck here, nnd I've got to make a Hot A ir Heating,Tin and Bedflold. “Mother,” she said, "don't you know living or emit. 1 can't quit, so I stag Sheet Iron Workers ger along ” I Tbis llttlc dlalo«no Rave the girl time mo ?” A look of surprise went over the “I've come back to help you, mother *° recoyec herseIf’ but as CaTana«h older woman's flabby face—a glow You must let me relieve you of some i watcbcd tbe blusb f!uie/TOm her face* leaving It cold aud white, he sympa 2 1 W a s h i n y t o n S treet which brought back something of her of the burden.” other self, as she cried, “Why, Lee "W hat can you do, child?” Lize thized with her—pitied her from the TOM S R IV E R bottom o f his heart. He perceived that Vlrginny, where did you come from?” asked gently. he was a chance spectator of the first The boarders stopped chewing aud "I can teach.” scene In a painful domestic d ra m a stared in absorbed interest, while Vir “Not iu this town you enn’t.” one that might easily become a trag ginia kissed her blowsy mother. “Why not?” "By the Lord, it’s little Vlrginny!" I am ready to Bhoe yonr horse or do joui “Well, there's a terrible prejudice edy. He wondered what the forces Jobbing and new worfe. said one old follow. " It ’s her daugh against—well, against me. And, be might be which had brought such a ter.” HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY sides, the places are all filled for next daughter to this sloven, this virago. All work gusrameed by Upon this a mutter of astonishment year. Tho Wetherfords ain’t among To see a maid of this delicate bloom thrust into such a place as Lize Wetbarose, and tho waiter girls, giggling, the first circles any more.” THOMAS WILSOH marveling nnd envious, paused, their Water erreet shop. TO.MB R IV E R Lee Virginia remembered Gregg's erford’s “hotel” had the reputation of platters in hand, to exchange comment charge against her mother. “What do being roused iDdiguation. on the newcomer’s hot and gown. A "When did you reach town?” he you mean by the prejudice against cowboy at tho washing sink in the asked, and Into his voice his admira ARTHUR C. KING. you?” she asked. corner suspended his face polishing Lize was evasive. “Since I took to tion crept. and gaped, over his shoulder in silent “Only last night.” CIVIL E N G IN E E R running this restaurant my old friends ecstasy. Some of the men came for “You find great changes here?" kind of fell off, but never mind that ^ S U R V EYO R ward to greet her, and, though she had tonight. “Not ro great as in my mother. It's j some dlfflcuKy iu recognizing one or all"— She stopped abruptly, aud lie The girl's thought, was now turned COX BLDG.,. TOMS RIVER'N.J. two of them (so hardly had (he years understood, Into other half forgotten channels, |of her absence used them), she ever»wish you would tell me more about Lize being drawn back to her cash l lually succeeded in placing them all. father. I don’t remember where he register, iftedfield turned to say. “My At length her mother led her through was buried.” dear young lady, I don’t suppose you (he archway which connected the two “Neither do I, child. I mean I don’t remember me, but I knew you when shanties, Ihonce along e narrow hall T h e e a r t h a t m a k e s good know exactly. You see, after that cat- you were a tot o f five or six. I knew ' into a small bedroom, Into which the tie war he went away to Texas. Ho your father very well.” S e n d f o r b o o k le t western sunset fell. It was a shabby came back und never wrote, and “Did you?'’ Her face lighted up. j place, but an a refuge from the crowd never E. F. LABRABEE by and hy word came that he hud died “Yes, poor fellow; ho went away j in the restaurant it was grateful. L n k e h iir s t , NT. J and was buried, but: 1 never could go from here rather under a cloud, you | Lizc looked at her daughter critical down to see where his grave was at.” know.” I,EE VIRGINIA. ly. “I don’t know what I’m going to “Didn’t you know the name of the “I remember a little of it. I was secretary of war, but I reckon he won't do with a girl like you. Why, you’re town?” here when the shooting took place.” party— purty as a picture. You were after J Interview him. He can't shuffle “Yes, but it was a new- place away “So you were. Well, since then much my sheep around over the hills at Ids skinny as a child. I’m fair .dazed. down in the Panhandle and nobody Great snakes, how you have opened own sweet will.” I knew lived there. _ And I never knew has happened to tig »ill,” he explained P lu m b e r IK T'ON',,", N W O B K E IB The young fellow on the bael: seat out! You're thq living Image of your, anything more. Well, I must go back to the ranger. “There wasn’t room for I r o n s IZ I*« k ä 2u£cIi sito s*, * * * eay ot tììC quietly interposed. “You want to be dad. What started you hack? I told into the restaurant, 1 hain’t got a girl a dashing young blood such as Ed V r o HI m tjnit<iing> YVetherford was in those days.” Ho sure you’ve got the cinch ou Cnva- you to stay where you was.” I can trust to count the cash.” T O M IU V JË K “I had no place to go after Aunt turned to Lee. “Hewas no worse than nagh good and square, Sam, or he’ll he Left alone, Leo Virginia wept no J o b b in g p ro m p tly a t t e n d e d to Celia died. I had to come home.” the men/on the other side— It was dog #-rldin’ you.” more, but her face settled into nn ex “You wrote they was willing to keep “He certainly is an arbitrary cuss,” pression of stern sadness. It seemed eat dog—but some way the people you.” said the old woman. “They jsay he as if her girlhood had died out of her rather settled on him as a scapegoat. W E W A N T “They were, hut I couldn’t ask it of and that she was about to begin the He was forced out, and your mother was one of Teddy's rough riders In AT ONCE. Local and traveling tho war. He sure can ride and handle them. I had no right to burden them, same struggle with work and worry has borne the brunt of it since. Those men in this state torepfeietuus. a gun. ’Pears like he thinks lie's run- and, besides, Mrs. Hall wrote me that which had marked the lives of all the weje .lawless. d_ays,” is money in tho work lor YOU 8ca“ ' ‘ women at»» had known In her child nln’ the whole range,” she continued, you were sick." ing for our easy selling specialties. Ap* “I am, but I didn’t want you to come hood ply now for territory after a pause. “Cain’t nobody so muc( ALLEN NURSERY C0. Rochester ,'N* C o n t in u e d n e x t w e e k rial* with o# ran’t k« I* id. With deep »rata effort le e eoininarcd er disgust, "Never mind-, I'm tired nd a little Upact. 1 don't need any timer." Hi Wily sipping a cup of cef , abe tried hard to keep back the ra, but failed, and no sooner did her (her turn away than she 8<-d to her Great Proverb Contesti New York Tribun# I'hos. Wallace & Son’s FLORISTS Oh,Those Ilea daidies! Stiles & Co., at Cowperthwatt Kxchaaji Saturday* Hch. IS JOHN W. LEWIS Practical ♦ PLTJMBEB Jobbing promptly attended to BLACKSMITEING G E. BUICK A E S , MARTIN BRANDT fvwm ut* bi I Mi* KttkttiM B AY HEAD p««r orno« im§ ft** t tf># - i w ib if o f ! ►*!»»* Farr*. I f , rr, •« w w im m i . BARNEGAT A <U»<1 M UfMt Hirt, I*# toipm- ,4«ni **«- It K M e h f .n t fut W i l « ( !« • < b f Ua* « t a t e » « ] Uu« «» F.txu afv t i «m 00*1* »< ll>« Me S taisi Chtrttif*! Cotr-pany, m 4 »IW w»h im pt-’ytntfii iw i h arn » rii* Wiwb H<w#l flu n i * Uknlr I# JERBEY <■!•*• I ff belt ut »wfiltott no ih» pati of lb * n»«t» l i n u l* Tt u i r t p l k w » I lb * A r i S u * a ; in w a H « m # n « f f l i .e e » « *» i"*»*iwfT. m 4* a iti 4U U U f date M H I. V I IH « « * ! ¥ , » III b * b«l4 « I i h * op*r» h o u s s • * * a -, I <*'i rboi*4«y avrtiittf M itili in IH CHANCERY OF NEW ivi 23 ru n » to# **u< «* U s in g » l’ Tiilij » v i A l b u r » P a r k . I t in l Tawo » a t t i I tt i b iro j *r^gn i A *, ¡a»ni *» ***» » I » 'tytttf j IRM » EAll*K< iD ( •«•»«III I» «Mil If«*¡»w o fe#r«*WiUk i f ___ \ wan*»» H 4« b*«-* »*4 *H* by 4*t4 4M*4 J**:» ‘ T I«* T A *LW IEW JEHSkY CENTRAL •#4 0* ; fnf1A««A w »w »W , V»t* W««n* *9<MHfett§ |I«M j *h«| I« Éd N hr,I «» |«> » TlAÜtl ftJHfflM) HU lU I ^ H A.«« A Ifen4 I TH» n w 1«fitf»B»*4* Hy0*nfY* R ifa «f !*#♦§* fet* h*t*«ffk fl XIII» N IYS1 i* ftw á fel*st* n» »hsT.. «»***»> rt# f 141b bS4 ÜBWAI» !! my Ik.*#*, Ut lit« rtHtilï *«¡»t iv««b * «k*a < ,;S f , M, ***A " , ■ S Ä S A ' 1. ! »«AM. i****l»*A A«»4f>4 m 1 «Mit. *M 00 Nl 11 ItlB tiy t i tu»p 14 f»y#fk¡|*M H» Ufe Cfeffefe «01«*» »4 ib» j * (VO*iy rtf ONMI A f *|N*Ulil RtVSV,' j li.HfH.lp'’ «|)<! d««i|»ribi4 M (iliiuvi! »Mufti# |«| Ibi ! **#«fer|f «M* ñf IB* »«m»1 frwü ih* r|ii*y« nf T*mími i ; « tr OAYI1» à* V t H ’ IM lt>Mirilitaf «a UhttUMAMAft» Y t t v i Yitlia lift ¥ M > M r«r, u»< ÌA ^ ftWUUlLttll’ M t t * * m J«u UVE 3 4« ft M 9 1$ •M 10 (S n «s U 00 « 1$ « 9T 0 60 n ss • 10 ¡ «aal. Iwrtiii-Btp linài ln Um mbfdia of Iba ■roma»«» N a» H<»m»; ibaaoa (f* down «ahi naw ro*d •oa»'» bi*Nié angra**» í f í t BiÍECfrl P*T. J •avan t'haï««; Mana« (ti anath aiybiv ana «»«fra#« » ttilnv minato# aaa*. aavetiif ilfa llnfea. to tha «•antra of Uta oW) roarl, inane« aiooif ninnila o f aald raid , (4) north four «Ivyraai. ; thirty minuta« watt, tuta# ahblM fortf-il* IlOki, ¡ to « ihn « tum lo a⻫l oiu nmd: thane« (») along aald old ro»d. nor?h thlrty-flfa «»arraai « a *t four •ihilnifoMha plane of filtuîNNlNU: «containing «U if-on# hondratUna of an aora. l« n tm * y U l f e * I I . . nbH h ijtfy k»ytr» I T h t rcu>ftìu* ‘< Miti Mati Ma rollio» I wrff* t»r.*ugh| hiprt on T h u r t r l y y »nH i h t AN ORDINANCE i-. b K'#* * f fp îif'î*| »(1 9*u Mew J i r » * x : Thal «n appiin Uo» hi «ritiu* lui ylui! Ih«*ii anmiivii »v i*»« Lvuuvi, ” - I h* » IR r* pud % UM f*»r Bake Yum Room Naar Man tal* Chair», Wood -anuih , and a m a li itK » n r. r a n i t * t)\l»*klr p a i n t * « b y *» y on* » 1 0 1 a amati i'*h a l our Horn* I f . isti Dum o*te l’a ia 1. Ih all color*— 11 |f>|f r#nit M ill« « oM lU tF f b r .imi brfgiife Unrl il (m u i G arag e Av X HriBt, Tomi« Riwi EEFOET OF THE CONDITION on my property on OCEAN COUNT! TRUST CO. South Main SL R ¡between the Depot» ol ihe i Jersey Central and Pennsyl vania Railroads, 1 am now i prepared to execute all kinds ot repairs on , .J o f t o m s iv e r n •I if» C OÊ0 bl MMrtÜfefe. M tK l I. tfl* !nt< ml was mad* here id tcrhilUM) ou ib * linin’* ralftlr baa been tutn dowfi, making | t different* in tbe took* of the property Tbe annual tkbool election will be held neat Tueedav evening at the school house Tbe Board of Education call* for $1500 tcbool tax C fc Sprague of T ttn to o , waa in town lataly Thom a* W liatvin ia having a new porch built on hi« coav borne on R a il, mad avenue There waa a moving picture show in the opera house Inst Saturday evening, and a very fair audience waa in attend ance. to n fairly good show John R umcII can be teen theae days on our streets in hi* new auto Paul Mills was hnmt from Saturday until Tuesday The Mtssee Niverson spent Saturday in New York A \YfKelley and wife epent Sunday in Tuclterton Mrs M P Sprague of Mannahswkin, is spending a few day* with her son, J Horace Sprague Mr and Mrs Charles Conrad were Philadelphia visitors last Friday A vaudeville performance and the drama "Capt Dick" will be given in opera house onJSaturday evening,Mart h 18 by local talent for the btmcfU of th* Fire Company Thd play will be given under the di rection of Mr Bud Burk, late of the Columbia Theatre of New York city. Music will be rendered by the Tuvkertou Orchestra. The Vaudeville part of tbe show, will include the singing of M. \V Cross, who appeared in the Well knownFritii Scheff Company for several seasons. Another professional will be Mr. L HlKohler, who will sing some character songs. Miss Geneva Van Vorst, an elecutionist of talent, and a graduate of the Shoemaker School of oratory, will render some selections. Mr VV C Jones a noted performer ou the French horn, will gave a solo with orchestra accompaniment Altogether, the comjnittee in charge has secured some fine talent and all will be done entirely aa a compliment to the Fire Company, and its friends, and in addition to giving our peoples first class show for their money, it will furnish funds for new equipment for firemen. The tickets are now on sale at the post office Thomas Burns and Joseph Carroll of Orange returned home last week from George Cranmer’s IBay Ridge house with fourteen-fine geese to show for three days on the bay Having rtpyr»v<1 « New April I , lu (iwli a |«u(m*at*f f«r Ooè* lie ra M ili» HKtoi’ tu'an Ti CO. TU n *? N a« i w hu i» an i c i r t i i h t l w*>* 4, iri^fcfeatïJfcî At» r*i kerton railroad am . I tof(t*!tt« «I |fe# yotHif Kttf llta U) iltfe ul a feivyf in i*<b«nri'4 OM Mill »Him fermi «A aj »tuli« m tli* rosfe tram ’im VUfe«* ff Tom ffirtt ik}#«iik ACNI A OAKTHv himJ Oftnrfi! **tiFt*4iiy ni pturf City» (M iii i'«uà«tT ff ta Hrk«iic«> OH *«■ mm. wfttefc « tA t it J,jgy «_KA V W. 9l*m •**•» A. Ä4 lf* ìù ff Jn arv , utt tbc tioitb adda ni H « te i** *v « sk -o u ro M iiio m i t'.igtilli afrori, fruiti |(ailni«il iy #iiu# (o IT Î# t.Ü A *ílU K T IC IHaati nvaline, iimI off tl*** «Kiih «i*Ja of N ini li fervei, frutti tutina»«! uremie lo ?fc*itayt> ■niwaro«.«*-1a»»*»». Ormo ivm iir. and uh lb# uoftb §W« ¡Äiü*ui,BU,m Jaamn» ul Niuth rtiw'l, frwtu tYuiral «venne In Uallruacl .s r o w ; aut on Ih* north T i , «-■*r « W.O.I «ini «tutte «tei«« ot T»utb *lr.ft, Inuu » w i**- «0. aSaÚflaa JW ( « n i n i i t r o w tu O cnh «Yruuc, »ml wi Haut “« Ih* Murili «mi «onth «W** uf KI*T*Mth «iruut, (iuta Canini itr o w tu t ) c w «re«»*; «uU un Ih* »ortb «mi «nuth alci** ut TwuUtta «trwt. frutu iVolnil arrmn- tu i>c*»ti arenile; «mi «n Ih* . a a ooarsUa* ia* raiiatt*l*ata * ■Hititb «NI* uf Thlrt«tulli «invi, frulli H N U* Uars«*al U. U. iLhHi*« T ill Atromi THAI Cenimi «reno* lu Oh m *r*uu*; and un *tw «ta ih# oi I« affari * • » . «T. thè north «hi* of Thlrfeeorb *trwl, OM felli ifel to m»*f t !!««(*•, wnMM •#» „ -*w*rrt0 ». 9— r * Hâ»fO BA4 Haro«- rtfetl !#a iing fr*^« Tuono I t l w Villa«« tft tfe* Out f)uni Cenimi «rullile |u Hailruacl i r * "fbufeiripB a, traffUMl Aliti K e» Yoffc T »««fi nmKi form hu*; alni un 111* wiutli *ide of KoorB#rlv # W by OtRmt ! rly omh «eonpWrt W. Polly Dolly tientli «fr**i, fruii! Cflitral irM M «# M em feNlKi at ti« ttfffetm t) E x Sua Ex à i a rofotfewlofM BAIfe or««« co«v#fod by • t I ntt ol « Orean «rruue; «ini un 111» i»»l 0 4 W*rt IliT l »tu I to ih# aoht Juba T. V**m*mt «Iih» uf Cenimi «ruiiu*. fruro 111* uurth KfHiralm f fS i M b t 0*nk! 4a*fe1 Jaou a-f IB, life, a; i I» *ichi uf Minili atreet lu lite «unlh «111* 1 10 *» « * M ol uv««a r«aa»v I’WftSi off»«?« ut ruurletuUi «tn.ft. t n f U pay* !*fi Mr,, m m nornnr b«Hny a I T 19 1 1$ aian.llnf In ih*o«t rond afmaaMkM; thMKfe . ■ ot Ih* Uu Il uulalmslb) ibi Cohtiell unni* • i* T 9$ ulne aa tha maga*Ur «radia pulnlrd a . D« i m t 1...... ,,*ì) .tí b w l u i l , 1W I (t) «orto ihirir-tnra* itayra««. fortf •«va BinalM f.8- J In lb * „ l U al Oiaaauuróa a* M a m I M * aa r ila b r i n * m i l i s o B a y i t i f f l A b a ili! o f g y p « * » h a v * b f r n * r .r a r n p -------- --------------------a . « ? * * ’ |T»Miinr. i i a .m d i « a , Malva* alila, , m i ) o a t tu n i h o f U n » In ** lai- t m y ) * * | a »m H ou H#1 *1«ft Htm Hrtf* Mota* a *a bitta pme Orerei«ft*... . . . . . Due ( m s »aale,«** £ t s s L lá M U m i ta.. . . . . . . . t . . - . «•ruta» ruad...... ......... ............. PaairM aa «radia nwQ..........— . . . . I S ! feS S iS itt« of a»» Uif B$felrt|feiMÌfe...... .................. If w ne MH N ICW.WS *1 il #rt 4* m at« ot Fete I r m r . c o a a t j r f OoMat m •It, Oaars « H. rin la a a , r r — i1»«l . aad W . V. U » «aeret a for felts; * • Iff 1*84 «*• fovwffntttff «*!»• »he i*Mt of uu Siwwiod** «ntl j meat t# im t , iS rsc^ r. (feMlfff. Automobiles, lam nolle* and Machinery ol every de scription Soliciting the continued fa vor of ray old patrons, I re main, respectfully, Robert Froriep South Main St* Toma Rivet oso. n »’otws*, rr**hteni w r. mucks. Treintyf ***•'"• Ttbsd i f i j rosisi it «a* tswlure OM404# A#l* «lay of Msrott, A. U, Itti •ft A*«.»-', H, "g v ijti II. Fu Jopara **«*»*«» MARTHA P HOKRRn M.C.C. OfM. J. ) DtoNMfi Afraid of Fire? Dl «I a«**aMt (**u (10) * m-bonu-n» ol Ut# unid DorwmsU immmg tUiTilu, fur tlw PRK luiyruvemeni bntu iilM i üfeAcnbvil, «viREPORT 0 Î THE CONDinON 1erCCKK unglutUt ib fo a iu iiiiU fló a fià lilta i ul or m i Daily lite uu|»ruvviitvui uvairvu un kïoiuAlWf Rx Hnn Dsiiy «Vi VUt aom s&d Hat K* Min MSii s ut 1» Ul (1) A concrete uuü cuuivul »iilywilk pA VI A T TO M S R I V E R . 4 no 1 40 «sta u foucretw lini cvtuvui cu» u*ug «Utui fort. C H R Meta«) a* f i* pro|*n« of heuj.rtltn M artoirui. S 00 1 .8 ffet. P HU to ths I t i t i of New Jersey. «I th# d o m of bust, Ite tunatruciad «»*» l*‘v* Uurüâ «Ade of et ala, rtcfm daat., and tak.n min *x**uuna al S AT 0 <4 JtLigliti) iK frli fFutu iiuilroiid ttvvud» to me .a lt of Harih w . Jnliuwin, complanumi, «ad ness, list oh Itb, t$U. 4 00 * ti lo be (Old by Ocvnii uvuiiue, Mtiu on ilio eoutu aide s 86 ta ta RB80URCBR ul uiiitu *irwt, tPuui UuilruaU aveunw I'll AHI.BK U. OUX, Slicrlf!. fio 40 f6 6» Jeta Jotmmnn a nnnuver, Koluiltnni, L osbs sb *I D iscounts.......... .............. $ *MT8 t l lo «« 4 00 tu Ucvaii aveiiiK*; uuu ou life uuriu iitm rr Park, H. J . f>T«rttr«fis, serarod amt uu**N*ur»-si . . . i«o «0 S 11 10 96 aid» ot -*>11111» itffe't, irum Cvutlfel uvo* (Pr’t Ih ,,ì uue to Ktiurutul avuilfel ( nod ou tuff U. a Uonas u»*ecure ctrouiatiuu............ 60,«'*» *W • »• j Datad, Felini un U, roll, 11 06 Hunt*, awnrltl*#. etc......... ............... fftt.019 ot ARRIVE UuitU and ssouiu uidva ot 'ivuth aireet, Hanging non«** furniture sml A*tur#a 31,000 00 4 88 11 ta Hum t viiiiui uvuiiuu to Octau avuuut; Du# from feailonal Banks (not reserve « 08 ifUCUj Jeta 11 17 ag«niH ................................ .............. .. 2.PSS St li «0 4 4i uuu uu lue uurUi auU «OutU atHOff ot T h at’s not strange at all! SHEIUFF’S SALE Du« from Hfst# and Private Banks and Vi 60 - t cuy kalevuutli Htrwtt iruoi Ccuiral uvciiue lu Bankers, Trust Companies and 8avUt*»HU avuiiui1; auu ou int- nuitu uuu JOHN 0, PRIOl. Snoartntandem. Ingd B a n k s ..* . ....................... . 1,01151 You ought to be. By Virtu« of a writ of Fl F«, laauad ont of th» soulii gRlfffe of TweittU »trwt, from Due from approve*! reserv«» .................... TOjiml i*$ üourt of Cöanmry of the »tète «>f New J»i>cy, (.cuirui uvouuo to Uctuu uveuuo; uuu urieek* and oth»*r ossft ite m s.. . . . . . . . . . 4«y 90 and to me directed, 1 will acU at publie vendue on ou th«* Nonth si*!** oi T^irteeutu «mid, Not*** of oth»r Nannnsi Hanks................ l,osu to But you needn’t lie^wake ADJOURNED Fractional paper cuxreney, nickels, and T I U KHDA V , A p ril JiO, l u l l iroui Ci'utnil avffnuff to Utiun avouuc cen ts.............................................. l$l II uiui ou the north «hie ot J lurleoiiih At the Court house in the village of Toma Hiver Lawful Money Reserve in Hank, vis: nights worrying ii you are street, from Outrul uvenuu to iiuiiroud In the County of Ccean and state o f New Specie..................................... $36,7B9 75 Jersey, between the hours of is m. and 5 o’clock; uvcuuc; and oo ill» south side ol fo u r Legal-tendwr n o te s .......... 6,Uo oo 41,479 76 l>. m„ to wit at l.oo o'clock p. m., on aald «lay, the teenth «trfffft, from Ceiitrul fh uue to Redemption fund with IT. 8. Treasurer «aotvo tlai tir koI* of the property of following deacrlbed real eaiate: (6 per ceui of oircuiation)................. s,600 oo Ocean uvenue; aud on the east auu west » R. Tntm. originally ad v e r ta li to be Dun from U. «. Treasurer.......................... mu oo aide« ot Central avenue, iron» the north ¡I tör Coon Rou*. Toma Hlv#r. N. J premiata, hereinafter particularly described, alt side of «Mntii street to the south aide Uir.Eirrti if. mt, at l.BO o'cioek tntbe Total. |V8l,60U ST uate, lying and oMng m the township of Dovar, •oo, tiertbr iiauiJn adjourned till ol Fourteenth street. In the county of Ocean and Htste of N**w deraev, LIABILITIES TrfiBDAl, April 4, 1UH Being the wain« tra ct of land an«! premises 'J. The said concrete and cement side Capita! stock paid iu. $00,010 OO which waa conveyed to Charles Klotnme by arp] walks shut! be constructed of the width Surplus fuud. ............................................. ............... 9)0,000 00 life* tour»tKl plaoa. Hald property cou- Bincltue M. Rogers and Ocot-ge W. Rogers. h*r Undivided profita, iras expenses and “4 Lob nuiuiierfi on«, two, three, four, five, bus.»and, by deed dated the third aav of April, A. ol live (o) feet, Willi concrete uud co taxe* paid ......................... m .oid fli indradand *lghty-nlne, two hundred and D. isue, recorded in the Ocean county Clerk# uient at least four (4) inches thick, tu National Bank notes outstanding......... 49,«sa no ! RUl MYWfeU. oil h map or plan of Iota offloe In Book . . . . of Deeds, tuigeti........Ac , au«l be laid ur the grade lo be established Due t«> other Nauoual Banka................... 0.760 Tl ‘ PoiutFleanHiir Land roiupany, duly Hied In said deed Is described as follows: by eiigineer, and it slial! be laid in th* Due lo «tale and Private Bunks aud Clwk’i Offlca of the county of Oman. HKGINNIno *t a atone in the highway road centre oi ll»u sidewalk us laid out. B«nkers................ 1ST 69 *, isfe, iiaelaed a« the property of Annie d. The said Concrete and eerueui side rc«ri, et a), uefendanta, at the umt of B<1- lea Hug from Toma Hiver village to Free Dae to Trust Coaipnnlos and Having* Bank*........................................................ t oo 4. «rker, Trustee, etc,, complainant, and hold, which #»on« is the smiibcast corner of the walks are to be cousirucied as follows: “ Janie* L Dorvett farm.” Th-oce (i) North, fed by Individual deposits subject lo cneck,...«38,c9.i no It is to bo laid lu a depth oi lour (41 Don’t be bunkoed by the degrees and thirty minute« Best, twenty Certified Check#................... ssi #1 UHAKLB8 H. ('OX, BUtrlff. twelve inches and is to be hve(5jleet wide. ihe eight chaîna and flftv-flve links. Thence ( 0 Wtìon, ('arr k Stackhouse, Bollcltora South, eightv one degree* and »hlrt.v mlmifes Total.... proportion of said concrete to be com $9S2,R60 87 fenuan a. i9il man with “cheap” policies East, roru «evoa chaius aud fifty five liu»«. posed ot one (i) part cement uud lour State of New Jersey, County of Ocean, as : Thence, (H) ^outh, t verity on« degrees and nfiy (ij parts sand; tins** proportions to be I, Kotiert H. Atuey, tisshler of the ahovc-named eight minutes bn*t, eight nhaln* a d eighty three that are good only up till Bank, iiusoipmnly »wear that the above atatemeat linka. Thencs (4) Gouth, seventy one degrees ' useu lor the lower three ih) inches, the NOTICE t o c r e d i t o r s la true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. West, fifteen chains aim tan links. Thence (ft) other one (1) inch for the top, to be . ' c. Gravatt. Wright H. DeBow and houih forty five degrees and thirty minute* Went composed of one (1) part cement uud HUBERT H. AHN B Y ,(’ashler the daj' you have a fire— wraor, aitministrators of Robbins DeBow, ten chains and seventy nine links Stthaerthed and sworn to before me this jth Thence (ft) two parls sand, the said walks to be •by direction of the Surrogate of the North, eighty two decrees west thirteen chains 'lay of March, roll. «mouth and indented und kid out in w ocean, hereby give notice to the and seventy links. Tneuce (7) South, seven de krank w . Sutton, J r „ Notary Publio, and then fail you, Sabe? blocks ot live (o) feet in length. Suid , Me said Bobbin# DeBow to grees and twenty five minutes West five chain» Correct Attest: •n tneir debts, demand« and claims and twelve links. Thence (8) North, eighty one sidewalks to have a gradual full oi (Jamuro O. Low estate of said decedent tinder one (1) inch in live (5) reel, sloping to nr •£* Affirm , ^ the “•■-Mw^esiivir. uuitbi uegrcT* and thirty minutes West, twenty chains A A. Brani Drop us a postal when in - Directors ditfr nr M1Atl(M,;,,wlthln ll,ne mouth* from j and thirty Beyen lluss to the place of BEGINcurb. C has , b . Mathis rpfnr W >,e ,orewr barred of anylN lN G . coutalnlug one hundred and ten acres heritor the »ai* AOmint,tratorà aud seventy nine one hundredths of an acre, 4. Ou all streets on which said con need o f Protection. HBN HY C. GKAV..TT, more or lesa. crete aud effluent sidewalks shall have WRKiliT H. 11«HOW, Seized as the property of Morris Zemer, et been laid, namely, Kightli street, Mutb IN CHANCERY OF NEW FKANK HOKNOH, STAFFORDVILLE als., defendants sn«l taken into a.Ta«utiou at the street, Tenth street, Eleventh street, m Janna» . Administrators suit of George W . Rogers, complainant, and to Twelfth street, Thirteenth street, Four «Januarv «,1911 [Pr’a fee, $4.00] JÊRSEY be sold by teenth street aud Central avenue, there Miss Edna Sm ith has returned' to CHARLB8 H. COX, 8heriff shall be tilled in gravel to the Width of Philadelphia after spending three wAks R. V. Lawrence, Solicitor To Carlos 0 . Brooks. three aud one-half (8&) feet on each Dated, March 18, 1911 P r’a fee, $14.60 notice to c r ed it o r s By virtu re of an order of the Conrt of Chsncsri side of said walks, 8anl gravel to be with us. We are glad to repoit an im of New Jersey, made on the day day of the date " ü Emleí' iu’touilitratur of Wm. H. Courier Building uue (1) iueh thick. provement in her health hereof. In a cause wherein Julia U .V an Blse la hy direction of th* Hnrrogate of »ent, 01 Ocean, nereb'-----------complainant and you and other« are defendant«, • to • the 5. That said concrete and cement ni i.» —; *ST *•**» notice One or two parties are looking at OCEAN COUNTY O RPH A N S’ yon are required to anpear. plead, answer or de or Uni «»Id win. H. Krnioy, to bring In curbing shall be constructed to the depth Toms River, N. J . tour to the bill of said complainant, on or before itto’c S r 8 . “1”1 clnlme' agilnat "the of twelve (12) IncheB uud to be six (ti) properties in our village with idea of the Thlld day of May, next, or the aald hill will C O U RT -- - decedent v.cii'in, nnder UUU oath ornfflrm.n i.?Iald purchasing be ------------------*-----taken aa eon leased against yon. you inches wide. The proportions of said -----------1 n S S I i V n,0Dti18 frora thl" dat«, or they The aald bill la filed to forclose mortgage forclosc a morr concrete to be one tl) part cement and thî ef, barre(l of «nr - - *«— ------- * In matter of the apol’catlona ol John Dibb haajshipped up and has »Iren by Charles H . Joue» trod wife, to Julia II. of) the said Administrator. four (4) parls sand. 'The facing or ex Job M Hmlth,administrator: of >- Rule to snow VauHise, dated Jeptemoer 1th, A. D. eighteen stored on his premises his furniture posed part of the curbing to be covered FRANK N, EMLBY, Administrator Edwin Mor6y. deceased, forj for. Cause hnn Ired and ninety two,on lands In the Township Jauuary 26, ion one (lr inch und the. proportions to be from New York city of Lakewood, In the County of Ooean, and state Its value inestimable IPr’a fee, $6.oo( sale of lauds to pay debts. used for said facing to lie composed of Job M- bmith, administrator of Edwin Morey * ! ? ? •*2*«7. and recorded In the Ooean County W S Cranmer of Cedar Run has closed one (1) part cement and two (2) parts deceased, having exhibited to this »’ourt, under îa S Î* u,°‘5 0eÆ thî 81,1 ,ay of September, A. D. oath, a just amt trne account of the persooal es In book M of mortage«, page « g , # e. and sand. The said concrete aud cement out «a quantity of goods at a bargain l8St, on ® CHANCERY OF NEW tate and debts of said deceased, whereby It ap* i " «re " - mma d e a détendant beoauae yon hold a curbing to be trowelled and made sale during the past month i" nomment pears that tbe persooal_estate of said Edwin suiootb, und to be cut iu five- (5) foot “t which ts claimed to be a lien noon said ■rey, riecea ed. Is insufficient to pay his debt*, JERSEY A number of our citizens have young lengths. aud requested tbe aid of the Court in thè premiI W. CARMICHAEL. Toms River, N .J . Doted February $8,1911. Sollottor of complainant Attain Said Concrete find Crow»» sidewalks chickens hatched out Insurance Policy from agency oi J d- Schoin at a tee $i.7o it n* on thlp i»‘th day of Februar*, uinete«» Ylrtue of and said concrete and cement curbing huudred andl eeleven, Ordered that all persona iuComrade Henry Allison of Cedar Run # “ ‘ e» •ler»e?DmSllier 0( t,leC *nrtof Chancery frresteri la t he land*, tenements end real estate of shall be constructed at the cost and ex curl., !.. ** l“.e. uttJ, MeU day «I of htiO the U (late certain bau« . wncrern Lydia schola *ald Edwin Morey, deceased, appear before this pense of the owner or owners of the was a pleasant caller last Thursday N o tic « , o f S e t t l e m e n t , Amand a . Scholz are de- oourc at the court noose in coins River, ou the luuds in front of which the same shall Will Cranmer left Friday lor Camden Batate of John J . Mickle 8rd day of feay. nineteen hundred art ♦ eleven, a t dèmn?ei " lre(l. Io cPPeer and plca-i, be constructed and laid. -IllU r I(; Petit ionar’n i notltlnn t \ r t A * e eveu o’clock iu the forenoon of said day, to where he intends spending a couple of Notice is hereby given that the accounts ot '»e eleventh PBI*tioI1«r’» petition on or The owner or owners of the land in weeks among members of his family L îf L“mSï riberL?s Administrator of John J . MloeOT nitoh ,1 c a i.uor. i.m üiereot, 01 APrH u neat. in uotie- »how eanue why so much of ll.e aai-1 lands, tene ments. hereditaments and real eetate of the said front of which said concrete and ce ^'®1 nndlted and stated by the SurroMorey, deceased, shoo'd not he sold, as “6tj A V M S S a jrss Edwin A B Salmons has erected a new wag R î . ! ! fip'?rt' ' d »or settlement to the Orphans’ ment sidewalks aud said concrete und will be sufficient to pav his d^bts. or the residue Conrt of the of Ocean, on Wedueadav cement curbing shall be so constructed. on house and is drawing lumber with the ßth day ofCounty, Aprii; next. ’ w ea“eaaay, j, t cf .aid amt js t0 obtain a decree of thereof, as the case may reqatre And It 1- fur her ordered, that a copy of this Shall be allowed thirty (30) days time PCtttfonerj " larrU'!e ''ew een you order «hall be pnoltshed |for six weeks success in which to perform the work hereby rethe intention to add a kitchen to his nutcA oJ<? 5 ? M I0KíiB, Administrator Dated, March a, ro ll. (P r’a fee, *3.00] ively. at least once in each wees, lo the New qiiired and written notice of tbe requir house WII.FRKD ti. WOLCOTT, Jersey C o n n e r,a n d posted a s required b y KJiicitor of Petitioner, ed work sball be sent by mail to such Mrs M Traxlerand family of B rookhn statute. No 8115 Market Hrreet, owner or owners If their post office ad Joseph Grover, Msja Leon Berry fenm,r, T ^mden, n . j , dress is known, or if not known, by are guests of her parenis Mr and Mrs OCEAN COUNTY ORPHANS’ «arrogate Judge "sPeeiiiK i ’ ■ Dated Feb. 9 ,TdU (Pr’s Fee $19.<«0) posting the same on the premises affec W A Stevens of our place Representing the l e a d i n g COURT ted -thereby, or leaving tbe same with Harry Cranmer o f the Railway mail occupants thereof, if their post office .V American and Foreign Com address be not known or by personal service spent Friday among relatives in In the M&tt'er of the Estate Notice of Settlement. CHANCERY OF NEW On Petition for service upon such owners ns are resi of Bale of Laods panies town Kstate or Wyekofl Oornellaa Thomas G, Sherman, dents of the borough. JERSEY to Pay Debts Notice is nereby given that the accounts of the deceased Mrs W F Lewis was confined to the If the said paving and curbing is not the subscribers, as Administrator of the estate The Greatest Security mHcn?.ini done iu the said thirty (30) days by the house the past week with a bad cold of said Wyekoff Cornelius, will be audited and n > i k« 1 1 ■* rawro z * by th** Surrogate, and reported for set l i 1,'terséj ??. owner or owners uf the land fronting -lü Jö ia u itH fie a 1 ^ / 4 n£ rÎ i f ®* % court o! chancery stated O k D E k t o s h o w c a u s e The bridal couple Were serenaded one tlement to the Orphan»* Court of the Oonmy on said sfdewRPsa and curbing; us per to a Mr“ ?,;0. " 1,110 day of the date of Ocean, on Wednesday, the -eth day of April, - toPetition«! e,??80 wT|re!n E!iaa>ictf! n e s t. this ordinance, then the 'Council of . the night last week e“'iant, yon aV?“ 1 • vou WlHlam Benzlnl, Borough of Surf City shall fans* said H. Sherman, administrator of Thomas GEORGE C. LOW, Administrator Note of complaints in some localities .inner or w aPPear. a c t Dated February S3,19 n ' Pr’s fee $3.00] ^■^5neI n,aD, having exhibited under concrete and eemdnt sidewalks and said r> !......... ,lfP,“r '• lore the V, , ,n Petotiocor’» penof the county road being in bad shape oath a true account of the personal ¿state and concrete anti cement curbing con ¿' to, ttoreof ' t,°1 ot M“S- next., or, dents of, sAid lotes.ate whereby it « $ S w that structed anil laid, and all costs and The road through out; village has been the personal estate ui said Thomas G. hiierman L U M B E R i f ? » « * the’ et,«. ‘ .l,crae » * " *» eaken Just. Htuu.eiior shall think equiv Nt tice o* Settlement. expenses, with.interest, shall be s«*c““- in good sh ap e,'h e scraper was over it , Estate of Tfton n, VsaArsdale fifth -o ' od upon 'the lot or lots of,land.iu front The Sit flordville gravel I 2e f,issoivinp Sth'i l? ,0 ' a decree of VTO TIC K 1 » III'.IIKHV G IV K K that the ao; of which said sidewalks and curbings last week ? « « « oi Pebrnary.ion, ‘H ordered t h n a r f ^ S . W T S * 3D O O R S lvSai11petition. rn'rtiharr‘a|{e Dttiifwn you i V oomtts of the anbaorihers, aa jsseootors ot sliall have bceji so constructed. bank is one of the finest in the State, n roQ the arrnund of aesertlon. of said Thus, 0 VanArmtal* wit! ha aoJite.-! and « J S A S U * » u r n * « ; m o u l d ( » cs This ordinance is to gn into effect stated oy th* Soriogiite, t.iid feooftSu for saftleJoht bimii & oqnover which is used on the road in bur ‘ vieintuent to tl>» Orphans’ Court of ID* County of •odtitn * t)f p«r.p loner. immediately on being set up or pub S r J Som S .0? * » •«m W t & £ ? m it tsv w l»£ r o v l t k i t x s r r r jn r c ? of thT n‘“ »1sir. ity . is no doubt the cause o f the good ut oo*an. on Weooeaday, tbe DIDday of April, next lished, ns mo hired hv hiw. Anbury Park, N. J , -ji' ‘í ‘ ,u‘ , MU M;,¿ i?aíM 1d«Y ot Anni. a? uiîî caca« wiiy W ia g o w a m i D o o r S c r e e n s i., A jU . î „— w» ‘“ -e v.-Do «««y so much muen of me condition of the same Bassed this Eleventh titty of Febru NE 1« 0 1 ° ORAN^, Bxeontora p îm tftS fk« ettvtn^iDt8‘ h<*re,tit>»mentH and re«J U p p e r L e h ig h C o a l, f i o k c , iV u c d ary, 1911. Dated Pebrnary fS. !9U (Pr’s fee »3.00 t Tl?e miâ TUöiü»-, Q. Hh'eytnàn. deciassiy The mumps are practicing in our sis ►houid n o b . acid 8« Will be sufflè™ nt to p f i t e S h i n g l e s , I .lin e , C e m e n t Approved February 11 1911. ter village of Mayelta to some extent Date! FibiBary I. m i S e w e r P ip « , F rrii ¡«or, J. P R IC E TRO^iLIiO, Mrs J A Cranmer of West Creek for By the • ourc, Attest: Aemig Mayo? UUr,cN !ht P.c vr : i , : B r i g h i t i T h e <-ouner gives the N e w s ~ ,- ri ■" 1 11» !‘ • merly of tUiiuciidvilie, who has been JO B S -11 GROVRV T, JA LH 0” B E r.R y , v e r y r ic k is m u c h im p r o v e d . m 'œ tù. iUose P r ’wlue $10 m ■ HEM I T ’S S A L E FIRST N A T I O N A L B A N K , Protected by Policies in Safe Companies Wm. H. Fischer W HAT? S C. BAILEY, Jr. Fire Life Accident Tornado H A R D W A R E ■ A. A. mm®. iä m v ' "j S EA S ID E food and the most dainty and delicious. Plead for Passage of Local Option rtOA«#a S>t A tuf t i l . 4 M A gli lg) § w titu b n td I« « » i S|a»l* MBÉgM ir Mas _____ h7 v*0f l N A J • *g j * • # • • • • • ................................. .... u * # ,.. i I AS«. V w kwni i otyu# «tuiliftMi «aft«i <r* ! , , MB h v* **€*»• *"* ktl » 4* . , T| •111 |«I| Ib u I 4 4 mI (U tlOUS w **fp st m d M I >Ut|k|St s il v e r t o s P II Attvtis |at«aié«9»l ' : ROYAL I# the I M* *»d Mrs(-ant p f ,., W a tt« « Ciao p *• aa 1 y Mr and Mrs Harry E l f i Hütet and M ania RAKIHQ POWDER * ' 7~ m «a S*ad ,r u , lb» ‘ l w t ^Pptug*»». Mr Ths» „ N»« i * * * * °* •“•’d al Q fM , «Mt« j *•'** ‘ ìarum of Lai«« I M « Pari |k l 4 ,f* ^ **1 *» d»»|n* ^ >h»r. I ' M a. M U itify , a. Uf s iw f t to n . « h it« ! |»< wa /«aw la K d«afd K f a v i l l a v in to ti •< ^ wa i Balufday *r> Met Planch !»*, Abao/utcty Purm The only Baking P jwder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No fussing or fretting over the biscuit-making. Royal is the aid to many a cook’s success. Sara/ Look Baak—SM ReettpU Frrt. X W Nmsat amj AtUrm. il Mr and II > gtad that D A VV LAKEH URST SOWA4. SAaltaO PC INLAND HEIGH' PARKERTOWN 1 usy 1 were iroAKing on Ditu rday F iuuuiders are biting and a f«iir war o Pi üay» tlxuuld make good bthing for the Mist I)tr t Mathis and her frisiad Mt • Sund r Alice C.ranmer of Tucker tun vìsite Ur» M . McKeehan of Philsdeti M iti P ainoie G Pries recently. ha* been pending a few day* with Mr* Fannie Horner h a * returned Civio home after spending a month in P hila Mr* A J Lewi* and family ¿f imden delphia and Merchantville have been »[tending a few day* •ith A Mr and Mrs Elmer King visited Beach J Lewi* at their tesidence on Maple i Haven last week. avenue Mr and Mrs Fletcher Andrews and The Misses Wetcott of Philadelphia. their little son wer* recent visitors at were Sunday visitors the home of Mrs Andrew's parents Mr George Norrt* of Br oklvn. spent and Mr., Ayer Parker. week end at R K Pearce's We are glad to see the smiling face of Rev and Mrs A Lawrence are attend Wm Augustus Parker after a few davs ing the M E Conference, which is in |illne s session in Ocean City Mr and Mrs J M Parker were given L J McCaullev and family who spent j very pleasant surprise on Sunday. All the greater part of the year here, are of their children, except Mrs Emma spending sometime in Florida ‘ Cloud of Philadelphia, were there and a tasty repast was set out by them. continued on page .t There were eighteen present including the grand children PLEASANT PLAINS John H Kelly and Morris Sullivan of Frankford, Philad elp hia were down C E McKelvey was a visitor at for a few days duck shooting last week Island Heights la t Friday ""hese gentlemen being good shots took Cyril Thompson went to N'ew Y o rk 1a line lot of fowl home with them. This on Monday i* the place if you want to get some Dunham Applegate and son Arthur good duck shooting of Lakewood, visited Mrs Sarah AppleMiss Doris Parker i* visiting her gate Sunday , brother Robert Paiker of Philadelphia Jonathan Tilton was a Tuesday visi Walter Hoev, a former resident of tor at Hyson Camden, was called home very sudden* A son was born to Mr and Mrs Harry ly last week, his father being seriously Decamp recently ill Wilbur Nobles spent Sunday with bis Miss Marion Bugby and Miss Vena parents here Falkinburgh of Barnegat were recent Frank Fielder lost a valuable cow visitors last Sunday Elwell has Ice Cream every da/ Charles Thompson is very ill in a New The Dressmaker Telephones J ^ H IS is Madam Hicks, Mrs. Blank. Will I you please call to-morrow at three, for a fitting? Thank you, good-bye! ” T he dressmaker finds the telephone a necessary adjunct to her business. * She calls up her customers and tells them when she has anything in the .way of novel ties to show them. The Bell Long Distance Service enables her to reach all merchants to secure mate rial which she may need. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY 1 E v ery B ell T elephon e is the Centre o f the System Ki»*r, Manlokikiog. B*V Head Porked Kivsr. and oth«r nearby placrs arc sm. I |»Joyed h „ . In looking «vet the town wr hud fif teen new builduig* have liven completed or at* in the course of erection in this resort during the present winter Tbs sand break on tbe outside of , tbe boardwalk has been a decided success *o far this winter, very little sand hav ing been blown over it on the street* and lots as compared with other winter* Charles Thompson is still making im provements to bis place of business on Third and Central avenues. Mr. Thompson is an enterprising mail and we wi*h him success in his business ven tures Hopper's basin begins to show signs of the activity that spring always brings More boats were stored there this win ter than ever before, consequently there i is more repair work than usual W# learn from good authority that I another place of business is to-be erect ed on what was formerly the Franklin Harris lot on the corner of Third and Central avenues. What the nature of the business is to be has not as yet been made known E W Shinn and Co have made exten sive repairs and improvements at theie place of business on Central avenue. Mr Shinn deserves the splendid success he has m et with since locating here The fire hydrant still stands in the middle of the Central avenue sidewalk quietly awaiting its victim HIGH POINT Ju d je A S Beaty and a ¡>arty of friends from New York spent Sunday at Hatfvey Cedars L A DeGraw of Philadelphia, is spending a week here The Harvey Cedar* Realty Co. are having their land surveyed out in build ing lots Isaac Horner of Parkertown, has been on the beach gunning for a few days S R Perrine of Barnegat spent S u n day at Harvey Cedars Arthur C King and his force of men from Toms River were at ffarvey Cedars surveying last week J M Abbott has returned to Philadel phia after a few days here Joseph P Bounds of No 17 station, L S S , was taken sick with the grip sud denly on Sunday and B e r f Ridgway is substituting for him Hugh Bolton of Mannahawkin spent Saturday a t Harvey Cedars CEDAR GROVE Mrs Henry T Applegate visited rela tives at Forked River recently Mr and Mrs Vincent Applegate spent Sunday with Forman Clayton at Silverton Mr Clayton is slowly recovering from a serious spell of sickness Prof. Conover, PI Applegate and W al ter W Beaumont, Supt. U G I from Philadelphia, spent Sunday with Mrs. P C Applegate Mr Simmonds has made arrange ments for successful farming by pur chasing all new labor saving machines with the latest improvements. He has a fine farm and well stocked with hor ses, cows, pigs sheep and goats, also a fine lot of poultry, dtieks, geese and the best breed of chickens We wish him success y fair He u fuof tl ad been trailed Among those at the meeting betide »me to court to t . , o»r s license, and the speakers were. Elmer E Starr, H T w y told that h* knew nothing sb«ul llagiiman of Lskewood; Fred C Torrev I tbe saloon business because he was a o| bakehutst; R ev J E Simpson, Wm A minister; why not then he asked put Simpson, L>r Joshua Hilliard of Mannathe matter up to the whole people who j hawki n; Capt C P Bunnell. Rev N D do know something about the question, i Aspin»all, Jones Bunnell of Forked R i and let them decide it! ver; P Y Veeder of Bayville; Rev J O R Prof J K Steelmen of Mannahawkin I Corliss Corson McKelvey, Wesley Clay eaid that Mannahawkin was dry one ton oI Silverton; Rev L *m Chamber year under the Wert» law and Nt was lain, Rev M S Rowland, lawyers 1W the best year the township ever had. so Carmichael. David A Veeder, W Lodge they wanted another chance to vote Parker; Shcrift Cox, County Clerk Hol again and secure the u n c benefits man, Postmaster Havens, P S Bailey. Rev Thomae B Shannon of Newark, I Anthony Irons. James I McKelvey. the new superintendent of the Anti S a - 1D Mars ton. Thomas Singleton, Ira V WC Par IM 10.. tl! 1 ntertsineu with pa music, drills, pi rxsle* and relreshiwa Last Friday "T he trip throetk t Art G allery" was lound enjoy**» 1 «11 in attendance Mrs C L Rogers, was a tor at Lakewood Mr# Irving Brower, visited her Mis Austin Morris at South Antd Monday and Tuesday S. R Knight of Spring Lake mil i a carload of New York state horsesf Irons’ livery stable next Saturday S teinbach C ompany A SBU R Y PA R K , N EW JE R S E Y Steinbach Company instance as an example of their reasonable prices for FURNITURE the following estimates recently submitted for furnishing a 5 room bungalow. Such prices as these are open to all purchas « ers of Furniture of Every Quality. Equally reasonable prices obtained for CARPETS, RUGS, and HOME FURNISHINGS BED ROOM NO. 1 BED ROOM NO. 2 Golden Oak Dresser Golden Oak Chair Golden Oak Rocker Enamel Bed Iron Fram e Spring Fibre and Cotton Mattress Golden Oak Dresser Golden Oak Chair Golden Oak Rocker Iron Bed Iron Spring Cotton Mattress $ 6 .3 0 .81 .99 1.39 1.80 2.70 * $13.99 • LIVING ROOM $7.65 .90 1.22 3.83 2.93 4.98 $21.51 DINING ROOM 1 Weathered Oak Arm Chair $ 4 .05 II Rocker 4.0 5 II 1 Table 1.80 1 Side Chair 2.89 1 Side Rocker 2.89 1 Weathered Oak Buffet $15.75 1 “ “ Extension Table 12.60 6 Weathered Oak Chairs Leather Seats, $ 1 .5 8 9.48 $15.68 $37.83 1 STEINBACH COMPANY KITCHEN 2 Chairs 1 Table STEINBACH at 45c $ .90 1.26 COMPANY : $2.16 Flve Room Bungalow Furnished Completely for $91.1?