Church Weekly Bulletin
Church Weekly Bulletin
SPECIAL NOTICES Kindly TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES REMAIN IN THE SANCTUARY PARENTS, ARE YOUR CHILDREN WITH YOU? NEEDED COMMUNITY SERVICE PRODUCE DISTRIBUTION 1st 1st 2nd 4th 4th 4th 6th 7th 7th Cleita Cole Eunice Wilson Toya Jenkins Jessica Barkum Angelica Thomas Sintia Regino Alex Thomas Torah Viera Isais Barrera Be sure we have your current, correct on Summer Break till September Event registration available Sept. th 10th-13 in Utah BUT THE LORD IS IN HIS HOLY TEMPLE: LET ALL THE EARTH KEEP SILENCE BEFORE HIM. HABAKKUK 2:20 contact Sis. Marva Lyken at (702) 648-7758 expresses the love of Christ to our guests. We need people with the desire to serve! available for those planning to attend an Adventist High School or College this school year 2015-2016 LISTEN IN each Sabbath afternoon from 4:00-5:00 pm on Preach and Talk radio station KKVV 1060 AM 5 to 6pm KKVV Radio 1060 AM or watch LIVE needs Used Clothing in good condition for the homeless: For more information contact Sis. Kathy at (702) 490-1603 Wednesdays 6pm Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Classes every Wednesday 7:00 pm All men welcome! CHOIR REHEARSAL Fridays 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:00 pm pm pm pm Musicians Praise Team Adult Choir Youth Choir Friday Night 6:00 pm Presented by Elder O.D. Hudson Bring Your Children to call the Secretary for an appointment is August 15th colors: + Questions, contact Loretta Jordan 702 243-7027 Labor Day Weekend Sept 4th-6th SPARKS SDA CHURCH Accommodations: RENO/SPARKS QUALITY INN Sing up for Bus $30 per person by Aug 15 Prince and Princess Tea and Fashion Show for Boys and Girls 6 thru 12 Years Old "Who I am in Christ Jesus" Sunday, Aug 23rd 12:00 Noon Abundant Life Fellowship Hall Applications Available in Foyer or Women's Ministry or Sister McDavid Do you love people and want to participate in evangelism? If yes, please join the GREETERS TEAM For more information: contact Loretta Jordan, Head Greeter If you know a member or their family member who is ill please notify the church office Special prayer needs? Place a note in the PRAYER WARRIORS Prayer Request Box near the Mothers’ Room BULLETIN and NOTICES DEADLINE is the Tuesday before the Sabbath you wish items to be featured. Give your notices to the Secretary or e-mail them to AUDIO/VIDEO DEPT provides the message and songs from our ministers and choirs each week. For best service: ♦ Fill out the AUDIO/VIDEO Request Envelope with title of sermon, minister and date of service; place your donation inside the envelope. ♦ Please give the sealed envelope to anyone who is in the Video Booth. All video and audio materials will be ready 10 minutes after the main service!
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AUDIO/VIDEO DEPT provides the message and songs from our
Do you love people
and want to participate
in evangelism?
If yes, please join the