B. The Tell Tale - July 2016
B. The Tell Tale - July 2016
TheTellTale ThePointYachtClubNewsletter June2016Vol.15,No.05 ThePointYachtClubMissionStatement This Club exists to provide water related recreational opportunities for its members. We are dedicated to encouraging the safe and skilled operation of vessels owned by the members. The Club is a not for profit organization operated for the benefit of the members. Let me start by recognizing and welcoming Point Yacht Club’s newest members, Richard & Lee Harding and Mike & Judy Mahaffey. Welcome – it’s wonderful to have you onboard. And as usual, I have some thank yous to all those members that made the Loo Wow, Sailstice and A Night with Elvis successes! Aside from boating, the celebrations we enjoy as a club are what keep me interested and talking about the PtYC. I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate all of the time and effort that folks put into each event – THANK YOU. I’ll leave you with a quick insight into some topics the Board of Governors has their collective eye on…. Completion of the wheelchair ramp; hanging of the awnings/curtains; dock plans; driving membership. I hope to see many of you at the Cardboard Boat races and Fast Women later this month. Until next time, Fair Winds, see you on the water! Connie Fuqua, Commodore 1 Fleet Captain’s Report – Hank Jordan . OurnextraceistheFastWomenRegattascheduledforJuly30th.Thisraceisopentomono-hullPHRF boatsandwillincludeSpinnakerandNon-SpinnakerFleets.Trophieswillbeawardedtothe1st,2nd,and 3rdplacefinishersinfourclasses:All-FemaleSpinnaker,MixedSpinnaker,All-FemaleNon-Spinnaker,and MixedNon-Spinnaker.On”Mixed”classboatsatleast50%ofthecrewshallbefemalesandtheremustbe afemaleatthehelmatalltimeswhileracing.Perpetual“1stPlaceAll-Female”and“VirginSkipper”awards willalsobepresented. Thiswillalsobethethirdregattaforthe“LadiesTrilogySeriesTrophy”.Boatsareautomaticallyenteredfor thisannualtrophybytheirentryintotheJuly9thBikiniRegattaattheNavyYachtClub,theJuly23rdRace fortheRosesatthePensacolaBeachYachtClub,andourFastWomenRegatta. Weneedallofourfemale skippersandsailorstoparticipatetomakethisanothersuccessfulevent.PleaseseeTheNoticeOfRace below. Becky Graham maintains our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pointyachtclub Share our page with your friends and don't be afraid to "comment or like" on the posts! Facebook is a great tool to spread the word we have a great yacht club down here in paradise! Board of Governors ThePointYachtClub Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Treasurer Secretary Fleet Captain Social Committee Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Connie Fuqua John Horner Mike Hawkins John Shaw Paula Menck Hank Jordan Veda Kelly Al Lameier Janet Davies Larry Chapman Don Fuqua Tell Tale Editor Jay Warthen 198 4- 20 16 6606CountyRoad95 Josephine,Alabama36530 251-424-2596 www.pointyachtclub.org Member:GulfYachtingAssociation(GYA) Since1992 2 1 2 NOTICE of RACE Fast Women Regatta AND “The Ladies Trilogy” Point Yacht Club/Navy Yacht Club/ Pensacola Beach Yacht Club Saturday, July 30, 2016 The Point Yacht Club Josephine, AL 1. RULES 1.1 The race will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing and the prescriptions of US SAILING. 2. ELIGIBILITY and ENTRY 2.1 The regatta is open to all mono-hull PHRF boats that complete a race registration form and pay their entry fee by the close of registration. 2.1.1 Online registration is available on Regatta Network at http://www.regattanetwork.com/event/12740. Registration forms will also be available at Registration. 2.2 “Female” class boats shall have no males aboard while racing. 2.3 On “Mixed” class boats at least 50% of the crew shall be females and there must be a female at the helm at all times while racing. 2.4 Additional Eligibility and Entry requirements apply for the Trilogy Series Trophy and will be detailed in Appendix A. 2.5 Additional Eligibility and Entry requirements apply for the Virgin Skipper Perpetual Trophy and will be detailed in Section 7.2. 2.6 Time-on-distance PHRF scoring will be used at this regatta. Boats without a current valid GYA PHRF certificate may be assigned a rating by the Race Committee. The assigned provisional rating will be based upon boats of the same design rated in the GYA PHRF database minus 6 seconds or the lowest rating in the US Sailing PHRF database, whichever is less and shall be at the discretion of the Race Committee. Designs with no PHRF rating available in the databases may be assigned provisional ratings by the committee based upon boats of similar design at the discretion of the Race Committee. Provisional ratings are not subject to redress. 3. FEES The entry fee for this regatta is $40.00. 4. SCHEDULE Saturday, July 30, 2016 1000 - 1100 Registration 1100 Skippers’ Meeting 1255 1st Warning After racing Awards Ceremony, Jambalaya Dinner/Salad $10.00 5. FLEETS, CLASSES, and DIVISIONS 5.1 There will be Spinnaker (Spin) and Non-Spinnaker (Non-Spin) Fleets. 5.2 There will be Female Spin, Mixed Spin, Female Non-Spin and Mixed Non-Spin Classes. 5.3 Additional divisions of classes for starting purposes, or awards, may be made at the discretion of the Race Committee. 6. SAILING INSTRUCTIONS Sailing Instructions shall be The Point Yacht Club Standard Sailing Instructions for Invitational Regattas and shall be available at the Skippers’ Meeting. 7. AWARDS 7.1 First, Second, and Third places will be awarded in each class. 7.2 Only those skippers for whom this race is the first time they are a skipper are eligible for The “Virgin Skipper Perpetual Trophy” award. The award will be given to the skipper who places highest in their class with the precedence given to Female Spin class, then Female Non-Spin, then Mixed Spin and lastly Mixed Non-Spin. 7.3 The “All-Female” award will be given to first place boat in Female Spin class. If there are no Female Spin boats then the award will be given to the first place Female Non-Spin class. For Questions please contact PtYC Fleet Captain Hank Jordan Phone 251-986-3535 E-Mail hankjordan@mchsi.com Or Point Yacht Club 251-424-2596 3 Social Committee, Veda Kelly, Chairperson 251.923.7236 CardboardBoatRace–WatchforEmailsforDetails! Thiswillbeagreateventforallwhoeithermakeaboatorwatchtherace!!!Wewillsendout theinstructionsverysoonfortheraceandencourageyoutoparticipate.Itwillbeatwo-day eventonJuly8thand9thandwillbeunlikeanythingwe’veeverdone.Thecardboardboat committee(theAshers,theBowers,andtheErikssons)isplanningtomakeaboatasan exampletoshowthememberswhattoexpect. July30–FastWomenRegattaAwardParty-JohnandBarbaraShaw,PaulaMenck, VedaKelleywillhostourJambalayaCelebrationforthewinnersoftheFastWomenRegatta, LadiesTrilogyRacesandVirginSkipperAward.Thefunkicksoffat5pmatourClubhouse. Lookforanevitecomingsoon! HappyHour Remember to attend our Happy Hour on the weekends that there is no scheduled event at the Clubhouse. Just bring a chair, drinks of your choice and an appetizer if you wish. These Happy Hours have been a great success and helps us all to get better acquainted. See you all there! A very special THA NKS to all those who help to make these events a success!! You are all very much appreciated! If you have any questions or would like to help with an event, please call V eda Kelley at 251 -92 3-72 36. Remembertoextendawelcometoanyonewhoattendsaneventorwhomighthaveaninterest injoiningtheclub.Makethemfeelwelcome.Wemembersarethebestpublicrelationsgroup thatourclubhas! Thanks, The Social Committee 4 2016EventsandVolunteers1 Date Event Feb.20 ChiliCookOff/Membership Mtg. WheelbarrowRace Cheeseburger SpringPokerRun March19 April16 May14 June11 Volunteers CynthiaClark,PaulaMenck, BarbaraEvans Robert&CynthiaClark Jack&VedaKelley MikeHawkins,DonnieFuqua, JimmyBower LooWowParty,Blessingofthe Donnie&ConnieFuqua,Mike& Fleet,MembershipMtg. BeckyGraham July8&9 July30 August20 Sept.10 Oct.1 Oct.29 Nov.18 Dec.2 CardboardBoardBoatRace, andKickoff NOTES:Bets-½&½ FastWomen(GYAEvent) (Jambalaya) AnnualPokerRun Commodore’sCup LostBayRegatta LillianBridgeRace& HalloweenParty Soup&Sunset ChristmasParty,Electionoff 2017Officers1 Janet&MikeAsher,Linda&Bud Ericksson,Jimmy&CarlaBower JohnandBarbaraShaw,Paula Menck,VedaKelley MikeHawkins LindaEricksson RobertClark,BeckyGraham, ConnieFuqua CarlandDonnaMartray,Billand IreneGunther BarbaraEvans,JanetDavies Janet&MikeAsher,Diane&Darryl Bunch,Jay&BarbaraWarthen 5 THE POINT YACHT CLUB 2016 Schedule of Events January February March April May June July 12 BoardofGovernorsMeeting 8 20 BoardofGovernorsMeeting ChiliCookOff,MembershipMeeting 7 19 BoardofGovernorsMeeting WheelbarrowRace&Party 2 11 16 IngramBayouRaft-Up BoardofGovernorsMeeting CheeseburgerRace&Party Friday Evening Happy Hour at the Clubhouse Watch for emails! 9 TBD 21 BoardofGovernorsMeeting SpringPokerRun RedFishPointRaft-Up(fullmoon!) 11 13 18 LooWowParty,BlessingoftheFleet,MembershipMeeting BoardofGovernorsMeeting SailstaceRaftUp,RedfishPoint 8 9 11 30 CardboardBoatReview&WagerNight CardboardBoatRace BoardofGovernorsMeeting FastWomenRegatta–GYAOpenEvent BoardofGovernorsMeeting AnnualPokerRun Commodore’sCupRaceandParty,MembershipMeeting BoardofGovernorsMeeting LostBayRegatta–GYAOpenEvent BoardofGovernorsMeeting LillianBridgeRaceandHalloweenParty BlueAngelsHomecomingAirshow&Raft-upatFt.McCree BoardofGovernorsMeeting SoupandSunsetFallMembershipMeeting, NominationofOfficersfor2016 ChristmasParty,MembershipMeeting&ElectionofOfficers August 8 20 September 10 12 October 1 10 29 November 12 14 18 December Remember: 2 6 Please remember to support those that support our club. The following is a list of the businesses that supported our club by advertising in the Lost Bay Regatta Program. Aqua Marine Techs Lane Aircraft Barber Marina Live Oak Realty- Susan Storey Bell Marine Service Orange Beach Mini Warehouses Blue Water Ship's Store Pat's Style Hair & Nails Charlie’s Diesel Paradise Marine Coastal Canvas of Pensacola Peaden Marine Canvas Coffee Cup Pensacola Ship Yard Critter Gitter Pest Control Pirate's Cove Dennis Aluminum Tanks Rejuvenation Med Spa Edward Jones- Jason Kozon Road Kill Cafe First Baldwin Insurance Roberts Brothers Realtors - Ford Pope Gastroenterologist P.C. Grant, Sanders, & Taylor, PC, CPA Morgan Stanley- John Horner Ginny Lane Bar & Grill Gulf Adventure Center Gulf Coast Roll-a-way Holk Electric Hub Stacey's The Hut of Elberta J. O. Acree Company Saunder's Yacht Works Schurr Sails Simmons CPA Troendle Marine Villaggio Grill Visual Effects The Wharf Marina Wolf Bay Lodge Zern Rigging Thankyou,LostBayRegattaCommittee 7 EmailyouradstoJayWarthen, jwarthen411@gmail.com 1996CatalinaMKII,22foot"FixedWingKeel"SailBoatwith 20056hpNissan4strokeoutboard,newbottompaintin 2015,acustom"SailbuiltTrailer",swimladder,likenew bimini,hatchcoverandChartPlotterstandcover,onenew 110hankonjib,a150furlingJibwithfurlerandmainsailin excellentcondition,tillermountAutohelm,GarmanChart Plotter,twocompass,newvhfradio,newcd/fmradio,two batteries,spinakerwithpole,twoanchorswithchainand rhode,6lifevestinbag,8’WestMarinedingywith3.3hptwo strokeoutboard.Thissailboatisinexcellentconditioninside andout."MUSTSEE".Pleasecallforadditionalinformation andprice.Terry(251)752-9747email captainbuc1@gmail.com Oday Daysailer 1974 with trailer (new wheels);Main and jib in Super clean 1980 41.1 Bristol center cockpit sailboat. Very lightly used in the last few years. 58 HP Westerbeke Diesel. 2000w inverter, Electric Stowaway main. 2 Heads. 2 a/c systems w/ heat in main saloon, Aft stateroom. New Bottom 2014. ST6000 Auto Pilot, ST60 Instruments, Radar, 7 Batteries (new 2015) Beautiful Genacker with a huge Sea Turtle logo. Many, many, many extras to include soft pack life raft. Going cheap at $125,000 OBO. Call quickly as it goes to a Broker the end of the month. Contact Dean Gould 1.334.701.3477 (c) or Sandy Gould 1.251.986.3203 excellent condition;New bottom paint (just done);See boat and trailer at 6559 Co Rd 95...across the street from club Dick Smith 251-987-1566 Genoa. Luff 46'2" Foot 25'. Schurr. like new. Used very little. Pentex. No UV. No repairs. $500. E-mail for photos - pttbonsecour@gmail.com Phil Turner 251-979-7065 10/15 Order Your Point Yacht Club Name Tag! If you need a Point Yacht Club Name Tag, our vendor is Kay Cee Engraving. They take orders via email. For each member please send your first & last name and the name of your boat. KCTAGS@yahoo.com. 8 Fore Sail – Page 2 ForSale:110’waterfrontlotonCanalin StoneQuarry,Josephine,Alabama.Sea wallinplace,dockwithpowerandwater, pilingsinfor40’boatandfora12’ boathouse.PleaseCallMikeHawkins,251294-1609(4/15) Spindrifter 22', extra jib, Honda 5 hp four-stroke; trailer; sleeps six. Good condition. $1,500. (256) 312-2756. Wanted:Smallwindlass Forsale: Two 125 foot sections of 5/8 " 3 strand dock/anchor line could be spliced to make 250 feet like new $50.00 each PleasecallBillyEvans205-239-7399 9
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