
the Company
KREISEL Technika Budowlana is a leading manufacturer of construction
materials in Poland. We lead the sector of construction chemistry and our
mission is to develop our production plants and our commercial network in
the entire country.
Our journey started over 40 years ago in Germany,
Our production plant located in the vicinity of Bełcha-
when Norbert Kreisel founded the first production
tów, which was purchased in 2007 and equipped with
plant. At this point, we have entered the FIXIT GUPPE
a new gypsum burner to produce highest quality gy-
European Construction Group, the owner of 62 facto-
psum products. In 2011, we launched our next large
ries located in 19 countries, under the KREISEL, HA-
investment in Ostrołęka. It is a state of the art plant de-
SIT, RÖFIX and FIXIT brands.
signed to produce and burn gypsum mortars, basing
on raw materials delivered from a CHP plant located
In 1993, we debuted on the Polish market. It was that
nearby. In Ostrołęka, we produce a wide range of ma-
year that company KREISEL Polska was founded in
chine-applied gypsum plasters. In addition, our com-
Poznań. Our first production plant was located there,
pany enjoys a stable and uninterrupted supply of raw
as well as the first management and marketing center,
materials from the sand and mineral aggregate mine
where all key decisions are made.
– Eurokrusz, located in Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą and its
auxiliary drying plant, which were purchased in 2005.
In 2001, we opened a new plant – the factory in Będzin
near Katowice. Our third and the biggest plant, which
KREISEL offers a wide range of high-quality, state of
was established in 2002, is located in central Poland,
the art construction materials for constructing, reno-
in the vicinity of Łódź – in Ujzad. The Ujazd plant con-
vating and decorating apartments, houses and of-
sist of several plants, all combined in one complex to
fices. These include in particular: adhesive mortars,
manufacture a wide range of products from white and
outdoor- and indoor-use plasters, gypsum mortars,
gray, dry mortars to wet plasters. Our next state of the
primers and insulating mortars, self-leveling flooring
art plant located in Kaliska in the vicinity of Włocławek,
mortars, putty, jointing mortars, facade paint and fi-
which was launched in 2008, operates northern Po-
nishing coats, as well as external insulation systems
land, particularly in terms of silo technology.
(on Styrofoam and mineral wool) and cleaning and
maintenance solutions. All products are meticulously
to the current trends in architecture and finishing.
and thoroughly tested at every stage of preparation.
Testing is performed by certified laboratories located
A strong brand determines the success of an enter-
in every KREISEL plant.
prise. KREISEL has built an image of a dynamic and
innovative company. The KREISEL logo accompanies
Efficiency and dynamics is a distinguishing feature of
major sports events. Our marketing strategy assumes
our team of traders. Distributed all over the territory of
various image-building activities, according to which
Poland, KREISEL sales representatives will reach all
our company logo will be present outside construc-
places in demand of our products. What is important,
tion sites as well.
apart from selling our products, our sales representatives offer consultancy and warranty services. To our
Our activity in the field of sports sponsoring began
permanent recipients, we offer a wide selection of tra-
with our support of the first-league football club Lech-
ining programs, making sure that they always receive
-KREISEL Poznań in the 1999-2000 season. At the
a full range of informative materials. Major investment
moment, our primary contribution to the development
projects will definitely benefit from our efficient silo
of Polish sport is our sponsorship of the Polish natio-
technology – SILOTECH – which consists in modern
nal football team, which KREISEL has been actively
and effective warehousing solutions offered by KRE-
supporting since 2000. Apart from football sponso-
ring, our company takes active part in various sports
events. In 2004 – 2006, at the Athens and Turin Olym-
Building partnership relations with our recipients has
pic Games, KREISEL was a member of the Polish
become our essential goal. Market success of the
Olympic Club, supporting the Polish National Team.
KREISEL brand is solidified by the engagement of
Our logo was also present at such events as Tour de
our clients and shaping mutual relations based on us
Pologne, the World Championships in Canoeing, or
listening to their suggestions and, following detailed
the World Cup in Ski Jumping in Zakopane. We pride
analysis, implementing them, giving proof to the idea
ourselves with our “Friends of Polish Sport” title.
that the client is the key link in our complex chain.
Thanks to such an approach, KREISEL can pride on
KREISEL strives at being viewed not only as a leading
a group of loyal and committed commercial partners.
manufacturer offering highest quality products, but
It is our priority to provide our clients with state of
also as a company with a heart. Success naturally
the art products observing the strictest European
translates into a need to help others. KREISEL has
standards. Our own laboratory, in which, apart from
thus committed to charity. We provide support in buil-
controlling the quality of the construction materials
ding schools, kindergartens and children’s homes.
we produce, we carry out research and development
Moreover, we support various foundations and charity
works on new products, is the ultimate proof of our
organizations all over Poland.
commitment to product quality and development,
which, in turn, is generally recognized by the industry.
Our most important awards and distinctions:
State of the art technologies, joint endeavor aimed at
- two ”Teraz Polska” medals,
operating our recipients, as well as reliable and expert
- ”BCC’s Leader in Polish Business ” and 9 Diamonds
servicing are the challenges that our employees must
to this award
face in the third decade of our activity. The company
- 6 MTP BUDMA Gold Medals,
is still focusing on development, responding to the
- an anniversary MTP Grand Gold Medal,
expectations of our most demanding clients. Our Ma-
- “Dobre, bo Polskie” certificate,
nagement Board is aware that the future stands for
- 7 “European Medals” for KREISEL products,
developing innovative construction technologies and
- Patron of Polish Sport title,
implementing improved, specialist products. Modern
- Construction Company of the Year,
construction industry will require not only reliable
- FAIR PLAY Company,
mortars, adhesives and plasters, but also products of
- The Builder of Polish Sport,
proven resistance in extreme conditions, responding
More information at: www.kreisel.pl
KREISEL - Technika Budowlana Sp. z o.o.
60-462 Poznań, ul. Szarych Szeregów 23
tel.: +48 61 846 79 00, fax: +48 61 846 79 09
e-mail: poznan@kreisel.pl
42-504 Będzin, ul. Bory 41a
tel.: +48 32 368 04 00, fax: +48 32 368 04 18
97-225 Ujazd, ul. 11. listopada 29
tel.: +48 44 726 16 00, fax: +48 44 726 16 99
87-840 Lubień Kujawski, Kaliska 141
tel. +48 54 237 85 00, fax +48 54 237 85 99
97-427 Rogowiec, ul. Zakładowa 2
tel.: +48 44 735 23 38, fax +48 44 735 17 47
07-400 Ostrołęka, ul. Łużycka 5
tel. + 48 (29) 646 15 00, 29 646 15 01,
fax. +48 (29) 646 15 02
INFOLINE 801 081 991, www. kreisel.pl