Perverting the course of history 3 - Africa is to 1st world countries on


Perverting the course of history 3 - Africa is to 1st world countries on
November 12, 2011
HISTORY 3 (Alternate E-mail)
PO Box 378, Noonamah, NT 0837 Australia (Physical E-mail)
Mike Rozak
Draft 1, 18 July 2011
Draft 2, 24 July 2011
Draft 3, 29 July 2011
Draft 4, 8 August 2011
Draft 5, 18 August 2011
Draft 6, 24 August 2011
Draft 7, 31 August 2011
Draft 8, 5 September 2011
Draft 9, 11 September 2011
Draft 10, 16 September 2011
Draft 11, 21 September 2011
Draft 12, 23 September 2011
Draft 13, 28 September 2011
Draft 14, 6 October 2011
Draft 15, 17 October 2011
Draft 16, 22 October 2011
Draft 17, 12 November 2011
Before you begin reading this document, you should first read my articles:
1|P a g e
November 12, 2011
optionally followed by
HTML and Microsoft Word versions are available on
Never-ever prevent a contactee from
getting off the planet; they will pervert
the course of history.
2|P a g e
November 12, 2011
A randomly deep thought
Many photographs (and videos) of aliens that are leaked onto our internet are
photographed on other planets. Our cameras and computers are exported in
small numbers (10,000 – 100,000 per year) from Earth-Sol. It’s easy enough (but
not necessarily legally-safe) for someone to slip a memory-stick with alienphotographs past Earth-Sol customs. After all, a single memory-stick can contain
millions of family photos, to be legally distributed to their family-members living
on Earth-Sol.
I had an awareness dream last night:
I was standing in a doorway, looking down at a folding table. On the table
was a phonebook, opened to the residential phone-numbers. (The residential
phone-number pages were yellow, instead of Earth-Sol’s customary white.) I
saw my hand, a Rat-evolved hand, looking through last-names beginning
with the letter “B”. I couldn’t find the name I was looking for.
The phonebook was blood-spattered. So was the table. Explosion debris was
After having an awareness dream, I am often put in telepathic contact with the
person whose eyes I was looking through.
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November 12, 2011
This is the telepathic message that I got:
“Tell people that we just did a Twelve-Monkeys.” Which meant that “animal” people
had escaped their imprisonment on a Hominid planet. Most-likely, the person’s
friend was a Homo-Sapiens form Earth-Sol who had died, and who had their soul
placed in an “animal”-person body. (See my short story, “After the “dead list” – I’m a
deer”, on The Earth-Sol person had been
released into a non-Hominid village, and then enslaved by the Hominids.
And then a really-weird telepathic conversation ensued:
“Who knows, maybe this [telepathic] message was sent back in time, and caused
Twelve-Monkeys to be written and filmed.”
“Oh. That’s weird...”
“[That can’t happen.] What year is it anyway?”
“The present. The movie was filmed about fifteen years ago.”
“Cool. Eh. I don’t really understand. But, if this message goes back in time, then tell
Bruce Willis to not play the part so weird.”
“Too late for this reality. But there may be an alternative-reality with a more-sane
Bruce Willis.”
You do not ever want to be caught in a time-war. Nor do you want to make a movie
about people caught in a time-war, while you yourself are caught in a time-war.
Time-wars encourage self-referential recursive media.
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November 12, 2011
WAR UPDATE (24/7/2011)
A second Pearl-Harbor attack on The Six Kingdoms – The first Pearl-Harbor
attack on The Six Kingdoms occurred just-over half a year ago, initiated by
non-Cat/Canine-evolved nations.
A few days ago, a major Hominoid computer-planet was plunged into a
sun. Simultaneous attacks on other Hominoid computer-planets and
communications infrastructure occurred at the same time.
The subsequent communication-links reshuffle exposed the locations of the
Marauder/privateer fleet parked in The Six Kingdoms. (The Six Kingdoms is
a known “weapons bank”.) The Marauder/privateer fleet has been badly
The reshuffle also exposed the still-being-deposited “Arm the region
around the non-disclosed planets” fleet. They were also parked in The Six
Kingdoms. That fleet has been badly damaged.
Hominids in Lots of Stars (K’ Tick Tuck) have been attacked – Widespread
nuclear-detonation attacks against Hominid leadership have occurred. One
planet has been flung through a sun.
The Hominids in Lots of Stars (K’ Tick Tuck) still have no mass-media newscoverage of the attacks.
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November 12, 2011
Non-Hominoid paramilitaries are attacking Hominoids occupying (or
previously invited-into) the Alotian nations.
Hominoids based in the Alotian nations are launching major nuclear strikes
against Mammaloid planets.
Hominoid privateers based in the Alotian nations are demanding
“tributes” of teenage girls, to be sold-off as slaves. The Hominoid
privateers position battleships over non-Hominoid planets with desirable
slave-races. They demand that spaceplanes be launched from the planet,
fully-loaded with teenage-girl passengers. Teenage-girl slaves are the mostpreferred, because they are the most-adaptable and least-dangerous
demographic of the population. The spaceplanes are escorted to Hominoid
planets and death-stars, where the non-Hominoid teenage-girls are sold into
slavery. Failure to “pay tribute” results in one or more nuclear detonations,
originating from the Hominoid battleships.
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November 12, 2011
Many enslaved Mammaloids are now being transported down to a large
concentration of Hominoids (the “target centre” illustrated on a previous
map) who are migrating into the Simians. Chimpanzee-evolved slaves and
Simian-slaves are legally freed when they are brought into the Simian
Nations. Consequently, Hominoid-wealthy leave their Chimpanzee-evolved
slaves and Simian-slaved behind. They purchase “fresh” Mammaloid slaves
at the border. The Simian Nations have imposed a limit of 1-ish slave per
family. Since wealthy Hominoid families will want more than one slave,
every migrating Hominoid is “investing” in a Mammaloid slave to take into
the Simians, and to later sell.
Privateers have been demanding “tribute” from some Cat-evolved nations
for half a year, and Goat-evolved nations for a year.
Reptiloid (and Cat-evolved) militaries are attacking Hominoid leadership
and militaries in the Alotian nations. “Death stars” are being targeted and
destroyed, to encourage them to “move on” and into the Simian Nations.
The Alotian news, once decent, is now censored by the Hominoids. Alotian
comedy is not; Alotians now get their subliminal-news from jokes appearing
in “Saturday Night Live”-like television-shows. The Hominoids living in
Alotian space have even-less news, since they don’t get Alotian humor.
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November 12, 2011
A deeply random thought
After I wrote-up the awareness-dream about the “Twelve Monkeys” film, I was
telepathically informed that… (
Some Simians have six fingers. A classic Simian tale is called, “The Twelve
Small/Tiny Monkeys”... rather than “The Ten Small/Tiny Monkeys”.
A Simian Mossad-like intelligence and assassination organization is also called
“The Twelve Monkeys”. They assassinate planets.
Hominoid militaries are now attacking and invading the Gecko-evolved
and Chameleon-evolved nations.
Many “non-disclosed” Hominid planets are located in the Gecko-evolved
and Chameleon-evolved nations. The Hominids there are being genetically
corrected/fixed, just like the Hominids on Earth-Sol are being
corrected/fixed. Hominid souls from deceased Homo-Sapiens on Earth-Sol
are often transported to one of these “non-disclosed” Hominid planets.
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November 12, 2011
A randomly deep thought
Reptiloid prison-ships are currently being used as protective-custody housing
for Mammaloids being hunted by the Hominoids. At some point, said prisonships will be used as prisons for Hominoids.
Simultaneous invasions, attacks, and evictions of distant Cat-evolved
Zones are taking place, synchronized with the attacks on the Cat/Canineevolved zone in this taurosphere. This includes attacks on the Snow
Leopards, Golden-Cats (distantly related to Lynxes), Golden Panthers,
Leopards, and Jaguar/Leopard-zone. The attacks are most-likely
simultaneous because Cat-evolved people help one-another out in times of
Hominoids are zoologically-dim: Zeen (Tasmanian Tigers), Cheetahs,
Smilodons, and Civets are also targeted.
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November 12, 2011
A randomly deep thought
Hominoid militaries are blocking Simian food-aid from reaching nonHominoids.
Real-life “Death stars” look an awful-lot like they do in the film, Star Wars, except
they don’t have the large dimple in them for the planet-destroying beam-weapon.
They are up-to 400-kilometers in diameter. Their surfaces are covered with
buildings, up to ten-stories high. Between the buildings are trenches. The area of a
sphere is
. So, a 400-kilometer-diameter death-star has a surface area of 500,000
square-kilometers. At approximately 5000 people per square-kilometer, that’s 2.51
BILLION people on a death-star.
Militarily, death-stars act like a combination of aircraft-carrier, ice-breaker, and
troop-carrier, with a self-destruct equivalent of a very-very-…-very-large nuclearbomb. They can also be used to migrate large populations.
Inside every death-star is a spherical core of plutonium or other fissile material. The
core provides the energy and mass for the death-star. Energy-extraction pipes are
plunged deep into the core. “Painted” onto the core is a radiation-impermeable
material, ten-ish meters thick. The buildings are bolted-on above that.
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November 12, 2011
A death-star is entirely covered with buildings, up to ten-stories high. They are used
as living-quarters, storage, defense, life-support, and engines. The roofs of the
buildings have field-plates on them, used as engines to push the death-star. The sides
of the buildings also have field plates, enabling the death-star to rotate. The buildings
are crudely built, mostly from very-thick iron.
A death-star’s core is extracted from the centre of a planet. Heavy-metals sink to
the centre of molten planets. Earth’s core is mostly gold(?). Some planets have
mostly uranium, plutonium, etcetera. To make a death-star core, the outside of a
planet is pulled/peeled off. The molten planet-core is detonated apart into globules.
These are recursively detonated to the proper size, and allowed to cool for a hundred
Death-stars are destroyed by plunging them into suns, ramming them into planets
(in which case someone hauls them off and refurbishes them), or by sending a verylarge “pellet” in their direction to produce a very-very-very-…-very-large fissiondetonation. A slower approach is to destroy every-single building on the surface of
the death-star with detonations.
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November 12, 2011
A randomly deep thought
Hominoid individuals are being activated into war-mode through a
combination the following methods:
Hominoids already have a preexisting genetic-propensity for racism.
Earth-Sol’s Homo-Sapiens are half as racist as space-faring Hominids.
Related to racism: If Earth-Sol is “disclosed to” by Caucasian spacefaring Hominids, and encouraged to enter the war, Non-Caucasian
Homo-Sapiens are less-likely to side with the Caucasian space-faring
War-propoganda television shows are aired, such as science-fiction
soap-operas depicting a war against “the aliens”.
Hominoid thoughts are monitored via their telephathy implants.
Hominoids are automatically thought-corrected by the Hominoid
computer. A switch in the Hominoid computer-system encourages the
masses to both dislike non-Hominoids, and to wish to enter the war.
More-independent thinkers are assigned “botters” working in
telepathic call-centres.
Botters (and police) harass, chemically-abuse, socially-abuse, and
arrest dissenters.
Prions and chemicals in Hominoid food turn-on war-like behaviours,
some pre-programmed into Hominoid war-bred genetics. Prions
distributed by viruses might also be used. One reason why the
Hominoids have taken control of the Alotians, is that the Alotians have
historically produced and distributed quality food-items throughout the
region, to both Hominoids and non-Hominoids. The food used-to be
Prions are washer-shaped meta-molecules with reaction-sites. They
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can be easily replicated within the body. Prions contain some of our
genetics. Prions are small-enough and sturdy-enough to travel into
people’s souls (their extradimensional bodies).
Earth-Sol’s Homo-Sapiens are NOT war-bred. “Violence” and
“sociopathy” prions are expected have one-third the effect on EarthSol’s population as they do on war-bred individuals.
Hominoids are paid to participate in the war.
Asymmetrical news-broadcasts show attacks on Hominoid planets,
but not the Hominoid attacks/invasions of non-Hominoid planets.
Retaliation attacks by non-Hominoids further-encourage Hominoid
individuals to enter the war.
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This two-dimensional map should be five-dimensional.
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   
  
      
This two-dimensional map should be five-dimensional.
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 
November 12, 2011
From the side
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November 12, 2011
spacefleet /
infantry, 5%
Miltary, botter
/ infantry, 15%
Left behind,
Wealthy, 5%
zealots, 5%
Marauders /
privateers, 5%
Mafia, 5%
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Aussies, 10%
Left behind,
November 12, 2011
Migrating into the Simian Nations, Chimpanzee-evolved Nation, and Apeevolved Nations – The wealthiest Hominoids with the biggest/bestest
weapons are migrating to the centre of the Simian, Chimpanzee-evolved,
and Ape-evolved nations. This migration might be seen as a “friendly
invasion”, similar to what would happen if North-American troops and
civilian-adjuncts drove into Mexico to protect the Mexicans from the
hypothetically-expansionary Chinese. (
Left behind in our region – Along the way, Hominoid phalanxes are
depositing militaries, as well as less-desirable travelers/invaders. (“Oops..
We forgot to leave them a spaceplane so they could get off the planet.”)
Hominoids being left behind include the Marauders/privateers, Military
(botters and infantry), and the Religious Zealots.
Left behind, Caucasians – They are left on their home-worlds to “guard the
fort”, to produce food for the advancing phalanxes, to produce children for
the advancing phalanxes, and to repair the advancing phalanxes.
Left behind, Non-Caucasians – Non-Caucasians have been left-behind on
their home-worlds, either because (a) they don’t wish to participate, (b) the
participating Hominoids are racist and do not wish the non-Caucasians to
participate, and/or (c) Hominoid-genetics rejuvenation treaties
require/request that a sizable non-Caucasian population be excluded from
the war.
18 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
A deeply random thought
One of the reasons why we may not have been “disclosed” to, is that most of
Earth-Sol’s population is non-Caucasian.
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November 12, 2011
   
  
      
This two-dimensional map should be five-dimensional.
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 
November 12, 2011
From the side
If the Hominoids do very-well in the war, they could:
Friendly-occupy the Simian Nations and the Chimpanzee-evolved Nations.
The Gorilla-evolved Nations are already allied and/or friendly-occupied. The
Simians, Chimpanzee-evolved, and Gorilla-evolved people would ultimately
be incorporated into a greater multiracial Empire.
Retake the “Formerly part of the Hominoid Empire” region.
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 Take the region between the Chimpanzee-evolved Nations and the Simian
This war is merely part of a larger Hominoid war. The Hominoid Empire has
other goals beyond the local war.
If the Hominoids do very poorly:
The “dimple” at (3-5) could be turned into a very-large hole.
The land-bridge at ( 1-4) could be taken, isolating another region of the
Hominoid Empire.
Our region (, 7) could be taken from the Hominoid Empire.
The Simian Nations, Chimpanzee-evolved Nations, Gorilla-evolved Nations,
and the “Allied/occupied non-Hominoid” regions could be forcibly
detached from the Hominoid Empire.
Hominoids recently invaded the Zeen multiracial-zone (h, 5). The purposes of the
invasion were to expel/subdue an enemy, genocide a race, capture Zeen weapons for
Hominoid use, and to take-over Zeen manufacturing-planets.
The Hominoid “Time Lords” (and they do call themselves that) stole tens-ofthousands of Zeen time-ships. Time-ships let their pilots monitor signals from
possible futures, possible pasts, and alternative presents. Some of the stolen time22 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
ships are very-good time-ships. Almost all of the time-ships are better/different than
the time-ships that the Hominoids can themselves manufacture.
One Zeen planet, with 500-million people, was blockaded by a Hominoid
battlefleet. It was a manufacturing planet, with very-high-tech well-protected
manufacturing bunkers deep-below the surface. If the Hominoids secured the
manufacturing facilities for themselves, they would easily be able to kill tens-ofbillions of people with the weapons they would manufacture.
After securing the planet, 500,000 Hominoid technicians, military, and “Time Lords”
landed. They threatened that, if they weren’t allowed to land and loot the
manufacturing facilities, they would horribly-kill everyone on the planet, and then kill
people on a few-other planets.
The Zeen allowed the 500,000 Hominoids to land and spread throughout their
underground manufacturing-sites. And then the Zeen self-destructed their
manufacturing sites… along with many of the 500,000 Hominoids.
The Hominoids retaliated, and killed nearly-everyone on the planet… and large
populations on some other planets.
Before self-destructing, the Zeen issued an emergency-return beacon to their
stolen time-ships… being flown by Hominoids. The time-ships returned to the soonto-be self-destructed bunkers on the planet. Many “Time Lords” died in the
detonations. The Dalek’s had nothing to do with this.
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November 12, 2011
The Hominoids have invaded the Furred-Saurian zone.
The Hominoids have invaded many Elk/Deer zones.
A randomly deep thought
What percentage of UFO-ologists are off-planet Hominids hired to control the
UFO “industry”? (
What percentage of self-alleged alien-abductees are off-planet Hominids (who
weren’t actually abducted) hired to misdirect the legitimate UFO-ologists?
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November 12, 2011
In 2004-2006, Hominoids attacked-assassinated Mammaloid political-leadership,
military-leadership, and Hominid-relationship envoys. The attacks (a) turned the
Mammaloids against the Hominids.
Mammaloid political-and-trade envoys that specialized in relationships with the local
Hominids were targeted. The envoys’ deaths (b) destroyed any trust-relationship
the local Hominids had with the Mammaloids. Here’s why: For the most part, the
envoys’ bodies were killed, not their souls. The local Hominids don’t know that
bodies are replaceable. To a Hominid, all Deer-evolved-people look and smell the
same. The local Hominids verified the identities of trusted Mammaloid envoys using
on-the-spot photographic and genetic comparisons. When the assassinated envoys
arrived at peace-talk meetings, wearing new bodies, the photographic and genetic
tests failed. The local Hominids suspected deception. The trust-relationships were
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November 12, 2011
A deeply random thought
The Big Book of Monsters – These are published tomes of alien races, similiar to
the Dungeons & Dragons “Monster Manual”.
Most BBM-tomes include the 1000 most-popular races, usually sorted by
kingdom, phylum, then class. The Hominid “Big Book of Monsters” is sorted by
which races they consider to be the most-dangerous, and hence, which races
they would-most like to genocide/extinct.
(,, )
Most race-description entries cover one or two pages. They include a naked
full-body photograph from the front. Side-on and dissection photographs are
optional. The rest of the page describes “Monster Manual” details, including
“Hit Points”, “Armor Class”, “Alignment”, and where the races live. E-book
versions include videos, audio, and extended information.
By the way, “Dungeons & Dragons”-style games are played in about 20% of all
alien non-computer societies. People stop playing pen-and-paper roleplaying
games when video-games technology matures.
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Her back has two somewhat-parallel sails, NOT one.
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28 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
Australian-television airs American television-series a year or two after they appear
in the United States. The series are often allotted odd time-slots, with no advertising
whatsoever. I only just noticed “Stargate Universe” on television, half-way through
the second series. (
I have only watched a few episodes of the second series, and a few from the fist
series (by purchased-DVD). The science-fiction in Stargate-Universe is noteworthy:
The pilot begins with Eli Wallace, who is approached by “top secret”
United-States government-officials.
Eli Wallace, who is a gamer-geek, had solved an “ancients” encryptionmystery hidden in a computer-game. No (classified) scientist on Earth-Sol
had been-able to solve the problem. Eli Wallace’s successful results had
been automatically internet-wired to the United-States government,
triggering a visit from the top-secret Stargate officials. Within two minutes
of their arrival, Eli Wallace is railroaded into a trip aboard the StargateUniverse spaceplane… “You are an IQ asset. We are taking you now,
whether you like it or not. We’re sure you’ll like it.” This struck me as odd.
Eli Wallace walks-away from the non-disclosure agreement that he is
requested to sign. After closing his door on the top-secret officials, Eli
Wallace is teleported to the spaceplane while walking up his staircase, to
his bedroom. That would be kidnapping, not a good way to hire a hopefullyloyal employee. (
By the way, teleportation while someone is in motion up a staircase is
actually quite-difficult to do. Teleportation is easier if the person is standing
still on level ground. And it isn’t really teleportation, just extradimensional
dislocation into an extradimensionally-offset invisible-and-ethereal
spaceplane or spaceplane “elevator”.
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 Eli Wallace appears on the deck of a spaceplane, where he learns that the
United-States military has been travelling in space for years, and has already
set up a base on another planet. It’s kind of a, “Welcome to our world. You
are now one of the cognoscenti. You should feel privileged. As it turns out,
national-security has nothing to do with non-disclosure. We haven’t
“disclosed” to the Earthlings because we are elitist snobs.” This struck me
as odd.
95% of the team has American (or Canadian) accents. Wouldn’t something
as important as a star-gate have an international team? The French would
certainly demand a representative, not the mention the Russians, Chinese,
and Germans.
Eli Wallace is introduced to a senator. Of course, the senator is part of a
“privileged class”, and Eli Wallace is respectful to him. Most Americans
(and most American senators) do not think their senators belong to a
privileged class, nor do they show them respect. This senator’s presence on
the spaceplane, along with his daughter’s presence (nepotism), struck me as
The team-members are VERY military. This struck me as odd.
The show is obviously a science-fiction soap-opera.
The first episode included a sex scene. This struck me as odd.
In the first episode, the enemies attacked without notice or provocation.
No-one knew/stated why. Perhaps the Americans had built their base on
someone else’s planet? None of the Americans reflected on the reason for
the attack. The lack of self-reflection struck me as odd.
Most of the technology in Stargate-Universe is of “alien” and “ancients”
origin. Apparently, Hominids are incapable of producing their own valuable
technology. The Stargate-Universe Hominids were VERY-good at figuring-out
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how to use any alien technology they discover, though. This struck me as
The characters uses an “ancients” device that lets them remotely-control
someone else’s body. Search through this document for “Avatar™
technology”, “puppeteering”, and the short-story, “Tyrannosaurs are
peeping-Toms… and pranksters too”.
In real-life, the ancients’ camera-balls are ethereal and invisible. They DO
come with small throw-away control-panels, though.
Most Earth-Sol science-fiction is targeted at viewers with social-IQ’s of 50.
The science-fiction series have few main-characters. The characters do NOT
get into realistic personal-conflict with one another. Their personalities and
histories are static from episode to episode. All-in-all, the main-characters
are boring and soporific to everyone, except people with social-IQ of 50, like
Stargate-Universe has many-more main-characters, with complex
personalities, and complex conflicts, targeting a social-IQ of 110. This struck
me as odd for Earth-Sol science-fiction.
The Stargate-Universe Hominids regularly withhold important information
from one-another. For example: In an early episode, a “sand” alien is
wandering-around the ship. The temporary commander orders everyone to
their quarters, but doesn’t say why. Essentially, “There is no need to panic
the crew. They are utter morons. And knowing that a sand-alien is
marauding-around won’t help solve the problem.” Consequently, poordecisions are made by uniformed crew. This struck me as odd.
The Hominids regularly lie to one-another. This struck me as odd. In times
of group-stress, Homo-Sapiens tend to put-aside squabbles with one simple
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phase: “Look, we have a problem. We need to work-together to solve this
The Hominids in Stargate-Universe bicker and backstab throughout every
episode. They always pull-together just before every episode’s end, and
overcome the episode’s obstacle. Farscape had a similar-level of animosity,
but at the 50 social-IQ level. In a way, Farscape crew-animosity was morebelievable. There were only six people on Farscape’s Moya. If any
crewmember were forcefully evacuated-out the airlock, someone-else
would notice. With 100-ish people on a spaceplane, no-one would notice
the airlock victim’s absence for weeks, and it might be a few more weeks
before anyone would make a formal report. 
Stargate-Universe’s “ancients” look like an attempt at a fish-evolved race,
kind-of. (We’re evolved from mudskippers, so technically, we’re fish-evolved
also.) (
For most science-fiction viewers, one key “feature” of science-fiction is that
the protagonists interact with “aliens”. Consequently, in most sciencefiction, 30% of the main-characters are alien. All of the main-characters in
Stargate-Universe are Hominid. Later in the series, one is mentally
“overtaken” by an alien intelligence/personality. The alien
intelligence/personality is seen as dangerous. The “no alien crewmembers”
struck me as odd.
The aliens in Stargate-Universe seem to either be neutral or hostile. In
most science-fiction, the aliens range from friendly, to neutral, to hostile,
tending towards friendly. This struck me as odd.
By the way, the “ancients” who made the spaceplane would be monitoring
ALL happenings aboard their “abandoned” ship. They would not pass-up
the opportunity to study the Hominid visitors. They would telepathically
record the thoughts of all individuals at all times. Locations, movements,
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audio, and video would also be archived in detail. They would also
manipulate the thoughts of the crewmembers (and television-show
screenwriters) to more-fully understand Hominoid personalities.
Here’s why you don’t want to build high-rises, build densely-populated cities, or
have any-more than a few-hundred million people living on a planet.
Nuclear-bomb area-of-effect (*)
Hominid costand-size
1 ton – Half of a house
2 cm diameter,
Most-likely, the
size and cost of
a nonHominoid 10ton bomb.
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10 tons – One house
5 cm diameter,
Most-likely, the
size and cost of
a nonHominoid 1kiloton bomb.
1 kiloton – One multistory building, or one
suburban block.
10 cm
Same as a nonHominoid 10kiloton?
10 kilotons – One non-hardened high-rise, or a
few suburban blocks.
15 cm
Same as a nonHominoid 100kiloton?
100 kilotons – One high-rise city block, or nine
suburban blocks
20 cm
1 megaton – A few high-rise city blocks. (Slightly
larger than the air-burst Nagasaki-bomb, 22
25 cm
$1 million
10 megatons – Ten high-rise city blocks.
35 cm
Price classified
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100 megatons – One high-rise business district.
50 cm
Price classified
1 gigaton – One large city. (Slightly larger than
the air-burst Tsar-Bomba, 60 megatons-TnT.
100 cm
Price classified
30 gigatons – A tiny country.
It only costs $1-million to destroy $1-billion of Earth-Sol high-rises. $10-million if
you don’t have a permit. Furthermore, arsenal prices fall significantly after a war,
when surplus arsenal ends-up on the civilian market. (On higher-technology planets,
high-rises and other buildings are significantly-cheaper to build.)
Simply-put, one irate billionaire with access to alien technology could either
destroy most of Earth-Sol’s downtowns, or half of Earth-Sol’s energy infrastructure.
How many billionaires are there on Earth-Sol? (1210 in 2011, according to
Wikipedia.) What is the annual-probability that one of the billionaires becomes irateenough to purchase $1-billion worth of arsenal? How many billionaires are there on
other planets that might wish to harm Earth-Sol’s population? Non-Hominoid and/or
Hominoid. (
(*) The area-of-effect listed is “massive structural-destruction”. It does NOT include
minor structural-damage (where the building is left standing), fire damage, or
window breakage. The listed nuclear-bombs do molecular-cohesion and
displacement damage, rather than fireball damage. “Alien” tonnage ratings are 5times to 10-times greater than our-own TnT-tonnage rating. Furthermore, explosives
detonated on the ground are MUCH-less effective than explosives detonated at an
optimal height in the air, like the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs.
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Hominids, as a race, have genetic limitations that prevent the race’s intelligence
from being safely augmented above a median 115-IQ.
What follows is a very-simple synopsis of the basic problems encountered when
raising a race’s IQ:
Raising IQ by preventing less-intelligent Hominids from breeding – If lessintelligent Hominids are prevented from breeding, simple-genetics implies
that the median IQ of the race will rise. A sudden intelligence-boost occurs
within a few generations. However, two-thirds of the intelligence-boost
disappears a few generations later, as counteracting-genes mix to produce
less-intelligent children.
This genetic pruning-method produces marginal improvements in IQ, at
the expense of too-much “character” being eliminated from the Hominid
personality. Descendents become “boring” and/or incredibly “nasty”.
Successively pruning a population magnifies the “boring” and “nasty”
personality-problems, with increasingly-marginal IQ-gains.
How about creating hyper-intelligent Hominids? – A reserve of lessintelligent Hominids can be maintained. The most-intelligent Hominids from
the population can be bred, producing hyper-intelligent Hominids. When
their descendents become “too nasty” or “too weird” (as noted above), a
new “batch” of hyper-intelligent Hominids is created from the reserve of
less-intelligent Hominids.
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Hominid society (almost?) always decays into one where “intelligence =
money”, and “money = power”. On Earth-Sol, we call this “free-market
capitalism”. If any Hominids are more than 30 IQ-points more-intelligent
than any-other Hominids in the economy, then sociopathy-traits prove to be
too-“profitable” to the intelligent individuals.
The intelligent sociopathic-Hominids will take-advantage of the lessintelligent Hominids, without the emotional-burden of guilt. They will then
use their power over the less-intelligent Hominids to take-control of the
intelligent NON-SOCIOPATHIC Hominids.
Non-sociopathic Hominids will let sociopathic-Hominids structure a society
so that the trodden-upon low-IQ individuals are not seen. For example:
“Wage slaves” in China produce clothes and televisions for wealthy people
outside of China. (
Hominids cannot safely be-made more intelligent by creating hyperintelligent Hominids.
Direct genetic-modification – A race’s genetic-code can be modified directly
to augment their IQ. This is not trivial though.
Genes are SO OPTIMIZED and SO INTERRELATED that genetic-modification
effects are subtle, and not-noticed for tens of generations. Intelligence
“blind-spots” and personality-flaws can only be truly-identified by a “test of
reality”, NOT by easily-given synthetic school-like tests. Consequently, after
genetic-code modifications occur in a society of Hominids, the Hominid
society needs to “rest” for ten-ish generations, to identify significant
intelligence “blind-spots” and personality-flaws.
Direct genetic-modifications also produce erratic effects when the
descendents of the genetically-modified individuals have children, and
their children have children. Genetic-modifications to a race must be
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“baked” for a few generations, to test the effects of interbreeding the
Meanwhile, genes of disagreeable individuals must be pruned slowly and
regularly. Excessive pruning, the quickest option, ultimately impoverishes
the race.
Along with the “test of reality” and “baking”, the society’s
culture/government must be adapted to deal with “disagreeable
individuals”. Every group of Hominids has its own varieties of disagreeable
individuals. Earth-Sol has alcoholics, criminals, and sociopathic-CEOs.
Conversely, alcoholism and criminal-behavior are rare in space-faring
Hominids, but sociopathy is common.
After completing the “test of reality” and “baking”, Hominid-intelligence is
once-again augmented, and the whole process is repeated, over-and-over
Direct genetic-modification only works with isolated small-populations on
“incubator” planets. Modifying 1030-plus Hominids all at once, is far-too
expensive, and far-too risky.
Skillfully-administered direct-genetic-modification (combined with a few other
techniques) can greatly-improve Hominid intelligence… over tens-of-thousands to
hundreds-of-thousands of years.
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500,000 years ago, Hominids were “quite reasonable”.
Unfortunately, Hominids made very-good workers. Other races/metaorganisms
allowed and encouraged Hominids to produce enormous populations, so that
Hominids could undertake enormous-amounts of work.
The enormous Hominid population could NOT be externally-monitored by nonHominoids. The Hominids became numerous-enough that they could clandestinelymodify their own genetics. They didn’t have the intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom
necessary to properly accomplish the task, though. The Hominids ended-up turning
all-of-themselves into “boring” and “nasty” individuals with a large IQ-variation,
encouraging sociopathy. Since Hominids were so populous, they “invisibly” turned
very racist.
The most-migration-prone, most-nasty, most-intelligent, most-sociopathic
Hominids tended to gain power over other Hominids, throughout the galaxies.
These “elite” Hominids then encouraged the “production” of low-migration, lessnasty, medium-intelligence, non-sociopathic, racist follower-Hominids. (Highintelligence Hominids tend not to “follow”.) When expecting war, the “elite”
Hominids encourage the production of HIGH-MIGRATION, NASTY, mediumintelligence, SOCIOPATHIC, VERY-RACIST, follower-Hominids.
To compliment the problems, other races/metaorganisms found it useful to
manipulate the Hominids for their own ends, using them as front-line soldiers in
proxy-wars between themselves. Proxy-war supporting-races often furtherencouraged the Hominid population to swell, and then provided the Hominids with
dangerous weapons-technologies… so that the Hominids could attack the donatorrace’s enemies.
Once the Hominids had done their part in the proxy-war, the Hominids used their
remaining high-tech donated-weapons to invade the societies of more-advanced
races. This pissed-off the invaded races. The Hominids acquired the invaded-
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society’s weapons-manufacturing technologies, augmenting the Hominids’
manufacturing abilities, and making the populous Hominids even-more dangerous.
The pissed-off races did what they could to “roll-back” both Hominid weaponstechnologies, Hominid population-sizes, and Hominid IQs, so they couldn’t produce
and/or use weapons as efficiently.
Having become “nastier”, more-sociopathic, more-racist, and lessintelligent over the last 50,000 years, Hominids have become invaders,
slavers, and genociders. Many Hominid leaders/individuals wish to partake
in the war because they are, quite-simply, “nasty”, sociopathic, and racist.
Also, Hominid leaders/individuals are NOT intelligent-enough to
comprehensively comprehend-and-predict the consequences of the war,
particularly since their racist-isolation prevents them from predicting the
reactions of non-Hominoids.
Nastier, more-sociopathic, more-racist, and less-intelligent Hominids make
more enemies. Many races/metaorganisms wish to evacuate all Hominids
from their local-region, which usually results in a war followed by pogroms
of the Hominids. There are LOTS of local regions.
Unfortunately, Hominids hold vendettas for thousands of years.
Evacuating Hominids, engaging in war with them, or pogroming them
inevitably results in the belligerent return of (other?) Hominids within a fewhundred years, with multiplied vengeance.
Here’s the scary part: There is no point in evacuating, fighting, or
pogroming Hominids unless their belligerent return can be prevented.
There’s no point evacuating, fighting, or pogroming Hominids until one’s
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neighbors are willing to do the same, creating a buffer-zone. Inductively,
there’s no point in one’s neighbors doing the same, until their neighbors are
willing to do the same. Ad infinitum.
Metaorganisms will fight. This war is part of that fighting.
The Hominoid Empire may be trying to expand, so that it can betterdefend itself from other large-metaorganisms. This might be a war
intended to prevent a future war, or to enable the Hominoid Empire to
survive a future war.
The Hominoids are still being used in a proxy-war between moretechnological races/metaorganisms.
Direct genetic-modification efforts were undertaken to make the Hominids lessnasty, less-sociopathic, less-racist, and more-intelligent. Incubator-planets, and tensof-thousands of years, are a MUST for direct genetic-modification.
Incubator planets were cordoned-off.
The first rule of Hominid incubator-planets is: If an incubator-planet has
spaceplanes, all of the high-IQ (and high-exploration) Hominids will migrate away.
Consequently, “incubator” Hominid-planets are kept low-tech… at least spaceplanewise. If they’re low-tech spaceplane-wise, they must be low-tech in other areas, for
reasons I won’t discuss here.
On Earth-Sol, we call incubator-planets “non-disclosed” planets.
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No-one will tell me what the second rule is. 
The third rule of Hominid incubator-planets is: Space-faring Hominid populations
must be prevented from migrating to the “incubator” Hominid-planets. Some
Hominids like migrating to other planets, particularly onto “stay-away-from-here”
incubator-planets. Indigenous Hominid-society falls-apart with the mass-arrival of the
high-tech migrating Hominids, who usurp political-control almost-immediately. The
arriving high-tech Hominids have historically ignorantly-sterilized all of the
disagreeable indigenous-Hominids (such as alcoholics and criminals). They then
sterilize the low-intelligence indigenous-Hominids. And then all of the indigenousHominids that disagree with the sterilization process. And then they kill-off the veryintelligent indigenous-Hominids who might threaten the migrants’ power-base. The
only indigenous-Hominids remaining, are turned into “agricultural engineers” and
factory workers. Space-faring Hominids cannot be prevented from migrating to
incubator Hominid-planets, particularly when they are provided advancedtechnology by other Hominoids/races, and particularly during a massive war.
The Nth rule of Hominid incubator-planets is: Some space-faring Hominids realize
that the incubator-planets are creating their replacements. Ideally, old-Hominids
(the space-faring ones) will not reproduce their genes, but will have children from
artificially-fertilized new-Hominid embryos (from the descendents of “nondisclosed” Hominids). Space-faring Hominids are VERY-VERY family-oriented. They
want a nuclear family with two NON-ADOPTED children. Many spacing-faring
Hominids see the artificial-fertilization plan as “candy-coated” genocide. Being
“nasty” and sociopathic, some have decided to kill-off the “non-disclosed” Hominids
on the incubator planets rather than letting themselves disappear.
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Some non-Hominoid races/metaorganisms desire the war so that artificial
fertilization of new-Hominids can continue. The war will/should weaken
the Hominoid Empire. Artificial-fertilization is more-easily-accomplished on
Hominid planets removed/isolated from the Hominoid Empire.
Mass-Hominid-casualties during the war, along with lowered war-time
birthrates, should hopefully diminish the genes of Hominids attracted to
the war.
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Some high-tech races do NOT give birth.
Furred -Saurians “clone” younger versions of themselves by
intermixing genes from two-or-more females, and perhaps
one-or-more “primitive” males.
They do the same for their souls… and their awarenesses.
The children of Furred-Saurians are “born” as pre-teens.
To make the transition from non-existence to instantteenager easier, knowledge and personality implants are
embedded in the Furred-Saurian children. Furred-Saurian
children “wake up” already knowing how to walk, speak, read,
and solve mathematical equations. They also have an artificial
“past”, like the Replicant’s artificial-past in the film, Blade
Runner. (
Over time, a child’s implants are “turned-down” and eventually disabled, allowing
the child free-will and their own personality.
WAR UPDATE (8/8/2011)
Not this week.
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Why do you want to know the future?
For reasons of comfort.
To make your life predictable and boring.
And so that you can change the future.
To change the future, you need to be aware of several possible futures,
and how you could get to each one. Once you have determined which
decisions-and-events lead to desirable and undesirable outcomes, you can
change your decisions (or the events) to avoid those outcomes.
Light is a “signal”. Simplistically, for purposes of this discussion, light is a signal that
propagates in three-dimensional space, XYZ, at the speed of light, c. In other words,
at a given time, t such that t > 0, light is always the shell of a sphere with radius tc,
unless interfered with.
Other signals propagate differently.
A “time-signal” does not propagate in XYZ. It propagates forwards and backwards in
time, T, instantaneously… kind of. Some comments:
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 The greater the length of T, the lower the time-signal’s “energy” is, and the
less-fidelity it maintains, both because of background-noise overwhelming
the time-signal, and because it loses coherence/fidelity.
T is not a scalar (one-dimensional number). It is not even a vector.
Time-signals propagate minimally in XYZ. While the “energy” of light
attenuates at 1/d2 in XYZ, the “energy” of a time-signal attenuates muchmore severely. The XYZ-location is (mostly) relative to the nearest/largest
mass… kind of.
To transmit a time-signal from the future:
“Hold out” a time-signal antenna.
Send the proper particles (NOT tachyons!) through the antenna, and a
time-signal will be transmitted. The time-signal can be encoded using
“amplitude modulation” (AM radio), “frequency modulation” (FM radio), or
other methods. The “radio frequency” must be selected randomly for every
timeline, so that time-signals from multiple timelines don’t interfere with
one-another. (,
To receive time-signals in the past:
“Hold out” the same kind of antenna.
Listen to all frequencies (AM-radio or FM-radio) that you expect to be used.
There might be a million frequencies, or more.
Save the time-signals to a database, from the millions of frequencies,
corresponding to millions of possible futures.
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Employ pattern-recognition to group the million alternative-futures into
thousands of predictions. Pay special-attention to the most-likely mostcritical predictions. For example: One future time-signal might predict an
earthquake on January 5, at 10:15 PM, while a different-one predicts the
earthquake to happen on January 5, at 10:16 PM. Realistically, both
predictions are the same, and should be grouped together.
Less-critical information is often discarded. The 10:15 PM earthquake also
includes a factoid about John (a “time-subject” – see below for a definition)
eating a ham sandwich. The 10:16 PM earthquake has him eating a pastrami
sandwich. Did John’s sandwich-selection affect the earthquake’s timing?
Before a time-radio signal can be sent from the future, someone must collect data
from the future to be rebroadcast. Data is typically sourced from:
Public broadcasts – Television and radio. Cable-TV is much-more difficult to
monitor. So are digital broadcasts.
Bots – The signals from remote-controlled bots (similar to unmanned aerialvehicles) can be transmitted back in time.
Other time-signals – Other time-signals can be decoded, bundled into a
signal-package with other collected signals, and transmitted back in time. An
enemy’s time-signals, predictions, and prophecies are often included.
Repeaters – People in the future can monitor and collect signals from their
future. These can be sent back in time. However, the time-signals become
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less-and-less reliable every-time a message from the future is “copied” and
sent backwards in time.
Using repeaters is like borrowing money to purchase shares-derivates.
Derivatives are themselves leveraged based on a share’s price. The shareprice is leveraged based on the company’s revenues. The company’s
revenues are half-leveraged on the company’s physical-and-employee
assets. That’s three-and-a-half generations of leveraging. Organizations that
employ that much leveraging either win (not earn) a lot of money, or
gamble it all away. (, )
Time-corporation employees – Employees of the time-corporation, in the
future, can collect information to be transmitted back in time.
Time-subjects – The thoughts, actions, and locations of specially-selected
people can be read through special “time implants”. Such people usually
DON’T know they are being tracked-and-monitored. Time-subjects are often
influential people, like political and military leaders.
Zigzag – Communications can be sent further-back into the past than the
actual past-listener, and then sent-forwards. And then backwards. And then
forwards… Zigzagging reveals what is happening in alternative presents.
(There are more-efficient ways of learning about what is happening in
alternative presents, by the way.)
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A randomly deep thought
The YouTube video of someone (a Daewoo?) in a time-bending encounter-suit
disappeared. I have uploaded a copy here. Sorry about the
large size (340 MB), and the chintzy video-capture job. (Old YouTube link,
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There is ALWAYS too-much data to send. Far-more data can be collected than can be
transmitted back in time. Someone in the future, perhaps just an automatedcomputer, needs to analyze the data, simplify it, and send the analyzed-data back
in time.
The greater the number of alternative-futures observed, the less data
there is per alternative future.
The further the signal needs to travel backwards in time, the less data
there is per alternative future.
The less-hackable the signal is, the more encryption that is required, and
the less data that can be sent per alternative future.
The larger and more-powerful the time-signal transmitter-antenna, the
more data there is per alternative future.
The larger and more-powerful the time-signal receiver-antenna, the more
data there is per alternative future.
The better the technology, the more data there is per alternative future.
Since resources are always limited, less-than-ideal data-analysis is always used:
Least-expensive: A simple automated computer-program in the future
sends-back data, unanalyzed.
b) A complex automated computer-program is preprogrammed in the past,
specifying what data to analyze, and what type of events to search for. The
data is collected and analyzed in the future using “artificial intelligence”
and “pattern-matching”.
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A low-skilled employee in the future performs data-entry. They act like
speech-recognition and vision-recognition coprocessors to a computer. They
type-in what they hear and see on television broadcasts, as well as
transcribing telepathy eavesdropping-sessions.
Low-skilled employees can also perform “reality verification”. They might
eavesdrop, “All of the orange-trees in New York City are in bloom.” Unlike a
simple artificial-intelligence, low-skilled employees would realize that this
was nonsensical, and perhaps a code-phrase, because there are no orangetrees in cold-climate New York City.
d) A low-skilled employee in the future analyzes the data. They watch
television, listen to radio stations, and eavesdrop on people’s minds. Once a
day, they fill in a multiple-choice questionnaire.
Computer terminal: “What disaster happened today? (a) An
earthquake, (b) A war, (c) None of the above, (d) Nothing.”
Low-skilled employee: Types-in “b”.
Computer terminal: “What race fought in the war? (a) Saurians. (b)
Reptiloids. (c) Mammaloids. (d) I don’t know.”
Low-skilled employee: What letter would you select if Sharkevolved people were in the war? Half of the future-observers
would select (b), half (d), and a small-percentage would select (a).
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e) Most-expensive: A skilled employee in the future analyzes the data. Not
only do skilled employees do a better-job analyzing the data, but:
Skilled-employees can do more than fill-in multiple-choice
questionnaires. They can write essays!
Skilled-employees can seek-out data that they weren’t originally
tasked to seek out. Their original “mission statement” might be to
listen to television from Planet-X. However, a skilled-employee
might realize that Planet-Y is broadcasting more-interesting news,
and redirect their attention there.
Skilled employees can poke the timeline, by communicating-with
and contacting other people.
Skilled employees have two significant disadvantages over low-skilled
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Skilled employees are less-numerous and/or more-expensive.
For reasons not discussed here, skilled-employees are almostalways more-moral. At the very least, low-skilled (less-intelligent
and ignorant) employees are unintentionally less-moral; ignorantparents will feed their children soft-drinks instead of water. Lessintelligent employees are often knowingly less-moral.
November 12, 2011
Low-skilled employees (and artificial-intelligence computers) are typically provided
a list of multiple-choice questions to answer every-day. Skilled-employees not only
answer multiple-choice questions, but they have fill-in-the-blank questions, and
“essay assignments”.
Inventing a list of questions to answer is an art in itself. In the earthquake and hamor-pastrami sandwich example, IS IT important to know what kind of sandwich John
eats? If the sandwich question isn’t in the question-list, low-skilled employees won’tever transmit the sandwich-factoid back in time. John’s selection of ham-sandwich
versus pastrami-sandwich would most-likely be irrelevant for a natural earthquake.
However, his sandwich-selection might cause him to visit the toilet sooner, delaying a
terrorist, who walks into the toilet-block a minute later. Such a delay might affect the
detonation-time of a “slippery bomb”, detonated near an earthquake fault to induce
an earthquake.
The future is typically monitored over a period of time, say from 2010 - 2020. The
survey-questions can be written-and-rewritten over a preceding period of time,
from 2000 - 2010…
Someone in the year-1999 invents 40,000 questions out of the total,
100,000. The first 40,000 questions are answered by the future-observer
from 2010 – 2014.
In the year-2002, the question-inventor listens to 2 years of answers from
the 2012 future-observer, and then spends 2-more years reformulating
new questions, based upon what might have-will-been happening in 2010 –
2012, and what actually happened in the year 2000 – 2002.
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3. In 2002, 20,000 new questions are transmitted to the futures. (Emphasis on
plural “future”.) The time-observer in the future, split into a million
alternative-timelines, will answer the new questions over the course of 2014
– 2016.
This procedure can fail:
Time-transmission errors are possible.
From the future-observer’s point-of-view, the future-observer
might receive 20,000 new questions from an alternative-past that
they have never experienced, perhaps one where the Roman
Empire never fell. This gets really weird for them. And even weirder
for people in the past, when they receive the future-observer’s
answers. Multiple-choice answers are rendered meaningless, and
essays become nonsensical but entertaining.
Meanwhile, enemies are intercepting and changing the batches of 20,000questions so that future-observers unknowingly do work for them.
Enemies also listen-to the transmitted questions, in an attempt to
understand what the future-observer’s organization is looking-for, planning,
Repeat for 2016 – 2018, and 2018 – 2020.
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A randomly deep thought
The people formerly known as Greyiloids, who were formerly known as
peopley formerly known as Greys, who were formerly knows as Greys, wish to
be currently known as Greys. (They NEVER wish to be called “Greylians”,
however.) They have not-yet decided on what RGB-colour to use, or the specific
trademark font...
Enemies can interfere with data-collection in the future:
Someone a few-hundred-years before the future can ensure that
television/radio news is censored in the society being monitored. This
prevents future-observers from getting-access to such easy information.
Signals from bots and individuals can easily be blocked or modified. Even
encrypted signals can be hacked-into and modified.
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 Time-corporation employees in the future can be killed, sometimes before
they were born.
Time-subjects can be killed or flown far-far-away. (See below for a
description of time-subjects.)
Time-signals broadcast from the future to the past can be jammed, or
hacked-into and modified.
The time-pilot in the past can be killed.
Messages from the time-pilot in the past, to their political/military
leadership, can be interfered with.
Once the time-signals are received in the past, they must be analyzed.
Data from 1,000,000 possible futures might arrive in batch. They are
analyzed by pattern recognizers, artificial-intelligence systems, and people.
The team looks-for an important end-result (“Did the planet have an
earthquake?”). The team also searches for sub-results (“Who won the
baseball world-series?”), and predictive-rules (“How does sandwich
consumption affect heart-attack rates in the future?”).
The more-intelligent the observers are in the future, the more-difficult the
data analysis. The future-observer may have been tasked with listening to
signals from Planet-X. However, half of the alternative-timeline versions of
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the future-observer may have decided upon their own direction, and
listened to Planet-Y instead. The two datasets, Planet-X versus Planet-Y, are
apples versus oranges, making data analysis more-complicated. AND, there
had to will-have-been a damn-good reason why someone decided to
disobey directives, and listen to Planet-Y instead. That might mean that
Planet-Y’s information is (or will be?) so compelling that anything from
Planet-X should be ignored.
Even if 100,000 of the 1,000,000 alternative-futures results in an
earthquake, that doesn’t mean that there is a 10% chance (100,000 /
1,000,000 * 100%) of an earthquake. There are ALWAYS inbuilt statistical
collection-inaccuracies, as well as enemies intentionally causing statistical
The more time spent analyzing data, the more-accurate the analysis will
be. But it will be less-timely. In war, timely analysis is critical… as well as is
accurate analysis.
No-matter how much data is collected, it all gets analyzed into one
paragraph that is E-mailed to political/military leaders. That’s it. That’s all
they will ever read.
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A deeply random thought
Some annoying time-pilot won’t stop-bothering me until I warn Earth-Sol’s
political-leadership that, Israel could be invaded over a long-weekend by its
neighbours. This would have dire world-wide economic-effects. Crudelypreventing such an invasion might also have dire world-wide eceonomic-effects.
Welcome to the time-war.
Oh yeah, and, er... California could “fall into the ocean”... but you already knew that. An 8.5-ish earthquake is possible on the west-coast of the United States.
Future-observers make decisions that affect the data they collect, which affects the
timeline that they are on. These decisions might be as innocuous as when to visit the
toilet. A toilet-break might cause a future-observer to miss an important remark from
someone they’re eavesdropping. Or perhaps the future-observer could answer a
multiple-choice question wrong because they were filling-out the questionnaire
while watching their favorite science-fiction show.
Future-observers also make decisions that affect the timeline they’re in. They aren’t
ever in a perfect “bubble” of isolation. They may call a friend. They might stepoutside their time-chamber, visit a restaurant, and abuse a waiter after a particularly
bad day. Or, they might intentionally “tweak time”, by telepathing time-subjects, or
getting news-stories broadcast.
The future-observer’s aggregated-decisions take the person down different
branches of a “time tree”. It isn’t really a tree, more of an intertwined vine, and it
isn’t really that.
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If a future-observer is ENTIRELY predictable, all alternative-time versions of them
will visit the toilet at exactly the same time, in every possible future. Which means
that all one-million versions of the future-observer will radio-back the exact-same
To solve this problem, future-observers are prompted by very-good randomnumber generators. The random-number generators tell the future-observers when
to visit the toilet, when to abuse a waiter, and when to get a news-story broadcast.
A time-ball is a small sphere-shell, of very-pure gold (or other materials). Their
diameters typically range from 10 – 50 centimeters.
When “energy” is applied to the sphere-shell, time-balls propel themselves to a
“location” (still at the same XYZ-coordinates) where time passes very slowly. While
in “slow-time”, time-balls experience 1 year of normal-time as 10 – 40 years of their
time. Located in “slow-time” (as well as “fast-time”), time-balls can more-easily,
and with less-energy, send-and-receive time-signals.
Two time-balls are used to send a message through time.
In the future, a time-ball receives a transmission from normal-time, and
verifies its authenticity. It then zooms into slow-time, and transmits the
time-signal at a randomly-preselected frequency.
In the past, a time-ball zooms into slow-time, and listens to the time-signal
“spectrum” until it has recorded complete-messages from most of the timesignal “frequencies”. The time-ball then returns to normal-time, and
broadcasts the same signals (with some processing and encryption) to an
antenna in normal-time.
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The time-ball in the past MUST be in the exact-same XYZ spatial-location as
the time-ball in the future. If not, the past time-ball will miss the pin-pricksized signal.
Time-balls can also zoom into “fast time”, for different uses. They can also zoom in
different “time-useful” directions.
Time-balls can only be used once, before their gold-molecules fall-apart.
A time-sphere is a spaceplane designed to travel into “slow-time”, where one year
of normal-time takes the time-pilot 10 – 40 years of his/her time. Time-spheres
move (relatively) very-slowly in XYZ-space.
From within a time-sphere:
The pilot monitors time-signals, beamed directly at his/her time-sphere.
The pilot programs-and-deploys time-balls. The time-balls descend deeper
into “slow-time”, collect time-signals data, and then return to the timesphere’s “time-depth”.
The pilot analyzes the data from time-signals and time-balls. They have
PLENTY of time to analyze signals, as well as play solitaire and computergames. Being a time-sphere pilot is lonely and boring work.
( )
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4. Transmission time-balls are deployed from the time-sphere, to send timesignal messages back in time or to normal-time. Time-spheres can transmit
time-signals directly, but they become easy targets once they have done-so.
Planets, along with everyone on them, can be “time-dunked”.
To someone on a time-dunked planet, every year of their time is 40 – 160 years of
normal-time. As a planet is time-dunked, people on the planet see their sun and
nighttime-stars disappear. Glowing sphere-clouds illuminate the dark starless-sky for
a week or two. Those slowly disappear over a few nights, and the planet “wakes up”,
hopefully orbiting around a new star.
A time-dunked night-sky looks like Vincent Van Gogh’s, “The Starry Night”.
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Here’s my impression. Vincent Van Gogh’s is better.
To someone observing a time-dunked planet from normal-time, the planet turns
invisible and ethereal for a few years.
Planets are time-dunked for the following reasons:
Time-dunked planets are difficult to attack during war. They’re often used
as a way to protect civilians. To the civilians, the war begins. The civilians
see a glowing night-sky for a few weeks. When a new sun appears one fine
morning, it’s a few years later in normal-time, and the war is over.
Time-dunked planets can be used to help predict the future. See below.
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To use a planet to predict possible futures:
Time-dunk the planet into “fast-time”.
At the same time, launch hundreds of time-spheres into “slow-time”. They
are positioned opposite the planet, with a star centered between them and
the planet.
Once time-dunked, the planet disconnects from the star’s gravitational pull.
The same happens with the time-spheres. The star will NOT remain
centered between the planet and the time-spheres. If it did, time-dunked
planets would perform much-better as time-devices.
At the beginning of the time-sphere’s time-journey, the time-sphere pilot
answers questions about the current “state of the world”. At the 2%-mark,
the information is time-signal transmitted towards the planet. The signal
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reaches the planet about 5% of the way through the planet’s time-dunk. A
much-weaker version of the signal reaches the planet 95% of the way
through the planet’s time-dunk.
Throughout the time-sphere’s time-journey, the time-sphere pilot answers
questions about the “state of the world”, as collected from time-signals and
At the end of the time-sphere’s time-journey, the 98% mark, the
answered-questions are time-signaled to the planet by the time-sphere.
Strong versions of the signal reach the planet 95% of the way through the
planet’s time-dunk. Much-weaker, but more-important versions of the
signal, reach the planet 5% of the way through its time-journey.
The planet, being a very-high-quality very-high-energy very-large antenna
can accurately receive time-signals from the time-spheres. Due to the
planet-antenna’s quality, energy, and size, the time-spheres’ time-signals to
the planet are very-difficult for an enemy to jam/hack.
The time-signals received by the planet at the 5%-mark are analyzed, and
transmitted to normal-time, predicting what will happen several years in
the future.
The most-likely most-important prophecies are E-mailed to political-andmilitary leaders.
The planet’s citizens can be used as very-unskilled time-observers. They
can help verify that the time-signals received at the 5%-mark aren’t
Throughout the planet’s time-journey, time-dunked citizens can listen to
signals rebroadcast from normal-time, acting as speech-and-vision
recognizers. At the 95%-mark on the planet, the analysis of the planet’s
data-collection effort can be back-transmitted to the time-spheres. They
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receive the signal at their 2%-mark, and time-ball transmit the information
to normal-time, in the past.
Time-dunking a planet is dangerous:
The planet, at best, ends up in a different solar-system, with an
unfavorable orbit.
At worse, it ends-up outside of a solar system (where it will freeze – like
Pluto… but Pluto wasn’t time-dunked), or in a sun.
People’s bodies and souls on the time-dunked planet are injured by
Flora and fauna don’t like time-dunking either.
A time-ship is a spaceplane designed to collect and transmit time-signals.
In most ways, time-ships are superior to time-spheres. Time-ships are not sphereshaped though. They are always pointy.
Time-ships can easily move-about XYZ-space. Time-spheres don’t move much.
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As they move, time-ships can “rotate” to point their antenna towards time-signals
from different timelines. There are a near-infinite number of “angle-dimensions”
that time-ships can “rotate”-and-point towards.
Time-spheres are omni-directional antennas. Time-ships are mobile directionalantennas. (,
Pointing a time-ship at a time-signal originating-from a specific timeline is like
wandering through a forest (at night) with a directional radio-antenna, and a dead
flashlight-battery, trying to track flying bats wearing radio-collars… Except that it’s
Time-ships are very-good at “focusing-in” on a small set of alternative-futures, all
“close” to one-another. A time-pilot might focus-in on alternative-futures where a
February-earthquake is caused by a sub-surface “slippery-bomb”. Any-other
significant time-events would be ignored by the time-pilot.
When normal spaceplanes move in XYZ, they encounter objects that they must avoid,
such as planets, asteroids, and spaced Coke-bottles. Time-ships must avoid similar
objects while traveling through XYZABC space. ABC are extra dimensions accessible
because the time-ship rotates-and-moves itself outside-of topologically-ordinary XYZspace. Time-ships routinely travel in extradimensional-directions where no-one has
gone before. Hence, the “walking through the nighttime-forest” analogy.
As time-ships travel outside of ordinary XYZ-space, the laws of physics change, often
unpredictably. Time-ships must be built very-tough (like off-road vehicles) and very
agile. Since time-ships are inevitably used in time-wars where they are shot-at, timeships must-also be armored.
Time-ship pilots stay in their time-ship for 1 – 5 years of their time, but only a few
weeks of normal-time. Here’s where the “dark forest” analogy works very-well.
Imagine a night-hike (or nighttime off-road drive) through a mountain-forest,
crowded with trees, boulders, and ravines. After walking (or off-roading) through the
unmapped forest for 1 – 5 years, the time-ship and pilot end-up on-top of an
unnamed mountain, “the earthquake event”. The time-plot spends a few hours
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radio-monitoring all of the radio-collared bats in the area, “what happens AFTER the
earthquake.” Loaded with data, the time-pilot time-signals his/her results to normaltime, a rendezvous-restaurant somewhere in the distance. Time-pilots can continue
following one of the timelines branching off the earthquake, if they wish.
Once they have finished their mission, time-pilots spend a few-more years
returning to normal XYZ-space, “the sealed-road”. Figuratively, time-pilots have to
walk (or drive) all of the way back to a sealed road, avoiding trees, boulders, and
ravines. Only when they return to the rendezvous-restaurant do they learn if they
followed a timeline that anyone actually cares about.
Hiking and off-roading through a forest is dangerous. It’s best to travel with a few
people, just in case you get into trouble. Time-ships are no different… except that
time-ship pilots can hike (or off-road) with themselves, from alternate-realities.
Time-ship pilots can talk to their “nearby” alternate-reality selves, recommending to
themselves the best way to get around obstacles, like fallen-trees, boulders, and
ravines. They also keep track of how many alternate-selves are still alive; if too-many
of themselves die in a “region” of space, the living-selves slow way-down, and often
Time-ship piloting is stressful for the bodies and souls of time-pilots. In particular, if
time-ships are attacked, not only is the person’s body likely to die, but their soul is
also likely to die… leaving them without intelligence or memory.
The technology to “harden” time-pilots’ bodies to the stresses of time-ship piloting
is relatively low-tech. Hominoids can do this.
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“Time-hardening” souls is more-technological. Hominoids haven’t yet figured-out
how to time-harden their souls to the rigors of time-ship piloting, particularly if
their time-ship’s hull is breached.
Some soul-races, naturally, or through millions of years of genetic modifications,
have “time-hardened” souls.
To be competitive, Hominoid “Time Lords” implant soul-organs harvested from
time-hardened soul-races. (Some elite spaceplane-fighter pilots also do so.)
A few types of soul-organs are particularly useful:
Precognition – These organs talk to themselves using biological time-signals.
People with this type of soul-organ statistically make the right “snap
decision” more-often than not, particularly when being chased-down by
predators. Soul-organ time-signal broadcasts only travel back in time a few
Time fortitude – The ability to withstand the stresses of time-ships.
Time-ship death-resistance (or, soul-freezing resistance) – When a timeship is destroyed or damaged, it (along-with the time-pilot’s soul) quickly
returns to normal-time. This return, somewhat like rapid-decompression
after diving, is so traumatic to soul biochemistry that the person’s soul may
lose all of their memory and intelligence. People with transplanted timesoul-organs are not as severely affected.
Transplanted time soul-organs only survive half a year, to a few years, before they
fail or go-necrotic. Time-organs must be regularly harvested-and-transplanted from
time-hardened soul-races.
Consequently, Hominoid “Time Lords” indirectly keep individuals of time-hardened
races as soul-slaves. A generic “slave” is someone kept against their will to do
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physical and mental work. A “soul slave” is someone kept against their will, for the
purpose of harvesting their soul-organs. Time soul-slaves are typically kept for tens
of lifetimes, being euthanized every-time their soul-organs are mature enough.
A randomly deep thought
Cats purr when valves in their torso-veins open-and-close rapidly. These valves
are located before the merger-point of the two leg-veins into the spinal veintrunk. The valves are located just-below the rib cage, on the left and right sides.
The purpose of purring is to break-up viscous “blood-jelly” that sticks to the
walls of a cat’s veins. The viscous “blood-jelly” forms only in cats that exercise.
To clean-up the “blood-jelly”, a “detach”-chemical is released into the cat’s
bloodstream. It loosens the deposits from the vein-walls. Small “blood-jelly”
globules/strands commonly detach, and are of no danger. If large “blood-jelly”
globules/strands detach, they flow through the rapidly opening-and-closing
valves, and are cut-apart into smaller less-dangerous globules/strands. The freefloating smaller-globules/strands are eventually eaten-away by other chemicals.
Because the “blood-jelly”-clumps are so dangerous, cats only release the
“detach”-chemical when they are relaxed, in good pulmonary health, and not
worried about having to do exercise for half-an-hour.
Two-legged cat-evolved people cannot purr. Therefore, they do not exercise.
It’s a good excuse, isn’t it? 
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Time-sphere and time-ship pilots often use specialized bots (telepathy-bots,
camera-bots, and spy-bots) designed for timeline monitoring.
The bots can be deployed from time-spheres and time-ships. Or, they can
be hauled to the target site by (automatic) spaceplanes in normal-time.
The bots move in slow/fast-time, something most ordinary bots cannot do.
Their signals are very-well encrypted.
The bots are “artificially-intelligent” enough that they only require
occasional control time-signals. The bots are also more-miserly with their
return time-signals than ordinary bots.
Special “time implants” can be placed in time-subjects, people who are of-interest
to time-ship pilots. Time-implants typically send-and-receive normal-time signals, but
occasionally they use short-distance time-signals.
Time-implants are much-more secure than ordinary implants. They send-andreceive signals that are very-well encrypted. Time-implants are very difficult to find.
They detect if they are removed from their time-subject. And they detect if they are
placed into a “liar” time-subject.
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A time-walker is someone who, through virtual-reality technology, walks-around
and manipulates an alternative-future.
Someone in a time-ship “dials-up” a timeline, a time, and an XYZ-location. The XYZlocation matches the current-location of the time-walker (such as New York City), but
in the future (up to 80 years in the future).
A body-bot (or “puppeteered” employee) is somehow delivered to the correct
timeline, time, and location.
The time-walker, in the past, sees and experiences their contemporary
surroundings. They PERCEIVE the future surroundings, though. They might see a
currently-vacant lot in front of them, but perceive a yet-to-be-built skyscraper. If the
person is sufficiently “sozzled”, as I was, they actually believe that they are
somehow 80-years in the future, but viewing the world as it was in the past.
Time-suits are one technology-level more-advanced that time-walking.
The time-walker no-longer needs to be on-site (in a present-day New York
City). Instead, they are in a (time-ship) virtual-reality room, with full-video
and body-motion sensors.
The time-suit controller can remotely “walk-around” the FUTURE-site. The
virtual-reality is as convincing as if they were walking-around the
alternative-future wearing an encounter suit.
They have full-vision video from the alternative-future. Telepathy, audio,
and touch are also standard.
Time-suit time-walkers can even manipulate the future timeline.
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While someone’s awareness is most-strongly attached to their soul-stem, thin
threads of awareness seem to be attached to most of their soul-organs.
A person’s soul has many-different perception soul-organs, and many different
memory soul-organs. A sizable chunk of one of the soul-organs can be cut-off, and
placed in a speed-delivery fast-time time-ball. The time-ball includes life-support
liquid for the soul-organ fragment.
In a week of soul-organ transport time, the soul-organ can be propelled 80-years
into the future. Meanwhile, random-number generators in the speedy time-ball
send-out randomly-selected messages to change time.
When the person’s soul-organ fragment arrives in the future, it is temporarily
transplanted onto someone. For a short time, perhaps a few hours, the soul-organ
seems to transmit its “awareness-signal” information to the original-owner’s
awareness, 80-years in the past.
No-one is certain how this works. A more-technological explanation for the effect is
that some very-high-tech people may-have implanted very-very-very-advanced
implants into all of the person’s soul-organs. When speedily-and-stealthfully yanked
into the future, these high-tech implants transmit the soul-organ’s perceptions into
the past for a few hours. A high-tech someone in the future eventually realizes that
their very-very-very-advanced implants have been hacked into, and shuts-down the
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From Dune Messiah, by Frank Herbert.
“How can they be put to the test in the face of the unanswered questions?
Consider: How much is actual prediction of the "wave form" (as Muad'Dib
referred to his vision-image) and how much is the prophet shaping the future
to fit the prophecy? What of the harmonics inherent in the act of prophecy?
Does the prophet see the future or does he see a line of weakness, a fault or
cleavage that he may shatter with words or decisions as a diamond-cutter
shatters his gem with a blow of a knife?”
Time-balls, time-spheres, time-ships, and time-dunked planets return millions of
possible futures. Several-thousand “prophecies” are distilled out of the millions of
possible futures.
Prophecies are simple, likely, predictive-statements about a possible future that
affects a significant-population in major ways, either positively and/or negatively.
Prophecies are not destinies.
When governments learn about prophecies (as defined above), they assign
investigators to the prophecies. For example: If an alternative-future predicts an
asteroid impact, then survey-ships may be assigned to the solar-system, to look for
rogue asteroids that might accidentally impact the planet.
Prophecies with net-negative outcomes will have resources assigned to counteract
them, or deflect them. If a war appears in one of the alternative-timelines, then
resources are spent investigating why the war might occur. Potential causes of the
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war are mitigated, cleaned-up, minimized, etcetera. The causes of peace are
Conversely, prophecies with net-positive outcomes are encouraged.
Time-corporations have a reputation to live up to. If too-many of their prophecies
fail, due to bad luck, poor execution, or wily competitors, then their business fails. A
time-corporation’s “Prophecy reinsurance division” ensures that prophecies come
true, especially if an enemy is attempting to prevent a prophecy.
Client: “You prophesized that an asteroid was going to accidentally hit my
enemy’s planet. It just missed!”
Receptionist: “Er… well… just a minute… (Internal phone-call)… An
accidental asteroid will be delivered to your enemy’s planet within three
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A deeply random thought
Another use for time-signals... From “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, by
Douglas Adams:
The Encyclopedia Galactica copied many of its excerpts from the back
of cereal boxes adding footnotes so the companies couldn't sue them.
It is ironic that due to time travel the Encyclopedia Galactica went
back into time and wrote the passages before the cereal companies,
and then went on to sue them for copyright infringement.
Time-corporations aren’t the stodgy institutions that they used to be. Due to a
loosening readjusting of time-corporation regulations, modern time-corporations
are no-longer limited to droll prophecies:
Alternative presents, or alternative futures/pasts branching off-of
alternative presents – “If you had your honeymoon in San Francisco last
week, instead of New York City, you would have experienced a wonderful
dinner-cruise in the bay. Keep that in mind for your anniversary.”
Alternative presents – Wish yourselves a happy birthday from an alternative
Coloring the sides of time – This service highlights particularly-nasty
alternative-futures as being very-bad, ensuring that clients DON’T ever want
them to come true. Or vice versa.
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“You might be offered the chance to try orange-marmalade icecream four weeks from now. Under normal circumstances, you
would never try it, because you would expect it to taste bad. When
our future time-employee forced you to try it, you discovered that
the ice-cream tasted horrible! … and you were ill for weeks. Don’t
ever try orange-marmalade ice-cream.”
[Time-consultant pulls out a piece of paper.]
“And here is a list of seventy-six other alternative futures that you
will-wish to have-avoided.”
Prevent a narrowing of options – In politics and war, and life, you don’t
want to maneuver yourself into a trap where you have no viable decisions.
When tied to a time-war, a lack-of-decisions trap is sometimes called a
“time trap”.
From Children of Dune, by Frank Herbert
“Any path that narrows future possibilities may become a lethal
trap. Humans are not threading their way through a maze; they
scan a vast horizon filled with unique opportunities. The narrowing
viewpoint of the maze should appeal only to creatures with their
noses buried in the sand.”
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Telepathy on Earth-Sol is restricted by treaties.
The number of telepaths is limited:
100 – 1000 people on Earth-Sol have speech telepathy, letting them
communicate with people off-planet using words.
Many-many more have “thought-sentence” telepathy, where complex
thoughts can be communicated… without words.
Perhaps one in fifty people can receive telepathic “thumps”, the equivalent
of two-“word” thought-sentences.
At least one in ten people receive awareness-dreams.
One in ten, to one in four, people have implants that allow their minds to
be read.
The scope of the telepathy on Earth-Sol is restricted:
On Earth-Sol, the policy seems to be that no valid/reliable information can
be passed from one person on Earth-Sol to another. Nor can valid/reliable
information be passed about news, events, or activities on Earth-Sol.
My telepathy has been turned-on for the last two years. In that time, I have
only occasionally-received verifiably valid-information about someone or
something on Earth-Sol. In most of the verifiably valid-information
instances, the information was obscured by other information. It wasn’t
until I learned the information in real-life, that I recalled that the same
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information had been conveyed to me through telepathy. On top of that,
the information was of low-utility value.
I do get informed about what readers of my document think… kind of…
The information is usually vague and obscured, for treaty reasons. An
example: “A reader found a spelling-mistake on page 59.” The mistake
wasn’t on page 59, and it wasn’t a spelling mistake.
Telepathic feedback about my document (from the present) is NOT
permitted to be very-reliable. The reader’s identity is almost-always
misattributed. Many of the suggestions are intentionally bad. Etcetera.
Communication with non-Hominoids is reliable, but censored by neutral
non-Hominoids, as well as interfered-with by Hominoids. It is also
intentionally error-filled.
Communication with Hominoids whose technology is several-levels higher
than Firefly and Stargate-Universe is reliable. The communications are
censored by neutral non-Hominoids, non-neutral non-Hominoids, and
interfered-with by Hominoids.
Communication with low-tech space-faring Hominoids (like Firefly and
Stargate-Universe) doesn’t happen, UNLESS those Hominoids are botters.
“Botters” are, treaty-wise, supposed to be legally-appointed people who
monitor the thoughts of their citizens, adjust their thoughts when
dangerous to their society, and who can inflict non-lethal harm to
“correct” said individuals. At their best, botters encourage alcoholics to
stop drinking. When they’re nasty, botters encourage alcoholism, asocial
behaviors, social unrest, and much worse.
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 Communication with Earth-Sol’s ex-Hominids is very-censored, and names
are almost-always mangled. I get in trouble if I E-mail the friends-andrelatives of the dead.
Time-telepathy gets a little-bit odd:
I often receive people’s opinion about my document… from alternative
timelines. These are Earth-Sol people that have NOT read my document in
this timeline. However, they COULD have read my document, if six months
before, I had E-mailed them with the exact-right phrasing.
I also receive hints about what Earth-Sol people (in the future) might like
to read in my document. Some “aliens” brainstorm topics for me to writeabout, coming-up with a long list. The different me’s, in different timelines,
have one-or-two topics suggested to me. Someone then monitors future
Earth-Sol document-readers with the assumption that I included a specific
topic in my document. The readers’ opinions/thoughts are transmitted-back
in time, censored/modified, and telepathically communicated to me.
“Time-subjects”, typically political and military leaders, are important data-sources
used for timeline data-collection. Time-subjects are “in the know” people, who know
about an important event or topic a LOT sooner, and a LOT-more accurately, than
just-about everyone else.
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It’s best if time-subject don’t know that they’re time subjects.
Time-subjects who know they’re time-subjects can intentionally
undermine timeline data-collection efforts.
Most time-subjects don’t like being time-subjects because a series of both
“lucky” and “unlucky” life-events pushes them in directions they would
rather not go. Time-subjects often end-up in “time traps”.
Once time-subjects are discovered by enemies, the enemies either try to
disable the time-subjects (by removing their implants, relocating the timesubjects, or killing them), or the enemies usurp the time-subjects to
undermine timeline data-collection efforts.
Consequently, time-subjects most-often occur on planets (like Earth-Sol) with the
following characteristics:
Planets where time-subjects cannot be warned that they are timesubjects. People who do NOT know they’re time subjects do NOT try to
subvert the eavesdropping efforts, nor do they seek-out help from helpful
“aliens” who can remove the implants. (This happens on “non-disclosed”
planets like Earth-Sol.)
Planets where likely time-subjects cannot detect eavesdropping implants.
Most time-subjects are political and military leaders. On technological
planets, political and military leaders are ALWAYS routinely-tested for
eavesdropping implants.
Earth-Sol is so “low-tech”, that its political and military leaders do not
schedule-themselves for monthly implant-cleanings … This is not-quite true,
since Earth-Sol’s top-ranking leadership is routinely and invisibly cleaned by
both Hominid and non-Hominoid implant-bots. Two-or-three direct-reports
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down from the leaders, and Earth-Sol government employees are infested
with eavesdropping implants.
Planets where time-subjects are land-locked, and cannot be flown far-far
away. People flown several galaxies away can no-longer be easily tracked as
time-subjects. (Spaceplane travel is not available on “non-disclosed” planets
like Earth-Sol, as well as prison planets.)
Neutral planets on the geographical boundaries of warring enemies. (Like
Planets whose suns are in close-orbits around larger gravity-objects. Such
planets do NOT move-much relative to the larger gravity-objects. Lowmobility planets are more-easily listened-to by “low-end” time-spheres.
(Earth-Sol’s sun closely-orbits around a large gravity-object near the center
of the Orion Spur.) (
Planets with uncensored news-coverage of important events, and/or a
widely-used uncensored internet.
Earth-Sol’s INTRA-planetary news is fair-to-good. Within 15-minutes of a
major natural-disaster, Earth-Sol’s uncensored-news will be broadcasting
about the event. Most educated people on the planet will know about the
event within a day. This is NOT the case on 95% of all space-faring Hominid
planets, particularly during a war. Even Roswell was leaked a few days after
the event. (
Earth-Sol’s INTER-planetary news is highly-censored, and is limited to
science-fiction stories.
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However, if something very-newsworthy happens off-planet, and the news
manages to find its way to Earth-Sol, then internet E-mail and digital
photos/videos will bypass the censored news. EVERYONE “in the know” on
Earth-Sol will know of the event within weeks; many of them are timesubjects.
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… I incorrectly classified the meta-race as Angelfish-evolved or stonefish-evolved.
This image is only roughly approximate.
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WAR UPDATE (18/8/2011)
The Cat-evolved nations surrounding The [Hominoid] Six Kingdoms have been
governed by a pacifist party, unwilling to war-against the Hominoids, for good
reasons. In many ways, the current Cat-evolved leadership is like the UnitedKingdom’s leadership before World War II, led by Neville Chamberlain… “Peace in
our time.” (,,
The opposition party is anti-Hominoid, just as Winston Churchill was anti-Nazi. They
have not led the parliaments for two-hundred years.
The recent attacks on the Cat-evolved nations will inevitably cause an election to be
called. Anti-Hominoid parties are now likely to gain power, and institute moreaggressive war-policies against the Hominoids.
Elections will take months to arrange, and the power-handoff even-longer. Hominoid
militaries will inevitably take-advantage of government change-over delays.
Recall World War II:
1 September 1939 – Nazi-Germany invades Poland. Neville Chamberlain is
Prime-Minister of the United-Kingdom.
3 September 1939 (+2 days) – Neville Chamberlain reluctantly declares war
on Germany.
10 May 1930 (+252 days) – Germany invades France, Belgium, the
Netherlands, and Luxembourg. (,
85 | P a g e
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26 May 1930 (+268 days) – The British-military evacuates the continent at
Dunkirk, France. (
10 June 1940 (+283 days) – Winston Churchill is appointed Prime-Minister of
the United-Kingdom.
Many-months after Winston Churchill becomes Prime-Minister – The
United Kingdom stops retreating, and begins efforts to free France.
It takes a long time for a new government to be elected, orient itself, produce new
war-policies, and begin implementing them.
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   
  
      
 
The Hominoid military seems to have reorganized recently. Our section, (, 7), is
now under the command of the military at (, 6). Two-other command-centers are
located at (, 6) and (, 2).
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As part of the larger Hominoid war-reorganization, The Six Kingdoms now seems to
have had their zone-of-influence reduced. They lost Hominoid-legal/political control
of the Andromeda Galaxy. The Milky-Way Galaxy and the “Wolfen” Galaxies were
formerly neutral-territories between The Andromeda Galaxy and Lots of Stars (K’ Tick
Tuk). The Milky-Way Galaxy and the “Wolfen” Galaxies now appear to be under the
same military-command as and Lots of Stars (K’ Tick Tuk), Barumba, and Ayum.
Changes to Earth-Sol’s off-planet-Hominid leadership-and-policies are possible.
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There is a theory that Hominoid-command is sending their “known assholes” to our
region (- , 7) so that non-Hominoid militaries here will kill them off. A friendliersounding name for “known assholes” is “griefers”, a term originating from
multiplayer online games.
Non-Hominoid political-and-military leadership is debating whether to quickly killoff the griefers in (- , 7). If they’re killed off, more griefers might be sent here by
Hominoid command. However, if the griefers aren’t killed-off, then the current
griefers will do tremendous-amounts of violence. There is no simple/easy solution.
Because all of the Hominoid griefers have been posted here, it is thought that there
are “nicer” Hominoid-invaders at (-, 6) and (-, 6).
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Hypothesis A – Reinforcing (or occupying) allies
Hypothesis B – Transiting through allies,
to invade Lionfish-evolved and Crocodile-evolved territories
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Hypothesis C – Invade Elapidae territory
A randomly deep thought
E-paper notebook – Students in some technological-societies take notes on epaper notebooks. The notebooks have about fifty leaves of writable e-paper.
Students shake their notebook between classes to load-in the next-class’s notes.
E-paper notebook with built-in games – Some e-paper notebooks have built-in
“doodle games”. When bored students draw a stick figure, the stick-figure
walks-around the page. When the student draws some steps, or a ladder, the
stick-figure climbs up them. Different e-notebook versions include spaceship
games, or wild-animal games.
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November 12, 2011
There are fundamental problems with economic-political systems on Earth-Sol:
Money leads to power. Money enables both political bribes, and votewinning political-advertising. Less-directly, money controls television-news,
which influences votes.
The very-wealthy control corporations through shareholder-voting. Lesswealthy shareholders do not vote in an educated manner, if at all. Mutualfunds, who own sizable portions of all corporations, shareholder-vote for
the “highest SHORT-TERM returns”… and perhaps “the priorities of the
voting-shareholders of the mutual-funds, NOT the mutual-fund contributingmembers”. (
One-person one-vote is flawed. More-intelligent, more-informed, and
more-“moral/mature” people, should have more influence on society.
“Democratic free-market capitalism” is overly-dominant. Several radicallydifferent eco-political systems should be represented on every planet.
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Eco-political flaws encourage the following problems:
Poor leadership, in general – Earth-Sol’s leadership is mostly of poorquality.
The wealthy (as well as those controlling idle wealth) inevitably wish to
control political leadership. Less-intelligent political-leadership is moreeasily controlled. The wealthy (and those controlling idle wealth)
encourage the election of less-than-the-brightest political-candidates.
Less-intelligent and less-educated people vote for less-than-the-brightest
Uninformed-voters vote for candidates based on intuitive guesses, based
only on the information provided by the wealthy-controlled television-news.
Intuitive voting also leads to the election of high-social-IQ candidates.
Dysfunctional United-Nations – Powerful corporations do not want strong
international regulations, as would be created by a functional UnitedNations. Corporations take-advantage of the lack of internationalregulations to bypass local national-regulations. For example:
Manufacturing moved from the United-States to China to bypass minimumwage and environment-protection laws.
Shaky financial-system – The current crop of wealthy are self-selected risktakers. Over the past 80 years, those people who have taken risks have
earned more money. Risk-taking wealthy control a larger-percentage of the
economy now, than they did 80 years ago. The more risks, the greater the
chance of a world-wide market-collapse, followed by a depression.
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The next worldwide-depression that hits will most-likely obliterate the risktakers, as it did 80 years ago. Financially-conservative wealthy will mostlikely retake control… encouraging depression-years between the
Misdirection of resources towards excessive luxury-items – Poor leadership
lets the wealthy gain undue influence. The wealthy encourage laws that
expand their wealth, leading to a larger income-spread. People with excesswealth spend excessively. The wealthiest-10% of the planet’s population
purchases overly-large houses, automobiles, and televisions, as well as other
luxury goods.
Overworked – Employable people aged 20 – 55 are overworked, working 810 hours a day, both husband and wife. After work, a couple must take care
of their children, as well fit-in home-maintenance.
Wage-slaves in China – Low-skilled Chinese-workers are wage-slaves
hidden-away on a different continent. (,
Unemployed retirees – Retirees are NOT encouraged to work part-time.
Unemployable – A significant portion of the population is so low-skilled
and/or so-ornery that they aren’t worth hiring. Many unemployable people
can only be motivated to work by building moral-flaws into society. People
who work in unskilled-jobs have an abhorrent quality-of-life.
Unemployment-income must be less than unskilled-work income, or people
will regularly find ways to become unemployed.
Skilled-people cannot-easily change professions, but unskilled people can
– A skilled person cannot change their profession without leaving the
workforce. For them, changing their profession requires 2-4 full-time years
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at university, or 6-8 years at night-university while simultaneously working.
Skilled-people are stuck in the profession they chose at age 20.
Unfairly, low-skilled people can change their profession whenever they tire
of it.
Intelligent people are not having-enough children – More-educated people
are having fewer children than less-educated people. This ultimately harms
the intelligence-level of Homo-Sapiens.
Listed are some suggestions that directly affect politics:
Demographic legislators – Every voter should vote for a demographicsegment legislator, as well as a legislator for their geographical region. A
person could cast one vote for their demographic: “Conservative-Christian
party” versus “Economic reform party” versus “Gamer-geek party”. Their
second vote would be for the state/county representative.
Weighted voting – Intelligent, politically-informed, and “moral/mature”
people should be provided more voting “points”. Intelligence and politicalknowledge tests are fairly reliable. “Morality/maturity” tests are more
subjective, and more-commonly abused.
Voting similar to modern opinion-polls – In an “opinion-poll”-like votingsystem, 90% of the population DOESN’T vote in any given election. Voting
individuals are randomly-and-secretly selected based on demographic
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characteristics, as per contemporary opinion-poll methods. Randomlyselected voters are paid (and/or given time-off from work?) so they can
understand the issues. (
To prevent voting-fraud, a randomly-selected, 10% - 30% of the electorates,
should require everyone in the electorate to vote in the election. With
internet-based voting, sudden “everyone-votes” elections require only a
month’s notice.
Independent audits of voting (in ALL countries) should be carried-out by
the United-Nations.
Anonymous legislators – The identities of legislators should be kept
anonymous while they are in office. Legislators should never meet face-toface – so they stay anonymous. All meetings should be remote and
anonymous (with false names). Instituting anonymous-legislators greatlyreduces legislator bribery.
Legislator duplicates – Every legislative-position should have five-ish
legislators elected to the position. They all vote, but only one individual’s
vote counts. None of the legislators know if they’re the real legislator.
Corruption sting-operations are expected by all of them.
This greatly reduces legislator bribery. The less-bribable that legislators are
as a group, the higher the number of legislator assassinations. And viceversa.
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Africa, impoverished portions – Deal with the mess.
Childbirth of the educated – Perhaps educated people should be legally
forced to have-and-raise children? If they don’t wish to raise children, they
could be forced to have children and give them up for adoption. Or, they
could be forced to pay for another educated-person to have a third child.
Childbirth, population reduction – Population-reduction policies should be
created. Earth-Sol’s population is too-large.
Computer operating-systems – Earth-Sol needs more than one dominant
operating-system, but not because of anti-monopoly laws. Cyber-attacks
can instantaneously destroy an entire society.
Education, teenagers – Do NOT let teenagers spend their entire day with
only teenagers, as is common in Earth-Sol high-school. Teenage-societies
develop a deviant-and-immature sub-culture, whose traces remain in your
adult culture.
Education, retraining – Educated adults need to be-able to change their
profession at least once or twice in their life. Apprenticeships and “whileworking” education would let educated adults more-easily switch
professions when they become tired of their current profession.
Euthanization – Let people be euthanized if they wish.
Food, healthy restaurants – Food health-laws should encourage healthy
restaurant-and-takeaway menus, as well as minimizing low-nutrition foods
in supermarkets.
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 Food, mega-corporations – Destroy food mega-corporations, such as those
controlling beverages, meats, and takeaway chains. They are dangerous
because one thought-to-be-safe food-additive in a popular food-item can
reduce the intelligence of half the planet’s population by 5 – 15 IQ-points.
Money, counterfeiting – Paper money is too-easy to counterfeit.
Television news, non-corporate – Some television news-stations should be
government-run, some not-for-profit subsidized by the government, and
some corporate-run.
Television news, public education – News-broadcasts should include “public
education” segments that update older-people’s education, to
contemporary high-school-level information.
For example: People over age 30 don’t know what a computer-program
looks like. 5 – 10 minutes from a nightly news-broadcast might provide them
an overview of computer programming.
Terrorism, high-rises – Make high-rises illegal. They are too-tempting for
Terrorism, large passenger-jets – Make large passenger-jets illegal. They are
too-tempting for terrorists.
United Nations – Get the United-Nations working.
Workdays – Enforce shorter work-days, and/or fewer work-days per week.
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A deeply random thought
Some high-tech spaceplanes have extradimensional floors. In addition to stairs
and elevators (which go up and down), the spaceplanes have “pads” where
people stand, and are extradimensionally-offset to another “XD-floor”.
Soirees typically are MULTIRACIAL formal-dinners without dancing. They are
attended by extremely-wealthy people, or their twenty-something children.
Since Hominoid race-relationships have been problematical over the past fewhundred years, targeted “Hominoid meets non-Hominoid” soirees dominate. In such
soirees, half of the attendees are Hominoids.
Lately, soirees have encountered a few problems:
Extremely-wealthy Hominoids do NOT have household slaves. They have
Hominoid servants. Wealthy Hominoids have Simian or Chimpanzeeevolved slaves, often-treated more-like indentured servants. Well-off
Hominoids have Mammaloid slaves.
Extremely-wealthy people who attend soirees NEVER interact with
Mammaloids, except at the soirees. However, as children, they read books
(and watch a few television-shows) where Mammaloids were friendly storycharacters (such as nannies), or story-scoundrels.
Which lead to…
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 The Hominoid soiree-attendees often saw soirees as a chance to “meet a
Mammaloid character from their childhood literature”. Mammaloidattendees found this to be very-insulting. To accentuate the issue, one
wealthy Mammaloid actually dressed-up as a Hominoid cartoon-character.
There are only eight-ish flavors of Hominoid socio-economies, including
aristocracy, fascism, representative democracy, and gerontocracy. There are
hundreds of distinct Mammaloid, Saurian, Agimade, and Gecko-evolved
socio-economies. Non-Hominoid soiree-attendees would know and
understand all eight-ish Hominoid socio-economic cultures. The Hominoids
would understand nothing about the non-Hominoid socio-economic
One commonly-heard Hominoid-to-a-Mammaloid line: “So, do you work for
the Saurians?” The Mammaloid walks away. End of conversation.
Four-legged Mammaloids pretended to be pets when they attended the
soirees. This let them leer at the Hominoids.
Other Hominoid attendees saw soirees as a chance to meet their future
conquerees. This was-also very-insulting.
Local soirees were 10% “Reptiloid”, a mix of Saurians, with some
Agamidae and Gecko-evolved people. Hominoid-attendees avoided
interactions with Reptiloids.
Saurians, Agamidae, Gecko-evolved, and Mammaloid soiree-attendees,
used the soirees as a way to size-up their future enemies. Skilled nonHominoid mind-readers were chosen to attend.
Hominoid families sent their “third” child to the soirees. Their “first” child
was always too-busy being groomed to run the family business, which often
involved the conquest of Mammaloids. Their “second” child was too-busy
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helping to run the household. Their “third” child would grudgingly attend.
They would rather be partying… but NOT with the non-Hominoids.
The Saurians earned a reputation for murdering (a few) Hominoid soireeguests after every soiree. Murders typically took-place a few days after the
soiree. The Saurians claim they only murdered half of the alleged victims;
the others were most-likely Hominoid-to-Hominoid assassinations.
At the soirees, Hominoid-attendees only ventured near Reptiloidindividuals if the Reptiloids happened to be part of a mostly-Mammaloid
conversation-group. Given the after-the-soiree murders, chatting-with
Reptiloids was seen as a bit dangerous.
Because there were so-many Hominoid attendees, soirees often took-place
on Hominoid outpost-planets. Hominoids arrange the venue and meals.
Hominoids would be very catty, arranging meals designed to offend their
Saurian guests. In one soiree, a Saurian’s Mammaloid friend-and-partner
was accosted, murdered, and served as part of the meal.
Another recent soiree between Nor and Hominoids resulted in the
explosive demolition of the eight-story hotel where the soiree was hosted.
No Mammaloids attended the most-recent soiree, because all of their
nations were being invaded/threatened by Hominoids. Consequently, only
Saurians showed-up. This led Hominoids (in the present, as well as the past,
thanks to time-balls) to erroneously believe that the Saurians are the
premier races, in-charge of the galaxies. The soiree was exceptionally frigid.
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A randomly deep thought
Goanna-evolved people enjoy tubular-bells and triangle-music. They listen
more for the “formants” of the triangles than the fundamental pitch. To create
different formants, Goannas sequentially cut-down the triangle-shape (“Δ”)
until the triangle just-becomes a hanging-and-lopsided “chevron”, (“Λ”).
To people on Earth-Sol, a “wire”, or “electrical cable”, is a piece of flexible metal
(wrapped in plasti-rubber) with free-electrons flowing through it.
A fiber-optic cable is a silicon-glass “wire” that lets light flow through it.
Electrons are a particle. Light flowing through fiber-optic cables is a collection of
very-small particles, with an additional “wave” component.
Static-electricity is NOT excess standing-electrons. A portion of a static-electricity
shock comes from a sub-electron particle, called a “static-electric” particle. Staticelectric particles can travel through “plastic” and/or “ceramic” cables. Static-electric
particles DO NOT travel through metal cables. Static-electric particles are sensitive
to quaternion-EMF, but not electromagnetism.
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The next size down from static-electric particles (kind-of) is a “photo-electric”
particle. Photo-electric particles are sensitive of quaternion-EMF, but not
electromagnetism. They travel a few meters through air, but are blocked by glass.
Photo-electric particles travel though cables similar to fiber-optic cables, but the
cables don’t use a silicon (glass) base. When a photo-electric particle is directed
towards an eye, it passes through the eye’s cornea and lens without refraction. The
eye’s retina detects the particle as light.
Photo-electric particles can be generated by sending a small pulse of electrons to a
light-emitting diode (perhaps?) and/or a piezoelectric-crystal (perhaps?). The pulse
can be generated by a micro-sparkplug. (,,
Electro-static particles can be generated by power-turbines that DO NOT USE
METAL WIRING and which DO NOT USE METAL “MAGNETS”. The particles can
alternatively be generated by batteries that DO NOT USE METAL ANODES AND
CATHODES bathed in ACIDS. (,,,,,
Until scientists and engineers on Earth-Sol produce electro-static and photo-electric
currents, Earth-Sol chemistry, biochemistry, materials-science, and spaceplaneconstruction will be severely hindered.
By the way, proton currents are also possible, but they are very difficult to create
under Earth-Sol’s laws of physics. Quark-currents are significantly more-doable. An
infinite-number of other currents are also possible.
103 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
A deeply random thought
One of the mysteries of the universe explained...
Yawn – The physical motion of a yawn releases pre-synthesized stimulants into
the brain, causing someone to wake-up. Physical-motion of the spinal-column
after sleep releases different stimulants. Muscle-motion after sleep also releases
stimulants. (
Testing whether one’s brain is falling asleep takes “energy”. If one person in a
group is tired, the others are more-likely to be tired. Therefore, if one person
yawns, it is statistically-wisest for everyone to yawn. Which is why yawns are
Proudly brought to you by the
GREYS. (Well, maybe not proudly, depending-upon
how-many mistakes Mike makes.)
104 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
Atoms are more-than 10-dimensional. They are NOT oscillating strings, as per “string
theory”… although electrons (and other particles) crawl-around atoms in routes that
kind-of perhaps form oscillating strings. (
Atoms are composed if smaller particles. Saying that atoms are composed only of
“protons” and “neutrons” is like saying that all automobiles are either station-wagons
or pickup-trucks… ignoring sedans, minis, sports-cars, soft-road vehicles, four-wheel
drives, etcetera.
“Protons”, “neutrons”, and “minis [… the automobile]” are composed of evensmaller particles, “quarks”. There are more than six quarks, by the way.
Quarks are composed of smaller-particles still.
Every atom is unique. Every “proton”, “neutron”, and “mini” is unique. Every quark is
unique. Every sub-quark is unique.
Atoms are not just balls of “protons”, “neutrons”, and “minis”. They are more-like
knots, with one-to-four dangling-ends. Atoms attach to one-another, either end-toend, knot-ball to end, and (rarely) knot-ball to knot-ball. When not attached to
another atom, knot-ends typically curl-around, and stick to the atom’s core knot-ball.
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Somewhat-similar physical-analogies illustrate how quarks form “protons” and
“neutrons”. Quarks are more-dimensional than “protons” and “neutrons”.
Most atoms do NOT have electrons. Their net electric-charge is zero. Only a few
atoms, 1%(?), have a net electric-charge of 1-ish (NOT exactly 1.0). Atoms with a netpositive electric-charge are factory-fitted with a preinstalled electron.
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Atoms come factory-fitted with other extras, such as a static-electric particle (if they
have a static-electric charge of 1-ish), or a photoelectric particle (with a photoelectric
charge of 1-ish), etcetera.
The extra-particles that are preinstalled in an atom can be guessed-at by looking at
the atom’s quaternion-EMF/EMR (generated when the atom is heated)… as well as
by carefully reverse-engineering the atom’s sticker-price (mass).
Molecules are glued-together atoms, typically attached to one-another by the
atoms’ dangling-ends. By the way, when two molecularly-bonded atoms are
separated, small fragments originally from one atom, may stick-and-migrate to the
other atom.
When bound-together into large molecules, collections of atoms flatten-out into
three-dimensional shapes, just like tied-together pinecones floating in water form a
two-dimensional shape.
When atoms are bound-together into molecules, metaphors mix, and electrons,
static-electric particles, and photo-electric particles zip-and-loop-about from atomto-atom, flea-like. Could this be string theory? Or flea-theory?
The existence of the flea-like particles generates quaternion-EMF. The cyclicmovements of the flea-like particles generates quaternion EMR. The cyclic-jiggling
of the molecule’s atoms, as well as the jiggling of the “protons”, “neutrons”, and
“pickup-trucks”, creates other quaternion-EMF/EMR.
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Fleas (previously-known-as leptons???) can also spin-about on their axis.
A randomly deep thought
To quote the
“I have a 10,000-page book of physics on my desk. The ONLY physics
that the book describes ONE-HUNDRED-PERCENT ACCURATELY, is the
physics that CONSTRUCTS the book. THE BOOK’S TEXT, however,
INACCURATELY explains quite-a-lot of physics. THERE IS NO GRANDUNIFIED THEORY OF PHYSICS, you idiots! Go back to work!”
Earth-Sol chemists molecularly bind-together atoms, forming molecules, using the
following techniques:
Chemists let atoms bump-together randomly. Molecular-bonds sometimes
Chemists heat-up mixtures of atoms.
Chemists run an electric-current through mixtures of atoms.
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 Chemists beam a laser into mixtures of atoms.
Optionally, chemists include catalyst-chemicals in the mixture.
One of the reasons why catalyst-chemicals enable chemical-reactions is
that their molecules produce their own very-small EMF. Catalyst-chemicals
also produce small-amounts of EMR, and even small-currents of particles.
The quaternion-EMF/EMR generated by catalyst-chemicals encourages
molecules with the correct-shapes, and/or the correct quaternionEMF/EMR, to bond together. (
Some other ways to create molecular-bonds:
Run a static-electric and/or photoelectric current through the chemical
Apply electric, static-electric, and/or photoelectric macroscopic-EMF.
Apply electric, static-electric, and/or photoelectric EMR. (Not-necessarily a
using a laser.)
There are many-other not-yet-discovered approaches.
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All molecules have quaternion-EMF/EMR.
Molecules can be coaxed to stand-on-end using quaternion-EMF/EMR, as well as
particle-currents. Liquid-crystal displays block light when an electron-current causes
the molecules to stand-on-end and hyper-dimensionally reshape.
Quaternion-EMF/EMR and particle-currents can be used to “settle” and separate
molecules, instead-of (or in addition-to) using a centrifuge.
Refrigeration isn’t the only way to stabilize molecules that fall-apart. QuaternionEMF/EMR and particle-currents can stabilize molecules. Quaternion-EMF/EMR and
particle-currents can also stabilize atoms with a short half-life.
As a general rule:
Earth-Sol-constructed medications are impure. They would be more-pure if
they were settled-and-separated using quaternion-EMF/EMR and particlecurrents.
Earth-Sol-constructed medications are built with the wrong atom-shapes
(and the wrong atom-personalities). Medication-efficacy would greatlyimprove if the correct atom shapes/personalities were used.
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 Earth-Sol-constructed medications are less-effective because they are
designed to be stored-and-distributed in dry-capsules. Dry-capsule
medications, which have long shelf-lives, are almost-always less-effective
than liquid-based medications that must be kept cool. The shelf-life of some
medications can be extended by storing them under the appropriate
quaternion-EMF/EMR, or with appropriate particle-currents flowing through
Medications that are mixed on-the-spot are sometimes more-effective
than pre-synthesized medications. Unstable molecules are often more
medically-active than stable molecules.
For example: Snake-venoms are more-deadly because they are mixedtogether seconds before they are injected.
People on Earth-Sol take too-many medications, partly because
medications are so impure, and constructed from the wrong atom
Experimental biochemistry is necessary. “Hey! I just found-out that if I mix protein-A
with chemical-B and chemical-D, I produce chemical-E and heat-energy.”
Another discipline of biochemistry is missing: A cell is a biological computerprogram. Computer-programmers (or people who think like computerprogrammers) need to be hired-away from the software-industry, and tasked with
thinking about molecules as assembly-code, prions and proteins and lines of code,
and organelles as functions. (,
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Biochemists currently have no “How to program using molecules, for dummies”
text-book, describing the world’s computer-programming language. Consequently,
biochemists don’t think of molecules and organelles as lines of code and functions
in a computer program. (,
Contemporary computational-biochemistry works-around the lack-of text-book, by
training pattern-recognizers based on real-life data, without relying on a
theoretical-foundation. Such pattern-recognizers are used to predict protein-folding.
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A randomly deep thought
One of the mysteries of the universe explained...
Tonsils – Tonsils test food to see if it is infested with bacteria, paramecium,
mould, and amoebas. Theoretically, people whose tonsils have been removed
won’t taste (or react-to) microbe-infested meat as quickly.
Sugars can be defined by form: (
A sugar is a ring of molecules under tension.
As per contemporary Earth-Sol chemistry, sugars are defined by their
atomic composition-and-arrangement.
Not all carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms are the same. The shapesand-personalities of the atoms that make-up the sugar are also important.
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Alternatively, sugars can be defined by function:
Sugars conform to internationally-regulated sizes.
The sugar-shape is “colored” with an internationally-regulated quaternionEMF. The color varies from atom-to-atom.
When sugars “snap” (see below) they produce internationally-regulated
quaternion-EMF/EMR. Any particles that spring-lose upon snapping are also
Sugars that DO NOT conform to international-regulations are either not
digestible, or they are toxic.
When “fresh”, a sugar molecule is closed-ring of molecules under tension.
Sugars “snap-apart” when the correct quaternion-EMF and/or particle-currents are
applied to the molecule-ring’s weak-point. The “snap” cuts the ring into a “C”shape.
Upon “snapping”, sugars release a quaternion-EMF pulse, and a little-bit of EMR.
An electron-like particle (electrons, static-electric particles, and/or photo-electric
particles) may-also be dislodged.
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A sugar that has been snapped at its weak-point is “old” or “used-up”. “Used-up”
sugars look-like split washers. ( )
“Used-up” sugars can be “rejoined” using proteins (or other chemicals). To rejoin a
sugar, proteins hold the “used-up” sugar in place, sometimes squeezing the
disconnected-ends closer. The protein joins the disconnected-ends when a particlecurrent is passed through it. The particle-current causes the protein to twitch, and/or
generate quaternion-EMF. When the particle-current stops, the protein relaxes, and
releases the rejoined (and now-“fresh”) sugar.
Dietary information:
There are LOTS of different sugars, not just glucose and fructose.
As sugars age, they “snap-apart”. At this point in Earth-Sol technology, only
fresh-fruit and fresh-vegetables (and sugars in mild acid solutions?) contain
“fresh” sugars.
Frozen sugars also “snap-apart”.
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Bagged granulated-sugar is NOT sugar, because all of the sugars have already
“snapped”-apart by the time the bag reaches the supermarket… and cooking the
sugar doesn’t help either. (
Complex-sugars, with two or more carbon-loops, are NOT sugars either! They are
carbohydrates that taste something-like sugar.
Fatty-acids are strands of carbon-atoms, surrounded by hydrogen-atoms (as well as a
few other atoms). Fatty-acids are differentiated by their carbon-chain length, as
well as the shapes-and-personalities of their constituent atoms.
Fatty-acids look-like long, bendy cypress trees. The carbon-and-hydrogen atoms at
the end of the chain are ALWAYS smaller than the atoms at the base of the chain.
Fatty-acids are sensitive to quaternion-EMF.
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The shapes-and-personalities of a protein’s atoms, greatly-affect the protein’s
chemical properties. (
Therefore, there are more protein-programming nucleobases than A, C, G, and T!
Chemical reactions are affected by macroscopic quaternion-EMF. In particular,
enzyme-proteins are very-sensitive to quaternion-EMF, not just temperature and
pH. (,
Cells require “sleep” and “rest” cycles. Over the course of a sleep-and-rest cycle, cell
organelles generate different quaternion-EMF/EMR “colors”. Proteins are
optimized for specific EMF/EMR “colors”.
Many chemical-reactions only occur during specific sleep-and-rest cycles:
a) For a chemical reaction to occur, both to-be-bound-together molecules
must be touching the protein-enzyme. Molecules and enzymes are moved
to the proper location in the cell using molecular conveyor-belts, whose
movements are often time-linked to sleep-and-rest cycles.
b) The cell must illuminate-itself with the proper EMF/EMR “color”. The
“color” is time-linked to sleep-and-rest cycles.
For many chemical-reactions to take-place, the proper particle-currents
must be directed through the enzyme-proteins. Many particle-currents are
time-linked to sleep-and-rest cycles.
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d) The environment-temperature must be correct. Cell-temperature is timelinked to sleep-and-rest cycles.
Some multistage chemical-reactions require a non-contiguous sequence of sleepand-rest “colors” to complete the multistage reaction-process. A complete reactionprocess might occur over several days.
A cell’s sleep-and-rest cycles are somewhat analogous to CPU clock-cycles in a CISC
processor. Some chemical-reactions happen at the transition of the clock cycle.
Other chemical-reactions occur when the clock-signal is at +3.5 volts. Different
chemical-reactions require the clock-signal to be at +0 volts.
Earth-Sol biochemists cannot-yet detect when cells enter sleep-and-rest cycles
because (a) they don’t know that quaternion-EMF/EMR exists, and (b) they cannot
detect the quaternion-EMF/EMR.
A randomly deep thought
“The experience of war is ruined by (those) participating in it.” – Frank, the
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A typical animal cell. Within the cytoplasm, the major organelles and cellular
structures include: (1) nucleolus (2) nucleus (3) ribosome (4) vesicle (5) rough
endoplasmic reticulum (6) Golgi apparatus (7) cytoskeleton (8) smooth endoplasmic
reticulum (9) mitochondria (10) vacuole (11) cytosol (12) lysosome (13) centriole.
The cytoplasm of a cell is cross-crossed by self-connecting molecule micro-wires.
When particle-currents are run through the molecule micro-wires, the micro-wires
produce quaternion-EMF/EMR. (,
The quaternion-EMF/EMR from the micro-wires pulls certain shapes/personalities
of proteins along the micro-wires, where they end-up at chemical reaction-sites,
and/or chemical storage-centers.
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Cells have EMF/EMR field-generators. I don’t know what they look like. They may be
centrioles. (
A centriole is a small organelle that collects, organizes, and “snaps” sugars, or other
chemicals that produce the necessary fields.
Centrioles are “ignited”, often at the transition of a cell’s sleep-and-rest cycle. They
slowly “burn through” their sugars, “snapping” a controlled-percentage of the sugars
per second. Snapping the sugars creates sizable EMF/EMR-fields around the
centrioles. These EMF/EMR-fields enable different chemical-reactions to take place
in the vicinity of the centrioles. “Snapping” also/alternatively releases a particlecurrent.
Sugars are sugars because, when they are “snapped”, sugars DO NOT break-apart
into two-or-more molecules, so they DO NOT leave pollutants behind… also-knownas chimney-soot.
Nutrients from the digestive-system (intestines, stomach, and mouth) are packaged
into nutrient-transport organelles, vacuoles. Each vacuole is tagged with a chemicalID “flavor”, indicating roughly what kind of nutrients are in the organelle.
Nutrient-filled vacuoles are released into the bloodstream.
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Cells grab the desired vacuoles from the bloodstream when the cells’ inventories
are low. They occasionally experiment with new vacuole-“flavors”.
Once vacuoles are consumed, cells eject the empty vacuoles into the bloodstream,
marked with an indicator-chemical showing that the vacuoles have already been
emptied. The emptied-vacuoles are consumed by the liver.
Cells learn what “flavors” of vacuoles they most-often use.
Very-very simplistically/theoretically: When an animal’s body is low on a certain
“flavor” of vacuole, the animal’s saliva and food-cravings adjust so that the animal
seeks-out certain types of food.
Lysosomes store waste-chemicals. They are evacuated into the bloodstream and/or
lymphatic-vessels during sleep/rest. (,
An animal’s liver cleans-up lysosomes from the bloodstream. Lysomes in the
lymphatic-vessels eventually end-up in the small-intestine.
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Organelles are NOT reproduced by DNA. All organelles must be able to reproduce
WITHOUT the direct-aid of the cell’s DNA. (
Simply put, ALL organelles contain “genetics”, information used to replicate the
organelle. The “genetics” are NOT-necessarily in the form of DNA. They are in often
the form of an organelle’s shape and chemical-composition.
Various organelle reproduction-schemas exist:
Ellipsoidal organelles sometimes create a reverse-mirror copy of
themselves on their insides (or outsides). The ellipsoidal-membrane
temporarily splits, and the inside reverse-mirror copy gets pushed outside,
where it inflates.
Ellipsoidal organelles with homogenous surfaces can reproduce by
enlarging-and-stretching, and then pinching-together in the center.
Flat washer-shaped organelles (what I have been calling prions) reproduce
by creating a reverse-mirror copy of themselves, kind-of like CD or record
stamping. Prions are not technically organelles because they aren’t
complicated-enough. Search the document for other discussions about
prions. (,
Tubular organelles can grow in length, and then crack in half.
The nucleus of a cell creates a copy of itself by dividing its DNA in half,
mirroring the halves, pulling-apart the DNA copies, and then dividing the
nucleus membrane in half. (
A cell is a meta-organelle, which first duplicates its nucleus and a few-other
key organelles. It then separates the key organelles, and divides itself by
pinching the midpoint cell-membrane together.
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A virus is a meta-organelle. Viruses shells are not replicated based-on DNA
instructions. (
Cells maintain metrics about how healthy they are relative to other cells in the
If a cell is healthier than other cells:
Healthiest-cells cause their organelles to over-reproduce, except for the
nucleus, and perhaps the mitochondria.
Healthiest-cells turn their cell-walls export-permeable, so that
overabundant organelles flow-out. This typically occurs during a cell’s
Excess organelles flow into the animal’s blood stream, or into adjacent
Unhealthy cells become import-permeable to organelles. This occurs
during a cell’s sleep-cycle
Viruses, malarias, bacterium, and paramecium pick-up organelles from their source
animal. Viruses (and other infectious-agents) deposit the picked-up organelles into
the infected animal’s bloodstream and cells.
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The transfer of semi-incompatible organelles from one animal to another by viruses
(and other infectious-agents), is often what makes the animal ill.
However, the transfer of compatible organelles sometimes improves the animal’s
health. If an animal-population spends all of its time around its own species, the
“genetic” varieties of organelles in the species declines. The health and personalities
of the individuals change. If a population interacts with other species, and is
infected with their viruses (and other infectious-agents), new organelles from the
other species keep the individuals’ organelle-“genetics” flexible. This also affects
the personalities of individuals.
Cell sleep-and-rest cycles:
Sleep-and-rest cycles control which organelles are imported/exported from
a cell. (Mentioned above.)
Sleep-and-rest cycles control which chemicals are imported/exported from
the cells. Some chemicals can only be imported/exported into/from a cell
while it is at rest. Other chemical exchanges are sleep-cycle dependent.
Exercise-motion and massage forces some chemicals to be squeezed-out of cells.
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Red blood-cells are NOT animal cells. They are “malarias” that have symbiotic
relationships with the animal host. The relationship is so symbiotic, that animal
fetuses are ALWAYS intentionally-infected with red-blood-cell progenitor-cells.
Fetuses receive transplants of red-blood-cell progenitor-cells through their
umbilical cord, from their mother. Even bird-eggs contain red-blood-cell progenitorcells, located near the yolk. By the way, blood-transfusions can be very dangerous,
since some red-blood-cell progenitor-cells can be transfused.
SEVERAL species of red blood-cells live in an individual’s body.
Like red blood-cells, many white blood-cells are NOT animal-cells either. White
blood-cells are NOT malarias. They come from a completely-different lineage, living
symbiotically in out bloodstream.
Nerve-cells are VERY-different from other animal cell-types: fat, muscle, connective
tissue, etcetera. Being so different, nerve-cells need special nutrition.
One of the reasons why nerve-cells require different nutrition, is that they are
conveyor-cells that move nutrition to our extradimensional bodies (our soul). “Fine”
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and “light” chemical-forms are more-easily and more-rapidly transported-out of our
three-dimensional bodies, into our extradimensional bodies. Consequently, nervecells often require “fine” and “light” versions of sugars (complex-carbohydrates are
NOT appreciated) and fatty-acids (such as Omega-3).
Fat cells don’t just store fat; they manufacture nutrition chemicals. I discussed fat
cells earlier in the document(s). (
I might discuss these later.
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Waste-chemicals must be removed from the body. Some body-excretions are
better-vehicles for removing some waste-chemicals. Some waste-chemicals are
only-ever removed by specific body-excretions.
Different body-excretions: Acne, antlers, earwax, exhaling, feathers, feces,
fingernails, flaking skin-cells, hair, kidney-stones, perspiration, phlegm, saliva, sexual
fluids, skin-oils, tears, urine,
Females produce chemicals that males cannot, and vice-versa. Females produce
quaternion-EMF that males cannot, and vice-versa. Fetuses produces chemicals that
females cannot.
One of the reasons why sexual chemical-dimorphism exists, is because the efficientproduction of one chemical inhibits the efficient-production of other chemicals. An
organism cannot efficiently/skillfully create all of the chemicals it needs.
In hyperbole: Herbivorous-mammals do not produce chlorophyll, because
herbivorous-mammals cannot efficiently produce-and-use chlorophyll… so
herbivorous-mammals get their chlorophyll-originated “energy” by eating plants.
Plants do not efficiently produce soil, so they let bacteria do the work. Bacteria do
not efficiently produce proteins, so the let dead herbivorous-mammals do the work.
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Sexual chemical-dimorphism also ensures procreation. For males to remain healthy,
females must be around, and vice-versa. For females to remain healthy, females
require fetuses and infants to be around, and vice versa.
Sexual chemical-dimorphism requires/encourages males and females to exchange
bodily fluids, sometimes including skin oils. Males and females sleep next to oneanother for body-EMF reasons.
Pets are opposite-gender substitutes.
One reason why animals move-about their environment, is to experience different
quaternion-EMF. Stone-ground produces different fields than dark-soil ground.
Environmental-EMF affects health.
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Earth-Sol scientists test chemical-additives by observing how-quickly rats die after
consuming large quantities of the additives. Do they test the rats for lowered
intelligence? What kind of intelligence do they test for?
According to the aliens, many legal Earth-Sol food-additives reduce our
intelligence. They also reduce our fertility, life-span, and quality-of-life.
Preservatives are dangerous.
Preservatives preserve because:
They make food less-nutritious, particularly for microbes.
If a food-item is less-nutritious for a microbe, it is most-likely less-nutritious
for us, though perhaps still somewhat nutritious.
b) Preservatives slow-down microbe-reproduction, often by slowing-down
the reproduction of organelles.
A slow-down in animal-cell reproduction is particularly dangerous to
animals’ hearts, because heart-cells are always reproducing themselves.
Preservatives cause infertility in animals.
d) Some preservatives kill any microbes that consume them.
If a preservative kills microbes, it will most-likely at-least harm animals.
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Popular LEGAL food-items contain substances that are unhealthy when consumed
Our farmers have bred-out yucky-tasting toxins from food-crops. Our food-refiners
also chemically-and-physically remove yucky-tasting toxins. Our food-manufacturers
produce meals from ingredients devoid of yucky-tasting toxins.
Foods with yucky-tasting toxins are often healthier for us, because:
The toxins combat parasites in our bodies, such as bacteria, malarias, and
intestinal worms. (
Engineered low-toxin food-crops are tastier to insect-pests, requiring the
crops be sprayed with more pesticides. Pesticides aren’t healthy.
Engineered low-toxin foods are low in trace-nutrients.
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 People who eat low-nutrition food must eat more of it to stay healthy.
They subconsciously-and-automatically eat more food. They gain weight as
a consequence.
If our inbuilt food preferences-and-cravings are working properly, we
should prefer foods high in nutrition, and high in trace-nutrients, but low
in toxins. Low-nutrition foods are eschewed.
Food-items that do not have much nutrition must be flavor-enhanced to
remain palatable… by deep-frying the food-item, adding artificial flavors,
adding fat, adding sugar, adding salt, and/or adding MSG. MSG is a
distinctly-unhealthy additive.
Flavor-enhanced low-toxin LOW-NUTRITION food is more-palatable than
high-toxin HIGH-NUTRITION food.
In our society, 50-ish food-items have been engineered to contain very-few
toxins. These include white flour, white rice, white potatoes, processed
cheese, granulated sugar, white chicken, and non-gamy red-meat. The 50ish food-items contain far-FEWER trace-nutrients.
Almost all of our food is constructed from the 50-ish low-toxin food-items.
Our diet is low-and-patchy in trace-nutrients thanks the limited food-item
selection. The variety of trace-nutrients we consume has diminished over
the last 75 years.
Since fat-cells produce nutrients and trace-nutrients that we don’t get from
our food, our nutrition-starved bodies produce more fat-cells, so they can
produce nutrition-chemicals that compensate for our low-nutrition diet.
We become obese. Fat-cell-produced nutrients are inferior to those found
in fresh foods.
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As a hyperbole:
Low-intelligence people make all of the wrong food-choices. They prefer
high-preservative low-toxin foods. They regularly consume soft-drinks,
coffee, alcohol, and cigarettes.
Their poor diet lowers their intelligence. Hampered by even lowerintelligence, they make poorer food-choices. Intelligence-diminishment
eventually maximize-out.
Low-intelligence parents raise their children on low-quality food. Their
children have permanently-reduced IQs.
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A deeply random thought
Controlled earthquake detonation – Governments regularly detonate “slippery
bombs” near underground fault-line to induce small earthquakes. They are
typically set-off near less-populated regions of the fault, hopefully-minimizing
casualties and property damage.
Slippery-bombs are detonated when geological stresses indicate a risk of
earthquakes, and/or when time-prophecies warn of possible earthquakes.
Before a slippery-bomb is detonated, potentially-affected populations are
warned of the possibility of an earthquake. People on “non-disclosed” planets
cannot be warned of the imminent detonation of a slippery-bomb because the
existence of slippery-bombs is either “classified” or not-believed-in.
Earthquake activation is still an inexact science art. Earthquakes can rapidly get
out-of-hand. And, they can zipper over a number of decades, producing distant
follow-on earthquakes that might be more-severe than the earthquake
originally produced by the slippery-bomb.
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WAR UPDATE (24/8/2011)
                 
A MAJOR war was fought against the Hominoids, beginning in 1890. A truce halted
the war in 1994, though the war still simmers. (-, 7-8)
The war-metaorganism has jumped the firebreak at (, 7-8), and ignited our
region (, 7). Most of the highest-technology Hominoid military-vessels that are
arriving in our region, come from the “1890 – 1994 war”, (-, 7-8). Many of the
highest-technology Hominoid military-vessels are provided by non-Hominoids. The
weapons were provided to help the Hominoid-Empire survive the “1890 – 1994 war”,
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and-also so that the Hominoids would/will accomplish military-tasks for some of the
non-Hominoid nations. (
A randomly deep thought
One of the mysteries of the universe explained...
Why do four-legged deer run-across the road, in-front of oncoming
automobiles? (The same question can be asked about kangaroos.)
Some answers, from former four-legged deer:
“Most of the times that we run-across the road, there are no
automobiles on the road... so you don’t see us do that.”
Automobiles are obvious predators. They are large. They move veryquickly. And they are (relatively) quiet.
Roads are obviously the domain of predator-automobiles. We become
very-cautious and skittish when we are about to enter into a predator’s
domain. Woodland clearings are equally as dangerous, in our minds.
We typically sleep during the day and darkest-night. We don’t cross the
road when automobiles are most-visible.
Two approaching-headlights (at night or dusk) are NOT perceived as an
automobile. We rarely look at the lights head-on. Out of the corner of
our left-or-right eye, the two approaching-headlights look like two
moons on the horizon. “If we were scared-off every-time we saw two
moons, we’d never get any work done.”
When those two moons approach closely-enough, they illuminate the
road, letting us see all of the way to the other side. How convenient!
 “Any second now, the moons will be close-enough that it’ll be safe to
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cross the road.”
“Vroom,” goes the automobile engine. “Holy shit! An automobile
snuck-up while we were paying attention to the moons! Run!”
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A deeply random thought
One of the mysteries of the universe explained...
What do housecats think when they fall-off a bookshelf, or a window-ledge?
Contrary to urban-myth, they do NOT think, “Oops. To save
embarrassment, I will pretend that I meant to do that.”
They think:
The housecat begins to slide-off the bookshelf, or window-ledge.
“Shit... what’s happening? Why am I moving?”
They hit the ground, nearly-automatically landing on their feet.
Intellectual reorientation-pause.
“What am I doing here [on the ground]?”
“I have no clue.”
“What should I do now?”
“Well, I have too-much adrenaline running through my body to goback to catnapping. I think I was doing that.”
“Food might be a good alternative, but I have too-much adrenaline to
“I think I’ll find something-else to do.”
Housecat walks-off.
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1890 – A war against the Hominoids begins at ( , 8). It eventually expands
to cover ( - , 7 - 8). (See the above map.)
1947 – A
Grey UFO crashes near Roswell, New Mexico, USA.
1955-ish – The local Hominoids (in our region) had been belligerent. In 1955,
they greatly-reduce their belligerency. War-tensions reduce. The local
Hominoids begin interacting with the Greys and Mammaloids on morefriendly terms.
1968 – Fashion-sense on Earth-Sol begins to plummet.
1974 – Fashion-sense on Earth-Sol hits an all-time low. The same can be said
about popular-music – “disco”. See “The Hominoid “Computer”” section,
below. (,,
1975 – The period of détente with the local Hominoids ends. They soon
begin invading “Our pasture”, a Horse-evolved multiracial-zone at (HH, 7) on
the map illustrated in “War update (14/7/2011)”.
The “Time of peace” (from 1955 – 1975) may have been a Hominoid ploy
to fool the local Mammaloids into “letting their guard down”. It worked.
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 1984 – Four years of the Regan-presidency restores Earth-Sol’s fashionsense. (,
1994 – A truce is reached with the Hominoids. The 1890-war falls to a
2008 – Despite (or because-of) the 1994 truce, the war-metaorganism from
( - , 7 - 8) jumps the firebreak to our region (, 7).
A randomly deep thought
Alotian automobile-manufacturers paint their automobile-hoods a matte
charcoal-grey to reduce glare, and save lives. The rest of the automobile-body
is a different colour.
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November 12, 2011
Everyone on Earth-Sol has a “Personal-information manager” (PIM) application on
their mobile-phone or computer.
Consider the following “advancing” feature-set for your personal-information
You can enter meetings into your personal-information manager. When
the meeting is about to happen, your phone/computer beeps at you,
reminding you to attend the meeting.
b) You enter tasks. Your phone/computer shows you what tasks you have to
do, and sorts the list by a priority and due-date.
Your personal-information manager supports reoccurring meetings and
tasks. It can hypothetically organizing your future, for years to come.
d) Other people can invite you to meetings using their personal-information
manager. Meetings-times are arranged automatically by the computersoftware. (
e) If your work-team has a group-assistant, he/she can silently add meetings
and tasks to your personal-information manager. You spend your entire
work-day in the meeting-rooms that your personal-information manager
tells you sit in. Meetings also occur. This is was a manager-position at
Microsoft Corporation was like in the 1990’s, when I worked there.
(Future) Are you tired of hearing a beep, and then fumbling with your
phone/computer to read the personal-information manger’s meeting-alert?
What if your personal-information manager used speech-synthesis and
spoke, “You have a meeting with George in ten minutes”? You wouldn’t
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have to remove the phone from your pocket, or open-up your computer.
(Future) What if your personal-information manager tracked your location
using your phone’s/computer’s GPS? Path-finding algorithms could walk (or
drive) you from your current location, to your meeting’s location.
h) (Future) Using your GPS, your personal-information manager could
recognize that you were near a shopping-mall. If your wardrobe wasn’t upto-date (fashionable), then your personal-information manager could
schedule an impromptu “meeting” at the mall’s department-store,
pointing you towards the most-fashionable clothing items.
(Future) What if your personal-information manager recognized that some
of your friends lived in a city that you were visiting? Your personalinformation manager could automatically set-up a get-together “meeting”
with your friends.
(Future) What if your personal-information manager kept an audio
recording of every phone-call you ever made? Or of every meeting? Or of
your entire life?
(Future) Your entire-life could be videoed from your phone’s/computer’s
(Future) What if your personal-information manager could wirelesslyconnect to your telepathy-implants, and telepathically-“thump” you when
you were about to have a meeting? Telepathic-thumps could also remind
you to pay-attention to tasks you keep putting-off.
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“The Sims” is a computer-game where computer-controlled characters live in a
house, apartment-complex, or village. As the computer-game player, one of your
tasks is to telepathically-thump computer-controlled characters in “The Sims”. Your
telepathic-thumps get them to eat, visit the toilet, study for school, look for jobs, and
fall in love. ( )
If you DO NOT telepathically-thump the computer-controlled characters, limited
computer “artificial intelligence” takes-over. Without your help, the computercontrolled characters in “The Sims” still live their lives, but they don’t perform as well
as if you were controlling them.
Flip that around.
What if a computer “artificial intelligence” took-control of every personalinformation manager (PIM) in the world? Its job would be to get you to eat at the
right times, visit the toilet at opportune times between meetings, study for school,
look for jobs, and fall in love.
I have experience programming computer-game “artificial intelligence”. Each
computer-controlled character consumes about 0.1% of a 10-gigahertz computerprocessor. In other words, one computer-processor can run 1000 virtual-people in
“The Sims”.
Flip THAT around.
One computer-processor can run 1000 REAL people in “The PIMs”… not quite.
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Hominoid “computer cores” are cylinders, 10-meters in diameter, by 100-meters
They are buried hundreds of meters below the ground. Sometimes they are buried a
few kilometers deep. Their depth ensures that aquifer-sourced water is readily
available for cooling and wetting an “electrolytic”-concrete. Deeply-positioned,
computers are protected them from hacking (via physical access) and
enemy/terrorist-attacks. (
Beneath every computer-core is a fissile-material emergency-backup battery. The
batteries are constructed from bomb-grade fissile radioactive-materials. They can
power the computer-core for ten years without recharging. The batteries are buried
deeper than the cores because the fissile-materials are very-dangerous when
detonated by an enemy/terrorist-attack.
The computer-cores are normally powered by the planet’s-or-city’s power-grid.
Planet-wide power comes from 2000-kilometer-long rivers of solid-metal, which pull
energy from the planet’s rotation. City power-plants, much-more common, get their
energy from 10-kilometer diameter current-loop rings beneath the city-centre.
Since most planets have no planet-wide power, and rely on city power-plants,
computer-cores are most-commonly built near city centers… typically underneath
Computer cores are poured slurry of 3-mm computer-peas, suspended in a
“cement” that is water-and-EMF permeable.
Surrounding the core-cylinder is a 100-meter-tall tube of EMF-transducers. A tube
cross-section is composed of 20-plus EMF-transducer boxes. A pair of diametricallyopposite transducer-boxes generates large EMF-fields, of opposite EMF-charges. The
resulting field, and particle-current flows across the core, power the computer-peas.
Each diametrically-opposed transducer-pair is only on for a few seconds, before the
next clockwise-pair is “lit up”. The transducers cycle-around clockwise (or
counterclockwise) a few times a minute.
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A computer-pea is a sphere, 3-millimeters in diameter. Each computer-pea has:
1 – 10 gigahertz of processing power.
0.1 – 1 gigabytes of RAM.
5 – 50 gigabytes of permanent storage.
A small wireless transmitter, which can communicate with all computerpeas within a 5-centimeters radius.
An “induction coil” to collect energy from the surrounding EMF-ring. Each
computer-pea consumes 0.01-ish watts of power.
A few seconds of energy storage.
A water-impermeable membrane protects the pea.
Not all computer-peas are the same. Many are specialized processors, just
as graphics-coprocessors and DSPs are specialized-processors.
Each computer-pea costs $0.005 - $0.10.
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The implants described in the book, “Casebook: Alien implants (Whitley Strieber’s
Hidden Agendas)” are most-likely Hominid computer-technology. Computer-peas
may use similar underlying technology, though not designed for to be implanted into
people’s bodies. (
A single 10-meter-diameter by 100-meter-deep computer-core:
Has 0.25 * 1000-centimeters x 1000-centimeters x x 10,000-centimeters x
4 peas/square-centimeter = 31-billion computer-peas. The computer-peas
cost approximately $0.62-billion. Add the core’s battery, power-supply,
EMF-ring, cooling-system, and excavation... Total cost for a core is $1-billion
to $4-billion.
The peak-power-consumption of a single-core is approximately 300
megawatts. A typical first-world Earth-Sol house uses 1 kilowatt. A core
consumes as much power as 300,000 houses. Power-consumption can fall
to one-tenth of peak-power when the compute-resources aren’t in demand.
Heat is dissipated via an underground heat-sync, aquifer, as well as a highrise building built-above the core.
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How many computer-cores are there on a planet?
On a war-enabled planet, a guestimate of $100,000 is spent per resident on
computer-cores and their infrastructure. A core lasts 200 years. Hominid
planets that are not expected to be near a war-zone might have one-tenth
the computer-cores.
$1-to-4-billion / $100,000 = 1 core per 10,000 – 40,000 residents.
What is the core’s computational power used for?
31-billion computer-peas / 40,000 residents = 775,000 computer-peas per
Our Earth-Sol society has the equivalent of 1 computer-pea per resident.
Each per-capita Earth-Sol computer-pea handles telephone-traffic, banking,
internet-services, and computer-games.
As discussed in “Personal-information managers gone awry”, 0.1% of 1
computer-pea can micromanage someone’s day. To be on the safe side, I
will claim that every Hominid in the Hominoid-Empire has at least 1
computer-pea managing them.
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Simplistically, 1 computer-pea per Hominid can ensure that people make
no decisions.
8:12 AM – “Wake up.”
8:32 AM – “Begin taking a shower.”
8:44 AM – “Leave your shower, get dressed, and look out your
window towards your neighbor’s house.”
8:46 AM, on your neighbor’s task-list – “Say “Hello” to your
neighbor when you see him. [You].”
8:47 AM – “Reply with a “Good morning” back to your
8:58 AM – “You will select two pieces of multigrain-bread from
your refrigerator, and put them in the toaster.”
9:07 AM – “You will have finished-eating the bread.”
12:15 PM, two days later – “You will be reminded to purchase
more multigrain-bread when you go shopping.”
All of the mundane-thoughts of your life are allocated to your
computer-pea. Your mind is tasked with vision-recognition,
speech-recognition, walking, manipulating tools, working, and
occasional socialization with other people.
A second computer-pea per-person could maintain lifetime-long records
on the person, collected from telepathy-implant telemetry. Recordsmaintenance would also include personality/mood analysis.
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 The same amount of compute-resources applied to Hominid citizens could
be used to micromanage the lives of non-Hominoids in the region. They
could be subliminally telepathically-influenced. At the very-least, a few
computer-peas per non-Hominoid could be dedicated to promoting
Hominoid fashion-products.
In times of war:
Compute-power could be applied to decrypting and analyzing enemy
Of course, non-Hominoids wouldn’t willingly submit to micromanagement
by the Hominid computer. 10-times as-many computer-peas could monitor
and then subliminally “cajole” most enemy-individuals into (at-least) being
less-effective enemies.
For example: An enemy’s computer-peas can easily take-over your threeyear-old child, and turn them into a monster, who is both emotionallydraining and time-consuming.
If enough enemy-individuals are monitored (as well as micromanaged), then
the enemy-nation’s actions can be predicted (and influenced).
At any point-in-time, the Hominid computer-system might be modeling
100-possible war-scenarios. For each war-scenario, the Hominid-computer
would (roughly) decide how it should “cajole” people to facilitate the war,
both Hominoid-citizens and enemy-individuals.
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A computer-planet is a planet dedicated to computer-cores. Computer-planets have
the equivalent of 10-billion people’s-worth of computer-cores, but only hundreds-ofmillions of citizens.
Computer-planets are “closed cities”, keeping them safe from spies, terrorists, and
enemies. They are NOT listed on any public map, and are only accessible by
employees, and their immediate families. (
Computer-planets have planet-moving “handles” built-into the planets, making it
easier to haul them long-distances. (
It takes 20 – 25 years for a computer-planet to be hauled from the edge of the
“1890 – 1994 War” (, 7 - 8), to our taurosphere. It takes even-longer to haul them
into the Simian Nations (, 7 - 8)
Hominoids began hauling their computer-planets from the edge of the “1890 –
1994 War” to our region ( - , 7) about 40 years ago. Computer-planets continue
to be hauled here.
Being artificially-intelligent, a computer-planet knows all of the war-tactics up-to
the date that it was hauled-away from the war. A computer-planet from the warzone can educate local computer-planets in war-tactics that it knows.
1993 – The first war-computer-planet reaches our region. It was skilled in
war-tactics used in 1971.
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 2011 (Now) – War-computers skilled in the war-tactics from 1989 are nowarriving.
2016 – War-computers skilled in war-tactics through the end of the war willhave arrived here.
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In broad strokes, this is what happens to people’s awarenesses (and souls) after
they die:
Caucasians who decide to remain Hominids (95% of Caucasians)
Reborn on Earth-Sol in a three-year-old’s body, without memories
Moved elsewhere in the Hominoid Empire
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The Six Kingdoms, Lots of Stars (K’ Tick Tuk), and
elsewhere in the Milky-Way Galaxy are most-common.
They are either merged with someone else, given a handme-down body, or a new synthesized-body.
They are almost-always told it is 50 to 3000 years later,
and that Earth-Sol was destroyed.
Moved onto non-Disclosed planets controlled-and-protected by
Gecko-evolved and Chameleon-evolved people.
Most Christians accept this option.
Typically “reborn” into a three-year-old’s body, with
memories of their previous life.
November 12, 2011
 Non-Caucasians who decide to remain Hominids (85% of non-Caucasians)
Reborn on Earth-Sol in a three-year-old’s body, with no memories
Moved elsewhere in the Hominoid Empire
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Some non-Caucasians are “granted” Caucasian-bodies by
the Hominoid Empire. They end-up in The Six Kingdoms,
Lots of Stars (K’ Tick Tuk), and elsewhere in the Milky-Way
Non-Caucasian planets exist. They are often 1900’s –
1960’s technology-levels. Some have spaceplane access.
People are typically merged with someone else, or
“reborn” into a three-year-old’s body, without memories
of their previous life.
Asians are treated better than others sub-races.
Moved onto non-Disclosed planets controlled-and-protected by
Gecko-evolved and Chameleon-evolved people.
As per Caucasians on Gecko-evolved and Chameleonevolved non-disclosed planets.
Non-Caucasians are most-typically provided Caucasian
November 12, 2011
 Earth-Sol people who request to become non-Hominoids (5% of Caucasians,
15% of non-Caucasians)
Provided a synthesized Simian or Ring-Tailed-Lemur body, and
placed on one of several planets in the Orion Spur.
Provided a synthesized Simian-body in Barumba-Galaxy or AyumGalaxy.
Synthesized Rabbit-evolved body on the “east side” of our
Less-commonly: Chimpanzee-evolved, Chipmunk-evolved,
Rat-evolved, and Squirrel-evolved.
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At least one science-fiction comedy-author moved to the aquaticzone.
November 12, 2011
If all of your friends “entered the light” after they died (after jumping-off a
cliff/bridge), would you? (,
Earth-Sol society is ignorant about what happens to people after they die. Rent-adeaths find it VERY difficult to place some Earth-Sol people because of this.
If someone does-not have a sufficiently-detailed database-entry, they are “asked” to
make split-second knee-jerk decisions about their next life.
Death: “Where do you want to go in your next life?”
Earth-Sol person: “I want to go to heaven.”
Death: Exasperated sigh. “Of course you want to go to heaven. Only one in
ninety-two people want to go to hell, and they’re just saying that because
they’re contrarian prats.”
Death: “What do you want to look like in heaven?”
Earth-Sol person: “You mean I don’t have to look like myself? Hmm. Let me
see. How about 6’ 2”, well-built, and with blond hair?”
Death: Another exasperated sigh. “We offer other plans, which you may not
have heard about: Would you like to be furred? Or how-about having green
Earth-Sol person: “Fur? Why do angels have fur?”
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Death: “You could be an animal [person].”
Earth-Sol person: “You mean like a horse?”
Death: “You did like horseback-riding on as a teenager. Do you want to be a
pony?” (Note that Death suggestive-sells ponies over horses, because
someone made a few-billion too-many pony-bodies.)
Earth-Sol person: “Sure. Sounds good.”
Death: Poof! You’re a pony.
Science-fiction, fantasy, religious, and occult movies (and computer-games) all have
an effect on people’s afterlife-decisions.
People’s split-second afterlife-decisions are greatly-affected by popular movies and
Thanks to Steven Spielberg’s movies, every hard-core science-fiction fan
wants to either be a Klingon or a
Grey. There are no Klingons, by the way.
Thanks to Steven Spielberg’s “Jurassic Park” film, no-one wants to be a
Tyrannosaurus-Rex, because they’re portrayed as stupid and malevolent.
One person wanted to be a Brontosaurus. The Brontosaurus-person was a
bit peeved when they woke-up, though. They were only two-meters tall,
and had a yellow-cream stomach, and a magenta back.
The “World of Warcraft” game currently-causes quite-a-few requests for
an “undead” race – “The Forsaken”. Unfortunately, we do not have an
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“undead” race on offer. (
The more alternative-“afterlife” theories that television and computer-games
point-out, the more “material” that rent-a-deaths have to work with. If you’re a
screenwriter or game-designer, PLEASE depict a variety of “death-regime” theories
from the different religions of the world.
A randomly deep thought
Four-legged Horse-evolved people look and smell like animal horses.
They are major proponents of Horse-accessibility concerns, particularly dealing
with staircases, narrow hallways, and toilets – for up-to Clydesdale-sized and
Draught-sized horses. (,,
They sometimes pretend to be animal horses, just to test-you, and piss-you
off. If you are fooled into thinking that they might be an animal, they continue
to pretend to be an animal... occasionally giving you unsubtle hints that they are
more-intelligent than you.
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“Simple simplicity”
Village-streets resemble canyons because Horses feel safe-and-cool in
canyons. Buildings are red-earth color and tall, all the same height. Visiondistances are limited.
Doorways are accented with artificial “bluffs”. Horse-eyes don’t notice
doorways on buildings off-to-their sides, unless the doorways are accented
by a “bluff”.
Horse-evolved people DO NOT like signs, with text or images. Four-legged
Horses have excellent directional and location memory, not to mention
having built-in GPS’s and city-directories.
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 Bluff-accented doorways are rectangular, since arch-doorways accented by
bluffs look ungainly. Horses prefer non-bluffed doorways to be large archeddoorways.
Streets, which double as sidewalks, are red rammed-earth.
From above
When buildings fall-back from a street, the roadway remains centered
between the buildings. AND, a separate roadway follows along-side the
buildings, to the left-and-right. This results in pitch-fork roads.
People ALWAYS congregate in treed grassy-areas. Shops and
entertainment buildings surround the treed grassy-areas. A wedge-shaped
building typically sits in the center of the grassy-area, to encourage a
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Houses are set-back two or three buildings from the treed grassy-areas.
No-one likes their house to be close to commonly-used public-spaces.
House-entrances are often at the end of a canyon-like alleyway. The alley
almost-always ends in a wall.
During the middle of the day and darkest-night, wild-horses rest at the
dead-ends of canyons, called “canyon-tails”. A canyon-tail can be
defended by a troop of resting Horses, against predators. Children standand-rest against the canyon-tail’s rear-wall, facing sideways. Adults standand-rest in front of the children, facing the canyon-tail’s entrance.
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Horse-house interior
Terracotta-tile floors.
Low-countertops so children can eat-off them.
Children that aren’t toilet-trained sleep standing-up in the bathroom.
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Join aluminum “foundation-wall” segments together, just like you would a
model-railroad train-track. Segments with various curves are selected from a
catalog of exterior wall-foundations, interior wall-foundations, windows,
and doorways. Unused segments can be returned to the store for a verysmall surcharge. (
Pour concrete. Exterior foundation-wall segments double as concrete forms.
Erect a rebar-scaffolding dome. The rebar fits into clamp-slots, pre-formed
into the foundation-wall segments. (
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Twist-tie plastic “chicken-wire” to the interior of the rebar-scaffolding
Have one person on the inside, hold an “interior-wall” flexi-sheet against
the chicken-wire. A second person approaches from the outside, and
pushes an “adhesive flexi-sheet” against the “interior-wall” flexi-sheet.
The two sheets are backed with Velcro, and stick-together with a bit of
rubbing pressure.
A heat-gun melts the Velcro tines together, welding-together the two flexisheets.
Flexible “plastic” roofing-mats (since they aren’t really tiles) are C-clamped
(or twist-tied) onto the rebar-scaffolding dome exterior.
No painting is necessary, ever. Magic-markers and children’s paints wipeoff the interior walls.
A randomly deep thought
GREYS will research and know more about you, and your culture, than you
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The war will end at some point.
Whichever side wins (and most-likely neither side will win), both sides will want to
assuage anti-enemy tensions.
Assuming that Earth-Sol isn’t destroyed during the war:
Being a movie-and-television centre-of-excellence, people on Earth-Sol may
be asked to produce movies (and television shows) to promote
Virtual-world computer-games could also be used to promote
reconciliation. (,,,
Tablets and/or net-books can easily be distributed to other Hominidplanets, preinstalled with computer-games (and videos). Unfortunately,
Earth-Sol computers are so high-tech that many/most of the tablets and
net-books will be immediately-dismantled for reverse-engineering.
Another issue: Neither the computer-games, nor the operating-system, will
be-able to rely on internet-access for game-play, copy-protection
verification, and/or updates. (By the way, internet software-updates are
wide-open hacking-backdoors that will be exploited immediately,
particularly on internets set-up on other planets.)
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A deeply random thought
The “Piquit” or “Piqui” (formerly-accidently known at the “Tirkeet”) will know
more about you, and your psychology, than the Greys will.
Child: Cry
Adult: Hug
Child: “Milk”, “Donut”
Adult: “Do you want some
Child: “Yes”
Child: “Look at the bird,
Adult: “Do you want to wear
your red shirt or blue shirt
Child: “Blue.”
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Child: “I learned in school that
birds lay eggs.”
“What kind of eggs do chickens
Adult: “Do you want to wear
your red shirt of blue shirt
Child: “Neither. I am going to
wear my green pants.”
Child: “They’re brown!”
Adult: “Would that be
appropriate for the party?”
Child: Blank-response.
Coordinating session:
Child-A: “I am going over there. [Boy points.] You throw me the
Child-B: “Wait. That won’t work. There’s a tree in the way.”
Child-A: “Okay. I’ll walk that way then. [Boy points in another
Child-B: “Sounds good.”
Information-relaying that only one person cares-about:
Child-A: “I just got past level-ten on the video-game.”
Child-B: “Do you want a banana from the fridge?”
Child-A: “It was a really-cool level. All I had to do was press “up”
Child-B: “There are two oranges in here if you want.”
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Social bonding:
Teenager-A: “How you doing?”
Teenager-B: “Fine.”
Teenager-A: “Want to watch television?”
Teenager-B: “No.”
Teenager-A: “What kind of power-figure do you have?”
Teenager-B: “I have the green one.”
Teenager-A: “Does he have a super-gun or the jump-boosters?”
Teenager-B: “My power-figure is a girl.”
Information-relaying that both people care-about:
Teenager-A: “If you want to get past level ten on the video game,
then press “up” twice over there.”
Teenager-B: “Okay. Just wait. I’m almost there.”
Teenager-A: “Yeah. Now!”
Teenager-B: “Cool. Thanks.”
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Brainstorming session:
Teenager-A: “I want to invent a boat.”
Teenager-B: “It should have a sail.”
Teenager-A: “How about a small steering-wheel in front, so you can
see where you are going?”
Teenager-B: “No. I want to add wings onto the side of the sailboat.”
15 for girls,
20 for men
Social information-relaying:
Teenager-A: “Did you hear that Sandy was going out with Tom?”
Teenager-B: “No. Really?”
Teenager-A: “Yeah, and Sandy nearly pranged her mother’s
20 women, 25
Problem-solving session:
Person-A: “We have a problem. Timmy [our son] isn’t doing well in
school. What should we do?”
Person-B: “Perhaps we should get him a private tutor?”
Person-A: “How do we go-about hiring a tutor?”
Person-B: “Alternatively, I could leave-work an hour-early everyday, so I am home for Timmy.”
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20 for women, Social information-relaying with intent:
25 for men
Person-A: “Have you heard from Sally recently?” [Knowing full-well
that she pranged her mother’s automobile.]
Person-B: “Yeah. She started-work at a fast-food restaurant.”
Person-A: “Really? Does she need the money?”
25 women,
??? men
Social clarification:
Person-A: “What do you feel about our relationship?”
(Fully mature)
Person-B: “I’m worried that we aren’t taking enough holidays
25 women,
??? men
Subtly point-out limitations:
Person-A: “So how is your job at the fast-food restaurant going?”
Person-B: “It’s good. They’ve promoted me to manager. I’m now
earning a dollar-an-hour more.”
Person-A: “That’s nice. So what do your direct-reports think about
Person-B: “Uh. They don’t mind.”
Person-A: “Have you signed them up for any employee-skills
Person-B: “No. There’s a signup sheet in the back, near the
employee lunch-room.”
Person-A: “That’s convenient. Have you noticed which of your
direct-reports eat lunch with one-another?”
Person-B: Blank stare.
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Thinking-outside-the-box problem-solving session:
Person-A: “We have a problem. Timmy [our son] isn’t doing well in
school. What should we do? Get him a tutor?”
Person-B: “Maybe Timmy’s adult-life would be more-enjoyable if he
didn’t do well in school. What kind of future career would Timmy
Person-A: “What makes for a more-enjoyable life?”
Person-B: “I don’t know, but I feel compelled to do accounting-work
now that I have an accounting-degree, despite my love of the
outdoors. Maybe I would have been happier as a forest-ranger who
had flunked-out of school.”
Person-A: “I hadn’t thought about that. We can’t exactly ask Timmy
what he wants to do, since he’ll just want to be a fireman at his
current age. How do we get him to try different things to see what
he would like to do?”
Meandering-session: (Brainstorming-session 2.0)
Person-A: “I know nothing about trees… So here we go: What would
happen if we could follow a tree’s growth back in time?”
Person-B: “So how would we do that? Video the tree over a hundred
years, and play the video in reverse?”
Person-A: “No, because we don’t have that information. We could
trace its tree-ring stems back, to guess how it grew.”
Person-B: “But how do we core a tree that many times without
killing it?”
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Skilled role-playing of a person whose views you disagree with:
Person-A: “How could we improve healthcare?”
Person-B: “I like the idea of better healthcare for myself, but… I’ll
flip myself around… If I were a conniving-bastard then my response
to your question would be: Maybe we don’t want better healthcare
for everyone? We could reduce the surplus population that way.”
Person-A: “That doesn’t sound conniving to me.”
Person-B: “Yeah, you’re right. How about: What if everyone had a
healthcare bank-account. But if they wanted to buy a house, they
could withdraw their healthcare dollars at a 50% loss, and spend
the money on real-estate?”
(I haven’t ever
heard these
Relationship coordination-session:
Person-A: “Where should we take our relationship in the future, and
how should we get there?”
Person-B: “I think that in the future, I will want to spend time with
someone who is more-spontaneous than you.”
Person-A: “Why do you want a more-spontaneous friend?”
Person-B: “I feel that my own personality is stagnating, and that a
different “flavor” of friend-personality would help my own
personality to change.”
Person-A: “I don’t know if I want to become more spontaneous, but
I might. I’ll have to think about it. … Hey, I have a friend-of-a-friend
who is very spontaneous.”
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Conversation aimed at improving the other person’s skills,
especially if the other person doesn’t realize they’re being
Person-A: “So have you thought-about what classes Timmy will
Person-B: “Yeah. I think he should take algebra.”
Person-A: “Did you like algebra?”
Person-B: “No. I barely remember it. I haven’t ever used it.”
Person-A: “Will Timmy make the same comment, twenty years from
Person-B: “Hmm. I didn’t think about that.”
Staged conversation in front of another person:
Person-A: “Have you ever thought about taking night-classes?”
Person-B: “Why yes, dear, I have.”
Timmy: Listens.
Person-A: “Let me pull out the class-list, so we can figure-out what
you’re interested in.”
Person-B: Looking at the night-classes pamphlet. “Cool! I could take
woodworking, Asian cooking, or welding.”
Person-A: “I think you should take welding.”
Person-B: “Why? What if I don’t want to take welding? What can I
do once I learn how to weld steel together?”
Timmy: Listens.
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Conversation aimed at improving skills, where both parties helpone another with different skills.
(Beyond my
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I don’t know what conversation-schemas lie here.
November 12, 2011
A deeply random thought
In J. R. R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” series...
The Elves did ABSOLUTELY nothing:
Their advice was always cryptic and/or incomplete.
They made a scrawny Hobbit carry the ultimate mind-control weapon
all of the way to a volcano, without shoes. They didn’t even tell the
Hobbit how to turn-off the extradimensional-invisibility feature.
They didn’t show-up to the battle for Minas Tirith until the battle was
nearly over. (
They then all emigrated away-from Middle-Earth in their flying boats,
leaving from the Grey Havens. They left the mess of Middle-Earth to
be dealt with by the Hominids and Orcs.
And they could only manage to stow-away two-out-of-five
downtrodden Hobbits, and fly them out of Middle-Earth.
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WAR UPDATE (31/8/2011)
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A randomly deep thought
Abloom (“Our Pad”) is a small, nearby, multiracial Mammaloid-zone. It is
inhabited by goat-evolved people, two-legged horses, and two-legged
“Unicorns”. Two-legged “Unicorns” are evolved from goats without horns,
whose four-legged ancestors we do not have on Earth-Sol. Angba, from my
February-2010 Abduction narration, is a Unicorn.
Faerie, located above Abloom, is a low-tech multiracial Mammaloid-zone.
“Faerie” is NOT the zone’s proper name.
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Looking front-on
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A randomly deep thought
Depending-upon the composition of a core-ship’s (Death-Star’s) 100-to-400
kilometre diameter fissile-material core, and depending-upon the planet’s fields,
some core-ships go thermonuclear when they are flung into planets. This often
creates an ENORMOUS crater. (
Data storage
 Your magnetic-media and memory-sticks do not store information long.
Your DVDs are only marginally more long-lasting.
Information encoding
 Your data-encoding and data-compression algorithms will result in
undecipherable data-bits in a hundred years.
Your music is acoustically encoded in a VERY-lossy format. Your videoencoding less-lossy.
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Playback devices
 Your data-playback equipment (computers, e-book readers, and DVDs)
have a lifetime of only a decade.
Many of your buggy computer-software applications don’t crash because
of error-detection flaws in the current version of the operating-system,
and/or the computer processor, and/or the current memory configuration.
Computer-software applications will crash severely on future computeremulators.
Many of your computer games are designed to only be played online. They
will be unplayable on future computer-emulators because the servercomponent will have been lost. Many internet-applications will similarly be
unusable in the future.
Copy protection
 Your E-books and music-recordings are encrypted to prevent piracy, and
their data is NEVER transferrable to permanent storage, like DVDs. E-books
and music-recordings will all be lost.
Many of your computer-software applications will intentionally stop
working if they cannot reach valid computer-codes via the internet. They
will not work in the future, without a lot of copy-protection hacking.
Public libraries
 Your public libraries only archive books. They do not try to archive music,
videos, computer-games, computer-software source-code, internet pages,
and databases.
Your libraries don’t archive enough information.
Your large public-libraries are located in large cities, where they will be
looted/destroyed in times of war.
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November 12, 2011
A deeply random thought
Elapidae (Sssk) personalities are nearly as un-describable and uncharacterizable and un-labelable as Grey personalities, but in a different
3-to-7 million first-generation, arriving as adults.
3-to-7 million first-generation, arriving as children.
7-to-14 million second-generation, born here.
Up to 1-million first-generation, living 400-meters away, on a parallel
Nearly half of the off-planet Hominids live in China. The next-largest population
lives in Russia, followed by the United States, and then Europe. Relatively few offplanet Hominids live in the southern hemisphere.
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A randomly deep thought
Music-appreciation implants help you understand and enjoy music better.
Mind-reading (and thought-modifying) implants are almost always placed in
someone’s soul. The thinking-part of a person’s soul is called their mind.
A person’s soul can (very-simplistically) be envisioned as a soul-stem with attached
soul-“leaves”. Unlike tree-leaves, soul-leaves are thick, like floppy water-filled
A person’s soul-leaf is monitored by a collection of embedded implants. The
implants construct an MRI-like image of the soul-leaf. Using the MRI-like image,
pattern-recognizers can guess what the person’s soul-leaf is doing/thinking. Earth-Sol
physicians similarly-monitor a subject’s brain to determine which regions of their
brain are most-active while the subject thinks about strawberry ice-cream, versus
driving a car. (,
The MRI-like images of the person’s soul-leaves, along with a transcription of their
activities and spoken words, are fed into pattern-recognition software. The patternrecognition software identifies links between soul-leaf MRI-like images, and specific
stimuli, actions, and ultimately, specific thoughts. Our primitive “mind reading”
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computer input-devices do something similar, although much-much moresimplistically.
Other implant sensors watch “nerve impulses” as they travel from soul-leaves into
the person’s soul-stem.
The pattern-recognition software runs on a powerful computer, the size of a pea.
The computer is often located and/or scattered throughout the person’s soul. Lowerquality telepathy requires a less-accurate soul-MRI, and a less-powerful computer.
Very-few people on Earth-Sol have medium-quality telepathy implants. No-one on
Earth-Sol has high-quality telepathy implants because they are stolen by implantbots.
A person’s raw “MRI” telemetry is sometimes transmitted to a distant computer,
where processing takes place.
The person’s soul-computer wirelessly-transmits the pattern-recognized thoughts
to nearby implants, as well as the planet’s telepathy-grid. The thoughts are always
encrypted with varying levels of encryption. If encryption is too-good, people wishing
to spy on someone’s thoughts merely implant their own mind-reading implants
throughout the person’s soul. In the extreme, some people’s soul-leaves look like
podiums full of microphones, one from every news-agency.
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November 12, 2011
A deeply random thought
Has anyone on Earth-Sol ever tried creating a very-narrow (40-centimeter)
hallway between two very-thick lead (or better) walls? You might find it
uncomfortable to walk between the walls, as your extradimensional-soul is
Morality is a complicated subject. I am about to describe to you what-little I
understand about “Morality – The university degree”, based-upon recent telepathic
conversations. (,,
I am undoubtedly mis-describing important aspects about morality.
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A randomly deep thought
Is it moral for me to accidentally/unintentionally mis-describe to you
“Morality theory”?
Is it moral for “aliens” to tell me about morality-theory, so that I can
accidentally/unintentionally mis-describe it to you?
Am I being immoral by describing to you how impoverished Earth-Sol’s
morality-systems are?
Morality-system “scaffoldings” are like political-constitutions for morality-systems.
They are the simple-and-fundamental precepts that the morality-systems are based
on. ( )
Listed are some morality-system scaffoldings, not-exactly “in order” of
“I am the only person in the universe” – Morality only exists for my own
convenience. I can do anything to anyone. (This is the morality-scaffolding of
a 3-year-old child.)
b) Anarchy – Morality does not exist. I can do anything to anyone, as per
above. AND, they can likewise do anything to me. (This is the moralityscaffolding of a 4-year-old child.)
“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” – This very-primitive moralityscaffolding is based on the expectation that one negative action deserves an
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equal and identical negative counter-action. It is Newton’s third-law of
motion applied to morality. (6-year-old child.)
d) Role reversal – Some moral-systems ask the fundamental-question, “If the
roles were reversed, and I were in that situation, what would I think?” EarthSol’s morality-systems are roughly/simplistically based on role-reversal. (16years-old?) (
e) Utilitarianism – A utilitarian morality-system is fundamentally-designed to
maximize “the greater good”. The Hominoid-Empire’s morality-system is
roughly/approximately based on “the greater [Hominid] good”, role-reversal
being omitted. (
Utilitarianism with individual-safeguards – When utilitarianism maximizes
for the greater-good, some individuals will always-and-repeatedly have netnegative life-experiences as a result of the greater-good maximization.
Slaves, for example. “Utilitarianism with individual-safeguards” eliminates
the possibility of individuals being continually downtrodden-upon, for the
benefit of the group.
Vector utilitarianism (with individual-safeguards) – “The greater good”
cannot be described by a scalar number. It can be described by a
multidimensional number, a vector. The direction to be maximized is
rotated over all reasonable-directions, over the course of time, and in
different locales.
For example: For a period of time, “The greater good” is defined by how
happy everyone is. A few decades later, “The greater good” morphs to how
wealthy everyone is. A few decades after that, “The greater good” is basedupon how much spare-time people have. Etcetera.
h) Some scaffolding-systems are missing here.
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“I am everyone” – This morality-system’s core-philosophy is that moralitylaws must take the life-experience of everyone into account, even the tinylittle insects that populate your kitchen-cupboard. This morality-scaffolding
is a step beyond “Vector utilitarianism with individual-safeguards”.
“What kind of world do you want to live in?” – Do you want to live in a
world with slavery? If you were enslaved, would you want to be a slave?
Some people actually want to be slaves.
Some scaffolding-systems are missing here.
Scaffolding-systems cannot trivially be ordered from simple (and less-intelligent) to
complex (and most-intelligent), as I have listed them. If the scaffolding-systems
were ordered properly, they would form a shape that was more tree-like.
Within a society, some people may be expected to adhere to different moralityscaffolding. Obviously, tiny-little insects adhere to scaffolding (a). Small-children
have a morality-system built on scaffolding (b).
Who is morally responsible if something bad happens?
No moral responsibility – No-one is morally responsible for their actions.
b) Direct moral-responsibility – The person that directly caused the
mishap/event is morally responsible. If a person shoots another person with
a gun, they are morally responsible for the shooting.
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c) Command hierarchy – A manager is responsible for the actions of their
“direct reports” when the manager orders/commands their direct-reports to
do something. If a child is given a gun and ordered to shoot someone, the
parent is morally-responsible.
d) Education-and-control of direct-reports – A manager is morally-responsible
for educating their “direct reports” about what actions are immoral. They
are also morally-responsible for preventing their “direct reports” from
committing immoral acts. If a teenager takes their parent’s unlocked-gun
from their parent’s dresser-top, and then shoots someone without knowing
that they were committing a moral act, then the parent is held responsible.
“You knew it was likely to happen” – A person is held responsible if they
are knowingly negligent. If an adult gives their friend’s child a gun to shoot
chipmunks, and their friend’s child ends-up shooting another person despite
knowing that it is immoral, the adult is responsible.
The moral-responsibility to educate – If you know that parents give guns to
children, and you know the children might shoot someone with the guns,
are you morally-responsible for educating ALL parents not to give their guns
to children? Are you held morally-responsible if some child in another city
shoots someone, simply because you didn’t spend four-years of your life
convincing your nation’s politicians to make gun-owning illegal?
The moral-responsibility to produce educateable-people – If you know that
stupid parents give their children guns, then is it your responsibility to
ensure that only intelligent parents exist?
h) There are other moral-responsibility frameworks. They are not-necessarily
a sequence from low-intelligence (simplest) to high-intelligence (complex).
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In more-advanced societies than ours, moral-responsibility is NOT just about
negative-responsibility. Is the child that pushed a four-year-old Albert Einstein into a
rain-puddle, which caused young-Albert to run home and do his homework, morallyresponsible for general-relativity? (,
Morality systems are often based on several moral-responsibility frameworks.
Ignorant people are typically held to be less morally-responsible. Contentions always
arise: If a very-ignorant parent does-not know that guns kill, and they give a gun to a
child, are they morally responsible?
A morality-code is a set of rules, laws, guidelines, heuristics, and algorithms, based
on a morality-scaffolding, and a moral-responsibility framework:
None – The simplest morality-code is that there are no morality rules/laws.
b) Power/money – People with power/money impose a morality-code on
people without power/money. People with power/money are subject to a
less-restrictive morality-code than those without power/money. This could
take the form of “wergild”. (
Morality-rules – One of the simplest forms of morality-code is a smallcollection of rules that are never to be disobeyed, such as “The Ten
Commandments”. (
d) Earth-Sol morality-law collections – Morality-laws are more-sophisticated
than morality-rules. There are many-more laws than rules, thousands versus
a dozen. Unlike rules, laws can be broken, but with possible penalties, often
arbitrated by a judiciary.
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e) Morality-laws with penalty-points – Morality-laws are different than legallaws, but since we have no codified morality-laws with penalty-points, I
cannot do anymore than say, “They’re something like our legal-laws with
penalty points, but not quite the same.”
Earth-Sol societies have legal-laws with penalty-points, although crudely
implemented. If someone is caught speeding in an automobile, their first
speeding-offence is forgiven. Their second-offence is mildly punished.
Subsequent offences receive more-severe penalties.
Morality-laws with REWARD-and-penalty points – Morality-laws are
different than legal-laws, but since we have no codified morality-laws with
reward-and-penalty points, I cannot do anymore than say, “They’re
something like our legal-laws with reward-and-penalty points, but not
quite the same.”
We have VERY-FEW legal-laws that penalize illegal behavior, but which
also maintain a tally of reward-points for consistent legal behavior.
Speeding-infractions almost have a “reward-points” system. If someone hasnot been caught speeding for the last five years, their speeding-infraction
“record” is forgotten. A more complicated reward-points system would be
to give a person 1.0 good-driver points for every kilometer they drive, and
penalize them 10,000 good-driver points every-time they are caught
Even with the good-driver point-system, if someone is a legally-impeccable
everywhere but in their automobile, they are NOT given leeway for
additional speeding-tickets… except at the discretion of a judge and jury.
Perhaps they should be.
Programmed morality-algorithms – I will use legal-laws as an example. Our
legal laws are 1,000,000-pages of vernacular-text, mostly “bullet-items”. All
1,000,000 pages of vernacular-text can be programmed into a computer-
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application. (Tax-form software like TurboTax, is a simple example.) The
computer-software advises people if they have broken the law, or are if they
about to break the law, and what the penalty might/should be.
h) Computer-learned morality-heuristics – Again, I will use legal-laws as an
example, instead of moral-laws, because it is easier to imagine
implementing legal-laws as heuristics.
From the citizen’s point-of-view, computer-learned morality-heuristics
behave like “Programmed morality-algorithms”. A computer-application
advises people if they have broken the law, or if they are about to break the
law, and what the penalty might/should be.
The laws, particularly the penalties, are NOT fine-tuned by politicians and
civil-servants, however. An artificial-intelligence monitors the society, and
its laws. The artificial-intelligence uses crime-metrics, economic-metrics, and
opinion-polls to fine-tune laws, constrained by a morality-scaffolding.
How many people think they are excessively-fined when they receive a
$250 fine for driving 20-kmph over the speed limit? How much societydirected angst is created by the excessive fines? Encouraging people to drive
more-slowly saves lives. How many lives are saved because people drive
more-slowly thanks to the $250 fine? Conversely, how much is “the greater
good” hampered by people wasting their time driving too-slowly to work?
What are the tradeoffs? (
Within a society, some people may be expected to adhere to different sets of
morality-laws. Obviously, tiny-little insects adhere to morality-laws (a).
Morality-laws are different than legal-laws. It is illegal to drive on the wrong-side of
the road, even if no-one is around. It is NOT immoral, though.
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In any morality-system, people have excuses for not acting morally: (This list isn’t
easily sorted from low-intelligence morality-excuses to high-intelligence moralityexcuses. It is more of a tree.)
Ignorance – People who are ignorant are held to lower moral-standards.
b) Orders – People who receive legitimate war-time orders to commit immoral
acts, are not-typically labeled immoral.
Strict morals – People that follow morals to the letter-of-the-law are held to
lower moral-standards. Someone who believes that it is immoral to do work
on the Sabbath, is not morally-guilty if their cow dies after falling in a pit on
the Sabbath. ( 14:5)
d) Well-intentioned – Unintentionally breaking a moral-law, while being wellintentioned about one’s actions, is a moral-excuse.
e) “Have you thought-through the possible consequences of your actions?” –
Have you produced a list of possible consequences of your actions? Have
you determined if the aggregate net-positives of the consequences
outweigh the aggregate net-negatives of the consequences? Are the
consequences most-likely to be “beneficial” to “most people”, with as-fewas-possible individuals being overly-harmed or repeatedly-harmed? It gets
much-more intricate than this.
“Have your produced a consequence tree?” – Consequences are tree-like,
because other people will make decisions based-upon your decisions. Their
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decisions might be immoral, and intentionally designed to thwart your
decisions’ morality.
During World War II, the United-States military sped-up its invasion of parts
of Germany to save Jews in concentration-camps from starving-to-death.
However, the Nazis took the American soldiers’ good-intentions, and turned
them immoral. When the Nazis heard about the advancing troops, they
hurriedly shot and/or gassed many Jews so that the Jews couldn’t be
rescued. Should the American soldiers have taken into account the possible
immoral-actions of the Nazis, when deciding if they should speed-up their
invasion to rescue imprisoned Jews?
Lack of predictive tools/knowledge – If the likelihoods and outcomes of a
“consequence tree” cannot be accurately predicted, is it immoral to not
spend time-and-resources to produce a more-accurate prediction of the
A “morality sub-system” is (very-very simplistically) a collection of moralitylaws/algorithms, based on a morality-scaffolding. The morality-laws/algorithms
take moral-responsibility into account.
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A “morality system” is a functional collection of coexisting morality sub-systems.
Different demographics of society have different morality sub-systems applied to
Do wealthy people have a different morality sub-system than middle-class
I will use Earth-Sol’s legal-system as an example: On Earth-Sol, wealthy
people exist under a slightly-different legal-system, because can they hire
better lawyers to defend themselves in court. They are less-likely to be
convicted of a crime, and they spend less time in prison.
Do government-officials have a different morality sub-system? On EarthSol, public-scrutiny holds government-officials to a higher morality than
average people.
Is law-enforcement held to a different morality sub-system?
I will use Earth-Sol’s legal system as an example: Police-officers cannot walkpast a criminal-action without having-to legally do something to help.
Average citizens often can.
Do military personnel comply with a different morality sub-system? If
someone shoots at you in your home town, morality-guidelines indicate that
you should run. If someone shoots at you during a war, you are more-moral
if you shoot back.
Do children have a different morality sub-system? Obviously, yes.
Do stupid animals have a different morality sub-system? Obviously, yes.
Do more-intelligent people have a different morality sub-system? Not
really. Should they?
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Does someone’s compliance to a specialized (more-rigid) morality sub-system
provide them benefits?
Employment, public transportation – Are convicted-felons allowed to drive
automobiles? Are they allowed to fly personal aircraft? Are they allowed to
fly passenger-jets with passengers?
Employment, teaching – Are teachers required to be more-moral because
they influence the minds-and-futures of children?
Political office – Are politicians required to be more-moral than ordinary
citizens? Media-attention is supposed to ensure the morality of political
Telepathy – Telepathy is a “power” that can be abused, particularly mindreading and thought-control. Should mind-reading and thought-control be
limited to moral people?
Voting – Are less-moral people excluded from voting in political elections?
In some places, convicted-felons are not allowed to vote.
Wealth – Are the wealthy required to be more-moral than ordinary citizens
since they wield more eco-political power? They also spend LOTS of money
on luxury items, which forces less-wealthy people to work more.
Weapons – Should the right to own weapons be limited to moral people?
Convicted-felons are not-allowed to own weapons.
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According to space-faring-Hominoid society-morals, I am acting immorally (and
illegally) by warning you about the existence of aliens. According to moralitysystems ABOVE the Hominoid-Empire, I am acting both morally and legally by
warning you about the existence of aliens.
Most people on Earth-Sol would conclude that the moral and legal systems of
space-faring Hominoid-society are morally-and-legally corrupt. The same opinions
are held by non-Hominoids in the region, including those whose morality-systems
and legal-systems supersede the Hominoid moral-and-legal systems.
By whose moral (and legal) system am I to be judged? By whose moral (and legal)
system are you to be judged?
How does a higher moral-court (and/or a higher legal-court) decide which moralitysystem (and which legal-system) you and I fall under?
Here’s a brain-twist:
Is it morally responsible for me to discuss how complex morality actually
is? Having read-through this section, you now are less-ignorant about moral
responsibility. Therefore, you are now more morally-culpable.
As the person that informed you about moral responsibility, am I now
morally-responsible for your actions? Are the “aliens” that informed-me
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about moral responsibility, morally-responsible for your actions, through
And another brain-twist:
Now that YOU know that Earth-Sol’s moral (and religious, and legal)
systems are woefully inadequate, YOU are now morally responsible to (at
least attempt to) improve the systems.
However, you most-likely cannot realistically improve the systems.
Earth-Sol’s general-population isn’t intelligent-enough to accept
the improved systems.
Educating Earth-Sol’s population will take more than decades.
The Hominoid-Empire that governs/hinders Earth-Sol, makes such
improvements impossible.
Morality is one of the reasons why some “aliens” don’t mind that people on EarthSol no-longer believe that “aliens” exist:
Metaphorically, you are now in the position where you know that stupid
parents give guns to their children, and that children kill other children with
said guns. You can do nothing about guns-and-children, because every
adult has guns, and half the adults are stupid.
Would it be morally-and-emotionally healthier if you remained ignorant,
and believed that no-one had guns?
Likewise, perhaps it is best for indigenous-Hominids on Earth-Sol to believe
that “aliens” do NOT exist. Indigenous-Hominids can do nothing that will
practically-and-reliably-and-safely enable the “aliens” to land, and
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ultimately help the indigenous-Hominids. Only the “aliens” can decide to
land. But, if some indigenous Hominids do not believe that “aliens” exist,
then said “aliens” are less-likely to try and solve the problems that prevent
them from landing on Earth-Sol.
A deeply random thought
One of the mysteries of the universe explained...
Meteorites fall-apart as they speed through the atmosphere because they
ultimately spin at incredibly-high speeds. Centrifugal forces pull them apart,
especially since meteorites almost-always contain a marbling material that
weakens when heated. The weaker marbling-material is interspersed between
the harder materials in the meteorite, like iron.
Hard materials in meteorites do NOT sublimate into the atmosphere. A pure
iron-meteorite will spin, go mushy, but still impact the ground intact.
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WAR UPDATE (5/9/2011)
Previously parked-and-recharging in Alotian space, Hominid core-ships (formerly
known as “Death Stars”) are being deployed into war. They have transited through a
nearby Hominid zone, (HH, 8) as well as “Our Pasture,” a Hominid-occupied
Mammaloid zone. (
Core-ships take approximately two-weeks to travel from (HH, 8) to our taurosphere
(HH, 9).
Some are towing “Star destructors”, ENORMOUS bombs designed to blow-up stars.
Towed star-destructors are often hidden in custom-spaces located behind the coreships. Core-ships and their star-destructors often park above Hominid planets.
As a general policy, star destructors are considered so dangerous, that they are
attack-detonated by non-Hominoids when they are discovered. In battle, core-ships
could be flung into any Hominoid planet they orbit.
“Faerie” (not its real name) is a nearby low-tech multiracial Mammaloid zone.
One of the Faerie solar-systems contains a large 18,000-kilometer-plus diameter
planet, with continents and oceans. The planet is largely populated by Raccoonevolved people. Nearly a billion Mammaloid war-refugees recently migrated to the
planet. The planet’s population stands at nine-billion.
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Also in the solar-system is Hulu “planet”. Hulu are furred dinosaur-evolved people,
perhaps Dryosaurus-evolved. (See their image in the “More alien sketches (Part 5)”
section, below.) Hulu are an elder-race that has shared-responsibility for the
management of Faerie. Part of their mission is to reinvigorate the genetics of
Mammaloids, as well as the people on Earth-Sol.
Their “planet” is protected by a blue energy-sphere. There may not actually be a
planet inside the blue energy-sphere. It might be a gateway to a custom space. Noone of any low-tech nature actually knows.
Nearly one-hundred 100-kilometer core-ships began surrounding the Raccoonpopulated planet a few months ago. Some of the crew and pilots of the core-ships
are from space-faring Hominoid-planets in the Milky-Way Galaxy, AndromedaGalaxy, Lots of Stars (K’ Tick Tuck), the Hominid-zone at (HH, 8), and The Six
The core-ships soon blockaded food shipments, as well as spaceplane entry-andexit.
Last week, core-ships began pulling the Raccoon-populated planet towards, and
then hypothetically into, the Hulu “planet”. The Hominoids intended to use one
planet, and nine-billion people, as a giant bullet to kill billions more.
There was a massive battle.
Six core-ships had-to be flung into planet, killing at least 100-million people,
instantly. The cores are in meltdown, and will take one-thousand years to burn
through the planet’s upper-crust. During this time, they will produce large-amounts
of hydrogen and helium. The hydrogen will combine with the planet’s oxygen to
produce water. The low-oxygen levels might kill-off oxygen-breathing life.
Plutonium/uranium-salts might toxify the planet’s surface for ten-thousand-plus
years. Yellowstone-National-Park-like magma-craters will form where the cores have
melted through the planet’s upper-crust.
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The remaining core-ships, and core-ship evacuees, are being hunted down.
Counter-attacks will be undertaken.
Hominoid core-ships are expected to be everywhere soon.
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                 
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700 (900 galactic-years ago) – Hominids in this taurosphere invade and
enslave “Abloom” (Our pad), which is populated by both Goat-evolved and
Two-legged Horse-evolved people. (See “Regions of significant conflict – Our
taurosphere, from above”, in a previous “War Update (31/8/2011)”). The
Goat-evolved people develop and release “The Black Death” to kill
Hominoid slave-owners.
The Black Death of 1347-to-1351 is a malaria that is harmless to most
Mammaloids, but lethal to Caucasian Hominoids. New strains are refreshed
bi-annually. Probes infect fleas living on/near poorly-housed and ill-fed
enslaved-Mammaloids. The fleas bite the enslaved Mammaloids, and infect
the Mammaloids with the malaria. The malaria does nothing to the
Mammaloids except create a reservoir for the disease. The fleas also bite
the Mammaloid’s slave-owners. 10% of the Hominoid population on slaveowning planets dies. (
The “Dark Ages” continues on Earth-Sol’s Europe.
1340 (460-ish galactic-years ago) – A war breaks-out in our taurosphere
between the Hominoids and an anonymous local Mammaloid meta-race.
The “Black death” is “unfrozen”, updated, and re-released to infect the
slaving local Hominoids.
Wealthy space-faring Hominids might-have fled to the neutral Earth-Sol,
and caused epidemics of the “Black death”. 30% - 60% of low-tech
Europeans died between 1347 and 1351.
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 1350 to 1390 – After the end of hostilities with the Hominoids in the
taurosphere, a new consortium may have purchased Earth-Sol’s “Societyupgrade contract” from a previous consortium. (See the “Society-upgrade
contracts” section, earlier.)
1382 (438-ish galactic-years ago) – The Renaissance begins in Florence, Italy,
with the Albizzi family. (,,
1400 (430-ish galactic-years ago) – The Hominoids in our taurosphere enter
into a war against the Cat-evolved people, Chimpanzee-evolved people, and
some Simians. Other races are also involved in the war.
1450 to 1480 – After the wars with Hominoids in our taurosphere end, a
new consortium may have purchased Earth-Sol’s “Society-upgrade
contract”, from the previous consortium.
1492 – “The Age of Exploration Colonization” begins on Earth-Sol. It leads to
the conquest of North America and South America by the Europeans.
Eastern Russia, Africa, India, and China also are colonized/subjugated by the
Europeans. (,,,,,,
1710 (210-ish galactic-years ago) – In 1726, Gulliver’s Travels is published by
Jonathan Swift, potentially from an abductee’s experience 15-years earlier.
In the book, the Houyhnhnms, a militant-faction of four-legged Horseevolved people, discuss-with-Gulliver the sterilization of the Yahoos
(Hominids, and perhaps some Simians).
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 1850 to the present-day – Non-Hominoids begin an invasion of the
Hominoid-Empire’s “Rome”. The war is still being battled. ( - , 2 - 5)
1890 to 1994, still “simmering” – A second invasion of the Hominoid-Empire
occurs. ( - , 7 - 8)
1947 – With the independence of India from the United Kingdom, “The Age
of Colonization” ends on Earth-Sol (,
1955 to 1975 – “The time of peace” occurs in this region. (See the “War
History (Part 2)” section, above.) During this period, a consortium may have
purchased Earth-Sol’s “Society-upgrade contract” from the previous
Storytellers on Earth-Sol write their stories with a word-processor. And perhaps a
specialized script-writing tool, that isn’t much-more than a word-processor.
Storytellers on other planets have specialized story-telling computer-tools, whose
feature-set is optimized to produce enjoyable stories, not just correctly-spelled
stories. The functionality includes:
Word-processor functionality – You already know what word processors do:
Text-entry, text-display, spell-checking, grammar-checking, a dictionary, and
a thesaurus.
213 | P a g e
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 Automatic sentence-and-paragraph rewording – With the click of a button,
sentences and paragraphs can be randomly reworded to use different
tenses, different subject-verb-object ordering, and different cadences.
Automatic language-translation – Sentences are automatically translated to
other languages. The source-text from the original language is maintained to
make review-and-modification easier-and-safer.
Back-story knowledge-base – A knowledge-base of the back-story is stored
along-with the story-book file. Within the story, sentence-phrases that
expose back-story information-points are tagged by the author.
Character-schedule/location monitoring – The schedules and locations of
all characters are monitored throughout the story, as well as the in-between
unwritten-story, the back-story, and the after-story. Since alternative
versions of the story are maintained, alternative characterschedules/locations are also maintained.
Character-emotion/personality consistency – A database keeps track of the
character’s personality and state-of-mind throughout the story.
Consistency-checking “logic” detects if a character unrealistically switches
their emotional state, or suddenly behaves differently.
Storyline monitoring – The storyline is documented and monitored. Plotpoints are addressed.
Theme monitoring – A story can competently support one-to-two themes.
When writing a story, authors note which themes are reinforced, on a perparagraph basis. The story-tool detects a dominant theme, and encourages
authors to minimize aspects of the story that emphasize tertiary (lessdominant) themes.
Information-points monitoring – Every story needs to relay certain
information-points about the plot, scene, and characters. This sub-tool lets
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authors tag story-and-dialogue sentence-phrases that reveal informationpoints, and how-much emphasis is placed on the information-points. If an
information-point isn’t emphasized strongly-enough or often-enough by the
end of the story, then the author is warned. If precursor information-points
aren’t revealed ahead-of information-points that rely on the precursors,
then alerts go-off.
Mysteries – Mysteries (and other questions) that should arise in readers’
minds are tagged on a per-paragraph basis. As per “Information-points
monitoring”, the story-tool ensures that the mysteries and questions are
ultimately answered (or not).
Comedy – Auto-pun. Auto-humorous-words. Auto-scatological-humor.
More advanced systems include comedy-pacing based on computerlearning.
Customizing the story for specific target audiences – A single story can have
several variations that are custom-targeted towards different demographics.
A child’s version of the story would reduce the words, remove complex plot
elements, and eliminate romance.
Cultural-references and cultural-mores monitoring – Cultural-references
and culturally-sensitive topics, such as nudity, are tagged. Authors are
warned-about what percentage of their readers won’t understand the
cultural references, and/or who will be offended. Different non-offending
versions of the story can be produced.
Essays about what hypothetical-readers are thinking at any point in the
story – Hypothetical readers are presented to authors, such as “an educated
adult with two young-children, who votes for the Green-party”. Authors
write a per-paragraph “essay” about what the reader’s emotional-state is,
what the reader expects from the story at that point, how they perceive the
paragraph, and the experience so far.
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 Psychological modeling – Readers’ (and/or movie-viewers’) reactions to the
story are simulated using psychological modeling. Tools recommend
sentence/dialogue rewording, as well as sub-chapter reordering. This only
works so well.
Multiple story-versions – Completely-different versions of the story are
maintained. This lets authors experiment with different versions of the story
when beta-testing the story.
Story sub-versions – Several sub-versions of the story are stored as “treed”
delta-variations off-of the main story.
Beta-testing people’s reactions to the stories – Different sub-versions of
the story can be distributed to beta-testers’ E-book readers, which are
augmented with telepathic monitoring, logging, and reporting. The story can
be fine-tuned based-upon the readers’ recorded reactions-and-behaviors.
Shipped-product feedback, and version 1.1 modifications – Different
versions of the story can be shipped to different cities. Sales and recordedreactions can be used to select optimum versions for a 1.1 publication.
I have been watching more of Stargate Universe.
In a later episode, the “minds” of two dead crewmembers are uploaded into the
computer of the Ancients’ spaceship.
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This is possible in reality… kind-of. People’s “consciousnesses” can be “uploaded”
into some high-tech non-Hominoid battleships.
A person’s soul can be detached from their body by invisible-and-ethereal medicalbots, and grafted onto a porous-and-lightweight “soul stone”. A soul-stone is a halfellipsoid, about ten-centimeters by thirty-centimeters. Soul-stones contain
electronics to simulate vision, hearing, touch, taste, odor, and other senses.
The soul-stone’s electronic-senses are synthesized by the ship’s computer. The
person (whose soul is attached to the soul-stone) lives in a virtual-reality. Their soul
is fed with a nutrient-bath that travels through the porous soul-stone. A nutrient-rich
atmosphere is also provided.
Many elder-race battleships are, in part, piloted by people who live in a virtualworld simulated by the battleship’s computer. The job is usually temporary, and
considered part of someone’s piloting military-duty.
As per the Stargate Universe episodes, romances get a bit-odd when one or both
people are disconnected from their bodies, and connected to soul-stones. Soulstone people can actually appear as a hologram, or even a screensaver.
Soul-stone people “living in” battleship-computers are only one way that militaries
augment their personnel:
10. Battleship bodies – As per above, using soul-stones.
Robotic bodies – A technique similar to soul-stones can clothe people in
robotic bodies, instead of their original biological bodies.
Special-form bodies – Some body-shapes are better-able to accomplish
some military duties. Two-legged Cat-evolved people sometimes assign
four-legged Cat bodies to their mini-spaceplane pilots. See the Pantherized
short-story that I wrote. (
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7. Specialized bodies, the same form – Combat-ready bodies are moreresistant to combat-stresses. Someone’s soul can be removed from their
civilian body, and placed into a combat-ready body.
Genetic augmentation – A person’s original body can be genetically
Implants – Implants provide automatic combat experience and knowledge.
Extradimensional weapons – Extradimensional weapons can be grafted
onto people’s bones.
Vaccinations – Military personnel are given vaccinations against infectious
agents and gasses.
Drugs – People can be administered drugs to enhance their combat
Training – People are trained with military skills.
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Many Chimpanzee-evolved people wear 1960’s-like denim-fashion. Some listen to
reggae-like music. (,
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WAR UPDATE (11/9/2011)
From the front
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A randomly deep thought
The two-hours-per-day science-fiction soap-opera described in “War update
(9/6/2011)” might be filmed on a core-ship heading this way, or perhaps a
flotilla of core-ships.
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The following maps illustrate yet-another hypothetical war-scenario, covering a
decade or two of the war.
                 
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   
  
      
 
eeoo territory – Not many Hominoids live in, or near, the center. (- , 3-5)
The planets there have “thick” water, and are uninhabitable by Hominoids,
Saurians, and Mammaloids. Consequently, in this hypothetical war-scenario,
even though much of (-, 2-6) could be contested, the Hominoids mostlikely would only defend the periphery, ( -, 7), (, 2-5), and (-, 2-3).
Bridges – If eeoo territory is contested, then the periphery, ( -, 7), (, 2-5),
and (-, 2-3), forms bridges between large-sections of the Hominoid
Empire. The bridges would be VERY-strategic supply-lines for the Hominoid-
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Empire. Consequently, non-Hominoids warring against the Hominoid-Empire
might very-much desire to control the bridges.
We are in one of the bridges.
A randomly deep thought
One of the mysteries of the universe explained...
Despite what Mel Brooks claims in the comedy-movie, “History of the World,
Part I”, there were NOT in-fact fifteen commandments. Moses did NOT drop
the third tablet. There were only two tablets. And they were made of wood.
Gluons are elementary-particles that allow atoms to bind-together into molecules.
Some chemical-reactions WILL NOT take-place unless enough gluons are present.
Gluons are an important part of a healthy diet. “Easy to dislodge” gluons can be
found in the following foods: (
The burnt-bits of toast.
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 The seared portions of meat.
The crispy-bit of deep-fried foods.
This crispy-bit of crème brulee.
A deeply random thought
Which race would you expect to be wiser, one that is two-million years old, or
one that is eighty-two-million years old?
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A randomly deep thought
If your country needed peacekeeping troops...
Peacekeeping troops from a super-power (the United States) would be
desirable, because they would be well-organized and effective. However, they
might decide to not-leave your country.
Peacekeeping troops from a coalition (the United Nations) would be desirable,
because they would most-likely eventually leave your country. They might not
be as well-organized and effective, though.
Not this week.
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Proletariat Hominid television is broadcasting the following news-shows:
Nightly news – If they are reported at all, nuclear-missile attacks on
Hominid cities, by non-Hominoids, are blamed on Hominid terrorists. The
news also covers veneer-politics, equivalent to “Flag burning”, but no
substantial issues. Other regular news-segments include: Sports, a travel
segment, and a real-estate segment. Weather is not covered. Local crime is
not covered. (
Core-ship science-fiction soap-opera – The plot of the core-ship sciencefiction soap-opera has advanced. In the story, it appears that the Saurians
are now behind the Elapidae (S SSk). This may mean that the core-ships
where the series is filmed, are now closer to the Saurian space at (LL, 2), in
the map under “Regions of significant conflict – Zoomed-out”.
Science-fiction soap-opera “Moon-base” – A few months ago, the small
team on the moon-base were fighting the Elapidae (SSSk). The Elapidae
appear to no-longer be an important enemy. Their new enemies are Geckoevolved people. Some Gecko-evolved slaves (or prisoners of war) play the
Mini-Star-Trek – A small shuttle of Hominoids (three Hominids and two
Aussies) travels around, from planet-to-planet, and gets into Star-Trek-like
trouble. One of the crew-members is a Heloderma-evolved person, who is,
in real life, a slave (or prisoner of war). Because the Heloderma-person
might run-away during filming, their character is always left-behind on the
shuttle, with the story-excuse that they are too physically-weak to walk
anywhere due to an injury.
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 Teenage-boy action-adventure cartoon with a Gecko-buddy – This cartoon
features a teenage-boy, his little sister, and occasional parents. He has
plenty of speedboats and quads, and explores an ancient wildernessplanet… Where he finds old pyramids, marooned Hominids that need
helping, and evil Goanna-evolved people. He has a Gecko-evolved character
as a follower-sidekick.
The top stainless-steel dish, with aeration holes, inserts snuggly into the
bottom dish.
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2. Place a circular piece of uncooked pie-crust into the combined dish, and
shape. Because the bottom dish is a shape-negative of the top dish, the
combined-together dish is perfectly-smooth inside.
Insert the filling, pre-cooked meats in gravy.
Attach the top of the pie-crust.
Remove the bottom dish from the aerated top-dish, exposing most of the
sides of the pie-crust, and divot-holes on the bottom of the pie-crust.
Cook. The pie-crust will be golden-brown on top. The sides will be goldenbrown, with a lovely crenellation-pattern. The bottom of the crust will also
be browned by the exposed divots.
There is a “race” of Saurians that “body-swaps”. Each individual has severaldifferent bodies that they can choose to “wear” for the day, typically three bodies.
Some of the body-races they can wear, are Tyrannosaur-evolved, Allosaurus-evolved,
Velociraptor-evolved, and another body-race that looks like Velociraptors to us, but
which has upper fore-teeth and is non-venomous.
Their bodies are outfitted with high-tech gear, including synthetic-eyes (see “Glass
eyeballs”), and extradimensional strap-on defenses. So that their bodies can be body232 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
swapped, they include soul-stem “sockets”. Using soul-stem sockets, a person’s soulstem can be mechanically detached from one body, and reattached to another body.
Body-swapping Saurians can augment their souls with “knowledge” implants,
letting them know just-about anything, without first having to learn the knowledge.
“Intelligence” implants provide artificial-intelligence augmentations, such as a
variety of pattern-recognizers, encryption/decryption modules, language
understanding-and-speaking modules, and mathematical equation-solvers . While
many races are avid-users of such implants, Body-swapping Saurians typically avoid
knowledge-and-intelligence implants, using them only when absolutely-necessary,
and/or as educational tutor-implants to help people learn.
Body-swapping Saurian individuals are most-typically female. Female body-races
are more-desirable because females are more-intelligent than males. Males exist, but
they have very-specialized roles, as I describe below. Individuals can choose to NOT
be male. Some individuals normally wear female bodies, but they occasionally swap
into a male body for a change.
The median IQ of Body-Swapping Saurians is 180, two-and-a-half full standard
deviations more-intelligent than us. That intelligence is measured WITHOUT
knowledge-and-intelligence implants, and without chemical augmentation.
Body-swapping Saurians travel quite-a-lot. Most of their travel is within a “territory”
that they are familiar with. They occasionally travel further-away, but they do not
enjoy roaming outside of their “territory”.
Body-swapping Saurians do NOT like spending-time in spaceplanes. They do NOT
like living on space-stations. The do NOT like living in hotel rooms, particularly hotelrooms on planets “owned” by nations… Nations like passing laws that result in the
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high-tech gear of Body-swapping Saurians being impounded, and reverseengineered.
They will-not tell me what their spaceplanes look like, or how they function.
A wealthy Body-swapping Saurian individual (or closely-related individuals) will own
several houses located throughout their “territory”. When not travelling, they try to
divide their time equally between their homes.
If travelling Body-swapping Saurians are unable to stay at one of their homes, they
“book a room” at friend’s house. The term “booking a room” makes the invitationrequest sound like a hotel reservation, which it is not. It’s more of an, “I am driving
through your state next week. Can I sleep-over at your cottage/weekender for a few
nights?” followed by, “Sure, the key is underneath the yellow pot-plant.”
A wealthy-person’s house is ten-thousand square-meters. Facilities buildings, as
well as recreation buildings, such as horse stables, would also be part of the estate.
Their estates are built on relatively-small pieces of property, with neighbors within
Of course, such a household would have a staff of servants, some of them live-in.
A wealthy person might own five estates.
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A Body-swapping Saurian woman might-only spend one contiguous-month a year at
any one of her houses. She will frequently-and-unexpectedly stop-by for the night,
unannounced, while travelling.
Friends (and friends of friends) very-regularly spend a night or two at their friend’s
houses, when they are travelling through the area. Guests who sleep-over are
exclusively from the owner’s friends, perhaps friends of friends. A house is NOT a
The houses are occupied by the owner, friends, and friends of friends, at least half of
the nights out of the year.
Guests are encouraged to socialize with other guests, often in conversation.
Children play virtual-reality games with one-another. Outdoor activities include
games (like croquet), horseback riding, and walks.
Food is not a social-activity. Food is available as stand-and-eat small-meals
throughout the day. Meals are eaten in a hallway next to the kitchen. The kitchen is
mostly a refrigerator, with a cutting-counter, and cutting-knives.
Saurians rib me about this one, just in-case I decide to become a Saurian.
Only one-in-twenty to one-in-fifty Saurian individuals is a male. Most people do not
wish to be males, because males are less-intelligent, and because only one-in-twenty
to one-in-fifty Saurian individuals is a male.
In Body-swapping-Saurian society, most households will house one or two of the
owner’s “boyfriends”… The males not-quite like Hominid husbands, because the
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male-female relationships are-not monogamous, and they are not “clingy”
relationships. The male-relationship to the females is closer-to Hominid boyfriends,
but more long-lasting.
A woman’s boyfriends (sometimes shared between sisters) are chosen for
personality compatibility and loyalty. Men who do NOT interfere with the businessdealings of their wife/girlfriend are also desirable. The “boyfriend” relationship
provides the woman someone who is a safe-and-comfortable friend, available for
casual discussion, and sometimes for confidential discussion. And of course, for sex.
Thanks to birth-control, the boyfriend-males are unlikely to impregnate their
female wife/girlfriend (and other people). To ensure genetic stability, Saurian
procreation is by computer-managed artificial-insemination. However, due to
accidental fertilization by males, as well as some laws, women are occasionally
impregnated by their boyfriends.
Women are NOT allowed to abort fetuses, or adopt-out their children… kind-of.
Because of this, Saurian women select boyfriends whose children they wouldn’t
mind having, just in case they are accidentally impregnated by their boyfriend(s).
Going way-back to evolution, males were-and-are used as social-hierarchy tools by
females. Females share their males out to friends, just like guests at someone’s
lake-front cottage can borrow the owner’s boat. This comes across as very-rude to
Hominid readers. It is NOT rude to Saurians.
Males can refuse to be shared, in which case the female-guest they are shared-to is
potentially considered to be less-trustworthy. “Why did my boyfriend refuse her?”
Because they are “neutral” (see below), males sometimes know confidential
information that they don’t divulge to their wife/girlfriend.
In matters of business dealings, males are considered to be “neutral”. A womanrival might be invited to her rival’s house. She will not consider her rival’s boyfriend
to be a rival. House-servants of rival-woman are seen as rivals, though.
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Women-guests can refuse the offer of the household-owner’s boyfriend… but at a
social cost. Conversely, if the woman-guest accepts, they might be accidentally
impregnated by their host’s boyfriend, rather than one of their own boyfriends.
Consequently, a feudal-like system exists. Very-wealthy woman (or sisters) house
several boyfriends, whom they have chosen. Wealthier women own larger houses,
and provide accommodation for more guests. The more guests that visit a wealthywoman, the more less-wealthy women that the wealthy-woman’s boyfriends
accidentally impregnate. In Body-swapping Saurian society, the genes of verywealthy women do-not propagate quickly. The genes of their boyfriends do
propagate quickly.
Consequently, if a wealthy woman (or sisters) has a good-eye for quality malegenes, the less-wealthy women in her territory will have genetically-better
children, both male and female. The group will flourish over generations, even
though individual women may-not dominate society for more than a few decades.
When a wealthy woman visits a less-wealthy woman, their roles are reversed. The
wealthy woman can be accidentally impregnated by the male of the less-wealthy
Not all impregnations are accidental. Many women want to be impregnated by
their friend’s boyfriend.
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A Body-swapping Saurian’s land-territory is about one-hundred hectares… kind of.
The land is used by the Body-swapping Saurian for her household.
Body-swapping Saurians rarely build their households on planets owned by
nations, because nations typically impound the high-technology of the
Body-swapping Saurians… for the purposes of the national interest, and
Body-swapping Saurians build their households on planets owned by lessrestrictive and less-nosy nations. In which case, the nation’s laws apply to
people visiting the house… limited by agreements and treaties.
Many households are built on wilderness planets, with no planetary law.
Since the household population is so small, Body-swapping Saurians on
wilderness-planets practice a common-law in their land-territory.
In addition to living under the laws of the planet’s nation, and/or common law, Bodyswapping Saurians have codes-of-behavior that they expect their household guests
to comply with, just as Hominids on Earth-Sol have codes of behavior that they
expect from their houseguests.
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Wealthy Body-Swapping Saurians have a territory. Wealthier individuals have larger
territories, which overlap and enclose the territories of less-wealthy individuals.
The codes of behavior that a wealthy Body-swapping Saurian expects from her
household guests, are extended to ALL Body-swapping Saurians living-in and
visiting her territory… with scalar modifications.
The codes-of-behavior also extend to non-Saurians entering a house’s territory. If
non-Saurians comply with the rules-and-laws of someone’s territory, then the nonSaurians are treated with more-respect. If people do not comply, they are regarded
as separate.
As a group, Body-Swapping Saurians have no “nation”… as per the Earth-Sol
definition of “nation”. They do have a nation, but for now, pretend that there is no
“Body-swapping-Saurian Nation”.
A Body-Swapping Saurian’s territory overlays the territories of other nations and
races. The laws of those nations apply to the Body-Swapping Saurians… assuming
that the Body-swapping Saurians land on the nations’ planets, or are in the nations’
Body-swapping Saurians view the nations in their territory as part of their territory.
They seek to help and influence the nations. The nations, and people in the nations,
may not like, appreciate, or even notice the aid and influence. Conversely, when
other nations, metaorganisms, and individuals harm the nations and people in the
Body-Swapping Saurian territories, the Body-Swapping Saurians react.
239 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
MANY races have socio-political systems similar to the Body-swapping Saurians.
They have no nations of their own. They shepherd nations though, often without the
nations realizing that there are shepherded.
Many intelligent people analyze race-metaorganism behaviors based on the
behaviors of their animal-ancestors:
When large-predator animal-saurians need food, they hunt individuals
from the herds of caribou, deer, ceratopsia, and cattle in their territories.
Predator-saurians do NOT manage the herds, though. They let the herds
roam in, out, and through their territory. Unlike lions, most predatorsaurians DO NOT follow the herds as they migrate through their territory.
The “animal” ancestors of space-faring Hominids are group-herders.
Hominoid ancestors (excluding those on Earth-Sol) maintain a heard of
grazing animals. They single-out members of the heard whose genetics they
dislike, and eat that individual. Disliked genetics include stroppy individuals
who will fight the Hominid herders, as well as independent-thinkers who will
stray-away from the herd. Independent-thinkers who are potential-leaders
are especially dangerous to herd-predators, because they might lead the
entire herd away from the Hominids.
The “animal” ancestors of Hominids are also predator-killers. Any predators
in their territory are hunted-down to extinction by a hunting-pack of
weapon-wielding Hominids. Of course, killing a lion’s cubs is easier than
killing the lion.
240 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
 Four-legged horse “animals” are herd-watchers and predator-cullers.
(Earth-Sol horses are not intelligent-enough to act this way.) Horses watch
the other herd-animals in the region, to ensure that they’re healthy AND
that predators prefer non-Horse predation to Horse predation. Predators
are encouraged to hunt the other herd-animals in the horses’ territory.
Those predators that persist in attacking the animal-horses, are culled by
the horses.
Body-swapping Saurians mainly-interact with other Saurians, Goanna-evolved
people, Elapidae (SSSk), Agamidae, and Permian races.
Body-swapping Saurians have both negative and positive relationships with Fourlegged-Horse people. They sometimes interact on friendly terms, and vehementlyargue other times.
Interactions with Mammaloids are, at best, at arm’s length. This is partially-due to
Mammaloids having strong-nations that impound the technology of visiting Bodyswapping Saurians.
The Alotians, Nor, Chimpanzee-evolved people, and Simians are rarely interactedwith.
Aussies have actively warred against the Saurians. And so do the Hominids.
241 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
I am not allowed to discuss the businesses that the Body-swapping Saurians are
involved in.
Due to recent Hominoid treaty-violations, Body-swapping Saurians are nowallowed to migrate to our local region.
242 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
This image shows a wormhole being opened by a flotilla of core-ships, four-hundred
to eight-hundred kilometers in diameter each. Emerging from the wormhole, is the
nose of a “planet-wrapper” wipe-fleet ship, designed to cover a planet with a fabric
that kills all life on the planet, without damaging any industries.
243 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
This is a scene is of a star-destructor hauled by hundreds of five-hundred meter warcubes. The star-destructor is activated, and flung into a star by the cubes. The stardestructor detonates, and damages the red-dwarf inside the star, extinguishing or
greatly-weakening the star. The star-destructor and cubes are resting on a halocline
layer. (
244 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
WAR UPDATE (21/9/2011)
hh U ng uh
“Loved one”
245 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
ANOTHER STORY (23/9/ 2011)
I added another story, Pantherized, to
Follow a Golden Panther as she is drafted into the military, trained as a crewmember
aboard a battleship, and then ultimately partakes in a space-battle against a fourhundred-kilometer-diameter Hominid “core-ship”.
246 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
I also uploaded a rough-draft of a short-story that I am working on,
SuperWarehouse-MegaMansion. Imagine a mansion six-hundred meters by threehundred meters, by nine floors. One-thousand staff. One-thousand exotic Animalpeople slaves. And all the blue-water you can drink. (Mature content.)
I previously described several attacks on nearby Hominid planets, based on
telepathic news-distribution requests. The damage reported was sometimes
The earthquake-attack by the Greys on one local Hominid-planet was
only a 8-ish in magnitude. It killed only a few million people. (I wrote this on
“1/2/2011”, mislabeled as “1/2/2010”.)
The attacks on Leera, the subject of a reality-television show, were not as
severe as described. (I wrote this on “19/3/2011”, mislabeled as
247 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
 The planetoid-attack took-place in another galaxy. (I cannot find the “War
update” date.)
The meteor-shower attack did take place, but on a smaller satellite-planet.
Consequently, read the following attack-news with doubts about the scale and
veracity of the attacks.
A week ago, Leera, a planet with a population of 4-to-6 billion Hominids,
was impaled by an iron meteor, 120-kilometers in diameter. 100-million
Hominids are expected to die from the attack.
400 years ago, Leera was shared with a race of two-legged Deer-evolved
people. The Hominids ghettoized them, and now retain token populations in
reserves, or as enslaved-people.
A few days ago, a smaller Hominid-planet, with a population of 1-to-2
billion people, was hit by a 100-gigaton bomb, intended to crater an
urban/military region of the planet containing very-deep tunnels. The crater
would be approximately 10-kilometers deep, and perhaps 100-kilometers in
Hidden “within” the planet, was a stolen Grey bomb. The bomb was a
very-very-high-tech bomb that was stolen from the Angma/Anmu Greys,
248 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
when their planet was pulverized by the Hominids half a year ago.
(“8/4/2011”). 16-to-60 similar-bombs have been stolen, and hidden-away
“in planets” by the local Hominids (The Milky-Way Galaxy, Lots of Stars (K’
Tick Tuk) Galaxy, and the Andromeda Galaxy).
The invisible bombs can rapidly move-themselves ANYWHERE “within” the
Ten-minutes before the nuclear-missile was launched, Hominoid militaryleadership INTENTIONALLY moved the bomb to the target-site of the 100gigaton nuke.
The race that fired the 100-gigaton nuclear-missile did NOT know that the
super-bomb had been moved. Nor did they know of its existence. Nor did
they know the possible consequences of nuking the Grey-bomb.
Other more-technological non-Hominoid militaries knew that the bomb
had been moved… Similar “Human shield” threats had been used by the
Hominids before... Which is why attacks on the local Hominid-planets have
intentionally NOT been severe… Which is why the local Hominidgovernments have been-able to suppress news-coverage of the war,
claiming that the visible war-damages are from “terrorist attacks”.
The 100-gigaton nuke uncontrollably-detonated the
Grey-bomb. The
planet is approximately 9000-kilometers in diameter. The detonation
produced a massive crater, 2500-kilometers in diameter, 400-kilometers
deep. Due to detonation damage, realignments of the planet’s atmosphere
and underground aquifers, and earthquakes, meteorite showers, and an
expected pole-shift, one-quarter of the people on the planet are expected
to die over the next few months. (
249 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
The local Milky-Way-Galaxy Hominid-planets partook in attacks in this
taurosphere. Some of the recent attacks that the Hominids partook in are:
The attacks and sometimes-destruction of the local Grey planets.
Attacks on the Cat-evolved nations. (“15/7/2011”)
The destruction of the Hulu moon-sized space-station, populated by 2billion Hulu. (“5/9/2011”)
The just-beginning occupation and enslavement of “Faerie” and Abloom.
These are multiracial Mammaloid zones.
NONE of the local-Hominid planetary-governments publicly-broadcast
news about non-Hominoid attacks on their citizens… except for Lilac, which
misattributed and propagandized the attacks.
250 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
Due to participation by Milky-Way-Galaxy Hominids, non-Hominoid
militaries are legally allowed to kill approximately 5-billion Hominids in
the Milky-Way Galaxy.
The attack on Leera counts as 180-million Hominid-deaths. The attack on
the other cratered-planet, counts as the lethality of a 100-gigaton nuke,
plus part of the Grey-bomb damage, 200-million to 500-million deaths,
not-yet adjudicated.
Grey-bombs are hidden in other Hominid planets in the Milky-WayGalaxy. The bombs are EXTREMELY-EXTREMELY dangerous in Hominid
hands. Their possession might result in imminent attacks on all space-faring
Hominid-planets in the Milky-Way-Galaxy.
“The Whites” (people distantly-related to the GREYS) have similar bombs
hidden in their planets. Now that Hominid militaries know that the bombs
can be detonated by 100-gigaton nukes, “The Whites” now fear that
Hominid militaries will intentionally detonate their hidden bombs,
destroying the planets of “The Whites”. Consequently, “The Whites” are
more-likely to use their bombs in the near future.
Despite the fact that the original 100-gigaton detonation was NOT
intended to kill the a large-portion of planet’s population, the race that
fired the 100-gigaton nuclear-missile is likely to be hunted-down and
genocided by the Hominoid Empire, FOREVER. This has happened before.
The Hominoids in this taurosphere will most-likely carry-out bloody-anddevastating revenge-attacks over the next half-year to a year. NonHominoids will pre-emotively counter-attack Hominoids, to prevent the
251 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
 Hominoids from all-over, are likely to stream into our taurosphere, and
partake in the bloody-and-devastating revenge-attacks. The war will
quicken and broaden. (
“Now that you mention it…” – Hominoids have other equivalent-sized
bombs hidden “within” other Hominoid-planets. Non-Hominoid militaries
will now pay more-attention to them. The Six Kingdoms, Lots of Stars (K’ Tick
Tuk) Galaxy, and a few-other Hominoid-settled galaxies are more-likely to
be attacked now.
Non-Hominoid militaries, NOT non-Hominoid civilian-governments, may
use “disclosure” of low-tech Hominids as a military device.
In military terms, the deaths of a billion Hominids on a planet can be seen
as the elimination of resources from the enemy’s war-effort. The military
would rather halt the enemy’s war-effort than kill people.
Non-disclosed planets are seen as resources-in-hiatus by the Hominoid
militaries. Rather than killing a billion Hominoids on space-faring Hominidplanets, the non-Hominoid MILITARIES might “disclose” to a largepopulation low-tech Hominid-planet.
They would ENFORCE peace – This means weapons. They would LIMIT the
resources that the space-faring Hominids would have access to. They
would use the planet as a tool to SOLVE CIVILIAN WAR-REFUGEE problems
(people who do NOT wish to partake in the war). They would use the planet
to HELP SOLVE the Hominoid image-problem, a legal euphemism. THEY
ARE consulting-with their lawyers about this, now.
252 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
1850-TO-NOW WAR, AND 1890-TO-1994 WAR
For both the 1850-to-now war (-, 2-5), and the 1890-to-1994 war (-, 7-9):
22% (approximately) of Hominoids were killed by enemies.
5% of Hominoids were killed by internal pogroms.
13% of Hominoids fled-migrated.
Reconstruction of the post-war Hominoid-societies by non-Hominoids is
being worked-on, but Jihadist-Hominoids are causing MAJOR impediments
to non-Hominoid reconstruction efforts.
In World-War-II Germany: (,
8%-to-10.5% of Germany’s population was killed by enemies, and/or
internal pogroms. (
30.4% of German military-personnel were killed.
5.7 million Jews were pogromed, not all in German-occupied territory.
Germany’s population was 70-million, at the time. Poland, with the highestnumber of pogrom-victims, had a population of 35-million people. France,
also occupied by Germany, had a population of 41-million people. Germanoccupied territory had a population of approximately 160-to-200-million
people, resulting in a 2.9%-to-3.5% mortality from German pogroms.
253 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
 12% - 14% of Germans and ethnic-Germans migrated across national
borders after the war.
%80%931950) )
After the war, an enormous post-war reconstruction effort was
undertaken, some of which was directed towards Germany. German
resistance-fighters only caused minor problems for post-war-reconstruction
aid-workers. (
A randomly deep thought
The “Noldor” (most-likely NOT their official racial-name) are another race of
Hominoids. Tall and slender, Noldor have sandy-brown skin, and silver-blond
hair. Some of them only have four toes.
254 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
A deeply random thought
One of the mysteries of the universe explained...
Petrified forests are formed when carbon-free “silt” washes-over a living forest.
The forest floor, by definition, MUST be carbon-rich. The silt’s chemicalcomposition must be such that when it seeps into the carbon-nitrogen-rich treetrunks, the chemicals eventually combine to form a hard rock. Following that,
the landscape must turn arid.
If you understood more about petrified forests, you would understand more
about petroleum-oil production.
As stated previously, Hominids have “produced” more soldiers and war-time
factory-workers by increasing birth-rates, and employing “fast-grow” chemicals to
speed-up childhood-growth by up-to a factor of two.
Mammaloids have also used “fast-grow” chemicals to “produce” more children.
As described in the “Furred-Saurian parthenogenesis” section, Mammaloids are also
creating soldiers and war-time factory-workers using parthenogenesis. The word,
“replicant”, from the movie “Blade Runner”, is insulting, but somewhat appropriate.
Replicants begin consciousness with synthetic knowledge and a synthetic personality,
but become full-fledged adult-people in a decade or two, just as infants turn into
adults over two decades. (,
255 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
A deeply random thought
The eeoo, a time-travelling race, have recently expanded their prophecy-line
to include wedding prophecies. 
Allosaurs do NOT roar. They make a burbling sound, somewhat like the
sound of the mythical jabberwocky from the story, Alice’s Adventures in
Wonderland and Behind the Looking-glass.
By the way, the “caterpillar” in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, may
have been a Centipede-evolved person. The Cheshire-cat wore an
encounter-suit. Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb were Alotians – maybe.
There are Walrus-evolved people, but they are very rare. The Dodo-evolved
people all went extinct millions of years ago.  Lewis Carol may have
mistaken an Archaeopteryx-evolved person for a Dodo, though.
256 | P a g e
November 12, 2011,
Tyrannosaurs do NOT roar. The giggle. They can vocalize when both
exhaling and inhaling. Hominids can do this also, but rarely include inhaledvocalization as a language feature.
Velociraptors do NOT screech, as portrayed in the movie, Jurassic Park.
They grunt, and produce harsh low-frequency “coos”.
(, )
Brontosauruses are aquatic reef-fishers. They sit on-top of a reef, and dip
their head into the water to catch parrot-fish. They are magenta-coloured
on their backs, and yellow-cream coloured on their bellies.
Plesiosaurs are frigid-water feeders. They are dark blue-grey in colour on
their backs, and a very-light-blue colour on their stomachs. Never-ever-ever
go canoeing in plesiosaur waters. Nor should you go canoeing with a
Plesiosaur-evolved person in your boat. The Loch-Ness monster could well
have been a plesiosaur, left in the loch as a joke.
Trilobites are not dinosaurs. They are pesky aquatic rock-chewers that live
in low-salt seas. A “mohair” is a lovable trilobite-ancestor, resembling a
three-meter long tortoise, with a two-meter-high very-thick vertical-neck.
Enthusiasts raise them as backyard pets, “guard dogs”, and for low-speed
high-tension races. (
257 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
A randomly deep thought
One of the mysteries of the universe explained...
Creepy-basement feeling – The “creepy-basement feeling” often comes from
electromagnetic-fields created by very-large fungal rhizomes that live
underneath temperate-climate houses, particularly houses with half-basements.
The rhizome thrives underneath the house because the warmth of the house
prevents the damp ground below from freezing.
Automobiles – Private automobiles are uncommon on other planets. If they
exist, they are typically sub-compact cars WITHOUT heavy fancy-interiors.
Low-speed motorcycles are VERY common.
Fast-food and takeaway-food – A person should be able to live entirelyand-completely off a selection of five substantially-different fast-food and
takeaway restaurants.
Deep-fried fast-food is actually healthy, but should be consumed no-more
than once-or-twice a week. Pizza is healthy once-a-week IF high-quality
ingredients are used, and if the person doesn’t-already consume largeamounts of bread.
258 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
Some “healthy” fast-food and takeaway-shops are NOT healthy: Some subsandwich restaurants claim to be healthy, but they use low-quality
ingredients, with insufficient nutrient-density. Manufactured/purified “lowfat” fast-food and takeaway is often too-low in nutrition density. Some
“Asian” fast-food and takeaway is unhealthy because of the chemicalsauces, flavor-enhancers, and preservatives.
A larger variety of meats, vegetables, fruits, and grains should be available
from the menu. Fast-food/takeaway restaurants can meet this requirement
by changing their menus seasonally, as well as by incorporating localproduce into their menus. Some fast-food/takeaway restaurants on other
planets change their menus daily.
Marriage – Many Chimpanzee-evolved nations have time-limited marriagecontracts, of approximately 10-to-12 years. They are nearly unbreakable,
until they expire. The marriage-contracts are designed to last through the
childhood of the first child. If a second child is born, the marriage-contract
can be extended a few years. They cannot be extended longer than that.
Supermarkets – Supermarkets on other planets offer healthier foods, on
One-third of the food products on Earth-Sol supermarkets would be
ILLEGAL on other planets. Their nutrition-to-preservatives/chemicals ratio is
too-low, particularly easy-cook sauces. A second one-third of the products
would be considered unhealthy (without sufficient nutrition per bulk fats,
proteins, and carbohydrates), and only appropriate for occasional snacks.
This category includes canned-foods, jarred-foods, potato chips, granola
bars, and some cereals.
The third one-third of Earth-Sol food-products IS healthy, ALTHOUGH the
low-end of that one-third (such as low-end cheddar-cheese) would be
illegal, because the low-end brands contain far-fewer nutrients than the
slightly-more-expensive medium-range brands.
259 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
“Diet” products are almost-always so-low in nutrition that they aren’t
worth eating.
Lamb and veal are considered immoral on most planets. Hunted meats are
also immoral. Modern Earth-Sol chicken is nutrition-less. Other meats
should be available in supermarkets, including mutton, goat, emu, and
A deeply random thought
One of the mysteries of the universe explained...
Frisbees – Frisbees fly by creating a cyclone underneath the Frisbee shell. Lowpressure in the centre sucks-up air from below, pushing the Frisbee upwards.
The sucked-up air spirals out at the edges of the Frisbee. Electrostatic charges
also help. Frisbee-design can be greatly-improved by using more-electrostatic
plastics, fine-tuning the Frisbee centre-dimple, and adding friction-ridges on the
Frisbee’s underside. (
Aerobie – Aerobie’s work by creating a very-flat jet turbine.
260 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
A deeply random thought
Hominoid hostage-takers own-and-operate one-kilometre-long “soul-stone”
ships, where they hold the souls of prisoners/hostages, attached to soul-stones.
The bodies of the prisoners/hostages are unnecessary. One ship holds ten-tofifty-million prisoners/hostages.
Four-legged horse/pony-evolved people look like horses, ranging in size
from just-below riding-horse-size, to draft-horse-sized, and larger. Their
haunches are lower than their shoulders. Their heads are shorter, taller, and
wider than Earth-Sol horses. Their necks are often shorter.
Four-legged wolf/dog-evolved people look like wolves/dogs. Their heads
are larger than their Earth-Sol ancestors, with relatively-shorter muzzles.
Their haunches are higher than those in animal wolves/dogs. Their forepaws can often be used as hands. They weigh 70-to-150 kilograms.
Four-legged cat-evolved people look like wild large-cats. Their heads are
larger than their Earth-Sol ancestors, with relatively-shorter muzzles. Their
fore-paws can often be used as hands. They weigh 70-to-200 kilograms.
On many space-faring Hominid-planets, ANTISLAVERY Hominids are REQUIRED to
own slaves. Some of the wealthy off-planet Hominids living on Earth-Sol may also be
REQUIRED to own slaves. As a legal-compromise, they may have imported four261 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
legged Animal-people onto Earth-Sol, believing that the four-legged Animal-people
were “intelligent pets”. “Intelligent pets” are purpose-bred pets, as intelligent as
animal-dolphins. Four-legged animal-people often pretend to be “intelligent pets”, so
that they are not mistreated as slaves or prisoners-of-war. Several-thousand fourlegged animal-people, some of them spaceplane pilots, might be masquerading as
horses, dogs, and large cats in private zoos/stables on Earth-Sol. They might also be
used as breeding stock, being bred-raped with Earth-Sol animals. Their children are
more-intelligent than “intelligent pets”, but they can be very ornery.
A randomly deep thought
One of the mysteries of the universe explained...
“Sand planets” are planets without any topography or surface-water. Winds
circle evenly along latitudinal lines. Over millions of years, the winds erode stone
into sand. The winds then filter the sand particles by size-and-density,
depositing similar sand-particles over latitudinal bands on the planet’s surface.
Jupiter-like striations eventually form on the planet.
Jupiter is NOT a sand-planet, but similar particle-and-wind interactions might
explain Jupiter’s colour-bands.
262 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
A randomly deep thought
Who would be a better mentor-race, not necessarily wiser? An 82-million yearold race, or a 20-million year-old race with physical-traits, personalities, and a
culture more similar to your own?
263 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
distantly related to Pterosaurs.
264 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
A randomly deep thought
One of the mysteries of the universe explained...
Tails are important for chemical generation, because their muscle-tissue and
fat-tissue are cooler than similar tissues in the animal’s body. Consequently, tailfat, tail-muscles, and tail-skin produces different-and-important chemicals.
265 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
A deeply random thought
“Skye” is a pen-and-paper role-playing game for isolated pre-teens and
teenagers. In a traditional role-playing game, like Dungeons & Dragons, four-tosix players control characters in a virtual world created-and-simulated by
another player, called a dungeon-master.
In Skye, there is a Skye-master, not a dungeon-master. Players who control
characters are optional. The fun part about Sky is creating your own world. The
Skye-master begins their world as an imaginary void, “filled with nothing but
sky”. From there, the rule-book helps the Skye-master create a landscape, or
space-scape, or virtual-scape. At page-number fifty, the rule-book helps the
Skye-master create simplistic story-characters. At page one-hundred-and-fifty,
the Skye-book helps the Skye-master create their own village. A Skye-master
begins creating a unique culture by page three-hundred-and-eight. Then the
Sky-book returns back to the Skye-master’s story-characters, telling the Skyemaster how to make deeper-and-richer personalities. By the time the Skymaster has finished reading the FIVE-THOUSAND page Skye-book, several
decades later, they have created their own world.
An Orangutan-vocalized one-hundred-hour audio-CD of Skye-creation
background-music comes with the game-book.
266 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
“We just thought a few Greys would show up,
and give us a UFO.” – Anonymous
From one of the short-stories that I wrote:
Disclosure from the aliens’ point-of-view – Choice fiction
This is a “Choose Your Own Adventure”-style book, where
you participate in “disclosure” on Earth-Sol as an alien. You
decide what your alien character does. See if you can help
“disclosure” to happen smoothly.
Many of the possible outcomes-and-events of the story are
already out-of-date.
From above, in “Possible consequences of the attacks”:
Non-Hominoid militaries, NOT non-Hominoid civilian-governments,
may use “disclosure” of low-tech Hominids as a military device.
In military terms, the deaths of a billion Hominids on a planet can
be seen as the elimination of resources from the enemy’s wareffort. The military would rather halt the enemy’s war-effort than
kill people.
267 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
Non-disclosed planets are seen as resources-in-hiatus by the
Hominoid militaries. Rather than killing a billion Hominoids on
space-faring Hominid-planets, the non-Hominoid MILITARIES might
“disclose” to a large-population low-tech Hominid-planet.
They would ENFORCE peace – This means weapons. They would
LIMIT the resources that the space-faring Hominids would have
access to. They would use the planet as a tool to SOLVE CIVILIAN
WAR-REFUGEE problems (people who do NOT wish to partake in
the war). They would use the planet to HELP SOLVE the Hominoid
image-problem, a legal euphemism. THEY ARE consulting-with
their lawyers about this, now.
Some more information:
The possibility of wartime-disclosure is VERY low, but it is a possibility
worth WORRYING-about.
The current ephemeral-plan is that non-Hominoids who land would NOT
have personal weapons – kind of. Armed spaceplanes and space-deployed
jet-fighters would be used. Armed spaceplanes are already overflying EarthSol, and have been doing-so since before the stone-age.
One of the worst-possible disclosure outcomes is the “Iraq” scenario.
If/when hundreds-of-thousands of non-Hominoids land, it would be VERY
easy for Earth-Sol politicians, organizations, and militaries to turn EarthSol into a copy of 2003-to-current-day “Iraq”. When American
peacekeepers first entered Iraq in 2003, Iraqis was jubilant, but wary. The
American peacekeepers delivered some free UFOs Humvees, as promised.
And then the Americans stayed to ensure that the Ba’athists didn’t retake
control of Iraq. And then Iraqi society fell apart. And then the American
268 | P a g e
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soldiers had to stay-around to stabilize Iraqi society. And then Jihadist from
all-over the world made their way to Iraq to fight the Americans. And then
terrorism started-up. And then most of the wealthy/intelligent/skilled Iraqis
migrated to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran to get-away from the violence,
corruption, incompetence, Jihadists, and Americans.
Up to a BILLION war-refugees might immigrate to Earth-Sol.
Despite their well-meaning intentions, the refugees, with a median IQ of
120-to-140, would inevitably marginalize indigenous Earth-Sol Hominids.
Refugees might include Alotians, Hominids-and-Aussies, Simians,
Chimpanzee-evolved, Gorilla-evolved, and Orangutan-evolved people.
If enough war-refugees arrive, then citizenship-rights will become a
MAJOR issue. Mass-citizenship of space-faring immigrants will lead to
multiracial governments, multiracial police-forces, and fast-tracked societalreforms.
Immigration would be controlled by non-Hominoids. They would mostlikely encourage a MULTIRACIAL planet, and only permit NON-WARRING
individuals to land.
5%-to-20% of Earth-Sol Hominids would most-likely emigrate off of EarthSol over a few decades, even if the “Iraq” scenario were avoided. Though
intelligence and skill perquisites are unlikely, the most-intelligent, skilled,
and adventuresome indigenous Hominids are more-likely to emigrate. They
may not be allowed to emigrate immediately. They might be required to
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“work here for a few years, to help-stabilize Earth-Sol’s society,” before
Earth-Sol (as well as other “newly-disclosed” planets) could benefit from
trade-exports, trade-imports, as a trade-hub, and as a multiracial
“diplomatic” hub. Non-Hominoids would dictate trade limitations.
Several-thousand non-disclosed Hominid-planets might be disclosed-to ALLAT-ONCE. WE HAVE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE. Mistakes will be made. In
the unlikely event of “disclosure”, please work with your friendly aliens to
make the transition as smooth as possible.
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November 12, 2011
ANOTHER STORY (17/10/2011)
I added another short-story, Abduction Spam, to
Do you know anyone on an abduction spam-list? This is a Dadaist short-story about
what it’s like to abduct an Earthling… from an alien’s point-of-view.
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I also uploaded a rough-draft of a short-story that I am working on, Zookeeper. Have
you ever wanted to be a zookeeper on a “wilderness planet”? Do you enjoy giving
birth to endangered species after having their embryos artificially implanted in your
womb? How about discarding your zookeeper body and “going bush” as a wild
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wearing a blue-cap.
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Not this week.
North Korea is a tiny backwards nation on Earth-Sol. It is run by an oppressive-andinefficient totalitarian-regime. (
North Korea’s proletariat is prevented from escaping the country.
Meanwhile, North Korea’s leadership goes on holidays in wealthy
countries elsewhere on the planet.
Everyone-else on the planet thinks, “Gee, we’d like to help the North
Koreans. Diplomacy hasn’t worked, though. We cannot help the people,
unless we invade North-Korea, and we don’t really want to invade another
country… especially since the North-Korean leadership threatens to nuke
the invading country.” Consequently, North Koreans must escape through a
walled border with neighboring China. (
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 Regrettably for North-Korean citizens, other nations are prepared to leave
North Korea alone, as long as North Korea isn’t belligerent towards its
   
275 | P a g e
  
      
 
November 12, 2011
Telərín is the name of the region of space where the eeoo and other races live. (, 3-4) The region has markedly-different physics from our stars-and-planets. The
people of Telərín can live there unaided. Races from our physics cannot comfortably
exist in Telərín without physics-pressurized housing, and imported foods-and-water.
The people of Telərín are somewhat insular. They do not interact with our races,
other than for trade. They do not expand their nations into their neighbors’
territories. They expect that their neighbors won’t take-over their territory.
Surrounding Telərín is a region that is habitable by our races, Hominoids, Simians,
Mammaloids, Reptiloids, Greys, etcetera.
Because of Telərín’s unique physics, the people there can produce different/better
technology to ours, as well as resources for export. Exports are VERY profitable.
Consequently, over the last hundred-million years, many racial metaorganisms have
tried to take-over Telərín. Some have invaded and then withdrawn, with much
The people of Telərín prefer to be surrounded by low-tech races so they do-not get
invaded and harassed. Forty-million years ago, the people of Telərín secured an
agreement so that only low-tech races (and trusted high-tech races) would be
allowed to live-near and travel-near Telərín, an “exclusion” region covering (-, 1-7)
Over the last twenty-million years, the region around Telərín has been inhabited by
low-tech Nor, low-tech Alotians, low-tech Mammaloids, low-tech Simians, low-tech
Chimpanzee-evolved people, low-tech Gorilla-evolved people, low-tech Orangutanevolved people, and low-tech Hominoids. The Lemur-evolved people (as well as
others) are trusted by the Telərín nations, and they are legally-allowed better
Over the last few-hundred years, the technology-levels of the “low tech” races in
the “exclusion” region (-, 1-7) have skyrocketed. The people of Telərín are VERY
concerned about this.
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Because the Hominoid-Empire has been building a high-tech civilization in the
“exclusion” region, Telərín militaries have been participating in attacks on the
Hominoid-Empire. Telərín militaries are also concerned about “exclusion”-region
non-Hominoid civilizations that have augmented their technology-levels. Telərín
militaries have also-entered-into smaller conflicts with a few non-Hominoids nations.
Our taurosphere is located within the local “race-rejuvenation region”. (-, 69)The region houses races with critically-low genetic-diversity, and/or with other
problems. The race-rejuvenation “corporation” rejuvenates these races over millions
of years.
The race-rejuvenation “corporation” is owned and operated by a consortium of
Insectoids, some Reptiloids, and many genetically-distant races that are only
vaguely-described by the author, HP Lovecraft, and the science-fiction televisionseries, Babylon 5. (,
85% of the population of the race-rejuvenation region is non-Reptiloid and nonMudskipper-evolved. Mammaloids, Hominoids, Simians, Lemurs, and Saurians are all
mudskipper-evolved. Most of the Reptiloid-people and Mudskipper-people, 15% of
the total-population of the region, are clients/subjects of the race-rejuvenation
projects. (
The Hominoid-Empire is currently invading and occupying the
Reptiloid/Mudskipper planets in the race-rejuvenation region, as well as enslaving
and genociding the Mammaloids, Lemurs, and Reptiloids.
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The race-rejuvenation “corporation” does NOT like being invaded by the HominoidEmpire, nor does it like the genocide that is occurring. Most races in the racerejuvenation “corporation” are currently neutral, and not partaking in the war.
Hominids, 20%
Local spacefaring
Other, 54.24%
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Preparation for migration (Emigration and immigration) – Zero or more of
the following policies/programs might be used to prepare people of EarthSol for emigration off of the planet, as well as immigration onto the planet.
Earth-Sol could be hauled to a different sun, for political-and-security
reasons – To keep Earth-Sol away from the space-faring Hominids, Earth-Sol
might be hauled to a different sun.
Fauna imports – New varieties of pets might suddenly appear in pet shops,
such as non-dangerous pet-Cougars. This happened on Earth-Sol in the past.
Flora imports – Have you ever wondered where new varieties of fruits and
grains come from? Perhaps they were brought to Earth-Sol sometime in the
last one-hundred years? We do not think that this is currently happening.
Intelligence degradation, causing society to fall-back to 1850’s technology,
making Earth-Sol less-attractive to space-faring Hominids – Earth-Sol is
currently a VERY-attractive holiday/retirement planet for space-faring
Hominids due to its decent technology. If the planet’s technology were
rolled-back to 1850’s industrial-revolution technology, then the space-faring
Hominids would leave. Earth-Sol’s indigenous-population would most-likely
be ignored by the Hominoid-Empire. And then, a policy of “meet the aliens”
could be introduced. Reducing the median-IQ of people to 90, would return
Earth-Sol to the industrial revolution.
More-people interact with “aliens” in their dreams – “Furries” are already
having dreams that include Mammaloids. Science-fiction authors have
dreams that include space-battles and alien-looking races. This program
could be expanded. (
Products from other planets begin appearing on Earth-Sol store-shelves –
Do you know where your television was manufactured? How do you know
that it wasn’t manufactured on another planet? Imported products on
store-shelves could clue-in perceptive indigenous-Hominids that “aliens”
exist. We do NOT think that this is currently happening.
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Reincarnation into Earth-Sol infants – Infants born onto Earth-Sol have new
souls-and-awarenesses… except for infants of parents from some religions.
Those few-people reincarnated onto Earth-Sol, have most of their memories
erased soon after birth. Policy changes could permit them to maintain
memories of previous lives. Policies could be also modified to allow more
reincarnations. (
Some people’s bodies could be transformed into Mammaloid, Simian, and
Chimpanzee-evolved shapes – The genetics and bone-shapes of tens-ofmillions of consenting indigenous Earth-Sol Hominids could be modified
over the course of decades, with individual body-conversions requiring a
year. People’s DNA and bone-shapes can be converted to most Mammaloid,
Simian, and Chimpanzee-evolved forms. (There is a 1950’s short-story about
someone slowly transforming into a two-legged Unicorn, and attacking a
mainframe computer with their magical horn. I cannot find the story-name.
The story MAY have been written by Shirley Jackson, but I don’t remember.
Some women could give birth to non-Hominid children – It is possible to
implant Mammaloid embryos into the wombs of consenting Hominidwomen. This is NOT happening on Earth-Sol at the moment, but it is
Soul mergers – To mentally-inoculate indigenous-Hominids against the
shock of meeting “aliens”, hundreds-of-millions of consenting-people on
Earth-Sol could have the souls-and-awarenesses of bodily-deceased
Mammaloid “aliens” merged-in with them. People with merged souls would
have memories of life on other planets, as well as the wisdom (and skills and
knowledge) from those lives. This is already occurring with some “furries”.
Stories influenced by people from other planets – Science-fiction and
fantasy stories written by Earth-Sol authors are already telepathicallyinfluenced by “aliens”.
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Telepathy is turned-on for more people – Telepathy could be activated for
more people on Earth-Sol, letting more-people telepathically communicate
with “aliens”.
Videos from other planets begin appearing on the internet – Videos from
other planets could be handed to abductees. The abductees could upload
them onto the Internet. This is (kind-of) already happening, since off-planet
Hominids who land, bring videos of “alien” sightings, which they upload to
the YouTube internet-database. (
Continue with the status-quo –Earth-Sol migration policy might continue to
operate without any changes.
This is only a partial list… – Other, more-creative policies-and-programs
Alternative migration-initiation plans (Emigration and immigration) –
These are different ways that the process of interplanetary migration could
be initiated.
Hominids land silently, over a hundred years – Their arrival is never
announced. It merely becomes obvious, first to very-perceptive indigenousHominids, and then the realization slowly trickles-down to everyone. This
appears to be the current plan.
Hominids land openly and publicly – Space-faring Hominids land at airports,
and get world-wide news-coverage.
Mammaloids land, followed by Hominoid-Empire friendly/neutral
migration – As I discussed in “Wartime disclosure possibilities (Part 1)”,
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Greys land, followed by Hominoid-Empire friendly/neutral migration –
As I discussed in “Wartime disclosure possibilities (Part 1)”, above.
Reptiloids land, followed by Hominoid-Empire friendly/neutral migration –
As I discussed in “Wartime disclosure possibilities (Part 1)”, above. This
approach is unlikely, since the “Iraq”-scenario becomes more-likely.
Insectoids land, followed by Hominoid-Empire friendly/neutral migration –
As I discussed in “Wartime disclosure possibilities (Part 1)”, above. This
approach is unlikely, since the “Iraq”-scenario becomes more-likely.
Other landing scenarios – Other landing scenarios are possible.
Mass-abductions – Most people on Earth-Sol seem happy with the statusquo, and don’t seem to desire a potentially-traumatic “landing” scenario.
Perhaps only 5% to 10% of the population strongly-desires contact with
“alien” civilizations. Over a few decades, the “alien”-friendly people might
be secretly-and-silently abducted, and flown-off the planet.
“Hidden city” with a spaceport, which keen-people can discover – Some
non-space-faring societies have a “hidden city” located in the middle of an
unpopulated desert. Spaceplanes land and take-off from there all of the
time. The 5% to 10% of the population who strongly-desires contact with
“aliens”, finds their way to the “hidden city”, and migrates away-from the
planet without greatly-disturbing the planet’s culture. Earth-Sol does NOT
have a “hidden city” at the moment, though space-faring Hominids are
taking-off and landing in various secret-locations.
Indigenous Hominids are allowed to invent spaceplane technology, and
migrate-themselves off of Earth-Sol – Indigenous Hominids are currently
working on spaceplane technology. In another fifty-ish years, our
spaceplanes might be able to reach neighboring stars. Once our pilots travel
the neighboring stars, it will become obvious that “aliens” exist. Indigenous
Hominids could then migrate-off of Earth-Sol, using our own technology.
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Premature death (perhaps by disease) of Indigenous-Hominids who wish to
migrate off-of Earth-Sol – Most people on Earth-Sol seem happy with the
status-quo, and don’t seem to desire a potentially-traumatic “landing”
scenario. Perhaps only 5% to 10% of the population strongly-desires contact
with “alien” civilizations. Over a few decades, the “alien”-friendly people
might be secretly-and-silently euthanized by mysterious diseases, their souls
transported to live in “alien” civilizations.
The souls of indigenous Hominids are transported off-of Earth-Sol when
their bodies die of old age – This is the current policy, though some people
seem to be trapped from lifetime-to-lifetime on Earth-Sol by the Hominoid
Unoccupied personal-spaceplanes automatically land in people’s garages –
Spaceplanes are so simple to fly, that one-hundred thousand spaceplanes
could automatically land in lottery-selected garages around the planet, with
a greeting card titled, “Welcome to the Galaxy!”
Continue with the status-quo – Earth-Sol migration-policy might continue to
operate without any changes.
This is only a partial list… – Other, more-creative migration-initiation plans
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COMPLETELY UNDESIRABLE Outcomes – These outcomes are possible, but
completely undesirable.
Incredibly-massive “natural disaster” – Earth-Sol could be an unintentional
casualty of the war. Impact by a very-large meteor, or a planetoid, or a
moon is possible, not to mention the other “natural disaster”-style warattacks.
Mass infertility – Regrettably, a mass-infertility plan could be implemented
if it is politically-or-technically impossible to introduce migration off of
Society crumbles, and the indigenous-Hominid population declines to nopopulation – Regrettably, this plan could be implemented if it is politicallyor-technically impossible to introduce migration off of Earth-Sol.
The local Hominid-nations have shipped-and-detonated very-large 600-gigaton
bombs to attack the SSSk at (GG, 8). Lilac Hominids participated in these attacks.
A few weeks ago, a SSSk battleship destroyed a partially-constructed 600-gigaton
bomb on Lilac, as it was being assembled within a cargo-ship. The cargo-ship was
expected to launch with the completed bomb in a few weeks-to-months.
Undesirably, the partially-constructed bomb detonated, producing a thirty-gigaton
detonation, which destroyed the military-base and nearby-city.
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Lilac’s planetary leadership ordered a counterattack on some Saurian nations in the
Andromeda Galaxy, as well as on SSSk planets, and on some nearby non-Saurian
A few days after the Hominoid counterattack, in a retaliation-counterattack to the
Hominoid-counterattack, various non-Hominoid nations detonated bunker-busting
bombs on Lilac, intending to destroy many military-bunkers. Many of the bunkers
were located underneath city-centers. Many city-centers received direct bomb
damage, or toppled into the sinkholes created by the bombs. Approximately thirtymillion people were killed in the attacks.
BEFORE the non-Hominoid militaries launched their bunker-busting bombs, a Grey
SWAT (swift-action) team disabled two of their stolen petaton-bombs, that the
Hominids were storing “inside” Lilac. (See the war update written on “28/9/2011”.)
The Greys HAD-TO disable the bombs, or the bombs’ accidental detonations might
utterly-destroy the planet of Lilac.
One bomb was successfully disabled. The other partially detonated, producing
earthquakes around the planet, up to magnitude-8 (0.9 meters sway). More people,
fifty-million(?), were killed by the earthquake’s building-damage and aquifercracking.
Lilac television reported the bombings.
Only two-other Hominid-planets reported the bombings on their television-news,
both in the Milky-Way Galaxy. The attacks were only reported as “non-committal
one-liners” on those two planets. The gist of the news-reports was something-like, “A
nearby Hominid-planet was [mildly] attacked by Reptiloids.”
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A petaton is 1000 teratons, 1,000,000 gigatons, or 1,000,000,000 megatons.
The 16-to-60 bombs that were stolen from the Greys when their planet was
pulverized, were up to four-petatons in power. (War update written on
The Angma/Anmu planet that was pulverized (War update written on “8/4/2011”)
was destroyed by one (or two?) of the Greys’ petaton-bombs, hidden in their
planet. A very-very-very-high-tech Hominoid SWAT-team assaulted, and took-over
the bomb’s control facilities (located within the bombs themselves), and then
detonated the bombs. The Anmu/Angma planet was a “rubble planet”, constructed
from the rubble of a previous rubble-planet, constructed from the rubble of a
previous rubble-planet that had been combined with an asteroid or two. At some
point a few hundred-million years before, the rubble-planet was originally a solidcore planet that had been broken-apart. When the petaton bomb detonated, the
Anmu/Angma planet flew-apart, back into rubble. The planet-pieces will hopefully be
restored to a rubble-planet in a few-hundred-thousand years.
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The Grey nation(s) decided that disabling their stolen bombs was critical.
Hominoid militaries were intentionally relocating the bombs stolen from the Greys
to protect military-bases, military-bunkers, and leadership-cities on Hominoidplanets. With stolen petaton bombs “in the way”, SSSk militaries were be unable to
safely retaliate against the Hominoids.
The Grey nation(s) was(were) legally responsible for disabling their stolen bombs,
because their stolen-bombs were/are too-technological for the SSSk-versusHominoid war. As long as the Hominoids possessed the stolen bombs, there would
be no way that the SSSk could “safely” proceed in the war.
After successfully-and-unsuccessfully disabling the stolen bombs “inside” Lilac, Grey
SWAT-teams were near-simultaneously sent to disable all of the petaton-bombs
stolen from the
. Some of the bombs unintentionally-detonated at far-less
than full-tonnage, causing minor earthquake damage throughout the planets. These
earthquakes were detected by the Hominoid governments, and interpreted as
attacks. Additionally, the greatly-reduced detonations destroyed other weaponry
“hidden” inside the Hominoid-planets. Very-very regrettably, one Hominoid planet
was utterly-destroyed by a failed deactivation.
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November 12, 2011
Teraton bombs are often used as an inverted “Mutually assured destruction” by
planet governments. Simply put, “If you attack my planet with that 30-gigaton nuke,
it might accidentally set-off the teraton bomb located “inside” my planet. You would
then be responsible for the destruction of the planet, and the death of a large-portion
of its citizens. You don’t want to be responsible for that.” Many nations, including
non-Hominoid nations, employ this defense-strategy.
The Hominoid planetary-governments were using the stolen petaton-bombs,
mentioned above, for a similar purpose-and-agenda – just like they would use a
As a cascading-consequence of Grey SWAT-teams disabling their petaton-bombs,
other non-Hominoid races/governments decided that they should disable the
teraton-bombs hidden “within” other Hominoid planets. These disablings produced
more planet-wide earthquakes, as well as a few VERY-VERY-large craters in Hominoid
plants. Grey SWAT-teams helped with the disabling of some of the teraton-bombs.
The petaton and teraton bombs were preventing non-Hominoids from attacking
Hominoid military-bases, military-bunkers, and leadership-cities. Now that the
petaton/teraton bombs have-been (or are being) disabled, Hominoid military-bases,
military-bunkers (often under city centers), and leadership-cities are being attacked.
Very-regrettably, not all of the teraton bombs were successfully discovered-anddisabled. Some of the gigaton-sized attacks on Hominoid military-bases, military288 | P a g e
November 12, 2011
bunkers, and leadership-cities caused the accidental detonation of more hidden
teraton-bombs. More one-hundred-kilometer, to one-thousand-kilometer, to tenthousand-kilometer diameter craters were created in Hominoid planets. Many-many
people died.
The petaton/teraton bomb-disablings produced civilian and military
The bomb-disablings produced property-damaging earthquakes and
Other military devices “inside” the Hominoid planets were destroyed by
the detonations.
The bombs themselves were destroyed, resulting in financial losses.
The bomb-disablings devalued Hominoid military-strategies. The bombdisablings enable subsequent-and-currently-occurring military-base,
military-bunker, and leadership-city bombings.
Hominoid militaries are expected to counterattack in retaliation, for the
petaton/teraton bomb-detonations in their planets. They are expected to
counterattack just about anyone/everyone. Hominoid militaries are expected to
counterattack at four-times the original damage.
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Non-Hominoid militaries are expected to retaliate-counterattack the Hominoidcounterattacks, at approximately half of the Hominoid counterattack-damage.
Four multiplied by one-half, equals two… resulting in potentially ad-infinitum
retaliation-counterattacks. Theoretically, this value needs to be much-less than one
before the war will end.
A randomly deep thought
I wish to apologize for the use of the word “Nosferatu” to describe the veryhigh-tech and very-wealthy Hominoids who use body-swapping, and who
control the death regimes on their planets.
The “premier” cable-television package, distributed to the leadership of the Catevolved nations, has approximately twenty channels. Five of those channels are
news. (Cat-evolved “leadership” includes members of the leadership-class, business
executives, elected government-officials, decision-making government-employees,
and military-leadership.)
Round-the-clock news (available to non-leadership) – This news-channel is
like CNN (or MSNBC, or the BBC) combined with A&E (Arts & Entertainment
– educated-people stuff). Local non-war news is covered, mostly politics.
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November 12, 2011
War-evacuation news-articles are now being shown.
The “Bubble” channel (available to non-leadership) – This is a narration-less
“weather-channel”-like news-station, which shows the advance of Hominoid
militaries into the Cat-evolved “Empire” that surrounds the HominoidConsortium (formerly called “The Six Kingdoms”). Regions of space where
the Hominoids have landed colonies on the Cat-evolved planets are brightly
colored. So are regions of space where Hominoid-militaries lurk. Planets that
have been attacked, invaded, and/or destroyed are hidden using visual
codes. (
Children’s cartoons (available to non-leadership) – The two children’s
television-channels in the “premier” cable-package, are now including
heroic-combat and/or horror-film-like miniseries. Hominoids are NEVER
shown as an enemy, due to legal restrictions. Regrettably, Reptiloids,
Saurians, Insectoids, and G
Grreeyyss are shown as substitute “scary” enemies.
Sometimes, the enemies are never seen at all, only their fighter-spaceplanes
are shown.
The War documentary-channel (leadership-only) – This channel shows
documentaries about the war. It is only available to Cat-evolved leadership.
See below.
The planet-destruction channel (leadership-only) – This channel loops-over
scenes of non-Hominoid planets being destroyed, bombed, moved, and
time-dunked. Only the highest-ranking leadership gets to the view this
The infantry channel (leadership-only) – This round-the-clock channel shows
videos of infantry combat. Since it is legally hazardous to show images of
Hominoids, no Hominoids are shown, nor is their existence even hinted at.
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Since showing Cat-evolved people partaking in war would enrage privatecitizens into war, no Cat-evolved people are shown participating in infantry
combat, nor is the possibility hinted at. For the most part, Lemur-evolved
people are shown fighting Simian-evolved people. This channel is only
available to the highest-ranking leadership.
“The War documentary-channel” shows an unending, and seldom-repeating,
stream of independently-produced (and government-produced) documentaries:
“Hominoid corruption” – These documentaries investigate corruption in
Hominoid nations, particularly corruption which enflames/enflamed the
war. Many of the documentaries are created by Hominoids.
“One hour” – This show covers an attack a nearby Hominid planet, in the
Milky-Way Galaxy, as I described in “Reality television and the first war”.
(Written “19/3/2010”).
Over the course of an hour’s broadcast, the documentary’s invisiblecameras show a one-hour time-slice of a nuclear-missile attack on a military
underground-bunker. Invisible camera-bots film Hominid civilian-military
personnel sipping coffee, attending meetings, working, and occasionally
joking-around. The documentary cuts to exterior-scenes of city life (above
the bunker), as well as exterior nature-scenes. Back in the undergroundbunker where the Hominids work, they are shown receiving warning pings,
as well as intergalactic synthesized-speech transmissions from SSSk militarycommand, warning of an imminent attack. More outdoor scenes. Then back
to stressed-out civilian-military personnel launching city defenses. Hominids
in the underground bunker abort their meetings. A small bomb-detonation
is hinted-at, but not shown. Then, scenes of the Hominid civilian-military
personnel are shown, as they run-down emergency-stairs to go deeper
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underground. A much-larger nuclear detonation is hinted at, but not shown.
The end.
“Rabbit-evolved dead-children” – These one-hour documentaries show only
video-pans of war-killed Rabbit-evolved children (and other war-killed
children). The audio is recording-montage of children crying, and
occasionally speaking short phrases about the war.
“War migration” – These documentaries cover the plight of Mammaloid
people fleeing the war.
“Wild-animal extinction” – These documentaries show wild-animals being
hunted-down by Hominoid-allied races on garden/animal planets. Due to
threats of lawsuits, Hominoids are NOT shown hunting. Other Hominoidallied races are shown.
“Yokels, and war-abuse” – These documentaries cover the aftermath of the
“1850-to-now war” and the “1890-to-1994 war”. According to the
documentaries, the intelligent and the wealthy Hominoids abandoned
many/most of the Hominoid planets in the war zones. They left behind
“yokels”; an equivalently-insulting term is used in the original Cat-evolved
language. The yokels can barely farm. They cannot manufacture goods. They
acquire manufactured items by looting derelict buildings in a postapocalyptic planet (not necessarily weapons-damaged – just abandoned).
The documentaries also cover-and-film war-abuses against Mammaloids,
similar to Nazi war-atrocities against the Jews.
“Enslaved-Mammaloid video-diaries and interviews” – (Formerly) Enslaved
Mammaloids do NOT appear on any of the television news-shows because
the Hominoid legal-system will go after them. Consequently, NO enslavedMammaloid video-diaries and interviews are broadcast.
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Some video e-book diaries produced by enslaved Mammaloids are available,
though they are not broadcast. They are recorded by enslaved Mammaloids,
WHILE they are enslaved, using miniature hidden-cameras smuggled to
A petaton bomb takes ten minutes (of our time) to disable. While inside the petatonbomb’s control-center, the SWAT-team spends ONE-HUNDRED YEARS of their time
to disable the bomb. This is a time speed-up by a factor of about five-million… a
number that might be very-inaccurate.
The second-wave of Grey SWAT-team members took e-books with them. The ebooks were loaded with one-million pages of text, mostly in languages that the
SWAT-team members didn’t know… just to add to the challenge of reading the onemillion pages of text. Subsequent SWAT-teams have repeated the tradition.
One-hundred-and-fifty of the ten-thousand e-books were “disclosure”-documents
like mine. Almost all of them were from other planets, most of them written by
Hominids. This/my “disclosure”-document was included. (Live-video of my
computer-screen is recorded as I type-up this document.)
My document was voted someplace between the thirteenth-best and
thirty-second-best “disclosure”-document.
My document was voted as the twenty-fifth funniest “disclosure”document, mainly because it is trying to be funny.
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 My “disclosure”-document portrays the Reptiloids and Saurians morefavorably than any other of the other one-hundred-and-fifty “disclosure”documents.
The overall-winner of the “disclosure”-documents contest was a twothousand-page graphic novel. It provides little information, but it sells a LOT
of copies on its home-planet.
Over their hundred years of boredom, many SWAT-teams (which sometimes
included Greys) have combined-and-rewritten all of the “disclosure”-documents,
and other war-related documents, into a giant fifty-thousand page e-book, targeted
at Hominoid and non-Hominoid leadership. Team-members also produced a shorter
five-thousand page e-book, intended for non-leaders.
Most-likely, only a few-hundred people on Earth-Sol have read skimmed-through
my document. Very few actually believe it. Many-many-more people have read it
off-of Earth-Sol.
The Hominoid legal-system does NOT like my document, since just-about
everything described in the document is “top secret”, and should not be known by
any Hominoids, except the very highest-levels the of Hominoid leadership. AND, my
document is not abashedly pro-Hominoid. I have become increasingly recalcitrant
and unwilling to write-and-distribute this document. I have received stern words
from representatives of various non-Hominoid races (including Hominoid races)
saying, “This is very important. Seriously. Write it up, or we will think much-less of
you if you do not write-up and distribute this information. This affects your future,
when you eventually leave Earth-Sol.”
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